Pre Op Baby
Pre Op Baby
Pre Op Baby
perform surgery and continues until the ● Investigations & Mgt plan - listed for
client has reached the operating area. Action
● Drug chart - routine / prophylactic
Perioperative nurses are focused solely on
patient care before, during, and after PREOPERATIVE PHASE Goals
surgical procedures. In clinical and hospital ● Assessing & correcting physiological
settings, these registered nurses ensure & psychological problems that might
that surgical procedures run smoothly. They increase surgical risk
work alongside surgeons, anesthesiologists, ● Giving the person & significant other
and nurse practitioners and relay vital complete learning/teaching
communications about patient care to other guidelines regarding surgery
nurses and medical staff. ● Instruct & demonstrating exercise
The day-to-day responsibilities of a that will benefit the person during
perioperative registered nurse include: post op
Helping patients complete surgical ● Planning for discharge & any
paperwork, answering their protected changes in lifestyle due to
questions, helping them understand surgery.
what will happen in the operating
room, and calming their fears before Classifications of Surgical Procedures
surgery. There are different classifications of surgical
Monitoring patient conditions during procedures which can be classified as to:
and after surgery. urgency, purpose and risk. These
Managing nursing care in the classifications can help identify the risk of
operating room to maintain a safe the degree of the surgery.
and comfortable environment.
Diagnostic. These kinds of surgeries are
Sterilizing surgical equipment and
done to determine the cause of illness
the operating room.
and/or confirm a diagnosis. Examples
Educating patients on best practices
includes: biopsy, exploratory laparotomy
for recovery, including how to keep
(explore lap)
wounds clean and pain management
Ablative/Curative. These kinds of surgeries
options and routines.
are performed to remove a diseased part or
organ. Examples include: gastrectomy
Pre-operative plan
(partial or full removal of stomach),
* Gather and record all relevant information
thyroidectomy, and appendectomy.
* Optimize patient condition
Palliative. To relieve symptoms without
* Choose surgery that offers minimal risk
curing the disease. These include:
and maximum benefit
colostomy, debridement of necrotic tissue.
* Anticipate and plan for adverse events
Re-constructive. These include skin graft,
* Inform everyone concerned.
plastic surgery, scar revisions. These are
done to restore function to traumatized or
Steps of P.O.P's
malfunctioning tissue and to improve self
* History
* Examinations
Transplant. To replace organs or structures
* Investigations
that are diseased or malfunctioning.
* Preoperative treatments
Constructive. To restore function in
* Documentation
congenital anomalies. Cleft palate repair
* Communications - Valid consent
(palatoplasty), closure of atrial-septal defect.
Exploratory. To estimate the extent of the
Types of patients
disease or confirmation of diagnosis.
* Out-Patient Department
Examples: Exploratory laparotomy, pelvic
* Usually seen 1-2 weeks before surgery at
pre admission clinic
Aesthetic. To improve physical features
* Emergency department
that are within normal range. Example:
* Need initial assessment & immediate
breast augmentation.
Based on Urgency
Elective. These are kind of surgeries Correct fluid & electrolyte
wherein they are pre-planned. Delay of imbalances Restore adequate blood
surgery has no ill-effects. These can be volume with blood transfusion
scheduled in advance based on the client’s Treat with chronic disease- renal
choice. Examples: tonsillectomy, hernia insufficiency, DM, heart diseases,
repair, cataract extraction, mammoplasty, Halt or treat any infection process
face lift, and cesarean section.
Treat an alcoholic person with
Urgent. Surgeries that are necessary for
vitamin supplementation, IVF or Oral
the client’s health, usually done within 24 to
fluid, if dehydrated
48 hours. Examples: Removal of
Preparing the Person the Evening before
gallbladder, amputation, colon resection,
the Surgery
coronary artery bypass, surgical removal of
Preparing the skin
Emergent. Surgeries that must be done Preparing the GI tract
immediately to preserve the client's life, Preparing for Anesthesia
body part of body function. Examples: Promoting rest & sleep
Control of hemorrhage, perforated ulcer,
intestinal obstruction, repair of trauma, Preparing the Person of the Day of
tracheostomy Surgery
Early AM Care
Physiologic Assessment of the Client Awaken 1 hour before
Undergoing Surgery Morning bath, mouth wash
Age Provide clean gown
Presence of pain Remove hair pins, braid long hairs,
Nutritional Status cover hair with cap
Fluid & Electrolyte balance Remove dentures, foreign materials,
Infection colored nail polished, hearing aid,
Cardiovascular function contact lens, wedding ring
Pulmonary Function Take v/s before pre op medications
Renal Function Check ID band
Gastrointestinal Function Skin prep
Liver Function Check for special orders Check NPO
Endocrine Function Have client void before pre op
Neurologic Function medication
Use of Medication Continue to support emotionally
Presence of trauma Accomplish pre op care checklist
Health habits
Psychosocial Assessment and Care
Causes of Fears of the Preoperative
Clients To facilitate the administration of any
1. Fear of the unknown anesthetic
2. Fear of anesthesia, vulnerability To minimize respiratory tract
while unconscious secretions & changes in HR
3. Fear of pain To relax the client & reduce anxiety
4. Fear of death
5. Fear of disturbance of body image Commonly Used Pre Op Medications
6. Worries- loss of finances, Tranquilizers
employment social & family roles Sedatives
Histamine- H2 Receptor Antagonist
Before Surgery
Patients Family
Correct dietary deficiencies
Directs proper visiting room
Reduce & obese person’s weight
Doctor inform family immediately
after surgery
Explains reason for long interval of ● maintaining the sterility of the
waiting surgical field through aseptic
Explain what to expect post op practices.
● Assist the surgeon & surgical
Teaching Preoperative Exercise assistants during the procedure by
Deep breathing exercise anticipating the instruments that will
be required
Coughing exercise
● As the operation is about to close,
Turning exercise
the scrub person & the circulator
Foot & Leg exercise counts all needles, sponges, &
instruments to be sure all are
The Surgeon accounted for & not retained as
● Performs the surgical procedure & foreign bodies in the patient.
heads the surgical team. ● Tissue specimen obtained during the
● The primary decision maker surgery must be labeled by the
regarding surgical technique to use scrub nurse/person & sent to the
during the procedure laboratory by the circulator The
● May assist in with positioning & Unsterile M
prepping the patient or may delegate
this task to other members of the
● He/she is a licensed physician (MD),
osteopath (DO), Oral surgeons
(DDS or DDM)
● Qualification include certification
from a specifically board,
● adherence to Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare
Organization (JCAHO) standards
Adherence to Hospital standards &
admitting practices & procedures