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Weekend, Jan. 19-20, 2019 THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE SINCE 1865

In God,
whose word
I praise, in
God I trust;
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Two killed in Wednesday night triple shooting

Darryl Welch

Police charged a Covington man with murder in a

Wednesday night triple shooting that left his wife and step-
daughter dead and the stepdaughter’s boyfriend wounded.
According to a press release from Covington Police De-
partment Public Information Officer Justin Stott, officers
responded to a report of gunshots at 3124 Usher Street
around 9:00 p.m. Jan. 16 and arrested 37-year-old Cedric
Bernard Cook outside of his home without incident after
he walked out of some nearby woods and admitted his in-
Inside the wood frame house just west of downtown
police found 41-year-oldTijuana Cook and her daughter
23-year-old Michelle Olivia Dickerson dead from gunshot
Theodore Betton, described as Dickerson’s boyfriend,
was outside of the house shot in the abdomen and arm. He
was life-flighted to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta.
Stott described the incident as “domestic related that es-
calated into shots being fired.”
Cook made his first appearance before a judge on the
murder charges Friday morning at the Newton County Jail.
He listened as Magistrate Judge Melanie Bell explained
his rights and read a list of charges that include two counts
Darryl Welch | The Covington News
See HOMICIDE, XX Cook consults with Jennifer Arndt, chief assistant public defender, Friday.

Covington Chick-fil-A
to start construction on
new location Monday
Jackie Gutknecht

Construction will begin Monday, Jan. 21 on a bigger and better

location of the Covington Chick-fil-A, according to a statement
provided by Callie Bowers, of CP Communications.
The new location will be at 4102 Highway 278, which is less
than a mile away from its current Newton Plaza restaurant.
The new location is "tentatively scheduled to open early this
summer," Bowers said.
It will be on a larger site to allow for increased square footage,
seats, parking spots and drive-thru, she said.
Bowers said the Newton Plaza location will close and details
about what will happen to the building are not presently avail-
There should be minimal downtime once construction is com-
plete to transition into the new store.
Darryl Welch | The Covington News
Denny Dobbs, second from right, accepts the 2019 R.O. Arnold Award Thursday night as part of the Covington/Newton County
Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. SEE MORE PHOTOS ON 3A.

Chamber hosts annual meeting

and awards dinner
Darryl Welch High Priority Plumbing and Ser- award went to Lasting Impressions’ vices was awarded the 2018 Dick Gary Steele and Denny M. Dobbs
James Small Business of the Year and was presented with the 2018 R.O.
The Covington/Newton Chamber Nisshinbo Automotive Manufactur- Arnold Award.
of Commerce hosted its 2019 An- ing received the award for the 2018 Outgoing Board of Directors
nual Meeting and Awards Dinner Deal of the Year. Walden Restaurant Chairman Thomas Kephart of Unit-
Thursday night at the Charlie Elliott received the 2018 Emerging Busi- ed Bank passed the ceremonial gavel Darryl Welch | The Covington News
Wildlife Center. ness award. to incoming Chairman Corey Con- The Newton Plaza Chick-fil-A location will close later this year, as
The 2018 Spirit of Excellence suegra of Arcus Hunting. construction is set to start Monday on a new location for the fast
food chain.

Public safety shortages leading to high overtime spending

Darryl Welch for the whole year during fall on public safety,” she Newton County Fire Ser- budget problem,” she said. Newton County is currently the first 11 pay periods of said. “Due to their number vices has spent $123,239.20 Cross said the county is down a combined 83 fire-
FY 2019. of vacant positions they are of its budgeted $249,200 so in the process of preparing fighters, deputies and de-
Shortages in the ranks District 3 Commissioner often having to use over- far. a mid-year budget analysis tention officers.
of Newton County pub- Nancy Schulz questioned time to fill their staffs.” In an email, Cross said that will include an analysis In an email to The Cov-
lic safety personnel have the high overtime expendi- So far this budget year, public safety overtime is ex- of budget and overtime. ington News, Sheriff Ezell
nearly drained the county’s ture. the Newton County Jail has pected and should not cre- “This mid-year analysis Brown said his department
overtime budget before the “Why are we spending so used $349,826.71 in over- ate any budget problems for will be complete and pre- is still recovering from
fiscal year is half over. much on overtime to this time to maintain staffing. the county. sented at the Feb. 5 meeting. staffing shortages caused
According to numbers point? I mean, we’re at 99 Keeping deputies on the “Public Safety has bud- If we perceive an issue and by the economic downturn
presented to the Newton percent,” she said. road has required an ex- geted for overtime and if/ see the need for additional at the end of the last decade
County Board of Com- County Finance Director penditure of $372,373.89 when they exceed that bud- funding or amendments, we and county budget cuts.
missioners at its Jan. 8 Nicole Cross told Schulz the in overtime. Both divisions get they are normally able will present at that time,” “We are still struggling
meeting, the county spent overtime is due to public were budgeted $300,000 to fund from the open po- she said. from the downturn of the
$889,221.66 - or 99 percent safety personnel shortages. each for overtime in the sition salary savings. We According to its Human
- of its budgeted overtime “Generally, that would current county budget. currently do not expect a Resources department, See OVERTIME, XX

Vol. 154, No. 3 $1


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2A| Weekend, Jan. 19-20, 2019 local THE COVINGTON NEWS

KIWANIS KORNER Has the mail run?

This Sunday, the price of
mailing a letter goes up a whole
nickel, from 50 to 55 cents. I
remember the national outcry
when it went up a penny, from
five to six cents. “I’ll just drive
down to the bank to pay my
light bill, this is ridiculous,”
some folks said. But eventually David Carroll
the shock wore off, and a few COLUMNIST
dozen rate hikes later, we still
use the mail, at least now and then.
Remember when you looked forward to going to the
mailbox? What wondrous envelope would be awaiting
you? A letter from a loved one? It could be air mail
from overseas, or just from across town, sealed with a
kiss. Every day, the questions were the same: “Has the
mail run?” “I don’t know, is the flag up?”
There was the occasional free sample. When I was a
teen, Carnation sent a sample of “Instant Breakfast.” It
was a packet of chocolate powder. Mix it up with milk,
and voila! It became breakfast. For a kid always in dan-
ger of missing the school bus, this was a godsend. I still
drink it today. I’d say Carnation recouped its free sam-
ple investment a few thousand times over at my house.
I also used to send off for autographed pictures. My
fifth grade teacher, in an effort to teach us how to write
letters and address envelopes, had us send requests to
TV stars in Hollywood. A few days later, I would sprint
to the mailbox for my 8 x 10 glossy of the Monkees,
Gilligan, or Barbara Eden (Jeannie!).
Perhaps my all-time favorite was a personally ad-
dressed and autographed (“To David”) picture of Ken
Submitted | The Covington News Berry, who then starred in “F Troop.” This was no rub-
Ferst Readers “strengthens entire communities by providing children and their families with quality books and useful literacy ber-stamped signature. It was just for me. When Mr.
resources at home during the earliest and most critical stage of development.” Ferst Readers wants every child to have the best Berry passed away a few weeks ago, I found that photo
start in life - and nothing helps a baby’s brain develop more than exposure to rich language and loving interactions. The key is in my stack of memories. I wonder how many other
having books in the home and being read to - right from birth. kids felt special, just because this man took a minute
Why is this program important? According to the Ferst Readers,
• 61 percent of low-income families do not have a single book suitable for a child.
out of his day. As I read his obituary, I noticed that
• The single most significant factor influencing a child’s early educational success is an introduction to books and being read to Carol Burnett called him the nicest guy in show busi-
at home prior to beginning school. ness. I bet she’s right.
• Children who have not already developed some basic literacy practices when they enter school are three to four times more Yes, mail was once a lovely thing. It was an efficient
likely to drop out in later years. way to receive and pay bills, but it was also our win-
Thanks to a partnership with Ferst Readers and Piedmont Newton Hospital, Kiwanis Club of Covington has sponsored our first dow to the world. Pre-television, it brought us colorful
20 Ferst Readers! Our club will support these 20 babies for the first five years of their life with a book a month.
magazines with pictures of places we could never af-
ford to visit. Before the internet, the mail carrier deliv-
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ered weekly news magazines that documented history
as it was being made. Our daily newspapers had told
The Covington News, there is no way his equipment bid ing equipment manufacturer and do us what happened in Washington, but the magazines
It is blatantly obvious we do not can compete because it is not com- the upgrade.” If we dont then I would were special. Their writers were given a few extra days
need to spend this money on a con- patible with what we already have. suppose the ‘engineer’ will tell us we to think about it. They would tell us why it happened.
sultant. Put it towards the upgrade. This is supposed to be simply “An have to change the bid specifications Of course, like everything else good, somebody
This whole mess evolves around the Upgrade”! The only reason we are to “Give the other bidder an equal op- found a way to mess up the mail. Before people got
allegation that the Sheriff has an em- having to do this is because the BOC portunity to bid”. That would mean bold enough to steal directly from your mailbox, they
ployee who also works for a company who purchased the equipment in the starting over and costing the taxpay- devised ways to rip you off with a letter and a stamp.
who sells equipment in competition first place would not spend the mon- ers millions in unnecessary cost. This Fake preachers would send authentic looking “hand-
with the equipment we already have. ey necessary to do it right. This entire is a total no brainer. written” letters to elderly people, promising them eter-
HE WANTS TO MAKE A BUNDLE situation, based on pure logic, has Samuel M. Hay, III nal life in exchange for their monthly check. I knew
ON THE EQUIPMENT SALE. But only one solution. “Go with the exist- Covington a few people who fell victim to this scam, and it still
angers me today.
Then there are the so-called “legitimate” mailings. I
was once a customer of a certain cable TV and inter-
net provider, which is widely criticized for having the
worst customer service ever known to man. I firmly
believe the technical help calls shaved several years off
my life. I was forced to speak to a guy named “Ricky”
who had just learned English, well….never. This, after
waiting on hold long enough to watch seasons change.
I finally came to my senses, and found another pro-
vider. I would say it was the best decision I ever made,
but my wife would be offended, so I’ll rank it at number
Since I pulled the plug on that company, you can
probably guess what has been in my mailbox almost ev-
ery day. Yep, stacks of their promotional mailings, each
offering me huge discounts and amazing incentives if I
agree to re-sign with them. I grieve for the trees that
have been sacrificed, just to send me the mountains
of paper that clog my recycling container each week.
Laid end to end, the mailers I have received from them
would surely reach “Ricky” in India.
I have never responded. To be honest, before I would
ever do business with them again, I would swear off
television entirely. They could offer me every basic
and premium channel for free, and even arrange to
have the Atlanta Braves play in my front yard, and I
Submitted | The Covington News would still say no.
Every year, Kel-Mac Saddle Club donates money raised from its volunteer-run horse shows. For 2018, the recipients included the If I ever do respond, this is what I will say: “If you
Georgia Equine Rescue League, the Morgan County Sherriff’s Empty Stocking Fund and the equestrian facilities of State & County had paid this much attention to me when I was your
Parks such as A. H. Stephens, Hard Labor Creek and Watson Mill Bridge and Heritage Park. Celebrating 43 years, it is estimated that customer, I would have never left!”
Kel-Mac Saddle Club has donated at least $150,000 back to the community since its inception. Funds are raised through 4 horse
shows each year and are open to equestrians of all ages and levels of experience. Classes include hunter/jumper, western, gaited,
David Carroll, a Chattanooga news anchor, is the au-
trail obstacles, halter/showmanship, beginner, open, costume contests and much more! Come join the fun! Mark your calendars for thor of “Volunteer Bama Dawg,” a collection of his best
the Saturdays of April 6, May 11, Sept. 21 and Oct. 12 at the Morgan County Agricultural Center, 2380 Athens Hwy (441), Madison, stories. You may contact him at 900 Whitehall Road,
GA 30650. For more info go to Facebook, or call Susie at 706-342-3775. Chattanooga, TN 37405 or


Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 21-2-131(a)(1)(A) notice is hereby given
that on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 2019, a City
Election will be held at Porterdale City Hall, 2800 Main Street,
Working but having a hard time getting ahead Porterdale, Newton County, GA 30070 for the election to fill
because of high rent? Mayor, City Council Post 1, and City Council Post 2.
Affordable workforce housing is available. A Qualifying Fee for the Mayor seat is $144.00 and the
Households with income as high as $50k may qualify. Qualifying Fee for City Council Post 1 and City Council Post 2
December 17, 2018 is $72.00. Qualifying will be held at Porterdale City Hall, 2800
The Housing Authority of the City of Covington will be accepting Main Street, Porterdale, Newton County, GA. The Qualifying
applications for 1 through 5 bedrooms units from March 12, 2019
through March 28, 2019. Approved applications will be placed on
dates are Monday, August 19, 2019 thru Friday, August 23,
our waiting list. 2019, beginning at 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. O.C.G.A.
Application packages are available at 5160 Alcovy Road, Covington, 21-2-132(c)(3) & SB199
GA 30014 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday thru Thursday and 8:00 The last day a person may register and be eligible to vote in
am -12:00 noon on Friday or online anytime at www.COVHA.COM.
the City Election is October 7, 2019 O.C.G.A. 21-2-224(b)(2).
Please review the application package for full details, instructions
and information. The polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am until 7:00
pm. If there is a need for a runoff election, the date of this
This is an Equal Housing Opportunity to all persons, regardless of
race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin. election will be December 3, 2019 O.C.G.A. 21-2-501(a)(4).
THE COVINGTON NEWS local Weekend, Jan. 19-20, 2019 |3A

Darryl Welch | The Covington News

Above: Outgoing board of directors chairman Thomas Kephart passes the gavel to new
chairman Corey Consuegra. Below: A sold out crowd joins together Thursday evening at Charlie
Elliott Wildlife Center for the chamber’s annual meeting.

Darryl Welch | The Covington News

Representatives from the public defender’s office and
district attorney’s office join Friday morning for the
first appearance of Cedric Cook in front of Magistrate
Judge Melanie Bell.
Cook was no stranger to law enforce-
HOMICIDE ment in Newton County. According to the
sheriff ’s office website, prior to Wednes-
FROM 1A day’s shooting he had been booked into the
county jail 12 times since 1998.
of murder, two counts of aggravated as- He has also served prison time at the state
sault, possession of a firearm by a convict- level, according to the Georgia Department
ed felon and possession of a firearm during of Corrections website.
the commission of a crime. The killings are the first in the City of
Judge Bell advised Cook that a bond on Covington since 2017.
his murder charges will be have to be set in Editor and Publisher Jackie Gutknecht
Superior Court. contributed to this report.

OVERTIME corner.
“As we look back from
recruits but is now down to
FROM 1A 2017 up unto 2018 prior to Conner also pointed out
receiving our pay increase, that 21 of the 34 vacant
the workforce is beginning positions currently in his
economy back in 2010 and to stabilize,” he said, “The department are positions
the significant cuts and lay- trend of resignations has created to staff the county’s
offs made to prior budgets,” decreased within the past as yet to be built fire station
he said. “Since our salary year and a half. There have 8 and a new piece of equip-
rate has increased, I believe been some to leave and re- ment being purchased.
we are on the right track.” turn after the increase was Prior to a round of raises
Brown said the overtime implemented.” implemented by the county
is necessary right now to Fire Chief Michael Con- in its FY 2018 budget the
make sure his department ner said his department starting pay range for dep-
can keep the county safe. uses overtime only if it’s uties was $14.43 to $14.94
"Our responsibility is to necessary to staff trucks per hour. It is now $36,971
maintain an adequate num- when the number of fire- for a deputy trainee and
ber of personnel to ensure

fighters on duty falls below $39,439 for a deputy sheriff.
we carry out our fundamen- minimum levels. Fire recruits start at $32,034
tal duties," he said, "That is He said the current min- with a certified firefighter/
to serve and protect the imum staffing levels for EMT making $36,971 and
persons and property, to in- NCFS are 15 personnel for $41,907 as a paramedic.
clude those visiting and in- each of its three shifts with Commissioners began

carcerated in the jails." two firefighters assigned to raising salaries for all coun-
Brown said he believes each of the county’s 7 fire ty employees and especial-
the number of employees apparatuses and one bat- ly first responders in the
leaving has slowed citing talion chief. The National 2018 county budget after
only six separations - two in Fire Protection Association low wages were seen to be a
law enforcement and four recommends six firefighters detriment to recruiting and
in detention- over the last per apparatus with mini- retaining qualified employ-
four months. But he indi- mum of four per truck. ees.
cated that recruiting new And like the sheriff ’s of- Brown said that unlike
deputies is getting harder.
“With everything that’s
happening around law en-
fice, Conner said his de-
partment is having trouble
finding recruits.
other county departments,
public safety is a 24-hour
operation with no days off.
forcement, from salaries to “We just can’t find people “Whereas, other depart-
criticism, the question that
many are asking, ‘Is it worth
who what to be a firefight- ments in the county close OPEN 8 AM - 10 PM
er,” he said. down at 5:00 p.m., week-
it?’” he said. “The lifestyle is In addition to a lack of ends and holidays, public
difficult for a lot of people
and it is not an 8 a.m. to
applicants, Conner said that safety work continues on BIG 20% OFF EVENT*
5 p.m. job with weekends
off. With the younger gen-
the physical and academic
rigors of the fire academy
24 hours, 7 days per week,
365 day a year and does not Rewards SATURDAY JANUARY 19, 8 AM-10 PM
and EMT class cause his have the leisure of cutting Just use your rewards card at checkout.
eration, most are seeking a department to lose about off at the end of a shift if Not a BIG Rewards member yet? Sign up today and start saving. Ask an associate for more details.
work-life balance and flex- a third of its recruits once they’re on a call or calls to
ibility. But we work nights, they are hired and in train- be answered,” he said.

holidays, weekends, 24 ing. According to numbers

hours and operate 365 days He said the current fire provided by the finance de-
a year.” academy class, slated to partment, Newton Coun-
Brown also said he be- graduate at the end of the ty spent $2,057,763.04 in
lieves staffing for his de- month, started out with 20 overtime during FY 2018.
partment has turned the


Pursuant to O.C.G.A § 21-2-131 (a) (1)(A) notice is hereby given
that on Tuesday, November 5th, 2019, a General Election will be
held at Newborn Town Hall, 4224 Hwy 142, Newborn, Georgia for NOW ALSO BUY ONLINE! Discount Automatically Applied at Checkout.
*Promotional offer valid only at Big Lots stores and on pre-tax purchases. Limit one coupon per
the election of Council persons to fill Post 1 and 2 (4 year term). customer, per transaction. This offer does not apply to shipping charges, BIG! Delivery charges, previous
transactions, price holds, non-purchases such as rentals, deposits, charitable donations, purchases of milk,
Qualifying fees have been set at $25.00 for each Council Post. dairy products, eggs and/or purchases of gift cards. May not be used in combination with any other offer,
coupon, discount or associate discounts, but may be combined with Rewards. Value is forfeited if item is
Qualifying will be held at Newborn Town Hall, 4224 Hwy 142. returned. By attempting to redeem this offer, user unconditionally agrees that decisions of Big Lots are final
on all matters of interpretation, fact and procedure with respect to this offer. Valid only on in stock goods
Council Post 1 (4 year term) - $25.00 (including special orders). Void where prohibited. No cash value or cash back. Coupon may not be sold.
For Rewards members, online offer valid 1/19/2019 @ 12:00 am EST until 11:59 pm EST only. To redeem
Council Post 2 (4 year term) - $25.00 online, sign in to Rewards account before checkout, and offer will be automatically applied. For Rewards
members, in store offer valid all day 1/19/2019 open until close. To redeem in store, present Rewards card
To quality for the above offices a Declaration of Candidacy must at checkout. For all customers, online offer valid 1/20/2019 @ 12:00 am
EST until 11:59 pm PST. Online discount automatically applied at checkout.
be filed in the office of the Town of Newborn no earlier than 8:30 For all customers, in store offer valid all day 1/20/2019 open until close.
To redeem in store, present coupon to cashier at checkout. Sunday early
A.M. on Monday, August 19th, 2019 and no later than 4:30 P.M. open excludes Saraland, AL and Bismarck, ND stores.
on Wednesday, August 21st, 2019.
_____ /s/ ______
Elisa Rowe, Town Clerk
weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 | 4A

NCSO receives perfect score on recertification award

Staff Report in and observe the panel Q&A on standing ovation from the crowd as be a big deal. However, as we listened family, the community and Newton Saturday, Jan. 12 with NCSO. The well as the review panel. Other agen- to all the different counties from County as a whole. This is something
session is private and usually closed cies have requested to shadow NCSO around the United States ask, ‘How worth achieving. 
The Newton County Sheriff ’s Of- to the public, however, in an effort to aid them in their upcoming ACA did you do it,’ ‘How did you score On a daily basis, we strive to meet
fice traveled to New Orleans to at- to provide valuable information to review process. Sheriff Ezell Brown 100’s across the board on over 300 the highest standards, and this award
tend the American Correctional Ac- those aspiring to receive exception- would like to personally like to thank plus standards?’ Not once was this shows that we are doing a great job
creditation conference to receive its al scores during the review process, Chairman Banes for his attendance asked, but twice. Then they requested for the citizens of Newton County.  It
recertification award.  the observation was made allow- and support.  to observe our paneling session and is an honor and privilege where jails
NCSO received a perfect score of able.  “This was a promise I made upon conclusion the room erupted and law enforcement services are
100 across the board on all 300-plus Those in attendance from Newton during the initial campaign, for the in applause. That was an amazing site recognized on state and national lev-
standards during the onsite audit in County were Sheriff Ezell Brown, 1st attainment and maintaining of this to see.  els as a model facility.  
November 2018.   Lt. Brice Smith, Lt. Selena Williams, accreditation document to be na- “However, when many agencies To the staff, I appreciate them be-
Other attending agencies as well Yvonne McMullen and Chairman tionally accredited,” Sheriff Brown begin to request to shadow the New- lieving in my leadership and follow-
as the auditors were amazed and Marcello Banes.  said. “There is no ‘I’ in teamwork and ton County Sheriff ’s Office, I knew ing through with everything that is
raved about the outstanding ac- NCSO received its initial ACA we all worked together to make this then this accomplishment is truly set before them in achieving Gold
complishments of NCSO and asked certification January 2016. Conclud- achievement possible.  a ‘Big Deal.’ Not only a ‘Big Deal’ to standards and at the highest-level
if outside agency members could sit ing the session, NCSO received a “At first, I did not consider this to me.  But a ‘Big Deal’ to the NCSO Triple Crown status.”  

Teen sentenced for role in 2017

robbery at Newton High
Darryl Welch expectation.” to the armed robbery sen- Roberson apologized to tence.
Ott and took responsibility He also received five years
A former Newton High for his actions on probation for posses-
School student has been “I want to apologize to sion of a firearm during the
sentenced to 15 years with you and everybody else commission of the crime
the first 10 to be served in here for not holding up my that will run consecutively
prison for his role in  an end to be a good citizen,” he to his prison sentence.
Douglas Roberson said, “I take responsibility As part of his sentence,
armed robbery at the school
two years ago. in a boy’s restroom in May for my actions.” Roberson will be required
Douglas Roberson, 17, 2017. Roberson is the only one to testify at the trials of the
pleaded guilty last October During a sentencing of the four charged in the remaining two defendants
to armed robbery, carrying hearing at the Newton crime to be convicted and in the case. Those trials are
a weapon within certain County Judicial Center sentenced so far. His sen- expected to take place later
school areas and posses- Tuesday morning, Superior tence includes 10 years in this year.
sion of a firearm during the Court Judge John M. Ott prison for the armed rob- A Newton County jury
commission of a felony. He said, “Any parent sending a bery conviction and five found a 16-year-old not

Woman reportedly
was one of four students child to school expects it to years in prison for having guilty on all charges relat-
charged with robbing an- be a safe place. This crime a gun a in a school safety ed to the robbery last Oc-
zone to run concurrently tober.

