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1st Achievement Test - English 7

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SY 2021-2022

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I. Choose the correct answer from the given choices.

1. What is the correct intonation in asking this question? “You lost it.?”
A. falling intonation
B. rising intonation
C. rising-falling intonation
2. The statement “What is your job?” uses what kind of intonation?
A. falling intonation
B. rising intonation
C. rising-falling intonation
3. Which of the following is not true?
A. Intonation pattern is important in conversation.
B. Intonation pattern changes the meaning of the message.
C. Correct pronunciation is enough to understand the meaning of the message.
4. Which is not the reason why speakers do pauses?
A. The speakers use a pause to emphasize that the information coming next is important,
B. The speakers give the audience time to process what you have just said.
C. The speakers distract the audience from the message.
5. When a woman stand up with her hand resting on a table and look at you in a certain way. It conveys
A. an act of deception.
B. an assumption of guilt.
C. An expression of character.
6. A hand placed under the chin, means ____________________.
A. mesmerized.
B. might have an itch.
C. implied resistance.
D. a decision is being made.
7. Instead of saying “Hi” or “Bye”, you might just ___________.
A. roll your eyes
B. shrug your shoulder
C. wave your hand at someone
8. When saying ‘Yes’ to emphasize that you agree with the other person, you may __________.
A. look straight into the eyes
B. nod your head vigorously
C. shrug your shoulders

II. Choose the right stress of the following underlined words in each sentence.
9. The project runway of the TLE students was successful.
A. PROject
B. project
10. The teachers together with their grade 7 students conduct an earthquake drill.
A. CONduct
B. conduct
11. The Malayan race has fair complexion.
A. COMplexion
B. comPLExion
12. What is the synonym of the underlined word in this sentence? Bryan was modest about his grades, even though
it was the highest in the whole grade level.
A. humble
B. insincere
C. not boastful
13. What is the opposite meaning of the underlined word in this sentence? Damiana L. Eugenio compiled and edited
what they may very well be considered as the most comprehensive collection of proverbs in our country.
A. complex
B. lengthy
C. limited
D. vast
16. Which word below is regarded as colloquial language?
A. buddy
B. chum
C. friend
D. sidekick
17. Which word is considered as familiar language?
A. grabs
B. sells
C. purchase
18. Which sentence below used colloquial language in informal conversation?
A. My friend and I got hold of expensive item.
B. My old chum treated me well.
C. My buddy and my sis pig out my sumptuous dinner.
IV. Infer the meaning of the idioms. Choose the best that will suit the meaning of each sentence.
19. The police are at their wits’ end about the series of kidnapping.
A. do not know what to do
B. relieved of their duties
C. seriously scolded
20. Michelle’s house was included in the fire. We passed the hat around to help her.
A. gave a hat
B. gave some financial help
C. looked for another house
21. The project failed miserably. The members did not admit their faults. They are passing the buck to the leader.
A. accusing
B. blaming
C. ousting
22. Apple lost her diamond ring. She searched every corner of her room but she could not find it. It was like looking
for a needle in a haystack.
A. finding things easily
B. misplacing things always
C. having hard time looking for something

V. Reading Comprehension: Use the following medicine label to answer the questions.
Children’s Aspirin (Liquid Form)
For fast, safe relief of fever and the aches and pains
of colds and flu, earaches, headaches, and other
childhood illnesses.

Dosage Information:
Under 24 lbs. Consult Physician
24-35 lbs. 1 tsp.
35-47 lbs. 1 ½ tsps.
48-59 lbs. 2 tsps.
60-71 lbs. 2-2 ½ tsps.
72-95 lbs. 3 tsps.
Repeat every 4 hours as needed,
not more than 5 times in a 24 – hour period

Warnings: Do not take this medicine for more than 5 days.

If symptoms continue or new ones begin, consult
physician. Keep this and all medicines out of reach
of children.

