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Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) of 890KWp on

Ground and 211KWP on Rooftops Solar System Project at Far

East Spinning Industries Ltd, Madhabpur, Habiganj

August 2018

Prepared by
Far East Spinning Industries Ltd. (FESIL)
Uttor Surma, Teliapara, Madhabpur,
Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Table of Contents
1 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Project Background ........................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Rationale of the Project..................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Project Objectives and Benefits........................................................................ 1-2
1.4 ESA Methodology ............................................................................................... 1-3
1.4.1 Orientation ................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.4.2 Data Collection Planning ...................................................................................... 1-3
1.4.3 Data Collection ........................................................................................................ 1-3
1.4.4 Physical Environment ............................................................................................. 1-5
1.4.5 Biological Environment ............................................................................................. 1-5
1.4.6 Socio-Cultural Environment ................................................................................. 1-7
1.5 ESA Team............................................................................................................ 1-7
2 CHAPTER TWO: PROJECT DESCRIPTION .............................................................. 2-1
2.1 Project Location and Design ............................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Design Consideration........................................................................................ 2-4
3 CHAPTER THREE: LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK .............................................. 3-1
3.1 Applicable Policies............................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 National Policies ...................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 International Policies ............................................................................................. 3-3
3.2 Environmental Clearance .................................................................................. 3-5
4 CHAPTER FOUR: TECHNICAL ASPECTS....................................................................... 6
4.1 Proposed Process and Technology ..................................................................... 6
4.2 List of Major Equipment....................................................................................... 6
4.3 Description of Major Equipment ...................................................................... 4-1
4.3.1 Photovoltaic (PV) module: .................................................................................... 4-1
4.3.2 Grid-Tied String Inverter ....................................................................................... 4-1
4.3.3 Master Box for Three-Phase Solar ...................................................................... 4-1
4.3.4 Remote Control ....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3.5 Display of Operating Status................................................................................. 4-1
4.3.6 Number of Solar Inverters .................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Plant Capacity Selection .................................................................................... 4-1
5 CHAPTER FIVE: ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE ........................................................... 5-1
5.1 General ............................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Do Nothing ......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Alternatives Energy Generation Technology ................................................... 5-2
5.4 Alternative Land Use ......................................................................................... 5-2
5.5 Alternative Site................................................................................................... 5-2
6.1 General ............................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Physical Environment ........................................................................................ 6-1
6.2.1 Climate ....................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.2 Physiography ............................................................................................................ 6-8
6.2.3 Regional and Site Topography............................................................................ 6-9
6.2.4 Geology .................................................................................................................... 6-12
6.2.5 Soil Quality.............................................................................................................. 6-14
6.2.6 Agro-Ecological Zones within the Project Area ............................................ 6-14
6.2.7 Hydrology ................................................................................................................ 6-17
Fig: 6.15 Surface water sampling in the project area ........................................................ 6-20

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6.2.8 Noise Assessment ................................................................................................ 6-21

6.2.9 Seismicity ................................................................................................................ 6-22
6.2.10 Climate Change and Natural Hazards ........................................................ 6-23
6.2.11 Biological Environment ................................................................................... 6-26
6.2.12 Bio-ecological Zones ............................................................................................ 6-26
6.2.13 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna............................................................................ 6-26
6.2.14 Flora ...................................................................................................................... 6-27
6.2.15 Aquatic Flora and Fauna ................................................................................. 6-31
6.2.16 Protected Areas and Red Book Species ...................................................... 6-31
6.3 Social Environment .......................................................................................... 6-33
6.3.1 Demography ........................................................................................................... 6-33
6.3.2 Livelihood ................................................................................................................ 6-34
6.3.3 Land Use .................................................................................................................. 6-35
6.3.4 Economic Status .................................................................................................... 6-35
6.3.5 Public Health and Sanitation ............................................................................. 6-35
6.3.6 Education................................................................................................................. 6-35
6.3.7 Transport Infrastructure in Habigonj City..................................................... 6-36
6.3.8 Environmental and Social Hotspot .................................................................. 6-36
6.3.9 Archaeological and Cultural Resources ......................................................... 6-36
6.3.10 Important Environmental and Social Features (IESFs)................................ 6-36
7.1 General ............................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Impact Magnitude.............................................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Sensitivity of Receptor ...................................................................................... 7-1
7.4 Summary of Assessed Impacts ........................................................................ 7-2
7.5 Corridor of Impact (CoI) .................................................................................... 7-2
7.6 Pre-construction Phase ..................................................................................... 7-3
7.6.1 Land Use .................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.7 Construction Phase ........................................................................................... 7-3
7.7.1 Visual Amenity ......................................................................................................... 7-3
7.7.2 Water Resources ...................................................................................................... 7-4
7.7.3 Noise ........................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.7.4 Air Quality ................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.7.5 Soil............................................................................................................................... 7-6
7.7.6 Terrestrial Ecology.................................................................................................. 7-6
7.7.7 Waste Generation .................................................................................................... 7-7
7.7.8 Employment Opportunities.................................................................................. 7-8
7.7.9 Health and Safety .................................................................................................... 7-8
7.7.10 Traffic ..................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.7.11 Archaeology and Cultural Resources ............................................................ 7-9
7.8 Operational Phase ............................................................................................. 7-9
7.8.1 Visual Amenity ....................................................................................................... 7-10
7.8.2 Heat Generation .................................................................................................... 7-10
7.8.3 Noise ......................................................................................................................... 7-10
7.8.4 Air Quality ............................................................................................................... 7-11
7.8.5 Soil............................................................................................................................. 7-11

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7.8.6 Terrestrial Ecology................................................................................................ 7-11

7.8.7 Waste Generation .................................................................................................. 7-12
7.8.8 Health and Safety .................................................................................................. 7-13
7.9 Decommissioning Phase ................................................................................. 7-14
7.9.1 Visual Amenity ....................................................................................................... 7-14
7.9.2 Noise ......................................................................................................................... 7-14
7.9.3 Air Quality ............................................................................................................... 7-15
7.9.4 Soil............................................................................................................................. 7-15
7.9.5 Terrestrial Ecology................................................................................................ 7-15
7.9.6 Waste Generation .................................................................................................. 7-15
7.9.7 Employment Opportunities................................................................................ 7-17
7.9.8 Health and Safety .................................................................................................. 7-17
7.9.9 Traffic ....................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.9.10 Summary of Anticipated Impacts ................................................................. 7-18
8.1 General ............................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Objectives........................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) ...................................... 8-1
8.4 Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan ................................................... 8-14
8.4.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 8-14
8.4.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................... 8-14
8.5 Environmental and Social Budget .................................................................. 8-18
9 CHAPTER NINE: ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BENEFIT...................................... 9-1
9.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Energy and Climate Concern ............................................................................ 9-1
9.3 Energy and Economy Concern ......................................................................... 9-2
10 CHAPTER TEN: CONCLUSION ................................................................................. 10-1
10.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................... 10-1
11 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 11-1
12 Appendices.............................................................................................................. 12-a
Appendix A: Air Quality Test Result......................................................................... 12-b
Appendix B: Surface Water Test Result .................................................................... 12-c
Appendix C: Groundwater Test Result .................................................................... 12-d
Appendix D: Important Sensitive Locations in the PIA ............................................ 12-f

List of Tables
Table 1-1 The ESA Study Team ............................................................................. 1-7
Table 6-1: Test Results of Ambient Air Quality Analysis ........................................ 6-8
Table 6-2: Results for Surface Water Quality ....................................................... 6-18
Table 6-3: Results for Ground Water Quality ....................................................... 6-20
Table 6-3: Noise Level at Different Locations of Project Area .............................. 6-22
Table 6-4: Seismic Zonation of Bangladesh ......................................................... 6-23
Table 6-5: List of Flora in the Project Influenced Area ......................................... 6-29
Table 6-6: List of Fauna in the Project Influenced Area........................................ 6-30
Table 6-7 Population of the Habigonj District ..................................................... 6-34

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Table 6-9 Population Distribution by Religion ..................................................... 6-34

Table 6-10 Livelihood Sources of Habigonj ......................................................... 6-34
Table 6-11 Educational Institutions of Habigonj ................................................. 6-36
Table 7-1: Parameters for Determining Magnitude ................................................ 7-1
Table 7-2: Criteria for Determining Sensitivity ...................................................... 7-2
Table 7-3: Significance of Impact Criteria ............................................................. 7-2
Table 7-4: Summary of Anticipated Impacts during the Planning and Construction
Phase ............................................................................................................. 7-19
Table 7.5: Summary of Anticipated Impacts during the Operation Phase............. 7-21
Table 7.6: Summary of Anticipated Impacts during the Decommissioning Phase 7-23
Table 8.1: Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) .............................. 8-2
Table 8.2: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan .......................................... 8-15
Table 8.3: Environmental Budget ........................................................................ 8-18

List of Figures
Figure 1.1Route Map of ESA process .................................................................... 1-4
Figure 1.2 Sampling Locations ............................................................................. 1-6
Figure 2.1 Photographs of Location of the project ................................................ 2-1
Figure 2.2 Location Map of the Project ................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2.3 Location Map of the Project by Google Earth ........................................ 2-3
Figure 4.1: Layout of Grid Connected PV system...................................................... 6
Figure 6.1: Climatic Zone of Bangladesh ............................................................... 6-3
Figure 6.2 Variation of Monthly Surface Air Temperature of Srimangal Station ...... 6-4
Figure 6.3: Monthly Average Humidity of Srimangal Station (1995-2013).............. 6-4
Figure 6.4: Monthly Average Rainfall of Srimangal Station .................................... 6-5
Figure 6.5: Graphical representation of Wind speed at Srimangal Station .............. 6-6
Figure 6.6: Average Monthly Cloud Coverage at Srimangal Station........................ 6-6
Figure 6.7: Average Monthly Maximum Sunshine at Srimangal Station .................. 6-7
Figure 6.8 Air Quality Monitoring at Project Site ................................................... 6-7
Figure 6.9: Physiography of the Project Area ...................................................... 6-10
Figure 6.10: Topography of the Project Area ...................................................... 6-11
Figure 6.11: Geology of the Project Area ............................................................ 6-13
Figure 6.12: General Soil Type Map of Bangladesh.............................................. 6-15
Figure 6.13: Agro-ecological Regions of Bangladesh ........................................... 6-16
Figure 6.14: River Network Map of the Project .................................................... 6-19
Fig: 6.15 Surface water sampling in the project area .......................................... 6-20
Fig: 6.16 Ground water sampling in the project area .......................................... 6-21
Fig: 6.17 Noise Level Measurements in the Project Area ..................................... 6-22
Fig 6.18: Seismic Zones of Bangladesh ............................................................... 6-25
Fig 6.19: Bio-ecological Zones of Bangladesh ..................................................... 6-28
Fig 6.20: Environmental Protected Areas in Project Area ..................................... 6-32
Fig: 6.21 Cultural and Sensitive Structures within 1km Radius of the Project
Location ............................................................................................................. 6-38
Figure 9.1: Trends of World Solar Energy Growth .................................................. 9-2

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Executive Summary Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Executive Summary

1. Bangladesh is a densely populated country with 160 million people. To meet the
increasing population, demand the generation of electricity is not produced as
expected. The per capita generation is 348 kWh (Power Division, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh; Accessed on 19-08-2015). The per capita
consumption of power by World Bank estimate in 2009 for India was 571 kWh, for
Pakistan was 449 kWh and for China, it was 2631 kWh. The Sixth Five Year Plan
contains information on demand-supply gap for electricity, source of electricity supply,
use of different types of energy, electricity generation program and strategy for power

2. With the advent of solar based technologies and the current global trend of reduction
in solar panel costs, electricity generated using solar based technologies is expected
to become cheaper than electricity generated from traditional sources. Thus, different
industries are being encouraged to install solar PV based power plants to save
electricity expenses in future.

3. Current electricity cost from solar plant is almost similar to grid tariff which is expected
to be cheaper than grid tariff in future due to the constant fall in price in solar based
technologies vs. expected rise in grid tariff to minimize gap between generation cost
and tariff. Thus, financing such kind of projects makes financial sense apart from
achieving country’s target to promote renewable energy-based technologies in the
country to ensure access to electricity for all.


4. The study is based on both primary and secondary data and information. The primary
data includes data collected from field observations, on-site & laboratory test and
secondary data includes review of the Bangladesh statistical and relevant information
from Government Departments. Discussions were held with stakeholders including
community representatives and a wide range of Char areas.


5. Legislative bases for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Bangladesh are the
Environmental Conservation Act 1995 (ECA’95, as amended in 2010) and the
Environmental Conservation Rules 1997 (ECR’97). Department of Environment (DoE),
under the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the regulatory body
responsible for enforcing the ECA’95 and ECR’97. It is the responsibility of the
proponent to conduct an Environmental Assessment (EA) of development proposal
and the responsibility to review EIAs for the purpose of issuing Environmental
Clearance Certificate (ECC) from the DOE. According to the Gazette on 24th December
2017 under Environment Division-3 of Ministry of Environment and Forest,
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the 890kWp on Industrial Ground

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Executive Summary Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Solar project and 211kWp on Industrial Rooftop solar system project in which both
components are considered as the “Green Category”.


6. Far East Spinning Industries Ltd. (FESIL) proposed 890 KWp on 86,749 sft ground
area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project. Project site is located at Uttor
Surma, Teliapara, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Land area of the site is around 3200 decimal.
In this project 890 KWp will be installed on 86,749 square feet ground area and rest
211 KWp will be installed on rooftops. A substation rooftop with 2914 square feet area
and Utility Bay roof with 17670 square feet area will house the plants with
aforementioned capacity
7. In the proposed system two main equipment will be used which are solar panels and
inverters. Sun shines on the solar panels to generate DC electricity. The DC electricity
produced from the solar panel will be converted to 415V 3-phase AC using the
inverters. Then, the energy will be fed into the busbars of industry. A Zero Export
Controller will be used to ensure “net zero export” The aggregated installed capacity
of the project will be 890kWp on Industrial ground area and 211kWp on Industrial


8. The project area is located in the south-central region climatic zone. In this zone,
rainfall is abundant, being above 1,900 mm. The range of temperature is, as can be
expected, much less than to the west, but somewhat more than in Southeastern zone.
This is a transitory zone between the Southeastern, Northwestern and Southwestern
zones and most of the severe hailstorms, nor are ‘westers and tornadoes recorded in
this area. The minimum monthly average temperature in the project area lies within
November to February which varies generally from 9.5°C to 16.6°C while the maximum
monthly average temperature is seen in April which is around 32.8°C. The maximum
annual rainfall was about 3145 mm in the year of 2002 at the project area. About 90%
of the total rainfall has been recorded during monsoon. The average monthly humidity
in the region varied from 70% to 85% depicted data from the year 1995 to 2013. The
atmosphere of this zone always enriches with humidity because of high evaporation
over the wetlands water surface. Solar radiation and evaporation are maximum during
the pre-monsoon periods compared to the rest of the year. During high temperature in
March-May, the evaporation from the soil also became high which further increased
the soil alkalinity. Sunshine hour refers to the duration of solar insolation over a specific
region in a day. Cloud coverage directly influence the sunshine hour. The average
sunshine remained maximum with 7.9 hours in February. The minimum sunshine was
4.22 hours in the month of June in the area of Srimangal weather station. The statistical
cloud coverage data from 1995 to 2013 shows that average cloud coverage remained
maximum from 5 octas to 6.4 octas during June to September. The minimum cloud
coverage was 1.31 octas in the month of December recorded in the area of Srimangal
weather station.

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Executive Summary Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

9. Air quality test has been conducted on 13th March 2018 at the proposed project site
and the test was analyzed by DSCL Environmental Laboratory. According to
Bangladesh National Ambient Air Quality Standards from the Environmental
Conservation Rules, 1997 which was amended on 19th July 2005 vide S.R.O. No. 220-
Law/2005; PM10, PM2.5and SPM of the local ambient air exceeded Bangladesh
standard. The other parameters were within the Bangladesh Standard. Noise level has
been monitored at inside and outside of the project location during day time. The
results show that time weighted average value of the sound monitored at inside and
outside of the project area exceeded the standard fixed for Auto-knitting section,
Generator section and Sewing section. For the other locations, the noise level was
within the national standard.

10. The project area falls in the Northern and Eastern piedmont plain. The topography of
the specific project location is 10.85-14.94 m. Geological structure of project area
belongs to the northeastern folded area of Bangladesh. The fold belt is characterized
by folding of the sedimentary layers into a series of anticlines (upward folds) and
synclines (downward fold), refer to the Tripura Chittagong Fold Belt. According to the
24 general soil types of Bangladesh the project area falls in the soil tract group 13
which are non-calcareous alluvium and brown hill soils. The project area falls in the
agro-ecological region of the Northern and Eastern Piedmont Plain (AEZ-22). There is
no evidence of major earthquakes in the project areas in the recent past.


11. Environmental impacts assessment was carried out considering present

environmental setting of the project area, and nature and extent of the proposed
activities. Potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project
activities are classified as: (i) impacts during pre-construction and construction phase
and ii) impacts during operation phase (iii) impacts during decommissioning phase.

12. During pre-construction phase, the impacts associated with the land use only. The
project initiator will implement the project in their own industry and the locations will be
on rooftop and ground area. Therefore, there are no anticipated impacts during the
planning phase of the Project.

13. During construction phases, the major impact associated with environmental quality
like air, noise, water, soil quality might be degraded due to improper management of
the generated waste. Dust generated from construction machineries and gaseous
emissions from vehicular transport as well machineries may deteriorate the air quality
of the local area. Noise quality can be deteriorated due to the operation of various
machineries and equipment. Various grease and oily substances may be released
from the construction machineries may deteriorate the natural water of the project site.
All the impacts will be very much localized in nature. The project contractor is to take
responsibility of minimizing environmental impact on the surroundings during
construction phases by following the project’s environmental management plan (EMP).
Other social impacts associated with the visual amenity, health safety of the labors,
cultural resources, employment opportunity etc. such type of impacts will be localized

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Executive Summary Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

in nature and not anticipate to the project. The contractor should follow the rules and
guidelines related to the environmental and social mentioned in the EMP.

14. During the operation period, the main impact is associated with heat generation. The
heat may be transferred by convection, radiation and conduction method.

15. To minimize/mitigate the impacts the developer should follow the Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) properly.


16. Environmental Management Plan has been developed for addressing all adverse
impacts pertaining to the implementation of the project. The plan presented in tabular
form includes impacts, their sources of occurrence, their mitigation measures, actors
responsible for implementation of mitigation measures and their responsibilities.

17. Environmental Monitoring Plan has incorporated key environmental components and
parameters to be monitored their indicators, frequency, timing and locations of
monitoring and also the actors responsible for carrying out such monitoring.

18. Far East Spinning Industries Ltd is the Executing Agency, responsible for overall
project implementation and will establish a Project Management Unit (PMU) to manage
the project on their behalf. A Project Manager (PM), supported by technical staff, who
will design the infrastructure, manage selection of Contractors, and supervise
construction, will head this.

19. Mitigation is the responsibility of Far East Spinning Industries Ltd. The project authority
will implement the ESMP along with mitigation measures, as part of the contractual
obligation. The cost for Environmental Mitigation Measures and Monitoring will be
included in the project cost and allocated of fund will made accordingly.


20. Based on the analysis, it may be concluded that the project stands environmentally
sound and sustainable when the recommended mitigation measure and environmental
management processes are adopted properly.

21. Severe weather conditions would have an impact on the construction activities. The
construction activities may even have to be stopped during these periods. So, it is
recommended that commencing construction in early winter season may help to reap
the benefit of full dry spell of the season.

22. In order to enhance the occupational health and worker safety during the construction
period, construction equipment would have to be kept in good order. Adequate safety
measures should be taken and safety related equipment including personal protective
and safety equipment (PPE), firefighting equipment etc. must be provided in order to
reduce the potential for accidents.

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ADB Asian Development Bank

AEZs Agro-ecological Zones
BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
DoD Depth of Discharge
DoE Department of Enviornment
DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering
ECA Ecologically Critical Area
ECC Environmental Clearance Certificate
ECR Environmental Conservation Rule
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EQS Environmental Quality Standards
FGD Focus Group Discussion
GHGs Greenhouse Gases
GIS Geographical Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
IP Indigenous People
IPCC Inter-government Panel on Climate Change
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
IDCOL Infrastructure Development Company Limited
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
MFF Multitranche financing facility
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
NAPA National Adaptation Programme on Action
NOC No Objection Certificate
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PSMP Power Sector Master Plan
PV Photovoltaic
SLM Sound Level Meter
SPM Suspended particulate matter
SRDI Soil Resource Development Institute
SREDA Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Agency
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TMP Traffic Management Plan
ToR Terms of References
UNDP United Nations Development Program

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Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


1.1 Project Background
Electricity tariff in Bangladesh is currently subsidized which keeps electricity cost affordable to
general public of the country. However, given government’s aspiration to become a middle-
income country by 2041, gap between electricity generation cost and tariff needs to be
eliminated gradually. Thus, it can be anticipated that, electricity tariff for generated power from
traditional sources will continue to soar in future to eliminate the gap. With the advent of solar
based technologies and the current global trend of reduction in solar panel costs, electricity
generated using solar based technologies is expected to become cheaper than electricity
generated from traditional sources. Thus, different industries are being encouraged to install
solar PV based power plants to save electricity expenses in future. Current electricity cost
from solar plant is almost similar to grid tariff which is expected to be cheaper than grid tariff
in future due to the constant fall in price in solar based technologies vs. expected rise in grid
tariff to minimize gap between generation cost and tariff. Thus, financing such kind of projects
makes financial sense apart from achieving country’s target to promote renewable energy-
based technologies in the country to ensure access to electricity for all.

