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MBA-2 Sem-III: Management of Financial Services

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Management of financial services

(May 2008)

1. Write short note on

(a) Bill discounting

(b) Venture capital
(C) Role of merchant banker in issue management
(d) Primary markets in India


(a) What are the various types of risk that a bank faces? What are the RBI guidelines for the
(b) Write the role of NBFCs in financial system.


(a) What are the Basel-II norms? Explain the meaning of Capital Adequacy Ratio.
(b) Write note on the housing finance industry in India.


(a) Which are the main credit rating agencies in India? Explain the process of credit rating
carried out by a CRA in general?
(b) ‘The debt market in India is still quit under developed’. What are your views on this
(a) What are the mutual funds? Briefly explain the different types of schemes available.
(b) How has non-life insurance industry in India developed in the last few years?

Management of financial services

(Dec 2007)

1. Write short notes (any four)

a) Capital adequacy norms
b) Certificates of deposits and commercial paper
c) National bank for agriculture and rural development
d) Securitization and reconstruction of financial assets
f) Credit rating

2. a) Describe the non banking financial companies. Also explain the regulations relating to
registration and mobilization of funds for NBFCs.
b) What is hire purchase finance? How different is hire purchase from leasing?

2. Explain the present scenario of life insurance sector and general insurance sector in India. Also
explain the challenges before the Indian insurance sector.

3. a) Explain the significance of debt market and capital market in India.

b) Repos are the important tool for reserve bank of India to manage the liquidity in the money
market –explain also the different type of repos.
a) What are the mutual funds? State the different type of mutual fund schemes.
b) Explain the pre issue obligation and post issue obligation of the merchant bankers.

4. a) describe primary market in scenario in India.

b) Explain the risk management for banks. Also highlight how assets-liability management plays
a role in the same and the factor influencing ALM for commercial banks


4. a) Explain the functions and importance of call money market. Also explain the various
participants in the call money market.
b) Describe the role of commercial banks in industrial development.

5. Illustrate the major reforms in the primary and secondary capital market.

Management of financial services

(May 2007)

1. define the following terms:

a) Leasing and hire purchasing.
b) Mutual fund schemes.
c) Underwriting.
d) Securitization and reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest
(SRFAESI) act.
e) Capital adequacy norms.
f) Income recognition and assets classification norms.
g) Book building mechanism.
I) Derivatives & Options.
j) Venture capital financing

2. (a) What are the restrictions on accepting of deposits from public by the non banking financial
(b) Explain the various measures which can be taken by the government to control the inflation.
Mention the major SEBI guidelines to be followed while floating of a primary issue. Also discuss
the various intermediary involved in a primary issue and highlight the role of them

3 (a) what are the obstacles in factoring in India, which stand in the way of the growth of
factoring services?
(b) What is the role of debt market in the capital market? Who are the participants in this
Highlight the role of assets liabilities management in the commercial bank and also explain the
factor affecting ALM for commercial banks.

4. Companies A and B have been offered the following rates per annum on a Rs 20 million five
year loan.

Fixed rate Floating Rate

A 12.05% LIBOR/0.1%
B 13.40% LIBOR/0.6%

Company A requires a floating rate loan; company B requires a fixed rate loan. Design a swap
that will appear equally attractive to both companies.
a) Explain the black-scholes pricing models.
b) A stock price is currently Rs 20 at the of three months the stock price will be either Rs 22 or Rs
18. The exercise prize if an option which has a maturity of three month is Rs 21. The risk free
rate of interest is 12% per annum. What should be the option price for a call option? For a put

5 Draw a diagram showing the variation of an investors profit and loss with the terminal stock
price for portfolio consisting of :

a) A call option
b) One share and a short position in one call option
c) Two share and a short position in two call option
d) One share and a short position in two call option
In each cash, assume that the call option has an exercise price equal to the current stock
price (hint: assume a stock price, S, and assume some option price, say, f.)


Management of financial services

(Dec 2006)

1. a) State the different classifications of mutual fund schemes. What is the role of AMFI?
b) What are the function of depository and custodian?
c) What is IRDA? What is its function?
d) Explain the different types of risks in banking sector.
e) How the floating rate bonds differ from zero interest bond & deep discount bond?

2. Highlight the major financial reforms that have taken place since the post nineties. Also
explain the implication of those reforms on our financial system as a whole or on
particular sectors
State the objectives for introduction of primary dealers system. Also discuss the role of
primary dealers in the government securities market.

