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Keyop Functions 9F3715

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Kodak DirectView

CR Systems

Key Operator’s Guide

343 State Street
Rochester, NY 14650
© Eastman Kodak Company, 2005
Kodak, Digital Science, DirectView, DryView, Ektascan and Min-R are trademarks of
Eastman Kodak Company.
PN 9F3715
Table of Contents

Key Operator Functions

Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Managing Patient Exam Records ......................................................................................................................... 2
Statistics.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Cassette Statistics........................................................................................................................................... 4
Destination Statistics ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Technologist Statistics ................................................................................................................................... 6
Scan Cycles ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Destination Status Summary .......................................................................................................................... 9
System Configuration......................................................................................................................................... 10
Saving System Configurations ...................................................................................................................... 13
Restoring Configurations............................................................................................................................. 14
Option Registration ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Workflow Optimization ............................................................................................................................... 18
Changing Button Names, Colors, and Position ............................................................................................. 19
Changing Button Names ........................................................................................................................ 19
Changing Button Colors......................................................................................................................... 19
Changing Button Location ..................................................................................................................... 20
Body Part and Projection Configuration ................................................................................................ 21
Department and Physician List Configuration .............................................................................................. 22
Procedure List and Procedure Mapping Overview ....................................................................................... 24
Procedure List Configuration....................................................................................................................... 24
Procedure Mapping (Option) ..................................................................................................................... 25
Procedure Mapping on the CR System................................................................................................... 26
Using an Existing Procedure to Create a New Procedure ....................................................................... 29
Mapping more than 34 Procedures....................................................................................................... 29
Editing Procedure Codes and Names..................................................................................................... 30
Using a HIS/RIS System ......................................................................................................................... 30
Deleting a Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 30
Procedure Mapping Using the Remote Key Operator .................................................................................. 31
Adding a New Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 31
Locating Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 33

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Editing Procedures ............................................................................................................................... 33
Using an existing procedure to Create a New Procedure ....................................................................... 34
Deleting a Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 34
HIS/RIS Broker Configuration..................................................................................................................... 35
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Polling Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 36
Push Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 38
HIS/RIS Options.................................................................................................................................... 40
CR Display Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 41
Reject Reason Configuration (Option) ........................................................................................................ 43
Setting Trauma Defaults (Option) ............................................................................................................... 45
Using Unique Numbers ......................................................................................................................... 46
Profile Destination Configuration ............................................................................................................... 47
Default Profile Configuration................................................................................................................. 47
Configuring Profiles .................................................................................................................................... 48
Text Box Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 50
External Text Boxes .............................................................................................................................. 50
Internal Text Box .................................................................................................................................. 51
Combined Internal and External Text Boxes.......................................................................................... 51
External Text Box Characteristics.......................................................................................................... 52
Choosing a Text Box ............................................................................................................................. 52
Magnification Factor ................................................................................................................................... 53
Using the Text Box Editor ........................................................................................................................... 53
Internal Text Box Editor.............................................................................................................................. 53
Text Box Viewer.................................................................................................................................... 53
Text Box Editor..................................................................................................................................... 53
Navigation Controls............................................................................................................................... 55
Adding a Column or a Row ................................................................................................................... 55
Deleting or Saving a Field...................................................................................................................... 55
External Text Box Editor ............................................................................................................................. 55
Saving and Restoring Configuration Options.......................................................................................... 55
Configuring a Text Box ............................................................................................................................... 56
Delivery Preferences ................................................................................................................................... 59
Delivery Option Configuration............................................................................................................... 59
Configuring Default Hospital Name and Address ................................................................................... 61
CAD Workstation Configuration............................................................................................................. 62
Configuring External Devices ...................................................................................................................... 63
Remote Operator Panel Expanded Connectivity..................................................................................... 63
Configuring a Remote Operator Panel to Multiple CR Systems............................................................... 64

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Configuring Multiple ROPs to Multiple CR Systems.................................................................................69
Remote Patient Data Entry Software (RPDES) ..............................................................................................72
Computer Requirements........................................................................................................................72
Installation Instructions.........................................................................................................................72
RPDES Configuration Instructions..........................................................................................................73
RPDES Operation...................................................................................................................................74
Create a RPDES Shortcut on the Desktop ...............................................................................................75
Remote Key Operator...................................................................................................................................76
Setting Up the Remote Key Operator ......................................................................................................76
Logging In .............................................................................................................................................76
Downloading Statistics...........................................................................................................................78
Procedure Mapping...............................................................................................................................78
Saving and Restoring Configurations......................................................................................................79
Bar Code Configuration ..............................................................................................................................81
Changing the Bar Code Characteristics...................................................................................................81
Changing the Cassette ID Bar Code Format ............................................................................................83
Changing the Country Code....................................................................................................................84
Changing the Prefix and Suffix ...............................................................................................................85
Bar Code Examples for Scanning ...........................................................................................................88
Color Preferences........................................................................................................................................95
Required Fields ...........................................................................................................................................96
System Maintenance Defaults.......................................................................................................................97
Regional Settings .........................................................................................................................................98
Configure Monitor .......................................................................................................................................98
SMPTE Test Pattern....................................................................................................................................101
Long Length Imaging .................................................................................................................................102
Scheduled Workflow Configuration..................................................................................................................103
Calibrate Touch Screen..............................................................................................................................104

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Key Operator Functions

The Key Operator is responsible for setting the configuration defaults and
operating parameters for the CR System. CR System configuration is done at
installation to maximize workflow and System operation, and to optimize
You may need to change the CR System configuration.
To access the Key Operator functions:
1. At the Login screen, enter your password for Key Operator and select
Login. See "Logging In" in the Kodak DirectView CR 850/950 or
CR 500 System User’s Guide.

Key Operator Functions Menu

NOTE: Screens in this manual are for Kodak DirectView CR 850/950/500

Systems unless specifically noted.

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The Kodak DirectView CR System Key Operator Menu includes:
Manage Patient Exam Records Delete existing Patient Records from the
Patient Worklist.
Statistics View the scanner, cassette, technician and
destination statistics.
Total Quality Tool Evaluate CR System and cassette image
quality. (Option)
System Configuration Configure your system for your operation
and optimize workflow.

Managing Patient Exam Records

You can delete specific Patient Exam Records that appear on the Patient
Worklist screen. To do this, use the worklist that appears after a Query.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select Manage Patient Exam

Manage Patient Exam Records

2. Select Find Local to display the Patient Worklist screen.

You can also enter patient criteria to narrow your search for specific

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Key Operator Functions

Patient Worklist

3. Locate the appropriate patient record to delete from the Patient

Worklist screen. If necessary, use Go to Page X of X to scroll through
the worklist.
4. When you locate the patient, select the patient’s name on the
Patient Worklist screen, then select Delete Patient. The screen
NOTE: If you select the incorrect patient, or decide not to delete a patient, do
not select Delete Patient.
5. Select Back to return to the Search Query screen.
NOTE: Names and exams in red contain images that are either available,
pending delivery, or failed delivery. You cannot delete these records
until they are corrected.

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Key Operator Functions

At the Statistics menu you can compare scan and erase cycles, view the
cassette, technologist and destination statistics and check the status of your

Cassette Statistics 1. From the Key Operator Functions menu, select Statistics and then
select Cassette Statistics. Use the data to evaluate cassette
2. Select Clear Stats to clear the data fields.

Cassette Statistics Screen

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Destination Statistics 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select Statistics, then select
Destination Statistics. The screen displays all network destinations,
the number of successful deliveries, number of failed deliveries, and the
successful delivery percentage. The data updates every time you deliver
an image.
2. Select Clear Stats to clear the data fields.

Destination Statistics Screen

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Technologist Statistics At the Key Operator Functions menu, select Statistics and then select
Tech Statistics.
This screen lists all the technologists in the system.

Technologist Statistics

• Select a column heading to sort the listing based on that field.

• Select Clear Stats to clear the data for all of the technologists.
• Select a row to display the statistics associated with a technologist.

Technologist Statistics Screen 2

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1. Select Clear Stats to clear the data for this technologist.

2. Select a row to display a row for every image for this technologist for the
selected body part.
Select a row to toggle to display more information about the image. A pop-up
screen appears.

Technologist Statistics 3

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Key Operator Functions

Scan Cycles 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select Statistics.

2. Select Scan Cycles.
3. After replacing a pair of Erase Lamps, select Clear to reset the erase
count for that pair of lamps.