The policy of the Government of Bangladesh has been to ensure extension and stabilization
of the power sector through both public and private sector undertakings toward not only
meeting the existing power deficiency of the country but also ensuring continuous power in
view of the projected future demand. Far East Spinning Industries Ltd. (FESIL) proposed a
890 KWp ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project. Project site is located
at UttorSurma, Teliapara, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Land area of the site is around 3200 decimal.
In which 890 KWp will be installed on 86,749 square feet ground area and rest 211 KWp will
be installed on rooftops. A substation rooftop with 2914 square feet area and Utility Bay roof
with 17,670 square feet area will house the plants with aforementioned capacity.

In the proposed system two main equipment will be used which are solar panels and inverters.
Sun shines on the solar panels to generate DC electricity. The DC electricity produced from
the solar panel will be converted to 415V 3-phase AC using the inverters. Then, the energy
will be fed into the busbars of industry. A Zero Export Controller will be used to ensure “net
zero export” The aggregated installed capacity of the project will be 890kWp on Industrial
ground area and 211kWp on Industrial Rooftop.

Bangladesh receives an average daily solar radiation in the range of 4-5 kWh/m². Encouraged
by the availability of solar radiation, Power Division has initiated a programme to generate 500
MW of solar-based electricity. Under this programme, projects for electrification of rural health
centers, educational institutions, E-centers at union levels, religious establishments and
remote railway stations are required to be implemented by authorities concerned. Private
sector is expected to implement commercial projects like Solar Irrigation, Solar Mini Grid, Solar
Park and Solar Rooftop applications.

The government is gradually meeting part of the lighting and cooling load of public offices by
installing solar panels. The national capacity of solar power development currently exceeds
150 MW. Most of the capacity addition is from Solar Home Systems (SHS) implemented by
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL), a government-owned financial

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Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

institution. Until recently, more than 3 million SHSs have been installed with aggregated
capacity of about 135 MW. The international community recognizes Bangladesh's SHSs as
the fastest growing solar power dissemination program in the world.

Department of Environment (DoE), under the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is
the regulatory body responsible for enforcing the ECA’95 and ECR’97. It is the responsibility
of the proponent to conduct an Environmental Assessment (EA) of development proposal and
the responsibility to review EIAs for the purpose of issuing Environmental Clearance
Certificate (ECC) from the DOE. According to the Gazette on 24th December 2017 under
Environment Division-3 of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of the Peoples
Republic of Bangladesh, the 890kWp on Industrial Ground Solar project and 211kWp on
Industrial Rooftop solar system project in which both components are considered as the
“Green Category”.

1.2 Rationale of the Project

In the proposed system two main equipment will be used which are solar panels and inverters.
Sun shines on the solar panels to generate DC electricity. The DC electricity produced from
the solar panel will be converted to 415V 3-phase AC using the inverters. Then, the energy
will be fed into the busbars of industry. A Zero Export Controller will be used to ensure “net
zero export” The aggregated installed capacity of the project will be 890kWp on Industrial
ground area and 211kWp on Industrial Rooftop.

Load shedding is a frequent phenomenon in the locality, which happens for almost 2 hours on
average per day. This translates into approximately Tk.2, 030,145.00 of fuel expenditure and
Tk.674,000.00 of maintenance cost in a year. For this reason, the client has now planned to
install a roof top solar power system that now envisages to fully replacing the diesel
Electricity tariff in Bangladesh is currently subsidized which keeps electricity cost affordable to
general public of the country. However, given government’s aspiration to become a middle-
income country by 2041, gap between electricity generation cost and tariff needs to be
eliminated gradually. Thus, it can be anticipated that, electricity tariff for generated power from
traditional sources will continue to soar in future to eliminate the gap.
With the advent of solar based technologies and the current global trend of reduction in solar
panel costs, electricity generated using solar based technologies is expected to become
cheaper than electricity generated from traditional sources. Thus, different industries are being
encouraged to install solar PV based power plants to save electricity expenses in future.
Current electricity cost from solar plant is almost similar to grid tariff which is expected to be
cheaper than grid tariff in future due to the constant fall in price in solar based technologies
vs. expected rise in grid tariff to minimize gap between generation cost and tariff. Thus,
financing such kind of projects makes financial sense apart from achieving country’s target to
promote renewable energy-based technologies in the country to ensure access to electricity
for all.

1.3 Project Objectives and Benefits

The main objective of the Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) study is to assess
both positive and negative environmental impacts due to the project (Roof Top and Ground

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Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

area Solar Project activities. Assess the impacts and recommend appropriate mitigation
measures during preconstruction, construction, and operation phases to minimize negative
impacts of the project to acceptable levels. The ESA will be used as a decision-making tool to
ensure that the project design and implementation activities are environmentally sound and
sustainable. During the implementation phase, the prepared Environmental and Social
Management Plan (ESMP) shall serve as a framework for strengthening the mitigation,
enhancement and environmental monitoring measures and system of the rooftop and ground
area solar project. In the preparation phase, the ESA shall achieve the following objectives:
 To establish the environmental and social baseline in the study area, and to identify any
significant environmental issue;
 To assess these impacts and provide for measures to address the adverse impacts by
the provision of the requisite avoidance, mitigation and compensation measures;
 To integrate the environmental and social issues in the project planning and design;
 To develop appropriate management plans for implementing, monitoring and reporting
of the environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures suggested.

1.4 ESA Methodology

The following methodology was adopted for carrying out the ESA of the proposed project:

1.4.1 Orientation
Meetings and discussions were held among the members of the ESA Team. This activity was
aimed at achieving a common ground of understanding of various issues of the study.

1.4.2 Data Collection Planning

Subsequent to the concept clarification and understanding obtained in the preceding step, a
detailed data acquisition plan was developed for the internal use of the ESA Team. The plan
included identification of specific data requirements and their sources; determined time
schedules and responsibilities for their collection; and indicated the logistics and other
supporting needs for the execution of the data acquisition plan.

1.4.3 Data Collection

In this step, primary and secondary data were collected through field observations,
environmental monitoring in the field, concerned departments and published materials to
establish baseline profile for physical, biological and socioeconomic environmental conditions.
A map in Figure 1.2 is showing the data collection spots of several environmental features in
the project area. Following activities were performed for data collection: Site Reconnaissance;
Analysis of Maps and Plans; Literature Review; Desk Research; Field Observations and
Studies; Public Consultations; and Laboratory Analysis.

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Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


- Lit review
- Acts and legislation
- Reconnaissance
- Discussion


- Screening - GPS analysis

- Method development - Visual analysis
- Identification of parameters - Photographic documentation
- Etc.


- Flora - Water - Topography - Demography

- Fauna - Air - Hydrology - Infrastructure
- Fisheries and - Noise - Land use - Cultural
forestry - Soil - Drainage resources
- Food chain - Economy
- Education


- Compilation of baseline data - Collect public opinion

- Cross check and superimposition - Share info with stakeholders
with design
- Analysis and interpretation




(IEE) - Review for actual cost
- Review for applicability

Figure 1.1Route Map of ESA process

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Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

1.4.4 Physical Environment

Information was collected on the existing physical environment, particularly as related to
geology, topography, soils, hydrology and drainage, water quality, air quality and noise. The
primary sample collection map for the environmental issues has been given Figure 1.2.
Geology, Topography, Soils
Data related to geology, topography and soil was collected to establish the baseline of the
project area and further to find out the impacts of the Project during the construction and
operational phases.
Hydrology and Drainage
Data related to hydrology and drainage was collected to identify the elements of the
hydrological cycle that are likely to have impacts on the project and the possible impacts that
the project could have on the hydrological regime. Field assessments included a determination
and verification of all the existing inflows into the drain, assessment of drainage issues,
interviews with local community members.
Air Quality
Ambient air quality measurements are essential to provide a description of the existing
conditions, to provide a baseline against which changes can be measured and to assist in the
determination of potential impacts of the proposed construction on air quality conditions. To
monitor ambient air quality, carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter
(PM10), particulate matter (PM2.5), Lead (Pb) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) have
been included for ambient air quality monitoring.
The noise monitoring was performed by a trained specialist, using a calibrated Sound Level
Meter set to A-weighting, fast response and statistical analysis settings. The Sound Level
Meter (SLM) was mounted on a tripod at a height of approximately 1.5m, facing in the direction
of the apparent predominant noise source. The SLM was programmed to record statistical
noise levels for 15 minutes at each location and was calibrated before and after the survey;
no significant drift was detected.
Surface Water Quality
Sampling and analysis of surface water quality has been carried out for the following
parameters: pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Electric Conductivity (EC), Total
Suspended Solids (TSS), NH4-N, NO3-N, PO4-P.
Ground Water Quality
Sampling and analysis of ground/drinking water has been carried for the following
parameters: pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chloride (Cl¯),
Electric Conductivity (EC), Temperature, Salinity, Iron (Fe), Arsenic (As), and Alkalinity.
1.4.5 Biological Environment
The status of the flora and fauna of the project area were determined by an ecological survey,
review of literature relevant to the area, and an assessment of terrestrial environment.

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Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Figure 1.2 Sampling Locations

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Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

The vegetative communities were identified and classified into community types. Identification
was carried out of dominant tree species, assessment of stage of growth (mature or sapling) and
assessment of canopy cover.
Information on fauna was gathered from existing literature on reported species as well as
observations in the field.

1.4.6 Socio-Cultural Environment

The Consultants utilized a combination of desk research, field investigations, census data,
structured interviews, maps, reports to generate the data required for description of the existing
social environment and assessment of the potential impacts due to the construction of the project.
Data was collected on the following aspects given below:
- Land use
- Transportation and access Roads
- Demographics
- Livelihoods
- Education
- Health
- Community facilities
- Recreational activities
- Archaeological and cultural heritage

1.5 ESA Team

The multidisciplinary team of ESA experts having experience of conducting Environmental and
Social Assessment of large scale industrial and infrastructural development projects. Table 1.1
presents the professionals’ names with their positions.

Table 1-1 The ESA Study Team

No. Name Position

1 Mr. Md. Shafiqur Rahman Team Leader (Senior Environmental Specialist)
2 Mr. Kushal Roy Social Expert
2 Ms. Mafia Mostafa Environmental Specialist
3 Mr. Tonmoy Pandit Environmental Quality Expert
4 Mr. Md. Rasheduzzaman Junior Environmental Specialist

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


2.1 Project Location and Design
The project site is located at Uttor Surma, Teliapara, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Land area of the site is
around 3200 decimal. The 890 KWp will be installed on 86,749 square feet ground area and rest
211 KWp will be installed on rooftops. A substation rooftop with 2914 square feet area and Utility
Bay roof with 17670 square feet area will house the plants with aforementioned capacity. The plant
will be divided into two segments 1) 890kWp PV on the ground in front of the factory building and
on the rooftop of the substation 2) 211kWp on the Utility bay. The plant will consist of total 3438
nos. of 320Wp PV modules, 40 nos. of inverters (36nos. active + 4 spare) and will feed power
directly in to the factory’s live BBT system. The plant is expected to inject 1756MWh energy in to
the factory annually which is approx. 8% - 10% of its annual consumption.

In the proposed system two main equipment will be used which are solar panels and inverters. Sun
shines on the solar panels to generate DC electricity. The DC electricity produced from the solar
panel will be converted to 415V 3-phase AC using the inverters. Then, the energy will be fed into
the busbars of industry. A Zero Export Controller will be used to ensure “net zero export” The
aggregated installed capacity of the project will be 890kWp on Industrial ground area and 211kWp
on Industrial Rooftop. Project area Photographs are presented in Figure 2.1. The location of this
project is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.1 Photographs of Location of the project

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Figure 2.2 Location Map of the Project

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Figure 2.3 Location Map of the Project by Google Earth

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

2.2 Design Consideration

The design consideration of the Ground Mounted Solar PV Plant: Total Capacity 889KWp

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

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Chapter 2: Project Description Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Layout Plant for Solar System

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Chapter 3: Legal and Policy Framework Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


3.1 Applicable Policies

3.1.1 National Policies Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act (ECA) 1995, as amended in 2010

The Environmental Conservation Act (ECA) of 1995 is the main legislative framework
document relating to environmental protection in Bangladesh. This umbrella Act includes laws
for conservation of the environment, improvement of environmental standards, and control
and mitigation of environmental pollution. This Act established the DOE and empowers its
Director General to take measures as he considers necessary which includes conducting
inquiries, preventing probable accidents, advising the Government, coordinating with other
authorities or agencies, and collecting & publishing information about environmental pollution.
According to this act (Section 12), no industrial unit or project shall be established or
undertaken without obtaining, in a manner prescribed by the accompanying Rules, an
Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) from the Director General of the DOE.

The Act was amended in 2010 on collection and recycling of used/non-functional batteries for
conservation of environment, improving environmental standard and control and prevention of
environmental pollution. According to this amendment, no recycling of battery will be permitted
without environmental clearance of DOE. This also restricted the improper disposal of used
batteries or any parts of used battery in open place, water bodies, waste bins, etc. All used
batteries must be sent to the DOE approved battery recycling industry at earliest convenience.
No financial transaction was allowed for used/non-functional batteries. Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Rules, 1997

The Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 were issued by the Government of Bangladesh
in exercise of the power conferred under the Environment Conservation Act (Section20), 1995.
Under these Rules, the following aspects, among others, are covered:

 Declaration of ecologically critical areas;

 Classification of industries and projects into four categories;
 Procedures for issuing the Environmental Clearance Certificate;

The Rule 3 defines the factors to be considered in declaring an area ‘ecologically critical area’
(ECA) as per Section 5 of ECA’95. It empowers the Government to declare an area ‘ECA’, if
it is satisfied that the ecosystem of the area has reached or is threatened to reach a critical
state or condition due to environmental degradation. The Government is also empowered to
specify which of the operations or processes shall be carried out or shall not be initiated in the
ecologically critical area. Under this mandate, MOEF has declared Sundarbans, Cox’s Bazar-
Tekhnaf Sea Shore, Saint Martin Island, Sonadia Island, Hakaluki Haor, Tanguar Haor, Marzat
Baor and Gulshan-Baridhara Lake as ecologically critical areas and prohibited certain
activities in those areas.

ECR’97 (Rule 7) classifies industrial units and projects into four categories depending on
environmental impact and location for the purpose of issuance of ECC. These categories are:

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Chapter 3: Legal and Policy Framework Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

• Green
• Orange A
• Orange B, and
• Red

All existing industrial units and projects and proposed industrial units and projects, that are
considered to be low polluting are categorized under "Green" and shall be granted
Environmental Clearance. For proposed industrial units and projects falling in the Orange- A,
Orange-B and Red Categories, firstly a site clearance certificate and thereafter an
environmental clearance certificate will be issued. A detailed description of those four
categories of industries has been given in Schedule-1 of ECR’97.

Department of Environment (DoE), under the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is
the regulatory body responsible for enforcing the ECA’95 and ECR’97. It is the responsibility
of the proponent to conduct an Environmental Assessment (EA) of development proposal and
the responsibility to review EIAs for the purpose of issuing Environmental Clearance
Certificate (ECC) from the DOE. According to the Gazette on 24th December 2017 under
Environment Division-3 of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of the Peoples
Republic of Bangladesh, 890 KWp on 86,749 sft ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar
System Project in which both are individually (50 KWp to 1MW) is considered as “Green
category”. Renewable Energy Policy of Bangladesh, 2008

The renewable energy policy of Bangladesh has been approved on December 18, 2008 with
the target of developing renewable energy resources. This Policy laid out the target of meeting
5% of total power demand from renewable energy sources by 2015 and 10% by 2020. The
policy provides an overall guidance of

 institutional arrangements
 resource, technology and program development
 investment and fiscal incentives
 regulatory policy

The policy promotes appropriate, efficient and environment friendly use of renewable energy.
It also suggests that for large biomass electricity projects (i.e., greater than 1 MW) the project
developer must demonstrate that the biomass is being sustainably harvested and that no
adverse social impact will result from that development. It also restricted the larger scale
production and use of bio-fuels which may jeopardize the existing crops. Guidelines for the Implementation of Solar Power Development Program,


It is clearly mentioned in the section 3.8 of guidelines for the implementation of Solar Power
Development Program (2013) that according to the Renewable Energy Policy, to establish a
solar mini grid projects with a capacity up to 5 MW, entrepreneur will be exempted to get a
waiver certificate. Mini grid projects with a capacity up to 250 MW will not be required any
waiver certificate/license, but entrepreneur will have to inform the Commission by sending a
letter. For implementation and operation of solar mini grid projects, license for a period of
minimum 20 years may be issued with a condition to renew every year.

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Chapter 3: Legal and Policy Framework Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) Bangladesh Labor Law, 2006

This Act pertains to the occupational rights and safety of factory workers and the provision
of a comfortable work environment and reasonable working conditions. In the chapter VI of
this law safety precaution regarding explosive or inflammable dust/ gas, protection of eyes,
protection against fire, works with cranes and other lifting machinery, lifting of excessive
weights are described. And in the Chapter VIII provision safety measure like as appliances of
first aid, maintenance of safety record book, rooms for children, housing facilities, medical
care, group insurance, etc. are illustrated.

3.1.2 International Policies The Japan International Cooperation Agency Requirements

“JICA Guidelines for Loan Aid (Japan Bank for International Cooperation Guidelines for
Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations, April 2010)” provide four categories
of projects as per its environmental classification system. The Projects classified under this
system are screened for the anticipated environmental impacts and are set under relevant
categories. JICA has classified Projects in the following four categories:

1. Category A: A proposed project is classified as Category A if it is likely to have

significant adverse impact on the environment. Borrowers and related parties must
submit Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports. For projects that will result in
large-scale involuntary resettlement, basic resettlement plans must be submitted. EIA
and other reports need to be submitted through the borrower before the JICA
environmental reviews.
2. Category B: A proposed project is classified as Category B if its potential adverse
environmental impact is less adverse than that of Category A projects.
3. Category C: A proposed project is classified as Category C if it is likely to have minimal
or no adverse environmental impact.
4. Category FI: A proposed project is classified as Category FI if it satisfies all of the
 JICA’s funding of the project is provided to a financial intermediary etc.;
 the selection and assessment of the actual sub-projects is substantially
undertaken by such an institution only after JICA’s approval of the funding and
therefore the subprojects cannot be specified prior to JICA’s approval of
funding (or assessment of the project); and
 those sub-projects are expected to have potential impact on the environment.
The roof top solar project, as per the above categorization, falls under Category C for the
purpose of environmental investigations. World Bank’s Guidelines on Environmental and Social Safeguards Policies

There are two types of safeguards requirement of the World Bank-environmental and social.
Under these two safeguards there are a number of operational policies. Among them, the
following operational policies could have relevance with the proposed Project:

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Chapter 3: Legal and Policy Framework Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment

The Bank requires environmental assessment (EA) of projects proposed to ensure that they
are environmentally sustainable, and thus to improve decision making. EA is a process whose
extent and type of analysis depend on the nature, scale, and potential environmental impact
of the proposed project. EA evaluates a project's potential environmental impacts in its area
of influence; examines project alternatives; identifies ways of improving project selection,
sitting, planning, design, and implementation by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or
compensating for adverse environmental impacts and enhancing positive impacts; and
includes the process of mitigating and managing adverse environmental impacts throughout
project implementation. EA takes into account the natural environment (air, water and land);
human health and safety; social aspects (involuntary resettlement, indigenous peoples and
physical cultural resources); and trans-boundary and global environmental aspects. The
borrower is responsible for carrying out the EA and the Bank advises the bower on the Bank’s
EA requirements.

The Bank classifies the proposed project into three major categories, depending on the type,
location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of its potential
environmental impacts.
Category A: The proposed project is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts
that are sensitive, diverse, or unprecedented. These impacts may affect an area broader than
the sites or facilities subject to physical works.
Category B: The proposed project’s potential adverse environmental impacts on human
population or environmentally important areas-including wetlands, forests, grasslands, or
other natural habitats are less adverse than those of Category A projects. These impacts are
site specific; few if any of them are irreversible; and in most cases mitigation measures can
be designed more readily than Category A projects.
Category C: The proposed project is likely to have minimal or no adverse environmental
OP 4.04 on Natural Habitats
The conservation of natural habitats, like other measures that protect and enhance the
environment, is essential for long-term sustainable development. The Bank therefore supports
the protection, maintenance, and rehabilitation of natural habitats and their functions in its
economic and sector work, project financing, and policy dialogue. The Bank supports, and
expects borrowers to apply, a precautionary approach to natural resource management to
ensure opportunities for environmentally sustainable development. The Bank promotes and
supports natural habitat conservation and improved land use by financing projects designed
to integrate into national and regional development the conservation of natural habitats and
the maintenance of ecological functions. Furthermore, the Bank promotes the rehabilitation of
degraded natural habitats. ADB Guidelines on Environmental and Social Safeguards

Asian Development Bank (ADB) has three safeguard policies that seek to avoid, minimize or
mitigate adverse environmental impacts and social costs to third parties, or vulnerable groups
as a result of development projects. New lending modalities and financing instruments, such
as the multitranche financing facility (MFF), have increased the complexity of applying

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Chapter 3: Legal and Policy Framework Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

safeguard policies and ensuring compliance. The new modalities and the likelihood of
continued innovation, as well as changing client circumstances, suggest a need to enhance
the relevance and effectiveness of ADB‘s safeguards, which has been reflected in an update
of the Safeguard Policy by 2009, announced through the Safeguard Policy Statement 2009
(SPS 2009).

The objectives of ADB’s safeguards are to:

 avoid adverse impacts of projects on the environment and affected people, where
 minimize, mitigate, and/or compensate for adverse project impacts on the environment
and affected people when avoidance is not possible; and
 help borrowers/clients to strengthen their safeguard systems and develop the capacity
to manage environmental and social risks.

Since the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement had been approved it supersedes the Involuntary
Resettlement Policy (1995), the Policy on Indigenous Peoples (1998), the Environment Policy
(2002), and the second sentence of para 73, and paras 77–85 and 92 of the Public
Communications Policy (2005).

