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History of England

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History of England 


The history of England began with the arrival of humans thousands of years ago. What is now England, within
the United Kingdom, was inhabited by Neanderthals 230,000 years ago. However, continuous human
habitation dates to around 12,000 years ago, at the end of the last glacial period. The region has numerous
remains from the Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age, such as Stonehenge and Avebury. In the Iron Age,
England, like all of Britain south of the Firth of Forth, was inhabited by the Celtic people known as the Britons,
but also by some Belgae tribes (e.g. the Atrebates, the Catuvellauni and the Trinovantes). In AD 43 the Roman
conquest of Britain began; the Romans maintained control of their province of Britannia through to the 5th

The Roman departure opened the door for the Anglo-Saxon invasion, which is often regarded as the origin of
England and the English people. The Anglo-Saxons, a collection of various Germanic peoples, established
several kingdoms that became the primary powers in what is now England and parts of southern Scotland.[1]
They introduced the Old English language, which displaced the previous British language. The Anglo-Saxons
warred with British successor states in Wales, Cornwall, and the Hen Ogledd (Old North; the Brythonic-speaking
parts of northern England and southern Scotland), as well as with each other. Raids by the Vikings were
frequent after about AD 800, and the Norsemen took control of large parts of what is now England. During this
period several rulers attempted to unite the various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, an effort that led to the
emergence of the Kingdom of England by the 10th century.

In 1066, the Normans invaded and conquered England. There was much civil war and battles with other nations
throughout the Middle Ages. The Kingdom of England was a sovereign state until the reign of Richard I who
made it a vassal of the Holy Roman Empire in 1194. In 1212 during the reign of his brother John Lackland the
Kingdom instead became a tribute-paying vassal of the Holy See [2][3] until the 16th century when Henry VIII
broke from the Catholic Church. During the Renaissance, England was ruled by the Tudors. England had
conquered Wales in the 12th century and was then united with Scotland in the early 18th century to form the
Kingdom of Great Britain. Following the Industrial Revolution, Great Britain ruled a worldwide Empire, the
largest in the world. Following a process of decolonization in the 20th century the vast majority of the empire
became independent; however, its cultural impact is widespread and deep in many countries of the present


Archaeological evidence indicates that what was later southern Britannia was colonised by humans long before
the rest of the British Isles because of its more hospitable climate between and during the various glacial
periods of the distant past. The Sweet Track in the Somerset Levels is the oldest timber trackway discovered in
Northern Europe and among the oldest roads in the world, and was built in 3807 or 3806 BC. [4]

The first historical mention of the region is from the Massaliote Periplus, a sailing manual for merchants
thought to date to the 6th century BC, although cultural and trade links with the continent had existed for
millennia prior to this. Pytheas of Massilia wrote of his trading journey to the island around 325 BC.

Later writers such as Pliny the Elder (quoting Timaeus) and Diodorus Siculus (probably drawing on
Poseidonius) mention the tin trade from southern Britain, but there is little further historical detail of the
people who lived there.
Tacitus wrote that there was no great difference in language between the people of southern Britannia and
northern Gaul and noted that the various nations of Britons shared physical characteristics with their
continental neighbours.

Roman Britain (Britannia)

Julius Caesar invaded southern Britain in 55 and 54 BC and wrote in De Bello Gallico that the population of
southern Britannia was extremely large and shared much in common with the Belgae of the Low Countries.
Coin evidence and the work of later Roman historians have provided the names of some of the rulers of the
disparate tribes and their machinations in what was Britannia. Until the Roman Conquest of Britain, Britain's
British population was relatively stable, and by the time of Julius Caesar's first invasion, the British population
of what was western old Britain was speaking a Celtic language generally thought to be the forerunner of the
modern Brythonic languages.[5] After Julius Caesar abandoned Britain, it fell back into the hands of the Britons
and the Belgae.

The Romans began their second conquest of Britain in 43 AD, during the reign of Claudius. They annexed the
whole of what would become modern England and Wales over the next forty years and periodically extended
their control over much of lowland Scotland.

Post-Roman Britain

In the wake of the breakdown of Roman rule in Britain around 410, present day England was progressively
settled by Germanic groups. Collectively known as the Anglo-Saxons, these included Jutes from Jutland
together with larger numbers of Saxons from northwestern Germany and Angles from what is now Schleswig-
Holstein.[6] Prior to those settlements some Frisians invaded eastern Britain in the 250s.

They first invaded Britain in the mid-5th century, continuing for several decades. The Jutes appear to have been
the principal group of settlers in Kent, the Isle of Wight and parts of coastal Hampshire, while the Saxons
predominated in all other areas south of the Thames and in Essex and Middlesex, and the Angles in Norfolk,
Suffolk, the Midlands and the north.[citation needed]

The population of Britain dramatically decreased after the Roman period. The reduction seems to have been
caused mainly by plague and smallpox. It is known that the plague of Justinian entered the Mediterranean
world in the 6th century and first arrived in the British Isles in 544 or 545, when it reached Ireland. [7] The
Annales Cambriae mention the death of Maelgwn Wledig, king of Gwynedd from that plague in 547.

