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NGUYEN TH} CHI (Chi:bién) ~ NGUYEN HOU CUONG Renn nernc a Bai tap ccehnen\cieenn| BO TRO -NANG CAO TIENG ANHO Tena ANH 9 | NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC 4523), (6D=05 742.2056 a. 161 6161 THIEU Huting sng Cuge thi Viet sich bai tip vb sch tham Kio dia theo ‘haong tink més Tid ge v0 Trang hoe es cia Bp Gido dye vi Bio to, ‘siete gid 3 mol mién dt mug di gi vé Nha xudt bin Gido due niu ‘in thdo de ti ¢6 mgt dng phong phi, da dang. Thc hign se chi deo ‘ia BO Gido duc va Déo tao, Nh sud bin Gido duc tran rome gid thu Ol je ileus sich dc td nay A dye da vdo diem er gilt 8 ede thdy, 26 gido va ede em hoe sink trong ed meéc 6 the ding lam ti lieu ‘ham ko trong qué tinh ging day vt hoc tp theo sich gio thou mei tiem hoe 2005 = 2006 hd ude bm Gido due mong nln dss nhid §kign déne gép cho ‘ng dang cub sich nay. Th gp § xin gi vé Baw T8 cite Case hi Viet “ich bl dp ela BS Gido duc va Dio tao theo da ch ha xudt bn Gide dc, 187B Ging VB- Ha Noi ha xin Go ly xn tr trong ei cn HA XUATBAN GIko pyc Unit 1 A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL KIEN THOC CAN NHO- cha dé: idl thigu mot 56 canh quan, proAg tus, 190 ‘quén cla Viet Nam va Malaysia. Ngtt php va edu roe: = On tap : Tk qué kts don ‘TR8i qué khd don trong ménh 48 sou "wish" wish | could play the guitar wish | were older = Cu tc “sed to +" Lon used fo waik past ihe mosque on her ‘way fo schoo), Tawng: ‘Tuvung miu t& denh théng, frang phyc Danh 13. eng : tn. céc. quéc gia, ngon.nga, ten nga BAITAP Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, ial part Pronounced differently from the rest. Bg Acity Bim thy Dew Anower: A. iy 1. A-mention " B.oplion ”—. fidetalon “ ~ D. question 2 Aghot —Biafice Colon Dimaters 3. Avclimate —-BomprseC. noice D.divide 4 Arties Beetinie —-C.aliough__D. without 5. Arrgioh -Bogroup C.dilogue guitar IL. Give the correct form of each verb in brackets. 1. What you (Go) Inet weekend? @) to the theater with my fil 2 Jon and | (be)__pem pals for nevi three yeas, 3, We used (write) to each other every month when we (te) Ost secondary stool 4. Minh Geno) litle English, so she (wit) ____ she (cn) Speak i aenty 5, Maryam (ay) ____with ws atthe moment. She (be) _my sister’ fend. [HL Filia each blank with one suitable word to nish the following passags. Cherting is one of Malasi' (). famous beach resorts. Very few places 2)____ match Cherating’s beauty and serenity. ‘A few (@)_____my fiends and I desied to visit Cherating during our school vacation. We Knew tht we (4) most certainly going 1 have @ ood tne. It (5) _ss about one hour toeyee 6), _ our own 0 CCherating, When’ we reached the place, 7) many iahing villages nd beautiful beaches stretching fr several iloiters Chenating is samy ‘he year and many people come t CCherning either to swim 10 dive, While at Cheratng, we also 4 enjoyed the excellent local food, Cheating is indeed (10) of Malaysas ‘est oui tiretions 1. Complete the sentences by fling in each blank with the correct form of the word in capitals. Bg; 0. You must be _sarafal__when you openthat door. CARE 1. Were very impressed by the _of your town's people. FRIEND INDUSTRY OFFICE Liverpool ta ity in he north of England, 3. fs Buddhism the country’s :eligion of Thailand? 4. Should English bea foreign lnguage in VietNam? COMPEL. 5 “This handbook gives ws information about ASEAN ADD ‘V. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each sentence below. Fm Nguyen Viet Hung. Fm now twesty-five years old an Titel) you stony bout my pen pel Last year I bad a most enjoyable experience wien I met Somebody I had been writing o for over nine years. When I was sbou fen, my teacher of English asked if anyone wanted 19 have an English pen pal Thad ‘ows some English ands I vas finding it rther difficult I though ths might kelp me. A few wooks ltr the teacher gave me the adres of boy who ved in Leads. We began to write to cach other straight away and usually exchanged eters about price a month, We often sot that we would Tike to meet bu, unfortunately, this was never posible. However, lst year T was Sent on @ 1v0- sveck couse in London by my frm, There was a great deal of work todo ant {Ed not have mach time fee but on the second weekend my friend came to see sme. T wondered if we would really Ike eachother when we met, Fortunately ‘here was absolutely noting te worry about we had been writing fr o long ha itvwas ike meeting an old fiend. We had ameal together and spent he whole day talking about our shared itarests I hope we will be able to meet agin soon, 1. Mr, Hung started fo havea pen pal when ‘Ane was stent in prea schoo! be was sudentt secondary schoot Che was a escheat university D. he was businessman 2. Mi Hang wanted to have ape pal because Be ied writing leters ‘A. itmight help im improve his English Cae could have chance to go abroad 3, is pen pl was fom B. Malaysia D. his teacher made him do it A. America Singapore Britain 4. Mow often did Mr. Hung an his pen pl exchange leters? Aconce a week B.twice a week once every two Werks once every three woeks 5. Last year Mr. Hung went to London mainly. ‘Boaholidey 1D. to meet his pen pl business to visit hit relatives Vi. You are taking to Lan, who has just come back from Malaysia, Ask her bout her silt. Weite your questions. You: Oh Laat Youve been to Mlysi, haven you? Lan: Vos ight Yous $0 (Neo Lan: | got home two days ago, You Q. Sa Lan: stayed there for five days You Bhannnmivnnnnnnntnn ‘Lan: Wea ine and sunny all the time Your (3). eS st Lan: We visited PETRONAS Twin Towers and some other intresting places in Kuala Lump. a allthe tine? ‘Lan: ‘Cs, ofcourse spoke English o everyone I met VIL Choose the best answer fn the brackets to complete each ofthe following ‘sentences, 1LMy father gts used to (read eoding) newspapers in the moming 2.Do you ever wis you in /coue) Ny? 3. We have writen to each othe (since /for) last Christa. 