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HUMCAT Index 1973

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1973 Addendum

New 1973 (undated). Night Santa Ana (brange), Calif. Type G?

While asleep with his wife in bed, Allen C. Smith "dreamed" he was on a
"strange ship" of some. kind. He was laying on a table and there were two
entities nearby, one of which was bending over him, and passing a small rod
like instrument over his stomach and chest. The figure's face was "silvery"
with no facial features, appearing like a mask of metal. Without speaking,
Smith "heard" him tell the other(s) that "this one has some kind of malady."
Smith looked around and "knew" that the object he was on was "run" by
"magnetic electrical force, coming from roads sticking in a bunch of crystals
or a crystal-like substance nearby."
When he awoke, he was lying on the carpet in the living room. He had
shaved before retiring, but had what appeared to be two days' growth of beard
on his face.

Investigator! (Referred to Paul Gerny.)

Sourcet Letter of January 29, 1978, from witness to Center.
1973 Addenda

1973 Night Dartford (Kent), England Type £

" Mr. C, 44, awoke to see a motionless figure standing in his bedroom. It was ;
wearing a "bulky" one-piece matt silver suit that was joined to a round helmet
with a rectangular faoe plate of smoky oolor, so that the face was not visible.
(Sourbe has drawing.) The height of the figure was about 6 ft. After about 5
•secondB'it turned its head to the fight to face Mr. C; then it suddenly disappeared.

Investigator! Andrew Collins. ,

Sourcei Investigator* s report.


Summaries of 1973 CB HI References from The Humanoid Catalog

73-01 January 4, 1973 0230 Londrina (Paxana), Brazil Type B


Sr. Joao Margues (31) observed a UFO hovering above thW road near his home;
an opening appeared (or "a door opened") and a human-like figure in white des
cended to the road on a rope. The being picked up a bit of grass and put it to
his nose or mouth, then discarded it. He then picked up a hydrangea which he
took with him. He .then re-entered the object by ascending the same rope in the
maner he had earlier descended. The description of the figure's height and
other features is not given, nor the duration. No indication of traces is re
ported (the removed hydrangea implies "traces" in a negative w^—tb).
Investigatort 1

Source 1 Summary by Richard Heiden of report in SBEDV Special Bulletin,

p. 62 (citing the Folha de Londrina^ Jan. 5, 1973)1 courtesy of D. Webb.
7*3-02 January 16. 1973 0030 Nr Queenstown (Cape Good Hone), S. Africa Type A - 7
While driving from East London to Johannesburg, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sucknow
and their two children saw an elongated object "bigger than a Boeing" as they
neared Penhoek Pass. The object was moving slowly about 90 meters from the
road at 6 to 8 meters above 5the ground and'had "massive" portholes "as big as
a door." The object glowed with ;an orangejlight, emitted orange smoke and
was silent. It hovered' briefly over the rtbad then picked up speed as it moved
toward Dordrecht. "The inside of the car became icy cold," Mr. S. reported;
"I was dumbstruck—it was as if the 'beingi' in the craft were watching the
(Note by ^^
TBj _,.,_ allusion
the -.-i • 4. 'beings
to i^^tc' is ambiguous!
i*f ~ e it is not certain that
their presence was actually observed or merely inferred.;
Investigator! I
Source! MUF01I Skylook #65 (April 1973)t 15 (citing the East London
Daily Reporter, Jan, 17). \
January 19. 1973 2325 Nr Jonesville. South Carolina Type C

An unidentified youth, driving on Rte 18 approximately-13 miles south of

Gaffney, saw a domed UFO sitting on the highway ahead, supported by three legs
and flashing various colored lights. Thinking at first it was an accident, he
slowed his car. Standing around the object were about a dozen "men" of normal
height, dressed in white coveralls; they wore gloves, and their heads were
bare. Each had "jet black" hair and faces "the color of Caucasians." On the
uniforms were belts, buckles and buttons, =and the beings stood in pl?~e as the
case approached, those facing another direction turning slowly to observe the
witness's vehicle. They appeared to the witness to be seen through something
similar to invisible waves of headt, appearing to "sort of wiggle like a worm."
The lights on the object were all colors and the object itself glowed a darkish
yellow, the color of an incd&escent bulb. On a saide away from the witness he
observed what appeared to be stairs that seemed to be affixed to a door that
swung downward. He said He could have driven under the object had the men not
been standing in the~ spot; the object was large enough to span the highway so
that no car could have passed around it. The;youth suddenly became frightened
and quickly turned onto a secondary road just this side of the object, and sped
away. A later visit to the site disclosed no traces of the object's landing.

Investigator! Rodger Painter, for the Gaffney Ledger.

Sourcei Painter, R., "Youth Claims 'Saucer' Landed on Highway 18," The
Gaffney Ledger. January 26, 1973 (1 & 2); Ibid., "Watching them
Watching Us," Feb. 2, 1973; MUFON Skylook #65 (April 1973), 8-9
(citing the above).
February (undated), 1973 Night Tres Arroyas (B.A.), Argentina Type F
Sr. Ventura Maceiras (see Case 72-35) had a second encounter ("contact")
with two entities;. one of the two approached the witness, smiling, and greeted
him by placing his left hand on his breast. There •followed an exchange of
communication telepathically in which Maceiras learned the name of his visitor,
"Arnoil," and his companion, "Ninqueir." They came from the "Prunio,"
which belongs to the empire of "Lobernia;" its major city was "Arlenquistan,"
and they were now in their 14,329th year (according to our concept of time).
The witness was shown a book illustrating a surgical operation; three figures
resembling globes that contained cancer viruses; and he was instructed on how
cancer could be cured. Our earth-moon system was called "Cleotor" (land of the
sea and the moon). The entities made their pitch for brotherhood and disclosed
numerous other items of interest.' They were approximately 1.75-1.80 cm. tall,
had small round ears, "slit-eyes," a small, flattened nose, and short, fine hair.
Before they left they warned Maceiras of impending major seismic disturbances.
It was not reported if they arraved and left In a UFO.

Investigator! Pedro Romaniuk, et al.

Source! Romaniuk, P.,-/The Extraordinary Case of Rejuvenation," FSR XIX-5

(1973)» 1^-15; Thomas, Jane, "The Contactee of Tres Arroyasi Some
Thoughts," Ibid., 16, 21.
73-05 February 4, 1973* 2150 32 mi. NE Kimba (S.A.), Australia Type A
While driving from Iron Knob to Kimba on Route One, Brian Hunt and his
:passenger, Miss Sharon Kinckler, observed a red light in a clearing to the
right of the road. As-they passed by, the two observed a red-orange lighted
area of rectangular shape, about 10 feet high by 5 feet wide, in which could
be seen a sharply defined figure of what appeared to be a man in a white space-
suit. The figure was of normal siize and appeared to be of ordinary shape, and
was suspended in the lighted area some 2-3 above the ground, and floated in
the middle of the lighted area some 2-3 feet above the base. Mr. Hunt called
the object and figure to his companion's attention as he accelerated past the
scene, and Miss Finckler, upon turning in her seat, said the orange glow
seemed to spread across the entire highway behind them.. When they arrived at
Miss F's home in Kimba, the local police were called and a constable accompanied
them back to the site. No traces were found. Two other independent witnesses
were subsequently located! Mr. Allan Degnor, a Ceduna truckdriver who passed •
by the same area at 2200 and described essentially the same phenomenon; and
Mr. Max Inglis, who had passed Brian and Sharon just before they came to the
Investigatorsi Police Constable/Summerton, of Kimba; Dean Piovesan, Peter
, Home, Peter Howell and Keith Basterfield, for UFO Research of S.A.
Sources! South Australian Country, Feb. 15. 1973; Whyalla News, Feb. 16;
FSR Case Histories #16 (February 1974), 7-9 (report by Keith Baster
field)! copy of Mr, Basterfield's special report, courtesy of CUFCS.
* This incident was earlier mis-dated as February 11, 1973; Feb. 4 is correct.
73-06 February 14. 1973 0230 40 mi E McAlester, Okla. Type A
As they were flying a DC-8 charter' cargo plane from St. Louis, Mo. to
Dallas, Texas, two anonymous pilots observed' an object over southeast Oklahoma.
They had just commenced a gradual descent from 21,000 feet in the vicinity of
McAlester when the object appeared off to their right, approximately 5000 feet
away, and moving in the same direction. It gave off a strange orange light and
abruptly rose straight up like an elevator, then made a right-angle turn in
the direction of the DC-8 and approached at incredible speed, taking a position
about 300 .yards away, slightly above them. It was disc-shaped, with a clear
dome on top, and continued to pace the airliner in the new position. The pilot
tried to raise its pilot by radio with no succous. The moonlight reflected off
the silvery sides of the object, which had two sets of raised fins along its
trailing edge; it appeared to be about 75 feet long and 40 feet wide. The
pilot switched on his radar and immediately picked up its echo on the scope;
almost inxtxntaKtsBHHBly instantaneously the object began a series of comulex
maneuvers and took up a new position just below the leading edge of their left
wing. It dropped to a position 300 feet below the aircraft and the two pilots
were able to see two, perhaps three, indistinct and shadowy figures inside the
dome; the object then moved out and ahead of the plane, executed several more
maneuvers, and disappeared into the night.

Investigator! Ray Fowler, for NICAP.

Sources! NICAP Investigator. March 1974, 2j Fowler, R., "UFO Watergate?"

Official UFO 1-6 (May"l97b). 18-19
1973 Co,.ri,";enda •'

73-12* Ab February 22, 1973 Kooradu'c Crossing (Vic), Australia Type G-?
On the night prior to this experience, Mrs. Maurene Puddy (see Case 72-15)
"heard" a voice1calling her name. Next morning she perceived a "message"
telling her to return to the site of her 1972 encounter. She contacted two
investigators of the Victorian UFO group and drove with them to the site. On
route she briefly "saw" a man sitting in the fron^ seat of the car; the fig
ure was not seen by her passengers. As she approached the spot of her earlier
encounter, she saw the same figure standing'outside the car. The others saw
nothing. The figure was normal-sized, wearing a white skisuit-type of cover-'
all tucked in at the wrists and covering the feet. He had long blond hair.
He beckoned to Krs. Puddy, but she did not respond; instead, she appeared to
lose consciousness, although she described what she was seeing to the two
; passengers of the car: she was in a round room, lit by an unknown source; the
same figure appeared in the room wiibh her, and in the room was a shape like a
large mushroom, with a stern at the bottom and a hemispherical dome on top. It
appeared to have an inner hemisphere that appeared to be wobbling, and had
what looked like hieroglyphs on it. The figure told her to describe what she
saw, which she did; her companions heard this description but still saw
nothing themselves. She saw no doors or windows in the room and began to get
frightened; she started to cry and "woke up" with tears in her eyes,, but she
could.recall nothing of what happened in this trance-like state, or what shP V
had just described to the others. /
llew = ^ About a week later (early March?) she was driving with. •her son, seated .
in the front passenger's seat. The same "man" again appeared, this time sitting
between them. Apparently her son did not see him. His presence was accompanied
by an abrupt change in the weather bmMhbx, which had been rainy with 1-ow
visibility: it suddenly, cleared, and Mrs. Puddy could see for miles. The
figure vanished abruptly, and the rainy conditions again prevailed.
Investigators: Garry Little and Bill Stapleton, of UFOIC (Victoria).
Sourcei Report on the series of encounters and experiences by Keith
Basterfield, submitted to Dave Webb with covering letter dated
I.'ovember 6, 1976.