Scan Cycles

8 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Destination Status At the Key Operator Functions menu select Statistics and then select
Summary Destination Status Summary for the status for each destination.

Destination Status

The screen displays the last time data was sent to the destinations listed and
the status of the devices at that time.

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Key Operator Functions

System Configuration
The Kodak CR System is highly configurable and integrates well into the
digital radiology department. You can configure, save and restore many
attributes of the CR System for your operation and optimize workflow:
• Restore Configuration —Due to the advanced printing features
incorporated in the CR System software, take care when configuring the
system. Generate test films when making changes that affect printed
output. This ensures that the changes made are compatible with the
printers you will be using. Once configured, you can save the settings for
backup or transfer them to another CR System.
• Option Registration —Install optional features easily.
• Workflow Optimization —Defining lists optimizes workflow by
reducing the amount of time it takes to create an exam and eliminating
typographical errors. There are lists for Departments, which can be used
to help deliver images to the correct locations, Physicians, and
Procedures. Workflow Optimization lets you map images to procedures,
that is, when you select a procedure from the list, or the RIS feeds the CR
System a Procedure Code, all the image icons are built automatically. You
can construct Trauma defaults for up to 35 patients.
• HIS/RIS Broker Configuration—Lets the CR System communicate with
your RIS, displaying the patient work list. You can also query the RIS for
individual patients.
• CR Display Configuration—Lets you define default query criteria and
how query results are displayed. You can disable the Right and Left
markers here, select Full Resolution viewing, and configure to show the
patient’s middle initial on the PEC Input screen.
• Profile Destination Configuration—Lets you tell the CR System where
to deliver images. You can deliver based on body part, projection, cassette
size, or department. This saves time by automatically delivering the images
where you want.
• Text Box Configuration—You can define what information appears on
the film, allowing you to see only the information that is important to you
and not taking up space with unnecessary data.
• Delivery Preferences —Lets you set CT Pixel spacing so that
measurements on workstations can be displayed in pixels or in mm. You
also set the name and address of your hospital here.
• External Devices —Lets you add ROPs, RPDES terminals, or a remote
Key Operator PC to your system.
• Bar Code Configuration —Lets you program the bar code scanner to
automatically recognize Tech IDs, Accession Numbers, Patient IDs, or
Cassette IDs, populating these fields with the information without the

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technologist having to highlight them manually.

• Color Preferences —Lets you customize the colors on your system.
• Required Fields —Lets you determine which fields are required before
an exam is submitted or delivered. If you are using Reject Reasons, you
may want to make Tech ID a required field.
• System Maintenance Defaults —Lets you set the high and low
watermarks for the disk, balancing between performance and image
• Regional Settings —Pick the time zone and date format for the system to
• Configure Monitor—Select monitor and view default settings; download
drivers for the monitor of your choice.
• Miscellaneous —Select the default body part and projection to use to
process an image if none are selected.
• SMPTE Test Pattern—Use to determine contrast settings. View a gray
scale to evaluate image quality or set the monitor’s contrast and brightness.
• Scheduled Workflow Configuration—Lets you define the workflow to
communicate Procedure Step status to the HIS/RIS, display a Complete
Procedure Step prompt, or set studies automatically to Complete when
Accept All Images is selected.
• Long Length Imaging—Select QA Mode for all Long-length composite
images; set all composite sub-images to delivered; set the default Source to
Image Distance.
• Calibrate Touch Screen—Lets you calibrate the select screen so that
when you select a button, you select what you expect.

At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration.

There are four System Configuration screens.

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System Configuration Menu Screen 1

System Configuration Menu Screen 2

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System Configuration Menu Screen 3

System Configuration Menu Screen 4 (CR 850/950 only)

Saving System 1. Insert a floppy disk into the CR System and select OK. If you do not insert
Configurations a floppy disk, the CR System prompts you to do so.
2. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Save all Configs.

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Key Operator Functions

Restoring You can save configurations to a floppy disk for backup purposes, then load
Configurations (restore) them. Using this technique you can copy settings from one
CR System and transfer them to other systems, reducing the time it takes to
change the configuration of multiple machines.
To restore system configuration information:
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Restore Configuration.

Restore Configuration

2. Insert the floppy disk that contains the configuration information into the
CR System.
3. Select each check box to select the options you want to load, or select
Select All.
NOTE: Do not select items below the line unless you are restoring settings to
the same machine.
4. Select Load Config.

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You may have to restore the following items manually following the Restore
operation from floppy diskette:
At this Location Restore this Item
Required Fields screen Required to Submit Exam Information
Required Fields screen Required to Deliver Images to Mandatory
Delivery Options screen Use a Unique Image for Every Image in Study
User Login Configuration User Login Active

NOTE: Restore adds a default Profile automatically. You can delete this
profile with no affect to the system.
NOTE: In the second check box from the top on the
Restore Configurations screen, the following items are grouped
• The customized colors of buttons, statuses, etc.
Regional Data:
• Date Format
• Time Zone
• Military Time
• Language
CR Display:
• Japan Only - MultiByte name tab focus order
• Show ID Window on Image Viewer
• Show Cursor
• Allow Technologists to place digital markers
• Automatically populate technologist ID field with login name
• Volume
• Blue Tint Factor
Gamma LUT:
• Gamma LUT (monitor’s response curve and high/low ambient light) of
the CR and each ROP.

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Key Operator Functions

• Source to Bucky Front Distance
• Default Body Part IPL and ID
• Default View Position IPL ID
• Clustering (not used)
• Required Field Mode - required to submit or required to deliver
• System Maintenance Defaults (Disk High Water Mark, Disk Low Water
Delivery Options:
• Upper Case all fields on delivery
• QA mode
• Create A Unique Image Number for Every Image
• Override Pass-through Mode
• Use CT Pixel Spacing
• Automatically Set Multi-format Sub Images to Delivered

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Key Operator Functions

Option Registration You activate upgrade options at the Option Registration Screen.

Option Registration

1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,

then select Option Registration.
2. Install the appropriate floppy disks containing the options for the
3. Select Add Upgrade Options.
IMPORTANT: You must reboot the CR System to complete the option
• If you have lost your disk and need to reload features, in the US
and Canada, call the Kodak Technical Service Center for assistance.
Elsewhere in the world, call your local Kodak Service
• The options that are selected are installed.

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Key Operator Functions

Workflow Use the Workflow Optimization setup procedures to customize your

Optimization CR System and increase productivity.

Workflow Optimization Menu 1

Workflow Optimization Menu 2

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Changing Button The procedures for changing the names, colors, and position are consistent
Names, Colors, and for all the configuration setups. You may want to change the locations or
Position colors of buttons so they are grouped more logically for your hospital.

From the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration

and then Workflow Optimization. Select Body Part Configuration.

Changing Button Names 1. Select the button you want to change.

2. Select Change Name.
3. Enter a new name using the virtual keyboard, and select Save Changes.

Changing Button Colors 1. Select the button you want to change.

2. Select Change Color.

3. Select one of the eight Change Color buttons, and select Save
Changes. If you want to create a custom color for one of the eight color
choice buttons, see “Color Preferences” on page 95.
NOTE: If there is a button that you do not want to appear on the screen, clear
the Visible check box.

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Key Operator Functions

Changing Button Location

1. Select the button you want to move.

2. Select Move Button.
3. Select the arrows until the button is in the location you want.
4. Select Save Changes.
NOTE: Make all of your changes and then select Save Changes.

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Key Operator Functions

Body Part and Projection You can configure the body part and projection screens to meet your needs.
• Change the color, name, and location of the button as it appears on the
pop-up keyboard.
• Hide any buttons that you do not want to be displayed.
• Re-organize the buttons into groups or sequence of appearance.
• Customize existing buttons.
NOTE: If you create a custom button, have your Applications Consultant set
up your Image Processing Preferences for the button. Use the
preference editor to configure the parameters that control the image
processing algorithms.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System
Configuration then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Body Part Configuration.
3. Select the button you want to change.
4. Select Change Name.
5. Enter the name you want using the virtual keyboard.
6. Change the color and position if necessary.
7. Select Save Changes.

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Key Operator Functions

Department and You can define a list of all departments, physicians, and procedures to
Physician List minimize the amount of data entry by the technologist and to eliminate
Configuration typographical errors. You can use Department lists for Profile Destination
When the lists are defined, select the field on the PEC Input screen to display
the list. Select the data you want to appear in the field.

