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College of Agriculture Amp Related Sciences Bachelor of Science in Agricultura PR

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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines

Apokon, Tagum City
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Midterm Examination ABM 221: Farm Power and Energy Resources

Part. Choose the correct answer of the statement below.

1. The bore is 20 cm and the stroke is 18 cm. What is the piston displacement?
a. 8,386 cc b. 22,619 cc c. 5,655 cc d. 15,497 cc e. NOTA
2. The primary function of this part of an internal combustion engine is to maintain a uniform engine
speed by carrying the crankshaft through those intervals when it is not receiving energy from a
a. connecting rod b. governor c. flywheel d. accelerator e. NOTA
3. In a spark ignition system, it protects the breaker point by preventing arcing. It also helps intensify
the spark in the spark plug gap.
a. distributor b. ignition coil c. secondary winding d. cam e. nota
4. If a carabao pulls an implement with a draft of 200 lb at a speed of 2.5 mph, what is the approximate
power generated?
a. 0.994 Kw b. 1.333 kW c. 1.50 hp d. 1.50 kW e. NOTA
5. The ideal air-fuel ratio in terms of weight for cetane (C16H34) is:
a. 18:1 b. 16:1 c. 14:1 d. 15:1 e. NOTA
6. Fresh supply of fuel mixture enters the cylinder as the piston moves downward and the intake valve
opens. This engine is a:
a. 2-stroke cycle diesel engine b. 4-stroke cycle compression ignition engine c. 2-stroke cycle
spark ignition engine d. 4-stroke cycle diesel engine e. NOTA
7. An engine rotates at 2000 rpm and the tractor travels at 15 mph. What is the speed of rotation of the
rear axle if the rear wheels are 46 in. in diameter?
a. 56 rpm b. 125 rpm c. 303 rpm d. 421 rpm e. NOTA
8. A 4-cylinder 4-stroke cycle engine with 2.5” × 4” cylinder develops 12 hp (ihp) at 1850 rpm. What is
the imep?
a. 65.41 psi b. 88.43 psi c. 103.44 psi d. 32.56 psi e. NOTA
9. A gasoline engine has a thermal efficiency of 25%. Tests show it uses 1 liter of premium gasoline fuel
per hour. What is the approximate power it generates?
a. 10 kW b. 44 hp c. 25 kW d. 2.38 kW e. NOTA
10. The crankshaft speed of an engine is 1000 rpm. If the bore is 10 cm and the stroke is 10 cm, what is
the average piston speed?
a. 200 m/s b. 150 km/min c. 3.33 m/s d. 1.4 km/min e. NOTA
11. The crankshaft speed of an engine is 1000 rpm. If the bore is 10 cm and the stroke is 10 cm, what is
the maximum piston speed?
a. 3.14 m/s b. 1.50 km/min c. 7.85 m/s d. 1.40 km/min e. NOTA
12. Determine the average output at the crankshaft of an engine at 3600 rpm if the torque exerted is
200 ft-lb.
a. 68.54 kW b. 51.10 kW c. 63.76 kW d. 76.54 hp e. NOTA
13. A 4-stroke cycle engine is running at 3,000 rpm. If the camshaft actuates the intake valve to open
during 1/3 of the total camshaft rotation, for how long is the intake valve open?
a. 1.11 × 10-2 s b. 7.84 × 10-3 s c. 5.84 × 10-2 s d. 1.33 × 10-2 s e. NOTA
14. Japanese engines are usually rated in terms of
a. Horsepower b. Pferde starke(ps) c. Watts d. kJ/s e. NOTA
15. Two engines are rated 1 hp and the other is 1 ps. Which of the following statement is true.
a. 1 hp engine is stronger than 1 ps engine b. Two engines are the same in strength c. 1 ps
engine is stronger than 1 hp engine d. NOTA
16. An engine running without load is in.
a. Optimum running condition b. Low running condition c. Idle condition
17. The act of analyzing, testing, and measuring the engine to remedy the cause and trouble.
