KK Sinha Appellant - 20210326
KK Sinha Appellant - 20210326
KK Sinha Appellant - 20210326
Rishi Rajani
TYLLB- 172
& And
¶ Paragraph
Anr. Another
Art. Article
Co. Company
Corpn. Corporation
Cr. Criminal
Edn. Edition
Govt. Government
Hon‟ble Honourable
i.e. That is
Ltd. Limited
No. Number
Pvt. Private
QB Queens‟ Bench
A. Table of Cases
16. Michael Hyde and Associates v. J.D. Williams & Co. Ltd. 7
2. Anderw Grubb, Priciple of medical Law, Oxford University Press, 3rd Edn
8. Dr. Hari Singh Gour‟s, Penal Law Of India (Law Publisher (India) Pvt.
Ltd. Vol. 3
10. Emily Jackson, Medical law, Orford Publication, Edn 2nd 2010
11. Jonathan Herring, Medical Law and Ethics, Orford Publication, Edn 3rd
16. Marc Stauch and Kay Wheat, Medical Law, Routledge Cavendish, Edn 3rd
17. Prof T D Dogra, Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology, Delhi Law House,
Edn 11th
18. Ram Jethmalani & D S Chopra, The Indian Penal Code, Thomson Reuters,
Vol. 1,
19. Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, The Indian Penal Code (Nagpur, Wadhwa) (ed. 31st)
20. S P Sengupta, Indian Penal Code 1860, Kamal Law House, Vol 1 Edn 3rd
21. C. Sarkar, The Indian Penal Code (Allahabad, Dwivedi Law Agency) 2007
22. Smith J.C. Mercy Killing, Justification and Excuse in Criminal Law, (The
23. Sweet & Maxwell, Medical Negligence, South Asian Edition, 2010, Edn
24. Tapas Kumar Koley, Medical Negligence and The Law in India, Oxford
Publication, Edn 2010
C. Journals Referred
D. Database Referred
1. www.judis.nic.in
2. www.lexisnexis.com
3. www.manupatrafast.com
4. www.scconline.com
5. www.westlaw.com
E. Legal Dictionary
For the sake of brevity and convenience of this Hon‟ble Court the facts of the present
case are summarise as follows:
2. At Nelson Smith, his X-rays, scans and other tests were carried out whereby a
fracture of the mid-shaft of the right femur was detected. Thereafter, he was
referred to specialist hospital namely Dr. B.N. Sandok Memorial Hospital and
Dr. K.K. Sinha who was well-known orthopaedic surgeon, took charge of the
patient under personal care.At the time of admission in the hospital he was
conscious, then Dr. Sinha decided to conduct open reduction of fracture and
internal fixation under anaesthesia. As operation procedure was on, they
found that some equipment was not performing at optimal level.
3. But, Dr. Sinha was of the view that level of performance of equipment was
manageable, so they go ahead with the operation, in view of the urgency of
the situation. The equipments involved included the machines used for
monitoring of oxygen supply and the retention level of anaesthesia. After the
operation the patient was kept under the observation but he did not regain
consciousness for 24 hours, for which he was referred to Rajiv Gandhi Multi-
Specialty Hospital, on the ground that respirator was not functioning in the
Sandok Hospital.
For proving an offence under culpable homicide not amounting to murder the
prosecution must prove- that there exists knowledge of the act which in
proximity likely to cause death. It is unreasonable to consider that the
purported act has been done by Doctor Sinha with the knowledge that in all
probability it would result in the death of the patient. The act done by Mr.
Sinha does not intend to cause death of the patient, nor the knowledge of
likely to be causing death, performed in good faith for the best interest of the
person. The act was such that the probability of the death arising due to such
cannot be seen in close proximity as the condition of the patient before the
operation procedure was not critical to the extent that it might risk the life if
amounted to operation.
For proving negligence under the criminal law, the prosecution must prove-
that there exists a duty, there was breach of the duty causing death and that
breach to be characterized as gross negligence. To impose criminal liability,
under Section 304A, it is necessary that the death would be direct result of the
negligent act of the doctor, and the act must be proximate and efficient cause
without the intervention of another‟s negligence. Dr. Sinha acted in a
professional manner, trying his best to redeem the patient out of his suffering
took the step of operating the patient for which he could not be made
criminally liable as the negligence in such instances is based upon the best
judgment of the practitioner considering the relevant precautionary measures
taken in the due course which needs to be considered by Court before
implementing such liability.
2. For proving an offence under culpable homicide not amounting to murder the
prosecution must prove- that there exists knowledge of the act which in
proximity likely to cause death. It is unreasonable to consider that the
purported act has been done by Doctor Sinha with the knowledge that in all
probability it would result in the death of the patient. In the case of Mahadev
Prasad Kaushik v. State of U.P. the court
cautiously pondered upon the facts, wherein prima facie it was observed that
the condition of the patient was not of such serious nature which would
result in death during the treatment. Thereby the appeal was dismissed and
so far as the issuance of process for offence punishable under Section 304 is
concerned it was quashed on grounds of lack of knowledge on part of the
medical staff.
3. person with reasonable care. Further, the provisions forming part of the
Indian Penal Code, gives adequate protection to the medical professional
wherein provided that it needed to be ensure that people who act in good faith
should not be punished. The medical professional is often called upon to
adopt a procedure which involves higher element of risk, but which he
honestly believes as providing greater chances of success for the patient
rather than a procedure involving lesser risk but higher chances of failure.
4. The act done by Mr. Sinha does not intend to cause death of the patient, nor
the knowledge of likely to be causing death, performed in good faith for the
best interest of the person. The decision of House of Lords in the case of R v.
