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Computer Organization and Assembly Language: Week 1 To 3 Dr. Muhammad Nouman Durrani

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Computer Organization and

Assembly Language

Week 1 to 3
Dr. Muhammad Nouman Durrani
Definition 1:
• Computer organization is concerned with the way hardware
components operate and the way they are connected
together to form a computer system.
Definition 2:
• Computer organization is concerned with the structure and
behavior of a computer system.

Definition 3:
• Assembly language consists of statements written with
short mnemonics such as ADD, MOV, SUB, and CALL.
• The main objective of this course is to:
– Understand the basic structure of a computer system

– How to write programs by understanding the hardware

Assembly Language Programming
• An assembly language is a low-level programming language designed
for a specific type of processor

• Assembly language is used to write the program using alphanumeric

symbols (or mnemonic), e.g. ADD, MOV, PUSH etc.

• Assembly Language depends on the machine code instructions

– Every assembler has its own assembly language

• Assembly language has a one-to-one relationship with machine

– Each assembly language instruction corresponds to a single
machine-language instruction.
– A single machine-language instruction can take up one or more
bytes of code
Assembly language programming
• The instruction must specify which operation (opcode) is to be
performed and the operands
• E.g. ADD AX, BX
– ADD is the operation
– AX is called the destination operand
– BX is called the source operand
– The result is AX = AX + BX

• When writing assembly language program, you need to think in

the instruction level

Assembly language programming: Example

• MOV AL, 00H

– The native language of a computer is machine language (using 0,1
to represent the operation)
– The machine language code for the above instruction is B4 00 (2
– After assembled, and linked into an executable program, the value
B400 will be stored in the memory
– When the program is executed, then the value B400 is read from
memory, decoded and carry out the task
• The executable program could be .com, .exe, or .bin files

Assembly language programming
• Learning assembly language programming will
help understanding the operations of a
• To learn:
– Need to know the functions of various registers
– Need to know how external memory is organized
and how it is addressed to obtain instructions and
data (different addressing modes)
– Need to know what operations (or the instruction
set) are supported by the CPU

High Level Languages
• A high-level language (HLL) is a programming language
that enables a programmer to write programs that are
more or less independent of a particular type of computer

• Such languages are considered high-level because they

are closer to human languages and further from machine

• Examples are C, C++, Java, FORTRAN, or Pascal

High Level Languages
• High-level languages such as C++ and Java have a
one-to-many relationship with assembly language and
machine language.

• A single statement in C++ expands into multiple assembly

language or machine instructions.

• The following C++ code carries out two arithmetic

operations and assigns the result to a variable. Assume X
and Y are integers:
int Y;
int X = (Y + 4) * 3;
int Y;
int X = (Y + 4) * 3;

• Following is the equivalent translation to assembly language.

• The translation requires multiple statements because assembly

language works at a detailed level:

mov eax,Y ; move Y to the EAX register

add eax,4 ; add 4 to the EAX register
mov ebx,3 ; move 3 to the EBX register
imul ebx ; multiply EAX by EBX
mov X,eax ; move EAX to X

Registers are named storage locations in the CPU that hold

intermediate results of operations
What Are Assemblers and Linkers?
• Assembler is a utility program that converts source code programs from assembly
language into an object file, a machine language translation of the program.
– Optionally a Listing file is also produced.
– We’ll use MASM as our assembler.
• The linker reads the object file and checks to see if the program contains any calls to
procedures in a link library.
– The linker copies any required procedures from the link library, combines them with
the object file, and produces the executable file.
– Microsoft 16-bit linker is LINK.EXE and 32-bit is Linker LINK32.EXE.
• OS Loader: A program that loads executable files into memory, and branches the
CPU to the program’s starting address, (may initialize some registers (e.g. IP) ) and
the program begins to execute.
• Debugger is a utility program, that lets you step through a program while it’s running
and examine registers and memory

MASM provides CodeView,

TASM provides Turbo
Debugger and msdev.exe for
32-bit Window console
Listing File
• A listing file contains:
– a copy of the program’s source code,
– with line numbers,
– the numeric address of each instruction,
– the machine code bytes of each instruction (in hexadecimal),
– a symbol table.

The symbol table contains the names of all program identifiers,

segments, and related information.
Assembly Language for x86 Processors
• Assembly Language for x86 Processors focuses on
programming microprocessors compatible with the Intel IA-32
and AMD x86 processors running under Microsoft Windows.

• Assembly language bears the closest resemblance to native

machine language.
Is Assembly Language Portable?
• A language whose source programs can be compiled and run
on a wide variety of computer systems is said to be portable.

• A C++ program, for example, should compile and run on just

about any computer, unless it makes specific references to
library functions that exist under a single operating system.

