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Hetman: Artificial Leader Ver. 1.22

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by Rydygier

1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 3

2. INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................................. 4
3. USAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4. HOW IT WORKS ........................................................................................................................... 8
5. IMPORTANT FACTORS .................................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Morale ................................................................................................................................ 10
5.2 Artificial Leader’s personality ................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Surrender of groups ............................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Cargo System/infantry movement of long distances ..................................................................... 11
5.5 Medical and Logistical Support System ....................................................................................... 12
5.6 Possible Missions ................................................................................................................... 12
5.6.1 Recon mission ................................................................................................................. 12

5.6.2 Attack mission................................................................................................................. 12

5.6.3 Capture mission .............................................................................................................. 13

5.6.4 Flanking mission .............................................................................................................. 13

5.6.5 Defend mission................................................................................................................ 13

5.6.6 Defensive reserve mission ................................................................................................. 13

5.6.7 Garrison mission .............................................................................................................. 13

5.6.8 Support mission............................................................................................................... 14

5.6.9 Cargo mission ................................................................................................................. 14

5.6.10 Rest mission .................................................................................................................. 14

5.6.11 Idle mission................................................................................................................... 14

5.6.12 SF mission .................................................................................................................... 15
5.7 Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.8 Mission Notifications/missions for player-controlled groups ........................................................... 15
5.9 Custom defense ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.10 Limited Control Modes/several commanders per side/fronts ........................................................ 16
5.11 Artillery fire missions ............................................................................................................ 17
5.12 Debug Mode ....................................................................................................................... 18
6. BIG BOSS ................................................................................................................................... 20
7. CONFIG VARIABLES ...................................................................................................................... 22

7.1 RHQ and RHQs Arrays ............................................................................................................. 33

7.2 HAL’s personality variables ...................................................................................................... 36
7.3 Config examples .................................................................................................................... 38
8. KNOWN PROBLEMS AND LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................ 41
9. APPENDIX – INTERNAL VARIABLES .................................................................................................. 42


T he addon ”HAL” is continuator of HAC for Arma 3. HAL is simply HAC ported and
developed further under A3. If you are familiar with HAC, you are ready to go. Very few
things was changed in the manual (MP, artillery, some config variables…). However future
versions of HAL may introduce new functionalities based on features provided by Arma 3.
Same, as HAC for Arma 2, HAL is intended to enliven the battlefield of Arma 3 the same way
a human leader would operate. HAL does not deal with the manner in which orders are
executed (unit level), but mainly deals with the issuing of orders. In other words, this addon
gives one or both sides of a conflict a field-commander level AI.

One of most important goals of this addon is to keep high compatibility level with other
addons, in particular those that extend the possibilities of AI for units and groups. HAL
control is mostly based on issuing waypoints, and as much as possible HAL avoids interfering
with low-level AI. In other words, HAL focuses on giving orders, rather than on the way in
which orders will be executed.

HAL gives new, higher level AI, rather than changing the existing AI. There are only a very few
exceptions to this rule, and generally these are optional. HAL should therefore enrich the
gaming experience with new features, without conflicts with other addons. HAL is intended
to complement their effects rather than to compete with them for control over units (at least
for those addons that do not mess with waypoints).

HAL can serve as an instant battle generator as well as a general player opponent, or as base
for complex missions and/or gameplay modes. Discussion of these can be found in the HAL
thread in the BI Forums.


T he addon (.pbo) version is installed by placing folder “@RYD_HAL” in the same way that
other addon folders are placed. If you are unsure of how to do this, see this guide from
the Armaholic FAQ:

The pbo version requires CBA. To launch Arma with the addon active, you will need a
shortcut that loads first @CBA then @HAL. See the cited Armaholic FAQ page for details.

The script version is installed by copying the contents of the folder “Script version” into the
mission folder in which it is to be used.

In mission design, there is little difference between the addon and the script versions. Where
the rest of this manual refers to the "addon", the comments apply equally to both variants
unless otherwise stated.


T o activate HAL for one side, one of the units of that side must be named LeaderHQ. This
must be a person, not a vehicle. So if is needed motorized HQ, instead of naming a
vehicle LeaderHQ refer to one of its crew member, for example by such code in vehicle’s init
field: LeaderHQ = driver this. Essential also is the placement on the map of any object (for
example, an empty trigger) named RydHQ_Obj1. The location is entirely your choice. Its
position will designate a target point which the Artificial Commander will try to conquer at
first (for example, a spot near the leader of the opposing side).

Analogously, there should be placed in freely chosen areas (eg in cities, strategic positions or
simply nearby opposite Leader) three other objectives (RydHQ_Obj2, RydHQ_Obj3,
RydHQ_Obj4), which will be conquered in numerical order. If the mission designer wants less
than four objectives, then simply place the unneeded objectives at same position as the
ultimate objective. See the chapter “Config Variables” for info about an easier way to
achieve that.

There are also two secondary objectives per Leader named RydHQ_Sec1 and RydHQ_Sec2.
These are placed in the same way as for primary objectives. See below for more details
about secondary objectives.

To add another Leaders with their own forces and objectives, proceed analogously. There are
eight Leaders available.

If not stated otherwise, all points relating to the subsequent Leaders and names of config
variables and objects placed on the map have the same format as for the first commander
,with the exception that element HQ should be replaced by an element of HQB for Leader of
B forces, HQC for C Leader and so on until HQH. From this point in the manual, all variables
will be given only in “A” form; that means without any additional letter after HQ.

For example, the first primary objective for B Leader should be called RydHQB_Obj1, and first
secondary objective RydHQB_Sec1, while B-Leader’s unit itself should be named LeaderHQB.

Note, that with every added Leader CPU usage increases. However, the main CPU load is the
total number of Leader-controlled groups on the map because then HAL must to deal with

more units every cycle, iterations becomes bigger, looped calculations for each group/unit
takes more time, more of them runs at the same time and so on.

If a given Leader is AI controlled, then its unit will receive a “HOLD” order and will not move
(at least with the default HAL config).

For the script version only, to initialize HAL the following code should also be executed in
some way, e.g., by placing the following script in the init field of any object or in the
activation field of an empty trigger or waypoint:

nul = [] execVM "RydHQInit.sqf";

(note: pay attention to the type of quotes, these must be double - " - not similar quotation
mark like - ”).

Alternatively, that line may be placed at the end of a mission's init.sqf (recommended).

HAL will start working by default after about 15-30 seconds from the start of the mission,
and will control all units of given side and their allies (except civilians) in default mode; or
only defined groups in “limited control” mode (see below). “Limited control” is particularly
useful, when you need more than one Leader for one side. HAL will take command over both
fighting and support units (ambulances, ammo trucks, etc.) and will automatically assign
them tasks appropriate to the situation on the battlefield.

If a Leader’s unit dies, the next most senior unit from its group will become a new Leader,
but with worsened commanding attributes. The death of a last member of Leader’s group
means the end of HAL's control of the mission for given force - that Leader's army has lost its
"brain” (so this “staff” group may be compared to a “King” piece in chess).
Many HAL settings are optional and may be easily customized by the user in the init config,
and executed in a similar way as for the code for the initialization of the script version. This
will be discussed in chapter “Config Variables”.

Additionally user has to his disposal three (per each Leader) special empty trigger objects, so
called “decoys” for idle (except support), land support and resting missions (see 5.6.8, 5.6.10
and 5.6.11). Depending on their settings idle, support (when idle) or resting groups will
choose marked by this triggers areas as mission destination areas for sure or with some
probability. Simply on the map may be placed in chosen spot a trigger and named
RydHQ_IdleDecoy, RydHQ_SupportDecoy or RydHQ_RestDecoy. Chance of choosing
marked such way areas by each relevant group can be customized via init variables
(RydHQ_IDChance, RydHQ_SDChance and RydHQ_RDChance see chapter “Config
Variables”), that by default are equal to 100 (percent). Bigger of the trigger’s axis
(recommended are same values for both axis, must greater than 0) will determine max
placement distance in meters from the trigger’s position (square area). Shape
(ellipse/rectangle) of the trigger will determine, if known nearby enemy presence should
affect (forbid) choosing of marked area by relevant groups. Rectangle means “should affect”,
ellipse – on the contrary.

For breaking of current task routine for a group use:
groupName setVariable ["RydHQ_MIA",true];

For manually permanent disabling of chosen Leader’s further control (groups with current
orders will continue) use:
LeadersGroupName setVariable ["RydHQ_KIA",true];

For manually permanent disabling whole Hetman activity:

[] call RYD_KillHetman;

HAL is primarily intended for SP game play and there is no any guaranty of MP compatibility,
however should be fully functional as server-side AI opponent and should properly command
also client side player group leaders. There is server check at the init to avoid multiple
launches per each client.


H AC works cyclically with the additional “reset” of some internal values at a given time
(10 minutes by default) or as chosen by the mission maker. If HAL controls more than
one side/force, by default their respective cycles occur alternately ((A cycle 1 starts – A cycle
1 ends) -> (B cycle 1 starts – B cycle 1 ends) -> and so on; but there is also the possibility that
a quick-thinking Leader may execute two or even more cycles before another, slower Leader
will be ready for its next cycle. One rule is that, in default mode, the “issuing orders” phase
will never occur simultaneously for two or more Leaders). The interval between cycles
depends on the number of subordinates, the situation on the battlefield, CPU computational
power, the commanders' “personality”, and on optional settings. Usually a cycle would last
for no less than several tens of seconds, and no longer than a few minutes. Leader thinks
“from objective to objective”, but, if not configured otherwise, first will try to engage any
spotted enemy, and only after defeating hostiles will send troops towards objective.
Destroying of whole Leader’s group will permanently end HAL’s control over subordinated
groups. In that case there will be displayed on screen notification in debug mode. Each cycle
consists of three main phases:

First Phase: "What's going on?” - HAL, using many global variables (mostly of the array
type), collects information about the actual situation on the battlefield. It creates a list of
subordinates and known enemy units; these units are divided according to their categories
(infantry, tanks, air, antitank, antiaircraft, artillery, etc.), and defines morale, etc.).

