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Package Section:: 1.predefined Packages

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Package Section:

1.Package is the collection of related classes and interfaces as a single unit.

2.Package is a folder contains .class files representing related classes and interfaces.
Packages are able to provide some advantages in java applications
1) Modularity
2) Abstraction
3) Security
4) Reusability
5) Sharability
There are two types of packages in java
1) Predefined Packages
2) User defined Packages
1.Predefined Packages:
These packages are provided by Java programming language along with java software.
2.User defined Packages:
These packages are defined by the developers as per their application requirements.
package package_Name;
where package name may be
1.directly a single name
2.sub package names with . operator

package p1;
package p1.p2.p3;
If we want to use package declaration statement in java files then we have to use the
following two condition.
1.Package declaration statement must be the first statement in java file after the
comment section.
2.Package name must be unique, it must not be sharable and it must not be duplicated.
Q)Is it possible to declare more than one package statement
with in a single Java file?
No, it is not possible to declare more than one package declaration statement with in a
single java file, because, package declaration statement must be first statement, in java
files only one package declaration statement must be provided as first statement.
package p1;---> Valid
package p2;---> Invalid
package p3;---> INvalid
To provide package names, JAVA has given a convention like to include our company
domain name in reverse in package names.

3.Import Section:
The main intention of "import" statement is to make available classes and interfaces of a
particular package into the present JAVA file inorder to use in present java file.
Syntax 1:
import package_Name.*;
--> It able to import all the classes and interfaces of the specified package into the present
java file.

EX: import*;

Syntax 2:
import package_Name.Member_Name;
--> It able to import only the specified member from the specified package into the
present java file.
EX: import;
Q)Is it possible to write more than one "import" statement with in
a single Java file?
Yes, In a single java file, we are able to provide atmost one package declaration
statement, but, we are able to provide any no of import statements.
package p1;
//package p2;-----> Error
//package p3;-----> Error
import java.util.*;--> No Error
import java.sql.*;---> No Error
Q)Is it possible to use classes and interfaces of a particular package
with out importing that package?
Yes, it is possible to use classes and interfaces of a particular package in the present java
file with out importing the respective package, but, just by using fully qualified names of
the classes.
Note: Specifying class names or interface names along with their respective package
names is called as "Fully Qualified Names".
A java program with import statement:
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

EX3:File Name:

1) public class A {
2) }
3) class FirstApp {
4) public static void main(String[] args) {
5) System.out.println("First Java Application");
6) }
7) }
Status: Compilation Error.

1. Primitive Data Types / Primary Data types

Numeric Data Types
Integral data types/ Integer Data types:
byte ------> 1 bytes ----> 0
short------> 2 bytes-----> 0
int--------> 4 bytes-----> 0
long-------> 8 bytes-----> 0
Non-Integral Data Types:
float------> 4 bytes----> 0.0f
double-----> 8 bytes----> 0.0
Non-Numeric Data types:
char ---------> 2 bytes---> ' ' [single space]
boolean-------> 1 bit-----> false

Primitive Data Types Wrapper Classes

byte java.lang.Byte
short java.lang.Short
int java.lang.Integer
long java.lang.Long
float java.lang.Float
double java.lang.Double
char java.lang.Character
boolean java.lang.Boolean

1) class Test
2) {
3) public static void main(String[] args)
4) {
5) for(;;);
6) }
7) }
Status: No Compilation Error
OUTPUT: No Output, but, JVM will be in infinite loop

for(Array_Data_Type var: Array_Ref_Var)

1) int[] a={1,2,3,4,5};
2) for(int x: a)
3) {
4) System.out.println(x);
5) }

Access Modifiers:
There are two types of Access modifiers
1.To define scopes to the programming elements, there are four types of access modifiers.
public, protected, <default> and private.
Where public and <default> are allowed for classes, protected and private are not allowed
for classes.
Note: All public, protected , <default> and private are allowed for inner classes.
Note:Where private and protected access modifiers are defined on the basis of classes
boudaries, so that,they are not applicable for classes, they are applicable for members of
the classes including inner classes.