* The number is out of sequence because of the corrected date of the incident.
The date of April 6, 1973, was the date on Bill Stapleton's drawing of the
figure (submitted by courtesy, of CUFOS), and represents the date of the
inquiry, when the drawing was made under the supervision of Mrs. Puddy.
1973 Addenda

N«w Feb. 28, 19/3 21QQ McWaters. Quebec Canada ^

Helene R., 14, was driving the family snowmobile near McWaters, with her
2brothero and 7 teen-aged friends, all on snowmobiles, when a giant "headlight"
rose from behind them & passed over the group, illuminating the whole landscape.
After it had gone, all the boys went off on a race, leaving Helene behind. The
brilliant light souroe reappoared and flew back over hen she estimated it as
00 ft. in diameter. Suddenly its light went out. Helene thought it must be a
plane that had crashed somewhere behind her. She turned around and went back
about 500 ft.. then got off and walked toward a very large dark bulk which she
.thought she could make out,among the trees. She was within perhaps 50 ft of it
when a small, cold hand coming from over her shoulder seized her by the ohin and
tried to drag her backwards. Thinking it must be her younger brother playing a
joke, she broke free and pushed her attacker back, so that he fell sitting into
the snow. Turning to face him, she realised that it was a child (as she first
thought) smaller than her )t u i1 illm 13-yr-old brother. She ran back to
the snowmobile and got a flashlight, turning it on the person, who was now slowly
walking toward her. She saw a being about 45" tall, clad in dark, close-fitting
clothing with a plated" surface, and wearing a helmet that covered his head
down to th« chin (source has sketch.) Around his faoe the rim of a "visor" re--
flecW the light, and hia enormous eyes also shone brightly in the light, like
£^?V £•*£ B!' *" advanoinS "^ difficulty, perhaps because of the snow.
T9rrificd» Mel»ne dropped the flashlight, ran to the snowmobile and fled on it.
She was joined by the other snowmobiles, which were returning. Her left arm was
paralyzed. She was taken to a doctor at Eouyn, who gave her a sedative.
The next day several pwopl© went to the plaoe, where they found a large
patch of snow malted down to the ground. 60 ft in diameter and shaped like a
doughnut (?--beignet.) Beside it were the tracks of 2 small bipedn, a few yards
away from each othen the tracks were short and broad with a large protruding
great toe (see sketch.) '

Investigator! Jean Ferguson.

Sourcet ,Ferguson, Les Humanoldes (Lemeac, Quebec, 1977), pp. 25-30.

//wor^r^. 0>ft&)
- , 1973 - *>

73-07 March (undated), 1973 La Tinaja (Veracruz), Mexico Type F

Sra. Cirila Montero Lagunes reported that her 3-year-old son Ramiro had
wandered off one day in March and returned six days later, with a story of
having been found by five "little men" ("Chaneques") and taken to a cave where
they had fed him "sweet food" and played with him. He was located from in
formation by a neighbor boy who said they Chaneques had told him where the
boy could be found. The boy said that he slept in the;cave and was looked
after by the gnomes, one of whom was with him at all times. The hillside
below the cave was found to be extremely dense with spine-bearing shrubs, and
access to it would have been difficult for such a small boy; the adults had
to cut a path to the cave's entrance to reach it. It was approximately 9
miles from his home (an "18-mile round trip"). No connection with UFOs is

Investigators 1 Ramon A. Pantoja Lopez and Robert Freeman Round, for Fate.

Sources 1 Pantoja Lopez and Round, "Chaneques—Mexican Gnomes or Inter

planetary Visitors?" Fate Magazine, November 1974, 52-53.
1973 Addenda

March 13, 1973 Day 2Q km N of Salta (Salta). Argentina Type C

Jorge Roberto Herrera, an engineering student, saw an object shaped like
2 plates put together descend in falling-leaf fashion till within a yard of the
ground, on which it then settled, tilted, beside a highway. It was aluminum-
colored until it landed, then it turned to a dull copper. It was about 16 ft
wide. After 3 minutes, legs thrust out, which leveled the UFO. Then H. saw
beside it a being 5'2" tall, dressed in a white "diving suit" with opaque helmet;
the arms were cut off short, without any hands. The feet were covered by the
suit, without footwear. This entity was not seen to emerge from the UFO. It
glided a few feet, without walking, then disappeared. A few seconds later the UFO
retracted its legs, returned to an inclined position, and took off. Herrera was
50 ft from it at the tyne. He tobk one step and found he was at the landing
marks, having moved the 50 ft unconsciously. There were 7 unsymmetrically ar
ranged imprints in an area only about 5 ft square.
A small truck came up, whose driver said that he had seen the UFO and that
it had caused his engine and his radio to fail. This man drove H., who now felt
ill, to Salta; he entered a clinic, where 'he was treated for 8 days without ever
being told the diagnosis.

Investigator: Fabio Zerpa, for ONIFE.

Source: Cuarta Dimension #9 (5/74.^

1973 Corrigenda

73-08 March 20, 1973 +1915 Tarcienne (Halnaut), Belgium Type A

A Mme. Vandervoort, living outside the village of Tarcienne, went out
doors to close her shutters and saw a Ugh* white light pass over the roof
of the nearest house, some 100 meters away; it approached silently from
the direction of the nearby Comognes woods, and moved toward the east. In
the next hour, at intervals of some minutes apart, she saw a total of 25
similar lights or objects flying over at low level—10 to 15 meters above
the trees, moving very fast. With the aid of an old optical telescope, she
observed in the front of one of these objects a "man" standing, handling a
"board;" it was a "tiny" figure, but "of great height." He held one arm
straight up. The witness reportedly took pictures of some of the objects.
"It was impressive," she is quoted as saying, insisting they were not normal
aircraft, with which she was familiar, as there is a Belgian Air Base north
east of her locale.
Investigation disclosed that she well-informed about UFOs, as well as
other topics loosely related, and that she saw UFOs over a period of many
months. Certain doubt was cast on her report because of the many Belgian
Air Force flights over the area.

Investigation! Alain Bonivert, of GESAG (Belgium),

Sourcei Personal communication from Jacques Bonabot to TR3, Fe*b, 11, 1977.
73-08 March 20, 1973 Tarcienne ( ), Belgium


Source: Personal communication from Peter Rogerson (details pending).

- -22 - -- -

73-09 'March 21/ 1973 Night Apache Junction, Arizona Type G

When Brian Scott returned to the site of his 1971 abduction (see Case
71-11) he reportedly had the impression of having again experienced being
taken aboard a UFO by the same 9-foot entities as earlier; this time he also
encountered a short, squat being known as "The Host." However, the experience
seemed to be "projected" rather that "solid," and the voices of the entities
"didn't seem to come from their mouths." He said that on this occasion he
found the pair of boots that he'd losi on the earlier encounter.
Investigator! Professor Al Lawson, for MUFON and CUFOS.

Sourcesi Notes of Lawson's investigation to the Center, courtesy of

CUFOS (and David Webb); Anaheim (Calif.) Bulletin. February 13,
1976. \ .
1077, Addenda

.uareh 24, 1973 2400 Therines (Qjse), France Type C


LI. brechant, his 11-year-old son Patrice, and his brother-in-law, i.i. Cocue,
were in a car on a dark night on a saucer-hunting expedition. In a field near
Son^oons, 250-300 yards way, .they sar a luminous, ball whoso light diminished in
intensity; for,a few seconds, 4-G white-luminous rectangles appeared beside it.
Then they tried to drive around the light and observe it from the roar. (But actu
ally, ace. to the map in source, their second observation was in;a different place.)
This second luminous boll, likewise in a field, was about 2U0 yards av/ay; From its
bese emerged a triangulnr beam of light, ib.«: base on the ball and its point toward
the left.^ Through binoculars, iu, Cosme could see 2 luminous silhouettes of beings,
one behind the beam k one "sliding on it" toward the point, w*icre it disappeared.
They soe:ned to have elongated herds and enormously broad shoulders; he could not
distinguish arms & le£S, but the one behind the beam seemed to carry a sack on its
left side. This silhouette gradually "evaporated"; then the beam went out, and '
then the ball 1
On their way heap the observers' car was pursued by a ball of . yellow-v.-hite,
then yellow-^reon light at treetop level, first .seen' 300 yards away arid later ap
proaching to within at most 50 yards.

Investigators; Mile. Carof h M. i,esbros (for LDLN.)

Sources LDLN #130 (12/73), pp. 12-14.

1973 Addenda v

£larch 25, 1975 QQ1Q Hannaches (Oise), France Type &

On a dark night with' a slight rain, Jean-Luc Woziere was driving home when =.
his headlights, picked up something white on the right-hand side of the road. When •
he ca'ne up with it he saw that it was a man's face, only 2 ft above the ground,
,half-turned to the sky. The eyes* were wide open and unblinking, but the expression
•was an absent one, as if in a trance. ,The face was very angular, with a square
>" chin, and totally immobile. The witness drove on without stopping.
Investigators; Maggy Carof « Jean-Luc Rivera.

Source; Persorlltl communication from the investigators.

1973 - 5

73-10 March 28. 1973 0130 Nr Robesonia. Pennsylvania Type A •

The local press reported that Clyde 0, Donahower, of Route 1, was awakened
by a rumbling and screeching sound. Getting up to investigate, he saw a lighted
object sitting on a hilly field near his house. He awakened his wife and, with
their 8-year-old son, the family watched it for approx, 20 minutes, as it
changed shape, as well as color, from pale red to pale green. .At one point
they saw something moving insides "It was a black figure, like a stick figure,
oTily thicker, moving in the center. It was bending over and moving about."
The witnesses called the police, but the object had "dimmed out" by the time
they arrived. An examination of the cornfield next day revealed no traces. At
around the same time, other reports of UFO sightings were made in the area.
In a subsequent lengthy telephone interview with the witnesses, the inves
tigator was told that the newspaper account contained substantial errors; the
light was still dimly visible when the police arrived and they drove down the
lane toward the light source, finding nothing at that spot; they observed
several other lights which, when investigated, turned out to be bands of light
in the attic window of another house. Several weeks later, after his initial
observation, the primary witness again saw a similar light in the same area;
this time he walked toward it until he was able to see that the light source
was a reflection of exterior lights on a barn and silo. The "stick figures"
seen earlier presumably were the branches of bare trees between the lighten
barn and the witnesses, "•'"••"' **V
Investigator! Fred Merritt, for CUFOS.

Source! Reading (Pa.) Eagle, March 28, 1973; MUFON Skylook #75 (February
1974), 10 (Geo. Fawcett citing the above newspaper); special report
by Fred Merritt, courtesy of the investigator.

Notei The witness requested of the investigator that his name be kept
confidential; since it was already part of the published record,
this presents a slight problem—tb.
1973 Addendum •
... i

New March 29. 1973 0100 (Carayaca)* Venezuela Type A

Armando Silva and his wife, of La Saliha, near Carayaca, were at

their country home at the seashore (the site is not identified, but it is .
probably in the vicinity of Malquetia, since that was where so many other
UFO sightingi were being made at the end of March). On the evening of the
28th they had seen, two elongated bluish objects high overhead. About 1 AM
they were awakened by a stifling heat in the house, ,Senore Silva went!to
the balcony and saw.the two blue, capsule-shaped objects they had seen
earlier, now flying near the shore. One of them dropped into the sea and
re-emerged on the surface, then was joined by the sec6nd, which bobbed on
the surface nearby. Senof Silve, meanwhile, had gone to the beach to see
more clearly. 1
"1 was terrified*when, at one of the small windows on the strange
little object that.came down from the sky and fell Into the sea a few
meters from the shore, I saw a tiny figure, like a 5-year-old child, and
wearing on Its head what looked like a great gourd. I cannot say for sure
that It was an intelligent being, since I only siwhalf of its body and
Its head which, as I say, looked like a guord. Nor did I see any arms.
And I didn't wait to see If it made any movements, for I took to my heels
and ran into the house, where my wife was watching from the balcony, the
two things which had come down from the sky and were bobbing up and down
in the water.•? The inoident lasted about 15 minutes.