3. What are the capital markets? Explain the relationship between primary and secondary
markets. also discuss why stock markets benchmarks are considered as a reflection of an
Highlight the major rules of a central bank in any financial system. Also explain how the
monitory policy of the reserve bank of India helps it in effectively executing its role.
4. a) explain the role and importance of non banking financial companies in the development
of financial structure
b) Explain about the money market instruments that traded in the Indian money market?
a) Role of RBI in money market? What are the steps taken by the government to develop
the money market in India?
b) What are the procedures and activities in the process of issue management – explain
in brief.
5. Write short notes on the followings :
a) Points to be considered for financing of venture capital project
b) Significance of bank rate and repo rate
c) Role of NHB in the development of housing finance
d) Securitization and reconstruction of anterest and enforcement of security interest act
Mba sem-III

Business and environmental law

May 2008

1. Briefly define the following

a) Free consent
b) Dishonor of check
c) Bailment
d) Guarantee and warrantee
e) Company prospectus
f) Digital signature
g) Trademark
h) Private company
i) State consumer forum
j) Performance of the contract

2. a) explain the various remedies for breach of contract

b) Who is unpaid seller? State the rights of unpaid seller against the goods and buyer
c) Explain the various circumstances in which banker can refuse the payment
d) Define the purpose of certificate of incorporation and certificate to commence the
Distinguish the following (any four)
a) Void and voidable contract
b) Contract of indemnity and contract of guarantee
c) Private company and public company
d) Promissory notes and bills of exchange
e) Share and stock

3. a) briefly state importance and contact of the memorandum of association

b) Discuss the rights of a surety against the principal debtor and also the co-surety
a) What are the essentials of valid contract?
b) What are the principal of law of agency? Who are eligible to undertake the agency
4. a) explain the role of environment protection act in pollution control

b) What are patentable invention and non patentable inventions?


a) What are the provisions in company act regarding the inclusion and removal of a
director of a company?
b) What are the fundamental rights of Indian citizen provided in the constitution of

5. A company issued a prospectus advertising that the company has a great

A) Potential with turnover of 10 millions of cement in a year. it is discovered later that

while the company has the installed capacity of 1million bags, it had never
produced more than 80 lacks bags of cement in a year. Buyer of the share six
remedy against the miss leading statement. Will he succeed?
B) A, an unpaid seller, send goods to “B” by railway.”B” becomes insolvent and A
sends a telegram to railway authority not to deliver the goods to “B”, goes to the
parcel office and take delivery of goods by presenting railway receipt and starts
putting the goods in the truck. Meanwhile the station master comes running with
the telegram in hand and takes possession of goods from B by force. Discuss the
right of A and B to the goods in possession of the railway authorities.
C) A draws check in favor of B. A’s clerk forges B’s endorsement and negotiable the
check to C. who takes it in good faith and for value. C receives payment on the
check . Discuss the rights of A and C.
D) Neha, who got admission on reputed self financed college, paid Rs 30000 towards
the fee, hostel fee and other charges, subsequently during the course of
reshuffling, she got admission in government college, therefore, demanded a fees
from the college. The college partly refunded 50% of the hostel fees and 100% of
tuition fee. Neha wants to fine a complaint against the college in consumer court
for total refund of fees? Will she succeed?
Mba sem-III

Business and environmental law

May 2007

1. Explain the following

a) illegal contracts
b) Social agreement is not enforceable by law
c) Prevention and control of pollution
d) Consumer dispute redressed
e) Elements of a sales deed

2. A) define contract and explain essential of valid contract

b) Explain the rules regarding acceptance of an offer under Indian contract act, 1872.


a) Discuss the provisions regarding competency of parties to enter onto a contract under
Indian contract act in detail
b) Who is an unpaid seller? Discuss rights of an unpaid seller under sales of goods act,

3… (a) Define the negotiable instrument and discuss the party involved on it.

(b) Highlight the main provisions of consumer protection act in detail.


(a) Define the company and discuss the essential feature of a company
(b) What do you know about MOA and differentiate between MOA and AOA under company’s act
4. (A) A was standing at bus stand and seeing him driver of bus stopped bus at the bus
stand and picked him up. A go in to the bus and occupied a seat but he did not buy a
ticket. During journey ticket checker squad checked tickets of passengers. A was caught
without ticket and was fined for without ticket by ticket checker as per the rule of
transportation services .A argued that nobody asked him to get in to bus and buy a
ticket . Is his agreement valid? Discuss.


