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DRV Sinumerik Simodrive Catalog Nc60

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© Siemens AG 2009

Catalog NC 60 • 2009

& simodrive
Automation Systems
for Machine Tools
© Siemens AG 2009

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© Siemens AG 2009

SINUMERIK & Introduction

Automation Systems Overview of Export information
functions CNC controls
for Machine Tools Positioning modules
Catalog NC 60 · 2009
Operator Operator panels
components Handheld units
Machine control panels
Keyboards, Storage devices
Catalog NC 60 · 2006 Housing systems

The products in this catalog

are also included in the HMI software Operator control and programming
Open Architecture
electronic catalog CA 01
Motion Control Information System
Contact your local Siemens Tools
representative for further SINUMERIK Solution Partners
Basic SINUMERIK 802S/802C
© Siemens AG 2009 components SINUMERIK 810D/840D
FM 353/FM 354/FM 357-2

Synchronous 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/1FN3/
motors 1FW6/1FE1/2SP1
Geared motors 1FK7-DYA

Asynchronous 1PH7/1PH4/1PM4/1PM6/1PH2
motors Gearboxes
The products and
systems described in
this catalog are distri- Measuring Incremental encoders
buted under application Absolute encoders
of a certified quality and
environmental SIMODRIVE
management system
in accordance with
(Certified Registration Converter SIMODRIVE 611
No. 001258 QM) and
DIN EN ISO 14001
(Certified Registration 9
No. 001258 UM).
The certificates are
recognized by all
IQNet countries. Connection Power cables
system Signal cables
MPI bus cables
Length codes

Services Mechatronics Support

Virtual Production
Repair service contract

Appendix Approvals
© Siemens AG 2009

0/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Answers for Industry.

Siemens Industry answers the challenges in the manufacturing

and the process industry as well as in the building automation

business. Our drive and automation solutions based on

Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) and Totally Integrated Power (TIP)

are employed in all kinds of industry. In the manufacturing and the

process industry. In industrial as well as in functional buildings.

Siemens offers automation, drive, and The high quality of our products Check out the opportunities our
low-voltage switching technology as well sets industry-wide benchmarks. automation and drive solutions provide.
as industrial software from standard High environmental aims are part of And discover how you can sustainably
products up to entire industry solutions. our eco-management, and we implement enhance your competitive edge with us.
The industry software enables our industry these aims consistently. Right from
customers to optimize the entire value product design, possible effects on
chain – from product design and develop- the environment are examined. Hence
ment through manufacture and sales up many of our products and systems are
to after-sales service. Our electrical and RoHS compliant (Restriction of Hazardous
mechanical components offer integrated Substances). As a matter of course, our
technologies for the entire drive train – production sites are certified according
from couplings to gear units, from motors to DIN EN ISO 14001, but to us,
to control and drive solutions for all environmental protection also means
engineering industries. Our technology most efficient utilization of valuable
platform TIP offers robust solutions for resources. The best example are our
power distribution. energy-efficient drives with energy savings
up to 60 %.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 0/3

© Siemens AG 2009

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning


Management Level MES – Manufacturing Execution Systems


Operations Level SIMATIC PCS 7

Process Control (DCS)

Industrial Ethernet
Industrial Software for
• Design and Engineering • Maintenance
• Installation and Commissioning • Modernization
• Operation and Upgrade
Control Level
Computer Numeric Control Motion Control System

Field Level
Process Instrumentation SIMATIC Sensors

Totally HART
Integrated IO-Link

Setting standards in
productivity and competitiveness.
Totally Integrated Automation.

Thanks to Totally Integrated Automation, Siemens is the only provider of

an integrated basis for implementation of customized automation solutions –

in all industries from inbound to outbound.

0/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009


SCADA System

SIMATIC NET SIMATIC Controllers SIMATIC HMI Safety Integrated

Industrial Modular/Embedded/ Human Machine Interface
Communication PC-based
SIRIUS Industrial Controls
SENTRON Switching
Motor Management

Industrial Ethernet
SIMATIC Distributed I/O AS-Interface


KNX/EIB GAMMA instabus

TIA is characterized by its unique The unique continuity is already

continuity. a defined characteristic at the
development stage of our products
It provides maximum transparency at and systems.
all levels with reduced interfacing
requirements – covering the field level, The result: maximum interoperability –
production control level, up to the covering the controller, HMI, drives, up to
corporate management level. With TIA the process control system. This reduces the
you also profit throughout the complete life complexity of the automation solution in
cycle of your plant – starting with the initial your plant. You will experience this, for
planning steps through operation up to example, in the engineering phase of the
modernization, where we offer a high automation solution in the form of reduced
measure of investment security resulting time requirements and cost, or during
from continuity in the further development operation using the continuous diagnostics
of our products and from reducing the facilities of Totally Integrated Automation
number of interfaces to a minimum. for increasing the availability of your plant.

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© Siemens AG 2009



0/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009


1/2 Tool making and mold making


1/3 Shopfloor manufacturing

ShopMill and ShopTurn

1/4 Solutions for Powertrain


1/6 Virtual prototyping

1/7 ePS Network Services

1/8 Motion Control Information

System MCIS

1/9 NCSD configurator


1/10 The total system

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

1 Introduction
Tool making and mold making SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE
How to get things in shape The complete range for all requirements
Only those who know what is required in practice can develop 7 SINUMERIK 840D powerline
custom-made products and systems to meet a wide variety of 7 SIMODRIVE converter system
requirements. Siemens is able to offer innovative and industry-
specific control solutions for all types of tool making and mold 7 Synchronous/asynchronous motors
making applications under the slogan "Productivity in Motion". The modern control concept has a consistent, modular design
Speed, precision and perfect surface quality without the need and allows users to rapidly and efficiently select their controls for
for time-consuming remachining are the main aims in tool various customer requirements and technologies.
making and mold making.
The compact modular SIMODRIVE 611 drive system with digital
High-speed cutting (HSC) is a particularly powerful technology coupling provides a high power density with minimum installa-
to solve challenging and complex production tasks. tion space requirements.
Siemens automation technology has defined an entirely new The modular system permits the combination of regulated feed
vision for CNC technology. The control provides all the prerequi- drives and main spindle drives to create a drive group.
sites for the highly-productive tool and mold making industry.
These include: 1FN linear motors that perfectly interact with SINUMERIK 840D
powerline and SIMODRIVE 611 enable the axis speed and
7 High-speed machining with Look ahead
acceleration of machine tools to be taken to new heights.
7 Following-error-free traversing with feedforward control
7 Acceleration with jerk limitation
7 NURBS interpolation
7 State-of-the-art 5-axis functions proven in practice
7 Active vibration damping
7 Compensation of mechanical errors
7 CAD/CAM integration
7 Integration of internal measuring systems
7 Extensive safety routines
7 Optimum overall solution with SIMODRIVE 611 converter
Fit for all sectors thanks to SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE
7 Automotive industry
7 Die manufacture
7 Aviation and space travel
7 Consumer goods industry
7 Power engineering
In addition to these, Siemens Motion Control systems are also
proving their excellence in other key sectors, such as mechani-
cal engineering, electrical engineering, process engineering,
medical engineering, and materials handling.

SINUMERIK 810D powerline with SIMODRIVE 611 digital SINUMERIK 840D powerline with SIMODRIVE 611 digital

1/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Introduction 1
Shopfloor manufacturing
Powerful software for milling and turning
ShopMill – ShopTurn –
Powerful software on a strong platform. Practical software on the latest SINUMERIK platform.

ShopMill is the shopfloor- and production-oriented user and ShopTurn is the patent remedy for increased productivity on your
programming interface for milling and drilling. shopfloor. Lay the foundations for your success on this shop-
floor- and production-oriented operator software for turning and
Three different program variants are available: milling.
7 CAD/CAM system G code programs
ShopTurn combines a user-friendly introduction to CNC techno-
7 G code programs created directly on the machine and logy with full CNC availability.
7 ShopMill machining step programming
Easy-to-follow programming sequences in practical dialog
Machining step and G code programs are suitable for 2D to 2½D format – without DIN. The entire knowledge base of our skilled
machining; for 3D machining, use CAD/CAM system G code workers has gone into ShopTurn. This means that it can be used
programs. by anyone – without a great deal of programming overhead and
without detailed knowledge of CNC.
All programming functions feature graphics-based support, and
motion commands are entered in plain text. Step-by-step pro-
gramming of your workpiece couldn’t be easier and you can
check your entries simultaneously on the screen.

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© Siemens AG 2009

1 Introduction
Solutions for Powertrain TRANSLINE
System solution for high volume production
The system solution offers Standardized software structures and communication via
7 An integrated control concept for: PROFIBUS DP and Industrial Ethernet.
• Transfer lines All PLCs can be programmed using graphical programming
• Flexible production lines methods such as S7-Graph. This permits uniform PLC and CNC
• Assembly lines diagnostics at main operator panels and unit operator panels.
• Rotary transfer machines
• CNC machines For operators and machine manufacturers, we offer a trans-
• PLC-controlled machines parent graphical user interface on our Solutions for Powertrain
• Handling systems TRANSLINE HMI operator panels.
7 Distributed, digital control and drive concept The stations communicate via PROFIBUS DP.
7 Optimized integration of hardware and software Connections to control systems are made using Industrial Ether-
7 Standardized software structures and communication net interfaces. Interfacing to the management level is ensured
7 Selected components from the SIMATIC, SINUMERIK, and
when using this industrial standard.
SIMODRIVE system families The Motion Control Information System MCIS function blocks
As the market leader in control technology for Powertrain solu- and the ePS Network Services can be used within the scope of
tions, we have already been able to underline our system com- this concept without any problems.
petence for automation solutions in numerous projects. Our Benefits
customers include all the leading automobile manufacturers 7 Standardized protocol
7 Start-up, diagnostics, data backup
Our worldwide service, sound advice, excellent training, and the
7 Direct coupling of
fact that you are always dealing with an experienced, reliable
partner, are further good reasons for contacting us. • SINUMERIK and SIMATIC S7
• ET 200 distributed I/O
Distributed, digital control and drive concept. • AS-Interface components
Solutions for Powertrain TRANSLINE support distributed Selected components from the SIMATIC, SINUMERIK, and
configurations on a digital basis. SIMODRIVE system families.
Distributed configurations mean, in particular, lower costs To keep spare parts inventories as small as possible and there-
thanks to standardization, fast commissioning, and service- fore to minimize the costs for maintaining a stock of spare parts
friendly and maintenance-friendly machines. for the machine user, selected components from the SIMATIC,
SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVE system families are used.
Optimized integration of hardware and software.
This means that you can achieve an optimal automation solution
for all control tasks. From the the simple PLC unit to the inte-
grated high-speed machining module.
The uniform design of SINUMERIK and SIMATIC S7-300 makes
it easy to expand the system on the modular principle.

1/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Introduction 1
Solutions for Powertrain TRANSLINE
System solution for high volume production
Standardized control units significantly reduce the Economical production thanks to higher availability.
processing time.
If you are a machine operator, a distributed configuration will
With Solutions for Powertrain TRANSLINE, you can configure an allow you to significantly increase the availability and produc-
automation solution that matches your task precisely. tivity of your production lines and therefore to improve their
For machine manufacturers, the benefits are:
7 Lower configuring costs and shorter project engineering times This is achieved by:
7 The option of prefabrication 7 Fast localization of sources of error, since all components are
designed according to a uniform standard
7 Considerably lower cabling outlay and therefore enhanced
reliability of wiring and operational reliability 7 Service-friendliness and maintenance-friendliness through
simple, recurring programs
7 Shorter start-up times thanks to advanced commissioning and
commissioning of smaller units in parallel for greater transpar- 7 Shorter start-up and acceptance times thanks to modular
ency. software
7 Shorter machine training times
7 Reduced, cost-cutting stocking of spare parts
The time taken to complete a project is considerably reduced.




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Siemens NC 60 · 2009 1/5

© Siemens AG 2009

1 Introduction
Virtual prototyping
Bundled expertise –- the
the faster
faster and
and more
more efficient
efficient route
to to perfect
perfect machines
machines and optimized
and optimized work-
Mechatronics Support Virtual Production

7 Improving the productivity and accuracy of existing produc-

tion machines
7 Virtual analysis of new ideas and feasibility studies for new
machine concepts
7 Virtual optimization of machine concepts 7 Simulate processing procedures without interrupting active
7 Identify and exploit hidden potential in respect of productivity
Machine Simulator
7 Shorter development and processing times – faster time to
7 Increased development security
7 Creative concepts
7 Only one virtual prototype instead of numerous actual
7 Improved quality – increased productivity

7 Run in a machine without actually building it

7 Test the interaction of CNC and PLC programs

1/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Introduction 1
ePS Network Services
Innovation potential for servicing
and maintenance
The objective of ePS Network Services is to increase the produc- The trend analysis evaluates the test results throughout the life
tivity and availability of machines and to optimize global service cycle of a machine.
and maintenance processes.
This ongoing evaluation means that maintenance measures
The services operate on an Internet-based platform. They can be scheduled on a predictive and selective basis and that
support company-wide service and support processes. inspection and maintenance procedures can be optimized. On
the basis of process or utilization, the maintenance department
To minimize the occurrence of faults, ePS Network Services can determine which spare parts will be needed when and
provide maintenance departments and machine manufacturers where on site.
with services that enable the status of machines and individual
components to be evaluated cyclically. Parts subject to wear, Benefits
such as bearings and guides, are of particular relevance. 7 Reduced maintenance costs
Unscheduled downtimes can be significantly reduced. Test pro- 7 Increased system availability
cedures based on standards, such as circularity and synchroni- 7 Increased productivity
zation tests, can be used in this context.
7 Reduction of life cycle costs






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© Siemens AG 2009

1 Introduction
Motion Control Information System MCIS
The key to increased productivity
The Motion Control Information System MCIS provides a com- With the Motion Control Information System MCIS you’ll increase
prehensive range of powerful software modules for production the productivity and reliability of your machine tools by means of
machines. These programs optimize the integration of your the perfect integration of the machines into the process chain.
machines into your EDP environment.
For your production, this means:
They also support a wide range of diverse functional areas: 7 Smooth coordination of planning, disposal and execution
7 Production data management MDA/PMT/PDA 7 Shorter setup times and enhanced efficiency
7 CNC program management DNC 7 Reduced machine downtimes
7 Tool management TDI 7 Simplified fault analyses
7 Maintenance management TPM
7 Data backup and archiving ADDM
7 Service management RCS
7 Computer link RPC

RCS Viewer

&1& +RVW ADDM Server

ADDM Client 3*3&

RCS Viewer



RCS Host TPM IFC .. .

TDI Overview/Planning/ MDA Machine

TDI Toolhandling/... DNC IFC Serial DNC Machine1)
ADDM Agent TDI Machine


1/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Introduction 1
Intelligent selection aid for configuring
The CNC, operator components, HMI software, SIMATIC S7-300
I/Os, converter system, motors and measuring system are all
selected in the same manner.
Motors can be selected using the order number or by means of
a motor wizard based on speed, torque or output. The matching
power section and appropriate cables are automatically assigned
to the motor. The cable lengths can then be specified application-
specifically. Creation of special motors is supported. Linear
motors can be connected in parallel to improve output perfor-
The NCSD configurator provides up-to-date information,
for example, about:
7 Design of the SINUMERIK components
7 Design of the interconnected SIMODRIVE system
7 Motor data and options for motor core types
7 DC link power and capacitance
7 Assessment factors (electronic points and activation points)
Customized systems can be assembled easily and quickly star- 7 Power loss calculation for control cabinet components
ting from the selection of the CNC control through to assigning
operator components right up to configuring the drives. Software update service, repair service contract, documentation
and maintenance contracts for individual components are also
Benefits implemented in the NCSD configurator.
7 Simple tree structure and clear navigation
You can obtain the NCSD configurator:
7 Variable module selection and sequence
7 Together with the interactive CA 01 catalog or
7 Configuration of sub-components and complete systems
7 Always up-to-date on the Internet at:
7 Order optimization thanks to automatic recalculation when the
configuration is modified
7 Constant testing of all selected components for consistency
and reliability of interaction
7 Generated parts lists can be loaded into the interactive CA 01
7 Parts list is completed by freely entering order numbers
7 10 languages: Chinese simplified, Czech, English, French,
German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Swedish

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© Siemens AG 2009

1 Introduction
The total system
two powerful partners
Our SINUMERIK controls and the SIMODRIVE converter system

are state-of-the-art-systems capable of fulfilling all your needs Asynchronous motors
totally and enabling you to manufacture your products more
flexibly and more cost-effectively. 7 1PH7 motors
7 1PH4 motors
7 1PM4/1PM6 motors
Overview of functions
7 1PH2 built-in motors
7 Gearboxes

7 SINUMERIK 810D powerline
7 SINUMERIK 840D powerline

7 Positioning modules Measuring systems
7 Built-in optoelectronic
Operator components for CNC controls rotary encoders
• Incremental encoders
7 Operator panels
• Absolute encoders
7 Handheld units
7 Machine control panels

3 9
7 Keyboards SIMODRIVE 611 converter system
7 Storage devices 7 Line interfaces
7 Housing systems 7 Infeed modules
7 Line filters
7 Drive modules
HMI software for CNC controls
7 Supplementary system components
7 Operator control and programming
7 Open Architecture

4 10
7 Motion Control Information System Connection system
7 Tools
7 SINUMERIK Solution Partners 7 Power cables
7 Signal cables
7 MPI bus cables
Basic components

7 SINUMERIK 810D powerline
7 SINUMERIK 840D powerline 7 Mechatronics Support

7 SINUMERIK I/O modules Virtual Production
7 FM 353/FM 354/FM 357-2 7 Machine Simulator
7 Supplementary components 7 Service & Support
7 Retrofit
7 Fire extinguishing system for
Synchronous motors machine tools
7 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7 motors 7 Control cabinets
7 Gearboxes 7 Logistics services for our customers
7 1FK7-DYA geared motors 7 Components for CNC basic and
further training
7 1FN3 linear motors
7 Training/Training equipment

7 1FW6 torque motors
7 Documentation
7 1FE1 built-in motors
7 2SP1 motor spindles

CD-ROM for Catalog NC 60 7 Approvals
7 Indexes
In the CD-ROM that accompanies Catalog NC 60 · 2009
you will find further information:
7 Planning and configuration
7 Dimension drawings
7 Glossary Catalog NC 60 contains the ordering data for electrical com-
7 Catalog NC 60 · 2009 in PDF format ponents for the automation of machine tools and general
positioning units.
To ensure smooth functioning of the total system, use only
original Siemens accessories.

1/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

2/2 SINUMERIK CNC controls 2/54 Positioning modules

2/2 General Information 2/54 Structure/application
2/2 Export control information, 2/54 Measuring systems that can be
Standard/export versions connected
2/54 Functionality
2/4 Control structure/configuration 2/55 CNC programming
2/8 Measuring systems that can be 2/56 Communication
connected 2/56 Operation
2/10 CNC functionality: 2/56 Operating modes and machine
2/10 Program functions functions
2/10 Axis functions 2/57 Compensations and reference points
2/12 Spindle functions 2/57 Axis monitoring functions
2/14 Interpolations 2/58 PLC area
2/14 Couplings 2/58 Diagnostic functions
2/18 Transformations 2/58 Startup/parameterization
2/18 Measuring
2/20 Technologies
2/20 Motion-synchronous actions
2/22 Open Architecture
2/24 CNC programming:
2/24 Language
2/26 Cycles
2/28 Program support
2/28 Parameters
2/30 Simulation
2/30 Operating modes
2/32 Tools
2/38 Communication
2/38 ePS Network Services
2/38 Motion Control Information
System MCIS
2/40 Data management
2/40 Operation
2/44 Axis monitoring functions
2/44 Compensations
2/46 PLC area
2/48 Monitoring functions
2/48 Safety functions
2/48 Startup
2/50 Diagnostic functions
2/50 Tools
2/52 Overview of options for
SINUMERIK 810D powerline/
840D powerline
2/53 Overview of options for
The information in the function overview
of SINUMERIK control systems is based
on the following software versions:
CNC control Software
SINUMERIK 802S/802C 4.x
SINUMERIK 810D powerline 6.x
SINUMERIK 840D powerline 7.x

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions
General Information

■ Overview
2 SINUMERIK CNC controls Positioning modules
The function overview lists the most important functions of the The Overview of functions lists the major functions of the FM 353,
SINUMERIK 802S base line, SINUMERIK 802C base line, FM 354, FM 357-2L/LX/H and SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS,
SINUMERIK 810D powerline and SINUMERIK 840D powerline, allowing you quick and selective access to individual functions.
allowing you quick and selective access to individual functions.
In the case of FM 353/FM 354, the functions for application as an
When complete order numbers are given in the list, they must be autonomous PLC auxiliary axis are specified.
specified in the order with the appropriate quantities.
The order numbers of the hardware components and other
options can be found in the relevant chapters.

Export control information

Standard/export versions

■ Overview
As a consequence of the prevailing export restrictions applica- When the standard variant is used, it is important to note that
ble to the system software of numerical controls, in relation to official authorization is also required for the export of compo-
particular control functions in accordance with the European/ nents subject to export approval within the framework of service
German Export List (AL item 2D002), provision, the supply of spare parts and for delivery of software
SINUMERIK 810D powerline and SINUMERIK 840D powerline updates and upgrades. This is especially relevant in cases
are available in two versions. where the control is exported after the machine manufacturer
has installed it in a machine tool. The lengthy official approval
In the case of SINUMERK 810D powerline, this applies to CCU procedure can severely restrict after-sales service.
components with integrated system software and with
SINUMERIK 840D powerline to NCU system software. When an application for an export permit for a system is submit-
ted, we therefore recommend that spare parts supplies for any
The standard versions of SINUMERIK 810D powerline and components requiring approval are included in the application
SINUMERIK 840D powerline offer the full scope of control func- as a matter of course to avoid future delays.
tions, but require official approval when exported to countries
outside the EU. If the control is to be exported as an installed component in a
machine tool, we recommend that machine manufacturers in-
The export versions SINUMERIK 802S base line, clude any components requiring approval in the export permit
SINUMERIK 802C base line, SINUMERIK 810DE powerline application for the machine. If the machine itself does not require
and SINUMERIK 840DE powerline have restricted functionality official export approval, but contains components which do, we
in accordance with the export list restrictions and therefore do recommend that an export permit for the replacement supply of
not require official approval as a result of their "Type" in such components is applied for in advance.
accordance with EU or German law.
Spare parts supplies requiring official approval can then be ex-
Functional restrictions are documented in the table below. ported quickly and easily by the machine manufacturer himself,
The approval status for the complete CNC system is corre- or by Siemens if the manufacturer can make the original export
spondingly dependent on the hardware or software version permit available to Siemens.
Important export information General information:
Export of standard versions of components or systems is subject If any particular components require official re-export approval
to a time-consuming official authorization process, so it is recom- according to US law, this must be duly filed for.
mended that the export version is used where applicable. Information about official approval requirements for supplied
components is given in the delivery documentation:
"Information on List of Items (Auskunft zur Güterliste (AZG))" per- Goods labeled here with "AL not equal to N" are subject to Euro-
taining to the official export authorization process is available for pean or German export authorization when they are exported
each export version (e.g. Federal Office of Economics and out of the EU. Goods labeled with "ECCN not equal to N" are sub-
Export Control (BAFA), Customs). You can obtain a copy of this ject to US re-export authorization. Even if goods are not labeled
list from your local Siemens sales office. or labeled with "AL:N" or "ECCN:N", they may still be subject to
export authorization due to the final destination and end use of
the goods.
If a purchase contract is concluded, it shall be discharged by
Siemens with the proviso that performance of the contract shall
not be hindered by national or international legal requirements
and especially by export control regulations.

2/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions
Standard/export versions

■ Overview
Functional restrictions for export versions
Function Order No. 802S base line 810DE 840DE
802C base line power- power-
line line
1) 1)
Linear interpolation n –
Helical interpolation 2D+6 n – – –
2) 2)
Synchronized actions n –
SINUMERIK NCK Runtime OA 6FC5251-0AA20-0AA0 – – –
Multi-axis interpolation (> 4 interpolating axes) 6FC5251-0AA16-0AA0 – – –
3) 3)
Master-value coupling and curve table interpolation 6FC5251-0AD06-0AA0 –
Generic coupling CP Basic 6FC5251-0AG01-0AA0 – –
Generic coupling CP Comfort 6FC5251-0AG02-0AA0 – –
Generic coupling CP Expert 6FC5251-0AG03-0AA0 – –
Electronic gear unit 6FC5251-0AE00-0AA0 – –
Machining package milling 6FC5251-0AG00-0AA0 – – –
Machining package 5 axes 6FC5251-0AA10-0AA0 – – –
Handling transformation package 6FC5251-0AD07-0AA0 – – –
Transformation TRICEPT, 5 axes: Root 6FC5251-0AE50-0AA0 – – –
Transformation TRICEPT, 5 axes: DMS 6FC5251-0AE51-0AA0 – – –
Transformation TRICEPT, 5 axes: 6th axis 6FC5251-0AE53-0AA0 – – –
Transformation Dynamic Swivel Tripod (DST) 6FC5251-0AE60-0AA0 – – –
Transformation Dynamic Swivel Tripod (DST): 6th axis 6FC5251-0AE61-0AA0 – – –
HEXAPOD transformation 6 axes 6FC5251-0AF75-0AA0 – – –
Electronic transfer 6FC5250-0AD05-0AA0 – –
4) 4)
Synchronized actions stage 2 6FC5251-0AD05-0AA0 –
5) 5)
Clearance control, 1D/3D in position control cycle 6FC5251-0AC05-0AA0 –
6) 6)
Sag compensation, multi-dimensional 6FC5251-0AB15-0AA0 –
n Basic version
Restricted functionality of the export versions.
– Not possible

The designation "E" in the name of the control indicates that it is For further details on "restricted functionality" for the export
the export variant, i. e. the relevant control software is classified versions, see the Glossary on the CD-ROM for Catalog NC 60
as not requiring official approval (AL=N) with the functional re- or go to:
strictions specified in the table according to AL item 2D002.

1) The number of simultaneously interpolating axes is restricted to four.

2) Only one active synchronous function (SYNFCT) is possible at a time. The number of simultaneously traversing axes is restricted to four
(path and positioning axes).
3) The number of simultaneously traversing axes is restricted to four.
4) The number of simultaneously traversing axes is restricted to four (path and positioning axes).
5) 1D distance control only in the position control cycle, and the number of simultaneously interpolating axes is restricted to four.
6) The correctable tolerance band is restricted to 1 mm (0.04 in).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/3

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Control structure/configuration
Structure n
• SIMODRIVE 611 See Converter system n
• SINUMERIK PCU See Operator components n
Drives See Converter system n
• SIMODRIVE 611 digital n
• SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS1) n
• Power control for stepper motors On request n
Mode groups (MGs) n
• 1 MG n
• Maximum configuration n
NCU 561.5/571.5 n
NCU 572.5/NCU 573.5 n
• Each additional MG 6FC5251-0AD00-0AA0 n
Machining channels n
• Maximum configuration n
NCU 561.5/571.5 n
NCU 572.5/NCU 573.5 n
• Each additional machining channel 6FC5251-0AA07-0AA0 n
Additional axis/spindle + channel n
NCU 561.5 6FC5251-0AD08-0AA0 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
CNC main memory (buffered) for programs and data in MB n
(SINUMERIK 810D/840D: max. 0.3 MB allocated to Siemens technological cycles/ n
an additional 0.25 MB (in total) is allocated to Siemens measuring cycles) n
Expansion of CNC main memory by 1 MB 6FC5251-0AD02-0AA0 n
CNC main memory, maximum configuration n

1) Activation via analog or PROFIBUS interface. 3) With NCU system software:

2) For positioning tasks using the PLC. 2/6 axes: max. 2 mode groups/2 channels
12 axes: max. 2 mode groups/4 channels (software version 7.2 or higher)
31 axes: max. 10 mode groups/31 channels.

2/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – n n n n
n n n – – – –
n – – n n n n
n – n v v v v
n 2) 2) 2) 2)

n v – – – – –
n n n n n n n
n 1 1 2 2 10 10 1 1 10
n 2 2
n 103) 103)
n – – v v v v – – – –
n n n n n n n
n 1 1 1 1 1 1
n 1 1 2 2 10 10 1 1 10
n 2 2
n 103) 103)
n – – v v v v
n – – – –
n v –
n – –
n n n n n n n
n 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 3 3
n – – v v v v
n 0.25 0.25 2.5 2.5 6 6

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Control structure/configuration (continued)

Axes/spindles or positioning axes/auxiliary spindles n
• Maximum configuration of axes n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
• Maximum configuration of spindles n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
• Maximum configuration of axes and spindles n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
• Configuration per channel axes n
incl. spindles n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
Each additional interpolation axis/spindle1) 6FC5251-0AA03-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Each additional positioning axis (axis-specific feed) or auxiliary spindle 6FC5251-0AA04-0AA0 n
(spindle-specific speed)1) n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Enabling of internal drive control of 6th axis for positioning tasks 6FC5451-0AF01-0AA0 n
(contains additional positioning axis or auxiliary spindle) n
Enabling of internal drive control of 6th axis for interpolation tasks 6FC5451-0AF02-0AA0 n
(contains additional interpolation axis/spindle) n
Additionally as a package: 2nd machining channel and maximum memory configuration 6FC5451-0AF03-0AA0 n
Additionally as a package: 4 machining channels and 13 axes 6FC5251-0AD01-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5/571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
Connection of FM 354 as PLC positioning axis See Basic components n
Connection of FM 353 as PLC positioning axis See Basic components n

1) Option: If number of axes + spindles > 5.

2) Display of max. 5 axes + 1 spindle.

2/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n n n n n n n
n 4 4 5 5 5 5
n 3 3 6 6 31 31 12 12 31
n 2 2
n 6 6
n 31 31
n 1 1 2 2 31 31 1 3+2C 31
n 2 2
n 6 6
n 31 31
n 4 4 6 6 31 31 122) 122) 31
n 2 2
n 6 6
n 31 31
n 4 4 6 6 12 12 12 12 12
n 1 1 2 2 12 12 1 3 12
n 2 2
n 6 6
n 12 12
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v – –
n – – v v – –
n – – v v – –
n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/7

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Measuring systems that can be connected

Max. number n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
Incremental rotary measuring system with RS 422 (TTL) n
Linear incremental encoder with current signals n
• Via external EXE n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 digital closed-loop control module n
Linear incremental encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp n
• On-board n
• Via external EXE n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 digital closed-loop control module n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS incremental shaft encoder output n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS (linear axis) n
Linear incremental encoder with distance-coded reference marks n
• On-board n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 digital closed-loop control module n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS closed-loop control module n
Rotary measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks n
• On-board n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 digital closed-loop control module n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS closed-loop control module n
Absolute value encoder connection with SSI interface
Absolute value encoder connection with EnDat linear/rotary n
• On-board n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 digital closed-loop control module n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS closed-loop control module n
Absolute value/incremental encoder installed in 1FT6/1FT7/1FK n
• On-board n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 digital closed-loop control module n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS closed-loop control module n

1) For spindle only. 4) For positioning tasks.

2) SINUMERIK 810D measuring channels and via SIMODRIVE 611 digital 5) Not as motor measuring system, only for spindles or rotary axes for direct
closed-loop control module. position sensing.
3) Two measuring systems per axis.

2/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n 802S 802C Note on operating software
n 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line
n line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n 1 4 122) 122)
n 43) 43)
n 123) 123)
n 623) 623)
n n n – – – –
n 1)

n – n – – – –
n – – n n n n
n – – n n – –
n – n – – – –
n – – n n n n
n – n – – – –
n – – v v v v
n 4) 4) 4) 4)

n – – n n – –
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n 4) 4) 4) 4)

n – – n n – –
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n 5) 5) 5) 5)

n – – – – n n
n – – n n – –
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n 4) 4) 4) 4)

n – – n n – –
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n 4) 4) 4) 4)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/9

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Measuring systems that can be connected (continued)

Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp n
• On-board n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 digital closed-loop control module n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS closed-loop control module n
Resolver installed in 1FT6/1FK n
• Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS closed-loop control module n

■ CNC functionality: Program functions

Dynamic preprocessing memory (FIFO) n
Look ahead n
Program preprocessing 6FC5251-0AC02-0AA0 n
Axis/spindle replacement n
Geometry axes, switchable online in the CNC program n
Frame concept n
Inclined-surface machining with frames n

■ CNC functionality: Axis functions

Feedrate override of 0 ... 200 % n
Feedrate override, axis-specific of 0 ... 200 % n
Traversing range ± 9 decades n
Rotary axis, turning endlessly n
Measuring systems 1 and 2, selectable n
Velocity, max. 300 m/s n
Acceleration with jerk limitation n
Programmable acceleration n
Feedrate interpolation n
Separate path feed for corners and chamfers n
Travel to fixed stop 6FC5255-0AB02-0AA0 n
Follow-up mode n
Analog axis n
Setpoint exchange 6FC5251-0AE76-0AA0 n
Tangential control 6FC5251-0AB11-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Path switch signals/cam controller 6FC5251-0AB07-0AA0 n

1) For positioning tasks. 4) Configuring with closed-loop control module HLA/ANA.

2) Number of traversing blocks cannot be parameterized.
3) Via SIMODRIVE 611 universal E HRS closed-loop control module.

2/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – n n – –
n – – n n n n
n – n v v v v
n 1) 1) 1) 1)

n – n v v v v
n 1) 1) 1) 1)

n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n 2) 2)

n – – v v v v
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n

n 120 120 n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n 12 n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – n n n n n
n – – – – n n
n 4) 4)

n – – – – v v
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v v v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/11

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC functionality: Axis functions (continued)

Link axis1) 6FC5251-0AD10-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5/571.5/572.5 n
NCU 573.5 n
Axis container 6FC5251-0AE01-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5/571.5/572.5 n
NCU 573.5 n
Setpoint linkage for multiple NCUs1) 6FC5251-0AF02-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5/571.5/572.5 n
NCU 573.5 n
Fast interpolation link1) 6FC5251-0AF03-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5/571.5/572.5 n
NCU 573.5 n
Advanced Position Control APC 6FC5251-0AF04-0AA0 n

■ CNC functionality: Spindle functions

Analog spindle speed n
Digital spindle speed n
Spindle speed, max. programmable value range: n
REAL ± 3.4028 ex 38 (display: ± 999 999 999.9999) n
Spindle override of 0 ... 200 % n
5 gear stages n
Automatic gear stage selection n
Oriented spindle stop n
Spindle speed limitation (min. and max.) n
Constant cutting rate n
Spindle control via PLC (positioning, oscillation) n
Changeover to axis mode n
Axis synchronization on-the-fly n
Thread run-in and run-out programmable n
Thread cutting with constant or variable pitch n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Tapping with compensating chuck/rigid tapping n

1) Precondition: Link module. 3) Only SPOS and basic functions.

2) Value range: 999 999.999

2/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – – – v v

n n n – – – –
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n 2) 2)

n 120 120 n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n 3) 3)

n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n
n – –
n n n
n n n n n n n

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/13

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC functionality: Interpolations

Universal interpolator NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines) n
Continuous-path mode with programmable rounding clearance n
Linear interpolation axes n
• Maximum n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Multi-axis interpolation (> 4 interpolating axes) 6FC5251-0AA16-0AA0 n
Circle via center point and end point n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Circle via interpolation point n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Helical interpolation n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Spline interpolation (A, B and C splines/compressor) for 3-axis machining 6FC5251-0AF14-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Spline interpolation (A, B and C splines/compressor) for 5-axis machining 6FC5251-0AA14-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Polynomial interpolation 6FC5251-0AA15-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Involute interpolation 6FC5251-0AF01-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Continue machining at the contour (retrace support) 6FC5251-0AE72-0AA0 n

■ CNC functionality: Couplings

Trailing axes TRAIL n
Synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning COUP2) 6FC5255-0AB01-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n

1) Only tapping: Axis + spindle.

2) Not simultaneously with generic couplings CP.

2/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n 3 3 4 4 4 4
n 3 3 4 6
n 21) 21)
n 4 12
n – – – v – v
n n n n n
n – –
n n n
n n n n n
n – –
n n n
n 2D+1 2D+1 2D+2 2D+2
n – –
n 2D+2 2D+6
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v v v

n – – n n n n
n – – v v
n – –
n v v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/15

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC functionality: Couplings (continued)

Axial coupling in the machine coordinate system MCS coupling3) 6FC5251-0AD11-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Master-value coupling and curve table interpolation LEAD3) 6FC5251-0AD06-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Electronic gear unit EG3) 6FC5251-0AE00-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Pair of synchronized axes (gantry axes) 6FC5255-0AB00-0AA0 n
Max. number n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
Master-slave for drives 6FC5251-0AC07-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Generic couplings CP n
• CP Standard n
4 axis pairs in simultaneous coupled motion n
• CP Basic 6FC5251-0AG01-0AA0 n
4 axis pairs in simultaneous coupled motion and 1x synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning n
or master value coupling/curve table interpolation or axial coupling in machine coordinate system n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
• CP Comfort 6FC5251-0AG02-0AA0 n
4 axis pairs in simultaneous coupled motion and 4x synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning n
and/or master value coupling/curve table interpolation and/or axial coupling in machine coordinate n
system, 1x electronic gear unit for 3 leading axes n
(without curve tables/cascading) n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
• CP Expert 6FC5251-0AG03-0AA0 n
8 axis pairs in simultaneous coupled motion and 8x synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning n
and/or master value coupling/curve table interpolation and/or axial coupling in machine coordinate n
system, 8x electronic gear unit for 3 leading axes n
(without curve tables/cascading), n
5x electronic gear unit for 5 leading axes (with curve tables/cascading) n
NCU 561.5/571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n

1) With restricted functionality, see export versions. 3) Not simultaneously with generic couplings CP.
2) Extended from 3 to 8 in software version 7.2 and higher of the NCU system

2/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – – –
n – –
n – v
n – – v1) v
n – –
n v1) v
n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – v v
n 1 1
n – –
n v v
n 3 3
n v v
n 82) 82)
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – n n n n
n – – – –
n – –
n v1) v
n – – – –
n – –
n v1) v
n – – – –
n – –
n v1) v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/17

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC functionality: Transformations

Cartesian point-to-point (PTP) travel n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
TRANSMIT/peripheral surface transformation 6FC5251-0AB01-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Inclined axis 6FC5251-0AB06-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Concatenated transformations (inclined axis TRAANG n
after TRAORI/cardan millhead/TRANSMIT/TRACYL) n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Machining package milling 6FC5251-0AG00-0AA0 n
Contains the options: Machining package five axes, multi-axis interpolation, spline interpolation n
for 5-axis machining, 3D tool radius compensation n
Machining package 5 axes 6FC5251-0AA10-0AA0 n
contains the multi-axis interpolation option n
Handling transformation package 6FC5251-0AD07-0AA0 n
Generic transformation n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Transformation for pantograph kinematics, 2 axes 6FC5251-0AE45-0AA0 n
3-axis PARACOP transformation for parallel kinematics 6FC5251-0AE31-0AA0 n
(1st channel) n
Transformation TRICEPT 5 axes n
• Root 6FC5251-0AE50-0AA0 n
• DMS 6FC5251-0AE51-0AA0 n
• 6th axis 6FC5251-0AE53-0AA0 n
HEXAPOD transformation 6 axes 6FC5251-0AF75-0AA0 n
Transformation Dynamic Swivel Tripod (DST) 6FC5251-0AE60-0AA0 n
• 6th axis 6FC5251-0AE61-0AA0 n

■ CNC functionality: Measuring

Measuring stage 1 See HMI software n
2 probes (switching) with/without deletion of distance-to-go n
Measuring stage 2 6FC5250-0AD00-0AA0 n
(logging of measurement results, measurement functions See HMI software n
from synchronized actions, cyclic measurement) n

1) With 3-axis and 4-axis transformation.

2/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – n n
n – –
n n n
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – n n
n – –
n n n
n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v
n – – – v – v
n – – n n
n 1) 1)

n – –
n n n
n 1)

n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v

n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/19

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC functionality: Technologies

Punching/nibbling functions 6FC5251-0AC00-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Oscillation functions, block-related, modal and asynchronous 6FC5251-0AB04-0AA0 n
More than one feed in block, e.g. for calipers n
Handwheel override n
Contour handwheel 6FC5251-0AG04-0AA0 n
Electronic transfer 6FC5250-0AD05-0AA0 n
Contains the master-value coupling option LEAD n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n

■ CNC functionality: Motion-synchronous actions

High-speed CNC inputs/outputs n
• 4 digital inputs/4 digital outputs on-board n
• Expansion via NCU terminal block See Basic components n
32 digital inputs/32 digital outputs, n
8 analog inputs/8 analog outputs n
Synchronized action (max. 16) and high-speed auxiliary function output n
Synchronized action stage 2, up to 255 parallel actions 6FC5251-0AD05-0AA0 n
per channel, technology cycles n
Positioning axes and spindles via synchronized actions n
(command axes) n
Analog value control in interpolation cycle n
precondition: analog output n
Path velocity-dependent analog output 6FC5251-0AC04-0AA0 n
(laser power control) n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n

1) With restricted functionality, see export versions.

2/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – v v v v
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n 1)

n – – – – n n
n – – v v v v
n – – n n n n
n 1) 1)

n – – v v v v
n 1) 1)

n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – v v
n – –
n v v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/21

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC functionality: Motion-synchronous actions (continued)

Laser switching signal, high-speed 6FC5251-0AE74-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5: 6/12/31 axes n
Clearance control n
• 1D in interpolation cycle via synchronized action n
• 1D/3D in position control cycle, incl. in interpolation cycle 6FC5251-0AC05-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5: 6/12/31 axes n
Evaluation of internal drive variables 6FC5251-0AB17-0AA0 n
precondition for Adaptive Control n
Continuous dressing n
parallel dressing, online modification of tool offset n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Asynchronous subroutine ASUB1) n
Interrupt routines with fast retraction from the contour 6FC5251-0AA00-0AA0 n
Cross mode actions (ASUBs and 6FC5251-0AD04-0AA0 n
synchronized actions in all operating modes) n

■ Open Architecture
HMI programming package (OEM contract required) See HMI software n
HMI configuring package WinCC flexible (OEM contract required) See HMI software n
User-interface expansion (HMI Advanced/HMI Embedded) See HMI software n
OA package NCK (OEM contract required) See Basic components n
SINUMERIK NCK Runtime OA (runtime license) 6FC5251-0AA20-0AA0 n

1) High-speed CNC inputs/outputs required. 3) 20 unreserved screens.

2) With restricted functionality, see export versions.

2/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n – – n n n n
n – – – –
n – –
n v v
n 2)

n – – v v v v
n – – n n
n – –
n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v

n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – x x x x v v v v v
n 3) 3) 3) 3) 3)

n – – – – – v
n – – – – – v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/23

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC programming: Language

Programming language (DIN 66025 and high-level language extension) n
Main program call from main program and subroutines n
Subroutine levels/interrupt routines, max. n
Number of subroutine passes ≤ 9 999 n
Number of levels for skip blocks (/0 to /...) n
Polar coordinates n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
1/2/3-point contours n
Dimensions metric/inch, n
changeover manually or via program n
Inverse time feedrate n
Auxiliary function output via n
• M word, max. programmable value range: INT 231-1 n
• H word, n
max. programmable value range: REAL ± 3.4028 ex 38 n
(display: ± 999 999 999.9999) INT -231 ... 231-1 n
High-level CNC language with n
• User variables, configurable n
• Predefined user variables (arithmetic parameters), n
configurable n
• Read/write system variables n
• Indirect programming n
• Program jumps and branches n
• Program coordination with WAIT, START, INIT n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
• Arithmetic and trigonometric functions n
• Compare operations and logic operations n
• Macro technique n
• Control structures n
• Commands to HMI n
• STRING functions n

1) M function: 1 ... 99.

2/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n 4/0 4/0 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/4
n n n n n n n
n 1 1 8 8 8 8
n – – n n
n – –
n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n 1) 1)

n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n
n – –
n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – x x x x n n – – –
n – – n n n n

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/25

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC programming: Language (continued)

Online ISO dialect interpreter 6FC5253-0AE00-0AA0 n
Program management n
• Management of programs and workpieces in NCK n
• Management of programs and workpieces on hard disk (HD) n
• Management of programs and workpieces on floppy disk drive n
• Management of programs and workpieces on n
network drive n
• Number of workpieces on CNC/CNC + HD, max. n
• Templates for workpieces, programs and INI files n
• Job lists n

■ CNC programming: Cycles

Process-oriented cycles for drilling/milling and turning See HMI software n
Pocket milling with free contour definition and islands See HMI software n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Pocket milling with free contour definition, islands and See HMI software n
residual material removal n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Enhanced stock removal functions with blank part description See HMI software n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Enhanced stock removal functions with blank part description and See HMI software n
residual material removal n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Measuring cycles for drilling/milling and turning See HMI software n
Access protection for cycles n
Cycle storage separate from CNC main memory 6FC5251-0AF00-0AA0 n

1) Management of workpieces is not possible. 3) With different functionality.

2) Precondition: DNC (option). 4) Partially.

2/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – v v v v
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n 1) 1)

n – – x x x x n – n n –
n – – x x x x n v v v –
n – – x x x x v v v v –
n 2)

n 100/– 100/– 250/– 250/– 250/– 250/– –/1 000 – –/1 000 –/1 000 –
n – – x x x x n – – – –
n – – x x x x n – – – –

n n n x x x x n v n n –
n – – x x v – n n –
n – –
n x x
n – – x x v – v v –
n – –
n x x
n – – x x v – – n –
n – –
n x x
n – – v v v – – v –
n – –
n v v
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n 4) 4)

n n n n n n n –
n – – v v v v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/27

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ CNC programming: Program support

Program editor n
• Text editor with editing functions: Select, copy, delete, ... n
• Machining step programming See HMI software n
• Write protection for lines n
• Suppression of lines in the display n
• Dual editor n
• Multi-channel step sequence programming4) 6FC5253-0AF03-0AA0 n
Program support for geometry entries n
• Geometry processor with programming graphics/ See HMI software n
Free contour input (contour calculator) n
• Screens for 1/2/3-point contours n
Program support for cycles n
• Screens and stationary auxiliary displays n
• Dynamic programming graphics during programming n
• Programming support can be extended, e.g. customer cycles n

■ Parameters
Max. number of basic frames n
Max. number of selectable offsets n
Zero offsets, programmable (frames) n
Scratching, determining zero offset n
Zero offsets, external via PLC n
Global and local user data n
Global program user data n
Display system variables (also via online configurable display) n
and log n

1) Configurable by Siemens. 3) With user interface expansion, see Base software and HMI-Advanded
2) For presentation of the machining step. Commissioning Manual.
4) On request.

2/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n n n x x x x n n n n n
n – – x x x x – – v v –
n – – x x x x n – n n –
n – – x x x x n – n n –
n 2)

n – – x x x x n n – – –
n – – x x x x v – – – –
n – – x x x x n n n n –
n n n x x x x n n n n n
n n n x x x x n n n n –
n – – x x x x – – n n –
n 1) 1) x x x x n n n n n
n 3) 3) 3) 3)

n 1 1 16 16 16 16 16 16 1 1 –
n 4 4 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
n 1 1 n n n n
n n n x x x x n n n n –
n – – n n n n n n n n –
n – – n n n n n – n n n
n – – n n n n n n n n n
n – – x x x x n – – – –

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/29

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Simulation
Up to n channels can be simulated sequentially n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5 n
NCU 572.5/573.5 n
Several channels and programs can machine the same blank part in succession n
Simulation of program X, while program Y is being executed n
Drilling/milling1) n
• Multi-sided 2D view, dynamic n
• 3D view, static n
• Simultaneous recording (real-time simulation of current machining) See HMI software n
Turning1) n
• Traverse path simulation without model (broken-line graphics) n
• Contour of blank part can be specified n
• Simulation in working plane G18 n
• Simulation in working planes G17/G19 n
• Full cut/partial cut with circumferential edges, front face and peripheral surfaces, n
milling and drilling operations n
• Counterspindle n
• 3D simulation of the finished part (static/dynamic) See HMI software n
• Simultaneous recording (real-time simulation of current machining) n

■ Operating modes
• Handwheel selection n
• Inch/metric changeover n
• Manual measurement of zero offset n
• Manual measurement of tool offset n
• Automatic tool/workpiece measurement See HMI software n
• Reference point approach, automatic/via CNC program n

1) Tool carrier vertical to the workpiece. 3) Precondition: Measuring cycles.

2) Dynamic for PCU 50.3.

2/30 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – 2 2 10 1 1 1 –
n 2 2
n 6 6
n 10 10
n – – x x x x n – – – –
n – – x x x x n – – – –
n – – x x x x n – n – –
n – – x x x x n – n – –
n – – x x x x – v v – –
n – – x x x x n n – – –
n – – x x x x n – – – –
n – – x x x x n n – n –
n – – x x x x n – – n –
n – – x x x x n – – n –
n – – x x x x n – – n –
n – – x x x x – – – v –
n 2)

n – – x x x x – n – v –

n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n – – –
n – – n n n n n n n n –
n n n x x x x n n n n –
n n n x x x x – – n n –
n – – n n n n v – n n –
n 3)

n n n n n n n n n n n n

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/31

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Operating modes (continued)

• Input in text editor n
• Save MDA program n
• Input screen forms for technology and positioning, cycle support n
Teach In n
• Teach positions in MDA buffer n
• Teach (record/playback) n
• Teach In with HT 6 n
Teach In 6FC5571-0AA01-0BF0 n
Automatic n
• Execution from network drive or PC card for PCU 20 See HMI software n
• Execution from RS 232 C (V.24) interface n
• Execution from hard disk n
• Program control n
• Program editing n
• Overstoring n
• DRF offset n
• Block search with/without calculation n
Repos (repositioning on the contour) n
• With operator command/semi-automatically n
• Program-controlled n
Preset n
Set actual value n

■ Tools
Tool types n
• Turning n
• Drilling/milling n
• Grinding n
• Groove sawing n

1) Precondition: DNC (option).

2) Precondition: Network/floppy disk drive management on PCU 20 (option).

2/32 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n n n – – n
n – – n n n n – – n n –
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n n n – – n
n – – n n n n – – – – –
n – – v v v v – – – – n
n v v – – – –
n n n n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n v v v v –
n 1) 2)

n n n n n n n n n n n –
n – – n n n n n – n n –
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n n n – – n
n – – n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n –
n – – n n n n n n n n –
n – – n n n n n n n n –
n – – n n n n n n n n –

n n n n n n n n n – n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n n n – – n
n – – n n n n n n – – n

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/33

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Tools (continued)
Tool radius compensations in plane n
• With approach and retract strategies n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
• With transition circle/ellipse on outer edges n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Configurable intermediate blocks with tool radius compensation active n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
3D tool radius compensation 6FC5251-0AB13-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Tool change via T number n
Tool carrier with orientation capability n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Look-ahead detection of contour violations n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Grinding-specific tool offset with n
grinding wheel surface speed n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Tool orientation interpolation1) n
Online tool length compensation n
Operation without tool management n
• Tool offset selection via D number without T assignment n
(flat D number) n
• Editing of tool data n
• Tool offset selection via T and D numbers n
• Data backup via RS 232 C (V.24) interface n
• Number of tools/cutting edges in tool list n

1) Precondition: Machining package 5 axes (option).

2/34 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – n n
n – –
n n n
n n n n n
n – –
n n n
n – – n n
n – –
n n n
n – – – – n n n – –
n – –
n v v
n n n n n n n n n n n –
n – – n n n n n – –
n – –
n n n
n n n n n
n – –
n n n
n – – n n n n – – –
n – –
n n n
n – – – – – n
n – – – – n n
n n n n n n n n n – – n
n – – n n n n n n – – n
n n n n n n n n – – – n
n n n n n n n n n n n –
n n n – – – – – – – – –
n 15/30 15/30 600/ 600/ 600/ 600/ – –
n 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/35

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Tools (continued)
Operation with tool management 6FC5251-0AB12-0AA0 n
• System displays in standard software n
• Comfortable startup via system displays n
• Tool list n
• Configurable tool lists n
• Number of tools/cutting edges in tool list n
• Unambiguous D number structure n
• Tool offset selection via T and D numbers n
• Editing of tool data n
• Editing of OA data n
• Magazine list n
• Configurable magazine list n
• More than one magazine is possible n
• Magazine data n
• Vacant position search and positioning n
• Easy vacant position search using softkeys n
• Loading and unloading of tools n
• More than one loading and unloading point per magazine n
• Tool cabinet and tool catalog n
• Loading and unloading via code carrier system n
• Adapter data n
• Local compensations n
• Connection to TDI n
• Data backup on hard disk n
• Data backup via RS 232 C (V.24) interface n

1) Valid for PCU 50.3. For PCU 20: 250/500.

2) Available with PCU 50.3.

2/36 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v – 2) 2) –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – 600/ 600/ 600/ 600/ 600/ 600/ 600/ 600/ –
n 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 200 1 200
1) 1)
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – n n n n n n n n –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – 32 32 32 32 32 32 3 3 –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – v v v v v v n n –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – v v v v v – – – –
n – – v v v v v – n n –
n – – v v v v v – n n –
n – – v v v v v v n n –

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/37

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Communication
Serial interface RS 232 C (V.24) n
Disk drive operation See HMI software n
Multipoint Interface (MPI) n
Ethernet connection See HMI software n
I/O interfacing via PROFIBUS DP1) 6FC5252-0AD00-0AA0 n
(software option) n
Data exchange between machining channels n
High-speed data interchange between CNC and PLC n
Data backup on hard disk n
Data backup on PC card n
PC card as additional program memory (PCU 20) n

■ ePS Network Services

ePS Network Services: See HMI software n
- Company Account and n
- Value Account n
are preconditions for service use n
• eP Access: See HMI software n
Remote control and monitoring n
of machine control systems using Internet Explorer n
• eP Dynamic (includes eP Access): See HMI software n
Acquisition, logging, analysis and processing n
of machine faults n
• eP Performance (includes eP Dynamic): See HMI software n
Procedure for acquiring the machine status and maintenance support n

■ Motion Control Information System MCIS

DNC Machine/IFC: CNC program transfer via the network See HMI software n
TDI: Tool management function for individual machines and networked machines See HMI software n
TDI Ident Connection: Connection to tool identification systems See HMI software n
MDA Machine/IFC: Machine and production data acquisition See HMI software n
RPC SINUMERIK: Data interchange between CNC and host computer See HMI software n
TPM Machine: Support for maintenance and repair See HMI software n

1) For literature on the subject of PROFIBUS DP, see Services – 3) For PCU 50.3.
Documentation. 4) Precondition: DNC (option).
2) For PCU 20/PCU 50.3.

2/38 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n n n x x x x n n n n n
n 3) 2) 2) 2)

n – – x x x x n v v v –
n – – n n n n n n n n n
n – – x x x x v v v v –
n 4)

n – – v v v v
n – – n n n n –
n – – n n n n
n – – x x x x n – n n –
n 3) 3)

n – – n n n n n n n n n
n – – x x x x – n – – –
n 5)

n – – x x x x v – v v –
n 6) 6) 6)

n – – x x x x v – v v –
n 6) 6) 6)

n – – x x x x v – v v –
n 6) 6) 6)

n – – v v v v v – v v –
n 6) 6) 6)

n – – x x x x v – v v –
n 3) 3)

n – – x x x x v – v – –
n 3)

n – – x x x x v – – – –
n – – x x x x v – v v –
n 3) 3)

n – – x x x x v – – – –
n – – x x x x v – – – –

5) Excludes use of RCS Host remote diagnostics on PC card. RCS Host 6) For PCU 50.3 with HMI-Advanced.
Embedded can be used. Precondition: Network/floppy disk drive manage-
ment on PCU 20 (option).

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Data management
ADDM agent: Backup and recovery client See HMI software n
(precondition: SIMATIC STEP 7) n

■ Operation
Operator panel fronts OP 015/OP 015A/TP 015A, 15" color See Operator components n
Operator panel fronts OP 012, 12.1" color See Operator components n
Operator panel fronts OP 010/OP 010C/OP 010S, 10.4" color See Operator components n
Thin Client Unit for operator panel fronts n
• TCU See Operator components n
Operator panel fronts with integrated TCU n
• OP 015AT/TP 015AT, 15" color See Operator components n
• OP 08T, 7,5" color See Operator components n
PCU 203) See Operator components n
PCU 50.33) See Operator components n
Control unit management with TCU See Operator components n
Identical display on all OPs with TCU n
• Simultaneous operation interlock n
• Different resolutions (e.g. OP 010/HT 8) n
• Up to 4 operator panel fronts with one TCU each on a PCU 50.31) n
plus 1 additional operator panel front directly on the PCU 50.31) n
Physical separation of operator panel front (OP) and PCU n
as well as connection of up to 2 operator panels via video link n
1 operator panel for up to 8 NCUs/ n
2 operator panels for up to 4 NCUs n
Control unit management for each PCU 6FC5253-0AE03-0AA0 n
(up to 9 PCUs for up to 9 NCUs) n
Functionality: Active, passive and suppression mechanisms n
Integrated operator panel: SINUMERIK 802S/802C base line, 8" monochrome See Basic components n
Connection for See Operator components n
• Standard DVI monitor with PCU 50.3, VGA via ext. adapter n
• SIMATIC OP 177B/OP 277 with 6" display4) n
• SIMATIC TP 177B/TP 277 with 6" display4) n
• SIMATIC Mobile Panel 177/Mobile Panel 2774) n
• SIMATIC MP 277/MP 377 with Keys/Touch4) n
Connection of SIMATIC HMI to PLC n

1) Precondition: PCU with 1.2 GHz. 3) HMI software for PC/PG can be ordered separately.
2) Three CCUs on one operator panel. Two operator panels on one CCU. 4) WinCC flexible is required for OA applications.

2/40 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – x x x x v – v v –
n 3) 3)

n – – v v v v v v v v –
n – – v v v v v v v v –
n – – v v v v v v v v –
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v – n v v –
n – – v v v v v v v v –
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – – n n n n n n – – –
n 2) 2)

n – – – – x x v v – – v
n n n – – – – – – – – –
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n
n – – n n n n

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Operation (continued)
SINUMERIK HT 8 handheld terminal See Operator components n
SINUMERIK HT 6 handheld terminal See Operator components n
Mini handheld unit See Operator components n
Handheld unit type B-MPI See Operator components n
Machine control panel See Operator components n
Pushbutton panel See Operator components n
Electronic handwheels can be connected See Operator components n
Full CNC keyboard See Operator components n
Standard PC keyboard MF-II See Operator components n
Floppy disk (3.5"/1.44 MB) See Operator components n
Floppy disk (3.5"/1.44 MB) with USB connection See Operator components n
Plain text display of user variables n
Multi-channel display n
2D representation of 3D protection areas/work areas n
Actual-value system for workpiece (grinding) n
Menu selection via the PLC n
CNC program messages n
Online help for programming, n
alarms and machine data (can be extended) n
Screen blanking n
Access protection, 8 levels n
Languages of operating software n
Languages of operating software packages HMI-Advanced, HMI-Embedded, ShopMill, See HMI software n
ShopTurn on CD-ROM n
• 2 languages switchable online n
• Chinese Simplified, English, French, German, Italian, n
Spanish n
• Additional languages: See Basic components n
Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Turkish n
• Additional languages: n
e.g. Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, n
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, n
Turkish n
• Maximum configuration for installed languages n
• Other languages n
Operating software can be used for: n
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline See HMI software n
Operator interface with Solution for Powertrain TRANSLINE HMI PRO software See HMI software n
Operator interface with Solution for Powertrain TRANSLINE HMI Lite CE software See HMI software n

1) Third handwheel can be operated as a contour handwheel (option). 3) Included on the CD-ROM Toolbox.
2) No Simplified Chinese. 4) Included on CD-ROM of HMI language extensions.
Please enquire about available software versions.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v – – – – n
n v v v v v v
n – – v v v v
n n n v v v v
n – – v v v v
n 2 2 2/31) 2/31) 2/31) 2/31)
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – x x x x v v v v –
n – – x x x x v – – – –
n – – n n n n n n n n n
n – – x x x x n – – – –
n – – n n n n n n – – –
n – – n n n n n n – – –
n – – – – x x n n n n –
n – – n n n n n n – – n
n – – n n n n n – – – –
n – – n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n – – v v v v v v v v v
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n n n X X x x n n n n n
n 2)

n n n – – – – – – – – –
n 3) 3)

n – – X X x x v v v v v
n 4) 4) 4) 4)

n 2 2 X X x x 5) 8 8 8 2
n 6) 6) X X x x 6) 6) 6) 6) 6)

n – – v v v v v v v v v
n – – – – x x v – – – –
n – – – – v v – – – – –

5) No restriction.
6) On request.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Axis monitoring functions

Working area limitation n
Limit switch monitoring n
Software and hardware limit switches n
2D/3D protection zones n
Contour monitoring n
Contour monitoring with tunnel function 6FC5251-0AB16-0AA0 n
Position monitoring n
Standstill (zero-speed) monitoring n
Clamping monitoring n
Path length evaluation 6FC5251-0AF05-0AA0 n

■ Compensations
Backlash compensation n
Leadscrew error compensation n
Measuring system error compensation n
Electronic weight counterbalance 6FC5255-0AC00-0AA0 n
Sag compensation, multi-dimensional 6FC5251-0AB15-0AA0 n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Quadrant error compensation per operation n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Quadrant error compensation, automatic 6FC5251-0AB14-0AA0 n
(neural network) n
NCU 561.5 n
NCU 571.5/572.5/573.5 n
Graphical monitoring of quadrant error compensation using the circularity test See HMI software n
Temperature compensation 6FC5251-0AA13-0AA0 n
Automatic drift compensation for analog speed setpoints n
Feedforward control n
• Velocity-dependent n
• Acceleration-dependent 6FC5250-0AA07-0AA0 n
3D error compensation SEC 3D 6FC5251-0AF33-0AA0 n

1) With restricted functionality, see export versions. 2) Precondition: Commissioning tool for SIMODRIVE 611 digital.
Already included in HMI-Advanced system software, also for PC/PG.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – n n n n n
n – n n n n n
n – n n n n n
n – – v v v v

n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – – v v
n 1)

n – –
n v v
n 1)

n – – n n n – – – –
n – –
n n n
n – – v v
n – –
n v v
n – – x x x x n v –
n 2)

n – – v v v v
n – n – – – –
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – – – – v v

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/45

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ PLC area
SIMATIC S7-200 integrated n
SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 314C-2 DP integrated n
SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 317-2 DP integrated n
Machining time, typically in ms/KI for bit operations3) n
Machining time, typically in ms/KI for word operations3) n
PLC user memory in KB, incl. basic PLC program n
PLC user memory, maximum configuration in KB n
Expansion of the PLC user memory by 64 KB 6FC5252-0AA03-0AA0 n
Ladder steps memory configuration n
PLC programming with HiGraph (add-on package for STEP 7) n
PLC programming tool See HMI software n
PLC programming tool, PLC program examples, n
standard machine data and alarm text editor on Toolbox n
Toolbox with basic PLC program, standard machine data See HMI software n
and CNC variable selector n
Digital inputs, input image max. in bytes n
Digital outputs, output image max. in bytes n
I/O inputs, max. number in bytes n
I/O outputs, max. number in bytes n
Bit memories, max. number in bytes n
Timers, max. number n
Counters, max. number n
FB, FC, max. number per type n
DB, max. number n
Cyclic function block n
Time-controlled function blocks n
Equipment for PLC programming and program test with PG/PC n
I/O modules, max. number See Basic components n
(central configuration) n
Distributed DP slaves on PROFIBUS DP, max. number n
Distributed I/O via PROFIBUS DP n
• Via CP 342-5 DP, data transfer rate up to 1.5 Mbit/s n
• Via integrated interface, data transfer rates up to 12 Mbit/s See Communication (page 2/38) n
Via external CP 343-1 communication board (Advanced) n
User machine data for configuring the n
PLC user program n
1) Without CNC variable selector. 3) 1 KI = 1 024 instructions; corresponds to approx. 3 KB.
2) Included in the basic package. 4) With digital I/O module, 16I/16O.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n n n – – – –
n – – n n – –
n – – – – n n
n 1.8 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.03 0.03
n 5.9 5.9 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1
n – – n n n n
n 96 96 128 128
n – – 480 480 768 768
n – – v v v v
n 4 000 4 000 – – – –
n – – v v v v
n n n – – – –
n 2) 2)

n n n – – – –
n 2) 2)

n n n v v v v
n 1) 1)

n 48/ 48/ 128 128 256 256

n 644) 644)
n 16/ 16/ 128 128 256 256
n 324) 324)
n 48 48 2 0485) 2 0485) 4 096 4 096
n 16 16 2 0485) 2 0485) 4 096 4 096
n 1 024 1 024 4 096 4 096 4 096 4 096
n 16 16 256 256 512 512
n 32 32 256 256 512 512
n 646) 646) 256 256 2 0487) 2 0487)
n – – 399 399 2 0477) 2 0477)
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n
n v v v v v v
n – – v v v v
n 24 24 24 24
n – – v v v v
n 32 32 125 125
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n

5) Number = Sum of inputs and outputs. 7) FBs, FCs and DBs in total max. 2 048.
6) Subroutines.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Monitoring functions
Axis limitation from the PLC n
Spindle speed limitation n
Generator operation 6FC5255-0AE00-0AA0 n
Extended stop and retract 6FC5250-0AE01-0AA0 n
(ESR), incl. generator operation n
Tool and process monitoring1) See HMI software n
PROFIBUS tool and process monitoring 6FC5251-0AE71-0AA0 n
Axial data output via PROFIBUS (ADAS) 6FC5251-0AF44-0AA0 n

■ Safety functions
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated See Basic components n
safety functions for personnel and machine protection2) n
• SI Basic (for up to 1 axis/spindle; up to 4 inputs/outputs can be used for the safe 6FC5250-0AG00-0AA0 n
programmable logic)
• SI Comfort (for up to 1 axis/spindle; up to 64 inputs/outputs can be used for the 6FC5250-0AG10-0AA0 n
safe programmable logic)
• SI axis/spindle (from the second axis/spindle, per axis/spindle) 6FC5250-0AG11-0AA0 n
• SI axis/spindle package (additional 15 axes/spindles) 6FC5250-0AG12-0AA0 n
SinuCom NC SI (integrated automatic acceptance test) See HMI software n

■ Startup
Startup software for converter system is integrated: n
• SIMODRIVE 611 digital n
Startup software on external PC/PG See HMI software n
• SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS n
Startup trace n
(drive optimization without an additional oscilloscope) n
Series startup via serial interface n
Series startup via programming of n
PC card offline or online n

1) Product of Solution Partner (currently for ARTIS). 3) Included in the basic package.
2) Precondition: See Basic components.

2/48 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – n n n n
n n n n n n n
n – – – – v v
n – – – – v v
n – – – – v v
n – – – – v v
n – – – – v v

n – – – – v v

n – – – – v v

n – – – – v v
n – – – – v v
n – – – – v v

n – – x x x x n – –
n n n v v v v
n 3) 3)

n n n x x x x n v –
n n n n n n n n n –
n – – n n n n n n –

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 2/49

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n Basic version n
v Option n
x Function is dependent on operating software n
X Precondition: HMI-Advanced operating software n
– Not possible
Order No. n

■ Startup (continued)
SinuCom startup software for SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline n
SinuCom NC See HMI software n
Dialog-based parameterization of machine data, management of series startup files, n
integrated online help for functions, machine data and alarms n
SinuCom NC Trace See HMI software n
Dynamic recording of variables and signals – optimization without additional oscilloscope n
SinuCom FFS See HMI software n
Creation of an image for the PC card n
SinuCom ARC See HMI software n
Reading, deleting, inserting and changing series startup files n
Startup software on PC/PG for SIMODRIVE 611 digital See HMI software n

■ Diagnostic functions
PLC status n
Process fault diagnostics for S7 HiGraph and S7 Graph See HMI software n
for PCU 50.3 with Solution for Powertrain TRANSLINE HMI PRO n
RCS remote diagnostics/host and viewer See HMI software n
Alarms and messages n
Action log can be activated for diagnostic purposes n

■ Tools
Programming language SIMATIC STEP 7 See HMI software n
• LAD ladder diagram n
• FBD function block diagram n
• STL statement list n
SIMATIC STEP 7 for SINUMERIK hardware for service functions n
SinuCom PCIN See HMI software n
SinuCom Update Agent for series startup and software See HMI software n
Data backup (Backup/Restore) with ghost on hard disk/network See PCU 50.3 n
CAD reader for PC See HMI software n
Offline SINUMERIK 800/840D CNC program converter On request n

2/50 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

n SINUMERIK 802 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
n Note on operating software
n 802S 802C 810DE 810D 840DE 840D
base base power- power- power- power- Blank field: Function is not dependent on operating software
n line line line line line line HMI- HMI- Shop Shop HT 6
n Ad- Em- Mill Turn
n van- bed-
n ced ded

n – – v v v v
n – – – – v v
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v

n n n n n n n n n n n n
n – – – – v v
n – – x x x x v v v v v
n n n n n n n
n – – n n n n n n n n –

n n n v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – x x x x v – –
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v
n – – n n n n
n – – v v v v
n – – v v v v – – – – –

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

■ Overview of options for SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline

2 Option Page Order No. Option Page Order No.
2nd machining channel 2/6 6FC5451-0AF03-0AA0 Involute interpolation 2/14 6FC5251-0AF01-0AA0
and maximum memory configura-
tion as an additional package Laser switching signal, high-speed 2/22 6FC5251-0AE74-0AA0

3-axis transformation 2/18 6FC5251-0AE31-0AA0 Link axis 2/12 6FC5251-0AD10-0AA0

PARACOP Machining channel, 2/4 6FC5251-0AA07-0AA0
3D error compensation 2/44 6FC5251-0AF33-0AA0 each additional
SEC 3D Machining channels (4) 2/6 6FC5251-0AD01-0AA0
Additional axis/spindle + channel 2/4 6FC5251-0AD08-0AA0 and axes (13) as a package
(for NCU 561.x) Machining package 5 axes 2/18 6FC5251-0AA10-0AA0
Advanced Position Control 2/12 6FC5251-0AF04-0AA0 Machining package milling 2/18 6FC5251-0AG00-0AA0
Axial data output 2/48 6FC5251-0AF44-0AA0 Master-slave for drives 2/16 6FC5251-0AC07-0AA0
Master-value coupling 2/16 6FC5251-0AD06-0AA0
Axial coupling 2/16 6FC5251-0AD11-0AA0 and curve table interpolation
in the machine coordinate system
Measuring stage 2 2/18 6FC5250-0AD00-0AA0
Axis container 2/12 6FC5251-0AE01-0AA0
Mode group (MG), 2/4 6FC5251-0AD00-0AA0
Axis/spindle interpolation, 2/6 6FC5251-0AA03-0AA0 each additional
each additional
Multi-axis interpolation 2/14 6FC5251-0AA16-0AA0
Clearance control, 2/22 6FC5251-0AC05-0AA0
1D/3D in position control cycle Multi-channel step sequence 2/28 6FC5253-0AF03-0AA0
CNC main memory 2/4 6FC5251-0AD02-0AA0
expanded by 1 MB Online ISO dialect interpreter 2/26 6FC5253-0AE00-0AA0
Continue machining at the contour 2/14 6FC5251-0AE72-0AA0 Operation with tool management 2/36 6FC5251-0AB12-0AA0
(retrace support) Oscillation functions 2/20 6FC5251-0AB04-0AA0
Contour handwheel 2/20 6FC5251-0AG04-0AA0 Pair of synchronized axes 2/16 6FC5255-0AB00-0AA0
Contour monitoring 2/44 6FC5251-0AB16-0AA0 (gantry axes)
with tunnel function Path length evaluation 2/44 6FC5251-0AF05-0AA0
Control unit management 2/40 6FC5253-0AE03-0AA0 Path switch signals/ 2/10 6FC5251-0AB07-0AA0
Cross-mode 2/22 6FC5251-0AD04-0AA0 cam controller
actions Path velocity-dependent 2/20 6FC5251-0AC04-0AA0
Cycle storage separate 2/26 6FC5251-0AF00-0AA0 analog output
from CNC main memory PLC user memory 2/46 6FC5252-0AA03-0AA0
Electronic gear unit 2/16 6FC5251-0AE00-0AA0 expanded by 64 KB
Electronic transfer 2/20 6FC5250-0AD05-0AA0 Polynomial interpolation 2/14 6FC5251-0AA15-0AA0
Electronic weight counterbalance 2/44 6FC5255-0AC00-0AA0 Positioning axis/auxiliary spindle, 2/6 6FC5251-0AA04-0AA0
each additional
Enabling of internal drive control 2/6 6FC5451-0AF02-0AA0
6th axis for interpolation tasks PROFIBUS tool and 2/48 6FC5251-0AE71-0AA0
process monitoring
Enabling of internal drive control 2/6 6FC5451-0AF01-0AA0
6th axis for positioning tasks Program preprocessing 2/10 6FC5251-0AC02-0AA0
Evaluation of internal 2/22 6FC5251-0AB17-0AA0 Punching/nibbling functions 2/20 6FC5251-0AC00-0AA0
drive variables Quadrant error compensation, 2/44 6FC5251-0AB14-0AA0
Extended stop and retract 2/48 6FC5250-0AE01-0AA0 automatic
ESR Safety Integrated 2/48
Fast interpolation link 2/12 6FC5251-0AF03-0AA0 • SI Basic 6FC5250-0AG00-0AA0
Feedforward control, 2/44 6FC5250-0AA07-0AA0 • SI Comfort 6FC5250-0AG10-0AA0
acceleration-dependent • SI axis/spindle 6FC5250-0AG11-0AA0
• SI axis/spindle package 6FC5250-0AG12-0AA0
Generator operation 2/48 6FC5255-0AE00-0AA0
Sag compensation, 2/44 6FC5251-0AB15-0AA0
Generic couplings 2/16 multi-dimensional
• CP Basic 6FC5251-0AG01-0AA0
• CP Comfort 6FC5251-0AG02-0AA0 SINUMERIK NCK Runtime OA 2/22 6FC5251-0AA20-0AA0
• CP Expert 6FC5251-0AG03-0AA0
Handling transformation package 2/18 6FC5251-0AD07-0AA0
Inclined axis 2/18 6FC5251-0AB06-0AA0
Interrupt routines with fast retraction 2/22 6FC5251-0AA00-0AA0
from the contour
I/O interfacing 2/38 6FC5252-0AD00-0AA0

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions

■ Overview of options for SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline (continued)

Option Page Order No. Option Page Order No.
Setpoint exchange 2/10 6FC5251-0AE76-0AA0 Transformation 2/18 6FC5251-0AF75-0AA0
HEXAPOD 6 axes
Setpoint linkage for multiple NCUs 2/12 6FC5251-0AF02-0AA0
Transformation 2/18 6FC5251-0AE45-0AA0
Spline interpolation for 2/14 6FC5251-0AF14-0AA0 pantograph kinematics 2 axes
3-axis machining
Spline interpolation for 2/14 6FC5251-0AA14-0AA0 TRICEPT 5 axes
5-axis machining
• Root 2/18 6FC5251-0AE50-0AA0
Synchronized action stage 2 2/20 6FC5251-0AD05-0AA0 • DMS 2/18 6FC5251-0AE51-0AA0
Synchronous spindle/multi-edge 2/14 6FC5255-0AB01-0AA0 • 6th axis 2/18 6FC5251-0AE53-0AA0
TRANSMIT/ 2/18 6FC5251-0AB01-0AA0
Tangential control 2/10 6FC5251-0AB11-0AA0 peripheral surface transformation
Temperature compensation 2/44 6FC5251-0AA13-0AA0 Travel to fixed stop 2/10 6FC5255-0AB02-0AA0
3D tool radius compensation 2/34 6FC5251-0AB13-0AA0
Transformation 2/18 6FC5251-0AE60-0AA0
Dynamic Swivel Tripod
Transformation 2/18 6FC5251-0AE61-0AA0
Dynamic Swivel Tripod
6th axis

■ Overview of options for SINUMERIK 802S/802C

Option Page Order No.
Teach In 2/32 6FC5571-0AA01-0BF0

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions
Positioning modules

n Basic version FM 353 FM 354 FM 357-2L SIMODRIVE 611
v Option FM 357-2LX universal HRS
– Not possible FM 357-2H

■ Structure/application
• SIMATIC S7-300 n n n –
• SIMODRIVE 611 – – – n
Axes per module 1 1 4 1/2
Channels per module 1 1 43) –
Interpolating axes, max. – – 4 2
1) 1)
Max. modules per SIMATIC 33) –
programmable controller
• Power control for stepper motors6) n – n –
• SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS n n n n
(with analog setpoint interface)
• SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS n – n n

■ Measuring systems that can be connected

Indirect measuring systems
• Incremental rotary measuring – n n n
2) 4)
systems via RS 422
• Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp – – – n
• Resolver – – – n
• Absolute rotary measuring systems with SSI – n n –

• Absolute rotary measuring systems with EnDat – – – n

Direct measuring systems
• Incremental rotary measuring systems – n n –
via RS 422
• Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp – – – n
• Resolver – – – n
• Absolute rotary measuring systems with SSI – n n –

• Absolute linear scale with SSI – n n –


• Absolute linear scale with EnDat – – – n

■ Functionality
Traversing range in m ±1 000 ±1 000 ±1 000 ± 200
Velocity in mm/min – 0.01 ... 0.001 ... 1 ...
500 000 > 10 000 000 2 000 000.000
Max. stepping rate in kHz 200 – 750 –
Acceleration in m/s2 – 0.001 ... 100 0.001 ... 100 0.001 ... 999
Acceleration in kHz/s for stepper drives 0.01 ... 10 000 – 0.001 ... 100 –
Jerk time in s – 0 ... 10 0 ... 10 0 ... 0.2

1) Depending on requirements and module complement of the subrack. 4) With sin/cos module only.
2) Also in combination with stepper drive. 5) Via shaft angle encoder interface only.
3) With FM 357-2H only 1. 6) On request.

2/54 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions
Positioning modules

n Basic version FM 353 FM 354 FM 357-2L SIMODRIVE 611
v Option FM 357-2LX universal HRS
– Not possible FM 357-2H

■ Functionality (continued)
Basic resolution in
• mm 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3
-4 -4 -4
• inch 10 10 10 10-4
-2 -4 -2 -4 -2 -4
• degrees 10 ,10 10 ,10 10 ,10 10-3
Position-controlled mode – n n n
Controlled operation with stepper drives n – n –
Position control cycle in ms – 2 2 ... 3 1 ... 4
Interpolation time in ms 2 2 6 ... 9 2 ... 20
Rotary axis n n n v
Automatic block search n n n v
Programmable acceleration n n n v
High-speed process signals
• Inputs 4 4 12 1
• Outputs 4 4 8 –

Options for assigning the high-speed inputs:

• External start n n n n
• Enable input (Stop) n n n n
• External block change n n n n

• Set actual value on-the-fly n n n n


• On-the-fly measurement n n n n
• Home position switch n n n n
• Reversing cam n n n –
Options for assigning the high-speed outputs:
• Position reached Stop n n n n
• Forward, back n n n –
• M function output M97/M98 n n n –

• Start enable n n n –

• Direct output (for user) n n n –

• Cam output – – n –

■ CNC programming
Programming language (DIN 66025) n n n –
No. of traversing programs 199 199 n 1
3) 3) 4)

Program length in blocks, max. 100 100 n 256


Block capacity per module, max. n n n 2565)

3) 3) 4)

Subroutine levels, max. 1 1 11 –

No. of subroutine passes, max. 250 250 ≤ 9 999 –
Max. number of different 20 20 n –
subroutines from one program

1) Expandable using local bus segment.

2) Via synchronized actions.
3) Limited by program memory (16 KB).
4) Limited by program memory (770 KB).
5) With software version 10 or higher.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions
Positioning modules

n Basic version FM 353 FM 354 FM 357-2L SIMODRIVE 611
v Option FM 357-2LX universal HRS
– Not possible FM 357-2H

■ CNC programming (continued)

Dimensions in mm, degrees, inch n n n n
Skip block n n n n
Subroutines n n n –
Endless loop with M18 n n n With GOTO
M function, actual-value-specific – – n –
M function, time/acknowledgement-driven n n n –
Syntax check n n n n

■ Communication
Backup of user data on PG from
• Hard disk, floppy disk FM Param FM Param FM Param v
• Memory card – – n –
I/O bus, S7-CPU ↔ FM n n n –
Software technology module for communication n n n n
between CPU and positioning module
Multipoint interface (MPI)
• Via SIMATIC S7-CPU n n n –
Networking with PROFIBUS DP via v v v n
PROFIBUS DP with PROFIdrive profile – – n v

SIMODRIVE drive interface – ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V

Power control for stepper motors4) n – n –
drive interface
(stepping rate, direction signal)
Data transfer via memory card – – n –

■ Operation
Standard screens for OP7 n n – –
2) 2)

Standard screens for OP17 n n n –

2) 2) 2)

Standard screens for OP27 – – n –


Standard screens for TP 170B/MP 270B – – n –


■ Operating modes and machine functions

Incremental dimension, relative n n n n
Jog mode n n n n
Control n n n v
MDI n n n –

Automatic n n n n
Reference point approach n n n n
Follow-up mode – n n v
Parking axis n n n v
Simulation n n n –
1) Cannot be used when HT 6 is used in combination with FM 357-2H. 3) Only via startup screen.
2) Included in the configuration package. 4) On request.

2/56 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions
Positioning modules

n Basic version FM 353 FM 354 FM 357-2L SIMODRIVE 611
v Option FM 357-2LX universal HRS
– Not possible FM 357-2H

■ Operating modes and machine functions (continued)

Length measurement n n n –
Retrigger reference point n n n –
Switch off enable input n n n –
Switch off software limit switch n n n –
On-the-fly measurement n n n n

Switch off automatic drift compensation – n n –

Preset (set actual value) n n n –
Block search n n – n
Teach In n n n v

Delete distance-to-go n n n –
Restart n n n –
Handling transformation – – n –

■ Compensations and reference points

20 tool compensations n n n –
Tool compensations 1 length + n n n –
1 wear (add./abs.)
Tool compensation, 3 lengths – – n –
Zero offset n n n n
Reference point offset n n n n
Automatic drift compensation for analog – n n –
speed setpoints
Backlash compensation n n n n

■ Axis monitoring functions

Software limit switch monitoring n n n n
Position monitoring – n n n
Standstill (zero-speed) monitoring – n n n
Rotation monitoring n – n –
Plausibility in data communication n n n –
Limit value n n n n
Following error – n n n
Cable break – n n n
Setpoint n n n –
Watchdog n n n –

1) Not with FM 357-2L.

2) With FM 357-2H.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Overview of functions
Positioning modules

n Basic version FM 353 FM 354 FM 357-2L SIMODRIVE 611
v Option FM 357-2LX universal HRS
– Not possible FM 357-2H

■ PLC area
FM can be used in SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 314 and CPU 314 and CPU 314C and –
higher higher higher
PLC programming with HiGraph – – v –
Add-on package for STEP 7
SIMATIC S7 technology modules n n n –
Digital inputs/outputs, max. 1 024 1 024 992 81)
No. of I/O modules, max. 32 32 31 –
Bit memories 2 048 2 048 2 048 –
Counter 256 256 256 –
Timers 256 256 256 –
Main memory in KB 48 48 48 –
Machining time
• Bit commands, typ. in µs 0.1 0.1 0.1 –
• Word commands, typ. in µs 1.0 1.0 1.0 –
FB 512 512 512 –
FC 512 512 512 –
DB 511 511 511 –
Cyclic function block n n n –
Time-controlled function blocks n n n –
STEP 7 programming language n n n –
Programming: STL, SCL, LAD/FBD n n n –
Equipment for PLC programming and program PG 7../PC PG 7../PC PG 7../PC –
Memory card (flash EPROM) CPU 314 CPU 314 CPU 314C –
CPU 315 CPU 315 CPU 315
CPU 316
CPU 318-2

■ Diagnostic functions
PLC status n n n –
Diagnostic buffer specifying error ID codes n n n n
2) 2) 2)

Servo alarms n n n n
Diagnostic alarms and messages n n n n

■ Startup/parameterization
PG 720/PG 740/PG 760 programming devices v v v n
PC with RS 232 C (V.24) – – – n
PC with MPI card v v v –
Windows-based startup tool n n n n
Configured using SIMATIC STEP 7 n n n n
Startup functions – – – n
• Measurement functions – – – n

1) Expansion is possible via options. 2) The last 5 events.

2/58 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for

CNC controls

3/2 General 3/43 Keyboards

3/2 Introduction 3/43 KBPC CG US standard PC keyboard
3/43 Keyboard tray
3/4 Operator panels
3/46 Dyna Systems full CNC keyboard
3/7 SINUMERIK OP 010C 3/47 Storage devices
3/8 SINUMERIK OP 012 3/47 SINUMERIK card reader USB 2.0
3/9 SINUMERIK OP 015 3/48 CompactFlash Card
3/10 SINUMERIK OP 015A 3/49 Industrial USB Hub 4
3/11 SINUMERIK OP 015AT 3/50 SIMATIC PC USB FlashDrive
3/12 SINUMERIK TP 015A 3/51 SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive,
3/14 SINUMERIK direct key module 3/52 SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive
3/53 Housing systems
3/53 Rittal command panel systems
3/54 Rose Systemtechnik GmbH
3/22 SINUMERIK Video link

3/24 Handheld units

3/27 Handheld unit type B-MPI
3/28 Mini handheld unit
3/29 Electronic handwheel
3/30 Handwheel connection module

3/31 Machine control panels

3/36 SINUMERIK OP 032S machine
control panel
3/40 Expansion panel
3/41 SINUMERIK MPI interface
3/42 SIRIUS 3SB3
3/42 Laser inscription

For products approved for Canada

and U.S.A., see Appendix.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls


■ Overview


OP 015AT/TP 015AT HT 8 PCU 20 PCU 50.3

SINUMERIK operator panel fronts with PCU Operator panels

The SINUMERIK operator panel fronts (OP) and touch operator An operator panel comprises a SINUMERIK PCU (large-scale
panels (TP) can be combined with SINUMERIK PCUs (industrial integrated industrial PC) and a SINUMERIK operator panel front,
PCs) and contain numerous innovations to improve ease of which is available with various performance levels or various
operation. display sizes.
The USB interface on the panel front provides hot plug and play The displays comply with the quality standards relating to the
functionality for a standard PC keyboard and/or mouse. The pixel error class defined by ISO standard 13406-2, class 2.
SINUMERIK operator panel fronts are available with displays in
a variety of sizes, and with membrane or mechanical keyboards. Benefits
7 Intelligent, rugged operator panels that have an impressively
Thus the SINUMERIK operator panel fronts can be tailored to the low-profile and compact design
individual user’s requirements.
7 Individual design of your user interface, using your expertise
SINUMERIK PCUs by means of openness in human-machine communication
With the SINUMERIK PCUs and the SINUMERIK operator panel 7 Distributed design due to physical separation of PCU and
fronts, you can create innovative operator panels. The operator panel front
SINUMERIK PCUs are fitted to the rear of the SINUMERIK Application
operator panel fronts.
The operator panels are predominantly used for visualization
The powerful SINUMERIK PCUs contain numerous innovations. and for the operation of machine tools. They are particularly
The communication interfaces via Ethernet and PROFIBUS DP suitable for milling, turning, grinding and special-purpose
are already on board. machines.
The complementary proven operator control components, such For further information on applications, refer to the section
as handheld units, machine control panels, Push Button Panels, Operation in chapter Overview of functions.
electronic handwheels, keyboards, card readers and 3.5" floppy
disk drives can be used with the SINUMERIK PCUs.
The SINUMERIK Thin Client Unit TCU allows operator panel
fronts and the SINUMERIK PCUs/NCUs to be installed separa-
tely. For this reason, the user interface is copied to one or several
operator panel fronts, each with a SINUMERIK TCU.

3/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls


■ Overview (continued)


standard PC keyboard
Card reader
USB 2.0


SINUMERIK MCP 483 Handheld unit Mini Electronic
type B-MPI handheld unit handwheel

Handheld units Keyboards

The SINUMERIK handheld units are available with a variety of The keyboards allow convenient and user-friendly input of
performance options. Small handheld units are also available, programs and texts.
which can be used as mobile machine control panels.
Benefits 7 Ergonomic keyboard
7 Ergonomic machine control thanks to carefully designed 7 CNC-specific supplements
7 Setup and operation of simple machines with the mini hand- Storage devices
held unit, especially as part of JobShop or similar applications Storage devices are used for archiving user data.
7 Setup, operation, teaching and programming of user pro-
grams with the multifunctional handheld terminal Housing systems
Housing systems can be manufactured to precise dimensions
Machine control panels and ready to install for numerous combinations of SINUMERIK
Machine control panels, push button panels and handwheels operating components.
are available for the user-friendly operation of the machine Benefits
functions of SINUMERIK and PLC-controlled machines.
Optimum configuration options for SINUMERIK CNC controls
Benefits with:
7 Ergonomic machine control thanks to sophisticated design
7 Operator Panel
7 Machine-specific adaptations by means of variable labeling
7 CNC full keyboard
and control devices that can additionally be integrated
7 Machine control panel
7 Push Button Panel

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/3

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Integration
The SINUMERIK OP 08T operator panel front can be used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:

■ Technical specifications
3 Order No.
Product name
operator panel front
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 15 W
Degree of protection to EN 60529
(IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
The extremely compact SINUMERIK OP 08T operator panel front • Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
supports the distributed installation of the operator panel front Ambient temperature
and control. The SINUMERIK OP 08T operator panel front con-
tains a membrane keyboard with 65 keys (layout as SINUMERIK • Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
KB 310C full CNC keyboard), as well as 2 x (8 + 2) horizontal • Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
and 2 x 8 vertical softkeys.
• Operation
The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
clamps supplied with the panel.
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)

■ Benefits Dimensions

7 Design of compact operator panels through shallow instal- • Width 310 mm (12.2 in)
lation depth/reduced size and low power dissipation • Height 330 mm (13.0 in)
7 Vibration-free mounting of the SINUMERIK PCU in the • Depth 41 mm (1.61 in)
control cabinet
Panel cutout
7 Efficient operation of larger machines using up to 4 additional
distributed operator panels • Width 285 mm (11.2 in)
• Height 304 mm (12.0 in)
■ Design Weight, approx. 2.9 kg (6.39 lb)
The SINUMERIK OP 08T operator panel front is connected to the
PCU/NCU via Ethernet as a Thin Client in its own subnet (via
DHCP server to PCU/NCU).
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
• 2 x USB 1.1 operator panel front
• Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s 19.1 cm/7.5" TFT (640 x 480)
with membrane keys and
■ Function integrated TCU
• Signal transmission between operator panel front and
PCU/NCU via Industrial Ethernet Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF04-1BA0
• Simple installation 3 A4 sheets for OP 08T
• Mixed operation with one operator panel front directly at the Caps (5 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0BA0
PCU is possible. Operation on an SINUMERIK OP 08T has the For USB port
same authorization rights as operation on an operator panel
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
front connected directly to the PCU. The operator panel in
passive mode shows a darkened screen. For supplementary operating
components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in)
• The distance to the operator panel fronts is determined by the profile,
maximum distance between two network nodes/access points length: 20 mm (0.79 in)
(100 m/328 ft).

3/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF00-0AA1
Product name SINUMERIK OP 010
operator panel front
Input voltage Via PCU, TCU or video link
receiver (5 V DC)
Power consumption, max.
Degree of protection to
16 W
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... 140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... 140 °F)
The SINUMERIK OP 010 operator panel front with 10.4" TFT color • Operation
display with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels (VGA) features a - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
62-key membrane keypad with 8 + 4 horizontal and 8 vertical
softkeys that has been optimized for programming subroutines. - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)

The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special Dimensions
clamps supplied with the panel. • Width 483 mm (19.02 in)
• Height 310 mm (12.2 in)
■ Benefits • Depth 30 mm (1.18 in)
7 Low-cost operator control and monitoring thanks to
10" display with optimized keyboard
• Without PCU 20 mm (0.78 in)
■ Integration • With PCU 20 76 mm (2.99 in)

The SINUMERIK operator panel front OP 010 can be used for: - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)

• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline: • With PCU 50.3 108.2 mm (4.25 in)
SINUMERIK PCU 20/PCU 50.3 - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
Weight, approx. 5 kg (11 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK OP 010 6FC5203-0AF00-0AA1
operator panel front
26.4 cm/10.4" TFT (640 x 480)
with membrane keys
Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF07-0AA0
3 A4 sheets for
Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
For USB port
Set of clamps (6 units) 6FC5248-0AF06-0AA0

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF04-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK OP 010S
operator panel front
Input voltage Via PCU, TCU or video link
receiver (5 V DC)

3 Power consumption, max.

Degree of protection according to
16 W

EN 60529 (IEC 60529)

• Front IP54
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating based on Class 3K5 condensation and
EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
The slimline SINUMERIK OP 010S operator panel front with • Operation
10.4" TFT color display with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
(VGA) features 8 + 4 horizontal and 8 vertical mechanical
softkeys. - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)

A full CNC keyboard can be used as the input keyboard. Dimensions

• Width 310 mm (12.2 in)
The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special
clamps supplied with the panel. • Height 330 mm (13.0 in)
• Depth 45 mm (1.77 in)
■ Benefits Depth
7 Space-saving operator control and monitoring • Without PCU 35 mm (1.38 in)
7 Ergonomic and reliable operation thanks to the • With PCU 20 91 mm (3.58 in)
SINUMERIK KB 310C full CNC keyboard
- Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)

■ Integration • With PCU 50.3 123.2 mm (4.85 in)

- Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
The SINUMERIK operator panel front OP 010S can be used for:
Weight, approx. 5.5 kg (12.13 lb)
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK OP 010S 6FC5203-0AF04-0AA0
operator panel front
26.4 cm/10.4" TFT (640 x 480)
with mechanical keys
Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
For USB port
Set of clamps (6 units) 6FC5248-0AF06-0AA0

3/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF01-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK OP 010C
operator panel front
Input voltage Via PCU, TCU, or video link
receiver (5 V DC)
Power consumption, max.
Degree of protection to
16 W
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
The SINUMERIK OP 010C operator panel front with 10.4" TFT • Operation
color display with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels (VGA) features - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
a 65-key mechanical keypad with 8 + 4 horizontal and 8 vertical - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
The 6 hotkeys are designed with replaceable key covers for • Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
machine-specific adaptation. The key covers can be freely
inscribed using laser. • Height 310 mm (12.2 in)

The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special • Depth 30 mm (1.18 in)
clamps supplied with the panel. Depth
• Without PCU 20 mm (0.79 in)
■ Benefits • With PCU 20 76 mm (2.99 in)
7 Easy, reliable operator control and monitoring thanks to the - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
integral keyboard with mechanical keys
• With PCU 50.3 108.2 mm (4.26 in)
7 Fast selection of the main functions using the 6 integral - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
Weight, approx. 5 kg (11.0 lb)

■ Integration
The SINUMERIK operator panel front OP 010C can be used for:
■ Selection and ordering data
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline: Designation Order No.
operator panel front
26.4 cm/10.4" TFT (640 x 480)
with mechanical keys
Square key cover for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF12-0AA0
1 set comprising of: 90 x ergo
gray, 20 x red, 20 x yellow,
20 x green, 20 x mid-gray
Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
For USB port
Set of clamps (6 units) 6FC5248-0AF06-0AA0

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF02-0AA1
Product name SINUMERIK OP 012
operator panel front
Input voltage Via PCU, TCU or video link
receiver (5 V DC)

3 Power consumption, max.

Degree of protection to
21 W

EN 60529 (IEC 60529)

• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tempera-
ture 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
The SINUMERIK OP 012 operator panel front with 12.1" TFT • Operation
color display with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels (SVGA) - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
features a 59-key membrane keypad as well as 2 x (8 + 2) hori- - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
zontal and 2 x 8 vertical softkeys. The integral mouse provides
an additional method of machine control. The 2 x 8 vertical soft-
keys can be used as direct keys. • Width 483 mm (19.02 in)
The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special • Height 310 mm (12.2 in)
clamps supplied with the panel. • Depth 30 mm (1.18 in)

■ Benefits
• Without PCU 20 mm (0.78 in)
7 User-friendly operator control and monitoring thanks to
• With PCU 20 76 mm (2.99 in)
12" display
- Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
7 Easy operation thanks to integral keyboard and mouse
• With PCU 50.3 108.2 mm (4.25 in)

■ Integration - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)

Weight, approx. 5 kg (11 lb)
The SINUMERIK operator panel front OP 012 can be used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:
SINUMERIK PCU 20/PCU 50.3 ■ Selection and ordering data
The optional SINUMERIK direct key module provides an addi- Designation Order No.
tional connection of the 2 x 8 vertical softkeys as direct keys to SINUMERIK OP 012 6FC5203-0AF02-0AA1
PROFIBUS DP, if no SINUMERIK Push Button Panel or machine operator panel front
control panel with connection of the direct keys is available. 30.7 cm/12.1" TFT (800 x 600)
with membrane keys and mouse
SINUMERIK direct key module 6FC5247-0AF11-0AA0
With mounting kit for
Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF08-0AA0
(3 A4 sheets) for
USB mouse 6FC5247-0AF01-0AA0
For operator panel front
Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
For USB port
Set of clamps (6 units) 6FC5248-0AF06-0AA0

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF03-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK OP 015
operator panel front
Input voltage Via PCU, TCU, or video link
receiver (5 V DC)
Power consumption, max.
Degree of protection to
24 W
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
The SINUMERIK OP 015 operator panel front with 15" TFT color • Operation
display with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels (XGA) features - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
8 + 4 horizontal and 8 vertical membrane softkeys. - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
The SINUMERIK KB 483C full CNC keyboard can be used as Dimensions
input keyboard. • Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special • Height 310 mm (12.2 in)
clamps supplied with the panel.
• Depth 52 mm (2.05 in)

■ Benefits Depth
• Without PCU 42 mm (1.65 in)
7 Very user-friendly operator control and monitoring thanks to
brilliant 15" display • With PCU 20 98 mm (3.86 in)
7 Ergonomic and reliable operation thanks to the optional - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
SINUMERIK KB 483C full CNC keyboard • With PCU 50.3 130.2 mm (5.13 in)
- Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
■ Integration Weight, approx. 7 kg (15.4 lb)
The SINUMERIK operator panel front OP 015 can be used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline: ■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK OP 015 6FC5203-0AF03-0AA0
operator panel front
38.3 cm/15.1" TFT (1024 x 768)
with membrane keys
Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
For USB port
Set of clamps (6 units) 6FC5248-0AF06-0AA0

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications (continued)

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF05-0AB0
Product name SINUMERIK OP 015A
operator panel front
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)

3 • Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)

• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
• Height 355 mm (14.0 in)
• Depth 53 mm (2.09 in)
• Without PCU 42 mm (1.65 in)
The SINUMERIK OP 015A operator panel front with 15" TFT color • With PCU 20 95 mm (3.74 in)
display with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels (XGA) features a - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
62-key membrane keyboard with 2 x (8 + 2) horizontal and • With PCU 50.3 127 mm (5.00 in)
2 x 8 vertical softkeys and an integral mouse. The 2 x 8 vertical
- Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
softkeys can be used as direct keys in the PLC.
Weight, approx. 8.4 kg (18.5 lb)
The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special
clamps supplied with the panel.
■ Selection and ordering data
■ Benefits Designation Order No.
7 Very user-friendly operator control and monitoring thanks to
SINUMERIK OP 015A 6FC5203-0AF05-0AB0
15" display operator panel front
7 Easy operation thanks to integral keyboard and mouse 38.3 cm/15.1" TFT (1024 x 768)
with membrane keys
■ Integration SINUMERIK direct key module 6FC5247-0AF11-0AA0
The SINUMERIK operator panel front OP 015A can be used for:
With mounting kit for
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline: SINUMERIK OP 012
Direct key module mounting kit 6FC5247-0AF30-0AA0
The optional SINUMERIK direct key module provides an addi- For SINUMERIK OP 015A/
tional connection of the 2 x 8 vertical softkeys as direct keys to TP 015A
PROFIBUS DP, if no SINUMERIK Push Button Panel or machine
control panel with connection of the direct keys is available.
Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF24-0AA0
■ Technical specifications 3 A4 sheets for SINUMERIK
OP 015A/OP 015AT/TP 015A/
Order No. 6FC5203-0AF05-0AB0 TP 015AT for vertical softkeys
Product name SINUMERIK OP 015A USB mouse 6FC5247-0AF01-0AA0
operator panel front For operator panel front
Input voltage Via PCU, TCU, or video link Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
receiver (5 V DC)
For USB port
Power consumption, max. 25 W
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
Degree of protection to For supplementary operating
EN 60529 (IEC 60529) components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in)
• Front IP65 profile, length: 20 mm (0.79 in)
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).

3/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Integration
The SINUMERIK operator panel front OP 015AT can be used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:

■ Technical specifications
Order No.
Product name
operator panel front
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 25 W
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
The SINUMERIK OP 015AT operator panel front with 15" TFT • Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
color display, 1024 x 768 pixels (XGA), supports the distributed Ambient temperature
installation of the operator panel front and control. The
SINUMERIK OP 015AT operator panel front contains a mem- • Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
brane keyboard with 62 keys as well as 2 x (8 + 2) horizontal and • Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
2 x 8 vertical softkeys and an integral mouse.
• Operation
The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
clamps supplied with the panel. - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
■ Benefits • Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
7 Design of flat operator panels through shallow installation
• Height 355 mm (14.0 in)
depth and low power dissipation
• Depth 53 mm (2.09 in)
7 Vibration-free mounting of the SINUMERIK PCU in the control
cabinet Depth without PCU 42 mm (1.65 in)
7 Efficient operation of larger machines using up to 4 additional, • Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
distributed operator panels Weight, approx. 7.6 kg (16.8 lb)

■ Design
■ Selection and ordering data
The SINUMERIK OP 015AT operator panel front is connected to
the PCU/NCU via Ethernet as a Thin Client in its own subnet (via Designation Order No.
DHCP server to PCU/NCU). SINUMERIK OP 015AT 6FC5203-0AF05-1AB0
operator panel front
38 cm/15" TFT (1024 x 768)
• 3 x USB 1.1 (2 x rear, 1 x front) with membrane keys and
• Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s integral TCU
■ Function Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF24-0AA0
• Signal transmission between operator panel front and 3 A4 sheets for SINUMERIK
PCU/NCU via Industrial Ethernet OP 015A/OP 015AT/TP 015A/
TP 015AT for vertical softkeys
• Simple installation
USB mouse 6FC5247-0AF01-0AA0
• Mixed operation with one operator panel front directly at the
PCU is possible. Operation on a SINUMERIK OP 015AT has the For operator panel front
same authorization rights as operation on an operator panel Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
front connected directly to the PCU. The operator panel in pas- For USB port
sive mode shows a darkened screen.
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
• The distance to the operator panel fronts is determined by the
maximum distance between two network nodes/access points For supplementary operating
(100 m/328 ft). components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in)
profile, length: 20 mm (0.79 in)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/11

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF08-0AB0
Product name SINUMERIK TP 015A
operator panel front
Input voltage Via PCU, TCU, or video link
receiver (5 V DC)

3 Power consumption, max.

Degree of protection to
25 W

EN 60529 (IEC 60529)

• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation
The SINUMERIK TP 015A touch operator panel front with 15" TFT - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
color display with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels (XGA) and - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
touch screen features a 62-key membrane keyboard, as well as Dimensions
2 x (8 + 2) horizontal and 2 x 8 vertical softkeys and an integral
• Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
mouse. The 2 x 8 vertical softkeys can be used as direct keys in
the PLC. • Height 355 mm (14.0 in)
The touch operator panel front is mounted from the rear using • Depth 53 mm (2.09 in)
special clamps supplied with the panel. Depth
• Without PCU 42 mm (1.65 in)
■ Benefits • With PCU 50.3 127 mm (5.00 in)
7 Very user-friendly operator control and monitoring thanks to - Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
15" display Weight, approx. 8.4 kg (18.5 lb)
7 Easy operation thanks to touch screen, integral keyboard and
■ Selection and ordering data
■ Integration Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK TP 015A 6FC5203-0AF08-0AB0
The SINUMERIK touch operator panel front TP 015A can be operator panel front
used for:
15.0" TFT (1024 x 768) with
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline: membrane keys and touch
SINUMERIK direct key module 6FC5247-0AF11-0AA0
The optional SINUMERIK direct key module provides an additi- PROFIBUS DP
onal connection of the 2 x 8 vertical softkeys as direct keys to the (With mounting kit for
PROFIBUS DP, if no SINUMERIK Push Button Panel or machine SINUMERIK OP 012)
control panel with connection of the direct keys is available or if Direct key module mounting kit 6FC5247-0AF30-0AA0
the direct key commands cannot be transferred over the Thin
Client. TP 015A
Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF24-0AA0
3 A4 sheets for SINUMERIK
OP 015A/OP 015AT/TP 015A/
TP 015AT for vertical softkeys
USB mouse 6FC5247-0AF01-0AA0
For operator panel front
Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
For USB port
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
For supplementary operating
components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in)
profile, length: 20 mm (0.79 in)

3/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Integration
The SINUMERIK touch operator panel front TP 015AT can be
used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5203-0AF08-1AB0
Product name SINUMERIK TP 015AT
operator panel front
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 25 W
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
The SINUMERIK TP 015AT touch operator panel front with
15" TFT color display, 1024 x 768 pixels (XGA) and touch screen • Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
supports the distributed installation of the operator panel front Ambient temperature
and control. The SINUMERIK TP 015AT touch operator panel
front contains a membrane keyboard with 62 keys as well as • Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
2 x (8 + 2) horizontal and 2 x 8 vertical softkeys and an integral • Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation
The operator panel front is mounted from the rear using special - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
clamps supplied with the panel. - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
■ Benefits • Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
7 Flat operator panel through shallow installation depth
• Height 355 mm (14.0 in)
7 Low power dissipation
• Depth 53 mm (2.09 in)
7 Simple installation
Depth without PCU 42 mm (1.65 in)
7 Vibration-free mounting in the control cabinet
• Clearance 10 mm (0.39 in)
7 Efficient operation of larger machines using up to 4 additional
distributed operator panels Weight, approx. 7.6 kg (16.8 lb)

■ Design ■ Selection and ordering data

The SINUMERIK TP 015AT touch operator panel front is connec- Designation Order No.
ted to the PCU/NCU via Ethernet as a Thin Client in its own sub-
net (via DHCP server to PCU/NCU). touch operator panel front
Ports: 15.0" TFT (1024 x 768) with
• 3 x USB 1.1 (2 x rear, 1 x front) membrane keys, touch screen
and integral TCU
• Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s

■ Function Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF24-0AA0

3 A4 sheets for SINUMERIK
• Signal transmission between operator panel front and OP 015A/OP 015AT/TP 015A/
PCU/NCU via Industrial Ethernet TP 015AT
• Mixed operation with one operator panel front directly at the USB mouse 6FC5247-0AF01-0AA0
PCU is possible. Operation on a TP 015AT has the same autho-
For operator panel front
rization rights as operation on an operator panel front connec-
ted directly to the PCU. The operator panel in passive mode Caps (10 units) 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0
shows a darkened screen. For USB port
• The distance to the operator panel fronts is determined by the Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
maximum distance between two network nodes/access points For supplementary operating
(100 m/328 ft). components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in)
profile, length: 20 mm (0.79 in)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/13

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels
SINUMERIK direct key module

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5247-0AF11-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK direct key module for
Input voltage 5 V DC
Power consumption, max. 0.75 W

3 Degree of protection to EN 60529

(IEC 60529)

Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and

with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 106 mm (4.17 in)
The SINUMERIK direct key module enables you to operate the • Height 42 mm (1.65 in)
machine using both key rows (to the left and right of the screen)
on the SINUMERIK operator panel fronts OP 012/OP 015A/ • Depth 80 mm (3.15 in)
TP 015A. Weight, approx. 0.6 kg (1.32 lb)

■ Design
■ Selection and ordering data
The SINUMERIK direct key module is fitted alongside the
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 on the SINUMERIK operator panel fronts Designation Order No.
OP 012/OP 015A/TP 015A. Cables and installation components SINUMERIK direct key module 6FC5247-0AF11-0AA0
for assembling the SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 with OP 012 are PROFIBUS DP
included in the scope of delivery. With mounting kit for
For the combination SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 with OP 015A/
TP 015A there is a separate mounting kit which, if required, Direct key module mounting kit 6FC5247-0AF30-0AA0
must be ordered separately. For SINUMERIK OP 015A/
TP 015A
■ Integration
The SINUMERIK direct key module is suitable for connection to:
• SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 with the SINUMERIK operator panel
fronts OP 012/OP 015A/TP 015A
The SINUMERIK direct key module is connected to
PROFIBUS DP of the SINUMERIK operator panel front using a
ribbon cable and PROFIBUS connectors.

3/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Integration
The SINUMERIK PCU 20 can be used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with
SINUMERIK operator panel fronts
OP 010 (from 6FC5203-0AF00-0AA1)/
OP 010C/OP 010S/OP 012/OP 015/OP 015A

Pre-assembled cable
PCU 20 6,0$7,&6
3&0&,$ &38

352),%86FDEOH RU3*
ืP IW 

The high-performance SINUMERIK PCU 20 does not need a
hard disk and already incorporates MPI/PROFIBUS DP commu-
nication onboard. Connection to Ethernet and a floppy disk drive ,QGXVWULDO
(7+(51(7 (WKHUQHW
are available as an option.
The SINUMERIK PCU 20 is equipped with the HMI-Embedded
user interface (Chinese Simplified/ English/French/German/ )XOO&1&NH\
Italian/Spanish) as standard. Other languages for the HMI- SDFNDJHFRQWHQW VWDQGDUG3&
Embedded user interface can be ordered separately 86% 
(see HMI software for CNC controls).

■ Design &209$*
56& 9
• Single-chip PC processor 266 MHz or VHULDOLQWHUIDFH
333 MHz/32 MB DRAM/16 MB Flash
• Embedded operating system
6FX8002-1AA01-.... 56& 9
• Ports: &20 LQWHUIDFH
- COM 1 (V.24/TTY), COM 2 (V.24)
- PS/2 keyboard
- USB, 2 channels (1 x internal/1 x external) .(<%2$5' ERDUG 36 RU

- Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s, external floppy disk drive (SW option)

- PCMCIA memory card interface (can be alternatively used
with PC card or CompactFlash Card (via adapter) as external


Connection overview for SINUMERIK PCU 20

Information about application, configuration and cable extensions
can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/15

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5210-0DF00-1AA2 6FC5210-0DF00-0AA2
Product name SINUMERIK PCU 20
Processor Single Chip PC
• Clock frequency 333 MHz 266 MHz

Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 60 W
Power loss ride-through time 20 ms
Degree of protection to EN 60529 (IEC 60529) IP20
Humidity rating in accordance with EN 60721-3-3 Class 3K5 condensation and icing excluded.
Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 297 mm (11.7 in)
• Height 267 mm (10.5 in)
• Depth 56 mm (2.20 in)
Weight, approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
With current HMI software
• SPC 266 MHz/32 MB 6FC5210-0DF00-0AA2
• SPC 333 MHz/32 MB 6FC5210-0DF00-1AA2
Network/floppy disk drive 6FC5253-0AE01-0AA0
Software option
CompactFlash Card 512 MB 6FC5313-4AG00-0AA2

3/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 High performance thanks to the latest Intel Mobile processor
7 Reliable operation due to monitoring of temperature, hard disk
and fan
7 Service-friendly thanks to the support of a USB boot device

(for example, for booting USB memory sticks, USB floppy and
USB hard disks)

■ Design
• Intel Mobile processor technology
- PCU 50.3-C: Intel Celeron M Mobile processor
1.5 GHz/512 MB/1 MB L2 Cache/400 MHz FSB
- PCU 50.3-P: Intel Pentium M Mobile processor
2.0 GHz/1 GB/2 MB L2 Cache/533 MHz FSB
• 40 GB replaceable hard disk with transport mechanism:
12 GB for applications (HMI-Advanced, MCIS software) and
data (parts programs, documentation, other data)
15 GB for local backups and software to be installed
• Max. memory configuration 2 GB incl. graphics memory
on 2 memory module slots
• Integrated 2D/3D graphics; dynamic graphics memory
(8 to 96 MB); the graphics memory is taken from the
main memory.
The high-performance SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 features onboard • Windows XP ProEmbSys operating system
interfaces for communication via Ethernet, MPI and • Data backup/restore using the Ghost data backup software
PROFIBUS DP, leaving the integrated slots free for other cards.
The SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 comes equipped with the • Ports:
Windows XP ProEmbSys operating system and, for backing up - 2 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s (RJ45)
and restoring data, the Ghost data back-up software. - 4 x USB 2.0
- 1 x PROFIBUS/MPI interface
The HMI-Advanced software can be ordered additionally.
• Expansion slots:
The SINUMERIK Service Pack Recovery Media WIN XP - 2 x PCI (1 x 265 mm (10.4 in), 1 x 175 mm (6.89 in))
ProEmbSys is available for the PCU with Windows XP ProEmbSys - 1 x CompactFlash Card
for reinstalling Windows software components and for restoring
the delivery status.

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5210-0DF31-2AA0 6FC5210-0DF33-2AA0
Product name SINUMERIK PCU 50.3-C SINUMERIK PCU 50.3-P
Processor Intel Celeron M Intel Pentium M
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 190 W
Power loss ride-through time 20 ms
Degree of protection to IP20
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and icing excluded. Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
with EN 60721-3-3
Relative humidity
• Storage/Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 10 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage/Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation
- Max. 15 W for expansions1) 5 ... 55 °C (41 ... 131 °F)
- Max. 20 W for expansions1) 5 ... 50 °C (41 ... 122 °F)
- Max. 30 W for expansions1) 5 ... 45 °C (41 ... 113 °F)
• Width x Height x Depth 297 mm x 267 mm x 81.7 mm (11.69 in x 10.51 in x 3.22 in)
Weight, approx. 6 kg (13.23 lb)

1) Expansion cards, for example.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/17

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Integration
The SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 can be used for: Note:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline (HMI-Advanced The SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 is delivered without mounting
software version 6.4 or higher) brackets. Please include the mounting brackets in the order.


Pre-assembled cable
PCU 50.3

 ,QFOXGHGLQ 6,180(5,.


&RQQHFWLRQPRGXOH31 6XV1440-4B... 6,180(5,.
+7 +7


0&3&,( 6FX8002-2CP00-.... (OHFWURQLF
0&3,(0&3,( ืP IW KDQGZKHHO

&38 6,180(5,.
027,21&211(&7 RU3*
03,'3 6,180(5,.
0&3& 6FX8002-2CP00-.... (OHFWURQLF





Connection overview for SINUMERIK PCU 50.3

Information about application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

3/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3-C 6FC5210-0DF31-2AA0 Accessories
1.5 GHz/1 x 512 MB, Hard disk 6FC5247-0AF08-4AA0
Windows XP ProEmbSys
For SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 with
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3-P 6FC5210-0DF33-2AA0 support plate and damper
2.0 GHz/1 x 1 GB,
Windows XP ProEmbSys
Memory expansion
HMI-Advanced • 512 MB 6ES7648-2AG30-0GA0
On hard disk of • 1 GB 6ES7648-2AG40-0GA0
Languages: Chinese Simplified, Mounting bracket 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0
English, French, German, Italian, For SINUMERIK PCU, video link
Spanish receiver or TCU behind operator
panel front
• Single license 6FC5253-0BX10-0AF0
for current software version CompactFlash Card 1 GB 6FC5313-5AG00-0AA0
• Single license 6FC5253-7BX10-7AF0 Empty
for specific software version USB FlashDrive 2 GB 6ES7648-0DC40-0AA0
SINUMERIK Service Pack 6FC5253-8CX10-0XU8
Example of specific software version, e.g. 7.5: Recovery Media WIN XP
6FC5253-7....-5... ProEmbSys
Windows XP
ProEmbSys on DVD
• Windows XP ProEmbSys
incl. SP2
• Ghost system software;
emergency BOOT
• Multilingual User Interface Pack
(Chinese Simplified, Chinese
Traditional, Czech, Danish,
Dutch, Finnish, French, German,
Hungarian, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Polish, Portuguese/
Brazilian, Rumanian, Russian,
Slovak, Spanish, Swedish,
PCI interface card 6ES7648-2CA01-0AA0
2 x COM, 2 x LPT
For SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 (only
for use with applications within
the framework of HMI Open
Architecture, occupies 1 to
2 PCI expansion slots)

1) Pleaseensure that the order number for the software to be delivered

on the hard disk directly follows the order for the SINUMERIK PCU on
the order form.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/19

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Overview ■ Function
• Signal transmission between SINUMERIK PCU/NCU/
SIMOTION P350-3 and operator panel front via Industrial
• Easy installation and service-friendly layout thanks to the
component structure

• Functionality of the SINUMERIK PCU/SIMOTION P350-3 as in
centralized configuration (e.g. number of PCI slots). The same
operating screen is shown synchronously on all operator panel
fronts and can be used from all panel fronts. Operation on a
Thin Client has the same authorization rights as operation on
an operator panel front connected directly to the SINUMERIK
PCU/SIMOTION P350-3. The operator panel in passive mode
shows a darkened screen.
• Operation is possible on the active operator panel. An enabling
function permits a passive operator panel to request operation.
• The combined operation of operator panel fronts on a
SINUMERIK TCU or with an integral TCU and an operator
panel front directly connected to the SINUMERIK PCU/
SIMOTION P350-3 is possible.
• The distance to the operator panel fronts is determined by the
maximum distance between two network nodes/access points
(100 m/328 ft).

The SINUMERIK Thin Client Unit TCU for distributed installation

■ Integration
permits physical separation of operator panel fronts and The SINUMERIK TCU can be used for:
SINUMERIK PCU/NCU or SIMOTION P350-3. For this purpose, • SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:
the operator interface is copied to one/several operator panel Operator panel fronts OP 010/OP 010C/OP 010S/OP 012/
fronts with one SINUMERIK TCU each. TP 012/OP 015/OP 015A/TP 015A with TFT display on
■ Benefits
7 Design of flat operator panels through the shallow installation 6,180(5,. SINUMERIK
depth and low power dissipation 3&8 ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW TCU

7 Vibration-free mounting in the control cabinet 6,180(5,.
7 Efficient operation of larger machines using up to 5 uniform 2SHUDWRUSDQHO
operator panels IURQW
■ Design 3&8)&$)$$
7&8)&$)$$ QRWUHTXIRU236
The SINUMERIK TCUs are coupled via Industrial Ethernet as
Thin Clients in a dedicated subnetwork (via DHCP server on the  1RWUHTXIRURSHUDWRUSDQHOIURQWVZLWKLQWHJUDO7&8
• Graphics: Resolution 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768, 16-bit color Connection overview for SINUMERIK TCU without central OP on PCU
• 2 x USB 1.1 for connection of mouse and keyboard
• Industrial Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s

3/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels

■ Integration (continued) ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Industrial SINUMERIK TCU SINUMERIK Thin Client Unit TCU 6FC5312-0DA00-0AA1
Mounting bracket, flat 6FC5248-0AF20-0AA0

For SINUMERIK PCU with/without
video link transmitter in control
1) Upright mounting bracket 6FC5248-0AF20-1AA0
Ethernet For SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 with/
without video link transmitter in
control cabinet
Mounting bracket 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0
For SINUMERIK PCU, video link
6ZLWFK receiver or TCU behind operator
SINUMERIK PCU panel front
Industrial SINUMERIK TCU1)
Ethernet Ethernet Industrial Ethernet Switch 6GK5108-0BA00-2AA3
IURQW SCALANCE X108 unmanaged
With 8 RJ45 ports 10/100 Mbit/s
for configuring star topologies
Industrial Ethernet Switch 6GK5208-0BA10-2AA3
SCALANCE X208 managed
SINUMERIK TCU1) With 8 RJ45 ports 10/100 Mbit/s

for configuring line, star and ring

Ethernet 2SHUDWRUSDQHO topologies
3&87&8 Industrial Ethernet Switch 6GK5208-0HA00-2AA6
)&$)$$ SCALANCE X208PRO managed
QRWUHTXIRU236 With 8 RJ45 ports 10/100 Mbit/s
for configuring line, star and ring
topologies; with IP65 degree of
protection, incl. 8 RJ45 and
Connection overview for SINUMERIK TCU with central OP on PCU 3 M12 dust protection caps
IE FC Standard Cable GP 2 x 2 6XV1840-2AH10
■ Technical specifications (Type A)
4-core, shielded TP installation
Order No. 6FC5312-0DA00-0AA1 cable for connection to an IE FC
Product name SINUMERIK Thin Client Unit TCU outlet RJ45/IE FC RJ45 plug;
PROFINET-compatible; with UL
Input voltage 24 V DC approval; sold by the meter;
Power consumption, max. 28.8 W Max. length 1 000 m (3 280 ft),
minimum order quantity
Degree of protection to IP00 20 m (65 ft)
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
IE FC Trailing Cable GP 2 x 2 6XV1840-3AH10
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and (Type C)
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
4-core, shielded TP installation
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
cable for connection to an
Relative humidity IE FC outlet RJ45/IE FC RJ45
plug 180/90 for use as trailing
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F) cable; PROFINET-compatible; wit-
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F) hout UL approval; sold by
the meter;
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F) Max. length 1 000 m (3 280 ft),
Ambient temperature minimum order quantity
20 m (65 ft)
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F) RJ cable connector for Industrial
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F) Ethernet with rugged metal hou-
sing and integrated insulation
Dimensions displacement contacts; with 180°
• Width 260 mm (10.2 in) cable outlet

• Height 265 mm (10.4 in)

• Depth 40 mm (1.57 in) ■ More information
Weight, approx. 1.7 kg (3.75 lb) Information on the SIMATIC NET components such as the Indus-
trial Ethernet Electrical Lean Switches SCALANCE X108 and the
Industrial Ethernet FC TP Standard/Trailing Cable can be found
in the Siemens A&D Mall or in the IK PI Catalog.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/21

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels
SINUMERIK Video link

■ Overview ■ Integration

Order No.
Pre-assembled cable

Video link 6FX2002-1VL00-.... Video link

3 ≤ 20 m (65.8 ft)
transm. 1:1 receiver

SINUMERIK Operator panel
PCU USB 2 x USB front

Mounting bracket required: 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0
6FC5248-0AF20-0AA0 or (not requ. for OP 010S)

Connection overview: Installation of a SINUMERIK PCU with one operator

panel front.

Order No.
Pre-assembled cable

The SINUMERIK video link components for distributed configu- SINUMERIK USB
rations enable spatial separation of the SINUMERIK OP operator PCU
panel fronts and the SINUMERIK PCU and connection of up to Video link 6FX2002-1VL00-.... Video link
two identical OP operator panel fronts on one PCU. transm. 1:1 ≤ 20 m (65.8 ft) receiver

Operator panel Operator panel
■ Benefits front USB 2 x USB front

7 Flat OP layout thanks to minimized mounting depth and low

power loss
7 Vibration-free installation of the SINUMERIK PCU in the control
Mounting bracket required: 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0
7 Efficient operator control of larger machines thanks to a 6FC5248-0AF20-3AA0 (not requ. for OP 010S)
maximum of two identical operator panels

■ Function Connection overview: Installation of a SINUMERIK PCU with two operator

panel fronts. The PCU is installed with the video link transmitter immedi-
Distributed configurations also enable: ately behind the operator panel front (not possible when using OP 010S).
• Signal transfer between PCU and operator panel front via a Information about application, configuration and cable extensions
single cable can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.
• Easy installation and service-friendly layout thanks to the
component structure
• PCU functionality as in a centralized configuration
(e.g. number of PCI slots)
• Distances of up to 20 m (65.6 ft) between PCU and operator
panel front
• All operator panels are active at the same time. As many as
two operator panels display the same on-screen display and
permit the same functions at the same time.
• Operator panel fronts OP 010/OP 010C/OP 010S/OP 012/
OP 015/OP 015A/TP 015A with TFT display

3/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Operator panels
SINUMERIK Video link

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5247-0AF22-1AA0 Order No. 6FC5247-0AF22-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK Product name SINUMERIK
video link transmitter 1:1 video link receiver
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP00 Input voltage 24 V DC
(IEC 60529)
Power consumption, max. 40 W
Humidity rating in accordance
with EN 60721-3-3
Class 3K5 condensation and
icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Degree of protection to EN 60529
(IEC 60529)
IP00 3
Relative humidity Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
• Storage 5 ... 95% at 25 °C (77 °F) temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
• Transport 5 ... 95% at 25 °C (77 °F) Relative humidity
• Operation 5 ... 80% at 25 °C (77 °F) • Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature • Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F) • Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F) Ambient temperature
• Operation 5 ... 55 °C (41 ... 131 °F) • Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
Distance between 20 m (65.6 ft) • Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
video link transmitter and
video link receiver • Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)

Dimensions Distance between 20 m (65.6 ft)

video link transmitter and
• Width 265 mm (10.4 in) video link receiver
• Height 277 mm (10.9 in) Dimensions
• Depth 35 mm (1.38 in) • Width 260 mm (10.2 in)
Weight, approx. 1.2 kg (2.65 lb) • Height 265 mm (10.43 in)
• Depth 37 mm (1.46 in)
Weight, approx. 1.8 kg (3.97 lb)

Order No. 6FC5248-0AF20-0AA0 6FC5248-0AF20-1AA0 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0 6FC5248-0AF20-3AA0

Product name Flat mounting bracket Upright mounting bracket Mounting bracket Central mounting bracket
Weight, approx. 0.6 kg (1.32 lb) 1 kg (2.21 lb) 0.5 kg (1.10 lb) 0.6 kg (1.32 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Video link transmitter 1:1 6FC5247-0AF22-1AA0
Mounting bracket, flat 6FC5248-0AF20-0AA0
For PCU with video link trans-
mitter in control cabinet
Upright mounting bracket 6FC5248-0AF20-1AA0
For PCU 50.3 with video link
transmitter in control cabinet
Mounting bracket, central 6FC5248-0AF20-3AA0
For PCU 50.3 with video link
transmitter behind operator panel
Video link receiver 6FC5247-0AF22-0AA0
Mounting bracket 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0
For PCU or video link receiver
behind operator panel front
Video link cable
• Length 10 m (32.81 ft) 6FX2002-1VL00-1BA0
• Length 15 m (49.22 ft) 6FX2002-1VL00-1BF0
• Length 20 m (65.62 ft) 6FX2002-1VL00-1CA0

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/23

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Handheld units

■ Overview ■ Integration
The SINUMERIK HT 6 can be used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
• FM 357-2

Order No.

SINUMERIK Pre-assembled cable
HT 6
terminal 6FX8002-1AA01-.... RS 232 C (V.24)
≤ 10 m (32.8 ft) interface


Operator panel1)
PCU 50.3

6FX2002-1AA23-.... Machine
≤ 40 m (131 ft) control panel1)
For MPI cable, see
Distributor box MOTION-CONNECT

6FX2006-1BH01 ≤ 200 m (656 ft) SINUMERIK
810D powerline/
840D powerline
The mobile SINUMERIK HT 6 handheld terminal combines the or
functions of an operator panel and a machine control panel in a FM 357-2H
single device. The SINUMERIK HT 6 permits complete machine 1) On request connectable in addition to the HT 6.
operation, monitoring, and the creation of user programs through 2) HT 6 permanently connected:
teaching and programming. max. 200 m (656 ft) from machine control/operator panel or
control to HT 6. HT 6 not always connected: max. 200 m (656 ft)
■ Design from machine control/operator panel or control only with RS 485
repeater (6ES7972-0AA01-0AX0), otherwise total length of
MPI bus cable from machine control/operator panel or controller
The emergency stop and enabling buttons each have to distribution ≤ 5 m (16 ft).
2 channels (4-core), allowing them to be cross-circuit monitored. The HT 6 must always be connected to one end of the MPI route
The SINUMERIK HT 6 is connected via a distributor. (buit-in bus termination).

■ Function SINUMERIK HT 6 connection overview

The standard SINUMERIK HT6 provides a user interface for Information about application, configuration and cable extensions
handling applications. can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.
The functionality of this user interface includes, for example:
• Parameter setting changes (simple tool offset, R parameter, ■ Technical specifications
setting data, zero offset, user data) Order No. 6FC5403-0AA10-0AA1
• Parts programming (creation of workpieces, part programs, Product name SINUMERIK HT 6
and subroutines) handheld terminal
• Manual machine operation Input voltage 24 V DC
• Automatic machine operation Power consumption, max. 12 W
• Teaching Degree of protection to IP54
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Transfer of programs and data via integrated V.24 interface
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
• Display of messages and alarms with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
• Reading and editing of PLC data
Relative humidity
• Displaying and editing of machine data
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
The Remote diagnostics host for SINUMERIK HT 6 function is • Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
optionally available (see HMI software for CNC controls).
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
• Enclosure outside diameter 290 mm (11.42 in)
• Height 70 mm (2.76 in)
(incl. override rotary button)
Weight, approx. 1.5 kg (3.31 lb)

3/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Handheld units

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Overview

Designation Order No.
handheld terminal
With system software
display switchover:
HT 6 system software 3
Languages: English, German,
French, Italian, Spanish
• Software update service 6FC5453-0AX10-0AG2
• Service Pack on order of 6FC5453-7AX10-7AG3
specific software version1)
Additional languages
Languages: Korean, Dutch,
Portuguese/Brazilian, Swedish,
• Single license 6FC5253-0BX10-0XG1
without data carrier
• Single license 6FC5253-7BX10-7XG0
for specific software version1)
The mobile SINUMERIK HT 8 handheld terminal combines the
functions of an operator panel and a machine control panel in a
Including shorting plug single device, permitting complete operator control and monito-
• For 3-wire enabling 6FX2006-1BC01 ring of machines. It can be used as a supplementary main ope-
rator panel or as a secondary control panel. The safety system
• For 4-wire enabling 6FX2006-1BH01
is designed to allow personnel to work in the machine’s hazard
Signal cable 6FX2002-1AA23-.... zone.
(straight plug)
For 6FX2006-1BH01 distributor
box with 4-wire enabling
■ Benefits
Length: max. 40 m (131 ft)2) 7 Mobility for operator control and monitoring
Signal cable 6FX2002-1YB02-.... 7 Pixel-graphics 7.5" TFT color display
(angled plug) 7 Operation via touch screen and membrane keys
For 6FX2006-1BH01 distributor
7 Emergency stop button and 2 enabling buttons for left-handed
box with 4-wire enabling
Length: max. 40 m (131 ft)2) and right-handed operators
Signal cable 6FX2002-1AA83-.... 7 Insertion and removal during operation without triggering of
emergency stop
For 6FX2006-1BC01 distributor (functionality available only in conjunction with the PN Plus
box with 3-wire enabling
(compatible with HPU Type MPI) connection box)
Length: max. 40 m (131 ft)2) 7 Rugged, compact and ergonomically designed

■ Design
The emergency stop button and the 2 enabling buttons (three-
step) each have two channels. The SINUMERIK HT 8 is connec-
ted via the PN Basic/PN Plus connection box at any installation
location in the plant, or to the Basic PN connection module for
installation in the control cabinet.

■ Function
The SINUMERIK HT 8 operates according to the Thin Client
principle. The operator interface software is installed on a
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3. An Ethernet link is used to transfer
screen contents from the PCU 50.3 to the HT 8 and key informa-
tion from the HT 8 to the PCU 50.3. The HT 8 display basically
shows the same operator interface that is displayed on the
standard operator panels of the SINUMERIK control system.
The PN Plus connection box provides hot swapping (insert or
remove during operation).
The operator interface can be customized if required (see HMI
Open Architecture).
1) Please enquire about specific software version.
2) For length code, see MOTION-CONNECT.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/25

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Handheld units

■ Integration
The SINUMERIK HT 8 can be used for: • SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 (without handwheel)


terminal &RQQHFWLRQER[
HT 2/HT 8

PCU 50.3/PCU 321
&RQQHFWLRQ 840Di sl/840D sl


1) For SINUMERIK HT 8 only.

SINUMERIK HT 8 connection overview

Information about application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

■ Technical specifications ■ Selection and ordering data

Order No. 6FC5403-0AA20-0AA0 Designation Order No.
Product name SINUMERIK HT 8 handheld SINUMERIK HT 8 6FC5403-0AA20-0AA0
terminal handheld terminal
Input voltage 24 V DC Based on the Thin Client principle
operator interface software in the
Power consumption, max. 15 W SINUMERIK PCU 50.3
Degree of protection to IP65 Accessories
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Wall holder 6AV6574-1AF04-4AA0
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air For safe storage of the
temperature 0 °C (32 °F). SINUMERIK HT 8, also suitable
for stationary operation
Relative humidity
PN Basic connection box 6AV6671-5AE01-0AX0
• Storage/Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F) degree of protection: IP65
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Without automatic emergency
Ambient temperature stop override for mounting in the
• Storage/Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F) system
• Operation 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F) PN Plus connection box 6AV6671-5AE11-0AX0
Dimensions degree of protection: IP65
• Outer diameter of housing 290 mm (11.4 in) With automatic emergency stop
override for mounting in the
• Height 126 mm (4.96 in)
(including override rotary button)
Basic PN connection module 6FC5303-0AA01-1AA0
Weight, approx. 1.73 kg (3.81 lb)
Without automatic emergency
stop override for mounting in the
control cabinet
Signal cable
For mobile panels
• Length: 2 m (6.56 ft) 6XV1440-4BH20
• Length: 5 m (16.4 ft) 6XV1440-4BH50
• Length: 8 m (26.3 ft) 6XV1440-4BH80
• Length: 10 m (32.8 ft) 6XV1440-4BN10
• Length: 15 m (49.2 ft) 6XV1440-4BN15
• Length: 20 m (65.6 ft) 6XV1440-4BN20
• Length: 25 m (82.0 ft) 6XV1440-4BN25
Coiled connecting cable 6FC5348-0AA08-3AA0
Length: 1.5 m (4.92 ft),
streches to 3.5 m (11.5 ft)

3/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Handheld units
Handheld unit type B-MPI

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FX2007-1AC04/-1AC14
Product name Handheld unit type B-MPI
Operating voltage, unregulated 24 V DC
Degree of protection to IP65
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage/Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... 140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
Max. distance to NCU/PCU 200 m (656 ft)
• Length x Width x Height 252 mm x 114 mm x 110 mm
(9.92 in x 4.49 in x 4.33 in)
Weight, approx. 1.2 kg (2.65 lb)
without connecting cable

■ Selection and ordering data

The handheld unit type B-MPI is suitable for manually operating Designation Order No.
machine tools, such as axis feed movements. All keys are freely Handheld unit type B-MPI
assignable, and the keyboard can be optionally labeled. 3-step enabling button
incl. connecting cable with
■ Design connector
• 3-wire enabling
The handheld unit features 2-channel emergency stop and - Coiled connecting cable 6FX2007-1AC04
enabling circuits. The enabling button is a 3-step enabling Length: 1.5 m (4.92 ft);
button. The handheld unit is available for 3-wire or 4-wire stretches to 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
enabling. - Straight cable 6FX2007-1AC14
Length: 10 m (32.8 ft)
The handheld unit type B-MPI is connected via a distributor box • 4-wire enabling
to the MPI line. The distributor box is designed for installation in
- Coiled connecting cable 6FX2007-1AE04
a control cabinet or in a separate enclosure. Length: 1.5 m (4.92 ft);
In the version with 4-wire connection of the enabling buttons, stretches to 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
monitoring of the transverse short-circuit is possible in the - Straight cable 6FX2007-1AE14
enabling circuit. Due to the modified connector layout, these Length: 10 m (32.8 ft)
handheld units can be used only with the distributor box for Accessories
this version. All handheld units are UL-certified for the US and
For handheld unit and handheld
We can supply a holder for storing the handheld unit. The holder programming unit incl. shorting
is manufactured from black polystyrene and can be fixed to a plug
suitable base with 4 screws. • 3-wire enabling 6FX2006-1BC01

■ Integration • 4-wire enabling

Holder Made of polystyrene
The handheld unit type B-MPI can be used for:
Extension cable
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline Between handheld unit and
• 3-wire enabling
- Length: 5 m (16.4 ft) 6FX2002-1AB04-1AF0
- Length: 10 m (32.8 ft) 6FX2002-1AB04-1BA0
- Length: 15 m (49.2 ft) 6FX2002-1AB04-1BF0
- Length: 0.5 m (19.7 in) 6FX2002-1AB14-1AA5
with angled connector
• 4-wire enabling
- Length: 5 m (16.4 ft) 6FX2002-1AB84-1AF0
- Length: 10 m (32.8 ft) 6FX2002-1AB84-1BA0
- Length: 15 m (49.2 ft) 6FX2002-1AB84-1BF0
- Length: 0.5 m (19.7 in) 6FX2002-1AB24-1AA5
with angled connector

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 3/27

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Handheld units
Mini handheld unit

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FX2007-1AD03/-1AD13
Product name Mini handheld unit
Operating voltage 24 V DC
Handwheel 100 S/R, VB = 5 V; RS 422

Degree of protection to IP65
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity classification in accor- Class 3K5 condensation and
dance with DIN EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
Distance between 25 m (82 ft)
handwheel and NCU, max.
when using the handwheel
Dimensions, approx.
• Length 180 mm (7.09 in)
• Width 90 mm (3.54 in)
• Height 70 mm (2.76 in)
The convenient, ergonomically designed mini handheld unit with Weight, approx. 0.5 kg (1.10 lb)
rugged metal connector is suitable for setting up and operating without connecting cable
standard machines in the Jobshop area.

■ Benefits ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Since coarse, medium and fine infeed can easily be graduated,
the operator control concept offers fast, increment-precise posi- Mini handheld unit
tioning. The signals are guided in parallel (without MPI) to the 3-step acknowledgement key
CNC. incl. magnetic clamps and
connecting cable with metal
■ Design connector
• Coiled connecting cable 6FX2007-1AD03
In addition to the 2-channel emergency stop and acknowledge- Length: 1.5 m (4.92 ft),
ment keys, a rapid traverse key and two +/- keys as well as a stretches to 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
handwheel to traverse the axes in jog mode are available. Emer- • Straight cable 6FX2007-1AD13
gency stop has a 4-wire connection. The 3-step acknowledge- Length: 5 m (16.4 ft)
ment key has a 3-wire connection. Up to 5 axes can be selected
via a rotary switch. Customer-specific applications can be imp- Accessories
lemented via 3 user-assignable function keys. If necessary, the Connection kit for mini
customer can use slide-in labels to mark the keys specifically. handheld unit, non-assembled
For the connection, the connection kit, which must be ordered Version for metal connector, for
connection to machine control
separately, is required. panel without Industrial Ethernet
To change the cable outlet direction, we offer an angle socket for • With terminating connector 6FX2006-1BG03
the connection kit. The angle socket allows the flange socket of
the connection kit to be mounted 90° rotated. The angle socket • Without terminating connector 6FX2006-1BG13
can be used only in conjunction with the connection kit non- Connection kit for mini
assembled. handheld unit, pre-assembled
The mini handheld unit can be fixed on metal surfaces by means Version for metal connector, for
connection to machine control
of the integrated magnetic clamp. A holder is available as an panel with Industrial Ethernet
• With terminating connector 6FX2006-1BG11
■ Integration 90° angle socket 6FX2006-1BG56
For connection kit, non-assemb-
The mini handheld unit can be used for: led 6FX2006-1BG03
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline Metal version
Holder 6FX2006-1BG70
For mini handheld units

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Operator components for CNC controls

Handheld units
Electronic handwheel

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Electronic handwheel
• With front panel 6FC9320-5DB01
120 x 20 mm (4.72 x 4.72 in),
with setting wheel, 5 V DC,
RS 422
• With front panel
76.2 x 76.2 mm (3.00 x 3.00 in),
with setting wheel, 5 V DC,
RS 422
• Portable in housing, 6FC9320-5DE02
coiled cable 2.5 m (8.20 ft)
with setting wheel, 5 V DC,
RS 422
• With front panel 6FC9320-5DH01
76.2 x 76.2 mm (3.00 x 3.00 in),
with setting wheel, 24 V DC, HTL
• Without front panel, 6FC9320-5DM00
with small setting wheel, 5 V DC,
RS 422
• Without front panel, 6FC9320-5DF01
without setting wheel,
for installation, 5 V DC, RS 422
Adapter set 6FC9320-5DN00
For installation in front panel
with 3-hole fixing
This encoder generates signals which correspond to the
Flange socket 6FC9341-1AQ
movements of the handwheel as it is turned. The axis selected
via the control can be positioned paraxially. The handwheels are For portable handwheel
equipped with a magnetic latching mechanism that supports Holder 6FX2006-1BG70
traversing with incremental accuracy. For portable handwheel
The front panel can be removed. A version with 24 V DC and an
HTL interface is available for connection to I/O modules.
The portable handwheel is connected via the coiled connecting
cable and a flange socket. The enclosure is equipped with a
magnetic clamp. A holder is available for stowing the handwheel
on non-metallic surfaces.

