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Grammar and Vocabulary Starter

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Grammar Vocabulary Starter

unit Nationalities
and Countries
Subject pronouns and
5 Complete the tables.
Possessive adjectives
Countries Nationalities
1 Match the subject pronoun with a possessive Australia (5) Ir
adjective. (1) Turk (6) Portugu
ID (2) the K (7) Japan
A your
1 you (3) Ind (8) South Afri
B her
2 he (4) Canad (9) Amer
C its
3 she D my
4 it E their Prepositions of place
5 we F his
6 they 6 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences
G our with the words.

Possessive ’s 1 2 3 4

2 Write phrases. Add a possessive ’s to each

Leon / chair Leon’s chair
1 the teacher / ruler
5 6 7
2 Tom / pen
3 my brothers / bicycles
4 the students / pens
5 the dog / bed behind between in in front of next to on under
The pen is …
have got 1 in a cup. 5 a cup.
2 a cup. 6 a cup.
3 Choose the correct option. 3 a cup. 7 a cup.
I has / have got a nice new English dictionary. 4 a cup
1 Has / Have Luis got a pencil sharpener? and a calculator.
2 She hasn’t / haven’t got a rubber in her
pencil case. Days of the week / School subjects / Times
3 Our classroom hasn't / haven't got a
whiteboard, but it have / has got a blackboard! 7 Complete the words with a, e, i, o or u.
4 Has / Have your parents got mobile phones? Art is on Monday at half past ten.
5 My brother hasn’t / haven’t got a bicycle, but he 1 P_ is on W_dn_sd_y at qu_rter t_ eleven.
has / have got a laptop . 2 G_ _gr_phy is on Fr_d_y.
6 His sisters hasn’t / haven’t got lessons today. 3 Sc_ _nc_ is on T_ _sd_y at quarter p_st twelve.
4 _ngl_sh is on Th_rsd_y at three.
5 M_s_c is on S_t_rd_y at nine _’clock .
6 No classes on S_nd_y.
Classroom objects
Classroom language
4 Find six words.
8 Match 1–5 to A–F to make phrases.
1 school bag 4 1 Excuse me, what A say … in English?
2 5
2 How do B does ‘bin’ mean?
3 6 C quiet!
3 How do you
4 Don’t D you spell ‘window’?
5 Be E eat in lessons.

Grammar Starter unit

Subject pronouns and Possessive have got
5 Look at the table and complete the sentences.
1 Complete the possessive adjectives in the table. Use the correct form of have got.
Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives a a a
dog laptop guitar
I my
Oliver   
you (1) y
Jack and   
he (2) h Emily
she (3) h Me   
it (4) i
we (5) o Oliver hasn't got a dog.
they (6) t 1 Oliver an laptop.
2 Oliver a guitar.
2 Choose the correct option.
3 Jack and Emily a dog.
1 My uncle is Portuguese. He / His lives in Porto.
4 Jack and Emily a laptop.
2 I have got two sisters. Your / Our dad is English.
5 Jack and Emily a guitar.
3 When do you / she play tennis?
6 I a dog.
4 I’ve got Mr and Mrs Smith’s address, but what’s
7 Oliver and I a laptop.
his / their phone number?
8 Jack, Emily and I a guitar.
5 There’s my mother. She’s with her / your best
friend, Sue. They go everywhere together. 6 Write questions and short answers. Use the
correct form of have got.
1 he / laptop
6 I’ve got a black and white cat. It / Its name is
Yes, .
7 We / Our go to church every Sunday.

3 Complete the sentences with a subject pronoun 2 they / bicycles

or a possessive adjective. ?
Asha is Indian. He lives in Mumbai.
1 Rob and Jess are friends. are in my class. No, .
2 I am fourteen. Today is birthday.
3 I want to call Joe. What’s phone number? 3 we / dictionary
4 Sean has got a laptop. is new. ?
5 We are in class 3. Mrs Arnold is teacher.
Yes, .
Possessive ’s
4 Sophie / cat
4 Write sentences with the prompts. Use the ?
possessive ’s or ’.
Jessica / pencil case No, .
Jessica’s pencil case is yellow and blue.
1 The teacher / desk 5 you / school bag
is big. ?
2 Grace / cat
is called Tiddles. Yes, .
3 The boys / shoes
are dirty. 6 I / calculator
4 James / calculator ?
is in his school bag.
5 My parents / bicycles No, .
are next to my bicycle.
1 1

Vocabulary Starter unit

Countries / Nationalities Prepositions of place
1 Read the capital cities and then complete the 3 Look at the picture in exercise 2. Complete the
information. sentences with the words.
Country the USA behind between in in front of next to on under
Nationality American
The school bag is between the chair and the bin.
Capital Washington D.C.
1 The notebook is the school bag.
1 Country
2 The bin is the school bag.
3 The laptop is the chair.
Capital London
4 The chair is the whiteboard.
2 Country
5 The whiteboard is the chair.
6 The poster is the chair.
Capital Buenos Aires
3 Country
School subjects
Capital Rome
4 Match school subjects 1–5 to the pictures A–F.
4 Country
Art E 3 Science
Capital Ottawa
5 Country
Capital Beijing
6 Country
1 Geography 4 Music
2 PE 5 Maths
Capital Tokyo

Classroom objects Days of the week /

2 Match seven of the words to items 1–7 in the
pictures. 5 Complete the days of the week.
1 M 5 F
2 T bin calculator chair desk dictionary door laptop 6 S
notebook poster school bag wall whiteboard
3 W window 7 S
4 T

6 Complete the times with the words.

half past quarter ten to
1 2:15 = past two.
2 12:50 = to one.
3 1:30 = past one.
4 11:35 = twenty-five twelve.
5 9:25 = twenty-five nine.