Adomako elucidates that a doctor cannot be held criminally liable for the
patient‟s death unless his incompetence showed such disregard of life and
safety of the patient as to amounting crime against the state.
12. In the case of Pt. Parmanand Katara v. Union of India and Ors20 the Apex
Court held that, "Every doctor whether at a Government Hospital or
otherwise has the professional obligation to extend his services for protecting
life. The obligation being total, absolute and paramount, laws of procedure
whether in statutes or otherwise cannot be sustained and, therefore, must give
13. Further, an act likely to cause harm, but done without criminal intent and to
prevent other harm is not an offence. The provision laid down that such an act
done without any criminal intention to cause harm, and in good faith for the
purpose of preventing other harm not to be an offence. In the instant matter,
Dr. Sinha acted under such medical necessity as the condition of the patient
has worsened to the extent that operation needs to be conducted to avoid
greater harm to the patient‟s life.
14. The „duty to treat‟ there would be a corresponding „duty to take care‟ upon
the doctor qua his patient. Whenever the principle to duty to take care is
founded on contractual relationship, it acquires a legal character. In the
instant matter, Dr. Sinha took charge of the patient under personal care when
referred to from another hospital and was even monitored before the
operation procedure. Further, after being satisfied about the manageable
condition of the equipment only, the doctors proceeded for the operation for
the reason of deteriorating condition of the patient, which implies such act
done in reasonable manner.
15. The Court in the case of Dr. Suresh Gupta v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Anr.
opined that the carelessness or want of due attention and skill cannot be
described to be reckless or grossly negligent as to make the doctor criminally
liable. Thereby, any act performed in furtherance of lack of care even does
not amounts to criminal liability on the medical professionals. Further, Lord
Atkin, in case of Andrews v. Director of Public Prosecutions stated that
simple lack of care in imposing criminal liability is not enough as a very
high degree of negligence is required to be proved before commission of an
offence is established. Thus, considering the quantum of care and precaution
taken by the management of Sandok Hospital while operating the patient
would not criminal negligence as they acted in the best interest of the patient
with the indulgence of standard care in the process.
16. The investigation conducted by the team of Rajiv Gandhi Hospital on the
patient before commencement of any treatment clinched that the operation
procedure followed by Sandok Hospital was extremely deficient as to the
doctors put into service equipment which they knew to be defective. It is
pertinent to note that such investigation has been conducted in absence of an
anaesthetic which opined that machines used, including the one used for
retention level of anaesthesia, was not performing at optimal level.
17. As per the GMC guidelines, the onus of obtaining consent for intervention
lies on the doctor providing treatment and capable of performing the
procedure. In the instant matter, Dr. Sinha decided to proceed with the
operation when he was satisfied as to the level of performance of the
equipment was manageable. Also, the condition of the equipment not
working at the optimal level was identified while the operation procedure was
on, which made it viable to proceed with the operation, considering the
urgency of the matter and the critical condition of the patient. Further, in the
case of Jacob Mathew vs. State of Punjab & Anr, the doctor was charged with
medical negligence for the non-availability of the oxygen cylinder, but the
court quashed the proceedings as that do not made out case of criminal
rashness or negligence. Thereby in the light of relevant parameters, it is
contended that on the basis of such flawed investigation report, Dr. Sinha and
the management of Sandok Hospital could not be held liable for such
grievous act of criminal negligence.
18. The concept of good faith in respect of criminal liability operates differently,
as nothing is said to be done or believed in „good faith‟ which is done or
believed without due care and attention. Further it has been provided-
„Nothing which is not intended to cause death is an offence by reason of any
harm which it may cause, or known by the order to be likely to cause, to any
person for whose benefit it is done in good faith, and who has given a
consent, whether express or implied, to suffer that harm, or to take the risk of
that harm.‟
19. Lord Denning as expressed in the case of Hucks v. Cole that a medical
practitioner cannot be held liable merely because things went wrong from the
mischance or through an error of judgment, but would be liable only where
his conduct fell below to that of the standards of a reasonably competent
practitioner. In the instant matter,
the conduct of the hospital management in no course fall below the standard
of reasonability but was mere error of judgment as to the usage of the
equipment which was though in first instance in the benefit of the patient
and after the satisfaction of it being manageable. Thus person acting under
such principle of good faith cannot be determined under the criminal
negligence, otherwise it would vitiate the relation of a doctor with his patient
which is that of uberrimae fidei, that is, of utmost and abundant confidence.
20. The assurance of a professional subsists that he would be exercising his skill
with reasonable competence, wherein he would be held liable for the
negligence of either not possessing the requisite skills which he professed to
have possessed or not exercising with reasonable competence in the given
circumstances. A professional man owes to his clients a duty in tort as well as
in contract to exercise reasonable care in giving advice or performing
services.31 Though doctors can be found guilty only if he falls short of the
standard of reasonable skilful medical practice.
21. In the case of K.Sadanand v. Lisie Hospital33, negligence was alleged as the
patientbecame unconscious till death after surgery due to failure in proper
administration of anaesthesia, wherein the complainant though failed to prove
as to what the anaesthetic was not supposed to do, thereby no negligence was
imposed by the court.
Wherefore in the light of facts presented, issues raised, arguments advanced and
authorities cited, the Counsels on behalf of the Respondents humbly pray before
this Hon’ble Court that it may be pleased to adjudge and declare that:
Or pass any other order that the court may deem fit in the light of equity, justice
and good conscience and for this Act of kindness of Your Lordships the
Respondents shall as duty bound ever pray.