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Beckhoff TwinCat

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Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver

© 2010 Kepware Technologies
1 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Table of Contents
1 Getting Started
................................................................................................................................... 3
Help Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Device Setup................................................................................................................................... 4
Device Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Symbolic Settings
.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Setting Up an AMS
Remote Connection 7
3 Automatic Tag
Database Generation 11
Automatic Tag
Database Generation 11
4 Optimizing Beckhoff
TwinCat Communications 12
Performance ..........................................................................................................................................................
Optimization 12
5 Data Types Description
................................................................................................................................... 13
Data Types Description
.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
6 Address Descriptions
................................................................................................................................... 14
Address Descriptions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Symbolic Tag..........................................................................................................................................................
Based Addressing 14
Tag Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Addressing Atomic
Data Types 15
Ordering of TwinCat
Array Data 16
7 Error Descriptions
................................................................................................................................... 17
Error Descriptions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Error Codes .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Address Validation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Address Validation
......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Device Address
<address> contains a syntax error 21
Data type.........................................................................................................................................................
‘<type>’ is not valid for device address '<address>' 21
Array size.........................................................................................................................................................
is out of range for address '<address>' 21
Address '<address>'
is out of range for the specified device or register 21
Driver Error Messages
.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Driver Error
Messages 22
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
load '<dll>' 22
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
import from '<dll>' 22
Port open.........................................................................................................................................................
failed with Error Code '<#>' 22
Driver Status ..........................................................................................................................................................
Error Messages 22
Device Status
Error Messages 22
Device '<Device
name>' is not responding 23
Unable to synchronize with configuration file '<file name>' on device '<device name>' due to memory
allocation .........................................................................................................................................................
error 23
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
perform Beckhoff compatibility on device '<device name>' due to memory allocation error 23
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
gather runtime information for device '<device name>'. Reason '<reason> 23
Read Error Messages
.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Read Error .........................................................................................................................................................
Messages 24
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>' 24
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s) exceeds
actual data.........................................................................................................................................................
size of '<size>' byte(s) 24
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded 24
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error 25
Contents 2

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not compatible with tag of
type '<data.........................................................................................................................................................
type>' 25
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid 25
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file 25
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Bekchoff TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for
runtime are.........................................................................................................................................................
not loaded 26
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering requirements 26
Write Error Messages
.......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Write Error.........................................................................................................................................................
Messages 26
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>' 26
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s) exceeds
actual data.........................................................................................................................................................
size of '<size>' byte(s) 27
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded 27
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error 27
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not compatible with tag
of type '<data
type>' 27
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid 28
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file 28
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Bekchoff TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for
runtime are.........................................................................................................................................................
not loaded 28
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering requirements 28
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag access is Read Only 29
Automatic Tag ..........................................................................................................................................................
Database Generation Messages 29
Tag Database Generation Error Messages 29
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Memory allocation error 29
Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s)
for import are not loaded 29
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device returned error code '<#>' 29
Unable to.........................................................................................................................................................
generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device is not responding 30
8 Technical Notes
................................................................................................................................... 30
Technical Notes
.......................................................................................................................................................... 30
TwinCAT Memory
Warning 30
TwinCAT Time..........................................................................................................................................................
Slice Notes 31

Index 32

3 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Help version 1.040


What is the Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver?

Device Setup
How do I configure a device for use with this driver?

Automatic Tag Database Generation

How can I easily configure tags for the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver?

Optimizing Your Beckhoff TwinCAT Communications

How do I get the best performance from the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver?

Data Types Description

What data types does the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver support?

Address Descriptions
How do I reference a data location in a Beckhoff TwinCAT device?

Error Descriptions
What error messages does the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver produce?

Technical Notes
Where can I find technical notes for the Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver?

The Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver is specifically designed to communicate with a Beckhoff TwinCAT software system. The
Beckhoff TwinCAT software system turns any compatible PC into a real-time controller with a multi-PLC system, NC axis
control, programming environment and operating station. TwinCAT replaces conventional PLC and NC/CNC controllers
as well as operating devices with:
 open, compatible PC hardware
 embedded IEC 61131-3 software PLC, software NC and software CNC in Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, NT/ XP
Embedded, CE
 programming and run-time systems optionally together on one PC or separated
 connection to all common fieldbuses
 PC interfaces are supported
 data communication with user interfaces and other programs by means of open Microsoft standards (OPC, OCX,
DLL, etc.)

World-wide Connection Through Message Routing

TwinCAT PLC programs can run on PCs or on Beckhoff Bus Terminal Controllers. A message router manages and
distributes all the messages, both in the system and via TCP/IP connections. PC systems can be connected with each
other via TCP/IP; Bus Terminal Controllers are integrated via serial interfaces and fieldbuses.

TwinCAT ADS (Automation Device Specification)

The data link to TwinCAT servers always takes place via the message router system. This enables Windows programs
not only to work with the local server but also to exchange data with all registered TwinCAT servers worldwide. The
message router also ensures that the data exchange to remote servers on other PCs or field equipment can occur.

TwinCAT I/O – Universal I/O Interface For All Common Fieldbuses

Many PC fieldbus cards from various manufacturers are supported. It is possible to operate more than one fieldbus card
per PC. Master and slave functionality is supported, depending on the selected fieldbus card. The fieldbus cards can be
configured and diagnosed conveniently via the TwinCAT System Manager. TwinCAT I/O includes the TwinCAT real-time
system for operating the fieldbuses and a DLL interface to application programs.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 4

TwinCAT PLC was conceived as a pure software PLC. It allows up to four virtual PLC CPUs on one PC, with each
running up to four separate user tasks. TwinCAT PLC includes both the programming environment and the run-time
system. Under the CE operating system and the embedded operating systems for the series BX and BC controllers, only
TwinCAT run-time is available. Program modifications are implemented via network-capable powerful communication
with the run-time system.