Classroom language

Choose the correct option. 7

1 Excuse me, what / how does ‘bin’ mean?
1 5
2 How do you write / spell ‘window’?
2 6
3 You put / Put your hands up.
3 7
4 4 Don’t / No eat in class.
5 How / What do you say … in English?
1 2
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
be: present simple
1 Match the subject pronoun to the correct form of
the verb be. 6 Choose the correct option.
1 My mother’s brother is my aunt / uncle.
1 I A are (’re) / aren’t 2 My father’s sister’s son is my child / cousin.
2 you / we / they B is (’s) / isn’t 3 My mother is my father’s wife / husband.
3 he / she / it C am (’m / am (’m) not 4 My father’s mother is my grandfather /
2 Choose the correct option.
5 My sister and I are my mother and father’s
1 Is / Are you my friend? Yes, I am / are. parents / children.
2 Is / Are he my teacher? No, he isn’t / aren’t. 6 My sister is my mother’s son / daughter.
3 Are / Am I a good student? Yes, you am / are. 7 My brother is my mother’s son daughter.
4 Am / Is it Friday today? Yes, it am / is. 8 My father’s sister is my aunt / uncle.
5 Are / Is she in our class? No, she aren’t / isn’t.
6 Are / Is they my books? No, they aren’t / isn’t. Rooms and homes
7 Are / Is we on the second floor? Yes, we are /
7 Match a r om with what you do in it.
1 bedroom C A have a shower
there is / there are + a, an, some and any 2 bathroom B park the car
3 kitchen C sleep
3 Complete the table with the correct words.
4 dining room D watch TV
a / an (x2) any some 5 living room E cook
singular plur 6 garage F eat
+ i formation
there is there are
(1) a / an (2)
8 Read the answers. Then complete the questions
– there isn’t there aren’t with the words.
(3) (4) email name nationality phone number
spell surname
4 Match 1–4 with A–D to make sentences.
1 There is C A an alarm clock. 1 What’s your first name?
2 There are B any family rooms. Carla.
3 There isn’t C a laptop on the table. 2 What’s your ?
4 There aren’t D some shops near here. Acosta.
3 How do you that?
5 Complete with Is there or Are there A-C-O-S-T-A.
1 Is there a bed in the room? 4 What’s your ?
2 any stairs? Spanish.
3 an amazing view? 5 What’s your ?
4 any children in the garden? 0713 7723 900.
5 a toilet near here? 6 What’s your address?
6 any Indian restaurants in town? carla.a

Grammar Unit 1
be: present simple there is / there are + a, an, some and any

1 Complete the sentences with ’m, ’s, or ’re. 4 Write affirmative and negative sentences. Use
I ’m a student. There’s, There isn’t, There are or There aren’t
and a, an, some or any.
1 It half past six.
2 You in my class. restaurant ()
3 We from Spain. There’s a restaurant.
4 Laura my friend. 1 stairs ()
5 I twelve years old.
2 balcony ()
6 She my mother.

2 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or 3 windows ()

negative form of be.
They aren’t new. () 4 sofa ()
1 We from Portugal. ()
5 umbrella ()
2 My name Julia. ()
3 I at school right now. ()
6 shop ()
4 It the same. ()
5 I a student. ()
7 lifts ()
6 You from Spain. ()
7 Lena here today. () 8 fireplace ()
8 Jo and May students. ()
9 garages ()
3 Complete the questions and short answers.
Are you in this class?
Yes, I am. 5 Complete the questions with Is there or Are
1 this your pen? there. Look at the prompts in brackets and write
short answers.
No, it .
2 Lucy and Joe at home? Is there a sofa in the room?
No, they . () No, there isn’t.
3 I in the right classroom? 1 any stairs to the top floor?
Yes, you . ()
4 we friends? 2 a shop in the hotel?
Yes, we . ()
5 today Tuesday? 3 any pets in your house?
Yes, it . ()
6 I Sara’s cousin? 4 any chairs in the bedroom?
No, you . ()
7 Ruben from Spain? 5 a balcony in the room?
No, he . ()
8 you thirteen years old? 6 a swimming pool?
Yes, I . ()
9 she a student? 7 a restaurant in the hotel?
Yes, she . ()
8 any showers by the pool?
1 1

