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In Silico Based Whole Genome Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel Coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2)

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In Silico based Whole Genome Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel Coronavirus


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Raghunath Satpathy
Gangadhar Meher University


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International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 1157-1163(2020)
ISSN No. (Print): 0975-8364
ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255

In Silico based Whole Genome Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel Coronavirus

Raghunath Satpathy
School of Biotechnology, Gangadhar Meher University,
Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur (Odisha), India.
(Corresponding author: Raghunath Satpathy)
(Received 17 April 2020, Revised 22 June 2020, Accepted 23 June 2020)
(Published by Research Trend, Website:
ABSTRACT: Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) began in the Wuhan city in China that spread worldwide in the
pandemic manner and create a global concern in recent times. It is also associated with significant global
economic losses. However, the source of origin of this novel virus is still a debate. In this work, a genomic
perspective has been taken to study the phylogeny of the whole virus genome by retrieving the recent
available genomic data from the NCBI database. In the first part of the work, the published genome sequence
of Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolates Wuhan-Hu-1 complete genome was retrieved and
corresponding homologous sequences were obtained by BLAST N tool. Further Clustal Omega was used to
multiple sequence alignment (MSA) study followed by phylogenetic analysis by MEGAX software. The whole
genome-based phylogenetic study reveals about the origin of the Wuhan-Hu-1 virus. The Wuhan seafood
market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1 genome is showing an evolutionary relationship with Bat
Corona Virus RaTG13 genome sequence that shares 96.12 % of sequence identity. Further 31 numbers of the
country-wise whole genome of SARS-CoV-2 were retrieved from the NCBI server (available genome
sequence up to 15th May 2020) and analysed to establish the phylogenetic relationship as well as to predict
the probable spreading pattern among the strains.
Keywords: Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), phylogenetic analysis, whole genome analysis, sequence alignment,
comparative genomics
I. INTRODUCTION among other viruses and their outbreak strategies can
be predicted. Therefore, the research on the origin of
Human coronaviruses belong to the order Nidovirales,
this novel virus will be an asset to the scientific
family Coronaviridae, and genus Alpha coronavirus or community for further analysis. The new genotypes of
Beta coronavirus [1]. The emerging SARS-CoV-2, a the virus have been evolved by the rapid evolution in the
beta coronavirus, can cause COVID-19, officially named gene sequences. So, the sequencing of whole
by the World Health Organization (WHO) on February genomes, genes or gene fragments is more and more
11, 2020. SARS-CoV-2 is highly infectious; the entire commonly used for understanding the outbreak of the
population is generally susceptible, and respiratory disease. By constructing the phylogenetic profile by
droplets and contact are the main routes of considering only gene sequences may not predict
transmission. It is generally believed that the incubation
accurate result because the gene might have
period is between 3 to 7 days on average, with 1 day as undergone different mutation process such as deletion,
the shortest and 14 days longest. SARS-CoV-2 is highly duplication, horizontal gene transfer and so on.
contagious and the current outbreak of COVID-19 Therefore, one of the most effective methods of using is
remains severe in China and has been designated as a the whole genome sequence information. Another
Public Health Emergency of International Concern by advantage is this provides the opportunities for the
the WHO [2-4]. In December 2019, Wuhan city of, construction of whole genome phylogenetic trees, lead
China, one was observed as the centre of an outbreak to the characterization of the novel virus strains. In
of novel pneumonia of Unknown cause. And it was addition to this, it leads to elucidate the virus-host
further confirmed by the Chinese health authorities that interactions and cross-species transmission mechanism
the cause of the disease is due to the novel coronavirus followed by the understanding of the evolutionary rates
(COVID-19) [5, 6]. Recently many cases of COVID-19 and ultimately predict a clear and concrete estimation of
infection have been reported in many countries. And it is epidemiological parameters associated with the disease
expected that the out break is due to the cross-species [9-11].
phenomena of the animal coronavirus. Unfortunately, till In this paper, we analyzed the phylogeny of the novel
today no specific effective drugs (and/or) vaccines have corona 2019 virus by considering the whole genome
been reported. However, due to advancement of and efforts have been made to establish the relationship
sequencing technologies, complete genomic sequences
among the novel virus and their spreading pattern.
of these viruses have been made available to the
databases such as NCBI nucleotide database also the II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
subsequent research update details can be obtained
from A. Retrieval of whole genome sequence data
[7-8]. Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolates
The availability of complete genome sequence data for Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome was taken from NCBI
these deadliest viruses provides the opportunity for the having GENBANK ID MN908947.3 and having 29903
use of such data for phylogenetic reconstruction. As the bpss-RNA linear DNA and sequences were available
from 18 March 2020 [12].
complete genome sequences contain phylogenetic
information at several levels hence the relationship

