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The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions

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The Oil and Gas Industry

in Energy Transitions
Insights from IEA analysis
Table of contents

Key findings ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Section I The oil and gas industry today.......................................................................................................................................................................15
Resources and production ........................................................................................................................................................................................18
Environmental indicators ...........................................................................................................................................................................................27
Investment ................................................................................................................................................................................................................35
Section II Oil and gas in energy transitions ..................................................................................................................................................................48
Oil in the Sustainable Development Scenario ...........................................................................................................................................................55
Natural gas in the Sustainable Development Scenario .............................................................................................................................................64
Price trajectories and sensitivities .............................................................................................................................................................................72
Section III Risks facing the industry .............................................................................................................................................................................77
The risk of over- and under-investment ....................................................................................................................................................................79
Stranded oil and gas assets ......................................................................................................................................................................................95
Financial performance – national oil companies .....................................................................................................................................................103
Financial performance – publicly traded companies ...............................................................................................................................................111
Section IV Strategic responses ..................................................................................................................................................................................120
Traditional oil and gas operations ...........................................................................................................................................................................124
Deploying carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies .............................................................................................................................135
Low-carbon liquids and gases in energy transitions................................................................................................................................................142
The transition from “fuel” to “energy” companies ....................................................................................................................................................153
Annex .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................161

2 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved

The oil and gas industry is facing increasing demands to clarify the Second, the recognition that oil and natural gas play critical roles in
implications of energy transitions for their operations and business today’s energy and economic systems, and that affordable, reliable
models, and to explain the contributions that they can make to reducing supplies of liquids and gases (of different types) are necessary parts of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to achieving the goals of the a vision of the future.
Paris Agreement.
And last but far from least, the imperative to reduce energy-related
The increasing social and environmental pressures on many oil and gas emissions in line with international climate targets.
companies raise complex questions about the role of these fuels in a
These elements may appear to be in contradiction with one another, but
changing energy economy, and the position of these companies in the
this is not necessarily the case. The WEO Sustainable Development
societies in which they operate.
Scenario (SDS) charts a path fully consistent with the Paris Agreement
But the core question, against a backdrop of rising GHG emissions, is by holding the rise in global temperatures to “well below 2°C … and
a relatively simple one: should today’s oil and gas companies be viewed pursuing efforts to limit [it] to 1.5°C”, and meets objectives related to
only as part of the problem, or could they also be crucial in solving it? universal energy access and cleaner air. The SDS and the range of
technologies that are required to achieve it provide a benchmark for the
This is the topic taken up by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in
discussion throughout this report.
this report, which builds on a multi-year programme of analysis on the
future of oil and gas in the IEA World Energy Outlook (WEO) series. The other scenario referenced in the analysis is the Stated Policies
Scenario (STEPS), which provides an indication of where today’s policy
This report does not aim to provide definitive answers, not least
ambitions and plans would lead the energy sector. These outcomes fall
because of the wide diversity of oil and gas companies and company
far short of the world’s shared sustainability goals.
strategies around the world. It does aim to map out the risks facing
different parts of the industry, as well as the range of options and The focus of this report is therefore on accelerated energy transitions,
responses. the forces that could bring them about – whether from society, policy
makers, technology, investors or the industry itself – and the
Three considerations provide the boundaries for this analysis. First, the
implications that this would have for different parts of today’s oil and gas
prospect of rising demand for the services that energy provides due to
a growing global population – some of whom remain without access to
modern energy – and an expanding global economy.

3 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings
Key findings

1. The oil and gas industry faces the strategic challenge of balancing short-term
returns with its long-term licence to operate

Overview of the global energy system, 2018

Societies are simultaneously demanding 100% Heat

energy services and also reductions in Electricity
emissions. Oil and gas companies have been Renewables
proficient at delivering the fuels that form the Bioenergy
bedrock of today’s energy system; the Nuclear
question that they now face is whether they Natural gas
can help deliver climate solutions. The Oil
analysis in this report highlights that this could be 60%
possible if the oil and gas industry takes the
necessary steps. As such, it opens a way – which
some companies are already following – for the 40%
oil and gas industry to engage with the “grand
coalition” that the IEA considers essential to
tackle climate change. This effort would be
greatly enhanced if more oil and gas companies
were firmly and fully onboard. The costs of
developing low-carbon technologies represent
an investment in companies’ ability to prosper
Primary Electricity Final CO₂
over the long term. energy generation consumption emissions

5 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

2. No oil and gas company will be unaffected by clean energy transitions, so

every part of the industry needs to consider how to respond

Ownership of oil and gas reserves,

production and upstream investment by company type, 2018
The industry landscape is diverse and there
is no single strategic response that will make Oil Gas
sense for all. Attention often focuses on the 100%
Majors, seven large integrated oil and gas
companies that have an outsized influence on
industry practices and direction. But the industry 80%

is much larger: the Majors account for 12% of oil

and gas reserves, 15% of production and 10% of
estimated emissions from industry operations.
National oil companies (NOCs) – fully or majority-
owned by national governments – account for
well over half of global production and an even
larger share of reserves. There are some high-
performing NOCs, but many are poorly 20%
positioned to adapt to changes in global energy

Reserves Investment Reserves Investment

Production Production
NOCs INOCs Independents Majors

Note: NOCs = national oil companies; INOCs = international national oil companies.