a. Servicing b. Tune-up c. Trouble shooting d. AOTA
18. A four-stroke-cycle engine is advantageous to use than two-stroke-cycle engine for the reason that
a. It is easier to start the engine b. Has regular intake and exhaust valves c. Easy
to lubricate d. AOTA
19. When operating light equipment, it is recommended to use.
a. Four stroke gasoline engine b. Two stroke gasoline engine c. Four stroke diesel
engine d. AOTA
20. When an engine is diesel operated,
a. The moisture of air and fuel is taken in the cylinder b. The fuel is compressed into
the combustion engine c. Air fuel ratio is not constant as the quantity of air drawn into the
cylinder is not always the same d. AOTA
21. An engine that burns fuel inside the cylinder.
a. External combustion engine b. Internal combustion engine c. Sterling engine d. NOTA
22. Part of engine that which slides up and down the cylinder and transmits power to the crankshaft.
a. Connecting rod b. Cylinder block c. Piston d. Spark plug e. camshaft
23. Amount of power that the manufacturer specified for an engine.
a. Indicated horsepower b. Brake horsepower c. Rated horsepower d. Belt horsepower
24. Distance of movement piston from the top dead to the bottom dead center.
a. Stroke b. Bore c. Valve clearance d. Swept volume e. NOTA
25. Reduction of engine speed or flow of fuel.
a. Throttling b. Clutching c. Atomization d. Speeding e. NOTA
26. A mechanical breaking up of fuel into spray droplets by high velocity of air passing through a jet.
a. Atomization b. Carburetion c. Turbo charging d. supercharging e. NOTA
27. A device that is used to actuate the throttle of an engine to increase its speed.
a. Governor b. Accelerator c. Actuator d. flywheel e. NOTA
28. Usable power delivered by the engine
a. Indicated horsepower b. Brake horsepower c. Rated horsepower d. Belt horsepower
29. A device that meter the fuel air and mixes them into harmonious mixture before the mixture enters
the combustion chamber of an engine.
a. Governor b. Air injector c. Carburetor d. Fuel injector e. NOTA
30. A device that permits the flow of fuel and of burned gases in one direction only.
a. Check valve b. Relief valve c. Spark plug d. governor e. NOTA
31. An internal combustion engine that produces power in one revolution of the crankshaft.
a. Four stroke cycle engine b. Two stroke cycle engine c. Rotary engine d.
sterling engine e. NOTA
32. A device that provides ignition to a gasoline engine.
a. Flywheel b. Fuel injector c. Carburetor d. Spark plug e. NOTA
33. During the power stroke, which of the following valve is open?
a. Intake b. Exhaust c. Intake and exhaust d. NOTA
34. Number of spark plugs for 6 cylinder diesel engine
a. 6 b. 12 c. 4 d. 1 e. NOTA
35. The volume displaced by a piston in making upward and downward stroke.
a. Piston displacement volume b. Clearance volume c. Total volume d. swept volume
e. both a and d
36. At the downward stroke of two-stroke cycle, which of the events are taking place.
a. Power & intake b. Compression & exhaust c. Power and exhaust d. NOTA
37. The ratio of the clearance volume from the total volume.
a. Compression ratio b. Air fuel ratio c. Bore stroke ratio d. Air -fuel ratio e. NOTA
38. Power transmitted to the pistons by the gas in the cylinder
a. Brake horsepower b. Indicated horsepower c. Drawbar horsepower d.
Flywheel horsepower e. Rated horsepower
39. Suppose a 4-cylinder engine has a bore of 3.5 in. and a stroke of 4.0 in., what is the engine
a.154 in3 b. 175 in3 c. 225 in3 d. 250in3 e. NOTA
40. An engine has piston displacement of 38.4 in . If the clearance volume of the cylinder is 2.5 in 3,

