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PR 1 Module 1

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Quarter 1- Module 1:
Nature of Inquiry and Research

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I need to know

Every day you encountered various problems in any facets of life be it social, political, environmental and
personal. It may link between persons, groups or an organization. In this case, there must be a solution not only to
resolve it but can be a progress that everybody benefited from it. As a learner how can you find a solution to these
problems that is based on knowledge not on ordinary beliefs, predictions or theories? You need to have this
knowledge through organized and well-planned procedures that are accurate and useful. Thus you need to do
Research is asking what you know and think. It helps us to inquire on the right information. It is of great
importance to man in everyday life. The quality of man’s life is improved through research making it easier and
valuable from simple to modern. Research develops you to an attitude to not believe everything easily available and
seek for truth - Research sharpens our mind to give a judicious vision to look. It is a catalyst in solving complex issues
in different sectors including health, communications, business and the environment.

This module will assist you in understanding the following lessons:

Lesson 1. The Importance of Research in Daily Life

Lesson 2. The Characteristics, Processes, and Ethics of Research
Lesson 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Lesson 4 .The Kinds of Research across Fields of Inquiry

Learning Objectives
After going through this module, you are expected to be able to:

1. share research experiences and knowledge

2. explain the importance of research in daily life
3. describe characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
4. differentiate quantitative from qualitative research
5. provide examples of research in areas of interest (arts, humanities, sports, science, business, agriculture and
fisheries, information and communication technology, and social inquiry)

What I know
A. Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a research, FALSE if you think it is
not. Write your answers on the blank.
_______1.There should be adequate data before conducting a research.
_______2.To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should avoid listening to another researcher.
_______3.A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she is studying.
_______4.An opinion from any person is recognized and considered as an answer to the question asked by the
_______5.The researcher has the final say in his findings.

B. Underline the words in the box that are related to the definition of research.

biases Instrument theories factual investigation

intuition discovery system subjective Interview
dreams experiences data phenomena guessing
productivity drama validate opinions Literature

C. Using the words encircled, formulate your own definition of research.
Use the blanks provided.

Lesso The Importance of Research in

Daily Life

What’s in?

In your junior high school, you learned that research is essential knowing that it is used in your daily life. It
will enable you for inquiry and research in finding solutions to problems especially in real life situations. Sharing your
experiences and knowledge on the importance of research develops your skills to think critically and relate it in every
decision you do.

What’s New?

I. What is Research?

1. Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individual‘s speculation with reality.
2. Solutions to problems must be based on knowledge not on mere beliefs, guesses or theories.
3. In research a systematic and well-planned procedure is required to meet the need in order that information
is acquired and evaluate its accuracy and effectiveness.
4. It is a process of inquiring1.

II. Nature of Inquiry.

1. Inquiry is defined as “a seeking for truth, information or knowledge”.

It is a problem solving technique.
2. The information and data pursued through questioning begins with gathering by applying the different
human senses.
3. Individuals carry on the process of inquiry from birth till death.
4. Inquiry is synonymous with the word investigation.

III. Investigation and Immersion

Investigation has a deeper meaning compared to “inquiry”.
It is a systematic examination of a certain event or phenomenon.

Immersion is a process whereby a researcher immerses (deeply involves) himself in the data gathering activities and
the data he has gathered is carefully read or examined by him in detail.

Combining the idea of “inquiry”, “investigation” and “immersion”, the concept of “research” comes in.

IV. Differentiate Inquiry from Research

Inquiry is a term that is synonymous with the word ‘investigation’. When you inquire or investigate, you tend to ask
questions to probe or examine something to request for truth, information, or knowledge.

Research is systematic and objective creation of knowledge systematic (with a system or method, the scientific
method), objective (no bias, all angles presented), knowledge creation (a creative process)

V. Purpose of Research

1. To inform action.
2. To prove or generate a theory.
3. To augment knowledge in a field or study.

VI. Importance of Research in Daily Life

1. Research directs us to inquire about the right information by conducting further investigation of the actual
condition. It leads us to be cautious in giving results and findings by proving lies and supporting the truth.
2. Research empowers us with knowledge and discovers new things and issues in life. It helps us solve
problems in health, crimes, business, technology and environment.
3. Research facilitates learning as an opportunity to share valuable information to others as a way of
recognizing various concerns for public awareness.