Referring Physician List

To add a Department or a Physician:

1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,
then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Department List Configuration or Physician List

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Referring Physician List Configuration Screen

3. Select a button.

Change Name

4. Select Change Name and enter the name.

5. Change the color and position of the button if necessary.

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6. Select Save Changes.

Procedure List and You can use these two features together or independently to automatically
Procedure Mapping create image icons for your department’s procedures.
Overview • Procedure List—lets you create 34 buttons that appear when you select
the Procedure field on the PEC input screen. Procedure Lists must have a
Name and a Procedure Code.
• Procedure Mapping—lets you define body parts, projections, positions,
etc., for the image icons displayed for the selected procedures for the 34
Procedure buttons you created using the Procedure List option. You can
also create image icons for hundreds of procedures from your RIS system,
determined by either the Procedure Code or the Procedure ID.
NOTE: See Appendix B “Default Procedure Codes” in the
Kodak DirectView CR 850/950 System User’s Guide or
Appendix A in the Kodak DirectView CR 500 System User’s Guide
for a listing of default procedure codes from Kodak.

Procedure List You can define up to 34 procedures by assigning names and procedure
Configuration codes. Subsequently, during the examination, after selecting a procedure
code and configuring the procedure mapping, the image icons appear
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,
then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Procedure List Configuration.

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Procedure List Configuration

3. Select Change Code.

4. Enter a Procedure Code. If your RIS generates Procedure Codes, enter
those codes here.
5. Select Change Name.
6. Enter a Procedure Name.

7. Change the color and location of the buttons if necessary.

8. Select Save Changes.
NOTE: You can make all of your changes and then select Save Changes.

Procedure Mapping Procedure mapping associates the images required for a procedure. When
(Option) you select a procedure, the image icons appear automatically in the Study
Data area.
If you use the appropriate RIS codes, or select the Procedure ID in the
HIS/RIS - Broker Configuration, the image icons appear automatically when
the modality worklist is used.
NOTE: The Worklist SCP should use the Code Value element (0008,0100) of
the Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064), and
Requested Procedure ID element (0040, 1002).
You can easily map procedures directly from the CR System, or from
Microsoft Internet Explorer, using the keyboard and mouse on the Remote
Key Operator computer. See “Default Procedure Codes “in Appendix B in the
Kodak DirectView CR 850/950 System User’s Guide or Appendix A in the
Kodak DirectView CR 500 System User’s Guide. Rather than typing the
procedure code and name, you can select one from the list.
NOTE: If the Scheduled Workflow Option is enabled, the following fields
must be used: Code value element (0008, 0100) of the Requested
Protocol sequencer.

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Key Operator Functions

Procedure Mapping Defaults

Procedure Mapping on 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration
the CR System then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Procedure Mapping. If the procedure is listed, select the
procedure and go to step 5.
NOTE: If the procedure code is listed in black, it has been assigned to a
button. Otherwise, it is listed in blue.
3. Select the Procedure Code field and select a Procedure Code from the
4. Select the Procedure field and select a Procedure from the list.
5. Select View Exam.

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View Images

View Images (CR 500)

Select the following:

– Body Part (Required)
– Projection (Required)
– Position
– Orientation
– Laterality

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– kV
– mAs
– Distance
6. Select Save Changes.

7. Repeat steps three through six for each additional image and select Save

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8. Select Back to return to this screen. Repeat these steps for each
procedure you want to map.
NOTE: You can map up to 30 images per procedure.

Using an Existing 1. Enter a new Procedure Code.

Procedure to Create a 2. Enter a new name.
New Procedure
3. Select the Procedure Code from which you want to create the new
4. Select Copy Exam.
The images from the procedure you selected in the procedure list are
copied to the new procedure.

Mapping more than 34 You can add more than 34 procedure codes, but they won’t appear as
Procedures buttons. To do this, follow steps 3 - 8 of “Procedure Mapping on the CR
System” on page 26.

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Key Operator Functions

Editing Procedure Codes If you need to change the name or Procedure Code, for example, if you want
and Names to change the procedure code to one of the default procedures to a code that
is compatible with your RIS, do the following:
1. Enter a new code.
2. Enter a new name.
3. Select the Procedure Code or Procedure in the list that you want to
4. Select Update Procedure.

Using a HIS/RIS System To configure Procedure Mapping to work with your HIS/RIS System, make
sure that the code you enter for the Procedure or ID matches the code that
comes from the RIS. You can use any number for the Procedure Code,
however, it will only work automatically with the HIS/RIS when the code or ID
matches exactly. See “HIS/RIS Options” on page 40.
For example, if you had a HIS/RIS procedure “2-view Chest” code 102 and
you want to create a procedure on the CR System called 2-view Chest:
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,
then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Procedure Mapping.
3. Create a procedure named 2-view Chest and enter a code of 102.
4. Select the icons you want to be displayed when a 2-view chest procedure
is ordered, such as an AP and LAT chest.
When the work list on the CR System is updated and the RIS code 102 is
received, the AP chest and LAT chest image icons are automatically

Deleting a Procedure 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,
then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Procedure Mapping.
3. Select the procedure that you want to delete and select
Delete Procedure.
4. Select Yes on the pop-up screen.

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Key Operator Functions

Procedure Mapping You can use the Remote Key Operator to create or change Procedure Mapping
Using the Remote Key with these features:
Operator • Add—Enter a new Procedure Code (required) and Procedure Name and
use the pull-down menus to map the associated exams.
• Find—Search for a Procedure Code or Procedure Name.
• Update—Edit the Procedure Code or Procedure Name.
• Copy From—Copy from an existing Procedure Code to a new or existing
Procedure Mapping entry.
• Delete—Delete the procedure mapping for any existing procedure.
NOTE: There is a limit of 30 images you can map per procedure. See
Appendix B for a listing of default procedure codes from Kodak.

Adding a New Procedure 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Next, then select External Devices, and then select
Remote Key Operator.

2. Enter the IP address of the Remote Key Operator Workstation and select
Save Changes.
3. At the Remote Key Operator Workstation, open a Web browser.
4. Type the IP address of the CR System and press Enter.
NOTE: The Remote Key Operator Workstation can be any hospital computer
that has Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher installed.

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Key Operator Functions

Remote Key Operator Logon

5. Log on with your Key Operator user name and password if applicable.
6. Select Procedure Mapping.

Remote Key Operator Procedure Mapping

7. Enter a new Procedure Code (required) and Procedure Name and select
Add Exam.

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Add Procedure

8. Use the pull-down menu to select the following:

– Body Part (Required)
– Projection (Required)
– Position
– Orientation
– Laterality
– kV
– mAs
– Distance
9. Select the Delete check box to remove the exam from the form.
10. Select Update and Back when finished.

Locating Procedures • From the Remote Key Operator Procedure Mapping menu, enter
the Procedure Code and Procedure Name and select Find.
The procedure appears, or a message appears stating that no matches
were found.

Editing Procedures 1. From the Remote Key Operator Procedure Mapping menu, enter a
Procedure Code and Procedure Name, select Find or select Update
from the list of existing Procedure Codes.
2. Edit the procedure mapping from the drop-down lists.
3. Select Update and Back when finished.

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Key Operator Functions

Using an existing 1. At the Remote Key Operator Procedure Mapping screen, select
procedure to Create a Copy From on the procedure you want to use.
New Procedure

Copy From (CR 850/950)

Copy From (CR 500)

2. Enter the Procedure Code for an existing code or a new Procedure Code,
and select Copy.

Deleting a Procedure 1. Select the Delete button next to the procedure you want to delete and
select Enter.
2. The message “Do you really want to delete this procedure mapping?”
appears. Select Yes on the CR 850/950. Select OK on the CR 500.

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Key Operator Functions

HIS/RIS Broker
Introduction The Kodak DirectView CR Systems utilize DICOM Worklist Management to
receive study information from the hospital’s HIS/RIS, usually via the Mitra
PACS Broker.
You can set up your CR System to communicate with the HIS/RIS in any
combination of the following:
• Polling—the CR System requests records at a defined interval, filtered by
modality, station name, A/E title, and date and time.
• Push—every time a record is created or changed, the Broker sends the
CR System an event notification. The CR System requests specific data
associated with the event. The record is transmitted once, and is sent as
soon as it is received by the Broker.
• Remote Patient Query—a single patient query, configured on the
Polling screen, queried from the Patient Query screen.

HIS/RIS Broker Configuration

You can set up your system to operate in any combination, for example:
• Activate Push to reduce the workload impact on the HIS/RIS or PACS
• Activate Polling and set the time interval to 24 hours to receive a
complete update once a day.