4, Can you divide this cake (nz amarg) four equal pees. 5. When I fis asived (tin) New York, 1 did't kw anyone. 6, We realy enjoyed (lo have / having) lea food. 11 Lwish you (sty stayed here longs Were having a pty (ath end /in the end) of his week 9. Mr. Zhang isnt Buddhis, and is wile is, (00 either). 101 feel very alone /lonel, o wish Tew many people. ‘VEIL Read the text Below and complete it withthe verbs in the box. Use "sed 1" or the present simple (eg he lives, the live, et) al dive wear wear ust go tke tava “The lives ofthe Inuit people of North America have changed aot in 30 years. Firs, their name: people (0) wed 0 call them Eskimos, but now they are called Init, which means "the people". They 1) ‘in iplos inthe winter bat today, many ofthe lve in houses in small owns. They @) sale ~ they aie the mest and made clothes fom the fur. Many of the peopie still G) ____sealthin clothes todey becase they are very warm. Remember, the ‘Weather is extremely cold for mary months ofthe yer. To move over the spew, they special snowshoes on thee fee, but today many Init (9) ‘sowmebiles. These machines can rave! long distances ina short time. indepen) ther days or weeks to travel the same distance. Inuit Mat said that) she would go fo Hus the next doy. “Con you use a computer?” > She osked me if could use @ computer. — Ong htt thi trong menh 8 tt you want to get good marks. you must study hard. Tavung: Ta vyng lién quan din vie hoc agosi nga BAITAP 1. Read the following pastage and then fl in cach blank wih a suitable word rom the box Do at us he same word more than once college ‘difficult evening bard Tanga newspapers studies __subjects_—_teenagers useful Every year many people i th’ world lem English, Some of them are young children. Others ae (1), ‘Many are adults. Some ler a school, others 0 —— Jean in @), classes. A few leam English by themselves or just by Ieerng the @)__ on television of among their frends, Most people must, work 4), ‘wear English. Why’ do these people want to lesra English? isnt (9. to anawer that question, Young eilen fear English at school because iis one oftheir (6) ‘Many adits lear English because itis) fr heir work. Tesnagers often learn English for tii higher @, ‘ecause some of their books ae in English at (9)__ or university, Other people leas English because they want to read (10) cormagazines in English TL, Put the following sentence into reported speech. 1. "Hfyou wantta lear English, Yean help you," Joh sid 2. "Where are you studying?” Mr. Brace asked, 3. "Please call me at 6 o'lock tomorrow morning," ssid Ma 4. Wire you interested in his Language Center asked Lan. 5. "We wil spend ou holiday in De Lat next mont,” sid Mrs. Ch 6. "Do you live here™ Liz asked. 7. What does your son want to lam?” the man ssid 9 Mr. Linh. 8." You must come today," Hoa sid, 9. "Ldon' understand what you are saying," Tom told ws. 10, "There isn't any information abou these colleges,” Nam sed 1. Choose one word that has opposite meaning to the root word in capitals, Eg0.HOT Acold — Bocool — C.varm idly Answers, Accold LDIFFICULT A.tard Bessy C.go0d—Dlaxy 2.FINISH — Acend —-Bcoatinue C.attend —D. stat B.FAST — Aclow — Bauick —C.quite fluent APASS Awe Beapesk Cf Did S.REFUSE A.armue Border C.enceptDaccert a 1. Read he details ofthe six language courses below and decide which course (esters A-F) would be the most suitable for each person (numbers 1-8). A. RESTON HALL B. BESTON HALL Sumner speelat ‘Summer holiday courses ‘Asb-wock program ofelases, __Three-week, one-month a six: cove'ing all axpects of English, week courses fr stent fal standards, which combine dey Janguage classes wi full program of sports enn, swimming, volleyball et) social acivies (ciscs, quizes, fllm cub.) sand outings (London, Butt, te.) both spoken and writen, for serious students whether beginners, intermediate or slvaned, At leat st hours teaching everyday except, Sunday, plus individual work Plans on opie of special nts. © LONDON LANGUAGES » ‘Business Depariment ‘Courses in most European Tangvages are offered for adults wishing o study outside oie dour, including weekends. Our (gual teachers are always ‘Pate speakers, shether of Danish, English or Greek, You wll sty hard in very sal proups with ois of atetion to LONDON LANGUAGES Partstime courses Morning clases 15 bours per ‘week, ftemoon clases 15 hours per week. Examination Preparation 4.0 § hous per week, btemoons ar evenings. All teachers are highly experienced ‘and well qualified. Minimum ‘course one mont Central location easy acces by bus or Indiv dual needs. Courses lat underground. berwcen tre ad six months E_ LONDON LANGUAGES F ELGINHOUSE SCHOOL Hons fom home This excelent school in an We pace students with tractive suburb of Brighton experienced and qualified teachers offers courses in general English ‘troughout Briain forindvideal fom three wo twelve months, study programs inthe cache?’ ‘wn home An excellent choice for those who wish io improve their English st but who are not keen ‘Accommodation icarefily ‘chosen andthe scioa is faous for its program of activites ‘beyond the classroom. Teezagers ‘on reuring tthe esssoom, and young adults come tous from High standards of comfor in a ‘over tiny different counties to Iiindly but peacefl atmosphere, study hard and enjoy themselves. 1. Mr. Bais 8 joumals. He knows qute alot of English, but he wants to improve is writing sil He wor long hours on weekly noice in London. 2. Ning is going to university next year and wants 10 spend this year improving her English. Sbe vans to meet people fom other pars of the word and havea good soci life. 3. Mrs, Quysn is 45, She would like to follow a individual course of study somewhere quiet and comfortable wth private teacher. 