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45 Adventure
Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era

2nd Edition
by Richard A. Johnson
Cover artwork by Vicente Sivera Catalá.
Interior artwork by Ronald Smith, Angga Satriohadi,
Marco Morte and Christopher Weeks.

Rattrap Productions LLC

Table of Contents Combat Results.........................................................10
Basic Concepts........................................................4
Game Specific Concepts..............................................4 Wounding..........................................................10
Additional D10....................................................4 Saves...................................................................11
Stat Test................................................................4 Knocked out.......................................................11
Hero Points..........................................................4 Guts and morale.................................................11
Archetype Stats...........................................................4 Surrender............................................................11
Activation...................................................................5 Explosives................................................................12
Interruption.........................................................5 Types of Explosive.....................................................12
Actions.................................................................5 Demolition...............................................................13
Movement................................................................6 Ground Vehicles...................................................14
Facing.........................................................................6 Movement with Ground Vehicles..............................14
Levels..........................................................................6 Slamming on the brakes.....................................14
Measuring............................................................6 Losing control....................................................15
Climbing..............................................................6 Collisions...........................................................15
Falling..................................................................6 Combat and Vehicles................................................15
Knocked Down...........................................................6 Flight.......................................................................16
Combat.......................................................................7 Movement with Flyers..............................................16
The Basics...................................................................7 Combat and Flying...................................................16
How many dice to roll..........................................7 Loss of Control...................................................16
More attack dice than defense dice.......................7 Ranged combat and flying..................................17
Critical Hit/Heroic Save.......................................7 Close combat and flying.....................................17
Ignoble Failure.....................................................7 Archetypes..............................................................18
Weapon Table.......................................................8 Squad Rules..............................................................18
Ranged Combat..........................................................8 Unit Coherency..................................................18
Cover...................................................................8 Activation...........................................................18
Movement and Ranged Combat...........................9 Guts test.............................................................18
Shooting with two weapons..................................9 Combat..............................................................18
Gettin’ the drop....................................................9 Building Heroes and Villains.....................................18
Close Combat.............................................................9 List of Sample Archetypes.........................................19
Charging..............................................................9 Law Enforcement...............................................19
Attacking from behind.........................................9 Criminals...........................................................21
Attacking with an object between models.............9 Newshounds.......................................................23
Two weapons........................................................9 Entertainers........................................................24
Multiple Attackers................................................9 Society....................................................................
Pushback..............................................................9 Safari......................................................................
Breaking away....................................................10 Soldiers...................................................................
Archetype Build Formula..............................................

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The Occult.................................................................
Spells, Incantations, and Rituals....................................
Duration of effects..................................................
Artifacts and Objects of Power......................................
Using Spells and Artifacts in Your Game.......................
Super Science.............................................................

.45 Adveture, .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era, The Gargoyle, Emerson P. Balldridge, Dr. Tobias Kroon, the Jade
Hood, and all other characters presented here are © Copyright 2011 Rattrap Productions LLC. All rights reserved.

Special thanks goes out to Joe Puzzo, Chris Langevin, Marc Anderson, Mike Pennock and all the other playtesters who helped bring
about this new edition of the rules. .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 3

Basic Concepts
Game Specific Concepts Stat Test
When a model needs to take a stat test, the player rolls a d10 and
There are a few game specific rules that are going to be discussed
adds the relevant stat to the result. If the total is 10 or greater,
here so that they can be referenced later with out repeating
then the model passes the test.
detailed explanations.
Hero Points
Additional d10
Hero Points are used to alter the course of die rolls and provide
In some situations, players will be able to roll multiple d10s.
for more heroic (or villainous) action. There are also some
Unless indicated otherwise, players will only choose one of
abilities that will require the use of Hero.
them. In most instances they will choose the best result, but
occasionally, due to special abilities or other factors, they will
Before dice are rolled, players determine whether they are going
chose the worse result. There are also some situations where
to expend any Hero Points. They add 1d10 to their roll for
a player will need to deduct one or more d10s. A model will
each Hero Point they spend. There is no limit to how many
always roll at least 1d10 regardless of how many deductions.
additional dice can be added. Dice can be added to any die roll
except Wound Location (see Wounding).
If a model has more deductions than it has dice, the extras are
given to the opposing model. For example, if model A is only
Hero Points can also be used to add additional movement for
rolling 1d10 and it receives deductions of 2d10, there is nothing
a model. A model gains +2” of movement for each hero Point
to subtract as model A is always allowed at least 1d10. So, the
that is used.
additional 2d10 are given to the opposing model to increase its
Players receive 5 Hero Points for their team that can be used by
any model on the team. In addition, each Grade 3 model receives
In the case where both player’s choose their highest result and
1 Hero Point each turn that only it can use. These Grade 3 Hero
it ends in a tie, they would select their next highest die roll. If
Points cannot be saved or carried over to subsequent turns.
the defender has no additional dice, then a hit is scored, if the
attacker has no additional dice then it is a miss.
Archetype Stats
The different types of models that a player can take are referred to
as Archetypes or Characters. The archetypes will be discussed in
more detail later in the book, but it is important to understand
the different stats as they are referenced throughout the book.

Defensive Rating (DR): Defense Rating is the ability of a body

location to resist damage. The higher this number, the
tougher it is to damage that location.
Brains (BR): This stat is a measure of intelligence. When
attempting to solve clues, players will most often reference
this stat.
Willpower: This is a measure of the archetypes mental fortitude.
An archetype may not necessarily be smart, but is still able
to out-reason an opponent.
Brawn (BW): This stat represents a model’s physical strength.
The stronger the model the more damage it can cause and
the easier it can drive opponents back in hand-to-hand

4 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Grade 3 Archetype Example
Location Head Torso Arms Legs
(Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10)
4 4 5 5
Brains=3 Brawn=3 Heater=6 Dodge=3
Willpower=4 Guts=8 Shiv=4 Speed=5
Brains=2 Brawn=3 Heater=5 Dodge=2
Willpower=3 Guts=8 Shiv=3 Speed=4
Brawn=2 Heater=4 Dodge=2
Guts=7 Shiv=2 Speed=2
Wound Chart
Brawn=1 Heater=3 Dodge=2
Guts=6 Shiv=1 Speed=2
Knocked Out
Heater=2 Dodge=1
Shiv=1 Speed=1
Knocked Out
Heater and
Crawl Only
Shiv at -1

