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Bhagwad Gita AYA Chapter 6

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Bhagwad Gita
Understanding Karma, Jnana, Raja & Bhakti Yoga

Prashant Patel
+65 9272 9897

Ancient Yoga Academy 1

Chapter 6
Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Ancient Yoga Academy 2


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 700

Chapter 1: 46: Arjun Viṣhād Yog (Lamenting the Consequences of War)
Chapter 2: 72: Sānkhya Yog (The Yog of Analytical Knowledge)
Chapter 3: 43: Karm Yog (The Yog of Action)
Chapter 4: 42: Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action)
Chapter 5: 29: Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)
Chapter 6: 47 Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)
Chapter 7: 30 Jñāna Vijñāna Yog (Yog through the Realization of Divine Knowledge)
Chapter 8: 28 Akṣhar Brahma Yog (The Yog of the Eternal God)
Chapter 9: 34 Rāja Vidyā Yog (Yog through the King of Sciences)
Chapter 10: 42 Vibhūti Yog (Yog through Appreciating the Infinite Opulences of God)
Chapter 11: 55 Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog (Yog through Beholding the Cosmic Form of God)
Chapter 12: 20 Bhakti Yog (The Yog of Devotion)
Chapter 13: 35 Kṣhetra Kṣhetrajña Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Distinguishing the Field and the Knower of the Field)
Chapter 14: 27 Guṇa Traya Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Understanding the Three Modes of Material Nature)
Chapter 15: 20 Puruṣhottam Yog (The Yog of the Supreme Divine Personality)
Chapter 16: 24 Daivāsura Sampad Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Discerning the Divine and Demoniac Natures)
Chapter 17: 28 Śhraddhā Traya Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Discerning the Three Divisions of Faith)
Chapter 18: 78 Mokṣha Sanyās Yog (Yog through the Perfection of Renunciation and Surrender)

Ancient Yoga Academy 3

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Verse 1- 6
Decision and the decision of Karma yoga

Verse 7- 12
Symptoms and the glory of Sankhya Yogi and KarmaY ogi

Verse 13 - 26
Topic of Jnana Yoga

Verse 27- 29
Description of meditation Yoga with Devotion

Renounce the ego of individuality & rejoice in the bliss of infinity

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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Karma-Sanyasa Vs. Karma-yoga

• yog yukt (united in consciousness with God).

• 1) viśhuddh ātmā, of purified intellect,

• 2) vijit ātmā, who has conquered the mind, and
3) jitendriya, one who has controlled the senses.

• I am not the doer,” even while engaged in seeing, hearing,

touching, smelling, moving, sleeping, breathing, speaking,
excreting, and grasping, and opening or closing the eyes.

Be like Lotus

Ancient Yoga Academy 5

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Self-Purification Everything that exists and is

A Karma-yogi performs action
perfect and complete
By body, mind, intellect, and senses, then WHAT can we offer to divine?
Without attachment,
Only for self-purification. Purification of our own
A Karma-yogi, abandoning the fruit of work,
Attains Supreme Bliss while others,
Who are attached to the fruits of work, HOW can we Purify?
Become bound by selfish work.

yukt means “united in consciousness with God !नंदक !नयरे रा*खए, ऑ ंगन कुट1 छवाय,
ayukt means “not united with God in 4बन पानी, साबुन 4बना, !नम:ल करे सुभाय।
If you are desirous of quickly cleansing your heart,
cultivate the company of a critic.

Ancient Yoga Academy 6


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Self Knowledge (Jana Yoga) Equality in vision

Ignorance is destroyed by “One who gives up desires

Self-knowledge becomes like God.”

• Ignorance causes one to suffer in samsara (World), or

the perpetual cycle of life and death
• Self-interest lies in giving pleasure to God.
• knowledge has the power to release one from • Surrender to the will of God,
material bondage. • Accept both pleasure and pain as His
. grace.
True / Divine knowledge is that it leads to love for God • This is the symptom of a person situated
in transcendence. (e.g Farmer & Horse)

• prajñā chakṣhu, “with the eyes of knowledge.

• vinaya, “humbleness.”” • Know God to be bliss
• Experience the infinite bliss of God who is
seated within
Ancient Yoga Academy 7

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Meditative Yoga with Devotion

• Renouncing sense enjoyments;

Fixing the eyes and mind at the midbrows;
Equalizing the breath moving through the nostrils

• harmonize the prāṇ (outgoing breath) with the apān (incoming Necessity of devotion
breath), until both become suspended in yogic trance.

• With senses, mind, and intellect under control;

Having liberation as the prime goal;
Free from lust, anger, and fear;
Such a sage is verily liberated.

