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Finacle10 Liquidity Management

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Become a strategic partner to Finacle Liquidity across clients’ multiple banking
relationships seamlessly.
your corporate clients Management
Corporates around the world face a Finacle Liquidity Management is a front-
• Flexibility to execute liquidity rules in
real-time, near real-time and periodic
common challenge of managing and to-back office liquidity management
manner enable banks to service the
profiting from their liquidity positions. As solution that empowers banks to offer a
specific needs of corporates effectively.
the global landscape recasts itself in the comprehensive range of services to their
aftermath of the financial crisis, effective corporate clients to identify, manage and Finacle follows a product-based approach
and efficient liquidity management is no optimize liquidity. to liquidity management, enabling
longer simply an option, but a banks to exercise greater control over
game-changing necessity for • The solution’s parameterization-driven, the services offered while offering the
product-based approach enables flexibility to personalize the solution to
corporate organizations.
banks to offer tailor-made liquidity meet individual corporate requirements.
Corporates are always under pressure to management services to corporate and All liquidity structures are linked to a
ensure the availability of sufficient liquidity small and medium enterprise clients. product and derive their behavior from
for their business needs so that day-to-day
operations run smoothly; at the same time, • Cross-border, cross-currency, cross- its parameters. This helps banks achieve
bank liquidity management capabilities regulatory compliance by assigning
they have to be careful not to have too
optimize interest by leveraging various appropriate business rules. The approach
much liquidity, which could result
liquidity management options such as also minimizes steps for the creation of
in inefficient use of funds and
notional pooling and target balancing. personalized structures based on the
lower profitability.
customer’s specific needs.
This situation becomes extraordinarily • This core banking agnostic solution
Finacle Liquidity Management is a step
complex when business operations offers extensive interfacing capabilities
into the next generation of corporate
span multiple geographies, banking leveraging a robust integration
liquidity management solutions aimed
relationships, currencies and time zones, platform to enable real-time viewing
at simplifying business technology,
not to mention different centralized and and management of liquidity across
while inspiring agility and innovation. It
decentralized operating models. multiple host systems.
has been designed bearing in mind the
Today, corporate organizations are • This multichannel enabled solution needs of multinational or multi-location
increasingly looking at their banks as empowers corporate clients to see corporations, providing them with a
strategic partners providing business graphical views of liquidity positions consolidated, real-time, holistic view of
and technology solutions enabling them on-the-go across devices to accelerate their financial positions so that they can
to manage their operations, including decision-making. It also enables them effectively identify, manage and optimize
liquidity management, to the to forecast cash flows and select the their liquidity positions.
highest standards. liquidity management structures best
suited to their needs from the channel
Worldwide, banks, which have recognized
of their choice.
this opportunity, are modernizing their
technology to meet their corporate • SWIFT enablement allows banks
clients’ demands. to consolidate liquidity positions

External Document © 2020 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Functional architecture
Customer Delivery Channel

Multichannel Enabled Internet Branch

Functional Modules

Structure Sweep Charge Interest

Finacle Management Management Management Management
Reusable Business Components

Finanz Exchange
Tools Interest Fees/Charges Tax Channel Rules Multi entity

Alerts Infrastructure

24/7 Reporting Access Control Workflow (BPEL)

Single Sign on Audit Integration Framework Scheduler

Finacle Integration Platform

Multiple Host System

Core CRM Payments Others

Key modules out of operating accounts. This arrangement Stronger customer relationships
provides the necessary hedge against With its comprehensive coverage and
Global sweeps
exchange rate risks by retaining balances rich online portal experience, the solution
Consolidating cash positions across multiple in their respective currencies, allowing enables banks to strengthen client
accounts in multiple time zones, currencies corporates to have complete control over relationships and improve their up sell
and countries in real-time can be extremely their liquidity as well as enjoy operational and cross sell success rates. As the liquidity
challenging. Finacle empowers bank’s flexibility at subsidiary or regional level. management partner of corporate clients,
clients to minimize this challenge through banks increase the stickiness of the
Solution also helps corporates optimize
its global sweep capabilities, having relationships, while significantly increasing
their liquidity by offering a choice of flexible
many variants like Zero Balancing, Target fee, transaction and float income.
models for interest benefit computation and
Balancing, Range Balancing, Cover Overdraft
allocation methods. Operational efficiencies
and Reverse Sweep.
The solution provides an enterprise-wide
Multi-locational notional pooling
liquidity management engine with multi-
Business benefits
Finacle Liquidity Management Solution currency, multi-country and multi-time
facilitates the creation of a single entity, Faster time to market zone capabilities to centralize the liquidity
multi-locational, cross-currency notional The product-based approach to liquidity management operations across international
pooling structure to optimize and distribute management empowers banks to design subsidiaries. This brings down the
interest benefits. This enables corporate and launch new products rapidly. Extensive operational costs and offers better control
organizations to manage their multi- parameterization, reusable business rules and visibility. Rule-based straight through
locational/ regional account balances and processes accelerate time to market processing (STP) lowers manual intervention
centrally without physically moving funds with new offerings. to further boost operational efficiency.

External Document © 2020 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

About Infosys Finacle
Finacle is the industry-leading digital banking solution suite from EdgeVerve Systems, a wholly owned product subsidiary
of Infosys. Finacle helps traditional and emerging financial institutions drive truly digital transformation to achieve
frictionless customer experiences, larger ecosystem play, insights–driven interactions and ubiquitous automation. Today,
banks in over 100 countries rely on Finacle to service more than a billion consumers and 1.3 billion accounts.

Finacle solutions address the core banking, omnichannel banking, payments, treasury, origination, liquidity
management, Islamic banking, wealth management, analytics, artificial intelligence, and blockchain requirements
of financial institutions to drive business excellence. An assessment of the top 1250 banks in the world reveals that
institutions powered by the Finacle Core Banking solution, on average, enjoy 7.2% points lower costs-to-income ratio
than others.

For more information, contact

©2020 EdgeVerve Systems Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Infosys, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved. This documentation is the sole property of EdgeVerve Systems Limited
(“EdgeVerve”). EdgeVerve believes the information in this document or page is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. EdgeVerve acknowledges the
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as expressly permitted by EdgeVerve in writing, neither this documentation nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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