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Posterior Malleolar Fractures: A Critical Analysis Review

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Posterior Malleolar Fractures

A Critical Analysis Review

Stefan Rammelt, MD, PhD Abstract

» In patients with ankle fractures, the presence of a posterior malleolar
Jan Bartonı́ček, MD, PhD
fracture has a negative impact on the prognosis.

» Computed tomography (CT) scanning is essential for fracture

classification and treatment planning, as the indication for surgery
depends on the 3-dimensional fragment outline and displacement,
incisura involvement, and the presence of joint impaction.
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» Anatomic reduction of a posterior malleolar fragment restores the

incisura, facilitating reduction of the distal part of the fibula, and it also
restores the integrity of the posterior portion of the syndesmosis,
reducing the need for additional syndesmotic stabilization.

» Direct open reduction and fixation of posterior malleolar fragments

from a posterior orientation is biomechanically more stable and
provides a more accurate reduction than does indirect reduction and
anterior-to-posterior screw fixation.

» Intra-articular step-off of $2 mm is an independent risk factor for an

inferior outcome and the development of posttraumatic arthritis,
irrespective of the fragment size.

ractures of the posterior rim of an anterolateral distal tibial fracture, this
the distal end of the tibia occur term is still frequently used also in the
in up to 50% of all malleolar English-language literature15,19. The term
fractures1-4. They are referred to “malléole postérieure” (posterior malleo-
as “posterior malleolar”5 or “posterior lus) was introduced in 1911 by Destot5. A
pilon” fractures6. Fragmentation of the bimalleolar fracture in combination with a
posterior tibial rim regularly occurs in distal posterior malleolar fracture was described
tibial (pilon) fractures7,8, which is beyond in 1836 by Adams20, after which Hen-
the scope of this review. The presence of a derson21, in 1932, introduced the term
posterior tibial fragment in malleolar frac- “trimalleolar fracture.” The first reports on
tures has been associated with a less favor- screw fixation of the fractured posterior
able prognosis1,9-13. tibial rim date back to the 1920s22,23.
Earle, in 1828, first described a frac- Despite a steadily growing number of
ture of the posterior rim of the distal studies, there is still no consensus on the
end of the tibia in an ankle fracture- best treatment24-27. However, with more
dislocation14,15. In the large body of Ger- frequent use of computed tomography
man literature, this fragment is commonly (CT) imaging recently, a better under-
referred to as the “Volkmann’sches standing of ankle fracture patterns has re-
Dreieck” (Volkmann triangle)16,17. sulted in a more individualized approach
Although von Volkmann18 only described to treatment28-31.

Disclosure: The authors indicated that no external funding was received for any aspect of this work.
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JBJS REVIEWS 2020;8(8):e19.00207 · 1

| Poster ior Malleolar Fract ures

Anatomy radiographs37,38. Nelson and Jensen, in oblique fracture of the distal part of the
The distal end of the tibia (tibial pilon 1940, classified posterior malleolar tibia resulting in a triangular fragment;
or plafond) has a concave articular fractures as “classical” when affecting Type II (19%) represents a medial
surface that transmits axial compression one-third or more of the articular sur- extension fracture involving the poste-
forces24,32. It is sloped, with the posterior face, and “minimal” when involving rior part of the medial malleolus; and
malleolus projecting more distally than the less39. Because they saw inferior results Type III (14%) represents a shell frac-
anterior rim33. The medial aspect of the in 8 patients with classical type fractures ture of the posterior tibial cortex.
posterior malleolus is separated from managed nonoperatively, they recom- Our group previously analyzed
the medial malleolus by a retromalleolar mended screw fixation for these frac- 141 consecutive axial, sagittal, and cor-
groove containing the posterior tibial ten- tures, thus introducing the “one-third onal CT images29. Posterior malleolar
don (Fig. 1). The lateral aspect of the rule,” which called for fixation of all fractures were classified as 4 basic pat-
posterior malleolus forms the posterior posterior malleolar fragments com- terns, with special reference to incisura
tibial tubercle and posterior part of the prising one-third or more of the artic- involvement (Fig. 2): Type 1 (seen in
fibular notch (incisura fibularis tibiae). ular surface; it is still used by many 8%) represents an extraincisural frag-
The posterior inferior tibiofibular surgeons today40. The 1990 AO clas- ment; Type 2 (52%), a posterolateral
ligament (PITFL) consists of superior sification41 distinguished between fragment; Type 3 (28%), a posterome-
oblique and inferior transverse parts24. It extra-articular (Type 1), small articular dial, 2-part fragment similar to Har-
provides 42% of the total strength of the (Type 2), and large articular posterior aguchi Type II; and Type 4 (9%), a
tibiofibular syndesmosis34. Jayatilaka malleolar fragments (Type 3). large, posterolateral triangular fragment
et al.35 found that the superficial PITFL Because the exact pathoanatomy of containing one-third to one-half of the
insertion area on the tibia in 10 cadaver posterior malleolar fractures cannot be fibular notch of the tibia (Fig. 3). The
specimens was considerably greater than determined by radiographs alone, remaining 3% of the cases were classified
the average area covered by the postero- present-day classifications are CT- as Type 5, which involves an irregular
lateral and posteromedial malleolar frag- based. Weber distinguished between a osteoporotic fracture that does not
ments in their clinical series of 80 patients single, lateral posterior lip fragment and match any of the other 4 basic patterns.
with posterior malleolar fractures. The 2-part or multifragmentary fractures of A similar classification was later pro-
intermalleolar ligament (IML) and the the entire posterior lip involving the posed by Mason et al.43. The transverse
posterior talofibular ligament reinforce posterior colliculus of the medial area, height, and depth of the posterior
the posterior joint capsule36. malleolus42. malleolar fragment and the percentage
Haraguchi et al. proposed 3 types of tibiotalar subluxation or dislocation
Pathoanatomy and Classification of posterior malleolar fractures on the increase across the first 4 types of our
The first classifications of posterior basis of an analysis of the axial CT scans previously reported classification (Bar-
malleolar fractures were proposed of 57 patients28: Type I, seen in 67% in tonı́ček and Rammelt), suggesting that
shortly after the introduction of this series, represents a posterolateral the fracture types indeed represent a