what is the compression ratio?

a. 1:12 b. 1:16 c. 1:8 d. 1:20 e. NOTA
41. Number of explosion of piston on a single cylinder, four stroke cycle engine in 100 revolution of the
a. 100 b. 50 c. 25 d. 75 e. NOTA
42. A device that connects and disconnects power input to the power output.
a. Clutch b. Gear c. Pulley d. belt e. NOTA
43. The space when the piston is at the top dead center
a. Piston displacement volume b. Clearance volume c. Total volume d. swept volume
44. How many piston strokes are there in one revolution of a crankshaft.
a. One b. Two c. Four d. NOTA
45. Engine having fuel injected into the combustion chamber near the end of the combustion stroke and
is ignited by heat of compression only.
a. Gasoline engineb. Diesel engine c. Steam engine d. heat engine e. NOTA
46. Number of times the exhaust valve opens in 2-stroke cycle engine running at 2000 rpm.
a. 1000 b. 2000 c. 1500 d. 1250 e. NOTA
47. What is the indicated horsepower, of a four-stroke, six-cylinder engine having a 4” bore and 4”
stroke. The engine speed is 1500 rpm and the mean effective pressure is 80 psi.
a. 35 hp b. 45 hp c. 52 hp d. 75hp e. NOTA
48. The sequence by which the cylinder delivers the power stroke.
a. Ignition b. Firing order c. Flash point d. combustion e. NOTA
49. Engine that burns fuel outside the cylinder.
a. Spark ignition engine b. External combustion engine c. Compression ignition engine
d. ICE e. NOTA
50. At the intake stroke of a diesel engine, what come in?
a. Fuel and air b. Fuel c. Air d. carbon dioxide e. NOTA
51. A device that creates ignition of fuel in a diesel engine.
a. Spark plug b. Piston c. carburetor d. cylinder e. NOTA
52. Two pistons running at the same time in the same direction but performing different strokes.
a. Running mate b. Firing order c. Valve timing d. batch piston e. NOTA
53. How many times the intake valve opens in 4 stroke-cycle engine running at 2000 rpm.
a. 1000 b. 2000 c. 500 d. 200 e. NOTA
54. Two-stroke six-cylinder-internal-combustion engine has a cylinder bore of 4 inches and a stroke of 4
inches. If the engine is running at a speed of 1500 rpm, what is the indicated horsepower of the
engine? The mean effective stroke is 80 psi.
a. 85hp b. 92hp c. 75hp d. 100hp e. NOTA
55. Firing order of 4-cylinder engine
a. 1-2-3-4 b. 1-3-4-2 c. 1-2-4-3 d. 1-4-3-2 e. NOTA
56. A device which connects or disconnects engine crankshaft to the transmission box or driven
a. Differential gear b. Clutch c. Actuator d. Flywheel e. NOTA
57. Firing order for 8-cylinder V piston
a. 1-6-8-4-3-2-7-5 b. 1-8-7-3-6-5-4-2 c. AOTAd. NOTA
58. Engine mechanical efficiency.
a. Brake hp over indicated hp b. Rated hp over indicated hp c. Friction hp over flywheel hp
59. Number of times the intake valve opens in a single-cylinder four-stroke cycle after completing 200
a. 200 b. 100 c. 50 d. 25 e. NOTA
60. Part of an engine that converts reciprocating motion into rotary motion.
a. Crankshaft b. Piston c. Camshaft d. NOTA
61. System of number indicating the ignition quality of diesel fuel.
a. Octane rating b. Cetane ratingc. Fuel index d. S.F.C e. NOTA
62. Mean effective pressure for turbo-charge engine.
a. 300 psi b. 200 psi c. 400 psi d. 500psi e. NOTA
63. If the compression ratio is 1:17, the piston displacement volume for 10 cm 3 piston clearance volume
a. 160 cc b. 170 cc c. 200 cc d. 150cc e. nota
64. Standard throttling adjustment of an engine.
a. 1/3 b. ½ c. ¾ d. nota
65. Mean effective pressure of an engine.
a. 120 psi b. 200 psi c. 50 psi d. nota
66. Number of pistons for 6 cylinder four stroke gasoline engine.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 6 d. 9 e. nota
67. Fuel for compression ignition engine.
a. Gasoline b. Kerosene c. LPG d. nota
68. The speed of the engine is automatically regulated by