Second Phase: "What should we do?” - On the basis of the gathered information, HAL
decides what orders to issue to subordinate units. Should we attack? How to attack a given
enemy? Should we first send out scouts? Should we try to flank?... If the Artificial Leader is
not aware of any enemy, it sends a scout in the direction of the current objective point (e.g.,
the "RydHQB_Obj1" point) or objectives, if simultaneous attack is enabled or forced. If the
scout does not discover any enemies, a group of units is sent to secure the
objective/objectives. When there are a sufficient number of allied units near (at) the
objective, and no enemy in some wider radius, this objective is considered as “captured”;
then, in default mode, the next objective becomes current. However, if later a superior force
of enemies reaches that captured objective, in a similar way this objective may be “lost”.
That objective will again be the primary one; i.e. recapturing it becomes the primary
objective once more. Capturing and losing objectives has an influence on the Leader’s

morale in both modes. The losing of objective is checked every “reset”, by default every 10

When enemy forces are detected, HAL will attempt to destroy them by sending the
appropriate number of groups of the appropriate type(s). By default three infantry groups
and/or two armored and/or one air (and/or two sniper teams in some cases) against one
enemy group of any nature. So, newly detected enemies will likely result in HAL ordering
three INF, two ARM, and one AIR to the location in an attempt to maintain at least a 3:1
strength ratio. These will try to outflank and destroy the enemy group. In addition, HAL will
retain a certain amount of forces as a reserve. At an appropriate moment part of this reserve
may be used for large-scale encirclement of the entire known enemy's lines. The end of this
phase means the end of the cycle.

- Note that there is a good chance that the Artificial Leader will not send armored units
into the attack if he knows that enemy anti-tank weapons (such as ATGM units) are
present in the area. Similarly, HAL will be reluctant to send air units if the presence of
AA weapons was detected. HAL will also not be too willing to send units into areas
where they perform poorly, e.g., armored units in cities or forests.

- If HAL concludes that enemy has a sufficiently large advantage, and when his own
morale has become sufficiently low, the chances are high that the army will go into
defensive mode. Units will be deployed in selected positions between the Leader's
position and the enemy, or, if the enemy forces are too close or when their locations
are unknown, directly around the leader unit. The Commander may decide to place
them in positions on the near reverse slope, i.e. hidden in ambush. HAL will behave
similarly if a defensive mode is manually set.

Third Phase: "Yes sir!” - Now scripts are activated that send troops to appointed positions.
Waypoints are assigned, usually the 'Search and Destroy' type, in front of and at the sides of
the enemy position(s) to be attacked. The distance of those waypoints from the target
position depends on the type of the friendly attacking unit. The cycle ends when the last
command is given (note: not when the last one is completed).


5.1 Morale

T his reflects the willingness of the Leader and his forces to fight. At the start, morale is
equal to 0; this is maximum value. Over time (with subsequent cycles) it will slowly
change. The rate of change depends on the overall losses (the importance of this factor
decreases slowly in time), the losses recently incurred, and the relative strengths of the
different sides (only known forces are taken into account, so the more enemy units seen by
the troops, the faster its Leader loses courage...). Note that a slower-thinking Leader will be
more resistant to morale change than an eager one, because morale change is inversely
proportional to cycle duration. The minimum level of morale is - 50. Dynamics of morale
change depends also on number of units. The bigger army, the less sensitive to losses.
Moreover morale raises significantly when an objective is captured and drops by some less
value when objective is lost (for details, see the section “Objectives” under “Important
factors”, below). The lower the morale, the greater is chance for activation of the defensive
mode (giving up the initiative), for fleeing and panic behavior and even for the groups
surrender (experimental option, turned off by default). If Leader’s army isn’t bled too much,
and there isn’t many known enemies, morale will slowly raise up to 0. The morale factor can
be raised by manually manipulating (defining with a chosen value) the relevant global
variable (RydHQ_Morale for the “A”, RydHQB_Morale for the “B” sides, and so on,
respectively). For example, to set the morale of A-force at maximum, execute the following

RydHQ_Morale = 0;

- or, for raising morale by a certain value, eg 10: RydHQ_Morale = RydHQ_Morale + 10;.

5.2 Artificial Leader’s personality

- the behaviors described above are subject both to a random factor and the influence of the
characteristics by which the commanders personalities are defined. If they are not
individually determined by the mission designer, they are randomly set at the mission start.
The influence of a given personality factor on the course of the battle is noticeable, but is not
too drastic. It does not guarantee certain behaviors will occur, it only increases or decreases
the chances of their occurrence.

5.3 Surrender of groups

- this may occur for groups in panic, when morale is low, hostiles close and advantage of the
enemy is large enough. When group surrenders, units give up their weapons and are
switched into the "captive” state. Vehicles are unassigned and abandoned. Foot soldiers will
raise their hands for a while. Surrendering is experimental feature, turned off by default.

5.4 Cargo System/infantry movement of long distances

- this is an optional feature, turned off by default, that gives to HAL the handling of cargo
vehicles (all that are able to carry passengers). With this system, HAL may use for transport
purposes not only vehicles already grouped with infantry, but also any vehicles placed on the
map as separate groups (e.g., a truck with driver) or as empty vehicles.

If some infantry group without its own vehicle receives orders for an attack/flank/capture
mission far away (1000 meters or more), they will look for some sufficiently capacious empty
vehicles nearby (the search radius is customizable). If such a vehicle is found, it will be
permanently assigned to that group. If there is no empty vehicle available, HAL will look for a
temporary vehicle with sufficient cargo space for that group (land cargo vehicles should be
1500 meters or closer to given group; for choppers this radius is equal 4500 meters) of
sufficient kind regarding to target location’s terrain. If found, such a vehicle will drive to the
group’s position, the group will get in, then the vehicle will drive/fly towards the group’s
target area. The group is disembarked to follow with its mission, and the cargo vehicle
returns to its initial position. Once returned, it becomes available for other groups. There are
some additional rules with distant movements: if there is no available transport, and the
target point is distant enough, the group will move with limited speed in column formation
or (when enemies are known to be nearby the route, the target position or the Leader
position) with normal speed but with some rest both at the destination point and midway to
it. Withdrawal movements are always conducted with normal/full speed. If enemies are
known to be near the target point, unarmed cargo vehicle will disembark group at the
halfway point. Unarmed land transports will also disembark the group if enemies are
encounter en route. This system’s code is quite complex, and the system itself is sensitive to
a given unit’s AI behavior; so effects may sometimes prove less than perfect, especially with
aerial transport. For that reason, there is an option to turn whole system off entirely, or turn
it off selectively for either land or aerial cargo vehicles. To exclude given empty vehicle from
HAL’s auto-assigning, put following into its init field:

this setVariable ["Hired",true];

5.5 Medical and Logistical Support System

- another optional feature, turned on by default, that gives to HAL the handling of support
vehicles (medevac, ammo, fuel and repair). With this system HAL will send support units of
appropriate kind into areas where such support is needed. This cooperates with generic
Arma support handling – if a support unit is within a 500 meter radius from a unit, that needs
assistance, that unit's leader will be aware of available support and will send units towards
the support vehicle(s), and also the support vehicle will relocate towards those units. Such
support vehicles will with time also gather behind the front line as some kind of temporary
support base. Into that area will also be gathered combat ineffective-groups withdrawn from
the fight.

Support vehicles are used with some rules: usually these will not be sent to points near
known enemy positions, nor will they be sent to areas where support of given kind is already
present (subject to the radius values). There are some possibilities for customization. These
will be described in the chapter “Config Variables”, but generally there is the possibility turn
off each kind of support separately, or to make chosen groups be unsupported. Further,
there is an option of “extended support mode”. In this mode support units may be called to
any location on the map regardless of the situation; this is also based on some generic Arma
features. Note: because units without fuel or otherwise immobilized are unable to move to a
support vehicle, and support vehicles often stop too far from immobilized vehicles, there is a
small 'cheat' incorporated that makes immobilized vehicles able to move after some slight
auto-repair, and/or be auto-supported with a minimal amount of fuel if a support vehicle is
within a given radius (about 50 meters). In this way, support runs smoothly.

Infantry medic/repair units’ support is not handled by this system.

5.6 Possible Missions

HAL will issue orders as required to every controlled group. There are many possible kinds of
orders, and these are used depending on current needs:

5.6.1 Recon mission

if at the start there is no known enemy, these will be the first missions ordered by as
Leader. A group sent with recon mission orders will search a designated area near the
current objective and will avoid combat. External cargo will be not assigned. An
infantry group will not have any transport assigned to it; if a light vehicle is sent on
recon, it will not have troop cargo assigned to it, unless recon infantry group has its
own vehicle. More recon missions may be issued at night;

5.6.2 Attack mission

the basic offensive mission, ordered when there is a known enemy unit on the map
which has not yet been attacked with sufficient force. The group will move towards a
point situated in front of the enemy or on one flank; it then is given a “search &

destroy” waypoint directly at the enemy position. Parameters, way of execution and
possible path of approach varies depending on the kind of group (infantry,
armored/mobile, snipers (no charge, quick withdraw after few shots - only when
group consist no more, than two members), special forces (wide flanking, valuable
targets only), aerial (without flanking movement)). Transport may be assigned;

5.6.3 Capture mission

this kind of mission may be assigned when a recon finishes after the last “reset”, and
there is no or few known enemy at an objective. The attacking group will flank the
objective area, then receive a “SAD” waypoint at the objective point. If successful, the
group will stay there for some minutes (customizable; 10 minutes by default) or till
objective status change to taken, before it will be available for another mission.
Transport may be assigned.

5.6.4 Flanking mission

some reserve groups may be sent to outflank the entire known enemy formation. This
mission consist of four waypoints: three “move” and the fourth, “SAD”, set on the
center of the enemy formation. “Move” waypoints are calculated in a way that
creates a route providing a good chances of outflanking enemies without being
detected/engaged, and brings the groups to a position suitable for an attack from
behind. Transport may be assigned.

