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Agile Project Management: A Systematic Literature Review of Adoption Drivers and Critical Success Factors

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Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2021

Agile Project Management: A Systematic Literature Review of Adoption

Drivers and Critical Success Factors

Cherie Noteboom Martinson Ofori

Dakota State University Dakota State University

Kruttika Sutrave Omar El-Gayar

Dakota State University Dakota State University

Abstract working product [4]. APM supports projects in rapidly

With an emphasis on adaptive processes that changing environments characterized by technology-
respond to uncertainties, the Agile Project Management driven innovation, global competition, accelerated
(APM) approach has evolved the way projects are lifecycles, and customer demands [5]. Thus, the focus
managed beyond the traditional processes. This study changes from managing tasks and schedules to
aims to investigate recent literature on APM to discover developing the best solutions with faster delivery under
the adoption drivers and the critical success factors that conditions of continuous change. The ability to embrace
influence APM success and provide recommendations change is a determinant of success [2]. Even the best-
for the development of APM best practices. The study planned projects may face unplanned deviations that
conducted a literature search on academic databases require further actions to be taken within the project –
ABI/Inform, ACM Digital Library, EBSCO Host, and but outside the scope of project parameters – to resolve
IEEE Xplore with keywords ‘agile’ and ‘project [6].
management’ for peer-reviewed English language The requirement for a better approach to high
articles published between January 2015 and January uncertainty work led to the development of the agile
2020 to discover insights regarding adoption drivers manifesto ( in 2001 [1], [3].
and critical success factors. Eleven (11) drivers of The premise of the agile approach is that everything is
adoption and thirteen (13) critical success factors uncertain [1]. The capability of this approach to respond
related to the project dimensions of Project, Team, and to change resulted in a widespread interest in the agile
Culture were discovered. The findings of this study approach [7]. By contributing to rapid development and
outline the current state of APM adoption and use and adaptive systems [1], [8], the agile approach has
is relevant to project management practitioners and transcended to projects outside the confines of the
researchers. software domain to marketing, management, or
engineering [9], [10]. More aptly known as APM, this
1. Introduction approach to managing projects reduces, or in the very
The fundamental assumption of traditional project least manages, complexities in projects [11]. Further, it
management is that system specifications are easily has been found to have positive impacts on project
identified and built given exhaustive planning [1], [2]. efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction [3].
However, even with meticulous planning, a high Since the agile approach is established as an
percentage of projects of all sizes have failed – some information systems (IS) and software engineering
examples of such failures are highlighted in Serrador & methodology, an earlier review [12], focused on the use
Pinto’s study [3]. Further, the need to meet changing of agile methods for software and information systems
business needs; and the pressure to promote, increase, development (ISD). This study complements prior
and continually sustain efficiency in product research by offering some direction to project
development puts organizations under severe pressure. management practitioners and researchers on the current
Traditional project management supported state of APM use by investigating agile project
organizations achieve goals defined by the triple management adoption drivers and success factors from
constraints of cost, quality, and time to assess project extant literature and organizing them according to the
success. Agile Project Management (APM) can be project dimensions of the Agile Practice Guide [4]. For
defined as an iterative approach that promotes direct the purpose of this study, we identify success factors as
customer inclusion, adjusts to change and develops a areas in which satisfactory results will ensure a
competitive advantage [13] whereas adoption drivers