Guts (GT): Guts is a measure of the bravery of a model. It is Actions

used to determine whether a model panics at the first sign Move - model can move up to its Speed in inches.
of trouble or stands their ground against overwhelming Sprint – model can move up to its Speed + 6” in a straight line.
odds. Model cannot end in base contact with another model or
Shiv (SH): This stat measures the model’s ability in hand-to- Encounter Marker, nor can it exit the board.
hand combat.
Heater (HT): This stat measures the model’s ability with thrown Jump – A model that moves at least 1” but no more than half
or fired weapons. its Speed score before the jump, can jump up to its Brawn
Dodge (DG): This stat represents the speed at which a model score, otherwise, it can only jump half its Brawn score
reacts to a situation. The faster an archetype is, the easier it (rounded up).
is to avoid danger. Charge – model moves up to its Speed score into base contact
Speed (SP): This stat represents the distance which a model can with an opposing model; if the move was in a straight line
move in one action. to the target model it can roll +1d10 (see Close Combat).
Attack – models already in base contact with an opposing model
Activation can make a close combat attack action.
When determining which models act first, players roll a d10
Shoot – model makes a ranged combat attack.
for initiative. The player with the highest score can choose any
Grade 3 or Grade 2 model to activate. Once they have activated Move and Shoot – model can move up to its Speed score and
one of their models, the player with the next highest initiative can make a ranged combat attack if the weapon can be used
result chooses one of his Grade 3 or Grade 2 models. This with one hand; if the weapon is a two-handed weapon,
continues until all players have activated all their Grade 3 and then the model can only move up to half its Speed score.
Grade 2 models. The model also receives -1d10 (see Ranged Combat).
Other Action – model performs any action not covered above or
Then, starting with the player with initiative, each player uses a special ability that requires an entire action.
activates his Grade 1 models in turn. If a player has his Grade 1
models as a squad (see Page 18), then the entire squad activates Move and Other Action – model can move and perform any
at one time. action that specifically states it can be done while moving.
Wait – model holds its action until later in the turn; waiting
Interruption models must use their action before the start of the next
There is an exception to activation procedure and that is the case turn or lose it.
of interruption. If a model is attacking and has a Dodge score
lower than the model that is defending, the defending model
can choose to activate first if it has not already activated this
turn. .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 5

A model’s movement is equal to its Speed score in inches. A Example: If Major Betty Steele is flying using her jet pack at Level 2
model with a Speed score of 5 would move 5 inches. As stated and she shoots at Dr. Kroon on his hover disk who is at Level 4 and
under Actions, above, a model can Sprint up to its Speed score 12” away, the player would add 6” to the range to account for the
+ 6 inches. So a model with a Speed score of 5 that sprints will difference of 2 levels between the targets.
move 11 inches. Any model, with the exception of a vehicle,
can end its movement facing in any direction. Climbing
Rather than measuring vertical movement, it takes a model 2
Facing actions to climb up a level. A model would end it’s 2nd action at
Models have a 180° front facing. Any target they wish to attack the top of the current level.
in range combat must be in their front facing or they will need
to perform a Move and Shoot action. Example: If Snuffy Ross begins his turn at the base of a Level 2
obstacle, with his action he would climb partially up. On his second
Levels activation he would be at the top of the Level 1 portion of his climb
(so if the character were to fall it would take Level 1 damage). On
Along with horizontal movement, there will be times when his third activation, he would be partially up Level 2 (a fall from
characters will need to go over or get on top of the terrain. To here would still be Level 1 damage). Finally, on his 4th activation,
keep things simple and avoid measuring each terrain piece, .45 he would be at the top of the Level 2 obstacle.
Adventure uses a system of Levels.
Below are the four different levels and their approximate height. Models that fall and hit a solid object will take damage
Players do not have to measure each and every building, cliff appropriate to the number of levels they fall. Models that fall
etc; simply assign values to scenics and terrain according to what do so straight down and do not get horizontal movement (ie. If
works for the game. The heights listed below give an idea of they had been in flight).
relative heights.
Level 1 = WS 3, one location
Level 0 = Ground level up to 1” Level 2 = WS 6, one location
Level 1 = 2” to 4” Level 3 = WS 8, two locations
Level 2 = above 4” to 8” Level 4 = WS 10, two locations
Level 3 = above 8” to 12”
Level 4 = above 12” Example: If “Hooknose” McGirk is on the top of a Level 4 building
and his pushed back over the edge by The Gargoyle, he will plummet
Measuring 4 levels and take a WS 10 hit to two locations. If there were a Level
In order to keep things easy for players, when two models are 2 building below him, he would only have fallen two levels and
both on solid ground, simply measure the distance between therefore only takes a WS 6 hit to one location.
them. So if one model is on the Ground (Level 0) and the other
was on a Level 2 building, just measure the actual distance Knocked Down
between them.
Occasionally, due to combat or some other effect, a model will
If one or more of the models happens to be flying, players find itself knocked down. Models that are Knocked Down have
should measure from one base to another and then add 3x the their Shiv, Dodge, and Speed stats halved (rounding down---but
difference in Level between the models. This is designed to keep a minimum of 1). A model may get up from being Knocked
it simple for models that may be indicated as flying, but which Down but can only perform a Move action at half its Speed.
are not at the actual height they are flying at.

6 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Combat for hits. The defender is only rolling 1d10 and gets a 7. The 7 would
The Basics be compared against the 8 and half of the 7 rounded down (or 3)
Models can be engaged in Ranged Combat (shooting) or Close would be compared against the 5.
Combat (hand to hand fighting). All combat is opposed dice
rolls with both attacker and defender rolling dice and comparing Critical Hit/Heroic Save
scores. When rolling to hit in both Ranged and Close combat, players
should keep track of the number of natural 10s they roll.
How many dice to roll
When in combat, the number of dice that the model gets to For each natural 10 that is rolled, the attacker adds +2 their
start with will depend on the type of weapon being used. Check Weapon Strength. The defender would add +2 to their Defense
out the table on the following page fo a Rating for each of the natural 10s that they roll.
list of weapons and the number of dice the
model receives.

Along with the type of weapon models

may receive additional d10s basedon
situations or special abilities.

If the attacking player may potentially have

more than a single hit, all dice should still
be rolled at the same time for both attacker
and defender. Players should always begin
with the highest die result and compare
that to the highest result of the opposing

Example: The Gargoyle is shooting at the Jade

Hood. The Gargoyle player will be keeping
the two highest die rolls out of the 4 dice he is
rolling. He rolls a 9, 6, 3, 2. The Jade Hood
player is also rolling 4 dice for defense, he rolls an 8, 7, 4, 1. The
players will compare their 2 highest results against each other (9 vs. Example: If an attacker is rolling 3d10 and the results are 10, 10,
8 and 6 vs. 7) which results in one hit and one miss. 4, then the model would add +4 to the Weapon Strength should this
attack result in a hit.
More attack dice then defense dice
There may be occasions where a model that is attacking with Ignoble Failure
a weapon that allows multiple hits to be facing off against a If a model rolls a natural 1 when attacking in ranged combat,
defender who only gets 1d10 roll. In cases such as that, the the weapon is considered “out of ammo” or “jammed”. The
defending player takes ½ of the die roll (rounded down) for the model must then spend an action to reload/clear the jam.
second hit.
If a model rolls a natural 1 in close combat, it must pass a Shiv
Example: A model with a sub-machine gun takes the two highest stat test or else the weapon has broken and can no longer be
results of the dice rolled as it gets two hits. The defender would used.
normally take the two highest of their rolls for defense, but if they
are only rolling 1d10, they do not have a second. So, if the attacker If a model rolls a natural 1 when defending against ranged or
rolled 3d10 and got 8, 5, 4 it would be taking both the 8 and the 5 close combat, it must pass a Dodge test or be Knocked Down
(see page 6). .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 7