a. Hand lever b. Governor c. Flywheel d. clutch e. nota
69. Ignition timing for gasoline engine.
a. 1-5 deg b. 5-10 deg c. 10-15 deg d. 20deg e. nota
70. Ignition timing for diesel engine.
a. 5-12 deg b. 17-19 deg c. 20-26 deg d. 30deg e. nota
71. An engine that produce more power per unit weight.
a. Four-stroke cycle b. Two-stroke cycle c. All of the above d. nota
72. An engine which uses oil entirely as lubricant.
a. Four-stroke cycle b. Two-stroke cycle c. All of the above d.nota
73. A part of an engine which reduces vibration and stores energy.
a. Spark plug b. Flywheel c. Piston d. nota
74. If a 4-cylinder, 2-stroke-cycle internal-combustion engine has 600 explosion per minute, what is the
engine rpm.
a. 125 rpm b. 150 rpm c. 200 rpm d. 300rpm e. nota
75. Considering that the engine in item above has a piston diameter of 4” and piston stroke of 5”, what
is the indicated horsepower of the engine assuming a mean effective pressure of 102 psi.
a. 9.7 hp b. 53.3 hp c. 28.5 hp d. 20hp e. nota
76. What is the brake horsepower of the engine in item above if the mechanical efficiency is 80 percent
a. 8hp b. 12hp c. 15hp d. 20hp e. nota
77. The indicated power of an engine is 69 horsepower. The brake horsepower is 54. What is the
mechanical of engine efficiency?
a. 78% b. 65% c. 85% d. 90% e. nota
78. What is the thermal efficiency of an engine which uses 0.6-lb of fuel per horsepower-hr. The fuel
contain 20,000 BTU/lb.
a. 21.2 % b. 34.5 % c. 46.8 % d. 50% e. nota
79. The brake constant is
a. 2 π R/c b. 2 π RN c. 2 π RFn/c d. nota
80. What is the brake constant value of dynamometer whose length of arm is equal to 1m?
a. 0.082 sec/kg b. 0.82 sec/kg c. 2.8 sec/kg d. 28sec/kg e. nota
81. A diesel engine four-stroke cycle with three cylinder has a cylinder bore of 89 mm and a stroke of
130 mm. The compression ratio is 16:1 and running at a speed of 2000 rpm. What is the piston
displacement of the engine per cylinder?
a. 809 cc b. 1320 cc c. 650 cc d. 750cc e. nota
82. What is the total power stroke per minute of the piston in item above?
a. 2000 b. 3000 c. 500 d. 1000 e. nota
83. In item above, what is the total displacement volume of the engine per min?
a. 9708 l/min b. 8534 l/min c. 9578 l/min d. 9000l/min e. nota
84. In item above, what is the piston speed of the engine?
a. 520 m/min b. 660 m/min c. 743 m/min d. 600m/min e. nota
85. In item above, what is the stroke-to-bore ratio of the engine?
a. 1.00 b. 1.32 c. 1.46 d. 1.66 e. nota
86. A four-cylinder gasoline engine has a cylinder diameter of 20 cm and a stroke of 40 cm. The
cylinders run at a speed of 150 rpm. The engine is a four-stroke cycle with a mean effective pressure
of 8 kg/cm2. What is the area of the piston?
a. 314 cm2b. 284 cm2 c. 167 cm2 d. 210cm2 e. nota
87. What is the length of stroke of the engine piston in meter in item above?
a. 0.40 b. 0.20 c. 0.8 d. 0.6 e. nota
88. What is the power stroke of the engine per cylinder in item above?
a. 50 power stroke per min-cylinder b. 75 power stroke per min-cylinder c. 100 power
stroke per min-cylinder d. nota
89. What is the total power stroke of the engine in item above?
a. 150 b. 300 c. 75 d. 200 e. nota
90. What is the indicated horsepower of the engine?
a. 46 hp b. 66 hp c. 56 hp d. 76hp e. nota
91. If the engine mechanical efficiency, in item above, is 80 %, what is the brake horsepower of the
a. 53 hp b. 35 hp c. 65 hp d. 45hp e. nota
92. What is the stroke-to-bore ratio of the engine in item above?
a. 2.0 b. 1.6 c. 2.4 d. 3 e. nota
93. If a two-stroke 4-cylinder engine is running at 2000 rpm, the power stroke per minute of the engine
a. 4000 b. 8000 c. 2000 d. 3000 e. nota
Prepared by: Ronie Lusares

# of copy: 44

Approved by: Roger Montepio – Dean CARS

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