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De Septum Signum

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De Septum Signum

Legal Disclaimer;

All material found in Book I – Eruditio Iterim Constitu is exclusively the intellectual
property of the author Brennus Samuel. This material may not be used or reproduced in any
way without the explicit written consent of the author.

Ogmius Publishing
Toronto, Ontario

Copyright © 2005 Brennus

ISBN 0-9737624-3-8
To My Love;

Your heart, the only kingdom I seek.

To My Son;

Life is perfect. Make it your own.

Table Of Contents

Preface by Brennus Samuel I

Book I – Eruditio Iterim Constitu

Synopsis Of The Centuries

I – I The Text 17
I – II The Layout 18
I – III Hidden Notation 19

Cryptanalysis 20
II – I The Text Cipher 20
II – II The Axis 22
II – III Making A Matrix 23
II – IV Key Recovery 25
II – V How To Tell Time 30
II – VI How To Read 33

The Allegory
III – I The Dating Of Prophecy 35
III – II The Language Of Prophecy 38
III – III The Play 53
III – IV The Tragedy Of Brennus 55

Coincidence Of Fates 62
IV – I Birthday & Age 62
IV – II Gematria 64
IV – III Identity by Symbol 67

V – I The Chronograph Of Christ 69
V – II Summary of Decryption 71
Book II – Donum Olim Occultas

Preface to the Centuries 79
Epistle To King Henry II 86
2004 100
Almanacs 156
2005 165
Almanacs 168
2008 170
Almanacs 211
2009 218
Almanacs 233
2010 236
Almanacs 249
2011 250
Almanacs 281
2012 283
Almanacs 301

Presage 303
Epistle A King Henry II 309
2004 320
Almanacs 376
2005 385
Almanacs 388
2008 390
Almanacs 432
2009 439
Almanacs 454
2010 458
Almanacs 470
2011 471
Almanacs 502
2012 504
Almanacs 522
Book III – Tempus Ostendu

Matrix 525
Axis 528
Years Plotted 531
Century I 532
Century II 545
Century III 558
Century IV 571
Century V 584
Century VI 597
Century VII 610
Century VIII 617
Century IX 631
Century X 644
Century XI & XII 657
Almanacs 659

Glossary 679
Presage De Septum Signum
Brennus Samuel

It is with feelings of both accomplishment and bitter resentment that

I present this work to you. A work whose nature, profound most indeed,
will have an untold impact on the mind of the reader. And it is for this
reason that you call me not by my name at birth, but rather the Latin of my
title only. This will seem strange to many, that I avoid claiming directly a
work of such profound nature. But this will be understood when you have
read these prophecies, whose real messages are strange indeed. I will not
allude that you will understand all of these things, for I have yet to grasp the
whole of them myself in the complexity of their completion. And this
strange as well, for as you will understand through reading those pages that
follow, that these visions were intended for one person, and one person
only. Myself.
Those things I chose to reveal will prove this claim, quite boastful I
do confess. And the manner in which this puzzle solved by me, a work only
accomplished through destiny. Hence these feelings of resentment that I
feel for this work, my idle time and what has been revealed to me, mixed
with such feelings as arrogant accomplishment. For you see dear reader, I
am not a man of the stars or of God, that is to say, in the understanding of
Astrology and Religion I was indeed most ignorant.
And through this ignorance, these omens, most blessed in nature,
have until present brought me little peace or acceptance; in fact they have
brought fear in almost exclusive abundance. A fear felt only by Heathen
when the reality of those things beyond our understanding is laid in our
laps. Perhaps had this mystery been uncovered by the hand of such men
who understand God and Spirits, it would serve no purpose. To illustrate
the frustration felt by myself, allow me to explain those circumstances,
which led to this discovery.
I have for the last year remained a stay-at-home father, for both a
lack of employment opportunity and to allow more time to see my son. As
an accountant by trade, I am able to fulfill my career goals, albeit only to the
most minor extent, by working at home, and as such I am allowed much idle
time as well. It was this summer just past, in August of 2004 that I was
inspired to undertake this task. I had for little more than a week been taking
care of my young niece and nephew as well as my son. And on one
particular day, to which the sky offered nothing but rain, we were forced to
spend our afternoon watching television. And on this day, there was
nothing to entertain the children by way of cartoons. My nephew was
interested in a documentary carried on the History Channel, concerning
none other than this illustrious Nostradamus.
A man I must admit, that despite my wealth of reading I had paid no
attention to. As I’ve already explained these things brought no interest to
me. Yet due to this documentary I was inspired to look at this mans work,
not to read his prophecies, rich in symbolism, but to prove the narrator of
this film wrong. This man, although I am sure quite well versed in matters
such as astronomy and symbolic interpretation, eluded that this work of
Nostradamus could not be solved. He suggested a number of proofs I found
quite insolent, the greatest of which was his claim that there is “no one all-
encompassing code to solve these prophecies”. A statement that irritated
me, since as a man of rational thought, it should seem obvious there is a
solution to every problem. This irritation stemmed from the obvious
connection I made while viewing. To illustrate allow me to pose the
“What is the purpose of such enigma should it never be understood?”
And from this careful consideration of this I was able to understand
why these prophecies have remained a mystery for so long. To illustrate
you why so many have failed to properly identify these things, consider the
following. An astrologer, by nature, is versed in the interpretation of
symbols. That is to say, he or she takes an image, an idea, or a word and
seeks alternative meaning. And as such an Astrologer could never solve
this work, for they will only see the surface of rich imagery. And to this
extent the Centuries are indeed rich.
To the religious, such things are irrelevant. If one’s faith in God
true, there is no need to know the future for all things are determined by
Him, and no man may manipulate those forces, such as time, that are His to
determine. The historian is only concerned with facts, particularly those
that have passed. And as such, prophecy is irrelevant to these people.
To the mathematician, there is no problem to solve. These prophecies are
comprised of text, and in their numbering lies a logical means of
progression, counting from one to one hundred, and as such is of no interest
to their minds.
And this is where yours truly holds greater insight in such a matter
than those listed above. I am a Gnostic, or more accurately was. And as
such, carry no interest in things such as astrology or prophecy, only the
realms of science and maths were accepted to me, my faith in powers
beyond humanity requires no exercise.
This is the only reason I was able to see what lied beneath those
prophecies, to which so many have claimed to understand. For much of my
life I have avoided subjective thought, and although this seems odd, for
such is my eccentric nature, I have accepted only objective interpretation of
those things around me, past, present and future. And it is through this
discipline I have bestowed upon myself for ten years past now, that at first
glance I recognized what this mystery truly was, a cryptogram.
However, history has seen no such puzzle as this one. And this
work and mine shall come to be questioned and puzzled by many, for a
thousand years to come. This seems overly boastful to myself, let alone to
others, but as you read this preface, and then the prophecies herein
contained, you will find answers to questions you did not ask. Questions I
would not ask, yet this strange man from our medieval period did indeed
ask. And you will come to understand, that this one you read now, this man
named Brennus, if actually a man at all, is quite special indeed.
This not intended to suggest I am capable of remarkable feats of
strength, perhaps some intellectual capabilities of mine surpass others, yet if
there are super powers I am soon to inherit, I find it doubtful I should
understand them, let alone use them. For you will soon, as I have recently,
come to experience parapeteo of your own. Indeed, I have been wrong, in
ways none should understand save myself. And this is the truth of these
prophecies you have attempted to understand and explain. They are for me,
and me alone.
Yet despite this fact, that these are for me, and despite a clear
understanding I should keep them for myself, I have instead chosen to
deliver them to you. Each of these prophecies pertains to minor details of
my life, and destiny, described through allegory. Many of which have
already passed. And those soon to pass have filled both heart and mind with
such fear that I may scarcely sleep free of nightmares.
And as you read the prophecies he has left for me, I urge you to
read them as I did, in ignorance. For at no time before I had accomplished
much of the work did I realize this was my life I read. And when such
realization set in my mind, then heart, then bones, I came to see first nothing
but terror, fear, and absolute dread. And these things to such extent my pen
scarcely charted paper.
Yet, strangely enough, as fear passed, replaced by sorrow and tears,
a strange acceptance has come over me, and I have since gained such
strength of Hope I boast none may have held such Hope before I, save one.
And before you label me such dreadful things as heretic, blasphemer, and
worst of all to be called madman, consider that this prophet spent more
years than most in the studies of God, and for such faith the Lord chose him
to deliver me these gifts. One must ask the question of why. Nostradamus
was a healer of celebrated renown, a master of mystic arts, and for a cause
that will not be clarified for a few years to come, has devoted such effort to
delivering these gifts to a nobody, a commoner, from the Northern Realm.
And again indeed having breached depths of mine own mind, I am
here to challenge yours. I will offer no prophecies save those of this man,
for my destiny lies in their understanding, not their creation. And I should
in fairness confess at this point, most of these prophecies are sins, a
realization that brings me great shame. It is hard enough for a man to carry
his guilt, but to see his shame from the very eyes of God is painful indeed. I
have also come to understand from such observation, that there is no longer
any cause for me to continue my slumber. It seems some of my brothers
have awoken before me, and the mischief of their adventures is clearly
And this dear reader is where I begin my exit strategy. For as I
have already stated, parapeteo has in only a short time, come and passed
leaving me with little discretion towards these things which follow us now.
I no longer fear to speak from my heart, regardless of the ostracisation and
ridicule that will follow. This poet has lain dormant for such long time, and
still what I write I destroy, because though it would help, you are far too
unworthy to receive it.
Allow me to apologize for this statement; I would that it was not
this way. When I began to write the story of how this came to be and what
now comes next, I soon realized the folly of such high hopes. And who
amongst you would not react as I did when this was found? I was overjoyed
with my discovery, proud and vain that I alone had revealed this book. But
these things faded as I came to realize that statement I made earlier. Pride is
diminished rather quickly by sin. These warnings were meant to help me
avoid such behaviour.
And as though this were not difficult enough, as though fate should
see to it my work bears those laborious tasks, I also must accept the fact that
long before I cared to read this man, many others had grossly perverted his
work to such extent I already fear the backlash of misguided and
misinformed opinions, that soon enough shall be cast at me.
And should the wise not understand why I hold back my messages,
allow me to reiterate the greatest wisdom this tome contains. I wish to
thank Nostradamus formally for it’s clear presence, and acknowledge his
warnings to me. For in the preface to these prophecies I have been warned,
as this man has paraphrased the Lamb Christ:

“Throw nothing holy to the dogs, nor pearls to pigs. Lest they trample
the jewels and turn their hunger towards you.”

And this indeed good advice, yet I fear I am unable to take it entire,
perhaps in practice, though I feel compelled through this meager preface to
speak of my heart, if only once, and only in pretext to my discoveries. To
find and not say I should feel worse than to have found nothing at all. For
should a man find his God in the mysteries of old, perdition soon finds him,
and sees to it he grows bold.

It is my mother Sophia, for whom this mission been sent.

Soon enough to face the Dragon, and I will neither request nor demand.
But be presented with my birthright, my jewel, my glorious Pearl.
And when hung about my breast, I’ll carry him above and behind me.
In my wake shall be found, those dogs to doves, and their pigs to men.

And now with this said, I bid you Adieu, long life and happiness,
and more so, I bid you hope for you and all, and may all of we now lost in
the woods find home once more.

Brennus Samuel
December 24, 2004
Book I

Eruditio Iterim Constitu

I Synopsis Of The Centuries

I-I The Text

The Centuries is essentially a compendium of the prophecies of

Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus. Written over an
unknown period of time, presumably between the years of 1554 – 1555 the
works are best described as a collection of obscure four line stanzas. The
Centuries were first published in seven volumes in 1555, the later three
centuries, eight, nine and ten, completed later and published first in 1558.
Over the years the prophecies have been repeatedly printed and reprinted by
numerous publishers. With the amount of time passed since their first
appearance and the crude printing technology of the sixteenth century, it is
unsure how accurate the structure and text of the work remains. Often
printers will substitute letters or symbols that are foreign to them, or omit
them entirely due to the limitations of pre-modern printing presses.
With the works of Nostradamus this poses a serious barrier in
accurate decryption. The text of the centuries is a combination of several
different alphabets, the first obvious alphabet being Latin. This is most
likely to accommodate the French language and obviously Latin as well.
But the obscurity increases with the presence of runes not associated with
Latin or western European languages altogether. Some include letters
common primarily to an older Greek dialect, and a few obviously stem from
the Cyrillic alphabet. Also there is the presence of symbols not directly
associated with grammar or writing structure.

Cyrillic Runes: И Ю К bl
Text Symbols: ( ‘ ° ¬

The presence of these letters and symbols did indeed strike me as

odd. Particularly since the Cyrillic alphabet bears almost no immediate
resemblance to Latin based languages, and from linguistic perspectives can
pose phonetic problems with transliteration. The greatest difference of
which involves the presence of silent vowels, which indicates the
pronunciation of the proceeding consonant.
Another interesting thing I noticed with these letters and symbols, is
that they appear almost exclusively in the first century. At least one of the
Cyrillic letters can be found in almost each quatrain in the first century.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter I
Their frequency broadens afterwards, sometimes appearing only once or
twice, and occasionally not at all in an entire century.
The number of words in each quatrain, specifically in each line,
appeared to present a clue as well. The longest line of any stanza was 11
words, and I toyed with the notion that some of the symbols that seemed
misplaced may indeed increase the count of words. For example, a hyphen
placed in an unlikely position may indicate that one word should count as
two. In addition, from a quick read through of several quatrains, I began to
notice that his poetry would be easily measured in 7 feet per line, regardless
of the number of syllables.

I-II The Layout

The size and general presentation of “The Centuries” presents

some interesting problems as well. In total there are ten centuries. Each
contains exactly one hundred, four line stanzas, or quatrains. Century
number seven is an exception as it only contains forty-two quatrains. The
reasons for this century are not entirely clear. One way of explaining it is
that the first publication of the work included only the first seven centuries.
It is possible that Nostradamus intended to finish his work at this point, thus
explaining why the seventh and last century is shorter than the others. This
would imply that he had not originally intended to create a total of ten
centuries. The last may have been added posthumously, completed out of
interest, possibly boredom.
Another explanation may involve the sum as a sort of key to
decrypting the prophecies. The very arrangement of the quatrains makes
any cryptanalysis of the work painstaking. Each century begins with the
number 1, and ends at 100, thus making no obvious arithmetic progressions
aside from the base 10, or varying in sequence enough to allow an accurate
attempt at decryption. This poses as the greatest barrier. Particularly since
in order to decrypt a code, there will usually be a slight indication of skewed
numerical progression. This variance does not have to be large, only that it
varies enough to allow multiple arrangements within itself. The difficulty
with the range 1 – 100 is that it does not vary from century to century, until
the seventh, and then continues again.
I-III Hidden Notation

Although, these marks were not obvious to me at the onset of my

investigation, they would soon prove to be the very means of decoding and
reading the prophecies. I first noticed the marks while taking a quick glance
through the text. Hoping to find other cipher symbols from the Cyrillic
alphabet, not present in the first century. The notation appears to be nothing
more than a string of values. For example, the first is inscribed directly
beneath quatrain I-5, the next beneath I-17. A more thorough search
revealed that these letters appeared in logical sequence throughout the entire

A, Aij, Aiij, Aiiij G, Gij, Giij, Giiij

B, Bij, Biij, Biiij H, Hij, Hiij, Hiiij
C, Cij, Ciij, Ciiij I, Iij, Iiij, Iiiij
D, Dij, Diij, Diiij K, Kij, Kiij, Kiiij
E, Eij, Eiij, Eiiij L, L2
F, Fij, Fiij, Fiiij

After noticing these marks, it was obvious they played some role
within the text. The very last notation, L2, gave a clue as to how they
should be read. Logically, Lij should follow L, like the others. However,
the number 2 following suggested that Lij = L2. Therefore I could
reasonably assume that the same should apply for the others. If I was
correct the obscured notation should actually resemble this:

A1, A2, A3, A4 G1, G2, G3, G4

B1, B2, B3, B4 H1, H2, H3, H4
C1, C2, C3, C4 I1, I2, I3, I4
D1, D2, D3, D4 K1, K2, K3, K4
E1, E2, E3, E4 L1, L2
F1, F2, F3, F4

This recognition would inevitably be the very key to understanding

the manner in which Nostradamus hid his true message. This of course
would not be for some time still, but after arranging the letters in the manner
above I first gained the idea that they may represent chapters, intervals to
count, and of course nothing at all.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II
II Crypt Analysis

After completing this project I placed the total time required to just
under a month. The first weeks of which consisted of a number, much too
high to count, of fruitless attempts to understand this information. The
reason to the ongoing mystery surrounding these texts did not actually don
on me until well after a week of pointless attempts to fit different alphabets
into the number ranges. The text itself, and the numbering of the quatrains
exist only figuratively. That is to say, they create an obvious impression of
what you are looking at. The simplified arrangement of the prophecies
themselves creates the appearance that they are in logical sequence, or that
they involve a logical interpretation. This however, is quite inaccurate. The
reason this text has remained mysterious for near five centuries is because
the text and numbers actually have nothing to do with the true message.
They exist only as plane, concealing the true dimensions of the message.
In simpler terms, the Centuries on a whole are nothing more than a
needlessly complicated cryptogram. The use of the many languages and
foreign letters creates the impression that the means of understanding lies in
the text itself. This could not be further from the truth, and offers perfect
explanation as to why the true messages cannot be taken from the work after
translation. When the text is translated, whether to English or German or
Spanish etc… the position and use of those letters will change entirely. As
will be explained in greater detail in this chapter, each quatrain of four lines
conceals a specific date within it’s arrangement, not only in the individual
quatrain, but in the whole of the book as well. Understanding this only
required contemplation. The symbolism of the language was becoming
increasingly unnecessary, in simplest terms, obscured for the sake of
obscurity. It was first beginning to appear as though I had found a broken
book of sorts.

II - I The Text Cipher

Like many others who may have tried to deduce the true meanings
through mathematical interpretation, I assumed that the 1 – 100 range would
easily accommodate the actual alphabet used. Hoping that a mono-
alphabetic cipher was present, I first tried the obvious. Fitting the 26 letter
Latin (modern) alphabet into the numbered ranges both forward and reverse
with no success.
The sum of the quatrains is 942, and I began looking for any
equation that may allow the use of this alphabet into the range of 942.
However, this didn’t fit. The next logical step was to condense the
alphabet. The number 25 was the most appropriate given the range of 100
common to each century, save number 7 which ultimately made the 25-
letter alphabet useless. In order to shorten the alphabet, I omitted the letter
J, which was also omitted in the notation marks. The lack of the letter J
created a greater comparison to the common Latin alphabet of Nostradamus
time. With a straightforward range of 1 – 100, the only message revealed
would be the alphabet itself over and over again, even when reversed.

Fig. A-1 Normal order of 25-letter alphabet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Fig. A-2 Reversed order of 25-letter alphabet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II

The same problems aroused from my attempts with the much larger
33 letter Cyrillic and Hebrew alphabets, and the many variations of the
Greek. Yet I continued to hang on to the notion that there was indeed a
substitute alphabet involved.

II - II The Axis

Another attempt, fruitless at first, was to consider the idea that the
quatrain numbers were points on a graph. If this was the case, plotting the
century numbers as co-ordinates on the y-axis of a plane, and the quatrain
numbers as co-ordinates on the x-axis, the arrangement itself may give a
clue as to the overall picture. I was wrong again. The graph only revealed
a constant ascension in each until again, the seventh century, which is
shorter. I did get the impression of a comet’s path at first, and if plotted in
all four quadrants the arrangement creates a perfect square. This may be
useful to an astrologer, but I prefer to rely on logical deduction as a means
of problem solving.
It was after this failure that I would make tremendous success. It
occurred to me that the vertical arrangement of the centuries might also be
figurative. This idea actually struck while doing some research on the
lineage of Nostradamus. During a short period of despair for the task, I
began reading about the man himself in hopes for inspiration. This indeed
proved useful, particularly when I learned that his family was indeed
Jewish. Not a very obvious connection, yet I found that Nostradamus
earliest education had come from his grandfather, Pierre Nostredame, a
Jewish physician reputedly of great skill and also his first teacher of
This proved the greatest clue since his connection to Judaism gave
me the idea to read the numbers right to left. This is actually quite difficult
for someone who has no formal education with a language, which moves
right to left. Hoping it would make this easier; I used a spreadsheet to
rearrange the quatrains horizontally, in other words, reversing on the y-axis.
And now it began to make sense.
II - III Making A Matrix

The arrangement of the quatrain numbers did not solve the problem
immediately. The sequences remained the same, and in unison left to right,
just as they did from top to bottom. Each row began at one and ended with
one hundred. Another effort was to include the century number as the first
digit in a two part number.

Fig. B1 – Quatrains with Century number included, arranged horizontally

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 111 112 113…………………………..1100

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 212 213…………………………..2100
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313…………………………..3100
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 410 411 412 413…………………………..4100

But again no immediate change save for the fact that after the ninth
quatrain in each century, the sum increases by ten from top to bottom, by
100 from 10 - 99 and again the last number, 100 increases by a thousand.
This presents a clear progression, but only if one considers the base 10 as a
means of using an alphabet. Unfortunately, my attempts brought me no
This was the point where I was prepared to simply quit, having
never actually read more than half a dozen of the quatrains. I’d avoided
reading them for the duration of the last month to avoid confusing myself
with the “figurative” messages, but now I was prepared to quit, like so many
others, so I saw no harm in just reading a few at random.
Finally, a step in the right direction, the answer struck me as I read
to I-5, and again noticed the letter A (notation mark) staring right at me. It
was at this point that I realized what it actually is. The purpose of those
seemingly useless letters, A – L, number 1 – 4 became perfectly clear. They
were indeed notation marks, but they’re presence remained obscured unless
one had rearranged the quatrains horizontally. When reading vertically they
appear as part of the text, as meaningless as any of the other symbols. But
when arranged horizontally, lining the text up where the notation marks
belong, the quatrains arrange themselves in bases of 12, save the last line,
which has 58 - 60, for each of the 11 notation letters. This repeated for each
notation letter.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II
Fig. C1 – First arrangement by means of Notation Marks

1 2 3 4 5
A 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Aij 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Aiij 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Aiiij 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

After some time of experimenting, I realized the last row of 58 – 60

quatrains was to be 5 more rows. The quatrains fit into a perfect 8-row
matrix, 12 columns wide in a total of 11 sections. The total of 942 created a
short matrix that ended with less than eight rows at the notation mark G,
quatrain 42. It then begins renewed with the eight century. It also had the
range 1 –5 preceding the first notation mark A. The remaining difficulty
lied in how it should be used. I tried fitting a 24-letter alphabet and finally
found some results using the specific quatrains as values for letters. For
example, if read A1, A2, A3 and again if read A1, B1, C1… but only results
from the latter revealed any kind of progress. I got several letter
combinations that could be words, but nothing worth noting here.
The real success was adding a zero before the space of quatrain I-1.
The reason, I noticed the base 12 as a means of progressing from top to
bottom, which meant that the factors of 12 would be important. It also
made it clear that logically; the number preceding 6 (A1) should be a
multiple of six, inevitably creating the matrix actually into base 6 twice.
This gave me the idea to add a zero before the 1, and to again repeat the
numbers along the top of the cipher. The result was a perfect matrix. It is
broken into 11 sections, each of 8 rows, each of 12 columns.
The entire matrix is included at the end the end of the book. As a
sample, the correct matrix for section A follows.

Fig. C2 – Complete Matrix arrangement for Century I

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
A 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
A2 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
A3 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
A4 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
A5 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
A6 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
A7 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
A8 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
II - IV Key Recovery

Now that I had discovered how the numbering system was to be

used, and the purpose of the notation marks, the next logical step was to
prove it. For this reason is the sole purpose of the alphabet. Common sense
would suggest that if indeed this was a cryptogram, as the matrix above
certainly indicated, there should be a message in the beginning. Much like
encryption works today with computers, a key is included at the beginning
to unlock the message that follows. The only logical places I could think of
were the first two quatrains, which by all accounts described some sort of
nocturnal activities that result in divinity, and possibly the preface. The set
back with the first two quatrains, I-1 and I-2, is that they don’t actually
differ in structure from those that follow, so it seemed obvious to look in the
The preface itself contained no obvious clues. It also is written in
obscured and figurative manner, most likely encrypted in the same fashion
as the prophecies themselves were. There were however, two dates
mentioned throughout the body of the preface.

1) “…pour d'yci à l'annee 3797”

2) “& que de present que cecy i'escrits auât cent septante sept ans trois
mois vnze iour”

This gave me two different dates that might reveal a message if

applied to my alphabets. There seemed obvious reason to suspect this since
if one considers recording time, that is to say, starting at point zero and
moving forward, the point of origin is not actually zero. The Centuries were
first published in 1555, and supposedly predict the future. This represents a
very interesting way of disguising important information since these are the
only two clear dates throughout the preface, and one is written in text as
opposed to using numerals. This acts as an added protection to disguising
the recovery key.
Earlier I had tried numerous alphabets with different sums and
varying phonetic values, but the only one that would yield any somewhat
useful results was the obvious, Latin. But I still had problems with both the
25 and 24 letter Latin alphabets I was using. To shorten the modern 26
letters, I omitted J first, since it is omitted within the notation marks, then Y
to again condense it to 24 letters long. The size 24 seemed increasingly
relevant due to the matrix previously assembled. At a base of 6, and 4
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II
numbered rows, the equation 4 * 6 = 24, continued to make sense. It even
fit the range of block A perfectly.
Block A consists of 8 rows of 12 columns. Therefore 8 * 12 = 96,
which is equal to 4 * 24 = 96. In other words, a 24-letter alphabet would
make a perfect fit 4 times in Block A of the matrix.
Eventually what would be obvious to a linguist did occur to me, that
Nostradamus would be much more accustomed to the traditional Latin
alphabet of only 21 letters. Not the most obvious clue still, since now I had
three letters unaccounted for, with no particular phonetic value to assign.
The solution eluded me for some time still, but eventually the purpose of the
Cyrillic letters began to be clarified. At first I had replaced the blank letters
with the ?, ! and @ symbol to substitute the missing letters, finally realizing
that the missing letters could be the Cyrillic letters throughout the text.

Cyrillic Runes: И Ю К bl

Of the four symbols I’d found so far, only the first two struck me as
significant. The К produces the same sound in both Latin and Cyrillic,
while the bl indicates pronunciation of the preceding consonant. I excluded
both as redundant, and possibly only clues. The first two letters were quite
useful, especially when you consider that Nostradamus was French, and the
majority of the text is indeed in French. To illustrate, I’ve noted the
phonetic values of the two letters below.

И =i
Ю =yu

These would indeed fit a mono-alphabetic cipher, particularly if the

message was to be in French. The extra letters representing the use of the
first person “y” and also “y u” allowed me to guess at what the third
missing letter should be. The last letter in the Cyrillic alphabet appears as a
я with the phonetic value “y a”, which would explain why it isn’t clear in
the text; printers had probably just excluded it over the years. The useful
significance of the excess of “y” is symbolic since in French it allows one to
remain arbitrary and anonymous while speaking in the first person.
The following three figures illustrate the progression of the
alphabetic cipher over these three stages. The last is the complete alphabet,
which in the end had to be substituted to the phonetic values of the Cyrillic
alphabet. The numerous failed results, and useless strings of consonants
from attempts with ciphers aside from the correct one are omitted. For the
sake of simplicity, only the successful attempts are shown here.
Fig. D-1 Latin with 3 missing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

N O P Q R S T V X ? ! @
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Fig D-2 Latin with missing letters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Fig D-3 Completed Alphabet, Cyrillic replacements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Fig. D-4 Message from the Preface using the alphabet cipher

1) 3797 = 37 97
2) 177 311 = 1 77 3 11

This gave me the message “Na a DVL”, which is not obvious at

first, however, when I began to consider the phonetic value, I did receive a
Latin message that makes perfect sense. “Na a 555”, translates to “Verily to
555” and seemed to suggest that the number 555 was relevant to solving the
clues. This gave me a few ideas, the first of which was that the encryption
might reveal dates. The preface key seemed to suggest adding or
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II
subtracting 555 to reveal a date accurately. But, I still had no way of
knowing where in the confusing text a date would be concealed.
An added intricacy of concealment is also revealed here, when my
cipher is used, the numbers from the preface, 3797, became text, and the
date 177 3 11 which was originally written in text became a number in
Roman numeral form.
I also applied my alphabet cipher to the matrix arrangement. I
placed the quatrain numbers associated with the notation marks in a row and
assigned them phonetic values from my alphabet cipher. The first
arrangement I tried was A1, A2, A3, A4, B1… and so on. No immediate
success, even when considering phonetic values due to the endless strings of
consonants. Success did come when I arranged the quatrains in the order
A1, B1, C1, D1, E1…. And so on. The resulting letters revealed a very
encouraging, although confusing message. It is included below in 8
columns in comparison with the 8 rows for each of the 11 notation marks.

Fig. D-5 Message from the arrangement of Notation marks using the alphabet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 e 18 s 30 e 42 s 54 e 66 s 78 e 90 s
1 a 12 m 24 ya 36 m 48 ya 60 m 72 ya 84 m
96 ya 6 e 18 s 30 e 42 s 54 e 66 s 78 e
90 s 1 a 12 m 24 ya 36 m 48 ya 60 m 72 ya
84 m 96 ya 6 e 18 s 30 e 42 s 54 e 66 s
78 e 90 s 1 a 12 m 24 ya 36 m 48 ya 60 m
70 ya 82 k 94 y 4 d 16 q 28 g 40 q
11 l 23 yu 35 l 47 yu 58 k 70 y 82 k 94 y
97 a 9 i 21 x 33 i 45 x 57 i 69 x 81 i
92 u 3 v 15 p 27 v 39 p 51 v 63 p 75 v
87 p 99 v

The message revealed is fairly long and confusing, and as can be

seen clearly, the same phonetic sequences repeat in each column save for a
slight shift in range. From the above string of letters I hoped to make a
series of sentences to reveal a message, first breaking the letters up by

x p s m e y a s m y i v”
I translated this message roughly and tried measuring the sentences
in feet. Earlier in my research I had read a few essays about archaic poetry
written in the romance languages. Unfortunately I had found no actual
examples to illustrate the style common to Nostradamus era and region.
The one constant I had noticed through the prophecies was the significance
of four. Each prophecy being a 4-line stanza, I began counting feet
throughout early examples. This allowed me to create two four-line stanzas
out of the crude sentences, allowing a measure of 7 feet per line. I then
translated based on phonetic values to create a plainer message.

E a y as, me y alaups, He has you have, I you applaud,

Me a y as, qui uivve, I have you have, who follows,
Y as me a, L X pus, You have I have, 60 smart,
Me y as, M D y uive, I you have, 1500 you follow.

Y as me y, a je que X You have I you, have I that X,

Pus me y as, aime je y I Smart I you have, love I you I,
Veu y as me, y age que X Want you have I, you age that X,
Pus me y as, my I V Smart I you have, put I V.

A rather confusing message to say the least, and it was not until
after I had completed the project that I was able to actually verify the
significance of this message. It is quite possible that due to my limited
phonetic capabilities, being only versed in English and French, I have made
errors in phonetic association. It is possible that the message meant to be
read is only broken to reveal the next stage of the process, and not to be
taken as a sentence. However, the fact that I was able to put the sentences
into two four-line stanzas, equally measured in 7 feet per line is quite
reminiscent of the overall body of the Centuries.
In any event, this will remain a mysterious portion of the enigma to
me for some time still. Particularly since when I add the numbers contained
in the broken message, I receive; 1500, 60, 10, 1, 10, 1 and 5. If one adds
the sum of the total, you receive 1587. However, I considered keeping them
in the quatrains I had put together and received 1560 in the first, and 27 in
the second. The only rather interesting detail here is the fact that the
sentence “He has you have, I you applaud” is very encouraging, and the
number 27 is my current age.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II
II - V How To Tell Time

Possibly the most frustrating of tasks, was finding a key within the
quatrains themselves to find either a year, or a value I could add or subtract
555 to. The quatrains once again in this matter do not reveal anything
obvious. The inevitable difficulty with Nostradamus work is that he meant
to confuse. The simple layout of the verse, the logical outline of the entire
work, confuses the mind, and forces you to focus on the symbolic rather
than the figurative. This presented a problem for me, since I spent
sometime trying to find a “symbolic” value for numbers in the text itself,
but nothing evident ever appeared.
At one point I began counting the letters themselves, and then of
course the words. This was the key indeed. The sum of words in each line
is always in the range of 4 – 11. It actually hit me like a ton of bricks at this
point, the 4 lines of the quatrains suddenly seemed familiar to the 4 lines in
the matrix, and likewise, the range of 12 in the matrix, was not so far from
the 11-word range I had found so far.
And here itself was the text key. If you take the sum of words in
any given line, find the quatrains location within the matrix (which block),
you simply assign the sum of words the matrix value. For example, in
Block A, quatrain I-I has the following sum of words per line:

# of Words Matrix Value

6 -0
6 -0
5 -5
7 -1

This is determined since in Block A of the matrix, the number 6

appears beneath the 0, and therefore has a substituted value of 0. The same
applies for any sum of words per line, save for word counts below 6, which
always retain their value.
Now I knew how to assign a new value to each line in any given
quatrain. I had one problem with this however, the equation 0051 + 555 =
566. This posed a roadblock for some time before the connection with the
repeating letter strings in the matrix message became clear. I noticed that
the word string “A y as me”, while repeating itself varied in order. That is
to say, if assigned a value for each word: A = 1, Y = 2, As = 3 and Me = 4,
I could assign sequence orders throughout the message.
For example, the first appearance of the word string is 1, 2, 3, 4,
then changes to 4, 1, 2, 3 and then to 2, 3, 4, 1 and so on.

2 3 4 412 3 2 3 4 1 4 2 3
“E y as me y alaups me a y as qui huivve y as me a y lx plus me y as
md y huive”

2 3 4 4 2 3 2 3 4
y as me y a je que x plus me y as me je y huive y as me y a je que x plus

4 2 3
me y as me y iv”.

This was very useful. This made it clear that the matrix values I’d
assigned to the quatrain lines were not in any immediate order. That is to
say, not 1, 2, 3, 4, as presumed at first, but by some logical means of
varying sequence. No simple pattern is evident from the matrix message, so
I sought non-linear tactics. In other words, how would I do it if I were
Nostradamus? I began to consider a number of ways to arrange to the
values, but it was some time before the obvious occurred to me. The fact is,
I would find no answer until I realized what exactly it is I was trying to do.
I was trying to tell time. And to tell time you made a clock. This notion
struck me as the only logical means to do so.
I considered the many ways I could go about creating a clock, and
determining how it would be used, I used a protractor to cut a perfect circle.
I labeled it 1 – 12 in normal fashion, but didn’t know how exactly the sums
of the words or the matrix values would be used with it. I went back to my
matrix and realized I needed to make a two faced clock. I cut out another
circle, slightly smaller, and this time labeled it 0 – 5 and again 0 – 5, making
12 spaces and a perfect clone of my matrix in clock form.
Now it occurred to me that the pattern that either the matrix value of
the words, or the sum of words themselves would indicate a logical
clockwise progression, seeing as Nostradamus was predicting the future, it
seemed logical the clock should only move forward. Another aspect of this
clock was that similar to the matrix, the starting point, or 0, would shift with
the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries.
Placing the 0 at 6 o’clock, similar to block A of the matrix, I turned
the inner dial (0-5) clockwise, recording the order that the sums of words
appeared in. For quatrain I-I, the order was 4, 1, 2, and 3 which using the
matrix values of the word count gave the number 1005. At this point both
the matrix message, and the assembly of the quatrains made perfect sense.
Proven by the equation 1005 + 555 = 1560. I finally had my starting point
for decryption; I had a year, and could compute the same for each
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II
subsequent quatrain. My alphabet cipher also revealed the numbers 1560
from the matrix message, and the preface key mentioned 555.
The process appears even simpler in reverse. The numbers
mentioned in the matrix message is 1560. If I subtract the preface key, 555
I get the number 1005. Which is also the assigned sequence as per the clock
face. If I move the inner dial counter-clockwise I will receive the sequence
0051, which is the order 1, 2, 3 and four of the lines. Next I can replace the
values of the lines with the appropriate number of words as per the matrix.
I have included a detailed example below.

Example using Quatrain I-I:

A) Straight forward method;

I) # Of Words per line Matrix Value

1) 6 -0
2) 6 -0
3) 5 -5
4) 7 -1

II) Determine the proper sequence by turning the clock clockwise,

and recording the substituted order. In this case the new order is
4,1,2 and 3.

III) Calculate the four-digit value using the new sequence and the
key 555.
I.e. 1005 + 555 = 1560

B) Reverse method;

I) Determine the actual value by subtracting the key 555.

I.e. 1560 – 555 = 1005

II) Determine the proper sequence by turning the clock counter-

clockwise and recording the proper order of the lines. This case is
1,2,3 and 4.

III) Determine the actual number of words as per the matrix, and
substituting the cipher values for the word count.
When this had been completed and understood to this extent, I had
lost all doubts that I was mistaken in my discovery. I believe the two
predominant clues I had uncovered thus far had proven themselves very
significant. Recall that the key of 555 was found in the preface using my
alphabet cipher. Also, it should be noted that using this key and my manner
of rearrangement on quatrain I-I, the sum of 1560 is revealed. Recall that
when I applied my alphabet to the notation marks, I received a message
with the date 1560 encrypted within.
The second, and far more astounding clue is the presence of my age
in the decrypted message. One must understand with ease why I was taken
aback when I read the sentences again at this point, paying particular
attention to the second assembled quatrain where I found reference to “age”
and the numbers 10, 10, 1, 1 and 5, which add up to 27, my current age.

II - VI How To Read

Now that I had determined the year, there were two other factors to
determine. The first being the day and another being the month. I was at
this point convinced that there would be some manner of doing so; I based
this solely on the fact that Nostradamus was thorough. The second was the
actual method of decryption. The latter was actually fairly obvious. The
sequence itself would be the decryption pattern. This meant that for the
quatrain I-I, the sequence 4, 1, 2, 3 should reveal a plain message, or
possibly a complicated one based on phonetic value.
The manner that dates should be read is the most obscured nature I
could imagine. After taking the time to calculate the sequence for each and
every prophecy, those in the centuries as well as the almanacs, I made some
very strange observations. The first and foremost is the gap in years. There
were many for the year 1555 to the early 1600’s, which at first made perfect
sense considering the personal message of the preface, where it is implied
he is speaking directly to his son, Cesar, although my research did not
reveal evidence of Nostradamus having a son named Cesar.
Yet, there were gaps of 50 years before any more prophecies were
given. Strangest of all was the years. I found only 3 prophecies pertaining
to the entire 20th century. This gave me considerable doubt this man was a
legitimate prophet, if only for World War II alone, never mind the dozen
other significant wars of that century that had been entirely avoided. Filled
with much skepticism at this point, I began researching events in history
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter II
that corresponded to the years that were given, and again more skepticism
for some time.
And sometime after this I grew incredibly curious. And then I did
what anyone would do if they were in my situation. I was positive I had
correctly found the manner of determining time, and as such, began to
decode prophecies for the near future, of which there were many.
Beginning in 2005 there were several, yet many more for the years 2010,
some extending as far as the year 6130. It was the messages themselves that
caused me great fear. They were incredibly personal. I had expected to
read about earthquakes, wars, assassinations, etc… yet found only reference
to myself. And this is not easy to explain, because it opens doors that have
not been opened in some time.
I have at several times attempted to write an explanation as to how I
came to recognize the truth, but I believe very few would believe me.
Suffice it to say, at some point after understanding the dating process, or
more accurately, the first part of the dating process, I began to recognize
why there were these large gaps. It was not that this man could not see the
future, in fact he could see quite clearly, but these prophecies did not
actually span such large periods of time, but rather a much shorter one.
III. Allegory

III – I The Dating Of Prophecy

I am unable to admit with any honesty when it first became

apparent to me what I was actually reading. But I will admit with all
honesty that shortly after I began to translate the prophecies according to the
years they were associated with, I made the startling realization that I was
actually reading details of my own life. Absurd indeed, it was not an easy
fact to realize, but there were several clues that struck me far to odd. One
should keep in mind, that in order to solve as much as I had at this point, I
had become reliant on surrealistic thought, much more so than the standard
linear function of my cognitive faculties. For which reason I began to both
notice and appreciate the brilliance of this mans work.
To show you clearly what exactly caught my attention, would
remove from the beauty of the work, in it’s natural state. So, for sake of
simplicity, I will say that I began to recognize that I was reading the dates
wrong when several of the prophecies began to happen. This is only the
result of my irrational thought processes, born of doing this work. We of
the modern will look at a series of four numbers, and recognize the date as a
I.e.: 2605, 1566, 1576 etc….
These appear to represent significant years, and there are many
assigned for each quatrain contained in Nostradamus centuries. However,
this again, is only a manner of obscuring the work. Several of the very
familiar sounding quatrains, that is to say, as I read them, I noticed several
details that alluded I was reading a story of myself, and soon began to
realize that a quatrain I had presumed to be the year 2605, resembled a great
deal to events that happened to me in May of this year. As I continued
reading those quatrains assigned to the year 2605, they began to form a
short story of things that had happened to me earlier that year. And the
number of 2605, I realized was a two part date. It was actually meant to be
read 26 – 05.
Now this was an extraordinary discovery in itself, since I could now
follow the possibility that these quatrains would belong to either May, being
the 05-month, or representing the year 2005. Simply translating several
more revealed to me that the number 05 did indeed represent the month that
had just passed. This I based on the fact that I was continuously reading
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
minor events that I had already experienced, thus making the future
This then allowed me to logically assign the first two digits, 26, as
the date. And now they fit even more accurately. With this discovery, and
after succumbing to much fear, I began to re-arrange the prophecies in this
manner. The only obstacle to simplicity was the presence of much larger
numbers. For example, the number 2999 would obviously not fall into this
If the manner of recognizing dates was by numbering them 1 – 12,
then 99 would obviously be sometime in the future or past. Eventually, I
came to recognize that my earlier means of recognizing the cipher would be
helpful once again. I began to consider the year 2004 as base point, or year
zero. This seemed logical since I had already classified 05 as May. And
doing so indicated that a year such as 2999 should actually be seen as 29th
day, 99th month. If the number 05 indicated the fifth month, 2004 being 00,
then I need only divide 99 by 12 to determine the year and month that the
quatrain belongs to.

A) 2999 = 29 - 99
B) 29 days, 99 months
C) 29 days, 8 years, 3 months
D) 29 days, 2004 + 8 years, 3 months
E) March 29th, 2012

Now indeed I had solved almost the entire puzzle. After dating
each quatrain again, I now had a time range of that spanned from May 2004
until the end of March 2012. It was obvious that this method gave me a
year, month, and day, but soon enough I would notice other details that
added skepticism that I was finished. As I have already said, these were all
details of my life, and for the time period I had made this discovery,
September – November, there were many prophecies. The reason for so
many over such a short period of time began to make sense when I noticed
several of these things happening a day or two later than predicted. This is
not to suggest that they were not accurate, the Oracle it seems had an indeed
uncanny ability to not only observe my every action, but to document me in
allegory as well. But the use of the quatrain numbers began to make sense.
The four digit values, such as 2605, 2999, 3010, etc… gave specific
months and days, but one also has to add the century value to the day. For

A) Quatrain VI-8 = 16-06

B) = 16th of June, 2004
C) = 16 + VI = 22nd of June, 2004
This solution has since become increasingly useful. As I continued
to translate and arrange the quatrains, I noticed that the predictions were
incredibly accurate. The next major observation was that the broken book
method he used to scramble the true message of his work, actually revealed
times of incidents as well. So if one sees the quatrain VI-8 for the 22nd of
June, the time the events begin is 6:08. I have also observed that this makes
recognizing a.m. and p.m. irrelevant.
Now that I had successfully determined the proper order and dating
sequences to the prophecies, I began to translate based on the same
principals I had found the key with. Using phonetics as a means of counting
feet. This suggested that not only were the numbers 12 and 11 significant to
the dating scenario, they became the solution to other riddles. 12
represented the number of months in a year, and the numbers used to
measure time. The number 11 may be the most significant for being the
month, November, when all of this made sense to me, and additionally since
there are 11 sections to the matrix, and the maximum word count of any line
in the many quatrains is 11.
The Almanacs presented a different means of dating altogether.
The number of words indicated the date in the same manner as the others,
but the months above never matched to the date the words indicated. Time
revealed that in the case of the Almanacs, the same manner dated them
accurately within the year, however not in the proper order or month.
Eventually I realized that they were indeed almanacs, and they pertained to
the month indicated, however years were determined in the same fashion as
the prophecies in the Centuries. For example:

P - 96 Auril – 4010
Secret coniur. conspirer populaire,
La descouuerte en machine esmouuoir:
Contre les Grands,
Puis trucidee & mise sans pouuoir.

In the case above, the almanac quatrain is numbered: 96 – April,

and is dated to 4010. Which is now easily read as “40th day 10th month” or
October 40th. Since there is only 31 days in October, this is actually
November 9th. However, since it is an almanac, it is only necessary to know
the month. Since month number 10 is within the first year, we know this
quatrain is for the year 2004. Now we must arrange the almanacs according
to their month, in this case, April. This proves universal throughout,
particularly when in comparison to the normal prophecies pertaining to
those dates.
Those labeled “Sur la dicte annee” can be easily translated to “On
the year of delivery”. The word “dicte”, being a conjugation of the Latin
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
“dictio”, which means speaking or delivering, and bears the obvious
relationship with the English “dictate” meaning to speak. This indicates
they represent a much broader time frame than the others. In solution, the
prophecies from the almanacs need to be assigned to their years, then
arranged in order of months. Once completed, they tell a similar story in
accompaniment of the centuries, with different details.

III – II The Language Of Prophecy

This part of the story is quite easily the hardest to explain. I must
confess that I have difficulty explaining the manner in which this story told
to myself let alone others. But it is indeed a ballad, poetic story telling in
the form of Allegory. And in this respect, I must admit I am fascinated with
the brilliant and beautiful manner in which this great man has told my story.
And I have as such decided I will not foul the beauty of his tale by breaking
each prophecy down. I will use only a few to illustrate for you, and I will
leave you a glossary of the images that are necessary to understand. But I
urge each and all to read these in their natural state, broken images from the
outer realm, as I have read them, for they tell a tale of pride, and hope, and
sorrow, and pain.
Now as of this stage of work, I have spent much time reading the
translations others have offered for the Centuries. But I must confess, I
have no idea where so many gain such ludicrous notions as to the
embodiment of his work. The most obvious is the lack of consistency, and
gross exaggeration done on the part of so many alleged scholars and
translators. In almost each translation I’ve read, I found a great difference
between the literal translation and what the author had offered. There is no
point describing this in detail, as many of you, in fact almost all who have
ever read a translation of this mans work should be well aware how much
“stretching” authors are willing to do in order to explain. And I will not
venture to criticize, since it was the interest generated by so many
enthusiasts that kept this work alive for me to find.
But I will begin by explaining firstly how the language represents a
key to solution. It is agreed upon that although the work is primarily in
French, it consists of several other languages as well. It’s French quotient,
is predominately from the Provencal region of Southern France where
Nostradamus was from. In addition, the body as a whole contains a very
strong presence of Latin. Not surprising, since Provencal, is one of the
Languedoc, or Romance Languages from medieval France, characterized by
its poetic nature, and the heavy presence of Latin. Also, one may easily
notice a presence of both Greek and Germanic words. These unlike the
French and Latin body, almost exclusively represent names of people or
places, or substitute where there was not a suitable rhyming word in either
French or Latin. Also, should one actually engage in researching the origin
of much of the text from “Les Centuries”, you would notice a very heavy
presence of Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and Old Celtic.
The purpose for so many different languages is two fold, first being
poetry, Nostradamus could not always find a rhyming word in French or
Latin. The most common substituted language I’ve found in the work
seems to be Catalan, and itself bearing a close resemblance to Latin, could
offer a rhyme simply by conjugation, or pronunciation. In fact, the whole of
the Centuries employs a fairly universal rhyming scenario throughout.
The second cause for the difference of languages is obscurity itself.
Consider the ease of obtaining the true message should this work be in only
French or Latin. There would never have been any debate over the meaning
of the quatrains, since clear translations would be quite easy to identify
historical events, and this would have rendered the work irrelevant once
these things had happened. But, the obscurity of this work has kept all
interested in its mystery, unable to with any certainty assign a single
quatrain to a historical instance. And as such, the Centuries have remained
an enigma long enough that I should eventually gain such interest. They are
indeed ambiguous and arbitrary in nature.
Reference to this aspect of the solution is once again referred to in
the original preface:

“Prophecies that are composed all from long, in solution language, limiting
the places, times & the terms”

The sentence segment “in solution language” was incredibly

encouraging, and soon afterwards I was able to recognize other aspects of
the language that were only intended to confuse. Conjugation of verbs in
various languages can change the sound of a words ending for the purpose
of rhyme fairly easily. And I was now toying with the idea that only the
root of any given word was necessary. The added suffixes that I didn’t
recognize were only intended to confuse readers. For the clearer message
one only has to remove the redundant prefix or suffix. That is provided you
are familiar enough with French and Latin to recognize the purposes of
those you’ve removed.
Another interesting observation concerning the language is that
there are several words whose presence puzzled me. And this even after
recognizing that obscurity was the purpose itself. But the presence of the
words “prins” and “regne” in many quatrains seemed odd to me.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
Throughout my research, the only realistic translations I could make for the
word “prins” were variations of the past tense French verb, to take or “pris”,
and from the Latin “princeps” which means “Chieftain, Prince, ruler, etc. “.
And this shared meaning with the French word “regner” which means “a
realm, or rule”. I was positive there would be a reason for using such an
obscured word as prins, but it was the double entente of regne that
eventually made sense.
Recalling the poetic device of these works, I considered the
possibility that “regne” may be a play on the word “reine” meaning
“queen”. Since both rhymed, and there was the presence of the obscured
Latin term, I first gained the idea that Nostradamus had indeed used a
number of tricks to confuse. In this case, the word “regne” appears often
throughout creating the impression that much of the topic is a realm,
kingdom, or country. However, once you substitute the translation of realm
with that of “queen”, the body of many quatrains becomes feminine,
referring to a specific person.
This inevitably proved correct, both for translation and poetic
device. A realm or kingdom is always referred to in the feminine, and for
poetic vision, a woman may easily be substituted as a realm or kingdom.
As with all stages to his work, Nostradamus included a clue in his preface
concerning this:

“The entire writing under figure feminine, more that of entire prophesies”

This seems to back up my theory that this was the first of many
tricks I would uncover. This was a major breakthrough in recognition.
The next discovery of significance would be the simple methods of
swapping letters to obscure meaning. I know I am not the first to make
these observations, and it didn’t take long to recognize all of them. The
replacement of the letter “V” with a “U” was fairly obvious. Simply the
large number of instances allowed me to observe this where sentences
began “Vne…” where the obvious word was “One”, and the u had been
substituted for a v, and common in medieval literature. This proved a
universal tactic throughout the prophecies and in many instances. Many
similar cases began to appear also, such as, the symbol “ƒ” used to replace
an “s”, as well as the “¬” which also replaces the letter “s” while indicating
to count the syllables as words.
Names themselves represent the most interesting means of
obscuring. In most cases they are simply disguised as place names. There
are several reasons for this, particularly the fact that many people I know
have similar names. Take my for instance, Brian is my name, and it is also
the name of my father, and his father before him. I also have a stepbrother
named Bryan who lives in the same city, and two close friends I see often
both named Brian. So it is easy to understand why they are not indicated
overly clear, and in many cases obscured by symbolism. An example of the
place name method is obvious when making reference to my family.

IV. 96 – 1610 - October 16 + 4 = October 20

La sœur aisnee de l'Isle Britannique,
Quinze ans deuant le frere aura naissance,
Par son promis moyennant verrifique,
Succedera au regne de Balance.

The sister is born of the isle Brian (Britannic),

Fifteen years before the brother was born,
By his promise better verified,
Succeeded to the queen of balance.

The name of my father Brian is only slightly obscured here,

considering that “Britan-nique” easily resembles “Brian” with the redundant
letters left behind. And I suppose some may say I am stretching this, but I
urge you to also consider that my father was born in Bolton England, and
hence by definition is Britannic.
I also have a sister whose birthday is October 16th, so consider that
this day as a means of dating is October 16th + IV (century number) and you
have yet one more fascinating coincidence. Also, I have a younger brother
who was fifteen until October 30th. As an added note, “by his promise
better verified” is an obvious reference to the fact that my younger brother
is born of my fathers second marriage, which illustrates clearly the meaning
of “promise better verified”. Additionally, my stepmother is born in the
Zodiac sign Aquarius and as such is the water bearer, “queen of balance”.
Other examples are even less obscured, when considering the
presence of my brother’s name:

II. 89 – July 28
Du ioug ƒeront demis les deux grands maiƒtres,
Leur grand pouuoir se verra augmenté :
La terre-neufue ƒera en ƒes hauts eƒtres,
Au ƒanguinaire le nombre raconté.

Doug will be half the two big matrons,

Their large ability is towards augmenting:
The Newfoundland will be in your highs being,
To the bloodthirsty the number told.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
“Doug” is the name of my little brother, who is one year younger
than I am. I will admit this is one of the prophecies already past that I have
difficulty understanding. Clearly it involves things that didn’t happen
immediately around me. However, the context of my brother’s involvement
in this work does not give me the impression that he is on my side so to
speak. The reference to “terre-nefue” seemed an obvious attempt at naming
Newfoundland. Its significance is that my neighbour is from
Newfoundland, and I had an argument with her near the end of July. I
cannot recall with any detail when this happened, but I imagine the oracle is
fairly accurate.
Further references to identifying me by association to others are less
obscured, that is from my perspective.

P - 9 - July 2004
Huit, quinze & cinq quelle desloyauté.
Viendra permettre l'explorateur malin:
Feu du ciel foudre. poeur, frayeur Papauté,
L'Occident tremble. trop serre vin Salin.

Eight, fifteen & five what disloyalty,

Comes to allow the explorer vicious,
Fire of sky thunder. For fear, unrestrained pope,
The westward trembles. Too serious wine dirty.

This again is a prophecy, which, to this day do not quite understand.

I can however, distinguish the fact that “Eight, fifteen & five” are the ages
of the three youngest members of my family at that point in time, being my
youngest brother, my niece and my nephew.
Similarly, references to two of my friends also aided in my
recognition that this was indeed a story to me specifically.

IV. 4 - October 22
L'impotent prince fasché, plaines & querelles
De raps & pillés par coqs & par lybiques
Grand est par terre, par mer infinies voilles,
Seure Italie sera chassant Celtiques.

The impudent prince angry, plaints & complaints,

Of raps & pillaged by cocks & by passionate longing,
Grand is by earth, by sea infinite sails,
Certain Italy will be chasing Celtics.
II. 22 - October 23
Le camp Aso, d'Eurotte partira,
S'adioignant proche de l'isle submergee,
D'Arton classe phalange pliera.
Nombril du monde plus grand voix subroges.

The camp debauchery, of Europe leaving,

Is assistance close of the isle submerged,
Of reduced class phalanx folded,
Centre of earth bigger voice overthrows.

Now the reference to the “Celtic” became rather clear at this point.
I have a close friend in town named Bryan, who is of Irish descent, thus
making him Celtic by lineage. Additionally, this particular friend of mine is
a rapper, hence the sentence beginning “Of raps” fits his identity rather
well. This detail once more reduced my doubts, considering that rap did not
exist at the time Nostradamus lived, and there are no other definitions,
either in French or Latin that may account for his use of this term.
Also, as I understand many will suggest I stretch these details,
consider the sentence “The camp debauchery, of Europe leaving”. It’s
predominant significance is that on that very day, the 23rd of October, my
friend Bryan, who is Celtic and somewhat prone to debauchery, left on a
trip for Europe. Yet another remarkable coincidence, which I can no longer
label as such.
Additionally, consider the prescence of another friend named Brian,
also living in the same city as I, however, he usually goes by the nickname
Chi. I have found at least three references to him in the year 2004, the most
clarifying of which follows;

P – 47 January 2005
Iournée, diete, interim, ne concile,
L'an paix prepare, peste, faim schismatique:
Mis hors dedans. changer ciel, domicile,
Fin du congé. reuolte hierachique.

Day, diet, intermission, not consoled,

The year peace prepared, plague, hunger schismatic:
Put out of inside changing sky, domicile,
End of freezing revolt yesterday at chi.

Now this quatrain is a very clear example of just how accurate the
Oracle is. First, let’s examine the very last word of the prophecy,
“hierachique”. At first glance one assumes it’s the word hierarchy
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
obscured. However, note the missing “R” in the end of the word. If one
breaks it up by syllables, hier-a-chi-que, the sentence “yesterday at chi that”
is obtained rather easily. As I’ve already noted, not only do I have a friend
in town we call “Chi”, but I had gone to visit him the day before. Now also
keep in mind, in the case of the Almanacs, one has to divide the number
assigned to the quatrain by 4. Therefore, 47 ÷ 4 = 11.75.
So now the quatrain has a date of January 11, 2005. And I did
indeed go visit my friend on the 10th. Additionally, my fiancée and I had an
argument on the way. I may also point out that the 10th of January was the
first day following the end of a long freezing spell in the region. Now the
sentence “end of freezing, revolt yesterday at Chi’s” makes perfect sense.
And if you don’t believe me, I’m sure there are many available resources
for readers to determine if my claims do indeed match records of
temperature changes for Southwestern Ontario.
The next clues of significance would be the geography. I had read
many others translations that suggested references to the river Hister were
clear and obvious references to the rise of Adolph Hitler. For some reason
the scholars in their infinite wisdom were unable to consider that the name
of the Hister River, may actually refer to the Hister River, or possibly to
another river of similar nature. And indeed, the reference to rivers is very
important. For you see dear reader, at no point in his life did this man
journey to the realm of Canada. Not surprising since my home did not exist
in any formal manner until several centuries after his death. And, at the
time he passed away, much of Canada had yet to be explored by Europeans,
thus leaving much of my geography completely foreign to him.
An additional reason for the inability to leave me more clear or
consistent messages is the manner in which Canadian geography has been
named. It was necessary to keep the true purpose of these works secret for
some time, and constant reference to the names of Toronto, Ottawa,
Ontario, Quebec, etc… would make identification of the region quite easy.
I believe it is safe to say that there are no significant landmarks throughout
Europe with Iroquoian names. He could, however, substitute my localities
with reference to his nativity. For example read the following quatrains:

V. 29 – October 26
La liberté ne sera recouurée,
L'occupera noir fier vilain inique :
Quant la matiere du pont sera ouurée,
D'Hister, Venise faschée la republique.
The liberty will not be recovered,
The occupation black pride villain unjust,
When the mantle of bridge will be opened,
Of Hister, comes the anger the republic.

V. 84 – October 26
Naistra du gouphre & cité immesuree,
Nay de parens obscurs & tenebreux :
Quand la puissance du grand Roy reueree,
Voudra destruire par Rouan & Eureux.

Born of gopher & city immeasurable,

Not he of parents obscured & darkness:
When the powerful of great King revered,
Wants to destroy by Roan & good defended.

VI. 72 – October 26
Par fureur faincte d'esmotion diuine,
Sera la femme du grand fort violée:
Iuges voulans damner telle doctrine,
Victime au peuple ignorant immolée.

By frenzy faint of motions divine,

Will be the woman of large strength violated:
Judges want to damn such the doctrine,
Victim to the people ignorant unmoved.

Now I will explain this prophecy in the clearest manner possible.

My fiancée and I had been fighting quite often throughout October. And by
this date, my fears pertaining to this work had cultivated significantly. I
was yet unable to read them accurately, since I was still off by several days,
and I had come to the conclusion that something terrible would happen to
my love that evening as she drove to work. Now, I must point out, the
quatrains that gave me this impression no longer appear on this date, the
26th of October. In my frenzy of fear, I had given my love a fairly long and
sentimental speech on why she should not go. However, in her contempt
for me and in defiance, she protested that she couldn’t care less if she died
that evening, professing she would prefer it than living.
And the inevitable misinterpretation of mine actually proved his
sight infallible when I had finally arranged the book proper and read of that
evening. I find the lines “The occupation black, pride, villain unjust”,
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
“Judges want to damn such the doctrine” and “Victim of the people ignorant
unmoved” are awfully accurate to the events that unfolded that evening. In
addition, the line “Of Hister, comes to anger the republic”, this was a very
clear reference to my fiancées work location. Just across the Grand River
from our home.
What is significant, is that the Grand River runs it’s course
throughout the region (as the Danube does), and at the particular point of
crossing it is very wide and shallow, similar enough the Hister region of the
Danube river. Also, I should note that my love works in the city of
Kitchener, Ontario, which as with many others in the region, amalgamated
in the year 2000, and as such it is now officially called a “Mega city”.
Hence the line “Born of gopher & city immeasurable” requires one to only
consider the meaning that the term “Mega” means immense, or
The first step to proper understanding of the geography is to look
past the obvious associations. On the surface of the work, the prophecies
appear to pertain immediately to his home nation, of France. The
geography is clearly a compilation of cities, rivers and villages found
throughout Europe, particularly France, Italy and Spain. However, this is a
two-pronged decoy. Using the geography familiar to him, Nostradamus
was able to create the illusion that these events would occur around his
immediate vicinity. This tactic proved invaluable at keeping curious readers
and the many speculators of his work in ignorance of the truth to his
messages for quite a long time. It also ensured his work would be kept
alive, simply for the many events of historical significance that have
occurred in this region since his death.
Yet at the same time, the place names carry a double meaning in
most cases. This became apparent when I realized the same place names
were continuously misspelled. I good example of this is reference to the
continent of Africa. In French, it is spelled Afrique, however, should one
pay particular attention, it is a word that is often spelled “Affrique”, which
bears a strong resemblance to the Latin “Affricio” meaning to rub or cause
friction. This led me to venture that they may not actually be names of
places, but a manner of obscuring words even more. Using the same
principals as earlier translating, I began to reduce place names by phonetic
value, looking for roots with significant definition.
Needless to say, for the year of 2004 this has been fairly accurate.
However, due to the fact that the remainder of this work will not happen for
several years, it is impossible to translate with any certainty whether place
names in the future are real names, or words disguised. I plan to move to
France when this work is completed, so this makes it quite clear to me why
the place names in the future years (2008 +) are rarely misspelled. It
suggests that if all goes well, I may actually be in the vicinity of these
Another trick is the abstract naming of cities and towns by
association. One of the more frightening quatrains informs me where
something unfortunate will befall my fiancée, but avoids using any specific
names. To understand properly, we live in the city of Guelph, and as a
social worker who does relief work, my fiancée works in the neighboring
cities of Brantford and Kitchener. Nostradamus uses abstract references to
their identities to isolate the location of the coming event:

II. 4 – October 28
Depuis Monech iusqu'au pres de Sicile
Toute la plage demourra desolee,
Il n'y aura faux-bourgs, Cité ne Ville
Que par Barbare pillee & vollee.

After reminder close to the near of temperate,

All the beach of murder desolate,
It will not be fake-county, city not town,
That by barbaric pillage & robbed.

The reference to “fake-county” made sense after a little while.

Considering what constitutes a county I found both Guelph and Brantford
Ontario fit this category. A county in most cases represents a collective of
municipalities. And both Guelph and Brantford are classified as “Single-
Tier Municipalities”, suggesting they are counties comprising only one
municipality each. Hence the term “fake-county” is a very accurate
description. Also, seeing as only Kitchener is traveled to often, it stands out
with the sentence “City not town”, being the largest locality in the region.
And despite my abilities to understand these tricks and ruses, I still
have considerable difficulty understanding how those in the future are to be
understood. I hope that others will come to understand how difficult this is,
as I have come to accept it near impossible. Even with distinct references to
places, times, and people, it is near impossible to make sense of events until
they happen. Consider the following examples of prophecies I had
translated and tried to understand before the events transpired.

III. 26 – November 24
Des Roys & princes dresseront simulachres
Augures creuz, escleuez arus ices:
Corne victime doree, & d'azur d'acres,
Interpretez seront les extipices.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
The Kings & Princes tamed together
Augury accused, bait lifted bridal wounds:
Horn victim golden, & of sky blue of acres.
Interpreting will be the allegory.

I had spent a lot of time interpreting the meaning of this quatrain

leading up to the date of the 24th, but could find no sense of what was going
to happen until it did. On her way home from work the night of the 23rd, my
fiancée saw a deer struck by a vehicle. The only other she had been passed
by was a “sky blue” truck. And this brought perfect sense to the line “Horn
victim golden, & of sky blue of acres”, particularly since a buck has horns, a
golden coat, and in this case was a victim of a sky blue vehicle. Also, this
occurred outside of town amongst endless acres of cornfields. The date
maintains dignity since she did not arrive home until after midnight, which
made the date she told me about this the 24th of November.
Additionally, this was the very day when I became aware of the
presence of Allegory involved, previously assuming the language used was
The beginning of this quatrain needs further explanation. The line
“Kings and Princes tamed together” is an immediate reference to events that
transpired roughly a week earlier. My parents were coming to visit me on
the 19th, which was a Friday. However, the night before, I received a phone
call from my brother, who in his half drunken state had given me the
impression my family thinks I am crazy. This did not surprise me much,
considering I had read the numerous references to “conspiracy” against me
in earlier quatrains, and I had indeed told some of them about this discovery
in non-chalance.
In any event, after the conversation I had with him, those dated for
the following day began to make sense in general. I was aware my parents
would be attempting to determine whether I was out to space or not,
however specific details were still confusing until after the visit.

IX. 3 – November 19
La magna vaqua à Rauenne grand trouble,
Conduicts par quinze enserrez à Fornase :
A Rome naistra deux monstres à teste double,
Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands à l'espase.

The large vacuum of Ravenna big trouble,

Driven by fifteen turned on the furnace:
From Rome born two monsters to witness double,
Blood, fire, deluge, the greater to the space.
IX. 68 – November 19
Du mont Aymar sera noble obscurcie,
Le mal viendra au ioinct de Saone & Rosne,
Dans bois cachez soldats iour de Lucie,
Qui ne fut onc vn si horrible throsne.

DuMontay Sea will be nobles obscured,

The pain comes at corner of sane & dew,
In wood hidden soldiers on day of light,
Who’s not mad has an indeed horrible privet.

IX. 77 – November 19
Le regne prins le Roy conutera,
La dame prinse à mort iurez à sort,
La vie à Royne fils on desniera,
Et la pellix au fort de la consort.

The queen takes the king plotting,

The lady takes to death jury of fate,
The life to Queen son has abandoned,
And the drive away to strong of the agreement.

The line “From Rome born two monster to witness double” is a

clear reference to my parents and the purpose of their trip. Rome being a
symbol for the city of Toronto where much of my family lives, this line is a
perfect fit to the situation not to mention those that follow. “Blood, fire,
deluge, the greater to the space.” considering I am the greater one and
according to their preconceived opinions, out to space. In the second
quatrain, the very first sentence identifies the source of these opinions,
“DuMontay mars will be nobles obscured” again, obvious now since
DuMonte is the surname of my sister-in-law, and as is suggested throughout
the body of the prophecies, she to some extent is responsible for other
notions such as, “nobles obscured”, recognizing my family in the context of
this prose is the noble family, and forsaking clearly akin to obscurity.
However, none of those images are as obscured as the remaining
lines of quatrain IX-68:

“The pain comes at corner of sane & dew,

In wood hidden soldiers on day of light,
Who’s not mad has an indeed horrible privet.”
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
That morning, of the 19th, in preparation for my parents visit had
frantically cleaned the home in hopes it would lessen the opinions of my
insanity. And during this cleaning binge, I scraped my sides on an edge in
my washroom while cleaning it. What is most amusing and impressive
about this particular prophecy is that it contains one of many attempts of
Nostradamus to remove the beliefs that I am a madman.
Before my parents had left that day, my father and I had a cigarette
on my front porch while talking. One of the subjects we discussed was how
ugly my front garden is. My neighbors share a front garden with us, being
in a condominium complex, and they have a nasty habit of using it as an
ashtray and garbage pail. I had remarked how ugly it has come to look, and
that there were toy soldiers buried amongst the leaves.
Evidently these random remarks about my garden, for some reason
furthered my fathers opinion I was nuts. “Soldiers hidden in the wood”, toy
soldiers amongst leaves and wood chips, “who’s not mad has an indeed
horrible privet”, apparently my father was thinking I was nuts at the time.
Privet is any kind of hedge or shrubbery. Unfortunately for me, my attempt
at sane behavior that day only solidified their opinion, as is evident in the
last quatrain for that day, “The life to Queen son has abandoned, and the
drive away strong of the agreement.” It is fairly clear to me at this point,
that there have been derogatory discussions concerning me amongst my
family for some time.
In my opinion, the greatest aspects of this work are his criticisms
towards my behavior. To explain, you should understand that for some time
I have been quite well aware that I am afflicted with an obsessive-
compulsive disorder. That is to say the need to apply order to my
surroundings, constantly. This disorder, OCD, is most commonly
associated with symptoms that include a needless obsession over minor
details. In my case, this is fairly mild, and I exert it almost exclusively to
things I collect. However, it has proven to be a remarkable handicap when
reading this work in it’s intended state.
My affliction to “deluge” in this respect prevented me from
recognizing that this is only poetic device, and inevitably I got over excited
and afraid of prophecies including the terms “death” and “murder”. But
once again, Nostradamus being an infallible oracle predicted this as well
and left me clues to recognize my problem.

IV. 45 – October 20
Pa conflit Roy, regne abandonnera,
Le plus grand chef faillira au besoing,
Morts profligez, peu en rechappera,
Tous destranchez, vn en sera tesmoing.

Pace conflict King, queen abandoning,

The greater chief failing to be needed,
Deaths profligate, little in escape,
Both are cutting up, one will be in witness.

This quatrain actually serves two messages. The most obvious

being a lack of fidelity on my loves part, or possibly a situation where she
has grown weary of me, again neither surprises me at this point. But what is
most interesting is the reference to my state of mind at the time. “Deaths
profligate, little in escape,” should clearly elicit the state of mind to which I
had succumbed. I had at the time been taking reference to death literally,
and had yet to accept the poetic detail of the messages. The word
“profligate” means to obsess on minor details. How ironic that such a
message should find it’s way to an obsessive compulsive.
Even more startling amongst this mans message, is the revelation of
my lineage. I should begin this explanation by pointing out that for the
entirety of my life, I had been under the impression that I am Welsh and
French from my father, and German and English from my mother.
However, there was one particular prophecy, which struck me as odd,
merely for the meaning implied.

IV. 41 - November 1
Cymnique sexe captiue par hostage,
Viendra de nuict custodes deceuoir :
Le chef du camp deceu par son lignage,
Lairra le genre, fera piteux auoir.

Nevertheless sex captive by hostage,

Coming of night custody deceived:
The chief of camp deceived by his lineage,
There is the genre, will be compassion to have.

Now, the third line of this quatrain “The chief of camp deceived by
his lineage” I puzzled over for some time. What caused me concern over
this particular sentence was the lack of information concerning my mothers’
lineage. My grandmother, the mother of my father, had recently comprised
a thorough family tree of their side of the family. I say thorough simply for
the fact that my grandmother had traced her lineage as far back as the early
1600’s, when her Norwegian ancestors arrived in Toronto. My mothers’
side, however, is perpetually obscured due to World War II.
It was always revealed to me that my mothers’ family was High
German, originating in Osnabruck, Germany, formerly Prussia. However,
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
due to the aristocratic nature of the family, they were imprisoned in the
Auschwitz concentration camp for several years of the war. Unfortunately
only my Oma, and great-grandmother survived. This unfortunate reality has
left my family little to work with by means of lineage, save the unlikely
names of my Oma. Named Wilma Adelheid Augusta Reinnesbeck
Dierking, her origins seem fairly obvious judging only from her Surnames.
However, after reading this particular quatrain, I decided to ask my
mother what exactly she knew about our lineage. The only significant detail
she could reveal was that neither Reinnesbeck nor Dierking were my Oma’s
fathers, and she was either born of a rape or an affair in 1918 in Osnabruck
Germany. As unfortunate a reality as this, it led to speculation as to the
other surname included in her title, being Augusta. This name is the
feminine of August, and caused me confusion as to why my Oma would
have three surnames in her title. If the last two were not her actual
progenitors, one must consider the odd presence of this other surname. It
was also revealed to me that my great grandmother, was not German by
origin, but bore the maiden name of Tosta, clearly Italian.
Now, it should be fairly obvious to any that after coming to know
these details, I had verily been “deceived by my lineage”. And this mystery
becomes more complex when I began to peruse other quatrains of similar
nature, particularly the following two.

VI. 12 - May 16
Dresser copies pour monter à l'Empire,
Du Vatican le sang Royal tiendra :
Flamans, Anglois, Espaigne auec Aspire,
Contre l'Italie & France contendra.

Training forces for getting into the Empire,

Of Vatican the blood Royal held:
Flames, Anglos, Spain with aspiration,
Against the Italy & France contends.

I.49 - October 17
Beaucoup, beaucoup auant telles menees,
Ceux d’Orient, par la vertu Lunaire,
L’an mil sept cens seront grands emmenees,
Subiugant presque le coing Aquilonaire.
Plenty, plenty before such the leaders,
The one of Orient, by the virtue Lunar,
The year 1700 will be great leader,
Subdued near the corner of Aquilon.

Now, the revelation of my confused lineage caused me to ponder

the above two quatrains more thoroughly, paying particular attention to the
sentence “Of Vatican the blood Royal held” in the first quatrain, and “The
year 1700 will be great leader, Subdued near the corner of Aquilon”. And
soon I began to make the distinction between the year 1700, the Vatican,
and my newly discovered lineage. The key is the name Augusta within my
Oma’s title. Considering, in the year 1700, Klemens August of Bavaria was
born. He was of noble birth, and eventually became Archbishop of
Cologne, and Prince-Bishop of Münster, Hildesheim and Osnabruck
Germany. Additionally, he was also the Grand Master of the Teutonic
Order. He also received papal confirmation before assuming these titles.
And here is the remarkable coincidence I have come to understand.
In the year 1700, a royal priest was born, named August, who would later
reside over the small German town of Osnabruck. And my Oma bears the
surname “Augusta” within her name, without any obvious purpose.
Klemens of August died in the year 1761, leaving a time span of only 157
years between his death and my Oma’s birth, in a rather small town which
for the most part of history bore a population below 100,000. Now in all
honesty, these clues do not provide me any certainty, only speculation as to
the remarkable coincidence, I do, however, plan to pursue the true origins of
lineage thoroughly.
A complete and accurate description of the text of these works is
impossible to accomplish until after the year 2012. This quite obvious since
although a large portion of these have passed before I found them, and
several as I carried out my work, many more will not occur for at least a
three year period. I believe this may represent some sort of resting period,
or perhaps a long period of adjustment, and even more optimistically,
perhaps since the underlying theme of all the prophecies are tragedy, I have
to come to hope that this represents a period of joy for me.

III – III The Play

I believe the best way to explain how this complex system of

Allegory works is to describe it as a play. And since the prophet has chosen
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
such welcome terms as death, murder, dying and many more lovely
metaphoric terms throughout the body of his work, this play will be a
tragedy. First I shall determine the setting of my story, and since I am only
a humble man, I shall use those surroundings, which are familiar to me.
And as such that any man is the king of his home, I shall use what I know
best to describe the setting.
Consider all the things that are mine, this includes my home, my
property, my pets, the woman I love, my son, my family, my friends, my
physical environment, and so on. Now call this my Empire. For since these
entire combine my life, should I seek poetic virtue through their expression
no term be more suiting. And since mine oracle a man of France, I shall
call my Empire France. And now that I rule this empire, you must now call
me King, for in my empire I am Monarch. My wife is now Queen, and as
such that she is my kingdom, you may call her my realm. And to those
whom dwell within this realm, my Empire now called France, we shall call
them Gauls. The sum of all things of my life is my nation of Canada. So
as such Canada is my Empire. And in my Empire, there is no city greater
than Toronto, and so this noble metropolis will henceforth be known as
Rome. And her inhabitants who are of mine shall be called Romans.
Since there are many in my Empire, I must distinguish between
those whom are bound to me and those who are not. Those of my family
will now be known as the laws and those whom are betrothed to my laws
shall be bis-laws, as they are not first of law, but second. And so that I may
distinguish my subjects of law more regal, I shall assign them the Titles of
the Heavenly Bodies, so I may see each with clarity, save for instances of
more than one law per body I may obscure more deliberately. And for those
who are random to my encounter, I shall use the Zodiac to identify them,
and as such that I am King and they serf, I shall obscure them at will.
By my side awaiting my throne is my son, The Prince, born of love
and filled with strength none nobler. And at my heel find my canine, and as
such that she is a Rottweiler and mighty we shall call her my Fat Mastiff,
ever loyal. To my right is my friend and my rock, and so we shall call him
Pierre, for he deserves such noble name.
And now dear reader, you have the setting and characters for the
tragedy that is soon to befall my life. I have included a more thorough
description for your understanding. It is my hopes that all who have read
this far, and all who would continue to read, to do so in objection. For there
are mysteries to this work that are difficult enough for one such as myself or
any to comprehend, let alone attempt explanation to another. And it is for
that reason that throughout the process of writing this minor tome to you I
have made deliberate effort to avoid my postulant affliction and share these
gifts of mine, to you as well.
As I have come to understand from this work, soon things on earth
are to happen that will require all to understand, lest all shall be lost, and I
fear even poetry may not add beauty to the future that follows.

III – IV The Tragedy Of Brennus

I have included the following glossary in hopes of making some

poetic substitutions of the work more clear. I will not by any means lessen
the value of this mans poetry by giving an overly elaborate analysis of its
embodiment. Personally, I have become a tremendous admirer of
Nostradamus as not only a skilled Astrologer, but as an archaic poet as well.
The glossary below pertains to specific aspects of the symbolism
associated with geography and characters. I find it rather unlikely someone
else should recognize what I have the dubbed the cast of characters, since
their presence affects my life alone.

Setting Actual

France Myself, and anything pertaining to

my home, property, etc…
specifically Guelph.

Aquitaine Canada, being the Northern Realm

Empire The sum of my environment. This

indicates anything within or
outside of my home city.

Rome Toronto, being the largest city in

Canada, home to many of my
friends and family.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
Characters Identity

The King (s) Brian, Myself in the second or

third person. Plural indicates the
presence of another male in my

The Queen (s) My fiancée, and in the case of

plural, any two or more women in
my family.

The Prince (s) My son, in the rare case of plural

indicates the presence of my

The Roman (s) This indicates my family from

Toronto in general, most often in
the plural. Throughout the text
this is a very common use of
imagery. Singular use denotes an
individual specific, and often in
the feminine (Romain-e).

The Gaul (s) This refers to friends or family

specifically in my presence. I
believe it is also a reference to
other inhabitants of Guelph. The
word adapts easily to
accommodate feminine and plurals
(Gaul-e, Gaul-ois).

The Planets
(Based on ruling planet of

Mars Jamie Boyd, my close friend. He

Aries - Ram lent me much support throughout
this task. Also often referred to
“Pierre” in the text. An obvious
play on the French meaning

Venus My brother, one year my younger.

Taurus - Bull Also the planet assigned to my
niece, who appears rarely.

Moon Either my fiancée or my sister-in-

Cancer - Crab law. Both are referred to as either
the planetary sign, or the zodiac
sign. The variation appears to
only represent phonetic
significance. The name of my
sister-in-law appears very clearly
once, but I have chosen not to
reveal it.

Sun Although this is the birth sign of

Leo – Lion my younger sister, she appears to
be represented only by the Zodiac
symbol of the Lion. The title of
the Sun has been used specifically
to identify me, for reasons I am
not prepared to discuss.

Mercury My Mother, and my nephew.

Gemini – Twins Both appear rarely throughout the
text. I see them both only several
times a year.

Jupiter My fiancée’s best friend. This

Sagittarius - Centaur could easily refer to others I am
unaware of. Particularly since the
use of planet names is obviously
predominant over the use of
zodiac sign.

Saturn My father. The Zodiac sign

Capricorn – Sea Goat appears rarely as a means
symbolism since I do not know
any one else born under this
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III
Uranus Both my mother-in-law, and my
Aquarius – Water Bearer stepmother are referred to as the
“Water Bearer” and, or
“Aquarius”. The planet name is
not actually used.

Neptune Myself in the first person. Again,

Pisces - Fish I know no one else born under this
planet. There are many references
to the zodiac sign of “Fish” often
for poetic purpose. Also there are
many references to the “Horse Of

Other Symbols

Celt (s) Any friend of who bears a similar

name as mine, if singular. Plural
use seems to be particular to those
of Irish or Scottish descent.

Spanish This appears to be an immediate

reference to a friend of mine
whose name appears once
obscured. He is from Paraguay,
and his surname also appears in
one instance.

Hungary Reference to another friend of

mine, who is from Hungary. Due
to his size I believe he may also be
referred to as the “Bear”.

German (s) There is a very large German

population in this region of
Southern Ontario. Myself being
partly Germanic, I have many
acquaintances that are also of
Germanic descent. In addition,
Kitchener was formerly named
“Berlin” prior to WWI.

Poetic Verse

Death, Dying Used to describe the “end” of

something. Often indicating the
“death” of a relationship,
friendship etc…

Murder, Homicide The act of “killing” a relationship,

or causing any deliberate harm to
an individual, alienation appears
to be fairly universal to this story.

Rains, Rainstorm Sorrow or sadness. These terms

appear throughout the text
indicating the onset of sadness,
misery etc…

Hail, Hailstorm Used in similar fashion to “Rains”,

however, indicates a much more
severe circumstance, particularly
an argument that has escalated.

Occupying, Overtaking This is a metaphor for victory of

sorts. “Occupying” may indicate a
win in an argument, or should my
worst fears prove true, these terms
may indicate instances of

Sea Womanly or feminine. Used

universally throughout to describe
the body of a woman or women
when pluralized.

Westward Quite simply the direction. Any

one or thing West of Guelph.

Orient The East. This is used to indicate

people from the east, or
distinguish the direction of travel.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter III

Sailor Someone who is traveling. Also

anyone interested in the “Sea”
being the body of a woman. This
seems to suggest suspicious
prowess throughout the text.

Warrior, Combatant Any involved in a dispute,

whether physical or verbal. Being
poetic, the terms apply almost
exclusively to either verbal or
emotional struggles.

Combat, Battle The act of fighting, whether

physical or verbal. There is also a
strong reference to undermining

War The act of creating dispute. There

are very specific references to
relationships using this term. In
several cases the term “War”
indicates the onset of insult while
the individual is not present.

Victory The act of winning. This term

appears in cases where any
struggle has been resolved. Most
often indicates the victor of a
marital dispute.

Iron Cruel, unbending, thick-skinned

etc… the term “Iron” appears very
often. In the majority of cases
appears to represent emotional

Lightning, Thunder Similar to the use of rains, hails,

etc… these terms indicate more
aggressive or severe situations.
It should be noted that although these symbols are accurate for the
first year of prophecies, 2004, it is impossible at such a point to determine
whether these means of symbolism will remain fluid in later years. The gap
of 31⁄2 years may represent significant changes in life factors and
environment. And therefore, it will be necessary to write a 2nd volume of
this book to explain those things in the future as they are far too obscured to
be interpreted with any accuracy at the present time.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter IV
IV Coincidence of Fates

I have at length decided to offer a detailed description of the many

ways the Oracle has chosen to conceal my identity. None are overly
obvious, and I am mostly tempted to pretend they do not exist. However, I
have already decided well before any should read these words, that many
will label me a liar, whether they choose to read what I have found or not.
Such is the nature of man.
Yet, I find it unfair to take so much mystery from his work and
leave nothing in return. So, this section then is dedicated to specifically all
of the Astrologers whose work and imagination have kept these works of
the Oracle alive. I am confident that the wise who come by this will
understand what I have come to understand. And this understanding is
nothing short of wonder for the one who calls me his son, and who I shall
call father from this day forward, for he has done nothing less than deliver
to me an act of incomparable humanity, and for this I stay eternally

IV – I Birthday & Age

There is a rather remarkable 2nd function of the numbers found in

the preface to the Centuries that actually reveals my age, and my birthday. I
understand how unlikely this must sound; yet I am prepared to illustrate this
with ease and assure you that I am speaking in complete honesty when I say
that this is discovered by accident. First, consider the sentences that are
associated with those numbers:

1) From my death until the year 3797

2) The one I write come 177 years 3 months 11 days

If one were to combine the two sentences, it would then suggest,

“From my death until the year 3797, the one I write comes 177 years, 3
months and 11 days”.

A) Birthday:
The next step is nothing more than simple subtraction. This,
however, must be done in the nature of one who writes from the right to the
left naturally. Keeping in mind, this man was greatly educated in the arts of
the Hebrew. And considering that detail made me aware that I should not
add or subtract these numbers on the right margin, as one from the west
would do. Instead I lined them on the left margin and subtracted, as one
who writes naturally from right to left might do.

I.e. 3797
- 177311

What is significant here, yet still not overly obvious to anyone aside
myself is that this is indeed my birthday. I considered adding the year of his
death to the result of 20 2 411, assuming the result was 20 days, 2 months
and 411 years.

I.e. 20 / 2 / 411
+ 1566

And now we have the date of February 20, 1977, which dear reader,
is indeed my birthday. As an added note, I was born on Sunday at noon.

B) Age:
The hidden age is much more strange than the concealed birthday,
and yet another reason why I have so easily come to exclude the notion that
this man was anything other than a legitimate Oracle. Calculating my age
only requires adding one extra step to the above formula. In this case, we
take the secondary numbers of 177 and 311, and cross-multiply. The result
is then subtracted from the number 3797.

1) 1 * 3 = 3
7* 1=7
7* 1=7

2) 3797
- 377

Now we have the number 27, which I have already stated earlier is
indeed my present age. I myself having studied statistics am quite
astonished with these coincidences. As an added note, recall that the two
decoded quatrains obtained from the notation marks included reference to
an age of 27.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter IV
And, again I am still aware that others will claim any birthday can
be made from these numbers, I challenge any to do so with significant
results. As I have stated previously, I have tried with no success to prove
myself wrong, and I have since spent many hours playing with the preface
keys, achieving no success whatsoever at making other birthdays.

IV – II Gematria

There is a sizeable influence of Hebrew numerology throughout the

concealment of this puzzle. I have taken the numbers located in the preface
and assigned them their meaning using Gematria, and I have discovered a
remarkable theme. For those not versed in such matters, I will elaborate the
differences between the contemporary Arabic numeral system, versus those
of the Romans and traditional Hebrew.

Arabic Numerals:

This consists of the numbers 0 – 9 and operates on a universal base

of 10. This system originated in India and became accepted throughout the
Middle East by the year 670. Fibonacci began promoting their use in
Europe in 1202 with the book Liber Abaci. The numerals did not actually
become popular in Europe until the invention of printing.

Roman Numerals:

These include specific letters of the alphabet used to indicate a

numeric value as well. The letters used are; M, D, C, L, X, V and I. The
Roman numeral system was the common means of numeration until
medieval times when it was replaced by Arabic numerals.
M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1.

Hebrew Numerals:

In ancient times, each of the 27 letters of the traditional Hebrew

alphabet maintained a numeric value. This was also common to the Greek
alphabet and other ancient languages of the eastern Mediterranean. The art
of Gematria involves determining the definition of a number by associating
it with words that amount to an equal sum.
There is one fairly substantial problem when using Gematria to
associate words to numbers, since the “sum” of one word may be equal to
the sum of another. And for this reason, there are numerous words and
definitions associated with each “sum”. I have at length decided that being
an amateur at such practice, I will only assign definition to one of the
preface numbers if it is in the form of a proper noun. This seems correct if
only for the fact that Nostradamus, throughout the body of his preface,
maintains the first person perspective.

The Hebrew Alphabet

(With English phonetic values in blue)

‫ט‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ז‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ב‬ ‫א‬

Tet Chet Zayin Vav He Dalet Gimel Bet Aleph
T Ch Z V/O/U H D G B/V Silent
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (1000)

‫צ‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ע‬ ‫מ‬ ‫נ‬ ‫ם‬ ‫ל‬ ‫כ‬ ‫י‬

Tzade Pe Ayin Samech Nun Mem Lamed Kaf Yod
Tz P/F Silent S N M L K/Kh Y
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

‫ץ‬ ‫ף‬ ‫ן‬ ‫ס‬ ‫ך‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ק‬

F. Tzade F. Pe F. Nun F. Mem F. Khaf Tav Shin Resh Qof
Tz F N M Kh T/S Sh/S R Q
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100

Preface Numbers:

37 pr. n. Yah Keeps, Timid, Pure and Exploration.

97 pr. n. Wealthy, Deerfield, Brilliant, Lent succor by God, Beauty,

Exalted and Worshipper of Yah.

177 pr. n. The Garden of Delight or Garden of Eden.

Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter IV
311 pr. n. The Sojourn of Baal.

The implication of the last number 311 has caused me much

concern since I discovered the relationship with Gematria in this work.
Particularly since no man of the sane mind would be prepared to accept any
such title as “Sojourn” or “Archangel”. And as such, I must say I digress
from any immediate implication of this title and identity beyond the
metaphoric respect. This however, may not be easy to avoid, due to the
following mystery I shall unveil to you.
The most astounding number of significance is not actually
contained in the works of Nostradamus, but lies in the Gematria value of my
name. Not in English mind you, but in Hebrew.
When I began to write this book and share my discoveries, for the
sake of respect to both the Latin and Hebrew languages and a certain
eccentric loquacity, I chose to do so in a pen name. This posed a significant
problem for me, since I am very proud of my name. The solution was to
simply translate my name into both Latin and Hebrew, and choose
whichever seemed most appropriate to the nature of this work. It would
actually be several months later that I calculated the Gematria value of my
name in Hebrew, and the result brought more astonishment and perplexity
when realized that they equal the numbers located in the preface keys.
I have included a description of the process involved that led to my
discovery. It is important to note, that using transliteration as a means of
translating names to Hebrew will often yield more than one result. For
example, my first name Brian can be translated to Adam, Yisrael etc… in
Hebrew. To resolve this discrepancy, I chose Hebrew equivalents that have
a similar meaning to my Celtic names. Please note that the full title of my
name is Brian Samuel Williams.

Celtic – Brian Samuel Williams

Brian - The mighty one; Strong, Virtuous, Honorable

Samuel - The voice of God; Gods messenger
Williams - Assimilation of several Germanic names; Wilhelm,
Wilheim, Willem, William etc…
- Strength of will

Latin – Brennus Samuel Villialms

Brennus - The mighty one

Samuel - The voice of God; Gods messenger
Villialms - From the Latin Villelm; The strength of the village
Hebrew– Yisrael Sammuel Gavriel

Yisrael - A prince of God; to contend, to fight, to rule etc…

Samuel - His name is God
Gavriel - God is my strength

It is this last result of transliteration that brings me much pride and

anguish. By spelling the Hebrew equivalent of my surname in its entire
form, one can easily calculate the correct sum of the letters.

Yisrael = 10 + 10 + 60 + 200 + 1 + 30 = 311

Sammuel = 60 + 1 + 40 + 40 + 6 + 30 = 177
= 488

Gavriel = 3 + 1 + 2 + 200 + 10 + 1 + 30 = 247

= 735

Once again we clearly see the many dimensions of Nostradamus

work. One should pay particular attention to the fact that the preface keys
of 311 & 177 are also the sums of my first and second name in Hebrew. In
the case of Samuel however, I was forced to add an extra “M”.

IV – III Identity by Symbol

The clearest majority of identification relies on the numerous

symbols used throughout the actual prophecies of the centuries. I have
found reference to myself by at least two means of Astrological description.
Since I am born on the 20th day of February, I am a Pisces. Pisces is the
zodiac sign for anyone whose birthday falls between February 20th and
March 20th.

III. 21 – May 13, 2004

To the shell minimum by sea Hadriatic,
Appears a horrible fish,
Of face human & the end aquatic,
Who is taking abroad of the fishhook.

Now I will point out that “Appears a horrible fish” is a double

entendre. The fish being the zodiac symbol associated with Pisces,
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter IV
additionally the fish is also a symbol of Christianity. In this case it is
obvious that he is referring to my being a lousy Christian of late. The 2nd
line, “Of face human & the end aquatic” represents how proficient
Nostradamus is in Astrology, considering I am born on February 20th, the
first day of Pisces, and also the first day after the end of Aquarius.
Another aspect of his accuracy is reference to my planetary
association. The Zodiac sign of Pisces is also associated with the planet
Neptune, which is also characterized by the image of a horse.

VI. 90 – October 15, 2004

The respectable stinkers abominable,
After the doing will be happiness,
Grand excused, for not being favourable.
That to peace Neptune will not be incited.

For the sake of simplicity, I will explain only that this quatrain
refers to an argument I had with my mother-in-law in a hospital room. My
son had to be kept overnight for observation, and my fiancée and I had
requested her mother watch him for an hour while we went to eat and
change. In any event, I grew irate when the request was accepted, and then
revoked, so we gain the symbol “That to peace Neptune will not be incited”.
The third of significance is “Septentrionale” as a means of
identifying. The term commonly refers to the North wind. However,
should one investigate the maps drawn by Ptolemy, you would note quite
readily that when first discovered, the New World was referred to as
America Septentrionalis. Hence, once again, we see a very clear means of
identifying that the individual to whom the Oracle has sent his message,
despite the abundance of European nouns, does not live in Europe, but
rather North America. Additionally, you may wish to consider that I am
Canadian, and as such that one should describe my existence in poetic
device, I may be akin to the North Wind.
Although this represents only the three most dominant symbols
immediately associated with myself, I shall digress once more from
elaborating any further. I believe whole heartedly in the preservation of
mystery surrounding this mans work, and as such prefer to allow the other
symbols, far more poetic than these two, to remain intact despite my
recognition. I hope with all sincerity that despite my revealing of the truth
to his messages, others will still revel in the beauty and grandeur of
Nostradamus efforts and messages for some time to come.
V – I The Chronograph of Christ

I have recognized yet one more remarkable puzzle in this work.