6 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

3. So far, investment by oil and gas companies outside their core business areas
has been less than 1% of total capital expenditure

For the moment, there are few signs of a Capital investment by large oil and gas companies in new projects
major change in company investment outside oil and gas supply
spending. For those companies looking to 2.5 2.5% Biofuels
diversify their energy operations, redeploying

Billion dollars (2018)

capital towards low-carbon businesses requires
Carbon capture
attractive investment opportunities in the new storage and utilisation
energy markets as well as new capabilities within 2.0 2.0%
Solar photovoltaics
the companies. As things stand, leading
individual companies spend around 5% on Onshore wind
average on projects outside core oil and gas 1.5 1.5%
supply, with the largest outlays in solar PV and Offshore wind
wind. Some oil and gas companies have also
moved into new areas by acquiring existing Share of total capital
1.0 1.0%
non-core businesses, for example in electricity investment (right axis)
distribution, electric vehicle charging and
batteries, while stepping up research and
development activity. A much more significant 0.5 0.5%
change in overall capital allocation would be
required to accelerate energy transitions.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

7 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

4. There is a lot that the industry could do today to reduce the environmental
footprint of its own operations

Uncertainty about the future is a key Changes in the average global emissions intensity of oil
challenge facing the industry, but this is no and natural gas operations in the SDS
reason for companies to “wait and see” as
100% Use of CCUS in refining
they consider their strategic choices.
Minimising emissions from core oil and gas
Use of renewables in
operations should be a first-order priority for all, operations
whatever the transition pathway. There are 80% Methane reductions
ample, cost-effective opportunities to bring down
the emissions intensity of delivered oil and gas Reduce flaring and
by minimising flaring of associated gas and venting CO₂
60% Oil to gas shift
venting of CO2, tackling methane emissions, and
integrating renewables and low-carbon electricity
into new upstream and liquefied natural gas improvements
(LNG) developments. As of today, 15% of global 40% Change in resources
energy-related GHG emissions come from the produced and refined
process of getting oil and gas out of the ground
and to consumers. Reducing methane leaks to
the atmosphere is the single most important and
cost-effective way for the industry to bring down
these emissions.

2018 2030

8 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

5. Electricity cannot be the only vector for the energy sector’s transformation

A commitment by oil and gas companies to Capital investment in liquids and gases by scenario
provide clean fuels to the world’s consumers
Stated Policies Sustainable Development
is critical to the prospects for reducing Scenario Scenario
emissions. The 20% share of electricity in global 1 000

Billion dollars (2018)

final consumption is growing, but electricity
cannot carry energy transitions on its own
against a backdrop of rising demand for energy
services. Bringing down emissions from core oil
and gas operations is a key step in helping 600
countries to get environmental gains from using
less emissions-intensive fuels. However, it is also
vital for companies to step up investment in low- 400
carbon hydrogen, biomethane and advanced
biofuels, as these can deliver the energy system
benefits of hydrocarbons without net carbon
emissions. Within ten years, these low-carbon
fuels would need to account for around 15% of









overall investment in fuel supply.

Low-carbon liquids and gases High-carbon liquids and gases

9 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

6. The oil and gas industry will be critical for some key capital-intensive clean
energy technologies to reach maturity

Global capital investment in selected low-carbon technologies (2015-18)

The resources and skills of the industry can 300 530 75 20 <5 Billion dollars (2018)
play a central role in helping to tackle
Other companies
emissions from some of the hardest-to-abate
sectors. This includes the development of carbon Oil and gas
capture storage and utilisation (CCUS), low- 80% companies
carbon hydrogen, biofuels, and offshore wind.
Scaling up these technologies and bringing down
their costs will rely on large-scale engineering and 60%
project management capabilities, qualities that
are a good match to those of large oil and gas
companies. For CCUS, three-quarters of the CO2 40%
captured today in large-scale facilities is from oil
and gas operations, and the industry accounts for
more than one-third of overall spending on CCUS
projects. If the industry can partner with
governments and other stakeholders to create
viable business models for large-scale
investment, this could provide a major boost to Onshore Solar Offshore Biofuels CCUS
deployment. wind PV wind

Note: CCUS only includes large-scale facilities.

10 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

7. A fast-moving energy sector would change the game for upstream investment

Global demand in the SDS and decline in supply from 2019

Investment in upstream projects is still Oil

needed even in rapid transitions, but the type
of resources that are developed, and how

they are produced, changes substantially. 80

Production from existing fields declines at a rate 60

of roughly 8% per year in the absence of any 40
investment, larger than any plausible fall in global
demand. Consequently, investment in existing
and some new fields remains part of the picture. 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
But as overall investment falls back and markets
become increasingly competitive, only those with Gas
5 000
low-cost resources and tight control of costs and
environmental performance would be in a 4 000
position to benefit. 3 000

2 000

1 000

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Demand in the SDS
Supply: With investment in existing fields With no investment

11 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

8. A shift from “oil and gas” to “energy” takes companies out of their comfort
zone, but provides a way to manage transition risks

Some large oil and gas companies are set to Global end-user energy spending by scenario
make a switch to “energy” companies that
Stated Policies Sustainable Development
supply a diverse range of fuels, electricity Scenario Scenario
and other energy services to consumers. This

Trillion dollars (2018)

means moving into sectors, notably electricity, Historical Projections Projections
where there is already a large range of 5
specialised actors and where the financial
characteristics and scale of most low-carbon
investment opportunities are (with the partial
exception of offshore wind) a long way from
traditional oil and gas projects. Electricity 3
provides long-term opportunities for growth,
given that it overtakes oil in accelerated energy
transitions as the main element in consumer
spending on energy. It also opens the door to
larger and broader reductions in company 1
emissions, relieving social pressures along the
way, although investors will watch carefully the
industry’s ability to balance diversification with 2000 2018 2040 2018 2040
expected returns and dividends.
Coal Oil Natural gas Electricity

12 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

9. NOCs face some particular challenges, as do their host governments

Average annual net oil and gas income before tax

of NOCs and INOCs, by scenario
The stakes are high for NOCs that are
charged with the stewardship of national Historical Stated Policies Sustainable Development
Scenario Scenario
hydrocarbon resources, and for their host
1 600

Billion dollars (2018)

governments and societies that often rely
heavily on the associated oil income. 1 400
Changing energy dynamics have prompted a
number of countries to renew their commitment 1 200

to reform and to diversify their economies;