Ancient Yoga Academy 8


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Verse 1- 4
Karma yoga & True sanyāsī (renunciant).

Verse 5- 10
Self-preparation to achieve advanced in Yog & Characteristics of

Verse 11 - 32
About Meditation & Its Techniques

Verse 33- 36
Mastery of the Mind

Verse 37- 47
Description of Yogi’s Meditation and Progress

Connect to the Higher consciousness daily

Ancient Yoga Academy 9

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

• karm yog (practicing spirituality while continuing the worldly duties) and
karm sanyās (practicing spirituality in the renounced order)

Shree Krishna states in this verse that merely giving up the sacrificial fire
does not make one a sanyāsī (renunciant).

who are true sanyāsīs? A sanyāsī is one who

• renounces the pleasures of the mind & senses.
• phalāhārī (one who eats only fruits)
• But mere renunciation is not the goal, nor is it
• dūdhāhārī (subsists on milk alone)
• pavanāhārī (does not eat, lives only on the breath)
sufficient to reach the goal.
• nāgā bābā (ascetic who does not wear clothes) • Renunciation means that our running in the
wrong direction has stopped.

Yoga is union of the individual consciousness with the divine consciousness

True yogi is also the true sanyāsī. Ancient Yoga Academy 10


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Two paths for attaining welfare

• path of contemplation and
• the path of action. The word YOG refers to both the GOAL and the
PROCESS to reach the goal.
• Mind = purified & advance in Yog,
GOAL = “union with God.”
• à Leave karm yog and take to karm
sanyās. PROCESS = “PATH” to union with God.

• Material activities now serve no

purpose and Meditation now becomes
the means.

Aspiring for Yog, = karm yog

Elevated in Yog, = karm sanyās is more suitable.
Ancient Yoga Academy 11

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

When one is elevated in the science of Yog?

Neither attached to sense objects nor to actions
(including memories of previous enjoyments)

The mind is no longer activities at the urge of the senses.

mastery over the mind, considered elevated in Yog.

Ancient Yoga Academy 12


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

We are responsible for our own elevation

• Ek peḍa do pakṣhī baiṭhe, ek guru ek chelā, apanī karanī guru utare, apanī karanī chelā
“There are two birds sitting on a tree—one Guru and one disciple. The Guru will descend by his own works, and the
disciple will also only be able to climb down by his own karmas.”

Four levels of functioning of the one mind.

Present Future
Previous Life 1. Mind (mana) = thoughts
Life Life
2. Intellect (buddhi) = analyses and decides,
3. Chitta: = When it gets attached to an object or person
GURUS 4. Ego (ahankār): bodily identifications
present in
Conquered the mind, is friend.
every era Uncontrolled is an enemy.
Ancient Yoga Academy 13

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

who is (advanced in Yog)

• Jñāna, or knowledge, is the by listening to the Guru &
dualities of cold and heat, joy and
sorrow, honour and dishonour • Vijñāna (Science) is an internal awakening and wisdom
MAYA (illusion) from within.

• kuṭastha = who distances the mind from the fluctuating perceptions of senses in
contact with the material energy, neither seeking pleasurable situations nor avoiding
unpleasable ones.

• Vijitendriya = Mastered the senses.

• Yukt= who is in constant communion with the Supreme.

“All living beings are divine souls, and hence parts of God.”
Ancient Yoga Academy 14


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Self-preparation to achieve that (advanced in Yog)

Sitting Place:
1. Isolate ourselves in a room that is free from worldly disturbances.
2. Daily sādhanā, or spiritual practice As per Agni Puran: Sex must be controlled by
3. āsan should be neither too high nor too low 1. Thinking about it.
2. Talking
Sitting Posture: 3. Joking
1. Seated firmly 4. Envisioning it.
2. purify the mind by focusing it in meditation 5. Desiring it.
3. one pointed concentration 6. Wooing to get someone interested in it.
4. Controlling all thoughts and activities. 7. Enticing someone interested in it.
5. Hold the body, neck, and head firmly in a straight line, and eract. 8. Engaging
6. Gaze at the tip of the nose, without allowing the eyes to wander.
7. constantly engaged in meditation

Krishna emphasizes the practice of celibacy for success in meditation

Ancient Yoga Academy 15

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)
Object of Meditation God himself and God alone

God’s divine attributes—names, forms, virtues, pastimes, abodes, associates—the objects of meditation.