3.2 Environmental Clearance

Formal EIA guidelines in Bangladesh are set out in “Rules and Regulations under the 1995
Environmental Protection Acts” as published in the official Gazette on August 27, 1997. Any
proponent planning an industrial project is currently required under Paragraph 12 of the
Environmental Protection Acts, 1995 to obtain “environmental clearance letter:” from the
Department of Environment. According to the Gazette on 24th December 2017 under
Environment Division-3 of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of the Peoples
Republic of Bangladesh, 890 KWp on 86,749 sft ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar
System Project in which both are individually (50 KWp to 1MW) is considered as “Green

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Chapter 4: Technological Aspects Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


4.1 Proposed Process and Technology

The proposed Project will produce DC electricity through Photovoltaic PV solar module and
then convert it to AC power through high-class String Inverters. This electricity will be directly
connected to internal grid of the industries.

Solar Panel Solar Panel Solar Panel

Figure 4.1: Layout of Grid Connected PV system

4.2 List of Major Equipment

Equipment Manufacturer/Supplier Country of Origin

Photovoltaic Module Jinko Solar China
Inverter Tabuchi Electric Co., Ltd. Japan
Master Box Tabuchi Electric Co., Ltd. Japan
Remote Monitoring Device Tabuchi Electric Co., Ltd. Japan

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Chapter 4: Technical Aspects Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

4.3 Description of Major Equipment

4.3.1 Photovoltaic (PV) module:

The PV Modules for this Megawatt project is polycrystalline and highly efficient. There will
be 3,438 nos. of 320Wp PV Modules. The PV Module will be procured from Jinko Solar.

4.3.2 Grid-Tied String Inverter

For the proposed one-Megawatt solar plant, 40 nos. of 25 kW Grid-tied String inverters will
be used. Tabuchi Electric Co., Ltd. - Japan is the manufacturer of these inverters.

4.3.3 Master Box for Three-Phase Solar

This is the Collective control device for multiple solar inverters. Basic Functions of Master
Box are-

4.3.4 Remote Control

- Start/Stop, Re-Start of Stopped Inverters, and Parameter Setting.

4.3.5 Display of Operating Status

- The state of the inverter is indicated byt he
- LED display on the Control Board.

4.3.6 Number of Solar Inverters

- Up to 20 solar inverters can be connected to a Master Box. Up to 10 Master
Boxes may be networked together

4.4 Plant Capacity Selection

Plant capacity of a roof-top solar power project mainly depends on available space and load
while other factors to be taken into consideration being shading effect, orientation of the
building, tilt angle of the building, load bearing capacity and backup generator capacity. There
is one 500 KVA generator, one 359 KVA Generator and one 60 KVA Generator installed. At
this moment only the 500 KVA generator is operation and the other two are under
maintenance. However, a new 800 KVA Generator is going to be installed in near future.

Present minimum load is 100 KW and the maximum load is 350-400KW. The factory is
expecting an increase a load of 700KW very shortly. The total installed load will be 1.4 MW
with a base load of 400 KW.

There is an 11KV/415V 500 KVA transformer installed in the factory. But the factory is going
to install a 1.6 MVA transformer shortly. To ensure net zero export and considering the
available roof space, the plant capacity was calculated to be 502 KWp.

The 890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar plant, to be installed at the Far
East Spinning Industries Ltd, Madhabpur, Habiganj, is a grid tied peak load support system.
The plant will be divided into two segments 1) 919.8kWp PV on the ground in front of the

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Chapter 4: Technical Aspects Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

factory building and on the rooftop of the substation 2) 180.6kWp on the Utility bay. The plant
will consist of total 3438 nos. of 320Wp PV modules, 40 nos. of inverters (36nos. active + 4
spare) and will feed power directly in to the factory’s live BBT system. The plant is expected
to inject 1756MWh energy in to the factory annually which is approx. 8% - 10% of its annual

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Chapter 5: Analysis of alternatives Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


5.1 General
An ESA should describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the proposed project or to the
location of the proposed project site that could feasibly avoid or lessen any significant
environmental impacts of the proposed project while attaining most of the project’s basic
objectives. An ESA also must compare and evaluate the environmental effects and
comparative merits of the alternatives. This chapter describes alternatives considered but
eliminated from further consideration (including the reasons for elimination) and compares the
environmental impacts of several alternatives retained with those of the proposed project.
The range of feasible alternatives is selected and discussed in a manner to foster meaningful
public participation and informed decision making. Among the factors that may be taken into
account when addressing the feasibility of alternatives are environmental impacts, site
suitability, economic viability, social and political acceptability, technological capacity,
availability of infrastructure, general plan consistency, regulatory limitations, jurisdictional
boundaries, and whether the proponent could reasonably acquire, control, or otherwise have
access to an alternative site. An ESA need not consider an alternative whose effects could
not be reasonably identified, whose implementation is remote or speculative, and that would
not achieve the basic project objectives.
The proposed project has the potential to have significant adverse effects on visual amenity;
air quality; noise; biological resources; cultural resources; geology/soils; GHG emission;
hazards and hazardous materials; hydrology and water quality; land use and planning; noise;
public services; transportation and traffic; and utilities and service systems within the County.
Even with the mitigation measures described in Chapter 7 of this ESA impacts in some of
these issue areas would be significant and unavoidable. Therefore, this section discusses
alternatives that are capable of avoiding or substantially lessening effects on these resources.

5.2 Do Nothing
The Do Nothing Alternative in respect to the proposed project implies that the status quo is
maintained. This option is most suitable alternative from an extreme environmental
perspective as it ensures non-interference with the existing conditions. However, the project
activities have already been started. This option will however, involve several losses to both
the project proponent and the donor organization. The property will remain under-utilized. The
No Project Option is the least preferred from the socio-economic and partly environmental
since if the project is not done.
 The economic benefits especially during construction i.e. provision of jobs for
skilled and non-skilled workers will not be realized.
 There will be no generation of income by the developer to the Government.
 The local skills would remain under-utilized.
 No employment opportunities will be created who will work in the project area.
 Discouragement for donors to allot this level of standard and affordable

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Chapter 5: Analysis of alternatives Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

5.3 Alternatives Energy Generation Technology

This alternative would involve the use of wind energy as an alternative to development of a
solar site. Similar to solar power, power from the wind is an alternative to energy production
from nonrenewable resources like coal and oil, or nuclear sources.
While the project area has been identified as suitable for solar projects based on the solar
insolation levels (the amount of solar radiation energy) in the area, wind energy production is
not well suited to the project site due in sufficient area to drive wind turbines on the ground
area and rooftop.

5.4 Alternative Land Use

As the proposed project is for ground area and rooftop solar system, no alternative land use
selection is possible.

5.5 Alternative Site

Relocation option to a different site is an option available for the project implementation. At
the moment, there are no alternative sites for the proposed development (i.e. the project
proponent doesn’t have an alternative site). This means that the proponent has to look for
another rooftop if relocation is proposed and rooftop is not available and if available, it will be
too expensive for the proponent to realize his dream.
Looking for another rooftop to accommodate the scale and size of the project and completing
official transaction on it may take a long period. In addition, it is not a guarantee that such land
would be available. It’s also worth noting that the said project is already underway in terms of
seeking development approvals in various government departments.
The project proponent would spend another long period of time on design and approvals of
the plans by the relevant government departments. The project design and planning before
the stage of implantation would call for cost; already encountered in the proposed
development i.e. whatever has been done and paid to date would be counted as a loss to the
proponent. Assuming the project will be given a positive response (after relocation) by the
relevant authorities including DoE, it (project) would have been delayed for a long period
before implementation. This would also lead to a situation like No Action Alternative. In
consideration of the above concerns and assessment of the current proposed site, relocation
is not a viable option.

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6.1 General
The baseline environmental quality is assessed through field studies within the impact zone
for various components of the environment, viz. air, noise, water, land and socio-economic,
etc. The primary objective of identifying and describing existing environmental conditions is to
provide an understanding of the baseline conditions prior to undertaking any development

Data was collected from secondary sources for the macro-environmental setting like climate
(temperature, rainfall, humidity, and wind speed), physiography, geology etc. Firsthand
information has been collected to record the micro-environmental features within and adjacent
to the project area. Collection of primary information includes extrapolating environmental
features on proposed project design, tree inventories, location and measurement of socio-
cultural features adjoining proposed project area. Ambient air, noise, and water quality
samples were collected in terms of environment quality to prepare a baseline database.
Consultation was another source of information to explain local environmental conditions,
impacts, and suggestions, etc.

The following section describes the baseline environment into three broad categories:

 Physical Environment- factors such geology, climate and hydrology;

 Ecological Environment- factors related to life such as flora, fauna and ecosystem;
 Social Environment- anthropological factors like demography, income, land use and

6.2 Physical Environment

Physical environment denotes the physical features that occur naturally (air, water, soil,
atmosphere, etc.). In order to depict the existing physical environment in the project area, a
few of the major parameters are considered like geology & soil, ambient air, noise, surface &
ground water, etc.

6.2.1 Climate
The project area is heavily influenced by the Asiatic monsoon and it has three distinct seasons:
 Pre-monsoon hot season (from March to May),
 Rainy monsoon season (from June to October), and
 Cool dry winter season (from November to February).
High temperatures and thunderstorms characterize the pre-monsoon hot season. April is the
hottest month in the country with mean temperatures ranging from 27°C in the east and south,
to 31°C in the west-central part of the country. After April, increasing cloud-cover reduces the
temperature. Wind direction is variable during this season, especially during the early part.
Rainfall, mostly caused by thunderstorms, at this time can account for 10 to 25 percent of the
annual total.

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The rainy monsoon season is characterized by southerly or south-westerly winds, very high
humidity, heavy rainfall and long periods of consecutive days of rainfall. The monsoon rain is
caused by a tropical depression that enters the country from the Bay of Bengal. About 80% of
the annual precipitation occurs during the five-month monsoon season from May to
The cool dry season is characterized by low temperatures, cool air blowing from the west or
northwest, clear skies and meager rainfall. The average temperature in January varies from
17°C in the northwest and north-eastern parts of the country to 20°C to 21°C in the coastal
areas. Minimum temperatures in the extreme northwest in late December and early January
reach between 3°C to 4°C.
Although less than half of Bangladesh lies within the tropics, the presence of the Himalaya
mountain range has created a tropical macroclimate across most of the east Bengal land
mass. Bangladesh can be divided into seven climatic zones (Rashid 1991). According to the
Figure 6.1, the project site falls in the South-Central Region Climate Zone.
South-central zone: In this zone, rainfall is abundant, being above 1,900 mm. The range of
temperature is, as can be expected, much less than to the west, but somewhat more than in
Southeastern zone. This is a transitory zone between the Southeastern, Northwestern and
Southwestern zones and most of the severe hailstorms, nor are ‘westers and tornadoes
recorded in this area.

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Figure 6.1: Climatic Zone of Bangladesh

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) Temperature

The minimum monthly average temperature in the project area lies within November to
February which varies generally from 9.5°C to 16.6°C while the maximum monthly average
temperature is seen in April which is around 32.8°C. Figure 6.2 shows the monthly maximum
and minimum average temperature at Srimangal station from 1995 to 2013.

Figure 6.2 Variation of Monthly Surface Air Temperature of Srimangal Station Humidity

Figure 6.2 shows the average monthly humidity in the region varied from 70% to 85% depicted
data from the year 1995 to 2013. In general, the relative humidity of the study area is the
lowest in January to May and from June there is a steady increase until November and then
December decrease is observed down to January again.

(Source: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)

Figure 6.3: Monthly Average Humidity of Srimangal Station (1995-2013)

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) Rainfall

The maximum annual rainfall was about 3145 mm in the year of 2002 at the project area.
About 90% of the total rainfall has been recorded during monsoon. The rainfall data collected
from the above stated station represents that maximum rainfall occurs during May to
September and the lowest rainfall occurs in November to February during winter season.
Statistical data of 1995 to 2013 shows that Srimangal stations experience almost 450 mm
rainfall during monsoon. In the month of December and January of winter season around 8
mm rainfall occurred in the region of Srimangal weather station.

(Source: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)

Figure 6.4: Monthly Average Rainfall of Srimangal Station Evaporation

Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor and back
into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapor. The atmosphere of this zone always enrich
with humidity because of high evaporation over the wetlands water surface. Solar radiation
and evaporation are maximum during the pre-monsoon periods compared to the rest of the
year. During high temperature in March-May, the evaporation from the soil also became high
which further increased the soil alkalinity. A significant rainfall during this period could help
mitigate the alkalinity problem. Wind Speed

The statistical wind speed data from 1995 to 2013 (Figure 4.6) shows that average wind speed
remained maximum with 3.38 knots in March. The minimum wind speed was 1.37 knots in the
month of December in the area of Srimangal weather station.

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

(Source: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)

Figure 6.5: Graphical representation of Wind speed at Srimangal Station Cloud Coverage

The statistical cloud coverage data from 1995 to 2013 shows that average cloud coverage
remained maximum from 5 octas to 6.4 octas during June to September. The minimum cloud
coverage was 1.31 octas in the month of December recorded in the area of Srimangal weather

(Source: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)

Figure 6.6: Average Monthly Cloud Coverage at Srimangal Station Sunshine

Sunshine hour refers to the duration of solar insolation over a specific region in a day. Cloud
coverage directly influence the sunshine hour. The average sunshine remained maximum with
7.9 hours in February. The minimum sunshine was 4.22 hours in the month of June in the area
of Srimangal weather station

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

(Source: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)

Figure 6.7: Average Monthly Maximum Sunshine at Srimangal Station Ambient Air Quality

Ambient air quality refers to the background air quality levels in a region, characterized by
concentrations of various pollutants in the atmosphere. The presence of air pollutants and
their concentrations depends on the type of polluting sources, and other factors that influence
their flow and dispersion. In most cases vehicular emissions are the predominant source of
air pollution.

Figure 6.8 Air Quality Monitoring at Project Site

Ambient air quality measurements are essential to provide a description of the existing
conditions or the baseline against which changes can be measured and to assist in the
determination of potential impacts of the proposed ground area and rooftop solar project air
quality. Air quality test has been conducted on 13th March 2018 at the proposed project site
and the test was analyzed by DSCL Environmental Laboratory. The test results (Appendix A)
is given in the below Table 6.1. According to Bangladesh National Ambient Air Quality
Standards from the Environmental Conservation Rules, 1997 which was amended on 19th July
2005 vide S.R.O. No. 220-Law/2005; PM10, PM2.5and SPM of the local ambient air exceeded
Bangladesh standard. The other parameters were within the Bangladesh Standard.

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Table 6-1: Test Results of Ambient Air Quality Analysis

Concentration Bangladesh Duration Weather Method of
Parameter Unit
at Project Site Standard** (hours) Condition Analysis
PM10 µg/m3 98 150 24 Gravimetric
PM2.5 µg/m3 35 65 24 Gravimetric
SPM µg/m 3 123 200 24 Gravimetric
SO2 µg/m3 5.74 365 24 West- Geake
CO* ppm 1 9 8 CO-Meter
Pb µg/m 3 0.1 0.5 24 AAS Method
* Onsite Test Using Field Test Kit
Source: Lab Analysis by DSCL Environmental Laboratory
* CO concentrations and standards are 8-hourly only.
** The Bangladesh National Ambient Air Quality Standards have been taken from the Environmental Conservation Rules,
1997 which was amended on 19thJuly 2005 vide S.R.O. No. 220-Law/2005.
***WHO AQGs have been taken from WHO Air Quality Guideline Standards (AQGs), Global Update, 2006.
Project Site GPS Coordination: Latitude - 24.13454°N, Longitude - 91.35057°°E
Abbreviation: PM2.5 - Fine Particulate Matter, PM10 - Respirable Dust Content, SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter, SO2 -
Sulphur Di-oxide, NOX - Oxides of Nitrogen, CO - Carbon Monoxide, µg/m3 - microgram/cubic meter, ppm - parts per million.

6.2.2 Physiography
In the context of physiography, Bangladesh can be divided into three broad categories based
on topography, physical features, and geological history (Brammer, 1996):

1. Floodplains
2. Terraces
3. Hills

Within these 3 broad categories, a number of authors have further divided the land surface
into a series of Physiographic Units based on a combination of topographical/landscape
features, underlying geology and surface soils (Brammer, 1996, Rashid, 1991, Morgan and
McIntyre, 1959). The most recent study was undertaken by the Soil Resource Development
Institute (SRDI) who further refined the previous classifications into 26 Physiographic Units
(20 primary units and 6 sub-units) based on an assessment of more recent and detailed data
(SRDI, 1997).

Physiography is the description of the physical nature (form, substance, arrangement,

changes) of objects, especially of natural features. Physiographic region/unit refers to a region
of which all parts are similar in terms of physical characteristics and which have consequently
had a uniform geomorphic history, and whose pattern of topographical features or landforms
differs significantly from that of adjacent regions. The project location comprises the Northern
and Eastern piedmont plain (Figure 6.8)

Northern and eastern piedmont plains generally sloping piedmont plains border the
northern and eastern hills; (similar piedmont plains adjoining the hills in Chittagong region
have been included in the Chittagong coastal plain). These plains, which comprise coalesced
alluvial fans, mainly have silty or sandy deposits near to the hills, grading into clays in the
basin adjoining the neighbouring floodplains. The whole area is subject to flash floods during
the rainy season. On the higher parts, flooding is mainly intermittent and shallow; but it is

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

moderately deep or deep in the basin. The sub-region covers most or parts of the upazilas of
Nalitabari (Sherpur), Tahirpur, Bishwamvarpur, Dowarabazar, Companiganj (Sylhet),
Gowainghat, Madhabpur, Habiganj Sadar, Chunarughat, Sreemangal, Kamalganj and

6.2.3 Regional and Site Topography

Topography is the configuration of a land surface including its relief and contours, the
distribution of mountains and valleys, the patterns of rivers, and all other features, natural and
artificial, that produce the landscape. Although Bangladesh is a small country, it has
considerable topographic diversity. It has three distinctive features: (i) a broad alluvial plain
subject to frequent flooding, (ii) a slightly elevated relatively older plain, and (iii) a small hill
region drained by flashy rivers.

The general topography of the project area is relatively flat. The general topography of the
project area is moderately flat. The topography of the specific project location is 10.85 – 14.94
a.m.s.l (Figure 6.9). Topographically the cluster of the project location is almost flat, with many
depressions, natural water bodies, bounded by the Rivers.

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Figure 6.9: Physiography of the Project Area

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Figure 6.10: Topography of the Project Area

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6.2.4 Geology
Geological structure of project area belongs to the northeastern folded area of Bangladesh.
The fold belt is characterized by folding of the sedimentary layers into a series of anticlines
(upward folds) and synclines (downward fold), refer to the Tripura Chittagong Fold Belt as
show in Figure 4.11. The age of the sediments outcropping in the folded belt ranges from
Lower Miocene (about 24 million years before the present) to recent age. The Miocene
sediments were deposited under marine and predominantly deltaic conditions in a rapidly
subsiding, unstable basin, while the depositional environments were governed by subaqueous
to subaerial, fluviatile to lacustrine conditions in Plio-Pleistocene times (5 million years to 0.1
million years before the present).

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Figure 6.11: Geology of the Project Area

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

6.2.5 Soil Quality

Soils of the project area are mainly formed from recent alluvial sediments. The area has a
wide variation in geology and landforms due to variation of sediment deposits or deposited in
different times. Soils of the area are grey silty clay loams and clay loam on the higher parts
that dry out seasonally and grey clays in the wet basins. The soils have a moderate content
of organic matter and soil reaction is mainly acidic. Fertility level is medium to high. According
to the 24 general soil types of Bangladesh (Figure 6.11) the project area falls in the soil tract
group 13 which are non-calcareous alluvium and brown hill soils.

6.2.6 Agro-Ecological Zones within the Project Area

Thirty agro-ecological zones and 88 sub-zones have been identified by adding successive
layers of information on the physical environment which are relevant for land use and
assessing agricultural potential. These layers are: 1) Physiography (land forms and parent
materials), 2) Soils, 3) Depth and duration of seasonal flooding and 4) Agro-climatology,
comprising four elements: length of Kharif and Rabi growing seasons, length of pre-Kharif
transition period, number of days below certain winter critical temperatures (<150C) and
number of days with extremely high summer temperature (>400C)].
The project area falls in the agro-ecological region of the Northern and Eastern Piedmont Plain
(AEZ-22). The locations of agro-ecological zones are shown in Figure 6.12.

This is a discontinuous region occurring as a narrow strip of land at the foot of the northern
and eastern hills. The region comprises merging alluvial fans which slope gently outward from
the foot of the northern and eastern hills into smooth, low-lying basins. Grey piedmont soils
and non-calcareous grey floodplain soils are the major general soil types of the area. Soils of
the area are loams to clays, slightly acidic to strongly acidic in reaction. General fertility level
is low to medium.

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Figure 6.12: General Soil Type Map of Bangladesh

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Figure 6.13: Agro-ecological Regions of Bangladesh

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6.2.7 Hydrology
The rivers of Bangladesh mark both the physiography of the nation and the life of the people.
About 700 in number, these rivers generally flow south. The larger rivers serve as the main
source of water for cultivation and as the principal arteries of commercial transportation. Rivers
also provide fish, an important source of protein. Flooding of the rivers during the monsoon
season causes enormous hardship and hinders development, but fresh deposits of rich silt
replenish the fertile but overworked soil. The rivers also drain excess monsoon rainfall into the
Bay of Bengal. Thus, the great river system is at the same time the country's principal resource
and its greatest hazard. The profusion of rivers can be divided into five major networks.
- The Jamuna-Brahmaputra
- The second system is the Padma-Ganges
- The third network is the Surma-Meghna system.
- The fourth river system--the Padma-Meghna
- A fifth river system, unconnected to the other four, is the Karnaphuli.