Device Setup
Communication Protocol

Supported Devices
Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC
BC9xxx Coupler Controller
BX9xxx Coupler Controller

Maximum Channels and Devices

The maximum number of channels supported by this driver is 100. The maximum number of devices is 1024 per

Request Timeout
This parameter specifies the amount of time that the driver will wait for a response from the device before giving up
and going on to the next request. Long timeouts will only affect performance if a device is not responding. The default
setting is 1000 milliseconds. The valid range is 100 to 30000 milliseconds.

Retry Attempts
This parameter specifies the number of times that the driver will retry a message before giving up and going on to the
next message. The default setting is 3 retries. The valid range is 1 to 10.

Device IDs
The Device ID is a specific ADS-AMS Net ID. Every PC on the network can be uniquely identified by a TCP/IP address.
The ADS-AMS Net ID is an extension of the TCP/IP address and identifies a TwinCAT message router, such as
"". TwinCAT message routers exist on every TwinCAT PC and on every Beckhoff BCxxxx bus

AMS Remote Connections Management

In order to communicate successfully with any remote TwinCAT runtime engine on a Beckhoff PLC (or an ADS library on
any remote PC), the AMS Remote Connection Manager utility must be used to assign an AMS Net ID to the local station
hosting the Beckhoff driver. The AMS Net ID is also used to establish routes to remote AMS/ADS enabled devices. For
more information, refer to Setting Up an AMS Remote Connection.

Important: On Windows Vista and above, User Account Control (UAC) must be turned off before a remote connection
may be configured with the Beckhoff TwinCAT Remote Manager Utility. If the remote connection is created before UAC
is disabled, the configuration settings will be created in an incorrect location (resulting in poor performance).

Note: For more information about the AMS messaging protocol, please consult Beckhoff's help documentation.

Tag Database Creation

The Automatic OPC Tag Database Generation features of this driver have been designed to make setting up the OPC
application less time consuming. This driver can be configured to automatically build a list of Server tags within the OPC
Server that correspond to device specific data. The automatically generated OPC tags can then be browsed from the
OPC client.

Port Number
The ADS devices in a TwinCAT message router are uniquely identified by a number referred to as the ADS-PortNr. The
TwinCAT System Manager supports four different TwinCAT PLC runtime systems at ports 801, 811, 821, and 831. The
default port is 801. Other supported ports include port 800 for BC9xxx and BX9xxx series controllers and port 301 and
302 for additional tasks.
5 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Note: Users must allow the TCP port number 48898 (AMS port 801) on the firewall if planning to connect remotely to
an ADS/AMS router. If not, the system will not work reliably and may stop.

Default Data Type

This parameter specifies the data type that will be assigned to a Client/Server tag when the default type is selected
during tag addition, modification and import. Client/Server tags are assigned the default data type when any of the
following conditions occur:
1. A Dynamic Tag is created in the client with Native as its assigned data type.

2. A Static Tag is created in the server with Default as its assigned data type.

Symbolic Settings
Import Method
The generated server tags are based on the tags defined in the Beckhoff TwinCAT device. There are two database
import methods that can be used to create a tag database: Upload Symbols from Device and Upload Symbols from File.

Upload Symbols from Device

This feature retrieves the tags directly from the controller over the same Ethernet connection used for data access.

Note: At this time, tags and symbols can only be uploaded from a TwinCAT soft PLC. They cannot be uploaded from a
hardware BC/BX controller.

Upload Symbols from File

This feature requires that, when creating the tag database from an import file, the import file be a .tpy file generated
from the Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC Control software.

Symbol File
This parameter specifies the exact location of the .tpy file from which tags will be imported. BC9xxx and BX9xxx models
must include this file for a runtime database.

Auto-Synchronize With Symbol File Changes

This feature updates the runtime database automatically when the file has been modified.

Caution: Checking Auto-Synchronize will reflect changes to the runtime, regardless of whether or not the new
configuration has been pushed down to the device. Users should ensure that the device is using the same .tpy file as
loaded in the server project; otherwise, inaccurate data could be obtained.

Note 1: Tag database changes will not appear in the server until Automatic Tag Generation is performed.

Note 2: The BC9xxx and BX9xxx models only support database creation from a .tpy file.

Import and Runtime Compatibility

Additional OPC item information is located in the comment field after the PLC variable declaration in TwinCAT PLC
Control. This optional functionality is used to minimize the OPC namespace of the server project. It also assigns the
appropriate Read/Write item properties and OPC Client access.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 6

Respect OPC Read/Write Item Properties

When enabled, variables that include the string "OPC_PROP[0005]: <r/w access number>" (defined within the variable
comment field in the PLC project) will be assigned the appropriate Read/Write access. During import and runtime, any
tag(s) corresponding to a variable with the R/W access specified will carry the same Read/Write access rights.
Whitespace is ignored.
 Syntax:
(*~(OPC_PROP[0005] : <Item Access Rights> : <remark>)*)

<Item Access Rights> 1 = Read Only, 2 = Write Only, 3 = Read/Write.

<remark> Optional and ignored.

 Read Only Example:

dwTemperature:DWORD; (*~(OPC_PROP[0005]:1:Read Only)*)

Only Import Variables Marked for OPC

When enabled, only tags with the keyword "OPC:1" (defined within the variable comment field in the PLC project) will
be imported and visible during runtime.
 Syntax:
(*~(OPC : 1 : <remark>)*)

<remark> Optional and ignored.

 Example:
bMemFlag AT%MX0.0:BOOL; (*~(OPC:1:Visible to OPC Clients)*)

Filter + Only Import Variables Marked for OPC

When Only Import Variables Marked for OPC is enabled with a Filter string, only tags in which the comment includes the
string "OPC:1" and "OPC_Filter: <filter>" will be imported into the project and visible during runtime. Filter strings are
arbitrary, user-defined strings used for another layer of filtering. If none are specified, this field will be ignored.
Otherwise, the variable will only be imported if the filter string found in the comment section matches the filter set in
Device Properties. Whitespace is treated literally.
 Syntax:
(*~(OPC : 1 : <remark>)(OPC_Filter : <filter string> : <remark>)*)

<remark> Optional and ignored.