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC9320-5DB01 6FC9320-5DC01/-5DF01/ 6FC9320-5DE02 6FC9320-5DH01
Product name Electronic handwheel Electronic handwheel Portable electr. handwheel Electronic handwheel
Rated voltage 5 V DC ± 5 % 10 ... 30 V DC
Rated current, max. 60 mA 15 mA
Interface RS 422 (TTL) HTL
Phase angle of pulse sequence 90° electrical
A to B
Pulses 2 x 100 pulses/rev.
Actuating force 8 Ncm 4 Ncm
Output frequency, max. 2 kHz
Distance from NCU 25 m (82.0 ft) 20 m (65.6 ft) 25 m (82.0 ft)
Degree of protection to EN 60529
(IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP50
Relative atmospheric humidity
• Storage/Transport 10 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage/Transport -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 70 °C (32 ... 158 °F)
Weight, approx. 0.6 kg (1.32 lb) 0.4 kg (0.88 lb) 1.3 kg (2.87 lb) 0.4 kg (0.88 lb)

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Handheld units
Handwheel connection module

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5303-0AA02-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK handwheel
connection module for PROFIBUS
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 15.2 W

3 Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)

Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and

with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
The SINUMERIK handwheel connection module for PROFIBUS • Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
can be used to connect two handwheels or the handwheel of the • Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
handheld unit type B-MPI and the mini handheld unit.
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
On the SINUMERIK handwheel connection module for Dimensions
PROFIBUS, digital inputs, outputs, connections for override
rotary switches and handwheels are provided, as well as a • Width 234 mm (9.21 in)
PROFIBUS DP interface for communication. • Height 137 mm (5.39 in)
The SINUMERIK handwheel connection module for PROFIBUS • Depth 40 mm (1.57 in)
is designed for control cabinet mounting.
Weight, approx. 0.82 kg (1.81 lb)

■ Design
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
• 6 inputs Handwheel connection module 6FC5303-0AA02-0AA0
• 6 inputs and 6 outputs (additional cable set required)
• 16 direct keys of SINUMERIK OP 012/OP 015A/TP 015A
Signal cable for handwheel 6FX8002-2CP00-....
• 2 handwheels
Length: ≤ 25 m (82.0 ft)1)
■ Integration Feed/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF13-1AA0
The SINUMERIK handwheel connection module for PROFIBUS electronic rotary switch
can be used for: 1x23G, T=32, cap, button, poin-
ter, rapid-traverse and feed dials
• SINUMERIK 840D powerline over PROFIBUS DP
Spindle/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF12-1AA0
electronic rotary switch
1x16G, T=24, cap, button, poin-
ter, rapid-traverse and spindle
Cable set (60 units) 6FC5247-0AA35-0AA0
For additional control devices of
the machine control panels
Length: 500 mm (19.7 in)

16G: Latching at position 16

T=24: 24 positions for 360°

For length code, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Overview ■ Integration
The SINUMERIK MCP 310 machine control panel can be used
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline over MPI
interface or PROFIBUS DP

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5203-0AF23-1AA0
Product name SINUMERIK MCP 310
machine control panel
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 16 W
Degree of protection to EN 60529
(IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
The SINUMERIK MCP 310 machine control panel with mem- Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
brane keys is designed to permit user-friendly, well-structured with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
operation of machine functions. It is suitable for machine-level
operation of milling, turning, grinding and special machines. Relative humidity
49 keys have user-inscribed slide-in labels for machine-specific • Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
adaptations. A DIN A4 sheet (for laser printers) for inscribing the • Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
slide-in labels is included in the scope of supply.
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
A connecting cable is included in the scope of supply for Ambient temperature
connecting the direct keys of the SINUMERIK operator panel
fronts OP 012/OP 015A/TP 015A. • Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)

The machine control panel is mounted from the rear using • Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
special clamps supplied with the panel. • Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
■ Design - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
Control elements: Distance to NCU/PCU
• Mode and function keys • MPI interface 200 m (656 ft)
- 49 keys with LEDs: 49 keys when connected via
PROFIBUS DP or 48 keys when connected via MPI • PROFIBUS DP 100 m (328 ft)
- Direction keys for milling machines with rapid traverse Dimensions
• Width 310 mm (12.2 in)
- 16 user-assigned standard keys
• Feed control with override feed/rapid traverse • Height 175 mm (6.89 in)
(rotary switch with 23 positions) • Depth 65 mm (2.56 in)
• Key switch (4 positions and 3 different keys) Panel cutout
Key type: • Width 285 mm (11.2 in)
• Membrane keys • Height 135 mm (5.31 in)
Interfaces: • Tolerance + 1 mm (0.04 in)
• PROFIBUS DP/MPI interface Weight, approx. 1.2 kg (2.65 lb)
• 6 inputs/6 outputs for 6 control devices
(additional cable set required for control devices)
• For 16 direct keys of the OP 012/OP 015A/TP 015A when
connected via PROFIBUS DP1)
(connecting cable (850 mm/2.79 ft) included in scope of supply)
• For 2 handwheels when connected via PROFIBUS DP1)
Expansion facilities:
• 6 slots for control devices (d = 16 mm/0.63 in)
• 1 slot for emergency stop button or rotary override switch
(up to d = 22 mm/0.87 in)

1) WithSINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:

Option for direct keys/handwheel connection is required and the
handwheel connection function depends on the NCU system

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Overview

Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK MCP 310 6FC5203-0AF23-1AA0
machine control panel
Width 310 mm (12.2 in), with

membrane keys
Direct key/handwheel 6FC5252-0AF00-0AA0
Option for 6FC5203-0AF22-1AA2/
Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF23-1AA0
3 A4 sheets
Actuating element, 22 mm 3SB3000-1HA20
(0.87 in)
Latching mushroom pushbutton,
red and non-illuminated with
40 mm (1.57 in) protection The SINUMERIK MCP 483C machine control panel permits
against lifting and tilting, user-friendly operation of the machine functions. It is suitable for
incl. holder
machine-level operation of milling, turning, grinding and special
Contact block with 2 contacts 3SB3400-0A machines.
1 NO + 1 NC, 2-pole All keys are designed with replaceable key covers for machine-
screw terminal
specific adaptations. The key covers can be freely inscribed
Key switch with key 6FC5247-0AF02-0AA0 using laser. Transparent key covers can be used as an
For SINUMERIK MCP alternative.
-0AF23-1AA0 The machine control panel is mounted from the rear using
6FC5303-0AF22-1AA0/ special clamps supplied with the keyboard.
Key set (10 sets) 6FC5148-0AA03-0AA0 ■ Design
For machine control panel Control elements:
Spindle/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF12-1AA0 • Mode and function keys
rotary switch - 50 keys, of which 48 with LEDs
1x16G, T=24, cap, button, - Direction keys for milling machines with rapid traverse over-
pointer, and rapid traverse and ride (key covers on the direction keys for milling machines
spindle dials included in the accessories pack supplied)
Feed/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF13-1AA0 - 17 user-labeled standard keys
rotary switch • Spindle control with override spindle
1x23G, T=32, cap, button, (rotary switch with 16 positions)
pointer, and rapid traverse and
feed dials • Feed control with override feed/rapid traverse
(rotary switch with 23 positions)
Cable set (60 units) 6FC5247-0AA35-0AA0
• Keyswitch (4 positions and 3 different keys)
For additional control devices of
the machine control panels • Emergency stop button (2 x (1 NO + 1 NC))
Length: 500 mm (19.7 in)
Key type:
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
• Mechanical keys
For supplementary operator
components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in) Interface:
profile, length: 20 mm (0.79 in) • MPI interface
16G: Latching at position 16 Expansion option:
T=24: 24 positions for 360° • 2 slots for control devices (d = 16 mm/0.63 in)

1) WithSINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:

Option for direct keys/handwheel connection is required and the
handwheel connection function depends on the NCU system

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Integration ■ Selection and ordering data

The SINUMERIK MCP 483C machine control panel can be used Designation Order No.
with: SINUMERIK MCP 483C 6FC5203-0AF22-0AA2
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline machine control panel
MPI, 19" wide, with mechanical
■ Technical specifications keys

Order No.
Product name
Square key cover, for labeling 6FC5248-0AF12-0AA0
machine control panel 1 set comprising: 90 x ergo gray,
20 x red, 20 x yellow, 20 x green,
Input voltage 24 V DC 20 x mid-gray
Power consumption, max. 5W Square key cover, for labeling 6FC5248-0AF21-0AA0
Degree of protection to EN 60529 90 x transparent
(IEC 60529)
Actuating element, 22 mm 3SB3000-1HA20
• Front IP54 (0.86 in)
• Rear IP00 Latching mushroom pushbutton,
red and non-illuminated with
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and 40 mm (1.57 in) protection
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tempera- against lifting and tilting, incl.
ture 0 °C (32 °F). holder
Relative humidity Switching element with 3SB3400-0A
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F) 2 contacts
1 NO + 1 NC, 2-pole
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F) screw terminal
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F) Key set (10 sets) 6FC5148-0AA03-0AA0
Ambient temperature For machine control panel
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F) Rapid traverse dial 6FC5248-0AF30-0AA0
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F) (1 set = 20 units)
• Operation 16-position rotary switch
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
Spindle/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF12-1AA0
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
rotary switch
Distance to NCU/PCU, max. 200 m (656 ft) 1x16G, T=24, cap, button, pointer
Dimensions and rapid traverse and spindle
• Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
Feed/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF13-1AA0
• Height 155 mm (6.10 in) rotary switch
• Depth 77 mm (3.03 in) 1x23G, T=32, cap, button,
pointer, and rapid traverse
Panel cutout and feed dials
• Width 450 mm (17.7 in) Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
• Height 135 mm (5.31 in) For supplementary operator
• Tolerance 1 mm (0.04 in) components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in)
profile, length: 20 mm (0.79 in)
Weight, approx. 1.6 kg (3.53 lb)
16G: Latching at position 16
T=24: 24 positions for 360°

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Overview ■ Integration
The SINUMERIK MCP 483 machine control panel can be used
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline over MPI
interface or PROFIBUS DP

■ Technical specifications
3 Order No. 6FC5203-0AF22-1AA2
Product name SINUMERIK MCP 483
machine control panel
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 16 W
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
The SINUMERIK MCP 483 machine control panel with mem- Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
brane keys is designed to permit user-friendly, well-structured with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
operation of machine functions. It is suitable for machine-level temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
operation of milling and turning machines, and particularly
Relative humidity
grinding machines.
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
46 keys and both control device slots are equipped with user-
inscribable slide-in labels for adapting to specific machines. • Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
A DIN A4 sheet (for laser printers) for inscribing the slide-in • Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
labels is included in the scope of supply.
Ambient temperature
A connecting cable is included in the scope of supply for con-
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
necting the direct keys of the SINUMERIK operator panel fronts
OP 012/OP 015A/TP 015A. • Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)

The machine control panel is mounted from the rear using • Operation
special clamps supplied with the panel. - Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
■ Design Distance to NCU/PCU

Control elements: • MPI interface 200 m (656 ft)

• Mode and function keys • PROFIBUS DP 100 m (328 ft)

- 50 keys with LEDs: 50 keys when connected via Dimensions
PROFIBUS DP or 48 keys when connected via MPI
• Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
- Direction keys for milling machines with rapid traverse
override • Height 155 mm (6.10 in)
- 17 user-assigned standard keys • Depth 70 mm (2.76 in)
• Spindle control with override spindle Panel cutout
(rotary switch with 16 positions)
• Width 450 mm (17.7 in)
• Feed control with override feed/rapid traverse
(rotary switch with 23 positions) • Height 135 mm (5.31 in)
• Key switch (4 positions and 3 different keys) • Tolerance + 1 mm (0.04 in)
• Emergency stop button (2 x (1 NO + 1 NC)) Weight, approx. 1.6 kg (3.53 lb)
Key type:
• Membrane keys
• PROFIBUS DP/MPI interface
• 6 inputs/6 outputs for 6 control devices for connection
via PROFIBUS DP (additional cable set required for
control devices)
• For 16 direct keys of the OP 012/OP 015A/TP 015A when
connected via PROFIBUS DP1)
(connecting cable (850 mm/2.79 ft) included in
scope of supply)
• For 2 handwheels when connected via PROFIBUS DP1)
Expansion facility:
• 2 slots for control devices (d = 16 mm/0.63 in)
1) WithSINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:
Option for direct keys/handwheel connection is required and the
handwheel connection function depends on the NCU system

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK MCP 483 6FC5203-0AF22-1AA2
machine control panel
Width 19", with membrane keys,
emergency stop 22 mm (0.87 in)
Direct keys/handwheel
6FC5252-0AF00-0AA0 3
Option for 6FC5203-0AF22-1AA2/
Slide-in labels for inscribing 6FC5248-0AF22-1AA1
3 A4 sheets
Actuating element, 22 mm 3SB3000-1HA20
(0.87 in)
Latching mushroom pushbutton,
red and non-illuminated with
40 mm (1.57 in) protection
against lifting and tilting,
incl. holder
Contact block with 2 contacts 3SB3400-0A
1 NO + 1 NC, 2-pole
screw terminal
Key switch with key 6FC5247-0AF02-0AA0
Key set (10 sets) 6FC5148-0AA03-0AA0
For machine control panel
Feed/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF13-1AA0
rotary switch
1x23G, T=32, cap, button,
pointer, and rapid traverse and
feed dials
Spindle/rapid traverse override 6FC5247-0AF12-1AA0
rotary switch
1x16G, T=24, cap, button,
pointer, and rapid traverse and
spindle dials
Cable set (60 units) 6FC5247-0AA35-0AA0
For additional control devices of
the machine control panels
Length: 500 mm (19.7 in)
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
For supplementary operator
components with 2.5 mm (0.10 in)
profile, length: 20 mm (0.79 in)

16G: Latching at position 16

T=24: 24 positions for 360°

1) WithSINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:

Option for direct keys/handwheel connection is required and the
handwheel connection function depends on the NCU system

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels
SINUMERIK OP 032S machine control panel

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AD10-1AA0
Product name SINUMERIK OP 032S
machine control panel
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 10.8 W

3 Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP20
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage/Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage/Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
Distance to NCU/PCU 200 m (656 ft)
The SINUMERIK OP 032S machine control panel enables user- Dimensions
friendly, straightforward operation of machine functions. It is
suitable for machine-level operation of milling, turning, grinding • Width 310 mm (12.2 in)
and special machines. • Height 175 mm (6.89 in)
All keys are designed with replaceable covers for machine- • Depth 56 mm (2.20 in)
specific adaptations. The key covers can be freely inscribed Weight, approx. 1.3 kg (2.87 lb)
using laser.
The machine control panel is fixed using screws.
■ Selection and ordering data
■ Design Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK OP 032S 6FC5203-0AD10-1AA0
Control elements: machine control panel
• Mode and function keys Standard/US layout
- 49 keys, of which 48 with LEDs
- 16 freely assignable standard customer keys Accessories
• Feed control with override feed/rapid traverse Override rotary switch 6FC5247-0AA34-0AA1
(rotary switch with 23 positions) With spindle and rapid-traverse
dial and cable for the OP 032S
Key type: machine control panel
• Mechanical keys Cable set (60 units) 6FC5247-0AA35-0AA0
Interfaces: For additional control devices of
the machine control panel
• MPI interface Length: 500 mm (19.69 in)
• 6 inputs/6 outputs for 6 control devices
Key cover inscribable 6FC5148-0AA13-0AA0
(additional cable set required for control devices)
1 set comprising of: 90 x ergo
• 4 inputs for 1 key switch gray, 20 x red, 20 x yellow,
(additional cable set required for control devices) 20 x green, 20 x mid gray
Expansion facilities: Transparent key cover 6FC5148-0AA14-0AA0
• 6 slots for control devices (d = 16 mm/0.63 in) With adhesive label
• 1 slot for key switch (d = 16 mm/0.63 in) Actuating element 22 mm 3SB3000-1HA20
(0.87 in)
• 1 slot for emergency stop button without rotary override switch
(d = 22 mm/0.87 in) Latching mushroom pushbutton,
red and non-illuminated with
40 mm (1.57 in) protection
against lifting and tilting,
incl. holder
Contact block with 2 contacts 3SB3400-0A
1 NO + 1 NC, 2-pole
screw terminal
Fixing screws (100 units) 6FC3988-7BJ10
For OP 032S machine control

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Overview ■ Design
The features of the basic SINUMERIK PP 012 Push Button Panel
• Emergency stop button (4-core), latching, tamper-proof
• Four-position selector key switch
• MPI and V.24 interface
• 8 illuminated pushbuttons (and 2 free slots)
• Direct key connection for SINUMERIK OP 012
(incl. ribbon cable)
• Feed rate override
• With SINUMERIK PP 012H only: Connection for external
handheld unit
The distribution box and the repeater electronics for safe
connection and removal of the handheld unit during operation
are already integrated.
With additional functions, which can be directly integrated by the
customer, the Push Button Panel can be adapted for various
With its modular and ergonomically arranged control elements, applications.
the SINUMERIK PP 012 Push Button Panel provides user-
friendly, easy operation as supplement for SINUMERIK and
PLC-controlled machines. ■ Selection and ordering data
Compared to the SINUMERIK PP 012 Push Button Panel, the Designation Order No.
PP 012H is additionally equipped with a connector for the hand- SINUMERIK PP 012 6FC5203-0AF24-0AA0
held units, SINUMERIK HT6 handheld terminal and handheld Push Button Panel
unit type B-MPI with 2-channel enabling. SINUMERIK PP 012H 6FC5203-0AF25-1AA0
Clamp-mounting facilitates installation. Push Button Panel
With port for external handheld
unit, 4-wire enabling
Override rotary switch 6FC5247-0AA34-0AA1
With spindle/rapid-traverse dial
and cable for SINUMERIK
Push Button Panel
Raised buttons 6FC5 247-0AA41-0AA0
(2 units)
Expansion 6FC5247-0AA42-0AA0
For 12 digital inputs and 12 digital
Contact block 2 x NC 3SB3400-0E
For emergency stop button

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5203-0AF24-0AA0 6FC5203-0AF25-1AA0
Product name SINUMERIK PP 012 Push Button Panel SINUMERIK PP 012H Push Button Panel
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 20 W
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP10A
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and icing excluded. Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
with EN 60721-3-3
Relative humidity
• Storage/Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage/Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width x Height x Depth 483 mm x 155 mm x 175 mm (19.0 in x 6.10 in x 6.89 in)
Panel cutout
• Width x Height 451 mm x 138 mm (17.8 in x 5.43 in)
Weight, approx. 3 kg (6.62 lb)

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Overview ■ Design
The basic version of the SINUMERIK MPP 483 Machine Push
Button Panel offers, for example:
• Emergency stop button (4-core), latching, tamper-proof
• 8 equipped illuminated pushbuttons for control elements
(d = 22.5 mm/0.89 in)

3 • 2 blanking plugs for easy retrofitting

• 25 function keys with inscribed standard slide-in strips
(membrane keys)
• Key switches with 2 positions for bridging the emergency stop
circuit and for authorization of mode selection
• Direct key connection for SINUMERIK OP 012/OP 015A/
TP 015A, incl. ribbon cable
• Feed rate override
• Interfaces for 2 handwheels for connection via PROFIBUS DP
(function depends on NCU software)
• Communication via MPI/PROFIBUS DP
The SINUMERIK MPP 483 Machine Push Button Panel (Machine Expansion facilities:
Push Button Panel, width 483 mm) is available as an expansion
to SINUMERIK and PLC-controlled machines. Its modular de- • 2 spare slots (d = 22.5 mm/0.89 in)
sign and ergonomically arranged control elements permit user- • Spindle override
friendly and easy operator control. • Individual adaptation of long-stroke key colors and labeling
The SINUMERIK MPP 483 provides large long-stroke keys for Other standard versions:
easy machine operation as well as a membrane keyboard for
powerful set-up functions. • SINUMERIK MPP 483A for mounting applications, without
override and with user-assignable and inscribable slide-in
Tuned to the requirements of the powertrain sector, the strips. Only the 4 keys for mode selection are inscribed.
SINUMERIK MPP 483 is suitable for use with many different
• SINUMERIK MPP 483H with port for an external handheld unit.
types of machine wherever ergonomics and operating flexibility
SINUMERIK HT 6 handheld terminal or handheld unit type
are priorities. An A4 sheet for laser printers for inscribing the
B-MPI with 2-channel enabling can be connected.
slide-in labels plus a set of colored key caps are included in the
scope of supply. • SINUMERIK MPP 483HTC with port for an external Thin Client
handheld unit or SINUMERIK HT 8 handheld terminal
The SINUMERIK Machine Push Button Panel is mounted from
the rear using special clamps supplied with the panel. Special versions:
• SINUMERIK MPP 483S: Special versions are possible compri-
sing different configuration types with various control elements
and options, for example with the EKS identification system
from Euchner.
• SINUMERIK MPP 483L: This special version is characterized
by a higher masking frame (244 mm/9.61 in) that offers additi-
onal mounting space like an integrated expansion frame.

■ Integration
The SINUMERIK MPP 483 Machine Push Button Panel can be
used with:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline over MPI
interface or PROFIBUS DP

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Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5303-1AF00-0AA1 6FC5303-1AF00-1AA1 6FC5303-1AF01-0AA1 6FC5303-1AF00-8AA1
Machine Push Button Machine Push Button Machine Push Button Machine Push Button
Panel Panel Panel Panel
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max.
Degree of protection to
21 W 35 W 21 W 35 W
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP10A
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and icing excluded. Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
with EN 60721-3-3
Relative humidity
• Storage 10 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 10 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
• Height 155 mm (6.10 in)
• Depth 140 mm (5.51 in) (105 mm (4.13 in) when a PROFIBUS adapter is used)
Panel cutout
• Width 451 mm (17.8 in)
• Height 138 mm (5.43 in)
Weight, approx. 3 kg (6.62 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK MPP 483 6FC5303-1AF00-0AA1
Machine Push Button Panel
SINUMERIK MPP 483 H 6FC5303-1AF00-1AA1
Machine Push Button Panel
With port for SINUMERIK HT 6 or
handheld unit with 4-wire enab-
SINUMERIK MPP 483 A 6FC5303-1AF01-0AA1
Machine Push Button Panel
Without override
Machine Push Button Panel
With port for SINUMERIK HT 8
with feed override via

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Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels
Expansion panel

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5247-0AA43-1AA0
Product name Expansion panel in
SINUMERIK PP 012 design
• Width 483 mm (19.0 in)

3 • Height 95 mm (3.74 in)

• Depth 30 mm (1.18 in)
Panel cutout
• Width 451 mm (17.8 in)
• Height 77.6 mm (3.05 in)
Weight, approx. 0.5 kg (1.10 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
The expansion panel is used for the installation of up to 12 addi- Expansion panel in 6FC5247-0AA43-1AA0
tional control elements, e.g. buttons, signaling lights, and key SINUMERIK PP 012 design
switches as an expansion to a Push Button Panel or a machine For clamp fixing
control panel. 19" wide with 12 slots
The expansion panel in SINUMERIK PP 012 design provides Expansion card 12 DI/12 DO 6FC5247-0AA42-0AA0
rounded edges for a uniform design with the new SINUMERIK For 12 digital inputs and 12 digital
operator panels. Clamp-mounting facilitates installation. outputs
(for SINUMERIK PP 012 only)
■ Design
The expansion panel is 19" wide, and can accommodate up to
twelve 22 mm (0.87 in) control elements of any type.
The 12 slots are pre-punched and can be easily broken out as
required. Panels with customized complements can be provided
on request.
Inscriptions are made on 2 slide-in labels which are inserted
from the rear.
When used in connection with the SINUMERIK Push Button Pa-
nel and the optional expansion card 12 DI/12 DO, the customi-
zed control elements can be connected to the expansion card
and, by means of the optocoupler, to the base electronics of the
SINUMERIK Push Button Panel.

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Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AE00-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK MPI interface for
customer operator panel
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 5W
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
IP00 3
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
Ambient temperature
Customers can connect their own operator panels using the • Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
SINUMERIK MPI interface. The unit provides digital inputs and • Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
outputs, and an MPI communications interface for this purpose.
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)

■ Design Distance to NCU/PCU 200 m (656 ft)

• Width 293 mm (11.5 in)
• MPI interface
• Height 92 mm (3.62 in)
• 64 digital inputs and 64 digital outputs
• Depth 15 mm (0.59 in)
Weight, approx. 0.5 kg (1.10 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK MPI interface 6FC5203-0AE00-0AA0
for customer operator panel

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Operator components for CNC controls

Machine control panels
SIRIUS 3SB3 Laser inscription

■ Overview ■ Overview

Innovative technology, simple installation Laser inscription is possible on all materials in principle and can
therefore be used for permanent and reliable identification, also
SIRIUS 3SB3 is our modular, tried-and-tested complete range of for special keys in the case of SINUMERIK machine control
pushbuttons and indicator lights. Whether round or square, plas- panels.
tic or metal - we can supply the ideal solution for any application.
Your benefit: SIRIUS 3SB3 products are quick and easy to install The quality of laser inscribed products is significantly higher
- and are dependable in operation. than conventional inscription techniques.

■ Benefits ■ Benefits
7 Emergency stop with reliable direct connection to 7 Maximum precision
AS-Interface 7 Long service life
7 SIRIUS 3SB3 control devices in plastic and metal for the world 7 Flexible application
7 Protects material
7 Rugged metal control devices: IP67 degree of

protection/NEMA 4
Cost-effective and uniquely identifiable with integral super-
■ More information
bright LED Direct ordering of laser inscribed special keys, as well as an
7 Various connection possibilities: Screw-type and soldered overview of the different key symbols (heading: keys) for the
connection or spring-loaded terminals SINUMERIK machine control panels, is possible over the
■ More information LASERline Teschauer GmbH

For further information, please contact: Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Margitta Teschauer

Technical Assistance Ludwigsburgstr. 10

Phone: +49 (0) 911/895-5900 Germany
Fax: +49 (0) 911/895-5907
E-mail: Phone: +49 (0) 371/3301057
Fax: +49 (0) 371/3301058
Additional information is available in the Internet under:
Additional information is available in the Internet under:

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Operator components for CNC controls

KBPC CG US standard PC keyboard Keyboard tray

■ Overview ■ Overview

Programs and texts can be edited easily with the compact This extremely stable 19" keyboard tray in anthracite facilitates
SINUMERIK KBPC CG US standard PC keyboard. your work when using a standard external keyboard with an
operator panel.
The standard PC keyboard is not suitable for industrial use
(EMC) and should not be used as a permanent installation. It Special screws permit easy attachment of the keyboard tray, and
may be used only for servicing and commissioning. equally easy removal following work.
If required, a version with an additional removable tray for a
■ Integration mouse is also available.
The KBPC CG US standard PC keyboard can be used for:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with PCU 50.3 ■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5247-0AA40-0AA0
The standard PC keyboard cannot be used in conjunction with
the full CNC keyboard. Product name Keyboard tray
■ Technical specifications • Width 487 mm (19.2 in)
Order No. 6FC5203-0AC01-3AA0 • Depth 196 mm (7.72 in)
Product name SINUMERIK KBPC CG US Weight, approx. 1.6 kg (3.53 lb)
standard PC keyboard

■ Selection and ordering data

Input voltage 5.25 V DC
Power consumption, max. 0.1 W
Degree of protection to IP20 Designation Order No.
EN 60529 (IEC 60529) Keyboard tray 6FC5247-0AA40-0AA0
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and For keyboard (incl. 2 collar
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air screws)
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 50 °C (32 ... 122 °F)
• Width 405 mm (15.9 in)
• Height 44 mm (1.73 in)
• Depth 180 mm (7.09 in)
Weight, approx. 1.3 kg (2.87 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
standard PC keyboard
MF-II compatible, 104 key layout,
connection: USB, incl. connecting
cable length: 1.7 m (66.9 in)

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Operator components for CNC controls


■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF21-0AA1
Product name SINUMERIK KB 310C
full CNC keyboard
Input voltage 5.25 V DC
Power consumption, max. 0.4 W

3 Degree of protection to EN 60529

(IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
The SINUMERIK KB 310C full CNC keyboard permits user- • Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
friendly input of programs and text. Ambient temperature
The keyboard is mounted from the rear using special clamps • Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
supplied with the keyboard. • Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)

■ Design • Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
Control elements: - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Standard/US QWERTY layout Distance to PCU 3 m (9.84 ft)
• 75 mechanical keys Dimensions
• Alpha block with special characters • Width 310 mm (12.2 in)
• Numeric block with special characters • Height 175 mm (6.89 in)
• Cursor block • Depth 31 mm (1.22 in)
• CNC function keys with hot keys for fast selection of the Panel cutout
control area
• Width 285 mm (11.2 in)
• Height 155 mm (6.10 in)
• USB 1.1
• Tolerance + 1 mm (0.04 in)

■ Integration Weight, approx. 0.9 kg (1.98 lb)

The SINUMERIK KB 310C full CNC keyboard is used for:

• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline ■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK KB 310C 6FC5203-0AF21-0AA1
full CNC keyboard
Width 310 mm (12.2 in),
connection: USB 1.1,
with mechanical keys,
incl. connecting cable
Length: 1.5 m (4.9 ft)
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
For operator components with
2.5 mm (0.10 in) profile
Length: 20 mm (0.79 in)

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Operator components for CNC controls


■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5203-0AF20-0AA1
Product name SINUMERIK KB 483C
full CNC keyboard
Input voltage 5.25 V DC
Power consumption, max. 0.4 W
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
The SINUMERIK KB 483C full CNC keyboard permits user- • Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
friendly input of programs and text. Ambient temperature
The keyboard is mounted from the rear using special clamps • Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
supplied with the keyboard. • Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)

■ Design • Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
Control elements: - Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Standard/US QWERTY layout Dimensions
• 78 mechanical keys • Width 483 mm (19.0 in)
• Alpha block with special characters • Height 133 mm (5.24 in)
• Numeric block with special characters • Depth 31 mm (1.22 in)
• Cursor block Panel cutout
• CNC function keys with hot keys for fast selection of the • Width 450 mm (17.7 in)
control area
• Height 112.5 mm (4.43 in)
• Tolerance + 1 mm (0.04 in)
• USB 1.1
Weight, approx. 1.3 kg (2.87 lb)

■ Integration
The SINUMERIK KB 483C full CNC keyboard is used for:
■ Selection and ordering data
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK KB 483C 6FC5203-0AF20-0AA1
full CNC keyboard
Width 19", connection: USB 1.1,
with mechanical keys
incl. connecting cable
Length: 1.5 m (4.9 ft)
Set of clamps (9 units) 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0
For operator components with
2.5 mm (0.10 in) profile
Length: 20 mm (0.79 in)

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Operator components for CNC controls

Dyna Systems full CNC keyboard

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Product name Dyna Systems
full CNC membrane keyboard
Input voltage 5.25 V DC
Power consumption, max. 0.4 W
Degree of protection to EN 60529

3 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Ambient temperature
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Operation
- Front 0 ... 45 °C (32 ... 113 °F)
The full CNC membrane keyboards from Dyna Systems in
- Rear 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
Siemens design permit user-friendly input of programs and text.
The full CNC keyboards are mounted from the rear using special
clamps supplied with the keyboard. • Width
- QWERTY 483 483 mm (19.02 in)
■ Design - QWERTY 310 310 mm (12.20 in)
• Height
Control elements:
- QWERTY 483 133 mm (5.24 in)
• Standard/US QWERTY layout - QWERTY 310 175 mm (6.89 in)
• Membrane keyboard with 78 keys (QWERTY 483)
• Depth 31 mm (1.22 in)
• Membrane keyboard with 75 keys (QWERTY 310)
Panel cutout
• Alpha block with special characters
• Width
• Numeric block with special characters - QWERTY 483 451 mm (17.76 in)
• Cursor block - QWERTY 310 278.4 mm (10.96 in)
• CNC function keys with hot keys for fast selection of the • Height
control area - QWERTY 483 115.1 mm (4.53 in)
Interface: - QWERTY 310 157.6 mm (6.20 in)
• USB 1.1 • Tolerance + 1 mm (0.04 in)
Weight, approx.
■ Integration • QWERTY 483 1.3 kg (2.87 lb)
Membrane keyboards can be used for: • QWERTY 310 1.1 kg (2.43 lb)
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
■ More information
Dyna Systems GmbH is known for developing innovative, custo-
mized operating systems. We are experts in solving human-ma-
chine communication problems. Are you looking for solutions?
We can help!
Dyna Systems GmbH
Grüntenweg 14
88175 SCHEIDEGG, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 8381-919-200
Fax: +49 (0) 8381-919-291
Additional information is available in the Internet under:

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Operator components for CNC controls

Storage devices
SINUMERIK card reader USB 2.0

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5335-0AA00-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK card reader USB 2.0
for memory media CF/SD/MMC
Number of card slots 2
Card types
• 1. slot CF cards 3
• 2. slot SD/MMC cards
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP00
Relative humidity, max. 90 %
Ambient temperature
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
The SINUMERIK card reader for CF/SD/MMC memory media is
suitable for archiving user data and can be installed in front pa- • Operation 0 ... 60 °C (32 ... 140 °F)
nels. The connection is made via a USB interface. Dimensions

■ Function
• Width 145 mm (5.71 in)
• Height 50 mm (1.97 in)
The SINUMERIK card reader is suitable for CF, SD and MMC • Depth 143 mm (5.63 in)
cards and is provided for archiving and exchange of user data.
Weight, approx. 0.4 kg (0.88 lb)
Since the reader can be installed in front panels, data can be ex-
changed without opening the control cabinet door.
The card reader can be booted. Cards can be inserted and re-
■ Selection and ordering data
moved during operation. Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK card reader 6FC5335-0AA00-0AA0
■ Integration USB 2.0
For memory media CF/SD/MMC
The SINUMERIK card reader for CF/SD/MMC memory media Incl. connecting cable
can be connected to: Length: 1 m (3.28 ft)
• SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 Accessories
• SINUMERIK TCU (CF cards only) CompactFlash Card 1 GB 6FC5313-5AG00-0AA0
Cover 6FC5247-0AA20-0AA0
For SINUMERIK floppy disk drive
and card reader with masking
frame, cover, and bearing bracket

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Operator components for CNC controls

Storage devices
CompactFlash Card

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5313-5AG00-0AA0
CompactFlash Card 1 GB
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP20
(IEC 60529)

3 Humidity rating in accordance

with EN 60721-3-3
Class 3K5 condensation and
icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 8 ... 95 %, without condensation
• Transport 8 ... 95 %, without condensation
• Operation 8 ... 95 %, without condensation
Ambient temperature
• Storage -25 ... +85 °C (-13 ... +185 °F)
• Transport -25 ... +85 °C (-13 ... +185 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 70 °C (32 ... 158 °F)
• Width 43 mm (1.69 in)
• Height 3 mm (0.12 in)
• Depth 37 mm (1.46 in)
The CompactFlash Card is used to store user data or system Weight, approx. 12 g (0.42 oz)

■ Integration ■ Selection and ordering data

The CompactFlash Card is suitable for: Designation Order No.
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline: CompactFlash Card 1 GB 6FC5313-5AG00-0AA0
additional memory for user data in the Empty
SINUMERIK PCU 20 via the PC card adapter or

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Operator components for CNC controls

Storage devices
Industrial USB Hub 4

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6AV6671-3AH00-0AX0
Product name Industrial USB Hub 4
Supply voltage 24 V DC
• Permissible range +20.4 ... +28.8 V DC

Ports 4 acc. to USB; 500 mA each
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP65
• Rear IP20
Relative humidity, max. 90 %
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 °C ... +60 °C
(-4 °F ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 °C ... +60 °C
(-4 °F ... +140 °F)
• Operation (vertical installation) 0 °C ... 50 °C
(32 °F ... 122 °F)
• Width 212 mm (8.35 in)
• Height 156 mm (6.14 in)
The Industrial USB Hub 4 is essentially used as a USB hub for • Depth 50 mm (1.97 in)
the connection of I/O devices to SINUMERIK PCU 50.3.
Mounting cut-out
USB peripherals can be connected to the operator component
and operated via the USB Hub 4 without opening the cabinet • Width 182 mm (7.17 in)
door. • Height 138 mm (5.43 in)
The Industrial USB Hub 4 differs from commercially available Weight, approx. 0.5 kg (1.10 lb)
USB hubs mainly in its suitability for use in rugged industrial Certification CE
environments (IP65).

■ Application ■ Selection and ordering data

Use of the Industrial USB Hub 4 means that up to four I/O Designation Order No.
devices, e.g. USB stick, USB floppy disk drive, USB card reader, Industrial USB Hub 4 6AV6671-3AH00-0AX0
etc. can be connected simultaneously to the operator component, With 4 USB interfaces, degree of
thereby increasing the availability of the system to be operated. protection IP65
The cabinet door no longer has to be opened in order to connect
the I/O devices. Continuous operation of the operator component
is therefore possible.
In addition, the Industrial USB Hub 4 has the following features:
• Inspection window for each interface
• Vibration-proof latching of connected USB cables and
USB sticks
• One LED per interface for checking the data traffic
• Sufficient interior space for easy insertion and removal
• Facility for attachment to a DIN rail

■ Integration
The Industrial USB Hub 4 is suitable for connection to:

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Operator components for CNC controls

Storage devices

■ Overview ■ Function
• Formatted for boot capability including preinstalled operating
system (FreeDOS) for use as a boot medium, e.g., for
SIMATIC PC Image Creator
• High performance for faster data transfer - USB 2.0 high-speed
• High memory capacity of 2 GB

3 • Simple installation – plug & play, no drivers necessary

(except for Windows 98SE)
• High degree of data security thanks to write protection switch
• Status LED for data transfer and operating state
• SIMATIC BIOS Manager, a software tool for SIMATIC PCs for
testing and duplication of Bios setup settings (CMOS data)
included in the scope of supply
• No external power supply necessary

■ Integration
The SIMATIC PC USB FlashDrive is suitable for:
The SIMATIC PC USB FlashDrive is the ideal mobile storage me- • SIMATIC PC/PG
dium. Thanks to the rugged and ultra-compact construction in a
metal enclosure, fast data transfer (USB 2.0) and the high me- • SINUMERIK PCU 50.3
mory capacity of 2 GB, the USB FlashDrive offers optimum va- Recommended operating systems:
lues for use in industrial applications. It can be used to replace
floppy disks or CD-ROMs as data storage and it is supplied with • Windows 2000/XP
boot capability.
■ Technical specifications
■ Benefits Order No. 6ES7648-0DC40-0AA0
Ultra-compact and rugged Product name SIMATIC PC USB FlashDrive
7 2 USB FlashDrives can be plugged into the SIMATIC PC/ Supported operating systems Windows 98/2000/XP
SINUMERIK PCU one above the other Write protection Via switch
7 Suitable for use in industrial environments thanks to the metal
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +70 °C (-4 ... +158 °F)
7 Faultless operation (system test) with SIMATIC PC/PG
(hardware and software)/SINUMERIK PCU • Operation 5 ... 55 °C (41 ... 131 °F)
7 Automation License Manager V2.0 can be installed. Dimensions
• Length 52.7 mm (2.07 in)
■ Application • Width 13.5 mm (0.53 in)
The SIMATIC PC USB FlashDrive is the fastest and simplest me- • Height 5.5 mm (0.22 in)
thod for saving your data (e.g. recipes, configuration data, user
Weight, approx. 13.5 g (0.48 oz)
data) and transporting them easily from one place to another, or
it can be used as boot medium, e.g. for SIMATIC PC BIOS Certification CE
Manager, SIMATIC PC Image Creator or SINUMERIK PCU.
Typical users are development and servicing engineers, as well
as application and technical consultants.
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
SIMATIC PC USB FlashDrive1) 6ES7648-0DC40-0AA0
2 GB, USB 2.0, metal enclosure,
with boot capability, incl. SIMATIC
PC BIOS Manager

1) Subject to export regulations AL: N ECCN: EAR99H

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Operator components for CNC controls

Storage devices
SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive, USB 1.1

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5235-0AA05-1AA2
Product name SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive
USB 1.1
Input voltage 5.25 V DC
Power consumption, max. 2.5 W
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 90 % at -22 ... +60 °C
(-8 ... +140 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at -40 ... +65 °C
The SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive, USB 1.1 is suitable for (-40 ... +149 °F)
archiving user data and can be installed in front panels. The con-
• Operation 20 ... 80 % at 4 ... 51.7 °C
nection is made via the USB interface. (39 ... 125 °F)

■ Function Ambient temperature

• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
The SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive, USB 1.1 is designed for
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
the transfer of user data. Installation in front panels makes it
possible to transfer data without opening the control cabinet • Operation 4 ... 50 °C (39.2 ... 122 °F)
door. High density (1.2/1.44 MB) 3.5" floppy disks can be used Distance to PCU 5 m (16.4 ft)
for storing user data.
■ Integration • Width 145 mm (5.71 in)
• Height 50 mm (1.97 in)
The SINUMERIK floppy disk drive, USB 1.1 is suitable for
connecting to: • Depth 161 mm (6.34 in)
• SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 Weight, approx. 0.32 kg (0.71 lb)
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk 6FC5235-0AA05-1AA2
drive, USB 1.1
Incl. connecting cable
Length: 1 m (3.28 ft)
Cover 6FC5247-0AA20-0AA0
For SINUMERIK floppy disk drive
and card reader with masking
frame, cover, and bearing bracket

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Storage devices
SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6FC5235-0AA05-0AA1
Product name SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 5W

Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Front IP54
• Rear IP00
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air
temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Transport 5 ... 95 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 80 % at 25 °C (77 °F)
The SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive can be used for archiving Ambient temperature
user data and can be installed in front panels.
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)

■ Function • Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)

• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
Normal density (720 KB) and high density (1.2/1.44 MB)
3.5" floppy disks can be used for storing user data. Distance to PCU 0.5 m (19.7 in)
■ Integration • Width 145 mm (5.71 in)
The SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk drive is suitable for • Height 50 mm (1.97 in)
connecting to: • Depth 185 mm (7.28 in)
• SINUMERIK PCU 20 with floppy disk drive interface Weight, approx. 0.8 kg (1.76 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK 3.5" floppy disk 6FC5235-0AA05-0AA1
Incl. connecting cable
Length: 0.5 m (19.7 in)
Cover 6FC5247-0AA20-0AA0
For SINUMERIK floppy disk drive
and card reader with masking
frame, cover, and bearing bracket

3/52 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Housing systems
Rittal command panel systems

■ Overview Rittal Comfort Panel – Functional and safe

The "third dimension" command panel in the HMI sector. With a
new design and additional functions, the Rittal Comfort Panel is
ideally matched to SINUMERIK operator components.
7 Individual mounting depths of 74 … 464 mm
(2.91 in … 18.27 in)
7 Standard housing matched to SINUMERIK operator panel
19" x 7 HU,
mounting depths: 74 mm/113 mm/152 mm/191 mm/308 mm 3
(2.91 in/4.45 in/5.98 in/7.52 in/12.13 in), available ex stock
7 Keyboard housing, mounting depths: 35 mm/74 mm
(1.38 in/2.91 in), tray for keyboards, tilting angle can be set
to any value between 88° and 136°, with toothed wheel adjus-
table in increments of 8°; can be tilted upwards after use to
save space where necessary
7 Rear panel screwed or hinged
7 Design profile for color coordination with the machine or
equipment ID
7 All-round soft profile made of plastic reduces the risk of injury
7 Flat front frame for optimum access to lateral drives
7 Continuous mounting channels for individual dismounting of
accessories, internally and externally

■ Accessories
Rittal command panel systems are manufactured with exact
dimensions for any combination of SINUMERIK operator compo- Support arm systems
nents and are ready for installation. Optimum installation of the • CP-S compact, for small and flat panel housings
operator components is assured thanks to the customized • CP-L for small to medium-sized panel housings
dimensions. Select from a wide range of different housing
systems, e.g.: • CP-XL open for simple cable inlet, closed for high loads
• CP-Q, the square alternative
Rittal VIP 6000 – Multi-talented in shape and function
Stand systems
The increased surface size resulting from cooling fins and screw
channels is the most reliable and cheapest type of heat • Stationary
dissipation. • Mobile
7 Individual mounting depths of 155 … 438 mm • Adjustable height
(6.10 in … 17.24 in) • Console as stable base for supporting arm systems
7 3 frame versions (wide, narrow or combined), depending on
application and design requirements
■ More information
7 Optimum heat dissipation with 3 types of housing
You will find comprehensive information in the Rittal Manual and
7 Versatile housing connectors
News 2007. These can be ordered direct from Rittal, or you can
7 Continuous edge profile, 3 versions in 5 colors contact your Rittal technical consultant.
7 Keyboard housing, mounting depths: 27 mm/44 mm/105 mm Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
(1.06 in/1.73 in/4.13 in), tray for keyboards
7 Continuous screw channels for flexible internal design
Postfach 16 62
35726 HERBORN, Germany
7 Rear panel screwed or hinged
Phone: +49 (0) 2772-505-0
Rittal Optipanel – The slimline alternative design Fax: +49 (0) 2772-505-2319
7 Individual mounting depths: 50 mm/100 mm/150 mm E-mail:
(1.97 in/3.94 in/5.91 in) Additional information is available in the Internet under:
7 Standard housing matched to SINUMERIK operator panel
19" x 7 HU, mounting depth 100 mm (3.94 in), available ex
7 Continuous edge profile
7 Keyboard housing, mounting depths: 50 mm/100 mm
(1.97 in/3.94 in), tray for keyboards, tilting angle can be set to
any value between 80° and 155°
7 Continuous T slot for flexible internal design
7 Rear panel screwed or hinged

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© Siemens AG 2009

Operator components for CNC controls

Housing systems
Rose Systemtechnik GmbH

■ Overview SL 3000
7 Profile combinations permit variable depths
7 Hollow chamber profile for hidden installation of drives and
7 Mounting depths: 60 mm/160 mm/200 mm
(2.36 in/6.30 in/7.87 in)
Mounting depths with combined profiles:

3 120 mm/220 mm/260 mm/360 mm

(4.72 in/8.66 in/10.2 in/14.2 in)

Slim Line Commander

The Rose SL 2000 and SL 3000 Slim Line Commanders are
tailored housing systems for built-in control components with
numerous configuration possibilities.
With various mounting depths, the basic versions of the alumi-
num housing systems in various sizes provide ideal surface-
mounting possibilities for CNC control with:
7 SINUMERIKOP 010/OP 010S/OP 010C/OP 012/
OP 015/OP 015A LIMANDA is the ideal polyamide panel housing for installing
7 SINUMERIK TP 015A small operator panels and control devices for mobile and fixed
applications to the IP65 degree of protection.
and the full CNC keyboards, the machine control panels, and the
SINUMERIK Push Button Panel. 7 Dimensions of Limanda 1: 317 mm x 287 mm x 75 mm
(12.5 in x 11.3 in x 2.95 in)
SL 2000
7 Dimensions of Limanda 2: 270 mm x 248 mm x 64 mm
7 Multifunctional add-on system with all-round fixing slots (10.6 in x 9.76 in x 2.52 in)
7 Individual front panel installation from front or back Suitable for SIMATIC Panels:
7 Mounting depths: 80 mm/110 mm/185 mm 7 PP7/PP17
(3.15 in/4.33 in/7.28 in)
7 OP7/OP15/OP17
7 TP27-6/TP 170
7 C7

■ More information
Are you looking for an individual solution for your application?
Ask us!
Your partner for industrial housing systems:
Rose Systemtechnik GmbH
Erbeweg 13-15
Phone: +49 (0) 571-5041-0
Fax: +49 (0) 571-5041-159

Additional information is available in the Internet under:

3/54 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software
for CNC controls

4/2 Operator control and programming Motion Control Information

4/2 HMI-Embedded System MCIS (continued)
4/3 HMI-Advanced 4/30 MDA – Machine Data Acquisition
4/4 ShopMill 4/30 MDA Cell
4/5 ShopTurn 4/32 MDA IFC
4/7 Technology cycles 4/32 MDA Machine
4/8 Measuring functions/ 4/34 RPC – Remote Procedure Call
measuring cycles (computer coupling)
4/9 CAD Reader 4/35 TPM – Total Productive
4/10 TRANSLINE HMI Maintenance
4/36 RCS – Remote Control System
4/11 Open Architecture 4/37 RCS Host/RCS Viewer
4/11 HMI Open Architecture 4/38 RCS Host/RCS Viewer Embedded
4/13 EasyMask 4/39 ADDM – Data Management
4/13 EasyTrans
4/14 HotWin 4/40 ePS Network Services
4/14 EasyMon 4/42 Tools
4/15 Motion Control Information 4/42 SIMATIC STEP 7 for
System MCIS SINUMERIK hardware
4/15 Introduction 4/42 SinuCom
4/15 DNC – Direct Numeric Control 4/44 SinuCom Update Agent
4/16 DNC Machine 4/45 SINUMERIK Solution Partners
4/17 DNC Cell/DNC Plant 4/45 Solution Partners Automation
4/19 DNC HMI Machine Tools SINUMERIK
4/20 DNC IFC Serial
4/20 DNC IFC Dialog
4/21 DNC IFC Filesystem
4/21 DNC Compare
4/22 TDI – Tool Data Information
4/23 TDI Overview
4/24 TDI Toolhandling
4/24 TDI Planning
4/25 TDI Statistic
4/25 TDI IFC
4/26 TDI Cell/TDI Plant
4/27 TDI Machine
4/28 TDI Toolplan Generation
4/29 TDI Ident Connection

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
For PCU 20 and PC/PG
Chinese Simplified1), English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license for 6FC5253-0BX00-0AG0
current software version
• Single license for 6FC5253-7BX00-7AG0
specific software version
• Single license 6FC5253-0BX00-0AG1
4 without data carrier
• Software update service 6FC5253-0BX00-0AG2
• Update on order of 6FC5253-7BX00-7AG3
specific software version
Additional languages2)3)
The HMI-Embedded software is a technology-independent, Languages:
multi-channel operating software for machine tools and exe- Chinese simplified, Chinese
cutes on an embedded operating system. The software sup- Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
ports convenient and complete window-oriented operation of Finnish, Hungarian, Japanese,
machines. Korean, Polish,
Portuguese/Brazilian, Russian,
The generation of part programs is assisted by a text editor Swedish, Turkish
which provides easy-to-use, screen form-based support. The • Single license for 6FC5253-7BX10-7XG0
powerful contour calculator enables programming and graphic specific software version
display of complex workpiece contours.
• Single license 6FC5253-0BX10-0XG1
without data carrier
■ Function Milling Simulation 6FC5253-0AE02-0AA0
Part programs can be rapidly checked using the 2D simulation For HMI-Embedded
for turning. An easy-to-use milling simulation is optionally Software option
available. SINUMERIK HMI 6FC5253-0AF00-0AA0
The graphical user interface can be expanded in the basic ver- copy license OA
sion by up to 20 screen forms via predefined softkeys without Software option
additional software.
Example of specific software version, e.g. 6.5:
Using these softkeys, it is possible to import machine-specific 6FC5253-6....-5...
screen forms, displays or function trees. Programming support,
such as cycle support, can be intensified with the Expand User
Interface function. Configuring takes place using simple text
The user interface can be optionally expanded by more than
20 screen forms using the integral editor at specific predefined
softkeys with a SINUMERIK HMI copy license OA.

HMI-Embedded software version 6.5 and higher.
2) CD-ROM also contains the languages: English, French, German, Italian,
3) Please inquire about available software versions.

4/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Incl. technology cycles
for drilling, milling and turning
and the startup tool for
SIMODRIVE 611 digital
Chinese Simplified, English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license 6FC5253-7BX10-7AG0

for specific software version
• Single license 6FC5253-0BX10-0AG1
without data carrier
• Software update service 6FC5253-0BX10-0AG2
• Update on order of 6FC5253-7BX10-7AG3
specific software version
The HMI-Advanced software is a universal, multi-channel user
interface software for machine tools. The software supports con- • Single license 6FC5253-7BX40-7AG0
venient and complete window-oriented operation of machines. for specific software version
The text editor provides easy-to-use, screen form-based sup- • Single license 6FC5253-0BX40-0AG1
port. without data carrier
The powerful contour calculator enables programming and • Software update service 6FC5253-0BX40-0AG2
graphic display of complex workpiece contours. Part programs • Update on order of 6FC5253-7BX40-7AG3
can be rapidly checked using the integral 2D/3D simulation for specific software version
turning and milling.
Additional languages1)

■ Function On DVD-ROM
You can modify or redesign the graphical user interface easily Chinese Simplified, Chinese
with HMI-Advanced: Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
Finnish, Hungarian, Japanese,
Using the integral editor, the graphical user interface can be Korean, Polish,
extended in the basic version by up to 20 screen forms via Portuguese/Brazilian, Russian,
predefined softkeys. Swedish, Turkish
Using these softkeys, it is possible to import machine-specific • Without license 6FC5253-7BX10-7XG8
screen forms, displays or function trees. Programming support,
such as cycle support, can be intensified with the Expand User • Single license 6FC5253-7BX10-7XG0
for specific software version
Interface function. Configuring takes place using simple text
files. • Single license 6FC5253-0BX10-0XG1
without data carrier
Using the SINUMERIK HMI configuration package WinCC flexi-
ble 2008, you can configure screen forms graphically, quickly Managing of network/ 6FC5253-0AE01-0AA0
floppy disk drives
and easily.
Software option
The SINUMERIK HMI programming package (with extensive
online documentation) permits you to develop your own SINUMERIK HMI 6FC5253-0AF00-0AA0
copy license OA
operating ideas and concepts using the Microsoft Visual
Studio 6 development tool and the HMI basic software. Software option

In order to use one or more of these possibilities, it is necessary Example of specific software version, e.g., 7.5:
to have the SINUMERIK HMI copy license OA option for each 6FC5253-7....-5...
PCU. When using the integral editor, this is only necessary from
the 21st screen form onwards.

■ Integration
The SINUMERIK software HMI-Advanced can be used with:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline:
Preconditions for HMI-Advanced on PC/PG:
• IBM-compatible PC, Pentium 1.2 GHz or better
• RAM: at least 512 MB
• Windows XP operating system
• Vacant PCI slot/PCMCIA CP 5512/CP 5611

1) Please inquire about available software versions.

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 Clear program presentation in the machining step program
7 Dynamic input graphics for contour elements and cycles
7 Adaptation of the traversing paths of the tool while taking
account of the workpiece contour and obstacles
7 High-performance contour calculator for the input of a free
7 Networking and floppy disk drive connection (option)
7 Support of swivel heads and swiveling tables
7 Individual cycles and user screen forms can be integrated.

■ Function
4 • Machining step programming (option)
• ShopMill tool management
• Simultaneous recording (option)
• Residual material identification and machining in the contour
pocket cycle (option)
ShopMill is operating and programming software for milling • 3D graphics of the finished part
machines that makes it easy for you to operate the machine and
to program workpieces. • Multiple clamping of identical workpieces with optimization of
the tool sequence
With ShopMill, you get a complete CNC control solution for milling • Multiple clamping of different workpieces with optimization of
in the workshop area. You can use ShopMill on single-channel the tool sequence (option)
versions of vertical or universal milling machines with up to
12 axes (including rotary axes and spindles). Of the 12 axes, • Remote diagnostics (option)
3 linear and 2 rotary axes plus 1 spindle can be displayed simul- • A swivel cycle supports multiface machining and machining
taneously. In addition to an extensive cycle package, it offers a of inclined surfaces independently of the machine kinematics
host of practice-oriented setup functions (e.g. workpiece or tool (swivel table/swivel head)
measurement) and functions for data handling. • Access to external programs through network interfacing or
ShopMill’s tool management function is transparent and user- floppy disk drive (option)
friendly. To use this function, it must be integrated into the
PLC program of the machine. ■ Integration
ShopMill supports three different programming methods: The SINUMERIK software ShopMill can be used with:
• G code programs that are generated externally, • SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
e.g. mold making programs imported from
CAD/CAM systems.
• G code programs that are created directly on the machine.
All technology cycles are available with G-code programming.
• Machining step programs that are created directly on the
machine (available as an option)
Workpiece programming is easy because programming is
graphically supported and no knowledge of G codes is
required. ShopMill displays the program as a clear, under-
standable work plan and presents the individual cycles and
contour elements in a dynamic graphical display.
With the SINUMERIK PCU 20/PCU 50.3, ShopMill can access
the CompactFlash card or hard disk and the Ethernet (option).
Consequently, even large mold making programs can be exe-
cuted with ShopMill. With the SINUMERIK PCU 50.3, the HMI-
Advanced areas Utilities, Parameters, Diagnostics and Start-up
are permanently integrated into ShopMill. The solutions for Open
Architecture, MCIS or Solution Partner applications from Shop-
Mill can therefore be used.
A PC version is available for ShopMill (see SinuTrain/Jobshop).

4/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming
ShopMill ShopTurn

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Overview

Designation Order No.
ShopMill HMI
Without machining step
programming, incl. tool boxes,
tool management on CD-ROM
Chinese Simplified, English,
German, French, Italian, Spanish
• Single license for 6FC5463-0FA20-0AG0
current software version
• Single license for 6FC5463-7FA20-7AG0
specific software version
• Single license
without data carrier
• Software update service 6FC5463-0FA20-0AB2
• Update on order of 6FC5463-7FA20-7AG3
specific software versions
Additional languages1)
On DVD-ROM ShopTurn is an operating and programming software program
Languages: for single-slide turning machines that makes it easy for you to
Chinese Traditional, Czech, operate the machine and to program workpieces.
Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, With ShopTurn, you get a complete CNC control solution for turn-
Polish, Portuguese/Brazilian, ing in the workshop area. In addition to an extensive cycle pack-
Russian, Swedish, Turkish age, it offers a host of practice-oriented setup functions (e.g.
• Single license for 6FC5253-7BX10-7XG0 workpiece or tool measurement) and functions for data handling.
specific software version You can use ShopTurn on single-channel versions of single-slide
• Single license 6FC5253-0BX10-0XG1 turning machines with up to 12 axes (including rotary axes and
without data carrier spindles). Of the 12 axes, 5 axes plus 1 spindle can be dis-
ShopMill machining step 6FC5463-0FA21-0AA0 played simultaneously. ShopTurn also supports machine exten-
programming sions with C axes, Y axes and counterspindle.
Software option ShopTurn's tool management function is transparent and user-
Automatic residual material 6FC5463-0FA01-0AA0 friendly. To use this function, it must be integrated into the
detection and machining PLC program of the machine.
In contour pocket cycle2) ShopTurn supports three different programming methods:
Software option
• G code programs that are generated externally,
Simultaneous recording 6FC5463-0FA02-0AA0 e.g. imported from CAD/CAM systems
Real-time simulation • G code programs that are created directly on the machine.
of current machining operation All technology cycles are available with G-code programming.
Software option
• Machining step programs that are created directly on the
Network/floppy disk drive 6FC5463-0FA03-0AA0
machine (available as an option)
Workpiece programming is easy because programming
Software option is graphically supported and no knowledge of G codes is
Multiple clamping of different 6FC5463-0FA04-0AA0 required. ShopTurn displays the program as a clear, under-
workpieces2) standable work plan and presents the individual cycles and
Software option contour elements in a dynamic graphic.

For the SINUMERIK 840D powerline the appropriate single With the SINUMERIK PCU 20/PCU 50.3, ShopTurn can access
license without a data carrier must be purchased for each NCU the CompactFlash card or hard disk and the Ethernet (option).
before using the system software. Consequently, even large programs can be executed with
Example of specific software version, e.g. 6.4:
6FC5463-6....-4... With the SINUMERIK PCU 20/PCU 50.3, the HMI-Advanced areas
Utilities, Parameters, Diagnostics and Start-up are permanently
■ More information integrated into ShopTurn. The solutions for Open Architecture,
MCIS or Solution Partner applications from ShopTurn can there-
Additional information is available in the Internet under: fore be used.
A PC version is available for ShopTurn (see SinuTrain/Jobshop).

1) On request.
Precondition: Software option ShopMill machining step programming.
3) Contains the software option Network/floppy disk drive management
for PCU 20.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/5

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming

■ Benefits ■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

7 Clear program presentation in the machining step program Designation Order No.
Additional languages1)
7 Easy operation for manual turning functions On DVD-ROM
7 Dynamic input graphics for contour elements and cycles Languages:
7 High-performance contour calculator for the input of a free Chinese Traditional, Czech,
contour Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hun-
garian, Japanese, Korean, Pol-
7 Automatic generation of the approach and departure ish, Portuguese/Brazilian,
movements depending on the tool position and the type of Russian, Swedish, Turkish
• Single license for 6FC5253-7BX10-7XG0
7 Individual cycles and user pictures can be integrated specific software version
• Single license 6FC5253-0BX10-0XG1
■ Function
without data carrier
• Machining step programming (option) ShopTurn machining step 6FC5463-0GA21-0AA0
• Manual Machine (option)
Software option
• ShopTurn tool management
Residual material detection 6FC5463-0GA10-0AA0
• Simultaneous recording (option) and machining
• Residual material identification and machining During cutting2)
when cutting (option) Software option
• 3D simulation of the finished part (option) 3D simulation 6FC5463-0GA11-0AA0
• Travel to fixed stop (option) when using the counterspindle of the finished part
• Synchronous spindle (option) when using the counterspindle Software option

• Transmit/Tracyl (option) when using rotating tools Simultaneous recording 6FC5463-0GA12-0AA0

Real-time simulation of
• Access to external programs through network interfacing or current machining operation
floppy disk drive (option) Software option
• Remote diagnostics (option) Travel to fixed stop 6FC5255-0AB02-0AA0

■ Integration When using counterspindle

Software option
The SINUMERIK software ShopTurn can be used with: Synchronous spindle 6FC5255-0AB01-0AA0
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline When using counterspindle
Software option

■ Selection and ordering data Transmit/peripheral surface


Designation Order No. When using driven tools

ShopTurn HMI Software option
Without machining step program- Network/floppy disk drive 6FC5463-0FA03-0AA0
ming, incl. tool boxes, tool management3)
management on CD-ROM Software option
Chinese Simplified, English, For the SINUMERIK 840D powerline the appropriate single
German, French, Italian, Spanish license without a data carrier must be purchased for each NCU
before using the system software.
• Single license for 6FC5463-0GA20-0AG0
current software version Example of specific software version, e.g. 6.4:
• Single license for 6FC5463-7 GA20-7 AG0 6FC5463-6....-4...
specific software version
• Single license 6FC5463-0GA20-0AB1 ■ More information
without data carrier
Additional information is available in the Internet under:
• Software update service 6FC5463-0GA20-0AB2
• Update on order of 6FC5463-7 GA20-7 AG3
specific software versions

1) On request.
Precondition: Software option ShopTurn machining step programming.
3) Contains the software option Network/floppy disk drive management
for PCU 20.

4/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming
Technology cycles

■ Overview

Technology cycles Technology cycles

Example: Swiveling to any surface Example: Circular pocket milling
Technology cycles (standard cycles) for drilling/milling and
turning are available for frequently repeated machining tasks. ■ Selection and ordering data
Standard cycles are generally applicable technology subrou- Designation Order No.
tines, with which you can implement specific machining pro- Technology cycles
cesses such as tapping a thread or milling a pocket. The cycles
For drilling/milling and turning
are adapted to a concrete machining task by means of defining on 3.5" floppy disks
parameters. For languages/additional lan-
guages, see HMI-Advanced and
■ Function HMI-Embedded
• Single license for 6FC5250-0AX00-0AB0
The following standard cycles are available: current software version
• Drilling: • Single license for 6FC5250-7AX00-7AB0
Drilling/centering, drilling/counterboring, deep-hole drilling, specific software version
tapping with and without compensating chuck, boring 1 to 5,
row of holes/circle of holes, grid of holes, machining on • Single license 6FC5250-0AX00-0AB1
without data carrier
inclined surfaces
• Milling: • Software update service 6FC5250-0AX00-0AB2
Thread milling, elongated holes in a circle, groove in a circle, • Update on order of 6FC5250-7AX00-7AB3
circumferential groove, rectangular/circular pocket, face mill- specific software versions
ing, path milling, rectangular/circular spigot, pocket milling Pocket milling with islands
with islands (option), machining on inclined surfaces, high-
On 3.5" floppy disks
speed settings for optimized HSC machining, engraving
• Turning: • Single license for 6FC5250-0FX01-0AB0
current software version
Groove, undercut, cutting with relief cut, extended cutting with
residual material recognition (option), thread undercut, thread • Single license for 6FC5250-6FX01-3AB0
cutting, chaining of threads, thread recutting specific software version 6.3

The parameters are set via graphically supported input screen • Single license 6FC5250-0FX01-0AB1
without data carrier
forms in plain text.
Enhanced stock removal with
■ Integration residual material detection
On 3.5" floppy disks
Technology cycles are already included in the HMI-Advanced • Single license for 6FC5250-0GX01-0AB0
software. current software version
The cycles pocket milling with islands and enhanced stock • Single license for 6FC5250-6GX01-3AB0
removal with residual material detection are not included in the specific software version 6.3
HMI-Advanced software (option). • Single license 6FC5250-0GX01-0AB1
without data carrier

Example of specific software version, e.g. 6.5:


Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/7

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming
Measuring functions/measuring cycles

■ Overview ■ Function

Measuring cycles Measuring cycles

Example: Measuring a shaft Example: 2-angle measurement for determining the position
of a plane in space
Measuring functions can execute either channel-specifically
including all axes programmed in the measuring set as well as In the case of tool measuring, the loaded tool (typically in the
axially from the parts program or from synchronous actions revolver on turning machines) is moved toward the probe which
beyond CNC block limits. is either in a fixed position or swiveled into the working range by
a mechanical device. The automatically derived tool geometry is
Measuring cycles are subroutines for solving specific measuring entered in the relevant tool offset data record.
tasks. They are easy to use by entering values for predefined
parameters. A general distinction is made between tool In the case of workpiece measuring, a probe is moved towards
measurement and workpiece measurement. For this purpose, the clamped workpiece like a tool. The flexible selection of
we provide you with a complete range of measuring cycles. measuring cycles means that you can handle practically every
measuring task associated with turning or milling.
■ Benefits The principle of "on-the-fly measurement" is implemented in
7 2 probes can be connected simultaneously
SINUMERIK controls. The advantage of this principle is that pro-
cessing of the probe signal is carried out directly in the CNC.
7 Measurement in space with frame
The measuring parameters and the results of the measurements
7 Adaptable measuring modes with/without deletion of residual
are output extremely clearly in separate screen forms which are
either automatically deselected at the end of the cycle, or can be
7 Display and logging of measuring parameters and results acknowledged when starting the CNC.
(with measuring cycles)
The result of the workpiece measurement can either include auto-
7 Results can be read in the machine or workpiece coordinate matic offset of the zero point or a correction of the tool wear by
system the difference between the actual value and the setpoint.
7 Cyclic measurement with synchronous actions parallel to
workpiece machining The measured results can be logged in a file. The Siemens mea-
suring cycles offer a standard log which you can also adapt.
7 Measurement in JOG mode for milling machines
In order to measure tool and workpiece dimensions, a touch-
The SINUMERIK measuring functions and measuring cycles trigger probe is required that supplies a constant signal (rather
make a significant contribution to further automation of the than a pulse) when deflected. The probe should switch bounce-
manufacturing process. free, and mechanical adjustment may be necessary.
7 Machining accuracy is ensured.
Multidirectional probes can be used for all tool and workpiece
7 Idle times are shortened. measurements on turning and milling machines. Bidirectional
7 Error sources are eliminated. probes are treated like a mono probe for workpiece measure-
ments on milling and machining centers, but are not suitable for
tool measurements.
Monodirectional probes can be used on milling machines and
machining centers with slight restrictions in workpiece measure-
ments, but are not suitable for tool measurements or for work-
piece measurements on turning machines.

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming
Measuring functions/measuring cycles CAD Reader

■ Function (continued) ■ Overview

We offer:
• Measuring cycles for turning machines
- Tool measurements (calibration/measurement) for turning
- Tool measurements for milling tools and drills on turning
- Calibrating workpiece probes
- 1-point workpiece measurement
- 2-point workpiece measurement
• Measuring cycles for milling machines and machining centers
- Tool measurements (calibration/measurement) for
milling tools

- Calibrating workpiece probes
- Paraxial workpiece measurement on hole/shaft/slot/
- 1-point workpiece measurement on area
- Workpiece measurement at any angle on hole/shaft/slot/web
- Workpiece measurement at angular position
(1-/2-angle measurement)
- Automatic set-up corner internal and external
- Measurement of workpiece sphere and automatic correction The CAD Reader program converts DXF files into contours or
of work offset hole drilling templates.

■ Integration ■ Function
General (channel-specific) measuring functions are included as • Importing of DXF files
standard in the basic version of the SINUMERIK 810D • Suppressing of graphic layers
powerline/840D powerline CNCs. • Automatic contour tracing
Axial measuring, measuring from synchronous actions and con- • Any workpiece zero per extracted contour/drilling pattern
tinuous measuring can be implemented with Measuring Stage 2 • Several contours/drilling patterns can be extracted
(option). simultaneously
The optional measuring cycles are already included in version 6.4 • Conversion into contours or drilling patterns for ShopMill,
and higher of the HMI-Advanced software. A license (CoL) must ShopTurn, HMI-Advanced or HMI-Embedded
be acquired to provide proof of authorization to use the software.
• Display of extracted contours/drilling patterns in the
geometric processor/cycle support
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No. ■ Integration
Measuring cycles The CAD Reader program can be used with:
For drilling/milling and turning • SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
on 3.5" floppy disks
For languages/additional Preconditions:
languages, see HMI-Advanced • Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP operating system
and HMI-Embedded
• Mouse
• Single license for 6FC5250-0BX00-0AB0
current software version
• Single license for 6FC5250-7BX00-7AB0
■ Selection and ordering data
specific software version Designation Order No.
• Single license 6FC5250-0BX00-0AB1 CAD Reader for PC
without data carrier Incl. documentation
• Software update service 6FC5250-0BX00-0AB2 Languages: English, German
• Update on order of 6FC5250-7BX00-7AB3 • Single license 6FC5260-0AY00-0AG1
specific software versions without data carrier
Example of specific software version, e.g. 6.3: • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC5260-0AY00-0AG0
6FC5...-6....-3... current software version
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC5260-7AY00-7AG0
specific software version
• Software update service 6FC5260-0AY00-0AG2
• ServicePack on order of 6FC5260-7AY00-7AG8
specific software version

Example of specific software version, e.g., 6.2:


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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Operator control and programming

■ Overview ■ Function (continued)

HMI Lite CE contains a sample project that can be expanded
with machine-specific or project-specific screen forms by using
WinCC flexible. A diagnostic screen form is available for the
optional ProAgent process error diagnostics. It can be used
in combination with S7-PDIAG, S7-GRAPH and S7-HiGraph.
HMI Lite CE can be expanded with interactive screen forms that
access SINUMERIK data provided that the SINUMERIK Copy
License CE is available for each operator panel.

■ Selection and ordering data

4 Designation
Order No.

Runtime software
incl. configuration software
• Single license for 6FC5263-0PY50-0AG0
current software version

TRANSLINE HMI is the machine user interface for operator con- • Single license for 6FC5263-7PY50-7AG0
trol and monitoring tasks in large-scale production, for example specific software version
in transfer lines, machining centers and assembly lines. • Single license 6FC5263-0PY50-0AG1
TRANSLINE HMI ensures uniformity in the operation of machines without data carrier
with diverse tasks and technologies by means of standardized HMI Lite CE
operator screen forms and a parameterizable navigation menu.
Runtime software
The technology-specific operator screen forms are combined • Single license for 6FC5263-0PY11-0AG0
into function groups, such as machine functions (workpiece current software version
counting, cycle times, workpiece overview), help texts, over-
views, tool change functions and manual operating functions. • Single license for 6FC5263-7PY11-7AG0
specific software version
Prepared diagnostic screen forms support rapid fault
localization in the event of a machine fault. • Single license 6FC5263-0PY11-0AG1
without data carrier
■ Function Example of a specific software version, e.g.: HMI PRO RT 7.2:
Diverse target hardware HMIs are supported to ensure the best
possible price/performance ratio for different applications.
HMI PRO RT runtime software can run on the standard hardware ■ More information
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 and is equivalent to the PC platform solu-
tion. HMI Lite CE is available for the Windows CE-based MP/OP/ For further details, see SIMATIC WinCC flexible or SIMATIC
TP 277 and OP/TP 177B SIMATIC Panels. ProAgent.

The standard application is easy to adapt or expand and is

therefore ideally suited for implementing customized versions for
project-specific use.
Configuration software which runs on PGs/PCs can be used to
parameterize and configure screen forms for HMI PRO RT and
load them into the target hardware. Two diagnostic screen forms
are available for the process error diagnostics integrated into
HMI PRO RT. Process error diagnostics are used in combination
with S7-PDIAG, S7-GRAPH and S7-HiGraph. Users can freely
configure their own operator screen forms using the simple,
integrated graphic editor.
The basic scope of supply can be expanded by screen forms
that are configured by the user with WinCC flexible and/or appli-
cations written in high-level languages, e.g. Visual Basic.
HMI PRO RT can be expanded with WinCC flexible screen
forms provided that the SINUMERIK HMI configuration package
WinCC flexible is installed on the configuration device.
HMI PRO can be expanded with WinCC flexible and/or high-
level language applications provided that the SINUMERIK HMI
Copy License OA is available on the target hardware.

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Open Architecture
HMI Open Architecture

■ Overview ■ Function (continued)

SINUMERIK HMI configuring package
With the SINUMERIK HMI configuring package, any skilled
worker with basic technical experience can create technology-
related modules for programming, operation and visualization,
without the need for high-level language expertise.
It is then possible to generate user interfaces, which can be
integrated into HMI-Advanced, or which can be used
autonomously, i.e., executed without HMI-Advanced, and which
use the communications interfaces of the SINUMERIK.
The graphics-supported engineering tool SIMATIC WinCC flexible
2008 Advanced is used as the basis for configuration. You are

therefore able to create stand-alone user interfaces for operating
HMI openness provides OEMs with the option of achieving their and visualizing plant and machine tools. The SINUMERIK HMI
own look and for implementing their own operating and display configuring package WinCC flexible 2008 is required addition-
functions. ally to integrate user interfaces in HMI-Advanced with
This openness is available in combination with the SINUMERIK
HMI programming package and the SINUMERIK HMI configur- Benefits
ing package. • Integration of user interfaces in HMI-Advanced with
■ Application • User interfaces for stand-alone execution
(without HMI-Advanced)
SINUMERIK HMI Preconditions
user interface • Integration of user interfaces in SIMATIC HMI panels of the
170 or 270 series and the MP370 on a SINUMERIK control
programming copy license OA Note
package V7.x SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 Advanced is not included in the
SINUMERIK HMI HMI-Advanced SINUMERIK HMI SINUMERIK HMI WinCC flexible 2008 configuring package
configuring copy license OA and must be ordered separately if required.
WinCC SINUMERIK HMI copy license OA
flexible 2008
The SINUMERIK HMI copy license OA permits the execution
SINUMERIK HMI HMI-Advanced SINUMERIK HMI of the user’s own HMI Open Architecture applications on the
Expand User HMI-Embedded copy license OA SINUMERIK PCU 20/PCU 50.3 or on a PC/PG on the
SINUMERIK control that were created using the
One SINUMERIK HMI copy license CE is required per control in • SINUMERIK HMI programming package or
order to use OEM applications on the SIMATIC CE Panels.
• SINUMERIK HMI WinCC flexible 2008 configuring package or
Always subject to conclusion of an OEM contract. • Expand User Interface > 20 configured screen forms
(integrated into HMI-Advanced and HMI-Embedded) or
■ Function • OPC (OLE for Process Control) openness to higher-level
systems thanks to standardized OPC interface
SINUMERIK HMI programming package
An expansion of the TRANSLINE HMI PRO user interface with
The SINUMERIK HMI programming package permits the deve-
individual applications that have been created with WinCC flexible
lopment of high-level language applications based on the
also requires the SINUMERIK HMI copy license OA on the
programming languages Visual Basic and Visual C++ in HMI-
SINUMERIK control.
Advanced with SINUMERIK PCU 50.3.
• Integration of user interfaces in HMI-Advanced with
• User interfaces for stand-alone execution
(without HMI-Advanced)
• Supports Microsoft COM and OPC interfaces
To develop your own applications, you need to run the software
version of the SINUMERIK HMI programming package that
matches the HMI-Advanced or HMI sl on the target hardware.
Example: HMI-Advanced software version 7.5.x requires
SINUMERIK HMI programming package software version 7.1.

Also possible with HMI-Embedded

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Open Architecture
HMI Open Architecture

■ Function (continued) ■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

SINUMERIK HMI copy license CE Designation Order No.

The SINUMERIK HMI copy license CE allows users to run their SINUMERIK HMI
Programming package
own HMI Open Architecture applications on SIMATIC CE Panels
on the SINUMERIK control. The engineering software SIMATIC Incl. HMI-Advanced for PC/PG
WinCC flexible and the SINUMERIK HMI configuring package for SINUMERIK 810D/840D/
840Di sl/840D sl
WinCC flexible 2008 are needed to create these applications.
Runtime system languages:
When the SINUMERIK HMI copy license CE is added, the func- Chinese Simplified, English,
tions can be used in conjunction with: French, German, Italian, Spanish
• CNC variable dialog (symbolic presentation) Engineering system languages:
English, German
• CNC file management, e.g., selection of part programs
• Single license on DVD-ROM 6FC5253-0BX20-0AG0
• CNC functions e.g., apply tool, NC Start/Stop
for current software version
and other PI utilities incl. Automation Value Card
• Alarms and messages in plain text with 400 credits

The SIMATIC Panels below can be connected via PROFIBUS or • Single license on DVD-ROM 6FC5253-7BX20-7AG0
Ethernet depending on which interface is provided on the panel: for specific software version
incl. Automation Value Card
• OP 170B/OP 177B/OP 277 with 400 credits
• TP 170B/TP 177B/TP 277 • Single license 6FC5253-0BX20-0AG1
• Mobile Panel 170, Mobile Panel 177, Mobile Panel 277 without data carrier

• MP 277/MP 370/MP 377 • Software update service 6FC5253-0BX20-0AG2

• Upgrade 6FC5253-7BX20-7AG3
■ Integration for specific software version
Preconditions: configuring package
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline WinCC flexible 2008
• SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 in conjunction with HMI-Advanced or Incl. HMI-Advanced for PC/PG
TCU in conjunction with HMI-Embedded for SINUMERIK 810D/840D/
840Di sl/840D sl
• SINUMERIK operator panels: Runtime system languages:
OP 010/OP 010S/OP 010C/OP 012/OP 015/OP 015A/ supports all HMI runtime system
OP 015AT/TP 015A/TP 015AT languages
• SIMATIC CE Panels: Engineering system languages:
OP 170B/OP 177B/TP 170B/TP 177B/Mobile Panel 170/ English, French, German, Italian,
Mobile Panel 177/Mobile Panel 277/MP 277/MP 370/MP 377 Spanish
• Programming of SINUMERIK user interfaces • Single license on CD-ROM 6FC5253-0CX25-0AG0
- SINUMERIK HMI programming package for current software version
(for HMI-Advanced) incl. Automation Value Card
with 400 credits
• Configuring of SINUMERIK user interfaces
- SINUMERIK HMI configuring package WinCC flexible 2008 • Single license on CD-ROM 6FC5253-7CX25-7AG0
for specific software version
- SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 Advanced incl. Automation Value Card
• One SINUMERIK HMI copy license OA is required per control with 400 credits
in order to use supplementary software on the SINUMERIK • Single license 6FC5253-0CX25-0AG1
PCU. without data carrier
• Always subject to conclusion of an OEM contract. • Software update service 6FC5253-0CX25-0AG2

■ Selection and ordering data • Upgrade

for specific software version

Designation Order No. Example of specific software version, e.g. 1.3:

SINUMERIK HMI 6FC5253-0AF00-0AA0 6FC5253-1....-3...
copy license OA
For SINUMERIK 810D/840D ■ More information
copy license CE
You will find further information in the Updates at
You can obtain technical support and advice from:
Visualization systems
SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 6AV6611-0AA51-3CA5 Siemens AG
Compact Industry Sector
NL Stuttgart
SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 6AV6612-0AA51-3CA5 Dept. RD I IA&DT SDW CC ENG 1 11 STG
Competence Center Stuttgart
SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 6AV6613-0AA51-3CA5
Advanced Fax: +49 (0) 711-137-2838

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Open Architecture
EasyMask EasyTrans

■ Overview ■ Overview

EasyMask is a simple configuring tool for generating operating EasyTrans is a simple tool for administration of data blocks.
screens. EasyMask is configured using inputs in INI and text files Various parameter areas (R parameters, PLC data blocks and
entered with an ASCII editor. This permits you to easily generate PLC bit memories) can be saved in a backup file on the HMI, and
your own operating screens. downloaded back into the control. EasyTrans can create, read
and delete several backup files in a directory. It is configured
■ Selection and ordering data using entries in an INI file.

Designation Order No.

■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
For HMI-Advanced 7.x
• Single license 6FC5263-0AY00-0AB1
without data carrier For HMI-Advanced 7.x

• Floppy disk 6FC5263-7AY00-0AB0 • Single license 6FC5263-0AY10-0AB1

without data carrier
• Floppy disk 6FC5263-7AY10-0AB0

■ More information
You can obtain further information on EasyMask and EasyTrans
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
NL Stuttgart
Competence Center for Machine Tools and Special Machines
Fax: +49 (0) 711-137-2838

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/13

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Open Architecture
HotWin EasyMon

■ Overview ■ Overview

HotWin is an application which enables the user to configure up EasyMon is an application which facilitates online monitoring of
to 32 input/output windows on the user interface. These win- traverse paths (tool center point) at a selected level on the user
dows can be activated via the PLC or using NCK signals interface.
(signal 0: window cannot be seen, signal 1: window can be
seen). The display is also active during program testing (PRT). The
monitoring window is configured using parameterization dis-
The contents of the windows can be configured in EasyMask plays.
■ Selection and ordering data
■ Selection and ordering data Designation Order No.
Designation Order No.
HotWin For HMI-Advanced 7.x
For HMI-Advanced 7.x • Single license 6FC5263-0AY30-0AG1
• Single license 6FC5263-0AY20-0AB1 without data carrier
without data carrier
• CD-ROM 6FC5263-7AY30-0AG0
• Floppy disk 6FC5263-7AY20-0AB0
■ More information
You can obtain further information on HotWin and EasyMon from:
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
NL Stuttgart
Competence Center for Machine Tools and Special Machines
Fax: +49 (0) 711-137-2838

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
Introduction DNC – Direct Numeric Control

■ Overview ■ Overview


DNC Cell DNC Plant 4
With the Motion Control Information System you will increase the CNC program management DNC
productivity and reliability of your machine tools by integrating
the machines perfectly into the process chain. The CNC program management DNC supports handling of the
CNC programs and reduces the costs for CNC data organization.
For the production area, this means:
As a result of the convenient electronic CNC program manage-
7 Smooth coordination of planning, disposal and execution ment and archiving, the CNC programs are always available in
7 Shorter setup times and enhanced efficiency their latest version for the machines of the complete production
7 Reduced machine downtimes area. This is particularly relevant in production areas with a high
degree of flexibility and variation and where CNC data frequently
7 Simplified fault analyses change, for example in machining centers, special machines
and flexible production lines.
The CNC program management DNC consists of software
modules which can be applied depending on the functional
DNC Machine
DNC Machine is the software module for CNC program transfer
between the SINUMERIK control and an CNC programming
workstation over the network filesystem.
DNC Cell
DNC Cell is the software module as a single-user solution for
DNC networking of a small production area.
DNC Plant
DNC Plant is the software module as a multi-user solution for
DNC networking throughout a factory.

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
DNC – Direct Numeric Control
DNC Machine

■ Overview ■ Integration
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with
• For connecting to a UNIX file system, network software is also
required on the SINUMERIK.

CAD/CAM systems,
CNC programming
systems on PCs

4 Industrial Ethernet

Machine Machine

DNC Machine is used to connect the SINUMERIK controls over
the standard Ethernet network to a file system, for example, to SINUMERIK SINUMERIK
transfer CNC programs between the CNC programming system
and the CNC machine.

■ Benefits ■ Selection and ordering data

7 Cost reduction in CNC data management Designation Order No.
7 Increase in machine operating times thanks to DNC Machine
shorter set-up times
Software option for
7 Fast, reliable provision of program CNC program transfer
7 The latest CNC programs are always available for the to CD-ROM
SINUMERIK control Languages:
English, French, German, Italian,
7 Simple integration of the SINUMERIK control into a standard Spanish
Ethernet network
• Single license for 6FC6000-0AC00-0AA0
7 CNC program input by the programmer and automatic current software version
transfer to the SINUMERIK control mean that handling of the
program on the machine by the operator is unnecessary. • Single license for 6FC6000-0AC07 -7AA0
specific software version

■ Function • Single license

without data carrier

• Operator interface for CNC program transfer/uploading on the • Upgrade on order of 6FC6000-0AC07 -7AE0
SINUMERIK operator panel specific software version
• Fixed definition, or free navigation in Windows or UNIX
network directories in which the CNC programs have been Example of specific software version, e.g. 2.0:
saved by the programmer 6FC6000-0AC02-0A..
• View of CNC programs available for the machine in the
network directory. Filters are possible.
• Selection and transmission of single or several CNC data/
files and workpiece directories
• Automatic CNC program importing from a network directory
• Direct loading of CNC programs into the CNC
• Utilization of Windows administration information (file name,
file length, generation/modification date)
• Logbook of CNC program transfers
• Deletion of CNC data in the network directory and in the
• Key switch-dependent function privileges on the

4/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
DNC – Direct Numeric Control
DNC Cell/DNC Plant

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 Cost reduction in CNC data management
- Convenient, central CNC program management with
provision of the CNC programs
- Low management overhead and simple handling mean that
a floppy disk drive for archiving of CNC data is unnecessary
7 Increase in machine operating times and reduction in setup
times through reliable and fast provision of CNC program
7 No DNC terminals are required on the machine because the
CNC program is requested directly on the CNC operator panel
7 Cost-effective and reliable electronic data archiving
7 Automatic CNC data archiving of the SINUMERIK control
7 Simple integration of many different types and generations of

CNC controls
Direct connection of SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 with Windows via
standard Industrial Ethernet network

■ Integration
Preconditions for DNC Cell/DNC Plant:
DNC Cell/DNC Plant supports handling of the CNC programs. • Standard/server PC as required
DNC Cell/DNC Plant is software for user-friendly management, - Pentium III or higher, at least 512 MB RAM
archiving and transfer of CNC programs, and can be used to - Hard disks depending on data volumes of CNC programs
network small and complex CNC production areas with DNC (min. 1 GB available space), e.g., 3 x 36 GB RAID 5 for
Cell or DNC Plant. DNC Plant
As a result of the convenient electronic CNC program manage- • Operating system
ment and archiving, the CNC programs are always available in - Windows 2003 Server
their latest version for the CFC machines of the complete pro- (additional client access licenses1))
duction area. This is particularly relevant in production areas - Windows XP Professional/Windows Vista
with a high degree of flexibility and variation and where CNC
data frequently change, for example in machining centers, • The database is dependent on the size of the plant: MSDE
special machines and flexible production lines. (included in scope of delivery of DNC Cell, no license re-
quired) or ORACLE, SQL Server for DNC Plant
• Internet Explorer, version 5.0 and higher

DNC Cell DNC HMI CNC programming system

DNC Plant

Industrial Ethernet

Ethernet Station PC

Serial CNC machines/SEG with DNC IFC Serial/Dialog SINUMERIK with DNC IFC SINUMERIK
Other Ethernet-capable CNCs with
DNC IFC Filesystem

Client access licenses required for each DNC IFC SINUMERIK/
DNC IFC Filesystem and each additional connected computer.

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
DNC – Direct Numeric Control
DNC Cell/DNC Plant

■ Design ■ Function (continued)

DNC Cell – the solution for one work station • Automatic data archiving of the SINUMERIK control
• CNC program comparison/machine adaptation between the
One PC (a work station) can be connected to DNC Cell. The SINUMERIK control and DNC Cell using DNC Compare
management functions can only be operated from this PC.
• GUI for parameterization of interface parameters
Using the DNC IFC Serial interface client (per CNC), up to
16 CNC machines with a serial interface can be connected to • Scalable system configuration from small, local DNC systems
DNC Cell. DNC Cell already contains a DNC IFC Serial interface (DNC Cell) up to the factory-wide multi-user system
module. (DNC Plant)
• Networking of heterogeneous CNC machinery of very different
Up to 16 further Ethernet-capable CNC machines with generations and controls as an integrated system from the
DNC IFC SINUMERIK or DNC IFC Filesystem modules can also production planning department to the production shop
be integrated.
DNC Plant – the solution for networking ■ Selection and ordering data
4 large production plants
Several hundred CNC machines can be connected to
Designation Order No.
DNC Cell
DNC Plant. The CNC data are managed on a powerful central
server. CNC program management
Software package
The DNC HMI (Human Machine Interface) software module Languages:
can be used to install further terminals (multi-user system) on English, French, German, Italian,
Windows PCs for management and handling of the CNC pro- Spanish
grams. For example, several CNC programmers or machine
• Single license 6FC6000-0BF00-0AB0
setters can work with the CNC program management using PCs without data carrier
in the office or production area.
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-0BC00-0AA0
The interface client DNC IFC SINUMERIK (per SINUMERIK) is of current software version
used to integrate the SINUMERIK controls into DNC Plant via
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-0BC07 -7AA0
the Ethernet network. In addition, any Ethernet-capable CNC of specific software version
machines can be supplied with CNC programs using DNC IFC
Filesystem modules. • Upgrade with CD-ROM 6FC6000-0BC07 -7AE0
of specific software version
CNC machines with serial interfaces (without special protocol)
DNC Plant
are integrated using station PCs. Up to 16 serial CNC machines
and the DNC IFC Serial interface clients (per CNC) can be con- CNC program management
nected to DNC Plant on one station PC each. Software package
■ Function English, French, German, Italian,
• Software for central management and transfer of CNC • Single license 6FC6000-0CF00-0AB0
programs on a standard PC (work station) without data carrier
• Connection of CNCs or tool setting stations via serial • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-0CC00-0AA0
interfaces using DNC IFC Serial of current software version
• Integration of additional CNC machines over an Ethernet • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-0CC07 -7AA0
network of specific software version
- SINUMERIK control via standard Ethernet network with
DNC IFC SINUMERIK Example of a specific software version, e.g.: 2.1:
- Ethernet-capable CNC machines that can be supplied with 6FC6000-0CC02-1AA0
CNC programs through a network filesystem
(see DNC IFC Filesystem)
• Connection of CNC programming systems via standard
network, e.g., via Ethernet, Novell or token ring
• Automatic data import from CNC programming system
• Shopfloor-oriented CNC program archiving structures with
DNC Explorer
• Program override through operator inputs on the station
• User management with user-dependent functions such as
display, edit, copy, delete, enable CNC programs
• Program transfer through operator inputs on the
DNC Cell/DNC Plant PC
• Program transfer directly on the CNC operator panel with
DNC IFC Dialog

4/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
DNC – Direct Numeric Control DNC – Direct Numeric Control

■ Overview ■ Overview

DNC HMI can be used to add operator stations to DNC Plant on The interface client DNC IFC SINUMERIK is used to connect the
which, e.g., the CNC programmers can carry out the administra- SINUMERIK control to DNC Cell or DNC Plant, and provides the
tion of their CNC programs. machine operator with an operator interface for transfer of CNC
■ Function
• DNC HMI extends DNC Plant by terminals, e.g. as workstation ■ Function
for CNC programmers, administrators, machine setters in the • Summary of the CNC data/programs available for the
production area SINUMERIK control in the database of DNC Cell/DNC Plant
• All management and administration functions can be exe- • Display of management information for the CNC program
cuted on DNC HMI depending on the access privileges • Display of graphics on the SINUMERIK
• DNC Plant already contains a user interface DNC HMI. • Selection and transfer of one or more (multiple selection) CNC
A DNC HMI license is required for each further user interface. data/files to the SINUMERIK control by means of operations
■ Integration • Selection and uploading of one or more (multiple selection)
CNC data/files to the DNC archive DNC Cell/DNC Plant by
Preconditions: means of operations on the SINUMERIK
• Standard PC • Key switch-dependent functions
- Pentium III or higher, at least 512 MB RAM
One DNC IFC SINUMERIK license is required for each
• Operating system SINUMERIK control to be connected.
- Windows 2003 Server
- Windows XP Professional
- Windows Vista ■ Integration
• Internet Explorer, version 5.0 and higher Preconditions:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with
■ Selection and ordering data SINUMERIK PCU 50.3
Order No.
■ Selection and ordering data
Additional PC user interface Designation Order No.
• Single license DNC IFC SINUMERIK 6FC6000-0EF00-0AB0
without data carrier CNC program transfer
via network on the control
for each SINUMERIK 810D/840D
Software option
• Single license
without data carrier

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/19

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
DNC – Direct Numeric Control DNC – Direct Numeric Control
DNC Cell/DNC Plant – DNC IFC Serial DNC Cell/DNC Plant – DNC IFC Dialog

■ Overview ■ Overview
The interface client DNC IFC Serial is used to connect DNC IFC Dialog is a functional expansion of DNC IFC Serial.
CNC machines with a serial interface to DNC Cell or DNC Plant.
DNC IFC Dialog means that DNC input terminals are superflu-
ous for transfer of CNC programs since the transfer is carried out
■ Function directly on the operator panel of the serial CNC machine.
• Software module for connection of serial CNC machines
(punched-tape format) to DNC Cell/DNC Plant (per ■ Function
serial CNC)
• DNC IFC Dialog (optional per serial CNC) can be used to
• Machine connections transfer programs directly on the CNC operator panel of serial
- DNC Cell: max. 16 to DNC Cell PC CNC machines
- DNC Plant: max. 16 per station PC/DNC Plant PC
(direct serial) • Connection of many different types of serial CNC machines
More than 16 machine connections to the station PC or without special transmission protocol

4 plant PC are possible through interface converters

(ComServer). ■ Integration
• Program transfer through operation on DNC Cell/DNC Plant Preconditions:
PC or on the station PC of DNC Plant (see DNC Plant)
• Control with serial interface without special protocol
• Program transfer directly on the CNC operator panel with (punched-tape format)
DNC IFC Dialog (see DNC IFC Dialog)
• It must be possible to save at least two CNC programs on the
• Reloading mode possible control unit

■ Integration • An CNC program editor must be available with which a

pseudo program can be generated
Preconditions: • The alphanumeric characters of the required CNC program
• Control with serial interface without special protocol name must be available on the machine’s operator panel
(punched-tape format)
■ Selection and ordering data
■ Selection and ordering data Designation Order No.
Designation Order No. DNC IFC Dialog 6FC6000-0GF00-0AB0
DNC IFC Serial 6FC6000-0FF00-0AB0 Optional, for each serial CNC
Software option
Connection for serial CNC,
per serial CNC • Single license
Software option without data carrier
• Single license
without data carrier

4/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
DNC – Direct Numeric Control DNC – Direct Numeric Control
DNC Cell/DNC Plant – DNC IFC Filesystem DNC Cell/DNC Plant – DNC Compare

■ Overview ■ Overview
The interface client DNC IFC Filesystem is used to connect
Ethernet-capable CNC machines (e.g., SINUMERIK with
PCU 20 and non-Siemens controls) to DNC Cell or DNC Plant.

■ Function
• Software module for connection of Ethernet-capable CNC
machines to DNC Cell/DNC Plant (per Ethernet-capable
• Machine connections
- DNC Cell: max. 16 to DNC Cell PC
- DNC Plant: no limitation
• Program transfer via operation on DNC Cell/DNC Plant PC or
on the DNC Plant station PC 4
■ Integration
• Control with the capability of transferring CNC programs in a DNC Compare is a supplementary function for DNC Cell/
file system DNC Plant which enables
• Comparison of different CNC programs
■ Selection and ordering data • Comparison/adaption of CNC programs between the
Designation Order No. DNC Cell/Plant archive and the SINUMERIK.
DNC IFC Filesystem
Connection for network-capable
■ Benefits
CNC machines 7 Instrument for quality assurance
For each Ethernet-capable CNC
Software option 7 Fast, simple analysis of optimized CNC programs, e.g., by
comparing with the original program
• Single license
without data carrier 7 Avoidance of faulty machining operations through fast check-
ing of non-released CNC programs on the SINUMERIK

■ Function
• Individual comparison of CNC program
This function is used, e.g., to compare two different program
versions. The differences are displayed color-coded.
• CNC program comparison list
This function can be used to check whether the CNC pro-
grams present in the CNC machine (SINUMERIK) are also
present on the DNC computer. This is displayed in the form
of a comparison/difference list.

■ Integration
• The CNC program comparison list is only possible for:
- SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
• The DNC IFC SINUMERIK software module is required on the

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
DNC Compare 6FC6000-0HF00-0AB0
CNC program comparison
Software option
• Single license
without data carrier

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/21

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information

■ Overview ■ Function
TDI is a modular system from which you can combine the right
modules for each degree of automation.
All TDI modules are designed such that they can operate on a
Cell/ single machine or within networked, interconnected systems,
Plant e.g., they can display an overview of all actual tool data on a
Overview Planning single machine or a central control system.
As the system has been designed consistently as a client-server
solution and uses the latest communication mechanisms based
on HTTP/XML, it is possible to vary the distribution of the modules
in the network and to access them from any position. This means
Tool Interface up-to-date information can always be accessed wherever it is
Handling Client needed.

4 The UIs of the MCIS TDI modules are designed such that they
execute and can be operated on a SINUMERIK platform (function
keys) as well as on a PC platform (pull-down menus) and in the
G_NC01_EN_00258b TRANSLINE HMI PRO environment.
Machine The MCIS TDI modules can be optionally combined in various
Toolplan stages. This provides operators with optimum solutions for their
Generation requirements.
The functionality can be extended by TDI Interface Client (IFC)
for interfacing with other systems, e.g., PDA.
The following functions are available:
Tool Data Information is one of the central tasks in CNC TDI Overview
production. Requirements are:
Availability of actual tool data throughout the network
• Smooth Toolhandling processes
• Cost control TDI Toolhandling
• Cost savings Operator-prompted loading and unloading with TO data import
from the tool setting station
This is where Tool Data Information MCIS TDI plays an important
role. It makes this potential for rationalization transparent and TDI Planning
provides functions that help attain the potential savings
revealed. Planning of tool demand based on current magazine loading

MCIS TDI has the correct connection concepts and functions for TDI Statistic
a complete overview of the tools used and to permit a closed tool Statistical evaluations of tool use
data cycle in the production area for:
• Single machines, flexible transfer lines, or complete TDI IFC
machinery Interface client for connecting external tool management
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline highly- systems
automated CNCs
TDI Cell
• SIMATIC S7-based controls
All available functions combined on a single server and network-
• Integration of tool setting stations or cross-factory tool wide operation of client-based interfaces for small production
management systems areas

■ Benefits TDI Plant

7 With TDI Tool Data Information you always have the right tool All available functions combined on a single server and network-
data at the right place at the right time wide operation of client-based interfaces for large production
7 Transparency of the tool cycle permits savings in tool costs
7 Modularity of the TDI modules permits optimized customer- TDI Machine
oriented and demand-oriented application Stand-alone non-network-compatible function package for tool
7 Scalable use from a single machine up to a complete machine planning and connection to tool setting stations
TDI Toolplan Generation
Auxiliary module for creating tool plans based on CNC program
TDI Ident Connection
Stand-alone module for connecting tool identification systems

4/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information
TDI – Tool Data Information TDI Overview

■ Integration ■ Overview
Preconditions for TDI modules:
• With SINUMERIK controls, it is assumed that the standard tool
management option is installed. SINUMERIK controls without
standard or vendor-specific tool management can be configu-
red as SIMATIC S7-based machines or must be connected
specific to the project.
• In the case of controls from other vendors, the manageable
tool data are reduced to a simplified tool data structure.
A basic precondition is that the component must be Windows-
based, the control must be accessible via Ethernet and the
interface must be OPC-compatible.
• If tools stored in tool cabinets are to be recorded and man-
aged by TDI, a TDI Toolhandling user interface for loading and
unloading the tools must be assigned to the respective storage
location, e.g., a Windows PC integrated in the network.
• PC hardware Pentium III or higher, at least 512 MB RAM
• Windows XP operating system
• Server hardware Pentium III or later, at least 512 MB RAM,
hard disks depending on additional MCIS packages and
customer requirements, e.g., 3 x 36 GB (Raid 5), TDI Overview provides a clear overview of the actual tool data of
Windows XP Professional, client access licenses, DAT tape the connected units and tool magazines.
drive for data backup, server database Oracle or SQL server
• SINUMERIK controls: ■ Benefits
- SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with 7 Specific reduction of tool inventory using current information
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 on the tool situation
7 Increase in machine operating times through early recognition
of tool bottlenecks
7 Reduction in processing times through network-wide availa-
TDI Plant PCs as
bility of tool data, e.g.: CNC program generation
Server 7 Specific tool searching using many different filters
7 Easy modification of tool data, e.g., increase service life, tool
disabling, adaptation of cutting edge data

Industrial Ethernet
■ Function
• Selection of plant components using an Explorer structure
• Management and display of tools from tool storage locations

present in a plant such as tool cabinets, tool transportation

units, tool stores
• Convenient filter settings such as disabled/worn tools,
tools in the prewarning limit, tool service life from ... to ...,
only occupied or empty locations
Tool store • Set the service life of selected tools to 100 % again using
function key
TDI Overview setting
• Disable a selected tool using function key
TDI Toolhandling station
• Columns can be combined as required, thus the table layout
TDI Planning SEG
SIMATIC S7 can be adapted and stored online
• Display of all detailed data of a selected tool with the option to
TDI Statistic
modify cutting edge data

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
TDI Overview
Overview of actual tool data,
local version
Software option
Chinese Simplified, English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license 6FC6000-2EF00-0AB0
without data carrier
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2EC00-0AA0
of current software version
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2EC07 -7AA0
of specific software version

Example of a specific software version, e.g. 2.1:


Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/23

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information TDI – Tool Data Information
TDI Toolhandling TDI Planning

■ Overview ■ Overview

Using the convenient dialog prompting of TDI Toolhandling, you The provision of tools for the next production period is of major
can import, buffer or forward tool data when loading and importance to ensure optimum utilization of machine capacity.
unloading – over the network. TDI Planning can be used to ensure that the required tools are
Any containers within a plant can be involved in the processes. provided at the right time. TDI Planning generates the tool re-
The objective is to obtain a closed tool data circuit. quirements for the next production period based on the current
tool inventory on the machine.
■ Benefits
7 Minimization of faults when entering tool data through data
■ Benefits
acquisition from the system 7 Minimization of machine downtimes through foresighted
7 No loss of tool data if the tools are no longer or not yet in the provision of tools
machine 7 Fast response to a new production situation as result of
7 Use of low-cost tool identification systems (barcode, read planning possibilities on the machine and control system
only), since tool data are obtained via the network
7 Fast tool loading on the machine through provision of 7 Minimum magazine loading as result of information on which
consignment lists tools are no longer required
7 Clear representation of tool movements through function-
based screen with origin and destination ■ Function
• Gross tool requirement
■ Function Display of total tool requirement including replacement tools
• Data simulation of all tool movements in a plant or on a single for the selected machining sequence
machine • Net tool requirement
• Initialization of loading and unloading processes with direct Display of total tool requirement for the selected machining
assignment of location or automatic searching for empty sequence, where the tools in the magazines are taken into
location account. The net requirement results from comparison of the
• Generation of consignment lists with loading and unloading gross tool requirements with the current magazine loading.
processes and their automatic execution
• Display of tool movements with origin and destination • Unloading list
• Management of external tool stores with or without location The unloading list contains magazine tools which are not
management required in the net requirement, as well as disabled tools.
• Connection of tool setting stations via a defined standard
interface with importing of TC data directly into the tool ■ Selection and ordering data
management option of the control
Designation Order No.

■ Selection and ordering data TDI Planning

Tool planning, local version
Designation Order No.
TDI Toolhandling Chinese Simplified, English,
Tool handling, local version French, German, Italian, Spanish
Basic product • Single license 6FC6000-2GF00-0AB0
Languages: • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2GC00-0AA0
Chinese Simplified, English, of current software version
French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2GC07 -7AA0
• Single license 6FC6000-2FF00-0AB0 of specific software version
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2FC00-0AA0
of current software version Example of a specific software version, e.g. 2.1:
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2FC07 -7AA0
of specific software version

4/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information TDI – Tool Data Information
TDI Statistic TDI IFC

■ Overview ■ Overview
TDI IFC is used for importing and exporting tool data with external
systems for further processing purposes. Depending on require-
ments, this interface can be parameterized specific to the

■ Benefits
Closed tool data cycle in production prevents faulty inputs by

■ Function
TDI IFC can have different designs. A TDI IFC TDM is available,
which is an interface between TDI and TDM from TDM Systems.
The following data can be transferred via this interface: 4
• Tool master data
• Tool plans
• Planning results
• TO data
TDI Statistic provides informative diagrams of recorded tool Further TDI IFC designs must be clarified specific to the project.
events. These tool events are presented on the basis of the
following evaluations:
• Frequency of application of tools
■ Integration
• Duration of service of tools Each interface must be clarified specific to the project.
• Tool failure in the spindle For preconditions for TDI modules, please see TDI – Tool Data
• Program standstill due to missing tools Information.
• Event list for all tools

■ Benefits TDI Cell TDM

TDI Plant
7 Very user-friendly thanks to visualization of tool requirements
7 The tool process on the machine is transparent
7 Database for analysis and optimization Industrial Ethernet

■ Function

By means of the TDI Statistic module, recorded machine events
can be displayed in diagrams or tables. The machines to be
monitored can be selected from a plant hierarchy display in a
tree structure. A filter mask allows diagrams of a specific type to
be displayed for selection, special event filters to be used and SINUMERIK
the time period for monitoring to be defined. TDI IFC TDM

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
■ More information
TDI Statistic
Tool statistics, local version For further details, please contact our representative in your
Software option local Siemens Regional Office.
Chinese Simplified English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license 6FC6000-2KF00-0AB0
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2KC00-0AA0
of current software version
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2KC07 -7AA0
of specific software version

Example of a specific software version, e.g. 2.1:


Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/25

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information
TDI Cell/TDI Plant

■ Overview ■ Integration
The following plant components can be connected in
TDI Cell/TDI Plant:
• SINUMERIK control (the integration is carried out project-
specifically if standard tool management is not present or if
customized tool management exists)
• SIMATIC S7 with DB 59 via OPC server
• Non-Siemens controls via OPC server (project-specific
adaptation necessary)
• PC-based control systems, e.g., MCIS PDA or TDM from
TDM Systems
• External tool store, e.g., preset tools or used tools without

machine assignment
Precondition with TDI Plant:
Server is offered as a project-specific product
For preconditions for TDI modules, please see TDI – Tool Data

You can use TDI Cell/TDI Plant to make TDI functions installed
■ Selection and ordering data
on individual machines available on a network-wide basis. Designation Order No.
Up to 16 CNC machines can be interconnected to form an infor- TDI Cell
mation network using TDI Cell. TDI Cell can be installed on a Software option
host computer or a master control under Windows XP. Languages:
TDI Plant permits factory-wide networking of the CNCs and Chinese Simplified, English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
further tool-specific system components. More than 16 CNC
machines can be interconnected to form an information network • Single license 6FC6000-2BF00-0AB0
using TDI Plant. Purchase of TDI Plant is project-specific and is without data carrier
offered in line with customer requests. • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2BC00-0AA0
of current software version
■ Benefits • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2BC07 -7AA0
7 Network-wide availability of all tool information of specific software version

7 Tool data at the right location and at the right time Example of a specific software version, e.g., 2.1:
7 Plant-wide transparency of tool usage 6FC6000-2BC02-1A..
7 Closed tool data cycle in a complete production sequence
7 Reduction of tool organization costs thanks to central data

■ Function
If a TDI Cell/TDI Plant configuration has been generated, it is
possible to centrally display and manage tool data for all con-
nected controls on the host computer/master control:
• Central management of tool master data, tool plans and tool
requests for all connected CNCs
• Calling of all actual tool data of the connected units
• Planning sessions can be held for all connected units
• Data can be transferred from and to higher-level tool manage-
ment systems or production planning systems (MCIS PDA)
• Design of a plant configuration with up to 4 levels (groups,
units, machine magazines)
TDI Cell
• Connection of up to 16 CNC machines
TDI Plant
• Additional operation/management workstations with TDI HMI
• Connection of up to 200 CNC machines or amalgamation of
several TDI Cells

4/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information
TDI Machine

■ Overview ■ Function (continued)

The following functions are offered:
• Gross tool requirement
Display of total tool requirement including replacement tools
for the selected machining sequence
• Net tool requirement
Display of total tool requirement including replacement tools
for the selected machining sequence, where the tools in the
magazines and their remaining service life are taken into ac-
count. The net requirement therefore results from comparison
of the gross tool requirements with the current magazine
• Unloading list
The unloading list contains magazine tools which are not
required in the net requirement, as well as disabled tools. 4
• Loading list
The list of tools to be loaded can be transferred from the
TDI Machine into the tool list of the NCK. The loading proce-
dure itself is carried out by the loading functions of the tool
management option.
With TDI Machine, tool management is possible implemented in
• Communication with tool setting stations
single CNC machines.
TDI Machine is able to exchange all relevant data with tool
TDI Machine is a function package with the tool management setting stations via TCP/IP
functions which are mostly used for single machines. - Transfer of tool requirement to tool setting stations
TDI Machine offers operators direct support for provision of tools - Importing of TC data of tool setting stations and transfer of
at the right time and when loading/unloading tools. data to tool list of standard tool management option.
• Coupling to tool management systems
■ Benefits If tool management systems (e.g. from TDM Systems) are
present, a project-specific coupling can be installed.
7 Very user-friendly thanks to visualization of tool requirements
- Importing of current tool master data and tool plans for
7 Numerous filter functions for application-specific generation determination of tool requirement
of result lists - Transfer of determined tool requirement
7 Operator-prompted loading and unloading of individual tools - Importing of TC data, and transfer of data to the tool list of
in parallel with machining time together with the SINUMERIK the standard tool management option.
standard tool management option
7 Simple interfacing of a tool setting station via Ethernet for ■ Selection and ordering data
importing of tool correction data Designation Order No.

■ Function TDI Machine

Tool management, local version
The following functions help the operator to keep control of the Software option
tool situation on the machine: Languages:
• Determination of actual tool requirements for next production Chinese Simplified, English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
period by comparison with the actual state of the tool in the
magazine • Single license 6FC6000-2AF00-0AB0
• Communication with further systems relevant to the tool cycle, • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2AC00-0AA0
such as host tool management systems, production planning of current software version
and tool setting • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2AC07 -7AA0
Machine downtimes are then minimized, and short setup times of specific software version
are achieved. Example of a specific software version, e.g. 2.1:

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/27

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information
TDI Toolplan Generation

■ Overview

TDI Toolplan Generation permits you to generate the associated

tool plans on the SINUMERIK using simulation of NC programs.

■ Benefits
7 Autonomous generation of tool plans
7 Tool plans are always up-to-date since they are generated on
the basis of the CNC programs actually used on the machine

■ Function
Tool plans are required for tool planning TDI Planning/
TDI Machine. If these tool plans are not provided by a CNC pro-
gramming system, the machine operator can use TDI Toolplan
Generation to independently generate the tool plans based on
the existing CNC programs.
These tool plans can be saved in the CNC data management
option. TDI Planning and TDI Machine have access to this
during the planning session.
CNC programs from which tool plans are created must execute
with the standard CNC program simulation of the
SINUMERIK control.

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
TDI Toolplan Generation
Tool plan generation, local version
Software option
Chinese Simplified, English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license 6FC6000-2JF00-0AB0
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2JC00-0AA0
of current software version
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2JC07 -7AA0
of specific software version

Example of a specific software version, e.g. 2.1:


4/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TDI – Tool Data Information
TDI Ident Connection

■ Overview ■ Integration
TDI Ident Connection • SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
• Tool management option
For preconditions for TDI modules, please see TDI – Tool Data
SINUMERIK Information.

PROFIBUS ■ Selection and ordering data

Code carriers RS 232 C Designation Order No.

Read/ Read/ TDI Ident Connection

write write Connection of tool identification

device device systems
Software option
Bar code Languages:
Chinese Simplified, English,
Sensor French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license 6FC6000-2HF00-0AB0
without data carrier
TDI Ident Connection is a software module for the SINUMERIK
with which tools with identification systems can be conveniently • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2HC00-0AA0
loaded or unloaded using the PLC or the operator interface of of current software version
the standard tool management option. The tool data can be • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-2HC07 -7AA0
uploaded or downloaded for the control using the tool cabinet, of specific software version
code carrier or host computer.
Example of a specific software version, e.g., 1.1:
■ Benefits 6FC6000-2HC01-1A..

7 Connection of many different data carriers ■ More information

7 Various connection possibilities
For further information about the hardware for the MOBY tool
7 Use of low-cost read-only data media through addition of tool information system, please refer to RFID Systems at:
data via network
7 Reduction of fault-prone manual inputs
7 Transparent tool data through carrying of data on tool
■ Function
• The following data carriers are supported depending on the
type of connection:
- Connection via PROFIBUS/PLC:
Balluff, Bilz, MOBY, bar code
- Connection via V.24 interface of SINUMERIK PCU:
Balluff (BIS C-480 or BIS C-600), bar code
• Loading/unloading of tool data with/without searching for
empty location
• Reading/writing tool and cutting edge data
• Creating/deleting tool in tool list
• Loading/unloading tool in tool cabinet
• Supplementing tool data on code carrier with saved tool data
from the tool cabinet or list, e.g., when using read-only chips
and bar code
• Interface for loading/uploading tool data for a production host
computer following successful identification of the tool by
means of the code carrier (MCIS RPC coupling software to
host computer)
• PLC interface for starting the write/read procedure, e.g., via
OP 177B, key or limit switch, e.g., automatic execution of load-
ing/unloading points with reading/writing on code carrier
• Tool management (option)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/29

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
MDA – Machine Data Acquisition
MDA – Machine Data Acquisition MDA Cell

■ Overview ■ Overview
Machine data management
The Motion Control Information System MCIS MDA function
package acquires machine data and machine states as well as
type-specific piece counts automatically or manually. Further-
more, its diverse functions allow precise evaluations and analy-
ses to be performed. As a result, machine performance can be
verified through objectively established key figures. System
parameters such as cycle times and utilization ratio can be
monitored. Improved transparency leads to early recognition of
opportunities for improvement.
The positive detection and representation of faults simplifies
service, maintenance and repairs. You benefit from a significant
4 increase in capacity utilization and machine availability.
MDA Cell
MDA Cell is the software module that provides a single-work-
station solution for machine data acquisition and analysis of a
small manufacturing area. MDA Cell can be expanded on a
project-specific basis to the plant-wide MDA Plant solution.
MDA IFC MDA Cell is used to collect, analyze and store machine data
from small manufacturing areas with up to 16 machines on a
MDA IFC is the software module for SINUMERIK for local acqui- central server. MDA IFC is used on each machine to acquire
sition of information on the machine (such as status, piece data at the machine level.
counts, alarms and messages). Analysis and visualization are
performed on the server side in the MDA Cell or MDA Plant The analyses are performed at a workstation, whereby compar-
modules. ative analyses of "analysis groups" are possible.
MDA Machine As a result, system operators benefit from substantially improved
transparency in their production. Improved transparency leads
MDA Machine is the software module for SINUMERIK for local to earlier recognition of opportunities for improvement.
acquisition and analysis of information on the machine (such as
status, piece counts, alarms and messages).
■ Benefits
■ Integration Objectively established key figures are useful for verifying
machine performance and for monitoring and archiving system
parameters such as cycle times and utilization ratios.

MDA Cell
Such key figures (Key Performance Indicators) include:
(Plant) 7 The OEE key figure (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
7 Utilization
7 Availability
7 Level of performance
7 Quality level
These figures are useful in formulating corrective measures
sooner and in eliminating faults in accordance with their impor-

tance. The positive detection and analysis of faults simplify ser-

vice and repairs or maintenance. You benefit from a significant
MDA increase in productivity.
Machine MDA IFC
The value of the inherent functionality of this approach increases
with the number of the machines that are monitored in this man-
ner. A further gain in convenience and transparency is achieved
through comparative assessments of freely definable machines
on an analysis workstation.
■ More information
Additional information is available in the Internet under: ■ Function
• Software for the analysis and storage of machine data on a
standard PC (a workstation)
• Connection of up to 16 machines/equipment units with MDA IFC (per machine/equipment unit)
• Single-step process display
• Subsequent status correction after acquisition and transfer of
data from MDA IFC

4/30 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
MDA – Machine Data Acquisition
MDA Cell

■ Function (continued) ■ Integration (continued)

• Comparative analyses can also be obtained via the lower-level For solutions with several analysis workstations or if you are
machines/equipment units ("self-definable analysis groups"): connecting more than 16 machines/equipment units, we offer
- Workpiece counter (machine-specific and part-specific) MDA Plant, the expanded, project-specific solution. This solu-
- Current states tion also supports additional analyses, e.g., cycle times. With
- Fault analysis MDA Plant, it is also possible to integrate MES/ERP systems.
- Status analysis For each MDA Plant, 50 to 70 machines/equipment units can be
- Shift/daily/weekly/monthly total evaluated. For each operator panel: n x MDA IFC (n ≤ 8).
- Logbook, (Prio) protocol
- Availability/capacity utilization
- History of availability/capacity utilization
- OEE indicators Analysis stations MDA Plant
- Only SINUMERIK: Alarm statistics, alarm protocol, current
• Export function to Excel, print-out of tables, hardcopy
MDA Cell is a solution with a single PC (a workstation). All
Industrial Ethernet
functions can be operated only from this PC. MDA IFC

■ Integration

• Standard PC as required
- Pentium III or higher, at least 512 MB RAM
- Hard drives as required by data volume, at least 1 GB free ···
• Operating system
- Windows 2000 Professional/Server
(in the case of Server, additional client access licenses1))
- Windows XP Professional
- Windows Vista ■ Selection and ordering data
- Windows 2003 Server Designation Order No.
(additional client access licenses1))
MDA Cell
Support for machine and
production data management
MDA Cell Software package
Chinese Simplified, English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
Industrial Ethernet • Single license 6FC6000-3BF00-0AB0
without data carrier
MDA IFC • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-3BC00-0AA0
of current software version
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-3BC07 -7AA0
of specific software version

• Upgrade with CD-ROM 6FC6000-3BC07 -7AE0

of specific software version

yyy Example of specific software version, e.g., 2.2:


For each operator panel, up to 8 equipment units (MDA IFC

licenses) can be acquired. For each MDA Cell, a total of
16 machines/equipment units can be evaluated.

1) Client access licenses required for each operator panel networked via

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HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
MDA – Machine Data Acquisition MDA – Machine Data Acquisition

■ Overview ■ Overview

The MDA IFC Interface Client is used to interconnect the MDA Machine software permits acquisition and evaluation of
SINUMERIK control or an OPC-compatible control (e.g., data on the machine, e.g., states, quantities, alarms, and
SIMATIC S7) with MDA Cell or with MDA Plant, the expanded messages.
project solution.
This interface ensures reliable transmission and buffer storage in ■ Benefits
the event of network disruptions. 7 Up-to-date machine data allow swift responses
7 Greater transparency at the machine and in the production
■ Function process leads to earlier recognition of possible improvements
• Automatic acquisition of machine data from the open interface 7 Targeted actions increase machine utilization times
via the DB13/DB14 standard data blocks of the PLC. Alterna- 7 Verification of machine performance through objectively
tively, 5 fixed states can be acquired via the plug-and-play established indicators and performance data (OEE number,
interface. availability, capacity utilization, performance, quality)
- Machine states, processing results via DB
- Total piece counts DB
- Types of pieces, piece type-specific piece counts via DB ■ Function
- Cycle times via DB • Automatic acquisition of machine data from the open interface
- Alarms and messages (only with SINUMERIK) in the DB13/DB14 standard data blocks of the PLC. Alterna-
• Manual status entry, fault explanation by the operator tively, fixed states can be acquired via the plug-and-play
• Automatic buffer storage of the acquired data on the hard interface.
drive of SINUMERIK. In the event of a network failure, these - Machine states, processing results via DB
data are then automatically tracked by MDA Cell/MDA Plant. - Total piece counts DB
- Types of pieces, piece type-specific piece counts via DB
One MDA IFC license is required for each connected - Cycle times via DB
SINUMERIK or OPC control. - Alarms and messages (only with SINUMERIK)
• Manual status entry, fault explanation by the operator
■ Integration • Automatic buffer storage of the acquired data on the hard
Preconditions: drive of SINUMERIK. In the event of a network failure, these
data are then automatically tracked by MDA Cell/MDA Plant.
See MDA Machine and MDA Cell. • Export function to Excel, print-out of tables, hardcopy

■ Selection and ordering data • Analyses:

- Workpiece counter (machine-specific and part-specific)
Designation Order No. - Current states
- Fault analysis
MDA IFC 6FC6000-3EF00-0AB0 - Status analysis
Production data acquisition for - Shift/daily/weekly/monthly total
network-capable controls - Logbook, (Prio) protocol
Basic product, license only - Availability/capacity utilization
Languages: - History of availability/capacity utilization
Chinese Simplified, English, - Key performance indicators (capacity utilization, availability)
French, German, Italian, Spanish - Alarm statistics, alarm log, current alarms (with SINUMERIK
One MDA Machine license is required for each connected
SINUMERIK or OPC control.

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HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
MDA – Machine Data Acquisition
MDA Machine

■ Integration ■ Selection and ordering data

Preconditions: Designation Order No.
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with MDA Machine
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 Software for machine data acqui-
sition and evaluation on CD-ROM
MDA Machine + MDA IFC Chinese Simplified, English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish
• Single license for 6FC6000-3AC00-0AA0
current software version

• Single license for 6FC6000-3AC07 -7AA0
specific software version
• Single license 6FC6000-3AF00-0AB0
··· without data carrier
• Upgrade on order of 6FC6000-3AC07 -7AE0
specific software version
If several equipment units are to be operated and analyzed on • Trial license 6FC6000-3AC00-0AT7
one machine, additional MDA IFC licenses must be obtained. Single license
For each operator panel, up to 8 equipment units can be evalu- for current software version
ated: 1 MDA Machine license and up to 7 additional MDA IFC • Trial license 6FC6000-3AC07 -7AT7
licenses. Single license
for specific software version

Example of specific software version, e.g. 2.2:

MDA Cell 6FC6000-3AC02-2A..

Industrial Ethernet



The system can be expanded with MDA Cell. For each MDA
Cell, a total of 16 machines/equipment units can be evaluated.

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HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
RPC – Remote Procedure Call
(computer coupling)

■ Overview ■ Integration
RPC SINUMERIK software is used to integrate Preconditions:
SINUMERIK controls into a customer’s production network. All • SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with
essential machine data (such as states, piece counts, alarms, SINUMERIK PCU 50.3
messages, CNC programs, machine tool downtimes) can be
exchanged via RPC SINUMERIK between a numerical control • Computer-controlled loading and unloading of tools requires
system and a PLC. MCIS TDI Toolhandling.

■ Benefits
7 Simple integration of the control with customer/project appli-
cations through a defined Ethernet/TCP-IP-based interface Host
7 Simple configuring on the PLC of the data to be transmitted
7 Use of MCIS RPC as a tool for implementing productivity-
4 boosting measures:
- Increased level of machine utilization through production Industrial Ethernet
planning and control
- Reduction in machine downtime through transfer of mainte-

nance data etc. RPC SINUMERIK
7 Simple application through the use of standard hardware/
software components from the PC world
- Networking hardware/software (Ethernet cards, TCP-IP)
- Familiarization
- Start-up, maintenance

■ Function RPC SINUMERIK cannot run by itself in a given systems environ-

• Defined, open communication interface for exchanging ment. An application to be created for a customer specifically
essential SINUMERIK control data (not included in RPC SINUMERIK) must always be provided on
• Data transmission can be initiated by the host computer the host computer side.
and/or by the SINUMERIK control
• The host application is created by the user in the RPC environ- ■ Selection and ordering data
ment (interfaces, examples). This can be performed by the Designation Order No.
end user or a software firm, or ordered from Siemens.
• The original equipment manufacturer (OEM) prepares the
control: Communications software for
linking to host computer
- Installs RPC on the control on CD-ROM
- Supplies the data interface in the PLC (DB12)
• The following data can be exchanged: English, German
- CNC programs, tool data
- Machine status data • Single license for 6FC6000-7AC00-0AA0
current software version
- Messages
- Data for the production dialog • Single license for 6FC6000-7AC07 -7AA0
- Mode switching, synchronization specific software version
- Transport requests • Single license 6FC6000-7AF00-0AB0
- Configurable data from PLC or CNC without data carrier
Even without its own user interface, RPC SINUMERIK can also • Upgrade on order of 6FC6000-7AC07 -7AE0
run with additional languages (e.g., Chinese Simplified, Korean, specific software version
Russian). The tools supplied with RPC continue to be available
in English/German. Example of specific software version, e.g. 2.0:

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HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TPM – Total Productive Maintenance

■ Overview ■ Function
The traffic light symbol of the software module TPM (Total Pro-
ductive Maintenance) reminds the operator of the machine or
the maintenance engineer in the workshop in advance to
perform or plan the necessary maintenance work.
After being prompted by the traffic light symbol, the machine
operator can call up the appropriate brief instructions on the
control and is thus integrated into the maintenance process.
The various modules are as follows:
TPM Machine
Single-user system for SINUMERIK with user interface and local
data storage which can also be networked later with TPM Cell or
in projects with TPM Plant. Licensing is for each machine.
TPM Cell
Acknowledgement, evaluation and data storage on a central PC.
The number of machines that can be connected is restricted to
a maximum of 16 machines with TPM IFC.
MCIS TPM provides support for cleaning, inspection, mainte-
nance, and/or repair operations which have to be carried out on The TPM user interface without a local database for SINUMERIK
machines and plants. MCIS TPM can be used on all standard can only be used in combination with TPM Cell or in projects with
PCs, single or series-connected machines, e.g., machining cen- TPM Plant. Licensing is for each machine.
ters, as well as in transfer lines and flexible production lines. The
maintenance measures to be taken can be defined and adminis- TPM HMI
tered by either the user or machine manufacturer. An additional TPM user interface on PCs in the production area
for connection to TPM Cell or TPM Plant. Licensing is for each

■ Integration
• TPM Machine/TPM IFC: SINUMERIK 840D powerline with
• TPM HMI: Standard PC, Pentium III or later, at least 512 MB
RAM with Windows XP Professional with appropriate capacities
• TPM Cell: Server operating system with the appropriate
licenses (Windows 2003 Server) and a database, e.g.,
Microsoft SQL Server 2003, are also required.
• Mouse (useful for operation)

■ Benefits
7 MCIS TPM is a maintenance standard integrated into the CNC.
7 Increased incorporation of machine operators into mainte-
nance operations for machines and plants, thus reduced
workload for maintenance departments with simple routine
7 The machine operator becomes aware of the maintenance
requirements of the machine
7 Overview of all networked machines on a central PC in the
supervisors office
7 Reduction in paper documentation (paperless production) by
including electronic documents and pictures on the machine
7 Maintenance instructions integrated onto the control
7 Optimization of total plant efficiency by striving for zero defect
and zero breakdown production
7 Single mode or networking with central database
7 Maintenance measures can be coupled with PLC states or
time intervals (e.g., filter change every 12 months or regularly
after every 5 000 hours of operation)

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
TPM – Total Productive Maintenance RCS – Remote Control System

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Overview

Designation Order No.
Software package for
Chinese Traditional, English,
French, German, Hungarian,
Italian, Russian, Spanish
TPM Machine for
• Single license 6FC6000-1AF00-0AB0
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-1AC00-0AA0

4 of current software version

• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-1AC0 7 -7AA0
of specific software version
• Upgrade TPM Machine 6FC6000-1AC02-1AF0
Single license
TPM Cell for
Windows-based PC
• Single license 6FC6000-1BF00-0AB0
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-1BC00-0AA0
of current software version
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-1BC0 7 -7AA0
of specific software version Using the RCS Host and RCS Viewer or RCS Remote Diagnos-
tics software, you are able to service your machinery remotely
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 from a central service point. This means:
• Single license 6FC6000-1EF00-0AB0 7 Less frequent service calls for the machines
7 More efficient deployment of on-site service personnel
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-1EC00-0AA0
of current software version 7 Better preparation of service calls
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-1EC0 7 -7 AA0 Machine availability is enhanced thanks to:
of specific software version
7 Rapid online presence on site
7 Conference calls involving several specialists
Windows-based PC
7 Rapid data transfer to and from the machine
• Single license 6FC6000-1DF00-0AB0
TPM demo version
• Trial license TPM Machine or 6FC6000-1AC00-0AT7
TPM Cell
with CD-ROM,
current software version

Example of specific software version, e.g., 2.1:


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HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
RCS – Remote Control System
RCS Host/RCS Viewer

■ Overview ■ Integration
The components can be connected via:
• Ethernet in local networks (LAN)
• Wide Area Networks (WAN)
• Internet (VPN)
• Point-to-point connection (analog, ISDN modem)
• RCS Viewer
PCs with Windows XP Professional operating system and
network or modem connection
• RCS Host
- SINUMERIK control
- HMI-Advanced software version 6.3.15 and higher
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
RCS Host for 6FC6000-6AF00-0BB0
SINUMERIK 810D powerline/
Remote diagnostics for SINUMERIK with 840D powerline
Windows-based HMI Software option
Single license
RCS Host and RCS Viewer software facilitates remote mainte-
nance of machines with HMI-Advanced. Remote maintenance RCS Viewer for PC/PG
functions include the complete remote control of all user inter- • Single license 6FC6000-6DF00-0BB0
faces, exchange of files between systems as well as remote
administration for network administrators. • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-6DC00-0BA0
of current software version
The Host software is already included on the Windows-based • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-6DC07 -7BA0
PCUs on delivery. The function can be ordered separately for of specific software version
each SINUMERIK operator panel.
Example of a specific software version, e.g. 1.1:
The RCS Viewer software is installed on the PC in the service 6FC6000-6DC01-1BA0

■ Benefits
Cost savings in service thanks to:
7 Less frequent service calls for the machines
7 More efficient deployment of on-site service personnel
7 Better preparation of service calls
Machine availability is enhanced thanks to:
7 Rapid online presence on site
7 Conference calls involving several specialists
7 Rapid data transfer to and from the machine

■ Function
• Request for remote diagnostics support by e-mail
• Automatic establishment of Internet connection
• Status display on the operator panel and in the PLC
• Connection control via the PLC
As well as Symantec pcAnywhere basic functions, e.g.:
• Remote control, monitoring and administration
• Transfer of files including file synchronization
• Session recording
• Exchange of text information (chat)
• Event logging
• Remote working, local printing
• Simultaneous connections on Viewer possible
• Multiplex configuration with several Viewers and one host
• Effective security concept to prevent unauthorized access
(login and password, operator approval, or callback to a
previously defined connection)

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
RCS – Remote Control System
RCS Host/RCS Viewer Embedded

■ Overview ■ Integration
The components can be connected via:
• Ethernet in local networks (LAN)
• Wide Area Networks (WAN)
• Internet (VPN)
• RCS Viewer Embedded
- PC with Windows XP Professional operating system and
Ethernet network interface connection
- Optional: VPN router for reliable, secure access to the
Internet or company networks (Cisco 801/803 was tested)
• RCS Host
4 - SINUMERIK PCU 20 with HMI-Embedded from software
version 6.4
- Option for managing up to 4 additional network drives
- Optional: VPN router for reliable, secure access to the
Internet or company networks (Cisco 801/803 was tested)

■ Selection and ordering data

Remote diagnostics integrated into NCU software Designation Order No.
RCS Host Embedded for 6FC6000-6AF88-8BB0
RCS Host and RCS Viewer Embedded software facilitates remote SINUMERIK PCU 20
maintenance of machines with HMI-Embedded. Remote mainte-
Software option
nance functions include complete remote control, exchange of Single license
files between the machine and communications partner as well
as remote administration for network administrators. Network/floppy disk drive 6FC5253-0AE01-0AA0
management for PCU 20
The RCS Host option can be activated using machine data in Software option for file transfer
combination with a license. Single license with
The RCS Viewer Embedded software is installed from CD-ROM Network Manager CD
onto a Windows-based PC in the service center. RCS Viewer Embedded for
■ Benefits • Single license 6FC6000-6DF88-8BB0

Cost savings in service thanks to: • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-6DC80-0BA0
of current software version
7 Less frequent service calls for the machines
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC6000-6DC87 -7BA0
7 More efficient deployment of on-site service personnel of specific software version
7 Better preparation of service jobs
Example of a specific software version, e.g. 1.1:
Machine availability is enhanced thanks to: 6FC6000-6DC81-1BA..
7 Rapid online presence on site
7 Conference calls involving several specialists
7 Rapid data transfer to and from the machine

■ Function
• Remote control
• Remote monitoring
• Remote administration
• File transfer

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

Motion Control Information System MCIS
ADDM – Data Management

■ Overview ■ Function (continued)

Totally Integrated Automation (TIA)
ADDM has a unique way of managing your data uniformly in
Optimum availability
Reliable backup of all system and configuring data, including
documentation and circuit diagrams, can be carried out manu-
ally or automatically with time control – for made-to-measure
distributed control concepts.
With ADDM, you are completely in control of the SIMATIC and Easy to handle
SINUMERIK controls – around the clock and with any program
version. This tool is indispensable in a modern production area No programming knowledge required – so no need for special
and ensures user-friendly backup, comparison and manage-
ment of control data.
training courses. With the use of communication modules, data
can also be exchanged conveniently with controls via the
MPI/PROFIBUS interface on TCP/IP.
■ Benefits Contiguous archiving
7 Absolute clarity in data management The machine data are fully versioned and archived and can be
With ADDM, everything executes on a uniform user interface copied back at any time. This also includes the documentation.
– all types and formats of CNC, PLC and configuration data
right through to system software. The tool offers unambiguous Operator-free data backup using the ADDM Agent
access authorizations and intuitive handling. The directory Data backup of SINUMERIK controls can be time-driven or
structure is always in line with the physical production layout, manual, without installing a user interface, using the ADDM
even complex systems can be understood at a glance. Agent. The backup, load and compare functions can be per-
7 Secure and flexible management of distributed control formed remotely using the ADDM Client.
ADDM can be flexibly used for every client/server and online
storage system as well as for stand-alone machines. This
■ Selection and ordering data
means: Central data storage with maximum fault tolerance Designation Order No.
and availability as well as efficient archiving of all machine ADDM
data. Thus: Fast feedback of the required version, if required.
Checked, controlled, and documented archiving when several Software package
Languages: English, German
persons are working in parallel.
ADDM Single User
7 Minimize downtimes
You can rely on ADDM every time. Even when control compo- • Single license with CD-ROM 6BQ3030-1AA30-3AC0
nents have to be replaced, for example. ADDM makes all the of current software version
data available again immediately. With one click, without time- • Trial license with CD-ROM 6BQ3030-1AA70-3AC0
consuming reparameterization and configuration, whether for of current software version
individual programs or complete hard disk partitions, you will • Single user upgrade 6BQ3030-1AB13-3AC0
have the right data in the right place. ADDM Client

■ Function • Single license

without data carrier

Controls fully mastered – across all program versions • Single license with CD-ROM 6BQ3030-1AA10-0AC0
of current software version
Backup can be time-driven, fully-automatic or manual. The data • Client upgrade from V5.x to V6.1 6BQ3030-1AB11-3AC0
are available at all times and can be used for fast, simple disaster with CD-ROM
recovery in the event of a fault.
ADDM Server
System-active checking • Single license with CD-ROM 6BQ3030-1AA00-3AC0
of current software version
If, for example, data changes become obvious in an online-
offline comparison, automatic backup can take place and/or • Server upgrade from V5.x to 6BQ3030-1AB10-3AC0
the change can be notified by e-mail. V6.1 with CD-ROM
ADDM Agent
Hot version backups
• Single license 6BQ3030-1AA00-1AB0
The required version can be called up immediately from up to without data carrier
99 backups (regardless of archive versions). • Single license with CD-ROM 6BQ3030-4AA00-0AC0
of current software version
Total transparency and overview
• Agent upgrade from V1.x to V1.2 6BQ3030-1AB12-3AC0
The practice-oriented structure is ideal not only for highly- with CD-ROM
complex control systems but also for non-networked single
machines – with a uniform user interface for all data types and
formats. Checked, controlled and documented archiving when ■ More information
several persons are working in parallel.
Additional information is available in the Internet under:

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HMI software for CNC controls

ePS Network Services

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 Remote access and detailed information are available world-
wide to support fast fault localization and targeted fault
7 Faults are rectified faster, resource deployment is optimized
and costs (TCO) are therefore reduced.
7 Prognostic maintenance minimizes unplanned downtimes as
well as maintenance costs thanks to the optimized disposition
of spare parts.
7 Secure communication in harmony with IT guidelines is

■ Function
4 ePS Network Services provide functions for remote control,
notification of events (e.g., faults), and condition-oriented main-
tenance over the Internet.
Remote access
• Desktop control
• File transfer
• Chat
ePS Network Services – the Internet-based services offered by
• Video
Siemens – not only provide support for maintenance proce-
dures, but also create a platform for inter-company servicing Control Monitor Services
and support processes. All services are geared to improving the
productivity and availability of machines and can be accessed Recording of an event history with documentation of individual
immediately and globally via secure Internet connections. All states prevailing when the event occurred. This allows the status
services are easy to configure on the ePS servers via PC from of the device to be analyzed and compared with earlier states
anywhere in the world. Typical examples of these services are should a fault occur. The current status of the machine is docu-
remote access to control systems, optimized fault diagnostics mented using the following events and data:
with trace functions, monitors and data services (comparison • Alarms, PLC variables, CNC variables, time intervals,
and archiving of data) and trend analyses on machine compo- combinations of these events
nents for status-specific maintenance. • Limit value violation from CNC and PLC variable recordings,
Machine manufacturers and other service providers are able to measurement/test series and performance monitors
develop and market (retrospectively if necessary) product-related • Manual help request by the machine operator in the event of
services through ePS Network Services. This allows innovative faults
potentials to be used to achieve better integration into the ser-
• HMI action log, machine data, CNC status data
vice and support processes of the machine operator. Remote
configuration, operation and monitoring make it possible to • PLC trace, PLC data blocks
localize and analyze faults without implementing logic in the • Any files (e.g., log files) of the control
control system. Data can be archived and compared. Test and
• Interval evaluations of CNC and PLC variables for individual
measuring procedures are available to the manufacturers of
machine tools and their maintenance departments as well as
trend analyses for continuous evaluation of the status of the
machines. Siemens Customer Support can also provide you with
support using ePS Network Services.
Assisted by ePS Network Services, you can remain focused on
your core competence. Siemens is offering you innovative ser-
vices, today and for the future, which will give you invaluable
support with fault diagnostics, prognostic maintenance and
process optimization. These services will enable you to increase
the efficiency of your servicing and maintenance procedures,
minimize machine downtimes by scheduled maintenance, im-
prove reliability and boost the performance of your machinery.
The business model – Application Service Provider
• No investment costs for IT infrastructure and software
• No administration overhead required for hardware and
• Functionality and infrastructure can be leased instead of
The platform
• Standardized communication platform, standardized protocol
used worldwide
• Reduced load on control system
• Central data management and secure access thanks to
defined user rights, access protection and data encryption
• Highest security measures

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

ePS Network Services

■ Function (continued) ■ Integration

Condition Monitoring Services Preconditions:
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline with
• Internet access

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
ePS Network Services 6FC6001-0EE00-0AM8
Initial order for utilizing the
services for each service
ePS Value Account 1000Cr
Utilization credit for
ePS Network Services
1000 credits
Circularity test
Measurement and documentation of the current machine status
on the basis of predefined, standardized tests and continuous ■ More information
recording of status parameters (traverse path, traverse time, and When you order ePS Network Services, you will be able to
traverse operations for one axis). The test parameters can be access its functions for your service organization. The prices of
defined centrally and configured with appropriate warning limits. individual services per machine plus pay-as-you-use elements
Using series of measurements, it is also possible to identify will be charged against your credit balance each month. You
trends and apply them as a basis for optimizing maintenance can top up your credit balance at any time by ordering ePS Value
and service activities. The machine operator can then carry out Account. The general conditions for Application Service Provid-
these predefined tests quickly and easily and without additional ing (ASP) of Siemens AG, Automation and Drives, apply.
test equipment.
Additional information is available in the Internet under:
The following tests and monitors are available:
• Circularity test
• Synchronized axes test and universal axis test
• CNC monitor and PLC monitor

These functions can be set up when the machine is assembled

or at a later time.
Data Services
Save the current control archives (NCK and PLC archives) on the
ePS Server. They can later be reimported into the control in a
controlled manner and used as reference for comparisons.
Workflow Services
Triggering of service and maintenance processes by notification
via media that are internal and external to the system (text
message, e-mail, service cases). Planning, monitoring, and
documentation of maintenance activities on the machine.
Maintenance plans permit:
• Load- and consumption-based predictive maintenance
• Automatic triggering of work processes when faults are
• Planning of the schedule and contents of condition monitors
and monitoring of their execution
The Workflow Services can respond to all event sources of the
Control Monitor Services and Condition Monitoring Services.
Administration Services
Functions for the administration of the system:
• Creation and administration of machines
• Creation and administration of users
• Assignment of access rights for external organizations
• Access to useful data/invoices
• Creation of copies of fully configured machines

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

SIMATIC STEP 7 for SINUMERIK hardware SinuCom

■ Overview ■ Overview
The SIMATIC STEP 7 software for service functions can be used
to read status and service displays of the CPU via the PLC pro-
gram without the need for an additional programming device
and to integrate new modules.
The software is designed for service functions. The conditions of
the SINUMERIK supply contract apply.
Existing service packs for SIMATIC STEP 7 are released sepa-
rately for STEP 7 on PCU.

■ Integration
SIMATIC STEP 7 can be used on:


• Mouse and PC keyboard
• Operating system Windows XP SP1 for SIMATIC STEP7 V5.3
• Operating system Windows XP SP1 or SP1a for SIMATIC
STEP7 V5.3 SP1 The SinuCom program package consists of:
• Operating system Windows XP SP1 or SP2 for SIMATIC 7 SinuCom NC
STEP7 V5.3 SP2 • SinuCom NC Trace
• SinuCom NC SI
■ Selection and ordering data 7 SinuCom FFS
Designation Order No. 7 SinuCom ARC
SINUMERIK hardware 7 Startup software for SINAMICS S120/SIMODRIVE 611 digital
• Single license 6FC5252-0AY00-0AG1
without data carrier This program package supports simple and effective startup of
SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline controls on CNC
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC5252-0AY00-0AG0 machines.
of current software version
The included programs provide comprehensive support during
• Single license with CD-ROM 6FC5252-7AY01-7AG0
of specific software version the startup of machines, including the use of the Trace function-
ality, during the Safety Integrated acceptance test, in generating
CF-card images, in the management of serial startup data, and
Example of specific software version, e.g., 5.3: for the transmission of CNC user data.
The programs are designed mainly for use by the startup and
service personnel of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

■ Function
SinuCom NC
The SinuCom NC program enables SINUMERIK 810D powerline/
840D powerline controls to be started up easily using:
• Dialog-based parameterization of machine data
• Management of series machine startup files
• Integrated online help for functions, machine data and alarms
• Functional description in German and English as PDF
(part of the online help)
• Windows XP operating system
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline software version 3.3 and higher,
SINUMERIK 840D powerline software version 5.3 and higher
• Mouse

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HMI software for CNC controls


■ Function (continued) ■ Function (continued)

SinuCom NC Trace SinuCom ARC
The SinuCom NC Trace function is used for the dynamic record- The SinuCom ARC program simplifies the processing of series
ing of CNC, PLC and HMI variables, and of drive signals that are startup files:
available via the CNC. These variables can be displayed, printed • Reading, deleting, inserting and changing series startup files
out or stored in a file, similar to using an oscillograph or logic
analyzer. The SinuCom NC Trace function provides support in: • Integrated help
• Fault detection and fault correction Preconditions:
• Machine performance analysis, benchmarking and tuning • Windows ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP operating system
• Process performance analysis, benchmarking and tuning SinuCom PCIN
Preconditions: The SinuCom PCIN program is used to send and receive CNC
• Windows XP operating system user data, such as machine data and part programs, via the
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline 6.4.15 and
higher and HMI-Advanced 6.3.15 and higher (variables of the
serial interface between a PC/PG and a Siemens control.
It contains: 4
CNC, PLC, HMI and drive) • Setting up and interrogating V.24 interface
• Mouse • Editing archive files
SinuCom NC SI • Storing files from directories individually
• Secure data transmission
The SinuCom NC SI function is used to automate the Safety
Integrated acceptance test, it supports the original equipment • Integrated help
manufacturer (OEM), and optimizes the process: Preconditions:
• Verification of machines in accordance with EU Machinery • Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP operating system
Directive EN 954-1 (control category 3)
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
• Testing of safety functions (partly automated) during the
machine acceptance Secure data transmission is supported by HMI-Advanced
version 6.1.05 or higher.
• Logging of measured data and test results incl. Trace function
records Startup software for SINAMICS S120/SIMODRIVE 611 digital
• Testing of single/special-purpose machines, machine compo- The startup software for PCs/programming devices can be used
nents (as a partial test) and series machines as series startup to optimize first-time starting of drives with SINAMICS S120/
• Shorter startup times since, in the new acceptance mode, SIMODRIVE 611 digital if HMI-Advanced user interface software
power-on alarms during the acceptance test are acknowl- is not available.
edged by RESET
• User-friendly operation due to controlled execution and the
automatic configuration of the Trace functions • Windows XP operating system
• Unambiguous quality verification for original equipment manu-
facturers as well as customers and for dealings with govern- ■ Selection and ordering data
ment agencies Designation Order No.
Preconditions: SinuCom
• Windows XP operating system Startup/service tools
SinuCom NC
• SINUMERIK 840D powerline 6.4.15 or higher and (incl. SinuCom NC Trace,
HMI-Advanced 6.3.15 or higher SinuCom NC SI),
• Mouse SinuCom FFS, SinuCom CFS,
SinuCom ARC, SinuCom PCIN
SinuCom FFS startup software for
The SinuCom FFS program is used to generate an image for the digital
PC card of the CCU/NCU of SINUMERIK 810D powerline/ Languages:
840D powerline. It contains: English, French, German, Italian,
• Processing of the flash file system Spanish
Documentation: English/German
• Preparing the image for programming the PC card
• Single license 6FC5250-0AY00-0AG1
• Integrated help without data carrier
The PC card is programmed using standard tools. These tools • Single license on DVD-ROM 6FC5250-0AY00-0AG0
are not included in SinuCom FFS. of current software version
Preconditions: • Single license on DVD-ROM 6FC5250-7AY00-7AG0
of specific software version
• Windows ME/NT 4.0/XP operating system
• Software update service 6FC5250-0AY00-0AG2
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline
• Update on DVD-ROM on order of 6FC5250-7AY00-7AG3
When copying the software, be sure to follow the I DT software specific software version
marketing guidelines!
Example of specific software version, e.g., 7.5:

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HMI software for CNC controls

SinuCom Update Agent

■ Overview ■ Function
The SinuCom Update Agent offers support for upgrades/
conversions, e.g. for the following:
• HMI systems
- HMI-Base
- HMI-Embedded
- HMI-Advanced
• OEM applications
• NCK archives
• ShopMill/ShopTurn applications
• Standard cycles and measuring cycles
• Languages

4 • PLC modules
• OEM screen forms
• Machine data manipulation

■ Integration
The SinuCom Update Agent tool assists the commissioning Preconditions for PC/PG:
and servicing engineers with the standard commissioning of • Windows XP operating system
SINUMERIK controls at the machine manufacturer and with • Drive with a minimum of 100 MB of free space
software upgrades at the end customer.
• Network/Ethernet connection
Thanks to the modular concept, SinuCom Update Agent allows
different machines of a series to be commissioned and up- The following must also be installed on the PC/PG:
graded with one update package. • MS Dotnet Framework (included on product CD-ROM)
Individual operations on the machine can be performed faster • MS Internet Explorer, version 6 or later
and with greater ease and reliability. • Acrobat Reader, version 4 or later (included on product
■ Benefits
7 Avoidance of upgrading errors through structured preparation ■ Selection and ordering data
and automation of process steps Designation Order No.
7 Significant reduction in upgrade times SinuCom Update Agent
7 Simplification of upgrade process in the plant For series commissioning and
7 Detailed knowledge of the control system is needed only to software upgrades
configure the update package, but not to perform upgrades • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC5862-2YC00-0YA0
on the machine. of current software version
7 Automatic documentation of process steps during upgrading • Single license with CD-ROM 6FC5862-2YC7 7-7YA0
7 The comparison tool provides special support for data struc- of specific software version
tures specific to SINUMERIK.
Example of specific software version, e.g., 03.00.05:
■ Design 6FC5862-2YC30-1YA0

The SinuCom Update Agent provides the following tools for the
SINUMERIK 840D powerline:
• UPExpert
Configuring tool for creating the update package containing a
configurable step sequence and the associated data
• UPDiff
Data comparison between folders, SINUMERIK archives, files
and CNC data

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
Solution Partners Automation
Machine Tools SINUMERIK

■ Overview Solutions of the certified Page

MT SINUMERIK Solution Partners
What is meant by Solution Partner in the context of Motion ARTIS GmbH 4/46
Control Machine Tools? Tool and process monitoring
7 The basis of business relations between an external solution Comara KG 4/46
provider/service provider and Siemens is a mutual agreement. Intelligent feedrate control
Once this contract has been concluded and signed, the exter- Gibbs and Associates 4/47
nal solution provider/service provider has the right to call him- Graphic programming package 2½D for the workshop
self a Solution Partner. Hofmann GmbH & Co. KG 4/47
7 An MT SINUMERIK Solution Partner develops solutions EMB 7000 ring balancer
(hardware and/or software) for use in Motion Control. IBE Software GmbH 4/48
7 An MT SINUMERIK Solution Partner product does not com- Shopfloor-oriented cutting applications
pete with Siemens Motion Control products, but rather m&h Inprocess Messtechnik GmbH 4/48
supplements them. 3D workpiece measurement

MARPOSS S.p.A. 4/49
7 The Solution Partner is himself responsible for the develop- Laser tool inspection
ment, sales, delivery, warranty, and service of his
Mitutoyo Messgeräte GmbH 4/49
MT SINUMERIK Solution Partner products. Evaluation software for the feedback of measuring data
MT SINUMERIK Solution Partners use their special expertise to Montronix GmbH 4/50
supplement the open SINUMERIK control with specific special Tool and process monitoring
functionalities. MT SINUMERIK Solution Partners have back- Müller IT & VIDEO GmbH 4/50
grounds in many different sectors and technologies – say hello Teleservice with video
to the partners of the future. OMATIVE Systems 4/51
Real-time feedrate optimization
■ More information Renishaw Plc.
Non-contact tool inspection

Additional information is available in the Internet under: PROMETEC GmbH 4/52

Or contact: PROMETEC GmbH 4/53
Siemens AG MCI – Machine Condition Indicator
Industry Sector Sequoia IT s.r.l. 4/54
Collision and vibration monitoring
I DT MC MT P 3 Visual Components Oy 4/54
Mr. Yalcin Delioglan ILP – safe CNC programming
Phone: +49 (0) 9131-98-3173 Walter DITTEL GmbH 4/55
Fax: +49 (0) 9131-98-63173 Balancing and process monitoring systems

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
ARTIS GmbH Comara KG
Tool and process monitoring Intelligent feedrate control

■ Overview ■ Overview

4 Tool and process monitoring system

The autonomous CTM system (Computer integrated Tool and
Machine monitoring) from ARTIS can be integrated into the CNC
and is used to monitor tools, machines, and processes.
7 Fast integration resulting from minimized hardware and field-
bus technology Intelligent feedrate control
7 Simple, fast installation of software The intelligent software solution iCut tracks the stock removal
7 No additional wiring with the sensor-free solution process and intervenes automatically when required.
7 4 independent monitoring channels on one CTM card iCut measures the spindle output up to 500 times per second
7 Autonomous mode of operation, thus minimum load on the and adjusts the feedrate automatically to the current cutting con-
control ditions. Variations in allowance or cutter contact angle, different
7 System and sensors from a single source
depths of cut, increased hardness or tool wear - the feedrate is
as fast as possible, but as slow as necessary. The ideal feedrate
Operator control of CTM as well as visualization can be integrated in any situation. With a unique response time.
into the user interface of the CNC. Operation is clear, informative
iCut always calculates on the basis of the programmed feedrate,
and easy to master following a short period of training.
which corresponds to 100 %. From the load values measured on
Tool monitoring prevents the production of faulty parts or the the tool, iCut computes the ideal feedrate for the prevailing cut-
occurrence of other damage resulting from worn, broken, or ting conditions and increases or reduces the feedrate fully auto-
missing tools. Bearing damage on motor spindles, tool unbalance matically (e.g., 70 % or 120 %).
and collisions are detected by the machine monitoring functions.
The functions for process monitoring are responsible for obser-
vation of quality criteria, for example, the tolerances of tap-drill 7 Production time savings combined with high process stability.
sizes and thread depths.
■ More information
■ More information Please contact:
Please contact: Comara KG
ARTIS Gesellschaft für angewandte Messtechnik mbH Contact: Mr. Markus Gruber
Contact Sales and Marketing: Mr. Volker Meyer Industriestraße 21
Contact Engineering: Dr. Dirk Lange 78112 ST. GEORGEN/SCHWARZWALD
Sellhorner Weg 28-30 Germany
29646 BISPINGEN-BEHRINGEN Phone: +49 (0) 7724-9158-0
Germany Fax: +49 (0) 7724-9158-10
Phone: +49 (0) 5194-950-0 E-mail:
Fax: +49 (0) 5194-7825

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
Gibbs and Associates Hofmann GmbH & Co. KG
Graphic programming package EMB 7000 ring balancer

■ Overview ■ Overview

Graphic programming package 2½D for the workshop EMB 7000 ring balancer
Gibbs and Associates offers a 2½D milling programming The EMB 7000 ring balancer is simply a revolutionary solution.
package for the workshop. The graphical, interactive user The vibrations caused by unbalance on rotating systems will be
interface permits easy operation on the machine. actively eliminated during rotation within a fraction of a second.
Two unbalanced disks are permanently fixed onto the tooling
The programmed contours can be displayed in a powerful spindle via thin ring bearings. A fast intelligent controller deter-
volume simulation prior to machining. Similar workpieces from mines the unbalance in the spindle using sensors, computers
parts families can be rapidly produced using parametrics and and controls the two disks into the optimum position to compen-
associativity. The programs are 100 % exchangeable with all sate for the unbalance. Both disks are quickly shifted electro-
CNCs with GibbsSFP. magnetically by the stators into the estimated positions.

