Float Glass Refractory
Float Glass Refractory
Float Glass Refractory
This phenomenon concerns only the furnace • Thermal expansion comparable to fire clay
start-up period and causes no general prob- blocks: The design of the expansion joints
lems for further furnace operations. To avoid does not have to be modified when re-
this issue, extremely fine cullet should be not placing the fire clay with SUPRAL CA
used to fill the furnace during start-up. • Thermal conductivity is lower compared to
fire clay material
5 Tin bath • Thermal resistance is higher in comparison
5.1 Tin bath bottom blocks to fire clay blocks: SUPRAL CA can work at Zircon
The tin bath is the core of every float bath a maximum temperature of 1200 °C,
facility and refractory selection for this unit whereas fire clay starts to creep at
has an enormous influence on the glass 1100 °C Fig. 4 a) The stud hole filled with ram-
quality over the lining lifetime. The history • Hydrogen diffusivity is at a very low level ming mix based on zircon mullite, after
and development of tin bath bricks has been of approximately 10 mm WG: The forma- firing at 1100 °C: cracks formed b) The
reviewed in detail [5]. Common fire clay tin tion of bubbles under the glass ribbon stud holes filled with DIDOFLO D345, af-
bath bottom blocks exhibit the following caused by thermal transpiration during the ter firing at 1100 °C: no cracks or open
characteristics: campaign can be excluded completely. joints
• Alumina content of approximately There were thermodynamic calculations
38 mass-% showing a possibility of formation of calcium
• Glassy phase content of approximately sulphite (CaS). This phenomenon was not 6 Conclusions
30 mass-% observed in the practice, also no sulphate A high quality refractory lining is essential
• Cold crushing strength of approximately has been found in the used tin bath blocks. for the production of float glass, especially
50 N/mm2 to ensure a good surface ap- Currently, there are more than 20 float baths when the stringent requirements on manu-
pearance with a low risk of transport and in operation with SUPRAL CA bottom blocks facturers such as product quality, energy
installation damage by several leading float glassmakers around consumption and furnace lifetime are taken
• Hydrogen diffusivity in the range of 50 mm the world. The first campaign started in into consideration. In this article the lining
WG. 2004, and to date no problems have been options for float glass furnaces have been
This type of material, with an alumina con- observed. described.At RHI the prerequisite chemical
tent of 38 – 40 mass-%, has been in service and physical material properties, in addition
since the beginning of the 1980s. However, 5.2 Mixes for tin bath stud holes to the required brick specifications are
whilst in certain instances campaigns of 12 In addition to the blocks, the selection of un- achieved through tight manufacturing toler-
years or more have been reached without shaped refractory products to close the stud ances and functional quality monitoring.
problems, in most cases nepheline peeling holes in tin bath bottom blocks is important.
has occurred. The ramming mix based on zircon mullite is References
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this grade have previously been described in ity filling. DIDOFLO D345 is not only suitable gen bei reduzierender Atmosphäre. Paper pres-
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