Particularly when I began to place greater attention to the message of the
Epistle to Henry II. I have noticed that it includes some very interesting
paragraphs concerning the years and times of our religious progenitors.
Nostradamus it seems, provides the length of times between, for example,
Noah and Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed, etc…
However, these do not indicate with any obvious certainty the years
to which these were born. Additionally, I have yet to find another example
from any other author who translated this part of the work. It seems it has
been avoided for the obvious disagreement between certain religious
I understand that authors before me have avoided this for fear of
being persecuted by the multitudes of Pharises our world is now plagued
with. And let me assure you dear reader, I have no such fear. And for what
purpose should a man fear the finger of another pointed at him, when the
one who points is the wicked.
And so, I have assembled the Chronograph of Christ according to
the supputations of Nostradamus. This involved two stages. First:
determining the order of their appearance and the time span between.
Second, I had to find the missing key that would give specific years to the
holy figures. To do this, I included the missing link to the chain. Myself.

Chronograph A

Order Name Years Passed

Adam 0
1 Noah 1242
2 Abraham 1080
3 Moses 515
4 David 570
5 Jesus 1350
6 Saracens 621

The information given does not provide very much insight at first
glance. It appears to only confirm, and in the case of Jesus, argue the
accepted times that they have lived. I toyed with the notion that there was
again, a missing link to this chart. And once more faced the fact that
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter V
whether I wanted any part or not, I was chosen. So, I carried out the next
logical step, to add myself to the list. But this itself was not too much
clearer. It occurred to me that if I used myself as the 8th, and included my
birthyear, I could count backwords using the years A.D.

Chronograph B

Order Name Years Passed AD / BC

Adam 0 -4751
1 Noah 1242 -3509
2 Abraham 1080 -2429
3 Moses 515 -1913
516 -1914
4 David 570 -1344
5 Jesus 1350 6
6 Saracens 621 627
7 Brennus 1350 1977

This chart now suggested that Jesus was born in the year 6 A.D.,
and by his own words “This being according to none”, which suggests
clearly that the spirit Nostradamus conferred with, pointed out an error on
humanities assertions of when Christ came.
The next significant step however, involved careful consideration of
the years. At some point, I realized that there would be a far more accurate
means of measuring time, being Astrological or Astronomical. And at this
point the year mentioned in the preface became increasingly relevant.
Considering the number 3797, I once again began to pay more attention to
the concept of reading right to left.
Doing this gave me the year 7973, which compared perfectly to the
mention of “we are in the 7th, and approaching the 8th sphere” mentioned in
the body of the preface. At some point, I made the conection once more to
the year 7973 and my birthday. The next chart provides the AD years
versus those of Astronomic Supputations, revealing the “Year of Delivery”
is the year 2004, which is the year 8000.
Chronograph C

Order Name Years Passed AD / BC Astronomic


Adam 0 -4751 1298

1 Noah 1242 -3509 2540
2 Abraham 1080 -2429 3620
3 Moses 515 -1913 4137
516 -1914 4136
4 David 570 -1344 4652
5 Jesus 1350 6 6002
6 Saracens 621 627 6623
7 Brennus 1350 1977 7973
27 2004 8000

As can be understood from this chart, the year 2004 AD was

actually the year 8000. This brings startling questions about “why” this was
given to me. I find this the most soothing information this has brought me.
It suggests to me very clearly that the reason I found this, and when I found
it, were nothing short of the Divine will of God. I understand dear reader,
how such a bold statement must sound. Yet, I can find no rational
explanation for these details unless our Heavenly father Himself sought for
me to know them.
And now dear reader, once again I must digress from further
speculation. I am prepared simply to accept and give thanks. I have no
cause to debate the will or desire, and most certainly not the knowledge of
the one who created all.

V – II Summary of Rearrangement

A) Arrangement

I) Arrange the quatrain numbers in each Century horizontally, reading

left to right from 1 –100.

II) Separate the quatrain numbers in Century 1 by the notation marks

arranging each in a row of 12 underneath the other. Repeat for each
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter V

a) Each row is only 12 numbers long (12 columns).

b) The first number in each row is always a multiple of 6, and
increases in multiples of 12 until the Century 8, 9 & 10.
The fist number in the first row is a 6.
c) Separate matrix into grids of 12 columns and 8 rows. There
are 11 grids in total.

III) Assign Cipher substations above each grid in the matrix as follows;

IV) The Cipher values will remain uniform in the first 7 centuries.
Variance will occur after quatrain 7-42 where manual substitution of the
missing quatrains is used to fill in the gap.

B) Decryption

I) Choose any given quatrain and count the number of words in each

II) Locate the sum of words in the matrix grid associated with that
quatrain and substitute the sum of words for the Cipher value.

III) Use the clock technique to arrange the appropriate order of Cipher

a) Create a clock face in customary fashion.

b) Create a secondary clock face, smaller in circumference,
and attach it to the center of the larger circle.
c) Label the larger circle in standard manner, 1 – 12. Label
the inner circle in similar manner to the Cipher substations,
0 – 5 twice.
d) Use the point 0 in the smaller circle as a point of origin.
Align your origin according to the matrix. Turn the inner
circle clockwise, recording the sequence your Cipher values

IV) Arrange your Cipher values in accordance to the sequence revealed

by the clock. For example a quatrain in grid A has the Cipher values
1015, and the sequence 1, 2, 4, 3. The correct order is 1051.
V) Add the decryption key to the correct order of Cipher values. The
key is 555, so the example above has a correct order of 1051 + 555 =

C) Dating

I) Use the false year revealed by the decryption sequence to

determine the date. Example same as above revealed the year

II) Separate the false year into two, two digit parts. Example:
1606 = 16 / 06.

III) These dates are to be read right to left (based on traditional

Hebrew script). So the above example of 1606 should actually
be read 06 / 16. More accurately June 16.

IV) Add the date to the century associated with the quatrain. For
example, if quatrain 7-42 = 1606, then the completed date will
be June 16 + 7 = June 23.

V) Years are determined according to the number of their month,

beginning at the number 1 for January, until the month of
November 11, and December assigned 00 and subsequent
increments of 12. The count begins in January of 2004.

VI) The range of possible months are as follows;

2004 1 – 11, 00
2005 13 – 24
2006 25 – 36
2007 37 – 48
2008 49 – 60
2009 61 – 72
2010 73 – 84
2011 85 – 96
2012 97 – 99

VII) The century number and quatrain number determine time. The
century number indicates the hour; the quatrain number indicates the
minutes. For example, quatrain 7-42 reveals the time 7:42. Using this
system, a.m. and p.m. are indistinguishable.
Eruditio Iterim Constitu - Chapter V
Book II


Michel De Nostredame;

Les Centuries

I March 1555

The Broken Book Rearranged

And Translated By

Brennus Samuel
De La Villialmos

I January 2005

To Caesar Nostradame A Son,

Long Life And Happiness.

Your late arrival, Cesar Nostradame my son, has made me spend a

long time by continuous nocturnal watching. The purpose of my writing, to
deliver this reminder, after the corporal extinction of your descent to the
common profit of all humans, of that which the Divine Spirit’s words have
given me awareness by Astronomical revolutions.
And after that it brings tears from God immortal, that you have not
come in natural understanding, your Earthly affliction delaying. And I do
not want to speak your year, who again is not accompanied, but in your
months Martian incapable to receive inside your bile attendance, that which
I will be against after my days are determined.
Wanting what is impossible to leave by writing, that which will be
obliterated by the injury of time. On account of the hereditary preparation,
the secret prediction will be in my stomach tightly locked:
Consider also the adventures of the human definition being
uncertain and that all is queen, and governed by the powerful of God
inestimable, we inspire not by Bacchantic 1 fury, not by lymphatic
movement, but by astronomic assertions.
“Sun is total divinity, breathing presage and spirit, prophecy in particular”
Several that of distant times, by many occasions I have predicted
distant times before, that which is following the arriving, and in particular
regions attributing the whole being done by virtue and divine inspiration
and others happiness and sinister adventures of accelerated promptness, that
following your awakening are pronounced by the climates of earth.
You have wanted quiet and forsaking for cause of the injury. And
not that much alone of times present, but also for the greater part of the
future, of putting by writing for that which the queens, sects and religion
will be changing indeed opposites, seen of respect of present diametrically.
That indeed I came to refer to that which from the coming will be
the one of queen, sect religion, and on occasion finding an indeed bad
accordance, indeed their fantasy auricular, that He is coming to damn that
which by the cycles arriving have known, being seen and abrasive.
Consider also the sentence of the real Saviour, the unwilling saint:

Bacchante – a female attendant of Bacchus, who with Silenius and the Satyrs
celebrated that deity in the form of frantic festivals, often associated with mad
behaviour and wild actions.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Preface
“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before
swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to
Whom being the reason for doing this retired my language from the
vulgar and the feather from the paper.
Then I am wanted, to listen, to declare for the common awakening
by abstruse and perplexing sentences the future causes, themselves the more
urgent and in this I have apprehension, several human mutations that
awaken not scandalizing the auricular fragility, and the writing entirely
under feminine figure, most of the entire prophecy.
So much that I have concealed this from humanity and prudence:
And to the prophecies by the words of God immortal and of good Angels
who receive the spirit of Vaticinator3, with which He sees the distant things
and comes to foresee the future awakenings.
Since none are able to complete without you, in which great indeed
is the powerful and the box from subjects that while He’s demure in you,
every time to the others effects subjects for the similarity of the cause of
good genius, this heat and powerful Vaticinator is approaching of we, like
He we come from rays of Sun who come jaunting their influence to the
bodies elemental and non elemental.
When to we, whom are human, capable of nothing in our natural
awareness and inclination of ingenuity, to know the secrets of God the
Creator are abstruse. Who to us is our acquaintance temporal, not instant
and c.
How many also of the present can Advent 4and being in personage,
that God the creator himself wants revealed by imaginative impressions
several secrets of the Advent, according to judicial Astrology, similar to
passing that a certain powerful and voluntary faculty comes by you, like a
flame of fire manifesting, that you have come to inspire, judge the Divine
and human inspirations.
On account of these works Divine, that in total are absolutely
completed by God the weaver: The best who is from the middle of the
Angels: the third is the worst5.
But my son I speak to you indeed a little too abstractive.

New Testament – Matthew 7:6
Vaticinator – One who vaticinates, a prophet.
Advent – The first or the expected second coming of Jesus Christ.
The Seven Secundians – Written in 1508 by the Abbott Johannes De Spanheim
also known as Trithemius, the book details the history and order of ascension of the
Angels that govern humanity. The 3rd Angel in order is Samuel often compared to
Satan, the 4th is the Angel Raphael.
But when from secret Vaticinators that have come to be received by
the subtle spirit of fire, who on several occasions by the attendance agitated,
contemplating the higher of astral, like being vigilant, themselves that to the
pronunciations, being surprised by the writing without pronunciation, and
against what is less acquired of shameless loquacity but which proceeds
from the power divine of great God eternal, from who all goodness
Again, my son, that I have the name of prophet, for the time present
I do not want a title of so high sublimation attributed to myself, on account
of who Prophecies today reiterates the formerly vocal understanding. On
account of proper Prophecy, my son, is one who sees things distant of the
awareness of all natural creatures.
And it is on account of awakening6 that the Prophet betters the
perfect brilliance of the Prophecy, you appear manifesting of things divine,
like humans, who are unable to do, wanting that the effects of the distant
future predictions be acquired.
Since the secrets of God are incomprehensible and the virtue
produced contingent of long hearing from the natural awareness, taking
their nearer origin of the liberal beholder7, made manifest the causes that of
she herself is unable to acquire this notice for being known, not by the
human augury8, not by other knowledge of secret virtue. Comprised under
the concave of the Sky itself from having been done, presents total eternity,
which comes and is embraced all the time.
But better the somewhat indivisible eternity, by committing
Hiracliene 9agitation, the causes by the celestial movement are known.
I do not say never, my son, from finishing that good is the hearing
that the knowledge upon the mantle is again unable, especially in your
weakened brain. That the future causes well distant, are not from the
knowledge of the reasonable creature, and are indeed unresolved and well
put to the creature of the bitter intellectualism, things of present distances.
No, you are not at all too secret, not too reserved:
But the cause of the perfect notice is unable to be acquired without
this Divine inspiration. Wanted that all prophetic inspiration received taken
from his first principality, the movement of God the creator, that of the
hour, and of nature.
By being the cause of indifferent products and not products, the
wise person Advents, or predicts it will be.

Awakening – The process of arising, rousing, agitating etc…in theological
perspectives Awakening is compared to divine realization of a purpose.
Liberal Beholder – One who maintains Liberal, or progressive ideals.
Augury – The art of committing prophecy, the ability to foresee the future.
Hiracliene – Of or pertaining to Heracles, his nature, actions or behaviour.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Preface
On account of attending to the child, the intellect is unable to see
secretly, suffering by the voice done to the rainstorm, better the setting
flame, in which party the future cause is coming to be inclined.
And also my son, I inform you that never do you not want
employed in your attendance such kind returns, and it is vanity, which is
drying the skin and puts to perdition the bitter, giving trouble to the feeble
sense. Themselves more of the vanity that was cut away, magic on occasion
is reproved by the sacred writings and by the Divine canons.
To the Chief of what is expected the judgement of the judicial
Astrology: by that which and better inspiration and divine revelation by
continuous computation, before writing lessens our prophecies.
And how often that this secret Philosophy, not spread out reproves,
you have not wanted at present their unrestrained persuasions, how many
more volumes that have been hiding by long cycles have I caused to be
But doubting that who Advents right, in having done after the
lecture prefixed to Vulcan10, that he comes to devour nevertheless that, like
the flame licking the air rendered one clarity in agreement, more clear than
natural flame, like the understanding of fire of shining clusters, illuminates
the house subtle, she is indeed spread out being in unexpected
Why to the end that from the Advent not copious abuse, going to
ruins the perfect transformation12 that much lonely, that solitary and under
earth metals incorruptible and from waves, secrets, that have in cinders
But when from the judgement that is coming by your finishing,
better the judgement celestial, what you want I have manifested. Why
having knowledge of future things, distantly rejecting the fantastic
imagination who Advents, limiting the particularity of places by divine and
supernatural inspiration:
According to the celestial figure the places and one party of times
of closer secret by powerful virtue and divine faculty in the presence of that
which the three times are comprised by eternity, revolution taken to the
cause of past, present and future: Who has wholly to be bare and openly,

Vulcan – The Roman God of fire and metalworking. In some mythology he is
equated with the Greek God Hephaestus.
Conflagration – A meeting or gathering. In Astrology and Religion a
conflagration is equated to the assembly of the stars, or secondary beings, namely
angelic spirits.
Transformation – The physical change from one form to another.
Why my son, your tender brain is not obstinate, you can easily
understand these things. Who has to Advent, is able to prophecy by the
nocturnal and celestial brilliance, which are natural and by the spirit of
Not that I myself want attributed any such nomination, I am by no
effect prophetic, but by revealed inspiration, like a mortal man longing, not
less of thoughts in the sky, that the feet stay on earth.
“Power is not mistaken, tricked, deceived, is sinner greater than none of this
measure, subject to all human afflictions.”
But being surprised on occasion the week lymphatic and by long
calculations, rendered the nocturnal studies of sulphur scent, I have
composed books of prophecy each containing one hundred quatrains of
Astronomical Prophecies, which a few of these are repulsive, I have wanted
obscured and are perpetual Vaticinator, from my death to the year 3797.
That possibly will be retired the front of several ones, in seeing long
extension and by under all the concaved of the Moon have been placed and
intelligent: and is universally attended by all the Earth the causes my son,
that indeed you live the age natural and human, you live towards diversity
in your climate, from the proper sky of your nativity, the future adventures
are foreseen.
How many that the only God eternal, is you alone who knows the
eternity of his brilliance, proceeding of you yourself.
And I said frankly that from this one, from whom his magnitude
immense, who is without measure and incomprehensible, to see by distant
inspiration, melancholy revealing, that it is better that you cause the divinity
to be secretly manifested, particularly for two main reasons, which are
comprised from the attendance of this inspired one who prophecies.
The first is that which comes to infuse, clairvoyant the supernatural
brilliance, to the personage who predicts by the astral doctrines and
prophecies by inspired revelation, that which in one certain participation of
the divine eternity, better the prophet comes to judge that his divine spirit
has been given by the better of God the creator and by one natural
It is from namely that which is predicted, is real and first from his
origin and ethereality: and such a brilliant and flaming exit is of all
efficiency and of such altitude no less than the natural clarity and natural
brilliance, render the Philosophy indeed assuring, that better the
principalities of the first cause have attained from the more profound and
abysmal of higher doctrines.
But from that ends my words son, I hope that I am not too vague, or
too profound for the capacity fated of your senses and also that I found that
the writing will be indeed great and in incomparable alliance, that I found
the earth before the universal conflagration, Advent that much of deluges
Donum Olim Occultas -- Preface
and indeed high inundation, that he will not be a quiet terror who is not
covered of water and will be by his long times, that from placed in
Enogrophies13 and Topographies14 that all is not perished.
Also, before and after such inundations, against more the scourges
will be indeed completed and from the orifice15 of the Sky, an indeed great
abundance of fire and of stony whiteness, that he is not steadfast in the loins
who is not consumed: and this is Advent in brief and before the last
On account of again, that the planet of Mars finishes his cycle and
to the end of his last period, indeed the retaking he: But assembled the ones
in Aquarius more years, the others in Cancer by longer and continuous.
And now that the Moon drives us, better the total power for God
eternal, that before she has finished her total circuit the Sun comes and then
On account of along the celestial singes, the queen of Saturn will be
of return, that the total calculation, the earth is approaching of one-year
Aragonic16 revolution:
That of present that this one I write comes 177 years 3 months and
11 days from pestilence, long famine, and wars and by more inundations
that enter this and this term prefixed, before and after by more occasions,
will be diminished, and indeed few of earth there will be, there are none
found who want to take the fields, who of coming freely also long: That
they are being in servitude.
That when to the visible judgement celestial, that again we are
known to the 7th number of the thousand who finishes, all of us
approaching the 8th, or is in the firmament of the 8th sphere, who is in the
dimension of latitude, where the great God eternal comes to finish the
revolution, where the celestial images returning from the movement and for
a long time set in motion, superior who we render the Earth stable and close
not inclined in secular generations: while putting what He wants will be
accomplished, but do not appoint otherwise.
So many that by ambiguous opinions, before devouring all natural
reason by your Mathematic dreams, also, each time God the creator by the
ministers of his messengers of fire, an inflamed dispatch came to oppose to
Enographies – From the Latin Eno = to swim out, to swim away, and Graphis = a
drawing, a draft, a design. This may suggest a plan of exit.
Topographies – From the Latin Topos = a place, and Graphis. A detailed
description or map of a particular place or location.
Orifice in the Sky – This appears to be an obvious reference to the diminishing
Ozone layer of the Earth, due to pollution.
Aragon – A former kingdom located north east of Spain. Founded in the city
Zaragoza by Augustus in the 5th century, the region was later captured by the Moors
in the 8th century. Reverted to Christian domination during the early Crusades.
the exterior senses themselves from our eyes, the cause of future
predictions, significant on account of the future which is right, from the one
who is manifesting wisdom.
On account of the wise, who is made of the brilliant exterior comes
infallible from the judging party who resembles having by the eye of the
attendance, that which is not by the lesion of senses imaginative.
The reason is by too evident, the entire being predicted by afflation
of divinity and by the better of the spirit Angelic, inspired from the
prophetic home, rendered joined of Vaticinators, the coming from
illumination, you in motions before of the fantasy by diverse nocturnal
apparition, that by nocturnal overconfidence, prophesies by administrating
Astronomical conjoining of the sanctimonious future prediction, not
considering otherwise from the courage liberated.
Comes upon the hour of listening, my son, that I found by my
revolutions that are according to revealed inspiration, that the mortal sword
is approaching of us right now by plague, war, more horrible that from the
life of three there has not been and famine, that which falls in Earth and you
returning often.
On account of the Astral is according to the revolution and also to
say: Visitor in Earth is sprouting cruelty unequalled that is, and in lashing
through and through skin.
On account of the compassion of God, the point will not be
dispersed one time, my son, that the most part of my Prophecies, will be
accomplished and come to be by accomplishment resolved.
While by more times during the sinister tempests, crumbling ego,
said the Lord, and breaking into pieces, and not compassionate and a
thousand other adventures who Advents by you and continuous rains like
more from plain that have you lessening by writing from mine the others.
Prophecies that are composed all from long, in solution language,
limiting the places, times and the terms prefixed that the humans after come
to see, known are the adventures Advents infallible. Like having noted by
the others speaking, more clearly, not obstinate that under a cloud will be
comprised the intelligence.
“But when removed of ignorance, the matter will be more clarified“
This is the end, my son, presenting gift, this gift of your father
Michel Nostradamus, hoping you declare each Prophecy of quatrains is
spoken by God immortal, that he wishes you life long, good happiness and

Of Salon the 1 of March 1555.

Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle to King Henry II

To The Most Invincible

Most Powerful And Most Christian
Henry, King Of France The Second:
Michel Nostradamus,
His Very Humble And Very Obedient Servant And Subject,
Wishes Victory And Happiness

For you this sovereign observation, whom is my O very-Christian

and very-victorious King. When that my face is upright, for a long time the
female is present, to the front of the deity from your majesty immeasurable.
In this I have been perpetually amazed, not desisting of honour and
venerating dignity in you this day, that firstly before you, I am presenting
this, like from a singular majesty that much humane.
Searching gold on several occasions by that which I pressed,
manifesting the good heart and strong courage, that better you this ability
having made ample extension from awareness of your majestic serenity.
Seeing gold that by the effects of the declaration I was unable to do,
joined with my singular desire from my long and very much darkened
obscurity, being abruptly clarified and transported to the front of the face of
the sovereign eye and of the first Monarch of the Universe, that mostly I
have been in doubt distant from whom I have come to consecrate your three
remaining Centuries of my Prophecies.
Completing the thousand and after having long pondered of one
temerarious audacity, I have taken word addressed towards your majesty.
Being not for that one amazed, like having recited, the burdensome increase
of Plutarch17 in the life of Lycurgue18, that seeing the offers and presents
that have been made by sacrifices to the temples of God immortal, of your
times and from this end, that having not is amazed by too frequently the
deliveries cold and miserable, nothing is going to be presented to the
This not abstained from seeing your Royal splendour, I have taken
my address accompanied of one incomparable humanity, unlike to the
Kings of Persia, that He is not permitting any of going from you, no less is
in approach.

Plutarch – Roman author, who lived from 46 – 116 A.D. Noted for more than
227 works of literature, in the form of biographies, essays and historical writing.
Plutarch was immensely influential on European historical recording during the 16th
– 19th centuries.
Lycurgue – Spartan Statesman who may be responsible for drafting the original
Spartan constitution. Made notorious by his biography written by Plutarch.
But, for one very prudent, for one very wise Prince, I have
consecrated my nocturnal and prophetic suppositions. Composed mostly
from one natural instinct and accompanied of one poetic fury. That by
being governed of punishment and the most part composed and according to
the Astronomic calculations, corresponding to the years, months and weeks
of regions, opposers and of the most part the cities and have been taken
from all parts of Europe. Undertaken from the Africa and from one party of
Asia, by the changing of regions, which is approaching the greater part of
all your climates and composed of one natural faction.
Many responding, one who will be well in need of being a fly, the
rhythm being quite easy, the intelligence of senses being difficult. And for
that, O very humanitarian King, the most part of the prophetic quatrains are
such, that they have not named you, and have given less voice to each
interpreter. Of all times hoping to leave by writing the years, cities, rapidly
growing regions, where the most part Advent, themselves of the year 1585
and of the year 1606. Starting after the year preset, being the 14 of March
And Passing beyond and well distant from the Advent, who will be
after the commencement of the 7th millennium profoundly reckoning, that
much that my astronomical calculation and other named is that too few are
spread out where the adversaries of Jesus Christ and of his Church are.
Commencing stronger from polluting, that all was being composed and
calculated in the days and hours of the election and well disposed.
And the more justly, that he my being possible and the day
Minerva19 liberated, and not invited, computing almost entirely the
adventures of times Advent. Like of epoch passing, understanding of
present and of these that by the course of times that all regions have
recognized Advent, all having nominated like He being written, you are not
interfering in anything superfluous, how many that have said:
“As much of the future not being determinate, entirely true.”
He is very real, Sire, that by my natural instinct who I was given to
by my perverters, is not cooking prediction and is not adjusting and
according you this natural instinct with my long computation unique and
voided the love, the spirit and the courage of all cure, solicitude and
angering by repose and tranquility of the spirit. That all of this is according
and predicted by the one party of bronzed tripod.
So many more that He is whom, I have made it plain that this is not
from me, like of this is not in resistance, God alone eternal, who is the
prosecutor of humans courageous piety, just and merciful God, who is the

Minerva – Roman Goddess of Wisdom, the counter part to the Greek Goddess
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle to King Henry II
real judge, from whom I was pried that he wants me to defend the one
proclaimed the wicked.
Who also wants that convocations are inquired, for which will cause
both your ancient progenitor Kings of France, to have scarcely the cruelty,
and the other nations have scarcely the morals of serpents. The others have
a certain instinct of the art of abstinence of wine, and of authors that matter
who will be from reselection distant of here.
That which is not obstinate from the one who of the spirit wrongly
the malignity will not be comprised by the course of times after my Terran20
extinction. More will be my writing that from my living, independent
indeed from my computation of ages I have not failed for being according to
the attempt of each.
Pleading to your more than Imperial Majesty, my forgiving
protestant before God and his saints, that I have not pretended to put
anything of the one that Conquers by writing in the present epistle. Who is
against the real faith Catholic, conferring with the Astronomical
calculations. I was jesting in my naming, because of the space of time of
our firsts, whom we are preceding is yours, my remitting under the
correction of more sane judgement.
The first man Adam, mad before Noah environs21 1242 years, not
computing the times by the reckoning of Gentiles, as it has been written by
Varron22. But that much alone is according to the sacred Scriptures and
according to the feebleness of my spirit, in my Astronomical calculations.
After Noah, from you and from the universal deluge, came
Abraham environed 1080 years, which is being an Astrologic computation
and sovereign according to none. He was first to endure the letters of the
Chaldaicus23. After came Moses arriving 515 or 516 years and one month.
The times of David and Moses are 570 years apart.
Then after a month the times of David and the times of our Saviour
and Redeemer Jesus Christ, not having the unique Virgin, has been
(According to not one single Chronograph24) 1350 years. I am somewhat

Terran – From the Latin word Terra = ground, earth, soil etc… is also the root of
the word Terrestrial.
Environ – To be surrounded, to envelope, to encompass etc…
Varron – Terentius Varro, Roman author who was a contemporary of Cicero and
was noted for arranging the 21 genuine comedies of Plutarch.
Chaldaic – Of or pertaining to the Chaldeans, their language or their dialect.
Often referring to a wise or learned man and also refers to magicians or astrologers.
Chronograph – From the Latin Chronographus, meaning a chronographer or an
objected to this computation, this being not verifiable, in which she differed
from the account of Eusebe25.
And after the times of the human redemption just to the seduction
of the detestable Saracens26 ended, it has been 621 years environed. After
this you are easily able to assemble which times have passed. Indeed my
reckoning will not be considered good and valuated by all nations, for that
this has all been calculated from the celestial courses, by the associations of
motions, infused from certain hours left by the motions of my ancient
But by the injury of the times, O Serene King, require that your
secret envenoming be not manifested. That by enigmatic sentence, having
not one sense alone, and unique intelligence, without you having to put
anything from ambiguous27 not amphibological28 calculation. But later
under feminine obscurity, by one natural infusion which approaches from
the sentence of one of the 1002 Prophecies.
Who are being after the creation of world, jested the reckoning and
chronic punishment of Joel29, put forth spiritual my higher concern all
carnal, and prophetic daughter vestry, and daughter of your nation.
But as such the Prophecy proceeds from the mouth of the S. Spirit30,
who being the sovereign power eternal, adjoined with the celestial from one
not of this number is predicted of greats and deserving of perception.
In this location I do not want attributed to me anything of this title,
God is not pleased with I. I confess well that all of this comes from God,
and you render me graces, honour and praise immortal, without you having
meddled with the divination that is provident from fate. But from Deo31,
from nature, and the most part accompanied of the movement of celestial
courses, such that seeing like in one mirrored ardent, like by feminine

Eusebe – A Roman surname of Ariobarzanes, who was ruler of the Roman ally
Cappadocia located in eastern Asia Minor.
Saracens – Originally used in the early Roman Empire to refer to a specific
Arabic tribe of the Sinai. Later used to describe all Arabs by the Greeks. During
the rise of Islam and the Crusades, the term was applied to all Muslims, particularly
those in Sicily and Southern Italy.
Ambiguous – Doubtful or uncertain, to be understood by two or more possibly
senses, topics etc…
Amphibological – Being of doubtful or ambiguous meaning.
Joel – King James Version of the bible, 1st Samuel 8:2 the name of the firstborn
son of Samuel, appointed a judge of Beersheba.
South Spirit – New Testament Matthew 12:42 “The Queen of the South shall rise
up with this generation at the judgement and shall condemn it, because she came
from the ends of the Earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold something
greater than Solomon is here”.
Deo – From the Latin Deos, meaning to inspire fear or have reason to fear.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle to King Henry II
vision, the grand’s are sadly envenoming the prodigious and calamitous
adventure who is approaching by the principal cultures.
Firstly the temples of God, secondly by the one who is being
sustained terrestrial, approaching such a decadence, with which a thousand
other calamities and adventures, that by the course of times have recognized
the Advent. On account of God watches the long sterility of the great lady,
who then after conceiving two children first: but she is endangered, the one
who you will be, adjusted by the temerity of the age of death, endangered
inside the 18th, and unable to pass the 36th that in leaving three butchers, and
one female, and in having two, the one who not in you never of one themself
Of three brothers will be such difference the unity and agreement,
that the three and four parties of Europe trembling. By the lesser of age will
be the Christian monarchy sustained and augmented: sects arising, and
abruptly descending, the Arab’s unwilling, Royalty united, new Laws
promulgated: the others children the first occupied, the Lions madness
crowning, the tenants legs hindered under the weapons.
The second is profound indeed having by the Latin company, that
will be made the second voice trembling and inspired to the Mount of
Jovis32 descending for showing to the Pyrenees will not be translated from
the ancient monarchy. You will be made the third inundation of human
blood, is not found for a long time, Mars wanted.
And will be given the female by the conservation of the Christian
Church, falling his dominator from the paganistic sect of the new infidels
she has two children, the one of fidelity, and the other of infidelity by the
confirmation of the Catholic Church.
And the other whom from his great confusion and late repentance
they will want ruined. There will be three regions by the extreme
differences of the leagues, you are known the Romania, the Germany and
the Spain, who will make diverse sects by militant hand, leaving the 50 and
52 degrees of latitude. And there will be homage of all religions.
Distant fires to the regions of Europe and of the Septentrion33 from
48 degrees of altitude, who first by his vain timidity trembling, the more
westward meridian, and oriental trembling, such will be their power, that
this one who is, will not be a treaty and the union inseparable of militant
conquests. Of their nature they will be alike: but greatly different in faith.

Jovis – Jupiter the Roman God of Heaven and Earth, lightning and ruler of the
Gods. In Greek mythology he is Zeus, ruler of Mount Olympus.
Septentrion – I have taken this as reference to myself, considering that this term
is Latin, meaning the northern regions or the north. Early explorers used the name
to refer to North America i.e. Septentrionalis.
After this the lady sterile from more great power that the second
will be received by two people, the first obstinate by the one whom from his
power on all, by the second and by the third who were your forces towards
the circuit of the east of Europe to the pennons of the profligate. And
succumbed and by marine sails will be your extensions from the Sicilian
Adriatic by Mirmillo34, and Germanic of all succumbed, and will be the
Barbaric sect all from the Latin that is striking greatly and shackling.
Then the great Empire of the Antichrist35 commencing in the Atila
and Zerses descend in great and innumerable number. Such that the venue
of Sacred Writing proceeds of 48 degrees, there will be a transmigration,
chased by the abomination of the Antichrist, making war against the Royal,
who will be the great Vicar of Jesus-Christ, and against his Church, and his
queen per times.
And on temporal occasions and proceeding before one solar eclipse,
the more obscure, and the more darkness, who is being after the creation of
the world close of the death and passion of Jesus-Christ. And he is close to
here, and will be to the less of October that several great translations will be
And such that they have cooked the pleasanter of the Earth having
lost his natural movement, and being in abysmal and perpetual darkness,
will be proceeding to the times vernal36, and is in following after of
extremes changes, permutations of queens, by great trembling of Earth, with
pollution of the new Babylon37. The woman is miserable, augmented by the
abomination of the first holocaust38, and not holding that much longer than
73 years and 7 months39

Mirmillo – A kind of Gladiator that battled using nets. Often depicted wearing a
Gallic helmet with the image of a fish.
Antichrist – A denier or opponent of Christ. One who acts as an antagonist to the
expected return of Jesus Christ. Mentioned in the New Testament in John 2:22
“Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the
Antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son”.
Vernal – Suggestive of youth, vigorous, fresh etc…
Babylon – The region where the Hebrews built the tower of Babel, characterized
by a confusion of voices and sounds.
38 st
1 Holocaust – This is a clear reference to the totalitarian regime of Adolph
Hitler and the Nazi party. The reference to this as the first holocaust suggests there
will be at least one other.
73 years and 7 months – Possibly a reference to the length of time the USA will
survive following the first Holocaust. If this were WWII mentioned, ending in
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle to King Henry II
Then after leaving of Tige40, this one who is demure for a long time
sterile, proceeding of 50 degrees, who rejuvenates the Christian Church.
And there will be made great peace, union and treaty between one of the
children of fronts misleading, and separated by diverse queens, will be made
such peace that demure attached to the more profound false reading the
arousal and promoter of the marital faction by the religious diversity, and
will be united by the Royal of Rabbis: who counter do the wise.
And against the cities, quickly, queens, and provinces who has left
the first voices for the delivery, is profoundly cunning and will be secretly
lashing of their liberty, and the perfect religion lost, commencing from
hitting in the party left, for returning from the right side, and remitting the
sanctity of the profligate for a long time, with their pristine writing, that the
Great Big Dog leaves the Bigger Dog, who will be the destruction of all.
Themselves that in the past who have perpetrated, will be redressing
the temples in likeness to the first times, and will be resituated the cleric
from his pristine state, and commencing from prostitution and luxury, a
thousand forfeits made and placed. And being near of one another’s
desolation that while she will be from his higher, and sublimate dignity is
training the potential and militant hands and you will be raising the two
swords, and you not demurring that the insignias, of which by better of the
curvature who they wear, the people that make going right.
And not wanting this is condescending from you, by the tip
opposite the hand pointed, touching Earth, wanting stimulation, almost, to
what is born from one twig of the long sterility, whom is delivering the
people universal. Of this servitude you are benign and voluntary, and being
remitted from the protection of Mars spoiling Jupiter of all your honours
and dignity. For the city liberated, constituted and assisted in one other
briefly Mesopotamia41, and will be the chief and governor strutting from the
middle, and put to the place of the air, ignorant the conspirator of the
conspirators, with the second Trasibulus42, who for a long time has stated all
of this here.

1945 and lasting 73 years would suggest that the USA would not survive beyond
July 2018.
Tige – Short form of the Roman name Tigellius which refers to two musicians,
the older one being a contemporary of Cicero, and the modern one being a censurer
of Horace. Also may be short for Tigellinius, a favourite of Emperor Nero who
committed suicide.
Mesopotamia – The fertile region located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
in what is today Baghdad Iraq.
Thrasybulus – An Athenian general who defeated the Spartan Oligarchy called
the Thirty Tyrants in 403 B.C. The Spartan domination had lasted only one year
being installed in 404 B.C following the Athenian loss of the Peloponnesian war.
Then the impure, the abominations will be by great shame objected
and manifested to the darkness of the mighty darkness, ceasing diverse the
end of changing of his queen, and the keys of the Church will be in behind
the love of god and more entering of your apostatizing of the real faith, and
of three sects, the one of middle, by the cultures of you there will be one
little put in decadence.
The prime total by Europe, the most part of the rubbing
exterminated of the tierce. Better the poverty of spirit, than by the
insensitive raising from the luxurious adulterine freedom. The mob is lifted
undertaken, chasing the adherents for legislators, and resembling that the
queens are feeblest by the Orientals that God the Creator has released Satan
from his infernal prison for giving birth to the great Dog and Doham, those
which will be indeed great fraction abominable to the Churches, that the
reds not the whites, without eyes not without hands, more not in judging,
and they will be raised their power.
While there will be made more persecution of the Churches that is
not ever mad. And on his doings will be born indeed great pestilence that
three parts of Earth, more that the two defrauding. Such those that have no
names, knowing not the appearance of fields and houses, and born the herb
by the roads the cities higher than the knees. And the clergy will be made
desolated, and the marital usurped, that which will be returning from the
city of the Sun from honeyed, and of isles Stechades43, and will be opened
the great chasm of the harbour, who takes her denomination to the marine
And will be made new incursions by the Maritimes beaches,
stealing the leap Castulum44 delivered of the first retaking Mahumetane45.
And will not be of their assailing vain, and to the motive that sometimes the
habitation of Abraham is in madness, will be assailed by persons who are
Jovialists in veneration.
And you their city of Achem will be environed and assailed of all
parts by a great power of men of weapons. Will be feebler their forces
Maritime by the westwards. And from this queen will be made great
desolation, and the greater quickly will be peopled, and the one who enters
inside will be comprised of the vengeance of the ire of God. And more
demure the grave from that much great veneration, by the space of a long

Castulum – From the Latin Castellum meaning a castle, fort, fortress, citadel
etc…in poetic reference usually refers to someone sitting in an elevated positioned,
often suggesting being enlightened.
Mahumetane – Latin compound consisting of Ma, which means something, is
mine. The word Humator, means he who hurries or rushes. The sentence should be
read “stealing the leap of defences and first the retaking he that hurries me”.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle to King Henry II
time under the serenity of the universal vision from the eyes of the Sky, of
the Sun and of the Moon. And will be converted the sacred place in
promotion of the group menu and great and adapted in substance profane.
O what a calamitous affliction will be to the females enclosures:
and meanwhile will be by the principal chief Oriental, the most part stirred
by the Septentrional and Westwards vanquish, and put to death, profligate
and the rest in flight, and his children that are mostly females imprisoned,
and meanwhile will be accomplished the Prophecy of the Royal Prophet.
How he has listened to the shackling lamentation, how the solitary Son of
Mother Earth is murdered.
Meanwhile, what great oppression will be made on who are the
Princes and the Royals governors, themselves from the one who will be
from the Maritime and Orient, and their language enters from great society:
The language of the Latin’s and the Arabs by the Punic46 communication,
and all will be your Kings, Oriental chasing the profligate, exterminating the
name of all by the better forces of the Kings of Aquilon47 and by the
proximity of our cycle by better the three unite secretly searching the dead.
And the one of the other is insidious by ambushes, and hardening
the renewal of the Triumvirate48 after seven years, the renaming of such a
sect will be his heard by the universe, and will be sustained by the sacrifice
of the Saint and Immaculate host, and will be while the two in number,
Lords of Aquilon, victorious on the Orientals and will be in you the one
making an indeed great noise and militant tumult, that you are all alone.
Oriental trembles from the frenzy of your brothers, not brothers
And for this, Sire, that by the discourse, I put your predictions near
confusing, and when this can be and the Advent of you, for the defaming of
times that is following, that he is not being nobody where very few conform
to the superior: which that much by Astronomic voice, that by others the
sacred scriptures, who is able to fail none, that indeed I wanted to put the
defaming of times in each single quatrain, I am able to do, but from all will
not be agreeable.
Not less that the interpreter close to you Sire, that your Majesty I
have granted ample power for the doing, for not giving cause to the
calumniator49 of my bites. All times happy, the years after the creation of
Punic – The language of the Carthaginians. As an adjective Punic means to
betray or have a treacherous character, to be the “Judas”.
Aquilon – The North, the North Wind, of the inhabitants of Aquilon. Also, the
medieval name of the region near Naples now called Lacedonia, north of Rome.
Triumvirate – From the Latin Triumvir meaning any group 3 men or women,
particularly when referring to the act of ruling, governing, dictating and managing.
Calumniator – A Latin word, one that is over scrupulous or overly anxious in his
work. From the Latin word Calumnia.
world, close from the powerful of Noah, are passing 1506 years, and after
the birth of Noah close to the perfect fabrication of the arc, approaching the
universal mandating, passing 600 years (Indeed the backs have been
Solitary or Lunar, or the ten mixed) I hold that which the sacred scriptures
hold who is Solar50.
And from the end of you here, 6 years Noah enters in the arc for
being saved of deluge: and here you are mad with deluge, universal on
Earth, and hard to the one year and two months. And after the end of
deluge just to the nativity of Abraham, passing the number of years is 295.
And after Isaac just to Jacob, 60 years, from the hour that He enters
in Egypt just to your exit, the one passing of 130 years. And after me the
exit of Egypt just to the edification of the Temple made by Solomon, to the
4 years of his queen, passing 480 or four twenty (80) years. And after the
edification of temple close to Jesus Christ, according to the computation of
hieroglyphics, passing 490 years. And seeing by this computation that I
have made, collected by the sacred letters, are environ 4173 years and 8
months, more or less: gold of Jesus Christ in that by the diversity the sects I
And having computed and calculated the present Prophecies, that
all are according to the order of the chain who contains her revelation, that
they are all by Astronomic doctrines, and according to my natural instinct,
and after several times and in you this understood after the times that Saturn
who turns enters from seven of months of April, just to the 15 of August,
Jupiter from 14 of June just to the 7 October. Mars after the 17 of April
just to the 22 of June, Venus after 9 of April just to the 22 of May, Mercury
after the 3 of February just to the 24. A short time ago.
And after the first of June, just to the 24. A short time ago, and of
25th of September, just to the 16 of October, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in
Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in one month in
Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, the moon in Aquarius the witness of
Dragon51 in Libra.
There waiting from his sign opposite, follows one conjunction of
Jupiter from Mercury with one quadrant aspect of March from Mercury, and
the witness of the Dragon will be with one conjunction of Sun from Jupiter.
The year will be pacified without eclipse, and not of all, and will be the
Solar – This can refer to a person, place, thing or a thought that has originated
from the Sun or pertains to it. It can also refer to something that is produced by the
action of the Sun or influenced by its activity.
Dragon – A mythic beast originating in the Teutonic (Germanic) lore,
characterized by breathing fire. In derogatory manner, the term dragon may refer to
a violent or a man or woman that is easily upset. In the New Testament the Dragon
is equated with Satan. Revelations 20:2 “And he laid hold of the Dragon, the
serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years”.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle to King Henry II
beginning, comprising of the one hardening, and commencing you this year
will be made greater persecution from the Church Christian, that nothing is
being made in Africa.
And harder this just to, from the year thousand seven hundred
ninety two that they have cooked being one renovation of cycle: after
beginning the people Roman of its redressing and of several chasing
obscure darkness, receiving several few of their pristine clarity, not without
great division and continual changes.
Coming in after in great force, and powerful raising his aisles
indeed very high, not saying barely to the forces of the ancient Rome. And
in these here times great sails Byzantines52 associated to the Ligurians53 by
the support and powerful Aquilonaire, several given hoping that of two
Cretonnes54, not them will be the faith held. The arcs edified by the ancient
Martian is accompanying to the wave of Neptune.
In the Adriatic will be made discord great is that will be united will
be separated, approaching of house is that before being and is great city,
understanding the Pompotam55 the Mesopotamia of the Europe from forty
five and others of forty one, forty two, and thirty seven. And in those times,
of her, and in you these are against the powerful infernal, placing from the
encounter of the Church of Jesus Christ the powerful of adversaries of her
The second Antichrist will be that which persecutes you, the
Church and his real Vicar, by better of the powerful of Kings temporal, who
will be in their ignorance seduced by language. Who is tabling more that
none sword enter the hands of the insensitive. The sow speaking queen of
the Antichrist not hardened that just to the defilement of this, not being near
of the age and of the other from the city of Plancus56 accompanied of the
visitant of only support, by iron made, maintained by the Adriatic Ligurians,
and of the proximity of the great Trinacrie57

Byzantines – Being or relating to the ancient city of Byzantine, or its inhabitants.
The city was named Constantinople during the Roman Empire, and today is the city
of Istanbul Turkey.
Ligurians – The Ligurians were a people of Italy. Their region named Liguria
was located in northwestern Italy on the Ligurian sea.
Cretonnes – From the French Cretin, a person who is afflicted with cretinism or
in slang an idiot. Also used to objectify a person who is deformed or mentally
Pompotam – From the Latin words Pompo meaning magnificently ordered,
pompous or splendid, and Tam meaning so, so much or as. Tam is predominantly
used between two adjectives. This is most likely a reference to “pomposity”.
Plancus – A Roman Surname, and the Lieutenant stationed in Egypt by Julius
Caesar following the conquest of Egypt by the Roman Empire.
Trinacrie – Trinacria is an ancient Roman name for the island of Sicily.
Then passing the word Jovis, the Gallic Hercules , accompanied of
indeed great number that of well long the Empire of her great law will be
present, and meanwhile and several times after the blood of Innocents will
be arched profusely by the wicked one few arisen: while by great deluge the
memory of things continuous of such instruments receives innumerable
loss, themselves the letters, who will be diverse the Aquilonaires, by the
wish divine, and enter one time laying Satan.
And will be made peace universal between the humans and will be
delivered the Church of Jesus Christ of all tribulation, how many that by the
Azonic59 wanting themselves inside the honey of faith, and their pestilent
seduction: and this one will be near of seventh millennium, that more the
sanctuary of Jesus Christ will not be concluded by the infidels who come of
the Aquilon, the world approaches of several great conflagration how many
that by my reckoning sin my prophecies, the course of times goes very well
Inside the Epistle that your year’s pass has deduced from my son
Cesar, Nostradamus I have tried with apprehension to declare each point
without presage. But here, O Sire, are comprised more great and
marvellous arrivals, that the one who comes after the arrival. And hardened
you the computation Astrological confer to the sacred letters, the
persecution of men Ecclesiastic60 takes his origin by the powerful of Kings
Aquilonaires, united with the Orientals.
And this persecution hardened eleven years, several few less, that
while failing the principal King Aquilonaire, that which years are
accomplished arriving his united Meridian61, who persecutes again stronger
by the space of three years the men of Church, by the seduction apostolic, of
one who holds all power absolute from the Church militant and the sacred
people of God observing of her law. And all order of religion will be
greatly persecuted and striking such as that the blood of real Ecclesiastics,
swimming by all, and one of horrible Kings temporal by his adherence you
will be given such a praise, that he will more response of blood human of
innocents Ecclesiastic, that none not named will have of wine.
And He the King commits incredible forfeits towards the Church,
colouring the blood human by the rues public, and temples, like the water
by rain impetuous, and reddening the sea, that the rapport from one King
from the other of you will be said: The white daisy is red naval Neptune.

Gallic Hercules – The Gallic and Celtic equivalent of the Greek Heracles is called
Ogmium, or Ogmius Sun Face.
Azonic – Not confined to any region or locality.
Ecclesiastic – From the Latin Ecclesiasticus which means: of or pertaining to the
church or an officer of the church or temple.
Meridian – Pertaining to the highest point of culmination.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle to King Henry II
Then in the year yourself and the following is in after their more
horrible pestilence, and the more marvelous by the famine proceeding, and
indeed great tribulation that never has Advent such as after the first
foundation of the Church Christian, and by all the region secrets, demure by
the inquiries in not one against of Spain.
By while the third King Aquilonaire listens the plaint of people of
his principal title, training indeed great army, and passing by the Detroit of
his last advised and two elsewhere, who replaces there most part in his state,
and the great Vicar of the cape will be remit in his pristine state. But he is
desolated, and then of all abandoned, and the Sacred Sanctuary is turning,
destroyed by Paganism and the old and the New Testament will be chased,
And then after the Antichrist will be the Prince Infernal62, again by
the last faith trembling all the Royals for their Christianity and also the
infidels, by the space of twenty-five years. And there will be more grievous
wars and war-ships, and will be the cities, quickly chastening, and all the
others offices scorched, desolated, destroyed, with a great effusion of blood
vestal, marriages, and briars violated. The children of innocence, against
the walls of cities stricken and bruised, and that much of wrong is
committed by the better of Satan, prince infernal, that nearly the world
universal is found defunct and desolate. And before you the one arriving
when birds unusually crying by the air, Hah Hah! And will be after several
times yearning.
And after that such times have hardened long, will be near renewing
one other queen of Saturn, and cycle of Gold. God the creator says attend to
the affliction of his people. Satan will be put, and laid in the abyss of the
false reading in the profound fosse63. And therefore commencing enters
God and the men of one universal peace, and steadfast lying environed the
space of a thousand years, and turns in her greater force, the powerful
Ecclesiastic, and the turn desired.
That all your figures are justly adapted by the divine letters to the
things celestial visible, is being from naming by Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars,
and the other conspirers, like more from plain by no quadrants that have
been foreseen. I have calculated more profoundly, and adapted the ones
with the others. But seeing O Serene King, that several ones of the censure
finding difficulty, who will be cause of retiring my feather from my repose

Prince Infernal – A reference to the devil, Satan. One of many pseudonyms for
the spirit associated with death and suffering. Symbolic of the “Dark Prince” the
“Prince of Lies” etc…
Fosse – A ditch trench or moat built for protection or fortification.
Penalties, and also, O King all persons sovereign, noble and sane in
short winds, but whole in this, your Epistle is woven not influenced, nor in
volumes. But the intelligence is beseeched, fate has roughly fated,
extraordinary your libido is, otherwise of so great left in whole your honesty
and humanity grounded, affectionately practiced. How solitary greatness
and Regal Christianity has nominated, and the manners the main point so
often religion increased, deferred worthy are you to see.
But that much alone I of you require, O King very Clement64. By
you this is your singular and prudent humanity, of attending soon enough
the desire of my courage, and the sovereign study that I have of opposition
from your Serene Majesty. After that my eyes are inspired indeed close of
your splendour Solar, that the grandeur of my labour is not attained, not

From Salon, this 27th of June 1558.

Boldly, Michaël Nostradamus from Salon Petrae Prouence.

Clement – Both a name and a word meaning one who is mild in temper and
disposition, compassionate and or merciful. Made historically symbolic by
Clement August of Bavaria, a notoriously compassionate Archbishop of many
localities in former Prussia and prince bishop of Osnabruck Germany.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
MAY 2004

May 9
III. 52
When the greater one carries the prize
Of Nuremberg, of Auspurg & the one of Basle,
By Agrippine the chief Frank strong reprise,
Crossing by flames close to in Gale.

May 11
I. 61
The republic miserable unhappy,
Will be devastation of new Magistrate,
Their great crowd of the exile malfeasance,
Will be suave charm their big contract.

I. 66
The one who while carrying the new one,
After a little he comes breathing,
Living, turning, mount of iron & before her
Hail & storm, they will be joined worse.

I. 73
France you five parts by neglect assailed,
You except, Ariel stirring by pursuing,
Lion, this town, barrier rapid failed,
Has not the class by what comes to yours.

May 13
III. 8
The centres joined with their neighbours,
Ravaging comes near of the Spanish:
People turn over Guienne & polishing usual,
They are in league & they will be company.

III. 21
To the shell minimum by sea Hadriatic,
Manifests a horrible fish,
Of face human & the end aquatic,
Who is taking abroad of the fishhook.
May 15
V. 33
The predominant of city rebelling,
Who holds strong for freedom regained:
Cutting up masses unhappy melees,
Cries howling to flow; pity seen.

May 16
VI. 12
Training forces for getting into the Empire,
Of Vatican the blood Royal held:
Flames, Anglos, Spain with aspiration,
Against the Italy & France contends.

May 17
I. 5
By the country will be stronger grief:
Chase will be without making much struggle,
Because of affair, speak well, have course proven,
County & quickly will be greater debate.

I. 20
Files, gold lions, handsome, angel, affair & flow,
Quickly annoyed by sudden changing:
By language strange will be attempts tempted,
Rivers, offers, denials, earth & sea trembling.

I. 33
Near of a large bridge of plain spacious,
The big lion by force Caesarian,
Will be beaten while quickly rigorous,
By broken door you will be repressed.

I. 60
An Emperor born near of Italy,
Who you the Empire will be sold very dear,
Saying with which people he is rallied,
That has found you less Prince than butcher.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
I. 74
After this day set posing in the worse,
The big assistance comes towards old to occur,
The black hair shaking held strong you the Empire,
Beard of bronze the roasting in breach.

I. 75
The tyrant his occupying soap,
The strong wins holding class marine,
The two armies by the mark of elbow,
By unrestrained the chief is in examine.

I. 86
The great Queen when is towards vanquish,
Will be excess of masculine courage:
On horse river passes by entirely nude,
Following by iron, you who are will be outraged.

I. 99
The large monarch who will be company,
With two kings united by fathers sister,
O what suspicion will be the great mansion,
Child speaks well you all around what kindness.

May 18
II. 19
Newly charmed, place defenses without defense,
Taking place, for while inhabited:
Sweet, houses, fields, towns taken to pleasuring,
Hunger, plague, war wings, long work.

II. 20
Brother & sisters in diverse locations captives,
They are found passing near of Monarch,
They contemplate his rows in judgement,
Displeased see chin, forehead, nose the marks.

II. 39
One year before the conflict Italian,
German, Gaulois, Spaniards for the strong,
Pricey the schoolhouse of republic,
Where, from place small will be suffocated deaths.

II. 41
The great, star by seven days scorched,
New will be two Suns appearing,
The fat mastiff all the night howls,
When the great Pontiff changes of terror.

II. 60
The faith punished in Orient rumpus,
Gang, to play & moisture, legal & touching changes,
When of mule the hunger will be rejected,
Class mischievous blood & bodies swimming.

II. 75
The voice yes of the unusual bird,
On the canon of breathing staged:
So loud comes of wheat the drinking,
That the man of men will be in front of spread out.

II. 76
Thunder in Burgundy will be affair Gateway,
That by engine man cannot in turn do,
Of their senses sacrifice made shut in,
Will be known to the enemies the affair.

II. 94
Hailstorm, great pain for Gaulois disappearing,
Vain terror to the husband Lion:
People infinite by the sea overtaking,
Without fleeing one fourth of one thousand.

II. 96
Flaming ardent to the sky will be seen,
Close to the end & principles of dewdrop,
Famine, sword, late the assistance for seeing,
The pursue turning in will be special dish.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
May 19
III. 20
By the tremble of Grand River foolish act,
Afar of Iber to the royalty of Grenada,
Belief re-pushed by people in unison,
One of heart hesitant dragged against.

III. 23
Indeed, France, passes beyond sea of bastard lovage,
You are towards in isles & seas enclosed,
My omit against more sea Hadriatic,
Horses & of asses you nibble the bones.

III. 25
Who to the royal voyage arriving,
When the sober & nap they will be joined,
Bigotry & wool is by occasion have held,
Of one who of Spanish will be by much conjoined.

III. 43
Men of the interior of tardy, lot & chatting,
Guarding the mounts of wings passing by,
Yours is falling near of Rome & of elbow,
The black hair curled will be trophy tamed.

III. 49
Queen Gaulois you will be well changed,
In place agreed the Empire extensively,
In other laws & mowers will be arranged.
Roadway & charters you will be well of worse.

III. 80
Of queen Anglo the indignity hunted,
The counsel, by ire put to fire:
His adherents are indeed low traced,
That the bastard will half receive.

III. 84
The great city will be quite desolate,
Of the inhabitants one only will not be killing,
Wall, sex, temple & briar violated,
By iron, fire, plague, canon, people killing.
III. 90
The big satire & tiger of corruption,
Gift presented to that of the ocean:
A chief of the class you are of poetry,
Who takes the land to the tyrant preferably.

May 20
IV. 1
That of remainder of blood not crooked,
Comes who of assistance being given,
After what is well long time waiting,
Quickly delivered to the first horn sounded.

IV. 21
The changing will be very difficult,
City province to the change profit will be,
Heart high, prudence placed, chases him clever,
Sea, earth, people, his state changes.

IV. 23
The legion in the marine class,
Tread on, greatly, suffer & smears scorching,
The long repose of the evening spot,
Postage pickle, property the fire they consume you.

IV. 37
Gaulois by leaps, mounts become penetrated,
Occupy the large place of the intoxicated:
To the more profound her bones will be entered,
Young man, advised pushed in class shame.

IV. 42
Young woman & languish by this of charter & grief,
And by repeat captive to the mountain threshold,
Indeed exceptions, the ring by fraudulent grief,
They are dragging by gold sixty Marc.

IV. 59
Two are seized in ardent passion,
Of evening is tainted for two plain cups,
The strong threshold & an old man preserve,
To the brothel of Nira monster traces.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
IV. 60
The seven children in hostage left,
The third comes his child’s slaughter,
Two by his son will be of thrusting pierced,
Gennes, Florence, while comes erected.

IV. 67
Year that Saturn & Mars alike consumed,
The appearance strong dry, long projection:
By fires secrets, of ardent Grand place scorched,
Little rain, wind, heat, wars, incursions.

IV. 73
The impure large by force proven,
The passion done of heart timid,
Made of Iron & cunning the boss is proven,
By while who at night does the pantomime.

May 21
V. 1
Before coming of ruin Celtic,
Inside the temple two talk driving out,
Pointed heart, of one assemble to the course & traps,
Without making noise the large entering.

V. 4
The thick mastiff of city chased,
Will be angry of the strange alliance,
After to the fields has the chief chased,
The wolf & the bears are giving defiance.

V. 23
The two happily will be united together,
When the greater part to Mars will be conjoined:
The large of rubbing in unrestrained & trembling,
Court of two by the class they are disjoined.

V. 47
The great in fury walks well ahead,
Dragged will be by the Sister-in-laws,
The antique whimpers he comes to the front.
And greater pain by rigid rags.
V. 57
It is Du Mont Gaulsier & arriving,
Who by the finding advertises to the army,
Between two rocks will be taken the purpose,
Of sex mild failing the renaming.

V. 72
For the pleasure of declaring $ delightful,
Has stirred the poison in the law:
Venus will be in class indeed virtuous,
That dislikes whom of Sun all to the law.

V. 87
Year that Saturn will be during of servitude,
To the strong terror will be of water flooding:
Of blood three will be in her marriage,
And will be that of Spain coming around.

V. 90
In the cycles in destroying & Larisse,
Inside spread all around the exile set,
Indeed great famine, plague, by false plots,
Nine months yours & all around the dearest.

May 22
VI. 17
After the files scorch them without,
Against will be changing garments various:
The satisfied burning by the mousing about,
While the most part who will not be mousing about.

VI. 41
The second chief of queen Denmark,
By that of curls & the isle Britannic,
Will be depending more of hundred thousand marc,
Vain exploit journey in Italian.

VI. 43
Long time will be without being habituated,
Where innocent & Mar no hawk comes aroused,
Of the Tammy & marital temptation,
Deceive the guards in cooking repulsed.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
VI. 44
Of night by floats lyrics manifested,
Of arts sailors rekindled the rain:
Frenzied golfer large class melted,
A monster in Saxony born of bear & sow.

VI. 66
To the melting of the new sect,
Will be the bones of large Roman found,
Grave in marble appearing opened,
Earth trembles in April, pain maddening.

VI. 78
Shout victory of large salty croissant,
By the Romans will be the eagle closed,
To ashes, thousands & young man not agree,
Then by that one himself low large enclosed.

VI. 73
In city great a monk & artisan,
Close to the door lodging & to the walls,
Against moderate secret, basement rich,
Dragged for doing under colour of engagement.

VI. 95
By detracting calamity to then not have:
When those are made enormous & marital:
The lesser part dubious to that is born,
And soon to the queen will be made partial.

May 23
V. 30
All to the entire of the great city,
Will be soldiers dwelling at fields & town,
Given the assault Paris, Rome incited,
On the bridge while will be done great plunder.
May 27
I. 17
By forty years the laughter not appearing,
By forty years all the days will be wanted,
The earth arid in sober knowing,
And great deluge when will be uncovered.

All nearby of from, of lecture & Miranda,
Great fire of sky in three nights falling,
Reason to come from very foolish & Miranda,
Very few after the earth trembles.

I. 77
Among two seas tamed promontory,
That then dying by the bites of horse,
The temple Neptune folded woolly black,
By hidden & class nearby of rock hard.

I. 84
Moon obscured to the profound darkness,
His brother pass of colour rusty:
The great hidden long time under the darkness,
Holding iron in the scourge bloody.

I. 87
In us therefore fire of centre of earth,
Will be trembling throughout of city new:
Two large rocks long times fertility the war,
Then to refuse redden new river.

VII. 83
Wind warm, counsel tears, timidity,
Of night to the bed assailed without the weapons,
Of oppression great calamity,
The wedding song converts tears & tears.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
May 28
II. 13
The bodies without love more is not in sacrifice,
Day of death put in nativity,
The spirit Divine will be the love happy,
Seeing the action in his eternity.

II. 55
In the conflict the great who can have power,
To his last will be affair wonderful,
While the Hadrie towards what he fails,
In the banquet firstly the organic one.

IX. 11
The just from tort to death they have become placed,
Publicly & of middle upright:
Indeed great plague in the place becomes born,
That they judge fleeing will be opposed.

May 29
III. 22
Six days the assault before city given,
Delivered will be strong & rough battle,
Three the rendering & from the one forgiven,
The rest to fire & to blood cut waistline.

III. 28
Of earth feeble & poor parent she,
By peak & peace arriving in the Empire,
Long times ruling one young female,
Who has in queen not in madness one indeed worse.

III. 91
The tree that has by long-time death dried,
In one night $ come to dream say:
Lame, King sick, prince feet untied,
Fear of enemies will be wool rebound.
III. 96
Chief of trench has throat sliced,
By the doctor of file & hers,
The made avoid by the one Du Mont trapped,
Saturn in Leo thirteenth February.

III. 99
To the fields herbal of to the undertaking & fiery,
Du Mont the source near of the harsh tongue,
Camp of two parts conflict will be indeed nasty,
Between rivers of failing in the France.

May 30
IV. 43
Will be yes to the sky weapons strike,
The one-year harvesting the divine enemies:
Want the laws sacred $ unjustly discuss,
By fraud & war well knowing to death put.

IV. 50
Libra towards ruling the perjures,
Of sky & earth taking the Monarchy,
Of Asia vigour neither not towards skilled,
That seven not holding by turn the Hierarchy.

May 31
V. 3
The successor of the Duchy comes,
A lot more beyond than the sea of Tuscany,
Gauloise branch the pouring held,
In his Giron of agreement nautical roar.

V. 31
Where all good is all well Sun & Moon,
Is abundant her ruin is approaching,
Of sky is advancing vain your luck,
In themselves that the seventh rock.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
V. 37
Three hundreds will be of one wanting & agreed,
That for coming to the peak of their attention:
Twenty months after all & records,
Their King dragged together heinous faint.

V. 40
The blood royal will be indeed three stirring,
Against will be Gaulois of the oath breaking,
Have awaited what term that is flowing,
And the memory of the voice that is graceful.

V. 67
When chief Peruvians no raising her clothes,
Sense to the covered all nude is accessible,
Will be taken seven made aristocratic,
The father & son deaths by point to the assembling.

V. 81
The bird royal on the city solar,
Seven months in front will be nocturnal augury:
Wall of Orient costly thunder is clear,
Seven days to the doors the enemies to the hour.
JUNE 2004

June 1
VI. 5
Indeed great famine by one of pestilence,
By raining long the long of Pole Arctic:
Samarobryn hundred places of the hemisphere,
Living without law, exempt of political.

VI. 15
Underneath the fall will be found the prince,
That has the prize by underneath your woman:
The Spaniard King in goat’s horn slender,
Faint & dragged by the great fast woman.

VI. 21
When that of pole the arctic united together,
In Orient great unbridled & feared,
Visitant new sustaining the great temple,
Wheels, sister-in-law of blood barbaric tainted.

VI. 42
To Logmion will be left the queen,
Of great salty who more will be made,
By the Italians extend his insignia,
Queen will be by prudence against doing.

VI. 77
By the victory of deceit fraudulent,
Two classes one, the revolt German,
The chief murdered & his son in the tent,
Flowing, contrary for chasing in Roman.

June 8
X. 87
Graduate King comes to take port near of Nisse,
The great Empire of the death indeed will be in,
To the Anti-pol they pose her kind,
By sea the pillage all is yearning novelty.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2004
June 10
V. 50
The year the brothers of Lis will be in age,
The one of who holds the great Roman,
Trembling the mounts opens Latin passage,
Peace walks against strong of weapons.

June 14
IX. 36
A great king prized among the hands of a young.
Not far from Easter, confusion, knock culture,
Perpetual hurried time! The Lightning in the one,
Three brothers while are wounded & walled.

June 17
They exiled by ire, heinous intestines,
Secretly placed enemies by the expression,
Will be to the King great conspiracy:
And his old temples against his sedition.

I. 31
That much of years the wars, in Gaule hardened,
Beyond the course of purely Monarch,
Victory uncertain three greats crowning,
Eagle, cock, moon, lion, sun in mark.

I. 58
Tabling the belly, born with two witness,
And four arms, some not entire life,
Day who Aquilonian celebrates his party,
Spread rationally, Thurin, chief of iron herself.

I. 90
Riverside, Poitiers, from his of the bell,
To large class ire almost to the angel,
Against Gaulois will be their strangers,
When monsters hideous born near of festivities.
I. 94
To the port salty the tyrant put you death,
The liberty not for that much recovery,
The new Mars by assuming & dead again,
Lady by the agreement of unrestrained honouring.

June 18
II. 3
For the heat solar under the sea,
Of NegrePonte the fishes half cooked,
The habitants they become cut into,
When dim & Gennes they fake the cookie.

II. 5
When in fish iron & letter enclosed,
While leaving who udder will be the war,
Have by sea her class well rowed,
Manifesting near of Latin earth.

II. 12
Eyes closed opened of ancient fantasy,
The clothes of alone will be put to not before:
The great monarch chastening their restraint,
Ravished the temples the treasure by before.

II. 29
The oriental leaves of his siege,
Passing the mounts to make clear, seen the Gaule,
Across pierced of sky the waters & snows,
In one each hitting of his Gaule.

II. 30
One who the Gods of Hannibal infernally,
Will be reborn unrestrained of humans,
Have more of horror, no worse journeys,
The advent comes by Babel to the Romans.

II. 38
Of condemned will be made one large number,
When the monarchs will be assembled:
But the one who is comes indeed wrongly to ruin,
The wars in together will not be rallied.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2004
II. 44
The eagle poses around of pavilions,
By others birds of around will be chasing,
When noise of symbols, barrels and sounds,
Rendering the senses of the lady senseless.

II. 47
The enemy great old mourning murder of poison,
The sovereigns by infinite attachment,
Stones raining hidden under the sheep’s fleece,
By death things in vain are alleged.

II. 77
By arcs, fires, smears & by fire pushed again,
Cry out, howling on the midnight yes:
Inside are put by the defenses affairs,
By accusations the surrenders exist.

June 19
I. 48
Twenty years of queen of the moon passing,
Seven thousand years other holds her Monarchy:
When the Sun takes his days bored,
While accomplishing & expressing my prophecy.

I. 78
Of a chief old man born senses ploughed,
Disgrace by know how & by weapons
The chief of France by her on income,
Fields divided, concede to the people patrolman.

II. 61
Good Job! however, Gironde & the boulders,
Of blood three in death to the port of the flesh,
Backside the river to the strong misery the ladder,
Peaks fire great homicide under the breach.

II. 82
By hunger the prey will be wolfs prisoner,
The assailant while in extreme distress:
One has not had to the front of the last,
The great does not escape to the middle of the press.
III. 5
Near distant default of two big understandings,
Who on coming between April & Mars,
O what charity! But two great debonair,
By earth & sea are running all the parts.

III. 11
The weapons strike to the sky long season,
The tree in the middle of the city falls,
Vermin, ask not, sword in face tyrant,
While the monarch of Hadrie succumbs.

III. 13
By lightning in the chest gold & money erected,
Of two captive the one the other eats,
Of the city the greater listening,
When submerged the class swims.

III. 32
The large tomb of people of Aquitaine,
Is approaching nearby of the Tuscan,
When Mars will be near of corner Germanic,
And to the terror of the man Mantuane.

III. 33
In the city where the wolf enters,
Well near of there the enemies will be:
Supply strange large country the belly,
To the walls & Alps the friends passing by.

III. 48
Seven hundred captives attached rudely,
For the monthly murdering, given the strong:
The close hairy coming indeed promptly,
But not if enough that one fifteenth dead.

III. 64
The chief of pursue keep large at one time gift,
Class trireme against man my omitted,
Of direction & moderation & pillages the cycles of,
Rest long time to the grand port Ionian.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2004
III. 86
One chief of in sound to the Spaniard ire,
By sea will be stop inside Marseille,
Before her death a long time tonguing,
After her death they have towards great very well.

III. 98
Two royal brothers indeed strong warring,
That among them will be the war indeed death hers,
That one each location-strong occupation:
Of queen & life will be their big quarrel.

June 20
IV. 28
While that Venus of Sun will be covered,
Under the splendour will be form secret,
Compensation in fire they have uncovered,
By noise militant will be put to the insult.

IV. 40
The fortress they siege cruelly,
By powder to fire profound in abysmal:
The betrayers will be both alert turned on,
Have in sacrifices not Advent indeed pious schism.

IV. 51
Want boss Cupid his enemy in herself,
In entering unprevented the spear,
Hasten to foot indeed near coming for following,
That the day conflict near of brothel.

June 21
I. 18
By the discord negligent Gauloise,
Will be passage you I omit opened,
Of blood shake the earth & sea old man,
The port rather of wools & sins covered.
V. 5
Under shadow sacred of rising of servitude,
People & city the usurping you-yourself,
Worse will be by false of young considered,
Delivered to the field of lilies the false fight.

V. 9
Nearby the foundation the large arc demolished,
By chief captive the friend anticipates,
Born of lady frontage face horseman,
Then by strict the boss to the death captures.

V. 10
One chief Celtic in the conflict wounded,
Nearby of basement seeing her dead beaten:
Of blood & calamities & of enemies pressed,
And assistance by unrecognized of four.

V. 16
At his high prize the lavish sword,
Of humane flesh for death in ashes placed,
To the isles quivers cruisers disturb,
Then to the Rhodes prepared hard inspection.

V. 22
Before that to Rome large islet rendered the love,
Unrestrained large from the army estranged:
By baiting the ambush near of Parma,
Then the two reds together will be costly.

V. 26
The man encaged by one hour martial,
Comes in high degree that much is raised:
Changing prince, born one provincial,
Passing the sea supply to the mounts lifted.

V. 64
They assemble by rest of large number,
By earth & sea, consent against order,
Near of the autumn, Gennes, never of the shadow,
By fields & towns the chief contraband.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2004
V. 82
To the conclusion of peace while of the fortress,
Not leaving you in the hopes placed:
When the one of alibi, of neglect against small,
Will have mounts deceived cow falls of enemies.

V. 91
To the large walking that has said of thought bears,
Of peak torrent & camp Athenian:
Will be surprised by the horse’s collections,
By the banishment Mars, Lion, Sat. one version.

V. 98
To forty-eight degrees climaxing,
To the end of Cancer indeed great draught,
Fish in sea river, lake cooked hectic,
Fortunate, bigotry by fire sky in distress.

June 22
IV. 16
The city shattered of liberty made serve,
Of profligates & renewal made pure:
The King changing, to that is not indeed protested,
Of hundred will be coming more of thousand.

IV. 61
The old mocking & privy of her place,
By the stranger who the instigation:
Hands of his son ate in front of her face,
The brothers to treaty, gold lion, and roadway dragged.

VI. 8
The one who in queen for knowing,
To the royal change of coming appropriately,
Ones exiled without approach, gold not had,
Letters & letters will not be to great taken.

VI. 9
To the sacred temples will be made scandals,
Counting will be by honours & praise,
Of one that has grave of money of gold the medals,
The end will be in abuse well strange.
VI. 11
Of seven twigs from three will be reward,
The more well known will be surprised by death,
Broken on account of the two will be seduced,
They conspire in sleeping will be deaths.

VI. 16
That which shames will be of young warrior,
By the Normans of France & pitching:
The blacks of temple of place black people go,
Will be auburn & fire of Lombardy.

VI. 22
Inside the earth of grand temple concealed,
Unclean to laundry by peace faint murder,
The bark then becoming resolved matter,
Liberty faint will be to the horn & cry.

VI. 99
The enemy learned is turning confused,
Grand camp sickness & of made by ambushes,
Mounts Pyrenees & punish you will be made refuse,
Close of river-uncovered ancients beg dear.

June 24
VI. 84
The one that in spreading of key cannot rule,
He will be that much by voice seductive:
That by court, long, there will be spider,
That against King will be her perspective.

June 26
V. 25
The prince of fury, Mars, Sun, Venus, Lion,
Queen of church by sea succumbs:
Away from the pursuit well near of one million,
Sister-in-law, selfish, versing serpent invades.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2004
VIII. 75
The father & sons will be mousing together,
The one in charge inside his pavilion,
The mother from files of sons wind has in tears,
Hidden emerald of leafs butterfly.

June 28
VIII. 49
Satire to the beef plays in the cause, Mars in flesh,
Six of February mortality given,
The one of tardiness to stupidity indeed large breach,
That to Cambridge chief barbarian murdered.

IX. 46
Voided, pride of Tholose the reds,
Of sacrifice made plundering,
The chief of wrong under the shadow of courage,
Death strangled because of no nominating.
JULY 2004

July 18
III. 15
Heart, vigour, glory, the queen changed,
Of all points, against has been his adversary:
While France infancy by death subdued,
The large regent will be while more against.

July 21
III. 71
That of in the isles of long times seized,
Taking vigour force against enemies,
That of by outside deaths of hungers profligate,
In bigger hunger that never will be placed.

July 24
VI. 49
Of the party of mutter large pontiff,
Subdued the confines of Danube:
Chasing the cross by iron raff not riff,
Captive, gold, rings, more of hundred thousand shames.

VI. 53
The big warrior Celtic from King suspect,
Of night by course leaving while of queen:
By boss fertile from his great King, Bretagne,
Sister-in-law from so near & you not suspected.

July 28
II. 89
Doug who will be halves the two big mothers,
Their large ability is towards augmenting:
The Newfoundland will be in your highs being,
To the bloodthirsty the number told.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2004
July 29
III. 18
After the rain milk, claim longing,
In more places of Reims the sky touched,
O what conflict of blood near of you is approved!
Fathers & sons, Kings not daring approach.

July 30
I. 56
You are right enough & late to make a big change,
Horrors extremes & vindications,
That indeed the moon driven by his angel,
The sky is approaching of inclinations.

IV. 95
The queen from two allowed very few holding,
Three years seven months passed was the war:
The two vestals against rebelling,
Victor then has not in equipping earth.

X. 58
To the times of duel that the happy monarch,
Scarce will be the young Aemathien:
Gaule shaking, exciting the bark,
Tempting boundaries to the laying under hold.

July 31
VI. 80
Of speed the queen arriving from the one of Europe,
Fire their city & razor tabled:
The large of Asia earth & sea to large group,
That blues, pursue, cross from dead of chasing.

August 5
VII. 4
The boss of languish seized inside grief,
Accompanied at the rising & lioness:
This nave, is for joining that of strange grief,
Passing the mounts relates the attempts.

VII. 36
God, the sky all the divine verb from the wave,
Carried by reds seven razed from sister-in-law,
Against the concerns three hundred of wood erect,
Two laws placed & bound, then trust.

August 6
VIII. 41
Visitant will be refusing not celebrating word,
Doing the sacred public living loaf of barley,
Tyranny after that much to a cop,
Placed to foot the larger on the throat.

August 8
IX. 4
The year following uncovered by deluge,
Two chiefs visited, the first not taken,
Of fleeing shadow from the one of you the refuge,
Pursed affair who first supports.

X. 98
The splendour clear to the maid joyous,
Not who is longer time will be without salt:
With merchants, rural area, wolf odious,
All pell-mell inclinations universal.
Donum Olim Occultas -- August 2004
IX. 55
The horrible war that in the west is approved,
The year in following comes the pestilence,
Indeed strong horrible not young, old not bested,
Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.

August 9
X. 34
Gaulois the Empire by war occupied,
By his handsome brother unimportant will be dragged,
By horse rude ancient giant training,
Of doing the brother long times will be these.

X. 43
The too good times, too much of goodness royal,
Done & defects promptly, sudden, negligence,
Proper believing false of spouse loyalty, He
He put to death by her benevolence.

X. 54
Born in the earth by concubine fertile,
To the two high misery by the trysts newer,
Among enemies will be taken captured,
And loving from wronging & grinding her teeth.

X. 75
That much attending not returning ever,
Inside the Europe, in Asia manifesting,
One of the league exits of grand Hermes,
And on all Kings the Orients believed.

X. 99
The end the wolf, the lion, beef & the ass,
Timid lady will be with mastiffs,
More not dear from the one the soft manner,
More vigilance & custody to the mastiffs.
August 19
I. 28
The tower of bouquet fears mad Barbaric,
One time, long time after bark perjury,
Beasts, people, mumbles you all two cruel very late,
Taurus & Libra what mortal sting.

August 20
The & hundred; tear of the & hundred; your great pains to the cheater,
Beast in theatre, tamed the game scenic,
Of made ancient enabled the inventor,
By this & hundred; your world confused & schismatic.
Donum Olim Occultas - September 2004

September 7
IX. 7
Who opens the monument finds,
And does not come turned on properly,
Pain is coming & not for proving,
If preferable will be King Breton or Norman.

IX. 85
Passing by Guienne, languedoc & the dewdrop,
Of a man holds of marble & the cheat,
Of opening by faith partition, rather hold his throne,
Conflict nearby sacred pearl of gentleness.

September 14
IX. 51
Against the reds sects are gathering,
Fire, water, iron, rope by peace the expressions,
To the point murder the one who drives,
For one that on all Earth is ruined.

September 18
VIII. 6 (B)
That what is desired has Princes estranged!
Guard you well that in your country no living,
There will be of terrible dangers,
In hands against, themselves in the living.

September 20
X. 67
The trembling indeed strong to the month of May,
Saturn, attack, Jupiter, Mercury to the beef:
Venus also, Cancer, Mars in not having,
Falling the hail while fatter than an egg.
X. 71
The earth & the air freeze indeed grand water,
While that have come for Friday respect,
You who will be never fire indeed handsome,
Of four parts the coming honour.

X. 83
Of battling will not be given signal,
Of park will be contrary of leaving from,
Of asshole entire will be known the insignia,
Who will be placed of all hers to bits.

X. 88
Feet & horse from the second old,
Will be entering devastation all by the sea,
Inside the hair enters of Marseille,
Tears, cries & blood, has at no time indeed loved.

When the fork will be sustained of two Paus,
With six half hearts & six scissors opened:
The very strong Lord, inheriting of drunkenness,
Then subjugated, under agreed the entire universe.

September 24
IV. 82
Mass is approaching comes of enslaved,
The Old tripod olds city ruining:
Strong desolated towards her Roman,
Then the grand flame is so large not naming.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004

October 8
VIII. 4 (B)
Plenty of people want to speak mind,
To the grand’s seniors who they will be the war,
Have not wanted in nothing they listen,
The weary! Indeed God not transmit peace on earth.

October 10
X. 16
Happy to the queen of France happy of life,
Ignorant blood death fury & ravishing,
By not flattering will be put in envy,
King disrobes too much of faith in kitchen.

X. 72
The year 1999 seven months,
Of sky comes one great King of wildness,
Resuscitating the great King of Mongols,
Before after Mars ruled by good hour.

October 11
I. 79
Kisses, lecture, establishment, stern, agitated,
Stirred by laws, complaints & monopoly,
Because of border, trolls, Bay placed in ruin,
Renewing want their worshiping.

IV. 56
After victory of robust language,
The spirit tempted in tranquility & composure:
Victor bloody by conflict made property,
Roasting the language & the flesh & the bones.
October 12
I. 82
When columns of wood great trembling,
Of stern driving covered in disgrace,
That much void abroad one assembly,
Trembling come not & the country of sternness.

II. 16
Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,
Newer tyrants, beaming, fires swift,
Forces of longing, brothels, she grinds & sucks,
Great this tomb, triumph, made to hurry.

II. 21
The Ambassador envoy by Biremes,
To put – path of unknown re-pushed,
Of such reinforcement come four triremes,
Cords & chains in NegrePonte trestle.

II. 65
The park inclined great calamity,
By the perjury & from underneath will be,
The fire in sin, plague & captivity,
Mercury in the arc, Saturn window.

October 13
II. 23
Palace birds, by bird of chasing,
Soon enough after the prince arrived,
How many that from the river enemy re-pushed,
Outside seize trait of bird undertaken.

III. 60
By all Asia great for writing,
Themselves in misery, reading & pompous Philly:
Blood versing by absolution,
Of one young black reply of felony.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004
III. 61
The grand group & sect torment,
Is training in Mesopotamia,
Of nearby river companies gather,
That such the law holding for enemy.

October 14
III. 27
Prince passionate powerful in westward,
French of Arabic comes that much inflamed:
Knowledge to the letters will be condescending,
The language Arabic into French translated.

III. 97
Newer law earth new occupied,
Towards the Syria, Jewish & Palestine,
The great empire Barbaric corrupted,
Before the spirit his cycle determined.

IV. 75
Close to the struggle will be defection,
Chief adversary obtains the victory:
The backside guarded will be defection,
They of failing, death to the white territory.

October 15
IV. 8
The grand city of assault pronouncing & repenting,
Surprise of night, guards interrupting:
The excuses & old saint Quintin,
Butcher guards & the doorway they parted.

IV. 74
Of lake threshold & the one of Bran not idle,
All assembled against this one of Aquitaine,
Germans plenty again more are yours,
Will be defect with the one of humane.
V. 80
Logmion great mother-in-law approaches,
Chased will be the barbaric league,
The two laws the one the timing run riot,
Barbarian & shattered in perpetual brigand.

VI. 90
The respectable stinkers abominable,
After the doing will be happiness,
Grand excused, for not being favourable.
That to peace Neptune will not be incited.

October 16
VI. 34
Of fire steering the driving,
Comes to trouble to the grand chief under siege:
Inside will be such the sedition,
That in the hopes will be the profligate.

VI. 48
The sanctity too saintly & seductive,
Accompanied of one language said:
The city old & palm too hasty,
Florence & hers rendered too deserted.

October 17
The ten Calends of April of done Gothic,
Resuscitate again by people wrongdoing,
The fire tainted, assembled diabolically,
Searches the bones of the lover & stains.

Plenty, plenty before such the leaders,
The one of Orient, by the virtue Lunar,
The year 1700 will be great leader,
Subdued near the corner of Aquilon.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004
I. 72
Of all Marseille the clothing changed,
Course & for following just too close of lion,
Speak good, dome by Riverside outraged,
Killed, captive, close to one million.

October 18
II. 27
The divine action will be of sky hitting,
Who cannot proceed too far ahead,
Of holding back the secret is stupid,
Who has walked by underneath & before.

I. 95
Before monster finds child in need,
Of heroic blood less of clothing,
His noise by sect, language & powerful his,
That have said agreed to the Fish, this one.

October 19
I. 25
Lost, found, hidden of indeed long cycle,
Will be shepherd half-God honoured,
Not standard that the moon gives his great cycle,
By others old will be dishonoured.

I. 29
When the fish terrestrial & aquatic,
By strength vague to the gravel will be put,
His form strange, suave & horrible,
By sea to the walls soon enough the enemies.

III. 9
Riverside, roadway & the Rochelle joined,
Hold on to around of the great sea blinded:
Angels, shortly & the flames conspire,
They chasing just nearby of brown one.
III. 79
The order fatal always eternal by chain,
Comes to turn by order of consequence,
Of port false will be struggle the chain,
The city takes the enemy when & when.

III. 88
Of hidden barrier by sea indeed great army,
All Marseille of unrestrained trembling,
Isles seized, of sea aide closed,
Your surrender in earth swimming.

IX. 19
In the middle of the forest Maine,
Sun to the lion the lightning falls,
The large bastard exit of large of hand,
This day escapes point in blood enters.

IX. 67
Of high the mounts at the around of ten,
Port from the rock powerful, hundred assembled,
Of castle nine Pierre widely in twelve,
Against the growing Romans belief assembled.

IX. 90
A grand captain of the grand Germany,
Will come to render by at once assistance,
To King of Kings aide of clothing,
That her revolt will be of blood large course.

October 20
II. 34
The ire senseless of combat furious,
Will be from table by brothers the iron shines,
The departure death hurts curiously,
The pride of her comes in France harm.

II. 70
The offer of sky will be his heard,
Death in speaking great execution,
The stone in the tree the pride man rendered,
Noise human monster, purge expiration.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004
IV. 10
The young prince accused falsely,
Placed in trouble the camp & in complaints,
Murder the chief for the sustenance,
Scepter appears, then scarce is her cruelty.

IV. 38
Pedantic the Boss, King, Queen occupied,
Chief Byzantine captive in Samothrace:
Before the assault the one the other eats,
Rebound will be following of blood the trace.

IV. 45
Pace conflict King, queen abandons,
The greater chief failing to be needed,
Deaths profligate, little in escape,
Both are cutting up, one will be in witness.

IV. 63
The army Celtic against the mountaineers,
Who will be excused & taken from the overflow,
Peasants mad pushing enough fangs,
Precipitates all to the girl of the specialty.

IV. 69
The city great the exiles holding,
The arousals dead murdered & chased:
The one of Achilles from Parma permitted,
Monster the entry by the motives not tracing.

IV. 71
In place of marriage promise the women slaying,
Murdered from Grand fault will not be superstitious:
Inside the next garments inundated,
The spouse tainted by water bearer of no labour.

IV. 96
The sister is born of the Isle Britannic,
Fifteen years before the brother was born,
By his promise better verified,
Succeeded to the queen of balance.
X. 21
By the despite of King sustained less,
Will be murder you resented the rings,
The father to the son wants nobles to prick,
Made like from pursue sometime making the magic.

X. 57
The one lifted up not examined his scepter,
The children young of greater honoured:
You that not mad one more class cruel is,
For their spouses from death black banishment.

October 21
I. 69
The grand mountain circle of seven is stage,
After X peace, war, hunger, inundation,
Cheating distant, abysmal Grand against you,
Themselves ancients & Grand Institution.

V. 13
By great fury the King Roman warlike,
Annoyed wanting by phalanx barbaric:
Fury gnashing chasing man passionately,
After Pennon just to Hercules of these.

V. 24
The queen & law underneath Venus lifted,
Saturn has under Jupiter Empire:
The law & queen by the Sun raised,
By satisfying endure the worse:

V. 73
Persecuted of God will be the church,
And the saint’s temples will be exposed:
The child the mother puts bare in shirt,
Will be a fury to the pole bearers rallied.

V. 74
Of blood three in bearing heart Germanic,
Who arriving if indeed high powerful,
From chasing man strange Arabic,
Turning the church into pristine preeminence.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004
V. 79
The sacred splendor comes to lower the aisles,
By the venue of large Legislator:
Humble house will be, vexed the rebels,
Born on the Earth none to emulate.

V. 93
Under the terror of round globe lunar,
While there will be dominator Mercury:
The Isle of Scotia will be a luminary,
Who the Angels place out of the jam.

V. 95
Nautical row invites the shadows,
Of great Empire, while comes to be aroused:
The sea lacking of lines they encumber,
Unpreventing the wave tyrant of floating.

October 22
I. 9
From the Orient comes the cause Punic,
Angry Hadrie & the heirs Romulus,
Accompanied of the class passionate longing,
Trembling sweetly & close Isles voided.

I. 26
The grand of lightning grave of hour-long duration,
Pain & before said by porter demanding,
Following wisdom grave of hour nocturnal,
Conflict, Reims, London, Etruscan damaging

I. 55
Under the opposite climate Babylonic,
Great will be of blood pouring,
That earth & sea, air, Sky will be unjust,
Sects, hunger, queens, plague, confusion.

I. 68
O what horrible & unfortunate abuse!
Three innocents that have come you delivered,
Poison suspected, pain guard surrender,
Put in horror by office injury.
II. 8
Sacred temples prime facing Roman,
Reiterate the guff’s foundations,
Taking their laws firstly & humane,
Chasing, not all, of sacred they cultivate.

III. 83
The long hairs of the Gaule Celtic,
Accompanied of strange nations,
Placed captive the man of Aquitaine,
For succumbing to their intentions.

IV. 4
The impudent prince angry, plaints & complaints,
Of raps & pillaged by cocks & by passionate longing,
Grand is by earth, by sea infinite sails,
Certain Italy will be chasing Celtics.

IV. 5
Cross, peace under one accomplish divine action,
The Spanish & Gaules will be united together,
Big secret close & combat three contenders,
Heart indeed hardy will not be who not trembles.

IV. 18
Of more letters under the doing heavenly,
Will be by prince’s ignorance reproved,
Punish of publishing, chased like heavenly,
And put to death there where will be found.

IV. 92
Witness tabled of brave captain,
Serious before his adversary,
Her body judged of her class from the antenna,
Confused fleeing by train from wind against.

VI. 56
The feared army of the enemy speak well,
Unrestrained indeed strong the oath-breakers:
Pledging void by the blind offer good,
While barrier hidden by sea gives the sting.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004
VI. 58
Among the two monarchs elongated,
While the Sun by dirty enclosure lost:
Together great between two indignities,
Who to the Isles & her the liberty rendered.

VI. 79
Near of witness the habitants of legal,
Babbling & sanity, sane, tin & brought forth,
Beyond the mounts training before showing,
Conflict given, Pau large, submerged wave.

VI. 81
Tears, cries & wailing, howling, unrestrained,
Heart inhuman, cruel, black & crossing you:
Leman, the Isles, of Gennes their betters,
Blood pouring, from hunger, from none thanks.

VI. 96
Great city from soldiers abandoned,
Have no clue deadly tumult indeed close,
O what hideous calamity is approaching,
For one offense you will not be forgiving.

October 23
II. 22
The camp debauchery, of Europe leaving,
Is assistance close of the isle submerged,
Of reduced class phalanx folded,
Centre of earth bigger voice overthrows.

III. 100
Among Gaulois the last honoured,
Of man enemy will be victorious,
Force & terror in moment explored,
Of a cut of trait when dying the envious.

IV. 54
Of name who is not mad to the King Gaulois,
Never not crazy one lightning indeed afraid,
Trembling the Italy the Spain & the Anglos,
Of woman estranged greatly attentive.
October 24
III. 39
The seven in three put in treaty,
For subduing the speed winged,
But the storm & string cower of,
The assistant in to put down ruins.

III. 76
In Germany born diverse impurities $,
Is approaching strong of the happy paganism,
The heart captive & little receptive,
Will be return to pay the real wealth.

IV. 39
The contempt’s demand the course,
By the neglect of their heir they try,
The empire to frenzy reveals his course,
By perjury the reason re addressed.

VI. 60
The prince out of his terror Celtic,
Will be dragged under by interpretation:
Roadway, Rochelle by that of weapons,
To the port of Blaye under by lesser & closer.

VI. 75
The big hair cut by King will be commanded,
Left the class for higher place attending:
Seven years after will be contraband,
Barbaric army comes to become afraid.

October 25
IV. 85
The coal white of dark will be chased,
Prisoner made guide to the falling,
Love camel under feet among laces,
While the following no woman at the office.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004
V. 18
Of mourning dying the infidelity profligate,
Celebrates his crime the hour of ten falls:
Pristine law, broken book re-arranged,
The wall & prince at the seventh day falls.

V. 66
Under the antiques offices extras,
Not elongated of aqueduct ruined,
Of Sun & Moon are the brilliant mothers,
Ardent lamps trays of gold burning.

V. 77
All the degrees of honour Ecclesiastic,
Will be changing in devil screaming.
In marital screaming enflamed,
A King of France rendered Vulcan.

V. 94
Translated in the great Germany,
Bearded & flowered, brothel, burn & bologna,
The third saint the great boss of equipping,
Assailing comes not & the cherished not.

October 26
V. 29
The liberty will not be recovered,
The occupation black pride villain unjust,
When the mantle of bridge will be opened,
Of Hister, comes the anger the republic.

V. 84
Born of gopher & city immeasurable,
Not he of parents obscured & darkness:
When the powerful of great King revered,
Wants to destroy by roadway & well defended.

VI. 72
By frenzy faint of motions divine,
Will be the woman of large strength violated:
Judges want to damn such the doctrine,
Victim to the people ignorant unmoved.
October 27
VI. 88
A queen great of murder desolate,
Nearby of the Hebrews will be assembled:
Mount Pyrenees the rendered consoled,
While that in May will be earths trembling.

October 28
II. 4
After reminder close to the near of temperate,
All the beach of murder desolate,
It will not be fake-county, city not town,
That by barbaric pillaged & robbed.

II. 84
Among Champagne, her, flower, cough,
Six months nine days no crying one drop,
Strange language in Earth of mother,
Running under, delay the Earth entire.

II. 87
After coming the extremes against,
Prince German on the privet golden:
In servitude & by waters encountered,
The lady serve, his time no more duration.

II. 98
The one of blood sprinkle the face,
Of the victim close sacrifice,
Tenant in Leo augury wisdom,
But is to death while for the fiancée.