Satpathy International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 1157-1163(2020) 1157

B. Phylogenetic analysis and conserved non-coding of the genome sequences
Homologous genomic sequence was retrieved by related to Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome.
BLASTN algorithm available at Tracing of phylogenetic relationship among the Sars Co-
( by considering the V2 genomes obtained from different countries
default parameter [13]. 100 homologous sequences The latest genome sequences from the NCBI
were retrieved based on Expectation (E) value, query (
coverage and identity percentage value. Further, the seqs/) in the form of one sequence to one country,
multiple sequence alignment was conducted by using because almost of the sequence of a country shares
the Clustal omega program available at EBI server more than 90% similarity with each other [9, 16].
(European Bioinformatics Institute) server Therefore, randomly sequences were selected from the
( Clustal countries where whole genome sequences are available
Omega is a new version of multiple sequence alignment in the database. All total of 31 numbers of whole
(MSA) program that uses Hidden Markov Model (HMM) genome sequences were obtained from the NCBI till
profile-profile comparison techniques for the alignments available up to 15-05-2020. MSA was performed by
between three or more sequences and generates a Clustal Omega tool available online and phylogenetic
guide tree [14]. The phylogenetic tree was constructed tree was built by UPGMA method implemented in the
by using the Unweighted Pair Group Method with MEGA X tool as stated in the above section with 1000
Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) method with 100 bootstraps bootstrap analysis.
implemented in MEGA X(Molecular Evolutionary
Genetics Analysis), across computing platforms [15].
Version 10 of the MEGA software enables cross- All the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
platform use, running natively on Windows and Linux isolates in 2019 and 2020 are showing a common origin
systems ( Wg- and show a close relationship with the Bat Corona Virus
VISTA server RaTG13 genome (Fig. 1). Also, the base composition of
( was the genomes were computed and it was observed that
used for comparative annotation about ORF positioning they are distributed in almost similar manner, shown in
the Table 1.

Fig. 1. Showing phylogenetic tree constructed by UPGMA method with highlighted genomes of Wuhan seafood
market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1 complete genome and Bat coronavirus RaTG13.
Satpathy International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 1157-1163(2020) 1158
Table 1: Showing the comparison of genome composition of two genome.
S. No. Sequence details % T(U) %C %A %G Total base pairs
1. Bat coronavirus RaTG13 complete genome 32.0 18.4 29.9 19.5 29855
Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolate
2. 32.0 18.3 29.9 19.6 29903
Wuhan-Hu-1 complete genome
Average of all the 100 sequences considered for
3. 31.4 19.1 29.2 20.2 29594
the study

The Bat coronavirus RaTG13 complete genome shares open reading frames (ORFs). About two-thirds of this
99% query coverage and 96.12 % of sequence identity genomic RNA, is located in the first ORF (ORF1a/b)
with the query sequence obtained from the BLAST N translates two polyproteins, pp1a and pp1ab, and
output. Similarly, Bat SARS-like Corona Virus isolates encodes 16 non-structural proteins (NSP), while the
show a common cluster and having and having 94-95% remaining ORFs encode accessory and structural
of query coverage and having 88-89% sequence identity proteins. The remaining part of virus genome encodes
was observed. All the Bat SARS coronavirus HKU types four important structural proteins, viz. small envelope
shows a common origin from their genome analysis and (E) protein, spike (S), nucleocapsid (N) protein,
shares 88-89% of query coverage and 80-82% of glycoprotein, matrix (M) protein, including other
sequence identity with the novel corona virus Wuhan accessory proteins that interfere with the host innate
seafood market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1 immune response. However, the Bat Corona virus
(Fig. 1). The evolutionary origin of the novel Corona RatG13 contains proteins like orf1abpolyprotein, gene S
Virus 2019 and Bat coronavirus RaTG13 genome has (code for spike glycoprotein), non-structural proteins like
been obtained in the present phylogenetic analysis and NS3, NS6, NS7a, NS 7b, NS 8, envelope protein,
highlighted red in Fig. 1. Further, comparative genome membrane protein, and nucleo capsid protein. [18, 20].
analysis of the above two genome was performed by Despite of their variability in the genomic composition of
using the the two selected genomes, the gene orders were
server and the program uses the BLAST Z algorithm to obtained as similar in nature. Further annotation of the
generate the alignment results with default parameters two genomes were carried out by VISTA server
shown in Fig. 2 [17]. The Fig. 2 indicates about the ( whole
difference in the available gene structures and orders genome alignment pipeline. To compute the conserved
about the two genomes. A recent study establishes the non-coding sequences (CNS) region among two
fact that the Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus selected genomes (Table 2).
isolate Wuhan-Hu-1 contains, a variable number of

