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Topic 3 - Periodicity SL

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Periodicity SL

Syllabus objectives
3.1 Periodic table
• The periodic table is arranged into four blocks associated with the four sub-
levels—s, p, d, and f.
• The periodic table consists of groups (vertical columns) and periods (horizontal
• The period number (n) is the outer energy level that is occupied by electrons.
• The number of the principal energy level and the number of the valence electrons
in an atom can be deduced from its position on the periodic table.
• The periodic table shows the positions of metals, non-metals and metalloids.
Applications and skills:
• Deduction of the electron configuration of an atom from the element’s position
on the periodic table, and vice versa.
• The terms alkali metals, halogens, noble gases, transition metals, lanthanoids and
actinoids should be known.
• The group numbering scheme from group 1 to group 18, as recommended by
IUPAC, should be used.
3.2 Periodic trends
• Vertical and horizontal trends in the periodic table exist for atomic radius, ionic
radius, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity.
• Trends in metallic and non-metallic behaviour are due to the trends above.
• Oxides change from basic through amphoteric to acidic across a period.
Applications and skills:
• Prediction and explanation of the metallic and non-metallic behaviour of an
element based on its position in the periodic table.
• Discussion of the similarities and differences in the properties of elements in the
same group, with reference to alkali metals (group 1) and halogens (group 17).
• Construction of equations to explain the pH changes for reactions of Na2O, MgO,
P4O10, and the oxides of nitrogen and sulfur with water.
• Only examples of general trends across periods and down groups are required.
• For ionization energy the discontinuities in the increase across a period should be
• Group trends should include the treatment of the reactions of alkali metals with
water, alkali metals with halogens and halogens with halide ions.

Periodicity SL -1-

Syllabus checklist

Objective I am confident I need to review I need help with

with this this this
Outline the meaning of the
terms group and period with
respect to the periodic table
State the names of the
different groups on the
periodic table
Deduce the electron
configuration of an atom from
its position on the periodic
table and vice versa
Outline the concept of
effective nuclear charge
Explain the trends in atomic
radius down a group and
across a period in the periodic
Explain the trends in ionic
radius down a group and
across a period in the periodic
Outline the meaning of the
term ionisation energy
Explain the trend in ionisation
energy down a group and
across a period in the periodic
Outline the reasons for the
discontinuities in the increase
in ionisation energy across a
Out the meaning of the term
Explain the trend in
electronegativity down a
group and across a period in
the periodic table
Outline the meaning of the
term electron affinity
Explain the trend in electron
affinity in the periodic table

Periodicity SL -2-

Describe the trend in melting
point across a period (periods
2 and 3) in the periodic table
Describe the trend in metallic
character down a group and
across a period in the periodic
State the changes in acid-base
character for the period 3
Write equations for the
reactions of Na2O, MgO,
P4O10, and the oxides of
nitrogen and sulfur with
Write equations for the
reactions of the group 1
metals with water
Describe the trends in the
group 1 metals (melting point,
ionisation energy,
electronegativity, reactivity,
metallic character)
Describe the trends in the
group 17 elements (boiling
point, ionisation energy,
electronegativity, reactivity)
Write equations for the
reactions of the group 17
elements with group 1 metals
Write equations for the
displacement reactions of
group 17 elements with halide

Periodicity SL -3-

Introduction to the periodic table
• Elements in the periodic table are arranged in groups and periods.
• A group is a vertical column in the periodic table.
• Elements in the same group have the same number of electrons in the outer energy
level (valence electrons).
• A period is a horizontal row.
• Elements in the same period have the same number of occupied main energy levels.
• Elements on the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

Names of the groups in the periodic table

 Group 1 – Alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)

 Group 2 - Alkaline Earth metals (Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba)
 Group 17 – Halogens (salt formers) (F, Cl, Br, I, At)
 Group 18 – Noble gases (Ne, He, Kr, Xe, Rn)
 Groups 3 – 12: Transition metals (elements)
 La – Lu: Lanthanides (lanthanoids)
 Ac – Lr: Actinides (actinoids)

Periodicity SL -4-

Electron configurations and the periodic table
• The electron configuration of an element can be deduced from its position on the
periodic table and vice-versa.

• The electron configuration of Li is 1s2 2s1
• Lithium is an s block element in group 1 and period 2.
• Li has 2 occupied energy levels with the valence shell (n=2) containing 1 electron in
the 2s sub-level.

Deduce the electron configuration of Ca, S and Kr from their positions in the periodic table.



Periodicity SL -5-

Electron shielding
• Electron shielding occurs when the inner (shielding) electrons shield the outer
(valence) electrons from the full attraction of the nucleus.
• The valence electron(s) within an atom require less energy to remove than the inner

• Electron shielding remains constant across a period (left to right) because the
number of shielding electrons is the same across a period.
• Electron shielding increases down a group because the number of shielding electrons
increase down a group.