October 29
III. 68
People without chief of Spain & of Italy,
Deaths profligate inside the costly denials:
They say dragged by proper folly,
The blood swims by all from the crossway.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2004
X. 41
In the frontier of interest & gifts,
Not barely distant of background of the valley,
Of town broken music from his of lutes,
Environed combust & large dispatch.

November 1
IV. 41
Nevertheless sex captive by hostage,
Coming of night custody deceived:
The chief of camp deceived by his lineage,
There is the genre, will be compassion to have.

November 2
V. 41
Not have under the shadows & day nocturnal,
Will be in queen & goodness sovereign,
Will be reborn his blood of the antique towards,
Renewing cycle of gold for the bronze.

November 3
III. 3
Mars & Mercury & the money join together,
Towards the noon hour extreme thirst,
To the fond of Asia have said to earth tremble,
Correcting, producing while in perplexity.

VI. 14
Distant of her Earth King loses the battle,
Promptly fleeing following followed taken,
Ignorant taken under the golden mesh,
Under faint garment & the enemy surprised.

VI. 68
While the soldiers furious seditions,
Against their chief will be of night iron lies:
Enemy of in need by hand furious,
While annoying Rome & principals tempted.
Donum Olim Occultas -- November 2004
November 4
V. 89
Inside Hungary by Bohemian, voyage,
And by banishment feint seditions:
By Fleur de Lis country opening the barrier,
Against gold lions will be emotions.

November 5
V. 55
Of the happiness to fury against,
Born powerful of law Mahomet:
Annoyed the Spanish, Conquistador the Grenada,
And more by sea from the man linguistic.

November 8
IX. 22
King & her court to the place of language elsewhere,
Inside the temple violence to violence of palace,
In the garden boss of command & of elsewhere,
Elsewhere & command pointy language & palace.

X. 51
Of places lower of country of Lorraine,
Will be of low Germans united,
By that of siege magpies, measuring, have but no,
Exit to the songs it will be reunited.

X. 85
The old assign to the point of the three buy of,
Will be pressing captive not of delivering,
They see him not see him the bad speak timid,
By legitimate from his friends forsaken.

November 9
X. 97
Triremes full all the age captives,
Times good to bad, the soft for bitterness:
Prey to the Barbarians too soon will be hasty,
Cupid has seen plainly to the wind the feather.
November 13
III. 29
The two impure in diverse places nourish,
Naval fighting, earth Pierre falls,
Coming to indeed high awakened angel,
Avenging the injury enemies succumbed.

November 19
IX. 3
The large vacuum of Roan not big trouble,
Driven by fifteen turned on the furnace:
From Rome born two monsters to witness double,
Blood, fire, deluge, the greater to the space.

IX. 68
Du Mont marred will be nobles obscured,
The pain comes at corner of sane & dewdrop,
In wood hidden soldiers on day of light,
Who’s not mad has an indeed horrible privet.

IX. 77
The queen takes the king plotting,
The lady takes to death jury of fate,
The life from Queen son has abandoned,
And the drive away strong of the agreement.

November 20
X. 65
O devastation Rome your ruin is approaching,
Not of your walls, of your blood & essence:
The rough by letters will be indeed horrible sow,
Pointed iron put to all close to the sleeve.

November 22
XII. 52
Two bodies, one chief, fields divided in two,
And then a reply to four not yeses,
Smalls for larges, to lose pity for the one,
All of sour lightning, worse for you who are.
Donum Olim Occultas -- November 2004
November 24
III. 26
The Kings & Princes tamed together
Augury accused, enslaved bridal wounds:
Horn victim golden & of sky blue of acres.
Interpreting will be the allegory.

December 1
I. 83
The man strange divided in purpose,
Saturn & Mars look at him furiously,
Horrible massacre of the Tuscans & Latin’s,
Greeks who you will be striking curiously.

December 2
II. 95
The places people will be uninhabitable,
For fields to have great division:
Queens delivered to prudence incapable,
Among the brothers death & dissention.

December 17
I. 7
The wind against, letters to the path taken,
By the Brooklyn old man the enterprises,
Late arriving the execution done,
They conspired fourteen of one filth.

I. 40
The coagulation false dissimilar folly,
Will be sister-in-law one changing of laws,
That of selfishness, who wishes you are forsaken,
Edict changed instructions & has been brought.

I. 54
Two revolts made of vicious falsifying,
Of queen & cycles made permutation,
The mobile signal in her location the inflict,
To the two are alike & of inclination.

I. 93
Earth Italian near the mounts trembling,
Lion & cock; not too much confiding,
In motive of fear, the one the other is helping,
Alone purely & secrets restrained.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2004
December 18
II. 99
Terror Roman that interprets augury,
By man Gauloise by too much will be annoyed,
But nation Celtic fears the hour,
North wind, class too distant they have pushed.

December 19
III. 36
Submerged not death apoplectic,
Will be found to have from the hands eating,
When the city damns the heretic,
Who has their laws this player seems changed.

III. 37
Before the assault of reason pronounced,
Thousand taken of Eagle by ambush exposed,
Walls antique by canons darkened,
By fire & blood from thanks little received.

III. 63
Roman ability will be of all from low,
His large neighbour imitates his inquiries,
Secrets heinous civil & debates,
Procrastinate to the buffoons their follies.

III. 93
In a vigour all the chief of the empire,
Will be approved for Paris desolated:
Lasting three days holding the Hannibalic ire,
Calamity by change will be pain consoled.

December 20
IV. 25
Bodies aloft without end to the eye visible,
Of women come by your reasons,
Bodies, front comprised, senses, chief & invisibles,
Diminishing the sacred of reason.
IV. 62
One crowning poverty ambition,
Is seized of the bigger army:
Against his prince feint invented,
And uncovered will be under her row.

IV. 66
Under colour faint of seven witness razes,
Will be a single time diverse explorers:
Afterwards & fountain of poison arouses,
To the strong of Gennes humans devouring.

IV. 72
They press together by powerful & the put forth,
A sacred fortune will be speaking of,
The one of low has come to you at the bad hour,
Seize foundation & Mars promptly.

IV. 91
To boss Gaulois assembled beat from duo,
The sin misfortune reminder not approaching,
Tort accused prison perpetual,
His son restrained before death pile costly.

December 21
II. 93
Well near of dread press the agreement,
A little before great inundation.
The chief of sin taken, put in the danger,
Castle, palace in conflagration.

V. 7
Of a trio of men will be found the bones,
Seeking profound treasure enigmatic:
That of to the entire will not be in repose,
Of concaved marble & lead metallic.

V. 38
This great Monarch that to the death succeeds,
Given life elicited & slippery,
By non-chalance to all conceded,
That from the ending false the law soiled.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2004
V. 85
By the suave & motives lying neighbours,
Will be in wars for the cause of the hand over,
Umbrella marine’s locusts & cousins,
Of abandon fail will be well handed over.

V. 97
The have not postpone by horror suffocates,
In the city of great king lives:
The edict $ severe of captives revoked,
Hail & thunder, foundation inestimable.

V. 99
A thousand, unbending, upset & of eagle,
Seize brown rich annoyed by man Celtic,
By the lion & phalanx of eagles,
When Rome has the chief old Britannic.

December 22
VI. 47
Between two mounts the two larges assemble,
Of leaving their together secret,
She grinds teeth & grief by languish is capable of,
For to evil contrived execute their plague.

VI. 89
Between two centres feet & hands are tied,
Of honey face anointed & of milk substantial:
Wasps & flies making love angry,
Cupbearers false, chalice tempted.

December 23
V. 39
Of real twig the fleur de lis exits,
Place & lodging property of proprietor:
His blood ancient of long hand exits,
Will be flowing stream in their decay.
V. 58
Of the money box of your wealth, guarding,
By the forest & mount inaccessible.
In middle of bridge will be tied to the point,
The chief nobody who that much will be terrible.

V. 62
On the rocks blood has towards raining,
Sun, Orient, Saturn westward,
Near Orgon war, from Rome great pain seen,
Sin foundation & ruling the Trident.

V. 69
No more will the great be in false sleep,
The tranquility comes to be taken in pause.
Training phalanx of gold, sky blue & bronze gilt,
Subdued rubbing the nibble just to the bone.

December 24
VI. 26
Four years the seat which you will well take,
One arriving with passionate longing for life.
Rouen & Pisa, Verona will support you,
For raising the cross of Pope in life.

VI. 67
To the great empire arriving to all or other,
Good distance more of happiness,
Royal by an issue not distant of skin colour,
Corrupted queens great unhappiness.

VI. 93
Prelat to a miser of ambition cheated,
Nothing will not be that thinks too much comes,
His messengers & him well captured,
All to the rebound seen whom the wood fends.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2004
December 26
VIII. 83
The greater sails out of port of Zara.
Near of sister-in-law will be his undertaking,
Of enemies loss & the friend will not do,
The third to two will be great pillage & taking.

December 28
IX. 17
The third first udder that no gruel Neron,
Voided bravery the blood human response,
Rebuilding will be the fornication,
Cycle of gold, death, and new king great ascension.

IX. 29
While that the one that from none gives not place.
Abandoning want place taken not taken:
Fire sin by bleeding, asphalt from dear place,
Will be Quintin dancing in reprise.

IX. 61
The plunder done from the seacoast,
Inciting Nova & parents chase,
Several of Malta by that done of reaping,
Narrow turn on will be pain scarcely given.

IX. 98
The injury by fault of a single taint,
Going against from party opposite,
To the captivity served to the opposed,
Will be of vomit the great chief struggles.

December 29
III. 24
Of the enterprise great confusion,
Loss of the people, treasure innumerable.
You do not have to make another tension,
France, from my saying done what is recordable.
X. 92
In front of the father the child will be killed,
The father afterwards between cords of calamity,
Young people will be struggling,
Lying the chief in the middle like a trunk.

December 30
IV. 98
The banished overtake inside Rome.
Better languish lessens the feebleness,
Marquis & chief not forgiven from man,
Fire, blood morbid, spot of water, doing the bleeding.

December 31
V. 27
By fire & arms not distant of the Sea Black,
Comes to pursue occupy three bison,
Trembling quivering afraid, Solalegro,
Of blood Arabic of Hadrie cutlery waved.

V. 83
The one who will be undertaken subverts.
Named alike queen powerful & invincible,
Will be by fraud, nights three attracted,
When the greater at the table reads the Bible.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2004

On the year of delivery 2004

P - 58
The King King is not of soft nevertheless,
The year pestilent the stirs feminine:
Yours who holds the larges not fatally:
And passes term of mortgage.

P - 92
The year sixth rains wheat abundant. Heinous,
To the mans joy. Princes kings in divorce:
Flock perish mutation humane,
People influenced: & poison under the shell.

February 2004
P - 36
Grain corrupted air pestilent locusts,
Sudden valuable new short story born:
Captives unbending appoint, high low, burdens,
By his bones pain who a king did not want to be.

P - 68
For razing chief not arriving from end,
Edicts changed, the turn on put to the large,
Death great found, less of faith low debut,
Unalike, crossing hitting from bulge.

P - 94
Deluge grand noise of death conspired,
Renewed cycle three greats in great discord:
By tip of fires the treaty is worsened,
Raining downward counsels painful of agreement.

March 2004
P - 25
Vain rumour inside the hierarchy,
Rebelling Gennes: courses, insults, tumult,
To the greater King will be the monarchy,
Election, conflict, covered, buried.
P - 37
Seizing to the temple, by sects long brigand,
Visitor ravished to the wood form complaint:
Seven before parts borne newer league,
Of that their death. King manifest newer.

P - 49
Will be prepared visitant of newness,
Place of day leaving the boundaries:
The bonus faint of changing made bloody,
Of location suspect leaving very well dressed.

P - 69
Stirred of AFAR, of AFAR near undermine,
Taken, captive pacified by woman:
That much not held like have barging in,
Put not past, rising of rage the bitter.

P - 82
Fathers & mothers deaths of duel unfinished,
Women from clouds. The pestilent monster:
The great more is not. All the world finished,
Under peace, composure & very well reverie against.

P - 95
Among king heinous have towards manifesting,
Dissensions & wars begin:
Grads change place. New tumult believed,
The order masses have come to offend.

April 2004
P - 38
King salvage Victor, commander in chief,
The faith false. The King made examine:
Blood Mathien. King made conqueror,
Of man superb humble by tears comes.

P - 40
The times purged, pestilent storm,
Barbaric insult. Fury, invasion:
Pains infinite by the months we approved,
And the Greater, two less, of worthlessness.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2004
P - 70
Of AFAR comes stir up for moving,
Vain uncovered against people infinite:
Of neither aware the pain for the task,
In the kitchen found dead & finished.

P - 96
Secret plot conspiracy popular,
They uncover in poverty is moved:
Against the greats,
Next slaughter & misery without ability.

P - 122
Of both good abundant earth we produce,
Neither noise of war in cracks, while put seditions:
Murders, thief’s by road have found,
Few of faith, fury ardent. People in motions.

May 2004
P - 16
Plotting here, to the sky snappy hurrying,
Taken, leaving mortality not severed:
Little rain, entering the sky the earth dry,
Of done, death, takes, arrived at the bad hour.

P - 27
The sea Tyrant of different wool,
By the ocean will be various assaults:
Plague, poison, blood in house of linen,
Directors, deputies stir walking sea high.

P - 51
Peace among brothers will be interrupted,
Last hand will be strong raised:
Great plot will not be corrupted,
And the new alliance approved.

P - 84
Earth trembles killed profuse monster,
Captives without number made to do of doing, done:
Of going on sea to reach bad encounter,
Pride against pride bad done of retaliation.
P - 110
To the menu people by debates & complaints,
And by the women & quitting Great War:
Martyr of one great celebrates her cruelty,
Greater ladies subdued of earth.

P - 123
Among people discord, imminent brutality,
War death of great princes. Most parts of Italy:
Universal scourge. Stronger westward going,
Transit good & plain, but strong dryness & tardy.

June 2004
P - 28
There where the faith is covered will be rumpus,
The enemies the enemies thickened:
Fire sky raining, crying, among rumpus,
Night enterprise. Chiefs’ complaints placed.

P - 40
Of house seven by death deadly follows,
Hail, storm. Pestilent pain, fury:
King of Orient of westward both in flight,
Suddenly say goodbyes conquerors.

P - 62
Courses of AFAR, not is approved conflicts,
Tryst undertaken. The air pestilent, hideous:
Of all parts the Grand’s will be flirting,
And ten & seven assailed twenty & two.

P - 72
Gateway done, horrible & incredible,
Typhon will be in moving the harvest:
Who next after sustained by the cable,
And the most part exiled on the fields.

P - 111
Deprived that much meat that females,
Of great monarchs the life endangered:
Plague, iron, hunger. Great peril pell mell,
Troubles by changes. Little greats excited.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2004
July 2004
Eight, fifteen & five what disloyalty,
Comes to allow the explorer vicious,
Fire of sky thunder. For fear, unrestrained pope,
The westward trembles. Too serious wine dirty.

P - 41
Predatory pillage heat, great dryness,
By too much not is. Affair not wanted, helpless:
To the stranger the too large caress,
Nine countries King. The Orient is charmed.

P - 52
Long long-haired lost the governor,
Hunger, fury ardent, fire & of blood smoking:
Of both states playing from great honour,
Seditions by razing turned on.

P - 63
Reprise, rendered incapable of pity,
The blood by low & the faces hideous:
From more named the ignorance enables,
Door, heinous, horror. Falls low the devout.

P - 137
Again the death is approaching. Gift Royal & envoy,
Have trained that which is, by old woman in ruin,
The young heirs of suspect neither envoy,
Treasure found in plaster & kitchen.

August 2004
P - 10
Six, twelve, thirteen, come talk to the lady,
Leaving will be by woman corrupted:
Worthy, Guienne hail, lightning the cut into,
The insatiable of blood & wine rejected.
P - 42
The dive found. The city of tributes,
Fields divided. New adultery:
The Hispanic hurt. Hunger, plague, militant,
Mock stubborn, confusion. Pain, sweating.

P - 53
Plague, hunger, fire & ardency not ceased,
Lightning, grand hail temple of sky hitting:
The announcement, stop & grieve law broken,
Chief inventor his people & him handled.

P - 64
Death & seizing. By nonchalance the change,
Is elongated in its approaching stronger:
Burdened united in the ruin, hailstorm,
By assistance long amazed the stronger.

P - 74
The colouring, the sacred unhappy,
Then all to cut by Androgyny collecting:
Of the most part seen, not coming the times,
More of being that is bringing their soups skinny.

P - 87
Good finishing feeble by agreements,
Mars & Prelat united not detained:
The greats confused by gifts inciting bodies,
Dignity indignity good in due seizing.

P - 100
Deluge near. Plague cow. New,
Sect crying. To the mans joy vain:
From law without law. Put to the front for proof,
In the past, ambush: & expose cut vein.

P - 113
Peak will not be the grain from sufficiency,
The dead is approaching to snowing more than white:
Sterility, grain in turn. Of water abundant,
The large wounded. More of death of flank.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2004
P - 138
The enemies’ secrets will be imprisoned,
The Kings & Magistrates you holding the hand sever:
The life of more health sickness eyes, nose,
The two grand’s are in aware well distant to the bad hour.

September 2004
P - 20
Earth, sea-going faith, loyalty rumpus,
Pillage, sailors to the city tumult:
Pride, cruel act ambition rejected,
Feeble offence the chief of doing not avenged.

P - 88
Of good in bad the times are changing,
The peace of stern of bigger oath breaking:
Of grand’s dual THEY too much stumbling,
Learn shaved be able to not examine.

P - 101
All inundated to the shaven door,
Theft of wall, death of all good abundance:
Escape by coat of covering yours,
The nines & old will be turning chance.

P - 114
Scarcely of fruits, no grain, trees & separations,
Great volatility, chief noble stimulated:
That much temporal the Prelat Lion is from,
TOLANDAD vanquish. Chief noble rejected.

October 2004
P - 12
Charm Neptune for following the undertaking,
Squeezing payment troubling the opposers:
Class in Adrie. Quickly towards the strainer,
The quarter noise hurt of night the reposing.
P - 21
Cold, big deluge of queen is chasing,
Deny, discord. Triple-named Orient expression:
Poison. Put siege. Of the City chasing,
Return happiness. New sect in ruin.

P - 44
Here inside is completed,
The three grads from the Belle Ville will be far:
Encounter of you the one of you conspiring,
At the peak of the month you will be in need.

P - 65
Grays, whites & blacks, in smoking & fronting,
Will be replaced, halves, put in their sieges,
The kidnappers are found mocking you,
And the clothes turn on strong stiffness.

P - 102
The mouth & throat in fiery pettiness,
Of seven grand’s five all delay your harm:
Rain indeed long. From not dead turning bubbles,
The great dying, who very much all are agreed.

P - 115
Of all changed. Persecuting the one four,
From sickness. Well distant mortality:
Of four two more come to not be bound,
Exile, ruin, death, hunger, perplexity.

P - 128
Just to this month lasts the drought large,
To the Italian & province. Of fruits both to half:
The large less of enemies’ prisoner of their group,
To the corsairs, pirates & murder the enemy.

November 2004
P - 56
Will not be put. The new ones of chasing,
Black & of AFAR & the Great holds on strong:
Re-running weapons. Exiled more chasing,
Singing victory. Not free comfort.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2004
P - 77
Of enemy wind not preventing the group,
The bigger point put before difficulty:
Wine of poison is put in the cutting,
Passing without pity of horse fat fossil.

P - 90
By dead dead bite, advice, theft damaging,
Have not dared sailors assailed:
Deucalion one last trouble done,
Few of people young: half dead three sailing.

P - 116
Of greats the number bigger will not be that much,
Greats changing, commotions, iron, plague:
The little avoided: nimble, paying happy,
Month opposite freezing strong disturbance.

P - 129
The enemy that much from fear retreat in discussion,
Leaving cries, howling & pillage forsaken,
Leaving noise sea & earth religion change,
Playing put on track, all sects given over.

December 2004
P - 23
Tutelage from yours war murder, translated,
Combat naval honour death prelature:
Enters deceased. France strength increased,
Visitant passes by, come at the bad hour,

P - 57
The avoidance left alone, supreme alliances,
Raze great death. Refuse done in from the entering:
Of return being well done in forgetting,
The death of just from banquet perpetrated.

P - 78
By the Crystal the enterprise rumpus,
Games & festivities. Of AFAR more reposed:
More will not be near of greats her rejection,
Suddenly pure ones the water kindly aroused.

January 1
VI. 37
The work ancient is completed,
Of your dear one on the great pain ruined,
Innocent made death has accused,
Ponces hiding, tailing from the drizzle.

January 3
VI. 87
The chosen done in Frankfort,
Have not neither place, thousands are opposed,
Hers closer appears indeed great strength,
That beyond the Rhine tides are hunting.

January 5
VIII. 80
The innocents the blood of briar & virgin,
Much of wrong done by better the big request,
Saints similarly harden in ardent candles,
Of frenzied fear will be none that budge.

January 6
IX. 47
The souls tokens of indignity delivered,
And of the multitude will be against advice,
Changed monarch put in perilous penance,
Locked up in a cage you will be in comparison.

January 7
X. 8
On the right & pulse by erecting the front,
Of the denial the Accountant from his son proper.
The wonderful instance by more of first front,
Three in seven days wounded delay.
Donum Olim Occultas -- January 2005
X. 12
Visitant in Papal, of visitant will be mocked,
Sudden abrupt stir prompt & timid,
By too good softness to death provoked,
Fear tainting the night of her death guide.

X. 19
Day that will be by Queen salvaged,
The day after salutation, the taking,
The accountant made reason & valuated,
By before humble who is not mad indeed proud.

X. 27
By the fifth & one great Hercules,
Comes the temple opened of hands militant,
One Clement, Jules & adopts re-fault,
Lisp, key, eagle, not denying is indeed great sting.

X. 64
Tears Milan, tears Luke, Florence,
That your great Leader on the chariot gets into,
Changes the siege near of coming the advance,
While the column from Rome changes.

January 17
IX. 8
Then not King made his father put from death,
After conflict of death very dishonest:
Writing found under his death gives remorse,
When the wolf chased played dead.
APRIL 2005

April 17
II. 25
The guard strange dragged to the strong press,
Hopes & shadow of a higher marriage,
Guard deceived, strong rule in the press,
Legal thing, His, dewdrop, caused, to death outraged.

On the year of delivery 2005

P - 66
Season of winter. Towards good, saint. Bad was,
Destructive growth, dry wheat precious:
Of wine tried. Bad eyes. Done. Troubled,
War, mutiny. Seditions slow.

January 2005
P - 24
Then King done performs Epistle of mine,
Sacred stirs festivities, games, catatonic Mars:
Night tear have cries. While have driven the lady,
The arrest & passion rumpus of all parts.

P - 35
More the great not being, rain, to the chariot, the crystal.
Tumult riot. Of all good abundance:
Razes, sacred, nines, old are capable,
Visitant ingrate. Death, plaint, joy, alliance.

P - 47
Day, diet, intermission, not consoled,
The year peace prepared, plague, hunger schismatic:
Put out of inside changing sky, domicile,
End of freezing revolt yesterday at chi.

P - 67
Desire secret for the good arrival,
Religion, peace, love & treaty:
The Epistle of mine of all not in according,
The highs who low & high put to the rope.

P - 80
Much of water, much death, grope of weapons moving,
None of agreement the great taken captive:
The blood human, rage, fury not having:
Late sorrow plague war motive.
P - 106
Snow, mudslides, rains & scourge great,
To the Greater joys, pestilence in false conclusions,
The intellect yours, grains plenty & more of bands,
The approving, together not amortized.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
JULY 2008

July 6
I. 4
By the universe will be made a Monarch,
When in peace & life will not be longing,
While losing the fisherman boat,
Will be Royal in greater detriment.

I. 8
How many of times rules city Solar,
Will be, changing the laws barbaric & vain,
Your pain is approaching, more will be tributaries,
The great Hadrie recovers your vanity.

July 8
III. 50
The republic of the great city,
To great rigour will not want to consent:
King leaves out of by trumpet city,
The ladder from wall the city repents.

July 9
IV. 81
Bridge they will be promptly not of these,
Passing the army of grand prince handsome who,
In profoundness & not distant of gnashing she’s,
Across passing, the portions seven abruptly.

July 10
V. 15
In navigating captive takes great pontiff:
Greats approving sailing the clerk’s tumult killed:
Second visitant absent his good weakness,
His favourite bastard to death killed.
V. 21
By the three not of Monarch Latin,
This one that he’ll have by queen assisting:
The fire shining, divides the purposes,
The death public to those have said genuine.

V. 46
By hats red quarrels & new schisms,
When they will have visitant the Sabbath,
They produce against you great false conclusions,
And will be Rome left by Albanians.

V. 48
After the grand affliction of scepter,
Two enemies by you he will be turned over,
Class of rubbing to the piece of cloth born
By sea & earth will be horrible made.

July 11
I. 22
That which lives & does not have any sense,
Comes leaving you dead his skillfully.
Either of these, Chalet, languish & the two senses
The hail & ice will be great malfeasance.

The oil of Ravenna will not be destitute,
When you use your feet the wings have failed,
The two of Bresse will have appointed,
Turin, versing, the Gaulois have fouled.

I. 21
Profound argyle white nourishment Pierre,
Who of one abysmal that lactates:
In vain troubles not one will be touched,
Ignorance being to the foundation earth arguments.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
VI. 4
The Celtic river changes of shore,
More not holding the city of Aripine:
All transmuted Ormis the old language.

VI. 19
The real flame swallows the lady,
That wants to put the innocents to fire,
Close to the assault the army is inflamed,
When in Seville monster in beef will be seen.

VI. 20
The union faint will be able of duration,
The ones change reformed the most part:
In the vassals will be man endured,
While will be Rome a new leopard.

VI. 45
The governor of queen well learned,
Not consenting wants to do the royal:
Honey class by the contrary wind,
The remitted from his more disloyal.

VI. 46
One just will be in exile resent,
By pestilence to the confines of not only wheat field
Response to the red there will be absence,
King retires to the Queen & the Eagle.

II. 88
The circuit of great made ruined,
The name seventh the fifth will be:
Of one tier greater the strange handsome one,
Sheep, Lutece (Paris) he says guaranteed.

July 12
II. 15
A little before monarch slaughter,
Purely powerful in sin, astral crinite (tuft of hair),
The errand public by earth & sea voided,
Pisces, cunning, of iron, Urus, earth interdicted.
II. 28
The provisions of surname of prophecy,
Takes Diane for his day & rest:
Distant vagueness by restraining witness,
And delivered a great people of embarking.

II. 49
The consenting of first monopoly,
The conquerors seduced by the sweet as honey,
Rhodes, sister-in-law holy for their exposing Pole,
Earth falsely the followings of absence.

II. 59
Class Gauloise by support of great guard,
Of great Neptune & his trident soldiers,
Gnawing Province for sustaining great band,
More Mars speak well by rejoicing & dares.

II. 68
Of the Aquilon the efforts will be great,
On the ocean will be the door opened,
The queen in the isle will be large matter,
Trembling London by sails uncovered.

II. 79
The beard growing & black by engine,
To subdue the man cruel & proud:
A large charter raised of longing,
All of the captives by filth banished.

III. 92
The world close of last period,
Satire again late of return:
Translating empire nation sharpened iron:
The eye eradicates to speaking good by all over.

III. 95
The law morals have towards of failure,
After one other a lot more seductive,
Boris theme first comes to fail you,
By gifts & languages one more attractive.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
July 13
III. 38
The man Gaulois & nation strange,
Beyond the mounts deaths, taken & profligate:
At the months opposite & close of vendetta,
By the Lords in accord lessened.

III. 87
Class Gauloise not approaching of Corsica,
Less of Sardinia you are in repentance,
Very well dying frustrated of the aide groin,
Blood swimming captive I can’t believe.

IV. 77
The dirty subject that, the Italian pacifies,
Queens unite King Christian of world:
Mourant wants to sleep in earth conflicting beliefs,
After pirating has chassed of the wave.

IV. 94
Two great brothers will be chased of Spain,
They’re vanquished under the mounts Pyrenees:
Reddened sea, dewdrop blood theme of Germany,
Speak good, high earth, of the ford, contaminated.

IX. 54
Arriving at the port of good curves,
Near of Ravenna, who pillages the lady,
In sea profound deputy of the five lily good,
Under rock hides ravishing seventh loves.

July 14
IV. 36
The eyes new in Gallic retaming,
After victory of the intoxicating champagne,
Mounts of the condition, the great lying turned up,
Of fear trembles the Roman & the Spaniard.
IV. 83
Combat nocturnal the valiant captain,
Vanity fleeing, few of people profligate:
Your people stirring seditions not in vain,
His proper son the holding assieged.

July 15
V. 11
Sea by Solar or if not passing by,
The one of Venus holds the entire rubbing:
Their queen more Sun, Saturn not occupied,
And changing the dead Asiatic.

V. 45
The great empire will be soon desolated,
And across broadly near of ardent silence,
The two bastards near they are born placard,
And reigning brazen offer, nose of thousands.

V. 51
The man of Dace, of England & Poland,
And of Bohemia will be new league:
For passing where of Hercules the not cherished,
Barcin, screwing tamed cruel cabal.

July 16
VI. 3
River that is proven the new not you Celtic,
Will be great of the empires discord:
The young prince by man Ecclesiastic,
Declaring the scepter coronal of concord.

VI. 25
By Mars against will be the Monarchy,
Of great fisherman in trouble ruined:
Young black red taken the hierarchy,
The traitors will be day browned.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
I. 34
The bird of prey flies who is the window,
Before conflict made to the French decoration,
The one good takes, the other ambiguous sinister,
The party feeble you are by good augury.

Siege in city & of night assault,
Little escape not far away of sea conflict,
Woman of joy, returns son of failing,
Poison & letter hiding in the at one time.

I. 53
That they have great people abused,
And the law sacred in total ruin,
By others laws all the Christianity,
When of gold, of money found new expression.

I. 67
The great famine that the people approach,
Often turning, that is universal,
Indeed great & long that have come to eradicate,
Of wood root & the child of breast.

July 17
II. 37
Of the large number that have been sent,
For assistance in the strong seized,
Plague & famine all the two devoured,
From put seventy who will be profligate.

II. 54
By man strange & of Romans distant Taine,
Their great city after water strong trouble:
Girl without hand, very different domain,
Rule, chief terror does not have is Riblee.

II. 90
By life & death changes queen of Hungary,
The law will be more rough that service:
Their great city of who Lemens, plain & curly,
Matter & thumb enemies in the value.
July 18
I. 35
The Lion young the old overcoming,
In field militant by singular duel,
In cage of gold the eyes you burst,
Two classes one, then dying, death cruel.

I. 57
By great discord the blood clot trembles,
Agreed rumpus, trained the witness to the sky,
Mouth blood ripping in the snag swimming,
To the Sun her face anointed of milk & honey.

I. 59
They exiled deported in the Isles,
To the changing of one more cruel monarch,
Will be deadly & put two of knowledge,
Who of speaking will not be you by which.

I. 64
Of night Sun thinks to have seen,
When the swine half man has towards,
Noise, sing, battle to the Sky hitting abrasive,
And beast’s brutes you speak have boundary.

I. 88
The divine pain on taking the great prince,
A little before have the woman spouse,
His boy & credit A one cut comes slender,
Counsel dying for the witness razed.

III. 1
To close combat & battle naval, Freya,
The great Neptune to his higher B.E.F,
Red adversary of fear arriving pale,
Placing the grand Ocean in unrestrained.

III. 10
Of blood & hunger greater calamity,
Seven times are approved to the marine beach:
Advised of hunger, place taken captivity,
The great leader yellow in iron cage.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
III. 19
In Luke’s blood & milk comes raining,
A little before changing of escape,
Great plague & war, hunger & thirst will be seen,
Distant where dying prince & great ruler.

III. 31
To the fields of Mede, of Arabs & of Armenia,
Two great forces three times are assembling:
Close of sea coast of Araxes the reaping,
Of great Solomon in Earth tumbling.

III. 41
Cow will be visitant by the consent,
More hideous monster in earth not uncovered,
The cut flies Prelat burst the eye,
The Traitor to the King for loyalty received.

III. 45
The five estranged enter inside the temple,
Their blood comes to the earth profane:
To the Toulousians will be well worth example,
Of one who comes the laws exterminate.

III. 54
The one of greater fleeing to the Spaniards,
That in long scourge after comes Lord,
Passing forces by the high mountains.
Devastating all & then in peace ruling.

III. 85
The city ruled by cheating & fraud,
By the means of a handsome young catch,
The assault given, Raubin near of praise,
You & all deaths for having well cheated.

July 19
I. 85
By the response of lady, King troubled,
Ambassador’s my taking their life:
The great his brothers against will be doubled,
Grain two murdering ire, heinous & envy.
II. 6
Nearby the doors & inside two cities,
Will be two crying have not perceived one such,
Hunger inside plague, of iron from people pointed,
Crying assistance to the great God immortal.

II. 85
Old plains of beard under the statute severe,
To lion done underneath the eagle Celtic:
The little great too beyond perseverance,
Noise of weapons to the sky, sea red clear voiced.

IV. 17
Changing to handsome not, night, Chalet, Dijon,
The leader wants to amend the barriers,
Walking near river, fish kiss of plunging,
Towards the neck gate door will be turned on.

IV. 19
In front of roadway of intoxicants put the siege,
By earth & sea closing the passages,
Of Haienault: & arrogance of Ghent & the one of Liege,
By gifts lifted ravishing the riverside.

IV. 58
Sun ardent in the wet shoes glued,
Of blood human of rose earth Etruscan:
Chief Seille of water lead his son string,
Captive woman driven in earth Turkish.

IV. 64
The failed in garment of middleclass citizen,
Comes to the King tempted of his offence,
Fifteen soldiers the most part singing,
Life last & chief of her embezzlement.

July 20
III. 6
In temples walled the thunder you enter,
The summons inside their strength serious:
Horses, beef, men, the wave they’re touching,
By hunger, thirst under the more feeble armies.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
III. 82
Brakes, Antibes, towns all around of Nice,
Will be ravaging strong, by sea & by earth,
They jump the Earths & sea wind advantageous,
Rule, deaths, trousers, pillage without law of war.

III. 89
In this time there will be frustration Cyprus,
Of his assistance of that of sea in need,
Old massacred, but by butchers & books,
Seducing their King, Queen more outraging.

V. 14
Saturn & Mars in Leo Spain captive,
By chief passionate longing to the conflict captured:
Close of Malta, property beginning stitch,
And Roman scepter will be by cock struck.

V. 34
Of more profound of the west Anglos,
Where is the chief of the Isles Britannic:
Entering class in Gironde by handsome,
By wine & fires hiding to the barrier.

V. 78
The two united not holding long,
And in thirteen years to the barbarians captured:
To the two guardians will be such a loss,
The one kindly the boat & her headdress.

July 21
III. 17
Mount to rumour burning night will be seen,
The sky obscures all to one cut in Flanders:
When the monarch chases his nephew,
The people of church have begun the ascensions.

IV. 2
By death France taking voyage to do,
Class by sea marching mountains Pyrenees
Spain in trouble, walking men militant,
Of greater; ladies in France guided.
IV. 46
Well defended the done by excellence,
Guard your towers of her coming ruin,
London & Nantes by Reims will be defense,
Not passing beyond to the times of the drizzle.

IV. 55
When the horning on tower of brick joints,
During seven hours will not be that cries out,
Death predicted of blood statue tainted,
Tyrant deadly to the Gods people pray.

VI. 33
Her hand last by high bloodlines,
Not the for more the sea assured;
Between two rivers fearing hand militant,
The black the ire’s will be repenting.

VI. 82
By the deserters of location, liberty & wildness,
Comes to error impure of great Pontiff:
The command to seven with what is onerous by birth,
By this that after occupies the cipher.

July 22
IV. 3
Of pledged & Bourges of Brodes great insignias,
A bigger number of Gascons battle to foot,
The one long of dewdrop bleeding the Spanish,
Close of mount where Sagonte is sitting.

IV. 20
Peace abundant long times God renting,
By all his queen desert the Fleur de Lis,
Bodies dead of water, earth there they have carried,
Hopes vain hour of being there buried.

IV. 34
The great leader captive of strange earth,
Of gold chained to the King autograph offered:
Who in Ausone, Milan loses the war,
And all his bones put to fire & to iron.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
V. 12
Nearby of lake Leman will be driven,
By boy strange city wants to be dragged,
Before his murder to Auspurg the great flight.
And the one of Rhine that comes unpunished.

V. 28
The arms hanging & the leg lying,
Face browse to the innocent dagger hidden:
Three who will be jury of the butcher,
To the great of Gennes will be the iron gusset.

V. 44
By sea the red will be ruled of pirates,
The peace will be by his remedy troubled:
The ire & the miserly commencing by saintly act,
To the great Pontiff will be the army doubled.

V. 63
Of vain beginning the honour thereafter plaints,
Cocks mistaken, by Latin’s cold, hunger vague:
Not distant of alarm of blood earth tainted,
And on humans will be diverse plagues.

V. 75
Assemble high on the good more to right,
Murdering assisted on the Pierre beloved,
Towards the middle posing to her window,
Kiss turtle in hand mouth turned.

V. 96
On the middle of great world the rose,
For newer doing blood public crooked:
To say true have had mouth closed,
While to the need comes late the attending.

July 23
III. 44
When the animal to the man domestic,
After great sadness & leaps comes speaking:
The lightning to virgin will be indeed evil,
Of earth ruling & suspended in the air.
VI. 10
A little time the temples of colours,
Of white & black the two intermixing:
Reds & yellows their carrying your ones,
Blood, earth, plague, hunger, fire, of water weakened.

VI. 36
Not good not bad by battle earthly,
Not arriving to the confines of perusals,
Rebelling Pisa, Florence sees pain being,
King night wounded on mule to black Housse.

VI. 62
Too late both two, the flowers will be lost,
Horn the law snake does not want to do,
The liquor forced by cocks confounded,
Soap, the binge by reminder great martyr.

VI. 70
A chief of earth the great charter will be,
More beyond, after loved, feared, doubting again,
His noise & there the prices overcoming,
And of single title victor $$ strong happiness.

VI. 94
A King irked will be to the broken calm,
When interdicted will be these of war:
The poison tainted to the sugar by the fragments,
By waters deadly, deaths wealthy serious, serious.

July 25
VIII. 59
By two times high, by two time put to low,
The orient also the westward feebleness,
His adversary after more fighting,
By sea chasing to the needy failing.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2008
July 26
VI. 30
By the appearance of sacred sanctity,
Will be dragged to the enemies the siege,
Night that has cooked sleeping in safety,
Near of Braban marching the one of Liege.

I. 63
The sickness passing diminish the world,
Long times the peace, earths inhabited.
Safe marching by the sky, earth, sea & wave,
Then of new the wars aroused.

I. 92
Under one the peace by all will be secret,
But not long times, pillage & rebellion,
By refuse town, earth & sea notwithstanding,
Deaths & captives the third of one million.

I. 100
Long times to the sky will be seen gray bird,
After of fraud & of you with earth,
Clinging to the kiss one greening twig,
Murder soon great & finished the war.

July 27
II. 100
Inside the isles indeed horrible tumult,
Nothing has no aura that one militant brigand,
That much great will be the predators the insult,
That have come arranged to the great league.

July 29
I. 98
The chief that has driven people infinitely,
Distant of his sky, of walls & language strange,
Five thousand in Grete & Thessale finish,
The chief existing knowing in the marine grange.
IV. 29
The Sun hidden eclipsed by Mercury,
Will not be put that for the sky impurities:
Of Vulcan Hermes will be made shepherd,
Slowly will be seen pure auburn & blond.

IV. 100
Of fire celestial to the Royal office,
When the luminary of Mars failed,
Seven months great war, dead man of malfeasance,
Road in defending, to the King not failing.

July 31
VI. 59
Lady in fury by rage of adultery,
Comes to his prince conjured not of saying,
But brief inquiry will be the weaving together,
That will be put seventeen to the Sea screwed.

VI. 63
The lady alone to the queen delayed,
The confidant is the first to the bed of honour,
Seven years will be of pain explored,
Longer life to the queen by great hour.
Donum Olim Occultas -- August 2008

August 15
VII. 21
By pestilence imminent Volscian,
Dissimilar chasing the tyrant:
To the bridge of Sorgues there will be traffic,
Of putting to death him & his adherent.

August 16
I. 47
Of Lake Leman, the sermons angry,
Of days will be re-driven by the weeks,
Then month, then year, then both failed,
The Magistrates damning the laws vain.

I. 70
Rain, hunger, war, in pursuit not ceased,
The faith too great dragged the Monarch,
By the finish in Gaule commencing,
Secret augury for you one is by this.

August 17
II. 36
Of great prophet the letters will be ruled,
Among the hands of tyrant arriving,
Defrauding his King will be his enterprises,
But his rapes well soon the troubling.

II. 40
A little after not point long interval,
By sea & earth will be made great tumult,
Plenty bigger will be skirmish naval,
Fires, animals, who more will be of insult.

II. 45
Too much of sky raining Androgyny procreated,
Near of this sky blood human reply:
By death too late great people recreated,
Late & soon comes the assisting attended.
II. 46
After grand trouble human more grand is approved,
The big motor the cycles renewed,
Rain, blood, milk, famine, fire & plague:
To the sky seen fire, running long is glossy.

II. 50
When the one of Haienault, offer, Ghent & Brussels
Approaching to Langres the siege before place,
Behind their flanks will be wars cruelties,
The rain antique, will be udder the enemies.

II. 52
In more nights the earth trembles,
On the spring two efforts will be following,
Corinth, Ephese to the two seas swimming,
War is stirred by two valiant of paying.

II. 66
By great dangers the captive escapes,
Few of times great the fortune changed.
In the palace the people are captured,
By good augury the City assieged.

August 18
I. 15
Mars menaces us by the force militant,
Seven before times will be the blood crooked:
Augury & ruin of the Ecclesiastic,
And more the one who of you none want to listen.

I. 36
Late the Monarch to come repenting,
Of no to black put you dead his adversary,
But comes well you higher consenting,
That all his blood by death will be in doing.

III. 4
When will be near the default of lunar ones,
Of the one to the other not distant greatness:
Cold, temperate, danger towards the frontiers,
Themselves where the oracle to rules commencing.
Donum Olim Occultas -- August 2008
III. 51
Paris plot one great murder commenced,
Handsome will be leaving in full effect:
That of Orleans want their leader replaced,
Angels, Troy, Langres there will be great forfeit.

III. 70
The great Brittany firstly of England,
Comes by waters indeed strong inundation:
The league nephew of Ausonne will be war,
That against you he is coming banded.

August 19
I. 14
Of men caved in, songs, chants & requests,
Captives by Princes & Lords to the prisons,
To the Advent by idiots without witness,
Will be received by divine without reason.

II. 53
The great plague of city maritime,
Not ceasing that death is not avenged:
Of just blood by taking damned without crime,
Of the great lady by faint not outraged.

II. 69
The King Gaulois by the Celtic dexterity,
Seeing discord of the great Monarchy,
On the three parts will be flowering his scepter,
Against the arrest of the great Hierarchy.

IV. 49
In front the people blood will be answered,
That of high sky comes not elongated:
But of one long-times will not be heard,
The spirit of one alone comes your lessening.

IV. 78
The great army of the skirmish civil,
For of night Parma to the strange finding,
Seven nine murdered inside the town,
The strangers passing all to the sword.
IV. 88
The great Antoine of lesser made sordid,
Of Phytriase to his last nibble,
One who of lead wants to be Cupid,
Passing the port of visitor will be plunged.

IV. 97
The year that Mercury, Mars, Venus reverse direction,
Of great Monarch the league not failing,
Visitant of people the usual near of Gagdole,
That in peace & queen comes strong in aging.

August 20
III. 40
The large theatre is coming re-tamed,
The abandoned & the flexible attempts:
Too much the first in glaze comes left alone,
By arcs cast down of long times you fend off.

III. 66
The great Bailiff of Orleans put to death,
Will be by one of blood vindicated:
Of death merit not murder, not by strong:
Of feet & hands the pain the done in captive.

III. 94
Of five hundred years more count that have held on,
The one that sheltered the ornament of his times:
Then to the one cut great clarity given,
That by this cycle the redder very happy.

V. 19
The great Royal of gold, of bronze augmented,
Rumpus the passion, by young opening war,
People striking by one chief lamented,
Of blood barbaric will be covered the earth.

V. 52
One King will be who gives the opposite,
The exiles are raised on the queen:
Of blood swims the man chaste hypocrite,
And flowered long times under such the insignia.
Donum Olim Occultas -- August 2008
V. 56
By the trespass of very old man pontiff,
Will be visitant Roman of well aged:
That he will say that the siege weakened,
And long holding & of gossip opening.

V. 60
By witness shaven comes well pain reading,
More that her charge not carried passing,
Indeed great fury & rage will be said,
That to the fire & blood all sex tabled.

V. 70
Of regions put under to the balance,
Will be troubling the mounts by great war:
Captive all sex God & all sister-in-law,
That has cried to the dawn earth to earth.

V. 76
And place openly tending his pavilion,
And wants not in quickly taking place:
Hers, plucked, the isle Volce mount Cavaillon,
By all the places abolishing the trace.

V. 86
By the two witnesses & three arms separated,
The city great by waters will be vexed:
Of greats of among you by exile mislead,
By witness pursue sister-in-law strong pressed.

August 21
IV. 14
The death put under of first person,
Has changed & put one other to the queen:
Soon, late come to indeed height & low aged,
That earth & sea false that have the fearing.

IV. 26
Onus great Cyssame the raising of whitened,
That not Sauran present, you signing vendettas,
Denech the ambushed, Sou Gach under the tail that,
Ciutat dragged by five wretched non-nudes.
IV. 52
In city obsess to the walls men & women,
Enemies while the chief near of faith rendered:
Wind will be strong aside the men of weapons,
Chased will be by heat, pushing & cindered.

IV. 93
A snake wants near of bed Royal,
Will be by lady, night dogs not obeying,
While born in France one Prince that much Royal,
Of sky come all the princes towards.

VI. 29
The briar sacred $ listens the new ones,
Of his twigs put in perplexity & trouble:
Who will be picked $ appraising the quarrels,
By his purchase of razes will be ruined.

VI. 32
By dragging of verges to death battled,
Then mounted will be by his disorder:
Consent frivolous to the great captive judge,
Naz by fury when Begich comes to bite.

VI. 35
Near of Rion & close to white,
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo the virgin:
Mars, Jupiter, the Sun ardent great plain,
Handsome & quickly letters hidden to the cierge.

VI. 61
The great carpet folded not shown,
Fors that to half the most part of the history:
Chasing of queen afar after appearing,
That to the made militant each comes to believe

VI. 71
When has come the great King parenting,
Before that he ate of all the love rendered:
The one who less comes lamenting,
By lions, of eagles, belief, courting sold.
Donum Olim Occultas -- August 2008
VI. 85
The great city of Tharse by Gaulois,
Will be destroyed, captives all to Turban:
Assistance by sea, of great Portuguese,
First of being the day of sacred Urban.

August 22
V. 35
By city broken of the great sea salty,
Who carries again to the stomach the stone,
Anglos class comes under the drizzle,
One twig taken, of great opened war.

V. 42
Mars raised in his higher belfry,
Will be retiring the barbarians of France:
The man Lombardy will be indeed great wildness,
To the one of the Eagle comprised under the balance.

V. 68
In the Danube & of Rhine comes to drink
The great camel, not is in repenting:
Trembling of dewdrop & stronger the one of Loire,
And near of Alps cock the ruins.

August 23
VI. 1
To the tower of mounts Pyrenees great mass,
Of man strange, assisting King new:
Near of Garonne of great temple of more,
A Roman chief the fear inside the water.

VI. 40
Great of Magonce for great thirst so great,
Will be privileged of the great dignity,
The one of Cologne indeed strong becomes apparent,
That the great Groppe to the Rhine will be he was.
August 24
VII. 38
The leaving Royal on coursing giant monster,
Gossip comes indeed rudely running:
Gueulle, kicking, foot in the restraint pleasant,
Training tore, horribly murdered.

August 26
II. 32
Milk, blood, frogs hiding in Dalmatian,
Conflict given, plague near, of whale,
Cries will be great by all baiting,
While born monster near & inside,
While born monster near & inside Ravenna.
Donum Olim Occultas -- September 2008

September 18
I. 10
Snakes transmit in the cage of iron,
O the children sevens of King are taken,
The old & fathers leaving low of in iron,
Have murder seen of his fruit dead & brandished.

I. 19
While the Snakes come you circle the area,
The blood Trojan vexed by the Spanish,
By your grand number will be in doing rare,
Chief flees, hiding to the mares in the blood.

I. 76
Of one name Feruccio such the delay will be,
That the three on having only the name:
Then great people by language & doings & you say,
More that none other has noise & rename.

I. 91
The Gods will be to the human’s appearance,
That who he will be author of great confliction & you:
Before sky is willing, hoped & lance,
That towards hand left will be bigger affliction & you.

I. 97
That which iron flame, not have the finishing,
The soft language to the consent comes done:
By repose dream, the King will be received,
More the enemy in fire, blood militant.

September 19
II. 51
The blood of just to London will be false,
Burning by lightning of twenty three the six,
The lady antique dear of place high,
Of herself sect more will be falling.
II. 78
The great Neptune of profound of the sea,
Of man Grandfather & blood Gaulois stirred:
The isles to blood, for the tardy twig,
More you harmed that the secret pain sealed.

September 20
III. 2
The divine action able from the substance,
Comprised sky, earth, gold secret to the made mystic,
Bodies, love, spirit have all powerful,
That much under his feet like to the siege Celtic.

III. 42
The child born to two teeth in the throat,
Pierre in Tulcie by rain falling:
Few of years after will not be blood no orgy,
For follower the one who of hunger failed.

III. 46
The sky (of Plancus to city) we predict,
By clear insignias & by stars fixed,
That of his change sudden is approaching the aged,
Nor for his good, not for his malfeasance.

September 21
IV. 24
Who under earth saint of love sees faint,
Humane flames for divine seeing delivered,
Will be of alone of their blood earth tainted,
And the saints temples for the impurities destroyed.

IV. 80
Near of great river great fossil earth lacking,
In fifteen parts will be the water divided:
The city first, fire, blood cries, conflict meddled,
And the most part concerned to the coliseum.
Donum Olim Occultas -- September 2008
September 23
VI. 2
In the year five hundreds eighth $ more & less,
Have attended the cycle well strange:
In the year seven hundred & three this one in you less,
To the mostly queens one from five will be change.

VI. 27
Inside the isles of five rivers from one,
By the crossing of great Chiren salty:
By the drizzles of the air fury of the one,
Six flee, hiding make-up waters of dirt.

VI. 86
The great Prelat one day after his dream,
Interpreted to the rebound of his senses:
Of the Gascony you arriving one meal,
Who will be reading the great Prelat of senses.

September 25
VIII. 78
One Brag amass with the language tort,
Comes the Gods the sanctuary,
To the heretics he opens the door,
And stirs up the church militant.

September 26
I. 65
Child without hands, never want indeed great lightning,
The child royal to the game of being wounded:
To the boy broken, flashes going moldy,
Three on the chains by the middle trestle.

September 27
II. 57
Before conflict the great wall falls,
The great to death, death too sudden & plaint,
Sin imperfect: the most part swims,
Nearby of river of blood the earth tainted.
II. 62
Mabus then soon while death comes,
Of people & beasts one horrible undoing,
Then all to cut the vengeance have towards,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger, when runs the comet.

September 29
IV. 35
The fire so large the virgins dragged,
The bigger part of the group new:
Lightning to iron, Lance the sole King guarding,
Etruscan & Corsican of night throat illuminated.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2008

October 1
III. 30
The one that in laying & iron to the made militant,
Has carried greater that you the taking:
Of night $ to the bed $ fasten you will be the pick,
Naked without harness sudden will be surprised.

VI. 98
Ruining the Volsques of fear indeed strong terrible,
Their great city tainted, made pestilent:
Pillage Sun, Moon & violated their temples,
And the two rivers reddened of blood cooling.

October 3
V. 2
Seven conspire to the banquet will be shining,
Against the three the iron from of navigating,
The one the two classes from great will be driven,
When by the mail last to the front you tore.

VII. 14
Falsely exposed comes topography,
Will be the jugs of monuments opened:
Polluting sect, faint philosophy,
For whites, blacks & for antique greens.

October 6
VIII. 15
Towards Aquilon great efforts by homage,
Almost the Europe & the universe vexed,
The two eclipses put in such her chase,
And to the Pennon life & death reinforced.
VIII. 63
When the adulteress wounded without cut having,
Murdered the woman & the son by despite,
Woman assumed the child strangled:
Eight captives taken, is stifled without postponing.

October 7
Manifesting temple brilliant ornate,
The lamp & cierge from Borne & Bretveil,
For the Lamppost the song placed,
When have towards the large cock to the vessel.

VIII. 16
To the place of Heiron stink her sin fabricated,
Indeed big deluge will be & indeed unexpected,
That have not had motive no earths are attacked,
The wave showed Fesulant Olympic.

October 9
X. 44
By from the one King will be against the his,
Native of handsome joins threads:
Breast, Cordube & the Dalmatians,
Of seven then the shadow from King & ghost.
Donum Olim Occultas -- November 2008

November 6
VIII. 43
By the decision of two things bastard,
Nephew of blood occupies the queen,
Inside reading will be the cuts of offers,
Nephew by folding the insignia.

VIII. 44
The begetting natural Dogmion,
Of seven from nine of path placed,
To King of long & friend to the ego,
Has to voyage strong of few subverting.

VIII. 71
Believing the number indeed great of astronomical,
Chasing, banished & delivered censored,
The year 1600 & seven by sacred clues,
Than none to the sacred will not be assured.

November 13
IV. 13
Of bigger door newer accounts,
The account made the camp is elongated:
Bendes united encounter revolters,
Double phalanx great abandonment.

November 14
V. 20
Delay the Alps great army passing,
A little ahead born monster beaten:
Prodigious & sudden turning,
The great Tuscan from his place more approaching.
November 18
I. 44
In Breb, will be of return sacrifices,
Against coming will be put you who martyrs:
More will not be less, Abbots, not novices,
The honey will be plenty more dear the wax.

I. 50
Of the aquatic triplicate born,
Of one who will be the Friday for birthday.
His noise, she, queen, her powerful belief,
By earth & sea, to the rising sun storm.

November 19
II. 43
During the star horseman apparent,
The three great princes will be made enemies,
Hitting of sky peace earth trembling,
Skin, timber, one in, snakes on the border put.

II. 86
Shipwreck from class near of wave Hadriatic,
The earth is dirtied under lair in earth put:
Egypt trembles augmented Mahomet,
Heraut is rendered to crying is commenced.

IX. 27
Of wood the guard, wind enclosed around bridge will be,
High the receipt hitting the Dauphin,
The old Teccon wood united passing,
Passing further away of boss the right confined.

November 20
III. 75
Few, Verona, Vincence, Sara Gousse,
Of swords long, terror of blood moistened:
Plague indeed great comes to the great pod,
Near assistance & well distant the remedies.
Donum Olim Occultas -- November 2008
X. 22
For not wanting consenting to the divorce,
Who then after will be known indignity,
The King of Isles will be chased by force,
Put to his place who of King has not sign.

November 21
IV. 53
The fugitives & banishment revoked,
Father & son great garnishing the high then,
The cruel father & the temples suffocated,
His son more worse submerged in the well.

November 22
V. 53
The law of Sun & Venus contending,
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:
Not the one the other will not be listening,
By Sun holding the law of great dagger.

November 26
VII. 24
The buried leaving of fallen,
Will be of chains tied on the strong of bridge:
Poisoned with eggs of bearded,
Great of Lorraine by the Marquis of bridge.

November 29
I. 52
The two vicious of Scorpion plotting,
The great Lord murdered of in her filth,
Plague you who the church by the new King joined,
The Europe base & Septentrionale.

December 2
IV. 12
The camp bigger of route put in flight,
Scarcely further beyond will not be for chasing:
Bones fielded & region re-driven,
Then while of Gaule of all will be chased.

December 8
IX. 23
Then have not played to the bruise underneath the thunder,
The high of roof of middle on the witness:
The father King to the temple sacred Solonne,
Sacrificing sacred smoke of celebration.

December 9
X. 7
The large conflict that has approval from Nancy,
The Aemathian says all I undertook,
The Isle Britannic by wine, salt in Solcy,
Hem. Put two Phi. Long time not holding places.

December 11
I. 12
In few said false brute fragile,
Of low in high, weeping out promptly,
Then in not much disloyalty & lips,
Who of Verona has the government.

December 12
II. 1
Towards Aquitaine by insults Brittany which,
And by you yourself large incursions,
Rains, freezing will be terrors initiated,
Port dirtied strong will be invasions.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2008
II. 72
Army Celtic in Italy vexed,
Of all parts conflict & large loss,
Romans flee, O Gaule rejected,
Near of Thesin, Rubicon skirmish uncertain.

December 13
III. 67
One new filth of Philosophy,
My taking dead, gold, honours & riches,
Of mounts Germans will not be limitrophes;
To the ensuring have approved & pressed.

III. 81
The great crier without shame audacious,
Will be visitant governor of the army:
The hardiest of his happiness,
The bridge rumpus, city of fear pacified.

December 14
IV. 27
Salon, Mansol, Taras con of sex the arc,
Where is debut again the pyramid:
Comes delivered the prince of Anne Marc,
Fluttering honey to the prince of Artemides

IV. 65
To the deserter of the great fortress,
After that has his place abandoned:
His adversary will be indeed great prowess,
The Emperor soon dead will be condemned.

December 16
I. 1
Being assisted of night secret study,
Alone reposing mad the saddle of bronze:
Flame briefly leaving of solitude,
Stink accepted who is not you believe in vain.
I. 3
When the bedding of turbulence versed,
And will be faces of their coats covered,
The republic by men newly vexed,
While whites & reds judging you the entire.

VI. 51
People assembled see new expectance,
Princes & Kings by more assistance,
Pillages failing, walls, but like miracle,
The King saved & thirty of instants.

VI. 55
To the calmness boss in snatching the Ponces,
Veil the Arabic seen, sudden uncovered:
Tripoli, Chio & the one of sluttish maid,
Boss taken, Sea black & her city deserted.

VI. 64
Have not held passion not one arrested,
All recipients have been by adultery,
Of peace & found earth & sea protested,
By Barcelona no class taken of industry.

VI. 74
There hunted to the queen turning,
Your enemies found the plotting:
More that never his time triumphant,
Three & seven to death too much assured.

December 17
VIII. 27
The prey from her the one on the other fornicated,
Of soft of late while put brave & broom,
The writing of Emperor the mowed,
See in the one is that from none other not being.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2008
December 18
I. 11
The movement of senses, pastor, feet & hands,
Will be of agreement, Naples, Leon, Secile.
Swords, fires, waters, that to the noble Romans,
Plunging, killing, deaths by brain disabled.

I. 32
The great Empire will be soon translated,
In place small, who soon enough comes to believe,
Location well infirm, of briefly counting,
Where to the middle came posing his Scepter.

I. 39
Of night in the bed the supreme strangle,
For too much having subdued blond visitor,
By three the Empire overthrow servant,
To death placed card, packet not there.

I. 43
Before the Advent the changing of Empire,
He Advented a matter well marvelous:
The field softened, the pillage of purple-red,
Put, widely beyond on the rocks Noiseux.

I. 89
All those of gutsiness will be inside ruling her,
Putting to death all those of legal & sanity,
Assistance of the sea comes near of high desire,
When the Spaniard opens all veins.

December 19
II. 24
Beasts wild of hunger rivers swam through,
More part of camp against Hister will be,
In cage of iron the great will be crossing,
When Rhine child German observing.
II. 56
The plague & sword not to few is in definition,
Death in the boys sky of hitting,
The Abbot murdered when towards ruining,
That of shipwreck, the squirrel wants to grapple.

II. 58
Without feet no hand tooth Aigue & strong,
By globe to the strong of pork & the leaving not had,
Near of doorway disloyalty is transported,
Silene then little great leading.

II. 64
Dryness of hunger, of thirst man Geneva,
Hoping next coming to the failure,
On point trembling will be law Gebena,
Class to the great port is not able to acquire.

II. 80
After conflict of Jeff the eloquence,
By few of times is streetcar hunger, repose,
Point has not Advent the greats to deliverance,
The enemies are remitted to proposed.

II. 83
By the traffic of great Lion changing,
And the most part turning in pristine ruin,
Prey to the soldiers by pillage vendetta,
By Jura mount & Suave drizzle.

December 20
II. 63
Gaulois, Ausone, very little subdued,
Especially, Marne & net will be Parma the Urie
Who the great wall against you tamed,
Of lesser to the wall the great loses the life.

III. 7
The fugitives’ fire of sky under the picks,
Conflict next of crows is full moon:
Of earth have cried aide assistance secretly,
When near the walls will be combatants.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2008
III. 62
Near of Duero by sea Cire not close,
Arriving drilling the great mounts Pyrenees,
The hand more courted & her piercing flattered,
Because of affair sound drives your guide.

III. 72
The good old man all submerged,
Near of Grand River by false suspicion,
The new olds of riches enabled:
Taken from path all the gold of the rancid.

December 21
III. 12
By the tumor of Heb.Po, Tag.Tymb. & Rome,
And by the Geman & Aretin:
The two great chiefs & quickly of Garonne,
Taken, deaths, drowning, leaving human booty.

IV. 57
Ignorant envy of great King supported,
Holding proposal defending the writings:
Her woman not woman by one other tempted,
More double two will not be any cries.

December 22
IV. 30
More once faith Moon Sun not wanting,
All augmented & screwing of degrees:
And indeed low put that can gold has ran,
Then after hunger, plague, uncover the secret.

V. 8
Will be leaving the fire dead life hidden,
Inside the globes horrible ability,
Of night from classy city in powder striped,
Her city from fire, the enemy favourable.
V. 43
The great ruin of sacred is not elongated,
Province, Naples, Sicily seers & Ponce:
In Germany, to the Rhine & from Cologne,
Vexed to death by both those of Magonce.

V. 88
On the sand by one hideous deluge,
The other seas found monster of the sea:
Near of location will be made a refuge,
Tenant Savone encaged of Turin.

December 23
VI. 23
Of spirit of queen herself decried,
And will be people stirring against their King,
Peace, faint $ new sanctity $ laws worsened,
Rape has mad in indeed very-hard nibble.

VI. 91
Of conductor of the war naval,
Rouge let loose, severe, horrible grip,
Captive escaping of the leaving in the basty:
When he is born of great a son Agrippa.

December 28
III. 57
Seven faiths changed toward man Britannic,
Taints in blood in two hundred ninety year:
France, not, point by support Germanic,
Aries doubts his pole Bastarnan.

December 30
II. 7
Among more to the isles deported,
The one being has not from two teeth in the throat,
Dying of hunger the trees drank enough,
For you nine King new edict $ their forge.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2008
X. 18
The rancid Lorraine will be place to Vandosme,
The high put low & the low put in height,
The son of Hamon will be visitant in Rome,
And the two greats will be put in default.

On the year of delivery 2008

The sea Tyrrhene, the satire by the guard,
Of great Neptune & his trident soldiers:
Province or if by the hand of great attempt,
More Mars speak well the heroic of Vilars.

P - 79
Rise sane, blood, but stirs. None of agreement,
Infinite murders. Captives, deaths, overcoming:
Much of water & plague, few of all, sound hearts,
Taken, deaths, fleeing, greats to come, came.

P - 105
Worse hundred times is year that the year passed,
Themselves to the greater of queen & of the church:
Bad infinite, death, exile, ruin, broken,
To death Great is. Plague, scourge & ball.

P - 130
Death, sickness from young women, illness,
Of witness from eyes bad hour merchants of earth:
Of sea in false, senses pain. Wine by Brumes,
Prude oil too much of rain. To the fruit disturbed. War.

January 2008
The fat bronze who the hours appropriate,
On the trespass of Tyrant breaking:
Tears, accusations & cries, waters, ice bread not given,
V.S.C. peace, the army passes by.

P - 15
The indignity ornate believe the great furnace,
The visitant first, of captives not in returning:
Great low of world, the ire the not to leave,
Beard that pain you. And the Buy not returns.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2008
P - 119
Door, alliance great & not without violence,
All that of the faith, more from religion,
The greater lose life, their honour & chievance,
All the two churches, the blame from their faction.

February 2008
P - 81
Of enemies death of language is approaching,
The Debonair in country wants to reduce:
The obstinate want to lose the close,
Surprise, captives & suspects fury harm.

April 2008
Of not having guard will be more offensive,
The feeble strength, the unquiet pacific:
The hunger has cried. The people are oppressed,
The sea reddens, the long pride & unjust.

P - 26
By the discord of failure to the default,
One all to cut the replaced to the under,
Towards the Aquilon will be the noises indeed high,
Lesions, pointed to crossing, by underneath.

P - 50
Of place visited razing will not be happy,
Of lake Leman driving not proven,
She denies having will be the old times,
Is little he wills the tram that much sits.

P - 83
In debates Princes & Christianity stirs,
Gentiles estranged siege to Christ molested:
Coming very bad proven well mortality seen,
Death of nothing plague, hunger, pity featured.
P - 109
Sprouting plague the sects among battle,
Times reasonable the winter little of return:
Of reaping & black pot grieving that is of battle,
Inundate rivers pains, mortals all around.

May 2008
The five, six, fifteen, late & soon they have the day,
The born without end: the rapidly revolting:
The herald of peace severe & three are in return,
The opened five serious. New inventions.

P - 61
Joy not long, abandoned of hers,
The year pestilent, the bigger assailing:
The lady good to the fields Elysiens
And the most part of good cold not Cueilly.

P - 97
Times inconstant, prides, plague, loiterers,
Wars, debates, times desolated without faint:
Submersions Prince from minors rigorous,
Happiness Kings & greats, other death feared.

June 2008
Distant near of the dive the hurting turns behind,
That to Mars fire gives unprevented,
Towards the Aquilon at midday the great prides,
FLORA holds the door in thinking.

July 2008
P - 18
The herald errand of dog to the lion turns,
Fire town Ardra, pillage, taken newer:
Uncovered madness Princes taken, have return,
Explore, take Gallic. To the great joined maid.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2008
P - 29
War, thunder, hands fields of populace,
Frays & noise, assault to the frontier,
Big big failure forgiven from exile,
Germans, lily hurt. By sea Bearded banished.

P - 99
In peril world & Kings happiness,
Razes stir by consent that which covered,
The church Kings for what is people irritated,
A monster after that which he not covered.

P - 112
Hail, roiling, rains & great scourge,
Preserving women, will be cause of noise:
Death of more plagues, iron, hunger by Hayes,
Sky will be seen when said that he shines.

P - 125
By pestilence & fire fruits of trees perishing,
Signal of oil abundant. Father Denis not wars:
The greats murdered. But few of strangers sailing,
Insult, from sea Barbaric, & dangers of frontiers.

August 2008
P - 30
Noise will be in vain, the failures tuned up,
The razing taken: visited the elegant:
Failing two reds & four good crosses,
Rain un-fishable to Monarch potent.

P - 126
Tears strong excessively, & of good abundance,
Of beasts taken just being, women while of danger:
Hails, rains, lightning: people break down in France,
By death working has dead people correct.
September 2008
P - 11
Crying the sky. From him will be doing done,
The sea is approved. Hannibal does his ruses:
Denis softens. Class late. Not quiet,
Has not scum secret & from whom you amuse.

P - 20
Sea, earth-going trust, loyalty rumpus,
Pillage, shipwreck to the city tumult:
Pride, cruel act ambition rejected,
Feeble offence the chief of adult unpunished.

P - 75
Replaced will be in location plain taken,
Of one point of accord plotted, not according:
All are defiant to the raze fiancée,
Many more of among you a bevy overflowing.

P - 127
Arms, playing ceased death of seditions,
The father liberty great not much abundance:
Wrongdoing will be known by more maliciousness,
France more that never surpasses triumph.

P - 139
Long loitering of witness Ponce, enemy,
By Prelat & voyage. Dream of Great earthly:
Fire & ruin great found in place oblique,
By torrent uncovering leaving new errors.

October 2008
P - 12
Venus Neptune for living the among chief,
Serious thoughts. Troubling the opposers:
Class in Adrie. Quickly towards the sieve,
The quarter hit hurt of night the composure.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2008
P - 31
Rain, wind, class Barbaric sometimes tyrant,
Passing wholly pure giving birth, soldiers fortify:
Reward well mature by flower shattered temple,
The two will be deaths, amity united.

P - 55
Will be received the request descent,
Will be chasing & then remit to the suck:
The great great is found happy,
Blinding, deafness will be put underneath.

P - 76
By the deputy of Earth & marine,
The great cape to all is accommodated:
Is to the hearing silent knights service varied,
That to his advice does not want to agree.

P - 89
Here are the months by dirty that much the doubting,
Morals, all shield plague, hunger, quarrelling:
The one of rebounds of exile comes written down,
Greats, secrets, deaths, not of return cheating.

P - 102
The mouth & throat in passionate pettiness,
Of seven Greats five. All distilled harm:
Rain indeed long. From not death turning bubbles,
The great murdered, whom three-both shines.

November 2008
P - 13
The great of sky under the cape given,
Assistance. Adrie to the door made offer:
Is saving the danger who can do,
The night the great wound for after the chest.

P - 32
Venus the beautiful enters inside FLORE,
The exiled secrets lavish the place:
Briars plenty. Death of great has deplored,
Rising of queen. The great great no threat.
P - 103
By noise of fire greats & old failing,
Plague catatonic. One greater born:
Plague of the Altar. Hay hidden, few believing,
Dying flock fertile. Joy while nearby.

December 2008
P - 14
The entrance exclaimed too fraudulent & feint,
The jewel opened, condition of peace:
Dewdrop to crystal water, snow ice complexion,
The death, death, wind. By rain breaking done.

P - 33
Games, festivities, Ponces. Death to Prelat of rename,
Noise, peace of trove pending the enemy expression:
Sea, earth & sky noise made of great Brennus,
Cries gold, money. The enemy the have ruined.

P - 46
The joy in giving comes to captivate Mars,
Before the great will be in my Divines:
Without sound word entering by three parts,
Mars asleep. Under ice found in wines.

P - 91
Death by contempt will be the others shine,
And in high place of greats bad Advent:
Dismal concepts from each come to harm,
Controlling dignity. The Reaper finishes.

P - 104
To gathering point soft fury to sacred,
Inflamed three four & to keeper dead:
See of failing, is not to half to the sacred,
By seven & three, & by a fifth running.

P - 117
Strong freezing. Ice more the treaty,
Briars matrons, fire, deploring:
Games, full moons, joy. Mars quickly in discord,
By marriage good expectation.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2009

January 1
VI. 76
The city ancient of Antenore forged,
More not able the tyrant supported:
The sleeve faint to the temple slit throat,
The temples the people from death come peaked.

January 3
V. 6
From King the augury under the chief the hand put,
Comes begging for the peace Italian:
To the left hand comes changing is Scepter,
Of King comes Emperor Pacific.

V. 17
Of night passes the King near of one Andronne,
That one of Cyprus & principal taste,
The King failed the hand flee long of dewdrop,
They conspire the have to death placed.

January 6
VIII. 17
The well-left sudden will be of placed,
By the three brothers the world put in trouble.
City of the sea seizing enemies,
Hunger, fire, blood, plague & of both dirty the double.
MAY 2009

May 18
III. 65
When the tomb of great Roman found,
The day after will be visiting Pontiff:
Of state wars he will not be proven,
Imprisoned his blood from sacred goblet.

May 19
IV. 11
The one that is covered of the great cape,
Will be from several matter fatherlands:
The twelve reds coming the soiling the nape,
Under killing, killing is becoming accomplished.

May 21
VI. 50
Inside the well will be found the bones,
Will be the incest committed by the astral mar:
The state changed have bewailed noise & lost,
And have Mars ascended for his heavenly body.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2009
JUNE 2009

June 16
I. 80
Of the attachment clear splendour celestial,
Comes thunder indeed strong from the Burgundy:
Then born monster of three-hideous beasts,
Mars, April, May, June great esteem & asking.

June 17
I. 27
Underneath of chain Guien of sky hitting,
Not distant of the you, hiding the treasure,
Who by long cycles will have you grappling,
Found dying, the he bursting of spring.

II. 10
Before long time the entire will be arranged,
We are hoping one cycle well sinister,
The state of masks & of only good changing,
Few finding that from order aged being.

II. 11
The next son the has denied by coming,
That much raised close to queen of chance,
His rough glory one each the fear,
But his children of queen strutting bears.

II. 48
The great force who passes by the mounts,
Saturn in the arc turning of fish Mars,
Have come hidden under witness of salmon,
Their chiefs thought from wire pole mars.

II. 73
From Lake colour of Benac the river,
First of abandon or port of the O watering.
Have not of three arms predict war-like image,
By three running to the great Endymion.
June 18
I. 23
To the seek after third is rising of Sun,
Bleeding, Leopard to the field Mars for combating,
Leopard leaves you to the sky extend his he,
An eagle around of Sun see is in battle.

I. 62
The large door, wearied will be the letters,
Before the taming of Latona perfected:
Fire, big deluge, more by ignorant scepters,
That of long cycle is not towards redoing.

I. 96
The one who has the charge of destruction,
Temples, fertilize; your changes by fantasy:
More from rocks that from living comes harm,
By language ornate of ears Rassasie.

II. 33
By the torrent who descends of Verona,
While that from controversy guiding his entrance,
One great shipwreck & not less in Garonne,
When that of young man marching your against.

III. 14
By the twig of valiant personage,
Of France infirm by the fathers unhappiness:
Honours, riches, work in his old age,
For having accused the consent of man nevertheless.

III. 35
Of more profound of the Western of Europe,
Of poor people one young child born:
Who by your language great troupe,
His noise from queen of Orient more known.

III. 47
The old monarch of chasing of his queen,
To the Of nothing his assistance ire complaint,
For fear of cross bending his insignia,
In crying like no ire by port & by earth.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2009
June 19
II. 42
Cock, dogs, & cats, of blood will be rejected,
And of the scourge of tyrant found dead:
From bed of one other legs & arms rumpus,
Who has not little dying of cruel death.

II. 74
Of senses, of Autun comes close to the dewdrop,
For passing beyond towards the mounts Pyrenees,
The man leaves of the mark of to her temple,
By earth & sea the following from greats training.

June 20
I. 71
The Tower Marive three times first & first again,
By Spaniards, Barbarians, Ligurians,
Marseille & Aix, Arles by the one of Pisa,
Vast, fire, iron, pillage, Avignon the Thurins.

III. 55
In the year that one eye in France reigns,
The heart will be to one well angry troubles,
The great of handsome his friend kills him:
The queen put in pain & doubt double.

IV. 68
In the year well near elongated of Venus,
The two bigger of the Asia & of rubbing:
Of Rhine & Hister, that have said are coming,
Cries, rains from Malta, & coast from linguistic.

V. 92
After the siege hold ten seven years,
Five changing in such as revolution finish:
The will be the one visitor of reaping times,
Who of Romans will not be too conformed.
V. 100
The tip-fire by his fire trapped,
Of fire of sky by carcass & Cominge,
Occasions, from, Mazeres, high old man escaped,
By the one of these are, of Saxons & Turinge.

June 21
I. 81
Of human troupe nine will be put your part,
Of judgement & consent separated:
Their kind will be divided in departing,
Kappa, Theta, Lambda dead banished certain.

IV. 32
In places & times flesh from fish given place:
The law community will be adult from contrary:
Old held strong, then boning of middle,
The everything lives to love put strong backside.

V. 71
By the fury of one who attends the water,
By the great rage all the exercises stirred,
Charged of nobles from seventeen boats,
To the long of dewdrop late message comes.

VI. 13
One uncertain not coming afar of queen,
The bigger part the want under hold,
One of the capitol not wanting peak that he queen,
Her great order not able to proceeds.

VI. 69
The piety great will be without distant tardiness,
That who presents will be against of taking,
Nude turn over of cold, thirst, are binding,
The mons passing commenced great ascending.

VI. 100
Girl in the halo, has he of pain saint,
Where close to sky is void the amphitheatre,
Prodigy want, your pain is strong following,
Will be captive & two times more of four.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2009
June 22
II. 91
Sunrises on great fire have towards,
Noise & claret towards Aquilon tending:
Inside the round death & cries have peculiar,
By sword, fire, hunger dead the attendants.

II. 97
Roman Pontiff guard of the approach,
Of the city who two rivers arouse:
Your blood comes nearby of the spit,
You & yours when flowering the rose.

VI. 31
King finds that which he of that much,
When the Prelat will be repressed from tort:
Response from Chief rendered pity happy,
Who in Milan places more to death.

June 23
VII. 20
Ambassadors of the Tuscan tongue,
April & May Alps & sea passed:
The one of veal exposed the harangue,
Live Gauloise comes not speaking.

VIII. 47
Lake Trasmenius carrying your lessening,
Of conspiring Sarez inside great hate,
One of against will be the wise,
Killing weariness of extending & lesser.

June 24
VI. 18
By the physics the great King is left,
By kind not art not the intoxicating is in life:
Him & his genre from queen high pushed,
Grace given to man who Christ envies.
VI. 54
To the peak of day from second chat of cock,
The one of Tunis, of Eritrea, & of candle:
By the Arabs captive the King Maroq,
The year 1600 & seven of civil servants.

VIII. 81
The nine empire in desolation
Will be changed of pole Aquiline,
Of the thirst comes the emotions,
Troubling the undertaking from Philip tributary.

June 25
V. 49
None of the Spain but of the ancient France,
Will not be visitant for the trembling plane:
To the enemy will be done fiancée,
Who in his queen will be plague cruel.

V. 59
To the chief Angel from Nimes too much fury,
Of towards the Spain from assistance Areo-beard,
More dying by Mars opened this day,
When in Artois failed stars in beard.

V. 61
The child of great not being from her birthing,
Subduing the highs mounts lay bare,
Will be trembling both the one of the Balance,
And of mounts fires close from mount dining on.

VII. 6
Naples, Palermo, & all the Cecile,
By hand barbaric will be inhabited,
Corsican, Salerne & of Sardinia the Isle,
Hunger, plague, war, end of dirty temptations.

VIII. 24
Lieutenant from the entrance of the Huys,
Commanding the great of equal pledge,
In is cooking saving from mount lost.
Will be deceived bastard of playing.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2009
June 26
VIII. 29
From quarter pillage the have sacred from Saturn,
By trembling earth & deluge fended,
Under the building Saturn finds dive,
Of gold Capion & then rendered.

VIII. 36
Will be likened fairy tale anoint Aduche,
Of Saulne & saint Aulbin & Belvedere,
Paved of marble of both long nearly,
Not Bleteran resisting & chief of work.

IX. 91
The horrible plague Perynte & Nicopolitan,
The dear sounding held & Marcellus,
The Thessalie ravaging the both sides Paul,
Pain unknown, & the refuse of Antoine.

June 28
VIII. 70
He enters vainly, evil, infamous,
Tyrannizes the Mesopotamia,
Both friends ripe of adulterine lady,
Earth horrible black of Phisomie.
JULY 2009

July 16
I. 4
By the universe will be mature one Monarch,
That in peace & life will not be long,
While is scared the speakers bark,
Will be queen in greater detriment.

July 24
VII. 31
Of Languedoc & Guienne more of ten,
Thousand want the Alps passed again:
Big Allobroges marching against Brundisium,
A fifth & Bresse that come broken again.

VII. 32
Of mountain Royal born of one Casane,
Who caved & accountant comes to tyrannize,
Training force of the march thousands no,
Favour, Florence of gold & people following.

VII. 39
The conductor of the army French,
Believing lost the principal phalanx:
By under paved of the quickest & of Ardoise,
Are founded by Gennes man strange.

July 25
VIII. 14
The great credit of gold & of money the abundance,
Will be blinded by libido the honour,
Will be known will be of adultery the offence,
Who is coming to his great dishonour.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2009
VIII. 54
Under the colour of marriage,
Made by great charter salty,
Quintin, pledges recovering from voyage,
Of Spaniards done second bank Macelin.

VIII. 66
When the scripture D.M. found,
And cave ancient from lamp uncovered,
Law, King & Prince Ulpian proven,
Pavilion Queen & Boss under the covered.

VIII. 73
Soldier barbaric the great King strikes,
Unjustly not elongated the death,
The having mother of mature cause will be,
Conspiring & queen in great remorse.

July 26
IX. 6
By the Guienne infinite of Angels,
Occupying by name of Angel Aquitaine,
Of Languedoc you palm Bourdelois,
That he’s named after Barboxitaine.

August 26
VIII. 72
Field perusing of the enormous undoing,
And the conflict all nearby of Ravenna,
Passage sacred while that have will be the party,
Vanquisher vanquish horse eats the arrival.

VIII. 77
The Antichrist three well soon yearlings,
Twenty & seven years hardened her war,
The heretic’s deaths, captives exiled,
His body human water red hailing earth.

VIII. 82
Nibble long, dry doing of good valet,
To the paraffin not having that his knows,
Pointy poison & letters from gluing,
Will be seized fleeing in danger.

August 27
IX. 62
To the great of dear Mona Gora,
Will be cruising by rancid both attached,
The & tenacious smearing, & mandrake,
Gathering of October the third will be leather.
Donum Olim Occultas -- August 2009

September 21
II. 18
New & rain suddenly, impetuous,
Unprevented approve two exercises,
Pierre, sky, fires made the sea stony,
The death of seven, earth & marine abruptly.

October 16
I. 16
False you the estrange, joined towards the Sagittarius,
In his high AUGE of the exaltation,
Plague, famine, death of hand militant,
The cycle approaches of renovation.

October 18
III. 44
When the animal from the man domesticated,
After great grief & leaps come to speaking:
The thunder from virgin will be indeed spiteful,
Of earth firstly & suspended in the air.

October 20
V. 36
Of sister the brother by similar faintness,
Comes meddling dewdrop in mineral:
On the pleasant give from old tardiness,
Dead the tasting will be simple & rural.

October 21
I. 30
The sin strange by the torment of the sea,
From bordering near of port unknown,
Not sealed signals of twig Palmer,
After death, pillage, good advice late coming.

October 22
II. 67
The blonde from nose forked comes commencing,
By the duel & chasing outside,
The exiles inside will be replaced,
From places of the sea commencing the stronger.
Donum Olim Occultas -- October 2009
October 23
III. 69
Large exercises conducted by teenager,
Is coming rendered to the hands of the enemies:
But the old man has not from half swine,
Will be let down & masturbator are friends.

October 24
IV. 15
Of where thinking to do comes famine,
Of the coming the reassessment:
The eye of the sea by miserly canine,
For of the one the other gives oil wheat.

IV. 89
Thirty of London secret conspiring,
Against their King on the bridge the enterprise,
You, escorted the death savouring,
One King visitant blonde, native of Friesland.

IV. 99
The elder valiant of the girl of King,
Chased away indeed before the Celtics,
That he places thunders, how many in such a nibble,
Few & distant more profound hoping.

October 26
VI. 65
Grey & office, half opened war,
Of night will be assailed & pillaged:
The office first passing by the serious,
His temple opened two to the plasters grilling.

VI. 97
Five & forty degrees sky burns,
Fire approaches of the great city new,
Instant great flame departing jumps up,
When have want of standards to make proof.

On the year of delivery 2009

P - 118
To the greats death, union of honour & violence,
Professors of the faith, their state & their sect:
To the two large churches diverse noise, decadence,
Bad neighbours complaining serfs of church without witness.

January 2009
P - 93
Times strong diverse, discord uncovered,
Counsel warlike, changes taken, changed:
The great not being, plotting by water loss,
Great similarity, both to the greater order.

P - 131
Prisons, secrets: in night among nearing discord,
The life has given. By pain various catarrhs:
The death is in following. Poison will be treaty,
Restrained, for fear, fear great. Journey left of Ares.

February 2009
Near of Leman the unrestrained will be large,
By the counsel, it is not able to fail:
The new King made to approve her group,
The young murder hunger, for fear will be sailing.

P - 48
Break diet, Lantiq that sacred ravished,
The under the two, fire by forgiving in following:
While of armies sacred: long Red wants to have,
Peace of neglect, the visitant the briar lives.

P - 120
To two strong greats bear loss pernicious,
The greater will be losing well, of honour & of life,
Much large noise running. The dive too odious,
Great sickness being. Nearing, reaping in life.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2009
March 2009
P - 121
The servants of church their Seigniors dragging,
Of others Seigniors also by the indivisible of fields:
Neighbours of nearing & reaper enter your complaint
Rumours, brutes augmented, to death more sleeping.

P - 133
The enemy’s public, Ponces & marriages,
The death after. The enrichment by the deaths:
The large friends are monsters to the passage,
Two sects jargon, of surprise tardy bit again.

P - 39
By the despite Ponces, wedding song,
By the three parts Reds, razes leaving:
To the young black remit by flame the love,
To the great Neptune Ogmium converted.

June 2009
P - 85
The unjust low strength they have molested,
Hail, inundated, treasure & engraved marble:
Chief of Suard people from death killed,
And attached will be the love from the tree.

P - 124
The bleeding too not abundant, of all other fruits forced,
The being springtime humid, winter long, snow, ice:
In armies the Orient, the France is reinforced,
Death of beast prude honey, to the siege’s the place.

September 2009
P - 43
Virgins & briars, your good times are approaching,
Point will not be is that they have pretended:
Distant is in faker that has newer approach,
Good attempt taken. Good remit udder taken.
October 2009
P - 140
The Kings & Magistrates by the deaths the hand put,
Young girls sick & of Grads bodies inflamed:
All by languor & Ponces enemies serfs to the master,
The public pains the composer all inflamed.

November 2009
P - 45
Proposal taken, Ponces recommended,
The great great leaves out of France:
Voices from Romania of scream not left,
Receive the peace by too feint assurance.

P - 141
Of return of Ambassador, have of King put to the place,
More not in: will be going from GOD:
Parans closer, friends, brothers of blood,
Found all dead near of bed & of bank.
MARCH 2010

March 29
IV. 47
The black shyness when has tried,
Her hand bloodied by fire iron, arcs stretched,
Three-both the people will be that much unrestrained,
See the greats by cherish & feet hang.
MAY 2010

May 21
IV. 7
The minor son of great & Prince,
Of leper has from twenty years great spot:
Of duel his mother dying well dismal & lean,
And he dying there where falls chief stripes.

IV. 9
The chief of camp to the middle of the press,
Of one cut of flesh will be wounded to the cooking.
While that Geneva in tears & in distress,
Will be dragged by Losan & being his.

May 24
VII. 13
Of the city marine & tributary,
The witness takes the Viceroy:
Chasing sordid who then will be contrary,
By fourteen years holding the tyranny.

May 25
VIII. 19
To sustain the great cape troubled,
By the clearance the reds march,
Of dead family will be almost capable,
The reds reds the red admonish.

VIII. 22
Gorsan, speak well, by the salt advertised,
Tucham, the grace Parpignan dragged,
The life red not you want consenting,
By high Voldrap gray life failing.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2010
VIII. 60
First in Gaule, first in Romania,
By sea & earth from Angels & Paris,
Very well done by such great mansion,
Violent soil loses the NORLARIS.

VIII. 87
Death conspired comes in plain effect,
Charge given & voyage of death:
Visitant, created, received, through hers deficient,
Blood of innocent before of faith by remorse.

VIII. 96
The Synagogue sterile without none fruit,
Will be received among the infidels,
Of Babylon the woman of pursuit,
Misery & sadness you tabling the aisles.

May 27
X. 61
Betta, Vienna, Emorre, Sacarbance,
Want delivered to the Barbarians Pennons:
By pike & fire, enormous violence,
The conspiracy uncovered by matron.

May 28
III. 77
The third climate under Aries comprised,
The year 1720 & seven in October,
The King of Perse by the one of Egypt taken,
Conflict, death, loss, from the cross great opprobrium.

May 29
IV. 90
The two forces to the walls cannot be joined,
In this instant trembling Milan, Ticin:
Hunger, thirst, tender indeed strong the come pointed
Heat, pain, not living, having not one single goat.
JUNE 2010

June 2
VIII. 34
After victory of Lyon to Lyon,
Under the mountain of Ivra dryness falls,
Delues & brodes seventh thousand,
Lyon, ulme from Mausol dead & fallen.

VIII. 48
Saturn in Cancer, Jupiter with Mars,
Inside February Caldon gift sanctuary,
Leap Castallon assailing of three parts,
Near of Verbiesque conflict deadly war.

VIII. 20
The fake message by election faint,
Running by urban rumpus passion arrested,
Voices accepted, of blood she flees taint,
And from one other the Empire contrary.

June 4
VII. 3
After the France the victory naval,
The Barchinons, Sallinons, the Phocens,
Lierre of gold, the anvil serious in the ball,
The one of Prolon to the fraud will be happy.

VII. 17
The Prince rare of pity & clemency,
By large repose the queen works,
Comes changed by death great awareness,
While that the great soon will be gorgeous.

VII. 25
By war long all the exercise subdued,
That for soldiers finding no wealth:
Motive of gold, leather has come Coiner,
Gaulois airing, signal crossing of Moon:
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2010
June 5
VIII. 33
The great borne of Verona & Vincence,
Who carries a surname well indignant.
Who from Venice wants to make vengeance.
They themselves take man of spying & signal.

VIII. 55
Between two rivers are toward seriously,
Thunder & before unite from passing beyond,
Eight bridges rumpus chief from that much irony,
Children perfect are gules in culture.

VIII. 85
Enter Bayonne & from saint Jean of Light,
Will be pose of Mars the foreword:
To the Hanis of Aquilon Nanar hosting light,
Then suffocating to the bed without auditory.

VIII. 91
Friml the fields of Rodan is entered,
Where the crosses are near united,
The two braziers in Pisces encountered again,
And one great number by deluge punished.

June 6
VIII. 30
Inside Tholose not far of Beluzer,
Doing a then distant, palace of spectacle,
Treasure found one each ire annoyed,
And in two lochs all & near of vesicle.

IX. 78
The Greek lady of beauty ladylike,
Cheerful done of process immeasurable,
While crossing to the queen Hispanic,
Captive first murder death miserable.
IX. 48
The great quick of western maritime,
Environed of bruising in crystal:
In the solstice haemal & the prime,
Will be tempted of wind capable.

IX. 33
Hercules King of Rome & of Anne Marc,
Of Gaule three Guion surnamed,
Trembling the Italy & the wave of saint Marc,
First on both Monarchs renominated.

June 7
X. 82
Cries, tears, tears come with siding,
Resembling giving last assault,
The entire by which planted profound plateaus,
Alert repulsed & murdered of first leap.

June 8
IX. 83
Sun twenty of Taurus indeed strong earth trembling,
The great theatre replied ruined,
The air, sky & earth obscuring & troubling,
While the infidel God & saints harden.

June 9
The new mad driving the excited,
Near Apame just nearby of river,
Tending assistance of Milla noile elite,
Boss eyes privy from Milan iron of cage.

The accord & passion will be of all rumpuses,
The friendliness polluted by discords,
The heinous envy, all faith corrupted,
And the hopes marred without treaty.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2010
June 10
XII. 56 LX
King against King, & the Chief against Prince,
Heinous among you the one, dissension horrible,
Rage & killing will be all province,
France great war & changes terrible.

June 19
II. 2
The witness blue will be the witness white,
To that much of bad, that France has done them well:
Death from the antenna, great crooked on the branch,
When first of hers, the King says how many.

June 24
VII. 33
By fraud, queen, forces exposed,
The class obsession, passages from the espionage:
Two fake friends are coming you going,
Looking after heinous of long time’s catatonic
JULY 2010

July 3
VIII. 67
By since Faren, from ruin great discord,
Not the one not the other not have election,
Faren of people have love & treaty,
Iron, cultivated great protection.

VIII. 98
Of people of church blood will be sinning
Like of the water in indeed great abundance:
And of one long time will not be re-tabled,
Want, want to the cleric ruin & grievance.

July 5
VII. 7
On the combat of greats horses gather,
Have shouted the great croissant confounded.
Of night killing mount, garment of Berger’s,
Abysmal reds in the ditch profound.

VII. 23
The royal scepter will be against of taking,
That which his predecessor had engaged:
The what the year have will be bad listening,
While what has come the palace sacked.

VII. 27
To the speech of vast the great cavalry,
Near from Ferriage sinning to the baggage,
Pomp to Turin will be such the wanting,
That in the strong ravishment their hostage.

VII. 30
The sack is approaching, fire, great song arched,
Po, great rivers, from Bouviers the enter first,
Of Gennes, Nice, after long attending,
Spread out, Turin, from her villain the prints.
Donum Olim Occultas -- July 2010
VII. 35
The great pocket comes pleading, exploring,
Of having visitant, cheating will be in the age:
Scarcely with you not wanting demurred,
Deceit will be by the one of his language.

July 6
VIII. 53
Inside Bologna wants to clean his mistakes,
He cannot to the temple of Sun,
He fly’s doing things indeed high,
In hierarchy not in madness you have one similar.

VIII. 56
The band feeble the earth occupied,
That one of high place will be horrible cries,
The fat troupe of being corner troubling,
Falling near D. Nebro uncover the writings.

VIII. 62
While that towards expelling the sanctity, Temple,
Greater of King not their sacred profanity,
By you borne pestilence indeed ample,
King then unjust not will be condemned.

VIII. 64
Inside the Isles the children transported,
The two of seven will be in the hoping:
The one of in will be supported,
Name shovel first of leagues exist the hope.

VIII. 93
Seven months without more obtaining prelature,
By his deceit great schism will be born:
Seven months holding one other the pressure,
Near of Venice peace union reborn.
July 7
IX. 35
And Ferdinand blond will be the suite,
Quitting the flower, himself the Macedon,
To the great needed of failing her route,
And marching against the Myrmidon.

IX. 38
The entrance of Blaire by boulder & the Angelic,
Passing beyond the grand Aemathien,
Not far of a man attending the Gaulois,
Assistance speaks well deceived by entering yours.