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Key Operator Functions

If polling is active, each time the CR is started the initial complete query is
started and the timer begins for the next query. For example, if the CR is
started at 9:07 and is set to poll every 20 minutes, the first query is at 9:07
and the second one is 20 minutes later, 9:27.

Polling Configuration 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,
then select HIS/RIS Broker Configuration.
2. Select Polling Configuration.

Polling/Remote Configuration

3. Use the following table to make your selections and then select Save
PACS Broker AE Title Broker Name, normally BROKER
PACS Broker IP Address PACS Broker IP Address
PACS Broker Port PACS Broker Port, normally 3320
PACS Poll Modality Normally CR
Station 1-5 ID Enter your station names or AE Title.
The system retrieves records that only
contain the names specified.
Poll Model Active Select to activate Polling Configuration.
Remote Query Active Select to turn on the Remote Patient Query

36 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Filter By Station Name Select either Station Name or AE Title to

Filter By AE Title filter the information. Only records that
contain matching data in these fields
Search Time Criteria Initial search time: (default is ± 12 hours
from the current time, range 1 - 48 hours).
Only records that have a date and time that
falls in this range appear.
Last Update Indicates the last date and time records
were received.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 37

Key Operator Functions

Push Configuration NOTE: The connection may be the Broker or direct HIS/RIS communication.
Configure the Broker to send the following event information:
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,
and then select HIS/RIS Broker Configuration.
2. Select Push Configuration.

Push Configuration

3. Use the following table to make your selections and then select Save

38 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Push Configuration Options

Push Connection Active Select to turn on.
PACS Push Port Number Port of PACS Push System.
PACS Push AE Title AE Title used to represent the CR System.
Must not be a computer name.
Last Update Indicates the last date and time a record
was received.
NOTE: The screen also displays the data associated with the last update from
the PACS Broker.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 39

Key Operator Functions

HIS/RIS Options The selection for the list on this screen is determined by the Procedure
Mapping configuration of the HIS/RIS Broker. To change selections, the
Broker must be reconfigured.
NOTE: If you enable your system for Scheduled Workflow, Protocol Code is
selected automatically, and is not configurable.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
HIS/RIS Broker Configuration and then select HIS/RIS Options.

HIS/RIS Options

2. The following table describes the selections. Select Save Changes.

HIS/RIS Options
Selection Description DICOM Tag Requested
Code Sequence
Procedure ID Procedure ID is used to (0040, 1001) N/A
determine Procedure Mapping.
Procedure Procedure Code is used to (0032, 1064) (0008, 0100)
Code determine Procedure Mapping
Protocol Code When Scheduled Workflow is (0040, 0008) (0008, 0100)
enabled, Protocol Code is
automatically selected.
Delete Automatically deletes studies
Cancelled from the system when the status
Studies is cancelled.

40 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

CR Display This screen lets you optimize the way data is displayed on the CR System.
Configuration 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration
and then select CR Display Configuration.

CR Display Configuration

2. Use the following table to make your selections then select Save

Result Sort Order Select the format for the Worklist:

– Alphabetical
– Oldest first
– Newest first
Default Focus on Patient Query Select which field starts with the
cursor on the Query screen.
Default Study Status Select the default Status setting of
(Select from Query screen) studies to query.

Default Time Window Select the default time interval of

(Select from Query screen) studies to query.

In Japanese, Kanji Name Gets Tab Japanese only - changes the tab focus
Focus First on the Patient Input screen.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 41

Key Operator Functions

Create New Procedure Steps from Use Procedure Step-based Workflow

PEC Input Screen. and keep the Study Instance UID when
you select New Procedure Step.
Clear the check box to select
Study-based Workflow. A Study
Instance Unique Identifier
(SIUID) and a New Procedure Step
are generated each time you select
New Study for that patient.
See“Scheduled Workflow
Configuration” on page 103.
Show ID Window on Image Viewer Select to display the ID window on the
image in the Image Viewer screen
on the CR System.
You can use this to identify the
orientation of the cassette during the
Allow Technologist To Add Digital Select to enable left and right markers
Markers To Images on Image Viewer screen.
Speaker Volume Set the speaker volume by selecting
+and - buttons.
Amount of Blue Tint on images Use the +and - buttons to set the
amount of blue tint to add to images
displayed on the CR System or the
ROP. This does not affect the images
delivered to workstations or printers.
Show Cursor Select the check box to show the
Show Middle Initial on PEC Input Select the check box to show the
patient’s middle initial on the PEC
Input screen. Clear the check box to
eliminate the middle initial field on all
Enable Full Res Image Viewing Allows you to pan across images,
zoom in, and view images at 100% in
the Image Viewer screen.
Auto Populate Tech ID field in Allows the system to automatically
PEC Input associate the Tech ID on the PEC
Input screen with the technologist
logged in.
Display Scheduled Workflow Displays a Discontinued/Complete
Complete Study Prompt prompt when the End Study button is

42 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Reject Reason This option lets you build a list of reject reasons that a technologist can
Configuration choose from when rejecting an image. The following Reject Reasons are
(Option) factory defaults and can be used or deleted:
– Clipped Anatomy
– Patient Motion
– Positioning Error
You can define up to nine reject reasons. The last reason is always listed as
Other Reason.
To enter Reject Reasons:
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Next.
3. Select Reject Reason.

Reject Reason

4. Select the Reject Reason field.

5. Type up to 30 characters for the reason and select + to add it to the
Reason List. To remove a reason, select the reason and select —.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 43

Key Operator Functions

Reject Reason

Reject Reason (CR 500)

NOTE: Select the Track Rejects check box if you want the system to ask for
a reason why the technologist rejected an image. The data is stored in
the System database and can be viewed or downloaded to the Key
Operator PC.

44 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Setting Trauma With this option you can define up to 35 default trauma buttons. Use this data
Defaults (Option) to pre-fill demographic data and procedures for creating a Trauma Study.
To create Trauma defaults:
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration
then select Workflow Optimization.
2. Select Next.
3. Select Trauma Defaults.

Trauma Defaults

4. Select a button.
5. Select Change Name. Enter a name, such as John Doe.
6. Select Change Trauma Defaults.
7. Enter a Procedure Name and Procedure Code so that the Procedure
Mapping feature automatically creates image icons. You can use the
information from a previously defined procedure. See “Procedure
Mapping (Option)”.
NOTE: For optimal workflow, complete all required fields, so that no
additional information is needed before saving to the database or
routing the image.
8. Select Save Changes.
For example, create a procedure named MVA for a motor vehicle accident,
and enter this procedure for Trauma patient John Doe. When you select John
Doe, the image icons you defined for an MVA appear.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 45

Key Operator Functions

Using Unique Numbers The Unique Number feature lets you assign unique numbers to trauma
patients. For example if you have multiple trauma patients at once, each time
you select a new trauma patient, a unique number is assigned to the field you
select. This lets you keep separate exams for each patient.
You can enter a unique number in the following fields:
• Patient Last Name
• Patient First Name
• Patient ID
• Accession Number
The number increments each time you create a new Trauma PEC record.
1. When entering data for the field, select the Unique Number.
2. Select a number (1 - 4) that represents the number of digits you want to
use for the Unique Number. Percent (%) signs appear in the field.
For example, if you input Trauma %%% in the Accession Number field,
the first patient is numbered Trauma 001, the next Trauma 002, etc.

46 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Profile Destination A profile is the set of destinations where images are sent. In the CR System,
Configuration Image Routing is controlled by profiles.
A profile has three components:
– Name
– Criteria (Cassette Size, Body Part, Projection, and Department)
– Destinations to which the data is sent when the criteria matches
NOTE: Define multiple profiles with criteria so you can assign the data’s
The criteria fields are listed on the CR System by priority in the following
sequence (highest priority listed first):
– Cassette Size
– Body Part
– Projection
– Department
Therefore, a profile with a Cassette Size filter appears before any other profile.
When an exam is routed, the information contained in the Patient Record is
compared to the information contained in the criteria fields of all defined
profiles, similar to performing a query. The System assigns destinations based
on the first profile match it finds. If the image matches more than one profile,
the System assigns the first profile in the list that matches all criteria.

Default Profile A default profile is defined automatically by the System. It appears in the list of
Configuration profile destinations with an (*) asterisk next to the name. You can rename the
default profile, but you cannot delete it.
There must be only one default profile. If the data doesn’t match the criteria
for any of the existing profiles, the system uses the default profile destination.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 47

Key Operator Functions

Configuring Profiles 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Profile Destination Configuration.