■ More information Benefits:

7 Operates at spindle speeds up to 51 000 rpm
Please contact:
7 Positioning of the compensation rings within fractions of
Gibbs and Associates a second also during the non-stationary acceleration phase
Contact: Mr. John Sare 7 Spindle monitoring systems

323 Science Drive, Moorepark 7 2-plane-balancing

USA-93021 California
Phone (USA):+1 80 55 23 00 04
■ More information
Fax (USA): +1 80 55 23 00 06 Please contact:
Hofmann Mess- und Auswuchttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Representation in Germany:
Contact Sales and Marketing: Dr. Axel Rückert
Wingenbach & Pickhardt GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 21
Phone: +49 (0) 2122-541610 64319 PFUNGSTADT
Fax: +49 (0) 2122-541611 Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 6157-949-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6157-949-120

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
IBE Software GmbH m&h Inprocess Messtechnik GmbH
Shopfloor-oriented cutting applications 3D workpiece measurement

■ Overview ■ Overview

Shopfloor-oriented cutting applications

With cncCUT, CNC programs can be created directly on the
CNC control quickly and easily without the need for specialist
The geometry is based on various graphical formats, including 3D Form Inspect Software – Workpiece measurement
DXF. Different geometrical shapes can also be created directly
at the machine using ready-made macros based on dimension The high-speed 3D control solution for tool and mold makers
parameters. The system automatically creates the cutting paths, supporting workpiece measuring directly on the machine
complete with first cuts, but they can be modified manually. tool.

By entering the number of parts, nesting is performed based on Benefits:

the shortest traversing paths with subsequent creation of the 7 3D form control on the machine tool
CNC program. The saved nesting diagrams can be called again 7 Cost savings – no need for a measuring machine
at any time and executed. Technologies, such as different velo-
7 Reworking possible because measuring takes place on the
cities, can be stored in a reference and can be assigned auto-
matically according to material and thickness. machine tool while the part is still clamped in position
7 Time saving, there is no need to move the part to measuring
■ More information machine
3D Form Inspect Software overview:
Please contact:
• Free-form surfaces can be measured at any angle on the
IBE Software GmbH machine tool
Contact: Mr. Gustav Evers • Touch trigger points can be selected easily just by clicking
with the mouse on the PC
Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße 41
26389 WILHELMSHAVEN • Easy to use, no need for special measuring knowledge
Germany • Graphic evaluation on the screen or via report generator on
Phone: +49 (0) 4421-994357
Fax: +49 (0) 4421-994371 • Available for SINUMERIK controls
E-mail: High precision in combination with high precision m&h probes and a laser-calibrated machine tool with linear scales is acces-
sible. Many companies have been using our proven, trend-set-
ting probes for more than a decade. High-precision probes from
m&h ensure secure radio/infrared transmission with optimum
receiving technology, reliable activation, operation tailored for a
workshop, durability, and the highest degree of precision.

■ More information
Please contact:
m&h Inprocess Messtechnik GmbH
Contact: W. Madlener
Am Langholz 11
Phone: +49 (0) 7529-9733-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7529-9733-7

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
MARPOSS S.p.A. Mitutoyo Messgeräte GmbH
Laser tool inspection Evaluation software

■ Overview ■ Overview

Software for Marposs spindle measurements, monitoring of Evaluation software for the feedback of measuring data
contact tools and laser tool monitoring on machine tools
The Correct Plus evaluation software ensures the fast feedback
Measuring cycles for part and tool measuring cycles with of measuring data to machining centers when integrated in the
Marposs Mida measuring heads and Mida lasers. Easy pro- user interface of the CNC control. It makes the immediate online
gramming thanks to the special user interface. All the necessary correction of machining data, which are received continuously or
measurements can be performed on the part and on the tool for as samples by a coordinate measuring device, possible. Online
rapid setup of the machine, high-speed monitoring of the part correction can include each individual feature, e.g., the position
before and after the machining cycle as well as continuous and diameter of drilled holes.
monitoring of the safe range of stress.
Tool measurements with Mida laser: 7 Integration of the calculated correction values into the correc-
• Tool status and breakage tion database of the machine tool
• Measuring the length and diameter of the tool 7 Production of the subsequent workpiece with corrected data
• Checking and updating the length and diameter of the tool due to the immediate transfer of the modified work program
to the machine control unit
• Checking the condition of the cutting profile of the tool
7 Cost-saving shortening of the run-in times of new process
• Measuring and updating the cutting radius and determining sequences
the deflection range
7 A.S.A.P. change-over of 100 % measurements to inspections
• Compensating the thermal deviation of the machine axes on the basis of samples due to an extremely quick stabilization
Part measurements with Mida spindle measuring heads: of run-in times
7 Automatic analysis of measurement results, calculation of new
• Protected positioning of the measuring head
set values, and direct creation of correction databases without
• Measuring of drilled holes, pins, pockets and shoulders time losses
• Single surface measurement 7 Clear improvement of process security thanks to error reduc-
• Measuring the internal and external cross-arm tion, since the corrections are always performed in the direc-
tion of the nominal value
■ More information 7 Considerable reduction in scrap, since possible fabrication
defects do not cumulate all the time, but can be corrected
Please contact: directly on the next workpiece to be processed
MARPOSS S.p.A. 7 Full automation of process sequences via optional software
Contact: 7 Executes under Windows 98/NT 4.0/2000/XP
Sales and Marketing: Dipl. Ing. Horst Peipers
Engineering: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Georg Schulte-Hubbert ■ More information
Mercedesstraße 10 Please contact:
Germany Mitutoyo Messgeräte GmbH
Phone: +49 (0) 7151-2054151 Contact: Mr. Ralf Kuzella
Fax: +49 (0) 7151-2054552 Borsigstraße 8-10
E-mail: 41469 NEUSS
E-mail: Germany
International contact: Andrea Turrini Phone: +49 (0) 2137-1020
MARPOSS S.p.A. – via Saliceto 13 Fax: +49 (0) 2137-8685
40100 Bentivoglio BO – Italy E-mail:
Phone: +39 05 18 99 25 3
Fax.: +39 05 18 99 95 0

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
Montronix GmbH Müller IT & VIDEO GmbH
Tool and process monitoring Teleservice with video

■ Overview ■ Overview

Tool and process monitoring system Teleservice with video

Montronix monitoring systems and the support of the Montronix VIDEO VISION is a video conferencing system that can be used
employees will ensure that you have your machining process worldwide and has been developed specifically for machine ser-
under control. Montronix is your competent partner worldwide vicing. It enables the service engineers to operate the control as
for all machining tasks. though they were on site. Through the simultaneous audio and
video connection, the engineer is able to examine the machine
Montronix systems provide you with the following advantages: and to provide the user with expert support in order to carry out
7 Tool monitoring and protection repairs by means of remote instructions.
7 Shorter machine downtimes VIDEO VISION NM permits flexible use. This video conferencing
7 Avoidance of faults and reduction in rejects system contains all the VIDEO VISION functions, but can also be
7 Improvement in quality installed on a notebook, inter alia, and permits connection via
ISDN, an analog line, GSM, or the Internet.
7 Optimization of machining process
In the case of larger machines and production systems, the audio-
The visualization software (M-View) enables the machine opera- video-radio link is recommended, which can transmit sound and
tor to evaluate the machining process rapidly and precisely. The video images wirelessly over distances of up to 70 m (230 ft).
graphic display shows process deviations, broken tools, in- The supplied ear-phones and an integrated directional micro-
creasing wear and collisions, which can be statistically recorded phone even permit use in a very loud production environment.
and evaluated.
VIDEO VISION EVI is appropriate for pure video monitoring of
The IPM (Integrated Process Monitor) operator control and visu- the machine. You can monitor your complete machine environ-
alization software combines operation and simultaneous visual- ment from the control using up to 7 pan-and-tilt zoom cameras.
ization. Communication is via an RS 232 C or RS 485 interface.
Requirements for VIDEO VISION:
It is possible to switch from the machining process to process
visualization at any time. A fast, reliable working method is • Telecommunications link (ISDN connection recommended)
ensured by the clear and simple operation.
■ More information
■ More information Please contact:
Please contact: Müller IT & VIDEO GmbH
Montronix GmbH Contact: Mr. Kai Müller
Contact: Mr. J. Kraft Unter Lau 21
Am Teerhaus 5 72587 RÖMERSTEIN
71720 OBERSTENFELD Germany
Germany Phone: +49 (0) 7382-9396-0
Phone: +49 (0) 7062-679300 Fax: +49 (0) 7382-9396-26
Fax: +49 (0) 7062-679310 E-mail:

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
OMATIVE Systems Renishaw Plc.
Real-time feedrate optimization Non-contact tool inspection

■ Overview ■ Overview


feedrate optimization
The OMATIVE ACM system is fully integrated into SINUMERIK
NCK version 6.5 or higher and into the SINUMERIK HMI environ-
ment’s user interface purely as a software solution. ACM can be
Renishaw has developed software that can be used in conjunc-
used for every cutting operation in feedrate-control, monitoring
tion with the systems for non-contact tool control NC1, NC3 and
and event-recording modes.
In feedrate-control mode, ACM measures the current spindle
load and continuously calculates the optimum feedrate for each The program routines contain the following functions:
individual tool and material. The feedrate is set to the highest 7 Static length measurement (e.g., drill, tap)
possible value automatically and in real time. This reduces cycle
times and also prevents tool breakage and damage to the tool 7 Length determination with rotating spindle (e.g., end mill,
and spindle, particularly during critical roughing operations and milling heads)
in rough-finishing applications. If the tool becomes overloaded, 7 High-speed tool-breakage monitoring
ACM stabilizes the feedrate to an acceptable value automatical- 7 Automatic tool measuring
ly. This value is defined via an algorithm in the internal expert
system and, if necessary, the feed is suspended. In this way, tool 7 Monitoring of the cutting edge geometry and profile
breakage can also be detected. monitoring for breakage of a single edge
In monitoring mode, the spindle load is monitored without ad- 7 Temperature compensation
aptation of the feedrate. If the spindle becomes underloaded or
overloaded, an alarm is triggered and, if necessary, the machine Renishaw systems for tool monitoring are available as carrier
is stopped. Missing tools or tool breakages are also detected. systems or module systems which cover a wide range of differ-
ent applications. All systems use the MicroHole technology that
In event-recording mode, the machine’s event data are saved provides protection to IP68 even during the measuring proce-
or transferred via the PC network using the OMATIVE Pro soft- dure. The NC4 system also offers an integrated PassiveSeal,
ware and can be analyzed as machine and production reports. which maintains full protection even if the compressed air supply
Event recording is performed automatically in feedrate-control is interrupted. Active drip suppression prevents false response
and monitoring modes. caused by drops of coolant.

■ More information ■ More information

Please contact: Please contact:
Location Europe Renishaw Plc.
OMATIVE Systems OMATIVE Systems Europe GmbH
OMATIVE Systems Head Office Contact: Dr.-Ing. Jan Linnenbürger
Contact: Ms. Oxana Lerich
P.O. Box 34272 Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 12 New Mills
Jerusalem 91341 78048 VILLINGEN SCHWENNINGEN, Wotton-under-Edge
Israel Germany Gloucestershire
Tel.: +972-2-6510310 Tel.:+49 (0) 7721-88789-3 GL12 8JR
Fax: +972-2-6511786 Fax:+49 (0) 7721-88789-50 UK
Phone: +49 (0) 7127-9810
Fax: +49 (0) 7127-88237

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HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners

■ Overview ■ Overview

PROMOS 2 modular tool and process monitoring system PROSIN drill break detection as an integrated software
with PROVIS software solution for the SINUMERIK 840D control
The modular process monitoring system provides fast collision The low-cost PROSIN software permits direct access to the
detection and reliable tool monitoring for all machining pro- current values of the digital drives of the machine tool. If a tool
cesses: breaks, the current of the relevant drive changes; this value is
7 Detection of tool breakage
increased in the case of a blunt tool. Additional sensors or com-
plete monitoring electronics therefore become superfluous.
7 Detection of idle passes
7 Detection of tool contact
7 Breakage detection for drills of 2 mm (0.08 in) or more
7 Detection of tool wear
7 Operation using SINUMERIK operator panels
This functionality can be achieved in particular for machining
centers, rotary indexing machines and transfer lines without the 7 No additional hardware required
need for special sensors if the control system is equipped with 7 Only one operating side
digital drives, e.g., SIMODRIVE 611 digital. 7 Extremely easy to retrofit
Furthermore, additional functions are available for the visualiza- 7 Up to 120 different cuts can be monitored by means of
tion and, therefore, diagnostics and optimization of the machin- prewarning and alarm thresholds
ing operations. For the user, this means: 7 New: Performance value monitoring
• Avoidance of most tool breakage incidents by prompt,
automatic tool replacement A special screen form, which is integrated in the standard user
interface of the SINUMERIK, is available for parameterizing the
• Tool or workpiece damage is minimized, consequential operations of a CNC program which require monitoring. This
damage prevented screen form permits input and optimization of the settings for the
• Increase in productivity without increased use of personnel cuts of one or more tools to be monitored as well as display of
• Increase in quality through process optimization the values that are actually measured.

In addition to machine and tool protection, PROMOS 2 also The limits of the software-based monitoring solution presented
helps to reduce machining times and improve part quality. here depend on the application: If collisions are to be detected,
or turning/milling tools reliably monitored for breakage, the spe-
Operator inputs are made centrally using the operator panel of cially adapted sensor technology of other PROMETEC solutions
the control. is still required.
The modular PROMOS 2 system is available with different per- This tool monitoring system is of particular interest for the mass
formance data (e.g., available monitoring functions, number of production of metal parts, e.g., in the automotive supply industry,
monitorable tools, crash data recorder) to permit optimum in order to increase quality while reducing costs.
matching to the machining task with regard to cost and function.
PROMOS 2 can be operated with all PROMETEC sensors (force,
expansion, distance, active power, torque, vibration, structure-
■ More information
borne noise, sound emission, fluid noise). Please contact:
Contact: Dr. Werner Kluft
Jülicher Straße 338
52070 AACHEN
Phone: +49 (0) 241-16609-10
Fax: +49 (0) 241-16609-50

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© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
ACfeed MCI – Machine Condition Indicator

■ Overview ■ Overview

Adaptive control for intelligent automatic feed optimization MCI – Machine Condition Indicator MCIview software –
as integrated software solution for the SINUMERIK 840D machine condition monitoring based on evaluation of
control a single vibration sensor
From the load values measured on the tool, ACfeed computes Using a sensor mounted on the spindle housing, MCI acquires
the ideal feedrate for the prevailing cutting conditions and in- the vibration signals from a machine tool fully automatically and
creases or reduces the feedrate fully automatically (e.g., 70 % or continuously in all the different machine states of the production
140 %). The spindle load is always set to an optimum 100 %. process, e.g., cutting, tool changes, spindle run-up, accelera-
This not only saves time and significantly increases the number tion and braking of axes.
of pieces machined between tool resharpening, but also pro-
tects tools against overloading. MCI also tests the spindle and slide during no-load operation at
predefined intervals.
ACfeed is used primarily for milling operations, but has proven
increasingly successful as a tool for other types of machining, The MCI hardware acquires and stores the sensor data and pro-
e.g., as a cutting force control for turning operations. cesses them using an integrated digital signal processor. The
signals are conditioned by a variety of analytical processes, e.g.
An integrated monitoring system completes the ACfeed function Fast Fourier Transformation, RMS, I2, and can also be monitored
package. on the basis of predefined threshold values.
Optimized for automotive production: Enormous time savings The objective is to generate, store and monitor trends. Charac-
and increased process stability thanks to feed optimization. The teristics measured for each cycle, cut or tool are stored; these
total cycle time is reduced on average by 5 %. include, for example, maximum values, performance values, av-
erage values, standard deviations. If these characteristic values
Optimized for aircraft production: Increased reliability of machin- exceed a defined threshold, a warning or alarm is displayed.
ing because tools are not overloaded and due to individually This system allows early detection of typical symptoms of wear
adjustable limiting of machining forces (even without feedrate on the machine and critical changes in the cutting process.
increase) with same degree of precision.
Furthermore, MCI triggers a crash limit at extreme vibration ac-
Intelligent feedrate control for compensating tool loading with: celeration levels to shut down the machine immediately.
7 Variations in allowance on cast or forged parts
Separating the measurements into "machining" and "non-machin-
7 Variations in material hardness and structure ing" means that causes of problems can be identified quickly:
7 Contours with varying cutting depths or uneven surfaces For example, if extremely high values are measured during the
7 Materials, e.g. stainless steel, tool steel, that are difficult to cut machining process, but the values measured are perfectly normal
during tool changes, axis traversal and when the same spindle
7 Wide variations in surface property (hard skin, burnished is running under no load, it is clear that the tool cutting conditions
edges) need to be optimized as the spindle and axes are obviously not
7 Varying cutting widths the cause of the problem.
The MCI data which can be viewed online on the control can be
■ More information displayed and stored at any time via an interface installed on the
housing of the machine or control cabinet. The trends can then
Please contact:
be analyzed for non-conformances in offline mode and compared
PROMETEC GmbH with the data of other machines of the same type. Data can be
archived centrally and accessed via the company’s intranet.
Contact: Dr. Werner Kluft
Jülicher Straße 338 Condition monitoring requires only one vibration sensor in the
52070 AACHEN machine if this is optimally positioned – further sensors can be
Germany fitted for supplementary functions such as tool imbalance or tool
seat detection (TSD).
Phone: +49 (0) 241-16609-10
Fax: +49 (0) 241-16609-50

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/53

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
Sequoia IT s.r.l. Visual Components Oy
Collision and vibration monitoring ILP – safe CNC programming

■ Overview ■ Overview


SeTAC, the triaxial system for vibration monitoring and ILP – safe CNC programming
collision detection
ILP is a 3D graphical interface for safe CNC programming on the
Identification of abnormal collisions and vibrations through SINUMERIK 840D CNC control. Operators run new or modified
digital real-time alarms (response time less than 1 ms), directly production programs with the real control on the shop-floor but
integrated into the machine. with a virtual machining center to verify the setup and check for
errors before real machining begins.
Thanks to its innovative technological settings, SeTAC has over-
come the previous weaknesses in the onboard machine vibration Benefits:
analysis. Thanks to the miniaturized state-of-the-art electronic 7 Improved program verification process
components, our device combines the innovative technology for
signal analysis in a single hardware. SeTAC is therefore a small 7 Avoid costly crashes and set-up errors
and compact solution that transmits any type of abnormal collision 7 Minimal if any training required for operators
and vibration on the machine through its extremely fast digital
alarms. For the first time companies can execute NC programs on the
actual control and see the results on the operator screen in vivid
Main characteristics 3D detail, using the actual axis data as would be delivered to the
7 Built-in self-diagnostics able to guarantee full measurement
drives – in real time. Visual validation is a natural way for opera-
reliability. tors to check that there are no tool - part - program mismatches.
7 Triaxial analysis with a measurement range of ± 18 g per axis. After executing a collision free program in the ILP window and
7 High precision of both high and low frequency analysis. the operator is satisfied, control switches to on-line mode and
7 Ability to permanently store up to 12 000 vibration events, actual machining commences.
indicating the time and amplitude of phenomena.
7 Configurable for all types of industrial application. The ILP user interface has just a few button commands so it is
easy to learn and use with minimal or no training. New operators
Main applications can use the actual CNC equipment and make mistakes on the
7 Reduces and avoids damage to the machine tool by trigger- real control to see the effect of their actions without any produc-
ing an alarm in the case of a machine standstill as soon as an tion interruptions or destruction of property.
abnormal collision or vibration occurs (digital alarm triggered
in less than 1 ms from the start of the event). ■ More information
7 Black box function. The course of the collisions and vibrations
on the monitored machine is reconstructed. Please contact:
7 Detection of the degree of unbalance through digital alarms Visual Components Oy
with several thresholds.
7 Monitoring of specific mechanical components or specific Contact: Mr. Patrik Buch Lund
behaviors, e.g. chattering. Korppaanmäentie 17 CL6
7 The instrument can be integrated with the machine control chain 00300 HELSINKI
through change in behavior depending on the vibration data. Finland

■ More information Phone: +358 9 323 2250

Fax: +358 9 323 2251
Please contact: E-mail:
Sequoia IT s.r.l.
Contact: Mr. Massimiliano Titolo
Via Einaudi 25
10024 Moncalieri (TO)
Phone: +39 011-6402992
Fax: +39 011-6402985

4/54 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls

SINUMERIK Solution Partners
Walter DITTEL GmbH
Balancing and process monitoring system

■ Overview

6000 fully-automatic balancing and
process monitoring system
The 6000 fully automatic balancing and process monitoring
system can be completely remote-controlled by the control and
displays process signals on the machine screen. All data of the
balancing procedure and the structure-borne noise signals (AE)
are therefore available online for the machine operator.
7 Convenient balancing system with non-contact transmission
of signals and power makes it wear-free and maintenance-free
7 2 out-of-balance, 2 speed and 4 AE signal limits can be
7 Balancing heads are available with built-in AE sensor and
neutral position of the balancing weights (spindle, attachment
and ring balancing systems), large balancing capacity within
very small space, speeds up to 15 000 rpm
7 Tools for machine diagnostics (compliance, resonance)
7 Connection facility for 4 structure-borne noise sensors,
stationary or rotary
7 AE sensor technology positioned directly at place of
occurrence, resulting in high signal quality
7 State-of-the-art evaluation of structure-borne noise for by-
passing air grinding, monitoring of grinding process and
dressing, 31 different settings can be permanently saved
7 Storage of measured AE signals on control PC or external PC;
connection via RS 232 C interface

■ More information
Please contact:
Walter DITTEL GmbH
Contact: Mr. Adi Sporer
Erpftinger Straße 36
Phone: +49 (0) 8191-3351-17
Fax: +49 (0) 8191-3351-49

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 4/55

© Siemens AG 2009

HMI software for CNC controls


4/56 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components

5/2 CNC controls

5/2 Introduction
5/4 SINUMERIK 802S base line
5/6 SINUMERIK 802C base line
5/8 SINUMERIK 810D powerline
5/13 Axis expansion plug-in unit
5/14 SINUMERIK 840D powerline
5/17 NCU 561.5
5/17 NCU 571.5
5/17 NCU 572.5
5/17 NCU 573.5
5/19 Compile cycles
5/19 NCK OA package for NCUs
5/20 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated

5/22 SINUMERIK I/O modules

5/22 EFP single I/O module
5/23 NCU terminal block with
DMP compact modules

5/25 SIMATIC I/O modules

5/28 Positioning modules

5/28 Introduction
5/29 Positioning module FM 353
5/30 Positioning module FM 354
5/31 Positioning module FM 357-2

5/33 Supplementary components

5/33 Power supplies SITOP power
5/33 Controlled power supplies
5/34 Modular power supplies with
add-on modules
5/35 DC UPS modules and
battery modules

5/36 Ordering examples

5/36 Ordering example 1:
SINUMERIK 810DE powerline
5/37 Ordering example 2:
SINUMERIK 840DE powerline

For products approved for Canada

and U.S.A., see Appendix.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls

■ Overview
CNC control Converter system

SINUMERIK 802S base line Power control for

1 MG/1 channel stepper motors1)
4 axes
(3 axes analog/
1 spindle analog)

SINUMERIK 802C base line SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS

1 MG/1 channel
4 axes
(3 axes analog/

5 1 spindle analog)

SINUMERIK 810D powerline SIMODRIVE 611 digital

2 MGs/2 channels
6 axes digital
(4 axes/2 spindles)
(5 axes/1 spindle)

CCU box CCU module Axis expansion

plug-in unit

SINUMERIK 840D powerline SIMODRIVE 611 digital

NCU 561.5
2 MGs/2 channels
2 axes/spindles digital
NCU 571.5
2 MGs/2 channels
6 axes/spindles digital
NCU 572.5
10 MGs/10 channels
31 axes/spindles digital
NCU 573.5
10 MGs/10 channels

31 axes/spindles digital

NCU box NCU 573.5 PC card

1) On request

5/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls

■ Overview (continued)
EFP single I/O module

NCU terminal block with

DMP compact modules NCU terminal block with
DMP compact modules

EFP single
I/O module

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/3

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 802S base line

■ Overview ■ Integration
Pre-assembled cable
base line
:LUH PP 9'&

X2 RS 232 C




5 X6
6FX8002-2CD01-.... HQFRGHU
77/ 56

The SINUMERIK 802S base line is a CNC control that was deve- ืP IW 
loped for operation with up to 3 stepper drives and one analog IRUKDQGZKHHOVLJQDOV
spindle. X20
:LUH PP 9'&
The target market is that of turning and milling machines in the
low-end performance range that place correspondingly low
demands on the drive technology. This allows stepper motor DI GLJLWDOLQSXWV
technology to be used with all the advantages of its simple X100 ... X105 9'&
design and good accuracy and ruggedness.
The "manual machine" user interface allows you to operate a
turning machine as either a CNC machine or a conventional DO GLJLWDO
(cycle) machine. X200/X201 RXWSXWV
:LUH PP 9'&

■ Benefits Adapter
7 Very compact mounting dimensions module
7 Easy operation thanks to DIN programming
7 High reliability thanks to operator panel mounting, Digital I/O
7 Compact control comprising of CNC, PLC, MCP and 16I/16O GLJLWDO
I/O section X2004/X2003 LQSXWV
:LUH PP 9'&

Complete delivery with CNC, Toolbox and logbook

7 All tools are included in the scope of supply
7 Very cost-effective drive technology using stepper motors GLJLWDO
X2006/X2005 RXWSXWV
7 Maintenance-free: Without battery and fan :LUH PP 9'&

■ Function On request.
Connection overview for SINUMERIK 802S base line
• Up to 3 axes for stepper drive and one analog spindle
(without C-axis) Information about application, configuration and cable
• Analog spindle through ± 10 V interface extensions can be found under Connection system
• Turning or milling are freely selectable
• Pre-assigned machine data
• RS 232 C interface
• 48 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs 0.5 A
- Can be expanded by one module with 16 digital inputs
and 16 digital outputs
• Sample program and PLC templates
• "Manual machine" user interface (can be loaded as second
user interface for Turning function)

5/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 802S base line

■ Technical specifications ■ Selection and ordering data

Order No. 6FC5500-0AA00-1AA0 Designation Order No.
Product name SINUMERIK 802S base line SINUMERIK 802S base line 6FC5500-0AA00-1AA0
Input voltage 24 V DC Complete package
comprising of:
Basic unit 2.6 A
24 V current requirement • Operator panel control
incl. machine control panel
Power consumption, max. 24 W and I/O (48 digital inputs and
16 digital outputs)
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529) • Toolbox
• Front IP65 • Logbook

• Rear IP20 Emergency stop button

On the operator panel
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem- • Actuating element 3SB3000-1HA20
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
• Contact block 3SB3400-0A
Relative humidity
Adapter block with 6FC5511-0CB00-0AA0
• Storage 5 ... 95 % installation kit
• Transport 5 ... 95 % For one-time expansion of
inputs and outputs with digital
• Operation
Ambient temperature
5 ... 95 % I/O module 16l/16O
Digital I/O module 16l/16O 6FC5511-0CA00-0AA0
• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F) 16 digital inputs/
16 digital outputs
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 420 mm (16.5 in)
• Height 300 mm (11.8 in)
• Depth 83 mm (3.27 in)
Weight, approx. 4.5 kg (9.92 lb)

Order No. 6FC5511-0CA00-0AA0

Product name SINUMERIK 802S/802C
digital I/O module, 16I/16O
Input voltage 24 V DC
Number of digital inputs 16
Number of digital outputs 16
Degree of protection to IP20
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem-
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 %
• Transport 5 ... 95 %
• Operation 5 ... 95 %
Ambient temperature
• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 80 mm (3.15 in)
• Height 125 mm (4.92 in)
• Depth 120 mm (4.72 in)
Weight, approx. 0.35 kg (0.77 lb)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 802C base line

■ Overview ■ Integration
SINUMERIK Pre-assembled cable
base line
; 9'&
; 56&

6FX2002-3AD01-.... 6,02'5,9(

;; 6,02'5,9(
6FX5002-2CJ10-.... XQLYHUVDO+56

5 6FX8002-2CD01-.... ([WHUQDO

The SINUMERIK 802C base line is a CNC control that was deve-
loped for operation with up to 3 analog drives and one analog PHDVXULQJ
spindle. The target market is that of turning and milling machines V\VWHP
in the low-end performance range and the retrofit market.
It is possible in this case to implement simple drives with TTL ,QFUHPHQWDO
6FX8002-2CD01-.... HQFRGHU
encoders or resolvers. A typical example is the SIMODRIVE
77/ 56
base line drive. );
The "manual machine" user interface allows you to operate a
turning machine as either a CNC machine or a conventional 6FX8002-2BB01-....
(cycle) machine. ืP IW 

■ Benefits ; 1&5($'<


7 Very compact mounting dimensions DI GLJLWDOLQSXWV

7 Easy operation thanks to DIN programming ;;
:LUH PP 9'&
7 High reliability thanks to operator panel mounting
7 Compact control comprising of CNC, PLC, MCP DO GLJLWDO
and I/O section ;; RXWSXWV
:LUH PP 9'&
7 Complete delivery with CNC, Toolbox and logbook
7 All tools are included in the scope of supply
7 Maintenance-free: Without battery and fan module

■ Function Digital
I/O module
• Up to 3 analog axes and one analog spindle (without C-axis)
• Analog spindle via ± 10 V interface ;; LQSXWV

• Turning or milling are freely selectable 9'&

• Pre-assigned machine data
• RS 232 C interface GLJLWDO
• 48 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs 0.5 A :LUH PP 9'&
- Can be expanded by one module with 16 digital inputs
and 16 digital outputs
Connection overview for SINUMERIK 802D base line
• Sample program and PLC templates
• "Manual machine" user interface (can be loaded as second Information about application, configuration and cable
user interface for Turning function) extensions can be found under Connection system

5/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 802C base line

■ Technical specifications ■ Selection and ordering data

Order No. 6FC5500-0AA11-1AA0 Designation Order No.
Product name SINUMERIK 802C base line SINUMERIK 802C base line 6FC5500-0AA11-1AA0
Input voltage 24 V DC Complete package
comprising of:
Basic unit 2.6 A
24 V current requirement • Operator panel control
incl. machine control panel
Power consumption, max. 24 W and I/O (48 digital inputs and
16 digital outputs)
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529) • Toolbox
• Front IP65 • Logbook

• Rear IP20 Emergency stop button

On the operator panel
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem- • Actuating element 3SB3000-1HA20
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
• Contact block 3SB3400-0A
Relative humidity
Adapter block with 6FC5511-0CB00-0AA0
• Storage 5 ... 95 % installation kit
• Transport 5 ... 95 % For one-time expansion of
inputs and outputs with digital
• Operation
Ambient temperature
5 ... 95 % I/O module 16l/16O
Digital I/O module 16l/16O 6FC5511-0CA00-0AA0
• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F) 16 digital inputs/
16 digital outputs
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 420 mm (16.5 in)
• Height 300 mm (11.8 in)
• Depth 83 mm (3.27 in)
Weight, approx. 4.5 kg (9.92 lb)

Order No. 6FC5511-0CA00-0AA0

Product name SINUMERIK 802S/802C
digital I/O module, 16I/16O
Input voltage 24 V DC
Number of digital inputs 16
Number of digital outputs 16
Degree of protection to IP20
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem-
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 5 ... 95 %
• Transport 5 ... 95 %
• Operation 5 ... 95 %
Ambient temperature
• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 80 mm (3.15 in)
• Height 125 mm (4.92 in)
• Depth 120 mm (4.72 in)
Weight, approx. 0.35 kg (0.77 lb)

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© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 810D powerline

■ Overview ■ Design
The high-performance CCU is installed in a basic enclosure
(CCU box) with integrated power modules. The CCU box is avai-
lable in two different versions:
• For internal cooling in the control cabinet, the CCU box with
3 power sections:
- 2 x 6 A/12 A for feed drives
- 1 x 18 A/36 A for feed drives or 1 x 24 A/32 A for main spindle
• For either internal cooling in the control cabinet or
external cooling through the back of the control cabinet, with
2 power sections:
- 2 x 9 A/18 A for feed drives
The structure of the SINUMERIK 810D powerline is compatible
with the SIMODRIVE 611 digital converter system. It can be
expanded with the SIMODRIVE 611 power sections. The
SINUMERIK 810D powerline is operated by UI or I/R modules
from the SIMODRIVE 611 series.
The SINUMERIK 810D powerline has 6 onboard measuring
system inputs, which can also be used for direct measuring
5 systems. Expansion is possible using SIMODRIVE 611 control
The SINUMERIK 810DE powerline is available for export to
countries requiring export approval.
SINUMERIK 810D powerline covers the medium performance The SINUMERIK 810DE powerline system software (export ver-
range of SINUMERIK Motion Control Systems. All the CNC, PLC, sion) is supplied on an integrated flash EPROM and is included
closed-loop control and communication tasks are combined on in the scope of supply. If the standard software is required, a PC
one CCU module (Compact Control Unit) and they can be sup- card with this software must be inserted.
plemented with power sections as well as control modules of the
converter system SIMODRIVE 611 digital. If the standard software is in use, the PC card remains plugged
SINUMERIK 810D powerline can be implemented for a wide in. The standard software must be separately ordered. The
range of different technologies. spare memory space on the PC card can be used for series
machine start-up/service data.
■ Benefits Positioning tasks can be implemented in the SIMATIC S7-300
by means of the FM 353 and FM 354 modules or using
The SINUMERIK 810D powerline is a compact digital SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS.
CNC system.
It is the ideal hardware platform for conventionally controlled
turning machines, universal turning machines, vertical and
■ Integration
universal milling machines. The following components can be connected to the
SINUMERIK 810D powerline:
Even complex tasks for handling, machine tools and special
tools can be solved. Compatible system software and hardware • Operator panel front with PCU and machine control panel
components permit integration with SINUMERIK 840D • SIMATIC CE panel
powerline. Thanks to openness in the HMI and PLC, users can • SIMATIC OP7/OP17
integrate their specific know-how. They can also implement the
well-proven Motion Control System MCIS products for the • Push Button Panel
production area. • Handheld unit type B-MPI
The SINUMERIK 810D powerline comprises a high-perfor- • Mini handheld unit
mance CCU 3.4 module (compact control unit) in combination • SINUMERIK HT 6
with the current SINUMERIK operator panel fronts.
• SIMATIC S7-300 I/O

■ Application • EFP single I/O module

• 3 handwheels and 2 probes via cable distributor
SINUMERIK 810D powerline is used worldwide in turning, • NCU terminal block with DMP compact modules
drilling, milling, grinding, nibbling, stamping, in mechanical
engineering and mold-making as well as in wood processing, • Distributed PLC I/O via PROFIBUS DP connection
handling and large-scale production and JobShop manufactu- • Programming device
ring. • SIMODRIVE 611 digital converter system
• 1FK7/1FT6/1FT7/1PH/1FN/1FE1/1FW6/2SP1/1LA motors
• PROFINET IO and PROFINET CBA via external CP 343-1
Advanced communication board

5/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 810D powerline

■ Integration (continued)
SINUMERIK Pre-assembled cable
6FX2002-2AS..-.... 6LQJOH,2
; ()3
6FX2002-2AS..-.... ,0

352),%86FDEOH 352),%86'3
03,; 3*



6FX8002-4AA21-.... W\SH%03, 




);%* XQLW 
ืP IW VHH027,21&211(&7 (PHUJHQF\VWRS

6FX8002-4AA21-.... (OHFWURQLF
ืP IW VHH027,21&211(&7 KDQGZKHHO

ืP IW VHH027,21&211(&7


Connection overview for SINUMERIK 810D powerline, part 1 of 2

Information about application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/9

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 810D powerline

■ Integration (continued)
Pre-assembled cable
powerline 6FX2002-1CB01-.... 1&8WHUPLQDO 6FX2002-1CA01-.... 1&8WHUPLQDO

; 6,02'5,9(


6FX.002-2EQ10-.... $EVROXWH
/6 &
/) &
6FX.002-2CG00-.... $GDSWHUFDEOH /% & 
/6 &
/) &


;; (Q'DW/&



Connection overview for SINUMERIK 810D powerline, part 2 of 2

Information about application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

5/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 810D powerline

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5447-0AA01-0AA0 6FC5447-0AA00-0AA1
Product name SINUMERIK 810D powerline CCU box with 2 int. PS SINUMERIK 810D powerline CCU box with 3 int. PS
Input voltage 600 V/625 V/680 V DC
Power loss
• Total 180 W 350 W
• Internal 69 W 350 W
• External 111 W –
Degree of protection to IP20 with internal cooling IP20
EN 60529 (IEC 60529) IP20 with external cooling
for the electronics area
IP54 with external cooling
for the heatsink in the cooling area
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and icing excluded. Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
with EN 60721-3-3
Relative humidity
• Storage 10 ... 95 %

• Transport 10 ... 95 %
• Operation < 95 % for 1h, annual average < 65 %
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 40 °C (32 ... 104 °F)
- Max. with derating 55 °C (131 °F)
• Width 150 mm (5.91 in)
• Height 480 mm (18.9 in)
• Depth 268 mm (10.6 in)
Mounting position in operation Vertical
Weight, approx. 9.7 kg (21.4 lb) 9.8 kg (21.6 lb)

Order No. 6FC5410-0AY03-1AA0

Product name SINUMERIK 810D powerline
CCU 3.4
Input voltage Via SIMODRIVE device bus
Power consumption, max. 40 W
Degree of protection to IP20 with CCU box
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem-
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 10 ... 95 %
• Transport 10 ... 95 %
• Operation < 95 % for 1h,
annual average < 65 %
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 150 mm (5.91 in)
• Height 307 mm (12.1 in)
• Depth 220 mm (8.66 in)
Mounting position in operation Vertical
Weight, approx. 1.6 kg (3.53 lb)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/11

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 810D powerline

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK 810D powerline Spare and wear parts
• CCU box with 6FC5447-0AA00-0AA1 Backup battery 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0
3 internal power sections For CCU 3.4 module
internal cooling, incl.
3-axis shield-connection plate PC card
• CCU box with 6FC5447-0AA01-0AA0 According to PCMCIA standard,
2 internal power sections type STRATA, empty
internal/external cooling, incl. • 8 MB 6FC5247-0AA11-0AA3
2-axis shield-connection plate
• 16 MB 6FC5247-0AA11-1AA3
• CCU 3.4 module with 6FC5410-0AY03-1AA0
system software 6 (export)
Important ordering information:
CCU system software SINUMERIK 810D powerline and the standard software are
On PC card ordered using two order numbers. Hardware and software on
Standard 810D powerline the PC card must be ordered together. The standard software
can only be supplied in a bundle. The software order item must
• Single license 6FC5450-0AX03-0AH0 directly follow the hardware order item. The export software
for current software version
must not be explicitly ordered.
• Single license 6FC5450-7AX03-7AH0

5 for specific software version Ordering example:

• Software update service 6FC5450-0AX03-0AH2 Order Designation Quan- Order No.
item tity
• Update/upgrade on order of 6FC5450-7AX03-7AH3
specific software version 1 SINUMERIK 810D 1 6FC5410-0AY03-1AA0
Export 810DE powerline
2 Standard software 1 6FC5450-0AX03-0AH0
• Single license 6FC5450-0AY03-0AH0 for SINUMERIK 810D
for current software version powerline
• Single license 6FC5450-7AY03-7AH0
for specific software version
• Software update service 6FC5450-0AY03-0AH2
• Service Pack/upgrade 6FC5450-7AY03-7AH3
on order of
specific software version
For SINUMERIK 810D/840D1)
on CD-ROM with:
• PLC basic program
• Standard machine data
• NC variable selector
- Single license 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB0
for current software version
- Single license 6FC5252-7AX21-7AG0
for specific software version
- Single license 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB1
without data carrier
- Software update service 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB2
- Service Pack on order of 6FC5252-7AX21-7AG3
specific software version
Cable distributor 6FX2006-1BA02
Without DU box connector
for connection of 2 handwheels
(encoders with differential or TTL
signals, as required), 2 probes
DU box connector (10 units) 6FX2003-0FA00
For connecting devices to
cable distributor
MPI bus cable, pre-assembled See MOTION CONNECT

Example of a specific software version, e.g., 6.5:


1) One license is required for each SINUMERIK CCU. The CD-ROM

contains several software versions.

5/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 810D powerline
Axis expansion plug-in unit

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Axis expansion plug-in unit 6FC5412-0FA10-0AA0
incl. ribbon cable
Axis expansion plug-in unit 6FC5412-0FA12-0AA0
left, single-axis
incl. ribbon cable
Cable set for external 6FC5412-0FA80-0AA0
SIMODRIVE 611 control
Comprising of device bus and
drive bus
Device bus cable 6SN1161-1AA00-0BA0
Length: 400 mm (15.75 in)
Terminating connector 6FX2003-0DA00
For drive bus

To expand the SINUMERIK 810D powerline to up to 6 axes, axis
expansion plug-in units are required. These are inserted in the
power modules of the SIMODRIVE 611 digital, where they take
the place of the closed-loop control plug-in units.
The axis expansion plug-in units are designed for 1-axis and
2-axis power modules. The ribbon cable forms an integral part
of the axis expansion plug-in unit and can be used to cover a
gap of 150 mm (5.91 inches) between the SINUMERIK 810D
powerline and the final expansion plug-in unit.
The CCU 3.4 module can control up to 6 axes onboard. A single-
axis expansion plug-in unit (left) is available in addition to the
axis expansion unit (right). It is connected to the CCU 3.4 mo-
dule using the 4th pulse interface. This module is then inserted
into a SIMODRIVE 611 power module positioned between the
supply unit and the SINUMERIK 810D powerline.
A ribbon cable for connection of SIMODRIVE 611 power modu-
les up to 150 mm (5.91 in) wide is enclosed with the single-axis
expansion plug-in unit (left).
Expansions using
SIMODRIVE 611 digital control modules
The use of SIMODRIVE 611 digital control modules is only
necessary if the number of measuring system inputs on the
SINUMERIK 810D powerline is not enough.
A terminator for the drive bus must be ordered separately if the
external SIMODRIVE 611 control is used.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/13

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline

■ Overview ■ Design
The SINUMERIK 840D powerline combines CNC, PLC and com-
munications tasks on one NCU module. The powerful NCU multi-
processor module is directly integrated into the SIMODRIVE 611
digital converter system following installation in the NCU box by
positioning it on the right next to the I/R module. The scope of
delivery of all NCUs includes the device bus cable and the drive
bus terminator.
All NCUs have onboard connections for 4 high-speed digital
CNC inputs and 4 high-speed digital CNC outputs. Further fast
inputs/outputs can be connected via NCU terminal blocks on the
drive bus.

■ Function
Performance and flexibility
The scalability of the hardware and software – both in the CNC
and control area – provides exceptional prerequisites for use of
the SINUMERIK 840D powerline in many sectors. The possibili-
ties range from simple positioning tasks up to complex multi-axis

5 systems.
We offer different types of NCU for your machining tasks.
If there is a high requirement for axes and channels, e.g. with
rotary indexing or multi-spindle machines, computing perfor-
mance, configuration facilities and memory areas of the NCUs
The SINUMERIK 840D powerline provides you with modularity, can be combined using link modules, thus becoming signifi-
openness, a uniform structure for operating, programming and cantly extended (fast IPO link).
visualizing and provides a system platform with innovative
functions for almost all technologies. Together with the 5-axis machining tasks, e.g. milling of free-form surfaces, can be
SIMODRIVE 611 digital converter system, and supplemented by solved simply and conveniently using this machining package.
the SIMATIC S7-300 automation system, the SINUMERIK 840D The following functions are included in the 5-axis machining
powerline offers a complete digital system which is especially package: 5-axis transformation with tool orientation, 5-axis tool
suitable for complex processing tasks and is characterized by length compensation, oriented tool retraction, tool-oriented
maximum dynamics and precision. With the SINUMERIK 840D RTCP and cardan millhead/nutating head.
powerline, certified SINUMERIK Safety Integrated functions can Use of an NCU 573.5 is recommended for maximum dynamics
be obtained with which highly effective protection of persons and accuracy in mold making or in the HSC sector.
and machines is possible in a simple, economical and practical
manner. System-wide openness

■ Benefits Thanks to openness across the HMI, CNC and PLC, users can
apply their specific expertise such that they achieve exactly
7 The digital CNC system for complex tasks the individual control solution desired. The SINUMERIK 840D
powerline offers openness up to the NC core. This open
7 Maximum performance and flexibility especially for complex
architecture and the high computing performance of the
multiple-axis systems
SINUMERIK 840D powerline mean that adaptation of the CNC
7 Uniform openness from operation up to the NC core. functions to many different innovative machine kinematics can
7 Integral, certified safety functions for man and machine: be achieved flexibly, rapidly and cost-effectively. Additional
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated technology-specific functions can be subsequently loaded as
compile cycles.
7 Well-proven operating and programming software such as
ShopMill or ShopTurn and Motion Control Information System Integrated certified safety functions
products (MCIS products)
SINUMERIK 840D powerline includes certified SINUMERIK
■ Application Safety Integrated functions with which highly effective protection
of persons and machines is possible in a simple, economical
The SINUMERIK 840D powerline is used worldwide for turning, and practical manner.
drilling, milling, grinding, laser machining, nibbling, punching, in Well-proven operator software and programming software
tool and mold making, as press control, for high-speed cutting
applications, for wood and glass processing, for handling ope- ShopMill or ShopTurn for genuine workshop CNC and Motion
rations, in transfer lines and rotary indexing machines, for mass Control Information System products (MCIS products) for the
production and JobShop production. production area, such as CNC program management.
The SINUMERIK 840DE powerline is available as an export ver-
sion for use in countries where approval is required.

5/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline

■ Integration
The following components can be connected to the • SINUMERIK single I/O module EFP
SINUMERIK 840D powerline: • SINUMERIK NCU terminal block with DMP compact modules
• SINUMERIK operator panel front with PCU and • 2 handwheels, 2 probes, 4 high-speed digital CNC inputs and
machine control panel 4 high-speed digital CNC outputs via cable distributors
• SIMATIC CE panel • Distributed PLC I/O via PROFIBUS DP connection
• SIMATIC OP7/OP17 • SIMODRIVE 611 digital converter system
• SINUMERIK Push Button Panel • Programming device
• SINUMERIK handheld unit type B-MPI • 1FK7/1FT6/1FT7/1FN/1FW6/1PH/1FE1/2SP1/1LA motors
• SINUMERIK mini-handheld unit • PROFINET IO and PROFINET CBA via external
• SINUMERIK HT 6 CP 343-1 Advanced communication board
• SIMATIC S7-300 I/O

SINUMERIK Pre-assembled cable
352),%86FDEOH 352),%86'3


6FX2002-2AS..-.... 6LQJOH,2
; 6,0$7,&6
6FX2002-2AS..-.... ,0


840D powerline


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6,02'5,9( 1&8
6SN1161-1CA00-.... 6FX2002-1CA01-....



Connection overview for SINUMERIK 840D powerline, part 1 of 2

Information about application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/15

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline

■ Integration (continued)
Pre-assembled cable


6FX8002-4AA21-....  (OHFWURQLF


ืP IW );%* XQLW

5 6FX8002-4AA21-....
 %+ W\SH%03,

'LVWULEXWRU 6FX2002-1AA23-.... 6,180(5,.

ZLUH +7 

03,; 3*
027,21&211(&7 6,180(5,.
%766 ;
 IW 3&8




Connection overview for SINUMERIK 840D powerline, part 2 of 2

Information about application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

5/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline

■ Overview
NCU 571.5
The NCU 571.5 is a configuration of the SINUMERIK 840D
powerline which provides up to 6 axes in a maximum of
2 machining channels and 2 mode groups. Interpolation is pos-
sible for a maximum of 5 axes with the standard version of the
NCU system software (multi-axis interpolation option).
The basic version of the CNC user memory is 3 MB, and can be
optionally expanded up to 6 MB.
NCU 572.5
The NCU 572.5 represents the mid-performance stage within
the SINUMERIK 840D powerline range.
The NCU system software provides 31 axes with up to
6 machining channels and up to 6 mode groups. Interpolation is
possible for a maximum of 12 axes with the standard version of
the NCU system software (multi-axis interpolation option).
The basic version of the CNC user memory is 3 MB, and can be
optionally expanded up to 6 MB.
NCU 573.5
The NCU 573.5 is the flagship of the SINUMERIK 840D
powerline, representing the highest configuration within the
SINUMERIK 840D range. The integrated PLC features signifi-
NCU 561.5 cantly enhanced performance.
The NCU 561.5 of the SINUMERIK 840D powerline is suitable for Up to 31 axes are available in up to 10 machining channels
simple positioning or machining tasks. Two axes can handle which can be executed in up to 10 mode groups. Up to
simple positioning or machining tasks in a maximum of 12 axes/spindles are supported per channel. Interpolation is
two machining channels and two mode groups. Interpolation is possible for a maximum of 12 axes with the standard version of
limited to one linear axis with one spindle (e.g. for tapping). the NCU system software (multi-axis interpolation option).
The basic version of the CNC user memory is 3 MB, and can be The basic version of the CNC user memory is 3 MB, and can be
optionally expanded up to 6 MB. optionally expanded up to 6 MB.

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5356-0BB15-0AA0 6FC5357-0BB15-0AA0 6FC5357-0BB25-0AA0 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0
powerline NCU 561.5 powerline NCU 571.5 powerline NCU 572.5 powerline NCU 573.5
Processor Celeron Celeron Pentium III
• Clock frequency 400 MHz 650 MHz 933 MHz
SIMATIC S7 - integrated PLC 317-2 DP
Input voltage Via SIMODRIVE device bus
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP20 with NCU box
(IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and icing excluded. Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
with EN 60721-3-3
Relative humidity
• Storage 10 ... 95 %
• Transport 10 ... 95 %
• Operation < 95 % for 1h, annual average < 65 %
Ambient temperature
• Storage -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
• Height 316 mm (12.4 in)
• Depth 207 mm (8.15 in)
Weight, approx. 0.72 kg (1.59 lb) 1.05 kg (2.32 lb)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/17

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
NCU system software NCU box 6FC5247-0AA00-0AA3
2 axes For accommodating the
On PC card NCU 561.5/571.5/572.5/573.5
• Export 840DE powerline 6FC5250-7DY30-7AH7 NCU 561.5 6FC5356-0BB15-0AA0
NCU system software NCU 571.5 6FC5357-0BB15-0AA0
4 axes grinding
NCU 572.5 6FC5357-0BB25-0AA0
On PC card
NCU 573.5 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0
• Export 840DE powerline 6FC5250-7HY30-7AH7
CNC user memory 6FC5251-0AD02-0AA0
NCU system software
6 axes Expanded by 1 MB
On PC card PLC user memory 6FC5252-0AA03-0AA0
• Standard 840D powerline 6FC5250-7CX30-7AH7 Expanded by 64 KB

• Export 840DE powerline 6FC5250-7CY30-7AH7 I/O interfacing via 6FC5252-0AD00-0AA0

NCU system software Software option
12 axes
On PC card Link module (PROFIBUS DP) 6FC5212-0AA01-1AA0

5 • Standard 840D powerline 6FC5250-7BX30-7AH7

For NCU 573.5
Cable distributor 6FX2006-1BA02
• Export 840DE powerline 6FC5250-7BY30-7AH7
For connecting 2 handwheels,
NCU system software 2 probes and 4 digital inputs/
31 axes outputs
On PC card DU box connector 4-pole 6FX2003-0FA00
• Standard 840D powerline 6FC5250- 7AX30-7AH7 (10 units)
• Export 840DE powerline 6FC5250- 7AY30-7AH7 For connecting devices to cable
- Single license 0 0 0
for current software version Spare and wear parts

- Single license 7 7 0 Battery 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0

for specific software version Battery compartment 6FC5247-0AA06-0AA0
- Single license 0 0 1 With battery and fan
without data carrier
PC card
- Software Update Service 0 0 2 Acc. to PCMCIA standard
- Upgrade 7 7 3 Type STRATA (empty)
for specific software version • 8 MB (up to and including 6FC5247-0AA11-0AA3
Toolbox1) NCU software version 7.2)
For SINUMERIK 810D/840D • 16 MB 6FC5247-0AA11-1AA3
on CD-ROM with: (NCU software version 7.4 and
• PLC basic program higher)
• Standard machine data Device bus cable 6FC5247-0AA23-0AA0
• NC variable selector 50 mm (1.97 in)
- Single license 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB0 Drive bus cable 6SN1161-1CA00-0AA0
for current software version For 50 mm (1.97 in) module width
- Single license 6FC5252-7AX21-7AG0 Terminator 6FX2003-0DA00
for specific software version
For drive bus
- Single license 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB1
without data carrier
The device bus cable and the terminator for the drive bus are
- Software Update Service 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB2 included in the NCU scope of supply.
- Upgrade 6FC5252-7AX21-7AG3
for specific software version

Example of a specific software version, e.g., 7.4:

From software release 6.4 or higher (6.5 for NCU 5xx.5), the NCU
system software can be used for 2, 6, 12 or 31 axes.
These numbers of axes result in the following maximum number
of physical axes (also in the PLC program):
• NCU 561.5: 2 physical axes
• NCU 571.5: 6 physical axes
• NCU 572.5/NCU 573.5: 31 physical axes

1) One license is required for each NCU. The CD-ROM contains several
software versions.

5/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline SINUMERIK 840D powerline
Compile cycles NCK OA package for NCUs

■ Overview ■ Overview
The NCK OA package (Open Architecture package NCK) is a
component of the SINUMERIK Open Architecture that allows
manufacturer-specific NCK functions (compile cycles) to be
implemented in the system. They are implemented in the NCU’s
system software in C or C++.
The NCK OA package requires an export approval.
An OEM contract is required to use the NCK OA package.
The development system must be a SUN workstation with Solaris
operating system.

■ More information
For further information about compile cycles and the NCK OA
package, contact:
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Contact: Mr. Hanneforth
Phone: +49 (0) 9131-98-3498
Fax: +49 (0) 9131-98-63498

The openness of the SINUMERIK 840D powerline NCK allows

users to develop solutions for (almost) every technological pro-
blem and application!
This is possible with the integration of technological add-on
functions in the NCU system software in the form of compile
cycles. The compile cycles can either be programmed based on
the NCK OA package and the appropriate development environ-
ment, or through development and testing in industrial conditi-
ons contracted to Siemens.
Below is a selection of the technological add-on functions that
have already been developed in the form of loadable compile
cycles and are available as options with SINUMERIK 840D
• 1D/3D clearance control in position control cycle
• Axial coupling in the machine coordinate system
• Handling transformation package
• Pantograph kinematics transformation, two axes
• PARACOP 3-axis transformation for parallel kinematics
(first channel)
• Tripod-hybrid-kinematics Exechon transformation
• Laser switching signal, high-speed
• Continue machining at the contour
• PROFIBUS tool and process monitoring
• Space error compensation for kinematic transformations
• Axis collision protection
• Crank interpolation
Additional compile cycles are implemented or being developed
or can be developed at the customer’s request.
A typical example for the use of compile cycles are special
transformations for specific machine kinematics. With these
transformations, workpieces can be programmed in Cartesian
coordinates while the transformation calculates the required
machine axis movements.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/19

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 High level of safety:
complete implementation of the safety functions in
Category 3/SIL 2
7 High level of flexibility:
supports the implementation of practically sound safety
and operating concepts
7 Very economical:
reduced hardware and installation costs
7 Enhanced availability:
absence of interference-susceptible electromechanical
switching elements

■ Function
The safety functions are available in all modes and can com-
municate with the process using safety-oriented input/output
They can be implemented for each individual axis and spindle:
• Safe shutdown
5 Provides transition of the drive from motion to rest when a
monitoring device or a sensor (e.g. a light barrier) is triggered.
• Safe braking ramp (SBR)
Monitoring of the speed curve. The speed must be reduced
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated provides integrated safety after a stop request has been issued.
functions that support the implementation of highly effective • Safe operating stop (SBH)
personnel and machine protection. The safety functions comply Monitors drives for standstill. The drives remain fully functional
with the requirements of Category 3 according to EU standard for position control.
EN 954-1 and safety integrity level SIL 2 of EN 61508. Conse- • Safe standstill (SS)
quently, important functional safety requirements can be conver- Pulse suppression of drives, providing safe electronic inter-
ted easily and efficiently. Available functions include, ruption of the power supply.
among others:
• Safely limited speed (SG)
• Functions for safety monitoring of velocity and standstill Monitoring of configurable velocity limit values, e.g. during
• Functions for establishing safe boundaries in work spaces and setup without enabling button.
protected spaces, and for range recognition • Safety-related output n < nx
• Direct connection of all safety-related signals and their internal Speed recognition of a drive
logical linkage • Safe software limit switch (SE)
Variable travel limitations
• Safe software cams (SN)
Range recognition
• Safety-related input/output signals (SGE/SGA)
Interface with process
• Safe programmable logic (SPL)
Direct connection of all safety-related signals and their internal
logical linkage.
• Safe brake management (SBM)
- 2-channel braking signal
- Cyclic brake test
• Safety-oriented communication via standard bus
Connection of distributed I/O for process and safety signals
using the PROFIsafe protocol via PROFIBUS.
• Integrated acceptance test
Partially automated acceptance test for all safety-related
functions. Simple operation of the test process, automatic
configuration of Trace functions and automatic generation
of an acceptance report.

5/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
CNC controls
SINUMERIK 840D powerline
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated

■ Integration ■ Selection and ordering data

Requirements for SINUMERIK 840D powerline: Designation Order No.
• General SINUMERIK Safety Integrated
- SINUMERIK 840D powerline for SINUMERIK 840D
- SIMODRIVE 611 digital with High Performance control (from software Version 7)
module or High Standard control module with additional • SI Basic 6FC5250-0AG00-0AA0
DMS input For 1 axis/spindle; up to
- The measuring circuit cables must comply with the 4 inputs/outputs can be used for
SIMODRIVE 611 digital specifications the safe programmable logic
• For the integrated acceptance test • SI Comfort 6FC5250-0AG10-0AA0
- SinuCom NC software tool (can run on PC/PG) For 1 axis/spindle; up to
- SINUMERIK software version from 6.4.15 64 inputs/outputs can be used
for the safe programmable logic
• Sensor/actuator integration with PROFIsafe I/Os
- SINUMERIK 840D powerline with NCU 57x.5 • SI axis/spindle 6FC5250-0AG11-0AA0
From the second axis/spindle,
- SINUMERIK software version from 6.3 per axis/spindle
- Software option I/O interface via PROFIBUS DP
- SIMATIC ET 200S or • SI axis/spindle package 6FC5250-0AG12-0AA0
- SIMATIC ET 200eco or Additional 15 axes/spindles
- SIMATIC ET 200pro or
- DP/AS-i F-Link
■ More information
- S7 F Configuration Pack software module
• Software options in accordance with selection and The following Type Examination Certificates and certificates are
ordering data available for the SINUMERIK 840D powerline:
- With software version 7 and above, the SI Basic option can be • Type Examination Certificate by BIA
ordered for machines for which 4 inputs/outputs are sufficient (EN 954-1/DIN V VDE 0801)
for safe programmable logic.
When more than 4 inputs/outputs are required for safe • Type Examination Certificate by BGIA
programmable logic, the SI Comfort option must be used. (EN 954-1/EN 61508)
- When the function safe programmable logic is not used with • Certificate by TÜV Rheinland
Safety Integrated, the SI Basic option is adequate. (EN 954-1/IEC 61508)
• Certificate by TÜV Rheinland of North America
(NFPA79/IEC 61508)
A list of certfied software and hardware versions is included with
the Certificate of License (CoL) for the SINUMERIK Safety Inte-
grated option.
Please contact your local Siemens branch if you have questions
concerning current certifications.
Download under:

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/21

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
EFP single I/O module

■ Overview ■ Integration
Single Pre-assembled cable
module 6,180(5,.


; 6FC9340-8XY00-.... 7HUPLQDOVWULS


; 6FC9340-8XY00-.... 7HUPLQDOVWULS

; 6FC9340-8XY00-.... 7HUPLQDOVWULS



Connection overview for single I/O module

The single I/O module EFP has 64 inputs and 32 short-circuit- Information about application, configuration and cable
proof outputs. The total current for the outputs is 12 A, i.e. extensions can be found under Connection system
32 outputs with 0.5 A each and a simultaneity factor of 0.75. MOTION-CONNECT.

Up to 3 single I/O modules can be connected to the

SINUMERIK 810D powerline or SINUMERIK 840D powerline,
■ Technical specifications
combinations with SIMATIC S7-300 strings are permissible. Order No. 6FC5411-0AA00-0AA0

Terminal strip converter Product name SINUMERIK

single I/O module EFP
A terminal strip converter is used for safe and easy signal con-
Input voltage 24 V DC
nection between the input/output groups of the control and the
machine. If you are using terminal strip converters with LED Power consumption, max. 292.8 W
display, the LED is lit when the signal mode is active/high. This Input/output interfaces 64 inputs digital/
simplifies simulation, setup and service at the interface between 32 outputs digital
the control and the machine.
Degree of protection to IP20
The terminal strip converter is mounted easily by snapping it EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
onto DIN rails. Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem-
■ Selection and ordering data perature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
Designation Order No.
• Storage 10 ... 95 %
Single I/O module EFP 6FC5411-0AA00-0AA0
64 inputs/32 outputs, isolated • Transport 10 ... 95 %

Connecting cable 6FC5411-0AA80-0AA0 • Operation < 95 % for 1h,

annual average < 65 %
for single-tier configuration Ambient temperature
for multiple EFP modules • Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
Length: 150 mm (5.91 in)
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
Terminal strip converter
34-pole, 0.5 A output • Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)

• Without LED status display 6FC9302-2AA Dimensions

• Red LED status display 6FC9302-2AB • Width 50 mm (1.97 in)

• Green LED status display 6FC9302-2BB01 • Height 374 mm (14.7 in)

• Depth 153 mm (6.02 in)
Weight, approx. 1.7 kg (3.75 lb)

5/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
NCU terminal block with DMP compact modules

■ Overview ■ Integration
Up to eight DMP compact modules can be plugged into an NCU
terminal block. In the maximum configuration, the following can
be connected for general functions:
• 32 digital inputs
• 32 digital outputs
• 8 analog inputs, max. 4 analog inputs/outputs per
NCU terminal block
• 8 analog outputs, max. 4 analog inputs/outputs per
NCU terminal block
The number of digital inputs and outputs that can be connected
is increased for applications of the SINUMERIK Safety Integra-
ted safety function
• To up to 64 digital inputs/outputs for the safe programmable
logic (SPL) functionality
• By additional digital input and output signals for each safety

For rapid movement synchronization and/or for safety-oriented
input/output signals on the NCK channel of the SINUMERIK
Safety Integrated1) safety function, digital and analog CNC
inputs/outputs can be connected to the drive bus via the NCU
terminal block (max. 2) when using the SINUMERIK 810D
powerline and SINUMERIK 840D powerline.

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6FC5211-0AA00-0AA0
Product name SINUMERIK NCU terminal block
Input voltage 24 V DC
Degree of protection to IP20
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem-
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
Relative humidity
• Storage 10 ... 95 %
• Transport 10 ... 95 %
• Operation < 95 % for 1h,
annual average < 65 %
Ambient temperature
• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 257 mm (10.1 in)
• Height 100 mm (3.94 in)
• Depth 40 mm (1.57 in)
Weight, approx. 0.5 kg (1.10 lb)

1) Not for SINUMERIK 810D powerline.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
NCU terminal block with DMP compact modules

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Order No. 6FC5211- 6FC5111- 6FC5111- 6FC5111- 6FC5111- 6FC5111-
0AA10-0AA0 0CA04-0AA0 0CA05-0AA0 0CA03-0AA2 0CA01-0AA0 0CA02-0AA2
DMP compact DMP compact DMP compact DMP compact DMP compact DMP compact
1I analog, con- 1I analog 1O analog 8O digital 16I digital 16O digital
version time
75 µs
Input voltage 24 V DC
Degree of protection to IP20
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and icing excluded. Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F).
with EN 60721-3-3
Relative humidity
• Storage 10 ... 95 %
• Transport 10 ... 95 %
• Operation < 95 % for 1h, annual average < 65 %
Ambient temperature

• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 25 mm (0.98 in)
• Height 90 mm (3.54 in)
• Depth 108 mm (4.25 in)
Weight, approx. 0.16 kg (0.35 lb) 0.15 kg (0.33 lb) 0.14 kg (0.31 lb) 0.145 kg (0.32 lb) 0.125 kg (0.28 lb) 0.16 kg (0.35 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
NCU terminal block 6FC5211-0AA00-0AA0 DMP compact 1I analog 6FC5111-0CA04-0AA0
For 8 DMP compact module With 1 analog input
Input voltage: Nominal range:
DMP compact 16I digital 6FC5111-0CA01-0AA0 ± 10 V or ± 500 mV
With 16 digital inputs (conversion time: < 60 ms)
24 V DC isolated Overrange: ± 20 V or ± 1 V
(conversion time: < 80 ms)
DMP compact 16O digital 6FC5111-0CA02-0AA2
Resolution: 12 bit + sign
With 16 outputs (2 x 8)
24 V DC/0.5 A DMP compact 1I analog 6FC5211-0AA10-0AA0
isolated and short-circuit resis- high-speed
tant, with free-wheeling diode With 1 analog input
Input voltage: Nominal range
DMP compact 8O digital 6FC5111-0CA03-0AA2
± 10 V, conversion time: 75 µs,
With 8 outputs resolution: 11 bit + sign
24 V DC/2 A (4.88 mV per bit)
isolated and short-circuit resis-
tant, with free-wheeling diode DMP compact 1O analog 6FC5111-0CA05-0AA0
With 1 analog output
± 10 V; ± 3 mA
Resolution 13 bit + sign, isolated
Terminator for drive bus 6FX2003-0DA00
(with SINUMERIK 840D already
incl. in NCU scope of supply)

For SINUMERIK 810D powerline, a separate terminator needs to

be ordered for the drive bus.

5/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
SIMATIC I/O modules

■ Overview ■ Integration
810D Pre-assembled cable
powerline 6FX2002-2AS..-....
or 352),%86'3

IM 361 342-5 FM 35.


60 60 60 60
IM 361    


Modules from the SIMATIC product range are available as 60 60 60 60
machine I/Os for SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline. IM 361    
• SINUMERIK 810D powerline: Modules of the SIMATIC
S7-300 series
• SINUMERIK 840D powerline: Modules of the SIMATIC 6FX2002-2AS..-....
S7-300 series and distributed I/O via PROFIBUS DP
For details of the SIMATIC product range, refer to the interactive
CA 01 catalog under SIMATIC Industrial Automation Systems. ;
SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline 6FX2002-2AS..-....

The SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline also incorpo- 352),%86'3

rate the PLC-CPU. This PLC-CPU is compatible with
SIMATIC S7, and its functionality is based on a: )RU03,FDEOH
• CPU 315-2 DP VHH ()3
for SINUMERIK 810DE powerline/810D powerline with &211(&7 6FX2002-2AS..-....
CCU 3.4 module
• CPU 317-2 DP
for SINUMERIK 840DE powerline/840D powerline with
NCU 561.5/NCU 571.5/NCU 572.5/NCU 573.5 ()3
Maximum configuration with SIMATIC S7-300: 3 lines with
• IM 361 interface and up to 8 SM 3.. I/O modules or

• Single I/O module EFP; combinations of IM 361 and EFP single

I/O modules are possible.
()3 ()3 ()3


Connection overview for SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline

and I/Os
Information about application, configuration and cable
extensions can be found under Connection system

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© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
SIMATIC I/O modules

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
Backup battery 6ES7971-1AA00-0AA0 IM 361 interface 6ES7361-3CA01-0AA0
For SIMATIC S7-300 CPUs For expanding the S7-300 with up
and S5-90U to 3 expansion racks that can be
3.6 V; 950 mAh plugged into the expansion unit
PS 307 load power supply IM 365 interface module 6ES7365-0BA01-0AA0
Incl. power connector; For expanding the S7-300 with up
120/230 V AC; 24 V DC to 1 expansion rack, comprising
of 2 modules with a permanently
•2A 6ES7307-1BA00-0AA0
attached connecting cable 1 m
• 5 A, outdoor 6ES7307-1EA00-0AA0 (3.28 ft)
•5A 6ES7307-1EA80-0AA0 Connecting cable
• 10 A 6ES7307-1KA01-0AA0 Between IM 360 and IM 361 or
IM 361 and IM 361
Mounting adapter 6ES7390-6BA00-0AA0
• 1 m (3.28 ft) 6ES7368-3BB01-0AA0
For snapping the PS 307
onto 35 mm standard rails • 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 6ES7368-3BC51-0AA0
(EN 50022)
• 5 m (16.4 ft) 6ES7368-3BF01-0AA0
MicroMemory Card
• 10 m (32.8 ft) 6ES7368-3CB01-0AA0
5 For SIMATIC S7-300/C7/
ET 200S/IM151/CPU
3.3 V; nFlash
IM 153-1 interface module
Slave interface for connecting an

• 64 KB 6ES7953-8LF20-0AA0 ET 200M to PROFIBUS DP

• 128 KB 6ES7953-8LG11-0AA0 SM 321 digital input modules

• 512 KB 6ES7953-8LJ20-0AA0 Incl. labeling strips, bus coupler,
for connecting switches and
• 2 MB 6ES7953-8LL20-0AA0 2-wire proximity switches (BERO)
• 4 MB 6ES7953-8LM20-0AA0 • 16 inputs, 24 V DC 6ES7321-1BH02-0AA0
• 8 MB 6ES7953-8LP20-0AA0 • 16 inputs, 24 V DC, source input 6ES7321-1BH50-0AA0
Front connector • 32 inputs, 24 V DC 6ES7321-1BL00-0AA0
(1 unit)
• 16 inputs, 24 V DC, 6ES7321-7BH01-0AB0
• 20-pin, with screw contacts 6ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0 diagnostics-capability
• 20-pin, with spring-loaded 6ES7392-1BJ00-0AA0 • 16 inputs, 120 V AC 6ES7321-1FH00-0AA0
• 32 inputs, 120 V AC 6ES7321-1EL00-0AA0
• 40-pin, with screw contacts 6ES7392-1AM00-0AA0
• 8 inputs, 120/230 V AC 6ES7321-1FF01-0AA0
• 40-pin, with spring-loaded 6ES7392-1BM01-0AA0
contacts SM 322 digital output modules
Shield connection element 6ES7390-5AA00-0AA0 Incl. labeling strips, bus coupler,
for connecting solenoid valves,
80 mm (3.15 in) wide, with two contactors, small motors, lamps
rows for 4 terminals each and motor starters
Shield connection terminals • 16 outputs, 24 V DC, 0.5 A 6ES7322-1BH01-0AA0
(2 units)
• 32 outputs, 24 V DC, 0.5 A 6ES7322-1BL00-0AA0
• For 2 cables 6ES7390-5AB00-0AA0
of diameter 2 ... 6 mm • 8 outputs, 24 V DC , 0.5 A, 6ES7322-8BF00-0AB0
(0.08 ... 0.24 in) diagnostics-capability
• For 1 cable 6ES7390-5BA00-0AA0 • 16 outputs, 120 V AC, 0.5 A 6ES7322-1FH00-0AA0
of diameter 3 ... 8 mm
• 8 outputs, 24 V DC, 2 A 6ES7322-1BF01-0AA0
(0.12 ... 0.31 in)
• For 1 cable 6ES7390-5CA00-0AA0 • 8 outputs, 120/230 V AC, 1 A 6ES7322-1FF01-0AA0
of diameter 4 ... 13 mm • 8 outputs, relay contact, 2 A 6ES7322-1HF01-0AA0
(0.16 ... 0.51 in)
• 8 outputs, relay contact, 5 A 6ES7322-1HF10-0AA0
Mounting rail
• 16 outputs, relay contact, 8 A 6ES7322-1HH01-0AA0
• 160 mm (6.30 in) 6ES7390-1AB60-0AA0
• 480 mm (18.90 in) 6ES7390-1AE80-0AA0
• 530 mm (20.87 in) 6ES7390-1AF30-0AA0
• 830 mm (32.68 in) 6ES7390-1AJ30-0AA0
• 2 000 mm (78.74 in) 6ES7390-1BC00-0AA0
Mounting location number 6ES7912-0AA00-0AA0
1 set
IM 360 interface 6ES7360-3AA01-0AA0
For expanding the S7-300 with up
to 3 expansion racks that can be
plugged into the central controller

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© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
SIMATIC I/O modules

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
SM 323 digital input/output SM 335 analog input/output 6ES7335-7HG01-0AB0
modules modules
Incl. labeling strips, bus coupler, Incl. labeling strips, bus coupler;
for connecting switches, 2-wire with special functions:
proximity switches (BERO), sole-
noid valves, contactors, small • Comparator for extremely fast
motors, lamps and motor starters comparison of an analog value

• 8 inputs/8 outputs 6ES7323-1BH01-0AA0 • Extremely fast measurement of

analog values (< 0.5 ms)
• 16 inputs/16 outputs 6ES7323-1BL00-0AA0
With 4 high-speed inputs (max.
SM 331 analog input modules 14 bit resolution, max. 0.2 ms
Incl. labeling strips, bus coupler, conversion time per channel),
measuring range modules; for 4 high-speed outputs (max. 12 bit
connecting voltage and current resolution, max. 0.8 ms conver-
encoders, thermocouples, resis- sion time per channel), 1 pulse
tors and resistor thermometers input (counter input/24 V, 500 Hz)
and encoder supply
• 8 inputs, 13 bit resolution 6ES7331-1KF01-0AB0 (10 V, 25 mA)
• 8 inputs 6ES7331-7KF02-0AB0 Interference suppression filter 6ES7335-7HG00-6AA0

• 2 inputs 6ES7331-7KB02-0AB0 For up to four SM 335
• 8 inputs, enhanced resolution 6ES7331-7NF00-0AB0 Manual for SM 335
• 8 inputs for thermoresistors 6ES7331-7PF01-0AB0 • German 6ES7335-7HG00-8AA1
• 8 inputs for thermocouples 6ES7331-7PF11-0AB0 • English 6ES7335-7HG00-8BA1
SM 332 analog output modules S7-300 manual
Incl. labeling strips, bus coupler; Design, CPU data, module data,
for connecting analog actuators operations list
• 4 outputs 6ES7332-5HD01-0AB0 • German 6ES7398-8FA10-8AA0
• 4 outputs, 16 bit 6ES7332-7ND02-0AB0 • English 6ES7398-8FA10-8BA0
• 2 outputs 6ES7332-5HB01-0AB0 • French 6ES7398-8FA10-8CA0
• 8 outputs 6ES7332-5HF00-0AB0 • Spanish 6ES7398-8FA10-8DA0
SM 334 analog input/output • Italian 6ES7398-8FA10-8EA0
modules Communications module 6GK7343-2AH01-0XA0
Incl. labeling strips, bus coupler; CP 343-2
for connecting analog sensors For connecting SIMATIC S7-300
and actuators and ET 200M to AS-Interface
• 4 inputs, 2 outputs 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 according to AS-Interface
specifications V3.0
• 4 inputs, 2 outputs; 6ES7334-0KE00-0AB0
resistance measurement, Pt 100 Communications module 6GK7342-5DA02-0XE0
CP 342-5
For connecting SIMATIC S7-300

For technical specifications, see the SIMATIC Catalog ST 70 or

the A&D Mall.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
Positioning modules

■ Overview
Positioning module Converter system
FM 353 Power control for stepper motors1)
Control for 1 stepper motor

FM 354 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS

Analog control for 1 servo motor

FM 357-2 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS

Analog and stepper motor control
for 4 axes

(see Converter system)


1) On request.

5/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
Positioning modules
Positioning module FM 353

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6ES7353-1AH01-0AE0
Product name Positioning module FM 353
Input voltage 24 V DC
Power consumption, max. 7W
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP20
(IEC 60529)
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem-
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
Ambient temperature
• Storage -40...+70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Transport -40...+70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 80 mm (3.15 in)
• Height 125 mm (4.92 in)
• Depth
Weight, approx.
118 mm (4.65 in)
0.5 kg (1.10 lb)
The FM 353 single-axis positioning module for stepper motors ■ Selection and ordering data
has the same basic design as the SIMATIC S7-300 series. Designation Order No.

■ Application Positioning module FM 353

Incl. configuring package on

• PLC positioning axis for the SINUMERIK 810D powerline and CD-ROM
SINUMERIK 840D powerline for stepper motors, e.g. as Languages: English, German,
infeed, retooling, setup or loader axis French, Italian
comprising of:
• Positioning of stepper motors
• Manual (electronic)
• Independent operation in the SIMATIC S7-300 for FM 353
• Standard function blocks
■ Integration (STEP 7 interface software)
• Screen form-based configu-
ration software for FM 353
FM 353 2UGHU1R
• Standard interactive screen
Pre-assembled cable
forms for OP7/OP17
Manuals Paper version
X2 IRUVWHSSHU • German 6ES7353-1AH01-8AG0
• English 6ES7353-1AH01-8BG0
• French 6ES7353-1AH01-8CG0
• Italian 6ES7353-1AH01-8EG0

Front connector 6ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0

X1 SURFHVVLQSXWV 20-pin, with screw contacts
RXWSXWV EditFM 6FC5263-0AA03-0AB0
On request. Traversing program editor for
FM 353/354/357-2,
Connection overview for FM 353 executes on PG/PC without
STEP 7 installation
Information about application, configuration and cable
extensions can be found under Connection system

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/29

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
Positioning modules
Positioning module FM 354

■ Overview ■ Integration
FM 354 Pre-assembled cable

6FX8002-3AB01-.... 6,02'5,9(

6FX.002-2CD01-.... HQFRGHUZLWK
ืP IW DW9'& 56 77/


6FX.002-2CJ10-.... 6,02'5,9(

5 6FX.002-2CD01-....

The FM 354 single-axis positioning module for servo motors has ,QFUHPHQWDOOLQHDU
the same basic design as the SIMATIC S7-300 series. PHDVXULQJ

• Position-controlled analog auxiliary axes on SINUMERIK 810D
powerline and SINUMERIK 840D powerline, e.g. as infeed, +LJKVSHHG
retooling, setup or loader axis ; SURFHVVLQSXWV
• Positioning of position-controlled servo axes
• Independent operation in the SIMATIC S7-300
Connection overview for FM 354
■ Technical specifications Information about application, configuration and cable
extensions can be found under Connection system
Order No. 6ES7354-1AH01-0AE0 MOTION-CONNECT.
Product name Positioning module FM 354
Input voltage 24 V DC ■ Selection and ordering data
Power consumption, max. 8W Designation Order No.
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP20 Positioning module FM 354 6ES7354-1AH01-0AE0
(IEC 60529)
Incl. configuring package on
Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and CD-ROM
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem- Languages: English, German,
perature 0 °C (32 °F). French, Italian
comprising of:
Ambient temperature • Manual (electronic) for FM 354
• Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F) • Standard function blocks
(STEP 7 interface software)
• Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F) • Screen form-based configurati-
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F) on software for FM 354
• Standard interactive screen
Dimensions forms for OP7/OP17
• Width 80 mm (3.15 in) Manuals Paper version
• Height 125 mm (4.92 in) Languages:
• Depth 118 mm (4.65 in) • German 6ES7354-1AH01-8AG0
Weight, approx. 0.55 kg (1.21 lb) • English 6ES7354-1AH01-8BG0
• French 6ES7354-1AH01-8CG0
• Italian 6ES7354-1AH01-8EG0
Front connector 6ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0
20-pin, with screw contacts
EditFM 6FC5263-0AA03-0AB0
Traversing program editor for
FM 353/354/357-2,
executes on PG/PC without
STEP 7 installation

5/30 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
Positioning modules
Positioning module FM 357-2

■ Overview ■ Function
FM 357-2 with FM 357-2L system firmware
• 4 measuring circuits for the connection of position-controlled
servo axes or stepper drives or external master axes
• Interface for SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS or SIMOVERT
(not for FM 357-2H in conjunction with SINUMERIK HT 6)
• Axis relationship:
linear/rotary interpolation, independent individual axes
• Axis synchronization by means of travel association or curve
tables (electronic cam disks) or with external master
• Travel with programmable acceleration and slowdown
• Transformable coordinate systems
• Operating modes:
jog, incremental, reference point, MDI (manual data input),
automatic, automatic single block
• Displacement signals (cam controller)
• Special emergency stop routines with rapid restart
• Program-controlled movement function on the basis of the mo-
vement program, M function 5
• Programs can be parameterized by means of user variables
• Programming in accordance with DIN 66025 with higher level
The FM 357-2 is a positioning and path control which enables in- language elements (loops, conditions)
telligent control of the movement of up to 4 axes. The FM 357-2 • Data backup to memory card (optional)
controls stepper drives and position-controlled servo drive axes. • Multi-channel functionality (any combination with up to
The component takes the form of a module for SIMATIC S7-300 4 channels can be defined, 1 channel for FM 357-2H)
and can be operated in conjunction with a SIMATIC CPU 314 C FM 357-2 with FM 357-2LX system firmware
or higher, whereby up to 3 modules1) can be combined with a
CPU. SIMATIC HMI OPs, e.g. OP17, OP27 or Windows CE de- As FM 357-2L, plus the following:
vices such as TP 170B or higher (with ProTool V6) can be used • Spline interpolation (A, B, C splines) for definition of movement
for control and monitoring. by means of interpolation points

■ Application
• High-performance "Gantry" portal function
• Flexible synchronized actions (extended interrupt routines)
• Processing of metal, wood, plastic and stone • Probe evaluation without time delay
• Textiles and packaging industries • Programmable overlap of oscillating movements
• Wrapping machines • Track speed-dependent variable control
• Handling systems • Programmable travel against a fixed limit
The FM 357-2 has an extensive range of different applications • 3D protection zones
from independent, individual positioning axes to interpolating
multi-axis path control. FM 357-2 with FM 357-2H system firmware
As FM 357-2LX, plus the following:
■ Design • Coordinate transformation for buckling arm, scara and portal
The FM 357-2 consists of the basic module and the system firm- systems, comparable handling transformation package with
ware, which has to be ordered separately. This is available in up to 4 axes in one channel
3 versions, FM 357-2L, FM 357-2LX and FM 357-2H. • Teach-in functions with SINUMERIK HT 6
The configuration package contains a user-friendly setup tool
which enables the user to set the system up from within STEP 7.

1) One module with FM 357-2H.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 5/31

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
Positioning modules
Positioning module FM 357-2

■ Integration ■ Technical specifications

2UGHU1R Order No. 6ES7357-4AH01-0AE0
FM 357-2 Pre-assembled cable Product name Positioning module FM 357-2
6FX2002-3AD01-.... 6,02'5,9( Input voltage 24 V DC
ืP IW  VHWSRLQWV Power consumption, typ. 24 W
; Programmable traversing 1 000 m/min (3 281 ft/min)
velocity, max.
3RZHUFRQWUROIRU Power consumption from 100 mA
VWHSSHUPRWRUV2) 5 V DC bus backplane, max.

NC program memory 750 KB
Cycle signal (T, *T) Acc. to RS 422
Direction signal (D, *D) Acc. to RS 422
; 3UREH Release signal (F, *F) Acc. to RS 422
Encoder frequency for T, *T max. 750 kHz
6FX.002-2CD01-.... HQFRGHU 77/ ZLWK
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP20
56 9
(IEC 60529)
ืP IW DW'&9
); Humidity rating in accordance Class 3K5 condensation and
with EN 60721-3-3 icing excluded. Low air tem-
perature 0 °C (32 °F).
5 6FX.002-2CD24-....
56 9
Ambient temperature
• Storage/Transport -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
;; Dimensions
6FX.002-2CJ10-.... 6,02'5,9(
XQLYHUVDO+56ZLWK • Width x Height x Depth 200 mm (7.87 in) x 125 mm
ืP IW  ,6(LQWHUIDFH (4.92 in) x 118 mm (4.65 in)
Weight, approx. 1.2 kg (2.65 lb)
); ■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
6FX.002-2CD01-.... ([WHUQDO Positioning and path control 6ES7357-4AH01-0AE0
ืP IW (;( module FM 357-2
Basic unit
System firmware FM 357-2L 6ES7357-4AH03-3AE0
PHDVXULQJ Single license
V\VWHPದDOVR System firmware FM 357-2LX 6ES7357-4BH03-3AE0
With additional functions
Single license
System firmware FM 357-2H 6ES7357-4CH03-3AE0
6,180(5,. With additional functions
+71) Single license
incl. configuring package
6FX2002-1AA23-.... on CD-ROM
ืP IW  Languages: English, German,
'LVWULEXWRU1) French, Italian

);%+ comprising of:

Equipment manual (electronic),
configuration software (para-
352),%86'3FDEOH 6,02'5,9( meterization screen forms,
)RU03,FDEOHVHH XQLYHUVDO+56 standard function blocks
027,21&211(&7 HMI screen forms for
OP17/OP27/TP 170B/MP 270B)
Manuals Paper version
2QO\IRU)0+ • German 6ES7357-4AH00-8AG0
On request.
• English 6ES7357-4AH00-8BG0
Connection overview for FM 357-2 • French 6ES7357-4AH00-8CG0
Information about application, configuration and cable • Italian 6ES7357-4AH00-8EG0
extensions can be found under Connection system Front screw connector 6ES7392-1AM00-0AA0
For connection, probe and
NC-Ready signal
EditFM 6FC5263-0AA03-0AB0
Traversing program editor for
FM 353/354/357-2,
executes on PG/PC without
STEP 7 installation

5/32 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Basic components
Supplementary components
Power supplies SITOP power
Controlled power supplies

■ Overview ■ Benefits
Controlled power supplies 7 Precise output voltage
7 Low residual ripple
The 24 V power supply units from the SITOP range are optimized
for industrial use and operate on the switched-mode principle. 7 Wide input voltage range
Due to the precisely regulated output voltage, the devices are 7 High efficiency
even suitable for the connection of sensitive sensors. Different 7 Simple installation
versions are available depending on the output current and field
of application. In some cases, functional expansion is possible 7 Integrated electronic short-circuit protection
with add-on modules. For example, for back-up in the event of 7 Safe electric isolation (SELV acc. to EN 60950 or EN 50178)
long supply system outages, DC UPS modules 6 A, 15 A and 7 Compliance with national and international standards, e.g.
40 A are available with external back-up by rechargeable EMC compliant with EN 61000-6-2 and EN 55022 Class B, UL
batteries. 48 V power supplies have been added to the SITOP and cUL (CSA) approval
product range.
7 No release of silicon
■ More information
Additional information is available in the Internet under:


■ Selection and ordering data

24 V and 48 V power supplies
Design Input Output Order No.
Voltage Voltage Current
Vin rated Vout rated Iout rated
24 V DC/2.5 A; 5 A; 10 A single-phase
2.5 A 120 V/230 V AC 24 V DC 2.5 A 6EP1332-2BA10
(85 … 132 V/ ±3 %
170 ... 264 V AC)

5A 120 V/230 V AC 24 V DC 5A 6EP1333-2BA01

(85 … 132 V/ ±3 %
170 ... 264 V AC)

10 A 120 V/230 V AC 24 V DC 10 A 6EP1334-2BA01

(85 … 132 V/ ±3 %
170 ... 264 V AC)

24 V DC/5 A; 10 A single-phase, flat design

5A 120 V/230 V AC 24 V DC 5A 6EP1333-1AL12
(85 … 132 V/ ±1 %
170 ... 264 V AC)

10 A 120 V/230 V AC 24 V DC 10 A 6EP1334-1AL12

(85 … 132 V/ ±1 %
170 ... 264 V AC)

24 V DC/20 A and 48 V DC; 10 A three-phase

10 A 400 ... 500 V 3AC 48 V DC 10 A 6EP1456-2BA00
(320 ... 575 V 3AC) ±3 %

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Basic components
Supplementary components
Power supplies SITOP power
Modular power supplies with add-on modules

■ Overview
Modular power supplies with add-on modules Three add-on modules offer supplementary functions.
The modular concept is based on basic power supply units in The signaling module can be snapped onto the side of the basic
compact design with outputs from 24 V/5 A to 24 V/40 A, with unit; complete with isolated signaling contacts "Output voltage
• Metal housing for standard rail mounting OK" and "Ready"; with signal input for remote On/Off switching of
basic unit.
• 5 A and 10 A units with single-phase and two-phase
connection (L1 and N, L1 and L2) The buffer module bridges line interruptions in the millisecond
• 20 A and 40 A units with single-phase or three-phase range. 100 ms at 40 A, 800 ms at 5 A, up to 3 s at minimal load
connection current; standard rail mounting at any location in the control
• Adjustable output voltage up to 28.8 V
The redundancy module decouples the basic units from each
• 3 x LED status display other via diodes so that a redundant 24 V power supply can be
• Selectable short-circuit response, constant current or established.
retentive shutdown
Power supply units and add-on modules
• Switchover for parallel operation
• Ambient temperature 0 ... 60 °C (32 ... 140 °F)
• Radio interference level Class B
• Input current harmonics limitation acc. to
EN 61000-3-2 (except 6EP1337-3BA00)

5 ■ Selection and ordering data

Design Input Output Order No.
Voltage Voltage Current
Vin rated Vout rated Iout rated
Basic power supply units
5A 120 V/230 ... 500 V AC 24 V DC 5A 6EP1333-3BA00
(85 … 132 V/ ±3 %
176 ... 550 V)

10 A 120 V/230 ... 500 V AC 24 V DC 10 A 6EP1334-3BA00

(85 … 132 V/ ±3 %
176 ... 550 V)

20 A 120 V/230 V AC 24 V DC 20 A 6EP1336-3BA00

(85 … 132 V/ ±3 %
176 ... 264 V)
400 ... 500 V 3AC 24 V DC 20 A 6EP1436-3BA00
(340 ... 550 V) ±3 %
400 ... 500 V 3AC 48 V DC 20 A 6EP1457-3BA00
(340 ... 550 V) ±3 %
20 A 400 ... 500 V 3AC 24 V DC 20 A 6EP1436-3BA01
(360 ... 550 V) ±3 %

40 A 120 V/230 V AC 24 V DC 40 A 6EP1337-3BA00

(85 … 132 V/176 ... 264 V) ±3 %
400 ... 500 V 3AC 24 V DC 40 A 6EP1437-3BA00
(340 ... 550 V) ±3 %

Add-on modules
Signaling module 24 V DC 6EP1961-3BA10

Buffer module 24 V DC Vin - approx. 1 V 40 A 6EP1961-3BA00

(24 ... 28.8 V)

Redundancy 24 V DC Vin - approx. 0.5 V 20 A 6EP1961-3BA20

module (24 ... 28.8 V)

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Basic components
Supplementary components
Power supplies SITOP power
DC UPS modules and battery modules

■ Overview
DC UPS modules DC UPS modules
By combining a DC UPS module with at least one battery module • Radio interference level Class B
and a SITOP 24 V power supply, long power failures can be • Ambient temperature 0 ... 60 °C (32 ... 140 °F)
bridged absolutely free of interruptions.
Battery modules
• 2.5 Ah: Ambient temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
• 1.2 … 12 Ah: Ambient temperature 5 ... 40 °C (41 ... 104 °F)

■ Selection and ordering data

DC UPS modules and battery modules
Design Input Output Order No.
Voltage Voltage Current
Vin rated Vout rated Iout rated
DC UPS modules 24 V DC
6A 24 V DC 24 V DC 6A 6EP1931-2DC21
(22 ... 29 V DC) (mains operation:
22 ... 28.5 V,
battery operation:
27.0 ... 19 V) 5
With serial interface 6EP1931-2DC31
With USB interface 6EP1931-2DC42
15 A 24 V DC 24 V DC 15 A 6EP1931-2EC21
(22 ... 29 V DC) (mains operation:
22 ... 28 V,
battery operation:
27.0 ... 19 V)
With serial interface 6EP1931-2EC31
With USB interface 6EP1931-2EC42
40 A 24 V DC 24 V DC 40 A 6EP1931-2FC21
(22 ... 29 V DC) (mains operation:
22 ... 28.5 V,
battery operation:
27.0... 19 V)
With USB interface 6EP1931-2FC42

Design Charging voltage Output Order No.

at 25 °C (77 °F) Voltage
Vcharge Vout rated
6 A and 15 A battery modules for DC UPS modules
2.5 Ah/ 27.7 V DC 24 V DC 6EP1935-6MD31
High-temperature (end of charge voltage: 27.7 V,
rechargeable bat- exhaustive discharge protection: 19 V)

1.2 Ah 27.0 V DC 24 V DC 6EP1935-6MC01

(end of charge voltage: 27.0V,
exhaustive discharge protection: 19 V)

3.2 Ah 27.0 V DC 24 V DC 6EP1935-6MD11

(end of charge voltage: 27.0V,
exhaustive discharge protection: 19 V)

15 A and 40 A battery modules for DC UPS modules

7 Ah 27.0 V DC 24 V DC 6EP1935-6ME21
(end of charge voltage: 27.0 V,
exhaustive discharge protection: 19 V)

12 Ah 27.0 V DC 24 V DC 6EP1935-6MF01
(end of charge voltage: 27.0 V,
exhaustive discharge protection: 19 V)

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Basic components
Ordering examples
Ordering example 1: SINUMERIK 810DE powerline

■ Overview
Equipment for a milling machine is required (X, Y and Z axes), 7 SINUMERIK 810DE powerline with CCU 3.4 module
tool magazine axis and main spindle with: 7 Operator panel
7 SIMODRIVE 611 digital
7 Motors
7 Pre-assembled cables MOTION-CONNECT

Designation Quantity Order No.

SINUMERIK 810DE powerline
SINUMERIK OP 010S operator control panel with 10.4“-TFT, mechanical keys 1 6FC5203-0AF04-0AA0
SINUMERIK KB 310C full CNC keyboard 1 6FC5203-0AF21-0AA1
SINUMERIK MCP 310 machine control panel 1 6FC5203-0AF23-1AA0
SINUMERIK PCU 20 with single chip PC processor 266 MHz/32 MB and current HMI software 1 6FC5210-0DF00-0AA2
MPI bus cable with three connectors, Length: 5 m (16.4 ft), not suitable for trailing 1 6FX2002-4EA04-1AF0
CCU 3.4 module with system software (export) 1 6FC5410-0AY03-1AA0
CCU box with 2 internal power sections 1 6FC5447-0AA01-0AA0

5 Cable distributor 1 6FX2006-1BA02

Electronic handwheel with front panel 120 mm x 120 mm (4.72 in x 4.72 in) 1 6FC9320-5DB01
Pre-assembled cable for connecting the handwheel, length: 5 m (16.4 ft) 1 6FX8002-4AA21-1AF0
Toolbox for SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline, single license, specific software version 1 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB0
Axis expansion plug-in unit for SINUMERIK 810D powerline 1 6FC5412-0FA10-0AA0
Axis expansion plug-in unit, left for SINUMERIK 810D powerline 1 6FC5412-0FA12-0AA0
Single I/O module EFP 1 6FC5411-0AA00-0AA0
SIMATIC S7-300 (see Catalog ST 70)
Pre-assembled connecting cable 1 6ES7368-3BC51-0AA0
between SINUMERIK 810D powerline and EFP, length: 2.5 m (8.20 ft)
16 kW infeed/regenerative feedback module, internal cooling 1 6SN1145-1BA01-0BA2
HFD package for infeed/regenerative feedback module 16 kW 1 6SN1111-0AA00-0BV0
Power module 2-axis version 2 x 9 A/18 A with internal cooling for 1FK7 motor 6SN1123-1AB00-0BA1
Power module single-axis design, internal cooling 6SN1123-1AA00-0CA2
24 A for 1PH7 motor
Shield connection plate
• 100 mm (3.94 in) (for 16 kW infeed/regenerative feedback module) 1 6SN1162-0EA00-0BA0
• 50 mm (1.97 in) (for power modules) 2 6SN1162-0EA00-0AA0
1FK7 motor, incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp installed, without holding brake 1 1FK7042-5AF71-1AG0
1FK7 motor, incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp installed, without holding brake 2 1FK7063-5AF71-1AG0
Pre-assembled power cable for 1FK7 motor 3 6FX8002-5CA01-1AH0
without brake cable/with complete shield
Length: 7 m (23 ft)
1FK7 motor, incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp installed, with holding brake 1 1FK7063-5AF71-1AH0
Pre-assembled power cable for 1FK7 motor 1 6FX8002-5DA01-1AH0
with brake cable/with complete shield
Length: 7 m (23 ft)
Pre-assembled signal cable for 1FK7 motor, suitable for trailing 4 6FX8002-2CA31-1AH0
Length: 7 m (22.9 ft)
1PH7 motor 1 1PH7103-2NG02-0CJ0
Type of construction IM B5
Power cable for 1PH7 motor, sold by the meter without brake cable/with complete shield 1 6FX8008-1BB41-1FA0
Length: 50 m (164 ft) (shortest length supplied)
Pre-assembled signal cable for motor encoder in 1PH7 motor, suitable for trailing 1 6FX8002-2CA31-1AK0
Length: 9 m (29.5 ft)

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Basic components
Ordering examples
Ordering example 2: SINUMERIK 840DE powerline

■ Overview
The equipment for a compact machine tool for milling is required 7 SINUMERIK 840DE powerline
with: 7 User-friendly operation
7 SIMODRIVE 611 digital
7 Motors
7 Pre-assembled cables MOTION-CONNECT

Designation Quantity Order No.

SINUMERIK 840DE powerline
SINUMERIK OP 012 operator panel front with 12.1" TFT, with membrane keys and mouse 1 6FC5203-0AF02-0AA1
SINUMERIK PCU 50.3-C with 1.5 GHz/512 MB with Windows XP ProEmbSys 1 6FC5210-0DF31-2AA0
HMI-Advanced on CD-ROM for PCU 50.3 1 6FC5253-6BX10-4AG0
Single license, specific software version 6.4
Floppy disk drive 3.5" USB 1.1, including 1.0 m (3.28 ft) connecting cable 1 6FC5235-0AA05-1AA2
SINUMERIK MCP 483 machine control panel 1 6FC5203-0AF22-1AA2
MPI bus cable with 3 connectors, length: 1/10 m (32.8 ft) 1 6FX2002-4EB10-1BA0

can be trailed, termination resistors can be disconnected
NCU 573.5 1 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0
NCU box to accommodate the NCU 573.5 1 6FC5247-0AA00-0AA3
NCU system software 12 axes on PC card, export 840DE 1 6FC5250-6BY30-5AH0
Single license, specific software version 6.5
Toolbox for SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline 1 6FC5252-6AX21-5AG0
Single license, specific software version 6.5
Cable distributor 1 6FX2006-1BA02
Electronic handwheel with front panel 120 mm x 120 mm (4.72 in x 4.72 in) 1 6FC9320-5DB01
Pre-assembled cable for connecting the handwheel, 1 6FX8002-4AA21-1AF0
Length: 5 m (16.4 ft)
CNC functionality for SINUMERIK 840DE powerline
• Additional second machining channel 1 6FC5251-0AA07-0AA0
• Spline interpolation 1 6FC5251-0AA14-0AA0
• Expansion of the PLC user memory by 6 x 64 KB 4 6FC5252-0AA03-0AA0
(to 352 KB)
SIMATIC S7-300 (see Catalog ST 70)
IM 361 interface module 2 6ES7361-3CA01-0AA0
Pre-assembled cable between IM modules, length: 1 m (3.28 ft) 2 6ES7368-3BB01-0AA0
SM 321 digital input module 8 6ES7321-1BH02-0AA0
16 inputs 24 V DC
SM 322 digital output module 5 6ES7322-1BH01-0AA0
16 outputs 24 V DC/0.5 A
SM 322 digital output module 2 6ES7322-1BF01-0AA0
8 outputs 24 V DC/2 A
Mounting rail 2 6ES7390-1AF30-0AA0
Length: 530 mm (20.87 in)
Front connector (1 unit) 15 6ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0
20-pin, with screw contacts

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Bestellbeispiel 2: SINUMERIK 840DE powerline

■ Übersicht (Fortsetzung)
Benennung Anzahl Bestell-Nr.
Ein-/Rückspeisemodul16 kW, interne Entwärmung 1 6SN1145-1BA01-0BA2
HFD-Paket für E/R-Modul 16 kW 1 6SN1111-0AA0-0BV0
Leistungsmodul 2-Achs-Ausführung 2 x 5 A/10 A mit interner Entwärmung 2 6SN1123-1AB00-0AA1
Leistungsmodul 1-Achs-Ausführung für 1FT6 (18 A/36 A) und 1PH (24 A/32 A) 2 6SN1123-1AA00-0CA2
mit interner Entwärmung
High-Performance-Regelung in 2-Achs-Ausführung 2 6SN1118-0DK23-0AA1
Regelungseinschub mit digitaler Sollwertschnittstelle für Motoren 1FT6
für Inkrementalgeber sin/cos 1 Vpp oder Absolutwertgeber mit EnDat
Direktes Messsystem Inkrementalgeber sin/cos 1 Vpp oder Absolutwertgeber mit EnDat
High-Performance-Regelung in 1-Achs-Ausführung 1 6SN1118-0DJ23-0AA1
Regelungseinschub mit digitaler Sollwertschnittstelle für Motoren 1PH
für Inkrementalgeber sin/cos 1 Vpp oder Absolutwertgeber mit EnDat
Direktes Messsystem Inkrementalgeber sin/cos 1 Vpp oder Absolutwertgeber mit EnDat
• 100 mm (für E/R-Modul 16 kW) 1 6SN1162-0EA00-0BA0

• 50 mm (für Leistungsmodule) 4 6SN1162-0EA00-0AA0
Antriebsbusleitung für 4 x 50-mm-Module 4 6SN1161-1CA00-0AA0
Motor 1FT6, Inkrementalgeber sin/cos 1 Vpp eingebaut, ohne Haltebremse 4 1FT6064-1AF71-3AG1
Konfektionierte Leistungsleitung für Motor 1FT6 4 6FX8002-5CA01-1BA0
ohne Bremsenleitung/mit Gesamtschirm
Länge: 10 m
Motor 1FT6, Inkrementalgeber sin/cos 1 Vpp eingebaut, ohne Haltebremse 1 1FT6102-1AC71-1AG1
Konfektionierte Leistungsleitung für Motor 1FT6 1 6FX8002-5CA21-1BA0
ohne Bremsenleitung/mit Gesamtschirm
Länge: 10 m
Konfektionierte Signalleitung für Geber im Motor 1FT6 5 6FX8002-2CA31-1BA0
Länge: 10 m
Motor 1PH7 1 1PH7103-2NG02-0CJ0
Bauform IM B5
Leistungsleitung 1 6FX8008-1BB41-1FA0
ohne Bremsenleitung/mit Gesamtschirm
Länge: 50 m (kürzeste lieferbare Länge)
Konfektionierte Signalleitung für Motorgeber am Motor 1PH7 1 6FX8002-2CA31-1BA0
Länge: 10 m

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Synchronous motors

6/2 Introduction 6/103 Selection guides

6/103 Type of construction/mounting position
6/4 1FT6 motors
6/103 Degree of protection
6/6 Core type, natural cooling
6/8 Standard type, natural cooling 6/104 Dimension drawings
6/18 Standard type, forced ventilation 6/104 1FT6 motors
6/22 Standard type, water cooling 6/116 1FT7 Compact motors
6/118 1FK7 Compact/
6/24 1FT7 Compact motors 1FK7 High Dynamic motors
6/26 Core type, natural cooling 6/121 1FT6 motors with series SP+
6/28 Standard type, natural cooling planetary gearbox
6/38 1FK7 Compact/ 6/126 1FT7 Compact motors with
1FK7 High Dynamic motors series SP+ planetary gearbox
6/40 1FK7 Compact, natural cooling 6/129 1FK7 motors with series SP+
6/42 1FK7 High Dynamic, natural cooling planetary gearbox
6/134 1FK7 motors with series LP+
6/44 Gearboxes planetary gearbox
6/44 Series SP+ planetary gearbox 6/137 1FK7-DYA compact geared
for 1FT6 motors motors
6/49 Series SP+ planetary gearbox 6/138 1FN3 linear motors
for 1FT7 motors 6/140 1FW6 built-in torque motors
6/54 Series SP+ planetary gearbox 6/96 1FE1 built-in motors
for 1FK7 motors 6/141 2SP1 motor spindles
6/60 Series LP+ planetary gearbox
for 1FK7 motors 6/142 CAD CREATOR
Dimension drawing and
6/62 Geared motors 2D/3D CAD generator
6/62 1FK7-DYA compact geared

6/66 1FN3 linear motors

Standard type, water cooling
6/76 Hall-effect sensor box
6/76 Connector box
6/77 Measuring systems
6/77 Liquid cooling
6/84 Encoder connection boxes

6/78 1FW6 built-in torque motors

Standard type, water cooling
6/84 Encoder connection boxes

6/86 1FE1 built-in motors

Standard type, water cooling
6/97 VPM Voltage Protection Module

6/98 2SP1 motor spindles

Standard type, water cooling

For products approved for Canada

and U.S.A., see Appendix.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors

■ Overview
1FT6 1FT7 Compact 1FK7 Compact
1FK7 High Dynamic

Cooling Natural cooling Natural cooling Natural cooling

Forced ventilation
Water cooling
Rated speed 1 500 ... 6 000 rpm 1 500 ... 6 000 rpm 2 000 ... 6 000 rpm
Static torque M0 0.4 ... 300 Nm (3.54 ... 2 655 lbf-in) 2 ... 70 Nm (17.7 ...620 lbf-in) 0.85 ... 48 Nm (7.52 .... 425 lbf-in)
(1FK7 Compact)
1.3 ... 28 Nm (11.5 ... 248 lbf-in)
(1FK7 High Dynamic)
Overload capability up to max. 3 × M0 4 × M0 3 × M0
Encoder system, built-in • Incremental encoder
• Absolute encoder
• Resolver
See the technical specifications and the selection and ordering data for the required motor
for information about a compatible encoder system.
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) 55 ... 74 dB 65 ... 74 dB 55 ... 74 dB
in accordance with EN ISO 1680
Degree of protection EN 60034-5 IP64 ... IP68 IP64 ... IP67 IP64
(IEC 60034-5) IP65, additional IP67 drive end
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a winding temperature rise of ∆T = 100 K
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) at an ambient temperature of 40 °C (104 °F)

6 With water cooling,

inlet temperature max. 30 °C (86 °F)
– –

Type of motor Permanent-magnet synchronous motor,

Paint finish Anthracite RAL 7016 Pearl dark grey RAL 9023 Unpainted,
Anthracite RAL 7016 (option)
Holding brake Built-in (option)
Mounted gearing • Planetary gearbox series SP+ – • Planetary gearbox series LP+
i = 4 to 10 (single-stage) i = 5, i = 10 (single-stage)
i = 16 to 50 (2-stage)
• Planetary gearbox series SP+
i = 4 to 10 (single-stage)
i = 16 to 50 (2-stage)

■ Application
There are many fields of application for the 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/
1FN3/1FW6 synchronous motors. Core types can be supplied for certain motor types. These
core types can be express delivered as replacement motors
On machine tools, they are designated and used as feed in the event of plant outages and offer the advantage of a
motors. quicker spare parts supply. For this reason, core types
On production machines, such as printing, packaging and should be used for configuration wherever possible.
textile machines, they are designated as synchronous servo
The motors are referred to generally in this documentation as
synchronous motors, due to their principle of operation.
The 1FE1 built-in motors are used as motor spindles in machine
tools for turning, milling, or grinding. The 2SP1 motor spindles
are a motorized spindle series used in machine tools for milling.

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Synchronous motors

■ Overview (continued)
Linear motors
1FN3 1FN3
Peak load Continuous load
Cooling Water cooling Water cooling
Velocity at Frated 105 ... 836 m/min (344 ... 2 743 ft/min)1) 129 ... 435 m/min (423 ... 1 427 ft/min)1)
Feedrate force Frated 200 ... 8 100 N (45.0 ... 1 821 lbf) 150 ... 10 375 N (33.7 ... 2 332 lbf)
Overload capability up to max. 2.75 x Frated 1.7 x Frated
Encoder system Linear scale (enclosed or open)
(not included in scope of supply) • Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp
• Absolute encoder with EnDat interface
Degree of protection EN 60034-5 IP65
(IEC 60034-5)
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a winding temperature of 120 °C (248 °F)
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) Inlet temperature of coolant max. 35 °C (95 °F)
Type of motor Permanent-magnet synchronous linear motor,
Paint finish Unpainted

1FW6 1FE1 2SP1

built-in torque motors built-in motors motor spindles

Cooling Water cooling

Speed at Mrated
Static torque M0
34 ... 430 rpm
119 ... 4 760 Nm (87.8 ... 3 511 lbf-ft)
Up to 40 000 rpm

Up to 18 000 rpm

Rated torque Mrated 109 ... 4 590 Nm (80.4 ... 3 386 lbf-ft) 5 ... 820 Nm (3.69 ... 605 lbf-ft) 42 ... 170 Nm (31.0 ... 125 lbf-ft)
Overload capability up to max. 2 x M0 – –
Encoder system Rotary encoder Hollow-shaft measuring system Hollow-shaft measuring system
• Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp L&B GEL 244 Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp
• Absolute encoder with EnDat 256 S/R (built-in)
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) – Depending on spindle design 70 dB2)
in accordance with EN ISO 1680
Degree of protection EN 60034-5 IP23 IP00 or as specified by IP64 (in working area)
(IEC 60034-5) spindle manufacturer IP53 (behind the spindle flange)
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a wind- Temperature class 155 (F)
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) ing temperature rise of ∆T = 100 K
for an ambient temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F)
Inlet temperature of coolant With an inlet temperature of coolant of 25 °C (77 °F)
max. 35 °C (95 °F)
Type of motor Permanent-magnet AC main spindle motor AC main spindle motor
synchronous torque motor, in synchronous system in asynchronous/synchronous
3-phase with permanent magnets system
Paint finish Unpainted
Holding brake – Using spindle design –

1) Observe maximum speed of measuring system.

2) Sound pressure level of stock removal and tool changing are not taken into account.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 motors

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 Optimum surface quality of the workpiece thanks to high
rotational accuracy (sinusoidal current injection)
7 Minimized downtime due to high dynamic performance
7 Power and signal connections for use in highly contaminative
7 Easy installation thanks to reduced cabling overhead
7 High resistance to cantilever force
7 High thermal reserves for continuous and overload conditions
7 High overload capability (250 ms)
7 Extremely high efficiency
7 Extremely good drive dynamic response due to low rotor
moments of inertia
7 Low torque ripple (average value 1 %)
7 High degree of protection

■ Application
• High-performance machine tools
• Machines with stringent requirements in terms of dynamic
response, precision and flexibility, e.g. packaging machines,
high-bay racking vehicles, conveyor systems, handling
equipment, and printing machines
1FT6 motors are permanent-magnet synchronous motors with
compact dimensions.

6 1FT6 motors with built-in encoders are suitable for use with the
SIMODRIVE 611 converter system.
The fully digital control system of the SIMODRIVE 611 converter
system and the encoder technology of the 1FT6 motors fulfill
the highest demands in terms of dynamic performance, speed
setting range, and rotational and positioning accuracy.
1FT6 motors are available with natural cooling, forced ventilation,
or water cooling. With the natural cooling method, heat is dissi-
pated through the surface of the motor, whereas with the forced
ventilation method, heat is forced out by means of built-on fans.
Maximum power ratings, as well as a high degree of protection,
can be achieved using water cooling.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 motors

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1FT6 motor Product name 1FT6 motor
Type of motor Permanent-magnet Encoder systems, built-in • Incremental encoder sin/cos
synchronous motor 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R
with C and D tracks
Magnet material Rare-earth magnet material encoder IC2048S/R
Cooling Natural cooling, forced • Absolute encoder, multi-turn
ventilation, water cooling (Traversing range 4 096 revolu-
For water cooling max. inlet tions) with EnDat interface
temperature 30 °C (86 °F) Single-turn range:
1FT602: 512 S/R
Avoid condensation encoder AM512S/R
Temperature monitoring KTY 84 temperature sensor in 1FT603 ... 1FT613: 2 048 S/R
the stator winding encoder AM2048S/R
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) • 2-pole resolver
in accordance with for a winding temperature rise of • Multi-pole resolver
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) ∆T = 100 K at an ambient (number of pole pairs
temperature of 40 °C (104 °F) corresponds to number of
pole pairs of the motor)
Type of construction IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3)
in accordance with IM B14 (IM V18, IM V19) Connection Connectors for signals and
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7) IM B35 for 1FT613 power
Terminal box possible on 1FT61
Degree of protection IP64 standard type
in accordance with IP65 core type Paint finish Anthracite RAL 7016
EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
2nd rating plate Enclosed separately
Shaft extension on the Plain shaft
drive end (DE) Options • Shaft extension on the
in accordance with drive end (DE) with
DIN 748-3 (IEC 60072-1) fitted key and keyway
(half-key balancing)
Shaft and flange accuracy1)
Tolerance N • Vibration magnitude Grade R
in accordance with DIN 42955
(IEC 60072-1) • Built-in holding brake
Vibration magnitude Grade A • Degree of protection IP67, IP68
in accordance with is maintained up to rated speed M5 sealing air connection
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) present (except with forced
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) • Terminal box for power terminal
in accordance with
EN ISO 1680, max. • Planetary gearbox, built-on
(requirement: Plain shaft exten-
• Motors with natural/ sion, shaft and flange accuracy
water cooling tolerance N, vibration magni-
- 1FT602 ... 1FT604 55 dB tude grade A, and IP65 degree
- 1FT606 ... 1FT613 70 dB of protection)

• Motors with forced ventilation

- 1FT608/1FT610 70 dB
- 1FT613 74 dB
S/R = signals/revolution

1) Shaft
extension run-out, concentricity of centering ring and shaft, and
perpendicularity of flange to shaft.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 core type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque1) current Core type pole of inertia (without
Natural cooling pairs (without brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf -in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

2 000 100 4.8 (6.4) 27 (239) 23 (204) 11 1FT6102 - 1AC71 - 7 7 7 1 4 99 (0.0876) 27.5 (60.6)
8.0 (10.7) 50 (443) 38 (336) 17.6 1FT6105 - 1AC71 - 7 7 7 1 4 168 (0.1487) 39.5 (87.1)
3 000 48 1.4 (1.9) 5 (44) 4.3 (38.1) 2.9 1FT6044 - 1AF71 - 7 7 7 1 2 5.1 (0.0045) 8.3 (18.3)
63 1.5 (2.0) 6 (53) 4.7 (41.6) 3.4 1FT6062 - 1AF71 - 7 7 7 1 3 8.5 (0.0752) 9.5 (20.9)
2.2 (3.0) 9.5 (84.1) 7 (62) 4.9 1FT6064 - 1AF71 - 7 7 7 1 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 3.2 (4.3) 13 (115) 10.3 (91.2) 8.7 1FT6082 - 1AF71 - 7 7 7 1 4 30 (0.0266) 15 (33.1)
4.6 (6.2) 20 (177) 14.7 (130.1) 11 1FT6084 - 1AF71 - 7 7 7 1 4 48 (0.0425) 20.5 (45.2)
5.8 (7.8) 27 (239) 18.5 (163.7) 13 1FT6086 - 1AF71 - 7 7 7 1 4 66.5 (0.0589) 25.5 (56.2)
4 500 63 1.7 (2.3) 6 (53) 3.6 (31.9) 3.9 1FT6062 - 1AH71 - 7 7 7 1 3 8.5 (0.0752) 9.5 (20.9)
2.3 (3.1) 9.5 (84.1) 4.8 (42.5) 5.5 1FT6064 - 1AH71 - 7 7 7 1 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 4.9 (6.7) 20 (177) 10.5 (92.9) 12.5 1FT6084 - 1AH71 - 7 7 7 1 4 48 (0.0425) 20.5 (45.2)
5.7 (7.6) 27 (239) 12 (106.2) 12.6 1FT6086 - 1AH71 - 7 7 7 1 4 66.5 (0.0589) 25.5 (56.2)
6 000 36 0.88 (1.2) 2 (18) 1.4 (12.4) 2.1 1FT6034 - 1AK71 - 7 7 7 1 2 1.1 (0.001) 4.4 (9.7)

80 4.1 (5.5) 20 (177) 6.5 (57.5) 9.2 1FT6084 - 1AK71 - 7 7 7 1 4 48 (0.0425) 20.5 (45.2)

Type of construction: IM B5 1

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right (not for 1FT603/1FT604/1FT606) 1

Transverse left (not for 1FT603/1FT604/1FT606) 2
Axial NDE 3
Axial DE 4

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP65 1

6/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 core type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power4) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section2)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6102-1AC7... 12.1 5.7 (7.6) 18 For ordering data, 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6105-1AC7... 21.4 10.5 (14.1) 28 see Converter system 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6044-1AF7... 3 1.6 (2.1) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6062-1AF7... 4.1 1.9 (2.6) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6064-1AF7... 6.1 3.0 (4.0) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6082-1AF7... 9.6 4.1 (5.5) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6084-1AF7... 13.2 6.3 (8.5) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6086-1AF7... 16.4 8.5 (11.4) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A31 - ....
1FT6062-1AH7... 5.7 2.8 (3.8) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6064-1AH7... 9.0 4.5 (6.0) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6084-1AH7... 19.8 9.4 (12.6) 18 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6086-1AH7... 23.3 12.7 (17.0) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6034-1AK7... 2.6 1.3 (1.7) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....

1FT6084-1AK7... 24.1 12.6 (16.9) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) If
the absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.
2) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
3) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
4) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/7

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque1) current Standard type pole of inertia (without
Natural cooling pairs (without brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf -in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

1 500 100 3.8 (5.1) 27 (239) 24.5 (216.8) 8.4 1FT6102 - 8AB7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 99 (0.0876) 27.5 (60.6)
6.4 (8.9) 50 (443) 41 (363) 14.5 1FT6105 - 8AB7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 39.5 (87.1)
9.6 (12.9) 70 (620) 61 (540) 20.5 1FT6108 - 8AB7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 55.5 (122.4)
132 9.7 (13) 75 (664) 62 (549) 19 1FT6132 - 6AB7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 430 (0.3806) 85 (187.4)
11.8 (15.8) 95 (841) 75 (664) 24 1FT6134 - 6AB7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 547 (0.4841) 100 (220.5)
13.8 (18.5) 115 (1018) 88 (779) 27 1FT6136 - 6AB7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 664 (0.5876) 117 (258)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B142) (not for 1FT613) 2

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right 1

Transverse left 2
Axial NDE (not for 1FT613) 3
Axial DE 4

Terminal box/ Transverse/from right 5

Cable entry: Transverse/from left 6
Axial/from NDE 7
6 Encoder systems:
Axial/from DE

Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R


Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade A IP68 6
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5
Grade R IP68 7

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power5) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section4)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6102-8AB7... 8.7 4.2 (5.63) 9 For ordering data, 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6105-8AB7... 16.0 7.9 (10.59) 18 see Converter system 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A31 - ....
1FT6108-8AB7... 22.3 11.0 (14.75) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6132-6AB7 ... 21.6 11.8 (15.82) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6134-6AB7 ... 27.0 14.9 (19.97) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6136-6AB7... 34 18.1 (24.26) 56 1.5 4 x 10 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A61 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) Ifthe absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
3) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
4) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
5) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/9

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque1) current Standard type pole of inertia (without
Natural cooling pairs (without brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

2 000 63 0.8 (1.1) 4 (35) 3.7 (32.7) 1.9 1FT6061 - 6AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 6 (0.0053) 8 (17.6)
1.1 (1.5) 6 (53) 5.2 (46) 2.6 1FT6062 - 6AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 8.5 (0.0075) 9.5 (20.9)
1.7 (2.3) 9.5 (84.1) 8 (71) 3.8 1FT6064 - 6AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 1.6 (5.1) 8 (71) 7.5 (66.4) 4.1 1FT6081 - 8AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 21 (0.0186) 12.5 (27.6)
2.4 (3.2) 13 (115) 11.4 (101) 6.6 1FT6082 - 8AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 30 (0.0266) 15 (33.1)
3.5 (4.7) 20 (177) 16.9 (149.6) 8.3 1FT6084 - 8AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 20.5 (45.2)
4.7 (6.3) 27 (239) 22.5 (199) 10.9 1FT6086 - 8AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 25.5 (56.2)
100 4.8 (6.4) 27 (239) 23 (204) 11 1FT6102 - 8AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 99 (0.0876) 27.5 (60.6)
8.0 (10.7) 50 (443) 38 (336) 17.6 1FT6105 - 8AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1478) 39.5 (87.1)
11.5 (15.4) 70 (620) 55 (487) 24.5 1FT6108 - 8AC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 55.5 (122.4)
132 11.5 (15.4) 75 (664) 55 (487) 23 1FT6132 - 6AC7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 430 (0.3806) 85 (188)
13.6 (18.2) 95 (841) 65 (575) 27 1FT6134 - 6AC7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 547 (0.4841) 100 (221)
15.5 (20.8) 115 (1018) 74 (665) 30 1FT6136 - 6AC7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 664 (0.5876) 117 (258)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B142) (not for 1FT613) 2

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right (not for 1FT606) 1

Transverse left (not for 1FT606) 2
Axial NDE (not for 1FT613) 3
Axial DE 4

Terminal box/ Transverse/from right 5

Cable entry: Transverse/from left 6
(only for 1FT61) Axial/from NDE 7
Axial/from DE 8

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade A IP68 6
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5
Grade R IP68 7

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power6) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section5)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6061-6AC7... 1.9 0.84 (1.13) 3 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6062-6AC7... 2.7 1.3 (1.74) 3 see Converter system 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6064-6AC7... 4.2 2.0 (2.68) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6081-8AC7... 3.9 1.7 (2.28) 5 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6082-8AC7... 6.6 2.7 (3.62) 9 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6084-8AC7... 8.8 4.2 (5.63) 9 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6086-8AC7... 11.3 5.7 (7.64) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6102-8AC7... 12.1 5.7 (7.64) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6105-8AC7... 21.4 10.5 (14.07) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6108-8AC7... 29 14.7 (19.71) 284) 1.5 4x6 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A51 - ....
1FT6132-6AC7 ... 29 15.7 (21.05) 284) 1.5 4x6 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A51 - ....
1FT6134-6AC7 ... 36 19.9 (26.68) 56 1.5 4 x 10 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A61 - ....
1FT6136-6AC7... 42 24.1 (32.31) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores)
0 6
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) Ifthe absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
3) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
4) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized at M at ∆T =100 K winding temperature rise. If a power module with a higher
rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
5) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
6) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/11

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque1) current Standard type pole of inertia (without
Natural cooling pairs (without brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

3 000 48 0.7 (0.99) 2.6 (23) 2.15 (19) 1.7 1FT6041 - 4AF7 1 - 7 7 7 7 2 2.9 (0.0025) 6.6 (14.6)
1.4 (1.9) 5 (44) 4.3 (38.1) 2.9 1FT6044 - 4AF7 1 - 7 7 7 7 2 5.1 (0.0045) 8.3 (18.3)
63 1.1 (1.5) 4 (35) 3.5 (31) 2.6 1FT6061 - 6AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 6 (0.0053) 8 (17.6)
1.5 (2.0) 6 (53) 4.7 (41.6) 3.4 1FT6062 - 6AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 8.5 (0.0075) 9.5 (20.9)
2.2 (2.95) 9.5 (84.1) 7 (62) 4.9 1FT6064 - 6AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 2.2 (2.95) 8 (71) 6.9 (61.1) 5.6 1FT6081 - 8AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 21 (0.0186) 12.5 (27.6)
3.2 (4.3) 13 (115) 10.3 (91.2) 8.7 1FT6082 - 8AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 30 (0.0266) 15 (33.1)
4.6 (6.2) 20 (177) 14.7 (130.1) 11 1FT6084 - 8AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 20.5 (45.2)
5.8 (7.8) 27 (239) 18.5 (163.7) 13 1FT6086 - 8AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 25.5 (56.2)
100 6.1 (8.2) 27 (239) 19.5 (172.6) 13.2 1FT6102 - 8AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 99 (0.0876) 27.5 (60.6)
9.7 (13) 50 (443) 31 (274) 22.5 1FT6105 - 8AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 39.5 (87.1)
11.6 (15.2) 70 (620) 37 (328) 25 1FT6108 - 8AF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 55.5 (122.4)
132 11.3 (15.2) 75 (664) 36 (319) 23 1FT6132 - 6AF7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 430 (0.3806) 85 (187.4)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B142) (not for 1FT604/1FT613) 2

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right (not for 1FT604/1FT606) 1

Transverse left (not for 1FT604/1FT606) 2
Axial NDE (not with power connector size 3 and 3
not with 1FT613)
Axial DE 4

Terminal box/ Transverse/from right 5

Cable entry: Transverse/from left 6
(only for 1FT61) Axial/from NDE 7
Axial/from DE 8

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade A IP68 6
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5
Grade R IP68 7

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power6) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section4)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6041-4AF7 ... 1.9 0.8 (1.07) 3 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6044-4AF7 ... 3 1.6 (2.14) 3 see Converter system 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6061-6AF7 ... 2.7 1.3 (1.74) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6062-6AF7 ... 4.1 1.9 (2.55) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6064-6AF7 ... 6.1 3.0 (4.02) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6081-8AF7 ... 5.8 2.5 (3.35) 9 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6082-8AF7 ... 9.6 4.1 (5.5) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6084-8AF7 ... 13.2 6.3 (8.45) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6086-8AF7 ... 16.4 8.5 (11.39) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A31 - ....
1FT6102-8AF7 ... 16.9 8.5 (11.39) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A31 - ....
1FT6105-8AF7 ... 32 15.7 (21.05) 285) 1.5 4x6 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A51 - ....
1FT6108-8AF7 ... 41 22.0 (29.49) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....
1FT6132-6AF7 ... 43 23.6 (31.64) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....

Type of power cable:
MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) Ifthe absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
3) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
4) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
5) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized at M at ∆T =100 K winding temperature rise. If a power module with a higher
rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
6) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/13

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque1) current Standard type pole of inertia (without
Natural cooling pairs (without brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf -in) (lbf -in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

4 500 63 1.4 (1.9) 4 (35) 2.9 (25.7) 3.4 1FT6061 - 6AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 6 (0.0053) 8 (17.6)
1.7 (2.3) 6 (53) 3.6 (31.9) 3.9 1FT6062 - 6AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 8.5 (0.0075) 9.5 (20.9)
2.3 (3.1) 9.5 (84.1) 4.8 (42.5) 5.5 1FT6064 - 6AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 2.7 (3.6) 8 (71) 5.8 (51.3) 7.3 1FT6081 - 8AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 21 (0.0186) 12.5 (27.6)
4 (5.4) 13 (115) 8.5 (75.2) 11 1FT6082 - 8AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 30 (0.0266) 15 (33.1)
4.9 (6.6) 20 (177) 10.5 (92.9) 12.5 1FT6084 - 8AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 20.5 (45.2)
5.7 (7.6) 27 (239) 12 (106.2) 12.6 1FT6086 - 8AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 25.5 (56.2)
100 5.7 (7.6) 27 (239) 12 (106.2) 12 1FT6102 - 8AH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 99 (0.0876) 27.5 (60.6)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B142) 2

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right (not for 1FT606) 1

Transverse left (not for 1FT606) 2
Axial NDE 3
Axial DE 4

6 Terminal box/
Cable entry:
(only for 1FT61)
Transverse/from right
Transverse/from left
Axial/from NDE
Axial/from DE 8

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade A IP68 6
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5
Grade R IP68 7

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power6) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section5)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6061-6AH7... 4 1.9 (2.6) 5 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6062-6AH7... 5.7 2.8 (3.8) 9 see Converter system 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6064-6AH7... 9.0 4.5 (6.0) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6081-8AH7... 8.6 3.8 (5.1) 9 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6082-8AH7... 14.8 6.1 (8.2) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6084-8AH7... 19.8 9.4 (12.6) 184) 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6086-8AH7... 23.3 12.7 (17.0) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6102-8AH7... 24.1 12.7 (17.0) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. .... 6

1) Ifthe absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
3) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
4) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized at M at ∆T =100 K winding temperature rise. If a power module with a higher
rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
5) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
6) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/15

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static torque Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque1) current Standard type pole of inertia (without
Natural cooling pairs (without brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-in) (lbf -in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

6 000 28 0.19 (0.25) 0.4 (3.5) 0.3 (2.7) 1.1 1FT6021 - 6AK71 - 7 7 7 7 3 0.21 (0.0002) 1.2 (2.6)
0.31 (0.42) 0.8 (7.1) 0.5 (4.4) 0.9 1FT6024 - 6AK71 - 7 7 7 7 3 0.34 (0.0003) 2.1 (4.6)
36 0.47 (0.63) 1 (9) 0.75 (6.6) 1.2 1FT6031 - 4AK71 - 7 7 7 7 2 0.65 (0.0006) 3.1 (6.8)
0.88 (1.18) 2 (18) 1.4 (12.4) 2.1 1FT6034 - 4AK71 - 7 7 7 7 2 1.1 (0.0010) 4.4 (9.7)
48 1.1 (1.5) 2.6 (23) 1.7 (15) 2.4 1FT6041 - 4AK71 - 7 7 7 7 2 2.9 (0.0025) 6.6 (14.6)
1.9 (2.6) 5 (44) 3 (26.6) 4.1 1FT6044 - 4AK71 - 7 7 7 7 2 5.1 (0.0045) 8.3 (18.3)
63 1.3 (1.7) 4 (35) 2.1 (18.6) 3.1 1FT6061 - 6AK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 6 (0.0053) 8 (17.6)
1.3 (1.7) 6 (53) 2.1 (18.6) 3.2 1FT6062 - 6AK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 8.5 (0.0075) 9.5 (20.9)
1.3 (1.7) 9.5 (84.1) 2.1 (18.6) 3.5 1FT6064 - 6AK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 2.9 (13.9) 8 (70.8) 4.6 (40.7) 7.7 1FT6081 - 8AK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 21 (0.0186) 12.5 (27.6)
3.5 (4.7) 13 (115) 5.5 (48.7) 9.1 1FT6082 - 8AK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 30 (0.0266) 15 (33.1)
4.1 (5.6) 20 (177) 6.5 (57.5) 9.2 1FT6084 - 8AK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 20.5 (45.2)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B142) (not for 1FT602/1FT603/1FT604) 2
6 Connector outlet direction: Transverse right (not for 1FT603/1FT604/1FT606)
Transverse left (not for 1FT603/1FT604/1FT606)
Axial NDE 3
Axial DE 4

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) (not for 1FT602) E
Absolute encoder EnDat 512 S/R1) (not for 1FT602) H
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 (not for 1FT602) 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade A IP68 (not for 1FT602) 6
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 (not for 1FT602) 4
Grade R IP67 5
Grade R IP68 (not for 1FT602) 7

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power5) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section5)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6021-6AK7 ... 1.25 0.3 (0.4) 3 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6024-6AK7... 1.25 0.5 (0.7) 3 see Converter system 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6031-4AK7 ... 1.4 0.6 (0.8) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6034-4AK7... 2.6 1.3 (1.7) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6041-4AK7 ... 3 1.6 (2.1) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6044-4AK7 ... 5.9 3.1 (4.2) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6061-6AK7... 5 2.5 (3.4) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6062-6AK7... 7.6 3.8 (5.1) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6064-6AK7... 12 4.0 (5.4) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A01 - ....
1FT6081-8AK7... 11.1 5.0 (6.7) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A21 - ....
1FT6082-8AK7... 17.3 8.2 (10.99) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A31 - ....
1FT6084-8AK7... 24.1 12.6 (16.9) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A41 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores)
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2)
Without brake cores C
With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) Ifthe absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
3) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
4) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
5) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/17

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Forced ventilation

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static torque Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque1) current Standard type pole of inertia (without
Forced ventilation2) pairs (without brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

1 500 100 9.3 (12.5) 65 (575) 59 (522) 21.7 1FT6105 - 8SB7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 45.5 (100.3)
13 (17) 90 (797) 83 (735) 31 1FT6108 - 8SB7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 61.5 (135.6)
132 16 (21) 110 (974) 102 (903) 36 1FT6132 - 6SB71 - 7 7 7 7 3 430 (0.3806) 91 (201)
20.4 (27.4) 140 (1239) 130 (1151) 45 1FT6134 - 6SB71 - 7 7 7 7 3 547 (0.4810) 106 (234)
25.1 (33.7) 175 (1549) 160 (1417) 55 1FT6136 - 6SB71 - 7 7 7 7 3 664 (0.5876) 123 (271)
2 000 100 11.7 (15.7) 65 (575) 56 (496) 28 1FT6105 - 8SC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 45.5 (100.3)
16.8 (22.5) 90 (797) 80 (708) 40 1FT6108 - 8SC7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 61.5 (135.6)
132 20.5 (27.5) 110 (974) 98 (867) 46 1FT6132 - 6SC71 - 7 7 7 7 3 430 (0.3806) 91 (201)
26.2 (35.1) 140 (1239) 125 (1106) 57 1FT6134 - 6SC71 - 7 7 7 7 3 547 (0.4810) 106 (234)
32.5 (43.6) 175 (1549) 155 (1372) 72 1FT6136 - 6SC71 - 7 7 7 7 3 664 (0.5876) 123 (271)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B143) (not for 1FT613) 2

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right 1

Transverse left 2
6 Axial NDE (not with power connector size 3 and
not with 1FT613)
Axial DE

Terminal box/ Transverse/from right 5

Cable entry: Transverse/from left 6
Axial/from NDE 7
Axial/from DE 8

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:4)

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Forced ventilation

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power8) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section7)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6105-8SB7... 21.9 10.2 (13.7) 28 For ordering data, 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6108-8SB7... 30 14.1 (18.9) 286) see Converter system 1.5 4x6 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A51 - ....
1FT6132-6SB7... 36 17.3 (23.2) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....
1FT6134-6SB7... 44 22.0 (29.5) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....
1FT6136-6SB7... 55 27.5 (36.9) 56 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A23 - ....
1FT6105-8SC7... 30 13.6 (18.2) 286) 1.5 4x6 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A51 - ....
1FT6108-8SC7... 41 18.8 (25.2) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....
1FT6132-6SC7... 47 23.0 (30.6) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....
1FT6134-6SC7... 58 29.3 (39.3) 566) 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A23 - ....
1FT6136-6SC7... 77 36.6 (49.1) 140 3 4 x 25 6FX 7 002 - 5DA33 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores

With brake cores
For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

Notes on forced ventilation:

Shaft heights SH 80 and SH 100 Shaft height SH 132
Direction of air flow From NDE to DE From DE to NDE
Connection system Connector size 1 Terminal box
Type of connecting cable 6FX.002-5CA01-.... 6FX.008-1BB11-....
Pin and terminal assignments Pin 1: L1, Pin 2: N U1/L1: V2/L2: W3/L3
Supply voltage 220/260 V 1 AC, 50/60 Hz 400/460 V 3 AC, 50/60 Hz
Max. fan current 0.3 A 0.4 A
Weight of the fan module, approx. 4.8 kg (10.6 lb) 5.6 kg (12.3 lb)
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) 70 dB 74 dB

1) Ifthe absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) Not for use in atmospheres containing conductive dust. Forced ventilation cannot be used if flammable, chemically aggressive,
electrically-conductive or explosive dust is present.
3) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
4) The degree of protection refers to the motor; the built-on fan meets the requirements of degree of protection IP54.
5) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
6) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized at M at ∆T =100 K winding temperature rise. If a power module with a higher
rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
7) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
8) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/19

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Forced ventilation

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque1) current Standard type pole of inertia (without
Forced ventilation2) pairs (without brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-in) (lbf -in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

3 000 80 6.9 (9.3) 26 (230) 22 (195) 17 1FT6084 - 8SF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 25 (55.1)

9.7 (13) 35 (310) 31 (274) 24.5 1FT6086 - 8SF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 30 (66.2)
100 15.7 (21.1) 65 (575) 50 (443) 35 1FT6105 - 8SF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 45.5 (100.3)
22 (30) 90 (797) 70 (620) 53 1FT6108 - 8SF7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 61.5 (135.6)
132 28.3 (37.9) 110 (974) 90 (797) 62 1FT6132 - 6SF7 1 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 430 (0.3806) 91 (201)
34.6 (46.4) 140 (1 239) 110 (974) 72 1FT6134 - 6SF7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 547 (0.4810) 106 (234)
45.5 (61.0) 175 (1 549) 145 (1 283) 104 1FT6136 - 6SF7 1 - 7 7 7 7 3 664 (0.5877) 123 (271)
4 500 80 9.4 (12.6) 26 (230) 20 (177) 24.5 1FT6084 - 8SH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 25 (55.1)
12.7 (17) 35 (310) 27 (239) 31.5 1FT6086 - 8SH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 30 (66.2)
100 18.8 (25.2) 65 (575) 40 (354) 41 1FT6105 - 8SH7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 45.5 (100.3)
6 000 80 10.7 (14.3) 26 (230) 17 (151) 25.5 1FT6084 - 8SK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 25 (55.1)
13.8 (18.5) 35 (310) 22 (195) 29 1FT6086 - 8SK7 7 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 30 (66.2)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B143) (not for 1FT613)

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right 1

(not for 1FT6136-6SF71) Transverse left 2
Axial NDE (not with power connector size 3 and 3
not with 1FT613)
Axial DE 4

Terminal box/ Transverse/from right 5

Cable entry: Transverse/from left 6
(only for 1FT61) Axial/from NDE 7
Axial/from DE 8

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:4)

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Forced ventilation

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power8) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section7)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6084-8SF7... 18.2 8.2 (10.99) 186) For ordering data, 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A31 - ....
1FT6086-8SF7... 25 11.0 (14.75) 28 see Converter system 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6105-8SF7... 42 20.4 (27.35) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....
1FT6108-8SF7... 62 28.3 (37.94) 70 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A23 - ....
1FT6132-6SF7... 69 34.6 (46.38) 140 3 4 x 25 6FX 7 002 - 5DA33 - ....
1FT6134-6SF7... 83 44.0 (58.98) 140 3 4 x 25 6FX 7 002 - 5D A33 - ....
1FT6136-6SF7... 110 55.0 (73.8) 140 Terminal box (max. 4 x 35)
1FT6084-8SH7... 26 12.3 (16.49) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02 - 5 7 A41 - ....
1FT6086-8SH7... 38 16.5 (22.12) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....
1FT6105-8SH7... 59 30.6 (41.02) 566) 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A23 - ....
1FT6084-8SK7... 35 16.3 (21.85) 56 1.5 4 x 10 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A61 - ....
1FT6086-8SK7... 44 22.0 (29.49) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002 - 5 7 A13 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores)
0 6
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

Notes on forced ventilation:

Shaft heights SH 80 and SH 100 Shaft height SH 132
Direction of air flow From NDE to DE From DE to NDE
Connection system Connector size 1 Terminal box
Type of connecting cable 6FX.002-5CA01-.... 6FX.008-1BB11-....
Pin and terminal assignments Pin 1: L1, Pin 2: N U1/L1: V2/L2: W3/L3
Supply voltage 220/260 V 1 AC, 50/60 Hz 400/460 V 3 AC, 50/60 Hz
Max. fan current 0.3 A 0.4 A
Weight of the fan module, approx. 4.8 kg (10.6 lb) 5.6 kg (12.3 lb)
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) 70 dB 74 dB

1) Ifthe absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) Not for use in atmospheres containing conductive dust. Forced ventilation cannot be used if flammable, chemically aggressive,
electrically-conductive or explosive dust is present.
3) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
4) The degree of protection refers to the motor; the built-on fan meets the requirements of degree of protection IP54.
5) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
6) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized at M at ∆T =100 K winding temperature rise. If a power module with a higher
rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
7) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
8) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/21

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT6 synchronous motors No. of Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque current Standard type pole of inertia (with- (without
Water cooling1)2) pairs out brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

1 500 100 18.2 (24.4) 119 (1053) 116 (1027) 43 1FT6108 - 8WB77 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 61.5 (135.6)
2 000 100 17.2 (23.1) 85 (752) 82 (725) 60 1FT6105 - 8WC77 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 45.5 (100.3)
24.1 (32.3) 119 (1053) 115 (1018) 57 1FT6108 - 8WC77 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 61.5 (135.6)
3 000 63 3.2 (4.3) 10.2 (90.3) 10 (89) 6.9 1FT6062 - 6WF77 - 7 7 7 7 3 8.5 (0.0075) 9.5 (20.9)
5.1 (6.8) 16.2 (143.4) 16 (142) 10.3 1FT6064 - 6WF77 - 7 7 7 7 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 11.0 (14.8) 35 (310) 35 (310) 27 1FT6084 - 8WF77 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 21 (46.3)
14.5 (19.4) 47 (416) 46 (407) 37 1FT6086 - 8WF77 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 26 (57.3)
100 24.5 (32.8) 85 (752) 78 (690) 82 1FT6105 - 8WF77 - 7 7 7 7 4 168 (0.1487) 45.5 (100.3)
34.2 (45.8) 119 (1053) 109 (965) 81 1FT6108 - 8WF77 - 7 7 7 7 4 260 (0.2301) 61.5 (135.6)
4 500 63 4.7 (6.3) 10.2 (90.3) 10 (89) 9.6 1FT6062 - 6WH77 - 7 7 7 7 3 8.5 (0.0075) 9.5 (20.9)
7.5 (10.1) 16.2 (143.4) 16 (142) 15.2 1FT6064 - 6WH77 - 7 7 7 7 3 13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 16.5 (22.1) 35 (310) 35 (310) 39 1FT6084 - 8WH77 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 21 (46.3)
21.2 (28.4) 47 (416) 45 (398) 53 1FT6086 - 8WH77 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 26 (57.3)

6 6 000 63 6.2 (8.3)

9.9 (13.3)
10.2 (90.3)
16.2 (143.4)
9.8 (87)
15.8 (139.8)
1FT6062 - 6WK77 - 7 7 7 7
1FT6064 - 6WK77 - 7 7 7 7
8.5 (0.0075) 9.5 (20.9)
13 (0.0115) 12.5 (27.6)
80 21.4 (28.7) 35 (310) 34 (301) 51 1FT6084 - 8WK77 - 7 7 7 7 4 48 (0.0425) 21 (46.3)
27.7 (37.1) 47 (416) 44 (389) 58 1FT6086 - 8WK77 - 7 7 7 7 4 66.5 (0.0589) 26 (57.3)

Type of construction: IM B5 1
IM B143) 2

Connector outlet direction: Transverse right (not for 1FT606) 1

Transverse left (not for 1FT606) 2
Axial NDE 3
Axial DE (1FT6062 only with water connection on side 4
or below)2)

Terminal box/ Transverse/from right 5

Cable entry: Transverse/from left 6
(only for 1FT61) Axial/from NDE 7
Axial/from DE 8

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R E
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP674) 2
Grade A IP684) 6
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP674) 5
Grade R IP684) 7

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT6 standard type motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power9) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector

I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable

at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section7)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT6108-8WB7... 43 18.7 (25.07) 56 For ordering data, 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002- 57A13 - ....
see Converter system
1FT6105-8WC7... 58 17.8 (23.86) 566) 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002- 57A23 - ....
1FT6108-8WC7... 57 24.9 (33.38) 566) 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002- 57A23 - ....
1FT6062-6WF7... 6.9 3.2 (4.29) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 57A01 - ....
1FT6064-6WF7... 10.3 5.1 (6.84) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 57A01 - ....
1FT6084-8WF7... 24.5 11.0 (14.75) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02- 57A41 - ....
1FT6086-8WF7... 34 14.8 (19.84) 56 1.5 4 x 10 6FX 7 002- 57A61 - ....
1FT6105-8WF7... 83 26.7 (35.79) 140 3 4 x 25 6FX 7 002- 5DA33 - ....
1FT6108-8WF7... 86 37.4 (50.13) 140 3 4 x 35 6FX 7 002- 5DA43 - ....8)
1FT6062-6WH7... 9.7 4.8 (6.43) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 57A01 - ....
1FT6064-6WH7... 15.4 7.6 (10.19) 18 1 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02- 57A11 - ....
1FT6084-8WH7... 37 16.5 (22.12) 56 1.5 4 x 10 6FX 7 002- 57A61 - ....
1FT6086-8WH7... 52 22.1 (29.62) 56 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002- 57A23 - ....
6.4 (8.58)
10.2 (13.67)
4 x 1.5
4 x 2.5
6FX 7 7 02- 57A01 - ....
6FX 7 7 02- 57A11 - ....
1FT6084-8WK7... 47 22.0 (29.49) 56 3 4 x 10 6FX 5 002- 57A13 - ....
1FT6086-8WK7... 59 29.5 (39.54) 70 3 4 x 16 6FX 7 002- 57A23 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

Notes on water cooling:

• Inlet temperature of cooling water: max. 30 °C (86 °F)
• Cooling water throughput: at least 5 l/min
(5 l = 1.1 British gallons/1.32 US gallons)
• Pressure ahead of motor: pmax = 3 bar
• Cooling water connection: G 3/8"
• Coolant: water with up to 25 % corrosion protection
(recommendation: Tyfocor)
• Loss of pressure between inlet and outlet < 0.1 bar

1) Delivered as standard with water connection on top.

2) Water connection on right side: Add -Z + order code Q20 to order number
Water connection on left side: Add -Z + order code Q21 to order number
Water connection below: Add -Z + order code Q22 to order number
3) Same flange as for IM B5 type of construction, but with metric threaded insert in the four fixing holes.
4) Cannot be ordered for 1FT6105-8WF7.../1FT6108-8WF7... in combination with terminal box.
5) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
6) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized at M at ∆T =100 K winding temperature rise. If a power module with a higher
rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
7) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions
at an ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
8) MOTION-CONNECT 800 or 500 type of power cable only.
9) M [Nm] x nrated M [lb -in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] = 0 ƒ
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/23

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact motors

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 High shaft and flange accuracy
7 Low torque ripple (average value <1 %)
7 High dynamic performance
7 High overload capability (up to 4 x M0)
7 Compact design
7 High degree of protection
7 Rugged, vibration-isolated encoder mounting
7 Easy encoder replacement on site without alignment
7 Quick and easy mounting due to cross-profile
7 Rotatable connectors
7 New flange type with recessed flange surface, especially suit-
able for toothed-belt output and vertical assembly (IM V1). The
previous flange design, compatible with the 1FT6 motors, can
be ordered optionally.

