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How To Read The Gospels

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How to Read the Gospel


Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—known as the Gospel—contain some of the most familiar sto-
ries in the Bible. They offer the earliest accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings, but how often do
we really take in their literary artistry from beginning to end? How can we reconcile the fact
that there are four accounts with differing stories? This video is all about learning to understand
and respond to these unique books.

These notes go a level deeper than we can cover in a five-minute video. In the following pages,
you’ll be introduced to key concepts and passages that will guide your exploration of the four
Gospel accounts.

What is the Gospel? 2

What are the Gospel Accounts? 3

Four Unique Features of the Gospel Narratives 4

Three Skills for Reading the Gospel 9

The Formation of the Gospel Narratives 11

Relationships Among the Synoptic Gospel 13

Further Resources on How to Read the Gospel 17

What is the Gospel?
The word “gospel” (Old English: god-spel, meaning “good tidings”) comes from a Greek word
(euangelion) that means “good news.” In the New Testament, gospel refers to the announcement
that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection
from the dead.

Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news from God. “The time has come,” Jesus said.
“The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

MARK 1: 14-1 5

*Most Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) with changes and emphasis added for understanding.

Both Jesus and Paul derived this important word from the prophetic poetry of Isaiah in the Old
Testament (Isaiah 52:7-10) where the future arrival of God’s Kingdom through the Messiah is
called good news.

How lovely on the mountains

Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who announces peace
And brings good news of happiness,
Who announces salvation,
And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

I SAI AH 5 2: 7

This phrase “good news” is used 66 times in Paul’s letters, and the verbs 21 times! Romans 1:1-4
and 1 Corinthians 15:1-3 are his clearest definitions.

The good news…regarding God’s Son, who descended from David in his physical lineage, and
who was appointed by the Holy Spirit to be the Son of God in power through his resurrection
from the dead: Jesus, the Messiah, our Lord.

ROMAN S 1 : 1 -4

Now I make known to you, brethren, the good news which I preached to you, which also you
received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I
preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I
also received:

that the Messiah died for our sins according to the Scriptures,
and that he was buried,
and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five
hundred brethren at one time, most of whom remain until now, but some have fallen asleep;
then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles; and last of all, as to one untimely born, he
appeared to me also.

1 CORI N TH I AN S 15: 1 -8

What are the Gospel Accounts?
The Gospel narratives—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are carefully designed theological bi-
ographies of Jesus that focus on his announcement of the Gospel. They are based on the eye-
witness testimonies of the apostles. However, they are not merely historical records. These ac-
counts are designed to advance a claim that will challenge the reader’s thinking and behavior.
The Gospel narratives have two main goals:

1. To faithfully represent the story of Jesus—that the crucified

and risen Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of Israel and the
true Lord of the world.

2. To persuade the reader to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and

become his disciple.

The title of each Gospel account can also inform us about their purpose: “The Gospel, according
to [Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John].” The four authors each frame Jesus’ story in a unique way for
distinct purposes. We’ll explore those purposes later in these notes.

Why the title Gospel?

You may be wondering why these books are called the Gospel. The answer is quite simple. Most
scholars agree that the name derives from Mark’s usage of the word:

The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.

MARK 1: 1

The Gospel and Ancient Biography

The Gospel accounts are a kind of ancient biography. Although this is a commonly recognized
category of literature today, biographies in the ancient world had different strategies and aims.
Take a look at some key differences.

• Ancient biographies were representations of the essence

or meaning of a key figure’s life story and message not a
chronological play-by-play of life events.

• They were not archival or unbiased accounts. Rather, they

intended to be persuasive documents.

• They were aimed at persuading the reader to emulate the

figure not just to gain knowledge about their life.

“The four apostolic Gospels are theological, historical, and formational narrative biographies
that retell the story and proclaim the significance of Jesus as Israel’s messiah and the Lord of all
nations, the one who through the power of the Spirit is restoring God’s reign over all creation.”


Four Unique Features of the Gospel Narratives
Although there are four different Gospel authors, the books maintain a certain cohesiveness
and similarity of style. This is due to the following four features present in each accounts.