 Example:
bMemFlag AT%MX0.0:BOOL; (*~(OPC:1:Visible to OPC Clients)(OPC_Filter:Memory Access)*)

Combination Usage
Each of the comments described above can be combined for greater contol over the filtering and assignment of OPC
Read/Write item properties.

Only Import Variables Marked for OPC + Respect OPC Read/Write Item Properties
Variables will only be imported and visible during runtime if "OPC:1" is defined in the comment field. Upon being
imported, corresponding tags will be assigned the appropriate Read/Write access rights.
 Syntax:
(*~(OPC : 1 : <remark>)(OPC_PROP[0005] : <Item Access Rights> : <remark>)*)

 Example:
7 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

dwTemperature:DWORD; (*~(OPC:1:Visible to OPC Clients)(OPC_PROP[0005]:1:Read Only)*)

Only Import Variables Marked for OPC + Filter + Respect OPC Item Properties
A variable with this comment will only be imported and visible during runtime if "OPC:1" is defined in the comment field
and if the filter string found in the comment section matches the filter set in Device Properties. Corresponding tags will
be assigned Read/Write access rights once they are imported.
 Syntax:
(*~(OPC : 1 : <remark>)(OPC_Filter : <filter string> : <remark>) (OPC_PROP[0005] : <Item Access Rights> :

 Example:
dwTemperature:DWORD; (*~(OPC:1:Visible to OPC Clients) (OPC_Filter:Memory Access) (OPC_PROP[0005]:1:
Read Only)*)

OPC Item Description + Only Import Variables Marked for OPC

Any characters placed before the tilde in the comment field are treated as a description and will be displayed in the OPC
Server as an Item Description.
 Syntax:
(*<OPC Item Description>~(OPC : 1 : <remark>)*)

 Example:
(*This is my OPC Item Description~(OPC :1:Visible to OPC Clients)*)

Setting Up an AMS Remote Connection

Important: On Windows Vista and above, User Account Control (UAC) must be turned off before a remote connection
may be configured with the Beckhoff TwinCAT Remote Manager Utility. If the remote connection is created before UAC
is disabled, the configuration settings will be created in an incorrect location (resulting in poor performance).

Configuration Without TwinCAT PLC Installed

A TwinCAT-PC's ADS-AMS Net ID is set using TwinCAT's Remote Manager Utility.

1. Open the Start menu. In the OPC Server Directory, locate the Utilities folder.

2. Double-click on TcAmsRemoteMgr.exe.

3. By default, TwinCAT constructs the AMS Net ID from the TCP/IP address of the local PC using an extension of
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 8

".1.1". The AMS Net ID can, however, be chosen freely.

4. Press Add to include a remote computer in the connection.

5. Next, enter the parameters.

Note: This procedure must be repeated for all remote TwinCAT PLCs. The host computer must be added in the same
way as the remote computers on each of the remote computers.

6. After all the settings have been entered, confirm by pressing OK.
9 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Configuration with TwinCAT PLC Installed

A TwinCAT-PC's ADS-AMS Net ID is set in the TwinCAT system service.

1. Click on the TwinCAT system service icon located within the notification area of the toolbar. Select Properties to
open the TwinCAT System Properties dialog box.

2. Select the AMS Router tab.

3. Read or modify the desired AMS Net Identifier in the AMS Net ID field. By default, the TwinCAT installation
constructs the AMS Net ID from the TCP/IP address of the local PC with an extension of .1.1 as if it were a sub-net
mask for field busses, target bus controllers or etc. The AMS Net ID can be freely chosen, however.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 10

4. When an ADS device's services are called upon in the network, its AMS Net ID must be known. By inserting the
target PC, TwinCAT can establish the connection between the TCP/IP address of the target PC and the AMS Net ID of
the target message router address.

5. Similarly, in order to create an AMS connection between a multiple computers, the remote computers must also be
known to each another. To do so, click TwinCAT | Properties | AMS Router. The AMS Net ID is composed of the
TCP/IP of the local computer plus the suffix .1.1. The AMS Net ID is based on the TCP/IP address, but the relationship is
not entirely fixed.

6. To include a remote computer in the connection, press Add.

7. To add parameters, either enter manually or select by using Browse button.

Note: This procedure must be repeated for all remote computers. The host computer must be added in the same way
as the remote computers on each of the remote computers.
11 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

8. To confirm the settings that have been entered, click OK.

9. The computers may now be restarted.

Note: For more information about the AMS messaging protocol, refer to Beckhoff's help documentation.

Automatic Tag Database Generation

Controller-to-Server Name Conversions
Leading underscores
Leading underscores (_) in tag/program names will be replaced with U_. This is required since the server does not
accept tag/group names beginning with an underscore.

Preparing for Automatic Tag Database Generation

Upload Symbols from Device
It is recommended that all communications to the Beckhoff TwinCAT of interest are halted during the database creation
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 12

In the OPC Server

1. Open up Device Properties in the device for which tags will be generated.

2. Select the Database Settings tab.

3. Select Create tag database from device.

4. Select desired Beckhoff Compatibility options.

5. Select the Options tab and make desired changes.

6. Select the Database Creation tab and utilize as instructed in Database Creation Settings.

Note: At this time, tags and symbols can only be uploaded from a TwinCAT soft PLC. They cannot be uploaded
from a hardware BC/BX controller.

Upload Symbols from File

The Beckhoff TwinCAT driver uses a file generated from Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC called an .tpy import/export file to
generate the tag database.

Note: All tags, including global and program, will be imported and expanded according to their respective data types.

In Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC

The .tpy file is automatically created the first time that a build is done on a clean project.
1. Open the TwinCAT PLC Control program.