Profile Destination Configuration

2. Select New Profile.

Profile Destination Configuration New Profile

48 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

NOTE: There is only one default profile, set automatically by the system. You
can rename the default, but it is the default profile used when all
other criteria fail.
3. To set up a profile that routes all images created with specific Cassette
Sizes to a specific destination:
a. Enter the name of the profile into the Profile Name field.
b. Enter a specific Cassette size into the Cassette Size field.
c. Leave the remaining fields blank.
d. Select the destinations you want.
e. Select Save Profile.
f. Repeat steps b and c for another Cassette size, if desired.
4. To set up profiles for Departments, repeat steps 2 and 3, completing only
the Department field. In this case, you can enter a unique name to
assign the department with the department names set up for the site.
5. To set up profiles for specific Body Part/Projection combinations, repeat
steps 2 and 3 completing both the Body Part and Projection fields with
the specific combinations for each different profile.
6. To set a single destination for all images, add a destination to the default
IMPORTANT: When selecting an Archive destination, Select
so patient data must go there. Incomplete or unassigned
data cannot go to mandatory locations. See “Required
Fields” on page 96 .

March 31, 2005 9F3715 49

Key Operator Functions

Text Box
External Text Boxes IMPORTANT: Due to the complexity of configuring text boxes, use this
feature only with printers that have been tested and
approved by Kodak. If you are using this feature on a
printer with unknown characteristics, be sure to fully test
on site to avoid unexpected results.
The text in an External Text Box is printed outside the image area and does
not cover up anatomy. However, the box does require film area, thereby
reducing the overall size of the printed image. If True-size mode is selected,
then the system crops additional image data as compared to printing the
image without the External Text Box.
The CR System sends the External Text Box as a separate image file. The text
box you use depends on the capability of the printer.
An External Text Box:
• Shrinks the image to fit - may not work with all printers.
• Impacts True-size printing.
• Prints an External Text Box across the bottom of the film.
Single-Image External Multi-format Individual Multi-format Global
Text Box External Text Box Page External Text Box
External • Reduced image • Reduced image • Reduced image
Text Boxes size size size
• Located outside • Located outside • Located outside
of image area of image area of image area
• May not work • May not work • May not work
with all printers with all printers with all printers
• Applied per • Applied to a
image sheet of

50 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Internal Text Box The CR System creates the Internal text box as part of the image and sends one
file to the printer. The Internal text box works with every printer.
• You select the text box location during image review.
• The technologist can place the text box in one of eight locations during
image review.
Single Image Internal Multi-format Image
Text Box Internal Text Box
Internal • Larger area for • Larger area for
Text Boxes text text
• Works with every • Works with
printer every printer
• Located in the that supports
image area multi-format
• Located in the
image area

Combined Internal and

External Text Boxes
Internal External Multi-
Multi-format and format and Global
Global External Text Boxes
Text Boxes
Samples of
Internal and
External text

March 31, 2005 9F3715 51

Key Operator Functions

External Text Box Use the following table to determine the capabilities of annotation text boxes
Characteristics supported by various Kodak printers.
Printers Single- Image Multi-Format Multi-Format
External Text Page External Image External
Box Text Box Text Box
Kodak PACS Link 9410 Acquisition System / Y Y N
DryView Laser Imagera 1 line of 64 characters 1 line of 64
maximum characters
DICOM annotation DICOM annotation
Box is located above
the image.
MIM / DryView V 5.x or later Y Y Y
1 or 2 lines of 120 1 or 2 lines of 120 1 line of 120
characters characters characters
Row symmetricb Row symmetric Row symmetric
MIM / Kodak Ektascan 2180 Laser Printer Y Y Y
V 5.x or later 1 or 2 lines of 120 1 or 2 lines of 120 1 or 2 lines of 120
characters characters characters
Row symmetric Row symmetric Row symmetric
MIM/KELI / Kodak Ektascan 160 Laser Y Y Y
Imager V 5.x or later 1 or 2 lines of 120 1 or 2 lines of 120 1 or 2 lines of 120
characters characters characters
Row symmetric Row symmetric Row symmetric
a. External text boxes should not be used with PACS Link products running less than Version 5.0 Software. Previous versions of
PACS Link Software may stop processing all print jobs if an image with external text is received from a CR system.
b. Row Symmetric: In a multi-format image, the images on one sheet must be the same height within each row, but each row
may be a different height.

Choosing a Text Box If you are going to use a single image, you can use either a Print Internal or a
Print External Text Box, or a combination of both.
For multi-format images, the text boxes appear on each image. Place
information that pertains to that image, such as Exposure Index, window and
level, projection, etc.
Place only study-specific data in Global text boxes.
Use Print External Text Boxes with PACS Link Medical Imaging products
running Version 5.0 or higher.

52 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Magnification Factor The Key Operator can configure the system so that the image magnification
factors are included in Print Internal and Print External text boxes. If an
image is printed True-size, then the magnification factor is 100%. Minified
images have magnifications of less than 100%. Magnification factors are not
available for text boxes for Multi-format images.

Using the Text Box The text box is fully configurable; you can display only the parameter you
Editor wish.
There is a text box editor for Print Internal and Print External text boxes.

Internal Text Box All internal text boxes are burned into the image area.
Editor • Text Box Viewer—displays the contents of the text box.
• Field Editor—create new fields, edit the contents of existing fields.
• Navigation Controls—navigate to fields, add rows and columns, or
restore text box.
• Restore Large Text Box—provides a default for a large text box or
restores text box.
• Restore Small Text Box—provides a default for a small text box or
restores text box.
• Delete entry—deletes the highlighted entry when editing a text box.

Text Box Viewer Each field is represented by question marks. Each field can also have a label.

Each row is shown in the font size you select for the row.
When you select a field, the field background color changes to purple.
When you add a new field, the field background color changes to green.

Text Box Editor

Text Box Editor

March 31, 2005 9F3715 53

Key Operator Functions

Field Definition Action

DICOM Field The field you want to include Select the field; select a
in the box. DICOM field from the
DICOM list. If necessary,
select Show All Fields to
view all DICOM fields.
DICOM Tag Displays the DICOM tag used Automatically updates
to populate the field. when you select DICOM
Field Length The number of characters in If the data for the indicated
the field, indicated by “?” in DICOM element is too
the Text Box Viewer. large, then the value is
Name Only in multi-byte languages, Single byte and multi byte
Grouping indicates the part of the name (phonetic and
to put on film. ideographic).
Label The label you want to apply to When prompted from the
the field. (A label is not DICOM field, enter the
required.) label name using the
virtual keyboard. Then
either select the next field
to edit, or select Save
Font Size Font size you want to print. Select the field and select a
You can have different font font sizea.
sizes for a row.
Optional When you select Optional, if Select the Optional field to
there is no data for the field, select it.
the text box resizes to print
only the defined data. This
occurs if every field on a line is
optional and no data is
Justify Aligns the field data left, Select the field and select
center, or right. Left, Center, or Right.
a. For best results, limit the font size to a minimum of 10.

54 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Navigation Controls Use the Navigation Controls to move between fields, and add new rows and
columns to create new fields in the text box.

Adding a Column or a 1. Select the area where you want to add a new row or column in the Text
Row Box Viewer or use the arrows and navigate to the location.
2. Select Add New Row or Add New Column, or move all the way to the
right or bottom.

Deleting or Saving a Field • Delete a field—Select the field to delete and select Delete Entry. The
CR System automatically saves the change.
• Save a field—Select Save Entry after each field change.

External Text Box The External Text Box Editor is similar to the Internal Text Box Editor
Editor with the following exceptions:
• There is no Add Row button because the External text box is a fixed size.
Depending on the capability of the printer, use two lines x 120 characters
wide, or one line of 64 characters if the printer is not Row Symmetric.
• The top half of the Text Box Viewer shows the position of every character.
• The Font Size, Justification and Option fields are removed.

Saving and Restoring You can save your text box configuration options to a disk. See “Restoring
Configuration Options Configurations” on page 14.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 55

Key Operator Functions

Configuring a Text 1. Decide what type of text box you want to print.
Box 2. Decide what content you want in the text box.
• Page External—Study-specific data such as Patient ID, Accession
Number, etc.
• Image—Image-specific data such as Exposure Index, Window/Level,
NOTE: For Multi-format Images, place fields that have common information
in the Global External text box.
3. Select Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
select Next, then select Text Box Configuration.