Regulations to follow: (to achive)

1. rūp dhyān = forms
2. virtues = virtues of God ( his compassion, beauty, • O Arjun, those who eat too much or eat too
knowledge, love, benevolence, his grace) little, sleep too much or too little, cannot
3. mānasī sevā (serving God in the mind) = Offering attain success in Yog.
foodstuffs to him, worshipping, singing, cooking etc.
Eating and recreation, balanced in work, and
regulated in sleep, can mitigate all sorrows by
practicing Yog.

controlled chitta (mind)

When does a person complete
becomes fixed and focused
the practice of Yog?
exclusively on God. E.g lamp

“Of all yogis, those whose minds are always absorbed in me, and who engage in devotion to me with great
faith, I consider them to be the highest of all.” (Verse 6.47) Ancient Yoga Academy 16


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation) • Attainment of bliss,
• Freedom from misery (stage of perfection has to be
Results reached through determined practice.)
• Meditation—removing the mind from the world
• mind is purified, (distinct from • Determination comes with conviction of the intellect.

the body, mind, and intellect)

Keep Practicing
• E.g muddy water 1. Intellect’s power of discrimination we decide that the world
• Samādhi, is not our goal. (forcefully remove the mind from the world.
• one experiences supreme This requires effort.)
boundless divine bliss, 2. Power of discrimination we understand that God alone is
• Absolute Truth, without ours, and God-realization is our goal. (bring the mind to
deviating from it for even a focus upon God. This also requires effort.)

moment. 3. Mind comes away from God, and wanders back into the
world. This does not require effort, it happens

God-realized soul, though residing in the material body, remains in the state
of divine consciousness Ancient Yoga Academy 17

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Sādhaks often ask how they can know that they are progressing
• The elevated meditator sees everything in its connection with God
• Inner transcendental bliss increasing à mind is coming under control =
the consciousness is getting spiritually elevated.

Types of Happiness:
1. Tāmasic. = narcotics, alcohol, cigarettes, meat products, violence, sleep, etc.)
2. Rājasic. = gratification of the five senses and the mind.
3. Sāttvic. = practicing virtues, like compassion, service to others, cultivation of knowledge, stilling of the mind, etc.
4. Nirguṇa. divine bliss of God, which is infinite in extent.

• See God in everything and everyone, so never lost to God and he is never lost to us
• “I am situated in the hearts of all living beings.”
• sama-darśhana (equality of vision) of perfected yogis.

The perfected yogis, in the light of realized knowledge, see everything in its
connection with God. Ancient Yoga Academy 18


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

1. subdue the senses

2. give up all desires
3. focus the mind upon God alone
4. think of him with an unwavering mind
5. see everyone with equal vision

• Arjun said:

• The system of Yog that you have described, O Madhusudan, appears impractical
and unattainable to me, due to the restless mind.

• The mind is very restless, turbulent, strong and obstinate, O Krishna. It appears to
me that it is more difficult to control than the wind.

Ancient Yoga Academy 19

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Vairāgya (detachment) and abhyās (Practice)
• those who have not learnt to bridle the mind through abhyās and vairāgya find
great difficulty in the practice of Yog.
• Arjun said:

• What is the fate of the unsuccessful yogi who begins the path with faith, but who does not
endeavour sufficiently, due to unsteady mind, and is unable to reach the goal of Yog in this life?

• Does not such a person who deviates from Yog get deprived of both material and spiritual success,
O mighty-armed Krishna, and perish like a broken cloud with no position in either sphere?

• O Krishna, please dispel this doubt of mine completely, for who other than you can do so?

Ancient Yoga Academy 20


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Once a YOGI always a YOGI

1. God preserves the devotee both in this world and the world hereafter.
2. fallen yogi is sometimes sent to the celestial abodes for a long time, and then
again granted birth on Earth.
3. Born in a (shree) family where they have the opportunity to continue their spiritual
4. continue the journey (spiritual assets i.e detachment, wisdom, devotion, faith, etc
5. The call of God is the strongest call in one’s life
6. Perfection in Yog is the result of the accumulated practice of many lives

Ancient Yoga Academy 21

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Yogi to be superior to:

tapasvī (ascetic= mortification and lives an extremely austere lifestyle,

refraining from sensual pleasures and the accumulation of material wealth, as
an aid in the pursuit of salvation.

jñānī = engages in the cultivation of knowledge.

karmī = Vedic rituals for attaining material opulence and the celestial abodes.

Yogi is striving not for the world, but for God superior to them all.
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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6: 47:

Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)

Of all yogis, those whose minds are always absorbed in

me, and who engage in devotion to me with great faith,
them I consider to be the highest of all.

bhakti yog
provides the closest and most complete
realization of God

Ancient Yoga Academy 23

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