2. Click Project | Clean All.

3. Click Project | Build.

Note 1: The program will not generate the .tpy file again until the project has been cleaned. Clicking Project | Rebuild
All, however, will always regenerate the .tpy file.

Note 2: The .tpy file is located in the same directory as the project's .pro file.

In the OPC Server

1. Open up Device Properties in the device for which tags will be generated.

2. Select the Database Settings tab.

3. Select Create tag database from import file.

4. Enter or browse for the location of the .tpy file previously created.

5. Select desired Beckhoff Compatibility options.

6. Select the Options tab and make desired changes.

7. Select the Database Creation tab and utilize as instructed in Database Creation Settings.

Note: Online tag generation for PLC projects that contain Step-Transitions will produce Boolean tags for each step.
The tag describes whether the state is active or inactive. Offline generation will not produce Step-Transition tags.

Performance Optimization
Optimizing Communications
With any programmable controller there are unique ways for optimizing system throughput, and the Beckhoff TwinCAT
Driver is no different from the rest. The Beckhoff TwinCAT driver has been designed to optimize reads and writes. For
tags of all data types, requests are grouped into a single transaction. This provides drastic improvement in performance
over single tag transaction. The only limitation is on the number of tags that can fit in a single transaction.

Optimizing the Application
13 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

While the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver is fast, there are a couple of guidelines that can be used in order to control and
optimize the application and gain maximum performance. Our server refers to communications protocols like Beckhoff
TwinCAT as a channel. Each channel defined in the application represents a separate path of execution in the server.
Once a channel has been defined, a series of devices must then be defined under that channel. Each of these devices
represents a single Beckhoff TwinCAT controller from which data will be collected. While this approach to defining the
application will provide a high level of performance, it won't take full advantage of the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver or the
network. An example of how the application may appear when configured using a single channel is shown below.

In this example, each device appears under

a single channel called Beckhoff_TwinCAT.
In this configuration, the driver must move
from one device to the next as quickly as
possible to gather information at an
effective rate. As more devices are added or
more information is requested from a single
device, however, the overall update rate
begins to suffer.

If the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver could only define one single channel, then the example shown above would be the only
option available; however, the Beckhoff TwinCAT driver can define up to 100 channels. Using multiple channels
distributes the data collection workload by simultaneously issuing multiple requests to the network. An example of how
the same application may appear when configured using multiple channels to improve performance is shown below.

Each device has now been defined under its

own channel. In this new configuration, a
single path of execution is dedicated to the
task of gathering data from each device. If
the application has 100 or fewer devices, it
can be optimized exactly how it is shown

The performance will improve even if the

application has more than 100 devices.
While 100 or fewer devices may be ideal,
the application will still benefit from
additional channels. Although by spreading
the device load across all channels will
cause the server to move from device to
device again, it can now do so with far less
devices to process on a single channel.

Data Types Description

Data Type Description

Boolean Single bit
Byte Unsigned 8 bit value
Char Signed 8 bit value
Word Unsigned 16 bit value
Short Signed 16 bit value
DWord Unsigned 32 bit value
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 14

Long Signed 32 bit value

Float 32 bit IEEE Floating point
Double 64 bit IEEE Floating point
String Null terminated character array

Note: For a description of TwinCAT-platform specific data types, refer to TwinCAT Data Types.

Unsupported Data Types

Unsupported data types include LBCD and BCD.

Address Descriptions
The following table summarizes the valid addressing formats in the server.

Address Format Notation Example Notes

Standard <tag name> tag_1 Tag cannot be an array
Array Element <array tag name> tag_1 [2, 58, 547] Dimension Range=1 to 3
[dim1, dim2, dim3]
tag_1 [0,3] Element Range=0 to 65535
String <tag name>/<string tag_1/4 Length Range=1 to 65535
The number of characters to read/write
equals the string length.

Note: For information on how elements are referenced for 1, 2 and 3 dimensional arrays, refer to Ordering of Array

See Also: Addressing Atomic Data Types

Symbolic Tag Based Addressing

The Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver uses a tag or symbol based addressing structure. These tags (commonly referred to as
Native Tags) differ from conventional PLC data items in that the tag name itself is the address, not a physical or
logical address.

Client/Server Tag Address Rules

Beckhoff TwinCAT variable names correspond to Client/Server Tag addresses. Beckhoff TwinCAT variable names
(entered via Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC) follow the IEC 61131-3 identifier rules. Client/Server Tag addresses follow these
same rules and are listed below:
 Must begin with an alphabetic (A-Z, a-z) character or an underscore (_).
 Can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.
 First 32 characters are significant.
 Can not have consecutive underscores.
 Are not case sensitive.

Client/Server Tag Name Rules

The rules for tag name assignment in the server differ from address assignment because they cannot begin with an

Tag Scope
Global tags are Beckhoff TwinCAT variables that have global scope in the controller. Any program or task can access the
global tags, which use the following notation:

. <tag name>

Program Tags
15 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Program tags are identical to global tags, except that a program tag's scope is local to the program it is defined in.
Program tags follow the same addressing rules and limitations as global tags. The only difference is that program tags
are prefixed with the following notation:

<program name> . <tag name>

For example, Beckhoff TwinCAT variable tag_1 in program prog_1 would be addressed as prog_1.tag_1 in a Client/
Server Tag address.

Structure Tag Addressing

Beckhoff TwinCAT structure variables, global or program, contain one or more member variables. Member variables can
be atomic or structured in nature.