1. References to Old Testament Scriptures

Each of the accounts claims that Jesus fulfills the Old Testament story. They prove this claim
through constant reference to the Scriptures. We can assume each author had a high degree of
familiarity with the Old Testament Scriptures by the way they refer to them throughout their

• Introductions: Each of the four Gospel accounts begins

with hyperlinks to various texts in the Hebrew Bible to show
how Jesus is carrying the story of Israel and humanity to its

MARK 1-2 Isaiah and Malachi, Genesis 1 and Daniel 7

MAT T H E W 1 The genealogies of Genesis and 1 Chronicles

LUK E 1 Genesis and Isaiah

JOH N 1 Genesis 1 and Exodus 32-34

• Direct Quotations: For example, Matthew presents Jesus’

healing ministry (Matthew 8:14-16) as a fulfillment of Isa-
iah’s description of the suffering servant (Isaiah 53:4).

• Subtle Allusions: In Mark 1:9-11, Jesus is baptized and God

announces from heaven, “You are my beloved Son (Genesis
22:2), with you I am well-pleased” (Isaiah 42:1, Psalm 2:7).
This sentence blends together phrases from three biblical
texts to show that Jesus is the messianic servant king who is
the seed of Abraham.

• Narrative Parallels: For example, Matthew presents Jesus as

a greater-than-Moses figure by designing his story to match
the basic outline of Moses’ life.

2. Direct and Indirect Claims on Jesus’ Identity

The Gospel authors sometimes make explicit claims about Jesus’ identity (Mark 1:1; “The be-
ginning of the Gospel about Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God”), but more often they shape the
reader’s perception of Jesus through indirect means.

• Narratives about Jesus performing signs and wonders, like
when Jesus heals and forgives sins in Mark 2:7 and 12: “Who
can forgive sins but God alone?”

• Narratives about Jesus’ teaching—his speeches, parables,

and dialogues—as in Matthew 7:24-27 when Jesus portrays
himself and his community as the new Jerusalem temple.

• Testimonies of other characters:

GOD “This is my Son” (Matthew 3:17)

THE D I S CI P L ES “What kind of man is this?” (Matthew 8:27)

“What do you want with us, Son of God?”
(Matthew 8:29)

P EOP L E OF NA Z A RET H “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?” (Matthew 13:55)

CAN A A NI T E WOM A N “Lord, Son of David!” (Matthew 15:22)

“You’re the Messiah, Son of the living God”
(Matthew 16:16)

“Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?”
(Matthew 26:63)

P IL AT E “Are you the King of the Jews?” (Matthew 27:11)

ROM A N S OL D IE R “Surely this was the Son of God” (Matthew 27:54)

Why not include more direct references to Jesus’ identity? Each of the Gospel authors wants
you to meet Jesus in these stories and experience him for yourself. Instead of simply making
claims about Jesus (which is quite rare), the Gospel authors are more interested in showing peo-
ple respond to Jesus in the narratives, so that you are forced to make your own decision about
him (see John 20:30-31).

3. Crucifixion and Resurrection as the Climax of the Story

All four Gospel accounts present Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection as the climax not only of
Jesus’ life, but of the entire biblical narrative. They do so by devoting significant narrative space
to the stories surrounding these events.

• Mark allots ten of sixteen chapters (60%) to roughly three

years of Jesus’ Kingdom announcement and six chapters
(30%) to the seven days Jesus spent in Jerusalem before his

• Jesus’ death is introduced early in Matthew (12:14) and is

anticipated four times by Jesus himself (16:21, 27; 17:22-23;
20:18-19) as the moment where he will become King (27:37).

4. Different Arrangements to Emphasize Unique Facets of Jesus’ Character

While the four Gospel accounts do claim to recount real historical events, each author has care-
fully edited, arranged, and designed the core stories about Jesus to emphasize unique facets of
Jesus’ character. So what do each of the accounts emphasize?

• Matthew portrays Jesus as a greater-than-Moses figure who

fulfills the promises of the ancient Scriptures and whose
resurrection has enthroned him as the King of heaven and

• Mark emphasizes the mystery and misunderstanding caused

by Jesus’ announcement of the Kingdom of God. He shows
Jesus as the unexpected Messiah and highlights the paradox
of how the exalted Messiah can only be recognized in the
humiliated, crucified Jesus.

• Luke highlights how Jesus brings the Gospel to the nations.

He shows that Jesus is empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill
the Old Testament promise that God’s salvation would reach
beyond Israel to include all nations.

