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Acctg 201A Course Guide

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Cordillera Career Development College

Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet

Tel. No.: (074) 422-2221/Email:


CoA Form No.: 01 Version No.: 01 Approval Date: August 17,2020 Effective date: August 17, 2020


Deliver quality education through holistic, accessible and inclusive learning ( HAIL ) A graduate of BS in Accountancy should be able to:
The center of global 21st experiences to build socially and environmentally responsible global citizens and
century education for all. leader. 1. Resolve business issues and problems, with a global and
strategic perspective using knowledge and technical
GOALS proficiency in the areas of financial accounting and
Leverage our key strengths (programs, people, partnerships, products, policies and reporting, cost accounting and management, accounting and
physical plant) for effective delivery of quality education. control, taxation, and accounting information systems;
2. Conduct accountancy research through independent studies
VALUES of relevant literature and appropriate use of accounting
Competence, Commitment, Global Citizenship and Synergy. theory and methodologies;
CCDC advocates competence relevant to the 21st century world, steadfast 3. Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial
commitment to our shared goals and to our families and immediate communities, and non-financial information, generating reports and
while advancing global citizenship and exhibiting synergy in daily activities. making decisions;
4. Apply knowledge and skills to successfully respond to various
types of assessments; and (including professional licensure
and certifications); and
5. Confidently maintain a commitment to good corporate
citizenship corporate citizenship, social responsibility and
ethical practice in performing functions as an accountant.


COURSE CODE: Accounting 201A Units: 4 units Prerequisite(s): Acctg.4a,4b and 4c
COURSE TITLE: Theory of Accounts Integration I
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Theory of Accounts Integration I
COURSE LEARNING Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
A. Cognitive
1. Identify the functions of the IASB or the FRSC
2. Explain the Accounting Process including adjusting entries and the accounting cycle
3. Explain the conceptual framework
4. Describe the presentation of Financial Statements
5. Identify, define and classify Financial Assets
6. Identify, define and classify Non-financial assets
7. Identify, define and classify financial liabilities
8. Identify, define and classify non-financial liabilities
9. Identify, define and classify provisions and contingencies
10. Recognize, define and explain Equity transactions
11. Define and explain Borrowing costs, leases, income tax and employee benefits
12. Describe and explain Interim reporting
13. Quote and interpret standards applicable to SMES
14. Explain cash to accrual method
B. Psychomotor
1. Acquire an adept knowledge of the PAS & PFRS applicable to financial accounting
2. Adapt accounting standards in financial accounting
3. Integrate standards with financial accounting practice
C. Affective
1. Comply with accounting standards in the financial accounting process
2. Support the work of the Financial Reporting and Standards Council and the Philippine Interpretations Committee in the development of
accounting standards and relevant implementation guidance

Learning Outcome Content Teaching and Learning Activity Reference Material Learning Assessment Method
Adopt awareness of  Orientation Watch video about CCDC  USB Digital Aug. 17- Posting a reflection in the facebook group chat or
course; vision, mission,  Getting to Know Resource: 18,2020 learning management system or google
and guiding values of the  Folder: About classroom.
school; and context of CCDC Video
the learning

A.1 Functions of the IASB and 1st week

the FRSC Read Information sheets in the Students to submit a journal on their learning
Adjusting entries applying module Printed module 1 week relating to the topic at the end of each topic
A.2 accrual basis Revisit topics by reading from with indicated learning outcome.
The accounting cycle textbooks/online books/credible
Students to answer task sheets/exercises as
Conceptual framework: 1st week contained in their respective modules
Basic objectives of FS Task sheets/ exercises
A.3 Qualitative characteristics of Indicated in the module Students to answer uploaded exercises through
fin. Info. Perform task sheets/ exercises the GC to be compiled in a portfolio.
Elements of FS provided in the module
Fin. Capital from physical Indicated reference Participation to scheduled virtual discussions
capital Participate in virtual discussion books and credible through Google Meet or Zoom
through Google Meet or Zoom online sources
Presentation of Fin. which will be scheduled as the Quiz on the topic thru online by use of the group
Statements: need arises, through the GC chat/ messenger/applicable LMS
Gen. features of F/S
Current and non-current Additional activities which will be Major Examinations such as Midterms and Final
assets answered and to be compiled in a Exams
Current and non-current portfolio will be uploaded in the
liabilities GC
A.4 Profit from continuing 1st week
Revenues, expenses, profit or
loss from discontinued
operations Note: Same activities will apply Note: Same indicated Note: Same assessment modes will apply
Cash flows from operating, throughout from 1st week to 6th references will apply throughout from the 1st week to the 6th week.
investing or financing week. throughout from 1st
activities week to 6th week
Adjusting events from non-
adjusting events after the
reporting date

Financial Assets:
Cash & cash equivalents
Nature & measurement
Reconciliation of balances
Loans & Receivables (Fin
assets at amortized cost)
Nature & classification
Measurement of TR and
long-term receivables.
and disposal of equity
securities at FV through OCI
Investments in debt
instruments and equity
A.5 instruments:
Nature of FA included as at 2nd week
FV through P&L
and disposal of equity
securities at FV through OCI
Bus. Model test for classifying
FA at FV through OCI (debt
Nature of debt inst.
Classified as Held to Maturity
Sec (old IAS) or at amortized
cost (new IFRS)
Investments in Associates:
Equity method of acctg. for
investment in associate
Basic derivatives (excluding
hedge acctg.)
What are derivatives
Recognition & measurement
of derivatives