Global tag example: Program tag example:

.<stucture name>.<atomic-type tag> <program name>.<stucture name>.<atomic-type tag>

This implies that a substructure would be addressed as:

Global tag example: Program tag example:

.<structure name>.<substructure name>. <program name>.<structure name>.<substructure
<atomic-type tag> name>.<atomic-type tag>

Arrays of structures would be addressed as:

Global tag example: Program tag example:

.<structure array name>[dim1, dim2, <program name>.<structure array name>[dim1,
dim3].<atomic-type tag> dim2, dim3].<atomic-type tag>

Again, this implies that an array of substructures would be addressed as:

Global tag example: Program tag example:

.<structure name>.<substructure array <program name>.<structure name>.<substructure
name>[dim1, dim2, dim3].<atomic-type array name>[dim1, dim2, dim3].<atomic-type tag>

Note: These are a few of the many addressing possibilities involving structures. These are shown here only to provide
an introduction to structure addressing. For more information, refer to the Beckhoff TwinCAT documentation.

Addressing Atomic Data Types

The table below shows suggested usages and addressing possibilities for a TwinCAT Data Type given the address
formats available.

Atomic Data Type Standard Array Element String

Client/Server Boolean Boolean
Data Type
Client Server BOOLTAG BOOLARR[0]
Tag Example
Client/Server Byte, Char Byte, Char String
Data Type
Tag Example
String length cannot be
longer then the array
length minus the
element position.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 16

Client/Server Word, Short Word, Short
Data Type
Client/Server INTTAG INTARR[0]
Tag Example
Client/Server DWord, Long DWord, Long
Data Type
Client/Server DINTTAG DINTARR[0]
Tag Example
Client/Server Float Float
Data Type
Client/Server REALTAG REALARR[0]
Tag Example
Client/Server Double Double
Data Type
Tag Example
Client/Server DWord, Long DWord, Long
Data Type
Client/Server TIMETAG TIMEARR[0]
Tag Example
Client/Server String String
Data Type
Client/Server STRINGTAG/8 STRINGARR[1]/80
Tag Example 0

*This data type is not supported by the BC/BX Controller model.

Unsupported TwinCAT Data Types

Unsupported data types include pointers, enumerations, TOD and DT.

See Also: Address Formats

Ordering of TwinCat Array Data

1. Dimensional Arrays - array [dim1]
1 dimensional array data is passed to and from the controller in ascending order:

for (dim1=0; dim1<dim1_max; dim1++)

Example: 3 element array

array [0] array [1] array [2]

2. Dimensional Arrays - array [dim1, dim2]

2 dimensional array data is passed to and from the controller in ascending order:

for (dim1=0; dim1<dim1_max; dim1++)

for (dim2=0; dim2<dim2_max; dim2++)

Example: 3X3 element array

array [0, 0]
array [0, 1]
17 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

array [0, 2]
array [1, 0]
array [1, 1]
array [1, 2]
array [2, 0]
array [2, 1]
array [2, 2]

3. Dimensional Arrays - array [dim1, dim2, dim3]

3 dimensional array data is passed to and from the controller in ascending order:

for (dim1 = 0; dim1 < dim1_max; dim1++)

for (dim2 = 0; dim2 < dim2_max; dim2++)
for (dim3 = 0; dim3 < dim3_max; dim3++)

Example: 3X3x3 element array

array [0, 0, 0]
array [0, 0, 1]
array [0, 0, 2]
array [0, 1, 0]
array [0, 1, 1]
array [0, 1, 2]
array [0, 2, 0]
array [0, 2, 1]
array [0, 2, 2]
array [1, 0, 0]
array [1, 0, 1]
array [1, 0, 2]
array [1, 1, 0]
array [1, 1, 1]
array [1, 1, 2]
array [1, 2, 0]
array [1, 2, 1]
array [1, 2, 2]
array [2, 0, 0]
array [2, 0, 1]
array [2, 0, 2]
array [2, 1, 0]
array [2, 1, 1]
array [2, 1, 2]
array [2, 2, 0]
array [2, 2, 1]
array [2, 2, 2]

Error Descriptions
The following error/warning messages may be generated. Click on the link for a description of the message.

Address Validation
Device Address '<address>' contains a syntax error
Data type '<type>'is not valid for device address '<address>'
Array size is out of range for address '<address>'
Address '<address>' is out of range for the specified device or register

Driver Error Messages

Unable to load '<dll>'
Unable to import from '<dll>'
Port open failed with Error Code '<#>'

Device Status Messages

'Device <Device name>' is not responding
Unable to synchronize with configuration file '<file name>' on device '<device name>' due to memory
allocation error
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 18

Unable to perform Beckhoff compatibility on device '<device name>' due to memory allocation error
Unable to gather runtime information for device '<device name>'. Reason '<reason>'

Read Error Messages

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>'
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s) exceeds
actual data size of '<size>' byte(s)
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not compatible with tag of
type '<data type>'
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for runtime
are not loaded
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering requirements

Write Error Messages

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>'
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s) exceeds
actual data size of '<size>' byte(s)
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not compatible with tag
of type '<data type>'
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for
runtime are not loaded
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering requirements
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag access is Read Only

Automatic Tag Database Generation Error Messages

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Memory allocation error
Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s)
necessary for import are not loaded
Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device returned error code '<#>'
Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device is not responding

Error Codes
The following sections define error codes that may be encountered in the event log of the server. Refer to the Event
Log section within the Server Options chapter of the server help file for detailed information on how the event logger

Hex Dec Description

0x000 0 No error.
0x001 1 Internal error.
0x002 2 No Runtime.
0x003 3 Allocation locked memory error.
0x004 4 Insert mailbox error.
0x005 5 Wrong receive HMSG.
0x006 6 Target port not found.
0x007 7 Target machine not found.
0x008 8 Unknown Command ID.
19 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

0x009 9 Bad Task ID.