The project area falls in the third river system of Bangladesh. The project area covers Khowai,
Kushiyara and Upper Meghna River. Khowai River is a trans-boundary river that originates in
the eastern part of the Atharamura Hills of Tripura in India. Flowing north-north-west, it leaves
India at Khowai, and enters Bangladesh at Balla in Habiganj District. The river passes east of
Habiganj town, where it is under pressure from encroachment and pollution. North of town it
turns west, and joins the Kushiyara River.
The third network is the Surma-Meghna system, which courses from the northeastern border
with India to Chandpur, where it joins the Padma. The Surma-Meghna, at 669 kilometers by
itself the longest river in Bangladesh, is formed by the union of six lesser rivers. Below the city
of Kalipur it is known as the Meghna. When the Padma and Meghna join together, they form
the fourth river system--the Padma-Meghna--which flows 145 kilometers to the Bay of Bengal.
The following Figures 6.13 shows the river network map of the project area respectively. Surface Water

On 14th March 2018, surface water sample was collected by environmental team from a pond
near the project area. The Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) analyzed the
sample. The result (Appendix B) of the surface water sample and the GoB standards for fishing
water (ECR, 1997) are shown in Table 6.2.

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Table 6-2: Results for Surface Water Quality

Concentration Bangladesh
Water Quality Parameters Unit Method of Analysis
Present Standard
pH* --- 7.98 6.5-8.5 pH Meter
Temperature* - 29.9oC -
Electrical Conductivity (EC)* mg/l 367 -
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)* mg/l 786 - TDS Meter
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)* mg/l 4.4 6 Multimeter
Salinity* mg/l 179 -
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/l 80 4 CRM
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) mg/l 18 0.2 5 Days Incubation
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l 26 10 Gravity Multimeter
Phosphate mg/l 1.52 6 UV-VIS
Nitrogen (Amonia) mg/l 0.83 0.50 UV-VIS
Nitrogen (Nitrate) mg/l 19 10 UV-VIS
* Onsite Test Using Field Test Kit, Source: Lab Analysis by DPHE

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Figure 6.14: River Network Map of the Project

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Fig: 6.15 Surface water sampling in the project area Ground Water

Arsenic is a problem in large part of Bangladesh ground water. The project area also has
acceptable limit of Arsenic levels in ground water. The acceptable quantity of arsenic in
potable water is 0.05 mg per liter under the Department of Environment standard and 0.01 mg
per liter under the WHO standards (Figure 6.15).
Based on field observations and interviews with local residents it was found that groundwater
in the area is used as a drinking water source in many instances, as well as for irrigation
purposes. Water is generally extracted via hand pump (tube wells) from the shallow regions
of the composite aquifer, and via machine-driven pumps (deep tube wells) which draw from
the deeper main aquifers. The ground water reservoir usually recharges from rainfall, floods
and river. In summer season, the water table slightly goes down and goes up in rainy season.
On 14th March 2018, groundwater sample was collected by environmental team from a tube
well near the project area. The Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) analyzed the
sample. The result (see Appendix C) of the groundwater sample and the GoB standards for
drinking water (ECR, 1997) are shown in Table 6.3. All the parameters concentration levels
are within the acceptable limit of Bangladesh drinking water quality standard set by DoE
except for Chloride. The concentration levels of Chloride are not within the drinking water
quality standard set by DOE. However, other three measured parameters are within the
standard quality.
Table 6-3: Results for Ground Water Quality
Concentration Drinking Water Quality Method of
Parameters Unit
Present Standard, DOE Analysis
pH* --- 6.9 6.5-8.5 pH Meter
Electric mg/l 204 - EC Meter
Dissolved mg/l 3.0
Temperature* 29.4oC
Total Dissolved mg/l - TDS Meter
Solids (TDS)*

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Concentration Drinking Water Quality Method of

Parameters Unit
Present Standard, DOE Analysis
Salinity* mg/l 99
Alkalinity mg/l 80 - Trimetric
Arsenic (As) mg/l 0.001 0.05 AAS
Chloride (Cl-) mg/l 12 150-600 Trimetric
Iron (Fe) mg/l 0.11 0.3-1.0 AAS

Fig: 6.16 Ground water sampling in the project area

6.2.8 Noise Assessment

Excessive noise is a potential issue for both human and biological receivers and can
potentially cause a range of negative issues, from mild annoyance and moderately elevated
levels of aggression to significant disturbance of behavioral patterns and in severe cases
temporary or permanent hearing loss. According to World Health Organization’s Guidelines
for Community Noise (1999), daily sound pressure levels of 50 decibels (dB) or above can
create discomfort amongst humans, while ongoing exposure to sound pressure levels over 85
dB is usually considered the critical level for temporary hearing damage.

The noise level of the surroundings of the project area is insignificant. The proposed site is
presently using for agriculture and the anthropogenic disturbance is less. However, there is
negligible sound pollution from the traffic movement on the nearby road. Noise level has been
monitored at inside and outside of the project location (Appendix C) during day time (Figure
6.16). Results of the noise level monitored along with details of the sampling locations have
been showed in Table 6.3. The results show that time weighted average value of the
sound monitored at inside and outside of the project area exceeded the standard fixed
for Auto-knitting section, Generator section and Sewing section. For the other locations,
the noise level was within the national standard.

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Fig: 6.17 Noise Level Measurements in the Project Area

Table 6-4: Noise Level at Different Locations of Project Area

Noise Level
GPS Starting Time Standard
ID Location Zone dB(A) Remarks
Location at Day Time
at Day Time
dB (A)
Substation area of 24.13593°N, 10:39 am 65
NM-01 Commercial 47.17 Low
Industry 91.35070°E
Spinning Section Commercial 24.13452°N, 11:01 am 65
NM-02 83.36 High
of the Industry 91.35057°E
Back Side of the Commercial 24.13383°N, 11:25 am 65
NM-03 53.16 Low
Industry 91.34953°E
Entrance of the Commercial 24.13409°N, 12:57 pm 65
NM-04 55.81 Low
Industry 91.35143°E
 Land use category is based on the classification provided in the Noise Pollution Control Rules (2006)
 Shaded cells indicate noise levels in excess of Noise Pollution Control Rules ambient noise limits for a given land use area
 The sound level standards for residential area are 45 dBA , for silent area 50 dBA and for commercial area 70 dBA at day time
 The sound level standards for silent area are 35 dBA, for residential area 40 dBA and for commercial area 60 dBA at night time
Noise Level is the average noise recorded over the duration of the monitoring period
NM- Noise Measurement, dB- decibel

6.2.9 Seismicity
Bangladesh is situated in one of the most tectonically active regions in the world. Here is
where three major plates meet (the Indian Plate, the Tibet Sub-Plate, and the Burmese Sub-
Plate). The project area is located over the Indian Plate, which is moving north. However due
to the location of relevant plates, fault lines and hinge zones, Bangladesh itself is divided into
three seismic zones (Table 6.4), based on the ranges of the seismic coefficient (note: the
seismic coefficient is a measure of how strong an earthquake has the potential to be based
on a combination of the mass of the plate and the seismic forces acting on it, as well as how
frequently these quakes are likely to occur). As per the seismic zone map (Figure 6.17),
project area falls in the zone I. The northeastern folded regions of Bangladesh are the most
active zones and belong to the zone-I. The zone I consists of the regions and the Bask

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coefficient for this zone is 0.08. The project area within the vicinity of Habiganj district falls in
seismic zone I of the seismic zoning map of Bangladesh.

Table 6-5: Seismic Zonation of Bangladesh

Bask Seismic
Zoning Area Mercalli Scale
I North and eastern regions of Bangladesh (Seismically most active) 0.08
Lalmai, Barind, Madhupur Tracts, Dhaka, Comilla, Noakhali and western part of
II 0.05
Chittagong Folded belt.
III Khulna division S-E Bangladesh (Seismically relatively quiet) 0.04

6.2.10 Climate Change and Natural Hazards

Building large solar power plants requires significant long-term investment so understanding
impacts from climate change will aid financial planning, technology selection, and energy
output projections. Climate change and its associated impacts will be experienced through
changing temperatures and precipitation, rising sea levels, changes in the frequency and
severity of climate extremes and in the dynamics of hazardous conditions (IPCC, 2007).
Developing countries are considered to be particularly susceptible to climate change because
of their exposures and sensitivities to climate-related extremes, and especially because of
their limited adaptive capabilities to deal with the effects of hazardous events. Given this
limited capacity to adapt, they are considered to be particularly vulnerable to damages
associated with climate, just as they are particularly vulnerable to other stresses.

Climate change is a global issue. The world’s climate is changing and will continue to change
in the coming century. Climate Change is basically the change in climate over a time period
that ranges from decades to centuries. It is a normal part of the Earth’s natural variability,
which is related to interactions among the atmosphere, ocean, and land, as well as changes
in the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth. However, the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as “A change of climate which is attributed directly
or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which
is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods” (IPCC,
2007) defines the term “climate change”. The risks associated with these changes are real but
highly uncertain. Societal vulnerability to the risks associated with climate change may
exacerbate ongoing social and economic challenges, particularly for those parts of societies
in developing countries dependent on resources that are sensitive to changes in climate.

Bangladesh is recognized worldwide as one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts
of climate change. This is due to dominance of floodplains, low elevation from the sea, high
population density, high levels of poverty, and overwhelming dependence on nature, its
resources and services. The country has a history of extreme climatic events claiming millions
of lives and destroying past development gains. The people and social system have
knowledge and experience of coping with the effects of such events–to some degree and
extent. Historically, Bangladesh is trying to adapt with the changing environment. The Inter-
government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has identified the country as one of the most
vulnerable countries to climate change, which may severely affect lives and livelihoods of
millions of Bangladeshi people in coming decades. In this regard, Bangladesh has already
prepared the National Adaptation Programme on Action (NAPA) and Climate Change Strategy
and Action Plan (MoEF, 2005 and MoEF, 2009).

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

According to the fourth assessment, report of IPCC, continued greenhouse gas emissions at
or above current rates would cause further warming and induce many changes in the global
climate system during the 21st century, which would very likely be more severe than those
observed during the 20th century would.

Photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation depends on solar irradiance, named surface-down

welling shortwave (that is, wavelength interval 0.2–4.0 μm) radiation (RSDS) by climate
models, and other atmospheric variables affecting panel efficiency, namely surface air
temperature (TAS) and surface wind velocity (VWS). Climate change may therefore affect PV
power generation and its temporal stability for a given panel fleet.

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Fig 6.18: Seismic Zones of Bangladesh

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

6.2.11 Biological Environment

The countries of South and Southeast Asia are recognized by International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to be regions of high species diversity. A large number of
native plants, including 3,000-4,000 species of woody flora, have been recorded from
Bangladesh. The country lies at the meeting point (ecotonal region) of several floristic
provinces, including the Manipur-Khasia, Bengal and North Burman provinces within the
Indo-Malayan realm (IUCN, 2002).

Bangladesh was once well forested, but most of the native forests have disappeared in recent
decades due to mounting pressure from human populations. Only scattered patches of native
trees, wetlands and associated fauna habitat remain in isolated locations within the terrestrial
environment (IUCN, 2002). In many parts of the country, the abundance of plantations and
groves of trees around villages creates an aspect of discontinuous forest (Wahab, 2008).

The floodplains of Bangladesh have long been subject to cultivation, the most dominant land
use within the project area, with only scattered patches of native trees, wetlands and
associated fauna habitat remaining in isolated locations within the terrestrial environment
(IUCN, 2002).

6.2.12 Bio-ecological Zones

Within a relatively small geographic boundary, Bangladesh enjoys a diverse array of
ecosystems. Being a low-lying deltaic country, seasonal variation in water availability is the
major factor, which generates different ecological scenarios of Bangladesh. Temperature,
rainfall, physiographic variations in soil and different hydrological conditions play vital roles in
the country's diverse ecosystems. The ecosystems of Bangladesh could be categorized into
two major groups, i.e. (i) land based and (ii) aquatic. The land-based ecosystems include
forest and hill ecosystems, agro-ecosystems and homestead ecosystems; while seasonal
and perennial wetlands, rivers, lakes, coastal mangroves, coastal mudflats and chars, and
marine ecosystems fall into the aquatic category.

Each of the ecosystems has many sub-units with distinct characteristics as well. IUCN
Bangladesh in 2002 classified the country into twenty-five bio-ecological zones (Figure 6.18).
The project area falls below the bio-ecological zone.
Sylhet Hills (4,573 sq km) the region occupies the lower, western side of the Surma-
Kushiyara floodplain. Relief is locally irregular near rivers. Soils of the area are grey silty clay
loams and clay loam on the higher parts that dry out seasonally and grey clays in the wet
basins. The soils have a moderate content of organic matter and soil reaction is mainly acidic.
Fertility level is medium to high.
6.2.13 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna
The status of terrestrial floras and faunas at the project site were assessed from visual
observations, review of literature, and information documented by other agencies. The project
area consists of several ecological subsystems e.g. open agricultural land, homesteads, and
roadside vegetation. The open agriculture land ecosystem dominates the area providing
widespread habitat types for various species of flora and fauna under flooded and non-
flooded conditions. The vegetation covers of agricultural lands are different crop species,
weeds and other herbaceous plants species. The faunal species in the agriculture land and

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

roadside bush ecosystems include birds, amphibians, fishes, snakes rodents and few
mammals. The homestead ecosystem provides the main tree covered areas within rural
Bangladesh including the project site. Fruit, timber, fuel wood, medicinal plants and various
multipurpose tree species cover the homesteads. The wildlife species in homestead
ecosystem include the birds, amphibians, reptiles, rodents and mammals like mongoose,
jackal, cats, monkey, etc. Many of the species including mammals are vulnerable or/and
endangered in Bangladesh due to habitat loss, over exploitation, natural calamities and
lacking of management. The project command area is not the specific habitat for any
particular species of flora and fauna hence none such species will be specifically affected
due to project implementation.

6.2.14 Flora
The project influence area (PIA) has mixed vegetation. The area is mostly dominated by
roadside vegetation. Besides some fruit trees were also observed. The data collected from
the field survey and suggests that the predominant species are those of cultivated vegetables
and trees. A detailed list of terrestrial floral species found in the project area is shown in Table

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Fig 6.19: Bio-ecological Zones of Bangladesh

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Table 6-6: List of Flora in the Project Influenced Area

Scientific Name Local Name Family Habit Habitat Status

Acacia aurculiformios Akasia Leguminosae Tree Riverside C
Albizia procera Shilkoroi Leguminosae Tree Homestead C
Areca catechu Shupari Arecaceae Tree Homestead C
Axonopus compressus Ghash Poaceae Herb Riverside C
Azadirachta indica Neem Meliaceae Tree Homestead LC
Benincasa hispida Chalkumra Cucurbitaceae Herb Cultivated CU
Capsicum annum Kachamorich Solanaceae Herb Cultivated CU
Carica papaya Papey Caricaceae Tree Cultivated C
Citrus aurantifolia Lebu Rutaceae Shrub Homestead C
Cocos nucifera Narikal Arecaceae Tree Homestead C
Cucurbita maxima Mishti kumra Cucurbitaceae Herb Cultivated CU
Delonix regia Krishnachura Leguminosae Tree Homestead C
Eucalyptus Citriodora Eucalyptus Tree Homestead LC
Lablab purpureus Seem Leguminosae Herb Cultivated CU
Lagenaria vulgaris Lao Cucurbitaceae Herb Cultivated C
Lawsonia inermis Mendi Lythraceae Shrub Homestead LC
Mangifera indica Aam Anacardiaceae Tree Homestead C
Artocarpus heterophyllus Kathal Moraceae Tree Homestead C
Musa sapientum Kola Musaceae Herb Cultivated C
Oryza stiva Dhan Poaceae Herb Cultivated CU
Psidium guajava Peyara Myrtaceae Tree Homestead LC
Samanea saman Rain tree Leguminosae Tree Homestead LC
Solanum melongena Begun Solanaceae Herb Homestead CU
Syzygium cumini Jam Myrtaceae Tree Homestead C
Tagetes patula Ganda Asteraceae Herb Homestead CU
Tectona grandis Shegun Verbenaceae Tree Homestead LC
Zizyphus mauritiana Boroi Rhamnaceae Tree Homestead LC
Swietenia Mahagoni Meheguni Meliaceae Tree Homestead LC
Dalbergia Shishu Shishu Leguminosae Tree Homestead LC
Bamboo Spp. Bash Gramine Shrub Homestead LC
Eichhornia crassipes Kochuripana Pontederiaceae Herb Wetland LC
Aphanamixis ploystachya Pitraj Meliaceae Tree Homestead UC
Litchi chinenses Lichu Sapindceae Tree Homestead UC
Bombax ceiba Shimul Bombacaceae Tree Homestead LC
Phoenix sylvestris Khejur Palmae Tree Homestead C
Ficus bengalensis Bot Moraceae Tree Homestead LC
C= Common, CU= Critically Uncommon, LC= Least Common, UC= Uncommon Fauna

The diversified habitat and ecosystem in the project area support various types of animals as
given in Table 6.6. Primary and secondary mode was adopted for identification of fauna. Most
of the birds are identified through direct observation rather than from people. Most of the
amphibians, reptiles and mammals were identified by using books and description of the local
people during the field survey.

Fish is still reasonably available in the area, given the overall and increasing scarcity of fish
in the country. Small fishes, which are very popular also in overall Bangladesh, are available
and caught and used widely, particularly during early monsoon and pre- winter season.

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Among reptiles, narrow headed soft-shell turtle deserves special mention. Among birds, Bok,
Salik, Finge etc. deserve special mention.
The fishes include catfishes (Magur and Shing), major carps (Katla, Rui and Mrigal), minor
carps (Puti), other (Tengra, Boal, Mola, Taki, Shol). Also prawn, particularly the popular small
prawns, locally known as Ichha, Wildlife, and Reptile. The common types of reptiles are
found in the area, water snake, house lizard, soft-shell, etc.
Mostly Toads and frogs- two species are prominent.

These include bengal fox, small indian mongoose, flying fox etc. No major mammal species
of national significance are present in this area.

A number of those are including common kingfishers, House crow, House sparrow, etc.

Table 6-7: List of Fauna in the Project Influenced Area

Scientific Name English Name Local Name
Class: Amphibia
Bufo melanostictus Common Toad Kuno bang NO
Rana temporalis Bull Frog Kola bang NO
R. pipens Grass Frog Sona bang NO
Class: Reptilia
Hemidactylus flaviviridis Common House Lizard Tiktiki NO
Calotes versicolor Common Garden Lizard Rokto-chosha NO
Varanus bengalensis Bengal monitor Gui shap VU
Xenochrophis piscator Checkered keelback Dhora shap NO
Amphiesma stolata Stripped keelback Dora shap NO
Enhydris enhydris Common smooth water Paina shap NO
Coluber mucosus Rat snake Daraj shap VU
Atretium schistosum Olive keelback Maitta shap NO
Class: Aves
Phalacrocorax niger Little cormorant Paan-kowri NO
Ardeola grayii Indian pond heron Kani bok NO
Casmerodius albus Great egret Sada bok NO
Haliastur indus Brahminy kite Shankho chil NO
Milvus migrans Black kite Bhubon chil NO
Streptopelia chinensis Spotted dove Tila Ghughu NO
Psittacula krameri Rose-ringed parakeet Tia NO
Eudynamys scolopacea Asian cuckoo Kokil NO
Tyto alba Barn owl Laxmi Pencha NO
Alcedo atthis Common kingfisher Choto Maachranga NO
Dinopium benghalense Black-rumped flameback Kaththokra NO
Corvus splendens House crow Pati Kak NO
Dicrurus macrocercus Black drongo Fingey NO
Copsychus saularis Oriental magpie robin Doel NO
A. tristis Common myna Bath Shalik NO
Orthotomus sutorius Common tailorbird Tuntuni NO
Passer domesticus House sparrow Charui NO

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Scientific Name English Name Local Name
Ploceus philippinus Baya weaver Babui NO
Class: Mammalia
Pteropus giganteus Flying Fox Badur NO
H. auropunctatus Small Indian Mongoose Benji NO
Felis chaus Jungle Cat Ban biral EN
Vulpes bengalensis Bengal Fox Khek shial VU
Viverricula indica Small Indian Civet Khatash VU
Rattus rattus Common House Rat Indur NO
Mus musculus House Mouse Nengri indur NO
Suncus murinus House Shrew Chicka NO
NO= Not Observed, VU= Vulnerable, EN= Endangered
6.2.15 Aquatic Flora and Fauna
Some aquatic plant species exist in the canal nearby the industry. The species commonly
found are Kochuripana, DholKalmi, Sheola, Malanchi, Kalmi, Helencha etc.

The species of fish found in the area are Mrigel, Rui, Katla, Grass Carp, Silver Carp, Mirror
Carp, Big Head, Koi, Tengra, Taki, Singh, Chingri, Loitta, etc.

It is observed from the consultations that no endangered/ rare fish species were identified.
No anticipated impact on aquatic species as well as fish species due to the project activities.

6.2.16 Protected Areas and Red Book Species

Many wildlife species are in stress in Bangladesh, many more are endangered/ threatened
and a large number already faced extinction. The status of faunal species in Bangladesh has
been published by IUCN (2000). According to the IUCN findings this country has lost 10% of
its mammalian fauna, 3% avifauna and 4% reptiles over the last 100 years. More than 50
species are presently critically endangered in Bangladesh of which 23 species are already
declared as endangered in the Red Data Book of IUCN. In addition, 83 species are
commercially threatened and are included in the appendices of Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Among the most endangered species are: elephant,
tiger, wild Cat, Leopard or wild goat, serao, dolphin; birds: white-winged duck, comb duck,
stork, carne, pheasant, partridge, and crocodile, python, monitor, lizard, tiger terrapin, roofed
turtle, soft turtle, and marine turtles.

In and around the project no environmentally protected areas were found. Construction
impacts on the rate of deforestation, loss of habitat, habitat fragmentation, and interruption of
wildlife migration patterns are not anticipated. Figure 6.19 shows that no environmental
sensitive area is present around the project region.

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Fig 6.20: Environmental Protected Areas in Project Area

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

6.3 Social Environment

This section provides a profile and analysis of the socio-economic characteristics and
practices that currently exist within the Project Area. Socio-economic baseline data has been
collected in order to achieve a number of outcomes, namely to:

 Assess potential impacts that may arise as a result of the Project;

 Provide a basis for the effective monitoring of the Project during construction and
operation; and to
 Allow for the evaluation of any social, economic and demographic changes in the
Project Area that could be attributable to the Project.
It is essential for every development project, whether small or large, to understand the social,
human and economic aspects of the primary stakeholders, i.e., people living in and around
the project site. Extensive literature review and field survey were used to collect the relevant
data/information on the social and economic aspects of affected people.