■ Application
• High-performance machine tools
• Machines with stringent requirements in terms of dynamic
response and precision, such as packaging machines, foil
extractor machines, printing machines and handling equip-
The new 1FT7 Compact motors are permanent-magnet synchro-
nous motors with very compact dimensions and an optically

attractive design. Due to the well proven cross-profile, quick and
easy mounting of the motors is possible.
The 1FT7 Compact motors fulfill the highest demands on dynamic
performance, speed setting range, shaft and flange accuracy.
They are equipped with state-of-the-art encoder technology and
optimized for operation on our fully digital drive and control

6/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact motors

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1FT7 Compact motor
Type of motor Permanent-magnet
synchronous motor
Magnet material Rare-earth magnet material
Cooling Natural cooling
Temperature monitoring KTY 84 temperature sensor in
the stator winding
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a
in accordance with EN 60034-1 winding temperature rise of
(IEC 60034-1) ∆T = 100 K at an ambient
temperature of 40 °C (104 °F)
Type of construction IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3)
in accordance with with flange 0
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)
Degree of protection IP65
in accordance with
EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
Shaft extension on the Plain shaft
drive end (DE)
in accordance with
DIN 748-3 (IEC 60072-1)
Shaft and flange accuracy in Tolerance N
accordance with DIN 42955
(IEC 60072-1)1)
Vibration magnitude Grade A

in accordance with is maintained up to rated speed
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14)
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m)
in accordance with EN ISO 1680,
• 1FT703 ... 1FT706: 65 dB
• 1FT708 ... 1FT710: 70 dB
Encoder systems, built-in • Incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R
with C and D tracks
encoder IC2048S/R
• Absolute encoder
2 048 S/R single-turn,
4 096 revolutions multi-turn
(traversing range) with
EnDat interface
encoder AM2048S/R
Connection Connectors for signals and
can be rotated
Paint finish Pearl dark grey (RAL 9023)
2nd rating plate Enclosed separately
Options • Type of construction IM B5
(IM V1, IM V3) with flange 1
(compatible with 1FT6)
• Shaft extension on the
drive end (DE) with
fitted key and keyway
(half-key balancing)
• Vibration magnitude Grade R
• Built-in holding brake
• Degree of protection IP64, IP67
• Shaft and flange accuracy
Tolerance R
S/R = signals/revolution

1) Shaft
extension run-out, concentricity of centering ring and shaft, and
perpendicularity of flange to shaft.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/25

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact core type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated torque Rated 1FT7 Compact Num- Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque current synchronous motors ber of of inertia (without
Core type pole (without brake)
Natural cooling pairs brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (10-3 lbf-in-s2) (lb)

2 000 100 5.03 (6.75) 30 (22.1) 24 (17.7) 10 1FT7102 - 1AC77 - 17 7 1 5 91.4 (80.9) 26.1 (57.5)
7.96 (10.7) 50 (36.9) 38 (28) 15 1FT7105 - 1AC77 - 17 7 1 5 178 (157) 44.2 (97.5)
3 000 48 1.35 (1.81) 5 (3.7) 4.3 (3.2) 2.6 1FT7044 - 1AF77 - 17 7 1 3 5.43 (4.81) 7.2 (15.9)
63 1.7 (2.28) 6 (4.4) 5.4 (4.0) 3.9 1FT7062 - 1AF77 - 17 7 1 5 7.36 (6.51) 7.1 (15.7)
2.39 (3.20) 9 (6.6) 7.6 (5.6) 5.2 1FT7064 - 1AF77 - 17 7 1 5 11.9 (10.5) 9.7 (21.4)
80 3.24 (4.34) 13 (9.6) 10.5 (7.7) 6.6 1FT7082 - 1AF77 - 17 7 1 5 26.5 (23.4) 14 (30.9)
4.55 (6.10) 20 (14.8) 14.5 (10.7) 8.5 1FT7084 - 1AF77 - 17 7 1 5 45.1 (39.9) 20.8 (45.9)
5.65 (7.58) 28 (20.7) 18 (13.3) 11 1FT7086 - 1AF77 - 17 7 1 5 63.6 (56.2) 27.5 (60.6)
4 500 80 4.82 (6.46)3) 20 (14.8) 11.5 (8.5)3) 10.13) 1FT7084 - 1AH77 - 17 7 1 5 45.1 (39.9) 20.8 (45.9)
4.71 (6.32) 28 (20.7) 10 (7.4) 10 1FT7086 - 1AH77 - 17 7 1 5 63.6 (56.2) 27.5 (60.6)
6 000 36 0.88 (1.18) 2 (1.5) 1.4 (1.0) 2.1 1FT7034 - 1AK77 - 17 7 1 3 0.85 (0.75) 3.8 (8.38)
63 2.13 (2.86)1) 6 (4.4) 3.7 (2.7)1) 5.91) 1FT7062 - 1AK77 - 17 7 1 5 7.36 (6.51) 7.1 (15.7)
2.59 (3.47)2) 9 (6.6) 5.5 (4.1)2) 6.12) 1FT7064 - 1AK77 - 17 7 1 5 11.9 (10.5) 9.7 (21.4)

6 Type of construction IM B5: Flange 0

Flange 1 (compatible with 1FT6)

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R with C and D tracks N
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R M

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP65 1

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact core type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power6) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section4)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT7102-1AC7... 12.5 6.28 (8.42) 18 For ordering data, 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A21 - ....
1FT7105-1AC7... 18 10.47 (14.0) 18 see Converter system 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX7 002 - 57A31 - ....
1FT7044-1AF7... 2.8 1.57 (2.11) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7062-1AF7... 3.9 1.88 (2.52) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7064-1AF7... 5.7 2.83 (3.80) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7082-1AF7... 7.6 4.08 (5.47) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7084-1AF7... 11 6.28 (8.42) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7086-1AF7... 15.5 8.80 (11.8) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX7 002 - 57A31 - ....
1FT7084-1AH7... 15.6 9.42 (12.6) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX7 002 - 57A31 - ....
1FT7086-1AH7... 22.4 13.19 (17.7) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX7 002 - 57A41 - ....
1FT7034-1AK7... 2.7 1.26 (1.69) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7062-1AK7... 8.4 3.77 (5.06) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7064-1AK7... 9 5.65 (7.58) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....

Type of power cable:

Without brake cores C
With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) These values refer to n = 5 500 rpm.

2) These values refer to n = 4 500 rpm.
3) These values refer to n = 4 000 rpm.
4) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C, for continuous duty at an ambient air temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F).
5) With default setting of the pulse frequency.
6) M [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/27

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT7 Compact Num- Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque current synchronous motors ber of of inertia (without
Standard type pole (without brake)
Natural cooling pairs brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (10-3 lbf-in-s2) (lb)

1 500 100 4.08 (5.47) 30 (22.1) 26 (19.2) 8 1FT7102 - 5AB77 - 1 7 7 7 5 91.4 (80.9) 26.1 (57.5)
6.60 (8.85) 50 (36.9) 42 (31.0) 13 1FT7105 - 5AB77 - 1 7 7 7 5 178 (157) 44.2 (97.5)
9.58 (12.8) 70 (51.6) 61 (45.0) 16 1FT7108 - 5AB77 - 1 7 7 7 5 248 (219) 59.0 (130)

Type of construction IM B5: Flange 0 0

Flange 1 (compatible with 1FT6) 1

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R with C and D tracks N
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R M

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K

6 Plain shaft

Vibration magnitude:
Tolerance R

Degree of protection:
With L

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power3) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section1)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT7102-5AB7... 9 4.71 (6.32) 9 For ordering data, 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A21 - ....
1FT7105-5AB7... 15 7.85 (10.5) 18 see Converter system 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A21 - ....
1FT7108-5AB7... 18 10.99 (14.7) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX7 002 - 57A31 - ....

Type of power cable:


Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C, for continuous duty at an ambient air temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F)
2) With default setting of the pulse frequency.
3) M [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/29

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT7 Compact Num- Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque current synchronous motors ber of of inertia (without
Standard type pole (without brake) brake)
Natural cooling pairs

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (10-3 lbf-in-s2) (lb)

2 000 80 2.39 (3.20) 13 (9.6) 11.4 (8.4) 4.9 1FT7082 - 5AC7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 26.5 (23.5) 14 (30.9)
3.54 (4.75) 20 (14.8) 16.9 (12.5) 8.4 1FT7084 - 5AC7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 45.1 (39.9) 20.8 (45.9)
4.71 (6.32) 28 (20.7) 22.5 (16.6) 9.2 1FT7086 - 5AC7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 63.6 (56.3) 27.5 (60.6)
100 5.03 (6.75) 30 (22.1) 24.0 (17.7) 10 1FT7102 - 5AC7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 91.4 (80.9) 26.1 (57.5)
7.96 (10.7) 50 (36.9) 38.0 (28.0) 15 1FT7105 - 5AC7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 178 (157) 44.2 (97.5)
10.5 (14.1) 70 (51.6) 50.0 (36.9) 18 1FT7108 - 5AC7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 248 (219) 59 (130)

Type of construction IM B5: Flange 0 0

Flange 1 (compatible with 1FT6) 1

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R with C and D tracks N
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R M

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/30 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power3) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section1)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT7082-5AC7... 5 2.72 (3.65) 5 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7084-5AC7... 9 4.19 (5.62) 9 see Converter system 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7086-5AC7... 10.6 5.86 (7.86) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7102-5AC7... 12.5 6.28 (8.42) 18 1.5 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A21 - ....
1FT7105-5AC7... 18 10.47 (14.0) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX7 002 - 57A31 - ....
1FT7108-5AC7... 25 14.66 (19.7) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX7 002 - 57A41 - ....

Type of power cable:


Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C, for continuous duty at an ambient air temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F).
2) With default setting of the pulse frequency.
3) M [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/31

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT7 Compact Num- Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque current synchronous motors ber of of inertia (without
Standard type pole (without brake) brake)
Natural cooling pairs

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (10-3 lbf-in-s2) (lb)

3 000 48 0.85 (1.14) 3 (2.2) 2.7 (2.0) 2.1 1FT7042 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 3 2.81 (2.49) 4.6 (10.1)
1.35 (1.81) 5 (3.7) 4.3 (3.2) 2.6 1FT7044 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 3 5.43 (4.81) 7.2 (15.9)
1.76 (2.36) 7 (5.2) 5.6 (4.1) 3.5 1FT7046 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 3 7.52 (6.66) 9.3 (20.5)
63 1.70 (2.28) 6 (4.4) 5.4 (4.0) 3.9 1FT7062 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 7.36 (6.51) 7.1 (15.7)
2.39 (3.20) 9 (6.6) 7.6 (5.6) 5.2 1FT7064 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 11.9 (10.5) 9.7 (21.4)
2.92 (3.92) 12 (8.9) 9.3 (6.9) 7.2 1FT7066 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 16.4 (14.5) 12.3 (27.1)
3.42 (4.59) 15 (11.1) 10.9 (8.0) 6.7 1FT7068 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 23.2 (20.5) 16.3 (35.9)
80 3.24 (4.34) 13 (9.6) 10.3 (7.6) 6.6 1FT7082 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 26.5 (23.5) 14.0 (30.9)
4.55 (6.10) 20 (14.8) 14.5 (10.7) 8.5 1FT7084 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 45.1 (39.9) 20.8 (45.9)
5.62 (7.54) 28 (20.7) 18 (13.3) 11 1FT7086 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 63.6 (56.3) 27.5 (60.6)
100 6.28 (8.42) 30 (22.1) 20 (14.8) 12 1FT7102 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 91.4 (80.9) 26.1 (57.5)
8.80 (11.8) 50 (36.9) 28 (20.7) 15 1FT7105 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 178 (157) 44.2 (97.5)
8.17 (11.0) 70 (51.6) 20 (14.8) 12 1FT7108 - 5AF 77 - 1 7 7 7 5 248 (220) 59.0 (130)

Type of construction IM B5: Flange 0 0
Flange 1 (compatible with 1FT6) 1

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R with C and D tracks N
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R M

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/32 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power3) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section1)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT7042-5AF7... 2.1 0.94 (1.26) 3 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7044-5AF7... 2.8 1.57 (2.11) 3 see Converter system 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7046-5AF7... 4 2.20 (2.95) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7062-5AF7... 3.9 1.88 (2.52) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7064-5AF7... 5.7 2.83 (3.80) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7066-5AF7... 8.4 3.77 (5.06) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7068-5AF7... 8.3 4.71 (6.32) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7082-5AF7... 7.6 4.08 (5.47) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7084-5AF7... 11 6.28 (8.42) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7086-5AF7... 15.5 8.80 (11.8) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A31 - ....
1FT7102-5AF7... 18 9.42 (12.6) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A31 - ....
1FT7105-5AF7... 26 15.71 (21.0) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 002 - 57A41 - ....
1FT7108-5AF7... 36 21.99 (29.5) 42 1.5 4x6 6FX 7 002 - 57A51 - ....

Type of power cable:

5 6
Without brake cores C
With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C, for continuous duty at an ambient air temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F).
2) With default setting of the pulse frequency.
3) M [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/33

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT7 Compact Num- Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque current synchronous motors ber of of inertia (without
Standard type pole (without brake) brake)
Natural cooling pairs

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (10-3 lbf-in-s2) (lb)

4 500 48 1.32 (1.77)1) 7.0 (5.2) 3.6 (2.7)1) 4.71) 1FT7046 - 5AH77 - 1 7 7 7 3 7.52 (6.66) 9.3 (20.5)
63 2.55 (3.42)2) 12 (8.9) 6.1 (4.5)2) 7.52) 1FT7066 - 5AH77 - 1 7 7 7 5 16.4 (14.5) 12.3 (27.1)
80 3.77 (5.06) 13 (9.6) 8.0 (5.9) 8.4 1FT7082 - 5AH77 - 1 7 7 7 5 26.5 (23.5) 14.0 (30.9)
4.82 (6.46)2) 20 (14.8) 11.5 (8.5)2) 10.12) 1FT7084 - 5AH77 - 1 7 7 7 5 45.1 (39.9) 20.8 (45.9)
4.71 (6.32) 28 (20.7) 10 (7.4) 10 1FT7086 - 5AH77 - 1 7 7 7 5 63.6 (56.3) 27.5 (60.6)

Type of construction IM B5: Flange 0 0

Flange 1 (compatible with 1FT6) 1

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R with C and D tracks N
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R M

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E

Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/34 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power5) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section3)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT7046-5AH7... 8.1 3.30 (4.43) 9 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
see Converter system
1FT7066-5AH7... 13.6 5.65 (7.58) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7082-5AH7... 12.3 6.13 (8.22) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7084-5AH7... 15.6 9.42 (12.6) 18 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 002 - 57A31 - ....
1FT7086-5AH7... 22.4 13.19 (17.7) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 002 - 57A41 - ....

Type of power cable:


Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) These values refer to n = 3 500 rpm.

2) These values refer to n = 4 000 rpm.
3) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C, for continuous duty at an ambient air temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F).
4) With default setting of the pulse frequency.
5) M [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/35

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static Rated Rated 1FT7 Compact Num- Rotor moment Weight
speed height power torque torque current synchronous motors ber of of inertia (without
Standard type pole (without brake) brake)
Natural cooling pairs

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (10-3 lbf-in-s2) (lb)

6 000 36 0.88 (1.18) 2 (1.5) 1.4 (1.0) 2.1 1FT7034 - 5AK7 7 - 1 7 7 7 3 0.85 (0.75) 3.8 (8.38)
1.07 (1.43) 3 (2.2) 1.7 (1.3) 2.4 1FT7036 - 5AK7 7 - 1 7 7 7 3 1.33 (1.18) 5.0 (11.0)
48 1.26 (1.69) 3 (2.2) 2.0 (1.5) 3 1FT7042 - 5AK7 7 - 1 7 7 7 3 2.81 (2.49) 4.6 (10.1)
1.41 (1.89)1) 5 (3.7) 3.0 (2.2)1) 3.61) 1FT7044 - 5AK7 7 - 1 7 7 7 3 5.43 (4.81) 7.2 (15.9)
63 2.13 (2.86)2) 6 (4.4) 3.7 (2.7)2) 5.92) 1FT7062 - 5AK7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 7.36 (6.51) 7.1 (15.7)
2.59 (3.47)1) 9 (6.6) 5.5 (4.1)1) 6.11) 1FT7064 - 5AK7 7 - 1 7 7 7 5 11.9 (10.5) 9.7 (21.4)

Type of construction IM B5: Flange 0 0

Flange 1 (compatible with 1FT6) 1

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R with C and D tracks N
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R M

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R Without D

6 Fitted key and keyway Tolerance R With E

Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H
Plain shaft Tolerance R Without K
Plain shaft Tolerance R With L

Vibration magnitude: Degree of protection:

Grade A IP64 0
Grade A IP65 1
Grade A IP67 2
Grade R IP64 3
Grade R IP65 4
Grade R IP67 5

To select the type of construction and degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/36 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FT7 Compact standard type motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power5) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector
I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable
at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section3)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FT7034-5AK7... 2.7 1.26 (1.69) 3 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7036-5AK7... 4.0 1.88 (2.52) 5 see Converter system 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7042-5AK7... 3.9 1.89 (2.53) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7044-5AK7... 5.7 3.15 (4.22) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7062-5AK7... 8.4 3.78 (5.07) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....
1FT7064-5AK7... 9 5.67 (7.60) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX7 002 - 57A01 - ....

Type of power cable:


Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) These values refer to n = 4 500 rpm.

2) These values refer to n = 5 500 rpm.
3) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C, for continuous duty at an ambient air temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F).
4) With default setting of the pulse frequency.
5) M [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = 0 Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/37

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FK7 motors

■ Overview ■ Benefits
1FK7 Compact motors offer:
7 Space-saving installation due to extremely high power density
7 For universal applications
7 Wide range of motors

1FK7 High Dynamic motors offer:

7 Extremely high dynamic response due to low rotor moment of

■ Application
• Machine tools
• Robots and handling systems
• Wood, glass, ceramics and stone working
• Packaging, plastics and textile machines
• Auxiliary axes

1FK7 motors are extremely compact, permanent-magnet

synchronous motors. The available options, gearboxes and

encoders, together with the expanded product range, mean that
1FK7 motors can be optimally adapted to any application. They
therefore also satisfy the permanently increasing demands of
state-of-the-art machine generations.
1FK7 motors can be combined with the SIMODRIVE 611 con-
verter system to create a powerful system with high functionality.
The integrated encoder systems for speed and position
control can be selected depending on the application.
The motors are designed for operation without external cooling
and the heat is dissipated through the motor surface. 1FK7
motors have a high overload capability.

6/38 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FK7 motors

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1FK7 Compact motor Product name 1FK7 Compact motor
1FK7 High Dynamic motor 1FK7 High Dynamic motor
Type of motor Permanent-magnet Connection Connectors for signals and
synchronous motor power can be rotated by 270°
Magnet material Rare-earth magnet material Paint finish Unpainted
Cooling Natural cooling 2nd rating plate Attached in the NDE cover
Temperature monitoring KTY 84 temperature sensor in 3rd rating plate Enclosed separately
stator winding Options2) • Shaft extension on the
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a drive end (DE) with
in accordance with EN 60034-1 winding temperature rise fitted key and keyway
(IEC 60034-1) of ∆T = 100 K at an ambient (half-key balancing)
temperature of 40 °C • Built-in holding brake
(104 °F)
• Degree of protection IP65,
Type of construction IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) plus DE flange IP67
in accordance with • Planetary gearbox, built-on
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7) (requires: plain shaft extension,
Degree of protection IP64 degree of protection IP64
in accordance with for LP+ and IP65 for SP+)
EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5) • Anthracite paint finish
Shaft extension on the Plain shaft
drive end (DE)
in accordance with DIN 748-3
(IEC 60072-1)
Shaft and flange accuracy in Tolerance N
accordance with DIN 42955
(IEC 60072-1)1)
Vibration magnitude
in accordance with
Grade A
is maintained up to 6
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) rated speed
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m)
in accordance with
EN ISO 1680, max.
• 1FK701 ... 1FK704: 55 dB
• 1FK706: 65 dB
• 1FK708 ... 1FK710: 70 dB
Encoder systems, built-in • Incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R
with C and D tracks
encoder IC2048S/R
• Absolute encoder, multi-turn
(Traversing range 4 096 revolu-
tions) with EnDat interface
Single-turn range:
1FK701: 16 S/R
encoder AM16S/R
1FK702 ... 1FK703: 512 S/R
encoder AM512S/R
16 S/R
encoder AM16S/R
1FK704 ... 1FK710: 2 048 S/R
encoder AM2048S/R
32 S/R
encoder AM32S/R
• 2-pole resolver
• Multi-pole resolver
(number of pole pairs
corresponds to number of
pole pairs of the motor)

S/R = signals/revolution

Shaft extension run-out, concentricity of centering ring and shaft, and
perpendicularity of flange to shaft.
1FK701 only available in degree of protection IP54 and anthracite
paint finish, separately packed rating plate, planetary gearbox not

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/39

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FK7 Compact motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static torque Rated Rated 1FK7 Compact No. of Rotor moment of Weight
speed height power torque1) current synchronous motor pole inertia (without (without
Natural cooling pairs brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K
rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg
(HP) (lbf -in) (lbf -in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

2 000 100 4.29 (5.75) 27 (238) 20.5 (181.4) 9.6 1FK7101 - 5AC71- 1 7 7 7 4 79.9 (0.0707) 21 (46.3)
5.23 (7.01) 36 (319) 25 (221.3) 11.5 1FK7103 - 5AC71- 1 7 7 7 4 105 (0.0929) 29 (63.9)
7.75 (10.39) 48 (425) 37 (328) 16 1FK7105 - 5AC71- 1 7 7 7 4 156 (0.1381) 39 (86.2)
3 000 48 0.82 (1.1) 3 (27) 2.6 (23) 1.95 1FK7042 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 3.01 (0.0027) 4.9 (10.8)
63 1.48 (1.98) 6 (53) 4.7 (41.6) 3.7 1FK7060 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 7.95 (0.0070) 7 (15.4)
2.29 (3.07) 11 (97) 7.3 (64.6) 5.6 1FK7063 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 15.1 (0.0134) 11.5 (25.4)
80 2.14 (2.87) 8 (71) 6.8 (60.2) 4.4 1FK7080 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 15 (0.0133) 10 (22.1)
3.3 (4.42) 16 (142) 10.5 (92.9) 7.4 1FK7083 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 27.3 (0.0242) 14 (30.9)
100 3.77 (5.05) 18 (159) 12 (106.1) 8 1FK7100 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 55.3 (0.0489) 19 (41.9)
4.87 (6.53) 27 (238) 15.5 (137.2) 11.8 1FK7101 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 79.9 (0.0707) 21 (46.3)
5.37 (7.2)2) 36 (319) 20.5 (181.4)2) 16.52) 1FK7103 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 105 (0.0929) 29 (63.9)
8.17 (10.95) 48 (425) 26 (230) 18 1FK7105 - 5AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 156 (0.1381) 39 (86.2)
4 500 63 1.74 (2.33) 6 (53) 3.7 (32.7) 4.1 1FK7060 - 5AH71- 1 7 7 7 4 7.95 (0.0070) 7 (15.4)

2.09 (2.8)3) 11 (97) 5 (44.3)3) 6.13) 1FK7063 - 5AH71- 1 7 7 7 4 15.1 (0.0134) 11.5 (25.4)
80 2.39 (3.2)3) 8 (71) 5.7 (50.5)3) 5.63) 1FK7080 - 5AH71- 1 7 7 7 4 15 (0.0133) 10 (22.1)
3.04 (4.8)4) 16 (142) 8.3 (73.5)4) 94) 1FK7083 - 5AH71- 1 7 7 7 4 27.3 (0.0242) 14 (30.9)
6 000 20 0.05 (0.07) 0.18 (1.6) 0.08 (0.7) 0.85 1FK7011 - 5AK71- 1 7 7 3 4 0.064 (0.00006) 0.9 (2)
0.10 (0.13) 0.35 (3.1) 0.16 (1.4) 0.85 1FK7015 - 5AK71- 1 7 7 3 4 0.083 (0.00007) 1.1 (2.4)
28 0.43 (0.58) 0.85 (7.5) 0.6 (5.3) 1.4 1FK7022 - 5AK71- 1 7 7 7 3 0.28 (0.0002) 1.8 (4)
36 0.50 (0.67) 1.1 (9.7) 0.8 (7.1) 1.3 1FK7032 - 5AK71- 1 7 7 7 3 0.61 (0.0005) 2.7 (6)
0.63 (0.84) 1.6 (14.2) 1 (8.9) 1.3 1FK7034 - 5AK71- 1 7 7 7 3 0.9 (0.0008) 3.7 (8.2)
48 0.69 (0.92) 1.6 (14.2) 1.1 (9.7) 1.7 1FK7040 - 5AK71- 1 7 7 7 4 1.69 (0.0015) 3.5 (7.7)
1.02 (1.41)5) 3 (27) 1.95 (17.3)5) 3.15) 1FK7042 - 5AK71- 1 7 7 7 4 3.01 (0.0027) 4.9 (10.8)

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) E
(only for 1FK704 ... 1FK710)
Absolute encoder EnDat 512 S/R1) H
(only for 1FK702 ... 1FK703)
Absolute encoder EnDat 32 S/R1) G
(only for 1FK704 ... 1FK710)
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R1) J
(only for 1FK701 ... 1FK703)
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H

Degree of protection: IP64 (not for 1FK701) 0

IP65 and IP67 drive end flange (not for 1FK701) 2
IP64 (IP54 for 1FK701) and anthracite paint finish 3
IP65 and IP67 drive end flange, anthracite paint finish 5
(not for 1FK701)
IP65 and IP67 drive end flange, anthracite paint finish 8
and metal rating plate on motor (not for 1FK701)

To select the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/40 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FK7 Compact motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power9) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector

I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable

at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section7)
A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FK7101-5AC71... 12.3 5.7 (7.64) 18 For ordering data, 1.5 4 x 1,5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A21 - ....
see Converter system
1FK7103-5AC71... 14.7 7.5 (10.06) 18 1.5 4 x 1,5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A21 - ....
1FK7105-5AC71... 20 10 (13.4) 28 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A31 - ....
1FK7042-5AF71... 2.2 0.9 (1.21) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7060-5AF71... 4.5 1.9 (2.55) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7063-5AF71... 8 3.5 (4.69) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7080-5AF71... 4.8 2.5 (3.35) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7083-5AF71... 10.4 5.0 (6.7) 96) 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7100-5AF71... 11.2 5.7 (7.64) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7101-5AF71... 19 8.5 (11.39) 186) 1.5 4 x 2.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A31 - ....
1FK7103-5AF71... 27.5 11.3 (15.15) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A41 - ....
1FK7105-5AF71... 31 15 (20.11) 286) 1.5 4 x 10 6FX 7 002 - 5 7 A61 - ....
1FK7060-5AH71... 6.2 2.8 (3.75) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....

1FK7063-5AH71... 12 5.2 (6.97) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7080-5AH71... 7.4 3.8 (5.09) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7083-5AH71... 15 7.5 (10.06) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7011-5AK71... 1.5 0.11 3 0.5 4 x 1.5 6FX5002 - 5DA30 - ....
1FK7015-5AK71... 1.5 0.22 3 0.5 4 x 1.5 6FX5002 - 5DA30 - ....
1FK7022-5AK71... 1.8 0.5 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7032-5AK71... 1.7 0.7 (0.94) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7A01 - ....
1FK7034-5AK71... 1.9 1 (1.34) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7040-5AK71... 2.25 1 (1.34) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7042-5AK71... 4.4 1.9 (2.55) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) If the absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.

2) These values refer to n = 2 500 rpm.
3) These values refer to n = 4 000 rpm.
4) These values refer to n = 3 500 rpm.
5) These values refer to n = 5 000 rpm.
6) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized at M0 at ∆T =100 K winding temperature rise. If a power module with a higher rating is
used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
7) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an ambient
air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
8) For the default setting of pulse frequency.
9) M0 [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/41

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FK7 High Dynamic motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Static torque Rated Rated 1FK7 High Dynamic No. of Rotor moment of Weight
speed height power torque1) current synchronous motor pole inertia (without (without
Natural cooling pairs brake) brake)

nrated SH Prated M0 Mrated Irated J m

at at at at
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K

rpm kW Nm Nm A Order No. 10-4 kgm2 kg

(HP) (lbf -in) (lbf -in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

3 000 48 1.1 (1.5) 4 (35) 3.5 (31) 4 1FK7044 - 7AF71- 1 7 7 7 3 1.28 (0.0011) 7.7 (17)
63 1.7 (2.3) 6.4 (56.6) 5.4 (47.8) 5.3 1FK7061 - 7AF71- 1 7 7 7 3 3.4 (0.0030) 10 (22.1)
2.51 (3.36) 12 (106) 8 (71) 7.5 1FK7064 - 7AF71- 1 7 7 7 3 6.5 (0.0058) 15.5 (34.2)
80 3.14 (4.21)2) 22 (195) 12 (106)2) 12.52) 1FK7085 - 7AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 23 (0.0204) 23.5 (51.8)
3.77 (5.05)3) 28 (248) 18 (159)3) 14.53) 1FK7086 - 7AF71- 1 7 7 7 4 23 (0.0204) 23.5 (51.8)
4 500 48 1.23 (1.65) 3.1 (27.4) 2.6 (23) 4 1FK7043 - 7AH71- 1 7 7 7 3 1 (0.0009) 6.3 (13.9)
1.41 (1.53) 4 (35) 3 (27) 4.9 1FK7044 - 7AH71- 1 7 7 7 3 1.28 (0.0011) 7.7 (17)
63 2.03 (2.72) 6.4 (56.6) 4.3 (38.1) 5.9 1FK7061 - 7AH71- 1 7 7 7 3 3.4 (0.0030) 10 (22.1)
2.36 (3.16) 12 (106) 5 (44) 7 1FK7064 - 7AH71- 1 7 7 7 3 6.5 (0.0058) 15.5 (34.2)
6 000 36 0.57 (0.76) 1.3 (11.5) 0.9 (8) 1.5 1FK7033 - 7AK71- 1 7 7 7 3 0.27 (0.0002) 3.1 (6.8)
48 1.26 (1.69) 3.1 (27.4) 2 (17.7) 4.4 1FK7043 - 7AK71- 1 7 7 7 3 1 (0.0009) 6.3 (13.9)

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1)(not for 1FK703) E
Absolute encoder EnDat 512 S/R1) (only for 1FK703) H
Absolute encoder EnDat 32 S/R1) (not for 1FK703) G
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R1) (only for 1FK703) J
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without A
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With B
Plain shaft Tolerance N Without G
Plain shaft Tolerance N With H

Degree of protection: IP64 0

IP65 and IP67 drive end flange 2
IP64 and anthracite paint finish 3
IP65 and IP67 drive end flange, anthracite paint finish 5
IP65 and IP67 drive end flange, anthracite paint finish and 8
metal rating plate on motor

To select the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/42 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Feed motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FK7 High Dynamic motors
Natural cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current power6) Motor connection and brake connection
Rated via power connector

I0 Pcalc Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable

at M0 for M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K ∆T=100 K section4)

A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.


1FK7044-7AF71... 4.5 1.3 (1.7) 5 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
see Converter system
1FK7061-7AF71... 6.1 2.0 (2.7) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7064-7AF71... 11 3.8 (5.1) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7085-7AF71... 22.5 6.9 (9.3) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A41 - ....
1FK7086-7AF71... 21 8.8 (11.8) 28 1.5 4x4 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A41 - ....
1FK7043-7AH71... 4.5 1.5 (2.0) 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7044-7AH71... 6.3 1.9 (2.6) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7061-7AH71... 8 3.0 (4.0) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7064-7AH71... 15 5.7 (7.6) 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7033-7AK71... 2.2 0.8 (1.1) 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....
1FK7043-7AK71... 6.4 1.9 (2.6) 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02- 5 7 A01 - ....

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

If the absolute encoder is used, Mrated is reduced by 10 %.
These values refer to n = 2 500 rpm.
3) These values refer to n = 2 000 rpm.
The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an ambient
air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
For the default setting of pulse frequency.
6) M0 [Nm] x nrated M0 [lbƒ-in] x nrated
Pcalc [kW] = Pcalc [HP] =
9550 63000

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/43

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox
for 1FT6 motors

■ Overview
1FT6 motors can be combined with planetary gearboxes to com-
pact coaxial drive units. The gearboxes are flanged directly to
the drive end of the motors.
When selecting the gearbox, ensure that its maximum permissible
input speed is not exceeded by the maximum speed of the mo-
tor. In the case of high operating frequencies, allowance must be
made for the factor f2 (see Configuration Manual Synchronous
motors). The frictional losses of the gearbox must always be
taken into account.
The gearboxes are only available in non-balanced design.

■ Benefits
7 High efficiency
Single-stage: > 97 %
2-stage: > 94 %
7 Minimum torsional backlash
Single-stage: ≤ 4 arcmin
2-stage: ≤ 6 arcmin
7 Power transmission from the central sun wheel via planet
7 No shaft deflections in the planet wheel set due to symmetrical
force distribution
7 Very low moment of inertia and thus short acceleration times
of the motors 1FT6 synchronous motor with mounted planetary gearbox series SP+

7 Output shaft bearings dimensioned for high cantilever and
axial loads with preloaded tapered-roller bearings ■ Integration
7 The gearboxes are connected to the motor shaft via an inte-
grated clamping hub. A plain motor shaft extension is neces- 1FT602 to 1FT613 motors can be supplied ex factory (Siemens
sary for this purpose. Shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N AG) complete with flange-mounted planetary gearbox.
in accordance with DIN 42955 and vibration magnitude The gearboxes assigned to the individual motors and gear
grade A in accordance with EN 60034-14 are sufficient. The ratios i available for these motor/gearbox combinations are
motor flange is adapted by means of adapter plates. listed in the selection table below. When making a selection,
7 Output shaft of gearbox exactly coaxial with the motor note the maximum permissible input speed of the gearbox,
which should be equal to the maximum motor speed.
7 The gearboxes are enclosed (seal between gearbox and
motor) and filled with oil at the factory. They are lubricated The motor/gearbox combinations listed in the selection tables
and sealed for their service life. are mainly intended for cycle operation S3-60 % (ON time
The gearboxes are suitable for all mounting positions. ≤ 60 % and ≤ 20 min). Reduced maximum motor speeds and
7 Degree of protection of gearbox: IP65 output torques apply for use in S1 continuous duty (ON time
> 60 % or > 20 min). The gearbox temperature must not exceed
7 Small dimensions 90 °C (194 °F).
7 Low weight
Follow the instructions contained in the Configuration Manual for
synchronous motors when assigning gearboxes to the motor.
1FT6 motors must be designed with plain motor shaft extension,
shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N and vibration magnitude
grade A/degree of protection IP65 (for 1FT602: IP64) for mount-
ing onto the gearbox.

6/44 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage
for 1FT6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Motor Output Radial Axial
single-stage gear ratio i = speed, torque, output shaft output shaft
max. max. loading, loading,
S3-60 % S3-60 % max.1) max.1)
Type Type Torsional Gearbox 4 5 7 10 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa
backlash weight,
(n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax)
arcmin kg (lb) rpm Nm (lbf-ft) N (lbf) N (lbf)

1FT6021 SP 060S-MF1 ≤ 4 1.9 (4.2) – – – ✔ 6 000 40 (29.5) 2 700 (606) 2 400 (540)
1FT6024 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (32 for i = 10)
1FT6031 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6034 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6034 SP 075S-MF1 ≤ 4 3.9 (8.6) – – – ✔ 6 000 110 (81.1) 4 000 (899) 3 350 (753)
1FT6041 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (90 for i = 10)
1FT6044 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6061 SP 100S-MF1 ≤ 3 7.7 (17.0) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 4 500 300 (221) 6 300 (1416) 5 650 (1 270)
1FT6062 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (225 for i = 10)
1FT6064 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6081 SP 140S-MF1 ≤ 3 17.2 (37.9) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 4 000 600 (442) 9 450 (2124) 9 870 (2 218)
1FT6082 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (480 for i = 10)
1FT6084 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6086 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6086 SP 180S-MF1 ≤ 3 34 (75.0) – – – ✔ 3 500 1 100 (810)
(880 for i = 10)
14 700
(3 304)
14 150
(3 181)
1FT6102 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6105 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6108 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6105 SP 210S-MF1 ≤ 3 56 (123) – – – ✔ 2 500 2 500 (1 844) 21 000 30 000
1FT6108 – – – ✔ (2 400 for i = 7 (4 721) (6 744)
1 900 for i = 10)
1FT6132 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6134 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6136 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6134 SP 240S-MF1 ≤ 3 83 (183) – – – ✔ 2 200 4 500 (3 319) 30 000 33 000
1FT6136 – – – ✔ (4 300 for i = 7 (6 744) (7 418)
3 400 for i = 10)

Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key J02 J03 J05 J09
• Gear shaft without fitted key J22 J23 J25 J29

Ordering data 1FT6 ... -... 71-.. 7 1-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
J7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting planetary gearbox SP+:
H with holding brake Plain motor shaft extension/shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N and
vibration magnitude grade A/IP65 degree of protection2)

✔ Possible
– Not possible
1) In reference to the output shaft center.
2) IP64 degree of protection with 1FT602.: 1FT602.-6AK71-.. 7 0-Z J..

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/45

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage
for 1FT6 motors

■ Technical specifications
Planetary gearbox with 1FT6 motor
Single-stage Gear Motor Output Moments of inertia of gearbox (referred to the drive)
Type ratio speed torque
Continuous duty S11) 1FT602. 1FT603. 1FT604. 1FT606. 1FT608. 1FT610. 1FT613.
nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1
rpm Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2
(lbf-ft) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2)

SP 060S-MF1 4 3 300 26 (19.2) 0.15 (0.05) 0.22 (0.08) – – – – –

5 3 300 26 (19.2) 0.12 (0.04) 0.20 (0.07) – – – – –
7 4 000 26 (19.2) 0.10 (0.03) 0.18 (0.06) – – – – –
10 4 000 17 (12.5) 0.09 (0.03) 0.17 (0.06) – – – – –
SP 075S-MF1 4 2 900 75 (55.3) – – 0.78 (0.27) – – – –
5 2 900 75 (55.3) – – 0.68 (0.23) – – – –
7 3 100 75 (55.3) – – 0.59 (0.20) – – – –
10 3 100 52 (38.3) – 0.38 (0.13) 0.54 (0.19) – – – –
SP 100S-MF1 4 2 500 180 (132) – – – 3.04 (1.04) – – –
5 2 500 175 (129) – – – 2.61 (0.89) – – –
7 2 800 170 (125) – – – 2.29 (0.78) – – –
10 2 800 120 (88.5) – – – 2.07 (0.71) – – –
SP 140S-MF1 4 2 100 360 (266) – – – – 11.0 (3.76) – –

5 2 100 360 (266) – – – – 9.95 (3.40) – –
7 2 600 360 (266) – – – – 9.01 (3.08) – –
10 2 600 220 (162) – – – – 8.44 (2.88) – –
SP 180S-MF1 4 1 500 750 (553) – – – – – 33.9 (11.6) –
5 1 500 750 (553) – – – – – 27.9 (9.53) –
7 2 300 750 (553) – – – – – 22.2 (7.59) –
10 2 300 750 (553) – – – – 19.2 (6.56) 19.2 (6.56) –
SP 210S-MF1 4 1 200 1 500 (1 106) – – – – – – 94.3 (32.2)
5 1 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – – – 76.9 (26.3)
7 1 700 1 400 (1 033) – – – – – – 61.5 (21.0)
10 2 000 1 000 (738) – – – – – 53.1 (18.1) 53.1 (18.1)
SP 240S-MF1 10 1 700 1 300 (959) – – – – – – 70.8 (24.2)

1) The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of 90 °C (194 °F).

6/46 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage
for 1FT6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Motor Output Radial Axial
two-stage gear ratio i = speed, torque, output shaft output shaft
max. max. loading, loading,
S3-60 % S3-60 % max.1) max.1)
Type Type Tor- Gearbox 16 20 28 40 50 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa
sional weight,
back- approx.
lash (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax)
arcmin kg (lb) rpm Nm (lbf-ft ) N (lbf) N (lbf)
1FT6021 SP 060S-MF2 ≤ 6 2.0 (4.4) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 6 000 40 (29.5) 2 700 (607) 2 400 (540)
1FT6024 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6031 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FT6024 SP 075S-MF2 ≤ 6 3.6 (7.9) – – – – ✔ 6 000 110 (81.1) 4 000 (899) 3 350 (753)
1FT6031 – – – ✔ ✔
1FT6034 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FT6041 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT6034 SP 100S-MF2 ≤ 5 7.9 (17.4) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 500 300 (221) 6 300 (1 416) 5 650 (1 270)
1FT6041 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6044 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FT6061 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6062 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FT6064 ✔ – – – –
1FT6044 SP 140S-MF2 ≤ 5 17 (37.5) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 000 600 (442) 9 450 (2 124) 9 870 (2 219)

✔ 6
1FT6064 – –
1FT6081 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT6082 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT6084 ✔ – – – –
1FT6064 SP 180S-MF2 ≤ 5 36.4 (80.3) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 000 1 100 (811) 14 700 (3 305) 14 150 (3 181)
1FT6081 – – – – ✔
1FT6082 – – ✔ ✔ –
1FT6084 – ✔ ✔ – –
1FT6086 ✔ ✔ – – –

1FT6102 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT6082 SP 210S-MF2 ≤ 5 55.0 (121) – – – – ✔ 3 500 2 400 (1 770) 21 000 (4 721) 30 000 (6 744)
(2 500 for i = 20)
1FT6105 ✔ – – – –
1FT6084 SP 240S-MF2 ≤ 5 80.6 (178) – – – ✔ ✔ 3 500 4 500 (3 319) 30 000 (6 744) 30 000 (6 744)
1FT6086 – – ✔ ✔ ✔ (4 000 for i = 40
4 300 for i = 50)
1FT6102 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT6105 – ✔ ✔ – –
1FT6108 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT6132 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT6134 ✔ – – – –
1FT6136 ✔ – – – –

Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key J12 J13 J15 J16 J17
• Gear shaft without fitted key J32 J33 J35 J36 J37

Ordering data 1FT6...-...71-..7 1-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
J7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting planetary gearbox SP+:
H with holding brake Plain motor shaft extension/shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N and
vibration magnitude grade A/IP65 degree of protection2)

In reference to the output shaft center.
2) IP64 degree of protection with 1FT602.: 1FT602.-6AK71-.. 7 0-Z J..

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/47

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage
for 1FT6 motors

■ Technical specifications
Planetary gearbox with 1FT6 motor
Two-stage Gear Motor Output Moments of inertia of gearbox (referred to the drive)
Type ratio speed torque
Continuous duty S11) 1FT602. 1FT603. 1FT604. 1FT606. 1FT608. 1FT610. 1FT613.
nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1
rpm Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2
(lbf-ft) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2)

SP 060S-MF2 16 4 400 26 (19.2) 0.08 (0.03) 0.17 (0.06) – – – – –

20 4 400 26 (19.2) 0.07 (0.02) 0.16 (0.06) – – – – –
28 4 400 26 (19.2) 0.06 (0.02) 0.16 (0.06) – – – – –
40 4 400 26 (19.2) 0.06 (0.02) – – – – – –
50 4 800 26 (19.2) 0.06 (0.02) – – – – – –
SP 075S-MF2 16 3 500 75 (55.3) – 0.23 (0.08) 0.55 (0.19) – – – –
20 3 500 75 (55.3) – 0.20 (0.07) 0.53 (0.18) – – – –
28 3 500 75 (55.3) – 0.18 (0.06) 0.50 (0.17) – – – –
40 3 500 75 (55.3) – 0.17 (0.06) – – – – –
50 3 800 75 (55.3) 0.10 (0.03) 0.16 (0.06) – – – – –
SP 100S-MF2 16 3 100 180 (133) – – 0.81 (0.28) 2.18 (0.75) – – –
20 3 100 180 (133) – – 0.70 (0.24) 2.07 (0.71) – – –
28 3 100 180 (133) – – 0.60 (0.21) 1.97 (0.67) – – –

40 3 100 180 (133) – 0.38 (0.13) 0.55 (0.19) 1.92 (0.66) – – –
50 3 500 175 (129) – 0.38 (0.13) 0.54 (0.19) – – – –
SP 140S-MF2 16 2 900 360 (265) – – – – 10.3 (3.52) – –
20 2 900 360 (265) – – – 2.71 (0.93) 9.77 (3.34) – –
28 2 900 360 (265) – – – 2.34 (0.80) 9.41 (3.22) – –
40 2 900 360 (265) – – 1.40 (0.48) 2.10 (0.72) 9.16 (3.13) – –
50 3 200 360 (265) – – 1.39 (0.48) 2.08 (0.71) – – –
SP 180S-MF2 16 2 700 750 (553) – – – – 12.4 (4.24) 13.5 (4.61) –
20 2 700 750 (553) – – – – 10.9 (3.73) 12.0 (4.10) –
28 2 700 750 (553) – – – – 9.48 (3.24) – –
40 2 700 750 (553) – – – 5.51 (1.88) 8.67 (2.96) – –
50 2 900 750 (553) – – – 5.45 (1.86) 8.61 (2.94) – –
SP 210S-MF2 16 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – – 34.5 (11.8) –
50 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – 28.3 (9.67) – –
SP 240S-MF2 16 2 300 2 500 (1 844) – – – – – 39.2 (13.4) 39.2 (13.4)
20 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – – 34.6 (11.8) 34.6 (11.8)
28 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – 30.5 (10.4) 30.5 (10.4) –
40 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – 28.2 (9.64) 28.2 (9.64) –
50 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – 27.9 (9.53) 27.9 (9.53) –

1) The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of 90 °C (194 °F).

6/48 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox
for 1FT7 motors

■ Overview
1FT7 motors can be combined with planetary gearboxes to form
compact coaxial drive units. The gearboxes are flanged directly
to the drive end of the motors.
When selecting the gearbox, ensure that its maximum permissi-
ble input speed is not exceeded by the maximum speed of the
motor. In the case of high operating frequencies, allowance must
be made for the factor f2 (see Configuration Manual
Synchronous motors). The frictional losses of the gearbox must
always be taken into account.
The gearboxes are only available in non-balanced design.

■ Benefits
7 High efficiency
Single-stage: > 97 %
2-stage: > 94 %
7 Minimum torsional backlash
Single-stage: ≤ 4 arcmin
two-stage: ≤ 6 arcmin
7 Power transmission from the central sun wheel via planet
7 No shaft deflections in the planet wheel set due to symmetrical
force distribution
7 Very low moment of inertia and thus short acceleration times
of the motors 1FT7 synchronous motor with mounted planetary gearbox series SP+

7 Output shaft bearings dimensioned for high cantilever and ax-
ial loads with preloaded tapered-roller bearings ■ Integration
7 The gearboxes are connected to the motor shaft via an inte-
1FT703 to 1FT710 naturally-cooled motors can be supplied ex
grated clamping hub. A plain motor shaft extension is neces-
factory (Siemens AG) complete with flange-mounted planetary
sary for this purpose. Shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N
gear unit.
in accordance with DIN 42955 and vibration magnitude
grade A in accordance with EN 60034-14 are sufficient. The The gearboxes assigned to the individual motors and gear ratios
motor flange is adapted by means of adapter plates. i available for these motor/gearbox combinations are listed in the
7 Output shaft of gearbox exactly coaxial with the motor selection table below. When making a selection, note the maxi-
mum permissible input speed of the gearbox, which should be
7 The gearboxes are enclosed (seal between gearbox and equal to the maximum motor speed.
motor) and filled with oil at the factory. They are lubricated
and sealed for their service life. The motor/gearbox combinations listed in the selection tables
The gearboxes are suitable for all mounting positions. are mainly intended for cycle operation S3-60 % (ON time
7 Degree of protection of gearbox: IP65 ≤ 60 % and ≤ 20 min). Reduced maximum motor speeds and
output torques apply for use in S1 continuous duty (ON time
7 Small dimensions > 60 % or > 20 min). It is not permissible to exceed a gearbox
7 Low weight temperature of 90 °C (194 °F).
Follow the instructions contained in the section for synchronous
motors in the Configuration Manual when assigning gearboxes
to the motor.
1FT7 motors must be designed with flange type 1, with plain
motor shaft extension, shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N
and vibration magnitude grade A/degree of protection IP65, for
mounting onto the gearbox.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/49

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage
for 1FT7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Motor Output Radial Axial
Natural single-stage gear ratio i = speed, torque, output shaft output shaft
cooling max. max. loading, loading,
S3-60 % S3-60 % max.1) max.1)
Type Type Tor- Gearbox 4 5 7 10 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa
sional weight,
back- approx. (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax)
arcmin kg (lb) rpm Nm (lbf-ft) N (lbf) N (lbf)
1FT7034 SP 060S-MF1 ≤ 4 1.9 (4.2) ✔ ✔ ✔ – 6 000 40 (295) 2 700 (607) 2 400 (540)
1FT7034 SP 075S-MF1 ≤ 4 3.9 (8.6) – – – ✔ 6 000 110 (81.1) 4 000 (899) 3 350 (753)
1FT7036 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (90 for i = 10)
1FT7042 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7044 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7046 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT7046 SP 100S-MF1 ≤ 3 7.7 (17.0) – – – ✔ 4 500 300 (221) 6 300 (1 416) 5 650 (1 270)
1FT7062 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (225 for i = 10)
1FT7064 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7066 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7068 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT7068 SP 140S-MF1 ≤ 3 17.2 (37.9) – – – ✔ 4 000 600 (442) 9 450 (2 124) 9 870 (2 219)
1FT7082 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (480 for i = 10)
1FT7084 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7086 ✔ ✔ ✔ –

6 1FT7086 SP 180S-MF1 ≤ 3 34 (75.0) – – – ✔ 3 500 1 100 (810) 14 700 (3 305) 14 150 (3 181)
1FT7102 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (880 for i = 10)
1FT7105 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FT7105 SP 210S-MF1 ≤ 3 56 (123) – – – ✔ 2 500 2 500 (1 844) 21 000 (4 721) 30 000 (6 744)
1FT7108 – – – ✔ (2 400 for i = 7
1 900 for i = 10)
Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key J02 J03 J05 J09
• Gear shaft without fitted key J22 J23 J25 J29

Ordering data 1FT7...-...71-.. 7 1-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
J7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting planetary gearbox SP+:
H with holding brake Plain motor shaft extension/shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N and
vibration magnitude grade A/IP65 degree of protection

✔ Possible
– Not possible
1) In reference to the output shaft center.

6/50 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage
for 1FT7 motors

■ Technical specifications
Planetary gearbox with 1FT7 motor
Single-stage Gear Motor Output Moments of inertia of gearbox (referred to the drive)
Type ratio speed torque
Continuous duty S11) 1FT703. 1FT704. 1FT706. 1FT708. 1FT710.
nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1
rpm Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2
(lbf-ft) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2)

SP 060S-MF1 4 3 300 26 (19.2) 0.22 (0.08) – – –

5 3 300 26 (19.2) 0.20 (0.07) – – –
7 4 000 26 (19.2) 0.18 (0.06) – – –
SP 075S-MF1 4 2 900 75 (55.3) 0.61 (0.21) 0.78 (0.27) – –
5 2 900 75 (55.3) 0.51 (0.17) 0.68 (0.23) – –
7 3 100 75 (55.3) 0.42 (0.14) 0.59 (0.20) – –
10 3 100 52 (38.4) 0.38 (0.13) 0.54 (0.19) – –
SP 100S-MF1 4 2 500 180 (133) – – 3.04 (1.04) –
5 2 500 175 (129) – – 2.61 (0.89) –
7 2 800 170 (125) – – 2.29 (0.78) –
10 2 800 120 (88.5) – 1.38 (0.47) 2.07 (0.71) –
SP 140S-MF1 4 2 100 360 (266) – – – 11.0 (3.76)
5 2 100 360 (266) – – – 9.95 (3.40)

7 2 600 360 (266) – – – 9.01 (3.08)
10 2 600 220 (162) – – 5.28 (1.80) 8.44 (2.88)
SP 180S-MF1 4 1 500 750 (553) – – – – 33.9 (11.6)
5 1 500 750 (553) – – – – 27.9 (9.53)
7 2 300 750 (553) – – – – 22.2 (7.59)
10 2 300 750 (553) – – – 19.2 (6.56) 19.2 (6.56)
SP 210S-MF1 10 2 000 1 000 (738) – – – – 53.1 (18.1)

The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of 90 °C (194 °F).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/51

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, 2-stage
for 1FT7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Motor Output Radial output Axial
Natural two-stage gear ratio i = speed, torque, shaft output shaft
cooling max. max. loading, loading,
S3-60 % S3-60 % max.1) max.1)
Type Type Tor- Gearbox 16 20 28 40 50 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa
sional weight,
back- approx. (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax)
arcmin kg (lb) rpm Nm (lbf-ft) N (lbf) N (lbf)
1FT7034 SP 075S-MF2 ≤6 3.6 (7.9) ✔ ✔ ✔ – – 6 000 110 (81.1) 4 000 (899) 3 350 (753)
1FT7036 ✔ – – – –
1FT7042 ✔ – – – –
1FT7034 SP 100S-MF2 ≤5 7.9 (17.4) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 500 300 (221) 6 300 (1 416) 5 650 (1 270)
1FT7036 – ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

1FT7042 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FT7044 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT7046 ✔ – – –

✔ –
– – –
1FT7044 SP 140S-MF2 ≤5 17 (37.5) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 000 600 (442) 9 450 (2 124) 9 870 (2 219)
1FT7046 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7062 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7064 – ✔ ✔ – –
✔ ✔ – – –

6 1FT7068

1FT7084 ✔ – – – –
1FT7064 SP 180S-MF2 ≤5 36.4 (80.3) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 000 1 100 (811) 14 700 (3 305) 14 150 (3 181)
1FT7066 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7068 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FT7082 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
– ✔ ✔ – –
✔ ✔ – – –
1FT7102 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT7084 SP 210S-MF2 ≤5 55 (121) – – – ✔ ✔ 3 500 2 400 (1 770) 21 000 (4 721) 30 000 (6 744)
1FT7086 – – ✔ ✔ – (2 500 for i = 40)
1FT7102 – – ✔ – –
1FT7105 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FT7108 ✔ – – – –
1FT7086 SP 240S-MF2 ≤5 80.6 (178) – – – – ✔ 3 500 4 500 (3 319) 30 000 (6 744) 33 000 (7 419)
(4 000 for i = 40
1FT7102 – – – ✔ ✔ 4 300 for i = 50)
1FT7105 – – ✔ ✔ –
– ✔ ✔ – –
Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key J12 J13 J15 J16 J17
• Gear shaft without fitted key J32 J33 J35 J36 J37

Ordering data 1FT7...-...71-.. 7 1-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
J7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting planetary gearbox SP+:
H with holding brake Plain motor shaft extension/shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N and
vibration magnitude grade A/IP65 degree of protection

1) In reference to the output shaft center.

6/52 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, 2-stage
for 1FT7 motors

■ Technical specifications
Planetary gearbox with 1FT7 motor
Two-stage Gear Motor Output Moments of inertia of gearbox (referred to the drive)
Type ratio speed torque
Continuous duty S11) 1FT703 . 1FT704. 1FT706. 1FT708. 1FT710.
nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1
rpm Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2
(lbf-ft) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2)

SP 075S-MF2 16 3 500 75 (55.3) 0.23 (0.08) 0.55 (0.19) – – –

20 3 500 75 (55.3) 0.20 (0.07) – – – –
28 3 500 75 (55.3) 0.18 (0.06) – – – –
SP 100S-MF2 16 3 100 180 (133) – 0.81 (0.28) 2.18 (0.75) – –
20 3 100 180 (133) 0.54 (0.19) 0.70 (0.24) 2.07 (0.71) – –
28 3 100 180 (133) 0.43 (0.15) 0.60 (0.21) – – –
40 3 100 180 (133) 0.38 (0.13) 0.55 (0.19) – – –
50 3 500 175 (129) 0.38 (0.13) 0.54 (0.19) – – –
SP 140S-MF2 16 2 900 360 (265) – – 3.19 (1.09) 10.3 (3.52) –
20 2 900 360 (265) – – 2.71 (0.93) 9.77 (3.34) –
28 2 900 360 (265) – 1.65 (0.56) 2.34 (0.80) – –
40 2 900 360 (265) – 1.40 (0.48) 2.10 (0.72) – –
50 3 200 360 (265) – 1.39 (0.48) 2.08 (0.71) – –

SP 180S-MF2 16 2 700 750 (553) – – – 12.4 (4.24) 13.5 (4.61)
20 2 700 750 (553) – – – 10.9 (3.73) 12.0 (4.10)
28 2 700 750 (553) – – 6.32 (2.16) 9.48 (3.24) –
40 2 700 750 (553) – – 5.51 (1.88) 8.67 (2.96) –
50 2 900 750 (553) – – 5.45 (1.86) 8.61 (2.94) –
SP 210S-MF2 16 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – 34.5 (11.8)
20 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – 31.5 (10.8)
28 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – 30.0 (10.3) 30.0 (10.3)
40 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – 28.5 (9.74) –
50 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – 28.3 (9.67) –
SP 240S-MF2 20 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – 34.6 (11.8)
28 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – 30.5 (10.4)
40 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – 28.2 (9.64)
50 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – 27.9 (9.53) 27.9 (9.53)

The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of 90 °C (194 °F).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/53

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox
for 1FK7 motors

■ Overview
1FK7 motors can be combined with planetary gearboxes to form
compact coaxial drive units. The gearboxes are flanged directly
to the drive end of the motors.
When selecting the gearbox, ensure that its maximum permissi-
ble input speed is not exceeded by the maximum speed of the
motor. In the case of high operating frequencies, allowance must
be made for the factor f2 (see Configuration Manual Synchro-
nous motors). The frictional losses of the gearbox must always
be taken into account.
The gearboxes are only available in non-balanced design and
with fitted key.

■ Benefits
7 High efficiency
Single-stage: > 97 %
2-stage: > 94 %
7 Minimum torsional backlash
Single-stage: ≤ 4 arcmin
2-stage: ≤ 6 arcmin
7 Power transmission from the central sun wheel via planet
7 No shaft deflections in the planet wheel set due to symmetrical
force distribution
7 Very low moment of inertia and thus short acceleration times 1FK7 synchronous motor with built-in planetary gearbox series SP+
of the motors
6 7 Output shaft bearings dimensioned for high cantilever and
axial loads with preloaded tapered-roller bearings
■ Integration
1FK702 to 1FK710 motors can be supplied ex factory (Siemens
7 The gearboxes are connected to the motor shaft via an inte-
AG) complete with flange-mounted planetary gearbox.
grated clamping hub. A plain motor shaft extension is neces-
sary for this purpose. Shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N The gearboxes assigned to the individual motors and gear ratios
in accordance with DIN 42955 and vibration magnitude i available for these motor/gearbox combinations are listed in the
grade A in accordance with EN 60034-14 are sufficient. The selection table below. When making a selection, note the maxi-
motor flange is adapted by means of adapter plates. mum permissible input speed of the gearbox, which should be
7 Output shaft of gearbox exactly coaxial with the motor equal to the maximum motor speed.
7 The gearboxes are enclosed (seal between gearbox and The motor/gearbox combinations listed in the selection table are
motor) and filled with oil at the factory. They are lubricated mainly intended for cycle operation S3-60 % (ON time ≤ 60 %
and sealed for their service life. and ≤ 20 min). Reduced maximum motor speeds and output
The gearboxes are suitable for all mounting positions. torques apply for use in S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or
7 Degree of protection of gearbox: IP65 > 20 min). The gearbox temperature may not exceed 90 °C
(194 °F).
7 Small dimensions
Follow the instructions contained in the Configuration Manual for
7 Low weight
synchronous motors when assigning gearboxes to the motor.
1FK7 motors must be designed with plain motor shaft exten-
sion/shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N, degree of protection
IP65 and anthracite paint finish for mounting onto the gearbox.

6/54 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage
for 1FK7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Motor Output Radial Axial
Natural single-stage gear ratio i = speed, torque, output shaft output shaft
cooling max. max. loading, loading,
S3-60 % S3-60 % max.1) max.1)
Type Type Tor- Gearbox 4 5 7 10 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa
sional weight,
back- approx. (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax)
arcmin kg (lb) rpm Nm (lbf-ft ) N (lbf) N (lbf)
1FK7022 SP 060S-MF1 ≤ 4 1.9 (4.2) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 6 000 40 (29.5) 2 700 (607) 2 400 (540)
1FK7032 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (32 for i = 10)
1FK7033 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7034 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7040 SP 075S-MF1 ≤ 4 3.9 (7.9) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 6 000 110 (81.1) 4 000 (899) 3 350 (753)
1FK7042 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (90 for i = 10)
1FK7043 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7044 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7060 SP 100S-MF1 ≤ 3 7.7 (17.0) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 4 500 300 (221) 6 300 (1 416) 5 650 (1 270)
1FK7061 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (225 for i = 10)
1FK7063 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7064 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7080 SP 140S-MF1 ≤ 3 17.2 (37.9) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 4 000 600 (442) 9 450 (2 124) 9 870 (2 219)
1FK7083 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (480 for i = 10)
1FK7085 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7100 SP 180S-MF1 ≤ 3 34 (75.0)

✔ 3 500 1 100 (811) 14 700 (3 305) 14 150 (3 181)
1FK7101 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7103 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7105 ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FK7105 SP 210S-MF1 ≤ 3 56 (123) – – – ✔ 2 500 2 500 (1 844) 21 000 (4 721) 30 000 (6 744)
(2 400 for i = 7
1 900 for i = 10)
Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key J02 J03 J05 J09
• Gear shaft without fitted key J22 J23 J25 J29

Ordering data 1FK7...-.A..1-.. 7 5-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
J7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting planetary gearbox SP+:
H with holding brake Plain motor shaft extension and IP65 degree of protection, anthracite paint finish

✔ Possible
– Not possible
In reference to the output shaft center.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/55

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage
for 1FK7 motors

■ Technical specifications
Planetary gearbox with 1FK7 motor
Single-stage Gear Motor Output Moments of inertia of gearbox (referred to the drive)
Type ratio speed torque
Continuous duty S11) 1FK702 1FK703. 1FK704. 1FK706. 1FK708. 1FK710.
nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1
rpm Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2
(lbf-ft) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2)

SP 060S-MF1 4 3 300 26 (19.2) 0.15 (0.05) 0.22 (0.08) – – – –

5 3 300 26 (19.2) 0.12 (0.04) 0.20 (0.07) – – – –
7 4 000 26 (19.2) 0.10 (0.03) 0.18 (0.06) – – – –
10 4 000 17 (12.5) 0.09 (0.03) 0.17 (0.06) – – – –
SP 075S-MF1 4 2 900 75 (55.3) – – 0.78 (0.27) – – –
5 2 900 75 (55.3) – – 0.68 (0.23) – – –
7 3 100 75 (55.3) – – 0.59 (0.20) – – –
10 3 100 52 (38.4) – – 0.54 (0.19) – – –
SP 100S-MF1 4 2 500 180 (133) – – – 3.04 (1.04) – –
5 2 500 175 (129) – – – 2.61 (0.89) – –
7 2 800 170 (125) – – – 2.29 (0.78) – –
10 2 800 120 (88.5) – – – 2.07 (0.71) – –
SP 140S-MF1 4 2 100 360 (265) – – – – 11.0 (3.76) –

5 2 100 360 (265) – – – – 9.95 (3.40) –
7 2 600 360 (265) – – – – 9.01 (3.08) –
10 2 600 220 (162) – – – – 8.44 (2.88) –
SP 180S-MF1 4 1 500 750 (553) – – – – – 33.9 (11.6)
5 1 500 750 (553) – – – – – 27.9 (9.53)
7 2 300 750 (553) – – – – – 22.2 (7.59)
10 2 300 750 (553) – – – – – 19.2 (6.56)
SP 210S-MF1 10 2 000 1 000 (738) – – – – – 53.1 (18.1)

1) The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of 90 °C (194 °F).

6/56 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage
for 1FK7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Motor Output Radial Axial
Natural two-stage gear ratio i = speed, torque, output shaft output shaft
cooling max. max. loading, loading,
S3-60 % S3-60 % max.1) max.1)
Type Type Tor- Gearbox 16 20 28 40 50 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa
sional weight,
back- approx. (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax)
arcmin kg (lb) rpm Nm (lbf-ft) N (lbf) N (lbf)
1FK7022 SP 060S-MF2 ≤ 6 2.0 (4.4) ✔ ✔ ✔ – – 6 000 40 (295) 2 700 (607) 2 400 (540)
1FK7032 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FK7033 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FK7022 SP 075S-MF2 ≤ 6 3.6 (7.9) – – – ✔ ✔ 6 000 110 (81.1) 4 000 (899) 3 350 (753)
1FK7032 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7033 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7034 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FK7040 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FK7042 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FK7043 ✔ – – – –
1FK7034 SP 100S-MF2 ≤ 5 7.9 (17.4) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 500 300 (221) 6 300 (1 416) 2 400 (1 270)
1FK7040 – – – ✔ ✔
1FK7042 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7043 – ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7044 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ –

1FK7044 SP 140S-MF2 ≤ 5 17 (37.5) – – – – ✔ 4 000 600 (442) 9 450 (2 124) 9 870 (2 219)
1FK7060 – – – ✔ ✔
1FK7061 – – ✔ ✔ ✔
1FK7063 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FK7064 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FK7080 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ –
1FK7083 ✔ ✔ – – –

Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key J12 J13 J15 J16 J17
• Gear shaft without fitted key J32 J33 J35 J36 J37

Ordering data 1FK7...-.A..1-.. 7 5-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
J7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting planetary gearbox SP+: Plain motor shaft extension and
H with holding brake IP65 degree of protection, anthracite paint finish

✔ Possible
– Not possible
Referred to the center of the output shaft at 100 rpm.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/57

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage
for 1FK7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Motor Output Radial output Axial
Natural two-stage gear ratio i = speed, torque, shaft output shaft
cooling max. max. loading, loading,
S3-60 % S3-60 % max.1) max.1)
Type Type Tor- Gearbox 16 20 28 40 50 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa
sional weight,
back- approx. (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax)
arcmin kg (lb) rpm Nm (lbf-ft) N (lbf) N (lbf)
1FK7063 SP 180S-MF2 ≤5 36.4 (80.3) – – – ✔ ✔ 4 000 1 100 (811) 14 700 (3 305) 14 150 (3 181)
1FK7064 – – – ✔ ✔
1FK7080 – – – – ✔
1FK7083 – – ✔ – –
1FK7085 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FK7086 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FK7100 ✔ ✔ ✔ – –
1FK7101 ✔ ✔ – – –
1FK7103 ✔ – – – –
1FK7083 SP 210S-MF2 ≤6 55 (121) – – – ✔ ✔ 3 500 2 400 (1 770) 21 000 (4 721) 30 000 (6 744)
1FK7085 – – ✔ ✔ – (2 500 for i = 20)
1FK7086 – – ✔ – –
1FK7100 – – – ✔ ✔
1FK7101 – – ✔ – –
1FK7103 – ✔ – – –

6 1FK7105
1FK7101 SP 240S-MF2 ≤6 80.6 (178)

✔ 3 500 4 500 (3 319) 30 000 (6 744) 33 000 (7 419)
1FK7103 – – ✔ ✔ – (4 000 for i = 40
4 300 for i = 50)
1FK7105 – – ✔ – –
Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key J12 J13 J15 J16 J17
• Gear shaft without fitted key J32 J33 J35 J36 J37

Ordering data 1FK7...-.A..1-.. 7 5-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
J7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting planetary gearbox SP+: Plain motor shaft extension
H with holding brake and IP65 degree of protection, anthracite paint finish

1) In reference to the output shaft center.

6/58 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage
for 1FK7 motors

■ Technical specifications
Planetary gearbox with 1FK7 motor
Two-stage Gear Motor Output Moments of inertia of gearbox (referred to the drive)
Type ratio speed torque
Continuous duty S11) 1FK702. 1FK703. 1FK704. 1FK706. 1FK708. 1FK710.
nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1
rpm Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2
(lbf-ft) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2) (lbf-in2)

SP 060S-MF2 16 4 400 26 (19.2) 0.08 (0.03) 0.17 (0.06) – – – –

20 4 400 26 (19.2) 0.07 (0.02) 0.16 (0.06) – – – –
28 4 400 26 (19.2) 0.06 (0.02) – – – – –
SP 075S-MF2 16 3 500 75 (55.3) – 0.23 (0.08) 0.55 (0.19) – – –
20 3 500 75 (55.3) – 0.20 (0.07) 0.53 (0.19) – – –
28 3 500 75 (55.3) – 0.18 (0.06) 0.50 (0.17) – – –
40 3 500 75 (55.3) 0.10 (0.03) 0.17 (0.06) – – – –
50 3 800 75 (55.3) 0.10 (0.03) 0.16 (0.06) – – – –
SP 100S-MF2 16 3 100 180 (132) – – 0.81 (0.28) 2.18 (0.75) – –
20 3 100 180 (132) – – 0.70 (0.24) 2.07 (0.71) – –
28 3 100 180 (132) – – 0.60 (0.20) 1.97 (0.67) – –
40 3 100 180 (132) – 0.38 (0.13) 0.55 (0.19) – – –
50 3 500 175 (129) – 0.38 (0.13) 0.54 (0.19) – – –

SP 140S-MF2 16 2 900 360 (266) – – – 3.19 (1.09) 10.3 (3.52) –
20 2 900 360 (266) – – – 2.71 (0.93) 9.77 (3.34) –
28 2 900 360 (266) – – – 2.34 (0.80) 9.41 (3.22) –
40 2 900 360 (266) – – – 2.10 (0.72) 9.16 (3.13) –
50 3 200 360 (266) – – 1.39 (0.48) 2.08 (0.71) – –
SP 180S-MF2 16 2 700 750 (553) – – – – 12.4 (4.24) 13.5 (4.61)
20 2 700 750 (553) – – – – 10.9 (3.73) 12.0 (4.10)
28 2 700 750 (553) – – – – 9.48 (3.24) 10.6 (3.62)
40 2 700 750 (553) – – – 5.51 (1.88) 8.67 (2.96) –
50 2 900 750 (553) – – – 5.45 (1.86) 8.61 (2.94) –
SP 210S-MF2 16 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – – 34.5 (11.8)
20 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – – 31.5 (10.8)
28 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – 30.0 (10.3) 30.0 (10.3)
40 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – 28.5 (9.74) 28.5 (9.74)
50 2 500 1 500 (1 106) – – – – 28.3 (9.67) 28.3 (9.67)
SP 240S-MF2 28 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – – 30.5 (10.4)
40 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – – 28.2 (9.64)
50 2 500 2 500 (1 844) – – – – – 27.9 (9.53)

1) The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of 90 °C (194 °F).

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© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series LP+ planetary gearbox
for 1FK7 motors

■ Overview
1FK7 motors can be combined with planetary gearboxes to form
compact coaxial drive units. The gearboxes are flanged directly
to the drive end of the motors.
When selecting the gearbox, ensure that its maximum permissi-
ble input speed is not exceeded by the maximum speed of the
motor. In the case of high operating frequencies, allowance must
be made for the factor f2 (see Configuration Manual
Synchronous motors). The frictional losses of the gearbox must
always be taken into account.
The gearboxes are only available in non-balanced design and
with fitted key.

■ Benefits
7 High efficiency, single-stage: > 97 %
7 Minimum torsional backlash
Single-stage: ≤ 4 arcmin
7 Power transmission from the central sun wheel via planet
7 No shaft deflections in the planet wheel set due to symmetrical
force distribution
7 The gearboxes are connected to the motor shaft via an inte-
grated clamping hub. A plain motor shaft extension is neces-
sary for this purpose. Shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N
in accordance with DIN 42955 and vibration magnitude 1FK7 synchronous motor with mounted planetary gearbox series LP+
grade A in accordance with EN 60034-14 are sufficient. The
6 7
motor flange is adapted by means of adapter plates.
Output shaft of gearbox exactly coaxial with the motor
■ Integration
7 The gearboxes are suitable for all mounting positions. 1FK702 to 1FK710 motors can be supplied ex factory (Siemens
AG) complete with flange-mounted planetary gearbox.
7 The gearboxes are sealed (seal between gearbox and motor)
and filled with grease in the factory. The gearboxes assigned to the individual motors and gear ratios
They are lubricated and sealed for their service life. i available for these motor/gearbox combinations are listed in
the selection table below. When making a selection, note the
7 Degree of protection of gearbox: IP64
maximum permissible input speed of the gearbox, which should
7 Small dimensions be equal to the maximum motor speed.
7 Low weight The motor/gearbox combinations listed in the selection table are
mainly intended for cycle operation S3-60 % (ON time ≤ 60 %
and ≤ 20 min). Reduced maximum motor speeds and output
torques apply for use in S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or
> 20 min). The gearbox temperature may not exceed 90 °C
(194 °F).
Follow the instructions contained in the Configuration Manual
for synchronous motors when assigning gearboxes to the motor.
1FK7 motors must be designed with plain motor shaft exten-
sion/shaft and flange accuracy tolerance N, degree of protection
IP64 and anthracite paint finish for mounting onto the gearbox.

6/60 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Series LP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage
for 1FK7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor Planetary gearbox Available Input speed, Output Output shaft Gearbox moment
Natural single-stage gear ratio i = max. torque, radial force, of inertia
cooling Torsion. backlash ≤ 12 arcmin max. max.1)
S3-60 % S3-60 %
Type Type Gearbox 5 10 nG1 MG2 MG2 Fr JG
weight, at i = 5 at i = 10 at i = 5/10
kg rpm Nm Nm N 10-4kgm2
(lb) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (lbf) (10 -3 lbf-in-s2)
1FK7022 LP 050-M01 0.75 (1.65) ✔ – 8 000 12 (8.9) 11 (8.1) 650 (146) 0.055 (0.05)
1FK7022 LP 070-M01 2.0 (4.41 – ✔ 6 000 35 (25.8) 32 (23.6) 1 450 (326) 0.28 (0.25)
1FK7032 ✔ ✔
1FK7033 ✔ ✔
1FK7034 ✔ ✔
1FK7040 LP 090-M01 4.0 (8.82) ✔ ✔ 6 000 90 (66.4) 80 (59.0) 1 900 (427) 1.77 (1.57)
1FK7042 ✔ ✔
1FK7043 ✔ ✔
1FK7044 ✔ ✔
1FK7060 LP 120-M01 8.6 (19.0) ✔ ✔ 4 800 220 (162) 200 (148) 4 000 (899) 5.42 (4.80)
1FK7061 ✔ ✔
1FK7063 ✔ ✔
1FK7064 ✔ –
1FK7080 LP 155-M01 17 (37.5) ✔ ✔ 3 600 450 (332) 350 (258) 6 000 (1 349) 25.7 (22.8)
1FK7082 ✔ ✔

✔ 6
1FK7086 ✔ ✔
1FK7100 ✔ ✔
1FK7101 ✔ –
1FK7103 ✔ –
1FK7105 ✔ –
Order codes
• Gear shaft with fitted key V40 V42
Ordering data 1FK7...-.A..1-.. 7 3-Z Order No. of the motor with identifier -Z and
V7 7 order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor
G without holding brake Preconditions for mounting LP+ planetary gearboxes:
H with holding brake Plain motor shaft extension and IP64 degree of protection, anthracite paint finish

Continuous duty
Continuous duty is permissible at the rated speed and rated
torque. The gearbox temperature may not exceed 90 °C
(194 °F).
Planetary gearbox Rated input Rated
single-stage speed output
Torsional backlash torque
≤12 arcmin
Type nG1 MG2 MG2
at i = 5 at i = 10

rpm Nm (lbf-ft) Nm (lbf-ft)

LP 050-M01 4 000 5.7 (4.2) –
LP 070-M01 3 700 18 (13.3) 16.5 (12.2)
LP 090-M01 3 400 45 (33.2) 40 (29.5)
LP 120-M01 2 600 110 (81.1) 100 (73.8)
LP 155-M01 2 000 320 (236) 190 (140)

✔ Possible
1) Referred to the center of the output shaft at 100 rpm.
– Not possible

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© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Geared motors
1FK7-DYA compact geared motors

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 Space-saving installation due to the high power density of the
motor and integration of the planetary gearbox directly into the
motor end shield. Mounting to the machine is greatly simpli-
fied by this and the logistics are reduced to a minimum.
7 Mounting in types of construction IM B5 and IM B14
is possible.
7 Highly dynamic due to lower motor moment of inertia; this
means shorter cycle times.
7 Maintenance-free
7 Suitable for S1 continuous duty
7 High positioning accuracy thanks to low mechanical torsional
backlash of < 8 arcmin
7 Mechanical compatibility with regard to IM B14 flange and
shaft extension for the LP+ planetary gearbox
7 Power connection via plug, signal connection via plug

■ Applications
In general mechanical engineering, any place where coaxial
drive units are used, e.g. in
• Packaging machines
• Wood, glass and ceramic processing machines
• Plastic, injection molding and foil stretching machines
The 1FK7-DYA compact geared motor combines electrical and • Handling systems
mechanical components in the smallest space possible. This • Machine tools
6 mechatronic unit consists of a permanent-magnet 1FK7 syn-
chronous motor and a directly mounted single-stage planetary • All kinds of auxiliary axes
The 1FK7-DYA compact geared motors with degree of protection
■ Integration
IP64 are designed for operation without external cooling as the 1FK7-DYA compact geared motors can be combined with the
heat is dissipated over the motor surface. The integrated plane- SIMODRIVE 611 converter system to create a powerful system
tary gearboxes have high maximum torques and permit high ra- with high functionality.
dial and axial forces at the shaft extension. The integrated encoder system for speed and position control
can be selected depending on the application.

6/62 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Geared motors
1FK7-DYA compact geared motors

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1FK7-DYA
compact geared motor
Type of motor Permanent-magnet synchro-
nous motor
Magnet material Rare-earth magnet material
Cooling Natural cooling
Temperature monitoring KTY 84 temperature sensor in
stator winding
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a
in accordance with winding temperature rise of
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) ∆T = 100 K at an ambient
temperature of 40 °C (104 °F)
Type of construction IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3)
in accordance with IM B14
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)
Degree of protection in IP64
accordance with
EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
Shaft extension on the With fitted key
drive end (DE)
in accordance with
DIN 748-3 (IEC 60072-1)
Shaft and flange accuracy Tolerance N
in accordance with
DIN 42955 (IEC 60072-1)1)
Vibration magnitude Grade A
in accordance with is maintained up to
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14)
Sound pressure
rated speed
level LpA (1 m)
in accordance with
EN ISO 1680, max.
• 1FK703 72 dB
• 1FK704 75 dB
• 1FK706 80 dB
• 1FK708 82 dB
Encoder systems, built-in • Incremental encoder sin/cos
1 Vpp 2 048 S/R
with C and D tracks
encoder IC2048S/R
• Absolute encoder, multi-turn
(Traversing range 4 096 revolu-
tions) with EnDat interface
Single-turn range:
1FK703: 512 S/R
encoder AM512S/R
16 S/R
encoder AM16S/R
1FK704 ... 1FK708: 2 048 S/R
encoder AM2048S/R
32 S/R
encoder AM32S/R
• 2-pole resolver
• Multi-pole resolver
(number of pole pairs
corresponds to number of
pole pairs of the motor)
Connection Connectors for signals and
power can be rotated by 270°
Paint finish Anthracite RAL 7016
2nd rating plate Attached in the NDE cover
3rd rating plate Enclosed separately
Options Built-in holding brake

1) Shaft extension run-out, concentricity of centering ring and shaft, and

perpendicularity of flange to shaft.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Geared motors
1FK7-DYA compact geared motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Rated Maxi- Maxi- Static Rated Available 1FK7-DYA No. of Rotor
speed power mum mum torque torque1) gear ratios compact geared motors pole moment of
speed torque Natural Cooling pairs inertia2)
(without (with
brake) brake)
n2 rated P2 n2max M2max M20 M2 rated i J J

rpm kW rpm Nm Nm Nm Order 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2

(HP) (lbf -in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) Order No. code (lbf-in-s2) (lbf-in-s2)

370 0.37 (0.50) 600 32 (283) 11 (97) 9.5 (84.1) 10 1FK7032-5AK71-1 7 7 3-Z A03 3 0.75 0.83
(0.0007) (0.0007)
740 0.5 (0.67) 1 200 32 (283) 7.5 (66) 6.5 (57.5) 5 1FK7034-5AK71-1 7 7 3-Z A00 3 1.04 1.12
(0.0009) (0.0007)
340 0.45 (0.60) 600 49 (434) 15 (133) 12.5 (110.6) 10 1FK7040-5AK71-1 7 7 3-Z A13 4 2.3 3 (0.0027)
680 0.71 (0.95) 1 200 51 (451) 13 (115) 10 (88.5) 5 1FK7042-5AK71-1 7 7 3-Z A10 4 3.6 4.3
(0.0027) (0.0032)
260 1.25 (1.68) 480 175 57 (505) 46 (407) 10 1FK7060-5AH71-1 7 7 3-Z A73 4 10.3 12.5
(1 549) (0.0091) (0.0111)
520 1.74 (2.33) 960 170 51 (451) 32 (283) 5 1FK7063-5AH71-1 7 7 3-Z A70 4 17.4 19.6
(1 505) (0.0154) (0.0173)
200 1.47 (1.97) 360 242 76 (673) 70 (620) 10 1FK7080-5AH71-1 7 7 3-Z A83 4 28.7 31.8
(2 142) (0.0254) (0.0281)
400 1.88 (2.52) 720 233 68 (602) 45 (398) 5 1FK7083-5AH71-1 7 7 3-Z A80 4 41 49.6

(2 062) (0.0363) (0.0439)

Encoder systems: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R A

Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R1) (not for 1FK703) E
Absolute encoder EnDat 512 S/R1) (only for 1FK703) H
Absolute encoder EnDat 32 S/R1) (not for 1FK703) G
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R1)(only for 1FK703) J
Multipole resolver S
2-pole resolver T

Shaft extension: Shaft and flange accuracy: Holding brake:

Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N Without U
Fitted key and keyway Tolerance N With V

Degree of protection: IP64, paint finish anthracite, color RAL 7016 3

To select the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

6/64 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Geared motors
1FK7-DYA compact geared motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Weight Static Maxi- SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) (without (with current mum Motor connection and brake connection
brake) brake) current Rated via power connector

m m I0 Imax Irated Power Cable Pre-assembled cable

at M0 connector cross-
∆T=100 K section3)
kg kg A A A Size mm2
(lb) (lb) Order No. Order No.

1FK7032-5AK71-... 4.11 4.47 1.7 5 3 For ordering data, 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....
(9.1) (9.9) see Converter system
1FK7034-5AK71-... 5.01 5.37 1.9 7.9 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....
(11.05) (11.84)
1FK7040-5AK71-... 6.6 7.61 2.3 7.4 3 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....
(14.6) (16.8)
1FK7042-5AK71-... 7.91 8.62 4.4 14.9 5 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....
(17.4) (19.0)
1FK7060-5AH71-... 13.9 15 6.2 19 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....
(30.7) (33.1)
1FK7063-5AH71-... 17.6 19 12 41 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....
(38.8) (41.9)
1FK7080-5AH71-... 23.4 24.6 7.4 24 9 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....
(51.6) (54.2)
1FK7083-5AH71-... 28.6 31.2 15 48 18 1 4 x 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5 7 A01-....

(63.1) (68.8)

Type of power cable:

MOTION-CONNECT 700 (only with brake cores) 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS (only up to a cross-section of 6 mm2) 5 1

Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

1) If the absolute encoder is used, M2rated is reduced by 10 %.

In reference to the internal motor shaft.
3) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/65

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 linear motors
Water cooling

■ Overview ■ Design
The simple mechanical construction without transmission elements,
such as ballscrew, coupling or belt, enhances the reliability of
the drive components.
Heat loss occurs almost exclusively in the primary section and is
dissipated via an integrated liquid cooling system. The optional
Thermo-Sandwich dual-circuit cooling system permits both a
thermal decoupling of the motor from the machine, and also a
low-priced cooling design.
The stainless metal encapsulation of the primary section ensures
the high mechanical ruggedness and resistance to soiling re-
quired for use in machine tools, as well as high resistance to cor-
rosive liquids. In addition, the motor places minimal demands on
the preparation of mounting surfaces thanks to the large air gap.
The mounting tolerances for the air gap are ± 0.3 mm (0.012 in).
Design variants
1FN3 linear motors are available as single-sided or double-
sided motors.
In combination with the SIMODRIVE 611 digital/universal HRS • Single-sided motors
converter system, 1FN3 linear motors provide an optimally The single-sided version consists of a primary section that is
tuned linear direct drive system for the requirements of modern mounted parallel to the associated secondary section.
mechanical engineering.
• Double-sided motors
The motors comprise a primary section and a secondary section The special secondary section of the double-sided version
with magnets made of rare-earth material. The primary section lies between two primary sections (one primary section with
has fixed dimensions, while the secondary section is made up of standard winding and one with complementary winding).
individual elements (segments) to suit the required traversing The design as a double-sided motor is particularly suitable
6 range. Through parallel operation of the motors, feedrate force
and length can be scaled beyond the available spectrum.
for applications with movable secondary section and small
traversing paths with fast acceleration, e.g. non-circular
■ Benefits
7 Outstanding dynamic response and very high traversing
■ Application
velocity Version for peak load
7 Excellent precision
Used in machine axes that are temporarily accelerated,
7 Easy installation e.g. S3 duty or when large forces are required for a short time.
7 Drive components are free of wear thanks to contactless drive Typical applications:
force transmission
• High-dynamic and flexible machine tool construction
The main advantage of linear direct drive technology is the ex-
• Laser machining
tensive avoidance of the effects of elasticity, play, and friction, as
well as natural oscillation in the drive train. This results in a higher • Handling
dynamic response and increased precision. If suitable measur-
Version for continuous load
ing systems are used and the temperature conditions are appro-
priate, the motors can be positioned in the nanometer range. Used in machine axes with constant acceleration changes,
e.g. S1 duty, with high process/weight forces or for operation
without water cooling.
Typical applications:
• Grinding
• Non-circular machining (e.g. oscillating applications)
• Z-axes without weight compensation, quills
• Handling, Cartesian robots

6/66 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 linear motors
Water cooling

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1FN3 linear motors
Peak load Continuous load
Type of motor Permanent-magnet synchronous linear motor
Magnet material Rare-earth magnet material
Overload ratio (FMAX:Frated) 2.75 1.7
up to max.
Cooling Water cooling
Water cooler connections G 1/8 internal thread on all primary and secondary section coolers
Temperature influence on +4 K
surrounding construction with
precision cooling, max.
Coolant inlet temperature, 35 °C (95 °F) (avoid condensation)
permissible > 35 °C (95 °F) on reduction of rated motor power
Temperature monitoring 2 monitoring circuits (Temp-S with PTC thermistor) and Temp-F with KTY 84 temperature sensor
integrated in the primary (for 1FN3050, Temp-S only) Evaluation via encoder connection boxes SME9..
section winding
Insulation of stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a winding temperature of 120 °C (248 °F)
in accordance with
EN (IEC) 60034-1
Degree of protection IP65
in accordance with EN 60034-5
(IEC 60034-5)
Available configurations Different gradations due to modular construction
Secondary section cover Exchangeable through all segments or segment by segment
2nd rating plate Enclosed separately 6
Recommended measuring See Overview of measuring systems
Type of connection Prepared for separate connection of the power and signal cable

F >1@



0 v>PPLQ@
0 v0$; F0$;  v0$; FUDWHG 

The 1FN3 linear motors have an overload range available for

acceleration processes. The maximum force FMAX can only
be utilized up to a maximum velocity vMAX(FMAX); up to
velocity vMAX(Frated), only the feedrate force Frated is available.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Version for peak load – water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Feedrate force Maximum 1FN3 linear motors – Version for peak load Weight, approx.
velocity3) Water cooling

Frated1)2) FMAX vMAX at vMAX at Primary section Secondary section Primary section Secondary section
FMAX Frated without/with without/with
precision cooling heatsink profiles

N N m/min m/min Order No. Order No. kg kg

(lbf) (lbf) (ft/min) (ft/min) (lb) (lb)

200 (45) 550 (124) 146 (479) 373 (1 224) 1FN3050-2WC00-0EA1 1FN3050-4SA00-0AA0 2.4/2.9 (5.3/6.4) 0.4/0.5 (0.9/1.1)
200 (45) 550 (124) 146 (479) 373 (1 224) 1FN3050-2WC00-0FA1 2.4/2.9 (5.3/6.4) 0.4/0.5 (0.9/1.1)
200 (45) 490 (110) 138 (453) 322 (1 056) 1FN3100-1WC00-0BA1 1FN3100-4SA00-0AA0 2.2/– (4.9/–)4) 0.7/0.8 (1.5/1.8)
450 (101) 1 100 (247) 131 (430) 297 (974) 1FN3100-2WC00-0BA1 3.8/4.4 (8.4/9.7)
450 (101) 1 100 (247) 237 (778) 497 (1 631) 1FN3100-2WE00-0BA1 3.8/4.4 (8.4/9.7)
675 (152) 1 650 (371) 120 (394) 277 (909) 1FN3100-3WC00-0BA1 5.4/6.2 (11.9/13.7)
675 (152) 1 650 (371) 237 (778) 497 (1 631) 1FN3100-3WE00-0BA1 5.4/6.2 (11.9/13.7)
900 (202) 2 200 (495) 131 (430) 297 (974) 1FN3100-4WC00-0BA1 7.4/8.5 (16.3/18.7)
900 (202) 2 200 (495) 237 (778) 497 (1 631) 1FN3100-4WE00-0BA1 7.4/8.5 (16.3/18.7)
1 125 (253) 2 750 (618) 109 (358) 255 (837) 1FN3100-5WC00-0BA1 9.1/10.4 (20.1/22.9)
340 (76) 820 (184) 126 (413) 282 (925) 1FN3150-1WC00-0BA1 1FN3150-4SA00-0AA0 3.0/– (6.6/–)4) 1.2/1.3 (2.7/2.9)
675 (152) 1 650 (371) 126 (413) 282 (925) 1FN3150-2WC00-0BA1 5.3/6 (11.7/13.2)
1 015 (228) 2 470 (555) 126 (413) 282 (925) 1FN3150-3WC00-0BA1 7.8/8.7 (17.2/19.2)

6 1 350 (304) 3 300 (742)

1 690 (380) 4 120 (926)
126 (413)
126 (413)
282 (925)
282 (925)
10.2/11.4 (22.5/25.1)
12.8/14.2 (28.2/31.3)
615 (138) 1 720 (387) 128 (420) 309 (1 014) 1FN3300-1WC00-0BA1 1FN3300-4SA00-0AA0 6.2/ – (13.7/–)4) 2.4/2.6 (5.3/5.7)
1 225 (275) 3 450 (776) 63 (207) 176 (577) 1FN3300-2WB00-0BA1 11.4/12.4 (25.1/27.3)
1 225 (275) 3 450 (776) 125 (410) 297 (974) 1FN3300-2WC00-0BA1 11.4/12.4 (25.1/27.3)
1 225 (275) 3 450 (776) 369 (1 211) 805 (2 641) 1FN3300-2WG00-0BA1 11.4/12.4 (25.1/27.3)
1 840 (414) 5 170 (1 162) 125 (410) 297 (974) 1FN3300-3WC00-0BA1 17.0/18.4 (37.5/40.6)
1 840 (414) 5 170 (1 162) 383 (1 257) 836 (2 743) 1FN3300-3WG00-0BA1 17.0/18.4 (37.5/40.6)
2 450 (551) 6 900 (1 551) 63 (207) 176 (577) 1FN3300-4WB00-0BA1 22.2/24 (48.9/52.9)
2 450 (551) 6 900 (1 551) 125 (410) 297 (974) 1FN3300-4WC00-0BA1 22.2/24 (48.9/52.9)

Type of connection:
Frame sizes 1FN3100 to 1FN3900 B
Connection cover prepared for separate power and signal cables
Frame size 1FN3050 E
Permanently connected power and signal cables with open core ends
Length: 2 m (6.56 ft)
Frame size 1FN3050 F
Permanently connected power and signal cables pre-assembled,
with connectors
Length: 0.5 m (1.64 ft)

6/68 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Version for peak load – water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Maxi- Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
Primary section current mum power Motor connection via adapter cable with power
(continued) cur- Required connector for increased velocity/acceleration
rent rated
Irated1) IMAX Pcalc Irated / Pre-assembled Power Cable Pre-assembled
IMAX adapter cable con- cross- basic cable to
for motor nector section5) converter
A A kW A Order No. Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FN3050-2WC00-... 2.7 8.2 4.1 (5.5) 5/10 For ordering data, –6) 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
see Converter system 7)
1FN3050-2WC00-... 2.7 8.2 4.1 (5.5) 5/10 – 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-1WC00-... 2.4 6.5 3.1 (4.2) 5/10 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-2WC00-... 5.1 13.5 6.3 (8.5) 9/18 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-2WE00-... 8.1 21.5 8.3 (11.1) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-3WC00-... 7.2 19.1 9.2 (12.3) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-3WE00-... 12.1 32.2 12.4 (16.6) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-4WC00-... 10.1 27.0 12.6 (16.9) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-4WE00-... 16.1 43.0 16.5 (22.1) 28/56 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-5WC00-... 11.0 29.5 14.4 (19.3) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3150-1WC00-... 3.6 9.5 4.3 (5.8) 5/10 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3150-2WC00-... 7.2 19.1 8.7 (11.7) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3150-3WC00-... 10.7 28.6 13.0 (17.4) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
38.2 17.4 (23.3) 28/56
47.7 21.7 (29.1) 28/56
6FX7002-5LM42- ....
6FX7002-5LM42- ....
4 x 2.5
4 x 2.5
6FX8002-5CA11- ....
6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-1WC00-... 6.5 20.0 8.7 (11.7) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-2WB00-... 8.0 24.7 13.2 (17.7) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-2WC00-... 12.6 39.2 16.8 (22.5) 28/56 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-2WG00-... 32.2 99.7 30.1 (40.4) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM82- .... 1.5 4x6 6FX8002-5CA51- ....
1FN3300-3WC00-... 19.0 58.7 25.1 (33.7) 28/568) 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-3WG00-... 50.0 154.9 46.2 (61.9) 70/1408) 6FX7002-5LM02- .... 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5CA71- ....
1FN3300-4WB00-... 16.0 49.4 26.3 (35.3) 28/56 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-4WC00-... 25.3 78.3 33.5 (44.9) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see

Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. .... ....

Designation Order No.

Signal cable, pre-assembled
with M17 connector
• For 1FN3100/1FN3150 motors 6FX7002-2SL01-....
• For 1FN3300 to 1FN3900 motors 6FX7002-2SL02-....

1) For water cooling with inlet temperature 35 °C (95 °F).

2) A reduction of up to 30 % must be expected in case of motor standstill, at very low speeds, or with very short traverse paths.
3) Velocity values refer to a converter DC link voltage of 600 V DC.
4) No precision cooler available.
The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
Permanently connected power and signal cables, length 2 m (6.56 ft), with open core ends:
7) Permanently connected power and signal cables, length 0.5 m (1.64 ft), with power connector size 1 and M17 signal connector.
Power modules are designed for feedrate force Frated. If feedrate force FMAX is utilized, the next largest power module must be used. If a power
module with a higher rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/69

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Version for peak load – water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Feedrate force Maximum 1FN3 linear motors – Version for peak load Weight, approx.
velocity3) Water cooling

Frated1)2) FMAX vMAX at vMAX at Primary section Secondary section Primary section Secondary section
FMAX Frated without/with without/with
precision cooling heatsink profiles
N N m/min m/min Order No. Order No. kg kg
(lbf) (lbf) (ft/min) (ft/min) (lb) (lb)

1 930 (434) 5 180 (1 165) 30 (98) 112 (368) 1FN3450-2WA50-0BA1 1FN3450-4SA00-0AA0 15.9/17.1 (35.1/37.7) 3.8/4 (8.4/8.8)
1 930 (434) 5 180 (1 165) 120 (394) 275 (902) 1FN3450-2WC00-0BA1 15.9/17.1 (35.1/37.7)
1 930 (434) 5 180 (1 165) 240 (787) 519 (1 703) 1FN3450-2WE00-0BA1 15.9/17.1 (35.1/37.7)
2 895 (651) 7 760 (1 745) 62 (203) 164 (538) 1FN3450-3WB00-0BA1 22.6/24.3 (49.8/53.6)
2 895 (651) 7 760 (1 745) 90 (295) 217 (712) 1FN3450-3WB50-0BA1 22.6/24.3 (49.8/53.6)
2 895 (651) 7 760 (1 745) 120 (394) 275 (902) 1FN3450-3WC00-0BA1 22.6/24.3 (49.8/53.6)
2 895 (651) 7 760 (1 745) 240 (787) 519 (1 703) 1FN3450-3WE00-0BA1 22.6/24.3 (49.8/53.6)
3 860 (868) 10 350 (2 327) 62 (203) 164 (538) 1FN3450-4WB00-0BA1 30.9/33.1 (68.1/73)
3 860 (868) 10 350 (2 327) 90 (295) 217 (712) 1FN3450-4WB50-0BA1 30.9/33.1 (68.1/73)
3 860 (868) 10 350 (2 327) 120 (394) 275 (902) 1FN3450-4WC00-0BA1 30.9/33.1 (68.1/73)
3 860 (868) 10 350 (2 327) 240 (787) 519 (1 703) 1FN3450-4WE00-0BA1 30.9/33.1 (68.1/73)
2 610 (587) 6 900 (1 551) 36 (118) 120 (394) 1FN3600-2WA50-0BA1 1FN3600-4SA00-0AA0 22.2/24.7 (49/54.5) 4.6/5 (10.1/11)
3 915 (880) 10 350 (2 327) 58 (190) 155 (509) 1FN3600-3WB00-0BA1 31.5/33.4 (69.5/73.7)

6 3 915 (880) 10 350 (2 327) 112 (368)

5 220 (1 174) 13 800 (3 102) 26 (85)
254 (833)
105 (345)
31.5/33.4 (69.5/73.7)
40.8/43.3 (90/95.5)
5 220 (1 174) 13 800 (3 102) 58 (190) 155 (509) 1FN3600-4WB00-0BA1 40.8/43.3 (90/95.5)
5 220 (1 174) 13 800 (3 102) 91 (299) 215 (705) 1FN3600-4WB50-0BA1 40.8/43.3 (90/95.5)
5 220 (1 174) 13 800 (3 102) 112 (368) 254 (833) 1FN3600-4WC00-0BA1 40.8/43.3 (90/95.5)
4 050 (910) 10 350 (2 327) 65 (213) 160 (525) 1FN3900-2WB00-0BA1 1FN3900-4SA00-0AA0 28.2/29.7 (62.2/65.4) 7.5/7.9 (16.5/17.4)
4 050 (910) 10 350 (2 327) 115 (377) 253 (830) 1FN3900-2WC00-0BA1 28.2/29.7 (62.2/65.4)
6 075 (1 366) 15 530 (3 491) 75 (246) 181 (594) 1FN3900-3WB00-0BA1 42.2/44.3 (93.1/97.6)
8 100 (1 821) 20 700 (4 653) 65 (213) 160 (525) 1FN3900-4WB00-0BA1 56.2/58.9 (124/130)
8 100 (1 821) 20 700 (4 653) 88 (290) 203 (666) 1FN3900-4WB50-0BA1 56.2/58.9 (124/130)
8 100 (1 821) 20 700 (4 653) 115 (377) 253 (830) 1FN3900-4WC00-0BA1 56.2/58.9 (124/130)

Type of connection:
Frame sizes 1FN3100 to 1FN3900 B
Connection cover prepared for separate power and signal cables

6/70 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Version for peak load – water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Maxi- Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
Primary section current mum power Motor connection via adapter cable with power connector
(continued) current Required for increased velocity/acceleration
Irated1) IMAX Pcalc Irated / Pre-assembled Power Cable Pre-assembled
IMAX adapter cable con- cross- basic cable to
for motor nector section4) converter
A A kW A Order No. Order No. Size mm2 Order No.

1FN3450-2WA50-... 8.6 25.3 15.9 (21.3) 18/36 For ordering data, 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
see Converter system
1FN3450-2WC00-... 18.8 55.3 23.1 (31) 28/56 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3450-2WE00-... 33.8 99.7 32.6 (43.7) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM82- .... 1.5 4x6 6FX8002-5CA51- ....
1FN3450-3WB00-... 17.9 52.7 27.5 (36.9) 28/56 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3450-3WB50-... 22.8 67.3 31.1 (41.7) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3450-3WC00-... 28.1 83.0 34.6 (46.4) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3450-3WE00-... 50.7 149.6 48.9 (65.6) 70/1407) 6FX7002-5LM02- .... 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5CA71- ....
1FN3450-4WB00-... 23.8 70.3 36.7 (49.2) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3450-4WB50-... 30.4 89.8 41.4 (55.5) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM82- .... 1.5 4x6 6FX8002-5CA51- ....
1FN3450-4WC00-... 37.5 110.6 46.2 (61.9) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3450-4WE00-... 67.6 199.5 65.3 (87.5) 140/210 6FX7008-1BB61- ....5) – 4 x 25 6FX7008-1BB25- ....6)
1FN3600-2WA50-... 12.4 36.0 21.9 (29.4) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3600-3WB00-... 23.2 67.3 35.4 (47.5) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3600-3WC00-... 35.2
1FN3600-4WA30-... 22.3
102.4 41.6 (55.8) 56/112
64.9 41.8 (56.1) 42/64 7)
6FX7002-5LM82- .... 1.5
6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5
6FX8002-5CA51- ....
6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3600-4WB00-... 30.9 89.8 47.2 (63.3) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM82- .... 1.5 4x6 6FX8002-5CA51- ....
1FN3600-4WB50-... 40.8 118.5 52.2 (70) 70/140 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3600-4WC00-... 46.9 136.5 55.5 (74.4) 70/140 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3900-2WB00-... 24.7 69.5 34.5 (46.3) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3900-2WC00-... 36.7 103.3 41.0 (55) 56/112 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3900-3WB00-... 40.6 114.0 54.5 (73.1) 70/140 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3900-4WB00-... 49.4 138.9 68.9 (92.4) 70/140 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3900-4WB50-... 60.6 170.3 76.3 (102.3) 140/210 6FX7002-5LM02- .... 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5CA71- ....
1FN3900-4WC00-... 73.5 206.5 81.9 (109.8) 140/210 6FX7008-1BB61- ....5) – 4 x 25 6FX7008-1BB25- ....6)

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see

Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. .... ....

Designation Order No.

Signal cable, pre-assembled
with M17 connector
• For 1FN3100/1FN3150 motors 6FX7002-2SL01-....
• For 1FN3300 to 1FN3900 motors 6FX7002-2SL02-....

1) For water cooling with inlet temperature 35 °C (95 °F).

A reduction of up to 30 % must be expected in case of motor standstill, at very low speeds, or with very short traverse paths.
3) Velocity values refer to a converter DC link voltage of 600 V DC.
The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
Sold by the meter only (4 x 16 mm2). Connected to primary section with 16 mm2 (< 1.5 m (4.92 ft)) then routed onwards through terminal box
with 25 mm2.
Sold by the meter only (4 x 25 mm2).
7) Power modules are designed for feedrate force F
rated. If feedrate force FMAX is utilized, the next largest power module must be used. If a power
module with a higher rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/71

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Version for continuous load – water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Feedrate force Maximum 1FN3 linear motors – Version for continuous Weight,
velocity3) load approx.
Water cooling

Frated1)2) FMAX vMAX at vMAX at Primary section Secondary section Primary section Secondary section
FMAX Frated without/with without/with
precision cooling heatsink profiles
N N m/min m/min Order No. Order No. kg kg
(lbf) (lbf) (ft/min) (ft/min) (lb) (lb)

150 (34) 260 (58) 242 (794) 435 (1 427) 1FN3050-1ND00-0EA1 1FN3050-4SA00-0AA0 1.9/2.3 (4.2/5.1) 0.4/0.5 (0.9/1.1)
150 (34) 260 (58) 242 (794) 435 (1 427 1FN3050-1ND00-0FA1 1.9/2.3 (4.2/5.1)
300 (67) 510 (115) 108 (354) 202 (663) 1FN3050-2NB80-0EA1 3.2/3.9 (7.1/8.6)
300 (67) 510 (115) 108 (354) 202 (663) 1FN3050-2NB80-0FA1 3.2/3.9 (7.1/8.6)
300 (67) 510 (115) 117 (384) 214 (702) 1FN3100-1NC00-0BA1 1FN3100-4SA00-0AA0 3/3.5 (6.6/7.7) 0.7/0.8 (1.5/1.8)
605 (136) 1 020 (229) 170 (558) 307 (1 007) 1FN3100-2NC80-0BA1 5.1/5.9 (11.3/13.1)
905 (203) 1 530 (344) 115 (337) 211 (692) 1FN3100-3NC00-0BA1 7.3/8.3 (16.1/18.03)
1 205 (271) 2 040 (459) 169 (555) 305 (1 001) 1FN3100-4NC80-0BA1 10/11.9 (22.1/26.2)
455 (102) 770 (173) 129 (423) 234 (768) 1FN3150-1NC20-0BA1 1FN3150-4SA00-0AA0 4.1/4.6 (9.0/10.1) 1.2/1.3 (2.7/2.9)
905 (203) 1 530 (344) 110 (361) 201 (660) 1FN3150-2NB80-0BA1 7.2/8.1 (15.9/17.9)
1 360 (306) 2 300 (517) 163 (535) 292 (958) 1FN3150-3NC70-0BA1 10.5/11.6 (23.2/25.6)
1 810 (407) 3 060 (688) 109 (358) 200 (656) 1FN3150-4NB80-0BA1 13.8/15.2 (30.4/33.5)
865 (195) 1 470 (331) 129 (423) 230 (755) 1FN3300-1NC10-0BA1 1FN3300-4SA00-0AA0 8.8/9.5 (19.4/20.9) 2.4/2.6 (5.3/5.7)

6 1 730 (389)
2 595 (583)
2 940 (661)
4 400 (989)
127 (417) 228 (748)
144 (473) 257 (843)
16.1/17.2 (35.5/37.9)
22.8/24.3 (50.3/53.6)
3 460 (778) 5 870 (1 320) 109 (358) 196 (643) 1FN3300-4NB80-0BA1 30.4/32.3 (67.0/71.2)
2 595 (583) 4 400 (989) 153 (502) 271 (889) 1FN3450-2NC50-0BA1 1FN3450-4SA00-0AA0 22/23.2 (48.5/51.2) 3.8/4 (8.4/8.8)
3 890 (875) 6 600 (1 484) 152 (499) 270 (886) 1FN3450-3NC50-0BA1 32/32.7 (70.6/72.1)
5 185 (1 166) 8 810 (1 981) 106 (348) 190 (623) 1FN3450-4NB80-0BA1 42.3/44.4 (93.3/97.9)
3 460 (778) 5 870 (1 320) 112 (368) 200 (656) 1FN3600-2NB80-0BA1 1FN3600-4SA00-0AA0 28.9/30.4 (63.7/67.0) 4.6/5 (10.1/11)
5 185 (1 166) 8 810 (1 981) 111 (364) 199 (653) 1FN3600-3NB80-0BA1 42.9/45.0 (94.6/99.2)
6 915 (1 555) 11 740 (2 639) 111 (364) 199 (653) 1FN3600-4NB80-0BA1 56.6/59.2 (124.8/130.54)
5 185 (1 166) 8 810 (1 981) 71 (233) 130 (427) 1FN3900-2NB20-0BA1 1FN3900-4SA00-0AA0 42.4/44.2 (93.5/97.5) 7.5/7.9 (16.5/17.4)
7 780 (1 749) 13 210 (2 970) 71 (233) 129 (423) 1FN3900-3NB20-0BA1 62/64.5 (136.7/142.2)
10 375 (2 332) 17 610 (3 959) 70 (230) 129 (423) 1FN3900-4NB20-0BA1 82.2/85.4 (181.3/188.3)

Type of connection:
Frame sizes 1FN3100 to 1FN3900 B
Connection cover prepared for separate power and signal cables
Frame size 1FN3050 E
Permanently connected power and signal cables with open core
Length: 2 m (6.56 ft)
Frame size 1FN3050 F
Permanently connected power and signal cables pre-assembled,
with connectors
Length: 0.5 m (1.64 ft)

6/72 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Version for continuous load – water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Maxi- Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
Primary section current mum power Motor connection via adapter cable with power connector
(continued) current Required for increased velocity/acceleration
Irated1) IMAX Pcalc Irated / Pre-assembled Power Cable Pre-assembled
IMAX adapter cable con- cross- basic cable to
for motor nector section5) converter
A A kW A Order No. Order No. Size mm2 Order No.
1FN3050-1ND... 2.8 5.9 1.8 (2.4) 3/6 For ordering data, 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
see Converter system 6)
1FN3050-1ND... 2.8 5.9 1.8 (2.4) 3/6 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3050-2NB... 2.8 5.9 2.4 (3.2) 3/6 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3050-2NB... 2.8 5.9 2.4 (3.2) 3/6 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-1NC... 2.8 5.9 2.1 (2.8) 3/6 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-2NC... 8 16.5 5.2 (7) 9/18 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-3NC... 8.5 17.6 6.3 (8.5) 9/18 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3100-4NC... 15.9 33.1 10.3 (13.8) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3150-1NC... 4.5 9.4 3.2 (4.3) 5/10 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3150-2NB... 8 16.5 5.9 (7.9) 9/18 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3150-3NC... 16.9 35.2 10.8 (14.5) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3150-4NB... 15.9 33.1 11.7 (15.7) 18/36 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-1NC... 8.1 17.1 5.4 (7.2) 9/18 6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11- ....
1FN3300-2NC... 16.2
1FN3300-3NC... 27.3
10.8 (14.5) 18/36
17.4 (23.3) 28/56 4)
6FX7002-5LM62- .... 1
6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5
4 x 2.5
6FX8002-5CA11- ....
6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3300-4NB... 28.4 59.6 19.8 (26.6) 28/564) 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3450-2NC... 28.4 59.6 17.5 (23.5) 28/564) 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3450-3NC... 42.5 89.5 26.2 (35.1) 42/644) 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3450-4NB... 40.8 85.8 28.1 (37.7) 42/644) 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3600-2NB... 28.4 59.6 19.1 (25.6) 28/564) 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3600-3NB... 42.5 89.5 28.5 (38.2) 42/644) 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3600-4NB... 56.7 119.3 38 (51) 56/1124) 6FX7002-5LM02- .... 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5YP02- ....
1FN3900-2NB... 28.4 59.6 22 (29.5) 28/564) 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41- ....
1FN3900-3NB... 42.5 89.5 32.9 (44.1) 42/644) 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61- ....
1FN3900-4NB... 56.7 119.3 43.8 (58.7) 56/1124) 6FX7002-5LM02- .... 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5YP02- ....

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see

Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. .... ....

Designation Order No.

Signal cable, pre-assembled
with M17 connector
• For 1FN3100/1FN3150 motors 6FX7002-2SL01-....
• For 1FN3300 to 1FN3900 motors 6FX7002-2SL02-....

For water cooling with inlet temperature 35 °C (95 °F).
2) A reduction of up to 30 % must be expected in case of motor standstill, at very low speeds, or with very short traverse paths.
Velocity values refer to a converter DC link voltage of 600 V DC.
4) Power modules are designed for feedrate force F
rated. If feedrate force FMAX is utilized, the next largest power module must be used. If a power
module with a higher rating is used, you must check whether the specified power cable can be connected to it.
5) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
6) Permanently connected power and signal cables.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/73

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

1FN3 linear motors Optional components
Secondary section cover Cover end pieces for
secondary section cover2)
Type Integrated1) Segmented Retaining of the integrated cover
without heat sink profiles
Order No. Order No. Order No.

1FN3050-... 1FN3050-0TB00-1 7 7 0 1FN3050-4TP00-1A 7 7 1FN3050-0TC00-0AA0

1FN3100-... 1FN3100-0TB00-1 7 7 0 1FN3100-4TP00-1A 7 7 1FN3100-0TC00-0AA0
1FN3150-... 1FN3150-0TB00-1 7 7 0 1FN3150-4TP00-1A 7 7 1FN3150-0TC00-0AA0
1FN3300-... 1FN3300-0TB00-1 7 7 0 1FN3300-4TP00-1A 7 7 1FN3300-0TC00-0AA0
1FN3450-... 1FN3450-0TB00-1 7 7 0 1FN3450-4TP00-1A 7 7 1FN3450-0TC00-0AA0
1FN3600-... 1FN3600-0TB00-1 7 7 0 1FN3600-4TP00-1A 7 7 –
1FN3900-... 1FN3900-0TB00-1 7 7 0 1FN3900-4TP00-1A 7 7 –

Number of 0 A Number of secondary 2.5 C 5

secondary sections 10 B sections 3 D 0
20 C for all frame sizes 3.5 D 5
30 D 4 E 0
40 E 5 F 0
50 F
0 A Number of secondary 5.5 F 5
1 B sections 6.5 G 5
2 C for frame sizes
3 D 1FN3600/1FN3900
4 E
6 5
7 H
8 J
9 K

1FN3 linear motors Optional components 1FN3 linear motors Optional components
Version for peak load Precision cooler Version for continuous load Precision cooler
Type Order No. Type Order No.

1FN3050-2W... 1FN3050-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3050-1N... 1FN3050-1PK10-0AA0

1FN3100-2W... 1FN3100-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3050-2N... 1FN3050-2PK10-0AA0
1FN3100-3W... 1FN3100-3PK00-0AA0 1FN3100-1N... 1FN3100-1PK10-0AA0
1FN3100-4W... 1FN3100-4PK00-0AA0 1FN3100-2N... 1FN3100-2PK10-0AA0
1FN3100-5W... 1FN3100-5PK00-0AA0 1FN3100-3N... 1FN3100-3PK10-0AA0
1FN3150-2W... 1FN3150-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3100-4N... 1FN3100-4PK10-0AA0
1FN3150-3W... 1FN3150-3PK00-0AA0 1FN3150-1N... 1FN3150-1PK10-0AA0
1FN3150-4W... 1FN3150-4PK00-0AA0 1FN3150-2N... 1FN3150-2PK10-0AA0
1FN3150-5W... 1FN3150-5PK00-0AA0 1FN3150-3N... 1FN3150-3PK10-0AA0
1FN3300-2W... 1FN3300-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3150-4N... 1FN3150-4PK10-0AA0
1FN3300-3W... 1FN3300-3PK00-0AA0 1FN3300-1N... 1FN3300-1PK10-0AA0
1FN3300-4W... 1FN3300-4PK00-0AA0 1FN3300-2N... 1FN3300-2PK10-0AA0
1FN3450-2W... 1FN3450-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3300-3N... 1FN3300-3PK10-0AA0
1FN3450-3W... 1FN3450-3PK00-0AA0 1FN3300-4N... 1FN3300-4PK10-0AA0
1FN3450-4W... 1FN3450-4PK00-0AA0 1FN3450-2N... 1FN3450-2PK10-0AA0
1FN3450-3N... 1FN3450-3PK10-0AA0
1FN3600-2W... 1FN3600-2PK00-0AA0
1FN3600-3W... 1FN3600-3PK00-0AA0 1FN3450-4N... 1FN3450-4PK10-0AA0
1FN3600-4W... 1FN3600-4PK00-0AA0 1FN3600-2N... 1FN3600-2PK10-0AA0
1FN3600-3N... 1FN3600-3PK10-0AA0
1FN3900-2W... 1FN3900-2PK00-0AA0
1FN3600-4N... 1FN3600-4PK10-0AA0
1FN3900-3W... 1FN3900-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3900-4W... 1FN3900-4PK00-0AA0 1FN3900-2N... 1FN3900-2PK10-0AA0
1FN3900-3N... 1FN3900-3PK10-0AA0
1FN3900-4N... 1FN3900-4PK10-0AA0

1) Integrated cover for several secondary sections. The maximum length of the secondary section cover is 6 m (19.7 ft). For the following frame sizes,
this corresponds to: 1FN3050 to 1FN3150, a maximum number of 50 secondary sections (AB to FA). 1FN3300 to 1FN3900, a maximum number of
32 secondary sections (AB to DC).
The secondary section end pieces are designed to allow clamping of the integrated secondary section cover.

6/74 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 standard type linear motors
Water cooling

Precision cooler

Secondary section cover

section Power cooler


Heatsink profiles

Combi distributor

■ Selection and ordering data

Linear motors Optional components
Type Heatsink profile3) Secondary section end pieces2)
Combi distributor Combi adapter Combi end piece
Parallel water connection Combi adapter and end piece can only be implemented
for all heatsink profiles together.
Single-sided Water diversion
water connection
Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No.

1FN3050-... 1FN3002-0TK0 7 -1 7 7 0 1FN3050-0TJ01-0AA0 1FN3050-0TG01-0AA0 1FN3050-0TF01-0AA0

1FN3100-... 1FN3002-0TK0 7 -1 7 7 0 1FN3100-0TJ01-0AA0 1FN3100-0TG01-0AA0 1FN3100-0TF01-0AA0
1FN3150-... 1FN3002-0TK0 7 -1 7 7 0 1FN3150-0TJ01-0AA0 1FN3150-0TG01-0AA0 1FN3150-0TF01-0AA0
1FN3300-... 1FN3003-0TK0 7 -1 7 7 0 1FN3300-0TJ01-0AA0 1FN3300-0TG01-0AA0 1FN3300-0TF01-0AA0
1FN3450-... 1FN3003-0TK0 7 -1 7 7 0 1FN3450-0TJ01-0AA0 1FN3450-0TG01-0AA0 1FN3450-0TF01-0AA0
1FN3600-... 1FN3004-0TK0 7 -1 7 7 0 1FN3600-0TJ01-0AA0 – –
1FN3900-... 1FN3005-0TK0 7 -1 7 7 0 1FN3900-0TJ01-0AA0 – –

With plug-in coupling prepared for 4 Number of

connection to combi distributor with secondary sections
plug-in coupling, combi adapter with plug- A 0
3) Frame sizes 1FN3050 to 1FN3450:
in coupling, combi end piece with plug-in B 10
coupling or as intermediate unit for heat- C 20 2 units per secondary section track.
sink profile with cable grommet nipple 1FN3600 to 1FN3900:
A 0 3 units per secondary section track.
Frame sizes 1FN3050 to 1FN34504): B 1 The maximal available length of a single-part heat-
Grommet nipple only on right end 6 C 2 sink profile is 3 m (9.84 ft).
of secondary section track D 3 For the following frame sizes, this corresponds to:
Frame sizes 1FN3600/1FN3900: E 4 1FN3050 to 1FN3150, a maximum of 24 secondary
Grommet nipple on both ends 6 F 5 sections (AB to CE)
of secondary section track G 6 1FN3300 to 1FN3900, a maximum of 16 secondary
Frame sizes 1FN3050 to 1FN34504): H 7 sections (AB to BG).
Grommet nipple only on left end 7 J 8 4)
K 9 Available only in length AC (equals 2 secondary
of secondary section track
sections). The difference in the secondary section
track length must be compensated through
assembly with the heatsink profile

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/75

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 linear motors 1FN3 linear motors
Hall-effect sensor box Connector box

■ Overview ■ Overview

The motor position can be identified with an incremental linear A connector box is required to connect a hall-effect sensor box
measuring system using an additional hall-effect sensor box, or (option).
also motion-based if certain supplementary conditions are taken
into account.

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Technical specifications

Linear motor Hall-effect sensor box Product name Connector box

6 1FN3
Straight cable outlet
Order No.
Cable outlet at side
Order No.
Degree of protection
in accordance with
EN 60529-5 (IEC 60529)

Mounted opposite primary section terminal end Air humidity in accordance 95 % (without condensation)
1FN3050-2... 1FN3002-0PH00-0AA0 1FN3002-0PH01-0AA0 with DIN 40040
1FN3100-2... Dimensions
1FN3100-4... (without sockets or
1FN3150-2... cable glands)
• Width 69.6 mm (2.74 in)
1FN3100-1... 1FN3005-0PH00-0AA0 1FN3005-0PH01-0AA0
1FN3100-3... • Height 54 mm (2.13 in)
1FN3150-1... • Depth 25 mm (0.98 in)
1FN3150-3... Weight, approx. 0.26 kg (0.57 lb)
1FN3003-0PH00-0AA0 1FN3003-0PH01-0AA0
■ Selection and ordering data
1FN3450-4... Designation Order No.
1FN3600-2... Connector box 1FN1910-0AA00-0AA0
1FN3900-2... For connecting an incremental
1FN3900-4... encoder
1FN3300-1... 1FN3006-0PH00-0AA0 1FN3006-0PH01-0AA0
Mounted on primary section terminal end
1FN3050-... 1FN3002-0PH00-0AA0 1FN3002-0PH01-0AA0
1FN3300-... 1FN3003-0PH00-0AA0 1FN3003-0PH01-0AA0

6/76 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FN3 motors 1FN3 linear motors
Measuring systems Liquid cooling

■ Overview ■ Overview
Recommended linear measuring systems for Non-Siemens products whose fundamental suitability is familiar
1FN3 linear motors to us. It goes without saying that equivalent products from other
manufacturers may be used. Our recommendations are to be
Absolute encoder EnDat seen as helpful information, not as requirements or dictates. We
do not warrant the composition, nature, state or quality of non-
Type LC 183 LC 483 Siemens products.
Signal cycle 20 µm 20 µm Please get in touch with the contact persons of the cooler man-
Acceleration in measuring 100 m/s 2 (328 ft/s2) 100 m/s2 (328 ft/s2) ufacturers listed below for technical information.
direction, max.
BKW Kälte-Wärme-Versorgungstechnik GmbH
Traversing velocity, max. 180 m/min 180 m/min
(591 ft/min) (591 ft/min) Benzstraße 2
72649 WOLFSCHLUGEN, Germany
Measuring length, max. 3 040 mm (120 in) 2 040 mm (80.3 in)
Phone: +49 (0) 7022-5003-0
Output signal 1 Vpp 1 Vpp Fax: +49 (0) 7022-5003-30
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp
Helmut Schimpke und Team Industriekühlanlagen GmbH + Co. KG
Type LS 187 (C) LS 487 (C)
Contact person: Ginsterweg 25-27
Signal cycle 20 µm 20 µm Mr. Gerkens 42781 HAAN, Germany
Acceleration in measuring 100 m/s 2 (328 ft/s2) 100 m/s2 (328 ft/s2) Phone: +49 (0) 2129-9438-0
direction, max. Fax: +49 (0) 2129-9438-99
Traversing velocity, max. 120 m/min 120 m/min E-mail:
(394 ft/min) (394 ft/min)

Measuring length, max. 3 040 mm (120 in) 2 040 mm (80.3 in)

Hydac System GmbH

Output signal 1 Vpp 1 Vpp
Contact person: Postfach 12 51
Mr. Klein 66273 SULZBACH/SAAR, Germany
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp Phone: +49 (0) 6897-509-708
open Fax: +49 (0) 6897-509-454
Type LIDA 185 LIDA 485 Renishaw E-mail:
Signal cycle 40 µm 20 µm 20 µm
Acceleration in measuring 200 m/s 2) 200 m/s2 300 m/s2 Pfannenberg GmbH
direction, max. (656 ft/s2)1) (656 ft/s2)1) (984 ft/s2)1) Contact person: Werner-Witt-Straße 1
Traversing velocity, max. 480 m/min 480 m/min 300 m/min Mr. Hille 21035 HAMBURG, Germany
(1 575 ft/min) (1 575 ft/min) (984 ft/min) Phone: +49 (0) 40-73412-127
Fax: +49 (0) 40-73412-101
Measuring length, max. 30 040 mm 30 040 mm 50 000 mm
(1 183 in) (1 183 in) (1 968 in) E-mail:
Output signal 1 Vpp 1 Vpp 1 Vpp

Rittal GmbH & Co. KG

Contact person: Postfach 16 62
Mr. Cieslar 35726 HERBORN, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2772-505-2063
Fax: +49 (0) 2772-505-2966

For design of the coolers, see Configuration Manual

(see documentation for Order No.).

1) Refers to the measuring head.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/77

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Torque motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FW6 standard type built-in torque motors
Water cooling

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 No elasticity in the drive train
7 High availability, since there are no gear components subject
to wear in the drive train
7 High torque, compact design and low construction volume
7 Low moment of inertia
7 Direct coupling to the machine using flanges

■ Application
In conjunction with the SIMODRIVE 611 digital/universal HRS
converter system, the built-in torque motors can be used as
direct drive for the following machine applications:
• Rotary indexing machines, rotary tables, swivel axes
• Rotary axes (A, B, C axis in 5-axis machine tools)
• Turret indexing and cylinder indexing for single-spindle and
multi-spindle machines
• Dynamic tool magazines
• Rotating spindles in milling machines
• Roller and cylinder drives
• Infeed and handling axes

■ Design
1FW6 built-in torque motors are liquid-cooled, multi-pole perma-
nent-magnet AC synchronous motors with hollow-shaft rotor. The The 1FW6 built-in torque motor comprises the following compo-

6 1FW6 motors are supplied as built-in components that are held nents:
together in the delivered state by transport locks. For a complete Stator
drive unit, an additional bearing and shaft encoder are required.
Iron core with a 3-phase AC winding. To improve dissipation of
Each frame size is available in different axis lengths. The stator the heat loss, the motor can be force-cooled by means of a liquid
and rotor are equipped with flanges at each end with centering cooler (main cooler).
surfaces and threaded holes for installation in the machine.
Please note that when 1FW6 direct motors (torque motors) Rotor
are used in fork heads for machine tools or robots, a license Cylindrical hollow shaft made of steel with permanent magnets
for US patent US5584621 and the associated international fixed to the circumference.
patent protection may be required.
If the main cooler and precision cooler are used together in a
heat exchanger, a cooling connection adapter (accessory) can
be ordered separately for simpler connection.
Cooler types
The design of the cooler system is dependent on the size (exter-
nal diameter) of the motor.
1FW6 motor Type of cooling
1FW6090 to 1FW6130 Jacket cooling
1FW6160 to 1FW6290 Integrated cooling

6/78 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Torque motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FW6 standard type built-in torque motors
Water cooling

■ Design (continued) ■ Integration

Motors with jacket cooling The 1FW6 motors which must be fed from the SIMODRIVE 611
digital/universal HRS converter system are designed for opera-
The coolant inlet and outlet must be provided by the machine tion on a 600 V DC-link voltage level and require a sinusoidal
manufacturer in the surrounding construction. current.
The cable connection is brought out of the front face of the stator
and the free cable end must be connected to a terminal box pro-
vided by the machine manufacturer. The length of the power and
signal cables from the motor to the converter system must not
exceed 50 m (164 ft).

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1FW6 built-in torque motors
Type of motor Synchronous motor with
permanent magnet rotor,
(number of rotor poles 44 ... 98)
Torque ripple ≤ 1.5 % M0
Coolant inlet temperature, 35 °C (95 °F)
Pressure in cooling circuit, max. 10 bar (static)
Temperature monitoring 2 x PTC thermistor drilled hole
with response threshold
130/150 °C (266/302 °F)
(in accordance with
DIN 44081/DIN 44082) and
1 x KTY84 thermistor

(in accordance with
IEC 60034-11) in the stator.
Evaluation via encoder
Motor components of sizes 1FW6090 to 1FW6150 with jacket cooling connection boxes SME9..
(rotor, stator) Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F)
Motors with integrated cooling in accordance with
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1)
These motors feature a ready-to-connect, integrated dual-circuit Type of construction Individual components:
cooling system and are therefore thermally insulated against the Stator, rotor
mechanical axis construction to a considerable extent. Degree of protection IP23
in accordance with The final degree of protection
IEC 60034-5 (minimum degree of protection
is IP54) for the installed motor is
determined by the machine
manufacturer. Protection against
touch, foreign bodies and water
for electrical equipment is
specified in accordance with
IEC 60034-5.
Encoder system The encoder must be selected
(not included in scope of supply) according to the mechanical and
converter-specific boundary
Connection, electrical Permanently connected power
and signal cables
Paint finish Unpainted

Motor components of sizes 1FW6160 to 1FW6290 with integrated cooling

(rotor, stator)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/79

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Torque motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FW6 standard type built-in torque motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Maximum Static Rated Max. speed at Max. speed at 1FW6 built-in Moment of Weight, approx.
torque torque1)3) torque2)3) maximum torque2) rated torque2) torque motors inertia of rotor stator + rotor
Water cooled
Standard type

Mmax M0 Mrated nmax at Mmax nmax at Mrated J m

Nm Nm Nm rpm rpm Order No. 10-2 kgm2 kg

(lbf -in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

179 (1 584) 119 (1 053) 113 (1 000) 46 140 1FW6090-0 7 B05-0F 7 2 1.52 (0.1345) 9.2 (20.3)
109 (965) 140 250 1FW6090-0 7 B05-0K 7 2 1.52 (0.1345) 9.2 (20.3)
251 (2 221) 166 (1 469) 154 (1 363) 120 220 1FW6090-0 7 B07-0K 7 2 2.2 (0.1947) 12.2 (27)
142 (1 257) 270 430 1FW6090-0 7 B07-1J 7 2 2.2 (0.1947) 12.2 (27)
358 (3 168) 238 (2 106) 231 (2 044) 8.7 82 1FW6090-0 7 B10-0K 7 2 3.09 (0.2735) 17.2 (37.9)
216 (1 912) 170 270 1FW6090-0 7 B10-1J 7 2 3.09 (0.2735) 17.2 (37.9)
537 (4 752) 357 (3 159) 338 (2 991) 78 150 1FW6090-0 7 B15-1J 7 2 4.65 (0.4116) 27.2 (60)
319 (2 823) 200 310 1FW6090-0 7 B15-2J 7 2 4.65 (0.4116) 27.2 (60)
439 (3 885) 258 (2 283) 241 (2 133) 47 130 1FW6130-0 7 B05-0K 7 2 6.37 (0.5638) 13.2 (29.1)
217 (1 920) 180 310 1FW6130-0 7 B05-1J 7 2 6.37 (0.5638) 13.2 (29.1)
614 (5 434) 361 (3 195) 344 (3 044) 21 96 1FW6130-0 7 B07-0K 7 2 8.92 (0.7895) 18.2 (40.1)
324 (2 867) 110 200 1FW6130-0 7 B07-1J 7 2 8.92 (0.7895) 18.2 (40.1)

6 878 (7 770) 516 (4 567) 484 (4 283)

450 (3 983)
1FW6130-0 7 B10-1J 7 2 12.7 (1.1240)
1FW6130-0 7 B10-2J 7 2 12.7 (1.1240)
25.2 (55.6)
25.2 (55.6)
1 320 (11 682) 775 (6 859) 744 (6 584) 14 78 1FW6130-0 7 B15-1J 7 2 19.1 (1.6905) 38.2 (84.2)
714 (6 319) 77 150 1FW6130-0 7 B15-2J 7 2 19.1 (1.6905) 38.2 (84.2)
710 (6 284) 360 (3 186) 338 (2 992) 230 110 1FW6150-0 7 B05-1J 7 2 10.1 (0.8939) 21.7 (47.8)
298 (2 638) 650 340 1FW6150-0 7 B05-4F 7 2 10.1 (0.8939) 21.7 (47.8)
994 (8 798) 504 (4 461) 470 (4 160) 260 130 1FW6150-0 7 B07-2J 7 2 14.2 (1.2568) 33.5 (73.9)
444 (3 930) 450 230 1FW6150-0 7 B07-4F 7 2 14.2 (1.2568) 33.5 (73.9)
1 420 (12 568) 720 (6 373) 668 (5 912) 170 78 1FW6150-0 7 B10-2J 7 2 20.9 (1.8498) 46.5 (103)
663 (5 868) 300 150 1FW6150-0 7 B10-4F 7 2 20.9 (1.8498) 46.5 (103)
2 130 (18 853) 1 080 (9 559) 1 050 (9 294) 100 34 1FW6150-0 7 B15-2J 7 2 31.3 (2.7703) 70.8 (156)
1 030 (9 117) 190 91 1FW6150-0 7 B15-4F 7 2 31.3 (2.7703) 70.8 (156)

Cable outlet for 1FW6090 to 1FW6150 only:

Axial P
Radially outwards Q
Tangential N

Type of connection:
Permanently connected power and signal cables with open core ends C
Length: 2 m (6.56 ft)
Permanently connected power and signal cables pre-assembled with connectors D
Length: 0.5 m (1.64 ft)

6/80 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Torque motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FW6 standard type built-in torque motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Static Rated Maxi- Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current current mum power Motor connection via power connector5)
1)3) 2)3) current2)
rated current
I0 Irated Imax Pel, max Irated/Imax Power Cable Pre-assembled basic
connec- cross- cable to converter
tor section6)

A A A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.


1FW6090-0.B05-0F.. 5.9 5.6 9.5 6.55 (8.78) 5/104) For ordering data, 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
see Converter
1FW6090-0.B05-0K.. 8.2 7.4 13 8.12 (10.88) 9/18 system 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6090-0.B07-0K.. 10 9.5 16 10.3 (13.8) 9/184) 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6090-0.B07-1J.. 16 13 26 14.1 (18.9) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6090-0.B10-0K.. 8.2 7.9 13 9.43 (12.6) 9/18 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6090-0.B10-1J.. 16 14 26 15.3 (20.5) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6090-0.B15-1J.. 16 15 26 17.1 (22.9) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6090-0.B15-2J.. 26 23 43 24.1 (32.3) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6130-0.B05-0K.. 9.7 9 18 12.2 (16.4) 9/184) 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6130-0.B05-1J.. 17 14 32 18.3 (24.5) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6130-0.B07-0K.. 10 10 20 14.2 (19) 9/184) 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6130-0.B07-1J.. 17 15 32 19.7 (26.4) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
21.4 (28.7)
30.6 (41)
4 x 2.5
1FW6130-0.B15-1J.. 19 18 36 25.4 (34.1) 18/364) 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6130-0.B15-2J.. 28 26 54 34.1 (45.7) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6150-0.B05-1J.. 18 17 44 22.8 (30.6) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6150-0.B05-4F.. 44 36 100 39.4 (52.8) 56/112 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61-....
1FW6150-0.B07-2J.. 27 25 66 32.0 (42.9) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6150-0.B07-4F.. 44 38 100 42.7 (57.3) 56/112 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61-....
1FW6150-0.B10-2J.. 27 26 66 36.2 (48.5) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6150-0.B10-4F.. 44 40 100 47.3 (63.4) 56/112 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61-....
1FW6150-0.B15-2J.. 27 26 66 42.8 (57.4) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6150-0.B15-4F.. 44 41 100 54.5 (73.1) 56/112 1.5 4 x 10 6FX8002-5CA61-....

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

Torque and current at low speeds.
2) The values refer to a supply voltage of 400 V 3 AC ± 10 % (converter DC link voltage 600 V DC).
In case of water cooling with inlet temperature of 35 °C (95 °F) and maximum rotor flange temperature of 60 °C (140 °F).
4) Selection optimized to size of power module. The next higher power module offers 100 % torque utilization.
Fixed cable outlet, not pre-assembled, 2 m (6.56 ft) in length. Power and signal connectors are not included in the scope of supply of the motor and
have to be ordered separately.
The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/81

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Torque motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FW6 standard type built-in torque motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Maximum Static torque Rated torque Max. speed at Max. speed 1FW6 built-in torque motors Moment of Weight, approx.
1)3) 2)3)
torque maximum at rated Water cooled inertia of stator + rotor
torque2) torque2) Standard type rotor

Mmax M0 Mrated nmax at Mmax nmax at J m


Nm Nm Nm rpm rpm Order No. kgm2 kg

(lbf -in) (lbf -in) (lbf-in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

716 (6 337) 467 (4 133) 431 (3 814) 84 140 1FW6160-0 7 B05-1J 7 2 0.19 (1.682) 36.3 (80.0)
404 (3 575) 150 250 1FW6160-0 7 B05-2J 7 2 0.19 (1.682) 36.3 (80.0)
1 000 (8 850) 653 (5 779) 620 (5 487) 53 96 1FW6160-0 7 B07-1J 7 2 0.258 (2.283) 48.3 (106.5)
594 (5 257) 100 170 1FW6160-0 7 B07-2J 7 2 0.258 (2.283) 48.3 (106.5)
1 430 (12 656) 933 (8 257) 903 (7 992) 29 60 1FW6160-0 7 B10-1J 7 2 0.36 (3.186) 66.3 (146.2)
878 (7 770) 65 110 1FW6160-0 7 B10-2J 7 2 0.36 (3.186) 66.3 (146.2)
2 150 (19 028) 1 400 (12 390) 1 350 (11 948) 34 66 1FW6160-0 7 B15-2J 7 2 0.531 (4.699) 95.3 (210.1)
1 280 (11 328) 97 160 1FW6160-0 7 B15-5G 7 2 0.531 (4.699) 95.3 (210.1)
990 (8 762) 672 (5 947) 633 (5 602) 54 97 1FW6190-0 7 B05-1J 7 2 0.358 (3.168) 42.8 (94.4)
605 (5 354) 96 160 1FW6190-0 7 B05-2J 7 2 0.358 (3.168) 42.8 (94.4)
1 390 (12 302) 941 (8 328) 905 (8 009) 33 63 1FW6190-0 7 B07-1J 7 2 0.486 (4.142) 55.8 (123)
879 (7 779) 64 110 1FW6190-0 7 B07-2J 7 2 0.486 (4.142) 55.8 (123)

6 1 980 (17 523) 1 340 (11 859) 1 310 (11 594)

1 290 (11 417)
1FW6190-0 7 B10-1J 7 2
1FW6190-0 7 B10-2J 7 2
0.678 (6.0002)
0.678 (6.0002)
75.8 (167)
75.8 (167)
2 970 (26 285) 2 020 (17 877) 1 970 (17 435) 17 40 1FW6190-0 7 B15-2J 7 2 0.998 (8.832) 107.8 (238)
1 890 (16 727) 62 100 1FW6190-0 7 B15-5G 7 2 0.998 (8.832) 107.8 (238)
1 320 (11 682) 841 (7 443) 799 (7 071) 34 69 1FW6230-0 7 B05-1J 7 2 0.622 (5.505) 44.8 (98.8)
774 (6 850) 59 110 1FW6230-0 7 B05-2J 7 2 0.622 (5.505) 44.8 (98.8)
1 840 (16 284) 1 180 (10 443) 1 140 (10 089) 19 45 1FW6230-0 7 B07-1J 7 2 0.843 (7.460) 58.8 (130)
1 120 (9 912) 38 73 1FW6230-0 7 B07-2J 7 2 0.843 (7.460) 58.8 (130)
2 630 (23 276) 1 680 (14 868) 1 630 (14 426) 21 46 1FW6230-0 7 B10-2J 7 2 1.18 (10.443) 81.8 (180)
1 520 (13 452) 74 130 1FW6230-0 7 B10-5G 7 2 1.18 (10.443) 81.8 (180)
3 950 (34 958) 2 520 (22 302) 2 440 (21 594) 19 43 1FW6230-0 7 B15-4C 7 2 1.73 (15.310) 117.8 (260)
2 380 (21 063) 44 80 1FW6230-0 7 B15-5G 7 2 1.73 (15.310) 117.8 (260)
8 570 (75 854) 4 760 (42 126) 4 590 (40 622) 28 53 1FW6290-0 7 B15-7A 7 2 4.40 (38.939) 214.6 (473)

Cable outlet for 1FW6160 to 1FW6290 only:

Axial W
Radially outwards V
Tangential T

Type of connection:
Permanently connected power and signal cables with open core ends C
Length: 2 m (6.56 ft)
Permanently connected power and signal cables pre-assembled with connectors D
Length: 0.5 m (1.64 ft)

6/82 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Torque motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FW6 standard type built-in torque motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type4) Static Rated Maxi- Calculated SIMODRIVE 611 power module Power cable with complete shield
(continued) current current mum power Motor connection via power connector4)
1)3) 2)3) current2) Required
I0 Irated Imax Pel, max Irated/Imax Power Cable Pre-assembled basic
connector cross- cable to converter

A A A kW A Order No. Size mm2 Order No.


1FW6160-0.B05-1J.. 17 16 31 15.1 (20.2) 18/36 For ordering data, 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....

see Converter system
1FW6160-0.B05-2J.. 28 24 49 20 (26.8) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6160-0.B07-1J.. 17 16 31 16.7 (22.4) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6160-0.B07-2J.. 28 25 49 21.8 (29.2) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6160-0.B10-1J.. 17 17 31 19 (25.5) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6160-0.B10-2J.. 28 26 49 24.4 (32.7) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6160-0.B15-2J.. 28 26 49 28.2 (37.8) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6160-0.B15-5G.. 56 50 98 42.6 (57.1) 56/112 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5YP02-....
1FW6190-0.B05-1J.. 18 17 31 16.3 (21.9) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6190-0.B05-2J.. 27 24 47 20.6 (27.6) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6190-0.B07-1J.. 18 17 31 18.2 (24.4) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6190-0.B07-2J.. 27 25 47 22.7 (30.4) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
20.7 (27.8) 18/36
25.7 (34.5) 28/56
4 x 2.5
1FW6190-0.B15-2J.. 27 26 47 30.1 (40.4) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6190-0.B15-5G.. 54 50 95 44.1 (59.1) 56/112 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5YP02-....
1FW6230-0.B05-1J.. 16 15 31 17.3 (23.2) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6230-0.B05-2J.. 24 22 45 21 (28.2) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6230-0.B07-1J.. 16 16 31 19.4 (26.0) 18/36 1 4 x 2.5 6FX8002-5CA11-....
1FW6230-0.B07-2J.. 24 22 45 23.6 (31.6) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6230-0.B10-2J.. 24 23 45 27.1 (36.3) 28/56 1.5 4x4 6FX8002-5CA41-....
1FW6230-0.B10-5G.. 54 48 100 42 (56.3) 56/112 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5YP02-....
1FW6230-0.B15-4C.. 33 32 63 38 (50.9) 42/64 1.5 4x6 6FX8002-5CA51-....
1FW6230-0.B15-5G.. 53 49 100 47.4 (63.5) 56/112 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5YP02-....
1FW6290-0.B15-7A.. 64 61 130 65.2 (87.4) 70/140 1.5 4 x 16 6FX8002-5YP02-....

For length code as well as power and signal cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT. ....

■ Accessories
Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
Cooling connection adapter Power connector4)
• For torque motors 1FW6160-1BA00-0AA0 • Size 1 6FX2003-0LA00
1FW6160 to 1FW6230 for 4 x 2.5 mm2
• For torque motors 1FW6290-1BA00-0AA0 • Size 1.5 6FX2003-0LA10
1FW6290 for 4 x 4/4 x 10/4 x 16 mm2
Signal connector4)
• M17 (socket) 6FX2003-0SU07
for 6 x 0.5 + 1 x 1.0 mm2
Signal cable, pre-assembled
with M17 connector
• For 1FW6 torque motors 6FX7002-2SL10-....

1) Torque and current at low speeds.

2) The values refer to a supply voltage of 400 V 3 AC ± 10 % (converter DC link voltage 600 V DC).
3) In case of water cooling with inlet temperature of 35 °C (95 °F) and maximum rotor flange temperature of 60 °C (140 °F).
4) Fixed cable outlet, not pre-assembled, 2 m (6.56 ft) in length. Power and signal connectors are not included in the scope of supply of the motor and
must be ordered separately.
5) The current carrying capacity of the power cables complies with EN 60204-1 for installation type C under continuous operating conditions at an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/83

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Linear/torque motors for SIMODRIVE 611
Encoder connection boxes

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 1FN1910-0AA20-1AA0/-2AA0/
Product name Encoder connection boxes
Degree of protection in accordance IP67
with EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
Air humidity in accordance with 5 ... 85 % (without condensation)
DIN 40040
(without sockets)
• Width 150 mm (5.91 in)
• Height 64 mm (2.52 in)
• Depth 34 mm (1.34 in)
Weight, approx. 0.75 kg (1.65 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Encoder connection box 1FN1910-0AA20-1AA0
The SME91/SME92/SME93/SME94 encoder connection boxes SME91
enable motor and position encoder sensors to be connected in For connecting absolute
the vicinity of the motor in the case of drives with built-in motors. encoders
The encoder connection box is responsible for protecting the • 1 x connection for temperature
motor and outputting the current operating temperature/over- sensors, 7-pole
temperature to the converter system without time delay. Encoder connection box 1FN1910-0AA20-2AA0
■ Benefits For connecting absolute

6 7
Motor protection
Fault-free transmission to the converter system
• 2 x connection for temperature
sensors, 7-pole
7 Low cabling overhead for two motors connected in
7 PU-molded PCB in the housing, making the module extremely parallel
rugged and suitable for direct use in the machine Encoder connection box 1FN1910-0AA20-3AA0
■ Application For connecting incremental
encoders (connection of an
The SME91/SME92/SME93/SME94 encoder connection boxes optional hall-effect sensor box is
are suitable for connecting external position measuring systems possible)
and commutation devices to • 1 x connection for temperature
• 1FN3 linear motors sensors, 7-pole
• 1FW6 torque motors Encoder connection box 1FN1910-0AA20-4AA0

■ Integration For connecting incremental

encoders (connection of an
optional hall-effect sensor box is
The SME91/SME92/SME93/SME94 encoder connection boxes
can be used for 1FN3 linear motors and torque motors 1FW6 on
the SIMODRIVE 611 digital/universal HRS converter system. • 2 x connection for temperature
sensors, 7-pole
for two motors connected in

6/84 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors

■ Overview
1FW6 1FE1 2SP1
built-in torque motors built-in motors motor spindles

Cooling Water cooling

Speed at Mrated 34 ... 430 rpm Up to 40 000 rpm Up to 18 000 rpm
Static torque M0 119 ... 4 760 Nm (87.8 ... 3 511 lbf-ft) – –
Rated torque Mrated 109 ... 4 590 Nm (80.4 ... 3 386 lbf-ft) 5 ... 820 Nm (3.69 ... 605 lbf-ft) 42 ... 170 Nm (31.0 ... 125 lbf-ft)
Overload capability up to max. 2 x M0 – –
Encoder system Rotary encoder Hollow-shaft measuring system Hollow-shaft measuring system
• Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp L&B GEL 244 Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp
• Absolute encoder with EnDat 256 S/R (built-in)
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) – Depending on spindle design 70 dB1)
in accordance with EN ISO 1680
Degree of protection EN 60034-5 IP23 IP00 or as specified by IP64 (in working area)
(IEC 60034-5) spindle manufacturer IP53 (behind the spindle flange)
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a Temperature class 155 (F)
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) winding temperature rise of
∆T = 100 K
for an ambient temperature
of 40 °C (104 °F)
Inlet temperature of coolant With an inlet temperature of coolant of 25 °C (77 °F)
max. 35 °C (95 °F)
Type of motor Permanent-magnet AC main spindle motor AC main spindle motor

synchronous torque motor, in synchronous system in asynchronous/synchronous
3-phase with permanent magnets system
Paint finish Unpainted
Holding brake – Using spindle design –

Sound pressure level of stock removal and tool changing are not taken into account.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/85

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Overview ■ Benefits (continued)

7 Compatible system of SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE 611 and
motor, therefore fast commissioning is ensured
7 Higher machine productivity:
The permanent-magnet motor spindles (PE spindles) increase
the power density and economic efficiency of CNC machines.
The optimized combination of 1FE1 built-in motor, drive control
and CNC offers further opportunities for rationalization, such
as lower workpiece machining times and fewer clamping

■ Application
The 1FE1 built-in water-cooled synchronous motors are used in
combination with the SIMODRIVE 611 converter system where
there is a requirement for excellent machining quality, accuracy
and running smoothness, and very short ramp-up times.
The 1FE1 built-in motors are offered in two main versions:
• High-Torque series
6-pole/8-pole synchronous motors are available that have
been developed for turning and grinding machines with
moderate maximum speeds.
These motors are characterized by an extremely high torque
utilization. In this case, the speed range is approximately 1:2.
• High-Speed series
The 1FE1 built-in motors are water-cooled, synchronous motors In this series, 4-pole synchronous motors are available for
that are supplied as stator and rotor components. When the rotor milling. These motors are optimized for high maximum speeds

has been mounted to the spindle in the spindle box, a complete and a speed range of over 1:4. A voltage limitation module is
spindle unit is created. required for these motors when they are operated up to the
maximum speed.
■ Benefits
7 Compact design (e. g. for turning machines and vertical ■ Design
milling machines) by dispensing with mechanical compo- The 1FE1 built-in motor comprises:
nents, such as motor switch armature, belt drive, gearbox
and spindle encoder • A laminated, permanent-magnet rotor, which, as an option, can
be designed with a sleeve for simple mounting and removal
7 High power density thanks to water cooling
• A wound stator core with cooling jacket and encapsulated
7 Maximum speed up to 40 000 rpm, torque up to 820 Nm winding overhang
for S1 duty - Free cable ends of 0.5 m/1.5 m (1.64 ft/4.92 ft)
7 Higher torque – up to 60 % – with the same active component - Two integral PTC thermistors (incl. 1 spare), optionally with full
volume, consequently more compact machine design com- or universal protection
pared to 1PH2 - A cooling jacket into which the stator has been inserted.
7 Extremely short ramp-up and braking times (50 %) thanks to Rotor with sleeve
higher torque compared to 1PH2
Torque is transmitted to the spindle mechanically without play by
7 Cold rotor due to excitation using permanent magnets, means of a cylindrical stepped press fit. The rotor is mounted on
this means significantly less power loss in the rotor in the lower the spindle by thermal shrinking.
speed range and therefore less bearing heating and spindle The rotor with sleeve is pre-balanced and can be removed and
expansion subsequently remounted. The bond can be released by pres-
7 The stator and rotor are ready to install, no finishing is sure-oil injection without affecting the joint surfaces.
Rotor without sleeve
7 The absence of drive transverse forces permits extremely
high accuracy on the workpiece thanks to smooth, accurate Torque is transmitted to the spindle mechanically without play by
spindle motion even at very low speeds means of a cylindrical stepped press fit. The rotor is mounted on
7 Larger rotor inner bore than squirrel-cage rotor of asynchro- the spindle by thermal shrinking.
nous motors, but with the same outer diameter, which is an Removal of the rotor is not possible with this type of mounting.
advantage with regard to the bar capacity of automatic turning Rotors without sleeves are not pre-balanced.
machines and results in higher spindle stiffness due to larger
shaft diameters for milling spindles
7 Increased rigidity of the spindle drive achieved by mounting
the motor components between the spindle main bearings
7 Less cooling capacity required for the same power compared
to 1PH2, i. e. greater efficiency
7 Only one encoder (hollow-shaft measuring system) for
sensing motor speed and spindle position
7 Simple servicing by replacing complete motor spindles

6/86 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Characteristic curves ■ Technical specifications

Comparison of synchronous/asynchronous spindle Product name 1FE1 built-in motors
Type of motor Synchronous spindle with
permanent-magnet rotor
200 Constant power range 1:2 (6-/8-pole)/1:4 (4-pole)
% Recommended coolant inlet 25 °C (77 °F)
150 temperature, approx.
Standard protection – 2 KTY thermistors in the stator
temperature monitoring winding, 1 as spare
Full protection optional In addition to standard protection
50 Application example: 3 x PTC thermistor drilling
processing at motor standstill Evaluation possibility e. g. using
thermal motor protection:
Order No.: 3RN1013-1GW10

Torque Ramp-up time Rotor power
(same active (same moment dissipation Universal protection optional Full protection +
component volume) of inertia) (same rated current) NTC PT3-51F + NTC K227

Motor spindle as Permanently excited motor spindle Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a
induction motor (PE spindle) as synchronous motor in accordance with EN 60034-1 coolant inlet temperature of
(IEC 60034-1) 25 °C (77 °F)

Advantages of 1FE1 synchronous spindle over asynchronous spindle Type of construction (cf. ISO) Individual components:
Stator, rotor, motor encoder
Degree of protection IP00
3RZHU in accordance with IEC 60034-5
Balance quality of rotor
 in accordance with ISO 1940-1
• Rotor with sleeve Depending on the design

- Pre-balanced,
balance quality G 2.5
 Reference speed 3 600 rpm
- Unbalanced for complete
 balancing after mounting
FRPSRQHQWYROXPH  • Rotor without sleeve Not pre-balanced

Recommended motor encoder Hollow-shaft measuring system

 (not included in scope of supply) L&B GEL 244 for speeds greater
than 33 000 rpm
 Motor connection Free cable ends with
    USP  I = 0.5/1.5 m (1.64 ft/4.92 ft)
6SHHG length

Comparison of power/speed characteristics

■ More information
For a list of heat exchanger manufacturers, please refer to
7RUTXH Asynchronous motors – Liquid cooling.