Fig. 1
Figs. 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C Anatomy of the posterior malleolus and the posterior capsular complex of the ankle joint. 1 5 retromalleolar groove, 2 5
inferior horizontal part of the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL), 3 5 superior oblique part of the PITFL, 4 5 peroneal groove, 5 5 oblique
triangular facet of the posterolateral talar dome, 6 5 posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL), 7 5 calcaneofibular ligament, 8 5 fibular origin of the PTFL in
the malleolar fossa, 9 5 intermalleolar ligament (IML), and 10 5 common origin of the IML and PTFL. Fig. 1-A Posterior view with the intermalleolar
ligament and posterior capsule removed. Fig. 1-B View from below of the distal tibial articular surface. Fig. 1-C View from posterior with the highly
variable IML intact.

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Poster ior Malleolar Fractures |

prevalence of an intercalary fragment tion of the articular surface4,46,52.

was 70% among Bartonı́ček and Ram- Haraguchi et al.28 used the trans-
melt Type-3 fractures, which was sig- malleolar line to distinguish posterior
nificantly higher than in the other 3 malleolar from posterior pilon fractures.
types (p , 0.05)46. In our previous work29, we used the line
In a CT analysis of 107 patients, connecting the center of the fibular
Yi et al.47 found supination-external notch and the intercollicular groove as
rotation (SER) injuries of the ankle to be the limit for posterior malleolar frac-
significantly associated with Bartonı́ček tures. Thus, when the posterior frag-
and Rammelt Type-2 posterior malleo- ment extends into the anterior colliculus
lar fractures and pronation-external of the medial malleolus or when it
rotation (PER) injuries of the ankle to be comprises .50% of the incisura, the
associated with Types 3 and 4 (p 5 injury is better classified as a partial pilon
0.02). Similarly, Zhang et al.48 found fracture.
that an increase in the Bartonı́ček and
Rammelt classification from Type 2 to Biomechanical Considerations
Type 4 was highly correlated with the Through its osseous configuration and
risk of displacing the posterior malleolar ligament attachments, the posterior
fragments associated with spiral distal malleolus is an important stabilizer of
tibial fractures when treated with intra- the ankle. The results from biome-
medullary tibial nailing as well as viola- chanical studies on cadaver specimens,
Fig. 2 tion of the fragment by distal locking however, are inconsistent. Harper53
Graphic depiction of the CT-based classifica- bolts (p , 0.015) and the incidence of a found no measurable effect on ankle
tion of posterior malleolar fractures according second fracture line in the posterior
to our previously described classification sys- stability through resection of up to 50%
tem29. Type 5 is used to describe an irregular malleolus (p 5 0.004). These findings of the posterior articular surface of the
(osteoporotic) fracture that does not fit into were confirmed with CT fracture
any of these 4 patterns. mapping49. In Bosworth fracture-
dislocations, posterior dislocation of the
scale of increased injury severity and proximal fibular fragment was associated
ankle instability29. with a Bartonı́ček and Rammelt Type-1
The course of the fracture lines as posterior malleolar fracture, while
outlined in both the Haraguchi and the incarceration of the proximal fibular
Bartonı́ček and Rammelt classification is fragment between the posterior malleo-
reflected by the continuous spectrum of lar fragment and the posterior part of the
posterolateral and posteromedial frac- tibia was observed exclusively in Types 2
ture lines seen by Mangnus et al.44 when and 350.
summarizing the data of 45 patients
using a CT mapping technique. In Posterior Malleolar or Posterior
contrast to the AO41 and Heim45 clas- Pilon Fractures?
sifications based on radiographs, we The distinction between malleolar frac-
previously29 did not observe any extra- tures with posterior malleolar involve-
articular posterior malleolar fragments ment and partial (posterior) pilon
starting superior to the joint surface and fractures is basically a matter of con-
exiting the posterior tibial cortex further vention29. Hansen6 described all poste-
proximally. rior malleolar fractures that occurred in
The authors of several CT-based association with Weber B and C frac-
studies29,42-44,46 detected a high per- tures as “posterior pilon” fractures.
centage of fractures with depressed Others have termed fractures with either
intercalary fragments. Sultan et al.46 large posterior malleolar fragments43 or Fig. 3
detected an intercalary fragment in 43% medial extension4,51,52 as “low-energy Three-dimensional CT images of Types 1 to 4
of 247 posterior malleolar fractures. The pilon,” “posterior pilon variant,” or posterior malleolar fractures according to our
fragment was located posterolaterally in “posterior pilon” fractures. The latter previously described classification system29.
Type 5 represents an irregular (osteoporotic)
64% of the cases, directly posteriorly in term seems logical, as this type is fre- fracture that does not fit into any of these 4
19%, and posteromedially in 17%. The quently associated with partial impac- patterns.

AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e19.00207 3

| Poster ior Malleolar Fract ures

are caused by a combination of rota-

TABLE I Proposed Treatment for Posterior Malleolar Fractures
tional, abduction, and compression
According to the Bartonı́ček and Rammelt
forces and are correlated with pronation-
abduction and PER fractures47.
Type Characteristics Treatment Options The prevalence of posterior malle-
1 Extraincisural Nonoperative olar fractures in Bosworth fracture-
2 Posterolateral Direct fixation from posterolateral
dislocations is estimated to be 70%50.
if displaced/impacted The proximal fibular fragment dislocates
3 2-part with medial extension Direct fixation from posterolateral/ behind the posterior tibial tubercle,
posteromedial if displaced/impacted leading to the avulsion of smaller frag-
4 Large triangular Direct fixation from posterolateral, ments50. The fibula frequently becomes
alternatively indirect fixation with locked between the posterior malleolar
transfibular control of reduction fragment and the distal part of the tibia64.
Isolated posterior malleolar fractures
distal part of the tibia. Hartford et al.54 In a trimalleolar fracture cadaver have a reported prevalence of ,1%65.
found that reduction of the distal tibial model, the ankle-joint contact area These may represent PER or pronation-
articular surface by 25%, 33%, and 50% decreased following an oblique poster- abduction stage-2 fractures. Consequently,
resulted in a progressive reduction of the olateral fracture involving ,25% of the a high fibular (Maisonneuve) fracture and
ankle joint force-bearing area by 4%, joint surface60. The contact area was syndesmotic instability have to be ruled out
13%, and 22%, respectively. Macko restored to near normal values after in these cases66,67. Alternatively, isolated
et al.55 reported a .35% reduction of fracture fixation. In experimental PER posterior malleolar fractures may result
the ankle joint contact area with a dis- stage-4 fractures, direct fixation of the from axial compression with the foot in
placed posterior malleolar fracture posterior malleolar fragment restored maximum plantar flexion (“paratrooper
accounting for 50% of the distal tibial stability of the tibiofibular syndes- fracture”)68,69. Finally, the posterior mal-
surface. Fitzpatrick et al.56 found no mosis significantly better than did a leolus may be fractured in 20% to 25% of
talar subluxation and no increase in standard syndesmotic screw61. Both spiral distal tibial shaft fractures48,49,70.
contact stresses adjacent to an articular the posterior tibial rim and the PITFL These fractures are typically nondisplaced
step-off with a posterior malleolar frag- absorbed a substantial proportion of and therefore easily overlooked71,72.
ment comprising 50% of the articular the weight-bearing load of the ankle in
surface. However, the authors measured both biomechanical models and Evaluation
an anterior and medial shift of the con- simulations62. The initial radiographic evaluation
tact stresses following a fracture with a should include true anteroposterior,
2-mm step-off, potentially leading to Pathomechanics mortise (20° of internal rotation), and
cartilage overload. Vrahas et al.57 found The majority of posterior malleolar lateral views of the injured ankle. Pos-
no increase in peak stresses with the fractures occur in the wake of ankle terior malleolar fractures are usually
removal of posterior malleolar frag- fractures, with a prevalence of 46% in obvious on the true lateral projection. In
ments. These studies suggest that with Weber Type-B or C fractures3. Ac- the anteroposterior view, a double con-
intact medial and lateral structures, cording to the Lauge-Hansen classifica- tour of the medial malleolus (“flake
posterior talar translation results only tion, either a ligamentous injury to the fragment” or “spur sign”) indicates a
with a posterior malleolar fragment size posterior portion of the syndesmosis or posterior malleolar fracture with medial
of .40% of the articular surface. This an osseous avulsion of the posterior tibial extension42,73. Multiple studies have
corresponds to the findings of Papach- rim occurs in SER or pronation- shown that the size and 3-dimensional
ristou et al.58 that with the medial and abduction stage-3 and PER stage-4 pathoanatomy of posterior malleolar
lateral structures intact or fixed, within fractures63. Smaller fragments (Bar- fragments cannot be reliably assessed
the normal range of motion, the posterior tonı́ček and Rammelt Types 1 and 2) are with radiographs28,29,43,46,74-77. To
quarter of the articular surface of the distal most likely produced by ligamentous obtain relevant information for the
part of the tibia bears almost no load. In and capsular avulsions in rotational choice of treatment, CT scanning is
contrast, with the anterior tibiofibular injuries28. They are associated with warranted with suspected posterior
ligament transected and the fibula os- SER injuries47. Two-part and multi- malleolar fractures24,31,78 (Fig. 3).
teotomized, removal of $30% of the fragmentary fractures with intercalary
posterior articular surface resulted in sig- fragments and large triangular posterior Indications for Surgery
nificant (p , 0.01) posterior translation malleolar fragments (Bartonı́ček and Following inferior results of nonoper-
of the talus59. Rammelt Types 3 and 4, respectively) ative treatment of large posterior

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Poster ior Malleolar Fractures |

Fig. 4
Figs. 4-A and 4-B Indirect reduction of a large posterolateral fragment (Bartonı́ček and Rammelt Type 4) under direct vision. Fig. 4-A Fixation of the posterior
malleolar fragment is achieved with an anterior-to-posterior screw via a small anterior approach while protecting the extensor tendons, the superficial peroneal
nerve, and the anterior tibial neurovascular bundle. The screw threads must be completely within the posterior fragment in order to achieve a lag effect. Fig. 4-B In
oblique Weber Type-B fractures, reduction of the posterior malleolar fracture can be visualized through the fibular fracture, opened with a gently introduced
lamina spreader86.