IX. 44
Migrate; migrate of young one very all,
Saturn of gold in iron is changing,
The counter Rayon exterminates both,
Before the Advent the sky signs will be.

IX. 76
With the black plunders & bloodied,
Exit of skinning of the inhuman Neron,
Emmy two rivers hand left militant,
Will be murdered by joining.

IX. 81
The King ruses listening his ambushes,
Of three quarters enemies assailing,
One number strange tears of cowls,
Comes Lemprin of translation failed.
Donum Olim Occultas -- August 2010

August 5
VII. 40
Inside lightning while ingots of oil & grease,
Will be twenty-one before the door closes,
To the second taste by death will be prowess,
Winning the doors, & of taste scolded.

August 6
VIII. 2 (B)
More come & speak of peace,
Among Monarchs & Seigniors well powered,
But will not be according of indeed near,
That is not rendered more than others obedience.

IX. 5
Third doubt of feet to the first semblance,
To one new Monarch of low height,
That Pisa & Luquese Tyrant occupies,
Of precedent corrected the default.

August 8
IX. 16
Of affair such Franco leaves the assembly,
The Ambassador not pleasant will be schism:
The one of Ribiere will be in the melee,
And to the great golfer designated have the entrance.

X. 39
First son briar miserable marriage,
Without neither child two isles in discord:
Before 18 $ incompetent aged,
Of the other near lower will be the agreement.
August 10
IX. 40
Near of Quintin in the forest bed house,
In the Abbey will be flaming ranching:
The two then not of cuts put at turn of ten,
Follows oppression & guard both aches.
Donum Olim Occultas -- September 2010

September 1
II. 17
The camp of temple of the virgin vestal,
Not elongated of Ethane & mounts Pyrenees:
The great drive is hidden in the wrong,
North, jaunting, rivers, & vines mastiffs.

II. 71
The exiles in Sicily arrive,
For delivering the man strange:
To the point of day the Celts you falsifying,
The life demure from reason King is range.

September 4
V. 65
Submerged comes the wildness will be great,
Of principals of the affair hidden:
And lady in braise more will not be seeing,
Of little from little will be.

May 2010
P - 135
Of father to the son is approaching: Magistrates say severe,
The large Ponces. Enemies filtered:
Of secretly put ahead. By the faith of unprepared,
The good friends & women against such grooming.

June 2010
P - 98
Of place subjugated the plague & flight borne,
Times vary. Wind the death of three greats:
Of sky great thunders state of Razes thickened,
Old near of death wood few inside inclination.
Donum Olim Occultas -- January 2011

January 18
I. 2
A fear & voice quivering by the sleeves,
Of the wave he softens the limb & the foot,
The verge in hand misery to the middle of branches,
Splendour divine, the divine near is seated.

January 19
II. 9
Nine years the queen the lean in peace holding,
The he cherish in thirst indeed bloodied,
For you great people without faith & law murdered,
Killed by one plenty more debonair.

II. 26
For the favour that the city will be,
To the great who soon loses field of battle,
Then the turn extraordinary, Thesin towards will be,
Of blood, fires, death, drowning, of cuts of tails.

January 20
III. 16
The Prince Angel Mars from his heart of sky,
Want for following her fortune prosperity:
Of two duels the one pierces the gall,
This of you, well loving of his mother.

January 21
IV. 84
A great of the serious murder well miserable,
Chased of the one who under you have been,
Fastened of chains, after of one rude cable,
In the year that Mars Venus, Sun put in being.
January 24
VII. 19
The strong Nicene will not be combated,
Vanquished will be by golden metal,
His doing will be a long time debated,
To the citations strange espousal.

VII. 22
The quick of Mesopotamia,
Ire’s against friends of Tarraconne,
Games, rites, banquets, all man asleep,
Vicarious to the dewdrop, prized city, the one of Ausone.

VII. 81
The strategy similar will be rare,
The death in voice rebel by countering,
By the return of voyage Barbaric,
Exalting the protest before entering.

January 25
Clarity beam from Lyon apparent,
Bright, take wrong you, under will be strained,
Sardonic, Mauris traitor deceiving,
Young lady from London from cock dragging faint.

VIII. 51
The Byzantine makes an offering,
After having heart skip from agreed reprise:
His path long repose trimming,
Sea passing prey by the Cologne taken.

VIII. 100
For the abundance of the weapon answered,
Of high in low by the low to the higher,
Too great faith by game life lost,
Of thirst murder by shortage default.
Donum Olim Occultas -- January 2011
January 30
V. 54
Of bridge Eunixe & the great Tartarie,
A King will be who comes to see the Gaule,
Across pierced Alane & the Armenia,
And in sister in law there is blood light Gaule.

February 18
I. 38
The Sun & the eagle to the Vincent; tear prepared,
Response vain to the vanquished the have assured:
By heart, no cries harnessed not arrested,
Laying claim, peace, death, indeed bought you the hour.

February 24
VII. 16
Entering profound by the great King not made;
Render the place powerful inaccessible:
The army of three Lyons will be defunct,
Doing inside affair hideous & terrible.

VII. 41
The bones of feet & of hands tightened,
By noise house long times inhabited,
Will be by dreams concaving grounding,
House she lubricates & without noise living.

February 25
Inside Monech the cock will be received,
The Cardinal of France appearing,
By Logarion Roman will be deceived,
Feebleness from the Eagle & force to the Cock born.

VIII. 58
Queen in complaint to the brothers divided,
Taking the weapons & the name Brian,
Title of Anglican will be late advised,
Surprised of night going from the air Gallic.

VIII. 86
By Arnani Tholoser City Frank,
Band infinite by the mount Adrian,
Passing river, Hutin by bridge the plank,
Bayonne enters both Bichoro crying.
Donum Olim Occultas -- March 2011
MARCH 2011

March 24
VII. 0
Who the man that is versus, made to be eaten:
Profanity vulgar & ignorance not attractive:
Entirely Astrology, Blenni, Barbary distant to be,
Who goes past, is rite being dedicated.

VII. 26 17
Copious & treating hawk of seven sails,
Will be delivered one mortal war:
Chief of Madric receives cut of arrows,
Two fleeing & five guiding to Earth.

March 25
Near of Linterne in of thunder closed,
Chivaz will be for the Eagle the guiding,
The visitant breaks he your people enclosed,
Inside Turin rapt spouse going together.

While that the Eagle & the cock from Savone,
Will be united, sea, washing & Hungary,
The army from Naples, Palermo, Mark of Ancone,
Rome, Venice by barbaric horrible cry.

VIII. 35
Inside the entrance of Garonne & screw,
And the forests not far of Damazan,
Of Marsaves frozen, then hail & bize,
Dordonnois frozen by error of Mezan.

VIII. 68
Old Cardinal by the young deceived,
While of her charge is toward disarming,
Arles not monster double is perceived,
And Liquidity & the Prince embalmed.
VIII. 74
In Earth new well ahead King enters,
While subjugating they come made coil,
Her perfidies has such encountered again,
That to the citadels place of party & recoil.

March 26
IX. 60
Conflict Barbaric in the Cornere black,
Blood spilling trembling the Dalmatian,
Great Ishmael places his promontory,
Ranes trembling, assistance Lusitanian.

March 27
X. 5
Alibi & affair very will be new league,
Nine Arians Lisbon & Portuguese,
Because of affair, Tholose consumes their brigade,
When chief nine monster of Lauragues.

X. 94
Of Nismes, of Arles & Vienna contaminate,
Not obeying all from the edict hopeful:
To the laborious for the great condemnation,
Six escaping in clothing seraphic.
Donum Olim Occultas -- April 2011
APRIL 2011

April 7
X. 68
The army of sea before quickly holding,
Then leaving without doing long going:
Rapidly great prey Earthly taking,
Returning class retakes great emblem.

April 19
IV. 6
Of clothing new after made the finding,
Malice woven & ingenuity:
First murdered who will be in the proving,
Colour Venice insidious.

April 22
VII. 9
Lady from the absence of her great captain,
Will be taken of love of Viceroy,
Making promises & bad joyful strain.
Among the hands of great Prince Barrois.

April 23
VI. 52
In place of great who will be condemned,
Of prison while his friend in her place:
The hope Trojan in six months joined death not had,
The Sun from the dive will be first rivers in ice.

April 24
VII. 1
The Arc of treasure by Achilles deceived.
To the procured seen the quadrangular:
To the made Royal the method will be seen,
Bodies want waiting to the want of popular.
VII. 3
After of France the victory naval,
The Barcelonans, not salting, the seals,
Liar of gold, the anvil fastened inside the ball,
That one of prolonged to the fraud will be happy.

VII. 28
The captain drives great prey,
On the mountain of enemies closer:
Environed, by fire will be such voice,
Both fleeing, gold thirty put in broach.

VII. 80
The westward liberties the Isles Brian,
The recognize passing the low, then high,
Not happy sadness Rebelling Corff Scottish,
The rebelling by more & by night heat.

April 25
VIII. 10
Intelligence great leaves of Lausanne,
That have not named the origin of made.
Have placed while all the man long tailed,
Fire want to the sky, people estranged have done.

VIII. 11
People infinite appearing from Vicence,
Without force fire burning the basil,
Near of Mooning doing great of Valence,
While that Venice by death takes pick.

VIII. 13
The crossing brother by love unrestrained,
Will be by Praytus Bellerophron murdered,
Class from thousand years the woman forced birth,
Beu the narrow, both two after perish.

VIII. 21
To the port of Agde three mad you entering,
Carrying the infection not faith & pestilence,
Passing the bridge thousand thousands emblems,
And the bridge rumpus from tierce resistance.
Donum Olim Occultas -- April 2011
VIII. 32
Guard you King Gaulois of your nephew,
Who will be that much that your unique son,
Will be murdered from Venus making vow,
Accompanied nightly that three & six.

April 26
IX. 88
Calais, Arras assisting from Theroanne,
Peace & resembling alike the listening,
Soul of Alobrox descending by Roan,
The Tournays people whom of being the route.

IX. 89
Seven years will be Philip, fortune near father,
Re-screwing the Arabs the effort,
Then his middle perplexed, rebounds affair,
Gaming onion abysmal his strength.

IX. 96
In city enter exercised designated,
Boss enters by persuasion,
To the feeble doors clam army guided,
Put in fire, death, of blood pouring.

April 27
X. 31
The sacred empire comes in Germany,
Ishmaelite finding motives opened,
Once want also on account of manifesting,
The sustaining of Earth both covered.

X. 93
The bark newer receiving the voyages,
There & nearby transferring the empire:
Beautiful Cairo, Arles re-holding the hostages,
Near two columns finding of purple.
X. 96
Religion of name of seas vanquished,
Against the sect son attached to,
Sect obstinate deploring afraid,
Of two wounded by Aleph & Aleph.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
MAY 2011

May 1
VII. 15
In front of city of the intoxicating against,
Seven years will be the siege in front put:
The very big King you will be his entry,
City then liberated while of your enemies.

May 5
VII. 2
By Mars open Arles not giving war,
Of night will be the soldiers amazed:
Black, white from the India dissimilar in Earth,
Under the sanctity shadow terrestrial verified & sounded.

VII. 5
Wine on the table in will be responded,
The third has not this that he pretending:
Two faiths of black of Parma descending:
Peru’s from Pisa will be that the he cooked.

May 6
VIII. 23
Letters found of the King not the coffers,
Point of subscription without any name of author,
By the police will be hidden the offers,
That has not named who will be the amateur.

VIII. 46
Pol enrolling dying three levies of dewdrop,
Exist the two next sympathy the three:
On account of Mars will be the more horrible throne,
Of cock & of Eagle of France brothers three.
May 7
IX. 12
The much of money of Diane & Mercury,
The similarity to the Lake will be found:
The fashion searching argyle newer,
Him & his hers of gold will be abridged.

IX. 31
The trebling of earth from Mortara,
Cassich saint Georges from summer foundations
Peace catatonic, the war aging,
In temple from Easter abysmal foundations.

IX. 32
Of end purple profound chain found,
Under the laze writing capitally:
Bones skin retorts Roman force proven,
Class agitated to the port of Methelin.

IX. 39
In Arbissel from Veront & Carcari,
Of night driven by Savone trapped,
The live Gascon Turby, & the Scerry,
Last wall old & nine palaces gripped.

IX. 70
Harnois tabled in the flames hidden,
Inside Lyon, the day of Sacrament,
This one of Vienna will be very well axed,
By the cantons Latin’s masturbating.

IX. 73
In Faith enters King ceiulee Turban,
And ruling less evolved Saturn,
King Turban white Bizance hear Bonn,
Sun, Mars, Mercury near the dive.

IX. 75
Of the Ambraxie & of country of Thrace,
People by Sea bad & assistance Gaulois,
Perpetual in Province the trace,
With vestiges of their costume & laws.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
May 8
X. 13
Souls the pasture of animals’ ruminants,
By you driven to the wind Botanic,
Soldiers hidden, the arms noise leads,
Not distant tempted of city Antipolic.

X. 33
The faction Crel from robe long,
Comes hiding under the pointed spikes,
Seizing Florence the Duke & place diphthong,
Her uncovered by entries & Flankers.

X. 35
Following royal flagrant of ardent libido,
For the enjoyment of cousin German,
Clothes of woman to the temple of Artemis:
Going murder by unknown of Marne.

X. 59
Inside Lyon 25 of one weighted,
Five Citoyens German, Bresians, Latin’s:
By underneath nobles drive long train,
And uncovered by Atwood of mastiffs.

X. 60
I cry Nisse, Mannego, Pisa, Gennes,
Savone, Sienne, Capue, Modene, Malta:
The underneath blood & sword by étrennes,
Fire, trembling Earth, water, misfortunate refusal.

X. 62
Near of Sorbin for seizing Hungary.
The herald of Brudes they come adverted,
Chief Byzantine, Sallon of Slavonic,
To law of Arabs they come converted.

X. 70
Eye by object will be such the excrescence,
That much & ardent that falls the snow,
Field aroused comes in unbelieving,
That the primate succumbs from Regal.
X. 73
The times present with which the passing,
Will be judged by great pleasure,
The world late you will be tied,
And disloyal by the clergy jurist.

X. 77
Thirty adherents of the order of spears,
Banished, theirs well given their adversaries,
Both their well doings will be for demerits,
Class parted delivered to the corsairs.

X. 81
Put treasure temple citadels perjury,
In this here retiring in secret location,
The temple opened the liens familiar,
Repress, ravish, prey horrible to the middle.

May 10
Rivers, Riviera of pain will be obstacles,
The old flame of ire not appeased,
Running in France, this like of Oracles,
Houses, manors, palaces, they you raze.

May 12
VII. 29
The great Duke of Albe is coming rebelling,
To his great father will be the transmission:
The great of Guise comes betrayal,
Captive travel & trained monument.

May 15
X. 9
Of Castulon figures taste of brown,
Of woman infamous born sovereign prince,
Surname of thing perfume you posthumous,
Have King not mad indeed worse in her province.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
May 18
IX. 15
Near of Parpan the reds detain,
The one of middle founding trip distant:
Three put in pieces & five pain sustained,
For the Lord & Prelat of Bourboing.

X. 23
To the people ingrate made the demonstrations,
By while the army is seizing of Antibe,
In the arc Monech will be the grievances,
And from Freius the one the other takes ribbing.

X. 28
Second & third who do prime music,
Will be by King in honour sublimated,
By grease & meager near half etiquette,
Demeanor of Venus false renders deprived.

May 19
X. 24
The captive prince to the Italians vanquished,
Passing Genner by sea close to Marseille,
By great effort the forensic on vanquishing,
Safe cut of fire, barrel liquor of Abeille.

X. 26
The successor vengeance his handsome brother,
Occupies queen under shadow of vengeance,
Massacre obstacle his blood dead blameworthy,
Long times Bretagne holding with the France.

X. 36
After the King of saucy wars speaking,
The isle Harmonic the held from my taking:
Several years good nibbling one & pillaging,
By tyranny from the isle changing prize.
X. 49
Garden of world nearby of city new,
In the path the mountains caved,
Will be seized & plunged in the vat,
Drunk by force waters sulphur envenomed.

X. 30
Nephew & blood of saint new coming,
By the Surname sustained arcs & covered,
Will be chasing put from death chassed nude,
In red & black converting their green.

May 20
XII. 4
Fire, flame, foam, stealth, farouche, smoking,
Will be failing, Froissant strong faith mowed,
Son of Derite: all Province moist,
Chasing of Queen, enraged blood spit.

IX. 13
The exiles around of the Solongne,
Driven of night $ for walking to the Lauxois,
Two of Modenne truculent of Bologna,
Put uncovered by fire of Burancois.

IX. 34
The part under Mary will be mitree,
Return conflict passing on the thuille:
By five hundreds one dragger will be titled,
Speak well & Saulce by Contaux having of oil.

IX. 87
By the forest of Typhon assart,
By hermitage will be posed the temple,
Of Boss of Etempes by her ruse invented,
Of mount Lehori Prelat gives example.

X. 84
The natural from indeed high height not low,
The late return will be marries happy,
The Recline will not be without debates,
In compliant & losing all his times.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
X. 100
The great empire will be by England,
The Pempotam of years more of three hundreds:
Great forces passing by sea & earth,
The Lusitanian’s will not be in not happy.

May 21
VI. 6
Appearing towards Septentrionale,
Not distant of Cancer the star horseman:
Suck, Sienne, Boece, Eretrion,
Murder of Rome great, the night dispersed.

XI. 97
By city-broken, Masturbator in disarray,
In the fagots will be soldiers hidden,
Changing of times in prime for the King,
By the Chalet & windmills all axed.

X. 2
Sail galleria sail of sin hiding,
The grand class comes to leave the lesser,
Ten naves near the turning pulsed,
Grand vanquish united from agreed joined.

May 22
To taking strong by fury constraint,
All heart trembling, Languon Advent terrible,
The cut of feet thousand feet are rendered,
Gyroud, Garoud not raging more horrible.

May 24
VII. 8
Flora, to be, to be the closer Roman,
To the Fesulan will be conflict given,
Blood spilling, the greater prize from hand,
Temple no sex will not be forgiven.
VII. 34
In great regret will be the man Gauloise,
Heart vain, proper believing temerity:
Pain, salt, no wine, water, poison not brains,
Greater captive, hunger, cold, necessity.

May 25
VIII. 50
The pestilence the entire of Capadille,
One other hunger near of Sagone is approved:
The cavalier bastard of good senility,
To the great of Thunes will be tabled the witness.

VIII. 61
Never by the discovery of day,
Not arriving to the signal Iron Scepter,
That both his sieges not being in sojourn,
Opening to the cock gift of Tag friend iron.

VIII. 89
For not falling among hands of his uncle,
Who the children by ruling massacring,
Orant to the people putting feet on Peloncle,
Dead & trainee among horses barded.

VIII. 95
The seducer will be put in the fosse,
And tied close from several times,
The clerk united the chief with her Crosse,
Picante right attains the happiness.

VIII. 25
Heart of the lover opened of love fertile,
In the brook will be ravishing of the lady,
The half pain against doing tying,
The father from two private bodies of the love.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
May 26
IX. 28
Voille Symacle for Massiliolique,
In Venice harbour walking to the Pennons:
Leaving of golfer & Synus Illyrique,
Going from Socille, Ligurs cuts of canons.

IX. 66
Peace, union will be & changing,
States, offices low, high & high well low,
Training voyage, the fruit $ first tormented,
War ceased, civil proceeds, debates.

IX. 93
The enemies of strong well elongated,
By chariots driving the bastion,
By on the walls of Bourges estranged,
When Hercules battles the Haemathion.

May 27
X. 78
Sudden joy in sudden sadness,
Will be from Rome to the graces hugged.
Dueil, cries, tears, tear blood excellent lessened:
Contrabands surprised & trousers

May 29
XII. 62
Wars, debates from handsome war & tumult,
Divers tasting, adieux inspirable,
Entering inside Castle-cheating, insult:
Castle of Ha, who is will be culpable.
JUNE 2011

June 9
X. 10. 11
Under Ionchere of dangerous passage,
Will be passing the posthumous her band,
The mounts Pyrenees passing while his baggage,
Of Parpignan covering Boss from Tende.

June 18
X. 95
In the Spain comes King very powerful,
By sea & earth subjugated gold middle:
This pain will be, rescrewing the croissant,
Screwing the aisles from the one of Friday.

June 16
VIII. 3 (B)
O what fury! Helas what pity,
He you has among beautiful of men!
Have not life is one such the friendship,
That has the wolves from running diligent.

June 17
VIII. 5 (B)
More assistance comes of both coasts,
Of men distant fires who want to resist:
They will be all from cut well hasty,
But not able for this hour assisted.

June 18
IX. 9
When the lamp ardent of fire inextinguishable,
Will be found to the temples the vestals,
Child found fire, water passing by sieve:
Perish water, Nysmes, Tholose choir the goings.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2011
IX. 57. 56
Camp near of Noudam passing Goussan town,
And from Maiotes leaving his insignia,
Converting in instant more of thousand,
Searching the two remitted in chains & leggings.

IX. 58
To coast left from the location of Vitri,
Will be spying on the three reds in France,
All assumed red, black not murdering,
By the Bretons remit in assurance.

IX. 59
To the Ferte taken the Viceroy (vice-lady),
Nicole held red that has produced the life,
The great Louise born that will be secret,
Giving Bourgeoning from Bretons by envy.

IX. 79
The chief of class, by fraud strategic,
Will be timid leaving of their gallerias,
Leaving murders chief renews of beating,
Then by the ambush, you render the salaries.

I. 37
A little before that the Sun is absconded,
Conflict given, great people dubious:
Profiles, harbour of the sea not made respond,
Bridge & Sepulcher in two strange places.

June 19
II. 31
In campaign Cassilin will be that much,
That have not towards that of water the fields covered,
Before, after, the rain of long times,
While put the trees nothing the have towards of green.

X. 91
Clergy Roman the year 1600 & nine,
To the chief of the year will be election,
Of one gray & black of the Company exits,
Who is not mad indeed ailing.

X. 53
The three pellicles of long is among Barton,
The greater lesser demurring from the bed Ensing:
The grand salted not in will be more patrons,
The nominating fire pelts white route.

X. 38
Love alleged not far poses the siege,
To the saint barbarian will be the garnishes,
Ursins Hadrie for Gaulois will be scourge,
For able rendered for the army to the Grisons.

X. 20
Both the friends that have taken party,
For rude in letters put dead & pursed,
Well published by fixing great Neanty,
Is Roman people not mad that much outraged.

June 23
VI. 92
Prince of beauty that much Venus,
To the chief leading, the second made dragged:
The city to the sword of powder face adjust,
By too great murder the chief of King Hague.

June 24
VII. 73
Reinforced of sieges booty & maniples,
Changed the sacred & passes on the prone,
Taken & captive not stopped the sweet triples,
More by founding put, arisen, put to the throne.

June 27
X. 89
Of brick in marble will be the walls re-driven,
Seven & fifty years pacific,
Joy to the humans, renovate the aqueduct,
Health, great fruits, joy & times poisonous.
Donum Olim Occultas -- June 2011

June 29
XII. 55
Sadness counsels disloyal, cautious,
Advise themselves, the Law will be dragged,
The people riot, socially inept, quarrelling:
That much county that city, all the peace Hague.
JULY 2011

July 7
IX. 99
Wind Aquilon will be leaving the siege,
By walls jaunting cinders, Chaulx & pushing:
By rain after who there will be good snare,
Last assistance encountered their frontier.

July 20
X. 56
Prelat Royal his screwing too taken,
Great flux of blood leaving by her mouth,
The queen Anglican by queen respires,
Long times dead life in Tunis like birth.

July 22
Assault shy in Cyprus is prepared,
The weapon from the eye of her ruin is approaching,
Byzance class, Moris that indeed great tare,
Two differences, the great vast by the rock.
Donum Olim Occultas -- November 2011

November 18
III. 78
The chief of Scotia, with six of Germany,
By people of sea Oriental captive,
Crossing the Calpre & Spain,
Present in Persia to the new King fearing.

November 19
IV. 79
Blood Royal exists Monthurt, Mas, Eguillon,
Replies will be of Bourdelois the Landes,
Navarre, Bigorre, points & pointing,
Profound of hunger eating of Liege acorns.

IV. 86
The year that Saturn in water will be conjoined,
With Sun, the King strong & powerful,
To Reims & Aix will be received & Oingt,
After conquests murdering innocents.

November 21
VI. 7
Norneigre & Dace & the isle Britannic,
By the united brothers will be vexed:
The chief Roman exits of blood Gallic,
And the forces to the forest repulsed.

VI. 38
To the profligate of peace the enemies:
After having the Italy superceded:
Black bloody, red will be committed,
Fire, blood coursing, water of blood coloured.
November 25
Paul, not have, strap more fire that from blood will be,
Broad swimming, fleeing great to the Surrey,
The magpies will be refusing,
Pampon, Durance them holding firmly.

VIII. 12
Manifesting nearby of Buffalo,
The height & proceeds entering inside Milan,
The abbey of faith with the one of sacred delay,
Will be the Forbe living in villain.

November 26
I. 24
To rapidly new pensive for condemning,
The bird of prey to the sky, is coming offered,
After victory you captives forgiven,
Cremone & Mantove great bad have you suffered.

November 27
II. 81
By fire of sky the quickly near that adjusts,
Urna Menasse again Ceucalion,
Vexed Sardinia by the Punic madness,
After that Libra there is his Phaeton.

November 28
III. 58
Nearby of Rhine the mountains Moric,
Born a great of men too late coming.
Who defends Savrome & Pannonics,
That has not named that he will be become.

X. 63
Cydron, Ragus, the city to the saint Hieron,
Reverberate the medical assistance,
Dead son of King by death of two heron,
The Arab, Hungary will be a riot course.
Donum Olim Occultas -- November 2011
November 29
IV. 70
Well neighboring the great mounts Pyrenees,
One against the eagle grand force addressed:
Opened vain, forced exterminated,
That close to the Paul, the chief comes chased.

IV. 76
The eyelids blinking by the one of Perigort,
Will be vexed taken just to the moisture:
The associate of Gascons & Begorn,
Dragged the temple, the nearest tainted to the prone.

December 1
III. 59
Barbaric Empire by the third usurped,
The most part of his blood put from death,
By death senile, by you, the quart hitting,
By fear the blood by the blood is death.

December 2
IV. 31
The moon to the plain of night on the high mount,
The new Sophie of one single horse is seen,
By his disciples being immortal Semond,
Eyes to the mid, in his hands bodies to the fire.

December 6
Verceil, Milan gives intelligence,
Inside Tycin will be made the pay,
Running by Seine water, blood fire by Florence,
Unique choir of height in low making May.

December 17

II. 14
To tours, Gien, guarding will be eyes (penetrates)
Discovering of distant the grand Seraine,
She & her following to the harbour will be entering,
Combats, pushing, powerful sovereign.

December 18
III. 52
In the campaign will be indeed long rain,
And in the skin indeed great dryness,
Cock towards the Eagle Lua.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2011
III. 56
Montauban, Nismes, Avignon & Besiers,
Plague, lightning & hail from end of Mars,
Of Paris bridge Lyon wall, Montpellier,
After six hundred and seven 23 parts.

III. 74
Naples, Florence, applauders, & by all means,
Will be in terms of such anger,
That for complacent to the unfortunate of Noll,
Plaint of having made from his chief mockery.

December 19
II. 92
Fire, colour of gold of sky in earth seen,
Hitting of high have not, made affair very well,
Great murder human, prize of great not seen,
Death of spectacles, fleeing the organics.

IV. 33
Jupiter joins more Venus that from the Moon,
Patronizing of plentitude white:
Venus hides under the whiteness Neptune,
Of Mars hitting by the grander white.

December 20
III. 34
When the default of Sun while will be,
On the plain day the monster will be seen:
All others have the interpreted,
Charity not to guard, none that you have foreseen.

III. 73
When in the queen arriving the box,
Competitor will have near bastard,
Him & the queen come indeed strong gnawing,
Who has that he barely his made will be well late.
December 21
VI. 24
Mars & the scepter are found conjoined,
Under Cancer calamitous war:
A little after will be new Riy anointed,
Who by long times pacify the earth.

VI. 39
The child of queen part paternal prince,
Exposed will be for delivering:
Nearby of Lake Trasimeno the sky blue prize,
The too much hostage for stronger is underway.

VI. 57
The one that is well before in the queen,
Having chief red near from the hierarchy:
Rough & cruel, & will be that much afraid,
Succeeding to sacred monarchy.

December 24
VII. 11
The child Royal contaminates the mother,
Oil, feet wounded, rude, disobeying,
Newer from the lady strange & well to mother,
Will be killed of hers more of five hundred.

December 25
VIII. 26
Of Calton is found in Bar according to,
Put uncovered place terriers & ruin,
The grand who held not held wants Pamplona,
By the Abbott of Mount Ferrat drizzle.

VIII. 28
The simulacrums of gold and of money inflamed,
That after the rapt lack to the fire fury jaunting,
To the uncovered taints all & troubled,
To the marble writings, prescripts jauntily.
Donum Olim Occultas -- December 2011
VIII. 39
That has being by Prince Byzantine,
Will be elevated by prince of Tholose:
The faith of Faiths by the chief Tholentin,
You fail not refusing the spouse.

VIII. 42
By avarice, by force & violence,
Comes vexed the hers chiefs of Orleans,
Near saint Memire assault & resistance,
Death in her that much saying that he Dort lions.

VII. 12
The great then will be end of the war,
To the Gods assemble the excused:
Cahors, Mosaic is long of the serious,
Refuse Lestore, the Agenois razed.

December 28
X. 55
The miserable Ponces celebrate,
In great joy but the end miserable:
Mary & mother Nora disdaining,
The Phybe dead & Nora more pitying.

On the year of delivery 2011

P - 34
For fear, frozen grand pillage passes sea, knows the queen,
Sects, Sacred beyond sea more polite:
Plague, heat, fire, King of Aquilon the insignia,
Taming trophy city of HENRIOPOLIS.

March 2011
O Mars cruel, that you will be from fearing,
More is the false with the money conspiring:
Class, force. Water, wind the shadowing fear,
Sea earth truce the friend from L.V. is being joined.

P - 59
From feet of wall the cinders heartache,
The enclosed delivered fouling cavalry:
Of temple while Mars & the Reaper,
While put, halves & under the reserve.

April 2011
P - 122
Of both good abundance earth we produce,
No noise of war in France, while put seditions:
Homicides, thefts by voice have found,
Few of times, fury ardent people are in motion.

May 2011
P - 71
None of accordance. Worse stronger & trouble,
Like he was. Earth & sea tranquil:
All arrested not worthy ever one double,
Saying the unjust. Consenting of old maid.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Alamanacs 2011
June 2011
P - 136
By the treasure, finding the heritage of father:
The Kings & magistrates, the Ponces, enemies:
The public bad-wishes, the judges & the bitter,
The death, for fear & restrained & three greats put to death.

July 2011
P - 73
Right put to the treasure of sky comes in France,
Pacified by virtue of the universe:
More wise spawn soon enough turning changed,
By the birds, by fire & not by towards.

P - 86
Of what not bad? Inexcusable result,
The fire not dual the deputy while confused:
To the more wounded will not be done lying down,
The end of June the girl cut of madness.

January 24
VII. 18
They seize colouring their peace,
Seven days after will be cruel the exit,
In rejection, fire blood seven put to the axe,
Lady captive that has the country tissues.

January 25
VIII. 40
The blood of just by Taurer the Daurade,
For that vengeance against the sowing,
To the new lake plunges the hand of,
Then marching against the Albanians.

VIII. 94
In front the lake where more costly madness Getter,
Of seven months, & his bones of admission,
Will be Hispanics by Albanians gassed,
By delay door in giving the conflict.

January 26
IX. 84
King exposed by doing the ten falling,
After having found his origin,
Torrent opens of marble & lead the falling,
Of a great Roman of distinguished midst.

IX. 94
Feeblest helmets will be united together,
Enemies false the stronger in departing:
Fable assaulted Vratislav tremble,
Lubeck & put not yours barbaric part.
Donum Olim Occultas -- January 2012
January 27
X. 6
Not anyone indeed high overflowing,
That have to whom to Deucalion reborn,
In the colossal the greater share fleeing,
Your grave fire is now manifesting.

II. 35
In two remotes of night $ the fire takes,
More inside in presenting & roasting,
Near of two rivers for or if he is coming:
Whole arched, goat all will be to death.

January 29
IV. 87
One son of King that much of language approved,
To his is born to a queen different:
His father handsome to the bigger son include,
Will be perishing principal adherent.

Ejouas near, remotely lake Leman:
Strength great approvals, return confusion,
Distant of nephews, of fire great kneeling man,
All of their followers.

January 31
VI. 28
The great Celtic enters inside Rome,
Conducting a mass of exiles & banished:
The great Sheppard puts to death all men,
Who for the cock has been to the Alps united.

February 4
VII. 37
Ten envoys, chief of sin put to death,
Of one adverting, in class war opened:
Confusion chief, the one is pick & bite,
Leryn, useless sins, cape inside the Nerte.

February 5
VIII. 31
First great fruit the Prince of foot calm:
But then comes good & cruel wronging,
Inside charm loses her glorious pride,
And put to pain by more joy hidden.

VIII. 45
The hand baited & the leg banded,
Longs then not you of Calais carrying,
To the word of play the death will be tardy,
Then in the temple to Easter bleeding.

VIII. 52
The King of handsome in vigilance rules,
Of both objects & sow comes the long of befouling,
Only to Poitiers sacred aisles ruined,
In front of good.

VIII. 65
The old frustrated by principal hope,
He by coming to the chief of his empire:
Twenty months hold the queen to great ability,
Tyrant, cruel in of leaving one worse.

VIII. 92
Afar while of queen put in hazardous voyage,
Great bones driven for agreed the occupation,
The King holds the temples captive hostage,
To his return all countries pillaged.
Donum Olim Occultas -- February 2012
VIII. 97
To the ends of varied change the ceremonies,
Near of river the three pretty children born,
Ruin to the people by the age competent,
Queen to the country charged more knowing.

VIII. 99
By the powerful of three Kings control,
In other place will be put the saint siege:
Where the substance of the spirit corporeal,
Will be replaced & received for real siege.

VIII. 1 (B)
Is confusion more of their attentions,
To the occupants will not be forgiven,
Who well thinks perseverance the attention,
But grand leisure not they will be given.

February 6
IX. 10
Less lesser of child death exposed,
Murdered by bear & shame by varying.
By times & Pamies the camp will be posed,
Against the louse carcass tamed foraged.

IX. 24
On the palace of boulders of windows,
Will be snatched the two little royals,
Passing by halo golden teeth cloistered,
Not dwarf, prefer greed greens nutty.

IX. 25
Passing the bridges coming nearby of rosary,
Late arriving later that he believes,
Coming the news Spaniards to Besiers,
Who you alone chase in rule broken.

IX. 43
Near to descending the army crucifies,
Will be spying by the Ishmaelite,
Of both guards beat by sin snatching,
Promptly assailing of ten helmets bedding.
IX. 63
Plaints & tears, cries & great howling,
Near of no good to burdening & in times,
Oh what horrible calamity changing,
Before the Mars repeat several times.

IX. 72
Again will be the sacred temples polluted,
And in pillage by old man that lousing,
Satisfied two three cycles revolving,
In April, May, people of new weakness.

IX. 92
The King wants in city nephew entering,
By enemies capturing the have come,
Captive set free falsely said & perpetrated,
King outside being, distant the enemies holding.

February 7
X. 14
Diving free form without consent of that is reaped,
These timid, by fear rules vanquished,
Accompanied of more rotten blemishes,
To Bar room to the contractor’s pussy vanquished.

X. 17
The King because of seeing his daughter tarnished,
By one regret in the stomach enclosed,
Cries lamenting will be while of Angel stirs,
And to the German marriage foreclosed.

X. 37
The assembly great near of lake of Borget,
Is rallied near of Mount honey:
Marching beyond consideration will be offspring,
Chambry, Moraine fight saint $ Julian.

X. 40
The young not you to queen Brian that,
That has the father murdered recommended,
It is you dead far and wide gives topic,
And to her son the queen demands.
Donum Olim Occultas -- February 2012
X. 50
The my day earth of Luxembourg,
Uncovering Saturn & three in Lurne,
Mountain & plain, town, city & county,
Lorrain overflowing dragged by great Hurne.

X. 79
The old paths will be both embellish,
The have passed to Memphis entering sleep,
The great reward of Hercules fleur de lis,
Will cause trembling earth sea, & against.

February 18
IX. 97
Of sea forces in three parts divided,
To the second the lives failed,
Of your fathers searching fields Helisees,
First in breach enters victory had.

February 26
Erect & to the & around of Mirande,
I see of sky fire who they environment,
Sun Mars conspire to Lyon, the Marmande,
Lightning, great hail, wall falls inside Garonne.

VIII. 88
In the Sardinia one noble King arrives,
Who not holding that three years the royalty,
More colours with are conspired,
You yourself after concern sleep husband taunts.

February 27
IX. 64
The Aemathion passing mounts Pyrenees,
In Mars speak well will not be resistance,
By sea & earth will be indeed great leading,
Captain having no earth safe for pausing.
February 28
X. 76
The great Old man distinguished the splendour,
To one that after will be vanquished, chased:
Of the adherents will be from his of deceit,
Well-published enemy now chased.
Donum Olim Occultas -- March 2012
MARCH 2012

March 7
VII. 42
Two of poison seized new Venus,
In the kitchen of great Prince scattered:
By the Souillard both two to the doing known,
First who cooking of dead the is now annoyed.

March 8
VIII. 37
The fortress nearby of the Thames,
Dearest by while, the King inside serious,
Nearby of bridge will be seen in shirt,
One in front, then in the strength barred.

VIII. 38
The King of handsome in Avignon ruling,
One other faith the people admonish strength,
Inside the dewdrop by walls will be bathing,
Close to five the last near of refusing.

VIII. 57
Of soldier simple arriving in empire,
Of robe court arriving from the lance,
Valiant to the weapons n church where more worse,
Vexing the priests like the water made the sponge.

VIII. 69
Nearby of young is old Angel descending,
And the coming for showing the end:
Ten years alike to the older lowered,
Of three two the one eighth Seraphim.

VIII. 76
More Macelin that King in England,
Place obscure have not by force have the empire:
Leather without faith without law senior’s earth.
His times are approaching indeed near I suspect.
VIII. 84
Paterna has of the Sicily cried,
All the after of golfer of Tryst,
Who is listening just from the Trinity,
Of that much of voile to be, to be the horrible pestilence.

March 9
IX. 18
The bed Dauffois carried in land indeed,
Close in Flanders Elector of the Empire,
Nephew obtruded to the grand Mount Morency,
While places proven delivered from clergy pain.

IX. 30
To the port of Pvola & of saint Nicholas,
Peril Norman of to the golfer fanatic,
Cap. Of sister in law rues crying helas,
Assistance of Gaddes & of grand Philippine.

IX. 42
Of Barcelona, of Gennes & arriving,
Of the dry he the plague Monet united,
Against Barbarian class takes the vice,
Barbarian pulsing well distant close to rushing.

IX. 44
Migrate; migrate of Genefue very well,
Saturn of gold in iron is changing,
The counter Raypoz exterminating all,
Before the advent the Sky signs will be.

IX. 45
Will not be Seoul never of asking,
Grand Mendous obtains his empire:
Distant of the Gour will be counter-mended
Pymont, Picart, Paris, Tyrten the worse.

IX. 57
To the place of Drvx a King reposing,
And searching law changing of Anatheme,
During the sky indeed very strong thunder,
Carrying nephew King killing agreed-themselves.
Donum Olim Occultas -- March 2012
IX. 71
To the locations sacred animals want from Trixe,
With the one who is raising the day,
To on account of affair sound for disgrace suitable,
Will be posing for more ample sojourn.

IX. 80
The Boss wants the his exterminated,
Envoy the stronger motives strange,
By tyranny Bize & Luke ruining,
Then the Barbarians without wine will be vendettas.

IX. 82
By the deluge & pestilence strong,
The city large of long times assieged,
The sentinel & guard of hand dead,
Suddenly first, hands of nobody outraged.

IX. 100
Naval combat night will be conquered,
The fire, to the naves from the westward ruin:
Disgrace newest, the great sin coloured,
Ire from vanquish & victory in drizzle.

March 10
X. 1
To the enemy, the enemy faith promised,
Is not taken, the captives retained:
First premed dead, & the rest in shirts:
Damned the rest for being undertaken.

X. 3
In after five groups not putting while,
One fugitive for Penelon lashed,
False murmurs assistance comes by while,
The chief, the siege while abandoning.
X. 25
By Nebro opened of Brian’s passage,
Well elongated the touch indication,
In examination will be committed the outrage,
Of the great lady seated on the orchestra.
X. 29
Of Pol Mansol in caverns of goats,
Hiding & taken extract while by the barbaric,
Captive guided like beast mastiff,
By Begour in leading near of Tarbelli.

X. 42
The queen human of Angelic well bread,
Will be his queen peace union taken,
Captive war half of her closure,
Long times the peace they will be maintaining.

X. 45
The shadow of queen of voyage not real,
Will be the life of sort illegitimate:
She wants promise uncertain of Cambria,
King Orleans gives wall legitimate.

X. 46
Life like death of the gold villain indigent,
Will be of Saxon not new elector:
Of Brunswick flock of love signal,
False the render to the people seductive.

X. 74
To the revolution of large number seventh,
Manifesting to the times games of Hecatomb,
Not elongated of great epoch millennium,
That the entering leaves of their tomb.

X. 90
Hundred times murdered the tyrant inhuman,
Put from his place named & debonair,
All the old men will be underneath her hand,
Angry will be by wronging presumptuous.

XI. 91
Meynier, Mauthi & the third who comes,
Plague & new insult, enclosed troubled,
Aix & the places fury inside biting,
The Phociens come lured bad doubled.
Donum Olim Occultas -- March 2012
March 19
IV. 48
Plannure, Ausonne fertile, spacious,
Producing Tahons indeed that much of jumping girls,
Clarter Solar comes feminine,
Reger the all, great plague comes of girls.

March 20
I. 51
Chief of Aries, Jupiter & Saturn,
God eternal what mutations!
Then after long cycle his wronging times you turn,
Gaule & Italy, what emotions.

March 26
IX. 37
Bridge & Molins in December versing,
In indeed high place mounting the Garonne:
Walls, office, Tholose reversed,
That have not named his place such a matron.

March 28
X. 4
On the midnight conducting of the army,
Is saving suddenly fainted,
Seven years after the fame not blasphemy,
To his return not saying having yes.

X. 86
Like a Gryphon comes the King of Europe,
Accompanied of the one of Aquilon,
Of reds & whites driving Grane Troppe,
And will be against the King of Babylon.
IX. 2
Of high of mount Aventin voice yes,
Voided, voided of all the two coasts,
Of blood the reds will be the ire catatonic,
Of Arimin Prato, Column de Botez.
March 29
X. 47
Of Bourze town from the lady Guyrland,
The have put under by the dragging made,
The grand Prelat of Leon by Formande,
False pelerines & ravishers default.

X. 52
To the place where Laye & Scelde is married,
Will be the Ponces of long times leading,
To the place of Antwerp where the chaff chariest,
Young old woman comfort is intimate.
Donum Olim Occultas -- April 2012
APRIL 2012

April 5
VIII. 79
Who by iron father lost have not of nunnery,
Of Gorgon on the blood will be precedent,
In earth strange will be indeed very quiet,
Who are you yourself & his attendant.

April 6
IX. 14
Put in planer heat of infectors,
Wine, honey & oil & bastes on fornicating,
Will be plunging, without wrong said wrong factors,
September smoke extent to the canon the birthing.

IX. 41
The grand Chyren agreed seizing of Avignon,
Of Rome letters in honey plain of amertume,
Letter ambassador leaves of Chanignon,
Carpenters taken by boss black red feather.

IX. 50
Under slowly soon comes from his high queen,
Putting behind a little the Norlaris,
The Red blemish, the emit from the inter queen,
The young feared & wildly Barbaric.

IX. 74

In the city of Fert sod homicide,

Done & done penalties beef arrant not matter,
Return again to the honours of Artemis,
And from Vulcan bodies dead sepultures.
April 7
X. 10
Tied of murder, enormous adultery,
Great enemy of all the genre human,
That will be worse who has, uncles, no fathers,
In iron, fire water, bloody & inhuman.

X. 66
The chief of London by queen the American
The isle of Scotia you spy on by freezing:
King yielding one indeed false Antichrist,
That the placing three all in the melee.

X. 69
The done of nine olds raised,
Will be indeed great by middle Aquilon,
Of his sister proper great going raised:
Then murder to the drink of Ambellon.

IX. 1
In the house of conductor of Bourc,
Will be the letters found on the table,
Borgne, roads white, Chenu taking of course.
Who changes to the new con not shy.

IX. 21
To the temple high of handsome sacred Salon,
Night bridge of Loire, Prelat, King pernicious:
Cruiser victory to the marring of the Lone,
Where the prelature of whites abounded.

IX. 49
Great & Bruce the marching against Antwerp,
Old man of London putting to death their King,
The salt & wine you will be from the towards,
For you having the queen in disarray.
Donum Olim Occultas -- April 2012
April 16
VIII. 18
Of Flora exit of her death will be cause,
One times before by young & old buyers.
Because of the three beds you will be such the pose,
By his fruit safe like flesh stained muttering.

VIII. 90
When the crosses on found of senses trouble,
In place of sacred towards one beef horned,
By virgin pork his place while will be cobble,
By King more order will not be sustained.

IX. 65
Inside the corner of Moon comes rendered,
Where will be first & put in earth strange,
The fruits immerse will be from large ascended,
Great blaming, from the one great praise.

IX. 69
On the mount of Bailly & the Bresle,
Will be hiding of Grenoble the prides,
Beyond Lyon, comes, you 60 indeed great hail,
Langoult in earth not in resting one third.

IX. 86
Of county Laryne by coming right to Chartes,
And will be near of bridge Anthony pause,
Seven for the peace precaution like Martyrs,
Will be entered of army the Paris excuse.

April 17
X. 48
Of more profound of Spain shielded,
Leaving of point & of ends of the Europe,
Toubles passes after of bridge of Laigne,
Will be defected by group her great trope.
X. 80
To the queen great of great queen reining,
By force of weapons the greats entrance of bronze,
Will be opened, the King & chief joined,
Harbour demolished, sin the source, day is late.

April 28
X. 15
Father chief old of years & of thirst charges,
To the day extreme son designate the Guires,
Inside the following alert death comes plunging,
Old age to the son the death long & legitimate.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2012
MAY 2012

May 6
IX. 20
Of night comes by the forest of Reines,
Two parts vulture rupture the Peter white,
The less black in gray inside Varennus,
Visitor cap. Cause tempest, fire, blood platter.

IX. 26
Nice leaving on name of letters rough,
The great capped will be present not her:
Near of appearance to the walls of routing goats,
After leading the wind to the good are his.

IX. 52
The peace is approaching of one spy & the war,
Has that not mad the for disciple indeed great,
Knows the man, woman, blood innocent by earth,
And this will be of France to every group.

IX. 53
The strong young in the three pathways,
Will be of Paige’s lives for passionate strutting,
Fortunate who far away will be of kind leader,
Three of his blood the will be death spying.

May 7
X. 32
The large empire each year has to be,
One on the others that come to be obtained,
But few of times will be his queen & to be,
Two years to the naves that can be sustained.

March 2012
P - 108
Secret conspiracy, change place perilous,
Secretly conspiring factions:
Rains, great winds. Scourge by organics,
Inundating flows. Pestilent actions.

Ad Caesarem Nostradamus filium,

Vie et felicite.

Ton tard aduenemêt, Cesar Nostradame mon fils, m'a faict

mettre mô long temps par côtinuelles vigilatiôs nocturnes referer
par escript toy delaisser memoire, apres la corporelle extinction
de ton progeniteur au commun proffit des humains, de ce que la
Diuine essence par Astronomiques revolutions m'o't dôné cognois-
sance. -- Et depuis qu'il a pleu au Dieu immortel que tu ne sois
venu en naturelle lumiere dâs ceste terrene plaige, & ne veux dire
tes ans qui ne sont encores accompagnez, mais tes mois Martiaux
incapables à receuoir dedans ton bile entendement ce que ie seray
contrainct apres mes iours definer: -- veu qu'il n'est possible te
laisser par escrit, ce que seroit par l'iniure du temps obliteré: car
la parolle hereditaire de l'occulte prediction sera dans mon esto-
mach intercluse: -- considerât aussi les aduentures de l'humain
definiment estre incertaines, & que le tout est regi & gouuerné
par la puissance de Dieu inestimable, nous inspirant non par bac-
chante fureur, ne par limphatique mouuement, mais par astrono-
miques assertions. -- Soli numine divino afflari praesagiunt et spiritu
prophetico particularia: -- Combien que de long temps par plu-sieurs fois
i'ay predict long temps auparauant ce que depuis est
aduenu, & en particulieres regions attribuant le tout estre faict par
la vertu & inspiration diuine & autres felices & sinistres aduen-
tures de acceleree promptitude pronôcees que depuis sont adue-
nues par les climats du monde -- ayant voulu taire & delaisser
pour cause de l'iniure, & non tant seulement du temps present,
mais aussi de la plus grande part du futur, de mettre par escrit
pource que les regnes, sectes & religions feront changes si oppo-
sites, voire du respect du present diametralement, -- que si ie
venois à referer ce qu'à l'aduenir sera ceux de regne, secte reli-
gion, & foy trouueroyent si mal accordant si leur fantaisie auri-
culaire, qu'ils viendroyent à damner ce que par les siecles aduenir
on cognoistra estre veu & apperceu. -- Considerant aussi la sen-
tence du vray Sauueur Nolite sanctum dare canibus nec mittatis
margaritas ante porcos non conculcêt pedibus et côuersi dirumpant
vos. Qui a esté la cause de faire retirer ma langue au populaire,
& la plume au papier, -- puis me suis voulu estendre declarant
Donum Olim Occultas -- Presage a Les Centuries
pour le commun aduenement par obstruses & perplexes sentences
les causes futures, mesmes les plus vrgentes, & celles que i'ay
apperceu, quelque humaine mutation qu'aduienne ne scandaliser
l'auriculaire fragilite, & le tout escrit soubs figure nubileuse plus
que du tout prophetique, -- côbien que, Abscondisti haec à sapien-
tibus, et prudentibus, id est, potentibus et regibus, et enucleasti
ea exiguis et tenuibus: & aux Prophetes par le moyê de Dieu
immortel, & des bons Anges ont receu l'esprit de vaticination, par
lequel ils voyent les choses loingtaines, & viennent à preuoir les
futurs aduenemens: -- car rien ne se peut paracheuer sans luy,
ausquels si grande est la puissance, & la bôté aux subiets que
pendant qu'ils demeurent en eux, toutesfois aux autres effects sub-
iects pour la similitude de la cause du bon genius, celle chaleur
& puissâce viticinatrice s'approche de nous, comme il nous aduient
des rayons du Soleil qui viennent iettât leur influence aux corps
elementaires, & non elementaires. -- Quand à nous qui sommes
humains, ne pouuons rien de nostre naturelle cognoissance &
inclination d'engin, cognoistre des secrets obctruses de Dieu le
Createur. Quia nô est nostrû noscere tempora, nec momenta, &c. --
Combien qu'aussi de present peuuent aduenir & estre personnagee,
que Dieu le createur aye voulu reueler par imaginatiues impres-
siôs quelques secrets de l'aduenir, accordez à l'astrologie iudicielle
comme du passé que certaine puissance & volontaire faculté venoit
par eux, côme flambe de feu apparoit, que luy inspirant on
venoit à iuger les diuines & humaines inspiratiôs. -- Car les oeu-
ures diuines, que totalement sont absolues Dieu les viêt parache-
uer: la moyêne qui est au milieu des Anges: la troisiesme les
mauuais: -- Mais mon fils ie te parle cy vn peu trop obstruse-
ment: -- mais quant aux occultes vaticinations qu'on vient à re-
ceuoir par le subtil esprit de feu, qui quelquefois par l'entende-
ment agité, contemplant le plus haut des astre, comme estant
vigilant, mesmes qu'aux prononciations, estant surprins escrits
prononçât sans contraincte moins attainct d'inuerecôde loquacité
mais quoy tout procedoit de la puissance diuine du grand Dieu
eternel, de qui toute bonté procede. -- Encores, mon fils, que
i'aye inseré le nom de prophete, ie ne veux attribuer tiltre de si
haute sublimité pour le temps present: car qui Propheta dicitur
hodie, olim vocabatur videns: car Prophete proprement mon fils,
est celuy qui voit choses lointaines de la cognoissance naturelle de
toute creature. -- Et cas aduenant que le Prophete moyenant la
parfaicte lumiere de la Prophetie luy apparaire manifestement des
choses diuines, comme humaines, que ce ne se peut faire, veu que
les effects de la future prediction estendent loing. -- car les se-
crets de Dieu incomprehensibles, & la vertu effectrice contingent
de longue estendue de la cognoissance naturelle, prenant leur plus
prochain origine du liberal arbitre, fait apparoir les causes que
d'elles mesmes ne peuuent acquerir celle notice pour estre co-
gneues, ne par les humains augures, ne par autre cognoissance
de vertu occulte: comprinse soubs la concauité du ciel mesme
du faict present totalement eternité, que vient en soy embrasser
tout le temps. -- Mais moyennant quelque indiuisible eternité par,
comitiale agitation Hiracliêne, les causes par le celeste mouuemêt
sont cogneuës. -- Ie ne dis pas, mon fils, à fin que bien l'entendez,
que la cognoissance de ceste mantiere ne se peut encores imprimer
dans ton debile cerueau, que les causes futures bien loingtaines
ne soyent à la cognoissance de la creature raisonable: si sont nonob-
stant bonnemêt la creature de l'ame intellectuelle des choses pre-
sentes loingtaines ne luy sont du tout ne trop occultes, ne trop re-
serés: -- mais la parfaicte des causes notices ne se peut acquerir
sans celle diuine inspiration: veu que toute inspiration prophetique
reçoit prenant son principal principe mouuant de Dieu le createur,
puis de l'heur & de nature. -- Parquoy estant les causes indiffe-
rentes indifferement produictes, & non produictes, le presage
partie aduient, ou à esté predict. -- Car l'entendemêt cree intel-
lectuellement ne peut voir occultement, sinon par la voix faicte au
l'imbe moyennât la exigue flame, en laquelle partie les causes
futures se viendront à incliner. -- Et aussi mô fils, ie te suplie
que iamais tu ne vueilles employer ton entendement à telles resue-
ries & vanitez qui seichent les corps & mettent à perdition l'ame,
dônant trouble au foible sens: mesmes la vanité de la plus qu'exe-
crable magie reprouuee iadis par les sacrees escritures, & par les
diuins canons -- au chef duquel est excepté le iugement de l'As-
trologie iudicielle: par laquelle, & moyennant inspiration & reue-
lation diuine par continuelles supputations, auons nos propheties
redigé par escrit. -- Et combien que celle occulte Philosophie
ne fusse reprouué, n'ay oncque voulu presenter leurs effrenees per-
suasions, combien que plusieurs volumes qui ont esté cachez par
longs siecles me sont este manifestez. -- Mais doutant ce qui
aduiendroit, en ay faict apres la lecture presêt à Vulcan, que cepen-
dant qu'il les venoit à deuorer, la flamme leschant l'air rendoit
vne clarté insolité, plus claire que naturelle flamme, comme lu-
miere de feu de clystre fulgurant, illuminant subtil la maison:
comme si elle fust esté en subite conflagration. -- Parquoy à fin
qu'à l'aduenir ne fussiez abuzé, perscrutur la parfaicte trâsfor-
mation tant seline que solitaire, & soubs terre metaux incorrup-
tibles, & aux ondes, ocultes, les ay en cendres conuertis. -- Mais
Donum Olim Occultas -- Presage a Les Centuries
quât au iugement qui se vient paracheuer, moyennant le iugement
celeste, cela te veux ie manifester: parquoy auoir cognoissance des
choses futures, reiectant loing les phâtastiques imaginations qui
aduiendront, limitant la particuliarité des lieux par diuine inspira-
tion supernaturelle: -- accordant aux celestes figures les lieux, &
vne partie du temps de proprieté occulte par vertu puissance, &
faculté diuine en presence de laquelle les trois temps sont comprins
par eternité, reuolution tenant à la cause passee, presente & future:
quia omnia sunt nuda et aperta, etc.. -- Parquoy mon fils, tu
peux facilement, nonobstant ton tendre cerueau comprendre que
les choses qui doiuent aduenir, se peuuent prophetizer par les noc-
turnes & celestes lumieres, qui sont naturelles, & par l'esprit de
prophetie: -- non que ie me vueille attribuer nomination ny effect
prophetique, mais par reuelee inspiration, comme homme mortel
esloigné non moins de sens au Ciel, que les pieds en terre. --
Possum non errare, falli, decipi, suis pecheur plus grand que nul
de ce môde, subiect à toutes humaines afflictions. -- Mais estant
surprins par fois la sepmaine limphatiquant, & par longue calcula-
tion, rendant les estudes nocturnes de souefue odeur, i'ay côposé
liures de propheties côtenant chacû cent quatrains astronomiques
de propheties, lesquelles i'ay vn peu voulu rabouter obscuremêt &
sont perpetuelles vaticinations, pour d'yci à l'annee 3797. -- Que
possible fera retirer le front à quelques vns, en voyant longue
extention, & par soubs toute la concauité de la Lune aura lieu &
intelligence: & ce entendant vniversellement par toute la terre les
causes mon fils, que si tu vis l'aage naturel & humain, tu verras
deuers ton climat, au propre Ciel de ta natiuité, les futures aduen-
tures preuoir. -- Combien que le seul Dieu eternel soit celuy seul
qui cognoist l'eternité de sa lumiere, procedant de luy mesmes, --
& ie dis franchemêt qu'à ceux à qui sa magnitude immense, qui
est sans mesure & incôprehensible, a voulu pour longue inspira-
tion, melancolique reueler, que moyennant icelle cause occulte
manifestee diuinement, principalement de deux causes principales,
qui sont comprinses à l'êtendement de celuy inspire qui prophe-
tise, l'vne est que vient à infuser, esclarcissant la lumiere supernaturelle, au
personnage qui predit par la doctrine des astres, & prophetise par inspiree
reuelation, laquelle est vne certaine participation de la diuine eternité,
moyennant le Prophete vient à iuger de cela que son diuin esperit luy a
donné par le moyen de Dieu le createur, & par vne naturelle instigation, --
c'est à sçauoir que ce predit, est vray, & a prins son origine & ethereement:
& telle lumiere & flamme exigue est de toute efficace, & de telle altitude nô
moins que la naturelle clarté, & naturelle lumiere rend les Philosophes si
asseurez, que moyennât les principes de la premiere cause ont atteinct à plus
profondes abysmes des plus hautes doctrines, -- Mais à celle fin mô fils que
ie ne vague trop profondemêt pour la capacité fature de ton sens, & aussi
que ie treuue que les lettres feront si grande & incom-parable iacture, que ie
treuue le monde auant l'vniuerselle conflagra-tion aduenir tant de deluges &
si hautes inondations, qu'il ne sera quiere terroir qui ne soit couuert d'eau, &
sera par si long temps, que hors mis enogrophies & topographies que le tout
ne soit pery, -- aussi auant & apres telles inondatiôs, en plusieurs con-
trees les playes seront si exigues, & tôbera du ciel si grâde abon-
dance de feu & de pierre candentes, qu'il n'y demeurera riê qui ne
soit consomme: & cecy aduenir en brief, & auant la derniere
conflagration: -- Car encores, que la planette de Mars paracheue
son siecle & à la fin de son dernier periode, si le reprendra il:
mais assemblez les vns en Aquarius plusieurs annees, les autres
en Cancer par plus longues & continues. -- Et maintenant que
nous sommes conduicts par la Lune, moyennant la totale puissâce
de Dieu eternel, qu'auant qu'elle aye paracheué son total circuit
le Soleil viendra, & puis Saturne. -- Car selon les signes celestes,
le regne de Saturne sera de retour, que le tout calculé, le monde
s'approche, d'vne anaragonique reuolution: -- & que de present
que cecy i'escrits auât cent septante sept ans trois mois vnze iour
par pestilence, longue famine, & guerres, & plus par les inonda-
tions le monde entre cy & ce terme prefix, auant & apres par plu-
sieurs fois, sera diminué, & si peu de monde sera, que l'on ne
treuuera qui vueille prendre les champs: qui deuiendront libres
aussi longuement: qu'ils, sont estez en seruitude -- & ce quât
au visible iugement celeste, qu'encores que nous soyons au sep-
tiesme nombre de mille qui paracheue le tout nous approchât du
huictiesme, où est le firmament de la huistiesme sphere, qui est en
dimension latitudinaire, où le grand Dieu eternel viendra para-
cheuer la reuolution, où les images celestes retourneront à se
mouuoir & le moudumêt, superieur qui nous rend la terre stable
& ferme nô inclinabitur in soeculû soeculi: hors mis que son vou-
loir sera accomply, mais non point autrement -- combien que par
ambigues opinions excedantes toutes raisons naturelles par songes
Mathometiques, aussi aucunes fois Dieu le createur par les minis-
tres de ses messagiers de feu, enflamme missiue vient à proposer
aux sens exterieurs mesmement à nos yeux, les causes de future
prediction, significatrices du cas futur qui se doit à celuy qui pre-
sage manifester. -- Car le presaige qui se faict de la lumiere ex-
terieure vient infalliblement à iuger partie auecques, & moyennant
le lume exterieur: combien vrayement que la partie qui semble
auoir par l'oeil de l'entendement, ce que n'est par la lesion du
sens imaginatif, -- la raison est par trop euidente, le tout estre
Donum Olim Occultas -- Presage a Les Centuries
predict par afflation de diuinité, & par le moyen de l'esprit ange-
lique inspiré à l'hôme prophetisant, rendant oinctes de vaticina-
tions, le venât à illuminer, luy esmouuant le deuant de la phantasie
par diuerses nocturnes apparitiôs que par diurne certitude pro-
phetise par, administration Astronomique côioincte de la sanctis-
sime future prediction, ne considerant ailleurs qu'au courage libre.
-- Vient à ceste heure entendre, mon fils, que ie trouue par
mes reuolutions que sont accordantes à reuelee inspiration, que
le mortel glaiue s'approche de nous maintenant par peste, guerre
plus horrible qu'à vie de trois hommes n'a esté, & famine, lequel
tombera en terre, & y retournera souuent, -- car les Astres s'ac-
cordent à la reuolution, & aussi a dit: Visitabo in virga ferrea
iniquitates eorum, et in verberibus percutiam eos: -- car la mise-
ricorde de Dieu ne sera point dispergee vn têps, mon fils, que la
pluspart de mes Propheties, seront accomplies, & viendront estre
par accomplissement reuolues. -- Alors par plusieurs fois durant
les sinistres tempestes, Conteram ego, dira le Seigneur, et confrin-
gam, et non miserebor, -- & mille autres aduentures qui aduien-
dront par eux & continuelles pluyes, comme plus à plain l'ay
redige par escrit aux miennes autres. Propheties qui sont compo-
sees tout au long, in soluta oratione, limittant les lieux, temps &
les termes prefix que les humains apres venus verrôt, cognoissans
les aduentures aduenues infailliblement, -- comme auons noté par
le autres parlant, plus clairement, nonobstant que soubs nuee se-
ront comprises les intelligences: sed quando submouenda erit
ignorentia, le cas sera plus esclaircy. -- Faisant fin, mon fils,
prens donc ce don de ton pere Nichel Nostradamus, esperant toy
declarer vne chacune Prophetie des quatrains cy mis Priant Dieu
immortel, qu'il te veuille prester vie longue, en bonne & prospere

-- De Salon ce I. de Mars, 1555.


Povr icelle souueraine obseruation qui i'ay eu, ô Tres-Chres-

tien & tres-victorieux Roy, depuis que ma face estant long temps
obnubilee se presente au deuant de la deité de vostre maiesté im-
mesuree, depuis en ça i'ay esté perpetuellement esblouy, ne desis-
tant d'honorer & dignement venerer iceluy iour que premierement
deuant icelle ie me presentay, comme à vne singuliere maiesté tant
humaine. -- Or cherchant quelque occasion par laquelle ie peusse
manifester le bon coeur & franc courage, que moyênant iceluy mon
pouuoir eusse faict ample extension de cognoissance enuers vostre
serenissime maiesté. -- Or voyant que par effets le declairer ne
m'estoit possible, ioint auec mon singulier desir de ma tant longue
obtenebration & obscurité, estre subitement esclarcie & transportee
au deuant de la face du souuerain oeil, & du premier monarque de
l'vniuers, -- tellement que i'ay esté en doute longuement à qui ie
viendrois consacrer ces trois Centuries du restant de mes Prophe-
ties, paracheuant la milliade -- & apres auoir longuement cogité
d'vne temeraire audace, ay prins mô addresse enuers vostre ma-
iesté, n'estant pour cela estonne, comme raconte, le grauissime
aucteur Plutarque en la vie de Lycurgue, que voyant les offres &
presens qu'on faisoit par sacrifices aux temples des dieux immor-
tels diceluy temps, & à celle fin que l'on ne s'estonnast par trop
souuent desdictes fraiz & mises ne s'osoyent presenter aux temples.
-- Ce nonobstant voyant vostre splendeur Royalle, accompagnee
d'vne incomparable humanité ay prins mon addresse, non comme
aux Roys de Perse, qu'il n'estoit nullement permis d'aller à eux,
ny moins s'en approcher. -- Mais, à vn tresprudent, à vn tres-
sage Prince, i'ay consacré mes nocturnes & prophetiques supputa-
tions, composees plustot d'vn naturel instinct: accompagné d'vne
fureur poëtique, que par reigle de poësie, -- & la pluspart com-
posé & accordé à la calculation Astronomique, correspondant aux
ans, moys & sepmaines des regions, contrees, & de la pluspart des
villes & tirez de toute l'Europe, comprenant de l'Affrique, &
vne partie de l'Asie par le changement des regions, qui s'appro-
chent la pluspart de tous ces climats, & composé d'vne naturelle
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle a Henri II
faction: -- respondra quelqu'vn qui auroit biê besoin de soy mou-
cher, la rithme estre autant facile, comme l'intelligence du sens
est difficile. Et pource, ô tres humanissime Roy, la pluspart des
quatrins prophetiques sont tellement sçabreux, que l'on n'y sçau-
roit donner voye n'y moins aucuns interpreter, -- toutesfois espe-
rant de laisser par escrit les ans, villes, citez regions, ou la plus-
part aduiendra, mesmes de l'annee 1585. & de l'annee 1606.
accommençant depuis le temps presêt, qui est le 14. de Mars, 1557.
-- & passant outre bien loing iusques à l'aduenement qui sera apres
au commencement du 7. millenaire profondement supputé, tât que
mon calcul astronomique & autre sçauoir s'a peu estendre où
les aduersaires de Iesus Christ & de son Eglise: commenceront
plus fort de pulluler, -- le tout a esté composé & calculé en iours
& heures d'election & bien disposees, & le plus iustement, qu'il
ma esté possible & le jour Minerua libera, et non inuita, --
supputant presque autant des aduentures du temps aduenir, comme
des eages passez, comprenant de present, & de ce que par le
cours du temps par toutes regiôs l'on cognoistra aduenir, tout ainsi
nommement comme il est escrit n'y meslant rien de superflu, com-
bien que l'on dit: Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino
veritas. -- Il est bien vray, Sire que pour mon naturel instinct
qui m'a esté donné par mes auites ne cuidant presager, & adious-
tant & accordant iceluy naturel instinct auec ma longue supputa-
tion vny, & vuidant l'ame, l'esprit, & le courage de toute cure,
solicitude, & fascherie par repos & tranquilité de l'esprit. Le tout
accordé & presagé l'vne partie tripode aeneo. -- Combien qu'ils
sont plusieurs qui m'attribuent ce qu'est autant à moy, comme
de ce que n'en est riê, Dieu seul eternel, qui est perscrutateur
des humains courages pie, iuste, & misericordieux, est le vray
iuge, auquel ie prie qu'il me vueille defendre de la calomnie des
meschans -- qui voudroyent aussi calomnieusement s'enquerir pour
quelle cause tous vos antiquissimes progeniteurs Roys de France
ont guery des escroüelles, & des autres nations ont guery de la
morsure des serpens, les autres ont eu certain instinct de l'art d'iui-
natrice, & d'autres cas qui seroyêt loing icy à racôpter. -- Ce
nonobstant ceux à qui la malignité de l'esprit malin ne sera com-
prins par le cours du temps apres la terrêne mienne extinction,
plus sera mon escrit qu'à mon viuant -- cependant si à ma sup-
putation des ages ie faillois on ne pourroit estre selon la volôté
d'aucuns. Plaira à vostre plus qu'imperialle Maiesté me pardonner
protestant deuant Dieu & ses saincts, que ie ne pretends de mettre
rien quelconque par escrit en la presente epistre, qui soit contre la
vraye foy Catholique, conferant les calculations Astronomiques,
iouxte mon sçauoir -- car l'espace du temps de nos premiers, qui
nous ont precedez sont tels, me remettant sous la correction du
plus sain iugement, que le premier homme Adam fut deuant Noé
enuiron mille deux cens quarâte deux ans ne computant les temps
par la supputation des Gentils, comme a mis par escrit Varron:
mais tant seulement selon les sacrees Escriptures, & selon la foi-
blesse de mon esprit, en mes calculations Astronomiques. -- Apre
Noé, de luy & de l'vniuersel deluge, vint Abraham enuiron mille
huictante ans, lequel a esté souuerain Astrologue selon aucuns, il
invêta premier les lettres Chaldaiques: -- apres vint Moyse
enuiron cinq cens quinze ou seize ans, -- & entre le temps de
Dauid & Moyse ont esté cinq cens septante ans là enuiron. -- Puis
apres entre le temps de Dauid, & le temps de nostre sauueur &
redempteur Iesus-Christ, n'ay de l'vnique Vierge, ont esté (selon
aucuns Cronographes) mille trois cens cinquâte ans: -- pourra
obiecter quelqu'vn ceste supputation n'estre veritable, pource qu'elle
differe à celle d'Eusebe. -- Et puis le temps de l'humaine redêp-
tion iusques à la seduction detestable des Sarrazins, sont esté six
cens vingt & vn an, là enuiron, -- depuis en çà l'on peut facile-
ment colliger quels temps sont passez, si la mienne supputatiô n'est
bonne & valable par toutes natiôs, pource que tout a esté calculé
par le cours celeste, par association d'esmotion infuse à certaines
heures delaissees par l'esmotion de mes antiques progeniteurs. --
Mais l'iniure du temps, ô serenissime Roy, requiert que tels secrets
euenemens ne soyêt manifestez, que par aenigmatique sentence,
n'ayant qu'vn seul sens, & vnique intelligence, sans y auoir rien
mis d'ambigue n'amphibologique calculation: -- mais plustost
sous obnubillee obscurité par vne naturelle infusion approchant à
la sentence d'vn des mille & deux Prophetes, qui ont esté depuis
la creation du môde, iouxte la supputation & Chronique punique
de Ioël, Effundam spiritû meum super omnem carnem, et propheta-
bunt filij vestri, et filiae vestrae. -- Mais telle Prophetie procedoit
de la bouche du S. Esprit, qui estoit la souueraine puissance eter-
nelle, adioincte auec la celeste à d'aucuns de ce nombre ont pre-
dit de grandes & emerueillables aduêtures: -- Moy en cest
endroict ie ne m'attribue nullement tel tiltre, ia à Dieu ne plaise,
ie confesse bien que le tout vient de Dieu, & luy en rends graces,
honneur & loüange immortelle, sans y auoir meslé de la diuina-
tion que prouient à fato: mais à Deo, à natura, & la pluspart
accompagnee du mouuement du cours celeste, -- tellement que
voyant comme dâs vn miroüer ardant, comme par vision obnu-
lilee, les grans euenemens tristes, prodigeux, & calamiteuses
aduentures qui s'approchent par les, principaux culteurs. Premiere-
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle a Henri II
ment des temples de Dieu, secondement par ceux qui sont terres-
trement soustenus s'approcher telle decadence, auecques mille
autres calamiteuses aduentures, que par le cours du temps on
cognoistra aduenir: -- car Dieu regardera la longue sterilité de
la grand dame, qui puis apres conceura deux enfans principaux:
-- mais elle periclitant, celle qui luy sera adioustee par la teme-
rité de l'aage de mort periclitât dedans le dixhuictiesme, ne pou-
uant passer le trentesixiesme qu'en delaissera trois masles, & vne
femelle, & en aura deux, celuy qui n'en eut iamais d'vn mesme
pere, -- de trois freres seront telles differences puis vnies &
accordees, que les trois & quatre parties de l'Europe trembleront:
-- par le moindre d'aage sera la monarchie crestiêne soustenue &
augmêtee: sectes esleuees, & subitemêt abaissees, Arabes reculez,
Royaumes vnis, nouuelles Loix promulguees: -- des autres enfans
le premier occupera les Lions furieux couronnez, tenans les pattes
dessus les armes interpidez. -- Le second se profondera si auant
par les Latins accompagné, que sera faicte la seconde voye trem-
blante & furibonde au mont Iouis descendant pour monter aux
Pyrennees ne sera translatee à l'antique monarchie, sera faiste la
troisiesme innôdation de sang humain, ne se trouuera de long temps
Mars en Caresme. -- Et sera donnee la fille par la conseruation
de l'Eglise Chrestiêne tombant son dominateur à la paganisme secte
des nouueaux infidelles elle aura deux enfans, l'vn de fidelité, &
l'autre d'infidelité par la côfirmation de l'Eglise Catholique. -- Et
l'autre qui a sa grande confusion & tarde repentance la voudra
ruiner, seront trois regions par l'extreme difference des ligues,
c'est assauoir la Romaine, la Germanie, l'Espagne, qui feront
diuerses sectes par main militaire, delaissant le 50. & 52. degrez
de hauteur, -- & feront tous hommage des religions loingtaines
aux regions de l'Europe & de Septentrion de 48. degrez d'hau-
teur, qui premier par vaine timidité tremblera, puis les plus occi-
dentaux, meridionaux & orientaux trembleront, -- telle sera leur
puissance, que ce qui se fera pas concorde & vnion insuperable
des conquestes belliques. De nature seront esgaux: mais grande-
ment differents de foy. -- Apres cecy la Dame sterille de plus
grande puissance que la seconde sera receüe par deux peuples, par
le premier obstiné par celuy qui a eu puissance sur tous, par le
deuxiesme & par le tiers qui estêdra ses forces vers le circuit de
l'Oriêt de l'Europe aux pannons l'a profligé & succôbé & par
voile marine fera ses extensions à la Trinacrie Adriatique par Mir-
midon, & Germaniques du tout succombé, & sera la secte Barba-
rique du tout des Latins grandement affligee & dechassee. -- Puis
le grand Empire de l'Antechrist commencera dans la Atila &
Zerses descendre en nombre grand & innumerable, tellement que
la venue du Sainct Esprit procedant du 48. degré, fera transmi-
grastion, dechassant à l'abomination de l'Antechrist, faisant guerre
contre le royal qui sera le grand Vicaire de Iesus-Christ, & contre
son Eglise, & son regne per tempus, et in occasione temporis, --
& precedera deuant vne eclypse solaire le plus obscur, & le plus
tenebreux, qui soit esté depuis creation du monde iusques à la
mort & passion de Iesus-Christ, & de la iusques icy, -- & sera
au moys d'octobre que quelque grâde translatiô sera faicte, & telle
que l'on cuidera la pesanteur de la terre auoir perdu son naturel
mouuement, & estre abismee en perpetuelles tenebres, seront pre-
cedens au têps vernal, & s'en ensuyuant apres d'extremes châge-
mens, permutations de regnes, par grand tremblement de terre,
-- auec pullulation de la neufue Babylonne, fille miserable aug-
mentee par l'abomination du premier holocauste, & ne tiendra
tant seulement septante trois ans, sept moys, -- puis apres en
sortira du tige celle qui auoit demeuré tant long têps sterille, pro-
cedât du cinquantesme degre, qui renouuellera toute l'Eglise chres-
tienne. -- Et sera faicte grande paix vnion & côcorde entre vns
des enfans des fronts esgarez, & separez par diuers regnes -- sera
faicte telle paix que demeurera attaché au plus profond baratre le
suscitateur & promoteur de la martiale faction par la diuersité
des religieux, & sera vny le royaume du Rabieux: qui côtrefera le
sage. -- Et les côtrees villes, citez, regnes, & prouinces qui auront
laissé les premieres voyes pour le deliurer, se caftiuant plus pro-
fondement seront secrettement laschez de leur liberté, & parfaicte
religion perdue, commenceront de frapper dans la partie gauche,
pour retourner à la dextre, -- & remettant la saincteté profligee
de long temps, auec leur pristin escrit, qu'apres le grand chien
sortira le plus gros mastin, qui fera destruction de tout, mesmes de
ce qu'au parauât sera esté perpetré, seront redressez les temples
comme au premier temps, & sera restitué le clerc à son pristin
estat, -- & commencera à meretricquer & luxurier, faire &
cômettre mille forfaits. -- Et estant proche d'vne autre desolation,
par lors qu'elle sera à sa plus haute & sublime dignité se dresse-
ront de potentats & mains militaires & luy feront ostez les deux
glaiues, & ne luy demeurera que les enseignes, -- desquelles par
moyen de la curuature qui les attire, le peuple le faisant aller
droict, & ne voulât se condescendre à eux par le bout opposite de
la main aigue, touchât terre, voudront stimuler -- iusques, a ce
que naistra d'vn rameau de la sterile de long temps, qui deliurera
le peuple vniuers de celle seruitude benigne & volontaire, soy
remettant à la protection de Mars spoliant Iupiter de tous ses
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle a Henri II
hôneurs & dignitez, pour la cité libre, constituee & assise dans vn
autre exigue Mezopotamie, -- Et sera le chef & gouuerneur ietté
du milieu, & mis au lieu de l'air, ignorant la conspiration des
coniurateurs, auec le second Trasibulus, qui de long temps aura
manié tout cecy: -- Alors les immundicitez des abominations
seront par grande honte obiectees & manifestees aux tenebres de la
lumiere obtenebre, cessera deuers la fin du changement de son
regne, & les clefs de l'Eglise seront en arriere de l'amour de Dieu,
& plusieurs d'entre eux apostatizerôt de la vraye foy, -- & des
trois sectes, celle du milieu, par les culteurs d'icelle, sera vn peu
mis en decadence. La prime totallement par l'Europe, la plus part
de l'Affrique exterminee de la tierce, moyennât les pauures
d'esprit, que par insêsez esleuez par la luxure libidineuse adulte-
reront. -- La plebe se leuera soustenant, dechassera les adherâs
des legislateurs, & semblera que les regnes affoiblis par les Orien-
taux que Dieu le Createur aye deslié Satan des prisons infernalles,
pour faire naistre le grand Dog & Dohan, lesquels seront si
grande fraction abominable aux Eglises, que les rouges ne les
blancs sans yeux ne sans mains plus n'en iugeront, & leur sera
ostee leur puissance. -- Alors sera faicte plus de persecutiô aux
Eglises, que ne fut iamais. -- Et sur ces entrefaictes naistra la
pestilence si grande que trois pars du monde plus que les deux
defaudront. Tellement qu'on ne sçaura, cognoistre ne les appar-
tenans des champs & maisons, & naistra l'herbe par les ruës des
cités plus haute que les genoux: -- Et au clergé sera faicte toute
desolation, & vsurperont les martiaux ce que sera retourné de la
cité du Soleil de Melite, & des isles Stechades, & sera ouuerte la
grâd chaisne du port qui prêd sa denomination au boeuf marin. --
Et sera faite nouuelle incursion par les maritimes plages, volant
le saut Castulum deliurer de la premiere reprinse Mahumetane.
-- Et ne seront de leurs assaillemens vains, & au lieu que iadis
fut l'habitation d'Abraham, sera assaillie par personnes qui auront
en veneration les Iouialistes. Et icelle cité d'Achem sera enui-
ronnee, & assaillie de toutes parts en tresgrande puissance de gens
d'armes. -- Seront affoiblies leurs forces maritimes par les Occi-
dentaux. Et à ce regne sera faicte grande desolation, & les plus
grandes citez seront de peuplees, & ceux qui entreront dedans
seront comprins à la vengeance de l'ire de Dieu. -- Et demeurera
le sepulchre de tant grande veneration par l'espace de long temps
soubs le serain à l'vniverselle vision des yeux du Ciel, du Soleil,
& de la Lune. Et sera conuerty le lieu sacré en ebergement de
troupeau menu & grand, & adapté en substances prophanes. --
O quelle calamiteuse affliction sera par lors aux femmes enceintes:
& sera par lors du principal chef Oriental, la plus part esmeu par
les Septentrionaux & Occidentaux vaincu, & mis à mort, profligez,
& le reste en fuite, & ses enfans de plusieurs femmes emprisonnez,
& par lors sera accomplie la Prophetie du Royal Prophete: Vt
audiret gemitus compeditorum, vt solueret filios interemptorum. --
Quelle grande oppression qui par lors sera faicte sur les Princes &
gouuerneurs des Royaumes, mesmes de ceux qui seront maritimes
& Oriêtaux, & leurs langues entremeslees à grande societé: la
langue des Latins & des Arabes par la communication Punique, --
& seront tous ces Roys Orientaux chassez profligez, exterminez,
nô du tout par le moyen des forces des Roys d'Aquilon & par la
proximité de nostre siecle par moyen des trois vnys secrettemêt
cerchant la mort, & insidies par embusches l'vn de l'autre, &
durera le renouuellement de Triumuirat sept ans, que la renommee
de telle secte fera son estenduë par l'vnivers, & sera soustenu le
sacrifice de la saincte & immaculee hostie: -- & seront lors les
Seigneurs deux en nombre d'Aquilon, victorieux sur les Orientaux,
& sera en iceux faict si grand bruit & tumulte bellique, que tout
iceluy. Orient tremblera de la frayeur d'iceux freres, non freres
Aquilonaires. -- Et pource, Sire, que par ce discours ie mets
presque confusement ces predictions, & quand ce pourra estre &
l'aduenement d'iceux, pour le denombrement du temps que s'en-
suit, qu'il n'est nullemêt ou bien peu conforme au superieur:
lequel tant par voye Astronomique, que par autres mesmes des
sacrees escritures, qui ne peuuent faillir nullement, -- que si ie
voulois à vn chacun quatrain mettre le denombrement du temps,
se pourroit faire: mais à tous ne seroit aggreable, ne moins les
interpreter iusques à ce Sire, que vostre Maiesté m'aye octroyé
ample puissance pour ce faire, pour ne donner cause aux calom-
niateurs de me mordre. -- Toutesfois contans, les ans depuis la
creation du monde, iusques à la naissance de Noë, sont passez mil-
cinq cens & six ans, -- & depuis la naissance de Noë iusques à la
parfaicte frabrication de l'arche, approchant de l'vniuerselle
mondation, passerent six cens ans (si les dôs estoyêt Solitaires ou
Lunaires, ou des dix mixtions) ie tiens ce que les sacrees escrip-
tures tiennent qui estoyent Solaires. Et à la fin d'iceux six ans
Noë entra dans l'arche pour estre sauué du deluge: -- & fut
iceluy deluge, vniuersel sur terre, & dura vn au & deux mois.
-- Et depuis la fin du deluge iusques à la natiuité d'Abraham,
passa le nombre des ans de deux cens nonâte cinq. -- Et depuis la
natiuité d'Abraham iusques à la natiuité d'Isaaç passerent cent ans.
-- Et depuis Isaac iusques à Iacob, soixante ans -- dès l'heure
qu'il entra en Egypte iusques à l'yssue d'iceluy passerent cent
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle a Henri II
trête ans. -- Et depuis l'entrée de Iacob, en Egypte iusques
à l'issue d'iceluy, passerent quatre cens trente ans. -- Et depuis
l'yssue d'Egypte iusques à l'edification du Temple faicte par Salo-
mon au quatriesme an de son regne, passerent quatre cens octâte
ou quatre vingts ans. -- Et depuis l'edification du temple iusques
à Iesus Christ selon la supputation des hierographes, passerent
quatre cens nonante ans. -- Et ainsi par ceste supputation que i'ay
faicte, colligee par les sacres lettres, sont enuiron quatre mille
cent septante trois ans & huict mois, peu ou moins: -- Or de
Iesus Christ en ça par la diuersité des sectes ie laisse, & ayant
supputé & calculé les presentes Propheties, le tout selon l'ordre de la
chaisne qui contient sa revelation, le tout par doctrine Astono-
mique, & selon mon naturel instinct, -- & apres quelque temps &
dans iceluy comprenant depuis le temps que Saturne qui tournera
entre à sept du mois d'Auril, iusques au 15. d'Aoust Iupiter à
14. de Iuin iusques au 7. Octobre Mars depuis le 17. d'Auril,
iusques au 22. de Iuin, Venus depuis le 9. d'Auril iusques au 22.
de May, Mercure depuis le 3. de Feurier, iusques au 24. dudit.
-- En apres le premier de Iuin, iusques au 24. dudit, & du 25.
de Septembre, iusques au 16. de Octobre, Saturne en Capricorne,
Iupiter en Aquarius, Mars en Scorpio, Venus en Pisces, Mercure
dans vn moys en Capricorne, Aquarius, & pisces, la lune en Aqua-
rius la teste du Dragon en Libra: là queüe à son signe opposite
-- suyuant vne conionction de Iupiter à Mercure auec vn quadrin
aspect de Mars à Mercure, & la teste du Dragon sera auec vne
conionction du Soleil à Iupiter, l'annee sera pacifique sans eclypse,
& non du tout, -- & sera le commencement comprenant ce de
ce que durera & cômençant icelle annee sera faicte plus grande
persecution à l'Eglise Chrestienne, que n'a esté faicte en Afrique,
& durera ceste-icy iusques, à l'an mil sept cens nonante deux que
l'ô cuydera estre vne renouation de siecle: -- apres commen-
cera le peuple Romain de se redresser, & de chasser quelques
obscures tenebres, receuant quelque peu de leur pristine clarté,
non sans grande diuision & continuel châgemens. -- Venise en
apres en grande force & puissance leuera ses aisles si treshaut, ne
disant gueres aux forces de l'antique Rome. Et en iceluy temps
grandes voyles Bisantines associees aux Ligustiques par l'appuy
& puissance Aquilonaire, donnera quelque empeschement que des
deux Cretenses ne leur sera la foy tenueë. -- Les arcs edifiez par
les antiques Martiaux, s'accompagneront aux ondes de Neptune. --
En l'Adriatique sera faicte discorde grande ce que sera uny sera
separé, approchera de maison ce que paravant estoit & est grande
cité, comprenant le Pompotam la Mesopotamie de l'Europe à
quarante cinq & autres de quarante vn, quarante deux, & trente
sept. -- Et dans iceluy temps, & en icelles contrees la puissance
infernale mettra à l'encontre de l'Eglise de Iesus Christ la puis-
sance des aduersaires de sa loy, qui sera le second Antechrist,
lequel persecurera icelle Eglise & son vray Vicaire, par moyen
de la puissance des Roys temporels, qui seront par leur ignorance
seduicts par langues, qui trencheront plus que nul glaiue entre les
mains de l'insensé. -- Le susdicts regne de l'Antechrist ne durera
que iusques au definement de ce n'ay pres de l'aage & de l'autre à
la cité de Plancus accompagnez de l'esleu de Modone Fulcy, par
Ferrare, maintenu par Liguriens Adriaticques, & de la proximité
de la grande Trinacrie: -- Puis passera le môt Iouis, Le Gallique
ogmium, accompagné de si grand nombre que de bien loing l'Empire
de sa grande loy sera presenté, & par lors & quelque temps apres
sera espanché profuseement le sang des Innocens par les nocens vn
peu esleuez: alors par grands deluges la memoire des choses con-
tenues de tels instrumens receura innumerable perte, mesmes les
lettres: qui sera deuers les Aquilonaires -- par la volonté diuine,
& entre vnefois lié Satan. Et sera faicte paix vniuerselle entre les
humains, & sera deliuree l'Eglise de Iesus Christ de toute tribu-
lation, combien que par les Azos-tains voudroit mesler dedans le
miel du fiel, & leur pestifere seduction: -- & cela sera proche
du septiesme millenaire, que plus le sanctuaire de Iesus Christ ne
sera conculqué par les infideles qui viendront de l'Aquillon, le
monde approchant de quelque grande conflagration combien que
par mes supputations en mes propheties, le cours du temps aille
beaucoup plus loing -- Dedans l'Epistre que ces ans passez ay
dedié à mon fils Cesar, Nostradamus i'ay assez appertement
declaré aucuns poincts sans presage. -- Mais icy, ô Sire, sont
comprins plusieurs grands & merueillieux aduenemens, que ceux
qui viendront apres le verrôt. -- Et durant icelle supputation
Astrologique, conferee aux sacrees lettres, la persecution des gens
Ecclesiastiques prendra son origine par la puissance des Roys
Aquilonaires, vnis auec les Orientaux. Et ceste persecution
durera onze ans, quelque peu moins, que par lors defaillira le
principal Roy Aquilonaire, -- lesquels ans accomplis suruiendra
son vny Meridional, qui persecutera encore plus fort par l'espace
de trois ans les gens d'Eglise, par la seductiô apostatique, d'vn
qui tiendra toute puissance absoluë à l'Eglise militaire, & le
sainct peuple de Dieu obseruateur de sa loy, & tout orde de reli-
gion sera grandement persecuté & affligé tellement que le sang des
vrais Ecclesiastiques, nagera par tout, -- & vn des horribles
Roys temporels par ses adherans luy seront donnes telles louanges,
Donum Olim Occultas -- Epistle a Henri II
qu'il aura plus respandu de sang humain des innocens Ecclesias-
tiques, que nul ne sçauroit auoir du vin. -- & iceluy Roy cômet-
tra des forfaicts enuers l'Eglise incroyables, coulera le sang
humain par les rues publiques, & temples, comme l'eau par pluye
impetueuse, & rougiront de sang les plus prochains fleuues, & par
autre guerre nauale rougira la mer, que le rapport d'vn Roy à
l'autre luy sera dit: Bellis rubuit naualibus aequor. -- Puis dans
la mesme annee & les suiuantes s'en ensuiura la plus horrible pesti-
lence, & la plus meruelleuse par la famine precedente, & si
grandes tribulations que iamais soit aduenue telle depuis la pre-
miere fondation de l'Eglise Chrestienne, & par toutes les regions
Latines, demeurant par les vestiges en aucunes contrees des
Espaignes. -- Par lors le tiers Roy Aquilonaire entendât la plaincte
du peuple de son principal tiltre, dressera si grande armee, &
passera par les destroits de ses derniers auites & bisayeuls, qui
remettra la plus part en son estat, -- & le grand Vicaire de la
cappe sera remis en son pristin estat: mais desolé, & puis du tout
abandonné, & tournera estre Sancta Sanctorum destruicte par
Paganisme & le vieux & nouueau Testament serôt dechassez,
bruslez, -- en apres l'Antechrist sera le prince infernal, -- encores
par la derniere foy trembleront tous les Royaumes de la Chres-
tienté, & aussi des infideles, par l'espace de vingt cinq ans, &
seront plus grieues guerres & batailles, & seront villes, citez
chasteaux, & tous autres edifices bruslez, desolez, destruicts, auec
grande effusion de sang vestal, mariees, & vefues violees, enfans de
laict contre les murs des villes allidez & brisez, & tant de maux
se commettront par le moyen de Satan, prince infernal, que pres-
que le monde vniuersel se trouuera defaict & desolé: -- & auant
iceux advenemens aucuns oyseaux insolites crieront par l'air, Huy
huy, & seront apres quelques temps esuanouys. -- Et apres que
tel temps aura duré longuement, sera presque renouuellé vn autre
regne de Saturne, & siecle d'or, Dieu le createur dira entendant
l'affliction de son peuple, Satan sera mis, & lié dans l'abysme du
barathre dans la profonde fosse: & adonc commencera entre Dieu
& les hommes vne paix vniuerselle, -- & demeurera lié enuiron
l'espace de mille ans, & tournera en sa plus grande force, la puis-
sance Ecclesiastique, & puis tourne deslié.
-- Que toutes ces figures sont iustement adaptees par les
diuines lettres aux choses celestes visibles, c'est à sçavoir, par
Saturne, Iupiter, & Mars, & les autres conioincts, comme plus à
plain par aucuns quadrins l'on pourra voir. Ie eusse calculé plus
profondement, & adapté les vns auecques les autres. -- Mais
voyant ô Serenissime Roy, que quelqu'vns de la sensure trouue-
ront difficulté, qui sera cause de retirer ma plume à mon repos
nocturne: -- Multa etiam, ô rex omnium potentissime, praeclara et
sanè in breui ventura, sed omnia in hac tua epistola innectere non
possumus, nec volumus: sed ad intelligenda quaedam facta horrida
fata, pauca libanda sunt, quamuis tanta sit in omnes tua ampli-
tudo et humanitas homines, deosque pietas, vt solus amplissimo et
Christianissimo Regis nomine, et ad quem summa totius religionis
auctoritas deferatur dignus esse videare. -- Mais tant seulement
ie vous requiers, ô Roy tres clemêt; par icelle vostre singuliere &
prudente humanité, d'entendre plus tost le desir de mon courage, &
le souuerain estude que i'ay d'obeyr à vostre Serenissime Maiesté,
depuis que mes yeux furent si proches de vostre splendeur Solaire,
que la grandeur de mon labeur n'attainct ne requiert.

De Salon, ce 27. de Iuin, 1558.