Anglo-Saxon conquests and the founding of England

In approximately 495, at the Battle of Mount Badon, Britons inflicted a severe defeat on an invading Anglo-
Saxon army which halted the westward Anglo-Saxon advance for some decades. [citation needed] Archaeological
evidence collected from pagan Anglo-Saxon cemeteries suggests that some of their settlements were
abandoned and the frontier between the invaders and the native inhabitants pushed back some time around

Anglo-Saxon expansion resumed in the 6th century, although the chronology of its progress is unclear. One of
the few individual events which emerges with any clarity before the 7th century is the Battle of Deorham, in
577, a West Saxon victory which led to the capture of Cirencester, Gloucester and Bath, bringing the Anglo-
Saxon advance to the Bristol Channel and dividing the Britons in the West Country from those in Wales. The
Northumbrian victory at the Battle of Chester around 616 may have had a similar effect in dividing Wales from
the Britons of Cumbria.
Gradual Saxon expansion through the West Country continued through the 7th, 8th, and 9th centuries.
Meanwhile, by the mid-7th century the Angles had pushed the Britons back to the approximate borders of
modern Wales in the west, the Tamar in the South west and expanded northward as far as the River Forth.

Heptarchy and Christianisation

Christianisation of Anglo-Saxon England began around 600 AD, influenced by Celtic Christianity from the
northwest and by the Roman Catholic Church from the southeast. Augustine, the first Archbishop of
Canterbury, took office in 597. In 601, he baptised the first Christian Anglo-Saxon king, Aethelbert of Kent. The
last pagan Anglo-Saxon king, Penda of Mercia, died in 655. The last pagan Jutish king, Arwald of the Isle of
Wight was killed in 686. The Anglo-Saxon mission on the continent took off in the 8th century, leading to the
Christianisation of practically all of the Frankish Empire by 800.

Throughout the 7th and 8th century power fluctuated between the larger kingdoms. Bede records Aethelbert
of Kent as being dominant at the close of the 6th century, but power seems to have shifted northwards to the
kingdom of Northumbria, which was formed from the amalgamation of Bernicia and Deira. Edwin of
Northumbria probably held dominance over much of Britain, though Bede's Northumbrian bias should be kept
in mind. Succession crises meant Northumbrian hegemony was not constant, and Mercia remained a very
powerful kingdom, especially under Penda. Two defeats essentially ended Northumbrian dominance: the
Battle of the Trent in 679 against Mercia, and Nechtanesmere in 685 against the Picts.

The so-called "Mercian Supremacy" dominated the 8th century, though it was not constant. Aethelbald and
Offa, the two most powerful kings, achieved high status; indeed, Offa was considered the overlord of south
Britain by Charlemagne. That Offa could summon the resources to build Offa's Dyke is testament to his power.
However, a rising Wessex, and challenges from smaller kingdoms, kept Mercian power in check, and by the
early 9th century the "Mercian Supremacy" was over.

This period has been described as the Heptarchy, though this term has now fallen out of academic use. The
word arose on the basis that the seven kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, Kent, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex and
Wessex were the main polities of south Britain. More recent scholarship [citation needed] has shown that other
kingdoms were also politically important across this period: Hwicce, Magonsaete, Lindsey and Middle Anglia.

Viking challenge and the rise of Wessex

The first recorded Viking attack in Britain was in 793 at Lindisfarne monastery as given by the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle. However, by then the Vikings were almost certainly well established in Orkney and Shetland, and it is
probable that many other non-recorded raids occurred before this. Records do show the first Viking attack on
Iona taking place in 794. The arrival of the Vikings, in particular the Danish Great Heathen Army, upset the
political and social geography of Britain and Ireland. Alfred the Great's victory at Edington in 878 stemmed the
Danish attack; however, by then Northumbria had devolved into Bernicia and a Viking kingdom, Mercia had
been split down the middle, and East Anglia ceased to exist as an Anglo-Saxon polity. The Vikings had similar
effects on the various kingdoms of the Scots, Picts and (to a lesser extent) Welsh. Certainly in North Britain the
Vikings were one reason behind the formation of the Kingdom of Alba, which eventually evolved into Scotland.

The conquest of Northumbria, north-western Mercia and East Anglia by the Danes led to widespread Danish
settlement in these areas. In the early 10th century the Norwegian rulers of Dublin took over the Danish
kingdom of York. Danish and Norwegian settlement made enough of an impact to leave significant traces in
the English language; many fundamental words in modern English are derived from Old Norse, though of the
100 most used words in English the vast majority are Old English in origin. Similarly, many place-names in areas
of Danish and Norwegian settlement have Scandinavian roots.
By the end of Alfred's reign in 899 he was the only remaining English king, having reduced Mercia to a
dependency of Wessex, governed by his son-in-law Ealdorman Aethelred. Cornwall (Kernow) was subject to
West Saxon dominance, and the Welsh kingdoms recognised Alfred as their overlord.

English unification

Alfred of Wessex died in 899 and was succeeded by his son Edward the Elder. Edward, and his brother-in-law
Æthelred of (what was left of) Mercia, began a programme of expansion, building forts and towns on an
Alfredian model. On Æthelred's death his wife (Edward's sister) Æthelflæd ruled as "Lady of the Mercians" and
continued expansion. It seems Edward had his son Æthelstan brought up in the Mercian court, and on
Edward's death Athelstan succeeded to the Mercian kingdom, and, after some uncertainty, Wessex.

Æthelstan continued the expansion of his father and aunt and was the first king to achieve direct rulership of
what we would now consider England. The titles attributed to him in charters and on coins suggest a still more
widespread dominance. His expansion aroused ill-feeling among the other kingdoms of Britain, and he
defeated a combined Scottish-Viking army at the Battle of Brunanburh. However, the unification of England
was not a certainty. Under Æthelstan's successors Edmund and Eadred the English kings repeatedly lost and
regained control of Northumbria. Nevertheless, Edgar, who ruled the same expanse as Athelstan, consolidated
the kingdom, which remained united thereafter.

