Cpe Practice Test 2 Reading Part 1. Read and Decide Which Answer Best Fits Each Gap. Debut Goal
Cpe Practice Test 2 Reading Part 1. Read and Decide Which Answer Best Fits Each Gap. Debut Goal
Cpe Practice Test 2 Reading Part 1. Read and Decide Which Answer Best Fits Each Gap. Debut Goal
Part 1. Read and decide which answer best fits each gap.
Debut Goal
No matter how serious the sporting event, once an animal becomes involved, it will almost certainly
steal the (1). In November 1985, a football match between Newcastle Town and Chell Health (2) an
unexpected turn after a terrier dog called Susie decided to make a contribution to the game. Newcastle
Town were leading 1-0. A Chell Health player was (3) a great chance of equalising, with only the
goalkeeper standing between him and the goal, but the shot went wide. At that moment, Susie the dog
came sprinting up the pitch, leaped up and headed the ball past the goalkeeper and neatly into the net. To
the amazement of the crowd and (4) disbelief of the Newcastle Town players, the referee awarded a
goal. Fortunately Newcastle Town went on to win by three goals to two, as (5) speaking the goal
shouldn’t have been allowed. Sadly, before local football scouts had a chance to (6) her up and turn her
into a star, Susie had disappeared back into the crowd, never to be seen at the stadium again.
1.A highlight B limelight C footlight D spotlight
2.A took B made C got D gave
3.A out for B up against C away on D in with
4.A entire B whole C utter D full
5.A truly B rightly C precisely D strictly
6.A sign B enroll C join D enlist
Stuck on you
What is the most important piece of office equipment of modern times? Not the PC, nor even the
Internet or e-mail, and it certainly doesn’t have a microchip (13) anywhere within it. So what can it be?
Well, it’s likely to be canary yellow and the chances are that you find it indispensable. You may have
several, most likely all over your computer monitor at work, plus a few at home, loitering by the phone.
It’s the Post-It Note, transcending office hierachies – proving essential to busy boss and humble clerk
(14)– and prompting nots when the stationery cupboard runs (15). In an age of high-tech desk managers,
its enduring popularity perhaps reflects a (16) of stubborn eccentricity in many office workers. After all,
you have a choice: you can put your reminder into a complicated computer programme that will (17)
you with bleeps and on-screen fireworks should you forget it, or you can scribble it on a bit of paper and
stick it on your desk, gradually making your grey workstation (18) a field of sunflowers.
13.A endowed B embedded C encircled D entrenched
14.A alike B akin C aside D alone
15.A empty B down C low D through
16.A stroke B smack C streak D strain
17.A caution B signal C alert D warn
18.A recollect B reminisce C remind D resemble
Part 1: Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
Science fact and science fiction
When writers attempt to anticipate the future, they only succeed in providing an interpretation of the
present. This (1) can be seen in the fantasies produced by science fiction writers in the middle of the
twentieth century. Almost nothing has turned (2) out the way that these writers expected. Although they
(3) did manage to predict intelligent robots, they completely (4) failed to anticipate the developments in
communications technology that would make them possible. This (5) means that science fiction written
before 1980 now seems absurdly dated, and what strikes you most (6) is the curious absence of personal
computers, e-mail and the Internet. Science fiction writer, it seems, were remarkably (7) slow on the
uptake when (8) it came to grasping the extent to (9) which the nature of communications would change.
Instead, their focus was (10) very much on rocket technology and space travel. For they (11) were not to
know that the lunar landings, so exciting at the time, would actually lead nowhere. There are no human
colonies on the Moon, (12) let alone on Mars and the idea that people might eventually populate the
cosmos seems even (13) less within the realms of possibility now than it did then, despite half a century
of bewilderingly rapid technological progress. What’s (14) more scientists have begun to ridicule the
notion, fundamental to much science fiction, that one day we just (15) might encounter intelligent aliens.
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls is Canada’s foremost tourist attraction in terms of the number of visitors it attracts.
(1) ........................ from the waterfall itself, however, there is a precious (2) ........................ to detain you
in the area. Unless, (3) ........................ is, you’re a fan of wax museums, flashing neon lights and
souvernir shops. But the Maid of the Mist boat ride is something not to be missed. (4) ........................
operation since 1846, the boat takes millions of tourists a year around the base of the Falls. It’s a wet
ride and more (5) ........................ than not, the raincoats they supply you (6) ........................ prove futile
against the stinging spray, but it’s well (7) ........................ the drenching. The view of hundreds of litres
of water per second crashing onto the rocks right in front of you is (8) ........................ short of
breathtaking. (9) ........................ those who want a closer look, the journey behind the Falls also repays
the price of admission, as the school groups you’ll inevitably (10) ........................ across there will be
only (11) ........................ willing to testify. You walk through man-made tunnels to an observation tower
situated (12) ........................ the very brink of the Falls. The experience (13) ........................ only be
described as rurreal, you fell as though you’re actually walking inside the waterfall (14) ........................
with the boat ride, you’re guaranteed a soaking, but there again, this is a waterfall, so
(15) ........................ do you expect?