X wrote a book of physics and he clearly mention that the reserve with auteur. After two
year Y copied contents of the same book without modification and permission of author. The book was
sold in the market .the sales of X’s book fell down. This act come in notice of X and he filed a case in
court under provision of copyright act is his petition valid in this case and how would you advise your
client X? Discuss.


A) Board of director of XYZ co. is interested to bring an initial public offer in market. A
prospectus was prepared and was not signed by director on this respect. Further, approval
of SEBI was also not considered important by the director depending upon the nature of
business. It was published and brought in the market for equity issue at specific date. this
company earns PAT of Rs 50 crores in FY 2005-06 but in prospectus it was disclosed Rs 500
crores .under the influence of global financial position of the company the investor
subscribed the issue with the positive attitude. The issue was listed in BSE and NSE at 50%
discount and with in a period of one moth the price of share fell drastically. So the investor
suffered a great loss. Being client of investor what would u suggest them and what are the
options available with them?
B) Mr. A as a customer purchased an electrical iron from retailer shop. He inquired the retailer
whether it is electrically shock proof. The retailer told him that the iron is meant for use of
ironing clothes and it will stand for that. When A uses this iron for first time for ironing the
clothes it could not stand and gave electric shock due to short circuit inside. A suffered
burns due to short circuit and was hospitalized for a week. Should the retailer be
responsible for damage suffered by A?

5. Write shot note on the following

(a) Bailment and pledge.
(b) Trademark and its registration procedure
(c) Cyber crimes and their remedies
(d) Power of central government to protect environment
(e) Provisions for water pollution act
Mba sem-III

Business and environmental law

Dec 2006
1. Explain the following
(a) Void contract
(b) Agreement of patent
(c) Prevention and control of pollution
(d) Licensing for issuing digital signature certificate
(e) Sale and agreement to sale

(a) Define agreement and discuss the types of agreement
(b) Explain the rules regarding offer under Indian contract act-1872
(a) Who can enter in to contract? Discuss.
(b) What do you know about free consent and when consent is not free?

(a) Define negotiable instrument and discuss the party involved in it
(b) What do you know about consumer dispute redressal agencies ?explain

(a) Define a company and differentiate between private and public company
(b) Explain the provision of company’s act 1956 regarding the director’s
appointment and disqualification.
(a) X sold his business to Y including goodwill for Rs 500000/- by an agreement. The
agreement provide that X should not engage himself in the similar business in the
whole India for next 10 years . X started the same business in the same city after one
month. State the legal provision
(b) A bought an electronic iron from a shop. A’s wife W was using the iron. In the first
use itself the coil melted and gave a shock. W had to be hospitalized .can return the
iron and claim his money? Can W demand compensation for injury? Can A demand
compensation for W?
4. X of Delhi agrees to sell 100 bales of cotton @ Rs 1000per bale and to deliver within a
fortnight at buyer’s godown at Lahore. State the legal provision in the following cases.

(a) If unknown to both the party the goods were destroyed by fire at the time of agreement.

(b) If X knew that goods were destroy by fire at the time of agreement

(c) If goods were destroyed by fire after the formation of agreement

(d) If war was declared between India and Pakistan

(e) If goods were to be manufactured by Z who did not manufacture those goods

(f) If goods could not be delivered because of strike of transport operation

5. Write short note on the following

(a) Consideration

(b) Trademark and its registration

(c) Digital signature

(d) Role of court in pollution control

(e) What can be copyrighted?

Mba sem-III

Business and environmental law

Dec 2007
1. Explain the following pairs of terms, in not more than five lines per term.
(a) Nominal damages and exemplary damages
(b) Sales and hire purchase agreement
(c) A bridged prospectus and statement in lieu of prospectus
(d) Promissory note and bill of exchange
(e) Indemnity and guarantee.
(a) Explain the term consideration. ‘A stranger to consideration can sue upon the
contract’ explain the statement in brief.
(b) ‘industrial development must direct sustainable development’ discuss
(c) Explain the term condition and warrant with the help of suitable examples. What are
the consequences of their breach?
(d) What is meant by negotiation of a negotiable instrument? How can it be done?