Faciebat Michaël Nostradamus Salonae Petrae

Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
MAY 2004

May 9
III. 52
Quand le plus grand emportera le pris
De Nuremberg, d'Auspurg, & ceux de Basle,
Par Agripine chef Frank fort repris,
Trauerseront par Flamans iusqu'en Gale.

May 11
I. 61
La republique miserable infelice,
Sera vastИe du nouueau Magistrat,
Leur grand amas de l'exil malefice,
Fera Sueue rauir leur grand contract.

I. 66
Celuy qui lors portera les nouuelles,
Apres vn peu il viendra respirer,
Viuiers, Tournon, Montferrant & Pradelles,
Gresle & tempeste, les fera suospirer.

I. 73
France Ю cinq parts par neglect assaillie
Tunys, Argiels esmeuz par Persiens,
Leon, Seuille, Barcelone faillie
N'aura la classe par les Venitiens.

May 13
III. 8
Les Cimbres ioints auec leurs voisins,
Depopuler viendront pres de l'Espagne :
Gens amaffez Guienne & Limousins
Seront en ligue & leur feront compagne.

III. 21
Au crustamin par mer Hadriatique,
Apparoistra vn horribe poisson,
De face humaine & la fin aquatique,
Qui se prendra dehors de l'hameçon.

May 15
V. 33
Des principaux de cité rebelée
Qui tiendront fort pour liberté rauoir :
Detrencher masses infelice meslée,
Cris vrlemens a Nante; piteux voir.

May 16
VI. 12
Dresser copies pour monter à l'Empire,
Du Vatican le sang Royal tiendra :
Flamans, Anglois, Espaigne auec Aspire,
Contre l'Italie & France contendra.

May 17
I. 5
Par le pays seront plus fort greuez :
Chassez seront sans faire long combat,
Carcas, Narbonne, auront c°urs esprouvez,
Bourg & CitИ auront plus grand debat

I. 20
Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims & Nantes
Citez vexИes par ¬ubit changement :
Par langues e¬tranges ¬eront tenduКs tentes,
Fleuues, dards, Renes, terre & mer tremblement.

I. 33
Pres d'vn grand pont de plaine spacieuse,
Le grand lyon par forces Cesarees
Fera abbatre hors citИ rigoureuse
Par effroy porte luy seront resserrees.

I. 60
Vn Empereur naistra pres d'Italie,
Qui Ю l'Empire sera vendu bien cher,
Diront auec quels gens il se ralie
Qu'on trouuera moins Prince que boucher.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
I. 74
Apres seiournИ vogueront en Epire
Le grand secours viendra vers Antioche,
Le noir poil crespe tendra fort Ю l'Empire
Barbe d'airain le rostira en broche.

I. 75
Le tyran Siene occupera Sauone,
Le fort gaignИ tiendra classe marine,
Les deux armИes par la marque d'Ancone
Par effrayeur le chef s'en examine.

I. 86
La grande Royne qaund se verra vaincue
Fera excez de masculin courage :
Sur cheual fleuue passera toute nuК,
Suitte par fer, Ю soy fera outrage.

I. 99
Le grand Monarque qui fera compagnie,
Auec deux Roys vnis par amitiИ,
O quel souspir fera la grande mesnie,
Enfans Narbon Ю l'entour quel pitiИ.

May 18
II. 19
Nouueaux venus, lieu baƒty sans defence,
Occuper place, pour lors inhabitable :
Prez, maiƒons, champs, villes prendre à plaiƒance,
Faim, peƒte, guerre arpen, long labourage.

II. 20
Freres & ƒœurs en diuers lieux captifs,
Se trouueront paƒƒer pres du Monarque,
Les contempler ƒes rameaux ententifs,
Deƒplaiƒant voir menton, frond, nez les marques.

II. 39
Vn an deuant le conflit Italique
Germain, Gaulois, Espagnols pour le fort,
Cherra l'escolle maison de republique,
Ou, hors mis peu, seront suffoquez morts.
II. 41
La grand, estoille par sept iours bruslera.
Nuë fera deux Soleils apparoir,
Le gros mastin toute nuict hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.

II. 60
La foy Punique en Orient rompuë,
Gang, lud. & Rosne, Loyre & Tag. changeront,
Quand du mulet la faim sera repuë,
Classe espargie sang & corps nageront.

II. 75
La voix ouye de l'insolit oyseau,
Sur le canon du respiral estage :
Si haut viendra de froment le boisseau,
Que l'homme d'homme sera Antropophage.

II. 76
Foudre en Bourgogne fera cas portenteux,
Que par engin homme ne pourroit faire :
De leur senat sacrifiste fait boyteux,
Fera sçauoir aux ennemis l'affaire,

II. 94
Gran, Po, grand mal pour Gaulois receura,
Vaine terreur au maritin Lyon :
Peuple infiny par la mer passera,
Sans eschapper vn quart d'vn million.

II. 96
Flambeau ardant au ciel sera veu,
Pres de la fin & principe du Rosne,
Famine, glaiue, tard le secours pourueu,
La Perse tourne enuahit Macedoine.

May 19
III. 20
Par les contrees du grand fleuve Bethique
Loing d'Ibere au royaume de Grenade,
Croix repoussees par gens Mahometiques,
Vn de Cordube trahyra la contrade.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
III. 23
Si, France, passe outre mer Lygustique,
Tu te verra en isles & mers enclos,
Mahommet contraire plus mer Hadriatique
Cheuaux & d'asnes tu rongeras les os.

III. 25
Qui au royaume Nauarrois paruiendra,
Quand le Sicile & Naples seront ioints :
Bigorre & landes par fois larron tiendra,
D'vn qui d'Espagne sera par trop conioints.

III. 43
Gens d'alentour de Tarn, Loth, & Garonne
Gardez les monts Appennines passer,
Vostre tombeau pres de Rome & d'Anconne
Le noir poil crespe fera trophee dresser.

III. 49
Regne Gaulois tu seras bien changé,
En lieu estenge l'Empire translaté,
En autres loix & mœurs seras rangé,
Roüen & Chartres te fera bien du pire.

III. 80
Du regne Anglois l'indigne dechasser,
Le conseiller, par ire mis à feu :
Ses adherants iront si bas trasser,
Que le bastard sera demy receu.

III. 84
La grand cité sera bien desolee,
Des habitans vn seul ny demourra,
Mur, sexe, temple, & vierge violee,
Par fer, feu, peste, canon, peuple mourra.

III. 90
Le grand satyre & Tygre d'Hycarnie,
Don présenté à ceux de l'Ocean :
Vn chef de classe ystra de Carmanie,
Qui prendra terre au Tyrran Phocean.
May 20
IV. 1
CEla du reste de sang non espandu,
Venise quiert secours estre donné,
Apres quoir bien long temps attendu,
Cite liuree au premier cornet sonné.

IV. 21
Le changement sera fort difficile,
Cité prouince au change gain sera,
Cœur haut, prudent mis, chassé luy habile
Mer; terre, peuple, son estat changera.

IV. 23
La legion dans la marine classe
Calcine, Magne, souphre & poix bruslera,
Le long repos de l'asseuree place,
Port Selin, Herc le feu les consumera.

IV. 37
Gaulois par sauts, monts viendra penetrer,
Occupera le grand lieu de l'Insubre :
Au plus profond son ost fera entrer,
Gennes, Monech pousseront classe rubre.

IV. 42
Geneue & Lâgres par ceux de Chartre & Dolle,
Et par Grenoble captif au Montlimart
Seysset, Losanne par fraudulente dole,
Les trahyront par or soixante marc.

IV. 59
Deux assiegez en ardante fureur,
De soir estaints pour deux plaines tasses,
Le fort limé, & vn vieillard resueur,
Aux ganeuois de Nira monstra trasse.

IV. 60
Les sept enfans en hostage laissez,
Le tiers viendra son enfant trucider :
Deux par son fils seront d'estoc percez,
Gennes, Florence, lors viendra enconder.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
IV. 67
L'an que Saturne & Mars esgaux combust,
L'air fort sieché, longue traiection :
Par feux secrets, d'ardeur grand lieu adust
Peu pluye, vent, chaud, guerres, incursions,

IV. 73
Le nepueu grand par forces prouuera,
Le pache fait du cœur pusillanime :
Ferrare & Ast le Duc esprouuera,
Par lors qu'au soir fera la pantomine,

May 21
V. 1
A Vant venuë de ruyne Celtique,
Dedans le temple deux parlementerôt,
Poignar cœur, d'vn monté au coursier & pique
Sans faire bruit le grand enterreront.

V. 4
Le gros mastin de cité dechassé
Sera fasché de l'estrange alliance,
Apres aux champs auoir le chef chassé,
Le Loup & l'ours se donneront defiance.

V. 23
Les deux contents seront vnis ensemble
Quant la pluspart à Mars sera conioinct :
Le grand d'Affrique en effrayeur & tremble,
Duumuirat par la classe desioint.

V. 47
Le grand Arabe marchera bien auant,
Trahy sera par les Bisantinois,
L'antique Rodes luy viendra au deuant,
Et plus grand mal par austre Pannonois.

V. 57
Istra du mont Gaulsier & Auentin,
Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee :
Entre deux rocs sera prins le butin,
De Sext. mansol faillir la renommee.
V. 72
Pour le plaiƒir d'edi¢t voluptueux,
On meƒlera la poiƒon dans la loy :
Venus ƒera en cours ƒi vertueux,
Qu'offuƒquera du Soleil tout à loy.

V. 87
L'an que Saturne sera hors de seruage,
Au franc terroir sera d'eau inondé :
De sang Troyen sera son mariage,
Et sera seur d'Espagnol circonder.

V. 90
Dans les cyclades en Perinthe & Larisse,
Dedans Sparte tout le Pelloponesse;
Si grand famine, peste, par faux connisse,
Neuf mois tiendra & tout le cherrouesse.

May 22
VI. 17
Apres les limes bruslez les asiniers,
Contraints seront changer habits diuers :
Les Saturnins bruslez par les musniers,
Hors la pluspart qui ne sera musniers,

VI. 41
Le second chef du regne Dannemarc,
Par ceux de Frise & l'isle Britannique,
Fera despendre plus de cent mille marc.
Vain exploiter voyage en Italique.

VI. 43
Long temps sera sans estre habitee,
Ou Seine & Marne autour vient arrouser
De la Tamise & martiaux temptee,
Deceus les gardes en cuidant repousser,

VI. 44
De nuict par Nantes Lyris apparoistra,
Des arts marins susciteront la pluye :
Arabiq goulfre grand classe parfondra,
Vn monstre en Saxe naistra d'ours & truye.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
VI. 66
Au fondement de la nouuelle secte,
Seront les os du grand Romain trouuez,
Sepulchre en marbre apparoistra ouuerte,
Terre trembler en Auril, mal enfoüez.

VI. 78
Crier victoire du grand Selin croissant,
Par les Romains sera l'Aigle clamé,
Ticcin, Milan & Gennes ny consent,
Puis par eux mesmes Basil grand reclamé.

VI. 73
En cité grande vn moyne & artisan,
Pres de la porte logez & aux murailles :
Contre Modene secret, caue disant,
Trahis pour faire sous couleur d'espousailles.

VI. 95
Par detracteur calomnié à puis nay :
Quand istront faicts enormes & martiaux :
La moindre part dubieuse a l'aisné,
Et tost au regne seront faicts partiaux.

May 23
V. 30
Tout à l'entour de la grande cité,
Seront soldats logez par champs & ville,
Donner l'assaut Paris, Rome incité,
Sur le pont lors sera faite grand pille,

May 27
I. 17
Par quarante ans l'iris n'apparoistra.
Par quarante ans tous les iours fera veu
La terre aride en siccite croistra
Et grands deluges quand sera apperceu.
Tout aupres d’Aux, de Lectore & Mirande,
Grand feu du Ciel en trois nuicts tombera,
Cuase aduiendra bien stupende & mirande,
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera.

I. 77
Entre deux mers dressera promontoire
Que puis mourra par le mords du cheual,
Le sien Neptune pliera voille noire,
Par Calpte & classe aupres de Rocheual.

I. 84
Lune obscurcie aux profondex tenebres,
Son frere passe de couleur ferrugine :
Le grand cachИ long temps soubs les tenebres,
Tiendra fer dans la playe sanguine.

I. 87
EnnosigИe feu du centre de terre,
Fera trembler autour de CitИ neufue :
Deux grands rochers long temps ferТt la guerre,
Puis Arethusa rougira nouueau Fleuue.

VII. 83
Vent chaut, conseil pleurs, timidité,
De nuict au lit assailly sans les armes,
D'oppression grande calamité,
L'epithalame conuerty pleurs & larmes.

May 28
II. 13
Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,
Iour de mort mis en natiuité
L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice
Voyant le verbe en son eternité.

II. 55
Dans le conflit le grand qui peu valloit
A son dernier fera cas merueilleux :
Pendant qu'Hadrie verra ce qu'il falloit,
Dans le banquet pongnale l'orgueilleux.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
IX. 11
Le iuste à tort à mort l'on viendra mettre
Publiquement, & du milieu estaint :
Si grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre,
Que les iugeans fouyr seront contraints.

May 29
III. 22
Six iours l'assaut deuant cité donné,
Liuree sera forte & aspre bataille,
Trois la rendront & à eux pardonné,
Le reste à feu & à sang tranche taille.

III. 28
De terre foible & pauure parentelle
Par bout & paix paruiendra dans l'Empire,
Long temps regner vne ieune femelle,
Qu'oncq' en regne n'en furuint vn si pire.

III. 91
L'arbre qu'auoit par long-temps mort ƒeiché,
Dans vne nui¢t viendra à reuerdir :
Cron, Roy malade, Prince pied eƒtaché
Craint d'ennemis fera voile bondir.

III. 96
Chef de Fossan aura gorge couppee,
Par le ducteur du limier & leurier :
La fait paré par ceux du mont Tarpee,
Saturne en leo treziesme Feurier.

III. 99
Aux champs herbeux d'alein & du Varneigne,
Dumont Lebron proche de la Durance
Camp des deux parts conflit sera si aigre,
Mesopotamie deffaillira en la France.
May 30
IV. 43
Seront ouye au ciel armes battre,
Celuy an meƒme les diuins ennemis :
Voudront loix ƒain¢tes iniuƒtement debattre :
Par fraude & guerre bien croyans à mort mis.

IV. 50
Libra verra regner les Hesperies,
De ciel & terre tenir la Monarchie,
D'Asie forces nul ne verra peries.
Que sept ne tiennent par rang la Hierarchie.

May 31
V. 3
Le successeur de la Duché viendra,
Beaucoup plus outre que la mer de Toscane,
Gauloise branche la Florence tiendra,
Dans son giron d'accord nautique Rane.

V. 31
Ou tout bon est tout bien Soleil & Lune,
Est abondant sa ruyne s'approche,
Du ciel s'aduance vaner ta fortune,
En mesme que la septiesme roche.

V. 37
Trois cens seront d'vn vouloir & accord,
Que pour venir au bout de leur attainte :
Vingt mois apres tous & records,
Leur Roy trahir simulant haine fainte.

V. 40
Le sang royal sera si tresmeslé,
Contrainct seront Gaulois de l'Hesperie :
On attendra que terme soit coulé,
Et que memoire de la voix soit perie.

V. 67
Quand chef Perousse n'osera sa tunique,
Sens au couuert tout nud s'expolier,
Seront print sept faict Aristocratique,
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2004
Le pere & fils morts par pointe au collier.

V. 81
L'oyseau Royal sur la Cité solaire,
Sept mois deuant fera nocturne augure :
Mur d'Orient cherra tonnerre esclaire,
Sept iours aux portes les ennemis à l'heure.
JUIN 2004

Juin 1
VI. 5
Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,
Par pluye longue le long du pole arctique :
Samarobryn cent lieux de l'hemispere,
Viuront sans loy, exempt de politique.

VI. 15
Dessous la tombe sera trouué le prince,
Qu'aura le prix par dessus Nuremberg:
L'Espagnol Roy en Capricorne mince,
Faint & trahy par le grand Vitemberg.

VI. 21
Quand ceux de polle artique vnis ensemble,
En Orient grand effrayeur & crainte,
Esleu nouueau soustenu le grand temple,
Rodes, Bisance de sang barbare tainte,

VI. 42
A logmyon sera laissé le regne,
Du grand Selin qui plus fera de faict,
Par les Itales estendra son enseigne,
Regy sera par prudent contrefait.

VI. 77
Par la victoire du deceu fraudulente,
Deux classes vne, la reuolte Germaine,
Le chef meurtry & son fils dans la tente,
Florence, Imole pourchassez dans Romaine.

Juin 8
X. 87
Grâd roy viendra prendre port prés de Nisse
Le grand empire de la mort si en fera
Aux Antipolles posera son genisse,
Par mer la Pille tout esuanouyra.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2004
Juin 10
V. 50
L'an que les freres du lys seront en aage,
Lvn d'eux tiendra la grande Romanie,
Trembler les monts, ouuert Latin passage,
Pache marcher contre fort d'Armenie.

Juin 14
IX. 36
Vn grand Roy prins entre les mains d'vn ieune
Non loin de Pasques, confusion, coup cultre,
Perpet. cattif temps! que foudre en la hune
Trois freres lors se blesseront, & murtre.

Juin 17
Les exilez par ire, haine inte¬tine
Secret mettront ennemis par la mine,
Feront au Roy grand coniuration :
Et ¬es vieux ¬iens contr’eux ¬edition.

I. 31
Tant d'ans les guerres, en Gaule dureront
Outre la course du Castulon Monarque,
Victoire incerte trois grands courouneront
Aigle, Coq, Lune, Lyon, Soleil en marque.

I. 58
TrenchИ le ventre, naistra auec deux teste
Et quatre bras, quelques sna entiers viura
Iour qui Alquilloye celebrera ses festes,
Fousssan, Thurin, chef Ferrare suyura.

I. 90
Bourdeaux, Poitiers, au son de la campane,
A grande classe ira iusques А l'Angon,
Contre Gaulois sera leur tramontane,
Quand monstres hydeux naistra pres d'Orgon,
I. 94
Au port Selin le tyran mis Ю mort,
La libertИ non pourtant recouuree
Le nouueau Mars par vindicte & remort,
Dame par la foere de frayeur honoree.

Juin 18
II. 3
Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer
De Negrepont les poissons demy cuits,
Les habitans les viendront entamer
Quand Rod & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.

II. 5
Quand dans poisson fer & lettre enfermee
Hors sortira qui pis fera la guerre,
Aura par mer sa classe bien ramee
Apparoissant pres de Latine terre.

II. 12
Yeus clos ouuerts d'antique fantaƒie,
L'habit des ƒeuls ƒeront mis à neant :
Le grand Monarque chaƒtiera leur freneƒie,
Rauir des temples le threƒor par deuant.

II. 29
L'oriental sortira de son siege,
Passer les monts Apennins, voir la Gaule,
Transpercera du ciel les eaux & neiges
En vn chacun frappera de sa gaule.

II. 30
Vn qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux
Fera renaistre effrayeur des humains
Oncq plus d'horreur, ne plus pire iournaux
Qu'aduint viendra par Babel aux Romains.

II. 38
Des condamnez ƒera fait vn grand nombre,
Quand les Monarques ƒeront conciliez :
Mais à l'vn d'eux viendra ƒi malencombre,
Que gueres enƒemle ne ƒeront raliez.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2004
II. 44
L'aigle posee entour des pauillons,
Par autres oyseaux d'entour sera chassee,
Quand bruit des cymbres, tubes et sonnaillons
Rendront le sens de la Dame insensee.

II. 47
L'ennemy grand vieil dueil meurt de poison
Les souuerains par infinis subiuguez,
Pierres plouuoir cachez soubs la toyson,
Par mort articles en vain sont alleguez

II. 77
Par arcs, feux, poix & par feu repoussez,
Crys, hurlemens sur la minuict ouys :
Dedans sont mis par les ramparts cassez,
Par cunicule les traditeurs fuis.

Juin 19
I. 48
Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez,
Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa Monarchie :
Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lassez,
Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.

I. 78
D'vn chef vieillard nai¬tre ¬ens hebetИ
Degenerant par ¬Гauoir & par armes,
Le chef de France par ¬a ¬°ur redoutИ,
Champz diui¬ez, concedez aux gens gendarmes.

II. 61
Euge, Tamins, Gironde & la Rochelle,
Osang Troien mort au port de la flesche,
Derriere le fleuue au fort mise l'eschelle,
Pointes feu grand meurtre sus la breche.

II. 82
Par faim la proye sera loup prisonnier,
L'assaillant hors en extreme detresse :
Vn nay ayant au deuant le dernier,
Le grand n'eschappe au milieu de la presse.
III. 5
Pres loing defaut de deux grands lumi-
Qui suruiendra entre Auril & Mars,
O quel cherté ! mais deux grands debonnaires,
Par terre & mer secourront toutes parts.

III. 11
Les armes battre au ciel longue saison,
L'arbre au milieu de la cité tombé :
Vermine, rongne, glaiue en face tyfon,
Lors le Monarque d'Hadrie succombé.

III. 13
Par foudre en l'arche or & argent fondu.
Des deux captifs l'vn l'autre mangera,
De la cité le plus grand estendu,
Quand submergee la classe nagera.

III. 32
Le grand sepulchre du peuple Aquitanique
S'approchera aupres de la Toscane :
Quand Mars sera pres du coing Germanique,
Et au terroir de la gent Mantuane.

III. 33
En la cité où le loup entrera,
Bien pres de là les ennemis ƒeront :
Copie eƒtrange grand pays gaƒtera.
Aux murs & Alpes les amis paƒƒeront.

III. 48
Sept cens captifs attachez rudement,
Pour la moitié meurdrir, donne le fort :
Le proche espoir viendra si promptement,
Mais non si tost qu'vne quinziesme mort.

III. 64
Le chef de Perse remplira grands Olchades
Classe trireme contre gent Mahometique,
De Parthe & Mede, & pilliers les Cyclades,
Repos long temps au grand port Ionique.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2004
III. 86
Vn chef d'Ausonne aux Espagnesira,
Par mer fera arrest dedans Marseille,
Auant sa mort vn long temps languira,
Apres sa mort l'on verra grand merueille.

III. 98
Deux royals freres ƒi forr guerroyeront,
Qu'entre eux ƒera la guerre ƒi mortelle,
Qu'vn chacun place-fortes occuperont :
De regne & vie ƒera leur grand querelle.

Juin 20
IV. 28
Lors que Venus du Sol ƒera couuert,
Sous l'eƒplendeur ƒera forme occulte,
Mercure au feu les aura deƒcouuert,
Par bruit bellique ƒera mis à l'inƒulte.

IV. 40
Les forteresses des assiegez ferrez,
Par poudre à feu profondes en abysme :
Les proditeurs seront tous vifs serrez,
Onc aux Sacrifices n'aduint si piteux scisme.

IV. 51
Ve Duc cupide son ennemy ensuyure,
Dans entrera empeschant la phalange,
Hastez à pied si pres viendront poursuyure,
Que la iournee conflite pres de Gange.

Juin 21
I. 18
Par la discorde negligence Gauloise,
Sera passage Ю Mahommet ouuert
De sang trempИ la terre & mer Senoyse
Le port Phocen de voiles & nefs couuert.

V. 5
Sous ombre saincte d'oster de seruitude,
Peuple & cité l'vsurpera luy-mesmes,
Pire fera par faux de ieune pute,
Liuré au champ lisant le faux proesme.

V. 9
Iusques au fond la grand arq demoluë,
Par chef captif l'amy anticipé,
Naistra de dame front face cheueluë,
Puis par astuce Duc à mort attrappé.

V. 10
Vn chef Celtique dans le conflit blessé,
Aupres de caue voyant siens mort abbatre :
De sang & playes & d'ennemis pressé,
Et secours par incogneuz de quatre.

V. 16
A son haut prix la lerme Sabee,
D'humaine chair pour mort en cendre mettre,
A l'isle Pharos croisars perturbee,
Alors qu'a Rodes paroistra dure espectre.

V. 22
Auant qu'a Rome grand ait rendu l'ame,
Effrayeur grande à l'armee estrangere :
Par escadrons l'embusche pres de Parme,
Puis les deux rouges ensemble feront chere.

V. 26
La gent esclaue par vn heur martiel,
Viendra en haut degré tant esleué :
Changeront prince, naistra vn prouincial,
Passer la mer copie aux monts leué.

V. 64
Les assemblez par repos du grand nombre,
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2004
Par terre & mer, conseil contremandé :
Pres de l'Automne, Gennes, Nice de l'ombre,
Par champs & villes le chef contrebandé.

V. 82
Au conclud pache hors de la forteresse,
Ne sortira celuy en desespoir mis :
Quand ceux d'Albois, de Langres contre Bresse,
Auront monts Dolle bouscade d'ennemis.

V. 91
Au grand marché qu'on dit des mensongers,
Du bout Torrent & camp Athenien :
Seront surprins par les cheuaux legers,
Par Albanois Mars, Leo, Sat. vn versien.

V. 98
A quarante-huict degré climatterique,
Afin de Cancer si grande secheresse,
Poisson en mer fleuue, lac cuit hectique
Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en detresse.

Juin 22
IV. 16
La Cité franche de liberté fait serue,
Des profligez & resueurs fait azyle :
Le Roy changé, à eux non si proterue,
De cent seront deuenus plus de mille.

IV. 61
Le vieux mocqué, & priué de sa place,
Par l'estranger qui le subornera :
Mains de soon fils mangees duant sa face
Les freres à Chartres, Orleans, Rouen trahyra,

VI. 8
Ceux qui estoient en regne pour sçauoir
Au Royal change deuiendront appouuris :
Vns exilez sans appuy, or n'auoir,
Lettres & lettres ne seront à grand pris.
VI. 9
Aux ƒacrez temples ƒeront fait eƒcandales,
Comptez ƒeront par honneurs, & loüanges,
D'vn qu'on graue d'argent d'or les medailles,
La fin ƒera en tourmens bien eƒtranges.

VI. 11
Des ƒept rameaux à trois ƒeront reduits,
Les plus aiƒnez ƒeront ƒurpris par mort,
Fratricider les deux ƒeront ƒeduits,
Les coniurez en dormans ƒeront morts.

VI. 16
Ce que rauy sera du ieune Milue,
Par les Normans de France & Picardie :
Les noirs du temple du lieu Negrisiluc,
Feront aulberge & feu de Lombardie.

VI. 22
Dedans la terre du grand temple celique,
Nepueu à Londres par paix faincte meurtry,
La barque alors deuiendra scismatique,
Liberté faincte sera au corn. & cry.

VI. 99
L'ennemy docte se tournera confus,
Grand camp malade, & de faict par embusches,
Monts Pyrenées & Pœnus luy seront faicts refus,
Proche du fleuue descouurant antiques oruches.

Juin 24
VI. 84
Celuy qu'en Sparte Claude ne peut regner,
Il fera tant par voye seductiue :
Que du court, long, le fera araigner,
Que contre Roy fera sa perspectiue.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2004
Juin 26
V. 25
Le prince Arabe, Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon,
Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera :
Deuers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,
Bisance, Egypte, ver. serp. inuadera.

VIII. 75
Le pere & fils seront meurdris ensemble,
Le prefecteur dedans son pauillon
La mere à Tours du fils ventre aura enfle,
Cache verdure de fueilles papillon.

Juin 28
VIII. 49
Satur au beuf ioue en l'cau, Mars en fleiche,
Six de Feurier mortalité donra,
Ceux de Tardaigne à Bruge si grand breche,
Qu'à Pontereso chef Barbarin mourra.

IX. 46
Vuydez, fuyez de Tholose les rouges
Du sacrifice faire expiation,
Le chef du mal dessous l'ombre des courges
Mort estrangler carne omination.

Juillet 18
III. 15
Cœur, vigueur, gloire, le regne changera,
De tous points, contre ayant son aduersaire :
Lors France enfance par mort subiugera,
Le grand regent sera lors plus contraire.

Juillet 21
III. 71
Ceux dans les Isles de long temps assiegez,
Prendront vigueur force contre ennemis,
Ceux par dehors morts de faim profliegez
En plus grand faim que jamais seront mis.

Juillet 24
VI. 49
De la partie de Mammer grand pontife,
Subiuguera les confins du Dannube :
Chasser les croix par fer raffe ne riffe,
Captif, or, bagues, plus de cent mille rubes.

VI. 53
Le grand Prelant Celtique à Roy suspect,
De nuict par cours sortira hors du regne :
Par duc fertille à son grand Roy, Bretagne
Bisance à Cypres & Tunes insuspect.

Juillet 28
II. 89
Du ioug ƒeront demis les deux grands maiƒtres,
Leur grand pouuoir se verra augmenté :
La terre-neufue ƒera en ƒes hauts eƒtres,
Au ƒanguinaire le nombre raconté.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2004
Juillet 29
III. 18
Apres la pluye laict, assez longuette,
En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touché,
O quel conflit de sang pres d'eux s'appreste!
Peres & fils, Roys n'oseront approché.

Juillet 30
I. 56
Vous verrez to¬t & tard faire grand change,
Horreurs extremes & vindications,
Que ¬i la Lune conduite par ¬on Ange,
Le ciel s'approche des inclinations.

IV. 95
Le regne à deux laissé bien peu tiendront,
Trois ans sept mois passez feront la guerre :
Les deux vestales contre rebelleront,
Victor puis nay en Armonique terre.

X. 58
A temps du dueil que le felin monarque,
Guerroyera le ieune Aemathien :
Gaule bransler, perecliter la barque,
Tenter Phossens au Ponant entretien.

Juillet 31
VI. 80
De Fez le regne paruiendra à ceux d'Europe,
Feu leur cité, & lame trenchera :
Le grand d'Asie terre & mer à grand troupe,
Quebleux, pers, croix à mort dechassera.
AOUST 2004

Aoust 5
VII. 4
Le Duc de Langres assiegé dedans Dole,
Accompagné d'Ostun & Lyonnois :
Ceneue, Auspourg ioinct ceux de Mirandole,
Passer les monts conter les Anconnois.

VII. 36
Dieu, le ciel tout le diuin verbe à l'onde,
Porté par rouges sept razes à Bizance,
Contre les oingts trois cens de Trabisconde
Deux loix mettront, & borreur, puis credence.

Aoust 6
VIII. 41
Esleu sera Renad ne sonnant mot,
Faisant le saint public viuant pain d'orge,
Tyrannizer apres tant à vn cop,
Mettant à pied des plus grands sur la gorge,

Aoust 8
X. 98
La splendeur claire à pucelle joyeuse
Ne luyra plus long temps sera sans sel :
Auec marchans, russiens, loups odieuse,
Tous pesle mesle mostre vniuersel.

IX. 4
L'an ensuyuant descouuerts par deluge,
Deux chefs esleuz, le premier ne tiendra
De fuyr ombre à l'vn d'eux le refuge,
Saccagée case qui premier maintiendra.

IX. 55
L'horrible guerre qu'en l'Occident s'appreƒte,
L'an enƒuiuant viendra la peƒtilence
Si fort horrible qne ieune, vieux ne beƒte,
Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Iupiter en France.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Aoust 2004

Aoust 9
X. 34
Gaulois qu'empire par guerre occupera,
Par son beau frere mineur sera trahy,
Par cheual rude voltigeant trainera,
Du fait le frere long temps sera hay.

X. 43
Le trop bon temps, trop de bonté royale,
Faicts & deffaicts prompt, subit, negligence.
Leger croira faux d'espouse loyale.
Luy mis à mort par sa beneuolence.

X. 54
Née en ce monde par concubine fertiue,
A deux hault mise par les tristes nouuelles,
Entre ennemis sera prinse captiue,
Et amenée à Malings & Bruxelles.

X. 75
Tant attendu ne reuiendra iamais
Dedans l'Europe, en Asie apparoistra
Vn de la ligue yssu du grand Hermés,
Et sur tous Roys des Orients croistra.

X. 99
La fin le loup, le lyon, bœuf & l'asne,
Timide dama seront auec mastins,
Plus ne cherra à eux la douce manne,
Plus vigilance & custode aux mastins.

Aoust 19
I. 28
La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare
Vn temps, long temps apres barque hespe- rique,
Bestail, gens, meubles tuous deux ferot grand’tare
Taurus & Libra quelle mortelle picque.
Aoust 20
Se¢teur de ¬e¢tes grand peine au delateur,
Be¬te en theatre, dre¬¬И le ieu ¬cenique,
Du fait antique ennobli l’inuenteur,
Par ¬e¢te monde confus & ¬chi¬matique
Donum Olim Occultas -- Septembre 2004

Septembre 7
IX. 7
Qui ouurira le monument trouué,
Et ne viendra le serrer proprement,
Mal luy viendra, & ne pourra prouué
Si mieux doit estre Roy Breton ou Normand.

IX. 85
Passer Guienne, Languedoc & le Rosne,
D'Agen tenans de Marmande & la Roole,
D'ouurir par foy parroy, Phocen tiendra son trosne,
Conflict aupres sainct Pol de Manseole.

Septembre 14
IX. 51
Contre les rouges sectes se banderont,
Feu, eau, fer, corde par paix se minera,
Au point mourir ceux qui machineront,
Fors vn que monde sur tout ruynera.

Septembre 18
VIII. 6 (B)
Las quel desir ont Princes estrangers!
Garde toy bien qu'en ton pays ne vienne
Il y auroit de terribles dangers
En maints contrées, mesme en la Vienne.

Septembre 20
X. 67
Le tremblement si fort au mois de May,
Saturne, Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au bœuf :
Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars en Nonnay,
Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn œuf.

X. 71
La terre & l'air geleront si grand eau,
Lors qu'on viendra pour ieudy venerer :
Ce qui sera iamais ne feut si beau,
Des quatre parts le viendront honorer,

X. 83
De batailler ne sera donné signe,
Du parc seront contraints de sortir hors,
De Gand lentour sera cogneu l'enseigne,
Qui fera mettre de tous les siens a mors.

X. 88
Pieds & Cheual à la seconde veille
Feront entrée vastient tout par la mer,
Dedans le poil entrera de Marseille,
Pleurs, crys, & sang, onc nul temps si amer.

Quâd le fourchu sera soustenu de deux paux,
Auec six demy cors, & six sizeaux ouuers :
Le trespuissât Seigneur, heritier des crapaux,
Alors subjuguera, sous soy tout l'vniuers.

Septembre 24
IV. 82
Amas s'approche venant d'Esclauonie,
L'Olestant vieux cité ruynera :
Fort desolee verra sa Romanie,
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne sçaura,
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004

Octobre 8
VIII. 4 (B)
Beaucoup de gens voudront parlementer
Aux grands seigneurs qui leur feront la guerre,
On ne voudra en rien les escouter,
Helas! si Dieu n'enuoye paix en terre.

Octobre 10
X. 16
Heureux au regne de France heureux de vie
Ignorant sang mort fureur & rapine,
Par non flateurs seras mis en enuie,
Roy desrobé trop de foy en cuisine.

X. 72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur.

Octobre 11
I. 79
Bazax, Lectore, Condon, Ausch, Agine,
Esmeus par loix, querelles & monopole,
Car Bourd, Thoulouse, Bay mettra enruyne
Renouueller voulant leur tauropole.

IV. 56
Apres victoire de raibeuse langue,
L'esprit tempté en tranquil & repos :
Victeur sanguin par conflit fait harengue,
Rostir la langue & la chair & les os.
Octobre 12
II. 16
Naples, Palerme, Sicile, Syracuses,
Nouueaux tyrans, fulgures, feux celestes
Forces de Londres, Gands, Bruxelles & Suses,
Grand hecatombe, trumphe, faire festes.

II. 21
L'ambassadeur enuoyé par Byremes,
A my-chemin d'incogneus repoussez,
De tel renfort viendront quatre triremes,
Cordes & chaines en Negrepont troussez.

II. 65
Le parc enclin grande calamité,
Par l'Hesperie & Insubre fera,
Le feu en nef, peste & captiuité,
Mercure en l'arc, Saturne fenera.

I. 82
Quand colomnes de bois grande tremblee
D'auster conduicte couuerte de rubriche,
Tant vuidera dehors vne assemblee,
Trembler Vienne & le pays d'Austriche.

Octobre 13
II. 23
Palais oyseaux, par oyseau dechassé,
Bien tost apres le prince paruenu,
Combien qu'hors fleuue ennemy repoussé,
Dehors saisi trait d'oyseau soustenu.

III. 60
Par toute Asie grande proscription,
Mesme en Mysie, Lysie, & Pamphylie :
Sang versera par absolution,
D'vn ieune noir remply de felonnie.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004
III. 61
La grande bande & secte crucigere
Se dressera en Mesopotamie,
Du proche fleuue compagnie legere,
Que telle loy tiendra pour ennemie.

Octobre 14
III. 27
Prince lybinique puissant en Occident,
François d'Arabe viendra tant enflammer :
Sçauans aux lettres sera condescendent,
La langue Arabe en François translater.

III. 97
Nouuelle loy terre neuue occuper,
Vers la Syrie, Iudee, & Palestine,
Le grand Empire Barbare corruer,
Auant que Pheses son siecle determeine.

IV. 75
Prest à combattre fera defection,
Chef aduersaire obtiendra la victoire :
L'arriere garde fera defention
Les deffaillans mort au blanc territoire.

Octobre 15
IV. 8
La grand cité d'assaut pront & repentin,
Surprins de nuict, gardes interrompus :
Les excubies & veilles saint Quintin,
Trucidez gardes & les portails rompus.

IV. 74
Du lac lyman & ceux de Brannonices,
Tous assemblez contre ceux d'Aquitaine,
Germains beaucoup encor plus Souysses,
Seront deffaicts auec ceux d'Humaine.

V. 80
Logmion grande Bisance approchera,
Chassée sera la barbarique ligue,
Des deux loix l'vne l'aethinique laschera,
Barbare & franche en perpetuelle brigue.

VI. 90
L'honnissement puant abominable,
Apres le faict sera felicité:
Grand excusé, pour n'estre fauorable.
Qu'à paix Neptune ne sera incité.

Octobre 16
VI. 34
De feu volant la machination,
Viendra troubler au grand chef assiegez :
Dedans sera telle sedition,
Qu'en desespoir seront les profligez.

VI. 48
La saincteté trop saincte & seductiue,
Accompagnée d'vne langue diserte :
La cité vieile & Palme trop hastiue,
Florence & Sienne rendront plus desertes.

Octobre 17
Les dix Kalendes d’Auril de fait Gotique
RessuscitИ encor par gens malins,
Le feu estaint, assemleee diabolique,
Cerchant les os du d’Amant & Pselin,

Beaucoup, beaucoup auant telles menees,
Ceux d’Orient, par la vertu Lunaire,
L’an mil sept cens seront grands emmenees,
Subiugant presque le coing Aquilonaire.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004
I. 72
Du tout Marseille des habitans changee
Course & pour fuitte iusques pres de Lyon.
Narbon, Tholoze par Bordeaux outragee,
Tuez, captifs, presque d'vn million,

Octobre 18
II. 27
Le diuin verbe sera du ciel frappé
Qui ne pourra proceder plus auant,
Du reserant le secret estoupé
Qu'on marchera par dessus & deuant.

I. 95
Deuant monstier trouuИ enfant besson
D'heroicq sang de moyne vestutisque,
Son bruit par secte, langue & puissance son,
Qu'on dira soit efleuИ le Vopisque, Celuy

Octobre 19
I. 25
Perdu, trouuИ, cachИ de si long siecle,
Sera pasteur demy Dieu honorИ,
Ains que la Lune acheue son grand cycle,
Par autres vieux sera deshonorИ.

I. 29
Quand le poisson terrestre, & aquatique
Par forte vague au grau ier sera mis,
Sa forme estrange, suaue & horrifique,
Par mer aux murs bien tost les ennemys.

III. 9
Bordeaux, Roüen, & la Rochelle ioints,
Tiendront autour de la grand mer Occeane :
Anglois, Bretons, & les Flamans conioints,
Les chasseront iusques aupres de Rouane.
III. 79
L'ordre fatal sempiternel par chaine,
Viendra tourner par ordre consequent :
Du port Phocen sera rompuë la chaine,
La cité prinse l'ennemy quant & quant.

III. 88
De Barcelone par mer si grande armee
Toute Marseille de frayeur tremblera,
Isles saisies, de mer ayde fermee,
Ton traditeur en terre nagera.

IX. 19
Dans le milieu de la forest Mayenne,
Sol au Lyon la foudre tombera,
Le grand bastard yssu du grand du Maine,
Ce iour Fougeres pointe en sang entrera.

IX. 67
Du hault des monts à l'entour de Dizére
Port à la roche Valent, cent assemblez
De chasteau neuf Pierre late en douzere,
Contre le Crest Romans foy assemblez.

IX. 90
Vn grand Capitaine de la grand Germanie
Se viendra rendre par simulé secours
A Roy des Roys ayde de Pannonie,
Que sa reuolte fera de sang grand cours.

Octobre 20
II. 34
L'ire insensée du combat furieux,
Fera à table par freres le fer luyre,
Les departir mort blesse curieux,
Le fier duelle viendra en France nuyre.

II. 70
Le dard du Ciel fera son estenduë,
Morts en parlant grande execution,
La pierre en l'arbre la fiere gent renduë,
Bruit humain monstre, purge expiration.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004
IV. 10
Le ieune Prince accusé faucement,
Mettra en trouble le camp & en querelles;
Meurtry le chef pour le soustenement,
Sceptre appaiser, puis guerir escroüelles.

IV. 38
Pedant que Duc, Roy, Royne occupera,
Chef bizantin captif en Samothrace :
Auant l'assaut l'vn l'autre mangera,
Rebours ferré suyura de sang la trace.

IV. 45
Pa conflit Roy, regne abandonnera,
Le plus grand chef faillira au besoing,
Morts profligez, peu en rechappera,
Tous destranchez, vn en sera tesmoing.

IV. 63
L'Armée Celtique contre les montagnars,
Qui ƒeront ƒceus, & pris à la lippée :
Payƒans freƒes pouƒeront toƒt faognars,
Precipitez tous au fil de l'eƒpée.

IV. 69
La cité grande les exilez tiendront,
Les citadins morts meurtris & chassez :
Ceux d'Aquilée à Parme promettront,
Monstrer l'entrée par les lieux non trassez.

IV. 71
En lieu d'espouse les filles trucidées,
Meurtre à grand faute ne sera superstile :
Dedans le puys vestules inondées,
L'espouse estainte par hauste d'Aconile.

IV. 96
La sœur aisnee de l'Isle Britannique,
Quinze ans deuant le frere aura naissance,
Par son promis moyennant verrifique,
Succedera au regne de Balance.
X. 21
Par le despit du Roy soustenant moindre
Sera meurdry luy resentant les bagues,
Le pere au fils voulant noblesse poindre
Fait comme à Perse iadis feirent les Magues.

X. 57
Le subleué ne cognoistra son sceptre,
Les enfans ieunes des plus grands honnira :
Oncques ne fut vn plus ord cruel estre,
Pour leurs espouses à mort noir bannira.

Octobre 21
I. 69
La grand montagne ronde de sept estades,
ApreХs paix, guerre, faim, inondation,
Roulera loing, abysmant grand contrades,
Mesmes antigues, & grand fondation.

V. 13
Par grand fureur le Roy Romain Belgique,
Vexer voudra par phalange barbare :
Fureur grinçant chassera gent Lybique,
Depuis Pannons iusques Hercules la hare.

V. 24
Le regne & loy soubs Venus esleué,
Saturne aura sus Iupiter empire :
La Loy & regne par le Soleil leué,
Par Saturnius endurera le pire :

V. 73
Persecutee de Dieu sera l'Eglise,
Et les saints temples seront expoliez :
L'enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise,
Seront Arabes aux Polons raliez.

V. 74
De sang Troy en naistra cœur Germanique,
Qui deuiendra en si haute puissance,
Hors chassera gent estrange Arabique,
Tournant l'Eglise en pristine preeminence.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004
V. 79
La sacree pompe viendra baisser les aisles
Par la venuë du grand Legislateur :
Humble haussera, vexera les rebelles,
Naistra sur terre aucun aemulateur.

V. 93
Sous le terroir du rond globe lunaire,
Lors que sera dominateur Mercure :
L'isle d'Escosse sera vn luminaire,
Qui les Anglois mettra à deconfiture.

V. 95
Nautique rame inuitera les vmbres,
Du grand Empire, lors viendra conciter :
La mer Egee des lignes les encombres,
Empeschant l'onde Tyrrene de floter.

Octobre 22
II. 8
Temples sacrez prime façon Romaine,
Reietteront les goffes fondemens,
Prenant leurs loix premieres & humaines
Chassant, non tout, des saints les cultemens.

I. 9
De l'Orient viendra le c°ur Punique,
Facher Hadrie & les hoirs Romulides,
AccompagnИ de la classe Libique
Trembler Mellites, & proches Isles vuides

I. 26
Le grand du foudre tombe d'heure diurne,
Mal & predit par porteur postulaire,
Suyuant presage tombe d'heure nocturne
Conflit, Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestfere.

I. 55
Soubz l'opposite climat Babylonique,
Grande sera de sang effusion,
Que terre & mer, air, Ciel sera inique,
Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion,
I. 68
O quel horrible & malheureux tourment !
Trois innocens qu'on viendra Ю liurer,
Poison suspecte, mal garde tradiment,
Mis en horreur par bourreaux enyurez

III. 83
Les longs cheueux de la Gaule Celtique,
Accompagnez d'estranges nations,
Mettront captif la gent Aquitanique,
Pour succomber à leurs intentions.

IV. 4
L'impotent prince fasché, plaines & querelles
De raps & pillés par coqs & par lybiques
Grand est par terre, par mer infinies voilles,
Seure Italie sera chassant Celtiques.

IV. 5
Croix, paix ƒous vn accomply diuin verbe,
L'Eƒpagne & Gaules ƒeront vnis enƒemble,
Grand clade proche, & combat tresacerbe,
Cœur ƒi hardy ne ƒera qui ne tremble.

IV. 18
Des plus lettrez dessus les faits celestes
Seront par princes ignorans reprouuez,
Punis d'edit, chassez comme celestes,
Et mis à mort là où seront trouuez.

IV. 92
Teste trenchee du vaillant Capitaine,
Ser ietté deuant son aduersaire,
Son corps pendu de sa classe à l'antenne,
Confus fuira par rames à vent contraire.

VI. 56
La crainte armee de l'ennemy Narbon,
Effrayera si fort les Hesperiques :
Parpignan vuide par l'aueugle darbon,
Lors Barcelon par mer donra les piques.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004
VI. 58
Entre les deux monarques eslongnez,
Lors que Sol par Selin cler perduë :
Simulte grande entre deux indignez,
Qu'aux isles & Sienne la liberté renduë

VI. 79
Pres du Tesin les habitans de Loyre,
Garonne & Saone, Seine, Tain, & Gironde,
Outre les monts dresseront promontoire,
Conflict donné, Pau granci, submergé onde.

VI. 81
Pleurs, cris & plaincts, hurlemens, effrayeurs,
Cœur inhumain, cruel, noir, & transy :
Leman, les Isles, de Gennes les maieurs,
Sang espancher, frofaim, à nul mercy.

VI. 96
Grand cité à soldats abandonnée,
Onc ny eut mortel tumult si proche,
O qu'elle hideuse calamité s'approche,
Fors vne offense n'y sera pardonnée.

Octobre 23
II. 22
Le camp Aso, d'Eurotte partira,
S'adioignant proche de l'isle submergee,
D'Arton classe phalange pliera.
Nombril du monde plus grand voix subroges.

III. 100
Entre Gaulois le dernier honoré,
D'homme ennemy sera victorieux,
Force & terroir en moment exploré,
D'vn coup de trait quand mourra l'enuieux.

IV. 54
Du nom qui oncques ne fut au Roy Gaulois,
Iamais ne fust vn fouldre si craintif,
Tremblant l'Italie l'Espagne & les Anglois,
De femme estrangers grandement attentif.
Octobre 24
III. 39
Les sept en trois mis en concorde,
Pour subiuguer les Alphes Apennines :
Mais la tempeste & ligure coüarde,
Les profigent en subiets ruynes.

III. 76
En Germanie naistront diuerses fe¢tes,
S'approchans fort de l'heureux Paganiƒme :
Le cœur captif & petites receptes
Feront retour à payer le vray diƒme.

IV. 39
Les Rodiens demanderont secours,
Par le neglet de ses hoirs deaissée,
L'empire Arabe reualera son cours,
Par Hesperies la cause radressee.

VI. 60
Le prince hors de son terroir Celtique,
Sera trahy deceu par interprete :
Roüan, Rochelle par ceux d'Armorique,
Au port de Blaye deceus par moine & prestre.

VI. 75
Le grand pillot par Roy ƒera mandé,
Laiƒƒer la claƒƒe pour plus haut lieu atteindre :
Sept ans apres ƒera contrebandé,
Barbare armée viendra Veniƒe craindre.

Octobre 25
IV. 85
Le charbon blanc du noir sera chassé,
Prisonnier fait mené au tumbereau,
Moré Chameau sus pieds entrelassez,
Lors le puisné filera l'aubereau.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004
V. 18
De dueil mourra l'infelix profligé,
Celebrera son vitrix l'heccatombe :
Pristine loy, franc Edit redigé,
Le mur & Prince au septieme iour tombe.

V. 66
Soubs les antiques edifices estaux,
Non eslongnez d'aqueduct ruyne,
De Sol & Luna sont les luysants mataux,
Ardante lampe Trayan d'or buriné.

V. 77
Tous les degrez d'honneur Ecclesiastique,
Seront changez en dial quirinal :
En Martial quirinal flaminique,
Vn Roy de France le rendra vulcanal.

V. 94
Translatera en la grand Germanie,
Brabant & Flandres, Gand, Burges & Bologne :
La treue sainte le grand duc d'Armenie,
Assaillira Vienne & la Cologne.

Octobre 26
V. 29
La liberté ne sera recouurée,
L'occupera noir fier vilain inique :
Quant la matiere du pont sera ouurée,
D'Hister, Venise faschée la republique.

V. 84
Naistra du gouphre & cité immesuree,
Nay de parens obscurs & tenebreux :
Quand la puissance du grand Roy reueree,
Voudra destruire par Rouan & Eureux.

VI. 72
Par fureur faincte d'esmotion diuine,
Sera la femme du grand fort violée :
Iuges voulans damner telle doctrine,
Victime au peuple ignorant immolée.
Octobre 27
VI. 88
Vn regne grand demourra desolé,
Aupres del Hebrose feront assemblees :
Mont Pyrenées le rendront consolé,
Lors que dans May seront terres tremblées.

Octobre 28
II. 4
Depuis Monech iusqu'au pres de Sicile
Toute la plage demourra desolee,
Il n'y aura faux-bourgs, Cité ne Ville
Que par Barbare pillee & vollee.

II. 84
Entre Champagne, Sienne, Flora, Tustie,
Six mois neuf iours ne pleuuera vne goutte :
Estrange langue en terre d'Almatie,
Courira sus, gastant la terre toute,

II. 87
Apres viendra des extremes contrees
Prince Germain sur le throsne doré :
En seruitude & par eaux rencontrees
La dame serue, son temps plus n'a duré.

II. 98
Celuy du sang resperse le visage,
De la victime proche sacrifice,
Tonant en leo augure presage,
Mais estre à mort lors pour la fiancee.

Octobre 29
III. 68
Peuple sans chef d'Espagne & d'Italie,
Morts profligez dedans la Cherrenosse :
Leur duict trahy par legere folie,
Le sang nager par tout à la trauerse.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2004
X. 41
En la frontiere de Caussade & Charlus,
Non gueres loing du fond de la valée,
De ville Franche musique à son de luths,
Enuironnez combouls & grand myttée.

Novembre 1
IV. 41
Cymnique sexe captiue par hostage,
Viendra de nuict custodes deceuoir :
Le chef du camp deceu par son lignage,
Lairra le genre, fera piteux auoir.

Novembre 2
V. 41
Nay sous les vmbres & iournée nocturne
Sera en regne & bonté souueraine,
Fera renaistre son sang de l'antique verné,
Renouuellant siecle d'or pour l'airain.

Novembre 3
III. 3
Mars & Mercure & l'argent ioint ensemble
Vers le midy extréme siccité,
Au fond d'Asie on dit à terre tremble,
Corinthe, Ephese lors en perplexité.

VI. 14
Loing de sa terre Roy perdra la bataille,
Prompt eschappé poursuiuy suyuant prins,
Ignare prins soubs la dorée maille,
Soubs faint habit & l'ennemy surprins.

VI. 68
Lors que soldats fureur seditieuse,
Contre leur chef feront de nuict fer luire :
Ennemy d'Albe soit par main furieuse,
Lors vexer Rome & principaux seduire.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Novembre 2004
Novembre 4
V. 89
Dedans Hongrie par Boheme, Nauarre,
Et par banniere feintes seditions :
Par fleurs de lys pays portant la barre,
Contre Orleans fera esmotions.

Novembre 5
V. 55
De la felice Arabie contrade,
Naistre puissant de loy Mahometique :
Vexer l'Espagne, conquester la Grenade,
Et plus par mer a la gent Lygustique.

Novembre 8
IX. 22
Roy & sa court au lieu de langue halbe,
Dedans le temple vis à vis du palais
Dans le iardin Duc de Mantor & d'Albe,
Albe & Mantor poignard langue & palais.

X. 51
Des lieux plus bas du pays de Lorraine,
Seront des basses Allemagnes vnis,
Par ceux du siege Picards, Normans, du Maisne
Ey aux cantons se seront reünis.

X. 85
Le vieil tribung au point de la trehemide
Sera pressée captif ne deliurer,
Le vueil non vueil le mal parlant timide
Par legitime à ses amis liurer.

Novembre 9
X. 97
Triremes pleines tout aage captifs,
Temps bon à mal, le doux pour amertume :
Proye à Barbares trop tost seront hastifs,
Cupide de voir plaindre au vent la plume.
Novembre 13
III. 29
Les deux ne pueux en diuers lieux nour ris,
Nauale pugne, terre pierres tombees
Viendront si haut esleué enguerris,
Venger l'iniure ennemys succombez

Novembre 19
IX. 3
La magna vaqua à Rauenne grand trouble,
Conduicts par quinze enserrez à Fornase :
A Rome naistra deux monstres à teste double,
Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands à l'espase.

IX. 68
Du mont Aymar sera noble obscurcie,
Le mal viendra au ioinct de Saone & Rosne,
Dans bois cachez soldats iour de Lucie,
Qui ne fut onc vn si horrible throsne.

IX. 77
Le regne prins le Roy conutera,
La dame prinse à mort iurez à sort,
La vie à Royne fils on desniera,
Et la pellix au fort de la consort.

Novembre 20
X. 65
O vaste Rome ta ruyne s'approche,
Non de tes murs, de ton sang & substance :
L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche,
Fer poinctu mis à tous iusques au manche.

Novembre 22
XII. 52
Deux corps, vn chef, champs diuiƒez en deux,
Et puis reƒpondre à quatre non ouys,
Petits pour grands, a pertuis mal pour eux :
Tout d'Aigues foudre, pire pour Euƒƒouis.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Novembre 2004
Novembre 24
III. 26
Des Roys & princes dresseront simulachres
Augures creuz, escleuez arus ices :
Corne victime doree, & d'azur d'acres,
Interpretez seront les extipices.

Decembre 1
I. 83
La gent estrange diuisera butins
Saturne & Mars son regard furieux,
Horrible strage aux Toscans & Latins,
Grecs qui seront Ю frapper curieux.

Decembre 2
II. 95
Les lieux peuplez seront inhabitables,
Pour champs auoir grande diuision :
Regnes liurez à prudens incapables,
Entre les freres mort & dissention.

Decembre 17
I. 7
Le vent contraire, lettres au chemin prinses
Par le Rosseau senez les entreprinses.
Tard arriuИ l'execution faite,
Les coniurez quatorze d'vne fecte,

I. 40
La trombe fausse dissimulant folie,
Fera Bisance vn changement de loix,
Hystra d'Egypte qui veut que l'on deslie
Edict changeant monnoyes & alloix.

I. 54
Deux reuolts faits du malin falcigere
Du regne & siecles fait permutation,
Le mobil signe en son endroit s'ingere,
Aux deux esguax & d'inclination.

I. 93
Terre Italique pres des monts tremblera,
Lyon & Coq; non trop confederez,
En lieu de peur, l'vn l'autre s'aidera,
Seul Castulon & Celtes moderez.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2004
Decembre 18
II. 99
Terroir Romain qu'interpretoit augure,
Par gent Gauloise par trop sera vexee
Mais nation Celtique craindra l'heure,
Boreas, classe trop loing l'auoir poussee.

Decembre 19
III. 36
Enseuely non mort apopletique,
Sera trouué auoir les mains mangées
Quand la cité damnera l'heretique,
Qu'auoit leurs loix ce ieur sembloit changées.

III. 37
Auant l'assaut oraison prononçee,
Milan prins d'Aigle par embusches deceus :
Muraille antique par canons enfoncee,
Par feu & sang à mercy peu receus.

III. 63
Romain pouuoir sera du tout à bas
Son grand voisin imiter ses vestiges :
Occultes haines ciuiles & debats
Retarderont aux bouffons leurs follies.

III. 93
Dans Auignon tout le chef de l'empire,
Fera apprest pour Paris desolé :
Tricast tiendra l'Annibalique ire,
Luon par change sera mal consolé.

Decembre 20
IV. 25
Corps sublimes sans fin à l'œil visibles,
Obnubiler viendra par ses raisons,
Corps, front comprins, sens, chef & inuisibles,
Diminuant les sacrees oraisons.
IV. 62
Vn coronel machine ambition,
Se saisira de la plus grande armée :
Contre son prince feinte inuentinon,
Et descouuert sera sous sa ramée.

IV. 66
Soubs couleur fainte de sept testes rasées,
Seront semez diuers explorateurs :
Puys & fontaines de poyson arrousées
Au fort de Gennes humains deuorateurs.

IV. 72
Les Artomiques par Agen & l'Estore,
A saint Felix feront le parlement,
Ceux de Basas viendront à la malheure,
Saisir Condon & Marsan promptement,

IV. 91
Au Duc Gaulois contrainct battre au duelle,
La nef Meselle monech n'approchera.
Tort accusé prison perpetuelle,
Son fils regner auant mort taschera.

Decembre 21
II. 93
Bien pres du Tymbre presse la Lybitine,
Vn peu deuant grand inondation :
Le chef du nef prins, mis en la sentine,
Chasteau, palais en conflagration.

V. 7
Du trium vir seront trouuez les os,
Cerchant profond tresor enigmatique :
Ceux d'alentour ne seront en repos,
De concauer marbre & plomb metalique.

V. 38
Ce grand Monarque qu'au mort ƒuccedera,
Donnera vie illicite & lubrique,
Par nonchalance à tous concedera,
Qu'à la parfin faudra la loy Salique.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2004
V. 85
Par les Sueues & lieux circonuoisins,
Seront en guerres pour cause des nuees,
Gamp marins locustes & cousins,
Du Leman fautes seront bien desnuees.

V. 97
Le nay difforme par horreur ƒuffoqué
Dans la cité du grand Roy habitable :
L'edi¢t ƒeuere des captifs reuoqué,
Greƒle & tonnerre, Condon ineƒtimable.

V. 99
Milan, Ferrare, Turin & Aquilleye,
Capne Brundis vexez par gent Celtique,
Par le Lyon & phalange aquilee,
Quand Rome aura le chef vieux Britannique.

Decembre 22
VI. 47
Entre deux monts les deux grands assemblees,
Delaisseront leur simulte secrette :
Bruxelles & Dolle par Langres accablees,
Pour a Malignes executer leur peste.

VI. 89
Entre deux cymbex pieds & mains estachez,
De miel face oingt, & de laict substanté :
Guespes & mouches fitine amour fachez,
Poccilateurs faucer, Cyphe tenté.

Decembre 23
V. 39
Du vray rameau des fleurs de lys yssu,
Mis & logé heritier d'Herutrie :
Son sang antique de longue main yssu,
Fera Florence florir en l'ermoirie.
V. 58
De l'archeduc d'Vticense, Gardoing,
Par la forest & mont inaccessible.
En my du pont sera tasché au poing,
Le chef Nemans qui tant sera terrible.

V. 62
Sur les rochers sang on verra plouuoir,
Sol, Orient, Saturne Occidental,
Pres Orgon guerre, à Rome grand mal voir,
Nefs parfondrées & prins le Tridental,

V. 69
Plus ne sera le grand en faux sommeil,
L'inquiétude viendra prendre repos :
Dresser phalange d'or, azur & vermeil,
Subiuger Affrique la ronger iusque aux os.

Decembre 24
VI. 26
Quatre ans le siege quelque peu bien tiendra,
Vn suruiendra libidineux de vie :
Rauenne & Pise, Veronne soustiendront,
Por esleuer la croix du Pape enuie.

VI. 67
Au grand Empire paruiendra tout vn autre
Bonté distant plus de felicité :
Regi par vn issu non loing du peautre,
Corruer regnes grande infelicité.

VI. 93
Prelat auare d'ambition trompé,
Rien ne fera que trop cuider viendra :
Ses meƒƒagers, & luy bien attrapé,
Tout au rebours voit qui le bois fendra.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2004
Decembre 26
VIII. 83
Le plus grand voile hors du port de Zara,
Prés de Bisance fera son entreprise.
D'ennemy perte & l'amy ne fera,
Le tiers à deux fera grand pille & prise.

Decembre 28
IX. 17
Le tiers premier pis que ne fit Neron,
Vuidez vaillant que sang humain respandre
R'édifier fera le forneron,
Siècle d'or, mort, nouueau Roy grand esclandre.

IX. 29
Lors que celuy qu'à nul ne donne lieu,
Abandonner voudra lieu prins non prins :
Feu nef par saignes, bitument à Charlieu,
Seront Quintin Balez reprins.

IX. 61
La pille faite à la coste marine,
Incita noua & parens amenez,
Plusieurs de Malte par le fait de Messine,
Estroit serrez seront mal guerdonnez.

IX. 98
Les affligez par faute d'vn seul taint,
Contremenant à partie opposite,
Aux Lygonnois mandera aue contraint
Seront de rendre le grand chef de Molite.

Decembre 29
III. 24
De l'entreprinse grande confusion,
Perte de gens, tresor innumerables :
Tu ny dois faire encores tension,
France, à mon dire fais que sois recordable.
X. 92
Deuant le pere l'enfant sera tué,
Le pere apres entre cordes de jonc,
Geneuois peuple sera esuertué,
Gisant le chef au milieu comme vn tronc.

Decembre 30
IV. 98
Les Albanois passeront dedans Rome,
Moyennant Langres demiples affublez,
Marquis & Duc ne pardonner à homme,
Feu, sang morbile, point d'eau, faillir les bleds.

Decembre 31
V. 27
Par feu & armes non loing de la marnegro,
Viendra de Perse occuper Trebisonde :
Trembler Pharos Methelin, Solalegro,
De sang Arabe d'Hadrie couuert onde.

V. 83
Ceux qui auront entrepris subuertir
Nompareil regne puissant & inuincible,
Feront par fraude, nuicts trois aduertir,
Quand le plus grand à table lira Bible.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2004
Almanacs 2004

Sur ladicte annee 2004

P - 58
Le Roy Roy n'estre. du Doux la mernicie,
L'an pestilent. les esmeus nubileux:
Tien' qui tiendra des grands non letitie:
Et passera terme da cauilleux.

P - 92
L'an sextil pluyes froment abonder. haines,
Aux hommes joye. Princes Rois en diuorce:
Troupeau perir. mutations humaines,
Peuple affoulé: & poison soubs l'escorce.

Feburier 2004
P - 36
Grain corrompu. air pestilent. locustes,
Subit cherra. noue nouuelle naistre:
Captifs ferrez. legers, haut bas, onustes,
Par ses os mal qu'à Roy n'a voulu estre.

P - 68
Pour Razes Chef ne paruiendra à bout,
Edicts changez, les serrez mis au large:
Mort Grand trouué. moins de foy. bas debout
Dissimulé, transi frappé à bauge.

P - 94
Deluge grand. bruit de mort conspirée,
Renoue siecle. trois Grands en grand discord:
Par boutfeux la concorde empirée,
Pluy empeschant conseils malins d'accord.

Mars 2004
P - 25
Vaine rumeur dedans la hierarchie,
Rebeller Gennes: courses, insults, tumultes:
Au plus grand Roy sera la monarchie,
Election. conflit, couuerts, sepultes.
P - 37
Saisis au temple, par sectes longue brigue,
Esleu raui au bois forme querelle:
Septante pars naistre nouuelle ligue,
De la leur mort. Roy appaisé nouuelle.

P - 49
Fera paroir esleu de nouueauté,
Lieu de iournée. sortir hors des limites:
La bonté fainte de changer cruauté,
Du lieu suspect sortiront trestous viste.

P - 69
Esmeu de LOIN, de LOIN prés minera,
Pris, captiué. pacifié par femme:
Tant ne tiendra comme on barginera,
Mis non passez, oster de rage l'ame.

P - 82
Peres & meres morts de deuls infinis,
Femmes à deul. la pestilente monstre:
Le Grand plus n'estre. tout le monde finir,
Soubz paix, repos. & trestous allencontre.

P - 95
Entre Rois haines on verra apparoistre,
Dissensions & Guerres commencer:
Grâds Changemêt. nouueau tumulte croistre,
L'ordre plebée on viendra offenser.

Auril 2004
P - 38
Roy salué Victeur, Impereateur,
La foy faussée. le Royal fait congnu:
Sang Mathien. Roy fait supereatur,
De gent superbe humble par pleurs venu.

P - 40
Le temps purgé, pestilente tempeste,
Barbare insult. fureur, inuasion:
Maux infinis par ce mois nous appreste,
Et les plus Grands, deux moins, d'irrision.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2004
P - 70
De LOIN viendra susciter pour mouuoir,
Vain descouuert contre peuple infini:
De nul cogneu le mal pour le deuoir,
En la cuisine trouué mort & fini.

P - 96
Secret coniur. conspirer populaire,
La descouuerte en machine esmouuoir:
Contre les Grands,
Puis trucidee & mise sans pouuoir.

P - 122
De tous biens abondance terre nous produira,
Nul bruit de guerre en Frâce, hors mis seditiôs:
Homicides, voleurs par voye on trouuera,
Peu de foy, fieure ardente. peuple en esmotion.

May 2004
P - 16
Conioint icy, au ciel appert depesche,
Prise, laissée. mortalite non seure:
Peu pluye, entrée. le ciel la terre seche,
De fait, mort, pris, arriué à mal heure.

P - 27
La mer Tyrrhene de differente voile.
Par l'Ocean seront diuers assaults:
Peste, poison, sang en maison de toile,
Presults, Legats esmeus marcher mer haut.

P - 51
Pache Allobrox sera interrompu,
Derniere main fera forte leuée:
Grand coniuré ne sera corrompu,
Et la nouuelle alliance approuuée.

P - 84
Terre trembler. tué. prodige. monstre,
Captifs sans nombre. faire defaite, faite:
D'aller sur mer aduiendra malencontre,
Fier contre fier mal fait de contrefaire.
P - 110
Au menu peuple par debats & querelles,
Et par les femmes & defunts grande guerre:
Mart d'vne Grande. celebrer escrouëlles,
Plus grandes Dames expulsées de terre.

P - 123
Entre peuple discorde, inimitie brutale,
Guerre. mort de grands Princes. plusieurs pars d'Italie:
Vniuerselle playe. plus fort occidentalle,
Tempore bonne & pleine, mais fort seiche & tarie.

Iuin 2004
P - 28
Là ou la foy estoit sera rompue,
Les ennemis les ennemis paistront:
Feu ciel pleuura, ardra, interrompue,
Nuit entreprise. Chefs querelles mettront.

P - 40
De maison sept par mort mortelle suite,
Gresle, tempeste. pestilent mal, fureurs:
Roy d'Orient d'Occident tous en fuite,
Subiuguera ses iadis conquereurs.

P - 62
Courses de LOIN, ne s'apprester conflits,
Triste entreprise. l'air pestilent, hideux:
De toutes parts les Grands seront afflits,
Et dix & sept assaillir vint & deux.

P - 72
Portenteux fait, horrible & incroiyable,
Typhon fera esmouuoir les meschans:
Qui puis apres soustenus par le cable,
Et la plus part exilez sur les champs.

P - 111
Viduité tant masles que femelles,
De grands Monarques la vie pericliter:
Peste, fer, faim. grand peril pesle mesle,
Troubles par changes. petits Grands conciter.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Alamanacs 2004
Iuillet 2004
Huit, quinze & cinq quelle desloyauté.
Viendra permettre l'explorateur malin:
Feu du ciel foudre. poeur, frayeur Papauté,
L'Occident tremble. trop serre vin Salin.

P - 41
Predons pillez chaleur, grand seicheresse,
Par trop non estre. cas non veu, inoui:
A l'estranger la trop grande caresse,
Neuf pays Roy. l'Orient esblouy.

P - 52
Longue crinite leser le Gouuerneur,
Faim, fieure ardante, feu & de sang fumée:
A tous estats Iouiaux grand honneur,
Sedition par Razes allumée.

P - 63
Repris, rendu. espouuenté du mal,
Le sang par bas, & les faces hideuses:
Aux plus sçauants l'ignare espouuental,
Porte, haine, horreur. tomber bas la piteuse.

P - 137
Encor la mort s'approche. don Royal & legat,
On dressera ce qu'est, par viellesse en ruine:
Les Ieunes hoirs de soupçon nul legat,
Tresor trouué en plastres & cuisine.

Aoust 2004
P - 10
Six, douze, treze, vint parlera la Dame,
Laisné sera par femme corrompu:
Dijon, Guyenne gresle, foudre l'entame,
L'insatiable de sang & vin repeu.
P - 42
L'Vrne trouuée. la cité tributaire,
Champs diuisez. nouuelle tromperie:
L'Hispan blessé. faim, peste, militaire,
Moq obstiné, confus. mal, resuerie.

P - 53
Peste, faim, feu & ardeur non cessée,
Foudre, grand gresle temple du ciel frapé:
L'edit, arrest, & grieue loy cassée,
Chef inuenteur ses gens & luy hapé.

P - 64
Mort & saisi. des nonchelans le change,
S'eslongnera en s'approchant plus fort:
Sarrez vnis en la ruine, grange,
Par secours long estonné le plus fort.

P - 74
Les coulorez, les Sacres malcontens,
Puis tout à coup par Androgyns alegres:
De la plus part voir, non venu le temps,
Plusieurs d'être eux ferôt leurs soupes maigres

P - 87
Bons finement affoiblis par accords,
Mars & Prelats vnis n'arresteront:
Les Grands confus par dons incidez corps,
Dignes indignes biens indues saisiront.

P - 100
Deluge prés. peste bouine. neuue.
Secte flechir. aux hommes ioye vaine:
De loy sans loy. mis au deuant pour preuue,
Apast, embusche: & deceus couper veine.

P - 113
Point ne sera le grain à suffisance,
La mort s'approche à neiger plus que blanc:
Sterilité, grain pourri. d'eau bondance,
Le grand blessé. plusieurs de mort de flanc.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Alamanacs 2004
P - 138
Les Ennemis secrets seront emprisonnez,
Les Rois & Magistrats y tiendrôt la main seure:
La vie de plusieurs. santé maladie yeux, nez,
Les deux grands s'en iront bien loin à la male heure.

Septembre 2004
P - 20
Mer, terre aller. foy, loyauté rompuë,
Pille, naufrage. à la cité tumulte:
Fier, cruel acte. ambition repeuë,
Foible offensé le chef du fait inulte.

P - 88
De bien en mal le temps se changera,
Le pache d'Aust. des plus Grands esperance:
Des Grands deul LVIS trop plus trebuchera,
Congnus Razez pouuoir ni congnoissance.

P - 101
Tout inonder. à la Razée perte,
Vol de mur, mort. de tous biens abondance:
Eschapera par manteau de couuertes,
Des neufs & vieux sera tournée chance.

P - 114
Guere de fruits, ni grain, arbres & arbrisseaux,
Grand volataille, procere stimuler:
Tant temporel que prelat leonceaux,
TOLANDAD vaincre. proceres reculer.

Octobre 2004
P - 12
Venus Neptune poursuiura l'entreprinse,
Serrez pensifs. troublez les opposans:
Classe en Adrie. citez vers la Tamise,
Le quart bruit blesse de nuict les reposans.
P - 21
Froid, grand deluge. de regne dechassé,
Niez, discord. Trion Orient mine:
Poison. mis siege. de la Cité chassé,
Retour felice. neuue secte en ruine.

P - 44
Icy dedans se paracheuera,
Les trois Grâds hors le BON BOVRG sera loing:
Encontre d'eux l'vn d'eux conspirera,
Au bout du mois on verra le besoin.

P - 65
Gris, blancs & noirs, enfumez & froquez,
Seront remis, demis, mis en leurs sieges
Les rauaisseurs se trouueront mocquez,
Et les Vestales serrées fortes riegges.

P - 102
La bouche & gorge en feruides pustules,
De sept Grands cinq. toux distillante nuire:
Pluye si longue. à non mort tournent bulles,
Le Grand mourir, qui trestous faisoit luire.

P - 115
Du tout changé. persecuter l'vn quatre,
Hors maladie. bien loin mortalité:
Des quatre deux plus ne viendront debatre,
Exil, ruine, mort, faim, perplexité.

P - 128
Iusqu'à ce mois durer la secheresse grande,
A l'Itale & Prouence. des fruits tous à demi:
Le Grand moins d'ennemis prisonnier de leur bande,
Aux escumeurs, pirates. & mourir l'ennemi.

Nouembre 2004
P - 56
Ne sera mis. les Nouueaux dechassez.
Noir & de LOIN & le Grand tiendra fort:
Recourir armes. Exilez plus chassez,
Chanter victoire. non libres reconfort.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Alamanacs 2004
P - 77
D'ennemi vent empeschera la troupe,
Le plus grand point mis auant difficil:
Vin de poison se mettra dans la couppe,
Passer sans mal de cheual gros foussil.

P - 90
Par mort mort mordre, conseil, vol. pestifere,
On n'osera Marins assaillir:
Deucalion vn dernier trouble faire,
Peu de gens ieunes: demy morts tressaillir:

P - 116
Des grands le nombre plus grands ne sera tant.
Grands changement, commotions, fer, peste:
Le peu deuis: prestez, payez contant,
Mois opposite gelée fort moleste.

P - 129
L'ennemi tant à craindre retirer en Thracie,
Laissant cris, hurlemens, & pille desolée:
Laisser bruit mer & terre. religion mutrie,
Iouiaux mis en route. toute secte affoulée.

Decembre 2004
P - 23
Tutelle à Veste. guerre meurt, translatée,
Combat naual. honneur. mort. prelature:
Entrée decez. France fort augmentée,
Esleu passé, venu à la mal'heure.

P - 57
Les deuils laissez, supremes alliances,
Raze Grand mort. refus fait en à l'entrée:
De retour estre bien fait en oubliance,
La mort du iuste à banquet perpetrée.

P - 78
Par le christal l'entreprise rompuë.
Ieux & festins. de LOIN plus reposer:
Plus ne fera prés des Grands sa repue,
Subit catharrhe l'eau beniste arrouser.

Janvier 1
VI. 37
L'œuure ancienne se paracheuera,
Du toict cherra sur le grand mal ruyne,
Innocent faict mort on accusera,
Nocent caché, taillis à la bruyne.

Janvier 3
VI. 87
L'election faicte dans Francfort,
N'aura nul lieu, Milan s'opposera :
Le sien plus proche semblera si grand fort,
Qu'outre le Rhin és mareschs chassera.

Janvier 5
VIII. 80
Des innocens le sang de vefue & vierge.
Tant de maux faicts par moyen se grand Roge,
Saincts simulachres trempez en ardant cierge,
De frayeur craincte ne verra nul que boge.

Janvier 6
IX. 47
Les soulz signez d'indigne deliurance,
Et de la multe auront contre aduis,
Change monarque mis en perille pence,
Serrez en cage se verront vis à vis.

Janvier 7
X. 8
Index & poulse parfondera le front
De Senegalia le Comte à son fils propre
La Myrnamée par plusieurs de prin front
Trois dans sept iours blessez more.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Avril 2005
X. 12
Esleu en Pape, d'esleu sera mocqué,
Subit soudain esmeu prompt & timide,
Par trop bon doux à mourir prouoqué,
Crainte estainte la nuit de sa mort guide.

X. 19
Iour que sera par Royne saluéë,
Le iour apres le salut, la priere:
Le comte fait raison & valbuéë,
Par auant humble oncques ne fut si fiere.

X. 27
Par le cinquiesme & vn grand Herculés
Viendront le temple ouurir de main bellique,
Vn Clement, Iule & Ascans reculés,
Lespe, clef, aigle, n'eurent onc si grand picque.

X. 64
Pleure Milan, pleure Lucques, Florence,
Que ton grand Duc sur le char montera,
Changer le siege prés de Venise s'aduance,
Lors que Colonne à Rome changera.

Janvier 17
IX. 8
Puisnay Roy fait son pere mettre à mort,
Apres conflict de mort tres-inhonneste:
Escrit trouué soubson donra remort,
Quand loup chassé pose sur la couchette.
AVRIL 2005

Avril 17
II. 25
La garde estrange trahyra forteresse,
Espoir & ombre du plus haut mariage,
Garde deceue, fort prinse dans la presse,
Loyre, Son, Rosne, Gar, à mort outragez.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2005
Almanacs 2005

Sur ladicte annee 2005

P - 66
Saison d'hiuer. ver bon, sain. mal ésté,
Pernicieux auton, seç froment rare:
Du vin assez. mal yeux. faits. molesté,
Guerre, mutin. seditieuse tare.

Ianuier 2005
P - 24
Puisné Roy fait funebre epithalame,
Sacrez esmeus festins, ieux, soupi Mars:
Nuit larme on crie. hors on conduit la Dame,
L'arrest & pache rompu de toutes pars.

P - 35
Plus le Grand n'estre. pluye. au char, le cristal.
Tumulte esmeu. de tous biens abondance:
Razez, Sacrez, neufs, vieux espouuental,
Esleu ingrat. mort, plaint, ioye, alliance.

P - 47
Iournée, diete, interim, ne concile,
L'an paix prepare, peste, faim schismatique:
Mis hors dedans. changer ciel, domicile,
Fin du congé. reuolte hierachique.

P - 67
Desir occult pour le bon paruiendra,
Religion, paix, amour & concorde:
L'epithalame du tout ne s'accordra,
Les haut qui bas & haut mis à la corde.

P - 80
Tant d'eau, tant morts, tât d'armes esmouuoir,
Rien d'accordé. le Grand tenu captifs:
Que sang humain, rage, fureur n'auoir:
Tard penitent peste. guerre motif.
P - 106
Neiges, rouillures, pluyes & playes grandes,
Au plus Grands ioye, pestilence insopie:
Semences, grains beaucoup, & plus de bandes,
S'appresteront, simulté n'amortie.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008


Juillet 6
I. 4
Par l'vniuers sera fait vn Monarque,
Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement,
Lors se perdra la piscature barque,
Sera regie en plus grand detriment.

I. 8
Combien de fois prinse CitИ solaire,
Seras, changeant les loi barbares & vaines
Ton mal s'approche, plus seras tributaire,
Le grand Hadrie recouurira tes vaines.

Juillet 8
III. 50
La republique de la grande Cité
A grand rigueur ne voudra consentir:
Roy sortir hors par trompette cité,
L'eschelle au mur la cité repentir.

Juillet 9
IV. 81
Pont on fera promptement de nacelles,
Passer l'armee du grand prince Belgique:
Dans profondrées & non loing de Bruxelles
Outre passez, destrenchez sept à picque.

Juillet 10
V. 15
En nauigant captif prins grand pontife;
Grands apprestez saillir les clercs tumultuez:
Second esleu absent son bien debise,
Son fauory bastard à mort tué.
V. 21
Par le trespas du Monarque latin,
Ceux qu'il aura par regne secourus:
Le feu luyra, diuisé le butin,
La mort publique aux hardis incorus,

V. 46
Par chappeaux rouges querelles & nouueaux scismes,
Quand on aura esleu le Sabinois,
On produira contre luy grands sophismes,
Et sera Rome lesee par Albanois.

V. 48
Apres la grande affliction du sceptre,
Deux ennemis par eux seront daffaits,
Classe d'Affrique aux Pannonois viedra naistre,
Par mer & terre seront horribles faits.

Juillet 11
I. 22
Ce que viura & n'ayant aucun sens,
Viendra leser Ю mort son artifice.
Authun, Chaalon, Langres & les deux Sens,
La gresle & glace fera grand malefice.

L'°il de Rauenne sera destituИ,
Quand Ю ses pieds les aisles failliront,
Les deux de Bresse auront constituИ,
Turin, Verseil, que Gaulois foulleront.

I. 21
Profonde argille blanche nourrir rocher
Qui d'vn abysme y stra lacticineuse:
En vain troubles ne l'oseront toucher,
Ignorans estre au fond terre arguilleuse.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008
VI. 4
Le Celtique fleuue changera de riuage,
Plus ne tiendra la cité d’Aripine:
Tout trasmué ormis le vieil langage,

VI. 19
La vray flamme engloutira la dame,
Que voudra mettre les innocens à feu,
Pres de l'assaut l'exercite s'enflamme,
Quand dans Seuille monstre en bœuf sera veu.

VI. 20
L'vnion fainste sera peu de duree
Des vns changes reformez la pluspart:
Dans les vaisseaux sera gent enduree,
Lors aura Rome vn nouueau Liepart.

VI. 45
Le gouuerneur du regne bien sçauant,
Ne consentir voulant au fait Royal:
Mellile classe par le contraire vent,
Le remettra à son plus desloyal.

VI. 46
Vn iuste sera en exil renuoyé,
Par pestilence aux confins de Nonseggle,
Response au rouge le fera desouyer,
Roy retirant à la Rane & l'aigle,

II. 88
Le circuit du grand fait ruyneux,
Au nom septiesme le cinquiesme sera:
D'vn tiers plus grand l'estrange belliqueux
Mouton, Lutece, Aix garantira.

Juillet 12
II. 15
Vn peu deuant monarque trucidé,
Castor Pollux en nef, astre crinite,
L'erain public par terre & mer vuidé,
Pise, ast, Ferrare, Turin, terre interdicte.
II. 28
Le penultieme du ƒurnom du Prophete,
Prendra Diane pour ƒon iour & repos:
Loing vaguera par frenetique teƒte,
Et deliurant vn grand peuple d'impos.

II. 49
Les conseillers du premier monopole,
Les conquerans seduits par le Melite,
Rhodes, Bisance pour leur exposant pole,
Terre faudra les poursuiuants de fuitte.

II. 59
Classe Gauloise par appuy de grand'garde,
Du grand Neptune, & ses tridens soldats,
Rongee prouence pour soustenir grand'bande,
Plus Mars Narbon par iauelots & dards.

II. 68
De l'Aquilon les efforts seront grands,
Sur l'Ocean sera la porte ouuerte,
Le regne en l'isle sera reintegrand,
Tremblera Londres par voille descouuerte.

II. 79
La barbe crespe & noire par engin,
Subiuguera la gent cruelle & fiere:
Vn grand Chyren ostera du longin,
Tous les captifs par Seline baniere.

III. 92
Le monde proche du dernier periode,
Saturne encor tard sera de retour:
Translat empire nation Brodde:
L'œil arraché à Narbon par autour.

III. 95
La loy Moricque on verra deffaillir,
Apres vne autre beaucoup plus seductiue,
Boristhenes premier viendra faillir,
Par dons & Langues vne plus attractiue.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008
Juillet 13
III. 38
La gent Gauloise & nation estrange,
Outre les monts morts, prins & profligez:
Au moys contraire & proche de vendange
Par les Seigneurs en accord redigez.

III. 87
Classe Gauloise n'approches de Corsegne,
Moins de Sardaigne tu t'en repentiras,
Trestous mourrez frustrez de l'aide grogne.
Sang nagera captif ne me croiras.

IV. 77
Selin maonarque, l'Italie pacifique,
Regnes vnis Roy chrestien du monde:
Mourant voudra coucher en terre belsique
Apres pyrates auoir chassé de l'onde.

IV. 94
Deux grands freres seront chassez d'Espaigne
L'aisné vaincu soubs les monts Pyrennees:
Rougir mer, Rosne sang leman d'alemagne,
Narbon, Blyterres, d'Ath, contaminees.

IX. 54
Arriuera au port de Corsibonne,
Prés de Rauenne qui pillera la dame,
En mer profonde legat de la Vlisbonne
Sous roc cachez rauiront septante ames.

Juillet 14
IV. 36
Les ieux nouueax en Gaule redressez.
Apres victoire de l'Insubre champaigne,
Monts d'Esperie, les grand liez troussez,
De peur trembler la Romaine & l'Espagne.
IV. 83
Combat nocturne le vaillant capitaine
Vaincu fuyra, peu de gens profligé:
Son peuple esmeu sedition non vaine,
Son propre fils le tiendra assiegé.

Juillet 15
V. 11
Mer par solaires seure ne passera,
Ceux de Venus tiendront toute l’Affrique:
Leur regne plus Sol, Saturne n'occupera,
Et changera la mort Asiatique.

V. 45
Le grand Empire sera tost desolé,
Et translaté pres d'arduenne silue:
Les deux bastards pres l'aisné decollé,
Et regnera Aeneodarb, nez de milue.

V. 51
La gent de Dace, d'Angleterre & Polonne,
Et de Bohesme feront nouuelle ligue:
Pour passer ourre d'Hercules la colonne,
Barcyns, Tyrrens dresser cruelle brigue.

Juillet 16
VI. 3
Fleuue qu'eƒpreuue le nouueau nay Celtique
Sera grande de l'Empire diƒcorde:
Le ieune Prince par gent Eccleƒiaƒtique,
Oƒtera le ƒceptre coronal de concorde.

VI. 25
Par Mars contraire sera la Monarchie,
Du grand pescheur en trouble ruyneux:
Ieune noir rouge prendra la hierarchie,
Les proditeurs iront iour bruyneux.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008
I. 34
L'oyseau de proye volant Ю la fenestre,
Auant conflit fait aux FranГois parure.
L'vn bon prendra, l'autre ambigue sinistre,
La partie foible tiendra par bonne augure.

Siege en CitИ & de nuict assaillie
Peu eschappez non loing de mer conflit,
Femme de ioye, retours fils defaillie,
Poison & lettte cachИe dans le olic.

I. 53
Las qu'on verra grand peuple tourmentИ,
Et la Loy saincte en totale ruyne,
Par autres loix toute la ChrestientИ,
Quand d'or, d'argent trouue nouulelle mine.

I. 67
La grand famine que ie ¬ens approcher,
Souuent tourner, puis e¬tre univer¬elle,
Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher
Du bois racine, & l'enfant de mammelle.

Juillet 17
II. 37
De ce grand nombre que l'on enuoyera
Pour secourir dans le fort assiegez,
Peste & famine tous les deux deuorera,
Hors mis septante qui seront profligez.

II. 54
Par gent estrange, & de Romains loingtaine,
Leur grand cité apres eau fort troublee:
Fille sans main, trop different domaine,
Prins, chef terreure n'auoit este riblee.

II. 90
Par vie & mort changé regne d'Hongrie,
La loy sera plus aspre que seruice:
Leur grand cité d'vrlemens, plaints & cris,
Castor & Pollux ennemis dans la lice.
Juillet 18
I. 35
Le Lyon ieune le vieux ¬urmontera
En champ bellique par ¬ingulier duelle,
Dans cage d'or les yeux luy creuera:
Deux cla¬¬es vne, puis mourit, mort cruelle.

I. 57
Par grand discord la trombe tremblera,
Accord rompu, dressant la teste au ciel,
Bouche sanglante dans le snag nagera,
Au sol sa face oingte de laict & miel.

I. 59
Les exilez deportez dans les I¬les,
Au changement d'vn plus cruel Monarque
Seront meurtris, & mis deux des ¬cintilles,
Qui de parler ne ¬eront e¬tИ Parques.

I. 64
De nuict soleil penseront auoir veu,
Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra,
Bruit, chant, bataille au Ciel battre apper ceu
Et bestes brutes Ю parler on orra.

I. 88
Le diuin mal surprendra le grand Prince,
Vn peu deuant aura femme espousee:
Son puy & credit А vn coup viendra mince,
Conseil mourra pour la teste rasee.

III. 1
A Pres combat & bataille nauale, froy.
Le grand Neptun à son plus haut bef-
Rouge aduersaire de peur deuiendra pasle
Mettât le grâd Ocean en effroy.

III. 10
De sang & faim plus grand calamité,
Sept fois s'appreste à la marine plage:
Monech de faim, lieu pris captiuité,
Le grand mené croc enferree cage.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008
III. 19
En Luques sang & laict viendra pleuuoir,
Vn peu deuant changement de preteur,
Grand peste & guerre, faim & soif fera voir,
Loing ou mourra prince & grand recteur

III. 31
Aux champs de Mede, d'Arabe & d'armenie
Deux grands copies trois fois s'assemble-ront:
Pres du riuage d'Araxes la mesnie,
Du grand Soliman en terre tomberont.

III. 41
Bossu sera esleu par le conseil,
Plus hydeux monstre en terre n'aperceu;
le coup volant Prelat creuera l'œil,
Le traistre au Roy pour fidelle receu,

III. 45
Les cinq estrangers entrez dedans le temple
Leur sang viendra la terre prophaner;
Aux Thoulouseins sera bien dure exemple
D'vn qui viendra les loix exterminer.

III. 54
L'vn des plus grands fuyra aux Espagnes,
Qu'en longue playe apres viendra seigner
Passant copies par les hautes montaignes,
Deuastant tout & puis en paix regner.

III. 85
La Cité prinse par tromperie & fraude,
Par le moyen d'vn beau ieune attrappé,
L'assaut donné, Raubine pres de Laude,
Luy & tous morts pour auoir bien trompé.

Juillet 19
I. 85
Par la re¬pon¬e de Dame, Roy troublИ,
Amba¬¬adeurs me¬pri¬eront leur vie:
Le grand ¬es freres contrefera doublИ,
Far deux mourront ire, haine, & envie.
II. 6
Aupres des portes & dedans deux citez
Seront deux fleaux onc n'apperceu vn tel,
Faim dedans peste, de fer hors gens boutez,
Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel.

II. 85
Vieux plains de barbe sous le statut seuere
A Lyon fait dessus l'Aigle Celtique:
Le petit grand trop outre perseuere,
Bruit d'armes au ciel, mer rouge Lygustique.

IV. 17
Changer à Beaune, Nuy, Chaalon, Dijon
Le duc voulant amender la Barree,
Marsant pres fleuue, Poisson bec de Plongeon,
Verra la queuë porte sera serree.

IV. 19
Devant Roüan d'insubres mis le siege,
Par terre & mer enfermez les passages,
D'Haynaut : & Flâdres de Gand & ceux de Liege,
Par dons leuees rauiront les riuages.

IV. 58
Soleil ardant dans le gosier coller,
De sang humain arroser terre Etrusque:
Chef seille d'eau mener son fils filer,
Captiue dame conduite en terre Turque.

IV. 64
Le deffaillant en habit de bourgeois,
Viendra le Roy tempter de son offence:
Quinze soldats la plus part Vstagois,
Vie derniere & chef de sa cheuance.

Juillet 20
III. 6
Dans temples clos le foudre y entrera,
Les citadins dedans leurs forts greuez:
Cheuaux, bœufs, hommes, l'onde leur touchera
Par faim, soif soubs les plus foibles armez,
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008
III. 82
Freins, Antibol, villes autour de Nice,
Seront vastees fort, par mer & par terre,
Les sauterelles terre & mer vent propice,
Prins, morts, trossez, pillez sans loy de guerre.

III. 89
En ce temps là sera frustré Cypres,
De son secours de ceux de mer Egee,
Vieux trucidez, mais par masles & liphres,
Seduict leur Roy, Royne plus outragee.

V. 14
Saturne & Mars en Leo Espagne captiue,
Par chef Libique au conflit attrapé:
Proche de Malte, Heredde prinse viue,
Et Romain sceptre sera par coq frappé.

V. 34
Du plus profond de l'occident Anglois.
Ou est le chef de l'isle Britannique:
Entrera classe dans Gyronde par Blois,
Par vin & feux cachez aux barriques.

V. 78
Les deux vnis ne tiendront longuement,
Et dans treze ans au barbare s’attrappe:
Aux deux costez feront tel perdement,
Qu'vn benira la barque & sa cappe.

Juillet 21
III. 17
Mont Auentine brusler nuict sera veu,
Le ciel obscur tout à vn coup en Flandres:
Quand le Monarque chassera son neueu,
Les gens d'Eglise commettront les esclan-dres.

IV. 2
Par mort la France prendra voyage à faire,
Classe par mer, Marser monts Pyrenees,
Espagne en trouble, Marser gent militaire,
Des plus grand; dames en France emmenees.
IV. 46
Bien defendu le fait par excellence,
Garde toy Tours de ta proche ruyne:
Londres & Nantes par Reims fera deffence
Ne paƒƒez outre au temps de la bruine.

IV. 55
Quand la Corneille sur tour de brique iointe,
Durant sept heures ne fera que crier,
Mort presagee de sang statuë tainte,
Tyran meurtry aux Dieux peuple prier.

VI. 33
Sa main derniere par Alus sanguinaire,
Ne se pourra plus la mer garentir;
Entre deux fleuues craindre main militaire,
Le noir l'ireux le fera repentir.

VI. 82
Par les deserts de lieu, libre, & farouche,
Viendra errer nepueu du grand Pontife:
Assommé à sept auecques lourde souche,
Par ceux qu'apres occuperont le cyphe.

Juillet 22
IV. 3
D'Arras & Bourges de Brodes grands enseignes
Vn plus grand nombre de Gascons battre à pied,
Ceux long du Rosne saigneront les Espagnes,
Proche du mont ou Sagonte s'assied.