Fig. 2. Showing alignment of the two genome: ORFs has been represented in arrow.
Table 2: Showing the Conserved Non-coding sequences between two genome obtained from Wg-Vista
Wuhan seafood market pneumonia
Bat coronavirus RaTG13 complete
virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1 complete No. of base
S. No. genome (Accession : NC_045512.2)
genome (Accession: MN_908947.3) (bp)
From To From To
1. 1 250 16 265 250
2. 251 21537 266 21555 21290
3. 21545 25354 21563 25384 3822
4. 25363 26190 25393 26220 828
5. 26215 26442 26245 26472 228
6. 26493 27158 26523 27191 669
7. 27169 27354 27202 27387 186
8. 27360 27853 27394 27887 494
9. 27860 28225 27894 28259 366
10. 28240 29499 28240 29533 1260
11. 29524 29640 29558 29674 117
12. 29641 29855 29675 29890 216

Satpathy International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 1157-1163(2020) 1159

Table 2 shows the Conserved non-coding in addition to our phylogeny based study and sequence
sequences (CNS) available in two genomes. The CNS identity [20, 21]. It also supports the fact that, the novel
is basically the non-coding (functionless) DNA coronavirus is not a laboratory constructed virus but
sequence distributed in the genome and show high originated from Bat coronavirus by some evolutionary
similarity in the base sequence between the related mechanism to be established. Since any kind of wildlife
species. In this case, the comparative genomic analysis like a bat can act as reservoirs/host of virus can give
indicated 12 no. of position wise distribution of this CNS, rise to the source of new emerging diseases by crossing
indicated about the molecular closeness of the two the interspecies barrier [22-24]. The recent emergence
genomes. of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) can be
Similar to the case for other SARS-CoV, the bat might considered as an important phenomena to study the
be the probable origin for SARS-CoV-2 because of mechanism of origin and surveillance of the virus in the
SARS-CoV-2 shares 96% whole-genome with a bat wild animals, also the relevant molecular mechanism of
coronavirus (CoV), as supported by the recent research crossing the interspecies barrier.
Table 3: Showing the country wise retrieved sequences up to 15 May 2020.
Length Date of Sequence
S. No. Accession No. Name Of The Complete Genome Country
(bp) Release
SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan-Hu-1,
1. MN908947 29903 30-MAR-2020 China
complete genom e.
2. MT419860 29841 01-MAY-2020 USA
3. MT447175 29828 08-MAY-2020 Thailand
NT/2020, complete genome.
4. MT439597 29812 07-MAY-2020 India
SARS-CoV-2/human/KAZ/NCB- Kazakhstan
5. MT428553 29903 05-MAY-2020
3/2020, complete genome.
6. MT396266 29880 28-APR-2020 Nederland
complete genom e.
SARS-CoV-2/human/TWN/CGMH- 24-APR-2020 Taiwan
7. MT374116 29901
CGU-20/2020, complete genome.
8. MT372483 29481 23-APR-2020 Malaysia
Czech Republic
9. MT371574 2/human/CZE/CzechiaMotol_1967/202 29756 23-APR-2020
10. MT371050 29903 23-APR-2020 Sri Lanka
11. MT365032 29887 05-MAY-2020 Hong Kong
12. MT320891 29822 16-APR-2020 Iran
SARS-CoV- 24-APR-2020
13. MT320538 29882 France
SARS-CoV- 07-APR-2020
14. MT304476 29882 South Korea
15. MT292582 29782 06-APR-2020 Spain
16. MT256924 29782 13-APR-2020 Colombia
SARS-CoV-2/human/VNM/nCoV-19- 29890
17. MT192773 06-APR-2020 Viet Nam
18. MT126808 SARS-CoV-2/human/BRA/SP02/2020, 29876 06-APR-2020 Brazil
19. MT093571 SARS-CoV-2/human/SWE/01/2020, 29886 06-APR-2020 Sweden
20. MT077125 SARS-CoV-2/human/ITA/INMI1/2020, 29785 11-APR-2020 Italy
21. MT072688 29811 06-APR-2020 Nepal
22. MT020781 SARS-CoV-2 nCoV-FIN-29-Jan-2020 29806 17-MAR-2020 Finland
23. LC542976 SARS-CoV-2 nCoV-TKYE6968_2020 29903 22-APR-2020 Japan
24. MT240479 SARS-CoV-2/human/PAK/Gilgit1/2020 29836 06-APR-2020 Pakistan
25. MT324062 29903 13-APR-2020 South Africa
26. MT276597 29851 06-APR-2020 Israel
27. MT263074 29856 06-APR-2020 Peru
SARS-CoV-2/human/DEU/NRW- Germany
28. MT394864 29782 28-APR-2020
SARS-CoV-2/human/TUR/ERAGEM- Turkey
29. MT327745 29832 13-APR-2020
SARS-CoV- Bangladesh
30. MT476385 29902 15-MAY-2020
SARS-CoV-2/human/SRB/Novi Pazar-
31. MT459979 29782 13-MAY-2020 Serbia

