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Rafting: Squadron On-Water Social Activity

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Rafting (Applegate’s Cove, Silver Bay, Tices

Squadron On-Water Social Activity Shoals, etc.) establish contact with the
by P/C Phil Lloyd, SN rafting committee by radio using the
designated working channel (generally
One of the most looked forward to 68 or 72). They will most likely ask if
social activities sponsored by the you are staying over and then direct you
Squadron is that of the Rendezvous. It to tie up on either the port or starboard
is this activity where us members and side of the rafting. Let’s say you were
our families, and guests, can actually told to come in on the port side of the
attend by boat. Admittedly, a number rafting. While hovering about 50 yards
of our members either don’t have access off the sterns of the boats already rafted,
to a boat, or the time to attend by boat, you would rig your fenders and lines
so several of the Rendezvous’ are held according to Figure 1.
where the option to attend by boat or car is
available. Notables being the first one of
Your bow
the year, (traditionally at the Lighthouse
Point Marina in Toms River), the Bow Line

Atlantic City Trump Castle Labor Day

trip, and the Forked River Captains Inn
trip. There are other rendezvous’ held
during the boating season where a boat
is a must. These are called Raftings.
Rafting is the topic of this article.
Spring Line

The basic reason for the rafting, as well

as a rendezvous, is the opportunity to
enjoy the fellowship of other Squadron
members; in other words, “Party Time”. Stern Line

It is expected that each attending boat

bring sufficient snacks and liquid Figure 1
refreshments to provide for the people
on their boat and possibly a little extra (Naturally, if you were told to come in
for the drop-in guests which you will on the starboard side, you would rig
surely get as a result of the nature of the your boat the same way, but on your
rafting. Remember, it is a party. port side.)

