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Online Feedback System 2

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The key takeaways are that this report discusses developing an online feedback system for a university to collect student feedback on lecturers in a more efficient digital way. Currently feedback is collected manually which has issues.

The purpose of developing this online feedback system is to make the process of collecting feedback from students about lecturers' teaching online. This allows institutions to access feedback reports faster and without losing any data.

Some of the drawbacks of taking feedback manually include it being a difficult and time-consuming process to evaluate handwritten forms. Data can also get lost or damaged.

Ministry of Higher Education

Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU)

Technical College of Informatics

Online Feedback System

A report submitted to the department of (Technical College Of Informatics),

SPU University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor’s in (Information Technology).

Halwest Ali Muhammad
Rishwan Rostam Ali

Supervised by:
Mr.Karzan Wakil

May , 2019
Thanks for god who give us the ability and life that we are in now.
This project is dedicated to my parent who has effectively supported me during this work
reading this academic level.
I would like to thank all the staff of our collage and departments. I would also like to thank
and dedicate this work to (Mr. Karzan) who have effectively gave me feedback on this project
and supervised on it. Finally, I would like to thank ever one who helped me working and
finishing this project.

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere
thanks to all of them.
Us highly indebted to (Technical College Of Informatics) for their guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for
their support in completing the project.
Us would like to thank my supervisor, Mr.Karzan , for the patient guidance, encouragement
and advice he has provided throughout my time as his student. I have been extremely lucky to
have a supervisor who cared so much about my work
Us would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their kind co-operation and
encouragement which help me in completion of this project.
Us would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me
such attention and time.
My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people
who have willingly helped me out with their abilities."


In order to maintain a good recognition at college, the management does every possible
aspect in maintaining the qualities of the lecturer’s. As this is the online-era, where everything
is online we need to develop a system in online which is very useful to maintain feedback
reports by the administrator. The purpose of this project is to make the process of taking
feedback from the students in online regarding the lecturer’s teaching. With this, the institutes
can access the feedback reports in a faster way and without any loss of data. As of now this
task was done manually with the use of papers and pens. This has many drawbacks and
evaluating this hand written forms is a difficult process. Student needs to logging into the
website of online feedback system and giving his/her feedback and can perform modifications
too. But the restriction here is once the student submits the report then he cannot modify it
later. With this the student can successfully submit feedback on lecturer’s teaching in a very
efficient manner without any loss of data. The administrator and the faculty members can
access these feedbacks from the students and take appropriate actions.

Table Of Content

List Of Figure

Figure 2.1 Framework...............................................................................................................12

Figure 3.0 Neural Network.......................................................................................................12
Figure 3.1 Common WorkNeural Network in Project..............................................................17
Figure 3.2 Neural Network/Admin...........................................................................................20
Figure 3.3 Neural Network /Student ........................................................................................21
Figure 3.4 Neural Network/Teacher.........................................................................................22
Figure 4.1 Login/Logout...........................................................................................................25
Figure 4.2 Add/Student ............................................................................................................26
Figure 4.3 Delete/Student.........................................................................................................27
Figure 4.4 Update/Teacher........................................................................................................28
Figure 4.5 See Result................................................................................................................29
Figure 4.6 Show/Avarage Feedback.........................................................................................30
Figure 4.7 Add/Teacher............................................................................................................31
Figure 4.8 Delete/Teacher.........................................................................................................32
Figure 4.9 Student/Login/Logout..............................................................................................33
Figure 4.10 Student/Feedback..................................................................................................34

List of Table
Table 2.1 Comparison...............................................................................................................15
Table 3.1 Time Table................................................................................................................19
Table 3.2 Project Staff..............................................................................................................19

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviations Definition

NN Neural Network
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
DB Database
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
IIS Internet Information Services
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
IDE Integrated development environment
OMG Object Management Group
ANN Artificial Neural Network
OFES Online Feedback System
SFS Student Feedback System
SQL Structured Query Language
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UI User Interface
C++ C Plus Plus (programming language)

Outline :
Chapter 1 :
- Introduction
- Overview
- Motivation
- Problem Statement
- Objective
- Scope Of The Feedback System
- Significant Of The Feedback System
- Organization
Chapter 2 :
- Literature Review
- Introduction
- Framework
- Comparison , Discussion
- Summery
Chapter 3:
- Introduction
- Project Plan
- Requirement
- Summery
Chapter 4:
- Practical Work
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Future Work