23. What is the correct meaning of dosage?

A. The name of the medicine.
B. The person who takes the medicine.
C. The amount of medicine to give at a time.
24. How much medicine should be given to a child who weighs 90 lbs?
A. 3 tsps every four hours.
B. 2 ½ tsps. twice a day.
25. What would you do if the patient weighs only 20 lbs.?
A. Consult the physician
B. Bring the patient to the hospital.
C. Give the biggest amount of medicine.
VI. Correct Usage: Agreement of Subject and Verb
A. Which of the following statements observe correct subject and verb agreement?
26. A. Each man and woman is controlled by a powerful being in many myths.
B. The gods nor the goddess play favorite among the humans.
C. Every myth and legend have unique features.
D. All myths is regarded as stories from oral tradition.
27. A. Ritual and magic is a common elements in myth.
B. Every deity has a magical power.
C. Neither a myth nor a legend explain the full nature of creation.
D. The name Maranao mean “People of the Lake” or ‘Lake Dwellers”.
B. Choose the correct verb that will agree to its subject and complete the sentence.
28. Everything ______ its own place in heaven or earth.
A. Is a
B. has
C. have
29. I am ____________ to win your heart.
A. desperating
B. desperate
C. desperation
C. Consistency of verb

The wide island of Panay was originally (30) __________ by Negritos or locally called Ati tribe. Their
disappearance is due to an innocent agreement they (31) __________ with the sultan of Borneo back
in 1250 to give up their land in exchange of a hat and gol necklace. Early in the 13 th century, Marikudo, a native
chieftain, (32) __________ the coastal shores and lowlands to 10 Bornean Datus who (33) __________ from the
repression of Sri Vishayan Empire. One of them named Paiburong (34) __________ the area Irong-Irong, which
is now called Iloilo City, meaning nose-like, as its wide river mouth in the narrow Guimaras Strait appears like a

30. A. inhabit C. selling

B. inhabits D. sold
C. inhabited 33. A. escape
D. inhabiting B. escaped
31. A. made C. escapes
B. make D. escaping
C. makes 34. A. receive
D. making B. receives
32. A. sell C. received
B. sells D. receiving

C. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Choose the correct pronoun that agrees with the antecedent in the following sentences.

35. The island offers great choices of unspoiled beaches; while ______ unspoiled underground caverns can be best
explored by foot.
A. his
B. its
C. their
D. them
36. The woman removed ______ comb and necklace and hung them on the low sky. But whenever _____ pounded,
she would hit the sky.
A. his – he
B. its – it
C. her – she
D. his – him
37. Kabunian and Bugan enjoyed the canyao in __________ magnificent house.
A. her
B. his
C. they
D. their
38. A number of waterways can also be found in Samal, though none of ______ is navigable.
A. it
B. its
C. their
D. them
D. Choose the most appropriate conjunction that will complete the compound sentence.
39. Heroes are born every day _____ you may be one of them.
A. or
B. so
C. and
D. for
40. The poor farmer works long and hard in the fields ____ only a few appreciate their efforts.
A. and
B. for
C. nor
D. yet
41. Many stories about Philippine heroes can be found in books _____ not too many are reading them.
A. and
B. but
C. for
D. yet

VII. Study this card from a card catalog. Answer the questions that follow.

796.34 Schickel, Richard T.


The World of Tennis. Richard T. Schickel

New York: Random House, 1987
257 p.: ill.; 26 cm.

A history of the game of tennis;

famous players and tournaments

42. What is the title of this book?

A. Random House
B. The Game of Tennis
C. The World of Tennis
D. Famous Players and Tournament.
43. Random House is the name of the book’s _____________.
A. main character
B. illustrator
C. publisher
D. author