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on the space provided,
1. What is Research? ______________________________________________________________________________
2. What is inquiry and its nature?
3. What is the difference between inquiry and research?
4. How important is research in your daily life activities?
5. Why is there a need to conduct research?

What is it?

Discussion of Activity 1
You just learned the importance of research in daily life. Answer the following questions briefly on the blanks
1. Was there an instance in your life when you did an inquiry or research? Share and describe your
experiences. What are your challenges and difficulties?

2. As a learner in senior high school, how important is research in your daily life?

What’s more?
Direction: What makes these images a portrayal of what research is?
Write your reflection on the right space of the image.





What I have learned

Let’s check how well do you know about research. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Research is different from inquiry because the later will ask you a question. If inquiring is synonymous with
investigation then what makes inquiry different from research which also investigates?
2. Research in our daily life help us to understand various issues in life leading to a solution, in what way does
research empowers you with knowledge to learn new things?

What I can do

Direction. Answer the following question.

1. What is the importance of research in your education as a 21 st Century learner?

2. As a learner, what do you want to research on? Why?
Additional Activities
Interview your classmate or a friend about their plans after senior high school. .Ask them how research played a
major role in their chosen track or strand. Make a report about it and share it to your teacher.
Write your report using a narrative format. Make use of the notes you wrote down before and after you
conducted your interview to flesh out the report. The first is the brief detail about what the report is, who is the
interviewee and the location of the interview. Then break up the interview into paragraphs, like narrating a story and
finally a conclusion paragraph to end your report.

A. Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a research, FALSE if you think it is
not. Write your answers on the blank.
_______1. An opinion from any person is recognized and considered as an answer
to the question asked by the researcher.
_______2. A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she is
_______3. The researcher has the final say in his findings.
_______4.To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should avoid
listening to another researcher.
_______5.There should be adequate data before conducting a research.

B. Underline the words in the box that are related to the definition of research.

phenomena experiences theories discovery validate

biases interview investigation intuition dreams
guessing system instrument Literature drama
subjective factual opinions data productivity

C. Using the words underlined, formulate your own definition of research.


Key Answer


theories factual investigation biases Instrument
system subjective Interview intuition discovery
data phenomena Guessing dreams experiences
validate opinions Literature productivity drama

C .Sample answers.
Research is systematic procedure, validating the investigation of theories and
opinions from a discovery or phenomena. Information is gathered through literature
and instrument as tools .It improves productivity.

Post Test


phenomena experiences theories discovery validate
biases interview investigation intuition dreams
guessing system instrument Literature drama
subjective factual opinions data productivity

What I know
Direction: Identify what characteristic of a researcher is being referred to in the following statements. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

1. All the data to be reported should include all facts and accuracy.
a. Honesty
b. Objectivity
c. Competence
d. Care

2. Whatever agreed upon by the participants must be actualized.
a. Integrity
b. Legality
c. Social Responsibility
d. Responsible Publication
3. The researchers should accept all comments and considerations.
a. Openness
b. Respect for intellectual property
c. Non-discrimination
d. Responsible mentoring
4. When a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another should be done.
a. Objectivity
b. Legality
c. Care
d. Responsible Publication
5. The researcher should be fully equipped with research skills when conducting the study.
a. Confidentiality
b. Competence
c. Legality
d. Openness
6. An experience researcher should impart knowledge to his or her students.
a. Responsible Publication
b. Non-discrimination
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility
7. The researcher should ensure that the participants will not be adversely affected by the research and its results.
a. Care
b. Human subjects protection
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility.
8. Any participants to any research activity must not be forced to take part in the study.
a. Voluntary participation
b. Informed consent
c. Risk of harm
d. Social responsibility
9. Informed consent for a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?
a. Talking to him or her privately
b. Surprising him or her with a questionnaire
c. Writing him or her a letter
d. Using a padrino system
10. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?
a. Asking the participant to write his or her name in the questionnaire
b. Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the study section
c. Introducing himself or herself in an interview
d. Taking his or her picture

Lesso The Characteristics, Processes, and

n Ethics of Research
Research is a process of gathering, analysing and interpreting information to answer questions. A good
research follows processes that must have certain characteristic. It must be systematic, controlled, rigorous, valid
and verifiable, empirical and critical. To avoid unethical practices researchers had obligations to adhere professional
standards in conducting research .Thus to consider a research writing ethical it must be clear, accurate, just and
What’s in?