5.6.5 Defend mission

when “defend” mode becomes active, groups are ordered to take defensive positions
in a defensive perimeter area. This area’s size is dependent on the number of
available groups. Its location and shape are dependent on the situation (distance
between Leader’s unit and enemy, knowledge about enemy). Land combat groups will
take positions on reverse slopes, near the Leader’s unit, or near closest taken
objective and hold them until new orders arrive. Air units will provide aerial cover
from above, and recon units will be placed at positions with good fields of view
towards the enemy (or random direction, if enemy positions are unknown). Unarmed
cargo and support units take up positions behind the Leader’s unit. Some units may
take guarding positions at nearby roads. Transport will be not assigned.

5.6.6 Defensive reserve mission

Some of the groups in “defend” mode will take position near the Leader’s unit, but
when the enemy attacks on some point becomes sufficiently threatening, some of
these reserves will be sent in as reinforcement. Transport will be not assigned.

5.6.7 Garrison mission

Chosen groups may form a garrison. For infantry, if there are some empty static
weaponry nearby, some group members (except snipers/recon) will get in. Some
other members will look for suitable positions inside nearby buildings. Rest (at least

team leader) will patrol randomly chosen nearby buildings, including interiors. By
default motorized and mechanized groups will only get sentry waypoint at their
current position. Same, if there is no any buildings in about 200 meters radius. After
each fight garrison should be re-deployed. Garrisoned units are excluded from any
other missions except attack missions near to its garrison area (500 meters by
default). After any such mission, they will return to their initial position. Transport will
be not assigned.

5.6.8 Support mission

Only for support vehicles. They will receive “move” waypoints (or “support”
waypoints in extended support mode) in areas where such support is needed, and
where there is not already a support vehicle of the same kind; usually providing that
there is no known enemy near (not always, so situations may occur in which support
will be sent dangerously close to the fighting). The vehicle will stay there for future
needs in that area. Troop cargo will be not assigned to support vehicles. Very special
kind of support mission is ammo drop. To prepare such missions Put group name of
chosen (any) air unit(s) into RydHQ_AmmoDrop config init array, set on map circular
trigger named RydHQ_AmmoDepot, and within its radius place chosen number of
ammo boxes, that should be used during this mission. This aerial groups will be used
only to support tasks.

5.6.9 Cargo mission

Certain kinds of vehicles, those able to carry passengers, may receive such order
when transport is needed somewhere. See “Cargo System/infantry movement of
long distances” section for more details.

5.6.10 Rest mission

If group becomes “combat ineffective” due to lack of ammo or fuel, due to damage,
or due to casualties and injuries, then it withdraws from the combat zone with full
speed to “rest positions” for regrouping. If (optimal) near support bases, smoke is
used to cover the withdrawal movement (optional, active by default). This mission
will end when the group becomes combat effective again. There is an option, inactive
by default, that allows for pairs of such groups, when without vehicles and under 50%
of nominal strength, and if close enough, to combine together into one group.
Transport will be not assigned.

5.6.11 Idle mission

If a group has no any other mission assigned, it will receive temporary “idle mission”
orders and be held in reserve. This mission will have “guard” or looped “patrol area”
waypoints either near the current group position, near the Leader’s unit (as all special
force groups), near one of the secondary objectives, or at some nearby road. This
kind of mission can be interrupted at any time by other mission order (with special
rules for SF groups). Transport will be not assigned.

5.6.12 SF mission
Groups added to the SpecFor category will stay at HQ as kind of “bodyguards”, but
sometimes such group may be sent with mission of destroying some enemy high
value targets like artillery, statics or hostile Leader himself. Mission is conducted
similar to flanking mission, but includes also returning along same route. Transport
will be not assigned.

5.7 Objectives

- the presence of objectives on the map makes Leaders act dynamically and aggressively
even if there is no known enemy on the map. For each Leader ,there are four primary
objectives and up to two (optional) secondary objectives (see USAGE chapter). The goal of
each Leader is to capture all its primary objectives in numerical order (i.e., the numbers
included in the names of the objectives.. Thus the Leader will start with attempts to capture
its first objective (e.g., RydHQ_Obj1). If that objective is attained, the Leader will then try to
conquer the area near next objective (e.g., RydHQ_Obj2) and so on. The conditions that
must be met in order for a given objective to be classed as “captured” are customizable. By
default there must be at least 25 allied units in 300 meter radius from the objective, and very
few or no enemy units in a 500 meter radius. If so, the objective becomes “captured”, the
next one becomes current and morale increases by 20. To recognize a given, previously
captured, objective as “lost” (with all others following, so if the second objective is lost, so
also are the third and four no longer “captured”, if they were), there must be more enemies
in 300 meters radius than allied units in 500 meters radius from the objective. If an objective
is lost, morale drops by 5.

The status of objectives is checked every “reset”; by default this occurs every ten minutes.
There is an option, turned off by default, that the Leader’s unit will move towards the last
captured objective with limited speed (and retreat with normal speed, if the objective is
lost). This gives to the Leader better control and the possibility of quicker responses to
situational changes (reserves are moved forward with the Leader’s unit - closer to the front).
However, this may prove risky for Leaders. By default Leader units hold their initial positions
all the time, so are safer; but as the offensive progresses, reserves get stuck far from the
front line.

Secondary objectives may becomes targets for some “idle missions” (patrols and guarding for
units without orders), so these may be placed at positions where the mission maker wants to
create some random chance for arrival/relocation of some units during the game, and hence
a random chance of encounters.

5.8 Mission Notifications/missions for player-controlled groups

- when the team leader of a given group is controlled by a human player, with every new
mission assigned the player receives notifications: a special marker on the map with name of

the team leader and the type of mission; a journal entry with a short mission description;
and an on-screen message with some sound. There is also an experimental option that
extends this with some radio “mini-dialog” between HQ and team leader. This is inactive by
default, and is recommended only for USMC faction, although is available for all factions.
Generally, HAL expects the player controlled group to follow orders, like any other AI
controlled group, but of course, the player may have another plans… An uncompleted
mission is called off when groups stay without moving long enough (there is speed test
conducted every about six seconds for team leader units). So if you want to receive another
mission, just stay still for some minutes. This test also works as a backup system for AI
groups, if a group gets stuck for some reason.

5.9 Custom defense

- HAL has ability to dynamically pass from offensive to defensive stance and vice versa.
Mission maker however sometimes may want to set up mission, where one side will be
constantly in defense mode. In such case can be useful ability of customization defense
perimeters. Line of defense may be constructed based on five areas: area around Leader, and
four areas around each considered as taken objective. By using of relevant config variables
described in chapter 7. mission maker can to adjust, how many groups should be the closest
for objective to make it defense center and in which direction (North-South, East-West and
intermediate) front of given perimeter should be faced (instead of normal way, where front is
set up towards known enemies or randomized if no enemy was spotted). This direction
control works also for normal, autonomously set defense. Thanks to this is possible for
example to set up a round defense around Leader’s position. See example config for details.
NOTE: objective must be considered as taken. To achieve that for custom defense missions,
use internal HAL’s variable, that indicates progress in taking objectives: RydHQ_NObj = 1.
Value range there is 1 to 5, where 1 means, that HAL is about to conquer his first objective,
and 5 – that all objectives are already taken.

5.10 Limited Control Modes/several commanders per side/fronts

- in normal/default mode the Leader will control all allied units except civilians. However,
sometimes mission makers may want to add additional Leaders for one side; or may simply
want that the Leader controls will be only part of the allied forces. There are two ways for
exclude chosen groups from the Leader’s control; these are described in the chapter “Config

There are three, non-exclusive ways (which may be combined) of defining units that are
subject to the control of HAL in selective mode:
1. Using synchronization of the Leader’s unit with selected team leaders
2. By naming chosen team leaders: "Ryd(Side letter)" + number (1-100 default, the
maximum number can be changed. For example "Ryd10" or, for B side, "RydB35")

3. By placing a group name in the “included” array (there is also the reverse, an
“excluded” array, which works with all modes and must also contain names of

The variables that limit the scope of control are discussed in the section Config Variables ,

HAL also gives the possibility to divide the map into so-called “fronts”. To achieve that,
mission makers should place in the editor empty triggers with the desired size, shape,
direction, and position. Their boundaries will define front boundaries. The name of such a
trigger will assign the given front to a given Leader: HET_FA means a front for A-Leader,
HET_FB for B-Leader and so on, until HET_FH for H-Leader. Fronts may share some of an
area; also there may be areas on map not covered by any front. It is necessary to turn on the
“front” mode variables (see config variables list, below). But how does this mode work?
Simple. A Leader with an assigned front will pay attention only to enemy forces located
inside the assigned front area. However, groups controlled by him may be located outside
the front area, and/or that Leader may assign to 'his' groups waypoints outside the front
area, for example to flank an enemy located within the front. Forces controlled by the Leader
may sometimes attack enemies outside the front, but only if when carrying out their mission
come across such enemy groups by chance and decide to engage.

5.11 Artillery fire missions

- Leader will use vanilla artillery pieces added under his control for some kinds of fire
missions available in Arma 3 (HE, CLUSTER, SMOKE, ILLUM).

For HE or CLUSTER missions there is separate set of debug markers to show on map, which
battery is firing, where aims, how big is salvo’s drift (so where is final impact area). Drift is
dependent on several factors, as battery crew (leader) skills and condition, weather, kind of
artillery or distance. There is also shown kind of used ammo, ETA and current time of flight
(TOF). HAL will choose most tempting target for each used battery, will take into
consideration target’s movement vector and other factors, will try to avoid “friendly fire”
(still some risk exist, also Leader will know only about friendly groups, that he controls) and
will pick appropriate kind of ammo depending on type of target and available ordnance. Of
course target must be located within artillery range. Artillery by default will not fire at
targets, that are located too close to the friendly forces. Safe zone radius is dependent on
setting, kind of guns and weather. Default for mortars for best weather is 100 meters.
Number of ammunition per battery may be customized (see chapters 7 and 9 for arty config

Aside throwing/shooting smoke grenades group, for withdrawal concealment, will now often
call arty smoke mission, if available. During the night, defending troops will call for artillery
flare illumination, when enemy is spotted. See “Config Variables” for init details.