Vocabulary Unit 1
Family Rooms and homes

1 Complete the crossword with family words. 2 Complete the conversation with the words.
Then write the word next to each definition.
balcony bathroom beds bedrooms dining garage
kitchen lift living sofa stairs TV
Sue Hi, Rose. How’s the holiday?
Rose It’s great! We’re in a flat. There are three
(1) , one each for the children
and the big one for us. Ours has got a
H (2) , so we can have a shower
when we want. It’s also got a (3)
G so we can sit outside and enjoy the fantastic
3 4 O R view. And the (4) are really
comfortable. We sleep well.
5 R
H Sue Can you cook?
6 S N 7
Rose Oh, yes, there’s a big (5) and we
eat in the (6) room. Then we sit
on the big (7) in the
8 F A (8) room and watch
9 T (9) .
A Sue Have you got a car?
10 N Rose Yes, it’s in the (10) under the
H M flat. The only problem is there’s no
(11) and there are a lot of
(12) to get to our flat on the top
11 S E floor!

L E 3 Tick () the pairs of adjectives which mean the
same. Cross () the pairs which are opposites.
1 My mother’s brother is my uncle (3) different / the same 

2 My father’s sister’s son is my 1 amazing / fantastic 4 strange / unusual

3 My mother is my father’s 2 beautiful / ugly 5 start / end
4 My father’s mother is my 3 new / old
5 My sister and I are my parents’
6 My sister is my mother’s Giving personal information
7 My brother is my mother’s
4 Read the answers and complete the questions.
8 My father is my mother’s
9 My mother’s father is my What’s your first name?
10 My mother’s sister is my Sabine.
11 My father’s son is my 1 What’s your ?
12 My father’s daughter is my Rousselet.
2 How do you that?
3 What’s your ?
4 What’s your ?
00567 4340 128.
5 What’s your address?

1 2
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 2
Grammar 5
Write short answers for the questions in
exercise 4.
Present simple: affirmative and negative No, we don’t.
1 Yes, .
1 Cross out the ‘s’ at the end of the word where
2 No, .
I cleans 3 Yes, .

1 You chats 4 No, .

2 He eats 5 Yes, .
3 She makes
4 It works Object pronouns
5 We meets
6 You feeds 6 Match subject pronouns 1–7 with object
7 They listens pronouns A–G.
1 I E A u
2 Choose the correct option. 2 yo s
u B h
I like / likes Maria. 3 he i
1 My brother play / plays football. 4 sh
2 They chat / chats on the internet. C m
3 She listen / listens to music. D
4 You watch / watches a lot of TV.
5 My grandmother speak / speaks French.
6 Amy’s cousin like / likes me. Vocabulary
Daily routines
3 Complete the sentences with don’t or doesn’t.
Enrique doesn’t watch TV every day. 7 Find ten verbs. Then write them in the correct
1 Elephants eat meat. place.
2 I _ wash my hair every day. brusheatcleangofeedgetwashgetuphavemake
3 Our mum work on Fridays. 1 your hands 6 your room
4 They get up early. 2 changed 7 home
5 Carmen _ come to school by bus. 3 the dog 8 fruit
6 We want to do maths today. 4 brush your hair 9 the bed
5 a shower 10 early
Present simple: questions
Free time activities
4 Complete the questions with the correct word.
Do we practise on Saturdays? (we / she) 8 Write the activities under the correct verb.
1 Does listen to music? (they / he)
to the beach computer games to the cinema
2 Do chat online? (you / he) free running an instrument orienteering shopping
3 Does like swimming? (your parents
/ your dog) go play do
4 Does watch TV every day? (they / she) to the beach
5 Do sing in the choir? (the girls / the

Grammar Unit 2
Present simple: affirmative and negative 5 Write questions and complete the short
1 Complete the sentences with the correct present Lukas / sing in the choir ?
simple form of one of the verbs. Does Lukas sing in the choir? Yes, he does.
get go make 1 we / have fruit ?
We go shopping on Fridays. ?
1 Maria up early during the week. Yes, we .
2 I my bed in the morning. 2 Ben / chat online ?
3 Paul for a walk most evenings. ?
4 Jude changed quickly in the morning. No, he .
5 My bike a strange noise when I cycle. 3 you / go to the beach ?
6 Ruby and Joe to the cinema every month. ?
No, I .
2 Rewrite the sentences from exercise 1 in the 4 Amita / play an instrument ?
negative. ?
We don’t go shopping on Fridays. Yes, she .
1 5 Javier and Dafne / listen to music ?
3 Yes, they .
4 6 Manuel / play computer games ?
6 No, he .
7 You / watch TV ?
3 Write affirmative or negative sentences. ?

I / have a shower / every evening.  Yes, I .