Satpathy International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 1157-1163(2020) 1160

Fig. 3. Showing phylogenetic tree of the selected country-wise viral strains and out group is highlighted.
Phylogenetic Tree analysis of the country –wise per one country) were analysed in this work. The severe
selected strains) indicates about the world wide pandemic situations that are associated with the spread
relationship between the strains of the virus as shown in of novel coronavirus is evidenced by the whole genome
the Fig. 3. From the top of the phylogenetic tree, there is phylogram (Fig. 3). It was also evidenced that the
a close relationship with the strains between Iran and spreading of the virus occurring very rapidly across the
Turkey was observed that is related to the viral strain of globe as most of the genome sequences accounts for
Pakistan. Also, Italy and Israel strains are closely its evolutionary relationship with geographically closely
related. Next, there exists a close relationship with the placed and distant countries also [25-27]. In addition to
strains of China and Nepal, to which the Finland and this, it was also noticeable that, the spread of the virus
Viet Nam strains are related. The strains of Japan and within the countries were evident as the selected
Hong Kong shows a close evolutionary relationship, to sequences of the viral strains country sequences
which the strains of Columbia and Spain are related. All matched with the sequences of the other countries (Fig.
to the above the Sweden strain is showing its 4). Such an intercontinental transmission might be
relatedness. In the next cluster, the France and South- possible because of the increased migration event of
African strains show a good relationship to which people across the world [28]. Similarly, the probable
Germany and Netherland are related. Similarly, the origin of the virus from China (Wuhan) was clustered
strains of USA-CA and Czech Republic is showing the across mostly in case of Asian and some of the
close relationship in a cluster, further, these are related European Countries and therefore supports the fact that
to Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Peru, Serbia are China might be a hub for international SARS-CoV-2
related and to which the Indian strain is related. The virus entry as well as the exchange of the same [29, 30].
viral strain of Thailand is showing common ancestor to The novel coronaviruses tend to change their genome
all the above sequence and the strain of Malaysia is due to mutation, probably at a fairly high rate, therefore
projected as the out-group that indicated that this allows to cluster the virus into more closely related
particular strain is quite different in the origin respect to viruses and distantly out-group. All the selected
the other selected strains. sequences in this work are closely related, but obtaining
Due to lack of availability of sufficient whole-genome the out-group for the Malaysian strain may be due to
sequence data of the virus in the database for all the independent mutation to be analysed further. The
infected countries, although reported for ~ 213 phylogenetic tree based analysis of the genomic
countries till date, only selected, 31 strains (one strain sequences might be used to reconstruct the
Satpathy International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 1157-1163(2020) 1161
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How to cite this article: Satpathy, R. (2020). In Silico based Whole Genome Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 11(3): 1157–1163.

Satpathy International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 1157-1163(2020) 1163

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