Chapter One

1.1 Overview

Student feedback System(SFS) for college students have been developed which aims to rate
and analyses the college faculty`s performance. This type of student feedback system reduces,
the strenuous work of physically examining the feedback pages of each and every student.
The system also reduces burden of efforts and burden of keeping and maintaining the records
on manual base, also the students feedbacks can be tempered for wrong reasons in case of
paper based feedbacks wherein the SFS will always ensure safety of feedbacks privacy.
Also further enhancement can be done and more features can be added for better retrieval of
the feedback details. A neural network is a type of machine learning which models itself after
the human brain. This creates an artificial neural network that via an algorithm allows the
computer to learn by incorporating new data.

While there are plenty of artificial intelligence algorithms these days, neural networks are able
to perform what has been termed deep learning. While the basic unit of the brain is the
neuron, the essential building block of an artificial neural network is a perceptron which
accomplishes simple signal processing, and these are then connected into a large mesh

The computer with the neural network is taught to do a task by having it analyze training
examples, which have been previously labeled in advance. A common example of a task for a
neural network using deep learning is an object recognition task, where the neural network is
presented with a large number of objects of a certain type, such as a cat, or a street sign, and
the computer, by analyzing the recurring patterns in the presented images, learns to categorize
new images.

1.2 Motivation

We were chosen this project to make easy work for students and reporting on the faculties,
and for make easy work for faculties to know the rate of student feedbacks. This project is for
know about the level of the teachers in the lectures.

1.3 Problem Statement

The problem is proposing a smart feedback system by using neural network
An artificial neural network (or ANN) is an algorithm used in artificial intelligence to
simulate human thinking. The network works similarly to the human brain: it is comprised of
neurons that communicate with each other and provide valuable outputs. Although just a
model -- and not even close to human thinking -- artificial neural networks have been used in
prediction, classification, and decision-support systems, as well as in optical character
recognition and many other applications.

1.4 Objective
 To Create Student feedback System
 Propose a New Algorithm by Using Neural Network
 Implement Neural Network in Student feedback System

1.5 Scope Of The Feedback System
1- In this project (SFS) we used neural network for intelligent System ,because This
creates an artificial neural network that via an algorithm allows the computer to
learn by incorporating new data.
2- Software Requirement We used (PHP) for written the code and design system ,
(MySQLl) use for database.
3- This project only crated for sulaimani polytechnic university at technical college of

1.6 Significant Of The Feedback System

Helpful for stay best teachers when success in the evaluation,
And can remove bad teachers .
This system can high level education and if teacher not good in any question contain of the
system so the teachers could be better at before.

1.7 Organization
 In chapter tow describe literature review :-
Literature Review This chapter defines the term quality assurance (QA) in the context
and discusses the connection between student feedback and QA. This part of the thesis
also clarifies the functions of student feedback System, explores the features of these
tools and captures the on-going debates about these issues (including response rate,
timing and publication of student feedback results). Finally, it identifies the emerging
issues from the review of literature.
 In chapter three describe research methodology :-
Research Methodology This chapter discusses and justifies the need for empirical
research, the research design (a case study) and data collection techniques (centred on
semi-structured interviews and documents review) adopted in the empirical collection
of data for this study. Details of sampling technique.
 And In chapter four describe Conclusion:-
Describe practical work and discussion ,conclusion and Future work in the Future.

Chapter Two
Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Literature review in order to guarantee the focus of the literature review regarding the
research objectives , availability of the research sources and time , some of the aspects of this
guideline well be omitted or adjusted and number of aspects well be added , the literature
review will first discuss the relationship between quality in higher education or quality
between systems. Chapter tow so important : in this chapter at length describe student
feedback system and what is feedback and who made at first time? Describe neural network
when using in this project . why using (PHP ,MYSQL(database)) in this project, what is
important system and describe comparison between projects(SFS) but using table in order to
easy for understand and then written summery for entire chapter tow.

2.2 Framework

Feed BackNetwork

Figure 1.1 Framework

2.2.1 Feedback System

Faculty feedback system this is generally used by four kinds of users student , faculty, head of
departments ,admin. The application should evaluate the answer given by the students based
on feedback (which will be given by a no. 1 - 5) and grade has to be generated to all the staff
member of a particular department .
“by using feedback system we make it better and quick way”.