• A major feature of the Java language is that compiled programs

run on nearly any computer system.
Is Assembly Language Portable?
• Assembly language is not portable because it is designed for a
specific processor family.

• There are a number of different assembly languages widely used

today, each based on a processor family.

– Some well-known processor families are Motorola 68x00, x86, SUN Sparc, Vax, and

• The instructions in assembly language may directly match the

computer’s architecture or they may be translated during execution
by a program inside the processor known as a microcode interpreter.
What you’ll learn from Assembly Language
You will learn:
• Some basic principles of computer architecture, as applied to the Intel
IA-32 processor family.

• How IA-32 processors manage memory, using real mode, protected mode,
and virtual mode.

• How high-level language compilers (such as C++) translate statements

from their language into assembly language and native machine code.

• How high-level languages implement arithmetic expressions, loops, and

logical structures at the machine level.
What you’ll learn from Assembly Language
• You will improve your machine-level debugging skills.
– Even in C++, when your programs have errors due to pointers or memory
allocation, you can dive to the machine level and find out what really went
• High-level languages purposely hide machine-specific details, but
sometimes these details are important when tracking down errors.

• Assembly language will help you understanding the interaction between

the computer hardware, operating system, and application programs.
Applications of Assembly Language
• Embedded systems programs are written in C, Java, or assembly
language, and downloaded into computer chips and installed in
dedicated devices.
– Some examples are automobile fuel and ignition systems, air-conditioning control
systems, security systems, flight control systems, hand-held computers, modems,
printers, and other intelligent computer peripherals.

• Many dedicated computer game machines have stringent memory

restrictions, requiring programs to be highly optimized for both space and
runtime speed.
– Game programmers use assembly language to take full advantage of specific
hardware features in a target system.
Virtual Machine Concept
• Virtual Machine Concept:

– An effective way to explain how a computer’s hardware and

software are related is called the virtual machine concept.

• Specific Machine Levels

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for Intel-Based Computers 6/e, 20
Virtual Machines
• Virtual machine is a software program that emulates the functions of some other
physical or virtual computer.
• Programming Language analogy:
– Each computer has a native machine language (language L0) that runs directly on
its hardware
– A more human-friendly language is usually constructed above machine language,
called Language L1
• The virtual machine VM1, can execute commands written in language L1.
• The virtual machine VM0 can execute commands written in language L0

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Virtual Machines (Continue…)

• Programs written in L1 can run in two different ways:

• Translation – L1 program is completely translated into an L0 program (which
then runs on the computer hardware)
• Interpretation – L0 program interprets and executes L1 instructions one by one
Translating Languages
English: Display the sum of A times B plus C.

C++: cout << (A * B + C);

Assembly Language: Intel Machine Language:

mov eax,A A1 00000000
mul B F7 25 00000004
add eax,C
call WriteInt 03 05 00000008
E8 00500000

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Specific Machine Levels

(descriptions of individual levels

follow . . . )

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High-Level Language
Level 4
• Application-oriented languages
– C++, Java, Pascal, Visual Basic . . .
• Programs compile into assembly
language (Level 3)

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High-Level Language
• The Java programming language is based on the virtual
machine concept.
• A program written in the Java language is translated by a
Java compiler into Java byte code - a low-level language
• Java byte code is executed at runtime by a program known
as a Java virtual machine (JVM).
r e t
e rp

Java code / Bytecode is always the same on different OS.

• That makes java program as platform independent.

JVM is platform dependent that means there are different implementation of JVM on
different OS.
Assembly Language
Level 3
• Instruction mnemonics that have a one-to-one
correspondence to machine language
• Programs are translated into Instruction Set Architecture
Level - machine language (Level 2)

• The instructions in assembly language may directly match

the computer’s architecture or they may be translated
during execution by a program inside the processor known
as a microcode interpreter.
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Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
Level 2
• Also known as conventional
machine language
• Executed by Level 1 (Digital

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Digital Logic
Level 1
• CPU, constructed from digital logic gates
• System bus
• Memory
• Implemented using bipolar transistors

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Basic Microcomputer Design
The central processor unit (CPU): Where calculations and logic operations
are performed:
• contains a limited number of storage locations named registers,
• a high-frequency clock,
• a control unit, and
• an arithmetic logic unit
The memory storage unit is where instructions and data are held while a
computer program is running.
The storage unit receives requests for data from the CPU, transfers data
from random access memory (RAM) to the CPU, and transfers data from
the CPU into memory.