Weapon Table
Weapon Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range | d10 | WS Range | d10 | WS Range | d10 | WS Range | d10 | WS
Fist 0” | 1 | BW -- -- --
Short Blade 0” | 1 | BW+2 BW+3” | 1 | BW+2 -- --
Long Blade 1” | 2 | BW+3 -- -- --
2-handed blade 1” | 2 | BW+4 -- -- --
Small Club 0” | 1 | BW+1 -- -- --
Club 0” | 2 | BW+3 BW+1” | 1 | BW+2 -- --
Spear 1” | 2 | BW+2 BW+3” | 1 | BW+2 -- ---
Bow -- 12” | 2 | 5 20” | 1 | 5 28” | 1 | 4
Crossbow -- 14” | 2 | 6 20” | 2 | 5 30” | 1 | 5
Pistol -- 10” | 2 | 6 18” | 1 | 6 --
Shotgun -- 8” | 3 | 8 18” | 1 | 5 --
Rifle -- 12” | 2 | 7 24” | 2 | 7 36” | 1 | 6
Sub-machine Gun -- 10” | 2(x2) | 7 20” | 1(x2) | 6 --

Weapon Table and instead of keeping just the highest result, he would keep the two
There are four range columns after each weapon type. The first highest results. The creature would have to defend against two hits
is Close Combat, the second is Short range, the third is Medium and not just one.
and the last is Long Range. Within each of these columns there
is a Range number, d10 number and WS (Weapon Strength) WS - This is the Weapon Strength of the attack. (See Wounding
number. for more information on this). As in the case of Range, if the
weapon has a BW or BW + X result, the model would use its
Range - In the case of close combat, this number will be either Brawn score to determine the Weapon Strength.
0” or 1”. This means that the model must be in base contact
with its opponent, or in the case of weapons with longer reach, Ranged Combat
no more than 1” away. For weapons that can be thrown or Any model that fires a handgun, throws a knife, or chucks a
fired, the range will be a number above 1”. Any target up to an spear is performing a Ranged Combat attack. An attacking
including this range will use the stats for that range. If the range model uses its Heater score while a defending model uses its
is listed as BW or BW + X, then the model uses its Brawn score Dodge score.
to determine the range.
A hit is scored if:
Example: A mobster with a pistol is shooting at a hero who is 16”
away. The mobster will use the stats for the Medium Range band as
16” is greater than 12” (Short Range) but less than 18” (Medium Attacker’s Heater + d10 roll > Defender’s Dodge + d10 roll
d10 - This is the base number of d10s rolled if the model attacks There are two types of cover. The first is Obscured and the
with this weapon. If there is a number in parenthesis next to the second is In Cover.
number, then the model keeps that number of results instead of
picking just the highest roll. If the line of sight between the model attacking and the target
is partially blocked by intervening terrain, however the target
Example: A police Officer is firing a sub-machine gun at a nameless model is not in base contact with a terrain piece, then it counts
creature from the abyss at Short Range. The player would roll 2d10 as being obscured and the attacking model receives a -1d10
8 • Rattrap Productions LLC
If the line of sight between the model attacking and the target is
partially blocked by intervening terrain and the target model is
Close Combat
in base contact with an intervening terrain piece, then it counts Once models get into base contact with one another then close
as being In Cover and the attacking model receives a -2d10 combat, sometimes referred to as melee occurs. Models can
penalty. use weapons like fists, claws, knives and swords when in close
combat. Both attacking and defending models use their Shiv
score to determine whether a hit is scored.

A hit is scored if:

Attacker’s Shiv + d10 roll > Defender’s Shiv + d10 roll

A model can only charge a model that is in its line of sight and
its 180° front facing. A charging model that moves in a straight
line, directly at the target model receives a +1d10 bonus.

If a target model is not in the 180° front facing at the start of the
B attacker’s turn, the attacker can still move into close combat, but
A will not receive the Charge bonus if they move in a straight line.

Attacking from behind

The Gargoyle is shooting at the two Fishmen Hybrids. The closer one An attacker that charges a defending model in its 180° rear
(A) is in base contact with the bush, so he would be considered In facing, receives a +1d10 bonus.
Cover and be at -2d10 to hit. The Hybrid High Priest (B) is not in
base contact with the bush, but it is between him and The Gargoyle, Attacking with an object between models
so he would only be Obscured and The Gargoyle would be at -1d10. If the defending model has the benefit of a piece of intervening
terrain, for example a counter or low wall, then it receives +1d10.

Movement and Ranged Combat Two weapons

If the attacker is performing a Move and Shoot action, then it A model with two one-handed weapons (ie. two daggers, sword
receives a penalty of -1d10. and dagger) receives +1d10.

If the target model used a Move action, during the same turn Multiple attackers
that the attack is taking place, but prior to the shot, then it If more than 1 model is attacking a single defender, then each
recives +1d10. of the attacking models receives +1d10 regardless of how many
attackers are in base contact. For example, if 2 models are
If the defending model used a Sprint action, during the same attacking a single model, they would each receive +1d10 and
turn that the attack is taking place, but prior to the shot, then if 4 models are attacking a single model, they would each also
it recives +2d10. receive +1d10.

Shooting with two weapons Alternatively, a single model can attack and add +1d10 for each
If the attacker has two one-handed range combat weapons (i.e. friendly model also in base contact with the same target. The
pistols) it receives an additional +1d10. friendly models give up their action to lend their support. So if
4 models are attacking a single model, then they would get 1
Gettin’ the drop attack, but the attacker would receive +3d10.
If an attacker is at less than half their Short Range and targeting
an opposing model’s rear 180° facing, they have gotten the drop Pushback
on the model and add +1d10 to their attack roll. A model that wins in close combat can push an attacker back.
A model is pushed back 1” in any direction from the attacker’s
180° front facing by the attacking player. This can lead to
defending models being pushed into dangerous situations. .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 9

Once a model has been pushed back, the attacking model can move up to its Speed stat. It cannot move into combat with
remain out of close combat or move back into base contact.. another model, though.

Brawn Advantage - If the attacking model has a higher Brawn To flee, the model simply moves up to its Speed stat. The
score than the defender, then for every 2-point difference, the opposing model gets a free attack on the fleeing model. The
attacker can add an additional 1”. model that is fleeing is at -1d10. If there is more than one
model in base contact with the model wishing to flee, then the
opposing player chooses one of the models to make the attack
and receives +1d10 for each friendly model also in base contact
(this supercedes the rule above regarding Multiple Attackers for
A this situation only).