4. Trang is vising England forthe Sst sme this summer. Hell stay for a ‘month and hops to make new frends, bute rather shy, so hel ike a school with lots of ou-of las activites ‘5, Mal lives witha family in London and looks afer tei ie gris uring the day, She studies on her wn but she seo needs a language course that will Ihlp her prepare for her exams. . Put the following sentences into direc speech. 1. Minh sid that is sister worked fora company inthe iy center. 2. The examiner asked Lan how she Jermad English in et country. 3.Mr Phong sid that he was lensing English in an evening clas. 4, Paula told Lan not to be ate forthe exam the following day. 5, Neu atked Jane if she could speak Vietoamese. 6. Mr, Hue asked me how far it was fom my house to te schoo 1. The stidens said thatthe were having «test the mest Friday. 8. Trung asked the landlord how much thereat was, ‘9. Mai asked Hoang wheter his broter lived in Ho Chi Min City then, 10. Phuong sid that she diet have much tne to write to he fiends. “VI Fillin cach blank with the correct form ofthe word in capitals, Eg: 0. You mst be cori when you open tat door. ARE. 1. Ourschool has alotof___teschers. QUALIFY 2. When you tke an exam, you ae an, EXAMINE aaremenien 33 3. We cold see some swange ‘onher face. "EXPRESS 4. Your English is much beter, but there's sill rom for - IMPROVE, 5. You should write a leer of. to that insitue. “INQUIRE ‘VIL Match the two half sentences ithe two columns in a sutable way. Colema A Colveon B |.1you wantto get good marks... | A. you can phone me immediatly, 2 Ifyou want to catch the bus, 3. If you want w improve your writing sk. 4. Ir you meet Liz tomo. BB. Tear finish this work on ime, (Cou must as your parets ie. D. you should do moming exercise regula. E. you must study harder. F tal herto sll me, 5. you dont go out more oe, 6. If you dont rerum this book t0 the brary today. 7. Ifyou want tobe fier, you ave to pay aie 8 Ifyou need bel, H. you must lave now. 9. Ifyou want to go out. 1. you might al i 10.1 you don't help me,. { sould practice wring everyday ‘VII. Esch tne of the following passage contains one error, Find and write it ‘Number Os given as an example, ‘Ther are fi about 3,000 living languazes inthe world Q/__have_ today, but only six of them ones are major languages ofthe 1 ‘world. Two upper thirds ofthe world's population speak those 27 languages. More over than 409 milion people speck English 3/ as their frst or mative language. Another than 400 milion 4 speak it a8 second language. Nobody can knows exacly.5/ how many do people speak it asa foreign language. Chinese 6! is the only langage with more speakers than the English. 7/ ‘This is that because ofthe huge population of Chinese. It is $f true that Bogs isthe best most widespread language on the 9 arch. If mst isthe lamguspe of business, echnology, sport 107 snd aviation. a sawnenss 1X. Finish each ofthe following sentences in such a way that ii simi possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form ofthe given word. Eg 0, Whose bag is this? BELONG Who does this bag belong to? 1. "You should enol in his college," sid my father. ADVIS 2 fhe doest hurry, she wil miss te lst tain, 3. Wosk had or you cart pass the exam. + 4." Where are you working now, Nam” said Pater 5. Letsatend the Brighton Language Center. X, Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter. Dear Si, 1.1 see school's adverisement TV lastnight 2.11 imereed lear English and /T/ ike information / school 3.1/ study / English / four years J but / want / improve / speaking ! and / listening ski 4.1 be very gratefl/if/ you sed details courses / ees 8 5. Look forward / ear / you / soon : Yours sincerely Nginen Thanh Nam FUN CORNER LANGUAGE QUIZ ‘Anowor the quiz questions. 1. What does "mother tongue” mean? A your mothers language B. body language C. your native language foreign language 2. Approximately how many living languages are therein the word toda 4,500 B. 10,000 12,000 D. 15,000 3. Approximately how many people in the world speak English a8 ist language? A.S0million B.350 milion 600 million . $00 milion 4 Outside Japan, where elses Japanese spoken by roughly 2 millon people? A Argentina BUSA ©. Canada D. Brasil 5. For whom was the communication system known as Braille developed? Ath deat the lind the mentally handicapped D. the dumb ‘6. What nationality was the creator ofthe artifsial language Esperanto? Spanish D.Ressian A. French Polish someone who studies the development and usage of 11. What do you e language? A. apolylot Ban inverter C.atansator D.slinguist, 8, Where can you hear puronghua spoken? A, China B. Mexico Ci D. Cambodia 9. Which language has the most letters in its alphabet? A. Khmer B. Russian English D. Portuguese 10, When is language ist thought to have appeared? 710,000 yeas ag0 . 100200,000 years ag0 ‘4, 25000 years ago . 30450,000 years ag9 WRITTEN TEST 2 ‘Time: 45 minates. Totals 100 points PART 1.Choose the word in ach grdup that has the underlined part ‘Pronounced differently from the rest (10 points) Eg 0Aciy Boy Cosky Dew Answer: 0.8. ity 1 Acompur Borla Cilocate §——D.fision 2 Acqulify Bibage —C.procery scenery 3. Acguber Buber Cettnie” although 4. Acploughed published C.ordered prayed 5. Avexchange”Burewch_ ——C.ghnce =D champagne PART 2. Filia each blank with ONE suitable word (20 points) Zamesbof invented a new language (1, Esperanto to improve understanding between Q) ‘of diffrent counties, He showed ‘leads to Find out (8), they thought about Tm te sae year he went sudy 6). univers in ‘improve Esperanto, Zamenhots fends then J new language. They tried to persuade schools troughout the world fo teach it. However, only (9) ‘people today speak Esperanto because more and more people use (10) wa foreign language. {PART 5 Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the ‘correct answer inthe space provided. (20 points) Eg: 0.Henot went camping with his fiends last Sunday. didn go 1. Me. Quang said tht he was going Ho Chi Minh City tomomow. 