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JHI0010.1177/1460458219833090Health Informatics JournalSalahuddin et al.

Regular Article

Health Informatics Journal

2020, Vol. 26(1) 420­–434
Healthcare practitioner behaviours © The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
that influence unsafe use of hospital
DOI: 10.1177/1460458219833090
information systems

Lizawati Salahuddin
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Zuraini Ismail
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ummi Rabaah Hashim, Nor Haslinda Ismail

and Raja Rina Raja Ikram
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Fiza Abdul Rahim

Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia

Noor Hafizah Hassan

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This study aims to investigate healthcare practitioner behaviour in adopting Health Information Systems
which could affect patients’ safety and quality of health. A qualitative study was conducted based on a semi-
structured interview protocol on 31 medical doctors in three Malaysian government hospitals implementing
the Total Hospital Information Systems. The period of study was between March and May 2015. A thematic
qualitative analysis was performed on the resultant data to categorize them into relevant themes. Four
themes emerged as healthcare practitioners’ behaviours that influence the unsafe use of Hospital Information
Systems. The themes include (1) carelessness, (2) workarounds, (3) noncompliance to procedure, and (4)
copy and paste habit. By addressing these behaviours, the hospital management could further improve
patient safety and the quality of patient care.

Corresponding author:
Lizawati Salahuddin, Center for Advanced Computing Technology, Department of Software Engineering, Fakulti
Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal,
Melaka, Malaysia.
Salahuddin et al. 421

behaviour, error, health information technology, hospital information systems, patient safety

Health information technology (HIT) is the overarching term applied to various information and
communication technologies used to collect, transmit, display, or store patient data.1 HIT, which
includes hospital information systems (HIS), electronic health record (EHR), computerized phy-
sician order entry (CPOE), electronic prescribing (e-prescribing), clinical decision support sys-
tems (CDSS), and bar-coded medication administration (BCMA), has been widely implemented
in healthcare organizations to support healthcare services. HIT is expected to increase the quality
and safety of healthcare services by improving communication, patient delivery time, and docu-
mentation. Despite the benefits, HIT could also introduce consequences when it is poorly
designed, implemented, and used. Problems related to HIT can disrupt healthcare delivery, harm
patients, and even cause death. For instance, a retrospective analysis of all reported safety events
from 2005 to 2011 under the Clinical Safety of England’s national programme for information
technology (IT) found that three deaths were linked to software-use errors and pending test
result from previous hospitalization record that was not visible to the relevant clinicians.2 A more
recent study on EHR-related medication errors in two ICUs (intensive care units) revealed that
34 per cent of the medication events included orders with omitted information and duplicated
orders.3 These EHR-related errors had greater chances of harming the patients and they occurred
more frequently at the ordering stage compared with other events. In addition, the human–com-
puter interaction problem was the most frequently reported, associated with HIT-related patient
safety incidents.4
Previous studies have looked at the sociotechnical factors affecting safety including people,
technology, tasks, organization, and the environment. Hautamäki5 reported usability issues such
as information on multiple views, the reliance on healthcare practitioners’ memory to execute
daily tasks, and issues with patient identification caused usage errors that led to patient safety
incidents. Moreover, the results from the system’s literature review and interviews with medical
doctors showed that knowledge, system quality, information quality, service quality, training,
organization resources, teamwork, task-related stressor, physical layout, and noise as the socio-
technical factors influencing the safe use of HIT.6,7 However, little is known about the specific
nature of healthcare practitioner behaviours affecting unsafe use of HIS in clinical settings.
Hence, this study addresses the question: How do healthcare practitioners use HIS that pose risk
to patient safety and quality of care? The aim of this study is to identify healthcare practitioner
behaviours that influence the unsafe use of HIS. Medical doctors who have adequate experience
in using HIS in Malaysian government hospitals participated in the semi-structured interview.
This study believes in the safe use of HIS as the prevention of errors, accidental patient harm,
and adverse events within the care process by using HIS.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify healthcare practitioner behaviours that
influence the unsafe use of HIS. Details of the research methods used for this study are explained
in the following sections.
422 Health Informatics Journal 26(1)

