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Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among

Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021




This chapter contains the introduction of the topic and importance of the subject

chosen for the study, an explanation of need for research. Statement of the problem,

accompanied with the significance of the study. The theoretical and conceptual

framework of the study are also indicated in this chapter.


The global pandemic has urged the education sector to venture on distance

education and was compelled to explore all means to deliver the learning that students

ought to receive despite the many challenges the pandemic is causing. Most of the

schools nowadays implemented online distance learning. Distance learning is a teaching

system consisting of video, audio and a written material designed to be used in studying a

subjects or courses at home. Distance learning is influenced majorly by computer and

electronics technology. Nowadays, internet, computers, laptops, and mobile phones have

become an important part of one’s daily life but some of the students encountered

learning difficulties in online distance learning. A learning difficulty is a condition that

can cause an individual to experience problems during online distance learning. Students

with online learning difficulties are those who lacks learning equipment (e.g. High-end

devices, stable internet, high megapixel camera, and quality earphones) and learning


Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


In times of hardship and pandemic due to corona virus, students who continues to

study are the one who are gravely affected. The most important thing for the students is

their studies but some of them nowadays gave up due to poverty because their parents

faces unemployment.

It is timely to figure how the status quo affects the learners so they could be

helped accordingly. This study explored the subject matter with the aim of determining

the phenomenon and challenges when pandemic hits our world especially in a new

system of education through virtual classes, instant messaging or online submissions to

avoid face-to-face interactions. The researchers utilized a questionnaire to find the best

answers to the statement of the problem. Furthermore, the study identified the actual

learning difficulties experienced during online distance learning of the students of Upper

Villages Christian Academy, Inc.

Background of the study

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Online learning takes place through the internet. It is often referred to as "e-

learning" among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of "distance

learning" or the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in

traditional classroom.

Many students participating in home learning programs also say that the work

load of online classes is larger than that of regular classes. According to Brady et al.,

(2010), in many parts of the world, learners have turned to online distance learning as a

reliable alternative to face-to-face education. These online distance learning usually are

carried through social networking sites such Facebook, YouTube (video lessons),

telegram and the like. In the Philippines, distance education offerings have been

organized and supported through learning management systems (LMS) of the Department

of Education (DepEd) E-Learning Portals. Furthermore, the Department of Education

have provided various means to cater the distance learning such as the DepEd TV,

Blended Learning which provided both online and offline learning course, and modular

learning which are facilitated by teachers. However, these learning modalities are

challenged by many factors such as the student’s capabilities to engage in online learning

platforms that requires fast internet connections and abilities to do self-learning at home.

As a result, educators have begun exploring alternative platforms to provide learners with

the social communication tools that allow for ease of use, pedagogical freedom, fluid

online discussions, and identity management (Brady et al., 2010). Though institutions

may not support a number of these platforms especially the Social networking Sites

(SNS) presumably because of their perceived loopholes and risk factors. However, many
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


teachers and students believed that social networking sites are useful platform to deliver

the teaching-learning process for online distance learning because of many reasons such

as its availability and accessibility for everyone and the appealing, interesting and

engaging arrangement it provides.

The use of online social networks in online distance learning has been supported

by numerous educational technology researchers, who have highlighted the benefits of

participatory technologies in formal learning contexts in K-12 (Barbour & Plough, 2009).

Social networking technologies have been viewed as tools that enable the use of

participatory pedagogies able to address the problems that have traditionally plagued

distance education: creating a sense of presence, community-building, and learner

participation in interactive discussions (Brady et al., 2010). Greenhow (2011) suggests

that using online social networks as educational platforms may support learners in

forming social connections with others while they collaborate to share ideas, create

products, construct identities, and receive timely feedback. Additionally, research on

informal learning within social networking sites contexts suggests that participation

fulfills important social learning functions (Greenhow & Robelia, 2009).

However, there are still various inevitable flaws and pitfalls regarding the

inclusion of social networking sites as learning environment for online distance learning

such as additional workload concerns for teachers especially when it comes to

monitoring, prevalent distractions among students, lack of trust in peer feedback,

ownership issues with regards to public and collaborative spaces, difficulty in adapting

publicly available tools, and difficulty in protecting the anonymity of students.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Furthermore, in the study of Madge et al., (2009), they have suggested that online

learning might be more useful for informal rather than formal learning.