2.To define some extra nature to the programming elements , we have the following
access modifiers.
static, final, abstract, native, volatile, transient, synchronized, strictfp,.......
Where final, abstract and strictfp are allowed for the classes.
Note: The access modifiers like static, abstract, final and strictfp are allowed for inner
Note: Where static keyword was defined on the basis of classes origin, so that, it is not
applicable for classes, it is applicable for members of the classes including inner classes.
Where 'class' is a java keyword, it can be used to represent 'Class' object oriented feature.
Where 'Class_Name' is name is an identifier, it can be used to recognize the classes
Where 'extends' keyword is able to specify a particular super class name in class syntax in
order to get variables and methods from the specified super class to the present java
Note: In class syntax, 'extends' keyword is able to allow only one super class name, it will
not allow more than one super class, because, it will represent multiple inheritance, it is
not possible in Java.
Where 'implements' keyword is able to specify one or more no of interfaces in class syntax
in order to provide implementation for all abstract methods of that interfaces in the
present class.
Note: In class syntax, extends keyword is able to allow only one super class, but,
implements keyword is able to allow more than one interface.
Note: In class syntax, 'extends' and 'implements' keywords are optional, we can write a
class with extends keyword and without implements keyword, we can write a class with
implements keyword and without extends keyword, we can write a class without both
extends and implements keywords, if we want to write both extends and implements
keywords first we have to write extends keyword then only we have to write implements
keyword, we must not interchange extends and implements keywords.
1) class A{ } ----> valid
2) public class A{ }----> valid
3) private class A{ }----> Invalid
4) protected class A{ }----> Invalid

5) class A{ public class B{ } }----> valid

6) class A{ private class B{ } }----> valid
7) class A{ protected class B { } }----> valid
8) class A{ class B{ } }----> valid
9) static class A{ }----> Invalid
10) final class A{ }----> valid
11) abstract class A{ }----> valid
12) synchronized class A{ }----> Invalid
13) native class A{ }----> Invalid
14) class A{ static class B{ } }----> valid
15) class A{ abstract class B{ } }----> valid
16) class A{ strictfp class B{ } }----> valid
17) class A{ native class B{ } }----> Invalid
18) class A extends B{ }----> valid
19) class A extends A{ }----> Invalid, cyclic inheritance Error
20) class A extends B, C{ }----> Invalid
21) class A implements I{ }----> valid
22) class A implements I1, I2{ }----> valid
23) class A implements I extends B{ }----> Invalid
24) class A extends B implements I{ }----> valid
25) class A extends B implements I1, I2{ }----> valid

Q) What are the differences between Concrete methods and

abstract methods?
1) Concrete method is a method, it will have both method declaration and method
EX: void add(int i, int j)//Method Declaration
{// Method implementation started here
int k=i+j;
}// Method Implementation ended here
Abstract method is a method, it will have only method declaration.
EX: abstract void add(int i, int j);
2) To declare concrete methods, no need to use any special keyword.
To declare abstract method, we must use abstract keyword.
3) Concrete methods are allowed in classes and in abstract classes.
Abstract methods are allowed in abstract classes and interfaces.
4) Concrete methods will provide less sharability.
Abstract methods will provide more sharability.

2) Abstract Classes:
Abstract class is a java class, it able to allow zero or more no of concrete methods
and zero or more no of abstract methods.
Note: To declare abstract classes, it is not at all mandatory condition to have at least
one abstract method, we can declare abstract classes with 0 no of abstract methods,
but, if we want to declare a method as an abstract method then the respective class
must be abstract class.
For abstract classes, we are able to create only reference variables; we are unable to
create objects.
abstract class A {
A a = new A();--> Error
A a = null;  No Error
Abstract classes are able to provide more sharability when compared with classes.
Procedure to use Abstract Classes:
1) Declare an abstract class with "abstract".
2) Declare concrete methods and abstract methods in abstract class as per the
3) Declare sub class for abstract class.
4) Implement abstract methods in sub class.
5) In main class and in main() method, create object for sub class and declare reference
variable either for abstract class or for sub class.
6) Access abstract class members.
Note: If we declare reference variable for abstract class then we are able to access only
abstract class members, but, if we declare reference variable for sub class then we are
able to access both abstract class members and sub class members.
1) abstract class A
2) {
3) void m1()
4) {
5) System.out.println("m1-A");
6) }
7) abstract void m2();
8) abstract void m3();
9) }
10) class B extends A