2. We wish that it wil top raining, so we can go out, 2 53. Van and his friends reached Obio in Satay evening. 3/_ 4.1 Be won't come soon, he might beat fortheexam, 4) 5, Poul told me that she is happy o see my sister s [PART4, Choose the best answer for each ofthe following sentence. 10 points) 1. Viet gor up late he eouldn eat he frst bus. Athen Bo Cas D.when 2, Hecant ex money he bas n job Avunless Bont cit D. without 3. Long wisheshe _ have to clean al the windows dost Bedoeset —C.vasnt Didnt 4. Wemet a lot of people our holiday. ‘Aduring ——Bawhile for Dat 15. Direct speech: "Where are you going next Sunday” he asked me. Indirect speech’ A He asked me where am going next Sunday. B. He asked me where I am gong next Sunday. He asked me where was I going the fllowing Sunday 1D. He asked me where I was song te next Sti PARTS. Read the fist sentence, and then complete the second sentence with ‘the sme meaning. (20 points) 1. Practice speaking every day or you ant improve you Enalish i, z 2 ob ives ina small lt ante does’ kei. John wishes... ‘be yu gnipues ot ea Tig 00 sid Nam 10 me [Nam asked. 4 Spending the weekend in he countryside is very Wonderful Wenn =— 5.Ngais pease to meet er aunt again Soon, . Units Ness looking THE MEDIA PARTS. Put the wordsin the correct order to make meaning sentences (@poins) Eg 0. 2e/ schol / sever hundted/ here in /over students out (me THC CAN NHO a Answer: 0. There are ovr seven ned students in ou shoo. chies: 1. tunch is? now / cook! going hast the maket/he/@ Hoa { "is piverig en thong th dgi ching (obs‘et ‘ruyén thanh, fruyén hing, Intemet...) 2 whuther/ studying / school / stranger was /that/ meat asked Noi phép va ou te: = Cau héi dui (cou het ley ld 3. weight /meat want shoulda / much if lose /100/ you to eat you You have read this atticle on the webste, | haven'’ you? | : a Cu trite Ving sau met 96 dong ti: 4 between / Friday 4pm /a/and /on meeting /9 amis there, * fo enioy + V-ing toe +V-ing 5. visit London / dat / summer / uncle / eter / net Bis he / In /eould / | 6 ae | = Cée edu trae Tomake N+N Toget access to sth Theerd— Tavung: Tu vung v6 béo chi, uyén hinh, cong nghé théng +n, git Dong te BAITAP 1.” Read the passage below anid choose the best answer foreach space. There has been a revolution ia the woeld of newspapers. Not many years ()__ newspapers were stil being produced using techniques unchanged for ()__ hunted years a“ ‘The jain gave ther soris toa typist, who prepared them fora eter, ‘who pasted them on (3)___ the printer. The printer, who was (8)___ skilled sin, setup the type (5)__was then collected to make the pages When the pages were complete, he printing machines could be (6)___ ‘Nowadays what ()___? The joumalists type their stories into computer. The (8)___ cheeks their speling plans the page, shapes the aicles. When the ages are ready, another computer may conel the pining. @)__can be no doubt about it, producing a newspaper is an eniely Afferent (10)_now. 1. Abefore Batter Cage D.yet 2 Ae Bisome Can D.over 3 Aw Bey C.through D.widh 4 Alaedly — Bimostly. —C. partly Divery 5. AThey —— B.Which This D.all 6& Asswitthed — Bistated —C. stopped D.moved 7. Acgives ——-Boccurs C.goes D. happens 8 A.compuer Beditor — Cspist Diprinter & At B.Thee — C.You D.We Wo Ast Biwok — D. business TH. Give the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets to complete che sentences, 1. The children prefer (wate), TV to (read) books. 2. The boys ike lay) games bt hate (9) lessons. 3. Would you like (go) now or shaif we wait il the end?” 4 Tena‘ find my favor book. You (se). ia 5. Weused(deam)_ ofa television set when we be), sal 6, Would you mind (how) me bow (sen), memil IL Put the following sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful dialogue, 1, Tim the opposte. I love watehing documentaries, and some foreign films sem very valent ome. a 2. Yes, every day. They'e very funny. 3. You ke watching documentaries, dst you, Mink? 4, Yes, I do, I hardly miss a football match on TV. 5, But you watch cartons, dont you? 6, Not relly. Some documentaries are so boring, a dont ike watching ‘them, prefer ims, expecially foreign ons. 7 Lesjoy them too. You dont like spots, do you? 1, Read the passage and decide whether etch ofthe following statements true (H) oF false GLADIATORS “Theyre bg. Theyre song. They ough. They also tesa of one of the ‘mos popular programs on TV atthe moment. They ar the lain. At 5.40 {rey Saturday evening mlions of viewers of al ges switch on, For the next hour they wie four brave contenders Wo mea and two women ~fske pat in “Tost gating competion. In each program the contenders have to compet gains the Gditrs in si | einen events If they win they score pois. I they lose they jst get the | tyuises Te final even isthe Eliminator. The Glaitrs take a rest er, beease | the conenders compete aginst ech other. Tey bave trace over obstacles, such | sets Inder and ropes ea mos ruling end to» gracing compestion But | itsgratTV! | the Glaitrs re sal but very strong. | ctaiatorethe most popular program on TV. 5 Only young people like the program, 4. The program ison a 5.40 every evening. ‘5. The program ass fran hour. 1 There are six events in each progr. Ts tr the contenders win in an event, they will get money. 