England under the Danes and the Norman conquest

There were renewed Scandinavian attacks on England at the end of the 10th century. Æthelred ruled a long
reign but ultimately lost his kingdom to Sweyn of Denmark, though he recovered it following the latter's death.
However, Æthelred's son Edmund II Ironside died shortly afterwards, allowing Canute, Sweyn's son, to become
king of England. Under his rule the kingdom became the centre of government for an empire which also
included Denmark and Norway.

Canute was succeeded by his sons, but in 1042 the native dynasty was restored with the accession of Edward
the Confessor. Edward's failure to produce an heir caused a furious conflict over the succession on his death in
1066. His struggles for power against Godwin, Earl of Wessex, the claims of Canute's Scandinavian successors,
and the ambitions of the Normans whom Edward introduced to English politics to bolster his own position
caused each to vie for control Edward's reign.

Harold Godwinson became king, in all likelihood appointed by Edward the Confessor on his deathbed and
endorsed by the Witan. William of Normandy, Harald III of Norway (aided by Harold Godwin's estranged
brother Tostig) and Sweyn II of Denmark all asserted claims to the throne. By far the strongest hereditary claim
was that of Edgar the Atheling, but his youth and apparent lack of powerful supporters caused him to be
passed over, and he did not play a major part in the struggles of 1066, though he was made king for a short
time by the Witan after the death of Harold Godwinson.

In September 1066, Harald III of Norway landed in Northern England with a force of around 15,000 men and
300 longships (50 men in each boat). With him was Earl Tostig, who had promised him support. Harold
Godwinson defeated and killed Harald III of Norway and Tostig and the Norwegian force at the Battle of
Stamford Bridge.

On September 28, 1066, William of Normandy invaded England with a force of Normans, in a campaign known
as the Norman Conquest. On October 14, after having marched his exhausted army all the way from Yorkshire,
Harold fought the Normans at the Battle of Hastings, where England's army was defeated and Harold was
killed. Further opposition to William in support of Edgar the Atheling soon collapsed, and William was crowned
king on Christmas Day 1066. For the next five years he faced a series of English rebellions in various parts of the
country and a half-hearted Danish invasion, but he was able to subdue all resistance and establish an enduring

Norman England

The Norman Conquest led to a sea-change in the history of the English state. William ordered the compilation
of the Domesday Book, a survey of the entire population and their lands and property for tax purposes, which
reveals that within twenty years of the conquest the English ruling class had been almost entirely dispossessed
and replaced by Norman landholders, who also monopolised all senior positions in the government and the
Church. William and his nobles spoke and conducted court in Norman French, in England as well as in
Normandy. The use of the Anglo-Norman language by the aristocracy endured for centuries and left an
indelible mark in the development of modern English.

The English Middle Ages were characterised by civil war, international war, occasional insurrection, and
widespread political intrigue amongst the aristocratic and monarchic elite. England was more than self-
sufficient in cereals, dairy products, beef and mutton. The nation's international economy was based on the
wool trade, in which the produce of the sheepwalks of northern England was exported to the textile cities of
Flanders, where it was worked into cloth. Medieval foreign policy was as much shaped by relations with the
Flemish textile industry as it was by dynastic adventures in western France. An English textile industry was
established in the 15th century, providing the basis for rapid English capital accumulation.

Henry I, the fourth son of William I the Conqueror, succeeded his elder brother William II as King of England in
1100. Henry was also known as "Henry Beauclerc" (because of his education—as his older brother William was
the heir apparent and thus given the practical training to be king, Henry received the alternate, formal
education), worked hard to reform and stabilise the country and smooth the differences between the Anglo-
Saxon and Anglo-Norman societies. The loss of his son, William Adelin, in the wreck of the White Ship in
November 1120, undermined his reforms. This problem regarding succession cast a long shadow over English

During the confused and contested reign of Stephen, there was a major swing in the balance of power towards
the feudal barons, as civil war and lawlessness broke out. In trying to appease Scottish and Welsh raiders, he
handed over large tracts of land. His conflicts with his cousin The Empress Matilda (also known as Empress
Maud), led to a civil war from 1139-1153 known as the Anarchy. Matilda’s father, Henry I, had required the
leading barons, ecclesiastics and officials in Normandy and England, to take an oath to accept Matilda as his
heir. England was far less than enthusiastic to accept an outsider, and a woman, as their ruler.

There is some evidence suggesting Henry was unsure of his own hopes and the oath to make Matilda his heir.
In likelihood, Henry probably hoped Matilda would have a son and step aside as Queen Mother, making her son
the next heir. Upon Henry’s death, the Norman and English barons ignored Matilda’s claim to the throne, and
thus through a series of decisions, Stephen, Henry’s favourite nephew, was welcomed by many in England and
Normandy as their new ruler.

On 22 December 1135, Stephen was anointed king with the implicit support of the church and nation. Matilda
and her own son stood for direct descent by heredity from Henry I, and she bided her time in France. In the
autumn of 1139, she invaded England with her illegitimate half-brother Robert of Gloucester. Her husband,
Geoffroy V of Anjou, conquered Normandy but did not cross the channel to help his wife, satisfied with
Normandy and Anjou. During this breakdown of central authority, the nobles ran amuck building adulterine
castles (i.e. castles erected without government permission).

Stephen was captured, and his government fell. Matilda was proclaimed queen but was soon at odds with her
subjects and was expelled from London. The period of insurrection and civil war that followed continued until
1148, when Matilda returned to France. Stephen effectively reigned unopposed until his death in 1154, although
his hold on the throne was still uneasy. As soon as he regained power, he began the process of demolishing the
adulterine castles, which were hated by the peasants due to their being employed as forced labor to build and
maintain them. Stephen kept a few castles standing however, which put him at odds with his heir.