11) {
12) void m2()
13) {
14) System.out.println("m2-B");
15) }
16) void m3()
17) {
18) System.out.println("m3-B");
19) }
20) void m4()
21) {
22) System.out.println("m4-B");
23) }
24) }
25) class Test
26) {
27) public static void main(String[] args)
28) {
29) //A a=new A();--> Error
30) A a = new B();
31) a.m1();
32) a.m2();
33) a.m3();
34) //a.m4();--> Error
35) B b = new B();
36) b.m1();
37) b.m2();
38) b.m3();
39) b.m4();
40) }
41) }
Q) What are the differences between Concrete Classes and
Abstract Classes?
1) Classes are able to allow only concrete methods.
Abstract classes are able to allow both concrete methods and abstract methods.
2) To declare concrete classes, only, 'class' keyword is sufficient.
To declare abstract classes we need to use 'abstract’ keyword along with class
3) For classes, we are able to create both reference variables and objects,
For abstract classes, we are able to create only reference variables; we are unable to
create objects

4) Concrete classes will provide less sharability.

Abstract classes will provide more sharability.

3) Interfaces:
 Interface is a java feature, it able to allow zero or more no of abstract methods only.
 For interfaces, we are able to declare only reference variables; we are unable to
create objects.
 In case of interfaces, by default, all the variables as "public static final".
 In case of interfaces, by default, all the methods are "public and abstract".
 When compared with classes and abstract classes, interfaces will provide more
Procedure to Use interfaces in Java applications:
1) Declare an interface with "interface" keyword.
2) Declare variables and methods in interface as per the requirement.
3) Declare an implementation class for interface by including "implements" keyword.
4) Provide implementation for abstract methods in implementation class which are
declared in interface.
5) In main class, in main() method, create object for implementation class ,but, declare
reference variable either for interface or for implementation class.
6) Access interface members.
Note: If declare reference variable for interface then we are able to access only interface
members, we are unable to access implementation class own members. If we declare
reference variable for implementation class then we are able to access both interface
members and implementation class own members.
1) interface I
2) {
3) int x=20;// public static final
4) void m1();// public and abstract
5) void m2();// public and abstract
6) void m3();// public and abstract
7) }
8) class A implements I
9) {
10) public void m1()

11) {
12) System.out.println("m1-A");
13) }
14) public void m2()
15) {
16) System.out.println("m2-A");
17) }
18) public void m3()
19) {
20) System.out.println("m3-A");
21) }
22) public void m4()
23) {
24) System.out.println("m4-A");
25) }
26) }
27) class Test
28) {
29) public static void main(String[] args)
30) {
31) //I i=new I();---> Error
32) I i=new A();
33) System.out.println(I.x);
34) System.out.println(i.x);
35) i.m1();
36) i.m2();
37) i.m3();
38) //i.m4();----> Error
39) A a=new A();
40) System.out.println(a.x);
41) System.out.println(A.x);
42) a.m1();
43) a.m2();
44) a.m3();
45) a.m4();
46) }
47) }

Q) What are the differences between Class, abstract Clacss

and Interface?
1) Class is able to allow concrete methods only.
Abstract class is able to allow both concrete methods and abstract methods
Interface is able to allow abstract methods only.
2) To declare class, only, class keyword is sufficient.

To declare abstract class, we have to use "abstract" keyword along with class
To declare interface we have to use "interface" keyword explicitly.
3) For classes only, we are able to create both reference variables and objects.
For abstract classes and interfaces, we are able to declare reference variables; we
are unable to create objects.
4) In case of interfaces, by default, all variables are "public static final".
In case of classes and abstract classes, no default cases for variables.
5) In case of interfaces, by default, all methods are "public and abstract".
In case of classes and abstract classes, no default cases for methods.
6) Constructors are allowed in classes and abstract classes.
Constructors are not allowed in interfaces.
7) Classes are able to provide less sharability.
Abstract classes are able to provide moddle level sharability.
Interfaces are able to provide more sharability.

'this' Keyword:
'this' is a Java keyword, it can be used to represent current class object.
In Java applications, we are able to utilize 'this' keyword in the following 4 ways.
1) To refer current class variable
2) To refer current class methods
3) To refer current class constructors
4) To refer current class object
1) To Refer Current Class Variables:
If we want to refer current class variables by using 'this' keyword then we have to use
the following syntax.
NOTE: In Java applications, if we provide same set of variables at local and at class level
and if we access that variables then JVM will give first priority for local variables, if local
variables are not available then JVM will search for that variables at class level, even at
class level also if that variables are not available then JVM will search at super class level.
At all the above locations, if the specified variables are not available then compiler will
rise an error.
NOTE: In Java applications, if we have same set of variables at local and at class level then
to access class level variables over local variables we have to use 'this' keyword.