In the previous lessons, you learned the meaning of research and its importance in your daily life. Research is
different from inquiry. When you inquire or investigate, you tend to ask questions to probe or examine something to
request for truth, information, or knowledge. The importance of research helps improved life as well as finding a
solution to problems through reliable and validated information.

What’s New?

I. Characteristics of Research1

1. Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.

2. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.

3. Cyclical.Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.

4. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive,
and experimental and case study.

5. Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.

6. Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.

7. Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at
valid and conclusive results

II. The Seven Steps of the Research Process

Step 1. Define and develop your topic (Research Problem).

 Factors to Consider in Selecting a Research Problem

1. Researcher‘s area of interest
2. Availability of funds
3. Investigator‘s ability and training

Step 2. Find background information about your chosen topic (Review of Related Literature).

Step 3. Plan your research design including your sample (Methodology).

Step 4. Gather necessary data using open ended questions (for qualitative research) and closed-ended questionnaire
or paper pencil test questionnaire (for quantitative research) (Data Gathering Activities).

Step 5. Process and analyse data using thematic analysis (for qualitative research) and statistical tools (for
quantitative research).

Step 6. Formulate new insights gained (for qualitative research) conclusions (for quantitative research) and

Step 7. Define new problem.

III. Ethics in Research

Research ethics are guidelines for the responsible conduct of research which educates and monitors researchers to
ensure high standard. It promotes the aim of research, such as expanding knowledge and supports the values
required for collaborative work, such as mutual respect and fairness.

 Ethical considerations in conducting research

1. Objectivity and integrity

2. Respect of the research subjects ‘right to privacy and dignity and protection of
subjects from personal harm
3. Presentation of research findings
4. Misuse of research role
5. Acknowledgement of research collaboration and assistance
6. Distortions of findings by sponsor

 What are these ethics in research1?

1. Informed Consent.This is required to secure in order protect the rights of the participants in your study. Inform
your participants about the criteria set for choosing them as informants and the schedule of one-on-one interview at
the convenient time they are available. Participation to the study will be completely voluntary.

2. Honesty.It report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Do not fabricate, falsify and
misrepresent the data.

3. Objectivity.Avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions,
grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research.

4. Integrity.Keep your promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought and action.

5. Carefulness.Avoid careless errors and negligence; carefully and critically examine your work and the work of peers.
Keep good records of research activities.

6. Openness. Share data, results, ideas, tools and resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas.

7. Respect for Intellectual Property. Honour patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other forms of
intellectual property. Do not use published or unpublished data, methods, or results without permission. Give credit
where credit is due. Never plagiarize, fabricate and falsify.

8. Confidentiality. Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication,
personnel records, trade or military secrets, and patient records.

9. Responsible Mentoring. Help to educate, mentor, and advise others. Promote their welfare and allow them to
make their own decisions.

10. Responsible Publication. Publish in order to advance research and scholarship, not to advance your own career.
Avoid wasteful and duplicative publication.

11. Respect for Colleagues. Respect your colleagues’ opinion, treat them fairly and do not outsmart others.

12. Social responsibility. Strive to promote social acceptance and prevent or mitigate social harms through research,
public education, and advocacy.

13. Non-discrimination. Avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or
other factors that are not related to their scientific competence and integrity.

14. Competence. Maintain and improve your own professional competence and expertise through lifelong education
and learning; take steps to promote competence in science as a whole.

15. Legality. Know and obey relevant laws and institutional and government policies.

16. Animal Care. Show proper respect and care for animals when using them in research. Do not conduct
unnecessary or poorly designed animal experiments.

