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Nursing Theories Final Reviewer

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Theorist Title of the Theory Conceptual Framework Client/Patient Environment Health Nursing

Florence Nightingale - Person is based on holism. The underlying . Health is viewed The goal of nursing is
Holism is the concern of principle of as the combined strictly different from
Birthdate: June 15,1820 integrating the biological, maintaining health result of that of medicine as the
social, psychological and of houses is to put environmental, goal of the former is to
Deathday: August 12,1910 spiritual with its the patient in a psychological and “place the patient in
Environmental environment condition which is physical factors, not the best possible
Achievements: Theory best for nature to just the absence of condition for nursing
 1908 Merit of act upon him or disease to act” or to facilitate a
Honor given by King her. healing process by
Edward An environment placing the patient in
 Angel of Crimea that promotes the best possible
 Pioneer of Modern health allows the environment for
Nursing patient to retain nature to influence
Cleanliness their energy, or health
 Lady with the lamp Lighting “vital powers” for
Air use towards self
Highest Educational Water
Attainment: Deacoanesses healing
School of Nursing at
Kaiserwert,Germany for 3

"Any individual who is - The external - Weidenbach does  The nurse is

The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing receiving help of some kind, elements that not define the functioning
Ernestine be it care, instruction or affect the person; concept of health human being it
advice from a member of the internal and however, she also not only
Weidenbach 4 Main Elements of Clinical Nursing health profession or from a external conditions supports the World acts but thinks
1.The Philosophy- how the nurse views worker in the field of that influence the Health and feels as
Birthdate: August 18, 1900
herself; beliefs, behavior of the nurse health". organism; Organization's well.
2.The Purpose- what the nurse wants to significant other definition of health
Deathday: March 8,1998
achieve with whom the as a state of
3.The Practice- provision of care based person interact and complete physical,
Achievements: None
on scientific knowledge an open system mental, and social-
4.The Art-the way the care is carried out with boundaries being, and not
Highest Educational
that permit the merely the absence
Attainment: Master of Arts Central Purpose exchange of matter of disease infirmity.
in Nursing Prescription of the fulfillment energy and
Realities information with
human beings.

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN

Virginia Henderson -Have basic needs that are -Settings in which -Definition based -Temporarily assisting
component of health. an individual learns on individual’s an individual who lacks
Birthdate: November 30, unique pattern for ability to function the necessary strength,
1897 -Considers the biological, living. independently as will and knowledge to
psychological, sociological, outlined in the 14 satisfy 1 or more of 14
Deathday: March 19, 1996 and spiritual components. -All external components basic needs
Nursing Need Theory conditions and
Achievements: influences that
 Honorary Fellow of affect life and
FRCN Nursing Theory Process development.
 Historical Nurse
Leadership Award Assessment
 Christiane Reimann Diagnose
Prize Planning
Highest Educational Evaluation

1921 - received her

Diploma in Nursing from
the Army School of Nursing
at Walter Reed Hospital,
Washington D.C.
-People as having physical, -The environment -In Patient– -Nursing care is doing
Faye Glenn Abdellah emotional, and sociological is implicitly defined Centered something to or for the
needs. by Abdellah as the Approaches to person or providing
Birthdate: May 13 1919 The typology of nursing home or Nursing, Abdellah information to the
Deathday: February 2017 21 Nursing Problems problems evolve from the community from describes health as person with the goals
Achievements: recognition of a patient as which patient a state mutually of meeting needs,
 1994 living legend” the only justification for the comes. Society is exclusive of illness. increasing or restoring
by the American existence of nursing. included in self-help ability, or
Academy of “planning for Abdellah implicitly alleviating impairment.
Nursing optimum health.” defined health as a Nursing is broadly
 2000 National state when the grouped into the 21
Women’s Hall of individual has no problem areas to guide
Fame unmet needs and care and promote use
 2012 American no anticipated or of nursing judgment.
Nurses Association actual impairments.
Hall of Fame for a
lifetime of
contributions to CARE PENDULUM
nursing Basic to all patients
Highest Educational Sustenal care needs
Attainment: 1955 Doctor of Remedial care needs
Education Degree in Restorative care needs
Teacher's College, Columbia