(a) A contract of marine insurance is a contingency contract

(b) What is meant by environmental impact assessment? What are its benefits?
(c) ‘As a general rule, there is no implied warranty or condition as to quality or
fitness of any particular purpose of goods under a contract of sale’ explain the
(d) Explain the proposition ‘A cheque is bill of exchange but a bill of exchange is not
a cheque’.
(A) Explain the doctrines of constructive notice and indoor management .What is their
(B) Explain the term e-commerce how does it differ from e-governance? Enumerate the
instruments, documents and transaction to which information technology act 2000
is not applicable
(C) Explain the term consumer dispute. Explain the composition and jurisdiction of state
commission for redressal of consumer dispute
(D) Explain the nature of contract of agency. Can a minor become either principal or an
(a) What is memorandum of association of a company? Discuss its contents.
(b) Explain the term: digital signature and digital signature certificate. Who is the
authorized to issue digital signature certificate?
(c) Explain the term complain as per the consumer protection act. explain the
composition and jurisdiction of district forum for redressal of consumer disputes
(d) What is meant by frustration of a contract? Enumerate the situation where the
contract can get frustrated.
(a) What is meant by patent explain the procedure to be followed for grant of patent.
(b) Explain the trade mark what purpose does it serve? what are the characteristic of
good trademark
(a) What is meant by patent when is a patent said to have been infringed?
(b) Explain the term copyright discuss the remedies available in case of infringement
of a copyright.
5. Answer the following giving reasons for your answers (5*4)
(a) A company issues a prospectus which contains miss statement. One Mr. G applied
for share and got them .there for he sold the share to H.
1. Can H bring an action against for miss statement?
2. Would your answer differ if H has purchased the share from open market after
reading the prospectus and then tried to bring an action the company for miss
(b) A lend his car to B to be driven by him (B) only allows his daughter C who is an
expert car driver to drive it. C drives the car carefully but its axle suddenly breaks
and the car is damaged. Is B liable to pay for damage?
(c) The sale of “pure ghee” was warranted only equal to sample, whis was shown to
buyer .the ghee supplied by the seller corresponded to the sample. But was found
containing 25% groundnut oil. The buyer refuses to accept the delivery and files a
suit against seller for recovery of price. Will he succeed?
(d) Examine the validity of following negotiable instruments
1. A bill of exchange drown on 15/12/2007 by Kishor on Kirit to pay Jayesh an
amount of Rs 5000/- ten days after the arrival of ship named ‘victory’ at
Mumbai(signed by Kishor)
2. P writes a promissory note like this –“I acknowledge myself to be indebted to Q
for Rs5000/-to be paid to Q on the day he(Q) attains majority ‘(signed by P)
Mba sem-III

Business and environmental law

Dec 2005
1. (a) explain the following statements giving illustration

1. A contract is not voidable merely because it was caused by one of the parties to it being
under a mistake as to a matter of fact

2. Agreement, the meaning of which is not certain, or capable of being made certain are void.

3. Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same

4. The performance of any promise may be made in any manner, or at any time which the
promise prescribed or sanctions.

5. No consideration is necessary to create an agency.

1. (b) state giving reasons whether the following are valid consideration.

1. A agrees to sell his house to B for 10000rs... Here B’s promise to pay a sum of 10000 rupee
is the consideration for A’s promise to sell the house and A’s promise to sell the house is
consideration for B’s promise to pay 10000 rupees

2. A promise to maintain B’s child and B promise to pay A,1000 rupees yearly for the purpose

3. A promise to pay 1000 Rs at the end of six months, if C who owns that sum to B, fails to pay
it. B promises to C to grant time accordingly.

1. C state giving reasons whether the following are valid object

1. A, B and C enter in to an agreement for the division among them of gain acquired or to be
acquired by them for a legitimate business as well as by fraud

2. A promises to B to drop a prosecution which he has instituted against B for robbery, and
B promises to restore the value of the things taken.

2 (a). Explain the nature of contract of sale of goods and bring out clearly the distinction between
a sale and agreement to sell
(b) Explain the situation where a bank must refuse the payment to a cheque

(c) State what a real test for agency is. Also state the provision related to sub agents.\


(a) Explain the scope of different consumer dispute redressal agencies.