2.2.2 Neural Network

Neural network in information technology (IT), is a system hardware or software patterned
after the operation of neurons in the human brain , neural network also called artificial neural
networks(ANNS) are variety of deep learning technology ,which also falls under the umbrella
of artificial intelligence or(AI).
And Neural network is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way
biological nervous system such as brain , process information.

Research Methodology:
A system development methodology refers to the formalized approach or series of steps that
is used to structure, plan and control the process of development an information system.

Neural Network :

Figure 3.0 Neural Network

Why Neural Networks?

According to Universal Approximate Theorem, Neural Networks can approximate as well as
learn and represent any function given a large enough layer and desired error margin. The
way neural network learns the true function is by building complex representations on top of
simple ones. On each hidden layer, the neural network learns new feature space by first
compute the affine (linear) transformations of the given inputs and then apply non-linear
function which in turn will be the input of the next layer. This process will continue until we
reach the output layer. Therefore, we can define neural network as information flows from
inputs through hidden layers towards the output. For a 3-layers neural network, the learned
function would be: f(x) = f_3(f_2(f_1(x))) where:

f_1(x): Function learned on first hidden layerf_2(x): Function learned on second hidden
layerf_3(x): Function learned on output layer

Therefore, on each layer we learn different representation that gets more complicated with
later hidden layers .Below is an example of a 3-layers neural network (we don’t count input
For example, computers can’t understand images directly and don’t know what to do with
pixels data. However, a neural network can build a simple representation of the image in the
early hidden layers that identifies edges. Given the first hidden layer output, it can learn
corners and contours. Given the second hidden layer, it can learn parts such as nose. Finally, it
can learn the object identity.
Since truth is never linear and representation is very critical to the performance of a machine
learning algorithm, neural network can help us build very complex models and leave it to the
algorithm to learn such representations without worrying about feature engineering that takes
practitioners very long time and effort to curate a good representation.

3.1.2 Some Advantage :

1. Adaptive learning: An ability to learn how to do tasks based on the data given for
training or initial experience.
2. Self-Organization: An ANN can create its own organization or representation of the
information it receives during learning time.
3. Real Time Operation: ANN computations may be carried out in parallel, and special
hardware devices are being designed and manufactured which take advantage of this
4. Fault Tolerance via Redundant Information Coding: Partial destruction of a network
leads to the corresponding degradation of performance. However, some network
capabilities may be retained even with major network damage.

2.2.3 Tools
Introduction to PHP:
The PHP programming language is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language. The
PHP language runs on the server-side. This means that the execution of the scripts are done on
the server where the web-site is hosted. HTML embedded means that you can use PHP
statements (read a piece of PHP code) from within an HTML code. PHP files are returned to
the browser as plain HTML.The last piece of the sentence – scripting language – is a little
harder to explain, but we will give it a go. A scripting language is a form of programming
language that is usually interpreted rather than compiled. In programming
language such as c/ c++ you compile the program into an executable file, before
you can execute the program. A program that is written in a scripting language, is interpreted
one command at a time by a command interpreter (Command interpreter is in most cases an
executable written in another language (for instance C/C++) than the scripting language.)
Some other examples of scripting languages are Perl, Python, Java and Ruby.

What is MySql ?

MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language for
adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It is most noted for its quick
processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use.

2.3 Comparison , Discussion

We describe only one feedback relation between system feedback for example feedback
system[1] made in 2007 by Kate Brooks & Kieran Kelly for student , the literature indicates
students often find feedback difficult to understand and therefore difficult to use ,it has been
suggested in the literature that this maybe result of academes using feedback to achieve
purposes associated with both formative summative assessment
This point generally describe this projects are created and what is comparison between them,
And what is use language and why this project not successful.

Comparison between projects
Technic platform &
Name project Language Database Algorithm software Result

Student PHP,HTML SQLite UML PHP success because

feedback ,CSS this project so
system[1] advance

Faculty HTML CSS MYSQL Sperial PHP Clear Result are

feedback BOOTSRAB model getting
system[2] JQUERY
Student Java SQLServer None Java Benefit for
feedback reduces cost of
system[3] faculty

Feedback HTML CSS MYSQL Neural PHP Smart(Neural

control JavaScript network network) system
systems[4] and easy
Table 2.1 /Comparison

2.4 Summery
Generally in this chapter deep learning about feedback system and neural network , know
quality feedback system at past and now.
If look the table so infer system feedback divers have alright from faculty and school .because
if have this system in the faculty teacher try in order to better than before.