I have a shower every evening.
1 Sabine / go orienteering / every weekend  Object pronouns

2 Elena / clean her room / every day  6 Complete the sentences.

her him it me them us you them
3 Juan / make breakfast / for his family 
‘Do you like apples?’ ‘I love them.’
1 Jon’s sister helps with his homework.
4 We / feed the animals / every morning  2 We’re Mr Smith’s favourite students. He likes
5 Sue and Dave / go shopping / on Sundays 
3 Miriam wants the answer but I don’t know .
4 These books are for my mum. And this DVD is
for , too.
Present simple: questions and short 5 ‘I like you. Do you like ?’
answers 6 ‘Silvia! Jorge wants to speak to . He’s on
the phone.’
4 Complete the questions with the words. 7 ‘When do you feed your rabbits?’ ‘I feed
Who What When Where Why How often before school.’
When do you do free running?
At the weekend.
1 do you do? We run and jump.
2 do you do it? Every day.
3 do you do it? On the streets in
my city.
4 do you do it with? With friends.
5 do you do it? Because it’s fun.
1 1

Vocabulary Unit 2
Daily routines Extra vocabulary

1 Find ten verbs in the wordpuzzle. 4 Read the clues and complete the crossword.
1 2

B H W Y G H M A K E 3 4 5

L E W J T A F N D Z 6

I T I S M V E Y F G 7

W P K A X U F M X F 8


H Y B R U S H E Z D 9 10

2 Complete the text with nine of the verbs from 11

exercise 1 in the correct form.

I (1) get up early, usually at 6.30 a.m., and

(2) a shower. Then I (3) changed,
(4) my hair and go downstairs for breakfast.
My parents, my brother and I usually sit down 13
together. Our mum always (5) breakfast.
Sometimes we (6) eggs and sometimes we Across
have cereal. After that, I (7) the animals. 4 something we hear, a sound
They are always hungry! We’ve got a young cat, nd
called Claws, and an old dog, called Bessie. Then
8 a person who doesn’t get paid for his / her work
I go to my room. I don’t (8) my room in the 9 th
mornings – I do that on Saturdays. After that I 4
(9) to school. 11 the time of year when the first flowers come out
12 the time of year when the leaves fall
13 3rd
Free time activities Down
1 a large area of water
3 Complete the sentences with the words. 2 funny or traditional clothes
chatting choir free hangs shopping watch 3 The flowers on trees in spring
I like chatting online. I can contact a lot of 5 the time of year when it is hot
friends that way. 7 the time of year when it is cold
1 At weekends, Ruben out with his 9 st
friends. 10 the activity of collecting food from the field
2 Alison and Grace sing in a .
3 ‘Let’s go this afternoon. I want some Making arrangements
new clothes. Do you want to come?’
5 Match 1–7 with A–G to make sentences.
4 On Saturday afternoons I one or two 6 When
1 Are you free
hours of TV and then I go out. 7 That’s
2 Sorry, I’m
5 Marina is very fit. She does running
and she swims every day.
3 How

4 Do you want to
5 What time does
A it start?
B go to the cinema? C can we meet?
D on Saturday? E good for me.
F about Sunday? G busy.

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 3
Grammar Sports
Adverbs of frequency
5 Write the names of the sports.
1 Cross out the adverb of frequency which is in badminton basketball ice hockey karting
the wrong position. kite surfing martial arts rock climbing scuba diving
Belen sometimes drinks sometimes coffee.
1 I usually play usually football on Saturdays. 1 2
2 We sometimes are sometimes late for school.
3 It always is always hot in summer.
4 The teachers often sit often with us in the
5 My parents never go never dancing.
like + -ing / noun

2 Complete the table with the words.

don’t / doesn’t mind hate(s) like(s) love(s) 5 6
 am / are / is crazy about 4
 (1)
 (2)
 (3)
 don’t / doesn’t like
 (4)
 can’t stand 7

3 Choose the correct option.

Do they like going for a walk?
No, they like / don’t like it. ()
1 Do you like play / playing tennis?
Yes, I love it.
2 Does Maria like / liking going 8
shopping? No, she can’t stand it.
3 Do Ali and Noor like doing judo?
1 martial arts 5
Yes, they like / are crazy about it. ()
2 6
4 Does Ela like dancing?
3 7
She doesn’t like / mind it. ()
4 8

Vocabulary Making suggestions / giving opinions

6 Choose the correct option.
4 Match 1–5 with A–E. 1 Why aren’t / don’t we go to the club later?
1 play D 2 I’m not sure. How around / about going to the
A suite
2 can _ cinema?
B teen
3 sports _ 3 That sounds dangerous / interesting.
C room
4 ICT _ 4 Shall / Let’s we meet at six?
D ground
5 staff _ 5 That’s a good idea / one.
E hall

Grammar Unit 3
Adverbs of frequency like + -ing / noun

1 Tick () the correct sentence in each pair. 4 Write questions starting with Do you like …?
a Andy never talks in class.  play / football ?
b Andy talks never in class.  Do you like playing football?
1 a I go to bed always before 10pm.  1 run ?
b I always go to bed before 10pm.  ?
2 water sports ?
2 a Sean cleans his room never. 
b Sean never cleans his room.  3 chat / online ?
3 
a I am usually tired at the end of class.