In addition, data obtained from secondary sources were compared with the primary
data/information gathered during the study. Data on population, age/sex composition,
household patterns, and sources of drinking water, sanitation facility, and ownership of
agricultural land were enumerated from the latest community series census published by the
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).

There is one local market (Haat) within 500 m of the proposed project site. There are also
schools and mosques near the proposed location with in 1km. The range of profession
includes business, farmer, service etc.

Habiganj subdivision was established in 1874 under Sylhet District and was turned into a
district in 1984. The district consists of 8 upadistricts, 77 unions, 1255 mauzas, 2143 villages,
6 paurashavas, 54 wards and 188 mahallas. The upadistricts are Ajmiriganj, Baniachang,
Bahubal, Chunarughat, Habiganj Sadar, Lakhai, Madhabpur and Nabiganj.

6.3.1 Demography
Demography is the scientific study of the number of population, especially with reference of
their size, structure, sex distribution, population density, literacy rate etc. The core point is
the Habiganj was one of the sub-divisions of former Sylhet District was created in 1888. It
was up-graded to a district on the 1 February, 1984. There are different views about the origin
of the district name. There is a popular view that in the past there lived a prominent man
named Habibullah, who set up a Ganj meaning trading centre in the present district
headquarters. It is belived that the district name might have been originated from the word
Habibullah and Ganj. Area and Location: Habiganj district is bounded on the north by
Sunamganj district, on the east by Maulvibazar district and Sylhet district, on the south by
Tripura state of India and on the west by Kishoreganj district and Brahmanbaria district. The
total area of the district is 2636.59 (1017.00 sq.miles) of which 149.48 (57.72)
sq.miles) are under forest. The district lies between 23°58’ and 24°42' north latitudes and
between 91°09' and 91°40' east longitudes.

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Habiganj Town Committee was established in 1881 and it was turned into a municipality in
1913. During the British period an embankment was constructed along the Khowai River to
protect the town. The main business centre of the town is Chowdhury Bazar.
The maximum and minimum temperature in Habiganj district varies from 33.2°C to 13.6°C.
The annual average rainfall of the district is 3334 mm.
Khowai, Sutang, Korangi, Kalni, Kushiyara, Gopala, Ratna and Barak are the important rivers
of Habiganj district.
Number of household, population and density: In Habigonj district, the total population is
1757665. Male population is 893020 and female population is 864645.
Table 6-8 Population of the Habigonj District

Total Population Number of Males Number of Females

1757665 893020 864645

Source: Banglapedia (2014)

Population by Religion: Census2011, BBS data shows that in Habigonj Muslims form 81.47
percent of the population (1431886). Other major religions in the city are Hinduism, at 18.26
percent (321077); Buddhism, at 0.11 percent (1973); Christianity, at 0.014 percent (258); and
others, at 0.14 percent (2471). Indigenous communities such as KHASIA and MANIPURI belong
to this upazila.
Table 6-9 Population Distribution by Religion

Muslim (%) Hindu (%) Buddhist (%) Christian (%) Other (%)
1757665 81.47 18.26 0.11 0.014 0.14
Source: Banglapedia (2014)

6.3.2 Livelihood
Livelihood means a supporting of one’s existence, especially in terms of financial support. It
encompasses people’s capability, assets, income, etc. Main sources of income are
commerce, employment, service, rent and remittance, transport and communication,
industry, religious service, agricultural and non-agricultural labor, construction, and others.
The percentage of the different livelihood sources of Habiganj City Corporation are presented
in below Table 6.10:
Table 6-10 Livelihood Sources of Habigonj
Income Source Rate (%)
Agriculture 61.13
Non-agricultural Laborer 7.20
industry 2.25%
Commerce 10.95
Transport & Communication 1.98
Service 4.58
Construction 1.13
religious service 0.39
rent and remittance 1.80
Others 10.74

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Source: Banglapedia, 2014

6.3.3 Land Use

Leasing out of land on annual rent basis is a common practice in the area. The average
agricultural land owner of Madhabpur upazila is about 48.04%, whereas landless is about
51.96%. All the wards and unions of the upazila are under rural electrification net-work.
However, 25.49% of the dwelling households have access to electricity.

6.3.4 Economic Status

The economy of Habiganj is predominantly agricultural. Out of total 342,178 holdings of the
district, 57.61% holdings are farms that produce varieties of crops namely local and HYV rice,
wheat, vegetables, jute, spices, cash crops, pulses, oilseeds and others. Various fruits like
pine apple, banana, mango, guava, jackfruit, black berries, coconut, papaya, palm, lichi,
dates etc. are grown. Fish of different varieties are caught from rivers, tributary channels and
creeks and even from paddy fields during rainy season. Besides crops, livestock and fishery
are the main sources of household income.

Habiganj is famous for growing a considerable quantity of tea which is one of the most
important cash crops of Bangladesh earning a good amount of foreign exchange. More than
20% of tea gardens of Bangladesh are located in this district. The required conditions prevail
in this district for growth of tea.

Non-farm activities also play a significant role in economic development of Habiganj district.
The following table1 shows total establishments in the urban and rural areas and persons
engaged by sex and activity in Habiganj.

6.3.5 Public Health and Sanitation

In Madhabpur Upazila Sources of drinking water Tube-well 90.44%, tap 1.37%, pond 2.54%
and others 5.65%.
Upazila health complex 1, union health and family welfare centre 6, family planning centre 6,
community clinic 2, private clinic 1, mother and child welfare centre 2, maternity 6, charitable
dispensary 2, satellite clinic 1, diagnostic centre 1, veterinary hospital 1.

Sanitation 28.13% (rural 26.59% and urban 50.47%) of dwelling households of the upazila
use sanitary latrines and 58.32% (rural 59.14% and urban 43.86%) of dwelling households
use non-sanitary latrines; 13.55% of households do not have latrine facilities.

6.3.6 Education
The literacy rate of Habigonj is 37.72% Male literacy rate is 41.76% and female literacy rate
is 33.62%. Some noted educational institutions of Habigonj are, Habiganj Government
Bindaban College, Paniumda Ragib-Rabeya School and College, Alif Sobhan College,
Gobindapur Government High School (1832), Habiganj Government High School (1843),
Rajar Bazar Government High School (1867), Jalsukh Krishna Govinda Public High School
(1876), Mirashi High School (1887), Fakirabad Government High School (1890), LR
Government High School (1896), Adaoir Lokenath High School (1911), Habiganj High School
(1913), Nabiganj JK High School (1916), Shayestaganj High School (1918), Chhatian
Bishwanath High School (1921), Dinarpur High School (1921), BKGC Government Girls' High
School (1923), GK and HK High School (1924), Jagadishpur JC High School (1924),

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Dakshina Charan Pilot High School (1928), Laskarpur Primary School (1843), Habiganj
Government Primary School (1883), Ubahata Kudratia Dakhil Madrasa (1870), Mirpur Dakhil
Madrasa (1920), Shankhola Dakhil Madrasa (1928), Shayestaganj Kamil Madrasa, Habiganj
Daruchchhunnat Senior Madrasa. The number of various educational institutions is showen
in the next Table 6.10:

Table 6-11 Educational Institutions of Habigonj

Educational Institution Number
College 19
primary training institute 1
Technical College 1
Secondary School 155
Primary School 885
Community School 2
kindergarten 17
Madrasha 140

6.3.7 Transport Infrastructure in Habigonj City

Palanquin, horse carriage and bullock cart, boat are the traditional transports found in the
rural area of Habiganj district. These means of transport are either extinct or nearly extinct.
Now a day, all the upazilas are connected with the district headquarters with metalled roads.
Bus, minibus, three wheelers ply over the district.

6.3.8 Environmental and Social Hotspot

The socio-cultural aspects include the educational institutions, hospitals/health centres,
religious structures, cultural structures, burial grounds, market places, water bodies, etc., few
of which would be affected directly and indirectly through implementation of the project. Such
sites could be termed as Environmental Hotspots in relation to project activities and, hence,
need to be dealt carefully during the construction phase. Locations of major environmental
hotspots in the project area are shown in the Figure 6.21. A detail list of the cultural and
sensitive areas located within 1km buffer of the project area is presented in Appendix F.
6.3.9 Archaeological and Cultural Resources
There is no archeological structure within this project. However, some religious structures are
found within the project influence area. A list of such cultural physical properties has been
given in Appendix E of this ESA report.

6.3.10 Important Environmental and Social Features (IESFs)

The socio-cultural aspects include the educational institutions, religious structures, burial
grounds, market places, etc., few of which would be affected directly and indirectly through
implementation of the project. Such sites could be termed as Important Environmental and
Social Features (IESFs) in relation to project activities and, hence, need to be dealt carefully
during the construction phase. Locations of major IESFs in the project area are shown in the
Figure 6.21. A detail list of the cultural and sensitive areas located within 600m radius of the
project area is presented in Appendix D.

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Chapter 6: Description of Environmental and Social Baseline Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Fig: 6.21 Cultural and Sensitive Structures within 1km Radius of the Project Location

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


7.1 General
This section identifies the overall impacts on the physical, biological and socio-economic
environment of the project area. An environmental impact is defined as any change to an
existing condition of the environment. Identification of potential impacts has been done on
the basis of baseline data collected from secondary and primary sources. Environmental
impacts assessment was carried out considering present environmental setting of the project
area, and nature and extent of the proposed activities.

7.2 Impact Magnitude

The potential impacts of the project have been categorized as major, moderate, minor or
nominal based on consideration of the parameters such as: i) duration of the impact; ii) spatial
extent of the impact; iii) reversibility; iv) likelihood; and v) legal standards and established
professional criteria. These magnitude categories are defined in Table 7.1.

Table 7-1: Parameters for Determining Magnitude

Parameter Major Medium Minor Nominal
Duration of Long term Medium term Temporary with
Limited to
(more than 35 lifespan of the project no detectable
Potential Impact construction period
years) (5 to 15 years) potential impact
Specific location
Spatial extent Widespread far Beyond immediate
Within project within project
of the potential beyond project project components,
Boundary component or site
impact boundaries site boundaries or
boundaries with
local area
no detectable
Potential impact is
Effectively Baseline returns
Baseline requires a
Reversibility of permanent, naturally or with
year or so with some Baseline remains
potential requiring limited intervention
interventions to Constant
Impacts considerable within a few
return to baseline
intervention to months
return to baseline
Complies with limits
Breaches national given in national Meets minimum
Legal standards
standards and or standards but national standard
and established
international breaches international limits or Not applicable
guidelines/obligatio lender guidelines in international
ns one or more guidelines
Occurs under worst Occurs under
Occurs under
Likelihood of case (negative abnormal,
typical operating or
potential impact) or best case exceptional or
construction Unlikely to occur
impacts (positive impact) emergency
occurring operating conditions conditions
(Likely) (occasional)

7.3 Sensitivity of Receptor

The sensitivity of a receptor has been determined based on review of the population
(including proximity / numbers / vulnerability) and presence of features on the site or the
surrounding area. Each detailed assessment has defined sensitivity in relation to the topic.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Criteria for determining receptor sensitivity of the Project’s potential impacts are outlined in
Table 7.2.

Table 7-2: Criteria for Determining Sensitivity

Sensitivity Definition
Vulnerable receptor with little or no capacity to absorb proposed changes or
Very Severe
minimal opportunities for mitigation.
Vulnerable receptor with little or no capacity to absorb proposed changes or
limited opportunities for mitigation.
Vulnerable receptor with some capacity to absorb proposed changes or
moderate opportunities for mitigation.
Vulnerable receptor with good capacity to absorb proposed changes or/and
good opportunities for mitigation

Assigning Significance: Following the determination of impact magnitude and sensitivity of

the receiving environment or potential receptors, the significance of each potential impact
has been established using the impact significance matrix shown below in Table 7.3.

7.4 Summary of Assessed Impacts

The project’s potential impacts on the key environmental parameters have been assessed
and their significance determined using the methodology described in Section 7.2 above. A
summary of the potential impacts of the project on the key environmental parameters and
significance of these impacts are presented in Table 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 for different phases of
this project; the potential impacts are discussed in the subsequent sections.

Table 7-3: Significance of Impact Criteria

Sensitivity of Receptors
Magnitude of Potential
Impact Severe Mild Low/Negligible
Major Critical High Moderate Negligible
Medium High High Moderate Negligible
Minor Moderate Moderate Low Negligible
Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible

Potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project activities of both the
projects are classified as:

(i) Impacts during pre-construction/design phase

(ii) Impacts during construction phase and
(iii) Impacts during operation phase.
(iv) Impacts during decommissioning phase

Qualitative and quantitative techniques have been applied for direct and indirect impact
identification. Impacts are classified as being insignificant, minor, moderate and major.
Impacts are described in the sections below.

7.5 Corridor of Impact (CoI)

The corridor of the proposed Impact (CoI) was delineated as the extent, which has direct or
indirect impact of project. All direct impacts are constrained within the project boundary.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Indirect impacts could be beyond the project boundary. According to the Department of
Environment (DoE) guideline the project impact area is divided into two sections. One, those
related to the project. Another section is those related to the background environmental
features of the project site. This should cover not only the project site in proper, but generally
an area of 1km radius around the site. In this project the farm area have been considered as
core impact zone and 1km as buffer zone for better understanding.

7.6 Pre-construction Phase

Following is the brief description of impacts envisaged during the Pre-construction/Design

7.6.1 Land Use

The Project site location does not conflict with any of the relevant governmental entities formal
planning context. The project initiator will implement the project in their own industry rooftop
and ground area. Therefore, there are no anticipated impacts during the planning phase of
the Project.

The project developer is to take responsibility of minimizing environmental impact on the
surroundings by following the project’s environmental management plan (EMP). Since these
activities are to be performed temporarily the minimum impact is expected to be acceptable.
As per the circulation of BGMEA the RMG building’s rooftop should not be occupied by the
other facilities or any tin shade structures1. Additionally, the Bangladesh National Building
Code (BNBC) instruct to keep at least 40% open space on the rooftop. The project building
also follows the guideline of BNBC.

7.7 Construction Phase

Environmental effects of the construction phase are expected to be temporary. Construction
impacts are considered to be minimal as all the construction works will be carried out within
the site boundary of the procured land and will be controlled via the mitigation measures
defined in the EMP section. Following is the brief description of impacts envisaged during the
construction phase.

7.7.1 Visual Amenity

 The construction activities that are likely to create a visual intrusion and a disruption to
aesthetics include: materials lay down, backfilling, and spoil.
 The project site is the rooftop and ground area of the industry. There are some close
communities such as some residences that would be within the visual radius of the
project. Therefore, visual intrusions are anticipated to be limited to employees. Hence,
the visual effects of the construction will be of low significance within the project area and

BGMEA Letter#BGA/Safety/18000/2011/28180, Dated: 28th December, 2011

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

largely limited to effect only employees living in the company’s temporary camp facilities
during construction (if any).
The contractor must be careful while doing construction works as though the adjacent
agricultural practices and close communities do not hamper.

7.7.2 Water Resources


 Rooftop PV electricity generation involves little to no water. That stands in contrast

to almost all power plants that make electricity using steam. These include coal
and nuclear plants, many natural gas plants, and some other renewable energy
facilities, which depend on water for cooling. This dependence can cause problem
when, cooling water becomes too scarce or too hot. PV systems, in contrast,
require no water to make electricity. However, photovoltaic generators require
water to wash dust and dirt off of the front of modules, as cell efficiency is reduced
when the modules are dirty. This depends on the type of system, large-scale solar
can use considerable amounts of water. These requirements can be similar or
even higher than conventional fossil fuel plants. As the amount of water
requirement is too little, the impact on water resources is not that significant.
 For Ground area solar project surface water quality in the adjacent rivers, cannels
and ponds might insignificantly degrade during construction stage due to disposal
of solid wastes, sewage effluent, and dredged materials, accidental spillage of
petroleum products, cement, and noxious chemicals. The problem will be more
dangerous if the construction work will continue even in the monsoon when the
flood occurrence is very high. There will have no major impacts on ground water
quality due to the construction of the proposed project.
In order to minimize the adverse impact on water quality, the following mitigation measures
are proposed:
 The contractor will dispose of the debris material to a designated disposal site.
 All reasonable measures will be taken to prevent the wastewater produced in
construction from entering into creek and stream.
 Contractor’s camp will be provided with sanitary latrines that do not pollute surface
 The ground water in the project area has been used for different purposes like drinking
and irrigation, hence proper mitigation measures must be ensured at construction site
to avoid any spillage and leakage of oil. All the staffs at construction areas must be
refrained of discharge any liquid wastes on the ground.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

7.7.3 Noise
During construction of rooftop and ground area solar power project noise might be generated
from construction work. Movement of construction materials, handling of equipment can
cause significant noise which has impact on environment.
The following identifies the mitigation measures to be applied by the Contractor during the
construction phase and which include:
 Apply adequate general noise suppressing measures. This could include the use of
well-maintained mufflers and noise suppressants for high noise generating equipment
and machinery, developing a regular maintenance schedule of all vehicles,
machinery, and equipment for early detection of issues to avoid unnecessary elevated
noise level, etc.
 If noise levels were found to be excessive, construction activities should be stopped
until adequate control measures are implemented etc.; and
Comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements and
the Bangladesh Codes to ensure that for activities associated with high noise levels, workers
are equipped with proper Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. Earmuffs).
7.7.4 Air Quality
As with the development of any large-scale industrial facility, the construction of rooftop solar
energy power plants can pose hazards to air quality. Such threats include the release of soil-
carried pathogens and results in an increase in air particulate matter which has the effect of
contaminating water reservoirs.
As the proposed project is also for ground area solar system the main impacts associated
with construction activities will be:

Dust generation: resulting from earthworks such as leveling, grading, excavation works
and movement of vehicles across dirt/unpaved roads, especially during windy conditions
but impacts are low.
Exhaust emissions: Exhaust emissions of SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, and PM10, PM2.5 will be
attributed predominantly to the operation of the construction plant and road vehicles such
as movement of vehicles during construction works. These emissions will be limited to
the project area and are anticipated to be generated in small concentrations and
dispersed rapidly within the area leading to an impact of low significance. This means that
these effects are localized and temporary which implies that any deterioration in air quality
at project location is unlikely to be significant and is expected to be transient.

The following identifies the mitigation measures to be applied by the Contractor during the
construction phase (to prevent impacts caused by their construction activities and which are
within their control) and which include:

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

 Comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements
and the Bangladesh Codes to ensure that for activities associated with high dust
levels, workers are equipped with proper Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. masks,
eye goggles, breathing equipment, etc.);
 Apply basic dust control and suppression measures which could include:
 If dust or pollutant emissions were found to be excessive, construction activities
should be stopped until the source of such emissions have been identified and
adequate control measures are implemented;
 Proper planning of dust causing activities to take place simultaneously in order to
reduce the dust incidents over the construction period.
 Regular watering of all active construction areas.
7.7.5 Soil
There will be no significant impact on the soil except for accidental spillage of the chemicals
to the ground and disposal of solid wastes and wastewater for rooftop solar system.

For ground area solar system construction activities are expected to result in significant soil
loss. The excavation, leveling and other earthworks are the possible source to disturb the soil
due to the removal of top soil, which could trigger soil erosion process. Additionally, the
proposed project area is flood prone and needs huge amount of land filling. The total area is
4 bigha or 132 decimal.

The other source of impact to soil is waste generation from construction material, accidental
leakage of fuel, oil, or chemicals stored within a bounded area causing direct contamination
to soil which may degrade lower layers of soil depending on the amount of spills.

Assuming that spill response plans shall be in place by the contractor, it is anticipated that
impacts to soil resulting from these activities will be likely, with a marginal consequence,
yielding medium impact significance.
The filling material should be collected from the approved source dredging location with
proper care so that no spillage will be happen. Retention wall or water proof boundary with
plastic material should be constructed before the dredged material placement to prevent the
spillage from site to adjacent agricultural land.

7.7.6 Terrestrial Ecology

Installing a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system requires lopping/pruning of tree branches
to ensure shadow-free area. Additionally, it also needs to removing of existing rooftop
vegetation/gardening if there any.
The activities anticipated during the construction phase for ground area solar system will
include earthworks, excavations, grading, site leveling, asphalting, paving and the operation
of construction machinery and equipment. However, according to the baseline description,

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

the project area does not encompass natural systems, which means that no significant flora
and fauna are present.

As a result, construction activities are not anticipated to pose any risks on the terrestrial
ecology within or in the vicinity of the project site.

However, it may cause temporary disturbance to resident birds with ground nests due to
noise, dust and particulate emissions, and possible illegal hunting by construction workers.
Moreover, reptiles present within the project site may temporarily move to adjacent locations
during construction activities, however are expected to return back as construction is

The following identifies the mitigation measures to be applied by the Contractor during the
construction phase and which include:
 Implement proper management measures to prevent damage to the natural
vegetation of the site. This could include establishing a proper code of conduct and
awareness raising / training of personnel and good housekeeping which include the
 Restrict activities to allocated construction areas only, including movement of
workers and vehicles to allocated roads within the site and prohibit off roading
to minimize disturbances
 Prohibit hunting at any time and under any condition by construction workers
 Avoid unnecessary elevated noise levels at all times. In addition, apply
adequate general noise suppressing measures Ensure proper storage,
collection, and disposal of waste streams generated
 Before construction commences, undertake a fauna survey (through an ecological
expert) to identify the presence of any key faunal species of importance (reptiles and
mammals). Should viable populations of such key species exist within the Project site
then it should be relocated outside of construction active areas;
 Ensure that the fencing constructed for the Project site allows for the natural
movement of small faunal species within the area.
7.7.7 Waste Generation
Improper management of non-hazardous and hazardous waste generated during
construction may lead to impacts on soil, water, visual environment, in addition to health and
safety of workers.