All processing of data takes place within the CPU, so programs residing
in memory must be copied into the CPU before they can execute.
• A bus is a group of parallel wires that transfer data from one part of the computer to
• A computer system usually contains four bus types: data, I/O, control, and address.
• The data bus transfers instructions and data between the CPU and memory.
• The I/O bus transfers data between the CPU and the system input/output devices.
• The control bus uses binary signals to synchronize actions of all devices attached to the
system bus.
• The address bus holds the addresses of instructions and data when the currently
executing instruction transfers data between the CPU and memory.
Clock and Clock Cycles
• Clock synchronizes all CPU and BUS operations
– Clock is used to trigger events
– Clock cycles measure time of a single operation
• A machine instruction requires at least one clock cycle to
– Few require in excess of 50 clocks (the multiply instruction on the
8088 processor, for example)
• Instructions requiring memory access often have empty clock
cycles called wait states
– Because of the differences in the speeds of the CPU, the system
bus, and memory circuits
Instruction Execution Cycle
• The CPU go through a predefined sequence of steps to
execute a machine instruction, called the instruction
execution cycle.
• The instruction pointer (IP) register holds the address of the
instruction we want to execute.
Instruction Execution Cycle
Here are the steps to execute it:
1. First, the CPU fetch the instruction from the instruction queue
– It then increments the instruction pointer
2. Next, the CPU decodes the instruction by looking at its binary bit pattern
– This bit pattern might reveal that the instruction has operands (input values)
3. If operands are involved, the CPU fetches the operands from registers and
– Sometimes, this involves address calculations
4. Next, the CPU executes the instruction, using any operand values it fetched
during the earlier step
– It also updates a few status flags, such as Zero, Carry, and Overflow
5. Finally, if an output operand was part of the instruction, the CPU stores the
result of its execution in the operand
Instruction Execution Cycle
• An operand is a value that is either an input or an output to an
• For example, the expression Z = X + Y has two input operands (X
and Y) and a single output operand (Z)
• In order to read program instructions from memory, an address is
placed on the address bus

• The memory controller places the

requested code on the data bus
• Making the code available inside the
code cache
Instruction Execution Cycle
• The instruction pointer’s value determines which instruction will
be executed next.
• The instruction is analyzed by the instruction decoder
– Causing appropriate digital signals to be sent to the Control Unit
– Control Unit coordinates with the ALU and floating-point unit.

• Control bus carries signals that use

the system clock to coordinate the
transfer of data between different
CPU components.
Reading from Memory

As a rule, computers read memory much more slowly than they

access internal registers.

Reading a single value from memory involves four separate steps:

1. Place the address of the value you want to read on the address
2. Assert (change the value of) the processor’s RD (read) pin.
3. Wait one clock cycle for the memory chips to respond.
4. Copy the data from the data bus into the destination operand.

Each of these steps generally requires a single clock cycle,

Cache (1 of 2)
• CPU designers figured out that computer memory creates a
speed bottleneck
– because most programs have to access variables
• To reduce the amount of time spent in reading and writing
– the most recently used instructions and data are stored in
high-speed memory called cache
• The idea is that a program is more likely want to access the
same memory and instructions repeatedly
– so cache keeps these values where they can be accessed quickly
Cache (2 of 2)
• When the CPU begins to execute a program, it loads the
next thousand instructions (for example) into cache
– The assumption is that these instructions will be needed in the
near future.
• If it happens to be a loop in that block of code, the same
instructions will be in cache
• When the processor is able to find its data in cache
memory, we call that a cache hit
• On the other hand, if the CPU tries to find something in
cache and it’s not there, we call that a cache miss
x86 family Cache types
• Cache memory for the x86 family comes in two
– Level-1 cache (or primary cache) is stored right on the
– Level-2 cache (or secondary cache) is a little bit slower,
and attached to the CPU by a high-speed data bus.
Why cache memory is faster than conventional

• It’s because cache memory is constructed from a

special type of memory chip called static RAM
– It’s expensive, but it does not have to be constantly
refreshed in order to keep its contents

• Conventional memory, known as dynamic RAM,

refreshed constantly
– It’s much slower, and cheaper
Loading and Executing a Program (1 of 3)
• The operating system (OS) searches for the
program’s filename in the current disk directory
– If it cannot find the name there, it searches a
predetermined list of directories (called paths) for the
– If the OS fails to find the program filename, it issues
an error message
Loading and Executing a Program (2 of 3)

• If the program file is found, the OS retrieves basic

information about the program’s file from the disk directory
– including the file size and
– its physical location on the disk drive.
• The OS determines the next available location in memory
and loads the program file into memory
– It allocates a block of memory to the program and enters
information about the program’s size and location into a table
(sometimes called a descriptor table).
– The OS also adjust the values of pointers within the program so
they contain addresses of program data.
Loading and Executing a Program (3 of 3)

• The OS begins execution of the program’s first machine instruction

(its entry point).
• As soon as the program begins running, it is called a process.
• The OS assigns the process an identification number (process ID),
which is used to keep track of it while running.
• It is the OS’s job to track the execution of the process and to respond
to requests for system resources.
– Examples of resources are memory, disk files, and input-output devices.
• When the process ends, it is removed from memory.
How a Program Runs
Mode of Operations
x86 processors have three primary modes of operation: protected mode,
real-address mode, and system management mode.