Comparison of torque/speed characteristics

Power/speed and torque/speed characteristics of PE spindles
compared to the asynchronous version under the following sup-
plementary conditions: identical active part volume and identical
rated current (60 A) of the power section.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/87

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated power for duty Rated torque1) Rated Speed, 1FE1 built-in motors Moment of inertia Weight,
type in accordance with speed max. Water cooling Rotor approx.
IEC 60034-11) Standard type without sleeve8) (rotor and
Prated Mrated nrated nmax J m
S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 %
kW kW Nm Nm rpm rpm Order No. kgm2 kg
(HP) (HP) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)
High-Torque series, 6-pole
7.4 (9.9) 10 (13.4) 4.5 (39.8) 6 (53.1) 15 800 20 000 1FE1041-6WM 7 0- 1 B A 7 0.00019 (0.0017) 2.8 (6.2)
14.4 (19.3) 18 (24.1) 11 (97) 14 (124) 12 500 18 000 1FE1042-6WN 7 0- 1 B A 7 0.00033 (0.0029) 6.5 (14.3)
11.5 (15.4) 14.6 (19.6) 11 (97) 14 (124) 10 000 15 000 1FE1042-6WR 7 0- 1 B A 7 0.00033 (0.0029) 6.5 (14.3)
6.3 (8.5) 7.9 (10.6) 10 (89) 12.6 (112) 6 000 12 000 1FE1051-6WN 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00106 (0.0094) 5.5 (12.1)
8.3 (11.1) 10.4 (13.9) 10 (89) 12.6 (112) 8 000 15 000 1FE1051-6WK 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00106 (0.0094) 5.5 (12.1)
11.5 (15.4) 14.5 (19.4) 20 (177) 25.2 (223) 5 500 12 000 1FE1052-6WN 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00195 (0.0173) 8.2 (18.1)
14 (18.8) 18 (24.1) 18 (159) 23 (204) 7 500 15 000 1FE1052-6WK 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00195 (0.0173) 8.2 (18.1)
23 (30.8) 29 (38.9) 37 (328) 46 (407) 6 000 12 000 1FE1054-6WN 7 0- 1 B A 7 0.0038 (0.0336) 14.3 (31.5)
11.6 (15.6) 15 (20.1) 13 (115) 17 (151) 8 500 12 000 1FE1061-6WH 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00141 (0.0125) 5.5 (12.1)
4 (5.4) 5.3 (7.1) 13 (115) 17 (151) 3 000 5 000 1FE1061-6WY 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00141 (0.0125) 5.5 (12.1)
25 (33.5) 36.5 (48.9) 56 (496) 81 (717) 4 300 12 000 1FE1064-6WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00553 (0.0489) 14.5 (32)
20 (26.8) 29 (38.9) 56 (496) 81 (717) 3 400 10 000 1FE1064-6WQ 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00553 (0.0489) 14.5 (32)

6 34 (45.6)
24.5 (32.8)
42 (56.3)
30.5 (40.9)
65 (575)
65 (575)
81 (717)
81 (717)
5 000
3 600
8 500
6 000
7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.01048 (0.0927)
7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.01048 (0.0927)
14 (30.9)
14 (30.9)
29.3 (39.3) 36.5 (48.9) 65 (575) 81 (717) 4 300 9 000 1FE1082-6WQ 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.01048 (0.0927) 14 (30.9)
15 (20.1) 18.7 (25.1) 65 (575) 81 (717) 2 200 9 000 1FE1082-6WW 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.01048 (0.0927) 14 (30.9)
23.1 (31) 31.1 (41.7) 130 (1 151) 175 (1 549) 1 700 7 000 1FE1084-6WU 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02067 (0.1829) 30 (66.2)
31 (41.6) 42 (56.3) 130 (1 151) 175 (1 549) 2 300 9 000 1FE1084-6WR 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02067 (0.1829) 30 (66.2)
15 (20.1) 19 (25.5) 130 (1 151) 175 (1 549) 1 100 4 500 1FE1084-6WX 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02067 (0.1829) 30 (66.2)
10 (13.4) 13.2 (17.7) 28 (248) 36 (319) 3 500 7 000 1FE1091-6WN 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00814 (0.0720) 20 (44.1)
6.3 (8.5) 7.5 (10.1) 30 (266) 36 (319) 2 000 4 000 1FE1091-6WS 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.00814 (0.0720) 20 (44.1)
24.2 (32.4) 31 (41.6) 66 (584) 85 (752) 3 500 7 000 1FE1092-6WN 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.01566 (0.1386) 30.5 (67.3)
22 (29.5) 28 (37.5) 66 (584) 85 (752) 3 200 7 000 1FE1092-6WR 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.01566 (0.1386) 30.5 (67.3)
36.6 (49.1) 47 (63) 100 (885) 128 (1 133) 3 500 7 000 1FE1093-6WN 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.02317 (0.2051) 41 (90.4)
21 (28.2) 27 (36.2) 100 (885) 128 (1 133) 2 000 4 000 1FE1093-6WS 7 0- 1 B 7 7 0.02317 (0.2051) 41 (90.4)
16.8 (22.5) 21.5 (28.8) 100 (885) 128 (1 133) 1 600 7 000 1FE1093-6WV 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02317 (0.2051) 41 (90.4)

• Standard protection: 2 x KTY2) 1

• Full protection: 2 x KTY + 3 x PTC thermistor drilling6) 3
• Universal protection7) 5
•• Delivery of stator + rotor2)4)5) 1
•• Stator with cooling jacket2)3) B
•• Without rotor jacket A
• With rotor jacket, for d* see dimensions table B
• With rotor jacket, for d** see dimensions table C
• With rotor jacket "-..D." only for 1FE1082..., see dimensions table D
•• Free cable ends with rigid connection, 1.5 m (4.92 ft) in length
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 0
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 1
• Free cable ends, flexible, 0.5 m (1.64 ft) in length (preferred variant)
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 2
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 3

S1 = continuous duty
S6 = intermittent duty:
Sizes 40, 50, 60: duty cycle time 1 min
Sizes 80 to 140: duty cycle time 2 min

6/88 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated current for duty type in Voltage SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) accordance with IEC 60034-11) Protection
Module Required rated

Irated Irated
S1 S6-40 % S1 to nmax
A A A Order No.

High-Torque series, 6-pole

1FE1041-6WM... 13 17.5 – 24 For ordering data, see
Converter system
1FE1042-6WN... 24 32 – 45
1FE1042-6WR... 19 26 – 30
1FE1051-6WN... 15 22 – 24
1FE1051-6WK... 20 29 – 30
1FE1052-6WN... 30 44 – 45
1FE1052-6WK... 37 54 – 45
1FE1054-6WN... 60 88 – 85
1FE1061-6WH... 21 30 – 24
1FE1061-6WY... 8 11.5 – 8
1FE1064-6WN... 56 80 VPM 120 60
1FE1064-6WQ... 43 61 VPM 120 45

45 6
1FE1082-6WQ... 60 84 VPM 120 60
1FE1082-6WW... 30 42 VPM 120 30
1FE1084-6WU... 45 64 VPM 120 45
1FE1084-6WR... 60 84 VPM 120 60
1FE1084-6WX... 30 42 VPM 120 30
1FE1091-6WN... 24 35 – 30
1FE1091-6WS... 15 19 – 24
1FE1092-6WN... 58 84 – 60
1FE1092-6WR... 41 58 VPM 120 45
1FE1093-6WN... 83 120 – 85
1FE1093-6WS... 53 76 – 60
1FE1093-6WV... 43 60 VPM 120 45

1) Data for ∆T = 105 K, special windings on request.

Standard scope of supply: Encapsulated winding with 2 x KTY (1 spare).
3) Stator without cooling jacket, with soaked winding on request.
4) Ordering spare parts: stator: 1FE1...-.....-2.W.
5) Ordering spare parts: rotor: 1FE1...-.....-3W..
6) Full protection option, application example: loading at motor standstill, external tripping unit required: Order No. 3RN1013-1GW10.
7) Universal protection option: full protection + NTC PT3-51F + NTC K227.
8) For moment of inertia with sleeve, see Configuration Manual.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/89

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated power for duty Rated torque1) Rated Speed, 1FE1 built-in motors Moment of inertia Weight,
type in accordance with speed max. Water cooling Rotor without/with approx.
IEC 60034-11) Standard type sleeve9) (rotor and
Prated Mrated nrated nmax J m
S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 %
kW kW Nm Nm rpm rpm Order No. kgm2 kg
(HP) (HP) (lbf-in) (lbf-in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)
High-Torque series, 6-pole
33 (44.2) 35 (46.9) 150 (1 328) 190 (1 682) 2 100 6 500 1FE1113-6WU 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.0650 (0.5752) 57 (126)
22 (29.5) 24 (32.2) 150 (1 328) 190 (1 682) 1 400 5 700 1FE1113-6WX 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.0650 (0.5752) 57 (126)
41.9 (56.2) 53.6 (71.9) 200 (1 770) 256 (2 266) 2 000 6 500 1FE1114-6WR 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.06239 (0.5521) 80 (176)
29.3 (39.3) 37.5 (50.3) 200 (1 770) 256 (2 266) 1 400 6 500 1FE1114-6WT 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.06239 (0.5521) 80 (176)
20.9 (28.0) 26.8 (35.9) 200 (1 770) 256 (2 266) 1 000 6 000 1FE1114-6WW 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.06239 (0.5521) 80 (176)
41.6 (55.8) 45.0 (60.4) 265 (2 345) 340 (3 009) 1 500 6 500 1FE1115-6WT 7 1- 1 B C 7 0.0780 (0.690) 90 (198)
37.7 (50.5) 48.3 (64.8) 300 (2 655) 384 (3 399) 1 200 6 500 1FE1116-6WR 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.09285 (0.8217) 103 (227)
28.3 (37.9) 36.2 (48.5) 300 (2 655) 384 (3 399) 900 5 500 1FE1116-6WT 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.09285 (0.8217) 103 (227)
22 (29.5) 28 (37.5) 300 (2 655) 384 (3 399) 700 4 000 1FE1116-6WW 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.09285 (0.8217) 103 (227)
High-Torque series, 8-pole
63 (84.5) 80 (107) 430 (3 806) 620 (5 487) 1 400 6 500 1FE1144-8WL 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.11440 (1.013) 84.5 (186)
104 (139.4) 124 (166)2) 585 (5 178) 795 (7 036)2) 1 700 8 000 1FE1145-8WN 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.21636 (1.9148) 117 (258)

6 79.6 (106.7)
67.4 (90.4)
96 (129)
80 (107)
585 (5 178)
585 (5 178)
795 (7 036)
795 (7 036)
1 300
1 100
6 000
5 000
1FE1145-8WQ 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.21636 (1.9148)
1FE1145-8WS 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.21636 (1.9148)
117 (258)
117 (258)
103 (138.1) 124 (166)2) 820 (7 258) 1 110 (9 824)2) 1 200 5 500 1FE1147-8WN 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.28823 (2.5508) 155 (342)
81.6 (109.4) 96 (129) 820 (7 258) 1 110 (9 824) 950 4 200 1FE1147-8WQ 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.28823 (2.5508) 155 (342)
64.4 (86.3) 80 (107) 820 (7 258) 1 110 (9 824) 750 3 500 1FE1147-8WS 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.28823 (2.5508) 155 (342)

• Standard protection: 2 x KTY3) 1

• Full protection: 2 x KTY + 3 x PTC thermistor drilling7) 3
• Universal protection8) 5
•• Delivery of stator + rotor3)5)6) 1
•• Stator with cooling jacket3)4) B
•• Without rotor jacket A
• With rotor jacket, for d* see dimensions table B
• With rotor jacket, for d** see dimensions table C
• With rotor jacket "-..D." only for 1FE1113-.../1FE1145-.../1FE1147-..., see dimensions table D
• With rotor jacket "-..E." only for 1FE1113-..., see dimensions table E
•• Free cable ends with rigid connection, 1.5 m (4.92 ft) in length
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 0
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 1
• Free cable ends, flexible, 0.5 m (1.64 ft) in length (preferred variant)
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 2
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 3

S1 = continuous duty
S6 = intermittent duty:
Sizes 40, 50, 60: duty cycle time 1 min
Sizes 80 to 140: duty cycle time 2 min

6/90 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated current for duty type in Voltage Protection SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) accordance with IEC 60034-11) Module
rated current

Irated Irated
S1 S6-40 % S1
A A A Order No.

High-Torque series, 6-pole

1FE1113-6WU... 60 91 VPM 120 60 For ordering data, see
Converter system
1FE1113-6WX... 43 62 VPM 120 45
1FE1114-6WR... 108 160 VPM 120 120
1FE1114-6WT... 84 123 VPM 120 85
1FE1114-6WW... 58 85 VPM 120 60
1FE1115-6WT... 85 123 VPM 120 85
1FE1116-6WR... 109 160 VPM 120 120
1FE1116-6WT... 84 123 VPM 120 85
1FE1116-6WW... 60 87 VPM 120 60
High-Torque series, 8-pole
1FE1144-8WL... 133 193 VPM 200 200 For ordering data, see
Converter system
1FE1145-8WN... 200 2902) VPM 200 200
VPM 200
VPM 200
1FE1147-8WN... 200 2902) VPM 200 200
1FE1147-8WS... 158 230 VPM 200 200
1FE1147-8WS... 130 190 VPM 200 200

Data for ∆T = 105 K, special windings on request.
2) Observe limit for power section.
Standard scope of supply: Encapsulated winding with 2 x KTY (1 spare).
4) Stator without cooling jacket, with soaked winding on request.
Ordering spare parts: stator: 1FE1...-.....-2.W.
6) Ordering spare parts: rotor: 1FE1...-.....-3W..
Full protection option, application example: loading at motor standstill, external tripping unit required: Order No. 3RN1013-1GW10.
8) Universal protection option: full protection + NTC PT3-51F + NTC K227.
For moment of inertia with sleeve, see Configuration Manual.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/91

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated power for duty Rated torque1) Rated Speed, 1FE1 built-in motors Moment of inertia Weight,
type in accordance with speed max. Water cooling Rotor without approx.
IEC 60034-11) Standard type sleeve (rotor and
Prated Mrated nrated nmax J m
S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 %
kW kW Nm Nm rpm rpm Order No. kgm2 kg
(HP) (HP) (lbf -in) (lbf-in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)
High-Speed series, 4-pole
12.6 (16.9) 17.6 (23.6) 5 (44.3) 7 (62) 24 000 40 000 1FE1051-4HC 7 0- 1 B A 7 0.00045 (0.004) 4.1 (9.0)
6.5 (8.7) 8.0 (10.7) 6.5 (57.5) 9.0 (79.7) 9 500 30 000 1FE1051-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00057 (0.005) 4.2 (9.3)
31.4 (42.1) 35 (47) 12 (106) 15.5 (137.2) 25 000 40 0008) 1FE1052-4HD 7 0- 1 B A 7 0.00087 (0.007) 7.15 (15.77)
23.9 (32.0) 30 (40) 12 (106) 15.5 (137.2) 19 000 40 000 8)
1FE1052-4HG 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00087 (0.007) 7.15 (15.77)
11 (15) 12 (16) 13 (115) 18 (159) 8 000 30 000 1FE1052-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00110 (0.0097) 7.35 (16.21)
17.5 (23.1) 19 (26) 13 (115) 17 (151) 12 500 30 000 1FE1052-4WK 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00110 (0.0097) 7.35 (16.21)
25.5 (34.2) 32.5 (43.6) 18 (159) 23 (204) 13 500 40 0008) 1FE1053-4HH 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00128 (0.0113) 10.2 (22.5)
16.5 (22.1) 18 (24) 20 (177) 27 (239) 7 900 30 000 1FE1053-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00163 (0.0144) 10.5 (23.2)
23 (31) 25 (34) 20 (177) 27 (239) 11 000 30 000 1FE1053-4WJ 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00163 (0.0144) 10.5 (23.2)
16 (21) 16 (21) 28 (248) 40 (354) 5 500 24 000 1FE1072-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00287 (0.0254) 11.2 (24.7)
20 (27) 20 (27) 28 (248) 40 (354) 6 800 24 000 1FE1072-4WL 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00287 (0.0254) 11.2 (24.7)
28.5 (38.2) 28.5 (38.2) 28 (248) 40 (354) 9 700 24 000 1FE1072-4WH 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00287 (0.0254) 11.2 (24.7)
1FE1073-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00430 (0.0381)
30 (40) 30 (40) 42 (372) 59 (522) 6 800 24 000 16 (35)
15 (20) 15 (20) 45 (398) 64 (566) 3 200 14 000 1FE1073-4WT 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00430 (0.0381) 16 (35)
41 (55) 41 (55) 56 (496) 79 (699) 7 000 20 000 1FE1074-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00573 (0.0507) 21 (46)
48 (64) 51 (68) 60 (531) 86 (761) 7 700 20 000 1FE1074-4WM 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00573 (0.0507) 21 (46)
25.8 (34.6) 28 (38) 60 (531) 85 (752) 4 100 18 000 1FE1074-4WT 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00573 (0.0507) 21 (46)
15.5 (20.8) 15.5 (20.8) 42 (372) 55 (487) 3 500 20 000 1FE1082-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00559 (0.0495) 15.1 (33.3)
8.8 (11.8) 8.8 (11.8) 42 (372) 55 (487) 2 000 11 000 1FE1082-4WR 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00559 (0.0495) 15.1 (33.3)
28 (38) 28 (38) 63 (558) 83 (735) 4 200 20 000 1FE1083-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.00847 (0.0750) 22 (49)
38 (58) 38 (51) 84 (744) 110 (974) 4 300 20 000 1FE1084-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01118 (0.0989) 28.5 (62.9)
35 (47) 35 (47) 78 (690) 110 (974) 4 300 20 000 1FE1084-4WP 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01118 (0.0989) 28.5 (62.9)
30 (40) 30 (40) 84 (743) 110 (974) 3 400 18 000 1FE1084-4WQ 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01118 (0.0989) 28.5 (62.9)
26.4 (35.4) 26.4 (35.4) 84 (743) 110 (974) 3 000 15 000 1FE1084-4WT 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01118 (0.0989) 28.5 (62.9)
38 (51) 38 (51) 105 (929) 138 (1 221) 3 500 18 000 1FE1085-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01388 (0.1228) 35 (77)
24 (32) 24 (32) 105 (929) 140 (1 239) 2 200 12 000 1FE1085-4WT 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01388 (0.1228) 35 (77)
33 (44) 33 (44) 105 (929) 140 (1 239) 3 000 16 000 1FE1085-4WQ 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01388 (0.1228) 35 (77)

• Standard protection: 2 x KTY2) 1

• Full protection: 2 x KTY + 3 x PTC thermistor drilling6) 3
• Universal protection7) 5
•• Delivery of stator + rotor2)4)5) 1
•• Stator with cooling jacket2)3) B
•• Without rotor jacket A
•• Free cable ends with rigid connection, 1.5 m (4.92 ft) in length
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 0
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 1
• Free cable ends, flexible, 0.5 m (1.64 ft) in length (preferred variant)
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 2
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 3

S1 = continuous duty
S6 = intermittent duty:
Sizes 40, 50, 60: duty cycle time 1 min
Sizes 80 to 140: duty cycle time 2 min

6/92 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated current for duty type Voltage Protection SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) in accordance with IEC 60034-11) Module
rated current
Irated Irated
S1 S6-40 % S1 to nmax
A A A Order No.

High-Speed series, 4-pole

1FE1051-4HC... 25 34.5 – 45 For ordering data,
see Converter system
1FE1051-4WN... 12 17 VPM 120 24
1FE1052-4HD... 57 75 – 120
1FE1052-4HG... 44 59 VPM 120 85
1FE1052-4WN... 20 26 VPM 120 30
1FE1052-4WK... 30 39 VPM 120 45
1FE1053-4HH... 46 63 VPM 120 85
1FE1053-4WN... 29 38 VPM 120 45
1FE1053-4WJ... 36 49 VPM 120 60
1FE1072-4WN... 36 54 VPM 120 45
1FE1072-4WL... 45 68 VPM 120 60
1FE1072-4WH... 64 96 VPM 120 85
1FE1073-4WN... 65 97 VPM 120 85
1FE1073-4WT... 30 44 VPM 120 30 6
1FE1074-4WN... 91 136 VPM 120 120
1FE1074-4WM... 97 144 VPM 120 120
1FE1074-4WT... 53 77 VPM 120 60
1FE1082-4WN... 42 60 VPM 120 45
1FE1082-4WR... 24 34 VPM 120 24
1FE1083-4WN... 77 110 VPM 120 85
1FE1084-4WN... 105 150 VPM 120 120
1FE1084-4WP... 79 120 VPM 120 85
1FE1084-4WQ... 83 119 VPM 120 85
1FE1084-4WT... 60 85 VPM 120 60
1FE1085-4WN... 105 150 VPM 120 120
1FE1085-4WT... 60 85 VPM 120 60
1FE1085-4WQ... 85 120 VPM 120 85

Data for ∆T = 105 K, special windings on request.
Standard scope of supply: Encapsulated winding with 2 x KTY (1 spare).
3) Stator without cooling jacket, with soaked winding on request.
Ordering spare parts: stator: 1FE1...-.....-2.W.
5) Ordering spare parts: rotor: 1FE1...-.....-3W..
Full protection option, application example: loading at motor standstill, external tripping unit required: Order No. 3RN1013-1GW10.
7) Universal protection option: full protection + NTC PT3-51F + NTC K227.
Series reactor required, see Configuration Manual.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/93

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated power for duty type Rated torque1) Rated Speed, 1FE1 built-in motors Moment of inertia Weight,
in accordance with speed max. Water cooling Rotor without approx.
IEC 60034-11) Standard type sleeve (rotor and
Prated Mrated nrated nmax J
S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 %
kW kW Nm Nm rpm rpm Order No. kgm2 kg
(HP) (HP) (lbf -in) (lbf -in) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)
High-Speed series, 4-pole
16 (21) 16 (21) 45 (398) 60 (531) 3 400 18 000 1FE1092-4WP 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.00916 (0.0811) 30 (66)
10.5 (14.1) 10.5 (14.1) 50 (443) 64 (310) 2 000 10 000 1FE1092-4WV 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.00916 (0.0811) 30 (66)
27.5 (36.9) 27.5 (36.9) 75 (664) 103 (912) 3 500 18 000 1FE1093-4WM 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.01694 (0.1499)9) 43.5 (95.9)
26 (35) 26 (35) 75 (664) 103 (912) 3 300 16 000 1FE1093-4WN 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.01694 (0.1499)9) 43.5 (95.9)
35 (47) 35 (47) 75 (664) 103 (912) 4 500 18 000 1FE1093-4WH 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.01694 (0.1499)9) 43.5 (95.9)
40 (54) 40 (54) 100 (885) 137 (1 213) 3 800 18 000 1FE1094-4WL 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02168 (0.1919)9) 50.5 (111.4)
46 (62) 46 (62) 100 (885) 137 (1 213) 4 400 18 000 1FE1094-4WK 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02168 (0.1919)9) 50.5 (111.4)
26 (35) 26 (35) 100 (885) 125 (1 106) 2 500 13 000 1FE1094-4WS 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02168 (0.1919)9) 50.5 (111.4)
18 (24) 18 (24) 95 (841) 118 (1 044) 1 800 10 000 1FE1094-4WU 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02168 (0.1919)9) 50.5 (111.4)
46 (62) 46 (62) 125 (1 106) 170 (1 505) 3 500 18 000 1FE1095-4WN 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.02642 (0.2338)9) 59 (130)
52 (70) 52 (70) 150 (1 328) 206 (1 823) 3 300 16 000 1FE1096-4WN 7 1- 1 B 7 7 0.03140 (0.2779)9) 67 (148)
38.5 (51.6) 45 (60) 102 (903) 142 (1 257) 3 600 16 000 1FE1103-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.01589 (0.1406) 34 (75)
1FE1104-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.02098 (0.1857)
54 (72) 64 (86) 136 (1 204) 190 (1 682) 3 800 16 000 42.5 (93.7)
53.4 (71.6) 64 (86) 170 (1 505) 236 (2 089) 3 000 16 000 1FE1105-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.02609 (0.2309) 52 (115)
72.6 (97.3) 85 (114) 204 (1 806) 283 (2 505) 3 400 16 000 1FE1106-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.03147 (0.2785) 61.5 (135.6)
62 (83) 66 (89) 204 (1 806) 270 (2 390) 2 900 14 000 1FE1106-4WR 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.03147 (0.2785) 61.5 (135.6)
56.5 (75.7) 60 (80) 200 (1 770) 270 (2 390) 2 700 12 500 1FE1106-4WS 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.03147 (0.2785) 61.5 (135.6)
25 (34) 30 (40) 200 (1 770) 270 (2 390) 1 200 6 000 1FE1106-4WY 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.03147 (0.2785) 61.5 (135.6)
63 (85) 75 (101) 200 (1 770) 275 (2 434) 3 000 14 000 1FE1124-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.05112 (0.4524) 62.6 (138.0)
78.5 (105.2) 90 (121) 250 (2 213) 345 (3 054) 3 000 14 000 1FE1125-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.06337 (0.5608) 76 (168)
65.5 (87.8) 82 (110) 250 (2 213) 345 (3 054) 2 500 12 500 1FE1125-4WP 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.06337 (0.5608) 76 (168)
94 (126) 112 (150) 2)
300 (2 655) 410 (3 629) 2)
3 000 14 000 1FE1126-4WN 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.07604 (0.6729) 90 (198)
78.5 (105.2) 100 (134)2) 300 (2 655) 410 (3 629)2) 2 500 12 500 1FE1126-4WP 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.07604 (0.6729) 90 (198)
63 (85) 82 (110) 300 (2 655) 410 (3 629) 2 000 10 000 1FE1126-4WQ 7 1- 1 B A 7 0.07604 (0.6729) 90 (198)
• Standard protection: 2 x KTY 1
• Full protection: 2 x KTY + 3 x PTC thermistor drilling7) 3
• Universal protection8) 5
•• Delivery of stator + rotor3)5)6) 1
•• Stator with cooling jacket3)4) B
•• Without rotor jacket A
• Without rotor jacket, di = 80 mm (3.15 in) for 1FE109.-4W... only R
•• Free cable ends with rigid connection, 1.5 m (4.92 ft) in length
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 0
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 1
• Free cable ends, flexible, 0.5 m (1.64 ft) in length (preferred variant)
Cable outlet at larger outer diameter of cooling jacket 2
Cable outlet at smaller outer diameter of cooling jacket (on request) 3

S1 = continuous duty
S6 = intermittent duty:
Sizes 50 and 70: Duty cycle time 1 min
Sizes 80 to 120: duty cycle time 2 min

6/94 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 standard type built-in motors
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated current for duty type Voltage Protection SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) in accordance with IEC 60034-11) Module
rated current

Irated Irated
S1 S6-40 % S1
A A A Order No.

High-Speed series, 4-pole

1FE1092-4WP... 41 58 VPM 120 45 For ordering data,
see Converter system
1FE1092-4WV... 24 35 VPM 120 30
1FE1093-4WM... 64 92 VPM 120 85
1FE1093-4WN... 60 86.4 VPM 120 60
1FE1093-4WH... 83 120 VPM 120 120
1FE1094-4WL... 90 130 VPM 120 120
1FE1094-4WK... 108 156 VPM 120 120
1FE1094-4WS... 60 85 VPM 120 60
1FE1094-4WU... 45 64 VPM 120 45
1FE1095-4WN... 108 156 VPM 120 120
1FE1096-4WN... 120 173 VPM 120 120
1FE1103-4WN... 84 127 VPM 120 85

1FE1104-4WN... 120 181 VPM 200 120
1FE1105-4WN... 120 180 VPM 200 120
1FE1106-4WN... 159 240 VPM 200 200
1FE1106-4WR... 128 184 VPM 200 200
1FE1106-4WS... 120 170 VPM 200 120
1FE1106-4WY... 60 85 VPM 120 60
1FE1124-4WN... 135 198 VPM 200 200
1FE1125-4WN... 162 240 VPM 200 200
1FE1125-4WP... 147 215 VPM 200 200
1FE1126-4WN... 200 295 VPM 200 200
1FE1126-4WP... 180 2652) VPM 200 200
1FE1126-4WQ... 147 215 VPM 200 200

Data for ∆T = 105 K, special windings on request.
Observe limit for power section.
Standard scope of supply: Encapsulated winding with 2 x KTY (1 spare).
4) Stator without cooling jacket, with soaked winding on request.
Ordering spare parts: stator: 1FE1...-.....-2.W.
6) Ordering spare parts: rotor: 1FE1...-.....-3W..
Full protection option, application example: loading at motor standstill, external tripping unit required: Order No. 3RN1013-1GW10.
8) Universal protection option: full protection + NTC PT3-51F + NTC K227.
For moment of inertia for version "R" without rotor jacket di = 80 mm (3.15 in), see Planning Guide.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/95

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1 built-in motors

■ Dimension drawing
1FE1 motor L D DA di
L Type mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
High-Speed series
1FE1051-4....-1BA. 130 (5.12) 120 (4.72) 106 (4.17) 46 (1.81)
1FE1052-4....-1BA. 180 (7.09) 120 (4.72) 106 (4.17) 46 (1.81)
1FE1053-4....-1BA. 230 (9.06) 120 (4.72) 106 (4.17) 46 (1.81)
1FE1072-4W...-1BA. 185 (7.28) 155 (6.10) 135 (5.31) 58 (2.28)


1FE1073-4W...-1BA. 235 (9.25) 155 (6.10) 135 (5.31) 58 (2.28)



1FE1074-4W...-1BA. 285 (11.22) 155 (6.10) 135 (5.31) 58 (2.28)

1FE1082-4W...-1BA. 190 (7.48) 180 (7.09) 160 (6.30) 68 (2.68)
1FE1083-4W...-1BA. 240 (9.45) 180 (7.09) 160 (6.30) 68 (2.68)
1FE1084-4W...-1BA. 290 (11.42) 180 (7.09) 160 (6.30) 68 (2.68)
1FE1085-4W...-1BA. 340 (13.39) 180 (7.09) 160 (6.30) 68 (2.68)
1FE1092-4W...-1BR. 200 (7.87) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 80 (3.15)
Rotor Air gap Stator 1FE1093-4W...-1BA. 250 (9.84) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 72 (2.83)
Hollow shaft Sleeve Cooling 1FE1093-4W...-1BR. 250 (9.84) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 80 (3.15)
sheath 1FE1094-4W...-1BA. 300 (11.81) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 72 (2.83)
1FE1094-4W...-1BR. 300 (11.81) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 80 (3.15)
1FE1095-4W...-1BA. 350 (13.78) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 72 (2.83)
1FE1095-4W...-1BR. 350 (13.78) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 80 (3.15)
1FE1096-4W...-1BA. 400 (15.75) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 72 (2.83)
1FE1096-4W...-1BR. 400 (15.75) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 80 (3.15)
1FE1103-4W...-1BA. 265 (10.43) 230 (9.06) 200 (7.87) 96 (3.78)
1FE1104-4W...-1BA. 315 (12.40) 230 (9.06) 200 (7.87) 96 (3.78)

6 1FE1105-4W...-1BA.
365 (14.37)
415 (16.34)
230 (9.06)
230 (9.06)
200 (7.87)
200 (7.87)
96 (3.78)
96 (3.78)
1FE1124-4W...-1BA. 315 (12.40) 270 (10.63) 240 (9.45) 110 (4.33)
1FE1125-4W...-1BA. 365 (14.37) 270 (10.63) 240 (9.45) 110 (4.33)
1FE1126-4W...-1BA. 415 (16.34) 270 (10.63) 240 (9.45) 110 (4.33)

Rotors of the High-Speed series are supplied without rotor

sleeve and unbalanced.

1FE1 motor Internal rotor diameter with sleeve

L D DA di d* d** d** d**
-..A. -..B. -..C. -..D. -..E.
Type mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
High-Torque series
1FE1041-6W...-1BA. 107 (4.21) 95 (3.74) 85 (3.35) 44 (1.73) – – – –
1FE1042-6W...-1BA. 157 (6.20) 95 (3.74) 85 (3.35) 44 (1.73) – – – –
1FE1051-6W...-1B.. 170 (6.69) 115 (4.53) 103.5 (4.07) 42 (1.65) – 33 (1.30) – –
1FE1052-6W...-1B.. 220 (8.66) 115 (4.53) 103.5 (4.07) 42 (1.65) – 33 (1.30) – –
1FE1054-6W...-1BA. 320 (12.60) 115 (4.53) 103.5 (4.07) 42 (1.65) – – – –
1FE1061-6W...-1B.. 130 (5.12) 130 (5.12) 118 (4.65) 58 (2.28) 48 (1.89) – – –
1FE1064-6W...-1BA. 280 (11.02) 130 (5.12) 118 (4.65) 58 (2.28) – – – –
1FE1082-6W...-1B.. 195 (7.68) 190 (7.48) 170 (6.69) 93 (3.66) 67 (2.64) 74 (2.91) 80 (3.15) –
1FE1084-6W...-1B.. 295 (11.61) 190 (7.48) 170 (6.69) 93 (3.66) – 74 (2.91) – –
1FE1091-6W...-1B.. 150 (5.91) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 92 (3.62) 67 (2.64) 80 (3.15) – –
1FE1092-6W...-1B.. 200 (7.87) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 92 (3.62) 67 (2.64) 80 (3.15) – –
1FE1093-6W...-1B.. 250 (9.84) 205 (8.07) 180 (7.09) 92 (3.62) 67 (2.64) 80 (3.15) – –
1FE1113-6W...-1B.. 260 (10.24) 250 (9.84) 220 (8.66) 120 (4.72) – – 80 (3.15) 105.2 (4.14)
1FE1114-6W...-1B.. 310 (12.20) 250 (9.84) 220 (8.66) 120 (4.72) 82 (3.23) 102 (4.02) – –
1FE1115-6W...-1BC. 360 (14.20) 250 (9.84) 220 (8.66) – – 102 (4.02) – –
1FE1116-6W...-1B.. 410 (16.14) 250 (9.84) 220 (8.66) 120 (4.72) 82 (3.23) 102 (4.02) – –
1FE1144-8W...-1B.. 340 (13.39) 310 (12.20) 280 (11.02) 166.7 (6.56) – 150.3 (5.92) – –
1FE1145-8W...-1B.. 390 (15.35) 310 (12.20) 280 (11.02) – – 150.3 (5.92) 140.3 (5.52) 125 (4.92)
1FE1147-8W...-1B.. 490 (19.29) 310 (12.20) 280 (11.02) – – 150.3 (5.92) 140.3 (5.52) –

Rotors without rotor sleeve "-..A." are supplied without pre-balancing.
Rotors with rotor sleeve "-..B./-..C./-..D./-..E." are supplied pre-balanced.

6/96 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
VPM Voltage Protection Module

■ Overview ■ Integration
The VPM Voltage Protection Module is used with motors The VPM is only operational in conjunction with SIMODRIVE 611
1FE1...-_...1-.... and 2SP1 with EMF of Vˆ > 800 V to 2 000 V and 1FE1/2SP1 motors.
(Veff 570 V to 1 400 V) to limit the DC link voltage at the converter
in the event of a fault. If the line voltage fails at maximum motor The VPM must be installed between motor and converter system
speed or if the drive converter pulses are canceled as a result of (at a maximum distance from the converter system of 1.5 m
the power failure, the synchronous motor regenerates at high (4.92 ft)). 6FX8 shielded motor supply cables must be used in
voltage back into the DC link. combination with the VPM.

The VPM detects a DC link voltage that is too high ( > 800 V DC) System requirements for operating the VPM with
and short-circuits the three motor supply cables. The power 1FE1/2SP1 motors:
remaining in the motor is converted to heat via the short circuit • SIMODRIVE 611 digital with High Performance control
in the VPM and motor. • SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS software version 3.3
• SINUMERIK 840D powerline software version 4.4 and higher

■ Technical specifications
Product name Voltage Protection Module
Degree of protection in IP20
accordance with EN 60529
(IEC 60529)
Humidity rating based on Class 3K5, condensation and icing excluded. Low air temperature 0 °C (32 °F)
EN 60721-3-3
Ambient temperature
• Storage -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Transport -25 ... +55 °C (-13 ... +131 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F) 6
• Height 300 mm (11.8 in) 300 mm (11.8 in) 300 mm (11.8 in)
• Width 150 mm (5.91 in) 250 mm (9.84 in) 250 mm (9.84 in)
• Depth 180 mm (7.09 in) 190 mm (7.48 in) 260 mm (10.2 in)
Weight, approx. 6 kg (13.2 lb) 11 kg (24.3 lb) 12 kg (26.5 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Voltage Protection Module
• VPM 120 (120 A) 6SN1113-1AA00-1JA1
• VPM 200 (200 A) 6SN1113-1AA00-1KA1
• VPM 200 DYNAMIK (200 A) 6SN1113-1AA00-1KC1
For large conductor cross-
sections (up to 50 mm2) and
for non-Siemens synchronous

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/97

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Motor spindles for SIMODRIVE 611
2SP1 standard type motor spindles
Water cooling

■ Overview ■ Benefits
The 2SP1 motor spindles offer the user the following important
advantages over conventional belt-driven solutions:
7 Compact spindle solution and "everything included" in the
spindle box
7 Fewer components and easy installation
7 Economical standard solution as compared with today's belt-
driven solutions
7 Drive train with high degree of rigidity
7 High torque and speed and therefore high productivity thanks
to high cutting efficiency and reduction of non-productive time
7 Higher speed and shorter start-up times as compared with
conventional belt-driven or gear solutions
7 Economical pneumatic tool release mechanism or optional
fast hydraulic tool release mechanism
7 Worldwide system delivery including spindle mechanics from
a single source – from Siemens
7 Extremely short tool change times with 2SP210 thanks to
2-channel technology and clamping set with optional latching

■ Application
The main application area for 2SP1 motor spindles are main
The 2SP1 motor spindle product range comprises compact spindles for simple milling machines and machining centers in
standard motor spindles for milling machines that can be used the job shop area of the machine tools sector.
6 as an alternative to belt-driven spindles and can be used both
for rough cutting and for precise fine machining. The 2SP120 motor spindles are particularly suitable for the area
of light metal machining at low torque and high speeds.
The 2SP1 motor spindle contains all the classical elements of a
motor spindle, such as a tool interface, tool clamping and re- The 2SP125 motor spindles are characterized by a high torque.
lease mechanism, spindle bearings suitable for absorbing the The main area of application is in the machining of steel and
machining forces, water-cooled drive motor, spindle casing for castings.
fixing and sensors for indexing and monitoring tool changeover.
The motorized spindles are available in 2 diameters of 200 mm ■ Design
(7.87 in) (2SP120) and 250 mm (9.84 in) (2SP125) and are of- The 2SP1 motor spindles are characterized by a rugged design.
fered with different torque and speed graduations to match the
respective milling machine family. The motor spindles are ideally Depending on the version, the following options are available for
matched to the performance levels of SIMODRIVE 611. 2SP1 motor spindles:
The complete product range of 2SP1 motor spindles was • Various tool interfaces
developed in cooperation with and is manufactured at Weiss • Internal tool cooling
Spindeltechnologie GmbH. • External tool cooling

6/98 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Motor spindles for SIMODRIVE 611
2SP1 standard type motor spindles
Water cooling

■ Integration ■ Characteristic curves

The 2SP1 motor spindle can generally be used with:
• SIMODRIVE 611 digital in combination with High Standard or 0RWRUSRZHU 9ROWDJHOLPLW
High Performance closed-loop control P 6WDUFRQQHFWLRQ
• SINUMERIK 840D powerline
A VPM 120 Voltage Protection Module must be used with motor 6WDU
spindles in synchronous design, see 1FE1 built-in motors. FRQQHFWLRQ




2SP1 motor spindles in asynchronous design with star-delta changeover








2SP1 motor spindles in synchronous design

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/99

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Motor spindles for SIMODRIVE 611
2SP1 standard type motor spindles
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Spindle Rated power Rated torque Rated speed Maximum 2SP1 motor spindles
diameter Star/delta Star/delta Star/delta speed Water cooling
Standard type

Prated Mrated nrated nmax

S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 %
mm kW kW Nm Nm rpm rpm Order No.
(in) (HP) (HP) (lbf-in) (lbf-in)
200 12.0/– (16.1/–) 12.0/– (16.1/–) 42/– (372/–) 55/– (487/–) 2 700/– 15 000 2SP1202-1HA 7 7 -1 D 7 7
15.5/– (20.8/–) 15.5/– (20.8/–) 42/– (372/–) 55/– (487/–) 3 500/– 18 000 2SP1202-1HB 7 7 -2 D 7 7

26.4/– (35.4/–) 26.4/– (35.4/–) 84/– (744/–) 110/– (974/–) 3 000/– 15 000 2SP1204-1HA 7 7 -1 D 7 7
35.0/– (46.9/–) 35.0/– (46.9/–) 78/– (690/–) 110/– (974/–) 4 300/– 18 000 2SP1204-1HB 7 7 -2 D 7 7
250 13.2/13.2 18.9/18.9 70/32 100/45 1 800/4 000 10 000 2SP1253-8HA 0 7 -0 7 7 2
(17.7/17.7) (25.3/25.3) (620/283) (885/398)
13.2/13.2 18.9/18.9 70/32 100/45 1 800/4 000 15 000 2SP1253-8HA 0 7 -1 D 7 2
(17.7/17.7) (25.3/25.3) (620/283) (885/398)

11.7/11.7 16.7/16.7 140/62 200/89 800/1 800 10 000 2SP1255-8HA 0 7 -0 7 7 2

(15.7/15.7) (22.4/22.4) (1 239/549) (1 170/788)
11.7/11.7 16.7/16.7 140/62 200/89 800/1 800 15 000 2SP1255-8HA 0 7 -1 D 7 2
(15.7/15.7) (22.4/22.4) (1 239/549) (1 170/788)

6 Synchronous
250 26.0/– (34.9/–) 29.0/– (38.9/–) 100/– (885/–) 130/– (1 151/–) 2 500/– 10 000 2SP1253-1HA 0 7 -0 7 7 2
35.0/– (46.9/–) 38.0/– (50.9/–) 100/– (885/–) 130/– (1 151/–) 3 300/– 15 000 2SP1253-1HB 0 7 -1 D 7 2

46.3/– (62.1/–) 55.0/– (73.7/–) 170/– (1 505/–) 236/– (2 089/–) 2 600/– 10 000 2SP1255-1HA 0 7 -0 7 7 2
53.4/– (71.6/–) 64.0/– (85.8/–) 170/– (1 505/–) 236/– (2 089/–) 3 000/– 15 000 2SP1255-1HB 0 7 -1 D 7 2
Tool clamping and release mechanism:
Pneumatic (only for 2SP125) 0
Pneumatic (only for 2SP120) 2
Hydraulic (only for 2SP120) 3

Closed cooling jacket 1
Closed cooling jacket and internal tool cooling 3
Closed cooling jacket and ring for external tool cooling (only for 2SP120) 4
Closed cooling jacket, internal tool cooling and ring for external tool cooling (only for 2SP120) 5

Tool interfaces:
Tool interface SK 40 A
Tool interface BT 40 45° B
Tool interface CAT 40 C
Tool interface HSK A63 D
Tool interface BT 40 30° E
Tool interface HSK A63, latching (only for 2SP120) R

"Tool clamped" sensor, "draw-bar in the release position" sensor and "clamped without tool" sensor D
D + "position of release piston" sensor (only for 2SP120) F

Type of connection:
Permanently connected cable, sensor cable with signal connector, length: 1.5 m (4.92 ft)
Power cable with open core ends 2
Power cable with connector (2SP1202: Connector size 1.5/2SP1204: Connector size 3) 6

6/100 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Motor spindles for SIMODRIVE 611
2SP1 standard type motor spindles
Water cooling

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Moment of inertia Weight,1) Rated current Voltage SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) approx. Star/delta Protection
Module Required

J m Irated Irated
S1 S6-40 % S1
kgm2 kg (lb) A A A Order No.
2SP1202-1HA... 0.015 (0.1327) 83 (183) 30/– 43/– VPM 120 30 For ordering data,
see Converter system
2SP1202-1HB... 0.015 (0.1327) 83 (183) 42/– 60/– VPM 120 45

2SP1204-1HA... 0.023 (0.2035) 101 (223) 60/– 85/– VPM 120 60

2SP1204-1HB... 0.023 (0.2035) 101 (223) 79/– 120/– VPM 120 85
2SP1253-8HA0.-0... 0.037 130 28/29 39/39 – 30 For ordering data,
(0.3274) (287) see Converter system
2SP1253-8HA0.-1... 0.037 130 28/29 39/39 – 30
(0.3274) (287)

2SP1255-8HA0.-0... 0.055 165 30/29 40/37 – 30

(0.4867) (364)
2SP1255-8HA0.-1... 0.055 165 30/29 40/37 – 30
(0.4867) (364)
2SP1253-1HA... 0.037 (0.3274) 130 (287) 53/– 75/– VPM 120 60 For ordering data,
see Converter system
2SP1253-1HB... 0.037 (0.3274) 130 (287) 68/– 98/– VPM 120 85

2SP1255-1HA... 0.055 (0.4867) 165 (364) 95/– 135/– VPM 120 120
2SP1255-1HB... 0.055 (0.4867) 165 (364) 120/– 180/– VPM 120 120

■ More information
Please refer to Asynchronous motors – Liquid cooling for a list of
heat exchanger manufacturers.
In addition to the standard motor spindles in the 2SP1 product
range, it is also possible to use individually customized motor
spindle designs.
For information about other motor spindles for turning, grinding,
milling and drilling, please contact:
Weiss Spindeltechnologie GmbH
– a Siemens Company –
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 35
97424 SCHWEINFURT, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 9721-7701-10
Fax: +49 (0) 9721-7701-133
More information is available on the Internet at

1) No options included.
Internal tool cooling: + 1 kg (2.21 lb)
External tool cooling: + 8 kg (17.6 lb).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/101

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Motor spindles for SIMODRIVE 611
2SP1 standard type motor spindles
Water cooling

■ Technical specifications
Product name 2SP120 2SP125
motor spindles motor spindles
Standard functions
Speed, max. 15 000 rpm 10 000 rpm
Enclosure Cartridge with flange mounting Cartridge with flange mounting
Working position Horizontal/vertical Horizontal/vertical
Tool holder HSK A63 SK 40 for tools with asymmetrical T sliding blocks
Tool clamping device • Release using pneumatic cylinder, 6 bar • Release using pneumatic cylinder, 6 bar
• Clamping using cup-spring assembly • Clamping using cup-spring assembly
Tool taper cleaning Compressed air through draw-bar 5 to 6 bar Compressed air through draw-bar 5 to 6 bar
Cooling with water • Max. 5 bar, 10 l/min • Max. 5 bar, 10 l/min
• Max. 25 % corrosion protection agent • Max. 25 % corrosion protection agent
Clariant Antifrogen N or Tyfocor Clariant Antifrogen N or Tyfocor
• Filter grade 100 µm • Filter grade 100 µm
Recommended coolant inlet 25 °C (77 °F) (depending on the ambient 25 °C (77 °F) (depending on the ambient
temperature, approx. temperature) temperature)
Standard protection • Motor thermal sensor KTY84-130 • Motor thermal sensor KTY84-130
Temperature monitoring • PTC for full thermal protection • PTC for full thermal protection
• NTC PT3-51F • NTC PT3-51F
• NTC K227 • NTC K227
Insulation of the stator winding in Temperature class 155 (F) for a coolant inlet Temperature class 155 (F) for a coolant inlet
accordance with EN 60034-1 temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) temperature of 25 °C (77 °F)
(IEC 60034-1)
Degree of protection IP64 (in working area) IP64 (in working area)

6 in accordance with IEC 60034-5

Bearing lubrication
IP53 (behind the spindle flange)
Grease, permanent lubrication
IP53 (behind the spindle flange)
Grease, permanent lubrication
Seal, bearing front Sealing air 1 to 1.5 m3/h, filter grade 8 µm Sealing air 1 to 1.5 m3/h, filter grade 8 µm
Measuring system Hollow-shaft measuring system, incremental, Hollow-shaft measuring system, incremental,
sin/cos 1 Vpp 256 S/R with zero mark sin/cos 1 Vpp 256 S/R with zero mark
Clamping status monitoring
• Sensors analog • Tool clamped –
• Draw-bar in the release position
• Clamped without tool
• Sensors digital • Position of release piston • Tool clamped1)
• Draw-bar in the release position
• Clamped without tool
Connections for the media
• Cooling 2 x hose plug-in connector, Ø 12/10 mm (0.47/0.39 in) 2 x G 1/2 (Ø 9 mm (0.35 in))
• Sealing air 1 x G 1/8 radial/Ø 5 mm (0.20 in) axial 1 x G 1/8 (Ø 8 mm (0.31 in))
• Air purge 1 x G 1/4 1 x G 1/4
• Release tool 1 x G 1/4 1 x M16x1.5
• Clamp tool 1 x G 1/8 1 x G 1/8
Electrical connections • Power through cable 1.5 m (4.92 ft) • Power through cable 1.5 m (4.92 ft)
• Sensors through signal plug • Sensors through signal plug
Increased max. speed 18 000 rpm 15 000 rpm (with HSK A63)
Internal tool cooling • 50 bar, up to 54 l/min • 50 bar, up to 54 l/min
• Filter grade 50 µm according to -/16/13 ISO 4406 • Filter grade 50 µm according to -/16/13 ISO 4406
• 1 x G1/4 coolant • 1 x G1/4 coolant
• 1 x G1/8 leakage • 1 x G1/8 leakage
External tool cooling • Ring with 6 adjustable nozzles –
• 5 bar
• Filter grade 50 µm according to -/16/13 ISO 4406
Tool clamping device • Release using hydraulic cylinder, 80 bar –
• Clamping using cup-spring assembly
• 1 x G 1/4, release tool
• 1 x G 1/4, clamp tool
Tool interface – BT 40, CAT 40, HSK A63

1) For manual tool changing; additional sensors are required for automatic tool changing (see Options).

6/102 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Selection guides
Type of construction/mounting position Degree of protection
The degree of protection designation in accordance with
Type of Desig- Type of Desig- Type of Desig-
construc- nation construc- nation construc- nation EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5) is made using the letters "IP" and two
tion/ tion/ tion/ digits (e.g., IP64). The second digit in the degree of protection
mounting mounting mounting designation represents the protection against water, the first
position position position digit the protection against penetration of foreign matter.
Since coolants used for machine tools and transfer machines
IM B3 IM B5 IM B35 usually contain oil, are able to creep, and may also be corrosive,
IM B14 protection against water alone is insufficient. The indicated de-
gree of protection should only be considered here as a guide-
line. The motors must be protected by suitable covers. Attention
must be paid to providing suitable sealing of the motor shaft for
IM V5 IM V1 IM V15
the selected degree of protection for the motor.
IM V18 The table can serve as a decision aid for selecting the proper
degree of protection for motors. For a mounting position with
vertical shaft end IM V3/IM V19, static fluid on the flange is only
permitted with degree of protection IP67/IP68 and recessed DE
flange in some cases.
IM V6 IM V3 IM V35
IM V19 Liquids General work- Water; Creep oil;
shop environ- gen. coolant petroleum;
ment (95 % water, aggressive
5 % oil); coolants

Dry IP64 – –
Water-enriched – IP64 IP671)

Jet – IP67 IP68
Surge, – IP67 IP68

1) IP64 with dry run at shaft exit.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/103

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Without With Encoder system:
DRIVE- DRIVE- Resolver
CLiQ CLiQ without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 s2 o1 k o k o
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – S LB – LB –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
28 1FT6021 – 40 9.8 63 55 2.5 64 73.5 28 20 5.8 34.5 193 122 218 147
(1.57) (0.39) (2.48) (2.17) (0.10) (2.52) (2.89) (1.10) (0.79) (0.23) (1.36) (7.60) (4.80) (8.58) (5.79)
1FT6024 233 162 258 187
(9.17) (6.38) (10.16) (7.36)
36 1FT6031 92 60 8 75 72 3 76 86 36 30 5.5 – 180 151 200 171
(3.62) (2.36) (0.31) (2.95) (2.83) (0.12) (2.99) (3.39) (1.42) (1.18) (0.22) (7.09) (5.94) (7.87) (6.73)
1FT6034 220 191 240 211
(8.66) (7.52) (9.45) (8.31)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

28 1FT6021 193 122 218 147 9 M3 20 10.2 3

(7.60) (4.80) (8.58) (5.79) (0.35) (0.79) (0.40) (0.12)
1FT6024 233 162 258 187
(9.17) (6.38) (10.16) (7.36)

36 1FT6031 220 151 240 171 14 M5 30 16 5
(8.66) (5.94) (9.45) (6.73) (0.55) (1.18) (0.63) (0.20)
1FT6034 260 191 280 211
(10.24) (7.52) (11.02) (8.31)

1FT602 Shaft design k

with fitted key o o
c s



d f f

1FT603 k

i2 c1

l e1

t l
d6 d6 f1 a1 f

6/104 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Without With Encoder system:
DRIVE- DRIVE- Resolver
CLiQ CLiQ without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 s21) s22) k o k o
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – S S LB – LB –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
48 1FT6041 120 80 10 100 96 3 80 90 48 40 7 M6 185 159 220 194
(4.72) (3.15) (0.39) (3.94) (3.78) (0.12) (3.15) (3.54) (1.89) (1.57) (0.28) (7.28) (6.26) (8.66) (7.64)
1FT6044 235 209 270 244
(9.25) (8.23) (10.63) (9.61)
63 1FT6061 146 110 10 130 116 3.5 90 100 58 50 9 M8 194 172 224 202
(5.75) (4.33) (0.39) (5.12) (4.57) (0.14) (3.54) (3.94) (2.28) (1.97) (0.35) (7.64) (6.77) (8.82) (7.95)
1FT6062 219 197 249 227
(8.62) (7.76) (9.80) (8.94)
1FT6064 269 247 299 277
(10.59) (9.72) (11.77) (10.91)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

48 1FT6041 228 157 263 192 19 M6 40 21.5 6

(8.98) (6.18) (10.35) (7.56) (0.75) (1.57) (0.85) (0.24)

1FT6044 278 207 313 242
(10.94) (8.15) (12.32) (9.53)
63 1FT6061 228 172 258 202 24 M8 50 27 8
(8.98) (6.77) (10.16) (7.95) (0.94) (1.97) (1.06) (0.31)
1FT6062 253 197 283 227
(9.96) (7.76) (11.14) (8.94)
1FT6064 303 247 333 277
(11.93) (9.72) (13.11) (10.91)

1FT604 Shaft design k

1FT606 with fitted key o
i2 c1 s2


l e1

t l
d6 d6 G_DA65_XX_00128 a1
f1 f

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/105

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 1) s2 2) o1 k o k o
height IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S S – LB – LB –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
80 1FT6081 194 130 12 165 155 3.5 127.5 77.5 58 11 M10 76 221 113 248 140
(7.64) (5.12) (0.47) (6.50) (6.10) (0.14) (5.02) (3.05) (2.28) (0.43) (2.99) (8.70) (4.45) (9.76) (5.51)
1FT6082 246 138 273 165
(9.69) (5.43) (10.75) (6.50)
1FT6084 296 188 342 234
(11.65) (7.40) (13.46) (9.21)
1FT6086 346 238 392 284
(13.62) (9.37) (15.43) (11.18)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

80 1FT6081 221 113 248 140 32 M12 58 35 10

(8.70) (4.45) (9.76) (5.51) (1.26) (2.28) (1.38) (0.39)
1FT6082 246 138 273 165
(9.69) (5.43) (10.75) (6.50)

1FT6084 296 188 342 234
(11.65) (7.40) (13.46) (9.21)
1FT6086 346 238 392 284
(13.62) (9.37) (15.43) (11.18)

1FT608 Shaft design k

with fitted key o o1
i2 c1 s2

l e1

t l

d6 d6 G_DA65_XX_00129
a1 f

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

6/106 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

1.5 3
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – HD S S –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
100 1FT6102 240 180 13 215 192 4 146 172 96 80 155 14 M12 76
1FT6105 (9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (7.56) (0.16) (5.75) (6.77) (3.78) (3.15) (6.10) (0.55) (2.99)

132 1FT6132 – 250 18 300 260 5 172.5 198.5 132 82 245 18 – 66

1FT6134 (9.84) (0.71) (11.81) (10.24) (0.20) (6.79) (7.81) (5.20) (3.23) (9.65) (0.71) (2.60)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Resolver Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o k o k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – LB – LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6102 295 186 341 232 295 186 341 232 38 M12 80 41 10
(11.61) (7.32) (13.43) (9.13) (11.61) (7.32) (13.43) (9.13) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1FT6105 370 261 416 307 370 261 416 307
(14.57) (10.28) (16.38) (12.09) (14.57) (10.28) (16.38) (12.09)

1FT6108 470 361 516 407 470 361 516 407
(18.50) (14.21) (20.31) (16.02) (18.50) (14.21) (20.31) (16.02)
132 1FT6132 423 288 473 338 423 288 473 338 48 M16 82 52.5 14
(16.65) (11.34) (18.62) (13.31) (16.65) (11.34) (18.62) (13.31) (1.89) (3.23) (2.07) (0.55)
1FT6134 473 338 523 388 473 338 523 388
(18.62) (13.31) (20.59) (15.28) (18.62) (13.31) (20.59) (15.28)
1FT6136 523 388 573 438 523 388 573 438
(20.59) (15.28) (22.56) (17.24) (20.59) (15.28) (22.56) (17.24)

1FT610 Shaft design k

with fitted key o o1
i2 c1

l e1


t l

d6 d6 G_DA65_XX_00130 a1
f1 f

o o1
i2 c1



t l


d6 d6 f1 f
350 (13.78)

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/107

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Terminal box
gk 130 gk 230
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) s3 o1
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – HD S S – –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with terminal box, without/with brake
100 1FT6102 240 180 13 215 192 4 155 160 96 80 155 14 M12 PG29 76
1FT6105 (9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (7.56) (0.16) (6.10) (6.30) (3.78) (3.15) (6.10) (0.55) (2.99)

132 1FT6132 – 250 18 300 260 5 – 194 132 82 245 18 – PG29/ –

1FT6134 (9.84) (0.71) (11.81) (10.24) (0.20) (7.64) (5.20) (3.23) (9.65) (0.71) PG36

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Resolver Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o k o k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – LB – LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6102 295 186 341 232 295 186 341 232 38 M12 80 41 10
(11.61) (7.32) (13.43) (9.13) (11.61) (7.32) (13.43) (9.13) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1FT6105 370 261 416 307 370 261 416 307
(14.57) (10.28) (16.38) (12.09) (14.57) (10.28) (16.38) (12.09)
1FT6108 470 361 516 407 470 361 516 407
(18.50) (14.21) (20.31) (16.02) (18.50) (14.21) (20.31) (16.02)

6 132 1FT6132

M16 82

(18.62) (13.31) (20.59) (15.28) (18.62) (13.31) (20.59) (15.28)

1FT6136 523 388 573 438 523 388 573 438
(20.59) (15.28) (22.56) (17.24) (20.59) (15.28) (22.56) (17.24)

1FT610 Shaft design k

with fitted key o o1
i2 c1 s3

l e1


t l

d6 d6 f1
G_DA65_XX_00132a a1 f

i2 c1 s3




t l e1

d6 d6 f1
350 (13.78)

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

6/108 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

1.5 3
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 o2
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – HD S S – –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, forced ventilation, with connector, without/with brake
80 1FT6084 194 130 12 165 185 3.5 140 154 93 58 175 11 M10 76 169
1FT6086 (7.64) (5.12) (0.47) (6.50) (7.28) (0.14) (5.51) (6.06) (3.66) (2.28) (6.89) (0.43) (2.99) (6.65)

100 1FT6105 240 180 13 215 221 4 158 172 111 80 212 14 M12 76 170
1FT6108 (9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (8.70) (0.16) (6.22) (6.77) (4.37) (3.15) (8.35) (0.55) (2.99) (6.69)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

80 1FT6084 399 188 445 234 32 M12 58 35 10

(15.71) (7.40) (17.52) (9.21) (1.26) (2.28) (1.38) (0.39)
1FT6086 449 238 495 284
(17.68) (9.37) (19.49) (11.18)
100 1FT6105 473 261 519 307 38 M12 80 41 10
(18.62) (10.28) (20.43) (12.09) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1FT6108 573
(16.02) 6
1FT608 Shaft design k
with fitted key o o2

i2 c1 s2

l e1


t l

G_DA65_XX_00134 a1
d6 d6 f1 f

o o2

i2 c1 o1

l e1


t l

d6 d6 f1 a1

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/109

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 o2
height IEC P N LA M AB T – H – HD S S – –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, forced ventilation, with connector, without/with brake
132 1FT6132 – 250 18 300 260 5 198.5 132 82 245 18 – 66 –
1FT6134 (9.84) (0.71) (11.81) (10.24) (0.20) (7.81) (5.20) (3.23) (9.65) (0.71) (2.60)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

132 1FT6132 541 288 591 338 48 M16 82 51.5 14

(21.30) (11.34) (23.27) (13.31) (1.89) (3.23) (2.03) (0.55)
1FT6134 591 338 641 388
(23.27) (13.31) (25.24) (15.28)
1FT6136 641 388 691 438
(25.24) (15.28) (27.20) (17.24)

1FT613 Shaft design k
with fitted key o o1
i2 c1





t l

d6 d6 f1 f
350 (13.78)

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

6/110 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Terminal box
gk 130 gk 230 gk 420
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) s3
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – – H – HD S S –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, forced ventilation, with terminal box, without/with brake
100 1FT6105 240 180 13 215 221 4 167 172 – 111 80 212 14 M12 PG29
1FT6108 (9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (8.70) (0.16) (6.57) (6.77) (4.37) (3.15) (8.35) (0.55)

132 1FT6132 – 250 18 300 260 5 – 186.5 202 132 82 245 18 – PG29/
1FT6134 (9.84) (0.71) (11.81) (10.24) (0.20) (7.34) (7.95) (5.20) (3.23) (9.65) (0.71) PG36

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN o1 o2 k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC – – LB – LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6105 76 170 473 261 519 307 38 M12 80 41 10

(2.99) (6.69) (18.62) (10.28) (20.43) (12.09) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1FT6108 573 361 619 407
(22.56) (14.21) (24.37) (16.02)
132 1FT6132 – – 541 288 591 338 48 M16 82 51.5 14
(21.30) (11.34) (23.27) (13.31) (1.89) (3.23) (2.03) (0.55)

(25.24) (15.28) (27.20) (17.24)

1FT610 Shaft design k

with fitted key o o2
i2 c1 s3



t l

d6 d6 f1 G_DA65_XX_00137a a1

1FT613 k
i2 c1

l e1
Øb 1



t l

d6 d6 f1
350 (13.78)

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/111

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

With Without
1 1 1.5 3
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2)
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – – – H – HD S S
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, water cooling, with connector, without/with brake
63 1FT6062 146 110 10 130 116 3.5 100 99 – – 58 50 – 9 M8
1FT6064 (5.75) (4.33) (0.39) (5.12) (4.57) (0.14) (3.94) (3.90) (2.28) (1.97) (0.35)

80 1FT6084 194 130 12 165 155 3.5 – – 139.5 153.5 77.5 58 – 11 M10
1FT6086 (7.64) (5.12) (0.47) (6.50) (6.10) (0.14) (5.49) (6.04) (3.05) (2.28) (0.43)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Resolver Resolver Incremental encoder
Incremental encoder Absolute encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake without/with brake without/with brake
Shaft Type DIN o k o1 k o1 k o1 k o1 d d6 I t u
height IEC – LB – LB – LB – LB – D – E GA F

63 1FT6062 – – – – – 253 227 283 227 24 M8 50 27 8

(9.96) (8.94) (11.14) (8.94) (0.94) (1.97) (1.06) (0.31)
1FT6064 303 277 333 277

(11.93) (10.91) (13.11) (10.91)
80 1FT6084 76 296 188 342 234 – – – – 32 M12 58 35 10
(2.99) (11.65) (7.40) (13.46) (9.21) (1.26) (2.28) (1.38) (0.39)
1FT6086 346 238 392 284 – – – –
(13.62) (9.37) (15.43) (11.18)

1FT606 Shaft design Water connection Water connection Water connection

with fitted key o1 G3/8 G3/8
68 40 64
(2.68) (1.57) (2.52)
c1 s2


l e1




t l

d6 d6 f1 136 40 90
(5.35) (1.57) a1 (3.54)
G_DA65_EN_00140a k f 10

o1 o Water connection Water connection
Water connection G3/8 G3/8
(3.31) 84
i2 64 40 (3.31)
(2.52) (1.57)






t l


d6 d6 f1 a1
k 110
f 10

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

6/112 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

1.5 3
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – HD S S –
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, water cooling, with connector, without/with brake
100 1FT6105 240 180 13 215 192 4 158 172 96 80 155 14 M12 76
1FT6108 (9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (7.56) (0.16) (6.22) (6.77) (3.78) (3.15) (6.10) (0.55) (2.99)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o1 k o1 d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6105 370 261 416 307 38 M12 80 41 10

(14.57) (10.28) (16.38) (12.09) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1FT6108 470 361 516 407
(18.50) (14.21) (20.31) (16.02)

1FT610 Shaft design o1 o Water connection Water connection

with fitted key Water connection G3/8 G3/8
i2 96
(3.78) 84
(1.57) g2

l e1




t l


d6 d6 f1 G_DA65_EN_00142a
c1 (4.33)
k f 10

1) IM B5
2) IM B14

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/113

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 k o k o o1 p s2 s3
height IEC P N LA M AB T – H – LB – LB – – HD S -
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, water cooling, with terminal box gk 230 for nrated ≤ 2 000 rpm, without/with brake
100 1FT6105 240 180 13 215 192 4 161 96 80 370 261 416 307 76 155 14 PG29
(9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (7.56) (0.16) (6.34) (3.78) (3.15) (14.57) (10.28) (16.38) (12.09) (2.99) (6.10) (0.55)
1FT6108 470 361 516 407
(18.50) (14.21) (20.31) (16.02)
1FT6, type of construction IM B5, water cooling, with terminal box gk 420 for nrated = 3 000 rpm, without/with brake
1FT6105 240 180 13 215 192 4 176 96 80 370 261 416 307 – 155 14 PG36
(9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (7.56) (0.16) (6.93) (3.78) (3.15) (14.57) (10.28) (16.38) (12.09) (6.10) (0.55)
1FT6108 470 361 516 407
(18.50) (14.21) (20.31) (16.02)

DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN d d6 I t u

height IEC D – E GA F

100 1FT6105 38 M12 80 41 10

1FT6108 (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)

6 1FT6105 38 M12 80 41 10
1FT6108 (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)

Water connection Water connection
With k G3/8 G3/8
terminal o o1
box Water connection 96 84
gk 230 (3.78) (3.31)
i2 c1 40 (1.57)
s2 10

l e1

Øb 1




t l


d6 d6 f1 G_DA65_EN_00176c a1 f

1FT610 Water connection Water connection

With k G3/8 G3/8
terminal o
box Water connection 96 84
s3 (3.31)
gk 420 (3.78)
i2 c1 40 (1.57)

l e1

Øb 1



t l


d6 d6 f1 G_DA65_EN_00177c a1 f

6/114 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a b b1 c c1 e e1 f f1 f2 h i2 k m m1 m2

height IEC B A N LA – BB M AB T – H – LB BA – –
1FT6, type of construction IM B35, water cooling, with terminal box
132 1FT6132 342 216 250 14 16 366 300 260 5 245 132 82 423 36 53 23
(13.46) (8.50) (9.84) (0.55) (0.63) (14.41) (11.81) (10.24) (0.20) (9.65) (5.20) (3.23) (16.65) (1.42) (2.09) (0.91)
1FT6134 392 416 473
(15.43) (16.38) (18.62)
1FT6136 442 466 523
(17.40) (18.35) (20.59)
1FT6138 517 541 598
(20.35) (21.30) (23.54)

nrated= nrated= DE shaft extension

1 500 rpm 2 500 rpm
Shaft Type DIN n o p p1 s s2 s3 s3 w1 d d6 I t u
height IEC AA – HD AC K K – – C D – E GA F

132 1FT6132 14 255.5 350.5 245 12 18 M32 x 1.5 M40 x 1.5 53 48 M16 82 51.5 14
(0.55) (10.06) (13.80) (9.65) (0.47) (0.71) (2.09) (1.89) (3.23) (2.03) (0.55)
1FT6134 305.5 M40 x 1.5 M50 x 1.5
1FT6136 355.5 M50 x 1.5 M50 x 1.5
1FT6138 430.5 M50 x 1.5 M50 x 1.5

Water connection
G 3/8
Water connection
G 3/8 6

l e1




t l

d6 d6

f1 s s n G_DA65_EN_00179

w1 a b A
m m1 f2
m2 f

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/115

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Flange 1 (1FT6-compatible)
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 o1 s2 i2 k o k o
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – S – LB – LB –
1FT7 Compact, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
36 1FT7034 90 60 8 75 72 3 80 48 6.5 30 195 133 222 160
(3.54) (2.36) (0.31) (2.95) (2.83) (0.12) (3.15) (1.89) (0.26) (1.18) (7.68) (5.24) (8.74) (6.30)
1FT7036 243 181 270 208
(9.57) (7.13) (10.63) (8.19)
48 1FT7042 120 80 10 100 96 3 93 53 6.5 40 169 102 201 134
(4.72) (3.15) (0.39) (3.94) (3.78) (0.12) (3.66) (2.09) (0.26) (1.57) (6.65) (4.02) (7.91) (5.28)
1FT7044 219 152 251 184
(8.62) (5.98) (9.88) (7.24)
1FT7046 259 192 291 224
(10.20) (7.56) (11.46) (8.82)
63 1FT7062 155 110 10 130 126 3.5 104 53 9 50 173 106 208 141
(6.10) (4.33) (0.39) (5.12) (4.96) (0.14) (4.09) (2.09) (0.35) (1.97) (6.81) (4.17) (8.19) (5.55)
1FT7064 205 137 240 173
(8.07) (5.39) (9.45) (6.81)
1FT7066 236 169 272 204
(9.29) (6.65) (10.71) (8.03)
1FT7068 284 216 319 252
(11.18) (8.50) (12.56) (9.92)

Flange 0 DE shaft extension

without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN b2 i2 f2 k o k o d d6 I t u

6 height IEC – – – LB – LB – D – E GA F

36 1FT7034 36 36.5 5.5 189 127 216 154 14 M5 30 16 5

(1.42) (1.44) (0.22) (7.44) (5.00) (8.50) (6.06) (0.55) (1.18) (0.63) (0.20)
1FT7036 237 175 264 202
(9.33) (6.89) (10.39) (7.95)
48 1FT7042 46 46 5.5 163 96 195 128 19 M6 40 21.5 6
(1.81) (1.81) (0.22) (6.42) (3.78) (7.68) (5.04) (0.75) (1.57) (0.85) (0.24)
1FT7044 213 146 245 178
(8.39) (5.75) (9.65) (7.01)
1FT7046 253 186 285 218
(9.96) (7.32) (11.22) (8.58)
63 1FT7062 51 56.5 6 167 99 202 135 24 M8 50 27 8
(2.01) (2.22) (0.24) (6.57) (3.90) (7.95) (5.31) (0.94) (1.97) (1.06) (0.31)
1FT7064 198 131 233 166
(7.80) (5.16) (9.17) (6.54)
1FT7066 230 162 265 198
(9.06) (6.38) (10.43) (7.80)
1FT7068 277 210 312 245
(10.91) (8.27) (12.28) (9.65)

Flange 1 Shaft design

(1FT6-compatible) with fitted key o o1
1FT704 c1 s2


Øb 1

t d6 a
f1 G_DA65_XX_00259 1

i2 k

Flange 0
1FT703 o o1
1FT704 c1
1FT706 l



Øb 1
Øb 2

t l a
d6 f1 G_DA65_XX_00258 1

i2 k f

6/116 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Flange 1 (1FT6-compatible)
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 o1 s2 i2 k o k o
height IEC P N LA M AB T – – S – LB – LB –
1FT7 Compact, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
80 1FT7082 195 130 11.5 165 155 3.5 141 51 11 58 196 130 248 183
(7.68) (5.12) (0.45) (6.50) (6.10) (0.14) (5.55) (2.01) (0.43) (2.28) (7.72) (5.12) (9.76) (7.20)
1FT7084 247 182 299 234
(9.72) (7.17) (11.77) (9.21)
1FT7086 299 234 351 286
(11.77) (9.21) (13.82) (11.26)
100 1FT7102 245 180 13 215 196 4 161 56 14 80 221 151 273 203
(9.65) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (7.72) (0.16) (6.34) (2.20) (0.55) (3.15) (8.70) (5.94) (10.75) (7.99)
1FT7105 307 238 360 290
(12.09) (9.37) (14.17) (11.42)
1FT7108 377 307 429 359
(14.84) (12.09) (16.89) (14.13)

Flange 0 DE shaft extension

without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN b2 i2 f2 k o k o d d6 I t u
height IEC – – – LB – LB – D – E GA F

80 1FT7082 66 64.5 6 189 124 241 176 32 M12 58 35 10

(2.60) (2.54) (0.24) (7.44) (4.88) (9.49) (6.93) (1.26) (2.28) (1.38) (0.39)
1FT7084 241 175 293 228

(9.49) (6.89) (11.54) (8.98)
1FT7086 292 227 345 279
(11.50) (8.94) (13.58) (10.98)
100 1FT7102 81 87 6.5 214 144 266 196 38 M12 80 41 10
(3.19) (3.43) (0.26) (8.43) (5.67) (10.47) (7.72) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1FT7105 301 231 353 283
(11.85) (9.09) (13.90) (11.14)
1FT7108 370 300 422 352
(14.57) (11.81) (16.61) (13.86)

Flange 1 Shaft design

(1FT6-compatible) with fitted key o o1
1FT708 c1 s2


Øb 1

t l
d6 a

f1 G_DA65_XX_00261

i2 k

Flange 0
1FT708 o o1
1FT710 s2


Øb 2
Øb 1

l a
d6 f1


i2 k f

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/117

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R / 15 bit (16 S/R)
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2
height IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S LB – – LB – –

1FK7 Compact, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
20 1FK7011-5 – 30 7 46 40 2.5 65.5 20 18 4.5 140 89 118 140 89 118
(1.18) (0.28) (1.81) (1.57) (0.10) (2.58) (0.79) (0.71) (0.18) (5.51) (3.50) (4.65) (5.51) (3.50) (4.65)
1FK7015-5 165 114 143 165 114 143
(6.50) (4.49) (5.63) (6.50) (4.49) (5.63)
28 1FK7022-5 – 40 10 63 55 2.5 75 27.5 20 5.4 153 95 128 175 95 150
(1.57) (0.39) (2.48) (2.17) (0.10) (2.95) (1.08) (0.79) (0.21) (6.02) (3.74) (5.04) (6.89) (3.74) (5.91)
36 1FK7032-5 92 60 8 75 72 3 81 36 30 6.5 150 90 125 175 90 149
(3.62) (2.36) (0.31) (2.95) (2.83) (0.12) (3.19) (1.42) (1.18) (0.26) (5.91) (3.54) (4.92) (6.89) (3.54) (5.87)
1FK7034-5 175 115 150 200 115 174
(6.89) (4.53) (5.91) (7.87) (4.53) (6.85)
48 1FK7040-5 120 80 10 100 96 3 90 48 40 7 134 73 106 163 73 135
(4.72) (3.15) (0.39) (3.94) (3.78) (0.12) (3.54) (1.89) (1.57) (0.28) (5.28) (2.87) (4.17) (6.42) (2.87) (5.31)
1FK7042-5 162 101 134 191 101 163
(6.38) (3.98) (5.28) (7.52) (3.98) (6.42)
63 1FK7060-5 155 110 10 130 126 3.5 105 63 50 9 157 94 126 200 94 169
(6.10) (4.33) (0.39) (5.12) (4.96) (0.14) (4.13) (2.48) (1.97) (0.35) (6.18) (3.70) (4.96) (7.87) (3.70) (6.65)
1FK7063-5 202 139 171 245 139 214
(7.95) (5.47) (6.73) (9.65) (5.47) (8.43)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 512 S/R / 20 bit (512 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R / 16 bit (32 S/R)
without brake with brake
Shaft Type k o1 o2 k o1 o2 d d6 l t u
height LB – – LB – – D – E GA F

20 1FK7011-5 155 89 118 155 89 118 8 – 18 8.8 2

(6.10) (3.50) (4.65) (6.10) (3.50) (4.65) (0.31) (0.71) (0.35) (0.08)
1FK7015-5 180 114 143 180 114 143
(7.09) (4.49) (5.63) (7.09) (4.49) (5.63)
28 1FK7022-5 178 95 128 200 95 150 9 M3 20 10.2 3
(7.01) (3.74) (5.04) (7.87) (3.74) (5.91) (0.35) (0.79) (0.40) (0.12)
36 1FK7032-5 175 90 125 200 90 149 14 M5 30 16 5
(6.89) (3.54) (4.92) (7.87) (3.54) (5.87) (0.55) (1.18) (0.63) (0.20)
1FK7034-5 200 115 150 225 115 174
(7.87) (4.53) (5.91) (8.86) (4.53) (6.85)
48 1FK7040-5 155 73 106 184 73 135 19 M6 40 21.5 6
(6.10) (2.87) (4.17) (7.24) (2.87) (5.31) (0.75) (1.57) (0.85) (0.24)
1FK7042-5 182 101 134 211 101 163
(7.17) (3.98) (5.28) (8.31) (3.98) (6.42)
63 1FK7060-5 180 94 126 223 94 169 24 M8 50 27 8
(7.09) (3.70) (4.96) (8.78) (3.70) (6.65) (0.94) (1.97) (1.06) (0.31)
1FK7063-5 225 139 171 268 139 214
(8.86) (5.47) (6.73) (10.55) (5.47) (8.43)

1FK701.-5 Shaft design o2

1FK702.-5 with fitted key o1
1FK704.-5 i2 c1





t l

d6 d6 f1 k a1 f

6/118 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2
height IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S LB – – LB – –

1FK7 Compact, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
80 1FK7080-5 186 130 13 165 155 3.5 119.5 77.5 58 11 156 91 124 184 91 151
(7.32) (5.12) (0.51) (6.50) (6.10) (0.14) (4.70) (3.05) (2.28) (0.43) (6.14) (3.58) (4.88) (7.24) (3.58) (5.94)
1FK7083-5 194 129 162 245 129 207
(7.64) (5.08) (6.38) (9.65) (5.08) (8.15)
100 1FK7100-5 240 180 13 215 192 4 138 96 80 14 185 113 153 204 113 172
(9.45) (7.09) (0.51) (8.46) (7.56) (0.16) (5.43) (3.78) (3.15) (0.55) (7.28) (4.45) (6.02) (8.03) (4.45) (6.77)
1FK7101-5 211 139 179 240 139 208
(8.31) (5.47) (7.05) (9.45) (5.47) (8.19)
1FK7103-5 237 165 205 266 165 234
(9.33) (6.50) (8.07) (10.47) (6.50) (9.21)
1FK7105-5 289 217 257 318 217 286
(11.38) (8.54) (10.12) (12.52) (8.54) (11.26)

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R / 16 bit (32 S/R)
without brake with brake
Shaft Type k o1 o2 k o1 o2 d d6 l t u
height LB – – LB – – D – E GA F

80 1FK7080-5 179 91 124 206 91 151 32 M12 58 35 10 6

(7.05) (3.58) (4.88) (8.11) (3.58) (5.94) (1.26) (2.28) (1.38) (0.39)
1FK7083-5 217 129 162 268 153 213
(8.54) (5.08) (6.38) (10.55) (6.02) (8.39)
100 1FK7100-5 208 113 153 227 113 172 38 M12 80 41 10
(8.19) (4.45) (6.02) (8.94) (4.45) (6.77) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1FK7101-5 234 139 179 263 139 208
(9.21) (5.47) (7.05) (10.35) (5.47) (8.19)
1FK7103-5 260 165 205 289 165 234
(10.24) (6.50) (8.07) (11.38) (6.50) (9.21)
1FK7105-5 312 217 257 341 217 286
(12.28) (8.54) (10.12) (13.43) (8.54) (11.26)

1FK708 .-5 Shaft design o2

with fitted key o1
i2 c1





t l

d6 d6 f1 k a1 f

1FK7100-5 o2
1FK7101-5 o1
1FK7103-5 i2 c1
1FK7105-5 s2


l e1


t l

d6 d6 f1 k f

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/119

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 High Dynamic motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
Natural cooling Natural cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R /
15 bit (16 S/R)
without/with brake
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 k o1 o2
height IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S LB – –
1FK7 High Dynamic, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
36 1FK7033-7 92 60 8 75 72 3 78 36 30 6.5 170/195 108/108 145/170
(3.62) (2.36) (0.31) (2.95) (2.83) (0.12) (3.07) (1.42) (1.18) (0.26) (6.69/7.68) (4.25/4.25) (5.71/6.69)
48 1FK7043-7 120 80 10 100 96 3 90 48 40 7 191/220 130/130 163/192
(4.72) (3.15) (0.39) (3.94) (3.78) (0.12) (3.54) (1.89) (1.57) (0.28) (7.52/8.66) (5.12/5.12) (6.42/7.56)
1FK7044-7 216/245 155/155 188/217
(8.51/9.65) (6.10/6.10) (7.40/8.54)
63 1FK7061-7 155 110 10 130 126 3.5 105 63 50 9 185/228 121/121 153/196
(6.10) (4.33) (0.39) (5.12) (4.96) (0.14) (4.13) (2.48) (1.97) (0.35) (7.28/8.98) (4.76/4.76) (6.02/7.72)
1FK7064-7 249/292 185/185 217/260
(9.80/11.50) (7.28/7.28) (8.54/10.24)
80 1FK7085-7 186 130 13 165 155 3.5 141.5 77.5 58 11 261/303 192/192 229/272
(7.32) (5.12) (0.51) (6.50) (6.10) (0.14) (5.57) (3.05) (2.28) (0.43) (10.28/11.93) (7.56/7.56) (9.02/10.71)
1FK7086-7 140.5

Encoder system: DE shaft extension

Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 512 S/R / 20 bit (512 S/R)

EnDat 32 S/R / 16 bit (32 S/R)
without/with brake
Shaft Type DIN k o1 o2 d d6 I t u
height IEC LB – – D – E GA F

36 1FK7033-7 194/219 109/109 144/168 14 M5 30 16 5

(7.64/8.62) (4.29/4.29) (5.67/6.61) (0.55) (1.18) (0.63) (0.20)
48 1FK7043-7 212/241 130/130 163/192 19 M6 40 21.5 6
(8.35/9.49) (5.12/5.12) (6.42/7.56) (0.75) (1.57) (0.85) (0.24)
1FK7044-7 237/266 155/155 188/217
(9.33/10.47) (6.10/6.10) (7.40/8.54)
63 1FK7061-7 208/251 121/121 154/197 24 M8 50 27 8
(8.19/9.88) (4.76/4.76) (6.06/7.76) (0.94) (1.97) (1.06) (0.31)
1FK7064-7 272/315 185/185 218/261
(10.71/12.40) (7.28/7.28) (8.58/10.28)
80 1FK7085-7 283/326 192/192 229/272 32 M12 58 35 10
(11.14/12.83) (7.56/7.56) (9.02/10.71) (1.26) (2.28) (1.38) (0.39)

1FK703.-7 Shaft design k

1FK704.-7 with fitted key o2
1FK706.-7 o1
i2 c1 s2


l e1

t l
G_DA65_XX_00119 a1
d6 d6 f1 f

6/120 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage

For motors Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Increm. encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
28 1FT6021 62 SP060S-MF1 60 16 5.5 68 138 28 20 6 283 308 283 308
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (5.43) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (11.14) (12.13) (11.14) (12.13)
1FT6024 323 348 323 348
(12.72) (13.70) (12.72) (13.70)
36 1FT6031 62 SP060S-MF1 60 16 5.5 68 142 28 20 6 274 294 314 334
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (5.59) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (10.79) (11.57) (12.36) (13.15)
1FT6034 314 334 354 374
(12.36) (13.15) (13.94) (14.72)
1FT6034 76 SP075S-MF1 70 22 6.6 85 164 36 20 7 328 348 368 388
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.46) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (12.91) (13.70) (14.49) (15.28)
48 1FT6041 76 SP075S-MF1 70 22 6.6 85 168 36 20 7 297 332 340 375
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.61) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (11.69) (13.07) (13.39) (14.76)
1FT6044 347 382 390 425
(13.66) (15.04) (15.35) (16.73)
63 1FT6061 101 SP100S-MF1 90 32 9 120 217 58 30 10 327 357 357 387
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (8.54) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (12.87) (14.06) (14.06) (15.24)
1FT6062 352 382 382 412
(13.86) (15.04) (15.04) (16.22)
1FT6064 402 432 432 462
(15.83) (17.01) (17.01) (18.19)

80 1FT6081 141 SP140S-MF1 130 40 11 165 283 82 30 12 392 419 392 419
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.14) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (15.43) (16.50) (15.43) (16.50)
1FT6082 417 444 417 444
(16.42) (17.48) (16.42) (17.48)
1FT6084 467 513 467 513
(18.39) (20.20) (18.39) (20.20)
1FT6086 517 563 517 563
(20.35) (22.17) (20.35) (22.17)
1FT6086 182 SP180S-MF1 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 544 590 544 590
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (21.42) (23.23) (21.42) (23.23)

1FT603 L5
1FT604 L6 L7
Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/121

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Increm. encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
100 1FT6102 182 SP180S-MF1 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 493 539 493 539
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.41) (21.22) (19.41) (21.22)
1FT6105 568 614 568 614
(22.36) (24.17) (22.36) (24.17)
1FT6105 215 SP210S-MF1 180 75 17 250 385 105 38 17 612 658 612 658
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (15.16) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (24.09) (25.91) (24.09) (25.91)
1FT6108 182 SP180S-MF1 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 668 714 668 714
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (26.30) (28.11) (26.30) (28.11)
215 SP210S-MF1 180 75 17 250 385 105 38 17 712 758 712 758
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (15.16) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (28.03) (29.84) (28.03) (29.84)
132 1FT6132 215 SP210S-MF1 180 75 17 250 385 105 38 17 665 715 665 715
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (15.16) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (26.18) (28.15) (26.18) (28.15)
1FT6134 715 765 715 765
(28.15) (30.12) (28.15) (30.12)
1FT6134 242 SP240S-MF1 200 85 17 290 443 130 40 20 746 796 746 796
(9.53) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (17.44) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (29.37) (31.34) (29.37) (31.34)
1FT6136 215 SP210S-MF1 180 75 17 250 385 105 38 17 765 815 765 815
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (15.16) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (30.12) (32.09) (30.12) (32.09)
242 SP240S-MF1 200 85 17 290 443 130 40 20 796 846 796 846
(9.53) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (17.44) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (31.34) (33.31) (31.34) (33.31)

6 1FT610
1FT613 L5
L6 L7

Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

6/122 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Increm. encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
28 1FT6021 62 SP060S-MF2 60 16 5.5 68 156 28 20 6 301 326 301 326
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (6.14) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (11.85) (12.83) (11.85) (12.83)
76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 175 36 20 7 312 337 312 337
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.89) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (12.28) (13.27) (12.28) (13.27)
1FT6024 62 SP060S-MF2 60 16 5.5 68 156 28 20 6 341 366 341 366
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (6.14) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (13.43) (14.41) (13.43) (14.41)
76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 175 36 20 7 352 377 352 377
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.89) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (13.86) (14.84) (13.86) (14.84)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230 58 30 10 375 400 375 400
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.06) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (14.76) (15.75) (14.76) (15.75)
36 1FT6031 62 SP060S-MF2 60 16 5.5 68 164 28 20 6 296 316 336 356
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (6.46) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (11.65) (12.44) (13.23) (14.02)
76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 179 36 20 7 303 323 343 363
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.05) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (11.93) (12.72) (13.50) (14.29)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230 58 30 10 322 342 362 382
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.06) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (12.68) (13.46) (14.25) (15.04)
1FT6034 76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 179 36 20 7 343 363 383 403
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.05) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (13.50) (14.29) (15.08) (15.87)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230 58 30 10 362 382 402 422
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.06) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (14.25) (15.04) (15.83) (16.61)

141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298 82 30 12 406 426 446 466
(5.56) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.73) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (15.98) (16.77) (17.56) (18.35)
48 1FT6041 76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 192 36 20 7 321 356 364 399
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.56) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (12.64) (14.02) (14.33) (15.71)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 234 58 30 10 331 366 374 409
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.21) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (13.03) (14.41) (14.72) (16.10)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298 82 30 12 371 406 414 449
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.73) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (14.61) (15.98) (16.30) (17.68)
1FT6044 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 234 58 30 10 381 416 424 459
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.21) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (15.00) (16.38) (16.69) (18.07)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298 82 30 12 421 456 464 499
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.73) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (16.57) (17.95) (18.27) (19.65)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 346 82 30 15 469 504 512 547
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.62) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (18.46) (19.84) (20.16) (21.54)

1FT603 L5
1FT604 L6 L7

Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/123

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Increm. encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
63 1FT6061 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 252 58 30 10 362 392 392 422
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.92) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (14.25) (15.43) (15.43) (16.61)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 305 82 30 12 391 421 421 451
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (12.01) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (15.39) (16.57) (16.57) (17.76)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 346 82 30 15 432 462 462 492
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.62) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (17.01) (18.19) (18.19) (19.37)
1FT6062 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 252 58 30 10 387 417 417 447
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.92) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (15.24) (16.42) (16.42) (17.60)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 305 82 30 12 416 446 446 476
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (12.01) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (16.38) (17.56) (17.56) (18.74)
1FT6064 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 252 58 30 10 437 467 467 497
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.92) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (17.20) (18.39) (18.39) (19.57)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 305 82 30 12 466 496 496 526
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (12.01) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (18.35) (19.53) (19.53) (20.71)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 346 82 30 15 507 537 537 567
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.62) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.96) (21.14) (21.14) (22.32)
80 1FT6081 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 332 82 30 12 441 468 441 468
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (13.07) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (17.36) (18.43) (17.36) (18.43)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 464 491 464 491
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (18.27) (19.33) (18.27) (19.33)

215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 493 520 493 520
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (19.41) (20.47) (19.41) (20.47)
1FT6082 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 332 82 30 12 466 493 466 493
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (13.07) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (18.35) (19.41) (18.35) (19.41)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 489 516 489 516
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.25) (20.31) (19.25) (20.31)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 518 545 518 545
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (20.39) (21.46) (20.39) (21.46)
1FT6084 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 332 82 30 12 516 562 516 562
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (13.07) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (20.31) (22.13) (20.31) (22.13)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 539 585 539 585
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (21.22) (23.03) (21.22) (23.03)
245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 594 640 594 640
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (23.39) (25.20) (23.39) (25.20)
1FT6086 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 589 635 589 635
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (23.19) (25.00) (23.19) (25.00)
245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 644 690 644 690
(9.65) (7.87) (3.55) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (25.35) (27.17) (25.35) (27.17)

1FT608 L5
L6 L7

Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

6/124 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT6 motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Increm. encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
100 1FT6102 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 538 584 538 584
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (21.18) (22.99) (21.18) (22.99)
245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 593 639 593 639
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.17) (1.57) (0.79) (23.35) (25.16) (23.35) (25.16)
1FT6105 215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 642 688 642 688
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (25.28) (27.09) (25.28) (27.09)
245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 668 714 668 714
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (26.30) (28.11) (26.30) (28.11)
1FT6108 245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 768 814 768 814
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (30.24) (32.05) (30.24) (32.05)
132 1FT6132 245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 721 771 721 771
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (28.39) (30.35) (28.39) (30.35)
1FT6134 771 821 771 821
(30.35) (32.32) (30.35) (32.32)
1FT6136 821 871 821 871
(32.32) (34.29) (32.32) (34.29)

1FT613 L5
L6 L7

D4 6
Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/125

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage

For motors Dimensions in mm (inches)

Encoder system:
Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with
gearbox brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K
1FT7 with SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
36 1FT7034 62 SP060S-MF1 60 16 5.5 68 142 28 20 6 347 374
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (5.59) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (13.66) (14.72)
1FT7034 76 SP075S-MF1 70 22 6.6 85 163.8 36 20 7 361 388
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.45) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (14.21) (15.28)
1FT7036 297 324
(11.69) (12.76)
48 1FT7042 167.5 275 307
(6.59) (10.83) (12.09)
1FT7044 325 357
(12.80) (14.06)
1FT7046 365 397
(14.37) (15.63)
1FT7046 101 SP100S-MF1 90 32 9 120 210 58 30 10 375 407
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (8.27) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (14.76) (16.02)
63 1FT7062 217 296 331
(8.54) (11.65) (13.03)
1FT7064 327 362
(12.87) (14.25)
1FT7066 359 394
(14.13) (15.51)

1FT7068 406 441
(15.98) (17.36)
1FT7068 141 SP140S-MF1 130 40 11 165 274.3 82 30 12 439 474
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (10.80) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (17.28) (18.66)
80 1FT7082 283.3 361 413
(11.15) (14.21) (16.26)
1FT7084 412 464
(16.22) (18.27)
1FT7086 464 516
(18.27) (20.31)
1FT7086 182 SP180S-MF1 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 491 543
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.33) (21.38)
100 1FT7102 412 464
(16.22) (18.27)
1FT7105 498 550
(19.61) (21.65)
1FT7108 568 620
(22.36) (24.41)
1FT7105 215 SP210S-MF1 180 75 17 250 385 105 38 17 542 594
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (15.16) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (21.34) (23.39)
1FT7108 612 664
(24.09) (26.14)

1FT710 L5
L6 L7



K D3

6/126 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motors Dimensions in mm (inches)

Encoder system:
Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with
gearbox brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K
1FT7 with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
36 1FT7034 76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 179.4 36 20 7 376 403
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.06) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (14.80) (15.87)
1FT7036 312 339
(12.28) (13.35)
48 1FT7042 192 331 331
(7.56) (13.03) (13.03)
36 1FT7034 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230.3 58 30 10 395 422
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.07) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (15.55) (16.61)
1FT7036 331 358
(13.03) (14.09)
48 1FT7042 234 341 341
(9.21) (13.43) (13.43)
1FT7044 359 391
(14.13) (15.39)
1FT7046 431 431
(16.97) (16.97)
1FT7044 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298.3 82 30 12 399 431
(5.55) (5.12) (1.58) (0.43) (6.50) (11.74) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (15.71) (16.97)
1FT7046 471 471
(18.54) (18.54)


L6 L7



K D3

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/127

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FT7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motors Dimension in mm (inches)

Encoder system:
Incremental encoder
Absolute encoder
Planetary without with
gearbox brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K
1FT7 with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
63 1FT7062 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 252 58 30 10 331 366
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.92) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (13.03) (14.41)
1FT7064 362 397
(14.25) (15.63)
1FT7062 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 305 82 30 12 360 395
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (12.01) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (14.17) (15.55)
1FT7064 391 426
(15.39) (16.77)
1FT7066 458 458
(18.03) (18.03)
1FT7068 505 505
(19.88) (19.88)
80 1FT7082 332 410 462
(13.07) (16.14) (18.19)
1FT7084 461 513
(18.15) (20.20)
63 1FT7064 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 346 82 30 15 432 467
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.62) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (17.01) (18.39)
1FT7066 499 499
(19.65) (19.65)

1FT7068 546 546
(21.50) (21.50)
80 1FT7082 355 433 485
(13.98) (17.05) (19.09)
1FT7084 536 536
(21.10) (21.10)
1FT7086 536 588
(21.10) (23.15)
100 1FT7102 457 509
(17.99) (20.04)
80 1FT7084 215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 565 565
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (22.24) (22.24)
1FT7086 617 617
(24.29) (24.29)
100 1FT7102 538 538
(21.18) (21.18)
1FT7105 572 624
(22.52) (24.57)
1FT7108 694 694
(27.32) (27.32)
80 1FT7086 245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 643 643
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (25.31) (25.31)
100 1FT7102 512 564
(20.16) (22.20)
1FT7105 598 650
(23.54) (25.59)
1FT7108 668 720
(26.30) (28.35)

L6 L7



K D3

6/128 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp /
Absolute encoder 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 16 S/R / Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R /
15 bit (16 S/R) 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 512 S/R /
20 bit (512 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R /
16 bit (32 S/R)
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FK7 Compact with SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector,
without/with brake
28 1FK7022-5 62 SP060S-MF1 60 16 5.5 68 137 28 20 6 242 264 267 289
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (5.39) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (9.53) (10.39) (10.51) (11.38)
36 1FK7032-5 62 SP060S-MF1 60 16 5.5 68 142 28 20 6 244 269 269 294
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (5.59) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (9.61) (10.59) (10.59) (11.57)
1FK7034-5 269 294 294 319
(10.59) (11.57) (11.57) (12.56)
48 1FK7040-5 76 SP075S-MF1 70 22 6.6 85 168 36 20 7 246 275 267 296
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.61) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (9.69) (10.83) (10.51) (11.65)
1FK7042-5 274 303 294 323
(10.79) (11.93) (11.57) (12.72)
63 1FK7060-5 101 SP100S-MF1 90 32 9 120 217 58 30 10 286 329 309 352
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (8.54) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (11.26) (12.95) (12.17) (13.86)
1FK7063-5 331 374 354 397
(13.03) (14.72) (13.94) (15.63)

80 1FK7080-5 141 SP140S-MF1 130 40 11 165 283 82 30 12 327 355 350 377
(5.55) (5.12) (1.58) (0.43) (6.50) (11.14) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (12.87) (13.98) (13.78) (14.84)
1FK7083-5 365 416 388 439
(14.37) (16.38) (15.28) (17.28)
100 1FK7100-5 182 SP180S-MF1 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 383 402 406 425
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.47) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (15.08) (15.83) (15.98) (16.73)
1FK7101-5 409 438 432 461
(16.10) (17.24) (17.01) (18.15)
1FK7103-5 435 464 458 487
(17.13) (18.27) (18.03) (19.17)
1FK7105-5 182 SP180S-MF1 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 487 516 510 539
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.55) (8.47) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.17) (20.31) (20.08) (21.22)
1FK7105-5 215 SP210S-MF1 180 75 17 250 385 105 38 17 531 560 554 583
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (15.16) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (20.91) (22.05) (21.81) (22.95)

1FK704.-5 L5
1FK706.-5 L6 L7
Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/129

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 High Dynamic motors without/with DRIVE-
CLiQseries SP+planetary
with SP+ planetarygearbox,

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp /
Absolute encoder 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 16 S/R / Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R /
15 bit (16 S/R) 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 512 S/R /
20 bit (512 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R /
16 bit (32 S/R)
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FK7 High Dynamic with SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling,
with connector, without/with brake
36 1FK7033-7 62 SP060S-MF1 60 16 5.5 68 142 28 20263 6 288 288 313
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (5.59) (1.10) (0.79)
(10.35)(0.24) (11.34) (11.34) (12.32)
48 1FK7043-7 76 SP075S-MF1 70 22 6.6 85 168 36 20303 7 332 324 353
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.61) (1.42) (0.79)
(11.93)(0.28) (13.07) (12.76) (13.90)
1FK7044-7 328 357 349 378
(12.91) (14.06) (13.74) (14.88)
63 1FK7061-7 101 SP100S-MF1 90 32 9 120 217 58 30 10 314 357 337 380
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (8.54) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (12.36) (14.06) (13.27) (14.96)
1FK7064-7 378 421 401 444
(14.88) (16.57) (15.79) (17.48)
80 1FK7085-7 141 SP140S-MF1 130 40 11 165 283 82 30 12 432 474 454 497
1FK7086-7 (5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.14) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (17.01) (18.66) (17.87) (19.57)


6 1FK704.-7
1FK708.-7 L6 L7

Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

6/130 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp /
Absolute encoder 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 16 S/R / Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R /
15 bit (16 S/R) 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 512 S/R /
20 bit (512 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R /
16 bit (32 S/R)
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FK7 Compact with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector,
without/with brake
28 1FK7022-5 62 SP060S-MF2 60 16 5.5 68 156 28 20 6 261 283 286 308
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (6.14) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (10.28) (11.14) (11.26) (12.13)
76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 175 36 20 7 272 294 297 319
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (6.89) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (10.71) (11.57) (11.69) (12.56)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230 58 30 10 295 317 320 342
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.06) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (11.61) (12.48) (12.60) (13.46)
36 1FK7032-5 62 SP060S-MF2 60 16 5.5 68 164 28 20 6 266 291 291 316
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (6.46) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (10.47) (11.46) (11.46) (12.44)
76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 179 36 20 7 273 298 298 323
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.05) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (10.75) (11.73) (11.73) (12.72)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230 58 30 10 292 317 317 342
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.06) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (11.50) (12.48) (12.48) (13.46)
1FK7034-5 76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 179 36 20 7 298 323 323 348
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.05) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (11.73) (12.72) (12.72) (13.70)

101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230 58 30 10 317 342 342 367
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.06) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (12.48) (13.46) (13.46) (14.45)
48 1FK7040-5 76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 192 36 20 7 270 299 291 320
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.56) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (10.63) (11.77) (11.46) (12.60)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 234 58 30 10 280 309 301 330
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.21) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (11.02) (12.17) (11.85) (12.99)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298 82 30 12 320 349 341 370
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.73) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (12.60) (13.74) (13.43) (14.57)
1FK7042-5 76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 192 36 20 7 298 327 298 347
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.56) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (11.73) (12.87) (11.73) (13.66)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 234 58 30 10 308 337 308 357
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.21) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (12.13) (13.27) (12.13) (14.06)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298 82 30 12 348 377 368 397
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.73) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (13.71) (14.84) (14.49) (15.63)
63 1FK7060-5 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 252 58 30 10 321 364 344 387
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.92) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (12.64) (14.33) (13.54) (15.24)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 305 82 30 12 350 393 373 416
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (12.01) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (13.78) (15.47) (14.69) (16.38)
1FK7063-5 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 305 82 30 12 395 438 418 461
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (12.01) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (15.55) (17.24) (16.46) (18.15)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 346 82 30 15 436 479 459 502
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.62) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (17.17) (18.86) (18.07) (19.76)

1FK704.-5 L5
1FK706.-5 L6 L7

Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/131

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp /
22 bit (2 048 S/R)
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R /
22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R /
16 bit (32 S/R)
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FK7 Compact with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector,
without/with brake
80 1FK7080-5 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 332 82 30 12 376 404 399 426
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (13.07) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (14.80) (15.91) (15.71) (16.77)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 399 427 422 449
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (15.71) (16.81) (16.61) (17.68)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 428 456 451 478
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (16.85) (17.95) (17.76) (18.82)
1FK7083-5 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 332 82 30 12 414 465 437 488
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (13.07) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (16.30) (18.31) (17.20) (19.21)
182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 437 488 460 511
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (17.20) (19.21) (18.11) (20.12)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 466 517 489 540
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (18.35) (20.35) (19.25) (21.26)
100 1FK7100-5 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 383 402 406 425
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (15.08) (15.83) (15.98) (16.73)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 457 476 480 499
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (17.99) (18.74) (18.90) (19.65)

1FK7101-5 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 409 438 432 461
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (16.10) (17.24) (17.01) (18.15)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 483 512 506 535
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (19.02) (20.16) (19.92) (21.06)
245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 509 538 531 561
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (20.04) (21.18) (20.91) (22.09)
1FK7103-5 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 310 82 30 15 435 464 458 487
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (12.20) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (17.13) (18.27) (18.03) (19.19)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 509 538 532 561
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (20.04) (21.18) (20.94) (22.09)
245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 535 564 557 587
(9.56) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (21.06) (22.20) (21.93) (23.11)
1FK7105-5 215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 561 590 584 613
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (22.09) (23.23) (22.99) (24.13)
245 SP240S-MF2 200 85 17 290 467.5 130 40 20 587 616 610 639
(9.65) (7.87) (3.35) (0.67) (11.42) (18.41) (5.12) (1.57) (0.79) (23.11) (24.25) (24.02) (25.16)

L6 L7

Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

6/132 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
High High Dynamic
Dynamic motors
motors with/without
without/with DRIVE-
with series SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp /
Absolute encoder 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 16 S/R / Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R /
15 bit (16 S/R) 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 512 S/R /
20 bit (512 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R /
16 bit (32 S/R)
Planetary without with without with
gearbox brake brake brake brake
Shaft Type F4 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 K K K K
1FK7 High Dynamic with SP+ planetary gearbox, two-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector,
without/with brake
36 1FK7033-7 62 SP060S-MF2 60 16 5.5 68 164 28 20 6 285 310 310 335
(2.44) (2.36) (0.63) (0.22) (2.68) (6.46) (1.10) (0.79) (0.24) (11.22) (12.20) (12.20) (13.19)
76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 179 36 20 7 292 317 317 342
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.05) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (11.50) (12.48) (12.48) (13.46)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 230 58 30 10 311 336 336 361
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.06) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (12.24) (13.23) (13.23) (14.21)
48 1FK7043-7 76 SP075S-MF2 70 22 6.6 85 192 36 20 7 327 356 348 377
(2.99) (2.76) (0.87) (0.26) (3.35) (7.56) (1.42) (0.79) (0.28) (12.87) (14.02) (13.70) (14.84)
101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 234 58 30 10 337 366 358 387
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.21) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (13.27) (14.41) (14.09) (15.24)
141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298 82 30 12 377 406 398 427
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.74) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (14.84) (15.98) (15.67) (16.81)
1FK7044-7 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 234 58 30 10 362 391 383 412
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.21) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (14.25) (15.39) (15.08) (16.22)

141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 298 82 30 12 402 431 432 452
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (11.73) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (15.83) (16.97) (17.01) (17.80)
63 1FK7061-7 101 SP100S-MF2 90 32 9 120 252 58 30 10 349 392 372 415
(3.98) (3.54) (1.26) (0.35) (4.72) (9.92) (2.28) (1.18) (0.39) (13.74) (15.43) (14.65) (16.34)
1FK7061-7 141 SP140S-MF2 130 40 11 165 305 82 30 12 378 421 401 444
(5.55) (5.12) (1.57) (0.43) (6.50) (12.01) (3.23) (1.18) (0.47) (14.88) (16.57) (15.79) (17.48)
1FK7064-7 442 485 465 508
(17.40) (19.09) (18.31) (20.00)
1FK7064-7 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 14 215 346 82 30 15 483 526 506 549
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.55) (8.46) (13.62) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.02) (20.71) (19.92) (21.61)
80 1FK7085-7 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 504 546 526 569
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.84) (21.50) (20.71) (22.40)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 533 575 555 598
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (20.98) (22.64) (21.85) (23.54)
1FK7086-7 182 SP180S-MF2 160 55 13.5 215 355 82 30 15 504 546 526 569
(7.17) (6.30) (2.17) (0.53) (8.46) (13.98) (3.23) (1.18) (0.59) (19.84) (21.50) (20.71) (22.40)
215 SP210S-MF2 180 75 17 250 415 105 38 17 533 575 555 598
(8.46) (7.09) (2.95) (0.67) (9.84) (16.34) (4.13) (1.50) (0.67) (20.98) (22.64) (21.85) (23.54)

1FK706.-7 L5
1FK708.-7 L6 L7

Ø D2
Ø D1


K D3

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/133

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series LP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L2 L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 L10 L16
height – – – – – – – – – – – – –

28 1FK7022-5 LP050-M01 50 35 12 44 M4 18 4 7 8 14 4 50 88
(1.97) (1.38) (0.47) (1.73) (0.71) (0.16) (0.28) (0.31) (0.55) (0.16) (1.97) (3.46)
1FK7022-5 LP070-M01 70 52 16 62 M5 28 5 8 10 18 5 70 119
(2.76) (2.05) (0.63) (2.44) (1.10) (0.20) (0.31) (0.39) (0.71) (0.20) (2.76) (4.69)
36 1FK7032-5 LP070-M01 70 52 16 62 M5 28 5 8 10 18 5 70 126
(2.76) (2.05) (0.63) (2.44) (1.10) (0.20) (0.31) (0.39) (0.71) (0.20) (2.76) (4.96)
48 1FK7040-5 LP090-M01 90 68 22 80 M6 36 5 10 12 25 6 90 158
(3.54) (2.68) (0.87) (3.15) (1.42) (0.20) (0.39) (0.47) (0.98) (0.24) (3.54) (6.22)
63 1FK7060-5 LP120-M01 120 90 32 108 M8 58 6 12 16 35 10 120 210
(4.72) (3.54) (1.26) (4.25) (2.28) (0.24) (0.47) (0.63) (1.38) (0.39) (4.72) (8.27)
80 1FK7080-5 LP155-M01 155 120 40 140 M10 82 8 15 20 43 12 150 266
(6.10) (4.72) (1.57) (5.51) (3.23) (0.31) (0.59) (0.79) (1.69) (0.47) (5.91) (10.47)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R / Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
15 bit (16 S/R) EnDat 512 S/R / 20 bit (512 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R / 16 bit (32 S/R)

without brake with brake without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k K k K k K k K l d a1
height IEC LB – LB – LB – LB – E D P
1FK7 Compact with LP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector,
without/with brake
28 1FK7022-5 153 216 175 238 178 241 200 263 20 9 -
(6.02) (8.50) (6.89) (9.37) (7.01) (9.49) (7.87) (10.35) (0.79) (0.35)
1FK7022-5 236 258 261 283
(9.29) (10.16) (10.28) (11.14)
36 1FK7032-5 150 240 175 265 175 265 200 290 30 14 92
(5.91) (9.45) (6.89) (10.43) (6.89) (10.43) (7.87) (11.42) (1.18) (0.55) (3.62)
1FK7034-5 175 265 200 290 200 290 225 315
(6.89) (10.43) (7.87) (11.42) (7.87) (11.42) (8.86) (12.40)
48 1FK7040-5 135 247 164 276 155 267 184 296 40 19 120
(5.31) (9.72) (6.46) (10.87) (6.10) (10.51) (7.24) (11.65) (1.57) (0.75) (4.72)
1FK7042-5 162 274 191 303 183 295 212 324
(6.38) (10.79) (7.52) (11.93) (7.20) (11.61) (8.35) (12.76)
63 1FK7060-5 157 297 200 340 180 320 223 363 50 24 155
(6.18) (11.69) (7.87) (13.39) (7.09) (12.60) (8.78) (14.29) (1.97) (0.94) (6.10)
1FK7063-5 202 342 245 385 225 365 268 408
(7.95) (13.46) (9.65) (15.16) (8.86) (14.37) (10.55) (16.06)
80 1FK7080-5 156 325 184 353 179 347 206 375 58 32 186
(6.14) (12.80) (7.24) (13.90) (7.05) (13.66) (8.11) (14.76) (2.28) (1.26) (7.32)
1FK7083-5 194 363 245 414 217 385 268 436
(7.64) (14.29) (9.65) (16.30) (8.54) (15.16) (10.55) (17.17)

1FK702.-5 L 16
1FK703.-5 L2 L4
1FK704.-5 L3


1FK708.-5 D 5 / L 5 deep



l k L 10

6/134 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 Compact motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with series LP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L2 L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 L10 L16
height – – – – – – – – – – – – –

100 1FK710.-5 LP155-M01 155 120 40 140 M10 82 8 15 20 43 12 150 286

(6.10) (4.72) (1.57) (5.51) (3.23) (0.31) (0.59) (0.79) (1.69) (0.47) (5.91) (11.26)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R / 16 bit (32 S/R)
without brake with brake without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k K k K k K k K l d a1
height IEC LB – LB – LB – LB – E D P
1FK7 Compact with LP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector,
without/with brake
100 1FK7100-5 185 374 204 393 208 396 227 415 80 38 240
(7.28) (14.72) (8.03) (15.47) (8.19) (15.59) (8.94) (16.34) (3.15) (1.50) (9.45)
1FK7101-5 211 400 240 429 234 422 263 452
(8.31) (15.75) (9.45) (16.89) (9.21) (16.61) (10.35) (17.80)
1FK7103-5 237 426 266 455 260 448 289 478
(9.33) (16.77) (10.47) (17.91) (10.24) (17.64) (11.38) (18.82)
1FK7105-5 289 478 318 507 312 500 341 530
(11.38) (18.82) (12.52) (19.96) (12.28) (19.69) (13.43) (20.87)

L 16
D 5 / L 5 deep



l k L 10

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/135

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7 High Dynamic motors with/without
without/with DRIVE-
with with LP+

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L2 L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 L10 L16
height – – – – – – – – – – – – –

36 1FK7033-7 LP070-M01 70 52 16 62 M5 28 5 8 10 18 5 70 126

(2.76) (2.05) (0.63) (2.44) (1.10) (0.20) (0.31) (0.39) (0.71) (0.20) (2.76) (4.96)
48 1FK7043-7 LP090-M01 90 68 22 80 M6 36 5 10 12 25 6 90 158
1FK7044-7 (3.54) (2.68) (0.87) (3.15) (1.42) (0.20) (0.39) (0.47) (0.98) (0.24) (3.54) (6.22)

63 1FK7061-7 LP120-M01 120 90 32 108 M8 58 6 12 16 35 10 120 210

1FK7064-7 (4.72) (3.54) (1.26) (4.25) (2.28) (0.24) (0.47) (0.63) (1.38) (0.39) (4.72) (8.27)

80 1FK7085-7 LP155-M01 155 120 40 140 M10 82 8 15 20 43 12 150 266

1FK7086-7 (6.10) (4.72) (1.57) (5.51) (3.23) (0.31) (0.59) (0.79) (1.69) (0.47) (5.91) (10.47)

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R / Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R / 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
15 bit (16 S/R) EnDat 512 S/R / 20 bit (512 S/R)
EnDat 32 S/R / 16 bit (32 S/R)
without brake with brake without brake with brake
Shaft Type DIN k K k K k K k K l d a1
height IEC LB – LB – LB – LB – E D P
1FK7 High Dynamic with LP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector,

6 without/with brake
36 1FK7033-7 170
48 1FK7043-7 191 303 220 332 212 324 240 352 40 19 120
(7.52) (11.93) (8.66) (13.07) (8.35) (12.76) (9.45) (13.86) (1.57) (0.75) (4.72)
1FK7044-7 216 328 245 357 237 349 265 377
(8.50) (12.91) (9.65) (14.06) (9.33) (13.74) (10.43) (14.84)
63 1FK7061-7 185 325 228 368 208 348 251 391 50 24 155
(7.28) (12.80) (8.98) (14.49) (8.19) (13.70) (9.88) (15.39) (1.97) (0.94) (6.10)
1FK7064-7 249 389 292 432 272 412 315 455
(9.80) (15.31) (11.50) (17.01) (10.71) (16.22) (12.40) (17.91)
80 1FK7085-7 261 430 304 473 284 453 326 495 58 32 186
1FK7086-7 (10.28) (16.93) (11.97) (18.62) (11.18) (17.83) (12.83) (19.49) (2.28) (1.26) (7.32)

1FK7033-7 L 16
1FK704.-7 L2 L4
1FK706.-7 L3


D 5 / L 5 deep



l k L 10

6/136 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FK7-DYA motors without/with DRIVE-CLiQ
with planetary gearbox, single-stage

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)


Shaft Type Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D7 D8 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 L10 L12


36 1FK7032-5 DYA70-10 70 52 16 62 M5 82 5.5 56 28 5 8 10 18 5 20 76

(2.76) (2.05) (0.63) (2.44) (3.23) (0.22) (2.20) (1.10) (0.20) (0.31) (0.39) (0.71) (0.20) (0.79) (2.99)
1FK7034-5 DYA70-5

48 1FK7040-5 DYA90-10 90 68 22 80 M6 105 7 66 36 5 10 12 24.5 6 20 101

(3.54) (2.68) (0.87) (3.15) (4.13) (0.28) (2.60) (1.42) (0.20) (0.39) (0.47) (0.96) (0.24) (0.79) (3.98)
1FK7042-5 DYA90-5

63 1FK7060-5 DYA120-10 120 90 32 108 M8 140 9 95 58 6 12 16 35 10 25 128

(4.72) (3.54) (1.26) (4.25) (5.51) (0.35) (3.74) (2.28) (0.24) (0.47) (0.63) (1.38) (0.39) (0.98) (5.04)
1FK7063-5 DYA120-5

80 1FK7080-5 DYA155-10 155 120 40 140 M10 170 11 127 82 8 15 20 43 12 30 161

(6.10) (4.72) (1.57) (5.51) (6.69) (0.43) (5.00) (3.23) (0.31) (0.59) (0.79) (1.69) (0.47) (1.18) (6.34)
1FK7083-5 DYA155-5

Encoder system:
Resolver Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp / Absolute encoder EnDat 2 048 S/R /
Absolute encoder EnDat 16 S/R / 22 bit (2 048 S/R) 22 bit (2 048 S/R)
15 bit (16 S/R) Absolute encoder EnDat 32 S/R / EnDat 512 S/R /

16 bit (32 S/R) 20 bit (512 S/R)
without brake with brake without brake with brake without brake with brake
Shaft Type K K1 K K1 K K1 K K1 K K1 K K1
1FK7-DYA with planetary gearbox, single-stage, type of construction IM B5, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake
36 1FK7032-5 197 177 222 202 222 202 247 227 222 202 247 227
(7.76) (6.97) (8.74) (7.95) (8.74) (7.95) (9.72) (8.94) (8.74) (7.95) (9.72) (8.94)
1FK7034-5 222 202 247 227 247 227 272 252 247 227 272 252
(8.74) (7.95) (9.72) (8.94) (9.72) (8.94) (10.71) (9.92) (9.72) (8.94) (10.71) (9.92)
48 1FK7040-5 194 174 223 203 214 194 243 223 223 203 252 232
(7.64) (6.85) (8.78) (7.99) (8.43) (7.64) (9.57) (8.78) (8.78) (7.99) (9.92) (9.13)
1FK7042-5 221 201 250 230 242 222 271 251 250 230 279 259
(8.70) (7.91) (9.84) (9.06) (9.53) (8.74) (10.67) (9.88) (9.84) (9.06) (10.98) (10.20)
63 1FK7060-5 233 208 261 236 256 231 284 259 264 239 292 267
(9.17) (8.19) (10.28) (9.29) (10.08) (9.09) (11.18) (10.20) (10.39) (9.41) (11.50) (10.51)
1FK7063-5 278 253 306 281 301 276 329 304 309 284 337 312
(10.94) (9.96) (12.05) (11.06) (11.85) (10.87) (12.95) (11.97) (12.17) (11.18) (13.27) (12.28)
80 1FK7080-5 250 220 278 248 273 243 300 270 281 251 309 279
(9.84) (8.66) (10.94) (9.76) (10.75) (9.57) (11.81) (10.63) (11.06) (9.88) (12.17) (10.98)
1FK7083-5 288 258 339 309 311 281 362 332 319 289 370 340
(11.34) (10.16) (13.35) (12.17) (12.24) (11.06) (14.25) (13.07) (12.56) (11.38) (14.57) (13.39)

1FK706.-5 L2 L4
1FK708.-5 L3

D4 D5 x L5
Ø D3
Ø D1
Ø D2

L8 D7

L10 L12
L1 K1

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/137

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FN3 linear motors
Version for peak load – water cooling

Primary Dimensions in mm (in) Secondary section Dimensions in mm (in)

section Without With Primary Without With Second-
precision cooling precision cooling section precision cooling precision cooling ary section
length and cover length
Type bM hM bM hM LP Type bS hS bS hS LS
1FN3, version for peak load – water cooling
1FN3050-2W 67 (2.64) 48.5 (1.91) 76 (2.99) 63.4 (2.50) 255 (10.04) 1FN3050-4SA00-0AA0 58 11.8 75 14.8 120
(2.28) (0.46) (2.95) (0.58) (4.72)
1FN3100-1W 96 (3.78) 48.5 (1.91) – – 150 (5.91) 1FN3100-4SA00-0AA0 88 11.8 105 14.8 120
1FN3100-2W 105 (4.13) 63.4 (2.50) 255 (10.04) (3.46) (0.46) (4.13) (0.58) (4.72)
1FN3100-3W 360 (14.17)
1FN3100-4W 465 (18.31)
1FN3100-5W 570 (22.44)
1FN3150-1W 126 (4.96) 50.5 (1.99) – – 150 (5.91) 1FN3150-4SA00-0AA0 118 13.8 135 16.8 120
1FN3150-2W 135 (5.31) 65.4 (2.57) 255 (10.04) (4.65) (0.54) (5.31) (0.66) (4.72)
1FN3150-3W 360 (14.17)
1FN3150-4W 465 (18.31)
1FN3150-5W 570 (22.44)
1FN3300-1W 141 (5.55) 64.1 (2.52) – – 221 (8.70) 1FN3300-4SA00-0AA0 134 16.5 151 19.5 184
1FN3300-2W 151 (5.94) 79 (3.11) 382 (15.04) (5.28) (0.65) (5.94) (0.77) (7.24)
1FN3300-3W 543 (21.38)
1FN3300-4W 704 (27.72)
1FN3450-2W 188 (7.40) 66.1 (2.60) 197 (7.76) 81 (3.19) 382 (15.04) 1FN3450-4SA00-0AA0 180 18.5 197 21.5 184
1FN3450-3W 543 (21.38) (7.09) (0.73) (7.76) (0.85) (7.24)
1FN3450-4W 704 (27.72)
1FN3600-2W 248 (9.76) 64.1 (2.52) 257 (10.12) 86 (3.39) 382 (15.04) 1FN3600-4SA00-0AA0 240 16.5 247 26.5 184
1FN3600-3W 543 (21.38) (9.45) (0.65) (9.72) (1.04) (7.24)
1FN3600-4W 704 (27.72)

1FN3900-2W 342 (13.46) 66.1 (2.60) 351 (13.82) 88 (3.46) 382 (15.04) 1FN3900-4SA00-0AA0 334 18.5 341 28.5 184
1FN3900-3W 543 (21.38) (13.15) (0.73) (13.43) (1.12) (7.24)
1FN3900-4W 704 (27.72)




G_DA65_XX_00238 N
G_DA65_XX_00240 hS

1FN3050 to 1FN3450 without precision cooling 1FN3600 to 1FN3900 without precision cooling
Note: 4-row drill pattern with 1FN3900 for fixing the primary section




G_DA65_XX_00239 hS N
G_DA65_XX_00241 hS

1FN3050 to 1FN3450 with precision cooling 1FN3600 to 1FN3900 with precision cooling
Note: 4-row drill pattern with 1FN3900 for fixing the primary section

6/138 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FN3 linear motors
Version for continuous load – water cooling

Primary Dimensions in mm (in) Secondary section Dimensions in mm (in)

section Without With Primary Without With Second-
precision cooling precision cooling section precision cooling precision cooling ary section
length length
Type bM hM bM hM LP Type bS hS bM hM LS
1FN3, version for continuous load – water cooling
1FN3050-1ND 67 (2.64) 59.4 (2.34) 76 (2.99) 74.3 (2.93) 162 (6.38) 1FN3050-4SA00-0AA0 58 11.8 75 14.8 120
1FN3050-2NB 267 (10.51) (2.28) (0.46) (2.95) (0.58) (4.72)
1FN3100-1NC 96 (3.78) 59.4 (2.34) 105 (4.13) 74.3 (2.93) 162 (6.38) 1FN3100-4SA00-0AA0 88 11.8 105 14.8 120
1FN3100-2NC 267 (10.51) (3.46) (0.46) (4.13) (0.58) (4.72)
1FN3100-3NC 372 (14.65)
1FN3100-4NC 477 (18.78)
1FN3150-1NC 126 (4.96) 61.4 (2.42) 135 (5.31) 76.3 (3.00) 162 (6.38) 1FN3150-4SA00-0AA0 118 13.8 135 16.8 120
1FN3150-2NB 267 (10.51) (4.65) (0.54) (5.31) (0.66) (4.72)
1FN3150-3NC 372 (14.65)
1FN3150-4NB 477 (18.78)
1FN3300-1NC 141 (5.55) 78 (3.07) 150 (5.91) 92.9 (3.66) 238 (9.37) 1FN3300-4SA00-0AA0 134 16.5 151 19.5 184
1FN3300-2NC 399 (15.71) (5.28) (0.65) (5.94) (0.77) (7.24)
1FN3300-3NC 560 (22.05)
1FN3300-4NB 721 (28.39)
1FN3450-2NC 188 (7.40) 80 (3.15) 197 (7.76) 94.9 (3.74) 399 (15.71) 1FN3450-4SA00-0AA0 180 18.5 197 21.5 184
1FN3450-3NC 560 (22.05) (7.09) (0.73) (7.76) (0.85) (7.24)
1FN3450-4NB 721 (28.39)
1FN3600-2NB 248 (9.76) 78 (3.07) 257 (10.12) 99.9 (3.93) 399 (15.71) 1FN3600-4SA00-0AA0 240 16.5 247 26.5 184
1FN3600-3NB 560 (22.05) (9.45) (0.65) (9.72) (1.04) (7.24)
1FN3600-4NB 721 (28.39)
1FN3900-2NB 342 (13.46) 80 (3.15) 351 (13.82) 101.9 (4.01) 399 (15.71) 1FN3900-4SA00-0AA0 334 18.5 341 28.5 184
1FN3900-3NB 560 (22.05) (13.15) (0.73) (13.43) (1.12) (7.24)
1FN3900-4NB 721 (28.39)



G_DA65_XX_00238 N
G_DA65_XX_00240 hS

1FN3050 to 1FN3450 without precision cooling 1FN3600 to 1FN3900 without precision cooling
Note: 4-row drill pattern with 1FN3900 for fixing the primary section




G_DA65_XX_00239 hS N
G_DA65_XX_00241 hS

1FN3050 to 1FN3450 with precision cooling 1FN3600 to 1FN3900 with precision cooling
Note: 4-row drill pattern with 1FN3900 for fixing the primary section

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/139

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1FW6 built-in torque motors
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Type D1 D2 D3 L1 L2

1FW6, type of construction IM B5, water cooling

1FW6090-0.B05 230 (9.06) 140 (5.51) 170 (6.69) 90 (3.54) 51 (2.01)
1FW6090-0.B07 110 (4.33) 71 (2.80)
1FW6090-0.B10 140 (5.51) 101 (3.98)
1FW6090-0.B15 190 (7.48) 151 (5.94)
1FW6130-0.B05 310 (12.20) 220 (8.66) 254 (10.00) 90 (3.54) 51 (2.01)
1FW6130-0.B07 110 (4.33) 71 (2.80)
1FW6130-0.B10 140 (5.51) 101 (3.98)
1FW6130-0.B15 190 (7.48) 151 (5.94)
1FW6150-0.B05 385 (15.16) 265 (10.43) 300 (11.81) 110 (4.33) 51 (2.01)
1FW6150-0.B07 130 (5.12) 71 (2.80)
1FW6150-0.B10 180 (7.09) 101 (3.98)
1FW6150-0.B15 210 (8.27) 151 (5.94)
1FW6160-0.B05 440 (17.32) 280 (11.02) 328 (12.91) 110 (4.33) 60 (2.36)
1FW6160-0.B07 130 (5.12) 80 (3.15)
1FW6160-0.B10 160 (6.30) 110 (4.33)
1FW6160-0.B15 210 (8.27) 160 (6.30)
1FW6190-0.B05 502 (19.76) 342 (13.46) 389 (15.31) 110 (4.33) 60 (2.36)
1FW6190-0.B07 130 (5.12) 80 (3.15)
1FW6190-0.B10 160 (6.30) 110 (4.33)
1FW6190-0.B15 210 (8.27) 160 (6.30)
1FW6230-0.B05 576 (22.68) 416 (16.38) 463 (18.23) 110 (4.33) 60 (2.36)
1FW6230-0.B07 130 (5.12) 80 (3.15)
1FW6230-0.B10 160 (6.30) 110 (4.33)

6 1FW6230-0.B15
1FW6290-0.B15 730 (28.74) 522 (20.55) 580 (22.83)
210 (8.27)
220 (8.66)
160 (6.30)
170 (6.69)

1FW6090 L1
1FW6130 L2
Ø D2
Ø D3
Ø D1


1FW6160 L1
1FW6190 L2
Ø D2
Ø D3
Ø D1


6/140 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension drawings
2SP1 motor spindles
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L11) L2 L3 L4

2SP1, type of construction IM B5, water cooling

2SP1202 200 199 250 225 150 7354) 115.5 3094) 584)
(7.88) (7.84) (9.85) (8.87) (5.91) (28.94) (4.55) (12.17) (2.28)
2SP1204 8354)
2SP12532) 250 237 310 275 150 813 124.4 310 43
(9.85) (9.34) (12.21) (10.84) (5.91) (32.03) (4.90) (12.21) (1.69)
2SP12552) 913
2SP12533) 819 130.0
(32.27) (5.12)
2SP12553) 919


Ø D2 h6
Ø D1 h7
Ø D3
Ø D4
Ø D5

L2 L3 L4

ØD2 h6
Ø D1h7
Ø D3
Ø D4
Ø D5

L3 L4

1) The spindle is approx. 43 mm (1.69 in) shorter without turning bushing.

HSK A63 tool interface.
3) SK40, CAT40, BT40 tool interfaces.
Spindle length L1 is approx. 118 mm (4.65 in) shorter, L3 approx. 147 mm (5.79 in) shorter and L4 approx. 30 mm (1.18 in) longer with a hydraulic tool
clamping device.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 6/141

© Siemens AG 2009

Synchronous motors
Dimension sheet and 2D/3D CAD generator

■ Overview ■ Benefits (continued)

Once a product is successfully configured, the product-specific
information, such as dimension drawing and 2D/3D CAD data
are displayed and offered for storing in various formats, e.g.:
*.pdf, *.dxf, *.stp or *.igs.

The CAD CREATOR provides a user-friendly interface which

helps you to create product-specific data quickly and supports
you in generating plant documentation considering project-spe-
cific information.
The CAD CREATOR is available on DVD-ROM and as an Internet
■ Benefits application.
6 7 Multilingual operator interface in English, French, German,
Italian and Spanish ■ More information
7 Dimension sheets with measurements in mm or inches Additional information is available in the Internet at:
7 Dimension sheets and 2D/3D CAD data for
• Motors
- 1FK7/1FT6/1FT7/1FE1 synchronous motors
- 1FK7-DYA geared motors
- 1PH7/1PH4 asynchronous motors
- 1PM4/1PM6 asynchronous motors
- 2SP1 motor spindles
• MOTION-CONNECT connection system
- Operator components for CNC controls
The CAD CREATOR provides you with various options to begin
the product configuration:
7 Order number
7 Order number search
7 Geometric data

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Dimension sheet and
2D/3D CAD generator
English, German, French, Italian,

6/142 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors

7/2 Introduction

7/4 1PH7 motors

with solid shaft/forced ventilation

7/18 1PH4 motors

with solid shaft/water cooling

7/22 1PM4 motors

with hollow shaft/oil/water cooling

7/23 1PM6 motors

with hollow shaft/forced ventilation

7/27 1PH2 built-in motors

for direct drive/water cooling

7/30 Liquid cooling

Cooling principle
Cooling unit manufacturers

7/31 Gearboxes
7/31 Two-speed gearboxes for
1PH7/1PH4 motors

7/33 Selection guides

Type of construction/mounting position
Degree of protection

7/34 Dimension drawings

7/34 1PH7 motors
7/41 1PH4 motors
7/43 1PM4 motors
7/44 1PM6 motors
7/45 1PH7 motors with gearbox
7/46 1PH4 motors with gearbox
7/29 1PH2 built-in motors


Dimension drawing and 2D/3D
CAD generator

For products approved for Canada

and U.S.A., see Appendix.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611

■ Overview
Asynchronous motors with solid shaft

1PH7 1PH4

Cooling Forced ventilation Water cooling

Rated power Prated (S1) 3.7 ... 100 kW (4.96 ... 134 HP) 7.5 ... 52 kW (10.1 ... 69.7 HP)

Maximum speed 12 000 rpm

Rated torque Mrated 23.6 ... 750 Nm (17.4 ... 553 lbf -ft) 48 ... 331 Nm (35.4 ... 244 lbf -ft)

Type of construction in accordance with IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35)
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7) IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3,
only possible with 1PH710/1PH713 )
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35)

Encoder system, built-in Incremental encoder

Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) 70 ... 76 dB 69 ... 71 dB

in accordance with If the external fan unit is operated on a Tolerance + 3 dB
EN ISO 1680 50 Hz supply system
Tolerance + 3 dB

Degree of protection in accordance with IP55 IP65

EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5) Fan IP54 IP55 at shaft exit

Insulation of the stator winding in Temperature class 155 (F) for a Temperature class 155 (F) for a
accordance with EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) coolant temperature (air) coolant inlet temperature
of up to 40 °C (104 °F) of up to 30 °C (86 °F)

Type of motor Squirrel-cage induction motor

Type of connection Star connection

Paint finish Unpainted/primed Anthracite

Anthracite (option)

Holding brake – Fitted to drive end


7 Mounted gearing Prepared (option)

■ Application
The areas of application for the 1PH/1PM asynchronous motors Core types can be supplied for certain motor types. These
are extremely varied. core types can be express delivered as replacement motors
In machine tools, they are usually used as main spindle motors. in the event of plant outages and offer the advantage of a
quicker spare parts supply. For this reason, core types
In production machines, such as printing, packaging and re- should be used for configuration wherever possible.
forming machines, they are used as high-output asynchronous
servo motors.
The motors are referred to generally in this documentation as
asynchronous motors, due to their principle of operation.

7/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611

■ Overview
Asynchronous motors with hollow shaft Asynchronous built-in motors

1PM4 1PM6 1PH2

Cooling Oil/water cooling Forced ventilation Water cooling

Rated power Prated (S1) 3.7 ... 27 kW (4.96 ... 36.2 HP) 3.7 ... 22 kW (4.96 ... 29.5 HP) 7.5 ... 30.9 kW (10.1 ... 41.4 HP)

Maximum speed 12 000 rpm (optional: 18 000 rpm) Up to 10 000 rpm

Rated torque Mrated 24 ... 170 Nm (32.2 ... 228 lbf -ft) 24 ... 140 Nm (32.2 ... 188 lbf -ft) 48 ... 197 Nm (64.4 ... 264 lbf -ft)

Type of construction in IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35) IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) Supplied in component form,
accordance with assembled on user's premises
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)

Encoder system Hollow-shaft measuring system: Hollow-shaft measuring system

Incremental encoder (built-in)

Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) 69 dB 70 dB Depending on spindle design

in accordance with Tolerance + 3 dB If the external fan unit is operated on a
EN ISO 1680 50 Hz supply system
Tolerance + 3 dB

Degree of protection in IP65 IP55 IP00 or as specified

accordance with IP55 at shaft exit Fan IP54 by spindle manufacturer
EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)

Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a Temperature class 155 (F) for a Temperature class 155 (F) for a
in accordance with coolant inlet temperature coolant temperature (air) coolant inlet temperature
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) of up to 30 °C (86 °F) of up to 40 °C (104 °F) of up to 25 °C (77 °F)

Type of motor Squirrel-cage induction motor

Type of connection Selectable star/delta connection1)

Paint finish Anthracite Unpainted

Holding brake – Using spindle design

Mounted gearing –

S/R = signals/revolution

1) Star connection only for water cooling.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/3

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 motors

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications (general)

Product name 1PH7 motor
Coolant temperature, permissible - 15 ... + 40 °C (+ 5 ... + 104 °F)
Temperature monitoring KTY 84 temperature sensor in
stator winding
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a
in accordance with EN 60034-1 coolant temperature
(IEC 60034-1) of up to 40 °C (104 °F)
Motor fan ratings 400 V 3 AC ±10 %, 50 Hz/60 Hz
480 V 3 AC + 5 %, -10 %, 60 Hz
Encoder system, built-in Incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R
without C and D tracks
encoder IN2048S/R
Type of construction in IM B3
accordance with IM B35
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7) IM B5 (only SH 100 and SH 132)
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) From DE to NDE (with the fan
in accordance with EN ISO 1680 operating on a 50 Hz supply
Tolerance + 3 dB system)
• 1PH710/1PH713 70 dB
• 1PH716 75 dB1)
• 1PH718 73 dB2)
• 1PH722 76 dB2)
1PH7 motors (SH 100 to SH 160 and SH 180/SH 225)
Terminal box connection type
Air-cooled 1PH7 motors are rugged and low-maintenance 4-pole • Motor/fan Terminals in terminal box
asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotors.
• Motor encoder and PTC thermistor 17-pin circular socket,
A fan for providing forced ventilation is mounted axially on the without mating connector
rear of the motor. The normal direction of air flow is from the drive Rating plate 1 supplied separately
end (DE) to the non-drive end (NDE) in order to keep the exhaust with terminal box
heat of the motor away from the machine. The reverse direction
of air flow can be ordered as an option.
■ Technical specifications (core type)
7 The motors are equipped with a built-in encoder system for
sensing the motor speed and indirect position. In machine tools,
the encoder system is capable of C-axis operation as standard –
Type of construction in
accordance with
that is, an additional encoder is not required for C-axis operation. EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)3)
• 1PH710/1PH713 IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3)
■ Benefits • 1PH716 IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35)
7 Short overall length of motor Terminal box location Top, cable entry from right
7 Minimal overall dimension thanks to the integrated terminal View DE4)
box (SH 100 to SH 160) Bearing version on DE5) Bearing for belt
7 Maximum speeds of up to 9 000 rpm (optional: 12 000 rpm) or coupling output
7 Full rated torque is continuously available, even at standstill Vibration magnitude in Grade S
accordance with
7 Optimum matching to the SIMODRIVE 611 power levels EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14)

■ Application
Shaft and flange accuracy in Tolerance R (reduced)
accordance with DIN 42955
(IEC 60072-1)6)
• Small, compact machine tools
• Complex machining centers and turning machines Degree of protection in Motor IP55, fan IP54
• Special machines accordance with
• Printing industry: EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
- Single drives for printing units Paint finish Unpainted
• Rubber, plastic, wire, and glass manufacturing: Optional: anthracite
- Drives for extruders, calenders, rubber injection machines,
film machines, fleece machines S/R = signals/revolution
- Wire-drawing machines, wire-stranding machines, etc.
• General applications such as coiler and winder drives
1) The sound pressure level can be reduced if the fan is operated on a
60 Hz supply system with option K44.
2) The sound pressure level can be reduced if the air flow is from the
drive end to the non-drive end with option G15.
3) For type of construction, see Selection guides.
4) DE is the drive end with shaft. NDE is the non-drive end.
5) For maximum permissible load, see the 1PH Motors Configuration
6) Shaft extension run-out, concentricity of centering ring and shaft,
and perpendicularity of flange to shaft.

7/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 motors

■ Characteristic curves
1PH7 motor Rated Attainable speed for rated
Motor power speed power in duty type
S6-40 %
P in accordance with IEC 60034-1
S2-30 min Voltage
limit Type nrated n22)
S6-60 %
S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm

1PH7101-.NF 1 500 8 200 7 000 6 000 6 500

1PH7103-.ND 1 000 3 750 3 750 3 100 3 350

1PH7103-.NF 1 500 5 000 4 600 3 900 4 500
1PH7103-.NG 2 000 9 000 7 500 6 400 6 900

1PH7105-.NF 1 500 7 900 6 750 5 750 6 150

0 1PH7107-.ND 1 000 5 800 4 800 4 100 4 650
0 nrated Speed
1PH7107-.NF 1 500 6 500 6 200 5 250 5 650
n2 n2 n2 n2 nmax
1PH7107-.NG 2 000 7 000 7 000 6 900 7 000
S6-40 % S2-30 min S6-60 % S1
1PH7131-.NF 1 500 6 700 5 500 4 500 5 000
Typical speed/power graph for AC motors1) 1PH7133-.ND 1 000 4 700 3 700 2 800 3 450
The graph shows the typical relationship between motor speed 1PH7133-.NF 1 500 6 800 5 600 4 500 5 100
and drive power in 1PH7 motors for the following duty types in 1PH7133-.NG 2 000 6 500 6 500 5 900 6 450
accordance with IEC 60034-1:
1PH7135-.NF 1 500 7 500 6 200 5 200 5 650
S1: Continuous duty
1PH7137-.ND 1 000 5 400 4 500 3 600 4 100
S6: Continuous duty with intermittent loading and a relative duty
1PH7137-.NF 1 500 7 000 7 000 6 200 6 800
factor of 60 % (S6-60 %) or 40 % (S6-40 %) with a maximum
1PH7137-.NG 2 000 6 000 6 000 5 800 6 000
duty cycle time of 10 minutes.
1PH7163-.NB 500 2 500 1 900 1 500 1 730
S2: Short-time duty with duty period of 30 min
(S2-30 min) and subsequent standstill. 1PH7163-.ND 1 000 5 800 4 800 4 000 4 400

1PH7163-.NF 1 500 5 500 5 500 5 500 5 500
1PH7163-.NG 2 000 3 500 3 500 3 500 3 500

1PH7167-.NB 500 2 100 1 600 1 250 1 400

1PH7167-.ND 1 000 6 250 5 200 4 300 4 700
1PH7167-.NF 1 500 4 500 4 500 4 500 4 500
1PH7167-.NG 2 000 3 250 3 250 3 250 3 250

1PH7184-.NT 500 4 500 3 800 3 350 3 350

1PH7184-.ND 1 000 5 000 4 400 3 600 3 600
1PH7184-.NE 1 250 5 000 4 680 4 190 3 600
1PH7184-.NF 1 500 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000
1PH7184-.NL 2 500 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000

1PH7186-.NT 500 4 800 4 100 3 580 4 000

1PH7186-.ND 1 000 5 000 4 650 3 850 3 850
1PH7186-.NE 1 250 5 000 4 260 3 780 3 580

1PH7224-.NC 700 3 020 2 570 2 290 2 170

1PH7224-.ND 1 000 4 500 4 500 4 100 3 730
1PH7224-.NF 1 500 4 500 4 330 4 000 3 890

1) For further configuration information, see the 1PH Motors Configu-

ration Manual.
2) Values taken from the speed/power graph with regulated infeed.
When using unregulated infeed modules, and with option for
increased maximum speed, proceed in accordance with the 1PH
Motors Configuration Manual.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 core type motors
SH 100 to SH 160

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Continuous Speed, max.1) Rated power 1PH7 asynchronous motor
height speed speed, max. for duty type with solid shaft
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Forced ventilation
Core type

SH nrated nS1 cont.2) nS1 cont.3) nmax nmax4) Prated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min

rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP)

100 2 000 5 500 – 9 000 – 7 (9) 8.5 (11.4) 10 (13) 9.25 (12.4) 1PH7103 - 7 NG02 - 0C 7 7

1 500 5 500 – 9 000 – 9 (12) 11 (14.8) 13 (17) 12 (16) 1PH7107 - 7 NF02 - 0C 7 7

132 1 000 4 500 – 8 000 – 12 (16) 15 (20) 18.5 (24.8) 16 (21) 1PH7133 - 7 ND02 - 0C 7 7
2 000 20 (27) 25 (34) 30 (40) 27.5 (36.9) 1PH7133 - 7 NG02 - 0C 7 7

1 000 4 500 – 8 000 – 17 (23) 20.5 (27.5) 25 (34) 22.5 (30.2) 1PH7137 - 7 ND02 - 0C 7 7
2 000 28 (38) 35 (47) 43 (58) 39 (52) 1PH7137 - 7 NG02 - 0C7 7

160 1 000 3 700 – 6 500 – 22 (30) 27 (36) 33 (44) 30 (40) 1PH7163 - 7 ND03 - 0C 7 7
1 500 30 (40) 37 (50) 45 (60) 41 (55) 1PH7163 - 7 N F03 - 0C7 7

1 500 3 700 – 6 500 – 37 (50) 46 (62) 56 (75) 51 (68) 1PH7167 - 7 NF03 - 0C 7 7

Fans: External fan unit, heavy-gauge threaded cable entry in terminal box 2
External fan unit, metric cable entry in terminal box 7

Encoder system: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D tracks N

Type of construction:5) IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) 2

IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35)6) 3

Shaft extension DE:5) Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan): Blow-out direction:

7 Fitted key
Plain shaft


Degree of protection: Paint finish:

IP55, fan IP54 Unpainted 0
IP55, fan IP54 Anthracite 3

To select the type of construction, see Selection guides.