17. Human Subjects protection. When conducting a research on human subjects, minimize harms and risks and
maximize benefits; respect human dignity, privacy, and anonymity.

IV.Rights of Research Participants

1. Human Rights. They are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are
regularly protected as natural and legal rights. They constitute a set of rights and duties necessary for the protection
of human dignity, inherent to all human beings.

2. Intellectual Property. It protects creations of the mind, which have both a moral and a commercial value.

3. Copyright Infringement. It is the use or production of copyright-protected material without permission of the
copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights accorded to the copyright holder, such as the
exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are breached by a third party

a. Downloading movies and music without proper payment for use.
b. Recording movies in a theatre
c. Using others’ photographs for a blog without permission
d. Copying software code without giving proper credit
e. Creating videos with unlicensed music clips

4. Voluntary Participation. People must not be coerced into participating in research process. Essentially, this means
that prospective research participants must be informed about the procedures and risks involved in research and
must give their consent to participate.

5. Anonymity. It is the protection of people’s identity through not disclosing their name or not exposing their
identity. It is a situation in data gathering activities in which informant’s name is not given nor known.

6. Privacy. It is someone’s right to keep his personal matters and relationships secret. It is the ability of an individual
to seclude him from disturbance of any research activity.

V. Ethical Standards in Research Writing

Research Misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism. It doesn’t include honest error of differences of
opinion. It can erode trust between researchers and funding agencies, which make it more difficult for colleagues at
the same institution to receive grants.


Plagiarism refers to the act of using another person’s ideas, works, processes, and results without giving due
credit. It should not be tolerated as the unauthorized use of original works, a violation of intellectual property rights.

Three different acts are considered plagiarism:

1. Failure to cite quotations and borrowed ideas,
2. Failure to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks, and.
3. Failure to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words.

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Why is research practical and realistic?

2. The first step of research process is to develop your topic or research problem. What is the importance of
considering those factors in selecting a research problem?
3. Explain briefly. Research starts with a problem and ends with a new problem.
4. What is the purpose of research ethics in doing research work?
5. A research can be replicated but not the findings. Why?

What is it?

Discussion of Activity 1

You just learned the characteristics, processes and ethics of research.

1. As a researcher, you can play the role of a member of a research team, can you identify the processes
involved in conducting research and its characteristics? Enumerate those processes.

2. What are the various research ethics and rights of a research participant?

What’s more?

Read and Analyze

Direction: Read the following articles below and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

Ethics in Qualitative Research

Certain ethical challenges in qualitative research necessitate sustained attention of two

interconnected worlds: the world of the researcher and the world of the participant. A critical view of
some of the ethical challenges in the participants’ andresearchers’ world reveals that how we examine
both these worlds’ effects how we design our research. In addition, it reflects the need for researchers
to develop an ethical research vocabulary at the inception of their research life through multiple modes.
The modes may include dialogue in the spoken and written and visual to affect their aims to adhere to
the principles of respect, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice in a way that is mutually beneficial
to the participant and the researcher. 1
Further, the deliberations in this paper reveal that a critical conscious research ethics are embedded
in the unfolding research ethics process involving the participants and the researchers, and both the
participant and researcher add equal weight to the transparency of the ethical process and add value to
building methodological and ethical rigor to the research. 1
The global public health response to COVID-19 could be significantly enhanced by safe, effective
vaccines and treatments, reliable measures of correlates of immune protection, and improved
scientific knowledge of the disease and its transmission. It is widely agreed that vaccines would be
particularly important, and over 100 candidate vaccines are currently being developed . Well designed
human challenge studies provide one of the most efficient and scientifically powerful means for
testing vaccines, especially because animal models are not adequately generalizable to humans.

Challenge studies could thus be associated with substantial public health benefit in so far as they (a)
accelerate vaccine development, (b) increase the likelihood that the most effective (candidate)
vaccines will ultimately become available), (c) validate tests of immunity, and (d) improve knowledge
regarding SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission. 2

1.Based on the article, how will you define ethics in research?
2.Are SARS-CoV-2 infection and on humans rather than animal models unethical?