9. The Gladiators don’ take pact in the Eliminator To. The Eliminators the easiest event. * ys Complete each ofthe fllowiog sentences wih the correct a 1. Your bother dest ike watehing TV, 2 2 Levstisten tothe radi, 2 5, Marys eadng& bok inher room, 2 “is press Won't by him thé new game, 2 5. Youvejust wed he computer, _? {Tum ofthe television, 2th ar many intreing props toniht, 1. tate forthe party, 2 1, sid dda produce the ist TV picture before 1920, 10 They never g0 10 thetheate, 7 ‘vic ehoase one sentence that has the similar meaning to the original one, 1 Plas lower volume fom 11m ‘A Sith ofa 1 Da norma anise st mide. Reduce the mses 1 .Saitch ff Before midaaht 2 ning 0337710 plac an advertisement in hs paper. ‘A. You cin ake telephone cls fom here ‘Youcan buy advertiements here . Youean advertise if you ing this number p. Youcan wit advertisements on his paper 5 po not ads you picure. There isa tecnica fut ‘A Theis something wrong atthe TV station, Tere issmeting wrong with he TV. Cc. Youshoult switch off our TV ‘. You sos ell n engines a 4 When a program includes a °15" tm no person under ffeen years of age ‘canbe admited. A. These programs are over 1S yeas old, B, Anyone over 15 eansee thse fs (C. These programs were made fr 15 years od . Anjone unde 15 mist be withthe parents. ~ 5. Someone somewhere wants 10 ear from you [A You have forgoten to make a phone call, B. Why not make phone ell? a = C-Phone als ae cheaper now. . You bave let phone number ‘VIL Complete each space inthe following sentences with the right form of an appropriate verb. se the ROME 1. CoUld YOu vanes Om the TV, please? I want 2. Did 00 nnn that program on TV lastnight 3.Seh. Tm tothe radio, 4, Have YOU oon this ate? It's very good. 5, Ifyou are watching the TV, could you. oft please? 6, Stand ST ene pO. 7. Can you set the video-ecorder? I want. this program. 8. dont nnn the Intmet very often beeause don't have much time 9. YOU CAR revnomenn With me by means of el or cating, 10, Ia the past, town ees th latest nets a they were walking ‘through tees. ‘VIM. Reau the text and choose the best sentence (Ato) till in each gap. ‘Everybody har beard about the Intec, but do you know that an inranet” ie? ()__B__. Int, intranets make ase of the same software programs ar the Totem t couact computers and people. ©. If your invanet i working propery, Ht can Tink together @ huge amount of information whichis sored in different, places in the company. 2) ‘A company intranet can, of ‘couse, be used for unimportat infomation like office memos and canteen menus. G3), ‘The intranet isa get idea, bt the system only works if everyone on the intranet i willing to share their ‘information with other people. (8)_. Another problem which often occurs Is that top managers like to use the intanet 10 “communicate down" rather’ than t "communicate across" oO. ‘A. Unforunately, inaay deparments dost want to share their specialist, Knowledge with others. Bi, It is this: just asthe Internet connects people around the world, intranets ‘connect people within single company. ©. The more information it tas, the more people wil use it D. In this way, people ean ge the informatio they ned, regardless of where ‘comes fom. E. Most employees prefer communicate by telephone orn writing. F. But an intranet should provide important information which people need to ‘make decisions bout new products, cos and 0 00, G. This means that you donot have to buy alt of additonal programs to set pan irene service. HL That, they se the intent to give orders, not exchange infomation ‘between themselves and others working inthe same organization. 1. Ofcourse, i they doo have computer termina, they cannot make use of the system, 1X. Read the first sentence, and then complete the second sentence withthe same meaning. |. Reading newspapers inthe moming gives him pleasure He e105 ener 6 1 . Complete each of the follow 2. They first printed "The Times" vvo hondred years go, "The Times. a - 53. Does your brother use the Internet every day? Your bother - . 4, Please dont watch that film: ifs very violent Please $0P nnn 5, Some newspapers have more pictures than tests. Thee ae. sentences about the advantages of 1. Nowadays / Inlemet increasingly / develop /and/ become! par. / our / sally ti 2. It/ provide great benefits milions/ people al the wor stall terete fast /conveient way /us/ get infraton 4. We communicate ends! reltives means Jena hat 5, Secondly / Internet! provide us unmited source / entertainment, 6, Wer play games/ listen musi movies /Insemet. 1 eect Sse a ana 4. Thabo any Yeti lemons one sols 0 choot. a 9 conclusion Item! be J wonderful invention modem lif. 10. Nobody deny / benefits Itemet our everyday activities, FUN CORNER: . NEWSPAPER MISPRINTS In each ofthe following extracts from a newspaper thre is a misprint (usualy 8 word) which completely changes the meaning ofthe sentence. Write down the word which Is wrong ane lo write down which werd should have been sed instead (oe word “Mone. spin 1.A tet wert ino te changing room at Hastings Honey. Unit focal eb, Honey was ten fom te ockssaf ive player 2 The final pate of the chide’ concer willbe ‘son Study afemaoon between 2.00 and 20, 5. The woman vant to share he it with arse. 44 The man was Bolding gin a he entered the bank. 5S. Ase asthe ual pies over 50 swimming cifenes were presatad The stool coi snk during he evening 6 Mr. Daves, who was onthe boat deck, athe rulsand dew alias othe crowning man. 7. Delecves kept a wich on the Bouse for to week. Lady requted for 12 hous per week © ean enn sal officers at Staion Road, On 9. Arsenal are hoping their new center wil be it ‘enough to play on Sourday agsinst Manchester United 10 Alle bridesmaids wore remo “ FIRST SEMESTER TEST ‘Time: 60 minutee oral: 100 pointe PART 1. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently fom the ret. (10 points) Eg 0. Aci Bm Cake Dew Answer: 0. Aci LA respond Biremgte —C.contgl —_D. ntice 2 Achobhy Bode C.poey —D.primany 2 Acomie Bicampus. C.ingome De ancess | 4. Acgovemment B.moment C. coment D. development 5. Ackaoe Bishow — C.ploe D.flaw || PART 2. Give the correct form of the verb in Brackets in the folowing sentence, (points) 1. eaot see), your brother recently | No. te (aot) ‘out of his oom since be buy) anew computer. 