Non-hazardous waste includes paper, wood, plastic, scrap metals, glass and mud.

Hazardous waste includes absorbent material, batteries, metal drums, empty chemical
containers, waste oil from machinery lubricants, etc.


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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

All waste generated at construction site will be managed as per Contractor’s Waste
Management procedures. Domestic wastewater generated at site will be collected in septic

7.7.8 Employment Opportunities

Positive benefits of the project may arise either from short-term job opportunities during
construction, or long-term job opportunities during operation. It is important that construction
and operation jobs to be targeted to the local people within Madhabpur upazila where

Contractor as far as practicable will recruit construction workers from amongst the locals
where possible and shall maintain gender equity while employing the locals. Additional
benefits will be derived by setting aside-areas within contractor camps/labor shed for local
people to sell their products or to provide additional services to the workers. Replacement on
a suitable location in a better form will be done with the help and consent of the local

7.7.9 Health and Safety

The construction activities include site preparation, infrastructure utilities installation, building
structures. Therefore, there will be potential impacts on workers’ health and safety due to
exposure to risks through construction activities that lead to accidents causing injuries and
death. Construction works and activities bear frequent accident and health risks for both the
laborers and the public general, with varying direct and indirect consequences. Therefore,
the project authority needs to make provision for specific medical services, workers insurance
policies and indemnities, emergency provisions and a rescue/evacuation plans in case of
major accidents.

 The Contractor, under the supervision of developer, will be committed to ensure all health
and safety measures are in place to prevent accidents and\or reduce the consequences
of non-conformance events. The contractor shall ensure all prospect risks during
construction phase are assessed and all prevention and mitigation measures are in place
accordingly. The contractor shall ensure all workers during construction comply with
safety producers through training, awareness and supervising. Moreover, the contactor
shall provide all appropriate resources (Personnel Protective Equipment) onsite to ensure
providing first aid for personnel in case of occurrence emergencies.
 The project authority will be requested to prepare an approved Construction
Environmental Action Plan (CEAP), which will, among others, delineate all work safety
aspects he intends to apply. Focal points of the CEAP will relate to means, type and
number of protective clothing, safety precautions at specific work sites, first aid, rescue
plans, work hours, and all intended measures for avoiding or proper clearance of
hazardous substances, including fueling operations, transport and handling of hazardous
materials and explosives, securing measures etc. The CEAP will further explain methods

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and volumes for using any local resource, and how to address common risks associated
with public safety. The project authority will disclose the CEAP with the local stakeholders
for further developments on the health and safety issue.

7.7.10 Traffic
During the construction phase traffic is expected to increase to a certain degree due to the
nature of activities that will take place such as the transport of equipment and materials to
and from the site through the surrounding road network. Additional traffic load will be evident
at certain times during the day, especially if there are slow moving heavy vehicles transporting
material to and from the site.

The above potential traffic impacts can possibly occur during the construction, especially
during working hours. However, this is considered a short-term impact. This impact is likely
to happen but is not anticipated to cause any permanent effect on the receiving environment.

Proper Traffic Management Plan (TMP) should be prepared by the contractor during starting
of construction and follow it strictly. However, minimum numbers of vehicles will be used for
carrying construction materials. Hence, the accidental loss is expected at the lowest.
Moreover, the project authority will try to carry the construction materials during off peak hours
when the traffic volume is the minimum.

7.7.11 Archaeology and Cultural Resources

The field visits conducted at the project site and it is found that there are some schools,
located near the project area. Hence, it can be said that there is no anticipated impact from
construction on these receptors; therefore, the impact assessment process for this receptor
has yielded the low significance.

This impact is temporary and minor negative in nature. Mitigation measures will include:

 Timely completion of the construction work and provision of alternative routes during
the construction;
 Establishment of construction site camp and labour camp must maintain proper
distance from the cultural sites.

7.8 Operational Phase

Due to increased activities and efficient operational systems, there will be some impacts on
the environmental set-up in the project area, which are discussed hereunder. In order to
achieve sustainability of the development works, it is necessary to ensure the effectiveness
of mitigation measures even after construction, as some adverse environmental impacts may
result from the operation of the project facilities. Therefore, in order to reap the full
environmental benefits of the activities and ensure environmental enhancement it would be
necessary to implement the following, which are beyond the purview of this project.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

7.8.1 Visual Amenity

The presence of a large area of PV panels is not expected to constitute a risk for glare since
it is situated in the industrial rooftop and far from any significant areas, nor residential
dwellings, moreover, no potential visual disturbance to birds are expected given the fact, and
as a result, there is no migratory birds fly way over the project area.

It is not anticipated that visual impacts will be generated due to the PV system design, which
is specifically designed to include dark, light-absorbing materials and covered with an anti-
reflective coating (ARC) for glass surfaces, which reduces the reflectance from PV panels to
2.5%-2.6% while at the same time improving their efficiency.

It is essential to point out that the intensity of light reflected from a PV module surface
depends on factors such as the amount of sunlight reaching the surface and rooftop and will
therefore vary based on, among others, geographic location, time of year, cloud cover, and
PV module orientation.

7.8.2 Heat Generation

The presence of the PV panels will reflect heat and increase the surrounding temperature.
The heat may be transferred by convection, radiation and conduction method. Theoretically,
the solar thermal placement in the shell of the buildings could increase fire risk and water
intrusion into the roof.

In order to reduce the impact, air gap between the PV panels may be simulated. These air
gaps will be freely connected to the outdoor air to keep the PV panels cool.

7.8.3 Noise
The solar power as a facility is not considered to exhibit any significant noisy operations,
although the facility’s inverters and transformers may produce noise, but this is not
considered a serious issue, since they will not generate any significant noise. In addition,
there are some close by sensitive receptors such as a school and some residential dwellings
within the project site.

In addition, noise generated from inverters is only heard when distance is close (i.e. within 1-
2 m, however, as distance increases, noise will be greatly reduced, not to mention that they
do not generate noise during night time.

These noise impacts are not considered to significantly harm animals nor cause impacts on
a population level. The increased noise levels are considered occupational noises that
require occupational health and safety measures. The worker inside the project area should
use earmuffs during the operation of diesel generator.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

7.8.4 Air Quality

No emissions are expected to be released during the operation phase, because solar PV
power plants systems do not release greenhouse gases or any toxic pollutants during their
operation, as a result, no impacts on ambient air quality are anticipated during the operation
phase. There will be environmental impacts of emission of greenhouse gas, Ozone depletion,
photochemical smog, eutrophication and acidification and also health effects on people.

It is worth mentioning that solar power plants have very low air emissions of air pollutants
such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and
the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide during operations compared to fossil fuel power
generation facilities, since solar power plants do not involve combustion processes.

 The project developer shall be committed to control emitted dust and gaseous
pollutant from such operations through the proposed emission control procedures
described in the environmental management plan (EMP) included in this report.
 Photovoltaic (PV) is now a proven technology which is inherently safe as opposed to
some dangerous electricity generating technologies. Photovoltaic systems make no
air pollution and cause no pollution in operation. PV panel should be clean and
maintenance regularly for dust free. The supplier will collect wastage PV panels for
maintenance and destroy and they will be responsible for management of PV panels.

7.8.5 Soil
Soil impacts during operation phase are limited to accidental spillage of lubricant, fuel and
other chemicals that may potentially cause soil degradation. However, since the project area
is designated for solar projects near roadside and settlements area, they do not have any
agricultural significance. Another most significant source of soil pollution is the damage of PV
panels in case of major accidents. These contain chemicals and may be harmful for soil

Through implanting spill response procedures, and proper storage and handling of any
chemicals on site, the impact probability will be reduced. The project proponent should check
these devices regularly and have to replace the damaged and expired or bad devices.
However, if possible, the damaged and expired devices should be maintained properly and

7.8.6 Terrestrial Ecology

The project area does not encompass any natural systems. The anticipated impacts on
terrestrial ecology is considered low, however, activities such as vehicular movement, may
cause disturbance to resident birds and their ground nests.


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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

The anticipated impacts on terrestrial ecology are considered low and hence no particular
mitigation measure should be followed. However, the vehicular movement should be very
limited and proper attention should be given to minimize the disturbance on surrounding
ecological environment.

7.8.7 Waste Generation

PV modules: PV modules wastes and few other solid wastes generated during the
operational stage. These include end-of-life solar PV modules, electrical wastes, metallic
wastes and stationary wastes of office works etc.

Ground-mounted PV solar arrays are typically made up of panels of silicon solar cells covered
by a thin layer of protective glass attached to an inert solid underlying substance (or
“substrate”). While the vast majority of PV panels currently in use are made of silicon, certain
types of solar cells may contain cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium diselenide (CIS),
and gallium arsenide (GaAs). All solar panel materials, including the chemicals noted, are
contained in a solid matrix, insoluble and non-volatile at ambient conditions, and enclosed.
Therefore, releases to the ground from leaching, to the air from volatilization during use, or
from panel breakage, are not a concern.

Waste water: Water consumption in PV panel cleaning operations can be a major operating
cost over the lifetime of a solar panel installation. Control of water use is a key element to the
economic viability and environmental stewardship of many PV installations.

Water requirement for cleaning panels (and its frequency) mainly depends on the cost and
the environmental conditions of project area. In the dry and dusty season the water
requirement will be higher but during the monsoon the water consumption will be very
minimum or no consumption. Usually the cleaning frequency may be two times a month. The
water requirement may vary from 5000 to 10000 liters for cleaning the panels during different
weather conditions.

Others: Waste generation during the operation phase is considered part of daily operations,
therefore, it is not considered to have any significant impacts to the environment or health of
personnel present on site.

Photovoltaic (PV) is now a proven technology which is inherently safe as opposed to some
dangerous electricity generating technologies. Photovoltaic systems make no air pollution
and cause no pollution in operation. PV panel should be clean and maintenance regularly for
dust free. The supplier will collect wastage PV panels for maintenance and destroy and they
will be responsible for management of PV panels.

Cleaning of solar panels will be conducted on an overcast day, early in the morning or in the
evening. If the sun is beating down on the panels, any water used can quickly evaporate and
dirt will become smeared. Early morning can be a particularly good time for cleaning as dew
that has settled on the panels overnight will likely have softened grime; meaning that will need
to use less water and less energy to clean the solar panels. Groundwater will be used for the
cleaning purpose but reuse of water will be emphasized.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

7.8.8 Health and Safety

a. There are many hazards associated with a solar PV power plant if sufficient
precautions are not taken during the operation stages. The impact origins are in the
following sectors:
 Leaching of materials from broken or fire damaged PV modules
 Emergency Fire Hazard
 Electrocution of workers
 Electromagnetic radiation from PV modules
b. Leaching of materials from broken or fire damaged PV modules: The potential
for chemical releases appears to be small since the chemicals are present in the
sealed PV modules when completed installations of photovoltaic systems for power
generation. Releases are likely to occur only due to fires or other unusual accidents.
Cadmium could be a potential concern in this setting with thin-film technologies, as
would arsenic and zinc to a lesser extent. Other chemicals that have inhalation toxicity
factors are present only during the manufacturing process. Solar PV modules may
contain heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, polybrominated
biphenyls (PBBs), or brominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) etc. Leaching of metals
from the installed modules is not likely to be a concern, as documented in a study by
Steinberger (1998). Leaching from small cells used in electronic devices is also
unlikely to be a concern, given the small amounts of chemicals present and the sealed
nature of the devices.
c. Emergency Fire Hazard: Since this is a power plant, the plant has always some risks
of fire hazards. Electrical equipment is the main source of a potential fire hazard. In
the event of fire catching a solar module, it is theoretically possible for hazardous
fumes to be released and inhalation of these fumes could pose a risk to human health.
However, researchers do not generally believe these risks to be substantial given the
short-duration of fires and the relatively high melting point of the materials present in
the solar modules. Moreover, the risk of fire at ground-mounted solar installations is
remote because of the precautions taken during site preparation including the removal
of fuels and the lack of burnable materials mostly glass and aluminum contained in a
solar panel.
d. Electrocution of Workers: Risk of electrocution of workers during performing duties
in a power plant is always present. Faulty electrical equipment, electric short circuits,
exposed electrical wires may be the chief sources of electrocution. Damaged PV
modules with exposed high voltage conductor also present high risk of electrocution.
The most possibilities of electrocution during the regular PV wash. Since the worker
needs to handle with water which has very high electric conductivity and may be in
high risk of electrocution.
e. Electromagnetic radiation from PV modules: The strength of electromagnetic
fields produced by photovoltaic systems do not approach levels considered harmful
to human health established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection. Moreover the small electromagnetic fields produced by
photovoltaic systems rapidly diminish with distance and would be indistinguishable
from normal background levels within several yards.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

 The project developer shall ensure all risks from operation activities to be assessed
and to establish specific work procedures for tasks during operation phase including
all safety prevention and mitigation measures to avoid non-conformance events.
 Check modules for excessive soiling from dirt buildup or animal droppings. During the
wash of the PV panels try to use deionized water to avoid electrocution. Wear rubber
sole shoes with good traction to prevent slips and falls. Never walk on the modules.
Use non-conductive extended reach broom and hose handles to reach modules. A
lift may be needed to access the array. Follow aerial lift safety procedures, including
wearing a harness if required.
 The Contractor, under the supervision of developer, will be committed to ensure all
health and safety measures are in place to prevent accidents and\or reduce the
consequences of non-conformance events. The contractor shall ensure all prospect
risks during construction phase are assessed and all prevention and mitigation
measures are in place accordingly. The contractor shall ensure all workers during
construction comply with safety producers through training, awareness and
supervising. Moreover, the contactor shall provide all appropriate resources
(Personnel Protective Equipment) onsite to ensure providing first aid for personnel in
case of occurrence emergencies.

7.9 Decommissioning Phase

The main mitigation and monitoring measures to minimize or reduce the environmental and
social impacts during decommissioning are anticipated to be similar to those identified for the
construction phase. However, some of the major impacts are described below.

7.9.1 Visual Amenity

During the dismantling of the solar rooftop ground area solar system, removal of ancillary
facilities visual intrusions will be likely.

Their consequence will be negligible due to fact that such impact would be temporary (over
a short period). Moreover, the actual dismantling of the solar power plant will reduce or
remove the visual impacts witnessed during the operation phase.

7.9.2 Noise

The decommissioning activities of dismantling the solar power plant and removing the
ancillary facilities are associated with potential increased noise levels. The receptors of the
increased noise level will be only the workers of decommissioning activities.


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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

As the only receptors will be the workers at the site and within the proposed facilities within
the vicinity of the solar power plant, these increased noise levels are considered occupational
noises that require occupational health and safety measures.

7.9.3 Air Quality

Similar to construction, the decommissioning phase is anticipated to generate dust and
exhaust emissions. Decommissioning activities will involve site preparation, dismantling and
disassembling of the components of the solar power plant facility, clearance of the site, and
rehabilitation if needed.

The project developer shall be committed to control emitted dust and gaseous pollutant from
such operations through the proposed emission control procedures described in the
environmental management plan (EMP) included in this report.

7.9.4 Soil

During the decommissioning phase, the decommissioning activities are anticipated to have
an impact of medium significance to soil. This is due to possible accidental leakage of fuel,
oil, or chemicals during demolition activities.


Proper environmental protection measures should be followed to prevent or control the

occurrence of such incidences. Take proper attention in removing the PV panels to prevent
any damage as it contains chemicals and might be harmful for soil quality.

7.9.5 Terrestrial Ecology


The activities associated with decommissioning will involve dismantling of the solar power
plant and removal its facilities. This is a temporary phase that could result in some additional
noise and dust disturbances. These activities are not anticipated to harm any flora elements
due to absence or scarcity of vegetative cover within and around project area, provided dust
suppression measures and other procedures are followed. On the other hand,
decommissioning activities may cause disturbance to bird species.


The mitigation measures should be the same as it was considered during the construction
phase since the decommissioning activities will be same as construction phase.

7.9.6 Waste Generation


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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Waste generated during decommissioning limited to non-hazardous and inert wastes such
as scrap metals, paper, wood, plastic, given that the contractor will adhere his waste
management procedures.

Similar to the construction phase, potential generation of hazardous waste includes

absorbent material, batteries, tires, metal drums, empty chemical containers, waste oil from
machinery lubricants, etc.

It is not expected that hazardous wastes will be generated from dismantling the solar power
plant since the project developer will opt for recycling PV panels of the facility.

PV modules and others: PV modules wastes and few other solid wastes generated during
the operational stage. These include end-of-life solar PV modules, electrical wastes, metallic
wastes and stationary wastes of office works etc.

Ground-mounted PV solar arrays are typically made up of panels of silicon solar cells covered
by a thin layer of protective glass attached to an inert solid underlying substance (or
“substrate”). While the vast majority of PV panels currently in use are made of silicon, certain
types of solar cells may contain cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium diselenide (CIS),
and gallium arsenide (GaAs). All solar panel materials, including the chemicals noted, are
contained in a solid matrix, insoluble and non-volatile at ambient conditions, and enclosed.
Therefore, releases to the ground from leaching, to the air from volatilization during use, or
from panel breakage, are not a concern.

End-of-Life Solar Panels: The solar PV panels that will be used in the project will have a life
span of 25 years. Disposal of wasted solar PV modules is very important because if not
properly decommissioned, the greatest health risk from end-of-life crystalline solar modules
arises from lead containing solders. Under the right conditions it is possible for the lead to
leach into landfill soils and eventually into water bodies.
While the solar cell is the heart of a photovoltaic system, on a mass basis it accounts for only
a small fraction of the total materials required to produce a solar panel. The outer glass cover
constitutes the largest share of the total mass of a finished crystalline photovoltaic module
(approximately 65%), followed by the aluminum frame (~20%), the ethylene vinyl acetate
encapsulant (~7.5%), the polyvinyl fluoride substrate (~2.5%), and the junction box (1%). The
solar cells themselves only represent about four percent (4%) of the mass of a finished

The following identifies the mitigation measures to be applied by all involved entities:

 Ensure that hazardous materials are stored in proper areas and in a location where
they cannot reach the land in case of accidental spillage. This includes storage
facilities that are of hard impermeable surface, flame‐proof, accessible to authorized
personnel only, locked when not in use, and prevents incompatible materials from
coming in contact with one another.
 Maintain a register of all hazardous materials used and accompanying Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) must present at all times. Spilled material should be tracked and
accounted for;

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

 If spillage on soil occurs, spill must be immediately contained, cleaned‐up, and

contaminated soil disposed as hazardous waste;
 Proper decommissioning and recycling of solar panels both ensures that potentially
harmful materials are not released into the environment and reduces the need for
virgin raw materials. In recognition of these facts, the photovoltaic industry is acting
voluntarily to implement product take-back and recycling programs at the
manufacturing level.

7.9.7 Employment Opportunities

Short-term job opportunities may be arise during decommissioning, however, this can
negatively impact permanent personnel at the solar power plant since the facility will cease
its operations, therefore permanent staff may lose their jobs.

Although this impact is very unlikely given that fact that an upgrade is expected for the facility
during its post–design life, however, the consequence is considered critical to permanent
personnel if the facility underwent decommissioning, yielding a low impact significance.

Preference should be given to employing the local communities in various positions.

7.9.8 Health and Safety

The decommissioning activities will include equipment dismantling and demolishing facilities
at project site. As all project components will be recycled after decommissioning, the prospect
risks from decommissioning phase will be limited to dismantling and demolishing activities
including moving all recyclable components to their final destination. There will be potential
impacts on workers’ health and safety due to exposure to risks through decommissioning

The project developer will be committed to ensure all health and safety measures are in place
to prevent accidents and\or reduce the consequences of non-conformance events. The
developer shall ensure all prospect risks during decommissioning phase are assessed and
all prevention and mitigations measures are in place accordingly.

7.9.9 Traffic
The anticipated impacts during decommissioning are similar to those for the construction
phase, where the heavy machinery that transports disassembled parts of the project solar
power plant facility might be of more significance than normal vehicles and pickups.