throws soft drink

other student at gunpoint struck at the heart of that

Shots reportedly fired after homeowner at Waffle House

thwarts potential car break-ins employee
Darryl Welch Darryl Welch
A homeowner stopped a pair of po-
tential car break-ins early Saturday A dispute about how her change was handed back led
morning after noticing a suspicious a woman to throw a cup full of soft drink at a Waffle
vehicle on his security camera. House employee Sunday morning, authorities said.
According to a Newton County According to a Newton County Sheriff ’s Office inci-
Sheriff ’s Office incident report, the dent report, a deputy was dispatched to the restaurant
homeowner told deputies he noticed at 13091 Brown Bridge Road just before 9 a.m. Jan. 13
a white Jeep Wrangler drive past his on a report that a woman was being disorderly and had
house on Riverstone Drive a little be- thrown a soda cup at an employee.
fore 6 a.m. Jan. 12 and then come back The woman was gone when law enforcement arrived.
and park in front of his house with the A NCSO spokesman said the employee had placed the
lights out. suspect’s change on the counter and she got mad that it
Two men reportedly got out of the wasn’t placed in her hand.
Jeep with one walking toward a car According to the report, the suspect and a male she
parked the homeowner’s driveway and was with left the scene in a 2018 Nissan Sentra. The
the other walking toward a neighbor’s outside with his gun and told the pair told deputies he heard two gunshots spokesman said she could face a simple battery charge
vehicle across the street. to leave they ran back to the Jeep, got as the Jeep exited the subdivision. if she is found.
The homeowner said when he went in and sped away. The homeowner The case is under investigation. The case is under investigation.
THE COVINGTON NEWS crime Weekend, Jan. 19-20, 2019 |5A
Covington Police Kiera Denise Davis, 17, Road, Mansfield, was arrest- tion violation for a finger- 2524 Country Club Road Veronica Cleopatra Ken-
Department 6146 Floyd St., Covington, ed Jan. 9 and housed for an- printable charge. SE, Conyers, was court-sen- drick, 44, 360 Crestfield Cir-
Kevin Barrientos, 21, was arrested Jan. 15 and other agency. Raymond Xavier Hardy, tenced Jan. 14. cle, Covington, was arrested
860 American Legion Road, charged with DUI – alcohol. 56, 1157 Robert Hardeman Jackie Dwite Pigg, 61, 275 Jan. 12 and charged with bat-
Conyers, was arrested Jan. 9 David Eugene Hall, 36, Newton County Road, Athens, was arrest- Pryor St., Atlanta, was arrest- tery – family violence.
and charged with willful ob- 1890 Old Mill Road, Rut- Sheriff’s Office ed Jan. 10 and charged with ed Jan. 14 and charged with Milton Louis Kennebrew
struction of law enforcement ledge, was arrested Jan. 9 and Kevin G. Alexis, 29, 65 probation violation for a fin- probation violation. Jr., 35, 7155 Pine Needle
officers. charged with theft by shop- Tara Court, Covington, was gerprintable charge. Timothy Lamar Pittman, Drive, Covington, was arrest-
Jeremiah Mark Crump, lifting. arrested Jan. 14 on a hold Darringer Joehunter Har- 51, 284 Piper Road, Coving- ed Jan. 12 and charged with
19, 15 Windscape Drive, Willie Hawkins, 45, 210 for another agency (murder ris, 51, 1819 Rockland Drive, ton, was court-sentenced Jan. disorderly conduct, simple
Covington, was arrested Hinton Chase Parkway, Cov- warrant out of New York). Atlanta, was arrested Jan. 10 15. battery and terroristic threats
Jan.13 and charged with bat- ington, was arrested Jan. 15 Bryant ONeal Bailey, 29, and charged with failure to David Irvin Porter III, 34, and acts.
tery, burglary and robbery. and charged with driving 75 Lakeshore Drive, Co- appear. 170 Rivermist Drive, Cov- Doyle Anthony Nor-
Warren Siddiq Harris, 25, without valid license. nyers, was arrested Jan. 11 Tyler Levi Hughes, 21, 52 ington, was court-sentenced wood, 53, Gwinnett County
116 Blake Ave., Jackson, was Adrina Mureno-Mendo- and charged with probation Moss Road, Covington, was Jan. 10. Jail, Lawrenceville, was back
arrested Jan. 15 and charged za, 34, 1264 Brown Bridge violation for fingerprintable arrested Jan. 15 and charged Stantavious Nikeith for court Jan. 9.
with criminal trespass and Road, Covington, was arrest- charge. with probation violation for a Price, 39, 10135 Settlers Allison Michelle Over-
theft by shoplifting. ed Jan. 12 and charged with Marcus Darnell Barnes, fingerprintable charge. Grove Road, Covington, was ton, 39, 4764 Old Waynes-
Kyle Semaj Miller, 20, disobeying a traffic control 39, 4822 Hemlock Road, Phillip Brandon Hum- arrested Jan. 9 and charged boro Road, Haphzibah, was
5181 Turner St. NE, Coving- device and driving without a Conyers, was arrested Jan. 8 phreys, 44, 1371 Gassert with driving while license arrested Jan. 8 and charged
ton, was arrested Jan. 12 and valid license. and charged with disobeying Road, Newborn, was arrest- suspended/revoked and two with DUI – alcohol (less
charged with disorderly con- James Austin Price, 25, a traffic control device and ed Jan. 11 and charged with counts of probation violation safe).
duct and willful obstruction 292 Elks Club Road, Coving- driving while license sus- probation violation for a fin- for a fingerprintable charge. Edward Velasquez
of law enforcement officers. ton, was arrested Jan. 14 and pended/revoked. gerprintable charge. Demorris Leangleo Reed, Ramirez, 19, 3559 Salem
Lloyd Maurice Muskel- charged with theft by shop- Terrance Rafel Baynes, Claude Rondell Jacobs, 25, 45 Beaverdam Court, Road, Covington, was arrest-
ly, 38, 335 Crestfield Circle, lifting. 32, 675 Meadows Lane, So- 45, 2505 Well Springs Drive, Covington, was arrested Jan. ed Jan. 13 and charged with
Covington, was arrested Jan. Shaina Michelle Rajput, cial Circle, was arrested Jan. Buford, was arrested Jan. 11 11 and charged with bur- furnishing to/purchase/pos-
12 and charged with failure 34, 1402 Ashwander St., 14 and charged with proba- and charged with probation glary. session by persons under 21
to appear for fingerprintable Hanceville, Alabama, was tion violation for fingerprint- violation. Jeremy Brett Shannon, 34, and open container.
charge. arrested Jan. 14 and charged able charge. Terrell Lynn Johnson, 25, unknown, was arrested and Andrea Michelle Regan,
Kuinta Kelvin Parker, 41, with theft by shoplifting. Harrison Eugene Brad- 325 Highland Circle, Stock- charged with probation vi- 39, 20 Sunset Court, Coving-
9209 Carr Circle SW, Cov- Victor Marcos Ramos, 39, ford, 35, 522 Douglas St., bridge, was arrested Jan. 14 olation for a fingerprintable ton, was arrested Jan. 15 and
ington, was arrested Jan. 10 90 Oak Hill Circle, Coving- Monroe, was arrested Jan. 9 and charged with probation charge. charged with theft by shop-
and charged with probation ton, was arrested Jan. 14 and and charged with probation violation. Jessie B. Smith, 62, 4442 lifting.
violation. charged with driving while violation for fingerprintable Melissa Alana Joseph, Highway 142 #A, Newborn, Jacole Shaney Smith, 23,
Bradly Daniel Reid, 28, license suspended/revoked. charge. 28, 8131 People St., Coving- was arrested Jan. 11 and 100 Bradley St., Covington,
5191 Emory St., Covington, Donald David Richter Jr., Marlon Antonio Byrd, 37, ton, was arrested Jan. 11 and charged with probation vio- was arrested Jan. 10 and
was arrested Jan. 11 and 59, 1648 Gum Creek Road, 190 Sampson Court, Coving- charged with disobeying a lation. charged with theft by shop-
charged with probation vi- Oxford, was arrested Jan. 9 ton, was arrested Jan. 9 and traffic control device, dirivng Ernest Richard Stevens, lifting.
olation for a fingerprintable and charged with theft by charged with public indecen- while license suspended/re- 26, 338 Morris Drive, Co- Tristan Allen Stover, 22,
charge. taking. cy. voked, failure to stop at stop nyers, was arrested Jan. 10 560 Freeman Drive, Coving-
Aisha Star Smith, 21, Jamia Loretta Ross, 21, Victor Jackson Casper, sign, fleeing or attempting to and charged with probation ton, was arrested Jan. 9 and
810 Oak Hill Road, Coving- 3100 West St., Covington, 28, 5149 Lackey St., Coving- elude a police office, improp- violation. charged with DUI – alcohol
ton, was arrested Jan. 9 and was arrested Jan. 15 and ton, was arrested Jan. 9 and er lane usage, passing on sol- Thomas Douglas String- and speeding – 25 to 34 over.
charged with contempt of charged with reckless driving charged with aggravated bat- id yellow line, reckless driv- er, 35, 3311 Harbor Place, Rynner Arnoldo Velas-
court. and theft by shoplifting. tery, burglary, criminal dam- ing, speeding – 25 to 34 over, Panama City, Florida, was quez, 19, 3559 Salem Road,
Michael Shawn Taylor, Jacob Jordan Shivers, age to property, probation speeding – 45 mph and over court-sentenced Jan. 10. Lot G2, Covington, was ar-
49, 1270 Pine Island Road, 17, 5124 Worsham St. NE, violation for fingerprintable and willful obstruction of law Garrett Evan Carter, 27, rested Jan. 13 and charged
Merritt Island, Florida, was Covington, was arrested Jan. charge and willful obstruc- enforcement officers. 193 Oriole Circle, Monticel- with criminal trespass, driv-
arrested Jan. 10 and charged 10 and charged with open tion of law enforcement offi- Jasper Devron Keels, 35, lo, was arrested Jan. 10 and ing without a valid license,
with DUI – alcohol, open container, possession and cer by use of threats or acts. 2309 Lloyd Road, Decatur, charged with DUI – alcohol DUI – alcohol, furnishing
container, possession and use of drug-related objects Terence Leonard Chris- was back for court Jan. 14. and speeding – 24 to 34 over. to/purchase/possession by
use of drug-related objects and theft by receiving stolen tian, 29, 841 Sugar Creek Tommy Lee Kell, 21, 212 Kenneth William Caven- persons under 21 and open
and theft by receiving stolen property. Drive, Conyers, was Blue Heron Drive, Monticel- der Jr., 33, Butts County Jail, container.
property. Roderick Lamar Smith, court-sentenced Jan. 14. lo, was arrested Jan. 11 and was back for court Jan. 9.
Ricky Wise, 59, 738 Lower 30, 40 Whitehead Court, Patricia Hunt Ciancuiel- charged with probation vio- Derek Ryan Claborn, 34, Oxford Police
River Road, Covington, was Covington, was arrested Jan. li, 69, 125 Brookview Place, lation. 45 W. Sycamore Court, Cov- Department
arrested Jan. 9 and charged 12 and charged with proba- Covington, was arrested Jan. Wendell Quinton Lewis, ington, was arrested Jan. 15 Kejaun Sylvanus Frazier,
with criminal trespass. tion violation. 15 and charged with cruelty 35, 117 Milton Drive, Eaton- and charged with reckless 35, 204 Sindy Court, Ox-
Timothy Beshay Wynn, Albert Scott Sorrells, 51, to children, simple assault ton, was back for court Jan. driving and speeding – 35 to ford, was arrested Jan. 11 and
34, 5120 Nixon Circle, Cov- 5232 Odam St., Covington, and simple battery. 10. 44 over. charged with driving while
ington, was arrested Jan. 11 was arrested Jan. 13 and Christopher Shawn Col- Antonio Mantrell Mc- Alexandria Bridgette license suspended/revoked
and charged with probation charged with possession of lins, 28, 1761 Francis Road, Crary, 36, 170 Wynfield Clarke, 25, 50 Benedict and knowingly driving mo-
violation. methamphetamine. Conyers, was arrested Jan. 11 Drive, Covington, was arrest- Drive, Covington, was arrest- tor vehicle on suspended/
Farhan Ali Ahmed, 35, Charlesa Latrice Talley, and charged with probation ed Jan. 10 and charged with ed Jan. 10 and charged with canceled/revoked registra-
6133 Kings Mountain Court, 22, 30 Waters Edge, Coving- violation for fingerprintable failure to appear for finger- theft by shoplifting. tion.
Stone Mountain was arrest- ton, was arrested Jan. 12 and charge. printable charge and proba- Ronnie John Wayne Dil-
ed Jan. 12 and charged with charged with driving while Brandon Craig Denom- tion violation for fingerprint- lard, 44, 130 Ray Road, Porterdale Police
criminal trespass. license suspended/revoked, me, 36, Jackson State Prison, able charge. Apartment B, Covington, Department
Damichael Deangelo knowingly driving motor was back for court Jan. 15. Nathaniel Anthony Mill- was arrested Jan. 10 and Hugoy Morales Sanchez,
Bagby, 22, 10151 Fieldcrest vehicle on suspended/can- William Douglas Ed- er, 32, 115 Valley Brook charged with possession of 46, 4164 Windsor Oak Drive,
Walk, Covington, was arrest- celed/revoked registration, wards, 59, 169 Moss Road, Drive, Covington, was arrest- less than an ounce of mar- Doraville, was arrested Jan.
ed Jan. 8 and charged with possession of less than an Covington, was arrested Jan. ed Jan. 13 and charged with ijuana, possession and use 15 and charged with alter-
theft by shoplifting. ounce of marijuana, no proof 15 and charged with aggra- crossing state/county guard of drug-related objects and ation of license plates, driver
Cameron Gabriel Banks, of insurance and operation vated cruelty to animals. lines with weapons/intoxi- possession of methamphet- to use due care, driving with-
22, 3405 Creekwood Drive of vehicle without current Cynthia Leigh Finley, cants/drugs without consent, amine. out a valid license and speed-
SE, Conyers, was arrested plate/expired plate. 50, 90 Shoals Creek, Cov- loitering or prowling, pos- Carla Andrea Ellison, 36, ing – 10 to 14 over.
Jan. 11 and charged with Trevious Tyrell Triplett, ington, was arrested Jan. 9 session of less than an ounce 6110 Oakwood Circle, Cov- Robert Eugene Wisner,
driving while license sus- 23, 7157 Harmony Place, and charged with failure to of marijuana and possession ington, was arrested Jan. 9 57, 6 Spruce St., Porterdale,
pended/revoked. Covington, was arrested Jan. appear for fingerprintable and use of drug-related ob- on a hold for another agency was arrested Jan. 13 and
Ronald Eric Bevington, 10 and charged with driving charge. jects. (Rockdale County). charged with disorderly con-
50, 1402 Ashwander St., while licnese suspended/re- Leroy Sanchadze Free- John Michael Mitchell, Jamie Lee Fletcher, 39, duct, interefence with gov-
Hanceville, Alabama, was voked. man, 26, 95 Mountain Court, 56, 14 Scott Road, Coving- Rainbow Shelter, Covington, ernment property and ter-
arrested Jan. 14 and charged McStanley Deion Watson, Covington, was arrested ton, was arrested Jan. 15 and was court-sentenced Jan. 9. roristic threats and acts.
with theft by shoplifting. 20, 215 Saratoga Court, Cov- Jan.15 and charged with bat- charged with false report of a Gregory Griffith, 50, 40
Shornakay Elizabeth ington, was arrested Jan. 12 tery – family violence, cruelty crime and harassing phone Beaverdam Court, Coving- Weekenders
Bogues, 22, 600 Pebble Blvd., and charged with possession to children, possession of less calls. ton, was arrested Jan. 10 and Sherry Lynn Clark, 46,
Covington, was arrested Jan. of less than an ounce of mar- than an ounce of marijuana Gary Daniel Mullins Jr., charged with driving while Covington
12 and charged with posses- ijuana. and purchase/possession/ 47, 1431 Sewsell Church license suspended/revoked Sherekia Monique Hardy,
sion of less than an ounce of manufacture/distribution/ Road, Mansfield, was arrest- and speeding – 25 to 34 over. 29, Athens
marijuana. Georgia State Pa- sale of marijuana. ed Jan. 12 and housed for an- Pierre Centel Johnson, 39, James Dylan Harrell, 26,
Angel Lynn Brooks, 39, trol Morrio Arico Freeman, other agency. 30 McGiboney Place, Cov- Social Circle
53 Edge Field Lane, Coving- Keoki Jamil Livingston, 36, Jackson State Prison, was Jasper Jerell Mur- ington, was arrested Jan. 9 Dyamond Simmorett
ton, was arrested Jan. 12 and 30, 5118 Walnut St., Coving- back for court Jan. 10. ray-Brantley, 28, 45 Plum and charged with DUI – less Humphrey, 24, Covington
charged with public drunk- ton, was arrested Jan. 11 and Eron Paul Futral, 29, 60 Orchard Drive #A, Coving- safe, duty upon striking un- Djuan Martin James, 49,
enness. charged with driving while Rivermist Drive, Covington, ton, was arrested Jan. 11 and attended vehicle, improper Conyers
Jessica Latrelle Brooks, license suspended/revoked. was arrested Jan. 14 on a hold charged with probation vio- lane usage and no seat belts. Jasmine Natasha Slaugh-
29, 6159 Green, Covington, for probation. lation. Fredrick Donte Jones, ter, 28, Stone Mountain
was arrested Jan. 15 and Morgan County Jaime Leshannon God- Perry Lee Padgett Jr., 33, 36, 50 Clearbrook Drive, Junie Annette Tallman,
charged with theft by shop- Sheriff’s Office frey, 43, 507 Dove Way, So- Effingham County Prison, Covington, was arrested Jan. 54, Covington
lifting. Gary Daniel Mullins Jr., cial Circle, was arrested Jan. was back for court Jan. 10. 11 and charged with public Sheldrick Arnaz Wilborn,
47, 1431 Sewsell Church 12 and charged with proba- Ziyadah Iman Perry, 24, drunkenness. 19, Covington

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weekend, jan. 19, 20, 2019 | 6A

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PHONE: 770-787-6397 (NEWS)

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Postal information
The Covington News (USPS 136140) is published weekly on
Sunday, for $52 a year for home delivery, or $72 by mail per

After meeting Bill Gaither

year by Newton Newspapers Inc., 1166 Usher St., Covington,
GA 30014. Periodicals postage paid at Covington, GA. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to The Covington News, P.

this bucket list is complete

O. Box 1249, Covington, GA 30015.

‘It’s time to build.’ Sometimes in this busi-

ness, it isn’t so much what
Jane Cox, a loyal reader in
suburban Atlanta. She and
the wall in my office along-
side those of three presi-
Gov. Brian Kemp proclaimed this week that, “the State of
the State is rock-solid.” Thanks to the hard work that’s been you know as it is who you her husband, Michael, not dents, five U.S. senators, nine
done these past few years, I believe he is right. know. only know the Gaithers, they former governors, Glenn
Gov. Nathan Deal has left an amaz- A couple of years ago, I happen to be good friends. Davis and Doc Blanchard
ing legacy. For six years in a row, wrote about trying to nail They also enjoy my column (the only two Heisman Tro-
Georgia has been named the the final plank in my bucket and said they would be hap- phy winners to have played
“Best State in the Nation to do list by meeting Bill Gaither. py to facilitate a meeting. in the same backfield togeth-
Business In.” He added a whop- If you have recently trans- Dick Yarbrough God is good. er — at Army), Vince Dool-
ping 800,000 jobs and the state ferred in from Uranus, you COLUMNIST Getting it done wasn’t as ey and Cameron Charles
now has the lowest unemploy- may not be familiar with the easy as it sounds. It took a Yarbrough among others.
ment rate since the early 70s. Our name. Bill Gaither and his I had seen the sun rise in while. The Gaithers seem You have to be special to
AAA Bond Rating (held for 20 wife, Gloria, are to gospel the Scottish Highlands and to be perpetual motion — make my wall.
years in a row) is second best in Dave Belton music what Michelangelo watched the Olympic Flame touring, writing, produc- Speaking of special, Jane
the nation, and we were of only STATE REPRESENTATIVE and Leonardo da Vinci were being lit in the ancient tem- ing programs. To get them Cox wasn’t through. Af-
five states to keep a AAA sta- to the High Renaissance pe- ple of Hera in Greece. I had slowed down long enough ter a highly entertaining
tus during the Great Recession. Gov. Deal’s criminal justice riod, only the Gaithers are embedded with Georgia’s to meet either of them is like and inspirational show and
programs has been ranked the best in the nation and is now still alive and still making 48th Brigade Combat Team catching lightning in a bot- more conversation with Bill
being copied by the federal government. He also enacted the beautiful music. in Iraq. I had painted a por- tle. But to know Jane Cox Gaither, she proceeded to in-
largest tax cut in the history of our state. Georgia is now sec- The pair has written more trait that hangs in the state is to know it was going to troduce me to several of the
ond lowest in the nation in per capita spending, third lowest than 700 songs, many of Capitol. Yes, I had lived a happen. A petite, engaging show’s performers. They had
in state debt, and second lowest in collections per capita. them classics including my blessed life. But I hadn’t met bundle of energy, she could not the foggiest idea of who
Georgia is spending more money on roads than any other personal favorite, “I’ve Just the Gaithers. My bucket had make possums fly if she was I was but if I was with Jane
state. Savannah is the fourth busiest port in the U.S., Atlanta Seen Jesus,” a paean guaran- a hole in it. of a mind to do so. Cox, I had to be special.
is the busiest airport in the world, and the Atlanta metro has teed to melt the hardest heart That column garnered Finally, it came to pass. So, boys and girls, I am
the eighth largest economy in the U.S. Georgia is now the of the most avowed heathen. an unusually large number In December, the Gaither pleased to say this completes
No. 1 location in the world to make movies at a yearly impact he Gaithers are world- of responses from readers Christmas Concert came to my bucket list. And what a
of $10 billion. (That figure was only $214 million when the wide ambassadors for gos- across the state who had met the Woodstock First Baptist way to do it. To finally meet a
Governor took office.) pel music. Since 1991, they one or both of the Gaithers Church and we were there to class act I have long admired
have been touring with their and/or had attended their see it with the Coxes. True and to have two readers-
Governor Deal raised Education numbers to the highest Homecoming Friends all concerts. There was not a to her word, I got to meet turned-friends determined
they have ever been. For the first time ever, Georgia beats over the world, including negative comment to be Bill Gaither before the show. to make it happen. It was a
the nation in both the SAT and the ACT, and we’re 13th best Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy found among the responses. God is really good. dream come true. As I say, it
in college Advanced Placement tests. Georgia’s graduation Center, the Gates of Jeru- People talked about how gra- To my delight, he was as is not always what you know
rate skyrocketed in his eight years, moving up 18 points (28 salem and the old Georgia cious and down-to-earth the gracious and kind as I had as it is who you know. And
percent) to a whopping 82 percent. The HOPE Scholarship Dome, the largest-ever one- Gaithers are and how they hoped he would be. Even I will forever be glad I know
remains one of the most generous and best run lottery-driv- day assemblage of gospel live their Christian faith. If though he was about to go on Jane and Michael Cox.
en scholarships in the nation, resulting in Georgia being one music fans. the respondents were trying stage and entertain the await- You can reach Dick Yar-
of only 3 states in the nation that has 2 universities ranked In the column, I admit- to make me feel better, I ap- ing crowd for a couple of brough at dick@dickyar-
in the top 20. Governor Deal’s Dual Enrollment and Move- ted my bucket list was pret- preciated their efforts, but hours, the man acted as if he; at P.O. Box
On Ready have been wildly successful and the HOPE Career ty much planked-out. I had the bottom line was they had had all the time in the world. 725373, Atlanta, Georgia
Grant – serving technical degrees – has an outstanding 99 shot the breeze with pres- met them and I had not. I had my picture made 31139 or on Facebook at
percent job placement record and is completely FREE for 17 idents in the Oval Office. hen comes an email from with him which will go on

Pelosi seizes initiative in trench

career fields.
Governor Kemp said he will focus on a few first efforts this
year. First, he promised to honor our teachers with a $3,000
pay increase that he plans to improve to $5,000. He said he

warfare with Trump

will give each of our 2,294 schools $30,000 this year to make
safety improvements, and will also put mental health coun-
selors in every school. He stated that he will work hard to
remove gangs from Georgia with a new anti-gang task force.
He also promised to tackle healthcare with increased choice WASHINGTON - House win it. There's a reason why a thing. "I'm saying let's get
and flexibility options to make make it more affordable and Speaker Nancy Pelosi is driv- no previous president has de- a date when government is
accessible. He also mentioned a 2 percent merit increase for ing President Trump nuts -- a liberately forced a shutdown: open."
state employees. very short drive indeed -- by The Constitution gives Con- And she was reminding
Opening with words from the Sermon on the Mount, the doing something he simply gress the power of the purse. Trump that the Capitol is her
new Governor recalled the parable of the two houses: one cannot abide: She's stealing Trump can't tell Pelosi what house, not his.
built on sand and the other on the rock. “This story always the spotlight. to do; and, given strong pub- Pelosi is still not a natural at
resonated with me. You have to pour concrete before you can She is also seizing the ini- lic opposition to the wall, he performing for the television
frame a house. You must build on solid ground.” He made a tiative in the trench warfare has no real leverage to pres- cameras. But we're seeing a
very bipartisan appeal for everyone to work together, asking Eugene Robinson
over Trump's government COLUMNIST sure her. But he doesn't want bit more these days of Nan-
everyone one to “grab a hammer and a handful of nails” to shutdown and his imaginary to accept reality, so he keeps cy D'Alesandro -- legendary
improve the lives of our fellow citizens. border wall, audaciously tial than the first, given the playing to his base -- and Baltimore Mayor Tommy
“My fellow Georgians,” he said in his closing, “its time to telling the president that the vandalism Trump is com- watching his approval num- D'Alesandro's daughter, who
build.” State of the Union address mitting against our govern- bers as they slide from low to grew up learning old-school
Belton is a Republican from District 112, serving in the should be postponed, or ment institutions. Voters abysmal. politics at the feet of a mas-
Georgia House of Representatives. perhaps forgone altogether, gave Democrats the power to Meanwhile, his own shut- ter. She's a great storyteller,
for reasons of security. It constrain a corrupt, egoma- down has put Trump on a precise tabulator of yeas
would be both unfair and niacal, incompetent, erratic the defensive. He has had to and nays, and a leader who
unwise to ask Secret Service and potentially compromised stretch precedent, rules and doesn't believe in giving any
agents and other officers president. Pelosi has to figure probably laws to designate of her members a free pass on
to protect the VIP-packed out how. increasing numbers of fur- important votes.
event, she contends, while So far, it is hard to fault a loughed workers as "essential" She will need all her skills
they are not being paid their step she's taken. Her shut- and force them to work with- in the coming weeks and
salaries. Trump retaliated down position is eminently out pay. The latest pressed months. Trump's efforts to
Thursday by denying Pelo- simple and reasonable: Re- into uncompensated service weaken the unity of Pelosi's
HAVE YOUR SAY si military aircraft for her
planned trip to Brussels and
open the government, and
then we can debate how best
are thousands of Internal
Revenue Service employees
caucus have thus far been
pathetic, but he will surely
The Covington News welcomes your letters to Afghanistan. to protect the border. who are needed to process keep trying. Ending the shut-
the editor and cartoons on issues of public concern. After all, Congress already
Pelosi's play was a stilet- income-tax refunds, which down will require Trump to
Please include full name, hometown and phone
number (for verification purposes). Only names and to-sharp reminder of how decided last month to give many families depend on to face reality, so it is impossi-
hometown will be published. much power she wields -- the Trump administration pay bills racked up during the ble to know when that might
Letters should be limited to 500 words and may be and an illustration of how every penny it had initially Christmas season. happen. Meanwhile, Pelo-
edited or condensed by the editor. Only one letter deftly she is wielding it. asked for -- $1.6 billion -- for Trump's attempt at using si's committee chairmen are
per month from the same writer or organization will Democrats who demanded border security. But right- his bully pulpit -- last week's beginning to do their duty
be printed. new leadership in the House wing carnival barkers Rush Oval Office address -- was of holding the president ac-
We do not publish poetry, letters from third-par- should be thankful that they Limbaugh and Ann Coulter desultory and ineffective. He countable, and Trump will
ty sites, letters involving personal, business or legal didn't get their wish. It is goaded Trump into demand- could be expected to have an- undoubtedly fight like a cor-
disputes or blanket letters. Generally, we do not hard to imagine anyone bet- ing more than $5 billion for a other go during the State of nered banshee.
publish letters concerning consumer complaints ter matched to the moment concrete wall or steel slats (or the Union, with its setting of A rookie speaker would
unless related to a recent reported story. Unsigned and the task. perhaps, as Pelosi has joked, pomp and majesty. But only if make rookie mistakes. Trump
or incorrectly identified letters will be withheld. "a beaded curtain or some-
Pelosi will go down in his- Pelosi invites him. is being knocked around by
Letters must be submitted by noon on Wednesday
for Sunday publication. tory as the first woman to thing") -- any tangible barrier "I'm not denying him a Pelosi and, even more hurt-
*Mail: Editor, The Covington News, P.O. Box 1249, hold the office that ranks be- he can point to as fulfillment platform at all," she said ful, the attention for now is
Covington, GA 30015 hind only president and vice of the ridiculous promise he Thursday at her weekly news on her.
*In person: 1166 Usher St. Covington, GA 30015 president. But this second made to his base. conference, in a tone of voice Eugene Robinson's email
*email: tour of duty as speaker may So Trump waded into this suggesting she was shocked address is eugenerobinson@
prove even more consequen- fight having no idea how to that anyone would think such
Joseph Columbus Barr

friends. He was somewhat

of a musical genius because
ing. While there, Joe Boy
strengthened his reading
faith and family. She was
preceded in death by her
weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 | 7A

Shiloh United Methodist

Church Building Fund, 10
thoughts, but was always
ready to offer whatever
Lester Lackey and Sons he learned to play both pia- and writing skills. husband, James H. Dobbs; Almon Church Road, Cov- she had, with anyone who
Funeral Home no and guitar by ear. His final days were lived parents, T.R. and Rilla ington, Georgia. needed a meal, a prayer or
On June 18, 1951, Mr. Jo- Mr. Barr went as far as out comfortably in Social Brookins. just a hug. Her most enjoy-
seph 11th grade and proceeded Circle. Survivors include her Mother Anna Ruth able pleasure was to be sur-
Co- to further his career in con- Joseph Barr unites with daughters and sons-in- Johnson Ivey rounded by family; taking
lu m - struction. He worked in the his sister, late Geraldine law, Carol Dobbs Fountain Lester Lackey & Sons Funeral pictures, sharing stories,
b u s Home
piping industry for many Barr Lackey. He leaves be- (David), Kay Dobbs Bell gardening and church ac-
Barr years. Mr. Barr also loved hind loved ones one broth- (James), Kathy Dobbs Rein- Anna Ruth Johnson Ivey tivities.
J r . helping his friends and er, Ernest "Jack" Barr; one hard (Ken); son and daugh- was born in Covington on On Jan. 6, 2019, Anna
was family members around daughter, Mrs. Calla Louise ter-in-law, Keith and Mel- Septe. 5, 1929 to the late Mr. Ruth Johnson Ivey passed
b or n their homes. Fixing their & Christoper Henderson of anie Dobbs; grandchildren Johnny Johnson and Mrs. away in Covington at the
t o Joseph Columbus cars, leaky faucets and even Conyers; three grandchil- and their spouses, Michelle Sweetie Wyatt Johnson. age of 89. She was prede-
t h e Barr Jr. helping with gardening. He dren, Anngalic Barr, Adrin and Jeff Bost, Michael and Anna Ruth attended ceased by her parents, John-
late had a past time for fishing. Barr and Malana Barr; two Amy Mitchell, Kristy and Newton County Schools ny Johnson and Sweetie
Lula Years later, Mr. Barr became great-grandchildren, Aniya Richard Olds, Brooks and and was an excellent stu- Johnson; husband, John C.
Mae James and Joseph Co- a proud father of a baby girl, Barnes, Kyian Holcombe & Rochelle Dobbs, Travis and dent. She was a member of Ivey; son, Michael Sylvester
lumbus Barr Sr. in Jasper Calla Louise Barr. Later on Skylar Grisham; a host of Melanie Bell, Brad and Amy Good Hope Baptist Church Allen; six brothers and five
County. in life, he married Ms. Mary nieces, nephews, cousins Dobbs, Jessica Reinhard; and involved herself in a va- sisters.
Mr. Barr was raised by Nell Norman and gained and tons of friends in Cov- great-grandchildren, Aus- riety of youth activities. In She is survived by her
both his grandparents three stepchildren: Brenda ington. tin, Daniel, Marti, Ty, Hunt- the late 1950’s she moved sons, Arthur (Rose) John-
Mr. Johnnie and Mammie Cospy, Jan and Dexter. er, Drew, Paxton, Parker, to Norwalk, Connecticut to son, Urbana, IL, John Da-
Emma Barr. He grew up A blessing we all have Sara Ellen Dobbs Oliver; sister, Annelle Har- make a better life for herself vid (Gloria) Ivey, Durham,
along- had, a piece of Joe Boy in Caldwell & Cowan Funeral rison; as well as several and her family. North Carolina; daughter,
side our lives, whether it was on Home nieces and nephews. On Dec. 20, 1960, in Nor- Ellis (Gwendolyn Louise)
h i s our couch or just sitting at Sara Ellen Dobbs, of Cov- A Funeral Service for walk, Connecticut she met Ivey Woods, Orlando, Flor-
aunts our tables. Joe boy experi- ington, passed away Thurs- Mrs. Dobbs was held at the love of her life; John ida.; 10 grandchildren, 18
and enced his trials and tribula- day, Jan. 10, 2019, at the 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 13, at C. Ivey, they formed a life- great-grandchildren and six
u n - tions later in life. age of 88. Mrs. Dobbs was Shiloh United Methodist long bond and union for great-great-grandchildren;
cles. Through the years he a member of Shiloh United Church, 10 Almon Church 29 years. During that time, along with a host of other
J o - gained a special friend, Methodist Church where Road, in Covington, with they raised successfully relatives and caring friends.
seph Mrs. Carrie White. He later she enjoyed worshipping the Rev. Mike Wadley and four children. A funeral service was held
loved Joseph Columbus joined Rock Spring Baptist and participating in activi- the Rev. Ronnie Capes of- As outspoken as she may at 1 p.m. Monday, Jan. 14 at
mu- Barr Jr. Church. He then furthered ties. In her spare time, she ficiating and interment in have been, you never had Good Hope Baptist Church,
sic. his education in Coast- delighted in reading and Lawnwood Memorial Park. to wonder where she stood 1142 Highway 162, Coving-
He loved playing in his lei- al State Prison, receiving gardening. Mrs. Dobbs cen- Flowers are accepted, or on an issue. Not only was ton, with the Rev. Eddie J.
sure time for his family and a certification in Build- tered her life around both donations may be made to she willing to share her Tomlinson officiating.