England under the Plantagenets

Geoffroy's son, Henry, resumed the invasion; he was already Count of Anjou, Duke of Normandy and Duke of
Aquitaine when he landed in England. When Stephen's son and heir apparent Eustace died in 1153, the king
reached an accommodation with Henry of Anjou (who became Henry II) to succeed Stephen and in which
peace between them was guaranteed. England was part of a greater union, retrospectively named the Angevin
Empire. Henry destroyed the remaining adulterine castles and expanded his power through various means and
to different levels into Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Flanders, Nantes, Brittany, Quercy, Toulouse, Bourges and

The reign of Henry II represents a reversion in power back from the barony to the monarchical state in England;
it was also to see a similar redistribution of legislative power from the Church, again to the monarchical state.
This period also presaged a properly constituted legislation and a radical shift away from feudalism. In his reign
new Anglo-Angevin and Anglo-Aquitanian aristocracies developed, though not to the same point as the Anglo-
Norman once did, and the Norman nobles interacted with their French peers.

Henry's successor, Richard I "the Lion Heart" (also known as "The absent king"), was preoccupied with foreign
wars, taking part in the Third Crusade and defending his French territories against Philip II of France.

The Kingdom of England was a sovereign state until the reign of Richard I who made it a nominal vassal of the
Holy Roman Empire in 1194 as part of a ransom when he was captured after a crusade.

Richard's younger brother John, who succeeded him, was not so fortunate; he suffered the loss of Normandy
and numerous other French territories following the disastrous Battle of Bouvines.

Facing internal disorder, in 1212 John made the Kingdom of England a tribute-paying vassal of the Holy See,
which it remained until the 14th century when the Kingdom rejected the overlordship of the Holy See and re-
established its sovereignty. From 1212 onwards, John had a constant policy of maintaining close relations with
the Pope, which partially explains how he persuaded the Pope to reject the legitimacy of the Magna Carta.

The European wars culminated in defeat at the Battle of Bouvines (1214), which forced the king to accept an
unfavourable peace with France after having failed to get help from King Mohammed el-Nasir of Morocco. [8]

Magna Carta

Over the course of his reign a combination of higher taxes, unsuccessful wars and conflict with the Pope had
made King John unpopular with his barons, and in 1215 some of the most important decided to rebel against
him. He met their leaders along with their French and Scot allies at Runnymede, near London on 15 June 1215 to
seal the Great Charter (Magna Carta in Latin), which imposed legal limits on the king's personal powers.
Because he had sealed under duress, however, John received approval from the Pope to break his word as
soon as hostilities had ceased, provoking the First Barons' War and an invited French invasion by Prince Louis
of France (whom the majority of the English barons had invited to replace John on the throne and had him
proclaimed king in London in May 1216). John travelled around the country to oppose the rebel forces,
directing, among other operations, a two-month siege of the rebel-held Rochester Castle.
John's son, Henry III, was only 9 years old when he became king (1216–1272). He spent much of his reign
fighting the barons over the Magna Carta[citation needed] and the royal rights, and was eventually forced to call the
first "parliament" in 1264. He was also unsuccessful on the Continent, where he endeavoured to re-establish
English control over Normandy, Anjou, and Aquitaine.

His reign was punctuated by numerous rebellions and civil wars, often provoked by incompetence and
mismanagement in government and Henry's perceived over-reliance on French courtiers (thus restricting the
influence of the English nobility). One of these rebellions—led by a disaffected courtier, Simon de Montfort—
was notable for its assembly of one of the earliest precursors to Parliament. In addition to fighting the Second
Barons' War, Henry III made war against Saint Louis and was defeated during the Saintonge War, yet Louis IX
did not capitalise on his victory, respecting his opponent's rights.


The reign of Edward I (reigned 1272–1307) was rather more successful. Edward enacted numerous laws
strengthening the powers of his government, and he summoned the first officially sanctioned Parliaments of
England (such as his Model Parliament). He conquered Wales and attempted to use a succession dispute to
gain control of the Kingdom of Scotland, though this developed into a costly and drawn-out military campaign.

His son, Edward II, proved a disaster. A weak man who preferred to engage in activities like thatching and
ditch-digging[citation needed] rather than jousting, hunting, or the usual entertainments of kings, he spent most of his
reign trying in vain to control the nobility, who in return showed continual hostility to him. Meanwhile, the
Scottish leader Robert Bruce began retaking all the territory conquered by Edward I. In 1314, the English army
was disastrously defeated by the Scots at the Battle of Bannockburn. Edward also showered favors on his
companion Piers Gaveston, a knight of humble birth. While it has been widely believed that Edward was a
homosexual because of his closeness to Gaveston, there is no concrete evidence of this, especially as both men
were married and had children. The king's enemies, including his cousin Thomas of Lancaster, captured and
murdered Gaveston in 1312.

Edward's downfall came in 1326 when his queen Isabella travelled to her native France and then, along with her
lover Roger Mortimer, invaded England. Despite their tiny force, they quickly rallied support for their cause.
The king fled London, and his companion since Piers Gaveston's death, Hugh Despenser, was publicly tried and
executed. Edward was eventually captured and charged with breaking his coronation oath. He was deposed
and remained imprisoned in Gloucestershire until he was murdered some time in the autumn of 1327,
presumably by agents of Isabella and Mortimer.