b I usually am tired at the end of class. 4 Beyonce ?
4 a We often send text messages to friends.  ?
b We send text messages often to friends.  5 Zac Efron ?
5 a The children walk usually to school.  ?
b The children usually walk to school. 6 buy / clothes ?
6 a There is usually snow here in winter.  ?
b There usually is snow here in winter.  7 romantic films ?
2 Complete the table with the adverbs of 8 listen to / classical music ?
frequency. ?
always never often sometimes usually
5 Match 1–7 with A–G.
 always 1  C A don’t / doesn’t like
(1) 2  B like(s)
3 C am / are / is crazy
(3) 4 D can’t stand
 5 E hate(s)
(4) 6  F love(s)
 7  G don’t / doesn’t mind

3 Write the sentences with the correct adverbs 6 Complete the short answers with the correct
of frequency from exercise 2. form of the words in exercise 5.
Jacob listens to music. () Do they like running?
Jacob always listens to music. Yes, they are crazy about it. ()
1 Carla eats meat. () 1 Do you like getting up early?
No, I it. ()
2 Harry talks in class. () 2 Does Eva like visiting theme parks?
She it. ()
3 Evie listens to classical music. () 3 Do Hugo and Joe like kitesurfing?
Yes, they it. ()
4 Jack comes to school with Jess. () 4 Does Dom like swimming?
Yes, he it. ()
5 James brushes his hair. () 5 Do they like ice skating?
No, they it. ()
6 I get up late. ()

7 Angus is tired. ()

1 1

Vocabulary Unit 3
School 6 You wear to go running.
7 You wear to go ice skating.
1 Write the names of the places in a school. 8 You wear a to do judo.
canteen ICT suite library science lab
playing fields staffroom Extra vocabulary
1 2
3 Complete the text with the correct words.
can’t stand crazy about meets mind
rides spend stay wear

all Advanced Open Water Scuba Divers. They all (5) wetsuits, as the water is quite cold. They (6) in the water for about an hour. Every Sunday is the

1 4
2 5
3 6

Sports Making suggestions / Giving opinions

2 Find eight items related to sports in the puzzle.
4 Choose the correct option.
Then complete the sentences.
A: (1) Why / Let’s / How don’t we go swimming?
w e t s u i t c l s
B: No, thanks. I don’t (2) think / want / go to do
k x c t l b e l t v
c j a r b s t i c k A: (3) Why / How / Shall about some rock
b i f a h g k o s a climbing?
b m h i y o p x k r B: That sounds (4) dangerous / boring / fun.
f a o n y g z e a a A: It isn’t, it’s very safe.
h e o e x g l r t c B: (5) Let’s / Shall / Why we watch a film?
u e p r h l e a e k A: That sounds (6) dangerous / boring / fun. What
(7) let’s / shall / why we watch?
b x z s z e y j s e
B: (8) Why / How / Shall about Avatar?
q w t l r s a t d t
A: That’s a (9) bad / strange / good idea. Where
1 You use a racket to play tennis. (10) shall / why / let’s we watch it?
2 You wear to go swimming. B: (11) Why / Let’s / How go to my house.
3 You throw the ball at the in basketball. A: Okay, (12) why / how / let’s go.
4 You wear a to go scuba diving.
5 You use a to play hockey.

1 2
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 4
Grammar Weather
Comparative adjectives
4 Complete the table w ith the weather words.
1 Choose the correct comparative adjective. cloud cloudy fog foggy ice icy ain rainy snow
high snowy storm stormy sun sunny wind windy
higher / more high
1 safe safer / more safe
2 quiet more quiet / quieter Noun Adjective
3 noisy noisier / more noisy
4 big more big / bigger
5 extreme most extreme / more extreme fog foggy
6 bad more bad / worse

Superlative adjectives (1) _

2 Complete the table.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

near nearer the nearest (3)

(1) cold colder the est

(2) dangerous more the dangerous
(3) hot hotter the

(4) strange stranger the (6)

(5) popular more popular the

(6) easy easier the

(7) good better the

Asking for travel information
Adjectives 5 Complete the dialogue with a, e, i, o or u.
1 A: What’s the b_st way to get to Oxford?
3 Match the adjectives with their opposites. B: By train.
2 A: How long does the j_ _rn_y take?
1 cheap B A quiet B: Around two hours.
2 long B expensi 3 A: How _ften do the trains l_ _ve?
B: The go every 30 minutes.
3 fast C low
4 A: Wh_n’s the n_xt train?
4 noisy D borin
B: At 9.00 a.m.
5 safe E short
5 A: How m_ch is a return t_ck_t?
76 high
enjoyable FG dang
slow rous
B: £44.00.