978-0-9981331-4-0 Page 6775
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
are factors influencing the decision to proceed with leadership. The dimension of Culture considers the
implementation of evidence based practices [14] – in supportive environment required to successfully adapt
this case, APM. Based on this research objective, the the values of agile into the values of the existing
current study poses the following question: What are the environment.
adoption drivers and critical success factors of APM?
Theoretically, the current study contributes to
project management by examining recent literature for
lessons learned regarding the adoption and use of agile
methods. Practically, the current study offers insights on
how various industries could benefit from the use of
Team Culture
APM and highlights the factors required to maintain
stakeholder confidence.
The remainder of this study is organized in the
following way: Section 2 discusses the theoretical Project
background of the study; Section 3, the research
methodology; Section 4 outlines the study results;
Section 5 presents a comprehensive discussion of the Figure 1. Project Dimensions adapted Agile
research findings and concludes with a summary of the Practice Guide [4]
findings and implications for future research and
3. Methods
2. Background The importance of employing an evidence-based
The Agile Manifesto is based on the four values of approach to document and report evidence from extant
1) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, literature has been emphasized in past research [16]. As
2) Working software over comprehensive such, this study answers the research questions posed by
documentation, 3) Customer collaboration over contract following the guidelines for software engineering
negotiation, and 4) Responding to change over systematic literature reviews (SLR) posited by
following a plan [4]. The usefulness of Agile methods Kitchenham & Charters [16]. Accordingly, the key
has increased substantially in terms of use and methods. activities for conducting systematic reviews are
The Project Management Institute (PMI) has adapted to planning, conducting, and reporting the review and are
APM by collaborating with the Agile Alliance to create described below.
the Agile Practice Guide [4].
Advocates of APM find that it provides and supports 3.1. Review Planning
the increasing needs for business agility. The 14th
Annual State of Agile Report [15] found the highest- The planning stage requires the authors to identify
ranked challenges to adopting and scaling Agile are and define the different aspects of the research objective
related to organizational culture (p. 2). The percentage and includes conducting a preliminary search to confirm
of Agile teams continues to grow with 18% of that the questions posed have not been answered in prior
organizations reporting all of their development teams reviews. Therefore, an important part of this process
are Agile, 33% reporting they are more than half Agile, was to define the research questions posed in the
44% are less than half Agile, and 5% do not have Agile introduction. The search is conducted using academic
teams (p. 14). The top two measures of success for agile databases ABI/Inform, ACM Digital Library, EBSCO
projects remained business value delivered and Host, and IEEE Xplore. As mentioned earlier, the
customer/user satisfaction (p. 13). review targets the agile methodology from the
Three dimensions to consider for agile project perspective of project management. To this end, the
management are the organizational and project specific search query used was:
attributes of Project, Team, and Culture [4]. The Project
dimension varies based on the degree of certainty, “Agile” AND
project life cycle, and degree of change required and are “Project Management”
influenced by ‘working software’, ‘customer
collaboration’, and ‘responding to change’. The Agile The literature search targeted peer-reviewed
Team dimension is influenced by ‘individuals and journals, books, or conferences published between 2015
interactions’ and tends to coach, foster collaboration, and 2020 and written in the English language. For an
and align stakeholders' needs. The ideal is small, cross- article to be included in this study, it must focus on agile
functional, self-managed teams led with servant project management critical success factors, drivers,

Page 6776
and/or challenges. Hence, articles that solely focused on 4) Reviewing, defining, and naming themes in a
agile software development and/or processes were manner that combined Braun & Clarke’s [18]
excluded from this study. fourth and fifth steps into a process of
iteratively reviewing and reallocating themes
3.2. Review Process where necessary
5) Producing a report that is presented in the
The following steps were employed to select the result below.
relevant papers to be included:
1) All the returned studies were exported to
library management software – Zotero and 4. Results
duplicates will be merged into a single study. 4.1. Study Selection
2) The resulting articles were screened based on
title and abstract. The initial search of electronic databases yielded 225
3) The remaining articles underwent full-text records, of which 180 records remained after removing
review for eligibility based on the inclusion duplicates. The remaining studies underwent careful
and exclusion criteria.
evaluation of titles and abstracts. Out of the remaining
4) The resulting articles were included in the
65 titles, 32 met the eligibility criteria.
study for synthesis.
The excluded articles were 8 reviews, 1 editorial, 15
Two authors independently screened titles and studies based on agile software development, and 9
abstracts using the predefined eligibility criteria by articles that did not meet the current study’s minimum
independently evaluating a randomly selected sample of quality requirements. The search and study selection
studies. This resulted in an 87.5% rate of agreement and
results are presented in Figure 2.
a Cohen's kappa [17] of 0.74 representing substantial
agreement. The consensus method was used to solve
debates between the two researchers. In cases of
disagreements, all four authors discussed with reference
to the eligibility criteria, and, where applicable, the full
text was retrieved to facilitate decision making.