IV. 20
Paix vbertré long temps Dieu loüera
Par tout son regne desert la fleur de lis,
Corps morts d'eau, terre là l'on apporter,
Sperant vain heur d'estre là enseuelis.

IV. 34
Le grand mené captif d'estrange terre,
D'or enchainé au Roy Chyren offert:
Qui dans Ausone, Milan perdra la guerre,
Et tout son ost mis à feu & à fer.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008
V. 12
Aupres du Lac Leman sera conduite,
Par garse estrange cité voulant trahir,
Auant son meurtre à Aspurg la grand fuitte,
Et ceux du Rhin la viendront inuahir.

V. 28
Le bras pendu & la iambe liée,
Visage pasle au sein poignard caché:
Trois qui seront iurez de la meslée,
Au grand de Gennes sera le fer lasché.

V. 44
Par mer le rouge sera prins des pyrates,
La paix sera par son moyen troublee:
L'ire & l'auare commettra par sainct acte,
Au grand Pontife sera l'armee doublee.

V. 63
De vaine emprinse l'honneur indeuë plainte,
Gallots errants, par latins froid, faim vagues:
Non loing du Tymbre de sang terre tainte
Et sur humains seront diuerses plagues.

V. 75
Montera haut sur le bien plus à dextre,
Demourra assis sur la pierre carree:
Vers le midy posé à sa fenestre,
Baston tortu en main bouche serree.

V. 96
Sur le milieu du grand monde la roƒe,
Pour nouueaux faits ƒang public eƒpandu;
A dire vray on aura bouche cloƒe,
Lors au beƒoin viendra tard l'attendu.

Juillet 23
III. 44
Quand l'animal à l'homme domestique
Apres grand peine & sauts viendra parler:
Le foudre à vierge sera si malefique
De terre prinse & suspenduë en l'air.
VI. 10
Vn peu de temps les temples de couleurs,
De blanc & noir les deux entremeslee:
Rouges & iaunes leur embleront les leurs,
Sang, terre, peste, faim, feu, d'eau affolce.

VI. 36
Ne bien ne mal par bataille terrestre,
Ne paruiendra aux confins de Perouse,
Rebeller Pise, Florence voir mal estre,
Roy nuict blessé sur mulet à noire housse.

VI. 62
Trop tard tous deux, les fleurs seront perduës,
Conre la loy serpent ne voudra faire:
Des ligueurs forces par gallots confonduës,
Sauone, Albinge par monech grand martire.

VI. 70
An chef du monde le grand CHIREN ƒera,
PLUS OUTRE, apres aymé, craint, redouté,
Son bruit & los les cieux ƒurpaƒƒera,
Et du ƒeul tiltre vi¢teur fort contenté.

VI. 94
Vn Roy iré sera aux sedifragues,
Quand interdicts seront harnois de guerre:
La poison taincte au succre par les fragues,
Par eaux meurtris, morts disant serre serre.

Juillet 25
VIII. 59
Par deux fois haut, par deux fois mis à bas
L'orient aussi l'occident foiblira
Son aduersaire apres plusieurs combats,
Par mer chassé au besoing faillira.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2008
Juillet 26
VI. 30
Par l'apparence de saincte saincteté,
Sera trahy aux ennemis le siege,
Nuict qu'on cuidoit dormir en seureté,
Pres de Braban Marseront ceux du Liege.

I. 63
Les fleaux passees diminuИ le monde,
Long-temps la paix, terres inhabitees.
Seur Marsera par le ciel, terre, mer & onde,
Puis de nouueau les guerres suscitees.

I. 92
Sous vn la paix par tout ¬era clamИe,
Mais non long temps, pille & rebellion,
Par refus ville, terre & mer entamИe,
Morts & captifs le tiers d'vn milion.

I. 100
Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oyseau,
Aupres de Dole & de Tosquane terre,
Tenant au bec vn verdoyant rameau
Mourra tost grand, & finira la guerre.

Juillet 27
II. 100
Dedans les isles si horrible tumulte,
Rien on n'orra qu'vne bellique brigue,
Tant grand sera des prediteurs l'insulte,
Qu'on se viendra ranger à la grand ligue.

Juillet 29
I. 98
Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny
Loing de son ciel, de m°urs & langue estrange
Cinq mil en Grete, & Thessale finy,
Le chef fuyant sauuИ en la marine grange,
IV. 29
Le Sol caché ecclipsé par Mercure,
Ne sera mis que pour le ciel fecond:
De Vulcan Hermes sera faite pasture,
Slo sera veu pur rutilant & blond.

IV. 100
De feu celeste au Royal edifice,
Quand la lumiere du Mars deffaillira,
Sept mois grand' guerre, mort gent de malefice,
Rouen Eureux, au Roy ne faillira.

Juillet 31
VI. 59
Dame en fureur par rage d'adultere,
Viendra à son prince coniurer non de dire
Mais bref cogneu sera le vitupere,
Que seront mis dixsept à martire.

VI. 63
La dame seulle au regne demeurée,
L'vnic estaint premier au lict d'honneur
Sept ans sera de douleur explorée,
Plus longue vie au regne par grand heur.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Aoust 2008
AOUST 2008

Aoust 15
VII. 21
Par pestilente inimitié Volsicque,
Dissimulée chassera le tyran:
Au pont de Sorgues se fera la traffique,
De mettre à mort luy & son adherant.

Aoust 16
I. 47
Du Lac Leman, les sermons fascheront.
Des iours seront reduicts par les sepmaines,
Puis mois, puis an, puis tous deffailliront
Les Magistrats damneront les loix vaines.

I. 70
Pluye, faim, guerre, en Perse non cessee,
La foy trop grande trahyra le Monarque
Par la finie en Gaule commencee,
Secret augure pour Ю vn estre parque.

Aoust 17
II. 36
Du grand Prophete les lettres ƒeront prinƒes,
Entre les mains du Tyran deuiendront:
Frauder ƒon Roy ƒeront ƒes entreprinƒes,
Mais ƒes rapines bien-toƒt le troubleront.

II. 40
Vn peu apres non point longue interualle
Par mer & terre sera fait grand tumulte,
Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne naualle,
Feux, animaux, qui plus feront d'insulte.

II. 45
Trop du ciel pleurel' Androgin procrée,
Pres de ce ciel ƒang humain reƒpandu:
Par mort trop tard grand peuple recrée,
Tard & toƒt vient le ƒecours attendu.
II. 46
Apres grâd trouble humain plus grâd s'appreste,
Le grand moteur les siecles renouuelle,
Pluye, sang, laict, famine, feu & peste:
Au ciel veu feu, courant longue estincelle.

II. 50
Quand ceux d'Hinault, Do, Gand & de Bruxelles
Verront à Langres le siege deuant mis,
Derriere leurs flancs seront guerres cruelles,
La pluye antique, fera pis qu'ennemys.

II. 52
Dans plusieurs nuicts la terre tremblera,
Sur le printemps deux efforts feront suitte,
Corinthe, Ephese aux deux mers nagera,
Guerre s'esmeut par deux vailants de luitte.

II. 66
Par grands dangers le captif eschappé,
Peu de temps grand la fortune changee.
Dans le palais le peuple est attrapé,
Par bon augure la Cité assiegee.

Aoust 18
I. 15
Mars nous menace par la force bellique,
Septante fois fera le ¬ang e¬pandre:
Auge & ruyne de l'Eccle¬ia¬tique,
Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre

I. 36
Tard le Monarque ¬e viendra repentir
De n'anoir mis Ю mort ¬on adver¬aire:
Mais viendra bien Ю plus haut con¬entir
Que tout ¬on ¬ang par mort fera defaire.

III. 4
Quand seront proches le deffaut des lunaires,
De l'vn à l'autre ne distant grandement:
Froid, siccité, danger vers les frontieres,
Mesme où l'oracle a prins commencement.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Aoust 2008
III. 51
Paris coniure vn grand meurtre commettre,
Bloys le fera ƒortir en plein effet:
Ceux d'Orleans voudront leur chef remettre,
Angers, Troye, Langres leur feront grand forfait.

III. 70
La grand Bretagne comprinse d'Angle-terre.
Viendra par eaux si fort à inonder:
La ligue neufue d'Ausonne fera guerre,
Que contre eux il se viendra bander.

Aoust 19
I. 14
De gens e¬claue, chan¬ons, chants & reque¬tes,
Captifs par Princes, & Seigneurs aux pri¬ons.
A l'advenir par idiots ¬ans te¬tes,
Seront receus par divins orai¬ons.

II. 53
La grande peste de cité maritime
Ne cessera que mort ne soit vengee:
Du iuste sang par pris damne sans crime,
De la grand' dame par fainte n'outragee.

II. 69
Le Roy Gaulois par la Celtique dextre
Voyant discorde de la grand Monarchie,
Sur les trois parts fera fleurir son sceptre,
Contre la cappe de la grand Hierarchie.

IV. 49
Deuant le peuple sang sera respandu,
Que du haut ciel ne viendra eslongner:
Mais d'vn long-temps ne sera entendu,
L'esprit d'vn seul le viendra tesmoigner.

IV. 78
La grand armee de la pugne ciuille,
Pour de nuict Parme à l'estrange trouuee
Septante neuf meurtris dedans la ville,
Les estrangers passez tous à l'espee,
IV. 88
Le grand Anthoine du moindre fait sordide
De Phytriase à son dernier rongé,
Vn qui de plomb voudra estre cupide,
Passant le port d'esleu sera plongé.

IV. 97
L'an que Mercure, Mars, Venus retrograde,
Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillir,
Esleu du peuple l'vsitant pres de Gagdole,
Qu'en paix & regne viendra fort enuiellir.

Aoust 20
III. 40
Le grand theatre se viendra redresser,
Le dez ietté, & les rets ia tendus:
Trop le premier en glaz viendra lasser,
Par arcs prostraits de long temps ia fendus.

III. 66
Le grand Baillif d'Orleans mis à mort
Sera par vn de ƒang vindicatif:
De mort merite ne mourra, ne par fort:
Des pieds & mains mal le faiƒoit captif.

III. 94
De cinq cens ans plus compte l'on tiendra,
Celuy qu'estoit l'ornement de son temps:
Puis à vn coup grande clarté donrra,
Que par ce siecle les rendra trescontens.

V. 19
Le grand Royal d'or, d'airain augmenté,
Rompu la pache, par ieune ouuerte guerre,
Peuple affligé par vn chef lamenté,
De sang barbare sera couuert de terre.

V. 52
Vn Roy sera qui donrra l'opposite,
Les exilez esleuez sur le regne:
De sang nager la gent caste hypolite,
Et florira long temps soubs telle enseigne.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Aoust 2008
V. 56
Par le trespas du tres vieillard pontife,
Sera esleu Romain de bon aage:
Qu'il sera dit que le Siege debiffe
Et long tiendra & de picquant ouurage.

V. 60
Par teste rase viendra bien mal eslire,
Plus que sa charge ne porte passera:
Si grand fureur & rage fera dire,
Qu'à feu & sang tout sexe tranchera.

V. 70
Des regions subiettes à la Balance,
Feront troubler les monts par grande guerre:
Captif tout sexe deu & toute bisance,
Qu'on criera à l'aube terre à terre.

V. 76
En lieu libere tendra son pauillon,
Et ne voudra en citez prendre place:
Aix, Carpen, l'Isle volce mont Cauaillon
Par tout les lieux abolira la trasse.

V. 86
Par les deux teƒtes, & trois bras ƒeparez,
La cité grande par eaux ƒera vexee:
Des grands d'entr'eux par exil eƒgarez,
Par teƒte Perƒe Biƒance fort preƒƒée.

Aoust 21
IV. 14
La mort subiette du premier personnage,
Aura changé & mis vn autre au regne:
Tost, tard venu a si haut & bas aage,
Que terre & mer faudra qu'on le craingne.

IV. 26
Lou grand cyssame le leuera d'albelhos,
Que non sauran don, te signen venguddos,
Denech l'embousq, sou gach sous las tail hos,
Ciutat traihdo per cinq leugos non nudos.
IV. 52
En cité obsesse aux murs hommes & femmes
Ennemys hors le chef prest à soy rendre:
Vent sera fort encotre les gens-d'armes,
Chassez seront par chaux, poussiere & cendre.

IV. 93
Vn serpent veu proche du lit Royal,
Sera par dame, nuict chiens n’abbayeront:
Lors naistre en France vn Prince tant Royal
Du Ciel venu tous les princes verront.

VI. 29
La vefue ƒain¢te entendant les nouuelles,
De ƒes rameaux mis en perplex & trouble:
Qui ƒera dui¢t appaiƒer les querelles,
Par ƒon pourchas de razes fera comble.

VI. 32
Par trahisons de verges à mort battu,
Puis surmonté sera par son desordre:
Conseil friuole au grand captif sentu,
Naz par fureur quand Begich viendra mordre.

VI. 35
Pres de Rion, & proche à blanche laine,
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, la Vierge:
Mars, Iupiter, le Sol ardra grand plaine
Bloys & cités lettres cachez au cierge.

VI. 61
Le grand tapis plié ne montrera,
Fors qu'à demy la pluƒpart de l'hiƒtoire:
Chaƒƒe du regne loin aƒpre apparoiƒtra,
Qu'au fait bellique chacun le viendra croire.

VI. 71
Quand on viendra le grand Roy parenter,
Auant qu'il ait du tout l'ame renduë:
Celuy qui moins le viendra lamenter,
Par Lyons, d' Aigles, croix, couronne venduë.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Aoust 2008
VI. 85
La grand cité de Tharse par Gaulois
Sera destruite, captifs tous à Turban:
Secours par mer, du grand Portugalois,
Premier d'esté le iour du sacre Vrban.

Aoust 22
V. 35
Par cité franche de la grand mer Seline,
Qui porte encores à l'eƒtomach la pierre,
Angloiƒe claƒƒe viendra ƒous la bruine
Vn rameau prendre, du grand ouuerte guerre.

V. 42
Mars esleué en son plus haut beffroy,
Fera retraire les Allobrox de France:
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroy,
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance.

V. 68
Dans le Danube & du Rin viendra boire,
Le grand Chameau, ne s'en repentira:
Trembler du Rosne & plus fort ceux de Loire,
Et pres des Alpes coq les ruynera.

Aoust 23
VI. 1
AV tour des monts Pyrennees grand amas,
De gent estrange, secourir Roy nouueau:
Pres de Garonne du grand temple du Mas,
Vn Romain chef le craindra dedans l'eau.

VI. 40
Grand de Magonce pour grande soif estaindre
Sera priué de la grand dignité:
Ceux de Cologne si fort le viendront plaindre
Que le grand groppe au Ryn sera ietté.
Aoust 24
VII. 38
L'aisné Royal sur coursier voltigeant,
Picquer viendra si rudement courir:
Gueulle, lepée, pied dans l'estrein pleignant,
Trainé, tire, horriblement mourir.

Aoust 26
II. 32
Laict, sang, grenoüilles escondre en Dalmatie
Conflit donné, peste preste, de baleine
Cry sera grand par toute Esclauonie,
Lors naistra monstre pres & dedans
Lors naistra monstre pres & dedans Rauenne.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Septembre 2008

Septembre 18
I. 10
Serpens transmis dans la cage de fer,
OЫ les enfans septains du Roy sont pris
Les vieux & peres sortiront bas d'enfer,
Ains mourir voir de son fruict mort & cris.

I. 19
Lors que Serpens viendront Ю circuir l'are
Le sang Troyen vexИ par les Espagnes,
Par eux grans nombre en sera faicte rare,
Chef fuit, cachИ aux mares dans les saignes.

I. 76
D'vn nom farouche tel proferИ ¬era,
Que les trois ¬°urs auront fato le nom:
Puis grand peuple par langue & fai¢t dira,
Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom.

I. 91
Les Dieux feront aux humains apparence,
Ce qu'ils ¬eront autheurs de grand confli¢t :
Auant ciel ¬eu ¬erain, e¬pИe & lance,
Que vers main gauche ¬era plus grand affli¢t.

I. 97
Ce que fer flАme, n'a ¬ceu paracheuer,
La douce langue au con¬eil viendra faire:
Par repos ¬onge, le Roy fera re¬uer,
Plus l'ennemy en feu, ¬ang militaire.

Septembre 19
II. 51
Le sang du iuste à Londres fera faute,
Bruslez par foudres de vingt trois les six,
La dame antique cherra de place haute,
De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.
II. 78
Le grand Neptune du profond de la mer,
De gent bunique & sang Gaulois meslé:
Les isles à sang, pour le tardif ramer,
Plus luy nuyra que l'occult mal celé.

Septembre 20
III. 2
Le diuin verbe pourra à la substance,
Comprins ciel, terre, or occult au fait mystique
Corps, ame, esprit ayant toute puissance,
Tant soubs ses pieds comme au siege Celique.

III. 42
L'enfant naistra à deux dents en la gorge,
Pierre en Tulcie par pluye tomberont:
Peu d'ans apres ne sera bled ne orge,
Pour faouller ceux qui de faim failliront.

III. 46
Le ciel (de Plancus a cité) nous preƒage,
Par clairs inƒignes & par eƒtoilles fixes,
Que de ƒon change ƒubit s'approche l'aage,
Ne pour ƒon bien, ne pour ƒes malefices.

Septembre 21
IV. 24
Quy sous terre saincte d'ame voix fainte
Humaine flemme pour diuin veoir luire,
Fera des seuls de leur sang terre tainte,
Et les saints temples pour les impurs destruire.

IV. 80
Pres du grand fleuue grand fosse terre egeste
En quinze part sera l'eau diuisee:
La cité prinse, feu, sang cris, conflit mestre,
Et la plus part concerne au collisee.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Septembre 2008
Septembre 23
VI. 2
En l'an cinq cents o¢tante plus & moins,
On attendra le ƒiecle bien eƒtrange:
En l'an ƒept cens, & trois cieux en teƒmoins
Aue pluƒieurs regnes vn à cinq feront change.

VI. 27
Dedans les isles de cinq fleuues à vn,
Par le croissant du grand Chyren Selin:
Par les bruynes de l'air fureur de l'vn,
Six eschappez, cachez fardeaux de lyn.

VI. 86
Le grand Prelat vn iour apres son songe
Interpreté au rebours de son sens:
De la Gascongne luy suruiendra vn monge,
Qui fera eslire le grand Prelat de Sens.

Sepember 25
VIII. 78
Vn Bragamas auec la langue torte
Viendra des dieux le sanctuaire,
Aux heretiques il ouurira la porte
En suscitant l'eglise militaire.

Septembre 26
I. 65
Enfant sans mains, iamais veu si grand foudre
L'enfant Royal au ieu d'esteuf blessИ:
Au puy brisez, fulgures allant moudre,
Trois sur les chaines par le milieu troussИ.

Septembre 27
II. 57
Auant conflit le grand mur tombera,
Le grand à mort, mort trop subite & plainte
Nef imparfaict : la plus part nagera,
Aupres du fleuue de sang la terre tainte.
II. 62
Mabus puis tost alors mourra viendra,
De gens & bestes vne horrible deffaite,
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comette.

Septembre 29
IV. 35
Le feu estaint les vierges trahyront,
La plus grand part de la bande nouuelle;
Foudre à fer, lance les seuls Roy garderont,
Etrusque & Corse de nuict gorge allumelle.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Octobre 2008

Octobre 1
III. 30
Celuy qu en luite & fer au fait bellique,
Aura porté plus grand que luy le pris:
De nui¢t au li¢t fix luy feront la pique,
Nud ƒans harnois ƒubit ƒera ƒurpris.

VI. 98
Ruyné aux Volsques de peur si fort terribles,
Leur grand cité taincte, faict pestilent:
Piller Sol, Lune, & violer leurs temples:
Et les deux fleuues rougir de sang coulant.

Octobre 3
V. 2
Sept coniurez au banquet feront luyre,
Contre les trois le fer hors de nauire,
L'vn les deux classes au grand fera conduire,
Quand par le mail denier au front luy tire.

VII. 14
Faux exposer viendra topographie,
Seront les cruches des monuments ouuertes:
Pulluler secte, faincte philosophie,
Pour blanches, noires, & pour antiques vertes.

Octobre 6
VIII. 15
Vers Aquilon grands efforts par hommasse
Presque l'Europe & l'vniuers vexer,
Les deux eclypses mettra en telle chasse,
Et aux Pannons vie & mort renforcer.

VIII. 63
Quand l'adultere blessé sans coup aura
Meurdry la femme & le fils par despit,
Femme assoumée l'enfant estranglera:
Huict captifs prins, s'estouffer sans respit.
Octobre 7
Apparoistra temple luisant orné,
La lampe & cierge à Borne & Bretueil,
Pour la Lucerne le canton destorné,
Quand on verra le grand Coq au cercueil.

VIII. 16
Au lieu que Hieron feit sa nef fabriquer
Si grand deluge sera & si subite,
Qu'on n'aura lieu ne terres s'ataquer,
L'onde monter Fesulant Olympique.

Octobre 9
X. 44
Par lors qu'vn Roy sera contre les siens,
Natif de Bloys subiuguera Ligures:
Mammel, Cordube & les Dalmatiens, res.
Des sept puis l'ombre à Roy estrennes & lemu-
Donum Olim Occultas -- Novembre 2008

Novembre 6
VIII. 43
Par le decide de deux choses bastars,
Nepueu du sang occupera le regne,
Dedans lectoyre seront les coups de dards
Nepueu par pleira l'enseigne.

VIII. 44
Le procreé naturel dogmion,
De sept à neuf du chemin destorner
A roy de longue & amy au my hom,
Doit à Nauarre fort de Pav prosterner.

VIII. 71
Croistra le nombre si grand des Astronomes
Chassez, bannis & liures censurez,
L'an mil six cens & sept par sacre glomes,
Que nul aux sacres ne seront asseurez.

Novembre 13
IV. 13
De plus grand perte nouuelles rapportees,
Le rapport fait le camp s’eslongnera:
Bendes vnies encontre reuoltees,
Double phalange grand abandonnera.

Novembre 14
V. 20
Delà les Alpes grand armee passera,
Vn peu deuant naistra monstre vapin:
Prodigieux & subit tournera,
Le grand Toscan à son lieu plus propin.
Novembre 18
I. 44
En breb, ¬eront de retour ¬acrifices,
Contrevenant ¬eront mis Ю martire:
Plus ne ¬eront Moines, Abbez, ne novices,
Le miel ¬era beaucoup plus cher que cire.

I. 50
De l’aquatique triplicitИ naistra,
D’vn qui fera le Ieudy pour sa feste.
Son bruit, los, regne, sa puissance croistra,
Par terre & mer, aux Oriens tempeste.

Novembre 19
II. 43
Durant l'estoille cheueluë apparente,
Les trois grands Princes seront faits ennemys,
Frappez du ciel paix terre trembulente,
pau, Tymbre, vndans, serpens sur le bord mis.

II. 86
Naufrage à classe pres d'onde Hadriatique,
La terre esmeuë sus lair en terre mis:
Egypte tremble augment Mahommetique,
Heraut se rendre à crier est commis

IX. 27
De bois la garde, vent clos rond pont sera,
Haut le receu frappera le Dauphin,
Le vieux teccon bois vnis passera,
Passant plus outre du Duc le droict confin.

Novembre 20
III. 75
Pau, Veronne, Vincence, Saragousse,
De glaiues loings, terroirs de sang humides:
Peste si grande viendra à la grande gousse
Proches secours & bien loings les remedes.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Novembre 2008
X. 22
Pour ne vouloir consentir au diuorce,
Qui puis apres sera cogneu indigne,
Le Roy des Isles sera chassé par force,
Mis à son lieu qui de Roy n'aura signe.

Novembre 21
IV. 53
Les fugitifs & bannis reuoquez,
Pere & fils grand garniƒƒant les haut puis.
Le cruel pere, & les ƒiens ƒuffoquez,
Son fils plus pire ƒubmergé dans le puits.

Novembre 22
V. 53
La loy de Sol, & Venus contendans,
Appropriant l'esprit de prophetie:
Ne l'vn ne l'autre ne seront entendans,
Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Messie.

Novembre 26
VII. 24
L'enseuely sortira du tombeau,
Fera de chaines lier le fort du pont:
Empoisonné auec œufs de Barbeau,
Grand de Lorraine par le Marquis du Pont.

Novembre 29
I. 52
Les deux malins de Scorpion conioint,
Le grand Seigneur meurtry de dans ¬a ¬alle:
Pe¬te Ю l'Egli¬e par le nouueau Roy ioint.
L'Europe ba¬¬e, & Septentrionale.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2008

Decembre 2
IV. 12
Le camp plus grand de route mis en fuite,
Gueres plus outre ne sera pourchassé:
Ost recampé & region reduicte,
Puis hors de Gaule du tout sera chassé.

Decembre 8
IX. 23
Puisnay ioüant au fresch dessous la tonne,
Le haut du toict du milieu sur la teste:
Le pere Roy au temple sainct Solonne,
Sacrifiant sacrera fum de feste.

Decembre 9
X. 7
Le grand conflit qu'on appreste à Nancy,
L'Aemathien dira tout ie soubmets,
L'Isle Britanne par vin, sel en solcy,
Hem. mi. deux Phi. long temps ne tiendra Mets.

Decembre 11
I. 12
Dans peu dira fauce brute fragile,
De bas en haut, efleuИ promptement,
Puis en intant desloayale & labile,
Qui de Veronne aura gouuernement.

Decembre 12
II. 1
Vers Aquitaine par insuls Britani-ques
Et par eux mesmes grandes incursions
Pluyes, gelees feront terroirs iniques
Port Selyn fortes fera inuasions.
II. 72
Armee Celtique en Italie vexee,
De toutes parts conflit & grande perte,
Romains fuis, ô Gaule repoussee,
Pres du Thesin, Rubicon pugne incerte.

Decembre 13
III. 67
Vne nouuelle fecte de Philosophes,
Mesprisant mort, or, honneurs & richesses,
Des monts Germains ne ƒeront limitrophes:
A les ensuyure auront appuy & preƒƒes.

III. 81
Le grand criard ƒans honte audacieux,
Sera eƒle gouuerneur del' armée:
La hardieƒƒe de ƒon contentieux.
Le pontrompu, cité de peur paƒmée.

Decembre 14
IV. 27
Salon, Mansol, Tarascon de Sex l'arc,
Où est debout encor la pyramide:
Viendront liurer le prince d'Annemarc,
Rachapt honny au prince d'Artamide.

IV. 65
Au deserteur de la grand forteresse,
Apres qu'aura son lieu abandonné:
Son aduersaire fera si grand proüesse,
L'Empereur tost mort sera condamné.

Decembre 16
I. 1
Estant assis de nuict secret estude,
Seul reposИ fus la selle d'airain;
Flambe exigue sortant de solitude
Feit proferer qui n'est Ю croire en vain.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2008
I. 3
Quand la litiere du tourbillon ver¬ee,
Et ¬eront faces de leurs manteaux couvers,
La republique par gens nouveaux vexИe,
Lors blancs & rouges iugeront Ю l'enuers.

VI. 51
Peuple assemblé voir nouueau expectacle
Princes & Roys par plusieurs assistans,
Pilliers faillir, murs, mais comme miracle,
Le Roy sauué & trente des instans.

VI. 55
Au Chalmé Duc en arrachant l'esponce,
Voille arabesque voir, subit descouuerte:
Tripolis, Chio, & ceux de Trapesonce,
Duc prins, Marnegro, & sa cité deserte.

VI. 64
On ne tiendra pache aucune arreƒté,
Tous receuans iront par tromperie.
De paix & trefue terre & mer proteƒté
Par Barcelonne claƒƒe prins d'induƒtrie,

VI. 74
Là dechassée au regne tournera,
Ses ennemis trouuez des coniurez:
Plus que iamais son temps triomphera.
Trois & septante à mort trop asseurez.

Decembre 17
VIII. 27
La voye auxelle l'vn sur l'autre fornix.
Du muy de ser hor mis braue & genest,
L'escript d'empereur le fenix
Veu en celuy ce gu'à nul autre n'est.
Decembre 18
I. 11
Le mouuement de sens, c°ur, pieds & mains
Seront d'accord, Naples, Leon, Secile.
Glaiues, feux, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains
Plongez, tuez, morts par cerueau debile.

I. 32
Le grand empire sera tost translatИ
En lieu petit, qui bien tost viendra croistre
Lieu bien infime, d'exiguК comtИ.
Ou au milieu viemdra poser son Sceptre.

I. 39
De nuict dan le lict le supresme estrangle
Pour trop auoir subiournИ blond esleu
Par trois l'Empire subroge exancle,
A mort mettra carte, pacquet ne leu.

I. 43
Auant qu'aduienne le changement d'Empire,
Il adviendra vn cas bien merveilleux:
Le champ muИ, le piller de porphire,
Mis, tran¬latИ ¬ur le rocher noi¬eux.

I. 89
Toust ceux de Ilerde seront dedans Moselle
Mettans А mort tous ceux de Loyre & Saine,
Secours marin viendra pres d'haute velle,
Quand l'Espagnol ouurira toute veine.

Decembre 19
II. 24
Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner,
Plus part du camp encontre Hister sera,
En cage de fer le grand fera trainner,
Qunad Rin enfant Germain obseruera.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2008
II. 56
Que peste & glaiue n'a peu s'en definer,
Mort dans le puys sommet du ciel frappé,
L'abbé mourra quand verra ruyner
Ceux du naufrage, l'escueil voulant grapper.

II. 58
Sans pied ne main dent ayguë & forte
Par globe au fort de porc & l'aisné nay,
Pres du portail desloyal se transporte,
Silene luyt petit grand emmené.

II. 64
Seicher de faim, de soif gent Geneuoise,
Espoir prochain viendra au defaillir,
Sur point tremblant sera loy Gebenoise,
Classe au grand port ne se peut accueillir.

II. 80
Apres conflit du Ieffé l'éloquence,
Par peu de temps se tramme faim, repos,
Point on n'admet les grands à deliurance,
Des ennemis sont remis à propos.

II. 83
Par le traffic du grand Lyon changé
Et la plus-part tourné en pristine ruine.
Proye aux soldats par pille vendangé,
Par Iura mont & Sueue bruine.

Decembre 20
II. 63
Gaulois, Ausone, bien peu subiuguera,
Pau, Marne, & Seine fera Perme l’vrie:
Qui le grand mur contre eux dressera,
Du moindre au mur le grand perdra la vie.

III. 7
Les fugitifs feu du ciel sus les piques,
Conflit prochain des corbeaux s’esbatans:
De terre on crie aide secours celiques,
Quand pres des murs seront combatans.
III. 62
Proche del duero par mer Cire ne close,
Viendra percer les grands monts Pyrenées.
La main plus courte & sa perçée glose
A Carcassonne conduira ses menées.

III. 72
Le bon vieillard tout enseuely,
Pres du grand fleuue par faute soupçon,
Le nouueau vieux de richesse ennobly:
Prins à chemin tout l'or de la rançon.

Decembre 21
III. 12
Par la tumeur de Heb. Po, Tag. Tymb. & Rome,
Et par l'estang Geman & Aretin:
Les deux grands chefs & citez de Garonne,
Prins, morts, noyez, partir humain butin.

IV. 57
Ignare enuie du grand ROy supportee,
Tiendra propos deffendre les escrits:
Sa femme non femme par vn autre tentee,
Plus double deux ne feront ne cris.

Decembre 22
IV. 30
Plus vnze fois Luna Sol ne voudra,
Tous augmentez & baissez de degré:
Et si bas mis que peu or on coudra,
Qu'apres faim, peste, decouuert le secret.

V. 8
Sera laissé le feu mort vif caché,
Dedans les globes horribles espouuentable
De nuict à classé cité en poudre laché,
Ls cité à feu, l'ennemy fauorable.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2008
V. 43
La grand ruyne des sacrees ne s'eslongne,
Prouence, Naples, Sicile Seez & Ponce:
En Germanie, au Rin & à Cologne,
Vexez à mort par tous ceux de Magonce.

V. 88
Sur le sablon par vn hydeux deluge,
Des autres mers trouué monstre marin:
Proche du lieu sera fait vn refuge,
Tenant Sauone esclaue de Turin.

Decembre 23
VI. 23
D'eƒprit de regne muniƒmes deƒcriez.
Et ƒeront peuples eƒmeus contre leur Roy,
Paix, fain¢t nouueau ƒain¢tes loix empirées,
Rapis onc fut en ƒi tres-dur arroy.

VI. 91
Du conducteur de la guerre nauale,
Reuge effrené, seuere, horrible grippe,
Captif eschappé de l'aisné dans la baste:
Quand il naistra du grand vn fils Agrippe.

Decembre 28
III. 57
Sept fois changer verrez gent Britannique
Taints en sang en deux cents nonante an:
France, non, point par appuy Germanique,
Ariez doubte son pole Bastarnan.

Decembre 30
II. 7
Entre pluƒieurs aux iƒles deportez,
L'vn eƒtre nay à deux dents en la gorge
Mourront de faim les arbres ébroutez.
Pour eux neuf Roy nouuel edi¢t leur forge.
X. 18
Le ranc Lorrain fera place a Vandosme,
Le hault mis bas, & le bas mis en hault,
Le fils d'Hamon sera esleu dans Rome,
Et les deux grands seront mis en defaut.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2008

Sur ladicte annee 2008

La mer Tyrrhene, l'Occean par la garde,
Du grand Neptun & ses tridens soldats:
Prouence seure par la main du grand Tende,
Plus Mars Narbon l'heroiq de Vilars.

P - 105
Pire cent fois cest an que l'an passé,
Mesme au plus Grands du regne & de l'Eglise:
Maux infinis, mort, exil, ruine, cassé,
A mort Grande estre. peste, playes & bille.

P - 79
Lever sain, sang, mais esmeu. rien d'accord,
Infinis murtres. captifs, morts, preuenus:
Tant d'eau & peste. peu de tout. sonnez cors,
Pris, morts, fuits, grands deuenir, venus.

P - 130
Mort, maladie aux ieunes femmes, rhumes,
De teste aux yeux mal heur Marsâds de terre:
De mer infaust. semes mal. vin par brumes,
Prou huile trop de pluye. aux fruits moleste. guerre.

Ianuier 2008
Le gros airain qui les heures ordonne,
Sur le trespas du Tyran cassera:
Pleurs, plaintes & cris, eaux, glace pain ne dône
V. S. C. paix, l'arme passera.

P - 15
L'indigne orné craindra la grand fornaise,
L'esleu premier, des captifs n'en retourne:
Grand bas du monde, L'Irale non alaise,
Barb. Ister, Malte. Et le Buy ne retourne.
P - 119
Perte, iacture grande, & non sans violence,
Tous ceux de la foy, plus à religion,
Les plus Grands perdrôt vie, leur hôneur & cheuance
Toutes les deux Eglises. la coulpe à leur faction.

Feburier 2008
P - 81
Des ennemis mort de langue s'approche,
Le Debonnaire en paix voudra reduire:
Les obstinez voudront perdre la proche,
Surpris, captifs, & suspects fureur nuire.

Auril 2008
De n'auoir garde seras plus offensé,
Le foible fort, l'inquiet pacifique:
La faim on crie. le peuple est oppressé,
La mer rougit, le Long fier & inique.

P - 26
Par la discorde defaillir au defaut,
Vn tout à coup le remettra au sus:
Vers l'Aquilon seront les bruits si haut,
Lesions, pointes à trauers, par dessus.

P - 50
Du lieu esleu Razes n'estre contens,
Du lac Leman conduite non prouuée:
Renouueller on fera le vieil temps,
Espeuillera la trame tant couuée.

P - 83
En debats Princes & Chrestienté esmeuë,
Gentils estranges. siege à CHRIST molesté:
Venu tresmal. prou bien. mortelle veuë.
Mort Orient peste, faim, mal traité.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2008

P - 109
Pulluler peste. les Sectes s'entrebatre,
Temps moderé l'hyuer peu de retour:
De messe & presche grieuement soy debattre,
Inonder fleuues. maux, mortels tout autour.

May 2008
Le cinq, six, quinze, tard & tost l'on seiourne,
Le né sans fin: les citez reuoltées:
L'heraut de paix vint & trois s'en retourne,
L'ouuert cinq serre. nouuelles inuentées.

P - 61
Ioye non longue, abandonné des siens,
L'an pestilent, le plus Grand assailli:
La Dame bonne aux champs Elysiens,
Et la plus part des biens froid non cueilly.

P - 97
Temps inconstant. fieures, peste, langueurs,
Guerres, debats. temps desolé sans feindre:
Submersions. Prince à mineurs rigueurs,
Felices Rois & Grands, autre mort craindre.

Iuin 2008
Loin prés de l'Vrne le malin tourne arriere,
Qu'au grand Mars feu donra empeschement:
Vers l'Aquilon au midy la grand fiersl,
FLORA tiendra la porte en pensement.

Iuillet 2008
P - 18
L'heraut errant du chien au Lion tourne,
Feu ville ardra, pille, prise nouuelle:
Decouurir fustes. Princes pris, on retourne,
Explor, pris Gall. au grand iointe pucelle.
P - 29
Guerre, tonnerre, maints champs depopulez,
Frayeur & bruit, assault à la frontiere:
Grand Grand failli. pardon aux Exilez,
Germains, Hispans. par mer Barba. banniere.

P - 99
En peril monde & Rois feliciter,
Razes esmeu. par conseil ce qu'estoit
L'Eglise Rois pour eux peuple irriter,
Vn monstrera apres ce qu'il n'estoit.

P - 112
Gresle, rouïlleure, pluyes & grandes playes,
Preseruer femmes, seront cause du bruit:
Mort de plusieurs peste, fer, faim par hayes,
Ciel sera veu quoy dire qu'il reluit.

P - 125
Par pestilente & feu fruits d'arbres periront,
Signe d'huile abonder. Pere Denys non gueres:
Des grands mourir. mais peu d'estrangers sailliront,
Insult, marin Barbare, & dangers de frontieres.

Aoust 2008
P - 30
Bruit sera vain. les defaillans troussez,
Les Razes pris: esleu le Pempotan:
Faillir deux Rouges & quatre bien croisez,
Pluye empeschable au Monarque potent.

P - 126
Pluyes fort excessiues, & de biens abondance,
De besteil pris iuste estre. fêmes hors de dâger:
Gresles, pluyes, tônerres: peuple abatu en Frâce,
Par mort trauailleront. mort peuple corriger.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2008
Septembre 2008
P - 11
Pleurer le ciel. à il cela faict faire,
La mer s'appreste. Annibal fait ses ruses:
Denys mouille. classe tarde. ne taire,
Na sçeu secret. & à quoy tu t'amuses.

P - 20
Mer, terre aller. foy, loyauté rompuë,
Pille, naufrage. à la cité tumulte:
Fier, cruel acte. ambition repeuë,
Foible offensé le chef du fait inulte.

P - 75
Remis seront en leur pleine puissance,
D'vn point d'accord conioints, non accordez:
Tous defiez. plus aux Razes fiance,
Plusieurs d'entre eux à bande debordez.

P - 127
Armes, playes cesser. mort de seditieux,
Le pere Liber grand non trop abondra:
Malins seront saisis par plus malicieux,
France plus que iamais victrix triomphera.

P - 139
Longues langueurs de teste nopce, ennemi,
Par Prelat & voyage. songe du Grand terreur:
Feu & ruine grande trouué en lieu oblique,
Par torrent decouuert sortir noues erreurs.

Octobre 2008
P - 12
Venus Neptune poursuiura l'entreprinse,
Serrez pensifs. troublez les opposans:
Classe en Adrie. citez vers la Tamise,
Le quart bruit blesse de nuict les reposans.
P - 31
Pluye, vent, classe Barbare Ister. Tyrrhene,
Passer holocades Geres, soldats munies:
Reduits bien faicts par Flor. franchie Sienne,
Les deux seront morts, amitiez vnies.

P - 55
Sera receuë la requeste decenté,
Seront chassez & puis remis au sus:
La Grande Grande se trouuera contente,
Aueugles, sourds seront mis au dessus.

P - 76
Par le legat du terrestre & marin,
La grande Cape à tout s'accommoder:
Estre à l'escoute tacite LORVARIN,
Qu'à son aduis ne voudra accorder.

P - 89
Voicy le mois par maux tant à doubter,
Mors, tous seigner peste, faim, quereller:
Ceux du rebours d'exil viendront noter,
Grands, secrets, morts, non de contreroller.

P - 102
La bouche & gorge en feruides pustules,
De sept Grands cinq. toux distillante nuire:
Pluye si longue. à non mort tournent bulles,
Le Grand mourir, qui trestous faisoit luire.

Nouembre 2008
P - 13
Le grand du ciel soubs la Cape donra,
Secours. Adrie à la porte faict offre:
Se sauuera des dangers qui pourra,
La nuict le Grand blessé poursuit le coffre.

P - 32
Venus la belle entrera dedans FLORE,
Les Exilez secrets lairront la place:
Vefues beaucoup. mort de Grand on deplore,
Oster du regne. le Grand Grand ne menace.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2008
P - 103
Par bruit de feu Grands & Vieux defaillir.
Peste assoupie. vne plus grande naistre:
Peste de l'Ara. foin caché, peu ceuillir,
Mourir troupeau fertil. ioye hors prestre.

Decembre 2008
P - 14
La porte exclame trop frauduleuse & feinte,
La geule ouuerte, condition de paix:
Rosne au cristal. eau, neige, glace teinte,
La mort, mort, vent. par pluye cassé faix.

P - 33
Ieux, festins, nopces. mort Prelat de renom,
Bruit, paix de trefue pendant l'ennemy mine:
Mer, terre & ciel bruit. fait du grand Brennon,
Cris or, argent. l'ennemi l'on ruine.

P - 46
La ioye en larmes viendra captiuer Mars,
Deuant le Grand seront esmeus Diuins:
Sans sonner mot entreront par trois pars,
Mars assoupi. dessus glas troutent vins.

P - 91
Mort par despit fera les autres luire,
Et en haut lieu de grands maux aduenir:
Tristes concepts à chacun viendront nuire,
Temporel digne. la Messe paruenir.

P - 104
Alegre point. douce fureur au Sacre,
Enflez trois quatre & au costé mourir:
Voye defaillir, n'estre à demy au sacre,
Par sept & trois, & par quinte courir.

P - 117
Forte gelée. glace plus que concorde,
Vefues matrones, feu, deploration:
Ieux, esbats, ioye. Mars citera discorde,
Par mariages bonne expectation.

Janvier 1
VI. 76
La cité antique d'antenorée forge,
Plus ne pouuant le tyran supporter:
Le manche fainct au temple couper gorge,
Les siens le peuple à mort viendra bouter.

Janvier 3
V. 6
Au Roy l'augure sus le chef la main mettre
Viendra prier pour la paix Italique;
A la main gauche viendra changer se Sceptre,
De Roy viendra Empereur pacifique.

V. 17
De nuict passant le Roy pres d'vne Andronne
Celuy de Cypres & principal guette,
Le Roy failly la main fuit long du Rosne,
Les coniurez l'iront à mort mettre.

Janvier 6
VIII. 17
Les bien-aiƒez ƒubit ƒeront deƒmis,
Par les trois freres le monde mis en trouble.
Cité marine ƒaiƒiront ennemis,
Faim, feu, ƒang, peƒte, & de tous maux le double.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2009
MAY 2009

May 18
III. 65
Quand le sepulcre du grand Romain trouué
Le iour apres sera esleu pontife:
Du senat gueres il ne sera prouué,
Emprisonné son sang au sacré scyphe.

May 19
IV. 11
Celuy qu'aura couuert de la grand cappe,
Sera induit à quelque cas patrer:
Le douze rouges viendront souiller la nape,
Soubs meurtre, meurtre se viendra perpetrer.

May 21
VI. 50
Dedans le puits seront trouuez les os,
Sera l'incest commis par la marastre;
L'estat changé on querra bruit & los,
Et aura Mars ascendant pour son astre.
JUIN 2009

Juin 16
I. 80
De la fixiesme claire splendeur celeste,
Viendra tonner si fort eu la Bourgongne :
Puis naistra monstre de tres-hydeuse beste,
MArs, Auril, May, Iuin, grand charpin & rongne

Juin 17
I. 27
Dessous de chaine Guien du Ciel frappИ,
Non loing de lЮ, cachИ le thresor,
Qui par long siecles auoit estИ grappИ,
TrouuИ mourra, l'°il creuИ de ressort.

II. 10
Auant long temps le tout sera rangé
Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre,
L'estat des masques & des seule bien changé
Peu trouueront qu'à son rang vueillent ester

II. 11
Le prochain fils de l'aƒnier paruiendra,
Tant eƒleué iuƒqu au regne des fors,
Son aƒpre gloire vn chacun la craindra,
Mais ƒes enfans du regne iettez hours.

II. 48
La grand coppie qui passera les monts,
Saturne en l'Arc tournant du poisson Mars,
Venins chachez soubs testes de Saulmons,
Leurs chefs pendus à fil de polemars.

II. 73
Au lac Fucin de Benac le riuage,
Prins du Leman ou port de l'Origuion.
Nay de trois bras predict belliq' image.
Par trois couronnes au grand Endymion.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2009
Juin 18
I. 23
Au maoys troisiesme se leuant du Soleil,
Sanglier, Liepard au champ Mars pour com-battre
Liepard laissИ, au ciel extend son °il,
Vn Aigle autour du solei voir s'esbatre.

I. 62
La grande perte, laslque feront les lettres,
Auant le cicle de Latona parfait:
Feu, grand deluge, plus par ignares ¬ceptres,
Que de long ¬iecle ne ¬e verra refait.

I. 96
Celuy qui aura la charge de de¬truire
Temples, & fe¢tes changez par fanta¬ie :
Plus aux rochers qu'aux viuans viendra nuire,
Par langue ornИe d'oreilles ra¬¬a¬ie.

II. 33
Par le torrent qui descend de Veronne,
Par lors qu'au Pol guindera son entree,
Vn grand naufrage, & non moins en Garonne
Quand ceux de Gennes Marseront leur contree,

III. 14
Par le rameau du vaillant personnage,
De France infime par le pere infelice:
Honneurs, richesses, trauail en son vieil aage,
Pour auoir creu le conseil d'homme nice.

III. 35
Du plus profond de l'Occident d'Europe,
De pauures gens vn ieune enfant naistra:
Qui par sa langue seduira grande trouppe,
Son bruit au regne d'Orient plus croistra,

III. 47
Le vieux monarque dechassé de son regne
Aux Oriens son secours ira querre,
Pour peur de croix ployera son enseigne,
En Mitilene ira par port & par terre.
Juin 19
II. 42
Coq, chiens, & chats, de sang seront repeus,
Et de la playe du tyrant trouué mort:
Au lict d'vn autre iambes & bras rompus,
Qui n'auoit peu mourir de cruelle mort.

II. 74
De Sens, d'Autun viendront iusques au Rosne
Pour passer outre vers les monts Pyrennees
La gent sortir de la marque d'Auconne,
Par terre & mer le suyura à grands trainnées.

Juin 20
I. 71
La Tour Mariue trois fois prinse & reprinse
Par Espagnols, Barbares, Ligurins,
Marseille & Aix, Arles par ceux de Pise
Vast, feu, fer, pille, Auignon des Thurins.

III. 55
En l'an qu'vn œil en France regnera,
La cour ƒera à vn bien faƒcheux trouble:
Le grand de Bloys ƒon amy tuera :
Le regne mis en mal & doute double.

IV. 68
En l'an bien proche eslongné de Venus,
Les deux plus grands de l'Asie & d'Affrique :
Du Rin & Hyster, qu'on dira sont venus,
Cris, pleurs à Malte & costé à Lygustique.

V. 92
Apres le siege tenu dix sept ans,
Cinq changeront en tel reuolu terme:
Puis sera l'vn esleu de mesme temps,
Qui des Romains ne sera trop conforme.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2009
V. 100
Le boute-feu par son feu attrapé,
De feu du ciel par Carcas & Cominge,
Foix, aux, Mazeres, haut vieillard eschappé,
Par ceux de Hasse, des Saxons & Turinge.

Juin 21
I. 81
D'humain troupeau neuf ¬eront mis Ю part,
De iugement & con¬eil ¬eparez:
Leur ¬ort ¬era diui¬И en depart,
Kappa, Thita, Lambda mors bannis e¬garez.

IV. 32
Es lieux & temps chair au poiƒƒ. donra lieu :
La loy commune ƒera faite au contraire :
Vieux tiendra fort, puis oƒté du milieu
Le Panta coina philôn mis fort arriere.

V. 71
Par la fureur d'vn qui attandra l'eau,
Par la grand rage tout l'exercice esmeu,
Chargé de nobles à dix-sept batteaux,
Au long du Rosne tard messager venu.

VI. 13
Vn dubiteux ne viendra loing du regne,
La plus grand part le voudra soustenir
Vn capitole ne voudra point qu'il regne,
Sa grande charge ne pourra maintenir.

VI. 69
La pitié grande ƒera ƒans loing tarder,
Ceux qui donnoient ƒeront contraints de prendre
Nuds affamez de froid, ƒoif, ƒoy bander,
Les mons paƒƒer commettant grand eƒclandre.

VI. 100
Fille de l'Aure, aƒyle du mal ƒain,
Ou jusqu'au ciel ƒe void l'amphitteatre
Prodige veu, ton mal eƒt fort prochain
Seras captive, & deux fois plus de quatre.
Juin 22
II. 91
Soleil leuant vn grand feu on verra,
Bruit & clarté vers Aquilon tendant:
Dedans le rond mort & cris on orra,
Par glaiue, feu, faim mort les attendans.

II. 97
Romain Pontife garde de t'aprocher,
De la cité qui deux fleuues arrouse:
Ton sang viendras aupres de là cracher
Toy & les tiens quand fleurira la rose,

VI. 31
Roy trouuera ce qu'il de ƒiroit tant,
Quand le Prelat ƒera reprins à tort:
Reƒponce au Duc le rendra mal content,
Qui dans Milan mettra pluƒieurs à mort.

Juin 23
VII. 20
Ambassadeurs de la Toscane langue,
Auril & May Alpes & mer passer:
Celuy de veau exposera l'harangue,
Vie Gauloise ne venant effacer.

VIII. 47
Lac Trasmenien portera tesmoignage,
Des coniurez sarez dedans Perouse
Vn despolle contrefera le sage,
Tuant Tedesq de sterne & minuse.

Juin 24
VI. 18
Par les phisiques le grand Roy delaissé,
Par sort non art ne l'Ebrieu est en vie:
Luy & son genre au regne haut poussé,
Grace donne à gent qui Christ enuie.

VI. 54
Au poinct du iour au second chant du coq
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2009
Ceux de Tunes, de Fez, & de Bugie:
Par les Arabes captif le Roy Maroq,
L'an mil six cens & sept de Liturgie.

VIII. 81
Le neuf empire en desolation,
Sera changé du pole aquilonaire,
De la Sicile viendra l'emotion,
Troubler l'emprise à Philip. tributaire.

Juin 25
V. 49
Nul de l'Espagne mais de l'antique France,
Ne sera esleu pour le tremblant nacelle:
A l'ennemy sera faicte fiance,
Qui dans son regne sera peste cruelle.

V. 59
Au chef Anglois à Nimes trop feiour,
Deuers l'Espagne au secours Areobarbe,
Plusieurs mourront par Mars ouuert ce iour,
Quand en Artois faillir estoille en barbe.

V. 61
L'enfant du grand n'estant à sa naissance,
Subiuguera les hauts monts Appennins,
Fera trembler tous ceux de la Balance,
Et des monts feux iusques à mont Cenis.

VII. 6
Naples, Palerme, & toute la Cecile,
Par main babare sera inhabitée,
Corsicque, Salerne & de Sardeigne l'Isle,
Faim, peste guerre, fin de maux intemptée.

VIII. 24
Lieutenant à l'entrée de l'huys
Assommera le grand de Parpignan,
En se cuidant sauuer à Montpertuis.
Sera deceu bastard de Lusignan.
Juin 26
VIII. 29
Au quart pillier l'on sacre à Saturne.
Par tremblant terre & deluge fendu
Sous l'edifice Saturin trouuée vrne,
D'or Capion rauy & puis rendu.

VIII. 36
Sera commis conte oindre aduché
De Saulne & sainct Aulbin & Belœuure
Pauer de marbre de tous loing espluché
Non Bleteran resister & chef d'œuure.

IX. 91
L'horrible peste Perynte & Nicopolle,
Le Chersonnez tiendra & Marceloyne,
La Thessalie vastera l'amphipolle,
Mal incogneu, & le refus d'Anthoine.

Juin 28
VIII. 70
Il entrera viain, meschant, infame
Tyrannisant la Mesopotamie
Tous amis faict d'adulterine dame.
Terre horrible noir de phisomie.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2009

Juillet 16
I. 4
Par l'vniuers sera fait vn Monarque,
Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement,
Lors se perdra la piscature barque,
Sera regie en plus grand detriment.

Juillet 24
VII. 31
De Languedoc, & Guienne plus de dix,
Mille voudront les Alpes repasser :
Grans Allobroges Marser contre Brundis,
A quin & Bresse les viendront recasser.

VII. 32
Du mont Royal naistra d'vne casane,
Qui caue, & compte viendra tyranniser,
Dresser copie de la Marse Millane,
Fauene, Florence d'or & gens espuiser.

VII. 39
Le conducteur de l'armée Françoise,
Cuidant perdre le principale phalange :
Par sus paué de l'auaigne & d'ardoise,
Soy parfondra par Gennes gent estrange.

Juillet 25
VIII. 14
Le grand credit d'or & d'argent l'abondance
Fera aueugler par libide l'honneur.
Sera cogneu sera d'adultere l'offense
Qui paruiendra à ƒon grand deshonneur.

VIII. 54
Soubs la couleur du traicté mariage,
Fait magnanime par grand Chyren selin,
Quintin, Arras recouurez au voyage
D'espagnols fait second banc macelin.
VIII. 66
Quand l'escriture D. M. trouuée,
Et caue antique à lampe descouuerte,
Loy, Roy & Prince Vlpian esprouuée,
Pauillon Royne & Duc sous la couuerte.

VIII. 73
Soldat Barbare le grand Roy frappera,
Iniustement non eslongné de mort,
L'auare mere du faict cause sera
Coniurateur & regne en grand remort.

Juillet 26
IX. 6
Par la Guyenne infinité d'Anglois
Occuperont par nom d'Anglaquitaine
Du Languedoc I palme Bourdelois.
Qu'ils nommeront apres Barboxitaine.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Aoust 2009
AOUST 2009

Aoust 26
VIII. 72
Champ Perusin ô l'enorme deffaite
Et le conflict tout aupres de Rauenne
Passage sacre lors qu'on fera la feste,
Vainqueur vaincu cheual manger l'auenne.

VIII. 77
L'antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre,
Les heretiques morts, captifs exilez,
Son corps humain eau rougie gresler terre.

VIII. 82
Ronge long, sec faisant du bon vallet,
A la parfin n'aura que son congie,
Poignant poyson, & lettres au collet,
Sera saisi eschappé en dangie.

Aoust 27
IX. 62
Au grand de Cheramonagora
Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez,
Le pertinax Oppi, & Mandragora,
Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez.

Septembre 21
II. 18
Nouuelle & pluye subite, impetueuse
Empeshera subit deux exercices,
Pierre, ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse
La mort de sept, terre & marin subites.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Septembre 2009

Octobre 16
I. 16
Faux Ю l'e¬tang, ioint vers le Sagittaire,
En ¬on haut AUGE de l'exaltation,
Pe¬te, famine, mort de main militaire,
Le ¬iecle approche de renovation.

Octobre 18
III. 44
Quand l'animal à l'homme domestique
Apres grand peine & sauts viendra parler:
Le foudre à vierge sera si malefique
De terre prinse & suspenduë en l'air.

Octobre 20
V. 36
De sœur le frere par simulte faintise,
Viendra mesler rosee en myneral:
Sur la placente donne à vieille tardiue,
Meurt le goustant sera simple & rural.

Octobre 21
I. 30
La nef estrange par le tourment marin
Abordera pres de port incogneu,
Nonobstant signes du rameau palmerin,
Apres mort, pille, bon auis tard venu.

Octobre 22
II. 67
La blonde au nez forché viendra commettre
Par le duelle & chassera dehors,
Les exilez dedans fera remettre
Aux lieux marins commettant les plus forts.
Octobre 23
III. 69
Grand exercice conduit par iouuenceau,
Se viendra rendre aux mains des ennemis:
Mais le vieillard nay au demy pourceau,
Fera Chalon & Mascon estre amis.

Octobre 24
IV. 15
D'où pensera faire venir famine,
De là viendra le rassasiement:
L'œil de la mer par auare canine,
Pour de l'vn l'autre donra huille froment.

IV. 89
Trente de Londres secret coniureront,
Contre leur Roy sur le pont l'entreprinse,
Luy, satalites la mort degousteront.
Vn Roy esleu blonde, natif de Frize.

IV. 99
L'aisné vaillant de la fille du Roy,
Repoussera si auant les Celtiques,
Qu'il mettra foudres, combien en tel arroy,
Peu & loing puis profondes Hesperiques.

Octobre 26
VI. 65
Gris & Bureau, demie ouuerte guerre,
De nuict seront assailliz & pillez:
Le bureau prins passera par la serre,
Son temple ouuert deux aux plastres grillez,

VI. 97
Cinq & quarante degrez ciel bruslera,
Feu approcher de la grand cité neuue,
Instant grand flamme esparse sautera,
Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuue,
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2009

Sur ladicte annee 2009

P - 118
Aux plus grands mort, iacture d'hôneur. & violence.
Professeurs de la foy, leur estat & leur secte:
Aux deux grâds Eglises diuers bruit, decadêce,
Maux voisins querellâs serfs d'Eglise sâs teste.

Ianuier 2009
P - 93 Ianuier
Temps fort diuers, discorde descouuerte,
Conseil belliq. changement pris, changé:
La Grande n'estre. coniurez par eau perte,
Grand simulté. tous au plus Grand rangé.

P - 131
Prisons, secrets: ennuis. entre proches discorde,
La vie on donnera. par mal diuers catarrhes:
La mort s'en ensuiura. poison fera concorde,
Frayeur, poeur, crainte grande. voyageant lairra d'arres

Feburier 2009
Prés du Leman la frayeur sera grande,
Par le conseil, cela ne peut faillir:
Le nouueau Roy fait apprester sa bande,
Le ieune meurt faim, poeur fera saillir.

P - 48
Rompre diete. lantiq sacré rauoir,
Dessoubz les deux. feu par pardon s'ensuiure:
Hors d'armes Sacre: long Rouge voudra auoir,
Paix du neglect. l'Esleu le Vefue viure.

P - 120
A deux fort Grandes naistres perte pernitieuse,
Les plus Grands feront perte biens, d'honneur, & de vie,
Tant grâds bruits couriront. l'vrne trop odieuse.
Grands maladies estre. presche, messe en enuie.
Mars 2009
P - 121
Les seruâts des Eglises leur Seigneurs trahirôt,
D'autres Seigneurs aussi par l'indiuis des châps:
Voisins de presche & messe entre eux querelleront,
Rumeurs, brutits augmenter. à mort plusieurs couchans

P - 133
Les ennemis publics, nopces & mariages,
La mort aprés. l'enrichi par les morts:
Les grands amis se monstrer au passage,
Deux sectes iargôner. de surpris tards remords.

P - 39
Par le despit nopces, epithalame,
Par les trois parts Rouges, Razez partis:
Au ieune noir remis par flamme l'ame,
Au grand Neptune Ogmius conuertis.

Iuin 2009
P - 85
L'iniuste bas fort l'on molestera,
Gresle, inonder, thresor, & graué marbre:
Cehf de suard peuple à mort tuera,
Et attachée sera la lame à l'arbre.

P - 124
Les bleds trop n'abonder. de toutes autres fruits force,
L'esté, printemps humides. hiuer long, neige, glace:
En armes l'Orient. la France se renforce,
Mort de bestail prou miel. aux assiegez la place.

Septembre 2009
P - 43
Vierges & vefues, vostre bon temps s'approche,
Point ne sera ce que l'on pretendra:
Loin s'en faudra que soit nouuelle approche,
Bien aisez pris. bien remis. pis tiendra.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2009
Octobre 2009
P - 140
Les Rois & Magistrats par les morts la main mettre,
Ieunes filles malades, & des Grâds corps enfle:
Tout par langeurs & nopces. ennemis serfz au maistre.
Les publiques douleurs. le Côposeur tout enfle.

Nouembre 2009
P - 45
Propos tenuz, nopces recommencées,
La Grande Grande sortira hors de France:
Voix à Romagne de crier non lassée,
Reçoit la paix par trop feinte asseurance.

P - 141
Du retour d'Ambassade. dô de Roy. mis au lieu
Plus n'en fera: sera allé à DIEV:
Parans plus proches, amis, freres du sang,
Trouué tout mort prés du lict & du banc.
MARS 2010

Mars 29
IV. 47
Le noir farouche quand aura eƒƒayé
Sa main ƒanguine par feu fer, arcs tendus,
Treƒtous le peuple ƒera tant effrayé
Voir les plus grands par col, & pieds pendus.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2010
MAY 2010

May 21
IV. 7
Le mineur fils du grand, & hay Prince,
De lepre aura à vingt ans grande tache:
De dueil ƒa mere mourra bien triƒte & mince,
Et il mourra là où tombe chef laƒche.

IV. 9
Le chef du camp au milieu de la presse,
D'vn coup de flesche sera blessé aux cuisses.
Lors que Geneue en larmes & en detresse
Sera trahy par Lozan & Souysses.

May 24
VII. 13
De la cité marine & tributaire,
La teste raze prendra la satrapie:
Chasser sordide qui puis sera contraire,
Par quatorze ans tiendra la tyrannie.

May 25
VIII. 19
A soustenir la grand cappe troublée,
Pour l'esclaircir les rouges Marseront,
De mort famille sera presque accablée,
Les rouges rouges le rouge assommeront.

VIII. 22
Gorsan, Narbonne, par le sel aduertir
Tucham, la grace Parpignan trahie,
La vie rouge n'y voudra consentir,
Par haulte voldrap gris vie faillie.

VIII. 60
Premier en Gaule, premier en Romanie,
Par mer & terre aux Anglois & Paris,
Merueillex faits par celle grand meƒnie,
Violant Terax perdra le NORLARIS.
VIII. 87
Mort conƒpirée viendra en plain effet,
Charge donnée & voyage de mort :
Eƒleu, creé, receu, per ƒiens deffaict,
Sang d'innocent deuant ƒoy par remort.

VIII. 96
La Synagogue sterile sans nul fruit
Sera receuë entre les infideles
De Babylon la fille du porsuit
Misere & triste luy trenchera les aisles.

May 27
X. 61
Betta, Vienne, Emorre, Sacarbance,
Voudront liurer aux Barbares Pannone :
Par picque & feu, enorme violance,
Les coniurez descouuerts par matrone.

May 28
III. 77
Le tiers climat sous Aries comprins,
L'an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre,
Le Roy de Perse par ceus d'Egypte prins,
Conflit, mort, perte, à la croix grand opprobre.

May 29
IV. 90
Les deux copis aux murs ne pourront ioindre
Dans cest instant trembler Milan, Ticin :
Faim, soif, doutance si fort les viendra poindre
Chair, pain, ne viures, n'auront vn seul boucin.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2010
JUIN 2010

Juin 2
VIII. 34
Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon,
Sus la montagne de Ivra Secatombe,
Delues & brodes septiesme million,
Lyon, Vlme à Mausol mort & tombe.

VIII. 48
Saturne en Cancer, Iupiter auec Mars,
Dedans Feurier Caldondon saluaterre.
Sault Castallon assaily de trois pars,
Pres de Verbiesque conflit mortelle guerre.

VIII. 20
Le faux message par election fainte
Courir par vrben rompuë pache arreste,
Voix aceptées, de sang chapelle tainte,
Et à vn autre l'empire contraincte.

Juin 4
VII. 3
Apres de France la victoire nauale,
Les Barchinons, Sallinons, les Phocens,
Lierre d'or, l'enclume serré dedans la balle,
Ceux de Prolon au fraud seront contens.

VII. 17
Le prince rare de pitié & clemence
Par grand repos le regne trauaillé,
Viendra changer par mort grand connoiƒƒance,
Lors que le grand toƒt ƒera eƒtrillé.

VII. 25
Par guerre longue tout l'exercice expuiser,
Que pour soldats ne trouueront pecune:
Lieu d'or d'argent, cuir on viendra cuser,
Gaulois aerain, signe croissant de Lune:
Juin 5
VIII. 33
Le grand naistra de Veronne & Vincence,
Qui portera vn surnom bien indigne.
Qui à Venise vouldra faire vengeance.
Luy mesme prins homme du guet & signe.

VIII. 55
Entre deux fleuues se verra enserré,
Tonneaux & caques vnis à passer outre,
Huict ponts rompus chef à tant enferré,
Enfans parfaicts sont igulez en coultre.

VIII. 85
Entre Bayonne & à sainct Iean de Lux,
Sera pose de Mars la promottoire :
Aux Hanis d'Aquilon Nanar hostera lux,
Puis suffoqué au lict sans adiutoire.

VIII. 91
Frimy les champs de Rodanes entrées
Où les croisez seront presque vnis,
Les deux brassierez en pisces rencontrées,
Et vn grand nombre par deluge punis.

Juin 6
VIII. 30
Dedans Tholose non loing de Beluzer
Faisant vn puis loing, palais d'espectacle
Thresor trouué vn chacun ira vexer,
Et en deux locs tout & prés des vesacle.

IX. 78
La dame Grecque de beauté laydique,
Heureuse faicte de proces innumerable,
Hors translatée au regne Hispanique,
Captiue prinse mourir mort miserable.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2010
IX. 48
La grand' cite d'Occean maritime,
Enuironnée de marets en cristal :
Dans le solstice hyemal & la prime,
Sera tentée de vent espouuental.

IX. 33
Hercules Roy de Rome & d'Annemarc,
De Gaule trois Guion surnommé,
Trembler l'Itale & l'vnde de sainct Marc,
Premier sur tous Monarque renommé.

Juin 7
X. 82
Cris, pleurs, larmes viendront auec coteaux
Semblanyt four donront dernier assault
L'entour parques planter profons plateaux,
Vifs repoussez & murdris de prinsault.

Juin 8
IX. 83
Sol vingt de Taurus si fort terre trembler,
Le grand theatre remply ruinera,
L'air, ciel & terre obscurcir & troubler,
Lors l'infidele Dieu & saincts voguera.

Juin 9
IX. 95
Le nouueau faict conduira l'exercite,
Proche apamé iusqu'aupres du riuage,
Tendant secours de Millanoile eslite,
Duc yeux priue à Milanfer de cage.

L'accord & pache fera du tout rompuë,
Les amitiéz polluës par diƒcordes,
L'haine enuieillie, toute foy corrompuë,
Et l'Eƒperance Marƒeille ƒans concorde.
Juin 10
XII. 56 LX
Roy Contre Roy, & le Duc contre Prince
Haine entre iceux, diƒƒenƒion horrible
Rage & tureur ƒera toute province
France grande guerre & changement terrible.

Juin 19
II. 2
La teƒte bleue fera la teƒte blanche,
Autant de mal, que France a fait leur bien:
Mort à l'anthenne, grand pendu ƒur la branche,
Quand prins des ƒiens, le Roy dira combien.

Juin 24
VII. 33
Par fraude, regne, forces expolier,
La classe obsesse, passages à l'espie:
Deux faincts amis se viendront t'allier,
Esueiller haine de long temps assoupie.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2010

Juillet 3
VIII. 67
Par. car. nersaf, à ruine grand discorde,
Ne l'vn ne l'autre n'aura election,
Nersaf du peuple aura amour & concorde,
Ferrare, Collonne grande protection:

VIII. 98
Des gens d'Egliƒe ƒang ƒera eƒpanché,
Comme de l'eau en ƒi grande abondance:
Et d'vn long-temps ne ƒera retranché,
Ve, ve au clerc ruine & doleance.

Juillet 5
VII. 7
Sur le combat des grands cheuaux legers,
On criera le grand croissant confond.
De nuict tuer mont, habits de bergers,
Abismes rouges dans le fossé profond.

VII. 23
Le Royal sceptre sera contrainct de prendre,
Ce que ses predecesseurs auoient engagé:
Puis que l'aneau on fera mal entendre,
Lors qu'on viendra le palais saccager.

VII. 27
Au cainct de Vast la grand caualerie,
Proche à Ferrage empesché au bagage,
Pompe a Turin feront tel volerie,
Que dans le fort rauiront leur hostage.

VII. 30
Le sac s'approche, feu, grand song espandu,
Po, grand fleuues, aux bouuiers l'entreprinse,
De Gennes, Nice, apres long attendu,
Foussan, Turin, à Sauillan la prinse.
VII. 35
La grande poƒche viendra plaindre, plorer,
D'auoir eƒleu, trompez ƒeront en l’aage:
Guiere auec eux ne voudra demourer,
Deceu ƒera par ceux de ƒon langage.

Juillet 6
VIII. 53
Dedans Bologne voudra lauer ses fautes,
Il ne pourra au temple du soleil,
Il volera faisant chose si hautes,
En hierarchie n'en fut oncq vn pareil.

VIII. 56
La bande foible le tertre occupera
Ceux du haut lieu feront horribles cris,
Le gros troupeau d'estre coin troublera,
Tombe pres D. nebro descouuers les escris.

VIII. 62
Lors qu'on verra expiler le ƒain¢t, Temple,
Plus grand du Roƒne leur ƒacrez profanez,
Par eux naiƒtra peƒtilence ƒi ample,
Roy fuit iniuƒte ne fera condamner.

VIII. 64
Dedans les Isles les enfans transportez,
Les deux de sept seront en desespoir :
Ceux de terroüer en seront supportez,
Nom pelle prins des ligues fuy l'espoir.

VIII. 93
Sept mois sans plus obtiendra prelature
Par son decez grand scisme fera naistre :
Sept mois tiendra vn autre la preture,
Pres de Venise paix vnion renaistre.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2010
Juillet 7
IX. 35
Et Ferdinand blonde sera descorte,
Quitter la fleur, suyure le Macedon,
Au grand besoing defaillira sa routte,
Et Marsera contre le Myrmiden.

IX. 38
L'entrée de Blaye par Rochelle & l'Anglois,
Passera outre le grand Aemathien,
Non loing d'Agen attendra le Gaulois,
Secours Narbonne deceu par entretien.

IX. 44
Migrés, migrés de Genefue trestous,
Saturne d'or en fer se changera,
Le contre Raypoz exterminera tous,
Auant l'aruent le Ciel signes fera.

IX. 76
Auec le noir Rapax & sanguinaire,
Yssu du peaultre de l'inhumain Neron,
Emmy deux fleuues main gauche militaire,
Sera murtry par Ioyne chaulueron.

IX. 81
Le Roy rusé entendra ses embusches
De trois quartiers ennemis assaillir,
Vn nombre estrange larmes de coqueluches
Viendra Lemprin du traducteur faillir.
AOUST 2010

Aoust 5
VII. 40
Dedans tonneaux hors oingts d'huile & gresse,
Seront vingt vn deuant le port fermez,
Au second guet par mort feront proüesse,
Gaigner les portes, & du guet assommez.

Aoust 6
VIII. 2 (B)
Plusieurs viendront, & parleront de paix
Entre Monarques & seigneurs bien puissans,
Mais ne sera accordé de si prés,
Que ne se rendent plus qu'autres obeissans,

IX. 5
Tiers doibt du pied au premier semblera
A vn nouueau Monarque de bas haut
Qui Pyse & Luques Tyran occupera
Du precedent corriger le deffault.

Aoust 8
IX. 16
De castel Franco sortira l'assemblée,
L'ambassadeur non plaisant fera scisme :
Ceux de Ribiere seront en la meslée,
Et au grand goulphre desnier ont l'entrée.

X. 39
Premier fils vefue malheureux mariage,
Sans nuls enfans deux Iƒles en diƒcord :
Auant dix-hui¢t incompetant aage,
De l'autre pres plus bas ƒera l'accord.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Aoust 2010
Aoust 10
IX. 40
Prés de Quintin dans la forest bourlis,
Dans l'Abbaye seront Flamans ranchés :
Les deux puisnais de coups my estourdis,
Suitte oppressée & garde tous achés.

Septembre 1
II. 17
Le camp du temple de la vierge vestale,
Non esloigné d'Ethene & monts Pyrenées :
Le grand conduit est caché dans la male,
North, getez, fleuues, & vignes mastinees.

II. 71
Les exilez en Sicile viendront,
Pour deliurer la gent estrange :
Au point du iour les Celtes luy faudront,
La vie demeure à raison Roy se range.

Septembre 4
V. 65
Subit venu l'effrayeur sera grande,
Des principaux de l'affaire cachez :
Et dame en braise plus ne sera veuë,
De peu à peu seront
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2010

May 2010
P - 135
Du pere au fils s'approche: Magistrats dits seuere,
Les grandes nopces. ennemis garbelans:
De latens mis auant. par la foy d'improperes,
Les bons amis & fêmes contre tels groumelâs

Iuin 2010
P - 98
Du lieu soumis la peste & fuite naistre,
Temps variant. vent. la mort de trois Grands:
Du ciel grands foudres. estat des Razes paistre,
Vieil prés de mort bois peu dedans vergans.

Janvier 18
I. 2
Vn peur & voix fremissent par les manches,
De l'onde il moulle le limbe & le pied,
La verge en main mise au milieu des branches,
Splendeur diuine, le diuin pres s'assied.

Janvier 19
II. 9
Neuf ans le regne le maigre en paix tiendra
Puis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire
Pour luy grand peuple sans foy & loy mourra,
Tué par vn beaucoup plus debonnaire.

II. 26
Pour la faueur que la cité fera,
Au grand qui tost perdra champ de bataille
Puis le rang Pau, Thesin versera
De sang, feux, morts, noyez, de coups de taille.

Janvier 20
III. 16
Le prince Anglois Mars à son cœur de ciel,
Voudra pour suyure sa fortune prospere:
Des deux duels l'vn percera le fiel,
Hay de luy, bien aymé de sa mere.

Janvier 21
IV. 84
Vn grand d'Auserre mourra bien miserable
Chassé de ceux qui soubs luy ont esté,
Serré de chaisnes, apres d'vn rude cable,
En l'an que Mars Venus, Sol mis en esté.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Janvier 2011
Janvier 24
VII. 19
Le fort Nicene ne sera combatu,
Vaincu sera par rutilant metal,
Son faict sera vn long temps debatu
Aux citadins estrange espouuantal.

VII. 22
Les Citoyens de Mesopotamie,
Irez encontre amis de Tarraconne,
Ieux, rits, banquets, toute gent endormie
Vicaire au Rosne, prins cité, ceux d'Ausone.

VII. 81
La stratageme simulte sera rare
La mort en voye rebelle par contrée,
Par le retour du voyage Barbare
Exalteront la protestante entrée.

Janvier 25
Clarté fulgure à Lyon apparante
Luysant, print Malte, subit sera estrainte,
Sardon, Mauris traitera deceuante,
Geneue à Londres à Coq trahison fainte.

VIII. 51
Le Bizantin faisant oblation,
Apres auoir Cordube à soy reprinse:
Son chemin long repos pamplation,
Mer passant proy par la Colongna prinse.

VIII. 100
Pour l'abondance de l'arme respanduë
Du haut en bas par le bas au plus haut
Trop grande foy par ieu vie perduë,
De soif mourir par habondant deffaut.
Janvier 30
V. 54
Du pont Eunixe & la grand Tartarie,
Vn Roy sera qui viendra voir la Gaule,
Transpercera Alane & l'Armenie,
Et dans Bisance lairra sanglante Gaule.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Fevrier 2011

Fevrier 18
I. 38
Le Sol & l'Aigle au vi¢ teur paroi¬tront,
Re¬pon¬e vaine au vaincu l'on a¬¬eure:
Par cor, ne crys harnois n'arre¬teront
Vindi¢te, paix, morts ¬i acheue Ю l'heure.

Fevrier 24
VII. 16
Entrée profonde par la grand Royne faicte;
Rendra le lieu puissant inaccessible:
L'armée des trois Lyons sera deffaicte,
Faisant dedans cas hideux & terrible.

VII. 41
Les os des pieds & des mains enserrez,
Par bruit maison long temps inhabitée,
Seront par songes concauant deterrez,
Maison salubre & sans bruit habitee.

Fevrier 25
Dedans Monech le coq sera receu,
Le Cardinal de France apparoistra
Par Logarion Romain sera deceu,
Foiblesse à l'Aigle, & force au Coq naistra.

VIII. 58
Regne en querelle aux freres diuisé,
Prendre les armes & le nom Britannique
Tiltre d'Anglican sera tard aduisé,
Surprins de nuict mener à l'air Gallique.

VIII. 86
Par Arnani Tholoser Ville Franque,
Bande infinie par le mont Adrian,
Passe riuiere, Hutin par pont la planque,
Bayonne entrer tous Bichoro criant.
MARS 2011

Mars 24
VII. 0
Qui legent hosce versus, maturé censunte:
Prophanum vulgus & inscium ne attrectato:
Omnesque Astrologi, Blenni, Barbari procul sunto,
Qui aliter faxit, is rité sacer esto.

VII. 26
Fustes & galees autour de sept nauires,
Sera liurée vne mortelle guerre:
Chef de Madric receura coup de vires,
Deux eschapées, & cinq menées à terre.

Mars 25
Prés de Linterne dans de tonnes fermez,
Chiuaz fera pour l'Aigle la menée,
L'esleu cassé luy ses gens enfermez,
Dedans Turin rapt espouse emmenée.

Pendant que l'Aigle & le Coq à Sauone
Seront vnis, Mer, Leuant & Ongrie.
L'armée à Naples, Palerme, Marque d'Ancone
Rome, Venise par Barbe horrible crie.

VIII. 35
Dedans l'entrée de Garonne & Bayse,
Et la forest non loing de Damazan
Du marsaues gelées, puis gresle & bize
Dordonnois gelle par erreur de Mezan.

VIII. 68
Vieux Cardinal par le ieune deceu,
Hors de sa charge se verra desarmé,
Arles ne monstres double soit aperceu,
Et Liqueduct & le Prince embaumé.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Mars 2011
VIII. 74
En terre neufue bien auant Roy entré
Pendant subges luy viendront faire acueil,
Sa perfidie aura tel rencontré,
Qu'aux citadins lieu de feste & recueil.

Mars 26
IX. 60
Conflict Barbar en la Cornere noire,
Sang espandu trembler la Dalmatie,
Grand Ismaël mettra son promontoire,
Ranes trembler, secours Lusitanie.

Mars 27
X. 5
Albi & Castres feront nouuelle ligue,
Neuf Arriens Lisbon & Portugués,
Carcas, Tholose consumeront leur brigue,
Quand chef neuf monstre de Lauragués.

X. 94
De Nismes, d'Arles, & Vienne contemner,
N'obey tout à l'edict Hesperique:
Aux labouriez pour le grand condamner,
Six eschappez en habit seraphicque.
AVRIL 2011

Avril 7
X. 68
L'armée de mer deuant cité tiendra,
Puis partira sans faire longue allée:
Citoyens grande proye enterre prendra,
Retourner classe reprendre grande emblée.

Avril 19
IV. 6
D'habits nouueaux apres fait la treuue,
Malice tramme & machination:
Premier mourra qui en sera la preuue,
Couleur Venise insidiation.

Avril 22
VII. 9
Dame à l'absence de son grand capitaine,
Sera priée d'amour du Viceroy,
Faincte promesse & mal'heureuse estreine.
Entre les mains du grand Prince Barroys.

Avril 23
VI. 52
En lieu du grand qui sera condamné,
De prison hors son amy en sa place:
L'espoir Troyen en six mois ioint mort nay.
Le Sol à l'vrne seront prins fleuues en glace.

Avril 24
VII. 1
L'Arc du thresor par Achilles deceu.
Aux procrees sceu la quadrangulaire:
Au faict Royal le comment sera sceu,
Corps veu pendu au veu du populaire.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Avril 2011
VII. 3
Apres de France la victoire nauale,
Les Barchinons, Sallinons, les Phocens,
Lierre d'or, l'enclume serré dedans la balle,
Ceux de Prolon au fraud seront contens.

VII. 28
Le capitaine conduira grande proye,
Sur la montagne des ennemis plus proche:
Enuironné, par feu fera telle voye,
Tous eschappez, or trente mis en broche.

VII. 80
L'Occident libres les Isles Britanniques
Le recogneu passer le bas, puis haut
Ne content triste Rebel. corff. Escotiques
Puis rebeller par plus & par nuict chaut.

Avril 25
VIII. 10
Puanteur grande sortira de Lausanne,
Qu'on ne sçaura l'origine du fait.
Lon mettra hors tout la gent loingtaine
Feu veu au ciel, peuple estranger deffait.

VIII. 11
Peuple infiny paroistra à Vicence
Sans force feu brusler la basilique
Prés de Lunage deffait grand de Valence,
Lors que Venise par mort prendra pique.

VIII. 13
Le croisé frere par amour effrenée
Fera par Praytus Bellerophon mourir,
Classe à mil ans la femme forcenée
Beu le breuuage, tous deux apres perir.

VIII. 21
Au port de Agde trois fustes entreront
Portant l'infect non foy & pestilence
Passant le pont mil milles embleront,
Et le pont rompre à tierce resistance.
VIII. 32
Garde toy roy Gaulois de ton nepueu,
Qui fera tant que ton vnique fils
Sera meurtry à Venus faisant vœu,
Accompagné denuict que trois & six.

Avril 26
IX. 88
Calais, Arras secours à Theroanne,
Paix & semblant simulera l'escoute,
Soul de d'Alobrox descendre par Roane
Destornay peuple qui defera la routte.

IX. 89
Sept ans ƒera Philipp. fortune preƒpere,
Rabaiƒƒera des Arabes l'effort,
Puis ƒon midy perplex, rebours affaire,
Ieuƒne oignion abiƒmera ƒon fort.

IX. 96
Dans cité entrer exercit desniée,
Duc entrera par persuasion,
Aux foibles portes clam armée amenée,
Mettront feu, mort, de sang effusion.

Avril 27
X. 31
Le sainct empire viendra en Germanie,
Ismaëlites trouueront lieux ouuerts.
Anes voudront aussi la Carmanie,
Les soustenans de terre tous couuerts.

X. 93
La barque neufue receura les voyages,
Là & aupres transfereront l’empire:
Beaucaire, Arles retiendront les hostages,
Prés deux colomnes trouuées de porphire.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Avril 2011
X. 96
Religion du nom des mers vaincra,
Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
Secte obstinée deplorée craindra,
Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph.
MAY 2011

May 1
VII. 15
Deuant cité de l'Insobre contrée,
Sept ans sera le siege deuant mis:
Le tresgrand Roy y fera son entrée,
Cité puis libre hors de ses ennemis.

May 5
VII. 2
Par Mars ouuert Arles ne donra guerre,
De nuict seront les soldats estonnez:
Noir, blanc à l'inde dissimulé en terre,
Sous la saincte ombre traistre verrez & sonnez.

VII. 5
Vin sur la table en sera respandu,
Le tiers n'aura celle qu'il pretendoit:
Deux fois du noir de Parme descendu:
Perouse à Pise fera ce qu'il cuidoit.

May 6
VIII. 23
Lettres trouuées de la Royne les coffres,
Point de subscrit sans aucun nom d'autheur,
Par la police seront cachez les offres,
Qu'on ne sçaura qui sera l'amateur.

VIII. 46
Pol mensolée mourra trois lieuës du rosne,
Fuis les deux prochains tarasc destrois:
Car mars fera le plus horrible trosne,
De coq & d'Aigle de France freres trois.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
May 7
IX. 12
Le tant d'argent de Diane & Mercure
Les simulachres au lac seront trouuez:
Le figulier cherchant argille neufue
Luy & les siens d'or seront abbreuuez.

IX. 31
Le tremblement de terre à Mortara,
Cassich sainct Georges à demy perfondrez,
Paix assoupie, la guerre esueillera,
Dans temple à Pasques abysmes enfondrez.

IX. 32
De fin porphire profond collon trouuée
Dessous la laze escripts capitolin:
Os poil retors Romain force prouuée,
Classe agiter au port de Methelin.

IX. 39
En Arbissel à Veront & Carcari,
De nuict conduicts par Sauone attraper,
Le vif Gascon Turby, & la Scerry,
Derrier mur vieux & neuf palais gripper.

IX. 70
Harnois trenchans dans les flambeaux cachez
Dedans Lyon, le iour du Sacrement,
Cieux de Vienne ƒeront treƒtouz hachez,
Par les cantons Latins Maƒconnement.

IX. 73
Dans Fois entrez Roy ceiulee Turban,
Et regnera moins euolu Saturne,
Roy Turban blanc Bizance cœur ban,
Sol, Mars, Mercure prés la hurne.

IX. 75
De l'Ambraxie & du pays de Thrace,
Peuple par mer mal & secours Gaulois,
Perpetuelle en Prouence la trace,
Auec vestiges de leur coustume & loix.
May 8
X. 13
Soulz la pasture d'animaux ruminants
Par eux conduicts au ventre herbipolique
Soldats cachez, les armes bruit menants,
Non loing temptez de cité Antipolique.

X. 33
La faction cruelle à robbe longue
Viendra cacher souz les pointus poignards
Saisir Florence le duc & lieu diphlongue,
Sa descouuerte par immeurs & flangnards.

X. 35
Puisnay royal flagrand d'ardant libide,
Pour se iouyr de cousine germaine
Habit de femme au temple d’Arthemide:
Allant murdry par incogneu du Marne.

X. 59
Dedans Lyon vingt-cinq d'vne haltine,
Cinq Citoyens Germains, Breƒians, Latins:
Par deƒƒous nobles conduiront longue treine,
Et deƒcouuerts par abois de maƒtins.

X. 60
Ie pleure Nisse, Mannego, Pize, Gennes,
Sauone, Sienne, Capue, Modene, Malte:
Le dessus sang & glaiue par estrennes,
Feu, trembler terre, eau, mal'heureuse nolte.

X. 62
Prés de Sorbin pour assaillir Ongrie.
L'herault de Brudes les viendra aduertir,
Chef Bizantin, Sallon de Sclauonie,
A loy d'Arabes les viendra conuertir.

X. 70
Lœil par obiect fera telle excroissance,
Tant & ardente que tombera la neige,
Champ arrousé viendra en decroissance,
Que le primat succombera à Rege.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
X. 73
Le temps present auecques le passé
Sera iugé par grand Iouialiste,
Le monde tard luy sera lassé,
Et desloyal par le clergé iuriste.

X. 77
Trente adherans de l'ordre des quirettes
Bannis, leurs biens donnez ses aduersaires,
Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour demerites
Classe espargie deliurez aux corsaires.

X. 81
Mis thresor temple citadins Hesperiques
Dans iceluy retiré en secret lieu
Le temple ouurir les liens fameliques
Reprens, rauis, proye horrible au milieu.

May 10
Fleuues, riuieres de mal ƒeront obƒtacles,
La vieille flamme d'ire non appaiĎe,
Courir en France, cecy comme d'Oracles,
Maiƒons, manoirs, palais, ƒeƒte raƒée.

May 12
VII. 29
Le grand Duc d'Albe se viendra rebeller,
A ses grands peres fera le tradiment:
Le grand de Guise le viendra debeller,
Captif mené & dressé monument.

May 15
X. 9
De Castillon figuieres nour de brune,
De femme infame naistra souuerain prince
Surnom de chausses perhume luy posthume,
Onc Roy ne fut si pire en sa prouince.
May 18
IX. 15
Prés de Parpan les rouges detenus,
Ceux du milieu parfondrez menez loing:
Trois mis en pieces, & cinq mal soustenus,
Pour le Seigneur & Prelat de Bourboing.

X. 23
Au peuple ingrat faictes les remonstrances,
Par lors l'armée se saisira d'Antibe,
Dans l'arc Monech feront les doleances,
Et à Freius l'vn l'autre prendra ribe.

X. 28
Second & tiers qui font prime muƒique
Sera par Roy en honneur ƒublimée,
Par grace & maigre preƒque demy eticque
Rapport de Venus faux rendra deprimée.

May 19
X. 24
Le Captif prince aux Itales vaincu
Passera Gennes par mer iusqu'à Marseille,
Par grand effort des forens suruaincu
Sauf coup de feu, barril liqueur d'abeille.

X. 26
Le successeur vengera son beau frere,
Occuper regne souz ombre de vengeance,
Occis ostacle son sang mort vitupere,
Long temps Bretagne tiendra auec la France.

X. 36
Apres le Roy du soucq guerres parlant,
L'isle Harmotique le tiendra à mespris:
Quelques ans bons rongeant vn & pillant
Par tyrannie à l'isle changeant pris.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
X. 49
Iardin du monde aupres de cité neufue,
Dans le chemin des montagnes cauées,
Sera saisi & plongé dans la cuue,
Beuuant par force eaux soulphre enuenimées.

X. 30
Nepueu & sang du sainct nouueau venu,
Par le surnom soustient arcs & couuert
Seront chassez mis à mort chassez nu,
En rouge & noir conuertiront leur vert.

May 20
XII. 4
FEu, flamme, Faum, furt, farouche, fumée,
Fera faillir, froiƒƒant fort foy faucher,
Fils de Derité : toute Prouence humée,
Chaƒƒé de Regne, enragé ƒang cracher.

IX. 13
Les exilez autour de la Solongne
Conduits de nui¢t pour Marser à Lauxois,
Deux de Modenne truculent de Bolongne,
Mis deƒcouuerts par feu de Burançois.

IX. 34
La part sous mary sera mitré,
Retour conflict passera sur la thuille:
Par cinq cens vn trahyr sera tiltré,
Narbon & Saulce par contaux auons d'huille.

IX. 87
Par la forest de Touphon essartée,
Par hermitage sera posé le temple,
De Duc d'Estempes par sa ruse inuentée,
Du mont Lehori prelat donra exemple.

X. 84
Le naturelle à si hault hault non bas
Le tard retour fera marris contens,
Le Recloing ne sera sans debats,
En empliant & perdant tout son temps.
X. 100
Le grand empire sera par Angleterre,
Le Pempotam des ans plus de trois cens:
Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,
Les Lusitains n'en seront pas contens.

May 21
VI. 6
Apparoistra vers Septentrion,
Non loing de Cancer l'Estoille cheueluë:
Suse, Sienne, Boece, Eretrion
Mourra de Rome grand, la nuit disperuë.

XI. 97
Par Ville-franche, Maƒcon en deƒarroy
Dans les fagots ƒeront ƒoldats cachez,
Changer de temps en prime pour le Roy,
Par de Chalon & Moulins tous hachez.

X. 2
Voile gallere voil de nef cachera,
La grande classe viendra sortir la moindre,
Dix naues proches le tourneront poulser,
Grande vaincue vnies à soy ioindre.

May 22
A tenir fort par fureur contraindra,
Tout cœur trembler, Languon aduent terrible,
Le cuop de pied mille pieds ƒe rendra,
Gyroud, Garoud ne furent plus horribles.

May 24
VII. 8
Flora, fuis, fuis le plus proche Romain,
Au Fesulan sera conflict donné:
Sang espandu, les plus grands prins à main,
Temple ne sexe ne sera pardonné.
Donum Olim Occultas -- May 2011
VII. 34
En grand regret sera la gent Gauloise,
Cœur vain, leger croira temerité:
Pain, sel, ne vin, eau, venin ne ceruoise,
Plus grand captif, faim, froid, necessité.

May 25
VIII. 50
La pestilence l'entour de Capadille,
Vne autre faim pres de Sagone s’appreste:
Le cheualier bastard de bon senille,
Au grand de Thunes fera trancher la teste.

VIII. 61
Iamais par le decouurement du iour
Ne paruiendra au signe sceptrifere
Que tous ses sieges ne soient en seiour,
Portant au coq don du Tag amifere.

VIII. 89
Pour ne tomber entre mains de son oncle,
Qui les enfans par regner trucidez,
Orant au peuple mettant pied sur Peloncle
Mort & traisné entre cheuaux bardez.

VIII. 95
Le seducteur sera mis en la fosse,
Et estaché iusques à quelque temps,
Le clerc vny le chef auec sa crosse
Pycante droite attraira les contens.

VIII. 25
Cœur de l'amant ouuert d'amour fertiue
Dans le ruisseau fera rauir la Dame,
Le demy mal contrefera lassiue,
Le pere à deux priuera corps de l'ame.
May 26
IX. 28
Voille Symacle pour Massiliolique,
Dans Venise port Marser aux Pannons:
Partir du goulfre & Synus Illyrique,
Vast à Socille, Ligurs coups de canons.

IX. 66
Paix, vnion ƒera & changement,
Eƒtats, offices bas, haut, & haut bien bas
Dreƒƒer voyage, le frui¢t premier torment,
Guerre ceƒƒer, ciuil procez, debats.

IX. 93
Les ennemis du fort bien esloignez,
Par chariots conduict le bastion,
Par sur les murs de Bourges esgrongnez
Quand Hercules battra l'Haemathion.

May 27
X. 78
Subite ioye en subite tristesse
Sera à Rome aux graces embrassées.
Dueil, cris, pleurs, larm. sang excellent liesse :
Contraires bandes surprinses & troulsées.

May 29
XII. 62
Guerres, debats á Blois guerre & tumulte,
Diuers aguets, adueux inopinables,
Entrer dedans Chaƒteau-trompette, inƒulte:
Chaƒteau du Ha, qui en ƒeront coulpables.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2011
JUIN 2011

Juin 9
X. 10. 11
Dessous Ionchere du dangereux passage
Fera passer le posthume sa bande,
Les monts Pyrens passer hors son bagage
De Parpignan couurira Duc à Tende.

Juin 18
X. 95
Dans les Espagnes viêdra Roy tres-puissant,
Par mer & terre subjugant or midy :
Ce mal sera, rabaissant le croissant,
Baisser les aesles à ceux du vendredy.