0x00A 10 No IO.
0x00B 11 Unknown AMS command.
0x00C 12 Win 32 error.
0x00D 13 Port is not connected.
0x00E 14 Invalid AMS length.
0x00F 15 Invalid AMS Net ID.
0x010 16 Low installation level.
0x011 17 No debug available.
0x012 18 Port is disabled.
0x013 19 Port is already connected.
0x014 20 AMS Sync Win32 error.
0x015 21 AMS Sync Timeout.
0x016 22 AMS Sync AMS error.
0x017 23 AMS Sync no index map.
0x018 24 Invalid AMS port.
0x019 25 No memory.
0x01A 26 TCP send error.
0x01B 27 Host is unreachable.
No locked memory can be allocated.
The size of the router memory could not be changed.
The Mailbox of the AMS Port has reached the maximum number of possible entries.
The current sent message was abolished.
The mailbox of the AMS debugger port has reached the maximum number of
possible entries. The sent message will not be displayed in the debug monitor.
Router is not yet initialized.
The desired port number is already assigned.
The AMS Port is not registered.
The maximum number of AMS Ports has been reached.
The TwinCAT Router is not yet active.
0x700 1792 Error class <device error>.
0x701 1793 Service is not supported by the server.
0x702 1794 Invalid index group.
0x703 1795 Invalid index offset.
0x704 1796 Reading/writing is not permitted.
0x705 1797 Parameter size is not correct.
0x706 1798 Invalid parameter value(s).
0x707 1799 Device is not in a ready state.
0x708 1800 Device is busy.
0x709 1801 Invalid context (must be in Windows).
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 20

0x70A 1802 Out of memory.

0x70B 1803 Invalid parameter value(s).
0x70C 1804 Not found (files and etc.).
0x70D 1805 Syntax error in command or file.
0x70E 1806 Objects do not match.
0x70F 1807 Object already exists.
0x710 1808 Symbol not found.
0x711 1809 Symbol version is invalid.
0x712 1810 Server is in invalid state.
0x713 1811 AdsTransMode is not supported.
0x714 1812 Notification handle is invalid.
0x715 1813 Notification client not registered.
0x716 1814 No more notification handles.
0x717 1815 Size for watch too big.
0x718 1816 Device is not initialized.
0x719 1817 Device has a timeout.
0x71A 1818 Query interface failed.
0x71B 1819 Wrong interface required.
0x71C 1820 Class ID is invalid.
0x71D 1821 Object ID is invalid.
0x71E 1822 Request is pending.
0x71F 1823 Request is aborted.
0x720 1824 Signal warning.
0x721 1825 Invalid array index.
0x722 1826 The symbol is not active. Release the handle and try again.
0x723 1827 Access is denied.
0x740 1856 Error class <client error>.
0x741 1857 Invalid parameter at service.
0x742 1858 Polling list is empty.
0x743 1859 Var connection already in use.
0x744 1860 Invoke ID in use.
0x745 1861 Timeout elapsed.
0x746 1862 Error in win32 subsystem.
0x748 1864 Ads-port not opened.
0x750 1872 Internal error in ads sync.
0x751 1873 Hash table overflow.
0x752 1874 Key not found in hash.
0x753 1875 No more symbols in cache.
0x754 1876 An invalid response was received.
0x755 1877 The sync port is locked.
0x274c 10060 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.
0x274d 10061 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time. Or, established connection failed because connected host
failed to respond.
0x2751 10065 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Address Validation
The following error/warning messages may be generated. Click on the link for a description of the message.
21 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Address Validation
Device Address '<address>' contains a syntax error
Data type '<type>' is not valid for device address '<address>'
Array size is out of range for address '<address>'
Address '<address>' is out of range for the specified device or register

Device Address '<address>' contains a syntax error

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A tag address that has been specified statically contains one or more of the following errors:

1. The address doesn't conform to the tag address naming conventions.

2. The address is invalid according to the address format and underlying controller tag data type.
3. A program tag was specified incorrectly.
4. The address used an invalid format.

Re-enter the address in the client application.

Data type '<type>' is not valid for device address '<address>'

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A tag address that has been specified statically has been assigned an invalid data type.

Modify the requested data type in the client application.

Array size is out of range for address '<address>'

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A tag address that has been specified statically is requesting an array size that is too large.

Re-enter the address in the client application to specify a smaller value for the array or a different starting point.

Address '<address>' is out of range for the specified device or register

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A tag address that has been specified dynamically references a location that is beyond the range of supported locations
for this device.

Verify that the address is correct; if it is not, re-enter it in the client application.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 22

Driver Error Messages

The following error/warning messages may be generated. Click on the link for a description of the message.

Driver Error Messages

Unable to load '<dll>'
Unable to import from '<dll>'
Port open failed with Error Code '<#>'

Unable to load '<dll>'

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A software component necessary for communications with the Beckhoff TwinCAT AMS message router cannot be loaded
from '<dll>'.

Re-install the server and then try again.

Unable to import from '<dll>'

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A software component necessary for communications with the Beckhoff TwinCAT AMS message router cannot be loaded
from '<dll>'.

Re-install the server and then try again.

Port open failed with Error Code '<#>'

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A software component necessary for communications with the Beckhoff TwinCAT AMS message router cannot be loaded
from '<dll>'.

Re-install the server and then try again.

Device Status Error Messages

The following error/warning messages may be generated. Click on the link for a description of the message.

Device Status Messages

Device <Device name>' is not responding
Unable to synchronize with configuration file '<file name>' on device '<device name>' due to memory
allocation error
Unable to perform Beckhoff compatibility on device '<device name>' due to memory allocation error
Unable to gather runtime information for device '<device name>'. Reason '<reason>'
23 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Device '<Device name>' is not responding

Error Type:

If tag was being read:
The Read operation will not be performed and the tag will be invalidated.

If tag was being written:

The Write operation for the given tag will not occur.

Possible Cause:
1. The connection between the device and the host PC is broken.
2. The named device may have been assigned an incorrect AMS Net ID address.
3. Device CPU work load is too high.

1. Verify the cabling between the PC and the PLC device.
2. Verify that the AMS Net ID address given to the named device matches that of the actual device.
3. If this error occurs frequently, decrease the tag group scan rate to reduce the work load on the PLC CPU.
4. Increase the cycle time interval under Task Configurations in TwinCAT PLC Control.

