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English Summative Test 1st Quarter

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Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 1- Lesson 4

I. Draw a line to connect the object with the sound it makes.

1. tweeeeet – tweeeeet

2. wheeennnng- wheennnng

3. meeoooow – meeoooow

II. Put if the sound is loud and if the sound is soft.

__________4. __________5.
III. Draw a line to connect the animals with the sounds they make.

6. meoooow, meoooooow

7. neigh-eeeh – eeeh

8. meeee- meeeee, meeee-meeee

9. mooooo- moooooo


ungaaaaaaa, ungaaaa
IV. Draw a line to connect the musical instrument to the sound it makes.

11. sheek- sheek – sheek

12. kleng – kleng – kleng

13. tot --- tot --- tot

14. boom – boom – booom

15. tic – tic –tic

V. Encircle the correct answer. What kind of sound does the object in the picture produce?

16. high low

17. high low

18. high low

19. high low

20. high low

Table of Specification





Objectives Number of Item Percentage
Item Placeme

Recognize/Ide 5 1-5 25
ntify and classify
sounds as loud/soft

Recognize/ide 5 6-10 25
ntify/ and classify
sounds produced by
animals as loud/soft

Musical Instrument 5 11-15 25


Recognize/ide 5 16-20 25
sounds heard as
loud/soft, high/low

TOTAL 20 100

Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 5- Lesson 8
I. In which alphabet are the following letters found? Encircle the correct answer.

1. k (English, Filipino) alphabet

2. ng (English, Filipino) alphabet
3. m (English, Filipino) alphabet
4. c (English, Filipino) alphabet
5. ñ (English, Filipino) alphabet

II. Match and connect the elements of the story.

6. Marie, the polite girl a. problem

7. in the school b. character
8. Marie lost her wallet. c. solution
9. The school helper d. ending
found the wallet. e. setting
10. Marie was able to
have his recess.

III. Write the correct beginning letter to form the word.

11. ___ en 12. ___ et

13. ___ en 14. ____ et

15. ___ en
IV. Encircle the correct ending letters.
16. b_____ ( ed eg en )

17. w_____ ( ed eg en )

18. l_____ ( ed eg en )

19. f_____ ( ed eg en )

20. b____ ( ed eg en )

Table of Specification




Objectives Number of Item Percentage
Item Placeme

Identify the letters 5 1-5 25

of the Filipino
Alphabet which are
not present in the
English Alphabet
and vice versa

Identify the 5 6-10 25

elements of a story

Recognize/ide 5 11-15 25
example of words
with medial /e/

Recognize/ide 5 16-20 25
example of words
with medial /e/

TOTAL 20 100

Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 9- Lesson 12
I. Name the pictures.
1. _____________ 4. ____________

2. ___________ 5. __________

3. _________________

II. Listen to your teacher as he/she reads the story “Bat Cat and Fat Rat”.
Write YES if the statement is correct and NO if it is incorrect.

____ 6. Fat Rat ran to the can of jam.

____ 7. Bat Cat hit Fat Rat.
____ 8. Bat Cat was angry with Fat Rat.
____ 9. Bat Cat and Fat Rat are friends.
____ 10. Bat Cat guarded his can of jam.

III. Look at the pictures. Write the beginning letter to complete the word.

11. ___ at 12. ___ at

13. ___ at 14. ___ an

15. ___ an

IV. Encircle the correct word.

16. sap cap gap

17. bag hag nag

18. map nap lap

19. sad lad bad

20. bag rag mat

Table of Specification




Objectives Number of Item Percentage
Item Placeme

Recognize/ide 5 1-5 25
example of words
with medial /e/

Recognize 5 6-10 25
Medial /a/,blending
onsets and rimes

Recognize/ide 5 11-15 25
example of words
with medial /a/

Recognize/ide 5 16-20 25
example of words
with medial /a/

TOTAL 20 100

Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 13- Lesson 16
I. Identify the elements of the story, The Lion and the Mouse.

The Lion and the Mouse

Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running up
and down on him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse,
and opened his big jaws to swallow him.

"Pardon, O King!" cried the little mouse. "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it
and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good
turn one of these days!”

The lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse being able to help him that he lifted his
paw and let him go.

Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they
went in search of a wagon, to take him to the zoo.

Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to
him and gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle.

"Was I not right?" said the little mouse, very happy to help the lion.






II. Say the names of the pictures. Write yes on the blank if they rhyme and no if they don’t.





III. Name the pictures with sounds i, –it , -ip and –ig.

_________11. ______________12.
__________ 13. ______________ 14.

__________ 15.

IV. Put a check (/) to the correct picture for the given word.

16. bin 17. fin

18. pin 19. bill

20. pill

V. Fill in the blanks with the correct courteous expressions. (21-25)

A: Good ________, Miss/Mrs./Mr. Soriano.

B: Good ________, How ____________________?
A: I’m fine, _________________. How about you?)
B: I’m fine too. ____________.
Table of Specification





Objectives Number of Item Percentage

Item Placeme
Identify the 5 1-5 20
elements of the

Rhyming 5 6-10 20

Recognize/ide 5 11-15 20
ntify/read words
with short vowel /i/

Recognize/ide 5 16-20 20
ntify/read words
with short vowel /i/

Use courteous 5 21-25 20

expressions in

TOTAL 25 100

Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 17- Lesson 20

I. Encircle the correct category for the given picture.

1. thing, animal, person, place

2. event, animal, person, place

3. thing, animal, person, place

4. thing, animal, person, place

5. thing, animal, person, place

II. Write the singular form of each noun on the lines below.

6. babies ____________

7. boxes __________________

8. churches __________________
III. Write the plural of each noun to complete the sentences below.

9. All the (lady) _____________ baked cakes for the street children.
10. At the pet store, they saw lots of (bunny) _____________ for sale.

IV. Read the paragraph and answer the questions below.

Read the paragraph and answer the questions below.

Every Monday morning, we line up first in the

schoolyard for the flag ceremony. After the flag
ceremony, we all go inside our classrooms. When
everyone is seated, the teacher checks the
attendance. Next, we learn about mathematics.Then, eat our
snacks after.

11. What do you usually do in school first thing in the morning?


12. What happens after the flag ceremony?


13. When does the teacher check the attendance?


14. What happens next?


15. Whathappens after learning mathematics?


V. Tell the things that you do before going to school. Use the words first,
next, and then, and last in telling your story. ( 16-20)
Table of Specification





Objectives Number of Item Percentage

Item Placeme

Recognize/ide 5 1-5 25
ntify what nouns

Form regular 5 6-10 25

plural nouns by
adding –s and –es
Identify the 5 11-15 25
main events of the
story heard

Use words 5 16-20 25

denoting sequences
in telling their daily

TOTAL 20 100

Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 21- Lesson 24

I. Underline the nouns in the sentence.Tell whether the noun is a singular or plural.

____________ 1. John’s crayons are broken.

____________ 2. That map is old.
____________ 3. Birds flew in the sky.
____________ 4. Four of the plates are round.
____________ 5. My mother is very kind.

II. Write the plural forms of the following nouns.

6. fox - _________________________
7. shoe - ________________________
8. match - ______________________
9. fly- ___________________________
10. bench - ____________________
III. Read the paragraph. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Ekob and His Friend Uno

I really love my cute, little gray puppy named
Uno. He is really great! He would run around, jump
on me, lick my face, and bark endlessly. When
he gets naughty, he would play in the mud and
sprinkle dirt on my shirt. But Uno can really be an
angel, too. He would sit on my lap, brush his head
on my arms, and look at me as if to say :I’m sorry.”
Most of all, Uno loves to eat. At home, he would
sleep under my bed, and anywhere else. He will
always be my special friend.

11. Who is EkobIs best friend?

a. Puti b. Uno c. Brownie
12. What words are used to describe Uno?
a. cute, little gray b. hairy, little gray c. big ears
13. Where does the puppy play when it gets naughty?
a. in the garden b. under the bed c. in the mud
14. Where does the puppy sleep after it eats?
a. under the bed b. under the table c. in the kennel
15. Why will he always be a special friend?
a. He laughs and wags his tail.
b. He makes me happy all the time.
c. He would sit on my lap and brush his head.