1) class A {
2) int i=10;
3) int j=20;
4) A(int i,int j) {
5) System.out.println(i+" "+j);
6) System.out.println(this.i+" "+this.j);
7) }
8) }
9) class Test {
10) public static void main(String args[]) {
11) A a = new A(30,40);
12) }
13) }
30 40
10 20

2) To Refer Current Class Method:

If we want to refer current class method by using 'this' keyword then we have to use
the following syntax.
Note: To access current class methods, it is not required to use any reference variable and
any keyword including 'this', directly we can access.
1) class A {
2) void m1() {
3) System.out.println("m1-A");
4) }
5) void m2() {
6) System.out.println("m2-A");

7) m1();
8) this.m1();
9) }
10) }
11) class Test {
12) public static void main(String args[]) {
13) A a = new A();
14) a.m2();
15) }
16) }

3) To Refer Current Class Constructors:

If we want to refer current class constructor by using 'this' keyword then we have to
use the following syntax.
1) class A {
2) A() {
3) this(10);
4) System.out.println("A-0-arg-con");
5) }
6) A(int i) {
7) this(22.22f);
8) System.out.println("A-int-param-con");
9) }
10) A(float f) {
11) this(33.3333);
12) System.out.println("A-float-param-con");
13) }
14) A(double d) {
15) System.out.println("A-double-param-con");
16) }
17) }
18) class Test {
19) public static void main(String args[]) {
20) A a = new A();
21) }

22) }
1) class A {
2) A() {
3) System.out.println("A-0-arg-con");
4) this(10);
5) }
6) A(int i) {
7) System.out.println("A-int-param-con");
8) this(22.22f);
9) }
10) A(float f) {
11) System.out.println("A-float-param-con");
12) this(33.3333);
13) }
14) A(double d) {
15) System.out.println("A-double-param-con");
16) }
17) }
18) class Test {
19) public static void main(String args[]) {
20) A a = new A();
21) }
22) }
Status: Compilation Error

'static' keyword:
'static' is a Java keyword, it will improve sharability in Java applications.
In Java applications, static keyword will be utilized in the following four ways.

1) Static variables
2) Static methods
3) Static blocks
4) Static import
1) Static variables:
 Static variables are normal Java variables, which will be recognized and executed
exactly at the time of loading the respective class byte code to the memory.
 Static variables are normal java variables, they will share their last modified values
to the future objects and to the past objects of the respective class.
 In Java applications, static variables will be accessed either by using the respective
class reference variable or by using the respective class name directly.
NOTE: To access static variables we can use the respective class reference variable which
may or may not have reference value. To access static variables it is sufficient to take a
reference variable with null value.
NOTE: If we access any non-static variable by using a reference variable with null value
then JVM will rise an exception like "java.lang.NullPointerException". If we access static
variable by using a reference variable contains null value then JVM will not rise any
In Java applications, static variables must be declared as class level variables only, they
never be declared as local variables.
In Java applications, static variable values will be stored in method area, not in Stack
memory and not in Heap Memory.
In Java applications, to access current class static variables we can use "this" keyword.
1) class A {
2) static int i=10;
3) int j = 10;
4) void m1() {
5) //static int k=30;--->error
6) System.out.println("m1-A");
7) System.out.println(this.i);
8) }
9) }
10) class Test {
11) public static void main(String args[]) {
12) A a = new A();
13) System.out.println(a.i);
14) System.out.println(A.i);
15) a.m1();

2) Static Methods:
 Static method is a normal java method, it will be recognized and executed the time
when we access that method.
 Static methods will be accessed either by using reference variable or by using the
respective class name directly.
Note: In the case of accessing static methods by using reference variables, reference
variable may or may not have object reference value, it is possible to access static
methods with the reference variables having 'null' value. If we access non-static method
by using a reference variable contains null value then JVM will rise an exception like
Static methods will allow only static members of the current class, static methods will not
allow non-static members of the current class directly.
Note: If we want to access non-static members of the current class in static methods then
we have to create an object for the current class and we have to use the generated
reference variable.
Static methods are not allowing 'this' keyword in its body but to access current class static
methods we are able to use 'this' keyword.
1) class A {
2) int I = 10;
3) static int j = 20;
4) static void m1() {
5) System.out.println("m1-A");
6) System.out.println(j);

