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Communication Beyond Meaning - Terranova

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The passage discusses the author Tiziana Terranova's perspective on using scientific concepts like information theory to understand cultural processes. It also discusses the emergence of 'informational cultures' where informational dynamics take priority over meaning formation.

The author believes that emerging non-deterministic scientific approaches provide an opportunity to forge a 'new alliance' between natural and human sciences by understanding the gap between them as historical rather than ontological. However, modern reductionism led to specialization reducing their relationship.

The author uses the term 'informational cultures' to refer to cultural milieus that foreground the interplay of information technologies and dynamics like openness, obstruction, emergence rather than the formation of meanings.


Tiziana Terranova

Social Text, 80 (Volume 22, Number 3), Fall 2004, pp. 51-73 (Article)

Published by Duke University Press

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Communication beyond Meaning

Is it possible to draw on scientific concepts to further our understand- Tiziana Terranova

ing of cultural processes? In Order Out of Chaos, Ilya Prigogine and Isa-
belle Stengers proposed that the emergence of nondeterministic scien-
tific approaches to material processes (e.g., thermodynamics, quantum
mechanics, chaos theory) constitutes an important opportunity to forge
a “new alliance” between the natural and human sciences.1 Prigogine and
Stengers understand the gap between the “natural” and the “human” not
so much as an ontological claim (based on the irreducibility of the human
to the deterministic laws of nature) but as the historical product of a
schism between physics and metaphysics. Such a schism, they claim, was
precipitated by the modern emergence of mechanicism in engineering and
reductionism in science with its image of a complex and free humanity
endowed with spirit at loss in a universe ruled by strict mechanical laws.
The result of this bifurcation of thinking is well known: disciplinarization
and specialization reducing the relationship between the natural and the
human sciences to sporadic and confl ictual encounters. 2
Typical of this situation is the controversy over the value of the con-
cept of information for cultural analysis. The culturalist allegation that
informationalism equals the triumph of form over matter underestimates
the implications of communication and information theory for our under-
standing of contemporary cultures where informational dynamics are
increasingly gaining priority over the formation of meanings. In particular,
to say that information is a disembodied and immaterial form casts an
unfl attering light on what might be called “informational cultures”—that
is, cultural milieus that foreground the interplay of information technolo-
gies (logarithmic data compression, information architecture, communica-
tion management, cultural recombination) and informational dynamics
(such as openness, obstruction, resonance, contagion, bifurcation, and
Postmodern theory captured and anticipated such a development
(the primacy of information networks over networks of meaning) when it
described the culture of late capitalism as a culture of “floating signifiers,”
that is, of signs that have lost their anchorage in networks of signification.
The postmodern description of a semiotic world out of control, of signs that

Social Textt 80, Vol. 22, No. 3, Fall 2004. Copyright © 2004 by Duke University Press.
only refer to other signs in a relation of preemptive causality, or “hyperreal-
ity,” presented this development as the linear outcome of the commodifi -
cation of culture—that is, the reduction of cultural use value to exchange
value (money) and of exchange value to sign value (simulation). The result-
ing picture was that of an empty cultural milieu (literally, a desert), a real
subsumption of culture under capital that problematized even the notion of
a cultural politics as such. Is it possible, in fact, to wage a struggle around
culture if all culture has become an industry of signification—incessantly
drowning meaning in a sea of semirandom noise? More militant strands
of cultural theory have thus deemed it necessary to reject the postmodern
analysis as simply a sign of cynicism and unconditional political surrender
to the state of things (a sign of political reflux after the turbulent sixties and
seventies). Much work has thus been dedicated to rescuing the vitality of
the social from the grip of simulation (or exchange value gone irreversible
and orbital). Empirical work on audiences has shown the persistence of
counterhegemonic decodings and the resilience of meaning to all attempts
at pinning it down within stable hegemonic formations or a closed logic
of simulation. We know that meaning has not simply disappeared in the
infosphere but that it has multiplied and proliferated in its interface with
social microstratifications and segmentations emerging out of and giving
rise to classes, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, and races. But we cannot
still reconcile this proliferation and dispersal of meaning with another
dimension of contemporary culture, the one that is not simply structured
around the codification and decodification of meaning and its articulation
into social practices but which revolves around a disturbing imperative and
a characteristic dynamics. This imperative insists that more communication
and better communication are supposed to provide the ultimate solution
to all social problems, and its characteristic dynamics involve the power
of the “space of flows” over the solidity of the “space of places.”3 Here it is
not so much a question of meanings that are encoded and decoded in texts
but a question of inclusion and exclusion, connection and disconnection,
of informational warfare, and new forms of knowledge and power (from
public relations to public communication and perception management)
that address not so much the play of meaning but the overall dynamics of
an open informational milieu.
To underscore the challenge posed by this informational milieu to our
understanding of contemporary cultural politics, I need to address two
common prejudices about the concept of information: that information
is the mere content of a communication; and that information is nothing
other than a mode of representation (or form) that has lost all reference to
materiality (or substance). This reappreciation of information theory is also
an important part of any effort to renew a method of cultural analysis able

52 Tiziana Terranova
to live up to the urgent challenges of a multimediated, hyperconnected,
and global network culture.

Is Information Simply the Content of Communication?

If sociologists have been debating the value of information as a social force

at least since the 1960s, cultural theorists have had less time to get used
to the fact that information is more than the mere content of communica-
tion. The debate about the postindustrialization of Western economies,
starting with Daniel Bell’s controversial work, has in fact been crucially
concerned with the concept of information. Sociologists and economists
of different schools and political orientations have thus been trying to
pin down both the value of information as a type of commodity and as
a mode of production. While economists regularly refer to the role of
information in market dynamics, sociologists indebted to a Marxist tradi-
tion have typically rejected the validity of the concept of information in
defi ning social change. For many, the notion of an information society
smacks too much of an attempt to relinquish the Marxist understanding
of a capitalist society structurally driven by the antagonism of class struc-
tures as they are engendered by the exploitative relation between capital
and labor.4 In other words, the uncertainty surrounding the term has
induced a crisis in our understanding of value within an informational
mode of production.
Cultural theory, on the other hand, has only more recently moved away
from an implicit understanding of information as a basic level of significa-
tion, providing a kind of minimum condition for the emergence of social
meanings (as Roland Barthes described it in his Mythologies phase).5 From
this perspective, information, if such a thing is possible, was meaning at
its degree zero, that is, a kind of minimal condition for the ideological work
of signification. If a cultural politics was possible at all, such an approach
proposed, it was because communication is more than the mere trans-
mission of information, but also involves social and cultural networks of
shared meanings that mobilize a whole cultural system of references in
the service of shifting hegemonic politics.6 From this perspective, when
a newscaster, for example, reads the news, what she is doing is not simply
communicating information about today’s events (a bombing, a strike, a
presidential speech) but also adding a set of connotations (or meanings)
to a basic denotative message (minimally coded) in such a way as to give
rise to a particular set of meanings expressing the interests and values of a
ruling class or hegemonic bloc. Such a perspective would typically articu-
late the interests of the capitalist classes who overwhelmingly “own” the