Sample and setting

Semi-structured interviews were conducted in three Malaysian government hospitals located
within Federal Territory and the Selangor state. The hospitals were selected based on their experi-
ence with HIS implementation, hospital size, and working environment. These selected hospitals
implement Total HIS (THIS) to support their healthcare services. THIS integrates various hospi-
tals subsystems such as Laboratory Information System (LIS), Pharmacy Information System
(PIS), Radiology Information System (RIS), and Picture Archiving Communication System
(PACS). All the chosen hospitals had implemented the same version of THIS. Therefore, the
design and implementation of THIS follow a similar standard. Both Hospitals A and B had com-
pletely implemented THIS in December 2007, whereas Hospital C implemented it 2 months after
Hospitals A and B. At the time of data collection, Hospital A, a national reference centre for hae-
matology patients, had 562 beds. Hospitals B and C shared the same number of beds at 620.
Therefore, it is anticipated that all the three hospitals have a similar working environment and
experience of THIS implementation.
This study primarily focused on doctors who are also THIS users. Considering their important
role in patient-care delivery and their routine use of the THIS, they can be considered crucial
research subjects. THIS use is mandatory to all doctors in the selected hospitals. Moreover, THIS
training was also provided to all the doctors. Purposeful sampling was adopted to select the suita-
ble candidates to participate in the interview, because the aim was to provide rich information in
context. The criterion for the sample selection was a minimum of 1-year experience in using THIS.
According to the statistic obtained from the human resource department of each hospital, the total
number of doctors working in the three hospitals was 770 in December 2014. In total, 31 medical
doctors participated in the interview, in which 10, 9, and 12 doctors are from Hospital A, B, and C,
respectively. About 58 per cent of the participants were female doctors. The participants were
attached to various departments, including emergency and trauma, medical, general surgery, pae-
diatric, obstetrics and gynaecology, orthopaedic, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, cardiology,
nephrology, neurosurgery and neurology, haematology, psychiatric, and rehabilitation. Their expe-
rience in using THIS was between 1.5 and 10 years.

Data collection
Semi-structured interviews with 31 medical doctors at the three hospitals were held between
March and May 2015. An ethics approval from Malaysia’s Ministry of Health Medical Review
and Ethics Committee (MREC) and the participated hospitals were obtained prior to the data
collection. A semi-structured interview guide was designed to manage the discussion with the
medical doctors (Appendix 1). The interview questions contained neutral and open-ended ques-
tions to avoid eliciting socially desirable responses. New questions were permitted to arise as a
result of the discussion. The data collection method used an interview protocol developed by
Hesse-Biber and Leavy.8 Potential participants were approached at their workplace to get their
agreement to participate in the interview. They were given a brief explanation about the study
and the interview. Once they agreed to participate, face-to-face interview was conducted at the
participants’ workplace on a date and time that were convenient for them. A mix of both English
and Bahasa Malaysia languages were used throughout the interview. The interview questions
consist of neutral and open-ended questions. The interview sessions were audio-recorded, except
for two sessions which were manually recorded because the participants were reluctant to audio-
record their discussion. Each interview session took around 15–20 min, and the total duration of
all the interviews was approximately 14 h.
Salahuddin et al. 423

Table 1.  Example of data extracted with codes applied.

Data extracted Codes applied

When there are many patients and lack of computer, we have to handwrite. 1. Handwritten
Sometimes when we are busy it is possible to make mistake during transcribing 2. Do not double-check
the information to the system such as wrong ordering, similar patients’ names.
Transcribing from paper into the system and not double-checking are the common
HIS misuse that cause errors. (Respondent 10a)