Internal HAL’s artillery handler is optional. Can be disabled via config variable and, for
example, some external handler may be used instead.

5.12 Debug Mode

- when activated, it shows the course of events on the battlefield through entries in the .rpt
file or on screen (commanders attributes, cycles, and morale changes info about
surrendering the army); and by markers (dots) on the map. There are two debug levels for
regular HAL and another two for BB. The markers are as follows:

Red dot: points of attack. Inf - infantry and cars; air - air force; arm - armor; rec - scout; snp -
snipers; cap – target points for groups sent to occupy objective(s)

Orange dot: shows stages of the routes of flanking forces;

Black dot: in defensive mode, denotes good observation points for reconnaissance and for
forces set in ambush

Brown dot: shows occupied defensive positions. Rec - reconnaissance; air – air units; LMCU -
"land mobile combat units”

Green dot: indicates center of defense perimeter

Color change to blue: indicates completed order

Small, white dot with “Res” mark – indicates idle mission;

Small, black triangle with side mark only – shows rest mission;

Small, brown square with “Garr” mark – garrison;

White dot with “DRes” mark – defensive reserve;

Small, green dot only with side mark – observation direction for groups in defensive

Khaki cross – medevac support mission;

Green/orange/red dot with number – mark on each group leader’s position with numerical
“danger” factor. If high enough, also color will change;

Khaki rectangle – indicates front boundaries for each Leader;

Khaki circle with arrow – other support mission. If an arrow is above the circle – refuel; if
beside – reammo; if beneath – repair;

Yellow dot with Leader’s letter and “!” sign – indicates positions, where a group has a panic

Pink (purple) dot with Leader’s letter and “!!!” sign – indicates positions, where a group

Red/blue/yellow circle with number – part of BB debug, This will mark strategic objectives
areas on map, where radius and number indicates value, and color – status of objective for
this BB (taken by OPFOR/by BLUFOR/not taken);

Black squares with numbers linked by pink lines – part of BB debug, current offensive path
for each BB-controlled Leader;

Blue/red triangle with Leader’s name – part of BB debug, current target on Leader’s
offensive path;

Blue triangle with Leader’s name and “RDA” text – part of BB debug, current target area for
reserve Leader (Reserve displacement Area);

Artillery debug – empty, black circle on battery position permanently visible after first fire
mission and temporary markings to show fire mission execution: target area, final impact
area (after dispersion calculations, auxiliary lines and text with salvo status (ETA/Time Of

BB “Simple Dynamic Debug” – (BETA) additional debug mode for BB, that for chosen side(s)
will show with arrows divisions movements and spotted enemy concentrations. Width of the
arrow indicates amount of forces, length is proportional to movement distance. Size of
enemy concentration (battle) markings depends of enemy’s forces size. Also will be displayed
current position of each Leader for chosen side(s)

Hint: if there is a High Command module present on the map, the player can enable with
Ctrl+Space the additional HC markers representing chosen routes and waypoints.


B ig Boss is simply a simulation of higher level, strategist or c-in-c HQ staff for one or both
sides. His concern is map as a whole, while concern of each Leader is only set of his
objectives. Without BB, setting up of objectives is done manually by mission maker. In this
mode BB will autonomously and dynamically assign objectives and fronts for each
subordinated to him Leader this way, so whole army should act like consistent organism in
coordinated attempt to conquer whole map (to take control over every point on map, that
BB will consider as strategic). This is theory of course, in practice, as any war, also this
process can be described shortly as “organized chaos”. To achieve his goal, BB will cyclically
(every 20 minutes, or earlier in urgent situations) make several strategic decisions, where
some of many important factors are: topography, size of map, presence of enemy, number
and characteristic of own divisions, reserves, important, key areas on map and so on. Initially
BB will check, which of found strategic areas should be considered as already taken due to
own forces presence and some other factors.

To set up mission with Big Boss mission maker needs for each Leader, that will be
subordinated to BB:

1. All four primary objectives anywhere on map;

2. Rectangular front trigger of any size, direction and position;
3. Secondary objectives should be not used (BB ignores them);
4. For BB’s own debug and for setting up custom strategic objectives as addition to
autonomously chosen, should be placed game logic of name: RydBBa_SAL (for Big
Boss “A”) or RydBBb_SAL (for Big Boss “B”). To add custom strategic objectives set
in chosen points of map another game logics (without name), with such init: this
setVariable ["AreaValue",(positive integer)];, where the greater number is, the
greater value/importance of objective. Usually value’s range is between 1 (some
village) to 10 (capital city), but can be also greater, if needed. Any of such placed
game logic objects should be synchronized with one (or both) of previously set
and named “SAL” game logics. Check the chapter “Config Variables” to know, how
to add custom objectives also via init config. Each side has own, independent set
of objectives;
5. If RydBB_BBOnMap variable is turned on, on map should be also placed a
“physical representation” of BB for each used BB’s side, named RydBBaHQ

(RydBBbHQ for “B”). Destroying/killing of this object will terminate BB for that

Obviously for each Leader should be turned on one of limited control modes, so each will
command only certain part of forces of given side. In addition some init config should be
prepared: arrays for each BB, that consist Leaders to be subordinate (RydBB(a/b)_HQs),
optionally debug (RydBB_Debug), additional objectives’ arrays (RydBB(a/b)_Str) and if BB
should look for objectives on his own (RydBB_CustomObjOnly). Also should be turned off for
each subordinated Leader variable RydHQ_LRelocating (as it is by default). To switch on/off
whole feature use RydBB_Active = true/false. See also “Config Variables” chapter, config
examples and special demo mission for details.

Note, that in BB mode all subordinated Leaders will relocate towards recently taken strategic


T he functioning of HAL can be modified by manipulating the appropriate global variables.

Such optional manipulation is easy and is conducted in the same way regardless of the
HAL version (pbo or script). At the end of list will be some examples; for now I say only that
the variables listed below should be executed at the mission start, or during the game by any
effective method (init and act fields of units, waypoints and triggers in editor, other script
files executed at beginning or activated in certain circumstances; there is the possibility to
make whole scripts that will change these variables according to the mission maker needs;
simply, or complex…). Effects will of course appear after such variables are executed, so if
you input some variable into a trigger’s act field, this will not take effect until the trigger
conditions will be met, and similarly with waypoints. These variables give mission makers a
wide variety of ways to customize and adjust HAL to their own purposes; or even to improve
its activity, if needed.

(remember: each Leader has its own set of variables. The examples listed below are only for
the “A” side, if not otherwise stated. To customize other Leaders, simply add it’s letter mark
after “HQ”, eg. RydHQD_Debug for D-Leader instead of RydHQ_Debug. After “=” usually the
default value is given)

RYD_Path = "RYD_HAL\"; ("\RYD_HAL\"; for addon version) – special, overall variable

holding path to the HAL’s files, relative to the mission folder;

RydHQ_RHQCheck = false – common to all Leaders. If set as true, at HAL init will be
displayed report about class names of any combat unit on map, that are not included in the
RHQ set (see 7.1). More detailed report will be saved in RPT file;

RydHQ_Wait = 15 - time in seconds before HAL will start working. This variable is shared by
all Leaders;

RydHQ_Fast = false - if “true”, Leader will not wait with new cycle for the end of the
opposing sides cycles or even for the end of its own previous cycle. This creates a risk of
"clogging” the computer with calculations, so caution is recommended.

RydHQ_CommDelay = 1 - this is the multiplier of the pause between the end of one cycle
and the start of a new one for the given Leader. I advise caution with values smaller than 1;

the flow of information can possibly be significantly perturbed by low values. Values higher
than 1 are for realism fans who would like the delivery of orders to take as much time as it
would in reality.

RydHQ_Debug = false - if true, debug mode is activated;

RydHQ_DebugII = false - if true, some additional markings will be visible on map;

RydHQ_DbgMon = true – shared by all Leaders. If true, additional info about morale and
percentage of losses for each active Leader will be displayed on screen, if also RydHQ_Debug
is true for given Leader;

RydHQ_GroupMarks = [] – shared by all Leaders. Customizable, simple map markers showing

current position of group leaders. To enable these markers for given side(s), include chosen
side(s)s into this array. Include also number 0 if you want displayed at each marker name of
marked unit. Color of the marker depends on side. Marker will be by default of dot shape if
group doesn’t know about any enemy or triangle, if enemy is known (assumed as “group in
combat”) Example: RydHQ_GroupMarks = [west,resistance,0]; – will show blue markers for
west groups, green markers for independent side and no markers for east side. Name of
group leader will be attached to each mark;

RydHQ_ChatDebug = false – if true, for each radio chatter message its sender’s position will
be temporarily (30 seconds) marked by map marker with sent sentence. Shape and color of
this marker depends on kind of the message. Thanks to this player will know, from where all
radio communications come;

RydHQ_HQChat = true – shared by all Leaders. If true, player will be notified about each
order issued for each group by his Leader. This communication will be displayed in silent chat

RydHQ_Order = "DEFEND"; – sets army in defensive mode. Units will maintain positions near
their commander. Re-defining this variable with any other value will set army back in attack
mode (note: pay attention to the quotes, these must be double - ");

RydHQ_Excluded = [] – array that contains names of the team leaders whose groups shall
not be controlled by HAL. E.g., RydHQ_Excluded = [LeaderA, LeaderC, LeaderG]; to place a
given team leader’s group under HAL control at some later point, just redefine this array
(e.g., using a trigger) without the chosen team leader’s name: RydHQ_Excluded = [LeaderA,
LeaderG]; which will include LeaderC’s group; or: RydHQ_Excluded = [] for include all
previously excluded that way groups; note that to exclude a player leader, the player's unit
must be given a name in the editor that meets the rules for naming, e.g.. LeaderP,
LeutenantJack or Some_guy.