3.If you were a part of the research teams conducting such phenomenon, what will you do to correct the unethical
feature of the experiment?

What I have learned

Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Research process is a step by step procedure that guides the researcher in conceptualizing and conducting
the research. These seven steps are

2. According to Sanchez (2002) research is a continuous undertaking of making known the unknown. This
definition of research leads to common characteristics of research. Can you elaborate further on this?
3. What are some of the ethical codes of research?
4. What are some tips to avoid plagiarism when one is conducting research?

What I can do
Answer the following question and write your answers on a space provided.
1. How do you characterize good research writing?

2. What is the importance of following the ethical standards in conducting a research?


Additional Activities

Look for a sample of local or foreign research in your own field of specialization (internet).Evaluate
the research if it follows the ethical practices in conducting research.


Direction: Identify what characteristic of a researcher is being referred to in the following statements . Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

1. An experience researcher should impart knowledge to his or her students.

a. Responsible Publication
b. Non-discrimination
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility
2. The researcher should ensure that the participants will not be adversely affected by the research and its results.
a. Care
b. Human subjects protection
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility.
3. Any participants to any research activity must not be forced to take part in the study.
a. Voluntary participation
b. Informed consent
c. Risk of harm
d. Social responsibility
4. When a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another should be done.
a. Objectivity
b. Legality
c. Care
d. Responsible Publication
5. The researcher should be fully equipped with research skills when conducting the study.
a. Confidentiality
b. Competence
c. Legality
d. Openness
6. All the data to be reported should include all facts and accuracy.
a. Honesty
b. Objectivity
c. Competence
d. Care
7. Whatever agreed upon by the participants must be actualized.
e. Integrity
f. Legality
g. Social Responsibility
h. Responsible Publication
8. The researchers should accept all comments and considerations.
a. Openness
b. Respect for intellectual property
c. Non-discrimination
d. Responsible mentoring
9. Informed consent for a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?
a. Talking to him or her privately
b. Surprising him or her with a questionnaire
c. Writing him or her a letter
d. Using a padrino system
10. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?
a. Asking the participant to write his or her name in the questionnaire
b. Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the study section
c. Introducing himself or herself in an interview
d. Taking his or her picture

Key Answer

1. d 2.a 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.b

Post test
1. d 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.a 9.c 10.b

What I know

Direction: Determine whether each word or group of words indicates Qualitative Research or
Quantitative Research.

___________________4.To validate the already constructed theory
___________________5.Open-Ended Questions
___________________6.Highly-structured Research
___________________8.Multiple Methods
___________________9.Pure words, phrases, sentences, compositions
and Stories are used in data analysis
___________________10.No criteria

Lesso Quantitative and Qualitative

n Research
Research has two broad methodologies; qualitative research and quantitative research. Quantitative and
qualitative researches are complementary methods that you can combine in your research studies to get results that
are both wide-reaching and profound. To get the best results from these methods in your research, it’s important
that you understand the differences between them which you will study in this lesson.

What’s in?

In the previous lessons, you learned that research should be systematic, objective, feasible, empirical and
clear. These characteristics guide you in realizing the real nature of research following the processes as well as the
factors in selecting your general problem or topic. As a researcher you need to consider the ethics and unethical
practices in conducting research.

What’s New?

I. When to use Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Quantitative data can help you see the big picture.

Qualitative data adds the details and can also give a human voice to your survey results.

Concept Map showing the Designs of Research.1



Ethnography Experimental Research

Grounded Theory 1. Pre-Experimental

2. True-Experimental
Case Study
3. Quasi-Experimental
Discourse Analysis

Historical Research Research

Narrative Report (Survey Research)

1. Descriptive Research
Biography 2.Comparative Research
1. Scholarly Chronicle 3.Correlational Research
2. Intellectual
Biography Action Research
3. Life History Writing
4. Memoir Biography 5.
Narrative Biography

II. Difference: Qualitative Research versus Quantitative Research 2

Qualitative Quantitative
It aims to create new theory The purpose is to test a
based on the gathered data. hypothesis or theory.
A fact-finding research used to Measures problem using rating
gain understanding of individual scale and other research
differences in terms of feelings parameters of group
and experiences. similarities.