Grammar Unit 4
Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives

1 Complete the table. 3 Write the words in the superlative form under
the correct heading.
Adjective Comparative
bad big cheap dangerous snowy good
short shorter than hot surprising low noisy safe

(1) slow
- -
(2) big e s
s t
(3) good t

(4) easy the lowest

(1) (2)
(5) popular
-iest double
(6) bad consonant
+ -est
(7) strange
(3) (5)
(8) difficult (4) (6)

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative most + adjective irregular

form of the adjectives.
The rides are faster than (fast) last year. (7) (9)
1 Skydiving is (scary) 4 Complete the sentences with the superlative form
surfing. of the word in italics.
2 The rides at Universal Studios are Luxor is drier than Ica, but Arica in Chile is the driest
(exciting) the rides at place.
Disney World. 1 Waialeale in Hawaii is wetter than Quibdo in
3 My English is (good) Colombia, but Cherrapunji in India is
my French. place.
4 Norway is (expensive) 2 The Amazon is longer than the Mississippi, but
England. the Nile is river in the
5 Driving on small roads is world.
(dangerous) driving 3 Kebili in Tunisia is hotter than Hamidiyeh in Iran,
on big roads. but Death Valley, in California, is
6 My room is (small) place.
my sister’s room. 4 Northice in Greenland is colder than Snag in
7 Reading books is Canada, but Oymyakon in Siberia is
(interesting) watching TV. place.
8 Walking the dog is 5 Ireland is cloudier than Norway, but Scotland is
(enjoyable) cleaning your room. 6 Sudan is sunnier than Algeria, but Arizona is
9 Playing computer games is place.
(boring) playing 7 Istanbul is more crowded than Mexico City, but
football. Shanghai is city.
10 Thunderstorms are 8 In my country, autumn is better than winter, but
spring is season!
(frightening) fireworks.
1 1

Vocabulary Unit 4
Adjectives 4 Choose the correct option.
I like sitting in the sun / sunny.
1 Write the opposite adjective.
1 On icy / ice days, I stay at home.
high low
2 My sister hates storm / stormy weather.
1 dangerous
3 There’s some fog / foggy today.
2 long
4 Do you like walking in the rain / rainy?
3 difficult
5 In summer, I enjoy the hot / heat.
4 good
5 exciting
Asking for travel information
6 old
5 Complete the questions with five of the words.
2 Choose the correct option.
long much often what when who why
We live in the city centre in a boring / big flat – it’s
got nine rooms. It’s a very (1) noisy / safe area A: (1) ’s the best way to get to Liverpool?
because there are a lot of motorbikes and B: By train.
(2) enjoyable / fast cars driving by. There is a park A: How (2) does the journey take?
near my flat. It’s very (3) dangerous / quiet there. B: Around two hours.
I sometimes go there to read or listen to music. It’s A: How (3) do the trains leave?
a B: They go every 30 minutes.
(4) small / crowded park so there are never A: (4) ’s the next train?
many people. B: 10.40 a.m.
A: How (5) is a return ticket?
The restaurants near our flat are (5) surprising / B: £56.00.
expensive so I only go there with my parents. My
friends and I usually go to a café called Café
Extra vocabulary
Moderno. The food is quite (6) cheap / frightening
and it’s in the city centre, so we meet other friends 6 Complete the nouns and phrases with the
there. words.
Weather coaster of people park phones
storm ticket trip
3 Write the weather adjectives under the correct a boat trip
1 head
cloudy foggy snowy stormy wet windy 2 a queue
3 a roller
4 a theme
5 a thunder
6 a single

1 snowy 2

3 4 5 6

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 5
Grammar Present continuous and Present simple
Present continuous
5 Choose the correct option.
1 Match 1–6 with A–F. I usually jump / am jumping in o the pool.
1 am C A isn’t 1 We always start / are starting class at 9.00 a.m.
2 am B ’re 2 ‘Where is John?’ ‘He sleeps / ’s sleeping.’
not 3 I don’t play / ’m not playing on Sundays.
3 is C ’m 4 Jo doesn’t listen / isn’t listening to me today!
4 is not D ’s 5 Paul usually sits / is sitting ne t to Tom.
5 are E ’m
2 Choose the correct option. Action verbs
I ’m / ’s making breakfast.
1 Mark are / is getting changed. 6 Choose the correct option.
2 You aren’t / isn’t holding your pen.
close / practise an instrument
3 They ’m / ’re building a house.
1 carry / dive into a pool
4 I isn’t / ’m not coming to meet you.
2 draw / close a picture
5 Lana aren’t / isn’t taking a photo. 3 sail / fly a boat
6 We ’re / ’s carrying some boxes of books.
4 climb / build a tree

3 Complete the table with the -ing form of 5 sail / open a door
the verbs.
Adventure equipment
carry close come dive eat get hang
make put sit study swim
7 Write the name of the adventure equipment.
binoculars a compass insect repellent
double a sleeping bag some tools a waterproof jacket
+ e + -ing o c
-ing nsonant
+ -ing
ng 1 a sleeping bag 2

4 Complete the questions with the words.

3 4
Am Are Is What are What is
Where are Where is _
Are you having lunch? No, I’m not.
1 you doing? I’m studying English.
2 we going? We’re going home.
3 Julian watching TV? No, he isn’t. He’s
5 6
doing his homework.
4 I running fast? Yes, you are. Having a phone conversation
5 Charlie doing? He’s playing
8 Complete the telephone conversation with a, e, i,
basketball. o or u.
6 Sue flying to? She’s flying to Rome.
1 A: Can I spe_k t_ Jane, please?
2 B: She isn’t h_re at the m_m_nt. Wh_’s c_lling?
3 A: _t’s Tim. C_n you _sk her to c_ll me later?
B: Yes, sure. Bye, Tim.