If there are two friendly models in base contact with a single

enemy model, one of the friendly models can leave without
2” being subject to the free attack as long as the second friendly
model remains in base contact with the enemy model.
B Combat Results
When a model is hit in combat, from either a Ranged or Close
Combat attack, then it can potentially be wounded, forced to
flee or even killed.

If a model is hit in combat, then it can possibly be wounded.
When determining a wound, a player rolls a d10 to first
determine the location that is hit.
Mo (A) has a Brawn of 7 and wins in close combat against a For Grades 2 and 3 models, use the following chart.
minion of the Jade Hood (B) with a Brawn of 4, then Mo can push
the minion back 2” (1” for the initial and an additional 1” for the
difference of 3). Die Roll Location
1 Head
Dodge Save - If the defending model is pushed back off a higher 2-5 Torso
elevation, into a trap, or into the claws/fangs/etc. of another
6-8 Arms
model, then it is allowed a Dodge Save. If the defending model
passes a Dodge test, then it is stopped just short of the danger. 9-10 Legs
Note: this Dodge save is not given if the model is simply
pushed out from behind cover or into a position where it could Next, compare the Weapon Strength to the Wound Location’s
potentially be shot in ranged combat. Defensive Rating. If the Strength is greater than the Defense,
then a Wound is scored. If the Strength is double the Defense
Breaking Away then 2 wounds are caused. If the Strength is triple or more than
There may be fights where the model wants to leave close the Defense, then 3 wounds are caused.
combat. To do this, they must break away. In order to break
away, a model must have at least a 1” gap in which to move If a Wound is scored, then the player should mark the top-most
through. As long as there is a gap, the model has two options; it box on the Wound Chart section of the model’s stat sheet. Once
can attempt to break contact so that it can make a run for it or a Wound Chart box has been crossed off, the model will use the
it can simply flee combat but risk an attack. next box in line for their stats.

To break contact, the model wishing to leave must win an Example: If a model, with Brains 3 and Willpower 4, takes a
opposed Brawn Test. Both models roll a d10 and add their wound to the head, the first box is marked off and the player will
Brawn score. If the model wishing to leave combat wins, it may then use the next box which shows Brains 2 and Willpower 3.

10 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Location Head Wounds for Grade 1s At the begining of a model’s or squad’s activation on the turn
(Die Roll) (1) Though there is no Wound after it panicked, it can attempt to rally. To rally, the model or
Defensive location on a Grade 1 model, squad needs only pass a Guts test. A squad will use the highest
4 when hit in combat, a d10 is Guts score in the squad (i.e. if a Grade model is wounded, its
Brains=3 still rolled. On a 1-5 the model Guts score is halved, so the squad would use the Guts score of
Willpower=4 will be killed. It would still get an unwounded model.
Brains=2 a save if its Defensive Rating
Wound Willpower=3 is higher than the Weapon Should a model or squad fail to rally at the beginning of their
Chart Strength turn, they must fall back again toward their deployment zone
or the nearest board edge if opposing models are between them
Knocked Out
If the model is not killed and their deployment zone.
then place a marker next to
the model. All of its stats are If a model or squad fails to rally and eventually exits the board,
halved (rounding up). If the model takes a second wound it is they are out of the game.
killed. Any weapon that would normally do two wound boxes
(because WS doubles the DR) automatically kills the model. Example: A squad of soldiers has one of its members wounded on
Turn X before they have activated. They fail their Guts test. On
Saves their activation, they must fall back from the enemy. They can Move
There will be some instances where a model’s Defense is equal and Shoot, but their Heater scores will be halved and they must
to or greater than the Weapon Strength. When this occurs, the move away from all opposing models. On the following turn, when
defending model gets a Save roll. In order to Save, the defending the squad activates, they will attempt to Rally. If they do, then they
model rolls a d10 and adds to it the difference between their can act normally. If they fail again, they must move toward their
Defense and the Weapon Strength. If the result is 10 or higher, deployment zone.
than the model has saved and no wound is scored.
Example: A model has a Defense of 7 and the attacker has a Weapon There are times when there is no possible way for a panicked
Strength of 5, the Defender would get a Save. The Defender rolls a model or squad to move away from an opposing model. In those
d10 and adds the difference between their Defense and the Weapon cases, surrender becomes the only option.
Strength (in this case 2) to the result. If the defender rolls 8 or
higher, the wound is negated. If a panicked model fails a Guts test and is within 3” of a higher
grade, opposing model (or if a Grade 1 squad is faced by an equal
Knocked Out or greater size opposing squad), and there is no place for the
Grade 2 and 3 models are Knocked Out and not killed. If the panicked model(s) to flee to, the opposing model can attempt
model is Knocked Out, it must pass a Willpower test on its next to force their opponent to surrender. In order to get the model
activation to revive. A model that is revived will have all the or squad to surrender, the opposing model must spend an action
boxes in either its Head or Torso marked. When this happens, and win a comparative Willpower test against the model they
the model will use the last marked box for that location. If wish to surrender. The surrendering model gets +1d10 for every
another wound is taken to that location, then the model is friendly model within 6” and line of sight.
Knocked Out again.
Once a model surrenders it can only attempt to get away. It can
Guts and Morale take no other actions as long as an opposing model remains
Whenever a Grade 3 or Grade 2 model suffers a wound to the within 3”.
Head or Torso, it must take a Guts test. Whenever a Grade 1
model is wounded or a member of a Grade 1 squad is killed, To get away, the model must first pass a Guts test, then win an
then the entire squad must take a Guts test using the highest opposing Brains or Brawn test with the model guarding them.
Guts score of the squad. If the captured model fails, it cannot attempt to escape again
for two turns.
A model that fails a Guts test is panicked. A panicked model
cannot charge into close combat and must move away from all While a model is captured, the opposing player can move the
enemy models on its activation, unless it is already engaged in model in any direction (except into traps or other attackers) up
close combat. A panicked model or squad also has its Brains, to the captured model’s Speed. The captured model cannot run.
Heater, and Shiv scores halved (rounded up). .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 11

There are many different types of explosives from improvised Any model hit by an explosion, whether they take damage
Molotov cocktails to artillery shells. Since .45 Adventure deals or not, must pass a Dodge test or be Knocked Down (see
more with small scale skirmish games, the explosives available Movement Page 6).
to characters are limited to those that can be carried, though the
rules do go further so as to provide information that players can Along with potential damage, the concussion from a Type III,
use for scenarios. IV, or V explosive can also send a model flying. For these three
types of explosives, any model hit, is moved to the edge of the
Types of Explosives blast radius (this means that models already at the edge are not
Not every potential type of explosive is covered. For example, moved at all, but can still be knocked down per the rules above).
dynamite is listed once and is considered to be the single stick The model is moved in a straight line back from the point of
of dynamite. If a model was dealing with several sticks bundled the explosion. If it should contact intervening terrain along its
together, it would be upgraded to the Satchel or Demolition path, then it is stopped at that point and takes an additional hit
Charge or, depending on the scenario or pre-determined rules equivalent to the explosives blast radius.
for it, it could become the equivalent of a Small Artillery Shell.
Example: A model is 1” from the center of an explosion of a
Just like with any other hit, the location of the wound should be small artillery shell (Type IV). After damage from the explosion is
determined using a d10. Explosives with a x2 after the Weapon calculated, the model is moved 4” directly away from the point of
Strength will have 2 locations hit by the attack. the explosion. If the path is blocked by a wall, then the model is
stopped at the wall and takes an additional Weapon Strength 5 hit.