Sourcei Creighton, Gordon. "Underwater UFO Base Off Venezuela?"

FSR, XXI-t (1975), pp. 9-13 (quoting various newspaper accounts
1 from Ultimas Noticlas, Caracas dally).
73-H April (undated), 1973 ! Grelsby (Aland Is.), Finland Type A
An unidentified witness observed for 10 minutes a bowl-shaped object about
30 meters in diameter, with windows, hovering approx. 50 meters above the ground
at a distance of about 150 meters; it was of a metallic color with flashing red
and green lights. The witness stepped out of his car to observe the object and
detected a sharp, pungent odor as the UFO moved closer in sharp jerky motions.
Each "jerk" advanced it about 10 meters toward him. Behind the illuminated
windows' he could see several moving shadows, and he "had a sensation of being
s watched." The UFO was surrounded by heat-like, shimmering waves. (Other de
tails available in primary source.)
Investigator! Prof. Bertil Soderquist, of Linkoping, Sweden.

Source 1 Personal communication from Dick Hall to David Webb, Jan. 12, 1976,
summarizing an account by the investigator to Mr. Hall (courtesy of
. David Webb).
1973 - 6

73-12 April 6, 1973 Mooraduc Crossing (Vict.), Australia Type G - ?

.While Mrs. Maureen. Puddy was a car with two others, she had
another experience in which a figure appeared to her and she mentally found
herself in a kind of room. The experience appears to be more psychic than
real, and details are lacking. In a sketch provided by the investigator, the
figure was a human of normal size dressed in a looserfitting coverall of white
satin appearance, gathered tightly around the neck and wrists; the pants legs
completely enveloped the feet. The figure (while looking feminine in the
sketch) was male, with rather long dark blond hair. A second drawing shows
the figure standing next to a mushroon-shaped object with a striated top Of
a clear plastic dome; the inner hemisphere was covered with heiroglyphs and
appeared to be wiggling or jiggling. Lines or veins radiatirg from the top of
the clear plastic dome extended to the edges of the outer hemisphere. The
relationship of this object to the room in which Mrs. Puddy found herself (in
a trance-like state) is not known. Keith Basterfield has promised more data.
(See also Case- 72-15.)
Investigator! William Stapleton of UFOIC, Victoria.

Source; Copy, of Stapleton's drawing of the figure, comrtesy of CUFOS;

personal communication from K, Basterfield to David Webb, May 25,
1976, courtesy of Mr. Webb.
April 15, 1973 225.5 Manor. Pennsylvania '. Type(B)
During the night of April 15-16, more than a dozen witnesses reported •
observations of UFOs in the localized area of Penn and Manor, Pa., near the
larger town of Jeanette. Among these was the report by a single witness (not
identified) who was driving near the'Manor Power Plant when he observed a. large
glowing objects, above nearby railroad tracks, just above the trees. Light from
1the object illuminated the immediate area, and the witness pulled over to the
side of the road and got out for a better look. The object, no more than a
hundred yards from the witness, was about 400 yards to the west of the power
plant and approx. 10 feet above the treetops. The illumination was of an in
tense white, and the object itself completely illuminated 3oy but apparently
solid in construction and about "3 car lengths" wide. It had a dome-like struc
ture on top the same bright color as the rest of the object. Around the main
section were 2 or 3 rows of lights, or square windows, of a somewhat color—one
whitish, another-red and the third a blue or green. More interesting than the
object was "something" that appeared outside of it, similar to the Apollo
astronauts that were photographed "walking in space." From: the left side of
the UFO a line extended some 30' yards at the end of which floated form of some
8 or. ten feet tall, of a purple or orange color. The witness did not say it
was specifically of human form, but did appear to be similar to a human torso.
He did not see the attendant object retracted into the BKpKX UFO; rather it
disappeared like"a string of lights." He had left his lights on and engine
running when he got out; in about 3-4 minutes, the headlights dimmed as low
as a weak flashlight. When the object departed, the lights came back on as
bright as before. The object made a high-pitched sound "like a spinning top"
when it departed. "You could hear the trees blowing" as it went over them.
Investigator! Stan Gordon, for the Westmoreland County UFO Group.

Source! Special report by the investigator, courtesy of INFO; repinted

in MUFON Skylook #67 (June 1973), 6,
1973 - 7

73-14 April (late), 1973 (Midday?) Southern Monroe County, Mich. Type C
Two 13-year-old boys, on school vacation (probably Easter—April 22-29),
were in the backyard of one of the boy's homes, in a rural area, playing with
a slingshot. They saw a figure approaching the house slowly in a wooded sec
tion behind the property; one of the boys got a camera from the house and they
took 20 colored photographs of the figure, as it moved closer to the yard. The
final shots of the figure clearly show a humanoid figure, small in 5ize and
completely white, or silvery, in color. One of the boys let fly a missile at
the figure with his slingshot, knocking it over; it got up and fled quickly
through the woods. Shortly thereafter, an object was seen above the house
and several photographs were taken of it.

Investigator! Robert Stinson, et al, for MUFON.


Source! Personal account of his investigation by Mr. Stinson at the MUFON

Symposium,in Des Moines, Iowa, July 5, 1975.

• Comments by TB^s Stinson showed me the 20 photographs, which were blown up to

8-§-xll" in size,, and the shots of the figure admittedly were very con
vincing. The photographs of the UFO, on the other hand, looked typically
faked, as though the object was small in size and tossed into the air. It
is understood that investigations have established with reasonable cer
tainty that the reported incident was a hoax, involving a third boy who
was "got up" for the purpose.
73-15 May (undated), 1973 Afternoon Nr Newport (ise of Wight), England Type
A 7-year-old girl (unidentified); and a companion, hearing a strange wailing
noise, entered a swampy area near the abandoned Sanford Airport and encountered .
a weird being nearly 7 feet tall. A "metallic hut" stood nearby (a UFO?). Neck-
less, with his head set right on his shoulders, the entity wore on his head a
pointed hatj yellow in ;color, with an antenna attached. The hat interlocked
with a red collar, part of a green tunic. His face was white and featureless
except for triangular marks where the eyes should be, flat nostrils, and motion
less yellow lips. The being talked to the girls, communicating first by writing
on a pad, then speaking in a metallic voice that came from within his throat.
However far away the girls were, they said the voice sounded right next to them.
The entity was friendly and expressed a fear of people. He had hands that were
aovered in blue gloves and had only three fingers; he was barefoot and, like
wise, had only three toes on each foot. His manner of departure or disappearance
is not reported.

Investigator! t 1

Sourcei Letter by the father of one of the girls (anonymous) to the Newport
Isle of Wight County -Press, April 24, 1976.
1973 Addenda

! May 3, 1973 Night Mantorp, Sweden Type A

Mrs. Sigrid Karlsson & her son Robert saw an objeot illuminated by a red
light hovering over a neighbor's houses it looked like 2 saucer plates separated
by a row of broad windows (source gives drawing), and made a loud hissing sound.
Robert thought he oould see 2 "men" inside. As it drew closer, its light became


Sourcej Canadian UFO Report III/* (#20, 1975)?;quoting Swedish publication

"UFO Information."
May 12. 1973 2120 Nr Kent. Ohio , Type B
The witness (name confidential) was driving west on Route 76, near Kent,
when he observed a group of flashing lights overheai, almost directly above
the car. They moved along the highway with him until finally, out of curiosity,
he stopped; so did the lights. Looking up through the windshield, at close to
a 90° angle, he could see a football-shaped object that flashed from red to
blue to white, in a repeating cycle; us he watched, he saw a figure materialize
approximately 10 feet below the object (which he estimated to be about 100 ft.
above the highway). The figure was human in shape, clad all in silver, and
rapidly descended to the highway directly in front of the car; when it reached
the pavement, the figure was standing rigidly in a position looking to the
right, then turned its head to look directly into the windshield at the witness.
After about a half a minute, the figure again ascended rapidly, "like a helium
balloon," toward the object, disappearing before it reached it. It was shaped
exactly like a human, but was entirely silver in color, lacking hair and ears;
eyes, a "Dutch" nose and narrow mouth , with small pointed chin, were observed
by the witness. He was uncertain as to whether the silvery body was a close-,
fitting garment or the actual skin color, for he saw what appeared to be the
faint outline of a vein running down the inside of one of the figure's arms,
which were held rigidly downward; .on the feet he saw what appeared to be boots
or shoes, with a heavy, distinct line between the sole and boot itself. No
line of demarcation could be seen between the shoe, or boot, and the lower leg.
The height of the figure was not much more than 2.5 feet., and it descended to
a position approximately len feet in front of the car (a point far enough in
front so he could see the feet over the car hood). After the figure ascended,
the object moved rapidly in a vertical ascent, rocking the car "as if a semi
(trailer) was passing it." (There were no other cars on the highway at this
time, and he was stopped in the normally moving right lane.) -^>
Investigator! Larry Moyers and Marc Candusso, of FSIC (Akron).
Sourcei Copy of the taped interview with the witness by the investigators,
conducted within a week of the encounter, courtesy of Mr. Moyers,
73-17 Mid-May, 1973 . . Nr Catanduva (Sao Paulo), Brazil Type A ?
Dr. Elias Aziz Chediak (who examined Onilson Patero following his May 22
encounter near ;Catanduva—see next case) told the press that a. week prior to
the Patero encounter (i.e., mid-May), a man and his wife employed at the
Fazenda Secap claimed to have seen a similar oval flying object, "with two
figures like people, in big hats and linked together by a sort of tube."
According to one newspaper, as many as six local residents claimed also to
have seen the UFO. (One newspaper reported that Patero was himself among
•these witnesses but this appears not to be the case.)
Investigator! • ,

Sourcei Creighton, G,, "The Car That Turned Transparent," FSR XXI-3/4, 14.
— ~ RuwC»t^#"iaof..

