Physics 2nd Half
Physics 2nd Half
Physics 2nd Half
Q1.Choose The most appropriate option. Cutting over writing is not allowed. 12
1. The direction of induced e.m.f. in a circuit is in accordance with conservation of
(D) mass (C) charge (B) Energy (A) Momentum
2.The presence of a magnetic field can be detected by a
(D) small mass (C)stationary positive charge (B)stationary negative charge (A)magnetic compass
3. AND gate can be formed by using two
(D) NOT gates (C) OR gates (B) NOR gates (A) NAND gates
4.The output of a two-input NOR gate is 1 when
(D)A is ‘1’ and B is ‘0 (C) A is ‘0’ and B is ‘1’ (B) both A and B are ‘0 (A) both A and B are ‘1’
5. If X = A.B, then X is ‘1’ when
(D)A and B are ‘1’ (C)A or B is ‘0’ (B) A is ‘0’ and B is ‘1’ (A)A is ‘1’ and B is ‘0
6 The output of a NAND gate is ‘0’ when
(D)both of its inputs are ‘0 (C)both of its inputs are ‘1 (B)any of its inputs is ‘0 (A)any of its inputs is ‘1’
7. In computer terminology information means
(D)any data (C)raw data (B)processed data (A) large data
8. The basic operations performed by a computer are
(D) both (B) and (C) (C) arithmetic operations (B) logical operations (A) non-arithmetic operations
9. From which of the following we can get information almost about everything
(D) book (C)teacher (B)computer (A)internet
10. What does the term e-mail stand for?
(D) Emergency mail (C) electronic mail (B) extra mail (A) external mail
11. Isotopes are atoms of same element with different
(D) Atomic mass (C) atomic number (B) number of protons (A) number of electrons
12. When Uranium (92 protons) ejects a beta particle, how many protons will be in the remaining nucleus?
(D) 89 protons (C) 90 protons (B)91 protons (A) 93 protons