Communication beyond Meaning 53

media. In this sense, the information transmitted by a news broadcast is
secondary when compared with the meanings articulated within it, which
in their turn have then to be taken up by social practices to engender a
social reality (from support for wars to cultural identities and lifestyles).
Information is thus implicitly seen only as a kind of alibi for the communi-
cation of social meanings, which is where the “real” cultural politics takes
place. In other words, if meanings arise and return to social reality as an
active force, then the political dimension of culture is mainly concerned
with the struggle over meaning.
The emergence of communication theory—with its attendant applica-
tions in the fields of public relations and public communications, percep-
tion management, advertising, and marketing—constitutes a challenge to
such an understanding of cultural politics. While the level of the produc-
tion of meaning has hardly any more secrets for cultural analysts and com-
munication professionals trained in semiotics, psychoanalysis, and decon-
struction, it increasingly appears as the least interesting and most repetitive
level of communication. The repetitiveness and incessant mobilization of
recycled identities and statements in the process of meaning formation, the
obscenity that characterizes the reiteration of nationalist clichés, neoliberal
ideologies, patriarchal and homophobic formations, overwhelm through
their sheer persistence and pervasiveness all attempts at deconstruction
and subversion. Political intervention in an informational milieu, on the
other hand, involves more than the production of counterinformation but
also an engagement with the dynamics of information diffusion as such
(opening up channels, selective targeting, making transversal connections,
using informational guerrilla tactics).
It is not simply a matter, then, of seeing the “politics of mirrors and
metaphors” (as Naomi Klein referred to it in No Logo)7 replaced by some
kind of new engagement with the reality of capitalist production. It is
rather a matter of linking transformations in the modes of production to
new forms of knowledge and power within an overall field defi ned by the
preponderance of informational dynamics. This informational dimension
does not simply address the emergence of new hegemonic formations
around signifiers such as active preemption, good and evil, and war on
terror as if it were simply a matter of articulating successful signifiers. The
informational perspective adds to this work of articulation another dimen-
sion—that of a daily deployment of informational tactics that address not
simply the individual statement and its intertextual connections but also the
overall dynamics of a crowded and uneven communication milieu where
global, national, regional, and local TV networks resonate and interfere
with each other and also with other media such as radio, books, telephony,
the press, and the Internet.

54 Tiziana Terranova
From a hermeneutic perspective, then, the meanings expressed and
proposed by the ruling elites through their privately owned and more or
less directly controlled media channels (from TV stations to newspapers)
are hardly innovative or original. If we could transplant Barthes from his
fi fties milieu to the early twenty-fi rst century, he would have no trouble
at all in identifying the self-perpetuation of ideology as he analyzed it in
post–World War II France. Antonio Gramsci would also easily recognize
the features of new forms of national populism as they are articulated
through the multiple institutions giving rise to a civil society. The level
at which the cultural and political process seems to have truly mutated
and innovated, however, is that of informational tactics—the techniques
by which information is effectively communicated. Whenever a piece
of information is communicated (whether it is a government policy, a
series of events, or a new brand), there you fi nd an array of techniques
and tactics for which the transmission of meaning is always a temporary
objective within a wider campaign. The entire field of culture and media
has become the object of a diversified array of knowledges, tactics, and
strategies corresponding to a hypermanagement of public opinion and
cultural trends.
What I am referring to here, however, is not simply a more sophisti-
cated version of the manipulation of the public by a new breed of “social
engineers” of communication, to which we could simply oppose resisting
audiences and oppositional meanings. The relationship between the pro-
fessionals of communication and their audiences takes place within a spe-
cific milieu—an informational one—where the dynamics of information
take precedence over those of signification. Because such informational
dynamics always presuppose a larger, common field, the social elite is not
so much manipulating a mass audience but being mutually implicated
in a multidimensional, asymmetrical, and yet dynamic process. A more
precise understanding of information and informational dynamics would
be of great help in understanding the conditions within which a cultural
politics of interacting communication networks unfolds.

Information Theory

Information theory, and in particular Claude E. Shannon’s paper on the

mathematical theory of communication, offers some important insights
into such informational dynamics. Published in the Bell System Technical
Journal in 1948, the “Mathematical Theory of Communication” was a
breakthrough in information theory—a field that had emerged mainly
out of a convergence between the nascent telecommunications industry

Communication beyond Meaning 55

(telegraphy, telephony, radio, and television) and its military applications
(command and control systems and encryption). 8 Yet information theory
also had larger implications for our understanding of communication
as a material process that technological development latched onto and
One central assumption of information theory, in fact, is that infor-
mation can only be defi ned as a ratio of signal to noise. This description
started from a technical necessity. Whenever what we would commonly
describe as a piece of information travels from a sender to a receiver, the
problem of the channel arises, that is, the necessity of transmitting such
information as faithfully as possible. If one wishes to maximize the trans-
mission of a message, one cannot entrust a communication channel to
recognize the meaningfulness of a message (it cannot interpret the mes-
sage). Furthermore, not all information is strictly meaningful. Because
the channel has no access to the human capacity to interpret meanings, it
needs to rely on some kind of mathematical formula that would enable it
to discriminate between information and noise. Information is such only
because it displays some pattern of redundancy and frequency that allows
a channel to distinguish it from noise. To a human ear, the information
contained in encrypted bits might appear literally as hisses and noise (as
in the emblematic sound of a modem connecting to the Internet). And yet,
when communicated through a channel, this piece of noise also is informa-
tion; that is, it displays a pattern of redundancy and frequency that can be
encoded into a signal and further encoded in what will eventually appear
to us as a Web page or simply a piece of random junk mail. In this sense, as
information theory explicitly states, information does not involve meaning
but only statistical patterns of redundancy and frequency—a modulation
of signal to noise.
Shannon’s work addressed the technical problem of how to modulate
a signal so as to maximize its chances of surviving the adverse effects of
the noise that haunts all communication—the interference and static that
always threatens to annul the transmission act. In so doing, however, he
also highlighted and focused on the minimum conditions for communica-
tion. Before something can be communicated at all, a channel needs to
be cleared out, and this involves the suspension of noise—the buzz of the
quantum world that at all moments threatens the smooth operationality of
the communication act. In other words, communication cannot even start
unless some kind of channel is cleared, warding off the interference of a
noisy world. A clear channel is the basic condition of the communication
act inasmuch as the aim of communication is the creation of a contact that
allows a message (regardless of its meaning) to get through.
This scenario substantially departs not simply from hegemony but