Juin 16
VIII. 3 (B)
Las quelle fureur! helas quelle pitié,
Il u aura entre beaucoup de gens!
On ne vit onc vne telle amitié,
Qu'auront les loups à courir diligens.

Juin 17
VIII. 5 (B)
Plusieurs secours viendront de tous costez,
De gens loingtains qui voudront resister:
Ils seront tout à coup bien hastez,
Mais ne pourront pour ceste heure assister.

Juin 18
IX. 9
Quand lampe ardente de feu inextinguible
Sera trouue au temple des Veƒtales:
Enfant trouué feu, eau paƒƒant par crible:
Perir eau, Nysmes, Tholoƒe cheoir les alles.
IX. 57. 56
Camp pres de Noudam passera Goussan ville,
Et à Maiotes laissera son enseigne,
Conuertira en instant plus de mille,
Cherchant les deux remettre en chaine & legne.

IX. 58
Au costé gauche à l'endroit de Vitri,
Seront guettez les trois rouges de France
Tous assoumez rouge, noir non meurdry,
Par les Bretons remis en asseurance.

IX. 59
A la Ferté prendra la Vidame,
Nicol tenu rouge qu'auoit produit la vie,
La grand Loyse naistra que fera clame.
Donnant Bourgongne à Bretons par enuie.

IX. 79
Le chef de classe, par fraude stratageme,
Fera timides sortir de leurs galleres,
Sortis meurtris chef renieux de cresme,
Puis par l'embusche luy rendront le saleres.

I. 37
Vn peu devant que le Soleil s'ab¬con¬e
Conflit donnИ, grand peuple dubieux:
Profigez, port marin ne fait re¬pon¬e,
Pont & ¬epulcre en deux e¬tranges lieux.

Juin 19
II. 31
En campagne Cassilin fera tant
Qu'on ne verra que d'eau les champs couuerts
Deuant, apres, la pluye de long temps
Hors mis les arbres rien l'on verra de vert.

X. 91
Clergé Romain l'an mil six cens & neuf,
Au chef de l'an fera élection
D'vn gris & noir de la Compagne yssu,
Qui onc ne fut si maling.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juin 2011
X. 53
Les trois pellices de loing s'entrebatron,
La plus grand moindre demeurera à l'escoute;
Le grand Selin n'en sera plus patron,
Le nommera feu pelte blanche routte.

X. 38
Amour alegre non loin pose le siege,
Au sainct barbar seront les garnisons,
Vrsins Hadrie pour Gaulois feront plaige,
Pour peut rendus de l'armée aux Grisons.

X. 20
Tous les amys qu'auront tenu party,
Pour rude en lettres mis mort & saccagé,
Biens publiez par fixe grand neanty,
Onc Romain peuple ne fut tant outragé.

Juin 23
VI. 92
Prince de beauté tant venuste,
Au chef menée, le second faict trahy:
La cité au glaiue de poudre face aduste,
Par trop grand meurtre le chef du Roy hay.

Juin 24
VII. 73
REnfort de sieges manubis & maniples
Changez le sacre & passe sur le prosne,
Prins & captifs n'arreste les prez triples
Plus par fonds mis, esleué, mis au trosne.

Juin 27
X. 89
De brique en marbre serôt les murs reduicts,
Sept & cinquante années pacifique,
Ioye aux humains, renoüé l'aqueduict,
Santé, grands fruits, joye & temps melifique.
Juin 29
XII. 55
Triƒtes conƒeils deƒloyaux, cauteleux,
Aduis meƒchans, la Loy ƒera trahie,
Le peuple eƒmeu, farouche, querelleux:
Tant bourg que Ville, toute la paix haye
Donum Olim Occultas -- Juillet 2011

Juillet 7
IX. 99
Vent Aquilon fera partir le siege,
Par murs ietter cendres, chaulx, & poussiere:
Par pluye apres qui leur fera bien piege,
Dernier secours encontre leur frontiere.

Juillet 20
X. 56
Prelat royal son baissant trop tiré,
Grand flux de sang sortira par sa bouche,
Le regne Anglicque par regne respiré,
Long temps mort vif en Tunis comme souche.

Juillet 22
Aƒƒault farouche en Cypre ƒe prepare,
La lamre à l'œil de ta ruine s’approche:
Byzance claƒƒe, Moriƒque ƒi grand tare,
Deux differens, le grand vaƒt par la roche.

Novembre 18
III. 78
Le chef d'Escosse, auec six d'Alemagne,
Par gens de mer Orientaux captifs,
Trauerseront le Calpre & Espagne,
Present en Perse au nouueau Roy craintif.

Novembre 19
IV. 79
Sang Royal fuis Monthurt, Mas, Eguillon,
Remplis seront de Bourdelois les Landes,
Nauarre, Bygorre, pointes & eguillons,
Profonds de faim vorer de Liege glandes.

IV. 86
L'an que Saturne en eau sera conioinct,
Auec Sol, le Roy fort & puissant,
A Reims & Aix sera receu & oingt,
Apres conquestes meurtrira innocens,

Novembre 21
VI. 7
Norneigre & Dace, & l'isle Britanique,
Par les vnis freres seront vexees:
Le chef Romain issu du sang Gallique,
Et les copies aux forests repoulsees.

VI. 38
Aux profligez de paix les ennemis,
Apres auoir l'Italie supperee:
Noir sanguinaire, rouge sera commis,
Feu, sang verser, eau de sang coloree.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Novembre 2011
Novembre 25
PAv, nay, loron plus feu qu'à sang sera,
Laude nager, fuir grand aux surrez.
Les agassas entrée refusera,
Pampon, Durance les tiendra enserrez.

VIII. 12
Apparoistra aupres de Buffalore
L'hault & procere entré dedans Milan
L'abbé de Foix auec ceux de sainct Morre
Feront la forbe habillez en vilain.

Novembre 26
I. 24
A CitИ neufue pensif pour condamner,
L'oysel de proye au ciel, se vient offrir
Apres victoire Ю captifs pardonner,
Cremone & Mantoue grand maux aura Ю souffrir

Novembre 27
II. 81
Par feu du Ciel la cité pres qu'aduste,
Vrna menasse encor Ceucalion,
Vexee Sardagne par la punique fuste,
Apres que Libra lairra son Phaeton.

Novembre 28
III. 58
Aupres du Rin des montagnes Moriques
Naistra vn grand de gens trop tard venu.
Qui deffendra Saurome & Pannoniques,
Qu'on ne sçaura qu'il sera deuenu.

X. 63
Cydron, Raguse, la cité au sainct Hieron,
Reuerdira le medicant secours,
Mort fils de Roy par mort de deux heron,
L'Arabe, Ongrie feront vn mesme cours.
Novembre 29
IV. 70
Bien contiguë des grands monts Pyrenées,
Vn contre l'aigle grand copie addresser:
Ouuertes vaines, forces exterminées,
Que iusque à Pau, le chef viendra chasser.

IV. 76
Les Nictobriges par ceux de Perigort,
Seront vexez tenant iusques au Rosne:
L'associé de Gascons & Begorn
Trahir le temple, le prestre estant au prosne.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2011

Decembre 1
III. 59
Barbare Empire par le tiers vsurpé,
La plus part de son sang mettre à mort,
Par mort senile, par luy, le quart frappé,
Par peur que sang par la sang en soit mort.

Decembre 2
IV. 31
La lune au plain de nuict sur le haut mont
Le nouueau sophe d'vn seul cerueau l'a veu,
Par ses disciples estre immortel semond,
Yeux au midy, en sens mains corps au feu.

Decembre 6
Verceil, Milan donra intelligence,
Dedans Tycin sera faite la paye.
Courir par Seine eau, sang feu par Florence,
Vnique choir d'hault en bas faisant maye.

Decembre 17
II. 14
A Tours, Gien, gardé seront yeux (penetrans,
Descouuriront de loing la grand'seraine,
Elle & sa suitte au port seront entrans,
Combats, poussez, puissance souueraine.

Decembre 18
III. 52
En la campagne sera si longue pluye,
Et en la Pouille si grande siccité,
Coq verra l'Aigle lu
III. 56
Montauban, Nismes, Auignon, & Besiers,
Peste, tonnerre, & gresle à fin de Mars:
De Paris pont Lyon mur, Montpellier,
Depuis six cens et sept xxiii. parts.

III. 74
Naples, Florence, Fauence, & Imole,
Seront en termes de telles fascherie,
Que pour complaire aux malheureux de Noll
Plaint d'auoir fait à son chef moquerie.

Decembre 19
II. 92
Feu, couleur d'or du ciel en terre veu,
Frappé du haut n'ay, fait cas merueilleux:
Grand meurtre humain, prinse du grand neueu,
Morts d'expectacles, eschappé l'orgueilleux.

IV. 33
Iupiter ioint plus Venus qu'à la Lune
Appatoiƒƒant de plenitude blanche:
Venus cachée ƒous la blancheur Neptune,
De Mars frappé par la granée blanche.

Decembre 20
III. 34
Quand le deffaut du Soleil lors sera,
Sur le plein iour le monstre sera veu;
Tout autrement on l'interpretera,
Cherté n'a garde, nul n'y aura pourueu.

III. 73
Quand dans le regne paruiendra la boiteux,
Compediteur aura proche bastard,
Luy & le regne viendront si fort rogneux
Qu'ains qu'il guerisse son fait sera bien tard.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Decembre 2011
Decembre 21
VI. 24
Mars & le sceptre se trouuera conioint,
Dessous Cancer calamiteuse guerre:
Vn peu apres sera nouueau Riy oingt,
Qui par long temps pacifiera la terre,

VI. 39
L'enfant du regne part paternelle prince,
Expolié sera pour deliurer:
Aupres du lac Trasimen l'azur prinse,
La trope hostage pour trop fort s'enyurer.

VI. 57
Celuy qu'estoit bien auant dans le regne,
Ayant chef rouge proche à la hierarchie:
Aspre & cruel, & se fera tant craindre,
Succedera a sacree monarchie.

Decembre 24
VII. 11
L'enfant Royal contemnera la mere,
Oeil, pieds blessez, rude, inobeissant,
Nouuelle à dame estrange & bien amere,
Seront tuez des siens plus de cinq cens.

Decembre 25
VIII. 26
De Caton es trouuez en Barselonne,
Mys descouuers lieu terrouers & ruyne,
Le grand qui tient ne tient voudra Pamplonne.
Par l'abbage de Montferrat bruyne.

VIII. 28
Les simulachres d'or et d'argent enflez,
Qu'apres le rapt lac au feu furent iettez
Au descouuert estaincts tous & troublez.
Au marbre escripts, perscripts interiettez.
VIII. 39
Qu'aura esté par prince Bizantin,
Sera tollu par prince de Tholose:
La foy de Foix par le chef Tholentin,
Luy faillira ne refusant l'espouse.

VIII. 42
Par auarice, par force & violence
Viendra vexer les siens chefs d'Orleans,
Prés sainct Memire assault & resistance,
Mort dans sa tante diront qu'il dort leans.

VII. 12
Le grand puisnay fera fin de la guerre.
Aux dieux assemble les excusez:
Cahors, Moissac iront long de la serre,
Reffus Lestore, les Agenois rasez.

Decembre 28
X. 55
Les mal'heureuses nopces celebreront
En grande ioye mais la fin mal’heureuse:
Mary & mere nore desdaigneront,
Le Phybe mort, & nore plus piteuse.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2011

Sur ladicte annee 2011

P - 34
Poeur, glas grâd pille. passer mer, croistre regne,
Sectes, Sacrez outre mer plus polis:
Peste, chaut, feu, Roy d'Aquilon l'enseigne,
Dresser trophée. cité d'HENRIPOLIS.

Mars 2011
P - 5.
O Mars cruel, que tu seras à craindre,
Plus est la Faux auec l'Argent conioint:
Classe, copie. eau, vent l'ombriche craindre,
Mer terre trefue. L'amy à L. V. s'est ioint.

P - 59
Au pied du mur le cendré cordigeré,
L'enclos liuré foulant caualerie:
Du temple hors Mars & le Falcigeré,
Hors. mis, demis. & sus la resuerie.

Auril 2011
P - 122
De tous biens abondance terre nous produira,
Nul bruit de guerre en Frâce, hors mis seditiôs:
Homicides, voleurs par voye on trouuera,
Peu de foy, fieure ardente. peuple en esmotion.

May 2011
P - 71
Rien d'accordé. pire plus fort & trouble,
Comme il estoit. terre & mer tranquiler:
Tout arresté ne vaudra pas vn double,
Dira l'iniq, Conseil d'anichiler.
Iuin 2011
P - 136
Par le thresor, trouué l'heritage du pere:
Les Roys & Magistrats, les nopces, ennemis:
Le public mal-vueillant, les Iuges & le Maire,
La mort, poeur & frayeur. & trois Grands à mort mis.

Iuillet 2011
P - 73
Droit mis au throsne du ciel venu en France,
Pacifié par Vertu l'Vniuers:
Plus sage espandre. bien tost tourner change,
Par les oyseaux, par feu, & non par vers.

P - 86
De quel non mal? inexcusable suite,
Le feu non deul. le Legat hors confus:
Au plus blessé ne sera faite luite,
La fin de Iuin le fil coupé du fus.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Janvier 2012

Janvier 24
VII. 18
Les assiegez couleront leurs paches,
Sept iours apres feront cruelle issuë,
Dans repoulsez, feu sang. Sept mis à l'hache
Dame captiue qu'auoit la paix tissuë.

Janvier 25
VIII. 40
Le ƒang du iuƒte par Taurer la Daurade,
Pour ƒe venger contre les Saturnins
Au nouueau lac plongeront la maynade,
Puis Marseront contre les Albanins.

VIII. 94
Deuant le lac où plus cher fut getté
De sept mois, & son ost desconfit
Seront Hispans par Albannois gastez,
Par delay perte en donnant le conflit.

Janvier 26
IX. 84
Roy exposé parfaira l'hecatombe,
Apres auoir trouué son origine,
Torrent ouurir de marbre & plomb la tombe
D'vn grand Romain d'enseigne Medusine.

IX. 94
Foibles galeres seront vnis ensemble,
Ennemis faux le plus fort en rempart :
Faible assaillies Vratislaue tremble,
Lubecq & Mysne tiendront barbare part.
Janvier 27
X. 6
Sardon Nemans si hault desborderont,
Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre,
Dans le colosse la plus part fuyront,
Vesta sepulchre feu estaint apparoistre.

II. 35
Dans deux logis de nui¢t le feu prendra,
Pluƒieurs dedans eƒtouffez & roƒtis.
Pres de deux fleuues pour ƒeur il aduiendra:
Soll' Arq, Caper tous ƒeront amortis.

Janvier 29
IV. 87
Vn fils du Roy tant de langues appris,
A ƒon aiƒné au regne differant:
Son pere beau au plus grand fils compris
Fera perir principal adherant.

Eiouas proche, eƒloigner lac Leman:
Fort grands appreƒts, retour confuƒion,
Loin des neueux, du feu grand ƒupelman,
Tous de leur ƒuite. *****

Janvier 31
VI. 28
Le grand celtique entrera dedans Rome,
Menant amas d'exilez & bannis:
Le grand pasteur mettra à mort tout homme
Qui pour le coq estoit aux Alpes vnis.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Fevrier 2012

Fevrier 4
VII. 37
Dix enuoyez, chef de nef mettre à mort,
D'vn aduerty, en classe guerre ouuerte:
Confusion chef, l'vn se picque & mord,
Leryn, stecades nefs, cap dedans la nerte.

Fevrier 5
VIII. 31
Premier grand fruict le Prince de Pesquiere:
Mais puis viendra bien & cruel malin,
Dedans Venise perdra sa gloire fiere,
Et mis à mal par plus ioyue Celin.

VIII. 45
La main escharpe & la iambe bandée,
Longs puis nay de Calais portera,
Au mot du guet la mort sera tardée,
Puis dans le temple à Pasques saignera.

VIII. 52
Le roy de Bloys Auignom regner,
D'Amboise & seme viendra le long de Lyndre
Ongle à Poytiers sainctes aisles ruyner
Deuant Boni.

VIII. 65
Le vieux frustré du principal espoir,
Il paruiendra au chef de son empire:
Vingt mois tiendra le regne à grand pouuoir,
Tiran, cruel en delaissant vn pire.

VIII. 92
Loin hors du regne mis en hazard voyage,
Grand oƒt duira pour ƒoy l'occupera,
Le Roy tiendra les ƒiens captif oƒtage
A ƒon retour tout pays pillera.
VIII. 97
Aux fins du Var changer le Pompotans,
Prés du riuage les trois beaux enfans naistre,
Ruyne au peuple par aage competans
Regne au pays charger plus croistre.

VIII. 99
Par la puissance des trois Roys temporels,
En autre lieu sera mis le saint siege:
Où la substance de l'esprit corporel,
Sera remis & receu pour vray siege.

VIII. 1 (B)
Eront confus plusieurs de leurs attente,
Aux habitans ne sera pardonné,
Qui bien pensoient perseuerer l'attente
Mais grand loisir ne leur sera donné.

Fevrier 6
IX. 10
Moyne moynesse d'enfant mort exposé,
Mourir par ourse & rauy par verrier.
Par Fois & Pamyes le camp sera posé
Contre Tholose Carcas dresser forrier.

IX. 24
Sur le palais au rocher des fenestres
Seront rauis les deux petits royaux,
Passer aurelle Luthece Denis cloistres,
Nonnain, mallods aualler verts noyaux.

IX. 25
Passant les Ponts venir prés des rosiers,
Tard arriué plustost qu'il cuydera,
Viendront les noues Espagnols à Besiers,
Qui icelle chasse emprinse cassera.

IX. 43
Proche à descendre l'armée Crucigere,
Sera guettée par les Ismaëlites,
De tous costez batus par nef Rauier,
Prompt assaillis de dix galeres eslites.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Fevrier 2012
IX. 63
Plainctes & pleurs, cris & grands hurlements
Prés de Narbon à Bayonne & en Foix
O quels horribles calamitez changemens,
Auant que Mars reuolu quelques fois.

IX. 72
Encor seront les saincts temples pollus,
Et expillez par Senat Tholosain,
Saturne deux trois siecles reuollus,
Dans Auril, May, gens de nouueau leuain.

IX. 92
Le Roy voudra dans cité neufue entrer
Par ennemis expugner l'on viendra
Captif libere faulx dire & perpetrer,
Roy dehors estre, loin d'ennemis tiendra.

Fevrier 7
X. 14
Vrnel Vaucile sans conseil de soy mesmes
Hardit timide, par crainte prins vaincu,
Accompagné de plusieurs putains blesmes
A Barcellonne aux chartreux conuaincu.

X. 17
La Royne Ergaste voyant sa fille blesme,
Par vn regret dans l'estomach enclos,
Crys lamentables seront lors d'Angolesme,
Et au germain mariage forclos.

X. 37
L' aƒƒemblée grande pres du lac de Borget,
Se ralieront pres de Montmelian:
Marsans plus outre penƒif feront proger,
Chambry, Moraine combat ƒain¢t Iulian.

X. 40
Le ieune nay au regne Britannique,
Qu'aura le pere mourant recommandé,
Iceluy mort Lonole donra topique,
Et à son fils le regne demandé.
X. 50
La Meuse au iour terre de Luxembourg,
Descouurira Saturne & trois en lurne.
Montagne & plaine, ville, cité & bourg,
Lorrain deluge, trahison par grand hurne.

X. 79
Les vieux chemins seront tous embellis,
L'on passera à Memphis somentrées,
Le grand Mercure d'Hercules fleur de lys
Faisant trembler terre mer, & contrées.

Fevrier 18
IX. 97
De mer copies en trois parts diuisées,
A la seconde les viures failleront,
Desesperez cherchant champs Helisées,
Premiers en breches entrez victoire auront.

Fevrier 26
Condon & Aux & autour de Mirande
Ie voy du ciel feu qui les enuironne.
Sol Mars conioint au Lyon, puis Marmande
Foudre, grand gresle, mur tombe dans Garonne.

VIII. 88
Dans la Sardaigne vn noble Roy viendra,
Qui ne tiendra que trois ans le Royaume,
Plusieurs couleurs auec soy conioindra,
Luy mesme apres soin sommeil marrit scome.

Fevrier 27
IX. 64
L'Aemathion passer monts Pyrenées,
En Mars Narbon ne fera resistance,
Par mer & terre fera si grand menée,
Cap. n'ayant terre seure pour demeurance.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Fevrier 2012
Fevrier 28
X. 76
Le grand Senat decernera la pompe,
A vn qu'apres sera vaincu, chassé:
Des adherans seront à son de trompe,
Biens publiez. ennemy dechassé.
MARS 2012

Mars 7
VII. 42
Deux de poison saisis nouueaux venus,
Dans la cuisine du grand Prince verser:
Par le soüillard tous deux au faict cogneus,
Prins qui cuidoit de mort l'aisné vexer.

Mars 8
VIII. 37
La forteresse aupres de la Tamise
Cherra par lors, le Roy dedans serré,
Aupres du pont sera veu en chemise
Vn deuant mort, puis dans le fort barré.

VIII. 38
Le Roy de Bloys dans Auignon regner
Vn autre fois le peuple emonopolle,
Dedans le Rosne par murs fera baigner
Iusques à cinq le dernier prés de Nolle.

VIII. 57
De souldat simple paruiendra en empire,
De robe courte paruiendra à la lonque
Vaillant aux armes en eglise ou plus pyre,
Vexer les prestres comme l'eau faict l'esponge.

VIII. 69
Aupres du ieune se vieux Ange baisser,
Et le viendra sur monter à la fin:
Dix ans esgaux aux plus vieux rabaisser,
De trois deux l'vn huictiesme Seraphin.

VIII. 76
Plus Macelin que Roy en Angleterre,
Lieu obscur nay par force aura l'empire:
Lasche sans foy sans loy seignera terre.
Son temps s'aproche si pres que ie souspire.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Mars 2012
VIII. 84
Paterne aura de la Sicile crie,
Tous les aprests du goulphre de Trieste,
Qui s'entendra iusques à la Trina rie,
De tant de voiles fuy, fuy l'horrible peste.

Mars 9
IX. 18
Le lys Dauffois portera dans Nansi,
Iusques en Flandres Electeur de l'Empire,
Neufue obturée au grand Montmorency,
Hors lieux prouez deliure à clere peyne.

IX. 30
Au port de Pvola & de sainct Nicolas,
Peril Normande au goulfre Phanatique
Cap. de Bisance rues crier helas,
Secors de Gaddes & du grand Philippique.

IX. 42
De Barcelonne, de Gennes & Venise,
De la Secille peste Monet vnis,
Contre Barbare classe prendront la vise,
Barbar poulsé bien loing iusqu'à Thunis.

IX. 44
Migrés, migrés de Genefue trestous,
Saturne d'or en fer se changera,
Le contre Raypoz exterminera tous,
Auant l'aruent le Ciel signes fera.

IX. 45
Ne ƒera ƒaoul iamais de demander,
Grand Mendoƒus obtiendra ƒon empire:
Loin de la Gour fera contrc-mander,
Pymont, Picart, Paris, Tyrten le pire.

IX. 57
Au lieu de Drvx vn Roy reposera,
Et cherchera loy changeant d'Anatheme,
Pendant le ciel si tresfort tonnera,
Portée neufue Roy tuera soy-mesme.
IX. 71
Aux liex sacrez animaux veu à trixe,
Auec celuy qui n'osera le iour,
A Carcassonne pour disgrace propice,
Sera posé pour plus ample seiour.

IX. 80
Le Duc voudra les siens exterminer,
Enuoyera les plus forts lieux estranges,
Par tyrannie Bize & Luc ruyner,
Puis les Barbares sans vin feront vendanges.

IX. 82
Par le deluge & pestilence forte
LA cité grande de long temps assiegée,
La sentinelle & garde de main morte,
Subite prinse, mains de nul oultragée.

IX. 100
Naualle pugne nuict sera superée,
Le feu, aux naues à l'Occident ruine:
Rubriche neufue, la grand nef colorée,
Ire à vaincu, & victoire en bruine.

Mars 10
X. 1
A l'ennemy, l'ennemy foy promiƒe
Ne ƒe tiendra, les captifs retenus:
Prins preme mort, & le reƒte en chemiƒe:
Damné le reƒte pour eƒtre ƒouƒtenus.

X. 3
En apres cinq troupeau ne mettra hors
Vn fuytif pour Penelon laschera,
Faux murmurer secours venir par lors,
Le chef, le siege lors abandonnera.

X. 25
Par Nebro ouurir de Brisanne passage,
Bien esloignez el tago fara muestra,
Dans Pelligouxe sera commis l'outrage
De la grand dame assise sur l'orchestra.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Mars 2012
X. 29
De Pol Mansol dans cauerne caprine
Caché & prins extraict hors par la barbe,
Captif mené comme beste mastine
Par Begourdans amenée prés de Tarbe.

X. 42
Le regne humain d'Angelique geniture,
Fera son regne paix vnion tenir,
Captiue guerre demy de sa closture,
Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir.

X. 45
L'ombre du regne de Nauarre non vray,
Fera la vie de sort illegitime:
La veu promis incertain de Cambray,
Roy Orleans donra mur legitime.

X. 46
Vie sort mort de L'or vilaine indigne,
Sera de Saxe non nouueau electeur:
De Brunsuic mandra d'amour signe,
Faux le rendant au peuple seducteur.

X. 74
Au reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,
Apparoistra au temps ieux d'Hecatombe,
Non esloigné du grand eage milliesme,
Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.

X. 90
Cent fois mourra le tyran inhumain,
Mis à son lieu sçauant & debonnaire,
Tout le senat sera dessoubs sa main,
Fasché sera par malin teméraire.

XI. 91
Meynier, Mauthi, & le tiers qui viendra
Peƒte & nouueau inƒult, enclos troubler,
Aix, & les lieux fureur Dedans mordra,
Puis les Phociens viendront luer mal doubler.

Mars 19
IV. 48
Plannure, Ausonne fertille, spacieuse,
Produira tahons si tant de sauterelles,
Clarté solaire viendra nubileuse,
Reger le tout, grand peste venir d'elles.

Mars 20
I. 51
Chef d'Aries, Iupiter & Saturne,
Dieu eternel quelles mutations!
Puis apres long siecle son malin temps tetourne,
Gaule & Italie, quelles emotions.

Mars 26
IX. 37
Pont & molins en Decembre versez
En si hault lieu montera la Garonne:
Murs, edifice, Tholose renuersez,
Qu'on ne sçaura son lieu autant matronne.

Mars 28
X. 4
Sus la minuict conducteur de l'armée
Se sauuera subit esuanouy,
Sept ans apres la fame non blasmée,
A son retour ne dira oncq ouy.

X. 86
Côme vn gryphon viendra le Roy d'Europe
Accompagné de ceux d'Aquilon,
De rouges & blancs conduira grane troppe
Et iront contre le Roy de Babylon.

IX. 2
Du hault du mont Auentin voix ouye,
Vuidez, vuidez de tous les deux costez,
Du sang des rouges sera l'ire assomie,
D'Arimin Prato, Columna debotez.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Mars 2012
Mars 29
X. 47
De Bourze ville à la dame Guyrlande,
L'on mettra sus par la trahison faicte,
Le grand prelat de Leon par Formande,
Faux pellerins & rauisseurs deffaicte.

X. 52
Au lieu où Laye & Scelde se marient,
Seront les nopces de long temps maniées,
Au lieu d'Anuers où la crappe charient,
Ieune vieillesse conforte intaminee.
AVRIL 2012

Avril 5
VIII. 79
Qui par fer pere perdra nay de Nonnaire
De Gorgon sur la fera sang perfetant,
En terre estrange fera si tout de taire,
Qui bruslera luy mesme & son entant.

Avril 6
IX. 14
Mis en planure chauderon d'infecteurs,
Vin, miel & huyle, & bastis sur fourneaux
Seront plongez, sans mal dit mal facteurs
Sept. fum. extaint au canon des borneaux.

IX. 41
Le grand Chyren soy saisir d'Auignom,
De Rome lettres en miel plein d'amertume
Lettre ambassade partir de Chanignon,
Carpentras prins par duc noir rouge plume.

IX. 50
Mendosvs tost viendra à son haut regne,
Mettant arriere vn peu le Norlaris.
Le Rouge blesme, le masle à l'interregne.
Le ieune crainte & frayeur Barbaris.

IX. 74
Dans la cité de Fert sod homicide,
Fait & fait multe beuf arant ne macter,
Retour encores aux honneurs d'Artemide,
Et à Vulcan corps morts sepulturer.

Avril 7
IX. 1
DAns la maison du traducteur de Bourc
Seront les lettres trouuées sur la table,
Borgne, roux blanc, chenu tiendra de cours,
Qui changera au nouueau Connestable.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Avril 2012

IX. 21
Au temple haut de Bloys sacre Salonne,
Nuict pont de Loyre, Prelat, Roy pernicant:
Cuiseur victoire aux marests de la Lone,
D'où prelature de blancs abormeant.

IX. 49
Grand & Bruceles Marseront contre Anuers
Senat de Londres mettront à mort leur Roy
Le sel & vin luy seront à l'enuers,
Pour eux auoir le regne en desarroy.

X. 10
Tasche de murdre, enormes adulteres,
Grand ennemy de tout le genre humain
Que sera pire qu'ayeuls, oncles, ne peres
En fer, feu eau, sanguin & inhumain.

X. 66
Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh,
L'isle d'Escosse t'empiera par gelée:
Roy Rebauront vn si faux Antechrist,
Que les mettra trestous dans la meslée.

X. 69
Le fait luysant de neuf vieux esleué,
Seront si grands par midy Aquilon,
De sa seur propre grandes alles leué:
Fuyant murdry au buisson d'ambellon.

Avril 16
VIII. 18
De Flore iƒƒuë de ƒa mort ƒera cauƒe,
Un temps deuant par ieune & vieille bueyre.
Car les trois lys luy feront telle poƒe,
Par ƒon fruit ƒauue comme chair cruë mueyre.
VIII. 90
Quand des croisez vn trouué de sens trouble
En lieu du sacre verra vn bœuf cornu
Par vierge porc son lieu lors sera comble,
Par Roy plus ordre ne sera soustenu.

IX. 65
Dedans le coing de Luna viendra rendre,
Où sera prins & mis en terre estrange,
Les fruicts immeurs seront à grand esclandre,
Grand vitupere, à l'vn grande loüange.

IX. 69
Sur le mont de Bailly & la Bresle
Seront cachez de Grenoble les fiers,
Outre Lyon, Vien, eulx si grand gresle,
Langoult en terre n'en restera vn tiers.

IX. 86
Du bourg Lareyne paruiêdrot droit à Chartes
Et feront prés du pont Anthoni pause.
Sept pour la paix cauteleux comme Martres
Feront entrée d'armée à Paris clause.

Avril 17
X. 48
Du plus profond de l'Espagne enseigne,
Sortant du bout & des fins de l'Europe,
Toubles passant aupres du pont de Laigne,
Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand troppe.

X. 80
Au regne grand du grand regne regnant,
Par force d'armes les grands portes d'airain
Fera ouurir, le Roy & Duc ioignant,
Port demoly, nef à fons, iour serain.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Avril 2012
Avril 28
X. 15
Pere Duc vieux d'ans & de soif chargé,
Au iour extreme fils desniant les guiere
Dedans le puis vif mort viendra plongé,
Senat au fil la mort longue & legere.
MAY 2012

May 6
IX. 20
De nuict viendra par la forest de Reines,
Deux pars voltorte Herne la pierre blanche,
Le moine noir en gris dedans Varennes
Esleu cap. cause tempeste, feu, sang tranche.

IX. 26
Nice sortie sur nom des lettres aspres,
La grande cappe fera present non sien :
Proche de vultry aux murs de vertes capres
Apres plombim le vent à bon essien.

IX. 52
La paix s'approche d'vn coƒté, & la querre,
Oncques ne fut la pourƒuite ƒi grande:
Plaindre homme, femme, ƒang innocent par terre,
Et ce ƒera de France à toute bande.

IX. 53
Le Neron ieune dans les trois cheminées
Fera de paiges vifs pour ardoir ietter,
Heureux qui loing sera de tels menées,
Trois de son sang le feront mort guetter.

May 7
X. 32
Le grand empire chacun an deuoit estre,
Vn sur les autres le viendra obtenir,
Mais peu de temps sera son regne & estre,
Deux ans aux naues se pourra soustenir.
Donum Olim Occultas -- Almanacs 2012

Mars 2012
P - 108
Secret coniur, changemet perilleux,
Secrettement conspirer factions:
Pluyes, grands vents. playes par orgueilleux,
Inonder flumes. pestifere actions.
Book III


Missing Quatrains in Italics

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
A 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Aij 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Aiij 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Aiiij 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bij 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Biij 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Biiij 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
C 96 97 98 99 100 1 2 3 4 5
Cij 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ciij 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Ciiij 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
D 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Dij 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Diij 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Diiij 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
Tempus Ostendu

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
E 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Eij 96 97 98 99 100 1 2 3 4 5
Eiij 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Eiiij 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
F 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Fij 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Fiij 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fiiij 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
G 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
Gij 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Giij 96 97 98 99 100 1 2 3
Giiij 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
H 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Hij 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Hiij 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Hiiij 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
94 95 96 97 98 99 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Iij 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Iiiij 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Iiij 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
K 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 2
Kij 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Kiij 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Kiiij 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
L 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
L2 98 99 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 2 3 4
L3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
L4 70 71
Tempus Ostendu

1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
5 9
A 6 B C 96 D 90 E 84 F 78 G 70 H 10 I K 91 L 87
7 1 97 91 85 79 71 11 92 88
8 2 98 92 86 80 72 12 93 89
9 3 99 93 87 81 73 13 94 90
10 4 100 94 88 82 74 14 1 95 91
11 5 95 89 83 75 15 2 96 92
12 6 96 90 84 76 16 3 97 93
13 7 1 97 91 85 77 17 4 98 94
14 8 2 98 92 86 78 18 5 99 95
15 9 3 99 93 87 79 19 6 100 96
16 10 4 100 94 88 80 20 7 1 97
17 11 5 95 89 81 21 8 2 98
Aij 18 Bij 12 Cij 6 Dij Eij 96 Fij 90 Gij 82 22 Iij 9 Kij 3 L2 99
19 13 7 1 97 91 83 Hij 23 10 4 100
20 14 8 2 98 92 84 24 11 5
21 15 9 3 99 93 85 25 12 6
22 16 10 4 100 94 86 26 13 7
23 17 11 5 95 87 27 14 8
24 18 12 6 96 88 28 15 9
25 19 13 7 1 97 89 29 16 10
26 20 14 8 2 98 90 30 17 11
27 21 15 9 3 99 91 31 18 12
28 22 16 10 4 100 92 32 19 13
29 23 17 11 5 93 33 20 14
Aiij 30 Biij 24 Ciij 18 Diij 12 Eiij 6 Fiij Giij 94 34 Iiiij 21 Kiij 15
31 25 19 13 7 1 95 Hiij 35 22 16
32 26 20 14 8 2 96 36 23 17
33 27 21 15 9 3 97 37 24 18
34 28 22 16 10 4 98 38 25 19
35 29 23 17 11 5 99 39 26 20
36 30 24 18 12 6 100 40 27 21
37 31 25 19 13 7 41 28 22
38 32 26 20 14 8 42 29 23
39 33 27 21 15 9 1 43 30 24
40 34 28 22 16 10 2 44 31 25
41 35 29 23 17 11 3 45 32 26
Aiiij 42 Biiij 36 Ciiij 30 Diiij 24 Eiiij 18 Fiiij 12 Giiij 4 46 Iiij 33 Kiiij 27
43 37 31 25 19 13 5 Hiiij 47 34 28
44 38 32 26 20 14 6 48 35 29
45 39 33 27 21 15 7 49 36 30
46 40 34 28 22 16 8 50 37 31
47 41 35 29 23 17 9 51 38 32
48 42 36 30 24 18 10 52 39 33
49 43 37 31 25 19 11 53 40 34
50 44 38 32 26 20 12 54 41 35
51 45 39 33 27 21 13 55 42 36
52 46 40 34 28 22 14 56 43 37
53 47 41 35 29 23 15 57 44 38
54 48 42 36 30 24 16 58 45 39
55 49 43 37 31 25 17 59 46 40
56 50 44 38 32 26 18 60 47 41
57 51 45 39 33 27 19 61 48 42
58 52 46 40 34 28 20 62 49 43
59 53 47 41 35 29 21 63 50 44
60 54 48 42 36 30 22 64 51 45
61 55 49 43 37 31 23 65 52 46
62 56 50 44 38 32 24 66 53 47
63 57 51 45 39 33 25 67 54 48
64 58 52 46 40 34 26 68 55 49
65 59 53 47 41 35 27 69 56 50
66 60 54 48 42 36 28 70 57 51
67 61 55 49 43 37 29 71 58 52
68 62 56 50 44 38 30 72 59 53
69 63 57 51 45 39 31 73 60 54
70 64 58 52 46 40 32 74 61 55
71 65 59 53 47 41 33 75 62 56
72 66 60 54 48 42 34 76 63 57
73 67 61 55 49 43 35 77 64 58
Tempus Ostendu
74 68 62 56 50 44 36 78 65 59
75 69 63 57 51 45 37 79 66 60
76 70 64 58 52 46 38 80 67 61
77 71 65 59 53 47 39 81 68 62
78 72 66 60 54 48 40 82 69 63
79 73 67 61 55 49 41 83 70 64
80 74 68 62 56 50 42 84 71 65
81 75 69 63 57 51 85 72 66
82 76 70 64 58 52 86 73 67
83 77 71 65 59 53 87 74 68
84 78 72 66 60 54 88 75 69
85 79 73 67 61 55 89 76 70
86 80 74 68 62 56 90 77 71
87 81 75 69 63 57 91 78 72
88 82 76 70 64 58 92 79 73
89 83 77 71 65 59 93 80 74
90 84 78 72 66 60 94 81 75
91 85 79 73 67 61 95 82 76
92 86 80 74 68 62 96 83 77
93 87 81 75 69 63 97 84 78
94 88 82 76 70 64 98 85 79
95 89 83 77 71 65 99 86 80
96 90 84 78 72 66 100 87 81
97 91 85 79 73 67 88 82
98 92 86 80 74 68 89 83
99 93 87 81 75 69 90 84
100 94 88 82 76 85
95 89 83 77 86







December 00 24 60 72 84 96 108

November 11 23 59 71 83 95 107

October 10 22 58 70 82 94 106

September 09 21 57 69 81 93 105

August 08 20 56 68 80 92 104

July 07 19 55 67 79 91 103

June 06 18 54 66 78 90 102

May 05 17 53 65 77 89 101

April 04 16 52 64 76 88 100

March 03 15 51 63 75 87 99

February 02 14 50 62 74 86 98

January 01 13 49 61 73 85 97
Tempus Ostendu

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 6 0 4,1,2,3 1005 2 9 3 3,2,1,4 1230

6 0 555 8 2 555
5 5 1560 7 1 1785
7 1 6 0

3 6 0 2,1,4,3 1005 4 6 0 1,2,3,4 0

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1560 6 0 555
5 5 6 0

5 6 0 2,1,4,3 1050 6 6 0 1,4,2,3 500

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 6 0 1055
5 5 5 5

7 4 4 2,4,1,3 1045 8 6 0 1,2,3,4 0

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 1600 6 0 555
6 0 6 0

9 7 1 1,2,3,4 1555 10 7 1 1,2,3,4 1202

5 5 555 8 2 555
5 5 2110 6 0 1757
5 5 8 2

11 8 2 3,1,4,2 1205 12 6 0 1,3,2,4 505

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 1760 5 5 1060
6 0 5 5

13 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051 14 9 3 2,1,4,3 1301

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1606 7 1 1856
7 1 6 0

15 7 1 1,4,3,2 1201 16 7 1 1,2,4,3 1570

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1756 7 1 2125
8 2 5 5

18 5 5 3,2,1,4 1451
17 5 5 2,3,1,4 2605
4 4 555
8 2 555
7 1 2006
6 0 3160
7 1
6 0

19 6 0 2,3,1,4 1202 20 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050

7 1 555 5 5 555
8 2 1757 7 1 1605
8 2 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century I

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 22 6 0 1,2,3,4 500

6 0 555 5 5 555
6 0 1055 6 0 1055
6 0 6 0

23 7 1 1,2,3,4 1211 24 6 0 2,1,3,4 2040

8 2 555 8 2 555
7 1 1766 4 4 2595
7 1 7 0

25 7 1 1,3,2,4 1255 26 7 1 1,2,3,4 1555

5 5 555 5 5 555
8 2 1810 5 5 2110
5 5 5 5

27 7 1 1,2,3,4 1111 28 7 1 1,2,4,3 1253

7 1 555 8 2 555
7 1 1666 8 2 1808
7 1 5 5

29 5 5 2,4,1,3 1255 30 7 1 1,2,4,3 1515

7 1 555 5 5 555
5 5 1810 5 5 2070
8 2 7 1

31 7 1 1,2,3,4 1051 32 6 0 4,2,1,3 1205

6 0 555 8 2 555
5 5 1606 5 5 1760
7 1 7 1

33 7 1 1,2,3,4 1050 34 6 0 4,1,2,3 1000

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 1605 6 0 1555
6 0 7 1

35 6 0 3,4,1,2 1200 36 6 0 2,4,1,3 1201

6 0 555 7 1 555
7 1 1755 7 1 1756
8 2 8 2

37 9 3 4,3,1,2 1235 38 8 2 3,1,2,4 1231

5 5 555 9 3 555
8 2 1790 7 1 1786
7 1 7 1

39 8 2 4,1,2,3 1205 40 5 5 3,2,4,1 1045

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 1760 7 1 1600
7 1 4 4

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000 42 7 1 1,4,2,3 1055

7 1 555 5 5 555
6 0 1555 5 5 1610
6 0 6 0

43 5 5 3,4,2,1 1205 44 6 0 3,4,1,2 1204

6 0 555 4 4 555
7 1 1760 7 1 1759
8 2 8 2

45 9 3 4,1,3,2 1353 46 6 0 2,1,3,4 2050

9 3 555 8 2 555
5 5 1908 5 5 2605
7 1 6 0

47 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001 48 8 2 2,1,4,3 1251

7 1 555 7 1 555
7 1 1556 7 1 1806
6 0 5 5

49 5 5 3,2,1,4 1055 50 4 4 3,2,4,1 1204

6 0 555 8 2 555
7 1 1610 7 1 1759
5 5 6 0

51 4 4 3,1,2,4 1444 52 6 0 2,3,1,4 2304

4 4 555 8 2 555
7 1 1999 9 3 2859
4 4 4 4

53 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000 54 6 0 3,1,4,2 1045

7 1 555 5 5 555
6 0 1555 7 1 1600
6 0 4 4

55 4 4 3,1,2,4 1455 56 8 2 1,2,4,3 2352

5 5 555 3 3 555
7 1 2010 8 2 2907
5 5 5 5

57 6 0 2,4,1,3 1200 58 7 1 1,3,4,2 1051

7 1 555 7 1 555
6 0 1755 6 0 1606
8 2 5 5

59 7 1 1,4,2,3 1200 60 5 5 3,2,1,4 1050

6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 1755 7 1 1605
8 2 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century I

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 4 4 3,1,2,4 450 62 7 1 1,4,2,3 1211

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1005 7 1 1766
6 0 8 2

63 6 0 3,1,2,4 2000 64 6 0 2,3,1,4 1200

6 0 555 7 1 555
8 2 2555 8 2 1755
6 0 6 0

66 6 0 1,3,4,2 450
65 8 2 1,2,3,4 2002
6 0 555
6 0 555
4 4 1005
6 0 2557
5 5
8 2

67 7 1 1,2,3,4 1000 68 5 5 4,1,2,3 555

6 0 555 5 5 555
6 0 1555 5 5 1110
6 0 6 0

69 7 1 1,4,2,3 1455 70 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001

5 5 555 7 1 555
5 5 2010 6 0 1556
4 4 6 0

71 7 1 1,2,3,4 1411 72 6 0 2,1,3,4 1055

4 4 555 7 1 555
7 1 1966 5 5 1610
7 1 5 5

73 6 0 1,3,2,4 450
74 5 5 3,2,1,4 1050
5 5 555
6 0 555
4 4 1005
7 1 1605
6 0
6 0

75 5 5 3,2,1,4 1050 76 6 0 4,2,1,3 1202

6 0 555 8 2 555
7 1 1605 8 2 1757
6 0 7 1

77 5 5 2,3,1,4 2050 78 7 1 1,3,2,4 1251

8 2 555 5 5 555
6 0 2605 8 2 1806
6 0 7 1

79 5 5 3,4,1,2 455 80 6 0 2,1,3,4 1011

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1010 7 1 1566
4 4 7 1

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 7 1 1,2,3,4 1511 82 6 0 1,2,3,4 555

5 5 555 5 5 555
7 1 2066 5 5 1110
7 1 5 5

83 5 5 1,2,3,4 5555 84 5 5 3,2,1,4 2050

5 5 555 6 0 555
5 5 6110 8 2 2605
5 5 6 0

85 9 3 2,1,3,4 1300
86 7 1 1,3,2,4 1050
7 1 555
5 5 555
6 0 1855
6 0 1605
6 0
6 0

87 6 0 3,1,4,2 2050 88 7 1 1,3,2,4 1200

6 0 555 6 0 555
8 2 2605 8 2 1755
5 5 6 0

89 7 1 1,2,3,4 1205 90 7 1 1,4,3,2 1051

8 2 555 7 1 555
6 0 1760 5 5 1606
5 5 6 0

91 6 0 3,2,1,4 1202 92 8 2 1,2,3,4 2000

8 2 555 6 0 555
7 1 1757 6 0 2555
8 2 6 0

93 6 0 3,1,4,2 1045
94 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051
5 5 555
5 5 555
7 1 1600
6 0 1606
4 4
7 1
95 5 5 3,4,1,2 1155
5 5 555 96 8 2 2,1,3,4 1211
7 1 1710 7 1 555
7 1 7 1 1766
7 1

97 7 1 1,2,4,3 1202 98 6 0 4,2,1,3 2300

8 2 555 9 3 555
8 2 1757 6 0 2855
6 0 8 2

99 6 0 3,1,4,2 1050 100 8 2 1,2,3,4 2000

6 0 555 6 0 555
7 1 1605 6 0 2555
5 5 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century II

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 6 0 1,3,2,4 505 2 7 1 1,3,4,2 1223

6 0 555 9 3 555
5 5 1060 8 2 1778
5 5 8 2

3 7 1 1,2,3,4 1051 4 6 0 3,1,2,4 2055

6 0 555 5 5 555
5 5 1606 8 2 2610
7 1 5 5

5 6 0 2,1,4,3 1051 6 6 0 2,3,1,4 1200

7 1 555 7 1 555
7 1 1606 8 2 1755
5 5 6 0

7 5 5 4,2,3,1 2305 8 5 5 4,2,1,3 1455

9 3 555 4 4 555
6 0 2860 5 5 2010
8 2 7 1

9 9 3 2,3,1,4 1230 10 7 1 1,2,3,4 1011

7 1 555 6 0 555
8 2 1785 7 1 1566
6 0 7 1

11 6 0 2,1,3,4 1011 12 5 5 2,3,1,4 1051

7 1 555 7 1 555
7 1 1566 6 0 1606
7 1 7 1

13 8 2 1,2,3,4 2050 14 7 1 1,2,4,3 1041

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 2605 7 1 1596
6 0 4 4

15 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 16 4 4 3,1,2,4 455

6 0 555 5 5 555
6 0 1055 6 0 1010
6 0 5 5

17 8 2 1,2,3,4 2525 18 4 4 3,1,4,2 1414

5 5 555 4 4 555
8 2 3080 7 1 1969
5 5 7 1

19 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050 20 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 1605 5 5 1605
6 0 7 1

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 4 4 3,1,2,4 455 22 5 5 4,3,1,2 1455

5 5 555 5 5 555
6 0 1010 4 4 2010
5 5 7 1

23 5 5 2,1,3,4 555 24 6 0 2,3,1,4 1205

6 0 555 7 1 555
5 5 1110 8 2 1760
5 5 5 5

26 7 1 1,2,4,3 1230
25 5 5 3,2,1,4 1051
8 2 555
6 0 555
6 0 1785
7 1 1606
9 3
7 1

27 7 1 1,2,3,4 1055 28 6 0 1,3,2,4 500

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 1610 5 5 1055
5 5 6 0

29 5 5 2,3,1,4 1051 30 6 0 3,1,2,4 1051

7 1 555 5 5 555
6 0 1606 7 1 1606
7 1 7 1

31 5 5 3,2,4,1 1235 32 6 0 4,1,2,3 5000

8 2 555 6 0 555
7 1 1790 6 0 5555
9 3 11 5

34 5 5 4,2,1,3 1255
33 7 1 1,2,3,4 1111
8 2 555
7 1 555
5 5 1810
7 1 1666
7 1
7 1

35 8 2 1,4,2,3 2042 36 7 1 1,2,3,4 1001

4 4 555 6 0 555
8 2 2597 6 0 1556
6 0 7 1

37 7 1 1,2,3,4 1000 38 7 1 1,4,2,3 1051

6 0 555 5 5 555
6 0 1555 7 1 1606
6 0 6 0

39 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050 40 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001

6 0 555 7 1 555
5 5 1605 6 0 1556
7 1 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century II

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 7 1 1,3,2,4 1050 42 7 1 1,2,3,4 1211

5 5 555 8 2 555
6 0 1605 7 1 1766
6 0 7 1

43 4 4 2,4,3,1 1204 44 5 5 3,2,1,4 1051

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1759 7 1 1606
8 2 7 1

46 7 1 1,2,3,4 1001
45 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001
6 0 555
7 1 555
6 0 1556
7 1 1556
7 1
6 0

47 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051 48 7 1 1,3,2,4 1011

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1606 6 0 1566
7 1 7 1

49 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 50 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001

6 0 555 7 1 555
6 0 1055 6 0 1556
6 0 6 0

51 8 2 3,1,4,2 1202 52 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001

8 2 555 7 1 555
7 1 1757 6 0 1556
6 0 7 1

54 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000
53 6 0 2,3,1,4 1201
7 1 555
7 1 555
6 0 1555
8 2 1756
6 0
7 1

55 8 2 1,2,4,3 2050 56 7 1 1,2,4,3 1205

6 0 555 8 2 555
6 0 2605 5 5 1760
5 5 6 0

57 6 0 2,1,3,4 2002 58 7 1 1,2,3,4 1205

8 2 555 8 2 555
6 0 2557 6 0 1760
8 2 5 5

59 6 0 1,3,2,4 500 60 6 0 3,1,4,2 1050

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 1055 7 1 1605
6 0 5 5

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 5 5 3,2,1,4 1251 62 6 0 3,1,2,4 2002

8 2 555 6 0 555
7 1 1806 8 2 2557
7 1 8 2

63 5 5 3,4,2,1 1305 64 7 1 1,4,3,2 1205

6 0 555 5 5 555
7 1 1860 6 0 1760
9 3 8 2

65 5 5 3,2,1,4 455
66 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001
4 4 555
7 1 555
6 0 1010
7 1 1556
5 5
6 0

67 7 1 1,2,4,3 1515 68 6 0 1,4,2,3 500

5 5 555 6 0 555
5 5 2070 6 0 1055
7 1 5 5

69 7 1 1,3,2,4 1201 70 7 1 1,3,2,4 1255

6 0 555 5 5 555
8 2 1756 8 2 1810
7 1 5 5

71 5 5 3,1,4,2 2525 72 5 5 2,1,4,3 505

5 5 555 6 0 555
8 2 3080 5 5 1060
8 2 6 0

74 7 1 1,4,2,3 1211
73 7 1 1,4,2,3 1011
7 1 555
7 1 555
7 1 1766
7 1 1566
8 2
6 0

75 6 0 3,1,4,2 1050 76 6 0 2,1,4,3 1050

6 0 555 7 1 555
7 1 1605 6 0 1605
5 5 5 5

77 7 1 1,2,4,3 1051 78 8 2 4,1,2,3 1202

6 0 555 6 0 555
7 1 1606 8 2 1757
5 5 7 1

79 6 0 1,2,3,4 500 80 5 5 3,2,4,1 1205

5 5 555 8 2 555
6 0 1055 7 1 1760
6 0 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century II

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 8 2 1,3,2,4 2040 82 7 1 1,4,2,3 1251

4 4 555 5 5 555
6 0 2595 7 1 1806
6 0 8 2

83 7 1 1,2,3,4 1205 84 5 5 2,4,1,3 2055

8 2 555 8 2 555
6 0 1760 5 5 2610
5 5 6 0

86 6 0 4,2,1,3 1204
85 8 2 4,1,2,3 1200
8 2 555
6 0 555
4 4 1759
6 0 1755
7 1
7 1

87 5 5 4,2,1,3 2055 88 6 0 1,4,2,3 400

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 2610 6 0 955
8 2 4 4

89 8 2 1,2,4,3 2052 90 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000

6 0 555 7 1 555
8 2 2607 6 0 1555
5 5 6 0

91 7 1 1,2,3,4 1511 92 8 2 2,1,4,3 1241

5 5 555 7 1 555
7 1 2066 7 1 1796
7 1 4 4

94 7 1 1,3,2,4 1050
93 7 1 1,3,4,2 1345
5 5 555
5 5 555
6 0 1605
9 3 1900
6 0
4 4

95 5 5 1,2,3,4 5555 96 6 0 2,1,4,3 1050

5 5 555 7 1 555
5 5 6110 6 0 1605
5 5 5 5

97 5 5 2,1,3,4 1511 98 6 0 4,1,2,3 2055

7 1 555 5 5 555
7 1 2066 5 5 2610
7 1 8 2

99 4 4 2,4,1,3 1045 100 6 0 4,1,2,3 2000

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 1600 6 0 2555
6 0 8 2

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000 2 7 1 1,2,3,4 1202

7 1 555 8 2 555
6 0 1555 6 0 1757
6 0 8 2

3 5 5 3,1,2,4 2555 4 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001

5 5 555 7 1 555
8 2 3110 6 0 1556
5 5 6 0

5 7 1 1,4,2,3 1051
6 7 1 1,4,2,3 1200
5 5 555
6 0 555
7 1 1606
6 0 1755
6 0
8 2

7 8 2 3,1,4,2 1205 8 6 0 1,3,2,4 450

5 5 555 5 5 555
7 1 1760 4 4 1005
6 0 6 0

9 5 5 2,4,1,3 1055 10 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000

7 1 555 7 1 555
5 5 1610 6 0 1555
6 0 6 0

11 7 1 1,3,4,2 1051 12 9 3 3,1,4,2 1305

7 1 555 5 5 555
6 0 1606 7 1 1860
5 2 6 0

14 6 0 2,1,3,4 1011
13 7 1 1,2,4,3 1051
7 1 555
6 0 555
7 1 1566
7 1 1606
7 1
5 5

15 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001 16 9 3 3,4,1,2 1230

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1556 7 1 1785
7 1 8 2

17 6 0 4,2,1,3 1300 18 6 0 2,1,4,3 2052

9 3 555 8 2 555
6 0 1855 8 2 2607
7 1 5 5

19 6 0 3,1,2,4 1000 20 7 1 1,2,3,4 1050

6 0 555 6 0 555
7 1 1555 5 5 1605
6 0 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century III

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 5 5 3,2,1,4 450 22 6 0 4,1,2,3 2050

4 4 555 5 5 555
6 0 1005 6 0 2605
6 0 8 2

23 6 0 2,1,3,4 1050 24 4 4 4,3,1,2 2045

7 1 555 5 5 555
5 5 1605 6 0 2600
6 0 8 2

26 5 5 4,1,2,3 4555
25 5 5 4,2,1,3 1050
5 5 555
6 0 555
5 5 5110
6 0 1605
4 4
7 1

27 5 5 4,1,2,3 555 28 5 5 4,2,1,3 2050

5 5 555 6 0 555
5 5 1110 6 0 2605
6 0 8 2

29 9 3 1,4,2,3 3455 30 8 2 1,3,4,2, 2302

5 5 555 8 2 555
5 5 4010 9 3 2857
4 4 6 0

32 6 0 3,1,2,4 1051
31 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000 5 5 555
7 1 555 7 1 1606
6 0 1555 7 1
6 0
34 7 1 1,2,3,4 1241
33 7 1 1,4,3,2 1051
8 2 555
7 1 555
4 4 1796
5 5 1606
7 1
6 0

35 6 0 2,1,3,4 1011 36 4 4 4,2,1,3 1045

7 1 555 6 0 555
7 1 1566 5 5 1600
7 1 7 1

37 4 4 4,2,1,3 1045 38 5 5 2,1,3,4 500

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 1600 6 0 1055
7 1 6 0

39 7 1 1,2,3,4 1555 40 6 0 2,4,1,3 1201

5 5 555 7 1 555
5 5 2110 7 1 1756
5 5 8 2

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 6 0 4,1,2,3 1000 42 8 2 4,1,2,3 1202

6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 1555 8 2 1757
7 1 7 1

43 6 0 4,1,2,3 1050 44 5 5 3,2,1,4 1500

5 5 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 7 1 2055
7 1 6 0

46 8 2 3,1,2,4 1202
45 7 1 1,2,3,4 1000
6 0 555
6 0 555
7 1 1757
6 0 1555
8 2
6 0

47 7 1 1,2,3,4 1011 48 5 5 2,3,1,4 1051

6 0 555 7 1 555
7 1 1566 6 0 1606
7 1 7 1

49 6 0 4,1,2,3 1050 50 6 0 1,2,3,4 0

5 5 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 6 0 555
7 1 6 0

51 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001 52 7 1 1,4,3,2 1041

7 1 555 7 1 555
6 0 1556 4 4 1596
7 1 0 0

54 7 1 1,2,3,4 1000
53 7 1 1,2,4,3 1050
6 0 555
6 0 555
6 0 1555
6 0 1605
6 0
5 5

55 7 1 1,2,3,4 1211 56 4 4 2,3,1,4 1041

8 2 555 7 1 555
7 1 1766 6 0 1596
7 1 7 1

57 6 0 2,1,4,3 2005 58 6 0 2,1,3,4 2040

8 2 555 8 2 555
6 0 2560 4 4 2595
5 5 6 0

59 6 0 3,2,4,1 2340 60 5 5 4,3,1,2 455

9 3 555 5 5 555
8 2 2895 4 4 1010
10 4 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century III

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 5 5 4,2,1,3 455 62 8 2 3,1,2,4 1205

4 4 555 6 0 555
5 5 1010 7 1 1760
6 0 5 5

63 7 1 1,2,3,4 1045 64 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051

6 0 555 5 5 555
4 4 1600 6 0 1606
5 5 7 1

66 7 1 1,3,2,4 1201
65 7 1 1,3,2,4 1010
6 0 555
6 0 555
8 2 1756
7 1 1565
7 1
6 0

67 5 5 3,1,4,2 505 68 5 5 4,3,1,2 2055

5 5 555 5 5 555
6 0 1060 6 0 2610
6 0 8 2

69 5 5 2,1,3,4 1515 70 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001

7 1 555 7 1 555
7 1 2070 6 0 1556
5 5 7 1

71 8 2 3,1,2,4 1252 72 5 5 2,4,3,1 1205

5 5 555 7 1 555
7 1 1807 6 0 1760
8 2 8 2

73 7 1 1,4,2,3 1241 74 4 4 3,2,1,4 1041

4 4 555 6 0 555
7 1 1796 7 1 1596
8 2 7 1

75 4 4 2,3,4,1 1204 76 5 5 4,1,2,3 1555

7 1 555 5 5 555
8 2 1759 5 5 2110
6 0 7 1

77 6 0 2,1,3,4 2022 78 6 0 4,1,3,2 1040

8 2 555 6 0 555
8 2 2577 4 4 1595
8 2 7 1

79 5 5 3,4,1,2 1055 80 5 5 2,3,1,4 1050

5 5 555 7 1 555
7 1 1610 6 0 1605
6 0 6 0

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 6 0 1,2,4,3 505 82 6 0 2,4,1,3 1200

5 5 555 7 1 555
5 5 1060 6 0 1755
6 0 8 2

83 7 1 1,2,3,4 1355 84 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050

3 3 555 6 0 555
5 5 1910 5 5 1605
5 5 7 1

86 5 5 3,2,1,4 1051
85 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001
6 0 555
7 1 555
7 1 1606
6 0 1556
7 1
7 1

87 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 88 7 1 1,3,2,4 1055

6 0 555 5 5 555
6 0 1055 6 0 1610
6 0 5 5

89 7 1 1,2,3,4 1200 90 5 5 3,2,1,4 1050

8 2 555 6 0 555
6 0 1755 7 1 1605
6 0 6 0

91 8 2 1,2,4,3 2050 92 6 0 1,3,2,4 400

6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 2605 4 4 955
5 5 6 0

94 8 2 3,1,2,4 1201
93 7 4 1,4,3,2 1045
6 0 555
5 5 555
7 1 1756
4 4 1600
7 1
6 0

95 6 0 1,3,2,4 400 96 6 0 3,1,4,2 2050

6 0 555 6 0 555
4 4 955 8 2 2605
6 0 5 5

97 5 5 4,1,2,3 555 98 6 0 2,1,3,4 1051

5 5 555 7 1 555
5 5 1110 5 5 1606
6 0 7 1

99 6 0 3,1,4,2 2050 100 5 5 4,2,1,3 1455

6 0 555 4 4 555
8 2 2605 5 5 2010
5 5 7 1
Tempus Ostendu -- Century IV

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 7 1 1,3,2,4 1050 2 8 2 4,1,2,3 1200

5 5 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 6 0 1755
6 0 7 1

3 6 0 3,2,1,4 1300 4 5 5 2,3,1,4 1255

9 3 555 7 1 555
7 1 1855 8 2 1810
6 0 5 5

5 7 1 1,4,2,3 1255
6 6 0 3,1,2,4 1033
5 5 555
3 3 555
5 5 1810
7 1 1588
8 2
3 3
7 7 1 1,2,3,4 1222
8 2 555 8 6 0 1,2,3,4 555
8 2 1777 5 5 555
8 2 5 5 1110
5 5

9 9 3 3,2,1,4 1235 10 5 5 2,3,1,4 1055

8 2 555 7 1 555
7 1 1790 6 0 1610
5 5 5 5

12 9 3 4,1,2,3 2304
11 7 1 1,2,3,4 1010 6 0 555
6 0 555 4 4 2859
7 1 1565 8 2
6 0
14 6 0 2,3,1,4 1201
13 6 0 1,3,2,4 404
7 1 555
6 0 555
8 2 1756
4 4 959
7 1
4 4

15 5 5 3,1,4,2 1515 16 7 1 1,3,2,4 1251

5 5 555 5 5 555
7 1 2070 8 2 1806
7 1 7 1

17 6 0 3,1,2,4 1000 18 7 1 1,4,2,3 1255

6 0 555 5 5 555
7 1 1555 5 5 1810
6 0 8 2

19 6 0 3,1,2,4 1000 20 6 0 3,2,1,4 1300

6 0 555 9 3 555
7 1 1555 7 1 1855
6 0 6 0

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 5 5 3,2,1,4 1050 22 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001

6 0 555 7 1 555
7 1 1605 7 1 1556
6 0 6 0

23 6 0 4,1,2,3 1050 24 7 1 1,3,2,4 1202

5 5 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 8 2 1757
7 1 8 2

26 6 0 2,3,1,4 1201
25 7 1 1,3,4,2 1045
7 1 555
5 5 555
8 2 1756
6 0 1600
7 1
4 4

27 6 0 1,3,2,4 505 28 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051

6 0 555 5 5 555
5 5 1060 6 0 1606
5 5 7 1

29 6 0 2,1,3,4 2000 30 7 1 1,3,4,2 1305

8 2 555 5 5 555
6 0 2555 9 3 1860
6 0 6 0

31 10 5 2,4,1,3 2340 32 8 2 2,1,3,4 1211

8 2 555 7 1 555
6 0 2895 7 1 1766
9 3 7 1

33 7 1 1,3,2,4 1041
34 6 0 3,4,1,2 1300
4 4 555
6 0 555
6 0 1596
7 1 1855
7 1
9 3

35 6 0 2,1,4,3 2002 36 6 0 1,2,3,4 500

8 2 555 5 5 555
8 2 2557 6 0 1055
6 0 6 0

37 6 0 3,1,4,2 1050 38 6 0 4,1,2,3 1055

6 0 555 5 5 555
7 1 1605 5 5 1610
5 5 7 1

39 4 4 2,1,3,4 1455 40 5 5 2,3,1,4 1051

7 1 555 7 1 555
5 5 2010 6 0 1606
5 5 7 1
Tempus Ostendu -- Century IV

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 5 5 3,4,1,2 2055 42 7 1 1,2,3,4 1050

5 5 555 6 0 555
8 2 2610 5 5 1605
6 0 6 0

43 6 0 4,1,3,2 2050 44 7 1 1,4,2,3 1015

6 0 555 5 5 555
5 5 2605 7 1 1570
8 2 6 0

46 6 0 2,4,1,3 1200
45 5 5 2,4,1,3 1055
7 1 555
7 1 555
6 0 1755
5 5 1610
8 2
6 0

47 6 0 2,1,3,4 2020 48 4 4 4,2,1,3 1044

8 2 555 6 0 555
6 0 2575 4 4 1599
8 2 7 1

49 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001 50 5 5 4,2,1,3 2050

7 1 555 6 0 555
7 1 1556 6 0 2605
6 0 8 2

51 6 0 3,1,2,4 1051 52 7 1 1,2,4,3 1201

5 5 555 8 2 555
7 1 1606 7 1 1756
7 1 6 0

54 9 3 2,1,3,4 1355
53 4 4 2,4,3,1 1204
7 1 555
7 1 555
5 5 1910
6 0 1759
5 5
8 2

55 8 2 2,1,3,4 1200 56 5 5 3,4,1,2 155

7 1 555 5 5 555
6 0 1755 6 0 710
6 0 7 1

57 6 0 4,3,1,2 1205 58 6 0 32,1,24 1000

5 5 555 6 0 555
8 2 1760 7 1 1555
7 1 6 0

59 5 5 2,3,1,4 1050 60 6 0 3,1,4,2 1050

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 7 1 1605
6 0 5 5

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 7 1 1,3,2,4 1251 62 4 4 2,4,1,3 1045

5 5 555 7 1 555
8 2 1806 5 5 1600
7 1 6 0

63 5 5 2,4,1,3 1055 64 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000

7 1 555 7 1 555
5 5 1610 6 0 1555
6 0 6 0

66 7 1 1,4,2,3 1045
65 6 0 1,2,3,4 505
4 4 555
5 5 555
5 5 1600
6 0 1060
6 0
5 5

67 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050 68 7 1 1,2,3,4 1111

5 5 555 7 1 555
7 1 1605 7 1 1666
6 0 7 1

69 6 0 4,1,2,3 1055 70 6 0 4,1,3,2 2040

5 5 555 6 0 555
5 5 1610 4 4 2595
7 1 8 2

71 6 0 2,1,3,4 1055 72 5 5 3,2,4,1 1045

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 1610 7 1 1600
5 5 4 4

73 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050 74 6 0 1,2,3,4 555

6 0 555 5 5 555
5 5 1605 5 5 1110
7 1 5 5

75 5 5 4,3,1,2 455 76 6 0 4,1,3,2 2040

5 5 555 6 0 555
4 4 1010 4 4 2595
6 0 8 2

78 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001
77 4 4 2,1,3,4 400
7 1 555
6 0 555
6 0 1556
6 0 955
6 0
6 0
80 8 2 4,1,2,3 1202
79 6 0 4,1,3,2 1040
6 0 555
6 0 555
8 2 1757
4 4 1595
7 1
7 1
Tempus Ostendu -- Century IV

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 6 0 1,2,3,4 0 82 4 4 4,1,3,2 1454

6 0 555 4 4 555
6 0 555 5 5 2009
6 0 7 1

83 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 84 6 0 3,2,4,1 1230

6 0 555 8 2 555
6 0 1055 7 1 1785
6 0 9 3

86 7 1 1,2,34,3 1040
85 7 1 1,2,3,4 1555
6 0 555
5 5 555
6 0 1595
5 5 2110
4 4
5 5

87 8 2 1,2,4,3 2042 88 7 1 1,2,4,3 1001

6 0 555 6 0 555
8 2 2597 7 1 1556
4 4 6 0

89 5 5 2,1,4,3 1515 90 8 2 1,2,3,4 2022

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 2070 8 2 2577
7 1 8 2

91 7 1 1,4,3,2 1045 92 5 5 4,3,1,2 1255

5 5 555 5 5 555
4 4 1600 8 2 1810
6 0 7 1

94 6 0 1,4,2,3 400
93 7 1 1,3,2,4 1201
6 0 555
6 0 555
6 0 955
8 2 1756
4 4
7 1

95 8 2 2,4,3,1 2052 96 6 0 2,1,3,4 1055

8 2 555 7 1 555
5 5 2607 5 5 1610
6 0 5 5

97 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001 98 5 5 4,3,2,1 2045

7 1 555 4 4 555
7 1 1556 6 0 2600
6 0 8 2

99 7 1 1,2,3,4 1515 100 6 0 3,1,2,4 2000

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 2070 8 2 2555
5 5 6 0

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050 2 6 0 2,4,1,3 2302

5 5 555 8 2 555
7 1 1605 8 2 2857
6 0 9 3

4 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050
3 6 0 2,1,3,4 2050 5 5 555
8 2 555 7 1 1605
5 5 2605 6 0
6 0
6 9 3 3,1,2,4 2305
5 6 0 3,1,2,4 1051
6 0 555
5 5 555
8 2 2860
7 1 1606
5 5
7 1

7 7 1 1,3,2,4 1045 8 7 1 1,3,4,2 1205

4 4 555 5 5 555
6 0 1600 8 2 1760
5 5 6 0

9 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051 10 7 1 1,4,3,2 1051

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1606 5 5 1606
7 1 6 0

11 6 0 1,4,2,3 500 12 6 0 4,3,1,2 1200

6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 1055 8 2 1755
5 5 7 1

13 7 1 1,4,2,3 1055
14 6 0 4,1,2,3 1000
5 5 555
6 0 555
5 5 1610
6 0 1555
6 0
7 1

15 6 0 1,2,3,4 0 16 7 1 1,4,3,2 1051

6 0 555 7 1 555
6 0 555 5 5 1606
6 0 6 0

17 8 2 1,3,4,2 2305 18 5 5 4,2,1,3 1455

5 5 555 4 4 555
9 3 2860 5 5 2010
6 0 7 1

19 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001 20 6 0 4,1,2,3 2003

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1556 3 3 2558
7 1 8 2
Tempus Ostendu -- Century V

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 6 0 1,2,3,4 0 22 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051

6 0 555 5 5 555
6 0 555 6 0 1606
6 0 7 1

23 6 0 2,1,4,3 1050 24 6 0 3,1,2,4 1055

7 1 555 5 5 555
6 0 1605 7 1 1610
5 5 5 5

25 7 1 1,2,4,3 1551 26 7 1 1,2,3,4 1051

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 2106 5 5 1606
5 5 7 1

27 8 2 1,4,3,2 2045 28 6 0 3,4,1,2 1200

5 5 555 6 0 555
4 4 2600 7 1 1755
6 0 8 2

29 5 5 3,1,2,4 1555 30 7 1 1,4,3,2 1250

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 2110 5 5 1805
5 5 8 2

31 8 2 1,3,2,4 2050 32
5 5 555 555
6 0 2605 555
6 0

34 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000
33 5 5 2,3,1,4 450
7 1 555
6 0 555
6 0 1555
4 4 1005
6 0
6 0

35 8 2 2,1,3,4 1201 36 7 1 1,4,2,3 1015

7 1 555 5 5 555
6 0 1756 7 1 1570
7 1 6 0

37 6 0 2,1,3,4 2050 38 6 0 4,1,2,3 1045

8 2 555 4 4 555
5 5 2605 5 5 1600
6 0 7 1

39 8 2 3,1,2,4 1245 40 6 0 4,1,2,3 2050

4 4 555 5 5 555
7 1 1800 6 0 2605
5 5 8 2

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 6 0 3,1,2,4 1055 42 7 1 1,4,2,3 1201

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 1610 7 1 1756
5 5 8 2

43 7 1 1,4,3,2 1205 44 8 2 2,1,3,4 1200

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1760 6 0 1755
8 2 6 0

46 6 0 1,2,3,4 0
45 6 0 1,2,3,4 500
6 0 555
5 5 555
6 0 555
6 0 1055
6 0
6 0

47 6 0 4,1,2,3 1050 48 6 0 1,2,3,4 0

5 5 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 6 0 555
7 1 6 0

49 7 1 1,3,2,4 1511 50 9 3 1,2,4,3 3050

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 2066 6 0 3605
7 1 5 5

51 6 0 1,4,2,3 500 52 6 0 3,1,2,4 1001

6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 1055 7 1 1556
5 5 7 1

54 6 0 2,1,3,4 2030
53 6 0 3,4,1,2 1204
8 2 555
4 4 555
3 3 2585
7 1 1759
6 0
8 2

55 5 5 4,1,2,3 2555 56 7 1 1,2,4,3 1001

5 5 555 6 0 555
5 5 3110 7 1 1556
8 2 6 0

57 5 5 3,2,1,4 1050 58 4 4 4,3,1,2 1245

6 0 555 5 5 555
7 1 1605 8 2 1800
6 0 7 1

59 7 1 1,2,3,4 1511 60 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001

5 5 555 7 1 555
7 1 2066 6 0 1556
7 1 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century V

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 7 1 1,2,3,4 1511 62 7 1 1,3,2,4 1245

5 5 555 4 4 555
7 1 2066 8 2 1800
7 1 5 5

63 6 0 2,3,1,4 1200 64 7 1 1,4,2,3 1051

7 1 555 5 5 555
8 2 1755 7 1 1606
6 0 6 0

66 5 5 3,2,1,4 1455
65 5 5 3,1,4,2 2525
4 4 555
5 5 555
7 1 2010
8 2 3080
5 5
8 2

67 6 0 4,1,3,2 2050 68 7 1 1,3,2,4 1201

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 2605 8 2 1756
8 2 7 1

69 8 2 4,1,2,3 1245 70 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001

4 4 555 7 1 555
5 5 1800 6 0 1556
7 1 7 1

71 7 1 1,2,3,4 1111 72 5 5 2,3,1,4 1050

7 1 555 7 1 555
7 1 1666 6 0 1605
7 1 6 0

74 7 1 1,2,3,4 1055
73 5 5 3,2,1,4 1055
6 0 555
6 0 555
5 5 1610
7 1 1610
5 5
5 5

75 8 2 3,1,2,4 1200 76 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001

6 0 555 7 1 555
7 1 1755 6 0 1556
6 0 7 1

77 5 5 4,3,1,2 1455 78 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000

5 5 555 7 1 555
4 4 2010 6 0 1555
7 1 6 0

79 7 1 1,2,3,4 1055 80 4 4 3,1,2,4 455

6 0 555 5 5 555
5 5 1610 6 0 1010
5 5 5 5

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 6 0 4,1,3,2 2050 82 7 1 1,2,4,3 1051

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 2605 7 1 1606
8 2 5 5

83 5 5 4,3,2,1 2045 84 5 5 3,1,2,4 1555

4 4 555 5 5 555
6 0 2600 7 1 2110
8 2 5 5

86 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001
85 5 5 2,4,3,1 1045
7 1 555
7 1 555
6 0 1556
4 4 1600
6 0
6 0

87 7 1 1,2,4,3 1050 88 8 2 3,1,2,4 1205

6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 1605 7 1 1760
5 5 5 5

89 5 5 3,4,1,2 2455 90 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050

5 5 555 5 5 555
8 2 3010 7 1 1605
4 4 6 0

91 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051 92 7 1 1,2,3,4 1011

5 5 555 6 0 555
6 0 1606 7 1 1566
7 1 7 1

94 5 5 3,4,1,2 1455
93 7 1 1,4,2,3 1055
5 5 555
5 5 555
7 1 2010
5 5 1610
4 4
6 0

95 5 5 3,2,1,4 1055 96 8 2 3,1,2,4 1200

6 0 555 6 0 555
7 1 1610 7 1 1755
5 5 6 0

97 6 0 2,1,4,3 1045 98 5 5 3,2,1,4 1051

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 1600 7 1 1606
4 4 7 1

99 4 4 4,2,1,3 1045 100 7 1 1,3,2,4 1011

6 0 555 7 1 555
5 5 1600 6 0 1566
7 1 7 1
Tempus Ostendu -- Century VI

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 7 1 1,3,2,4 1201 2 7 1 1,3,2,4 1202

6 0 555 6 0 555
8 2 1756 8 2 1757
7 1 8 2

3 6 0 1,2,3,4 500 4 6 0 1,2,3,4 0

5 5 555 6 0 555
6 0 1055 6 0 555
6 0 6 0

6 3 3 4,2,1,3 1034
5 6 0 2,1,3,4 2050
6 0 555
8 2 555
4 4 1589
5 5 2605
7 1
6 0

7 4 4 3,2,1,4 1040 8 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051

6 0 555 5 5 555
7 1 1595 6 0 1606
6 0 7 1

9 6 0 3,1,2,4 1051 10 8 2 4,1,2,3 1200

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 1606 6 0 1755
7 1 7 1

11 7 1 1,4,3,2 1051 12 6 0 1,4,3,2 450

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 1606 5 5 1005
6 0 4 4

14 8 2 1,3,2,4 2055
13 7 1 1,4,2,3 1011
5 5 555
7 1 555
6 0 2610
7 1 1566
5 5
6 0

15 7 1 1,2,3,4 1050 16 7 1 1,2,4,3 1051

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 1605 7 1 1606
6 0 5 5

17 6 0 4,1,2,3 1050 18 7 1 1,2,3,4 1311

5 5 555 9 3 555
6 0 1605 7 1 1866
7 1 7 1

19 6 0 1,2,3,4 0 20 6 0 1,2,3,4 0
6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 6 0

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 7 1 1,3,2,4 1050 22 7 1 1,4,3,2 1051

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1605 5 5 1606
6 0 6 0

23 5 5 2,4,3,1 1205 24 6 0 3,1,2,4 1041

7 1 555 4 4 555
6 0 1760 7 1 1596
8 2 7 1

26 8 2 4,1,3,2 1245
25 6 0 1,4,2,3 500
5 5 555
6 0 555
4 4 1800
6 0 1055
7 1
5 5

27 8 2 2,1,4,3 1202 28 6 0 3,1,2,4 2042

7 1 555 4 4 555
8 2 1757 8 2 2597
6 0 8 2

29 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001 30 5 5 4,2,1,3 1050

7 1 555 6 0 555
6 0 1556 6 0 1605
7 1 7 1

31 7 1 1,2,3,4 1111 32 7 1 1,2,3,4 1001

7 1 555 6 0 555
7 1 1666 6 0 1556
7 1 7 1

34 5 5 2,3,1,4 455
33 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000
6 0 555
7 1 555
4 4 1010
6 0 1555
5 5
6 0

35 7 1 1,2,4,3 1001 36 7 1 1,4,2,3 1200

6 0 555 6 0 555
7 1 1556 6 0 1755
6 0 8 2

37 4 4 2,4,1,3 2045 38 6 0 4,1,2,3 1040

8 2 555 4 4 555
5 5 2600 6 0 1595
6 0 7 1

39 7 1 1,3,2,4 1041 40 7 1 1,3,2,4 1202

4 4 555 6 0 555
6 0 1596 8 2 1757
7 1 8 2
Tempus Ostendu -- Century VI

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 6 0 3,1,4,2 1050 42 6 0 2,1,4,3 2050

6 0 555 8 2 555
7 1 1605 6 0 2605
5 5 5 5

43 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050 44 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050

6 0 555 6 0 555
5 5 1605 5 5 1605
7 1 7 1

45 6 0 1,2,3,4 0 46 6 0 1,2,3,4 0
6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 555 6 0 555
6 0 6 0

47 7 1 1,4,2,3 1045 48 5 5 3,2,1,4 455

4 4 555 4 4 555
5 5 1600 6 0 1010
6 0 5 5

49 7 1 1,3,2,4 1252 50 7 1 1,2,3,4 1010

5 5 555 6 0 555
8 2 1807 6 0 1565
8 2 7 1

51 5 5 3,1,4,2 505 52 7 1 1,2,4,3 1232

5 5 555 8 2 555
6 0 1060 8 2 1787
6 0 9 3

53 7 1 1,2,4,3 1252 54 9 3 2,1,3,4 1311

8 2 555 7 1 555
8 2 1807 7 1 1866
5 5 7 1

55 6 0 1,2,4,3 505 56 6 0 4,1,2,3 1055

5 5 555 5 5 555
5 5 1060 5 5 1610
6 0 7 1

57 7 1 1,3,4,2 1041 58 5 5 2,4,1,3 1055

7 1 555 7 1 555
6 0 1596 5 5 1610
4 4 6 0

59 6 0 2,1,3,4 2000 60 7 1 1,4,2,3 1255

8 2 555 5 5 555
6 0 2555 5 5 1810
6 0 8 2

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 6 0 2,1,3,4 1001 62 8 2 2,1,3,4 1200

7 1 555 7 1 555
6 0 1556 6 0 1755
7 1 6 0

63 6 0 4,1,2,3 2000 64 6 0 1,2,3,4 505

6 0 555 5 5 555
6 0 2555 6 0 1060
8 2 5 5

65 5 5 3,1,4,2 1515
66 6 0 2,1,3,4 1050
5 5 555
7 1 555
7 1 2070
5 5 1605
7 1
6 0

67 7 1 1,3,4,2 1245 68 5 5 2,3,1,4 2055

5 5 555 8 2 555
8 2 1800 6 0 2610
4 4 5 5

69 7 1 1,4,2,3 1011 70 8 2 4,1,2,3 1200

7 1 555 6 0 555
7 1 1566 6 0 1755
6 0 7 1

71 7 1 1,3,4,2 1001 72 5 5 2,1,3,4 1555

7 1 555 7 1 555
6 0 1556 5 5 2110
6 0 5 5

74 5 5 3,1,4,2 505
73 6 0 2,1,3,4 1050
5 5 555
7 1 555
6 0 1060
5 5 1605
6 0
6 0

75 7 1 1,2,3,4 1255 76 5 5 3,4,2,1 1205

8 2 555 6 0 555
5 5 1810 7 1 1760
5 5 8 2

77 6 0 3,1,4,2 2050 78 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050

6 0 555 6 0 555
8 2 2605 5 5 1605
5 5 7 1

79 7 1 1,4,2,3 1055 80 8 2 1,4,2,3 2052

5 5 555 5 5 555
5 5 1610 8 2 2607
6 0 6 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century VI

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 5 5 3,4,1,2 1055 82 7 1 1,2,3,4 1000

5 5 555 6 0 555
7 1 1610 6 0 1555
6 0 6 0

84 5 5 2,4,1,3 1251
83 7 1 555
555 7 1 1806
555 8 2

86 8 2 3,1,2,4 1202
85 7 1 1,2,3,4 1001
6 0 555
6 0 555
7 1 1757
6 0 1556
8 2
7 1

87 4 4 3,4,1,2 2245 88 5 5 4,1,2,3 1555

5 5 555 5 5 555
8 2 2800 5 5 2110
6 0 7 1

89 6 0 2,1,4,3 1045 90 3 3 4,1,2,3 355

7 1 555 5 5 555
5 5 1600 5 5 910
4 4 6 0

91 6 0 3,4,1,2 1205 92 5 5 2,3,4,1 1235

5 5 555 7 1 555
7 1 1760 8 2 1790
8 2 9 3

94 6 0 4,3,1,2 1200
93 4 4 2,4,1,3 1245
6 0 555
7 1 555
8 2 1755
5 5 1800
7 1
8 2

95 6 0 4,1,2,3 1050 96 5 5 2,4,1,3 1055

5 5 555 7 1 555
6 0 1605 5 5 1610
7 1 6 0

97 5 5 2,1,4,3 1515 98 8 2 1,2,3,4 2002

7 1 555 6 0 555
5 5 2070 6 0 2557
7 1 8 2

99 5 5 2,4,1,3 1051 100 7 1 1,2,3,4 1011

7 1 555 6 0 555
7 1 1606 7 1 1566
6 0 7 1

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

0 6 2 2,1,4,3 1232 1 6 2 2,1,3,4 1233

5 1 555 5 1 555
6 2 1787 7 3 1788
7 3 7 3

2 7 3 2,1,3,4 2333 3 6 2 2,1,3,4 1233

6 2 555 5 1 555
7 3 2888 7 3 1788
7 3 7 3

4 7 3 3,1,2,4 2352 5 7 3 2,1,3,4 2333

3 5 555 6 2 555
6 2 2907 7 3 2888
6 2 7 3

6 5 1 1,4,2,3 1311 7 7 3 2,1,4,3 2323

5 1 555 6 2 555
5 1 1866 7 3 2878
7 3 6 2

9 7 3 2,1,3,4 1033
8 7 3 2,4,1,3 1234
5 1 555
5 1 555
4 0 1588
8 4 1789
7 3
6 2

10 7 3 4,2,1,3 1232 11 5 1 1,3,4,2 1241

6 2 555 5 1 555
6 2 1787 6 2 1796
5 1 8 4

12 8 4 2,3,1,4 1341 13 5 1 1,2,3,4 1222

5 1 555 6 2 555
7 3 1896 6 2 1777
5 1 6 2

15 5 1 1,2,3,4 1333
14 4 0 2,1,3,4 2002 7 3 555
6 2 555 7 3 1888
4 0 2557 7 3
6 2
17 6 2 1,4,2,3 2322
16 7 3 2,3,1,4 1231
6 2 555
5 1 555
6 2 2877
6 2 1786
7 3
5 1

18 5 1 1,2,3,4 1242 19 6 2 2,1,3,4 1230

6 2 555 5 1 555
8 4 1797 7 3 1785
6 2 4 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century VII

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

20 5 1 1,2,3,4 1111 21 4 0 4,3,1,2 3400

5 1 555 4 0 555
5 1 1666 8 4 3955
5 1 7 3

22 4 0 2,3,4,1 1230 23 7 3 2,1,4,3 2323

5 1 555 6 2 555
6 2 1785 7 3 2878
7 3 6 2

25 6 2 1,3,2,4 2322
24 4 0 3,2,1,4 1404
6 2 555
8 4 555
7 3 2877
5 1 1959
6 2
8 4

26 6 2 2,1,3,4 1232 27 7 3 2,1,3,4 2323

5 1 555 6 2 555
7 3 1787 6 2 2878
6 2 7 3

28 5 1 1,3,2,4 1233 29 7 3 1,4,2,3 3033

7 3 555 7 3 555
6 2 1788 7 3 3588
7 3 4 0

3 31 6 2 2,1,3,4 1212
0 7 3 2,1,3,4 2322 5 1 555
6 2 555 5 1 1767
6 2 2877 6 2
6 2
33 5 1 1,2,3,4 1222
32 6 2 2,1,4,3 1212
6 2 555
5 1 555
6 2 1777
6 2 1767
6 2
5 1

34 7 3 2,4,1,3 1234 35 6 2 1,4,2,3 2322

5 1 555 6 2 555
8 4 1789 6 2 2877
6 2 7 3

36 9 5 4,2,1,3 2352 37 8 4 2,4,1,3 2342

7 3 555 6 2 555
7 3 2907 6 2 2897
6 2 7 3

38 5 1 1,3,4,2 1201 39 5 1 1,3,2,4 1212

5 1 555 5 1 555
6 2 1756 6 2 1767
4 0 6 2

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

40 6 2 1,2,4,3 2323 41 7 3 3,2,1,4 1231

7 3 555 6 2 555
7 3 2878 5 1 1786
6 2 5 1

73 5 1 1,3,2,4 1234
42 6 2 1,2,3,4 2343 7 3 555
7 3 555 6 2 1789
8 4 2898 8 4
7 3
81 5 1 1,3,2,4 1230
80 5 1 1,3,2,4 1233
7 3 555
7 3 555
6 2 1785
6 2 1788
4 0
7 3

83 5 1 1,2,4,3 1450
8 4 555
3 5 2005
4 0
Tempus Ostendu -- Century VIII

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 8 4 4,2,1,3 1240 2 5 1 1,3,2,4 1343

6 2 555 8 4 555
4 0 1795 7 3 1898
5 1 7 3

3 6 2 1,4,2,3 2322 4 6 2 2,1,4,3 1231

6 2 555 5 1 555
6 2 2877 5 1 1786
7 3 7 3

6 5 1 1,2,4,3 1230
5 4 0 2,4,1,3 2402
6 2 555
6 2 555
4 0 1785
6 2 2957
7 3
8 4

7 4 0 2,4,3,1 2340 8 7 3 4,2,1,3 1232

6 2 555 6 2 555
8 4 2895 6 2 1787
7 3 5 1

9 7 3 2,3,1,4 1232 10 5 1 1,2,3,4 1233

5 1 555 6 2 555
6 2 1787 7 3 1788
6 2 7 3

11 5 1 1,2,3,4 1233 12 4 0 2,4,3,1 1240

6 2 555 5 1 555
7 3 1788 8 4 1795
7 3 6 2

14 6 2 2,1,3,4 1212
13 6 2 2,1,3,4 1233
5 1 555
5 1 555
5 1 1767
7 3 1788
6 2
7 3

15 6 2 1,3,2,4 2302 16 8 4 2,1,4,3 2402

4 0 555 6 2 555
7 3 2857 6 2 2957
6 2 4 0

17 6 2 1,2,3,4 2505 18 8 4 2,1,3,4 3444

9 5 555 7 3 555
4 0 3060 8 4 3999
9 5 8 4

19 6 2 2,1,3,4 1222 20 6 2 1,2,3,4 2222

5 1 555 6 2 555
6 2 1777 6 2 2777
6 2 6 2

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 7 3 2,3,1,4 1233 22 6 2 2,1,3,4, 1222

5 1 555 5 1 555
6 2 1788 6 2 1777
7 3 6 2

23 7 3 4,1,2,3 2333 24 5 1 1,3,2,4 1211

7 3 555 5 1 555
7 3 2888 6 2 1766
6 2 5 1

26 6 2 2,1,3,4 1241
25 6 2 3,1,2,4 1234
5 1 555
7 3 555
8 4 1796
5 1 1789
5 1
8 4

27 7 3 1,2,3,4 3404 28 6 2 3,1,2,4 1241

8 4 555 8 4 555
4 0 3959 5 1 1796
8 4 5 1

29 7 3 2,1,3,4 1311 30 6 2 1,4,2,3 2422

5 1 555 6 2 555
5 1 1866 6 2 2977
5 1 8 4

31 7 3 2,1,4,3 2342 32 7 3 4,3,1,2 1233

6 2 555 7 3 555
6 2 2897 6 2 1788
8 4 5 1

33 6 2 1,4,2,3 2322 34 6 2 1,3,2,4 2022

6 2 555 6 2 555
6 2 2877 4 0 2577
7 3 6 2

35 5 1 1,3,2,4 1232 36 5 1 1,3,2,4 1311

7 3 555 5 1 555
6 2 1787 7 3 1866
6 2 5 1

37 6 2 1,2,4,3 2343 38 7 3 2,1,4,3 2343

7 3 555 6 2 555
7 3 2898 7 3 2898
8 4 8 4

39 5 1 1,2,3,4 1241 40 8 4 4,2,1,3 1242

6 2 555 6 2 555
8 4 1796 6 2 1797
5 1 5 1
Tempus Ostendu -- Century VIII

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 6 2 1,2,4,3 2352 42 5 1 1,2,4,3 1241

7 3 555 6 2 555
6 2 2907 5 1 1796
9 5 8 4

44 4 0 2,3,1,4 3403
43 7 3 2,1,4,3 2303 7 3 555
6 2 555 8 4 3958
7 3 2858 7 3
4 0
46 7 3 2,1,3,4 2333
45 6 2 1,4,3,2 2342
6 2 555
6 2 555
7 3 2888
8 4 2897
7 3
7 3

47 4 0 2,1,3,4 1011 48 6 2 1,2,3,4 2022

5 1 555 4 0 555
5 1 1566 6 2 2577
5 1 6 2

49 9 5 2,3,1,4 1451 50 5 1 1,3,2,4 1234

5 1 555 7 3 555
8 4 2006 6 2 1789
5 1 8 4

51 4 0 3,2,4,1 1230 52 6 2 1,2,4,3 2342

6 2 555 7 3 555
5 1 1785 6 2 2897
7 3 2 4

54 6 2 3,1,4,2 1212
53 6 2 1,2,3,4 2323
6 2 555
7 3 555
5 1 1767
6 2 2878
5 1
7 3

55 6 2 1,3,2,4 2322 56 6 2 1,2,3,4 2323

6 2 555 7 3 555
7 3 2877 6 2 2878
6 2 7 3

57 6 2 1,2,3,4 2343 58 6 2 3,1,4,2 1231

7 3 555 6 2 555
8 4 2898 5 1 1786
7 3 7 3

59 10 1 3,4,1,2 1200 60 6 2 4,1,2,3 1222

4 0 555 6 2 555
5 1 1755 6 2 1777
6 2 5 1

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 6 2 2,1,4,3 1234 62 7 3 3,1,4,2 2323

5 1 555 7 3 555
8 4 1789 6 2 2878
7 3 6 2

63 6 2 1,2,3,4 2302 64 6 2 1,2,3,4 2323

7 3 555 7 3 555
4 0 2857 6 2 2878
6 2 7 3

66 5 1 1,2,3,4 1212
65 6 2 1,2,3,4 2342
6 2 555
7 3 555
5 1 1767
8 4 2897
6 2
6 2