• John introduces Jesus as Israel’s God become human, pre-

senting signs that demonstrate the truth of his messianic
claim and his offer of eternal life for any that will trust in

Exploring John’s Arrangement

Let’s take a deeper look into how one of the Gospel authors arranges his material to connect to
unique facets of Jesus’ identity. In the opening of John, Jesus is placed in the role of Creator of
life and light, the divine Word of Genesis 1:1 and divine Wisdom of Proverbs 8. Take a look at
how John weaves Old Testament allusions to make his point.

JOHN 1 :1-13 C R E AT I O N BY WO R D A N D W I S D O M

In the beginning was the word, and In the beginning, God created the skies and the land.
the word was with God…he was with GEN ESI S 1: 1
God in the beginning.
J OHN 1:1- 2
Yahweh possessed me [wisdom] at the beginning of
his way, before his works from of old. From ancient
time I was established, from the beginning.
PROV ERBS 8: 22-23

There I was beside him, as a master workman.


all things came to exist through And God said…

him, and apart from him not one G E NE SIS 1: 3, ETC . (A TOTAL OF TEN TI MES I N GEN ESI S 1)
thing came into existence which has
come into existence.
By means of wisdom Yahweh founded the land,
J OHN 1:3
by means of understanding he established the skies.

By means of the word of Yahweh the skies were

made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.
PSAL M 33: 6

In him was life, and the life was the And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
light of humanity. And the light was God saw that the light was good, and God separated
shining in darkness, and the darkness the light from the darkness.
could not comprehend it. GEN ESI S 1: 3-4
J OHN 1:4 - 5

John then moves to a different claim in John 1:14-18. He desires to connect Jesus to God’s glori-
ous temple presence (Exodus 33:18-23) and divine attributes (Exodus 34:6). Take a look at this
intentional arrangement of material.

JOHN 1: 14-18 G O D ’ S P R E S E N C E A N D AT T R I B U T E S

And the Word became flesh, and “Have them make a sanctuary for me, that I may dwell
dwelt (Grk. ἐσκήνωσεν) among us, and (Heb. shakan) among them. According to all that I am
we saw his glory (Grk. δόξα), glory as going to show you, as the pattern of the tabernacle
of the one and only from the Father… (Heb. miskhan; Grk. τῆς σκηνῆς) and the pattern of all its
J OHN 1:14 A furniture, just so you shall construct it.
EXODUS 25 : 8-9

I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be

an eternal covenant with them; and I will bless them
and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary among
them forever. My dwelling place (Heb.: mishkan; Grk.
κατασκήνωσίς) will be with them and I will be their God
and they will be my people.
EZEKI EL 37 : 26-27

...full of grace and truth (Grk. πλήρης Yahweh, Yahweh, compassionate and gracious, slow
χάριτος καὶ ἀληθείας)… For from his full- to anger, and full of covenant love and truth.
ness we have all received, and grace EXODUS 34: 6-7
upon grace. For the Torah was given
through Moses; grace and truth were
realized through Jesus Christ.
J O HN 1:14 B, 16- 17

and we saw his glory (Grk. δόξα), “But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one
glory as of the one and only from the may see me and live.” Then the Lord said, “There is a
Father… No one has seen God at any place near me where you may stand on a rock. When
time; the one and only God who is my glory (Heb. kavod; Grk. δόξα) passes by, I will put
in the bosom of the Father, he has you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand
explained… until I have passed by.”
J OHN 1:14 B, 18 EXODUS 33: 20-22

This is just one example of how John utilized Old Testament Scripture to make a claim about a
specific aspect of Jesus’ identity. The other Gospel authors employ the same strategy but land on
different points of emphasis. As we read each Gospel account and pay attention to the literary
genius of each author, we begin hearing the symphony of Jesus’ identity.

Three Skills for Reading the Gospel
As demonstrated in the previous section, the Gospel authors carefully designed their accounts.
Let’s not forget why. Each presents a persuasive portrait of Jesus, so that you will acknowledge
him as Lord and follow him. How can we learn to pay attention to the design and intention of
each author? Here are three skills we think could help you.