Visit Oxford College to celebrate MLK Day

You probably know the leader. celebrate the life and work mote and help us imagine host our annual MLK cele- significance, but they also
“12 Days of Christmas” In my tradition we’re still of Dr. Martin Luther King, the places where we live, bration on Tuesday, Jan. 22 hold promise. Promise that
song, which is fun to sing in the season of Epiphany, Jr. who would have turned work, worship, and play as at 7:30 p.m. at Old Church our communities really
but also teaches us that which means on Sundays 90 on January 15. Dr. King places of beloved commu- in Oxford. This year’s pro- will be beloved communi-
Christmas is a season and when we worship together took Jesus’ teachings se- nity. gram, “The King Letters: ties where valleys are lifted
not just a day. After the we read stories about the riously and was deeply Today, Jan. 20, you’re A Retrospective,” will fea- up and lions and lambs live
12th day of Christmas way that Jesus’ presence shaped by them and the invited to the 2019 New- ture Dr. Gregory Ellison, together in peace. They
Christians mark the day and power manifests it- church, a community that ton County Martin Luther associate professor of pas- hold the possibility that
of the Epiphany where self in the world. We learn is called to manifest Jesus King, Jr. program at 3 p.m. toral care and counseling our communities will be
we celebrate the arrival from particular examples and his love in the world at Newton High School. at Candler School of The- places where we err on the
of the wise men or magi that lend themselves to that today. The Honorable Judge ology of Emory University. side of justice and love no
who brought gifts to the message – stories about Je- Today and tomorrow are Samuel Ozburn, Superior He will be accompanied by matter what. That was the
baby Jesus, gifts of gold, sus’ baptism, his earliest good days to honor Dr. Court Judge, Alcovy Judi- musician and Candler stu- message of Jesus that we
frankincense, and myrrh. days in ministry, the call- King and the way in which cial Circuit, will be the key- dent, Julian Reid, and spo- celebrate during Epipha-
In that moment Jesus was ing of disciples, how he he loved the world despite note speaker. Tomorrow, ken-word poet and Candler ny, and it’s the message Dr.
made real in the world by changed water into wine at much of society’s rejection there will be a variety of alumnus, Tavares Stephens. King lived out and left for
being revealed to those a wedding in Cana of Gal- of him and his work. Per- opportunities in your area Their program will be cre- us to carry forward. May
three who had followed the ilee, and more. These are haps you’ll participate in and in Atlanta for hands- ative and dynamic and is we not only imagine it but
star. They took gifts to the stories that show the pres- some form of service in the on service and relationship free and open to the public. also do it.
holy family and presented ence of God in the world community. There will also building in the community. Contact the Rev. Lyn Pace The Rev. Dr. Lyn Pace is
them, because the baby was revealed in Jesus. be special gatherings full I want to personally in- at with the college chaplain at Ox-
revealed to them as more It’s fitting that it’s in this of songs and speeches, and vite you to Oxford College questions. ford College of Emory Uni-
than a baby but a king and season that we honor and other highlights that pro- of Emory University as we These days hold special versity.

Celebrating Life, One Fa mily at a Time

T. Lanier Levett &

129 W. Washington Street - Monroe, Ga. 3106 West Street - Covington, Ga.
Dana Sullivan Levett
770.267.2642 770.786.2944
Community Calendar
Jan. 1 – Jan. 31

January is National Men-

Monday, Jan. 14
Salem United Methodist
oquist. Steve needs a dummy
for his act. Everyone is urged
For more information about
the John Clarke Chapter and
weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 | 8A

Cross encourages people to

help meet the urgent need by
Trails Facebook page for the
latest Community Bike Ride
toring Month. Contaction Church, at 3962 Salem Road, to attend. Menu is mouthwa- how you can honor your her- resolving to give blood this news.
Newton Mentoring Inc., at will host a Red Cross blood tering Baked Ham, Black Eyed itage through membership, month. Donating blood is a Saturday, Feb. 16 drive from 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. Peas, Rice, Mixed greens, as- visit the chapter website at way to make a lifesaving im- Project ReNeWal Domes-
or 678-381-7948 to impact a January is National Blood Do- sorted breads, tossed salad, Call the John pact in the new year. tic Violence Intervention
child’s life. We are changing nor Month and the American tea, coffee and dessert at $8.00 Clarke Chapter at 404-558- Friday, Feb. 1 Program will host a Dancing
our community one child at Red Cross encourages people per person. Charity project: 1512 or 770-722-3862 for in- Oxford College, at 100 with the stars event from 7 to
a time! to help meet the urgent need Refuge Pregnancy Center. formation about the meeting Hammill St., will host a Red 10 p.m. at Porter Performing
Jan. 1 – Feb. 28 by resolving to give blood this For reservations, call Jo Ann location. Cross blood drive from 11 Arts Center. Featured dancers
Community members are month. Donating blood is a Holshausen, 404-630-2831. Saturday, Jan. 19 a.m. to 4 p.m. Simply do- include, Dr. Steven and Kathy
invited to stop by the old way to make a lifesaving im- Thursday, Jan. 17 “GRACE – the play,” a gos- nate the American Red Whitworth, Paula Dominy,
courthouse to view the New- pact in the new year. The John Clarke Chap- pel factual/fictional drama of Cross Blood Donor App, Senator Tonya Anderson,
ton County Historical Soci- Tuesday, Jan. 15 ter, National Society of the urban life, miseries and God’s visit or Lindsey Moore, Social Circle
ety’s most recent exhibit. This The Covington City Coun- Daughters of the American deliverance will crlebrate its call 1-800-RED CROSS (1- Police Chief Tyrone Oliver,
exhibit highlights some of cil will host a Town Hall Revolution, will host its reg- Rockdale/Newton Count pre- 800-733-2767) to make an Aimee Oliver, Dawn Wells
the history of the local DAR Meeting at 6 p.m. in the ular monthly meeting at 11 mier at 7 p.m. at the Rockdale appointment or for more in- and more.
chapter and its many accom- City Council meeting room a.m. in Social Circle. Any County Auditorium, at 903 formation. All blood types are Saturday, Feb. 23
plishments through the years. of Covington City Hall. All woman 18 years or older – Main St. in Conyers. Tick- needed to ensure a reliable Newton County School
Monday, Jan. 14 members of the Covington regardless of race, religion ets are available for $15, with supply for patients. System is hosting a Teach-
Learn more about Diabe- community are encouraged or ethnic background – who group rates available, by call- Sunday, Feb. 3 er Job Fair at Newton High
tes Prevention by attending to attend to ask questions, can prove lineal descent from ing 646-886-0236 or 646-283- The Covington Commu- School, 1 Ram Way, Coving-
a free information session voice concerns and meet the patriot of the American Revo- 5108. The show is written and nity Bike Ride occurs year- ton, from 9 a.m. to noon. Ad-
every Monday at Mt. Zion city council. lution, is eligible for member- directed by Patricia Claudette round on the first Sunday of ministrators from 23 NCSS
First Baptist Church, 100 W. Thursday, Jan. 17 ship. When you join the DAR, Thomas. every month, leaving from schools will be on site inter-
Richardson St., Oxford, at XYZ (xtra years of zest) you enter a network of more Tuesday, Jan. 22 the historic Covington square viewing and hiring teachers
6:30 p.m. We are a local faith for persons 50 and above than 185,000 women who Prospect United Methodist at 3 p.m. The outing is geared to fill positions for the 2019-
partner. Let’s work together to will meet at the First Baptist form lifelong bonds, honor Church, at 6752 Highway 212, to riders of all abilities look- 2020 school year. For more
save lives. For more informa- Church gym, Highway 138, their revolutionary ancestors will host a Red Cross blood ing for a relaxing, conversa- information, contact the
tion, call Program Coordina- Conyers, at 10:30 a.m.. En- and promote historic preser- drive from 2 to 7 p.m. Janu- tional ride along the area’s NCSS Human Resources De-
tor Patricia Gates at 706-496- tertainment will be Steve Al- vation, education and patri- ary is National Blood Donor low-traffic streets and trails. partment at 770-787-1330 or
1036. dridge, Magician and Ventril- otism in their communities. Month and the American Red Please refer to the Newton

Newton Trails paves another section of Cricket Frog Trail

Staff Report

Thanks to donors who contributed during Newton Trails’ fall

campaign another section of the Cricket Frog Trail has been
paved. The new section runs from Elm to Pace streets in down-
town Covington. Newton Trails hired Con South, Inc., Conyers,
Georgia to do the construction work.
Newton Trails is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to pro-
moting, developing and sustaining a connected system of trails
that supports a vibrant, healthy and prosperous community.
The new section adds to Newton Trails’ record of success dat-
ing from the 1990’s. Working with various contributing partners
and using grant money and donations, over nine miles of multi-
use trails have been developed within Newton County.
In 2016, Newton Trails secured a long-term lease for the 15-
mile Norfolk Southern Railroad corridor between Covington
and Newborn, Georgia. The Cricket Frog Trail is being devel-
oped on the old rail bed. To date over a half mile in Coving-
ton and nearly a quarter mile in Mansfield, Georgia have been

Submitted | The Covington News

Left: Jason Baker (second from left) and his Con South, Inc., construction crew put the finishing touches on the forms for the Elm to Pace streets section of the Cricket Frog Trail in downtown Covington.
Right: Newton Trails recently paved another section of the Cricket Frog Trail from Pace to Elm streets in downtown Covington.

2019 Georgia Fishing Regulations: Go Fish Georgia!

said. “Our biologists and staff offices, trout stream listings, Where else can you find fish-
Staff Report do their best to make sure this public fishing area information, ing information? The Angler
guide book has the most cur- state record fish listings, fish- Resources page on the WRD
Planning on going fishing rent and accurate information ing regulations for Georgia and website, http://georgiawildlife.
this year? If so, the new 2019 and anglers can easily access it more. com/fishing/angler-resources,
Georgia Sport Fishing Regula- online, from our Outdoors GA The 2019 Georgia Sport Fish- is a great place for new or ex-
tions Guide can help, says the app or in the printed copy.” ing Regulations may be found perienced anglers and includes
Georgia Department of Natural The 2019 Georgia Sport Fish- online at http://www.eregula- information about taking kids
Resources’ Wildlife Resources ing Regulations Guide provides, or fishing, reservoir and river fish-
Division (WRD). helpful information, including through the Outdoors GA app ing tips, fish ID info and much
“Any angler that is looking color fish identification charts (free app for iPhone or Android more. If you are looking for the
for new places to fish, chang- for both freshwater and saltwa- users). Anglers also can pick latest fishing tips, check out the
es to laws and regulations or ter fish, license purchasing in- up a printed copy at any Wild- weekly Georgia Fishing Report
other information should be- formation, contact information life Resources Division fisher- (
gin with this publication,” Matt for Wildlife Resources Division ies management or DNR law For more information about
Thomas, chief with the WRD and Coastal Resources Division enforcement office, or at fish- Georgia’s fishing regulations,
Fisheries Management Section, fisheries management offic- ing license vendors throughout visit
es and DNR law enforcement Georgia. regulations.

NCSS hiring teachers for

weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 | 1B

2019-2020 school year

Staff Report school, but will graduate soon, should provide
a letter from the
Do you have a desire to college confirm-
teach? Do you have a teach- ing that they are
ing degree? Are you looking on track for
for a great new career op- g r a du at i on .
portunity? Newton Coun- In order to
ty School System has the be offered
answer. Register today to a posi-
attend the Newton County tion with
School System 2019-2020 NCSS for
Teacher Job Fair on Sat- the 2019-
urday, Feb. 23, at Newton 2 0 2 0
High School located at 1 school
Ram Way, Covington. Be- year, ap-
ginning at 9 a.m. until noon, plicants
administrators from all 23 must not
NCSS schools will be on be under
site interviewing and hiring contract
teachers to fill positions for with anoth-
the 2019-2020 school year.  er school sys-
“We have teaching posi- tem for 2019- ing-
tions available at both the 2020. ton,
elementary and second- “We expect to G e or-
ary levels,” Nyree Sanders, hire between 200 gia, ap-
NCSS director of human re- and 250 teachers for proximate-
sources, said. “We are of- the 2019-2020 school year,” ly 40 miles east
fering a $1,000 signing in- Sanders said. “We request of Atlanta on Interstate 20.
centive to eligible teachers that individuals planning to NCSS has many outstand-
who sign a contract at the attend pre-register for the ing career opportunities
Job Fair.”  Eligible teachers Job Fair by applying to the available and offers an ex-
will receive the incentive NCSS 2019 Teacher Job Fair cellent benefits package as
when they begin working posted on our website.” well as a balanced school
for NCSS in July.  Teachers or individu- calendar, which is con-
All applicants must regis- als seeking a teaching po- venient for students and
ter to attend the Job Fair by sition for the upcoming employees. NCSS does not
applying on the NCSS web- school year can visit the discriminate on the basis of
site, and certain documents Newton County School race, sex, color, religion, na-
are required to complete the System’s website at www. tional origin, age, handicap
online application process. in educational programs,
These include a current re- and register through the activities or employment
sume, college transcripts, slide show at the top of the practices.
test scores, exemption page. For more information For more information
scores for GACE program and details on how to apply, about the NCSS 2019-2020
assessments (if applicable) click on the following link: Teacher Job Fair, contact
and teaching certificate or the NCSS Human Resourc-
certificate of eligibility (if NCSS-Job-Fair.  es Department at 770-787-
applicable). Prospective Newton County School 1330 or via email at hrd-
applicants who are still in System is located in Cov- 

Marcus Pollard
wins state award
Staff report nization, Community, Ed- industry,” Pollard said. “To ucation, Greenspace Plan get recognized at the state
and Individual Achieve- level for the precise reason
The Georgia Urban For- ment.  Each award recipient of connecting our students
est Council recently award- received a framed print of to the forestry industry is a
ed Newton College and Ca- the Jekyll Island Plantation true honor. I’m thankful for
reer Academy agriculture Oak from an original pen Arbor Equity for the nomi-
instructor, Marcus Pollard and ink drawing by artist nation and the many other
with its 2018 Outstanding Barry Nehr, commissioned local businesses that sup-
Education Grand Award.  for GUFC. Pollard received port our kids.” 
The GUFC is a nonprofit the Outstanding Education The Georgia Urban For-
organization with the mis- Grand Award. est Council was founded in
sion of sustaining Georgia’s “Marcus Pollard is to be 1988 by a group of individ-
green legacy by partnering commended for educating uals who recognized the
with individuals, organiza- students about career op- need for an organization
tions and communities in portunities in arboricul- to address urban forestry
raising awareness toward ture and urban forestry,” issues in Georgia. Today,
improving and maintain- Mary Lynne Beckley, execu- GUFC brings educational
ing Georgia’s community tive director of the Georgia programs, leadership and
forests. The GUFC annual Urban Forest Council, said. resources in maintaining
awards program rewards “In connecting students to healthy trees to our towns
individuals and organiza- this field and to potential and cities around the state.
tions for outstanding work career opportunities, Mar- For more information on
in protecting and enhanc- cus broadens the horizons the Georgia Urban Forest
ing our community forests. for many individuals and Council and its Awards
One Grand Award was giv- strengthens the connec- Program, call 470-210-
en to each of the following tions between businesses 5900 or visit www.gufc.
categories: Development, and the community.” org. 
New Initiative, Civic Orga- “It’s a primary goal of
mine to connect students to

NCSS announces January

workshop for families of
special needs students
Staff Report towards the future with your child, no matter his or her current age or grade.
This workshop is free and open to the pub-
The educational opportunities for individ- lic. Please invite others that you know who
uals with special needs just keep expanding. might find these resources helpful. Limited
Join the Newton County School System for childcare will be available; please call for de-
a workshop that will feature speakers from tails.
local and state agencies who will discuss the Contact Diane Johnson, Newton County
ever-growing list of options for post-second- Special Education Parent Mentor for more
ary job skills training and education available information. (Email: johnson.adradiane@
to our students with special needs. This in- Telephone: 770-788-5384,
formation will help to guide you as you look ext. 3925)
8A| Weekend, Jan. 19-20, 2019 local THE COVINGTON NEWS

The Big Game Prediction

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1 Point Questions:
1. Who will be the winning team? _______________________________________________________________________________
2. Who will be the first team to score? ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Will the first score of the game be a touchdown? ________________________________________________________________
4. Will the first score of the game be a field goal? __________________________________________________________________
5. Will there be a field goal made from 40 yards or more?___________________________________________________________
6. Will a quarterback pass for more than 300 yards? _______________________________________________________________
7. Will any player run for 150 yards? _____________________________________________________________________________
8. Will there be a pick six? ______________________________________________________________________________________
9. Will there be more than 3 quarterback sacks in the game? _______________________________________________________
10. Will there be more than 21 points in the first half? _____________________________________________________________

2 Point Questions:
1. Will there be a targeting call in the game? ______________________________________________________________________
2. Will there be more than two successful fourth down conversions in the game? _____________________________________
3. Will the losing team lose by more than 2 touchdowns? ___________________________________________________________
4. Will there be a blocked punt or field goal in the game? ___________________________________________________________
5. Will there be a punt or kickoff returned for a touchdown in the game? _____________________________________________

3 Point Questions:
1. Will two quarterbacks pass for over 300 yards? _________________________________________________________________
2. Will the game be a shutout for the winning team? _______________________________________________________________
3. Will there be more than 40 points scored in the game? ___________________________________________________________
4. Will the game go into overtime?_______________________________________________________________________________
5. Who will be the game’s MVP? _________________________________________________________________________________

Tie Breaker: Total Points Scored _______________________________________________________________________________

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Bring or Mail Form to: 1166 Usher Street, Covington, GA 30014

sports weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 | 1B

HAPPY 300th

Newton’s Rasmussen says 300 wins was ‘beyond my wildest dreams’

Gabriel Stovall their coach on Twitter after can.” the pomp and circumstance Rasmussen was generous
of the night had subsid- in thanking all whom he
When Rick Rasmussen ed. But senior guard, and said played a part in this
was finally able to celebrate recent VCU commit, Tre milestone. From former
his 300th career win after Clark did his part, pouring coaches to his family.
a come-from-behind 74-65 in 32 points, fully knowing “It’s very special consid-
win against cross-town ri- what was at stake for his ering all the people who’ve
val Eastside last Saturday, coach. been involved with that,” he
he stopped the celebration “Before the game, assis- said. “All the mentors I’ve
short to give his team an tant coach, coach Demps had from coach Billy Hen-
important message. made us sign a poster that dricks to Ron Bradley who
“This is way less import- had his 300 wins on it, just were head coaches here be-
ant than the team W to- in case he got it, so we knew fore me, and I was an assis-
night,” Rasmussen told his we had to get it done for tant for both of them, so I
team while briefly holding Coach (Rasmussen),” Clark obviously learned a lot for
up a plaque that commem- said. “It was great to do it. I them.”
orated his coaching mile- like being a part of Newton In all, Rasmussen’s been
stone. “What I wanted was history.” at Newton for 21 years,
for everything to be normal Rasmussen told his 14 of those at the helm of
and for us to get a team team, both in a postgame, the program. During that
win.” post-celebration huddle time, his wife Tiffany and
Rasmussen knew his and back in the locker room his children along with ex-
300th win was coming that the team itself was tended family have all come
weeks before it happened. more important than any along with him for the ride.
But the closer it got, the accomplishment. “Definitely my wife and
Gabriel Stovall | The Covington News
more concerned he became “You can’t do it without family, Mrs. Ras, they’ve Newton head coach Rick Rasmussen celebrates his 300th career coaching victory last Saturday
about shielding the accom- the players,” Rasmussen all been awesome in un- against Eastside.
plishment from his team. said. “With all these players derstanding all the time it
“I just wanted them to fo- and with each season, it’s all takes to do this, and putting and I’m proud to have done Newton’s won five region “When I was an assistant
cus on getting the win as a about taking the team you up with me,” Rasmussen it in 13 and a half seasons.” titles in Rasmussen’s ten- with great mentors, I nev-
team,” he said. “I wanted it have and trying to make it said. “Without them and In all, Rasmussen has a ure, including the last three er knew that this would be
to be about the game. And I the best possible season it their support I couldn’t do 77 percent winning per- in a row — two in Region possible,” he said. “All of
think it was.” can be. It just happened to it. And all the players who centage, and has guided the 8-AAAAAAA and one in this was definitely beyond
But that doesn’t mean it come up on win 300 for me, have played for me, they’re Newton program to three Region 2-AAAAAA. my wildest dreams. “I’m
wasn’t special — both to but this season’s goal is only all a part of it. Some guys, state Final Four appearanc- None of this was the ex- very grateful, and I believe
Rasmussen and to the play- about us becoming the best especially the last five or six es and three Elite Eight ap- pectation though, when the Lord has blessed me a
ers. Several congratulated possible team and having years, some guys have been pearances, always in Geor- Rasmussen first took the great deal to be able to be in
the best possible season we with me for nearly 100 wins, gia’s largest classification. reins back in 2005. this place.”

Newton’s Rick Rasmussen
is proof that winning the
right way still has merit
Rick Rasmussen won his 300th game this past Saturday
in a come-from-behind victory over rival Eastside that
underscored the sometimes
seemingly archaic thought that
hard work, persistence and
consistency can take you far.
Rasmussen’s 14-year tenure
at the helm of Newton boys
basketball also pushes forward
another thought that can get
lost in the sauce in a sports era
Gabriel Stovall
of instant gratification — that
stability and trying to do things COVINGTON NEWS
a certain correct way will al- SPORTS EDITOR
most always promote health in
an athletic program. Especially one that specializes in tu-
toring and training adolescent kids.
Say what you will about it, but his achievement was re-
freshing to me. As a sportswriter, even on the high school
level, it seems like we’re being forced to become more cog-
nizant of moving parts and pieces.
We’re always looking for the next transfer. Trying to

scout out the next coaching move. Trying to keep our eyes
peeled for the next rules violation. It’s not that we necessar-
ily love or are obsessed with these things. Rather, it’s our job
to report them in a timely fashion when they occur.
So as impressive as it is to win 300 games — roughly 22
wins per season on average over his time as head coach —
it’s also easy for it to be almost overlooked for the spicier
Ashton Hagans has career night in return to home state news of the day.
I won’t overlook it though.
Gabriel Stovall would go to the free throw ed nothing more than to see sizzle had subsided and the
line. the once-Georgia committed boos that followed Hagans Coach Rasmussen stands on the coaching shoulders of local greats such as Ron Bradley and Billy Hendricks —
On one particular trip to the Hagans go down to the team around the court were all but
charity stripe, Hagans silenced he spurned. gone. And everybody in the both considered Newton High coaching levels. Both being
On one end, you could tell head coaches Rasmussen sat beside as an understudy.
what kind of night it was going those chants with two made “Coach Cal was just tell- building, regardless of wheth-
free throws. Turns out it would ing the guys to be on my side er they were dressed in red or And although I don’t know the other two well enough
to be for Ashton Hagans even to say from personal experience exactly what they stood
before the tip off at Georgia’s be a sign of things to come. and to fight with me,” he said. blue, were reminded why this
Hagans admits that it took “He told me what was going to kid was such a hot commod- for, I can say that I’ve seen enough of Rasmussen to know
Stegeman Coliseum. what he stands for — love for his program, his team and
As Hagans — Kentucky’s a little time for him to adjust happen, about being booed. ity — the nation’s top point
to the vitriolic homecoming He said the exact things that guard prospect — coming out his players.
freshman point guard who That’s something I’ve seen from him over the last cou-
spurned a commitment to response. But once he adjust- they would say, traitor and all of Newton High.
ed, he quickly began to re- that. But I was with my broth- As for Hagans? He was sim- ple of years as I’ve gone from knowing him as simply the
UGA after the firing of former guy who does a pretty good job at Newton to a coach who,
coach Mark Fox — trotted out mind the Bulldog faithful why ers and it was all good.” ply reminded that fans will be
they actually had hoped to Hagans was good. Good to fans, and that his game can in his own unique way, shows how much he loves what he
onto the court with the rest of does and who he works with.
his UK teammates, he was met be cheering the 6-foot-4 for- the tune of his fourth career talk louder than his lips, al-
mer 5-star floor general as he high point total in the last five though he did finally acknowl- Before last Saturday’s milestone, I went back in the ar-
with a hearty chorus of boos. chives to find an article that chronicled his 200th win. It
Ok, so perhaps that was just donned red and white instead games — this time, it was 23 edge the jeers from the crowd
of booing him. points. juiced him up a bit. was about four years ago, and roughly around the same
a one time thing, right? Nope. time in January when it occurred. I thought what he said
From there, each time Hagans “I wouldn’t say it rattled me, He was good to the tune “A little bit, you know,” he
you know. I just missed some of five rebounds, four assists, said with a wry smile. “I felt about it then was rather interesting.
touched the ball, even in warm “We’re just playing to be the best team we can be and to
ups, the UGA student section layups early on,” Hagans said. three steals and a nifty al- like I wasn’t a traitor, but that’s
“Coach (John Calipari) took ley-oop toss to fellow Georgia what everyone said. And, you work with a group of young people,” Rasmussen said at the
heckled him heartily. time. “I think the real measurement of success is getting
This would continue into me out, and then I just got product, and former Wheel- know, fans are gonna be fans
back focused and went back in er star, EJ Montgomery who on the road. But I was home, the best out of each team that you have year in and year
Tuesday night’s game with a out, helping the players work together to have collectively
now full arena and partisan to play my game. He told me slammed it home emphatical- even though they were booing
to let him know when I was ly, midway through the second me, and I was just trying to put responsibility for the whole.”
Georgia crowd jumping on the So even in his milestone moment four years ago, Ras-
boo Hagans bandwagon every ready to go back in.” half. on a show for my family.”
chance they got. At one point, He also prepped him on By that time, No. 12 Ken- And that he did. But the
the student section chanted what to expect from the rau- tucky was up by more than See STOVALL, 3B
“traitor, traitor,” as Hagans cous Georgia crowd that want- a dozen points, the crowd’s See HAGANS, 3B
2B| Weekend, Jan. 19-20, 2019 sports THE COVINGTON NEWS

Anthony Banks | The Covington News

Lizzie Teasley makes a crossover dribble move in an attempt
to get past a Newton defender in a recent game. Teasley’s
contribution as a freshman point guard has been welcomed by
coach Gladys King.

EHS freshman Teasley making

immediate impact for Lady Eagles
La’Nissa Rozier

To be a floor general on the varsity basketball level is a

special responsibility. To do it as a freshman, even more so.
That’s the place Eastside freshman point guard, Lizzie
Teasley has found herself in this season. The Lady Eagles
welcomed Teasley to their team this year as their starting
varsity point guard, a big position for such an inexperienced
After attending the Lady Eagles’ summer basketball camp,
the freshman caught the eye of head coach Gladys King.
“We opened up our camp for the kids to come in and
practice during the summer time, and when I saw some
Matthew Grimes | The Covington News of the things she [was advanced in] — ball handling skills,
Alcovy’s Chandler Hicks tosses a ball to a teammate during Monday’s first day of tryouts/practice which marked the official start to the catching ability, [ability] to run the floor, hustling — I re-
GHSA baseball season. Hicks, along with sophomore Ryan Spikes, are considered to of the nation’s top prep prospects. alized that she was more advanced than the other players,”

King said.
From there, she began training with the team, and learn-
ing how to perform as a point guard and as a leader for the
team. And although there are some adjustments King has
had to walk Teasley through, thanks to her youth, King says
such things are a small price to pay to have Teasley’s skill on
the court.