7/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 core type motors
SH 100 to SH 160

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Moment of Weight, Rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) torque inertia approx. for duty type
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Rated

Mrated J m Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min S1

Nm kgm2 kg A A A A A Order No.
(lbf -ft) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH7103-.NG02-.... 33.4 (24.6) 0.017 (0.148) 40 (88) 17.5 20.5 23.5 21.5 24 For ordering data,
see Converter system
1PH7107-.NF02-.... 57.3 (42.2) 0.029 (0.252) 63 (139) 23.5 27.5 31 29 24

1PH7133-.ND02-.... 114.6 (84.5) 0.076 (0.66) 90 (198) 30 36 43 37.5 30

1PH7133-.NG02-.... 95.5 (70.4) 0.076 (0.66) 90 (198) 45 54 63 59 45

1PH7137-.ND02-.... 162.3 (119.6) 0.109 (0.946) 130 (287) 43 50 60 54 45

1PH7137-.NG02-.... 133.7 (98.5) 0.109 (0.946) 130 (287) 60 73 87 80 60

1PH7163-.ND03-.... 210.1 (154.8) 0.19 (1.649) 180 (397) 55 65 77 71 60

1PH7163-.NF03-.... 191.0 (140.8) 0.19 (1.649) 180 (397) 72 86 102 94 85

1PH7167-.NF03-.... 235.5 (173.6) 0.23 (1.996) 228 (503) 82 97 115 104 85

1PH7 motor (SH 100 to SH 160)

1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see 1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Bearing version for coupling/belt output.
3) Bearing version for increased maximum speed.
4) Version for increased maximum speed only possible with vibration magnitude grade SR. The following option is not possible: Shaft seal.
5) The following motor versions are required for ZF gearbox mounting prepared (see Gearboxes for gear selection):
Shaft with fitted key and full-key balancing.
6) Motors of shaft height 160 and higher require foot support.
7) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/7

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 100

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Continuous Speed, max.1) Rated power 1PH7 asynchronous motor
height speed speed, max. for duty type with solid shaft
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Forced ventilation
Standard type

SH nrated nS1 cont.2) nS1 cont.3) nmax nmax4) Prated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min

rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP)

100 1 500 5 500 10 000 9 000 12 000 3.7 (5) 4.5 (6) 5.25 (7.04) 4.9 (6.6) 1PH7101 - 7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7

1 000 5 500 10 000 9 000 12 000 3.7 (5) 4.5 (6) 5.25 (7.04) 4.7 (6.3) 1PH7103 - 7 ND 7 7 - 0 7 7 7
1 500 5.5 (7.4) 6.7 (9) 7.7 (10.3) 7 (9.4) 1PH7103 - 7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7
2 000 7 (9) 8.5 (11.4) 10 (13) 9.25 (12.4) 1PH7103 - 7 NG7 7 - 07 7 7

1 500 5 500 10 000 9 000 12 000 7 (9) 8.5 (11.4) 10 (13) 9.25 (12.4) 1PH7105 - 7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7

1 000 5 500 10 000 9 000 12 000 6.25 (8.38) 7.5 (10) 8.8 (11.8) 7.75 (10.39) 1PH7107 - 7 ND 7 7 - 0 7 7 7
1 500 9 (12) 11 (15) 13 (17) 12 (16) 1PH7107 - 7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7
2 000 10.5 (14) 12.5 (17) 14.5 (19.4) 13.5 (18.1) 1PH7107 - 7 NG7 7 - 07 7 7

Fans: External fan unit, heavy-gauge threaded cable entry in terminal box 2
External fan unit, metric cable entry in terminal box 7

Encoder system: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D tracks N

Terminal box/ Top/right 0

Cable entry: Top/NDE 2
Top/left 3

Type of IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) 0

construction:5) IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) 2
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35) 3
7 Bearing version for: Vibration magnitude: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling/belt output Grade R Tolerance R B
Coupling/belt output Grade S Tolerance R C
Coupling/belt output Grade SR Tolerance R D
Increased speed Grade SR Tolerance R L
(coupling/belt output)

Shaft extension DE:5) Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan): Blow-out direction:
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE Axial A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE Axial B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE Axial C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE Axial D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE Axial J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE Axial K

Degree of protection: Seal: Paint finish:

IP55, fan IP54 – Unpainted 0
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Unpainted 2
shaft sealing ring6)
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite 3
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Anthracite 5
shaft sealing ring6)
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite, two coats 6
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Anthracite, two coats 8
shaft sealing ring6)

To select the type of construction and the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

7/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 100

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Moment of Weight, Rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) torque inertia approx. for duty type
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Rated

Mrated J m Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min S1

Nm kgm2 kg A A A A A Order No.
(lbf -ft) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH7101-.NF... 23.6 (17.4) 0.017 (0.150) 40 (88) 10 11.5 12.5 12 24 For ordering data,
see Converter system
1PH7103-.ND... 35.3 (26) 0.017 (0.150) 40 (88) 10 11.5 13 12 24
1PH7103-.N F... 35.0 (25.8) 0.017 (0.150) 40 (88) 13 16 18 16.5 24
1PH7103-.NG... 33.4 (24.6) 0.017 (0.150) 40 (88) 17.5 20.5 23.5 21.5 24

1PH7105-.N F... 44.6 (32.9) 0.029 (0.257) 63 (139) 17.5 21 23.5 22 24

1PH7107-.ND... 59.7 (44) 0.029 (0.257) 63 (139) 17.5 20.5 23 21 24

1PH7107-.N F... 57.3 (42.2) 0.029 (0.257) 63 (139) 23.5 27.5 31 29 24
1PH7107-.NG... 50.1 (36.9) 0.029 (0.257) 63 (139) 26 28.5 33 31 30

1PH7 motor (SH 100 to SH 160)

1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see the 1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Bearing version for coupling/belt output.
3) Bearing version for increased maximum speed.
4) Version for increased maximum speed only possible with vibration magnitude grade SR. The following option is not possible: Shaft sealing ring.
5) The following motor versions are required for ZF gearbox mounting prepared (see Gearboxes for gear selection):
• Types of construction IM B5 or IM B35
• Shaft with fitted key and full-key balancing.
6) Only appropriate if the sealing ring is occasionally lubricated with oil spray/mist. A sealing ring is not possible with increased maximum speed.
7) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/9

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 132

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Continuous Speed, max.1) Rated power 1PH7 asynchronous motor
height speed speed, max. for duty type with solid shaft
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Forced ventilation
Standard type

SH nrated nS1 cont.2) nS1 cont.3) nmax nmax4) Prated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min

rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP)

132 1 500 4 500 8 500 8 000 10 000 11 (15) 13.5 (18.1) 16.5 (22.1) 15 (20) 1PH7131 - 7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7

1 000 4 500 8 500 8 000 10 000 12 (16) 15 (20) 18.5 (24.8) 16 (22) 1PH7133 - 7 ND 7 7 - 07 7 7
1 500 15 (20) 18.5 (24.8) 23 (31) 20.5 (27.5) 1PH7133 - 7 N F 7 7 - 07 7 7
2 000 20 (27) 25 (34) 30 (40) 27.5 (36.9) 1PH7133 - 7 N G7 7 - 07 7 7

1 500 4 500 8 500 8 000 10 000 18.5 (24.8) 23 (31) 28 (38) 25.5 (34.2) 1PH7135 - 7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7

1 000 4 500 8 500 8 000 10 000 17 (23) 20.5 (27.5) 25 (34) 22.5 (30.2) 1PH7137 - 7 N D 7 7 - 0 7 7 7
1 500 22 (30) 27.5 (36.9) 33 (44) 30 (40) 1PH7137 - 7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7
2 000 28 (38) 35 (47) 43 (58) 39 (52) 1PH7137 - 7 NG7 7 - 07 7 7

Fans: External fan unit, heavy-gauge threaded cable entry in terminal box 2
External fan unit, metric cable entry in terminal box 7

Encoder system: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D tracks N

Terminal box/ Top/right 0

Cable entry: Top/NDE 2
Top/left 3

Type of IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) 0

construction:5) IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) 2
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35) 3
7 Bearing version for: Vibration magnitude: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling/belt output Grade R Tolerance R B
Coupling/belt output Grade S Tolerance R C
Coupling/belt output Grade SR Tolerance R D
Increased speed Grade SR Tolerance R L
(coupling/belt output)

Shaft extension DE:5) Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan): Blow-out direction:
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE Axial A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE Axial B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE Axial C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE Axial D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE Axial J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE Axial K

Degree of protection: Seal: Paint finish:

IP55, fan IP54 – Unpainted 0
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Unpainted 2
shaft sealing ring6)
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite 3
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Anthracite 5
shaft sealing ring6)
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite, two coats 6
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Anthracite, two coats 8
shaft sealing ring6)

To select the type of construction and the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

7/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 132

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Moment of Weight, Rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) torque inertia approx. for duty type
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Rated

Mrated J m Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min S1

Nm kgm2 kg A A A A A Order No.
(lbf -ft) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH7131-.NF... 70.0 (51.6) 0.076 (0.673) 90 (199) 24 29 34 31.5 24 For ordering data,
see Converter system
1PH7133-.ND... 114.6 (84.5) 0.076 (0.673) 90 (199) 30 36 43 37.5 30
1PH7133-.NF... 95.5 (70.4) 0.076 (0.673) 90 (199) 34 41 49 43.5 45
1PH7133-.NG... 95.5 (70.4) 0.076 (0.673) 90 (199) 45 54 63 59 45

1PH7135-.NF... 117.8 (86.8) 0.109 (0.965) 130 (287) 42 50 58 54 45

1PH7137-.ND... 162.3 (119.6) 0.109 (0.965) 130 (287) 43 50 60 54 45

1PH7137-.NF... 140.1 (103.3) 0.109 (0.965) 130 (287) 57 68 79 73 60
1PH7137-.NG... 133.7 (98.5) 0.109 (0.965) 130 (287) 60 73 87 80 60

1PH7 motor (SH 100 to SH 160)

1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see the 1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Bearing version for coupling/belt output.
3) Bearing version for increased maximum speed.
4) Version for increased maximum speed only possible with vibration magnitude grade SR. The following option is not possible: Shaft sealing ring.
5) The following motor versions are required for ZF gearbox mounting prepared (see Gearboxes for gear selection):
• Types of construction IM B5 or IM B35
• Shaft with fitted key and full-key balancing.
6) Only appropriate if the sealing ring is occasionally lubricated with oil spray/mist. A sealing ring is not possible with increased maximum speed.
7) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/11

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 160

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Continuous Speed, max.1) Rated power 1PH7 asynchronous motor
height speed speed, max. for duty type with solid shaft
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Forced ventilation
Standard type

SH nrated nS1 cont.2) nS1 cont.3) nmax nmax4) Prated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min

rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP)

160 500 3 700 7 000 6 500 8 000 12 (16) 15 (20) 18 (24) 16.5 (22.1) 1PH7163 -7 NB 7 7 - 07 7 7
1 000 22 (30) 27 (36) 33 (44) 30 (40) 1PH7163 -7 ND 7 7 - 07 7 7
1 500 30 (40) 37 (50) 45 (60) 41 (55) 1PH7163 -7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7
2 000 36 (48) 44 (59) 52 (70) 48 (64) 1PH7163 -7 N G7 7 - 07 7 7

500 3 700 7 000 6 500 8 000 16 (21) 19.5 (26.2) 24 (32) 21.5 (28.8) 1PH7167 -7 NB7 7 - 07 7 7
1 000 28 (38) 34.5 (46.3) 42 (56) 38 (51) 1PH7167 -7 ND7 7 - 07 7 7
1 500 37 (50) 46 (62) 56 (75) 51 (68) 1PH7167 -7 NF 7 7 - 07 7 7
2 000 41 (55) 51 (69) 61 (81) 56 (75) 1PH7167 -7 N G7 7 - 07 7 7

Fans: External fan unit, heavy-gauge threaded cable entry in terminal box 2
External fan unit, metric cable entry in terminal box 7

Encoder system: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D tracks N

Terminal box/ Top/right 0

Cable entry: Top/NDE 2
Top/left 3

Type of IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) 0

construction:5) IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35)7) 3

Bearing version for: Vibration magnitude: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling/belt output Grade R Tolerance R B
Coupling/belt output Grade S Tolerance R C
Coupling/belt output Grade SR Tolerance R D
Increased speed Grade SR Tolerance R L
(coupling/belt output)

Shaft extension DE:5) Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan): Blow-out direction:
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE Axial A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE Axial B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE Axial C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE Axial D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE Axial J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE Axial K

Degree of protection: Seal: Paint finish:

IP55, fan IP54 – Unpainted 0
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Unpainted 2
shaft sealing ring6)
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite 3
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Anthracite 5
shaft sealing ring6)
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite, two coats 6
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with Anthracite, two coats 8
shaft sealing ring6)

To select the type of construction and the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

7/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 160

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Moment of Weight, Rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) torque inertia approx. for duty type
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Rated

Mrated J m Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min S1

Nm kgm2 kg A A A A A Order No.
(lbf -ft) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH7163-.NB... 229.2 (168.9) 0.19 (1.682) 180 (397) 30 36 42 39 30 For ordering data,
1PH7163-.ND... 210.1 (154.8) 0.19 (1.682) 180 (397) 55 65 77 71 60 see Converter system
1PH7163-.NF... 191.0 (140.8) 0.19 (1.682) 180 (397) 72 86 102 94 85
1PH7163-.NG... 171.9 (126.7) 0.19 (1.682) 180 (397) 85 100 114 107 85

1PH7167-.NB... 305.5 (225.2) 0.23 (2.036) 228 (503) 37 44 53 48 45

1PH7167-.ND... 267.4 (197.1) 0.23 (2.036) 228 (503) 71 85 100 92 85
1PH7167-.NF... 235.5 (173.6) 0.23 (2.036) 228 (503) 82 97 115 104 85
1PH7167-.NG... 195.8 (144.3) 0.23 (2.036) 228 (503) 89 106 124 115 120

1PH7 motor (SH 100 to SH 160)

1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see the 1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Bearing version for coupling/belt output.
3) Bearing version for increased maximum speed.
4) Version for increased maximum speed only possible with vibration magnitude grade SR. The following option is not possible: Shaft sealing ring.
5) The following motor versions are required for ZF gearbox mounting prepared (see Gearboxes for gear selection):
• Types of construction IM B5 or IM B35
• Shaft with fitted key and full-key balancing.
6) Only appropriate if the sealing ring is occasionally lubricated with oil spray/mist. A sealing ring is not possible with increased maximum speed.
7) Motors of shaft height 160 and higher require foot support.
8) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/13

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 180

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Continuous Speed, Rated power 1PH7 asynchronous motor
height speed speed, max. max.1) for duty type with solid shaft
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Forced ventilation
Standard type

SH nrated nS1 cont.2) nS1 cont.3) nS1 cont.4) nmax nmax Prated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min

rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP)

180 500 3 500 3 000 4 500 5 000 7 000 21.5 (28.8) 26.5 (35.5) 30.5 (40.9) 30 (40) 1PH7184 -7 NT7 7 - 07 7 7
1 000 39 (52) 48 (64) 58 (78) 58 (78) 1PH7184 -7 N D7 7 - 07 7 7
1 250 40 (54) 50 (57) 56 (75) 66 (89) 1PH7184 -7 N E7 7 - 07 7 7
1 500 51 (68) 68 (91) 81 (109) 81 (68) 1PH7184 -7 N F7 7 - 07 7 7
2 500 78 (105) 97 (130) 115 (154) 115 (154) 1PH7184 -7 N L7 7 - 07 7 7

500 3 500 3 000 4 500 5 000 7 000 29.6 (39.7) 36.5 (49) 43 (58) 38 (51) 1PH7186 - 7 N T7 7 - 07 7 7
1 000 51 (68) 65 (87) 77 (103) 77 (103) 1PH7186 - 7 N D7 7 - 07 7 7
1 250 60 (80) 71 (95) 80 (107) 84 (113) 1PH7186 - 7 N E7 7 - 07 7 7

Fans: External fan unit, heavy-gauge threaded cable entry in terminal box 2
External fan unit, metric cable entry in terminal box 7

Encoder system: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp, 2 048 S/R without C or D tracks N

Terminal box/ Top/right 0

Cable entry: Top/DE 1
Top/NDE 2
Top/left 3

Type of construction: IM B3 0
IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) (hoisting system for vertical types of construction) 1
IM B359) 3

IM B35 (flange D= 450 mm (17.72), only for 1PH7184)9) 4
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35) (hoisting system for vertical types of construction)9) 5
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35) (flange D = 450 mm (17.72), only for 1PH7184)9) 6

Bearing version for: Vibration magnitude: Shaft and flange accuracy:

Coupling output Grade R Tolerance N A
Coupling output Grade R Tolerance R B
Coupling output Grade S Tolerance R C
Coupling output Grade SR Tolerance R D
Belt output Grade R Tolerance N E
Belt output Grade R Tolerance R F
Increased cantilever force (belt output) Grade R Tolerance N G
Increased cantilever force (belt output) Grade R Tolerance R H
Increased speed (coupling output) Grade S Tolerance R J

Shaft extension DE:7) Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan): Blow-out direction:
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE Right A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE Axial B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE Right C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE Axial D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE Right J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE Axial K

Degree of protection: Seal: Paint finish:

IP55, fan IP54 – Primed 0
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with shaft sealing ring6) Primed 2
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite 3
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with shaft sealing ring6) Anthracite 5
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite, two coats 6
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with shaft sealing ring6) Anthracite, two coats 8

To select the type of construction and the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

7/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 180

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Moment of Weight, Rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) torque inertia approx.8) for duty type
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Rated

Mrated J m Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2 30 min S1

Nm kgm2 kg A A A A A Order No.
(lbf -ft) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH7184-.NT... 410 (302) 0.5 (4.425) 390 (860) 76 90 103 102 85 For ordering data,
1PH7184-.N D... 372 (274) 0.5 (4.425) 90 106 126 126 120 see Converter system
1PH7184-.N E... 305 (225) 0.5 (4.425) 85 100 110 128 85
1PH7184-.N F... 325 (240) 0.5 (4.425) 120 149 174 174 120
1PH7184-.N L... 298 (220) 0.5 (4.425) 172 204 237 237 200

1PH7186-.N T... 565 (416) 0.67 (5.930) 460 (1 014) 105 126 147 130 120
1PH7186-.N D... 487 (359) 0.67 (5.930) 118 141 164 164 120
1PH7186-.N E... 458 (338) 0.67 (5.930) 120 135 150 156 120

1PH7 motor (SH 180 and SH 225)

1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see the 1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Bearing version for coupling/belt output.
3) Bearing version for increased cantilever force.
4) Bearing version for increased maximum speed.
5) Version for increased maximum speed, only possible in combination with vibration magnitude grade S. The following option is not possible:
Shaft sealing ring.
6) Only appropriate if the sealing ring is occasionally lubricated with oil spray/mist. A sealing ring is not possible for type of construction IM B3
(IM V5, IM V6), version with increased cantilever force or increased maximum speed.
7) The following motor versions are required for ZF gearbox mounting prepared (see Gearboxes for gear selection):
• Type of construction IM B35, IM V15 (not IM V35)
• Shaft with fitted key and full-key balancing
• Bearing version for coupling output
• Shaft and flange accuracy R
• DE flange with shaft sealing ring
8) Applies to type of construction IM B35, as type of construction IM B3, the motor is 20 kg (44 lb) lighter.
9) Motors of shaft height 160 and higher require foot support.
10) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/15

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 225

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Continuous Speed, Rated power 1PH7 asynchronous motor
height speed speed, max. max.1) for duty type with solid shaft
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Forced ventilation
Standard type

SH nrated nS1 cont.2) nS1 cont.3) nS1 cont.4) nmax nmax5) Prated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min

rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP)

225 700 3 100 2 700 3 600 4 500 5 500 55 (74) 66 (89) 75 (101) 78 (105) 1PH7224 - 7 N C7 7 - 07 7 7
1 000 71 (95) 88 (118) 105 (141) 114 (153) 1PH7224 - 7 N D7 7 - 07 7 7
1 500 100 (134) 126 (169) 136 (182) 140 (188) 1PH7224 - 7 N F7 7 - 0 7 7 7

Fans: External fan unit, heavy-gauge threaded cable entry in terminal box 2
External fan unit, metric cable entry in terminal box 7

Encoder system: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D tracks N

Terminal box/ Top/right 0

Cable entry: Top/DE 1
Top/NDE 2
Top/left 3

Type of construction: IM B3 0
IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) (hoisting system for vertical types of construction) 1
IM B359) 3
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35) (hoisting system for vertical types of construction)9) 5

Bearing version for: Vibration magnitude: Shaft and flange accuracy:

Coupling output Grade R Tolerance N A
Coupling output Grade R Tolerance R B
Coupling output Grade S Tolerance R C
Coupling output Grade SR Tolerance R D
7 Belt output
Belt output
Grade R
Grade R
Tolerance N
Tolerance R
Increased cantilever force Grade R Tolerance N G
(belt output)
Increased cantilever force Grade R Tolerance R H
(belt output)
Increased speed Grade S Tolerance R J
(coupling output)

Shaft extension DE:7) Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan): Blow-out direction:
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE Right A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE Axial B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE Right C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE Axial D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE Right J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE Axial K

Degree of protection: Seal: Paint finish:

IP55, fan IP54 – Primed 0
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with shaft sealing ring6) Primed 2
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite 3
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with shaft sealing ring6) Anthracite 5
IP55, fan IP54 – Anthracite, two coats 6
IP55, fan IP54 DE flange with shaft sealing ring6) Anthracite, two coats 8

To select the type of construction and the degree of protection, see Selection guides.

7/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH7 standard type motors
SH 225

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Moment of Weight, Rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) torque inertia approx.8) for duty type
in accordance with IEC 60034-1 Rated

Mrated J m Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S2-30 min S1

Nm kgm2 kg A A A A A Order No.
(lbf -ft) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH7224-.NC... 750 (553) 1.48 (13.099) 650 (1 433) 117 135 149 155 120 For ordering data,
1PH7224-.ND... 678 (450) 1.48 (13.099) 650 (1 433) 164 190 222 240 200 see Converter system
1PH7224-.NF... 636 (469) 1.48 (13.099) 650 (1 433) 188 230 248 256 200

1PH7 motor (SH 180 and SH 225)

1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see the 1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Bearing version for coupling/belt output.
3) Bearing version for increased cantilever force.
4) Bearing version for increased maximum speed.
5) Version for increased maximum speed, only possible in combination with vibration magnitude grade S. The following option is not possible:
Shaft sealing ring.
6) Only appropriate if the sealing ring is occasionally lubricated with oil spray/mist. A sealing ring is not possible for type of construction IM B3
(IM V5, IM V6), version with increased cantilever force or increased maximum speed.
7) The following motor versions are required for ZF gearbox mounting prepared (see Gearboxes for gear selection):
• Type of construction IM B35, IM V15 (not IM V35)
• Shaft with fitted key and full-key balancing
• Bearing version for coupling output
• Shaft and flange accuracy R
• DE flange with shaft sealing ring.
8) Applies to type of construction IM B35, as type of construction IM B3, the motor is 20 kg (44 lb) lighter.
9) Motors of shaft height 160 and higher require foot support.
10) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/17

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH4 motors

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 High power density thanks to the small construction volume
7 Maximum speeds of up to 9 000 rpm (optional: 12 000 rpm)
7 Full rated torque is continuously available, even at standstill
7 Cooled flange to prevent thermal stressing of the connected
mechanical power train
7 Low noise level
7 High degree of protection IP65 (shaft exit IP55)
7 High rotational accuracy
7 High cantilever force loading
7 Ruggedness

■ Application
• Wherever extreme ambient conditions, such as high tempera-
tures, dust, dirt, or a corrosive atmosphere, do not permit air
• In processes in which the environment must not be heated
• On special machines, when cooling water is available
due to the process
• Milling machines with full enclosure
• High-load milling spindles
Given the compact design of modern machines, the heat loss • Counterspindles or rotating tools for turning machines
from electrical drives can have an adverse effect on the accu-
racy of machining. The resulting demands for cold motors with a
high power density led to the development of the water-cooled
1PH4 motors.
Furthermore, a combination of high torque and small construc-
tion volume (low mass inertia) results in short acceleration and
braking times, and thus in a reduction in non-productive time.
1PH4 motors are rugged, 4-pole asynchronous motors with
7 squirrel-cage rotors. Power loss and noise emission are reduced
to a minimum. Thanks to the compact design of the motors, high
maximum speeds can be achieved.
The motors are equipped with an encoder system for sensing
the motor speed and indirect position. In machine tools, the en-
coder system is capable of C-axis operation as standard – that
is, an additional encoder is not required for C-axis operation.

7/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH4 motors

■ Technical specifications ■ Characteristic curves

Product name 1PH4 motor
Motor power
Cooling Water cooling
Coolant inlet temperature Because of the formation of con- P
S6-40 %
densation, we recommend a Voltage
coolant inlet temperature of S6-60 % limit
approx. 30 °C (86 °F), depending
on the ambient conditions. S1
Cooling water pressure at inlet, 7 bar
Temperature monitoring 2 KTY 84 temperature sensors
in the stator winding,
1 as reserve
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F) for a
in accordance with coolant inlet temperature
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) of up to 30 °C (86 °F)
Encoder system, built-in Incremental encoder

sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R 0
without C and D tracks nrated Speed
encoder IN2048S/R n2 n2 n2 nmax
Type of construction IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35)
S6-40 % S6-60 % S1
in accordance with
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)
Terminal box location Top, rotatable 4 x 90°
(view DE)1) Typical speed/power graph for AC motors4)
Terminal box connection type The graph shows the typical relationship between motor speed
• Motor Terminals in terminal box and drive power in 1PH4 motors for duty types in accordance
• Motor encoder and PTC thermistor 12-pin/17-pin circular socket with IEC 60034-1:
(without mating connector) S1: Continuous duty
Bearing version on DE2) Duplex bearing for belt or
coupling output S6: Continuous duty with intermittent loading and a relative duty
(minimum cantilever force factor of 60 % (S6-60 %) or 40 % (S6-40 %) with a maximum
required) duty cycle time of 10 minutes.
Vibration magnitude Grade R (reduced)
in accordance with 1PH4 motor Rated Attainable speed for rated power in
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) speed duty type in accordance with

Shaft and flange accuracy in Tolerance N (normal) IEC 60034-1
accordance with DIN 42955
(IEC 60072-1)3) Type nrated n25)
Shaft extension DE Full-key balancing with keyway S1 S6-60 % S6-40 %
in accordance with
DIN 748-3 (IEC 60072-1) rpm rpm rpm rpm
Degree of protection IP65, IP55 on shaft exit
in accordance with 1PH4103 1 500 8 600 7 500 6 500
EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5) 1PH4105 1 500 8 800 7 600 6 500
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) 1PH4107 1 500 8 600 7 400 6 400
in accordance with EN ISO 1680
Tolerance + 3 dB 1PH4133 1 500 8 000 7 400 6 000
• 1PH410/1PH413 69 dB 1PH4135 1 500 7 400 6 200 5 500
• 1PH416 71 dB
1PH4137 1 500 6 800 5 800 5 000
Paint finish Anthracite
1PH4138 1 500 7 800 6 600 5 800
S/R = signals/revolution
Refer to Liquid cooling for a list of heat exchanger 1PH4163 1 500 6 300 5 200 4 500
manufacturers. 1PH4167 1 500 5 200 4 400 3 800
1PH4168 1 500 6 300 5 300 4 600

1) DE is the drive end with shaft. NDE is the non-drive end.

2) For maximum permissible load, see the 1PH Motors Configuration
3) Shaft extension run-out, concentricity of centering and shaft, and
perpendicularity of flange to shaft.
4) For further configuration information, see the 1PH Motors
Configuration Manual.
5) Values taken from the speed/power graph with regulated infeed.
When using unregulated infeed modules, and with option for
increased maximum speed, proceed in accordance with the 1PH
Motors Configuration Manual.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/19

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH4 standard type motors
SH 100 to SH 160

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Continuous speed, Speed, max.1) Rated power 1PH4 asynchronous
height speed max. for duty type motor
(in accordance with IEC 60034-1) with solid shaft
Water cooling
Standard type

SH nrated nS1 cont.2) nS1 cont.3) nS1 cont.4) nmax2) nmax3) nmax4) Prated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 %
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP)

100 1 500 5 600 6 500 10 000 7 500 9 000 12 000 7.5 (10.1) 8.75 (11.73) 10 (13) 1PH4103 - 4NF26
11 (15) 12.75 (17.1) 14.75 (19.78) 1PH4105 - 4N F26
14 (19) 16.25 (21.79) 18.75 (25.14) 1PH4107 - 4N F26

132 1 500 5 200 6 000 9 250 6 700 8 000 10 000 15 (20) 18 (24) 21 (28) 1PH4133 - 4N F26
22 (30) 26.5 (36) 31 (42) 1PH4135 - 4NF26
27 (36) 32.5 (44) 38 (51) 1PH4137 - 4N F26
30 (40) 36 (48) 42 (56) 1PH4138 - 4N F26

160 1 500 4 000 4 500 7 000 5 300 6 500 8 000 37 (50) 45 (60) 52.5 (70.4) 1PH4163 - 4N F26
46 (62) 55 (74) 65 (87) 1PH4167 - 4N F26
52 (70) 62.5 (84) 73 (98) 1PH4168 - 4N F26

Encoder system: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2 048 S/R without C or D tracks N

■ Options
Designation Order code Designation Order code
Bearing version (view DE) Shaft seal DE
(standard = duplex bearing) • Radial shaft sealing ring, oil-tight, IP65 K18
• Single bearing for coupling, for low to medium K00

7 cantilever forces or planetary gear units

(e.g. mounting of a ZF gearbox 2LG43...5) 6)
• With holding brake mounted on DE G46
Vibration magnitude in accordance with
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) (standard = vibration Terminal box location
(view DE) (standard = top)
magnitude grade R, duplex bearing)
• On right side, cable entry from below6) K0911)
• Grade S with duplex bearing7) K058) • On left side, cable entry from below6) K1011)
• Grade S with single bearing7) K028) Rotation of terminal box
• Grade SR with single bearing7) K038) on its own axis
• By 90°, cable entry from drive end12) K83
Shaft and flange accuracy in accordance with • By 90°, cable entry from non-drive end12) K84
DIN 42955 (IEC 60072-1) • By 180°, cable entry from above12) K8511)
(standard = tolerance N)
• Tolerance R9) K04 Speed13)
• With increased maximum speed and half-key L37
Shaft extension DE balancing
(standard = full-key balancing with keyway)
• Plain shaft K42 Other
• Half-key balancing L69 • Second rating plate, separately packed K31

When ordering a motor with options, -Z should be added to the

order number and the order code should also be specified for
each additional required version.
Order codes must not be repeated in plain text in the order.

Order No. 1PH4135-4NF26-Z

Order code(s) K05 + K09 + K31

7/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH4 standard type motors
SH 100 to SH 160

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated torque Moment of Weight, Motor rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) inertia approx. for duty type in accordance
with IEC 60034-1 Required

Mrated J m Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S1
Nm kgm2 kg A A A Order No.
(lbf -ft) (lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH4103 - ... 48 (35) 0.017 (0.150) 52 (115) 26 29 32 30 For ordering data,

1PH4105 - ... 70 (52) 0.024 (0.212) 67 (148) 38 42 47 45 see Converter system
1PH4107 - ... 90 (66) 0.031 (0.274) 80 (176) 46 52 58 60

1PH4133 - ... 95 (70) 0.046 (0.407) 90 (198) 55 65 74 60

1PH4135 - ... 140 (103) 0.071 (0.628) 112 (247) 73 86 99 85
1PH4137 - ... 170 (125) 0.085 (0.752) 130 (287) 85 100 114 85
1PH4138 - ... 190 (140) 0.097 (0.859) 150 (331) 102 119 136 120

1PH4163 - ... 235 (173) 0.17 (1.505) 175 107 125 142 120
1PH4167 - ... 293 (216) 0.206 (1.823) 210 120 138 158 120
1PH4168 - ... 331 (244) 0.22 (1.947) 240 148 173 197 200

Notes on water cooling

Motor Coolant flow rate Connecting thread on
type (water) non-drive end (NDE)

1PH410 6 l/min G 1/4

1PH413 8 l/min G 3/8

1PH416 10 l/min G 1/2


1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see 1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Bearing version for duplex bearing.
3) Bearing version for single bearing.
4) Bearing version for maximum speed using option L37.
5) Vibration magnitude grades S, SR and mounting position IM V35 not possible for integrated gearbox. Use order code K00 + G97 for old ZF
gearbox 2LG42... (for selecting gearing, see Gearboxes).
6) Options gearbox assembly, brake assembly and terminal box location mutually exclude each other.
7) Options K05, K02 and K03 mutually exclude each other.
8) Automatically includes option K04.
9) Increased shaft accuracy.
10) Only appropriate if the sealing ring is occasionally lubricated with oil spray/mist.
11) Options K09 or K10 cannot be combined with K85.
12) Options K83, K84 and K85 mutually exclude each other.
13) Version for increased maximum speed includes vibration magnitude grade SR and half-key balancing. The following option is not possible:
Shaft seal.
14) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/21

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PM4 motors with hollow shaft

■ Overview ■ Application
• Compact machining centers
• Special machines
• Directly driven tools with internal cooling

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1PM4 motor
Coolant inlet temperature Because of the formation of
condensation, we recommend a
coolant inlet temperature of
approximately 30 °C (86 °F),
depending on the ambient
Cooling water pressure at inlet, 3 bar
Temperature monitoring 2 KTY 84 temperature sensors in
the stator winding, 1 as reserve
Insulation of the stator winding in Temperature class 155 (F) for a
accordance with coolant inlet temperature
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) of up to 30 °C (86 °F)
Encoder system, built-in Incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp 256 S/R
without C and D tracks
encoder IN256S/R
1PM4 motor (SH 100 and SH 132, liquid-cooled) Type of construction in IM B35 (IM V15, IM V35)
accordance with EN 60034-7
The liquid-cooled 1PM4 motors have been specially designed (IEC 60034-7)1)
for direct mounting on mechanical spindles. The hollow shaft
permits the passage of coolant for tools with internal cooling. Terminal box location Top, rotatable 4 x 90°
The shaft is prepared on the non-drive end (NDE) of the motor for View DE2)
connection of a turning bushing for input of the coolant. Terminal box connection type
Given the compact design of modern machines, the heat loss • Motor Terminals in terminal box
from electrical drives can have an adverse effect on the accu- • Motor encoder and PTC thermistor 17-pin circular socket,
racy of machining. The resulting demand for cold motors with a
without mating connector
high power density led to the development of the 1PM4 liquid- Vibration magnitude in Grade SR
cooled motors. accordance with
Furthermore, a combination of high torque and small construc- EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14)
tion volume (low moment of inertia) results in short acceleration Shaft and flange accuracy in Tolerance R (reduced)
and braking times, and thus in a reduction in non-productive accordance with
time. DIN 42955 (IEC 60072-1)3)

The motors have a built-in hollow-shaft measuring system for DE shaft extension With plain shaft
recording the motor speed and indirect position. Without keyway
Hollow ID for shaft ∅ 11.5 mm (0.45 in)
■ Benefits Degree of protection in IP65, IP55 on shaft exit
accordance with
7 Hollow shaft for passage of coolant with direct spindle EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
Sound pressure level LpA (1 m) 69 dB4)
7 Maximum speeds of up to 12 000 rpm (optional: 18 000 rpm)4) in accordance with EN ISO 1680
7 Full rated torque is continuously available, even at standstill Tolerance + 3 dB

7 Cooled flange to prevent thermal stressing of the connected Paint finish Anthracite
mechanical power train S/R = signals/revolution
7 Low noise level
Notes on liquid cooling
7 High rotational accuracy
7 Short ramp-up and braking times Motor Coolant flow rate Connecting thread on
type (water, oil) non-drive end (NDE)

1PM410 6 l/min G 1/4

1PM413 8 l/min G 3/8

Refer to Liquid cooling for a list of heat exchanger


1) For types of construction, see Selection guides.

2) DE is the drive end with shaft. NDE is the non-drive end.
3) Shaft extension run-out, concentricity of centering ring and shaft, and
perpendicularity of flange to shaft.
4) With option L37: 72 dB.

7/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PM6 motors with hollow shaft

■ Overview ■ Application
• Compact machining centers
• Special machines
• Directly driven tools with internal cooling

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1PM6 motor
Coolant temperature, permissible -15 ... +40 °C (+5 ... +104 °F)
Temperature monitoring 2 KTY 84 temperature sensors in
the stator winding, 1 as reserve
Insulation of the stator winding in Temperature class 155 (F) for a
accordance with coolant temperature
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) of up to 40 °C (104 °F)
Motor fan ratings 400 V 3 AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Encoder system, built in Incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp 256 S/R
without C and D tracks
encoder IN256S/R
Type of construction in IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3)
accordance with
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)1)
Terminal box location
1PM6 motors (SH 100 and SH 132 with radial and axial fans) View DE2)
• Axial fan Top, rotatable 4 x 90°
The air-cooled 1PM6 motors have been specially designed for
direct mounting on mechanical spindles. The hollow shaft per- • Radial fan On right side, rotatable 4 x 90°
mits the passage of coolant for tools with internal cooling. Terminal box connection type
The shaft is prepared on the non-drive end (NDE) of the motor • Motor/fan Terminals in terminal box
for connection of a turning bushing for input of the coolant.
• Motor encoder and PTC thermistor 17-pin circular socket,
The 1PM6 motors are rugged and maintenance-free 4-pole without mating connector
asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotors. They have been Vibration magnitude in Grade SR
designed specifically for use in conjunction with the accordance with
SIMODRIVE 611 converter system. EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14)
Shaft and flange accuracy in Tolerance R (reduced)
A fan for providing forced ventilation is mounted either radially or accordance with
axially (depending on the version) on the rear of the motor. The DIN 42955 (IEC 60072-1)3)
direction of air flow is from the drive end (DE) to the non-drive DE shaft extension With plain shaft
end (NDE), in order to keep the exhaust heat of the motor away Without keyway
from the machine tool. Hollow ID for shaft ∅ 11.5 mm (0.45 in)
The motors have a built-in hollow-shaft measuring system for Degree of protection in IP55, fan IP54
recording the motor speed and indirect position. accordance with
EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)

■ Benefits Sound pressure level LpA (1 m)

in accordance with EN ISO 1680
70 dB4)
From DE to NDE
7 Hollow shaft for passage of coolant with direct spindle Tolerance + 3 dB (with the fan operating on a
mounting 50 Hz supply system)
7 Maximum speeds of up to 12 000 rpm (optional: 18 000 rpm)2) Paint finish Anthracite
7 Full rated torque is always available, even at standstill S/R = signals/revolution
7 Axial or radial fans
7 High rotational accuracy
7 Short ramp-up and braking times

1) For types of construction, see Selection guides.

2) DE is the drive end with shaft. NDE is the non-drive end.
3) Shaft extension run-out, concentricity of centering ring and shaft, and
perpendicularity of flange to shaft.
4) With option L37: 72 dB.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/23

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PM4/1PM6 standard type motors
SH 100/SH 132

■ Selection and ordering data

Shaft Rated Con- Speed, Rated power for Rated power for 1PM4 asynchronous 1PM6 asynchronous
height speed tinu- max.1) motor with hollow shaft motor with hollow shaft
ous star delta Standard type Standard type
speed, nratedY = 1 500 rpm nrated∆ = 4 000 rpm

SH star delta nS1cont. nmax Prated Prated

S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 %
rpm rpm rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No. Order No.
(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP)

Oil cooling2) Forced ventilation

100 1 500 4 000 12 000 12 000 3.7 (5) 5.25 (7.04) 3.7 (5) 6 (8) 1PM4101-2LF86-17 S1 1PM6101-2LF87-17 71
1 500 4 000 18 000 18 000 3.7 (5) 5.25 (7.04) 3.7 (5) 6 (8) 1PM4101-2LF86-17 S1-Z3) 1PM6101-2LF87-17 71-Z3)
1 500 4 000 12 000 12 000 7.5 (10.1) 11 (15) 7.5 (10.1) 13 (17) 1PM4105-2LF86-17 S1 1PM6105-2LF87-17 71
1 500 4 000 18 000 18 000 7.5 (10.1) 11 (15) 7.5 (10.1) 13 (17) 1PM4105-2LF86-17 S1-Z3) 1PM6105-2LF87-17 71-Z3)

132 1 500 4 000 10 000 10 500 11 (15) 16.5 (22.1) 11 (15) 19.5 (26.2) 1PM4133-2LF86-17 S1 1PM6133-2LF87-17 71
1 500 4 000 15 000 15 000 11 (15) 16.5 (22.1) 11 (15) 19.5 (26.2) 1PM4133-2LF86-17 S1-Z3) 1PM6133-2LF87-17 71-Z3)
1 500 4 000 10 000 10 500 18.5 (24.8) 28 (38) 18.5 (24.8) 32 (43) 1PM4137-2LF86-17 S1 1PM6137-2LF87-17 71
1 500 4 000 12 000 12 000 18.5 (24.8) 28 (38) 18.5 (24.8) 32 (43) 1PM4137-2LF86-17 S1-Z3) 1PM6137-2LF87-17 71-Z3)
1 500 4 000 10 000 10 500 22 (30) 33 (44) 22 (30) 39 (52) – 1PM6138-2LF87-17 71
1 500 4 000 11 000 11 000 22 (30) 33 (44) 22 (30) 39 (52) – 1PM6138-2LF87-17 71-Z3)

Water cooling4)
100 1 500 12 000 12 000 5 (7) 6.5 (8.7) – – 1PM4101-2LW26-17 S1
1 500 18 000 18 000 5 (7) 6.5 (8.7) – – 1PM4101-2LW26-17 S1-Z3)
1 500 12 000 12 000 11 (15) 14.75 (19.78) – – 1PM4105-2LW26-17 S1
1 500 18 000 18 000 11 (15) 14.75 (19.78) – – 1PM4105-2LW26-17 S1-Z3)

7 132 1 500
1 500
10 000
15 000
10 500
15 000
15 (20)
15 (20)
21 (28)
21 (28)

1PM4133-2LW26-17 S1
1PM4133-2LW26-17 S1-Z3)
1 500 10 000 10 500 27 (36) 38 (51) – – 1PM4137-2LW26-17 S1
1 500 12 000 12 000 27 (36) 38 (51) – – 1PM4137-2LW26-17 S1-Z3)

Type of construction: IM B35, IM V15, IM V35 IM B5 1

IM V1 4
IM V3 5

Without fan combined Top/right A
with terminal box/metric Top/DE B
cable entry Top/NDE C
Top/left D

Axial fan/Blow-out direction below/Direction of air flow DE → NDE Top/from right A R

combined with terminal box/metric cable entry Top/from DE B R
Top/from NDE C R
Top/from left D R

Radial fan/Blow-out direction NDE/Direction of air flow DE → NDE Right side/below E D

combined with terminal box/metric cable entry Right side/DE F D
Right side/NDE7) G D

To select the type of construction, see Selection guides.

1) For continuous duty (with 30 % nmax, 60 % 2/3 nmax, 10 % standstill) for a duty cycle time of 10 min. For maintenance intervals for motors and
components, see 1PM Motors Configuration Manual.
2) Star/delta changeover.
3) With option L37: Version for increased maximum speed.
4) Only star connection possible.
5) Version for increased maximum speeds includes vibration magnitude grade SR. The following option is not possible: Shaft seal.
6) With default setting of the pulse frequency.
7) 1PM6101 and 1PM6105 only.

7/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PM4/1PM6 standard type motors
SH 100/SH 132

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Rated Rated Moment Weight, approx. Rated current SIMODRIVE 611 power
(continued) torque for torque for of for module
star delta inertia star
1PM4 1PM6 Required

Mrated Mrated J m m Irated Irated

S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 % S1

Nm Nm Nm Nm kgm2 kg kg A A A Order No.
(lbf-ft) (lbf -ft) (lbf-ft) (lbf-ft) (lbf-in-s2) (lb) (lb)

1PM .101- ... 24 (18) 33 (24) 9 (7) 14 (10) 0.011 (0.097) 42 (93) 45 (99) 13 17.5 24 For ordering data,
1PM .101- ...3) 24 (18) 33 (24) 9 (7) 14 (10) 0.011 (0.097) 42 (93) 45 (99) 13 17.5 24 see Converter
1PM .105- ... 48 (35) 70 (52) 18 (13) 31 (23) 0.024 (0.212) 67 (148) 70 (154) 23 31 24
1PM .105-...3) 48 (35) 70 (52) 18 (13) 31 (23) 0.024 (0.212) 67 (148) 70 (154) 23 31 24

1PM .133- ... 70 (52) 105 (77) 26 (19) 47 (35) 0.046 (0.407) 90 (198) 94 (207) 41 58 45
1PM .133- ...3) 70 (52) 105 (77) 26 (19) 47 (35) 0.046 (0.407) 90 (198) 94 (207) 41 58 45
1PM .137- ... 118 (87) 178 (131) 44 (32) 76 (56) 0.085 (0.752) 130 (287) 135 (298) 56 79 60
1PM .137- ...3) 118 (87) 178 (131) 44 (32) 76 (56) 0.085 (0.752) 130 (287) 135 (298) 56 79 60
1PM6138- ... 140 (103) 210 (155) 53 (39) 93 (69) 0.104 (0.920) – 156 (344) 58 80 60
1PM6138- ...3) 140 (103) 210 (155) 53 (39) 93 (69) 0.104 (0.920) – 156 (344) 58 80 60

1PM4101- ... 32 (24) 41 (30) – – 0.011 (0.097) 42 (93) – 18 22.5 24 For ordering data,
1PM4101- ...3) 32 (24) 41 (30) – – 0.011 (0.097) 42 (93) – 18 22.5 24 see Converter
1PM4105- ... 70 (52) 94 (69) – – 0.024 (0.212) 67 (148) – 38 47 45
1PM4105- ...3) 70 (52) 94 (69) – – 0.024 (0.212) 67 (148) – 38 47 45

1PM4133- ...
1PM4133- ...3)
95 (70)
95 (70)
134 (99)
134 (99)

0.046 (0.407) 90 (198)
0.046 (0.407) 90 (198)

1PM4137- ... 172 (127) 242 (178) – – 0.085 (0.752) 130 (287) – 85 114 85
1PM4137- ...3) 172 (127) 242 (178) – – 0.085 (0.752) 130 (287) – 85 114 85

■ Options
Designation Order code
• With increased maximum speed L37

When ordering a motor with options, -Z should be added to the

order number and the order code should also be specified for
each additional required version.
Order codes must not be repeated in plain text in the order.

Order No. 1PM4101-2LF86-1AS1-Z

Order code L37

1PM6 motor (radial fan),

1PM6 motor (axial fan) and 1PM4 motor (liquid-cooled)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/25

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PM4/1PM6 motors
SH 100/SH 132

■ Characteristic curves 1PM motor Rated Attainable Rated Attainable

speed speeds speed speeds
for rated power for rated power
0RWRUSRZHU 9ROWDJHOLPLW in duty type in duty type
P 6WDUFRQQHFWLRQ in accordance in accordance
with IEC 60034-1 with IEC 60034-1
9ROWDJHOLPLW Type Star connection Delta connection
nratedY n22) nrated∆ n22)
6 6'HOWDFRQQHFWLRQ S1 S6-40 % S1 S6-40 %
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Forced ventilation
6 1PM6101 1 500 9 710 7 170 4 000 12 000 12 000
1PM6105 1 500 9 000 6 360 4 000 12 000 12 000
1PM6133 1 500 8 000 8 140 4 000 10 500 10 500

1PM6137 1 500 7 000 5 920 4 000 10 500 10 500
1PM6138 1 500 4 000 4 000 4 000 6 000 6 500
Oil cooling

 1PM4101 1 500 9 710 7 170 4 000 12 000 12 000

1PM4105 1 500 9 000 6 360 4 000 12 000 12 000
1PM4133 1 500 8 000 8 140 4 000 10 500 10 500
Typical speed/power graph for 1PM4 motors with selectable star/delta
connection1) (oil-cooled) and 1PM6 motors1) 1PM4137 1 500 7 000 5 920 4 000 10 500 10 500
Water cooling
Motor power 1PM4101 1 500 9 670 7 590 – – –
P 1PM4105 1 500 9 460 7 130 – – –
S6-40 %
Voltage limit 1PM4133 1 500 8 290 6 130 – – –
1PM4137 1 500 6 860 4 920 – – –


0 nrated Speed
n2 n2 nmax
S6-40 % S1

Typical speed/power graph for 1PM4 motors1) (water-cooled)

The graphs show the typical relationship between motor speed
and drive power for 1PM4/1PM6 motors for the following duty
types in accordance with IEC 60034-1:
S1: Continuous duty
S6-40 %: Continuous duty with intermittent loading and a
relative duty factor of 40 % (S6-40 %) with
a maximum duty cycle time of 10 minutes.

1) For further configuration information, see the 1PM Motors Configuration

2) Values taken from the speed/power graph with regulated infeed. When
using unregulated infeed modules, and with option for increased
maximum speed, proceed in accordance with the 1PM Motors
Configuration Manual.

7/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH2 built-in motors for direct drive

■ Overview ■ Application
1PH2 built-in motors are used for machines requiring excellent
machining quality, accuracy and running smoothness.
• Turning machines
• Grinders

■ Technical specifications
Product name 1PH2 built-in motor
Coolant inlet temperature Because of the formation of con-
densation, we recommend a
coolant inlet temperature of
approx. 25 °C (77 °F), depending
on the ambient conditions.
Cooling water pressure at inlet, 7 bar
Temperature monitoring 2 KTY 84 temperature sensors in
the stator winding,
1 as reserve
Insulation of the stator winding in Temperature class 155 (F) for a
accordance with coolant inlet temperature
EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) of up to 25 °C (77 °F)
Motor encoder, recommended Hollow-shaft measuring system
(not included in scope of supply)
Active parts (rotor and stator) of 1PH2 asynchronous integral motors Type of construction (cf. ISO) Individual components:
Stator, rotor
1PH2 built-in motors for turning machines are liquid-cooled
Motor connection type Free cable ends with
squirrel-cage AC asynchronous motors. These built-in motors 0.5 m (19.7 in) or 1.5 m (59.1 in)
have been specially developed for variable-speed operation of length
main spindles on turning machines. Balance quality of rotor Sizes 093 to 118: G 2.5
in accordance with ISO 1940-1 Reference speed 3 600 rpm
■ Benefits Degree of protection IP00
7 Compact design obtained by dispensing with mechanical in accordance with IEC 60034-5
components such as coupling, belt drive, gearbox and
spindle encoder
Notes on water cooling 7
Motor Coolant flow rate Connecting thread
7 High power density as a result of liquid cooling type (water)
7 The absence of drive transverse forces permits extremely high
1PH209 8 l/min Dependent on cooler
accuracy on workpiece due to smooth, accurate spindle used
motion even at very low speeds 1PH211 8 l/min
7 Extremely short ramp-up and braking times
7 Full rated torque is continuously available, even at standstill Refer to Liquid cooling for a list of heat exchanger
7 Simple servicing by replacing complete motor spindles
7 Increased rigidity of the spindle drive, achieved by mounting
the motor components between the main spindle bearings
7 C-axis compatibility with hollow-shaft measuring system
mounted on the spindle
7 Low noise level due to absence of machine elements
7 Torque is transmitted to the spindle mechanically without play
by means of a cylindrical stepped press fit. The rotor is
mounted on the spindle by thermal shrinking. The bond can
be released by pressure-oil injection without affecting the joint
7 The rotor with sleeve is pre-balanced and can be removed
and subsequently remounted
7 The rotor with sleeve is finished-machined - that is, the rotor
outer diameter need not be finished after mounting.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/27

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH2 built-in motors for direct drive

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Speed, max. Rated power for duty type 1PH2 asynchronous Rated torque1)
speed in accordance with IEC 60034-11) built-in motor for
direct drive
Water cooling
Standard type

nrated nmax Prated Mrated

S1 S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % ∆T=105 K

∆T=105 K

rpm rpm kW kW kW kW Order No. Nm Nm

(HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (lbf -ft) (lbf -ft)

1 500 10 000 7.5 (10.1) 9.4 (12.6) 8.2 (11.0) 9 (12.1) 1PH2093 - 6WF4 7 48 (35.4) 60 (44.3)
10.1 (13.5) 13 (17.4) 11 (14.8) 12 (16.1) 1PH2095 - 6WF4 7 64 (47.2) 83 (61.2)

1 500 10 000 15.1 (20.2) 18.5 (24.8) 17 (22.8) 19 (25.5) 1PH2113 - 6WF4 7 95 (70.1) 118 (87.0)
16.5 (22.1) 21.5 (28.8) 18.5 (24.8) 21 (28.2) 1PH2115 - 6WF4 7 105 (77.4) 137 (101)
18.1 (24.3) 23.7 (31.8) 20.5 (27.5) 23 (30.8) 1PH2117 - 6WF4 7 115 (84.8) 151 (111)
23.6 (31.6) 30.9 (41.4) 26 (34.9) 29.5 (39.6) 1PH2118 - 6WF4 7 146 (108) 197 (145)

Free cable ends:

Length: 1.5 m (59.1 in) 1
Length: 0.5 m (19.7 in) (preferred type) 2

■ Characteristic curves
Motor power 1PH2 motor Rated Attainable speed for rated power in
speed duty type in accordance
P with IEC 60034-1
S6-40 %
S6-60 % limit Type nrated n23)
S1 S6-60 % S6-40 %
S1 rpm rpm rpm rpm

7 1PH2093
1 500
1 500
4 700
4 000
4 200
3 600
3 900
3 300

1PH2113 1 500 5 400 4 800 4 400

1PH2115 1 500 4 500 4 100 3 700
1PH2117 1 500 4 700 4 200 3 800
1PH2118 1 500 5 300 4 700 4 300

0 nrated Speed
n2 n2 n2 nmax
S6-40 % S6-60 % S1

Typical speed/power graph for AC motors2)

The graph shows the typical relationship between motor speed

and drive power for 1PH2 motors for the following duty types in
accordance with IEC60034-1:
S1: Continuous duty
S6: Continuous duty with intermittent loading and a relative duty
factor of 60 % (S6-60 %) or 40 % (S6-40 %) with a maximum
duty cycle time of 10 minutes.

1) Data for ∆T = 70 K, unless specified otherwise.

2) For further configuration information, see the 1PH Motors Configuration
3) Values taken from the speed/power graph with regulated infeed. When
using unregulated infeed modules, proceed in accordance with the
1PH Motors Configuration Manual.
4) With default setting of the pulse frequency.

7/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Main spindle motors for SIMODRIVE 611
1PH2 built-in motors for direct drive

■ Selection and ordering data

Motor type Moment of inertia Weight Rated current for SIMODRIVE 611 power module
(continued) of rotor (rotor duty type
and stator), in accordance with IEC 60034-11) Required
approx. rated output

J Irated Irated

S1 S6-60 % S6-40 % S1

kgm2 kg A A A A Order No.

(lbf -in-s2) (lb)

1PH2093-6W... 0.028 (0.25) 33 (72.8) 24 26 28 30 For ordering data,

1PH2095-6W... 0.036 (0.32) 42 (92.6) 30 32 34 30 see Converter system.

1PH2113-6W... 0.066 (0.58) 51 (112) 56 61 67 60

1PH2115-6W... 0.073 (0.65) 56 (123) 55 60 66 60
1PH2117-6W... 0.079 (0.70) 62 (137) 60 67 74 60
1PH2118-6W... 0.100 (0.89) 78 (172) 82 90 100 85

■ Dimensional drawings
1PH2 Standard Rotor Stator Total Total length
/ motor spindle internal outer outer
diameter diameter diameter diameter

Type d di DA D L

mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)

1PH2093 67 (2.64) 85 (3.35) 180 (7.09) 205 (8.07) 250 (9.84)

1PH2095 300 (11.81)




1PH2113 82 (3.23) 100 (3.94) 220 (8.66) 250 (9.84) 290 (11.42)
310 (12.20)
330 (12.99) 7
1PH2118 390 (15.35)

Hollow shaft Rotor Sleeve Air gap Stator

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/29

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Liquid cooling
For 1PH4/1PM4/1PH2/1FE1 motors

■ Overview
Cooling principle Please contact the companies below for technical information.
For design of the cooling units, see Configuration Manual. BKW Kälte-Wärme-Versorgungstechnik GmbH
Contact: Benzstraße 2
Mr. Walker 72649 WOLFSCHLUGEN, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 7022-5003-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7022-5003-30


Contact: Gewerbegebiet Bövingen 122
Mr. Hirmer 53804 MUCH, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2245-6107-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2245-6107-10

$QQXODU 7RII 7RQ Glen Dimplex Deutschland GmbH

MDFNHW RIEDEL Kältetechnik Division
FKDQQHO 5HWXUQ ,QOHW q OPLQWR Contact: Am Goldenen Feld 18
OPLQ Mr. Schneider 95326 KULMBACH, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 9221-709-555

Fax: +49 (0) 9221-709-549

Helmut Schimpke Industriekühlanlagen GmbH + Co. KG

Contact: Ginsterweg 25-27
Mr. Geerkens 42781 HAAN, Germany
Cooling unit manufacturers Phone: +49 (0) 2129-9438-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2129-9438-99
Non-Siemens products whose fundamental suitability is familiar E-Mail:
to us. It goes without saying that equivalent products from other
7 manufacturers may be used. Our recommendations are to be
seen as helpful information, not as requirements or dictates. We Hydac System GmbH
do not warrant the composition, nature, state or quality of non-
Contact: Postfach 12 51
Siemens products. Mr. Klein 66273 SULZBACH/SAAR, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 6897-509-708
Fax: +49 (0) 6897-509-454

Hyfra Industriekühlanlagen GmbH

Contact: Industriepark 54
Mr. Forberger 56593 KRUNKEL, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2687-898-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2687-898-25

KKT Kraus Kälte- und Klimatechnik GmbH

Contact: Mühllach 13a
Mr. Titschack 90552 RÖTHENBACH A. D. PEGNITZ,
Phone: +49 (0) 911-95333-40
Fax: +49 (0) 911-95333-33

Pfannenberg GmbH
Contact: Werner-Witt-Straße 1
Mr. Hille 21035 HAMBURG, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 40-73412-127
Fax: +49 (0) 40-73412-101

7/30 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Two-speed gearboxes
for 1PH7/1PH4 motors

■ Application ■ Design (continued)

Change-speed gearboxes increase the drive torque at low motor
speeds and expand the range of constant power output avail-
able from the main spindle motor. The full cutting capacity of
modern machine tools can therefore be utilized throughout the
entire speed range.

■ Benefits
The performance characteristics of the two-speed gearboxes for
1PH7/1PH4 motors are as follows:
7 Drive power up to 100 kW (134 HP)
7 Constant power range at drive shaft up to 1:24
7 Suitable for both directions of rotation
7 Motor shaft heights SH 100 to SH 225
7 Types of construction IM B35 and IM V15 (IM V35 available on
Mounting the change-speed gearbox outside the headstock of
the machine tool has the following advantages:
7 Easy adaptation to the machine tool
7 Low noise and no temperature fluctuations due to gearing
inside the headstock
7 Separate lubrication systems for the main spindle (grease)
and the change-speed gearbox (oil) Profile of a planetary gearbox
7 Gearbox efficiency > 95 % The power unit (motor and gearbox) is supplied with vibration
7 Instead of V belts, the drive power can also be transmitted magnitude grade R in accordance with EN 60034-14
from the gear output by a gear wheel (available on request) or (IEC 60034-14). This is also the case when the motor is ordered
coaxially by means of a flexible coupling. with vibration magnitude grade S.
The belt pulley1) should be a cup wheel type pulley.
■ Design For mounting the pulley, the output shaft on the gearbox has a
flange with an external centering spigot and tapped holes for
The two-speed gearboxes have a planetary design. The central easy fitting and removal of the pulley.
sun wheel distributes the power to several planet wheels which
revolve around it. The outstanding advantage of this design is its
compactness. The gear-changing device, a splined sleeve that
Motors with built-on planetary gearbox 7
moves axially, is of form-fit design. The 1PH motors can also be supplied with flange-mounted pla-
netary gearboxes. The motor-gearbox unit is tested for correct
Position 1: Gear ratio i1 = 4 functioning. The complete drive unit - that is, 1PH7 or 1PH4
Position 2: Gear ratio i2 = 1 motor with mounted ZF change-speed gearbox – can be ordered
directly from Siemens:
The motor is flange-mounted onto the change-speed gearbox
using an adapter plate. The AC motor must be suitably prepared Siemens AG
for mounting.
Industrial Solutions and Services
For shaft heights of SH 160 and higher, motors of types of Contact: Mr. Britz
construction IM B35 and IM V15 must be supported free from
stress on the non-drive end. Im Schiffelland 10
66386 ST. INGBERT, Germany
Any transverse force imported into the gearbox has to be borne
by the gearbox and transmitted to the machine base. Fax: +49 (0) 68 94 - 8 91 - 112
The motors for all 2K gearboxes must be full-key balanced with
a fitted key. The 2K 120, 2K 250, 2K 300 gearboxes are enclosed,
so that the motor flange is adequately sealed in the standard ver- The following details must be specified with the order:
Vertical mounting positions for the IM V15 and IM V35 require cir- Ordering example for 1PH4 motor:
culating-oil lubrication of the gearboxes. Motor complete with gearbox
The standard version of the change-speed gearboxes up to and 1PH4133-4NF26-Z
including the 2K 300 has a maximum circumferential backlash of K00
30 angular minutes (measured at the gear output). Several spe- 2LG4315-3FD11
cial versions suitable for milling or machining with cut interrup- Ordering example for 1PH7 motor:
tion can be supplied on request:
• Reduced backlash with special features: max. 20' Motor complete with gearbox
• Reduced backlash for high performance: max.15' 1PH7186-2NE03-0BC2

1) Not included in scope of supply.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/31

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Two-speed gearboxes
for 1PH7/1PH4 motors

■ Technical specifications
Motor Gearbox
ZF Type Speed, max.1) Rated torque, Maximum torque, Moment of inertia of Weight
identifier permissible permissible gearbox of
(S1 duty) (S6-60 % duty) gearbox,

Shaft Drive Drive Output Output Drive Output Output Output Output
height i=1 i=4 i=1 i=4 i=1 i=4

nmax M M M M M M J J m

SH rpm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm kgm2 kgm2 kg

(lbf-ft) (lbf -ft) (lbf-ft) (lbf -ft) (lbf -ft) (lbf-ft) (lbf-in-s2) (lbf-in-s2) (lb)

100 2K 120 2LG4312-... 8 000 120 120 480 140 140 560 0.0110 0.0114 30
(88.5) (88.5) (354) (103) (103) (413) (0.10) (0.10) (66.2)

132 2K 250 2LG4315-... 6 300 250 250 1 000 400 400 1 600 0.0270 0.0570 62
(184) (184) (738) (295) (295) (1 180) (0.24) (0.50) (137)

160 2K 300 2LG4320-... 6 300 300 300 1 200 400 400 1 600 0.0270 0.0570 70
(221) (221) (885) (295) (295) (1 180) (0.24) (0.50) (154)

180 2K 800 2LG4250-... 5 000 800 800 3 200 900 900 3 600 0.1956 0.1766 110
2K 801 2LG4260-... (590) (590) (2 360) (664) (664) (2 655) (1.73) (1.56) (243)

225 2K 802 2LG4270-... On request

For further binding technical specifications and configuring aid

(e.g. lubrication, temperature rise and typical applications), Type of Output flange Two-speed gearbox
please refer to the latest catalog supplied by ZF (Zahnradfabrik construction dimension D2 (standard version)2)
Friedrichshafen). The permissible characteristics of the motor for complete Gear stage i1 = 4
and gearbox are a governing factor in the design of the com-
plete drive unit (motor and gearbox). mm (in) Order No. ZF
With 1PH4168 or 1PH7167-2NB motors, for example, the rated

torque must be reduced to 300 Nm (221 lbf -ft). With motors of For 1PH710/1PH410 motors
SH 132, please note that the maximum permissible speed of the
2K 250 gearbox for splash lubrication is 6 300 rpm. IM B5, 100 (3.94) 2LG4312-3CC31 2K 120
IM B35,
The use of a change-speed gearbox permits the constant power IM V1,
range to be greatly increased. IM V15
P For 1PH713/1PH413 motors

P = constant with gearbox IM B5, 118 (4.65) 2LG4315-3FD11 2K 250

IM B35
P = constant without gearbox IM V1, 118 (4.65) 2LG4315-3FC11 2K 250
IM V15
For 1PH716/1PH416 motors

IM B35 130 (5.12) 2LG4320-3JD11 2K 300

IM V15 130 (5.12) 2LG4320-3JC11 2K 300

For 1PH7184 motors

IM B35, 180 (7.09) 2LG4250-1JC11 2K 800

IM V15
nrated' nrated nmax For 1PH7186 motors
M = constant
1 n

IM B35, 180 (7.09) 2LG4260-1JC21 2K 801

IM V15
M = constant 2
Logarithmic scale

Power-speed graph
nrated Rated speed
nrated' Rated speed with two-stage gearbox
nmax Max. permissible speed 1) Higher drive speeds are allowed with oil-cooled gearboxes and for
Prated Rated power and constant power of the motor gear ratios i =1 in some instances (refer to the ZF Catalog).
in the speed range between nrated and nmax or nrated' and nmax 2) Special versions, such as gearboxes with different torsional back-
M Torque
lash, or other gear ratios (i = 3.17 or i = 5.5), are available on request.

7/32 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Selection guides
Type of construction/mounting position Degree of protection
The degree of protection designation in accordance with
Type of Desig- Type of Desig- Type of Desig- EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5) is made using the letters "IP" and two
construc- nation construc- nation construc- nation digits (e.g., IP64). The second digit in the degree of protection
tion/ tion/ tion/
designation represents the protection against water, the first
mounting mounting mounting
position position position digit the protection against penetration of foreign matter.
Since coolants used for machine tools and transfer machines
usually contain oil, are able to creep, and may also be corrosive,
IM B3 IM B5 IM B35 protection against water alone is insufficient. The indicated de-
IM B14 gree of protection should only be considered here as a guide-
line. The motors must be protected by suitable covers. Attention
must be paid to providing suitable sealing of the motor shaft for
the selected degree of protection for the motor.
IM V5 IM V1 IM V15
IM V18 The table can serve as a decision aid for selecting the proper
degree of protection for motors. For a mounting position with
vertical shaft end IM V3/IM V19, static fluid on the flange is only
permitted with degree of protection IP67/IP68 and recessed DE
flange in some cases.
IM V6 IM V3 IM V35
IM V19 Liquids General Water; Creep oil;
workshop gen. coolant petroleum;
environment (95 % water, aggressive
5 % oil); coolants

Dry IP64 – –
Water-enriched – IP64 IP671)
Mist – IP65 IP67
Spray – IP65 IP68
Jet – IP67 IP68
Surge, – IP67 IP68
inundation 7

1) IP64 with dry run at shaft exit.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/33

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a b c e f h k k1 m m1 m2 n p s s3

height IEC B A LA M AB H LB – BA – – AA HD K –
1PH7, type of construction IM B3, forced ventilation
100 1PH7101 202.5 160 11 263 196 100 411 434 52 64 27 39 220 12 PG29/M32
1PH7103 (7.97) (6.3) (0.43) (10.35) (7.72) (3.94) (16.18) (17.09) (2.05) (2.52) (1.06) (1.54) (8.66) (0.47)
1PH7105 297.5 358 506 529
1PH7107 (11.71) (14.09) (19.92) (20.83)
132 1PH7131 265.5 216 14 341 260 132 538 561 63 75 33 52 275 12 PG36/M40
1PH7133 (10.45) (8.5) (0.55) (13.43) (10.24) (5.2) (21.18) (22.09) (2.48) (2.95) (1.3) (2.05) (10.83) (0.47)
1PH7135 350.5 426 623 646
1PH7137 (13.8) (16.77) (24.53) (25.43)
160 1PH7163 346.5 254 17 438 314 160 640 663 78 81 42 62 330 14 PG42/M50
(13.64) (10) (0.67) (17.24) (12.36) (6.3) (25.2) (26.1) (3.07) (3.19) (1.65) (2.44) (12.99) (0.55)
1PH7167 406.5 498 700 723
(16) (19.61) (27.56) (28.46)

DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN w1 d d6 I t u

height IEC C D – E GA F

100 1PH7101 40 38 M12 80 41 10

1PH7103 (1.57) (1.5) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
132 1PH7131 50 42 M16 110 45 12
1PH7133 (1.97) (1.65) (4.33) (1.77) (0.47)
160 1PH7163 64 55 M20 110 59 16
1PH7167 (2.52) (2.17) (4.33) (2.32) (0.63)

7 1PH710
1PH716 k

PG11/M16 s3



s G_DA65_XX_00146a n
m m1 b
m2 f
w1 a

7/34 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in) Terminal box type


Shaft Type DIN a b c e f g h k k1 m m1 m2 n o p

height IEC B A LA M AB AC H LB – BA – – AA – HD
1PH7, type of construction IM B3, forced ventilation, direction of air flow DE d NDE
180 1PH7184 430 279 14 510 360 408 180 835 – 60 120 35 65 541 495
(16.93) (10.98) (0.55) (20.08) (14.17) (16.09) (7.09) (32.87) (2.36) (4.72) (1.38) (2.56) (21.3) (19.49)
1PH7186 520 600 925 631
(20.47) (23.62) (36.42) (24.84)
225 1PH7224 445 356 18 530 450 498 225 – 1100 60 120 40 85 629 595
(17.52) (14.02) (0.71) (20.87) (17.72) (19.61) (8.86) (43.31) (2.36) (4.72) (1.57) (3.35) (24.76) (23.43)

DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN s w1 d d6 I t u

height IEC K C D – E GA F

180 1PH7184 14.5 121 60 M20 140 64 18

(0.57) (4.76) (2.36) (5.51) (2.52) (0.72)
1PH7186 65 69
(2.56) (2.72)
225 1PH7224 18.5 149 75 M20 140 79.5 20
(0.73) (5.87) (2.95) (5.51) (3.13) (0.79)

1PH718 k1
1PH7224 k
o g





m2 m1 n s

m b
w1 a f
AI air inlet
AO air outlet

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/35

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in) Terminal box type


Shaft Type DIN a b c e f g h k m m1 m2 n o p

height IEC B A LA M AB AC H LB BA – – AA – HD
1PH7, type of construction IM B3, forced ventilation, direction of air flow NDE d DE
180 1PH7184 430 279 14 510 360 405 180 1010 60 120 35 65 541 495
(16.93) (10.98) (0.55) (20.08) (14.17) (15.94) (7.09) (39.76) (2.36) (4.72) (1.38) (2.56) (21.3) (19.49)
1PH7186 520 600 1100 631
(20.47) (23.62) (43.31) (24.84)
225 1PH7224 445 356 18 530 450 498 225 1090 60 120 40 85 629 595
(17.52) (14.02) (0.71) (20.87) (17.72) (19.61) (8.86) (42.91) (2.36) (4.72) (1.57) (3.35) (24.76) (23.43)

For motor DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN s w1 d d6 I t u

height IEC K C D – E GA F

180 1PH7184 14.5 121 60 M20 140 64 18

(0.57) (4.76) (2.36) (5.51) (2.52) (0.71)
1PH7186 65 69
(2.56) (2.72)
225 1PH7224 18.5 149 75 M20 140 79.5 20
(0.73) (5.87) (2.95) (5.51) (3.13) (0.79)

1PH718 k
o g






m2 m1 n s

AI air inlet m b
w1 a
AO air outlet e

1PH7224 k
o g

AO G_DA65_EN_00183






m2 m1 n s

AI air inlet m b
AO air outlet w1 a f

7/36 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 i2 k k1 p s2 s3

height IEC P N LA M AB T – LB – HD S –
1PH7, type of construction IM B5, forced ventilation
100 1PH7101 250 180 10 215 196 4 80 411 434 218 14 PG29/M32
1PH7103 (9.84) (7.09) (0.39) (8.46) (7.72)
(0.16) (3.15) (16.18) (17.09) (8.58) (0.55)
1PH7105 506 529
1PH7107 (19.92) (20.83)
132 1PH7131 350 250 16 300 260 5 110 538 561 273 18 PG36/M40
1PH7133 (13.78) (9.84) (0.63) (11.81) (10.24) (0.2) (4.33) (21.18) (22.09) (10.75) (0.71)
1PH7135 623 646
1PH7137 (24.53) (25.43)
For motor DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN d d6 I t u

height IEC D – E GA F
1PH7, type of construction IM B5, forced ventilation
100 1PH7101 38 M12 80 41 10
1PH7103 (1.5) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
132 1PH7131 42 M16 110 45 12
1PH7133 (1.65) (4.33) (1.77) (0.47)

1PH713 k1
i2 c1
PG11/M16 s3

l a1

G_DA65_XX_00150a s2
d6 f1 f

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/37

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a a1 b b1 c e1 f f1 h i2 k k1 m m1 m2 n p

height IEC B P A N LA M AB T H – LB – BA – – AA HD
1PH7, type of construction IM B35, forced ventilation
100 1PH7101 202.5 250 160 180 11 215 196 4 100 80 411 435 52 64 27 39 220
1PH7103 (7.97) (9.84) (6.3) (7.09) (0.43) (8.46) (7.72)
(0.16) (3.94) (3.15) (16.18) (17.13) (2.05) (2.52) (1.06) (1.54) (8.66)
1PH7105 297.5 506 529
1PH7107 (11.71) (19.92) (20.83)
132 1PH7131 265.5 350 216 250 14 300 260 5 132 110 538 561 63 75 33 52 275
1PH7133 (10.45) (13.78) (8.5) (9.84) (0.55) (11.81) (10.24) (0.2) (5.2) (4.33) (21.18) (22.09) (2.48) (2.95) (1.3) (2.05) (10.83)
1PH7135 350.5 623 646
1PH7137 (13.8) (24.53) (25.43)
160 1PH7163 346.5 400 254 300 17 350 314 5 160 110 640 663 78 81 42 62 330
(13.64) (15.75) (10) (11.81) (0.67) (13.78) (12.36) (0.2) (6.3) (4.33) (25.2) (26.1) (3.07) (3.19) (1.65) (2.44) (12.99)
1PH7167 406.5 700 723
(16) (27.56) (28.46)

DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN s s2 s3 w1 d d6 I t u

height IEC K S – C D – E GA F

100 1PH7101 12 14 PG29/M32 40 38 M12 80 41 10

1PH7103 (0.47) (0.55) (1.57) (1.5) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
132 1PH7131 12 18 PG36/M40 50 42 M16 110 45 12
1PH7133 (0.47) (0.71) (1.97) (1.65) (4.33) (1.77) (0.47)
160 1PH7163 14 18 PG42/M50 64 55 M20 110 59 16
1PH7167 (0.47) (0.71) (2.52) (2.17) (4.33) (2.32) (0.63)

1PH710 k1

1PH716 i2
PG11/M16 s3 s2


l a1



f1 s s G_DA65_XX_00151a n
m m1 b
m2 f
w1 a

7/38 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in) For dimensions for foot mounting, shaft and terminal box,
see dimension drawing of 1PH718 and 1PH7224 motors,
type of construction IM B3.
Terminal box type 1XB7322
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f1 h k k1 z α
height IEC P N LA M T H LB – p – –
1PH7, type of construction IM B35, forced ventilation, direction of air flow DE d NDE
180 1PH71841) 400 300 15 350 5 180 835 – 495 4 45°
(15.75) (11.81) (0.59) (13.78) (0.2) (7.09) (32.87) (19.49)
1PH71841) 450 350 16 400 835 8 22.5°
(17.72) (13.78) (0.63) (15.75) (32.87)
1PH7186 925
225 1PH7224 550 450 18 500 5 225 – 1100 595 8 22.5°
(21.65) (17.72) (0.71) (19.69) (0.2) (8.86) (43.31) (23.43)

1PH718 k1
1PH7224 k z x 19 (0.75)
f1 c1

p e1


For flange selection, see order number complements for SH 180 and SH 225.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/39

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in) For dimensions of the shaft and terminal box foot installation,
see dimension drawing of 1PH718 and 1PH7224 motors,
type of construction IM B3.
Terminal box type 1XB7322
Shaft Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f1 h k z α
height IEC P N LA M T H LB p – –
1PH7, type of construction IM B35, forced ventilation, direction of air flow NDE d DE
180 1PH71841) 400 300 15 350 5 180 1010 495 4 45°
(15.75) (11.81) (0.59) (13.78) (0.2) (7.09) (39.76) (19.49)
1PH71841) 450 350 16 400 1010 8 22.5°
(17.72) (13.78) (0.63) (15.75) (39.76)
1PH7186 1100
225 1PH7224 550 450 18 500 5 225 1090 595 8 22.5°
(21.65) (17.72) (0.71) (19.69) (0.2) (8.86) (42.91) (23.43)

1PH718 k z x 19 (0.75)
f1 c1





AI air inlet
AO air outlet

k zx 19 (0.75)
f1 c1





AI air inlet
AO air outlet

For flange selection, see order number complements for SH 180 and SH 225.

7/40 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH4 motors
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a a1 b b1 c c1 e1 f f1 h i2 k m m1 m2 n

height IEC B P A N LA – – AB T H – LB BA – – AA

1PH4, type of construction IM B35, water cooling

100 1PH4103 349 250 160 180 11 12 215 190 4 100 80 416 35 60 24 40
(13.74) (9.84) (6.30) (7.09) (0.43) (0.47) (8.46) (7.48) (0.16) (3.94) (3.15) (16.38) (1.38) (2.36) (0.94) (1.57)
1PH4105 409 476
(16.10) (18.74)
1PH4107 474 541
(18.66) (21.30)
132 1PH4133 377 350 216 250 14 16 300 245 5 132 110 458 36 85 24 43
(14.84) (13.78) (8.50) (9.84) (0.55) (0.63) (11.81) (9.65) (0.20) (5.20) (4.33) (18.03) (1.42) (3.35) (0.94) (1.69)
1PH4135 447 528
(17.60) (20.79)
1PH4137 497 578
(19.57) (22.76)
1PH4138 532 613
(20.9) (24.13)

DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN o p s s2 s3 w1 d d6 I t u

height IEC – HD K K – C D – E GA F

100 1PH4103 244 259 12 14 PG29 44 38 M12 80 41 10

(9.61) (10.20) (0.47) (0.55) (1.73) (1.50) (3.15) (1.61) (0.39)
1PH4105 304
1PH4107 369
132 1PH4133 264 334.5 12 18 PG36 53 42 M16 110 45 12
(10.39) (13.17) (0.47) (0.71) (2.09) (1.77) (4.33) (1.77) (0.47)
1PH4135 334
1PH4137 384
(15.12) 7
1PH4138 419

Water connection Water connection
1PH413 G 1/4 with 1PH410 G 1/4 with 1PH410
i2 o G 3/8 with 1PH413 G 3/8 with 1PH413
c1 s3




d6 t

f1 Øs m1 n G_DA65_EN_00164a
w1 a a1 b A
m f

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/41

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH4 motors
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a a1 b b1 c c1 e1 f f1 h i2 k m m1 m2 n

height IEC B P A N LA – – AB T H – LB BA – – AA

1PH4, type of construction IM B35, water cooling

160 1PH4163 508 400 254 300 15 18 350 294 5 160 110 591 44 77 29 49
(20.00) (15.75) (10.00) (11.81) (0.59) (0.71) (13.78) (11.57) (0.20) (6.30) (4.33) (23.27) (1.73) (3.03) (1.14) (1.93)
1PH4167 563 646
(22.17) (25.43)
1PH4163 608 691
(23.94) (27.20)

DE shaft extension

Shaft Type DIN o p s s2 s3 w1 d d6 I t u

height IEC – HD K K – C D – E GA F

160 1PH4163 407 388 14 18 PG36 56 55 M20 110 59 16

(16.02) (15.28) (0.55) (0.71) (2.20) (2.17) (4.33) (2.32) (0.63)
1PH4167 462
1PH4168 507

i2 o Water connection G 1/2 Water connection G 1/2
c1 s3







f1 ∅s m1 n A
a1 b
w1 a
m f

7/42 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PM4 motors
Water cooling

For motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN a a1 a2 b b1 c c1 e e1 f f1 G h i2 k m m1 m2

height IEC B P – A N HA LA BB M AB T – H – LB BA – –
1PM4, type of construction IM B35, water cooling
100 1PM4101 304 250 196 160 180 11 12 326 215 190 4 G1/4 100 80 389 35 60 11
(11.97) (9.84) (7.72) (6.30) (7.09) (0.43) (0.47) (12.83) (8.46) (7.48) (0.16) (3.94) (3.15) (15.31) (1.38) (2.36) (0.43)
1PM4105 409 431 494
(16.10) (16.97) (19.45)
132 1PM4133 377 350 260 216 250 14 16 400 300 246 5 G3/8 132 110 468 36 85 12
(14.84) (13.78) (10.24) (8.50) (9.84) (0.55) (0.63) (15.75) (11.81) (9.59) (0.20) (5.20) (4.33) (18.43) (1.42) (3.35) (0.47)
1PM4137 497 520 588
(19.57) (20.47) (23.15)

Motor Dimensions in mm (in) DE shaft

Shaft Type DIN n n1 o o1 p p4 p9 s s1 s3 w1 x3 x6 y1 y2 d l
height IEC AA – – – HD AC – K S – C – – D E

100 1PM4101 37 35 199 18 259 190 233 12 14 M32x1.5 44 117 122 154 177 38 80
(1.46) (1.38) (7.83) (0.71) (10.20) (7.48) (9.17) (0.47) (0.55) (1.73) (4.61) (4.80) (6.06) (6.97) (1.50) (3.15)
1PM4105 304
132 1PM4133 43 35 264 16 335 245 302 12 18 M40x1.5 53 132 152 206 235 42 110
(1.69) (1.38) (10.39) (0.63) (13.19) (9.65) (11.89) (0.47) (0.71) (2.09) (5.20) (5.98) (8.11) (9.25) (1.65) (4.33)
1PM4137 384

1PM413 k
o 1)
Coolant outlet G Coolant inlet G
y1 c1 x3 x6
f1 s3 o1

Ø 35

Ø s1


Ø b1



l h

n1 Øs Øs n
m m1 b
m2 f
i2 w1 a

DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension

0.05 C
0.002 C 25.5 0.005 D
45 (1.00) 0.0002 D
(1.78) 18.5
38 (0.73)


C 10.5
17 2 (0.41)


(0.67) (0.08)


Ø20 H7




1.5 1.5

M16x1.5.-RH M16x1.5.-LH
(0.06) (0.06)
Ø0.04 C Ø0.007 D
Ø0.002 C Ø0.0003 C

Signal connection.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/43

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PM6 motors
Forced ventilation

For motor Dimensions in mm (in) DE shaft

Shaft Type DIN a1 a2 b1 c1 e1 f1 h i2 p4 s1 s3 x3 x6 d l
height IEC P – N LA M T H – AC S – – – D E
1PM6, type of construction IM B35, forced ventilation
100 1PM6101 250 196 180 14 215 4 100 80 190 14 M32x1.5 117 122 38 80
1PM6105 (9.84) (7.72) (7.09) (0.55) (8.46) (0.16) (3.94) (3.15) (7.48) (0.55) (4.61) (4.80) (1.50) (3.15)

132 1PM6133 350 260 250 15 300 5 132 110 245 18 M40x1.5 132 152 42 110
1PM6137 (13.78) (10.24) (9.84) (0.59) (11.81) (0.20) (5.20) (4.33) (9.65) (0.71) (5.20) (5.98) (1.65) (4.33)

Motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN k k1 k2 o o1 p p3 p9
height IEC LB – – – – HD – –
With axial fan
100 1PM6101 614 337 160 198 10 259 195 236
(24.17) (13.27) (6.30) (7.80) (0.39) (10.20) (7.68) (9.29)
1PM6105 719 442 304
(28.31) (17.40) (11.97)
132 1PM6133 684 424 140 284 -2 333 254 307
(26.93) (16.69) (5.51) (11.18) (-0.08) (13.11) (10.00) (12.09)
1PM6137 804 544 404
(31.65) (21.42) (15.91)
1PM6138 874 614 474
(34.41) (24.17) (18.66)
1PM6 motor o
with axial fan 1)
c1 x3 NDE shaft x6
f1 extension M16x1.5
Ø 35

Ø s1


Ø b1



l e

i2 k1 k2

Motor Dimensions in mm (in)

Shaft Type DIN k o o1 p p1 p2 p9 x
height IEC LB – – HD – – – –
With radial fan
100 1PM6101 389 199 20 331 133 159 231 190
(15.31) (7.83) (0.79) (13.03) (5.24) (6.26) (9.09) (7.48)
1PM6105 494 304
(19.45) (11.97)
132 1PM6133 490 285 15 420 172 201 302 256
(19.29) (11.22) (0.59) (16.54) (6.77) (7.91) (11.89) (10.08)
1PM6137 610 405
(24.02) (15.94)
1PM6138 680 475
(26.77) (18.70)
1PM6 motor x
with radial fan o p2









i2 1) o1 p1

Signal connection

7/44 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH7 motors with two-speed gearbox
Forced ventilation

For motor Gearbox

Dimensions in mm (in)
Shaft Type
height A B C C1 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E2 F H
1PH7 with two-speed gearbox, type of construction IM B35, forced ventilation
100 1PH7101 55 184 12 18 100 100 188 190 215 80 208 108
1PH7103 (2.17) (7.24) (0.47) (0.71) (3.94) (3.94) (7.40) (7.48) (8.46) (3.15) (8.19) (4.25)
132 1PH7131 58 234 12 20 116 118 249 250 300 100 270 136
1PH7133 (2.28) (9.21) (0.47) (0.79) (4.57) (4.65) (9.80) (9.84) (11.81) (3.94) (10.63) (5.35)
160 1PH7163 58 290 17 20 140 130 249 250 350 100 326 164
1PH7167 (2.28) (11.42) (0.67) (0.79) (5.51) (5.12) (9.80) (9.84) (13.78) (3.94) (12.83) (6.46)

Motor Gearbox Total length

Dimensions in mm (in) motor-gearbox
Shaft Type
height K1 L1 L2 P S S2 S3 Z W K

100 1PH7101 298 – 116 301 14 14 M8 8 63 709

1PH7103 (11.73) (4.57) (11.85) (0.55) (0.55) (2.48) (27.91)
1PH7105 804
1PH7107 (31.65)
132 1PH7131 346.5 129.5 142.5 346 14 18 M12 12 71 885
1PH7133 (13.64) (5.10) (5.61) (13.62) (0.55) (0.71) (2.80) (34.84)
1PH7135 970
1PH7137 (38.19)
160 1PH7163 346.5 – 142.5 402 14 18 M12 12 71 987
(13.64) (5.61) (15.83) (0.55) (0.71) (2.80) (38.86)
1PH7167 1024
Dimensions for 1PH7184, 1PH7186 and 1PH7224 on request.

Z x S3


E1 C1

D 4 (Centering)


B S S L1
F W A L2

1 9
3 3

7 7

4A 4B 4A

6A 5 6B 5 6A

$ Switching unit (lifting solenoid 24 V DC, 5 A). ) Oil drain bolt for type of construction IM B35.
% Ventilation valve. 6A Oil inlet for clockwise rotation and circulating-oil lubrication.
& Oil filling bolt. 6B Oil inlet for counterclockwise rotation and circulating-oil lubrication.
4A Oil level inspection window or oil return for counterclockwise rotation + Oil inlet for type of construction IM V15 (must be connected).
and circulating-oil lubrication. , Oil inlet for type of construction IM V36.
4B Oil level inspection window or oil return for clockwise rotation - Connector, manufacture: Harting, type HAN 8 U.
and circulating-oil lubrication.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 7/45

© Siemens AG 2009

Asynchronous motors
Dimension drawings
1PH4 motors with two-speed gearbox
Forced ventilation

For motor Gearbox

Dimensions in mm (in)
Shaft Type
height A B C C1 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E2 F H
1PH4 with two-speed gearbox, type of construction IM B35, forced ventilation
100 1PH4103 55 184 12 18 100 100 188 190 215 80 208 108
1PH4105 (2.17) (7.24) (0.47) (0.71) (3.94) (3.94) (7.40) (7.48) (8.46) (3.15) (8.19) (4.25)

132 1PH4133 58 234 12 20 116 118 249 250 300 100 270 136
1PH4135 (2.28) (9.21) (0.47) (0.79) (4.57) (4.65) (9.80) (9.84) (11.81) (3.94) (10.63) (5.35)

160 1PH4163 58 290 17 20 140 130 249 250 350 100 326 164
1PH4167 (2.28) (11.42) (0.67) (0.79) (5.51) (5.12) (9.80) (9.84) (13.78) (3.94) (12.83) (6.46)

Motor Gearbox Total length

Dimensions in mm (in) motor-gearbox
Shaft Type
height K1 L1 L2 P S S2 S3 Z W K

100 1PH4103 298 – 116 301 14 14 M8 8 63 714

(11.73) (4.57) (11.85) (0.55) (0.55) (2.48) (28.11)
1PH4105 774
1PH4107 839
132 1PH4133 346.5 129.5 142.5 346 14 18 M12 12 71 805
(13.64) (5.10) (5.61) (13.62) (0.55) (0.71) (2.80) (31.69)
1PH4135 875
1PH4137 925
1PH4138 960

7 160 1PH4163 346.5

– 142.5
M12 12 71
1PH4167 993
1PH4168 1038

Z x S3 S2

E1 C1
D4 (Centering)


B S S L1
F W A L2

7/46 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems

8/2 Built-on optoelectronic

rotary encoders
8/2 Introduction

8/2 Incremental encoders

8/3 TTL (RS 422)
incremental encoder
8/3 sin/cos 1 Vpp
incremental encoder
8/3 HTL incremental encoder
8/3 TTL (RS 422) double-track
incremental encoder

8/6 Absolute encoders

8/7 SSI absolute encoder
8/7 EnDat absolute encoder
absolute encoder

8/10 Mounting accessories

For products approved for Canada

and U.S.A., see Appendix.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Introduction Incremental encoders

■ Overview ■ Function

SIMODRIVE sensors are built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders Incremental encoders deliver a defined number of electrical
for the recording of paths, angles of rotation, or speeds of pulses per rotation, which represent the measurement of the
machines. They can be used in conjunction with numerical traveled distance or angle.
controllers, programmable logic controllers, drives and position
displays, e.g. for: Incremental encoders operate on the principle of optoelectronic
scanning of dividing disks with the transmitted light principle.
• SINAMICS drive systems The light source is a light emitting diode (LED). The light-dark
• SIMOTION Motion Control systems modulation generated as the encoder shaft rotates is picked up
• SINUMERIK CNCs by photoelectronic elements. With an appropriate arrangement
of the line pattern on the dividing disk connected to the shaft and
• SIMATIC programmable logic controllers the fixed aperture, the photoelectronic elements provide two
• SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive systems trace signals A and B at 90° to one another, as well as a refe-
rence signal R. The encoder electronics amplify these signals
■ Application and convert them into different output levels.
The following output levels are available:
A distinction is made between incremental and absolute
measuring procedures: • RS 422 difference signals (TTL)
In the case of RS 422 encoders (TTL), the resolution can be
• In the case of incremental encoders, the machine must travel improved by a factor of four by means of edge evaluation.
to a reference point after each power-off state, as the position
is not usually stored in the controller, and movements of the ma- • sin/cos 1 Vpp analog signals
Even better resolution can be achieved for encoders with
chine while the power is off are not recorded.
sinusoidal signals by interpolating them in the higher-level
• Absolute encoders, on the other hand, also record these move- controller.
ments while the power is off and return the actual position with
power On. Travel to a reference point is not necessary. • HTL (High Voltage Transistor Logic)
Encoders with HTL interfaces are designed for applications
■ Design with digital inputs with 24 V levels.

All encoders are available in Synchro flange and supported

flange joint versions. Encoders with a Synchro flange can be at-
tached to the machine with 3 clamp straps or mounted with axial
screws. The encoder is driven by means of a plug-in coupling or
a spring disk coupling. Alternatively, pulleys can also be used.
The encoder supply voltage is 5 V DC or alternatively 10 V to
30 V DC. The 10 V to 30 V DC version supports longer cable
lengths. Most control systems apply the supply voltage directly
on the measuring circuit connector.
For rotary encoders with cables, the cable length including the
connector is 1 m (3.28 ft).
The following bending radii for the cables at the encoder must
be complied with:
• One-time bending: ≥ 20 mm (0.79 in)
• Continuous bending: ≥ 75 mm (2.95 in)

8/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Incremental encoders

■ Technical specifications
Product name TTL (RS 422) sin/cos 1 Vpp HTL TTL (RS 422) double-track
incremental encoder incremental encoder incremental encoder incremental encoder
Operating voltage Vp 5 V DC ± 10 % or 5 V DC ± 10 % 10 ... 30 V DC 5 V DC ± 5 %
on encoder 10 … 30 V DC
Limit frequency, typical – ≥ 180 kHz (- 3 dB) – –
≥ 450 kHz (- 6 dB)
Scanning frequency, max. 300 kHz – 300 kHz Track 1: 160 kHz
Track 2: 1 MHz
No-load current 150 mA 150 mA 150 mA 150 mA per track
consumption, max.
Signal level TTL (RS 422) sinusoidal 1 Vpp VH ≥ 21 V at TTL (RS 422)
IH = 20 mA at 24 V
VL ≤ 2.8 V at
IL = 20 mA at 24 V
Outputs protected against Yes Yes Yes Yes
short-circuit to 0 V
Switching time (10 … 90 %) Rise/fall time – Rise/fall time Rise/fall time
(1 m (3.28 ft) cable and t+/t- ≤ 50 ns t+/t- ≤ 200 ns t+/t- ≤ 100 ns
recommended input circuit)
Phase angle, signal A to B 90° 90° ± 10°el. 90° 90°
Edge spacing, min. at
• 1 MHz – – – Track 2: ≥ 0.125 µs
• 300 kHz ≥ 0.45 µs – ≥ 0.45 µs –
• 160 kHz – – – Track 1: ≥ 0.8 µs
Cable length to down- 100 m (328 ft) 150 m (492 ft) 300 m (984 ft) Up to 500 kHz: 100 m (328 ft)
stream electronics1), max. Up to 1 MHz: 50 m (164 ft)
LED failure monitoring High-resistance driver – High-resistance driver –
Resolution, max. 5 000 S/R 2 500 S/R 2 500 S/R Track 1: 1 024 S/R
Track 2: 9 000 S/R
Accuracy ± 18° mech. x 3 600/ ± 18° mech. x 3 600/ ± 18° mech. x 3 600/ Track 1: ± 63
(in angular seconds) number of signals/revolution z number of signals/revolution z number of signals/revolution z Track 2: ± 12

Speed, max.
• Electrical (18 × 106 rpm)/ (27 × 106 rpm)/ (18 × 106 rpm)/ Track 1: 9 000 rpm
number of signals/revolution number of signals/revolution number of signals/revolution Track 2: 6 500 rpm
(at - 6 dB)
• Mechanical 12 000 rpm 12 000 rpm 12 000 rpm 12 000 rpm
Friction torque
(at 20 °C) (68 °F)
≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in)
Starting torque ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in)
(at 20 °C) (68 °F)
Shaft loading capacity
• n > 6 000 rpm
- Axial 10 N (2.25 lbf) 10 N (2.25 lbf) 10 N (2.25 lbf) –
- Radial at shaft extension 20 N (4.50 lbf) 20 N (4.50 lbf) 20 N (4.50 lbf) –
• n ≤ 6 000 rpm
- Axial 40 N (8.99 lbf) 40 N (8.99 lbf) 40 N (8.99 lbf) 10 N (2.25 lbf)
- Radial at shaft extension 60 N (13.5 lbf) 60 N (13.5 lbf) 60 N (13.5 lbf) 20 N (4.50 lbf)
Angular acceleration, max. 105 rad/s2 105 rad/s2 105 rad/s2 105 rad/s2
Moment of inertia of rotor 1.45 × 10-6 kgm2 1.45 × 10-6 kgm2 1.45 × 10-6 kgm2 20 × 10-6 kgm2
(12.8 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2) (12.8 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2) (12.8 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2) (177 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2)
Vibration (55 … 2 000 Hz) ≤ 300 m/s2 (984 ft/s2) ≤ 300 m/s2 (984 ft/s2) ≤ 300 m/s2 (984 ft/s2) ≤ 100 m/s2 (328 ft/s2)
to EN 60068-2-6
Shock to EN 60068-2-27
• 2 ms ≤ 2 000 m/s2 (6 562 ft/s2) ≤ 2 000 m/s2 (6 562 ft/s2) ≤ 2 000 m/s2 (6562 ft/s2) –
• 6 ms ≤ 1 000 m/s2 (3 281 ft/s2) ≤ 1 000 m/s2 (3 281 ft/s2) ≤ 1 000 m/s2 (3281 ft/s2) ≤ 1 000 m/s2 (3281 ft/s2)

S/R = signals/revolution
1) With recommended cable and input circuitry of the downstream electronics, observe max. permissible cable length of module to be evaluated

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 8/3

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Incremental encoders

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Product name TTL (RS 422) sin/cos 1 Vpp HTL TTL (RS 422) double-track
incremental encoder incremental encoder incremental encoder incremental encoder
Ambient temperature
• Flange outlet or fixed cable
- At Vp = 5 V ± 10 % -40 ... +100 °C -40 ... +100 °C -40 ... +100 °C -10 ... +70 °C
(-40 ... +212 °F) (-40 ... +212 °F) (-40 ... +212 °F) (+14 ... +158 °F)
- At Vp = 10 … 30 V -40 ... +70 °C – – –
(-40 ... +158 °F)
• Flexible cable
- At Vp = 5 V ± 10 % -10 ... +100 °C -10 ... +100 °C -10 ... +100 °C -10 ... +70 °C
(+14 ... +212 °F) (+14 ... +212 °F) (+14 ... +212 °F) (+14 ... +158 °F)
- At Vp = 10 … 30 V -10 ... +70 °C – – –
(+14 ... +158 °F)
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Without shaft input IP67 IP67 IP67 IP67
• With shaft input IP64 IP64 IP64 IP64
EMC Tested in accordance with the guidelines for electromagnetic compatibility 89/336/EEC and the regulations
of the EMC guidelines (applicable basic standards)
Weight, approx. 0.25 kg (0.55 lb) 0.25 kg (0.55 lb) 0.25 kg (0.55 lb) 0.7 kg (1.54 lb)
CE mark Yes Yes Yes Yes

8/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Incremental encoders

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
TTL (RS 422) sin/cos 1 Vpp incremental
incremental encoder encoder
Synchro flange and Synchro flange and
5 V DC supply voltage 5 V DC supply voltage
Connection: Connection:
• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-2G 7 7 7 • Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-3G 7 7 7
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-2E 7 7 7 • Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-3E 7 7 7
• Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-2C 7 7 7 • Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-3C 7 7 7
with connector1) with connector1)
Synchro flange and Resolution
10 ... 30 V DC supply voltage
1 000 S/R B00
Connection: 1 024 S/R B02
• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-2H 7 7 7 2 500 S/R C50
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-2F 7 7 7 HTL incremental encoder
• Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-2D 7 7 7 Synchro flange and
with connector1) 10 ... 30 V DC supply voltage
Supported flange joint and Connection:
5 V DC supply voltage • Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-4H 7 7 0
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-4 F 7 7 0
• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-2R 7 7 7
• Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-4D 7 7 0
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-2P 7 7 7 with connector1)
• Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-2M7 7 7 Supported flange joint and
with connector1) 10 ... 30 V DC supply voltage
Supported flange joint and Connection:
10 ... 30 V DC supply voltage • Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-4S 7 7 0
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-4Q 7 7 0
• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-2S 7 7 7
• Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-4N 7 7 0
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-2Q 7 7 7 with connector1)
• Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-2N 7 7 7 Resolution
with connector1)
100 S/R A1
Resolution 500 S/R A5
500 S/R A50 1 000 S/R B0
1 000 S/R B00 2 500 S/R C5
1 024 S/R B02 TTL (RS 422) double-track
1 250 S/R
1 500 S/R
incremental encoder
Synchro flange and
2 000 S/R C00 5 V DC supply voltage
2 048 S/R C04 Connection:
2 500 S/R C50
• Cable 1 m (3.28 ft) 6FX2001-2UK00
3 600 S/R D60
with axial connector
5 000 S/R F00 2 types of resolution:
9 000/1 024 S/R
S/R = signals/revolution

1) Universal integrated cable outlet for axial and radial outlet direction.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 8/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Absolute encoders

■ Function
Absolute encoders (absolute shaft encoders) are designed on
the same scanning principle as incremental encoders, but have
a greater number of tracks. For example, if there are 13 tracks,
then 213 = 8 192 steps are coded in the case of single-turn en-
coders. The code used is a one-step code (gray code), which
prevents any scanning errors from occurring.
After switching on the machine, the position value is transmitted
immediately to the controller. There is no need to travel to a
reference point.
SSI and EnDat absolute encoders are of advantage in time-
critical applications.
In plants with a large number of encoders, PROFIBUS DP is
more of an advantage due to the reduced wiring overhead.
PROFIBUS DP encoders are programmable and support iso-
chronous mode with internode communication.
Single-turn encoders divide one rotation (360° mechanical) into
a specific number of steps, e.g. 8 192. A unique code word is
assigned to each position. After 360° the position values are
Multi-turn encoders also record the number of revolutions, in ad-
dition to the absolute position within one revolution. To do this,
further code discs which are coupled via gear steps with the en-
coder shaft are scanned. When evaluating 12 additional tracks,
this means that 212 = 4 096 revolutions can be coded.

8/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Absolute encoders

■ Technical specifications
Product name SSI absolute encoder EnDat absolute encoder PROFIBUS DP absolute encoder
(EN 50170)
Operating voltage Vp on 10 ... 30 V DC 5 V DC ± 5% 10 ... 30 V DC
Power consumption,
• Single-turn 160 mA 160 mA 300 ... 100 mA (2.5 W)
• Multi-turn 200 mA 200 mA 300 ... 100 mA (2.5 W)
Interface SSI EnDat PROFIBUS
Clock input Differential cable receiver according to Differential cable receiver according to Differential cable receiver according to
EIA standard RS 485 EIA standard RS 485 EIA standard RS 485
Data output Differential cable driver according to Differential cable driver according to Differential cable driver according to
EIA standard RS 485 EIA standard RS 485 EIA standard RS 485
Short-circuit strength Yes Yes Yes
Data transfer rate 100 kHz ... 1 MHz 100 kHz ... 2 MHz 12 Mbit/s
LED for diagnostics – – Yes (green/red)
Speed, max.
• Electrical – – –
- At ± 1 bit accuracy 5 000 rpm 5 000 rpm 5 800 rpm
- At ± 100 bit accuracy 10 000 rpm 10 000 rpm –
• Mechanical
- Single-turn 12 000 rpm 12 000 rpm 12 000 rpm
- Multi-turn 10 000 rpm 10 000 rpm 6 000 rpm
Cable length to down- Up to 1-MHz-cycle: Up to 1-MHz-cycle: Up to 12 Mbit/s:
stream electronics1), max. 50 m (164 ft) 50 m (164 ft) 100 m (328 ft)
Up to 300-kHz-cycle: Up to 300-kHz-cycle: Up to 1.5 Mbit/s:
100 m (328 ft) 150 m (492 ft) 200 m (656 ft)
Up to 100-kHz-cycle: Up to 93.75 kbit/s:
400 m (1 312 ft) 1 200 m (3 937 ft)
Number of nodes – – 99
Connection Flange outlet, axial/radial Flange outlet, axial/radial Terminal block with address selector
switch and bus terminating resistor in
removable cover with 3 radial cable

Cable diameter – – 6.5 ... 9 mm
(0.26 ... 0.35 in)
Removal of cover possible without
interrupting bus
• Single-turn 13 bit (8 192 steps) 13 bit (8 192 steps) 13 bit (8 192 steps)
• Multi-turn 25 bit 25 bit 27 bit
(8 192 × 4 096 steps) (8 192 × 4 096 steps) (8 192 × 16 384 steps)
Message frame length
• Single-turn 13 bit, without parity According to EnDat specification –
• Multi-turn 25 bit, without parity According to EnDat specification –
Incremental track – 512 S/R, 1 Vpp –
Code type
• Sampling Gray Gray Gray
• Transfer Gray, fir tree format Binary Binary

1) Observe the maximum permissible cable length of the connected module.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 8/7

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Absolute encoders

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Product name SSI absolute encoder EnDat absolute encoder PROFIBUS DP absolute encoder
(EN 50170)
• Resolution per revolution – – Arbitrary 1 ... 8 192
• Total resolution – – Arbitrary 1 ... 16 384
• Preset Set to zero – Arbitrary
• Counting direction Yes – Yes
• Speed signal – – Yes
• Limit switches – – Yes, 2
• Isochronous mode and – – Yes
internode communication
acc. to DP V2
Online parameterization – – Yes
Network load, approx. – – 20 µs per encoder at 12 Mbit/s
Cycle time – – 667 µs
Accuracy ± 60 angular seconds ± 60 angular seconds ± ½ LSB
(incr. track)
EMC Tested in accordance with EN 50081 Tested in accordance with EN 50081 Tested in accordance with EN 50081
and EN 50082 and EN 50082 and EN 50082
Friction torque ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in)
(at 20 °C) (68 °F)
Starting torque ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in) ≤ 0.01 Nm (0.08 lbf-in)
(at 20 °C) (68 °F)
Shaft loading capacity
• n > 6 000 rpm
- Axial 10 N (2.25 lbf) 10 N (2.25 lbf) 10 N (2.25 lbf)
- Radial at shaft extension 20 N (4.50 lbf) 20 N (4.50 lbf) 20 N (4.50 lbf)
• n ≤ 6 000 rpm
- Axial 40 N (8.99 lbf) 40 N (8.99 lbf) 40 N (8.99 lbf)
- Radial at shaft extension 60 N (13.5 lbf) 60 N (13.5 lbf) 110 N (24.7 lbf)
Angular acceleration, max. 105 rad/s2 105 rad/s2 105 rad/s2
Moment of inertia of rotor
1.45 × 10-6 kgm2 1.45 × 10-6 kgm2 1.90 × 10-6 kgm2
• Solid shaft
(12.8 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2) (12.8 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2) (16.8 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2)
• Hollow shaft – – 2.80 × 10-6 kgm2
(24.8 x 10-6 lbf-in-s2)
Vibration (55 … 2 000 Hz) ≤ 300 m/s 2 (984 ft/s2) ≤ 300 m/s2 (984 ft/s2) ≤ 100 m/s2 (328 ft/s2)
to EN 60068-2-6
Shock to EN 60068-2-27
• 2 ms ≤ 2 000 m/s2 (6 562 ft/s2) ≤ 2 000 m/s2 (6 562 ft/s2) ≤ 2 000 m/s2 (6 562 ft/s2)
• 6 ms ≤ 1 000 m/s2 (3 281 ft/s2) ≤ 1 000 m/s2 (3 281 ft/s2) ≤ 1 000 m/s2 (3 281 ft/s2)
Ambient temperature
• Operation -40 ... +85 °C -40 ... +100 °C -40 ... +85 °C
(-40 ... +185 °F) (-40 ... +212 °F) (-40 ... +185 °F)
Degree of protection to
EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
• Without shaft input IP67 IP67 IP67
• With shaft input IP64 IP64 IP64
Weight, approx.
• Single-turn 0.35 kg (0.77 lb) 0.35 kg (0.77 lb) 0.5 kg (1.10 lb)
• Multi-turn 0.35 kg (0.77 lb) 0.35 kg (0.77 lb) 0.7 kg (1.54 lb)
CE mark Yes Yes Yes
PROFIBUS certificate – – Yes
Supported profiles – – Class 1, Class 2

8/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Absolute encoders

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
SSI absolute encoder PROFIBUS DP
absolute encoder (EN 50170)
Synchro flange and
10 ... 30 V DC supply voltage 10 ... 30 V DC supply voltage
Connection: Radial connection

• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-5HS 7 7 • Synchro flange 6FX2001-5F P 7 7

Solid shaft
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-5F S 7 7
• Supported flange joint 6FX2001-5QP 7 7
Supported flange joint and Solid shaft
10 ... 30 V DC supply voltage
• Torque bracket 6FX2001-5WP 7 7
Connection: Hollow shaft
• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-5 SS 7 7 8 mm/10 mm/12 mm/15 mm
(0.31 in/0.39 in/0.47 in/0.59 in)
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-5QS 7 7
• Single-turn 12
• Single-turn 12 8 192 steps/revolution (13 bit)
8 192 steps/revolution (13 bit)
• Multi-turn 24
• Multi-turn 24 8 192 steps/revolution,
8 192 steps/revolution, 16 384 revolutions (27 bit)
4 096 revolutions (25 bit)
User Manual 6SN1197-0AB10-0YP4
EnDat absolute encoder
For start-up and parameterization
Synchro flange and of PROFIBUS encoders
5 V DC supply voltage Language: English/German
• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-5HE 7 7 ■ More information
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-5F E 7 7 Designation Order No.
Supported flange joint and Decentralizing with ISBN3-89578-074-X
5 V DC supply voltage PROFIBUS DP
• Axial flange outlet 6FX2001-5 SE 7 7
• Radial flange outlet 6FX2001-5QE 7 7
• Single-turn 13
8 192 steps/revolution (13 bit)
• Multi-turn 25
8 192 steps/revolution,
4 096 revolutions (25 bit)

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© Siemens AG 2009

Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor

Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders
Mounting accessories

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Clamp strap 6FX2001-7KP01
For double-track encoders and
encoders with Synchro flange
(3 units are required)
Spring disk coupling
Shaft diameter:
• 6 mm/6 mm (0.24 in/0.24 in) 6FX2001-7KF10
• 6 mm/5 mm (0.24 in/0.20 in) 6FX2001-7KF06
Plug-in coupling
Shaft diameter:
• 6 mm/6 mm (0.24 in/0.24 in) 6FX2001-7KS06
• 10 mm/10 mm (0.39 in/0.39 in) 6FX2001-7KS10
Mating connector for flange
outlet or encoder connector
with cap nut
(1 unit)
Crimp version, socket contacts
for cable diameters 5.5 … 12 mm
Clamp straps/couplings (0.22 … 0.47 in)
Clamp straps and couplings are available as mounting accesso- • 12-pin, insulator with 12 socket 6FX2003-0SU12
ries for the rotary encoders. The clamp straps are used to fix the contacts (1 unit)
for TTL, sin/cos 1 Vpp,
encoders with a Synchro flange. HTL incremental encoders
Mating connector or for SSI absolute encoders
• 17-pin, insulator with 6FX2003-0SU17
A mating connector is available for the encoder with flange outlet 17 socket contacts (1 unit)
or with cable and encoder connector for cable diameters 5.5 mm for EnDat absolute encoders
(0.22 in) to 12 mm (0.47 in). Connectors with 12 contacts are
suitable for all incremental encoders, as well as SSI absolute Replacement connectors with 6FX2003-0SA12
external thread for encoders
encoders. Connectors with 17 contacts are suitable for EnDat (1 unit)
• 12-pin, insulator with
Replacement connector 12 contact pins (1 unit)
for RS 422, sin/cos 1 Vpp,
A replacement connector is available for encoders with cable. HTL incremental encoders
for SSI absolute encoders
■ Technical specifications
Product name Spring disk Plug-in

coupling coupling
Transmission torque, 0.8 Nm (2.88 ozf) 0.7 Nm (2.52 ozf)
Shaft diameter 6 mm (0.24 in) 6 mm (0.24 in)
both ends or both ends or
d1 = 6 mm (0.24 in), 10 mm (0.39 in)
d2 = 5 mm (0.20 in) both ends
Center offset of shafts, max. 0.4 mm (0.02 in) 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
Axial offset ± 0.4 mm (0.02 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
Angular displacement of 3° 1°
shafts, max.
Torsional rigidity 150 Nm/rad 31 Nm/rad
(539.51 ozf/rad) (111.5 ozf/rad)
Lateral spring stiffness 6 N/mm (1.35 lbf) 10 N/mm (2.25 lbf)
Moment of inertia 19 gcm2 20 gcm2
(168 x (177 x
10-7 lbf-in-s2) 10-7 lbf-in-s2)
Speed, max. 12 000 rpm 12 000 rpm
Ambient temperature
• Operation -40 ... +150 °C -40 ... +80 °C
(-40 ... +302 °F) (-40 ... +176 °F)
Weight, approx. 16 g (0.56 oz) 20 g (0.71 oz)

8/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

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Converter system


9/2 Overview of the drive system
9/4 Introduction
9/7 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS
closed-loop control
9/10 Startup box
9/10 Solution Partner:
9/11 High Standard/High Performance
digital closed-loop control
Safety Integrated
9/16 Closed-loop control with digital
setpoint interface for HLA/ANA
9/18 Power modules
9/20 Infeed modules UI and I/R
9/23 Line filters
9/23 General
9/23 Line filters for UI modules
9/24 Wideband Line Filter with
HFD components
9/27 Basic Line Filter
9/28 Monitoring module
9/28 Overvoltage limiter module
9/29 Pulsed resistor module
9/30 External pulsed resistors
9/31 Capacitor modules
9/32 Supplementary system
9/37 Line interfaces for voltage

9/40 Engineering software

Drive ES engineering software

For products approved for Canada

and U.S.A., see Appendix.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Overview of the drive system

Line interfaces Infeed modules Power modules

Infeed and Power module
infeed/regenerative Internal cooling
feedback module1) with internal fan

HFD commutating reactor

with damping resistor

Line filter

TN network
380 V 3 AC with derating Power module Mounting frame with
400 V 3 AC External cooling built-on fan
415 V 3 AC
480 V 3 AC

Line filter HF commutating reactor

for 28 kW UI module

TN network
400 V 3 AC
415 V 3 AC
480 V 3 AC
Unregulated Power module with
infeed module hose cooling

600 V DC

9 Monitoring module

400 V 3 AC

Matching isolating
Types graded from
200 ... 575 V 3 AC for: 1) Also available with external
• IT networks
• TT networks cooling and hose cooling.
• FI residual-current Design same as for power
protective devices Capacitor External External modules.
2) For 28 kW UI module only.
• Site altitude module pulsed resistor2) Pulsed resistor pulsed resistor
> 2000 m (6562 ft) 0.3/25 kW module 1.5/25 kW

9/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Overview of the drive system

Control units Motors

Control units with analog setpoint interface/PROFIBUS

For 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/1FN3/1FW6/1PH/2SP1/1FE1 motors and
1LA asynchronous motors
Single-axis version with resolver only
Two-axis version
• For motor encoder 1FK7
Asynchronous motor,
• Resolver e.g. 1LA
Standard: analog setpoint interface

Control units with digital setpoint interface

1PH4 1PH7
For 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/1PH/1PM/2SP1/1FE1 motors
Two-axis version with High Standard control
• For motor encoder
• Additional measuring system for voltage signals

For 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/1FN3/1FW6/1PH/1PM/2SP1/1FE1 motors

Single-axis version with High Performance control
• For motor encoder 1FW6
• Additional measuring system for voltage signals
Two-axis version with High Performance control
• For motor encoder
• Additional measuring system for voltage signals
EnDat + SSI

1FE1 2SP1




For hydraulic linear axes HLA/ANA


Two-axis version

Servo solenoid valve for

hydraulic linear axis
(not part of standards package)

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system

■ Overview
Central drive systems with SIMODRIVE 611 The SIMODRIVE 611 converter system is designed for operation
in industrial environments in grounded TN-S and TN-C systems
Central drive systems offer a wide performance range based on (VDE 0100, Part 300). For other network configurations, an up-
a modular design. Various closed-loop control units make it stream transformer with isolated windings must be used on the
possible to combine groups of drives to form a higher-level secondary side in a star connection with grounded neutral point
control system. The 2-axis modules enable space-saving (YN connection group). For voltage matching to other line supply
module configurations. voltages, matching transformers in economy circuit can be used
for TN-S and TN-C systems. You can find transformer types
matched to the SIMODRIVE 611 infeed modules under Line
interfaces for voltage matching.
The line infeed modules contain a 6-pulse three-phase bridge
connection (B6). Ensure that compatibility is maintained for
operation on residual-current protective devices (EN 50178/
VDE 0160 Section; Type B).
The line filters assigned to the 16 kW and 36 kW I/R modules will
restrict the leakage currents to below 150 mA.
As an alternative, an isolating transformer with secondary-side
YN connection must be used in conjunction with another protec-
tive measure (N connected to housing) against hazardous leak-
age currents to disconnect residual-current systems which do
not achieve the compatibility required.
For satisfactory and reliable operation of the drive system,
original components of the SIMODRIVE system and the original
Siemens accessories as described in this catalog and in config-
uration manuals, functional descriptions or user manuals should
be used.
The user must observe the configuring instructions.
Combinations that differ from the configuring instructions – also
in conjunction with non-Siemens products require a special
SIMODRIVE 611 is a flexible, energy-saving configurable
converter system that is designed to meet the economic and
technical demands made on modern machines. If no original components are used, for example for repairs,
approvals such as UL, EN, Safety Integrated, etc. can become
With SIMODRIVE 611, Siemens provides a converter system
invalid and thus the operation authorization for the machine with
with digital closed-loop controls which meets the highest de-
the non-Siemens components installed becomes invalid.
mands in terms of dynamic response, speed setting range, and
smooth running characteristics. All of the approvals, certificates, declarations of conformity, test
certificates, e.g. CE, UL, Safety Integrated etc. have been
The converter system’s modular design makes it possible to performed with the associated system components as they are
configure drive systems with a virtually unlimited number of axes described in the catalogs and configuration manuals.
or main spindles.
The certificates are only valid if the products are used with the
The control units are inserted into the power modules.
described system components, are installed according to the
The power modules are dependent on the power required by the installation guidelines and are used for their intended purpose.
motors. The infeed module is determined by the required DC link
In other cases, the vendor of these products is responsible for
arranging that new certificates are issued.

9 The infeed module is used to connect a SIMODRIVE 611 system

group to a low-voltage system with grounded neutral point (TN
line supply).
All modules in the SIMODRIVE 611 converter system are of
uniform modular design. The interfaces for power supply and
communication, as well as the interfaces between control units
and power modules, are standardized.

9/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system

■ Design
The SIMODRIVE 611 converter system consists of the following
function modules:
7 Control units adapted to the respective application
technologies and motor types
7 Power modules
7 UI or I/R infeed modules
7 Line filters: Line filters, Wideband Line Filters or
Basic Line Filters
7 HFD reactors with damping resistor
7 Special modules and supplementary system components
The converter system is designed for installation in control
cabinets which conform with the relevant standards for machine
tool applications, in particular EN 60204.
Various cooling methods are available for the power-dependent Drive bus
line supply infeed and drive modules: cable

7 Internal cooling
7 External cooling
7 Hose cooling for 300 mm wide modules plug-in unit,
Power module
Easy handling, simple assembly and wiring are among the main • Internal cooling
requirements to be fulfilled by the design of the converter mod- • External cooling
ules. As a result of the consistent 50 mm mounting grid and the • Hose cooling
connection of power, signal and bus cables, it is possible to im-
plement customer-focused solutions.
Design of the drive modules
7 Width of all modules in 50 mm (1.97 in) grid (here, a power module with internal cooling)
7 Height of all modules is 480 mm (18.90 in)1)
7 Depth of the modules without connectors and optional
mounted accessories referred to the mounting surface:
- 288 mm (11.34 in) with internal cooling or hose cooling
- 231 mm (9.09 in) with external cooling2)
The housings of the SIMODRIVE 611 converter system modules
are enclosed and EMC-compatible as specified in EN 60529
(IEC 60529).
The electrical system is designed to conform to EN 50178
(VDE 0160) and EN 60204. CE Declarations of Conformity exist.
The requirements of the configuration manual must always be
observed. Particular attention should be paid to the system
characteristics and short-circuit rating.
The drive modules of the SIMODRIVE 611 drive converter
system comprise the following components depending on the
application: Power module, control unit, device bus cable and

where relevant, a drive bus cable and option module. The drive
modules are connected to the line infeed modules of the
SIMODRIVE 611 converter system.

1) Including fixing lugs. The dimensions for ventilating air deflectors,

shield connection plates, mounted fans and hose cooling are not
2) Without insertion depth of heat sink in the ventilation shaft.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system

■ Technical specifications
System performance data SIMODRIVE 611
Line connection 380 V1)/ 400 V/415 V 3 AC ± 10 %
480 V 3 AC - 10 % /+ 6 %
Unregulated infeed 5/10/28 kW (6.7/13.4/37.5 HP)
Regulated infeed with feedback 16/36/55/80/120 kW (21.5/48.3/73.8/107/161 HP)
DC link voltage VDC link
• Unregulated
- At 380 V1)/400 V/415 V 3 AC ± 10 % 435 V1)/490 ... 595 V/505 ... 616 V DC
- At 480 V 3 AC - 10 %/ + 6 % 580 ... 710 V DC
• Regulated
- At 380 V1)/400 V 3 AC 600 V DC
- At 415 V 3 AC 625 V DC
Power modules Output voltage, max. 3 AC VDC link/1.4 up to 200 A
Motors types that can be used2)
• Synchronous motor as feed drive 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/1FN3/1FW6
• Asynchronous/synchronous motor as main spindle drive 1PH2/1PH4/1PH7/1PM4/1PM6/1FE1/2SP1
• Non-Siemens motors If these are suitable

■ More information
Designation Order No.
Configuration Manual
SIMODRIVE 611 digital,
Drive Converters
• German 6SN1197-0AA00-1AP1
• English 6SN1197-0AA00-1BP1
• Italian 6SN1197-0AA00-1CP0
• French 6SN1197-0AA00-1DP0
• Spanish 6SN1197-0AA00-1EP0

For further information, please refer to:

1) Withderating.
2) Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp or absolute encoder, EnDat or
resolver for SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS.

9/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS
closed-loop control

■ Overview ■ Overview (continued)

The drive can be commissioned using either a 7-segment
display and keyboard on the module or using the SimoCom U
commissioning tool for PCs under Windows Server 2003 SP1/XP.
SimoCom U is also integrated in ADDM from Version 5.0 on-
wards (see ADDM Data Management) and in Drive ES Basic
from Version 5.1 onwards.
Drive ES can be used to call the commissioning tool via
PROFIBUS from the SIMATIC Manager, permitting data backup
in the SIMATIC Manager (see Drive ES).

■ Function
Functions (per axis, selection):
• 2 analog inputs (14 bit)/outputs (8 bit) ± 10 V
• 4 digital inputs/outputs, programmable
• Incremental shaft-angle encoder interface (ISE),
- Output: incremental square wave or step signals,
simulation of the motor encoder through differential quadra-
ture signals A, B, R in accordance with RS 485, RS 422 (TTL).
With sin/cos 1 Vpp encoder and absolute encoder with
EnDat: pulses = sin/cos for each revolution
Digital closed-loop control unit with analog setpoint inter- Pulse number can be multiplied 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8
face or PROFIBUS DP SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS With resolver: 1 024 pulses/pole pair
Number of pulses for 12-bit setting can be multiplied
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS1) is a closed-loop control unit 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16, 1:32
with analog speed setpoint interface and optional PROFIBUS DP Number of pulses for 14-bit setting can be multiplied
interface. A version with integrated positioning functionality for 4:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8
motor frequencies up to 1 400 Hz is also available. They are suit- - Input: incremental step setpoint Xsetp
able for: Quadrature signals, tracks A, B up to 2.5 MHz
• Synchronous motors: 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/1FN3/1FW6/1FE1/2SP1 Pulse/directional signal up to 5 MHz
• Asynchronous motors: 1PH/1LA/2SP1 with/without encoder Forward-reverse signal up to 5 MHz
• Non-Siemens motors suitable for converter operation • Direct, second measuring system on 2-axis module for axis A
can be interfaced via axis B (the module can then be operated
The control units SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS can also be as single-axis module only).
operated autonomously or with an external controller. - Resolver, any number of poles
- Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp,
Both 1-axis and 2-axis control units can be extended with option
0 to 8 388 607 pulses/revolution
modules, the 2-axis versions can also be used in the 1-axis
- Linear scales with grid spacing in 1 nm steps up to
power modules.
4 294 967 295 nm
The following encoder evaluations are available for various - Absolute encoder with EnDat interface
control units: • RS 232/RS 485 interface for connecting PC/PG for commis-
• Resolver: sioning with the SimoCom U startup tool
Resolution switchable 14/12 bit • Up to 4 motor data records per axis can be saved, star-delta
1 to 6 pairs of poles, operating frequency fG max. up to changeover is possible
108 Hz/432 Hz,
internal pulse resolution 16 348/4 096 x number of pole pairs
• Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp signals up to
• Positioning for linear, modulo or rotary axis, jerk limitation;
65 535 pulses/revolution, fG max. up to 350 kHz, block advance with: END, CONTINUE FLYING, CONTINUE
internal pulse multiplication 2 048 x pulses WITH HOLD, CONTINUE EXTERNAL
• Linear scales with grid spacing in 1 nm steps up to 256 data records per axis can be stored as parameters. All
8 388 607 nm records can be called up and edited via the PROFIBUS DP
• Absolute encoder with EnDat interface, same as encoder option. Direct transfer of positioning data is possible into an
sin/cos 1 Vpp, plus absolute position via EnDat protocol. executing record (HMI).
• TTL encoder for induction motors up to 420 kHz (no incremen- • Using the terminal expansion option module, the records can
tal shaft-angle encoder output) also be called up BCD-coded.

1) HRS: High Resolution Speed

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/7

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS
closed-loop control

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Integration

Designation Order No.
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cable
• Single-axis version 6SN1118-0NJ01-0AA1 611
Resolver, universal 5HVROYHU
HRS 6FX.002-2CF02-....
speed/torque setpoint LQ)7).
• Single-axis version 6SN1118-1NJ01-0AA1 Resolver
Resolver, 5HVROYHULQ
speed/torque setpoint, ).PRWRU
positioning ืP IW
• 2-axis version 6SN1118-0NK01-0AA1 6,0$7,&6
Resolver, &38'3
speed/torque setpoint 352),%86FDEOH 352),%86'3
• 2-axis version 6SN1118-1NK01-0AA1 )RU03,FDEOH
VHH027,21&211(&7 6,180(5,.
speed/torque setpoint,
• 2-axis version 6SN1118-0NH01-0AA1 352),%86'3
Incremental encoder 6FX8002-3AB01-....
sin/cos 1 Vpp/ )0
absolute encoder ืP IW
velocity/speed/torque setpoint ;; RU
• 2-axis version 6SN1118-1NH01-0AA1 6FX2002-3AD01-.... &EDVHOLQH
Incremental encoder ืP IW )0
sin/cos 1 Vpp/absolute encoder, VHWSRLQWV
velocity/speed/torque setpoint,
positioning SLQVXE'H[WHQVLRQ
; 3*3&
Option module 6SN1114-0NA00-0AA0 6HULDOLQWHUIDFH
Terminal expansion1)
8 digital inputs/8 digital outputs 6,180(5,.
24 V, in total max. 480 mA 6FX.002-2CJ10-.... &EDVHOLQH
parameterizable ืP IW )0
Option module 6SN1114-0NB00-0AA2

Standard slave for up to 2 axes ; 8QLWEXV
(V1) for cyclic and acyclic data
exchange up to 12 Mbit/s 6FX.002-5.... )7).
Option module 6SN1114-0NB01-0AA1 ืP IW 3RZHUFDEOH PRWRUV
Motion Control with VHHPRWRUV
Isochronous standard slave
(V1 and V2) for max. 2 axes,
Connection overview for SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS, resolver
cyclic and acyclic data exchange
up to 12 Mbit/s Shield connection plates or the shield connection are required to
SimoCom U/611 universal 6SN1153-2NX21-2AG0 attach the power cable shields, as well as the electronics cables,
toolbox e.g. incremental shaft-angle encoder.
Parameterizing, commissioning Information about the application, configuration and cable
and testing tool on CD-ROM extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-
Languages: CONNECT.
9 English, French, German, Italian,
Previous and current software
Startup box 9AK1014-1AA00
Service tool for commissioning
with switches, analog setpoint
source with potentiometers and
digital setpoint display

1) Only one option module can be plugged in.

9/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS
closed-loop control

SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cable 'LUHFWOLQHDU
1 Vpp /& 
6FX.002-2CH00-.... 3+30PRWRUV (Q'DW
ืP IW );(
6FX.002-2CA31-.... VLQFRV9SS
ืP IW );
;; ืP IW 
(Q'DWLQ). /6 & 
ืP IW PRWRU /) & 
/6 & /) & 

6FX.002-2CA20-.... )1$$$$

352),%86FDEOH &38'3 ER[ RSWLRQ 
VHH027,21&211(&7 352),%86'3 SDFNDJHFRQWHQW
6FX8002-3AB01-.... VLQFRV9SS
/6 & 
;; RU 6,180(5,.&
6FX2002-3AD01-.... EDVHOLQH)0

; 3*3&

;; 6FX.002-2CJ10-.... 6,180(5,.&



6FX8008-... 6FX.008-... )(63PRWRUVV\Q
6FX.008-... 3+3063PRWRUV 027,21&211(&7

6FX700.-... )1):PRWRUVZLWK



Connection overview for SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS, absolute encoder/single absolute encoder EnDat and incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/9

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS closed-loop
closed-loop control – Startup box control – Solution Partner ROBOX – CANbus

■ Overview ■ Overview

The startup box is a support device for starting up ROBOX – CANopen interface for SIMODRIVE 611
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS controllers. universal HRS
The startup box can be connected to the control unit. An internal ROBOX has developed an interface module, which allows the
circuit is used to convert the 24 V DC auxiliary power supply connection of the SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS (single or dou-
value of the converter into an analog setpoint. The analog set- ble axis version) to a CANbus fieldbus with CANopen protocol.
point can be adjusted and is displayed via a five-digit LCD.
■ Benefits • Each CANopen module will interface the SIMODRIVE 611 uni-
versal HRS, according to the CANopen profile for "drive and
7 Analog setting of setpoints: motion control device" (DSP402) and according to the specifi-
- Coarse and fine setting via two potentiometers in the cation for CANopen communication (DS301).
ratio 1:10
- Polarity selector switch for normal and inverse setpoint • Depending on the SIMODRIVE configuration, the CANopen
polarity interface module can drive one or two axes; each axis is
- Potentiometer for analog offset value with autonomous On/Off considered as a slave node of the net.
switch • The board is housed inside the SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS
- On/Off switch for setting analog setpoints in the slot reserved to the option module; it is recognized by the
7 The analog setpoint is completely decoupled and well-
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS as a third-party module.
protected from polarity reversal within the operating voltage • Complete SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS parameters
range. handling is available via SDO (Service Data Objects).
7 The analog output signal of the control terminal strip is wired • The master and the SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS working
to the 2 mm test sockets in the startup box. frequencies are adapted to the PLL (Phase-Locked Loop)
7 6 Off switches for digital enable signals, with green LEDs
7 4 red LEDs for displaying digital output signals
• The SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS requires software
release 04.03 or 05.02.
■ Technical specifications CANopen profiles handling is as follows:
• "Torque Mode" (allows torque setpoint from CANopen)
Order No. 9AK1014-1AA00
Product name Startup box for • "Velocity Mode" (allows speed setpoint from CANopen)

9 Power supply
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS
24 V DC via terminal X101
• "Interpoled Position" and "Homing Mode". An interpolation
algorithm allows 1 kHz reference position updating to the drive
Voltage range, analog setpoint 0 ... 12.5 V/10 mA with a master sampling frequency ranging from 50 Hz to
Dimensions 500 Hz.

■ More information
• Length 175 mm (6.89 in)
• Width 90 mm (3.54 in)
• Height 45 mm (1.77 in) Please contact:
Length of signal cable 1.3 m (4.27 ft)

■ Selection and ordering data Contact Engineering: Mr. Enea Brunella

Via Sempione, 82
Designation Order No. 28053 Castelletto Ticino (NO)
Startup box 9AK1014-1AA00
For SIMODRIVE 611 Phone: +39 0331 914043
universal HRS E-mail:
Siemens S.p.A.
Contact Marketing/Sales: Mr. Luigi Crippa
Phone: +39 (02) 243-62927
Fax: +39 (02) 243-62971

9/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
High Standard/High Performance digital
closed-loop control – Safety Integrated

■ Overview ■ Function (continued)

Functions (selection):
• Encoder evaluation for incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp and
absolute encoder with EnDat for motor encoder and direct
measuring system
• Dynamic measuring circuit switchover between motor encoder
measuring system and direct measuring system
• Synchronous axes (gantry)
• Travel to fixed stop for axis and spindle
• Variable incremental weighting for 8 gear speeds
• C-axis operation with one encoder
• Torque pre-control
• Weight counterbalance
• Measurement on-the-fly
• Main spindle oscillation via PLC
• Operation of asynchronous motors without encoders in field-
oriented control
• Four selectable data sets for asynchronous and synchronous
• Brake management depending on controller enable or pulse
• Positive feedback sensing, plausibility check for the encoder
The High Standard/High Performance control units can be uni- signals
versally implemented as feed or main spindle drives.
They are available for the following motors: • Electrically controlled stopping in the event of an encoder fault
• Synchronous motors: 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/1FN3/1FW6/1FE1/2SP1 • Advanced Position Control APC, highly dynamic positioning
• Asynchronous motors: 1PH/1PM/2SP1 • Safety Integrated with internal pulse suppression via drive bus
• Mixed operation of various motors on one 2-axis control unit.
■ Function The available functions depend on the drive software version in
the SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline.
The High Standard/High Performance control units evaluate
encoders with: Operation of the High Standard/High Performance controls
• sin/cos 1 Vpp and absolute values with EnDat interface requires CNC software higher than 06.04 09, as well as HMI
(pulse multiplication 128/2 048). Encoder pulse numbers software higher than 06.02.
up to 65 535 pulses/revolution can be parameterized. This software supports:
• Linear scales with grid spacing in 1 nm steps up to • Mixed operation with older modules in the same drive group
8 388 607 nm
• Startup of the modules using HMI or the startup tool
One version can be additionally equipped with a direct measur- SinuCom NC.
ing system (DMS) with the direct position sensing function. The
DMS is required for the SINUMERIK Safety Integrated function.
Some SSI encoders can be evaluated. An interference suppres-
sor filter is required for the encoder power supply (see Supple-
mentary system components). Restrictions apply with regard to
The drive software with the control algorithms is stored in the
SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline. Each time the 9
control and drives are energized, the software is loaded into the
digital control units.
Two-axis modules can be used in a single-axis power unit.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/11

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
High Standard/High Performance digital
closed-loop control – Safety Integrated

■ Function (continued)
Control unit with High Standard control High Performance control
Output frequency, max. 600 Hz 1 400 Hz
Encoder limit frequencies incremental encoder 200 kHz 350 kHz1)
sin/cos 1 Vpp
Pulse multiplication 128 2 048
Cable length, max. 50 m (164 ft) 50 m (164 ft)1)
1FT6/1FT7/1FK7 feed motors ✔ ✔
1FN3 linear motors – ✔
1FW6 torque motors – ✔
1PM/1PH7/1FE1 main spindle motors ✔ ✔
2SP1 built-in spindle motors ✔ ✔
Smooth running
• 1-axis version 0.2 µm 0.1 µm
• 2-axis version 1.5 µm 0.1 µm
Applications Standard production machines Microfinishing and dynamic high-
performance machines

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
High Standard control, 6SN1118-0DM37-0AA2
2-axis version
Control unit with digital setpoint
interface for 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/
1FE1/2SP1/1PH/1PM motors
High Performance control, 6SN1118-0DJ27-0AA2
1-axis version
Control unit with digital setpoint
interface for 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/
High Performance control, 6SN1118-0DK27-0AA2
2-axis version
Control unit with digital setpoint
interface for 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/
• For motor encoder 1
without direct measuring system
Incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp or
absolute encoder with EnDat
• For motor encoder 3
with direct measuring system2)
Incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp or
absolute encoder with EnDat

1) 420
kHz with boundary conditions, see Configuration Manual
SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Drive Converters.
2) Suitable
for SINUMERIK Safety Integrated.

9/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
High Standard/High Performance digital
closed-loop control – Safety Integrated

■ Integration
SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cable
611 digital

Drive module
with digital
Incremental encoder
6FX8002-2CA80-.... sin/cos 1 Vpp without
; C and D tracks in
1PH/1PM motors

6FX.002-2CA11-.... VLQFRV9SS
ืP IW );
control for 6SN1161-1CA00-.... 6,180(5,.'
6SN1161-1CA00-.... 6,02'5,9(
6FX2002-1CA01-.... 6FX2002-1CA01-.... 1&8
6,02'5,9( IWIWIWIW
6FX.008-... 6FX.008-... )(63PRWRUV
89: 027,21&211(&7
6FX.008-... 3+3063 ืP IW  *B1&B(1BJ
ืP IW 


Connection overview for High Performance/High Standard control for 1FE1/1PH/1PM/2SP1 motors
Information about the application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/13

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
High Standard/High Performance digital
closed-loop control – Safety Integrated

■ Integration (continued)
SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cable
611 digital 

VHWSRLQW 6FX.002-2CA31-....


Performance/ ืP IW VLQFRV9SS
High Standard LQ).PRWRU
control for
1FK7 motors VLQFRV9SS
ืP IW );

;; /6 & 
/) & /% & 
/6 & /) & 

ืP IW );(

6SN1161-1CA00-.... 6,180(5,.'

6SN1161-1CA00-.... 6,02'5,9(

6FX2002-1CA01-.... 1&8 6FX2002-1CA01-.... 1&8

6FX2002-1CC00-.... PPP IWIWIW


89: 6FX.002-... ืP IW )7)7).


Connection overview for High Performance/High Standard control for 1FT6/1FT7/1FK7 motors
Information about the application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

9/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
High Standard/High Performance digital
closed-loop control – Safety Integrated

■ Integration (continued)
611 digital Pre-assembled cable
LQWHUIDFH /&2)/&2)

; 1

control 6FX7002-2CA31-.... VLQFRV9SS
/6 & /6 &



6FX7002-2SL10-.... 6FX7002-2SL0.-....
6FX8002-5CA.1-.... 6FX7002-5LM.2-.... WHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRU
6FX8002-5YP02-.... (4 x 16 mm2)

Connection overview for High Performance control for 1FN3 linear motors, peak load/continuous load version
Power and signals are connected using separate cables.


611 digital Pre-assembled cable
Drive module Cable included Direct
with digital 6FX7002-2EQ10-.... in scope of supply absolute encoder
setpoint SME91 EnDat
interface RCN 727/RCN 226

X411 1

Performance Direct
control Cable included incremental encoder
6FX7002-2CA31-.... in scope of supply
SME93 sin/cos 1 Vpp
RON 786/
ERA 700/800


Cable included
6FX7002-2SL10-.... in scope of 1FW6 torque motor
6FX8002-5CA.1-.... supply of the with
U2, V2, W2 temperature sensor
6FX8002-5YP02-.... (4 x 16 mm2) motor1)
1) Signal and power connector are not included in scope of supply of the motor.

Connection overview for High Performance control for 1FW6 torque motors
Information about the application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/15

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Closed-loop control with digital setpoint interface

■ Overview ■ Function
Functions of the hydraulic linear axes (selection):
• Matching of differing dynamic characteristics of the axes in
interpolating drive groups
• Four manipulated variable filters can be parameterized as
low-pass or band-pass filters
• Compensation of non-linear effects of the servo solenoid
valves and cylinders (static friction effects, surface adjustment
of cylinder)
• Linearization of the flow characteristic for feed and rapid
traverse (valve characteristic)
• Force limitations for
- Processing of force profiles in material reforming
- "Travel to fixed stop" function
• Specification of the flowrate setpoint for the valve amplifier on
the basis of an analog ±10 V interface
• The digital drive bus is the control and communications inter-
face to the SINUMERIK 840D powerline
• Same method of operation as for the digital electromotive axes
using menu-assisted drive parameterization, selection of stan-
dard data records for servo solenoid valves and input of linear
cylinder data in structured data screen forms
• Evaluation of following encoders:
- Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp
Closed-loop control unit with digital setpoint interface for
- Absolute encoder EnDat
hydraulic linear drives HLA/analog drives ANA
- Absolute encoder SSI
The two-axis control unit includes the selectable HLA and ANA An interference suppression filter (see Supplementary sys-
functions. An HLA and an ANA axis can be operated together on tem components) is required for the encoder power supply
a control unit. (for the boundary conditions for SSI, see the configuring
The HLA/ANA control unit is installed in the universal empty
housing (see supplementary system components) and can • Interfaces for one shutoff valve and two pressure sensors per
therefore be integrated in the SIMODRIVE 611 drive group. axis
• One BERO input per axis
Hydraulic linear drive HLA
• Monitoring functions for the external valve power supply,
The digital control unit SIMODRIVE 611 HLA is designed to en- hydraulic system pressure, valve spool encoder, etc.
ergize and control (closed-loop) electro-hydraulic control valves
in hydraulic linear axes in conjunction with SINUMERIK 840D Functions of the analog axes (selection):
powerline. Up to 2 hydraulic axes can be controlled. The HLA • Using the ANA configuration, up to 2 analog axes per ANA
module can be used several times in the SIMODRIVE 611 digital module can be operated on the digital drive bus with
drive group. SINUMERIK 840D powerline:
The HLA control unit contains the closed-loop control structures - Speed setpoint output ±10 V (15 bit + sign)
for an electro-hydraulic control circuit with high dynamic perfor- • Evaluation of following encoders:
mance characteristics. The HLA control unit generates the - Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp
power supply for the servo solenoid valves and the shutoff - Absolute encoder EnDat
valves from an external DC voltage supply (e.g. SITOP power,
see Configuration Manual) with a rated voltage of 26.5 V. ■ Selection and ordering data
9 The pure hydraulic components, designed for CNC operation,
are to be provided by the user.
Control unit with digital
Order No.
Analog axis ANA setpoint interface for hydraulic
linear drives
Analog axes with a speed setpoint interface ±10 V can be Two-axis version1)
implemented using the HLA control unit. In this case, the corre- with one measuring system for
sponding axis must be selected via the drive bus configuration direct position sensing per axis;
with ANA. In the coarse structure, the closed-loop control then input for sinusoidal and cosine
operates as digital/analog converter for the setpoint and com- voltage signals
municates the position information from the encoder to the
position controller in the SINUMERIK 840D powerline via the
drive bus.
An analog axis can be essentially used the same as a digital
axis. It can be programmed just like a digital, interpolating path
axis or spindle.

1) Also suitable for single-axis operation.

9/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Closed-loop control with digital setpoint interface

■ Integration
SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cables
611 digital 'LUHFWOLQHDU

6FX.002-2AD00-.... ืP IW HQFRGHU



6FX8002-2CC80-.... 'LUHFWOLQHDU
ืP IW  ZLWK66,);
Hydraulic /6 & 
linear drives /) & /% &
/6 & /) & 

6FX8002-2BA20-.... ืP IW





6FX8002-2BA10-.... ืP IW &RQQHFWRUSLQ


Connection overview for HLA control with hydraulic servo solenoid valves, direct measuring systems and pressure sensors
Information about the application, configuration and cable extensions can be found under Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/17

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Power modules

■ Overview

Power module, internal cooling, module width 100 mm (3.94 in) Power module, external cooling, with mounting frame,
module width 50 mm (1.97 in)
Controlled by the control units, the power modules generate a
sinusoidal 3-phase output voltage with a variable frequency and
voltage, and are therefore ideally suited to operating 3-phase
A wide range of 1-axis or 2-axis power modules is available.
These modules are graded according to the current ratings and
can be supplied with three different cooling techniques.
The current data refer to the series-preset values. At higher clock
frequencies, derating applies (see the Configuration Manual
SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Drive Converters).
For EMC-compatible wiring, shielded MOTION CONNECT
power cables, shield connection plates and a shield connection
are available for installing the module in the system.
The device bus cables (electronics bus) are included in the
scope of delivery. The drive bus cables for the drive system with
SINUMERIK 840D powerline must be ordered separately.

9/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Power modules

■ Technical specifications
Order No.
Internal cooling 6SN1123-1AA0.- -0HA. -0AA. -0BA. -0CA. -0DA.
External cooling 6SN1124-1AA0.- -0HA. -0AA. -0BA. -0CA. -0DA.
Product name Power module in 1-axis design
Cooling type Natural cooling Natural cooling Fan Fan Fan
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 6 (13.2) 6 (13.2) 6 (13.2) 6 (13.2) 9 (19.8)

Order No.
Internal cooling 6SN1123-1AA0.- -0EA. -0LA. -0FA. -0JA. -0KA.
External cooling 6SN1124-1AA0.- -0EA. -0LA. -0FA. -0JA. -0KA.
Hose cooling 6SN1123-1AA0.- – – -0FA. -0JA. -0KA.
Product name Power module in 1-axis design (continued)
Cooling type Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 10.5 (23.2) 10.5 (23.2) 17.51)/20.52) 21 (46.3)1) 23 (50.7)1)

Order No.
Internal cooling 6SN1123-1AB00- -0HA. -0AA. -0BA. -0CA.
External cooling 6SN1124-1AB00- -0HA. -0AA. -0BA. -0CA.
Product name Power module in 2-axis design
Cooling type Natural cooling Fan Fan Fan
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 6 (13.2) 6 (13.2) 6.5 (14.3) 9.5 (20.9)

■ Selection and ordering data

Module width Feed drives with Main spindle drives Power module for Power module for Mounting frame for
motors with motors internal cooling external cooling control cabinet
1FT6/1FT7/1FK7/ 1PH/1FE1/2SP1/1PM For external cooling
1FN3/1FW6 asynchronous motors
Rated/peak Rated current/
current current at S6-40 %/
peak current
IS1/Î IS1/IS6-40 %/Î
mm (inch) A A Order No. Order No. Order No.
Single-axis power modules
50 (1.97) 3/6 3/3/3 6SN1123-1AA00-0HA1 6SN1124-1AA00-0HA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0AA1
50 (1.97) 5/10 5/5/8 6SN1123-1AA00-0AA1 6SN1124-1AA00-0AA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0AA1
50 (1.97) 9/18 8/10/16 6SN1123-1AA00-0BA1 6SN1124-1AA00-0BA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0AA1
50 (1.97) 18/36 24/32/32 6SN1123-1AA00-0CA2 6SN1124-1AA00-0CA2 6SN1162-0BA04-0FA1
100 (3.94) 28/56 30/40/51 6SN1123-1AA00-0DA2 6SN1124-1AA00-0DA2 6SN1162-0BA04-0BA1
150 (5.91) 42/64 45/60/76 6SN1123-1AA00-0LA3 6SN1124-1AA00-0LA3 6SN1162-0BA04-0CA1
150 (5.91) 56/112 60/80/102 6SN1123-1AA00-0EA2 6SN1124-1AA00-0EA2 6SN1162-0BA04-0CA1
300 (11.81) 70/140 85/110/127 6SN1123-1AA01-0FA1 6SN1124-1AA01-0FA13) 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0
300 (11.81) 70/140 85/110/127 – –
300 (11.81) 100/100 120/150/1936) 6SN1123-1AA00-0JA14)5) 6SN1124-1AA00-0JA13) 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0
300 (11.81) 140/210 200/250/2576) 6SN1123-1AA00-0KA14)5) 6SN1124-1AA00-0KA13) 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0
Two-axis power modules
50 (1.97) 3/6 3/3/3 6SN1123-1AB00-0HA1 6SN1124-1AB00-0HA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0AA1
50 (1.97) 5/10 5/5/8 6SN1123-1AB00-0AA1 6SN1124-1AB00-0AA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0AA1
50 (1.97) 9/18 8/10/16 6SN1123-1AB00-0BA1 6SN1124-1AB00-0BA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0AA1
100 (3.94) 18/36 24/32/32 6SN1123-1AB00-0CA3 6SN1124-1AB00-0CA2 6SN1162-0BA04-0GA1

The data refer to the standard rated clock cycle frequencies of the inverters.

