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Department of Natural Science (Chemistry) : Lecture Plan

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Department of Natural Science (Chemistry)

Faculty of Science & Technology
Engineering Program

Fall 2021-2022

1st Week. Introduction to atomic structure: Dalton, Rutherford, Wave and Atomic spectra;

2nd Week. Bohr atomic model: Calculation of radius and energy of each orbit of hydrogen atom.
Bohr explanation of hydrogen spectral series. (Quiz-1)

3rd Week. Wave mechanical approach of the atom: dual nature of matters, de Broglie’s equation,
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Orbitals, Quantum numbers and Principle of
electronic configuration. (Quiz-2)

4th Week. Modern periodic table: Main features of periodic table with special reference to
group chemistry, Selected topics of organic chemistry.

5th Week. Chemical Reactions: Concepts of acids and bases, electrolytes, oxidation-reduction,
neutralization reactions. Chemical bonds: Main types chemical bonds, Metallic bond,
Hydrogen bond. (Quiz-3)

6th Week. Molecular orbital theory: Main features, Bond order and Molecular orbital diagram of
homonuclear and heteronuclear molecules.

7th Week. Mid-Assessment

8th Week. Solutions and Solubility: Types of solution, Mechanism of dissolution, Properties of
solvents, Factors affecting solubility, Gas laws: Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay-Lussac’s
law & Ideal gas law.

9th Week. Solubility product & pH: Solubility product law, Application of solubility product
principle, Ionization of water, pH concept. (Quiz-4)

10th Week. Electrochemistry: Principle of electrolysis, Kohlrausch’s Law of electrolysis,

conductometric titration, electrochemical cells, photolithography.

11th Week. Phase rule and phase diagram: Phase, component and degrees of freedom; phase
diagram of mono component systems. Solid State Chemistry: Electrical properties of
materials (Quiz-5)

12th Week. Thermochemistry: Energy and its units, Enthalpy and Entropy change, Thermodynamic
system & its surroundings, Heat of reactions & Fuels.

13th Week. Chemical kinetics and Chemical equilibrium: Rate of reaction, rate laws and order of
reaction; equilibrium law and its characteristics. Selected topics of nano-science,
polymer chemistry, biochemistry etc.. (Quiz-6)

14th Week. Final-Assessment

Department of Natural Science (Chemistry)
Faculty of Science & Technology
Engineering Program

LECTURE PLAN: Fall 2022-2022

(Quantitative Inorganic Analysis)

Volumetric titration: Acid-base titration, pH calculation, Redox titration, Estimation of Cu & Fe
Total hardness of water and Conductometric titration

1st Week. Introduction to chemistry laboratory, familiarize with modern periodic

table and laboratory safety, discussion about report writing and basics
of chemical analysis.

2nd Week. Expt.1: Standardization of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution with

standard oxalic acid (HO2C-CO2H, 2H2O) solution.

3rd Week. Expt.2: Standardization of hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution with standard
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. (Quiz-1)

4th Week. Expt.3: Standardization of hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution with standard
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) solution and calculation of pH.

5th Week. Expt.4: Standardization of sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) solution with

standard potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) solution. (Quiz-2)

6th Week. Mid-term (Lab) Assessment. (Lab viva-voce)

7th Week. Mid-term (Theory) Assessment.

8th Week. Expt.5: Estimation of copper ions (Cu2+) contained in a supplied solution by
iodometric method.

9th Week. Expt.6: Determination of ferrous ions (Fe2+) in a supplied solution by

standard potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) solution.

10th Week. Expt.7: Determination of ferrous ions (Fe2+) in a supplied solution by

standard potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution. (Quiz-3)

11th Week. Expt.8: Determination of total Hardness of water using Eriochrome Black T
(EBT) as indicator.

12th Week. Expt.9: Determination of conductance of a weak acid against a strong alkali
solution. (Quiz-4)

13th Week. Final (Lab) Assessment. (Lab viva-voce)

14th Week. Final (Theory) Assessment.


Texts: 1. B. S. Bahl, G. D. Tuli and Arun Bahl, “Essentials of Physical Chemistry” 24 th ed. (1997), S.
Chand & Compnay Ltd, ISBN: 81-219-0546-X; 2. S. Z. Haider, “Introduction to Modern Inorganic
Chemistry” 2nd ed. (2000), Friends International, ISBN: 984-30-0087-0

References: 1. M. M. Huque and M. A. Nawab, “Principles of Physical Chemistry” 3 rd ed. (1974),

Student Publication, ISBN: Not found; 2. A. Q. Chowdhury, “Chemistry Fundamentals”
3rd ed. (1995), AERS & Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation (BUET), ISBN: Not found; 3.
S. Z. Haider, “Selected Topics on Advanced Inorganic Chemistry” 4 th ed. (2002), Student Publication,
ISBN: Not found; 4. B. K. Sharma, “Electrochemistry”, 5 th ed. (1997-98), GOEL Publishing House,
ISBN: 81-85842-96-5; 5. Maitland Jones, “Organic Chemistry”, 1 st ed. (1997), Norton Company,
ISBN: 0-393-97079-5; 6. Jerry March, “Advanced Organic Chemistry”, 4 th ed. (1999-2000), John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 9971-51-257-2; 7. O. P. Aggarwal, “Engineering Chemistry”, 3 rd ed. (1995),
Khanna Publishers, Delhi


Text: 1. M. Mahbubul Huque and A. Jabber Mian, “Practical Chemistry” 2 nd ed. (1972), Student
Ways, ISBN: Not found
References: 1. J. Mendham, R. C. Denney, J. D. Barnes and M. Thomas, “Vogel’sText Book of
Quantitative Chemical Analysis”, 6th ed. (2000), Pearson Education Ltd, ISBN: 81-7808-538-0; 2. G.
H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham, R. C. Denney, “Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical
Analysis”, 5th ed. (1989), Longman (ELBS), ISBN: 0-582-25167-2

Evaluation Methods:

1. Marks: Total marks 100, Contribution of Theory 60% and Lab 40%.
Theory (100%):
o Class Performance & Attendance, 20%
o Quizzes, 40% (Best 2 out of 3)
o Comprehensive, 20%; Viva, 20%
Lab (100%):
o Class Performance & Attendance, 10%
o Quiz, 30% (Total of 2)
o Assignment, 20%
o Viva, 20%
o Comprehensive, 20%
2. Quizzes: In each term (Mid/Final) of the semester, 3 Quiz tests will be taken in Theory Class
of which Best 2 will count for results and 2 Quiz tests will be taken in Lab Class of which
Best 1 will count for results.
3. Make-up Class/Quiz: If any schedule class is postponed in case of unavoidable situation, the
make-up class will be held immediately at a suitable time. There will be no make-up quiz or
lab except a strong reason for that.

Course Requirements
1. Must appear at least two quizzes in theory and one quiz in lab before the Mid
Assessment and the same before the Final Assessment.
2. Must appear at the Mid and the Final Assessments both in theory and lab.
3. Students must have 75% attendance both in theory and lab to pass the course.

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