Not leter than ilay 15, 1975 1600 Sandov.ii (isle of Wight), England Type E
"Fay Y.", 7, with a boy about her own age, was on the golf links when they
heard a wailing, siren-like sound. They followed it through a hedge into a
swampy meaddw. The noise ceased. As they were-crossing a brook by a footbridge,
a strange figure came out from under .the bridge, This person fumbled with a book, •

dropped it in the water, retrieved it, and ,then went with "a strange hopping motion,
with knees raised high" to a metallic "hut" with n^ windows. (Source has sketch.)
This being was nearly 7 ft tall and neckles's. Ke wore a yellow, pointed, hoodlike
hat, vdth a black knob on top and "wooden" antennae or horns on the sides, and a
green tunic vdth a red collar. "His face had triangular markings for eye^, a brown
square of a nose end motionless yellow lips. Other round markings were on his
paper-white cheeks, and a fringe of rod hair fell onto his forehead. *Wooden slats'
protruded from his sleeves and from below his white trousers." There were only 3
fingers on each blue-gloved hand and 3 toes on his bare, white feet. (Source has
sketch.) The being carried from the hut a black-knobbed microphone, into which
he spoke (the children were now 50 yards away), saying "Hello, are you still thereV"
Since his tone sounded friendly, they approached him. He then wrote in a 'note
book", in a large hand, "hello and I am all colours, Sam." Talking vdthout the
aid of a microphone—his lips did not move, and his speech" was unclear—he "asked
the children about themselves."• They "asked about his clothes, which were all
ripped" and "asked if he was really a man.". "l\i'o", he replied, with a chuckle.-
Yihen they asked if he was a ghost, he answered "V.ell, not really, but I am in an
odd sort of way." "what are you, thenV", they asked, but he replied "You know."
He also said he had no name, and "confided that he was frightened of people." \L
At his invitation, the children crawled through a flap into his hut, which he
told them he had "just made." it contained two levels. The lower, which "had
plenty of headroom", was "wallpapered" in blue-green and covered with a pattern of
dials; there was an electric heater and simple wooden furniture. i'he upper level,
less spacious, had a metal flo-.r.
lie told the children that he fed upon berries which he collected, and drank
the river water after "cleaning" it. He said that he had a "camp" on the mainland.
Inside the hut he rer.ioved his hat to reveal round, white ears & sparse brown hair.
Before eating a berry, he performed an "odd trick" with it: he placed the berry
in his ear, where it disappeared and reappeared at one of his triangular eyes;
"repeating the process, the berry traveled to his mouth."
The children talked to this being for at least half an hour, then rushed a-
cross the golf 'links to tell the first nan they met that they had seen a ghost.
Fay told the story to her father on June 2nd.

Investigators; BUFOIiA. •

Source; BUFORA Journal irl/5 (Jan.-Feb •78), pp. 10-12.

'• • .
1973 Addenda

May 16, 1973 1500 Parafuso (Camacari) (Bahla?), Brazil Type B

An anonymous man "who enjoys an excellent reputation in Bahia was
walking on some river property of his, carrying a shotgun, when he heard a
soft humming. Then a man about 5^" tall appeared in front of him. He wore
a brownish-gray tight-fitting leotard, with boots that appeared metallic, and
a wide belt with a very large blue buckle. His face and his hands (with long
fingers) were pallid white, his ears small & pointed, and his head "larger than
ours." This man, speaking in Portuguese, told the witness not to bei afraid,
and to put away his gun, saying that he was "not from this world—I come from
a planet that you people call a satellite." He said also that his ship was
hovering a few yards above them, invisible to the eye. Then he said "Goodbye,
brother, I must go" and pushed a.white button on his belt=buckle. At this a
beam of light shone on him "and then drew away, carrying the man with it": he
disappeared a few yards above the witness1s head.

Investigator: Alberto Romero of Salvador, Bahia (for ONIFE.)

Source:. Cuarta Dimension #26, pp. 32f.
1973 - 9 •;

73-I8 May 22, 1973 0300 Nr Catanduva (Sao Paulo). Brazil Type D
Onilson Patero, 40-year-old salesman, was driving to his home in Catanduva
during a rainstorm; he'd given a lift to a young hitch-hiker and dropped him
off at Itajobi. About ? miles from Catanduva, on Highway 321, his car began to
lose power and the radio faded, with static interference. At the same time he
-noticed a circle of light moving about in the car and he pulled over, thinking
it was from a truck that was passing. He then saw an object about 50 feet- ahead
and 40 feet over the road; the interior-of the car began to heat up and Patero^
felt a lack of air, so he opened the door and stepped out. A "curtain of light"
began to form around the object, and the heat and lack of air diminished. --He
could now see that this was not a helicopter, and he saw a "tube of light", emerge
and approach the car. Frightened, he turned and ran, but was stopped by spme _
unseen force about a hundred feet away. He turned and saw the "tube of light"
hit the car and, as it did, the car became transparent. He fainted. About- an-
hour later he was found by two young men who drove on to get poli.ce help; o'rr
their return, they found Patero still laying in 'the mud and rain. He came to
crying out that "they were trying to get me!" He was taken to the hospital in
Catanduva, and later released. Over the next several days, he suffered the
physical effects of some unknown sympton.
The case is cited not just because it is a possible abductioni eleven
months later, Patero was the principal in an abduction experience in which he
vanished for five days, turning up again in Colatina, 700 km away. Under re
gressive hypnosis, he described one of his abductors as the same individual he ^
had given a ride to in the case cited above. (See Case April 26, 1974.) S
Investigator! Dr. Walter 3uhler, for SBEDVj, Dr. Max Berezovsky, for APRO.

Sources! APRQ Bulletin, XXI-6 (May-June 197>)» iU Ibid. XXII-1 (July-

August 1973)r 1; Lorenzen* C. & J., Encounters With UFO Occupants
(Berkeley paperback, 1976), 356-360; FSR XXI-3/4 (1975), l^-1-5
(citing SBEDV Bulletins); SBEDV Bulletins #94-98 (Sept. 1973-June
1974), 30-40, and #99-103 (July 1974-April 1975), 2 & i? (trans
lated by Richard Heiden, courtesy of David Webb),
1973 Addenda

73-18 May 22, 1973 0300 Nr Catanduva (sko Paulo). Brazil Type D
More details are available on Onllson Patero's hitch-hiker, who later
turns up as a member of a UFO crew that abducted Patero on April 26, 1974.
He said his name was Alex, or sonething similar. He and Patero had a
lively conversation, with Patero doin? most of the talking, but the stranger
asked Patero several questions about tow long he lived in Catanduva; his level
of education, his job (Alex said that he was "in business" also), &c. As they
entered Catanduva, Alex suddenly remenbered that his destination was not Catan
duva, but Itajobi. When Patero offersd his rider cigarettes, Alex declined,
saying he did not smoke in cars, althaugh he carried a gold-colored metal box
similar to a cigarette case, which he held in his hands, transferring it from
one hand to the other, but always keeping it close to his body. When Patero
left Alex off at Itajobi, he refused an offered payment for the ride; however,
Alex put in his shirt pocket-a bill wiich, when he arrived home, he found to be
for 50 cruzeiros.
At the point at which Patero pieced up the hitch-hiker, he noticed a "strong
car" (armored car?) parked nearby; afi identical car passed by just as Patero
let his-passenger off. Traffic was extremely light.
The hitch-hiker was approx. 1,75 meters tall, broad shouldered, athletic
appearance, oval face, short fair hair well-trimmed about the ears, which were
very small. His nose was also small, but the round blue eyes were large.—Hi_s
memorv was phenomenal« an hour and a half after their superficial introduction, r>
he clearly" recalled-andTpronouhced Patero*"s name correctly, which "the latter
thought was strange. Also, at the beginning of their conversation, he had
mentioned his address! when they parted, Alex said, "One of these days I am
going to visit you at your home," and repeated the address. Apparently Alex
never met-him there. Two weeks after =the experience Patero went to Itajobi,
where everyone knows most everyone else, and where Patero himself had friends,
but no one knew Alex. Patero's experience had received much attention, so if
anyone had known the stranger, it should have been recalled later.
The APRO Bulletin (July-August, 1973) provides additional information on
the hitch-hiker, via Mrs. Irene Granchii Patero (APRO spells it "Papero") had
left the town of Oswaldo Cruz and was en route to Sao Jose do Rio Preto; after
crossing the Tiete River at "Salto do Avanhanduva" (Avanhandava), he picked up
the hitch-hiker. Itajobi is 17 km. beyond Catanduva, so Patero had to go out
of his way to accomodate his rider. It was on his, way back to Catanduva that he
experienced his encounter with the object.

Investigators! Dr. Max'Berezowsky and Prof, Willi Wirz, for SBEDV,

Sources! 'Summaries of accounts in SBEDV Bulletins 94/98 (Sept. 19?3-June

1974), 30=40; and 99/103 (July 1974-April 1975), 2-4, 17-18, trnas-
lated by Richard Heiden; and APRO Bulletin, July-August 1973, 6-7.
73-19 May 22, 1973 0800 Nr Cintalapa (Vera"Crag). Mexico Type E
Dw-o8b : *—* U ™
Driving a 6-ton truck loaded asbestos sheeting, cement and steel, Manuel
•, Angel Gonzalez was in the vicinity of Cintalapa when he suddenly noticed five
little figures standing in the road ahead of him with their arms raised in the
air (note—tb). They abruptly appeared from nowhere. The driver braked his
trucked immediately, only a short distance from them. He thought at first they
were children, but at closer range he caw they were perfectly proportioned
adult figures but no more than 2 feet high, with light brown skin and black
'c hair. He was unable to remember details about their clothing. As he got out
; of his truck, the little figures began scattering toward the sides of the road,
disappearing into the underbrush along the highway. As he turned to go back
to his truck, he saw it suddenly engulfed in blue flame; in a matter of no
more than 30 minutes, the track and its normally ix non-inflammable cargo were
reduced to ashes and fused metal. The conflagration was witnessed by two other
motorists who stopped to watch. Interestingly, according to the witness, two
days eJ?*Hr after the track was consumed by fire, metal fragments that had been
collected spontaneously burst into blue flame and were reduced to ashes. The
witness related the appearance of the little figures to stories of the little
people of Mexican folklore, the Chaneques. The investigators later learned that
two other trucks were similarly destroyed and that in one case, UFOs were seen.

1973 - 10

Investigators! Ramon A. Pantoja Lopez & Robert Freeman Bound, for Fate.
Sources! . Lopez and Bound, "Chaneques—Mexican Gnomes or Interplanetary
Visitors?", Fate Magazine, November 1974, 54-57; FSR XIX-6 (Nov.-
Dec. 1973), 29-30 (citing a Latin Agency item from Mexico City in
El Commercio of Lima, Peru, June 3, 1973)•
73-20 June (undated), 1973 0200 San Benito, Texas Type A
Guadalupe Cantu, 19, glanced through the kitchen window and saw an orange-
luminous object moving 30 feet above nearby rooftops. As it drew closer, he
could see that it was a transparent disc-shaped object, ^assaaBsa^ in which
stood a hairy, ape-like being without clothing;, the entity was looking down
toward him and the rest of the earth, its hand apparently resting on some
thing. No machinary or controls could be seen. The UFO passed about a block
away making no sound, and then went out of sight.

Investigator! Jerome Clark.