1) Without built-on or hose cooling components.

2) With hose cooling.
3) The mounting frames are not required if the cut-outs for the module heatsinks have been provided in the rear panel of the cabinet according
to the Configuration Manual. For the 300 mm (11.81 in) modules, the 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0 mounting frame is required, which must be ordered
4) Built-on fan is required. See supplementary system components.
5) Hose cooling possible. See supplementary system components.
6) Derating is required for 1FE1 motors at f < 0.5 Hz: see Configuration Manual 1FE1 Synchronous Built-in Motors.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/19

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Infeed modules UI and I/R

■ Overview ■ Application (continued)

Regulated infeed/regenerative feedback modules
I/R modules and HFD components
• Drive groups with high dynamic requirements
• Machines with frequent braking cycles and high levels of
braking energy
• Operation on line supplies from SKline supply/Prated ≥ 60 ... 100
(depending on the power rating and the operating mode)
Using the associated HFD commutating reactor, the regulated
infeed/regenerative feedback modules (I/R modules) regulate
the DC link voltage to the constant value assigned to the line
voltage (600/625/680 V). The damping resistor connected to the
HFD commutating reactor dampens possible system oscillations.
Energy is efficiently exchanged in the DC link, e.g. when drives
regeneratively brake. The I/R module feeds back excessive
energy into the line supply.
The HFD components required for the function of the I/R
modules must be separately ordered.
In order to fulfill the EMC EU Directive, line filters that are
specifically harmonized with the step-up controller function must
be used.

The infeed modules (UI - unregulated, I/R - infeed/regenerative

■ Function
feedback module, regulated) are connected to TN line supplies Infeed module functions
380 V1)/400 V/415 V 3 AC ± 10 %; 480 V + 6 %/- 10 %; • Rectification of the line voltage to generate the DC link voltage
50/60 Hz. The infeed modules generate the DC link voltage for
the drive group and the voltages for the electronics. The volt- • Integrated line contactor can be controlled via the input
ages for the electronics centrally supply the drive modules and terminal
the modules of the SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline • Automatic DC link precharging on connection to the line
– possibly included in the group – via the device bus. supply
The infeed modules have been developed for operation on • Buffering the electronics power supply from the DC link energy
TN line supplies. Line supplies other than TN or line supplies is possible to bring the coupled drive axes to a controlled stop
with residual-current protective devices2) require an isolating should the power fail if kinetic energy can be used.
transformer with a star connection on the secondary side and • Central monitoring of the line voltage, DC link voltage and
with the mid-point brought out, e.g. in vector group YN. An electronics voltages
autotransformer can be used to adapt the voltage for TN line
supplies with line voltages of 200/220/240/440/500/575 V 3 AC For the I/R modules coding switches can be used to select the
± 10 % 50/60 Hz. various operating modes, e.g.:
• Sinusoidal current is drawn from the line supply with λ ≥ 0.97
The HFD reactor with the damping resistor is required for the
(state when supplied)/squarewave current load
regulated I/R module and to step up and control the voltage.
• Regulated/unregulated operation
■ Application • Direct operation on 380 V1)/400 V/415 V 3 AC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz
TN line supplies, with regulated DC link voltage of 600 V DC or
Unregulated infeed modules, UI modules 625 V DC
• Drive groups with low dynamic requirements • Direct operation on 480 V 3 AC + 6 %/- 10 %; 50/60 Hz TN line
9 • Machines with a few braking cycles and low braking energy
• Operation on weak line supplies from SKline/Prated ≥ 30
supplies, unregulated DC link voltage of 600 V to 680 V DC
with regenerative feedback
HFD commutating reactors with damping resistor
SKline: Short-circuit rating of the line supply
• Stored energy feature to increase the voltage for I/R modules
Prated: Rated module power
• Attenuation of system harmonics
The unregulated infeed modules (UI modules) 5 kW and 10 kW
include the commutating reactor and a pulsed resistor that dissi-
pates the excess braking energy of the drives.
Commutating reactor and pulsed resistors must be separately
ordered for the 28 kW UI module.

1) Withderating
2) Exceptions with selective, universal current-sensitive residual-current
protective devices. See Configuration Manual SIMODRIVE 611 digital,
Drive Converters.

9/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Infeed modules UI and I/R

■ Technical specifications
Order No.
Internal cooling 6SN1145- – 1AA0.-0AA. 1AA0.-0CA. 1BA0.-0BA. 1BA0.-0CA. 1BA0.-0DA. 1BB0.-0EA. 1BB0.-0FA.
6SN1146- 1AB0.-0BA. – – – – – – –
External cooling 6SN1145- – 1AA0.-0AA. – – – – – –
6SN1146- 1AB0.-0BA. – 1AB0.-0CA. 1BB0.-0BA. 1BB0.-0CA. 1BB0.-0DA. 1BB0.-0EA. 1BB0.-0FA.
Hose cooling 6SN1145- – – – – – 1BB0.-0DA. 1BB0.-0EA. 1BB0.-0FA.
Product name UI infeed module I/R infeed/regenerative feedback module
Infeed type Unregulated1) Unregulated1) Unregulated Regulated Regulated Regulated Regulated2) Regulated2)
Rated power (S1) at kW 5 10 28 16 36 55 80 120
400 V AC
Continuous/peak kW 0.2/10 0.3/25 –5) – – – – –
power of integrated
pulsed resistor
Line supply voltage V 400 3 AC ± 10 %/415 3 AC ± 10 %/480 3 AC + 6 % – 10 %2)
(power) (with derating to 70 % 380 V – 10 %)
Line supply voltage V 380 3 AC – 10 % ... 480 3 AC + 6 %
DC link voltage V 490 ... 680, line-dependent 600/625 regulated/490 ... 680, line-dependent
Module width mm (in) 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 200 (7.87) 100 (3.94) 200 (7.87) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81)
Cooling type
• Internal cooling Natural Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Built-on fan3) Built-on
cooling fan fan fan fan fan fan3)
• External cooling Natural Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Built-on fan and additional mounting
cooling1) fan fan fan fan frame with fan box required3)
• Hose cooling – – – – – Kit for hose cooling with fan
Degree of efficiency η 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 6 (13.2) 10.5 (23.2) 14.5 (32.0) 11 (24.3) 14.5 (32.0) 21.5 (47.4) 24 (52.9) 27 (59.5)

■ Selection and ordering data

UI module I/R module Module width Infeed module for Infeed module for Mounting frame for Infeed module for
Unregulated Regulated internal cooling external cooling6) control cabinet hose cooling
with pulsed with installation7)
resistor regenera-
tive feed-
Rated power Rated For external cooling (hose connection kit
(S1) power (S1) required)
kW kW mm (inch) Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No.
5 – 50 (1.97) 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0JA0 –
109) – 100 (3.94) 6SN1145-1AA01-0AA2 6SN1145-1AA01-0AA2 6SN1162-0BA04-0HA1 –
289) – 200 (7.87) 6SN1145-1AA00-0CA0 6SN1146-1AB00-0CA0 6SN1162-0BA04-0DA1 –
– 16 100 (3.94) 6SN1145-1BA01-0BA2 6SN1146-1BB01-0BA2 6SN1162-0BA04-0BA1 –
– 36 200 (7.87) 6SN1145-1BA02-0CA2 6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2 6SN1162-0BA04-0DA1 –
– 55 300 (11.81) 6SN1145-1BA01-0DA1 6SN1146-1BB00-0DA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0 6SN1145-1BB00-0DA1
– 80 300 (11.81)8) 6SN1145-1BB00-0EA1 6SN1146-1BB00-0EA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0 6SN1145-1BB00-0EA1
– 120 300 (11.81)8) 6SN1145-1BB00-0FA1 6SN1146-1BB00-0FA1 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0 6SN1145-1BB00-0FA1

1) Housing suitable for drive groups with internal and external cooling.
2) 80/120 kW I/R modules require an external control voltage of 360 ... 457 V 2 AC at 50 Hz and 400 ... 510 V 2 AC at 60 Hz for the internal line
contactor. A matching transformer 4AM4096-0EM50-0AA0 is available for 50 Hz systems to allow adaptation to line voltages of 230 V/380 V ±10 %.
Another matching transformer 4AM4096-0EM70-0FA0 is available for 60 Hz systems to allow adaptation to 415 V (max. 2 contactors).
3) Must be ordered separately: Built-on fan 6SN1162-0BA02-0AA2 and for external cooling mounting frame with fan box 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0.
4) Without hose cooling kit.
5) External pulsed resistors can be connected.
6) For external cooling, the fan box is part of the mounting frame package for 300 mm (11.81 in) modules. The associated 6SN1162-0BA02-0AA2
built-on fan must be ordered separately.
7) The mounting frames are not required if the cut-outs for the module heatsinks have been provided in the rear panel of the cabinet according
to the Configuration Manual. For the 300 mm (11.81 in) modules, the 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0 mounting frame is required, which must be
ordered separately.
8) For internal cooling, the built-on fan 6SN1162-0BA02-0AA2 for this 300 mm module is required, which must be ordered separately.
9) If components or cables that are mounted above the devices are closer than 300 mm (11.81 in) then a thermally conductive plate is required.
Refer to pulsed resistors.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Infeed modules UI and I/R

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

The HFD components can be ordered only as a package (com-
bination of the components). HFD components are also offered
in combination with Wideband Line Filters in a package (combi-
nation of components).
For HFD packages with Wideband Line Filters, please refer to
Wideband Line Filters.

Designation Order No. Package contents

Commutating reactor1) 6SN1111-1AA00-0CA0 –
For 28 kW UI module
HFD package
Includes an HFD reactor and
damping resistor with 300 W2)
• For 16 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-0BV0 6SL3000-0DE21-6AA0 + 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0
• For 36 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-0CV0 6SL3000-0DE23-6AA0 + 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0
HFD package
Includes an HFD reactor and
damping resistor with 800 W
• For 16 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-0BV1 6SL3000-0DE21-6AA0 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 36 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-0CV1 6SL3000-0DE23-6AA0 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 55 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-0DV0 6SL3000-0DE25-5AA1 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 80 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-0EV0 6SL3000-0DE28-0AA1 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 120 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-0FV0 6SL3000-0DE31-2AA1 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0

Already integrated into the 5 kW and 10 kW UI modules.
2) Notice: Temperature measurement is necessary at installation site.

9/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line filters Line filters
General Line filters for UI modules

■ Overview ■ Overview
In plants which have been specifically designed to ensure EMC, The line filters for the UI modules dampen the frequencies in the
line filters work together with line reactors to restrict the con- range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz.
ducted interference emanating from the power modules to the
limit values of Class A1 and effectively protect the converter If the system is engineered in strict adherence to the
system against line-side disturbances as defined in EN 55011 Configuration Manual and the EMC Guidelines for SIMODRIVE,
and Category C2 as defined in EN 61800-3. Line filters are SINUMERIK, SIMOTION and SINAMICS S120, the limit values at
suited only for direct connection to TN systems as defined in the installation location can be achieved in compliance with the
EN 61000-2-4/IEC 61000-2-4. Optional line filter ranges that are EU EMC Directive. The prerequisite is that the customer takes
coordinated with the power range are available for the into account any existing specific EMC Directives at the installa-
SIMODRIVE 611 drive system: tion location and then makes a final check.
7 Line filters for the UI modules dampen frequencies in the
range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz. ■ Selection and ordering data
7 Wideband Line Filters function in the frequency range from Designation Order No.
2 kHz to 30 MHz. They therefore reduce low-frequency phase Line filters
effects on the system and reduce negative effects or damage
to other loads (e.g. electronic equipment) connected to the • For 5 kW UI module 6SN1111-0AA01-1BA1
same line supply. • For 10 kW UI module 6SN1111-0AA01-1AA1
7 Basic Line Filters for I/R modules are designed for use in • For 28 kW UI module 6SN1111-0AA01-1CA1
machines in which the conducted interference in the radio
frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz is to be reduced in
accordance with EMC regulations.
The line filters for the I/R modules may be used both in sinusoidal
current mode and block current mode.
Radio interference suppression is required corresponding to the
EMC standards (product standard IEC 61800-3, EN 61800-3,
VDE 0160 T 100). Within the EU, before a machine/plant can
be sold or marketed, the machine vendor (OEM) must issue a
CE EMC Declaration of Conformity.
The line filters and commutating reactors are required to achieve
this conformity. Together with the commutating reactor, the line
filters form a unit that is specifically harmonized to the step-up
controller technique of the I/R modules.
The use of other filters that are not part of the system can lead to
limit values being exceeded, resonance effects, overvoltages
and motor or device faults. Manufacturer certifications, such as
CE, UL etc., are not valid if components are used that are not
part of the system.

■ Technical specifications
Product name Line filters for UI modules
Assignment to UI module 5 kW 10 kW 28 kW
Rated current 16 A 25 A 65 A
Power loss 20 W 20 W 25 W
Line supply voltage 380 V 3 AC ± 10 % ... 480 V 3 AC ± 10 % TN line supply
Degree of protection to EN 60529 (IEC 60529)
50 Hz/60 Hz ± 10 %
Ambient temperature, perm.
• Transport -25 ... +70 °C (-13 ... +158 °F)
• Storage -25 ... +70 °C (-13 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 40 °C (32 ... 104 °F), up to 55 °C (131 °F) with derating
Interference suppression to EN 61800-3 Limit value class C2
(IEC 61800-3)/VDE 0100 part 100-3
Dimensions, approx.
• Width 156 mm (6.14 in) 156 mm (6.14 in) 171 mm (6.73 in)
• Height 193 mm (7.60 in) 281 mm (11.06 in) 261 mm (10.28 in)
• Depth 81 mm (3.19 in) 91 mm (3.58 in) 141 mm (5.55 in)
Weight, approx. 3.8 kg (8.38 lb) 5.7 kg (12.6 lb) 12.5 kg (27.6 lb)

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line filters
Wideband Line Filter with HFD components

■ Overview ■ Benefits
7 Simpler to comply with EMC limit values according to the
7 Provided the network short-circuit rating is adequate, low-
frequency harmonics fed back into the line supply lie within
the limits stipulated by the VDEW requirements.
7 Improved damping of resonant circuits, e.g. resonant circuits
of unknown impedances in the drive or line supply system
7 16 kW and 36 kW I/R modules can be used in conjunction with
selective, universal-current sensitive residual-current protec-
tive devices, type B with 300 mA rated fault current

■ Application
Wideband Line Filters for the I/R modules may be used both in
sinusoidal current mode with cable lenghts until a total of 350 m
(1 148 ft) and in block current mode with cable lenghts until a
total of 500 m (1 640 ft).
The special HFD reactors with damping resistor are required for
the function of the regulated I/R modules and to dampen possible
parasitic disturbing system oscillations.
Wideband Line Filters with HFD components can be ordered
only as a package.

The damping characteristics of Wideband Line Filters for

SIMODRIVE 611 line infeeds not only conform with the require-
ments of the EMC standards for the frequency range from
150 kHz to 30 MHz, but also include the range of low frequencies
from 2 kHz and above. This means that Wideband Line Filters
have a significantly extended function range when compared to
standard filters, e.g. Basic Line Filters. This therefore achieves a
certain level of independence regarding where the machines are
actually located, with mostly unknown line characteristics, e.g.
line impedance.
If the system is engineered in strict adherence to the Configuration
Manual and the EMC Guidelines for SIMODRIVE, SINUMERIK,
SIROTEC, SIMOTION and SINAMICS S120, the limit values at
the installation location can be achieved in compliance with the
EU EMC Directive. The prerequisite is that the customer takes
into account any existing specific EMC Directives at the installa-
tion location and then makes a final check.

■ Technical specifications
Product name Commutating HFD reactor
Assignment to UI I/R I/R I/R I/R I/R
infeed module 28 kW 16 kW 36 kW 55 kW 80 kW 120 kW
9 Rated current
Power loss
65 A
70 W
30 A
170 W
67 A
250 W
103 A
350 W
150 A
450 W
225 A
590 W
Line supply voltage 380/400 V 3 AC - 10 % ... 480 V + 6 %
Frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz ± 10 %
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP00
(IEC 60529)
Ambient temperature, perm.
• Transport -25 ... +80 °C (-13 ... +176 °F)
• Storage -25 ... +80 °C (-13 ... +176 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 40 °C (32 ... 104 °F), up to 55 °C (131 °F) with derating
Dimensions, approx.
• Width 100 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 170 mm 230 mm
(3.94 in) (5.91 in) (5.91 in) (5.91 in) (6.69 in) (9.06 in)
• Height 200 mm 125 mm 235 mm 290 mm 325 mm 360 mm
(7.87 in) (4.92 in) (9.25 in) (11.42 in) (12.80 in) (14.17 in)
• Length 190 mm 330 mm 330 mm 330 mm 379 mm 476 mm
(7.48 in) (12.99 in) (12.99 in) (12.99 in) (14.92 in) (18.74 in)
Weight, approx. 6 kg 8.5 kg 13 kg 18 kg 40 kg 50 kg
(13.2 lb) (18.7 lb) (28.7 lb) (39.7 lb) (88.2 lb) (110 lb)

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line filters
Wideband Line Filter with HFD components

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Product name Wideband Line Filter
Assignment to I/R module 16 kW 36 kW 55 kW 80 kW 120 k
Rated current 30 A 67 A 103 A 150 A 225 A
Power loss 70 W 90 W 110 W 150 W 200 W
Line supply voltage 380 V 3 AC ± 10 % ... 480 V 3 AC ± 10 % TN line supply
Frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz ± 10 %
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP20
(IEC 60529)
Ambient temperature, perm.
• Transport -25 ... +70 °C (-13 ... +158 °F)
• Storage -25 ... +70 °C (-13 ... +158 °F)
• Operation 0 ... 40 °C (32 ... 104 °F), up to 55 °C (131 °F) with derating
Interference suppression to Limit value class C2
EN 61800-3 (IEC 61800-3)/
VDE 0100 part 100-3
Dimensions, approx.
• Width 130 mm (5.12 in) 130 mm (5.12 in) 130 mm (5.12 in) 200 mm (7.87 in) 300 mm (11.81 in)
• Height 480 mm (18.90 in) 480 mm (18.90 in) 480 mm (18.90 in) 480 mm (18.90 in) 480 mm (18.90 in)
• Depth 150 mm (5.91 in) 245 mm (9.65 in) 260 mm (10.24 in) 260 mm (10.24 in) 260 mm (10.24 in)
Weight, approx. 9 kg (19.8 lb) 16 kg (35.3 lb) 19 kg (41.9 lb) 22 kg (48.5 lb) 32 kg (70.6 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Package contents
Wideband Line Filter incl.
HFD package
Includes a Wideband Line Filter,
HFD reactor and damping
resistor with 300 W1)
• For 16 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-1BV0 6SL3000-0BE21-6AA0 + 6SL3000-0DE21-6AA0 + 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0
• For 36 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-1CV0 6SL3000-0BE23-6AA0 + 6SL3000-0DE23-6AA0 + 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0
Wideband Line Filter incl.
HFD package
Includes a Wideband Line Filter,
HFD reactor and damping
resistor with 800 W
• For 16 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-1BV1 6SL3000-0BE21-6AA0 + 6SL3000-0DE21-6AA0 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 36 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-1CV1 6SL3000-0BE23-6AA0 + 6SL3000-0DE23-6AA0 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 55 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-1DV0 6SL3000-0BE25-5AA0 + 6SL3000-0DE25-5AA1 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 80 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-1EV0 6SL3000-0BE28-0AA0 + 6SL3000-0DE28-0AA1 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0
• For 120 kW I/R modules 6SN1111-0AA00-1FV0 6SL3000-0BE31-2AA1 + 6SL3000-0DE31-2AA1 + 6SL3100-1BE21-3AA0

1) Notice: Temperature measurement at installation site required.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/25

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line filters
Wideband Line Filter with HFD components

■ Accessories
Adapter set

Adapter set with Wideband Line Filter and HFD reactor

Adapter sets are available for the 16 kW and 36 kW I/R modules
to achieve an extremely compact unit. This means that Wide-
band Line Filters and HFD reactors can be mounted on top of
one another in the control cabinet to minimize the amount of
space required.
Designation Order No.
Adapter set for Wideband Line
Filters and HFD reactors
• For 16 kW I/R modules 6SL3060-1FE21-6AA0
• For 36 kW I/R modules 6SN1162-0GA00-0CA0

9/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line filters
Basic Line Filter

■ Overview
Basic Line Filters are designed for use on machines on which
conducted interference emissions in the frequency range be-
tween 150 kHz and 30 MHz need to be damped in accordance
with the requirements of CE EMC legislation.
The use of Basic Line Filters is subject to the following general
• The machine/system must only be used in industrial power
• No. of axes <12
• Total cable length <150 m (492 ft)
• The machine manufacturer (OEM ) must have the CE
conformity of the machine/system confirmed by an accredited
EMC test laboratory e.g. by EPCOS;

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6SL3000-0BE21-6DA0 6SL3000-0BE23-6DA0 6SL3000-0BE25-5DA0
Product name Basic Line Filter
Assignment to I/R module 16 kW 36 kW 55 kW
Rated current 36 A 65 A 105 A
Power loss 6W 10 W 0.015 W
Degree of protection to EN 60592 (IEC 60592) IP20 IP20 IP20
Interference suppression to EN 61800-3 Limit value class C2
(IEC 61800-3)/VDE 0100 part 100-3
• Width 50 mm (1.97 in) 75 mm (2.95 in) 100 mm (3.94 in)
• Height 420 mm (16.54 in) 420 mm (16.54 in) 420 mm (16.54 in)
• Depth 226 mm (10.24 in) 226 mm (10.24 in) 226 mm (10.24 in)
Weight, approx. 5 kg (11 lb) 6.5 kg (14.3 lb) 11.5 kg (25.4 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Basic Line Filter
• For 16 kW I/R module 6SL3000-0BE21-6DA0
• For 36 kW I/R module
• For 55 kW I/R module

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/27

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Monitoring module Overvoltage limiter module

■ Overview ■ Overview

The monitoring module is used to expand the electronics power The overvoltage limiter module limits transient overvoltages that
supply if in a group a higher number of drive modules require a occur as the result of, for example, switching operations on in-
higher electronics power supply rating. The monitoring module ductive loads in the line supply to acceptable values. For 10 kW
includes central monitoring functions for a separate drive group. infeed modules and higher, this overvoltage limiter module is
The monitoring module power supply can be taken from a 380 V plugged into the X181 interface.
to 480 V 3 AC line supply as well as from the DC link voltage – or
from both e.g. for the ESR function (emergency retraction). The overvoltage limiter module should be used for upstream
transformers and for weak line supplies or those that are not in
Separate drive groups in several cabinet panels or tiers can be conformance with IEC (i.e. are relatively unstable).
formed together with several monitoring modules.
The overvoltage limiter module must be used in order to ensure
The blanking cover is required for external cooling if there is a that the SIMODRIVE 611 system is in conformance with UL.
continuous cut-out for the modules in order to close this and
mount the module onto it. An appropriate protective circuit is integrated as standard in the
5 kW UI module.
■ Technical specifications ■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6SN1112-1AC01-0AA1
Order No. 6SN1111-0AB00-0AA0
Product name Monitoring module
Product name Overvoltage limiter module
Rated supply voltage 360 V 3 AC - 10 % ... 480 V 3 AC
+6% Dimensions
Power loss 70 W • Width 70 mm (2.76 in)
Cooling type Natural cooling • Height 76 mm (2.79 in)
Module width 50 mm (1.97 in) • Depth 32.5 mm (1.28 in)
Weight, approx. 0.3 kg (0.7 lb)
Weight, approx. 5 kg (11 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.

Monitoring module for 6SN1112-1AC01-0AA1 Overvoltage limiter module 6SN1111-0AB00-0AA0

SIMODRIVE 611 For infeed modules 10 kW and
Complete with all connection and higher for SIMODRIVE 611
coupling elements for internal
and external cooling
Blanking cover 6SN1162-0BA04-0JA0
For external cooling if there is a
Width: 50 mm (1.97 in)

9/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Pulsed resistor module

■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6SN1113-1AB01-0BA1
Product name Pulsed resistor module
Rated supply voltage 435/490/600/625/680 V DC
Continuous power/peak power,
• With internal pulsed resistor 0.3/25 kW
• With external pulsed resistor 1.5/25 kW
Module width 50 mm (1.97 in)
Weight, approx. 5 kg (11 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Pulsed resistor module for 6SN1113-1AB01-0BA1
Complete with all connection and
coupling elements
Blanking cover 6SN1162-0BA04-0JA0
For external cooling
if there is a cut-out
Width: 50 mm (1.97 in)
Thermally conductive plate 6SN1162-0BA01-0AA0
Width: 100 mm (3.94 in)
The pulsed resistor module is used to dissipate excess energy
in the DC link, e.g. for UI or I/R modules as is the case with
braking and regenerative operation. Also when the power fails,
using the pulsed resistor module, the drive group can be

■ Benefits
Protects devices from overvoltages in the DC link.

■ Function
The braking power of the complete system can be increased by
using the external pulsed resistor Plus and using several pulsed
resistor modules connected in parallel.
When using the internal resistor, a thermally conductive plate is
required if a clearance of minimum 300 mm (11.81 in) cannot be
maintained above the module.
The blanking cover is required for external cooling if there is a
continuous cut-out for the modules in order to close this and
mount the module onto it.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/29

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
External pulsed resistors

■ Overview ■ Application
Unregulated 28 kW infeed module
External pulsed resistors are always required for the 28 kW UI
module if it can be assumed that regenerative feedback occurs.
Depending on the power requirement, a maximum of two identi-
cal pulsed resistors can be connected. The protective function
is parameterized via the terminals.
Pulsed resistors as damping resistors with
HFD commutating reactor
Together with the HFD commutating reactor, the external pulsed
resistors can be alternatively used for damping. See Configura-
tion Manual SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Drive Converters.

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
External pulsed resistor 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0
For 28 kW UI module
Damping resistor
0.3/25 kW
incl. 3 m (9.84 ft) connecting cable
External pulsed resistor plus 6SL3100-1BE22-5AA0
The external pulsed resistors must be selected so that they or
match the required regenerative feedback power. Damping resistor
Braking is possible – even when the power fails – using the 1.5/25 kW
pulsed resistors and the corresponding modules. incl. 5 m (16.4 ft) connecting cable

By mounting the resistors outside the electrical cabinet, the

power loss that occurs can be shifted out of the control cabinet.
The pulsed resistors can be used for the pulsed resistor module,
the unregulated 28 kW infeed module and as damping resistor.

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0 6SL3100-1BE22-5AA0
Product name External pulsed resistor 0.3/25 kW (15 Ω) External pulsed resistor Plus 1.5/25 kW1) (15 Ω)
Cooling type Natural cooling Natural cooling
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP54 IP20
(IEC 60529)
Damping 0 ... 230 kHz ≤ 3 dB
• Width 80 mm (3.15 in) 193 mm (7.60 in)
• Height 210 mm (8.27 in) 410 mm (16.14 in)

• Depth 53 mm (2.09 in) 240 mm (9.45 in)
Weight, approx. 3.4 kg (7.50 lb) 5.6 kg (12.3 lb)

1) In the SIMODRIVE 611 converter system.

9/30 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Capacitor modules

■ Overview ■ Design
• Central modules are suitable for internal and external cooling.
An indicator signals that the module is ready to operate above
a charging voltage of approx. 300 V.
• Distributed modules can be installed anywhere.

■ Application
Modules with 2.8 mF and 4.1 mF for dynamic energy storage
These modules are directly connected to the DC link for dynamic
processes without precharging circuits. The charging limits of
the line modules must be observed here; they determine the
maximum number of modules that can be connected.
Modules with 20 mF for bridging power failures
To relieve the centralized precharging function, these modules
are charged over an internal precharging resistor and therefore
do not have to be included in the calculation of the charging
limits. When the DC link voltage drops due to a power failure, a
diode couples this capacitor battery to the system DC link so
that it can be buffered by the capacitors. Dynamic energy
loading is not possible in this case, due to the precharging
20 mF capacitor modules, max. permissible number
5 kW UI module 1
Centralized/distributed capacitor module 4.1 mF
10 kW UI module and 3
The capacitor modules are used to increase the DC link 16 kW I/R module
capacitance. Dynamically occurring energy can be stored or a 28 kW UI module and 5
temporary power failure bridged. 36 kW to 120 kW I/R module

■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6SN1112-1AB00-1AA0 6SN1112-1AB00-1BA0 6SN1112-1AB00-0BA0 6SN1112-1AB00-0CA0
Product name Capacitor modules
Distributed Centralized
Capacitance of capacitor bank 2.8 mF 4.1 mF 4.1 mF 20 mF
Rated voltage VDC 350 ... 750 V
Temperature range 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
• Width 100 mm (3.94 in) 100 mm (3.94 in) 300 mm (11.81 in)
• Height 334 mm (13.15 in) 480 mm (18.90 in) 480 mm (18.90 in)
• Depth 231 mm (9.09 in) 211 mm (8.31 in) 211 mm (8.31 in)
Weight, approx. 5.3 kg (11.7 lb) 5.8 kg (12.8 lb) 7.5 kg (16.5 lb) 21.5 kg (47.4 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Distributed capacitor modules
Complete with all connection and
coupling elements
• 2.8 mF 6SN1112-1AB00-1AA0
• 4.1 mF 6SN1112-1AB00-1BA0
Central capacitor modules
Complete with all connection and
coupling elements
• 4.1 mF 6SN1112-1AB00-0BA0
• 20 mF 6SN1112-1AB00-0CA0

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 9/31

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Supplementary system components

■ Overview
Signal amplifier electronics Filter module

The signal amplifier electronics is used for encoders with current The filter module is required for suppressing interference on the
signals to convert these current signals into voltage signals for external 24 V power supply for SSI absolute encoders. The filter
1 Vpp. module must be fixed to the power module of the associated
control module. No other type of filter may be used.
■ Technical specifications Reinforced DC link busbars
Order No. 6SN1115-0AA12-0AA0 Power modules that are 50 mm (1.97 in), 100 mm (3.94 in) and
Product name Signal amplifier electronics 150 mm (5.91 in) wide are equipped as standard with DC link
busbars for a transmission power of < 55 kW. For a more gener-
Signal shape Sine/cosine ous module arrangement for which > 55 kW is to be transmitted
Input signal 7 ... 16 µApp over these power modules, reinforced DC link busbars with a
Output signal 1 Vpp higher current-carrying capacity are available. The DC link bus-
bars under the DC link cover in the module should be replaced,
Signal frequency, max. 300 kHz the connecting lugs between the power modules remain. See
Operating voltage 8 V DC Configuration Manual SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Drive Converters.
on remote sense, max.
Universal empty housing
Operating current, max. 200 mA
An empty power unit housing, 50 mm (1.97 in) wide, is available
Encoder voltage supply 5 V DC ± 5 % for accommodating control units without a power function, e.g.
Encoder current supply, max. 120 mA the HLA/ANA control unit.
Dimensions Adhesive warning label

• Width 121 mm (4.76 in) Warning labels to cover the standard German/English labels,
• Height 54 mm (2.13 in) e.g. on the infeed module. The following languages are available:
French/English, Spanish/English, Italian/English, Swedish/
• Depth 57 mm (2.24 in)
English, Finnish/English, Danish/English, Dutch/English,
Portuguese/English, Greek/English, Chinese/English,
Coding elements for plug-in terminals (5 mm/0.20 in grid) Korean/English, Japanese/English, Czech/English, Russian/
The plug-in terminals on the front panel of the modules can be English, Polish/English, Turkish/English
protected against wrong connections through individual coding
using freely pluggable male coding elements on the pin side,
and corresponding female coding elements on the plug side

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Supplementary system components

■ Overview (continued)
Connecting cable for a 2-tier configuration Hose cooling packages
The modules of the SIMODRIVE 611 converter system can be
arranged in two tiers, one above the other, or in adjacent cabinet
panels when space is limited.
For restrictions and boundary conditions, see Configuration
Manual SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Drive Converters.
For 2-tier configurations, one connecting cable each for the de-
vice bus and, where applicable, for the drive bus is required.
Built-on fan
The built-on fan is required for the following modules:
6SN1123-1AA0.-0JA ./-0KA .
6SN1124-1AA0.-0FA ./-0JA ./-0KA .
6SN1145-1BB0-0EA ./-0FA .

Built-on fan with IP44 degree of protection for power modules for internal
and external cooling.

For power modules with hose cooling, two packages (1 and 2)

are available with fan, hose, flanges and filter mat.
Package 2 may only be used for the 2-tier configuration compris-
ing a combination of I/R module 6SN1145-1BB00-0DA. with the
power unit 6SN1123-1FA01-0FA..

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Supplementary system components

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
Drive bus cable for Signal amplifier electronics 6SN1115-0AA12-0AA0
SIMODRIVE 611 digital In IP65 housing
(50 mm (1.97 in) must be added
to the length of the selected drive Coding spring 6FC9348-7BA
bus cable in order to bypass For plug side (socket)
monitoring or pulsed resistor Quantity: 100 units
Coding slider 6FC9348-7BB
• Flat ribbon cable for module For pin side
width: Quantity: 100 units
- 50 mm (1.97 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0AA0 Filter module 6SN1161-1DA00-0AA0
- 100 mm (3.94 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0BA0 For SSI absolute encoder with
24 V DC power supply
- 150 mm (5.91 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0CA0
- 200 mm (7.87 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0FA0 Reinforced DC link busbars 6SN1161-1AA02-6AA0
10 busbars for 50/100/150 mm
- 300 mm (11.81 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0DA0 (1.97/3.94/5.91 in) module
• Round cable for module width: Universal empty housing 6SN1162-1AA00-0AA0
(this is required for 6 axes or
more) Width: 50 mm (1.97 in)

- 50 mm (1.97 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0AA1 Adhesive warning label for 6SN1162-8YY00-0AA0

- 100 mm (3.94 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0BA1
Quantity: 50 units
- 150 mm (5.91 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0CA1
Built-on fan 6SN1162-0BA02-0AA2
- 350 mm (13.78 in) 6SN1161-1CA00-0EA1 Radial fan with IP44 degree of
Drive bus cable for protection for internal and
SIMODRIVE 611 digital external cooling
Supply voltage:
For 2-tier configuration 360 ... 510 V 3 AC/45 ... 65 Hz
Shield contact clips on both Supply current: 0.2 ... 0.3 A
sides, without terminating plug
Hose cooling packages1)
• Length: 2 m (6.56 ft) 6FX2002-1CC00-1AC0
• Package 1 for single module 6SN1162-0BA03-0AA1
• Length: 5 m (16.41 ft) 6FX2002-1CC00-1AF0 comprising:
Terminator 6FX2003-0DA00 2 x module connection flange
Hose 2 000 mm (6.56 ft)
For drive bus 1 x cabinet connection flange
Device bus cable 6SN1161-1AA00-0AA1 1 x radial fan with cabinet
connection flange
For 2-tier configuration Supply voltage:
Length: 1.5 m (4.92 ft) 360 ... 457 V 3 AC/
Device bus cable 6SN1161-1AA00-0BA0 47.5 ... 62.5 Hz
Supply current: 1 ... 1.2 A
Length: 400 mm (15.75 in)
• Package 2 for 2-tier 6SN1162-0BA03-0CA1
Adapter terminals to
configuration of
connect the DC link
55 kW I/R and 85 A power unit
Package with 2 double terminals comprising:
4 x module connection flange
• 50 mm2 for module widths 6SN1161-1AA01-0BA0
2 000 mm (6.56 ft) hose
50 ... 200 mm (1.97 to 7.87 in)
1 x cabinet connection flange
• 95 mm2 for module width 6SN1161-1AA01-0AA0 1 x radial fan as for Package 1
9 300 mm (11.81 in)

1) Spare
filter mats for filter type AFF0, see:

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Supplementary system components

■ Overview
Adapter terminals Shield connection

Adapter terminals for P600/M600 are available for connecting The shield connection is used for contacting the signal cables of
the DC link in two-tier configuration. Wiring has to be resistant to the closed-loop control to the module housing’s frame potential
short circuits and ground faults and with equipotential bonding, in accordance with the EMC Directive. The shield connection is
cf. Configuration Manual. available for 2 or 4 cables.
Shield connection plates

In order to meet the requirements of the IEC and EU Directives

on EMC, line filters are to be used, and the motor cables and
cables between the line filters, commutating reactors, and
infeed module should be screened.
Shield connection plates matched to the modules are available
for contacting the shields of screened motor supply cables. The
shield connection plates are provided with prepared mounting
points for brake connection terminals.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Supplementary system components

■ Selection and ordering data ■ More information

Designation Order No. For further information, please refer to the Configuration Manual
Shield connection plate 6SN1162-0EB00-0AA0 SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Drive Converters and the EMC Guide-
For 5 kW UI module,
monitoring module and pulsed
resistor module For suitable cables, see Connection system MOTION-CONNECT.
Shield connection plate 6SN1162-0EB00-0BA0
For 10 kW UI module
Shield connection plate
For 28 kW UI module, I/R modules
and power modules with:
• Internal cooling
- Module width 50 mm (1.97 in) 6SN1162-0EA00-0AA0
- Module width 100 mm (3.94 in) 6SN1162-0EA00-0BA0
- Module width 150 mm (5.91 in) 6SN1162-0EA00-0CA0
- Module width 200 mm (7.87 in) 6SN1162-0EA00-0JA0
- Module width 300 mm 6SN1162-0EA00-0DA0
(11.81 in)
• External cooling
- Module width 50 mm (1.97 in) 6SN1162-0EB00-0AA0
- Module width 100 mm (3.94 in) 6SN1162-0EB00-0BA0
- Module width 150 mm (5.91 in) 6SN1162-0EB00-0CA0
- Module width 200 mm (7.87 in) 6SN1162-0EB00-0JA0
- Module width 300 mm 6SN1162-0EB00-0DA0
(11.81 in)
Shield connection plate 6SN1162-0EA00-0KA0
For modules with hose cooling
or internal cooling with
built-on fan
Module width 300 mm (11.81 in)
Shield connection 2x 6SN1162-0FA00-0AA1
For signal cables of controls
10 units with screws
Shield connection 4x 6SN1162-0FA00-0AA2
For signal cables of controls
5 units with screws

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line interfaces for voltage matching

■ Overview
The SIMODRIVE 611 drive converter system is dimensioned to This means that within the pulsed transistor converter, the volt-
be directly operated on TN line supplies with rated voltages of age stressing on the insulating clearances between the power
380 V 3 AC (with derating), 400 V 3 AC, 415 V 3 AC and 480 V circuits at the line supply potential and the open and closed-loop
3 AC. Matching transformers that are tailored to the system are control circuits referred to the protective conductor potential,
available to adapt the system to other line supply types, e.g. according to a rated voltage of 300 V, complies with EN 50178.
when connecting to IT or TT line supplies. The wide range
covers the line voltages that are predominantly used in industrial Upstream devices providing protection against hazardous
regions worldwide. leakage currents or for fire protection (e.g. residual-current
protective devices) must be universal current-sensitive in accor-
TN line supplies are characterized by the fact that they have a dance with the requirements of EN 50178. When using other
low-resistance electrical connection between the reference residual-current protective devices, a transformer with separate
ground potential of the current source and the protective windings must be connected upstream of the converter for
conductor potential of the electrical equipment. If not directly purposes of decoupling.
available, these connection conditions must be fulfilled using a
transformer with separate windings, whose neutral point on the If only a voltage level adaptation is required on TN line supplies,
secondary side is grounded at the protective conductor poten- then a transformer in economy circuit can be used.
tial and is connected to the protective conductor of the drive
converter (separate TN network).

■ Technical specifications
Product name Matching transformers with separate windings for 50/60 Hz networks
Rated power kVA 8.2 15.7 47 21 70 104 155
Assignment kW 5 (UI) 10 (UI) 28 (UI)/ 16 (I/R) 55 (I/R) 80 (I/R) 120 (I/R)
to infeed module 36 (I/R)
Output voltage V 400 3 AC
Frequency Hz 50 ... 60
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP00/IP20/IP23
(IEC 60529)
Ambient temperature, perm.
• Operation °C (°F) -25 ... +40 (-13 ... +104), up to +55 (+131) with derating
• Storage/transport °C (°F) -25 ... +80 (-13 ... +176)
Power loss, max. W 540 710 1 200 670 2 020 2 650 3 060
Dimensions, approx. (L x W x H)
• Degree of protection IP00 mm (in) 360 x 268 420 x 262 480 x 267 480 x 209 630 x 330 780 x 350 780 x 391
x 320 x 370 x 420 x 420 x 585 x 665 x 665
(14.17 x (16.54 x (18.90 x (18.90 x (24.80 x (30.71 x (30.71 x
10.55 x 10.31 x 10.51 x 8.23 x 12.99 x 13.78 x 15.39 x
12.60) 14.57) 16.54) 16.54) 23.03) 26.18) 26.18)
• Degree of protection IP20/IP232) For dimensions of the housing, please refer to Configuration Manual SIMODRIVE 611
digital, Drive Converters.
Weight, approx.
• Degree of protection IP00 kg (lb) 55 (121) 82 (181) 200 (441) 120 (265) 300 (662) 425 (937) 600 (1 323)
• Degree of protection IP20/IP23 kg (lb) 65 (143) 95 (209) 220 (485) 131 (289) 364 (803) 536 (1 182) 688 (1 517)
Conductor cross-section on mm2 6 16 35 16 70 FL1) FL3)
secondary side, max.
Input voltage 575/500/480 V 3 AC ± 10 %; 50 ... 60 Hz
Rated input current, max. A 10.4 20 58 26 87 127 189
Conductor cross-section on
primary side, max.

Input voltage 440/415/400 V 3 AC ± 10 %; 50 ... 60 Hz

6 16 35 16 50 70 FL1)
Rated input current, max. A 12.6 23.5 69.5 31 104 154 228
Conductor cross-section on mm2 6 16 35 16 70 70 FL3)
primary side, max.
Input voltage 240/220/200 V 3 AC ± 10 %; 50 ... 60 Hz
Rated input current, max. A 25.5 47 138.5 62 210 309 450
Conductor cross-section on mm2 6 16 70 35 FL1) FL3) FL4)
primary side, max.

1) FL = flat-type terminal for ring terminal end, CU 20 x 3; drilled hole Ø 9 mm (0.35 in).
2) Degree of protection IP20 for 21 kVA and above; with degree of protection IP23, 10 % derating must be taken into account.
3) FL = flat-type terminal for ring terminal end, CU 25 x 5; drilled hole Ø 11 mm (0.43 in).
4) FL = flat-type terminal for ring terminal end, CU 30 x 6; drilled hole Ø 11 mm (0.43 in).

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line interfaces for voltage matching

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Product name Matching transformers in economy circuit for 50/60 Hz (for TN networks only)
Rated power
• Autotransformer IP00/IP20 kVA 21 46.5 70.3 104 155
• Autotransformer IP23 kVA 18.9 42 63.3 93.6 140
Assignment to infeed module kW 16 (I/R) 36 (I/R) 55 (I/R) 80 (I/R) 120 (I/R)
Output voltage V 400 3 AC
Frequency Hz 50 ... 60
Vector group YNa0
Degree of protection to EN 60529 IP00/IP20/IP23
(IEC 60529)
Ambient temperature, perm.
• Operation °C (°F) -25 ... +40 (-13 ... +104), up to +55 (+131) with derating
• Storage/transport °C (°F) -25 ... +80 (-13 ... +176)
Input voltage 480/440 V 3 AC ± 10 %
Power loss
• Autotransformer IP00/IP20 W 1602) 4302) 5502) 7002) 700
• Autotransformer IP23 W 135 370 460 590 600
Conductor cross-section on mm2 16 35 70 FL1) FL1)
primary/secondary side, max.
Dimensions (L x W x H)
• Autotransformer IP00/IP20 mm (in) 270 x 204 x 250 370 x 260 x 330 370 x 260 x 340 420 x 260 x 370 480 x 220 x 420
(10.63 x 8.03 x (14.57 x 10.24 x (14.57 x 10.24 x (16.54 x 10.24 x (18.90 x 8.66 x
9.84) 12.99) 13.39) 14.57) 16.54)
• Autotransformer IP23 mm (in) 351 x 330 x 395 460 x 465 x 555 460 x 465 x 555 460 x 465 x 555 565 x 460 x 520
(13.82 x (18.11 x 18.31 x (18.11 x 18.31 x (18.11 x 18.31 x (22.24 x 18.11 x
12.99 15.55) 21.85) 21.85) 21.85) 20.47)
Weight, approx.
• Autotransformer IP00/IP20 kg (lb) 29 (63.9) 52 (115) 66 (146) 95 (209) 135 (298)
• Autotransformer IP23 kg (lb) 40 (88.2) 70 (154) 85 (187) 115 (254) 155 (342)
Input voltage 220 V 3 AC ± 10 %
Power loss
• Autotransformer IP00/IP20 W 5502) 900 980 1 350 1 650
• Autotransformer IP23 W 460 760 830 1 150 1 400
Conductor cross-section on mm2 16/16 70/50 95/70 FL1) FL1)
primary/secondary side, max.
Dimensions (L x W x H)
• Autotransformer IP00/IP20 mm (in) 360 x 268 x 320 480 x 230 x 430 480 x 300 x 430 530 x 290 x 520 590 x 320 x 585
(14.17 x 10.55 x (18.90 x 9.06 x (18.90 x 11.81 x (20.87 x 11.42 x (23.23 x 12.60 x
12.60) 16.93) 16.93) 20.47) 23.03)
• Autotransformer IP23 mm (in) 460 x 465 x 555 565 x 290 x 520 565 x 460 x 520 900 x 600 x 720 900 x 600 x 720
(18.11 x 18.31 x 22.24 x 11.42 x (22.24 x 18.11 x (35.43 x 23.62 x (35.43 x 23.62 x
21.85) 20.47) 20.47) 28.35) 28.35)
Weight, approx.
• Autotransformer IP00/IP20 kg (lb) 57 (126) 110 (243) 160 (353) 215 (474) 310 (684)
• Autotransformer IP23 kg (lb) 75 (165) 130 (287) 175 (386) 275 (606) 370 (816)

1) FL = flat-type terminal, drilled hole Ø 9 mm (0.35 in).

2) Not IP20.

9/38 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Line interfaces for voltage matching

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
Matching transformers with • Input voltage
separate windings 220 V 3 AC ± 10 %
for 50/60 Hz networks Degree of protection IP00
• Input voltage
- 21 kVA 4AU3696-0ER30-2XA0
575/500/480 V 3 AC ± 10 %
- 8.2 kVA1) 4AU3695-0SB07-0CN2 - 46.5 kVA 4BU4395-0CB60-8B
- 70.3 kVA 4BU4595-0BD00-8B
- 15.7 kVA1) 4AU3995-0SA37-0CN2
- 104 kVA 4BU5295-0AE40-8B
- 21 kVA 4BU4395-0SA77-0C
- 155 kVA 4BU5495-1AA10-8B
- 47 kVA 4BU4795-0SC37-0C
- 70 kVA 4BU5595-0SA47-0C Degree of protection IP20
- 46.5 kVA 4BU4395-0CB68-8B
- 104 kVA 4BU5895-0SA67-0C
- 70.3 kVA 4BU4595-0BD08-8B
- 155 kVA 4BU6095-0SA67-0C
• Input voltage - 104 kVA 4BU5295-0AE48-8B
440/415/400 V 3 AC ± 10 % - 155 kVA 4BU5495-1AA18-8B
- 8.2 kVA1) 4AU3695-0SB17-0CN2 Degree of protection IP23
- 15.7 kVA1) 4AU3995-0SA47-0CN2 - 18.9 kVA 4AU3696-0ER30-2XC0
- 21 kVA 4BU4395-0SA87-0C - 42 kVA 4BU4395-0CB62-8B
- 47 kVA 4BU4795-0SC47-0C - 63.3 kVA 4BU4595-0BD02-8B
- 70 kVA 4BU5595-0SA57-0C - 93.6 kVA 4BU5295-0AE42-8B
- 104 kVA 4BU5895-0SA77-0C - 140 kVA 4BU5495-1AA12-8B
- 155 kVA 4BU6095-0SA77-0C
• Input voltage
240/220/200 V 3 AC ± 10 %
- 8.2 kVA1) 4AU3695-0SB27-0CN2
- 15.7 kVA1) 4AU3995-0SA57-0CN2
- 21 kVA 4BU4395-0SB07-0C
- 47 kVA 4BU4795-0SC57-0C
- 70 kVA 4BU5595-0SA67-0C
- 104 kVA 4BU5895-0SA87-0C
- 155 kVA 4BU6095-0SA87-0C
• Degree of protection:
- IP00 0
- IP20 8
- IP232) 2
Matching transformers with
economy circuit
for 50/60 Hz networks

• Input voltage
480/440 V 3 AC ± 10 %
Degree of protection IP00
- 21 kVA 4AP2796-0EL40-2XA0
- 46.5 kVA 4AU3696-0ER20-2XA0
- 70.3 kVA 4AU3696-2NA00-2XA0
- 104 kVA 4AU3996-0EQ80-2XA0
- 155 kVA 4BU4395-0CB50-8B
Degree of protection IP20
- 155 kVA 4BU4395-0CB58-8B
Degree of protection IP23
- 18.9 kVA 4AP2796-0EL40-2XC0
- 42 kVA 4AU3696-0ER20-2XC0
- 63.6 kVA 4AU3696-2NA00-2XC0
- 93.6 kVA 4AU3996-0EQ80-2XC0
- 140 kVA 4BU4395-0CB52-8B
Not IP20 degree of protection.
2) 10 % power derating required.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Converter system
Engineering software
Drive ES engineering software

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Communication Configuration/Commissioning
Drive ES Basic V5.4
Drive ES Drive ES Configuring software for the
SIMATIC Basic integration of drives into Totally
Integrated Automation on
STEP 7 V5.3 and higher, SP 3
English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish with electronic documen-
• Single license 6SW1700-5JA00-4AA0

• Single license without 6SW1700-5JA00-4AA1

Drive ES is the engineering system used to integrate Siemens data carrier
drive technology into the SIMATIC automation world easily, 60 units
efficiently and cost-effectively in terms of communication, • Update service for 6SW1700-0JA00-0AB2
configuration and data management. The STEP 7 Manager single license
user interface provides the ideal basis for this.
• Update service for 6SW1700-0JA00-1AB2
Various software packages are available for SINAMICS: single license without
data carrier
Drive ES Basic
• Upgrade from V5.x to V5.4 6SW1700-5JA00-4AA4
For first-time users of the world of Totally Integrated Automation Drive ES SIMATIC V5.4
and the option for routing beyond network limits and the use of
the SIMATIC TeleService. Function block library for SIMATIC
for the parameterization of com-
Drive ES Basic is the basic software program for setting the munication with the drives
parameters of all drives online and offline. on CD-ROM
Drive ES Basic enables both the automation system and drives
to be handled via the SIMATIC Manager user interface. STEP 7 V5.3 and higher, SP 3
Drive ES Basic is the starting point for common data archiving
for complete projects and for extending the use of the SIMATIC Languages:
English, French, German, Italian,
TeleService to drives. Drive ES Basic provides the configuration Spanish with electronic documen-
tools for the new Motion Control functions – slave-to-slave tation
communication, equidistance and isochronous operation with
PROFIBUS DP. • Single license 6SW1700-5JC00-4AA0
incl. 1 x Runtime license
Drive ES SIMATIC • Runtime license 6SW1700-5JC00-1AC0
Easy parameter assignment of the STEP 7 communications • Update service for 6SW1700-0JC00-0AB2
program instead of programming. single license
Drive ES SIMATIC requires that STEP 7 is installed. It features a • Upgrade from V5.x to V5.4 6SW1700-5JC00-4AA4
SIMATIC function block library, thereby making the program-
ming of the PROFIBUS interface in the SIMATIC CPU for the Drive ES PCS 7 V6.1
drives easy and secure. Function block library for PCS 7
There is no need for separate, time-consuming programming of for the integration of drives
the data exchange between the SIMATIC CPU and the drive. on CD-ROM
All Drive ES users need to remember is: Copy – Modify – Load – Precondition:
Ready. PCS 7, V6.1 and higher
Customized, fully-developed function blocks are copied from Languages:

9 the library into user-specific projects.

Frequently-used functions are set to run in program format:
English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish with electronic documen-
• Read out complete diagnostics buffer automatically from the
drive. • Single license 6SW1700-6JD00-1AA0
incl. 1 x Runtime license
• Download complete parameter set automatically from the
SIMATIC CPU into the drive, e.g. when a device has to be • Runtime license 6SW1700-5JD00-1AC0
replaced. • Update service for 6SW1700-0JD00-0AB2
• Load part parameter sets (e.g. for recipe and product change) single license
automatically from the SIMATIC CPU into the drive. • Upgrade from V5.x to V6.1 6SW1700-6JD00-1AA4
• Upload, i.e. update complete parameter assignment or part
parameter sets from the drive into the SIMATIC CPU.
■ More Information
Drive ES PCS 7
Additional information is available in the Internet under:
Drive ES PCS 7 integrates drives with the PROFIBUS interface
into the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system.
Drive ES PCS 7 can only be used with SIMATIC PCS 7 Version
5.2 and higher. Drive ES PCS 7 provides a function block library
with function blocks for the drives and the corresponding face-
plates for the operator station. This means that the drives can be
operated from the PCS 7 process control system.

9/40 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system

10/2 General

10/6 Power cables

10/6 Without brake cores
10/7 With brake cores

10/8 Power cables

10/8 1PH7 motors
10/8 1FN3 linear motors
10/8 1FW6 torque motors

10/9 Power cables

10/9 1FT/1FK motors

10/10 Signal cables

10/10 Signal cables


10/11 Accessories for power/

signal cables
10/11 Mounting flange
10/11 HF (high-frequency) clamp

10/12 MPI bus cables –


10/14 Length codes

For products approved for Canada

and U.S.A., see Appendix

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system

■ Overview ■ Function
MOTION-CONNECT cables are suitable for use with many
different types of machine tool and production machine.
The power cables and signal cables can be ordered by the
meter or pre-assembled.
The following MOTION-CONNECT cable designs are available:
7 MOTION-CONNECT 500 is the option for mainly fixed
7 MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS is designed to meet average
mechanical requirements and is therefore particularly suitable
for woodworking machines, printing machines and simple
machine tools.
7 MOTION-CONNECT 700 is the ideal complement to linear The cables must be removed from the drum without twisting, i.e.,
motors and machines with high dynamic requirements. The the cables must be unwound and must never be lifted over the
cables are resistant to cutting oils. drum flange in loops.
7 MOTION-CONNECT 800 meets all high mechanical require-
ments for use in cable carriers for machine tools and produc-
tion machines. The cables are resistant to cutting oils.

■ Benefits
The use of pre-assembled MOTION-CONNECT cables will ensure
high quality and system-tested, problem-free operation. The
cables can be supplied in exact meter lengths. Intermediate
lengths are also available in 0.1 m (3.94 in) increments.
Power and signal cables can be extended or configured as

■ Application To maximize the service life of the cable carrier and cables,
cables in the carrier made from different materials must be in-
Degree of protection of pre-assembled power and signal cables stalled in the cable carrier with spacers. The spacers must be
and their extensions when closed and inserted: IP67 filled evenly to ensure that the position of the cables does not
change during operation. The cables should be distributed as
When cable lengths (basic cables and extensions) are deter- symmetrically as possible according to their weights and dimen-
mined for the systems and applications described in this cata- sions. Cables with very different outer diameters should be
log, the technically permissible maximum cable lengths (e.g. separated by spacers.
≤ 25 m (82 ft)) specified in the catalog must be observed. Mal-
functions can occur if longer cables are used. When inserting pre-assembled cables into the cable carrier, do
not pull at the connector, as this may damage the strain relief or
Siemens AG assumes no liability for correct transmission of cable clamping.
signals or power in this case.
The cables must not be fixed in the cable carrier. They must be
When the power and/or signal cables include more than one freely movable.
additional intermediate connection, the maximum permissible
cable length is reduced by 2 m (6.56 ft) for each interruption
The cables are not suitable for outdoor use.
Operation on networks with 660 V to 690 V and earthed phase
conductor is permissible only after taking a special precaution
to reduce the overvoltage category by one grade,e.g. upstream
connection of an isolating transformer.

10 The cables must be able to be moved without applying force in

particular in the bending radius of the carrier. The specified
minimum bending radius must be adhered to.
The cable fixings must be attached at both ends at an appropriate
distance away from the end points of the moving parts in a
"dead" zone.

10/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system

■ Function (continued) ■ More information

Current carrying capacity for power and signal cables
The current carrying capacity of PVC/PUR-insulated copper
cables is specified for installation types B1, B2 and C under
continuous operating conditions in the table with reference to an
ambient air temperature of 40 °C (104 °F). For other ambient
temperatures, the values must be corrected using the derating
factors in the corresponding table.
Cross- Current carrying capacity Standard
section rms; AC 50/60 Hz or DC
for installation type
B1 B2 C
mm2 A A A
MOTION-CONNECT cables are tested in a cable carrier. A cable
strain relief is attached to the moving ends of the cable carrier. Electronic EN 60204-1
Strain relief is applied over a wide area of the cable jacket 0.20 – 4.3 4.4
surface without squeezing the cable.
0.50 – 7.5 7.5
When installing the cables, always observe the installation
0.75 – 9 9.5
instructions of the cable carrier manufacturer depending on
the design of the plant. Power EN 60204-1
Note: 0.75 8.6 8.5 9.8

If, for example, pre-assembled cables are installed in a cable 1.00 10.3 10.1 11.7
carrier in such a way that the connector would inhibit assembly, 1.50 13.5 13.1 15.2
pre-assembled cables without assembled connectors can also
2.50 18.3 17.4 21
be supplied (power and signal cables). In this case, the contacts
of the cables are crimped and the connector housing is supplied 4 24 23 28
separately. After installing the cables, the customer assembles 6 31 30 36
the connector housing.
10 44 40 50
MOTION-CONNECT cables are approved for a maximum
16 59 54 66
horizontal travel distance of 5 m (16.41 ft).
25 77 70 84
In case of vibration load and with horizontal or vertical cable en-
tries, we recommend that the cable is additionally fixed if between 35 96 86 104
the cable strain relief on the cable carrier and the terminal at the 50 117 103 125
motor part of the cable is hanging loose or is not routed. To pre-
vent machine vibrations being transmitted to the connectors, the 70 149 130 160
cable should be fixed at the moving part where the motor is 95 180 165 194
mounted. 120 208 179 225
Representation in connection overviews 150 – – 2591)
Symbol Explanation 185 – – 2961)
Connector with pin contacts > 185 Values must be taken from the
standard IEC 60364-5-52

Connector with socket contacts

Derating factors for power and signal cables
Ambient air temperature Derating factor
Exposed core ends according to EN 60204-1
°C (°F) Table D.1
Cable not included in scope of 30 (86) 1.15
supply 35 (95) 1.08
40 (104) 1.00
45 (113) 0.91
50 (122)
55 (131)
0.71 10
60 (140) 0.58

1) Extrapolated value.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 10/3

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Power cables

■ Technical specifications
Type 6FX500.-....-.... 6FX51..-....-.... 6FX700.-....-.... 6FX800.-.....-....
• VDE1) Yes Yes Yes Yes
• cUL or UL/CSA UL758-CSA-C22.2- UL758-CSA-C22.2- UL758-CSA-C22.2- UL758-CSA-C22.2-
N.210.2-M90 N210.2-M90 N.210.2-M90 N.210.2-M90
• UL-CSA File No.2) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rated voltage V0/V in
accordance with EN 50395
• Power conductors 600 V/1 000 V 600 V/1 000 V 600 V/1 000 V 600 V/1 000 V
• Signal conductors 24 V (EN) 1 000 V (UL/CSA) 24 V (EN) 1 000 V (UL/CSA) 24 V (EN) 1 000 V (UL/CSA) 24 V (EN) 1 000 V (UL/CSA)
Test voltage, rms
• Power conductors 4 kV 4 kV 4 kV 4 kV
• Signal conductors 2 kV 2 kV 2 kV 2 kV
Operating temperature on
the surface
• Fixed installation -20 … +80 °C -20 ... +80 °C -50 … +80 °C -50 … +80 °C
(-4 ... +176 °F) (-4 ... +176 °F) (-58 ... +176 °F) (-58 ... +176 °F)
• Flexible installation 0 … 60 °C 0 ... 60 °C -20 … +60 °C -20 … +60 °C
(32 ... 140 °F) (32 ... 140 °F) (-4 ... +140 °F) (-4 ... +140 °F)
Tensile load, max.
• Fixed installation 50 N/mm2 (7 252 lbf/in2) 50 N/mm2 (7 252 lbf/in2) 50 N/mm2 (7 252 lbf/in2) 50 N/mm2 (7 252 lbf/in2)
• Flexible installation 20 N/mm2 (2 901 lbf/in2) 20 N/mm2 (2 901 lbf/in2) 20 N/mm2 (2 901 lbf /in2) 20 N/mm2 (2 901 lbf/in2)
Smallest bending radius
• Fixed installation 5 × Dmax 5 × Dmax 4 × Dmax 6 × Dmax
• Flexible installation See power cables See power cables See power cables See power cables
Torsional stress Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m
Bending 100 000 2 million 10 million 10 million
from 16 mm2: 3 million from 10 mm2: 3 million
Traversing velocity 30 m/min (98.43 ft/min) 180 m/min (591 ft/min) 200 m/min (656 ft/min) 180 m/min (591 ft/min)
from 16 mm2: 150 m/min from 10 mm2: 100 m/min
(492 ft/min) (328 ft/min)
Acceleration 2 m/s2 (6.56 ft/s2) 5 m/s2 (16.41 ft/s2) 30 m/s2 (98.43 ft/s2) 5 m/s2 (16.41 ft/s2)
(5 m (16.41 ft));
10 m/s2 (32.81 ft/s2)
(2.5 m (8.20 ft))
Insulation material CFC/silicone-free CFC/silicone-free CFC/halogen/silicone-free CFC/halogen/silicone-free
IEC 60754-1/ IEC 60754-1/
DIN VDE 0472-815 DIN VDE 0472-815
Oil resistance EN 60811-2-1 EN 60811-2-1 EN 60811-2-1 EN 60811-2-1
(mineral oil only) (mineral oil only)
Outer jacket PVC PVC PUR, HD22.10 S2 PUR, HD22.10 S2
(VDE 0282, Part 10) (VDE 0282, Part 10)
DESINA color orange DESINA color orange DESINA color orange DESINA color orange
RAL 2003 RAL 2003 RAL 2003 RAL 2003
Flame-retardant EN 60332-1-1 to 1-3 EN 60332-1-1 to 1-3 EN 60332-1-1 to 1-3 EN 60332-1-1 to 1-3


1) The respective registration number is printed on the cable jacket, only valid for power cables.
2) The File Number is printed on the cable jacket.

10/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Signal cables

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Type 6FX500.-....-.... 6FX700.-....-.... 6FX800.-.....-....
• VDE Yes Yes Yes
• cUL or UL/CSA UL758-CSA-C22.2-N.210.2-M90 UL758-CSA-C22.2-N.210.2-M90 UL758-CSA-C22.2-N.210.2-M90
• UL-CSA File No.1) Yes Yes Yes
Rated voltage according to 30 V 30 V 30 V
EN 50395
Test voltage, rms 500 V 500 V 500 V
Operating temperature on the
• Fixed installation -20 … +80 °C (-4 … +176 °F) -50 … +80 °C (-58 … +176 °F) -50 … +80 °C (-58 … +176 °F)
• Flexible installation 0 … 60 °C (32 … 140 °F) -20 … +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F) -20 … +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
Tensile load, max.
• Fixed installation 50 N/mm2 (7 252 lbf/in2) 50 N/mm2 (7 252 lbf/in2) 50 N/mm2 (7 252 lbf/in2)
• Flexible installation 20 N/mm2 (2 901 lbf/in2) 20 N/mm2 (2 901 lbf/in2) 20 N/mm2 (2 901 lbf/in2)
Smallest bending radius
• Fixed installation 60 mm (2.36 in) 60 mm (2.36 in) 60 mm (2.36 in)
• Flexible installation 100 mm (3.94 in) 95 mm (3.74 in) 100 mm (3.94 in)
Torsional stress Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m
Bending 2 million 10 million 10 million
Traversing velocity 180 m/min (591 ft/min) 200 m/min (656.2 ft/min) 180 m/min (591 ft/min)
Acceleration 5 m/s2 (16.41 ft/s2) 30 m/s2 (98.43 ft/s2) 5 m/s2 (16.41 ft/s2) (5 m (16.41 ft));
10 m/s2 (32.81 ft/s2)
(2.5 m (8.20 ft))
Insulation material CFC/silicone-free CFC/halogen/silicone-free CFC/halogen/silicone-free
IEC 60754-1/DIN VDE 0472-815 IEC 60754-1/DIN VDE 0472-815
Oil resistance EN 60811-2-1 EN 60811-2-1 EN 60811-2-1
(mineral oil only)
Outer jacket PVC PUR, HD22.10 S2 (VDE 0282, PUR, HD22.10 S2 (VDE 0282,
Part 10) Part 10)
DESINA color green RAL 6018 DESINA color green RAL 6018 DESINA color green RAL 6018
Flame-retardant EN 60332-1-1 to 1-3 EN 60332-1-1 to 1-3 EN 60332-1-1 to 1-3


1) The File Number is printed on the cable jacket.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 10/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Power cables

■ Overview
Synchronous and asynchronous motors are connected by
means of MOTION-CONNECT power cables.
The pre-assembled MOTION-CONNECT power cables offer
excellent quality and ensure safety and perfect functioning.
Depending on the design, the MOTION-CONNECT power
cables are either pre-assembled at one end or at both ends.
All power cables 6FX.002-5....-.... are also available as custom-
ized cables with crimped contacts and with the connector
housing for the motor side supplied separately. In this case, the
6th position of the Order No. must be changed from 0 to 4:

■ Selection and ordering data

MOTION-CONNECT power cables without brake cores
No. of Con- Pre-assembled Dmax Dmax Dmax Cable sold by the meter2) Weight Smallest perm.
cores x nector cable 6FX50 6FX51 6FX8 for motors with (without connector) bending radius1)
cross- size, for 1FT/1FK motors terminal box
section motor
side 6FX50 6FX51 6FX8 6FX50 6FX51 6FX8
mm2 Order No. mm mm mm Order No. kg/m kg/m kg/m mm mm mm
(in) (in) (in) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (in) (in) (in)
4 × 1.5 1 6FX 7 7 02-5CA01- .... 8.4 10.1 10.4 6FX 7 7 08-1BB11- ...0 0.12 0.16 0.16 155 105 100
(0.33) (0.40) (0.41) (0.081) (0.108) (0.108) (6.10) (4.13) (3.94)
1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5CA21- ....
4 × 2.5 1 6FX 7 7 02-5CA11- .... 10 11.5 12.1 6FX 7 7 08-1BB21- ...0 0.21 0.22 0.23 180 115 120
(0.39) (0.45) (0.48) (0.141) (0.148) (0.155) (7.09) (4.53) (4.72)
1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5CA31- ....
4× 4 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5CA41- .... 11.4 13.3 13.2 6FX 7 7 08-1BB31- ...0 0.27 0.32 0.31 210 135 130
(0.45) (0.52) (0.52) (0.181) (0.215) (0.208) (8.28) (5.31) (5.12)
4× 6 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5CA51- .... 13.6 15.5 16 6FX 7 7 08-1BB41- ...0 0.37 0.43 0.42 245 160 170
(0.54) (0.61) (0.63) (0.242) (0.289) (0.282) (9.65) (6.30) (6.69)
4 × 10 1.5 6FX 7 0 02-5CA61- .... 20 – 19.4 6FX 7 0 08-1BB51- ...0 0.73 – 0.63 360 – 210
(0.79) (0.76) (0.491) (0.423) (14.17) (8.28)
3 6FX 7 0 02-5CA13- ....
4 × 16 3 6FX 7 0 02-5CA23- .... 24.2 – 23.6 6FX 7 0 08-1BB61- ...0 1.10 – 0.95 440 – 260
(0.95) (0.93) (0.793) (0.638) (17.32) (10.24)
4 × 25 – 28 6FX 5 0 08-1BB25- ...0 1.62 505
(1.10) (1.089) (19.88)
4 × 35 – 31.5 6FX 5 0 08-1BB35- ...0 1.93 570
(1.24) (1.297) (22.44)
4 × 50 – 38 6FX 5 0 08-1BB50- ...0 3.04 685
(1.50) (2.043) (26.44)
4 × 70 – 42.6 6FX 5 0 08-1BB70- ...0 3.96 770
(1.68) (2.661) (30.31)
4 × 95 – 51.7 6FX 5 0 08-1BB05- ...0 5.55 935
(2.04) (3.729) (36.81)
4 × 120
– 56 6FX 5 0 08-1BB12- ...0 6.69 1 010
(2.20) (4.495) (39.76)
4 × 150 – 63 6FX 5 0 08-1BB15- ...0 8.21 1 135
(2.48) (5.517) (44.69)
4 × 185 – 66.2 6FX 5 0 08-1BB18- ...0 9.82 1 195
(2.61) (6.599) (47.05)
5 0 MOTION-CONNECT 500 5 0
8 0 MOTION-CONNECT 800 8 0
Length codes .... ...0

1) Valid
for installation in cable carrier.
2) Power cables of 4 mm2 or greater can be ordered in exact meter lengths up to a length of 100 m (328 ft).
Power cables of 1.5 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 are supplied in coils or on disposable drums in lengths of 50 m (154 ft), 100 m (328 ft), 200 m (656 ft) and
500 m (1 640 ft).

10/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Power cables

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

MOTION-CONNECT power cables with brake cores
No. of Con- Pre-assembled Dmax Dmax Dmax Dmax Cable sold by the meter2) Weight Smallest perm.
cores x nec- cable 6FX50 6FX51 6FX7 6FX8 for motors with (without connector) bending radius1)
cross- tor for 1FT/1FK motors terminal box
section size,
side 6FX50 6FX51 6FX7 6FX8 6FX50 6FX51 6FX7 6FX8
mm2 Order No. mm mm mm mm Order No. kg/m kg/m kg/m kg/m mm mm mm mm
(in) (in) (in) (in) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (in) (in) (in) (in)
4 × 1.5 + 0.5 6FX 5 0 02-5DA30- .... 10.8 – – – 6FX 5 0 08-1BA11- ...0 0.22 – – – 195 – – –
2 × 1.5 (0.43) (0.148) (7.68)
4 × 1.5 + 1 6FX 7 7 02-5DA01- .... 10.8 13.1 14.0 12.9 6FX 7 7 08-1BA11- ...0 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.25 195 135 100 125
2 × 1.5 (0.43) (0.52) (0.55) (0.51) (0.148) (0.161) (0.175) (0.168) (7.68) (5.31) (3.94) (4.92)
1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5DA21- ....
4 × 2.5 + 1 6FX 7 7 02-5DA11- .... 12.4 14.2 15.2 14.2 6FX 7 7 08-1BA21- ...0 0.25 0.31 0.33 0.31 225 145 110 140
2 × 1.5 (0.49) (0.56) (0.60) (0.56) (0.168) (0.208) (0.222) (0.208) (10.04) (5.71) (4.33) (5.51)
1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5DA31- ....
4× 4+ 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5DA41- .... 14.0 15.9 16.6 15.3 6FX 7 7 08-1BA31- ...0 0.35 0.41 0.43 0.40 255 160 120 150
2 × 1.5 (0.55) (0.63) (0.65) (0.60) (0.235) (0.276) (0.289) (0.269) (10.04) (6.30) (4.72) (5.91)
4× 6+ 1.5 6FX 7 7 02-5DA51- .... 16.1 16.9 18.3 17.8 6FX 7 7 08-1BA41- ...0 0.49 0.51 0.52 0.53 290 170 130 195
2 × 1.5 (0.63) (0.67) (0.72) (0.70) (0.329) (0.343) (0.349) (0.356) (11.42) (6.69) (5.12) (7.68)
4 × 10 + 1.5 6FX 7 0 02-5DA61- .... 21.7 – 23.5 20.8 6FX 7 0 08-1BA51- ...0 0.81 – 0.79 0.78 395 – 165 230
2 × 1.5 (0.85) (0.93) (0.82) (0.544) (0.531) (0.524) (15.55) (6.50) (9.06)
3 6FX 5 0 02-5DA13- ....
4 × 16 + 3 6FX 7 0 02-5DA23- .... 25.0 – 26.1 24.7 6FX 7 0 08-1BA61- ...0 1.12 – 1.06 1.05 450 – 185 275
2 × 1.5 (0.98) (1.03) (0.97) (0.753) (0.712) (0.706) (17.72) (7.28) (10.83)
4 × 25 + 3 6FX 7 0 02-5DA33- .... 29.4 – 30.5 27.9 6FX 7 0 08-1BA25- ...0 1.62 – 1.52 1.51 530 – 215 325
2 × 1.5 (1.16) (1.20) (1.10) (1.089) (1.021) (1.015) (20.87) (8.46) (12.80)
4 × 35 + 3 6FX 5 0 02-5DA43- .... 32.6 – – 32.0 6FX 5 0 08-1BA35- ...0 2.06 – – 2.00 590 – – 380
2 × 1.5 (1.28) (1.26) (1.384) (1.344) (23.23) (14.96)
6FX 8 0 02-5DA43- .... 6FX 8 0 08-1BA35- ...0
4 × 50 + 3 6FX 5 0 02-5DA53- .... 38.0 – – 35.8 6FX 5 0 08-1BA50- ...0 3.04 – – 2.66 685 – – 420
2 × 1.5 (1.50) (1.41) (2.043) (1.787) (26.97) (16.54)
6FX 8 0 02-5DA53- .... 6FX 8 0 08-1BA50- ...0
5 0 MOTION-CONNECT 500 5 0
8 0 MOTION-CONNECT 800 8 0
Length codes .... ...0


1) Valid
for installation in cable carrier.
2) Power cables of 4 mm2 or greater can be ordered in exact meter lengths up to a length of 100 m (328 ft).
Power cables of 1.5 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 are supplied in coils or on disposable drums in lengths of 50 m (154 ft), 100 m (328 ft), 200 m (656 ft) and
500 m (1 640 ft).

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 10/7

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Power cables

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Pre-assembled MOTION-CONNECT power cables for 1PH7 motors
Motor Conduit No. of cores x Pre-assembled Weight Smallest perm. bending
Type thread cross-section cable (without connector) radius1)
for 1PH7 motors
6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8
mm2 Order No. kg/m (lb/ft) kg/m (lb/ft) mm (in) mm (in)
1PH710 PG29 4 x 10 6FX 7 002-5CB10- .... 0.73 (0.491) 0.63 (0.423) 360 (14.17) 210 (8.27)
4 x 16 6FX 7 002-5CB16- .... 1.10 (0.739) 0.95 (0.638) 440 (17.32) 260 (10.24)
1PH713 PG36 4 x 16 6FX 7 002-5CC16- .... 1.10 (0.739) 0.95 (0.638) 440 (17.32) 260 (10.24)
4 x 25 6FX 5 002-5CC25- .... 1.62 (1.089) - 530 (20.87) -
4 x 25 6FX 8 002-5DC25- .... - 1.51 (1.015) - 325 (12.80)
4 x 35 6FX 5 002-5CC35- .... 1.93 (1.297) - 590 (23.23) -
4 x 35 6FX 8 002-5DC35- .... - 2.00 (1.344) - 380 (14.96)
1PH716 PG42 4 x 25 6FX 5 002-5CD25- .... 1.62 (1.089) - 530 (20.87) -
4 x 25 6FX 8 002-5DD25- .... - 1.51 (1.015) - 325 (12.80)
4 x 35 6FX 5 002-5CD35- .... 1.93 (1.297) - 590 (23.23) -
4 x 35 6FX 8 002-5DD35- .... - 2.00 (1.344) - 380 (14.96)
Length codes ....

Pre-assembled power cables are not provided for 1PH7 motors with a holding brake. If a holding brake is used, it must be supplied
through a separate cable via the terminal box. The adapter must be removed on 1PH7 motors with metric cable entry in the terminal
MOTION-CONNECT power cables for 1FN3 linear motors, peak load/continuous load
Connection via adapter cable
No. of cores × Thread Pre-assembled Connector Pre-assembled Dmax Cables sold by the Weight Smallest
cross-section Size adapter cable for size basic cable to the meter2) for (without con- perm. bend-
1FN3 motors Interface SIMODRIVE 611 pre-assembled nector) ing radius1)
converter system adapter cable
mm2 Order No. Order No. mm (in) Order No. kg/m (lb/ft) mm (in)

4 × 2.5 M20 6FX7002-5LM42- .... 1 6FX8002-5CA11- .... 12.1 (0.48) 6FX7008-1BB21- .... 0.23 (0.15) 90 (3.54)
4 × 2.5 M20 6FX7002-5LM62- ....3) 1 6FX8002-5CA11- .... 12.1 (0.48) 6FX7008-1BB21- .... 0.23 (0.15) 90 (3.54)
4× 4 M32 6FX7002-5LM72- .... 1.5 6FX8002-5CA41- .... 13.2 (0.52) 6FX7008-1BB31- .... 0.29 (0.19) 100 (3.94)
4× 6 M32 6FX7002-5LM82- .... 1.5 6FX8002-5CA51- .... 15.9 (0.63) 6FX7008-1BB41- .... 0.37 (0.24) 120 (4.72)
4 × 10 M32 6FX7002-5LM32- .... 1.5 6FX8002-5CA61- .... 19.2 (0.76) 6FX7008-1BB51- .... 0.57 (0.38) 140 (5.51)
4 × 16 M32 6FX7002-5LM02- .... 1.5 6FX8002-5YP02- .... 22.5 (0.89) 6FX7008-1BB61- .... 0.93 (0.63) 165 (6.50)

Length codes .... .... ....

MOTION-CONNECT power cables for 1FW6 torque motors

No. of cores x Connector Pre-assembled cable Dmax Cables sold by the Weight Smallest perm.
cross-section size to the converter meter2) (without connector) bending radius1)
mm2 Order No. mm (in) Order No. kg/m (lb/ft) mm (in)

10 4 × 2.5
4× 4
6FX8002-5CA11- ....
6FX8002-5CA41- ....
12.1 (0.48)
13.2 (0.52)
6FX8008-1BB21- ....
6FX8008-1BB31- ....
0.23 (0.16)
0.31 (0.21)
120 (4.72)
130 (5.12)
4x6 1.5 6FX8002-5CA51- .... 16.0 (0.63) 6FX8008-1BB41- .... 0.46 (0.31) 170 (6.69)
4 × 10 1.5 6FX8002-5CA61- .... 19.4 (0.76) 6FX8008-1BB51- .... 0.63 (0.42) 210 (8.27)
4 × 16 1.5 6FX8002-5YP02- .... 23.6 (0.93) 6FX8008-1BB61- .... 0.95 (0.65) 260 (10.24)
Length codes .... ....

1) Validfor installation in cable carrier.

2) Power cables of 4 mm2 or greater can be ordered in exact meter lengths up to a length of 100 m (328 ft).
Power cables of 1.5 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 are supplied in coils or on disposable drums in lengths of 50 m (154 ft), 100 m (328 ft), 200 m (656 ft) and
500 m (1 640 ft).
3) Only for motors with Order No. 1FN3300 or higher.

10/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Power cables

■ Selection and ordering data

Power cables – extensions for 1FT/1FK motors

No. of cores x Basic cable Connector size Extension Connector size

mm2 Order No. Order No.

4 × 1.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A01-.... 1 6FX 7 002-5 7 A05- .... 1

4 × 2.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A11-.... 1 6FX 7 002-5 7 A15- .... 1
4 × 1.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A21-.... 1.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A28- .... 1.5
4 × 2.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A31-.... 1.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A38- .... 1.5
4× 4 6FX 7 002-5 7 A41-.... 1.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A48- .... 1.5
4× 6 6FX 7 002-5 7 A51-.... 1.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A58- .... 1.5
4 × 10 6FX 7 002-5 7 A61-.... 1.5 6FX 7 002-5 7 A68- .... 1.5
4 × 10 6FX 7 002-5 7 A13-.... 3 6FX 7 002-5 7 X18- .... 3
4 × 16 6FX 7 002-5 7 A23-.... 3 6FX 7 002-5 7 X28- .... 3
4 × 25 6FX 7 002-5 D A33-.... 3 6FX 7 002-5 D X38- .... 3
4 × 35 6FX 5 002-5 D A43-.... 3 6FX 5 002-5 D X48- .... 3
6FX 8 002-5 D A43-.... 3 6FX 8 002-5 D X48- .... 3
4 × 50 6FX 5 002-5 D A53-.... 3 6FX 5 002-5 D X58- .... 3
6FX 8 002-5 D A53-.... 3 6FX 8 002-5 D X58- .... 3

Without brake cores C C
With brake cores D D
Length codes ....

The combinations of power cable extensions shown are only provided by way of example.


1) MOTION-CONNECT 700 only with brake cores.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 10/9

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Signal cables
Signal cable extensions

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data


Basic cable Extension

Order No. Order No.
6FX 7 002-2AD00-.... 6FX 7 002-2AD04-....
6FX 5 002-2AH00-.... 6FX 7 002-2AH04-....
6FX 8 002-2AH00-.... 6FX 7 002-2AH04-....
6FX 7 002-2CA11-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
6FX 5 002-2CA20-.... 6FX 5 002-2CA24-....
6FX 8 002-2CA20-.... 6FX 5 002-2CA24-....
6FX 7 002-2CA31-.... 6FX 7 002-2CA34-....
The MOTION-CONNECT signal cables can be used to connect 6FX 8 002-2CA80-.... 6FX 7 002-2CA34-....
synchronous and asynchronous motor encoders to the con- 6FX 5 002-2CC11-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
verter system. 6FX 8 002-2CC11-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
The pre-assembled MOTION-CONNECT signal cables are high- 6FX 5 002-2CD01-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
quality cables which ensure reliable, error-free operation. De- 6FX 8 002-2CD01-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
pending on the design, MOTION-CONNECT signal cables are 6FX 5 002-2CD24-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
pre-assembled at either one or both ends. 6FX 8 002-2CD24-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
Note: 6FX 7 002-2CF02-.... 6FX 7 002-2CF04-....
All 6FX.002-2C...-.... signal cables are also available customized 6FX 5 002-2CF20-.... 6FX 5 002-2CF24-....
with crimped contacts and with the connector housing supplied 6FX 8 002-2CF20-.... 6FX 5 002-2CF24-....
separately. 6FX 7 002-2CG00-.... 6FX 7 002-2CB54-....
• Signal cables with enclosed connector housing for the motor 6FX 7 002-2CH00-.... 6FX 7 002-2AD04-....
side: In this case, the 6th position of the Order No. must be 6FX 7 002-2EQ10-.... 6FX 7 002-2EQ14-....
changed from 0 to 4: 6FX.042-2C...-.... 6FX 5 002-2EQ20-.... 6FX 5 002-2EQ24-....
• Signal cables with enclosed connector housing for the module 6FX 8 002-2EQ20-.... 6FX 5 002-2EQ24-....
side: In this case, the 6th position of the Order No. must be
changed from 0 to 1: 6FX.012-2C...-....
Length codes ....


Basic cable Extension

Order No. Order No.
6FX8002-2CA21-.... 6FX8002-2CA41-....
The combinations shown are only an example of how to extend
signal cables.
6FX.002-.....-1... Signal cables with fixed length
Order No. Length in m (ft)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 5 7 10
(3.28) (4.92) (6.56) (8.20) (9.84) (16.41) (22.97) (32.81)

6FX2002-1CA01-1A70 B C F H
6FX2002-1CB01-1A70 B C F H
6FX2002-1CC00-1777 AB5 AC0 AF0 BA0
6FX2002-2AS01-1777 AC5 AF0 BA0

10 6FX2002-2AS11-1A70 B
6FX2002-4EA04-1770 AF BA
6FX5002-1AA00-1770 AD AF BA
6FX8002-2CA41-1770 AF BA

10/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Accessories for power/signal cables Accessories for power/signal cables
Mounting flange HF (high-frequency) clamp

■ Overview ■ Overview

Mounting flanges are used to route or fix connectors, for example, To permit correct "grounding" on the cable duct or cabinet wall,
in control cabinets. With the exception of angled connectors, a a ground clamp can be ordered as an accessory together with
mounting flange can be mounted post-assembly on connectors the flanges for large-area discharging of high-frequency inter-
with union nuts or connectors with external threads. ferences.

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
Mounting flange for HF (high-frequency) clamp for
power connectors power connectors
• Connector size 0.5 6FX2003-7HX00 • Connector size 1 6FX2003-7FX00
• Connector size 1 6FX2003-7BX00 • Connector size 1.5 6FX2003-7GX00
• Connector size 1.5 6FX2003-7CX00 • Connector size 3 Not required
• Connector size 3 6FX2003-7AX00 HF (high-frequency) clamp for 6FX2003-7FX00
signal connectors
Mounting flange for
• M23 signal connector 6FX2003-7DX00
• M17 signal connector 6FX2003-7HX00

■ Dimension drawings
Mounting holes Dimension
for flange drawing of flange

a d


c f
b b

Di- Power connector Signal connector

men- Connector Connec- Connector Connector M23
sions size 0.5 tor size 1 size 1.5 size 3

mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)

a ∅ 22.8 ∅ 27.8 ∅ 46 ∅ 65 ∅ 27 ∅ 22.8
(0.90) (1.09) (1.81) (2.56) (1.06) (0.90)
b 22.6 28.3 42.4 75 28.3 22.6
(0.89) (1.11) (1.67) (2.95) (1.11) (0.89)
c M2.5 (4× ) M3 (4× ) M4 (4× ) M4 (4× ) M3 (4× ) M2.5 (4× )
d ∅ 32 ∅ 40 ∅ 60 ∅ 63 ∅ 40 ∅ 32
(1.26) (1.57) (2.36) (2.48) (1.57) (1.26)
e 30 (1.18) 35 (1.38) 55 (2.17) 85 (3.35) 35 (1.38) 30 (1.18)
f ∅ 3.2 ∅ 3.2 ∅ 4.4 ∅ 4.5 ∅ 3.2 ∅ 3.2
(0.13) (0.13) (0.17) (0.18) (0.13) (0.13)

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 10/11

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
MPI bus cables – pre-assembled

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Pre-assembled MPI bus cable
with variable length l2 OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON
1) PCU/ MCP/
With 3 connectors

• Trailing possible 6FX8002-4EB00-....
• Fixed installation 6FX2002-4EB00-....
Length l1: 1 m (3.28 ft) l2 l1
35° 35° 35°
Length l2: variable

Pre-assembled MPI bus cable

with variable length l2
With 3 connectors 1)

• Trailing possible 6FX8002-4EB10-....

• Fixed installation 6FX2002-4EB10-....
Length l1: 1 m (3.28 ft)
Length l2: variable 35° l2 35° l1

Pre-assembled MPI bus cable

with variable length l2 OFF ON

With 3 connectors PCU/

• Trailing possible 6FX8002-4EB20-....

Length l1: 1 m (3.28 ft) PCU/
Length l2: variable
35° l2

Pre-assembled MPI bus cable

with variable length l2

With 3 connectors MCP PCU
• Trailing possible 6FX8002-4EB30-....

Length l1: 1 m (3.28 ft)

Length l2: variable
l2 l1

Pre-assembled MPI bus cable

with variable length l
With 2 connectors 1) OFF ON


• Trailing possible 6FX8002-4EB40-....

• Fixed installation 6FX2002-4EB40-....

Pre-assembled MPI bus cable

with variable length l OFF ON
1) 1)
With 2 connectors MCP

• Trailing possible 6FX8002-4EB50-....

• Fixed installation 6FX2002-4EB50-....

35° l 35°


MCP Machine Control Panel Terminating resistors can be
PP Push Button Panel switched off
1) Connection socket for programming device or other devices.

10/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
MPI bus cables – pre-assembled

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Designation Order No.
Pre-assembled MPI bus cable
with variable length l OFF ON OFF ON
With 2 connectors 1)

• Fixed installation 6FX2002-4EB60-....

35° l 35°

Pre-assembled MPI bus cable

with variable length l OFF ON OFF ON
With 2 connectors MCP

• Fixed installation 6FX2002-4EB70-....


■ More information
For further information about PROFIBUS cables, see Catalog
IK PI SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication, in the PROFIBUS
section under Electrical Networks, or refer to the A&D Mall.


MCP Machine Control Panel Terminating resistors can be
PP Push Button Panel switched off
1) Connection socket for programming device or other devices.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 10/13

© Siemens AG 2009

Connection system
Length codes

■ Overview
Designation Type Designation Type
Pre-assembled cables Length code for power and
signal cables, sold by the meter1)
6FX....-.....- 7 7 7 7
• 50 m (164 ft) 6FX.008-.....-1FA0
6SX....-.....- 7 7 7 0 • 100 m (328 ft) 6FX.008-.....-2AA0
0 m (0 ft) 1 • 200 m (656 ft) 6FX.008-.....-3AA0
100 m (328 ft) 2 • 500 m (1 640 ft) 6FX.008-.....-6AA0
200 m (656 ft) 3
300 m (984 ft) 4 ■ More information
0 m (0 ft) A Length definition for pre-assembled cables
10 m (32.81 ft) B
20 m (65.62 ft) C
30 m (98.43 ft) D
40 m (131.24 ft) E l
50 m (164.05 ft) F G_D211_XX_00142

60 m (196.86 ft) G
70 m (229.67 ft) H Signal cables
80 m (262.48 ft) J
90 m (295.29 ft) K
0 m (0 ft) A
1 m (3.28 ft) B
2 m (6.56 ft) C
3 m (9.84 ft) D Power cables
4 m (13.12 ft) E
5 m (16.41 ft) F
6 m (19.69 ft) G
7 m (22.97 ft) H l
8 m (26.25 ft) J G_D211_XX_00144

9 m (29.53 ft) K
0 m (0 in) 0 Power cables for linear/torque motors 6FX.002-5LM..-....
0.1 m (3.94 in) 1 Tolerance:
0.2 m (7.87 in) 2 • Cable lengths up to 10 m (32.8 ft): ± 2 %
0.3 m (11.81 in) 3 • Cable lengths of 10 m (32.8 ft) and longer: ± 1 %
0.4 m (15.75 in) 4
0.5 m (19.69 in) 5
0.6 m (23.62 in) 6
0.7 m (27.56 in) 7
0.8 m (31.5 in) 8
Examples: 1.0 m (3.28 ft): 1 A B 0
2.2 m (7.22 ft): 1 A C 2
8.0 m (26.25 ft): 1 A J 0
299.0 m (981 ft): 3 K K 0


1) Power cables of 4 mm2 or greater can be ordered in exact meter

lengths up to a length of 100 m (328 ft).
Power cables of 1.5 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 are supplied as 50 m (164 ft),
100 m (328 ft), 200 m (656 ft) and 500 m (1 640 ft) rings or on dis-
posable drums.

10/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009


11/2 Mechatronics Support

11/4 Virtual Production

11/5 Machine Simulator

11/7 Service & Support

11/7 Our Services for Every Phase of
Your Project
11/8 Repair service contract RSV

11/10 Retrofit
11/11 Solution Partner
mz robolab GmbH

11/12 Fire-extinguishing systems for

machine tools

11/13 Control cabinets

11/14 Logistics services for our


11/15 Components for CNC basic and

further training
11/15 SinuTrain control-identical
programming and simulation
11/19 eLearning/training booklets

11/21 Training equipment

11/21 SIMODRIVE 611 universal
training case for Motion Control
11/21 SINUMERIK 802
training case
11/22 SINUMERIK 840D powerline
training rack

11/23 Training

11/24 Documentation
11/24 General Documentation
11/25 SINUMERIK 802C/802S
11/25 SINUMERIK 810D powerline/
840D powerline
11/27 Motors
11/28 Measuring systems
11/28 SIMODRIVE 611

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Mechatronics Support

■ Overview
We combine mechanics, electronics and information
technology in one simulation environment.
This philosophy is implied by the name: Mechatronics is more
than just mechanics and more than just electronics. Mecha-
tronics is the integration of mechanical and electrical engineer-
ing with electronics, sensors, diagnostic equipment and infor-
mation technology.
And this means:
With Mechatronics Support, the developers first create and ana-
lyze a mechatronic simulation model of the new machine. This
allows all the key performance characteristics of a new machine
to be determined and verified before the first (and then only) real
prototype is built. This simulation process is an important source
for quality improvements and development cost cutting and a
valuable tool which you should utilize.
We offer this service.
We at Siemens do not consider ourselves as merely manufac-
turers of products, systems and plants, but as solution providers
as well. With our Mechatronics Support service, we start helping
you with the design of your new machine – with selective analy-
sis and optimization using pure simulation models so that we
don’t even need a prototype.

Virtual Prototyping

Traditional Approach in the New Equipment Manufacturing

Mechanical Electrical
Test Phase
Design Study Prototype Changes to Prototype Result
Time, Overhead, Cost

Mechatronic Approach

Interdisciplinary Simulation Savings Potential

Design Study and Test Phase

Mechanics Resulting Prototype Time-to-Market
Electronics Virtual is the
IT Machine

Mechatronics Support was previously only applied when the Complete implementation
prototypes of new machines were unable to achieve the pre-
scribed performance characteristics. However, it is far more With our Mechatronics Support service, we offer the means of
effective to integrate a holistic simulated mechatronic assess- creating a simulation model which combines the mechanical
ment at a very early stage of product development. machine components with the motors, converter systems, drive
control and CNC in such a way as to produce an intelligently
Using our Mechatronics Support, it is then possible to create controlled virtual machine.
a mechatronic simulation model of the machine and obtain a
virtual prototype instead of producing a real prototype, or series
of prototype models.
Computer-aided simulation tools are applied in a standardized
procedure to test and analyze the virtual prototype under
production conditions in simulation mode.
Early on in the development phase, it is possible to identify any
weak points and rectify them cheaply and quickly.

11/2 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Mechatronics Support

■ Overview (continued)
Virtual Prototyping is the TOP feature of our Mechatronics Support service

Virtual Prototyping with Mechatronics Support

Consulting Simulation Machine Optimization Production

Review and Review Review

Establish Machines Machines after Verification of Implementation
Objectives and Axes Modifications Simulation on Machine

Offer Initial Results and Final Result

The scope of tasks to be performed is defined during the
consultation process during the machine design phase and
provides the basis for a simulation quotation. Simulation of the
machine with the FE model (finite element model) determines the
forms of natural vibration, includes simulation of the closed-loop
control drive systems and control technology and offers the
means of calculating variations. Machine optimization verifies
the results obtained from the simulation on the prototype or the
final machine design.
Mechatronics Support modules
The scope of services can be tailored to meet the customer’s
individual requirements and special needs. Service modules are
provided for this purpose. These can be ordered individually or
as packages – as in the case of Virtual Prototyping.
Whether you want to improve or upgrade an existing machine
and wish to discuss possible options with experts in an initial
technical consultation, or whether you would like a feasibility Example: FE model
assessment of new ideas at the development stage, our Mecha-
tronics Support service can provide you with the individual help
you need.
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
■ Benefits Consultation 6FC5088-1....
7 Quicker development reduces the time to market Technical consultation with
7 Increased development reliability
Machine optimization 6FC5088-2....
7 Creative concepts – higher quality – increased productivity
Optimum setting of control and

■ More information
drives on the customer’s machine
Machine analysis and 6FC5088-3....
For further information and individualized quotations, please optimization
contact your Motion Control Partner at your local Siemens sales Analysis of the machine and
office or regional company. its limits.
Recommendations for the
Machine simulation 6FC5088-4....
Simulation of individual axes and
the dynamic response on the
Machine simulation with 6FC5088-5....
interpolating axes
Simulation of interpolating axes
Machine simulation with
FE model
6FC5088-6.... 11
Modeling of machine using the
Finite Element method

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/3

© Siemens AG 2009

Virtual Production

■ Overview ■ Benefits
The Virtual Production service is aimed at end customers and 7 Reduction of machining times
operators of CNC machines and is designed to optimize produc- 7 Improvement of quality
tivity ratios. Virtual Production improves machining times and/or 7 Increased machine productivity
the quality of workpieces by testing and optimizing CNC program
runs on simulation models. 7 An optimized workpiece, faster
7 Virtual machining instead of repeated testing on the machine
Virtual Production is individually tailored to each end customer
and their machining process. Optimization is achieved through selective identification of
Virtual Production makes use of Mechatronics Support if the hidden potential with respect to programming, scope of CNC
machine manufacturer has already developed their machine in functionality and CNC parameters as it applies to the typical
conjunction with us. parts spectrum of the machine tool under investigation. With the
Virtual Production system, not every part program for a machine
With Virtual Production, CNC program execution is broken down tool needs to be optimized, but the process needs to be per-
into several individual stages. The processing of an CNC part pro- formed only once in relation to the customer’s parts spectrum.
gram in conjunction with the correct CNC image, the controlled
drives and optionally, the characteristic machine dynamics are
perfectly simulated. The data output by the Virtual Production
■ Application
system include position, velocity and acceleration of the TCP, • Mass production in the automotive industry
plus the orientation between the tool and workpiece at different • Production of expensive workpieces in the aerospace industry
points in the production process. Clear and objective statements
• Single-part production in tool and mold making
can thus be derived. No need for assumptions.

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Consultation 6FC5088-1....-2...
Technical consultation with
Optimization of 6FC5088-2....-2...
machining time
Optimization of workpiece
machining time
Optimization of 6FC5088-3....-2...
machining quality
Optimization of workpiece quality

Virtual product










11/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Machine Simulator

■ Overview
Automation solution – completely integrated Machine Simulator – modeling the machine
The Machine Simulator supports a wide range of hardware and The Machine Simulator consists of the simulation kernel and a
software interfaces to the automation system. If you want to con- graphical operator interface with which the machine model is
nect the entire control unit, e.g. including the CNC, PLC and the created and operated. The system includes libraries for
Human Machine Interface to a machine model in the Machine IEC 1131-compliant function blocks and for interfacing a very
Simulator, you can simply use the hardware interfaces for wide variety of I/Os in your automation system.
PROFIBUS or MPI. The Machine Simulator provides consistent The Machine Simulator makes simulation as simple as it can be.
support for the exchange of data with the engineering environ- Even though computer simulation is often regarded as a highly
ment of your automation system. complex process, you do not need to be a simulation specialist
to work effectively with the Machine Simulator. This simplicity is
Machine Simulator – for simulating new machines during provided by the graphical user interface, while the simulation
development kernel itself runs in the background. As usual with Windows, all
The Machine Simulator allows you to simulate the interaction the main functions can be accessed with a single mouse click.
between your machine tool or production machine and your You can simply drag a new model element out of the library and
automation system at all stages of product development, from drop it into the machine model.
commissioning through to sales and after-sales. The Machine Simulator Open enables you to create completely
Long before you finish developing a machine and building a new components in a high-level language. You can freely define
prototype, you can simulate its performance under realistic con- the connections, states and responses of these components
ditions using the Machine Simulator. The automation system and and therefore work highly efficiently, even when your machine
a virtual model of the machine are coupled simply for this pur- models are complex.
pose. This coupling has been optimized for high-performance
machine tools and production machines with integrated state-of-
the-art Siemens control technology such as SIMOTION and


Sensor signals
Logic outputs
Axis positions


Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Machine Simulator

■ Benefits ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Machine Simulator Basic 6FC5880-0YC05-0AA0
Comprises the basic software
on CD-ROM and a DP-PCI card
for connection to PROFIBUS
Machine Simulator Open 6FC5880-1YC05-0AA0
Comprises the open software
on CD-ROM and a DP-PCI card
for connection to PROFIBUS
Machine Simulator Basic 6FC5880-2YC05-0AA0
Comprises the basic software
Machine Simulator Open 6FC5880-3YC05-0AA0
The Machine Simulator combines savings in time and cost with Software
enhanced product quality for our customers in machine tool and
Comprises the open software
production machine building. The Machine Simulator supports on CD-ROM
you in the decisive phases of product development of a machine
tool or production machine - with development, commissioning, Machine Simulator 6FC5880-4YC05-0AA0
test and service. Upgrade
The automation system used, including all the software modules Comprises the license for upgrad-
ing from Machine Simulator Basic
developed by the machine manufacturer, can be tested with the
to Machine Simulator Open
Machine Simulator beforehand and in a reproducible manner –
and all without having the real machines at hand.
A new machine can be tested without taking any risks since
proper functioning is checked in virtual reality. After the develop-
ment work on the new machine has been completed, the virtual
machine that has been generated can be used again for
training, pre-sales and after-sales purposes.


11/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Service & Support
Our Services for Every Phase of Your Project

■ Overview ■ Technical Consulting

Planning Project Installation Operation Support in the planning and
& engineering & & & Modernization
Design Developement commissioning maintenance designing of your project from
detailed actual-state analysis,
On-line support target definition and consulting
Technical support
on product and system ques-
tions right to the creation of the
consulting automation solution.1)
Design and

Field Service

and spare parts ■ Configuration and Software Engineering
Optimization and
Support in configuring and de-
veloping with customer-oriented
services from actual configura-
In the face of harsh competition you need optimum conditions to tion to implementation of the
keep ahead all the time: automation project.1)
A strong starting position. A sophisticated strategy and team for
the necessary support - in every phase.
Service & Support from Siemens provides this support with a
complete range of different services for automation and drives.
In every phase: from planning and startup to maintenance and
Our specialists know when and where to act to keep the produc-
■ Service On Site
tivity and cost-effectiveness of your system running in top form. With Service On Site we offer
services for startup and mainte-
nance, essential for ensuring
■ Online Support system availability.
The comprehensive information
system available round the In Germany, call:
clock via Internet ranging from Phone: +49 (0) 180 50 50 4441)
Product Support and Service & (0.14 €/min. from a German
Support services to Support landline network, mobile tele-
Tools in the Shop. phone prices may vary) In the Unites States, call toll-free:

automation/service&support Phone: +1 800 333 7421
In Canada, call:
Phone: +1 888 303 3353

■ Repairs and Spare Parts

■ Technical Support In the operating phase of a ma-
Competent consulting in techni- chine or automation system we
cal questions covering a wide provide a comprehensive repair
range of customer-oriented ser- and spare parts service ensur-
vices for all our products and ing the highest degree of ope-
systems. rating safety and reliability.
Phone:+49 (0) 180 50 50 222 In Germany, call:
Fax: +49 (0) 180 50 50 223 Phone: +49 (0) 180 50 50 4481)
(0.14 €/min. from a German (0.14 €/min. from a German
landline network, mobile tele- landline network, mobile tele-
phone prices may vary) phone prices may vary)
E-Mail: In the Unites States, call toll-free:
Phone: +1 800 241 4453 In Canada, call:
automation/support-request Phone: +1 888 303 3353
In the Unites States, call toll-free:
Phone: +1 800 333 7421 ■ Optimization and Upgrading
Fax: +1 423 262 2200 To enhance productivity and
E-Mail: save costs in your project we offer high-quality services in
optimization and upgrading.1)
In Canada, call:
Phone: +1 888 303 3353
E-Mail: 11
In Asia, call:
Phone:+86 10 6475 7575
Fax: +86 10 6474 7474
E-Mail: 1) For country-specific telephone numbers go to our Internet site at:

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/7

© Siemens AG 2009

Service & Support
Repair service contract RSV

■ Overview
RSV description of performance Period of validity
In the context of the repair service contract (RSV), Siemens elim- The RSV commences on the date registered with us for comple-
inates faults on the Siemens Industry Sector, Drive Technologies tion of the second commissioning procedure at the end cus-
components specified in the contract (with the exception of tomer site, and ends on expiry of the RSV period.
complete motor spindles) at the machine location on behalf of
the machine tool manufacturer and dealer. Contract periods

RSV services The RSV is offered for the limitation period (warranty period) that
our customers (manufacturers/dealers) provide to their end cus-
• Provision of servicing personnel tomers. Various RSV periods permit you to satisfy different mar-
• Fault diagnostics on site ket requirements. In the case of RSV periods exceeding the
• Troubleshooting on site limitation period originally granted for Siemens I DT compo-
nents, the limitation period is extended with respect to claims for
• Proof of fault correction subsequent performance, with the exception of further rights
Fault diagnostics refers to the components specified in the and claims, in line with the extended RSV period. An existing
parts list of the final destination memo. Diagnostics is carried RSV can be extended once by six months or one year. The
out on the basis of a technical fault message clarified in advance extension must be ordered during the period of the basic RSV.
by the manufacturer or dealer with specification of the contract Contract versions
Two versions of the RSV are available:
Fault correction is carried out by repairing and/or replacing
faulty components. In the event of a machine standstill, fault • The master contract is for machine manufacturers who agree
correction is carried out with the response time specified for the to order one RSV for all machines with Siemens equipment.
country group. Within the agreed contract period, faulty compo- • The individual contract is for machine manufacturers who or-
nents which were not older than 12 months at the beginning of der an RSV only for certain machines equipped by Siemens.
the repair service contract will be replaced free-of-charge.
Service exclusions
Siemens provides qualified personnel for fault diagnostics and
fault correction on our products. If mechanical work is also The contract shall not be deemed to have been performed in all
necessary, this must be provided or arranged by the manufac- cases of subclause VIII./7 quality defects of the "General condi-
turer/dealer. Example: dismounting/mounting of motors or other tions of supply and delivery for the electrical industry"4). In the
mechanical components. case of parts subject to wear (e.g., motor bearings and fans or
cables), replacements will be provided free-of-charge within
The services are provided during the usual working hours in the 12 months of commencement of the RSV in the case of proper
country of installation. use, irrespective of the actual duration of the RSV.
Spare parts are provided either from our central spare parts Export license
warehouse or from regional spare parts warehouses using our
worldwide spare parts logistic infrastructure. Our central spare Fulfillment of the service call may be subject to authorization due
parts warehouses contain all important spare parts. Regional to the application or the type of replacement parts, equipment
spare parts warehouses are adapted to include the components and documentation required. The service call is, therefore, sub-
specified in the final destination memo1). ject to the granting of the necessary export licenses and the ab-
sence of any other obstacles relating to German or other appli-
The following components are not defined as spare parts: cable export regulations.
• Motors2)
• Cables3)
• Special or customer-specific modules and components not
available from Siemens as spare parts.
Faulty components4) are replaced free-of-charge within the
agreed contract period.
Contract prerequisites
• Final destination memo
• Data backup at the user 1) Since the export of standard versions (components/system) is subject to a
The manufacturer/dealer provides the final destination memo in time-consuming official approval procedure, which applies in equal mea-
good time prior to commencement of the contract, and ensures sure to the supply of such components for the purpose of servicing and
that all machine data is backed up and available at the user's spare parts supply, we recommend supply of the export version wher-
ever possible. This applies in particular in cases where the control can be
site. Particular data for the final destination memo are: machine exported without official approval after the machine manufacturer has
number, machine type, processing technology, control system, installed it in a machine tool. Please also observe the paragraph Export
drive system, number of measuring circuits, type of data stor- control information in Section Overview of functions.
age, data storage medium, data for OEM application, date of 2) For selected motors, we centrally stock components for fast delivery within
commissioning at end user's site, country of end user, parts list Germany and the U.S.A. These motors can be manufactured and deliv-
of components used. ered within a few working days. You can obtain the current list from your
Siemens partner.

RSV certificate 3) The delivery times known to you usually apply.
4) Examples of service exclusions:
As the RSV contract partner, the manufacturer or dealer is pro-
vided with a certificate once the final destination memo has been • Non-compliance with the Siemens project engineering and user
handed over (prerequisite for provision of services at the end regulations
customer site). This certificate contains the contract number and • Contamination critical to function (e.g. oil, conducting materials, rust)
essential contract data such as machine number, machine type, • Mechanical damage
contract start date, contract end date, and address for the pro- • External electrical effects
vision of services. • Intentional damage

11/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Service & Support
Repair service contract RSV

■ Overview (continued) ■ Selection and ordering data

Response time Designation Order No.

As a rule, the following response times apply when the RSV is Repair service contract RSV
implemented in the case of a machine standstill: For Siemens I DT components on
machine tools for countries in
Country groups country groups 1 to 3
CG 1 Next working day • 1 year contract period1) 6FC8506-1 7 X0 7 -0AA0
CG 2 Within two working days • 2 year contract period2) 6FC8506-2 7 X0 7 -0AA0
CG 3 Depending on country-specific conditions • Master contract R
CG 4 Depending on country-specific conditions, only for • Individual contract E
customers with master contract for the price of the
individual contract • 0 to 4 measurement circuits4) 1
• 5 to 6 measurement circuits4) 2
We define the response time as the time from when your clarified
order is placed until our service engineer begins the journey to • 7 to 8 measurement circuits4) 3
the site stated in the order, or until troubleshooting commences • = 9 measurement circuits 4) 8
using teleservice. The listed response times apply to "technically (basic RSV for = 9 measurement
clarified fault messages" within the usual working hours of the circuits)
region (e.g. Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), excluding public
• > 9 measurement circuits4) 0
holidays. (measurement circuit
Country list supplement for RSV
> 9 measurement circuits3))
The repair service is offered for the following countries: Repair service contract
Continent Country/region Contract extension of
6 or 12 months
Country group 1
For Siemens I DT components on
America Brazil, Canada, Mexico, USA machine tools for countries in
country groups 1 to 3
Asia China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia,
Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand • Basic RSV for 1 year 6FC8506-0 7 X0 7 - 7 AA1
Australia Australia • Basic RSV for 2 years 6FC8506-0 7 X0 7 - 7 AA2
Europe Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, • Master contract R
Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary,
• Individual contract E
Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, • 0 to 4 measurement circuits4) 1
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey 4)
• 5 to 6 measurement circuits 2
Country group 2
• 7 to 8 measurement circuits4) 3
Africa South Africa
• = 9 measurement circuits4) 8
America Argentina (basic RSV for = 9 measurement
Australia New Zealand
• > 9 measurement circuits4) 0
Europe Andorra, Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia,
(measurement circuit
Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Slovenia
supplement for RSV
Country group 3 > 9 measurement circuits3))
Africa Egypt, Morocco Contract extension
(possible once per RSV)
America Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, • By 6 months 6
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela
• By 1 year 1
Asia Bahrain, Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan,
OEM service levels
Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam
Surcharge for repair service
Europe Bosnia-Herzegovina, Belarus, Croatia, Greece, contract for Siemens components
Malta, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia and on machine tools with OEM
Montenegro, Ukraine applications.
Country group 4 Measurement circuits 1 to n for
countries in country groups 1 to 4
Remaining countries
• Surcharge for 6FC8506-3SX01-0AA0
OEM service levels OEM service level 1

To ensure repair service for OEM applications, an assessment • Surcharge for 6FC8506-3SX02-0AA0
OEM service level 2
is necessary based on the OEM service guideline. The assess-
ment grades the OEM application from 0 to 4. A surcharge will • Surcharge for 6FC8506-3SX03-0AA0
be levied for OEM service grades 1 to 4. OEM service level 3
• Surcharge for
OEM service level 4
6FC8506-3SX04-0AA0 11
1) Max. 24 months from the transfer of risk (delivery of components).
Max. 36 months from the transfer of risk (delivery of components).
3) Example for 17 measurement circuits: (basic RSV for = 9 measurement cir-
cuits) plus 8 x (measurement circuit supplement for RSV > 9 measurement
Physical axes and spindles count as measurement circuits.

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© Siemens AG 2009


■ Overview ■ Application
In accordance with the task, older controls and/or drives are re-
placed by controls and/or drives of the latest generation, starting
with machine tools and production machines, and right up to
presses and punching machinery. If mechanical overhauling is
required, we can offer that, too, as part of the overall package.

■ More information
The SINUMERIK Manufacturing Excellence brochure describes
the complete service spectrum and gives you a survey of the
service portfolio for your machines and processes.
Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK Manufacturing
• German E20001-A770-P610
• English E20001-A770-P610-X-7600

What do we mean by retrofit? Additional information is available in the Internet under:

Retrofit is another word for machine modernization, for many
users it is also the solution when it comes to breathing new life
into machinery and equipment.
The state of the mechanical components of older machines is
usually good to very good, but the controls and electrical com-
ponents are worn and obsolete, so failures and spare part Our service can be reached in Germany at all times under
problems can occur more frequently. 0180 5050 444 (0.14 €/min. from the German landline network,
mobile telephone prices may vary).
■ Benefits
With modernization, the user can reap the following essential
benefits, depending on the equipment and the level of
7 Low-cost alternative to a completely new investment
7 Productivity boost through increased plant availability
7 Enhanced ease of use in operation and programming
7 Quality improvement in machining
7 Assured supply of spare parts over a long period
7 Secure and reliable data management
7 State-of-the-art technology enables networking and
integration into production processes
Depending on the performance range, a level of machine func-
tionality is achieved that corresponds to state-of-the-art techno-
logy, even with regard to safety and monitoring in accordance
with existing guidelines and standards.


11/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Solution Partner mz robolab GmbH

■ Overview ■ More information

Please contact:
mz robolab GmbH
Marie-Curie-Straße 1
Phone: +49 (0) 2226-83600-00
Fax: +49 (0) 2226-83600-11
Additional information is available in the Internet under:

mz robolab GmbH – Professional automation solutions with

the rcs1 robot control
• Retrofitting of proven, reliable hardware (robots and machines)
with the latest control technology
• New robots with the user-friendly, extremely flexible rcs1
• Sensory automation solutions for complex, innovative
Hardware philosophy
As an open, universal PC-based robot control, the rcs1 control is
based on the latest, proven Siemens standards.
Sensor-motor technology
The rcs1 is designed to allow the versatile integration of sensor
technology. In particular, stable processes for a hard contact
force control robolab sensing system (rss1) are available as an
extension, which simplify numerous robotic applications, or even
make them possible for the first time.
Controllable axes
In its standard configuration, the rcs1 is designed as a 6-axis
control, but it can be expanded considerably, e.g., up to a
16-axis control with coordinated control of additional axes and
belt synchronization.
The rcs1 control is not limited to classic manipulator kinematics:
Kinematics can be custom defined, e.g., for Cartesian robots,
gantry robots, swivel/rotating tables
Various user interfaces are available as options for programming
the robot system:
• Handheld unit (HPU)
• Programming interface in C/C++
• Terminal programming, e.g., also via touch screen
• Text-based user interface
• Convenient window-based, menu-assisted user interfaces
• Manual programming with a 6D force sensor
• Programming with a custom configurable macro designer
Programming languages
• SRCL program interpreter
• C/C++ program library
• Customer-specific languages defined via a macro designer

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© Siemens AG 2009

Fire-extinguishing systems for machine tools

■ Overview ■ Design
The communication interface monitors the pneumatic fire extin-
guishing system, signals an alarm in the event of a fire or oper-
ating state fault and supports recording of operating data.
The LIFDES sensor is pressurized and breaks open at tempera-
tures above 110 °C (230 °F).
The DIMES measuring probe measures the extinguishing agent
fill level online and outputs an alarm when it drops below the
minimum required quantity. When the LIFDES sensor de-pres-
surizes, the valve releases the fire extinguishing agent.

5 5
3 4

2 6
Sinorix al-deco are automatic fire-extinguishing systems for ma- 9
chine tools. Sinorix al-deco fights the fire where it breaks out – in
the machine tool - without posing a risk to people, the environ-
ment, or technical components.
Sinorix al-deco fire extinguishers do not require an energy sup-
ply to detect and extinguish fires, as the actual extinguishing
process functions pneumatically.
Sinorix al-deco fire extinguishers are CE-compliant, meet all the
relevant EU standards and are approved by the German
Technical Inspectorate (TÜV). G_NC01_EN_00379

1 Extinguishing agent container

■ Benefits 2 Communication interface
3 DIMES measuring probe and valve
7 Optimum protection against outbreak of fire in a machine tool
4 Flexible detection hose (LIFDES sensor)
7 Capable of detection and extinction of fires without power 5 Fire-extinguishing nozzles
supply 6 Push button with manometer
7 Online remote monitoring of fire extinguisher and extin- 7 Hazardous working area
8 al-deco interface
guishing agent fill level
alarm signaling with 230 V AC/3 A potential-free changeover
7 Easy maintenance supported by optical/acoustic indicators contact for controling EMERGENCY OFF
7 Event log recordings 9 230 V AC

■ Function
The Sinorix al-deco system uses fire detection and fire extinction
methods which operate pneumatically. As a result, the system
does not require a power supply to be able to detect and
extinguish fires.
This fire extinguisher does not have any special requirements of
the machine tools such as sealing air, control signals or signaling

■ More information
Additional information is available in the Internet under:


11/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Control cabinets

■ Overview
Complete equipment is manufactured at a high industrial level.
7 Examining consistency of the job documentation
7 Checking for adherence to current regulations
7 Inspection and shipment free of faults
series solutions – 7 Documentation
customer-specific 7 Declaration of conformity regarding the Low-Voltage Directive
Consulting modifications Planning and manufacturer’s declaration on machinery directive
Liability of product nonconformance
require- Of course we accept the same liability of defects for our
complete equipment as for our SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVE
ments products.
Customer- Customer-
specific specific
engineering Furthermore, you can use our worldwide repair service
integration anywhere and at any time.
Your benefits

One partner, one quotation, one order, one delivery, one invoice,
Engineering and one contact partner for liability of defects.

Innovative equipment for machine tools and production

Our supplied range of products and services may include com-
plete equipment for machine tools and production systems with
all services in the process chain from consulting through to after-
sales service.
As you know, the name Siemens is a guarantee for research and
innovation. With our products, you can always be sure that you
are using state-of-the-art technology.
Experience gained from control cabinet manufacture is incorpo-
rated in our products, including:
7 Consideration of relevant standards and (equipment)
7 Certification in accordance with UL
7 Application of innovative technologies in control cabinet
7 Electronic data exchange

Superior logistics
Everything from a single source means:
7 Cost savings in
• Procurement
• Storage
• Financing
7 Reduction in throughput times
7 Just-in-time


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© Siemens AG 2009

Logistics services for our customers

■ Overview
Customer-oriented logistics solutions
7 Modular range of services
7 Tailored to your own logistics
7 Flexible and reliable fulfillment of demands

Customer-specific configuration
7 Provision of complete packages
7 Customizing

Production-based delivery
7 Machine-based generation of package
7 Oriented according to your assembly sequence
7 Low packaging overhead due to reusable containers for
scheduled deliveries
Global network for uniform logistics
7 Utilization of Siemens transport network
Flexible, uniform, successful 7 Tracking and tracing throughout the complete transport route
7 Competence in export and customs processes
With this motto we offer powerful logistics for our products indi-
vidually tailored to your requirements, and uniformly from order Optimized customer connections
up to delivery.
7 Delivery on exact date according to schedule
We optimize the complete logistics process between Siemens 7 Directly to assembly location using ship-to-line
I DT Motion Control Systems and you.
This helps you to design your own processes faster, simpler and
more cost-effectively.
Many of our customers have already chosen these solutions in
various combinations.

Modules Service Specification

Complete delivery • Packages, bundling Combination into complete equipment packages;
• Total equipment procurement of material from other production locations.
• Procurement
Customer-specific • Machine package Machine packages, also assembled according to stowage plan;
configuration/ • Stowage plan pre-assembly of components into units, and their testing.
• Installation
• Tests
Labeling • Customer material number Customer specification in form of number and text on the delivery note,
Delivery notes ID number plus barcode (DIN 39) on product packaging.
• Customer designation Language can be selected according to Siemens guideline.
• Barcode
• Language
Packaging versions • Standard carton Application-oriented packaging from standard cartons to freight containers.
• Pallet Special packaging for pre-assembled units.
We always select our packaging materials considering their environmental
• Reusable container compatibility.
• Air freight container
• Sea freight container
• Wooden box compliant with
IPPC regulation
Export handling • Export declaration Export handling up to the customer and also to his partner in a third country,
• Customs formalities based on the export and customs specifications of the respective countries.
• Worldwide
• Multi-partner/multi-region
Direct shipment • Fixed date Direct shipment on fixed, agreed days, directly to the assembly site if required.

11 (volume-dependent) • Tour
• Ship-to-line
Exchange of reusable packaging.

11/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Components for CNC basic and further training
SinuTrain control-identical
programming and simulation software

■ Overview ■ Overview (continued)

SinuTrain HMI-Advanced 810D/840Di/840D
DIN Programming
• User and programming interface for DIN 66025 programming
and SINUMERIK language extension
• CAD-Reader
• Printing/hard copy
• Programming examples
• Configuration tool for adapting to different machines
• 6 languages can be selected online (English, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese Simplified)
SinuTrain ShopMill
• User and programming interface for milling machines
• CAD-Reader
• Printing/hard copy
• Programming examples
SinuTrain control-identical programming and simulation • Configuration tool for adapting to different machines
software • 6 languages can be selected online (English, French,
SinuTrain is a control-identical CNC training/programming soft- German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese Simplified)
ware on a PC. It can be used for: SinuTrain ShopTurn
7 Training • User and programming interface for turning machines
7 Self-study • For other functions, see ShopMill
7 Program development and simulation
SinuTrain ManualTurn
The following variants are available (can run under • User and programming interface for semi-conventional
Windows XP): turning machines
SinuTrain complete package 802D/810D/840Di/840D • For other functions, see ShopMill
• SINUMERIK HMI-Advanced – Universal operating and All versions of SinuTrain are available with a single-user station
programming software for machine tools license or a classroom license. The classroom license enables
• ShopMill – User and programming interface for milling you to install the software on up to 16 individual PCs.
Updates for the SinuTrain complete package, for example, can
• ShopTurn – User and programming interface for turning be obtained on request. You will receive these updates on pro-
machines duction of an existing SinuTrain license. Updates of the latest
• ManualTurn – User and programming interface for version or a different higher version can be obtained.
semi-conventional turning machines
• DIN 66025 programming ■ Benefits
• User-friendly contour calculator 7 Control-identical programming training on PC – Practice-
• Detailed turning and milling cycles related training
• Tool management 7 SinuTrain available in 6 languages – Additional languages on
• Network linking via DNC Direct Numeric Control
7 Integration in CAD system – Fast program development
• CAD-Reader for reading the processing contour of your
workpiece 7 Commissioning/installation/instruction through Siemens –
Everything from a single source
• Printing/hard copy
7 Teacher/instructor training and teachware – Easy start for
• Programming examples trainers
• Configuration tool for adapting to different machines 7 Integration of customer applications – OEM version can be
• 6 languages can be selected online (English, French, implemented (machine tool manufacturers)
German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese Simplified)
• Further languages can be downloaded from the Internet. ■ Application
The SinuTrain training software is used to create and simulate
CNC programs on a PC, using the DIN 66025 programming
language plus SINUMERIK NC language commands and the
ShopMill and ShopTurn products.


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© Siemens AG 2009

Components for CNC basic and further training
SinuTrain control-identical
programming and simulation software

■ Design ■ Selection and ordering data

Programs created with the SinuTrain software can be used on Designation Order No.
real machines. The configurations and settings of the real ma- SinuTrain complete package
chine need to be mapped in the software for this purpose. A total 802D/810D/840Di/840D
of 99 machines can be configured additionally and stored in the On CD-ROM for Windows XP
configuration memory. The machine to be used can be selected
in the Start menu each time. • Rental license, 60 h 6FC5270-6AX70-3AG7
for software version 6.3
• Single-user license 6FC5270-0AX70-0AG0
Programs can be adapted by authorized personnel within the Floating license
specified limits, although additional costs may be incurred as for current software version
a result. • Single-user license 6FC5270- 7 AX70- 7 AG3
Service Pack (SP)1)
■ Function for specific software version
• Classroom license 6FC5270-0AX72-0AG0
With DNC, programs and tool data can be transferred from Floating license (16)
PC to PC or from PC to machine. The CAD-Reader program for current software version
converts DXF files into contours or hole drilling templates for
• Classroom license 6FC5270- 7 AX72- 7 AG3
SINUMERIK, ShopMill or ShopTurn. The contours can be modi- Service Pack (SP)1)
fied later in DIN-ISO format or contour calculator format. You can for specific software version
print out part programs, subprograms and ShopMill/ShopTurn
programs using the "Print" function. SinuTrain HMI-Advanced
The single-user station DIN Programming
On CD-ROM for Windows XP
The scope of functions of the SinuTrain software takes into ac-
count production and training requirements. The operator inter- • Single-user license 6FC5270-0AX74-0AG0
face identical to production together with the identical scope of Floating license
programming functions make it easy for the trainer to pass for current software version
on skills and knowledge for production use. A difference in the • Classroom license 6FC5270-0AX76-0AG0
media or methods does not exist because identical control Floating license (16)
software is used. for current software version

The environment encountered by the programmer on the PC is SinuTrain 802D

identical to the programming environment on the machine. On CD-ROM for Windows XP
Convenience is, of course, much greater on the PC. • Single-user license 6FC5270-0AX80-0AG0
Floating license
The classroom for current software version
The classroom license has been specially devised to meet the • Classroom license 6FC5270-0AX82-0AG0
requirements of a training environment and offers 16 single-user Floating license (16)
licenses. for current software version
The trainee and trainer workstations are linked over a network. SinuTrain ShopMill
The CNC programs created during training can be transferred On CD-ROM for Windows XP
to a training machine directly via the network using DNC, if
• Single-user license 6FC5463-0FA41-0AG0
SinuTrain has been configured for this machine. Floating license
Note: for current software version

We recommend the use of a network specifically designed for • Classroom license 6FC5463-0FA43-0AG0
Floating license (16)
training environments, which will allow the tutor to intervene in for current software version
the training process from the tutor workstation at any time. The
network is not supplied with the SinuTrain software. Example of a specific software version, e.g. 6.3:
The training center
The last step in the integrated training concept is complete when
the training programs developed by the students are transferred
to the CNC machines. DNC Machine also transfers programs
from PC to machine via the existing network, thus allowing
execution of the programs, manual modification and program
development right on the machine itself.
We also provide an appropriate infrastructure:
• Media as well as installation
• Commissioning and services
• Consulting for hardware and software.

We support machine tool manufacturers in their efforts to
implement their own or external CNC training centers.

1) Only on verification of the license number.

11/16 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Components for CNC basic and further training
SinuTrain control-identical
programming and simulation software

■ Selection and ordering data (continued) ■ Accessories

Designation Order No. SinuTrain training keyboard1)
SinuTrain ShopTurn
On CD-ROM for Windows XP
• Single-user license 6FC5463-0GA51-0AG0
Floating license
for current software version
• Classroom license 6FC5463-0GA53-0AG0
Floating license (16)
for current software version
SinuTrain ManualTurn
On CD-ROM for Windows XP
• Single-user license 6FC5463-0GA41-0AG0
Floating license
for current software version
• Classroom license 6FC5463-0GA43-0AG0
Floating license (16)
for current software version
Virtual machine for training
On CD-Rom for SinuTrain 6.3
edition 3 and 4 for ShopMill/
• Single-user license 6FC5270-1AX10-0AG0
Floating license
Software version 1.0
The training keyboard for machine simulation makes PC-based
• Classroom license 6FC5270-1AX12-0AG0 training in machine operation and programming even more
Floating license (16) realistic.
Software version 1.0
On the SinuTrain training keyboard, you will find all the keys
familiar to you from the control itself, or from exercises in the
SinuTrain training keyboard1) 6FC5203-0AC55-0AA0 training manual, in their original layout. This greatly simplifies the
use of SinuTrain and ShopMill/ShopTurn on the one hand, and
■ More information saves you from having to rethink the entire layout when you
progress from training to the machine itself or use the PC as an
For additional information, please contact your local Siemens external programming console and have to switch back and
office. forth between machine and PC on the other hand.
Additional information is available in the Internet under: The SinuTrain training keyboard is easily connected via the
PC’s USB interface, that is to say, neither additional hardware
(plug-in card) nor an external power supply is required for the
keyboard. Preconditions: • An operating system-supported USB interface on the PC • SinuTrain software


Not approved for use on machines.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Components for CNC basic and further training
SinuTrain control-identical
programming and simulation software

■ Options
Virtual machine for training Extended simulation
The option Virtual machine for training is an addition the real • 3D simulation with extended setting possibilities
machine tool and supports virtual manufacturing of workpieces • Collision monitoring in the machine room
on the PC through 3D visualization of the machining process. • Workpiece updating with material removal
The stock removal process in particular requires extensive tech- • Workpiece sections with supporting screens
nical know-how to avoid collisions and to achieve high-precision
workpieces. The option of Virtual machine for training offers Workpiece measuring
functions for teaching this know-how and is therefore an inex-
pensive method for demonstrating the manufacture of a work-
piece to trainees.
Overview of functions
Machine room presentation

• Whether an approach is correct or not will only become

evident once the results have been analyzed.
• Online measurement of the workpiece rounds off the
technological requirements of the stock removal training.
Machine types
• Vertical milling machine with 3 axes
• Simulation with machine room presentation expands the
• Turning machine with powered tools
possibilities for passing on technological know-how virtually.
Simulation of the complete machine results in an understand- • Turning machine with counterspindle and powered tools
ing of the complete process of stock removal.
• The tool management in SinuTrain is expanded with a display
of the associated holders and supports.
Collision visualization

11 • The virtual machine for training contains functions that support

the detection and visualization of a collision with a machine
component, such as a rotating chuck, toolholder, etc.

11/18 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Components for CNC basic and further training
eLearning/training booklets

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Book "We are part of the
workshop team"
• Print version:
- Black/white 6FC5095-0AA60-0 7 P2
- Color 6FC5095-0AA60-1 7 P2
• Languages:
- German A
- English B
CD "We are part of the E80001-V211-E73-X-7400
workshop team"
Languages: English/German
ShopMill training booklet
• Print version:
- Black/white 6FC5095-0AA50-0 7 P2

eLearning/training documentation offers you interactive learning - Color 6FC5095-0AA50-1 7 P2

concepts, which can be used in professional training from the ShopTurn training booklet
basics right through to specialist training.
• Print version:
The interactive learning concept covers: - Black/white 6FC5095-0AA80-0 7 P1
• Training booklets including examples in 6 different languages - Color 6FC5095-0AA80-1 7 P1
• Interesting, graphically advanced training software on CD and
SINUMERIK 810D/840Di/840D
the Internet. training booklet
The training software consists of high-quality, interactive
multimedia programs, which guide the user from the basics of • Print version:
turning and milling through to operating and programming a - Black/white 6FC5095-0AB00-0 7 P1
SINUMERIK, and are also available as a self-study program.
This software has been awarded the Digita prize. - Color 6FC5095-0AB00-1 7 P1
• Languages:1)
Training booklets
- Chinese Simplified R
The training booklets are designed to offer the simplest introduc-
- German A
tion to programming/operating. They are primarily addressed to
beginners, those who will use ShopMill/ShopTurn in the future or - English B
those starting out in its programming/operation. The booklets are - French D
also used for basic and further training.
- Italian C
Self-study CDs
- Korean L
Training is now supported by the latest multimedia learning soft- - Dutch J
ware. This software, which enables users to teach themselves
the most important relationships and operation methods for - Polish N
ShopMill and ShopTurn, is called computer-based training - Portuguese K
(CBT). The instruction-based introduction saves you a great deal
of time and, without expensive training, brings you interactively - Russian P
much closer to your goals than experimenting without any guid- - Spanish E
ance on the control would do. These CDs should be used in con- ShopMill training booklet CD 6FC5095-0AA50-0YG0
junction with SinuTrain. They are increasingly used in schools
and chambers of trade/chambers of industry and commerce for Languages: English, German,
basic training. To this end, there is a test module to test the French, Italian, Spanish
material covered, with a certificate awarded if the test is passed. ShopTurn training booklet CD 6FC5095-0AA80-0YG0
The new SITRAIN tutorials offer you instructive software based
Languages: English, German,
on a virtual machine, providing a quick and easy introduction to French, Italian, Spanish
CNC technology.
SINUMERIK 810D/840Di/840D 6FC5095-0AB00-0YG0
training booklet CD
Languages: English, German,
French, Italian, Spanish


Additional languages on request.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/19

© Siemens AG 2009

Components for CNC basic and further training
eLearning/training booklets

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Designation Order No.
ShopMill self-study course 6FC5095-0AA71-0 7 G0
ShopTurn self-study course 6FC5095-0AB00-0 7 G0
• English/German B
• English/French D
• English/Italian C
• English/Spanish E
The new SITRAIN tutorials on CD-ROM
SINUMERIK 802C/802S 6ZB3300-0BD01-6AA0
Operation and Programming
English, German,
Chinese Simplified
SINUMERIK 840D 6ZB3300-0BK00-6AA0
Operation and Programming
English, German, Dutch
Fundamental Principles of 6ZB3300-0BF00-6AA0
NC Programming – Milling
English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish, Chinese Simplified
Fundamental Principles of 6ZB3300-0BG00-6AA0
NC Programming – Turning
English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish, Chinese Simplified

■ More information
Additional information is available in the Internet

• On the topic Training at
• On the topic ShopMill/ShopTurn at


1) English/Chinese Simplified available soon.

2) Additional languages available soon.

11/20 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Training equipment
SIMODRIVE 611 universal
training case for Motion Control SINUMERIK 802 training case

■ Application ■ Application

The training case can be used for customer presentations and for The SINUMERIK 802 training cases are used for practicing
teaching technical aspects of configuration, start-up and service. operation of the SINUMERIK 802S base line/802C base line
With the Motion Control variant, functions such as synchronous controls and for demonstration purposes. The training cases can
operation or positioning can be simulated using the toothed also be used as models for trade fairs or as test controllers.
discs with scale divisions and stroboscopic equipment.
■ Design
■ Design • Hard-top case
• RIMOWA hard-top case with rollers • SINUMERIK 802S base line or
• SIMODRIVE unregulated infeed module with 2-axis power SINUMERIK 802C base line
module for 0.5 kW motors
• 2-axis control unit with optional module Motion Control with • 24 V DC (110 V/230 V AC) power supply
PROFIBUS DP The SINUMERIK 802 training cases are complete, with the PLC
• Start-up box program preinstalled. The SINUMERIK control is fitted in a case
suitable for transport as air freight.
■ Technical specifications
Order No. 6ZB2420-0AB00/-0AD00 ■ Technical specifications
Product name SIMODRIVE 611 universal train- Order No. On request
ing case for Motion Control Product name SINUMERIK 802 training case
Degree of protection in accor- IP00 Degree of protection in accor- IP00
dance with DIN VDE 0470 dance with DIN VDE 0470
Part 1/EN 60529/IEC 60529 Part 1/EN 60529/IEC 60529
Ambient temperature Ambient temperature
• Storage and transport -5 ... 60 °C (23 ... 140 °F) • Storage and transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 40 °C (41 ... 104 °F) • Operation 0 ... 50 °C (32 ... 122 °F)
Dimensions Dimensions
• Width 700 mm (27.56 in) • Width 700 mm (27.56 in)
• Height 520 mm (20.47 in) • Height 500 mm (19.69 in)
• Depth 260 mm (10.24 in) • Depth 280 mm (11.02 in)
Weight, approx. 36 kg (79.4 lb) Weight, approx. 14 kg (30.9 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Designation Order No.
SIMODRIVE 611 universal
training case for Motion Control SINUMERIK 802S base line/ On request
Version with 1FK6 motors with 802C base line training case
encoders and optional module
Motion Control with PROFIBUS DP
• 230 V AC power connection
• 110 V AC power connection
SIMODRIVE 611 universal 6ZB2420-0AA02
training case
Version with 1FT6 motors with
absolute encoders and optional
module Motion Control with

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/21

© Siemens AG 2009

Training equipment
SINUMERIK 840D powerline
training rack

■ Application ■ Technical specifications

Order No. 6ZB2410-0AP00
Product name SINUMERIK 840D powerline
training rack
Degree of protection in accor- IP00
dance with DIN VDE 0470
Part 1/EN 60529/IEC 60529
Ambient temperature
• Storage and transport -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
• Operation 5 ... 40 °C (41 ... 104 °F)
• Height 1 696 mm (66.77 in)
• Width 600 mm (23.62 in)
• Depth 660 mm (25.98 in)
Weight, approx. 170 kg (375 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
SINUMERIK 840D powerline 6ZB2410-0AP00
training rack

SINUMERIK 840D powerline training rack

The SINUMERIK 840D powerline training rack is used for the
realistic practice of operating, programming, start-up and service

■ Design
• Simulation panel including SIMATIC S7 input, output and
IM modules
• 230 V AC/24 V DC power supply, 10 A
• Connection module with 5-way socket
• SINUMERIK OP 012 with PCU 50, Pentium II, 333 MHz,
• Machine control panel
• Floppy disk drive, 3.5"
• SINUMERIK 840D powerline with an NCU
• SIMODRIVE 611 digital
- Unregulated infeed module 10/25 kW,
- Main spindle power module 24 A,
- 2-axis feed module 2 x 9/18 A,
- 2 x synchronous motor 1FT6062-3AC
- 1 x asynchronous motor 1PH7, 3.7 kW
• Wiring prepared for Safety Integrated capability.
The SINUMERIK 840D powerline training rack is fully equipped
and carries the CE mark; the adaptation programs are prein-
Customer-specific adaptations can be made.