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN

Human caring She referred human being as - She does not Health is defined as Nursing as a science of
Jean Watson a valued person in and of define the fourth a high level of persons and health-
10 Caritas processes of Watson’s human him or herself to be cared metaparadigm overall physical, illness experience that
Birthdate: june 10 1944 theory of caring: for, respected, nurtured, concept of mental, and social are mediated by
1.Formation of a humanistic altruistic understood and assisted; in environment but functioning; a professional, personal,
Deathday: December system of values/ loving kindness general a philosophical view instead devised 10 general adaptive- scientific, and ethical
29,2014 2.Istallation of faith-hope of a person as a fully caring needs maintenance level care interactions
3.Cultivation of sensitivity to self and to functional integrated self specific carative of daily functioning;
Achievements: others factors critical to and the absence of
• Nursing: The 4. Development of a helping-trust “Personhood is tied to the caring human illness, or the
Philosophy and Science of relationship notions the one's soul experience that presence of efforts
Caring (1979) Human 5.Promotion and acceptance of possess a body that is not need to be leading to the
Science and Human Care – expression of positive and negative confined by objective time addressed by absence of illness.
A Theory of Nursing (1985) feelings and space” nurses with their
• Instruments for 6.Systematic use of the scientific patients when in a
Assessing and Measuring problem-solving method for decision caring role.
Caring in Nursing and making
Health Sciences (2002 7.Promotion of interpersonal teaching
Highest Educational 8.Provision for supportive, protective
Attainment: and corrective mental, physical,
Ph.D. in Educational sociocultural, and spiritual
Psychology and Counseling environment
in 1973. 9.Assistance with gratification of human
10. Allowance for existential-
phenomenological forces.

-Material object of nurses -Has physical, -Human health is Nursing is as art

Dorothea Orem and others who provide care biological and the ability to refelct through which the
chemical on one's self . practitioner of nursing
Birthdate: June 15,1914 features.includes gives specialized
culture,family and assistance to persons
Deathday: June 22, 2007 community with disabilities which
makes more than
Achievements: Orem’s Self-care Theory ordinary assistance
Metaparadigm: necessary to meet
 1971 she published
1.Theory of self care needs for self-care.
nursing concept of
•universal –needs common to all
•developmental – growth and development
• Honorary doctorate
•health deviation-illness state
2.Theory of self care deficit
Highest Educational
3.Theory of nursing systems
•total compensatory –pt is dependent on the nurse
1998 Doctor of nursing
•partial – pt and nurse take part in the care of pt
honoris causage from the
•supportive / educative- pt is independent from the
university of missouri

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
A holistic being who - The enivironment - The pattern of - The goal of nursing is
Myra Estine Levine constantly strives to preserve completes the adaptive change of to promote adaptation
wholeness and integrity and wholeness of the the wholeness. The and maintain
one “who is sentient, individual. The disease is wholeness.
Birthdate: December
Levine Conservation Model thinking, future-oriented, individual has both unregulated and
and past-aware an internal and undisciplined
external change it must be
Deathday: 1996 (No exact
environment stopped.

 1951-1962- Surgical
 1977- Award for
Excellence in
Teaching at Sigma
Theta Tau
 1990- Recognized E.SI.PI.SI
for Outstanding 4 conservation principles
Contributions to E- energy
Nursing S- structural Integrity
P- personal Integrity
Highest Educational S- social Integrity
1949- Achieved Bachelor's
Degree at the University of

- a unitary human being that -an irreducible, -an expression of -As an Art is the
Martha Rogers is constantly interacting with pan-dimensional life processes. The creative use of science
the environment. The person energy field result of the to better people and
Birthdate: May 12,1914 Unitary Human Beings is also viewed as a whole, identified by interaction creative use of its
not a sum of his/her parts. pattern and between energy knowledge is the art of
Deathday: March 12,1994 integral with the fields. practice. As a Science
The whole is greater than the human field. was organized body of
Achievements: sum of its parts. knowledge specific to
 Published the "An nursing, and arrived by
Introduction to the scientific research and
Theoretical Basis of logical analysis.
 Head of the Division
of Nursing(New
York University)
 Continued work the
E-energy field
"Theory on the
Science Unitary

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
Human Beings" O-openness
Highest Educational
Attainment: Completed
Bachelor of Science in
Public Health
Nursing(George Peabody