-natural setting -measurement setting

Data Description -making stories out of a certain -performs measures out of a
phenomenon. certain phenomenon.

-Uses pictures, words, - Uses numbers, scales,

sentences, paragraphs, hypotheses, calculations,
compositions, narrations and computations and statistics
short stories tools.

Sample (size) Small judgment (by decision) Large sample representatives

sampling of population
Data Gathering Unstructured or semi structured Standardized /Structured
(flexible processes)
Uses census, survey
Uses interviews, participant questionnaire, checklist, paper-
observation, group discussions. pencil test and
Ex: Case Study, field research experimentation.

Uses open ended questions. Uses closed ended questions.

It is a freeform survey questions This questions can only be
allow a participant to answer in answered by selecting from a
open-text format, responses are limited number of options,
unlimited to a set of options. usually “multiple-choice”, “yes
or no”, or a rating scale

Example: Example:
Guide questions for the Strongly agree to strongly
interviews disagree
In quantitative research closed
1. What was your experiences ended questions are the basis
during quarantine period on the of all statistical analysis
COVID-19 pandemic? How did techniques applied on
you handle the situation caused questionnaires and surveys.
by the pandemic?
2. Was the support of the Sample Question:
National and Local Government Do you agree on online
enough for your basic needs? modality class in transitioning
Did they conduct evaluation for the new normal of education?
those who were affected? a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree
Inductive Deductive
The researcher starts with the Starts from a hypothesis or
Activities observations, an open mind already created theory
without biases, gathering all emphasizing the previously
exact details of the topic and researched phenomenon from
generalization or new theory is different views (tested against
given towards the end of the observations).
research process.
Uses both inductive and deductive
They are not mutually exclusive with each other in research.

Inductive method or “bottom-up” is used if the researcher starts

Data discussions discussions from the lowest and highest means then explains the
and Presentation overall mean.

Deductive or “top-down “if discussion is from the overall mean

going to the lowest and highest means, deductive.
Opinions are based on Opinions are based on laws,
experience or observation. rules, or other recognized
There are no criteria used in principles.
data discussions.
Synthesize data, interpret, Statistical

Subjective Objective
Data Analysis
Data analysis is influenced by The researcher employs
the personal experiences and
standard criteria in analyzing

Cultivates understanding with Endorse a development.

high validity. Has high output replicability.
There are no conclusions Conclusion is formulated
formulated. towards the end of the research

III. Similarities: Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research

1. Both have the process of inquiry and investigation.

2. Both improve life and help us in understanding various issues of life and in giving solutions to our problems
3. Both start with a problem and end with a new problem.

4. Both use textual forms in analyzing and interpretation of data.
7. Both use inductive and deductive methods of presenting data.

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. How do you define the two designs of research: qualitative and quantitative?

2. What are the differences and similarities between these methods?


What is it?

Discussion of Activity 1
You just learned to differentiate quantitative from qualitative research.
1. In one sentence, differentiate a quantitative research from qualitative research?
2. Tell whether the following statement is a quantitative research or qualitative research. Explain your answer.
a. Prefer for statistical summary of results.

b. Prefer for narrative summary of results.

What’s more?

Direction: Using a Venn Diagram below, illustrate the differences and similarities between a quantitative and
qualitative method of research by filling in completely the Venn diagram presented in the next page.

One example is done for you to follow.

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Natural Dependent on
Setting Both are rigorous & statistical tool
uses textual form in
data analysis

What I have learned

Complete the box by filling out the missing description of qualitative or quantitative research.
Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
1. Dependent on statistical tools

Uses open-ended questions 2.

Inductive in data gathering activities. 3.

4. Results oriented and highly structured

Uses more flexible processes. 5.

6. Has high output replicability.

No conclusions formulated. 8.

9. Uses large sample size.

Data analysis is subjective. 10.

What I can do

What do the figures below mean? Explain and write your answer below.

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Additional Activities

Decide whether the following topics or research questions is qualitative or quantitative. Explain why and
what is your basis. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

 Culinary Arts: Then and Now

 How do the TVL students feel about their chosen strand?