Unable to synchronize with configuration file '<file name>' on device '<device name>'
due to memory allocation error
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
Memory required to synchronizing with .tpy runtime file could not be allocated. The original uploaded file will continue
to be used.

Close any unused applications and/or increase the amount of virtual memory. Then, restart the server and try again.

Unable to perform Beckhoff compatibility on device '<device name>' due to memory

allocation error
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The memory required for device tags to meet Beckhoff compatibility could not be allocated.

Close any unused applications and/or increase the amount of virtual memory. Then, restart the server and try again.

Unable to gather runtime information for device '<device name>'. Reason '<reason>'
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The cause depends on the error reason returned.

The solution depends on the error reason returned.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 24

See Also:
Error Codes

Read Error Messages

The following error/warning messages may be generated. Click on the link for a description of the message.

Read Error Messages

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>'
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s) exceeds
actual data size of '<size>' byte(s)
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not compatible with tag of
type '<data type>'
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for runtime
are not loaded
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering requirements

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>'
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
1. The cause depends on the error code(s) returned.
2. TwinCAT does not support a read command for error code 1793 and TwinCAT version 2.10 (Build 909) or older.

1. The solution depends on the error code(s) returned.
2. For error code 1793 and TwinCAT version 2.10 (Build 909) or older, users should update TwinCAT to the latest
version. For instructions on how to do so, contact Beckhoff.

See Also:
Error Codes

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>'
bytes(s) exceeds actual data size of '<size>' byte(s)
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A read request for the specified tag failed because the controller's tag data type is smaller than the requested data

Change the tag's data type size to a size that is smaller than or equal to the ones available on the controller.

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
25 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

The controller's tag size is smaller than the requested data size.

Ensure that the requested data size matches the address size in the controller.

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The memory required for the read request could not be allocated.

Close any unused applications and/or increase the amount of virtual memory. Then, restart the server and try again.

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not
compatible with tag of type '<data type>'
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
1. A read request for tag '<address>' is unable to be cast.
2. A read request for tag '<address>' corresponds to an unsupported data type.

1. Change the tag's data type to one that is supported.
2. Contact Technical Support so that support can be added for this type.

The data type of a item in the server should match the data type for the controller address that it references.

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
1. There is no file loaded into the project.
2. The file loaded does not have a valid *.tpy extension.
3. The file has been modified outside of TwinCAT PLC Control.

1. Ensure that there is a valid .tpy file loaded into the project.
2. In TwinCAT PLC Control, rebuild the project and load the new .tpy file into the project.

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The tag '<address>' cannot be found in the .tpy file.

1. Ensure that the correct .tpy file is loaded into the project .
2. Ensure that the correct tag '<address>' is entered.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 26

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s)
necessary for runtime are not loaded
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A software component necessary for communication with the Beckhoff TwinCAT AMS message router cannot be loaded
from '<dll>'.

Re-install the server and then try again.

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A read request on tag '<address>' does not meet the filtering requirements defined on the controller.

1. The tag does not have filtering properties.

2. The filter string entered does not match the string defined on the controller.

Ensure that the controller is filtering the tag. Then, correct the filter string spelling.

Write Error Messages

The following error/warning messages may be generated. Click on the link for a description of the message.

Write Error Messages

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>'
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s) exceeds
actual data size of '<size>' byte(s)
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not compatible with tag
of type '<data type>'
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for
runtime are not loaded
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering requirements
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag access is Read Only

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Error Code '<#>'
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
1. The cause depends on the error code(s) returned.
2. TwinCAT does not support a write command for error code 1793 and TwinCAT version 2.10 (Build 909) or older.
27 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

1. The solution depends on the error code(s) returned.
2. For error code 1793 and TwinCAT version 2.10 (Build 909) or older, users should update TwinCAT to the latest
version. For instructions on how to do so, contact Beckhoff.

See Also:
Error Codes

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag data size of
'<size>' bytes(s) exceeds actual data size of '<size>' byte(s)
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A write request for the specified tag failed because the controller's tag data type is smaller than the requested data

Change the tag's data type size to a size that is smaller than or equal to the ones available on the controller.

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Address bounds

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The controller's tag size is smaller than the requested data size.

Ensure that the requested data size matches the address size in the controller.

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Memory allocation error
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The memory required for the write request could not be allocated.

Close any unused applications and/or increase the amount of virtual memory. Then, restart the server and try again.

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Actual data type is not
compatible with tag of type '<data type>'
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
1. A write request for tag '<address>' is unable to be cast.
2. A write request for tag '<address>' corresponds to an unsupported data type.

1. Change the tag's data type to one that is supported.
2. Contact Technical Support so that support can be added for this type.
Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 28

The data type of a item in the server should match the data type for the controller address that it references.

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
1. There is no file loaded into the project.
2. The file loaded does not have a valid *.tpy extension.
3. The file has been modified outside of TwinCAT PLC Control.

1. Ensure that there is a valid .tpy file loaded into the project.
2. In TwinCAT PLC Control, rebuild the project and load the new .tpy file into the project.

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Symbol not found in file
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The tag '<address>' cannot be found in the .tpy file.

1. Ensure that the correct .tpy file is loaded into the project .
2. Ensure that the correct tag '<address>' is entered.

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL
(s) necessary for runtime are not loaded
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A software component necessary for communication with the Beckhoff TwinCAT AMS message router cannot be loaded
from '<dll>'.

Re-install the server and then try again.

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag does not meet
filtering requirements
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A write request on tag '<address>' does not meet the filtering requirements defined on the controller.

1. The tag does not have filtering properties.

2. The filter string entered does not match the string defined on the controller.

Ensure that the controller is filtering the tag. Then, correct the filter string spelling.
29 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device '<device name>'. Tag access is Read Only
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The write request on tag '<address>' does not meet OPC properties as defined on the controller.

Change the tag properties defined on the controller to Read/Write access.