with the new faces of Newton County baseball “I can live with some of the freshman mistakes as far as
being timid, shy and not wanting to handle a lot of the pres-
sure,” King said. “We can get through those. Those are just
Matthew Grimes need to tweak. We had some MG: What is your plan went?  growing pains as a freshman.” solid approaches at the plate for the rest of the week’s James Jackson: “I think it Teasley acknowledges that transitioning from a middle
in the batting practice ses- practices? went awesome. The intensi- school team to a high school varsity team has presented some
  Monday marked the of- sion. There were also a cou- BC:  “(Tuesday) we are ty was great. The guys were challenges. 
ficial beginning of baseball ple of kids that surprised us, going to do a coach pitch happy to be out here, I was “My first game was definitely an eye-opener for me,” Teasley
season in Newton County, especially the underclass- scrimmage. We’ll see these happy to be out here, the said. “I came in thinking that I was going to be able to dribble
as the three county teams- men. The biggest things are guys actually play a little bit coaches were happy to be through [as] I did in middle school. But I had to learn that I
Alcovy, Eastside and New- confidence and the mental of baseball. We are actually out here. I mean its baseball had to step up. And the transition was difficult for me.”
ton- hosted team tryouts.  game. Our kids have to be- going to be doing that for season.”  Aside from a different on-court atmosphere, Teasley is try-
Each team has one glar- lieve they are going to be the rest of the week, so that’s MG: It’s a little cold ing to adjust to simply being a part of a new team — one with a
ing commonality: each successful, and our staff will kind of our schedule there. but it will warm up soon much more physically demanding schedule. That also includes
head coach is entering their be their biggest supporters It will be good though to enough. I know we’ve talk- getting used to being on a squad full of older girls and develop-
first year as their respective along the way.” kind of cut them loose and ed before about your time ing team chemistry. 
team’s head coach.  MG:  What are some of let them play a little bit. I on staff with the team (as “The first game I played, [the other girls] didn’t want to give
New Alcovy head coach the things you can do early know (Monday) was kind of an assistant), but now that me the ball,” she said. “I had to earn my position in practice,
Jimmy Hughes spent the on, especially this week, to boring since we were doing you’re the head guy, what and now we’re starting to play team ball and click together. I
last few years with the Shi- set the tone for the season? more of a pro style work- is the biggest difference in had to get them to commit to me.”
loh program before making JH: “Our biggest thing out. A lot of these kids have your preparation? For the most part, it’s gone well. She’s averaging close to six
his way to Covington.  is to set our foundational never done that before. So JJ: “Game scheduling. I points and about two rebounds and an assist per game for East-
Eastside head coach approaches defensively, on it was different and new for think just being in charge. side and is trying to do her part to help position the Lady Ea-
Brandon Crumbley lead the mound, and at the plate. them and it gives us a lot of That’s the biggest difference gles for a state tournament berth.
the team last year, but un- We’re going to have a stan- data. It’s just another piece — the administrative part. Whatever success she’s had, Teasley said it only makes her
der the interim tag. During dard to set in each aspect of the puzzle that is making That’s the only difference want to work harder.
the offseason he was an- of the program, but our ex- the hard decisions and put- really. Everything else is the  “[Now] I train every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m. before
nounced as the team’s head pectations have to be clear. ting a roster together.” same.” school,” she said. “Then I go to school, and after school, I train
coach after leading Eastside A foundation set upon sand MG: I noticed in my MG: What is going to for two hours every day. Basketball is my life, and I know if I
to the sweet sixteen in last will crumble. A foundation time out here you mostly be your main focus point use what I do in training I’ll be fine.” 
season’s playoffs.  set upon a rock will stand had ninth and 10th grad- as you practice in prepa- While she has definitely faced some challenges, she has also
Newton head coach James forever, or at least a long ers out on the field and ration for the upcoming improved.
Jackson has been with the time. It all boils down to you were still doing the season?   “She has progressed very well since the first game, as far as
Newton Program for the fundamentals.” intense, very professional JJ:  “We are going to try always trying to pass the ball, not necessarily looking for her
last few years and steps in to MG: Looking forward training and evaluation to fine tune the guys. As shot or trying to attack the basket,” King said.
replace Andre Byrd who left into the season, what are drills. How do you think far as fundamentals go, we Teasley’s also not as timid on the court as she used to be.
for a position at Creekside you most excited to see that sets the tone for the want to be a fundamental- “I think [I’ve improved] because my confidence came
High.  from your team this year? culture you want to build ly sound team. Fielding, in,” Teasley said. “At first I wasn’t confident. I thought I was
I spent Monday after- JH: “I’m excited to see here from the ground up?  catching and lessening the confident, but I wasn’t confident. The first game I realized
noon visiting the three how we compete. We have BC:  “That’s the whole mistakes. The less mistakes I couldn’t just wake up and play the game. I had to focus
different schools observ- a group of kids itching to thing, we are just trying to we make, the more games myself before the game.”
ing the county’s first bit of get at somebody other than build the culture. I always we will win. We are going to King has noticed many promising traits in Teasley that
baseball action. Since then, themselves. I’m also excited say ‘Rome wasn’t built in a concentrate on situational she plans to build on to make her a stronger player.
rosters are being completed to see who is going to an- day,’ and one of the hashtags baseball. If we can do that, “Her hustle, she’s really quick,” King said. “When we get
and potential standouts are swer the bell from a leader- I like to use is #trustthe- I think we are going to be a loose balls she can get after them where some people are not
starting to be identified. But ship perspective. Player-led process. Everything we do pretty good team.” as quick. But I saw that this summer, and that was one of
after that first day of prac- teams are the ones compet- is a process. It’s just about MG: Now obviously you the things that impressed me a lot. She is very positive, she
tice/try-outs, I was able to ing for region champion- everybody buying into it have Khalil Wilcox who listens and she asks a lot of questions.”
chat with each coach and ships at season’s end.” and believing in it. We are just signed with Alabama Teasley’s personal focus for improvement right now is on
get their thoughts on their MG: Now that baseball introducing these guys to a A&M, but who is another driving to the basket, footwork, and the “team ball” men-
first day and their outlook season is officially here, pro style workout, that way guy who has you excited tality on the court. Those were elements she tried to work
for the season: what can we expect from when they go to a showcase already? on last Saturday in Eastside’s second game against Newton. 
Alcovy’s Jimmy the Alcovy Tigers this year? or a college workout they’ll JJ: “Definitely Khalil, like It was a tough night for the Lady Eagles — a 57-35 loss
Hughes JH: “I think people can know what to do. And it you said. Another guys is in a game where the Lady Rams tried to get a little revenge
Matthew Grimes:  How expect us to dial up the in- gives us a chance to see Israel Dixon. He is a do it from Eastside’s overtime win against Newton a couple of
does it feel to finally be tensity. Teams may beat us, them show a lot of different all guy in the infield. He weeks ago.
back to baseball? but we want them to earn skills.”  has quick hands and quick- Teasley scored six points in the game, and had some good
Jimmy Hughes: “I was it. I want opposing coach- MG: What do you think twitch muscles. He’s a lead- moments handling the ball, despite the loss.
happy from a selfish per- es to say, ‘Man, that Alcovy is the most important off guy who can do it all at “I’ve improved with trying to drive to the basket, cause I
spective, but there’s nothing bunch really got after it.’” thing you can do this week the plate. He doesn’t strike know I can take them off of the dribble. I know that I have
like seeing the unbridled that will kind of set the out too much at all. I’m the moves,” Teasley said. “But at the beginning of the (New-
joy of the kids on day one. Eastside’s Brandon course for the season? very, very impressed with ton game) I was iffy. I thought, ‘I can’t do this against these
They knew it wasn’t more Crumbley BC: “Just compete. Come him.”  girls. They won’t fall for it.’ So lately I’ve been passive, but
time in the weight room, MG: Last week when we out here and hustle, man. I MG: So now that it’s fi- (Saturday night) I decided I was going to drive.” 
a conditioning session, or talked you mentioned how was talking to the older kids nally here, what has you Through it all, she’s learning what it truly means to be a
four-on-one time. It’s the excited you were for Mon- today about taking care of most excited about this floor general at the point guard position.
real thing. Any baseball guy day. Now that Monday has the little things. Make sure season? “Sometimes I’m a little ‘iffy’ on my dribbles and I might
that hears the crack of the come and gone, how do you you’ve got your hat, you’ve JJ: “Competing. Be- mess up, but I can see the court and I love to pass to my
bat or a ball hitting a glove, feel it went? got some long sleeves, your ing a strong-minded team,” Teasley said. “I’d rather get 10 assists than 10 points
and says they aren’t in love, Brandon Crumbley: “Oh cleats, that sort of thing. If team. I know we will be a scored because then I feel like I did my job.”
is lying to you.” it was a good day- a good you take care of the little strong-minded team. We While she has made improvements, she also knows it’s
MG: There’s nothing first day. We had our old- things, the big things take are going to be young but just the beginning of her career, and she still has three more
quite like those sounds. er group get out here early care of themselves.” I want the guys to come years of high school ball ahead.
How do you feel about right after school. It was in knowing that you can “I feel like I’m improving but I still have a long way to
the way (Monday tryouts) good to see those guys, and Newton’s James win any game. Don’t worry go. It’s only my freshman year,” she said. “And a lot of peo-
went from a baseball per- these young guys too. It’s al- Jackson about the guys across from ple don’t get this opportunity. They have to wait until their
spective? ways exciting to see the new MG: So (Monday) was you, know that we are the senior year and I didn’t. So from this day on, I’m going to
JH: “We saw a lot of pos- guys. It was cold but it was a your first official day out Newton Rams and that they come out, keep driving, keep kicking, keep getting assists
itives and some things we good day.” here. How do you think it have to play us too.” and it should be good.”
THE COVINGTON NEWS sports weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 |3B
been putting me in the role, in the right spots on the court. the AAU circuit. Nevertheless, Hagans says them they’re gonna be trash.
HAGANS letting me have the ball more But other than that, that’s it.” Hagans said Crean made all the recruiting stuff is wa- So after they’ve gotten off to a
FROM 1B to find the open guys,” he said. Hagans has played, and many visits to Newton High ter under the bridge now. He good start, they call me saying,
“I’m going back to playing my now talks, as if he has no re- once he was hired as Fox’s said he’s happy where he is and ‘Oh, I thought we were gonna
game like in high school. Find- grets about where his colle- successor, and while Hagans has built a brotherhood bond be trash this year.’ But they’re
way he played Tuesday night ing my shooters, attacking the giate career has taken him so showed the new coach respect, with his current teammates. still having a good season, and
looked to be a culmination of basket, looking for my bigs. far — and there have been his decision came down to one He also said he has respect for I’m watching them and I hope
all the elements of his game But I’m just loving how things many twists and turns in the thing. the Georgia team he would’ve they continue to do well.”
that had shown isolated flashes have gone these last couple of journey. “I was up here every time been a part of. Newton gave coach Rick
previously. games, and I just want to keep It started with his com- my cousin played, because my “They’ve got some really Rasmussen his 300th win
Except for the first couple of it going.” mitment to UGA back in cousin used to play for (Fox),” good guys on that team,” he last Saturday in a win against
minutes of the game, Hagans He attributed his recent tear December 2017, right before Hagans said. “So when Fox said. “They played us hard at Eastside. The Rams are cur-
looked in control of the of- to his ability to finally start Christmas, and just as the left, it was like a loyalty thing first and we were in a dogfight. rently sitting in second place
fense, was his normal stalwart adjusting to the differences of temperature on then-coach for me. It was loyalty over ev- They’ll be fine.” in Region 8-AAAAAAA and
self on defense and got himself the college game from high Mark Fox’s hot seat started erything, so that’s why I (de- So there’s no need for Ha- poised for another deep state
together emotionally to where school. turning up. The warmer it got, committed).” gans to look back on his days tournament run. But Hagans
he showed glimpses of his days “The biggest adjustment is the colder Hagans’ commit When asked after Tuesday’s in Georgia — except when it wouldn’t have reclassified to
dominating in Georgia high just knowing that you’re on to Georgia seemed. And sure game if Hagans would’ve still comes to his high school alma graduate a year early, does he
school gyms. the court with a lot of good enough, in February not long considered Kentucky had Fox mater. believe he would’ve led New-
And the fact that Tuesday’s guys that’s got the same game after Fox’s dismissal, Hagans not been fired, Hagans an- “I talk to Tyrease (Brown), ton to a state crown?
performance marked Hagans’ as you,” he said. “They can decommitted. swered it about as matter of Armani (Harris) and Tre He heard the question,
fifth straight double-digit scor- shoot, they can drive, they can Current Georgia coach, factly as possible. (Clark) too — and congrats to paused, laughed, and then said
ing output truly made him feel find the open guys. But really, Tom Crean made his pitch, “If coach Fox would’ve Tre for committing to VCU,” what anyone who knows him
at home. it’s just the pace of the game, Hagans said. And Hagans had stayed, I would’ve been here,” Hagans said. “I was joking would’ve expected.
“You know, coach has just knowing everything and being some history with Crean from he said. with them, you know, telling “Of course.”

STOVALL game, so as to allow them to be fo-

cused only on getting a win.
was telling me about the kind of
team he had and how close he’d been
most proud of is all these wins are
at Newton. A lot of coaches bounce
Many of his kids find themselves
ready to make an immediate impact
FROM 1B Perhaps the fact that Eastside had in the past to getting over the state around and go from place to place at the collegiate level. And while
a lead for the better part of three championship hump. and try to hunt talent, and I believe much of that has to do with the tal-
quarters may make it plausible to “But I’ve never really just had a in developing players and doing it ent of the kids themselves, the way
mussen wanted to talk about his make a case that the Rams came out bunch of those 6-foot-8 guys who ethically.” Rasmussen runs his program has a
team. Fast forward four years and and played a bit tight. More plausi- could just dunk it in without even To be sure, Newton’s certainly got- lot to do with it as well.
100 wins later, and nothing much ble, though, is just that Eastside has trying,” Rasmussen said at the time. ten its fair share of difference mak- “You can’t do it without the play-
had changed. gotten much better as a team than it’s “But we’ve been successful with what ers. One of them, Isaiah Miller, came ers,” he said. “We’ve got a lot of great
Shortly after the initial celebration been over the last couple of seasons, we have.” over to Newton for his senior season kids, and along the way we’re getting
and hoopla that accompanied his and that’s showed itself in the fact What he’s typically had are good and electrified the local high school them prepared, not just for basket-
win, Rasmussen gathered his team that both games between the rivals athletes who are well-coached and hoops world. He’s still doing it at ball, but for life. Our job as coaches
on the court to give them a message. this season have been hard fought don’t mind doing the things neces- UNC-Greensboro now. each year is to take a group of kids
“We gotta stick together,” Ras- and fairly close. sary to play winning basketball. Of In fact, on the night of Rasmus- together, make them believe in each
mussen said. “People on the outside, “I found out later some people course, like any coach, Rasmussen sen’s win, Miller poured in a ca- other and buy in. You do that, and
they think they know better than us. ratted me out and told my guys looks at his roster as each season reer-high 25 points as UNC-Greens- you end up with this moment.”
They want to get in your head. That’s about the 300 mark,” he said. “But passes, trying to get a handle on boro knocked off a solid Furman And what a moment it was. Not
called noise. That’s not what it’s I wanted it to be about the game. I what he has returning and who he team. Then three days later, Ashton just for the sake of basketball, but
about. But if we come together and think it was. But maybe they might may have emerging. But it isn’t an Hagans tallied his fourth straight for the sake of having the ability to
block all of those things out, we can have been playing a little different obsession for him — not to the place career-high performance, pouring see that sometimes the so-called old
do outstanding things.” in the first art. We came alive late, where he feels tempted to shirk in- in 23 points in a 20-point Kentucky school way still works. Consistency,
Then he held up a plaque, espe- and I wouldn’t want it any other way. tegrity in the name of adding to the win over Georgia, the school he was fundamentals, winning with integ-
cially made to commemorate his Tough one against a rival? Great. trophy case. once committed to. rity.
300th win, and he told his kids, “This That’s what you want.” “All these players and all these sea- These are just a couple. But Ras- Coach Rick Rasmussen is one
is way less important than the team The moment wasn’t just about sons are about getting the best out mussen has his fingerprints on kids of those who has proven that such
W tonight. What I wanted was for that night and that win, though. In of what you have that year,” he said. who have played, or are currently things are not out of style.
everything to be normal and for us an age of constantly moving parts in “We never used the word ‘rebuild.’ playing all over the college basket- Gabriel Stovall is the sports editor
to get a team win.” high school athletics, Rasmussen is a I’m not saying that because we think ball landscape from Power Five na- of The Covington News. He can be
This is why, Rasmussen said, he throwback. we’re always gonna have a great sea- tional powers to solid FCS, Division reached for tips and story ideas at
tried his best to downplay the mo- I remember the very first inter- son. Maybe some of our seasons II, Division III, NAIA schools and Follow him
ment for his team before Saturday’s view I had with the coach, and he won’t be as good, but the thing I’m JUCOs. on Twitter @GabrielStovall1.