 What is the degree of satisfaction of students taking the different SHS?


 The Why and How of Social Networking Use

 The Level of Social Media Addiction among the Youth


Direction: Determine whether each word or group of words indicates Qualitative Research or Quantitative

___________________2.To validate the already constructed theory
___________________4.Multiple Methods
___________________5.No criteria
___________________6.Pure words, phrases, sentences,
compositions and stories are used in data
___________________7.Open-Ended Questions
___________________8.Highly-structured Research
___________________9. Objective

Key Answer
Pre-test Post-test
1. Quantitative Research 1. Qualitative Research
2. Qualitative Research 2. Quantitative Research
3. Qualitative Research 3. Quantitative Research
4. Quantitative Research 4. Qualitative Research
5. Qualitative Research 5. Qualitative Research
6. Quantitative Research 6. Qualitative Research
7. Quantitative Research 7. Qualitative Research
8. Qualitative Research 8. Quantitative Research
9. Qualitative Research 9. Quantitative Research
10. Qualitative Research 10. Qualitative Research

What I know

Modified Identification

Direction: For the following research titles, identify from which field it belongs to by choosing your answers from
the box below. Write only the letter as your answer on the space provided below each number.

A. Science Research
B. Fisheries research
C. Information & Communication Technology Research
D. Arts Based Research
E. Business Research
F. Humanities Research
G. Agriculture Research
H. Sports Research
I. Mathematics Research
J. Social Science Research

_______1 Scouring: Habitat Destruction of Coral Reefs and other Marine Animals
_______2.The Role of Computers in Digital Health Indicators
_______3. Students’ Misconceptions in Calculus
_______4. Making Bricks Out of Paper Strips
_______5.The Influence of Sports Activities on Learners Efficiency in Academics
_______6. Financial Attitude and Practices of Teachers
_______7. Psychosocial Stress Management of Senior High School Students
_______8. Effect of Classroom Environment through Classroom Structuring
_______9. Effect of Green Leaves as Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth of Selected
_______10.Parenting Needs, Goals and Strategies for Single Parents


The Kinds of Research Across Fields

Developing an interest in different kinds of research will help you look into something that affects your
personality or your life in some important way. If you are interested on a topic you are researching, you will enjoy
reading and learning about it. To define clearly the types of research in areas of interest you want to embark, focus
your scientific skills, your passion and ideas. It supports you to connect to your
career path. The examples of research in areas of interest will lead you to choose specific topic of your research
study which you will be exploring to create new knowledge.

What’s in?

In the previous lessons, you learned about research methods to be used in your particular field of study.
Whatever methods are used, there are many resources to support research, and any number of variations to the
basic methods. Choosing a method of research that is adaptable in your study as a learner guides you to start making
a decision on what topic you want to pursue.
What’s New?

I. Kinds of Research across Fields

Areas of Interest Description Example of Studies

Arts-Based Research Personal expression in various art 1.The Role of Arts in Student
forms is use as a primary mode of Achievement in Reading
2.How Classroom Artistic Structure
Motivates Learning

Research in
Deals with human culture such as
Humanities 1 Values Education in the Public
philosophy, religion, literature,
Schools: Practices and Challenges
linguistics and history

2. Children In-Conflict with the Law: A

It includes ancient and modern
Resolution and Intervention
languages, human geography, laws,
politics and other social sciences.

Intended for athletes to endure their 1. Student Involvement in Athletics

Sports Research
health and wellness goals through and their Academic Performance
proven high quality products.
2.Sports and Fitness Support on
It helps the coaches and athletes to Students in Public Schools
access information and apply it to

develop programs and techniques in

Science Research Discover laws, postulates theories 1.Utilization of Garbage and other
that can explain natural or social Waste Resources as Cleaning
phenomena. Materials

Applies systematic and constructed 2.Making of COVID -19 Cure out of

scientific method to obtain, analyze Heat Transfer
and interpret data.

A strong and testable hypothesis is

the fundamental part of the
scientific research.

Provides mathematics mastery 1.Student Difficulties in General

topics and helps develops Mathematics: Remediation and
Mathematics confidence and interest to solve Interventions
Research more mathematical problems.