Type Range Blast Weapon Type I and Type II explosives may be thrown up to a model’s
Radius Strength Brawn + 3”. A Type III explosive may be thrown up to a model’s
I Improvised BW+3” 2” 5 (3)* Brawn in inches. When thrown at a model, explosives that do
not hit, are assumed to have bounced beyond effective range.
II Hand Grenade/
BW+4” 3” 7
III Satchel or
BW+1” 4” 9(x2)
Demolition Charge
IV Small Artillery Shell/
N/A 5” 12(x2)
Vehicle Explosion
V Large Artillery Shell/
N/A 6” 14(x2)
Tanker Truck Explosion

*Improvised explosives tend to consist of a flammable liquid.

Because of this, any model that is wounded by one, will take
a second hit on the following turn (during the target model’s
activation) from the burning liquid. The Weapon Strength
drops from 5 to 3 for this second hit.

As an explosion extends out from its initial point of explosion,

its Weapon Strength decreases. It will drop 2 points for each 1”
beyond the center.

Example: A Type III explosive goes off. A model up to 1” from the

explosive takes a Weapon Strength 9 hit. A model that is more than
1” away up to 2” takes a Weapon Strength 7 hit, a model that is
exactly 4” away takes a Weapon Strength 1 hit.

12 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Target Defense and Wound Chart
Target DR Wounds
All objects that are targets of explosives should be given a
Defensive Rating (DR) and Wound Count (samples are Wooden Door 8 1
provided below). Players may wish to alter these items for Reinforced Door 10 1
specific scenarios but they should be announced prior to the Steel Door 12 2
game so that all players are aware.

If an explosive is thrown at a structure or non-moving vehicle, Wood Wall 12 2

models should roll to hit normally (a stationary object has a Stone Wall 16 3
Dodge of 0 if no enemy model is within 6”). If the throw hits, Reinforced Wall 20 4
then handle damage normally; if it misses, the explosive has
bounced off the object. The explosive should be placed 2” back
toward the thrower and damage should be calculated based on Small Bridge Support 18 4
that position. Large Bridge Support 24 5

If a structure or vehicle has a DR greater than the Weapon

Strength of the explosive, they save just as a regular model. Car 8 4
Opposing players roll saves for structures and vehicles not Armored Car 12 4
occupied by any models. Hero points cannot be used to Truck 10 5
strengthen the armor on buildings or doors, but they can be used
Armored Truck 14 5
to strengthen the armor on a vehicle if the vehicle is occupied by
a model on the side wishing to use Hero Points. .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 13

Ground Vehicles
Since the standard space for a game of .45 Adventure is only 2’ model moving less than half its Maximum Speed can make a
x 2’, most vehicles would cross and exit a board too quickly to turn after just 2” of movement. When a vehicle makes a turn,
be a useful option. However, the rules are provided here because the model is turned from the rear tire of the direction that is
players may find that they want to give their heroes or villains being turned. Any turn can be up to 90°.
an escape route using a truck or car. Some players may also want
to design scenarios for a larger space, making vehicles playable. Example: A car traveling at 10” must move 5” before it can make a
turn. If that same car was traveling at 7” it could turn after just 2”.
Movement with Ground Vehicles
A vehicle moves during the driver’s activation. If at the beginning
of a game turn a vehicle is moving and has no driver (either
because the driver has been killed or rendered unconscious)
then it moves before any other model. If the driver is killed or
rendered unconscious during the course of a game turn, then
the vehicle moves during the next available activation.

Example: A car’s driver is shot and killed by a member of a Grade 1

squad. After all the remaining squad members have activated, the
B. Vehicle
car will perform its movement if it has not already moved during A. Vehicle traveling at 10”, moves its
the turn. moves 5” and makes a turn. remaining
5” and
makes a
Movement Rates second
Vehicle Type Max. Speed Safe Turn Speed
Motorcycle 18” 3”
Car 16” 5” If a vehicle attempts to turn prior to moving its Safe Turn Speed,
the driver must take a Dodge test at -1 for each 1” difference
Truck 12” 6”
between the Safe Turn Speed and the speed at which the model
wishes to turn. If the model fails the Dodge test, then the driver
Players must declare how many inches they intend to move
Loses Control (see below).
at the beginning of the vehicles turn (players can pre-measure
before this). Vehicles have a Maximum Speed as shown on the
Example: A car traveling at 12” needs to move 5” before it can
table above. However, if the vehicle began the turn stopped
make a turn, if the player elects to make a turn after just 3” then the
(meaning it had not moved on the previous turn), then it can
driver would have to take a Dodge test at -2 (5” – 3” = 2).
only move half of its Maximum Speed. A vehicle model that is
moving equal to or greater than half its Maximum Speed, that
Slamming on the brakes
wants to slow down or stop, must first slow to half its current
If a player wishes to have his vehicle slow faster than half its
speed (a vehicle that just wants to slow down does not need to
current speed, the driver can “slam on the brakes.” The vehicle
go to half its current speed if the new desired speed is greater).
is moved the desired speed, but the driver then takes a Dodge
test at -1 for each 1” difference between the half speed and the
Example: On turn 1, a car travels 10” and it wants to stop. On
desired speed. If the driver fails this test, then he has lost control
turn 2 it must slow down to 5” and then on turn 3 it can stop. If
(see below).
this same car moved 7” on turn 1, then on turn 2 it could come to
a complete stop as it had traveled at less than half its Maximum
Example: A car traveling at 8” would normally only be able to slow
to 4” on its next activation. If the player slows to 2” instead, the
driver takes a Dodge test at -2 (4” – 2” = 2). If the driver wished to
stop instead, the test would be taken at -4.
A model moving at half its Maximum Speed or greater must
move its Safe Turn Speed before it can make a turn. Any vehicle