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Public Notices
Aaron Dr. Covington, GA 30014 GLADYS M. WILLIAMS, deceased. (The applicant has also applied for address is Lisa Ferrell. the undersigned estate representative
Public Notices (The applicant has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain according to law.
waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12- PUBLIC NOTICE #114335 THIS THE 26th day of November,
Abandoned Vehicles 1999 INFINITI Q30T powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12- 232). All interested parties are hereby 1/20,27 2018.
JNKCA21A0XT753872 232). All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said
ABANDONED VEHICLES BPL0838,GA notified to show cause why said application should not be granted. All Convictions JASMINE BRIANA Benton
COWAN RD application should not be granted. All objections must be in writing, and filed 3234 SPICY Cedar Lane
PURSUANT TO OCGA Subsection objections must be in writing, and filed with this Court on or before February 2ND DUI CONVICTION LITHONIA, GEORGIA 30038
40-11-2, B&H Wrecker Service Inc 2007 NISSAN SENTRA with this Court on or before February 4, 2019, next, at ten o’clock, a.m.
through its Agents states that the 3N1AB61EX7L716917 4, 2019, next, at ten o’clock, a.m. PUBLIC NOTICE #114301
following vehicles are Abandoned and QAV4000,GA MELANIE M. Bell, Judge 1/13,20,27,2/3
will be sold at a later date if not picked SALEM RD, 76 GAS MELANIE M. Bell, Judge BY: MARCIA Wynne
up as stated, 9224 Washington Street
Covington, GA 30014
HEMLOCK ST PUBLIC NOTICE #114283 NOTICE IS hereby given to the
PUBLIC NOTICE #114286 1/13,20,27,2/3 debtors and creditors of the Estate of
2HGEJ6578YH595085 2650
2003 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 1/13,20,27,2/3 Gary Wesley Lugar, deceased, late
1G1JC52F337268958 CITATION of Newton County, Georgia. You are
RID6828,GA CITATION required to render your demands and/
ALCOVY RD WENDALL JEROME JOHNSON or make payments to the undersigned
1FMYU22X0XUB78485 138/
LISA ANN HOWARD has petitioned has petitioned to be appointed estate representative according to law.
1997 NISSAN ALTIMA to be appointed Administrator of the Administrator of the Estate of THIS THE 4th day of January, 2019.
RHM6804,GA HOWARD, deceased. (The applicant deceased. (The applicant has also BRIAN WESLEY Lugar
1UYVS25331P659005 TIRES N
NIXON CIR has also applied for waiver of bond applied for waiver of bond and/or 3647 SANDHILL Drive, SE
WHEELS NAME OF Convicted Person: Adric
and/or grant of certain powers grant of certain powers contained in CONYERS, GA 30094
Devon Samuel
1997 CHEVROLET BLAZER contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-232). All O.C.G.A. §53-12-232). All interested
1GNDT13W5V2104579 interested parties are hereby notified parties are hereby notified to show PUBLIC NOTICE #114289
7828 DATE OF Arrest: 05/12/2018
RPY5308,GA to show cause why said application cause why said application should not 1/13,20,27,2/3
KL1TD6637B695922 45 PEBBLE PLACE OF Arrest:
HWY 11 should not be granted. All objections be granted. All objections must be in
must be in writing, and filed with this writing, and filed with this Court on or
CITY & State: —————————— CREDITORS
2001 GMC YUKON Court on or before February 4, 2019, before February 4, 2019, next, at ten
1GKEC13V41R184094 next, at ten o’clock, a.m. o’clock, a.m.
NOTAG TIME OF Arrest: 05:28 pm NOTICE IS hereby given to the
1G3GR47Y2GP340999 LACKEY ST PMS3457,GA debtors and creditors of the Estate
HWY 142 MELANIE M. Bell, Judge MELANIE M. Bell, Judge
DISPOSITION OF the Case.:..— of Henry Phillips, deceased, late
2000 CADILLAC OTHER NOTAG ——————————————— of Newton County, Georgia. You are
1G6KF5797YU299860 DNC ————————————­ Pled required to render your demands and/
Guilty- 12 Months to serve 10 days in or make payments to the undersigned
2003 HYUNDAI SONATA NOTAG RMV0614,GA confinement, balance to be served on estate representative according to law.
KMHWF25H93A873484 HWY 278 probation. THIS THE 7th day of January, 2019.
1/13,20,27,2/3 1/13,20,27,2/3
COMPLETE 240 hours community
2003 NISSAN SENTRA CEP-2622 2007 MAZDA 3 CITATION service work; consume no alcohol; HENRY PHILLIPS
3N1CB51D23L815333 HWY 278 JM1BK123771679138 Corporations submit to random alcohol screens; P.O. BOX 490
CROWELL RD MARTHA HILLER has petitioned attend VIP; undergo a clinical alcohol PORTERDALE, GA 30070
2014 FORD FUSION NOTAG NOTICE IS given that articles of evaluation; complete DUllAlcohol risk
to be appointed Administrator of the
3FA6P0H73ER221418 NCSD 2008 HONDA CIVIC incorporation that will incorporate reduction program; 2 AA meetings per
2HGFG11828H508916 ALTOMEISE WILLIAMS INC. have week: pay $1000.00 fine plus $50.00
deceased. (The applicant has also 1/13,20,27,2/3
PUBLIC NOTICE #114328 CFL6597,GA been delivered to the Secretary of court cost. $25.00 Publication fee.
applied for waiver of bond and/or
1/20,27 SALEM RD State for filing in accordance with the Install ignition interlock device. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
grant of certain powers contained in
Georgia Business Corporation Code. CREDITORS
O.C.G.A. §53-12-232). All interested
ABANDONED VEHICLES 1992 HONDA ACCORD The initial registered office of the JUDGE NANCY N. Bills
parties are hereby notified to show
1HGCB7656NA182924 corporation is located at 170 Pebble INFORMATION PROVIDED by: Ruth NOTICE IS hereby given to the
cause why said application should not
PURSUANT TO OCGA Subsection HWY 36 Brook Ct, Covington, GA 30016 and A. Wilson debtors and creditors of the Estate of
be granted. All objections must be in
40-11-2, B&H Wrecker Service Inc its initial registered agent at such TITLE: CLERK Jur isdiction: Irvin Smith, deceased, late of Newton
writing, and filed with this Court on or
through its Agents states that the 1999 INFINTI Q45 address is Altermease Williams. Rockdale State Court County, Georgia. You are required to
before February 4, 2019, next, at ten
following vehicles are Abandoned and JNKBY31A6XM606642 render your demands and/or make
o’clock, a.m.
will be sold at a later date if not picked RJZ2432,GA PUBLIC NOTICE #114275 PUBLIC NOTICE #114314 payments to the undersigned estate
up as stated, 9224 Washington Street WELLINGTON RIDGE 1/13,20 1/20 representative according to law.
MELANIE M. Bell, Judge
Covington, GA 30014 APARTMENTS THIS THE 4th day of December, 2018.
BY: MARCIA Wynne NOTICE IS given that articles of
CLERK, PROBATE Court incorporation that will incorporate Debtors Creditors LAWHAWN KELLY Cameron
SAD0063 1/13,20 615 PEBBLE Blvd
been delivered to the Secretary of ALL CREDITORS of the estate of
2G2WP552261250645 PONY COVINGTON, GA 30016
PUBLIC NOTICE #114284 State for filing in accordance with GERALD FULTON DICKERSON,
1/13,20,27,2/3 the Georgia Business Corporation deceased, a resident of Newton
Code (or Georgia Nonprofit County, Georgia, are hereby notified
1995 FORD TAURUS RKM3498 CITATION 1/13,20,27,2/3
Corporation Code). The initial to render in their demands to the
1FAL52U6SA294707 ALMON RD TO WHOM It May Concern:
registered office of the corporation is undersigned according to law, and all NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
located at persons indebted to said estate are CREDITORS
the Flat Shoals Rd area of Covington. has petitioned to be appointed
1133 FLAT Rock Rd, Covington GA required to make immediate payment.
2016 HONDA FIT RDC9680 If you are the owner Administrator of the Estate of
30014 and its initial registered agent EXECUTOR: NOTICE IS hereby given to the debtors
3HGGK5H96GM705483 HWY 81/ YOU MAY claim it (with proof of JEFFREY BRIAN GATES, deceased.
at such address is Larry La’Fronce TAMI LYN Dickerson Clewis and creditors of the Estate of Jimmie
BYPASS RD ownership) by calling 770-595-8435 (The applicant has also applied for
Mann. 1063 FINCHER Road Ruth C. Holmes, deceased, late of
waiver of bond and/or grant of certain COVINGTON, GA 30014
2007 CHEVROLET IMPALA PUBLIC NOTICE #114329 powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12- Newton County, Georgia. You are
RKT5060 1/20,27 PUBLIC NOTICE #114316 required to render your demands and/
232). All interested parties are hereby PUBLIC NOTICE #114226
2G1WT58N279311467 1/20,27 or make payments to the undersigned
notified to show cause why said 12/30,1/6,13,20 estate representative according to law.
Alcoholic Beverage application should not be granted. All NOTICE IS given that articles of
THIS THE 7th day of January, 2019.
2003 VOLKSWAGON JETTA objections must be in writing, and filed incorporation that will incorporate NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
RLQ8372 NOTICE IS hereby given that with this Court on or before February Southeast Freight Group, Inc. have CREDITORS
3VWSE69M33M022852 HWY 81/ an application has been made 4, 2019, next, at ten o’clock, a.m. KEVIN LAMAR Holmes
been delivered to the Secretary of
HWY 162 to the Newton County Board of NOTICE IS hereby given to the 45 HOLMES Road
State for filing in accordance with the
Commissioners to obtain a license MELANIE M. Bell, Judge debtors and creditors of the Estate of COVINGTON, GA 30016
Georgia Business Corporation Code
2002 GMC SIERRA PWF6884 to sell alcoholic beverages (beer and BY: MARCIA Wynne (or Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Anitas Louise Bolz, deceased, late
1GTEC14V92Z243572 305 EMORY wine) for off-premises consumption CLERK, PROBATE Court of Newton County, Georgia. You are PUBLIC NOTICE #114339
Code). The initial registered office
ST by: NEWTON COUNTY, GA required to render your demands and/ 1/20,27,2/3,10
of the corporation is located at 45
Lances Lane, Covington GA 30016 or make payments to the undersigned NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
PUBLIC NOTICE #114271 MURPHY USA PUBLIC NOTICE #114282 and its initial registered agent at this estate representative according to law. CREDITORS
1/13,20 MAXINE CATES 1/13,20,27,2/3 address is Ashley Greeson. THIS THE 10th day of January, 2019.
4230 SALEM Road, Covington, GA NOTICE IS hereby given to the
PUBLIC NOTICE #114322 BERNADETTE BOLZ Johnson debtors and creditors of the Estate
1/20,27 52 WEST Macedonia Church Road of Kitty Dell King, deceased, late
40-11-2, Salem Auto & Tire through License Contact: has petitioned to be appointed NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR
its Agents states that the following Administrator of the Estate of required to render your demands and/
vehicles are Abandoned and will be RONALD BRUCE FRY, deceased. or make payments to the undersigned
sold at a later date if not picked up as (The applicant has also applied for estate representative according to law.
stated. 5870 Salem Road, Covington, waiver of bond and/or grant of certain NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND THIS THE 18th day of December,
GA 30016 powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12- CREDITORS 2018.
1/20,27 232). All interested parties are hereby gives notice that an application for a
2004 CHEVROLET Suburban notified to show cause why said NOTICE IS hereby given to the JEWELL DYE Galloway
license to engage in the business of
3GNFK16ZX4G218701 application should not be granted. All debtors and creditors of the Estate of 1320 MILL Pond Road
making loans pursuant to the Georgia
Bids objections must be in writing, and filed Industrial Loan Act will be filed by Fast Arthur Robertson, Jr, deceased, late NEWBORN, GEORGIA 30056
PUBLIC NOTICE #114270 with this Court on or before February Cash Loans of GA, Inc within thirty of Newton County, Georgia. You are
THE CITY of Covington is accepting PUBLIC NOTICE #114299
1/13,20 4, 2019, next, at ten o’clock, a.m. (30) days of the date of this notice in required to render your demands and/
Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) 1/13,20,27,2/3
from Construction Manager at Risk the Office of the Georgia Industrial or make payments to the undersigned
(CM@Risk) with experience in the MELANIE M. Bell, Judge Loan Commissioner. The address estate representative according to law. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
9179 AARON DR.
planning and Remodel/Construction BY: MARCIA Wynne of the proposed place of business is THIS THE 7th day of January, 2019. CREDITORS
of police department facilities CLERK, PROBATE Court 3818 Salem Road, Covington, GA
.Submissions must be presented NEWTON COUNTY, GA 30016-4528 RODNEY JEWAYNE Robertson NOTICE IS hereby given to the debtors
FAX: 770-786-3165
in accordance with the content and 210 RIVERCREST Lane and creditors of the Estate of Lonnie
format required under this Request PUBLIC NOTICE #114287 PUBLIC NOTICE #114327 COVINGTON, GEORGIA 30014 Mae Durden Johnson, deceased,
for Qualifications (RFQ) and must 1/13,20,27,2/3 1/20,27 late of Newton County, Georgia.
40-11-2, K-2 Towing through its agents
be received by the Purchasing PUBLIC NOTICE #114290 You are required to render your
states that the following vehicles are CITATION NOTICE OF CHANGE OF
Department, Attn: Scott Cromer in 1/13,20,27,2/3 demands and/or make payments to
abandoned and will be sold at a later CORPORATE NAME
date if not picked up as stated, 9179 City Hall by 10:00am on Tuesday, THE PETITION of Franklin Calhoun NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND the undersigned estate representative
February 05, 2019 at which time the widow/widower of Carrie Bell CREDITORS according to law.
NOTICE IS given that articles of
proposals will be opened. Calhoun, deceased, for Twelve THIS THE 7th day of January, 2018.
amendment which will change the
REQUEST FOR Qualifications Month’s Support for applicant (and name of Sneed & Associates, P.C. to NOTICE IS hereby given to the debtors
and additional information may be deceased’s minor children) having and creditors of the Estate of Dorian ANTHONY LEMAR Durder
Shannon D. Sneed, P.C. have been
obtained at City Hall or by accessing been duly filed, all interested parties La-Ron Drewery, deceased, late 1034 FOX Street SE
delivered to the Secretary of State for
the request for proposals on the City’s are hereby notified to show cause why of Newton County, Georgia. You are CONYERS, GA 30013
filing in accordance with the Georgia
website at http://www.cityofcovington. said petition should not be granted. All Business Corporation Code. The required to render your demands and/
org/Business/Bids. objections must be in writing and filed or make payments to the undersigned PUBLIC NOTICE #114162
registered office of the corporation
with this Court on or before February estate representative according to law. 1/13,20,27,2/3
is located at 2112 Lee Street NW,
THE CITY of Covington reserves the 4, 2018, next at ten o’clock a.m. Covington, GA 30014. THIS THE 13th day of January, 2019. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
right to reject any and all proposals.
MELANIE M. Bell, Judge THIS 31ST day of December, 2018. JACQUELINE M. Lopez Drewery
PUBLIC NOTICE #114340 BY: MARCIA Wynne, Clerk 30 WYNDMONT Way NOTICE IS hereby given to the
1/20,27 PROBATE COURT SHANNON D. Sneed COVINGTON, GEOGIA 30014 debtors and creditors of the Estate
NEWTON COUNTY, Georgia P.O. BOX 1245 of Louis Joy Wagner, deceased, late
Citations 2112 LEE Street NW Covington, GA PUBLIC NOTICE #114295 of Newton County, Georgia. You are
PUBLIC NOTICE #114303 30015 1/13,20,27,2/3 required to render your demands and/
CITATION 1/13,20,27,2/3 or make payments to the undersigned
PUBLIC NOTICE #114266 estate representative according to law.
1/13,20 THIS THE 18th day of December,
petitioned to be appointed 2018.
Administrator of the Estate of USHER THE PETITION of Kenneth Ray NOTICE OF INTENT TO NOTICE IS hereby given to the debtors
RUBEN MILLS, deceased. (The Knight widow/widower of Donna INCORPORATE and creditors of the Estate of Dorothy
L. Knight, deceased, for Twelve Ann Williams, deceased, late of KAREN WAGNER
applicant has also applied for waiver 40 STOWE Road
of bond and/or grant of certain powers Month’s Support for applicant (and NOTICE IS given that articles of Newton County, Georgia. You are
deceased’s minor children) having required to render your demands and/ COVINGTON, GEORGIA 30014
contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-232). All organization which will organize
interested parties are hereby notified been duly filed, all interested parties Printability Signs, LLC have been or make payments to the undersigned
are hereby notified to show cause why estate representative according to law. PUBLIC NOTICE #114300
to show cause why said application delivered to the Secretary of State for
said petition should not be granted. All THIS THE 7th day of January, 2019. 1/13,20,27,2/3
should not be granted. All objections filing in accordance with the Georgia
must be in writing, and filed with this objections must be in writing and filed Business Corporation Code (O.C.G.A. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
Court on or before February 4, 2019, with this Court on or before February §14-2-201.1). The initial registered TRAVONNE LYNN Walker CREDITORS
next, at ten o’clock, a.m. 4, 2018, next at ten o’clock a.m. office of the corporation is located at 10950 CHURCH Street Unit 2156
8299 Hazelbrand Road, Covington, RANCHO CUCAMONGO, CA 91730 NOTICE IS hereby given to the debtors
MELANIE M. Bell, Judge MELANIE M. Bell, Judge Newton County, Georgia 30014, and and creditors of the Estate of Peggy
BY: MARCIA Wynne BY: MARCIA Wynne, Clerk its initial registered agent at such PUBLIC NOTICE #114297 Ann Bush Dunn, deceased, late
CLERK, PROBATE Court PROBATE COURT 1/13,20,27,2/3 of Newton County, Georgia. You are
NEWTON COUNTY, GA NEWTON COUNTY, Georgia required to render your demands and/
CREDITORS or make payments to the undersigned
1/13,20,27,2/3 1/13,20,27,2/3
NOTICE IS hereby given to the
CITATION CITATION debtors and creditors of the Estate of
Fredrick Jerome Benton, deceased,
BRIDGETTE ELIZABETH DAWSON TRACY HUFF has petitioned to be late of Newton County, Georgia.
has petitioned to be appointed appointed Administrator of the Estate You are required to render your
Administrator of the Estate of of ALBERT R. PRICE, deceased. demands and/or make payments to
THE COVINGTON NEWS legals weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 |5B
ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE of the answer upon the plaintiff (if pro Johnson, Jr., Judge of Court. RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED Inc., dated 12/10/2008, recorded has been and is hereby declared due
according to law. se) or upon the plaintiff’s attorney (if THIS THE 21st day of December PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN 12/15/2008 in Deed Book 2670, Page because of, among other possible
THIS THE 4th day of January, 2019. represented). 2018. BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART 390, Newton County, Georgia records, events of default, failure to pay the
NEWTON COUNTY Clerk of Superior OF THIS DESCRIPTION. and as modified in Deed Book 3087, indebtedness as and when due and in
JOY R. Watson WITNESS THE Honorable Horace J. Court THE DEBT secured by said Security Page 432, Newton County, Georgia the manner provided in the Note and
634 MAGNET Road Johnson, Jr, Judge of said Court. 1132 USHER Street, Room 338 Deed has been and is hereby records, and as last assigned to Security Deed. The debt remaining
COVINGTON, GEORGIA 30014 THIS, THE 18th day of December, COVINGTON, GA 30014 declared due because of, among Branch Banking and Trust Company in default, this sale will be made for
2018. LINDA D. Hays other possible events of default, failure by virtue of assignment recorded in the purpose of paying the same and
PUBLIC NOTICE #114298 LINDA D. Hays to pay the indebtedness as and when Deed Book 3250, Page 203, Newton all expenses of this sale, as provided
1/13,20,27,2/3 CLERK OF Superior Court PUBLIC NOTICE #114267 due and in the manner provided in the County, Georgia records, said Security in the Security Deed and by law,
1/13,20,27,2/3 Note and Security Deed. The debt Deed having been given to secure including attorney’s fees (notice of
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND PUBLIC NOTICE #114237 remaining in default, this sale will be a Note of even date in the principal intent to collect attorney’s fees having
CREDITORS 12/30,1/6,13,20 Foreclosures made for the purpose of paying the amount of EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND been given). Said property will be sold
same and all expenses of this sale, FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS subject to any outstanding ad valorem
NOTICE IS hereby given to the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF as provided in Security Deed and by ($85,050.00), with interest thereon as taxes (including taxes which are a
debtors and creditors of the Estate NEWTON COUNTY STATE OF law, including attorney’s fees (notice of provided for therein, there will be sold lien, but not yet due and payable), any
of Rita Mae Rowell, deceased, late GEORGIA intent to collect attorney’s fees having at public outcry to the highest bidder matters which might be disclosed by
of Newton County, Georgia. You are been given). for cash before the courthouse door an accurate survey and inspection of
required to render your demands and/ KAMAR A DAVIS, THE ENTITY having of Newton County, Georgia, within the property, any assessments, liens,
UNDER AND by virtue of the Power
or make payments to the undersigned PLAINTIFF, full authority to negotiate, amend the legal hours of sale on the first encumbrances, zoning ordinances,
of Sale contained in a Security Deed
estate representative according to law. -VS- or modify all terms of the loan Tuesday in February 2019 by Branch restrictions, covenants, and matters of
given by Bert Brooks to Lendmark
THIS THE 2nd day of January, 2019. JEAN GRACE PAUL DAVIS, (although not required by law to do Banking and Trust Company, as record superior to the Security Deed
Financial Services, Inc., dated March
DEFENDANT. so) is: Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing Attorney in Fact for Cynthia Y. Nolley, first set out above. U.S. Bank, N.A.,
28, 2008, and recorded in Deed Book
SANDRA ROWELL they can be contacted at 800-365- all property described in said Security successor trustee to LaSalle Bank
2586, Page 405, Newton County,
1155 COUNTY Road 229 CIVIL ACTION No.: 2018-CV-2324-3 7107 for Loss Mitigation Dept, or by Deed including but not limited to the National Association, on behalf of the
Georgia Records, subsequently
SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA 30025 writing to 55 Beattie Place, Suite 110, following described property: ALL holders of Bear Stearns Asset Backed
modified by a Loan Modification
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Greenville, South Carolina 29601, to THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND Securities I Trust 2005-HE8, Asset-
Agreement recorded April 23, 2013 in
PUBLIC NOTICE #114292 discuss possible alternatives to avoid LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT Backed Certificates Series 2005-HE8
Book 3120, Page 43 in the amount of
1/13,20,27,2/3 TO: JEAN GRACE PAUL foreclosure. 224 OF THE 10TH LAND DISTRICT is the holder of the Security Deed
One Hundred Thousand Five Hundred
DAVIS SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject OF NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, to the property in accordance with
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Ninety-Two and 07/100 ($100,592.07)
CREDITORS Newton County, Georgia Records, as to any outstanding ad valorem taxes AND BEING LOT 19 OF OXFORD OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that
BY ORDER of the court for service (including taxes which are a lien, WEST, PHASE II, AS SHOWN has full authority to negotiate, amend,
last transferred to Branch Banking
by publication dated December 19, but not yet due and payable), any ON PLAT OF SURVEY THEREOF and modify all terms of the mortgage
NOTICE IS hereby given to the and Trust Company by assignment
2018 you are hereby notified that on matters which might be disclosed by DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1979, AND with the debtor is: Select Portfolio
debtors and creditors of the Estate of recorded on December 5, 2018 in
November 20, 2018 (date of filing), an accurate survey and inspection of RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, Servicing, 3217 S. Decker Lake Dr.,
Robert Ansley Cagle, deceased, late Book 3777 Page 389 in the Office of
KAMAR A. DAVIS (plaintiff) filed suit the property, any assessments, liens, PAGE 48, IN THE OFFICE OF THE Salt Lake City, UT 84119, 888-818-
of Newton County, Georgia. You are the Clerk of Superior Court of Newton
against you for divorce. encumbrances, zoning ordinances, CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 6032. To the best knowledge and
required to render your demands and/ County, Georgia Records, conveying
or make payments to the undersigned the after-described property to secure restrictions, covenants, and matters of OF NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, belief of the undersigned, the party in
YOU ARE required to file an answer record superior to the Security Deed AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY possession of the property is Brandon
estate representative according to law. a Note in the original principal amount
in writing within sixty (60) days of the first set out above. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Steele or a tenant or tenants and said
THIS THE 10th day of January, 2019. of One Hundred Sixteen Thousand
date of the order for publication with TO THE best knowledge and belief TO FIND THE TRUE POINT OF property is more commonly known
Five Hundred and 0/100 dollars
the clerk of the Superior Court of of the undersigned, the party in BEGINNING, COMMENCE AT as 65 Rockwood Ct, Covington,
MITZI W. Cagle ($116,500.00), with interest thereon
Newton County and to serve a copy possession of the property is Brian THE INTERSECTION OF THE Georgia 30016. The sale will be
10 WILMINGTON Drive as set forth therein, there will be sold
of the answer upon the plaintiff (if pro Keith Bradley or tenant(s); and said EASTERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE conducted subject (1) to confirmation
COVINGTON, GA 30014 at public outcry to the highest bidder
se) or upon the plaintiff’s attorney (if property is more commonly known as OF COOK ROAD WITH THE that the sale is not prohibited under
for cash before the courthouse door
represented). 9242 Plantation Circle, Covington, NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
PUBLIC NOTICE #114293 of Newton County, Georgia, within
1/13,20,27,2/3 the legal hours of sale on February 5, GA 30014. OF OXFORD ROAD; THENCE to final confirmation and audit of the
WITNESS THE Honorable SAMUEL THE SALE will be conducted subject IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION status of the loan with the holder of
2019, the following described property:
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND D. OZBURN, Judge of said Court. to (1) confirmation that the sale is not ALONG THE NORTHERN RIGHT the security deed. U.S. Bank, N.A.,
ALL THAT tract or parcel of land
CREDITORS THIS, THE 19th day of December, prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy OF WAY LINE OF OXFORD ROAD successor trustee to LaSalle Bank
situate, lying and being in Land Lot
2018. Code (2) final confirmation and audit AND FOLLOWING THE LINES National Association, on behalf of the
92 of the 10th Land District of Newton
NOTICE IS hereby given to the LINDA D. Hays of the status of the loan with the AND CURVATURES THEREOF A holders of Bear Stearns Asset Backed
County, Georgia, and consisting of
debtors and creditors of the Estate CLERK OF Superior Court holder of the security deed and (3) DISTANCE OF 1282.83 FEET TO A Securities I Trust 2005-HE8, Asset-
0.672 acres as shown on that Plat
of Shirley Buraski, deceased, late of Survey for Lendmark Financial any right of redemption or other lien POINT LOCATED ON THE WESTERN Backed Certificates Series 2005-
of Newton County, Georgia. You are PUBLIC NOTICE #114241 not extinguished by foreclosure. RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 50-FOOT HE8 as Attorney in Fact for Brandon
Services, Inc., dated July 18, 2007,
required to render your demands and/ 1/6,13,20,27 NEW PENN Financial, LLC d/b/a UNNAMED ROAD; THENCE IN A Steele McCalla Raymer Leibert
and prepared by John Elwin Knight,
or make payments to the undersigned IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GA R.L.S. No. 1945, said Plat being Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing as GENERALLY NORTHERLY AND Pierce, LLC 1544 Old Alabama
estate representative according to law. NEWTON COUNTY STATE OF recorded in Plat Book 48, Page 57, Attorney in Fact for Brian Keith Bradley. EASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.
THIS THE 12th day of December, GEORGIA Newton County Records, which plat is BROCK & Scott, PLLC THE WESTERLY AND NORTHERLY EXHIBIT “A” All
2018. incorporated herein and made a part 4360 CHAMBLEE Dunwoody Road RIGHT OF WAY LINES OF SAID that tract or parcel of land lying and
NADIA SANGUINETTI-PLUNKETT, hereof by reference hereto. SUITE 310 UNNAMED PUBLIC ROAD A being in Land Lot 168 of the 10th
LISA ANN Buraski Donnachaidh PLAINTIFF, THIS BEING the same tract of land ATLANTA, GA 30341 DISTANCE OF 560.7 FEET TO THE District of Newton County, Georgia,
1839 CHONDRA Drive -VS- as shown in that Deed from Bobby L. 404-789-2661 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; being Lot 191 of Overlook Pass, Unit
MARIETTA, GEORGIA 30062 CHET PLUNKETT, Smith to Bobby Lee Smith, Jr. dated B&S FILE no.: 18-20366 AND FROM THE TRUE POINT Two, as per plat recorded in Plat book
DEFENDANT. June 21, 1977, recorded in Deed Book OF BEGINNING, CONTINUING 32, page 35, Newton County Georgia
PUBLIC NOTICE #114337 161, Page 3, Newton County Records PUBLIC NOTICE #114234 ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT Records, to which plat reference is
1/20,27,2/3,10 CIVIL ACTION No.: 2018-CV-1620-2 and also the same property conveyed 1/13,20,27,2/3 OF WAY LINE OF SAID UNNAMED made for a more detailed description.
to Mrs. Nellie S. Rosser by J. B. Doster PUBLIC ROAD IN AN EASTERLY MR/bdr 2/5/19 Our file no. 51948807
and recorded in Deed Book 50, Page 105.0 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE
TO: CHET Plunkett 86, Newton County Records. NORTH 34 DEGREES 12 MINUTES PUBLIC NOTICE #114184
65 CAPETON THE DEBT secured by said Security 06 SECONDS WEST 200.0 FEET 1/6,13,20,27,2/3
UNDER AND by virtue of the Power TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH
ALL CREDITORS of the Estate Ct. Deed has been and is hereby
of Sale contained in a Security Deed 55 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 54 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER
of DAVID McARTHUR CRAGG, COVINGTON, declared due because of, among
given by Rose L. Young to Mortgage SECONDS WEST 105.0 FEET; GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY
Deceased, late of Newton County, GA 30016 other possible events of default, failure
Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. THENCE SOUTH 34 DEGREES
Georgia, are hereby notified to render to pay the indebtedness as and when
as nominee for SunTrust Mortgage, 12 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT
in their demands to the undersigned BY ORDER of the court for service due and in the manner provided in the
Inc. d/b/a Sun America Mortgage, 200.0 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
according to law, and all persons by publication dated January 10, Note and Security Deed. The debt
dated October 31, 2003, and recorded OF BEGINNING. TAX ID#: 0042A- OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR
indebted to said Estate are required to 2019 you are hereby notified that on remaining in default, this sale will be
in Deed Book 1568, Page 110, 00000-019-000. SUBJECT TO ANY THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue
make immediate payment to the August 15, 2018 (date of filing), NADIA made for the purpose of paying the
Newton County, Georgia Records, EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS of the Power of Sale contained in a
UNDERSIGNED. SANGUINETTI-PLUNKETT (plaintiff) same and all expenses of this sale,
as last transferred to SunTrust OF RECORD. Said property being Security Deed given by Charisse L
filed suit against you for Dissolution of as provided in Security Deed and by
Bank by assignment recorded on known as 55 PERRY CIRCLE, Flewellen to Sun America Mortgage
THIS THE 7th day of January, 2019. Marriage. law, including attorney’s fees (notice of
September 30, 2009 in Book 2759 OXFORD, GEORGIA 30054 Corporation, dated September 30,
NANCY S. CRAGG, intent to collect attorney’s fees having
Page 178 in the Office of the Clerk according to the present numbering 2002, recorded in Deed Book 1291,
AS ADMINISTRATOR of the Estate of YOU ARE required to file an answer been given).
of Superior Court of Newton County, system in Newton County. The Page 377, Newton County, Georgia
DAVID MCARTHUR CRAGG, in writing within sixty (60) days of the THE ENTITY having
Georgia Records, conveying the after- indebtedness secured by said Records and as modified by that
Deceased date of the order for publication with full authority to negotiate, amend or
described property to secure a Note Security Deed has been declared due certain Loan Modification Agreement
WILLIAM H. ARROYO & the clerk of the Superior Court of modify all terms of the loan (although
in the original principal amount of because of default under the terms recorded in Deed Book 3490,
ASSOCIATES Newton County and to serve a copy not required by law to do so) is: BB&T
One Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand of said Security Deed and Note. The Page 110, Newton County, Georgia
ATTORNEYS AT Law of the answer upon the plaintiff (if pro Mortgage they can be contacted at
Seven Hundred Fifty and 0/100 dollars indebtedness remaining in default, this Records, as last transferred to U.S.
4228 FIRST Avenue se) or upon the plaintiff’s attorney (if (800)827-3722 for Loss Mitigation
($137,750.00), with interest thereon as sale will be made for the purpose of Bank National Association, as Trustee
SUITE 10 represented). Dept, or by writing to 111 Millpoint
set forth therein, there will be sold at paying the same, all expenses of the for Structured Asset Securities
TUCKER, GEORGIA 30084 Circle, Greenville, South Carolina
public outcry to the highest bidder for sale, including attorneys’ fees and all Corporation Mortgage Loan Trust
(770) 491-0175 WITNESS THE Honorable JOHN M 29607, to discuss possible alternatives
cash before the courthouse door of other payments provided for under the 2005-RF4 by assignment recorded in
OTT, Judge of said Court. to avoid foreclosure.
Newton County, Georgia, within the terms of the Security Deed and Note. Deed Book 2938, Page 334, Newton
PUBLIC NOTICE #114277 THIS, THE 10th day of January, 2019. SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject
legal hours of sale on April 2, 2019, the Said property will be sold subject to County, Georgia Records, conveying
1/13,20,27,2/3 LINDA D. Hays to any outstanding ad valorem taxes
following described property: the following items which may affect the after-described property to secure
CLERK OF Superior Court (including taxes which are a lien,
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF the title to said property: any superior a Note in the original principal amount
but not yet due and payable), any
Divorces PUBLIC NOTICE #114332 matters which might be disclosed by
LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND Security Deeds of record; all zoning of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE
LOT 134, OF THE 10TH DISTRICT, ordinances; matters which would be THOUSAND FIFTY AND 0/100
1/20,27,2/3,10 an accurate survey and inspection of
the property, any assessments, liens, disclosed by an accurate survey or
NEWTON COUNTY STATE OF IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF AND BEING LOT 12, BLOCK interest thereon as set forth therein,
encumbrances, zoning ordinances, by an inspection of the property; any
GEORGIA NEWTON COUNTY STATE OF A, UNIT ONE, PARKSCAPES, there will be sold at public outcry to
restrictions, covenants, and matters of outstanding taxes, including but not
GEORGIA AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN limited to ad valorem taxes, which the highest bidder for cash before the
record superior to the Security Deed
CHRISTIAN ALSTON, PLAT BOOK 37, PAGES 87-93, courthouse door of Newton County,
first set out above. constitute liens upon said property;
PLAINTIFF, VINNETTE A. Walker, NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA Georgia, or at such place as may be
TO THE best knowledge and belief special assessments; all outstanding
-VS- PLAINTIFF, RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED lawfully designated as an alternative,
of the undersigned, the party in bills for public utilities which constitute
CANDICE MCCART, -VS- PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN within the legal hours of sale on the
possession of the property is Bert liens upon said property; all restrictive
DEFENDANT. FRANCIS K. Amoako, BY REFERENCE FOR A MORE first Tuesday in February, 2019, the
Brooks or tenant(s); and said property covenants, easements, rights-of-
DEFENDANT. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF SAID way and any other matters of record following described property: SEE
is more commonly known as 5798
Salem Road, Covington, GA 30016. superior to said Security Deed. To
CIVIL ACTION No.: 2018-CV-2508-4 THE DEBT secured by said Security the best of the knowledge and belief AND MADE A PART HEREOF The
THE SALE will be conducted subject
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Deed has been and is hereby debt secured by said Security Deed
to (1) confirmation that the sale is not of the undersigned, the party in
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION declared due because of, among possession of the property is Cynthia has been and is hereby declared due
prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy
TO: CANDICE McCart other possible events of default, failure because of, among other possible
Code (2) final confirmation and audit Y. Nolley or tenant(s). The sale will be
1 6 9 5 TO: FRACIS K. Amoako to pay the indebtedness as and when events of default, failure to pay the
of the status of the loan with the conducted subject to (1) confirmation
GRAVES Road due and in the manner provided in the indebtedness as and when due and in
holder of the security deed and (3) that the sale is not prohibited under
APARTMENT BY ORDER of the court for service by Note and Security Deed. The debt the manner provided in the Note and
any right of redemption or other lien the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and (2)
1407 publication dated January 8, 2019 you remaining in default, this sale will be Security Deed. The debt remaining
not extinguished by foreclosure. final confirmation and audit of the
NORCROSS, are hereby notified that on December made for the purpose of paying the in default, this sale will be made for
BRANCH BANKING and Trust status of the loan. The name of the
GA 30093 17, 2018 (date of filing), Vinnette same and all expenses of this sale, the purpose of paying the same and
Company as Attorney in Fact for Bert person or entity who has the full
Walker (plaintiff) filed suit against you as provided in Security Deed and by authority to negotiate, amend, and all expenses of this sale, as provided
BY ORDER of the court for service for Divorce. law, including attorney’s fees (notice of in the Security Deed and by law,
BROCK & Scott, PLLC modify all terms of the mortgage is:
by publication dated December 31, intent to collect attorney’s fees having including attorney’s fees (notice of
4360 CHAMBLEE Dunwoody Road Branch Banking and Trust Company,
2018 you are hereby notified that on YOU ARE required to file an answer been given). intent to collect attorney’s fees having
SUITE 310 111 Millport Circle, Greenville, SC
December 5, 2018 (date of filing), in writing within sixty (60) days of the THE ENTITY having full authority to been given). Said property will be sold
ATLANTA, GA 30341 29607 TEL 800-827-3722. THIS LAW
Christian Alston (plaintiff) filed suit date of the order for publication with negotiate, amend or modify all terms subject to any outstanding ad valorem
against you for divorce. the clerk of the Superior Court of of the loan (although not required by taxes (including taxes which are a
Newton County and to serve a copy law to do so) is: SunTrust Bank they OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR lien, but not yet due and payable), any
YOU ARE required to file an answer of the answer upon the plaintiff (if pro can be contacted at (800) 443-1032 matters which might be disclosed by
PUBLIC NOTICE #114238 THAT PURPOSE. The Geheren Firm,
in writing within sixty (60) days of the se) or upon the plaintiff’s attorney (if for Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writing an accurate survey and inspection of
1/13,20,27,2/6 P.C., 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road,
date of the order for publication with represented). to 1001 Semmes Avenue, Richmond, the property, any assessments, liens,
2nd Floor, Atlanta, GA 30338 TEL
the clerk of the Superior Court of NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Virginia 23222, to discuss possible encumbrances, zoning ordinances,