56 Tiziana Terranova
also from the modern conception of communication as a public sphere
guaranteeing the transparent unfolding of democratic life. There is no
signifying subject, or even an audience to address; there is no rhetorical
play of ideas, but a kind of bare set, where all communication is reduced
to a drive to clear out a channel. From an informational perspective, com-
munication is neither a rational argument nor an antagonistic experience
that is based on the capacity of a speaker to encode a shared meaning. The
purpose of the information flow is to establish a contact between sender and
receiver by excluding all interference—by holding off the transformative
potential of noise: communication is a signal sent to a receptive partner in
a hostile environment.9 Senders and receivers are not opposed, as in the
traditional conception of the dialectical game, but they are assumed to be
on the same side. Opposition to the agreement between sender and receiver
cannot be subjective but only objective and external, appearing only in the
nonhuman form of meaningless noise (or in the form of an enemy intent on
disrupting the communication between two partners in agreement). “To
hold a dialogue is to suppose a third man and to seek to exclude him.”10
The appearance of a modern informational problematic, then, is related
to a conception of communication as an operational problem dominated
by the imperatives of the channel rather than by a concern with significa-
tion, ethical truth, or rhetorical confrontation (a defi nition that dominates
Marxist, liberal, and enlightened concepts of communication).
At the macropolitical level, the tensions introduced by such informa-
tional dynamics are well expressed by the permanent crisis undergone
by the mechanisms of populist and representative democracy in relation
to the remnants of the bourgeois public sphere. This crisis has recently
unfolded in the relation between the independent ethics of journalism
and those areas of expertise that explicitly draw on a strategic and tacti-
cal conception of communication (as in the recent controversy between
the BBC and New Labour over intelligence on weapons of mass destruc-
tion in Iraq). Such a crisis is increasingly marked by the unfolding of an
informationall dynamics as visible in the tensions that oppose journalists to
communication managers (PR agents, press officers, advertisers, percep-
tion managers, information strategists, public communication directors,
intelligence officers, and consultants). While conscientious journalists
(or even some intelligence officers) would argue that information must be
assessed in terms of its accuracy (or truth value) and relevance (meaning-
fulness), so that the political process can be made more transparent, the
social engineers of communications seem to have another type of grasp of
the informational dimension of contemporary culture—that they techni-
cally reduce to the relation of signal to noise.
The latter, in fact, understand the power of communication as deter-

Communication beyond Meaning 57

mined by the overall dynamics of the informational milieu, where what
counts is the preservation of the message/signal through all the different
permutations that such a message/signal is liable to undergo. The process
is all the more difficult the larger the targeted audience (in this case the
silent majorities that representative democracies nominally defer to). The
larger the mass and the more crowded the communication milieu, the more
likely the possibility that the message might either disappear in the black
hole of the mass or be subjected to transformations and recombinations
that might alter its value. Much more dangerously from the perspective
of spin doctors, propagandists, and marketers, the whole channel might
collapse under the weight of an overwhelming noise (an audience’s scarce
attention span, competition, or cynicism). If one wanted to study the kinds
of permutations that a message can undergo when centralized communi-
cation strategies fail, the spread of rumors in postwar Iraq (as reported in
Iraqi Web logs, for example) following events such as explosions, power
blackouts, and water shortages would offer a suitable case.11
It is not by chance, then, that the social engineering of communication
favors repetition and the short slogan or even the iconic power of the logo
as an effective way to open a channel and get the message through—short-
cutting their way to the receiver by using the shortest possible route in the
shortest possible time. Communication management today increasingly
involves the reduction of all meaning to replicable information—that is, to
a redundancy or frequency that can be successfully copied across varied
communication milieus with minimum alterations. Whether it is about
the Nike swoosh or war propaganda, what matters is the endurance of the
information to be communicated, its power to survive, as signal or pattern,
all possible corruption by noise.
When a television debate is held, for example, between competing
politicians before an election, can we say that such debates are won or
lost on the basis of accurate information or even as a dialectical argument
involving the interplay of truth and persuasion? Can we say that politi-
cians are really talking to each other and expressing a real disagreement?
Or isn’t the more pressing problem that of clearing out a channel through
a noisy mediascape, of establishing a contact, with the electorate/audi-
ence out there? In this context, the opponent becomes noise and the
public becomes a target of communication: not a rational ensemble of
freethinking individuals, endowed with reason, who must be persuaded,
but a collective receiver to which a message can be sent only on condition
that the channel is kept free of noise (competing politicians, but also the
whole noisy communication environment to which such politicians relate,
where, for example, more young people “vote” for reality TV shows than
vote in general elections). Politicians are increasingly elected not because