Human being as having two Society relates to Health is reflected Promotion of

Dorothy Johnson major systems, the biological the environment by behavioral
system and the behavioral on which the the organization, system balance and
Birthdate: August 21, 1919 Behavioral System Model system. It is role of the individual exists. interaction, stability; an external
medicine to focus on According to interdependence, regulatory force that
Deathday: Feburuary 1999 biological system where as Johnson an and integration acts to preserve the
Nursling's focus is the individual’s of subsystem of the organization and
Achievements: -1975 behavioral system behavior is behavioral system  integration of the
Faculty Award from influenced by the client's behavior
graduate students events in the
-1977 Lulu Hassenplug environment
Distinguished Achievement Attachment/Affiliative subsystem
Award from the California Dependency subsystem
Nurses Association Ingestive subsystem
-1981 Vanderbilt University Eliminative subsystem
School of Nursing Award for Sexual subsystem
Excellence in Nursing Aggressive subsystem
Achievement subsystem
Highest Educational
In 1948, she received her
Masters in public health
from Harvard University in
Boston, Massachusetts.
Human systems have The conditions, Health is not Promotion of
Calista Roy thinking and feeling circumstances and freedom from the adaptation for
capacities, noted in influences inevitabality of individuals and groups
Birthdate: October 14,1939 consciousness and meaning, surrounding and death, in each of the four
by which they adjust affecting the unhappiness, and adaptive modes, thus
Deathday: Still alive 79 The Roy Adaptation Model effectively to changes in the development and stress but the contributing to health,
yrs.old at present environment and in turn, behavior of ability to cope with quality of life, and
affect the environment. persons or groups, them in a dying the dignity.
Achievements: Named as a with particular competent way
Living Legend by the consideration of
American Academy of the mutuality of
Nursing and the person and health
Adaptation Modes
Massachussetts Registered resources that
- Physiological
Nurse in 2007 -Received the includes, focal,
- Self-concept

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
American Journal of - Role function contextual and
Nursing Book of the Year - Interdependence residual stimuli.
Award for Essentials of the
Roy Adaptation Model Stimuli -Focal - Contextual - Residual
-Received the National
Founder's Award for
Excellence in fostering
Professional Nursing
Standards in 1981

Highest Educational

-The individual human who -The concept of -Health can be -Nursing is identified as
Lydia Hall is 16 years of age or older environment is dealt inferred to be a consisting of participation
and past the acute stage of with in relation to state of self- in the care, core and cure
Birthdate: September 21, a long-term illness is the the individual. awareness with aspects of nursing care.
1906 focus of nursing care in conscious selection Nursing can and should be
Hall's work. of behaviors that professional.
Deathday: February 27, are optimal for that
1969 Core,Care and Cure Model individual.

 Teacher's College
Nursing Education
Alumni Association
Achievement in 3C
Nursing Practice  Core- The Client
Award  Care- Nursing
 Nursing Hall of Fame  Cure- Treatment
 American Nurses'
Association Hall of

Highest Educational

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
-Has different needs, -Background for -Continuous -Process of action, reaction,
Imogene King wants, and goals. human interaction. adjustment to and interaction whereby
stressors" in the nurse and client share
Goal Attainment Theory internal and information.
Birthdate: January 30, 1923
Deathday: December 24,


 Jessie M. Scott
Award -1996 STTI
Elizabeth Russell
Belford Founders
Award for A.R.I.T.
Excellence in
Education in -1989 Action
 Living Legend -2005
Interaction-problem identification
Highest Educational
EdD(doctor's degree in
education) -1961

The Neuman System Model -Human being is a total -The totality of the -The condition in -Action which assist
Betty Neuman Client variables person as a client system internal and external which all parts and individuals,families and
Physiological and the person is a layered forces(intrapersonal, subparts or groups to maintain a
Birthdate: September 11, Psychological multidimensional being. interpersonal, and variables are in maximum level of the
1924 Socio-cultural extra-personal harmony with the wellness and the primary
Developmental stressors) which whole of the client aim is stability of the
Deathday: Unknown Spiritual variable surround a person patient/client system
Types of defense and with which they through nursing
Achievements: Flexible line of defense interact at any given intervention to reduce
 1947 Obtained her Normal line of defense time. stressors’
RN Diploma at Line of resistance
people’s hospital Types of Stressors
nursing Interpersonal- with in the pt Client Variables: (PPSSD)
 1998 Honorary Intrapersonal- relationships •Physiological
Doctorate of Science Extrapersonal- environment •Psychological
from the Grand •Socio-cultural
Valley State •Spiritual
University in •Developmental
Michigan Central Core: ( NGROEK)
 Double major in •Normal temperature range
psychology and •Genetic Structure
public health •Reponse Pattern
Highest Educational •Organ strength or weakness

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
Attainment: 1985 •Ego structure
Completed Doctorate in •Known or commonalities
Clinical Psychology from Prevention: (PST)
Pacific Western University •Primary •Secondary •Tertiary