Non-Financial Assets:
Nature of inventories using
Cost using FIFO, weighted
aver., specific identification
Lower of cost and net
realizable value for
measurement of inventories
or CGS
Estimating procedures (aver.
Retail inventory & gross
profit method in measuring
shortage or loss.
Property, Plant and
Nature & applicable
principles for initial
recognition, measurement
and de-recognition
Basis of initial recognition for
PPE acquired for cash,
exchange, deferred payment,
self-construction or donation
Appropriate depreciation
method to measure carrying
A.6 value of PPE 3rd week
Evaluate whether an item of
PPE is impaired

Investment property:
Nature and measurement

Nature, initial recognition,
measurement & de-
Classifying expenditures
relating to research &
development of intangible
Subsequent expenditures
relating to intangibles &
carrying amount

Biological Assets:
Nature, initial recognition,
measurement and de-

Non-current assets held for

Criteria for its classification
Initial and subsequent
measurement principles

Financial Liabilities and Non-

Financial Liabilities:
Financial Liabilities
Accounts payable and other
trade liabilities
Initial recognition and
subsequent measurement of
short-term and long-term
Nature & 3 forms of debt
Principles for de-recognition
of financial liabilities
Non-financial liabilities
Premiums and warranties
Unearned revenues for gift
certificates & subscriptions

Provisions and Contingencies

Contingent liabilities,
contingent assets, and
Recognition criteria for
Status of uncertainties
relating to provisions,
contingent liabilities and
contingent assets
Measurement principles for

Share Capital Transactions
Nature, recognition,
measurement of share capital
Issuance & retirement of
preferred/ordinary share
Purchase & subsequent sale
of treasury shares
Share split, purchase &
resale of treasury shares &
other equity transactions
Recapitalization and quasi-
Types of dividends
Effects of dividends on
assets, liabilities & equity
Retained Earnings:
Nature of retained earnings
Effects of dividends, profit,
change in accounting policy,
correction of prior period
errors, & recapitalization on
retained earnings

Other Comprehensive 4th week

Elements that affect OCI.
A.7 Book Value per Share and
Earnings per Share:
Significance and
computation of book value
per share
Earnings per share
information including diluted
Share-based Payments:
Nature & types of share-
based payment transactions
Equity-settled; cash-settled
and equity-settled with cash
alternative share-based
payment transactions 4th week

A.8 Borrowing Costs, Leases,

Income Tax and Employee
Borrowing costs
Nature and criteria for
capitalizing borrowing costs
Standards applicable to
A.9 operating leases 5th week
Standards applicable to
finance lease
Income tax
Accounting profit vs. taxable
Income tax payable
Deferred income tax
Employee Benefits
Employee benefit cost under
defined benefit plan
Resulting defined benefit
liability (asset)
Interim Reporting:
Purpose & rationale of
interim reports
Principles for recognition of
A.10 revenue and expenses for 5th week
interim reporting purposes
Small & Medium-sized
Entities & Effective
Communication to
SMES under IFRS & SEC reg.
Simplified reporting
requirements applicable to
Peculiarities in reporting
PPE, Invest. Prop., Intangible
assets, biological assets, and
assets held for sale by an
entity categorized as SME
Principles for reporting
investments in equity and
debt securities applicable to
FS of SMEs
Effective communication to

Cash to Accrual:
Accrual basis of accounting
and purpose
Profit based on single-entry
method and reconcile with
profit using the transaction
Convert cash basis revenues
and expenses to accrual basis
revenues and expenses

L.O.s B & C are expected to

be demonstrated by the
learner in the course of the
learning process and after
finishing the course Acctg.
201 A
6th week

6th week


6th week
6th week


B.2 During and
B.3 after the 6
C.1 duration.
C.2 Two days is
allotted for
the two
and Finals.


A. Assignments & Exercises : 1. Course Module 2. As the need arises through group chat
B. Participation in E-Discussion Forum on Zoom and Google Meet
C. Quiz : Quizes will be uploaded in the group chat on schedule
D. Written Examination: The exam will be upload in the group chat as follows: Midterm (Saturday of 3 rd week-Sept. 5,2020) ; Finals (Saturday of 6th week-Sept. 26,2020)
E. Portfolio of uploaded exercises
EVALUATION AND GRADING SYSTEM : Passing Mid-term Grade is 60% of the sum total of all graded activities and major exam.
Final Grade = (Tentative Final Grade x 2) + Midterm Grade
COURSE POLICIES : Students are expected to actively participate in all the activities; students must exercise academic integrity at all times by respecting the intellectual
property rights, data privacy act, the provisions on plagiarism and the like; students bear responsibility for all work to be submitted on time; comply requirements on virtual

CONSULTATION WITH COURSE INSTRUCTOR/FACILITATOR: Anytime through the course group chat or by SMS through my Number 09083813826 and others through direct interaction during
scheduled virtual discussions.

REFERENCES IN LEARNING PACKS : Printed course module; USB Digital Resource ; Supplemental Readings & activities will be uploaded through GC

SUGGESTED READINGS NOT INCLUDED IN LEARNING PACKAGES:Intermediate Acctg. I,II,III by Zeus Millan 2020 Ed. Intermediate Accounting I,II, & II by Conrado T. Valix, 2019

ABOUT THE COURSE INSTRUCTOR/FACILITATOR: To see to it that learning outcomes are achieved and to complement the required virtual attendance, reportorial requirements.

Prepared and submitted by:

Course Instructor/Facilitator: Domingo B. Bay-an


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