Nuclear charge and effective nuclear charge (Zeff)

• The nuclear charge of an atom is given by the atomic number (the number of
protons in the nucleus) and increases by one between successive elements in the
periodic table, as a proton is added to the nucleus.
• The outer valence electrons do not experience the full attraction from the nucleus as
they are shielded from the nucleus and repelled by inner electrons.
• Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) is the net positive charge experienced by valence
• The effective nuclear charge is less than the actual nuclear charge.
• The effective nuclear charge can be approximated by the following equation, where
Z is the atomic number and S is the number of shielding electrons.

Zeff = Z – S
Z is the atomic number
S is the number of shielding electrons

Periodicity SL -6-

Atomic radius
• The atomic radius (van der Waals radius) is measured as half the distance between
neighboring nuclei (as shown in the diagram below).
• Atomic and ionic radii values can be found in section 9 of the data booklet.

Trend across a period

Explanation for the trend:

• Nuclear charge increases across a period.
• Across a period, electrons are added to the same main energy level (electron
shielding remains constant).
• The electrons are pulled closer to the nucleus, therefore, the atomic radius

Trend in atomic radius down a group

The atomic radius increases down a

group as the number of occupied
energy levels increases.
This results in a weaker attraction
between the nucleus and the valence

Periodicity SL -7-

Trends in ionic radius
Positive ions (cations)

• Positive ions are smaller than their parent atoms.

• Positive ions have less occupied energy levels than their parent atoms.
• Positive ions have more protons than electrons which results in an increased
attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons.

Negative ions (anions)

• Negative ions are bigger than the parent atoms.

• Negative ions have more electrons than protons so the attraction between the
nucleus and valence electrons decreases.

Periodicity SL -8-

1) State and explain the trend in atomic radius down a group.

2) State and explain the trend in atomic radius across a period.

3) State and explain which is smaller, the lithium atom or the lithium ion (Li+).

4) State and explain which is bigger, the fluorine atom or the fluoride ion (F-).

5) Arrange the following in order of increasing atomic radius (smallest first): Cl, Si, Na.
Explain your reasoning.

6) Arrange the following in order of increasing radius: Mg2+, Na+, O2-, F-, N3-, Al3+. Explain
your reasoning.

Periodicity SL -9-

Ionisation energy
• The first ionisation energy of an element is the energy required to remove one mole
of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms.
X(g) → X+(g) + e-
• First ionisation energies are a measure of the attraction between the nucleus and
the outermost (valence) electrons.

Two general trends can be seen from the above graph.
Down a group:
Ionisation energy decreases down a group.
1. As the number of occupied energy levels increases, the valence electrons are further
from the nucleus which results in a weaker electrostatic attraction between nucleus
and valence electrons.
2. Increased electron shielding by the inner electrons reduces the electrostatic
attraction between nucleus and valence electrons.

Across a period:
Ionisation energy increases across a period (left to right).
1. As nuclear charge increases across a period, the electrostatic attraction between the
nucleus and valence electrons increases.
2. Atomic radius decreases across a period – valence electrons are closer to the nucleus
which results in a stronger attraction between the nucleus and the valence

Periodicity SL - 10 -
Exceptions in the trend of ionisation energy (Be – B and Mg – Al)

• Be has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2

• B has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p1
• Electrons in p orbitals are of higher energy and further from the nucleus than
electrons in s orbitals, therefore they require less energy to remove.
• The same explanation can be applied for the drop in ionisation energy from Mg to Al,
except that the electron configurations are 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 and 1s2 2s2 2p63s2 3p1

N – O and P – S

• N has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p3

• O has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p4
• For oxygen, the electron is removed from a doubly occupied p orbital. An electron in
a doubly occupied orbital is repelled by the other electron and requires less energy
to remove than an electron in a half-filled orbital.

Periodicity SL - 11 -
1) Outline what is meant by first ionisation energy.

2) State and explain the trend in ionisation energy across period 3.

3) State and explain the trend in ionisation energy down group 1.

4) Explain the reason for the decrease in ionisation energy between Mg and Al.

5) Explain the reason for the decrease in ionisation energy between P and S.

Periodicity SL - 12 -
• Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom to attract a bonding pair of
• Electronegativity is measured on a relative scale called the Pauling scale which
assigns fluorine a value of 4.0 and francium a value of 0.7
• Electronegativity values of elements can be found in section 8 of the IB data booklet.

• Electronegativity increases from left to right across a period for two reasons; the
increase in nuclear charge and the decrease in atomic radius.
• Electronegativity decreases down a group because of increasing atomic radius
(bonding electrons are further from the attraction of the nucleus).

1) Define electronegativity.

2) State and explain the trend in electronegativity across a period.

3) State and explain the trend in electronegativity down a group.

Periodicity SL - 13 -
Electron affinity
• The first electron affinity is the energy released when one mole of electrons is added
to one mole of gaseous atoms to form one mole of 1- ions.
X(g) + e- → X-(g)
• The second electron affinity corresponds to the addition of one mole of electrons to
one mole of gaseous 1- ions.
X-(g) + e- → X2-(g)

Electron affinity decreases down a group

• The increased nuclear charge down a group is offset by increased electron shielding.
• The greater the distance between the nucleus and the outer energy level, the
weaker the electrostatic attraction and less energy is released when an electron is
added to the atom.