11/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009


■ Faster and more applicable know-how: ■ SITRAIN highlights

Hands-on training from the manufacturer
Top trainers
SITRAIN – the Siemens Training for Automation and Industrial
Solutions – provides you with comprehensive support in solving Our trainers are skilled teachers with direct practical experience.
your tasks. Course developers have close contact with product develop-
ment, and directly pass on their knowledge to the trainers.
Training by the market leader in automation and plant enginee-
ring enables you to make independent decisions with confi- Practical experience
dence. Especially where the optimum and efficient use of pro- The practical experience of our trainers enables them to teach
ducts and plants are concerned. You can eliminate deficiencies theory effectively. But since theory can be pretty drab, we attach
in existing plants, and exclude expensive faulty planning right great importance to practical exercises which can comprise up
from the beginning. to half of of the course time. You can therefore immediately imp-
lement your new knowledge in practice. We train you on state-
of-the-art methodically/didactically designed training equip-
ment. This training approach will give you all the confidence you
Wide variety
With a total of about 300 local attendance courses, we train the
complete range of Siemens products as well as interaction of the
products in systems. Telecourses, teach-yourself software and
seminars with a presenter on the Web supplement our classic
range of courses.
Tailor-made training
We are only a short distance away. You can find us at more than
50 locations in Germany, and in 62 countries worldwide. You
wish to have individual training instead of one of our
300 courses? Our solution: We will provide a program tailored
exactly to your personal requirements. Training can be carried
out in our Training Centers or at your company.
First-class know-how directly pays for itself: In shorter startup The right mixture: Blended learning
times, high-quality end products, faster troubleshooting and
reduced downtimes. In other words, increased profits and lower "Blended learning" means a combination of various training me-
costs. dia and sequences. For example, a local attendance course in
a Training Center can be optimally supplemented by a teach-
Achieve more with SITRAIN yourself program as preparation or follow-up. Additional effect:
• Shorter times for startup, maintenance and servicing Reduced traveling costs and periods of absence.
• Optimized production operations
• Reliable configuration and startup
• Minimization of plant downtimes
• Flexible plant adaptation to market requirements
• Compliance with quality standards in production
• Increased employee satisfaction and motivation
• Shorter familiarization times following changes in technology
and staff

■ Contact
Visit our site on the Internet at:
or let us advise you personally. You can request our latest
training catalog from:
SITRAIN Customer Support Germany:
Phone: +49 (0) 1805 23 56 11
Fax: +49 (0) 1805 23 56 12
(0.14 €/min. from a German landline network,
mobile telephone prices may vary) 11

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/23

© Siemens AG 2009

General Documentation

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

A high-quality programmable control or drive system can only be Designation Order No.
used to maximum effect if the user is aware of the performance Catalog NC 60 · 2009
of the CNC machine tool control and the machine tool drives as
a result of intensive training and good technical documentation. • German Only PDF:
This is becoming more important due to the shorter innovation
• English E86060-K4460-A101-B3-7600
cycles of modern automation products and the convergence of
electronics and mechanical engineering. Catalog NC 61 · 2007/2008

Comprehensive documentation is available for the SINUMERIK • German E86060-K4461-A101-A2

CNC controls and the SIMODRIVE 611 converter system. This • English E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7600
documentation includes Operator’s Guides, Programming
• French E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7700
Guides or Configuration Guides, as well as Installation Guides.
• Italian E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7200
Information is available in the following formats:
• Spanish E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7800
• Paper version, printed copy
Catalog ST 70 · 2009
• PDF file available on the Internet as DOConWEB application
with ’search all documents’ function • German E86060-K4670-A101-B2 • English E86060-K4670-A101-B2-7600

Additional information is available in the Internet under: • French E86060-K4670-A101-B2-7700

• Italian E86060-K4670-A101-B2-7200
• Spanish E86060-K4670-A101-B2-7800 Decentralizing with ISBN 3-89578-074-X


■ More information Safety Integrated

System Manual
Please send your questions and suggestions to: • German 6ZB5000-0AA01-0BA1
• English 6ZB5000-0AA02-0BA1
Safety Integrated
System Manual
• German 6ZB5000-0AB01-0BA0
• English 6ZB5000-0AB02-0BA0
SINUMERIK 802S/802C/802D
SINUMERIK 810D/840Di/840D
User and Manufacturer
Documentation on CD-ROM
with Help Tool
Edition: October 2008
• English/German 6FC5398-0AC10-0YA3
Update service for DOC-on-CD
• English/German 6FC5298-0CD00-0YG2


11/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

SINUMERIK 802S/802C SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline

■ Selection and ordering data ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
User documentation User documentation
Turning Operating Manual
SINUMERIK 802S/802C HMI-Advanced
Operating/Programming SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D
• German 6FC5598-3AA00-0AP2 • German 6FC5398-2AP10-3AA0
• English 6FC5598-3AA00-0BP2 • English 6FC5398-2AP10-3BA0
• Italian 6FC5598-3AA00-0CP2 • Italian 6FC5398-2AP10-3CA0
• French 6FC5598-3AA00-0DP2 • French 6FC5398-2AP10-3DA0
• Spanish 6FC5598-3AA00-0EP2 • Spanish 6FC5398-2AP10-3EA0
Milling Operator’s Guide
SINUMERIK 802S/802C HMI-Embedded
Operating/Programming SINUMERIK 840D/810D
• German 6FC5598-3AA10-0AP2 • German 6FC5298-6AC00-0AP3
• English 6FC5598-3AA10-0BP2 • English 6FC5298-6AC00-0BP3
• Italian 6FC5598-3AA10-0CP2 • Italian 6FC5298-6AC00-0CP3
• French 6FC5598-3AA10-0DP2 • French 6FC5298-6AC00-0DP3
• Spanish 6FC5598-3AA10-0EP2 • Spanish 6FC5298-6AC00-0EP3
Diagnostics Guide Short Guide Operation
• German 6FC5598-3AA20-0AP2 • German 6FC5298-6AA10-0AP0
• English 6FC5598-3AA20-0BP2 • English 6FC5298-6AA10-0BP0
Manufacturer documentation • Italian 6FC5298-6AA10-0CP0
• French 6FC5298-6AA10-0DP0
Installation & Start-Up Guide • Spanish 6FC5298-6AA10-0EP0
• German 6FC5597-3AA20-0AP2 Operating Instructions ShopMill
• English 6FC5597-3AA20-0BP2 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
• German 6FC5298-6AD10-0AP3
Description of Functions • English 6FC5298-6AD10-0BP3
SINUMERIK 802S/802C • Italian 6FC5298-6AD10-0CP3
• German 6FC5597-3AA10-0AP2 • French 6FC5298-6AD10-0DP3
• English 6FC5597-3AA10-0BP2 • Spanish 6FC5298-6AD10-0EP3
User and manufacturer documentation Short Guide ShopMill
Operating/Programming SINUMERIK 840D/810D
Turning • German 6FC5298-5AD30-0AP0
SINUMERIK 802S base line/ • English 6FC5298-5AD30-0BP0
802C base line • Italian 6FC5298-5AD30-0CP0
• German 6FC5598-4AA01-0AP0 • French 6FC5298-5AD30-0DP0
• English 6FC5598-4AA01-0BP0 • Spanish 6FC5298-5AD30-0EP0
• Italian 6FC5598-4AA01-0CP0
Operating Instructions
• French 6FC5598-4AA01-0DP0 ShopTurn
• Spanish 6FC5598-4AA01-0EP0 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
Installation & Start-up Guide • German 6FC5298-6AD50-0AP2
SINUMERIK 802S base line • English 6FC5298-6AD50-0BP2
• German 6FC5597-4AA01-0AP0 • Italian 6FC5298-6AD50-0CP2
• English 6FC5597-4AA01-0BP0 • French 6FC5298-6AD50-0DP2
Operating/Programming • Spanish 6FC5298-6AD50-0EP2
Milling Short Guide ShopTurn
SINUMERIK 802S base line/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D
802C base line • German 6FC5298-6AF20-0AP0
• German 6FC5598-4AA11-0AP0 • English 6FC5298-6AF20-0BP0
• English 6FC5598-4AA11-0BP0 • Italian 6FC5298-6AF20-0CP0
• French 6FC5598-4AA11-0DP0 • French 6FC5298-6AF20-0DP0
• Spanish 6FC5598-4AA11-0EP0 • Spanish 6FC5298-6AF20-0EP0
Installation & Start-up Guide Operator’s Guide HT 6
SINUMERIK 802C base line SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
• German 6FC5597-4AA21-0AP0 • German 6FC5298-0AD60-0AP3
• English 6FC5597-4AA21-0BP0 • English 6FC5298-0AD60-0BP3
Diagnostics Guide • Italian 6FC5298-0AD60-0CP3
SINUMERIK 802S base line/ • French 6FC5298-0AD60-0DP3
802C base line • Spanish 6FC5298-0AD60-0EP3
• German 6FC5598-4AA21-0AP0 Programming Manual
• English 6FC5598-4AA21-0BP0 Fundamentals
Description of Functions SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/
SINUMERIK 802S base line/ 840Di sl/840Di/810D
802C base line • German 6FC5398-1BP10-2AA0
• German
• English
• English
• Italian
6FC5398-1BP10-2CA0 11
• French 6FC5398-1BP10-2DA0
• Spanish 6FC5398-1BP10-2EA0

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/25

© Siemens AG 2009

SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
User documentation (continued) Manufacturer and service documentation (continued)
Programming Manual Start-up Guide
Job Planning SINUMERIK 810D
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/ • German 6FC5297-4AD20-0AP1
840Di sl/840Di/810D • English 6FC5297-4AD20-0BP1
• German 6FC5398-2BP10-2AA0
Start-up Guide
• English 6FC5398-2BP10-2BA0 SINUMERIK 840D
• Italian 6FC5398-2BP10-2CA0 • German 6FC5297-6AB10-0AP2
• French 6FC5398-2BP10-2DA0 • English 6FC5297-6AB10-0BP2
• Spanish 6FC5398-2BP10-2EA0
Commissioning Manual CNC
Short Guide Programming Part 2 (HMI)
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/
• German 6FC5298-6AB30-0AP0 840Di/810D
• English 6FC5298-6AB30-0BP0 • German 6FC5397-3AP10-1AA0
• Italian 6FC5298-6AB30-0CP0 • English 6FC5397-3AP10-1BA0
• French 6FC5298-6AB30-0DP0 • Italian 6FC5397-3AP10-1CA0
• Spanish 6FC5298-6AB30-0EP0 • French 6FC5397-3AP10-1DA0
Programming Manual Cycles • Spanish 6FC5397-3AP10-1EA0
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/ Commissioning Manual CNC
840Di sl/840Di/810D Part 5 (Basic software)
• German 6FC5398-3BP10-0AA0 SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/
• English 6FC5398-3BP10-0BA0 840Di/810D
• Italian 6FC5398-3BP10-0CA0 • German 6FC5397-2CP10-2AA0
• French 6FC5398-3BP10-0DA0 • English 6FC5397-2CP10-2BA0
• Spanish 6FC5398-3BP10-0EA0 • Italian 6FC5397-2CP10-2CA0
Programming Manual • French 6FC5397-2CP10-2DA0
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/ • Spanish 6FC5397-2CP10-2EA0
840Di sl/840Di/810D Description of Functions
Measuring cycles SINUMERIK 840D/810D
• German 6FC5398-4BP10-0AA0 ShopMill
• English 6FC5398-4BP10-0BA0 • German 6FC5297-6AD80-0AP3
• Italian 6FC5398-4BP10-0CA0 • English 6FC5297-6AD80-0BP3
• French 6FC5398-4BP10-0DA0
• Spanish 6FC5398-4BP10-0EA0 Description of Functions
Programming Guide ShopTurn
ISO Milling • German 6FC5297-6AD70-0AP2
SINUMERIK 802D sl/840D sl/ • English 6FC5297-6AD70-0BP2
840D/ 840Di sl/840Di/810D
• English 6FC5398-7BP10-0BA0 Lists (Book 1)
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
Programming Guide SIMODRIVE 611 digital
ISO Turning • German 6FC5297-7AB70-0AP2
SINUMERIK • English 6FC5297-7AB70-0BP2
802D sl/840D sl/840D/
840Di sl/840Di/810D Lists (Book 2)
• English 6FC5398-5BP10-0BA0 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
SIMODRIVE 611 digital
Diagnostics Manual • German 6FC5297-7AB71-0AP0
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D • English 6FC5297-7AB71-0BP0
• German 6FC5298-7AA20-0AP3
• English 6FC5298-7AA20-0BP3 Function Manual
• Italian 6FC5298-7AA20-0CP3 SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/
• French 6FC5298-7AA20-0DP3 840Di sl/840Di/810D
• Spanish 6FC5298-7AA20-0EP3 Basic Functions
• German 6FC5397-0BP10-3AA0
Manufacturer and service documentation • English 6FC5397-0BP10-3BA0
Manual Function Manual
Configuring 840Di sl/840Di/810D
• German 6FC5297-6AD10-0AP2 Extended Functions
• English 6FC5297-6AD10-0BP2 • German 6FC5397-1BP10-3AA0
Manual • English 6FC5397-1BP10-3BA0
SINUMERIK 840D Function Manual
Configuring SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/
• German 6FC5297-6AC10-0AP3 840Di sl/840Di/810D
• English 6FC5297-6AC10-0BP3 Special Functions
Manual • German 6FC5397-2BP10-3AA0
• English 6FC5397-2BP10-3BA0
Operator Components
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
• German 6FC5297-7AA50-0AP2
• English 6FC5297-7AA50-0BP2

11/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

SINUMERIK 810D powerline/840D powerline Motors

■ Selection and ordering data (continued) ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
Manufacturer and service documentation (continued) Manufacturer and service documentation
Description of Functions Configuration Manual
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D 1FT6 Synchronous Motors
Tool Management • German 6SN1197-0AD02-0AP1
• German 6FC5297-6AC60-0AP1 • English 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1
• English 6FC5297-6AC60-0BP1 • Italian 6SN1197-0AD02-0CP1
Description of Functions • French 6SN1197-0AD02-0DP1
SINUMERIK 840D • Spanish 6SN1197-0AD02-0EP1
Safety Integrated Configuration Manual
• German 6FC5297-7AB80-0AP1 1FT7 Synchronous Motors
• English 6FC5297-7AB80-0BP1 • German 6SN1197-0AC13-0AP1
Function Manual • English 6SN1197-0AC13-0BP1
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/ • Italian 6SN1197-0AC13-0CP1
840Di sl/840Di/810D • French 6SN1197-0AC13-0DP1
Synchronized Actions • Spanish 6SN1197-0AC13-0EP1
• German 6FC5397-5BP10-2AA0 Configuration Manual
• English 6FC5397-5BP10-2BA0 1FK7 Synchronous Motors
Description of Functions • German 6SN1197-0AD06-0AP1
SINUMERIK 840D • English 6SN1197-0AD06-0BP1
C PLC Programming • Italian 6SN1197-0AD06-0CP1
• German 6FC5297-3AB60-0AP0 • French 6SN1197-0AD06-0DP1
• English 6FC5297-3AB60-0BP0 • Spanish 6SN1197-0AD06-0EP0
Description of Functions Configuration Manual
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D General Information for
Remote Diagnosis 1FT/1FK Motors
• German 6FC5297-0AF00-0AP3 • German 6SN1197-0AD07-0AP4
• English 6FC5297-0AF00-0BP3 • English 6SN1197-0AD07-0BP4
Description of Functions • Italian 6SN1197-0AD07-0CP2
HMI-Embedded Configuring • French 6SN1197-0AD07-0DP2
Package • Spanish 6SN1197-0AD07-0EP2
• German 6FC5297-6EA10-0AP0 Configuration Manual
• English 6FC5297-6EA10-0BP0 General Information for
Description of Functions Asynchronous Motors
SINUMERIK 840D Digitizing • German 6SN1197-0AC62-0AP0
• German 6FC5297-4AC50-0AP0 • English 6SN1197-0AC62-0BP0
• English 6FC5297-4AC50-0BP0 • Italian 6SN1197-0AC62-0CP0
• French 6SN1197-0AC62-0DP0
Description of Functions • Spanish 6SN1197-0AC62-0EP0
ISO Dialects for SINUMERIK
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/ Configuration Manual
840Di sl/840D/810D 1PH2 Asynchronous Motors
• German 6FC5397-7BP10-0AA0 • German 6SN1197-0AC63-0AP0
• English 6FC5397-7BP10-0BA0 • English 6SN1197-0AC63-0BP0
• Italian 6SN1197-0AC63-0CP0
EMC Guidelines
• French 6SN1197-0AC63-0DP0
• German 6FC5297-0AD30-0AP2
• Spanish 6SN1197-0AC63-0EP0
• English 6FC5297-0AD30-0BP2
Configuration Manual
Description of Functions 1PH4 Asynchronous Motors
MCIS RPC Computer Link
• German 6SN1197-0AC64-0AP2
• German 6FC5297-6AD61-0AP1
• English 6SN1197-0AC64-0BP2
• English 6FC5297-6AD61-0BP1
• Italian 6SN1197-0AC64-0CP2
Description of Functions • French 6SN1197-0AC64-0DP2
MCIS TDI Ident Connection • Spanish 6SN1197-0AC64-0EP2
• German 6FC5297-1AE60-0AP0
Configuration Manual
• English 6FC5297-1AE60-0BP0
1PH7 Asynchronous Motors
Description of Functions • German 6SN1197-0AC65-0AP1
MCIS • English 6SN1197-0AC65-0BP1
NC Program Management • Italian 6SN1197-0AC65-0CP1
DNC Machine • French 6SN1197-0AC65-0DP1
• German 6FC5297-1AE81-0AP0 • Spanish 6SN1197-0AC65-0EP1
• English 6FC5297-1AE81-0BP0
Configuration Manual
Description of Functions Hollow-Shaft Motors for Main
MCIS Spindle Drives 1PM4/1PM6
NC Program Management DNC • German 6SN1197-0AD03-0AP1
• German 6FC5297-2AE80-0AP1 • English 6SN1197-0AD03-0BP1
• English 6FC5297-2AE80-0BP1 • Italian 6SN1197-0AD03-0CP1
Operating Instructions
MCIS Tool Data Information TDI
• French
• Spanish
6SN1197-0AD03-0EP1 11
• German 6FC5297-6AE01-0AP4 Configuration Manual
• English 6FC5297-6AE01-0BP4 1FN1/1FN3 Linear Motors
• French 6FC5297-6AE01-0DP4 • German 6SN1197-0AB70-0AP6
• English 6SN1197-0AB70-0BP6

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 11/27

© Siemens AG 2009

Motors SIMODRIVE 611

■ Selection and ordering data (continued) ■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Designation Order No.
Manufacturer and service documentation Manufacturer and service documentation
Configuration Manual Description of Functions
1FN3 Linear Motors SIMODRIVE 611 digital/
(Peak Load Motors) SINUMERIK 840D/810D
• German 6SN1197-0AB73-0AP1 Drive Functions
Configuration Manual • German 6SN1197-0AA80-1AP6
1FN3 Linear Motors • English 6SN1197-0AA80-1BP6
(Continuous Load Motors)
• German 6SN1197-0AB74-0AP3 Function Manual
• English 6SN1197-0AB74-0BP3 SIMODRIVE 611 digital
• Italian 6SN1197-0AB74-0CP2 Hydraulics Module
• French 6SN1197-0AB74-0DP2 • German 6SN1197-0AB60-0AP4
• Spanish 6SN1197-0AB74-0EP2 • English 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP4
Configuration Manual Description of Functions
1FE1 Synchronous Built-In SIMODRIVE 611 digital/
• German 6SN1197-0AC00-0AP7 ANA Module
• English 6SN1197-0AC00-0BP7 • German 6SN1197-0AB80-0AP0
• Italian 6SN1197-0AC00-0CP7 • English 6SN1197-0AB80-0BP0
• French 6SN1197-0AC00-0DP7
• Spanish 6SN1197-0AC00-0EP7 Configuration Manual
Drive Converters
Configuration Manual SIMODRIVE 611 digital
1FW6 Built-In Torque Motors
• German 6SN1197-0AA00-1AP1
• German 6SN1197-0AD00-0AP5
• English 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP5 • English 6SN1197-0AA00-1BP1
• Italian 6SN1197-0AD00-0CP3 • Italian 6SN1197-0AA00-1CP0
• French 6SN1197-0AD00-0DP3 • French 6SN1197-0AA00-1DP0
• Spanish 6SN1197-0AD00-0EP3 • Spanish 6SN1197-0AA00-1EP0
Configuration Manual Description of Functions
2SP1 Motor Spindles SIMODRIVE 611 universal/
• German 6SN1197-0AD04-0AP3 universal E Control Units for
• English 6SN1197-0AD04-0BP3 Speed control and Positioning
• Italian 6SN1197-0AD04-0CP3 • German 6SN1197-0AB20-1AP8
• French 6SN1197-0AD04-0DP3 • English 6SN1197-0AB20-1BP8
• Spanish 6SN1197-0AD04-0EP3 • Italian 6SN1197-0AB20-1CP7
• French 6SN1197-0AB20-1DP7
• Spanish 6SN1197-0AB20-1EP7

Measuring systems

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Manufacturer and service documentation
User Manual
Absolute Encoder
• German/English 6SN1197-0AB10-0YP4


11/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009


12/2 Approvals

12/6 Siemens Contacts Worldwide

12/7 Online Services

Information and
ordering in the Internet
and on DVD-ROM

12/8 Customer Support

12/9 Notes on software

12/9 Software licenses
12/10 Setup texts and Software
Update Services

12/11 Indexes
12/11 Subject index
12/17 Order number index

12/25 Suggestions for improving

the catalog
Fax form

12/26 Conversion tables

12/28 Metal surcharges

12/30 Conditions of sale and delivery

Export regulations

Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009


■ Overview
Many products in this catalog are in compliance with UL/CSA FMRC: Factory Mutual Research Corporation
and FM requirements and are labeled with the appropriate cer- Independent public testing institution in North America
tification markings.
Approval mark:
All certifications, certificates, declarations of conformance, test • FM Tested by FM in accordance with the FM standard
certificates, e.g. CE, UL, Safety Integrated have been performed
with the associated system components as they are described Test standard:
in the Catalogs and Configuration Manuals. • Standard FMRC 3600, FMRC 3611, FMRC 3810 Class I, Div.2,
The certificates are only valid if the products are used with the Group A, B, C, D
described system components, are installed according to the File No.:
Installation Guidelines and are used for their intended purpose.
For cases that deviate from these conditions, the company or 5B0A2.AX
person marketing these products is responsible in having the 2D7A2.AX
certificates appropriately re-issued. 3007320
UL: Underwriters Laboratories SINUMERIK Operator components
Independent public testing institution in North America Type Approval mark
Approval marks: 6FC5203-0AC..-0 cULus
• UL for end-products, tested by UL in accordance with 6FC5203-0AF00- . cULus
UL standard
6FC5203-0AF01- . cULus
• cUL for end-products, tested by UL in accordance with
CSA standard 6FC5203-0AF02- . cULus
• cULus for end-products, tested by UL in accordance with 6FC5203-0AF03- . cULus
UL and CSA standards 6FC5203-0AF04- . cULus
• UR for mounting parts in end products, tested by UL in 6FC5235-0AA05- . cULus
accordance with UL standard
6FC5247-0AF11-0AA. cULus
• cUR for mounting parts in end products, tested by UL in
accordance with CSA standard 6FC5312-0DA00-0AA0 cULus
• cURus for mounting parts in end-products, tested by UL 6FC9320-5D
in accordance with UL and CSA standards 6FX2007-1AC.. cULus
Test standards:
• SINUMERIK: Standard UL 508 SINUMERIK 810D powerline
• SIMODRIVE: Standard UL 508C Type Approval mark
• Motors: Standard UL 547 6FC5410-.....-.... cULus
Product category/File No.: 6FC5411-0AA00-.... cULus
• SINUMERIK: E164110 6FC5412-0FA10-... cULus
• SIMODRIVE: NMMS2/E192450 6FC5447-0AA00-.... cULus
• Motors: E93429 6FC5447-0AA01-.... cULus
TUV: TUV Rheinland of North America Inc.
Independent public testing institution in North America SINUMERIK 840D powerline
National recognized testing laboratory (NRTL)
Type Approval mark
Approval mark:
6FC5203-0AB00-.... cULus
• cTUVus tested by TUV in accordance with UL and CSA
standards 6FC5203-0AB1.-A... cULus
6FC5203-0AB2.-.... cULus
Test standards:
6FC5203-0AC0.-1... cULus
• SIMODRIVE: NRTL listing according to standard UL 508C
6FC5203-0AD1.-0AA0 cULus
Product category/File No.:
6FC5203-0AD1.-1AA0 cULus
• SIMODRIVE: TUV.COM/4335304002
6FC5203-0AE..-.... cULus
CSA: Canadian Standard Association
Independent public testing institution in Canada 6FC5203-0AF22-1AA0 cULus
6FC5203-0AF50-2AA0 cULus
Approval mark:
6FC5203-0AF50-3AA0 cULus
• CSA Tested by CSA in accordance with CSA standard
6FC5203-0AF50-4AA0 cULus
Test standard:
6FC5210-0DA..-.... cULus
• Standard CAN/CSA-C22.2/No. 0-M91/No. 14-05/
No. 142-M1987 6FC5235-0AA06-0AA. cULus

File No.: 6FC5247-0AA00-.... cULus

• SINUMERIK FM ... : LR 102527 6FC5247-0AA02-.... cULus

1) Product
is declared in file as "shown for reference only". It has no UL

or UR marking.

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© Siemens AG 2009


■ Overview (continued)
SINUMERIK 840D powerline (continued) SIMODRIVE 611
Type Approval mark Type Approval mark
6FC5247-0AF20-0AA0 *)
cULus 6SN1111-0AB00-0AA cULus
6FC5247-0AF21-0AA0 cULus 6SN1112-0AC01-0AA *) cULus
6FC5247-0AF22-0AA0 cULus 6SN1113-1AA00-0CA *) cULus
6FC5247-0AF22-1AA0 cULus 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0 cULus
6FC5247-0AF22-2AA0 cULus 6SN1113-1AB01-0BA *) cULus
6FC5357-0B...-.... cULus 6SN1114-0AA01-.... cULus
6FC5403-0AA00-0AA. cULus 6SN1114-0AA02 -.... cULus
6FC5403-0AA10-.... cULus 6SN1114-0NA0.-.... cULus
6SN1114-0NB0.-.... cULus
6SN1115-0BA11-.... cULus
Type Approval mark
6SN1117-0DG21-0AA *) cULus
6FC5111-0CA01-.... cULus 6SN1118-.NH00-.... cULus
6FC5111-0CA02-.... cULus 6SN1118-.NH01-.... cULus
6FC5111-0CA03-.... cULus 6SN1118-.NH10-.... cULus
6FC5111-0CA04-.... cULus 6SN1118-.NH11-.... cULus
6FC5111-0CA05-.... cULus 6SN1118-.NJ00-.... cULus
6FC5211-0AA00-.... cULus 6SN1118-.NJ01-.... cULus
6FC5211-0AA10-.... cULus 6SN1118-.NK00-.... cULus
6SN1118-.NK01-.... cULus
6SN1118-0AA11-.... cULus
Type Approval mark
6SN1118-0AD11-.... cULus
6FC5611-0CA01-0AA0 cULus 6SN1118-0AE11-.... cULus
6SN1118-0BJ11-.... cULus
6SN1118-0BK11-.... cULus
Type Approval mark
6SN1118-0DG21-... cULus
6ES7353-1AH00-.... UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DG22-... cULus
6ES7353-1AH01-.... UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DG23-... cULus
6ES7354-1AH00-.... UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DH21-... cULus
6ES7354-1AH01-.... UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DH22-... cULus
6ES7357-4AH..-.... UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DH23-... cULus
6ES7357-4AH01-.... UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DJ21-... cULus
6FC5357-0BH0.-0XE0 UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DJ23-... cULus
6FC5357-0BH0.-0XE1 UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DK21-... cULus
6SN1227-2ED1.-0HA0... UL/CSA/FM
6SN1118-0DK23-... cULus
6SN1118-0DK33-... cULus
6SN1118-0DM11-... cULus
Type Approval mark
6SN1118-0DM13-... cULus
1FT cURus
6SN1118-0DM21-... cULus
1FK cURus
6SN1118-0DM23-... cULus
1FN3 cURus
6SN1118-0DM31-… cULus
1FW6...-..B..-C2 cURus
6SN1118-0DM33-... cULus
1PH cURus
6SN1121-0BA11-.... cULus
1PM cURus
6SN1122-0BA11-.... cULus
6SN1113-1AA00-1JA1 cULus
6SN1123-1AA00-0AA *) cULus
6SN1113-1AA00-1KA. cULus
6SN1123-1AA00-0BA *) cULus
6SN1123-1AA00-0CA *) cULus
Measuring systems SIMODRIVE sensor
6SN1123-1AA00-0DA *) cULus
Type Approval mark
6SN1123-1AA00-0EA *) cULus
6FX2001- . cULus
6SN1123-1AA00-0HA *) cULus
*) 1 to 9. 6SN1123-1AA00-0JA *) cULus

6SN1123-1AA00-0KA *) cULus

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© Siemens AG 2009


■ Overview (continued)
SIMODRIVE 611 (continued) External pulsed resistor
Type Approval mark Type Approval mark
*) 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0 cULus
6SN1123-1AA00-0LA cULus
6SN1123-1AA01-0FA *) cULus
Line filters
6SN1123-1AA02-0FA *) cULus
Type Approval mark
6SN1123-1AA02-0JA *) cULus
6SN1111-0AA01-1BA0 UR
6SN1123-1AA02-0KA *) cULus
6SN1111-0AA01-1AA0 UR
6SN1123-1AB00-0AA *) cULus 6SN1111-0AA01-1CA0 UR
6SN1123-1AB00-0BA *) cULus 6SL3000-0BE21-6AA0 UR
6SN1123-1AB00-0CA *) cULus 6SL3000-0BE23-6AA0 UR
6SN1123-1AB00-0HA *) cULus 6SL3000-0BE25-5AA0 UR
*) 6SL3000-0BE28-0AA0 UR
6SN1124-1AA00-0AA cULus
6SN1124-1AA00-0BA *) cULus 6SL3000-0BE31-2AA0 UR

6SN1124-1AA00-0CA *) cULus
Commutating reactors
6SN1124-1AA00-0DA *) cULus Type Approval mark
6SN1124-1AA00-0EA *) cULus
6SN1111-0AA00-0CA1 cURus
6SN1124-1AA00-0HA *) cULus
6SN1124-1AA00-0JA *) cULus Matching transformers in economy circuit for SIMODRIVE
6SN1124-1AA00-0KA *) cULus Type Approval mark
*) 4AU3695-0SB00-0CN2 cURus
6SN1124-1AA00-0LA cULus
6SN1124-1AA01-0FA *) cULus 4AU3695-0SB02-0CN2 cURus
*) 4AU3695-0SB10-0CN2 cURus
6SN1124-1AB00-0AA cULus
4AU3695-0SB12-0CN2 cURus
6SN1124-1AB00-0BA *) cULus
4AU3695-0SB20-0CN2 cURus
6SN1124-1AB00-0CA *) cULus
4AU3695-0SB22-0CN2 cURus
6SN1124-1AB00-0HA *) cULus
4AU3995-0SA30-0CN2 cURus
6SN1125-1AA00-0CA *) cURus 4AU3995-0SA32-0CN2 cURus
6SN1125-1AA00-0DA *) cURus 4AU3995-0SA40-0CN2 cURus
6SN1125-1AA00-0EA *) cURus 4AU3995-0SA42-0CN2 cURus
6SN1125-1AA00-0KA *) cURus 4AU3995-0SA50-0CN2 cURus
6SN1145-1AA00-0CA *) cULus 4AU3995-0SA52-0CN2 cURus
6SN1145-1AA01-0AA *) cULus 4BU4395-0SA70-0C cURus
*) 4BU4395-0SA80-0C cURus
6SN1145-1BA01-0BA cULus
*) 4BU4395-0SB00-0C cURus
6SN1145-1BA01-0DA cULus
4BU4795-0SC30-0C cURus
6SN1145-1BA02-0CA cULus
4BU4795-0SC40-0C cURus
6SN1145-1BB00-0DA *) cULus
4BU4795-0SC50-0C cURus
6SN1145-1BB00-0EA *) cULus 4BU5595-0SA40-0C cURus
6SN1145-1BB00-0FA *) cULus 4BU5595-0SA50-0C cURus
6SN1146-1AA00-0CA *) cULus 4BU5595-0SA60-0C cURus
6SN1146-1AB00-0BA *) cULus 4BU5895-0SA60-0C cURus
6SN1146-1BB00-0DA *) cULus 4BU5895-0SA70-0C cURus
6SN1146-1BB00-0EA *) cULus 4BU5895-0SA80-0C cURus
4BU6095-0SA60-0C cURus
6SN1146-1BB00-0FA *) cULus
4BU6095-0SA70-0C cURus
6SN1146-1BB01-0BA *) cULus
4BU6095-0SA80-0C cURus
6SN1146-1BB02-0CA *) cULus
6SN1111-0AA00-0BB1 cURus
6SN1147-1BB00-0CA *) cURus
6SN1111-0AA00-0CB0 cURus
6SN1147-1BB00-0DA *) cURus 6SN1111-0AA00-0DB0 cURus
6SN1147-1BB00-0FA *) cURus 6SN1111-0AA00-0EB0 cURus
6SN1161-1DA00-0AA *) cULus 6SN1111-0AA00-0FB1 cURus

12 *) 1 to 9.

12/4 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009


■ Overview (continued)
Type Approval mark Order No. Approval mark
6ES7368-3...1-0AA0 6FX2003-0CC11 cURus
6FC5247-0AA35-0AA0 6FX2003-0CC21 cURus
6FC5411-0AA80-0AA0 6FX2003-0CG10 cURus
6FC5412-0FA80-0AA0 6FX2003-0CG20 cURus
6FX200.-1AA13-1..0 6FX2003-1CG10 cURus
6FX200.-1BA01 6FX2003-1CG20 cURus
6FX2006-1BF00 cULus
6FX2007-1AC.. cULus
6FX2008-1BD71 UR
6FX5..8-…..-…. UR/CSA
6FX5..2-5….-…. UR/CSA
6FX7..8-…..-…. UR/CSA
6FX8..8-…..-…. UR/CSA

1) Productis declared in file as "shown for reference only". It has no UL

or UR marking.

2) No separate marking necessary.

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 12/5

© Siemens AG 2009

Siemens Contacts Worldwide

■ Overview
you can find details of Siemens contact partners worldwide
responsible for particular technologies.
You can obtain in most cases a contact partner for
• Technical Support,
• Spare parts/repairs,
• Service,
• Training,
• Sales or
• Consultation/engineering.
You start by selecting a
• Country,
• Product or
• Sector.
By further specifying the remaining criteria you will find exactly
the right contact partner with his/her respective expertise.

12/6 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Online Services
Information and ordering
in the Internet and on DVD-ROM

■ Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies in the WWW

A detailed knowledge of the range of products and services
available is essential when planning and configuring automation
systems. It goes without saying that this information must always
be fully up-to-date.
Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies has there-
fore built up a comprehensive range of information in the World
Wide Web, which offers quick and easy access to all data re-
Under the address
you will find everything you need to know about products,
systems and services.

■ Product Selection Using the Offline Mall

Detailed information together with convenient interactive
The Offline Mall CA 01 covers more than 80 000 products and
thus provides a full summary of the Siemens Industry Automation
and Drive Technologies product base.
Here you will find everything that you need to solve tasks in the
fields of automation, switchgear, installation and drives.
All information is linked into a user interface which is easy to
work with and intuitive.
After selecting the product of your choice you can order at the
press of a button, by fax or by online link.
Information on the Offline Mall CA 01 can be found in the Internet
or on DVD-ROM.

■ Easy Shopping with the A&D Mall

The A&D Mall is the virtual department store of Siemens AG in
the Internet. Here you have access to a huge range of products
presented in electronic catalogs in an informative and attractive
Data transfer via EDIFACT allows the whole procedure from
selection through ordering to tracking of the order to be carried
out online via the Internet.
Numerous functions are available to support you.
For example, powerful search functions make it easy to find the
required products, which can be immediately checked for avai-
lability. Customer-specific discounts and preparation of quotes
can be carried out online as well as order tracking and tracing.
Please visit the A&D Mall on the Internet under:

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 12/7
© Siemens AG 2009

Customer Support

■ Knowledge Base on CD-ROM

For locations without online con- edge Manager for targeted searches for solutions. The CD-ROM
nections to the Internet there are will be updated every 4 months.
excerpts of the free part of the
information sources available on Just the same as our online offer in the Internet, the Service &
CD-ROM (Service & Support Support Knowledge Base on CD comes complete in 5 langua-
Knowledge Base). This CD- ges (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish).
ROM contains all the latest pro- You can order the Service & Support Knowledge Base CD
duct information at the time of from your Siemens contact.
production (FAQs, Downloads,
Tips and Tricks, Updates) as Order no. 6ZB5310-0EP30-0BA2
well as general information on Orders via the Internet
Service and Technical Support. (with Automation Value Card or credit card) at:
The CD-ROM also includes a
full-text search and our Knowl-
in the Shop domain.

■ Automation Value Card

By entering the card number and PIN you have full access to the
Service & Support services being offered. The charge for the
services procured is debited from the credits on your Auto-
mation Value Card.
All the services offered are marked in currency-neutral credits,
so you can use the Automation Value Card worldwide.
Automation Value Card order numbers
Credits Order no.
200 6ES7997-0BA00-0XA0
500 6ES7997-0BB00-0XA0
1000 6ES7997-0BC00-0XA0
10000 6ES7997-0BG00-0XA0
Small card – great support Detailed information on the services offered is available on our
Internet site at:
The Automation Value Card is an integral component of the com-
prehensive service concept with which Siemens Automation and
Drives will accompany you in each phase of your automation
project. Service & Support à la Card: Examples
Technical Support
It doesn't matter whether you want just specific services from our
Technical Support or want to purchase high-quality Support "Priority" Priority processing for urgent cases
Tools in our Online Shop, you can always pay with your Auto- "24 h" Availability round the clock
mation Value Card. No invoicing, transparent and safe. With your
personal card number and associated PIN you can view the "Extended" Technical consulting for complex questions
state of your account and all transactions at any time. Support Tools in the Support Shop
Services on card. This is how it's done. "System Tools that can be used directly for configuration,
Utilities" analysis and testing
Card number and PIN are on the back of the Automation Value
Card. When delivered, the PIN is covered by a scratch field, gu- "Applications" Complete topic solutions including ready-tested
aranteeing that the full credit is on the card.
"Functions & Adaptable blocks for accelerating your developments

12/8 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Notes on software
Software licenses

■ Overview
Software types Factory license
Software requiring a license is categorized into types. With the Factory License the user has the right to install and use
The following software types have been defined: the software at one permanent establishment only. The perma-
• Engineering software nent establishment is defined by one address only. The number
of hardware devices on which the software may be installed
• Runtime software results from the order data or the Certificate of License (CoL).
Engineering software Certificate of license
This includes all software products for creating (engineering) The Certificate of License (CoL) is the licensee's proof that the
user software, e.g. for configuring, programming, parameterizing, use of the software has been licensed by Siemens. A CoL is
testing, commissioning or servicing. required for every type of use and must be kept in a safe place.
Data generated with engineering software and executable pro-
grams can be duplicated for your own use or for use by third- Downgrading
parties free-of-charge. The licensee is permitted to use the software or an earlier version/
release of the software, provided that the licensee owns such a
Runtime software version/release and its use is technically feasible.
This includes all software products required for plant/machine
operation, e.g. operating system, basic system, system expan- Delivery versions
sions, drivers, etc. Software is constantly being updated.
The duplication of the runtime software and executable programs The following delivery versions
created with the runtime software for your own use or for use by • PowerPack
third-parties is subject to a charge. • Upgrade
You can find information about license fees according to use in can be used to access updates.
the ordering data (e.g. in the catalog). Examples of categories of
use include per CPU, per installation, per channel, per instance, Existing bug fixes are supplied with the ServicePack version.
per axis, per control loop, per variable, etc. PowerPack
Information about extended rights of use for parameteriza- PowerPacks can be used to upgrade to more powerful software.
tion/configuration tools supplied as integral components of the The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL
scope of delivery can be found in the readme file supplied with (Certificate of License) with the PowerPack. This CoL, together
the relevant product(s). with the CoL for the original product, proves that the new soft-
License types ware is licensed.
A separate PowerPack must be purchased for each original
Siemens Automation & Drives offers various types of software license of the software to be replaced.
• Floating license Upgrade
• Single license An upgrade permits the use of a new version of the software on
the condition that a license for a previous version of the product
• Rental license is already held.
• Trial license The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL with
• Factory license the upgrade. This CoL, together with the CoL for the previous
product, proves that the new version is licensed.
Floating license A separate upgrade must be purchased for each original license
The software may be installed for internal use on any number of of the software to be upgraded.
devices by the licensee. Only the concurrent user is licensed. ServicePack
The concurrent user is the person using the program. Use
begins when the software is started. ServicePacks are used to debug existing products.
A license is required for each concurrent user. ServicePacks may be duplicated for use as prescribed accord-
ing to the number of existing original licenses.
Single license
License key
Unlike the floating license, a single license permits only one
installation of the software. Siemens Automation & Drives supplies software products with
and without license keys.
The type of use licensed is specified in the ordering data and
in the Certificate of License (CoL). Types of use include for The license key serves as an electronic license stamp and
example per device, per axis, per channel, etc. is also the "switch" for activating the software (floating license,
rental license, etc.).
One single license is required for each type of use defined.
The complete installation of software products requiring license
Rental license keys includes the program to be licensed (the software) and the
A rental license supports the "sporadic use" of engineering license key (which represents the license).
software. Once the license key has been installed, the software
can be used for a specific number of hours (the operating hours Detailed explanations concerning license conditions can be
do not have to be consecutive). found in the “Terms and Conditions of Siemens AG” or under
One license is required for each installation of the software.
(A&D Mall Online-Help System)
Trial license
A&D/Software licenses/En 03.08.06
A trial license supports "short-term use" of the software in a non-
productive context, e.g. for testing and evaluation purposes.
It can be transferred to another license.

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© Siemens AG 2009

Notes on software
Setup texts and Software Update Services

■ Overview
The "General License Conditions for Software Products for Auto- Software Update Services
mation and Drives" are applicable for supplies and deliveries of
I DT software products. Order
To order the Software Update Service, an order number must be
Legal notes during setup for new software products specified. The Software Update Service can be ordered when
the software products are ordered or at a later date. Subsequent
All software products feature a uniform reference to the license orders require that the ordering party is in posession at least of
conditions. The license conditions are enclosed either with the a single license.
documentation or in the software pack. When software is down-
loaded from the Internet, the license contract is displayed before Note:
the ordering procedure and must be accepted by the user It is recommended that the Software Update Service is ordered
before downloading can continue. as early as possible. If a new software version of a software pro-
duct is released for delivery by Siemens, only those customers
Notice: will receive it automatically who are entered in the appropriate
This software is protected by German and/or US copyright laws delivery list at Siemens at this time. Previous software versions,
and the regulations of international agreements. Unauthorized or the current software version are not supplied when the Soft-
reproduction or sale of this software or parts of it is a criminal ware Update Service is ordered. The Software Update Service
offense. This will lead to criminal and civil prosecution, and may requires that the software product is up-to-date at the time of
result in significant fines and/or claims for damages. Prior to completion of the contract for the Software Update Service.
installing and using the software, please read the applicable
license conditions for this software. You will find these in the Delivery
documentation or packaging. When a Software Update Service is ordered, you will be sent the
If you have received this software on a CD-ROM that is marked contractual conditions of this service and the price is due for pa-
"Trial version", or accompanying software that is licensed for your yment. At the same time, you will be included in a delivery list for
use, the software is only permitted to be used for test and vali- the software product to be updated. If Siemens releases a new
dation purposes in accordance with the accompanying conditi- software version for the corresponding software product
ons for the trail license. To this end, it is necessary for programs, for general sale (function version or product version), it will be
software libraries, etc. are installed on your computer. We there- delivered automatically to the goods recipient specified in the
fore urgently recommend that installation is performed on a sin- delivery address within the contract period.
gle-user computer or on a computer that is not used in the pro-
duction process or for storing important data, since it cannot be
completely excluded that existing files will be modified or over-
written. We accept no liability whatsoever for damage and/or
data losses that result from this installation or the non-obser-
vance of this warning. Every other type of use of this software is
only permitted if you are in possession of a valid license from
Siemens is obtained.
If you are not in possession of a valid license that can be proven
by presenting an appropriate Certificate of License/software
product certificate, please abort installation immediately and
contact a Siemens office without delay to avoid claims for

12/10 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Subject index
Numeric B
1FE1 built-in motors 6/86 Backup battery 5/12, 5/26
1FK7-DYA compact geared motors 6/62 Balancing and process monitoring system 4/55
1FN3 linear motors 6/66 Basic and further training 11/15
1FN3 linear motors - Version for continuous load 6/72 Basic Line Filter 9/27
1FN3 linear motors - Version for peak load 6/68 Battery 5/18
1FW6 built-in torque motors 6/78 Battery compartment 5/18
1PH2 built-in motors 7/27 Battery modules 5/35
2nd machining channel and maximum memory configuration 2/6 Bearing version 7/20
2SP1 motor spindles 6/98 Blanking cover 9/28, 9/29
3.5" floppy disk drive 3/52 Brake 7/20
3.5" floppy disk drive, USB 1.1 3/51 Buffer module 5/34
3-axis PARACOP transformation for parallel kinematics 2/18 Built-on fan 9/33, 9/34
3D error compensation SEC 3D 2/44 Built-on optoelectronic rotary encoders 8/2
3D Form Inspect Software 4/48
3D simulation 4/6
3D tool radius compensation 2/34 Cable carrier 10/2
3D workpiece measurement 4/48 Cable distributor 5/12, 5/18
4 machining channels and 13 axes 2/6 Cable extensions 10/9, 10/10
A Cable lengths 10/2
Cable set 3/30, 3/32, 3/35, 3/36
Absolute encoders 8/6 Cable set for external SIMODRIVE 611 control 5/13
ACfeed 4/53 CAD CREATOR 6/142
Actuating element 3/32, 3/33, 3/35, 3/36, 5/5, 5/7 CAD generator 6/142
Adapter block 5/5, 5/7 CAD Reader for PC 4/9
Adapter set 3/29 Capacitor module 9/31
Adapter set for Wideband Line Filters 9/26 Caps 3/4-3/13
Adapter terminals 9/35 Card reader USB 2.0 3/47
Adapter terminals to connect the DC link 9/34 CCU 3.4 module 5/12
Adaptive control 4/53 CCU box 5/12
Additional axis/spindle + channel 2/4 CCU system software 5/12
Additional interpolation axis/spindle 2/6 Central drive systems 9/4
Additional languages 3/25, 4/2, 4/3, 4/5, 4/6 Certificate of license 12/9
Additional machining channel 2/4 Clamp strap 8/10
Additional MG 2/4 Clamps, set of 3/4-3/13, 3/32-3/35, 3/44, 3/45
Additional positioning axis 2/6 Clearance control 2/22
ADDM - Data Management 4/39 CNC functionality: Axis functions 2/10
Add-on modules 5/34 CNC functionality: Couplings 2/14
Adhesive warning label 9/32, 9/34 CNC functionality: Interpolations 2/14
Advanced Position Control APC 2/12 CNC functionality: Measuring 2/18
al-deco 11/12 CNC functionality: Motion-synchronous actions 2/20
Analog axis ANA 9/16 CNC functionality: Program functions 2/10
Analog input modules 5/27 CNC functionality: Spindle functions 2/12
Analog output modules 5/27 CNC functionality: Technologies 2/20
Angle socket 3/28 CNC functionality: Transformations 2/18
Approvals 12/2 CNC main memory 2/4
Automatic 2/32 CNC programming, positioning modules 2/55
Automatic residual material detection and machining 4/5 CNC programming: Cycles 2/26
Automation Value Card 12/8 CNC programming: Language 2/24
Axes/spindles 2/6 CNC programming: Program support 2/28
Axial coupling in the machine coordinate system CNC user memory 5/18
MCS coupling 2/16 Coding elements 9/32
Axial data output via PROFIBUS (ADAS) 2/48 Coding slider 9/34
Axis container 2/12 Coding spring 9/34
Axis expansion plug-in unit 5/13 Coiled connecting cable 3/26
Axis monitoring functions 2/44 Collision and vibration monitoring 4/54
Axis monitoring functions, positioning modules 2/57 Combi adapter 6/75
Combi distributor 6/75
Combi end piece 6/75

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© Siemens AG 2009

Subject index
Communication 2/38 Direct key module 3/8, 3/10, 3/12, 3/14
Communication, positioning modules 2/56 Direct key module mounting kit 3/10, 3/12, 3/14
Communications module 5/27 Direct key/handwheel connection 3/32, 3/35
Commutating reactor 9/22 Distributor 3/25, 3/27
CompactFlash Card 3/16, 3/19, 3/47, 3/48 DMP compact 5/24
Compensations 2/44 DNC - Direct Numeric Control 4/15
Compensations and reference points, positioning modules 2/57 DNC Cell 4/18
Compile cycles 5/19 DNC Compare 4/21
Complete equipment 11/13 DNC HMI 4/19
Computer coupling 4/34 DNC IFC Dialog 4/20
Conditions of sale and delivery 12/30 DNC IFC Filesystem 4/21
Configuration Manual SIMODRIVE 611 digital 9/6 DNC IFC Serial 4/20
Connecting cable 5/22, 5/26, 9/33 DNC IFC SINUMERIK 4/19
Connection box 3/26 DNC Machine 4/16
Connection kit 3/28 DNC Plant 4/18
Connection module 3/26 Documentation 11/24
Connection overviews 10/3 Downgrading 12/9
Connector box 6/76 Drill break detection PROSIN 4/52
Consulting 11/3, 11/4 Drive bus cable 5/18
Contact block 3/32, 3/35-3/37, 5/5, 5/7 Drive bus cable for SIMODRIVE 611 digital 9/34
Contacts 12/6 Drive ES 9/40
Continue machining at the contour (retrace support) 2/14 Drive modules 9/5
Contour handwheel 2/20 Drives 2/4
Contour monitoring with tunnel function 2/44 DU box connector 5/12, 5/18
Control cabinet manufacture 11/13 Dyna Systems full CNC keyboard 3/46
Control structure/configuration 2/4
Control unit management for each PCU 2/40
Control unit with analog setpoint interface or PROFIBUS DP 9/7 EasyMask 4/13
Control unit with digital setpoint interface for HLA/ANA 9/16 EasyMon 4/14
Control unit, digital, High Standard/High Performance 9/11 EasyTrans 4/13
Converter system SIMODRIVE 611 9/5 EditFM 5/29, 5/30, 5/32
Cooler types 6/78 EFP single I/O module 5/22
Cooling 9/5, 9/33 eLearning 11/19
Cooling connection adapter 6/83 Electronic gear unit EG 2/16
Cooling principle 7/30 Electronic handwheel 3/29
Cooling unit manufacturers 6/77, 7/30 Electronic transfer 2/20
Country groups 11/9 Electronic weight counterbalance 2/44
Coupling 8/10 EMB 7000 ring balancer 4/47
Cover 3/47, 3/51, 3/52 Emergency stop button 5/5, 5/7
Cover end pieces for secondary section cover 6/75 Enabling of internal drive control of
CP Basic 2/16 6th axis for interpolation tasks 2/6
CP Comfort 2/16 Enabling of internal drive control of
CP Expert 2/16 6th axis for positioning tasks 2/6
CP Standard 2/16 Encoder connection box SME91 6/84
Cross mode actions 2/22 Encoder connection box SME92 6/84
Current carrying capacity 10/3 Encoder connection box SME93 6/84
Cycle storage separate from CNC main memory 2/26 Encoder connection box SME94 6/84
EnDat absolute encoder 8/7
Engineering software 12/9
Damping resistor 9/30 Engineering software Drive ES 9/40
Data management 2/40, 4/39 Enhanced stock removal with residual material detection 4/7
DC link busbars 9/32, 9/34 ePS Network Services 1/7, 2/38, 4/41
DC UPS modules 5/35 ePS Value Account 1000Cr 4/41
Decentralizing with PROFIBUS DP 8/9 Evaluation of internal drive variables 2/22
Degree of protection 6/103, 7/33 Evaluation software 4/49
Delivery versions 12/9 Expansion card 3/37, 3/40
Derating factors 10/3 Expansion of CNC main memory 2/4
Device bus cable 5/13, 5/18, 9/34 Expansion of the PLC user memory 2/46
Diagnostic functions 2/50 Expansion panel 3/40
Diagnostic functions, positioning modules 2/58 Export information 2/2
Dial 3/33 Export regulations 12/30
Digital I/O module 16l/16O 5/5, 5/7 Export versions 2/2
Digital input modules 5/26 Extended stop and retract ESR 2/48
Digital output modules 5/26 Extension cable 3/27
Dimension sheet generator 6/142 Extensions 10/9, 10/10
DIMES 11/12 External pulsed resistor plus 9/30
External pulsed resistors 9/30
12/12 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Subject index
Factory license 12/9 I/O interfacing via PROFIBUS DP 2/38, 5/18
Fast interpolation link 2/12 I/R modules 9/20
Fault correction 11/8 IE FC RJ45 Plug 3/21
Fault diagnostics 11/8 IE FC Standard Cable 3/21
Feedforward control, acceleration-dependent 2/44 IE FC Trailing Cable 3/21
Filter module 9/32, 9/34 Inclined axis 2/18
Fire-extinguishing systems 11/12 Incremental encoders 8/3
Fixing screws 3/36 Industrial Ethernet Switch 3/21
Flange socket 3/29 Industrial USB Hub 4 3/49
Floating license 12/9 Infeed modules 9/21
FM 353 2/54, 5/29 Infeed/regenerative feedback modules 9/20
FM 354 2/54, 5/30 Intelligent feedrate control 4/46
FM 357-2 5/32 Interface module 5/26
FM 357-2H 2/54, 5/32 Interference suppression filter 5/27
FM 357-2L 2/54, 5/32 Interrupt routines with fast retraction from the contour 2/22
FM 357-2LX 2/54, 5/32 Involute interpolation 2/14
Forced ventilation 6/19, 6/21
Front connector 5/26, 5/29, 5/30
Front screw connector 5/32 KBPC CG US standard PC keyboard 3/43
Functional restrictions for export versions 2/3 Key cover 3/7, 3/33, 3/36
Functionality, positioning modules 2/54 Key set 3/32, 3/33, 3/35
G Key switch 3/32, 3/35
Keyboard tray 3/43
Gearboxes 6/44, 7/31 Keyboards 3/3, 3/43
Generator operation 2/48 Knowledge Base 12/8
Generic couplings CP 2/16
Graphic programming package 4/47
Grommet nipple 6/75 Laser inscription 3/42
Laser switching signal, high-speed 2/22
Laser tool inspection 4/49
Hall-effect sensor box 6/76 Length codes 10/14
Handheld units 3/2, 3/24 Length definition 10/14
Handheld unit type B-MPI 3/27 License conditions 12/10
Handling transformation package 2/18 License key 12/9
Handwheel connection module 3/30 License types 12/9
Hard disk 3/19 LIFDES 11/12
Heatsink profile 6/75 LIMANDA 3/54
HEXAPOD transformation 6 axes 2/18 Line filters 9/23
HF (high-frequency) clamp 10/11 Line interfaces 9/37
HFD commutating reactor 9/20 Linear measuring systems for 1FN3 linear motors 6/77
HFD components 9/22 Link axis 2/12
HFD package 9/22 Link module 5/18
HFD reactor 9/24 Liquid cooling 6/77, 7/30
High Performance control 9/12 Load power supply 5/26
High Standard control 9/12 Logistics services 11/14
High-Speed series, 4-pole 6/92
High-Torque series, 6-pole 6/88 M
High-Torque series, 8-pole 6/90 Machine analysis 11/3
HMI Lite CE 4/10 Machine Condition Indicator 4/53
HMI Open Architecture 4/11 Machine control panels 3/3, 3/31
HMI PRO RT 4/10 Machine I/Os 5/25
HMI-Advanced 3/19, 4/3 Machine modernization 11/10
HMI-Embedded 4/2 Machine optimization 11/3
Holder 3/27-3/29 Machine Push Button Panel 3/39
Hose cooling packages 9/33, 9/34 Machine simulation 11/3
HotWin 4/14 Machine Simulator 11/5
Housing systems 3/3, 3/53, 3/54 Machining channels 2/4
HT 6 handheld terminal 3/25 Machining package 5 axes 2/18
HT 6-system software 3/25 Machining package milling 2/18
HT 8 handheld terminal 3/26 Maintenance 1/7, 4/36
HTL incremental encoder 8/3 Manual FM 353 5/29
Hydraulic linear drive HLA 9/16 Manual FM 354 5/30
Manual FM 357-2 5/32
Manufacturer documentation 11/25
Master-slave for drives 2/16
Master-value coupling and curve table interpolation LEAD 2/16

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© Siemens AG 2009

Subject index
Matching transformers 9/39 NCK OA package 5/19
Mating connector 8/10 NCSD configurator 1/9
MCI 4/53 NCU 561.5 5/18
MCIS 1/8, 2/38, 4/15 NCU 571.5 5/18
MDA - Machine Data Acquisition 4/30 NCU 572.5 5/18
MDA Cell 4/31 NCU 573.5 5/18
MDA IFC 4/32 NCU box 5/18
MDA Machine 4/33 NCU system software 5/18
Measuring cycles 4/9 NCU terminal block 5/24
Measuring functions 4/8 Network/floppy disk drive management 3/16, 4/3, 4/5, 4/6, 4/38
Measuring stage 2 2/18 Non-contact tool inspection 4/51
Measuring systems 6/77, 8/2
Measuring systems that can be connected 2/8
Measuring systems that can be connected, OEM service levels 11/9
positioning modules 2/54 Online ISO dialect interpreter 2/26
Mechatronics 11/2 Online Services 12/7
Mechatronics Support 11/2 Open Architecture 2/22, 4/11
Memory Card 5/26 Operating modes 2/30
Memory expansion 3/19 Operating modes and machine functions,
Metal surcharges 12/28 positioning modules 2/56
Milling Simulation 4/2 Operation 2/40
Mini handheld unit 3/28 Operation with tool management 2/36
Mode groups (MGs) 2/4 Operation, positioning modules 2/56
Modular tool and process monitoring system 4/52 Operator control and programming 4/2
Modules 9/5 Operator panels 3/2, 3/4
Mold making 1/2 Optimization of machining quality 11/4
Monitoring functions 2/48 Optimization of machining time 11/4
Monitoring module 9/28 Option module Motion Control with PROFIBUS DP 9/8
Motion Control Information System MCIS 1/8, 2/38, 4/15 Option module PROFIBUS DP 9/8
MOTION-CONNECT 500 10/2 Option module Terminal expansion 9/8
MOTION-CONNECT 500 PLUS 10/2 Optipanel 3/53
MOTION-CONNECT 700 10/2 Oscillation functions 2/20
MOTION-CONNECT 800 10/2 Override 3/30, 3/32, 3/33, 3/35
Motors Override rotary switch 3/36, 3/37
1FE1 motors 6/86 Overview of options 2/52
1FK7 Compact motors 6/38, 6/40 Overvoltage limiter module 9/28
1FK7 High Dynamic motors 6/38, 6/42
1FT6 motors 6/4
1FT7 Compact motors 6/24 Pair of synchronized axes (gantry axes) 2/16
1FW6 motors 6/78 Parameters 2/28
1PH4 motors 7/18 Path length evaluation 2/44
1PH7 motors 7/4 Path switch signals/cam controller 2/10
1PM4 motors 7/22 Path velocity-dependent analog output
1PM6 motors 7/23 (laser power control) 2/20
2SP1 motors 6/98 PC card 5/12, 5/18
Mounting accessories 8/10 PCI interface card 3/19
Mounting adapter 5/26 Planetary gearbox, single-stage 6/45, 6/50, 6/55, 6/61
Mounting bracket 3/19, 3/21, 3/23 Planetary gearbox, two-stage 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58
Mounting flange 10/11 PLC area 2/46
Mounting location number labels 5/26 PLC area, positioning modules 2/58
Mounting position 7/33 PLC user memory 5/18
Mounting rail 5/26 Plug-in coupling 6/75
MPI bus cables 10/12 Pocket milling with islands 4/7
MPI interface 3/41 Polynomial interpolation 2/14
Multi-axis interpolation (> 4 interpolating axes) 2/14 Positioning and path control module FM 357-2 5/32
Multi-channel step sequence programming 2/28 Positioning module FM 353 5/29
Multiple clamping of different workpieces 4/5 Positioning module FM 354 5/30
Multi-turn encoders 8/6 Power cables 10/6
Power connector 6/83
Power modules 9/18
Power supplies 5/33
PowerPack 12/9
Powertrain 1/4

12/14 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Subject index
Precision cooler 6/74 ShopMill machining step programming 4/5
PROFIBUS cables 10/13 ShopTurn 1/3, 4/6
PROFIBUS DP 11/24 ShopTurn machining step programming 4/6
PROFIBUS DP absolute encoder 8/7 SI axis/spindle 2/48, 5/21
PROFIBUS tool and process monitoring 2/48 SI axis/spindle package 2/48, 5/21
Program preprocessing 2/10 SI Basic 2/48, 5/21
PROMOS 2 4/52 SI Comfort 2/48, 5/21
PROSIN 4/52 Signal amplifier electronics 9/32, 9/34
Prototyping 11/2 Signal cables 3/25, 3/26, 3/30, 6/83, 10/10
Pulsed resistor module 9/29 Signal connector 6/83
Punching/nibbling functions 2/20 Signaling module 5/34
Push Button Panel 3/37 SIMATIC PC USB FlashDrive 3/50
SIMATIC STEP 7 for SINUMERIK hardware 4/42
SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 Advanced 4/12
Quadrant error compensation, automatic SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 Compact 4/12
(neural network) 2/44 SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 Standard 4/12
SimoCom U/611universal toolbox 9/8
Raised buttons 3/37 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS 2/4, 2/54, 9/8
RCS - Remote Control System 4/36 SIMODRIVE sensor 8/2
RCS Host 4/37 Simulation 2/30
RCS Host Embedded 4/38 Simultaneous recording 2/30, 4/5, 4/6
RCS Viewer 4/37 sin/cos 1 Vpp incremental encoder 8/3
RCS Viewer Embedded 4/38 Single license 12/9
Real-time feedrate optimization 4/51 Single-axis power modules 9/19
Redundancy module 5/34 Single-turn encoders 8/6
Re-export approval, requirements 2/2 Sinorix 11/12
Reinforced DC link busbars 9/32, 9/34 SinuCom ARC 4/43
Remote diagnostics 4/37, 4/38 SinuCom FFS 4/43
Rental license 12/9 SinuCom NC 4/42
Repair service contract 11/8 SinuCom NC SI 4/43
Replacement connectors with external thread for encoders 8/10 SinuCom NC Trace 4/43
Residual material detection and machining 4/5, 4/6 SinuCom PCIN 4/43
Retrofit 11/10 SinuCom startup/service tools 4/43
ROBOX 9/10 SinuCom Update Agent 4/44
Rotor with sleeve 6/86 SINUMERIK 802C base line 5/7
Rotor without sleeve 6/86 SINUMERIK 802S base line 5/5
RPC SINUMERIK 4/34 SINUMERIK 810D powerline 5/8
Runtime software 12/9 SINUMERIK 840D powerline 5/14
SINUMERIK card reader USB 2.0 3/47
SINUMERIK direct key module 3/8, 3/10, 3/12, 3/14
S7-300 manual 5/27 SINUMERIK HMI configuring package WinCC flexible 4/12
Safety functions 2/48, 5/20 SINUMERIK HMI copy license CE 4/12
Safety Integrated 5/21, 9/11 SINUMERIK HMI copy license OA 4/2, 4/3, 4/12
Safety Integrated System Manual 11/24 SINUMERIK HMI programming package 4/12
Sag compensation, multi-dimensional 2/44 SINUMERIK HT 6 3/25
Secondary section cover 6/74 SINUMERIK HT 8 3/26
Selection aid 1/9 SINUMERIK KB 310C 3/44
Self-study courses 11/20 SINUMERIK KB 483C 3/45
Series LP+ planetary gearbox for 1FK7 motors 6/60 SINUMERIK MCP 310 3/32
Series SP+ planetary gearbox for 1FT6 motors 6/44 SINUMERIK MCP 483 3/35
Series SP+ planetary gearbox for 1FT7 motors 6/49 SINUMERIK MCP 483C 3/33
Service & Support 11/7 SINUMERIK MPP 483 3/39
Service documentation 11/26 SINUMERIK NCK Runtime OA 2/22
ServicePack 12/9 SINUMERIK OP 010 3/5
Setpoint exchange 2/10 SINUMERIK OP 010C 3/7
Setpoint linkage for multiple NCUs 2/12 SINUMERIK OP 010S 3/6
Shaft and flange accuracy 7/20 SINUMERIK OP 012 3/8
Shaft extension 7/20 SINUMERIK OP 015 3/9
Shaft seal 7/20 SINUMERIK OP 015A 3/10
Shield connection 9/35, 9/36 SINUMERIK OP 015AT 3/11
Shield connection element 5/26 SINUMERIK OP 032S machine control panel 3/36
Shield connection plate 9/35, 9/36 SINUMERIK OP 08T 3/4
Shield connection terminals 5/26 SINUMERIK PCU 20 3/16
Shopfloor manufacturing 1/3 SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 3/19
Shopfloor-oriented cutting applications 4/48 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated 2/48, 5/21
ShopMill HMI 1/3, 4/5 SINUMERIK Service Pack 3/19
Siemens NC 60 · 2009 12/15
© Siemens AG 2009

Subject index
SINUMERIK Solution Partners 4/45 TPM - Total Productive Maintenance 4/35
SINUMERIK TP 015A 3/12 TPM Cell for Windows-based PC 4/36
SINUMERIK TP 015AT 3/13 TPM demo version 4/36
SinuTrain 11/15 TPM HMI for Windows-based PC 4/36
SIRIUS 3SB3 3/42 TPM IFC for SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 4/36
SITOP 5/33 TPM Machine for SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 4/36
SITRAIN 11/23 Training 11/23
Slide-in labels 3/4, 3/5, 3/8, 3/10-3/13, 3/32, 3/35 Training booklet 11/19
Slim Line Commander 3/54 Training case 11/21
Software types 12/9 Training equipment 11/21
Software Update Services 12/10 Training keyboard 11/17
Solution Partner 4/45, 9/10 Training rack 11/22
Spare parts 11/8 Transformation Dynamic Swivel Tripod (DST) 2/18
Speed 7/20, 7/25 Transformation for pantograph kinematics, 2 axes 2/18
Spline interpolation for 3-axis machining 2/14 Transformation TRICEPT 5 axes 2/18
Spline interpolation for 5-axis machining 2/14 TRANSLINE 1/4
Spring disk coupling 8/10 TRANSLINE HMI 4/10
SSI absolute encoder 8/7 TRANSMIT/peripheral surface transformation 2/18, 4/6
Standard versions 2/2 Travel to fixed stop 2/10, 4/6
Startup 2/48 Trial license 12/9
Start-up box 9/8, 9/10 TTL (RS 422) double-track incremental encoder 8/3
Startup software for TTL (RS 422) incremental encoder 8/3
SINAMICS S120/SIMODRIVE 611 digital 4/43 Turning 2/30
Startup/parameterization, positioning modules 2/58 Tutorials 11/20
Storage devices 3/3, 3/47 Two-axis power modules 9/19
Structure/application, positioning modules 2/54 Two-speed gearboxes 7/31
Suggestions for improvement 12/25 Type of construction 6/103, 7/33
Support Tools 12/8
Switching element 3/33
Synchronized action stage 2 2/20 UI modules 9/20
Synchronous spindle 4/6 Universal empty housing 9/32, 9/34
Synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning COUP 2/14 Upgrade 12/9
System firmware 5/32 USB FlashDrive 3/19, 3/50
T USB mouse 3/8, 3/10-3/13
User documentation 11/25
Tangential control 2/10 User Manual 8/9
TDI - Tool Data Information 4/22
TDI Cell 4/26
TDI Ident Connection 4/29 Vibration magnitude 7/20
TDI IFC 4/25 Video link 3/22
TDI Machine 4/27 Video link cable 3/23
TDI Overview 4/23 Video link receiver 3/23
TDI Planning 4/24 Video link transmitter 3/23
TDI Plant 4/26 VIP 6000 3/53
TDI Statistic 4/25 Virtual product 11/4
TDI Toolhandling 4/24 Virtual Production 11/4
TDI Toolplan Generation 4/28 Virtual prototyping 1/6
Teach In 2/32 Voltage Protection Module 6/97
Technical Support 12/8
Technology cycles 4/7
Teleservice with video 4/50 Wall holder 3/26
Temperature compensation 2/44 Water cooling 6/23
Terminal box location 7/20 Wideband Line Filter 9/25
Terminal strip converter 5/22
Terminating connector for drive bus 5/13
Terminator for drive bus 5/24, 9/34
Thermally conductive plate 9/29
Thin Client Unit TCU 3/21
Tool and process monitoring 4/46, 4/50
Tool Data Information 4/22
Tool making 1/2
Toolbox 5/12, 5/18
Tools 2/32, 2/50, 4/42

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© Siemens AG 2009

Order number index
Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page

1FE104.-... 1FK701.-... 1FN3050-... 1FN3450-...

1FE1041-6WM.0-1BA. 6/88 1FK7011-5AK71-1..3 6/40 1FN3050-0TB00-1..0 6/74 1FN3450-0TB00-1..0 6/74
1FE1042-6W..0-1BA. 6/88 1FK7015-5AK71-1..3 6/40 1FN3050-0TC00-0AA0 6/74 1FN3450-0TC00-0AA0 6/74
1FE105.-... 1FK702.-... 1FN3050-0T.01-0AA0 6/75 1FN3450-0T.01-0AA0 6/75
1FE1051-4HC.0-1BA. 6/92 1FK7022-5AK71-1... 6/40 1FN3050-1ND00-0.A1 6/72 1FN3450-.PK00-0AA0 6/74
1FE1051-4WN.1-1BA. 6/92 1FK703.-... 1FN3050-.PK10-0AA0 6/74 1FN3450-.PK10-0AA0 6/74
1FE1051-6W..0-1B.. 6/88 1FK7032-5AK71-1... 6/40 1FN3050-2NB80-0.A1 6/72 1FN3450-2NC50-0BA1 6/72
1FE1052-4HD.0-1BA. 6/92 1FK7032-5AK71-1..3-Z 6/64 1FN3050-2PK00-0AA0 6/74 1FN3450-2WA50-0BA1 6/70
1FE1052-4HG.1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7033-7AK71-1... 6/42 1FN3050-2WC00-0.A1 6/68 1FN3450-2W.00-0BA1 6/70
1FE1052-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7034-5AK71-1... 6/40 1FN3050-4SA00-0AA0 6/68, 1FN3450-3NC50-0BA1 6/72
1FE1052-6W..0-1B.. 6/88 1FK7034-5AK71-1..3-Z 6/64 6/72 1FN3450-3W..0-0BA1 6/70
1FE1053-4HH.1-1BA. 6/92 1FK704.-... 1FN3050-4TP00-1A.. 6/74 1FN3450-4NB80-0BA1 6/72
1FE1053-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7040-5AK71-1... 6/40 1FN3100-... 1FN3450-4SA00-0AA0 6/70,
1FE1054-6WN.0-1BA. 6/88 1FK7040-5AK71-1..3-Z 6/64 1FN3100-0TB00-1..0 6/74 6/72
1FE106.-... 1FK7042-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3100-0TC00-0AA0 6/74 1FN3450-4TP00-1A.. 6/74
1FE1061-6W..0-1B.. 6/88 1FK7042-5AK71-1... 6/40 1FN3100-0T.01-0AA0 6/75 1FN3450-4W..0-0BA1 6/70
1FE1064-6W..1-1BA. 6/88 1FK7042-5AK71-1..3-Z 6/64 1FN3100-1NC00-0BA1 6/72 1FN3600-...
1FE107.-... 1FK7043-7AH71-1... 6/42 1FN3100-.PK00-0AA0 6/74 1FN3600-0TB00-1..0 6/74
1FE1072-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7043-7AK71-1... 6/42 1FN3100-.PK10-0AA0 6/74 1FN3600-0TJ01-0AA0 6/75
1FE1073-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7044-7AF71-1... 6/42 1FN3100-1WC00-0BA1 6/68 1FN3600-.PK00-0AA0 6/74
1FE1074-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7044-7AH71-1... 6/42 1FN3100-2NC80-0BA1 6/72 1FN3600-.PK10-0AA0 6/74
1FE108.-... 1FK706.-... 1FN3100-2W.00-0BA1 6/68 1FN3600-2NB80-0BA1 6/72
1FE1082-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7060-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3100-3NC00-0BA1 6/72 1FN3600-2WA50-0BA1 6/70
1FE1082-6W..0-1B.. 6/88 1FK7060-5AH71-1... 6/40 1FN3100-3W.00-0BA1 6/68 1FN3600-3NB80-0BA1 6/72
1FE1082-6W..1-1B.. 6/88 1FK7060-5AH71-1..3-Z 6/64 1FN3100-4NC80-0BA1 6/72 1FN3600-3W.00-0BA1 6/70
1FE1083-4WN.1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7061-7AF71-1... 6/42 1FN3100-4SA00-0AA0 6/68, 1FN3600-4NB80-0BA1 6/72
1FE1084-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7061-7AH71-1... 6/42 6/72 1FN3600-4SA00-0AA0 6/70,
1FE1084-6W..1-1B.. 6/88 1FK7063-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3100-4TP00-1A.. 6/74 6/72
1FE1085-4W..1-1BA. 6/92 1FK7063-5AH71-1... 6/40 1FN3100-4W.00-0BA1 6/68 1FN3600-4TP00-1A.. 6/74
1FE109.-... 1FK7063-5AH71-1..3-Z 6/64 1FN3100-5WC00-0BA1 6/68 1FN3600-4W..0-0BA1 6/70
1FE1091-6W..0-1B.. 6/88 1FK7064-7AF71-1... 6/42 1FN3150-... 1FN3900-...
1FE1092-4W..1-1B.. 6/94 1FK7064-7AH71-1... 6/42 1FN3150-0TB00-1..0 6/74 1FN3900-0TB00-1..0 6/74
1FE1092-6W..0-1B.. 6/88 1FK708.-... 1FN3150-0TC00-0AA0 6/74 1FN3900-0TJ01-0AA0 6/75
1FE1092-6W..1-1B.. 6/88 1FK7080-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-0T.01-0AA0 6/75 1FN3900-.PK00-0AA0 6/74
1FE1093-4W..1-1B.. 6/94 1FK7080-5AH71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-1NC20-0BA1 6/72 1FN3900-.PK10-0AA0 6/74
1FE1093-6W..0-1B.. 6/88 1FK7080-5AH71-1..3-Z 6/64 1FN3150-.PK00-0AA0 6/74 1FN3900-2NB20-0BA1 6/72
1FE1093-6W..1-1B.. 6/88 1FK7083-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-.PK10-0AA0 6/74 1FN3900-2W.00-0BA1 6/70
1FE1094-4W..1-1B.. 6/94 1FK7083-5AH71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-1WC00-0BA1 6/68 1FN3900-3NB20-0BA1 6/72
1FE1095-4WN.1-1B.. 6/94 1FK7083-5AH71-1..3-Z 6/64 1FN3150-2NB80-0BA1 6/72 1FN3900-3WB00-0BA1 6/70
1FE1096-4WN.1-1B.. 6/94 1FK7085-7AF71-1... 6/42 1FN3150-2WC00-0BA1 6/68 1FN3900-4NB20-0BA1 6/72
1FE110.-... 1FK7086-7AF71-1... 6/42 1FN3150-3NC70-0BA1 6/72 1FN3900-4SA00-0AA0 6/70,
1FE1103-4WN.1-1BA. 6/94 1FK710.-... 1FN3150-3WC00-0BA1 6/68 6/72
1FE1104-4WN.1-1BA. 6/94 1FK7100-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-4NB80-0BA1 6/72 1FN3900-4TP00-1A.. 6/74
1FE1105-4WN.1-1BA. 6/94 1FK7101-5AC71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-4SA00-0AA0 6/68, 1FN3900-4W..0-0BA1 6/70
1FE1106-4W..1-1BA. 6/94 1FK7101-5AF71-1... 6/40 6/72 1FT6021-...
1FE111.-... 1FK7103-5AC71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-4TP00-1A.. 6/74 1FT6021-6AK71-.... 6/16
1FE1113-6W..1-1B.. 6/90 1FK7103-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-4WC00-0BA1 6/68 1FT6024-...
1FE1114-6W..1-1B.. 6/90 1FK7105-5AC71-1... 6/40 1FN3150-5WC00-0BA1 6/68 1FT6024-6AK71-.... 6/16
1FE1115-6WT.1-1BC. 6/90 1FK7105-5AF71-1... 6/40 1FN3300-... 1FT6031-...
1FE1116-6W..1-1B.. 6/90 1FN1910-... 1FN3300-0TB00-1..0 6/74 1FT6031-4AK71-.... 6/16
1FE112.-... 1FN1910-0AA00-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-0TC00-0AA0 6/74 1FT6034-...
1FE1124-4WN.1-1BA. 6/94 1FN1910-0AA20-.AA0 6/84 1FN3300-0T.01-0AA0 6/75 1FT6034-1AK71-...1 6/6
1FE1125-4W..1-1BA. 6/94 1FN300.-... 1FN3300-1NC10-0BA1 6/72 1FT6034-4AK71-.... 6/16
1FE1126-4W..1-1BA. 6/94 1FN3002-0PH00-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-.PK00-0AA0 6/74 1FT6041-...
1FE114.-... 1FN3002-0PH01-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-.PK10-0AA0 6/74 1FT6041-4AF71-.... 6/12
1FE1144-8WL.1-1B.. 6/90 1FN3002-0TK0.-1..0 6/75 1FN3300-1WC00-0BA1 6/68 1FT6041-4AK71-.... 6/16
1FE1145-8W..1-1B.. 6/90 1FN3003-0PH00-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-2NC10-0BA1 6/72 1FT6044-...
1FE1147-8W..1-1B.. 6/90 1FN3003-0PH01-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-2W.00-0BA1 6/68 1FT6044-1AF71-...1 6/6
1FN3003-0TK0.-1..0 6/75 1FN3300-3NC40-0BA1 6/72 1FT6044-4AF71-.... 6/12
1FN3004-0TK0.-1..0 6/75 1FN3300-3W.00-0BA1 6/68 1FT6044-4AK71-.... 6/16
1FN3005-0PH00-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-4NB80-0BA1 6/72
1FN3005-0PH01-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-4SA00-0AA0 6/68,
1FN3005-0TK0.-1..0 6/75 6/72
1FN3006-0PH00-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-4TP00-1A.. 6/74
1FN3006-0PH01-0AA0 6/76 1FN3300-4W.00-0BA1 6/68

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Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page

1FT6061-... 1FT6132-... 1FT7105-... 1PH416.-...

1FT6061-6AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT6132-6AB71-.... 6/8 1FT7105-1AC7.-1..1 6/26 1PH4163-... 7/20
1FT6061-6AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT6132-6AC71-.... 6/10 1FT7105-5AB7.-1... 6/28 1PH4167-... 7/20
1FT6061-6AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT6132-6AF71-.... 6/12 1FT7105-5AC7.-1... 6/30 1PH4168-... 7/20
1FT6061-6AK7.-.... 6/16 1FT6132-6S.71-.... 6/18, 6/20 1FT7105-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1PH710.-...
1FT6062-... 1FT6134-... 1FT7108-... 1PH7101-... 7/8
1FT6062-1A.71-...1 6/6 1FT6134-6AB71-.... 6/8 1FT7108-5AB7.-1... 6/28 1PH7103-... 7/6, 7/8
1FT6062-6AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT6134-6AC71-.... 6/10 1FT7108-5AC7.-1... 6/30 1PH7105-... 7/8
1FT6062-6AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT6134-6S.71-.... 6/18, 6/20 1FT7108-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1PH7107-... 7/6, 7/8
1FT6062-6AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT6136-... 1FW6090-... 1PH713.-...
1FT6062-6AK7.-.... 6/16 1FT6136-6AB71-.... 6/8 1FW6090-0.B05-0..2 6/80 1PH7131-... 7/10
1FT6062-6W.7.-.... 6/22 1FT6136-6AC71-.... 6/10 1FW6090-0.B07-...2 6/80 1PH7133-... 7/6, 7/10
1FT6064-... 1FT6136-6S.71-.... 6/18, 6/20 1FW6090-0.B10-...2 6/80 1PH7135-... 7/10
1FT6064-1A.71-...1 6/6 1FT7034-... 1FW6090-0.B15-.J.2 6/80 1PH7137-... 7/6, 7/10
1FT6064-6AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7034-1AK7.-1..1 6/26 1FW6130-... 1PH716.-...
1FT6064-6AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT7034-5AK7.-1... 6/36 1FW6130-0.B05-...2 6/80 1PH7163-... 7/6, 7/12
1FT6064-6AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT7036-... 1FW6130-0.B07-...2 6/80 1PH7167-... 7/6, 7/12
1FT6064-6AK7.-.... 6/16 1FT7036-5AK7.-1... 6/36 1FW6130-0.B10-.J.2 6/80 1PH718.-...
1FT6064-6W.7.-.... 6/22 1FT7042-... 1FW6130-0.B15-.J.2 6/80 1PH7184-... 7/14
1FT6081-... 1FT7042-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1FW6150-... 1PH7186-... 7/14
1FT6081-8AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7042-5AK7.-1... 6/36 1FW6150-0.B05-...2 6/80 1PH7224-...
1FT6081-8AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT7044-... 1FW6150-0.B07-...2 6/80 1PH7224-... 7/16
1FT6081-8AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT7044-1AF7.-1..1 6/26 1FW6150-0.B10-...2 6/80 1PM41...-...
1FT6081-8AK7.-.... 6/16 1FT7044-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1FW6150-0.B15-...2 6/80 1PM4101-... 7/24
1FT6082-... 1FT7044-5AK7.-1... 6/36 1FW6160-... 1PM4105-... 7/24
1FT6082-1AF71-...1 6/6 1FT7046-... 1FW6160-0.B05-.J.2 6/82 1PM4133-... 7/24
1FT6082-8AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7046-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1FW6160-0.B07-.J.2 6/82 1PM4137-... 7/24
1FT6082-8AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT7046-5AH7.-1... 6/34 1FW6160-0.B10-.J.2 6/82 1PM61..-...
1FT6082-8AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT7062-... 1FW6160-0.B15-...2 6/82 1PM6101-... 7/24
1FT6082-8AK7.-.... 6/16 1FT7062-1A.7.-1..1 6/26 1FW6160-1BA00-0AA0 6/83 1PM6105-... 7/24
1FT6084-... 1FT7062-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1FW6190-... 1PM6133-... 7/24
1FT6084-1A.71-...1 6/6 1FT7062-5AK7.-1... 6/36 1FW6190-0.B05-.J.2 6/82 1PM6137-... 7/24
1FT6084-8AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7064-... 1FW6190-0.B07-.J.2 6/82 1PM6138-... 7/24
1FT6084-8AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT7064-1A.7.-1..1 6/26 1FW6190-0.B10-.J.2 6/82 2LG4...-...
1FT6084-8AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT7064-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1FW6190-0.B15-...2 6/82 2LG4250-1JC11 7/32
1FT6084-8AK7.-.... 6/16 1FT7064-5AK7.-1... 6/36 1FW6230-... 2LG4260-1JC21 7/32
1FT6084-8S.7.-.... 6/20 1FT7066-... 1FW6230-0.B05-.J.2 6/82 2LG4312-3CC31 7/32
1FT6084-8W.7.-.... 6/22 1FT7066-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1FW6230-0.B07-.J.2 6/82 2LG4315-3FC11 7/32
1FT6086-... 1FT7066-5AH7.-1... 6/34 1FW6230-0.B10-...2 6/82 2LG4315-3FD11 7/32
1FT6086-1A.71-...1 6/6 1FT7068-... 1FW6230-0.B15-...2 6/82 2LG4320-3JC11 7/32
1FT6086-8AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7068- 5AF7.-1... 6/32 1FW6290-... 2LG4320-3JD11 7/32
1FT6086-8AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT7082-... 1FW6290-0.B15-7A.2 6/82 2SP120.-...
1FT6086-8AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT7082-1AF7.-1..1 6/26 1FW6290-1BA00-0AA0 6/83 2SP1202-1HA..-1D.. 6/100
1FT6086-8S.7.-.... 6/20 1FT7082- 5AC7.-1... 6/30 1PH209.-... 2SP1202-1HB..-2D.. 6/100
1FT6086-8W.7.-.... 6/22 1FT7082- 5AF7.-1... 6/32 1PH2093-... 7/28 2SP1204-1HA..-1D.. 6/100
1FT6102-... 1FT7082- 5AH7.-1... 6/34 1PH2095-... 7/28 2SP1204-1HB..-2D.. 6/100
1FT6102-1AC71-...1 6/6 1FT7084-... 1PH211.-... 2SP125.-...
1FT6102-8AB7.-.... 6/8 1FT7084-1A.7.-1..1 6/26 1PH2113-... 7/28 2SP1253-1HA0.-.... 6/100
1FT6102-8AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7084-5AC7.-1... 6/30 1PH2115-... 7/28 2SP1253-1HB0.-.... 6/100
1FT6102-8AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT7084-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1PH2117-... 7/28 2SP1253-8HA0.-.... 6/100
1FT6102-8AH7.-.... 6/14 1FT7084-5AH7.-1... 6/34 1PH2118-... 7/28 2SP1255-1HA0.-.... 6/100
1FT6105-... 1FT7086-... 1PH410.-... 2SP1255-1HB0.-.... 6/100
1FT6105-1AC71-...1 6/6 1FT7086-1A.7.-1..1 6/26 1PH4103-... 7/20 2SP1255-8HA0.-.... 6/100
1FT6105-8AB7.-.... 6/8 1FT7086-5AC7.-1... 6/30 1PH4105-... 7/20 3RN1013-....
1FT6105-8AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7086-5AF7.-1... 6/32 1PH4107-... 7/20 3RN1013-1GW10 6/87,
1FT6105-8AF7.-.... 6/12 1FT7086-5AH7.-1... 6/34 1PH413.-... 6/89, 6/91, 6/93, 6/95
1FT6105-8S.7.-.... 6/18, 6/20 1FT7102-... 1PH4133-... 7/20 3SB3000-....
1FT6105-8W.7.-.... 6/22 1FT7102-1AC7.-1..1 6/26 1PH4135-... 7/20 3SB3000-1HA20 3/32,
1FT6108-... 1FT7102-5AB7.-1... 6/28 1PH4137-... 7/20 3/33, 3/35, 3/36, 5/5, 5/7
1FT6108-8AB7.-.... 6/8 1FT7102-5AC7.-1... 6/30 1PH4138-... 7/20 3SB3400-0A 3/32,
1FT6108-8AC7.-.... 6/10 1FT7102-5AF7.-1... 6/32 3/33, 3/35, 3/36, 5/5, 5/7
1FT6108-8AF7.-.... 6/12 3SB3400-....
1FT6108-8S.7.-.... 6/18, 6/20 3SB3400-0E 3/37
1FT6108-8W.7.-.... 6/22

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4AM4096-... 6AV6574-... 6ES7153-... 6ES7365-...

4AM4096-0EM50-0AA0 9/21 6AV6574-1AF04-4AA0 3/26 6ES7153-1AA03-0XB0 5/26 6ES7365-0BA01-0AA0 5/26
4AM4096-0EM70-0FA0 9/21 6AV66..-... 6ES7307-... 6ES7368-...
4AP2796-... 6AV6611-0AA51-3CA5 4/12 6ES7307-1BA00-0AA0 5/26 6ES7368-3BB01-0AA0 5/26
4AP2796-0EL40-2XA0 9/39 6AV6612-0AA51-3CA5 4/12 6ES7307-1EA00-0AA0 5/26 6ES7368-3BC51-0AA0 5/26
4AP2796-0EL40-2XC0 9/39 6AV6613-0AA51-3CA5 4/12 6ES7307-1EA80-0AA0 5/26 6ES7368-3BF01-0AA0 5/26
4AU3695-... 6AV6671-3AH00-0AX0 3/49 6ES7307-1KA01-0AA0 5/26 6ES7368-3CB01-0AA0 5/26
4AU3695-0SB0. -0CN2 9/39 6AV6671-5AE01-0AX0 3/26 6ES7321-... 6ES7390-...
4AU3695-0SB1. -0CN2 9/39 6AV6671-5AE11-0AX0 3/26 6ES7321-1BH02-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-1AB60-0AA0 5/26
4AU3695-0SB2. -0CN2 9/39 6BQ3030-... 6ES7321-1BH50-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-1AE80-0AA0 5/26
4AU3696-... 6BQ3030-1AA..-.... 4/39 6ES7321-1BL00-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-1AF30-0AA0 5/26
4AU3696-0ER20-2XA0 9/39 6BQ3030-1AB..-.... 4/39 6ES7321-1EL00-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-1AJ30-0AA0 5/26
4AU3696-0ER20-2XC0 9/39 6BQ3030-4AA..-.... 4/39 6ES7321-1FF01-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-1BC00-0AA0 5/26
4AU3696-0ER30-2XA0 9/39 6EP13..-... 6ES7321-1FH00-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-5AA00-0AA0 5/26
4AU3696-0ER30-2XC0 9/39 6EP1332-2BA10 5/33 6ES7321-7BH01-0AB0 5/26 6ES7390-5AB00-0AA0 5/26
4AU3696-2NA00-2XA0 9/39 6EP1333-1AL12 5/33 6ES7322-... 6ES7390-5BA00-0AA0 5/26
4AU3696-2NA00-2XC0 9/39 6EP1333-2BA01 5/33 6ES7322-1BF01-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-5CA00-0AA0 5/26
4AU3995-... 6EP1333-3BA00 5/34 6ES7322-1BH01-0AA0 5/26 6ES7390-6BA00-0AA0 5/26
4AU3995-0SA3.-0CN2 9/39 6EP1334-1AL12 5/33 6ES7322-1BL00-0AA0 5/26 6ES7392-...
4AU3995-0SA4.-0CN2 9/39 6EP1334-2BA01 5/33 6ES7322-1FF01-0AA0 5/26 6ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0 5/26,
4AU3995-0SA5.-0CN2 9/39 6EP1334-3BA00 5/34 6ES7322-1FH00-0AA0 5/26 5/29, 5/30
4AU3996-... 6EP1336-3BA00 5/34 6ES7322-1HF01-0AA0 5/26 6ES7392-1AM00-0AA0 5/26,
4AU3996-0EQ80-2XA0 9/39 6EP1436-3BA01 5/34 6ES7322-1HF10-0AA0 5/26 5/32
4AU3996-0EQ80-2XC0 9/39 6EP1337-3BA00 5/34 6ES7322-1HH01-0AA0 5/26 6ES7392-1BJ00-0AA0 5/26
4BU4395-... 6EP14..-... 6ES7322-8BF00-0AB0 5/26 6ES7392-1BM01-0AA0 5/26
4BU4395-0CB50-8B 9/39 6EP1436-3BA00 5/34 6ES7323-... 6ES7398-...
4BU4395-0CB52-8B 9/39 6EP1437-3BA00 5/34 6ES7323-1BH01-0AA0 5/27 6ES7398-8FA10-8.A0 5/27
4BU4395-0CB58-8B 9/39 6EP1456-2BA00 5/33 6ES7323-1BL00-0AA0 5/27 6ES7648-...
4BU4395-0CB60-8B 9/39 6EP1457-3BA00 5/34 6ES7331-... 6ES7648-0DC40-0AA0 3/19,
4BU4395-0CB62-8B 9/39 6EP1931-... 6ES7331-1KF01-0AB0 5/27 3/50
4BU4395-0CB68-8B 9/39 6EP1931-2DC21 5/35 6ES7331-7KB02-0AB0 5/27 6ES7648-2AG30-0GA0 3/19
4BU4395-0SA7.-0C 9/39 6EP1931-2DC31 5/35 6ES7331-7KF02-0AB0 5/27 6ES7648-2AG40-0GA0 3/19
4BU4395-0SA8.-0C 9/39 6EP1931-2DC42 5/35 6ES7331-7NF00-0AB0 5/27 6ES7648-2CA01-0AA0 3/19
4BU4395-0SB0.-0C 9/39 6EP1931-2EC21 5/35 6ES7331-7PF01-0AB0 5/27 6ES7912-...
4BU4595-... 6EP1931-2EC31 5/35 6ES7331-7PF11-0AB0 5/27 6ES7912-0AA00-0AA0 5/26
4BU4595-0BD00-8B 9/39 6EP1931-2EC42 5/35 6ES7332-... 6ES7953-...
4BU4595-0BD02-8B 9/39 6EP1931-2FC21 5/35 6ES7332-5HB01-0AB0 5/27 6ES7953-8LF20-0AA0 5/26
4BU4595-0BD08-8B 9/39 6EP1931-2FC42 5/35 6ES7332-5HD01-0AB0 5/27 6ES7953-8LG11-0AA0 5/26
4BU4795-... 6EP1935-... 6ES7332-5HF00-0AB0 5/27 6ES7953-8LJ20-0AA0 5/26
4BU4795-0SC3.-0C 9/39 6EP1935-6MC01 5/35 6ES7332-7ND02-0AB0 5/27 6ES7953-8LL20-0AA0 5/26
4BU4795-0SC4.-0C 9/39 6EP1935-6MD11 5/35 6ES7334-... 6ES7953-8LM20-0AA0 5/26
4BU4795-0SC5.-0C 9/39 6EP1935-6MD31 5/35 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 5/27 6ES7953-8LP20-0AA0 5/26
4BU5295-... 6EP1935-6ME21 5/35 6ES7334-0KE00-0AB0 5/27 6ES7971-...
4BU5295-0AE40-8B 9/39 6EP1935-6MF01 5/35 6ES7335-... 6ES7971-1AA00-0AA0 5/26
4BU5295-0AE42-8B 9/39 6EP1961-... 6ES7335-7HG00-.... 5/27 6ES7997-...
4BU5295-0AE48-8B 9/39 6EP1961-3BA00 5/34 6ES7335-7HG01-0AB0 5/27 6ES7997-0BA00-0XA0 12/8
4BU5495-... 6EP1961-3BA10 5/34 6ES7353-... 6ES7997-0BB00-0XA0 12/8
4BU5495-1AA10-8B 9/39 6EP1961-3BA20 5/34 6ES7353-1AH01-0AE0 5/29 6ES7997-0BC00-0XA0 12/8
4BU5495-1AA12-8B 9/39 6ES7353-1AH01-8.G0 5/29 6ES7997-0BG00-0XA0 12/8
4BU5495-1AA18-8B 9/39 6ES7354-... 6FC3988-...
4BU5595-... 6ES7354-1AH01-0AE0 5/30 6FC3988-7BJ10 3/36
4BU5595-0SA4.-0C 9/39 6ES7354-1AH01-8.G0 5/30 6FC5088-...
4BU5595-0SA5.-0C 9/39 6ES7357-... 6FC5088-1.... 11/3
4BU5595-0SA6.-0C 9/39 6ES7357-4AH00-8.G0 5/32 6FC5088-1....-2... 11/4
4BU5895-... 6ES7357-4AH01-0AE0 5/32 6FC5088-2.... 11/3
4BU5895-0SA6.-0C 9/39 6ES7357-4AH03-3AE0 5/32 6FC5088-2....-2... 11/4
4BU5895-0SA7.-0C 9/39 6ES7357-4BH03-3AE0 5/32 6FC5088-3.... 11/3
4BU5895-0SA8.-0C 9/39 6ES7357-4CH03-3AE0 5/32 6FC5088-3....-2... 11/4
4BU6095-... 6ES7360-... 6FC5088-4.... 11/3
4BU6095-0SA6.-0C 9/39 6ES7360-3AA01-0AA0 5/26 6FC5088-5.... 11/3
4BU6095-0SA7.-0C 9/39 6ES73610-... 6FC5088-6.... 11/3
4BU6095-0SA8.-0C 9/39 6ES7361-3CA01-0AA0 5/26

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6FC5095-... 6FC5247-... 6FC5250-... 6FC5251-...

6FC5095-0AA50-0.P2 11/19 6FC5247-0AA00-0AA3 5/18 6FC5250-.AX00-.AB. 4/7 6FC5251-0AD00-0AA0 2/4
6FC5095-0AA50-1.P2 11/19 6FC5247-0AA06-0AA0 5/18 6FC5250-.AX30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD01-0AA0 2/6
6FC5095-0AA50-0YG0 11/19 6FC5247-0AA11-0AA3 5/12, 6FC5250-.AY30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD02-0AA0 2/4,
6FC5095-0AA60-0.P2 11/19 5/18 6FC5250-.BX00-.AB. 4/9 5/18
6FC5095-0AA60-1.P2 11/19 6FC5247-0AA11-1AA3 5/12, 6FC5250-.BX30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD04-0AA0 2/22
6FC5095-0AA71-0.G0 11/20 5/18 6FC5250-.BY30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD05-0AA0 2/3, 2/20
6FC5095-0AA80-0. P1 11/19 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0 5/12, 6FC5250-.CX30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD06-0AA0 2/3, 2/16
6FC5095-0AA80-1. P1 11/19 5/18 6FC5250-.CY30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD07-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5095-0AA80-0YG0 11/19 6FC5247-0AA20-0AA0 3/47, 6FC5250-.DY30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD08-0AA0 2/4
6FC5095-0AB00-0.G0 11/20 3/51, 3/52 6FC5250-.HY30-.AH. 5/18 6FC5251-0AD10-0AA0 2/12
6FC5095-0AB00-0.P1 11/19 6FC5247-0AA23-0AA0 5/18 6FC5250-0AA07-0AA0 2/44 6FC5251-0AD11-0AA0 2/16
6FC5095-0AB00-1.P1 11/19 6FC5247-0AA34-0AA1 3/36, 6FC5250-0AD00-0AA0 2/18 6FC5251-0AE00-0AA0 2/3, 2/16
6FC5095-0AB00-0YG0 11/19 3/37 6FC5250-0AD05-0AA0 2/3, 2/20 6FC5251-0AE01-0AA0 2/12
6FC5111-... 6FC5247-0AA35-0AA0 3/30, 6FC5250-0AE01-0AA0 2/48 6FC5251-0AE31-0AA0 2/18
6FC5111-0CA01-0AA0 5/24 3/32, 3/35, 3/36 6FC5250-0FX01-0AB0 4/7 6FC5251-0AE45-0AA0 2/18
6FC5111-0CA02-0AA2 5/24 6FC5247-0AA40-0AA0 3/43 6FC5250-6FX01-3AB0 4/7 6FC5251-0AE50-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5111-0CA03-0AA2 5/24 6FC5247-0AA41-0AA0 3/37 6FC5250-0FX01-0AB1 4/7 6FC5251-0AE51-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5111-0CA04-0AA0 5/24 6FC5247-0AA42-0AA0 3/37, 6FC5250-0GX01-0AB0 4/7 6FC5251-0AE53-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5111-0CA05-0AA0 5/24 3/40 6FC5250-6GX01-3AB0 4/7 6FC5251-0AE60-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5148-... 6FC5247-0AA43-1AA0 3/40 6FC5250-0GX01-0AB1 4/7 6FC5251-0AE61-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5148-0AA03-0AA0 3/32, 6FC5247-0AF01-0AA0 3/8, 6FC5250-0AG00-0AA0 2/48, 6FC5251-0AE71-0AA0 2/48
3/33, 3/35 3/10, 3/11, 3/12, 3/13 5/21 6FC5251-0AE72-0AA0 2/14
6FC5148-0AA13-0AA0 3/36 6FC5247-0AF02-0AA0 3/32, 6FC5250-0AG10-0AA0 2/48, 6FC5251-0AE74-0AA0 2/22
6FC5148-0AA14-0AA0 3/36 3/35 5/21 6FC5251-0AE76-0AA0 2/10
6FC5203-... 6FC5247-0AF08-4AA0 3/19 6FC5250-0AG11-0AA0 2/48, 6FC5251-0AF00-0AA0 2/26
6FC5203-0AC01-3AA0 3/43 6FC5247-0AF11-0AA0 3/8, 5/21 6FC5251-0AF01-0AA0 2/14
6FC5203-0AC55-0AA0 11/17 3/10, 3/12, 3/14 6FC5250-0AG12-0AA0 2/48, 6FC5251-0AF02-0AA0 2/12
6FC5203-0AD10-1AA0 3/36 6FC5247-0AF12-1AA0 3/30, 5/21 6FC5251-0AF03-0AA0 2/12
6FC5203-0AE00-0AA0 3/41 3/32, 3/33, 3/35 6FC5250-0AX00-0AB. 4/7 6FC5251-0AF04-0AA0 2/12
6FC5203-0AF00-0AA1 3/5 6FC5247-0AF13-1AA0 3/30, 6FC5250-0AY00-0AG. 4/43 6FC5251-0AF05-0AA0 2/44
6FC5203-0AF01-0AA0 3/7 3/32, 3/33, 3/35 6FC5250-0BX00-0AB. 4/9 6FC5251-0AF14-0AA0 2/14
6FC5203-0AF02-0AA1 3/8 6FC5247-0AF22-0AA0 3/23 6FC5250-7AY00-.AG. 4/43 6FC5251-0AF33-0AA0 2/44
6FC5203-0AF03-0AA0 3/9 6FC5247-0AF22-1AA0 3/23 6FC5251-... 6FC5251-0AF44-0AA0 2/48
6FC5203-0AF04-0AA0 3/6 6FC5247-0AF30-0AA0 3/10, 6FC5251-0AA00-0AA0 2/22 6FC5251-0AF75-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5203-0AF04-1BA0 3/4 3/12, 3/14 6FC5251-0AA03-0AA0 2/6 6FC5251-0AG00-0AA0 2/3, 2/18
6FC5203-0AF05-0AB0 3/10 6FC5248-... 6FC5251-0AA04-0AA0 2/6 6FC5251-0AG01-0AA0 2/3, 2/16
6FC5203-0AF05-1AB0 3/11 6FC5248-0AF04-1BA0 3/4 6FC5251-0AA07-0AA0 2/4 6FC5251-...
6FC5203-0AF08-0AB0 3/12 6FC5248-0AF05-0AA0 3/5, 6FC5251-0AA10-0AA0 2/3, 2/18 6FC5251-0AG02-0AA0 2/3, 2/16
6FC5203-0AF08-1AB0 3/13 3/6, 3/7, 3/8, 3/9, 6FC5251-0AA13-0AA0 2/44 6FC5251-0AG03-0AA0 2/3, 2/16
6FC5203-0AF20-0AA1 3/45 3/10, 3/11, 3/12, 3/13 6FC5251-0AA14-0AA0 2/14 6FC5251-0AG04-0AA0 2/20
6FC5203-0AF21-0AA1 3/44 6FC5248-0AF05-0BA0 3/4 6FC5251-0AA15-0AA0 2/14 6FC5252-...
6FC5203-0AF22-0AA2 3/33 6FC5248-0AF06-0AA0 3/5, 6FC5251-0AA16-0AA0 2/3, 2/14 6FC5252-.AX21-.AG0 5/12,
6FC5203-0AF22-1AA2 3/35 3/6, 3/7, 3/8, 3/9 6FC5251-0AA20-0AA0 2/3, 2/22 5/18
6FC5203-0AF23-1AA0 3/32 6FC5248-0AF07-0AA0 3/5 6FC5251-0AB01-0AA0 2/18, 6FC5252-.AX21-.AG3 5/12,
6FC5203-0AF24-0AA0 3/37 6FC5248-0AF08-0AA0 3/8 4/6 5/18
6FC5203-0AF25-1AA0 3/37 6FC5248-0AF12-0AA0 3/7, 6FC5251-0AB04-0AA0 2/20 6FC5252-.AY01-.AG0 4/42
6FC5210-... 3/33 6FC5251-0AB06-0AA0 2/18 6FC5252-0AA03-0AA0 2/46,
6FC5210-0DF00-0AA2 3/16 6FC5248-0AF14-0AA0 3/4, 6FC5251-0AB07-0AA0 2/10 5/18
6FC5210-0DF00-1AA2 3/16 3/10, 3/11, 3/12, 3/13, 6FC5251-0AB11-0AA0 2/10 6FC5252-0AD00-0AA0 2/38,
6FC5210-0DF31-2AA0 3/19 3/32, 3/33, 3/35, 3/44, 3/45 6FC5251-0AB12-0AA0 2/36 5/18
6FC5210-0DF33-2AA0 3/19 6FC5248-0AF20-0AA0 3/21, 6FC5251-0AB13-0AA0 2/34 6FC5252-0AF00-0AA0 3/32,
6FC5211-... 3/23 6FC5251-0AB14-0AA0 2/44 3/35
6FC5211-0AA00-0AA0 5/24 6FC5248-0AF20-1AA0 3/21, 6FC5251-0AB15-0AA0 2/3, 2/44 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB0 5/12,
6FC5211-0AA10-0AA0 5/24 3/23 6FC5251-0AB16-0AA0 2/44 5/18
6FC5212-... 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0 3/19, 6FC5251-0AB17-0AA0 2/22 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB1 5/12,
6FC5212-0AA01-1AA0 5/18 3/21, 3/23 6FC5251-0AC00-0AA0 2/20 5/18
6FC523.-... 6FC5248-0AF20-3AA0 3/23 6FC5251-0AC02-0AA0 2/10 6FC5252-0AX21-0AB2 5/12,
6FC5235-0AA05-0AA1 3/52 6FC5248-0AF21-0AA0 3/33 6FC5251-0AC04-0AA0 2/20 5/18
6FC5235-0AA05-1AA2 3/51 6FC5248-0AF22-1AA1 3/35 6FC5251-0AC05-0AA0 2/3, 2/22 6FC5252-.AY0.-.AG. 4/42
6FC5248-0AF23-1AA0 3/32 6FC5251-0AC07-0AA0 2/16
6FC5248-0AF24-0AA0 3/10,
3/11, 3/12, 3/13
6FC5248-0AF30-0AA0 3/33

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6FC5253-... 6FC5270-... 6FC5348.-... 6FC5463-...

6FC5253-.BX00-.AG. 4/2 6FC5270-0AX70-0AG0 11/16 6FC5348-0AA08-3AA0 3/26 6FC5463-.FA20-.AG. 4/5
6FC5253-.BX10-.AF0 3/19 6FC5270-.AX70-.AG3 11/16 6FC5356-... 6FC5463-.GA20-.AG. 4/6
6FC5253-.BX10-.AG. 4/3 6FC5270-0AX72-0AG0 11/16 6FC5356-0BB15-0AA0 5/18 6FC5463-0FA01-0AA0 4/5
6FC5253-.BX10-.XG0 3/25, 6FC5270-.AX72-.AG3 11/16 6FC5357-... 6FC5463-0FA02-0AA0 4/5
4/2, 4/3, 4/5, 4/6 6FC5270-0AX74-0AG0 11/16 6FC5357-0BB15-0AA0 5/18 6FC5463-0FA03-0AA0 4/5, 4/6
6FC5253-.BX10-.XG8 4/3 6FC5270-0AX76-0AG0 11/16 6FC5357-0BB25-0AA0 5/18 6FC5463-0FA04-0AA0 4/5
6FC5253-.BX20-.AG. 4/12 6FC5270-0AX80-0AG0 11/16 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0 5/18 6FC5463-0FA20-0A.. 4/5
6FC5253-.BX40-.AG. 4/3 6FC5270-0AX82-0AG0 11/16 6FC5397-... 6FC5463-0FA21-0AA0 4/5
6FC5253-.CX25-.AG. 4/12 6FC5270-1AX10-0AG0 11/17 6FC5397-0BP10-3.A0 11/27 6FC5463-0FA41-0AG0 11/16
6FC5253-0AE00-0AA0 2/26 6FC5270-1AX12-0AG0 11/17 6FC5397-1BP10-3.A0 11/27 6FC5463-0FA43-0AG0 11/16
6FC5253-0AE01-0AA0 3/16, 6FC5270-6AX70-3AG7 11/16 6FC5397-2BP10-3.A0 11/27 6FC5463-0GA1.-0AA0 4/6
4/3, 4/38 6FC5297-... 6FC5397-2CP10-2.A0 11/27 6FC5463-0GA20-0A.. 4/6
6FC5253-0AE02-0AA0 4/2 6FC5297-0AD30-0.P2 11/27 6FC5397-3AP10-1.A0 11/27 6FC5463-0GA21-0AA0 4/6
6FC5253-0AE03-0AA0 2/40 6FC5297-0AF00-0.P3 11/27 6FC5397-5BP10-2.A0 11/27 6FC5463-0GA41-0AG0 11/17
6FC5253-0AF00-0AA0 4/2, 6FC5297-1AE60-0.P0 11/27 6FC5397-7BP10-0.A0 11/27 6FC5463-0GA43-0AG0 11/17
4/3, 4/12 6FC5297-1AE81-0.P0 11/27 6FC5398-... 6FC5463-0GA51-0AG0 11/17
6FC5253-0AF03-0AA0 2/28 6FC5297-2AE80-0.P1 11/27 6FC5398-0AC10-0YA3 11/24 6FC5463-0GA53-0AG0 11/17
6FC5253-0AG03-0AA0 4/12 6FC5297-3AB60-0.P0 11/27 6FC5398-1BP10-2.A0 11/25 6FC5500-...
6FC5253-0BX00-0AG. 4/2 6FC5297-4AC50-0.P0 11/27 6FC5398-2AP10-3.A0 11/25 6FC5500-0AA00-1AA0 5/5
6FC5253-0BX10-0AF0 3/19 6FC5297-4AD20-0.P1 11/26 6FC5398-2BP10-2.A0 11/26 6FC5500-0AA11-1AA0 5/7
6FC5253-0BX10-0AG. 4/3 6FC5297-... 6FC5398-3BP10-0.A0 11/26 6FC5511-...
6FC5253-0BX10-0XG1 3/25, 6FC5297-6AB10-0.P2 11/26 6FC5398-4BP10-0.A0 11/26 6FC5511-0CA00-0AA0 5/5, 5/7
4/2, 4/3, 4/5, 4/6 6FC5297-6AC10-0.P3 11/26 6FC5398-5BP10-0BA0 11/26 6FC5511-0CB00-0AA0 5/5, 5/7
6FC5253-0BX20-0AG. 4/12 6FC5297-6AC60-0.P1 11/27 6FC5398-7BP10-0BA0 11/26 6FC5571-...
6FC5253-0BX40-0AG. 4/3 6FC5297-6AD10-0.P2 11/26 6FC5403-... 6FC5571-0AA01-0BF0 2/32
6FC5253-0CX25-0AG. 4/12, 6FC5297-6AD61-0.P1 11/27 6FC5403-0AA10-0AA1 3/25 6FC5597-...
6FC5253-8CX10-0XU8 3/19 6FC5297-6AD70-0.P2 11/26 6FC5403-0AA20-0AA0 3/26 6FC5597-3AA10-0.P2 11/25
6FC5255-... 6FC5297-6AD80-0.P3 11/26 6FC5410-... 6FC5597-3AA20-0.P2 11/25
6FC5255-0AB00-0AA0 2/16 6FC5297-6AE01-0.P4 11/27 6FC5410-0AY03-1AA0 5/12 6FC5597-4AA01-0.P0 11/25
6FC5255-0AB01-0AA0 2/14, 6FC5297-6EA10-0.P0 11/27 6FC5411-... 6FC5597-4AA11-0.P0 11/25
4/6 6FC5297-7AA50-0.P2 11/26 6FC5411-0AA00-0AA0 5/22 6FC5597-4AA21-0.P0 11/25
6FC5255-0AB02-0AA0 2/10, 6FC5297-7AB70-0.P2 11/26 6FC5411-0AA80-0AA0 5/22, 6FC5598-...
4/6 6FC5297-7AB71-0.P0 11/26 5/25 6FC5598-3AA00-0.P2 11/25
6FC5255-0AC00-0AA0 2/44 6FC5297-7AB80-0.P1 11/27 6FC5412-... 6FC5598-3AA10-0.P2 11/25
6FC5255-0AE00-0AA0 2/48 6FC5298-... 6FC5412-0FA10-0AA0 5/13 6FC5598-3AA20-0.P2 11/25
6FC5260-... 6FC5298-0AD60-0.P3 11/25 6FC5412-0FA12-0AA0 5/13 6FC5598-4AA01-0.P0 11/25
6FC5260-.AY00-.AG. 4/9 6FC5298-0CD00-0YG2 11/24 6FC5412-0FA80-0AA0 5/13 6FC5598-4AA11-0.P0 11/25
6FC5263-... 6FC5298-5AD30-0.P0 11/25 6FC5447-... 6FC5598-4AA21-0.P0 11/25
6FC5263-.PY11-.AG0 4/10 6FC5298-6AA10-0.P0 11/25 6FC5447-0AA00-0AA1 5/12 6FC5880-...
6FC5263-.PY50-.AG0 4/10 6FC5298-6AB30-0.P0 11/26 6FC5447-0AA01-0AA0 5/12 6FC5880-0YC05-0AA0 11/6
6FC5263-0AA03-0AB0 5/29, 6FC5298-6AC00-0.P3 11/25 6FC5450-... 6FC5880-1YC05-0AA0 11/6
5/30, 5/32 6FC5298-6AD10-0.P3 11/25 6FC5450-.AX03-.AH0 5/12 6FC5880-2YC05-0AA0 11/6
6FC5263-0AY.0-0AB1 4/13 6FC5298-6AD50-0.P2 11/25 6FC5450-.AX03-.AH3 5/12 6FC5880-3YC05-0AA0 11/6
6FC5263-0AY20-0AB1 4/14 6FC5298-6AF20-0.P0 11/25 6FC5450-.AY03-.AH0 5/12 6FC5880-4YC05-0AA0 11/6
6FC5263-0AY30-0AG1 4/14 6FC5298-7AA20-0.P3 11/26 6FC5450-.AY03-.AH3 5/12 6FC5862-...
6FC5263-0PY11-0AG. 4/10 6FC5303-... 6FC5450-0AX03-0AH0 5/12 6FC5862-2YC..-.YA0 4/44
6FC5263-0PY50-0AG. 4/10 6FC5303-0AA01-1AA0 3/26 6FC5450-0AX03-0AH2 5/12 6FC5862-2YC00-0YA0 4/44
6FC5263-7AY00-0AB0 4/13 6FC5303-0AA02-0AA0 3/30 6FC5450-0AY03-0AH0 5/12
6FC5263-7AY10-0AB0 4/13 6FC5303-1AF00-0AA1 3/39 6FC5450-0AY03-0AH2 5/12
6FC5263-7AY20-0AB0 4/14 6FC5303-1AF00-1AA1 3/39 6FC5451-...
6FC5263-7AY30-0AG0 4/14 6FC5303-1AF00-8AA1 3/39 6FC5451-0AF01-0AA0 2/6
6FC5303-1AF01-0AA1 3/39 6FC5451-0AF02-0AA0 2/6
6FC531.-... 6FC5451-0AF03-0AA0 2/6
6FC5312-0DA00-0AA1 3/21 6FC5453-...
6FC5313-4AG00-0AA2 3/16 6FC5453-.AX10-.AG3 3/25
6FC5313-5AG00-0AA0 3/19, 6FC5453-0AX10-0AG2 3/25
3/47, 3/48
6FC5335-0AA00-0AA0 3/47

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6FC6000-... 6FC8506-... 6FX.002-... 6FX2001-...

6FC6000-0AC..-.A.0 4/16 6FC8506-0.X0.-.AA1 11/9 6FX.002-2CJ10-.... 5/30, 6FX2001-7KF06 8/10
6FC6000-0AF00-0AB0 4/16 6FC8506-0.X0.-.AA2 11/9 5/32, 9/8, 9/9 6FX2001-7KF10 8/10
6FC6000-0BC0.-.A.0 4/18 6FC8506-1.X0.-0AA0 11/9 6FX.002-2EQ..-.... 10/10 6FX2001-7KP01 8/10
6FC6000-0BF00-0AB0 4/18 6FC8506-2.X0.-0AA0 11/9 6FX.002-2EQ10-.... 5/10, 6FX2001-7KS06 8/10
6FC6000-0CC0.-.AA0 4/18 6FC8506-3SX01-0AA0 11/9 9/9, 9/14 6FX2001-7KS10 8/10
6FC6000-0CF00-0AB0 4/18 6FC8506-3SX02-0AA0 11/9 6FX.002-2EQ20-.... 9/9, 9/14 6FX2002-...
6FC6000-0DF00-0AB0 4/19 6FC8506-3SX03-0AA0 11/9 6FX.002-5.A05-.... 10/9 6FX2002-1AA23-.... 3/24,
6FC6000-0EF00-0AB0 4/19 6FC8506-3SX04-0AA0 11/9 6FX.002-5.A15-.... 10/9 3/25, 5/9, 5/16, 5/32
6FC6000-0FF00-0AB0 4/20 6FC9302-... 6FX.002-5.A.8-.... 10/9 6FX2002-1AA83-.... 3/25
6FC6000-0GF00-0AB0 4/20 6FC9302-2AA 5/22 6FX.002-5.X18-.... 10/9 6FX2002-1AB04-1... 3/27
6FC6000-0HF00-0AB0 4/21 6FC9302-2AB 5/22 6FX.002-5.X28-.... 10/9 6FX2002-1AB14-1... 3/27
6FC6000-0KF00-0AB0 4/21 6FC9302-2BB01 5/22 6FX.002-5CA..-.... 10/6 6FX2002-1AB24-1... 3/27
6FC6000-1AC..-.AA0 4/36 6FC9320-... 6FX.002-5CB..-.... 10/8 6FX2002-1AB84-1... 3/27
6FC6000-1AC02-1AF0 4/36 6FC9320-5DB01 3/29 6FX.002-5CC..-.... 10/8 6FX2002-1CA01-.... 5/10,
6FC6000-1AC00-0AT7 4/36 6FC9320-5DC01 3/29 6FX.002-5DA..-.... 10/7 5/15, 9/13, 9/14, 10/10
6FC6000-1AF00-0AB0 4/36 6FC9320-5DE02 3/29 6FX.002-5DX38-.... 10/9 6FX2002-1CB01-.... 5/10,
6FC6000-1BC..-.AA0 4/36 6FC9320-5DF01 3/29 6FX.008-... 10/10
6FC6000-1BF00-0AB0 4/36 6FC9320-5DH01 3/29 6FX.008-.....-1FA0 10/14 6FX2002-1CC00-.... 9/13,
6FC6000-1DF00-0AB0 4/36 6FC9320-5DM00 3/29 6FX.008-.....-2AA0 10/14 9/14, 9/34, 10/10
6FC6000-1EC..-.AA0 4/36 6FC9320-5DN00 3/29 6FX.008-.....-3AA0 10/14 6FX2002-1VL00-.... 3/22, 3/23
6FC6000-1EF00-0AB0 4/36 6FC9340-... 6FX.008-.....-6AA0 10/14 6FX2002-1YB02-.... 3/25
6FC6000-2AC0.-.AA0 4/27 6FC9340-8XY00-.... 5/22 6FX.008-1BA..-...0 10/7 6FX2002-2AS..-.... 5/9,
6FC6000-2AF00-0AB0 4/27 6FC9341-... 6FX.008-1BB..-.... 10/6 5/15, 5/22, 5/25, 10/10
6FC6000-2BC0.-.AA0 4/26 6FC9341-1AQ 3/29 6FX.012-... 6FX2002-3AD01-.... 5/6,
6FC6000-2BF00-0AB0 4/26 6FC9348-... 6FX.012-2C...-.... 10/10 5/32, 9/8, 9/9
6FC6000-2EC0.-.AA0 4/23 6FC9348-7BA 9/34 6FX.042-... 6FX2002-4EA04-.... 10/10
6FC6000-2EF00-0AB0 4/23 6FC9348-7BB 9/34 6FX.042-2C...-.... 10/10 6FX2002-4EB..-.... 10/12,
6FC6000-2FC0.-.AA0 4/24 6FX..02-... 6FX.042-5....-.... 10/6 10/13
6FC6000-2FF00-0AB0 4/24 6FX..02-5CA..-.... 10/6 6FX2001-... 6FX2003-...
6FC6000-2GC0.-.AA0 4/24 6FX..02-5DA..-.... 10/7 6FX2001-2C... 8/5 6FX2003-0DA00 5/13,
6FC6000-2GF00-0AB0 4/24 6FX..08-... 6FX2001-2D... 8/5 5/18, 5/24, 9/34
6FC6000-2HC0.-.AA0 4/29 6FX..08-1BA..-...0 10/7 6FX2001-2E... 8/5 6FX2003-0FA00 5/12, 5/18
6FC6000-2HF00-0AB0 4/29 6FX..08-1BB..-.... 10/6 6FX2001-2F... 8/5 6FX2003-0SA12 8/10
6FC6000-2JC0.-.AA0 4/28 6FX.002-... 6FX2001-2G... 8/5 6FX2003-0SU12 8/10
6FC6000-2JF00-0AB0 4/28 6FX.002-2AD00-.... 9/14, 6FX2001-2H... 8/5 6FX2003-0SU17 8/10
6FC6000-2KC0.-.AA0 4/25 9/17, 10/10 6FX2001-2M... 8/5 6FX2003-7AX00 10/11
6FC6000-2KF00-0AB0 4/25 6FX.002-2AD04-.... 10/10 6FX2001-2N... 8/5 6FX2003-7BX00 10/11
6FC6000-3AC..-.A.. 4/33 6FX.002.2AH..-.... 10/10 6FX2001-2P... 8/5 6FX2003-7CX00 10/11
6FC6000-3AF00-0AB0 4/33 6FX.002-2CA11-.... 9/13, 6FX2001-2Q... 8/5 6FX2003-7DX00 10/11
6FC6000-3BC0.-.A.0 4/31 9/14, 9/17, 10/10 6FX2001-2R... 8/5 6FX2003-7FX00 10/11
6FC6000-3BF00-0AB0 4/31 6FX.002-2CA.4-.... 10/10 6FX2001-2S... 8/5 6FX2003-7GX00 10/11
6FC6000-3EF00-0AB0 4/32 6FX.002-2CA20-.... 9/9, 6FX2001-2UK00 8/5 6FX2003-7HX00 10/11
6FC6000-6AF00-0BB0 4/37 9/14, 10/10 6FX2001-3C... 8/5 6FX2006-...
6FC6000-6AF88-8BB0 4/38 6FX.002-2CA31-.... 5/10, 6FX2001-3E... 8/5 6FX2006-1BA02 5/9,
6FC6000-6DC..-.BA0 4/37 9/9, 9/14 6FX2001-3G... 8/5 5/12, 5/16, 5/18
6FC6000-6DC8.-.BA0 4/38 6FX.002-2CB.4-.... 10/10 6FX2001-4D... 8/5 6FX2006-1BC01 3/25, 3/27
6FC6000-6DF00-0BB0 4/37 6FX.002-2CC11-.... 5/30, 6FX2001-4F... 8/5 6FX2006-1BG03 3/28
6FC6000-6DF88-8BB0 4/38 5/32, 10/10 6FX2001-4H... 8/5 6FX2006-1BG11 3/28
6FC6000-7AC..-.A.0 4/34 6FX.002-2CD01-.... 5/30, 6FX2001-4N... 8/5 6FX2006-1BG13 3/28
6FC6000-7AF00-0AB0 4/34 5/32, 10/10 6FX2001-4Q... 8/5 6FX2006-1BG56 3/28
6FC6001-... 6FX.002-2CD24-.... 5/32, 6FX2001-4S... 8/5 6FX2006-1BG70 3/28, 3/29
6FC6001-0EE00-0A.8 4/41 10/10 6FX2001-5FE.. 8/9 6FX2006-1BH01 3/25, 3/27
6FX.002-2CF02-.... 9/8, 6FX2001-5FP.. 8/9 6FX2006-1HA00 3/27
10/10 6FX2001-5FS.. 8/9 6FX2007-...
6FX.002-2CF.4-.... 10/10 6FX2001-5HE.. 8/9 6FX2007-1AC04 3/27
6FX.002-2CF20-.... 9/8, 6FX2001-5HS.. 8/9 6FX2007-1AC14 3/27
10/10 6FX2001-5QE.. 8/9 6FX2007-1AD03 3/28
6FX.002-2CG00-.... 5/10, 6FX2001-5QP.. 8/9 6FX2007-1AD13 3/28
9/9, 10/10 6FX2001-5QS.. 8/9 6FX2007-1AE04 3/27
6FX.002-2CH00-.... 5/10, 6FX2001-5SE.. 8/9 6FX2007-1AE14 3/27
9/9, 10/10 6FX2001-5SS.. 8/9
6FX2001-5WP.. 8/9

12/22 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

Order number index
Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page

6FX5002-... 6SL3000-... 6SN1123-... 6SN1161-...

6FX5002-1AA00-.... 10/10 6SL3000-0BE21-6DA0 9/27 6SN1123-1AA00-0AA1 9/19 6SN1161-1AA00-0AA1 9/34
6FX5002-2CJ10-.... 5/6 6SL3000-0BE23-6DA0 9/27 6SN1123-1AA00-0BA1 9/19 6SN1161-1AA00-0BA0 5/13,
6FX5002-5CC..-.... 10/8 6SL3000-0BE25-5DA0 9/27 6SN1123-1AA00-0CA2 9/19 9/34
6FX5002-5CD..-.... 10/8 6SL3060-... 6SN1123-1AA00-0DA2 9/19 6SN1161-1AA01-0AA0 9/34
6FX5002-5DA..-.... 10/7 6SL3060-1FE21-6AA0 9/26 6SN1123-1AA00-0EA2 9/19 6SN1161-1AA01-0BA0 9/34
6FX5002-5DX..-.... 10/9 6SL3075-... 6SN1123-1AA00-0HA1 9/19 6SN1161-1AA02-6AA0 9/34
6FX5008-... 6SL3075-0AA00-0AG0 6/142 6SN1123-1AA00-0JA1 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-.... 5/15,
6FX5008-1BA..-...0 10/7 6SL3100-... 6SN1123-1AA00-0KA1 9/19 9/13, 9/14
6FX5008-1BB..-.... 10/6 6SL3100-1BE22-5AA0 9/30 6SN1123-1AA00-0LA3 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0AA0 5/18,
6FX7002-... 6SN1111-... 6SN1123-1AA01-0FA1 9/19 9/34
6FX7002-2CA31-.... 9/15 6SN1111-0AA00-0BV0 9/22 6SN1123-1AA02-0FA1 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0AA1 9/34
6FX7002-2EQ10-.... 9/15 6SN1111-0AA00-0BV1 9/22 6SN1123-1AB00-0AA1 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0BA0 9/34
6FX7002-2SL0.-.... 9/15 6SN1111-0AA00-0CA1 9/22 6SN1123-1AB00-0BA1 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0BA1 9/34
6FX7002-2SL10-.... 9/15 6SN1111-0AA00-0CV0 9/22 6SN1123-1AB00-0CA3 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0CA0 9/34
6FX7002-5LM..-.... 10/8 6SN1111-0AA00-0CV1 9/22 6SN1123-1AB00-0HA1 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0CA1 9/34
6FX7008-... 6SN1111-0AA00-0DV0 9/22 6SN1124-... 6SN1161-1CA00-0DA0 9/34
6FX7008-1BB..-.... 10/8 6SN1111-0AA00-0EV0 9/22 6SN1124-1AA00-0AA1 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0EA1 9/34
6FX8002-... 6SN1111-0AA00-0FV0 9/22 6SN1124-1AA00-0BA1 9/19 6SN1161-1CA00-0FA0 9/34
6FX8002-1AA01-.... 3/15, 6SN1111-0AA00-1BV0 9/25 6SN1124-1AA00-0CA2 9/19 6SN1161-1DA00-0AA0 9/14,
3/24, 5/4, 5/6 6SN1111-0AA00-1BV1 9/25 6SN1124-1AA00-0DA2 9/19 9/17, 9/34
6FX8002-2BA00-.... 9/17 6SN1111-0AA00-1CV0 9/25 6SN1124-1AA00-0EA2 9/19 6SN1162-...
6FX8002-2BA10-.... 9/17 6SN1111-0AA00-1CV1 9/25 6SN1124-1AA00-0HA1 9/19 6SN1162-0BA01-0AA0 9/29
6FX8002-2BA20-.... 9/17 6SN1111-0AA00-1DV0 9/25 6SN1124-1AA00-0JA1 9/19 6SN1162-0BA02-0AA2 9/34
6FX8002-2BB01-.... 5/4, 5/6 6SN1111-0AA00-1EV0 9/25 6SN1124-1AA00-0KA1 9/19 6SN1162-0BA03-0AA1 9/34
6FX8002-2CA..-.... 10/10 6SN1111-0AA00-1FV0 9/25 6SN1124-1AA00-0LA3 9/19 6SN1162-0BA03-0CA1 9/34
6FX8002-2CA15-.... 9/13 6SN1111-0AA01-1AA1 9/23 6SN1124-1AA01-0FA1 9/19 6SN1162-0BA04-0AA1 9/19
6FX8002-2CA80-.... 9/9, 9/13 6SN1111-0AA01-1BA1 9/23 6SN1124-1AB00-0AA1 9/19 6SN1162-0BA04-0BA1 9/19,
6FX8002-2CC80-.... 9/14, 9/17 6SN1111-0AA01-1CA1 9/23 6SN1124-1AB00-0BA1 9/19 9/21
6FX8002-2CD01-.... 5/4, 5/6 6SN1111-0AB00-0AA0 9/28 6SN1124-1AB00-0CA2 9/19 6SN1162-0BA04-0CA1 9/19
6FX8002-2CP00-.... 3/18, 3/30 6SN1112-... 6SN1124-1AB00-0HA1 9/19 6SN1162-0BA04-0DA1 9/21
6FX8002-3AB01-.... 5/30, 6SN1112-1AB00-0BA0 9/31 6SN1145-... 6SN1162-0BA04-0EA0 9/19,
9/8, 9/9 6SN1112-1AB00-0CA0 9/31 6SN1145-1AA00-0CA0 9/21 9/21
6FX8002-4AA21-.... 5/9, 5/16 6SN1112-1AB00-1AA0 9/31 6SN1145-1AA01-0AA2 9/21 6SN1162-0BA04-0FA1 9/19
6FX8002-4AA41-.... 5/9, 5/16 6SN1112-1AB00-1BA0 9/31 6SN1145-1BA01-0BA2 9/21 6SN1162-0BA04-0GA1 9/19
6FX8002-4EB..-.... 10/12 6SN1112-1AC01-0AA1 9/28 6SN1145-1BA01-0DA1 9/21 6SN1162-0BA04-0HA1 9/21
6FX8002-5CA..-.... 10/8 6SN1113-... 6SN1145-1BA02-0CA2 9/21 6SN1162-0BA04-0JA0 9/21,
6FX8002-5DA..-.... 10/7 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0 9/30 6SN1145-1BB00-0DA1 9/21 9/28, 9/29
6FX8002-5DC..-.... 10/8 6SN1113-1AA00-1JA1 6/97 6SN1145-1BB00-0EA1 9/21 6SN1162-0EA00-0AA0 9/36
6FX8002-5DD..-.... 10/8 6SN1113-1AA00-1KA1 6/97 6SN1145-1BB00-0FA1 9/21 6SN1162-0EA00-0BA0 9/36
6FX8002-5DX..-.... 10/9 6SN1113-1AA00-1KC1 6/97 6SN1146-... 6SN1162-0EA00-0CA0 9/36
6FX8002-5YP02-.... 10/8 6SN1113-1AB01-0BA1 9/29 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 9/21 6SN1162-0EA00-0DA0 9/36
6FX8008-... 6SN1114-... 6SN1146-1AB00-0CA0 9/21 6SN1162-0EA00-0JA0 9/36
6FX8008-1BA..-...0 10/7 6SN1114-0NA00-0AA0 9/8 6SN1146-1BB00-0DA1 9/21 6SN1162-0EA00-0KA0 9/36
6FX8008-1BB..-.... 10/8 6SN1114-0NB00-0AA2 9/8 6SN1146-1BB00-0EA1 9/21 6SN1162-0EB00-0AA0 9/36
6FX8008-1BD71-.... 9/9 6SN1114-0NB01-0AA1 9/8 6SN1146-1BB00-0FA1 9/21 6SN1162-0EB00-0BA0 9/36
6GK1901-... 6SN1115-... 6SN1146-1BB01-0BA2 9/21 6SN1162-0EB00-0CA0 9/36
6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0 3/21 6SN1115-0AA12-0AA0 9/34 6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2 9/21 6SN1162-0EB00-0DA0 9/36
6GK5108-... 6SN1115-0BA11-0AA1 9/16 6SN1153-... 6SN1162-0EB00-0JA0 9/36
6GK5108-0BA00-2AA3 3/21 6SN1118-... 6SN1153-2NX21-2AG0 9/8 6SN1162-0FA00-0AA1 9/36
6GK5208-... 6SN1118-0DJ21-0AA2 9/12 6SN1162-0FA00-0AA2 9/36
6GK5208-0BA10-2AA3 3/21 6SN1118-0DJ23-0AA2 9/12 6SN1162-0GA00-0CA0 9/26
6GK5208-0HA00-2AA6 3/21 6SN1118-0DK21-0AA2 9/12 6SN1162-1AA00-0AA0 9/34
6GK734.-... 6SN1118-0DK23-0AA2 9/12 6SN1162-8YY00-0AA0 9/34
6GK7342-5DA02-0XE0 5/27 6SN1118-0DM31-0AA2 9/12
6GK7343-2AH01-0XA0 5/27 6SN1118-0DM33-0AA2 9/12
6SN1118-0NH01-0AA1 9/8
6SN1118-0NJ01-0AA1 9/8
6SN1118-0NK01-0AA1 9/8
6SN1118-1NH01-0AA1 9/8
6SN1118-1NJ01-0AA1 9/8
6SN1118-1NK01-0AA1 9/8

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 12/23
© Siemens AG 2009

Order number index
Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page

6SN1197-... 6XV1...-... Order codes 2K ...

6SN1197-0AA00-1AP1 9/6, 6XV1440-4B... 3/18, 3/26 G46 7/20 2K 120 7/32
11/28 6XV1840-2AH10 3/21 J02 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 2K 250 7/32
6SN1197-0AA00-1BP1 9/6, 6XV1840-3AH10 3/21 J03 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 2K 300 7/32
11/28 6ZB2410-... J05 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 2K 800 7/32
6SN1197-0AA00-1CP0 9/6, 6ZB2410-0AP00 11/22 J09 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 2K 801 7/32
11/28 6ZB2420-... J12 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 2K 802 7/32
6SN1197-0AA00-1DP0 9/6, 6ZB2420-0AA02 11/21 J13 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 ERA ...
11/28 6ZB2420-0AB00 11/21 J15 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 ERA 700/800 9/15
6SN1197-0AA00-1EP0 9/6, 6ZB2420-0AD00 11/21 J16 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 ISBN 3-...
11/28 6ZB3300-... J17 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 ISBN 3-89578-074-X 8/8, 11/24
6SN1197-0AA80-1.P6 11/28 6ZB3300-0BD01-6AA0 11/20 J22 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 LB ...
6SN1197-0AB10-0YP4 8/9, 6ZB3300-0BF00-6AA0 11/20 J23 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 LB 382 (C) 5/10,
11/28 6ZB3300-0BG00-6AA0 11/20 J25 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 9/9, 9/14, 9/17
6SN1197-0AB20-1.P7 11/28 6ZB3300-0BK00-6AA0 11/20 J29 6/45, 6/50, 6/55 LC ...
6SN1197-0AB20-1.P8 11/28 6ZB5000-... J32 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 LC 183 5/10, 6/77,
6SN1197-0AB60-0.P4 11/28 6ZB5000-0AA01-0BA1 11/24 J33 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 9/9, 9/14, 9/15, 9/17
6SN1197-0AB70-0.P6 11/27 6ZB5000-0AA02-0BA1 11/24 J35 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 LC 483 5/10, 6/77,
6SN1197-0AB73-0AP1 11/28 6ZB5000-0AB01-0BA0 11/24 J36 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 9/9, 9/14, 9/15, 9/17
6SN1197-0AB74-0.P2 11/28 6ZB5000-0AB02-0BA0 11/24 J37 6/47, 6/52, 6/57, 6/58 LF ...
6SN1197-0AB74-0.P3 11/28 6ZB5310-... K00 7/20 LF 183 (C) 5/10,
6SN1197-0AB80-0.P0 11/28 6ZB5310-0EP30-0BA2 12/8 K02 7/20 9/9, 9/14, 9/17
6SN1197-0AC00-0.P7 11/28 9AK1014-... K03 7/20 LF 481 (C) 5/10,
6SN1197-0AC13-0.P1 11/27 9AK1014-1AA00 9/8, 9/10 K04 7/20 9/9, 9/14, 9/17
6SN1197-0AC62-0.P0 11/27 E20001-... K05 7/20 LIDA ...
6SN1197-0AC63-0.P0 11/27 E20001-A770-P610 11/10 K09 7/20 LIDA 185 6/77
6SN1197-0AC64-0.P2 11/27 E20001-A770-P610-X-7600 11/10 K10 7/20 LIDA 485 6/77
6SN1197-0AC65-0.P1 11/27 E80001-... K18 7/20 LS ...
6SN1197-0AD00-0.P3 11/28 E80001-V211-E73-X-7400 11/19 K31 7/20 LS 187 (C) 5/10, 6/77,
6SN1197-0AD00-0.P5 11/28 E86060-K4460-... K42 7/20 9/9, 9/14, 9/15, 9/17
6SN1197-0AD02-0.P1 11/27 E86060-K4460-A101-B3 11/24 K83 7/20 LS 487 (C) 5/10, 677,
6SN1197-0AD03-0.P1 11/27 E86060-K4460-A101-B3-7600 K84 7/20 9/9, 9/14, 9/15, 9/17
6SN1197-0AD04-0.P3 11/28 11/24 K85 7/20 RCN ...
6SN1197-0AD06-0.P1 11/27 E86060-K4461-... L37 7/20, 7/25 RCN 226 9/15
6SN1197-0AD06-0EP0 11/27 E86060-K4461-A101-A2 11/24 L69 7/20 RCN 727 9/15
6SN1197-0AD07-0.P2 11/27 E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7200 V40 6/61 RG2
6SN1197-0AD07-0.P4 11/27 11/24 V42 6/61 RG2 6/77
6SW1700-... E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7600 RON ...
6SW1700-0JA00-0AB2 9/40 11/24 RON 786 9/15
6SW1700-0JA00-1AB2 9/40 E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7700 SME..
6SW1700-0JC00-0AB2 9/40 11/24 SME91 9/15
6SW1700-0JD00-0AB2 9/40 E86060-K4461-A101-A2-7800 SME93 9/15
6SW1700-5JA00-4AA0 9/40 11/24
6SW1700-5JA00-4AA1 9/40 E86060-K4670-...
6SW1700-5JA00-4AA4 9/40 E86060-K4670-A101-B2 11/24
6SW1700-5JC00-1AC0 9/40 E86060-K4670-A101-B2-7200
6SW1700-5JC00-4AA0 9/40 11/24
6SW1700-5JC00-4AA4 9/40 E86060-K4670-A101-B2-7600
6SW1700-5JD00-1AC0 9/40 11/24
6SW1700-6JD00-1AA0 9/40 E86060-K4670-A101-B2-7700
6SW1700-6JD00-1AA4 9/40 11/24

12/24 Siemens NC 60 · 2009

© Siemens AG 2009

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© Siemens AG 2009


Conversion tables

■ Rotary inertia (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)

B lb-in2 lb-ft2 lb-in-s2 lb-ft-s2 kg-cm2 kg-cm-s2 gm-cm2 gm-cm-s2 oz-in2 oz-in-s2
A slug-ft2
lb-in2 1 6.94 × 10–3 2.59 × 10–3 2.15 × 10–4 2.926 2.98 × 10–3 2.92 × 103 2.984 16 4.14 × 10–2
lb-ft2 144 1 0.3729 3.10 × 10–2 421.40 0.4297 4.21 × 105 429.71 2304 5.967
lb-in-s2 386.08 2.681 1 8.33 × 10–2 1.129 × 103 1.152 1.129 × 106 1.152 × 103 6.177 × 103 16
lb-ft-s2 4.63 × 103 32.17 12 1 1.35 × 104 13.825 1.355 × 107 1.38 × 104 7.41 × 104 192
kg-cm2 0.3417 2.37 × 10–3 8.85 × 10–4 7.37 × 10–5 1 1.019 × 10–3 1000 1.019 5.46 1.41 × 10–2
kg-cm-s2 335.1 2.327 0.8679 7.23 × 10–2 980.66 1 9.8 × 105 1000 5.36 × 103 13.887
gm-cm2 3.417 × 10–4 2.37 × 10–6 8.85 × 10–7 7.37 × 10–8 1 × 10–3 1.01 × 10–6 1 1.01 × 10–3 5.46 × 10–3 1.41 × 10–5
gm-cm-s2 0.335 2.32 × 10–3 8.67 × 10–4 7.23 × 10–5 0.9806 1 × 10–3 980.6 1 5.36 1.38 × 10–2
oz-in2 0.0625 4.34 × 10–4 1.61 × 10–4 1.34 × 10–5 0.182 1.86 × 10–4 182.9 0.186 1 2.59 × 10–3
oz-in-s2 24.13 0.1675 6.25 × 10–2 5.20 × 10–3 70.615 7.20 × 10–2 7.09 × 104 72.0 386.08 1

■ Torque (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)

B lb-in lb-ft oz-in N-m kg-cm kg-m gm-cm dyne-cm
lb-in 1 8.333 × 10–2 16 0.113 1.152 1.152 × 10–2 1.152 × 103 1.129 × 106
lb-ft 12 1 192 1.355 13.825 0.138 1.382 × 104 1.355 × 107
oz-in 6.25 × 10–2 5.208 × 10–3 1 7.061 × 10–3 7.200 × 10–2 7.200 × 10–4 72.007 7.061 × 104
N-m 8.850 0.737 141.612 1 10.197 0.102 1.019 × 104 1 × 107
kg-cm 0.8679 7.233 × 10–2 13.877 9.806 × 10–2 1 10–2 1000 9.806 × 105
kg-m 86.796 7.233 1.388 × 103 9.806 100 1 1 × 105 9.806 × 107
gm-cm 8.679 × 10–4 7.233 × 10–5 1.388 × 10–2 9.806 × 10–5 1 × 10–3 1 × 10–5 1 980.665
dyne-cm 8.850 × 10–7 7.375 × 10–8 1.416 × 10–5 10–7 1.0197 × 10–6 1.019 × 10–8 1.019 × 10–3 1

■ Length (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table) ■ Force (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
B inches feet cm yd mm m B lb oz gm dyne N
inches 1 0.0833 2.54 0.028 25.4 0.0254 lb 1 16 453.6 4.448 × 105 4.4482
feet 12 1 30.48 0.333 304.8 0.3048 oz 0.0625 1 28.35 2.780 × 104 0.27801
cm 0.3937 0.03281 1 1.09 × 10–2 10 0.01 gm 2.205 × 10–3 0.03527 1 1.02 × 10–3 N.A.
yd 36 3 91.44 1 914.4 0.914 dyne 2.248 × 10–6 3.59 × 10–5 980.7 1 0.00001
mm 0.03937 0.00328 0.1 1.09 × 10–3 1 0.001 N 0.22481 3.5967 N.A. 100000 1
m 39.37 3.281 100 1.09 1000 1
■ Mass (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
■ Power (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table) B lb oz gm kg slug
B HP Watts
A lb 1 16 453.6 0.4536 0.0311
HP (English) 1 745.7 oz 6.25 × 10–2 1 28.35 0.02835 1.93 × 10–3
(lb-in) (deg./sec) 2.645 × 10–6 1.972 × 10–3 gm 2.205 × 10–3 3.527 × 10–2 1 10–3 6.852 × 10–5
(lb-in) (rpm) 1.587 × 10–5 1.183 × 10–2 kg 2.205 35.27 103 1 6.852 × 10–2
(lb-ft) (deg./sec) 3.173 × 10–5 2.366 × 10–2 slug 32.17 514.8 1.459 × 104 14.59 1
(lb-ft) (rpm) 1.904 × 10–4 0.1420
Watts 1.341 × 10–3 1 ■ Rotation (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
B rpm rad/sec. degrees/sec.
rpm 1 0.105 6.0
rad/sec. 9.55 1 57.30
degrees/ 0.167 1.745 × 10–2 1

12/26 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009


Conversion tables

■ Temperature Conversion ■ Material Densities

°F °C °C °F Material lb-in3 gm-cm3
0 –17.8 –10 14 Aluminum 0.096 2.66
32 0 0 32 Brass 0.299 8.30
50 10 10 50 Bronze 0.295 8.17
70 21.1 20 68 Copper 0.322 8.91
90 32.2 30 86 Hard wood 0.029 0.80
98.4 37 37 98.4 Soft wood 0.018 0.48
212 100 100 212 Plastic 0.040 1.11
5/ 9/
subtract 32 and multiply by 9 multiply by 5 and add 32 Glass 0.079–0.090 2.2–2.5
Titanium 0.163 4.51
■ Mechanism Efficiencies Paper 0.025–0.043 0.7–1.2
Acme-screw with brass nut ~0.35–0.65 Polyvinyl chloride 0.047–0.050 1.3–1.4
Acme-screw with plastic nut ~0.50–0.85 Rubber 0.033–0.036 0.92–0.99
Ball-screw ~0.85–0.95 Silicone rubber, without filler 0.043 1.2
Chain and sprocket ~0.95–0.98 Cast iron, gray 0.274 7.6
Preloaded ball-screw ~0.75–0.85 Steel 0.280 7.75
Spur or bevel-gears ~0.90
Timing belts ~0.96–0.98 ■ Wire Gauges1)
Worm gears ~0.45–0.85 Cross-section Standard Wire American Wire
mm2 Gauge (SWG) Gauge (AWG)
Helical gear (1 reduction) ~0.92
0.2 25 24
■ Friction Coefficients 0.3 23 22

Materials µ 0.5 21 20

Steel on steel (greased) ~0.15 0.75 20 19

Plastic on steel ~0.15–0.25 1.0 19 18

Copper on steel ~0.30 1.5 17 16

Brass on steel ~0.35 2.5 15 13

Aluminum on steel ~0.45 4 13 11

Steel on steel ~0.58 6 12 9

10 9 7
Mechanism µ 16 7 6
Ball bushings <0.001
25 5 3
Linear bearings <0.001 35 3 2
Dove-tail slides ~0.2++ 50 0 1/0
Gibb ways ~0.5++ 70 000 2/0
95 00000 3/0
120 0000000 4/0
150 – 6/0
185 – 7/0

1) Thetable shows approximate SWG/AWG sizes nearest to standard

metric sizes; the cross-sections do not match exactly.
Siemens NC 60 · 2009 12/27
© Siemens AG 2009


Metal surcharges

■ Explanation of the metal factor

Surcharges will be added to the prices of products that contain Weight method
silver, copper, aluminum, lead and/or gold if the respective basic
official prices for these metals are exceeded. The weight method uses the basic official price, the daily price
and the raw material weight. In order to calculate the surcharge,
The surcharges will be determined based on the following the basic official price must be subtracted from the daily price.
criteria: The result is then multiplied by the raw material weight.
• Official price of the metal The basic official price can be found in the table below using the
Official price on the day prior to receipt of the order or prior to number (2 to 9) of the respective digit of the metal factor. The raw
the release order (=daily price) for material weight can be found in the respective product descrip-
- silver (sale price of the processed material), tions.
- gold (sale price of the processed material)
Percentage method
Source: Umicore, Hanau
( Use of the percentage method is indicated by the letters A-Z at
and for the respective digit of the metal factor.
- copper (low DEL notation + 1 %),
- aluminum (aluminum in cables) and The surcharge is increased - dependent on the deviation of the
- lead (lead in cables) daily price compared with the basic official price - using the
percentage method in "steps" and consequently offers
Source: German Trade Association for Cables and surcharges that remain constant within the framework of this
Conductors "step range". A higher percentage rate is charged for each new
( step. The respective percentage level can be found in the table
• Metal factor of the products below.
Certain products are assigned a metal factor. The metal factor Metal factor examples
determines the official price as of which the metal surcharges
are charged and the calculation method used (weight or
percentage method). An exact explanation is given below.
Structure of the metal factor Basis for % surcharge: List price
The metal factor consists of several digits; the first digit indicates Silver: basis 150 €, step range 50 €, 0.5 %
whether the method of calculation refers to the list price or a Copper: basis 150 €, step range 50 €, 0.1 %
discounted price (customer net price)
(L = list price / N = customer net price). No surcharge for aluminum

The remaining digits indicate the method of calculation used for No surcharge for lead
the respective metal. If no surcharge is added, a "-" is used. No surcharge for gold
1st digit List or customer net price using the percentage method
N – A 6– –
2nd digit for silver (AG)
3rd digit for copper (CU) Basis for % surcharge: Customer net price
4th digit for aluminum (AL) No surcharge for silver
5th digit for lead (PB) Copper: basis 150 €, step range 50 €, 0.1 %
6th digit for gold (AU) Aluminum acc. to weight, basic offic. price 225 €
No surcharge for lead
No surcharge for gold

– – 3– – –

No basis necessary
No surcharge for silver
Copper acc. to weight, basic official price 150 €
No surcharge for aluminum
No surcharge for lead
No surcharge for gold
A&D/MZ_1/En 05.09.06

12/28 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009


Metal surcharges

■ Values of the metal factor

Percentage Basic official Step range % surcharge % surcharge % surcharge % surcharge % surcharge
method price 1st step 2nd step 3rd step 4th step per additional
Official price Official price Official price Official price
151 € − 200 € 201 € − 250 € 251 € − 300 € 301 € − 350 €
A 150 50 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1
B 150 50 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2
C 150 50 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.3
D 150 50 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0.4
E 150 50 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5
F 150 50 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 0.6
G 150 50 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 0.7
H 150 50 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 1.2
I 150 50 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 1.6
J 150 50 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 1.8
K 150 50 2.0 3.5 5.0 6.5 1.5
L 150 50 2.2 4.4 6.6 8.8 2.2
M 150 50 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 2.5
176 € − 225 € 226 € − 275 € 276 € − 325 € 326 € − 375 €
O 175 50 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1
P 175 50 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2
Q 175 50 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.3
R 175 50 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5
226 € − 275 € 276 € − 325 € 326 € − 375 € 376 € − 425 €
S 225 50 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2
T 225 50 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5
U 225 50 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0
V 225 50 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 1.0
W 225 50 1.2 2.5 3.5 4.5 1.0
126 € − 150 € 151 € − 175 € 176 € − 200 € 201 € − 225 €
X 125 25 1.9 3.8 5.7 7.6 1.9
151 € − 175 € 176 € − 200 € 201 € − 225 € 226 € − 250 €
Y 150 25 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.3
401 € − 425 € 426 € − 450 € 451 € − 475 € 476 € − 500 €
Z 400 25 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1
Price basis (1st digit)
L Charged on the list price
N Charged on the customer net price or discounted list price
Weight method Basic official
2 100
3 150
4 175
5 200 Calculation based on raw material weight
6 225
7 300
8 400
9 555
− No metal surcharge
A&D/MZ_2/En 05.09.06

Siemens NC 60 · 2009 12/29
© Siemens AG 2009

Conditions of sale and delivery
Export regulations

■ Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery The texts of the Comprehensive Terms and Conditions of Sale
and Delivery are available free of charge from your local Siemens
By using this catalog you can acquire hardware and software business office under the following Order Nos.:
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tions for supplies and services, including software products, by
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For customers with a seat or registered office in Germany
The "General Terms of Payment" as well as the "General Condi-
tions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical
and Electronics Industry" shall apply.
■ Export regulations
The products listed in this catalog / price list may be subject to
For software products, the "General License Conditions for Soft- European / German and/or US export regulations.
ware Products for Automation and Drives for Customers with a
Seat or registered Office in Germany" shall apply. Therefore, any export requiring a license is subject to approval
by the competent authorities.
For customers with a seat or registered office outside of According to current provisions, the following export regulations
Germany must be observed with respect to the products featured in this
The "General Terms of Payment" as well as the "General Condi- catalog / price list:
tions for Supplies of Siemens, Automation and Drives for Cus-
tomers with a Seat or registered Office outside of Germany" shall
apply. AL Number of the German Export List
For software products, the "General License Conditions for Soft- Products marked other than "N" require an
ware Products for Automation and Drives for Customers with a export license.
Seat or registered Office outside of Germany" shall apply. In the case of software products, the export
General designations of the relevant data medium
must also be generally adhered to.
The dimensions are in mm. In Germany, according to the Ger-
man law on units in measuring technology, data in inches only Goods labeled with an "AL" not equal to "N"
apply to devices for export. are subject to a European or German export
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Illustrations are not binding. EU.
Insofar as there are no remarks on the corresponding pages,
– especially with regard to data, dimensions and weights given – ECCN Export Control Classification Number.
these are subject to change without prior notice. Products marked other than "N" are subject to
The prices are in € (Euro) ex works, exclusive packaging. a reexport license to specific countries.
The sales tax (value added tax) is not included in the prices. In the case of software products, the export
It shall be debited separately at the respective rate according to designations of the relevant data medium
the applicable legal regulations. must also be generally adhered to.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. We will debit Goods labeled with an "ECCN" not equal to "N"
the prices valid at the time of delivery. are subject to a US re-export authorization.
Surcharges will be added to the prices of products that contain
silver, copper, aluminum, lead and/or gold, if the respective Even without a label or with an "AL: N" or "ECCN: N", authorization
basic official prices for these metals are exceeded. These sur- may be required due to the final destination and purpose for
charges will be determined based on the official price and the which the goods are to be used.
metal factor of the respective product.
The deciding factors are the AL or ECCN export authorization
The surcharge will be calculated on the basis of the official price indicated on order confirmations, delivery notes and invoices.
on the day prior to receipt of the order or prior to the release
order. Errors excepted and subject to change without prior notice.
The metal factor determines the official price as of which the
A&D/VuL_mit MZ/En 05.09.06
metal surcharges are charged and the calculation method used.
The metal factor, provided it is relevant, is included with the price
information of the respective products. An exact explanation of
the metal factor can be found on the page entitled "Metal sur-

12/30 Siemens NC 60 · 2009
© Siemens AG 2009

Industry Automation, Drive Technologies and Electrical Installation Technology
Further information can be obtained from our branch offices listed
in the appendix or at
Automation and Drives Catalog Low-Voltage Catalog
Interactive catalog on DVD CA 01 Controls and Distribution – LV 1
Drive Systems Controls and Distribution – LV 1 T
Variable-Speed Drives Technical Information
Inverter Chassis Units SIDAC Reactors and Filters LV 60
Distributed Frequency Inverters SIVACON 8PS Busbar Trunking Systems LV 70
SINAMICS G130 Drive Converter Chassis Units, D 11
SINAMICS G150 Drive Converter Cabinet Units
Process Instrumentation and Analytics
Medium-Voltage Converters
Field Instruments for Process Automation FI 01
SINAMICS S150 Drive Converter Cabinet Units D 21.3
Measuring Instruments for Pressure,
Asynchronous Motors Standardline D 86.1 Differential Pressure, Flow, Level and Temperature,
Synchronous Motors with Permanent-Magnet D 86.2 Positioners and Liquid Meters
Technology, HT-direct PDF: Indicators for panel mounting MP 12
DC Motors DA 12 SIREC Recorders and Accessories MP 20
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RA70 Digital Chassis DA 21.1 SIPART, Controllers and Software MP 31
SIWAREX Weighing Systems WT 01
SIMOREG K 6RA22 Analog Chassis Converters DA 21.2
Continuous Weighing and Process Protection WT 02
PDF: SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RM70 Digital Converter DA 22
Cabinet Units Process Analytical Instruments PA 01
PDF: Process Analytics, PA 11
SIMOVERT PM Modular Converter Systems DA 45 Components for the System Integration
MICROMASTER 420/430/440 Inverters DA 51.2
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control DA 65.10 Human Machine Interface Systems ST 80
Synchronous and asynchronous servomotors for DA 65.3
SIMATIC Industrial Automation Systems
SIMODRIVE 611 universal and POSMO DA 65.4 Products for Totally Integrated Automation and ST 70
Low-Voltage Three-Phase-Motors Micro Automation
IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors D 81.1 SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System ST PCS 7
MOTOX Geared Motors D 87.1 Add-ons for the SIMATIC PCS 7 ST PCS 7.1
Process Control System
Automation Systems for Machine Tools SIMODRIVE NC 60 Migration solutions with the SIMATIC PCS 7 ST PCS 7.2
• Motors Process Control System
• Converter Systems SIMODRIVE 611/POSMO pc-based Automation ST PC
Automation Systems for Machine Tools SINAMICS NC 61 SIMATIC Control Systems ST DA
• Motors
• Drive System SINAMICS S120
Motors for Production Machines Industrial Communication IK PI

Drive and Control Components for Hoisting Equipment HE 1

Mechanical Driving Machines
Flender Standard Couplings MD 10.1
Sensors for Factory Automation FS 10
Electrical Installation Technology
PDF: ALPHA Distribution Boards and Terminal Blocks ET A1
Systems Engineering
PDF: ALPHA 8HP Molded-Plastic Distribution System ET A3
Power supplies SITOP power and LOGO! Power KT 10.1
PDF: BETA Low-Voltage Circuit Protection ET B1
System cabling SIMATIC TOP connect KT 10.2
PDF: DELTA Switches and Socket Outlets ET D1
PDF: GAMMA Building Management Systems ET G1

Motion Control System Solutions

SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE NC 60 Applications and Products for Industry are part of the
Automation Systems for Machine Tools interactive catalog CA 01
Automation Systems for Machine Tools
SIMOTION, SINAMICS S120 and PM 21 TELEPERM M Process Control System
Motors for Production Machines PDF: AS 488/TM automation systems PLT 112

PDF: These catalogs are only available as pdf files.

IA DT ET/3U/En 03.12.08

© Siemens AG 2009

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