-Both the nurse and patient -She defined human -Includes the -An interpersonal process
Joyce Travelbee Human-to-Human Relationship are human beings -Human conditions and life individuals -to help man to find
being is a unique, experiences perception of meaning in the experience
Model irreplaceable individual encountered by all health and the of illness and suffering
Birthdate: 1926
who is in the continuous men as sufferings, absence of disease. -responsibility to help
Deathday: 1973 process of becoming, hope, pain and -measured by individuals and their
evolving and changing. illness. These subjective and families to find meaning.
Achievements: conditions are objective healthy
 In 1963, Travelbee associated to the
started to publish environment
various articles in
nursing journals.
 Her first book
Aspects of Nursing
was published in
2.Emerging Identities
1966 and 1971.
1.Original Encounter
 In 1969, she had her
second book
published entitled:
Intervention in
Nursing: Process in
Highest Educational
Attainment: 1959 She
completed her Master of
Science Degree in Nursing at
Yale University.

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
Culture care values, Cultural a state of well humanistic and
Madeline Leininger beliefs and practices conflicts, being that is scientific mode of
are influenced in the practices, culturally helping a client through
Birthdate: July 13, 1925 worldview, language, stresses, and defined valued specific cultural caring
philosophy, religion, pain reflect the and practiced processed ( cultural
Deathday: August 10, 2012
kinship, social, political, lack of culture and reflects the values beliefs and
Achievements: Culture Care: Diversity and Universality legal, educational, care knowledge ability of practices) to improve
 Leininger was economic, to provide individuals or or maintain a health
appointed Professor technological, ethno- culturally groups to condition
of Nursing and historical, and congruent, perform their
Anthropology at the environmental context responsible, safe daily role
University of of cultures. and sensitive activities in
Colorado — the first
care. culturally
joint appointment of PARADIGM SUBSYSTEM (TREKCPEE)
a professor of - T – Technological Factors expressed
nursing and a second - R – Religious and Philosophical Factors benefiicial and
discipline in the - K – Kinship and Social Factors patterned life
United States. ways.
- C – Cultural Values, Beliefs, and Lifeways
 Leininger was
- P – Political and Legal Factors
appointed Dean of
the University of - E – Economic Factors
Washington, School - E – Educational Factors
of Nursing in 1969,
and remained in that
position until 1974. Transcultural Care Decisions ad Actions (CCP.
 In 1973, under her CCA. CCR)
leadership, the - Culture Care Preservation – maintaining
University of cultural behaviors that are beneficial to
Washington was the patient
recognized as the - Culture Care Accommodation – adapt
outstanding public patients behavior without compromising
institutional school
their cultural values
of nursing in the
United States. - Culture Care Repatterning- recognizing
cultural practices that may be detrimental
Highest Educational and need to be stopped
 Diploma Program,
St. Anthony’s School
of Nursing in Denver
 Master’s Degree in
Psychiatric Nursing,
Catholic University
of America in
 PhD in Cultural and

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
Social Anthropology

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse -Open being who is more -Everything in te -Open process of -a human science and art
than and different from the person and his being and that uses an abstract body
Birthdate: Year 1938 sum of the parts. experiences: becoming: involves of knowledge to serve
inseparable, synthesis of values. people.
Deathday: unknown complimentary to Health is not
The Human Becoming and evolving with. focused on disease,
Achievements: Parse’s Theory views or the absence of
 Parse obtained her the environment as disease, but rather,
Bachelors of Science existing with a combining one’s
(B.Sc) from person in mutual values and beliefs
Duquesne, connection. together as the
University way of living.
 She received her
Master's Degree in
Nursing and Ph.D. Three major assumptions
from the University • meaning
of Pittsburgh • rhythmicity
 Dr. Parse is the first • transcendence
founding editor of
Nursing Science

Highest Educational
Master's and Doctoral
Degrees from Duquesne,
University Pittsburgh

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN
-Includes both self -Have no -A dynamic state of being -A developing discipline whose central concern is
Joyce J. Fitpatrick and others can be boundaries that results from the the meaning attached to life.
described by indices interaction of person and
of holistic human the environment
functioning as
May 4,1944
temporal movement
consciousness and
Deathday: None
perceptual pattern
Life Perspective Rhythm
 Honorary
Doctorate,Doctor of
Humane Letters
 1981 Elected Fellow
in the American
Academy in Nursing
 American Journal of
Nursing Book of the

Highest Educational
Attainment: 1975 4 index of human function
PhD in Nursing in New York Temporal
University Conscious

Concept: the building bocks of theories.

Theories: an explanation of a certain phenomena
Paradigm: pattern, model

“Molding future nurses who will take care of the world with competence and compassion…” - Francis A. Vasquez, MAN, RN

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