IV. Box the common nouns in the following sentences.

16. The girl wears a red dress.

17. My father is going to take us to the museum.
18. The baker makes delicious cookies.
19.The clown is doing magic tricks in the party.
20. My sister works in an office.
Table of Specification





Objectives Number of Item Percentage

Item Placeme

Form plural 5 1-5 25

nouns by adding –s

Form plural 5 6-10 25

nouns by adding -es

Give the main 5 11-15 25

idea of the story
listened to

Identify 5 16-20 25
common nouns

TOTAL 20 100
Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 25- Lesson 28

I. Draw a star ( ) if the word is a proper noun.

_____1. Batangas
_____2. clinic
_____3. Miss Cruz
_____4. bag
_____5. Philippines

II. Write C for common nouns and P for proper nouns.

_____6. teacher
_____7. Pasig River
_____8. Luneta Park
_____9. doctor
_____10. book

III. Draw how your family prays together. ( 11-15)

IV. Draw a hardworking bee in the flower garden below. (16-20)
Table of Specification




Objectives Number of Item Percentage
Item Placeme

Identify proper 5 1-5 25


Differentiate 5 6-10 25
common from
proper nouns

Recite known 5 11-15 25

verses in English

Recall the 5 16-20 25

important details of
the story

TOTAL 20 100
Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 29- Lesson 32

I. Read and answer the following questions.

1. You want to know who the teacher in English is, how will you ask?

2. You will visit your grandmother, what question will you ask?

3. How will you ask your sister if you want to know where your parents are?

4. If you want to know the name of a person, what question will you ask?

5. You will go to your classmate’s house, what question will you ask?

II. Choose one friend and ask the following questions. ( 6-10)

Friend’s Name: _______________________________________

 What is your favorite show? Why?

 Who is your best friend?
 Where will you spend your summer vacation?
 How will you show concern to your friend?

III. Tell whether the noun is countable or not. Write CN for count nouns and MN for mass nouns on
the blank before the picture.
_____11. _____12.

______13. _____ 14.


IV. Can you think of other things starting with the letter B? List at least 5 other words.

My List of B- Things
Table of Specification




Objectives Number of Item Percentage
Item Placeme

Identify how 5 1-5 25

to use the different

Use the 5 6-10 25

different Wh-

Identify mass 5 11-15 25

and count nouns

Recognize 5 16-20 25
words beginning
with letter B

TOTAL 20 100
Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 33- Lesson 36

I. Replace each underlined word/groups of words with the pronoun in the box.

I He She It They We

_____1. These garbage, chemicals or smog can spread over land, air, and water.
_____2. Pollution kills some fish and birds.
_____3. Recycling makes new things from garbage.
_____4. Bert and I will help stop pollution.
_____5. The man who runs the plant said itIs our earth.

II. Write the pronouns I, She, He, They, You, We,and It on the blanks.

6. _____________ is a teddy bear.

7. ____________ are twins.

8. ________________ is from Baguio.

9. ___________________ are pupils.

10. __________________ is an athlete.

III. Complete each sentence with a word from the word box.

can crown calf

car candles cooking cake

11. The chef is ________________________________.

12. The princess is wearing ________________________.

13. We are riding on a ______________________.

14. A baby cow is called ___________________________.

15. MY brother bought me a ________________.

IV. Select the letter of the beginning sound you hear. Encircle it.


s c f


c s b

18. h c s

19. s c f
20. h c s

Table of Specification





Objectives Number of Item Percentage

Item Placeme

Recall the 5 1-5 25

forms and use of
personal pronouns –
I / We, You,
He/She/They, It

Use personal 5 6-10 25

pronouns - I / We,
You, He/ She/They,
It in dialogues

Recognize the 5 11-15 25

sound of letter C
- /c/

Recognize the 5 16-20 25

sound of letter C as
in /s/

TOTAL 20 100
Name: _______________________________________________ Score:____________

Summative Test in English

Unit 1
Lesson 37- Lesson 40

I. Put a cross on the word which has a different sound of C as the given word.

1. circus - casual cinnamon citrus

2. cup - clay crayon cereal
3. crown - cinema carrot crab
4. century - center centavos custard
5. costume - ceramic came card
Table of Specification





Objectives Number of Item Percentage
Item Placeme

Recognize the 5 1-5 100

sound of letter C
- /c/ and /s/

TOTAL 5 100

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