The Great Famine of 1315–1317 was the first crisis that would strike Europe in the 14th century. Millions in
northern Europe would die over an extended number of years, marking a clear end to the earlier period of
growth and prosperity during the 11th and 12th centuries. [9] The famine of 1315–1316 may have killed more than
10% of England's population, or at least 500,000 people. [10]

Edward III reigned 1327–1377, restored royal authority and went on to transform the Kingdom of England into
the most efficient military power in Europe. His reign saw vital developments in legislature and government—
in particular the evolution of the English parliament—as well as the ravages of the Black Death. After
defeating, but not subjugating, the Kingdom of Scotland, he declared himself rightful heir to the French throne
in 1338, starting what would be known as the Hundred Years' War.

Black Death

The Black Death, an epidemic of bubonic plague that spread over the whole of Europe, arrived in England in
1348 and killed as much as a third to half the population.
International excursions around that time were invariably against domestic neighbours: the Welsh, Irish,
Cornish, and the Hundred Years' War against the French and their Scottish allies. Notable English victories in
the Hundred Years' War included Crécy and Agincourt. In addition to this, the final defeat of the uprising led by
the Welsh prince, Owain Glyndŵr, in 1412 by Prince Henry (who later became Henry V) represents the last major
armed attempt by the Welsh to throw off English rule.

Edward III gave land to powerful noble families, including many people of royal lineage. Because land was
equivalent to power, these powerful men could try to claim the crown. The autocratic and arrogant methods
of Richard II only served to alienate the nobility more, and his forceful dispossession in 1399 by Henry IV
increased the turmoil.


The reign of Henry V, who succeeded to the throne in 1413, was mostly notable for the great victory over the
French at Agincourt. He died of dysentery in 1422, leaving a number of unfulfilled plans, one of which was to
lead a new crusade to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims. The turmoil was at its peak in the reign of Henry VI,
which began in 1422, because of his personal weaknesses and mental instability.

When the Hundred Years' War was lost in August 1453, Henry fell into a period of mental breakdown that
lasted until Christmas 1454. With his inability to control the feuding nobles, civil war began in 1455. The conflicts
are known as the Wars of the Roses (1455–1485), and although the fighting was very sporadic and small, there
was a general breakdown in the authority and power of the Crown. Henry's cousin, who deposed him in 1461
and became Edward IV, went a little way to restoring this power. Edward defeated the Lancastrians at the
Battle of Mortimer's Cross. He was briefly expelled from the throne in 1470-1471 when Richard Neville, Earl of
Warwick, brought Henry back to power. Six months later, Edward defeated and killed Warwick in battle and
reclaimed the throne. Henry was imprisoned in the Tower of London and died there.

Edward died in 1483, only 40 years old. His eldest son and heir Edward V, aged 13, would have succeeded him,
but the king's brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester declared his marriage to be bigamous and invalid, making all
his children illegitimate. Edward V and his 10-year old brother Richard were imprisoned in the Tower of London
and their uncle made himself king as Richard III. The two princes were never seen again and presumably died in
the Tower. It was widely believed that Richard had them murdered, although their exact fate remains a
mystery. Regardless of what really happened, the king was reviled as a treacherous fiend who murdered his
own nephews to gain the throne. This hatred of Richard obscured his able governance during his brief reign. In
the summer of 1485, Henry Tudor, the last Lancastrian male, landed in England from his exile in France. He
defeated and killed Richard in battle at Bosworth Field on August 22 of that year and became king as Henry VII.

See also: Black Death in England, English historians in the Middle Ages, List of English chronicles, and Bayeux

Tudor England

Henry VII

With Henry VII's accession to the throne in 1485, the Wars of the Roses came to an end, and Tudors would
continue to rule England for 118 years. Traditionally, the Battle of Bosworth Field is considered to mark the end
of the Middle Ages in England, although Henry did not introduce any new concept of monarchy, and for most
of his reign his hold on power was tenuous. He claimed the throne by conquest and God's judgement in battle.
Parliament quickly recognized him as king, but the Yorkists were far from defeated. Nonetheless, he married
Edward IV's eldest daughter Elizabeth in January 1486, thereby uniting the houses of York and Lancaster.
Most of the European rulers did not believe Henry would survive long, and were thus willing to shelter
claimants against him. The first plot against him was the Stafford and Lovell Rebellion of 1486, which presented
no serious threat. But Richard III's nephew John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, hatched another attempt the
following year. Using a peasant boy named Lambert Simnel, who posed as Edward, Earl of Warwick (the real
Warwick was locked up in the Tower of London), he led an army of 2,000 German mercenaries paid for by
Margaret of Burgundy into England. They were defeated and de la Pole killed at the difficult Battle of Stoke,
where the loyalty of some of the royal troops to Henry was questionable. The king, realizing that Simnel was
merely a dupe, employed him in the royal kitchen.

A more serious menace was Perkin Warbeck, a Flemish youth who posed as Edward IV's son Richard. Again
enjoying the support of Margaret of Burgundy, he invaded England four times from 1495-1497 before he was
finally captured and put in the Tower of London. Both Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick were too dangerous to
keep around even in captivity, and Henry had to execute them in 1499 before Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain
would allow their daughter Catherine to come to England and marry his son Arthur.

In 1497, Michael An Gof and the Baron Callum of Perranporth led Cornish rebels in a march on London. In a
battle over the River Ravensbourne at Deptford Bridge, An Gof and Callum fought for various issues related to
taxation. The English suffered high casualties, but on 17 June 1497 the forces of An Gof and Callum were
defeated. The rest of his Henry VII's reign was relatively peaceful, despite worries concerning succession after
the death of his wife Elizabeth of York in 1503.