1 000
fundamental changes to the development model
in many major resource holders look 800
unavoidable. NOCs can provide important
elements of stability for economies during this 600
process, if they are operating effectively and alert
to the risks and opportunities. Some leading
NOCs are stepping up research efforts targeting 200
models of resource development that are
compatible with deep decarbonisation, e.g. via











CCUS, trade in hydrogen or a focus on
non-combustion uses of hydrocarbons.
Oil Natural gas

13 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Key findings

10. The transformation of the energy sector can happen without the oil and gas
industry, but it would be more difficult and more expensive

Oil and gas companies need to clarify the

implications of energy transitions for their
operations and business models, and to
explain the contributions that they can make
to accelerate the pace of change. This process
has started and company commitments to
reduce emissions or emissions intensities are
becoming increasingly common. However, the
industry can do much more to respond to the
threat of climate change. Regardless of which
pathway the world follows, climate impacts will
become more visible and severe over the coming
years, increasing the pressure on all elements of
society to find solutions. These solutions cannot
be found within today’s oil and gas paradigm.

14 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Section I
The oil and gas industry today
Oil & gas industry today

Mapping out the oil and gas industry: National oil companies

The oil and gas industry includes a very diverse mix of corporate INOCs are similar to NOCs in terms of governance and ownership but
structures and governance models, from small enterprises to some of have large upstream investments outside the home country, usually in
the world’s largest corporations. The risks and opportunities of energy partnership with host NOCs or private companies. INOCs include large
transitions vary widely across this spectrum. players in global gas markets.
For the purposes of this analysis, oil and gas companies are grouped For oil, in most cases INOC production is sold into the international
into four main categories: two of these categories cover companies that market either by companies’ own marketing arms or by the associated
are fully or majority-owned by national governments and the other two NOC. On rare occasions, it may be transported back to the home
relate to privately owned companies. country if this makes sense economically. INOCs are often dominant in
the refining sector of their home country.
Among the former, this report distinguishes between national oil
companies (NOCs) that concentrate on domestic production and a Companies in this category include Equinor, the China National
second group of international NOCs (INOCs) that have both domestic Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Gazprom, Sinopec, the China National
and significant international operations; the classification is done on the Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), Petronas, India’s Oil and Natural
basis of upstream operations. Gas Corporation (ONGC) and Thailand’s PTTEP.
NOCs include the largest companies both in terms of production and in
terms of reserve size. They have a mandate from their home
government to develop national resources with a legally defined role in
upstream development. Some NOCs are active in the downstream and
even may operate outside their home country, but the home country
upstream represents the vast majority of their asset base.
The largest of these NOCs are in the Middle East (notably Saudi
Aramco, National Iranian Oil Company, Basra Oil Company, Qatar
Petroleum), but there are also companies in this category in the
Russian Federation (“Russia”) and the Caspian (e.g. Rosneft,
Uzbekneftegaz, SOCAR, KazMunayGaz), Latin America (Petrobras,
PEMEX, Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. [PDVSA]), and many parts of
Africa (Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation [NNPC], Sonatrach,

16 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas industry today

Mapping out the oil and gas industry: Privately owned companies

The “Majors” (sometimes referred to as international oil companies This group also includes North American shale independents, a
[IOCs]) are integrated companies listed on US and European stock relatively new group of companies that almost exclusively focus on
markets. Their upstream division represents the majority of the financial developing shale gas and tight oil resources. These companies have a
value, but in physical terms most of these companies are net buyers of high reliance on debt finance and financial leverage.
oil for their refining operations, where throughputs generally exceed the
In addition to these four categories (NOCs, INOCs, Majors and
company’s crude production. The decoupling of the marketing of their
Independents), there are three other company types – typically private-
upstream production and supply to their refineries makes them active
owned – that play significant roles in the oil and gas industry, and whose
players in the international oil market.
response is important in energy transitions:
They have historically focused on large, capital-intensive projects (often
• Service companies (e.g. Schlumberger, Baker Hughes). Most oil
in partnership with other NOCs and INOCs), taking both market and
and gas companies rely on specialist engineering services for
project management risk, although many are increasingly investing in
drilling, reservoir management and construction of infrastructure.
shorter-cycle investments. Natural gas, especially liquefied natural gas
Some of the most important technological innovations unlocking
(LNG), represents an increasing share of their production and capital
new resources were developed by service companies. Service
companies tend to be highly exposed to the cyclicality of capital
In this report’s classification, the “Majors” grouping includes seven spending.
companies: BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, Total, ConocoPhillips and
Eni. • Pure downstream companies (e.g. Marathon Petroleum,
Phillips 66). These are companies operating refineries and retail
“Independents” are either fully integrated companies, similar to the networks; their capitalisation and balance sheet position is usually
Majors but smaller in size, or independent upstream operators. They considerably weaker than the Majors.
may focus on assets of less interest to the Majors such as medium-size
declining fields or frontier areas. As with the Majors, they often • Trading companies (e.g. Vitol, Glencore). Companies that are
outsource drilling, well completion and logistics operations. active in the physical trading of oil products and LNG. They
sometimes invest in transport, refining, distribution and storage
Independents encompass a wide range, including Russian companies assets but their business models tend to rely on owning only those
such as Lukoil; Repsol in Europe; a large number of North American physical assets that help optimise their position in the market. They
players such as Marathon, Apache and Hess; and diversified play a major role in ensuring the smooth, flexible functioning of
conglomerates with upstream activities, such as Mitsubishi Corp. markets.

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Oil & gas industry today

Resources and production

Slides 18 - 26

18 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas industry today

How do the different company types compare in their ownership of oil and gas
reserves, production and investment?