Grammar Unit 5
Present continuous 4 Write present continuous questions.
you / get changed ?
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Are you getting changed?
-ing form.
1 James / brush his hair ?
carry come get make sit swim take
Maya is taking a photo of Max. 2 Sara / write an essay ?
1 We are breakfast.
2 Kate and Rosie are some big bags. 3 we / do our homework well ?
3 Sam is changed into his uniform.
4 Isobel isn’t in the sea, she’s in the pool. 4 they / stay in a hotel ?
5 Carla is to my house now.
6 My grandpa is in his favourite chair. 5 you / close the door ?

2 Write affirmative (+) and negative (–)

sentences. Use the present continuous. 5 Write short answers to the questions in
we / study English exercise 4.
(+) We’re studying English. () Yes I am.
(–) We aren’t studying English. 1 ()
1 you / draw a dog 2 ()
(+) 3 ()
(–) 4 ()
2 we / hang out with friends 5 ()
(–) Present continuous and Present simple
3 Carlos / come to school
(+) 6 Complete the sentences with the present simple
(–) or present continuous form of the verb in
4 it / rain
(+) My family usually go to Sevilla for our holidays.
(–) (go)
5 she / hold her mother’s hand 1 I English at the moment. (speak)
(+) 2 Terry English on Tuesdays. (study)
(–) 3 They always to school. (walk)
6 Sophie / dive into the pool 4 We football right now. (not play)
(+) 5 Belen well at the moment. (not feel)
7 Write sentences. Use the present simple or
present continuous.
3 Write the words in the correct order.
We / have / lunch / now
you / are / what / doing / ?
We’re having lunch now.
What are you doing?
1 I / wear / trainers / today
1 climbing / the tree / you / are / ?

2 you / usually / go / to school by bus ?

2 the piano / Alba / practising / is / ?

3 they / live / in Madrid / at the moment ?

3 are / their books / closing / they / ?

4 Liz and Phil / sail their boat / every weekend

4 is / going / Henry / where / ?

5 Look! The baby / wave / to you!

5 she / is / why / crying / ?

6 they / always / spend / Saturdays / by the sea ?

1 1

Vocabulary Unit 5
Action verbs 3 Write the name of an item from exercise 2 for
each definition.
1 Look at the pictures. Make sentences using a You wear it to stay dry when it’s raining.
word or phrase from each box. a waterproof jacket
Verbs 1 You put it on your arms and legs to keep
build climb close dive draw fly practise sail mosquitos away.
2 You use them to see things that are far away.
Noun phrases
3 You spend the night in it when you are camping.
a boat the door the piano a house a picture
a plane into the sea a tree
4 You put things in it and then wear it on your
5 You use this for minor medical emergencies.
6 You use it to find the correct direction.
7 You put this on to protect you from the sun.

Extra vocabulary
4 5 6
4 Underline the odd word out.
musician photographer cook cooker
1 hip-hop classical charity jazz
2 blog pop internet website
3 tent audition compass torch
4 drums tools flute viola
8 5 tiny lively huge balloon

Having a phone conversation

5 The conversation below is not polite. Rewrite it

using the phrases.
1 She’s climbing a tree. OK. No problem. It’s … speaking.
Can you ask her to call me when she gets back?
She isn’t here at the moment.
3 Do you want to leave a message?
4 Is … there, please? Who’s calling, please?
5 A: (1) Eva?
6 B: (2) No. (3) Who are you?
7 A: (4) Alf.
8 B: (5) What do you want me to tell her?
A: (6) Tell her to call me.
Adventure equipment B: (7) Yes.
2 Complete the adventure equipment words. 1
1 waterproof jacket 5 sun
2 back 6 bin
3 com 7 sleeping
4 first- 8 insect 5

1 2
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 6
Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns
can / can’t for permission and ability
5 Match 1–6 with A–F to make sentences.
1 Complete the sentences with can  or can’t .
1 There’s C A much meat.

Sam can use my dictionary.  2 There are B any carrots?

1 He says I come in.  3 There isn’t C some jam.
2 Millie play with her friends.  D any water?
3 We use our mobile phones in 4 There aren’t E a lot of desserts.
school.  F any vegetables.
5 Is there
4 Georgina have any snacks. 
5 Luis go to the party. 
6 Are there
6 They go home early today. 


