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Assignment I - Vibrations of Physical Systems

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Assignment I – Vibrations of Physical Systems


Steps that you should adhere to while answering the questions:

1. Write a paragraph (should include a diagram or two) that analyzes the question and sets
forth the method of attack.
2. Set up the equations explaining what each equation stands for.
3. All intermediate computations should be clearly and neatly presented.

Marking Criteria:
1. Analysis - 50%
2. Equations – 10%
3. Intermediate Computations – 30%
4. Correct Answer – 10%

Attempt all questions.

1. (a) [10 Marks] A particle is simultaneously subjected to three simple harmonic motions, all
of the same frequency and in the x -direction. If the amplitudes are 0.25, 0.20, and 0.15 mm,
respectively, and the phase difference between the first and second is 45°, and between the
second and the third is 30°, find the amplitude of the resultant displacement and its phase
relative to the first (0.25 mm amplitude) component.
(b) [5 Marks] Two vibrations along the same line are described by the equations
y 1= A cos 10 πt
y 2= A cos 12 πt
Find the beat period, and draw a careful sketch of the resultant displacement over one beat
(c) [5 Marks] Two vibrations are at right angles to one another are described by the
x=10 cos ( 5 πt )
y=10 cos (10 πt + π /3 )
Construct the Lissajous figure of the combined motion.

2. [5 Marks] Show that a two-body simple harmonic oscillator oscillates with the same time-
period and frequency as a one-body oscillator of mass 𝜇 (called the reduced mass) where
m1 m2
m 1 +m 2
[The quantities m1∧m2 are the masses of the two−body system .]
3. An object of mass 0.2 kg is hung from a spring whose spring constant is 80 N /m . The object
is subject to a resistive force given by – bv , where v is its velocity in metres per second.
(a) [10 Marks] Set up the differential equation of motion for damped oscillations of the
system. If the damped frequency is √ 3/2 of the undamped frequency, what is the value
of the constant b ?
(b) [5 Marks] What is the Q of the system, and by what factor is the amplitude of the
oscillation reduced after 10 complete cycles?

4. (a) [5 Marks] Consider how to solve the steady-state motion of a forced oscillator if the
driving force is of the form F 0 sin ω d t instead of F 0 cos ωd t .
(b) A simple pendulum has a length ( l ) of 1m . In free vibration the amplitude of its swing falls
off by a factor e in 50 swings. The pendulum is set into forced vibration by moving its point
of suspension in SHM with amplitude of 1m m.
(i) [5 Marks] Show that if the horizontal displacement of the pendulum bob is x , and the
horizontal displacement of the support isξ , the equation of motion of the bob for small
oscillation is
d2 x dx g g
+ γ + x= ξ
dt dt l l
Solve this equation for steady-state motion, if ξ=ξ0 cos ω d t . (Put ω 2=g/ l.)
(ii) [5 Marks] At exact resonance, what is the amplitude of the motion of the pendulum
(iii) [5 Marks] At what angular frequencies is the amplitude half of its resonant value?


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