Text Box Configuration Menu

4. Select Text Box Options.

5. Follow the Text Box editing procedure. See “Using the Text Box Editor”
on page 53.
6. Set Text Box / Annotation options. See the Text Box Options table on
the next page.

56 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Text Box Options

Transparent Background on No mask is used, white letters with

Internal Text Box black edge. Use at least a 10 pt. font.
Use Image Internal Text Boxes Place an Image Internal Text Box in
in Multi-format Images each Multi-format image.
Use Image External Text Boxes Place an Image External Text Box in
in Multi-format Images each Multi-format image.
Use Page External Text Boxes The printer places a Page External
in Multi-format Images Text Box at the top or bottom border
of the Multi-format image group.

NOTE: For the last three options in the table, the Key Operator sets the
default, which the technologist can override.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 57

Key Operator Functions

If you include an image-specific parameter in the multi-format page External

text box, the system uses the information from the image placed as shown in
the following diagram as the source of the data. To avoid confusion, print only
study-specific information in the global external text box.


58 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Delivery Preferences

Delivery Preferences

Delivery Option 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Configuration Next, then Delivery Preferences.
2. Select Delivery Options.

Delivery Options

March 31, 2005 9F3715 59

Key Operator Functions

3. Use the following table to select from and select Save Changes.

Run in QA Mode Operate in QA mode. (Technologist must

view and approve images before they are
distributed across the network.)
When not selected, CR System runs in
Pass-through Mode.
Use a Unique Image Number If checked, every delivery of every image
for every image in a Study in a study has a unique image number,
starting with one and incrementing.
If not checked, the image number always
defaults to one.
After Delivering a When a multi-format image is delivered,
Multi-Format Image, Update updates all the images in the multi-format
the Status of all Sub-Images image to Delivered.
to Delivered, also known as
Multi-format Only.
Upper Case All DICOM Changes all DICOM fields to uppercase
Fields on Delivery characters.
Include CT Pixel Spacing Applies to workstations that cannot read
Field in DICOM Header the (0018, 1164) Imager Pixel Spacing
and require the (0028, 0030) Pixel
Spacing field.

60 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Configuring Default 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Hospital Name and select Next, then Delivery Preferences, then Default Values.
Address 2. Enter the Hospital Name and Address and select Save Changes.

Delivery Preferences Hospital Name

Delivery Preferences Hospital Name (CR 500)

March 31, 2005 9F3715 61

Key Operator Functions

CAD Workstation 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Configuration select Next, then Delivery Preferences, then CAD Workstation
NOTE: All softcopy display stations appear on this screen. To define one as a
CAD Workstation, select the check box. Only unprocessed data is sent
to CAD Workstations.
2. Select the appropriate workstation and select Save Changes.
NOTE: If you have a CR 500 System with a DVD/CD Writer (also known as
LOCALHOST), you must check the LOCALHOST check box in order
for images to be archived in a format that can be retrieved by the
DirectView system.

CAD Workstation

62 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Configuring External
Remote Operator Panel At the External Devices menu, you can configure up to 10 external devices
Expanded Connectivity such as Remote Operator Panels (ROPs) and computers for Remote Patient
Entry and Remote Key Operator access.
You can set up ROPs to communicate with multiple DirectView CR System
servers or to link to Web sites.
You can configure:
• multiple ROPs to communicate with a single CR System
• a single ROP to communicate with multiple CR Systems
• multiple ROPs to communicate with multiple CR Systems


CR 3
CR 1 CR 2 (primary)


CR 3
CR 1 CR 2 (primary)

March 31, 2005 9F3715 63

Key Operator Functions

When you configure a ROP to communicate with multiple CR Systems, you

configure the ROP from one (primary) CR System to communicate with the
other CR Systems. Then, at the other CR Systems, you enter the ROP IP
You must:
– Enter the IP address of the ROP at the primary CR System.
– Enter the IP address of the ROP at the other CR Systems.
– Enter the IP address of the other CR Systems at the primary CR System.

Configuring a Remote In the following scenario, you could use CR3 (primary) to configure the ROP
Operator Panel to to communicate with CR 1, CR 2, and CR 3.
Multiple CR Systems


CR 3
CR 1 CR 2 (primary)

1. At the primary CR System, log on as the Key Operator.

2. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Next, then External Devices, and select Kodak Remote Operation
Panel Setup.

64 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Remote Operations Panel Setup

Remote Operations Panel Setup (CR 500)

March 31, 2005 9F3715 65

Key Operator Functions

3. Enter the ROP IP address and select Save Changes. The Links button

4. Select Links. The ROP’s IP address appears at the top of the Remote
Operations Panel Link Configuration screen.

ROP IP Address

Remote Operations Panel Link Configuration

66 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Remote Operations Panel Link Configuration (CR 500)

5. Select the http:// field and then use the virtual keyboard to enter the CR
System IP address. For a Web site, enter the URL, for example,
6. Select the associated Text: field and use the virtual keyboard to enter the
CR System name or Web site name.
7. Repeat for other CR Systems or Web sites.
8. Select Update ROP to apply the changes to the ROP.
9. At the other CR Systems, enter the IP address of the ROP.
a. Log on as the Key Operator.
b. At the Key Operator Functions screen select System
Configuration, Next, External Devices, then Kodak Remote
Operation Panel Setup.
c. Enter the ROP IP address and select Save Changes.
d. Select Main Menu.
At the ROP, reload the Main Menu.
– If you are not at the Main Menu, select Main Menu.
– If you are at the Main Menu, select one of the menu selections to go to
another screen, then select Main Menu.
The following is an example of a ROP screen configured for multiple servers.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 67

Key Operator Functions

Remote Operations Panel with Multiple Servers

Remote Operations Panel with Multiple Servers (CR 500)

68 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Configuring Multiple In the following scenario, you could use CR 3 (primary) to configure the
ROPs to Multiple CR ROPs to communicate with CR 1, CR 2 and CR 3.


CR 3
CR 1 CR 2 (primary)

1. At the primary CR System, log on as the Key Operator.

2. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Next, then External Devices.
3. Select Kodak Remote Operation Panel Setup. The IP address for
each connected ROP and Remote Patient Data Entry Station (RPDES)

Remote Operation Panel IP Addresses

March 31, 2005 9F3715 69

Key Operator Functions

4. Add the ROP IP addresses for all the ROPs and select Save Changes.
The Links button appears.
5. Select Links for the first ROP. The IP address at the top of the screen is
the IP address of the ROP.

ROP IP Address

Remote Operation Panel Link Configuration

6. Select the http:// field and then use the virtual keyboard to enter the CR
System IP address. For a Web site, enter the URL, for example,
7. Select the associated Text field and enter the CR System name or Web site
8. Enter the IP address and name for the other CR Systems or Web sites.
9. Select Apply To All ROPs. This copies the http:// link and link name to
each of the ROP configuration screens.
10. Select Update ROP.
11. Select Back.
12. Select Links for the next ROP.
13. Select Update ROP.
14. Repeat steps 11-13 for each ROP.

70 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

15. Select Main Menu.

16. At the other CR Systems, enter the IP addresses of the ROPS.
a. Log on as the Key Operator.
b. At the Key Operator Functions screen select System
Configuration, then Next, then select External Devices.
c. Select Kodak Remote Operation Panel Setup.
d. In the Remote Operation Panel IP Addresses screen, enter the
ROP IP addresses and select Save Changes.
e. Select Main Menu.
At the ROP, reload the Main Menu.
• If you are not at the Main Menu, select Main Menu.
• If you are at the Main Menu, select one of the menu selections to go to
another screen, then select Main Menu.
Examples of a ROP screen configured for multiple servers:

Remote Operations Panel with Multiple Servers

March 31, 2005 9F3715 71

Key Operator Functions

Remote Patient Data Remote Patient Data Entry Software is a software option for entering patient
Entry Software data at a workstation. It is installed on the CR System and enables
(RPDES) communication between a customer-supplied PC workstation and the CR
IMPORTANT: A RPDES must have a fixed IP address. If the PC is
configured to use DHCP (dynamic IP address assignment
on boot), the link with the CR System may be lost when the
PC is rebooted.
You can add up to ten external devices.




Computer Requirements – Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher

– Microsoft Windows 98 Operating System or later (XP, ME)
– Microsoft Windows NT Operating System or later (2000, XP, 2003)
– Standard keyboard and mouse

Installation Instructions All software options are installed at the Option Registration screen.
At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Option Registration, then Add Upgrade Options using the appropriate
floppy disk.