Now that you’ve decided to attend a Once rigged, you would approach at
rafting, let’s cover a few of the basics; idle speed. I like to approach parallel to
how to join a rafting, how to leave a the boat I’m to tie up to, aiming to have
rafting, and a few unusual situations. about a 3-5 foot gap between us when I
stop headway. The first line that is
First, how to join a rafting. When you handed over is the bow line (1). The
reach the designated location second is the stern line (3). With these
two lines your boat can be manually immediately runs the risk of fouling the
pulled closer till the fenders are almost anchor lines of the rafting.)
touching the other boat’s hull. Please
keep your engine(s) running, but out of Reviewing the line sequences:
gear. To make fast, first, the spring line
(2) is adjusted such that for power boats, Approaching Joining Leaving
your transom is even with the other Bow Spring Stern
boat’s transom; for sail boats the Stern Bow Spring
adjustment is made such that the Stern Bow
spreaders on the main mast clear other
spreaders or fly bridge hardware, etc. A word concerning fenders. At a
The spring line is the first one made fast. rafting, the only thing that prevents
Next, adjust the bow line until your boat damage to your boat and your
is riding parallel with the other boat. neighbor’s boat is a fender. This is
The bow line is the second line to make especially true when the rafting has to
fast. Lastly, the stern line is made fast. ride through wave action caused by the
The end result should be that your boat wakes of passing boats or winds. So to
is riding parallel to the “anchored boat minimize the risk of damage to either
and such that there is an inch or two boat, the fender diameter should be as
space between your fenders and the large as practical with an 8” diameter as
other boat’s hull. Now you can shut a minimum. You should bring to the
down the engine(s) and relax at the rafting a minimum of 2 of these size
party. fenders. Four fenders are better, just in
case the boat rafting next to you didn’t
To leave the rafting, the order of read this article and doesn’t have
releasing the lines is as follows: first is adequate sized fenders.
the stern line, second is the spring line,
and last is the bow line. The reason for These techniques are applicable to any
this sequence lays in the fact that at rafting situation, whether it’s Squadron,
anchor, your bow is into the wind. Yacht Club, or just with friends.
Therefore the real working lines are the
spring and the bow lines. The stern line Next month’s article will talk about a
should have little to no strain on it so it few “special situations” and present
can be taken off first. The real load is some Rafting etiquette considerations.
being carried by the spring line. When
this line is released, your boat will move
towards the stern, angling in towards
the other boat. Your fenders will
become important at this time. Your
bow line, still made fast, keeps the bow
into the wind. When the last line, the
bow line, is released, gently back away
from the rafted boats. (Going forward
Rafting loose bowline and a very loose stern line
Squadron On-Water Social Activity between the boats on either side of you.
(continued) The very loose stern line will be passed
by P/C Phil Lloyd, N in front of your bow such that it won’t
snag on your boat as you back out of the
Last month’s article covered the basics rafting. Your departure will then be
of answering the questions, What is a normal. As you back out, the committee
rafting?, How do I approach it?, How do will be tightening up on the loose
I tie up?, and How do I leave it? This bowline, drawing the rafting back
month’s article will present some together and as you clear the rafting,
recommended courses of actions to take they will similarly draw in the very
in special situations that may arise at a loose stern line. It also goes without
rafting and some of the etiquette saying that your vessel should not be an
expectations when participating. anchor boat. If you are, then the better
way is to break up the rafting to allow
Special Situations you to leave and then re-constitute it
There are only a few special situations Situation: Mis-matched gunnels. This
that may arise, but among the more situation arises when your gunnel
likely to happen are; you are alone but height is mis-matched on both sides,
wish to attend anyhow, you need to such as you’re a small boat with 40
leave but are in the middle of the footers on either side. If only one side is
rafting, mis-matched gunnels, and a mis-matched, generally your fenders
dragging rafting anchor. will alleviate the situation. The idea is
to avoid the situation of a smaller boat
Situation: You are alone. While it being sandwiched by larger boats even
preferably that a second person be on to the extent of the small boat
board to handle the lines at a rafting, temporarily leaving the rafting. After
one can show up alone to enjoy the the bigger boat is tied up, then the
company of friends. In this situation, smaller boat rejoins the rafting. The
you need to inform the committee of the general rule of rafting is that the biggest
fact that you are alone when “checking boat is the center boat with the boats
in”. There are really two alternatives placed on either side in descending
open to the committee; one of them can length with the smaller boats (and
board to assist and the other is to sailboats) at the outside edges of the
approach closer than the recommended formation, i.e., the rafting must be a
3-5 ft so that boat hooks may be used to balanced formation. The rafting
snag lines. So listen carefully and follow committee, upon your check-in, will
the committee’s directions. place you with this consideration in
Situation: You need to leave, but are in mind. If you are a larger boat you may
the middle of the rafting. Again, confer have to linger awhile until the smaller
with the committee prior to when you boats break away, allowing your
have to leave. What they will do is rig a entrance. If you are a smaller boat and
an early arrive, be prepared to have to the rafting committee. The rafting
additional practice in leaving and committee assists the Captain and Mate
entering a rafting. with entering and leaving, but the
Situation: A dragging rafting anchor. In Captain must be comfortable/satisfied
this situation, every Captain should with the overall safety situation.
start engines and remain at the helm. Consideration: Boat hopping is
The “Admiral” of the fleet is the Captain encouraged. Asking permission of the
of the central rafting anchor vessel, neighboring Captain to come aboard or
generally a rafting committee member. pass through is nice but not necessary
The admiral issues the orders either under the circumstances. However, the
over the radio or hand signals. In any boat cabin is out of bounds unless
maneuver, it is up to each Captain to specifically invited by that boat’s
adjust his engine RPM such that a little Captain or Mate.
tension is maintained on the spring line Consideration: Children are most
positioned toward the center of the welcome. However the parents remain
rafting. By keeping just a little tension responsible for their safety and
on this spring line, the line won’t fall manners. This responsibility can not be
into the water risking fouling props. delegated. A specific instance is that for
That event would make a bad situation safety reasons all persons should be out
worse. At the same time just a little of the water when boats are arriving or
tension means that the interior boats departing. It is the parents
aren’t trying to pull the entire rafting responsibility to insure that their
through the water. children are aware of, and adhere to,
this safety rule.
Etiquette Expectations Consideration: It is expected that each
boat will show up with sufficient food
Consideration: The fenders you bring to and drinks to satisfy their own needs.
a rafting should be “reasonably clean” However it is also expected that each
or have a cover. It is considered bad Captain/Mate will wish to host a mini-
form to have your fenders leave party on their boat and therefore should
“grunge” marks on your neighbor’s be prepared to be hospitable to guests.
hull. As an aside, it may be appropriate to
Consideration: Approaching and invite the rafting committee members
departing a rafting should be done at a for such a session in view of their
slow (no wake) speed. Nothing short of efforts. They may be too busy to avail
a collision will leave a lasting themselves at the moment, but be
impression on the rafting participants as assured, they will be back.
have to scramble to protect the rafted
boats from wake action. Rafting is fun. It has been my
Consideration: The Captain is still experience that it’s more fun when you
Captain and remains responsible for the are aware of what is expected. Hope
safety of his/her vessel and passengers. you agree, and we’ll see you at one, or
This responsibility can not be delegated more, of the BBPS raftings.

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