2. My chien enjoy (allow) (ay) up Inte whe there is something special on TV. 3. When 1 (com), to ste Mr Robinson last night, be (es ‘newspaper and his two children (ists) to an English song 4. The ao dat (meation), in poems and songs for centuries, end nowadays they (wea) Dpymany Vietamese women at work, PART. Fill each sumbered blank with one atableword complete he passage. (Co points) Nowadays, mote and more people are changing the way they use their televisions. Some years ago We (1), to tum on TV and watch whatever there was. But now we choose the Progiains we watch @)—__- more ‘aefilly because we have many (3) intereting thingsto do. One result semen « ofthis change i that we are also becoming #)__ television set elf. AS we watch fewer progam ©. really good pctre, wih bight color and cler sound. Because it ‘wil be etched ff (0) “he ime, we also aut the elevision 1 ook food shen we ae not waiching it, So when we (7). ‘or tent we 100k at see ige wo make sure iis atrectve and will look ight ®)_____ other fbture. OF course, we have to pay more igh qualify. However it ‘secs thatthe numberof people (10) ‘we coment o do sos inteasing, is ahould have a good result, Because inthe end all televisions will ave beter quali PART. There ira mistake inthe four underlined parts of cach sentence, Find and correct (10 points) ‘Bg: 0 My bother ge sing sintvin New York nexttenth a onc D Asower:0.8.-> 8 gre 1. Your isd weot you-masve ila ls wckené, eset? a B © D 2. rake wg ot fr Sines bt don et Hike meat oleh | a 8B c D 5. Lanett she gan. Singapore ai her pn a 3 crea, 4 My brother dda wear ha ulm snes he ft =eool a Roc OD 4. Nam shed Mai what gan dow ble a Boo D ‘PART, Rea pasageelowand choase on correctanswer foreach question (¢o point) ATLANTIC COLLEGE Les week 1 went to visit Aten College, an excellent private college in ‘wale, Unusual, it gives young people much needed experience of life outside 50 somes ‘the classroom, as well as the opporunity to stay fr ther exams. The students, ‘who are aged between 16 and 18 and come from allover the work, spend the rmoming studying. In the afternoon they go cut and do & realy useful activity, such as helping on the farm, looking after people with laringdificulis, ot checking for pollution in rivers. ‘One ofthe gret things shout Atlantic College studeni is that they come fom many different social backgrounds and countries. As few can afford the fees of £20,000 aver two years, rans ae salable. quarter of the stents ae British, and many of those can oaly attend because they receive government belp. "IL weally edmire the college for ying to encourage jniemationst “understanding among young people", as Barbara Molenkamp, 2 stent from the "Netherlands, ssid, "You lea to ive with people and respect them even the ones yu doa ik. Daring the summer holidays my mother coulda belies how much less argued with my sister” To sum up, Atlantic College gives its stdents an excellent education, wing methods which wally seem to work, 1. What is the writer trying todo inthe ext? A. Give an opinion about a particular student. B. Give an opinion abou special typeof eduestion . Describe the activities the students do in tei frst. D. Describe his own experience of education, 2, What can a reader find out fom this ext? ‘A. How to become a stadent at Atlantic College. 'B, What kind of program Atlantic College offers. C, What the British education sytem slike. How to get slong beter with other people. 3. Whal sth writers opinion of Aan College? 'A.Tt does’ allow stdents enough study te, BB. Is stents are taught wo lke eachother. At doeen' give good value for money Dis way of teaching is successful, st 4, How has Barbara change since being at Atlantic College? ~ [AvShe knows aot about other countries. ', She ie more confident than ber sister now. She finds it easier to get on wih other people 1D, She prefers her new ftiends to her family 5, Which advertisement uses conect information about Alani College? A B. Study at Atlantis College Courses for 16-18 year old Morning lessons and afternoon ‘ctvities Hep with fees Swudy at Atlantic College. Courses for 16:18 years old. ‘Lesons all morning, port in the afternoon 3.1m sorry Im not able ogo with you po with you. 4"Are you leaving for Ha Not tomorrow" he sai tome var Heasked me o for Ha Noi the folowing day 5. Prather read newspapers than watch TV. B0Uptee ren sovnes Te ‘PART 7. Complete each sentence ofthe fllowing eter. (10 points) Dear Liz, 1. t/be/ Tong time / since /1/ ast ae /308. wich 1 2. You ke /come/ stay me /cotage / countryside? ly / weleome i want / vist Many fre places avalable ‘Students of all age welome. hee Help with fos available. PART 6, Using the words given and other words to complete the second sentence so thats has siilar meaning to the fist rentence. Do not ehange the word given, You mist use between Zand § words in total. (10 points) Eg: 0 Whove bag is his? belong Who does is bg belong 0? 