malleolar fractures39,79, the critical increasingly considered in decision- On the basis of these considerations
size for surgical fixation of a posterior making 28-31,42,43,52,61,82,83. Conse- and the 3-dimensional characterization of
malleolar fragment was, for several quently, the goals of operative the fracture on CT imaging, the following
decades, considered to be 25% to 33% fixation have been reformulated as treatment recommendations (Table I) have
of the articular surface accompanied by follows 26,28,30,42,61 : (1) restoration been proposed26,28-30,43,46,61: nonopera-
displacement of $2 mm on the of articular congruity at the posterior tive treatment is indicated for Bartonı́ček
lateral radiograph25,45,79-81. With the tibial plafond and posterior talar and Rammelt Type-1 (extraincisural) and
knowledge of the 3-dimensional containment, (2) bone-to-bone res- nondisplaced Type-2 and 3 fractures.
pathoanatomy of posterior malleolar toration of the PITFL and, thus, Open reduction and direct internal fixation
fractures, factors in addition to size and restoration of syndesmotic stability, is the treatment of choice for Type-2 and 3
displacement—namely, the involve- and (3) restoration of the anatomy fractures with displacement, intercalary
ment of the incisura, the presence of and integrity of the fibular notch, fragments, or partial joint impaction. All
intercalary fragments, plafond impac- facilitating reduction of the distal Type-4 (large triangular) fractures are
tion, and syndesmotic instability—are part of the fibula. generally treated by open reduction and

Fig. 5-A
Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of a
trimalleolar fracture.

AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e19.00207 5

| Poster ior Malleolar Fract ures

Fig. 5-B
Axial and sagittal CT imaging reveals a
displaced posterolateral posterior malleolar
fracture (Bartonı́ček and Rammelt Type 2) with
an impacted intercalary fragment (straight
arrow). Note how the fragment follows the
anteriorly displaced fibula through the pull of
the PITFL (curved arrow).

direct or indirect internal fixation in order natomy of the posterior malleolar frac- recreates the fibular notch and facilitates
to restore overall ankle stability. Even if ture, the individual choice of treatment fibular reduction30,40,43,86-88. If the fibula
nondisplaced, primary (“joint first”) fixa- depends on the overall pattern of injury to is reduced into a deformed and unstable
tion should be performed in the presence of the ankle, i.e., the morphology of the incisura, posterior and rotational mala-
distal tibial spiral fractures to avoid sec- fibular fracture and injury to the anterior lignment of the fibula may occur, further
ondary displacement during intramedul- and medial structures, as well as the preventing reduction of the posterior mal-
lary nailing48,49,71,72. overall condition of the patient30,86-88. leolar fragment30,40. Furthermore, with a
Typically, nondisplaced isolated fibular plate or other hardware in place, it
posterior malleolar fractures are treated Surgical Approaches and may be impossible to adequately assess the
nonoperatively, provided syndesmotic Fixation Techniques quality of reduction of the tibial joint
instability has been ruled out67-69,84,85. Primary reduction and fixation of posterior surface86,87. Anatomic restoration of the
In addition to considering the pathoa- malleolar fragments involving the incisura posterior malleolus also helps in reducing

Fig. 5-C
Left panel Direct reduction via a posterolateral approach starts with the intercalary fragment that is reduced congruently to the joint surface and fixed
provisionally with a Kirschner wire. The latter can be left in place and cut flush with the intercalary fragment and buried. In the present case, the
fragment was definitively fixed with a resorbable pin. Middle panel The posterolateral fragment that was left hinged on the PITFL is then reduced to
the joint surface and fixed with a posterior plate. Right panel The fibular fracture is reduced and fixed with a posterior antiglide plate through the same
approach, and the medial malleolus is fixed with 2 screws via a medial approach (with the patient prone). The syndesmosis was found to be stable on
intraoperative hook testing after internal fixation of the medial and lateral malleoli and the posterior malleolar fracture.

6 AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e 19.00207

Poster ior Malleolar Fractures |

Fig. 5-D
Standing radiographs at 8 weeks postopera-
tively show solid bone-healing and a well-
aligned ankle joint.

the distal part of the fibula to its proper patient is placed supine or in the lateral reduction method described by
length through the pull of the PITFL26. decubitus position. The posterior frag- Weber86,88). Fragment fixation is
ment is mobilized by dorsiflexion of the achieved using partially threaded com-
Indirect Reduction and Anterior-to- ankle and manipulation with a sharp pression screws introduced tangential to
Posterior Screw Fixation elevator. Fine reduction is achieved with the joint surface through an anterior
Indirect reduction with anterior-to- a pointed reduction clamp introduced incision81,86,88.
posterior screw fixation has been popu- between the anterior and posterior tibial
lar for several decades45,80,81,87,88. It is tubercles (Fig. 4). The quality of reduc- Direct Reduction and Fixation from a
most suitable for large fragments (Bar- tion is checked with a lateral radiograph Posterolateral Approach
tonı́ček and Rammelt Type 4) without and ideally under direct vision through The majority of posterior malleolar frac-
intercalary fragments or impaction. The the fibular fracture site (the transfibular tures can be reduced and fixed directly via a

Fig. 6-A
Left panel Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of a supination-external rotation stage-3 ankle fracture in a 28-year-old female patient with a body mass index of 29 kg/m2.
Note the pathognomonic double contour at the medial malleolus. Axial (middle panel) and sagittal (right panel) CT images reveal a Bartonı́ček and Rammelt Type-3 fracture
(equivalent to Haraguchi Type-II) with extension into the medial malleolus and a depressed intercalary fragment (arrows in the middle and right panels ). Direct reduction and fixation of
both the posterior and lateral malleoli is achieved via a posterolateral approach. The intercalary fragment is reduced flush to the joint surface and fixed with a resorbable pin.

AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e19.00207 7

| Poster ior Malleolar Fract ures

Fig. 6-B
The ankle mortise is congruent and the
syndesmosis is stable on dynamic testing with
external rotation after fixation of the posterior
malleolus and the distal part of the fibula via
the same posterolateral approach.

posterolateral approach26,30,52,83,86,88. taneous tissue. The superficial and deep fragments not amenable to fixation are
This approach is particularly useful with fascia are dissected. An interval is cre- resected.
relatively small posterior malleolar frag- ated bluntly between the flexor hallucis Options for internal fixation
ments and in the presence of intercalary longus and the peroneal muscles. Care include the use of lag screws with
fragments or impacted plafond fragments must be taken not to injure the peroneal washers, cortical screws inserted in a
(Figs. 5-A through 5-D) that are not artery that perforates the interosseous lag technique, or a posterior buttress
amenable to indirect reduction as regularly membrane 6 cm proximal to the ankle plate (Figs. 6-A, 6-B, and 6-C). Sev-
seen in Bartonı́ček and Rammelt Type-2 joint89. The posterolateral fragment is eral biomechanical studies have
and 3 fractures29,30,46,86. A concomitant gently mobilized and hinged on the demonstrated stronger fixation with
distal fibular fracture can be reduced and PITFL. The metaphyseal fracture line the use of posterior plates compared
stabilized with a posterior antiglide plate is used as a reference for reduction. with both anterior-to-posterior
via the same incision86,87. Intercalary and impacted joint frag- screws 90,91 and posterior-to-anterior
The patient is placed in the prone ments of sufficient size and cartilage screws 92 . For Haraguchi Type-I
position. A longitudinal incision is quality are reduced toward the tibial fractures, Wang et al. 93 did not find
made halfway between the distal part of plafond using the talus as a template superior fixation strength of a poste-
the fibula and the Achilles tendon. The and fixed with buried Kirschner wires rior plate compared with posterior-
sural nerve is protected in the subcu- or resorbable pins86. Comminuted to-anterior screws using a simulated

Fig. 6-C
Axial (left panel) and sagittal (center and right panels) postoperative CT scans reveal anatomic reduction of the tibial incisura and joint congruity
including the intercalary fragment (arrow in right panel).

8 AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e 19.00207

Poster ior Malleolar Fractures |

TABLE II Results of Treatment of Posterior Malleolar (PM) Fractures from the Literature After 2000*

Fracture Characteristics,
Study No. of Cases Average Follow-up (yr) Intervention Main Results
Langenhuijsen et al. (2002) 57 6.9 Fragment size 8%-55%, fixation No difference in outcomes with
in 25%, residual step-off in 32% respect to PM fragment size and
fixation, step-off in fragments
$10% of the articular surface
with significantly poorer
Weber42 (2004) 10 1.4 Combined posteromedial and AOFAS, 94
posterolateral approach for 1 patient with malunited fracture
fragments involving the entire developed posteromedial
posterior plafond instability
De Vries et al.90 (2005) 45 13 Internal fixation (n 5 11) vs. No difference in pain, function,
nonoperative treatment (n 5 34) and arthritis with respect to PM
fragment size and fixation
Bois and Dust96 (2008) 12 9.4 Direct fixation via posteromedial Global foot and ankle score, 87
approach Arthritis grade 0-I (n 5 4), grade II-
III (n 5 8)
Forberger et al.131 (2009) 45 2.1 Direct fixation via posterolateral AAOS, 93
approach, median fragment size Only marginal loss of range of
24% motion
11% soft-tissue problems
1 (2%) revision
Miller et al. (2010) 17 1.3 Direct fixation via posterolateral FAOS, 56-87 (depending on
approach regardless of size domain)
Anatomic reduction of
syndesmosis through PM fixation
Heim et al.25 (2010) 11 7.3 Direct fixation via posterolateral OM, 91
approach for PM fragment size Cartilage damage at time of
.25% injury leads to more severe
Abdelgawad et al.134 (2011) 12 1 Direct fixation via posterolateral 2 cases of $2-mm articular
approach for PM fragment size surface displacement
Wang et al.135 (2011) 12 1.5 Combined posteromedial and No postoperative step-off
posterolateral approach for AAOS, 86
fragments involving the entire
Osteoarthritis score, 0.8
posterior plafond
Mingo-Robinet et al.121 (2011) 45 2 Fixation in 40%, residual step-off Significantly inferior results with
in 27% fragment size .25%
Huang et al.136 (2012) 32 2.2 Direct fixation via posterolateral 100% union rate
Xu et al.122 (2012) 102 2.8 Patients from multiple centers, No relation between fragment
fixation in 41% (mean size, 28%), size and outcome
nonoperative in 59% (mean size, Step-off .1 mm with worse
12%), residual step-off .1 mm in functional and radiographic
24% results (p 5 0.01 for AOFAS; p 5
0.000 for osteoarthritis scale)
Klammer et al.52 (2013) 11 1.9 Posterior pilon variant (partial AOFAS, 82
joint impaction), direct fixation 5 patients with complications
via posterolateral approach warranting reintervention
2 patients with complex regional
pain syndrome

AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e19.00207 9

| Poster ior Malleolar Fract ures

TABLE II (continued )

Fracture Characteristics,
Study No. of Cases Average Follow-up (yr) Intervention Main Results

Erdem et al.137 (2014) 40 3.2 Direct fixation with posterior No difference in outcome after
screws or plate (50% each), direct posterior screw (AOFAS,
residual step-off in 5% 94) vs. plate (AOFAS, 95) fixation
Ruokun et al.138 (2014) 32 3.2 Direct fixation via posterolateral AOFAS, 92
approach, mean fragment size
19%, postoperative step-off in
Choi et al.110 (2015) 50 2.2 Single oblique posterolateral AOFAS, 91
approach for Haraguchi Type-I OM, 90
fractures, residual step-off in 4%
Kim et al.111 (2015) 36 3.3 Lateral transmalleolar approach SMFA dysfunction index, 8.2
of large fragments (mean size SMFA bother index, 832
O’Connor et al.128 (2015) 27 3.7 Buttress plating via Significantly better SMFA bother
posterolateral approach (n 5 16) index (p 5 0.03), trend toward
vs. indirect fixation and better function and mobility (p 5
percutaneous AP screw (n 5 11) 0.08) after direct buttress vs. AP
screw fixation
Drijfhout van Hooff et al.112 (2015) 131 6.9 Fixation in 18% (fragment size Significantly inferior
.25%), residual step-off in 42% radiographic results, higher rate
of arthritis with step-off .1 mm
(p 5 0.02) for those with frag-
ment size .5%
No difference in functional
outcomes with respect to PM
fragment size
Evers et al.124 (2015) 42 2.5 Fixation in 35% No difference in outcomes with
respect to PM fragment size
Karaca et al.139 (2016) 57 3.9 Direct fixation via posterolateral AAOS, 92
approach, mean fragment size
Verhage et al.83 (2016) 52 0.7 Direct fixation with posterior lag Reduction within 1 mm
screw (23%) or buttress plate 0% postoperative step-off with
(77%) direct fixation, 8% osteoarthritis,
26% hardware removal
Wang et al.140 (2016) 16 2.3 Direct fixation of posterior pilon AOFAS, 86
variant fractures from
Vidović et al.19 (2017) 46 1.7 Indirect AP vs. direct fixation via Significantly better quality of
posterolateral approach (50% reduction (p 5 0.04) and trend
each); fragment size .25% toward better range of motion (p
5 0.07) after direct fixation
Bali et al.141 (2017) 15 2.4 Posteromedial approach for OM, 72
Haraguchi Type-II fractures,
postoperative step-off in 33%
Shi et al.109 (2017) 116 1.7 Indirect AP (n 5 52) vs. direct Significantly less step-off (p 5
fixation via posterolateral 0.038) and better AOFAS scores
approach (n 5 64) (p 5 0.034) after direct fixation
Zhong et al.98 (2017) 48 1.8 Posteromedial (n 5 20) vs. No difference in quality of
posterolateral (n 5 28) approach reduction and outcomes for
for direct fixation, mean posteromedial (AOFAS, 93) vs.
fragment size 22%, posterolateral (AOFAS, 92)
postoperative step-off in 8% approach

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Poster ior Malleolar Fractures |

TABLE II (continued )

Fracture Characteristics,
Study No. of Cases Average Follow-up (yr) Intervention Main Results

Kalem et al.142 (2018) 67 2.2 AP screws vs. direct posterior Better radiographic reduction
screw or plate fixation and AOFAS scores (p , 0.001)
with direct posterior fixation
Levack et al.125 (2018) 122 1.4 Fragment size 2%-50%, direct FAOS, 53-82 (depending
posterolateral plate fixation for on domain); similar results
PM fractures, and ligament repair after trimalleolar fractures
for bimalleolar fractures with with PM fracture and
PITFL rupture bimalleolar fractures with
PITFL rupture with injury-
specific treatment
Blom et al.132 (2019) 73 2 Direct fixation of 40% of Significantly poorer outcome
Haraguchi Type-I, 62% of Type-II, for Haraguchi Type-II fractures
and 3% of Type-III fractures compared with Type-III (all
FAOS domain scores) and
Type-I (FAOS domain scores
for symptoms and activities of
daily living)
Mason et al.143 (2019) 50 1 Direct posterolateral or OM, 74
posteromedial fixation of PM Visual analogue scale for health, 75
fractures involving the incisura
Verhage et al.130 (2019) 169 6.3 Average fragment size 17% AAOS, 92
Step-off .1 mm (in 39%)
independent risk factor for
arthritis (seen in 30%), associated
with worse outcome
Kang et al.127 (2019) 62 1 Screw fixation (n 5 32) vs. no Patients without PM fixation
fixation (n 5 30) of PM fragment had a step-off ($2 mm) in
(,25%) in trimalleolar fractures 2 of 30 cases and inferior
outcome (AAOS, AOFAS) at 6
and 12 mo
Meijer et al.144 (2019) 31 1 18 patients (58%) with direct Step-off as seen on postoperative
fixation of the PM fragment CT (0-2.7 mm) but not gap showed
significant correlation with FAOS
(p 5 0.05); fragment size correlated
with arthrosis (p 5 0.01)
McHale et al.145 (2020) 31 Min. 1.2 Retrospective study of MOXFQ, 26.9
operatively fixed PM fractures Worst clinical outcomes for
based on questionnaires smaller PM fragments (10%-
20%) mostly treated without
direct fixation, while larger
fragments were more likely to be
fixed posteriorly and were
associated with a more
anatomic reduction
Tuček et al.146 (2020) 19 2.9 Direct posterior fixation of Better scores (AOFAS, 93.1) with
Bartonı́ček and Rammelt Type- 4 anatomic reduction than with
fractures with an antiglide plate satisfactory reduction (AOFAS,
89.1) as controlled with
postoperative CT