2 Write the questions starting with Can …

6 Complete the food items with a, e, i, o or u.
1 you / ride a horse / ? 1 b e a ns 5 ch _ ckp _
Can you ride a horse? 2 b__f 6 _ n _ ons
2 your brother / cook / ? 3 ch _ _ s _ 7 m_shr_
4 ch _ ck _ n 8 y _ gh _ rt
3 your sister / swim / ?
7 Complete the table w ith words from exercise 6.
4 your parents / speak French / ? Puls Meat Dairy Vegetable
es s
5 I / watch TV / ? bean
6 you and your brother / sing ?
At the market
3 Match answers A–F to questions 1–6 in exercise
2. 8 Find words to complete the definitions.
capj wellerybatteryicecreamhairgelmagazinespursenailvarnish
A Yes, they can. You wear a cap on your head.
B No, we can’t. 1 You put a in your torch.
C Yes, I can. 1 2 You put on your hair.
D Yes, he can. 3 You put on your nails.
E No, she can’t. 4 You keep money in your .
F No, you can’t. 5 You read .
6 You wear around your neck
must / mustn’t for obligation and on your hands.
prohibition 7 You eat an .

4 Choose the correct option to complete the Ordering a restaurant

school rules. i
You must / mustn’t use your mobile phone. 9 Number the lines in the correct order to make a
1 You must / mustn’t do your homework. conversation.
2 You must / mustn’t run in the classroom. A And to drink?
3 You must / mustn’t eat in class. B Yes, please.
4 You must / mustn’t make a noise C I’ll have the fish and chips, please.
5 You must / mustn’t listen to the other students. D Are you ready to order? 1
E Water, please.
F What can I get you?

Grammar Unit 6
can / can’t for permission and ability must / mustn’t for obligation and
1 Complete the sentences with can or can’t and
the verbs.
3 Javier’s mother is telling him some rules. Write
be eat go (x2) take use visit watch sentences using must / mustn’t and the phrases.
Gina can take the day off tomorrow. () be on time for school eat so much sugar
1 I home early today. We don’t have forget your school books make a lot of noise
stop eating junk food watch too much TV
a lot of work. ()
work harder
2 Cary her friend. Her mother wants
You must be on time for school.
her to stay at home. () 1
3 We sweets in class. The school
rules are very strict.()
4 Marco to bed late tonight because
it’s the weekend tomorrow. ()
5 My sister for 5
mymypens. I need them
homework. () 6
6 They TV in their room. Their
parents don’t like it. () Countable and uncountable nouns
7 You late to class tomorrow!
4 Choose the correct option.
Remember we have an exam. ()
There aren’t any / some beans.
2 Look at the table. Write questions with can and 1 There isn’t many / much cheese.
then write short answers. 2 Is there a / any sugar?
Pab Del Mari 3 There aren’t much / many vegetables.
lo ia na 4 There is a lot of / much jewellery.
speak    5 There are a lot of / many grapes.
6 We haven’t got any / some mushrooms.
cook   
7 Is there an / any egg?
swim   
8 There is any / some yoghurt.

Pablo / speak French 5 Read the answers. Then write the questions.
Can Pablo speak Use the phrases in the box.
French? Yes, he can. Are there any Is there an Is there any
1 Delia / speak French / ? How many How much
? eggs / ?
How many eggs are there?
2 Pablo / cook / ? There are six.
? 1 cheese / ?

3 Marina / cook / ? Yes, there is.

? 2 vegetables / ?

4 Delia / swim / ? Yes, there are.

? 3 onion / ?

5 Marina / swim / ? Yes, there is.

? 4 milk / ?
There’s a lot.

1 1

Vocabulary Unit 6
Food Extra vocabulary

1 Write the names of the six food items. 3 Underline the word that can’t describe each
1 2 3
1 carrots crunchy / salty / healthy
2 chilli sauce crunchy / tasty / spicy
3 ham salty / sweet / tasty
4 4 chocolate tasty / sweet / spicy
5 yoghurt healthy / sweet / crunchy
5 6
4 Complete the sentences.
canvas cartoons graphic designer sculpture
spray paint

1 My brother is a . He’s very

good at drawing.
2 Many painters do their painting on
but my brother likes using
1 4
2 5
3 He uses to paint big pictures
3 6
on walls and buildings.
4 He is building a large of an
At the market elephant at the moment.
5 He also draws of funny
2 Read the descriptions of the items. Then
complete the puzzle. Can you find item 10? animals.

1 You put it in your torch to make it work. 5 Complete the phrases.

2 It keeps your keys together.
add chop cook heat mix
3 You put it on your hair.
4 You put this on your nails. 1 How to cook a tasty snack.
5 It’s brown. It’s very sweet. 2 First, an onion…
6 You keep money in it. 3 Then the oil…
7 You put it in your mouth but you don’t eat it. 4 Next, some ham …
8 You can buy and read a new one every month. 5 Finally, the ham with some cheese.
9 It’s often made with strawberries. You buy it in
a jar and eat it for breakfast. Ordering in a restaurant
10 Sasha likes buying at the market.
(read from bottom to top) 6 Complete the conversation with the words.

1 come with I’d I’ll have like please

to order would
Waiter Are you ready (1) ?
Customer 1 I think so. Does the beef
(2) vegetables?
5 Waiter Yes, it does.
6 Customer 1 Great. (3) the beef.
Customer 2 And (4) like the
fish, please.
Waiter What (5) you
(6) to drink?
10 Customer 1 Water, (7) .
1 2

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