Data analysis
The analysis of the interview data was conducted according to the steps suggested by Creswell.9
First, recorded audio data and handwritten notes from the interviews were transcribed to word
processor text. Transcripts of interviews were then presented to the interviewees for validation
purposes to ensure the interviewer had captured the respondents’ intended meaning. Then, the
interview transcripts were organized into sections for easy retrieval. Subsequently, the tran-
scribed interviews were then coded using the qualitative data analysis software, ATLAS.ti. The
interview transcripts were divided into text segments and these segments were labelled with the
codes. Table 1 presents an example of codes applied to a short segment of data. The transcripts
were read repetitively to highlight parts of the text and to emphasize the sections and issues that
appeared to be significant and relevant. Deductive coding was used for the analysis.
The coded data were studied to detect areas of similarity and overlap between codes. All over-
lapping and redundant codes were removed. Finally, similar codes were grouped together under
theme or category to form a major idea. Codes that appeared to share some unifying feature were
clustered into a theme.10 Thematic maps were used as the visual representations to help sort the
different codes into themes. Figure 1 shows the thematic map that shows the relationship between
themes (shown as circles) and codes (shown as rectangles) deduced from the thematic analysis. All
the themes were reviewed and discussed among the team members to confirm that the themes
meaningfully capture the important and relevant elements of the coded extracts and the entire data
set. Any variance in interpreting the findings was fixed through discussions until consensus was
reached. Themes that were deemed not relevant were discarded.

The interview sessions revealed four themes that emerged as healthcare practitioner behaviours
that influence the unsafe use of HIS. The themes include (1) carelessness, (2) workarounds, (3)
noncompliance to procedure, and (4) copy and paste habit.

From the interview, the respondents stressed that being vigilant by double-checking everything is
very important to avoid errors while using HIS. This is because HIS does not have error-check
feature. Therefore, healthcare practitioners need to double-check their own work. The points are
highlighted as follows:

Currently the system does not offer the check and balance system, thus you should use the system carefully.
You are prone to make mistakes if you do not double check your work. Therefore, doctors should double
check their own work. (Respondent 8b)
424 Health Informatics Journal 26(1)

do not save do not double

record check

press wrong
inadvertently click

handwritten handover through


memorise use printout

share login Procedure use inappropriate

account noncompliance function

do not log off ignore alert

Copy and paste blindly copy and

habit paste

Figure 1.  Thematic map.

The most important thing to avoid making error in the use of HIS is to be aware and more vigilant. You are
the only one accessing the patient; no one is going to remind you. (Respondent 8a)

It is essential for healthcare practitioners to double-check patient names because there may be
patients with similar names. Carelessness can possibly cause the healthcare practitioners to inad-
vertently select or enter notes on the wrong patient. Respondents explained their views as

Sometimes when there are patients with the same name, we inadvertently click on the wrong patient when
we are actually seeing a different patient’s profile. (Respondent 3a)

To me, the main problem is in terms of work attitude such as not being careful and alert. Sometimes we
login to the HIS using others’ account, we enter notes to the wrong patient that has similar patient’s name
because we do not look at the names carefully. (Respondent 6c)

We have to double check the patient’s name. If we have the RN, we must make sure the number tallies
because we can have similar patients’ names, but they are different persons. After you key in the entry,
re-read the entry at least once so that we do not inadvertently enter the wrong information or wrong patient’s
record because sometimes we open two to three patients’ records at the same time. (Respondent 9c)

The respondents also remarked that errors can possibly happen due to an inadvertent click on
the wrong item from the option lists. For instance, the healthcare practitioners might click the
Salahuddin et al. 425

wrong medication, dosage, or patient record. Besides, healthcare practitioners are also prone to
press the wrong characters on the keyboard. Hence, healthcare practitioners are advised to always
double-check before signing notes and make corrections after committing any mistake. Respondents
expressed this inference in the following ways:

Sometimes errors happen when we select the items by clicking from the list to order medication. The
common errors include wrong medication and dosage. In terms of ordering, the errors are always caused
by viewing at the wrong patient ID or inadvertently clicking on the wrong record. The reason is more on
the individual carelessness. (Respondent 5a)

You should double check the patient’s name, select the correct record, and order the right dosage. In
general, you should always double check before confirming or signing the notes. Amend the notes whenever
you do mistake. HIS needs to be used carefully. (Respondent 6b)

You have to double check. It is easy to inadvertently click on the wrong option or cause typing error on
HIS. For some people, it is not because they do not know how to spell the word; it is just because they
accidentally pressed the wrong character on the keyboard. (Respondent 7c)

