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Which of The Development Stages Below Is Also Called As

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Mangatarem, Pangasinan


Coverage: Module 3 & Module 4

Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Score: ___________________

Grade, Strand & Section: __________________________ Subject Teacher: ________________________________________
Direction: READ, THINK and ENCIRCLE the letter of the best answer. (For items 1-10= 1point each, and for items 11-15= 2points each.)
1. __________ focuses on human growth and changes a. Key ingredient for improving your relationship with
across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, others
intellectual growth. b. Develops a person’s psychological hardiness and social
a. Human Growth c. Human Development interest
b. Human Change d. Life Cycle c. Its spiritual connotation is: “Encourage one another,
2. Which of the development stages below is also called as daily.”
the pre-gang stage? d. All the above
a. Infancy c. Late Childhood 10. In late adolescent development, which of the following
b. Adolescence d. Early Childhood is true?
3. Which developmental stage characterizes rapid increase a. Boys are still maturing and gaining strength
in physical and mental decline? b. May complain that parents prevent him/her from
a. Old Age c. Early Adulthood doing things independently
b. Middle Age d. Adolescence c. Both A and B.
4. This is the foundation age when basic behaviors are d. None of A and B
organized, and many ontogenetic maturation skills are 11. Which of the following is NOT true?
developed. a. Most people are discouragers
a. Pre-natal c. Early Childhood b. Encouragement lies in avoiding discouraging words and
b. Infancy d. Late Childhood actions
5. Which of the following is concerning mental c. When children and adult misbehave, it is because they
development? are discouraged
a. Starting to develop moral ideas and select role models d. None of the above
b. Friends become more important 12. Which of the following will make you closer together to
c. Self-involvement a person?
d. Seeks privacy and time alone. a. Set standards too high for others to meet
6. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate task of an b. We focus on mistakes to motivate change
adolescent? c. Always lend a helping hand
a. Achieving mature relatives with both sexes d. All the above
b. Starting a family 13.An area of personal development that assess how well
c. Preparing for an economic carrier you reason and solve problems, and your capacity to
d. Desiring and achieving socially responsibility behavior learn and create.
7. Which is a developmental task of an adolescent like you? a. Physical Self c. Spiritual Self
a. Achieving emotional independence of adults b. Contextual Self d. Intellectual Self
b. Developing adult leisure time activities 14.Which is NOT true about the power of Personal
c. Managing a home Declaration?
d. Starting an occupation a. It counteracts the negative declarations that were
8. Which of the following is the best function of a Personal told us
Timeline? b. It controls us setting in action what we really want to
a. It helps to plan the future in better constructive way occur in our life
b. It portrays the influential events and happenings of a c. Both A and B
person ‘s life. d. None of A and B
c. It makes a person understand where he/she has gone 15.Which is NOT true?
wrong and right in the past a. Negative declarations towards us is dangerous
d. We have something to brag to our friends. b. Negative declaration discourages us.
9. Which is a description of “encouragement”? c. Positive declarations empower us
d. Negative declarations are NOT dangerous
II- Answer briefly in 3 sentences only: (5 Points)

How do you respond positively and politely to a person who unintentionally asked you a question that you don’t like to answer.


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