Part 2: Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in each line.
People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many mystical associations. Yet meditation is
a (1) straightforward technique which merely involves sitting and resting the mind. In addition to its (2)
simplicity meditation offers powerful help in the battle against stress. Hundreds of studies have shown
that meditation, when (3) undertaken in a principled way, can reduce hypertension which is related to
stress in the body. Research has proved that certain types of meditation can (4) substantially decrease
key stress symptoms such as anxiety and (5) irritability. In fact, those who practise meditation with any
(6) regularity see their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy per cent fewer days in hospital. They
are said to have more stamina, a happier (7) disposition and even enjoy better relationships. When you
learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a personal ‘mantra’ or word which you use every time you
practise the technique and which is (8) supposedly chosen according to your needs. Initial classes are
taught individually but (9) subsequent classes usually consist of a group of students and take place over
period of about four days. The aim is to learn how to slip into a deeper state of (10) consciousness for
twenty minutes a day. The rewards speak for themselves.
Part 3: Think of ONE word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1.The politician insisted that she was addressing the audience in her capacity as a mother and not as a
Member of Parliament.
- The pop group were delighted to discover that they were playing in a hall that was filled to ........
- Since animals lack the ....... for reproach, our relationships with them tend to cause us less concern than
those with our fellow human beings.
2. Helen rubbed her carpet as hard as she could but the stain still wouldn’t come out.
- I’m afraid people don’t ...... much meaner than my neighbour, she even re-uses her old tea bags.
- Matt has gone out this evening to try and forget how badly his presentation went, but in the cold light
of day it’ll ......... back to haunt him.
3. Everyone was surprised to discover that the young man was eligible to run for president.
- The factory closure became such a contentious issue that even the national newspapers decided to ..... a
series of articles on it.
- The supervisor had to ......... through the safety guidelines several times before she was convinced that
all the staff had understood.
4. There are many jobs that my sister could do but she seems unwilling to apply herself to anything.
- The varnish will not have a smooth finish if you ......... it too liberally.
- I was attempting to complete the whole form until I realised that half the questions didn’t ....... to me.
5. The children looked up to see their father entering the room bearing gifts from foreign countries.
- Glancing in his rear-view mirror, the learner driver was horrified to see a large articulated lorry .....
down on him.
- .......... in mind everything you’ve told me, I think we should postpone our trip until later in the year.
6. The toddler looked up pitifully at his mother, aware that he had not received a fair deal when the cake
had been handed out.
- The manager informed his staff that despite the economic downturn, there was every reason to believe
that the forthcoming ........ would go ahead as planned.
- It’s a sad fact that in every newspaper there’s a good ...... of material that you can flick through
WRITING - Read the following extract and use your own words to summarize it. Your summary
should be about 140 words long.
Have you ever wondered why soldiers are always clad in green? This is to enable them to
camouflage themselves during wartime. Hiding in the jungles, their green attire blend into the
surrounding trees and shrubs, making it difficult for the enemies to spot them. Long before man make
use of camouflaging, insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of
their predators. By having body colors close to those of the rocks and dried leaves, they catch less
attention from the predators and hence escape from being pursued. However, this kind of disguise works
only if the insects remain still in the presence of their predators. Butterflies and moths have developed a
variety of camouflage strategies since they are quite defenseless and their predators - birds are abundant
in supply. Many moth caterpillars resemble dead twigs while the young of certain species of butterflies
appear like bird droppings. Adult butterflies and moths camouflage themselves too, in attempts to escape
from their hunters - birds who are superior gliders. Possessing wings which resemble dried leaves help
certain butterflies and moths to hide among heaps of dried leaves when predators are around.
Fortunately, not all insects choose the art of disguise to escape from their predators; otherwise, the world
would be so dull and colorless. There are insects which assimilate the bright body colors of bees and
wasps to escape from being pursued by their predators. The concept of mimicry was derived, owing to
the bees and wasps. Long ago, birds have already learnt to avoid brilliantly colored wasps and bees in
fear of their painful stings. Hence, over millions of years, many harmless insects have assimilated the
bees and wasps by imitating their bright body colors and shapes. In this way, they appear dangerous to
their predators and hence ward them off. Mimics of the wasps and bees are most commonly found in the
gardens. The furry, plump bee-fly not only appears like the bumble bee in terms of body colors, even its
hums sound similar too. The only difference is that the bee-fly does not have a sting and is hence
harmless. The hoverfly is another insect which imitates the body colors of the wasps. Their bodies are
striped yellow and black. The only deviations are that hoverflies do not have stings and they have only
one pair of wings each while wasps have two pairs each. These variations are hardly noticed by the
predators and hence help them to escape.