(678) 587-9500.
Newton County and to serve a copy WITNESS THE Honorable Horace J. UNDER POWER alternatives to avoid foreclosure. restrictions, covenants, and matters
of the answer upon the plaintiff (if pro Johnson, Jr. Judge of said Court. NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject of record superior to the Security
se) or upon the plaintiff’s attorney (if THIS, THE 8th day of January, 2019. to any outstanding ad valorem taxes Deed first set out above. U.S. Bank
represented). LINDA D. Hays UNDER AND by virtue of the Power (including taxes which are a lien, National Association, as Trustee
CLERK OF Superior Court of Sale contained in a Security Deed but not yet due and payable), any NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER for Structured Asset Securities
WITNESS THE Honorable John M. given by Brian Keith Bradley to matters which might be disclosed by GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY Corporation Mortgage Loan Trust
Ott, Judge of said Court. PUBLIC NOTICE #114331 Mortgage Electronic Registration an accurate survey and inspection of 2005-RF4 is the holder of the Security
THIS, THE 4th day of January, 2019. 1/20,27,2/3,10 Systems, Inc. as nominee for the property, any assessments, liens, THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT Deed to the property in accordance
LINDA D. Hays HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc., encumbrances, zoning ordinances, A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity
CLERK OF Superior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS dated October 26, 2016, and recorded restrictions, covenants, and matters of OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR that has full authority to negotiate,
SERVICE BY PUBLICATION in Deed Book 3500, Page 149, record superior to the Security Deed THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue amend, and modify all terms of the
PUBLIC NOTICE #114312 IN THE Superior Court of Newton Newton County, Georgia Records, as first set out above. of the Power of Sale contained in a mortgage with the debtor is: Wells
1/20,27,2/3,10 County last transferred to New Penn Financial, TO THE best knowledge and belief Security Deed given by Brandon Fargo Home Mortgage a div. of Wells
STATE OF Georgia LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage of the undersigned, the party in Steele to Mortgage Electronic Fargo Bank, N.A., PO Box 10335, Des
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CIVIL ACTION #2018-CV-2494-4 Servicing by assignment recorded possession of the property is Rose L. Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee Moines, IA 50306, 1-800-416-1472. To
on December 12, 2018 in Book 3780 Young or tenant(s); and said property for Homequest Capital Funding, its the best knowledge and belief of the
GEORGIA DANA LYNN Duncombe, Page 229 in the Office of the Clerk is more commonly known as 160 successors and assigns, dated May undersigned, the party in possession
PETITIONER, of Superior Court of Newton County, Capeton Court, Covington, GA 23, 2005, recorded in Deed Book of the property is Charrissee L.
IROLDA DOUGLAS, VS. Georgia Records, conveying the after- 30016. 1932, Page 180, Newton County, Flewellen and Yort Properties, LLC or
PLAINTIFF, EDSON DYSON Duncombe described property to secure a Note THE SALE will be conducted subject Georgia Records, as last transferred to a tenant or tenants and said property
-VS- RESPONDENT. in the original principal amount of to (1) confirmation that the sale is not U.S. Bank, N.A., successor trustee to is more commonly known as 15
Two Hundred Seventy-Six Thousand prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy LaSalle Bank National Association, on Lakeview Trail, Covington, Georgia
DEFENDANT. TO: EDSON Dyson Duncombe and 0/100 dollars ($276,000.00), with Code (2) final confirmation and audit behalf of the holders of Bear Stearns 30016. The sale will be conducted
interest thereon as set forth therein, of the status of the loan with the Asset Backed Securities I Trust 2005- subject (1) to confirmation that the
CIVIL ACTION No.: 2018-CV-2432-4 YOU ARE hereby notified that the there will be sold at public outcry to holder of the security deed and (3) HE8, Asset-Backed Certificates Series sale is not prohibited under the U.S.
above-styled action seeking Divorce the highest bidder for cash before the any right of redemption or other lien 2005-HE8 by assignment recorded in Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION was filed against you in court on courthouse door of Newton County, not extinguished by foreclosure. Deed Book 3755, Page 413, Newton confirmation and audit of the status of
December 13th, 2018 and that by Georgia, within the legal hours of sale SUNTRUST BANK as Attorney in County, Georgia Records, conveying the loan with the holder of the security
TO: MICHAEL Douglas reason of an order for service of on February 5, 2019, the following Fact for Rose L. Young. the after-described property to secure deed. U.S. Bank National Association,
3 5 summons by publication entered by described property: BROCK & Scott, PLLC a Note in the original principal amount as Trustee for Structured Asset
SILVERTON Drive the court on December 21`st, 2018, THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN 4360 CHAMBLEE Dunwoody Road of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO Securities Corporation Mortgage
COVINGTON, you are hereby commanded and BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY SUITE 310 THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND Loan Trust 2005-RF4 as Attorney in
GA 30016 required to file with the clerk of said OF COVINGTON, COUNTY OF ATLANTA, GA 30341 0/100 DOLLARS ($132,900.00), with Fact for Charisse L Flewellen McCalla
court and serve upon Dana Lynn NEWTON, STATE OF GEORGIA, 404-789-2661 interest thereon as set forth therein, Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC 1544
BY ORDER of the court for service Duncombe, Petitioner, through her AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: B&S FILE no.: 14-28404 there will be sold at public outcry to Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia
by publication dated December 18, attorn whose address is 1682 Pineford ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF the highest bidder for cash before the 30076
2018 you are hereby notified that on Court, Stone Mountain, Georgia, LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND PUBLIC NOTICE #114321 courthouse door of Newton County, *Auction services provided by Auction.
December 5, 2018 (date of filing), 30088, an Answer to the complaint LOT 231 AND 240 OF THE 9TH 1/20,3/3,10,17,24 Georgia, or at such place as may be com ( EXHIBIT “A”
Valerie A. Foster (plaintiff) filed suit within sixty (60) days of the date of DISTRICT, CITY OF COVINGTON, lawfully designated as an alternative, All that tract or parcel of land lying and
against you for divorce. the order for service by publication. If NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER
NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, within the legal hours of sale on the being in Land Lot 184 and 169 of the
you fail to do so, judgement by default GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY first Tuesday in February, 2019, the 10th District, Newton County, Georgia,
YOU ARE required to file an answer will be taken against you for the relief PLACE SUBDIVISION, PHASE VI, following described property: SEE being Lot 19 Lakewood Estates
in writing within sixty (60) days of the demanded in the complaint. BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale
date of the order for publication with contained in that certain Security
IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGE 83-88, AND MADE A PART HEREOF The recorded in Plat Book 37, Pages 23-37,
the clerk of the Superior Court of WITNESS THE Honorable Horace J. Deed given from Cynthia Y. Nolley
NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA debt secured by said Security Deed Newton County, Georgia Records,
Newton County and to serve a copy to Lendmark Financial Services,
6B|weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 legals THE COVINGTON NEWS
WHICH PLAT is incorporated herein Financial LLC, 7360 S. Kyrene Rd., in default, this sale will be made for 14-164347 A-4676475 01/06/2019, AND BEING IN LAND LOT 68 OF or by an inspection of the property;
and made a part hereof by reference. Tempe, AZ 85284, 800-692-8469. To the purpose of paying the same and 01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, 01/27/2019 THE 8TH DISTRICT, NEWTON all zoning ordinances; assessments;
MR/ttg 2/5/19 Our file no. 587016 - FT5 the best knowledge and belief of the all expenses of this sale, as provided COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT liens; encumbrances; restrictions;
undersigned, the party in possession in the Security Deed and by law, PUBLIC NOTICE #114203 94 OF CHESTNUT CORNERS covenants, and any other matters of
PUBLIC NOTICE #114223 of the property is Gino M. Brown including attorney’s fees (notice of 1/6,13,20,27 ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED record superior to said Security Deed.
1/6,13,20,27,2/3 and Keesha L. Brown or a tenant or intent to collect attorney’s fees having IN PLAT BOOK 33, PAGE 32, TO THE best of the
tenants and said property is more been given). Said property will be sold NOTICE OF Sale Under Power NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA knowledge and belief of the
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER commonly known as 285 Long Creek subject to any outstanding ad valorem GEORGIA, NEWTON County RECORDS. WHICH PLAT IS undersigned, the owner and party
GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY Drive, Covington, Georgia 30016. taxes (including taxes which are a INCORPORATED HEREIN FOR A in possession of the property is
The sale will be conducted subject lien, but not yet due and payable), any UNDER AND by virtue of MORE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE CHRISTOPHER SHANE PAIR, or
THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT (1) to confirmation that the sale is not matters which might be disclosed by the Power of Sale contained in a Deed DESCRIPTION. tenants(s).
A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy an accurate survey and inspection of to Secure Debt given by Lia M. Bostic SAID LEGAL description THE SALE will be
OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR Code and (2) to final confirmation the property, any assessments, liens, to HomeBanc Mortgage Corporation, being controlling, however the conducted subject (1) to confirmation
THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue and audit of the status of the loan encumbrances, zoning ordinances, dated May 31, 2005, and recorded in property is more commonly known as that the sale is not prohibited under
of the Power of Sale contained in a with the holder of the security deed. restrictions, covenants, and matters Deed Book 1930, Page 280, Newton 95 CHESTNUT DRIVE, COVINGTON, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
Security Deed given by Christopher Ditech Financial LLC as Attorney in of record superior to the Security County, Georgia records, as last GA 30016. to final confirmation and audit of the
M. Glass to Mortgage Electronic Fact for Gino M. Brown and Keesha Deed first set out above. Wells transferred to U.S. Bank National THE INDEBTEDNESS status of the loan with the holder of the
Registration Systems, Inc., as L. Brown McCalla Raymer Leibert Fargo Bank N.A., as trustee for Association, as Indenture Trustee, in secured by said Security Deed has Security Deed.
nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB, Pierce, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Green Tree 2008-MH1, as Servicer trust for Holders of the HomeBanc been and is hereby declared due PLEASE NOTE that,
its successors and assigns, dated Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www. with delegated authority under the Mortgage Trust 2005-4, Mortgage because of default under the terms pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2,
February 24, 2009, recorded in Deed EXHIBIT “A” All transaction documents is the holder Backed Notes by Assignment of said Security Deed and Note. The you are not entitled by law to an
Book 2701, Page 380, Newton County, that tract or parcel of land lying and of the Security Deed to the property recorded in Deed Book 2664, Page indebtedness remaining in default, this amendment or modification of the
Georgia Records, as last transferred being in Land Lot 37, 10th District, in accordance with OCGA § 44-14- 79, Newton County, Georgia records, sale will be made for the purpose of terms of your loan. The entity having
to Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC by Newton County, Georgia, and being 162.2. The entity that has full authority conveying the after-described paying the same, all expenses of the full authority to negotiate, amend or
assignment recorded in Deed Book shown as Lot 34, Unit One, Long to negotiate, amend, and modify all property to secure a Note of even sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice modify all terms of the loan (although
3190, Page 582, Newton County, Creek Subdivision, on a plat of survey terms of the mortgage with the debtor date in the original principal amount of to collect same having been given) not required by law to do so) is:
Georgia Records, conveying the of same recorded in Plat Book 36, is: Ditech Financial LLC, 7360 S. $166,800.00, with interest at the rate and all other payments provided for PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, Loss
after-described property to secure a Page 104, public records of Newton Kyrene Rd., Tempe, AZ 85284, 800- specified therein, there will be sold by under the terms of the Security Deed Mitigation Dept., 3043 Townsgate
Note in the original principal amount County, Georgia, which plat is by 692-8469. To the best knowledge and the undersigned at public outcry to and Note. Rd., Suite 200, Westlake Village, CA
of NINETY THOUSAND THREE reference thereto incorporated herein belief of the undersigned, the party in the highest bidder for cash before the SAID PROPERTY will be 91361, Telephone Number: 1-866-
HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN AND and made a part for a more particular possession of the property is Trellias Courthouse door of Newton County, sold on an “as-is” basis without any 549-3583.
0/100 DOLLARS ($90,347.00), with and complete description. MR/lwi Broughton or a tenant or tenants Georgia, within the legal hours of sale representation, warranty or recourse PENNYMAC LOAN
interest thereon as set forth therein, 2/5/19 Our file no. 5223417 - FT2 and said property is more commonly on the first Tuesday in February, 2019, against the above-named or the SERVICES, LLC
there will be sold at public outcry to known as 70 Flat Rock Rd, Oxford, to wit: February 5, 2019, the following undersigned. The sale will also be AS ATTORNEY in Fact for
the highest bidder for cash before the PUBLIC NOTICE #114183 Georgia 30054. The sale will be described property: subject to the following items which CHRISTOPHER SHANE PAIR
courthouse door of Newton County, 1/6,13,20,27,2/3 conducted subject (1) to confirmation ALL THAT tract or parcel of land lying may affect the title: any outstanding ad THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE
Georgia, or at such place as may be that the sale is not prohibited under and being in Land Lot 154 of the 10th valorem taxes (including taxes which HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT
lawfully designated as an alternative, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) District, Newton County, Georgia, are a lien, whether or not now due and COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL
within the legal hours of sale on the GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY to final confirmation and audit of the being Lot 71, Block B, The Meadows payable); the right of redemption of any LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION
first Tuesday in February, 2019, the status of the loan with the holder of the at Saddlebrook, Phase 2, as per plat taxing authority; matters which would OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR
following described property: SEE THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT security deed. Wells Fargo Bank N.A., recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 210- be disclosed by an accurate survey THAT PURPOSE.
EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION as trustee for Green Tree 2008-MH1, 214, Newton County, Georgia records, or by an inspection of the property; ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin,
AND MADE A PART HEREOF The OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR as Servicer with delegated authority said plat being incorporated herein all zoning ordinances; assessments; LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite
debt secured by said Security Deed THAT PURPOSE. Under and by under the transaction documents as and made reference hereto. liens; encumbrances; restrictions; 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071
has been and is hereby declared due virtue of the Power of Sale contained Attorney in Fact for Trellias Broughton THE DEBT secured by covenants, and any other matters of TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813-
because of, among other possible in a Security Deed given by Michael and Robert E. Broughton McCalla said Deed to Secure Debt has been record superior to said Security Deed. 0992 Case No. PNY-18-06650-1
events of default, failure to pay the Ross Page to Sunshine Mortgage Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC 1544 and is hereby declared due because TO THE best of the AD RUN Dates 12/23/2018,
indebtedness as and when due and in Corporation, dated May 22, 1998, Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia of, among other possible events of knowledge and belief of the 01/06/2019, 01/13/2019, 01/20/2019,
the manner provided in the Note and recorded in Deed Book 735, Page 87, 30076 default, failure to pay the indebtedness undersigned, the owner and party 01/27/2019
Security Deed. The debt remaining Newton County, Georgia Records, as EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of as and when due and in the manner in possession of the property is RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY-
in default, this sale will be made for last transferred to Chase Manhattan land lying and being in Land Lot 317 provided in the Note and Deed to ANTHONY R MCCLURE, MICHELLE LISTING
the purpose of paying the same and Mortgage Corporation by assignment of the 9th Land District of Newton Secure Debt. The debt remaining in L MCCLURE, or tenants(s).
all expenses of this sale, as provided recorded in Deed Book 748, Page 196, County, Georgia, and being Lot 4 of default, this sale will be made for the THE SALE will be PUBLIC NOTICE #114209
in the Security Deed and by law, Newton County, Georgia Records, the Bakers Landing Subdivision as purpose of paying the same and all conducted subject (1) to confirmation 12/23,1/6,13,20,27
including attorney’s fees (notice of conveying the after-described property shown on survey of the same dated expenses of this sale, as provided in that the sale is not prohibited under
intent to collect attorney’s fees having to secure a Note in the original August 22, 1985, by Robert M. Suhler, the Deed to Secure Debt and by law, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER
been given). Said property will be sold principal amount of NINETY-FOUR RLS No. 1403, and recorded in Plat including attorney’s fees (notice of to final confirmation and audit of the GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY
subject to any outstanding ad valorem THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND Book 20, Page 58, Newton County intent to collect attorney’s fees having status of the loan with the holder of the
taxes (including taxes which are a 0/100 DOLLARS ($94,500.00), with Records which plat is incorporated been given). Security Deed. BY VIRTUE of a Power of
lien, but not yet due and payable), any interest thereon as set forth therein, herein by reference thereto for a SAID PROPERTY PLEASE NOTE that, Sale contained in that certain Security
matters which might be disclosed by there will be sold at public outcry to more complete description. Said tract is commonly known as 210 pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, Deed from DEBBIE A. GALLIMORE
an accurate survey and inspection of the highest bidder for cash before the containing 1.32 acres according to Meadowbrook Court, Covington, you are not entitled by law to an to HOMEBANC MORTGAGE
the property, any assessments, liens, courthouse door of Newton County, the above mentioned survey. Parcel GA 30016, together with all fixtures amendment or modification of the CORPORATION, dated December
encumbrances, zoning ordinances, Georgia, or at such place as may be ID: Additional Security: Make: Sentry and personal property attached to and terms of your loan. The entity having 13, 2006, recorded January 17,
restrictions, covenants, and matters lawfully designated as an alternative, Model: Year: 1985 Size: 24 X 37 VIN#: constituting a part of said property. To full authority to negotiate, amend or 2007, in Deed Book 2365, Page 143,
of record superior to the Security within the legal hours of sale on the SG19331A&B MR/kdh 2/5/19 Our file the best knowledge and belief of the modify all terms of the loan (although Newton County, Georgia Records,
Deed first set out above. Lakeview first Tuesday in February, 2019, the no. 5485816 - FT2 undersigned, the party (or parties) in not required by law to do so) is: said Security Deed having been given
Loan Servicing, LLC is the holder following described property: SEE possession of the subject property BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING,LLC, to secure a Note of even date in the
of the Security Deed to the property EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO PUBLIC NOTICE #114261 is (are): Lia M. Bostic or tenant or Loss Mitigation Dept., 4425 Ponce de original principal amount of Ninety-
in accordance with OCGA § 44-14- AND MADE A PART HEREOF The 1/6,13,20,27,2/3 tenants. Leon Blvd., 5th Floor, Coral Gables, Eight Thousand and 00/100 dollars
162.2. The entity that has full authority debt secured by said Security Deed SAID PROPERTY will be FL 33146, Telephone Number: 800- ($98,000.00), with interest thereon
to negotiate, amend, and modify has been and is hereby declared due NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER sold subject to (a) any outstanding 771-0299. as provided for therein, said Security
all terms of the mortgage with the because of, among other possible STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF ad valorem taxes (including taxes THE BANK OF NEW Deed having been last sold, assigned
debtor is: M&T Bank , P.O. Box 1288, events of default, failure to pay the NEWTON which are a lien, but not yet due and YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF and transferred to U.S. Bank National
Buffalo, NY 14240, 800-724-1633. To indebtedness as and when due and in payable), (b) any matters which might NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE (CWABS Association, as trustee, on behalf
the best knowledge and belief of the the manner provided in the Note and UNDER AND by virtue of the power be disclosed by an accurate survey 2007-BC2) of the holders of Adjustable Rate
undersigned, the party in possession Security Deed. The debt remaining of sale contained with that certain and inspection of the property, and AS ATTORNEY in Fact for Mortgage Trust 2007-2 Adjustable
of the property is Christopher M. in default, this sale will be made for Security Deed dated December 12, (c) all matters of record superior to ANTHONY R MCCLURE, MICHELLE Rate Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through
Glass or a tenant or tenants and said the purpose of paying the same and 2011, from Betty Jean Benton-Santos the Deed to Secure Debt first set out L MCCLURE Certificates, Series 2007-2, there will
property is more commonly known all expenses of this sale, as provided and Clara N. England to Mortgage above, including, but not limited to, THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE be sold at public outcry to the highest
as 315 Mcgiboney Pl, Covington, in the Security Deed and by law, Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., assessments, liens, encumbrances, HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT bidder for cash at the Newton County
Georgia 30016. The sale will be including attorney’s fees (notice of as nominee for Embrace Home Loans, zoning ordinances, easements, COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL Courthouse, within the legal hours of
conducted subject (1) to confirmation intent to collect attorney’s fees having Inc., recorded on January 6, 2012 in restrictions, covenants, etc. LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION sale on the first Tuesday in February,
that the sale is not prohibited under been given). Said property will be sold Deed Book 2967 at Page 523 Newton THE SALE will be OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR 2019, all property described in said
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) subject to any outstanding ad valorem County, Georgia records, having been conducted subject to (1) confirmation THAT PURPOSE. Security Deed including but not limited
to final confirmation and audit of the taxes (including taxes which are a last sold, assigned, transferred and that the sale is not prohibited under ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin, to the following described property:
status of the loan with the holder of lien, but not yet due and payable), any conveyed to Embrace Home Loans, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite ALL THAT TRACT OR
the security deed. Lakeview Loan matters which might be disclosed by Assignment and said Security O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; and (3) 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND
Servicing, LLC as Attorney in Fact for an accurate survey and inspection of Deed having been given to secure final confirmation and audit of the TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813- BEING IN LAND LOT 184, OF
Christopher M. Glass McCalla Raymer the property, any assessments, liens, a note dated December 12, 2011, in status of the loan with the holder of 0992 Case No. BVF-18-01613-3 THE 10TH DISTRICT, NEWTON
Leibert Pierce, LLC 1544 Old Alabama encumbrances, zoning ordinances, the amount of $105,164.00 said note the security deed. AD RUN Dates 01/06/2019, COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www. restrictions, covenants, and matters being modified by Loan Modification PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. 01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, 01/27/2019 UNIT F, BUILDING 61, HIGHGATE EXHIBIT “A” All of record superior to the Security agreement and recorded on October Section 9-13-172.1, which allows RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY- TOWNHOMES, PHASE TWO, AS
that certain parcel of land situated Deed first set out above. JPMorgan 17, 2013 in Book 3179 Page 285 in for certain procedures regarding the LISTING PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT
in Land Lot 101 of the 10th District, Chase Bank, National Association is the real property records of Newton rescission of judicial and nonjudicial BOOK 37, PAGES 144, NEWTON
County of Newton, State of Georgia, the holder of the Security Deed to the County, Georgia, and said Note and sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed PUBLIC NOTICE #114135 COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PLAT
being known and designated as Lot property in accordance with OCGA § Loan Modification being in default, Under Power and other foreclosure 1/6,13,20,27 BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN
49 of McGiboney Place Subdivision, 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full the undersigned will sell at public documents may not be provided until FOR REFERENCE.
Unit Two as per plat recorded in Plat authority to negotiate, amend, and outcry during the legal hours of sale final confirmation and audit of the NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER SAID LEGAL description
Book 32, page 288, Newton County, modify all terms of the mortgage with before the door of the courthouse of status of the loan as provided in the GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY being controlling, however the
Georgia Records, which plat is the debtor is: JPMorgan Chase Bank, Newton County, Georgia, on February preceding paragraph. property is more commonly known
incorporated herein made a part hereof National Association, 3415 Vision 5, 2019 the following described real PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. BY VIRTUE of a Power of as 260 MEADOW RIDGE DRIVE,
by reference for a more complete and Drive, Columbus, OH 43219, 800- property (hereinafter referred to as Section 44-14-162.2, the entity that Sale contained in that certain Security COVINGTON, GA 30016.
particular description. Being the same 446-8939. To the best knowledge and the “Property”): ALL THAT TRACT has full authority to negotiate, amend Deed from CHRISTOPHER SHANE THE INDEBTEDNESS
property as more fully described in belief of the undersigned, the party in OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING and modify all terms of the mortgage PAIR to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC secured by said Security Deed has
Deed Book 939 page 471, dated possession of the property is Michael AND BEING IN LAND LOT 100 OF with the debtor is: REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC been and is hereby declared due
06/22/2000 recorded 06/30/2000 in Ross Page and Debbie A. Page or a THE 10TH DISTRICT, NEWTON SELECT PORTFOLIO Servicing, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHEAST because of default under the terms
Newton County Records. Tax/Parcel tenant or tenants and said property COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT ATTENTION: LOSS Mitigation MORTGAGE OF GEORGIA INC., of said Security Deed and Note. The
ID: 0027B-066 MR/th4 2/5/19 Our file is more commonly known as 1924 80, OF HOLLY HILLS PHASE 1 F.K.A Department dated May 26, 2017, recorded June indebtedness remaining in default, this
no. 532714 - FT5 Oak Hill Road, Covington, Georgia HEATON PLACE SUBDIVISION, AS 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive 5, 2017, in Deed Book 3571, Page sale will be made for the purpose of
30016. The sale will be conducted PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED SALT LAKE City, Utah 84119 157-170, Newton County, Georgia paying the same, all expenses of the
PUBLIC NOTICE #114262 subject (1) to confirmation that the IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGES 131- 1-888-818-6032 Records, said Security Deed having sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice
1/6,13,20,27,2/3 sale is not prohibited under the U.S. 135, NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA THE FOREGOING been given to secure a Note of even to collect same having been given)
Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED notwithstanding, nothing in OC.G.A. date in the original principal amount and all other payments provided for
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER confirmation and audit of the status of PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN Section 44-14-162.2 shall be of One Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand under the terms of the Security Deed
GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY the loan with the holder of the security BY REFERENCE AND MADE A construed to require the secured Five Hundred Fifty-Four and 00/100 and Note.
deed. JPMorgan Chase Bank, PART OF THIS DESCRIPTION. The creditor to negotiate, amend or modify dollars ($132,554.00), with interest SAID PROPERTY will be
THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT National Association as Attorney in debt secured by the Security Deed the terms of the Deed to Secure Debt thereon as provided for therein, said sold on an “as-is” basis without any
A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Fact for Michael Ross Page McCalla and evidenced by the Note and has described herein. Security Deed having been last representation, warranty or recourse
OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC 1544 been, and is hereby, declared due THIS SALE is conducted sold, assigned and transferred to against the above-named or the
THAT PURPOSE. Under and by Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia and payable because of, among other on behalf of the secured creditor PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, there undersigned. The sale will also be
virtue of the Power of Sale contained 30076 possible events of default, failure under the power of sale granted in the will be sold at public outcry to the subject to the following items which
in a Security Deed given by Gino EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of to make the payments as required aforementioned security instrument, highest bidder for cash at the Newton may affect the title: any outstanding ad
M. Brown and Keesha L. Brown land lying and being in Land Lot 52, by the terms of the Note. The debt specifically being County Courthouse, within the legal valorem taxes (including taxes which
to Mortgage Electronic Registration 10th District, Newton County, Georgia, remaining is in default and this sale U.S. BANK National Association, as hours of sale on the first Tuesday in are a lien, whether or not now due and
Systems, Inc. as nominee for RBMG, and being shown as Lot 33, Ashton will be made for the purposes of Indenture Trustee, in trust for Holders February, 2019, all property described payable); the right of redemption of any
INC. a Delaware Corporation, its Manor Subdivision, on a plat survey of paying the Security Deed, accrued of the HomeBanc Mortgage Trust in said Security Deed including but taxing authority; matters which would
successors and assigns, dated March same recorded in Plat Book 27, Page interest, and all expenses of the sale, 2005-4, Mortgage Backed Notes not limited to the following described be disclosed by an accurate survey
27, 2003, recorded in Deed Book 1398, 256, public records of Newton County, including attorneys’ fees. Notice of AS ATTORNEY in fact for property: or by an inspection of the property;
Page 82, Newton County, Georgia Georgia, which plat is by reference intention to collect attorneys’ fees has LIA M. Bostic ALL THAT TRACT OR all zoning ordinances; assessments;
Records, as last transferred to Ditech thereto incorporated herein and made been given as provided by law. To the RICHARD B. Maner, P.C. PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND liens; encumbrances; restrictions;
Financial LLC by assignment recorded a part hereof for more particular and best of the undersigned’s knowledge, 5775 GLENRIDGE Drive BEING IN LAND LOT 95 OF THE covenants, and any other matters of
in Deed Book 3602, Page 585, Newton complete description. MR/lwi 2/5/19 the person(s) in possession of the BUILDING D, Suite 100 8TH LAND DISTRICT OF NEWTON record superior to said Security Deed.
County, Georgia Records, conveying Our file no. 5585414 - FT3 property is Betty Jean Benton-Santos, ATLANTA, GA 30328 COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BEING TO THE best of the
the after-described property to secure Clara N. England. The property, being (404)252-6385 SHOWN AS LOT 18 AS ASPEN knowledge and belief of the
a Note in the original principal amount PUBLIC NOTICE #114242 commonly known as 100 Heaton THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A PLACE SUBDIVISION ON THAT undersigned, the owner and party in
of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE 1/6,13,20,27,2/3 Place Trail, Covington, GA, 30016 DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING PLAT OF SURVEY PREPARED BY possession of the property is DEBBIE
interest thereon as set forth therein, GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY Santos, Clara N. England, subject USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. GEORGIA R.L.S NO. 1757, SAID conducted subject (1) to confirmation
there will be sold at public outcry to to any outstanding ad valorem taxes FC18-381 PLAT BEING DATE MAY 23, 2001 that the sale is not prohibited under
the highest bidder for cash before the THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT (including taxes which are a lien AND RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
courthouse door of Newton County, A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION and not yet due and payable), any PUBLIC NOTICE #114244 PAGES 77-82, NEWTON COUNTY, to final confirmation and audit of the
Georgia, or at such place as may be OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR matters affecting title to the property 1/6,13,20,27,2/3 GEORGIA RECORDS. THE status of the loan with the holder of the
lawfully designated as an alternative, THAT PURPOSE. Under and by which would be disclosed by accurate DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY Security Deed.
within the legal hours of sale on the virtue of the Power of Sale contained survey and inspection thereof, and all NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER AS CONTAINED ON SAID PLAT IS PLEASE NOTE that,
first Tuesday in February, 2019, the in a Security Deed given by Trellias assessments, liens, encumbrances, GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY HEREBY INCORPORATED HEREIN pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2,
following described property: SEE Broughton and Robert E. Broughton restrictions, covenants, and matters of AND MADE AN ESSENTIAL PART you are not entitled by law to an
EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO to Conseco Finance Servicing Corp., record to the Security Deed. Pursuant BY VIRTUE of a Power HEREOF BY REFERENCE. amendment or modification of the
AND MADE A PART HEREOF The dated November 21, 2000, recorded to O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, of Sale contained in that certain SAID LEGAL description terms of your loan. The entity having
debt secured by said Security Deed in Deed Book 983, Page 105, Newton the name, address and telephone Security Deed from ANTHONY R being controlling, however the full authority to negotiate, amend or
has been and is hereby declared due County, Georgia Records, as last number of the individual or entity MCCLURE, MICHELLE L MCCLURE property is more commonly known modify all terms of the loan (although
because of, among other possible transferred to Wells Fargo Bank N.A., who shall have the full authority to to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC as 45 ASPEN CIR, COVINGTON, GA not required by law to do so) is:
events of default, failure to pay the as trustee for Green Tree 2008-MH1 negotiate, amend or modify all terms REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC 30016. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., Loss
indebtedness as and when due and in by assignment recorded in Deed Book of the above described mortgage AS NOMINEE FOR QUICK LOAN THE INDEBTEDNESS Mitigation Dept., 3217 S. Decker
the manner provided in the Note and 3528, Page 601, Newton County, is as follows: RoundPoint Mortgage FUNDING, dated August 10, 2006, secured by said Security Deed has Lake Dr., Salt Lake City, UT 84119,
Security Deed. The debt remaining Georgia Records, conveying the Servicing Corporation at 704-426- recorded August 18, 2006, in Deed been and is hereby declared due Telephone Number: 888-818-6032.
in default, this sale will be made for after-described property to secure a 8632. The foregoing notwithstanding, Book 2259, Page 500-521, Newton because of default under the terms U.S. BANK NATIONAL
the purpose of paying the same and Note in the original principal amount nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44- County, Georgia Records, said of said Security Deed and Note. The ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, ON
all expenses of this sale, as provided of FIFTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE 14-162.2 shall require the secured Security Deed having been given indebtedness remaining in default, this BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF
in the Security Deed and by law, HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHT AND creditor to negotiate, amend or modify to secure a Note of even date in the sale will be made for the purpose of ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE
including attorney’s fees (notice of 10/100 DOLLARS ($58,578.10), with the terms of the mortgage instrument. original principal amount of One paying the same, all expenses of the TRUST 2007-2 ADJUSTABLE RATE
intent to collect attorney’s fees having interest thereon as set forth therein, The sale will be conducted subject Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Eight sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice MORTGAGE-BACKED PASS-