44. Which number will help you find this book in the library?
A. 257
B. 1987
C. 796.34
D. 26 cm

45. This is mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed.
A. proverbs.
B. riddles
C. folk songs.
46. It is a four-line Filipino poem with 7 or 8 syllables having rhymes and rhythm.
A. riddles.
B. quatrains or tanaga
C. poem.
47. This is a short, pithy sayings that expresses a traditionally held truth or piece of advice, based on common sense
or experience.
A. Riddles.
B. proverbs or saying
C. quatrains.
48. Which is not part of folk speeches?
A. folk songs.
B. riddles
C. proverbs
49. This ancient oral literature was used as games in social gatherings and wakes.
A.proverbs or sayings.
C. riddles
50. Riddle Time:
Tagalog: Nagtago si Pedro, labas ang ulo.
English: Peter hides but you can still see his head.
A. a headboard.
B. a hammer.
C. a nail
51. What positive value is portrayed in this proverb?
Give and you shall receive.
A. Patience.
B. Honesty.
C. generosity
52. What does this tanaga mean?
Ang katwiran ma's nabaon
Ng sanda-sandaang taon,
Pag dumating nag panahon,
Lilitaw din at uusbong

A. We can never hide the truth

B. Truth is something we need to keep.
C. The truth will never set us free.
53. What lessons do proverbs/sayings illustrate?
A. To entertain us.
B. To give us advice in various aspects of life
C. To inform us about life ahead of us.
54. Why were riddles created?
A. To give entertainment.
B. To educate young minds.
C. To use as games in social gatherings and wakes
55. Opinion Speeches try to persuade the audience to reconsider their thoughts and feelings about a certain topic.
A. True
B. False
56. It is ok to begin, "Today, I'm going to give a speech about..."
A. Yes, it lets the audience know what the speech is about
B. No, this is a weak way to state the purpose of the speech
57. When beginning a speech you should...
A...ask people what they want you to talk about.
B. ...always start with a joke.
C. ...grab the attention of the audience
58. Audience members will most remember...
A. falling asleep.
B. my reasons/points.
C. the beginning and end of the speech
59. Strong speeches...
A. contain regular eye contact.
B. may be easily heard due to volume.
C. Both A and B
60. Using facts throughout my speech...
A. a way to waste time and get me through this!
B. ...bores the audience.
C. an effective way of using evidence to support the point I am trying to make
61. Gestures are a strong way to help stress certain ideas in a speech.
A. True
B. False.
62. The 3 ____________ were having lunch. C. children
A. women 66. plural of goose
B. woman's. A. gooses
C. women's. B. geeses
63. Which pair of plurals is correct? C. geese
A. man/mans 67. Complete the question.
B. man/men The dentist checked my ____.
64. What is the plural form of "fish"? A. tooth
A. fishes B. teeth
B. fishs 68. Complete the question.
C, fish The dentist checked my ____.
65. What is the plural form of "child"? A. tooth
A. Childs B. teeth
B. Childes
69. Locate the colloquial word used in the sentence. "I gotta learn this for my examination."
A. gotta 74. What does the slang term "it's raining cats and dogs"
B. this mean?
C. learn A. It's raining slowly
70. What does the colloquial term "Gimme" mean? B. It's raining heavily
"Gimme the ice cream." C. It's raining very noisy
A. get me 75. The drunkard crashed on the sofa.
B. give me What does the slang term "crashed" mean?
C. grimy A. relax with friends
71. Locate the colloquial language used in the sentence.
B. to bargain
"Everyone has their ups and downs." C. to fall asleep hard
A. everyone 76. Which is the slang term in this sentence?
B. has their I like to pig out with my friends after exams.
C. ups and downs A. like
72. Locate the colloquial language used in the sentence.
B. exams
"If I sit in a weird position for too long,
C. pig out
I start to get pins and needles in my legs."
77. What does the colloquial word "wanna" mean?
A. If I sit "I wanna go home!"
B. or too long A. went to
C. pins and needles in my legs B. wish to
73. What does the colloquial term "Gonna" mean? C. want to
"It's gonna take some time." 78. Locate the Colloquial Language in the sentence.
A. going to "The young lady is prim and proper."
B. go away A. the young
C. gone now B. prim and proper
C. lady is
79. ATM-
80. BFF-
81. HBD-
82. IDK-
83. LOL-
84. TBT-
85. YOLO-
86. BAE-
87. GOAT-
88. OMG-
89. IDK-
90. IDC-


91-93. A good paragraph must have:

94-97. Types of Paragraph
98-100. Parts of Paragraph
98. 99. 100.

“You fail only when you give up”.



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