Moreover, some healthcare practitioners forgot to save notes entered in HIS. Hence, they need
to retype the unsaved record. This problem will cause problems for other doctors viewing the notes
or the patient-care plan. Respondents highlighted the issues by saying:

Double check everything we do on HIS. Sometimes when we are in a hurry, we may forget to click the
record button. As a result, the entered data might disappear and not be saved in the system. Thus, we have
to redo. (Respondent 4a)

You must make sure the data are recorded in the system so that it is not lost. Sometimes we have to retype
because we forget to save it. (Respondent 5c)

A doctor might enter the patient’s notes but forget to sign the notes. Thus, other doctors won’t be able to
view the notes or instruction because the notes are not saved in the database. Consequently, other doctors
could not carry out the order. (Respondent 2b)

Based on the interview, it was revealed that healthcare practitioners do not immediately enter or
update patient-care plan on HIS during the ward round. Instead, they would transcribe the informa-
tion into HIS after the ward round. All information is temporarily handwritten while the ward
round is being conducted. It is possible to make mistakes when transcribing the information such
as wrong ordering, and wrong data entry for the patients’ record. Respondents emphasized their
views as follows:

In terms of documentation during the rounds, we handwrite or memorise the information and later
transcribe them into the system. Sometimes we may key in the r wrong patient’s record. (Respondent 4a)

When there are many patients and lack of computers, we have to handwrite. Sometimes when we are busy
it is possible to make mistakes when we transcribe the information into the system such as wrong ordering,
mistaking similar patients’ names. Transcribing from paper into the system then, not double checking is
the common HIS misuse that causes errors. (Respondent 10a)
426 Health Informatics Journal 26(1)

It is not very convenient to carry a computer from bed to bed. Of course, it will take a bit of time to re-key
in and look for this and that. Therefore, what we do is we write our plan for the patients and everything
else on a small piece of paper. When there is a computer available for use only then, we key in the
information. (Respondent 8c)

Some of the respondents expressed that the ward round is carried out fast, thus constituting to
the reason that some healthcare practitioners prefer to enter notes or plan after the round. Moreover,
healthcare practitioners do not have sufficient time to immediately key in the notes during the ward
round. Therefore, they write down the necessary information on a paper before transcribing it into
HIS. Respondents expressed their views by stating that:

When the ward round is conducted quickly, the junior doctor or HO sometimes do not have enough time to
key in the notes immediately. They usually write down on paper and key in later. (Respondent 9a)

Ward round is fast. We do not have enough time to type during the round. Therefore, we use both the paper
and HIS. Usually the data entry will be continued after the round by referring to the manual notes recorded
by the colleague. (Respondent 7b)

The presence of too many patients is another reason for healthcare practitioners to transcribe
the patients’ notes from paper into HIS afterwards. There is a possibility that the healthcare prac-
titioners might miss or forget to key in some information into the patients’ notes as they are all
transcribed into the systems after the ward round. Respondents pointed out their views as

When there are too many patients, we do not have the chance to enter all patients’ notes each time during,
or immediately after consultation. When this happens, we will write down the important notes on paper so
that we do not forget to transcribe them into HIS afterward. (Respondent 9b)

Sometimes when there are too many patients, you have to gather all the patients’ notes and transcribe it
later into the system at once. Of course, there is chance that you may miss or forget to key in some
information. It all depends on the person and their notes. They have to write everything they remember.
Then, it will be much easier. (Respondent 8c)

Besides that, the interview findings show that memorizing is another workarounds strategy to
overcome the problems or constraints associated with HIS usage. For instance, healthcare practi-
tioners memorize the information to be entered due to the problem of entering notes. Apart from
that, healthcare practitioners memorize patients’ information before the ward round. Sometimes, it
could lead to error because the information is not presented during the ward round. Respondents
expressed their views as follows:

The annoying part is that when the system is slow starting at midnight until 2.00am. Sometimes, I cannot
enter the notes. I have no time to wait, so I memorize it and come back later. (Respondent 4b)