58 Tiziana Terranova
of what they say but how they say it, that is, on the basis of how success- Does that
fully they manage to engage the majority in a prolonged contact. This is
a very specific operation that involves a kind of tuning in to and selective mean, then,
reinforcement of an affective link between political leaders and their elec-
torate (the dynamics of information and those of affect are, in this sense, that journalists
inextricably related in ways that we are only starting to understand).12
and activists
Or, in another context: don’t the techniques of advertising involve, fi rst of
all, an attempt to bypass the noise of a crowded informational milieu by
who hang on
establishing a connection with potential customers? It is understandable,
then, why cultural activism of the No Logo variety should have focused so to relevance,
much on what Mark Dery has called “culture jamming”—signal distortion,
graffiti on advertising posters, hijacking of corporate events—all attempts truth, and
at disrupting the smooth efficiency of the communication machine. Or, as
Gilles Deleuze suggested, why cultural resistance within control societies meaning have
might also involve the creation of “vacuoles” of communication. Or why
in cases of media monopoly, the exploration of other avenues and topolo- been made
gies of communication (from the interpersonal to television screens to
computer networks) assumes such tactical priority.
A cultural politics of information thus unfolds within a communica-
by social
tional environment that has been instrumentally reduced to its “fundamen-
tal problem,” as Shannon put it (or to its minimum conditions): the suc- engineers of
cessful constitution of a contact, the suspension of all competing signals,
and the fi ltering out of all possible corruption of the message in transit. communication?
Information in this sense is a function of the instantiation of a line of com-
mand. There is nothing inherently technological here, in the modern sense
of a Frankenstein monster created by human will but now threatening to
destroy it. It is not so much a question of technology as of techniques and
modes of knowledge and power that all converge—through a variety of
media and channels—on the terrain of informational cultures.
Does that mean, then, that journalists and activists who hang on to
relevance, truth, and meaning have been made redundant by social engi-
neers of communication who have a much better grasp of informational
dynamics? The problem here is not that of arguing for the obsolescence
of meaning and truth in favor of sheer manipulation within an informa-
tional milieu. On the other hand, we cannot simply rely on the instability
of meaning as it changes form and quality in its passage from senders to
receivers. The re-production of meaning is still surprisingly stable even
as it shifts from enthusiastic agreement to negotiated readings and oppo-
sitional decodings. It seems that communication management does not
meet its limit in the irreducibility of meaning—that is, in the audience’s
capacity to recode a message in partially divergent ways. What seems to be
at work is a more impersonal, even less human process—albeit one that can

Communication beyond Meaning 59

still be conceived of as a political field. What such management techniques
might have themselves misunderstood is the informational dimension of
communication as such, and their repeated efforts at amplifying the signal
to drown out the noise might be as counterproductive in a social sense
as they would be within the circuit of a stereo system. In a recent inter-
view, for example, Tony Blair’s unpopular ex-director of communication,
Alastair Campbell, denounced the dangerous cynicism of public opinion,
caused and abetted by the media, that, he implied, stops the message of
politicians from really getting through to the public. The loss of contact is
given the name cynicism, but one might argue that the latter term describes
not only a widespread disenchantment but also a physical effect: that of
shutting one’s ears and closing one’s eyes, switching channels and turning
off the TV, refusing to participate in the communication act altogether.
In this withdrawal from communication, however, another perspective
might also see not only the end of politics (as the term cynicism seems to
imply) but also the potential for its reconstitution through channels other
than the circuit between the TV screen, the newspaper headline, and the
ballot box.13
The strategy of amplification, the attempt to control the scene of
communication by sheer power, by seizing control and monopolizing the
infosphere, might backfi re because information managers do not suf-
ficiently take into account the nonlinear powers of feedback or retroac-
tion—cynicism and anger, the diversification of communication niches,
or just a kind of social entropy that nonlinearizes the transmission of mes-
sages as such. Nonlinearity here implies a kind of nonproportionality or
differential between input and output, a tendency of systems subjected to
amplification to produce deviations and distortions that are not primarily
of the order of meaning but that involve the power of biophysical processes
of affection. Thus the information/noise mobilized by war propaganda
might also reenter the circuit of communication from other sides and with
completely different qualities—manifesting a power of fluctuation capable
of producing a qualitative transformation or bifurcation.
This is where some of the limitations of a narrow interpretation of
Shannon’s information theory come through. Shannon’s theory, in fact,
started from a linear conception of communication (modeled on the
technical confi guration of the telecom industry at that time) as implying
a circuit linking a sender to a receiver through a channel. Within a chan-
nel of communication such as a telephone line or a broadcast, noise can
be effectively reduced to a disturbance to be neutralized, because such
communication is linear. But what happens, on the other hand, when
communication is nonlinearized, when there is no simple causal relation
or proportion between input and output, when information is not simply

60 Tiziana Terranova
transmitted through a channel from point A to point B but starts to jump
around, mutate, and multiply from channel to channel, from network to
network, from singularity to singularity? What happens when a channel
opens up onto an informational milieu?

Information and Representation

Some could argue that the dynamic relation between information and
matter, signal and noise, pattern and randomness that animates our com-
munication environment does not really address what to many appears as
the essential problem of information—its alleged immateriality. It is not
too difficult to observe how the management of the public sphere and
even of cultural markets implies a crucial concern with putting things
through, and how complex the techniques of putting a message through
have become in today’s noisy communication environment. But still,
this does not address the problem of the relationship between senders
and receivers. Some could argue that this something to be communi-
cated cannot simply be a pattern but must ultimately be some kind of re-
presentation of reality. A newscast, after all, still proposes a particular
representation of events that have happened somewhere else and that
need to be conveyed to an audience. In this sense, some would argue,
information ultimately still obeys the rules of signification and meaning,
or at least as information theorists might put it; it has a semantic dimen-
sion, subject to interpretation, misreadings, and the works of signification.
It is through this semantic dimension, perhaps, that a cultural politics
of information can still be understood as a struggle over meaning. A
newscast can still be analyzed on the basis of the discursive production
of the event represented according to whatever hegemonic formation is
in the making at any particular time and as it is encoded and decoded by
producers for consumers.
This understanding, however, still leaves open the question of the
relation between information and materiality. According to the neo-
Saussurean approach to language that dominates most contemporary cul-
tural analysis, a representation can never be said to draw its meaning from
reality but only from other representations—that is, from the whole fabric
of the signifying knowledges that weave together a common understand-
ing of reality. From this perspective, a shared social reality is constructed
through and by language, and is not conceivable or accessible without it.
The question of the referent (of the object of representation) is bracketed
off. Sociolinguistic constructionism rightly points out that we will never
know what an event really was like or what a man, or a woman, or black,