During this time of crisis, the students must protect their right to learn. Only

through education can people build the skills and resources they need to best respond to

crisis like the one our global community is currently facing. For some students, these

closures will only be a temporary shift in their schooling before they get back on track,

but for many in the communities that they serve, this could mean the end of their

education. However, as a student participating in the home learning program, online

school was confusing to adjust to as we had not been prepared through simulations or

practices beforehand. Moreover, most of the time students are affected by learning

difficulties. Having them does not make someone less intelligent, it just means they learn

in a different way–which is that rendered in a legitimate classroom setting. In conclusion,

online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of


With all that mentioned, this study is conceptualized to understand the ordeal of

learners in online distance learning to help the students accordingly. It represents a great

way to study many fields and to boost the level of learning-motivation among learners,

particularly when it comes to the flexibility of schedule. During this pandemic, the

students had to face big adjustment, however, they must continue their education through

online distance learning. On the other note, an additional and equally important benefit of

online distance learning is to help students to develop their technical skills and online

learning strategies they need to pursue their future educational and professional goals.
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Theoretical Framework

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Figure 1: Anderson's model of online learning (Source: Anderson, 2008)

The research study was theoretically grounded in Anderson's model of online

learning (Source: Anderson, 2008, p. 61).

Anderson (2008) calls attention to two approaches to online learning shown on

the left and right sides — collaborative learning in a community of inquiry and

independent learning, respectively. The collaborative approach uses synchronous and

asynchronous communication technologies to enable dialogue, collaboration, and the

social construction of meaning. The independent learning approach uses tools that enable

learners to interact with, explore, and develop a deep understanding of content. The

elements of content, teacher, and learner are present in both approaches. However, the
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


interactions among these elements that are foregrounded differ, with learner-learner

interaction being more prominent in the collaborative learning approach and learner-

content interaction being more dominant in the independent learning approach. Also,

teacher-learner interaction appears to be more direct in the collaborative learning

approach (i.e., teacher and learner are shown to interact directly in the community of

inquiry), whereas it is mediated by content in the independent learning approach (i.e., the

teacher provides structured learning resources that the student studies independently).

Learner-content interaction is also present in the collaborative learning approach in that

the focus of the dialogue is the course content. Similarly, there is the possibility of

learner-learner interaction in the independent learning approach, through the learner's

interaction with family members, colleagues in the workplace, and peers, including those

whom they might meet in online networks. According to Anderson, teachers and course

designers using his model of online learning need to decide which approach to take based

on the nature of the learning that is prescribed by the curriculum, among others. This

framework elaborates the process of online learning in which several problems may occur

to cause impediment to a successful teaching-learning process and cause burden to

learners and teachers as well.

Conceptual Framework

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


The figure below shows the methods used in order to achieve the objectives of

this study.

1. Demographic -Descriptive Method OUTPUT
profile of the
-Questionnaires Learning Difficulties
respondents be
evaluation Experienced During
described in terms of
Online Distance
the following: -Statistical
Learning Among
Treatment of Data
1.1 Age; and Grade 11 Students of
-Analysis of Data Upper Villages
1.2 Gender Christian Academy,
2. The learning Inc. were determined
experienced by
students during
online distance


Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Figure 2 shows the conceptual framework which follows the Input-Process-

Output model of research. The input is composed of the demographic profile, advantage

and disadvantage of online distance learning and effects of online distance learning

among learners. The process includes the collection of data through questionnaire and the

statistical analysis employed. The output of the study contains the Learning Difficulties

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among Grade 11 Students of Upper

Villages Christian Academy, Inc.

Statement of the Problem

The new COVID-19 pandemic has presented a significant and unexpected impact

on many facets of life, specifically in education. According to an article by DARPE

(2021), COVID-19 is considered one of the most significant disruptions in education

systems' history. It has created an impact on approximately 1.6 billion learners globally.

Due to its emergence, academic institutions resorted to different learning modalities,

including distance learning, which scopes online learning. However, it was proven to be

unsuccessful in the study of Fabito et al. (2020) as it posed challenges to the learners and

educators. Thus, this study aims to understand the pandemic's educational consequences

by exploring senior high school students' experienced difficulties in online learning. This

study, in particular, sought answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age; and

1.2 Gender?

2. What are the learning difficulties experienced by students during online

distance learning?

Significance of the Study

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


The chapter deals with opportunities and challenges of distance learning. One

challenge comes from the changing perceptions of what learning is all about. The second

challenge comes from new learning opportunities that technology now offers.