14 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Losing control shooting at the vehicle. A vehicle uses the Driver’s Dodge score
When a model driving a vehicle attempts to slow down quickly, when attacked. A vehicle with no driver that is moving gets no
make a turn at high speed, or avoid an obstacle it will need to Dodge score, but rolls 2d10 when attacked, taking the highest
make a Dodge test or risk losing control of the vehicle. When of the two results.
control is lost, the vehicle can move randomly or flip over.
A vehicle that is out of control should roll on the following Any model inside a vehicle is considered obscured by terrain
table for each activation until control is regained or the vehicle (see Cover rules). In addition, all models inside a vehicle receive
collides with a piece of immoveable terrain (hills do not count a bonus of +4 to their DR. Models on running boards or in the
as the vehicle will simply drive up a hill). back of a truck only receive this bonus if a portion of the vehicle
is between them and the shooter.
Die Roll Effect If a driver is wounded, then he must immediately pass a Dodge
Vehicle flips over. It moves 1d10 inches test or lose control (see Losing Control.)
before coming to a stop.
Models shooting from a moving vehicle suffer a -1d10 penalty
2-4 Vehicle turns left 45° and moves 1d10 inches. if moving less than half the vehicle’s Maximum Speed. Models
shooting from a moving vehicle suffer a -2d10 penalty if moving
5-7 Vehicle goes straight and moves 1d10 inches. half the vehicle’s Maximum Speed or more. Drivers can only
Vehicle turns right 45° and moves 1d10 shoot pistols.
When shooting at a vehicle, the shooter receives +1d10 for the
If a vehicle flips over, it is placed on its side. Any models inside size of the target. If a hit is scored, the model rolls hit location
the vehicle will take a hit to a random location at a strength like a normal target using the chart below.
equal to the vehicle’s movement at the time of the wreck. Any
models hanging on the outside of a car or in the back of an open Die Result Location
truck are thrown and placed prone 2” from the vehicle’s final
resting point in the direction the vehicle was moving. These Fuel Tank (DR 8); Roll d10, on a 1, the
models will also take 2 hits to random locations at a strength vehicle explodes as a Type IV Explosive.
equal to the vehicle’s movement. On a 2-10, vehicle will run out of fuel after
that number of turns.
Example: A truck goes out of control and flips over. The player rolls a Occupants (roll to determine target if more
d10 and the truck moves 8”. Any models inside the cab of the truck 2
than one model is in or on vehicle)
suffer a single WS 8 wound to a random location. Any models in the Tires (DR 2); Driver must pass Dodge test
open bed of the truck suffer two WS 8 hits to random locations and 3
or go out of control (see above).
are placed prone, 2” from the truck.
Engine (DR 10); Roll a d10, on a 1, the
Collisions engine catches fire and all models within
If at any time a vehicle collides with another vehicle, wall, tree, 2” must pass Dodge test or suffer WS 8 hit
or some other large object, its movement ends. Any models 4 to random location. On a 2-10 the engine
inside the vehicle will take 2 hits to random locations at a dies and car can move at half Maximum
strength equal to the vehicle’s speed at the time of the wreck. Speed on following turn and then can move
Any models on the running boards of a car, in the back of an no more.
open truck, or simply hanging onto a vehicle are thrown and 5-10 Body of vehicle. No effect on vehicle.
placed 2” from the vehicle’s final resting point in the direction
the vehicle was moving and placed prone. These models take Vehicles cannot be engaged in close combat.
2 hits to random locations at a strength equal to the vehicle’s
movement (see example above for a vehicle flipping over). If a player wishes to use a vehicle to ram another model, the target
must make a Dodge test or be struck by the vehicle. Models that
Combat and Vehicles are hit by a vehicle take a hit to one random location at a WS
Once a model gets into a vehicle it will either want to shoot equivalent to the vehicle’s declared movement. The model that
at those in its way or another model will want to stop it by is hit is also placed 1” from the vehicle and placed prone. .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 15

One of the greatest dreams of the pulp inventor was flight. The
ability to get from one place to another without having to walk
or drive, or deal with traffic or obstacles was the goal of every
hero and villain.

Models can choose to fly as their action if they have a device

or an ability that allows them. Flying counts as a Move action
unless stated otherwise.

Movement with Flyers

Each flying device has a minimum and maximum Speed value.
A model must move its minimum Speed value or else the model A
drops three levels (see Falling Page 6). If the device can hover
(minimum Speed 0”), then the model can choose to remain
Major Betty Steele, is on the ground. The crate A, is an Encounter
stationary or move any distance up to its Maximum Speed.
Marker. It is outside her normal 5” Speed. However, as long as she
Flyers can end their turn facing in any direction.
moves her Minimum distance, she can take off, fly and land at the
crate, thereby beating the German officer to it.
Type Minimum Maximum
Speed Speed A flying model that hits the ground due to a failed test must take
damage per the Falling rules. The model must also pass a Dodge
Wings (Natural)* 1” 8” test or be placed knocked down.
Biplane 12” 24”
Combat and Flying
Single-wing Plane 18” 36”
Models not in a vehicle, that are wounded while in flight
Jump Pack** 8” 12” automatically drop one level. If the model is at Level 1 when it is
Rocket Pack** 0” 12” wounded, then it must pass a Dodge test or be placed knocked
down as well as taking damage from the fall.
Hover Disk** 0” 8”
Hover Sled** 1” 12” Models that are piloting a vehicle and are wounded must pass a
*Explanation of wings will be in the Creatures section of the rulebook.
Dodge test just like those in ground-based vehicles or risk going
**Explanation of these items will be in the Super Science Equipment List
out of control.

A flying model can change one level with no loss in horizontal Loss of Control Table
movement. A model can attempt to change their height by two Die Roll Effect
levels, but must pass a Brains test or else fall three levels as the
engine stalls under the strain. Flyer moves 1d10 inches straight ahead and
drops 3 Levels.
A model can take off, move, and land in the same turn if it does Flyer turns left 45° and moves its Minimum
not change levels. Speed.
Flyer goes straight, moves its Minimum
All measurements are made from the Ground Level with 5-7
Speed and drops 1 level.
appropriate modifiers added for the Flying model’s height. This
Flyer turns right 45° and moves its Minimum
will prevent players from having to hold their models in the air 8-10
to take measurements (see Measurement Page 6).

16 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Ranged combat and flying
Models flying at Levels 1 or 2 can use scenery as cover as long as
the object is at least Level 2 in height.

Models flying at Levels 3 or 4 can use scenery as cover as long as

the object is at least Level 4 in height.
A flying vehicle uses the Driver’s Dodge score when attacked. A
vehicle with no driver that is moving gets no Dodge score, but
rolls 2d10 when attacked, taking the highest of the two results.
Any model inside a vehicle is considered obscured by terrain
(see Cover rules). In addition, all models inside a vehicle receive
a bonus of +4 to their DR.

Models shooting from a moving vehicle suffer a -1d10 penalty

if moving at its Minimum Speed or less. Models shooting from
Professor Kroon is Flying at Level 2 on his hover disk. As long as the
a moving vehicle suffer a -2d10 penalty if moving greater than
watertower is at least classified as Level 2, he can use it to gain the cover
the vehicle’s Minimum Speed. Drivers can only shoot pistols.
bonus from The Gargoyle’s shots.