/ •
Sourcei Personal communication from the investigator, March 10, 1976.
May 27. 1973 +0200 Sao Jose do Rio Preto (Sao Paulo). Brazil Type A

Dona Geni Lisboa, 57, was busily baking wedding cakes early in the
morning when her attention was drawn outdoors by the cries of her pet
parakeet. Looking out, she saw an illuminated object approaching her
property. The object circled the garden and hovered above the wall, at
which time Dona Lisboa, only a few mfrters distant, could see through the
transparent upper portion#three identical figures of small stature, behind
a kind of "parapet" which hid them from the waist down. Each one was shining
a beam of light down as if searching for something when their beams simultan*
eously converged on the witness, immediately paralizing her. Feeling some
pain and dizziness, she was able to call out for help to her neighbor. But
the object had departed before she was able to respond.
When the neighbor arrived, she found Dona Lisboa*s face swollen and
her eyes bloodshot. Her body is painful, particularly in the joints, and
especially in toe knees, but she continues working until the pains returns
and she was forced to call her neighbor again. Her physiological symptoms
worsened and she was hospitalizied for what the doctors called "prolapse of
the uterus." She had had a gynocological test 6 months earlier and had been
found healthy. In addition to this, her eyesight worsened after the experience
to the point where she was forced to wear corrective lens for the first time,
in her life; also, a previous condition of hypertension seems to have made
an improvement to the degree where she dropped all previous anti-hypertensive
The Portuguese version in source provides more complete details, including
a drawing of the object and the "triplets" within. ^ ^
Investigators! Dr. Walter Buhler and Jose Wilson Ribelro (SBEDV).
Source! SBEDV Bulletin #121-125 (March-December 1978), from the
English summary of the case (full report in Portuguese to be trans
lated at a subsequent date~tb).
1973 Addenda

* Summer, 1973 2100 Norwalk, Connecticut Type Q

At 9 PM Mary Angel Kleros's car radio began to produce loud static on all
stations; then she heard a man's voice, and suddenly found herself standing in
a "strange craft" before a tall man who said telepathioally "Welcome my friend,
Mary Angel." He told hor telepathioally that her life was being studied, and
that she would see him again at intervals, (Miss Kleros has had many psychic
and supernatural experiences.) He was about 6'4W tall, with light hair, and.wore
a metallic one-piece jump suit with a triangular emblem. There were at least
200 beings on the craft. Miss K. was shown a section containing "computer-type
machinery", and also saw a view of space; the UFOnaut told her she was seeing
"the galaxy Guentatori-Elfi." There was a "coded" humming vibration. The man
predicted that numerous floods would oocur; then she found herself back in her
car, at 9:20. The floods occurred as predicted.
Investigator: none.

Source: Witness' s;letter of Z/lZ/'/6 to MUFQN.

73-21 Early June. 1973 -0400 Arecibo. Puerto Rico Type D
Having unloaded some merchandise from his truck, truck-driver Crisanto
: Marvel Perez and a companion were napping in the truck when Perez was awakened
by a noise; he dozed off again and was again awakened and, through a rear-
view mirror on the outside of the truck he observed three whitish figures
approaching. His companion was still asleep. Through the opposite mirror
he saw the three figures peer in the window behind his head; he remained.
still, as though asleep, but was able to see that they examined the inside
of the truck with curiosity. They were generally normal in appearance ex
cept for a "parrot-like" nose, and either their skin was scaley or they wore
clothes that had a scaley appearance. On their heads was a kind of helmet
divided across the top from front to back by a crest. They spoke amongst
themselves in an incomprehensible language that had a sound similar to that
made by bats. After they had examined the inside of the truck, the beings
moved off, and Perez woke up his companion to tell him what happened; the
man was incredulous. Perez drove home and was "very excited," going right
to bed. He experienced a "strong fever and headache." Earlier in the night,
en route to Arecibo, he had observed a star-like object that seemed to be
pacing his car. He saw it again on a subsequent night, but did not see the
beings again.

Investigator: N.. Rigau, for the Center for Investigation of UFOs,

San Juan, P.R.

Sourcei Rigau, N., in Awareness III-3 (Summer 1974), 15-16.

73-22 June 23, 1973 +0000 Phoenix, Arizona Type G
Mrs. Roberla T. (name CONFIDENTIAL) observed from her patio what at first
appeared to be a star-like object that descended until it came to a spot just
above the trees beyond her patio, at which time it appeared to be a large, il
luminated spherical object. As it hovered there a square opening appeared on
the side facing her, like "garage doors opening." Illuminated brightly from
. within, Mrs. T. obseeved a human-like figure approach the opening from one side,
1 " cross over and then bend down "to do something." When she uttered an exclamation
to herself he abruptly looked up and out at the witness, peering directly at her
by leaning out of the .opening. He was visible from the knees up and seemed to
be wearing a tight garment. He "dropped his head down" as he looked at her and
she could see he was tall, with a large head, and with hands ("like he was
messing around 'with some instruments" when he had bent down). At that point
she heard a humming sound again (she had heard it on the approach of the object)
and looking off to her left she saw a second, smaller object approaching in the
same direction. It passed a post on the patio and abruptly disappeared; she
then looked back toward the first object and found it too had vanished. She then
fell asleep and when she awoke later, found herself lying in a different position-
Under hypnotic regression, she described seeing the same figure appear be
fore her on-the-patio. She then describes in vague uncertain ways how she was
told not to be afraid, and then "taken somewhere" by being floated upwards. She
recalled seeing a dog that had been constantly barking also fating in the air.
She was in some dark "enclosed" place where she couldn't see and an instrument
of some sort was placed on her head which made her uncomfortable ("aggravated").
There were others around her but she "felt" them rather then seeing them; she
had the impression they were "talking" to each other in a language she could not
understand. She had the impression there were two people present. •When she ^
awoke on the patio, it was some 4 or 5 hours later. "~ r-^
Investigatort Lesteri Seward:,, for, GSW.

Sources: Personal communication from the investigator, August 28, 1975f

copies of the witness's personal account of the sighting itself,
with GSW report form, courtesy of GSW; copy of the taped interview
under hypnosis, courtesy of Lester Seward, transcribed by Lex Mebane."'
73-23 July (undated), 1973 0130 Tomakomai/ Japan Type A
An anonymous 20-year-old man, on night guard xrai at a lumberyard, observed
a wildly maneuvering light that approached a point over the nearby by at some
20 meters above the water and hovered, at which.time a transparent tube-like
extender emerged and descended to the water, apparently taking on water. The
operation was accompanied by a strange "cicada-like" sound, and the tube glowed
until the operation was finished. The tube withdrawn, the object then approached
the witnqss to a pbint some 50 meters above his head and he could see through
lighted windows around the center several figures. One' was visible through a
center window, and two more figures two windows to the right. They were "too
small and deformed to be called the shadows of men." During this the witness
experienced a feeling of being bound hand and foot; he then noticed several more
ball-like objects in the same vicinity; th'ey were quickly withdrawn into the
larger object, and the UFO moved off rapidly into the north.

Investigator! Jun-Ishl Takanishi, Chairman, Modern Space Flight Ass'n.

Source! Sp, report by the investigator, courtesy of R. Hall, summarized
in FSR, XXI-3/4, 54, and reprinted in full, FSR XXII-1, 18-19.
. J
1973 ' Atde.ida

July 0, 1973 1Q3Q Alar del Plata (Buenos Aires), Argentina Type A
iihile Sra. Mabel C-jrchs de V°rcm r.-as crossing "the centrel i'laaa Colon, she
observed a bright green light, that -isde hsr look up. There, 100 meters above :
her, was a circular object about 10 m'in dicker, emitting :. bluish luminosity,
v.ith a'cupola on its upper part and a1 row of little vinuows around it, through
v.hich a dim light came from the inside, where there could be seen "some strange
figures, looking out." The croft remained motionless for several seconds, until
a commercial plane went by; the UFC followed it for a few moments before going
cvay toward the sea. It seems that this phenomenon was also observed by a news
paperman on tie local daily & by a group of office employees of the Argentine .
National Airline, (l)
L,ater, e.% 1915, Sr^ Nahusl Villous succeeded in seeing it vdth his Urano 100
telescope of 200X magnification, making cut some shr.dows that seemed to be moving
around inside it; the object vas already at a greater altitude. .(2) THE UFO re
mained in the sky of Mar del Plata for 4 hours, during which it was seen by hundreds
of witnesses. i


. Source: Banchs, "Fenomenologia" (No. 21), citing as sources;

(1): Persons1 communication from Sr. Daniel Veron. . |
(£): La Nacion (Buenos Aires), 7/ll/73. !
1973 - 12

73-24 July 17, 19.73 ??°° Northern I'.ojave Dessert, Calif. Type 3
A group of three unidentified witnesses observed the descent of a torpedo-
shaped 'UFO over an isolated area near one of the witness's ranch. As the UFO
hovered near the ground, three "objects" dropped from it to the ground and
"ambled" off in different directions. The witnesses'" said" the "objects" were
"animate" and one described two lights Jr. what would approximate the area of
the head (or 'two luminous eyes), of a reddish color.
r.ext day at the site, tracks similar: to those of Bigfoot, one suggestive
of a malformed foot, were found. Subsequently, other reports of Bigfoot appear
ances were made in the area, specifically one by a group of people on the night
of July 25, at which time a. convoy of military trucks appeared on the scene and,
under the glare of spotlights, military personnel presumably "coralled" a Big
foot and carted him off in a truck.

Investigator: Peter Gutilla, of the Western Society for the Investigation

of the ZMnMM. Unexplained.

Source; Gutilla, P., "Bigfoot - 3 Tales of Terror," Saga UFO Report, Nov.
1976, 46-49, 63-66.
liote: For the balance of case summaries betv.'een August and December 1973i refer to
David Webb's report, 1973 - Year of the Humanoids (2nd\iidition, published by
The Center for UFO Studies, LVanston, 111., 19?6).

Addenda Cases are added on separate sheets. r

1973 Addenda ' ~ v—

1692 Late July. 1973 0130 Nr Wlckenburg (Maricopa). Arizona Type G (?)

Sharon F—.-, recently divorced, was moving from Phoenix to California.

Driving west on Route 60 with a trailer, she observer a bright light in the
dessert close to the ground that paced her car for about 20 miles in the vici
nity of Wickenburg. She grew increasingly uneasy at its presence and, finally,
terrified; she pulled with much relief into a truck stop where she knew she
^ would find others. The time, as she later recalled under hypnosis, was 3i27 AM.
She could not account for a period of 90 minutes.

1693 Ab August 4. 1973 +2200 Nr Indio (Riverside). California Type F

A week or ten days later, she had to return to Phoenix for more things and
• she asked her brother to go along with her for company. While driving up a
hill somewhere in the vicinity of Indio, she began to receive pictures in her
mind and had a sense of a presence. These "images" came in greys and browns;
she would counter them by thinking of bright colors. She could sense a kind
of puzzlement regarding her color Images. She found the "gray" images un
pleasant, and had the sense of an interior, with gray-green walls, which had
three vague "forms" in it. Feeling that she was daydreaming and tired, she
forced her concentration back to her driving and noticed colors bx reflecting
,• on the dashboard and asked her brother if there was something in the sky. She
and her brother both observe^ briefly a light over the highway changing colors
from blue, to green, to red, to yellow, then to a brilliant white. Then it
vanished, in view less than a minute. Her brother was very excited. The
trip continued, apparently uneventfully. .
In hypnotic session with the investigators in February 1977, Sharon is
asked to examine her image of the gray interior more closely. She describes
the gray-green walls, with at least one black line, or slot, on the back wall.
She is with three vague shapes or "shadows." It's not a pleasant place; she
feels there's another experience at another time. She is asked to go back to
that experience (an abduction on her drive from Phoenix, possibly?) and she
finds herself in another room with a window looking out on an orange sky. There
is a white bench in the room. The room is very sterile. Then she finds her
self in a huge place with a domed ceiling; she is standing beside a- 20-foot
high crystal, set at an angle so that it points toward the sky. It's green on
the bottom half, and it turns. There are other similar crystals in this place;
about five In all, they are hooked to a large piece of machinery. It's similar
to a generator. The crystal is connected to the machine by a rod. The whole
room hums. There are two other people with her! one, dressed in gray, looks
older, with grayish hair. The younger man, in black, is taller. They point out
a formula to her, which is on the walli it is composed of script letters (see
reproduction). She is brought out. of the trance and is given the post hypnotic
suggestion that she will recall the formula 'and be able to reproduce it on a
piece of drawing paper, which she does. (No further information now available.)
Investigators! Prof. Alvin Lawson, John De Herrera and Dr. Wm, McCall,
Sourcet Notes and drawings of the witness;and transcript of the hypnotic
session, courtesy of Al Lawson,
1973 Addenda