❖ Implements the programming environment of the Intel 8086 processor

❖ This mode is available in Windows 98, and can be used to run an MS-DOS
program that requires direct access to system memory and hardware devices
❖ Programs running in real-address mode can cause the operating system to
crash (stop responding to commands)
Slide Credit: Dr. Aiman El-Maleh & Dr. Kip 50
Mode of Operations


Slide Credit: Dr. Aiman El-Maleh & Dr. Kip 51

Mode of Operations
Virtual 8086 mode: A sub-mode, virtual-8086, is a special case of
protected mode

such as MS-DOS

❖ If an MS-DOS program crashes or attempts to write data

into the system memory area, it will not affect other
programs running at the same time

❖ Windows XP can execute multiple separate virtual-8086

sessions at the same time

Slide Credit: Dr. Aiman El-Maleh & Dr. Kip 52

Mode of Operations
❖ System Management Mode:

• Provides a mechanism for implementation power

management and system security
– Manage system safety functions, such as shutdown on high
CPU temperature and turning the fans on and off
– Handle system events like memory or chipset errors
Real Address Mode (1)

Slide Credit: Dr. Aiman El-Maleh & Dr. Kip 54

Real Address Mode
Program Segments and Segment Registers: Segment registers are used to hold base
addresses for the program code, data and stack.
• The code segment holds the base address for all executable
instructions in the program
• The data segment holds the base address for variables. This
segment stores data for the program
• The extra segment is an extra data segment (often used for shared
• The stack segment holds the base address for the stack. The
segment is also to store interrupt and subroutine return addresses
Real Address Mode (2)

Slide Credit: Dr. Aiman El-Maleh & Dr. Kip 56

Real Address Mode (3)

Address Space
• In 32-bit protected mode, a task or program can address a
linear address space of up to 4 GBytes

– Extended Physical Addressing allows a total of 64 GBytes of

physical memory to be addressed

• Real-address mode programs, on the other hand, can only

address a range of 1 MByte

• If the processor is in protected mode and running multiple

programs in virtual-8086 mode, each program has its own
1-MByte memory area
Basic Program Execution Registers

• Registers are high-speed storage locations directly inside

the CPU, designed to be accessed at much higher speed
than conventional memory

• There are eight general-purpose registers, six

segment registers, a processor status flags
register (EFLAGS), and an instruction pointer
General-Purpose Registers:
The general-purpose registers are primarily used for arithmetic and
data movement.

• As shown in Figure 2–6, the lower 16 bits of the EAX register can
be referenced by the name AX

• Portions of some registers can be addressed as 8-bit values

– For example, the AX register, has an 8-bit upper half named AH and an
8-bit lower half named AL
The remaining general-purpose registers can only be accessed
using 32-bit or 16-bit names, as shown in the following table:
Specialized Uses of general-purpose registers

Some general-purpose registers have specialized uses:

• EAX (accumulator) - favored for arithmetic operations.
– It is automatically used by multiplication and division

• EBX (Base) - Holds base address for procedures and


• ECX - The CPU automatically uses ECX as a counter for

looping operations

• EDX (Data) - Used in multiplication and division operations

Index Registers
Index Registers contain the offsets for data and instructions.
Offset- distance (in bytes) from the base address of the segment.

• ESP (extended stack pointer register) contains the offset for the top
of the stack to addresses data on the stack (a system memory

• ESI and EDI (extended source index and extended destination index
) points to the source and destination string respectively in the string
move instructions

• EBP is used to reference function parameters and local variables on

the stack
• Segment Registers:
– In real-address mode, 16-bit segment registers indicate base
addresses of pre-assigned memory areas named segments.
– In protected mode, segment registers hold pointers to segment
descriptor tables (The descriptor describes the location, length
and access rights of the memory segment).
– Some segments hold program instructions (code), others hold
variables (data), and another segment named the stack segment
holds local function variables and function parameters.
• Instruction Pointer :
– The EIP, or instruction pointer, register contains the address of
the next instruction to be executed.
– Certain machine instructions manipulate EIP, causing the
program to branch to a new location.
EFLAGS Register:
The EFLAGS register consists of individual binary bits that
control the operation of the CPU or reflect the outcome of some
CPU operation.
– A flag is set when it equals 1; it is clear (or reset) when it equals 0.
• Programs can set individual bits in the EFLAGS
register to control the CPU’s operation
• For example: Interrupt when arithmetic overflow is
The Status flags reflect the
outcomes of arithmetic and
logical operations performed by
the CPU.

Parity- is set if the least-significant byte in the result contains an

even number of 1 bits. It used to verify memory integrity.

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