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Recent Trends in The Process of Recruitment, in Bpo & Retail Sectors in India

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Tactful Management Research Journal

Impact Factor : 2.1632(UIF)

ISSN: 2319-7943



Prof.Shurlly Tiwari

Assistant Prof , Department: Bachelor Of Management Studies.

Abstract :Every field of management is developing and because of the trends in the
upcoming generation and new innovative methods used in the business world today,
Human resource also needs to be innovative and creative.
Many corporate worlds are using new trends in their businesses, they also need
to adapt new practices for overcoming their rivals in the business, and these methods are
required in all the fields of management Like Marketing,HR, Logistics, Operations,
Finance etc.
In Human resource Management not only the new practices are introduced but
also the new ideas and approaches are welcomed. The lookout for people in the
corporate world for the employees is changing and that is the demand for the new
business world.
In all the fields of HR, innovations and new trends are welcome ,this increases
the value of the businessnotonly in the eyes of its employees and its customers but also in
the field of competition .

Key words:Innovation,Newideas and upcoming trends.


In the field of recruitment new methods which are adoptedcommonly bythe industry at large are
BIG DATABIG data is used in several ways but the best two uses of BIG DATA is in recruitment and in
Career planning, they help the recruiter to analyse the employee and his career planning. It is one of the
biggest way for maintaining HRIS, which is very important for any employer.With big data producing so
much information, the onus is on HR to present all that information in a way becomes comprehensible and

CAREER DEVELOPMENTCareerDevelopment starts with career planning,most of the organisations

believe in career planning and development process, as this practice gives job satisfaction to the employees
and organisation can retain its employees, this practice also increases the employee - employer relationship
which is beneficial for the overall productivity of the organisation and its growth. This has also helped the
employee to value his loyalty and also changed the Attitudes as people have become more career centric.

SOCIAL MEDIA SKILLSThis is a very upcoming and interesting technique used by the employers, this
not only helps the employer to build its brand but also help the employer to build transparency in its
business with its employees. The two-way communication that social media facilitates, is making it
possible for organisations to quantify the results of their branding activities in a much better manner , sites
like LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter provide the platform for the employer and candidate interface.

WORK LIFE BALANCELast but definitely not the least, the rise of technology has made it possible for
employees to maintain better work-life balance. Learning programmes that can be conducted online,
webinars and virtual conferences as well as the possibility to work from remote locations are all making it
possible for people to balance their personal and professional lives according to their preferences. It is
however, upon HR Managers to use their acumen and design work roles in such a way that employees

“Skill Development : The Key to Economic Prosperity”


perform to their best without feeling over-burdened.

Such new practices attract the new talent towards the organisations.


BPO sector is most sought after sector in India, these days , this sector is also responsible for the
growth in our economy. BPO has generated huge number of jobs in our country for the youth. But despite of
all that BPO faces a big problem of Attrition , where to retain the employee is the biggest problem . Their
recruitment process is very tedious and lengthy and they also not able to recruit right person at the right job
immediately. So, there are new innovative methods which are used in the BPO sector, which can help the
recruiters in recruiting the right person at right job and also help the organisations to retain them for a long
time.few trends are:


Many organisations in India now believe in outsourcing the processes. few organisations
outsource the whole process where as few organisations outsource a part of the process . Wherein in both
the cases it becomes easy for the organisation to handle the process effectively. For e.g. . Airtel outsource
the recruitment process for its domestic call centre to the local recruitment agencies.
Many of the Manpower consultancies are now working as business process partners for the large
size BPO’s where the first level of screening is conducted by them and then they send the selected
candidates to the company, this process not only save the time but also gives accountability to the man
Power consultancies for its selected candidates.
In India the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. A company may
draw required personnel from outsourcing firms.
Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing people for them and make
available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn, the outsourcing firms or the
intermediaries charge the organisations for their services.

Advantages of outsourcing are:

1.Company need not plan for human resources much in advance.

2.Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage
3.Turning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM
4.Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumes/candidates.
5.Company can save a lot of its resources and time


“Buying talent” (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organisations
today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another
reputed company in the same or different industry; the organisation might be a competitor in the industry. A
company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and
conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not
openly talked about. Indian software,BPO and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt
of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it
weakens the competitive strength of the firm.


Now-a-days sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter, etc have become the important source of
getting a good resource for the organisation. In fact from these Sites they even get the employees who
exactly meet the requirements. With such practice the organisations saves the money, time and effort spend
on the consultants.
Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- Recruitment is the use of
technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job
seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively
job seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending

“Skill Development : The Key to Economic Prosperity”


upon their requirements.

Advantages of recruitment are:

oLow cost
oNo intermediaries
oReduction in time for recruitment.
oRecruitment of right type of people.
oEfficiency of recruitment process.