Proper management actions with adequate mitigations can reduce significantly such
anticipated impacts.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

7.9.10 Summary of Anticipated Impacts

Table 7.4, Table 7.5, and Table 7.6 below present a summary of the anticipated impacts
during the planning and construction, operation, and decommissioning phase of the Project.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Table 7-4: Summary of Anticipated Impacts during the Planning and Construction Phase

Impact Assessment
Environmental Likely Impact– Planning and Significance Significance
Construction Phase Spatial
Attribute Duration Reversibility Likelihood Magnitude Sensitivity Prior to After
Mitigation Mitigation
Visual and landscape impacts
Landscape and due to presence of elements
Short Moderate
typical of a construction site Local Reversible Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
Visual term Negative
such as equipment and
The Project site is rooftop and
ground area and there is no
significant surface water sources
Short Moderate
around. Only some possible Local Reversible Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
term Negative
impacts are dumping of solid
waste to the nearby source
Geology and during construction.
Hydrology Risk of soil contamination during
the various construction
activities from spillage of Could be Could be
hazardous material, random Local Likely Medium Mild Low Negative High Positive
discharge of waste and long term irreversible
wastewater. No risk of
groundwater contamination.
Construction activities could
disturb existing habitats (flora,
fauna, and avifauna) and any
threatened or endangered
species which might be present
Biodiversity Long term Local Irreversible Certain Minor Mild Low Negative High Positive
within the Project site. In
addition, other impacts could be
from improper management of
the site (e.g. improper conduct
and housekeeping practices).
Construction activities will likely
result in an increased level of
dust and particulate matter
Air Quality Long term Local Reversible Certain Medium Mild Low Negative High Positive
emissions which in turn will
directly impact ambient air

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Impact Assessment
Environmental Likely Impact– Planning and Significance Significance
Construction Phase Spatial
Attribute Duration Reversibility Likelihood Magnitude Sensitivity Prior to After
Mitigation Mitigation
Possible noise emissions to the
environment from the
construction activities which will
Noise likely include the use of Long term Local Reversible Certain Medium Mild Low Negative
machinery and equipment such
as generators, hammers, and
compressors and other activities
Improper management and
Waste handling of hazardous and non- Short Moderate
Local Reversible Likely High Severe High Negative
Generation hazardous waste during term Negative
The Project is expected at a
minimum to provide job
opportunities for local
communities. This, to some
extent, could contribute to
Socioeconomic Not applicable.
enhancing the living
environment for its inhabitants,
elevate their standards of living,
and bring social and economic
prosperity to local communities.
There will be some generic risks
Health and to workers health and safety Could be
Short Moderate
from working on construction Local Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
Safety term irreversible Negative
sites, as it increases the risk of
injury or death due to accidents.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Table 7.5: Summary of Anticipated Impacts during the Operation Phase

Impact Assessment
Environmental Likely Impact– Operation Significance Significance
Phase Spatial
Attribute Duration Reversibility Likelihood Magnitude Sensitivity Prior to After
Mitigation Mitigation
The Project is expected to be
visible within the immediate
vicinity and up to some long
distance around the Project site
Long term Local Reversible Likely Medium Low Low Negative Low Negative
only and thus is likely to create
Landscape and visual impacts related to
Visual interaction with surrounding
Potential for glare caused by
minimal sunlight reflected off the
Long term Local Reversible Likely Medium Mild Low Negative Low Negative
PV panel modules which in turn
could affect nearby receptors.
The most significant source of
soil pollution is the damage of PV
panels in case of major
accidents. These contain
chemicals and may be harmful
for soil quality. There will be Moderate
PV panels Long term Local Reversible Likely High Severe High Negative
environmental impacts of Negative
emission of greenhouse gas,
Ozone depletion, photochemical
smog, eutrophication and
acidification and also health
effects on people.
Increased heat by radiation, Could be Moderate
Heat Generation Long term Local Likely Medium Mild Low negative
convection and conduction irreversible Negative
Risk of soil and groundwater
contamination during the various
Geology and operational activities from Could be Moderate
improper housekeeping Long term Local Likely Medium Mild Low negative
Hydrology irreversible Negative
activities, spillage of hazardous
material, random discharge of
waste and wastewater. However,

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Impact Assessment
Environmental Likely Impact– Operation Significance Significance
Phase Spatial
Attribute Duration Reversibility Likelihood Magnitude Sensitivity Prior to After
Mitigation Mitigation
most significant sources of soil
and water pollution are the
chemicals from PV panel’s
damage and from the expired
Impacts limited to improper
management of the site (e.g. Could be Moderate
Biodiversity Long term Local Likely Minor Low Low Negative
improper conduct and irreversible Positive
housekeeping practices).
Solar power plants have very low
air emissions of air pollutants
such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
Could be
Air Quality oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile Long term Local Likely Minor Low Low Negative High Positive
organic compounds, and the
greenhouse gas carbon dioxide
during operations.
The only significant noise source
from the operation activities
Noise which will likely include the use of Long term Local Reversible Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
backup generators to ensure
continuous power supply.
The Project is expected at a
minimum to provide job
opportunities for local
communities. This, to some
Socio‐ extent, could contribute to
Not applicable.
economic enhancing the living environment
for its inhabitants, elevate their
standards of living, and bring
social and economic prosperity to
local communities.
There will be some risks to
workers health and safety during Could be Moderate
and Community Long term Local Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
the operation and maintenance irreversible Positive
Health and
activities of the Project.

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Impact Assessment
Environmental Likely Impact– Operation Significance Significance
Phase Spatial
Attribute Duration Reversibility Likelihood Magnitude Sensitivity Prior to After
Mitigation Mitigation
Safety Trespassing of unauthorized
personnel into the Project site
could result in potential risks from
several hazards of the various
Project components (e.g. electric
shock, thermal burn hazards,
exposure to chemicals and
hazardous materials, etc.). Could be Moderate
Long term Local Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
irreversible Positive
Leaching of materials from
broken or fire damaged PV
Emergency Fire Hazard.
Electrocution of workers.
Electromagnetic radiation from
PV modules.

Table 7.6: Summary of Anticipated Impacts during the Decommissioning Phase

Impact Assessment
Environmental Likely Impact– Significance Significance
Attribute Decommissioning Phase Duration Reversibility Likelihood Magnitude Sensitivity Prior to After
Mitigation Mitigation
Risk of soil and groundwater
contamination during the various
decommissioning activities from
Geology and Short Could be Moderate Low
improper housekeeping Local Likely Medium Low
Hydrology term irreversible Negative Positive
activities, spillage of hazardous
material, random discharge of
waste and wastewater.
Decommissioning activities will
likely result in an increased level
of dust and particulate matter Moderate
Air Quality Short term Local Reversible Certain Medium Low Low Negative
emissions which in turn will Negative
directly impact ambient air

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Chapter 7: Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Impact Assessment
Environmental Likely Impact– Significance Significance
Attribute Decommissioning Phase Duration Reversibility Likelihood Magnitude Sensitivity Prior to After
Mitigation Mitigation
Possible noise emissions to the
environment from the
decommissioning activities
which will likely include the use Moderate
Noise Short term Local Reversible Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
of machinery and equipment Negative
such as generators, hammers,
and compressors and other
Of particular importance related
to infrastructure and utilities is
the final disposal of the panels at
the end of their lifetime. Final
disposal of panels, which may
contain hazardous material,
needs to ensure that existing Long term Local Reversible Likely High Severe High Negative Low Negative
and utilities
waste facilities would be able
accept such solar modules. In
addition, it is also important to
investigate other disposal
options such as buy back and
recycling programs.
There will be some generic risks
to workers health and safety
Health and from working on Could be Moderate
Short term Local Likely Medium Mild Low Negative
Safety decommissioning sites, as it irreversible Negative
increases the risk of injury or
death due to accidents.

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


8.1 General
The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) aims to ensure the compliance of
all activities undertaken during the implementation and the operation of the proposed project
with the environmental and social safeguard requirements of the Donor and Government of
Bangladesh. Furthermore, it aims at integrating the environmental and social components of
the project with existing initiatives and programs in these fields. The plan consists of mitigation,
monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during implementation and operation to
eliminate adverse environmental impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels.
The plan also includes the actions needed to implement these measures.

8.2 Objectives
This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) aims at ensuring the application of
the mitigation and monitoring measures needed to reduce and control the various
environmental and social impacts associated with the implementation of the proposed project.

The key objectives of the ESMP are summarized below:

 Minimizing any adverse environmental, social and health impacts resulting from the
project activities;
 Conducting all project activities in accordance with relevant Bangladesh Legislation
and applicable World Bank guidelines.
 Implementation of on-going environmental monitoring programs;
 Periodic review of the Environmental Management programs to allow for iterative
 Ensure that all stakeholder concerns are addressed.

Overall, this ESMP aims at ensuring the application of the mitigation and monitoring measures
needed to reduce and control the various environmental and social impacts associated with
the implementation of the proposed project.

8.3 Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

On the basis of identification of the environmental impacts and recommended mitigation
measures linked with the project activities, an ESMP has been prepared which will be followed
at the pre-construction, construction, operation and decommissioning stages. While preparing
the ESMP, medium and significant impacts are taken into consideration to recommend
possible mitigation measures. A mitigation measure will be considered as successful when it
complies with the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), policies, legal requirements set by
JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations / World Bank Safeguard
Policies, and DoE environmental guidelines & other relevant GoB legal requirements. In
absence of DoE’s own EQS, other relevant international or other recognized organization’s
quality standard will be applied.

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Table 8.1: Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
Pre-construction Phase
Land Use / Land- The proposed plant  National Land use
filling will degrade Policy, 2001
surrounding Fence the proposed area so that the  National
agricultural land. surrounding agricultural land will not Environmental Policy,
be disturbed. 1992
 National
Land-filling for side slope of filled Environmental
lands should be done only within the Consideration of Management Action
Quantity of Project
boundary line of the project to avoid land use
minimum use of Plan, 1995
damage to adjacent agricultural land, agricultural land.  Industrial Policy,
crops, trees or any other properties. In 1986
case of damage by any construction  Private Sector Power
activity, adequate compensation Generation Policy of
should be paid to the owner in time Bangladesh, 1996
Policy Guideline for
small Power Plants in
Private Sector, 1997
Construction Phase
Visual Amenity Visual impacts from The contractor shall ensure general Daily  Good Contractor  National Land use
construction activities cleanliness and good housekeeping housekeeping and Policy, 2001
such as materials lay practice at the project site at all times. tidiness of work areas  National Environmental
down, infrastructure within the project site. Policy, 1992
development, etc.  National Environmental
Management Action
Plan, 1995
Water Resources As the amount of  The contractor will dispose of the Daily Compliance with Contractor  Environmental Pollution
water requirement is debris material to a designated DoE and National Control Ordinance,
too little, the impact on disposal site. guideline limits for 1977
water resources is not  All reasonable measures will be taken Environmental noise at
that significant. to prevent the wastewater produced in sensitive receptors.
Again, there is no construction from entering into creek
surface water body and stream.
around the project

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-2
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
 Contractor’s camp will be provided
with sanitary latrines that do not
pollute surface waters.
 The ground water in the project area
has been used for different purposes
like drinking and irrigation, hence
proper mitigation measures must be
ensured at construction site to avoid
any spillage and leakage of oil. All the
staffs at construction areas must be
refrained of discharge any liquid
wastes on the ground.
Noise Increased noise levels  The contractor shall use heavy Every week Compliance with Contractor  Environmental Pollution
during to construction equipment, machinery, and fuels in and after DoE and National Control Ordinance,
& machinery compliance with national regulations. The receiving any guideline limits for 1977
contractor shall perform regular complaints Environmental noise at  Noise Pollution Control
maintenance on all equipment, vehicle and from worker or sensitive receptors. Rules (2006)
machinery to prevent noise emissions. third parties.
 The contractor shall limit idling of
engines when not in use to reduce its
contribution to noise emissions.
Air Quality  Dust generation  Setting an appropriate site speed limit Daily  No visible dust Contractor  Environmental Pollution
due to construction to reduce dust generation from vehicles plumes originating Control Ordinance,
activities. travelling over unmade surfaces. From construction 1977
 Exhaust Emissions  During construction dust generated on sites.  Environmental
due to operation of unpaved roadways and work areas should  Regular Conservation Rules
construction plant and be controlled by the application of water on machineries (ECR), 1997
machinery. an “as needs” basis. maintenance records.  Environment Court Act,
 Unnecessary handling of dusty 2000
materials will be avoided such as  Bangladesh Climate
minimizing drop heights when loaders Change Strategy and
dump soils into trucks. Action Plan (2008)
 Train workers to handle construction
materials and debris during construction to
reduce fugitive emissions.
 Ensure adequate maintenance and
inspection of vehicles to minimize exhaust
emissions. Not running engines for longer
than is necessary.

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-3
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
Soil Soil disturbance due  A spill prevention and response plan Weekly  Number of spills or Contractor  Environmental Pollution
accidental spillage shall be prepared by the contractor in order incidents to be Control Ordinance,
to control any inadvertent leakage or recorded during onsite 1977
spillage. Spill response measures shall be audits.  The Environment
implemented (as necessary) to contain  Training records of (Pollution Control) Act,
and clean up any contaminated soil. Personnel trained in 1995
 Construction of bunds around relevant spill response
work and storage areas. Bunds in areas of procedures must be
hazardous chemical storage (including filed
temporary storage) should be lined to
contain accidental spillage and minimize
the potential for migration to the underlying
 Any spilled chemical shall be
immediately collected and disposed of in
accordance with Spill Prevention and
Response Plan and MSDS.
 Contractor shall ensure that a spill kit
and adequate PPE is available at the site
for emergency cleanup activities in case of
chemical/oil spillage.
Terrestrial Potential disturbance  Minimize human and vehicular contact Daily N/A Contractor  Bangladesh Wildlife
Ecology to birds with fauna, including their burrows / nests Preservation Order
and feeding grounds. 1973 and Revision
 Waste shall be stored on site within 2008 (Draft)
closed container, especially food remnants  National Forest Policy
to avoid attracting birds on site. and Forest Sector
Review (1994, 2005)
 The Forest Act 1927,
Amendment 2000
(Protected, village
Forests and Social
 National Biodiversity
Strategy and Action
Plan (2004)
Waste Generation Improper  The contractor shall segregate storage Daily  Compliance with Contractor  Environmental Pollution
management and for different types of wastes, such as Waste management Control Ordinance,
handling of hazardous hazardous, non-hazardous recyclable procedures. 1977
and non-hazardous construction material, plastic, paper, etc. to  Current and
facilitate proper disposal.

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-4
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
waste during  The contractor shall provide a separate Complete records of  The Environment
construction. storage area for hazardous materials. The regular waste pickup (Pollution Control) Act,
hazardous materials/products must be and disposal. 1995
labeled with proper identification of its  Environmental
hazardous properties. Conservation Rules
 Chemical waste shall be stored in (ECR), 1997
accordance with the provisions of Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). The
contractor shall keep MSDS onsite.
 The contractor shall establish regular
intervals for waste collection and disposal
as per contractor’s waste management
 The sanitary and organic wastes shall
be collected in a septic tank to be installed
on site and disposed off regularly.
Health and Safety  Potential of  All construction equipment used for the Continuously  Total Recordable  Bangladesh Labour
risks exposure to safety execution of the project works shall be fit Incidence Rate (TRIR) Law, 2006
events such as for purpose and carry valid inspection  Lost Time Incidence
tripping, working at certificates and insurance requirements. Frequency
height activities, fire  Risk assessment shall be prepared and  Fatal Accident Rate
from hot works, communicated prior to commencement of  Number of safety
smoking, failure in work for all types of work activities on site. Training performed
electrical installation,  Provide walkways that are clearly  Number of
mobile plant and designated as a walkway; all walkways nonconformance
vehicles, and shall be provided with good conditions events Reports.
electrical shocks. underfoot; signposted and with adequate  Medical Treatment
 Exposure to health lighting. Case (MTC)
events during  Signpost any slippery areas, ensure  HSE Training Hours
construction activities proper footwear with a good grip is worn
such as manual for personnel working within slippery
handling and areas.
musculoskeletal  Avoid work at height where it
disorders, hand-arm reasonably practicable to do so, e.g. by
vibration, temporary or assembly at ground level.
permanent hearing  Prevent any person falling a distance
loss, heat stress, and liable to cause personal injury e.g. by using
dermatitis. a scaffold platform with double guard-rail
and toe boards;
 Arrest a fall with equipment to minimize
the distance and consequences of a fall,

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-5
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
e.g. safety nets, where work at height
cannot be avoided or the fall prevented.
 Carry out fire risk assessment for the
construction areas, identify sources of fuel
and ignition and establish general fire
precautions including, means of escape,
warning and fighting fire.
 Set up a system to alert workers on site.
This may be temporary or permanent
mains operated fire alarm.
 Fire extinguishers should be located at
identified fire points around the site. The
extinguishers shall be appropriate to the
nature of the potential fire.
 Establish and communicate
emergency response plan (ERP) with all
parties, the ERP to consider such things as
specific foreseeable emergency situations,
organizational roles and authorities,
responsibilities and expertise, emergency
response and evacuation procedure, in
addition to training for personnel and drills
to test the plan
 Ensure all plant machines and vehicles
are regularly inspected, serviced and
maintained; ensure all staff assigned is
trained and competent to operate plant
machines and vehicles.
 Ensure clear signages are in place,
such as Warning of speed limits,
obstructions, allowable widths/
 Electrical equipment must be safe and
properly maintained; works shall not be
carried out on live systems.
 Only competent authorized persons
shall carry out maintenance on electrical
equipment, adequate Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) for electrical works must
be provided to all personnel involved in the

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
 Lock-Out / Tag-Out (LOTO) system
shall be implemented during any electrical
 Adequate number of staff and first
aiders shall be on site in accordance with
Bangladesh Labor Law requirements.
 First aid kit with adhesive bandages,
antibiotic ointment, antiseptic wipes,
aspirin, non-latex gloves, scissors,
thermometer, etc. shall be made available
by the contractor on site.
 Emergency evacuation response shall
be prepared by the contractor and relevant
staff shall be trained through mock-up
 Ensure all equipment is suitable for
jobs (safety, size, power, efficiency,
ergonomics, cost, user acceptability etc.),
provide the lowest vibration tools that are
suitable and can do the works.
 Ensure all tools and other work
equipment are serviced and maintained in
accordance with maintenance schedules
and manufacturer's instructions.
 Regular noise exposure assessments
and noise level surveys of noisy areas,
processes and equipment shall be carried
out in order to form basis for remedial
actions when necessary.
 As far as reasonably practical, all steps
to reduce noise exposure levels of
employees by means other than that of
personal protective equipment shall be
taken, such as reducing exposure times,
enclosures, silencers, machine covers,
 Awareness training sessions should be
established and provided to all personnel
involved during the construction phase in
order to highlight the heat related illnesses
of working in hot conditions such as heat

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-7
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke,
 Ensure adequate quantities of drinking
water are available at different locations
within the site,
 Provision of sun shades at different
locations within the site.
 Eliminate the risk of exposure
whenever possible, provide proper PPE
wherever necessary and to ensure that
there are satisfactory washing and
changing facilities.
 Ensure that all workers exposed to a
risk are aware of the possible dangers.
They should be given thorough training in
how to protect themselves and there
should be effective supervision to ensure
that the correct methods are being used.
Traffic Additional traffic load  The contractor to ensure that all trucks Continuously  No complains or Contractor
due to transport of and vehicles accessing the facility are concerns from
equipment and operated by licensed operators. traditional users of the
materials to  Pedestrians Safety: All project vehicles area’s roads routes
and from the site and trucks shall comply with the proposed are received during the
through the speed limits construction activities.
surrounding road  Ensure adequate maintenance and  No incidents or
network inspection of vehicles accidents (collisions)
 Presence of flagman at the entrance are recorded
and exit of the project site in order to
control vehicles and truck movement.
Operation Phase
Visual Amenity Reflection from the The used technology has Anti- Reflective N/A N/A Project  National Land use
solar panel will create coating (ARC) that significantly reduces Developer Policy, 2001
visual intrusion. the reflectance of the Panels (from 2.5% to  National Environmental
2.6% only). Policy, 1992
 National Environmental
Management Action
Plan, 1995
Noise Significant sound  Establish the generator inside an Every week Compliance with Project  Environmental Pollution
pollution from backup insulated room and use noise reduction and after DoE and National Developer Control Ordinance,
generator canopy to keep the environment free receiving any guideline limits for 1977
from sound pollution. complaints

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
 Noise barrier should also be given from worker or Environmental noise at  Noise Pollution Control
around the generator room. third parties. sensitive receptors. Rules, 2006
 The worker inside the project area
should use earmuffs during the operation
of diesel generator.
Air Quality Very low air emissions  Check regularly to identify potential Daily  No visible dust Project  Environmental Pollution
of air pollutants such source of air pollutants. plumes originating Developer Control Ordinance,
as sulfur dioxide,  Replace the damaged and expired tools, from project site. 1977
nitrogen oxides, equipment, PV panels and batteries as  Regular  Environmental
carbon monoxide, soon as it is notices. machineries Conservation Rules
volatile organic maintenance records. (ECR), 1997
compounds, and the  Environment Court Act,
greenhouse gas 2000
carbon dioxide.  Bangladesh Climate
Change Strategy and
Action Plan (2008)
Heat Generation  Potential glare from  This can be easily avoided, since only N/A  No heat generation Project  Environmental Pollution
PV panels and four holes per panel on the roof will and complains from Developer Control Ordinance,
Reflected Heat. be integral part of the roof. the worker. 1977
 Theoretically the  Air gaps will be provided to keep the
solar thermal system cool.
placement in the
shell of the buildings
could increase fire
risk and water
intrusion into the
Soil Potential spillage of  Specific procedures shall be developed  Post rainfall Maintain readily Project  Environmental Pollution
stored oil and for the removal of waste or spilled fuel, oil Event available records of all Developer Control Ordinance,
chemicals and contaminated soil at approved  Weekly workers training on spill 1977
disposal facilities. response procedures.  The Environment
 Proper storage for chemicals and fuel (Pollution Control) Act,
within confined areas on site and adopting 1995
proper safety measures when handling
those chemicals to prevent their leakage
and infiltration into the soil.
Terrestrial Potential disturbance  Minimize human and vehicular contact Weekly No reported harm to Project  Bangladesh Wildlife
Ecology and harm to birds with resident birds including their burrows birds. Developer Preservation Order
/ nests and feeding grounds. 1973 and Revision
 Ground nests found on site shall be 2008 (Draft)
translocated outside the project boundary.

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
 Waste shall be stored on site within  National Forest Policy
closed container, especially food remnants and Forest Sector
to avoid attracting birds on site. Review (1994, 2005)
 The Forest Act 1927,
Amendment 2000
(Protected, village
Forests and Social
 National Biodiversity
Strategy and Action
Plan, 2004
Waste Generation  Solid wastes from  A proper temporary storage facility is Continuously  Compliance with Project  Environmental Pollution
PV modules which needed for the wasted batteries to avoid Waste management Developer Control Ordinance,
contains toxic metals. potential lead contamination. procedures. 1977
 Wasted PV  Collect the domestic waste in septic  Current and  The Environment
modules and few tanks to treat according to the approved Complete records of (Pollution Control) Act,
other solid wastes procedure. regular waste pickup 1995
generated during the and disposal.
operational stage.
These include end-of-
life solar PV modules,
electrical wastes,
metallic wastes and
stationary wastes of
office works etc.
Waste water  Waste water  Cleaning of solar panels will be Once in a  Compliance with Project  Environmental
generation due to conducted on an overcast day, early in the month Waste management Developer Conservation Rules,
wash of PV panels morning or in the evening. procedures. 1997
 If the sun is beating down on the  Environmental Pollution
panels, any water used can quickly Control Ordinance,
evaporate and dirt will become smeared. 1977
 Early morning can be a particularly  The Environment
good time for cleaning as dew that has (Pollution Control) Act,
settled on the panels overnight will likely 1995
have softened grime; meaning that will
need to use less water and less energy to
clean the solar panels.
 Groundwater will be used for the
cleaning purpose but reuse of water will be

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-10
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
PV panels The most significant Photovoltaic (PV) is now a proven Continuously Compliance with Project  Environmental Pollution
source of soil pollution technology which is inherently safe as DoE Developer Control Ordinance,
is the damage of PV opposed to some dangerous electricity Regular machineries 1977
panels in case of generating technologies. Photovoltaic maintenance records.  Environmental
major accidents. systems make no air pollution and cause Conservation Rules
These contain no pollution in operation. PV panel should (ECR), 1997
chemicals and may be be clean and maintenance regularly for  Environment Court Act,
harmful for soil quality. dust free. The supplier will collect wastage 2000
There will be PV panels for maintenance and destroy
environmental impacts and they will be responsible for
of emission of management of PV panels.
greenhouse gas, The project proponent should check these
Ozone depletion, devices regularly and have to replace the
photochemical smog, damaged and expired or bad devices.
eutrophication and However, if possible, the damaged and
acidification and also expired devices should be maintained
health effects on properly and recycled.
people. Wasted PV
modules few other
solid wastes
generated during the
operational stage.
These include end-of-
life solar PV modules,
electrical wastes,
metallic wastes and
stationary wastes of
office works etc.