Ownership of oil and gas proven-plus-probable reserves, production and upstream investment by company type, 2018

Oil Gas
80% NOCs




Reserves Production Investment Reserves Production Investment

Note: Oil includes crude oil, condensate and natural gas liquids (NGLs).
Source: IEA analysis based on the World Energy Model and Rystad Energy.

19 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas industry today

Most oil reserves are held by NOCs, whose lower-cost asset base means that they
account for a smaller share of upstream investment

NOCs (including INOCs) control around two-thirds of the world’s NOCs control not only by far the largest portion of reserves, but also
proven-plus-probable (2P) oil reserves, including both conventional and those with the lowest average development and production costs
unconventional oil. (although NOC assets are not exclusively low-cost). Furthermore, many
of their assets have slow decline rates, meaning that relatively limited
Remaining reserves are shared between the Independents (22%) and
levels of capital spending, on a per barrel basis, are required to maintain
Majors (12%). The share of the Independents is boosted by major
Russian non-state reserve-holders such as Lukoil and by companies
that have stakes in the Canadian oil sands. These factors mean that the share of NOCs’ capital investment in
upstream oil projects is much lower than their share of oil reserves.
The majority of oil reserves in the Middle East and Latin America are
Conversely, Independents – and more recently, also the Majors –
held by the domestic NOCs, whereas in North America – with the
typically hold slightly higher-cost assets or projects with higher decline
exception of Mexico – this role is taken on by private companies. In
rates such as US tight oil and deepwater fields; together Independents
Russia, there are some strong domestic, privately owned companies,
(40% of the global total in 2018) and Majors (15%) account for well over
but majority state-owned companies have been increasing their share
half of today’s upstream oil investment.
and now control over 40% of Russian reserves.
Companies, often Majors, with their headquarters in Europe and
North America are among the largest reserve-holders outside their
home regions. Although Asian companies are currently among the most
acquisitive internationally, their overseas holdings remain relatively
small, in particular by comparison with the extent of their anticipated oil
The share of 2P oil reserve holdings does not translate into a similar
share of production today. For example, while NOCs hold 55% of global
oil reserves, they account for only 45% of oil production (in large part
because of the policy of market management pursued by many of their
host governments).

20 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas industry today

NOCs – including INOCs – also hold the largest share of natural gas reserves; the
upstream ties between oil and gas are strong

Reserves of natural gas are more evenly distributed across the four It is not possible in practice to make a sharp distinction between oil and
company types than is the case for oil. However, while the share of gas production and investment. This is because most wells that are
NOCs is lower for gas than for oil, the share of INOCs – which include drilled to target oil formations also yield a mixture of other hydrocarbons
Russia’s Gazprom – is significantly higher. As a result, the combined such as condensates, natural gas liquids and natural gas, and natural
share of NOCs and INOCs in 2P reserves is broadly similar for both gas wells also produce quantities of liquids.
natural gas and oil.
Some 850 bcm of associated gas (nearly one-quarter of global
Amongst the INOCs, Gazprom is the dominant reserve holder in marketed production) was produced in 2018 as a by-product of oil
Russia, while Chinese state-owned companies such as PetroChina and output. Only around three-quarters of this total was used by the industry
Sinopec hold the lion’s share of gas reserves in the People’s Republic or brought to market.
of China (“China”). The Majors have the smallest share of global total
Associated gas from oil fields is a main source of flaring as well as a
(14%), but these have a broad geographic spread, with their largest
major source of gas that is vented directly to the atmosphere. Some
holdings in the Middle East, North America, Australia and North Africa.
140 bcm was flared and this report estimates that an additional 60 bcm
As with oil, the share of NOCs in both production and investment levels was released directly into the atmosphere in 2018 (200 bcm is more
is much smaller than their share of reserves given their lower cost base. than the annual LNG imports of Japan and China combined). This
Their largest investments in 2018 were in the North Field in Qatar (Iran's represents a major waste of resources as well as a significant source of
share of this field is called South Pars), in fields in Turkmenistan and in GHG emissions.
gas processing facilities for the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia. Given the
In the case of oil, there were 17.3 mb/d of NGLs produced in 2018.
distribution of INOC reserves, most of their investment took place in
Production of NGLs has almost doubled since 2000, as global gas
Russia and China.
production has risen.
The holdings of Independents are bolstered by their strong position in
the United States, which holds the second-largest level of reserves after
Russia. Nearly two-thirds of upstream investment by the Independents
in 2018 was in North America.
The Majors display a geographically dispersed pattern in investment,
including large-scale spending in Africa, in fields to supply new LNG
facilities in Australia, and in shale gas plays in the United States.

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Oil & gas industry today

Companies’ production includes oil from both operated and non-operated assets.
The Majors hold a relatively small share of total crude oil production globally…

Equity ownership of global crude oil production by company split by asset operator, 2018

35 Independents
30 NOCs





Majors Independents INOCs NOCs

Note: Share of production in joint ventures is split according to the ownership of each company grouping in the joint venture.
Source: IEA analysis based on Rystad Energy.

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Oil & gas industry today

…although the influence of the Majors extends well beyond their ownership of

Equity ownership of crude oil production split by assets in which one of the Majors has any interest

40 Majors have

no interest

35 Majors have
an interest






Majors Independents INOCs NOCs

Notes: Production from a project is assigned to “Majors have an interest” if one of the Majors has more than 1% equity ownership of output, irrespective of the project operator.
Assessment examines production on a project-by-project basis.
Source: IEA analysis based on Rystad Energy.