Constructivism, interpretivism, and computing technology, separately and often together,

have redesigned the conception of the challenges and opportunities of learning, and

brought about new learning possibilities for almost all teaching and learning situations,

including traditional classroom teaching, distance learning, and self-learning. Computer-

supported learning environments could have good problems that will stimulate students

to explore and reflect on their knowledge construction. Students who cannot afford

higher education are discouraged from seeking or completing a degree. Distance

learning-based programs could increase access for students to higher education, whereas

open and distance-learning programs may be difficult to implement in the laboratory

sciences, but they have real potential to maximize the use of technology. The following

listed below are the one who may benefit from the study:

To the students, this study provides ideas for students to learn between teachers and

technology. They will find solution not by their teachers but also through using internet

for information.

To the teachers, this study will help them to understand the situation of their students

since the difficulties of studying with distraction for environment and internet will lose

communication between them.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


To the parents, this study will help them to understand students and teachers in the

difficulties of communicating through technology.

To the future researchers, this study would help them to be aware and be

knowledgeable. Also, it would help them to be a better analyst and it can be a help as a

reference for more studies in the future.

Scope and limitations

The study entitled Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance

Learning was conducted in Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. The participants in

this study are exclusively from Grade 11 student of Upper Villages Christian Academy,

Inc. In addition, this study specifically worked with distance online learning and its

effects as a variable, whereas, from studying this variable, the learning experiences of the

senior high school students were derived. Also, as the title suggests, the study

comprehensively tackled how the learning experiences during the time COVID-19 took



Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


This study entitled "Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance

Learning Among Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc." has one

expected outcome among the following hypothesis:

Null hypothesis: There are no Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online

Distance Learning Among Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian

Academy, Inc.

Alternative hypothesis: There are Learning Difficulties Experienced During

Online Distance Learning Among Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian

Academy, Inc.

Definition of Terms

For a more in-depth understanding of the study, the following terms were defined.

1. E-learning refers to "learning facilitated and supported through the use of

information and communications technology" (JISC, 2012) such as computers,

interactive whiteboards, digital cameras, mobile phones, online communication

tools, and VLEs. E-learning may take place in the context of campus-based

instruction as well as in DE contexts, and the domain of e-learning includes e-

learning in the classroom, online learning, and blended learning.

2. Blended learning is a pedagogical approach "that combines face-to-face meetings

with deliberately designed online activity" (Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011, p.

13) such as online discussion forums to discuss particular course topics outside of

regular class hours.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


3. Online learning is defined by Ally (2008) as "Nile use of the Internet to access

learning materials; to interact with the content, instructor, and other learners; and

to obtain support during the learning process, in order to acquire knowledge, to

construct personal meaning, and to grow from the learning experience" (p. 17).

Online learning may be a component of conventional on-campus education, as in

blended learning, or the sole mode of educational delivery, as in DE.

4. Distance education (DE) is "planned learning that normally occurs in a different

place from teaching and as a result requires special techniques of course design,

special instructional techniques, special methods of communication by electronic

and other technology, as well as special organisational and administrative

arrangements" (Moore & Kearsley, 2004, p. 2).

5. Online distance education (or online DE) is a term used in this study to

distinguish DE conducted via the Internet from other forms of DE, such as

correspondence study and radio- and television-based DE. The term also

distinguishes online learning where learners and teachers are geographically

separated, from online learning in blended learning contexts (cf. Forsyth et al.,


6. Constructivism is a theory in education that recognizes learners construct new

understandings and knowledge, integrating with what they already know.

7. Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment.

8. Interpretivism is a school of thought in contemporary jurisprudence and the

philosophy of law.
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


9. Mobile phone is a telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be

used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network.

10. Pandemic is the outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area

(such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects a significant

proportion of the population.



Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concept, ideas

and findings from past studies that are relevant and similar and which serves as the

researchers guide to present the study.


On William Woods University site, a blog about, "Teaching Virtually: How

Students are Coping with Distance Learning?" was posted on May 15, 2020. The focus of

this literature is on how the teachers and students are grappling with taking their classes

online for the very first time. The rapid shift to distance learning may be contributing to

the declining morale among teachers and students. A recent Education Week survey finds

that 76 percent of the students and 66 percent of teachers are in lower spirits than they

were before the crisis.

According to UNESCO (2021) similarly, parents are also suffering from the same

dilemma as they assume a bigger responsibility for their child's education. Recognizing

the challenges faced by the education system during this pandemic, many organizations

and businesses have offered free resources to educators. The Online Learning Consortium

has created a page dedicated to teachers who are moving their classes online. The page

includes helpful workshops, articles, as well as a list of free-third party tools such as

Google Classroom- a web distance learning service developed by Google.

