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The key takeaways are that the reading task relates to an assignment on employee turnover and productivity. It requires students to annotate the text, write a summary, evaluation, and identify vocabulary. It will be evaluated on annotating the text, linking ideas, summarizing, evaluating, using vocabulary, and following Harvard referencing style.

The reading task requires students to read a text related to a subject assignment, and provide details of the assignment. It also requires annotations of the text, a summary, evaluation, and identification of 10 relevant vocabulary words or phrases with definitions.

The reading task will be evaluated based on the quality of annotations, links made within the text and to other materials, the summary, evaluation, use of vocabulary, and correct use of Harvard referencing style.

EAP Syllabus 18/19



2018 - 2019




Task Title
With reference to your studies and with the aid of appropriate

Discuss the consequences for BEM of employee absences and increased

labour turnover and recommend how Rob Hesketh could improve employee
productivity. You should make reference to relevant theories to support
your recommendation.

Link to the Reading Text 

Entire article 


Weighting 50% of reading grade

12.5% of overall EAP grade

Task You will be given a text by your teacher which links to a subject
description assignment. You need to read the text and complete the following:
1. Assignment
Give full details of the assignment the reading relates to:
subject, full assignment title, length of assignment.

If you omit to include this information or the information you

provide is incomplete, your assignment cannot be marked. It
will be returned to you. You will have to submit it again, and a
late submission penalty will be applied.
2. Reading Annotations
Identify the sections of the text and the key points which are relevant
to the assignment/proposal and make annotations by adding notes
and/or questions and making links between ideas within the text and
with other work you have read on the topic of your
assignment/proposal. These will show your degree of engagement
with the text. You must submit the annotated text together with your

3. Summary
 Provide the reference for the text in Harvard style. You
must use the Harvard style specified in Pears and
Shields’ referencing guide Cite Them Right. Your teacher
will provide full details.
 Produce a summary (300-400 words) of the sections of
the text which are relevant to the assignment task, and
which accurately paraphrases key points and
supporting evidence.

You must provide the word count for the summary.

4. Evaluation
Write a critical discussion (250-350 words) of the value of the text
in relation to the assignment. Here, you will need to
A) explain how the text content relates to the assignment and
B) critically evaluate the text in relation to the assignment by

(a) explaining the extent to which the ideas in the text are
relevant to the subject assignment; it is not enough to say
‘very relevant’ or ‘not relevant’ – you need to give reasons;
(b) evaluating the intrinsic trustworthiness of the source;
(c) assessing the significance of the author and the
currency/timeliness of the text;
(d) evaluating if the author has considered different points
of view, not just his/her own, or if the texts is biased in
any way.
If any of these aspects is not relevant, your evaluation should
explain why this is the case.
You must provide the word count for the evaluation.
EAP Syllabus 18/19

5. Vocabulary
 As you read, identify key vocabulary (words and phrases) in the
 Select 10 items (words or phrases) which you think will be useful
for your studies and are directly related to the topic of your
assignment/proposal or the subject area.
 Prepare a record of the 10 words/phrases, including, as a
minimum, the following information: headword, pronunciation,
grammatical structure and/or sample sentence to show how the
word is used, definition in English, meaning in your own
language. You may also provide other information you find useful.
However, do not copy entire dictionary entries. Choose the
meaning that is
relevant in the context where you have encountered the word and
include only information that will help you to learn the
word/expression and use it accurately.
 Use the words/phrases in your list in the summary – they should
be bold or underlined). If you do not use any of the words from
your list, you should give a short explanation of why this was not

Make sure you have completed each of the five tasks and use the
headings above to identify each one.

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EAP Syllabus 18/19
Student’s name Student ID



Annotations Summary & Evaluation Vocabulary
20% 30% 30% 20%
A* • Annotations identify  The summary is • Very high levels of  10 words are listed.
80+% all of the key points highly relevant to the critical evaluation are • All the words/ phrases
highly effectively. question. demonstrated. selected are highly
• Highly effective links • Language is • All aspects of the relevant to
are made between sophisticated and text are discussed assignment/subject
highly accurate. area.
ideas in the text. fully: relevance to
• Paraphrasing is used  All records are highly
 Highly effective question/trust-
links made with highly effectively. accurate.
other work(s) on  The majority of the • Recording methods are
words from the significance entirely clear and
the topic. of author &
selected vocabulary highly effective.
are used. timeliness/bias.
 The words from the  Language is
vocabulary task are sophisticated and
used highly highly accurate.
effectively.  Evaluation is within
 Harvard style is the word limit.
 Summary is within
the word limit.