It may also assist to find new

methods to simplify calculations. 2.A Systemic Approach to Changing
Classroom Practices for Enhancing
Mathematics Outcomes

Agriculture Research Improves productivity and quality of 1.Green Space in School: Social and
crops irrigation, storage methods, Environment Perspective
effective farm management and
marketing of agricultural resources. 2. Is Urban Gardening as a Source of
Agriculture is the backbone of the
economic system providing food,
raw material and employment

Fisheries research Increase the productivity and 1.Finding a Future: Sustaining Inland
management of fishery resources to Fishery
provide food: protect and maintain
different bodies of water for
2.Fishing for Change: Fishery Policy in
sustainable supply of aquatic
resources. the Philippines

Information and Aim to adapt current technology 1.The Role of ICT in the New Normal
Communication advancement which enhances Education
Technology (ICT) development of resources.
Research 2.Exploring the Interactive Computer
Simulation in Public Schools

Business Research Acquire information in business to 1.Developing a Framework for Small

maximize the sales and profit. It aids Scale Business
business companies regulates which
product or service is most profitable 2.Business Practices and Strategies of
or in demand. Small Enterprises at Limketkai Mall

Social Science Finds solutions for human behavior 1.The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Research gathering information about people on Employment Opportunities
and societies.
2. Implementation of Enhanced
Community Quarantined in Low Risk
Area of Misamis.Oriental.

(Source: Abdullah, S.N. (2018), Practical Research 1-Qualitative.ppt)

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. What are those kinds of research across fields?


2. How do samples of research in different areas of interest help you in writing the research proposal?


What is it?

Discussion of Activity 1

You just learned the kinds and samples of research in areas of interest. Answer the following questions on the
space provided.

1. What are your views in using the samples of the research papers presented previously in areas of your interest

2. Can you write your qualitative research proposal through the use of such pattern from the sample research paper?

What’s more?

Enrichment Activity

Direction: Compare and Contrast. Write in a separate sheet of paper.

Choose two researches from the different areas of interest like those in the field of arts, humanities, sports, science,
mathematics, business, agriculture, fisheries, ICT and social science. Be able to differentiate your chosen topics.
Highlight their similarities and differences.

What I have learned

Identify the specific area of interest for each given topic by writing the letter of each type in the correct
column. Likewise, below the letter representing your answer, write the importance of such research in your daily life.

Arts-Based Humanities Science ICT Business

A. Digital Age
B. Child in Conflict with the Law
C. Classroom Environment
D. Herbal Medicines
E. Financial Management

What I can do

In the space provided, make a graphical presentation of the type of research which interest you the most.

Additional Activities

Think of your own topic for research which you would like to work on. Keep in mind what you have learned
from this lesson to justify the specific research type for each chosen topic. Write your “top two” most interesting
topics below.



Modified Identification

Direction: For the following research titles, identify from which field it belongs to by choosing your answers from
the box below. Write only the letter as your answer on the space provided below each number.

K. Science Research
L. Fisheries research
M. Information & Communication Technology Research
N. Arts Based Research
O. Business Research
P. Humanities Research
Q. Agriculture Research
R. Sports Research
S. Mathematics Research
T. Social Science Research

_______1. Effect of Classroom Environment through Classroom Structuring

_______2. Effect of Green Leaves as Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth of Selected
_______3.Parenting Needs, Goals and Strategies for Single Parents

_______4.Scouring: Habitat Destruction of Coral Reefs and other Marine Animals
_______5.The Role of Computers in Digital Health Indicators
_______6. Financial Attitude and Practices of Teachers
_______7. Psychosocial Stress Management of Senior High School Students
_______8. Students’ Misconceptions in Calculus
_______9. Making Bricks Out of Paper Strips
_______10.The Influence of Sports Activities on Learners Efficiency in Academics

Key Answer

Pre- Test
1. B 2.C 3.I 4.A 5.H 6.E 7.F 8.D 9.G 10.J

Post Test
1. D 2.G 3.J 4.B 5.C 6.E 7.F 8.I 9.A 10.H


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