When shooting at a vehicle (not at models using another method A flyer may charge any other flyer within one level. If the
of flight), the shooter receives +1d10 for the size of the target. If attacking model does not move its minimum distance, then it
a hit is scored, the model rolls hit location like a normal target falls per the Movement with Flyers rules above.
using the chart below.
Characters able to charge flyers by leaping off higher objects or
Die Result Location who have an ability that allows them to reach the flyer, receive
-2d10 to their attack. This represents their lack of sustained
Fuel Tank (DR 8); Roll d10, on a 1, the flying abilities; they are basically hanging on to the flyer or
vehicle explodes as a Type IV Explosive. trying to strike as they pass by.
On a 2-10, vehicle will run out of fuel after
that number of turns (Vehicles still in the A model attempting to leap onto a flying model must beat the
air when they run out of fuel fall 3 Levels flyer in a comparative Dodge test. If the model is successful,
each turn.) it must win a comparative Brawn test each turn in order to
Occupants (roll to determine target if more maintain a grip on the flyer. If unsuccessful, the model falls and
than one model is in or on vehicle) takes the appropriate falling damage for that level.
Steering Mechanism (DR 8); Driver must
3 pass Dodge test or go out of control (see
Engine (DR 10); Roll a d10, on a 1, the
engine catches fire and all models within
2” must pass Dodge test or suffer WS 8
4 hit to random location. On a 2-10 the
engine dies and vehicle can move at half
Maximum Speed on following turn and
then can move no more.
5-10 Body of vehicle. No effect on vehicle. 1 0
Close combat and flying
Flyers that charge a model on the ground are no longer Major Betty Steele, flying at Level 1, can charge into close combat with
considered in flight (unless they have a special ability that allows Field Marshall Kluge who is on the Ground (Level 0), however, she will
them to make attacks against ground targets and remain in the no longer be considered in flight and will have to take off again next turn
air). if she wanted to use her jet pack. .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 17

The different characters or model types that inhabit the world drawbacks to adding a unit as a squad instead of as individual
of .45 Adventure are all created through the use of archetypes. Grade 1s. Models in a squad must all have the same Special
The archetypes are based on three Grade levels. These Grade Abilities, but can be armed differently.
levels do not equate directly to points. For example, a Grade 3
is not equal to three Grade 1s. Advice on balancing teams and Unit Coherency
scenarios is provided in the Scenarios section of the book. All members of a squad must be within 3” of another member
of the squad. Any model more than 3” from another member at
The purpose of the archetypes is to provide a framework for the the start of its activation, must move back in range of the other
different characters in your scenario. A Grade 3 model is the squad members on its activation.
main hero or villain. When building your team for a scenario
you would pick the Grade 3 archetype that most suits the lead Activation
character you want to create (who may not necessarily be the Squads activate together as a unit and would Interrupt using the
leader of your team). A Grade 2 would be the lead sidekick or lowest Dodge in the squad. All models in the squad will take
even a less powerful companion to the main character. Grade 1s their actions in turn.
are the sometimes nameless mooks and minions that the heroes
and villains will end up battling. Guts Tests
If any model in the squad is killed or takes a wound, a Guts test
Squad Rules is taken for the whole squad. Models in a squad gain a +1 to all
As Grade 1 models are the foot soldiers in the battle, they have Guts tests for each squad member within 3”, up to a maximum
some rules that apply only to them. Grade 1 models can be of +2. All models in a squad always make Guts tests using the
added to a team as individuals or as squads of three or four. highest Guts score within the squad. If a model is out of unit
A squad would still count as three or four Grade 1 models for cohesion they lose the Guts bonus until they rejoin their squad.
the purposes of team building. There are both benefits and
In combat, Grade 1 models can attack individually or as a
group. When attacking as a group, the player rolls to hit just
once, but adds 1d10 for each additional model in the squad up
to a maximum of +3d10 as long as all models have a weapon
that can reach the target.

Building Heroes and Villains

The charts presented for each of the archetypes below represent
the base stats. These can be modified by abailities.

Beneath the chart are the Maximum number of Special Abilities

that can be taken as well as the Maximum number that can be
taken from each category. A list of Special Abilities follows the

Grade 3 models can take up to 10 Special Abilties; Grade 2s can

take 7; and Grade 1s can only take 4. This means that you will
not take the Maximum number of abilities in each category.

Example: A prizefighter has:

Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 5

Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 2

18 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 1 Crimefighter (Grade 3)
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Location Head Torso Arms Legs
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 (Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10)
Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Defensive
4 4 5 5
Morale Maximum Allocation = 2 Rating
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 2 Brains=4 Brawn=3 Heater=5 Dodge=3
Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 4 Willpower=3 Guts=8 Shiv=5 Speed=5
Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1 Brains=2 Brawn=3 Heater=4 Dodge=3
Willpower=3 Guts=7 Shiv=3 Speed=4
Brawn=2 Heater=3 Dodge=2
That is a total of 20 potential special abilties, but the character can
Guts=7 Shiv=3 Speed=3
take only 10. Wound Brawn=1 Heater=3 Dodge=1
Chart Guts=7 Shiv=2 Speed=1
When building your characters, you will choose an archetype, Heater=2 Dodge=1
Knocked Out
then pick the special abilities that you think will best represent Shiv=1 Speed=1
the character. If you want a character able to fight well in Knocked
both close combat and range combat, you could choose the Out Crawl
Crimefighter. With a Heater and Shiv starting at 5 and 3 to Only
Shiv at -1
4 combat abilities, this character will be tough in combat.
However, he has to sacrifice Brains and Willpower to get this, so Available Attribute Points – 10
tough puzzles in a scenario could slow him down. Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 3
Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 4
Along with the stat chart and Special Abilities, some Grade 2 and Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 2
Grade 3 archetypes may have a Points Bonus. These archetypes
allow their team to take additional weapons, equipment, super Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
science or occult implements. See Building the Team on page Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
XXX. Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 2

List of Sample Archetypes Morale Maximum Allocation = 2

The sample archetypes presented here are grouped into several Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 2
categories. Teams do not have to be built from only archetypes
within the same category. You could put a Grade 3 Crimfighter Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2
in with 3 Grade 1 Brunos if those are the archetypes that fit the Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1
team you wish to build. Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0