RydHQ_ExInfo = false - if true - Leader receives information about the enemy also from
excluded units;

RydHQ_UnlimitedCapt = false - if true, the commander will not stop sending further units to
the objective, if false, will stop, once there is a certain number of them. Note: if true,
objectives never will be considered as “captured”;

RydHQ_CaptLimit = 10 - the number of allied units (not groups!) near an objective that
commander will consider as sufficient to “capture” that objective. The lesser value the more
dynamic progress.

RydHQ_ResetTime = 600 - interval in seconds between “resets” (see above);

RydHQ_ResetOnDemand = false - if true HAL will not “reset” cyclically (default each 10
minutes), but only when RydHQ_ResetNow variable becomes true; this may be useful to
control the dynamics of situation. For example to make objectives status checks more often
or vice versa (only after such check status of objectives may be changed to “captured” or
“lost” and only then new one is assigned as current), to maintain strict control over interval
between recon missions, between relocations of garrisons and reserve/idle/defending
groups etc. Generally the longer interval between resets the more static situation.

RydHQ_ResetNow = false - if true and ResetOnDemand ("ROD") mode is on, reset occurs
and this variable is auto-reset back to “false”;

RydHQ_CargoFind = 0 - radius in meters for search for empty vehicles. Not recommended to
enter too large values - that can cause lags. 100-200 meters should be enough. When this
variable is equal or less than 0, the whole cargo transportation system is turned off (default)
and groups will use only their own (grouped) vehicles. To make the transport system active
without any searching for empty vehicles, set this variable to a minimal positive value - more
than 0, up to 1.

RydHQ_NoAirCargo = false - if true, air units will not be assigned to transport tasks;

RydHQ_NoLandCargo = false - as above, for land cargo units;

RydHQ_SubAll = true - default control mode - if true, all allied groups on the map will be
controlled by HAL (minus “excluded”);

RydHQ_SubSynchro = false - when "SubAll" control mode is false, and this is true, HAL will
control all groups whose leaders are synchronized with the Leader’s unit (non-exclusive
relative to other methods of choosing);

RydHQ_SubNamed = false - when "SubAll" control mode is false, and this is true, HAL will
contol groups whose leaders are properly named (see above chapter 5.10, not exclusive
relative to other methods of choosing);

RydHQ_Included = [] – array; when "SubAll" control mode is false, HAL will control groups
whose names are included in this array (not exclusive relative to other methods of choosing);

RydHQ_ExcludedG = [] - Another exclusion method, working with both limited and unlimited
control modes. As above, but on the contrary;

RydHQ_NameLimit = 100 - maximum number of names used in "subNamed" method;

RydHQ_ReSynchro = true - if true, with "SubSynchro", HAL will re-synchronize with the
Leader’s unit any group that has lost its team leader;

RydHQ_SMed = true - if true, medical support handling is on (ambulances/medevacs only,

not group medic units);

RydHQ_SFuel = true - if true, fuel support handling is on;

RydHQ_SAmmo = true - if true, ammo support handling is on;

RydHQ_SRep = true - if true, repair support handling is on;

RydHQ_SupportWP = false - if true, support missions are extended by SUPPORT waypoints

for support units (see earlier section about support system);

RydHQ_ExReammo = [] - groups included in this array will not call for ammo, however they
will still use ammo support units if nearby;

RydHQ_ExRefuel = [] - as above for fuel;

RydHQ_ExRepair = [] - as above for repair;

RydHQ_ExMedic = [] - as above for medical aid;

RydHQ_Smoke = true - if true, withdrawing groups should try to use smoke grenades before
withdrawal. Controls also calling arty smoke missions for same purpose;

RydHQ_Flare = true - if true, defending groups will use flare illumination when enemy is
spotted. Controls also calling arty illum missions for same purpose;

RydHQ_KnowTL = true - makes Leader's knowledge about units be visible on the map for
human controlled team leaders (cyclically reveals positions on map of all units known to the

RydHQ_Garrison = [] - array for names of groups that will become “garrison”. Recommended
mostly for infantry or land vehicles;

RydHQ_GarrR = 500 - radius in meters around a given garrisoned group team leader's initial
position, within which this group should be available for attack missions;

RydHQ_GarrVehAb = false - if true, garrisoned motorized groups will disembark their
vehicles and act as non-motorized garrison group. Otherwise motorized garrisons will only
get sentry waypoint at its current position;

RydHQ_NoRecon = [] - groups whose names are in this array will be not used only for recon

RydHQ_NoAttack = [] - groups whose names are in this array will be not used only for attack

RydHQ_AOnly = [] - groups whose names are in this array will be used only for
attack/defense/rest missions;

RydHQ_ROnly = [] as above, but with recon and without attack missions;

RydHQ_NoFlank = [] - groups included there will be not used for flanking;

RydHQ_NoDef = [] - as above, but disables defense missions for included groups;

RydHQ_FirstToFight = [] - groups included in this array will be not considered as reserve.

These groups will be constantly "attack available" and will be groups of first choice for
offensive missions of proper for them kind despite distance order; this does not mean
however, that these groups always and immediately receive attack mission;

RydHQ_Smoke = true – if true, AI groups will use smoke grenades to cover withdrawal

RydHQ_Front = false - if true and a "front area" trigger has been prepared, then the assigned
Leader will pay attention only for enemies inside this area. Note: do not set this "true" before
a front trigger has been prepared!

RydHQ_ObjHoldTime = 600 - how long (in seconds) should a group with “capture” orders
must stay in the objective area before the group becomes available again for other tasks;

RydHQ_ObjRadius1 = 300 – inner radius for “captured”/”lost”-objectives checks. For

“captured”, a certain number of ally units must be closer to objective than this value; for the
“lost” check, hostiles inside this radius are counted;

RydHQ_ObjRadius2 = 500 - external radius for “captured”/”lost”-objectives checks. For

“captured”, a certain number of enemy units will be counted, for the “lost” check, allied units
inside this radius are counted;

RydHQ_LRelocating = false – if true, Leader will be relocated to last captured objective (and
will retreat if this objective become “lost”. See earlier section about objectives);

RydHQ_IdleOrd = true - if false, “idle” orders will be not issued;

RydHQ_CivF = ["CIV_F","CIV","CIV_RU","BIS_TK_CIV","BIS_CIV_special"] – factions
included in this array will be ignored by Leader;

RydHQ_Flee = true - if false, morale changes will affect only Leader’s decisions, but not
subordinated groups behavior;

RydHQ_Surr = false - if true, there is checked every cycle 50% chance for each group in panic
for surrendering (permanently stop fighting, set as captive and abandoning vehicles and

RydHQ_Muu = 1 – associated with morale multiplier of tendency to panic and flee when
morale is low. The higher, the bigger chance for such behavior, however multiplied by this
variable value will never be higher than 1. Can be used for setting of side’s “determination”.
Set to 0 means total invulnerability on morale drop;

RydHQ_Rush = false – variable shared by all Leaders. If true, groups will never move slowly,
but always with normal speed and aware behavior instead of safe. One of “dynamising”

RydHQ_NoRec = 1 – Percentage chance for omission recon stage – another “dynamising”

variable. NOTE: is multiplied by (RydHQ_Recklessness + 0.01);

RydHQ_RapidCapt = 10 – Percentage chance for capturing objectives “for all cost”, means
immediate and regardless of enemy presence capturing missions. Can be rised, when taking
land should be of higher priority than defeating known enemy. Another “dynamization”.
NOTE: is multiplied by (RydHQ_Recklessness + 0.01);

RydHQ_DefendObjectives = 4 – In “DEFEND” mode this variable controls, how many groups

should have already taken objective as closest, to consider it as additional defense perimeter.
If set to 0, only Leader’s position is considered as perimeter center/reference point. This
variable allows to avoid situations, when alone group or too few of them are defending given

RydHQ_Withdraw = 1 – multiplier of needed “danger level” (indicated in “debugII” mode as

number at group’s position) for tactical withdrawal overwhelmed groups. The higher value,
the bigger danger is needed for withdrawing. If set to 0 – withdrawal is turned off;

RydHQ_Berserk = false – if true, Leader will keep offensive stance regardless of

circumstancies. This will overwrite also RydHQ_Order = “DEFEND” setting;

RydHQ_DefFrontL, RydHQ_DefFront1, RydHQ_DefFront2, RydHQ_DefFront3,

RydHQ_DefFront4 = ["N",""] – an array of two strings, not defined by default. Useful mostly
in forced “DEFEND” mode. Each variable corresponds to one of possible defense perimeter
point – Leader and each of taken objectives positions. First string (primary direction) must
contain one of N, S, E or W. Second string (secondary direction) always can be empty. If first
string contains N or S, second may contain E or W. If defined such way, this variables will

replace default system of choosing direction of defense front line (towards known enemy
positions or randomized, if there is no known enemy). Thanks to this is possible to set forced
defense perimeter of custom shape by setting defense front direction separately for all
perimeter points;

RydHQ_ArtyShells = 1 – multiplier of default magazines loadout per kind per each artillery
piece. If set to 0 – internal arty handling become inactive. Otherwise should be positive

RydHQ_PathFinding = 0 – this variable is shared by all Leaders. If set with positive value,
experimental path finding based on terrain is turned on for non-motorized infantry. It is on
waypoints level. Value controls “resolution” in meters – on how long sections route will be
splitted for assigning mid-waypoints. Recommended values are 100 - 400. Not motorized
groups will choose path preferably through good covered areas, as forests, urban areas or
mountains, if near to route. NOTE: use with caution, this is experimental feature and can
make troubles sometimes;

RydxHQ_SynchroAttack = false – shared by all Leaders. If true, Leaders will try to coordinate
sent attacks – infantry or motorized/mechanized/armor groups dispatched to attack given
target will wait as long, as all of them will be on flanking positions before final attack will be
initiated. This is experimental feature, turned off by default, as sometimes may cause
problems and not always work, as expected;