Communication beyond Meaning 61

or white, or gay really are (after all, they are just linguistic constructions
that produce an effect of materiality by virtue of the performative power
of speech). Within such a context, the concept of information poses a
singular challenge, because information claims to have a relationship with
what it represents. Inasmuch as the concept of information does not simply
exist within the technical domain of communication engineering but is
also crucial to physics, the life sciences, and computation, information has
thus become a favorite target of deconstructive critique. Since cybernetic
theory (drawing on a larger debate within biology and physics) suggested
that information is crucial to the emergence and persistence of life, the
notion of information has been identified with a new scientific paradigm
advocating a dematerialized understanding of the body. As described by
Donna Haraway in her early work on the immune system or by N. Kath-
erine Hayles in her recent work on computation, information emerges as
another discursive construction of the body that it subjects to a kind of
disembodying effect.14 Information dematerializes the body; it reduces it
to abstract sequences and immaterial flows. Although this is an accurate
assessment of the discourse of informationalism (as it has developed within
fields such as artificial life and artificial intelligence), it still denies infor-
mation any actual capacity to describe material states. Information is thus
entirely enclosed within the social network of signification where it comes
to signify a kind of transcendental representation—a representation that
has lost all anchorage to any social or bodily referent.
What social constructionism cannot help but reproduce is the semiotic
gap between meaning and reality—a version of the schism identified by
Prigogine and Stengers in Order Out of Chaos. The referent will always be
intrinsically outside the world of meaning, as it is basically constituted by
the mediation of mental images and their associated signifiers. Represen-
tation always encounters reality through the mediation of the sign, and
signs always refer mainly to each other: they are solid moments within
the ever-shifting chain of associations, differences, and oppositions. To
all effects, there is no reality for us outside the composite significations
that we use to classify it.
For information theory, however, information is not simply a repre-
sentation but a technique of data compression that makes it easier for us
to relate to the overwhelming complexity and indeterminacy of material
processes. Information, as Shannon’s formula emphasized, is always a
measure of an uncertainty in our knowledge of a state, process, or event.
As Jérôme Segal has pointed out, before being adopted by physicists, the
question of information was posed fi rst of all in the context of a statistics
of populations within biopolitical forms of knowledge. The question that
the statistical theory of information addressed was that of “the scientific

62 Tiziana Terranova
reduction of a mass of data to a relatively small number of quantities which
must correctly represent this mass, or, in other words, must contain the
largest possible part of the totality of relevant information contained in the
original data.”15 The mathematical tools through which this reduction was
made possible were derived from the field of social physics as inaugurated
in the nineteenth century by the Belgian astronomer Adolphe Quetélet (the
inventor of the average man in society, a compiler of mortality and crimi-
nality tables, and also the author of a statistical study on the propensity
to suicide that later came to provide the foundations of Émile Durkheim’s
famous sociological study).16 A statistical average (such as that which goes
into the production of a criminal profi le) never claims in itself a complete
power of representation and defi nition. An average is a temporary suspen-
sion of our knowledge of singular variations and improbable states for the
purposes of efficient communication (as in the distribution of criminologi-
cal profi les to police agencies). Within the statistical model proposed by
Quetélet’s social physics, the average, or norm, is the representation of a
macrostate to which can correspond a variety of microstates. An average
might be the same for a number of different possibilities (an average height
of six feet in a population of one hundred people might be realized by many
different distributions of possible heights). As a macrostate, the average
does not really exist, but it is a kind of social norm, a strange attractor
endowed with the function to regulate the social body and stabilize it. It
is the center of gravity to which “all the phenomena of equilibrium and
its movement refer.”17
If Quetélet opened the way for the use of statistics as a form of con-
trol of the life of populations (what Michel Foucault called “biopower”),
these statistical tools were to fi nd quite a different use in physics. Statistics
played an important part in the redefi nition of the problem of entropy in
physics (as the law that dictates that heat tends to irreversibly dissipate,
that is, a hot cup of coffee will cool down on its own, but it will heat up
only on conditions that some work will be employed to rewarm it). Once
the problem of heat dissipation or entropy was understood as a measure
of the speed and state of the population of molecules that make it up, then
statistical tools could be employed to calculate entropy as some kind of
average measure of the probable distribution of such populations of mol-
ecules. In the nineteenth century, Ludwig Boltzmann adopted statistical
tools to defi ne the entropy of a system as the measure of an uncertainty in
our knowledge of the probable state of the distribution of a population of
particles at any given time. The introduction of the concept of probability
in physics coincides with the emergence of information as a concept able
to describe the implication of subjectivity, knowledge, and matter.
The concept of information, that is, always marks an approximation

Communication beyond Meaning 63

or uncertainty in our system of knowledge—but an uncertainty that, as
the successive emergence of quantum mechanics formalized, is constitu-
tive of knowledge as such. All physical laws, inasmuch as they express
a certain type of information about physical processes, are similarly
understood as probabilistic descriptions. Thus, as Marco d’Eramo has
put it, the probability of a system to be in a certain state is not a property
of its being. Probabilities do not exclude the existence of singularities that
defy them. “If we say that water boils at 100˚ Celsius, we are really saying
something else: that, at 100˚ in a pot, water has a very high chance of boil-
ing, but, at the same time, there is a possibility that at 100˚ water freezes.
It is an infi nitesimal possibility (we can calculate it), but it exists.”18 The
freezing of water at 100 degrees might be said to partially correspond to
a singularity: it is a zone that both defies and is included in the function
that describes the boiling of water. This is quite different from saying
that all our knowledge is exclusively a function of representation or our
mental concepts, which brackets off all material processes, outside human
culture. Our system of knowledge does not simply construct but limits
and shapes our perception of the complexity and indeterminacy of mat-
ter. Material processes can be described but always probabilistically as an
approximation, not simply because information is always incomplete but
because this incompleteness corresponds to what Norbert Wiener named
an “incomplete determinism, almost an irrationality in the world . . . a
fundamental element of chance.”19
Shannon’s mathematical theory of communication also inherently
acknowledged that, as a statistical measure, information is somehow
inherent in a physical reality, but only as a measure of the irreducible
uncertainty that characterizes our knowledge of physical states. In its
technical and scientific sense, then, information implies a representation
of a physical state, but there is no simple coincidence between the repre-
sentation and the states that such information describes. Or at least this
relationship is cast in terms that radically undermine the framework within
which we have come to think of representation as a copy of reality. As
Jean Baudrillard has insisted, we have been long outside the regime of the
original and the copy. Information theory acknowledges that a macrostate
or a molarr (opposite of molecular) formation that can be represented by a
number or a description (such as an average temperature, or an organism,
or an identity) does not have a linear or deterministic relation to the mul-
tiplicity of the microscopic states that defi ne it (the singular particles and
their speed, the microscopic relations that make up an organism, all the
mutations and divergences and singularities subsumed under an identity).
Information can only describe a distribution of probabilities rather than
an essential property that defi nes a being.