3.3 Data Extraction and Synthesis

To aid the data synthesis, a data extraction process

was established that sought to gather all relevant
information needed to address the research questions. A
pre-designed data extraction form in Excel was used to
retrieve primary information on each study including
title, study type, publisher, and citation. The study
design, objectives, and relevant details on adoption or
success factors were also retrieved.
In the next step, two authors independently
examined the extracted data and classified the extracted
details according to the APM project dimensions. An
additional qualitative analysis was conducted by
transferring the data into a different Excel sheet for
thematic analysis [18]. Accordingly, the following Figure 2. Study selection procedure
procedures were conducted:
1) Familiarization with the data by reading 4.2. Publication statistics
through the excel summary. The distribution of papers per publication year
2) Generating an initial independent set of codes shows that most selected studies (10) were published in
by and re-reading the summary and often the 2017. As displayed in Figure 3, there has been a gradual
full text to understand the full context of the decline in the number of publications on APM since
paper. peaking in 2017. However, it must also be noted that
3) Searching for themes by collating the 2020 figures only represent the first half of the year (i.e.
independent set of codes into potential themes. January to June).

Page 6777
contexts. These drivers were related to the fluidity of
product definitions as reflected in dynamic product
definition and effort estimations (19%). additionally, the
ability to make frequent changes to products themselves
(11%), or at least the product delivery parameters (11%)
such as the ability for incremental delivery in agile
environments were essential in moving to an agile

4.3.2 Team. The agile methodology emphasizes

individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
This was a major driver in the literature as a move to
agile was often premised by the need for better
Figure 3. Study distribution by year collaboration within teams, stakeholders, and
customers. Consequently, we found that some studies
Figure 4 also shows statistics on the study designs mentioned communication and collaboration (19%),
used in the selected studies. Several of the studies (10) team availability (8%), and expertise (8%).
employed survey instruments such as questionnaires;
other most prevalent study designs preferred by 4.3.3 Culture. As outlined in Table 1, the cultural
researchers were case study (8) or grounded theory (8) dimension was not discussed a great deal in the literature
usually through semi-structured interviews. Four studies as a driver; however, management buy-in and the
applied more than one study design. The selected studies prevailing climate were mentioned in one study each as
included conferences (19) (59.38%) and journal articles a driver for the adoption of APM.
(13) (40.62%). No book chapters were included in this
study. Even though most papers were published in Table 1. APM Adoption Drivers
conferences, only the Project Management Journal had Dimensions
Adoption driver
more than one publication. As shown in Appendix Table themes Count
I, however, several of the conference papers were Dynamic product [15],[20],[21],
published in conference proceedings hosted by the definition and [22], [23] 5
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). effort estimation
Project Frequent changes [24],[19],[25] 3
Product delivery [19],[20],[26]
Product quality [27],[25] 2
Communication [28],[26],[23],
and Collaboration [21], [22]
Dedicated and [21],[29]
Team available teams
Team expertise [21],[29] 2
Team size [19] 1
Leadership [23] 1
Management buy- [28]
Organizational [23]
setup and climate
Figure 4. Study design of selected publications
4.4. APM Critical Success Factors
4.3. APM Adoption Drivers
The APM critical success factors discovered in the
Thematically, this study organized the drivers of literature fit/supported the project dimensions themes of
APM into the project dimensions as outlined in Table 1. Project, Team and Culture. The results, thirteen (13)
Overall, eleven (11) drivers were found relating to critical success factors relating to different project
different project dimensions as discussed below. dimensions, are presented in Table 2 and are discussed
4.3.1 Project. A number of adoption drivers were
identified in the literature that related to project-specific