Health and Safety  Leaching of  Provide walkways that are clearly Continuously  Total Recordable Project  Bangladesh Labour
materials from broken designated as a walkway; all walkways Incidence Rate (TRIR) Developer Law, 2006
or fire damaged PV shall be provided with good conditions  Lost Time Incidence
modules underfoot; signposted and with adequate Frequency
 Emergency Fire lighting.  Number of safety
Hazard  Ensure all works and storage areas are Training performed
 Electrocution of tidy, all material deliveries shall be planned  Number of
workers to minimize accumulated materials at nonconformance
 Electromagnetic project site. events.
radiation from PV  Signpost any slippery areas, provide
modules proper footwear during working within
slippery areas.

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-11
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
 Slipping and  Carry out fire risk assessment during
tripping, working at operation to identify sources of fuel and
height activities ignition and establish general fire
 Lead can enter precautions including, means of escape,
body in two ways: by warning and fighting fire.
breathing or by  Set up a system to alert workers on site.
swallowing it. Lead This may be temporary or permanent
Sulfide dust enters the mains operated fire alarm.
body through  Fire extinguishers should be located at
breathing. Very fine identified fire points around the site. The
lead particles may extinguishers shall be appropriate to the
penetrates into the nature of the potential fire.
lungs result in  Establish and communicate emergency
absorption in the response plan with all parties, the ERP to
bloodstream. consider such things as specific
 As a power plant, foreseeable emergency situations,
the plant has always organizational roles and authorities,
some risks of fire responsibilities and expertise, emergency
hazards. Electrical response and evacuation procedure, in
equipment is the main addition to training for personnel’s.
source of a potential  Adequate first aiders shall be on site in
fire hazard. accordance with Bangladesh Labour Law
 Risk of electrocution requirements.
of workers during  First aid kit with adhesive bandages,
performing duties in a antibiotic ointment, antiseptic wipes,
power plant is always aspirin, non-latex gloves, scissors,
present. thermometer, etc. shall be made available
by the contractor on site.
 Only competent authorized persons
shall carry out maintenance on electrical
equipment, adequate Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) for electrical works must
be provided to all personnel involved in the
Decommissioning Phase
 The solar power plant facility is considered a large scale long-term investment that will contribute to economic benefits to the country through provision of power supply, designed
in accordance with best practice, taking into account all relevant national and internal codes and legislation.
 The design life of the facility will be approximately 20 years. Therefore, the post-design life is expected to involve rehabilitation, upgrading and modernization of the facility, with a
possible expansion (retrofitting and addition of new technology).
As a result, impacts from decommissioning are not expected to arise in the near future unless retrofitting and upgrade of the facility was not feasible. However, this, ESA Study has
considered potential decommissioning impacts in case there was a need for the facility to be dismantled and end operations.

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Key Potential Performance Legal

Aspect Mitigation Measures Frequency Responsibility
Impact Indicator Requirements
 As can be noted from the impact assessment chapter 8, no impacts with high significance are anticipated to take place during decommissioning of the project since all facilities
will be removed, solar power plant decommissioned, and PV panels will be dismantled and sent for recycling or disposal.
 The main mitigation and monitoring measures to minimize or reduce the environmental and social impacts during decommissioning are anticipated to be similar to those identified
for the construction phase.
 The solar PV panels that will be used in the project will have a life span of 25 years. Disposal of wasted solar PV modules is very important because if not properly decommissioned,
the greatest health risk from end-of-life crystalline solar modules arises from lead containing solders. Under the right conditions it is possible for the lead to leach into landfill soils and
eventually into water bodies.
 While the solar cell is the heart of a photovoltaic system, on a mass basis it accounts for only a small fraction of the total materials required to produce a solar panel. The outer
glass cover constitutes the largest share of the total mass of a finished crystalline photovoltaic module (approximately 65%), followed by the aluminum frame (~20%), the ethylene vinyl
acetate encapsulant (~7.5%), the polyvinyl fluoride substrate (~2.5%), and the junction box (1%). The solar cells themselves only represent about four percent (4%) of the mass of a
finished module.
 Proper decommissioning and recycling of solar panels both ensures that potentially harmful materials are not released into the environment and reduces the need for virgin raw
materials. In recognition of these facts, the photovoltaic industry is acting voluntarily to implement product take-back and recycling programs at the manufacturing level.

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

8.4 Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan

8.4.1 General
An Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan will be prepared to provide guidelines for
environmental and social management plan during the construction and operation phases of
the project. The environmental components that will be monitored are those that will be
positively or negatively affected, or expected to be affected, by construction activity.
Environmental management is a sustainable way of planning, arranging, supervising,
organizing, and developing the environment for the maintenance of the preservation of
natural resources and the prevention or reduction of damage to the environment. The major
environmental impact, monitoring method, responsible organization, and expense for each
environmental item in the construction and operation phases for the proposed development
are listed in Table 8.2.
8.4.2 Objectives
The objective of environmental monitoring during the construction and operation phases is to
compare the monitored data against the baseline condition collected during the study period
to assess the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and the protection of the ambient
environment based on national standards. The main objectives of the pre-construction,
construction and operation phase monitoring plans will be to:
 Monitor the actual impact of the works on physical, biological and socioeconomic
receptors within the project area for indicating the adequacy of the ESA;
 Recommend mitigation measures for any unexpected impact or where the impact
level exceeds that anticipated in the ESA;
 Ensure compliance with legal and community obligations including safety on
construction sites;
 Ensure the safe disposal of excess construction materials.
 Appraise the adequacy of the ESA with respect to the project’s predicted long-term
impacts on the physical, biological and socio-economic environment;
 Evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation measures proposed in the ESMP and
recommend improvements, if and when necessary;

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Table 8.2: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan

Monitoring Responsibility
Environmental Parameters/ Standards/
Components Units Guidelines Implementation Supervision
Pre-Construction Stage

Air quality standard by DoE, FEIL

Air Quality SO2, NOx, CO, SPM, PM2.5, PM10 Once Contractor
Noise Pollution Control Rules FEIL
Noise Level dB(A) Once Contractor
Surface water: pH, EC, TDS, DO, COD, BOD, TSS, FEIL
Surface water quality standard
Temperature, Salinity, Nitrate, Ammonia, phosphate Once Contractor
by DoE, Bangladesh
Water Quality
Ground Water: pH, Alkalinity, Fe, Cl-, TDS, DO, EC,As, FEIL
Surface water quality standard
Temperature, Salinity Once Contractor
by DoE, Bangladesh
Construction Stage

Air quality standard by DoE, FEIL

Air Quality SO2, NOx, CO, SPM, PM2.5, PM10 Once Contractor
Air quality standard by DoE, FEIL
Dust Dust control Once Contractor
Noise Pollution Control Rules FEIL
Noise Level dB(A) Once Contractor
Surface water: pH, EC, TDS, DO, COD, BOD, TSS, FEIL
Water quality standard by MoEF,
Temperature, Salinity, Nitrate, Ammonia, phosphate Once Contractor
Water Quality
Ground Water: pH, Alkalinity, Fe, Cl-, TDS, DO, EC,As, FEIL
Water quality standard by MoEF,
Temperature, Salinity Once Contractor
 Check storage, transportation, disposal, handling of hazarders FEIL
Waste  Waste and effluents to be collected and disposed safely from
Monitoring Weekly Contractor
 Wastes and garbage from construction sites to be disposed
 Check quality of food and accommodation at construction
Health and FEIL
camp; Monitoring Regularly Contractor
 Check safe water supply, hygienic toilet at camp, construction

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Monitoring Responsibility
Environmental Parameters/ Standards/
Components Units Guidelines Implementation Supervision
of drain at camp site;
 Check toilets are close to construction site;
 First Aid Box with required tools and medicines;
 The heavy construction material to handled and stored safely
putting due care on public safety;
 Heavy construction materials at construction site to be stored
and handled safely; and
 Check of personal protective equipment (PPE) for worker at
the sites
Operation Stage
Air quality standard by DOE, FEIL
Air Quality SO2, NOx, CO, SPM, PM2.5, PM10 1/year (5 year) DOE/IDCOL
Noise Pollution Control Rules FEIL
Noise Level dB(A) 1/year (5 year) DOE/IDCOL
Surface water: pH, EC, TDS, DO, COD, BOD, TSS, FEIL
Water quality standard by DOE,
Temperature, Salinity, Nitrate, Ammonia, phosphate 1/year (5 year) DOE/IDCOL
Water Quality
Ground Water: pH, Alkalinity, Fe, Cl-, TDS, DO, EC, As, FEIL
Water quality standard by DOE,
Temperature, Salinity 1/year (5 year) DOE/IDCOL
Accident and Public FEIL
Record of accidents, different level of disabilities/fatalities. None Specific ---------- DOE/IDCOL
PV panels Chemicals 1/year (5 year) DOE/IDCOL
Decommissioning Stage
Air quality standard by DOE,
Air Quality SO2, NOx, CO, SPM, PM2.5, PM10 Once Contractor FEIL /IDCOL
Air quality standard by DOE,
Dust Dust control Once Contractor FEIL /IDCOL
Noise Pollution Control Rules
Noise Level dB(A) Once Contractor FEIL /IDCOL
Surface water: pH, EC, TDS, DO, COD, BOD, TSS,
Water quality standard by MoEF,
Temperature, Salinity, Nitrate, Ammonia, phosphate Once Contractor FEIL /IDCOL
Water Quality
Ground Water: pH, Alkalinity, Fe, Cl-, TDS, DO, EC, As,
Water quality standard by MoEF,
Temperature, Salinity Once Contractor FEIL /IDCOL

890 KWp on Ground area; and 211 KWp on Rooftop Solar System Project PAGE |8-16
Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Monitoring Responsibility
Environmental Parameters/ Standards/
Components Units Guidelines Implementation Supervision
 Check storage, transportation, disposal, handling of hazarders
Waste  Careful and proper handling of PV panels and batteries
Monitoring Weekly Contractor FEIL /IDCOL
 Waste and effluents to be collected and disposed safely from
 Wastes and garbage from worker sites to be disposed safely
 Check quality of food and accommodation at worker camp;
 Check safe water supply, hygienic toilet at camps, construction
of drain at camp sites;
Health and
 Check toilets are close to construction site; Monitoring Regularly Contractor FEIL /IDCOL
 First Aid Box with required tools and medicines;
 Check of personal protective equipment (PPE) for worker at the

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Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Management Plan Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

8.5 Environmental and Social Budget

The estimated budget for implementation of the mitigation and monitoring measures
proposed in the ESMP is presented in Table 8.3. The overall costs of the ESMP will comprise:

 Environmental and social monitoring through sample collection and analysis;

 Any remedial measures necessary to reduce or avoid environmental and social
 Designing and implementing all mitigating and enhancement measures;

The total budget is estimated as BDT. 4,59,800. This budget does not include the
decommissioning stage since the minimum operation period is 20 years and the rate will vary
largely from the present cost.

Table 8.3: Environmental Budget

Rate Amount
Component Item Unit Quantity
(in BDT) (BDT)
Air Quality Measuring air quality No. 1 30,000 30,000
Noise Measuring ambient noise level No. 5 4,000 20,000
Surface water quality
Water Quality No. 1 9,000 9,000
Air Quality Measuring air quality No. 1 30,000 30,000
Noise Measuring ambient noise level No. 5 4,000 20,000
Water Quality Surface water quality
No. 1 9,000 9,000
Waste disposal Disposal and management of
and construction waste and Lump sum
management solar panels of individual
Construction General Safety (provision of
Safety PPE like ear muffs, gloves Lump sum 15,000
Health Health check-up camps for
Camp - 10,000 10,000
construction workers
Air Quality Monitoring air quality No. 5 (1/2year) 30,000 1,50,000
Noise Monitoring ambient noise level No. 5 (1/2year) 4,000 20,000
Monitoring surface water
Water No. 5 (1/2year) 9,000 45,000
Training Environmental training and As per
awareness training 20,000 20,000
Management Information System Lump
- 10,000 10,000
SUB TOTAL (Pre-construction, Construction, Operation, establishment and training) 4,18,000
CONTINGENCIES @ 10 % on total Environmental Costs 41,800
GRAND TOTAL (in BDT) 4,59,800

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Chapter 9: Environmental and Social Benefit Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


9.1 Introduction
Renewable energy is recognized internationally as a major contributor in protecting our
climate, nature, and the environment as well as providing a wide range of environmental,
economic, and social benefits that will contribute towards long-term global sustainability.

Increasing the supply of renewable energy would allow replacing carbon-intensive energy
sources and significantly reducing global warming emissions. Generating electricity from
renewable energy offers significant public health benefits. The air and water pollution emitted
by coal and natural gas plants is linked to breathing problems, neurological damage, heart
attacks, and cancer.

Solar power plant systems generate electricity with no associated air pollution emissions.
While solar plant energy systems emit some air pollutants, total air emissions are generally
much lower than those of coal and natural gas-fired power plants. In addition, solar energy
requires essentially no water to operate and thus do not pollute water resources or strain
supply by competing with agriculture, drinking water systems, or other important water needs.

9.2 Energy and Climate Concern

The negative environmental impacts from generating electricity through conventional fossil
fuel burning at thermal power plants are very well known. This most importantly includes air
pollutant emissions such as ozone, sulfur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), particulate
matter, and other gases, which are the cause of some serious environmental concerns such
as smog, acid rain, health effects, and many others.

In addition, the burning of fossil fuels results in carbon dioxide emissions; a primary
greenhouse gas emitted through human activities, which contributes to global warming. The
main human activity that emits CO2 is the combustion of fossil fuels for electricity production
and transportation. Concurrently, global climate change has become an issue of concern and
so reducing greenhouse gas emissions have also emerged as primary issues to be
addressed as the world searches for a sustainable energy future.

Electricity produced using solar energy emits no greenhouse gases (GHGs) or other
pollutants. As with any electricity-generating resource, the production of the PV systems
themselves requires energy that may come from sources that emit GHGs and other
pollutants. Since solar PV systems have no emissions once in operation, an average
traditional PV system will need to operate for an average of four years to recover the energy
and emissions associated with its manufacturing. A thin-film system currently requires three
years. Technological improvements are anticipated to bring these timeframes down to one or
two years. Thus, a residential PV system that can meet half of average household electricity
needs is estimated to avoid 100 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 30-year lifetime.

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Chapter 9: Environmental and Social Benefit Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

9.3 Energy and Economy Concern

Energy is a foundation stone of the modern industrial economy. Energy provides an essential
ingredient for almost all human activities: it provides services for cooking and space/water
heating, lighting, health, food production and storage, education, mineral extraction, industrial
production and transportation. Modern energy services are a powerful engine of economic
and social development, and no country has managed to develop much beyond a
subsistence economy without ensuring at least minimum access to energy services for a
broad section of its population. Throughout the world, the energy resources available to them
and their ability to pay largely determine the way in which people live their lives. Nevertheless,
it is critical to recognize that what people want are the services that energy provides, not fuel
or electricity per se. Many factors play a role in influencing energy supply, not least of which
is its availability, price and accessibility. The regional endowment of energy sources and the
pace at which they are developed and distributed are not uniform around the world.

The last two centuries have seen massive growth in the exploitation and development of
energy sources, and the world has gained many benefits from these activities. The magnitude
of energy consumed per capita has become one of the indicators of development progress
of a country, and as a result, energy issues and policies have been mainly concerned with
increasing the supply of energy. This approach is now seen as a vision that needs

In the last two years, countries around the world have added almost as much new solar
photovoltaic (PV) capacity as had been added since the invention of the solar cell. Nearly
38,000 megawatts of PV came online in 2013, a new annual record. In all, the world’s installed
PV generating capacity is now close to 140,000 megawatts. Falling costs and effective
policies continue to drive tremendous growth in solar power.

Figure 9.1: Trends of World Solar Energy Growth

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Chapter 9: Environmental and Social Benefit Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

PV remains the most rapidly growing energy technology by a wide margin. Indeed, global PV
installations for 2014 should reach at least 40,000 megawatts, expanding world PV capacity
by another 30 percent. As concerns about climate change grow, solar PV has firmly
established itself as an integral player in the transition from fossil fuels.

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Chapter 10: Conclusion Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)


10.1 Conclusion
According to the above analysis, we can conclude that, if the recommended mitigation
measures and environmental management processes are adopted properly, the project will
be environmentally sound and sustainable.
During the construction stage, there will be some negative impacts of the project. There are
no significant cumulative adverse impacts during operation that are identifiable at this stage.
The construction impacts should be very predictable and manageable, and with appropriate
mitigation, few residual impacts are likely. Additional human and financial resources will be
required to improve environmental capability, and to progress and achieve necessary
statutory compliance and environmental clearance certification for the project or associated
activities that also require environmental assessment and environmental permits under the
environmental laws of Bangladesh.
The project is expected to have a small "environmental footprint". No endangered or
protected species of flora or fauna are reported at the project site. The proposed project
activities have no significant adverse environmental impact so far as a time bound execution
program with application of advanced construction technology is ensured. The mitigation
measures are well within such codes and practices of construction and operation of the
proposed project.

10.2 Recommendations
Adequate provisions have been made for the environmental mitigation and monitoring of
predicted impacts, along with their associated costs. Adverse impacts if noticed during
implementation will be mitigated using appropriate design and management measures. The
potential cumulative and residual impacts of the project classify as not a highly sensitive or
The ESMP, its mitigation and monitoring programs, contained herewith shall be included
within the Bidding documents for project works. The Bid documents state that the contractor
shall be responsible for the implementation of the requirements of the ESMP through his own
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan, which will adopt all of the conditions of the
ESMP. This ensures that all potential bidders are aware of the environmental requirements
of the project and its associated environmental costs.
The ESMP and all its requirements shall then be added to the contractor’s contract, thereby
making implementation of the ESMP a legal requirement according to the contract. To ensure
compliance with the ESMP the contractor should employ an environmental specialist to
monitor and report project activities throughout the project construction phase.

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References Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Banglapedia, 2015. National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh Online [Online]. Available at

Brammer, H., 1996. The Geography of the Soils of Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Limited.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2002. Bio-ecological zones of Bangladesh.
Dhaka: IUCN Bangladesh.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2002. Bio-ecological zones of Bangladesh.
Dhaka: IUCN Bangladesh.

IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 2007. Climate change 2007: Synthesis Report.
Contribution of Working Groups I, II, III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva, Switzerland.

IUCN Bangladesh. ed. 2002f. Bio-ecological Zones of Bangladesh. Dhaka: IUCN-The World
Conservation Union.

IUCN Bangladesh. ed. 2002f. Bio-ecological Zones of Bangladesh. Dhaka: IUCN-The World
Conservation Union.

MoEF, 2009. Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009, Ministry of Environment
and Forest, Bangladesh.

MoEF/UNDP, 2005. National Adaptation Programme on Action (NAPA). Final Report. Ministry of
Environment and Forests, GOB, Bangladesh.

Rashid, H. E. (1991). “Geography of Bangladesh”. University Press Limited, Dhaka.

Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI), 1998. Agro-ecological regions of Bangladesh. Dhaka:
SRDI, Ministry of Agriculture.

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 2010. State of World Population 2010- From Conflict and
Crisis to Renewal: generations of change [Online]. Available at:

Wahab, A., (2008), Bangladesh Introduction (Ramsar Wetland Information). [Online] Available at:

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

12 Appendices
Appendix A: Air Quality Test Result

Appendix B: Noise Level Measurement Result

Appendix C: Surface Water Test Result

Appendix D: Important Sensitive Locations in the PIA

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Appendix A: Air Quality Test Result

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Appendix B: Surface Water Test Result

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Appendix C: Groundwater Test Result

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Appendix D: Noise Level Test Result

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Appendix D: Important Sensitive Locations in the PIA

Name Description Photo

There are two one storied tinshed building

Madhukhola English Education School 24.17637° 90.43641°
in this school.

NasaHitech Style Limited 24.17606° 90.43784° This is an industrial building

Madhukhola Graveyard 24.17860° 90.43730° There are five graves in the graveyard.

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Name Description Photo

One storied mosque.

Madhukhola National Central Mosque 24.17680° 90.43890°

Two one-storied buildings, used for

academic activities of Madhukhola Govt.
Primary School.
Madhukhola Govt. Primary School 24.17775° 90.43928°

Two one storied tinshed buildings used for

academic activities of Madhukhola English
Madhukhola English Academy 24.17820° 90.43740° Academy.

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Name Description Photo

Madhukhola Paschimpara Rahmania

24.17866° 90.43567° Three storied mosque.
Jame Mosque

Lamiha Poultry Farm 24.18041° 90.43958° One storied tinshed primary school.

Madhukhola Bazar 24.17956° 90.43955° A small bazar for the local people

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Appendices Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Name Description Photo

Community/ Homestead Forest 24.17680° 90.43890° A small homestead forest

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