1. They fst introduced the new syle of jeans in 2000, didnt they? Jn “The new style of jns was fst peeeeeebetere' 2. She last wrote to me seven months ago fo Ste fer coven months 2 svalablee © ° 3. You/ your Swudy at Atlantic College. Sty at Atlantic Colo (sss on Intemational topics ‘Learn English ina eal beach 4, What about / come /the end next sion? 5. Write ot / me know (come, = Theend~ FIRST SEMESTER TEST (Advanced Level) “ime: 90 minutes, otal: 10 points PART 1. Choore a word that has diferent ses pattern. (5 points) Eg 0. Aclimate — Bcomprise C.casual cotton “Aner 0.B. comprise 1. Acpmpose = Biremote—C.control_ Da espond 2. Ainermediste B. documentary C. psychedelic D. communicate 5. Avinspiraion B. collection C.reputtion _D-limittion 4. Acscenery Bi. dormitory C. minority _D-teitory 5. Aiotesetive Besparence C.eommercial D. linguists ‘PART2. fill each blank of the following passage with one suitable word. (20 points) HOLIDAY COURSES IN ENGLAND Cr clasts take place fr tvee hous every shoring from Monday to Friday. “The masimam class sie is welve and he average is ten. We use modem methods of (1) and learning, an the school has 2 language laboratory, a video ‘aunerd and recorder. You will only be sucessful @)___ improving your ‘Enis, however, if you wok bard and (3) ‘speaking English as much ‘3 you can, You wll take a short (4 Tm English a soon as you ative. In thie way, ean put you in (3), athe most suitable level, ‘There are two classes at the Flementary lovely one is for complete ©. snd the other is for students who know only 2 (7), English, Tn both lasses you wll practice simple conversations. nthe class at he Tatermediae (8) you wil have alot of practice in communication in sealife simation (@)_ we help you to use the English you have ‘revously stadied in your om county. You wil also have the chance to improve your (10) ‘of English grammar and to build up your vocabulary. PART 3, Choose the beet anwer foreach of the following sentences. (5 points) 1. They have never Abad ny expeience of living inthe county. B. wished done D.made 2. Doyou. ny turing the television on now? A.want Bobject —C.mind Da disprove 53. Take this road and you will at the hotel in five minutes Acme Become C.find D. reach 4, Wait you get ome before you unpack your pace. Ato Bum Cowhen afer 5. They have to take that French cours, they? Avhavent — Bomustit —C.neednt —_D, dot ‘PART 4. The following partage containe I erors. Find and correct them. “The frst one has been done as an example. (20 points) ‘Summer in England is the beter season ofall. The sky is clear ea blue. The ‘sun shinesbright, Buti i not pleasant to go cut at noon because of the sn Gazzles our eyes, The air ie generally dy, Is very pleasat taking walkin the ‘morning when the county is cool, or asin onthe evening when the sunshine is ot 3 hea, and the moon ries above the orizoa. Hove beauty it iin summer in the countryside. There high inthe sky, there as the moon which sheds ifs silver light together with thousand of ie srs winking end twinkling Bxample: 0. beter» Best 1 2 = 4 8 6 1 Bonnnnninn 9 10. PART 5, Read the Fllowing pasage and choose the correct word fo each space (points) CAMPING Although (0)___ groups of poople have always lived outdoers in tents camping as we know it today only began tobe (1)___ about 50 years ago. The inerease inthe use of ears and improvements in camping (2)__ have allowed tore people to travel longer 3) into the countryside and to siay therein areater comfort Many camper like to be (3)__ thermselves in quit areas, so they (5)__ their tent and food and walk or cjele into the forests or the mounuins. Others FS refering to be near people, drive to a public or prvately-evmed campsite (©)__hus up-to-date faites, 7)___bot showers and swimming pools. Whetser eampers ae (8)___ ia the mountsins or on a busy site, they should remember 10 (9)__ the area lean and tidy In the forests, they mnt pul out any Fires and keep food Hidden to avoid atractng (10) animals, 2. Aboth Bovey ©.some Deeach 1. famous B.popolar favorite D.curent 2 A wots Bibsggage equipment property 3 Aways Bediections ——C.voyages——_—D. distances 4 Ace Boy ca Dot 5. A take Bimake Crick 6 Avwhere BL who C which D. when 7 Auch Bi like Cas D-jast 8. Alonely single Coseparnte ——D. alone 9 Ammen — Bostay Cleave, D.tet 10. Aid Benatual loose D. fee PART 6, il in each blank with the correct form of the word in capitals. (20 points) 1. I watch the news every day because ifs very INFORM 2 The Imtemet isa very useful means of COMMUNICATE 3. Weean see many enTV everyday, ADVERTISE 4. They ive in a ‘area in the nori-east of MOUNTAIN ‘Be country. Stes of you to cheat inthe exam. HONEST 6. The police ar looking fora dangerous ‘CRIME 7. She resives alot of. fiomber frends. COURAGE 8. There ae bout wearing uniforms ARGUE at school situation in that country is gesing ECONOMY developed in every field, INCREASE PART?. Rewrite cach of the flloming sentences in such a way that iti as similaras possble in meaning © the orginal sentence Use the word fiver and other words ar necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. (10poins) . Eg: 0. Whose book is his? (Belong) “Answer: Who does this book belong fo? |. Matcont invented radi abou a hundred years ago. was) 2s pity my fiber ant speak Enlish (mb) 3 "Do these clothes belong to you” said Liz tome. 4, Did you usually wear jeans when you were young? (se) 5. We have never been to Viet naive wilage before. (me) PARTS, Arrange the fllowing words to make meaningful sentences. Do not ‘omit any word and you can make any change iit s necessiry. Each sentence begins wth the word in capitals. (10 points) £40. bother / two / London /ago 1 your meetin weeks. “Answer: met your brother in London v0 weeks ago. 1. wate fread / brother / detective stries/ not /ejoy / My detective films / be but Hike, 2 daigeous /many / ls! programs / The Inteet /becanse viruses / be ‘here and be / bad. 37 again /apoegie never he Tere 0 te 4 home finish boring weit / The film be /30/ go very before 5. pen love aries Nan ity oot rom ante veer Unit 6 THE ENVIRONMENT KIEN THOC CAN NHO chi 66 Mol frsdng va béo v8 mo tude Nat phap va e6utroe ~Ménik d8 phy trang nQd chi nguyén nhdn (es, because, since) Ba is thed as/ since/ because he stayed up late watching TV. Adj + thot + méah 68 lam pleased thot you are working hard. = Cdu abu kn loo 1. If we go on itoring, the environment wil become setiously polluted. ~ Céch dng cu tic : to keep + N+ Ad) Tuwang: Tavung vé ml ung va béo ve mol trong Tinh fava trang facing 96c voihou ty" BALTAP 1 Choose the words from the box to complete the folosing