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English Essay - Pro-Firearm 1

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Guns have been used for murder, intimidation, inflicting injuries, and suicide but that does not

mean that we should overlook the good that guns have done as well. Having a firearm means
that you can protect yourself from those who want to harm you, or to protect others. A few
months ago a man stopped a would-be mass shooter by killing him before anyone else could be
killed by killing the shooter. We as a country shouldn’t try to solve a gun problem when it is not a
gun problem, but a people problem ,or rather, a problem that arises with such a high population.

According to and
able-4.xls, the amount of deaths and injuries caused by stabbings in the United Kingdom rival
the amount of deaths and injuries caused by firearms in the United States. Something to take
away from this is that if guns are banned people will resort to knives. If knives are banned they
will resort to hammers. If hammers, axes, or any other possibly deadly tools are banned, then
people will kill with their bare hands because we as a species are chaotic.

One reason that I think guns shouldn't be heavily regulated is because almost all tyrannical
governments start out by taking away the people’s ways to fight back
( A more recent
example of this would be the Venezuelan government under “president” Maduro. Maduro took
away guns from the citizens, but only gave back the guns of those who pledged their loyalty to
him. Another example would be China. (
In China you can only own a weapon if you are military, paramilitary, a police officer, or are part
of a security detail that is protecting a property state of importance. And China is known to have
a very oppressive government/ human rights don’t exist in the Chinese communist party.

Next to support my argument would be the Texas church shooting. According to, the shooter was brought down by
another churchgoer who had his conceal carry permit and his concealed pistol on him. This man
shot and killed the shooter with one bullet and the shooter managed to only kill 2 people before
anyone else could be killed. There were no reported injuries and a new law was introduced to
let concealed carry permit owners bring their weapons into places of worship. According to the shooter got his
weapon because the state of Texas does not require background checks for private sales of
firearms. More could have been done to prevent this shooter from receiving a firearm, like
needing a background check for private and public sales before receiving a firearm.

The opposing viewpoint would argue: The number of killings with firearms has increased from
2019 to 2020 according to with roughly half of
them being suicides. The amount of suicides stayed roughly the same between the two years,
but in 2020 the amount of murders increased by about 4,000 people. These numbers are
concerning because that may mean that gun violence is going to be on the rise for the next
couple of years which would obviously be bad. Another thing that they may argue is that if gun
violence is a people problem, then why should guns be accessible to the problem. This
argument does make sense, but if the problem did not have guns, then the problem would get
different weapons or even just get the guns illegally.

In conclusion, there are a lot of things that back up both sides of the argument on the topic of
gun control.Those arguments include, but are not limited to, “Nearly all tyrannical governments
start by taking away the people’s ways to fight back”, “If guns become less accessible to the
able bodied, then only the police would be able to stop an active shooter”. And on the other
side: “If guns become less accessible, then the deaths caused by guns will drop”, and “The
suicide rate would drop if guns were either banned or less accessible because roughly half of
gun deaths are suicides”. There is evidence to support many claims on both sides too, but in the
end it doesn’t matter because the world is so overpopulated and people will continue to kill each
other with, or without guns.

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