1) Define first electron affinity.

2) State and explain the trend in electron affinity down a group.

3) Explain why the second electron affinity of oxygen is endothermic.

Periodicity SL - 14 -
Melting point

• Melting point depends on the type of bonding (covalent, ionic or metallic) and
structure (ionic lattice, molecular covalent, giant covalent, or metallic structures).
• Melting point increases across a period as the strength of the metallic bond
• It reaches a peak at carbon and silicon, both of which have giant covalent structures.
• Melting points then decrease with elements that have molecular covalent structures.

1) What are two factors that determine the melting point of an element?

2) Describe and explain the general trend in melting point in the metals in periods 2
and 3.

3) Explain the reason for the peak in melting point in C (carbon) and Si (silicon).

4) Describe and explain the trend in melting point for the elements after C and Si in
periods 2 and 3.

Periodicity SL - 15 -
Metallic character
• The metallic character of an element can be defined as how easily an atom loses
• Metals tend to lose their outer electrons to form positive ions and non-metals tend
to gain electrons to form negative ions.
• Metallic character decreases as you move from left to right across a period in the
periodic table; increasing nuclear charge and decreasing atomic radius across a
period means the outer electrons are held more tightly.
• Metallic character increases down a group in the periodic table as the outer
electrons become easier to remove as the atomic radius increases.


1) State the property used to classify elements as metallic.

2) Describe and explain the trend in metallic character across a period and down a group.

Acid – base character of the period 3 oxides

Complete the table below showing the acid-base properties of period 3 oxides:

Formula and state Na2O(s) MgO(s) Al2O3(s) SiO2(s) P4O10(s)/ SO3(l)/ Cl2O7(l)/
at room P4O6(s) SO2(g) Cl2O(g)
Acid–base Basic Amphoteric

• Metal oxides are basic.

• Aluminium oxide, an ionic oxide with some covalent character is amphoteric (can act
as both an acid and a base).
• The remaining oxides have acidic properties.

1) Describe and explain the trend in the bonding of the oxides across period 3.

2) Describe the trend in acid-base character of the period 3 oxides.

3) Write equations for the reactions of Na, Mg, S, P and NO2 with water.

Periodicity SL - 16 -
Chemical properties of group 1 and group 17 elements
• The chemical properties of an element are determined by its electron configuration.
• Elements of the same group have similar chemical properties as they have the same
number of electrons in their outer shells.

Group 1 – the alkali metals

• Alkali metals are very reactive metals – they are shiny when cut, but quickly react
with oxygen in air to form a layer of oxide.
• They are stored in oil to prevent the reaction with air.
• They have low densities – Li, Na and K float on water.
• They have low melting points – the melting point decreases down the group as the
metallic bond weakens.
• Alkali metals react by losing their one valence electron to form positive ions.

• Reactivity increases down the group.

• The atomic radius increases down a group as the number of
occupied energy levels increases.
• Less energy is required to remove the outer electron
(ionisation energy decreases).

Reactions with water

• The group 1 metals react with water to form hydrogen gas and the metal hydroxide.
• The resulting solution is alkaline (pH 12-14)
2Li(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2LiOH(aq) + H2(g)

1) Explain why the alkali metals are stored in oil.

2) Which of the 3 alkali metals have a density of less than 1 gcm-3 (which float on water)?

Periodicity SL - 17 -
3) Describe and explain the trend in melting point down group 1.

4) Describe and explain the trend in reactivity down group 1.

5) Write a balanced chemical equation, complete with state symbols for the reaction of
potassium and water.

6) What pH would you expect the resulting solution to be? Explain your answer.

Group 17 – the halogens

• The halogens (salt formers) are very reactive non-metal elements.
• They are coloured – Cl2 is a yellow-green gas, Br2 is a reddish-brown liquid, I2 is a
purple solid.
• They show a change from gases (F2, Cl2), to liquid (Br2) to solid (I2) as the molar mass
increases down the group.
• The halogens are diatomic – they form molecules composed of two atoms.

• Reactivity decreases down the group.

• The halogens react by gaining one electron to form negative ions.
• As the atomic radius increases down the group (more occupied
energy levels) the attraction for the extra electron decreases.
• The increasing number of occupied energy levels also increases
the electron shielding between the nucleus and the outer energy

Periodicity SL - 18 -
Reaction with group 1 metals
• The halogens react with group 1 metals to form ionic compounds. The halogen atom
gains one electron from the group 1 metal to form a halide ion (X-)
• The resulting ions both have the electron configuration of a noble gas.
2Na(s) + Cl2(g) → 2NaCl(s)


1) Why are the group 17 elements also known as the halogens?

2) Describe the change in state of the group 17 elements down the group (under standard

3) Explain the meaning of the term diatomic.

4) Describe and explain the reactivity of the halogens down group 17.

5) Write a balanced symbol equation for the reaction of potassium and bromine.

Periodicity SL - 19 -

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