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your conceptual framework.

Remember the conceptual framework is your own

position in making your study. Take a closer look at these examples.
Figure 1. Paradigm fro Science Teaching in High School
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of Anti-Microbial Property of Pomacea canalicuta
Formulation of hypothesis is another factor that must be considered to make the study
manageable. So what is a hypothesis? Most of us will answer that it is an educated
guess. Why educated?
Why not just a simple guess? Researchers have already a preconceived idea of what
they wished to
achieve when they conduct a study. They speculate upon the outcome of a research or
experiment. Every
true experimental design must have this statement at the core of its structure, as the
ultimate aim of any
experiment. The purpose of experimentation is to prove or disprove the hypothesis.
Formulation of a hypothesis is not done by mere guessing. It is an “educated guess”
based on
prior knowledge, experiences, and observations. It also includes an explanation of
why the guess may be
correct. It is generated via a number of a process of inductive reasoning where
observations lead to the
formation of a theory. Scientists then use a large battery of deductive methods to
arrive at a hypothesis
that is testable, falsifiable, and realistic.
A good hypothesis must be based on a good research question. It should be simple,
specific, and
tested in advance.
1. Hypothesis should be simple. A hypothesis should be direct to the point. The
language used
must not have a double meaning. The universal appeal can be used but it should be
clear. It is
necessary that the hypothesis should only show the relationship between one
variable and one dependent variable. For example, positive history of albinism
increases the rate
of transfer of the trait to male first-degree relatives. Here, the independent variable is
and the dependent variable is the transfer of trait. This can be tested using a single
statistical tool.
In instances that the study calls for multiple independent and dependent variables or
hypothesis which cannot be tested with a single statistical test, it should always be
separated into
2 or more simple hypotheses.
2. Hypothesis should be specific. A specific hypothesis leaves no ambiguity about
the subjects and
variables, or about how the test is statistical significance will be applied. It uses
 Qualified
 Adequate
 Adequate
in NAT
of Pomacea
mucus as
inhibitor of
subtilis and
Bacillusoperational definitions that summarize the nature and source of the subjects
and the approach to
measuring variables. It is formulated from the specific questions upon which they are
3. Hypothesis should be testable. A testable hypothesis can be proven right or wrong
upon the outcome of the experiment. When you want to prove if the number of hours
spent by
students playing computer games affects their academic performance in school, this
can be tested. You can have two groups of students for the same section and year
level. Then,
one group can be used as an experimental treatment where they will be allowed to
play computer
games for a specific period of time and another group will just focus on their studies
playing computer games. Then both will be given the same set of tests before and
after the period
of observation. Through this, you can prove if your hypothesis is accepted or rejected
using a
specific statistical tool. For the purpose of testing statistical significance, hypotheses
classified by the way they describe the expected difference between the study groups.
It can be
stated in three ways, namely; null form, alternative form, and cause-and-effect
i. Null Form (Ho). The null hypothesis states that there is no association or
significant difference between the results of the two conditions being tested. The
null hypothesis is the formal basis for testing statistical significance. By starting
with the proposition that there is no association, statistical tests can estimate the
probability that an observed association could be due to chance. This is also the
hypothesis of no difference or equality.
ii. Ho. There is no significant difference between the effects of animal manure and
urea on the height of the plant, the color of the leaves, and the yield produced by
the plant.
iii. Ho. Liberal arts and education students do not differ significantly on their level of
b. Alternative Form (Ha). Alternative hypothesis states the nature of the connection
between or among the variables that the researcher expects. It shows that there is a
significant difference between the results of the two conditions being tested. It is a
hypothesis of inequality or difference.
i. Ha. There is a significant difference between the effects of animal manure and
urea on the height of the plant, the color of the leaves, and the yield produce by
the plant.
ii. Ha. Liberal arts and education students differ significantly on their level of
c. Cause-and-Effect. Cause-and-effect hypothesis states that if a certain condition
is true, then a supporting observation (effect) occurs.
i. If there is a difference between the effect of animal manure and urea, then the
growth of the plant will differ significantly in terms of the height of the plant,
colors of the leaves and the yield produced by plants.
One- and two-tailed alternative hypotheses.