Henry VII's foreign policy was a peaceful one. He had formed an alliance with Spain and the Holy Roman
Emperor Maximilian I, but in 1493, when they went to war with France, England was dragged into the conflict.
With his crown impoverished and his hold on power insecure, Henry had no desire to go to war. He quickly
reached an understanding with the French and renounced all claims to their territory except the port of Calais,
realizing also that nothing could be done to stop them from incorporating the Duchy of Brittany. In return, the
French agreed to recognize him as king and stop sheltering pretenders. Shortly afterwards, they became
preoccupied with adventures in Italy and turned their attention away from England. Henry also reached an
understanding with Scotland, agreeing to marry his daughter Margaret to that country's king James IV.

Upon becoming king, Henry inherited a government severely weakened and degraded by the Wars of the
Roses. The treasury was empty, having been drained by Edward IV's Woodville in-laws after his death. Through
a tight fiscal policy and sometimes ruthless tax collection and confiscations, Henry managed to refill the
treasury by the time of his death. He also effectively rebuilt the machinery of government.

In 1501, the king's son Arthur, having married Catherine of Aragon, died of an illness at the age of 15, leaving his
younger son Henry, Duke of York, as his heir. When the king himself died in 1509, the position of the Tudors
was secure at last, and his son succeeded him unopposed.

Henry VIII

Henry VIII began his reign with a high degree of optimism. The handsome, athletic young king stood in sharp
contrast to his wary, miserly father. Henry's lavish court quickly drained the treasury of the fortune he had
inherited. He married the widowed Catherine of Aragon, and they had several children, but none survived
infancy except a daughter, Mary.

In 1512, the young king embarked on a war in France. Although England was an ally of Spain, one of France's
principal enemies, the war was mostly about Henry's desire for personal glory, regardless of the fact that his
sister Mary was married to the French king Louis XII. The war accomplished little. The English army suffered
badly from disease, and Henry was not even present at the one notable victory, the Battle of the Spurs.
Meanwhile, James IV of Scotland (despite being Henry's other brother-in-law), activated his alliance with the
French and declared war on England. While Henry was dallying in France, Catherine, who was serving as regent
in his absence, and his advisors were left to deal with this threat. At the Battle of Flodden on September 9,
1513, the Scots were completely and totally defeated. Most of the Scottish nobility were killed along with
James himself. When Henry returned from France, he was given credit for the victory even though he had
nothing to do with it.

Eventually, Catherine was no longer able to have any more children. The king became increasingly nervous
about the possibility of his daughter Mary inheriting the throne, as England's one experience with a female
sovereign, Matilda in the 12th century, had been a catastrophe. He eventually decided that it was necessary to
divorce Catherine and find a new queen. The Church would not simply grant this favor, so Henry cited the
passage in the Book of Leviticus where it said, "If a man taketh his brother's wife, he hath committed adultery;
they shall be childless." However, Catherine insisted that she and Arthur had never consummated their brief
marriage and that the prohibition did not apply here. The timing of Henry's case was very unfortunate; it was
1527 and the Pope had been taken prisoner by the emperor Charles V, Catherine's nephew and the most
powerful man in Europe, for siding with his archenemy Francis I of France. As there was no possibility of
getting a divorce in these circumstances, Henry decided to simply secede from the Church, in what became
known as the English Reformation.

The newly established Church of England amounted to little more than the existing Catholic Church, but with
the king rather than the Pope as its head. It took a number of years for the separation from Rome to be
completed, however, and many were executed for resisting the king's religious policies.

In 1530, Catherine was banished from court. Their marriage was declared invalid, making Mary an illegitimate
child. Henry married Anne Boleyn in secret in 1531, just as his divorce from Catherine was finalized. After this,
they had a second, public wedding. Anne soon became pregnant and may have already been when they wed.
But on September 7, 1533, she gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth. The king was devastated at his failure to
obtain a son after all the effort it had taken to remarry. Gradually, he came to develop a disliking of his new
queen for her strange behavior. In 1536, when Anne was pregnant again, Henry was badly injured in a jousting
accident. Shaken by this, the queen gave birth prematurely to a stillborn boy. By now, the king was convinced
that his marriage was hexed, and having already found a new queen, Jane Seymour, he put Anne in the Tower
of London on charges of witchcraft. Afterwards, she was beheaded along with five men (her brother included)
accused of adultery with her. The marriage was then declared invalid, so that Elizabeth, just like her half sister,
became a bastard.

Henry immediately married Jane Seymour, who became pregnant almost as quickly. On October 12, 1537, she
gave birth to a healthy boy, Edward, which was greeted with huge celebrations. The king's quest for a son was
finally over, so long as Edward could be kept healthy. However, the queen died of puerperal sepsis ten days
later. Henry genuinely mourned her death, and at his own passing nine years later, he was buried next to her.

The king married a fourth time in 1540, to the German Anne of Cleves for a political alliance with her Protestant
brother, the Duke of Cleves. He also hoped to obtain another son in case something should happen to Edward.
Anne proved a dull, unattractive woman and Henry declined to consummate the marriage. He quickly divorced
her, and she remained in England as a kind of adopted sister to him. So he married again, to a 19-year old
named Catherine Howard. But when it became known that she was neither a virgin at the wedding, nor a
faithful wife afterwards, she ended up on the scaffold and the marriage declared invalid. His sixth and last
marriage was to Catherine Parr, more a nursemaid to him than anything else, as his health was failing (it had
declined ever since the jousting accident in 1536).