In terms of viewing the patient’s notes, we usually read all the patients’ notes in the morning for about
30 minutes to an hour before the ward round. Especially on Monday since we do not know what went on
during the weekend. Thus, we have to read their medication, investigation, and blood results before the
round. We normally memorize the information. We do not print because it wastes paper and ink. Thus,
sometimes it can cause error because the information is not physically there during the round.
(Respondent 7c)
Salahuddin et al. 427

However, some healthcare practitioners choose to printout the information from HIS for their
reference during the ward round, but HIS is still not used during those times. In this situation, the
printed paper may be misplaced, and consequently exposing the patient’s information to others. In
addition, notes are not entered immediately during the ward round. Therefore, it could result in
some missing information. Respondents explained this view as follows:

I have seen a lot of HO printing out the case notes before ward round so that they can keep it as reference
during the round. It is not right because it can end up anywhere. This is legal medical document because
patients’ information such as name, identification number, and notes are there. Let say you misplace it and
end up with someone else, things can go wrong. By right, it is the wrong thing to do, but then, a lot of
people are doing it because it saves time and is easier to keep as you cannot remember every single
patient’s story. (Respondent 5b)

We usually print the patients’ notes or view their record from the computer prior to the round. We do
not refer to the computer during the round. Instead, we write down their progress notes. Sometimes
we may forget to key in certain information because we do not update the notes immediately.
(Respondent 2c)

Some of the healthcare practitioners also sometimes write notes on the printout due to the rush
in ward round. The data entry for all patients will be done afterwards. Transcribing notes from
handwritten documents into the HIS is proven to double the healthcare practitioners’ work. A
respondent explained the view:

Sometimes we write notes on the printout. If it is not a rush round, we can see the patient and type the notes
there, but when it is too fast, you cannot. Therefore, you write down all the details and plan on a piece of
paper. Then, you sit down and submit the entry for everyone. It doubles the work. (Respondent 5c)

In addition, it was revealed that sometimes, discussion among doctors from different
departments regarding referral patients is done through HIS. The notes or plan is handed over
merely through documentation. Hence, verbal communication does not happen. Conversely, if
the referred doctor meets the corresponding doctor to verbally discuss about the case based on
the manual approach, the referred doctor immediately writes down the notes into a file after
the meeting. However, through HIS, the corresponding doctor only refers to the plan that is
sometimes submitted late on HIS. Respondents expressed this inference in the following way:

For example, if the patient is referred to a doctor from another department, the way of communication is
through HIS, if verbal communication does not occur. We depend on the plan or notes entered in HIS. We
have to wait until they enter the plan into the system. Sometimes when they are very busy, the data entry
could be pending until the evening. As a result, we receive the plan late in the evening. Otherwise,
sometimes the doctor will meet us to inform or discuss about the plan verbally. (Respondent 9a)

The communication is merely through documentation. Previously, we had our discussion verbally. Even
with the other department, it is just based on the referral letter. Unlike last time, the referred doctor
came to meet the related doctor to give feedback on the patient verbally then, they would write the notes
into a file. Currently, the referred doctor just attends to the patient then, enters the notes at any computer.
The related doctor waits for the notes to be entered into the system. Sometimes, the referred doctor
attends to the patients in the morning but only enters all the patients’ notes later, in one shot. Thus, the
related doctor can only view the notes in the evening. Unlike in the manual system in which the referred
doctor has to immediately write in the file before they leave. Less communication and errors can happen.
(Respondent 6c)
428 Health Informatics Journal 26(1)

Procedure noncompliance
For the best use of HIS, it is essential for healthcare practitioners to follow the appropriate HIS
procedure. The interview findings show that some healthcare practitioners shared their HIS login
account or used their colleague’s account. This will make it difficult to trace back to the responsible
person when problems occur if a healthcare practitioner let their colleague use their account.
Hence, it causes problem and delay to patient delivery. For instance, a pharmacist detects a wrong
medication order and confirms it with the doctor based on the logged account, but often times the
doctor would not admit the mistake. Respondents conveyed this view as follows:

It took long time to open the system. During the grand ward round, the round is done in group that involve
consultant, specialist, MO, and HO. Thus, the HO type in using his colleague account. Nevertheless, when
there is problem in the notes entry such as incomplete or wrong information, we cannot trace the HO who
done the entry. (Respondent 1b)