Retail Industry in India is a huge sector and brings a lot of job opportunities and economic growth
to the country ….but this sector also faces a lot of recruitment problem.
The biggest problem that this sector faces is the no availability of the proper HR function. In most
of the retail businesses in India, they generally do not believe in the employee friendly environment and
also in their needs, because of which they find difficult to retain their best employees .Retail industry in
India also faces a problem of Work Pressure and Less pay packages, which creates job dissatisfaction
among the employees. Another challenge in the retail industry is the unethical practices and non-attractive
roles in the” not so known “organisations which are not “BRANDS”. As the young crowd today wants to
work with brands to make their careers.
A big challenge with the Retail Sector in India is the non-availability of Career Oriented focus of
the organisations for the employees and the employer , because of which nonprofessional approach takes
place in the organisation which gives birth to the dissatisfaction and attrition problems in the organisation.
Some of the recruitment challenges are:

* Finding the right talent that is willing to commit over the long-term.
* Retail jobs in the frontline are near minimum wage jobs, although players in specialty format tend to pay a
little more. But pay cannot be used to hire people.
* Retail jobs are also not career builders in the short run. Thus, making career paths clear to new talent also
poses as one of the biggest challenges.
* Competition and diversity are challenging too; everyone is looking for the same highly-qualified


* Build the brand name of the company in the overall employment market by communicating its attributes
in a way that distinguishes the company from the competitors. The focus of the company can be on
attributes such as inclusiveness, competitiveness, fast-paced, goal-oriented, values-based, having high
integrity, graceful under pressure, fun, entrepreneurial and so on.
* Highlighting the job opportunities through company's own website as well as major job listing websites,
such as and targeting intranet postings current employees so they can see where
new opportunities are available.
* Classified ads, signs at shopping malls, radio ads, brochures, message on sales receipts can also be used
for recruitment.
* Employee referrals can also be promoted with bonuses for referring new hires that stay with the company
for at least a prescribed period of time.
* The culture of a company, its values, and the way in which attributes are expressed and demonstrated
appears to be a significant factor in employees choosing the retail company for which to work. It is also
important to company managers who select employees for their temperaments as well as their skills.
* To overcome the short run career image, exposure to career paths to employees is required. Different
companies have different career path models which are aligned with the company's culture, approach to
employee communications, size and available opportunities, and management approach. Along with this,
showing wages associated with career paths, showing career paths and opportunities, internal promotions,
internal job fairs can also be useful.


After studying the problems in the HR department of these two sectors , following

“Skill Development : The Key to Economic Prosperity”


recommendations are made by the researcher.

Compensation Strategies

Everybody in the organisation works majorly for the compensation and for the salary ….as seen
earlier in BPO sector the crowd which joins the organisation are of young generation, who are immature
and non-experienced especially at the entry level. So, it becomes the duty of HR department to give them an
understanding of growth in that particular sector so that they can be retained for a longer time and also
cannot be poached easily by their competitors. Many IT organisations like TCS have started a programme
which is known as academic interface. This programme interacts with the students in their colleges itself
and prepares them for the recruitment processes of their organisation.
This programme is a certificate programme which is conducted by the organisation with the help
of the faculty members of the institute. This makes the students employable and also gives them the job
Such programmes are beneficial in fighting two specific problems of the organisation that are
recruitment and Attrition.
The biggest challenge of ensuring employees contribution to business results is in figuring out
what kind of reward and recognition programme to implement. Total compensation comprises direct
monetary payments (salaries, commission and bonuses) and indirect payments (paid vacations, health and
life insurance and retirement plans). It should be fair to both the retailers and its employees. To better
motivate employees, some firms also have profit-sharing.

Engaging & Retaining the Talented employees in retail Sector

It is challenging enough to find the right people, but more challenging is to retain and engage
competent employees. Few methods can be adopted for the retail sector as:

* Fairness/equitable treatment.
* Better hiring processes and improved efforts to meet employee training needs.
* Providing good work environment with clear values and goals.
* Ensuring equitable pay and fair treatment.
*Teaching Work Life Balance
* To retain their people, the retailers should take every opportunity to tell employees about the career paths
and opportunities that exist to move ahead and earn more money.
* Competitive Prising at entry level.
* Retail companies emphasises on performance, although to achieve this they provide the support needed to
assure the employees will be successful in their positions. Retailer can supplement this by emphasizing on
special assignments, rotations, and training which can be used by retail companies to keep their employees.
* Employee retention through job enlargement in retail plays a crucial role as the job markets perform better
for skilled personnel


Retail and BPO are the sunrise industries and perhaps one of the biggest industries having
potential for employees. It has appeared suddenly and going to increase in future. India has no past
experience of this type and of its magnitude. We have to get ready to meet the challenges posed by it at HR
front Though, some players' viz. Future Group, Reliance, TCS , Wipro etc. have already taken initiatives,
this growing industry requires many more to come in to shape of either captive institutes or private public
partnership for creating, attracting, nurturing, and retaining trained manpower. Few Common steps which
could be taken are as follows

* Developing career path

* Vocational and management training.
* Company's commitment to internal promotion
* Shareholding systems , joint ventures.
* Developing talent and succession planning
Healthy Management Practices, Equitable remuneration
*Wage system

“Skill Development : The Key to Economic Prosperity”


*Advancement opportunities
*Flexible timings (to manage their family responsibilities)
* Child care

2.Human resource management by C.B.Gupta.
3.Accent Articles from Times OfIndia.
5.Personnel management by laxman and Prasad.

“Skill Development : The Key to Economic Prosperity”


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