A • Annotations identify  The summary is very • High levels of critical  10 words are listed.
70- the majority of the relevant to the evaluation are • All the words/ phrases
79% key points question. demonstrated. selected are relevant
effectively. • Language is complex  Language is complex to assignment/subject
• Effective links are and accurate. and accurate. area.
• Paraphrasing is used • All aspects of the  All records are
made between
very effectively. text are discussed; accurate.
ideas in the text.
 Many of the words minor details could • Recording methods are
 Effective links are
from the selected be added in some very clear and
made with other
vocabulary are used. areas: relevance to effective.
work(s) on the
 The words from the question/trust-
vocabulary task are worthiness/
used very effectively. significance of author
 Harvard style is used & timeliness/bias.
with few minor  Evaluation is within
errors. the word limit.
 Summary is within
the word limit.

B • Annotations identify  The summary is • Good critical  10 words are listed.

60- several of the key relevant to the evaluation is • The majority of
69% points quite well. question. demonstrated. words/phrases
• Good links are made  Language is mainly  Language is mainly selected are relevant
between ideas in accurate and has accurate and has to assignment/subject
some complexity. some complexity. area.
the text.
• Paraphrasing is used • All aspects of the text  Minor inaccuracies in
• Good links are made effectively. are discussed, but few records.
with other work(s)  Several of the words • Recording methods are
some more fully than
on the topic. from the selected others: relevance to clear and very helpful.
vocabulary are used. question/trust-
 The words from the worthiness/
vocabulary task are significance of author
used effectively. & timeliness/bias.
 Harvard style is used  Evaluation is within
with some minor the word limit.
 Summary is within
the word limit.

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EAP Syllabus 18/19
C • Annotations identify  The summary is • Some critical  10 words are listed.
50- some of the key adequate in relation evaluation is • Several of the
59% points to some to the question. demonstrated. words/phrases
effect.  Language is not  Language is not selected are relevant
• Some links are always accurate with always accurate with to assignment/subject
complex language area.
made between complex language
limited/less accurate.  Inaccuracies in some
ideas in the text. limited/less accurate.
 Paraphrasing is used records.
• Some links are • Most aspects of the
adequately. • Recording methods
made with other text are discussed:
 Some of the words are not entirely clear,
work(s) on the relevance to
from the selected but are helpful.
topic. question/trust-
vocabulary are used.
 The words from the worthiness/
vocabulary task are significance of author
used to some effect. & timeliness/bias.
 Harvard style is used  Evaluation is slightly
with some errors. over/under the word
 Summary is slightly limit.
over/under the word

D • Annotations identify  The summary is • Limited critical • 8-9 words are listed.
40- a limited amount of limited in relation to evaluation is • Some of the
49% the key points. the question. demonstrated. words/phrases
• Few links are made  Language lacks  Language lacks selected are not
between ideas in accuracy, with accuracy, with relevant to
the text. complex language complex language assignment/subject
• Few links are made very limited/mostly very limited/mostly
with other work(s) inaccurate. inaccurate.
 Inaccuracies in many
on the topic.  Paraphrasing is • Some aspects of the
attempted, but there text are discussed:
• Recording methods are
is over-reliance on relevance to
not clear or helpful.
materials from the question/trust-
text. worthiness/
 Few words from the significance of author
selected vocabulary & timeliness/bias.
are used.  Evaluation is
 The words from the somewhat
vocabulary task are over/under the word
often inappropriate limit.
and/or inaccurate.
 Harvard style is
used, but with
 Summary is
over/under the word

E  Annotations identify  The summary is very  Very limited critical • 6–7 words are listed.
35- very few of the key limited in relation to evaluation is • Many of the
39% points. the question. demonstrated. words/phrases
• Few limited links are • Basic language  Basic language selected are
made between dominates and may dominates and may irrelevant to
ideas in the text. be inaccurate. be inaccurate. assignment/subject
• Few limited links are  Paraphrasing is  Few aspects of the
made with other inadequate as there text are discussed:
 Inaccuracies in most
work(s) on the is a lot of material relevance to
copied from the text. question/trust-
topic. • Recording methods are
 Very few of the worthiness/
words from the significance of author confusing.
selected vocabulary & timeliness/bias.
used.  Evaluation is
 The words from the considerably
vocabulary task are over/under the word
inappropriate and/or limit.
 Harvard style is
attempted but is
barely recognisable.
 Summary is
over/under the word

© 2018 Northern Consortium UK Ltd. Page 5 of 6

U  Annotations are  The summary barely • Inadequate critical • 5 words or fewer are
0– unhelpful. relates to the evaluation is listed.
34% • Very few limited question. demonstrated. • Most words/phrases
links are made • Basic language  Basic language are irrelevant to
between ides in the dominates and dominates and assignment/subject
text. inaccuracies prevail. inaccuracies prevail. area.
• Very few limited  Paraphrasing is • Very few aspects of  Inaccuracies are
links are made with inadequate; most of the text are overwhelming.
other work(s) on the summary is discussed: relevance • Recording methods are
the topic. copied from the text. to question/trust-
 No words from the inadequate.
selected vocabulary significance of author
are used. & timeliness/bias.
 Harvard style is not  Evaluation is very
used. considerably
 Summary is very over/under the word
considerably limit.
over/under the word

* The relevant criteria must be highlighted by the marker(s).

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