Page 6778
4.4.1. Project. In agile environments, it is important to This type of project management aims to create
break projects into smaller more manageable tasks. customer value through an incremental approach to
Thus, product definition and effort estimation (28%), product delivery. Each iteration of a product is created
frequent changes (9%); and clear criteria for product to act as a prototype, of sorts, for the next iteration and
acceptance (6%) were the most highlighted project- elicit requirements for later stages. The specific drivers
related factors for ensuring success. that push organizations to adopt APM and the ensuing
lessons learned from those that have used the approach
4.4.2. Team. Collaboration is an important driver for are discussed in the next section.
APM and 15% of the studies found it critical to project
success. Other success factors mentioned related to the 5.1. APM Adoption Drivers
team were work distribution (8%) and team expertise
(6%). 5.1.1 Project. Insights from this systematic literature
review on APM suggest that the company’s decision to
4.4.3. Culture. Management buy-in was found to be the adopt APM is usually consistent with the values and
most important success factor related to culture. principles of agile [4]. Often, the need to move to agile
Employee training was also highlighted as a success is driven by context-related factors such as responding
factor. to a frequently changing environment [24] and the
dynamic product requirements that prevail in small-to-
Table 2. APM Critical Success Factors medium scale enterprises (SME) [19], [25].
Dimensions CSF themes Articles
Additionally, the fluidity of product definitions – which
are often tailored to specific settings regardless of
Dynamic product [33],[34],[35], whether agility is implemented in a software
definition and [36],[37],[38], 15 development environment [20], engineering [21], [22],
effort estimation [39],[40],[41], or even the previously mentioned SMEs [19] – makes
[42],[32],[43] APM attractive to practitioners.
Frequent changes
In most cases, the ability to deliver products
Project [37],[41], incrementally coupled with constant client feedback and
Acceptance collaboration fits the profile of the problems that APM
[37],[40], [28] 3
criteria aims to solve. For instance, a vendor might not be in a
Product delivery position to deliver a fully functional product [19], the
[37],[44] 2
client might develop emergent needs that have to be
[30],[45] 2 factored into the project [20], or the nature of the tasks
[45],[44],[46], may simply be too intensive [26]. APM, in such
Collaboration and instances, is regarded as a preferred way to achieve
[43],[42],[39], 8
communication client goals and ensure project satisfaction [25], [27].
[41], [34]
Work distribution
amongst team
4 5.1.2 Team. Overall, the team related factors that drive
Team members the adoption of APM is heavily influenced by the need
Team expertise [32],[43],[39] 3 for better communication and collaboration within
Dedicated and projects. A few of the problems that moving to APM
[31],[25] 2
available teams seeks to solve include ambiguous communication
Leadership [44],[21] 2 channels [22], [26], ignorance of the work progress of
Team Size [28] 1
team members [26], a general lack of collaboration
Management buy- [31],[46],[37]
5 within the team [22], [23] or collaboration between the
Culture in [39],[47]
Employee training [28] 1 project team and clients [21], [23]. Further, the setup of
APM teams which stresses cross-functionality results in
the formation of dedicated teams that are willing to
5. Discussion adapt to changes. For adoption purposes, such team
formation can help avoid burnout while making use of
Modern project management approaches like APM the teams’ expertise [21], [29]. The smaller team sizes
aim to create a product, service, or result using a [19] and the servant leadership style of agile [23] are
dynamic and adaptable approach rather than the also effective drivers of APM. It can be effective in
traditional plan-heavy attitude to project management. battling a lack of ownership, ensuring project
This approach has worked well in the software industry transparency, and participatory decision making [22].
and has subsequently been co-opted to other industries.