According to Kareem Farah (2016) while some teachers are deeply entrenched in

figuring out the complexities of teaching online, others are better positioned to offer

helpful tips based on their prior experience. One example of this is Kareem Farah, an
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Executive Director of The Modern Teacher Classroom Project which is a nonprofit that

trains teachers how to develop a blended, self-paced content approach using self-made

videos and face-to-face interaction. In his recent article, Farah offers four

tips for teachers shifting to teaching online. Remember that simplicity is a key. As remote

instruction offers little time for clarifications, assignment instructions should be simple

and direct, offering no more than two resources. Embracing the new method of teaching

and learning requires a great deal of planning and coordination, as technology needs to be

connected to the wanted learning outcomes. A study in the US reposted that 42% of the

surveyed teachers felt that their students knew more about technology and its uses than

they did. This sector of missing relevant professional development makes it difficult to

take a step that is necessary to move forward with the integration of technology in the

classrooms. However, as there may be a fear of technology factor, it is more widespread

than the implementation of technology is not working because of the lack of planning and

meaningful professional training on the part of teachers.


The delivery of education in the Philippines has greatly changed because of the

Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Since public and private schools were closed to

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


protect the health of learners and educators, teaching had to be performed remotely with

the use of modular and digital platforms.

Montemayor, M.T. (2020) made an article about the continuity of education amid

COVID-19 through the plan of the Department of Education. The Education Secretary

Leonor Briones said that the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) is the

Department of Education's response and commitment to protecting the health, safety, and

well-being of learners, teachers, and personnel. Briones added that education must

continue under the health protocols set by the Department of Health and the World

Health Organization. The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging

Infectious Diseases approved the the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan to ensure

that learning progresses among students despite the absence of face-to-face classes due to

the threat of COVID-19. Based on the reports, the Department of Education selected

teachers who were trained to be teacher-broadcasters by the country’s top journalists to

deliver lessons through the DepEd TV since not all areas in the country have an internet

connection. To further assist more learners and teachers in distance learning amid the

pandemic. The DepEd also upgraded its DepEd Commons which is an online learning

platform for both public and private schools. Classes resume in the Philippines on

October 5, 2020, even as campuses stay closed and face-to-face lessons remain

suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Magsambol, B. (2020) reported that while the coronavirus has infected over 322,

000 people in the Philippines, a total of 24,723,533 elementary and high school students

both in public and private schools start their classes again on Monday, October 5, 2020.
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Following President Rodrigo Duterte’s directive for schools to delay face-to-face classes

until coronavirus vaccine becomes available, the Department of Education has shifted to

distance learning. Distance learning is when teachers and the students are geographically

remote from each other during their classes. This means lessons are delivered outside the

traditional face-to-face set-up, through a mix of modular learning, online learning, TV,

and radio broadcasts. Magsambol also pointed out that various issues have hounded the

preparations for the school year. A week before the opening, the DepEd was still training

its teachers for distance learning. This posed a problem as some teachers found it difficult

to adopt the revamped education system due to a lack of knowledge in technology.

On December 6, 2020, an article was posted in the Association of Southeast Asian

Nations (ASEAN) Post authored by Uy, Anna M. She talked about the questions, “Is the

pandemic destroying the Philippine Education?” Even before the opening of the school

year, some segments of Philippine society were clamoring for an academic freeze due to

the COVID-19 pandemic. They have perceived problems related to the implementation of

the distance/blended learning program of the Department of Education. Aside from this,

the recent experience of the Philippines has gone through five typhoons (ie. Quinta,

Rolly, Siony, Tonyo, and Ulyses) in a row within a month, which have left trails of havoc

and devastation in their wakes, some university students and even some professors from

the University of the Philippines (UP), Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU), De La

Salle University (DLSU), University of Santo Tomas (UST), St. Louis University (SLU),

Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) and the like called for a nationwide

academic freeze – Malacañang, on the other hand, dismissed the call for an academic
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


freeze after series of typhoons brought damage to the country on top of the coronavirus,

claiming that these natural calamities did not affect education per se since the primary

modality of learning is online.

On responding to challenges, Uy (2020) posted that the challenges attributed to

the shortcomings of blended/flexible learning are due in part to the country's third world

information technology (ICT) amenities and infrastructures, alongside various socio-

economic issues. This has resulted in a digital divide where the disadvantaged have

limited access to technology infrastructures, resulting in low levels of digital literacy

among some students, parents, and teachers.

