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First Grading - Week 5 Summative Test Code

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
Payatas B Elementary School
First Grading - Week 5 SUMMATIVE TEST Code:
Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Grade & Section:___________________________________________ Score:____________
Direction: Read and analyze. Choose the best answer to each question/statement.
1. What is the distinction between a suspension and a solution?
A. A suspension is less concentrated than a solution.
B. A suspension is more concentrated than a solution.
C. A suspension is homogeneous while a solution is heterogeneous.
D. A suspension is heterogeneous while a solution is homogeneous.
2. What is the distinction between a suspension and a colloid?
A. Suspensions are for medicines while colloids are for food.
B. Suspensions are heterogeneous while colloids are homogeneous.
C. Suspensions lose their consistency while colloids remain consistent.
D. Suspension may either be solid, liquid, or gas, while colloids are liquid only.
3. Janina made some fruit juice by mixing pineapples, water, and a small amount of sugar using a blender. She left her
juice in the blender and later she found some solid pulp at the bottom of the container. What kind of mixture did Janina
A. solution B. colloid C. suspension D. emulsion
4. Arnold put some sand in his aquarium. At first, the water looked cloudy. Later on, the water looked clear. How did this
A. Sand dissolved in water. C. Sand settled at the bottom.
B. Sand is white and clear. D. Sand spread evenly throughout the water.
5. Which of the following statements best explains why some medicines sold for children has to be shaken well before
taking them?
A. Because some particles of those medicines have bitter taste
B. Because some particles of those medicines have a foul odor
C. Because some particles of those medicines settle at the bottom
D. Because some particles of those medicines may lose their effectiveness if not shaken
6. Which description best describes colloids?
A. Composed of molecules bigger than a solution but smaller than a suspension.
B. Mixtures of two or more substances than can be easily separated
C. Formed by mixing different kinds of solutions
D. Have molecules that are big enough to settle at the bottom
7. Which of the following is the best description of colloids?
A. Sticky, creamy substance C. Dark, black substance
B. Clear, pure substance D. Clear, flawless substance
8. Which colloid has both protective and decorative function?
A. ink B. insecticide Spray C. paint D. creams
9. The following colloids are used for food preparation except ______.
a. Gelatin b. Milk c. Silica Gel d. Whipped Cream
10. What is an emulsion?
A. It is a liquid dispersed in either a liquid or solid B. It is a solid dispersed in either solid or a liquid.
C. These are suspensions of liquid or solid particles in a gas
D. None of the above
11-15 You and your mother brought the following items from the supermarket: mayonnaise, butter, red sugar,
milk, oil, salt, detergent powder, shampoo, canned goods, dishwashing liquid, toothpaste, vinegar, soy sauce, olive
oil, and ketchup.
Select 5 items that are colloids and describe its uses. Write your answers on the table below:
First Grading - Week 6 WORKSHEET Code: (S6MT-Id-f-2)
Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Grade & Section:___________________________________________ Score:____________

Narra St., Payatas B, Quezon City

(02) 983-59-12
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
Payatas B Elementary School
Objective :Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as picking, winnowing, decantation, use of
magnet, sieving, filtering, and evaporation.

I. Draw a smiley face beside the mixtures that can be separated through picking.
1. water and alcohol
2. sliced mixed fruits
3. salt and water solution
4. nails and thumbtacks
5. stones and pebbles

II. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following environmental problems can be separated by physical manipulation / picking?
A. Oil spill B. garbage in the landfill C. flood water D. smog
2. Which of the following can be separated by picking?
A. Mixed nuts C. inky water
B. salt and water D. fats that float in your sinigang
3. Which is true about the benefits of picking in separation of mixtures?
A. It doesn’t remove impurities
B. It separates the same components of mixtures
C. It needs machinery to separate substances.
D. It purifies substances
4. Which method of separating mixtures is useful in sorting harvested fruits according
to size?
A. filtration B. picking C. magnetism D. decantation
5. Which of the following pictures use the picking method in separating mixture?
A. B. C. D.

III. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What process are you going to use to separate the mongo and flour?
a. hand picking b. winnowing c. evaporation d. filtration
2. Loi accidentally combine the rice and the flour in a bowl. How can she separate the rice from the flour?
a. by the use of her hand c. with the use of magnets
b. by the help of the wind d. with the use of filter
3.Which of the following pictures do not use the winnowing process?

a. b. c. d.
4. It is used to separate the rice from the husk.
a. funnel b. winnower c. filter paper d. cloth
5. In your own words, describe briefly how winnowing is done in separating
mixtures. _________________________________________________.

First Grading - Week 7 WORKSHEET Code: (S6MT-Id-f-2)

Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Grade & Section:___________________________________________ Score:____________
Objective :Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as picking, winnowing, decantation, use of
magnet, sieving, filtering, and evaporation.

Narra St., Payatas B, Quezon City

(02) 983-59-12
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
Payatas B Elementary School
I. Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which following pictures show the method of sieving?

A. B. C. D.

2. Which of the pictures below do not show the process of sieving?

I. II.


A. II and III B. I and IV C. I, II and IV D. I, III and IV

3. Which of the following statement is true about sieving?
I. Sieving uses a sieve, sifter, strainer or big screen.
II. This method can separate mongo and rice.
III. It is an easy method since it doesn’t require much of your skills.
IV. It cannot separate two substances in a mixture which have the same sizes.
A. I and II B. I, II and III
C. I, III and IV D. I, II, and IV
4. Describe the process of sieving.
5. Explain why sieving is important in almost all of man’s daily life activities?
II. Directions: Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is not.
_____ 6. When we mix solid and liquid materials there is no way we can filter the
_____ 7. Cloth can be used to filter the of solid/liquid mixtures.
_____ 8. Filter paper can be used to separate coffee granules from hot water.
_____ 9. Filtration is a process through which we separate solid precipitate from liquid.
_____ 10. Solid and liquid materials can be mixed and filtered.

III. Give 5 examples of solid-liquid mixtures that can be separated through decantation.

IV. List down (5) liquid materials which can be separated through decantation

First Grading - Week 8 WORKSHEET Code: (S6MT-Id-f-2)

Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Grade & Section:___________________________________________ Score:____________
Objective :Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as picking, winnowing, decantation, use of
magnet, sieving, filtering, and evaporation.

I. Directions: Answer the following questions

1. Why does salt water disappear when mixed with water?
A. The grains of salt are absorbed by the water. C. Salt settles at the bottom.
B. The salt particles spread evenly in the water. D. The grains of salt become very tiny.
2. What will happen to the soy sauce in the pan when heated?
A. Soy sauce will disappear C. Soy sauce will boil and dry

Narra St., Payatas B, Quezon City

(02) 983-59-12
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
Payatas B Elementary School
B. Soy sauce stay in the pan D. Soy sauce will remain the same
3. What will happen to the wet clothes after hanging them outside (under the heat of the sun) for 1 day. Why?
4. What will happen to the hot cake mix when placed on a hot pan.? Why?
5. What will happen to naphthalene balls if expose to air for 1 week?

Andrea Rose wants to remove the staple wires on the rice that she will be cooking.
Using her knowledge on the process of separating mixtures she is using magnet to repel the staple wire from the rice.
1. Do you think Andrea Rose will be successful in her plan?
2. How would you describe the process of separating mixture through magnet?
3. An object that has the ability to attract the other substance is called ________.
4. In the given situation, what is considered as the magnetic object?
5. Since rice does not repel with the magnet, what kind of substance is it?

Multiple choice. Answer the following by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
1. In distillation, what do you call the condensed water that is collected?
a. Product b.distillate c.purified water d.nitrate
2. Why do liquid substances evaporate?
a. When temperature increases b. When temperature decreases
b. When another liquid is mixed d. When a solid is dissolved into it

3. Is distillation effective in purifying drinking water?

a. Yes, it is. The resulting water is cleaner than before.
b. No. distillation is used for colored liquids only.
c. Maybe. Some brands of bottled water go through distillation.
d. No. no amount of distillation can purify water.
4. Which of these pictures indicates distillation process?
a. b. c. d.