72 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

RPDES Configuration 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Instructions then select Next, then select External Devices.
2. Select the Remote Patient Data Entry Station (RPDES). The input
area for 10 RPDES appears.

Remote Patient Data Entry Screen IP Address

3. Add the Workstation IP address.

4. Select Save Changes.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 73

Key Operator Functions

RPDES Operation 1. At the computer, double-click the Internet Explorer icon.

2. At http://, type the CR System IP address and press Enter.
3. Add the address to the Favorites menu.

RPDES Screen with Login

4. Enter the patient information and click Submit.

74 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Create a RPDES Shortcut In the following example, assume the CR System IP address is
on the Desktop
1. On the desktop, right-click and point to New and select Shortcut.
2. Click Browse and locate IEXPLORE.exe executable file.
• Example: C:\Program Files\Plus!\MicrosoftInternet\IEXPLORE.EXE.
3. Add your CR System IP address to the end of the line:

C:\Program Files\Plus!\MicrosoftInternet\IEXPLORE.EXE “-k

4. Click Next.
5. Select a label for the new shortcut.
6. Click Finish.
7. Double-click the shortcut to confirm it operates correctly.
8. Press Ctrl-W to exit.
NOTE: If the Security Administrator has configured the system so that the
Technologist logs on with a user name and password, you must
always provide a Technologist (or greater) password to log on to

March 31, 2005 9F3715 75

Key Operator Functions

Remote Key Operator

Setting Up the Remote You can configure a computer to enable the Key Operator to access the
Key Operator CR System.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Next, then External Devices.
2. Select Remote Key Operator.
NOTE: The number of available IP addresses is reduced by the number of
ROP or RPDES configurations.

Remote Key Operator

3. Enter the PC IP address and select Save Changes.

Logging In 1. At the computer, double-click the Internet Explorer icon.

2. At http://, type the CR System IP address and press Enter.
NOTE: TIP - You can set up a Favorite address using Internet Explorer to
save time logging in.

76 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions


3. Enter your Username and Password.

4. Select Login
The Remote Key Operator Main Menu appears.

Main Menu

March 31, 2005 9F3715 77

Key Operator Functions

Downloading Statistics You can download technologist statistics and save the data.
1. Select Download Statistics.
2. Select a hyperlink time period. A file opens in Microsoft Excel.
3. Save the file.

Download Image Statistics

Procedure Mapping See “Procedure Mapping Using the Remote Key Operator” on page 31.

78 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Saving and Restoring You can save and restore a System Configuration file remotely. To save the
Configurations configuration file:
1. Click System Configuration.
2. Click Save Configuration.
3. Click Configuration.txt.
4. Save the file.

Save Configuration

March 31, 2005 9F3715 79

Key Operator Functions

To restore the configuration file:

1. Click System Configuration.
2. Click Restore Configuration.
3. Click Browse.
4. Locate the configuration.txt file and click Submit.
5. Click the options to restore or click Select All.
6. Click Load.

Restore Configuration

80 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Bar Code
Overview If necessary, use the Bar Code Configuration menu to change the Patient
ID, Accession Number and Tech ID bar code characteristics for your site.
IMPORTANT: If you change the Cassette ID format, the country code, or
bar code reader prefix or suffix characters, then you must
program the Bar Code Scanner.
You can:
– change the data field size
– change the prefix and suffix characters
– strip a field when a bar code is read
– change the cassette ID format.
NOTE: You don’t need to make any changes unless the CR System Bar Code
Scanner settings are incompatible with your bar codes.

Changing the Bar Code 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Characteristics then select Next, then Bar Code Configuration.
2. Select Bar Code Configuration again.

Bar Code Configuration Menu

March 31, 2005 9F3715 81

Key Operator Functions

Bar Code Configuration Basic Editor Screen

NOTE: There are two bar code configuration screens: a Basic and an
Advanced Editor Screen. Select Advanced Bar Code Editor to use
the advanced screen.
3. For each Field, enter the desired Prefix and Suffix Character formats
and set the Data field size.
• Select a field and use the virtual keyboard to enter the data.
• Leave the Data Size field blank if you want to accept any size data.
• For the advanced screen, select Strip if you want to remove the field
when it is read by the bar code scanner.
4. Scan the bar code with the bar code scanner to test it. A message appears
with the test results.
5. When the codes have tested successfully, select Submit Changes.
NOTE: Test the cassette ID also to assure that there are no bar code conflicts.

82 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Changing the Cassette ID If the Cassette ID Bar Code format (normally 10 digits in length) conflicts with
Bar Code Format other bar codes in use, you can change the CR System Bar Code format to an
11-digit format.
1. At the Bar Code Configuration screen select Modify Cassette Format.
2. Select the 11-digit Bar Code format check box.

Cassette ID Format

3. Select Submit Changes.

4. Select Program Bar Code Scanner.
5. Select Config Prefix/Suffix. A screen similar to the following appears.
There are three screens of bar codes you have to scan.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 83

Key Operator Functions

Bar Code Configure Screen

6. Use the bar code scanner and scan each bar code in numerical order
and then select Next.
IMPORTANT: If you have trouble scanning the bar codes from the
monitor, bar codes are available later in this section of the
manual. However, make sure the bar code names match
the names on the monitor.
7. Repeat for the next two screens.
8. When done scanning, select Next. A bar code appears to test the
9. Scan the bar code. A message confirms whether or not the test was
NOTE: Do not scan a bar code more than once. If you scan twice, it will fail.

Changing the Country Use the Bar Code Configuration menu to program the country data. The
Code screens to configure the bar code scanner differ depending on the country.
To program the scanner, set the country code and then program the bar code
1. At the Bar Code Configuration menu, select Set Country Code.

84 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Program Bar Code Scanner Screen

2. Select the appropriate country button.

3. Select Back.
4. Select Program Bar Code Scanner.
5. Select Configure Country Code.
6. Use the bar code scanner and scan each bar code in numerical order.
IMPORTANT: If you have trouble scanning the bar codes from the
monitor, bar codes are available later in this section of the
manual. However, make sure the bar code names match the
names on the monitor.

Changing the Prefix and NOTE: Only make this change if an [or] appears in the hospital’s bar cod.e.
Suffix This prefix/suffix does not appear in the actual bar code. It is added
by the scanner.
1. At the Bar Code Configuration menu, select Change Prefix & Suffix.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 85

Key Operator Functions

Change Prefix and Suffix

2. Enter two characters that do not appear in any of your bar codes.
3. Select Submit.
4. Select Program Bar Code Scanner.
5. Use the bar code scanner and scan each bar code in numerical order
and then select Next.

86 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Bar Code Configure Screen

IMPORTANT: If you have trouble scanning the bar codes from the
monitor, use the bar codes that are available later in this
section of the manual. However, make sure the bar code
names match the names on the monitor.
6. Repeat for the next screen.
7. When done scanning, select Next. A bar code appears to test the
8. Scan the bar code. A message confirms whether or not the test was
NOTE: Do not scan the test bar code more than once. If you scan it twice, it
will fail.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 87

Key Operator Functions

Bar Code Examples for


Program Keyboard Country


Number “0”

Number “1”

88 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Number “2”

Number “3”

Number “4”

Number “5”

March 31, 2005 9F3715 89

Key Operator Functions

Number “6”

Number “7”

Number “8”

Number “9”

90 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Number “A”

Number “B”

Number “C”

Number “D”

March 31, 2005 9F3715 91

Key Operator Functions

Number “E”

Number “F”

Code 39 Full ASCII On

Code 39 Full ASCII Off

92 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Manual Trigger

Automatic Trigger

Add One Suffix

Add One Prefix

March 31, 2005 9F3715 93

Key Operator Functions

Clear All Suffix

Clear All Prefix


94 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Color Preferences You can change the default colors for field backgrounds and buttons.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu select System Configuration,
then select Next.
2. Select Color Preferences.
3. Select the down arrow to select the button or text you want to change
4. The button color is determined by the code values in the Red, Green
and Blue columns (0 = 0% of that color, 255 = 100% of that color).
Select a code value and a pop-up keypad appears.
Color R G B
White 255 255 255
Black 0 0 0
Yellow 255 255 0
Blue 0 0 255

5. Enter the new code value. Repeat for the other two code values if
6. If you want to change other field background colors, repeat for each
7. Select Submit to return to the Color Preferences screen.
8. At the Color Preferences screen, select Submit.