New August , 1973 1400 Novo Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil Type B
Edmund (name confidential), a 19-year-old youth from the Amparo
settlement, was in the fruit garden of the farm when he noticed agitation
among the nearby fruit trees, although the afternoon was calm and all the other
trees motionless. Investigating, he discovered a strange spherical object (it -
is more ovoid than spherical in the drawings—tb) 2 meters wide hovering just
above the ground. Atop the sphere (or r>void) was a 10-meter tall contraption £
that consisted of cylindrical rod surmounted by a cone-shaped device that fanned
outward toward the top, BSSBS§K|gggEESEaSEB3DfK!S!@fiBSE2!EEBB£EiEZ© The entire ob~
ject had a metallic sheen and revolved slowly. Edmund approached to within a'
meter but, apprehensive, retreated to a distance of about 4 meters (15 feet);
At this point an aperture appeared in the side of the ovoid with a loud bang;
from it emerged'a small humanoid figure in a one-piece suit that covered his
head. (The English summary in source says the entity's face was masked, but the
drawing clearly shows features of eyes, nose and mouth, although the suit does
cover his head—tb.) Strapped to his back was a rather large, squarish backpack.
The entity did not walk, but floated, with a "feverish"?("ferverous" in the Eng
lish summary—tb) swinging of arms and legs in middair. The entity approached
Edmund to within a distance of a meter, at which time the youth became panic-
stricken and fled, seeking others at the farmhouse. As he ran off, he looked
back and saw the little being still "hovering" in the air at the spot where he
stopped when the boy ran off. When he returned with others, there was no sign
of either entity or object. No traces were left at the site.
Investigatorst SBEDV,

Source! SBEDV Bulltein #104/111 (May 1975/Auglst 1976), 12.

(Notei this is from the English summary of the SBEDV report; Richard
Heiden has promised to send a translation of the Portuguese account at
a later date—tb,.)
1973 Addendum

New September (undated), 1973 2330 Epsom (Surrey), England Type B

Epsom race track jcflckey Peter Leather observed a domed disc with
a rim, flashing and surrounded by a blue haze, land on the downs near
the edge of the race course. An entity of humanoid appearance and ab,
5 feet tall emerged from the object, but was too far away to been seen
in any detail. He carried in his hand an implement like a flashlight,
although this did not emit a beam of light. Frightened, the witness ran
from the area and did not see its departure. Examination of the site
next day disclosed no traces. Further inquiries are being made.

Investigator! Peter Warrington

Sourcei Abstract provided by the investigator and Jenny Randies

for HumCat, received April, 1977.
Notes on an object sighting and a creature encounter, from Len Stringfield j"

Placet Ward's Corner (deraont County), east of Branch Hill, Ohio.

Dafi Pall of 1973, after first frost (probably November—tb),

1, First witness was Don Brandenberg (name oonfidential) of Goshen, Chio,

now retired (due to being disabled).
About 9 to^ 10 p,m. on a clear, cold night (Windy, after the first frost),
DB was driving east of Branch Hill on Guinea Pike, near Vard*s Comer, on a
service call (he was in heating appliances), when he saw a small ball of fire,
star-like at first, but moving fast and becoming larger| it approached with
a spinning motion, coming in fast at an angle toward the witness. After 30
seconds it made a sharp angular turn, now appearing as an object with several
lighted partitibns like square windows, with lights of a diffused bluish color
inside. Object landed 150 yards from him in an open field. Spinning motion
stopped as it set down in.field* Closest point to witness was about 200 yards.
Estimated size, 100 feet diameter, 30 feet high, shaped like a cocanut on its
side. No sound heard. Object came straight down into field. DB saw it land
and took right off. He did not report to police, but did tell a few friends
about the lnoident*
2, Around the same time, probably within a day of the above, possibly -the
•morning after, a Mrs. Gilbert was visiting friends at Wafid's Corner. She
left her friends at about 3 a.m. Night was cold and clear, there were still
a few leaves on trees. She backed out of her friends' driveway, and when she
put the car in forward and began to move toward the same field involved in
the above incident (where the object had been seen earlier to land), she saw ;
in the headlights of her car a single creature about 3 to 4 feet tall, standing
near the road, in the field. She was most impressed by the large eyes, which
were focussed right on hert they were red and circular, very piercing, and
"shooting lights at her." Then the creature moved on two legs, "rather strangely,"
floating as it moved, and then "it evaporated.M (Disappeared in the dark?)
RBs. G saw no garments. It was greyish in oolor, "like Casper, the ghost,"
with two legs. She saw no details regarding arms or hands, Mrs, G was in
hysterics the next day when she told friends at the local store. It was at |
this same store that Brandenberg heard about Krs. G.'s encounter a short time f
later. The two witnesses met as a result of their stories.

Notet The Goshen area was the site of the "Sam" case on October 19 of that
same year. It is only a few miles east of Branch Hill, where ppyeral encounters
with peculiar creatures occurred In March, 1972, and, of course, the site of
the Hunnicutt ease of May 25, 1955# investigated by Stringfield and me,

Ted ELoecher

September, 1977
001 D« Webb
Center •*._•.-'
1973 Addenda

September, 1973 0300 Kintfield district of Woking (Surrey), England Type B

A 4-yr-old boy, awakened by a rising & falling humming sound, saw a,headless
"man" standing at the foot of his bed. It had huge 6-fingered hands, (c wore tight
black or dark gray clothing, with a black bolt that expanded & contracted as it
breathed. On its right arm was a black strap attached to something like a radio,
with an antenna. It suddenly vanished, but outside the bedroom door the boy saw
6 similar "men", who likewise vanished. The boy rushed to the window & saw a blue-
domed disc parked on the garden lawni it rested on 4 wheeled legs, & had square
black portholes., He could see the last of the entities climbing a ladder into the
UFO. He ran to.'wake his mother, but by the time she got there the UFO had gone.
(Cf. March, 1974 sighting by the same witnesses.)
| C.C, Warren
Investigator: -«JT-BemB.rd-©e±Ti±T, for Contact (UK).

Source; D;elair"s letter to David Yfebb of 7/3/76}. Awareness, Summer 1976, 20,
1973 Addenda

# \1>%& Sept. 2, 1973 143p' Near Milroy (Rush), Indiana Type

Conner Corey (name confidential), a part-time preacher, was driving

at 50 mph when he saw in his rear View mirror a small dark-green "car" with
front fenders like 2 small barrels, which was approaching his car from the
rear. It came closer, now looking more like a van; in it were 2 figures with
shoulder-length hair. There was a humming sound like a swarm of bees. Then
it "hooked up" to his car, and with a bright flash the 2 men disappeared.
After this he watched the mirror as if it were a TV screen. First he saw
something like water spilling, then a room "like the NBC News Room." Into this
room came up (through a trapdoor or a stairway) 3 men, 2 of whom were dressedl
like doctors in grayish or light blue uniforms. They seemed to be conferring
with the 3d man. Then they too disappeared, and he saw a view of scenery as
if seen from an airplane, with the moon (or the earth) looming up on the
horizon. This was followed by a dark cross, looking like a water area, from
which 2 persons emerged, at first in the remote distance, but coming closer
as if on a conveyor belt. As they approached, they were illuminated by a
blinking light, and he could see that they were wearing gray-greenish uniforms
with a cloak and a sash tied "in front. Just as they reached the rear window,
the scene vanished. The car had traveled about %of a mile while these things
were seen.

Investigator; Donald Worley.

j>ource: Investigator's report, with questions answered by witness.

1973 Addenda ,

New September 9, 1973 0200 Cradle Hill (Warminster), England

Mr. & Mrs. Ron McClure & 7 others, watching for UFOs on Cradle Hill, saw
an orange ball descend behind the copse. Walking toward the copse, they encount
ered a man ti.5-7. ft tall, wearing a 2-piece garment of dark green denim-like ma
terial with an "anorak"-type hood almost completely covering his face. He held
a silver object resembling a flashlight. This man shouted in a resonant voioet
Move on—go awayl" MoClure shouted "Will you harm us?" There was no reply. He
then asked, "Will you come ,back?M The answer was "Yes."
Rob", another member of the group, followed this man into the oopse, where
he vanished •while Rob's attention was diverted for a moment.


Sourcet Scan (date?), pp. 8f.

September 12. 1973 +2230 Kent ILtfltchfieldj. Conn.z/,^,,Ar Type G

Two 17-year-old boys, driving north on Rte 7 from Westchester County, saw
a large oval object with flashing colored lights when they were several miles
south of town. The object hovered just over the ridge on the west side of the
Housatonic River, and they stopped and got out for a better; look and were
joined by another couple, a boy and girl also driving back from Westchester.
Meanwhile, on Spooner Hill, to the east, R.W. was on his way to visit his
friends C.O. and R.O., a young married couple. He saw the same object and
when he arrived at his friends1 house, he called them outside. By this time
the object had dropped behind the ridge, although they could still see its
lights shining over the crest of the hill. They got into R.W.'s car and drove
down the hill to Route 7, where they met the four younger people. All seven
then drove north to Birch Hill, where they thought they could get a better
view. The two boys drove into town to bring back two additional witnesses.
The large object was no longer visible, but they now saw a dozen or so
smaller whitish lights maneuvering in a circular pattern just this side of
the ridge. These lights then separated into a single line and proceeded north
toward Mt. Algo, just southwest of the main section of town. The witnesses
got into their cars and followed the lights toward Kent.
The two additional witnesses were dropped off In town while the other seven
turned west on Rte, 3M and crossed the bridge over the river, heading toward
Ht. Algo. There they turned south on Schaghticoke Road, which runs along the
base of the mountain, to Bonus's Field, an open spot about a mile south. The
group assembled there briefly but were unable to see anything.
Meanwhile, at about this same time, a separate group of three teenaged girls,
camping out in one of their backyards along the Housatonic, observed a line of
lights descending Mt. Algo on its steep north side. The witnesses at Bonus's
Field had gotten back in their cars and drove north again to the junction of ^-_ ^
Rte. 3fcl. where they discovered a small white car parked, which had not been _
there a few minutes earlier. They parked their cars and the'two younger boys
got out and asked the occupants of the white car (two unidentified girls) if
they had seen anything unusual. They said that they were waiting for a group
of hikers who had told them an hour earlier that they were "hiking over the-
mountain" and that the girls should meet them there,
bust then a group of 15 to 20 "hikers" came jogging down Schaghticoke Road
from the same direction the young people had just driven (they had not seen
anyone on the road). Each "hiker" had a lighted hat like a miner's hat on his
head and they all carried poles or "rods." They were mumbling or "chanting"
and approached in a double column. They did not answer the boys' questions
as they passed on either side of them, when asked where they'd come from.
According to the young people, the "hikers" apparently turned right at Rte,
3**1 and headed towards Kent, although some were vague about this. However,
when they all got back in their cars and drove after them, the "hikers" were
.nowhere to be seen—as though they had disappeared into thin air. According
to the two young men and the younger couple, there were at least two hours
they could not account for. (One young man's watch had stopped at lit20, he
discovered the next day.) The three older people could not recall what they
did or where they went after the "hikers" passed.
Hypnotic regression sessions have commenced with F.W., R.O. and CO. In
the first session with two of the three there are indications there is more
to the story than they have recalled. The third subject could recall nothing
he could not remember consciously. Strong blocks were evident in all three.
Investigators* Budd Hopkins & Ted Bloecheri hypnotists,/Aphrodite
damar and Dr. Robert Naiman.