*Percentages of posterior malleolar fragment size refer to the total joint surface on lateral radiographs. AOFAS 5 American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle
Society Ankle-Hindfoot Scale, AAOS 5 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Foot and Ankle Questionnaire, FAOS 5 Foot and Ankle Outcome
Score, OM 5 Olerud-Molander Ankle Score, SMFA 5 Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment, AP 5 anterior-to-posterior (indirect) screw fixation,
and MOXFQ 5 Manchester-Oxford Foot and Ankle Questionnaire.

AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e19.00207 11

| Poster ior Malleolar Fract ures

TABLE III Recommendations for Care*

Recommendation Recommendation Grade

CT scanning is essential for detecting the exact 3-dimensional fracture anatomy, B

classification, and treatment planning in posterior malleolar fractures
Operative treatment should be considered for posterior malleolar fragments B
with displacement ($2 mm), involvement of the fibular notch of the distal part of
the tibia (incisura), the presence of an intra-articular step-off ($2 mm), or a
depressed intercalary fragment
Fixation of a displaced posterior malleolar fragment restores the integrity of the B
posterior inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis and significantly reduces the need for
additional syndesmotic stabilization
Anatomic reduction of posterior malleolar fragments restores the tibial incisura B
and thus facilitates reduction of the distal part of the fibula
Direct open reduction and fixation of posterior malleolar fragments via B
posterolateral and posteromedial approaches is biomechanically more stable
and provides a more accurate reduction than indirect reduction and anterior-to-
posterior screw fixation
Screw fixation of the posterior malleolus should precede intramedullary nailing B
in concomitant posterior malleolar and distal tibial shaft fractures
Relevant malalignment should be corrected as early as possible upon detection C
in order to avoid joint incongruity, chronic syndesmotic instability, and
posttraumatic ankle arthritis

*According to Wright147, grade A indicates good evidence (Level-I studies with consistent findings) for or against recom-
mending intervention; grade B, fair evidence (Level-II or III studies with consistent findings) for or against recommending
intervention; grade C, poor-quality evidence (Level-IV or V studies with consistent findings) for or against recommending
intervention; and grade I, insufficient or conflicting evidence not allowing a recommendation for or against intervention.

gait cycle model, but the authors the posteromedial neurovascular bundle is frequency of syndesmotic fixation. In
conceded that their study might have identified and gently retracted medially another study with only 27 patients, the
been underpowered. In a finite along with the flexor digitorum longus and authors did not find a significantly reduced
element model analysis, a posterior posterior tibial tendons, while the flexor need for additional syndesmotic fixation
buttress plate produced greater hallucis longus tendon is retracted later- afterposteriormalleolar fixation104.Verhage
stability and less displacement com- ally97. Reduction and fixation of the et al.83 found that 9 of 11 patients with
pared with either posterior-to-anterior or posterior tibial fragment is performed Weber Type-C fractures had a stable syn-
anterior-to-posterior screws94. In osteo- analogously to the posterolateral approach. desmosis after fixation of the posterior mal-
porotic bone, locking-plate fixation is leolar fragment. Therefore, from the
generally preferred95. Necessity of Syndesmotic Fixation available literature, posterior malleolar fixa-
The fixation of posterior malleolar frac- tion seems to obviate the need for additional
Direct Reduction and Fixation from a tures aims to achieve bone-to-bone resto- syndesmotic fixation in a substantial num-
Posteromedial Approach ration of syndesmotic stability26,30,61,100. ber of cases. This is of particular interest
A posteromedial approach enables access In a study on 236 patients, Baumbach becausethe presenceof asyndesmotic injury
to the posterior tibial rim and the medial et al.101 found that posterior malleolar requiring fixation is strongly associated with
malleolus42,52,96-99. It is especially use- fixation significantly (p , 0.001) reduced inferior outcomes104.
ful in certain Bartonı́ček and Rammelt the need for syndesmotic fixation inde-
Type-3 (Haraguchi Type-II) fractures pendently of fragment size. Direct fixation Posterior Malleolar Fractures
with medial displacement. Zhong of posterior malleolar fragments resulted Associated with Distal
et al.98, however, had similar clinical and in a significantly better reduction than Tibial Fractures
radiographic outcomes with posterome- either closed reduction and indirect fixa- Concomitant posterior malleolar frac-
dial and posterolateral approaches. The tionornonoperativetreatment(p,0.001). tures are reported in about 9% of cases of
patient is placed in the prone position. The Similarly, Miller et al.102 and Li et al.103, in tibial shaft fracture105,106. Using CT,
incision runs longitudinally halfway studies with 198 and 97 patients, respec- Hendrickx et al.49 found an associated
between the Achilles tendon and the tively, found that posterior malleolar fixa- posterior malleolar fracture in 22% of
medial malleolus. After entering the fascia, tion significantly (p , 0.001) reduced the 164 tibial shaft fractures and in 56% of