Configure Colors

March 31, 2005 9F3715 95

Key Operator Functions

Required Fields You can set required fields for delivery to mandatory destinations such as
archives, or for submitting exam/patient information. For example, you may
want to make Tech ID a required field if you are using Reject Reason logging.
Making a field Required to Submit guarantees that the technologist will enter
all required Exam/Patient Information at the time the patient record is
submitted to the database.
Using Required Fields for delivery lets you send images that have
incomplete patient demographic information to workstations and printers but
not to mandatory destinations. Once the required information is entered and
the image is accepted, the CR System forwards the image to the mandatory
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Next.
2. Select Required Fields.

Required Fields

3. Select each field check box you want to include.

4. Select Required to Submit Exam/Patient Information or Required
to Deliver Images to Mandatory Destinations.
5. Select Save Changes.

96 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

• If you select Required to Submit Exam/Patient Information,
you can only submit the PEC data when all the required fields are
• If you select Required to Deliver Images to Mandatory
Destinations, you can submit the PEC data without the required
fields completed. You have to complete the fields before
submitting to mandatory destinations.
NOTE: The Contrast/Bolus and Date of Birth fields should not be mandatory
if the system is using enhanced trauma functionality. Doing so causes
added steps in the workflow. These two fields cannot be defined as
part of the setup for a trauma patient, and if they are required, the
technologist must complete these fields manually after selecting a
trauma patient but before the record is submitted to the database or
the image is routed to mandatory destinations.

System Maintenance This screen lets you determine when to erase images and when to delete
Defaults patients with no images from the system.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Next and Next again.
2. Select System Maintenance Defaults.

System Maintenance Defaults

3. Select the + and - keys to adjust the settings.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 97

Key Operator Functions

4. Select Save Changes.

Regional Settings This screen lets you set the CR System date, time, and language settings.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Next, and Next, then select Regional Settings.
2. Make your selections and then select Save Changes.

Configure Monitor You can optimize the image display for the viewing conditions at the monitor’s
location. To do this, use the Configure Monitor screen to select the monitor
and ambient settings. Use the SMPTE Test Pattern to adjust the contrast and
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Next, Next, and select Configure Monitor.

Monitor Configuration Set Up Screen

2. Select the monitor from the list. If your monitor does not appear in the
list, see your Kodak Service Representative.
3. Select the amount of ambient light in the CR environment.
NOTE: Ambient light is subjective. Typically, select High Ambient Light. Try
to shield as much ambient light as possible when making this
4. Select Submit.
5. To adjust the contrast and brightness, from this screen, select Back and
select SMPTE Test Pattern. (From the Key Operator Functions

98 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

menu, select System Configuration, Next, and Next. Select SMPTE

Test Pattern.)

SMPTE Test Pattern

6. Select the menu button on the monitor. Use the down arrow to select
7. Adjust brightness with + and - controls to the lowest level while you can
still see contrast on either side of the circle in the dark (0 - 5%) target.
8. Use the down arrow key to select contrast.
9. Adjust contrast with + and - controls to the highest level while you can
still see contrast on either side of the circle in the bright (95 - 100%)
NOTE: It may be necessary to adjust the screen several times before you
reach the optimum setting.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 99

Key Operator Functions

Miscellaneous Use the Miscellaneous screen to set your default Body Part and Projection.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
select Next and Next again, then select Miscellaneous.

Miscellaneous - Element Mapping Default

2. Select each field and select your defaults.

3. Select Save Changes.
NOTE: The default body part and projection is used to process images that
do not have a body part and a projection identified in the patient
record. This includes unassigned images.

100 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

SMPTE Test Pattern You can use a SMPTE Test Pattern to analyze image quality problems and to
change the contrast and brightness of the monitor. See “Configure Monitor”
on page 98.
1. Select Display SMPTE Test Pattern from the Key Operator
Functions menu.

SMPTE Test Pattern

2. Using the controls at the bottom of the screen, create a test pattern for
any one of these cassette sizes:
– 18 x 24 cm
– 24 x 30 cm
– 35 x 35 cm
– 35 x 43 cm
3. Select the appropriate button for the cassette size you wish to print.
4. Select the destination for the image. You can exit the screen when the
printing message appears.
5. You can graph the steps of the SMPTE pattern to determine if the image at
the destination is presented linearly.

March 31, 2005 9F3715 101

Key Operator Functions

Long Length Imaging This screen lets you configure the system for Long-length Imaging exams.
– Select the check box to use QA mode for all long-length composite
– Select the check box to automatically set the status of all sub-images to
Delivered once the composite image is delivered.
– Set the default Source to Image Distance (SID.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
then select Next and Next again.
2. Select Long-Length Imaging.

Long-Length Imaging Configuration

3. Select Save Changes,

102 9F3715 March 31, 2005

Key Operator Functions

Scheduled Workflow Configuration

Scheduled Workflow provides automatic notification of exam status to the
HIS, reducing the steps necessary to complete the exam. It provides
consistency for ordering patient images, and defines schedules and imaging
acquisition procedures.
1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
select Next, and Next again, then select
Scheduled Workflow Configuration.
2. Select the check box to configure your system with one or more of the
Display End Procedure Step Select the check box to configure an End
Confirmation. Study prompt when all images are
After Accepting All Images in Select the check box to configure
one or more procedure Scheduled Workflow so that a study is set to
steps, set the procedure Complete automatically when all images
steps to Complete. are accepted.
Enable Scheduled Workflow Select to take the system off Scheduled
MPPS Command Workflow if MIM errors occur; for
example, if a printer is off-line.

Scheduled Workflow Configuration

March 31, 2005 9F3715 103

Key Operator Functions

Calibrate Touch 1. At the Key Operator Functions menu, select System Configuration,
Screen select Next, Next, and Next again.
2. Select Calibrate Touch Screen.
To calibrate the touch screen, select the red targets as they appear on the
screen. Then select the screen to check the cursor’s response.

Selecting the screen in areas other than the red targets may
cause the select screen to behave in an unpredictable manner.

Calibrate Touch Screen

104 9F3715 March 31, 2005


bar code configuration reject image, 5
change prefix and suffix, 85 Remote Key Operator
changing, 81 color preferences, 95
modify cassette format, 83 create new procedure, 34
set country code, 84 deleting a procedure, 34
bar code samples, 88 download statistics, 78
editing procedures, 33
D login, 76
delivery preferences procedure mapping, 31, 33, 78
include CT pixel spacing, 60 set up, 76
multi-format, 60 RPDES, 72
option configuration, 59 configuration, 73
QA mode, 60 creating a desktop shortcut, 75
upper case DICOM fields, 60 installation instructions, 72
destination, 5 operation, 74
requirements, 72
EHR Scanning, 17
external devices scheduled workflow configuration, 103
multiple ROPs, 69 SMPTE Test Pattern, 101
Remote Key Operator, 76 statistics
ROP expanded connectivity, 63 cassette, 4
ROP to multiple CR systems, 64 destination, 5
destination status summary, 9
K erase cycles, erase lamps, 5
scan cycles, 8
Key Operator Functions
technologist, 6
managing patient exam records, 2
system configuration
system configuration, 10
bar code configuration, 81
P buttons, 19
CAD workstation, 62
procedure mapping, 25 calibrate touch screen, 104
creating a new procedure, 29 configuring profiles, 48
deleting a procedure, 30 CR display, 41
editing, 30 default hospital name, 61
more than 34 procedures, 29 default profile, 47
using a HIS/RIS, 30 delivery preferences, 59
using the CR System, 26 department, physician list, 19
using the Remote Key Operator, 31 external devices, 63
HIS/RIS Broker, 35

maintenance defaults, 97
menu, 11
option registration, 17
procedure list, mapping, 24
profile destination, 47
Push configuration, 38
regional settings, 98
reject reason, 43
required fields, 96
restoring, 14
saving, 13
trauma defaults,setting, 45
workflow optimization, 18

technologist, 5
text box editor
configuring, 56
external, 55
fields and definitions, 53
internal, 53
saving and restoring, 55
text box viewer, 53
add new column or row, 55
navigation controls, 55
save or delete a field, 55
text boxes
choosing, 52
external, 50
internal, 51
touch screen
calibrating, 104

unique numbers, using, 46

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Kodak, Digital Science, DirectView, DryView, Ektascan, and Min-R are trademarks of
Eastman Kodak Company.
© Eastman Kodak Company, 2005

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