Page 6779
5.1.3 Culture. While culture is often referred to as a
success factor for APM, the two studies that discussed 5.2.2 Team. Issues regarding the project team may also
culture highlighted how moving to APM is driven by contribute to the success, or failure, of the project. Table
management. Cram [28] emphasized the need for APM 1, for example, highlights the importance of
adoption to be advocated from both top-down and collaboration and communication to APM given the
bottom-up initiatives. Further, it is imperative to utilize sheer number of studies that mentioned this as a success
change management processes to influence a smooth factor. Collaboration, specifically, is essential to project
transition to agile and reduce the initial confusion, success [42], [45], [46], and requires maintaining group
uncertainty, and resistance. Hobbs and Petit [23] in their stability, commitment, and frequent communication
case study on agile adoption in large organizations for [44]. In this case, communication is important not only
large projects discovered that one of the objectives for in the context of the project but also in the client [41]
adopting APM was, in fact, the need for a better and the vendor’s project team [39]. Maintaining client-
organizational climate. vendor communication is also crucial to their security in
the face of the Agile manifesto’s collaboration over
5.2. APM Critical Success Factors contract negotiation [34].
In the face of a dynamic project that delivers
5.2.1 Project. Identifying the elements that are essential incremental changes, an important factor to consider
for ensuring progress toward strategic goals and also relates to the work distribution amongst team
completion of an APM project is important. For members. Complex sprint items with interdependencies
instance, the very nature of the agile methodology and even incomplete tasks from previous sprints have
emphasizes adapting to change over following a fixed been found to cause overload amongst certain teams
plan, and incremental delivery of projects over single [21], [33], [42]. For a project to succeed, it is important
delivery. However, it is important to define what not to underestimate the complexities and
success means in specific contexts as the traditional interdependencies between certain tasks. One way to
definition of a sprint success may not always be address these issues is to ensure team members are
appropriate for all industries or contexts. In engineering knowledgeable and have expertise in the project area
[32], for example, the strict standards and safety [21], [39], [43], and that there is effective leadership
requirements that call for authorization and approval of provided by the work cycle or project manager [21],
all changes are difficult to by-pass with dynamic [39], [44].
changes. Similarly, manufacturers [31], [33] have
highlighted this issue with fluid versus fixed product 5.2.3 Culture. The need for speed without
definitions as it is difficult to instrumentalize products compromising quality, flexibility while still meeting
such as medical equipment and motor engines. While timelines, and satisfying customer requirements are
some have preferred to define which projects will fit an often highlighted when assessing current project
agile environment and tailored specific projects to APM management settings [4]. The most important success
[32], Cooper and Sommer [31] mention that even if a factor in safeguarding APM acceptance over the more
concrete prototype can be built in a given sprint, it often predictive traditional project management is to ensure
takes longer to build the physical product. In their case that there is management buy-in. In principle, this may
study, they found that this problem had been addressed be more difficult in certain industries [31]–[33].
by redefining the meaning of done in a sprint to not However, some situations found some agile practices
necessarily mean a working product but rather a like Kanban to guarantee situation awareness, project
business case, a working experiment, or even voice-of- transparency, and visibility which are important to
customer study. leadership [46]. Others have also discovered that
Similarly, product delivery, acceptance, and abstracting the project away from specific agile
subsequent client satisfaction are important to the processes encourages C-level executives to be more
success of all projects. In theory, requirement elicitation comfortable signing onto agile projects [31].
in agile environments should be done with customer
involvement, prioritization, modeling, interviews, and 5.3. Limitations of the study
various approaches, and practice has found evidence of
project success through these approaches [41]. It is often Limitations of this research relate to the
important to form a common product vision with the thematization and coding of the result from literature as
customer right from the onset of a project to prevent in- systematic reviews are threatened by misclassification.
sprint changes. Such changes may cause difficulty for This was however addressed by having two authors
the project team [37] and should be managed with code the studies with input from the other two authors
project cycles and task lists [44]. to resolve any issues with the classification. Another