1. Discover the Significance of Repeated Words and Ideas

The authors have woven their large-scale stories out of dozens of smaller stories about Jesus’
teachings and miracles. They have linked them all together by means of key repeated words to
highlight their themes. There are two steps that are helpful in discovering the significance of
this feature.

Step 1: Look for the repeated words and ideas that connect the stories together.

Step 2: Ask, “What does the author want us to know about Jesus through these stories?”

Let’s take a look at this skill in action. Can you observe how the following stories are linked to-
gether by repeated words and/or ideas?

Example 1: Luke 3-4

LUKE 3 :2 1-2 2 LUKE 3 : 23 - 3 8 LU K E 4 : 1 - 1 3 LU K E 4 : 14 - 3 2 LU K E 4 :3 3 -4 1

Jesus’ baptism: Jesus’ genealo- Jesus’ wilder- Jesus is re- Jesus casts out
REPE ATED IDEA. declared to be gy: linked back ness testing: jected by his demons who
God’s “beloved to Adam, “the the Satan hometown proclaim, “You
Son” son of God” questions Je- Nazareth: are the Son of
sus’ identity as “Whose son is God”
“Son of God” this?”

Luke has woven these stories together to emphasize how Jesus is the Son of God, Israel’s
AU TH OR DOING? Messiah, and humanity’s representative. However, his identity is contested as some ques-
tion, doubt, and even reject him.

Example 2: Matthew 11-13

M AT T H E W 11:1-19 M AT TH E W 1 1 : 20 - 3 0 M AT TH E W 1 2 M AT TH E W 1 3

John the Baptist Jesus reacts to Israel- Four stories of Jesus tells the
REPE ATED IDEA. doubts whether Je- ite towns that reject the Pharisees parable of the
sus is the Messiah him as the Messiah rejecting Jesus four soils
and one story
of sick people
accepting him
as the Messiah

Many people doubt or reject Jesus, but those who find themselves transformed by
AU TH OR DOING? his grace accept him. Jesus then reflects on why there are such diverse responses
to his message and challenges everyone to pay attention.

2. Pay Attention to how Characters in the Story Respond to Jesus

Instead of telling you how to respond to Jesus, the Gospel authors use people’s diverse reactions
as a way of showing you how to—or how not to—react. For this reason, we recommend pausing
after each short story to ask yourself two sets of questions:

1. How do the people in this story react to Jesus? What are their
motivations? What are the results?

2. Do I see my own response to Jesus mirrored in these char-


3. Read, Reread, and Reread Some More!

These Gospel accounts were designed to be read many times and eventually memorized. There
are insights about Jesus and each author’s message about him that you will only pick up af-
ter reading through these accounts multiple times and paying attention to repeated words and
themes. Read slowly, then read fast, then slow again. You cannot immerse yourself in these four
accounts too much!

The Formation of the Gospel Narratives
How were these books formed? The Gospel authors used pre existing materials that had been
passed down by authoritative eyewitness sources and authorized transmitters. Let’s take a look
at some biblical evidence for this formation. First, we can learn much from Luke’s introduction
to his Gospel, in which he explains how he went about writing.

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among
us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses
and servants of the word...

LUKE 1 : 1 -2

Take a look at the three words emphasized above.

1. “Compile, draw up” (Grk. anatassomai: to compose, organize

materials into a sequence)

2. “Handed down” (Grk. paradidomi: to pass on authorized tra-

ditions, cf. 1 Corinthians 15:1-3)

3. “Eyewitnesses” (Grk. autoptes: reference to the original wit-

nesses to the deeds and words of Jesus in the circle of the
disciples, cf. 1 John 1:1-2)

There are several places in John’s Gospel that give readers insight into the formation of the Gos-
pel accounts. First, it is clear that John acknowledges the existence and validity of other Gospel

Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are
not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in his name.

JOH N 20: 30 -31

He also makes apparent the truthfulness of the eyewitness account of himself and others.

This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and wrote these things, and we know that
his testimony is true.

JOH N 21 : 24

From Formation to Function

The use of the Gospel narratives by the apostles in the early church bears witness to their for-
mation and function. The earliest example of this is in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. He
instructs on the Eucharist by referencing the oral tradition of the Synoptic Gospel.