been given). Said property will be sold there will be sold at public outcry to (1) to confirmation that the sale is Hundred Five and 00/100 dollars to collect same having been given) THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES
subject to any outstanding ad valorem the highest bidder for cash before the not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy ($134,805.00), with interest thereon and all other payments provided for 2007-2
taxes (including taxes which are a courthouse door of Newton County, code and (2) to final confirmation and as provided for therein, said Security under the terms of the Security Deed AS ATTORNEY in Fact for
lien, but not yet due and payable), any Georgia, or at such place as may be audit of the status of the loan with the Deed having been last sold, assigned and Note. DEBBIE A. GALLIMORE
matters which might be disclosed by lawfully designated as an alternative, holder of the Security Deed. Albertelli and transferred to THE BANK OF SAID PROPERTY will be THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE
an accurate survey and inspection of within the legal hours of sale on the Law Attorney for Embrace Home NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE sold on an “as-is” basis without any HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT
the property, any assessments, liens, first Tuesday in February, 2019, the Loans, Inc. as Attorney in Fact for BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE representation, warranty or recourse COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL
encumbrances, zoning ordinances, following described property: SEE Betty Jean Benton-Santos and Clara (CWABS 2007-BC2), there will be against the above-named or the LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION
restrictions, covenants, and matters of EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO N. England 100 Galleria Parkway, sold at public outcry to the highest undersigned. The sale will also be OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR
record superior to the Security Deed AND MADE A PART HEREOF The Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: bidder for cash at the Newton County subject to the following items which THAT PURPOSE.
first set out above. Ditech Financial debt secured by said Security Deed (770) 373-4242 By: Cory Sims For Courthouse, within the legal hours of may affect the title: any outstanding ad ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin,
LLC is the holder of the Security has been and is hereby declared due the Firm THIS FIRM IS ACTING AS sale on the first Tuesday in February, valorem taxes (including taxes which LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite
Deed to the property in accordance because of, among other possible A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING 2019, all property described in said are a lien, whether or not now due and 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071
with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity events of default, failure to pay the TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Security Deed including but not limited payable); the right of redemption of any TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813-
that has full authority to negotiate, indebtedness as and when due and in INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL to the following described property: taxing authority; matters which would 0992 Case No. SPS-11-12503-17
amend, and modify all terms of the the manner provided in the Note and BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. - ALL THAT TRACT be disclosed by an accurate survey AD RUN Dates 01/06/2019,
mortgage with the debtor is: Ditech Security Deed. The debt remaining OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING
THE COVINGTON NEWS legals weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019|7B
01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, 01/27/2019 IN PLAT BOOK 40, PAGES 181-182, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Newton County, Georgia Records, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEWTON negotiate, amend or modify the terms
RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY- PUBLIC RECORDS OF NEWTON to final confirmation and audit of the said Security Deed having been COUNTY, GEORGIA. of the loan.
LISTING COUNTY, GEORGIA , AND SAID status of the loan with the holder of the given to secure a Note of even date BEING THE SAME PROPERTY SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject
PLAT BY REFERENCE THERETO Security Deed. in the original principal amount of CONVEYED TO FELICIA BAILEY to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem
PUBLIC NOTICE #114180 BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN PLEASE NOTE that, Two Hundred Sixty-Two Thousand NOW KNOWN AS FELICIA PALMER taxes (including taxes which are a
1/6,13,20,27 AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR A pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, Five Hundred Fifty-Nine and 00/100 BY QUITCLAIM DEED FROM ERIC lien, but not yet due and payable),
MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION you are not entitled by law to an dollars ($262,559.00), with interest BAILEY, DATED MARCH 8, 2011, (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SAID PROPERTY amendment or modification of the thereon as provided for therein, said RECORDED MARCH 9, 2011 IN constitute a lien against the property
GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY SAID LEGAL description terms of your loan. The entity having Security Deed having been last sold, BOOK 2891, PAGE 494, IN THE whether due and payable or not yet
being controlling, however the full authority to negotiate, amend or assigned and transferred to Mortgage OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE due and payable and which may
BY VIRTUE of a Power property is more commonly known as modify all terms of the loan (although Solutions of Colorado, LLC., there will SUPERIOR COURT OF NEWTON not be of record, (c) the right of
of Sale contained in that certain 50 ARDELLA DRIVE, COVINGTON, not required by law to do so) is: be sold at public outcry to the highest COUNTY, GEORGIA redemption of any taxing authority,
Security Deed from Eloisa Alvarado GA 30016. PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, Loss bidder for cash at the Newton County THE DEBT secured by said Deed to (d) any matters which might be
and Obie Crosby to MORTGAGE THE INDEBTEDNESS Mitigation Dept., 3043 Townsgate Courthouse, within the legal hours of Secure Debt has been and is hereby disclosed by an accurate survey and
ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION secured by said Security Deed has Rd., Suite 200, Westlake Village, CA sale on the first Tuesday in February, declared due because of, among inspection of the property, and (e) any
SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR been and is hereby declared due 91361, Telephone Number: 1-866- 2019, all property described in said other possible events of default, failure assessments, liens, encumbrances,
MARKET STREET MORTGAGE because of default under the terms 549-3583. Security Deed including but not limited to pay the indebtedness as and when zoning ordinances, restrictions,
CORPORATION, dated September of said Security Deed and Note. The PENNYMAC LOAN to the following described property: due and in the manner provided in the covenants, and matters of record
28, 2007, recorded October 8, 2007, indebtedness remaining in default, this SERVICES, LLC ALL THAT TRACT OR Note and Deed to Secure Debt. The superior to the Security Deed first set
in Deed Book 2514, Page 444, sale will be made for the purpose of AS ATTORNEY in Fact for PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND debt remaining in default, this sale will out above.
Newton County, Georgia Records, paying the same, all expenses of the LAMARR JARELL S MITCHELL BEING IN LAND LOT 227 OF THE be made for the purpose of paying the THE SALE will be conducted subject
said Security Deed having been sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE 9TH DISTRICT, NEWTON COUNTY, same and all expenses of this sale, as to (1) confirmation that the sale is not
given to secure a Note of even date to collect same having been given) HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT GEORGIA AND BEING LOT 458, provided in the Deed to Secure Debt prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy
in the original principal amount of and all other payments provided for COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL RIVER WALK FARM SUBDIVISION, and by law, including attorney’s fees Code; and (2) final confirmation and
Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Three under the terms of the Security Deed LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION PHASE II, UNIT V, AS PER PLAT (notice of intent to collect attorney’s audit of the status of the loan with the
Hundred Seven and 00/100 dollars and Note. OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 45, fees having been given). holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant
($230,307.00), with interest thereon SAID PROPERTY will be THAT PURPOSE. PAGES 223-228, NEWTON COUNTY. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. holds the to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1,
as provided for therein, said Security sold on an “as-is” basis without any ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT duly endorsed Note and is the current which allows for certain procedures
Deed having been last sold, assigned representation, warranty or recourse LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY assignee of the Security Deed to the regarding the rescission of judicial
and transferred to Nexgen Coastal against the above-named or the 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 REFERENCE property. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., and non-judicial sales in the State of
Investments, LLC , there will be undersigned. The sale will also be TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813- SAID LEGAL description acting on behalf of and, as necessary, Georgia, the Deed Under Power and
sold at public outcry to the highest subject to the following items which 0992 Case No. PNY-18-07142-1 being controlling, however the in consultation with WELLS FARGO other foreclosure documents may not
bidder for cash at the Newton County may affect the title: any outstanding ad AD RUN Dates 12/30/2018, property is more commonly known BANK, N.A. (the current investor be provided until final confirmation
Courthouse, within the legal hours of valorem taxes (including taxes which 01/06/2019, 01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, as 50 FOXGROVE CV, COVINGTON, on the loan), is the entity with the and audit of the status of the loan as
sale on the first Tuesday in February, are a lien, whether or not now due and 01/27/2019 GA 30014. full authority to negotiate, amend, provided immediately above.
2019, all property described in said payable); the right of redemption of any RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY- THE INDEBTEDNESS and modify all terms of the loan. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
Security Deed including but not limited taxing authority; matters which would LISTING secured by said Security Deed has Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, as agent and Attorney in Fact for Frank
to the following described property: be disclosed by an accurate survey been and is hereby declared due WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. may be Stapleton and Sandra Stapleton
ALL THAT TRACT OR or by an inspection of the property; PUBLIC NOTICE #114137 because of default under the terms contacted at: WELLS FARGO BANK, ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP, 15 Piedmont
PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND all zoning ordinances; assessments; 12/30,1/6,13,20,27 of said Security Deed and Note. The N.A., 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD., FORT Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E.,
BEING IN LAND LOT 168 OF THE liens; encumbrances; restrictions; indebtedness remaining in default, this MILL, SC 29715, 800 288 3212. Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305,
10TH DISTRICT, NEWTON COUNTY, covenants, and any other matters of NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER sale will be made for the purpose of Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. (404) 994-7637.
GEORGIA, BEING LOT 7, HINTON record superior to said Security Deed. GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY paying the same, all expenses of the § 44 14 162.2, the secured creditor is 1292-851A
CHASE SUBDIVISION, AS PER TO THE best of the sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice not required to amend or modify the THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS
PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK knowledge and belief of the BY VIRTUE of a Power of to collect same having been given) terms of the loan. A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING
46, PAGES 167-183, NEWTON undersigned, the owner and party Sale contained in that certain Security and all other payments provided for TO THE best knowledge and belief TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY
COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PLAT in possession of the property is Deed from SHAWN RICHARDS under the terms of the Security Deed of the undersigned, the party/parties INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE
SAID LEGAL description THE SALE will be AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICA`S sold on an “as-is” basis without any COVINGTON, GEORGIA 30016 is/
being controlling, however the conducted subject (1) to confirmation WHOLESALE LENDER, dated April representation, warranty or recourse are: FELICIA PALMER or tenant/ PUBLIC NOTICE #114213
property is more commonly known that the sale is not prohibited under 27, 2005, recorded May 23, 2005, against the above-named or the tenants. 1/6,13,20,27,2/3
as 80 HINTON CHASE PARKWAY, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) in Deed Book 1914, Page 609-621, undersigned. The sale will also be SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject
COVINGTON, GA 30016. to final confirmation and audit of the Newton County, Georgia Records, subject to the following items which to (a) any outstanding ad valorem NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER,
THE INDEBTEDNESS status of the loan with the holder of the said Security Deed having been may affect the title: any outstanding ad taxes (including taxes which are a NEWTON COUNTY
secured by said Security Deed has Security Deed. given to secure a Note of even date valorem taxes (including taxes which lien, but not yet due and payable), (b)
been and is hereby declared due PLEASE NOTE that, in the original principal amount of are a lien, whether or not now due and any matters which might be disclosed PURSUANT TO the Power of Sale
because of default under the terms pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, One Hundred Fourteen Thousand payable); the right of redemption of any by an accurate survey and inspection contained in a Security Deed given
of said Security Deed and Note. The you are not entitled by law to an and 00/100 dollars ($114,000.00), with taxing authority; matters which would of the property, and (c) all matters of by James Bradley to Mortgage
indebtedness remaining in default, this amendment or modification of the interest thereon as provided for therein, be disclosed by an accurate survey record superior to the Deed to Secure Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.,
sale will be made for the purpose of terms of your loan. The entity having said Security Deed having been last or by an inspection of the property; Debt first set out above, including, as nominee for Acopia, LLC dated
paying the same, all expenses of the full authority to negotiate, amend or sold, assigned and transferred to New all zoning ordinances; assessments; but not limited to, assessments, liens, 4/28/2017 and recorded in Deed
sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice modify all terms of the loan (although Penn Financial, LLC d/b/a Shellpoint liens; encumbrances; restrictions; encumbrances, zoning ordinances, Book 3558 Page 610 Newton County,
to collect same having been given) not required by law to do so) is: Mortgage Servicing, there will be covenants, and any other matters of easements, restrictions, covenants, Georgia records; as last transferred
and all other payments provided for PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, Loss sold at public outcry to the highest record superior to said Security Deed. etc. to or acquired by PennyMac Loan
under the terms of the Security Deed Mitigation Dept., 3043 Townsgate bidder for cash at the Newton County TO THE best of the THE SALE will be conducted subject Services, LLC , conveying the after-
and Note. Rd., Suite 200, Westlake Village, CA Courthouse, within the legal hours of knowledge and belief of the to (1) confirmation that the sale is not described property to secure a Note
SAID PROPERTY will be 91361, Telephone Number: 1-866- sale on the first Tuesday in February, undersigned, the owner and party prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy in the original principal amount of
sold on an “as-is” basis without any 549-3583. 2019, all property described in said in possession of the property is Code; and (2) final confirmation and $98,188.00, with interest at the rate
representation, warranty or recourse PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC Security Deed including but not limited STEPHEN LOVE AND RUTH LOVE, audit of the status of the loan with the specified therein, there will be sold
against the above-named or the AS ATTORNEY in Fact for to the following described property: or tenants(s). holder of the security deed. by the undersigned at public outcry to
undersigned. The sale will also be JACQUELINE M. BOSHEARS, ALL THAT TRACT THE SALE will be PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. Section the highest bidder for cash before the
subject to the following items which JAMES J. BOSHEARS OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING conducted subject (1) to confirmation 9 13 172.1, which allows for certain Courthouse door of Newton County,
may affect the title: any outstanding ad THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE AND BEING IN LAND LOT 29 OF that the sale is not prohibited under procedures regarding the rescission Georgia (or such other area as
valorem taxes (including taxes which HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT THE 10TH DISTRICT, NEWTON the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) of judicial and nonjudicial sales designated by Order of the Superior
are a lien, whether or not now due and COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT to final confirmation and audit of the in the State of Georgia, the Deed Court of said county), within the legal
payable); the right of redemption of any LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION 9, OF MOUNTAINVIEW ESTATES status of the loan with the holder of the Under Power and other foreclosure hours of sale on February 5, 2019
taxing authority; matters which would OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT Security Deed. documents may not be provided until (being the first Tuesday of said month
be disclosed by an accurate survey THAT PURPOSE. RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 30 PLEASE NOTE that, final confirmation and audit of the unless said date falls on a Federal
or by an inspection of the property; ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin, PAGE 14, NEWTON COUNTY, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, status of the loan as provided in the Holiday, in which case being the
all zoning ordinances; assessments; LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite GEORGIA RECORDS, TO WHICH you are not entitled by law to an preceding paragraph. first Wednesday of said month), the
liens; encumbrances; restrictions; 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 PLAT REFERENCE IS MADE FOR A amendment or modification of the WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. following described property:
covenants, and any other matters of TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813- MORE DETAILED DESCRIPTION. terms of your loan. The entity having AS ATTORNEY in Fact for ALL THAT tract or parcel of land lying
record superior to said Security Deed. 0992 Case No. PNY-17-00899-6 SAID LEGAL description full authority to negotiate, amend or FELICIA PALMER. and being in Land Lot 72 of the 10th
TO THE best of the AD RUN Dates 01/06/2019, being controlling, however the modify all terms of the loan (although THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A District, Newton County, Georgia,
knowledge and belief of the 01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, 01/27/2019 property is more commonly known as not required by law to do so) is: DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING being Lot 39, Block B, Dove Point
undersigned, the owner and party RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY- 90 MOUNTAIN DR, COVINGTON, GA Mortgage Solutions of Colorado, LLC, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Subdivision, Unit Four, as per plat
in possession of the property is LISTING 30016. Loss Mitigation Dept., 1 Corporate INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE recorded in Plat Book 28, Pages
Eloisa Alvarado and Obie Crosby, or THE INDEBTEDNESS Drive, Ste 360, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 146-147, Newton County, Georgia
tenants(s). PUBLIC NOTICE #114191 secured by said Security Deed has Telephone Number: 1-866-397-5370. 00000008091530 Records, which plat is incorporated
THE SALE will be 1/6,13,20,27 been and is hereby declared due M O R T G A G E BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER herein by reference and made a part
conducted subject (1) to confirmation because of default under the terms SOLUTIONS OF COLORADO, LLC. TURNER & ENGEL, LLP of this description. Said property being
that the sale is not prohibited under NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER of said Security Deed and Note. The AS ATTORNEY in Fact for 4004 BELT Line Road, Suite 100 known as 155 Dove Point according
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY indebtedness remaining in default, this STEPHEN LOVE AND RUTH LOVE ADDISON, TEXAS 75001 to the present system of numbering
to final confirmation and audit of the sale will be made for the purpose of THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE TELEPHONE: (972) 341 5398 property in Newton County, Georgia.
status of the loan with the holder of the BY VIRTUE of a Power of paying the same, all expenses of the HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT THE DEBT secured by said Security
Security Deed. Sale contained in that certain Security sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL PUBLIC NOTICE #114312 Deed has been and is hereby
PLEASE NOTE that, Deed from LAMARR JARELL to collect same having been given) LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION 1/20 declared due because of, among
pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, S MITCHELL to MORTGAGE and all other payments provided for OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR other possible events of default, failure
you are not entitled by law to an ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION under the terms of the Security Deed THAT PURPOSE. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, to pay the indebtedness as and when
amendment or modification of the SYSTEMS INC AS NOMINEE FOR and Note. ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin, NEWTON COUNTY due and in the manner provided in the
terms of your loan. The entity having INSPIRE HOME LOANS INC., SAID PROPERTY will be LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite Note and Security Deed. The debt
full authority to negotiate, amend or dated December 22, 2017, recorded sold on an “as-is” basis without any 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 PURSUANT TO the Power of Sale remaining in default, this sale will be
modify all terms of the loan (although December 27, 2017, in Deed Book representation, warranty or recourse TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813- contained in a Security Deed given made for the purpose of paying the
not required by law to do so) is: 3648, Page 39-56, Newton County, against the above-named or the 0992 Case No. DMI-18-06524-1 by Frank Stapleton and Sandra same and all expenses of this sale, as
NexGen Coastal Investments, LLC, Georgia Records, said Security Deed undersigned. The sale will also be AD RUN Dates 01/06/2019, Stapleton to United Mortgage provided in the Security Deed and by
Loss Mitigation Dept., 992 E Michigan having been given to secure a Note subject to the following items which 01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, 01/27/2019 Investors Inc. dated 5/24/2002 and law, including attorney’s fees (notice of
St, Unit B, Orlando, FL 32806, of even date in the original principal may affect the title: any outstanding ad RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY- recorded in Deed Book 1230 Page intent to collect attorney’s fees having
Telephone Number: (818) 404-5065. amount of Two Hundred Eighty-Three valorem taxes (including taxes which LISTING 367 and modified at Deed Book 2863 been given).
NEXGEN COASTAL INVESTMENTS, Thousand Twenty-Nine and 00/100 are a lien, whether or not now due and Page 495 and further modified at Deed SAID PROPERTY is commonly known
LLC dollars ($283,029.00), with interest payable); the right of redemption of any PUBLIC NOTICE #114192 Book 3324 Page 401.Newton County, as 155 Dove Point, Covington, GA
AS ATTORNEY in Fact for thereon as provided for therein, said taxing authority; matters which would 1/6,13,20,27 Georgia records; as last transferred to 30016 together with all fixtures and
ELOISA ALVARADO AND OBIE Security Deed having been last be disclosed by an accurate survey or acquired by U.S. BANK NATIONAL personal property attached to and
CROSBY sold, assigned and transferred to or by an inspection of the property; NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER ASSOCIATION, conveying the after- constituting a part of said property, if
THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, there all zoning ordinances; assessments; STATE OF GEORGIA, County of described property to secure a Note any. To the best knowledge and belief
HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT will be sold at public outcry to the liens; encumbrances; restrictions; NEWTON. in the original principal amount of of the undersigned, the party (or
COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL highest bidder for cash at the Newton covenants, and any other matters of $128,850.00, with interest at the rate parties) in possession of the subject
LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION County Courthouse, within the legal record superior to said Security Deed. UNDER AND by virtue of the Power specified therein, there will be sold by property is (are): James Bradley or
OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR hours of sale on the first Tuesday in TO THE best of the of Sale contained in a Deed to Secure the undersigned at public outcry to tenant or tenants.
THAT PURPOSE. February, 2019, all property described knowledge and belief of the Debt given by FELICIA PALMER the highest bidder for cash before the PENNYMAC LOAN Services, LLC is
ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin, in said Security Deed including but undersigned, the owner and party in to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Courthouse door of Newton County, the entity or individual designated who
LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite not limited to the following described possession of the property is SHAWN dated 05/01/2013, and Recorded on Georgia (or such other area as shall have full authority to negotiate,
100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 property: RICHARDS, or tenants(s). 05/16/2013 as Book No. 3128 and designated by Order of the Superior amend and modify all terms of the
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813- ALL THAT TRACT OR THE SALE will be Page No. 263 273, NEWTON County, Court of said county), within the legal mortgage.
0992 Case No. NEX-17-05439-11 PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND conducted subject (1) to confirmation Georgia records, as last assigned hours of sale on February 5, 2019 PENNYMAC LOAN Services, LLC
AD RUN Dates 01/06/2019, IN LAND LOT 168 OF THE 10TH that the sale is not prohibited under to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. (the (being the first Tuesday of said month LOSS MITIGATION
01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, 01/27/2019 DISTRICT, NEWTON COUNTY, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Secured Creditor), by assignment, unless said date falls on a Federal 3043 TOWNSGATE Road #200,
RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY- GEORGIA, BEING LOT 53 HINTON to final confirmation and audit of the conveying the after described Holiday, in which case being the Westlake Village, CA 91361
LISTING CHASE SUBDIVISION, AS PER status of the loan with the holder of the property to secure a Note of even first Wednesday of said month), the 1-866-549-3583
PLAT IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES Security Deed. date in the original principal amount of following described property: NOTE, HOWEVER, that such entity
PUBLIC NOTICE #114155 167-183, NEWTON COUNTY, PLEASE NOTE that, $105,360.00, with interest at the rate ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL or individual is not required by law to
1/6,13,20,27 GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, specified therein, there will be sold OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN negotiate, amend or modify the terms
IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY you are not entitled by law to an by the undersigned at public outcry LAND LOT 135, 10TH DISTRICT, of the loan.
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER REFERENCE AND MADE A PART amendment or modification of the to the highest bidder for cash at the NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject
GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY OF THIS DESCRIPTION terms of your loan. The entity having NEWTON County Courthouse within BEING LOT 8, BLOCK D, SPRING to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem
SAID LEGAL description full authority to negotiate, amend or the legal hours of sale on the first MILL FARMS SUBDIVISION, UNIT taxes (including taxes which are a
BY VIRTUE of a Power being controlling, however the modify all terms of the loan (although Tuesday in March, 2019, the following ONE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN lien, but not yet due and payable),
of Sale contained in that certain property is more commonly known not required by law to do so) is: New described property: PLAT BOOK 24, PAGE 4, NEWTON (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that
Security Deed from JACQUELINE M. as 485 HINTON CHASE PKWY, Penn Financial, LLC d/b/a Shellpoint THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, constitute a lien against the property
BOSHEARS, JAMES J. BOSHEARS COVINGTON, GA 30016. Mortgage Servicing, Loss Mitigation REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS whether due and payable or not yet
REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC secured by said Security Deed has Greenville, SC 29601, Telephone OF GEORGIA, BEING MORE MADE A PART HEREOF BY not be of record, (c) the right of
AS NOMINEE FOR FAIRWAY been and is hereby declared due Number: 800-365-7107. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS REFERENCE. redemption of any taxing authority,
INDEPENDENT MORTGAGE because of default under the terms NEW PENN FINANCIAL, FOLLOWS: THE DEBT secured by said Security (d) any matters which might be
CORPORATION D/B/A PREMIER of said Security Deed and Note. The LLC D/B/A SHELLPOINT ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF Deed has been and is hereby disclosed by an accurate survey and
CAPITAL MORTGAGE, dated indebtedness remaining in default, this MORTGAGE SERVICING LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND declared due because of, among inspection of the property, and (e) any
March 11, 2010, recorded March 18, sale will be made for the purpose of AS ATTORNEY in Fact for LOT 134 OF THE 10TH DISTRICT, other possible events of default, failure assessments, liens, encumbrances,
2010, in Deed Book 2805, Page 26, paying the same, all expenses of the SHAWN RICHARDS NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, to pay the indebtedness as and when zoning ordinances, restrictions,
Newton County, Georgia Records, sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE BEING LOT 66, WINDSCAPES, due and in the manner provided in the covenants, and matters of record
said Security Deed having been to collect same having been given) HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, Note and Security Deed. The debt superior to the Security Deed first set
given to secure a Note of even date and all other payments provided for COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN remaining in default, this sale will be out above.
in the original principal amount of under the terms of the Security Deed LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION PLAT BOOK 37, PAGE 123 126, made for the purpose of paying the THE SALE will be conducted subject
One Hundred Sixteen Thousand and Note. OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA same and all expenses of this sale, as to (1) confirmation that the sale is not
Eight Hundred Forty-Four and 00/100 SAID PROPERTY will be THAT PURPOSE. RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED provided in the Security Deed and by prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy
dollars ($116,844.00), with interest sold on an “as-is” basis without any ATTORNEY CONTACT: Rubin Lublin, PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN law, including attorney’s fees (notice of Code; and (2) final confirmation and
thereon as provided for therein, said representation, warranty or recourse LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite BY REFERENCE FOR A MORE intent to collect attorney’s fees having audit of the status of the loan with the
Security Deed having been last against the above-named or the 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF SAID been given). holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant
sold, assigned and transferred to undersigned. The sale will also be TELEPHONE NUMBER: (877) 813- PROPERTY SAID PROPERTY is commonly to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1,
PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, there subject to the following items which 0992 Case No. SHP-18-00152-5 BEING THE SAME PROPERTY known as 105 Willow Tree Terrace, which allows for certain procedures
will be sold at public outcry to the may affect the title: any outstanding ad AD RUN Dates 01/06/2019, CONVEYED TO FELICIA BAILEY Covington, GA 30016 together with regarding the rescission of judicial
highest bidder for cash at the Newton valorem taxes (including taxes which 01/13/2019, 01/20/2019, 01/27/2019 BY LIMITED WARRANTY DEED all fixtures and personal property and non-judicial sales in the State of
County Courthouse, within the legal are a lien, whether or not now due and RUBINLUBLIN.COM/PROPERTY- FROM LEGACY COMMUNITIES attached to and constituting a Georgia, the Deed Under Power and
hours of sale on the first Tuesday in payable); the right of redemption of any LISTING OF WINDSCAPES, LLC, DATED part of said property, if any. To the other foreclosure documents may not
February, 2019, all property described taxing authority; matters which would JANUARY 28, 2003, RECORDED best knowledge and belief of the be provided until final confirmation
in said Security Deed including but be disclosed by an accurate survey PUBLIC NOTICE #114182 FEBRUARY 18, 2003 IN BOOK undersigned, the party (or parties) in and audit of the status of the loan as
not limited to the following described or by an inspection of the property; 1/6,13,20,27 01369, PAGE 00556, IN THE OFFICE possession of the subject property provided immediately above.
property: all zoning ordinances; assessments; OF THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR is (are): Frank Stapleton and Sandra PENNYMAC LOAN Services, LLC as
ALL THAT TRACT liens; encumbrances; restrictions; NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER COURT OF NEWTON COUNTY, Stapleton or tenant or tenants. agent and Attorney in Fact for James
AND BEING IN LAND LOT 18 OF record superior to said Security Deed. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY is the entity or individual designated ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP, 15 Piedmont
THE 10TH LAND DISTRICT OF TO THE best of the BY VIRTUE of a Power CONVEYED TO FELICIA BAILEY who shall have full authority to Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E.,
NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, knowledge and belief of the of Sale contained in that certain AND MR. ERIC VIDAL BAILEY, negotiate, amend and modify all terms Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305,
AND BEING SHOWN AS LOT 16 OF undersigned, the owner and party Security Deed from STEPHEN LOVE SR., AS JOINT TENANTS WITH of the mortgage. (404) 994-7637.
CERTIFIED BY MORRIS L. SMITH, conducted subject (1) to confirmation COLORADO LLC, dated November BOOK 01369, PAGE 00578, IN THE NOTE, HOWEVER, that such entity INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE
GA PE NO. 11,945, DATED AUGUST that the sale is not prohibited under 20, 2017, recorded November 30, OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE or individual is not required by law to USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1120-
25, 2003, AND BEING RECORDED 2017, in Deed Book 3638, Page 16,
8B| weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 legals THE COVINGTON NEWS
22219A Superior Court of said county), within default, this sale will be made for the restrictions, covenants, etc. COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. by Ramon D. Espinal to Mortgage
the legal hours of sale on February 5, purpose of paying the same and all The sale will be conducted subject SAID PROPERTY being known as: Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.,
PUBLIC NOTICE #114219 2019 (being the first Tuesday of said expenses of this sale, as provided to (1) confirmation that the sale is not 126 USHER LN, COVINGTON, GA as nominee for Opteum Financial
1/6,13,20,27,2/3 month unless said date falls on a in the Deed to Secure Debt and by prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy 30016 Services, LLC, its successors and
Federal Holiday, in which case being law, including attorney’s fees (notice Code; and (2) final confirmation and TO THE best of the undersigned’s assigns dated June 6, 2005, and
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, the first Wednesday of said month), of intent to collect attorney’s fees audit of the status of the loan with the knowledge, the party or parties in recorded in Deed Book 1925, Page
NEWTON COUNTY the following described property: having been given). WILMINGTON holder of the security deed. Pursuant possession of said property is/are 393, and re-recorded in Deed Book
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, to O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, MICHAEL J BROWN or tenant(s). 2088, Page 425, Newton County
PURSUANT TO the Power of Sale LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT which allows for certain procedures THE DEBT secured by said Security Records, said Security Deed having
contained in a Security Deed given LOT 135 OF THE 10TH DISTRICT INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE regarding the rescission of judicial Deed has been and is hereby declared been last sold, assigned, transferred
by Judy A. Usher and Howard OF NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA FOR HILLDALE TRUST holds the and nonjudicial sales in the State of due and payable because of, among and conveyed to TIAA, FSB, securing
Emil Usher to Mortgage Electronic BEING LOT 9, BLOCK D, SPRING duly endorsed Note and is the current Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other possible events of default, failure a Note in the original principal amount
Registration Systems, Inc. as MILL FARMS SUBDIVISION, assignee of the Security Deed to other foreclosure documents may not to pay the indebtedness as provided of $146,800.00, the holder thereof
nominee for First Atlantic Mortgage UNIT ONE ACCORDING TO PLAT the property. FAY SERVICING LLC, be provided until final confirmation for in the Note and said Security Deed. pursuant to said Deed and Note