Page 6780
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Page 6783
APPENDIX Table 1. Summary of selected studies
Reference Journal/Conference/Book Publisher Study Design Objective
Focus Group,
[30] 2020 Project Management Journal Explore the role of PM in the product development of new technology-based firms (NTBFs)
Interview/Grounded Theory
[45] 2020 Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Survey Investigates how Agile companies implement PM compared to the ones adopting plan-based approaches
IEEE International Conference on Computer Sciences and
[27] 2019 Action Research Describe the agile methods of organizing process-stochastic PM
Information Technologies (CSIT)
[28] 2019 Information Systems Management Interview/Grounded Theory Develop lessons learned that highlight potential pitfalls and areas of risk associated with agile

[44] 2018 Computers & Education Survey Analyze the usefulness of agile strategies for team regulation and PM in online higher education
Interview/Grounded Theory,
[42] 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Compare local and agile distributed teams
[19] 2018 Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC) Survey Investigate the extent the SMEs in Saudi Arabia apply Agile Development Method in their project

[36] 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) Survey Determine whether course design helps undergraduate students to learn and correctly apply Scrum
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition
[21] 2017 and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Case Study Address challenges faced by innovation projects by proposing an adaptive PM approach based on agile thinking
Applications (IDAACS)
[37] 2016 The Journal of Systems and Software Interview/Grounded Theory Illustrate how PM challenges arise because of self-organizing teams and influence the team
International Conference on Developments in eSystems
[22] 2019 Convergent design To determine the benefits of augmented reality and agile PM methodologies
Engineering (DeSE)
International Conference on Information Technology - New
[25] 2015 Case Study Tackles the use of the Scrum agile method within a Brazilian small business enterprise
[38] 2017 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Survey Sheds light on the issues related to performance implications of offshore efforts vs those that are executed within country
International Arab Conference on Information Technology
[29] 2018 Case Study Analyzed a real case study for an IT organization to understand all issues facing the WPMO
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
[48] 2018 Case Study Investigates how scrum works in the management of work routines in a case study
Engineering Management (IEEM)
International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global
[49] 2016 Experimental Aim to show in theory that scrum can be applied to teams that contain human and intelligent units as members
Development (INDIACom)
[39] 2015 Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation Case Study Investigate the primary sources of interference in the middle of a sprint

[20] 2015 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Case Study Reports on the findings of research on why large organizations select agile approaches

[47] 2018 Journal of Competitiveness Survey Test the possibility of changing management style during a project and to determine its possibility
IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering,
[40] 2019 Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Survey Use scrum framework to find out the impact of agile methodology on software PM
Computing (SNPD)
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering
[41] 2017 Interview/Grounded Theory Examines a case on how to increase the benefit and success rate of investments in IT-development
Companion (ICSE-C)
[50] 2018 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) Survey Investigate agile success factors, particularly from the viewpoint of teams

[51] 2018 International Conference on Agile Software Development Interview/Grounded Theory Identify effectiveness of applying agile methods in music industry companies

[24] 2018 Tertiary Education and Management Design Science, Case Study Develop and implements an agile management approach in higher education

[31] 2018 Research Technology Management Case Study Present case studies from major firms experimenting with Agile–Stage-Gate hybrids.

[23] 2017 Project Management Journal Case Study, Survey Investigate the adoption and adaptation of agile methods for use on large projects in large organizations

[32] 2017 Conference on Economic and Social Development Interview/Grounded Theory Outlines the level of knowledge and implementation of AGILE in Electrical Engineering in Romania
Introduce the adjusted Lean principles to an Agile software development project and test if changes result in improved project team
[33] 2017 DAAAM International Symposium Interview/Grounded Theory
[34] 2017 Journal of Database Management Survey Investigates how agile practices can be adapted for DW/BI development

[46] 2017 Journal of Management Information Systems Action Research Introduce agile approach to disaster recovery and tested using an action research approach to study the IT DR practice of a large enterprise
Develop and test a contingency fit model comparing the differences between Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for agile vs traditional software
[43] 2017 Journal of Enterprise Information Management Survey
development projects
Management and Innovation Technology International
[35] 2016 Interview/Grounded Theory Proposes a new management framework of agile approach for data center project management (DCPM)
Conference (MITicon)

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