12 AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e 19.00207

Poster ior Malleolar Fractures |

simple spiral fractures of the tibia, with fixation112. Several studies demon- not reveal significant differences in
25% being occult on radiographs. strated a significantly higher quality of results when comparing nonoperative
Multivariate analysis revealed distal- reduction (p , 0.001 to p 5 0.04 for and operative treatments of posterior
third and simple spiral tibial shaft frac- postoperative step-off) with direct pos- malleolar fractures with fragments
tures as independent predictors of a terior malleolar fixation via posterior involving up to 25% of the articular
posterior malleolar fracture. Kellam approaches compared with indirect surface40,90,126, others found that, for
et al.107 found posterior malleolar frac- reduction and percutaneous anterior-to- larger posterior malleolar fragments, the
tures to be significantly larger when posterior screw fixation19,101,109,113. results of open reduction and internal
associated with tibial shaft fractures Open reduction and direct posterior- fixation were better than those of non-
compared with ankle fractures (32% to-anterior screw fixation of PITFL operative treatment1,39,119,127. O’Con-
versus 15% of cross-sectional area; avulsions has been shown to reduce the nor et al.128 found superior clinical
p , 0.001). When evaluating 50 three- rate of malreduction of the distal part outcomes after posterior buttress plating
dimensional models, Zhang et al.48 of the fibula into the incisura by a versus anterior-to-posterior screw fixa-
found a significant risk of fragment dis- factor of 4.5 compared with closed tion for posterior malleolar fracture
placement by intramedullary nail inser- reduction and syndesmotic screw fixation.
tion if the fracture extended .31 mm fixation114. Several clinical studies identi-
proximal to the plafond. Kempegowda Only a few authors have reported fied a postoperative step-off of
et al.106 found intraoperative posterior on successful joint-sparing corrective $2 mm as an independent risk factor
malleolar displacement in 31% and a osteotomies of malunited posterior for inferior outcomes and the devel-
poor reduction in 44% of 16 patients malleolar fragments in the absence of opment of posttraumatic ankle
treated with intramedullary nailing first. symptomatic arthritis115-117. Posttrau- osteoarthritis 112,122,123,127,129,130 .
In contrast, a rate of only 2% displace- matic osteoarthritis is seen clinically or Step-off was independent of the
ment and poor reduction was observed radiographically in about one-third of fragment size, and poorer results were
among 54 patients treated with fixation of patients with a posterior malleolar observed even with small posterior
the posterior malleolus first (p , 0.01). fracture118. Ankle arthrodesis or an- malleolar fragments comprising as
Screw fixation of the posterior malleolus kle replacement with realignment little as 5% or 10% of the articular
should therefore precede intramedullary remains a salvage option in sympto- surface 112,123 .
nailing in these injuries. matic patients. Various studies reported favorable
results at 1 to 9 years after posterior
Complications Outcomes and Prognosis malleolar fixation via a posterolateral or
With a posterolateral approach, superfi- A multitude of studies have shown that, posteromedial
cial wound infection was reported in 5% in malleolar fractures, the mere presence approach42,52,98,110,131-146 (Table II).
and deep infection requiring revision of a posterior tibial fragment is associ- In a clinical study of 73 patients, Blom
surgery in 1% of cases in 1 systematic ated with less favorable outcomes et al.132 found that Haraguchi Type-II
review108, with similar rates reported in and higher rates of posttraumatic (Bartonı́ček and Rammelt Type-3)
several other studies19,83,98,109. The arthritis1,9-13,25,82,90,118-123. The size of posterior malleolar fractures showed
authors of 1 study reported temporary the posterior malleolar fragment has significantly poorer Foot and Ankle
numbness at the lateral part of both been correlated with both functional Outcome Score values for symptoms
the heel and forefoot, suggesting neura- results and the degree of osteoarthritis in (p 5 0.03), pain (p , 0.01), and activ-
praxia of the sural nerve, in 4% of cases83. several studies1,10,25,119-122, while a ities of daily living (p , 0.01) at 2 years
Similarly, a single oblique lateral correlation between fragment size and of follow-up compared with other types.
approach for posterior screw fixation outcome was not found in other In the few available studies on isolated
of the posterior malleolus and lat- studies90,111,123,124. A systematic review posterior malleolar fractures, the long-
eral plating of the distal part of the suggested that it is not the size of the term results of nonoperative treatment
fibula was associated with superficial posterior fragment but rather displace- are good to excellent68,69,85,133. Despite
wound infection and sural nerve in- ment and articular incongruity includ- the large number of clinical studies, the
jury in 0% to 4% of cases in 2 other ing tibiotalar subluxation that are evidence is limited because of their
studies110,111. prognostically important118. As with mostly retrospective design, their
Malalignment of posterior malle- any fracture associated with syndesmotic assessment of fracture anatomy and
olar fragments, as defined as a step-off of instability, the outcome is determined reduction using radiographs only, and
$2 mm in the articular surface, has been by the quality of distal fibular reduction the lack of uniform treatment. Recom-
reported after operative treatment in up into the incisura10,11,82,100,118,125. mendations for treatment based on the
to 42% of cases, mostly following indi- The results of some comparative current literature are summarized in
rect reduction and percutaneous screw studies are inconsistent. While some did Table III.

AUGUST 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 · e19.00207 13

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