The categories are there for ease of reference and to help with G-Man (Grade 3)
campaign advancement (see Campaigns page XXX). Location Head Torso Arms Legs
(Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10)
Law Enforcement Defensive
5 5 6 6
The Law Enforcement Rating
category includes those Brains=4 Brawn=3 Heater=4 Dodge=3
archetypes who seek Willpower=4 Guts=8 Shiv=4 Speed=5
to uphold the law of Brains=3 Brawn=2 Heater=4 Dodge=2
the land, whether that Willpower=3 Guts=8 Shiv=3 Speed=4
is on the local level Brawn=2 Heater=3 Dodge=2
with the police or on a Guts=7 Shiv=3 Speed=3
national levl with the Chart Brawn=1 Heater=2 Dodge=1
Guts=7 Shiv=2 Speed=2
G-Man, or fight for
Knocked Out Heater=2 Dodge=1
justice when the courts
Shiv=1 Speed=2
are not enough, like Knocked
the Crimefighter and Out Crawl
Private Detective. Only
Shiv at -1 .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 19
Available Attribute Points – 10 Police Detective (Grade 3)
Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 2 Location Head Torso Arms Legs
Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 3 (Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10)
Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 2 Defensive
4 4 5 5
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 3 Brains=3 Brawn=4 Heater=4 Dodge=4
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 2 Willpower=4 Guts=8 Shiv=4 Speed=5
Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 2 Brains=2 Brawn=4 Heater=3 Dodge=3
Willpower=3 Guts=7 Shiv=3 Speed=3
Brawn=3 Heater=3 Dodge=2
Morale Maximum Allocation = 2
Guts=7 Shiv=3 Speed=3
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 2 Wound Brawn=2 Heater=2 Dodge=1
Chart Guts=6 Shiv=2 Speed=2
Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2 Heater=2 Dodge=1
Knocked Out
Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 0 Shiv=1 Speed=1
Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0 Knocked
Out Crawl
Private Investigator (Grade 3) Only
Shiv at -1
Location Head Torso Arms Legs
(Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10) Available Attribute Points – 10
Defensive Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 3
5 5 6 6
Rating Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 4
Brains=3 Brawn=4 Heater=3 Dodge=4 Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 2
Willpower=4 Guts=8 Shiv=4 Speed=5
Brains=2 Brawn=4 Heater=2 Dodge=4
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Willpower=3 Guts=8 Shiv=4 Speed=3
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 2
Brawn=3 Heater=2 Dodge=3
Guts=7 Shiv=3 Speed=2 Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Wound Brawn=2 Heater=1 Dodge=2
Chart Morale Maximum Allocation = 2
Guts=6 Shiv=2 Speed=2
Knocked Out Heater=1 Dodge=1 Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 2
Shiv=2 Speed=1
Knocked Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2
Out Crawl
and Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1
Shiv at -1 Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0

Available Attribute Points – 10 Police Sergeant (Grade 2)
Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 4 Location Head Torso Arms Legs
Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 2 (Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10)
Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 1 Defensive
3 4 4 4
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Brains=2 Brawn=4 Heater=3 Dodge=3
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 2 Willpower=2 Guts=7 Shiv=4 Sprint=4
Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Brains=1 Brawn=3 Heater=2 Dodge=2
Willpower=2 Guts=7 Shiv=3 Sprint=3
Brawn=1 Heater=1 Dodge=1
Morale Maximum Allocation = 2 Wound Guts=6 Shiv=2 Sprint=2
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 2 Chart
Heater=1 Dodge=1
Knocked Out Shiv=2 Sprint=1
Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 3 Knocked
Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 2 Out Crawl
Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0 Only
Shiv at -1

20 • Rattrap Productions LLC

Available Attribute Points – 7 Mob Boss (Grade 3)
Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 2 Location Head Torso Arms Legs
Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 2 (Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10)
Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 1 Defensive
6 6 7 7
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Brains=4 Brawn=3 Heater=4 Dodge=4
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Willpower=3 Guts=7 Shiv=4 Speed=5
Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0 Brains=2 Brawn=3 Heater=4 Dodge=3
Willpower=2 Guts=6 Shiv=3 Speed=4
Brawn=2 Heater=3 Dodge=2
Morale Maximum Allocation = 1
Guts=6 Shiv=3 Speed=3
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 1 Wound Brawn=2 Heater=3 Dodge=1
Chart Guts=5 Shiv=2 Speed=2
Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2 Heater=2 Dodge=1
Knocked Out
Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1 Shiv=1 Speed=1
Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0 Knocked
Out Crawl
Police Officer (Grade 1) Only
Shiv at -1
Brains=2 Will=2 Brawn=2 Guts=6
DR=3 Bonus Points: +10 Points Weapons
Heater=3 Blade=2 Dodge=3 Speed=4 Available Attribute Points – 10
Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 3
Available Attribute Points – 4 Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 4
Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 2 Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 2
Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 2
Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 0 Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 2
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0 Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0
Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0 Morale Maximum Allocation = 2
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 2
Morale Maximum Allocation = 1
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 0 Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2
Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1
Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2 Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0
Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 0
Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0 Enforcer (Grade 2)
Location Head Torso Arms Legs
Criminals (Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10)
Whether its running numbers, bootlegging, or collecting Defensive
3 4 4 4
protection money, the organized crime figures are behind it. Rating
With each gang holding its own territory and ruled with iron- Brains=2 Brawn=3 Heater=3 Dodge=3
fisted efficiency by the Mob Boss, the Criminals seek to take Willpower=3 Guts=7 Shiv=4 Sprint=4
control from the people of the city. Brains=1 Brawn=2 Heater=2 Dodge=2
Willpower=2 Guts=6 Shiv=3 Sprint=3
Brawn=2 Heater=2 Dodge=2
The Mob Boss uses Enforcers, Brunos, and Gat Men when the Wound Guts=6 Shiv=2 Sprint=2
situation calls for brute force or the seductive and disarming Chart
Heater=1 Dodge=1
Moll when more subtlety is required. Shiv=1 Sprint=1
Knocked Out
Out Crawl
Shiv at -1 .45 Adventure: Thrilling Action in the Pulp Era • 21

Available Attribute Points – 7 Bruno (Grade 1)
Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 3
Brains=2 Will=2 Brawn=3 Guts=5
Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 2 DR=3
Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 1 Heater=2 Blade=3 Dodge=3 Speed=4

Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Available Attribute Points – 4

Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0 Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 3
Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0 Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 1
Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 0
Morale Maximum Allocation = 1
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 1 Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2 Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0
Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1
Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = Morale Maximum Allocation = 1
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 0
Moll (Grade 2)
Location Head Torso Arms Legs Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2
(Die Roll) (1) (2-5) (6-8) (9-10) Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1
Defensive Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0
3 4 4 4
Brains=3 Brawn=2 Heater=3 Dodge=3 Gat Man (Grade 1)
Willpower=4 Guts=7 Shiv=2 Sprint=5
Brains=2 Brawn=2 Heater=2 Dodge=3 Brains=2 Will=3 Brawn=2 Guts=5
Willpower=3 Guts=6 Shiv=2 Sprint=4 DR=3
Heater=3 Blade=2 Dodge=3 Speed=4
Brawn=1 Heater=2 Dodge=2
Wound Guts=5 Shiv=1 Sprint=2
Chart Available Attribute Points – 4
Heater=1 Dodge=1
Knocked Out Shiv=1 Sprint=1 Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 1
Knocked Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 3
Out Crawl
and Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 0
Shiv at -1
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Available Attribute Points – 7 Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Close Combat Maximum Allocation = 1 Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 0
Ranged Combat Maximum Allocation = 2
Advanced Combat Maximum Allocation = 1 Morale Maximum Allocation = 1
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 0
Combat Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1
Professional Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 2 Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 2
Research Knowledge Maximum Allocation = 1 Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 1
Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0
Morale Maximum Allocation = 2
Fortitude Maximum Allocation = 1

Enhanced Trait Maximum Allocation = 1

Innate Ability Maximum Allocation = 0
Paranormal Ability Maximum Allocation = 0

22 • Rattrap Productions LLC

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