A one-tailed (or one-sided) hypothesis specifies the direction of the association
between the
independent and dependent variables. The hypothesis that plants treated with animal
manure fertilizers
will have a higher percentage of yields is a one-tailed hypothesis. A two-tailed
hypothesis states only
that an association exists: it does not specify the direction. The hypothesis that plants
treated with animal
manure will have more or less yield is a two-tailed hypothesis. (the word tails refers to
the tail ends of
the statistical distribution such as the familiar bell-shaped normal curve that is used to
test a hypothesis.
One tail represents a positive effect or association; the other a negative effect.) A one-
tailed hypothesis
is used if the sample size is small but for a bigger sample size, it is better to use a two-
tailed hypothesis.
Unfortunately, one-tailed hypotheses are not always appropriate; in fact, some
investigators that they
should never be used. However, they are appropriate when only one direction for the
association is
important or biologically meaningful. An example is a one-sided hypothesis that a
drug has a greater
frequency of side effects than a placebo, the possibility that the drug has fewer side
effects than the
placebo is not worth testing.
eriences (e.g. failing a subject)
 socioeconomic status
 location of neighborhood (e.g. armed, disorganized, or violent neighborhood)
 abusive relationships (e.g. emotional abuse) negative influences (e.g. drug use)41
Bodily limits can be tested by trying on new experiences and working on challenges
with increasing
levels of difficulty. The human body, if given enough exposure to any situation, can
attain a goal with
Social and environmental limitations are more difficult to overcome than bodily
limitations because
they involve the influence of other people and the external world. However, with a
proper mindset, clearly
defined goals, and motivation to rise above challenges, one may successfully
overcome his or her limitations.
Even though you are still young, you are not prevented from further understanding
Transcendence is even more possible when you begin to understand that you can go
beyond your limitations if
you set your mind on your goals.
 you are connected to the external or eternal world
 challenges are learning opportunities
 your goal is more important than your fears
 think outside the box
 recognize that everyone has fears
The terms “transcendent” and transcendental” should not be used interchangeably.
According to
Immanuel Kant, “transcendent” is a term used to refer to God, while “transcendental”
refers to all other matter.
While transcendence may not occur for everyone, all people have the capacity to
experience it
regardless of any sociodemographic, biological, or personal factors.
Exercise 3. “Knowing who am I”
Directions: Complete the chart by rewriting your present limitations with reference to your
answers in the previous
activities. Make an action plan towards transcendence.
My Limitations
Plan Towards Transcendence
REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus
1. What is transcendence?
Transcendence is the ability to change, be dynamic, and continually redefining one’s
self which
works with our facticity to create things.
2. How do you show love toward others? Friends? Family? People in need?
Important things in life are the times we made the life of others meaningful. It is not
just the
material things but the love, time, patience, and kindness extended to others that
3. How can our attachment to, or craving for worldly pleasures cause suffering?
Cite examples
Suffering is caused by hurting others by means of lying, theft, harming the
environment, being
lazy, or not helping those in need.
 One view is that evil balances the good. Another is God lets us choose and decide
freely. Evil
or suffering could also be God’s test to humanity.
 For Christians, the suffering of Jesus on the cross serves as a symbol of God’s love
for humanity.
For Buddhism, suffering leads to compassion for the suffering humanity.42
FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary
Indian thought recognizes the complimentary thought of all systems of belief.
Hinduism is neither
rooted in any single doctrine, nor does it claim a monopoly on truth or wisdom.
Similarly, Buddhism preaches
tolerance of all sincere viewpoints and includes many of these with its own spiritual
Between humanity and God, there is an infinite gap, which God alone can bridge
through His power.
Perfection by participation means that it is a union of humanity with God. Change
should promote not just
any purely private advantage, but the good of the community.
The transpersonal worldview of the Filipinos underlies the belief that the individual
can go beyond
human limitations such as geography, space, and time. The transpersonal worldview
encompasses the world
as run by “spirit” or “spirits” such as God, mind, providence and others.
Human beings therefore, has a supernatural transcendental destiny. This means that
he/she can rise
above one’s ordinary being or self to a highest being or self. For St. Thomas Aquinas,
in the plan of God, a
human being has to develop and perfect one’s self by doing his/her daily task. Hence,
if a human being
perseveringly lives a righteous and virtuous life,

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