This document contains descriptions of tables in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. This database contains metadata, or data about data, that allows querying information about databases, tables, columns and other objects. The tables described include COLUMNS, TABLES, TABLE_CONSTRAINTS, and others that provide information about database objects, their attributes, privileges and relationships.
This document contains descriptions of tables in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. This database contains metadata, or data about data, that allows querying information about databases, tables, columns and other objects. The tables described include COLUMNS, TABLES, TABLE_CONSTRAINTS, and others that provide information about database objects, their attributes, privileges and relationships.
This document contains descriptions of tables in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. This database contains metadata, or data about data, that allows querying information about databases, tables, columns and other objects. The tables described include COLUMNS, TABLES, TABLE_CONSTRAINTS, and others that provide information about database objects, their attributes, privileges and relationships.
This document contains descriptions of tables in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. This database contains metadata, or data about data, that allows querying information about databases, tables, columns and other objects. The tables described include COLUMNS, TABLES, TABLE_CONSTRAINTS, and others that provide information about database objects, their attributes, privileges and relationships.
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Nama Tabel Deskripsi
Grantable users or roles for
ADMINISTRABLE_ROLE_AUTHORIZATIONS current userroles Applicable or role for current APPLICABLE_ROLES user CHARACTER_SETS Available character sets Table and column CHECK CHECK_CONSTRAINTS constraints Character set applicable to each COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY collation COLLATIONS Collations for each character set COLUMN_PRIVILEGES Privileges defined on columns Histogram statistics for column COLUMN_STATISTICS values COLUMNS Columns in each table Column attributes for primary COLUMNS_EXTENSIONS and secondary Current numberstorage engines of consecutive CONNECTION_CONTROL_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS failed connection attempts per account Roles enabled within current ENABLED_ROLES session ENGINES Storage engine properties EVENTS Event Manager events FILES Files that store tablespace data INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE Pages in InnoDB buffer pool LRU ordering of pages in INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU InnoDB buffer pool INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATSInnoDB Number buffer of index pool statistics pages cached INNODB_CACHED_INDEXES per index in InnoDB buffer Status pool for operations related to INNODB_CMP compressed InnoDB tables Status for operations related to INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX compressed InnoDB tables and indexes Status for operations related to INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX_RESET compressed InnoDB tables and indexes Status for operations related to INNODB_CMP_RESET compressed InnoDB tables Status for compressed pages INNODB_CMPMEM within for Status InnoDB buffer pool compressed pages INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET within InnoDB buffer pool INNODB_COLUMNS Columns in each InnoDB table Data file path information for INNODB_DATAFILES InnoDB file-per-table and general tablespaces Key columns of InnoDB INNODB_FIELDS indexes INNODB_FOREIGN InnoDB foreign-key metadata InnoDB foreign-key column INNODB_FOREIGN_COLS status information Snapshot of INNODB_FT_BEING_DELETED INNODB_FT_DELETED Metadata for InnoDB tabletable INNODB_FT_CONFIG FULLTEXT index and associated Default listprocessing of stopwords for INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD InnoDB Rows FULLTEXT deleted indexes from InnoDB INNODB_FT_DELETED table FULLTEXT Token informationindex for newly INNODB_FT_INDEX_CACHE inserted rows in InnoDB FULLTEXT index Inverted index information for processing text searches against INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE InnoDB table FULLTEXT INNODB_INDEXES index InnoDB index metadata InnoDB performance INNODB_METRICS information Session temporary-tablespace INNODB_SESSION_TEMP_TABLESPACES metadata INNODB_TABLES InnoDB table metadata InnoDB file-per-table, general, INNODB_TABLESPACES and Briefundo tablespacegeneral, file-per-table, metadata INNODB_TABLESPACES_BRIEF undo, and system tablespace metadata InnoDB table low-level status INNODB_TABLESTATS Information information about active user- INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INFO created InnoDB temporary Active tables InnoDB transaction INNODB_TRX information InnoDB virtual generated INNODB_VIRTUAL column metadata Which key columns have KEY_COLUMN_USAGE constraints KEYWORDS MySQL keywords Firewall in-memory data for MYSQL_FIREWALL_USERS account Firewallprofiles in-memory data for MYSQL_FIREWALL_WHITELIST account profile allowlists ndb_transid_mysql_connection_map NDB transaction information Information produced by OPTIMIZER_TRACE optimizer Stored traceparameters routine activity and PARAMETERS stored function return values PARTITIONS Table partition information PLUGINS Plugin information Information about currently PROCESSLIST executing threads PROFILING Statement profiling information REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTSForeign key information RESOURCE_GROUPS Resource group information Column privileges for roles ROLE_COLUMN_GRANTS available to or granted by currently enabled roles Routine privileges for roles ROLE_ROUTINE_GRANTS available to or granted by currently enabledfor Table privileges roles roles ROLE_TABLE_GRANTS available to or granted by currently enabled roles ROUTINES Stored routine information SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES Privileges defined on schemas SCHEMATA Schema information SCHEMATA_EXTENSIONS Schema options Columns in each table that store ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS spatial dataspatial reference Available ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS systems Acceptable units for ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE ST_Distance() STATISTICS Table index statistics TABLE_CONSTRAINTS Which tables have constraints Table constraint attributes for TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_EXTENSIONS primary and secondary storage engines TABLE_PRIVILEGES Privileges defined on tables TABLES Table information Table attributes for primary and TABLES_EXTENSIONS secondary storage engines TABLESPACES Tablespace information Tablespace attributes for TABLESPACES_EXTENSIONS primary storage engines TP_THREAD_GROUP_STATE Thread pool thread group states Thread pool thread group TP_THREAD_GROUP_STATS statistics TP_THREAD_STATE Thread pool thread information TRIGGERS Trigger information USER_ATTRIBUTES User comments and attributes Privileges defined globally per USER_PRIVILEGES user VIEW_ROUTINE_USAGE Stored functions used in views VIEW_TABLE_USAGE Tables and views used in views VIEWS View information