RydHQ_TimeM = false – when set as true, additional action menu options will be shown for
each switchable unit on map, that will allow to customize simulations speed;

RydxHQ_GPauseActive = false – when set as true, game will be paused with on screen
message each time player receive new order;

RydHQ_IDChance = 100 – chance (in percent) of choosing by each idle (except land support)
group as its destination area position marked by RydHQ_IdleDecoy empty trigger;

RydHQ_SDChance = 100 – chance (in percent) of choosing by each idle land support group as
its destination area position marked by RydHQ_SupportDecoy empty trigger;

RydHQ_RDChance = 100 – chance (in percent) of choosing by each resting/withdrawn group

as its destination area position marked by RydHQ_RestDecoy empty trigger;

RydHQ_AmmoDrop = [] – aerial groups contained in this array will perform, when needed
(there is some unit without any magazine on map), ammo drop missions, if there are some
available ammo boxes inside RydHQ_AmmoDepot circular trigger radius. Also will be treated
as support groups;

RydHQ_SFBodyGuard = [] – SpecFor groups contained in this array will always stay as HQ

guard (excluded from SF attack missions);

RydHQ_LZ = false – If true, at landing zones of cargo missions for choppers will be found safe
LZ with temporarily placed on it invisible helipad to help choppers avoid collision with trees
and buildings during (un)loading cargo troops. Particularly helpful in difficult terrain. Can
cause sporadic micro lags;

RydHQ_OALib = false – Shared by all Leaders. If true, classnames from OA will be added (can
be used instead of regular RHQ set for OA units);

RydHQ_BAFLib = false – same for BAF classnames;

RydHQ_PMCLib = false – same for PMC classnames;

RydHQ_ACRLib = false – same for ACR classnames;

RydHQ_CargoOnly = [] – groups contained in this array will be used only for cargo missions;

RydHQ_NoCargo = [] – groups contained in this array will be not used for cargo missions;

RydHQ_AirDist = 4000 – idle aerial groups located further, than this value from their Leader
will relocate close to the Leader’s position, if RydHQ_LZ is active. Avoid very low values. To
“disable” this, set variable with distance not possible on used map;

RydHQ_DynForm = false – if true, groups will on the fly change their formation, behavior
and speed according to the danger factor calculated every minute;

RydHQ_ReconReserve = 0.3 * (0.5 + RydHQ_Circumspection) – multiplication of total

number of available in given cycle recon capable groups by this value will return number of
such groups, that HAL will keep as recon reserve;

RydHQ_AttackReserve = 0.5 * (0.5 + (RydHQ_Circumspection/1.5)) – multiplication of total

number of available in given cycle combat effective groups by this value will return number
of such groups, that HAL will keep as main reserve (part of them may be used for main
flanking maneuver);

RydxHQ_AIChatDensity = 10 – shared by all leaders. Chance in %, that given event (support

request, success, failure, sitrep, danger, hostile presence discovered, HQ decisions, low
morale etc.) will generate appropriate to the situation radio message audible for all units of
the sender’s side. Tested every event for every groups under HAL control. Recommended
values are 10-30, dependent also on number of groups. Set to 0 will turn off this feature;

RydxHQ_NEAware = 0 – shared by all Leaders. When set with positive value, each group will
be warned about each enemy group known to the HQ inside radius of that value in meters
around group’s position. Such warned group will act like in danger. Note, that knowledge
about any other unit is automatically set back to 0 outside view distance value. Values bigger
than 800-1000 meters not recommended;

RydxHQ_MARatio = [-1,-1,-1,-1] – shared by all Leaders. By default HAL will send against
each enemy group up to three infantry/soft, two armored, one air and two sniper groups.
Each number in this array is corresponding to one of that kinds of forces in same order.
Setting any of that numbers with not negative value will replace for that kind described
default allocation with alternative one: total number of non-reserve and not busy groups of
that kind will be multiplied by set corresponding value. Result rounded up means maximal
number of groups of given kind, that HAL will try to send against one enemy group. So for
example, if there are 6 infantry groups and 8 armored groups not set as reserve and currently
idle, for [0.15,0.5,-1,-1] against next spotted enemy group in that cycle HAL will send up to 6
* 0.15 = 1 infantry group and 8 * 0.5 = 4 armored groups. Air and sniper groups will be
allocated in default way;

RydHQ_GetHQInside = false – if true, and Leader’s group relocating is active, HAL will try to
find some position inside random enterable building in 100 meters radius around relocation
waypoint and will send Leader’s group there. Works only, if there is no vehicle assigned to
that group;

RydHQ_AirEvac = false – if true, air transport units may be used to transport withdrawing

RydHQ_AAO = false – if true, Leader, depending on personality and current situation, may
try to take as much objectives at once, as he can with reasonable force instead of taking
them one by one, subsequently;

RydHQ_ForceAAO = false – if true, Leader, will always try to take as much objectives at once,
as he can with reasonable force;

RydHQ_CamV = false – if true, player will get an action to enable live feed screen, that will
dynamically show video picture from cameras attached to controlled by Leader infantry
helmets or to vehicles. NV mode at night;

RydHQ_AlwaysKnownU = [] – (enemy) units added to this array will be always considered as

known to Leader;

RydHQ_AlwaysUnKnownU = [] – (enemy) units added to this array will be always considered

as unknown to Leader;

RydHQ_RHQAutoFill = true – shared by all Leaders. Switch for automatic RHQ set
construction based on units’ config. May be used instead or together with manual RHQ
setting. May be not 100% reliable for units configured in exotic way;

RydHQ_SlingDrop = false – shared by all Leaders. If true, helicopters selected for ammo drop
support missions will use slingloading instead of dropping boxes with parachutes;

RydHQ_CallSignsA =



RydHQ_CallSignsN =


– shared by all Leaders. Set of two arrays of arrays used by HAL for dynamic call signs
assignment. Define one or both as empty array to disable this feature. False/true tag
controls, if string from the first array will be added after/before string from the second array.
Each entry of the four subarrays in the second array must be an array holding string and
empty array. Consequent subarrays of second array correspond to group kind: soft, hard, air,
artillery. Basing on these arrays HAL will assign for each controlled group unique call sign by
taking one string from proper sub array of RydHQ_CallSignsN and for subsequent groups of
same kind will supplement it with subsequent strings from RydHQ_CallSignsA. When all of
them are used, next element from RydHQ_CallSignsN subarrays is taken and again
supplemented with subsequent elements of RydHQ_CallSignsA. When all possible
combinations are used for given kind of groups, each next will get display name of its leader
vehicle as callsign. Following same pattern, as for default, user can define both variables with
custom sets of any number of callsign elements;

RydBBa_SimpleDebug (RydBBb…) = false – if true, dynamic arrows for chosen side’s

divisions movement along with battle\enemy presence and each Leader position markings
will be displayed;

RydBB_Active = false – if true – Big Boss system is active;

RydBBa_HQs = [] – array, that contain names of Leaders, that should be subordinated to Big
Boss “A”;

RydBBb_HQs = [] – same, for Big Boss “B”;

RydBB_Debug = false – if true, some related to Big Boss info will be displayed on screen
(needs logic named RydBBa_SAL on map) and in RPT file. For BB “A” red and blue circles will
mark objecitves (color means status, number - value);

RydBBa_Str = [] – contains additional strategic areas for Big Boss “A” in form [[ATL
position1,number1,boolean1], [ATL position2,number2,boolean2],…], where first value
means position ([x,y,0]) of strategic area, second means how valuable area is (usual values
are 1 (eg village) to 10 (capital city), but may be greater, if needed) and third value – status: if
is currently considered as taken by “A” Big Boss’, or not. Values may be changed, if occurs
fusion of nearby strategic objectives;

RydBBb_Str = [] – same for Big Boss “B”;

RydBB_CustomObjOnly = false – if true, Big Bosses will not study the map for self-
determining of strategic locations. In this mode BBs will pay attention to custom added by
mission maker objectives only;

RydBB_MC = (undefined) – this variable may be used for customizing of size and placement
of area, that Big Boss of both sides will study for topographical data (square) and objectives
choosing (circular, so square’s corners will be excluded). May be useful for BB initialization
quickening, when map is big, and only its part will be used as battlefield. Works in two ways.
First, mission maker can name as RydBB_MC a trigger, which position will mark center of
customized battlefield area and trigger’s width multiplied by two will indicate side length of
square battlefield area. This length should be divisible by 500. Optimally trigger should be
not twisted (angle = 0) and square. This way its border will indicate exact border of
customized battlefield area. Second, may be defined as an array, 2D position coordinates of
custom battlefield’s center point. NOTE: if not used, should stay undefined (nil);

RydBB_MapLng = (undefined) – used only, when RydBB_MC is used as position array. Then
this variable should be defined as number divisible by 500, that will indicate side length of
custom battlefield square area;

RydBB_BBOnMap = false – if true, Big Bosses will get a “physical” representations on map.
With this setting mission maker should set on map for each BB any object/unit of
appropriate name: RydBBaHQ for BB “A” and RydBBbHQ for BB “B”. Removal or
destroying/killing of this object will permanently terminate BB’s control over given side;

RydBB_LRelocating = true – BB uses own HQs relocating routine. If this is set to false – that
routine will be turned off and subordinated Leader’s group will stay on place, not touched by
BB. Changing this value is not recommended, especially for scenarios on big maps;

RydBB_MainInterval = 20 – Shared by both BBs. Value in minutes. Interval between each BB

cycle (except for “urgent” situations). Should be positive integer. Minimal possible value is 1.
Lowering this value may speed up map conquering at the cost of bigger CPU load.