Sourcei Numerous first-hand Investigations as well as hypnotic regression.

1973 Addenda

Mid-September, 1975 2130 Lost Nation (Coos), N.H. Type ^'

Joseph Cottrell, 42, a machinery inspector, went outside for a breath of air'
and saw a glowing ball "like a ball of fireflies" 500 yards away. He began to walk
toward it, upon which it "burst" into 7 smaller units which rapidly a silently ap
proached him, glowing alternately red, white, & green. They came to a stop about
'• 100 ft aw?.y & at an altitude of 50 ft, and he saw that they were 6-9 ft in diameter.
.Realizing that "there were alien beings inside the glowing, balls", he asked "?jhy me?"
Telepathioally he heard an answer, "lVhy not you?" After 10.-15 minutes he ran back .
to his house, loaded his camera, and.returned with his son, Wayne, and a shotgun;
Wayne carried a .22 rifle. (His wife continued to watch TV and saw nothing.) The
luminous objects were now 150-200 ft away at an'altitude of 35 ft, in a group of 4
and another of 3. He heard the telepathic question: "Are you going" to shoot us?"
He replied "No." Then a beam of light (or "energy") appeared at his feet, and passed
all over his body, pausing at sites of old injuries. .He thought that "they were mak
ing a xerox copy of me." The intensity of the beam was increased to a point where
he felt very uncomfortable; vdien he complained,, it was reduced again. Meanwhile he
was carrying on a telepathic conversation: "I was imprinted with a new world of
fsiendly alien beings.1" Thoy showed him pictures of "glass-like cities, energy sys
tems and components", and warned against nuclear energy as dangerous. About an hour
passed, and the objects had come very close; Mr. C. realised that "they wanted us to
go with them." He raised his hands in protection; the objects immediately returned,*v
to their former position, and after a few minutes disappeared. , ^
Investigators;' Lorraine Duchesne (for MUFON) & Kim Nilsen (for Coos County
Democ rat.) : —|
Sources: Observer's typed statement, & Nilsen in Lancaster (il.H.) Coos County
.Democrat, ll/2l/74, pp. If.
HuraCat #1842

September 20. 1973 Nipht Near Halifax (Yorks.). England Type C

Julian Garside (16) was riding home from work on a friend's motorbike
when the two young men saw 3 bright triangular lights, or shapes, gliding
uphill through the woods near the road. They stopped and, out of curiosity,
decided to follow. The shapes speeded up and the boys noticed an odor like
burning oil. When they reached the top of the hill, a quarter mile from
the road, the figures had vanished; above them, however, they observed a
small, round orange light, like a road-crossing beacon. In vanished in about
a minute.
There had been no path through the woods, and the three objects (or
figures^ appeared to glide straight through the undergrowth, leaving no traces.
The odor of oil was the only trace left behind.

Sourcei BUFORA Journal VII-2 (July-August 1978), pp. 10-11, citing

witness's letter to the editor.
1973 Addendum >

New Sept. 27. 1973 1730 Bedarrides (Vaucluse). France Type C


While picking mushrooms on the woods on Mont Real, Mr. "A" observed
a 4-foot dwarf standing at the edge of the clearing 100 feet away. As he
grabbed something from the ground a second identical being joined him from
the woods beyond. They looked perfectly human and wore beige coveralls that
covered them to the wrists and neck| their feet were obscurred by high
grass. Their arms were slender and their hands normal. Each wore a black
beret on his head. Thinking they were children, Mr. A called out to them,
whereupon they laughed aloud, then turned and fled into the brush behind
them. A few seconds later, Mr. A saw a dull blue-grey, oval object, about
5 meters wide, rise up beyond the trees, ascending slowly to a height of
20 feet, making a slight whistling sound. There it paused briefly, then
departed toward the northeast rapidly and in total silence. At the "landing"
site, a bush and some grass had been flattened, suggesting that the. object
had been hovering a foot or so above the ground. *

Investigator! Jean Bastide

Source! MUFON Journal #118 (Sept. 1977), pp. b-5\ ^also in

LDLN #158, Oct. 1976).
1973 Addenda

Mid-Septaaber. 1973 17QQ Covington, foich. Type A

A. H. (name confidential) was driving a truck from L'Anse about dusk when he
saw a large silver-gray object, about 80 ft in diameter, glide across the road to
hover just above the car in front of him. The car abruptly stopped, and he had to
brake hard to avoid hitting it. Then he noticed that his dash lights were off and
that his voltmeter read zero (dead batteries.) As he stopped the truck he saw a
woman get out of the car ahead & kneel down in the grass to pray with a rosary. He
ran to the woman and found she was not hurt; meanwhile the object hovered overhead
at an altitude of about 90 ft. It then moved off to the west to hover again; iniiile
it hover'ed its bottom lights were multicolored, but viien it moved they turned magenta-
purple. There v/as also a red "stone-like" light on top of a windowed cupola. (Sourc<
has drawing.) At this time he saw in a window the silhouette of a man with short
blond hair; he waved, and the man waved back (the object was about 100 yards away at
this time.J Then the UFO rose, with a "high hum" (while hovering it made only a soft
whirring sound) and shot away toward the NE. He found that the woman had not seen
the UFO. His batteries were now normal.
Investigator: Ted Bloecher.

*Source: Witness1 s ivIUFON questionnaire.

' HumCat #1796 '

Late Summer. 1973 ab. 1500 Richmond (Macomb). Michigan Type A

I '
Mrs, M.A.M. had been working in her garden and burning weeds when she
saw, about 1200 feet away, just above jbhe trees, a round object like two
dishes face to face. It was about 80 feet wide and had "lots of windows"
around it. She first thought the kids had erected a tree house with old
stolen windows, but saw it was too large, and above the trees. She could
see a single figure, l*eHBJIttB»Bi*B*»*pBBShB* "he couldn't be very tall for
sure," walking from window to window. The windows were brightly lit from
within. Scared, she and her neice (whom she instructed "not to look at it")
went indoors, with the intention of looking at it through a bedroom window.
When they got there, the object was gone. The tops of the trees at the site
"seemed to me like they were browntfd, and as if cut across," She found no
other evidence at the site when she examined it the next day.


Sourcei Letter from the witness, dated February 8, 1978, to I.U.R.

End of Sept., 1975 2230 \T.cixr Vila Real (jTres'os uontes), Portugal Type C
or. Serge Lisboa, 38, his wife karia, 38, and ;,Iaria ^.iarmela Santos Costa,
21, were driving to Porto and had just passed Tua when they heard a humming sound
and got out to see a white-luminous lens-shaped object, emitting flashes of red
light from a. transparent dome on its top, at about 1000 ft altitude. It appeared
to be only about 5 ft wide and 3 ft high. 'They drove on and had passed Alijo when
they heard a humming sound again, this time'nodulated and rhythmic; At the same
time the driver "began to notice some difficulties with his motor." However, no
object was seen. *About 5 km from Vila Real (tho humming having meanwhile again
:disappeared) they come upon a bright green-luminous cylindrical object resting on
the road. Lisboa braked and just managed to avoid it. At the same moment, the
passengers in tho car noticed tv.o flashing red lights on the left side of the road,
at the level of the roadside gravel. As they approached they saw that these lights
were on the tip of 20" antennas on the helmets of tv.o short men in astronaut cos
tume, who were lying on their backs, beside the roo.d, their feet toward the road.
Their suits were shiny and "lead-like", giving the impression of a malleable foil,
and they wore spherical helmets with rectangular windows, and gloves on their
hands. The car passed within 6 ft of these beings, who wore about 5 ft tall.
Frightened, Lisboa tried to acceleijp.te, but the car'was slow to respond. As they
passed the ,uen and the green object, they could hear |"an indistinct gurgling sound."
Then they saw the two humanoids rise from the ground,! rigidly without moving their
amis or legs. They had small "knapsacks" on their backs. The two UFOnauts then
rose into the air, and disappeared from view above the car.

Investigator: J. Fernandes.

bource; La icevue des ooucoupes Volantes if- (19J77), pp. 20-22.

HumCat # 1843

October, 1973 2330 Unspecified locale in southern England Type G

An unidentified 37-year-old housewife was driving along a peaceful country

road to visit a sick friend when her car engin malfunctioned and the vehicle
stopped. She got out of the car and felt a hand on her shouldert turning
around, she discovered it belonged to a robot-like entity. She fainted, and
when she came to, she found herself facing a large, glowing, heai-spherical
craft. She blacked out again and this time came to upon a table in a grey,
circular room, where she discovered she was strapped down by her ankles and
wrists, with her clothes removed and covered by a large blue blanket. Three
human-like entities ontftrexl -the root?., dresood like surgeons; one examined her
extensively, and all three left. Then one returned and, she claims, raped her.
She was finally released, passed out once more, and regained consciousness in
her car.

Investigator! Barry King

Source! From a lecture by John Hind at the BUFORA Conference, 1978,

abstracted in BUFORA Jpurnal VII-2 (July-August 1978), p. 18.
1273 Addenda

October, 1973 19QQ Les Adrets (Var), France Type E

Two independent motorists noticed, .beside the1road at the Les Adrets cross
roads, a man about 6 ft tall wearing a "clear" suit and a luminous helmet covering
the entire head, not permitting the face to be seen. Both witnesses' cars passed
within 15 ft of the being.

Source: Personal from Jean-Luc^Rivera, citing Bulletin Tfl5 of the ADEPS.

1973 Addendum

New Early October. 1973 Hani in Station (Washington). Pa. Type &

"Unidentified flying objects, little wrinkled men and flashing lights

have been reported as being seen in the Ohio Valley area and in Hanlln
Station, Pa. . . . Mrs. Louise Snyder, who is employed at the Martin's
Pie Shop on Pennsylvania Avenue, Welrton (w. VA.), said her grandson, Paul
Flusorek (14), saw a little wrinkled man in the Hanlln Station area. The
boy said the 'little man' made a buzzing sound and just disappeared into
the clouds. The youth said this happened several weeks ago (early Oct.—tb)
but thought everyone would think he was telling a story so he said nothing
about the 'little man'."


Source! Weirton (W. Va.) Daily Times. October 18, 1973

197,3 Addendum

New October 14, 1973 Night Hampton Lake, Wisconsin Type B

Nancy,. 22, and her boyfriend Jim were camping at Hampton (?) Lake with
another couple and that couple's baby; Nancy and Jim, just settled down: in
the camper for the night, were awakened by a bright light shining through
the back window. Then the camper door suddenly burst open. They saw a
bright saucer-shaped object about to land, descending in a zig-zag motion;
on the ground, the glowing object then disgorged a variety of about 20 figures,
! male, and approaching the camper slowly. One appeared to be a black man; a
second was similar to a swami, standing on one leg with his other leg wrapped
around his head. A disembodied face appeared in the camper telling them not
to be afraid. About seven of the men stood in a semi-circle 10 feet away from
the van door, .(The dog that was in the van with them went flying out when
the door burst open and was not seen until later.) One of the seven man had
dark curly hair and was dressed in blue jeans and a red plaid shirt; he held
a German Shepherd in each hand by a leash. The group of figures stood there
for about 10 minutes staring silently at the witnesses, who cowered inside the
van in great fright, A man carried a scroll. Three more beings, different
from the others and only four feet tall, came out of the "sjface ship" and
moved about the area very quickly, "just sort of running around." They seemed
to glow a whitish-green color. One of these perched in a tree, «

While this large assemblage was still present, Jim juriped out of the camper1
andj alerted their friends, asleep in a tent nearby. They were unable to under
stand what all the excitement was about, being unable to see either "spaceship"
or any of the beings, Jim hustled them into the camper, collected all of their
belongings, found the dog and, with the other couple driving, they took off.
En route back to Milwaukee, the couple in the rear of the camper experienced
all sorts of odd phenomena, including a gloved hand apparition, a presence",'
and both Nancy and Jim experienced hysteria. The other couple perceived nothing
unusual, and believed their friends crazy. They were taken, in fact, directly
to an emergency hospital extrance upon return.