The Asia Society Journal (October 2020) posted an article on Asian Perspective in

Back-to-School: Challenges for the Philippines and Responses from around Asia. It is

noted in the article that resilience and adaptability are crucial do the education sectors

burden begins not with technology, not with content but with a major shift in enrolment

patterns. Some private schools have reopened to smaller student populations as early as

August 2020. Meanwhile, the classes in public schools officially restart on October 5,


The blend of online, broadcast and modular learning is designed to ensure the

safety of both the students and teachers. But with the risked adaptation and/or

development of curricula and materials for the blended modalities, gaps, and even risks

are unavoidable realities. A quick scan of public and private schools around the

Philippines provides snapshots of challenges as well as common efforts to adapt and

comply with government mandates to employ modular distance learning, online classes,
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


and blended learning, or the combination of remote and traditional classroom set-ups in

the current COVID-disrupted environment. Common to everyone; problems in access

and affordability of the hardware and software to go online reliably and sustainably; the

logistics and health protocols for offline components of modular learning; the

redevelopment and adaptation of teaching content and materials on electronic and digital

transmission; lack of preparedness or comfort in new and experimental methods of

teaching, unresolved questions on monitoring, evaluation and grading of students and

teachers performance; the potentials, impact, and limiting effects of the described home

environment on online learning; rising anxiety and mental and psychological challenges

among teachers, students, and parents; and an acknowledgment that more issues and

unanticipated scenarios can only inevitably arise as classes, resume, especially where

special education needs are concerned. Also, unreliable and slow internet connection,

lack of technological skills, and devices are some of the hindrances to distance learning.

As technology evolves, so does people’s realm of possibilities. In the education sector,

for example, the path to becoming a teacher was very narrow. One must take up a degree

in education, apply as a school teacher, conduct one’s classes with readings and manila

paper aids in the ton. But these days, teachers have access to more sophisticated tools that

can break the monotony of everyday lectures and facilitate the learning experience in

different ways.

Natividad, N. (2016) shared about the teachers' need to adapt to a new learning

curve. Every teacher can tell you that no two people learn the same way. There are visual

learners, auditory learners, read-write learners, and kinesthetic learners. And because all
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


these types of learners are mixed in one classroom, teachers need to be able to find ways

to accommodate these disparities.

Technology makes access to learning tools easier. Teachers can make use of

course management tools like Canvas to upload and organize resources such as syllabi,

assignments, or readings (Natividad, 2016). With the rapid growth of internet adoption

worldwide, people are now connected in ways that were previously deemed impossible.

This opens new doors for people to learn and teach.


Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have created a long list of stressors for

students to deal with, including problems caused by the emergency conversion to online

language teaching.

Al-Maroof, R.S. (2020) conducted a study entitled, "Fear of COVID-19 and

Technology Adoption: The Impact of Google Meet during Coronavirus Pandemic",

which was published online journal Interactive Learning Environments last year. This
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


study seeks to explore the effect of fear emotion on students' and teachers' technology

adoption during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have made use of Google Meet as an

educational social platform in private higher education institutes. The main hypothesis of

this study is related to the effect of COVID-19 on the adoption of Google Meet as

COVID-19 rises various types of fear. During the pandemic, fear due to family lockdown

situations, fear of education failure, and fear of losing social relationships are the most

common types of threats that may face the students and teachers. These types of fears are

connected with two important factors: the perceived case of use (PEOU) and perceived

usefulness (PU), with another external factor, which is the subjective norm (SN). The

results revealed that both data analysis techniques have successfully provided support to

all the hypothesized relationships of the research model.

Siron, Y. (2020) published research in the Journal of Technology and

Science Education with online ISSN:2013-6374 on August 2020. It is about the factors

affecting the adoption of e-learning in Indonesia: a lesson from COVID-19. The study

aims to examine factors affecting the use of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

in Indonesia. This survey study utilized a quantitative approach to understand the related

variables. An online questionnaire was distributed to collect information from

respondents. A total of 250 questionnaires were gathered, the findings indicate that the

students' intention in using e-learning was determined by several variables, including

perceived enjoyment, study experiences, computer anxiety, and perceived self-efficacy.