7.1 RHQ and RHQs Arrays

HAL by default recognizes types (classes) of units from Arma 2 1.10. To be able to include
other units, e.g.., those from OA, or units from addons, you must define the corresponding
global array variable by entering the class names of the new unit types into the appropriate

categories. This can be done - regardless of HAL version (pbo/script) - using prepared,
external so-called “RHQ arrays”, which are a kind of config value (and are initialized in the
same way as other config variables). Note: categories are not exclusive; for example, a soldier
with an RPG will, or at least should, belong to both the InfAT and the Inf categories. Note
also, that eg AT assistant (and similar units of other kinds) haven’t by itself AT ability, so
shouldn’t be added to InfAT.

In general, the category or categories to which a unit is assigned determines for what sort of
tasks whole group of that unit will be used by HAL, so it is important to be careful when
adding new classes. Thus, a truck class mistakenly entered to the armor category will be
treated by HAL as if it were an armored vehicle. Some categories (e.g., naval) are used only
so that HAL knows which units should be ignored either always, or under certain
circumstances. Here is an example of a defined category with two new classes of crew unit:

RHQ_Crew = ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1", "CZ_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"];

In the same way can be defined arrays for subtraction included by default classnames from
given category. Only difference is, that such array name contains RHQs_ instead of RHQ_. For
example this code in init config:

RHQs_Cars = ["GRAD_RU"];

will make, that HAL will not recognize Russian BM-21 GRAD as Car category vehicle, but only
as artillery piece, what will have an impact on kind of orders issued by HAL for such unit.

The available category arrays are:

RHQ_SpecFor – special forces group. Will be used for constant guarding of HQ if idle or
chosen for it. If there is known valuable target (enemy HQ, arty or static), there is a chance
dependant on Leader’s personality (bigger at night, much lower, when target is armored),
that group(s) will be send to eliminate that target with wide flanking route;
RHQ_Recon - reconnaissance units; note, that all classes included here should be also
included to Inf category;
RHQ_FO – forward observer units; note, that all classes included here should be also
included to Inf category;
RHQ_Snipers - snipers, sharpshooters; note, that all classes included here should be also
included to Inf category;
RHQ_ATInf - infantry and unarmored vehicles with antitank weapons; note, that all infantry
classes included here should be also included to Inf category and unarmored vehicles to
RHQ_AAInf - infantry and vehicles with antiaircraft weaponry; note, that all infantry classes
included here should be also included to Inf category, unarmored vehicles to RHQ_Cars and
armored to RHQ_LArmor categories;
RHQ_Inf - infantry in total;
RHQ_Art - artillery;
RHQ_HArmor - tanks;

RHQ_MArmor – medium armor IFVs, APCs with significant firepower or aged tanks like T-34;
note, that all classes included here should be also included respectively to LArmor or HArmor
RHQ_LArmor – all light armored vehicles, included medium armor category, APCs, etc.
(excluding self propelled artillery like MRLS). Light armor will sometimes be used for recon;
RHQ_LarmorAT - as above, with weapons effective against armored vehicles (such as
mounted ATGM
launchers); note, that all classes included here should be also included to LArmor category;
RHQ_Cars - vehicles without armor;
RHQ_Air – all helicopters and planes;
RHQ_NCAir – all unarmed helicopters and planes; note, that all classes included here should
be also included to Air category;
RHQ_BAir – bombers. Note, that all classes included here should be also included to Air
category. This category is empty by default, because some units are effective both as fighter
and bomber CAS, so with this array mission maker may choose which generic or non-generic
planes should behave as bombers. Planes added to this category will receive precise
“destroy” waypoint attached to the target group’s team leader or team leader’s vehicle
instead of usual “SAD” waypoint. However, this will not make the given unit drop bombs at
target, for this additional external code is needed. Without such external code (which
perhaps will be provided someday in HAL’s BIS Forum thread…) such planes will use only
guns or rockets, as non-bombing CAS;
RHQ_RAir – recon aerial units, mostly for unmanned UAVs (generic UAVs added); the recon
of first choice; note, that all classes included here should be also included to Air category;
RHQ_Naval - boats;
RHQ_Static - static weapons including MG nests;
RHQ_StaticAA - as above, anti-aircraft; note, that all classes included here should be also
included to Static category;
RHQ_StaticAT - as above, anti-tank; note, that all classes included here should be also
included to Static category;
RHQ_Support - logistics and medical support units;
RHQ_Med = [] – medevac support vehicles; note, that all classes included here should be
also included to support category;
RHQ_Ammo = [] – reammo support vehicles; note, that all classes included here should be
also included to support category;
RHQ_Fuel = [] – refuel support vehicles; note, that all classes included here should be also
included to support category;
RHQ_Rep = [] – repair support vehicles; note, that all classes included here should be also
included to support category;
RHQ_Cargo - all vehicles, armored and not, able to carry passengers; ; note, that classes of
unarmed vehicles included here should be also included to Cars category, and armored to
RHQ_NCCargo - as above, unarmed;
RHQ_Crew - only pilots and designated vehicle crew members; note, that all classes included
here should be also included to Inf category;
RHQ_SPMortars – custom self-propelled artillery vehicles, that should be controlled by
internal arty handler;
RHQ_Mortars - as above, for custom variants of mortars;

RHQ_RocketArty – ditto, for custom rocket artillery (MLRS).

Each Leader shares same RHQ arrays set, so only RHQ_ are needed, and no RHQB_ and
subsequent are needed. All categories of non-generic “vanilla” Arma 2 (from user-made
addons, official DLC’s, expansions, etc.), both units and vehicles, present on the map should
be included in RHQ arrays, regardless of faction, that uses the given unit/vehicle, unless
mission designer wants to make a given Leader not able to recognize & control units of
selected classes. The necessary class names may be found in given addon’s readme, on BIS
Forums, or on DevHeaven. Alternatively they may easily be determined by an in-editor
method: add following code to init field of any unit whose class name you want to know:
diag_log (typeOf this); and check RPT file after “preview”, or hint (typeOf this); and watch
the on screen message.

7.2 HAL’s personality variables

Leader personality is defined by several attributes. The value of a given attribute determines
the tendency for a behavior of the given type. The influence of these variables is not huge,
but it is noticeable. Typically, these values are set randomly (values will be in the range of 0
to 1, average 0.5), but you can set them manually if you choose. There are two ways to do

RydHQ_MAtt = false - switches on/off manually defining personality. If false - personality is

randomized taking into account the whole package of attributes.

Manual attributes setting:

1. Each attribute separately:

RydHQ_Recklessness (and RydHQB_ ...) - the higher value, the greater tendency for risky
orders. For example, the Leader will be more likely to send a helicopter to an area where the
opponent has deployed AA weapons, or to send tanks into urban areas. If known enemies
are averagely closer to Leader, that allies, and close enough (av. < 2000), or any enemy is very
close (< 600), this value will be temporarily vastly risen.

RydHQ_Consistency - the higher value, the less likely will be a transition from attack to
defense and vice versa.

RydHQ_Activity – the higher value, the greater the tendency to attack, and to remaining in
this mode. If the value is low, the commander will easily give up initiative, and often will
choose the defensive mode.

RydHQ_Reflex - the higher value, the faster commander reacts to changes on battlefield and
will issue new orders more frequently.

RydHQ_Circumspection - the higher value, the greater percentage of forces commander
would retain in reserve and for flanking maneuver.

RydHQ_Fineness - the higher value, the greater chance of flanking maneuvers, and a greater
propensity to set ambushes on the reverse slope when in defense mode.

2. Selection of entire package of attributes with a single variable:

RydHQ_Personality = "GENIUS";

Here are in bold the possible values of this variable, and in brackets the pre-defined attribute
values assigned to them:

"GENIUS" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 0.5; RydHQ_Consistency = 1; RydHQ_Activity = 1;

RydHQ_Reflex = 1; RydHQ_Circumspection = 1; RydHQ_Fineness = 1).

"Genius" does not actually make the artificial commander a military genius, but in my
opinion it sets optimal values.

"IDIOT" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 1; RydHQ_Consistency = 0; RydHQ_Activity = 0;

RydHQ_Reflex = 0; RydHQ_Circumspection = 0; RydHQ_Fineness = 0).

As above, but to the contrary ...

"COMPETENT" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 0.5; RydHQ_Consistency = 0.5; RydHQ_Activity = 0.5;

RydHQ_Reflex = 0.5; RydHQ_Circumspection = 0.5; RydHQ_Fineness = 0.5).

Average values, similar to default randomized.

"EAGER" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 1; RydHQ_Consistency = 0; RydHQ_Activity = 1;

RydHQ_Reflex = 1; RydHQ_Circumspection = 0; RydHQ_Fineness = 0).

Reckless; acts faster than he thinks. Prefers to regret what he did, rather than hold back. The
corpses of his subordinates may have entirely different opinions on this matter.

"DILATORY" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 0; RydHQ_Consistency = 1; RydHQ_Activity = 0;

RydHQ_Reflex = 0; RydHQ_Circumspection = 0.5; RydHQ_Fineness = 0.5).

Still has doubts; lingers as much as possible. Would rather avoid errors resulting from haste,
but his tardiness could mean defeat.

"SCHEMER" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 0.5; RydHQ_Consistency = 1; RydHQ_Activity = 0;

RydHQ_Reflex = 0; RydHQ_Circumspection = 1; RydHQ_Fineness = 1).

Tricks are his forte. Devises complicated plans and implements them consistently.

"BRUTE" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 0.5; RydHQ_Consistency = 1; RydHQ_Activity = 1;
RydHQ_Reflex = 0.5; RydHQ_Circumspection = 0; RydHQ_Fineness = 0).

Finesse? What is that? Ruses? What for? Most important is: fight to the death! Enemy death,
of course... However, he is not mindless; he will do anything to keep the initiative.

"CHAOTIC" (RydHQ_Recklessness = 0.5; RydHQ_Consistency = 0; RydHQ_Activity = 1;

RydHQ_Reflex = 1; RydHQ_Circumspection = 0.5; RydHQ_Fineness = 0.5).

He acts quickly and easily changes his mind. He is unpredictable, even to himself.