L.L.C of Georgia dated 12/28/2007 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24, acting on behalf of and, as necessary, and audit of the status of the loan as The debt remaining in default, this thereby secured has declared the
and recorded in Deed Book 2557 PAGES 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5, NEWTON in consultation with WILMINGTON provided in the preceding paragraph. sale will be made for the purpose of entire amount of said indebtedness
Page 186 and modified at Deed COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. as paying the same and all expenses of due and payable and, pursuant to the
Book 3229Page 148Newton County, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT Attorney in Fact for ISAAC MADISON. sale, including attorney’s fees (notice power of sale contained in said Deed,
Georgia records; as last transferred to HEREIN BY REFERENCE THERETO INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A of intent to collect attorney’s fees will on the first Tuesday, February 5,
or acquired by U.S. BANK NATIONAL FOR A MORE ACCURATE AND FOR HILLDALE TRUST (the current DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING having been given). 2019, during the legal hours of sale,
ASSOCIATION, conveying the after- COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. investor on the loan), is the entity TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject before the Courthouse door in said
described property to secure a Note THE DEBT secured by said Security with the full authority to negotiate, INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL to the following: (1) any outstanding ad County, sell at public outcry to the
in the original principal amount of Deed has been and is hereby amend, and modify all terms of the BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. valorem taxes (including taxes which highest bidder for cash, the property
$166,718.00, with interest at the rate declared due because of, among loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 00000006570105 BARRETT DAFFIN are a lien, whether or not yet due and described in said Deed, to-wit:
specified therein, there will be sold by other possible events of default, failure 162.2, FAY SERVICING LLC may FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, payable); (2) the right of redemption of ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land
the undersigned at public outcry to to pay the indebtedness as and when be contacted at: FAY SERVICING LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, Suite 100 any taxing authority; (3) any matters lying and being in Land Lot 359 of the
the highest bidder for cash before the due and in the manner provided in the LLC, 440 S. LASALLE ST., 20TH Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: which might be disclosed by an 9th Land District of Newton County,
Courthouse door of Newton County, Note and Security Deed. The debt FLOOR, CHICAGO, IL 60605, 800 (972) 341 5398. accurate survey and inspection of the Georgia and being shown as Lot 75,
Georgia (or such other area as remaining in default, this sale will be 495 7166. Please note that, pursuant property; and (4) any assessments, Hall Park Subdivision, Phase I, in
designated by Order of the Superior made for the purpose of paying the to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the secured PUBLIC NOTICE #114232 liens, encumbrances, zoning accordance with that Plat of Survey
Court of said county), within the legal same and all expenses of this sale, as creditor is not required to amend or 1/6,13,20,27 ordinances, restrictions, covenants, prepared by Dills-Jones & Associates,
hours of sale on February 5, 2019 provided in the Security Deed and by modify the terms of the loan. To the and matters of record superior to the Inc., certified by Wimer Benton Jones,
(being the first Tuesday of said month law, including attorney’s fees (notice of best knowledge and belief of the STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Security Deed first set out above. Jr., Georgia R.L.S. No. 2384, said plat
unless said date falls on a Federal intent to collect attorney’s fees having undersigned, the party/parties in Newton SAID SALE will be conducted subject being dated December 8, 1997 and
Holiday, in which case being the been given). possession of the subject property NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER to the following: (1) confirmation that recorded at Plat Book 31, page 135,
first Wednesday of said month), the SAID PROPERTY is commonly known as 10 SHADOWBROOK the sale is not prohibited under the Public Records of Newton County,
following described property: known as 95 Willow Tree Terrace, TRACE, COVINGTON, GEORGIA PURSUANT TO the power of sale U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final Georgia, said plat being incorporated
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF Covington, GA 30016 together with 30016 is/are: CHARLES THOMAS contained in the Security Deed confirmation and audit of the status of herein and made a part hereof by
LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND all fixtures and personal property AND UTOPIA L THOMAS or tenant/ executed by HAROLD L. SPANN the loan with the holder of the Security reference thereto for a more particular
LOT 168 OF THE 10TH DISTRICT OF attached to and constituting a tenants. Said property will be sold to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Deed. description of the captioned property.
NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA AND part of said property, if any. To the subject to (a) any outstanding ad REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. THE NAME, address, and telephone SAID PROPERTY is known as 15 Old
BEING LOT 16 OF SUMMERWALK, best knowledge and belief of the valorem taxes (including taxes AS NOMINEE FOR NETBANK ITS number of the individual or entity who Hickory Lane, Oxford, GA 30054,
UNIT THREE, ACCORDING TO undersigned, the party (or parties) in which are a lien, but not yet due and SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS has full authority to negotiate, amend, together with all fixtures and personal
PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK possession of the subject property is payable), (b) any matters which might in the original principal amount of and modify all terms of the mortgage property attached to and constituting a
32, PAGE 173, NEWTON COUNTY (are): William Rasul, Estate or tenant be disclosed by an accurate survey $133,900.00 dated February 25, 2005 is as follows: part of said property, if any.
, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH or tenants. and inspection of the property, and and recorded in Deed Book 1864, CALIBER HOME Loans, Inc. 13801 SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject
PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN OCWEN LOAN Servicing, LLC is the (c) all matters of record superior to Page 95, Newton County records, said Wireless Way to any outstanding ad valorem taxes
BY REFERENCE THERETO entity or individual designated who the Deed to Secure Debt first set out Security Deed being last transferred OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, 73134 1-800- (including taxes which are a lien,
FOR A MORE ACCURATE AND shall have full authority to negotiate, above, including, but not limited to, to GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC in 401-6587 whether or not now due and payable),
COMPLETE DESCRIPTION; BEING amend and modify all terms of the assessments, liens, encumbrances, Deed Book 3240, Page 215, Newton NOTE THAT pursuant to O.C.G.A. the right of redemption of any taxing
IMPROVED PROPERTY KNOWN mortgage. zoning ordinances, easements, County records, the undersigned will § 44-14-162.2, the above individual authority, any matters which might
AS 45 DEEP SPRINGS WAY, OCWEN LOAN Servicing, LLC restrictions, covenants, etc. sell at public outcry to the highest or entity is not required by law to be disclosed by an accurate survey
COVINGTON, GEORGIA 30016, FORECLOSURE LOSS Mitigation The sale will be conducted subject bidder for cash, before the Courthouse negotiate, amend, or modify the terms and inspection of the property, any
ACCORDING TO THE PRESENT 1661 WORTHINGTON Road to (1) confirmation that the sale is not door in said County, or at such other of the mortgage. assessments, liens, encumbrances,
SYSTEM OF NUMBERING HOUSES SUITE 100 prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy place as lawfully designated, within THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A zoning ordinances, restrictions,
IN NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA WEST PALM Beach, FL 33409 Code; and (2) final confirmation and the legal hours of sale, on February DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING covenants, and matters of record
AND BEING THE SAME PROPERTY 1-877-596-8580 audit of the status of the loan with the 05, 2019, the property in said Security TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY superior to the Security Deed first set
CONVEYED TO HOWARD EMIL NOTE, HOWEVER, that such entity holder of the security deed. Pursuant Deed and described as follows: INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE out above.
USHER AND JUDY A. USHER BY or individual is not required by law to to O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE PROCEEDS of said sale will
VIRTUE OF A JOINT TENANCY negotiate, amend or modify the terms which allows for certain procedures LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATE U.S. BANK Trust, N.A., as Trustee be applied to the payment of said
WITH SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY of the loan. regarding the rescission of judicial IN LAND LOTS 60 AND 69, OF THE for LSF10 Master Participation Trust, indebtedness and all expenses of said
DEED DATED MARCH 31, 1999 SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject and nonjudicial sales in the State of 10TH DISTRICT, NEWTON COUNTY, as Attorney-in-Fact for MICHAEL J sale as provided in said Deed, and the
AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem Georgia, the Deed Under Power and GEORGIA, BEING LOT 105 OF LONG BROWN balance, if any, will be distributed as
815, PAGE 319, NEWTON COUNTY, taxes (including taxes which are a other foreclosure documents may not CREEK SUBDIVISION, UNIT THREE, RAS CRANE LLC 10700 Abbott’s provided by law.
GEORGIA RECORDS. lien, but not yet due and payable), be provided until final confirmation AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, GA THE SALE will be conducted subject
THE DEBT secured by said Security (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that and audit of the status of the loan as IN PLAT BOOK 40, PAGES 231 30097 Phone: 470.321.7112 (1) to confirmation that the sale is not
Deed has been and is hereby constitute a lien against the property provided in the preceding paragraph. THROUGH 233, NEWTON COUNTY, FIRM FILE No. 18-179365 - OlV prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy
declared due because of, among whether due and payable or not yet WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH Code and (2) to final confirmation and
other possible events of default, failure due and payable and which may SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANA PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN PUBLIC NOTICE #114235 audit of the status of the loan with the
to pay the indebtedness as and when not be of record, (c) the right of TRUST, NOT INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS BY REFERENCE FOR A MORE 12/30,1/6,13,20,27 secured creditor.
due and in the manner provided in the redemption of any taxing authority, TRUSTEE FOR HILLDALE TRUST COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. THE PROPERTY is or may be in
Note and Security Deed. The debt (d) any matters which might be as Attorney in Fact for CHARLES SAID PROPERTY being known as: STATE OF GEORGIA the possession of Ramon Espinal,
remaining in default, this sale will be disclosed by an accurate survey and THOMAS AND UTOPIA L THOMAS. 230 HIGHGROVE DR, COVINGTON, COUNTY OF NEWTON successor in interest or tenant(s).
made for the purpose of paying the inspection of the property, and (e) any THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A GA 30016 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER TIAA, FSB as Attorney-in-Fact for
same and all expenses of this sale, as assessments, liens, encumbrances, DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO THE best of the undersigned’s Ramon D. Espinal
provided in the Security Deed and by zoning ordinances, restrictions, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY knowledge, the party or parties in BECAUSE OF a default under the FILE NO. 18-071954
law, including attorney’s fees (notice of covenants, and matters of record INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL possession of said property is/are terms of the Security Deed executed SHAPIRO PENDERGAST & HASTY,
intent to collect attorney’s fees having superior to the Security Deed first set BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HAROLD L. SPANN or tenant(s). by Casey Hubbard to Mortgage LLP*
been given). out above. 00000007089147 BARRETT DAFFIN THE DEBT secured by said Security Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ATTORNEYS AND Counselors at Law
SAID PROPERTY is commonly known THE SALE will be conducted subject FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, Deed has been and is hereby declared as nominee for Opteum Financial 211 PERIMETER Center Parkway,
as 45 Deep Springs Way, Covington, to (1) confirmation that the sale is not LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, Suite 100 due and payable because of, among Services, LLC, it’s successors and N.E., Suite 300
GA 30016 together with all fixtures prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: other possible events of default, failure assigns dated May 31, 2005, and ATLANTA, GA 30346
and personal property attached to and Code; and (2) final confirmation and (972) 341 5398. to pay the indebtedness as provided recorded in Deed Book 1939, Page 770-220-2535/CH
constituting a part of said property, if audit of the status of the loan with the for in the Note and said Security Deed. 383, Newton County Records, said SHAPIROANDHASTY.COM
any. To the best knowledge and belief holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant PUBLIC NOTICE #114232 The debt remaining in default, this Security Deed having been last sold, *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING
of the undersigned, the party (or to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, 1/6,13,20,27 sale will be made for the purpose of assigned, transferred and conveyed AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY
parties) in possession of the subject which allows for certain procedures paying the same and all expenses of to HSBC Bank USA, National INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE
property is (are): Judy A. Usher and regarding the rescission of judicial NOTICE OF Sale Under Power. sale, including attorney’s fees (notice Association as Trustee for Opteum USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
Howard Emil Usher or tenant or and non-judicial sales in the State of State of Georgia, County of of intent to collect attorney’s fees Mortgage Acceptance Corporation,
tenants. Georgia, the Deed Under Power and NEWTON. having been given). Asset-Backed Pass-Through PUBLIC NOTICE #114252
U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION other foreclosure documents may not SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject Certificates, Series 2005-4, securing 1/6,13,20,27,2/3
is the entity or individual designated be provided until final confirmation UNDER AND by virtue of the Power to the following: (1) any outstanding ad a Note in the original principal amount
who shall have full authority to of Sale contained in a Deed to Secure valorem taxes (including taxes which of $127,920.00, the holder thereof
negotiate, amend and modify all terms
and audit of the status of the loan as
Debt given by ISAAC MADISON to are a lien, whether or not yet due and pursuant to said Deed and Note Name Changes
provided immediately above.
of the mortgage. DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. , dated payable); (2) the right of redemption of thereby secured has declared the
U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION COMPANY AMERICAS as Indenture 12/20/2002, and Recorded on any taxing authority; (3) any matters entire amount of said indebtedness
4801 FREDERICA Street Trustee for the registered holders of 12/27/2002 as Book No. 01340 and which might be disclosed by an due and payable and, pursuant to the
OWENSBORO, KY 42301 SAXON ASSET SECURITIES TRUST Page No. 399 417, NEWTON County, accurate survey and inspection of the power of sale contained in said Deed,
1-855-698-7627 2004-3 MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET Georgia records, as last assigned property; and (4) any assessments, will on the first Tuesday, February 5,
IN RE the Name Change of Child(ren):
NOTE, HOWEVER, that such entity BACKED NOTES, SERIES 2004-3 as to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. (the liens, encumbrances, zoning 2019, during the legal hours of sale,
or individual is not required by law to agent and Attorney in Fact for William Secured Creditor), by assignment, ordinances, restrictions, covenants, before the Courthouse door in said
negotiate, amend or modify the terms Rasul and Sherida A Rasul conveying the after described and matters of record superior to the County, sell at public outcry to the
of the loan. ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP, 15 Piedmont property to secure a Note of even Security Deed first set out above. highest bidder for cash, the property
SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., date in the original principal amount SAID SALE will be conducted subject described in said Deed, to-wit:
to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, of $167,100.00, with interest at the to the following: (1) confirmation that ALL THAT tract or parcel of land lying
taxes (including taxes which are a (404) 994-7637. rate specified therein, there will be the sale is not prohibited under the and being in Land Lot 155 of the 10th
lien, but not yet due and payable), 1017-2550A sold by the undersigned at public U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final District, Newton County, Georgia,
(b) unpaid water or sewage bills that THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS outcry to the highest bidder for cash confirmation and audit of the status of being Lot 157, Phase Four of Princeton
constitute a lien against the property A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING at the NEWTON County Courthouse the loan with the holder of the Security Woods Subdivision, as per plat thereof
whether due and payable or not yet TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY within the legal hours of sale on the Deed. recorded in Plat Book 34, pages 124-
due and payable and which may INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE first Tuesday in February, 2019, the THE NAME, address, and telephone 126, Revised in Plat Book 43, Page
not be of record, (c) the right of USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1017- following described property: ALL number of the individual or entity who 36, Newton County, Georgia Records,
redemption of any taxing authority, 2550A THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND has full authority to negotiate, amend, which recorded plat is incorporated
(d) any matters which might be LYING AND BEING LOT 119 OF and modify all terms of the mortgage herein by reference and made a part
a petition in the Newton County
disclosed by an accurate survey and PUBLIC NOTICE #114217 THE 10TH DISTRICT OF NEWTON is as follows: of this description.
Superior Court on December 20,
inspection of the property, and (e) any 1/6,13,20,27,2/3 COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT DITECH FINANCIAL LLC 2100 East SAID PROPERTY is known as 330
2018, to change the name(s) of the
assessments, liens, encumbrances, 688, BLOCK F, THE SILOS OF Elliot Rd Bldg 94 Attn: Mail Stop T325 Princeton Way, Covington, GA
following minor child(ren)
zoning ordinances, restrictions, NOTICE OF Sale Under Power. ELLINGTON, PHASE 1, AS PER PLAT TEMPE, AZ, 85284 1-800-643-0202 30016, together with all fixtures and
covenants, and matters of record State of Georgia, County of OF SURVEY RECORDED IN PLAT NOTE THAT pursuant to O.C.G.A. personal property attached to and
superior to the Security Deed first set NEWTON. BOOK 36 PAGES 190 203, NEWTON § 44-14-162.2, the above individual constituting a part of said property, if
ANY INTERESTED party has the
out above. COUNTY GEORGIA RECORDS, or entity is not required by law to any.
right to appear in this case and file
THE SALE will be conducted subject UNDER AND by virtue of the Power SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED negotiate, amend, or modify the terms SAID PROPERTY will be sold subject
objections within the time prescribed
to (1) confirmation that the sale is not of Sale contained in a Deed to HEREIN BY REFERENCE. The debt of the mortgage. to any outstanding ad valorem taxes
in O.C.G.A. §§ 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3).
prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Secure Debt given by CHARLES secured by said Deed to Secure Debt THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A (including taxes which are a lien,
Code; and (2) final confirmation and THOMAS AND UTOPIA L THOMAS has been and is hereby declared due DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING whether or not now due and payable),
audit of the status of the loan with the to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC because of, among other possible TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY the right of redemption of any taxing
holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., events of default, failure to pay the INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE authority, any matters which might
to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, (“MERS”), AS NOMINEE FOR indebtedness as and when due and in USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. be disclosed by an accurate survey IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
which allows for certain procedures LOVELL, HUBBARD & ASSOCIATES, the manner provided in the Note and RAS CRANE LLC 10700 Abbott’s and inspection of the property, any NEWTON COUNTY
regarding the rescission of judicial INC. D/B/A LHA MORTGAGE Deed to Secure Debt. Because the Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, GA assessments, liens, encumbrances, STATE OF GEORGIA
and non-judicial sales in the State of SERVICES, A GEORGIA debt remains in default, this sale will 30097 Phone: 470.321.7112 zoning ordinances, restrictions,
Georgia, the Deed Under Power and CORPORATION , dated 04/15/2008, be made for the purpose of paying the FIRM FILE No. 18-228207 - OlV covenants, and matters of record IN RE the name change of:
other foreclosure documents may not and Recorded on 05/06/2008 as same and all expenses of this sale, as DITECH FINANCIAL LLC, as superior to the Security Deed first set DALTON SMITH
be provided until final confirmation Book No. 2603 and Page No. 131 provided in the Deed to Secure Debt Attorney-in-Fact for HAROLD L. out above. PETITIONER,
and audit of the status of the loan as 142, AS AFFECTED BY BOOK and by law, including attorney’s fees SPANN THE PROCEEDS of said sale will CIVIL ACTION File Number:
provided immediately above. 2652, PAGE 143, NEWTON County, (notice of intent to collect attorney’s be applied to the payment of said 2018-CV-2496-1
U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Georgia records, as last assigned fees having been given). BANK PUBLIC NOTICE #114248 indebtedness and all expenses of said
as agent and Attorney in Fact for Judy to WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND OF AMERICA, N.A. holds the duly 1/6,13,20,27,2/3 sale as provided in said Deed, and the NOTICE OF PETITION TO
A. Usher and Howard Emil Usher SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANA endorsed Note and is the current balance, if any, will be distributed as CHANGING NAME OF ADULT
ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP, 15 Piedmont TRUST, NOT INDIVIDUALLY BUT assignee of the Security Deed to the STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF provided by law.
Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., AS TRUSTEE FOR HILLDALE property. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Newton THE SALE will be conducted subject DALTON MICHAEL Smith filed
Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, TRUST (the Secured Creditor), by AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER (1) to confirmation that the sale is not a petition in the Newton County
(404) 994-7637. assignment, conveying the after BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Superior Court on December 14, 2018
1292-907A described property to secure a Note acting on behalf of and, as necessary, PURSUANT TO the power of sale Code and (2) to final confirmation and to change the name from: Dalton
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS of even date in the original principal in consultation with BANK OF contained in the Security Deed audit of the status of the loan with the Michael Smith to Corinn Dakota
A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING amount of $136,248.00, with interest AMERICA, N.A. (the current investor executed by MICHAEL J BROWN secured creditor. Michael Smith. Any interested party
TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY at the rate specified therein, there will on the loan), is the entity with the full to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC THE PROPERTY is or may be in the has the right to appear in this case
INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE be sold by the undersigned at public authority to negotiate, amend, and REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., possession of Casey Hubbard; Clover and file objections within 30 days after
USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1292- outcry to the highest bidder for cash modify all terms of the loan. Pursuant AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE C. Hubbard, successor in interest or the Petition was filed.
907A at the NEWTON County Courthouse to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, BANK OF HOME LOANS, INC. ITS tenant(s). DATED: 12/11/2018
PUBLIC NOTICE #114214 first Tuesday in February, 2019, the BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS in the original principal amount of ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE 85 CASHEW Court
1/6,13,20,27,2/3 following described property: ALL SERVICING, LP may be contacted $96,000.00 dated July 28, 2006 and FOR OPTEUM MORTGAGE COVINGTON, GA 30016
NEWTON COUNTY LOT 37 OF THE 8TH DISTRICT, BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, Security Deed being last transferred CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-4 as 12/30,1/6,13,20
NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, 7105 CORPORATE DRIVE, PLANO, to U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee Attorney-in-Fact for Casey Hubbard
PURSUANT TO the Power of Sale BEING LOT 82, SHADOWBROOK TX 75024, 800 669 6650. Please for LSF10 Master Participation Trust FILE NO. 17-065631 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
contained in a Security Deed given by ESTATES SUBDIVISION, UNIT note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44 in Deed Book 3767, Page 519, Newton SHAPIRO PENDERGAST & HASTY, NEWTON COUNTY
William Rasul and Sherida A Rasul ONE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED 14 162.2, the secured creditor is not County records, the undersigned will LLP* STATE OF GEORGIA
to America’s MoneyLine Inc. dated IN PLAT BOOK 38, PAGE 59, required to amend or modify the terms sell at public outcry to the highest ATTORNEYS AND Counselors at Law
8/26/2004 and recorded in Deed NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA of the loan. To the best knowledge and bidder for cash, before the Courthouse 211 PERIMETER Center Parkway, IN RE the name change of:
Book 1750 Page 204 Newton County, RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED belief of the undersigned, the party/ door in said County, or at such other N.E., Suite 300 THAMARA NEAL
Georgia records; as last transferred PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN parties in possession of the subject place as lawfully designated, within ATLANTA, GA 30346 PETITIONER,
to or acquired by DEUTSCHE BANK BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE property known as 100 TIMBERLAKE the legal hours of sale, on February 770-220-2535/CH CIVIL ACTION File Number:
as Indenture Trustee for the SAID PROPERTY BEING KNOWN 30016 is/are: ISAAC MADISON or Deed and described as follows: *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING
NOTES, SERIES 2004-3, conveying IN NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA. which are a lien, but not yet due and NEWTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND THAMARA NEAL filed a petition in
the after-described property to secure The debt secured by said Deed to payable), (b) any matters which might BEING SHOWN AS 1.062 ACRES IN PUBLIC NOTICE #114245 the Newton County Superior Court
a Note in the original principal amount Secure Debt has been and is hereby be disclosed by an accurate survey ACCORDANCE WITH THAT PLAT 1/6,13,20,27,2/3 on December 10, 2018 to change
of $172,000.00, with interest at the declared due because of, among and inspection of the property, and OF SURVEY PREPARED FOR the name from: THAMARA NEAL to
rate specified therein, there will be other possible events of default, failure (c) all matters of record superior to MICHAEL J. BROWN AND VICKY STATE OF GEORGIA THAMARA DAVID. Any interested
sold by the undersigned at public to pay the indebtedness as and when the Deed to Secure Debt first set out BROWN BY KNIGHT SURVEYING, COUNTY OF NEWTON party has the right to appear in this
outcry to the highest bidder for cash due and in the manner provided above, including, but not limited to, INC., CERTIFIED BY JOHN ELWIN NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER case and file objections within 30 days
before the Courthouse door of Newton in the Note and Deed to Secure assessments, liens, encumbrances, KNIGHT, GEORGIA RLS #1945, AS
County, Georgia (or such other Debt. Because the debt remains in zoning ordinances, easements, PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BECAUSE OF a default under the
area as designated by Order of the BOOK 38, PAGE 149, NEWTON terms of the Security Deed executed
THE COVINGTON NEWS legals weekend, jan. 19-20, 2019 |9B
AFTER THE Petition was filed. THE CITY OF COVINGTON NOTICE OF LOCATION AND Center, 8203 Hazelrand Road, Covington, GA 30014 23rd, 2019 @ 10:00 a.m.
DATED: 12/10/2018 AUDRA M. Gutierrez DESIGN APPROVAL Covington, GA 30014. The meeting is
THAMARA NEAL CITY CLERK P.I. # 0015764, Jasper/Newton open to the public. UNIT: B40 Shantal Branch – Washing 2005 CHEVY Colorado Truck
50 COWAN RIDGE County Machine, dresser, bed frame, tote full VIN# 1GCCS198358256521
COVINGTON, GA 30016 PUBLIC NOTICE #114310 PUBLIC NOTICE #114315 of books, suitcases, mirror, boxes
1/20 NOTICE IS hereby given in 1/20 PUBLIC NOTICE #114272
PUBLIC NOTICE #114239 compliance with Georgia Code 22- UNIT: C10 Terrence Perrin – TV, office 1/13,20
1/6,13,20,27 Public Notice 2-109 and 32-3-5 that the Georgia Public Sales Auctions chairs, Fridge, vacuum, bags, boxes,
Department of Transportation has dresser, ice maker, misc items
SUPERIOR COURT OF NEWTON approved the Location and Design of
NOTICE TO PUBLIC: this project. UNIT: G14 Randy Westbrooks – Trade Names
A PUBLIC Auction for the non- Mattresses, deep freezer, collectible
NOTICE IS hereby given, per the City THE DATE of location approval is Payment of storage fees at Budget toy cars, microwaves, boxes, bags, APPLICATION TO REGISTER A
IN RE the Name Change of December 7, 2018 dressers, misc items
of Covington’s Code of Ordinances Self Storage of Covington will take BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED
Chapter 16.52 that applicant Mike place on or thereafter Tuesday, UNDER A TRADE NAME
CIVIL ACTION File No 2019-CV-0041- P.I. # 0015764 will replace the UNIT: J22 Mildred Smith - Mattresses,
Anderson has submitted a Certificate January 29, 2019 online at WWW.
2 bridge on CR 16 (Jasper)/CR 134 bed frame, boxes, bike, grill, totes,
of Appropriateness Application to be SELFSTORAGEAUCTION.COM. STATE OF Georgia
considered by the Covington Historic (Newton)/Pitts Chapel Road over The personal effects and household Fridge, Misc Items COUNTY OF Newton
NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE Pittman Branch. The project begins
Preservation Commission. Goods belonging to the following
NAME OF ADULT approximately 450 feet south of the UNIT: J27 Herbert Jupiter – Office
Tenants, having been properly THE UNDERSIGNED hereby
THE REQUEST is to: Jasper/Newton County Line and notified, will be sold for CASH to the Chair, Arm chair, vacuums, couch, certifies that they are conducting
AN ACTION was filed in the Superior extends approximately 400 feet north dresser, end tables, misc items
1. REPLACE the porch roof highest Bidder to satisfy the owner’s business at 9159 Access Road,
court of Newton County on 1/9/19 of the Jasper/Newton County Line.
2. INSTALL a fire pit lien for Rent due, in accordance with Covington, Georgia 30014 in the City
to change the Petitioner’s name as UNIT: N03 Daniel Anim – Teenage
the Georgia Self Storage Act-, Section of Covington, County of Newton, in
follows: P.I. # 0015764 is proposed due to Mutant Ninja Turtle life size, misc items
THE PROPERTY is located within 10-1-210 to 10-4-215: Unit A36 – Jason the State of Georgia under the trade
the Covington Historic District at 2146 the structural integrity of the existing Shelton - Boxes, dryer, cedar chest, name: La Quinta Inn & Suites
PETITIONER’S NAME: bridge. THE AUCTION will be listed and
Thompson Ave. dresser, shelves, file cabinet and misc AND THAT the type of business to be
RANDALL PEARL Shannon advertised on
TAX PARCEL C019-0002-005, items; Unit A70 Greg Conner - Boxes, conducted is a motel. and that said
DESIRED NEW name: THIS PROJECT is in Land District 19. Space Shop Self Storage may refuse
Covington, Georgia. pictures, books, CPU, keyboard business is composed of the following
RANDALL PEARL Shank any bid and may rescind any purchase
and misc items; Unit A81- Kimberly person(s) or corporation(s):
THE COVINGTON Historic DRAWINGS OR maps or plats of the McKay - Totes, suitcase, wall art, and up until the winning bidder takes
ANY INTERESTED party has the proposed project, as approved, are possession of the personal property.
Preservation Commission will hold a misc items; Unit A99 Gabriel Torres - NAME
right to appear in this case and file on file and are available for public
Public Meeting on Boxes, bikes, totes, holiday décor and POOJA MERRAJ, Inc.
objection before the final judgment is inspection at the Georgia Department PUBLIC NOTICE #114260
FEBRUARY 6, 2019 at 6:00 pm, at misc items; B15 Greg Conner- Boxes, ADDRESS
ordered in this case. of Transportation: 1/13,20
2116 Stallings Street, Covington, GA. cooler, table, kitchen items, totes and 2805 COBBLESTONE Drive,
misc items; G55 Sheri Bradshaw - Cumming, GA 30041
ALL INTERESTED parties are invited Dog kennel, recliner, dressers, play
RANDALL PEARL Shannon District 2 Area 5
to attend. pen and misc items. THIS AFFIDAVIT is made in
accordance with the act of Georgia
COVINGTON, GA 30014 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT of 40-11-2, King’s 24 Hour Towing
DENISE BROOKINS, CITY PUBLIC NOTICE #114309 Legislature approved August,
770 857 7018 Transportation through its Agents states that the
PLANNER 1/13,20 1929;amended March, 1937 and
RANDALLSPOOKSHANK@GMAIL. 1570 BETHANY Road following vehicles are Abandoned and
COM MADISON, GEORGIA 30650 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION will be sold on January 29, 2019 at
PUBLIC NOTICE #114341 SWORN AND subscribed before me
(706) 343-5836 4:00 p.m. if not picked up as stated,
1/20 this 19th day of December, 2018.
PUBLIC NOTICE #114330 A PUBLIC Auction for the non- 3195 Highway 81 South, Covington,
1/20,27,2/3,10 ANY INTERESTED party may obtain Payment of storage fees at Covington GA 30016
a copy of the drawings or maps or Stor-It will take place on or thereafter BY: POOJA Meeraj, Inc.
plats or portions thereof by paying a Tuesday, January 29, 2019 online at 2005 MERCURY Marquis
nominal fee and requesting in writing WWW.SELFSTORAGEAUCTION. VIN - 2MEFM74W35X651913
Public Hearings to: COM. The personal effects and 1/20,27
CITY OF Covington household Goods belonging to 2002 SATURN SL2
NOTICE IS hereby given that at NOTICE TO PUBLIC: KIMBERLY W. Nesbitt the following Tenants, having been VIN - 1G8ZK52732Z280711
6:30 p.m. on January 7, 2019 at 2194 STATE PROGRAM Delivery properly notified, will be sold for
Emory Street, Covington, Georgia NOTICE IS hereby given, per the City Administrator CASH to the highest Bidder to satisfy 2001 DODGE Ram
the Mayor and Council of the City of Covington’s Code of Ordinances ATTN: MALAIKA Faciane the owner’s lien for Rent due, in VIN - 1B7HC16X81S270183
of Covington, Georgia, shall provide Chapter 16.52 that John Conklin MFACIANE@DOT.GA.GOV accordance with the Georgia Self
for a hearing on the passage of an has submitted a Certificate of 600 WEST Peachtree Street, 25th Storage Act-, Section 10-1-210 to 10-4- PUBLIC NOTICE #114336
ordinance entitled: Appropriateness Application to be Floor 215: Unit 192I Kimberly Terrell – Tires, 1/20,27
considered by the Covington Historic ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30308 dresser, table and misc items; Unit
PUBLIC AUCTION: Sellars Wrecker
“AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Preservation Commission. (404) 563-5008 192L Diane Shy – Piano, TV, boxes,
Services, In accordance with the
OF COVINGTON, GEORGIA, dinette set, 4 wheeler, bikes and misc
OCGA (40-11-2) the following vehicle
TO AMEND THE COVINGTON THE REQUEST is: ANY WRITTEN request or items; Unit 262 Laquavia Liggins
will be sold to the highest bidder at
MUNICIPAL CODE, ENACTED AND 1. EXPAND and enclose the communication in reference to this – Sofa, loveseat, dresser and misc
public auction that will be held on
ADOPTED ON THE 16TH DAY OF rear porch area project or notice SHOULD include the items; Unit 293 Brittany McDaniel –
February 17, 2018. Sealed bids will be
OCTOBER, 2001, AS AMENDED P.I. Number as noted at the top of this Fridge, totes, boxes, fishing rods and
accepted from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
BY PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS, TO THE PROPERTY is located within notice. misc items; Unit 443 Trinette Jones
at Sellars Wrecker Services, 295 Hwy
ALTER CERTAIN PROVISION OF the Covington Historic District at 2194 – Totes, suitcase and misc items;
162, Covington Ga. 30016.
TITLE 2 OF THE SAID CODE OF Floyd St NE, Covington, Georgia. Tax PUBLIC NOTICE #114220 Unit 483 Michael Dawkins – Boxes,
ORDINANCES FOR THE PURPOSE Parcel: C020-0004-003. 12/30,1/6,13 dresser, table and misc items.
THE NEWTON County Board of 1B3LC56K08N206347
AGE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES) OF Preservation Commission will hold a Education is announcing its intention 1/13,20
to increase the salary of individual PUBLIC NOTICE #114278
CHAPTER 2.48 (RETIREMENT), Public Meeting on February 6, 2019,
board members, which would result NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF 1/13,20
TO REPEAL CONFLICTING at 6:00 pm, at 2116 Stallings Street,
ORDINANCES AND FOR OTHER Covington, GA. in a combined total fiscal impact of PERSONAL PROPERTY
PURPOSES.” $3,000 per month. The board will take
A COPY of said proposed ordinance ALL INTERESTED parties are invited action on this item at its Tuesday, IN ACCORDANCE with the GA Self
is posted on the bulletin board at to attend. January 22, 2019 monthly meeting. Service Storage Facilities Act notice
the City Hall, 2194 Emory Street, is hereby given that the undersigned
PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 40-11-
Covington, Georgia. DENISE BROOKINS, CITY PUBLIC NOTICE #114263 will be sold at public auction to the
6. Christy Whitley through its agents
THIS 8TH day of January, 2019. PLANNER 1/6,13,20 highest bidder in order to satisfy
Announces it’s intention to sell the
CITY OF COVINGTON, GEORGIA lien of the owner. The auction will
THE NEXT meeting of the Newton following Abandoned Property at
be held at with
County Board of Health will be held public AUCTION. Such auction is to
PUBLIC NOTICE #114341 bids finalizing on February 1, 2019 at
Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 8:00 be held at 135 Moss Road, Covington,
1/20 10am for the Space Shop Self Storage
AM at the Newton County Health GA 30016, on Wednesday, January
facility located at 6177 Jackson Hwy,

Tikie is a sweet Hallie is a 6-month-

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This offer is valid January 12, 2019 –February 7, 2019.


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