These findings also confirm that both perceived case of use and perceived usefulness can

explain the students' intention in utilizing e-learning.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021



Jacinto, M.A.T. (2017) conducted a study entitled, “Anxiety and Efficiency on

Computer Technology Integration among High School Students. The study aimed to

know the levels of computer anxiety, self-efficacy, use of computer applications in

instructions, and level of computer anxiety explained by computer self-efficacy,

computer usage, and selected characteristics. Findings show a total composite anxiety

score of 29.36 which is interpreted as low Technophobia, Generally, Relax or

Comfortable. Results revealed that groups having less self-efficacy has less enthusiasm to

perform activities compared to groups having higher self-efficacy. Other findings showed
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


that there are several teachers whose responses are "not available" and only a few hands

are utilizing the benefit of using computer applications in their profession. It is

recommended that schools should be more open to students in using computers and to

provide comprehensive training to enhance their literacy and skills in computer


Nueva, M.G.C. (2019) studied the Filipino teachers' attitude towards technology

determinants and association with technology integration practice in distance learning.

This was published in Asia-Pacific Social Science Review in 2019. This study describes

the attitude of Filipino teachers towards technology, including their determinants and

association with technology integration practice. Data were collected from a randomly

selected sample of 150 teachers who responded to a survey instrument adapted from the

tools of Venkatesh and Davis (2000) and of Florida Center for Instructional Technology

(2005). Results suggest that the teachers surveyed have a favorable attitude towards

technology. Moreover, the confirmatory factor analysis reveals that the grade level

assignment of the teachers is significantly associated with their attitude towards

technology. Besides, results of the structural equation model revealed that the only

perceived ease of use of technology significantly associates with the technology

integration practice of the teachers. It is suggested to conduct a large-scale survey to

obtain definitive findings on the topic.

Rabacal, J.S. (2020) conducted a study on the COVID-19 Impact on the

Quality of Life of Teachers: A Cross-sectional Study. This was published in an online

journal of the Asian Journal of Public Opinion Research. The study was conducted to
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of professional

teachers in the Philippines. A descriptive cross-sectional study was used involving 139

licensed professional teachers. Results indicated a moderate COVID-19 impact on the

quality of life of teachers. There was a significant difference in the impact of COVID-19

on quality of life by degree program. However, the impact of COVID-19 on quality of

life did not significantly differ by age, sex, marital status, employment status, monthly

salary, and presence of COVID-19 case near their residence, personal knowledge of

someone who was infected or died of COVID-19, presence of medical conditions and

perceived threat. The psychological well-being and quality of life of teachers must be

recognized and teachers must be provided with support as they continue to adapt to the

impact brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rabago-Mingoa, T. (2017) presented research entitled, "Filipino teachers' stress

levels and coping strategies", during the De La Salle Research Congress in 2017. A total

of 100 teachers in Metro Manila were used to find the stress level, vulnerability to stress,

and the most common sources of stress, and the most common sources of stress and

coping strategies of teachers. Statistical analysis using t-test and multiple regression on

the different stressors and coping strategies were done with the variable of the study.

A computation of stressors and coping strategies collected in this study was

intended to help teachers and would-be teachers to brace up for factors that could cause

stress in their workplace and possibly affect classroom performance especially the

student-teacher relationship. Implications of the study point to various ways teachers deal

with stressors. Teachers in the study apply either direct action or palliative techniques.
Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Teachers may also be made aware of their coping strategies for stress other than those

mentioned in the study like seeking outside help when needed and learning stress

management techniques. The study gives insight to school administrators on where they

can help alleviate stress in the workplace.

Talidong & Toquero (2020) worked on research about Philippine Teachers'

Practice to Deal with Anxiety Amidst COVID-19. This was published in the Journal of

Loss and Trauma 2020, Vol. 25 Nos. 6-7, pp. 573-579. School closures, home quarantine

and social distancing implemented worldwide can cause sudden anxiety even among

teachers. A designed online survey collected data from Filipino teachers' practices on

how they deal with anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The practices include

information seeking, preventive measures, and other coping mechanisms to deal with

anxiety during the quarantine period. Results revealed that teachers practice virtual

learning, communicate with the professional community, adhere to quarantine

requirements and find purposeful activities to deal with anxiety due to suspension of

national-related activities in the country brought by the pandemic.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021




This is a chapter contains the Research Methods, Sample and Sampling

Technique, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure and Statistical Treatment of


Research Method

This study was conducted in order to determine the preparation and to gather

necessary data. The researchers used the descriptive method using qualitative approach.

The credibility of findings and conclusion extended defend the quality of the research

design through data collection, data management, and analysis. This research will cover

the following research design in method the respondents or subjects to be studied the data

collection instrument and data analysis.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


The study is about the Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance

Learning Among Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. The

researchers used the descriptive method to describe the characteristic of the phenomenon

or population being studied. The researchers used this type of method to gather the data

that will help the researchers interpreting the responses of the participants.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The researchers used the Slovin's formula to determine the number of respondents

and simple random sampling is a method of sampling in which the researchers randomly

select a subset of participants from a population.