Automatic Tag Database Generation Error Messages

The following error/warning messages may be generated. Click on the link for a description of the message.

Automatic Tag Database Generation Error Messages

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Memory allocation error
Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s)
necessary for import are not loaded
Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device returned error code '<#>'
Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device is not responding

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Memory
allocation error
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The memory required for database generation could not be allocated. The process was aborted.

Close any unused applications and/or increase the amount of virtual memory. Then, try again.

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Beckhoff
TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for import are not loaded
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
A software component necessary for communications with the Beckhoff TwinCAT AMS message router for database
generation cannot be loaded from '<dll>'. The process has been aborted.

Re-install the server and then try again.

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device
returned error code '<#>'
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The cause depends on the error code(s) returned. The process has been aborted.

Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help 30

The solution depends on the error code(s) returned.

See Also:
Error Codes

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: Device is not
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
1. The connection between the device and the host PC is broken.
2. The named device may have been assigned an incorrect AMS Net ID address.
3. Device CPU work load is too high and has caused the process to be aborted.

1. Verify the cabling between the PC and the PLC device.
2. Verify that the AMS Net ID address given to the named device matches that of the actual device.
3. If this error occurs frequently, decrease the tag group scan rate to reduce the work load on the PLC CPU.
4. Increase the cycle time interval under Task Configurations in TwinCAT PLC Control.

Technical Notes
For more information on specific aspects of the Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC, refer to the Technical Notes listed below.

TwinCAT Memory Warning

This notice discusses downloading a project while symbol handles are declared statically.

TwinCAT Time Slice Notes

This notice discusses the TwinCAT PLC's cyclic interval time.

TwinCAT Memory Warning

Users should note the effects that declaring symbol handles statically and using Automatic Tag Database Generation
have on the Beckhoff TwinCAT project. If the project is too large, the router will not have enough memory to perform
this operation. To resolve this issue, refer to and use one of the solutions described below.

Solution 1: Change the Handles from Static to Dynamic

1. Open the TwinCAT PLC application.

2. Click on the Resources tab.

3. Double-click on Workspace.

4. In the new window, select TwinCAT.

5. The window on the right should now contain a Symbol Download box. Select Dynamic Symbols.

Solution 2: Change the Router Memory Size

1. Open TwinCAT System Manager.

2. Expand SYSTEM-Configuration. Then, click on Real-Time Settings.

3. Click on the Settings tab.

4. Increase the Router Memory size.

Solution 3: Upload the Project Offline from a .TPY File
31 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

TwinCAT Time Slice Notes

For proper operation, there must be enough time allocated between cyclic intervals. If the time interval is too small,
performance will diminish significantly. Negative effects include the following:
 More time needed to perform online Automatic Tag Database Generation.
 Slower update rates in the OPC Client.

Note: The router memory size is set to 2048KB by default. The size can be increased to a maximum of 32768KB.

Increasing the Cyclic Interval Time

Follow the instructions below for information on increasing the cyclic interval time.
1. Open the TwinCAT PLC Control.

2. Click on the Resources tab.

3. Double-click on Task Configuration, and then expand Task Configuration at the top of the middle window.

4. Select Standard.

5. In the Task Attributes tab, change the Interval value within the Properties box.
Index 32

Index -R-
Read Error Messages 24
Address '<address>' is out of range for the
specified device or register 21
Setting Up an ADS Remote Connection 7
Address Formats 14
Address Validation 20
Addressing Atomic Data Types 15
Automatic Tag Database Generation 11
Automatic Tag Database Generation Error Tag Scope 14
Messages 29 Technical Notes 30
TwinCAT Memory Warning 30

-D- TwinCAT Time Slice Notes 31

Data type ‘<type>’ is not valid for device address

‘<address>’. 21
Data Types Description 13 Unable to gather runtime information for device
Device '<Device name>' is not responding 23 '<device name>'. Reason '<reason> 23
Device Address ‘<address>’ contains a syntax Unable to generate a tag database for device
error. 21 '<device name>'. Reason: Beckhoff TwinCAT
Device Setup 11 DLL(s) necessary for import are not loaded 29
Device Status Error Messages 22 Unable to generate a tag database for device
Driver Error Messages 22 '<device name>'. Reason: Device is not
responding 30
Unable to generate a tag database for device
-E- '<device name>'. Reason: Device returned error
code '<#>' 29
Error Codes 18 Unable to generate a tag database for device
'<device name>'. Reason: Memory allocation error
Error Descriptions 17 29
Unable to import from ‘<dll>' 22
-H- Unable to load ‘<dll>’. 22
Unable to perform Beckhoff compatibility on device
Help Contents 3 '<device name>' due to memory allocation error
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
-O- name>'. Actual data type is not compatible with
tag of type '<data type>' 25
Overview 3 Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
name>'. Address bounds exceeded 24
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
-P- name>'. Error Code '<#>' 24
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
Performance Optimization 12 name>'. Memory allocation error 25
Port open failed with Error Code '<#>' 22 Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s) exceeds
actual data size of '<size>' byte(s) 24
33 Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver Help

Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device

name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s) necessary for
runtime are not loaded 26
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
name>'. Runtime file is not valid 25
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
name>'. Symbol not found in file 25
Unable to read tag '<address>' on device '<device
name>'. Tag does not meet filtering requirements
Unable to synchronize with configuration file '<file
name>' on device '<device name>' due to memory
allocation error 23
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Actual data type is not
compatible with tag of type '<data type>' 27
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Address bounds exceeded 27
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Error Code '<#>' 26
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Memory allocation error 27
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Tag data size of '<size>' bytes(s)
exceeds actual data size of '<size>' byte(s) 27
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Beckhoff TwinCAT DLL(s)
necessary for runtime are not loaded 28
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Runtime file is not valid 28
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Symbol not found in file 28
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Tag access is Read Only 29
Unable to write to tag '<address>' on device
'<device name>'. Tag does not meet filtering
requirements 28

Write Error Messages 26

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