64 Tiziana Terranova
Shannon information (or classical information) solves the problem of
such indeterminacy (or noise) through a form of data compression. “Like
astronomy and physics, information technology must grapple with num-
bers too large for human comprehension. They can be brought down to
a manageable level by the use of a mathematical curve called the natural
logarithm.”20 As a technique of data compression, information theory uses
the logarithm to bring down the uncertainty that is a function of the sheer
magnitude of data yielded by the physical world. The logarithm mediates
between a world graspable by the human senses and those processes too
complex for our comprehension, that is, processes that “change geo-
metrically, exponentially or multiplicatively: probabilities and explosions,
compound interest, populations and proliferating neural connections.”21
In doing so, the logarithm mimics the way that human senses work. “The
ear, too, perceives approximately logarithmically. The physical intensity
of sound in terms of energy carried through the air, varies by a factor of
one trillion (1012) from the barely audible to the threshold of pain; but
because neither the ear nor the brain can cope with so immense a gamut,
they convert the unimaginable multiplicative factors into a comprehensible
additive scale. The ear, in other words, relays the physical intensity of the
sound as logarithmic ratios of loudness.”22
If at some level, then, information makes the sheer magnitude and
uncertainty of the world manageable, it also makes us a lot more aware of
the approximate nature of all knowledge. Whether it is about contradictory
and ever-changing opinion polls or proliferating databases, information
technologies have helped make the complexity of the socius manageable
by compressing variations in tastes, timetables, and orientations, bypass-
ing altogether the self-evident, humanistic subject, going from masses to
populations of subindividualized units of information. 23 Gender, race, and
sexuality, the mantra of the cultural politics of difference in the eighties
and nineties, have been disassociated from stable subjects and recomposed
on a plane of modulation—a close sampling of the microvariations of the
social moving to the rhythm of market expansions and contractions. This
does not imply, of course, that identities, differences, and representations
have become irrelevant or lost their psychic power of identification or their
function in the reproduction of relations of exploitation. At the same time,
however, information technologies have also made us more aware of their
nature of metastable compounds, held together by specific social forces
and distributions of power, that lose their imagined consistency every time
different functions are applied. Unwittingly, that is, the informational
dimension reveals the turbulent play of singularities, or singular essences,
disturbances in the organized space of the logarithmic function that go
way beyond the postmodern game of identity and difference. 24

Communication beyond Meaning 65

Information operates according to different rules than does signi-
fication. Its conception of difference is not relational and structural but
probabilistic and uncertain. It refers to material processes in discontinuous
transformations in the play between the probable and the unlikely. The
concept of information captures material dynamics (including cultural
dynamics) at their most fluid and discontinuous. It involves an understand-
ing of material processes that is nondeterministic and nonreductionist.
Material processes cannot be completely defi ned by information, because
the latter can only ever express some of the former’s dimensions. In this
sense, representations, identities, and meanings are large nets cast onto a
turbulent play of singularities—of all those points that defy the defi ning
power of the function. They communicate only a very coarse and loose type
of information—not so much untrue as simplistically informed, endowed
only with a limited capacity to describe the interplay of singularities.
What the concept of information has to offer the analysis of culture
is not only a more nuanced appreciation of the relationship between
signs and material fluxes (of the kind, for example, attempted by Félix
Guattari’s schizoanalytic practice, where semiotic diagrams proliferate in
an attempt to map multiple modes of interplay between singularities) but
also something more immediately intuitive and pragmatic. It could help us,
for example, make sense of the hyperconnected and asymmetrical culture
that we share across continents in ways that appreciate the importance of
informational dynamics to cultural politics. If the work of communication
management is that of modulating the overall milieu of communication and
submitting it to the action of economic and political command, something
else is also taking place. The noisy field of communication, the proliferating
clutter of information that asymmetrically impinges on and reconfi gures
the planet, does not address a static mass subdued but a probabilistic,
discontinuous, and mutable cultural milieu. The concept of information
implies the existence of probabilistic and variable processes that cannot
so much be represented as observed and experimented with. Beneath the
propagandistic reiteration of clichés lies a social dynamics in turbulent
reconfiguration where cultural experimentation with informational tactics
can and does take place at a diffuse level. This does not imply that we are
living in a kind of informational utopia where all singularities are free to
express themselves. What is opened up by the concept of information is
not a static world of forms in automated self-regulation—it is not the self-
reproducing and automated factory that was supposed to mark the end of
capitalism. From many points of view, an informational milieu resembles
more the open battlefield of asymmetrical warfare conceptualized by
post–cold war military strategists than a capitalist paradise. 25

66 Tiziana Terranova
Informational Power

It should be clearer at this point, then, why the theory of communication

proposed by Shannon is somehow inadequate to describe the dynamism
of informational milieus. If, as Wiener states, information implies the
existence of an “uncertainty and irrationality in the world,” of an irreduc-
ible magnitude or noise, how can we accept that communication implies
a simple transfer of information from A to B?26 How can we accept that
noise can be just bracketed off somewhere in a box outside the commu-
nication diagram? As I have shown, even the process of hearing a sound
(which we can understand as information) implies an active process of
compression and simplification—involving layers of unconscious percep-
tion. Neurobiology has studied this process and given us a glimpse of
the complex transformations that take place from the moment the sound
hits our ears to its transit through the nervous system to the complex
mappings in the brain—as if information had to go through many more
different transformations before actually reaching consciousness. 27 Fur-
thermore, we have also become aware of the transformations implied by
the incorporation of technologies such as TV sets, computer screens,
and wireless devices in our perceptual horizon. How can we still believe
that information simply flows from sender to receiver (or from producer
to consumer) without any of the noise, indeterminacy, and uncertainty
having any effect on the process at all at some level?
The critique moved by Gilbert Simondon to the technical theory of
communication (as he called the work of telecom engineers) opens up
an interesting perspective on the dynamics of communication beyond
meaning. For Simondon, the mathematical theory of communication
underestimated information by reducing it to what is transmitted between
two distinct and individuated points: a sender and a receiver (or producer
and consumer). In this way, information theory screened out noise effec-
tively not simply from the channel but also from the physical model of
the universe that it drew on and implied (thermodynamics and quantum
mechanics, with their emphases on probability and uncertainty). The
relation of communication for Simondon does not take place between two
preconstituted individuals (such as a journalist and her or his audience,
for example), but within a larger field characterized by cumulative and
differential levels of potential energy that exist in tensions with each other.
These tensions are temporarily solved by way of quantum leaps from one
form to another—leaps that always imply an active power of invention
rather than simply the execution of a command. Simondon recommended
substituting the notion of the individual (to which the concepts of sender
and receiver refer) with that of the preindividual (what within the formed