Chapter Three
Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
Looking back on the research objectives of this thesis, it is worth noting that this study aims
to provide theoretical and empirical evidence of student feedback system in College. The
literature review evidently shows that there is a research gap regarding the practice of student
feedback mechanisms in developing countries. Additionally, previous studies hardly
attempted to critically examine the practice of all student feedback instruments inside a
university. Hence, there is a need to conduct the proposed empirical study in order to shed
some light on the aforementioned research gap. By comparing theory with practice, the
research will achieve a better insight into the actual execution of student feedback mechanism
in universities as well as providing implications for further improvement. Accordingly, this
chapter – Research Methodology – will present the details of the research design adopted to
the research issues mentioned above, together with the means of collecting data for analysis,
framework for data analysis as well as its limitations

3.2 Project plan

3.2.1 Title of project:

Online Feedback System.

3.2.2 Time Table:

Table 3.1 Time Table

Task Name Duration

Design 7 weeks
Test 1 week
Maintenance 3 weeks
Questionnaire 1 week

3.2.3 Project Staff:

Table 3.2 Project Staff

Series Staff
1 Halwest Ali
2 Rishwan Rostam

3.3 Requirements:
To run this project on various platforms we need some hardware and software to
Support this project.
3.3 .1 Hardware specification
Processor: Core i3
RAM: 2 Gb
Memory: 50 GB
3.3 .2 Software specification
Technologies: Html, Css, Bootstrap , JavaScript, JQuery.
Database: MySql
Language: PHP
IDE: Sublime text, wampserver 3.1.0 , ATOM 1.27.2

Common Work Neural Network In This Project

Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer

Clear Result

-Average of Result each Teacher

Students -If all Selected 0 or 5 Canceling
- Collected Number of Questions Level teacher
/Number Student
- Student cannot again feedback for same
teachers High Performance College
Teachers -Teachers only can monitoring and view
-Student just do the feedback
-Admin can do(Add, Remove,
Update,show feedback)

Figure 3.1 Common Work Neural Network

Neural Network For Admin:-

Figure 3.2 Neural Network/Admin

Neural Network For Student:-

Figure 3.3 Neural Network/Student

Neural Network For Teacher:-

Figure 3.4 Neural Network/Teacher

3.4 Summery

Generally in this chapter describe methodology and how we use methodology in the projects
And advantage , what is the methodology which our use ?and why .
We use Neural network for create diagram(Neural network) for admin and student and for
teacher to easy understand.
Writing Requirements when used to the project.

Chapter Four
Discussion and Future Work

4.1 Practical Work
In the beginning , How the project is used, then all other part of the project will be discussed
in details with how are used:
Admin :
1. Admin can Login/Logout.

Figure 4.1 Login/Logout

$que=mysqli_query($conn,"select user and pass from admin where user='$email' and
if($row){ $_SESSION['user']=$email;
$err="<font color='red'> ‫<!!! پاسۆرد یان ئیمەیڵەکەت هەڵەیە‬/font>";

2. Admin can add/Student

Figure 4.2 add/Student

$sql=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from user where email='$e'");
$err= "<font color='red'><h3 align='center'>‫<ئەو ناوە پێشتر داخڵکراوە‬/h3></font>";
$query="INSERT INTO `user` (`name`, `email`, `pass`, `programme`, `regid`) VALUES
('$n', '$e', '$pass', '$pro', now());";
$err="<font color='#8EB38A'><h3 align='center'>‫<!! زیادکرنەکەسەرکەوتوبوو‬h3></font>";


3. Admin can Delete/Student

<?php Figure 4.3 Delete/Student



mysqli_query($conn,"delete from user where id='$info'");

<script type="text/javascript">
function deletes(id)
a=confirm(' ‫)' ئایە تۆ دڵنیای لە سڕینەوەی ئەو مامۆستەایە‬

4. Update Teacher

Figure 4.4 Update/Teacher


mysqli_query($conn,"update faculty set Name='$n',designation

='$desg',semester='$sem', password='$pass' where id='".$_GET['id']."'");

$err="<font color='green'>‫<مامۆستاکە بە سەرکەوتوی ئەبدەیتکرا‬/font>";

$con=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from faculty where id='".$_GET['id']."'");