67 7 3 2,1,4,3 2023 68 6 2 4,1,2,3 1232

6 2 555 7 3 555
6 2 2578 6 2 1787
4 0 5 1

69 7 3 4,1,2,3 2343 70 5 1 1,2,3,4 1511

8 4 555 3 5 555
7 3 2898 5 1 2066
6 2 5 1

71 7 3 1,3,2,4 3403 72 5 1 1,2,4,3 1313

4 0 555 7 3 555
8 4 3958 7 3 1868
7 3 5 1

74 7 3 3,2,1,4 1232
73 6 2 2,1,4,3 1212
6 2 555
5 1 555
5 1 1787
6 2 1767
6 2
5 1

75 6 2 2,1,3,4 1251 76 6 2 1,2,4,3 2343

5 1 555 7 3 555
9 5 1806 7 3 2898
5 1 8 4

77 5 1 1,2,3,4 1313 78 6 2 2,1,4,3 1202

7 3 555 5 1 555
5 1 1868 6 2 1757
7 3 4 0

79 8 4 4,2,1,3 2344 80 7 3 3,1,4,2 2345

7 3 555 9 5 555
8 4 2899 6 2 2900
6 2 8 4
Tempus Ostendu -- Century VIII

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 5 1 1,2,3,4 1111 82 7 3 3,1,4,2 1313

5 1 555 7 3 555
5 1 1666 5 1 1868
5 1 5 1

83 9 4 3,2,4,1 1245 84 6 2 1,2,4,3 2343

6 2 555 7 3 555
5 1 1800 7 3 2898
8 3 8 4

86 5 1 1,2,3,4 1231
85 7 3 2,1,3,4 2322
6 2 555
6 2 555
7 3 1786
6 2 2877
5 1
6 2

87 6 2 2,1,3,4 1222 88 7 3 3,1,2,4 1343

5 1 555 8 4 555
6 2 1777 5 1 1898
6 2 7 3

89 8 4 4,2,3,1 1234 90 8 4 4,1,2,3 3444

6 2 555 8 4 555
7 3 1789 8 4 3999
5 1 7 3

91 6 2 1,4,2,3 2322 92 8 4 2,3,1,4 2342

6 2 555 6 2 555
6 2 2877 7 3 2897
7 3 6 2

94 8 4 3,2,1,4 1242
93 6 2 1,2,4,3 2323
6 2 555
7 3 555
5 1 1797
7 3 2878
6 2
6 2

95 7 3 4,2,1,3 1234 96 6 2 2,1,3,4 1222

6 2 555 5 1 555
8 4 1789 6 2 1777
5 1 6 2

97 7 3 3,1,2,4 2342 98 6 2 1,2,4,3 2323

8 4 555 7 3 555
6 2 2897 7 3 2878
6 2 6 2

99 7 3 3,1,2,4 2342 100 5 1 1,4,3,2 1230

8 4 555 10 1 555
6 2 2897 7 3 1785
6 2 6 2

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 6 2 2,1,4,3 2342 2 5 1 1,3,2,4 2424

5 1 555 5 1 555
5 1 2897 7 3 2979
7 3 7 3

3 6 2 1,2,4,3 3434 4 5 1 1,3,2,4 2454

7 3 555 8 4 555
7 3 3989 7 3 3009
6 2 7 3

6 6 2 1,4,2,3 3453
5 6 2 1,3,2,4 3434
8 4 555
6 2 555
6 2 4008
7 3 3989
7 3
7 3
Tempus Ostendu -- Century IX

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 7 4 4,1,2,3 2444 2 7 4 4,1,2,3 1444

7 4 555 7 4 555
7 4 2999 7 4 1999
5 2 4 1

3 7 4 2,1,3,4 3455 4 5 2 1,2,3,4 2452

6 3 555 7 4 555
8 5 4010 8 5 3007
8 5 5 2

6 5 2 2,1,4,3 1212
5 7 4 3,1,4,2 2424 4 1 555
7 4 555 5 2 1767
5 2 2979 4 1
5 2
8 8 5 3,2,4,1 3245
7 5 2 1,2,4,3 2353
6 3 555
6 3 555
5 2 3800
6 3 2908
7 4
8 5

9 6 3 1,3,2,4 3434 10 5 2 1,2,3,4 2342

6 3 555 6 3 555
7 4 3989 7 4 2897
7 4 5 2

11 9 0 2,4,3,1 1350 12 6 3 3,1,2,4 2333

4 1 555 6 3 555
8 5 1905 5 2 2888
6 3 6 3

13 6 3 1,2,3,4 3433 14 5 2 1,2,3,4 2344

7 4 555 6 3 555
6 3 3988 7 4 2899
6 3 7 4

15 6 3 1,3,2,4 3433 16 5 2 1,3,2,4 2424

6 3 555 5 2 555
7 4 3988 7 4 2979
6 3 7 4

17 8 5 3,2,4,1 1345 18 6 3 3,1,4,2 2343

6 3 555 6 3 555
4 1 1900 5 2 2898
7 4 7 4

19 7 4 2,1,3,4 3454 20 8 5 2,1,3,4 4544

6 3 555 7 4 555
8 5 4009 7 4 5099
7 4 7 4

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 7 4 4,1,2,3 2444 22 8 5 4,3,1,2 2455

7 4 555 8 5 555
7 4 2999 7 4 3010
5 2 5 2

23 7 4 4,1,2,3 2404 24 7 4 3,2,1,4 2342

9 0 555 6 3 555
7 4 2959 5 2 2897
5 2 5 2

26 7 4 1,3,2,4 4544
25 7 4 2,3,1,4 2342
7 4 555
5 2 555
8 5 5099
6 3 2897
7 4
5 2

27 9 0 2,4,1,3 3503 28 4 1 1,3,2,4 1234

6 3 555 6 3 555
6 3 4058 5 2 1789
8 5 7 4

29 8 5 4,2,3,1 1245 30 7 4 2,3,1,4 2343

6 3 555 5 2 555
7 4 1800 6 3 2898
4 1 6 3

31 6 3 3,1,2,4 2333 32 6 3 2,1,3,4 2333

6 3 555 5 2 555
5 2 2888 6 3 2888
6 3 6 3

34 6 3 1,3,2,4 3433
33 5 2 1,3,2,4 2322
6 3 555
5 2 555
7 4 3988
6 3 2877
6 3
5 2

35 5 2 1,2,4,3 2323 36 9 0 4,2,3,1 3450

6 3 555 7 4 555
6 3 2878 8 5 4005
5 2 6 3

37 5 2 3,1,2,4 1244 38 6 3 2,1,4,3 2323

7 4 555 5 2 555
4 1 1799 6 3 2878
7 4 5 2

39 5 2 1,2,3,4 2333 40 7 4 2,1,4,3 2424

6 3 555 5 2 555
6 3 2888 7 4 2979
6 3 5 2
Tempus Ostendu -- Century IX

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 6 3 3,1,2,4 2344 42 5 2 1,2,4,3 2343

7 4 555 6 3 555
5 2 2899 6 3 2898
7 4 7 4

43 5 2 1,4,3,2 2342 44 5 2 1,2,3,4 2323

5 2 555 6 3 555
7 4 2897 5 2 2878
6 3 6 3

46 6 3 2,1,3,4 1351
45 6 3 2,1,3,4 2343
4 1 555
5 2 555
8 5 1906
7 4 2898
4 1
6 3

47 5 2 1,3,2,4 2345 48 5 2 1,3,2,4 2322

7 4 555 5 2 555
6 3 2900 6 3 2877
8 5 5 2

49 5 2 1,2,3,4 2444 50 7 4 4,2,1,3 2344

7 4 555 6 3 555
7 4 2999 7 4 2899
7 4 5 2

51 6 3 1,4,2,3 3453 52 7 4 1,4,2,3 4544

8 5 555 7 4 555
6 3 4008 7 4 5099
7 4 8 5

54 5 2 1,4,2,3 2899
53 7 4 1,4,2,3 4544
7 4 555
7 4 555
7 4 3454
7 4 5099
6 3
8 5

55 5 2 1,4,3,2 2452 56
5 2 555 555
8 5 3007 555
7 4

57 7 4 2,3,1,4 2343 58 7 4 3,1,4,2 3434

5 2 555 7 4 555
6 3 2898 6 3 3989
6 3 6 3

59 6 3 1,2,4,3 3434 60 6 3 4,2,1,3 1232

7 4 555 5 2 555
7 4 3989 5 2 1787
6 3 4 1

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 7 4 2,4,1,3 1245 62 4 1 1,2,3,4 1313

4 1 555 6 3 555
8 5 1800 4 1 1868
5 2 6 3

63 5 2 1,4,2,3 2342 64 4 1 1,2,4,3 1343

7 4 555 6 3 555
5 2 2897 7 4 1898
6 3 6 3

66 4 1 1,4,3,2 1234
65 7 4 4,1,2,3 3444
7 4 555
7 4 555
6 3 1789
7 4 3999
5 2
6 3

67 8 5 4,2,1,3 3454 68 6 3 1,3,2,4 3455

7 4 555 8 5 555
7 4 4009 7 4 4010
6 3 8 5

69 7 4 2,1,3,4 3444 70 6 3 4,1,2,3 2333

6 3 555 6 3 555
7 4 3999 6 3 2888
7 4 5 2

71 7 4 3,2,1,4 2343 72 6 3 2,1,4,3 2342

6 3 555 5 2 555
5 2 2898 5 2 2897
6 3 7 4

74 7 4 3,4,1,2 2344
73 6 3 2,1,3,4 2333
7 4 555
5 2 555
5 2 2899
6 3 2888
6 3
6 3

75 6 3 3,1,2,4 2333 76 5 2 1,2,4,3 2323

6 3 555 6 3 555
5 2 2888 6 3 2878
6 3 5 2

77 6 3 1,3,2,4 3455 78 6 3 2,1,3,4 2322

8 5 555 5 2 555
7 4 4010 5 2 2877
8 5 5 2

79 7 4 2,1,3,4 3434 80 6 3 3,1,4,2 2343

6 3 555 6 3 555
6 3 3989 5 2 2898
7 4 7 4
Tempus Ostendu -- Century IX

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 6 3 2,1,4,3 2323 82 5 2 1,3,2,4 2343

5 2 555 7 4 555
6 3 2878 6 3 2898
5 2 6 3

83 8 5 2,1,3,4 2522 84 4 1 1,2,3,4 1242

5 2 555 5 2 555
5 2 3077 7 4 1797
5 2 5 2

86 7 4 4,1,2,3 3444
85 5 2 1,2,3,4 2353
7 4 555
6 3 555
7 4 3999
8 5 2908
6 3
6 3

87 6 3 1,3,2,4 3433 88 5 2 2,1,3,4 1233

6 3 555 4 1 555
7 4 3988 6 3 1788
6 3 6 3

89 6 3 2,4,1,3 1233 90 7 4 2,1,4,3 3454

4 1 555 6 3 555
6 3 1788 7 4 4009
5 2 8 5

91 4 1 1,4,2,3 1211 92 7 4 2,4,1,3 2342

4 1 555 5 2 555
4 1 1766 5 2 2897
5 2 6 3

94 5 2 3,1,2,4 1242
93 6 3 4,2,1,3 1234
7 4 555
5 2 555
4 1 1797
7 4 1789
5 2
4 1

95 5 2 1,4,2,3 2422 96 5 2 2,1,3,4 1233

5 2 555 4 1 555
5 2 2977 6 3 1788
7 4 6 3

97 7 4 3,2,1,4 1343 98 7 4 2,3,1,4 1245

6 3 555 4 1 555
4 1 1898 5 2 1800
6 3 8 5

99 6 3 4,1,3,2 2335 100 5 2 1,3,2,4 2343

6 3 555 7 4 555
8 5 2890 6 3 2898
5 2 6 3

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

56.55 5 2 1,4,3,2 2452 57.56 7 4 2,1,3,4 3434

5 2 555 6 3 555
8 5 3007 6 3 3989
7 4 7 4
Tempus Ostendu -- Century X

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 5 2 1,2,3,4 2343 2 6 3 1,2,3,4 3433

6 3 555 7 4 555
7 4 2898 6 3 3988
6 3 6 3

3 7 4 2,3,1,4 2343 4 6 3 2,1,3,4 1344

5 2 555 4 1 555
6 3 2898 7 4 1899
6 3 7 4

6 5 2 2,1,3,4 1242
5 5 2 2,1,4,3 1232
4 1 555
4 1 555
7 4 1797
5 2 1787
5 2
6 3

7 7 4 2,1,4,3 2404 8 5 2 1,4,3,2 2345

5 2 555 8 5 555
7 4 2959 7 4 2900
9 0 6 3

9 6 3 1,4,2,3 3033 10 5 2 1,4,2,3 2344

6 3 555 7 4 555
6 3 3588 7 4 2899
9 0 6 3

10.11 5 2 1,2,4,3 2334 12 6 3 2,1,3,4 2345

6 3 555 5 2 555
7 4 2889 7 4 2900
6 3 8 5

14 7 4 3,2,1,4 2342
13 5 2 1,2,3,4 2333
6 3 555
6 3 555
5 2 2897
6 3 2888
5 2
6 3

15 7 4 1,2,3,4 4444 16 8 5 2,3,1,4 2454

7 4 555 5 2 555
7 4 4999 7 4 3009
7 4 7 4

17 7 4 3,2,1,4 2342 18 7 4 1,4,2,3 4504

6 3 555 9 0 555
5 2 2897 7 4 5059
5 2 8 5

19 6 3 3,1,2,4 2345 20 6 3 1,2,3,4 3434

7 4 555 7 4 555
5 2 2900 6 3 3989
8 5 7 4

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 7 4 2,1,4,3 3454 22 6 3 1,3,4,2 3503

6 3 555 6 3 555
7 4 4009 8 5 4058
8 5 9 0

23 6 3 1,2,3,4 3333 24 6 3 1,4,2,3 3433

6 3 555 6 3 555
6 3 3888 6 3 3988
6 3 7 4

26 6 3 1,4,2,3 3433
5 6 3 3,1,4,2 2343
6 3 555
6 3 555
6 3 3988
5 2 2898
7 4
7 4

27 6 3 3,1,2,4 2345 28 6 3 1,2,3,4 3333

7 4 555 6 3 555
5 2 2900 6 3 3888
8 5 6 3

29 6 3 3,1,2,4 2343 30 6 3 1,3,2,4 3433

7 4 555 6 3 555
5 2 2898 7 4 3988
6 3 6 3

32 7 4 1,3,2,4 4544
31 6 3 2,3,1,4 1233 7 4 555
4 1 555 8 5 5099
5 2 1788 7 4
6 3
34 5 2 1,2,4,3 2452
33 6 3 4,1,2,3 2333
7 4 555
6 3 555
5 2 3007
6 3 2888
8 5
5 2

35 5 2 1,2,3,4 2333 36 7 4 2,1,3,4 3433

6 3 555 6 3 555
6 3 2888 6 3 3988
6 3 6 3

37 7 4 2,3,1,4 2342 38 7 4 2,1,3,4 3434

5 2 555 6 3 555
6 3 2897 6 3 3989
5 2 7 4

39 5 2 1,2,3,4 2424 40 6 3 2,1,4,3 2342

7 4 555 5 2 555
5 2 2979 5 2 2897
7 4 7 4
Tempus Ostendu -- Century X

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 6 3 4,1,2,3 1355 42 5 2 1,2,4,3 2343

8 5 555 6 3 555
8 5 1910 6 3 2898
4 1 7 4

43 8 5 2,4,1,3 2452 44 8 5 2,1,4,3 2502

5 2 555 5 2 555
5 2 3007 5 2 3057
7 4 9 0

46 7 4 3,2,1,4 2343
45 7 4 4,2,1,3 2343
6 3 555
6 3 555
5 2 2898
6 3 2898
6 3
5 2

47 7 4 4,1,2,3 1444 48 6 3 1,2,3,4 3444

7 4 555 7 4 555
7 4 1999 7 4 3999
4 1 7 4

49 7 4 2,1,3,4 3433 50 7 4 2,4,1,3 2342

6 3 555 5 2 555
6 3 3988 5 2 2897
6 3 6 3

51 8 5 2,4,1,3 2355 52 7 4 4,1,2,3 1444

5 2 555 7 4 555
8 5 2910 7 4 1999
6 3 4 1

54 7 4 3,1,2,4 2452
53 6 3 1,2,4,3 3434
8 5 555
7 4 555
5 2 3007
7 4 3989
5 2
6 3

55 4 1 1,4,2,3 1341 56 6 3 1,2,3,4 3535

7 4 555 8 5 555
4 1 1896 6 3 4090
6 3 8 5

57 6 3 1,2,3,4 3454 58 8 5 2,3,1,4 1252

7 4 555 4 1 555
8 5 4009 5 2 1807
7 4 5 2

59 6 3 2,1,3,4 2333 60 6 3 2,1,3,4 2333

5 2 555 5 2 555
6 3 2888 6 3 2888
6 3 6 3

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 4 1 1,2,3,4 1222 62 6 3 3,1,2,4 2333

5 2 555 6 3 555
5 2 1777 5 2 2888
5 2 6 3

63 7 4 2,4,1,3 1340 64 5 2 1,4,3,2 2345

4 1 555 8 5 555
9 0 1895 7 4 2900
6 3 6 3

66 7 4 2,3,1,4 2344
65 6 3 1,3,2,4 3455
5 2 555
8 5 555
6 3 2899
7 4 4010
7 4
8 5

67 8 5 2,4,1,3 3453 68 6 3 3,1,2,4 2332

6 3 555 6 3 555
6 3 4008 5 2 2887
7 4 5 2

69 7 4 4,2,1,3 2344 70 6 3 3,1,2,4 2333

6 3 555 6 3 555
7 4 2899 5 2 2888
5 2 6 3

71 7 4 2,1,3,4 3453 72 8 5 3,2,1,4 2454

6 3 555 7 4 555
8 5 4008 5 2 3009
6 3 7 4

74 6 3 2,1,4,3 2343
73 6 3 2,1,3,4 2333 5 2 555
5 2 555 6 3 2898
6 3 2888 7 4
6 3
76 6 3 4,1,3,2 1343
75 5 2 1,4,3,2 2452 6 3 555
5 2 555 7 4 1898
8 5 3007 4 1
7 4
78 5 2 4,1,2,3 1234
77 6 3 4,1,2,3 2333 6 3 555
6 3 555 7 4 1789
6 3 2888 4 1
5 2
80 7 4 3,1,2,4 3444
79 6 3 2,1,3,4 2342 7 4 555
5 2 555 6 3 3999
7 4 2897 7 4
5 2
Tempus Ostendu -- Century X

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 5 2 1,2,3,4 2333 82 6 3 2,1,3,4 2322

6 3 555 5 2 555
6 3 2888 5 2 2877
6 3 5 2

83 6 3 1,2,4,3 3453 84 8 5 2,1,3,4 3533

7 4 555 6 3 555
6 3 4008 6 3 4088
8 5 6 3

85 8 5 2,4,1,3 2355 86 7 4 2,3,1,4 1344

5 2 555 4 1 555
8 5 2910 6 3 1899
6 3 7 4

87 8 5 3,4,1,2 2350 88 6 3 1,2,4,3 3453

9 0 555 7 4 555
5 2 2905 6 3 4008
6 3 8 5

89 8 5 2,3,4,1 1235 90 6 3 4,1,3,2 2343

4 1 555 6 3 555
5 2 1790 7 4 2898
6 3 5 2

92 6 3 3,1,2,4 1345
91 7 4 2,1,4,3 3434
7 4 555
6 3 555
4 1 1900
7 4 3989
8 5
6 3

93 6 3 2,3,1,4 1233 94 4 1 1,2,3,4 1232

4 1 555 5 2 555
5 2 1788 6 3 1787
6 3 5 2

95 7 4 2,1,3,4 3434 96 6 3 3,2,1,4 1233

6 3 555 5 2 555
6 3 3989 4 1 1788
7 4 6 3

97 5 2 1,3,2,4 2455 98 6 3 3,1,2,4 2352

8 5 555 8 5 555
7 4 3010 5 2 2907
8 5 5 2

99 8 5 2,3,1,4 2452
100 6 3 1,2,3,4 3533
5 2 555
8 5 555
7 4 3007
6 3 4088
5 2
6 3
DE 1568 8 5 3,2,1,4 3453
7 4 555
6 3 4008
6 3

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

91 6 3 2,1,4,3 2343 97 6 3 1,3,2,4 3533

5 2 555 6 3 555
6 3 2898 8 5 4088
7 4 6 3

4 6 3 1,2,3,4 3333 24 7 4 2,3,1,4 2344

6 3 555 5 2 555
6 3 3888 6 3 2899
6 3 7 4

36 6 3 1,2,3,4 3535 52 8 5 4,2,1,3 3455

8 5 555 7 4 555
6 3 4090 8 5 4010
8 5 6 3

55 4 1 1,3,2,4 1235 56 7 4 2,1,3,4 2422

6 3 555 5 2 555
5 2 1790 5 2 2977
8 5 5 2

59 6 3 2,1,3,4 2322 62 6 3 2,3,1,4 1234

5 2 555 4 1 555
5 2 2877 5 2 1789
5 2 7 4

65 6 3 1,3,2,4 3533 69 5 2 4,1,3,2 1242

6 3 555 5 2 555
8 5 4088 7 4 1797
6 3 4 1

71 6 3 4,1,2,3 2333
6 3 555
6 3 2888
5 2
Tempus Ostendu -- Almanacs

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

1 5 2 3,1,4,2 7575 2 7 1 1,3,2,4 1200

5 2 555 6 0 555
7 1 7020 8 2 1755
7 1 6 0

3 7 1 1,3,2,4 1200 4 7 1 1,2,3,4 1111

January 6 0 555 February 7 1 555
8 2 1755 7 1 1666
6 0 7 1

6 6 0 4,3,1,2 1205
5 8 2 2,1,4,3 1230
April 5 5 555
March 7 1 555
8 2 1760
6 0 1785
7 1
9 3

7 8 2 3,1,2,4 1205 8 8 2 3,1,2,4 1200

May 6 0 555 June 6 0 555
7 1 1760 7 1 1755
5 5 6 0

9 5 5 3,4,2,1 1045 10 7 1 1,2,3,4 1555

July 4 4 555 August 5 5 555
7 1 1600 5 5 2110
6 0 5 5

11 8 2 2,1,3,4 1201 12 4 4 3,4,1,2 2145

September 7 1 555 October 5 5 555
6 0 1756 7 1 2700
7 1 8 2

14 6 0 3,4,1,2 1200
13 8 2 2,1,3,4 1202
December 6 0 555
November 7 1 555
7 1 1755
6 0 1757
8 2
8 2

15 6 0 3,4,1,2 1200 16 6 0 3,1,2,4 2052

January 6 0 555 May 5 5 555
7 1 1755 8 2 2607
8 2 8 2

17 6 0 4,2,1,3 1205 18 7 1 1,2,3,4 1001

June 8 2 555 July 6 0 555
5 5 1760 6 0 1556
7 1 7 1

19 7 1 1,2,3,4 1511 20 6 0 4,1,3,2 1050

August 5 5 555 September 6 0 555
7 1 2066 5 5 1605
7 1 7 1

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

21 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050 22 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000

October 5 5 555 November 7 1 555
7 1 1605 6 0 1555
6 0 6 0

23 6 0 1,2,4,3 550 24 5 5 3,2,1,4 3050

December 5 5 555 January 6 0 555
5 5 1105 9 3 3605
6 0 6 0

26 6 0 3,2,1,4 1200
25 5 5 3,4,1,2 1455
April 8 2 555
March 5 5 555
7 1 1755
7 1 2010
6 0
4 4

27 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050 28 7 1 1,2,3,4 1555

May 5 5 555 June 5 5 555
7 1 1605 5 5 2110
6 0 5 5

29 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 30 6 0 1,4,2,3 500

July 6 0 555 August 6 0 555
6 0 1055 6 0 1055
6 0 5 5

31 6 0 3,1,2,4 1000 32 6 0 3,4,1,2 1200

October 6 0 555 November 6 0 555
7 1 1555 7 1 1755
6 0 8 2

34 8 2 1,2,4,3 2040
33 7 1 1,3,4,2 1201
6 0 555
December 7 1 555
6 0 2595
8 2 1756
4 4
6 0

35 9 3 1,2,3,4 3050 36 5 5 4,3,1,2 3055

January 6 0 555 February 5 5 555
5 5 3605 6 0 3610
6 0 9 3

37 7 1 1,2,3,4 1051 38 4 4 2,1,3,4 1451

March 6 0 555 April 7 1 555
5 5 1606 5 5 2006
7 1 7 1

39 5 5 2,1,3,4 1515 40 7 1 1,3,4,2 1045

May 7 1 555 June 5 5 555
7 1 2070 6 0 1600
5 5 4 4
Tempus Ostendu -- Almanacs

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

41 5 5 2,3,1,4 2055 42 5 5 2,1,3,4 4555

July 8 2 555 August 4 4 555
6 0 2610 5 5 5110
5 5 5 5

43 6 0 2,1,3,4 1011 44 4 4 4,2,1,3 2345

September 7 1 555 October 9 3 555
7 1 1566 5 5 2900
7 1 8 2

46 7 1 1,2,4,3 1001
45 4 4 2,1,3,4 1411
December 6 0 555
November 7 1 555
7 1 1556
7 1 1966
6 0
7 1

47 5 5 2,1,3,4 550 48 5 5 2,1,3,4 1511

January 6 0 555 February 7 1 555
6 0 1105 7 1 2066
5 5 7 1

49 5 5 2,3,1,4 1050 50 6 0 1,4,2,3 500

March 7 1 555 April 6 0 555
6 0 1605 6 0 1055
6 0 5 5

51 4 4 1,2,3,4 4555 52 5 5 2,3,4,1 1045

May 5 5 555 July 7 1 555
5 5 5110 6 0 1600
5 5 4 4

54 6 0 1,2,4,3 505
53 6 0 2,1,3,4 1050
September 5 5 555
August 7 1 555
5 5 1060
5 5 1605
6 0
6 0

55 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 56 6 0 2,1,3,4 1055

October 6 0 555 November 7 1 555
6 0 1055 5 5 1610
6 0 5 5

57 5 5 3,2,1,4 1251 58 8 2 3,1,2,4 1255

December 8 2 555 5 5 555
7 1 1806 7 1 1810
7 1 5 5

59 7 1 1,3,2,4 1040 60 5 5 3,2,1,4 1451

March 4 4 555 April 4 4 555
6 0 1595 7 1 2006
6 0 7 1

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

61 6 0 4,1,2,3 3000 62 6 0 3,1,2,4 1050

May 6 0 555 June 5 5 555
6 0 3555 7 1 1605
9 3 6 0

63 5 5 2,1,3,4 1551 64 6 0 4,1,2,3 1050

July 7 1 555 August 5 5 555
5 5 2106 6 0 1605
7 1 7 1

66 7 1 1,4,2,3 1451
65 5 5 2,4,1,3 1055
5 5 555
October 7 1 555
7 1 3006
5 5 1610
4 4
6 0

67 6 0 4,1,2,3 3045 68 7 1 1,3,4,2 1251

January 4 4 555 February 7 1 555
5 5 3600 8 2 1806
9 3 5 5

69 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051 70 6 0 3,1,2,4 2050

March 5 5 555 April 5 5 555
6 0 1606 8 2 2605
7 1 6 0

71 6 0 3,1,4,2 1040 72 4 4 3,4,1,2 1245

May 6 0 555 June 5 5 555
7 1 1595 7 1 1800
4 4 8 2

74 5 5 2,3,1,4 1351
73 9 3 3,4,1,2 1234
August 7 1 555
July 4 4 555
9 3 1906
7 1 1789
7 1
8 2

75 6 0 1,2,3,4 0 76 6 0 1,3,2,4 500

September 6 0 555 October 6 0 555
6 0 555 5 5 1055
6 0 6 0

77 5 5 2,3,1,4 1251 78 5 5 3,2,1,4 2055

November 7 1 555 December 6 0 555
8 2 1806 8 2 2610
7 1 5 5

79 7 1 1,3,4,2 1205 80 7 1 1,2,4,3 1050

5 5 555 January 6 0 555
8 2 1760 6 0 1605
6 0 5 5
Tempus Ostendu -- Almanacs

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

81 6 0 1,4,2,3 500 82 6 0 3,1,4,2 2050

February 6 0 555 March 6 0 555
6 0 1055 8 2 2605
5 5 5 5

83 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 84 5 5 4,2,1,3 1055

April 6 0 555 May 6 0 555
6 0 1055 5 5 1610
6 0 7 1

86 6 0 3,2,4,1 1230
85 5 5 3,1,4,2 1515
July 8 2 555
June 5 5 555
7 1 1785
7 1 2070
9 3
7 1

87 5 5 3,2,1,4 1455 88 8 2 2,1,4,3 1251

August 4 4 555 September 7 1 555
7 1 2010 7 1 1806
5 5 5 5

89 8 2 1,2,3,4 2000 90 7 1 1,2,3,4 1451

October 6 0 555 November 4 4 555
6 0 2555 5 5 2006
6 0 7 1

91 7 1 1,2,3,4 1205 92 6 0 2,1,3,4 1045

December 8 2 555 7 1 555
6 0 1760 4 4 1600
5 5 5 5

94 6 0 2,1,3,4 1055
93 5 5 3,1,4,2 1515
February 7 1 555
January 5 5 555
5 5 1610
7 1 2070
5 5
7 1

95 6 0 1,2,3,4 355 96 4 4 3,1,2,4 3455

March 3 3 555 April 5 5 555
5 5 910 3 3 4010
5 5 5 5

97 5 5 2,1,4,3 505 98 7 1 1,2,3,4 1222

May 6 0 555 June 8 2 555
5 5 1060 8 2 1777
6 0 8 2

99 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 100 5 5 3,2,1,4 3055

July 6 0 555 August 6 0 555
6 0 1055 9 3 3610
6 0 5 5

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

101 6 0 2,1,3,4 2050 102 6 0 2,3,1,4 1201

September 8 2 555 October 7 1 555
5 5 2605 8 2 1756
6 0 7 1

103 7 1 1,2,4,3 1001 104 6 0 3,1,2,4 1000

November 6 0 555 December 6 0 555
7 1 1556 7 1 1555
6 0 6 0

105 8 2 4,1,3,2 1202 106 5 5 3,4,1,2 355

8 2 555 January 5 5 555
6 0 1757 6 0 910
7 1 3 3

107 6 0 2,1,4,3 1050 108 4 4 3,2,1,4 344

February 7 1 555 March 3 3 555
6 0 1605 6 0 899
5 5 4 4

109 5 5 2,1,3,4 500 110 6 0 2,1,3,4 1050

April 6 0 555 May 7 1 555
6 0 1055 5 5 1605
6 0 6 0

111 5 5 3,2,1,4 1050 112 5 5 4,3,2,1 1205

June 6 0 555 July 6 0 555
7 1 1605 8 2 1760
6 0 7 1

113 7 1 1,2,3,4 1252 114 7 1 1,2,3,4 1454

August 8 2 555 September 4 4 555
5 5 1807 5 5 2009
8 2 4 4

115 6 0 3,1,2,4 1055 116 9 3 1,3,2,4 3050

October 5 5 555 November 5 5 555
7 1 1610 6 0 3605
5 5 5 5

117 6 0 1,2,3,4 404 118 7 1 1,2,3,4 1211

December 4 4 555 8 2 555
6 0 959 7 1 1766
4 4 7 1

119 6 0 2,4,1,3 2302 120 7 1 1,2,3,4 1311

January 8 2 555 February 9 3 555
8 2 2857 7 1 1866
9 3 7 1
Tempus Ostendu -- Almanacs

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

121 7 1 1,2,3,4 1111 122 7 1 1,4,2,3 1230

March 7 1 555 April 9 3 555
7 1 1666 6 0 1785
7 1 8 2

123 5 5 4,2,1,3 1255 124 9 3 2,1,3,4 1313

May 8 2 555 June 7 1 555
5 5 1810 7 1 1868
7 1 9 3

125 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001 126 6 0 3,2,1,4 1300

July 7 1 555 August 9 3 555
7 1 1556 7 1 1855
6 0 6 0

127 6 0 2,1,3,4 1000 128 7 1 1,2,4,3 1252

September 7 1 555 October 8 2 555
6 0 1555 8 2 1807
6 0 5 5

129 7 1 1,3,2,4 1051 130 6 0 3,2,1,4 2303

November 5 5 555 9 3 555
6 0 1606 8 2 2858
7 1 9 3

131 6 0 2,1,3,4 1011 132 5 5 4,3,1,2 1055

January 7 1 555 February 5 5 555
7 1 1566 6 0 1610
7 1 7 1

133 5 5 2,1,3,4 1511 134 5 5 3,4,1,2 1255

March 7 1 555 April 5 5 555
7 1 2066 7 1 1810
7 1 8 2

135 8 2 4,1,2,3 1225 136 7 1 1,3,4,2 1230

May 5 5 555 June 6 0 555
8 2 1780 8 2 1785
7 1 9 3

138 5 5 2,4,1,3 2552

137 7 1 1,2,4,3 1251
August 8 2 555
July 8 2 555
8 2 3107
7 1 1806
11 5
5 5

139 6 0 2,1,4,3 1001 140 8 2 2,1,4,3 1212

September 7 1 555 October 7 1 555
7 1 1556 8 2 1767
6 0 7 1

141 9 3 2,1,3,4 1313

November 7 1 555
7 1 1868
9 3

Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key Quatrain # Words Cipher Sequence Key

141 9 3 2,1,3,4 1313

November 7 1 555
7 1 1868
9 3

All sources of translations used were obtained from online sources.


Latin = l University of Notre Dame, online archives,

The Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University, Database of dictionary

headwords, Lewis & Short,

French = f Travlangs Translating Dictionaries,

Old French = of Webster’s Dictionary 1913 Edition,

Classic French= cf Webster’s Dictionary 1913 Edition,

Greek = gr The Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University, Database of

dictionary headwords, Liddel & Scott,

Italian = it Travlangs Translating Dictionaries,

Spanish = sp Travlangs Translating Dictionaries,

abattre f abattre break down, demolish, pull down, take
down, dig up, excavate
abbez l abbas the head of an ecclesiastical community,
an abbot
abbreuvez l abrevio to shorten, abridge
abolira l abolitor one who takes away a thing
abondre f abondant abundant
abscondisti l absconditus hidden, concealed
abuze l abutor to use abusive language / use a word
adioignant l adiuvo to help, aid, assist.
aduenemêt l+f advena-mêttre a foreigner, stranger, or alien / put, to
advenems l advenio to come to a place, to reach, arrive at
advent f adventire the advent / the reappearance of Jesus as
judge for Last Judgment
advetures l adverto to observe, to notice, to remark, to
advint l advenio to come, arrive, reach
aeneo l aeneus made of bronze, colour of bronze
aeneodarb l aeneus-dare made of copper or bronze, brazen / dare,
offer, convey
aequor l aequoreus of or pertaining to the sea, Neptune
aethinique l aetas an age, stage, period of life, time, era
affamez l affero o bring, give, impart, turn over
afflari l afflator one who blows on or breathes into
affligé l affligo to strike or beat a thing
affolce l adflicto to injure, weaken, discourage, damage,
affrique l affrico to rub on or against a thing
agen l agens effective, powerful
agripine l agripeta one who strives for land, honourably or
aigue f ague sharp or pointed
aigues f aigues lightning
ailleurs f ailleurs elsewhere, other place
aire f aire area
aisné of. aisné elder
ait ait islet, small island
albanins l albanum the inhabitants of Albania
albois l alibi else where, in other respects
alegre l legre to gather
allobrox l allobrox a warlike people of Gaule
alphes l festino to hasten, hurry, speed.
alus l altus high, deep.
amaffez l am-affero to bring, give, impart, turn over
amas f amas crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
ambassadeurs f ambassadeur ambassador
amboise l ambo of two objects and no more, the two, both
ames l amor love, affection, infatuation, passion.
amitie l amita father's sister, paternal aunt
amphipolle l amphi-polla on both sides / a female Paula
amplissimo l amplissime great, abundant, ample, much, long
ancone ancone The corner or quoin of a wall, cross-
beam, or rafter
ancone l ancona part of lower italy, know for it's "curve or
anger f ange angel
anglois l angelus angel
anichiler l ănĭcilla a little old woman, maid
annibalique l annus-balo year / to bleat
annichilez l anniculus of a year, yearling
ante l ante in front of, before, previously
antibol f antibes Antibes
anticipé f anticiper anticipate, think ahead
antioche l antiquus-occo ancient, old, hoary / to occur, come about,
antropopage l ante-propago before, in front of / to spread, propagate
aperceu l aperio to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear.
aperta l aperte openly, frankly
apopletique f apoplectic prone to extreme fits of anger, rage
appaiser f appaiser appraise
apparoistre l appareo to become visible, appear, manifest
appartenans l apparentia becoming visible, appearing, appearance
appenines l pennatus to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear.
apperceu f apercu apprehension
appouuris l appositus placed near, approaching, appropriate,
appreste l approbo to approve
appui f appui support
aquilee l aquilinus of or pertaining to the eagle, aquiline
aquilleye l aquilinus of or pertaining to the eagle, aquiline
aquilon l of the northern realm (Canada)
aquilon l aquilinus of or pertaining to the eagle, aquiline
aquitaine l the northern realm (Canada)
arbiter l arbiter a spectator, beholder, hearer, an eye-
witness, a witness
ardoir l ardor feelings of great warmth and intensity;
argiels l arguo to blame, accuse / prove, expose, convict
/ declare
argiels l arguo to show, make clear, attempt to show /
censure, reprove
armenie l arma arms, weapons
arq. l arcuo to make in the form of a bow, to bend or
curve like a bow
arras l arra money given to ratify a contract, earnest-
money, purchase-money
arriere f arrière autumn, behind
arroy l arrodo to gnaw or nibble at, to gnaw
artifice l artificiose skillfully
arton l arto to press together, reduce, abrdiged.
asiniers l a-sine without
aspire f aspirer aspire, aspire to, hope for, long for, yearn
aspre c asper Rough; rugged; harsh; bitter; stern; fierce
assaillir f assaillant one who attacks, assails or assaults
assertions l assertio assert
assez l assero claim, defend
assiegé f siège chair, seat, seige
assommer f sommer admonish, scold, command, order, tell
assoumée of assumer assume, suppose
assoupie l as-sopor a deep sleep, catatonic
astonomes l astronomicus astronomical
astre f astre heavenly body
attainct cf attaint To gain or obtain possession of; to
attraper f attraper capture, catch, grapple
auaigne scot. au-aigne the swift
aube f aube dawn
auconne f au-conne to the, from / temple, deragatory for the
aucteur l aucto to increase much, prosper
auctoritas l aucto to increase or enlarge much
audiret l audire to listen
aueugles f aveugler to blind, to delude
aurelle f auréole aureole, halo
auriculaire f auriculaire told privately, told in the ear, pertaining
to an auricle of the heart
auspurg l austerus-purgo strict, rigid, stern / to clean, cleanse,
purifym, wash off, justify
austre l austerus strict, rigid, stern
authun l aut-hunc either, or / THESE
avare f avare avaricious, miserly, stingy
avenne f avenue avenue, arrival
aventine l a-ventus wind, rumor, favor
aveugle of aveugler to blind
avignon l a-vigilo to be awake, watch, be vigilant / to keep
avis f avis advice, counsel, opinion
avites l avites perverters
azos-tain l azoni gods that possess no definite place in
azyle l azy-ma unleavened, pure, uncorrupted
bac-chante l bacchanet a female attendant of Bacchus
bagues f bague ring
baisser f baisser descend, go down, lower
baratre l barathrus a false reading
barba l beard, whiskers.
barcelone l+f bar-celo bar, barrier / fast, rapid, swift, fleet.
barchinons l barcinonensis inhabitants of Barcelona
barque f barque bark, boat, barque
barrique f barrer bar, obstruct, cross out, strike out
basas sp basar base
basle l basio to kiss, to give a kiss
bastars f bâtard bastard
baston l basium kiss
batus f battre beat, hit, strike
bayonne l baiulus porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden /
bearn l beatus blessed, fortunate, sometimes "saint"
beffroy f beffroi belfry
bellique l bellicus martial, military, war-like
bellis l bellis the white daisy, ox-eye
beloeuvre f bello a gazebo sited to command a fine view,
bendes l bendidius of Bendis, goddess of the moon
benir l benigne kindly, generously.
beniste l benigne kindly, generously.
beste f bête beast, animal
bigorre f bigot prejudiced, hypocrite, bigot
bisance l brother- or sister-in-law.
bisayeuls l+f bis-ailleurs twice / elsewhere, another place
bisonce f Bison buffalo
blesme of blemir blemish, tarnish, flaw
bonté l bonus
bossu l bos cow, ox. bull.
bourgeois f bourgeois middleclass citizen
Bourgongne f bourgongne burgundy
bouscade gr + l bous-cado ox, cow, bovine / to fall, drop, plummet,
bouter f bout peak, point, tip, summit
bransler f bransler shaking
bresse l brevis short, small, brief
brevage l brevi short, little, small, narrow
brevi l brevi short, little, small, narrow
brigue f brigue A cabal, intrigue, faction, contention,
strife, or quarrel.
brigue f brigue cabal, intrigue, faction, strife
broche f broche broach, needle
bruine f bruine drizzle
brundis l brundisium person from Brundisium
brundis l brunda
brusler of bruler to burn, scorch
bulles f bulle bladder, bubble
bunique rom bunic grandfather
calcinne l calco to tread, trample upon
calomnieusement l calo to call together, summon, convoke
calpte gr calypte hidden, covered, hooded or veiled
campane l campana bell
candentes l candentia a white, clear lustre, whiteness
canibus l cani-buster white, hoary / plant
canton l canto to produce melodious sounds, sound,
sing, play
cantons l canto song
caper l capre he-goat, a goat
capitole l capitolini of or pertaining to the Capito
capne l capio to rent, hire / seize, arrest
cappe oe cæppe a tight-fitting headdress, a top, something
serving as a cover
capre l capra goat, she-goat
carcas f carcasse carcass, dead body (animal or human)
caresme l caresco inch, to want
carmenie l carmen song, poem
carnum l carneus flesh, carnal
carpen l carpo to pluck, seize, grab, lay hold of, hold on
carre l carus dear, beloved / costly, high-priced,
caste l caste castus, chaste
castor f cas affair, case, matter
castulon l caste purely, spotlessly, purely, uprightly,
cathar gr cathar the pure ones
cauteleux l cautela caution, precaution
cavilleux l cavi beware, avoid, look out for / give
security. mortgage
celestes l celer quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast
celique l celo to hide, conceal, keep secret
celone l celox fast, rapid, swift, fleet.
celtes l celo to hide, conceal, keep secret.
cendre f cendre ash, cinder
censurez l censura the office of censor, censorship
cependant f cependant but, however, nevertheless, yet
cercueil l cercurus a light vessel
certitiude l certitudo overconfidence
cerveau f cerveau brain
cesarees l cesso to leave off, cease / linger, delay
cesser f cesser accomodate, end, finish, terminate
ceste l cesso to leave off, cease / linger, delay
ceste f ceste upon
chaisne f chaîne fetter, shackle, chain
chaldaiques l chaldaicus a people of Assyria, known for astronomy
and astrology.
chalon l chalo to slacken, let down
char f char chariot, cart, tank
charpin l charus dear, precious, valued, esteemed
chartes gr chartes any leaf or thin plate
chartreux of chartre charter, contract, written document
chastier of chastier chastening
chevance of chevance unlawfull bargain, chievance
chevance f chevir An unlawful bargain; traffic in which
money is exported
cheveluë f chevalier horseman, horse rider
chever h chever to unite, associate
chiren l chirographum autograph, person's own handwriting /
written charter.
christianissimo l christianismus christianity
chyran l chirographum autograph, person's own handwriting /
written charter.
cicle l cicur tame, mild
cierge f cierge wax candle, usually for religious rites
cieux of cieu that of
circonder l circumvenio to come around, surround, cheat, defraud.
cire f cire wax
citadin l citatus summons, citation.
citez l cito quickly, rapidly, speedily.
clamé l clam secretly, in secret
cloistre of cloistre place of religious seclusion,
clos f clos enclosed or walled
clystre cf clyster cluster, grouping
cogite l cogito consider thoroughly, to ponder, to weigh,
reflect upon, think
cognoistra l cognosco to examine, inquire, learn
coller f decollé paste, paste up, placard, post, post up
collier l colligo legi, lectum, to collect, gather together,
colonne l colo cultivate, cherish
colorer l coloro to colour
combre l comburo to burn up, to ruin, consume
combust l comburo to burn up, to ruin, consume
comitiale l comitialus of or pertaining to the comitee
commettre l commeo To go up and down, back and forth, in
and out.
commis l commis gum, gummi
compeditorum l compedus fettering, shackling
complaire f complaire complacent
concilier l concilio to assemble, bring together / win over,
reconcile, unite / cause
conciter l concito to move violently, stir up, excite, arouse
conculcet l conculco to tread under foot, despise, oppress,
condon l condo erect, found, build
confin l confinis bordering one upon another, bordering
on, adjoining, contiguous
confringam l confringo to break in pieces, shatter
congnoissance l cognosco to examine, inquire, learn
congnus l cognosco to examine, inquire, learn
conte f conte fairy tale
contemner l contaminatus To soil, stain, or corrupt by contact
conteram l contero to grind, bruise, pound, to crumble,
separate into small pieces
contrainct l contraho to gather together, assemble, draw up,
contrebandé l+f contre-bande against / bevy, collection, group, heap,
herd, set, binding, strip
contremandé l+f contre-mando against / to commit, entrust, order,
copies l copia abundamce, supply
copies l copie supplies, troops, forces
corbeaux f corbeau raven, crow
cordigere l cordĭcĭtus-gero from the heart, deep in the heart / to carry,
to bear
cordube l cor-dubito heart / to doubt, hesitate
corinth l corrigo to make correct, make right
coronel l corona crown, diadem.
corporelles l+f corporis-elles body, corpse / she
corriger f corriger correct
cors f coeur heart
costes l custos guardian, keeper, watchman, attendant,,
guard / spy
coulp f coulpe culpability, worthy of blame
courouneront l corona crown, diadem
couuert f couvert forks, knives and spoons
craindre f craindre be afraid of, fear
crainte f craindre be afraid of, fear
crespe l crispus curly-haired, curly / trembling, quivering,
crespe l cresco to grow, increase, expand / spring forth,
crest l cresco to grow, increase, expand / spring forth,
cretenses l cretenses inhabitants of Crete
creuz l accuse
crevera f crever burst
criard f criard shrill
crier f crier cry out, scream, shout
crinite l crinitus long haired
cris l crispo to curl / move rapidly / brandish, wave
cristal f cristal crystal
cris-ur l crispus curly-haired, curly / trembling, quivering,
croc l crocus crocus, saffron / yellow, saffron-colored
croisars cruiser police car, cruiser
cron it crona lame
cruauté l cruento to make bloody, stain with blood
crustamin l crusta rind, peel, bark, shell / inlay, embossing
crustamins l crusta-min a hard surface, rind, shell, crust, bark /
cuider of cuider to believe, think
cuits f cuire cook
cunicule l cunae-culpo nest / to blame, censure, accuse
cymbres po cimbres center, centering
cypres f chypre Cyprus
dard l dare to give, offer, convey, offer, donate,
dâs l dasea the rough-breathing or spiritus asper
de Nira l deni ten each, ten at a time, by tens
debat l debeo to owe, to be morally bound to, to be
bound by
debiffe l debilis lame, disabled, crippled, infirm,
debilitated, feeble, frail
debile l debilis lame, disabled, crippled, infirm,
debilitated, feeble, frail
debile l debilito to weaken, ennervate, sap, exhaust
decepi l decepi deceived
decernera f discerner distinguish, make out, pick out,
recognise, recognize, tell apart
decevoir f décevoir Deceive, Delude, Mislead
defaudront f frauder to defraud, commit fraud
defaut f defaute default, ill will, failure in virtue
defention l defendo to defend, ward off, protect, shelter
deferatur l defero to bring away, carry off, take down, carry,
take, remove
defuitte l defui to fail, err, fall short, be missing, absent.
defunts l defungo to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die,
degousteront f déguster to taste attentively or to savour
degré f degré degree, grade
delaisser f délaisser abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit
demeurée f demeurer to delay, pause , suspend
demeurent l de-meur Sober, steadfast, and demure
deNira l denique at last, finally, again, in short
denis l dens tooth
deosque l deosculor to kiss warmly, affectionately
deosque l deosculor to kiss warmly, affectionately
deplore f deplorer complain about, give up, declare hopeless
depopuler l depopulor to lay waste, ravage, devastate
deserts f désert dreary, gaunt, desert
deslie f délivrer release
desniants l designo to define, describe, designate
despit of despit despite, contempt, disregard
destorné l destitiu To set down; to set, place
destroits Detroit the city of Detroit Michigan
detresse l detrimentum damage, loss, detriment
deuls dual
devils l devito to avoid
devis l devito avoid
devorera f dévorer eat up, devour
dextre l dextra right hand, right side, right flank
dextre l dexter right, on the right.
dez ietté l desolo to leave desolate, abandoned, to forsake
dicitur l dictito to say often, reiterate
dignus l dignus worthy, deserving
dijon l dignus worthy, worthy of, meritorious.
diminui f diminuer decrease in size, weight, streanth, remove
dirumpant l dirumpo to break to pieces, break, shatter
disant l dis rich, possessing wealth or worth.
disme l dis rich, possessing wealth or worth.
dispergee l dispergo to scatter on all sides, to scatter about,
distillant l distulo to delay
diur l diuturnus lasting a long time, of long duration.
divino l divinus divine, sacred
docte l doctus taught, instructed, learned, tutored
doleance of doléance grievance
dolle l dolus fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap
domaine f domaine branch, compartment, department,
pigeonhole, section
doute f doute doubt
dubiteux l dubito to be uncertain, to be in doubt, to doubt,
dudit l dudum A short time ago, a little while ago
duelle f duel one to one combat, a single fight
dulle l duella duo
durance l durus hard, harsh, tough, strong,enduring, /
rough, rude, uncouth
durant f durant for, during, whereas, while, whilst
dure f dur difficult, hard, inconvenient
dure f durée time, while
duumuirat l du-umerus shoulder, upper arm
ebergement f hebergement promotion
ebreu l ebrio to make drunk, to intoxicate
ébroutez l ebrius who has drunk enough, had his fill
edict l edico to announce, declare.
effacer l effatio a speaking
effectrice l effectrix producer, someone who causes something
effet f effet effect, impression
efficase l efficax efficacious, effectual, powerful, efficient
efficase l efficax efficacious, effectual, powerful, efficient
effrene l effreno to unbridle, let loose
effroy l effrenus wild, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled.
effundum l effundo to pour out, pour forth, shed, spread
effusio l effusion a pouring form, effusion, / exhilaration,
upwelling emotion.
eflevi l effleo to weep out, exhaust by weeping
egee l egeo to need, lack, want, be without.
egeste l egeo to need, lack, want, be without
embusche f embuche wait in hiding to attack
emerueillable l emereo obtain by service, to gain, earn, merit,
emonopolle l emoneo-polleo to admonish / to be strong, powerful, able
empeschant f pescheur sinner
empire f empire rule, influence, or government
enclume f enclume anvil
encombre l en-comburo to burn up, to ruin, consume
endymion l endymion a beautiful youth of Mount Latmos
enfance cf enfance infancy
engin f engine engine, mechanical device
enogrophies eno-graphis to swim, escape by swimming / drawing-
enseigne l insignio to put a mark upon, adorn, distinguish
ensevely ensevelie buried, submerged
entam l tamen nothwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still,
for all that
entantifs l en-tentatio trial, attack, duration, temptation,
entiers f entier entire, overall, whole, complete, full,
envenems f envenimer envenomed, caused to be bitter
envoyé f envoyer send, transmit
epistola l epistola a written communication, a letter, epistle
epithalame f epithalamium wedding song
ergast l ergo on account of, because of
errant l error error, mistake, going astray / uncertainty /
esbats cf esbats full moons
esblouys f ébloui dazzled, amazed
escadrons l esca food, bait
escandales f scandale scandal, publicized disgrace
eschapera f échapper escape, flee
esclandre l ascended
esclavonie l esca-lavo food, bait / to wash, bathe, moisten, get
wet, wash away
escondre occ escondre hide
escumeur f ecumeur corsairs
esgarez f egarez misleading
esguax l esgaux equal, alike, similar
esleu f esleu vsitant
eslongnera elonger elongated
esmeu l emeute riot, stir
espandre of espandre to spawn, to bring forth, to generate
espandu l pandus curved, crooked, arched, bowed
esparse l es-pars part, share, direction
espectre l specto to look at, watch, see/ aim at, tend
espee f épée sword, fencing weapon
espie of espie espionage
esplendeur f splendeur Great brightness; brilliant luster;
espluche f espluche near, close
estaindre l es-tantus so large, so great, of such a size
estandre f étendra extend
estendent f attendre Accompanying, connected with,
consequential; consequent
estendre f estendre to stretch out
estincelle l est-incelatus gloss
estoc f estoc thrust, drilling
estoit f es-toit to be, is / roof = covered, shielded
estonné f étonner amaze
estore l estur / edo to give out, put forth, bring forth
estouffer of estouffer to stifle
estranglera of estrangler strangled
esuanouyra l esurio-novitas be hungry, to hunger,long for, desire,
yearn / newness
esvanouy f evanoui fainted, to faint
etiam l etiam and also, and furthermore, also, likewise,
eureux l eu-reus good! well done! good job! / defendant,
examine f examiner examine, explore, investigate, research
exancle l exanclo to draw or bring out as a servant
excez f excès excess
exclame l exclamo to shout, cry aloud, exclaim, call someone
by name
execrable l execo-abluo to cut out or away / to wash clean
exedantes l exedo-ante to eat up, devour, consume / before, in
front of
exigue l exigo complete, finish, determine, decide, settle
exigue l exigue briefly, sparingly
expiation l expilatio plundering, taking booty
expolier l expositus open, accessible, exposed.
expugne l expugno to capture, overcome, subdue, take by
storm, gain
extinction l extinctus extinct
faict of. faire done
faicts l facio to do, perform, accomplish, prepare,
produce, cause, effect
fainct of fainct false, fake
falcigeres l falciger sickle-bearing
falli l fallo to deceive, trick, dupe, cheat, disappoint
faouller of faller one who falls, follows
far l far spelt, grain, meal
farouche f farouche "wild" or "shy"
fata l fata that which is ordained, desting, fate
faute f faute fail
favence l favens applauding witnesses, applauders
favene l faveo favour
fecent l fecundo to fertilize
fecte l feculentia dregs, lees, impurities, filth.
feindre f feindre faint, lacking strength
feit l fetesco to become stinking
felix l felix lucky, fortunate, happy
fenera l fenestra window
fenix l fenisex a mower
ferrare l ferrarius of iron / a blacksmith / iron mines
ferrez l ferreus made of iron / hard, unfeeling, cruel,
ferrugine l ferrugo the color of rust
ferTt l fertilitas fertility, fruitfulness.
fervide l fervidus boiling, seething, foaming / fiery,
passionate, excited
feste f fête celebration, festival, party
festes l festino to hasten, hurry, speed
fez l faesulea a city of Etruria, now Fiesole
fidelle l fidelis faithful, loyal, true
filios l filius a son of mother earth, i. e. a man of
unknown origin
fils f fils son
fix f fixer attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make
fast, secure
fixiesme f fixer attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make
fast, secure
Flâdres l flatus blowing, blast, breathing, arrogance,
fleaux l fleo to weep, cry, shed tears, sob.
fleaux f fléaux sickness, plague
florence l fluo to flow, pour, stream.
flumes f fluere to flow, a stream
foere l foedus compact, covenant, agreement / law
foible f foible A moral weakness; a failing; a weak
point; a frailty
fons l fons fountain, spring / fresh water / source,
forfait f forfait forfeit, give up, give over
forneron l fornacis oven, furnace, kiln
fornix l fornix an arch or vault
forrier of forrer to forage
fors l fors chance, hap, luck, hazard.
fossan l fossa ditch, trench, channel, moat
fossé l fossa a ditch, trench, fosse
foudre f foudre thunder
fougeres l fugio to flee, escape, run away / avoid, shun
fouir f fuir flee, run away
foulant oe fouling foul
foussan l fossa ditch, trench, channel, moat
foussil f fossile fossil
fousssan l fusus-sane spread out, extended, wide, copious /
rationally, sensibly
foy f foi confidence, faith, trust, belief
français f français french, french person
française f française french lady
franche l frango to break in pieces, shatter
fratricider f fracta-ideo to break in pieces, shatter / for that
reason, therefore
freins f frein brakes
frenesie l freno curb, restrain, hold back, restrain
frenetique l frenum reins, bridle, bit / restraint.
frere f frere brother
fresch l fressus To crush, bruise, or grind to pieces
frise l frigus cold, coolness, cold of winter / dullness,
frize of. frise a person from Friesland, a province in
northern Holland
front f front front, battlefront, frontage
froy n freya norse goddess of fertility
fucin l fuco to color, paint, dye
fuir f fuire flee, run away
fuis l fui to be, exist
fuite f fuite flee, run away
fulcy l fulcio to prop up, to keep upright by props, to
stay, support
fulgures l fulgeo to flash, shine, beam
furent l furens mad, rage, furious, inspired
furibonde l furibunde filled with prophetic inspiration, inspired
/ raging, mad, furious
furuint l furor madness, rage, frenzy
fussiez l fusus spread out, extended, wide, copious
galeres l galea helmet
gallots l gallo cock
ganeuois l ganeo house of ill reputation, brothel,
gang cf gangue an informal body of friends, group of
gang.lud l ganea-gluto brothel / glutton
garantir f garantir assure, certify, make certain
garbelans cf garble Anything sifted, or filtered
gaster gr gaster the belly
gaule f gallic person
gaulois f gallic person
gauloise f gallic woman
gavl h Gavriel Williams (E) = Gavriel (H)
gavle h Gavriel (f) Williams (E) = Gavriel (H)
gavlois h Gavriel (p) Williams (E) = Gavriel (H)
gemitus l gemitus a sighing, a sigh, a groan, a lamentation,
gennes f gens-es man, people / is, to be
gennes l gens clan, race, nation, people, tribe.
gennes l gena a cheek, cheeks
geres l gero to carry, bear, wear / bear, give birth to /
to carry about.
germains l/f gero - mains to carry, bear / hand
geule of jouel ornament, precious stone, jewel
glace f glace ice, ice cream
gloire f gloire fame, glory, renown, merit, glamor,
glamour, prestige
gloire f gloire fame, glory, renown, glamour, prestige
glomes l glomus a ball or clue of yarn, thread
glose f gloser to flatter, to fawn, to talk smoothly
gosier f gosier go while getting wet, wetting shoes
gouphre f gauffre gopher
gousse f Goussé pod
goustant f goûter taste
gravier f gravier grit, gravel
gravissime l gravis heavy, weighty, ponderous, burdensome
gresle f grêle hail
greve f grave important, serious
groumelas cf grume groom, grooming
guere f guère barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
guetter f guetter keep an eye on, spy on
habit f habit dress-coat, evening dress, tails,article of
dress, garment
hache f hache axe
haec l haec THIS
haine l h-aeneus made of copper or bronze, brazen.
harangue l harum-angues Of These / of or pertaining to a serpent
hardit l harum this, these
harnois l harum THESE
heraut f héraut herald
hercu l hereditas inheritance, often simply "property."
heredde l hereditas inheritance, often simply "property."
herne l hernia a rupture, hernia
hesperies l es-periurium perjury, oath-breaking, foreswearing an
hideux f hideux bhorrent, abominable, alien, awful,
hideous, horrible
hiracliene l hira-cliens the empty gut / a client, retainer, follower
hodie l hodie today
holocade gr holos-cade whole, entire / pure, purity
hominess l humi on the ground, to the ground
hommasse f hommage homage, pay respects
honnissement l honeste -semen respectfully, properly, suitably,
appropriately / seed, kin
honte f honte shame, ashamed
honte f honte shame, ashamed
horrida l horridus standing on end, sticking out, rough,
shaggy, bristly, prickly
hors f hors de from, out of
hos gr hos this, that
humides f humide moist
hurlera f hurler howl
hypolite l hypocrita hypocrite
hystra l iste that / sometimes pejorative.
iauelots l gauisus rejoicing, joyous, glad, happy
igie l igitur therefore, consequently, for this reason
igne l igneus fiery, ardent, burning
ignorentia l ignorantia want of knowledge or information,
immundicitez l immundus unclean, impure, dirty, filthy, foul
imole l imo on the contrary, no indeed, by no means
impereateur l imperator commander in chief, general, emperor
impos l imposui to place, set, stow / embark / cheat,
imprimer l imprimis especially, particularly, specifically
improperes l impropero to hasten into, enter hastily
incerte l incertus uncertain, doubtful, unsure, hesitant
incité f inciter encourage, impel, instigate, spur on,
stimulate, urge
incogneuz l incognitus unknown, unexamined / unrecognized /
indeuë l inde thence, from there, for that reason,
thereafter, then.
infime l infime that is below, underneath, lower
ingere l ingero to go off to, betake oneself to, pour forth,
inhabitable l inhabito to inhabit
inimitié l inimicus unfriendly, hostile, inimical
iniq l iniquus unequal, unjust, unfair
inique l iniquus unequal, unjust, unfair.
iniquitates l iniquitas unequalness
injure f injurier hurt, harm , wound
innectere l innecto to twist, entangle, bind up, weave in,
gather together, weave
inovi l inops poor, helpless, in need
insolit l insolitus unaccustomed / unusual, strange,
Insubre l intoxicating
intelligenda l intellegentia understanding, discernment,
understanding, intelligence
intercluse l intercluso a stopping or shutting up
interdicte l inter / dicte among, between / dictate, command
interemptorum l interemptor one who destroys or kills, a slayer,
interpides l interpedio to hinder, impede
inuahir l inultus unavenged, unpunished
inult l inultus unavenged, unpunished
inulte l inultus unavenged, unpunished
invar l invado to undertake, go in, enter, get in
inverecode l invericundus without shame, shameless, immodest.
invinatrice l invinius that abstains from wine
iointe f joint seam
iouis l Jovis of or belonging to Jupiter
isle f île island
ister l iste that / sometimes pejorative
jacture l junctura A joining; a union; an alliance
jadis f jadis at some time, ever, sometime
jetter l jetter One who struts; one who bears himself
jouialistes l jovialis of or pertaining to Jupiter
jouiaux l jovialis Gay; merry; joyous; jolly; mirth-
inspiring; hilarious
jouuenceau f jouvenceau teenager, adolescent
jugeans f juger judge
justement f justement exactly, sharp, just, just now
labile l labia lips
laisser f laisser allow, leave, let, release
landes l lana wool, wooly
langeur f langeur inactivity, lack of interest
langre f langur to languish
lante l laniatus a tearing, ripping, mangling, mutilating
larme l largior lavish, bestow, grant, give abindantly
lasché oe lasche bit of leather, gusset, stripe
laslque l lassulus somewhat wearied
latens l latenter secretly, in a concealed manner
latona l latona wife or mistress of Zeus and mother of
Apollo and Artemis
laude l laudo to praise, extoll, commend / name,
mention, cite, quote.
lebron af bron the source
lectoire f lector reading, read, reader
lectore l lector reader
legat l legatus deputy, ambassador, envoy / commander
of a legion
legats l legatio deputy, ambassador, envoy / commander
of a legion
legere l legitiums lawful, licit, right, proper, legitimate
legers l lego to gather, choose, collect, pass through /
appoint, select
leman l lemannus without lacus = to leave, forsake,
abandon, desert, give up
lemens l le-mens mind, thought, intention, intellect.
lemu l lemures ghosts, phantoms
leschant f léchant licking,
lesions lesions cuts in the skin, opening of the flesh
leugos gr leugalios sad or sorry plight, wretched, pitiful,
libanda l
libere l libero to set free, deliver, liberate, release /
libere l libere freely, openly, frankly
libique f libido whim, caprice, violent desire, passionate
lice l liceo to be valued at, be for sale.
liée of liée to lie down, laying
liege l ligare to bind, tie
ligue f ligue connection, league
ligure l ligamen string, thread.
limé l limen threshold
limier l lima file, polishing, revision
limitrophes l limitotrophus lands set apart to furnish troops stationed
on the frontiers
limousins l lima-sine file, polishing, revision / without
limousins l lima-usinas file, polishing, revision / customary, usual
liphres f livre book, journal
liturgie l liturgus one who fills a public office, a servant of
the state
livrer f livrer abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit,
deliver, furnish
logis l loginquitas distance, remoteness, isolation.
loing f loin distant, far, remote, away
lointaine f lointain distant, far, remote
lombardie l lambo to lick /(of rivers) to wash
londres l longus long, longing
lonque l lonchus a lance
lors f lors for, during, whereas, while, whilst
lorvarin l lorica-varius a knight's service / various, varied.
losanne sp + l los-ann the,definate article / a little ring
louange f louange praise
loüera f loyer rent, rent money
lourde f lourd burdensome, heavy, onerous
lu l Lua a goddess who expiated the blood shed in
lucerne l lucerna lamp
lud. l ludo to play, sport / imitate, banter / delude,
lui f lui the, to the, he, him, it
luire f luire shines
luisant f luisant bright, brilliant
luite f luite to lie down, laying
luitte l luitio a paying, payment
lumi- l lumen light, lamp, lantern, light of day, the eye,
luon l lues plague, pestilence, calamity
lurne l
lusignan l lusio a playing, play
luthece l luteus golden-yellow, saffron-yellow, orange-
lycurgue l Lycurgus An Athenian orator, famed for his
incorruptible integrity
lygustique gr ligustikos bastard lovage
lygustique gr ligus clear-voiced, shrill, whistling
lyndre l lino to smear, befoul, dirty
lyris l lyricus belonging to the lute or lyre, lyric
magistrat l magister master, canon / master of a school,
magne l magnus large, great, important
magues l magus magical
mahometique l ma-homotonus stretched alike or in unison
mahommet l ma-h-omitto my / to omit, leave out / let go
maigre f maigre gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin
maistre of. maistre master
male f mâle male, masculine, fellow, man
malefique f maléfique Evil, intensely spiteful, causing harm to
malencombre l male-comburo badly, ill, wrongly / to burn up, to ruin,
malins f malins clever, cunning, sly, smart, frolic,
frolicsome, petulant, vicious
mallods l mallui to choose, prefer
mamelle f mamelle breast
mammel l mamma breast, pap
mammer mammer hesitate, mutter
mandragoras l mandragora a plant, mandrake
manie f manifester demonstrate, manifest, show
mansol l mansuetus tame, mild, gentle
mantiere f mantier mantle
mantuane l manto An Italian nymph who had the gift of
maoys gr maoimai seek after, seek for
mar f mar bruise, tarnish, impact, hurt, wound, dirty
margaritas l margarita pearl
mars f mars march, mars
mars l mars the bright god, god of war, husbandry,
shepherds and seers,
marsans l marcens / marceo to wither, droop, shrink, shrivel
marte l marte by one's own exertions, without the
assistance of others
martiaux f martiaux war or military life, war-like, belonging
to Mars
martire f mar-tire bruise, tarnish, impact, hurt, wound, dirty
/ screw
mascon mass-concentration gravitational anomalies
mascon l mascarpio masturbator
masles of masles meat, butcher
matiere l materia material, substance, matter.
medusine l medius middle, the middle of, central, midst
melite l mellitus honeyed, sweet as honey.
mené f mener conduct, guide, lead
menee f mener conduct, guide, lead
mensongers l mens-on-gero mind, thought, intention, intellect / to
have, bear
mer f mer sea
mercure l merces pay, reward, recompense, compensation
mere f mere mother
meretricquer l meretricius of or pertaining to harlots or prostitutes,
merveilleux f merveille fine, very well
meschant f meschant wicked, evil
meselle mestitia misfortune
mesler of. mesler intrude, interfere unwantedly, meddle
mesmes l meme themselves
mesnie of mesnie mansion
mesopotamie f+l me-sopor-amie my / deep sleep / friend
mesopotamie gr mesopotamios between rivers
messe l messor reaper, harvester.
messie l small knife
meum l meum my affair, my concern, my duty, my
meurtre f meurtre the act of killing, murdering, committing
mi hom l mihi ego
miennes f mien mine
milieu f milieu average, mean, middle, inside,
milliade l millia a thousand, thousands.
milue l miles soldier, warrior, knight
milue l milia thousands
mince f mince gaunt, lean, slender, thin
mine f mine expression
minuse l minus minor, less, fewer
mirande l mirus wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary.
mirmidon l mirmillo kind of gladiator, net-fighter
misericode misericode compassion, pity, mercy
misericordieux l misericors tender-hearted, pitiful, compassionate,
missue l missus to cause to go, let go, send, to send off,
mitilene l mitilo to cry like the
mittatis mitto to cause to go, let go, send, to send off,
mixtions l mixtus hybrid, mixed
modone l modo only, merely, but
moins f moins minus, less
moleste f molester To trouble, disturb, render uneasy, to
interfere with, to vex
moleste l moleste take annoyance
monech l moneo to warn, admonish, remind, advise,
monter f monter get in, get into a car, assemble, link,
moraine f moraine accumulated earth and stones deposited
by a glacier
mordre f mordre to bite
mors l mores ways, conduct, character, morals
moselle l+f mos-elle will, inclination/ custom, wont, usage,
rule / her, she
mostre l mos will, inclination/ custom, wont, usage,
moudre f moulu (p) plural: to grind, to mill
moudre f
moududmet l moveo-dudum to move, stir, to shake, disturb / for a long
while, a long while
moyen f moyen means, remedy, resources
muestra sp muestra sample, specimen, sign, indication
multa l multa a penalty involving loss of property, a
fine, amercement
munies l munio to fortify, defend, protect / build a road.
murtres f murtre murder
myrmiden l myrmidone one of the 50 daughters of Daunus who
killed her husand Mineas
nacelle f nacelle a streamlined enclosure for an aircraft
engine, a small boat
naistre f naître arise, be born
nantes l nantes to sail, flow, fly, swim, float
narbon l narre-bono speak, known, spoken / good, well
naufrage f naufrage shipwreck
navalibus l navalia of or belonging to ships, ship-, naval
navarre l navalis of ships, nautical, naval, voyage
navire l navigo to sail, navigate
negrisiluc l Negr-is-illuc black / that, he, she, it / to that place, that
matter, that person
nepueu l nepus unclean, impure:
neron sp neron Name = strong, stern
nerte l nertus a goddess of ancients Germans, the Earth
neveu f neveu nephew
neveu f neveu nephew
nice l nichilominus nevertheless
nocent l nocens bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
nolite l nolo to be unwilling, wish not to, refuse
nolle l nolle to be unwilling, wish not to, refuse
nominee l nomino to call by name, to name, to give a name
nonnain f non-nain not, no / dwarf, midget
nopces l nuptialis nuptial, pertaining to a wedding
normans l norma a measure, standard, A rule, pattern,
noscere l nosco to become acquainted with, get to know
nostru l nostri our ours / OUR
notee l nota a mark, sign, note
noter f noter note, make a note, write down
novuelles l novus novel, unusual, extraordinary / news,
novelty, a new thing
noyaux f nois nut
noyez f noyer drown, walnut-tree
nubileux f nubile of girls, or women
nuda l nudatio a stripping naked, nakedness
nuire f nuire harm
nul f nul neither, nobody, none, no-one
numine l numerus total, category, class, number.
nuremberg nurus-bergi A young woman, married woman / an
island in the North Sea
obeir l obeo to go, go to meet, go in opposition
oblation l oblatio an offering, presenting, a giving
obliteré l oblittero to blot out of remembrance, cause to be
obstant l obstantia sealed, finished
obstant l obstinatus firm, resolved, staunch
obstruses l abstruses incomprehensible to one of ordinary
understanding or knowledge
obtenebre l obtenebratio darkness
occident l occidi to fall, fall down, (for the sun) to set
occident f occident west, westward
octroye f octroyer to grant
odieuse l odio to hate, despite, hold in contempt, dislike
odor l odor a smell, scent, odor
oeuvre f oeuvre work
offus l offensus collision, shock / dislike, displeasure
ogmium l Ogmium Celtic name for Hercules
oindre f oindre ointment, to annoint
olchades l olim-cado at one time, formerly / gift, present
olic l olim at that time, formerly, once, for a long
time now.
olim l olim at that time, formerly, once, for a long
time now
ollides l ollido to strike or dash
ombre f ombre shade, shadow
omination f nomination naming, nominating
omnia l omni by all means, in all ways, entirely,
altogether, wholly
omnium l omnia every, all, the whole, everyone
oppi l oppico to smear over or seal up with pitch
oratione l oratio a speaking, speech, discourse, language
ord l ordo rank, class, order
ordonne l ordine regularly, appropriately, properly
orgueilleux f orgue organ, organic
oriens l oriens the rising sun, morning sun, The East,
origvion l o-riguus that waters, irrigates; watering, irrigating
orné l ornate splendidly, ornately, elegantly
orra scot. orra odd, peculiar
orra l ora edge, rim, border, boundary / coast, coast-
osera f oser hazard, risk, venture, be bold, dare
oster oster to rise
ostera l ostendo show, reveal, present, make plain,
oultragee of oltre outrage
ours f our bear
outre f outre apart from, besides, except, except for
paiges oe paige Name = young, young child
paistre f épais bold, corpulent, fat, thick
paix f paix peace
pamplation l pampinatio a lopping or trimming of vines
pannonois l pannus rag, patch, piece of cloth
panta gr panta everything, all
parfin f paraffine white waxy substance
paroistre l paro to prepare, get ready/ set, put/ furnish,
supply/ buy
parolle l paro to prepare, get ready/ set, put/ furnish,
supply/ buy
par-pignan l par-pignus a pledge, gage, pawn, security, mortgage
parthe l partis part, share / direction
particularia l particularis of or concerning a part, partial, particular
parure f parure adornment [n], decoration, ornament
pasle l pasco to graze, forage, browse.
patrer l patria fatherland, one's native country,
pau l pauci especially, eminently, extraordinarily
pav l pauci few, little
pays f pays country
peaultre f peau to skin, skinning
pedibus l pedes going on foot, walking
peine f peine annoyance, disappointment, grief, pain,
attempt, effort
pelle f pelle shovel
Pelligouxe l pellego to view all over, to examine thoroughly,
scan, survey
pelloponesse l pello-pono to hit, beat, exile, drive away, banish / to
lay, place, put, set
pendu f pendre droop, hang
penitent l penitentia penance
penultieme l penus provisions, supplies, victuals
percutiam l percutio To strike through and through, to thrust or
pierce through
pere f pere father
perecliter l percieo to move or rouse greatly, to stir up, excite
pericliter l periclitor to test make a trial, put in peril, endanger.
perie gr peri a beautiful and graceful girl
perir f périr perish
perme l permeo to go or pass through, to cross, traverse
pernicieux l perniciosus pernicious, destructive.
perouse l perose to hate greatly, to detest
perpetrer l perpetro to complete, accomplish, perform
perpetulles l perpetuus perpetual, lasting, continuous,
perse l persequi to follow, pursue, take revenge
persiens f persivre pursue, hunt for
persiens l per-sine because of, on account of / her, him, it's
persrutur l pers-rutus to fall with violence, rush down; to fall
down, tumble down, go to ruin
pertinax l pertinax that holds fast, that clings firmly, very
perturbee l perturbo to disturb, trouble, perturb, disrupt
pesquiere l pes-quierse foot / calm, quiet
pestifer l pestefere pestilential, injurious, damaging, plaguey,
pharos l pharetra a quiver
philon gr philein to love
phocean l pocius rather, preferrably
picquant l pica-quanto jay, magpie / quantity
pierre f pierre stone
pietas l pietas practice
pietii of piete dutiful conduct, kindness, piety
pis f pis udder
piteux f piteux pious, devout, pity, compassion, or
sympathy; compassionate
placent of. placent pleasant, repentant,
plaie f plaie calamity, scourge
plaige l plaga affliction, scourge, plague
plaindre f plaindre plain, apparent, obvious
plastre of. plastre plaster
pleine f pleine full
pleuvoir f pleuvoir rain
plongeon f plonger dive, plunge
ployera f ployer to bend
pluie f pluie rain
poche f poche pocket
pœnus l poena pain, punishment, penalty
poignal f poing fist
poignard f poignard dagger, knife, stab, sticker
poindre f poindre to prick, to sting
poix f poix to smear
pollux l pollex thumb, big toe.
pompotans f pompe ceremonial elegance and splendor
porphire l porphireticus purple-red
poser f poser act, do, make, perform, lay down, place,
put, put down
possum l possum to be able, have power
possumus l possum To be able, to have influence or efficacy,
to avail
postuleur l postulo to ask, demand, require / summon,
prosecute, impeach, try
potent l potens able, mighty, powerful, strong.
potetissime l potestas Political power, dominion, rule, empire,
poudre f poudre powder
pourceau f pourceau swine, piglet
praeclarae l praeclarus magnificent, honorable, splendid, noble,
praesagiunt l praesagium a presentiment, foreboding, prognostic,
predons l praedonius preditory
prefix f prefix To put or fix before, or at the beginning
prelat l preliator fighter, warrior, combatant
presche c pres black pot
pressé f presse crush, press
prestez f preste nimble, quick
presults l praesul dancer / presider, protector, director
preteur l pretereo to go by, pass by, escape.
prier f prier ask, ask for, beg, bid, request, pray
prince f prince prince
princes f prince prince
prins l princeps first, first in command
prinse l principatus rule, dominion, pre-eminence, first place,
prinse l princeps first, first in command
prinses l princeps first, first in command
procere l procer chief noble, prince
procrée l procreation a begetting, generation, procreation
proditeurs l proditor traitor, betrayer
proesme l proeliator fighter, warrior, combatant
profer l profero to enlarge, extend/ delay, postpone
proferer l profero To carry or bring out, to bring forth
profigant l proficio advance, assist, help, aid, be of use.
proger l progenies descent, lineage, progeny, offspring,
proginateur l prognatus born, descended, sprung
promontoire l promontorium peak, mountain crest, ridge, promontory.
pronôcees f prononcer to pronounce
prophaner l profanus not sacred, uninitiated, ordinary,
common, impious.
prophetico l propheta a foreteller, soothsayer, prophet
propice f propice advantageous, favourable, of use
propin l propinquo to come near, draw near, approach
propiriete l propior Of time, nearer, later, more recent
proscription l pro-scriptor in return for, instead of, for, as / writer,
author, scribe
prosterer l prostero to throw to the ground, overthrow,
subvert, ruin, destroy
prou f proue prude
prudentibus l prudentia Acquaintance with a thing, knowledge of
a matter, skill in a matter
pselin gr pselion armlet, anklet
pucelle f pucelle the maid, the virgin
puites f puits well, small stream
pulluler l pullulo shoot up, sprout, burgeon.
pur f pur mere, solitary, sole, simple,
pusillanime l pusillaninimus faint - hearted, timid, pusillanimous
pustules l pusillus tiny, puny / petty, mean.
putains l puter rotten, decayed, putrid / loose, crumbling
/ flabby
pute l puto to clear, settle up, consider, think, believe,
suppose, judge
puy l puer boy
pyrenee l wicker
quaedam l quaedam to pray, to beseech
quamuis l quam not otherwise than, no other than
quando l quando when, ever
querelle l querella a complaining, complaint
querra l queror to complain, lament, bewail
quinte l quinte a fifth
rabe l rabies madness, fury, frenzy.
rabouter of. rebouter repulse, drive back
rachapt of rachap hover, flutter
ralie f ralier to rally
rameau f rameau twig
ramee f ramer row
ranc f rancere rancid,
rane l rana to roar, cry out
ranger f ranger arranged, ordered, tidy
rapax l rapax grasping, greedy of plunder, rapacious
rapines l rapinas a turnip, rape
rapportees f rapport relevance, account [n], record, report
raugon regelish raug gather, collect
rauy e rubor redeness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace
ravaisseurs f ravisseur kidnapper, robber, ravisher
raviront f ravir to snatch or tear away, to ravish
recampé l re-campus level place, field, plain
recept, f recept, quick sight, range, realization,
recognition, reflection
recoit f recevoir receive, get, take in
recouurée f recouvrer recover
recrée l recreo to make or create anew, to remake,
reproduce, restore, renew
recteur l rector guider, leader, director, ruler, master
reculer l recuso to refuse, decline, reject, be unwilling
redige l redigo to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen.
redige l redigo to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen
reduire f reduirer to reduce
reduit l reditus return / income, revenue / reward.
referer f referer assign to, as a class, a cause, source, a
motive, reason,
refus f refuser refusal to accept, let have, entrance /
discarded food, waste
regne l regna a ruler, sovereign
regner l regnum rule, authority, kingdom, realm.
regner f régner control, govern, restrain, rule
reigle f regle govern, regulate
reims l rei thing, matter, busines, affair
religionis l religiosus reverencing or fearing God (the gods),
pious, devout, religious
reluit f reluit shines
remplira f remplir accomplish, achieve, keep, observe,
perform, complete, fill
rendu f rendre render, cause to occur, bestow, pass
down, give, supply
renes l renuo to deny, refuse, reject
renforcer f renforcer reinforce
renos l renuo to deny, refuse, reject.
renouueller l renuo to deny, refuse, reject.
repentir f repentir to repent
repos f repos repose, rest
repoulsez l repuo to reject
repousser f repousser chase away, drive away, expel, condemn,
disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
reprins l reprimo to press back, keep back; to check, curb,
repris of. reprise to take back, reprieve
repue l repuo to reject
res l res a thing, object, being; a matter, affair,
event, fact, circumstance, occurrence,
deed, condition, case
respandre l respondeo to answer, reply, respond.
respit of respit postponing, remitting, relieving
ressort f ressort spring
resueur l reservo keep back, hold back, reserve / keep,
rethusa f refuser refuse, reject
retraire f retraite to retire to bed, retire
rets ia l retendo to slacken, unbend, become flexible
reverie l reverto to go back, return, revert
revolu l revolvo to unroll a book, go over again, repeat
rex l rex an arbitrary ruler, absolute monarch, king
rhin f rhin Rhine
rhume f rhume cold, illness
rie l rien the loins
rigoureuse l rigor stiffness, hardness, sterness.
rocheval f+l roche-valui rock / to be strong, have power, be well
rodes cat rodes wheels
rompre f rompre break
rompue f rompus rumpus,
rond f rond circle
ronger f ronger gnaw, nibble
rongne l rogo to ask, ask for
rosne l ros-ne Of any liquid falling in drops, moisture,
dew / verily, truly
rosne f rosée dew
rosseau f ruisseau small stream, brook
rouan f rouan horse having a roan coat
rouiller of. rouiller to rust, make muddy
rubes l rubor redeness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace
rubre l rubor redeness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace
rubuit l rubrus red ruddy, Red Sea
rutilant l rutilus red, golden, auburn
sabee of saber sabre, sword
saccagée l sacculus purse, little bag, little sack
saccager of saccager to sack, to pillage
sacre f sacré holy, sacred
sagonte of sa-gentile her / friendly, nice
saigner of saigner bleeding, to bleed
sainct f saint saint, saintly
saincteté l sanctifico sanctity
saisir f clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize
salvé l salvus safe, sound.
samarobryn l samarobriva
sanctum l sanctus holy, sacred, / saint
sardaigne f Sardinia
sarez l sare a village in Thrace
satalites l satellitium an escort, convoy, a guard
satire l satis enough, sufficient / sufficiently.
saturne l saturo to fill, satisfy.
saulmons f saumon salmon
sauveur f sauveur savior
sçauoir of namely, named
scintille l scientia knowledge, science, skill.
scismatique l scisco-materia investigate, ask, inquire/ vote, ordain,
resolve / material, substance, matter
scome l scomma a teasing, taunting expression; a
taunt,jeer, scoff, cavil
scyphe l scyphus a cup, goblet
secourir f secourir accomodate, aid, assist, help
sed l sed but/ and indeed, what is more
sedifragues l sedo-fragosus to settle, smooth, calm, allay. / roaring,
crashing, rough / broken.
seduict l seductor seduce, seducer
seigne f enseigne shield, protect
seigners f enseigne shield, protect
sein f Sein name meaning innocent, Basque, male
seisset l sei-set if / a particle of limitation, exception, or
selin f seler salt, pickle
selon f selon according to
semez l semel a single time, for the first time, even once,
once, ever.
senat l senis old, aged, old man.
senez l senex old, aged, old man.
sentu l sentio to judge, suppose, vote
sepmaines f semaine week
septentrionale l septas-trionymus number 7 / triple named, having 3 names
sepulchre l sepulchrum grave, tomb, sepulcher.
serenissime l serene clearly, brightly, serene
serre l serio serious
serrer f serrer fasten, tighten, turn, turn on
seure f sûr reliable, trustworthy, certain, safe, secure
seysset l se-iste that / sometimes pejorative
siccite l siccus dry, thirsty/ sober, temperate.
sicile l siccus dry, thirsty / sober, temperate
sienne f sien his/her/it's
silue l sileo to be still, silent
simplitudo l simplicitas plainness, frankness, openness,
artlessness, innocence, honesty
simulte l simulter like, resembling, similar
sit l situs to let, suffer, allow, permit, give leave
slo of sloe slow, slowly, not fast
soecular l saecularis secular, not belonging to the clergy
soeculi of. saeculum a race, generation, age, the times, the
soeculu of. saeculum a race, generation, age, the times, the
soeur f soeur sister
soif f soif thirst, thirsty
soin f soin care, concern
soli l sol the sun, as a heavenly body
soll. l sollus whole, entire, unbroken
solueret l solus alone, lonely, solitary, forsaken, deserted
soluta l solutio loosening / payment / solution /
somentree l+f somnus-entrer sleep / enter
songes f songe dream
souche f souche by birth
souefue f soufre sulphur
souiller f souiller soil, spot, stain
soumis f soumis subjugated
soupçon f soupçonner suspect
souphre f souffrir abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
sourds f sourd deaf
soustenir f soustenir sustain, maintain
souvent f souvent frequently, often, regularly
souvent f souvent frequently, often, regularly
sparte l sparsi scatter, strew, spread.
sperant l spera hopes
spiritu l spiritus breath, breathing / life / spirit
statut f statut by-laws, statute, regulations
sterne l sterno to spread out, spread abroad; to stretch
out, extend
stupide f stupend foolish, stupid
subiets l subiecto to put down, to put under.
subit f subit abrupt, sudden
subit l subito suddenly, unexpectedly.
subiuguera l subiungo to yoke beneath, join, attach, subdue,
subleué l subluo to wash beneath /(rivers) flow beneath
submouenda l submoveo to put out of the way, drive back, drive
off, send away, remove
subroge l subruo to undermine, overhtrow, destroy.
suffisance f suffisant enough, sufficient
suite f suite adherents, disciples, followers, following,
party, supporters
summa l summa the main thing, chief point, principal
matter; the sum
sunt gr sunt to be
suospirer l suo-spire to sew or stitch, to sew, join, or tack
together / boiling up, foaming
superateur l superator an overcomer, conqueror
supputations l supputatio a reckoning up, computation
susciter l suscito to stir up, arouse, excite
susdicts l sus-dicte sow, pig, swine / say, dictate, orate
suyura l sui himself, herself, itself
tacite l taceo to be silent, say nothing, pass over
tag. l tagax apt to touch, lightfingered, thievish
taille f taille bulk, dimension, extend, size, waist,
taines c teine fire
taire f taire quiet
tamise l tamisium A sieve, or strainer, made of a kind of
woolen cloth
tanta l tanti Of such size or measure, so great in
amount, extent
tardive f tard late, tardy
tât of tat possibly from tip for tap - a light blow
tater f tât finger, handle, feel, grope
tauropole gr tauropolus variously interpreted as worshipped
tedesq l tedium disgust, weariness, boredom
teinte f teint complexion
tel f tel such, such as, that kind of
tempore l tempero to control, use with moderation, spare
tenant l tenax grasping, stingy, cligning, frugal,
tende l tendo to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend,
present, give
tendra f tendre dainty, delicate, fine, refined,
affectionate, caressing, cuddlesome,
tenduK l tendo to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend,
present, give
tenebres f tenebres darkness
tenebreux l tenebrae shadows, darkness
tente f tente tent
terax l tera land, ground, soil
terrene f terrain terrain
testes l testis one who gives evidence, witness,
spectator / testicle.
tholose l tholus a dome, cupola, a rotunda
tholose l tho-louse singular lice, blood sucking parasite
thresor f trésor treasure
tiers f tiers third
tige l tigellinus a favourite of Nero, committed suicide
timidité f timide afraid, timid, shy
title l titulus label, title, placard.
tobera sp tobera orifice, nozzle
tonnerre f tonner thunder
torrent f torrent torrent, volley
tortu f tortue turtle, tortoise
totius l toties so often, so many times, as often, as many
tour f tour castle, tower, file, line, rank, row, turn
tourmens f tourmenter abuse, torment
tourment f tourmenter abuse, torment
tourne f tour turn, rank, file, row
tours f tour castle, tower, file, line, rank, row, turn
toyson toison sheeps fleece
tradiment l tradidi surrender / hand over / transmit, teach.
traditeurs l traditum surrender / hand over / transmit, teach
traducteur f traducteur translator, translation
trahy l traho/traxi to drag, pull / derive, get.
tramontane it tramontane foreigner, stranger, cold wind from Italy
trancher f tranchoir plate, platter, table
tranner l transno to swim over or across, to swim through
translaté l trans-late across, beyond / broadly, widely,
trapesonce f trapes-ancilla an idle, sluttish, or untidy woman / maid
trasmenien l trasmenius a lake in Etruria, near Perusia, celebrated
for Hannibal's victory over the Romans,
now Lago Trasimeno or Lago di Perugia
trasmenius l trasumenus lake celebrated for Hanniblas defeat of
the Romans, in Etruria
trempi f tremper harden, temper
trespas f trespas to cross over, go beyond a limit, injury or
tribung l tribuo to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant,
give, allow
tricas l tricesimus lasting three days.
trinacrie l trinacris Trinacrian, Sicilian, or the island of Sicily
triste f triste sad, dismal, dreary
tromperie f tromper be unfaithful, be unfaithful to, commit
adultery, cheat, deceive
troppe trope semantics, figure of speech, any variation
to original implication of a word or
trossers e trousers pants, trousers
trousser. f trousser Turned up at the end.
trucider l trucido to kill cruelly, slay, butcher, massacre,
tube f tube barrel, channel, pipe, tube
tum l tum at that time
tunique l tunica tunic, under garment
tunis l tu-nisi you / if not, unless, except
tunys l tunc then, at that time, next, and then
tusti l tussio cough
tutelle f tutelle tutelage, tutoring
tymbre f timbre stamp, postage stamp, alarm
ubertré l uberte abundantly
umbres l umbra shade, shadow
unic l unic "man", a trusted man
urne l urino dive
usitant l usitas customary, usual
ustagois l ustulo to burn, scorch, singe
vaincre f vaincre vanquish
valet f valet a male servant
valloi l valui to be strong, have power, be well
vaner f vain abortive, futile, useless, vain, conceited,
frivolous, vain
vapin l vapulus flogged, beaten, knocked about.
varennes l varennus Roman Proper Name
vastees l vastatio devastation, ravaging
vastie l vastatio devastation, ravaging
vaucile l vacuus empty, devoid of, free from
vaudra f valoir worth, valor
vefues l vepres thorn-bush, briar.
velle l velle to wish, to desire
venat l venatio hunting, game, the chase
vendange l vendo to sell, offer for sale, advertise / betray
veni l veni to come / happen, come about, come to
pass / arise
venins l venio came or have come
venitiens l+f veni-tien to come, happen, come about, come to
pass, arise / your
ventura l vent wind, windy
venus l venustas loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty.
verberibus l verber a lash, whip, scourge, rod
vergans l vergo to bend, incline, verge, to draw to an end
verge l vergo to bend, turn, be inclined, lie, be situated
verge f verge rod, shaft, verge, edge
veritas l veritas truth, truthfulness, verity; the true or real
nature, reality
verrier f verier to vary
verser f verser dump, pour, pour out, scatter
versien l versus line, verse / version
vertes l verto to turn, turn around, turn up / to put to
flight, rout
vertueux l verto to turn, turn around, turn up / to put to
flight, rout
vestales l vester your, yours
vestrae l vestras of your family or nation
videare l viderier to see, perceive, with the eyes
videns l video to see, observe, understand, comprehend.
viduité l viduata deprived, widowed, bereft.
vierge f vierge virgin, virginal
viet l vietus to bend or twist together, to plait, weave
vifs f vif alert, brisk, keen
vifs f vif taken from life, live
vigilatiôs l vigilo to be awake, watch, be vigilant / to keep
vilars l villa manor, village
villain f vilain a wicked or evil person; someone who
does evil deliberately
vindicte l vindico to liberate, deliver/ punish, avenge/ claim,
vint l vineta to be severe against one's self
vint l vinco conquer, overcome, master, win, surpass,
violant l violantus violence, bloodshed
virga virga a slender green branch, a twig, sprout,
switch, rod
visitabo l visitor a visitor, visit
viste f vestirse to get dressed, dressing
vitrix l victum conquer, overcome, master, win, surpass,
vitupere l vituperabilis blameworthy, blamable, censurable
viue l vieo to weave together, stitch, plait.
viure f viure be alive, live
vocabature l vocabilis vocal
vœu f voeu vow
vogueront of voguer to row, sway, set sail
voille f voile sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or wool
volataille l volaticus winged, flying / inconstant, unreliable/
volonte l volonte to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded,
voltigeant l+f volta-geant ancient monster / giant
voltorte l volture vulture
volume l volumens A roll of writing, a roll, book, volume
voluptueux l voluptuosus delightful, pleasurable.
vopisque l vos-piscis YOU / fish
vostre l vos I'll fight YOU all, then
vt l ut how, in what way or manner
vultry l vulticulus look, aspect, appearance
yssu f issue exit, way out

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