The Slovin’s formula is:

1+ N e2

The computation for finding the sample is as follows:

N= 283 (Total population of Grade 11 students)

E= 10% (Margin of error)

N= 74 is the sample size of this study.


Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021



1+ 2.83


n = 74

Research Instruments

The instrument used was a self-made questionnaire survey to gather the needed

data. The draft of the questionnaire was based on the problem about Learning Difficulties

Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among Grade 11 Students of Upper

Villages Christian Academy, Inc. In the preparation of the instrument, the requirements

in the designing of good data collection instrument were considered. For instance,

statement describing the situations or issues pertaining was toned down to accommodate

the knowledge preparedness of the respondents based on their experienced. Five-point

scale Likert’s scale were provided to accommodate the experiences of the Grade 11

students on the specific topic and issue. Moreover, the instrument was authorized to

obtain validated responses of the students. The researchers used a structured

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


questionnaire to provide less pressure to the respondents when answering the questions.

Researchers also used the Likert’s Scale to determine the Learning Difficulties

Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among Grade 11 Students of Upper

Villages Christian Academy, Inc.

The statements in the survey questionnaire are negatively stated, hence, high

score equates to negative interpretation. The following data interpretation was created to

easily characterize the responses that were gathered in the study.

Scale Descriptive Rating Interpretation
5 4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree Negative Experience
4 3.40 – 4.19 Agree Fairly Negative Experience
3 2.60 – 3.39 Neutral Neutral Experience
2 1.80 – 2.59 Disagree Fairly Positive Experience
1 1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree Positive Experience

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to conduct the study the researchers used the following procedures:

1. The researchers composed a self-made questionnaire that is related to the topic.

2. The researchers consulted the research adviser to validate the chosen questions in


Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


3. The researchers prepared a letter for permission to conduct the survey for the

school admission of the target respondents from Upper Villages Christian

Academy, Inc.

4. Upon the approval the researchers encoded the questionnaire in Google Forms

then submitted to the research adviser who uploaded the questionnaire through

GENYO LMS (Learning Management System) to be administered to the target


5. After collecting sufficient responses, the researchers classified, encode and

summarized the gathered data.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For the statement of the problem number 1, the percentage is employed to

determine the number of respondents in terms of age and gender.

This formula is as follows:

p= x100%


P= percentage

f= frequency

n= number of sample

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


To answer the Statement of the Problem number 3, this researchers used the

weighted mean. Weighted mean is used to determine the mean or average score of the

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among Grade 11

Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc.

Formula: X


X = Weighted mean

Wi = weight of ith item X

Xi = value of the ith item X



This part of the research presents and discusses the results and findings from

various experiments and tests conducted in the research as described in the Research


1. What is the demographic profile of the student respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age; and

1.2 Gender?

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Table 1: Frequency and Percentage distribution in terms of Age


18- 19 years old 17 22.97%

16-17 years old 57 77.03%

TOTAL: 74 100%

Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents based on their age. The highest

among the age of respondents is range of 16-17 years old with a percentage of 57 or

77.03%. The lowest frequency among the age of respondents is range of 18-19 years old

which got 17 or 22.97%.

Table 2: Frequency and Percentage distribution in terms of Gender


MALE 30 40.54%
FEMALE 44 59.46%
TOTAL: 74 100%

Table 2 presents the profile of the respondents based on their gender. The highest

frequency between the genders of the respondents is female which got 44 or 59.46%. The

lowest frequency is male which got 30 or 40.54%.

2. What are the learning difficulties experienced by students during online distance

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


Table 3

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning

Among Grade 11 Students

Weighted Descriptive
Questions Interpretation
Mean Rating
1.) I can’t control my stress 3.54 Agree Fairly Negative
in online distance learning. Experience
2.) I had a negative 3.54 Agree Fairly Negative
experience during distance Experience
3.) I feel unmotivated and 3.56 Agree Fairly Negative
distracted while learning Experience
4.) Online distance learning 3.43 Agree Fairly Negative
is stressful during this time Experience
of COVID-19 Pandemic.
5.) I experience lack of 3.81 Agree Fairly Negative
confidence while facing Experience
online classes.
6.) The distractions and 2.98 Neutral
background noise make Neutral Experience
learning difficult during
online distance learning.
7.) I feel uncomfortable 4.85 Strongly Agree Negative
with online learning. Experience
8.) Distance learning can 3.86 Agree Fairly Negative
affect our mental health Experience
9.) I ever feel stressed 3.93 Agree Fairly Negative
because of school works Experience
especially in online distance
10.) Online distance 4.20 Strongly Agree Negative
learning can cause social Experience
11.) I can't attend online 4.18 Agree Fairly Negative
classes due to unstable Experience
internet connection.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