Which of

these pictures indicates crystallization process?

b. b. c. d.

First Grading -
Week 9

WORKSHEET Code: (S6MT-Id-f-2)

Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Grade & Section:___________________________________________ Score:____________
Objective :Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as picking, winnowing, decantation, use of
magnet, sieving, filtering, and evaporation.

I. Cut out or draw a picture showing each technique in separating mixture such as picking, winnowing,
decantation, magnetism, sieving, filtering, and evaporation.

II. Read carefully the following questions. Analyze the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. In a construction site, what method is used to separate gravel (small stones) from sand?
a. centrifugation c. hand picking
b. magnetic separation d. sieving
2. You returned to the beach. This time, you want to separate the salt from the water but saving the water as
well. What is the best method to use?
a. decantation c. distillation

Narra St., Payatas B, Quezon City

(02) 983-59-12
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
Payatas B Elementary School
b. evaporation d. filtration
3. Why is filter paper necessary for brewing coffee?
a. It does not do anything. c. It makes the water taste better.
b. It makes the coffee taste better. d. It separates the water from the coffee powder.
4. Your mom ask you to soak brown rice in water to prepare it for cooking. After 30 minutes, your mom
told you to give her the rice without water. Which method you will use to separate rice from water?
a. Decantation c. Distillation
b. Hand picking d. Magnetic separation
5. Which of the following is not a benefit of separating mixtures?
a. Can produce pure and clean water.
b. Magnet may be used to find needle easily.
c. Drying clothes D. Producing clear water.

III. Observe the different mixtures that are commonly done at your Kitchen.
List down 5 mixtures need to be separated and tell why?

Mixture Why do we need to separate these mixtures?






First Grading - Week 10 WORKSHEET Code: (S6MT-Id-f-2)

Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Grade & Section:___________________________________________ Score:____________

Objective: Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as picking, winnowing, decantation, use of
magnet, sieving, filtering, and evaporation.

A.Answer the different questions by choosing the right word in the box.

decantation evaporation sieving magnetism filtering picking

1. Mix nails with stones. How could you quickly separate the nails from the stones?
2. Mix cold water and flour in a jar. Stir very well. After a few minutes, you can see sediments at the
bottom of the jar. How could you separate the sediments from the water?
3. After the members of the family ate different kinds of fruits, you gathered the seeds. You mixed
them in a basin. Later on, your mother instructed you to separate each kind of seed.
How will you separate each kind of seed?
4. Mix sand and water in a basin. After five minutes, try to separate the sand from the water. How will
you do this?
5. Dissolve one teaspoon of sugar in a cup of water. (mixture of solid and liquid.) After three minutes,
separate the sugar from the water. How will you do it?

Narra St., Payatas B, Quezon City

(02) 983-59-12
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
Payatas B Elementary School
B. Read and analyze each situation then write the methods of separating mixtures
A. Get the mixture of uncooked corn, palay and mongo seeds. Pick up the corn seeds and place them on
a piece of paper. Do the same with palay and mongo seeds. How did you separate them?
B. Get a glass of water and a scoop of sand. Mix the water and the sand. Pass the mixture through a
cloth. Observe what happens. How does the water separate from the sand?
C. Get some iron filings. Mix them with flour. Hold a magnet over the mixture. Observe what happens.
How do the iron filings separate from the flour?
D. Suppose you were in a laboratory performing the activity or mixture.
Then, you accidentally combined your iron fillings with the sugar. Which would be the best way to
separate that?
a. Separate them with the use of tweezers. b. Separate them with the use of magnet.
c. Use a fine mesh screen. d. Place them into the container with water to dissolve sugar.
E. Suppose you were in a laboratory performing the activity or mixture Get a candle, evaporating dish
or foil formed into a box, tongs, soft drinks. Pour 10 ml of the soft drink into the evaporating dish or
foil. Gently heat it until most of the water has evaporated. (Be careful not to burn it.) Allow the dish to
cool. Examine the substance remaining in the dish. How did it happen?

Narra St., Payatas B, Quezon City

(02) 983-59-12

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