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Oil & gas industry today

Partnerships are prevalent across the upstream world

Just under 78 mb/d of crude oil is produced around the world today (a The prevalence of different types of partnerships in the oil and gas
further 17 mb/d consists of NGLs, including condensates). The NOCs industry means that the influence of companies can spread much
account for just under half of global crude oil production, followed by the further than their equity ownership or direct operations. For example,
Independents (28%), and Majors and INOCs (both 13%). These the Majors hold stakes in fields that produce far more than the 10 mb/d
volumes include the equity ownership of each company type in crude oil that they own. Around 40% of oil production that is owned by
upstream projects, even where another company type operates the field Independents comes from fields in which one of the Majors holds a
(i.e. takes care of day-to-day oilfield operations). stake. The figures are lower for INOCs (24%) and NOCS (18%), but
these still represent significant volumes.
Exploration and new field development are risky and complex
processes, so companies often split the equity ownership to spread the In total, just under 30 mb/d of global production in 2018 came from fields
risk and reward and to encourage technical and operational in which the Majors held some sort of equity stake. In other words,
collaboration; this arrangement also usually stipulates who will operate Majors hold some level of influence over three times more global
the field once it starts production. A common vehicle is for the interested production than they directly own.
parties to establish a joint venture: these can take many different forms
This has important potential implications for the Majors’ influence on
but they generally aim to promote collaboration between the parties and
upstream production practices. For example, co-ordination between the
spread the risk while maintaining some level of corporate
Majors and their partners at all fields in which the Majors have a stake,
in favour of using certain practices or technologies, would impact almost
A complicating factor when considering “ownership” of barrels is that three times more production than if they were to be instituted only at
tax regimes in some countries can transfer ownership of barrels that are fields that the Majors directly own or operate.
produced to the host government, rather than apply a royalty of tax to
financial flows. The equity ownership for companies can vary over the
lifetime of a field or vary according to external factors such as the oil
In 2018, the Majors had equity ownership of around 10 mb/d of crude
oil production, but they operated fields that produced around 13 mb/d.
By contrast, the NOCs owned 36 mb/d of production, while they
operated fields that produce around 32 mb/d crude oil.

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Oil & gas industry today

Ownership of refinery and LNG assets varies across regions…

Composition of refinery and LNG asset ownership in selected regions, 2018

Refineries LNG liquefaction facilities

108 23 12 4 7 31 mb/d 770 170 140 140 70 120 bcm






Global North Middle Africa Russia Developing Global North Middle Africa Russia Australia
America East Asia America East

NOCs INOCs Independents Majors

Note: Includes refineries and liquefaction facilities in operation and under construction.
Source: IEA (2019), World Energy Outlook 2019,

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Oil & gas industry today

…with a major expansion of capacity bringing new players and regions

to prominence

There is over 100 mb/d of refining capacity in operation or under Turning to LNG, there is currently some 570 bcm of liquefaction
construction today, 40% of which is in North America and Europe and capacity in operation today and almost 200 bcm that is financially
another 40% in developing countries in Asia (where a host of new approved or under construction. The three largest LNG exporters –
refining capacity is being built) and in the Middle East. Independents Australia, Qatar and the United States – account for around half of the
(both integrated players and pure downstream companies) hold the world’s operational capacity. Over the next few years, these three
largest share of around 40%, followed by NOCs (31%), INOCs (14%) countries are set to jostle for the position of largest exporter. Canada
and the Majors (13%). There is also a small contribution from major and Mozambique are the major pending new entrants to the club of LNG
trading companies. producers, taking the total number of exporting countries to 23.
The trend varies widely by region. In North America, Europe and The capital and technical risks associated with developing LNG
advanced economies in Asia (where refining activities have traditionally liquefaction terminals favour a relatively diversified ownership; globally,
taken place), refineries are largely owned by private companies. there is roughly a 60/40 split between Majors/Independents and
Independents and Majors own almost 90% of the refineries in this NOC/INOCs. Independents hold the largest share of liquefaction
region, while NOCs have limited presence. capacity globally (35%) and dominate the picture in North America.
NOCs are majority owners in the Middle East and Africa, frequently
The picture is starkly different in the regions where a number of new
partnering with Majors to execute large, capital-intensive projects.
refineries are being built. In the Middle East, 90% of the refineries are
Majors have the largest presence in Australia, which has seen some of
owned by NOCs. The participation of Independents and Majors has
the highest levels of spending on LNG mega-projects. Russian LNG has
mostly taken place via joint ventures with NOCs. Similar trends are
a more diversified ownership structure than in pipeline gas supply,
visible in Africa, where NOCs account for two-thirds of refinery
drawing IOCs, NOCs and other external partners into large-scale Arctic,
ownership. NOCs and INOCs also have strong presence in developing
Yamal and Siberian projects.
countries in Asia, holding two-thirds of the region’s refining capacity, but
there is also a sizeable contribution from private companies. The growth of LNG supply in the last decade has underpinned the
emergence of LNG “portfolio players”, large companies that hold a
The share of NOCs (and INOCs) in global refinery ownership and
portfolio of LNG supply, liquefaction, shipping, storage and
petrochemical units is set to increase in the coming decades. This is
regasification assets in different regions. They can be Majors, NOCs or
because most of the new refinery capacities are planned to be built in
larger Independents and are distinguished by their size and presence
the Middle East and in developing countries in Asia and because many
across the value chain.
NOCs are pursuing a strategic expansion into the downstream.