In 1542, the king embarked on a new campaign in France, but unlike in 1512, he only managed with great
difficulty. The war netted England the city of Boulogne, but nothing else, and the French retook it in 1549.
Scotland also declared war and at Solway Moss was once again totally defeated.
Henry's paranoia and suspicion worsened in his last years. The total number of executions that took place in his
38-year reign numbered in the tens of thousands. He died in January 1547 at the age of 55 and was succeeded
by his son.

Although he showed piety and intelligence, Edward VI was only nine years old when he took the throne in 1547.
His uncle, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset tampered with Henry VIII's will and obtained letters patent
giving him much of the power of a monarch by March 1547. He took the title of Protector. Whilst some see him
as a high-minded idealist, his stay in power culminated in a crisis in 1549 when many counties of the realm were
up in protest. Kett's Rebellion in Norfolk and the Prayer Book Rebellion in Devon and Cornwall simultaneously
created a crisis during a time when invasion from Scotland and France were feared. Somerset, disliked by the
Regency Council for his autocratic methods, was removed from power by John Dudley, who is known as Lord
President Northumberland. Northumberland proceeded to adopt the power for himself, but his methods were
more conciliatory and the Council accepted him. It was during Edward's reign that England became a
Protestant nation as opposed to a Catholic one in schism from Rome.

Edward was beginning to show great promise when he fell violently ill with tuberculosis in 1553 and died that
August two months short of his 16th birthday. Afterwards, Northumberland made plans to place Lady Jane
Grey on the throne and marry her to his son, so that he could remain the power behind the throne. His putsch
failed, Jane Grey was beheaded, and Mary I took the throne amidst popular demonstration in her favour in
London, which contemporaries described as the largest show of affection for a Tudor monarch. Mary had
never been expected to hold the throne, at least not since Edward was born. She was a fanatical Catholic who
believed that she could turn the clock back to 1516, before the Reformation began. Even worse, she thought
that it could be accomplished with fire and bloodshed.

Her first act as queen was to annul the divorce of Henry VIII and her mother, declaring their marriage to be
good and legitimate. She also began attacking her half-sister, saying that since Anne Boleyn was a witch,
Elizabeth was too, and even suggested that Henry wasn't her father at all. Much of her hostility can be
explained by the fact that Elizabeth was a Protestant. Forcible recatholization of England led to 274 burnings of
Protestants, which are recorded especially in John Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Mary then married her cousin Philip,
son of the emperor Charles V, and King of Spain when Charles abdicated in 1556. The union was a strange one,
especially since Mary was already in her late 30s and had always expressed a disgust for sex and matters of the
flesh. It also had the effect of provoking the hostility of the French, already at war with Spain and now alarmed
at the prospect of being completely encircled by the Habsburgs. Calais, the last English outpost on the
Continent, was then taken by France. Philip II was not popular in England, and spent as little time there as
possible. Mary eventually became pregnant, or at least believed herself to be. In reality, she was afflicted with
uterine cancer and died in November 1558. Her death was greeted with huge celebrations.


The reign of Elizabeth restored a sort of order to the realm following the turbulence of the reigns of Edward
and Mary when she came to the throne following the death of Mary in 1558. The religious issue which had
divided the country since Henry VIII was in a way put to rest by the Elizabethan Religious Settlement, which re-
established the Church of England. Much of Elizabeth's success was in balancing the interests of the Puritans
and Catholics. She managed to offend neither to a large extent, although she clamped down on Catholics
towards the end of her reign as war with Catholic Spain loomed. The war lasted from 1585-1603. In 1588, the
Spanish Armada was decisively defeated, marking the beginning of England's rise as a naval power. Indecisive
skirmishing continued throughout the 1590s, with English privateers pillaging Spanish commerce from

Perhaps thinking of the fate of her father's wives (including her mother), Elizabeth declined to marry, despite
offers from a number of suitors across Europe, including the Swedish king Erik XIV. This created endless
worries over her succession, especially in the 1570s when she nearly died of smallpox. It has been often
rumored that she had a number of lovers (including Francis Drake), but there is no hard evidence.

Elizabeth maintained relative government stability apart from the Revolt of the Northern Earls in 1569, she was
effective in reducing the power of the old nobility and expanding the power of her government. Elizabeth's
government did much to consolidate the work begun under Thomas Cromwell in the reign of Henry VIII, that is,
expanding the role of the government and effecting common law and administration throughout England.
During the reign of Elizabeth and shortly afterward, the population grew significantly: from three million in
1564 to nearly five million in 1616.[11]

The queen ran afoul of her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots, who was a devote Catholic and had been forced to
abdicate her throne as a consequence (Scotland had recently become Protestant). She fled to England, where
Elizabeth immediately had her arrested. Mary spent the next 18 years in confinement, but proved too
dangerous to keep alive, as the Catholic powers in Europe considered her, not Elizabeth, the legitimate ruler of
England. She was eventually tried for treason and sentenced to death, being beheaded in February 1587.

In all, the Tudor period is seen as a decisive one which set up many important questions which would have to
be answered in the next century and during the English Civil War. These were questions of the relative power
of the monarch and Parliament and to what extent one should control the other. Some historians think that
Thomas Cromwell affected a "Tudor Revolution" in government, and it is certain that Parliament became more
important during his chancellorship. Other historians say the "Tudor Revolution" really extended to the end of
Elizabeth's reign, when the work was all consolidated. Although the Privy Council declined after the death of
Elizabeth, while she was alive it was very effective.