(b) You are a banker a new customer ask you to explain the effect of following crossing on
the cheques (1) two parallel lines across the cheques with words “&co”(2) the same as in
(1) with the addition of the words ‘ not negotiable’. Give him clear explanation
(c) “The property of the company is property of its member” comment.
(d) “ the power of altering the articles of association is wide, yet it is subject to large number
of limitation:”

3. (a) state the essential of infringement of copyrights

(B) Explain who can become a certifying authority under the information technology act 2000.
What is scope of activities of the same?

(c) “a prospectus must state truth and nothing but truth” do you agree?

(d) Explain briefly the provisions relating the prevention of deterioration of quality of water
under the water (protection) act.


(a) Explain the criteria for patentability

(b) “Copy right is protection in form and not in idea”- discuss
(c) Define quorum. What is quorum for a general meeting? What course of action should be
adopted when the quorum is not complete at general meeting?
(d) Explain the role of various courts under the environment protection act in pollution and
protection of environment.

4. Comment on the following cases

1. A person saw a Plasma Television in the show case of a shop. A label below the television
mentioned the price as 45000Rs. He had been looking for that modal of television for a long
time. He approaches the shop to one such television. However he was told that the stock did not
have that model in stock. the shopkeeper also said that he could not promise him one later either,
as the manufacturing company of that television was facing financial difficulties and it was being
closed down. the person insisted that he had a right to buy the one kept in the show case-
2. A government employee had agreed to obtain employment for Deep in public service for a
consideration of Rs five lakh... after getting employment the person refuse to pay. Comment on
the right of the government employee in this case.

3. A,B and C as the sureties of D, enter in to three several bonds, each in different penalty,
namely A in the penalty of Rs 10000/- B in that of Rs 20000/-,C in that of Rs 40000/-conditioned
for D’s duly accounting to E. D makes default to the extent of Rs 40000 state the liability of A,B,
and C.

4. X ltd company wants to make contract with a partnership. four or five directors of the
company are the partner of such partnership. Can the contract be exercised? If yes then how?

5. Avinash came across for an advertisement for second hand car. The advertisement has
described the car as Maruti Zen, latest model, metal pearl. Avianash examine the car and took it
for a test drive. He was happy with it and bought it. Now he wants to return the car as it is not
silver pearl in colour, but white- decide


1. A, a singer, contracts with B, the manager of the theater to sing at his theatre for two
nights in every week during next two month. And B engages to pay her hundred rupees
for each night’s performance. On the six night, A willfully absents herself from the
theatre, and B in consequence rescinds the contract. A claim for the payment of five days.
Is B liable for the same?
2. A lands a sum of Rs.5000 to B, on the security of five shares of a limited company on 1st
January, 2005. On 1st April, 2005, the company issued two bonus shares. B returns the
amount of Rs.50000 with interest and A returns the five share Which were pledged, but
refuses to give the two bonus share. Advise B.
3. Mr. X who was appointed as a director at the last Annual general meeting resigned. The
board filled up the casual vacancy by appointing Mr. Y. but with in a number of days of
becoming his director Mr. Y died. The board wishes to fill up the casual vacancy by
appointing Mr. Z in place of Mr. Y in the next Board meeting. State the legal provision in
this circumstance.
4. This is a case between Relaxo Rubber Ltd v/s. M/S Selection Footwear. Here the
plaintiff is engaged in the manufecture of rubber Chappals and all other kind of footears.
The plaintiff no.2 is marketing, selling and making publicity of these product
menufectured by the plaintiff. Trade Mark RELAXO is continuously and extensively in
use by the plaintiff since 1968 and later on it was got registered with copyright act.
Defendant have been selling rubber chappals bearing identical trade mark RELAXO in
the same style of writing as that adopted by the plaintiffs. Explain the recourse for
5. (a) answer in brief

1. Explain the civil offenses under information technology Act 2000.

2. Which are the major remedies for an unpaid seller?
3. State what are the liabilities for internet service providers under the information
technology Act 2000.
4. Explain what steps does the state government take to increase awareness of
environment protection?
5. How is location an important factor to be considered for prevention of the
environmental pollution?

5. (b) explain the following terms

1. Digital signature certificate

2. Hacking
5. (c) following statement or definitions contain certain fundamental errors. Correct
the statements/definitions and highlights the changes in the same.

1. A registered shareholder is not a member but a registered member may be a share

2. Any oral use of trade mark may also be considered a partial infringement of the

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