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Environmental indicators
Slides 27 - 34

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Not all oil is equal. Excluding final combustion emissions, there is a wide range of
emissions intensities across different sources of production…

Estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity of global crude oil, condensate and NGLs production, 2018

300 Product transport

kg CO₂-eq/boe

Crude transport
Energy for extraction




0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90 000


Notes: kg CO2/boe = kilogrammes of CO2 per barrel of oil equivalent; kboe/d = thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. One tonne of methane is assumed to be equivalent to 30 tonnes
of CO2 (the 100-year “global warming potential”). Although not strictly an oil refining process, NGL fractionation is included within refining since it converts liquids into usable oil products.
Source: IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018,

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…and the same applies to natural gas: methane leaks to the atmosphere are by far
the largest source of emissions on the journey from reservoir to consumer

Estimated scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity of global natural gas production, 2018

300 Downstream
kg CO₂-eq/boe


250 methane



150 Vented CO₂

Energy for


0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 3 500 4 000


Note: kg CO2/boe = kilogrammes of CO2 per barrel of oil equivalent. Energy for extraction includes emissions from processing to remove impurities before transport. Upstream methane
includes emissions from production, gathering and processing; downstream methane includes emissions from shipping (if applicable), transmission and distribution (see IEA [2017] for
further details). One tonne of methane is assumed to be equivalent to 30 tonnes of CO2 (the 100-year “global warming potential”).
Source: IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018,

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Scoping out the emissions from oil and gas operations

Extracting oil and gas from the ground, processing it, and bringing it to oil. The lowest 10% production has an average emissions intensity of
consumers is an important component of global energy demand today. less than 45 kg CO2-eq per barrel of oil equivalent, while the highest
The process of getting these fuels to consumers is also an important 10% has an emissions intensity of over 200 kg CO2-eq/boe.
source of global GHG emissions. These can be CO2 emissions from the
For natural gas, global average scope 1 and 2 emissions are around
energy consumed along the oil and natural gas value chains as well as
100 kg CO2-eq/boe. As with oil, there is a large spread between different
leaks of CO2 and methane to the atmosphere.
sources of gas and different trade routes. The highest 10% of production
These emissions associated with oil and natural gas are often divided is around four times more emissions-intensive than the lowest 10%.
into three different “scopes”. Looking from the perspective of the oil and
The main differences between resource types is a function of: the natural
gas industry as a whole, while avoiding any double counting, this report
complexity and location of the resource, the technologies and engineering
approaches the issue as follows.
used, the age of assets, and the processes and measures in place to
“Scope 1” emissions are emissions that come directly from the oil and minimise flaring and methane emissions. For example, lower-emitting
gas industry itself. This includes, for example, emissions from powering sources of oil tend to be easy to extract, have tight controls on methane
the engines of drilling rigs, or from leaks of methane in the upstream or leakage and flaring, are light oil or NGLs (which can be processed by
midstream, or emissions from ships used to transport oil or gas overseas. simple refineries or bypass the refining sector entirely), and are refined
and consumed close to where they are extracted.
“Scope 2” emissions arise from the generation of energy that is
purchased by the oil and gas industry; for example from the generation “Scope 3” emissions occur during combustion of the fuel by end
of electricity taken from a centralised grid to power auxiliary services, or users. Scope 3 emissions from oil products can vary substantially:
from the production of hydrogen purchased from an external supplier to liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs) emit around 360 kg CO2/boe, while
be used in a refinery. The sum of scope 1 and 2 emissions is often heavy fuel oil emits around 440 kg CO2/boe. The global average array
referred to as the “well-to-tank” or “well-to-meter” emissions. of oil products produced from a barrel of crude oil equivalent in 2018
results in around 405 kg CO2 when combusted. There is a much smaller
The IEA World Energy Model tracks a barrel of oil or cubic metre of
degree of variation in CO2 emissions from the combustion of natural
natural gas from where it is produced to where it is refined or processed
gas, but on average, emissions are 320 kg CO2/boe (average
and finally consumed. As a result, this report can estimate total GHG
combustion emissions for coal, expressed on a comparable basis, are
emissions from the multitude of different production and trade routes
around 540 kg CO2/boe).
that exist in global oil and gas markets today.
On average, scope 1 and 2 emissions account for almost 20% of the
On this basis, it is estimated that 95 kilogrammes of CO2 equivalent
full life-cycle emissions intensity of oil; for natural gas, scope 1 and 2
(kg CO2-eq) is emitted in bringing an average barrel of oil to end-use
emissions account for around 25% of its full life-cycle emissions.
consumers. There is a broad range of emissions for different types of

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Scope 3 emissions from oil and gas are around three times scope 1 and 2
emissions but the shares vary between different companies and company types

Estimated annual scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions from the full oil and gas supply chain according to company type, 2018

Oil Gas
6 000 Scope 3
Mt CO₂-eq

Scope 1 + 2
5 000

4 000


3 000

2 000
81% 78%
1 000
23% 26% 35%
19% 22% 24%
Majors Independents INOCs NOCs Majors Independents INOCs NOCs

Note: Emissions are apportioned on an equity ownership basis.

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There is increasing focus on emissions from oil and natural gas consumption as
well as the emissions arising from oil and gas operations
Collectively, this report estimates that scope 1 and 2 emissions from the upstream GHG emissions intensity between 2014 and 2025; and
oil and gas sector are 5 300 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent Chevron has a goal to reduce its GHG emission intensity of oil
(Mt CO2-eq) today. This is nearly 15% of global energy sector GHG production by 5-10% and gas production by 2-5% between 2016 and
emissions. Crucially, it is above-ground operational practices (namely 2023, including oil and gas produced from non-operated assets.
methane emissions, venting CO2 and flaring) that are responsible for
Scope 1 and 2 emissions are clearly a major source of GHG emissions,
the majority of GHG emissions from oil and gas operations worldwide,
but it is the scope 3 emissions arising from the consumption of the oil
rather than the type of oil and gas that is produced and processed.
and natural gas produced by the industry that account for the largest
There is some variation in the share of scope 1 and 2 emissions in total share of total emissions. Globally, scope 3 emissions today are around
emissions (i.e. of scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions) among the different 16 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent, around three times the level of
companies and categories of companies. This reflects the complexity of scope 1 and 2 emissions.
the resources they produce, the design and efficiency of their
Responsibility for scope 3 emissions is a contentious topic. Scope 3
operations, and the efforts that they take to minimise methane and other
emissions from the combustion of oil and natural gas are typically
vented emissions. For NOCs, scope 1 and 2 emissions are around 30%
attributed to end-use sectors (such as passenger cars, aviation or
of total emissions on average, whereas for the Majors the estimate is
industry). Yet, responding to pressure from investors, some oil and gas
less than 20%. However, the oil and gas produced by some NOCs has
companies have announced targets to reduce the full emissions
some of the lowest emissions intensities in the world, while other NOCs
intensity – including scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions – of the products they
perform very poorly.
sell to consumers. For example, Repsol announced an aim to reduce
A number of companies or institutions have announced targets, plans its full emissions intensity from 2016 levels by 10% by 2025, 40% by
or commitments to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions from their 2040, and 100% by 2050; Shell aims to reduce its full emissions
operations. These are specified either in terms of total reductions in intensity by 20% by 2035 and around 50% by 2050, while Total aims to
scope 1 and 2 emissions or in reductions in the emissions intensity of reduce its full emissions intensity from 2015 by 15% by 2030 and by 25-
operations. Announced plans vary in their scope and materiality, 40% by 2040.
ranging from commitments that have been firmly incorporated into
From a company perspective, there are a number of ways of reducing
business plans to those that are more aspirational.
scope 3 emissions intensities (see Section IV). These include applying
Individual company examples include BP’s aim to reduce its scope 1 carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) to the use of the oil or
and 2 emissions by 3.5 Mt CO2-eq between 2015 and 2025; Equinor gas, by increasing the share of low- or zero-carbon energy sources that
aims to reduce emissions from its domestic operations by 40% by 2030, are sold, or by purchasing or generating offsets in order to compensate.
and to near-zero by 2050; Eni is targeting a 43% reduction in its