"OTHER" (personality available only in random mode, means each attribute is randomized
separately with rather average values)

7.3 Config examples

1. Simple config for two Leaders with debug and cargo system turned on from init.sqf file
(recommended way) for script version:

RydHQ_Debug = true;
RydHQB_Debug = true;
RydHQ_CargoFind = 100;
RydHQB_CargoFind = 1;

//usually always last:

nul = [] execVM "RydHQInit.sqf";

2. Complex config for three Leaders, with some useful tips commented (green, //):

//Debug for all

RydHQ_Debug = true;
RydHQB_Debug = true;
RydHQC_Debug = true;

//Manual personality setting on for A and C

RydHQ_MAtt = true;
RydHQC_MAtt = true;

//Choice of personalities for A and C

RydHQ_Personality = "GENIUS";
RydHQC_Personality = "EAGER";

//Cargo system for all

RydHQ_CargoFind = 150;
RydHQB_CargoFind = 150;
RydHQC_CargoFind = 150;

//Fronts for A and B

RydHQ_Front = true;
RydHQB_Front = true;

//Unlimited control off for A and B

RydHQ_SubAll = false;
RydHQB_SubAll = false;

//"Synchronized only" limited control mode on for B, used for placing, e.g., some
guerilla groups under leaderHQB control

RydHQB_SubSynchro = true;

//Six garrisoned groups for C (names set in init fields of team leaders g1 to g6)

RydHQC_Garrison = [g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6];

//Quick method for adding under Leader's control all groups of a given faction present
on map at start, shown here for A and B

RydHQ_Included = [];
RydHQB_Included = [];

if ((faction (leader _x)) == "USMC") then {RydHQ_Included = RydHQ_Included +
if ((faction (leader _x)) == "CDF") then {RydHQB_Included = RydHQB_Included +
foreach AllGroups;

//making some A-side groups nearly passive may be good for groups that should always
concentrate on idle missions (?)

RydHQ_AOnly = [g7,g8];
RydHQ_ROnly = [g7,g8];
RydHQ_NoFlank = [g7,g8];
RydHQ_NoDef = [g7,g8];

//Player's group excluded

RydHQ_ExcludedG = [P1];

//RHQ array set for all Leaders

RHQ_Crew = ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1","CZ_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"];

//Let's play! :) (for script version only)

nul = [] execVM "RydHQInit.sqf";

3. Variant of Big Boss config for all Leaders of both sides:

RydHQ_Debug = true;
RydHQB_Debug = true;
RydHQC_Debug = true;
RydHQD_Debug = true;
RydHQE_Debug = true;
RydHQF_Debug = true;
RydHQG_Debug = true;
RydHQH_Debug = true;

RydHQ_DebugII = true;
RydHQB_DebugII = true;
RydHQC_DebugII = true;
RydHQD_DebugII = true;
RydHQE_DebugII = true;
RydHQF_DebugII = true;
RydHQG_DebugII = true;
RydHQH_DebugII = true;

RydHQ_SubAll = false;
RydHQB_SubAll = false;
RydHQC_SubAll = false;
RydHQD_SubAll = false;
RydHQE_SubAll = false;
RydHQF_SubAll = false;
RydHQG_SubAll = false;
RydHQH_SubAll = false;

RydHQ_SubSynchro = true;
RydHQB_SubSynchro = true;
RydHQC_SubSynchro = true;
RydHQD_SubSynchro = true;
RydHQE_SubSynchro = true;
RydHQF_SubSynchro = true;
RydHQG_SubSynchro = true;
RydHQH_SubSynchro = true;

RydHQ_Surr = true;
RydHQB_Surr = true;
RydHQC_Surr = true;
RydHQD_Surr = true;
RydHQE_Surr = true;
RydHQF_Surr = true;
RydHQG_Surr = true;
RydHQH_Surr = true;

RydHQ_LRelocating = true;
RydHQB_LRelocating = true;
RydHQC_LRelocating = true;
RydHQD_LRelocating = true;
RydHQE_LRelocating = true;
RydHQF_LRelocating = true;
RydHQG_LRelocating = true;
RydHQH_LRelocating = true;

RydHQ_PathFinding = 100;

RydHQ_Rush = true;

RydBBa_HQs = [leaderHQ,leaderHQB,leaderHQC,leaderHQD];
RydBBb_HQs = [leaderHQE,leaderHQF,leaderHQG,leaderHQH];

RydBB_Active = true;
RydBB_Debug = true;

//RydBBa_Str = [];
//RydBBb_Str = [];

//RydBB_CustomObjOnly = false;

nul = [] execVM "RydHQInit.sqf";

4. Exemplary config for custom, round defense:

//to keep Leader in defend mode

RydHQ_Order = "DEFEND";

//only, if at least 6 groups will be closest to given objective, that objective become
a perimeter point

RydHQ_DefendObjectives = 6;

//to make all objectives "taken"

RydHQ_NObj = 5;

//directions of each perimeter, where objectives are placed around Leader

RydHQ_DefFrontL = ["N","E"];//North-East
RydHQ_DefFront1 = ["N",""];//1st perimeter facing North
RydHQ_DefFront2 = ["E",""];//2nd perimeter facing East
RydHQ_DefFront3 = ["S",""];//3rd perimeter facing South
RydHQ_DefFront4 = ["W",""];//4th perimeter facing West

nul = [] execVM "RydHQInit.sqf";


H AL has been tested with battles involving up to about 500 ground and flying units on
low-end hardware, and runs quite smoothly. However, especially when other “heavy”
addons are in use, on big maps with several commanders per side, delays may occur.

HAL does not control naval units.

Some users reported problems with cargo vehicles behavior. I have done all I can to eliminate
these problems, mostly caused by generic unit AI, but still you cannot always rely on the
cargo system. Choppers in particular may have problems. Generally, try to place cargo-
transport units not too close each other, and not too close to other groups (recommended
space: 50 meters or more). Choppers should be placed well away from trees, buildings,
power lines, etc.

Units controlled by HAL may be drown, when they are completely cut off by water from it’s
designated target area. Also HAL avoids setting waypoints on the sea surface, but does not
recognize a pond objects (present for example on Chernarus map) as covered with water.

A s mentioned in the Introduction, HAL has its own official BI Forum thread. Here you can
find the newest info, maybe other useful stuff and, who knows, perhaps even me?
Registered users can post their ideas, requests, bug reports (always appreciated), describe
impressions, and so on.

BI Forums' Hetman thread

English text corrected by Orcinus and Lucidity – thanks!


A list of chosen (potentially important, not all) internal, global variables, that can be useful
for more advanced mission makers and for modders.

RydHQ_Cyclecount - holds number of current cycle. Used for time coordination of some calculations and
actions and in morale formula (long-term losses factor);

RydHQ_NCVeh - holds classes of all "no combat" vehicles;

RydHQ_ReconDone - become true, when after recon mission, back to false every reset;

RydHQ_Inertia = (+/-) 30 * (0.5 + RydHQ_Consistency)*(0.5 + RydHQ_Activity) - reflects tendency to keep

current stance (offensive/defensive);

RydHQ_Morale - (-50 to 0) - force's morale. The lower is, the bigger chance for fleeing, panic, surrender and
changing stance to defensive. Calculated every cycle;

RydHQ_KnEnPos – holds last 100 known enemy positions. Used for determining direction of defensive
perimeter. Actualized every cycle;

RydHQ_AirInDef – used in defensive stance. Holds air groups currently assigned to defense;

RydHQ_Init – is true only at first part of first cycle. Some things are calculated only, when this is true;

RydHQ_CInitial – initial number of own soldiers. Calculated once, used in morale formula (long-term losses

RydHQ_CLast – refreshed every cycle. Holds number of own soldiers in past cycle. Used in morale formula
(short-term losses factor);

RydHQ_CCurrent – refreshed every cycle. Number of own soldiers in current cycle. Used in morale formula;

RydHQ_Surrender – vestige of old surrender routine. Is set to false. If set to true – Leader’s control will end,
like when Leader’s group is destroyed;

RydHQ_Progress – initially equal to 0. Will become 1 after each next objective takeover and -1 after each
objective loss. Activates Leader’s relocating routine if turned on.

RydHQ_AAthreat – holds all known AA-effective enemy groups. Used in risk calculations. Refreshed every

RydHQ_ATthreat – same for AT-effective enemy groups;

RydHQ_Airthreat – similar, but holds all known enemy aircraft groups. Used in air cargo mission risk

RydHQ_Exhausted – holds all currently combat ineffective subordinated groups (wounded/damaged, lack of
fuel or ammo);

RydHQ_Done – indicates status of the cycle. If is not used fast mode, all Leaders will wait with their next cycle,
until all currently pending cycles are done;

RydHQ_Friends – holds all subordinated groups. Refreshed every cycle;

RydHQ_Enemies – same of all enemy groups;

RydHQ_KnEnemies – holds all currently known enemy units;

RydHQ_KnEnemiesG – same, for known enemy groups;

RydHQ_FValue – hold number indicating current value of own forces, where each of infantry and static units
has value 1, cars and artillery – 3, light armor – 5, heavy armor – 10, air units – 15;

RydHQ_EValue – same for known enemies. Both variables are used for stance choosing by Leaders and Big

RydHQ_NObj – initially equal to 1. It is positive integer of range 1 to 5. Indicates, which objective is currently a
target. 5 means, that all objectives are taken;

RydHQ_Obj – refers to current objective’s object (usually a trigger (empty detector));

RydHQ_Boxed – array containing groups, that was supported via ammo drop feature, to keep HAL from
supporting each group that way more than once;

RydxHQ_AllLeaders – array containing all present on map Leaders;

RydART_Acc – arty handler config variable. Multiplier of salvo drift value. Default 2;

RydART_Safe – base value of minimal distance in meters between planned impact and nearest known friendly
group leader to allow HE, WP or SADARM fire mission executing. Default 100. This value will be multiplied by
factor dependent on kind of artillery (to reflect accuracy and danger radius differencies) and by weather factor
(the worse weather, the bigger safety distance), so final value will be bigger;


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