Nancy had dreamed all this when she was 16, in 1967. She knew that they
were "going to be abducted" because of these dreams. Further, mhe believes in
reincarnation, and believes she was Nefrititti (or however you spell it), and
that one day she would "return." (As Nefrititti?) She believes in UFOs, in
psychic abilities, and all of the other skis au courant occult matters that are
in such great vogue today. One would be, in fact, hard-pressed to call her
an objective witness, just as one would be hard-pressed to call this an objective

InvestigatorSi Richard Heiden and Lee Jewell,

Source! Copy of taped interviewed of Sept. 27, 1977.

1973 Addendum

New October 19t 1973 1630 West Melbourne (Brevard). Florida Type B
"The sheriff's department spokesman said one report came in la'st Friday
(Oct. 19) at 4i30 p.m. from a 9-year-old boy and the other was Monday at
2 a.m. from "a middle-aged man." The sheriff's department referred both
calls to Patrick Air Force Base, but apparently neither person called the
base. ... The youth called the department at 4i30 p.m. Friday and said
he was watching television in his West Melbourne home when he look (sic) out
the window and saw the UFO in his front yard. It didn't fly in, the youth
said. "It just materialized—it just appeared." He told the department a
creature got out and it had silvery skin, crab claws, antennas, and it
1 looked into his living room window with "scary eyes," the department quotes
him as saying. . The youth said the creature got back in its saucer-shaped
object and flew off,
"'He said it was just like on the "House of Horrors," a television pro
gram, and real scary.' the spokesman said. 'He was real serious and wasn't
excited. We thought he'd hang up when we asked for his name, but he didn't
and he gave it to us.' Although the youth was serious, the spokesman said,
they heard giggling in the background during the phone call. The youth ex
plained that it was his little brother in the background giggling and said
'he thinks I'm crazy, but he didn't see it,' the youth told the sheriff's


Source! Titusvllle (Fla.) Star-Advocate. Oct. 24, 1973.

1973 Addendum

New October 21. 1973 +2100 Mineral Wells (Palo Pinto). Texas Type D

A woman living southeast of Mineral1 Wells, telephoned the police depart

ment •amfBpvBV shortly after 9 p.m. to report she had seen a "little green
woman." Another resident telephone 20 minutes later to report a UFO sighting
at 503 S.E. 6th avenue, also in the southeast sector. No further details are


Source! Carrollton (Texas) Chronicle, Oct, 24, 1973,

(Note! the Mineral Wells newspaper may have more details~tb.)
1973 Addenda

3d waok of October, 1973 2000 Connersville, Indiana Type A

Mrs. Bridget Banks &;her sister saw an object maneuvering at treetop height
nearby; it passed directly over them. It was "fish-shaped" (not discoidal), gray,
with a curved transparent pilot's compartment in front &:round portholes on the
sides. There was a tail with 2 horizontal fins. About 25 gold-colored lights
around the bottom illuminated the hull. Y/hen it passed over, the witr.-sses felt
heat & heard an ear-hurting humming sound. In the pilot's compartment could be
seen, from the shoulders up, 2 dark figures with very large round white eyes; 2
more occupants of the same description were seen through portholes farther back.

Investigator; Don Worley. *

Source; Y/'orley' s letter to Ted Bloecher of 7/23/76.

1973 Corrigenda

#1258:- October 28, 1973 . 0115 (Buenos Aires), Argentina Type d


Banchs, "Fenomenologia" (No. 45) g^ives the site as Villa iforceu (3. a.) He
says of this case; "it is a sensational fraud, got up between the vatness, a dis
credited psychiatrist, and a pseudo-inreutigator." xle cites as references:
. Se-ite y la Actualidad (Buei:os Aires) #433 (li/B/73), T,0. 138-143; ^444'
(1/24774)7 pp. 14rl7.: "
1973 Addenda

New October 24, 1973 2100 Frederickstown, Ohio Type A

An anonymous woman (name confidential) was turning into the driveway of

her home when the car lights fell on an object that was approximately 20 feet
over an open area of her back yard. Something "lit up" and the light was too
bright to be merely the reflection of her car's lights. The object was about
30 feet long and resembled an airplane (presumably without wings, as none are
apparent in the accompanying sketch—tb) with an "open cockpit" at -«ne end,
(Probably means transparent rather than open, as she was able to see into it—
tb,) Inside she was able to see three "hooded figures." She hurried into her
house and when she looked out through a window, the object had vanished.

Investigator! CCAP, of Columbus, Ohio,

Source! Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, Sept, 19, I976 (long article by Michael
Curtin, describing local talk by Stan Friedman, and citing several
cases investigated by CCAP),
1973 , Addenda

October 29, 1973 172Q 25 km HE of General Pinto (B. A.), Argentina Type B

Sr. Carlos Argue Balvidares, 43, the manager of a country estate, was
drinking tea when his son Manuel, 13, called his attention to the presence of
3 persons floating in the air over the surface of a pond 100 yards away. Bal
vidares went to the pond and called out to them; they "disappeared immediately,
only tp return to show themselves at the opposite shore of the pond, 300 yards
away." There were two men and a woman. The woman was about 5'3" tall and had
long black hair, black clothing, and vihite boots; the men (both of the ame
height) were somewhat shorter, and appeared naked and of a "sunburned" color;
they may have been wearing tight-fitting one-piece suits. They were blond, and
their hair appeared "glued on". All three had white complexions, wide foreheads,
and small noses. They floated about with their arms held close to their bodies.
On the far side of the pond rested a rectangular object approx. 35 ft in
diameter and 7-10 ft high, which was luminous, and emitted'a beam of light 15"
in diameter which struck B.; it dazzleH him <& he could feel heat from it.
Balvidares took his horse & rode out into the pond, but •when he had got
halfway to the entities (about 500 ft),, he encountered an "invisible barrier"
and could not proceed. Meanwhile the beings continued to maneuver over the surface
of the pond, communicating by "a kind of shriek, like the sound made by a radio
which is poorly tuned."

- *
After an hour and a half, B. mounted his horse to ride around the pond, but
at that time the beings returned to the UFO, the men "changing in color to dark
green and orange" as they approached it. Then the vatness smelt "an odor of sul
phur" and became drowsy for a few moments;1 when he recovered from this, the object
and its entities had disappeared.
On later investigation, many triangular footprints 4" to 5" long, showing 4
claw marks at the front of the triangle, were found in the vicinity of the UFO*s
resting place; the object itself left 4 triangular impressions 15" on a side, ar
ranged in a square 13 ft on a side.
The horse "exhibited nervousness" after the event, and its hair began to
fall out.

Investigator; Omar R. Demattei (for ONIFE.)'

Source; Cuarta Dimension #17 (Feb. 1975.)

/ 1973 Corrigenda (

73"79» October 29. 1973 222Q Toronto, Ontario (Canada) * Type F

The witness, a professional engineer (name undisclosed), was taking a walk
near his home when he noticed a ball of light, 8-10 ft in diameter, hovering over
a field. He walked toward it and it stopped within 15 ft of him. The surface of
this ball then behaved like a TV screen: i.e., images of what he thought, and of
answers to his questions, were "projected" upon it. He asked to see the beings
presumably inside, but was shown a "slide" indicating that they would "crumple to
dust If they emerged. Yttien he asked about their propulsion system, he was shown
a slide of the periodio table of elements, vdth uranium and hydrogen emphasized.
Bis other questions apparently received only unclear answers. He felt as if held
by the back of his neck, and a voice behind him told him to "keep calm—nothing
will happen', but there was nobody there. Toward the end he went up & touched the
ball, whioh felt "like a balloon filled with water." Finally it rose up, disap
pearing among the stars. When he returned home, he found that he had been gone
for 3 hours; his dog would not go near him. In the !next 2 weeks he felt very ill,
and went to a hospital, but they could find nothing wrong.
Investigator! Henry McKay.

Source; Tape of McKay's presentation at MUFON Symposium, June 1976.

TRB rating on 0-9 scalei 5

Note by TRBi add detail rei "claw" & "gloved hand" seq.
1973 Addenda

October 31, 1973 130 Between Eeconqulsta LTostado (Santa i'a), Argentina Type J
while they were driving to Tostado on Route 98, Sr. Alohonso L. and his wife
saw, about 400 m away (!) something that looked like a railway car, but with a
double row of small windows, vtsakly illuminated by a jellowish light. Inside it
ohey could make out a group of persons of tall stature, moving around in a hurried
manner. •

Investigator; # ,'

Source; banchs, "Fenomenologia", v.fco lists it among "reports taken from evi
dently contradictory sources or from doubtful witnesses, doubtful enough to include . :
them with the negative cases", evidently bec.-use of the great distance quoted. He
cites as source: Boletin SADIE (iionte Grande) #1 (l/74), p. 15.

: Nov. 18, 1973 1800 Near Tracy, Quebec (Canada) Type D

4 girls 14-24 years old were accompanied as they drove from Tracy toward
Montreal by a luminous white ball perhaps the size of a watermelon, which was
sometimes ahead of them & sometimes behind them,.at a considerable distance (look
ing like a bright star.) They passed through a cloud of red dust that obscured
vision; shortly after emerging from this- they had to swerve to avoid a man wear
ing dark clothing & a lappeted helmet, who was standing on the white line in the
middle of the road, apparently sweeping it vdth a brush-broom. He was short of
stature; they could not see his face. After passing the "sweeper" they saw a car
& 3 dark-clad people beside the road. There were many UFO sightings in this re
gion of Quebec the same evening. •

Investigator; Claude LiacDuff.

Source; Marc Leduc in UFO-Quebec #3 (mid-1975), pp. 4f.

1973 Addenda

November, 1973 !q300 V,^,, r,TneT (cl9mont,. ohio ^

iirs. ...... jGilbert was just leading a friend', east of Branch Hill
rated!«^ f **"* °klng^^
lar^e%a und'^d5"0^^6:^ &t her* °r"tu"
" began^toft"float"
^ a™v-^ayishTco
then "evapo-!
withifTTZ Witness'.
within a day or tDon Brandenberg,
so of Mrs. had watched aUFO land in the same field,
Gilbert's sighting.
Investigator!! L. Stringfield.
Source; Persohal to TRB from the investigator.
HumCat # 1845

December 27. 1973 0305 tPolvijarvl (K KarjaXa)n Finland . Type A

Olavi Kolehmainen, a truck dri.ver, observed a UFO sitting in the middle

of the road as he was plowing snow in a wooded area of northern Karjala, j
it was about four meters in diameter (? wide?). After about one minute,
a hatch opened from within and a humanoid figure, in white clothing, appeared.
After about 10 to 15 seconds, the hatch was closed, and the witness heard
a humming sound that increased in volume. Smoke appeared beneath the object
and it began a slow ascent. By this time the witness had left his truck.
After the object disappeared, he noticed landing traces in the snow-covered
road. He was the only witness.


Sourcei Personal communication from Ilika Serra to David Webb, 1978.

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