7) //System.out.println(i);---->error
8) //System.out.println(this.j);----------->error
9) A a = new A();
10) System.out.println(a.i);
11) }
12) void m2() {
13) System.out.println("m2-A");
14) this.m1();
15) }
16) }
17) class Test {
18) public static void main(String[] args) {
19) A a = new A();
20) a.m1();
21) a = null;
22) a.m1();
23) A.m1();
24) }
25) }

3) Static Block:
 Static Block is a set of instructions, which will be recognized and executed at the time
of loading the respective class bytecode to the memory.
 Static blocks are able to allow static members of the current class directly, Static
blocks are not allowing non-static members of the current class directly.
Note: If we want to access non-static members of the current class in static block then we
must create object for the respective class and we have to use the generated reference
Static blocks are not allowing 'this' keyword in its body.
1) class A {
2) int i=10;
3) static int j=20;

4) static {
5) System.out.println("SB-A");
6) System.out.println(i);//-------->Error
7) A a = new A();
8) System.out.println(a.i);
9) System.out.println(j);
10) System.out.println(this.j);-------->Error
11) }
12) }
13) class Test {
14) public static void main(String[] args) {
15) A a = new A();
16) }
17) }
• List is a direct child interface to Collection interface
• List was provided by JAVA along with its JDK1.2 version
• List is index based, it able to arrange all the elements as per indexing.
• List is able to allow duplicate elements.
• List is following insertion order.
• List is not following Sorting order.
• List is able to allow any number of null values.
• List is able to allow heterogeneous elements.
List interface has provided the following methods common to all of its implementation
• public void add(int index, Object obj)
It able to add the specified element at the specified index value.
• public Object set(int index, Object obj)
It able to set the specified element at the specified index value.

• It was provided by JAVA along with JDK 1.2 version.
• It is a direct implementation class to List interface.
• It is index based.
• It allows duplicate elements.
• It follows insertion order.
• It will not follow sorting order.
• It allows heterogeneous elements.
• It allows any number of null values.
• Its internal data structure is "Resizable Array".
• Its initial capacity is 10 elements.
• Its incremental capacity ration is
new_Capacity = (Current_Capacity*3/2)+1
• It is best option for frequent retrieval operations.
• It is not synchronized.
• No method is synchronized method in ArrayList.
• It allows more than one thread to access data.
• It follows parallel execution.
• It will reduce execution time.
• It will improve application performance.
• It will not give guarantee for data consistency.
• It is not thread safe.
• It is not Legacy Collection.

• public ArrayList()
It can be used to create an empty ArrayList object with 10 elements as default capacity
EX: ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
• public ArrayList(int capacity)
It can be used to create an empty ArrayList object with the specified capacity.
EX: ArrayList al = new ArrayList(20);
• public ArrayList(Collection c)
It can be used to create an ArrayList object with all the elements of the specified
Collection object.

• It was introduced in JDK1.0 version.
• It is Legacy Collection.
• It is a direct implementation class to List interface.
• It is index based.
• It allows duplicate elements.
• It follows insertion order.
• It will not follow sorting order.
• It allows heterogeneous elements.
• It allows any number of null values.
• Its internal data structure is "Resizable Array".
• Its initial capacity is 10 elements.
• It is best choice for frequent retrieval operations.
• It is not good for frequent insertions and deletion operations.
• Its incremental capacity is double the current capacity.
New_capacity = 2*Current_Capacity
• It is synchronized elemenet.
• All the methods of vector class are synchronized.
• It allows only one thread at a time.
• It follows sequential execution.
• It will increase execution time.
• It will reduce application performance.

• public void addElement(Object obj)
It will add the specified element to Vector.
• public Object firstElement()
It will return first element of the Vector.
• public Object lastElement()
It will return last element of the Vector.

public Object elementAt(int index)

It will return an element available at the specified index.
• public void removeElement(Object obj)
It will remove the specified element from Vector.
• public void removeElementAt(int index)
It will remove an element existed at the specified index value.
• public void removeAllElements()
It will remove all elements from Vector.

• It was introduced in JDK1.2 version.
• It is not Legacy Collection.
• It is a direct implementation class to List interface.
• It is index based.
• It allows duplicate elements.
• It follows insertion order.
• It is not following sorting order.
• It allows heterogeneous elements.
• It allows null values in any number.
• Its internal data structure is "Double Linked List".;
• It is best choice for frequent insertions and deletions.
• It is not synchronized Collection.
• No method is synchronized in LinkedList.
• It allows more than one thread to access data.
• It will follow parallel execution.
• It will decrease execution time.
• It will improve application performance.
• It is not giving guarantee for data consistency.
• It is not threadsafe.