5. Admin can See Result

Figure 4.5 See Result

$q=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from feedback");
echo "<h3 style='color:Red'>‫<هیچ خوێندکارێک فیدباکێکی ئەنجام نەداوە‬/h3>";

6. Admin can Show/Average Feedback

Figure 4.6 Show/ Average Feedback

<select name="faculty" class="form-control">

$sql=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from faculty");
echo "<option value='".$r['email']."'>".$r['Name']."</option>";
<td><input name="sub" type="submit" value="‫ "سەیرکردنی ڕێژە‬class="btn btn-success"/></td>
<hr style="border:1px solid red"/>

//Count total Votes

$r=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from feedback where faculty_id='$faculty'");
echo "<h4>‫ هەوڵەکانی گشتی خوێندکار‬: ".$c."</h4>";

7. Admin can add/Teachers

Figure 4.7 add/Teachers

if(isset($save)){$q=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from faculty where
$r=mysqli_num_rows($q); if($r){$err="<font color='red'> ، ‫ئەو ئیمەیڵە‹ بەکارنایە‬
‫<چونکەپێشتر بەکارهاتوە‬/font>";}else{ mysqli_query($conn,"insert into faculty
$subject ="New User Account Creation";

$message ="User name: ".$user_name." Password ".$pass;
$headers = "From:".$from;
mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers);$err="<font color='green'> ‫زیادکردنی مامۆستاکە‬
?> else{ $msg = "Unable to add.";}

1. Delete Teacher

Figure 4.8 Delete/ Teacher



mysqli_query($conn,"delete from faculty where id='$info'");


Student can Login/Logout and feedback

Figure 4.9 Student/Login

if(isset($save)){if($e=="" || $p==""){
$err="<font color='red'>!!! ‫< تکایە ئەو بۆشاییە پڕبکەوە‬/font>"; }
$sql=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from user where email='$e' and pass='$pass'");



Student Can Feedback :-

Figure 4.10 Student/Feedback


$sql=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from feedback where student_id='$user' and

echo "<h2 style='color:red'>‫<ببورە ناتوانی چونکە پێشتر هەڵسەنگاندن بۆ ئەومامۆستایەکراوە‬/h2>";
}else{$query="insert into feedback
if(mysqli_query($conn,$query)) {
echo "<h2 style='color:green'>‫< سوپاس بۆ بەژداریکردنت لەم هەڵسەنگاندنە‬/h2>";}
else {echo "<h2 style='color:green'>‫<نایکات‬/h2>";}}}?>

4.2 Discussion
Formative feedback is instrumental in the learning experience of a student. It can be effective
in promoting learning if it is timely, personal, manageable, motivational, and in direct relation
with assessment criteria. Despite its importance, however, research suggests that students are
discouraged from engaging in the feedback process primarily for reasons that relate to lack of
motivation and difficulty in relating to and reflecting on the feedback comments. In this paper
we present Online Feedback System (OFES), an e-learning tool that effectively supports the
provision of formative feedback. Our aims are to enhance feedback reception and to
strengthen the quality of feedback through the way feedback is communicated to the students.
We propose that an effective feedback communication mechanism should be integrated into a
student's online learning space and it is anticipated that this provision will motivate students
to engage with feedback. Empirical evidence suggests that the developed system successfully
addressed the issues of student engagement and motivation and achieved its objectives. The
results of using the system for two years indicate a positive perception of the students which,
in turn, encourage us to further explore its effectiveness by extending its functionality and
integrating it into a an open source learning management system.

4.3 Conclusion:
The Project “Online Feedback system” is designed in order reduce the burden of
maintaining bulk of records of all the students feedback details of who study in an
Educational Institution. Inserting, retrieving and updating the feedback details of a student are
easy when it is compared to the manual feedback and storing.

4.4 Future Work:
This is not the overall description about the feedback system. Some more forms can
also be added so as to better retrieve the feedback details. We implemented the system as per
the college level as well as we will implement it in hotels, universities, private institutions,
management offices etc. Further enhancements can be made in designing the screens. Some
more forms can also be added so as to better retrieve the feedback details. Some more design
can also be added in the particular system. Due to the lack of time, the design part is not done
so attractive. Further enhancements can be made in designing the screens. Some more forms
can also be added so as to better retrieve the feedback details. Various other options can also
be added for the better usability of project.

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