M ARK 14:2 2 –25 M AT T H E W 2 6 :2 6 – 2 8 LU K E 22: 1 9 – 20 1 CO R I N TH I A N S 1 1 : 23 - 26

While they were While they were For I received from the Lord
eating, eating, that which I also delivered
to you, that the Lord Jesus
in the night in which he was

Jesus took Jesus took bread, and And he took He took bread; and when he
bread, and when when he had given bread, gave had given thanks, he broke it
he had given thanks, he broke it thanks and broke and said,
thanks, he broke and gave it to his dis- it, and gave it to “This is my body, which is
it and gave it ciples, saying, them, saying, for you; do this in remem-
to his disciples, “Take and eat; this is “This is my body brance of me.”
saying, my body.” given for you; do
“Take it; this is this in remem-
my body.” brance of me.”

Then he took a Then he took a cup, In the same way, In the same way the took the
cup, and when and when he had after the supper cup after supper, saying,
he had given given thanks, he gave he took the cup, “This cup is the new cove-
thanks, he gave it to them, saying, saying, nant in My blood; do this, as
it to them, “Drink from it, all of “This cup is the often as you drink, in remem-
and they all you. This is my blood new covenant in brance of me.”
drank from it. of the covenant, my blood, which
“This is my which is poured out is poured out for
blood of the for many for the for- you.”
covenant, which giveness of sins.”
is poured out for
many,” he said to

“Truly I tell you,

I will not drink
again from the
fruit of the vine
until that day
when I drink it
new in the king-
dom of God.”

Paul was clearly familiar with the Gospel texts, using them as the authoritative source of his in-
struction. But why the subtle differences between the Gospel accounts? Aren’t they supposed to
be recounting the same event? This brings us to our last topic—understanding the relationship
between the Synoptic Gospel accounts.

Relationships Among the Synoptic Gospel
As you read through the Gospel, you may notice that Matthew, Mark, and Luke closely resemble
each other. The common name for these three books are the Synoptic Gospel accounts, mean-
ing they were written from a similar perspective. They contain similarities in wording, order,
and the selection of stories and quotations. Why this similarity?

The most likely explanation is that these authors—or more technically, compilers—were shar-
ing a common source and/or using each other as a source for their material. So who wrote first?
There are many theories, but here are the three most common.

1. The Two-Source Theory: Mark wrote first, then MARK “Q ” - OTH E R SO U RC E

Matthew, and Luke used Mark. Matthew and
Luke also used another common source re-
ferred to as “Q.” M AT TH E W LU K E

2. The Farrer Theory: Mark wrote first. Then Mat-
thew used Mark. Then Luke later used Matthew LU K E

and Mark. M AT TH E W

3. The Griesbach Hypothesis: Matthew was the M AT T H E W

source of Luke. Then both were abbreviated by MARK


Of the three main theories, two prioritize Mark as the first Gospel author. Today, most scholars
agree that Mark indeed was the first Gospel writer. But regardless of who wrote first, we can
learn more about the Gospel message from the similarities and differences between accounts.
Here is a helpful breakdown of content categories in the Synoptic Gospel accounts:

Content included in Mark, Matthew, and Luke. For example, the feeding
of the five thousand.

DO U BLE TRADITION Content included in Mathew and Luke. For example, the Beatitudes.

SPECIAL MAT THEW Content unique to Matthew. For example, the visit of the Magi.

SPECIAL LUK E Content unique to Luke. For example, the parable of the prodigal son.

When it comes to triple tradition and double tradition material, it is beneficial to compare the
similarities and differences between passages. This enables us to better grasp why the author
selected his material and his intended theological goal. This process is called redaction criti-
cism. Let’s look at a few examples.

Jesus Walks on Water

Our first example is from the double tradition story of Jesus walking on water. Notice how Mat-
thew and Luke tell the same story yet differ in specific details. We can see here how authors are
selective with their material in order to communicate a specific message. Each lands on equally
true yet different challenges for their audiences.

MAT THE W 14:2 2 – 3 3 M A R K 6 : 4 5– 52

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into
the boat and go on ahead of him the boat and go on ahead of him

to the other side, while he dismissed the to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd.
crowd. After he had dismissed them, After leaving them,

he went up on a mountainside by himself to he went up on a mountainside to pray.