12.) I find it difficult 4.13 Fairly Negative

learning new things in Agree Experience
online distance learning.
13.) Aside from having an 3.82 Agree Fairly Negative
internet connection problem Experience
there are some learning
difficulties we encounter
during online class.
14.) Time management is a 3.54 Agree Fairly Negative
difficult task while learning Experience
15.) I experience lack of 3.54 Agree Fairly Negative
interaction during online Experience
distance learning.
16.) I do not feel attentive 2.65 Neutral Neutral
when using gadgets in Experience
online distance learning.

17.) Online distance 2.63 Neutral Neutral

learning has more negative Experience
18.) During online distance 2.81 Neutral Neutral
learning some of us can’t Experience
improve communication
TOTAL: 3.61 AGREE Fairly Negative

As shown in Table 3, the over-all mean of distance learning experience of

respondents is 3.61 with an interpretation of fairly negative experience. The over-all

findings are attributed to the individual mean weight of each item that described the

learning experience of students during distance learning where most items including 1, 2,

3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 were agreed upon by the respondents resulting to a

Fairly Negative Experience interpretation. While items 7 and 10 which garnered the

highest mean weight resulted to a Negative Experience interpretation. Furthermore,

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


items 6, 16, 17, and 18 resulted to a neutral experience interpretation. These findings

speak about that the over-all experience of students under distance learning is either

neutral, fairly negative to negative learning experience.



This chapter discusses the following; the summary of the research presented,

findings of the study were discussed and interpreted by the researchers. This research

study deals with the opportunities and challenges that the students deals during the online

distance learning system as a new tool for teaching and learning. This research study will

benefit the students, teachers, parents and also the future researches that will study the

difficulties and challenges that the educational sector deals using the online distance


The scope of the following conclusions is limited to the context of the review of

related literature and to the results given in the research study. Still conclusions and

findings in this study may still vary in a period of time due to the present situations and

due to the progress and development of the following research studies.

Summary of Findings

1. The profile of the respondents

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021


1.1 The summary of findings in terms of age of the respondents based on their

profile. The highest among the ages are 16-17 years old with a percentage of

57 or 77.03%. Furthermore, the lowest among the ages are 18-19 years old

who are only 17 or 22.97% among the 74 respondents.

2. The research found out that the over-all experience of students under distance

learning is either neutral, fairly negative to negative learning experience.


Based on findings, the following conclusions have been concluded.

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Based on the findings that is stated earlier in this research, the majority of the

respondents are from 16 – 17 years old, which got 57 or 77.03%. While the

lowest or few respondents are 18 – 19 years old which got 17 or 22.97%.

There are more female respondents (44 or 59.46%) than male respondents (30

or 40.54%).

2. The learning difficulties experienced during online distance learning

The research found out that the over-all experience of students under distance

learning is either neutral, fairly negative to negative learning experience. The un-

comfortability of online learning and the social isolation that it is causing among

students were the most factor that contribute to their negative experience.

3. Hypothesis: The researchers accept the alternative hypothesis for the reason it is

in accordance to the results of the study.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021



The following recommendations are offered based on the findings and conclusion

of the study.

1. A committee should be created to develop a program that can help learners by

providing engaging, interactive and with social community building features of

online learning where a planned and measured e-learning environment will allow

ease of use, pedagogical freedom, fluid online discussions, and identity

management. All teachers should be trained to utilize efficiently theses platforms in

online teaching.

2. On the use of existing social networking sites in distance learning, such as social

media networks i.e. Facebook, teachers and students should be both informed about its

risks factors and should be advised accordingly on how to prevent such risks.

3. School-wide projects and activities related to safety and proper use of online

platforms as learning environment should be developed and implemented.

4. The school should develop a School-Home Partnership Program aimed at

undertaking mutual involvement and assistance in guiding and disciplining students

towards online learning.

5. Future studies can focus on developing institutional policies and strategic

planning about the online distance education.

Learning Difficulties Experienced During Online Distance Learning Among
Grade 11 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021



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