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Oil & gas industry today

Pressures from capital markets are focusing attention on climate-related risks

Investor engagement on climate (left) and evolution in the cost of equity and debt for oil and gas companies (right)
Number of climate-related shareholder Cost of capital equity and debt
resolutions for oil and gas companies for oil and gas companies
250 100% 15%

200 80% 12%

150 60% 9%

100 40% 6%

50 20% 3%

2010-14 2015-19 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Resolutions Cost of equity Cost of debt (before tax)

Share of all climate-related proposals (right axis) Cost of debt (after tax)

Note: Cost of capital analysis is based on the top 25 listed companies (in 2018) by oil and gas production. Companies based in China and Russia are excluded from the analysis. The
weighted average cost of capital is expressed in nominal terms and measures the company’s required return on equity and the after-tax cost of debt issuance, weighted according to its
capital structure.
Source: Shareholder proposals data from Ceres (2019); calculations for cost of capital based on company data from Thomson Reuters Eikon (2019) and Bloomberg (2019).

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Oil & gas industry today

Financial, social and political pressures on the industry are rising

The oil and gas industry requires social acceptance of its projects to be Opposition to new infrastructure projects. A combination of local
able to build and operate facilities. Social and environmental concerns environment issues with a push to keep fossil fuels in the ground has
about projects have traditionally focused on local impacts, including the increased opposition to new oil and gas infrastructure projects in some
potential for air pollution as well as for contamination of surface and countries and regions. The result has been lengthy permitting
groundwater. In recent years, rising global emissions have intensified procedures and litigation leading to project delays and cost overruns. In
scrutiny of the industry also on broader environmental grounds, other cases, projects have been indefinitely postponed or cancelled.
especially in Europe and North America. This is also reflected in Infrastructure bottlenecks can create price discounts in local markets
heightened engagement by investors in listed oil and gas companies on and serve as a major disincentive to new upstream investment.
climate-related risks and restrictions in some areas on access to
Natural gas is typically more reliant on fixed grids than oil to reach
finance. The main pressure points are:
consumers. In some jurisdictions such as the Netherlands, New York
Capital markets. Over the past decade, climate-related shareholder and California, climate concerns have led to bans or restrictions on
resolutions, which commonly seek to improve disclosure or align the connecting new consumers to the gas grid or expanding gas distribution
strategies of companies with a more sustainable pathway, have strongly infrastructure.
increased while investor collaborations, such as the Climate Action
Fracking bans. With the emergence of shale, the large majority of the
100+, increasingly seek to facilitate engagement on sustainability
growth of global oil and gas production relies on hydraulic fracturing.
issues. Investors, through buying and selling of shares (i.e. supply of
Some of the most intense concerns are not directly climate-related,
finance), have increased required rates of return on equity for the
such as increased seismic activity and impact on water supplies.
industry. Moreover, an increasing number of banks, pension funds,
Nevertheless, fracking bans are very frequently discussed in the context
insurance companies, and institutional and private investors are limiting
of keeping fossil fuels underground and also preventing methane
their exposure to certain types of fossil fuel projects: the primary focus
leakage. Fracking is either banned or impossible for all practical
has been on coal, but restrictions are increasingly seen on some oil and
purposes in much of Europe; in New York, California and Quebec in
gas projects as well.
North America; and in some states of Australia.
At the same time, there is growing appetite, and regulatory attention,
towards sustainable finance, supported by the advent of green-labelled
securities; increased pressure for disclosures of climate-related risks,
as under the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD); and, in Europe, a taxonomy to guide
capital allocation towards sustainable activities.

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Slides 35 - 47

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Upstream oil and gas investment is edging higher, but remains well below its 2014

Global upstream oil and gas investment and cost-adjusted investment

Investment in nominal terms Implied investment at 2018 costs
800 800

Billion dollars (cost adjusted)

Billion dollars (nominal)

+6% -12% vs
+6% 2014 peak
600 600
-26% +4%

400 400

200 200

















Note: The cost-adjusted investment chart on the right estimates historical investment based on a constant level of 2018 capital costs over time based on the IEA Global Upstream
Investment Cost Index (UICI) and US Shale Upstream Cost Index. When compared with the chart on the left, it shows the impact of cost-cutting measures and industry cost deflation on
the overall investment trend.