• public LinkedList()
It will create an empty LinkedList object.
EX: LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
• public LinkedList(Collection c)
It will create LinkedList object with all the elements of the specified Collection object.

• It is a Legacy Cursor, it is applicable for only Legacy Collections to retrieve elements
in one by one fashion.
• To retrieve elements from Collections by using Enumeration we have to use the
following steps.
• Create Enumeration Object:
To create Enumeration object we have to use the following method from Legacy
public Enumeration elements()
• Retrive Elements from Enumeration:
• Check whether more elements are available or not from Current cursor position by
using the following method.
public boolean hasMoreElements()
• It will return true value if at least next element is existed.
• It will return false value if no element is existed from current cursor position.
• If at least next element is existed then read next element and move cursor to next
position by using the following method.
public Object nextElement()

• Iterator is an interface provided JAVA along with its JDK1.2 version.
• Iterator can be used to retrieve all the elements from Collection objects in one by one
• Iterator is applicable for all the Collection interface implementation classes to
retrieve elements.
• Iterator is able to allow both read and remove operations while iterating elements.
• If we want to use Iterator in java applications then we have to use the following
• Create Iterator Object:
• To create Iterator object we have to use the following method from all Collection
implementation classes.
• public Iterator iterator()
• EX: Iterator it = al.iterator();

Retrive Elements from Iterator:

• To retrieve elements from Iterator we have to use the following steps.
• Check whether next element is existed or not from the current cursor position by using
the following method.
public boolean hasNext()
• This method will return true if next element is existed.
• This method will return false if no element is existed from current cursor position.
• If next element is existed then read next element and move cursor to next position by
using the following method.
• public Object next()
NOTE: To remove an element available at current cursor position then we have to use
the following method
public void remove()

• It is an interface provided by JAVA along with JDK1.2 version.
• It able to allow to read elements in both forward direction and backward direction.
• It able to allow the operations like read, insert, replace and remove while iterating
• If we want to use ListIterator in java applications then we have to use the following
• Create ListIterator Object:
• To create ListIterator object we have to use the following method.
• public ListIterator listIterator()
• EX: ListIterator lit = ll.listIterator();
• Retrieve Elements from ListIterator
To retrieve elements from ListIterator in Forward direction then we have to use the
following methods.
public boolean hasNext()
It will check whether next element is existed or not from the current cursor position.
public Object next()
It will return next element and it will move cursor to the next position in forward
public int nextIndex()
It will return next index value from the current cursor position.

public boolean hasPrevious()

It will check whether previous element is existed or not from the current cursor position,
If previous element is existed then it will return "true" value, if previous element is not
existed then it will return false value.
public Object previous()
It will return previous element and it will move cursor to the next previous position.
public int previousIndex()
It will return previous index value from the current cursor position.
To perform the operations like remove, insert and replace over the elements we have to
use the following methods.
• public void remove()
• public void add(Object obj)
• public void set(Object obj)
• It was introduced in JDK 1.2 version.
• It is a direct child interface to Collection interface.
• It is not index based, it able to arrange all the elements on the basis of elements
hashcode values.
• It will not allow duplicate elements.
• It will not follow insertion order.
Note: LinkedHashSet will follow insertion order.
• It will not follow Sorting order.
Note: SortedSet, NavigableSet and TreeSet are following Sorting order.
• It able to allow only one null value.
Note: SortedSet, NavigableSet and TreeSet are not allowing even single null value.
• HashSet is a direct implementation class to Set interface.
• It was introduced in JDK 1.2 version.
• It is not index based, it able to arrange all the elements on the basis of elements
hashcode values.
• It will not allow duplicate elements.
• It will not follow insertion order.
• It will not follow Sorting order.
• It able to allow only one null value.
• Its interal data structer is "Hashtable".
• Its initial capacity is "16" elements and its initial fill_Ratio is 75%.
• It is not synchronized.
• Almost all the methods are not synchronized in HashSet

• It allows more than one thread at a time.

• It follows parallel execution.
• It will reduce execution time.
• It improves performance of the applications.
• It is not giving guarantee for data consistency.
• It is not threadsafe.