17th century

Union of the Crowns

Elizabeth died in 1603 at the age of 69. Her closest male Protestant relative was the King of Scots, James VI, of
the House of Stuart, who became King James I of England in a Union of the Crowns. King James I & VI as he
was styled became the first monarch to rule the entire island of Great Britain, although it was merely a union of
the English and Scottish crowns, and both countries remained separate political entities until 1707. Several
assassination attempts were made on James, notably the Main Plot and Bye Plots of 1603, and most famously,
on 5 November 1605, the Gunpowder Plot, by a group of Catholic conspirators, led by Sir Robert Catesby,
which caused more antipathy in England towards the Catholic faith. Upon taking power, James immediately
made peace with Spain, and for the first half of the 17th century, England remained largely inactive in European

Colonial England

In 1607 England built an establishment at Jamestown This was the beginning of colonialism by England in North
America. Many English settled then in North America for religious or economic reasons. About 70% of migrants
from England who came between 1630-1660 were indentured servants. By 1700, Chesapeake planters brought
in about 100,000 indentured servants,[12] more than 75% of all European immigrants to Virginia and Maryland. [13]
The English merchants holding plantations in the warm southern parts of America then resorted rather quickly
to the slavery of Native Americans and imported Africans in order to cultivate their plantations and sell raw
material (particularly cotton and tobacco) in Europe. The English merchants involved in colonization amassed
fortunes equal to those of great aristocratic landowners in England, and their money, which fuelled the rise of
the middle class, permanently altered the balance of political power. The American colonies did not prove
profitable to the mother country in the end. Pennsylvania and Delaware were home to a large population of
self-sufficient farmers from various parts of Europe, especially Germany. New York traded with pirates and
smugglers, and the colonies of New England consistently frustrated the government's attempts to utilize the
area's forests for shipbuilding. Only Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay area produced a useful cash crop,
tobacco, but it quickly wore the soil out. By the end of the 18th century, the tobacco industry in Virginia had
been completely ruined by soil exhaustion and low prices. Indeed, the small sugar-growing islands in the
Caribbean were worth more than all of the thirteen colonies put together.

The English colonies did not have an independent foreign policy, but otherwise were mostly left to manage
their own affairs. This was very different from the authoritarian control France and Spain held over their
colonies. It was the gradual infringement on the rights of the colonies starting in the 1760s that would lead to
the American War of Independence. Nothing of the sort would have been possible in the French and Spanish

English Civil War

The First English Civil War broke out in 1642, largely as a result of an ongoing series of conflicts between James'
son, Charles I, and Parliament. The defeat of the Royalist army by the New Model Army of Parliament at the
Battle of Naseby in June 1645 effectively destroyed the king's forces. Charles surrendered to the Scottish army
at Newark. He was eventually handed over to the English Parliament in early 1647. He escaped, and the Second
English Civil War began, although it was a short conflict, with the New Model Army quickly securing the
country. The capture and subsequent trial of Charles led to his beheading in January 1649 at Whitehall Gate in
London, making England a republic. The trial and execution of Charles by his own subjects shocked the rest of
Europe (the king argued to the end that only God could judge him) and was a precursor of sorts to the
beheading of Louis XVI 145 years later.

The New Model Army, under the command of Oliver Cromwell, then scored decisive victories against Royalist
armies in Ireland and Scotland. Cromwell was given the title Lord Protector in 1653, making him 'king in all but
name' to his critics. After he died in 1658, his son Richard Cromwell succeeded him in the office but he was
forced to abdicate within a year. For a while it looked as if a new civil war would begin as the New Model Army
split into factions. Troops stationed in Scotland under the command of George Monck eventually marched on
London to restore order.

Restoration of the monarchy

The monarchy was restored in 1660, with King Charles II returning to London.

In 1665, London was swept by a visitation of the plague, and then, in 1666, the capital was swept by the Great
Fire, which raged for 5 days, destroying approximately 15,000 buildings. After the Restoration, there was an
overall reduction in the power of the crown, and by the 18th century England rivaled the Netherlands for being
one of the freest countries in Europe.

Glorious Revolution

In 1680, the Exclusion crisis occurred due to widespread objections to a Catholic serving as the King of England,
since James was the apparent heir to Charles, who was the king at that time. After the death of Charles II in
1685, his Catholic brother King James II & VII was crowned. From that point, there were various factions
pressing for the Dutch Protestant Prince William of Orange and his wife, Mary, to replace King James II in what
became known as the Glorious Revolution.

In November 1688, William landed in England with an invading force, and succeeding in being crowned king.
After this, James attempted to retake the throne by force in the Williamite War, and was finally defeated by
William at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.
In December 1689, one of the most important constitutional documents in English history, the Bill of Rights,
was passed.[14] The Act, which restated and confirmed many provisions of the earlier Declaration of Right,
established restrictions on the royal prerogative. It provided, amongst other things, that the Sovereign could
not suspend laws passed by Parliament, levy taxes without parliamentary consent, infringe the right to
petition, raise a standing army during peacetime without parliamentary consent, deny the right to bear arms to
Protestant subjects, unduly interfere with parliamentary elections, punish members of either House of
Parliament for anything said during debates, require excessive bail or inflict cruel and unusual punishments.[15]
William was opposed to the imposition of such constraints, but he chose not to engage in a conflict with
Parliament and agreed to abide by the statute. [16]

In parts of Scotland and Ireland, Catholics loyal to James remained determined to see him restored to the
throne, and there followed a series of bloody though unsuccessful uprisings. As a result of these, any failure to
pledge loyalty to the victorious King William was severely dealt with. The most infamous example of this policy
was the Massacre of Glencoe in 1692. Jacobite rebellions continued on into the mid-18th century until the son
of the last Catholic claimant to the throne, (James III & VIII), mounted a final campaign in 1745. The Jacobite
forces of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the "Bonnie Prince Charlie" of legend, were defeated at the Battle of
Culloden in 1746.

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