Later that night, he was there alone, and the Later that night, the boat was in the middle of
boat was already a considerable distance from the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw
land, buffeted by the waves the disciples straining at the oars,

because the wind was against it. Shortly be- because the wind was against them. Shortly
fore dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on before dawn he went out to them, walking on
the lake. the lake.

He was about to pass by them,

When the disciples saw him walking on the but when they saw him walking on the lake,
lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they they thought he was a ghost. They cried out,
said, and cried out in fear. because they all saw him and were terrified.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take
courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me

to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he
said. Then Peter got down out of the boat,
walked on the water and came toward
Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was
afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out,
“Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached
out his hand and caught him. “You of little
faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

And when they climbed into the boat, the Then he climbed into the boat with them, and
wind died down. the wind died down.

Then those who were in the boat worshiped They were completely amazed, for they had
him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” not understood about the loaves; their
hearts were hardened.

The Destruction of Jerusalem

In this triple tradition story, Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem. This ex-
ample demonstrates the harmony between each Gospel account. Take a look at the similarities
between these passages, even though each author included details that would have been of note
for their specific audience. For example, Matthew included a reference to the book of Daniel,
since he was writing to a primarily Jewish Christian audience.

MARK 13:14-15 M AT T H EW 24 : 1 5- 1 7 LU K E 21 : 20 - 21

“But when you see the abom- “Therefore when you see “But when you see Jerusalem
ination of desolation standing the abomination of desola- surrounded by armies, then
where it should not be tion which was spoken of recognize that her desola-
through Daniel the prophet, tion is near.
standing in the holy place

(let the reader understand), (let the reader understand),

then those who are in Judea then those who are in Judea “Then those who are in Judea
must flee to the mountains. must flee to the mountains. must flee to the mountains,
“The one who is on the “Whoever is on the housetop and those who are in the
housetop must not go down, must not go down to get midst of the city must leave,
or go in to get anything out of the things out that are in his and those who are in the
his house; house. country must not enter the

Jesus Heals the Leper

In this example, Matthew fits a story of healing found in Mark within his travel narrative sec-
tion. However, you will notice Jesus is surrounded by crowds whereas the man approaches Jesus
quietly in Mark’s account. Notice then how Matthew 8:4 is in tension with the narrative setting
he’s created—Jesus says “tell no one” about a miracle he just performed in front of the crowds.

MAR K 1:3 9 -45 M AT TH E W 5: 1 ; 8 : 1 - 4

And he went into their synagogues through- When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on
out all Galilee, preaching and casting out the the mountain; and after he sat down, his disci-
demons. ples came to him.

When Jesus came down from the mountain,

large crowds followed him.

And a leper came to Jesus, beseeching him And a leper came to him and bowed down
and falling on his knees before him, and before him, and said, “Lord, if you are willing,
saying, “If you are willing, you can make me you can make me clean.”
Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him,
Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” And imme-
his hand and touched him, and said to him, diately his leprosy was cleansed.
“I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately the
leprosy left him and he was cleansed. And Jesus said to him, “See that you tell no
And he sternly warned him and immediately one; but go, show yourself to the priest and
sent him away, and he said to him, “See that present the offering that Moses commanded,
you say nothing to anyone; but go, show as a testimony to them.”
yourself to the priest and offer for your cleans-
ing what Moses commanded, as a testimony
to them.”

But he went out and began to proclaim it

freely and to spread the news around, to such
an extent that Jesus could no longer publicly
enter a city,

This is a wonderful example of semantic inconsistencies overlooked by the author in light of a

greater aim. Matthew’s greater intent was to demonstrate of the arrival of the Kingdom of Heav-
en through Jesus’ public ministry of miracles and healings.

Further Resources on How to Read the Gospel
It is a worthy task to explore the complexities of the Gospel through both casual reading and
detailed comparative studies. Here are some resources that may help you on your journey.

• Ray Lubeck, Read the Bible for a Change.

• J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays, Grasping God’s Word: A

Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the

• Richard Burridge, Four Gospels, One Jesus.

• Mark L. Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus: A Survey of Jesus

and the Gospels.

• Jonathan Pennington, Reading the Gospels Wisely: A Narrative

and Theological Introduction.

• Mark Goodacre, The Synoptic Problem: A Way through the

Maze (Understanding the Bible and Its World).

• Richard A. Burridge, What are the Gospels?: A comparison with

Graeco-Roman Biography.


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