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Subject: Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Course Plan (Session 2020-2021) Placement

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Course Plan
(Session 2020-2021)
Placement :
Course Planning
Theory :
Practical :
Total :

Objectives : As per course plan

Faculty Unit to be taught Hours
Mrs. Ramandeep Kaur
Mrs. Neha Vasudev
Ms. Gurpreet Kaur
Mrs. Nidhi
Allocation of Hours Unit Wise
Unit Hours Unit Hours
I 3 VIII 10
II 8 IX 4
III 8 X 10
IV 12 XI 4
V 5 XII 10
VI 6
VII 10
Hours of instruction as per INC
Unit Prescribed Hrs Topic Resource Teaching
hrs by INC Planned person Learning
I 3 Introduction to midwifery and obstetrical Nursing midwifery
and obstetrical Nursing
 Introduction to concepts of Content and obstetrical nursing
 Trends in midwifery current trends
o Historical perspectives and current trends
o Legal and ethical aspects
o Pre-conception care and preparing for parenthood
o Role of nurse in midwifery and obstetrical care.
o National policy and legislation in relation to maternal
health and welfare.
o Maternal, morbidity, mortality and fertility rates
o Perinatal, morbidity and mortality rates
II 8 Review of anatomy and physiology of female reproductive
system and foetal development
 Female pelvis - general description of the bones joints,
ligaments, planes of the pelvis diameters of the true pelvis,
important landmarks, variations in pelvis shape.
 Female organs of reproduction - external genetalia, internal
genital organs and their anatomical relations, musculature -
blood- supply, nerves, lymphatics, pelvic cellular tissue, pelvic
 Physiology of menstrual cycle
 Human sexuality
 Foetal development
o Conception
o Review of fertilization, implantation (embedding of the ovum),
development of the embryo and placenta at term functions,
abnormalities, the foetal sac, amniotic fluid, the umbilical chord
o Foetal circulation, foetal skull, bones, sutures and measurements.
o Review of Genetics

III 8 Assessment and management of pregnancy (ante-natal)

 Normal pregnancy
 Physiological changes during pregnancy.
o Reproductive system
o Cardio vascular system
o Respiratory system
o Urinary system
o Gastero intestinal system
o Metabolic changes
o Skeletal changes
o Skin changes
o Endocrine system
o Psychological changes
o Discomforts of pregnancy
 Diagnosis of pregnancy
o Signs
o Differential diagnosis
o Confirmatory tests
 Ante-natal care
o Objectives
o Assessment
- History and physical examination
- Antenatal Examination
- Signs of previous child-birth
o Relationship of foetus to uterus and pelvis: Lie, Attitude, •
Presentation, Position
o Per vaginal examination.
 Screening and assessment for high risk;
 Risk approach
 History and Physical Examination • Modalities of diagnosis; Invasive
&Non-Invasive, ultrasonics, cardiotocography, NST, CST
 Antenatal preparation
o Antenatal counseling
o Antenatal exercises
o Diet
o Substance use
o Education for child-birth
o Husband and families
o Preparation for safe-confinement
o Prevention from radiation
 Psycho-social and cultural aspects of pregnancy
o Adjustment to pregnancy
o Unwed mother
o Single parent
o Teenage pregnancy
o Sexual violence
 Adoption
IV 12 Assessment and management of intra-natal period.
 Physiology of labour, mechanism labour
 Management of labour.
o First stage
- Signs and symptoms of onset of labour; normal and abnormal
- Duration
- Preparation of
 Labour room
 Woman
- Assessment and observation of women in labour; partogram-
maternal and foetal monitoring Induction of labour
- Pain relief and comfort in labour
 Second stage
o Signs and symptoms; normal and abnormal
o Duration
o Conduct of delivery; Principles and techniques
o Episiotomy (only if required)
o Receiving the new born
- Neonatal resuscitation; initial steps and subsequent resuscitation
- Care of umbilical cord
- Immediate assessment including screening for congenital anomalies
- Identification Bonding
- Initiate feeding
- Screening and transportation of the neonate
 Third stage
o Signs and symptoms; normal and abnormal
o Duration
o Method of placental expulsion
o Management; Principles and techniques
o Examination of the placenta
o Examination of perineum
 Maintaining records and reports
 Fourth Stage
V 5 Assessment and management of women during post-natal period
 Normal puerperium; Physiology Duration
 Postnatal assessment and management
o Promoting physical and emotional well-being
o Lactation management
o Immunization
 Family dynamics after child-birth.
 Family welfare services; methods, counselling
 Follow-up
 Records and reports