The main concern and issue in the hospital is that sometime doctors use other doctors’ HIS account. Let’s
say the doctor wrongly order a medication, the pharmacist will call the doctor based on the login account.
The doctor whose account is logged into will not admit that he is the person who made the order. It then,
causes problems and delays to patient delivery. (Respondent 10a)

Besides, a respondent stated that some specialists simply give their authorized account’s pass-
word to doctors for making order. However, it may turn out to be a problem if the doctors misuse
the password for other unrelated orders:

Some orders such as CT scan can only be ordered by the specialist. This results in delay as there is a
need to request for authorization from the specialist. Hence, some doctors are given the specialist’s
password. It becomes a problem when the doctors misuse the password for unethical purposes.
(Respondent 2b)

The respondents also pointed out the need to always immediately log out from HIS account to
avoid other healthcare practitioners from using it. Respondents expressed this view in the follow-
ing ways:

Make sure that we log out after each time we log in to the system. Often, we do not log out. Thus, others
can use our account to access HIS. (Respondent 3a)

We are so used to handling HIS, we straight away find a computer and type into it without actually realizing
that we are using someone else’s account. It is actually not good for both parties. (Respondent 5b)

Ignoring alert is another issue related to the noncompliance to procedure discovered from the
interviews. In most cases, healthcare practitioners tend to ignore the alert or do not read the alert
carefully because the alert frequently shows up and is always unnecessary. Respondents reported
this view as shown below:

There are too frequent and unnecessary alerts especially for the medication ordering. Some doctors tend
to ignore the message. (Respondent 8b)

We have many alerts regarding to the medication ordering because patients’ safety is more related to the
medication. We are so used to it and simply ignore it and tick at the box. (Respondent 12b)
Salahuddin et al. 429

Moreover, some healthcare practitioners tend to use inappropriate functions to perform a

particular task on HIS. For instance, a healthcare practitioner uses progress notes function to
enter new patients’ notes. However, in practice, healthcare practitioners actually have to enter
the new patient’s notes under clerking notes function, but they avoid using it because it is time-
consuming to enter lengthy information. This comment was made by respondents who stated

For new patient, the system requires us to fill in every detailed information in multiple pages which is time
consuming. Thus, I use progress notes function instead of clerking notes function even though it is for a
new patient. (Respondent 3b)

We have functions for clerking and entering progress notes. The entry has more details for the clerking
function than the progress notes. Thus, we interchange between clerking and progress notes entry. For the
rehab department, the examination is from head to toe. If we key in every detail under clerking notes, it
may take up to two hours and therefore, delaying the patient-care. (Respondent 2c)

Copy and paste habit

From the interviews, it was also revealed that the copy and paste habit contributes to the unsafe use
of HIS. Copying and pasting have become the habit and trend among HIS users. In this case,
respondents remarked that copy and paste is not a problem as long as healthcare practitioners
understand the case and do not copy and paste blindly, as shown below:

There are doctors who misuse the function by copy-pasting all the information. This is common. We can
copy and paste but we must understand the condition of the patient. If we do not understand, there will be
the same information being copied for a one-week progress. (Respondent 4a)

Copy paste is becoming a trend. In reality, you will definitely copy and paste. No one will key in from A to
Z because the problem is already summarized on HIS. The problem is that the new doctors will blindly
copy and paste. So, nothing new is updated or translated into the documentation. Copy and paste is fine,
but you have to do it wisely. (Respondent 9c)

Patients’ medical status may change after a long stay in the ward. However, some healthcare
practitioners do not update the initial progress according to the current status. They merely copy
the initial progress notes and simply add new progress notes to it. Eventually, other doctors who
refer to the notes may not understand it. A respondent expressed this by saying:

Copy and paste is a disadvantage of HIS when everyone does it blindly. Some people just copy and paste
the initial story and just add the current progress of the patient. However, the initial story can change
because for patients who stay longer in the ward, many things can happen to them. The minor things
should be changed, but they just copy and paste from the previous ones making you unable to understand
because you see different patient every time. (Respondent 5b)

A respondent also highlighted that copy and paste without updating the necessary information
could result in lengthy documents:

Copy and paste has become a habit. However, copy and paste is very dangerous. The nurses merely copy-
paste and add their own notes at the bottom. In fact, they can edit the copied information at top. This
results in lengthy documentation. (Respondent 6c)
430 Health Informatics Journal 26(1)

The act of copying and pasting blindly without double-checking the information may repeat the
error done by others. This implication was highlighted by a respondent below:

Most of the doctors copy and paste the information from others. The information typed previously may not
all be correct. If the doctors merely copy and paste without double checking the information, the mistake
will be repeated. (Respondent 8b)

The qualitative study had successfully identified the significant healthcare practitioner behaviours
in adopting HIS that possibly affect patient safety and quality of care. The unsafe behaviours
include carelessness, workarounds, noncompliance to procedure, and copy and paste habit. The
themes are consistent to the systematic literature review carried out by Salahuddin et al.6 It is
important to note that vigilance is able to prevent mistake while using HIS. Wrongs in patient’s
record, data entry, selection from dropdown menus, and file uploads were the most commonly
reported mistakes that led to clinical errors such as assigning the wrong dose and wrong instruc-
tions.5,11 Similar to Ash et al.12 study, carelessness resulted in healthcare practitioners to inadvert-
ently click on the wrong item and misspelling when performing data entry. Selection errors were
found to be the most frequent errors in using HIT, especially electronic prescribing.13,14 Healthcare
practitioners did not perform any confirmation on the default value or forgot to delete or change
auto-populated information that may cause patients to receive wrong medication dosage. The
healthcare practitioners did not double-check and, subsequently, commit errors due to performing
tasks urgently to meet the organizational demand as well as the time pressure. There is also a pos-
sibility for healthcare practitioners to forget to enter the patients’ notes.
The workarounds are associated with memorizing or writing down notes before transcrib-
ing them into HIS, writing notes on HIS printout, and completely relying on HIS for informa-
tion handover. In accordance with the findings of Or et al.,15 healthcare practitioners wrote
down all related data on paper and re-transcribed the data into the system later due to incon-
venient access of the system at the patients’ bedside. Occasionally, the healthcare practitioners
were unable to recall some of the details when entering the data into the system as well as
having delayed data entry. Niazkhani et al.16 identified that lack of mobile computer devices,
time-consuming process of order entry, busy work schedules of physicians, and lack of ade-
quate coordination between team members were the factors of workarounds. The workarounds
resulted in physicians relying merely on their memory, handwritten notes prior to transcribing
into HIT, and delayed order entry. Reliance on memory resulted in healthcare practitioners not
recording necessary information in the system or recording a wrong medication dose, unit,
administration route, or schedule into the system.5 Moreover, very similar to Saleem et al.’s17
study, healthcare practitioners used the printout of information from HIS for their reference
and also wrote notes on the printout to make up for the restraints of the HIT implementation.
Workarounds manifested when HIT failed to support physicians in their work.18 Our qualita-
tive data indicates that the workarounds can cause undesirable negative effects on patient
safety and quality of care.
Simply by using others’ HIS account, the habit of not logging off, ignoring alert, and using
inappropriate function, these acts can be identified as misconducts of the working procedure.
Login and alert features are the primary designed for safety purposes. However, healthcare prac-
titioners may get annoyed with these features and, consequently, bypass these features when they
are poorly integrated with their workflow. Wentzer et al.19 revealed that time-consuming login
procedure and systems did not adequately support the mutual dependencies of physicians and
Salahuddin et al. 431