• It was introduced in JDK1.2 version.
• It is a child interface to Set interface.
• It is not index based.
• It is not allowing duplicate elements.
• It is not following insertion order.
• It follows Sorting order.
• It allows only homogeneous elements.
• It will not allow heterogeneous elements, if we are trying to add heterogeneous
elements then JVM will rise an exception like java.lang.ClasscastException.
• It will not allow null values, if we are trying to add any null value then JVM will rise an
exception like java.lang.NullPointerException.
• It able to allow only Comparable objects by default, if we are trying to add non
comparable objects then JVM will rise an exception like java.lang.ClassCastException.

• It was introduced in JDK 1.2 version.
• It is not Legacy Collection.
• It has provided implementation for Collection, Set, SortedSet and NavigableSet
• It is not index based.
• It is not allowing duplicate elements.
• It is not following insertion order.
• It follows Sorting order.
• It allows only homogeneous elements.
• It will not allow heterogeneous elements, if we are trying to add heterogeneous
elements then JVM will rise an exception like java.lang.ClasscastException.
• It will not allow null values, if we are trying to add any null value then JVM will rise an
exception like java.lang.NullPointerException.
• It able to allow only Comparable objects by default, if we are trying to add non
comparable objects then JVM will rise an exception like

• It was introduced in JDK 1.2 version.
• It is not child interface to Collection Interface.
• It able to arrange all the elements in the form of Key-value pairs.
• In Map, both keys and values are objects.
• Duplicates are not allowed at keys, but values may be duplicated.
• Only one null value is allowed at keys side, but, any number of null values are allowed
at values side.
• Both keys and Values are able to allow heterogeneous elements.
• Insertion order is not followed.
• Sorting order is not followed.

• It was introduced in JDK1.2 version.
• It is not Legacy
• It is an implementation class to Map interface.
• It able to arrange all the elements in the form of Key-value pairs.
• In HashMap, both keys and values are objects.
• Duplicates are not allowed at keys, but values may be duplicated.
• Only one null value is allowed at keys side, but, any number of null values are allowed
at values side.
• Both keys and Values are able to allow heterogeneous elements.
• Insertion order is not followed.
• Sorting order is not followed.
• Its internal data structure is "Hashtable".
• Its initial capacity is 16 elements.
• It is not synchronized
• No method is synchronized in HashMap
• It allows more than one thread to access data.
• It follows parallel execution.
• It will reduce application execution time.
• It will improve application performance.
• It is not giving guarantee for data consistency.
• It is not threadsafe.

• It was introduced in JDK1.2 version.
• It is a direct child interface to Map interface
• It able to allow elements in the form of Key-Value pairs, where both keys and values
are objects.
• It will not allow duplicate elements at keys side, but, it able to allow duplicate
elements at values side.
• It will not follow insertion order.
• It will follow sorting order.
• It will not allow null values at keys side. If we are trying to add null values at keys side
then JVM will rise an exception like java.lang.NullPointerException.
• It will not allow heterogeneous elements at keys side, if we are trying add
heterogeneous elements then JVM will rise an exception like
• It able to allow only comparable objects at keys side by default, if we are trying to add
non comparable objects then JVM will rise an exception like
• If we want to add non comparable objects then we must use Comparator.

• It was introduced in JDK 1.2 version.
• It is not Legacy.
• It is an implementation class to Map, SoortedMap and NavigableMap interfaces.
• It able to allow elements in the form of Key-Value pairs, where both keys and values
are objects.
• It will not allow duplicate elements at keys side, But, it able to allow duplicate
elements at values side.
• It will not follow insertion order.
• It will follow sorting order.
• It will not allow null values at keys side. If we are trying to add null values at keys side
then JVM will rise an exception like java.lang.NullPointerException.
• It will not allow heterogeneous elements at keys side, if we are trying add
heterogeneous elements then JVM will rise an exception like
• It able to allow only comparable objects at keys side by default, if we are trying to add
non comparable objects then JVM will rise an exception like
• If we want to add non comparable objects then we must use Comparator.

Its internal data Structer is "Red-Black Tree".

• It is not synchronized.
• No methods are synchronized in TreeMap.
• It allows more than one thread to access data.
• It will follow parallel execution.
• It will reduce execution time.
• It will improve application performance.
• It is not giving guarantee for Data Consistency.
• It is not threadsafe.

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