VI 6 Assessment and management of normal neonates

 Normal Neonate
o Physiological adaptation
o Initial & Daily assessment
o Essential new born care; Thermal control
o Breast feeding. prevention of infections
 Immunization
 Minor disorders of new born and its management
 Levels of Neonatal care (level 1, II, & III)
 At primary, secondary and tertiary levels
 Maintenance of Reports and Records
VII 10 High-risk pregnancy -assessment & management
 Screening and assessment
o Ultrasonics, cardiotomography, NST, CST, non-invasive &
o Newer modalities of diagnosis
 High-risk approach
 Levels of care; primary, secondary and tertiary levels
 Disorders of pregnancy
o Hyper-emesis gravidarum, bleeding in early pregnancy,
abortion, ectopic
o Pregnancy, vesicular mole
o Ante-partum haemorrhage.
 Uterine abnormality and displacement.
 Diseases complicating pregnancy
o Medical and surgical conditions
o Infections, RTI (STD), UTI, HIV, TORCH
o Gynaecological diseases complicating pregnancy
o Pregnancy induced hypertension & diabetes, Toxemia of
pregnancy, hydramnios
o Rh incompatibility a Mental disorders
 Adolescent pregnancy, Elderly primi and grand multipara
 Multiple pregnancy
 Abnormalities of placenta & cord
 Intra-uterine growth-retardation
 Nursing management of mothers with high-risk pregnancy
 Maintenance of Records and Report
VIII 10 Abnormal Labour - assessment and. Management
 Disorders in labour
o CPD and contracted pelvis
o Malposition’s and malpresentations
o Premature labour, disorders of uterine actions- precipitate
labour, prolonged labour
o Complications of third stage: injuries to birth canal
 Obstetrical emergencies and their management;
o Presentation and prolapse of cord, Vasa praevia, amniotic
fluid embolism, rupture of uterus, shoulder dystocia,
obstetrical shock
 Obstetrical procedures and operations
o Induction of labour, forceps, vacuum version, manual
removal of placenta, caesarean section, destructive
 Nursing management of women undergoing Obstetrical
operations and procedures

IX 4 Abnormalities during Postnatal Periods

 Assessment and management of woman with postnatal
o Puerperial infections, breast engorgement & infections,
UTI, thrombo-Embolic disorders, post- partum haemorrage,
Eclampsia and subinvolution,
o Psychological complications:
- Post partum Blues
- Post partum Depression
- Post partum Psychosis

X 10 Assessment and management of High risk new born

 Admission of neonates in the neonatal intensive care units-
 Nursing management of:
- Low birth weight babies
- Infections
- Respiratory problems
- Haemolytic disorders
- Birth injuries
- Malformations
 Monitoring of high risk neonates
 Feeding of high risk neonates
 Organisation and management of neonatal intensive care
 Infection control in neonatal intensive care units
 Maintenance of reports and records
XI 4 Pharmaco-therapeutics in obstetrics
 Indication, dosage, action, contra indication and side effects
of drugs
 Effect of drugs on pregnancy, labour & puerperium,
 Nursing responsibilities in the administration of drug in
Obstetrics - oxytocin’s, antihypertensives, diuretics,
tocolytic agents, anti- convulsant
 Analgesics and anesthesics in obstetrics, • Effects of
maternal medication foetus and neonate
IX 4 - Assessment and management of High risk newborn
- Admission of neonates in the neonatal intensive care
units- protocols • Nursing management of: - Low birth
weight babies - Infections - Respiratory probiems -
haemolytic disorders - Birth injuries - Malformations
Monitoring of high risk neonates • Feeding of high risk
neonates • Organisation and management of neonatal
intensive care units • Infection control in neonatal
intensive care units • Maintenance of reports and records
Pharmaco-therapeutics in obstetries• • Indication,
dosage, action, contra indication and side effects of
drugs • Effect of drugs on pregnancy, labour &
puerperium, • Nursing responsibilities in the
administration of drug in Obstetrics - oxytocins,
antihypertensives, diuretics, tocolytic agents, anti-
convulsants; • Analgesics and anesthesies in obstetrics, •
Effects of maternal medication foetus and neonate 133

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