nurses’ workflow, which had led some of the physicians to share their login account with nurses.
Besides that, many healthcare practitioners used other healthcare practitioners’ accounts that are
already logged in during previous sessions instead of using their own account when attending to
the urgency in providing medical care due to a time-consuming login procedure.20,21 Moreover,
the pop-up alerts call for healthcare practitioners’ attention to carefully consider whether a pro-
cess could be harmful. The sheer numbers of alerts, inconsequential alerts, and the way these
alerts are designed have influenced the way healthcare practitioners respond to alerts.22
Practitioners distracted by too much irrelevance alerts may ignored the alerts. This sometimes
causes an important alert to be missed, which potentially can endanger patient’s safety.20,23
Misconduct of the working procedure may indicate that the procedures to perform tasks using
HIT were lacking, impractical, or poorly understood.24
In addition, the copy and paste habit may result in errors, outdated information, and lengthy
documents. Similarly, copy and paste habit issues have been addressed in a study carried out by
Holden,25 who reported that copied and pasted notes do not provide new information, contain
redundant copy-pasted information, and made it difficult to know what colleagues were thinking
because notes became less meaningful. Hence, copy and paste reduced the quality of notes entry.
Aita and Belvedere26 revealed that a new prescription order generated as copy of previous prescrip-
tion resulted in errors of over/under dosage, due to failure in updating the dose. Therefore, the copy
and paste habit becomes a constraint in the implementation of HIS by posing risks to the safety and
quality of patient care. In a more recent study, Tsou et al.27 showed that 66 per cent to 90 per cent
of clinicians regularly use copy and paste. Copy and paste can cause internal inconsistencies, error
proliferation, and documentation in the wrong patient chart.
The results from this study are valuable for providing in-depth knowledge of how healthcare
practitioner behaviours can influence patient safety and quality of care. However, this finding is
characterized by a number of limitations, which need to be considered when interpreting this work.
The qualitative data is only from the viewpoint of doctors. Other groups of HIS users, for example,
nurses and pharmacists were not considered in this study. Their inclusion may provide broader and
more in-depth information to the study. Besides, the findings of this study are purely based on the
views of HIS users. No hospital records or evidence of safe practices or patient outcomes was
investigated in this study. A combination of observation and document review analysis are sug-
gested for future study to gain in-depth understanding and stronger evidence concerning the health-
care practitioner behaviours towards safe HIS use.

This study provides important practical examples of how healthcare practitioner behaviours could
result in unintended consequences of the HIS. The findings of this study help illuminate current
challenges to the HIS implementation and provide a platform to better design HIS that is integrated
with clinical needs and workflow to support healthcare practitioners in the delivery of quality and
safe patient care. Moreover, insights into these contextual issues can help healthcare organizations,
healthcare practitioners, and HIS implementers to understand the in-situ operation of HIS in its
usage context, and help to design strategies to lessen the number of unsafe HIS adoption and their
possible negative consequences.

The authors would like to thank the 31 medical doctors who gave their time to participate in the interviews
and the officers of the clinical research centres for their assistance in conducting the interviews.
432 Health Informatics Journal 26(1)

Declaration of conflicting interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publi-
cation of this article.

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publica-
tion of this article: This work was supported by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and the
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia.

Lizawati Salahuddin

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Appendix 1
Interview guide
Date: ___________   Participant Code Number: __________
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview. Your experience and opinions are
very important to us. Your participation will help us understand health practitioner behaviours
that influence safe hospital information systems (HIS) use. The interview is being recorded so
that we can fully capture your thoughts on this topic. However, your opinion is confidential,
and your name or the name of your organizations will not be used in reporting findings of the
study. Thank you for giving us this time. Do you have questions before we begin?

Opening questions
Tell us your name and tell us how long you have been working with HIS in this hospital?

Introductory questions
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase of ‘safe use of HIS’? What do
you understand by ‘safe use of HIS’?
We define safe use of HIS as the prevention of errors, accidental patients harm and adverse
events within the care process from the use of HIS.
434 Health Informatics Journal 26(1)

Transition questions
Think back to the way you use HIS to support your task, consisting of all activities such as view,
enter, update, documenting and other operations, to what extent do you involve?

Key questions
1. In working with information processing using HIS, what must you do to ensure safe use of
2. How do you think the behaviour or manner of using HIS affects the quality of care and
patient safety?
3. Can all the identified behaviours of using HIS here influence quality of care and patient
safety? How do they influence the safe use of HIS?
|| Procedure compliance

|| Workarounds

|| Vigilance

4. What are the other behaviours of using HIS towards safe use of HIS?

Final questions
1. Did I correctly describe what was said?
2. Have we missed anything? Is there anything that we should have talked about but didn’t?

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