Communication beyond Meaning 67

individual remains as a potential for further divergent and singularizing
individuations or the magnitude that is logarithmically reduced by our
senses and information technologies). Inasmuch as such preindividuality
always contains a tension between diverging and even confl icting potentials
and tendencies, the action of information cannot be reduced to an act of
communication in the sense of the production of a pattern, as identified
above. 28
Information is not simply the name for a kind of form meant to survive
the attack of noise but more a quasi cause or catalyst for an active power of
constitution and transformation that it does not contain in itself. 29 As we
know now, the DNA strings mapped out by the field of bioinformatics are
not a form in the Platonic sense of an immaterial and transcendent Idea
looking for some kind of female Substance on which to imprint its mark.
The emergence of a living organism involves an active process of trans-
duction, where information expresses simply the direction along which a
living organism individuates itself through the expression of a tension or
potential within the overall field. 30 For Simondon, an understanding of
informational dynamics actually offers the key to a reconceptualization
of the relation of form and matter in terms of mutual affection that always
involves the power of an overall milieu. This process of individuation
involves the active participation of a material milieu that is itself capable
of active and passive syntheses. Information is always entangled with and
dependent on a material milieu defi ned by its tensions and incompatibilities
in a process that can only be described in terms of the different tendencies
that it gives expression to. Simondon suggested that a theory of informa-
tion developed along these lines could help us understand not simply the
formation of physical individuals (such as salt crystals) or living organisms
but also social and technical processes of emergence (from technologi-
cal innovation to group formations). Simondon also observed that such
processes of individuation often happen through abrupt changes of state
(what chaos theory calls phase transition) where such systems manifest an
active power of invention of new forms. 31 The recent history of the Inter-
net, an open network undergoing exponential growth over a short span of
time, witnesses some of these active powers of invention. In the case of my
original example of communication management, the relationship between
senders and receivers, politicians or their directors of communication and
their audience, is misunderstood if understood exclusively as points of
passage for the transcendental power of information. Information does
not simply flow from point A to point B as if through a void. Both sender
and receiver are immersed within a larger field of interactions that packs
within itself a potential for transformation and even divergent tendencies
that the mathematical theory of communication does not capture. Infor-

68 Tiziana Terranova
mation implies the unfolding of a duration—an active temporality where
consequences hardly ever follow linearly from causes.
The relationship between informational dynamics and cultural expres-
sion has been partially obscured by the predominance of linear communi-
cation media in the modern and late modern period. We have become used
to thinking of communication as being about messages (i.e., information,
meanings, and representations) essentially transmitted from a sender to
a receiver through a channel. We have thus come to place undue impor-
tance on the mental images or representations of communication—as if
information was simply another name for Ideas that flow from the minds
of the ruling classes to those of the passive majorities. The multiplication
of communication channels and media is making us more aware of the
importance of nonlinear dynamics in the unfolding of sociocultural effects.
Because information proliferates, resonates, recombines, and interferes all
over the place, it is hard not to become increasingly aware that it is neither
mere meaning nor immaterial form. There is also a widespread, informal,
and intuitive recognition of the cynical tactics of informational warfare, for
example—as when the timing of a piece of information about a terrorist
attack is made to coincide with a specific political event. The significance
of releasing information at a particular time (as in the stock market) is
also easily observable. Inasmuch as information always involves a noise—a
material interference without which it cannot stand out—it always implies
a nonlinear, active relation with material changes of state or transforma-
tions (e.g., in the sphere of affects, it involves the induction of feelings of
fear or panic or pride).
All communication of information always involves some kind of reso-
lution of a tension, characterized by an incompatibility among different
dimensions of an overall milieu. Information is thus not so much the
content of communication as a “transductive arrow”—as it attempts to
determine a direction for future actualization. Hence all communication
of information, as the cyberneticians well knew, is also a form of control
over the fluctuations of an unstable physical milieu. The message does
not simply subject the receiver to the action of a sender (including that of
accepting/negotiating/rejecting a meaning), but it also involves the overall
interplay of multiple information flows with an active power to determine
material changes of states. No communication of information can be cut
off from the specific interplay of tensions and instabilities, and all informa-
tion can be assessed also on the basis of the chain of events by which it is
set in motion and which it sets in motion. The information communicated
by a speech or an act of warfare or terrorism is not simply mediated by
cultural codes, but it has multiple and nonlinear effects that cannot be
strictly calculated beforehand or even exhaustively marked.

Communication beyond Meaning 69

What this comes down to, in relation to our understanding of the
cultural politics of information, is that, fortunately, the act of establishing
a contact cannot be reduced to the injection of information in the bodies
of individual receivers after the field has been cleared of noise (as in the
behaviorist model of media effects). On the contrary, the informational
dimension of communication seems to imply a material potential for
dynamic transformations, an unfolding process of constitution that neither
the liberal ethics of journalism, the cynicism of public relations officers,
nor the theory of cultural hegemony can really address. A cultural politics
of information addresses both the development of forms of knowledge and
power that explicitly address not only the field of communication but also
the potential of the event as it erupts within the closed circuit of commu-
nication or the power of the invention to displace the closed horizon of the
communication channel. In this sense, the cultural politics of information
involves not only culture jamming and interference but also an active
analysis of and experimentation with tactics adequate to the nonlinearity
of informational flows and the instability of the socius that they address.

Coda on Informational Materialism

As I have described it, an engagement with information as a material

force involves a reassessment of some of the predominant methodological
underpinnings of cultural analysis and specifically of social construc-
tionism. In particular, it seems that an engagement with information
opens up the question of the referent beyond the relationship between
signification and the social relations of production. The question then
becomes that of not only mapping the formation of meaning onto politi-
cal and economic structures but also capturing the dynamic processes
within which a transformative cultural politics unfolds. This does not
mean that the formation of meanings is irrelevant or even obsolete in an
informational milieu. Although I have focused here on communication
beyond meaning, we cannot deny that information has two sides, or that
it belongs to two types of articulations (as Guattari would call them). On
the one hand, it involves a physical operation on metastable material pro-
cesses that it captures as probabilistic and dynamic states; on the other
hand, it mobilizes a signifying articulation that inserts such description
into the networks of signification that make it meaningful. This fi rst
operation is becoming increasingly central to cultural and political strug-
gles over media and communication in twenty-fi rst-century cultures.
Whether it is about the technical management of public communications
or the dynamic emergence of a collective and networked subjectivity, a

70 Tiziana Terranova
cultural politics of information does not simply address the proliferation
of representations but, more fundamentally, the turbulent dynamics of
sociocultural emergence within an open informational milieu.


1. Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers, Order Out of Chaos: Man’s New Dia-
logue with Nature (New York: Bantam, 1984).
2. It is worth mentioning here that this new alliance is not meant to dismiss
the important sociological argument about the social organization of scientific
research and the interdependence between science, capital, and state formations.
On the other hand, it is important to distinguish such a critique from the epis-
temological argument put forward by social constructionism that all scientific
knowledge is social in a narrow sense: that is, exclusively expressive of social
knowledge rather than also involving an experimental relation with material pro-
cesses and forces (see Isabelle Stengers’s Power and Invention: Situating Science
[Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997]). Gilles Deleuze and Félix
Guattari have also introduced an important distinction between what they call a
“Royal Science” and a “Nomad Science.” Such a distinction is in no way exclu-
sive to the natural sciences, but it indicates a certain predisposition of thinking as
such inasmuch as it either privileges stable, homogeneous, and regular processes
or singular, smooth, and vague ones (see Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A
Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophreniaa [London: Athlone, 1984]). What
distinguishes science from other domains such as the arts and philosophy is for
Deleuze and Guattari the importance of quantitative functions, or laws, versus the
philosophers’ concepts or the artists’ percepts; see Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guat-
tari, What Is Philosophy? (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994).
3. This hypothesis is at the basis of Manuel Castells’s analysis of network soci-
eties in his influential The Rise of the Network Society (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).
4. See, for example, Frank Webster’s assessment of the information society
debate in Theories of the Information Society (London: Routledge, 1995).
5. See Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text, ed. and trans. Stephen Heath
(London: Fontana, 1977). Here Barthes acknowledged that the level of denotation
(with which information is associated) was somehow always more full than the
connotative level. In his famous example of the black soldier saluting the French
fl ag, the denotative level includes always more than connotation: it is about the
specificity of the soldier’s life and his experience, the history of the fl ag, and their
interplay in the image as such. Connotation reduces the wealth of meaning to
be found at the denotative level by reducing them to a few ideological motifs or
myths. See Barthes, Mythologies (London: J. Cape, 1972).
6. See Stuart Hall’s influential essay “Encoding/Decoding,” in Culture, Lan-
guage, Media: W Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1972–79, ed. Stuart Hall, Doro-
thy Hobson, Andrew Lowe, and Paul Willis (London: Routledge, 1980).
7. Naomi Klein, No Logo: No Space, No Choice, No Jobs: Taking Aim at the
Brand Bullies (New York: Picador, 2000).
8. Claude E. Shannon, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” Bell
System Technical Journal, vol. 27 (1948): 379–423, 623–56.

Communication beyond Meaning 71

9. George Simondon, L’individuation psychique et collective: À la lumiére des
notions de forme, information, potentiel et métastabilité (Psychic and Collective Indivi-
duation: In the Light of Notions of Form, Information, Potential, and Meta-stability)
(Paris: Editions Aubier, 1989).
10. Michel Serres, Hermes: Literature, Science, Philosophy, ed. J. V. Harari and
D. W. Bell (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982), 67.
11. For daily Web logs from post-Saddam Iraq in 2003, Zeyad’s page Heal-
ing Iraq was a popular portal; (accessed 22 November
12. For a further elaboration of the relationship between information and
affect, see Tiziana Terranova, “Communication’s Biopower,” in Network Culture:
Politics for the Information Age (London: Pluto, 2004).
13. “What Next for a Cynical Society?” BBC News, 18 February 2004, (accessed 20 February 2004).
14. See Donna Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women W (London: FA Press,
1991); and N. Katherine Hayles, How W We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in
Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
15. Jérôme Segal, “Théorie de l’information: Sciences, techniques et société
de la seconde guerre mondiale à l’aube du XXIe siècle” (“Information Theory:
Sciences, Techniques, and Society from World War II to the Dawn of the Twenty-
First Century”) (PhD diss., Faculté d’Histoire de l’Université Lyon II, 1998), (accessed 21 August 2003).
16. Armand Mattelart, The Invention of Communication, trans. Susan Emanuel
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996).
17. Quoted in ibid., 228.
18. Marco d’Eramo, “L’abisso non sbadiglia più” (“The Abyss No Longer
Yawns”), in Gli Ordini del Caos (The Orders of Chaos), ed. G. Baglione, F. Carlini,
S. Carrà, M. Cini, M. d’Eramo, G. Parisi, and S. Ruffo (Rome: Manifesto Libri,
1991), 19–70.
19. Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society
(London: FA Books, 1989), 11.
20. Hans Christian von Baeyer, Information: The New Language of Science
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2003), 81.
21. Ibid., 88.
22. Ibid., 84.
23. See Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media (Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 2001). On this subject, see also Pierre Levy, Becoming Virtual: Reality in the
Digital Age (New York: Plenum Trade, 1998).
24. See Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s suggestion in Empire (Cam-
bridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000) that the concept of singularity
(from Duns Scotus to Gilles Deleuze) expresses a constitutive dimension of the
active power of a multitude. In Hardt and Negri’s political philosophy, inasmuch
as the multitude works, it produces itself as a singularity—a zone of existence
not reducible to the empty time of exchange value. For a political philosophy of
singularity, see Giorgio Agamben, The Coming Community, trans. Michael Hardt
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993).
25. For an analysis of warfare in a one-world power system, see Qiao Liang
and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare
W (Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts,

72 Tiziana Terranova
1999), extract translated at (accessed 22 November
26. Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings, 11.
27. See Antonio Damasio, Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling
Brain (London: William Heinemann, 2003).
28. See Simondon, Individuation psychique et collective.
29. On the quasi cause, see Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1994); and Deleuze, The Logic of Sense (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1990).
30. See Luciana Parisi, Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Biotechnology, and the Muta-
tions of Desire (London: Continuum, 2004).
31. See Manuel De Landa’s exploration of the implication of chaos theory
for our understanding of social and historical processes in A Thousand Y Years of
Nonlinear History (New York: Zone, 1997).

Communication beyond Meaning 73

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