passage. iggy resens wastes poltion reopen products aris disposing sources garbage Many cies have a serious potuion problem. Motor vehicle, factories, and other (0, create so much ar pollution tha it may hang inthe air lke s @ fog. Air pollution @), the heath ofthe people who live | in cles Gig, ceuse Water polation when they are poured into wvaterways: These waster Kill fish and make some (3) unfit for svimining. In addition, many large cities have difficulty ()______of their fatbage. The amount of () ‘grows each year, bot places te pot it ae ‘icky filing up Citizens, governments industries, scientists, and business people must work together to graually reduce (8)____- For example, most cites have Introduced (9), ‘programs, wi ext down on garbage and the space ceded to store Te Residents separate rooycable product fom gabe, and city ‘goverinens provide drop-off cites or pick yp the (10)_ from homes. 1 Fillin each blank withthe correct form ofthe word in capitals. Eg; 0. Yous be carefil when you open that door. CARE 1. We must Jam about keeping the envronment__._POLLU 2. Dont eat those vegetables. They POISON 3. Welllive a happier and __ lifeifwekeep HEALTH tr environment clean 4, You sre talking complete EEnee 5. Environmental _isevenbody/s esponsibility. pROTECT TIL Use the suggestions to make conditional sentences type 1. | 0.48. the eanh get warmer Life earth gts warmer, the sea wil get warmer. 1. the sea get warmer 2 thee atthe North and South Poles melt 4 5. the se level se 4 51 4 there be loads in many parts ofthe world Goce sn - ‘5. meny people lose ther homes nd land IV. Choose the best option ia brackets to complete each of the following 1. Weareall uu destroying the envionment around ws (low / sl) 2. Wild plans and animals on the earth are Aisppeasng. (uick / nutty) 3. Fam workers ave wor Vey neon ding the harvest (ard /ary 4. Bob s sometimes & nen eve. hin he dives when e's ins bury, (dangerous / dangerous) 5. Please dont 29100 sn the ge ofthe el: (tear / near) 6 Mb, Blick sounded rely son his morning. He bd bis ear tle. Gonhsppy /wxbapply) 71 Fg UR en Fin ts aa, (comparative / comparatively) 8. The lakes in ou town are ptlted (aa bal) 9. My uncle's od car was but is new one is very (ow / slowly ~fest/fasti) 10, Whats for one? Kt smelis very (eliious delicous) '. Read the folowing passage carefully, For each ofthe following dietioary Sefiitions, write down the correet word (printed in bold fype in the passage). The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution. However, litle i known about the long-term effets of sich slow poigning. The most serious problem of modem time is that man is deswoying the car's rotural resources and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result itis becoming exttemely difficult to grow enough to fed the word's rapidly inereasing population. A way of protesting ll the willie the earth 0 ‘must also be found as many species are in danger of disappearing completely for the face ofthe earth. The danger, however, is nt confined solely to the land tnd the sea. The smoke in'the atmosphere, for example, is inceasing'so much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man's whole cavironment i being changed in serous way. binds, animals, sh which are not tamed 1. keeping something safe fom harm 2 the proces of making something dry or impure 3, boren area, desert 4. thea water and lad in which we ive 5. completly changing in fom or nature 6, wealth, goods or products people can we 7 the sir surounding the earth 8 the minber of peopl living in place 9. difficulty which neds tention and thought 10. results, consequences wae ‘VL Complete cach ofthe fellowing sentences with your own words. tis extremely important tha. 2. Tei suprising tat 3. tim not pleased that. 4 Te seems necessary tht. 5. fm afraid shat 6, We are disappointed that. 7. Nesterday she was annoyed that a scnnnienn 8. He ica that. 9. They are amazed that 10.Tim sorry tht. ‘Vil. Match cach half-sentence in column A with »saitable one fa column using Because, as or since. We ext ase wat in tis well beme the mary chemi fast poles it.) Column A ‘Column B ‘2 The nearby chemical factory polls it 1, The smoke and. gas fom, the nearby factory is harm Is water is highly polluted. 4. We have ensformed many sreat into wasieland.| € The forests, their home ae being seriously destroyed They ‘can be callected ant reeycled. ‘VITL Fill in each blank witha correct prepsiton. 1 The teacher divided he e855 ann 2. We will prove you to groups. plastic begs. 3. Were affid to sty that we don't agree - your project. 1 eauses ‘many bad things. he environment, 4, Tom's parents as disppoiated him because he filed the nal test 5, Take an umbrella with you, Iti s8¥6 YOU ons geting Wel on the ‘way home. 6. The boy Keeps cannsnninse abking bis futher the environment. 7. The svete ae fill 8. We are all responsible and clean, protecting soe bag. keeping the envionment clear 1%, Choose the Best answer foreach ofthe following sentences 1. Js it eve the law says there is no amokng in restaurants in this ely? Acthatwhat Bhat cif Data: chad no money fora bus, he ba to walk al the way home A. For B.Ths C80 D.As 3. The hotel has been built onthe ofthe lake, ‘A.tonder Bboutry “C.edge D. front 4. His a great that you werent concerned much about the environment arouid ws. Avnity B.somow —C.complaint _D. sadness s.itis ‘unlikely thatthe Presiden wil agree fo open the ew apart A. mainly Bibighly —C.lawely DD. greatly X. Complete each sentence of the fllowing etter. Dear Me. Smith, 1. Lite complain / it / smoke / come / your factory chimneys. 2. Two days ago /T decide /do/ my washing 3 "he poy ey hee 6. This be not only / because / sheets but beeause/ we /two smal children / ‘who be mske breathe / same ai.

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