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Production spending has increasingly focused on shale and on existing fields

Share of global oil and gas development and production investment by asset type

2000-2009 3% 48% 35%

2010-2015 16% 42% 30%

2016 12% 44% 35%

2017 20% 45% 27%

2018 26% 44% 22%

2019E 25% 46% 22%

20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Shale gas/tight oil Conventional brownfield Conventional greenfield Other

Note: Production investment indicates capital spending in the upstream sector excluding exploration activities.
Source: IEA analysis based on Rystad Energy (2019), UCube (database).

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Investment trends reflect capital discipline and more careful project selection

At nearly USD 480 billion in 2018 and with a rise expected in 2019, Offshore project approvals are making a comeback. After several years
upstream oil and gas investment has edged higher over the past three of final investment decisions for smaller-sized offshore projects,
years, but remains more than one-third below the peak level seen in decisions in 2019 were oriented towards fields with larger reserves (the
2014. The sharp decline reflects in part a slowdown in new field highest overall reserves approved since 2013) and higher peak
development amid a more challenging oil price environment, with low production (also the highest since 2013). In addition, companies
levels of new conventional oil and gas projects being sanctioned for approved numerous small brownfield projects in 2018-19 at a low
development over 2016-18, alongside a collapse in exploration development cost, which will help sustain output from existing offshore
spending. facilities.
These investment trends also reflect renewed efforts by the industry to Companies continue to acquire and divest assets, optimising their
keep upstream costs under control. While recent increases in upstream portfolios in an effort to meet financial objectives and respond to
activity have put some upward pressure on costs, a combination of pressures from investors. Generally, they have disposed of mature
continued overhang in the market for some services and equipment, non-core assets or more “difficult” assets such as Alaskan reserves,
consolidation in the service industry, and increased uptake of digital Canadian oil sands or reserves with unfavourable fiscal terms.
technologies to improve productivity has limited cost inflation in the
sector. Adjusted for declining upstream costs, the overall reduction in
investment activity is less stark – the 35% reduction in spending from
2014 to 2018 turns into a much smaller 12% fall in actual activity levels.
The new watchwords for the upstream industry are capital discipline
and careful project selection. Break-even prices for sanctioned projects
fell by almost 50% over 2014-18 (aided by cost deflation), before
rebounding in 2019 by 15-20%, mainly due to more and larger projects,
as well as more complex developments (e.g. offshore).

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The share of NOCs in upstream investment remains near record highs…

Global upstream oil and gas investment by company type

100% Majors

17% 16% 17% Independents

19% 20% 20% 21% 19%
80% NOCs

37% 40% 42% 40%

60% 44% 43% 44% 41%

20% 19% 18% 18%
18% 18% 17%

24% 24% 24% 25%

19% 19% 18% 20%

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019E

Note: Data for 2019 are IEA estimates based on company guidance, consultations with industry experts, and other sources.
Source: Analysis based on company reports and Rystad Energy (2019), UCube (database).

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…although many resource-rich economies continue to face strong fiscal


Net income from oil and gas and fiscal break-even oil price in selected producer economies
Net income from oil and gas Fiscal breakeven oil price
1 600 160

Dollars per barrel (2018)

Billion dollars (2018)

1 400 140

1 200 120

1 000 100

800 80

600 60

400 40

200 20

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2016 2017 2018 2019P
Russia Saudi Arabia Iraq United Arab Emirates Iran Qatar Kuwait Algeria

Notes: 2019P = projected for 2019. Fiscal break-even pertains to the oil price at which the national fiscal balance is zero.
Source: Fiscal break-even oil price data are based on IMF (2019) and Economic Expert Group (2019).

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The rules of the investment game are changing

The investment environment for oil and gas projects is changing. The The legal, regulatory and fiscal conditions that shape the overall
direction of change varies substantially in different parts of the world, economics of the oil and gas business are also evolving. In some
but one common denominator is that this is becoming a game with instances, conditions are becoming more restrictive, up to and including
slightly fewer players, and the ones that are left tend to be larger. bans or moratoria on certain types of new projects. As discussed in
more detail in Section III, countries including Belize, Costa Rica,
Even though many resource-rich countries have been under pressure
Denmark, France, Ireland and New Zealand have introduced partial or
in recent years following the downturn in the oil price in 2014,
total restrictions on certain types of new oil and gas developments;
investment by NOCs has generally remained more resilient than that of
certain states or provinces in federal systems in North America have
the Majors. The NOC and INOC share of upstream spending has
done likewise.
expanded in recent years to near 45%.
However, there are also jurisdictions that are responding to the rise of
Among the Independents, some of the medium-sized and smaller
shale and the prospect of energy transitions by trying to make
companies that have been instrumental in leading the shale revolution
investment in their resource base more attractive, either by changing
are feeling the squeeze from tightening financial conditions. Medium-
the terms or by stepping up licensing activity, or both.
sized companies with international operations that are more exposed to
debt markets have also been struggling to get projects off the ground.
All companies are facing demands to focus on capital discipline,
improve free cash flow and pay down debt. As ever, though, national
priorities continued to play an important role in determining investment
strategies and flows among the NOCs. The international bond sale and
then initial public offering of shares in Saudi Aramco in 2019 was a
watershed moment for the transparency of company operations, as well
as a strong statement of intent about the direction of economy-wide
reforms. Many NOCs in the Middle East signalled intentions to step up
upstream activity to sustain oil production and meet growing domestic
gas needs. Investment by Chinese NOCs has also soared over the past
two years in response to a government mandate to increase domestic
production, despite a weakening earnings picture.

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Developing countries with oil and gas resources or energy security concerns are
competing for upstream investment

Securing investment in oil and gas resources, as well as adequate uncertainty and creates new revenue streams for the government, it
revenues from these investments, remains a priority for many may also have the impact of increasing development costs and
governments around the world. Globally, almost 90 licensing rounds are introducing production delays from new projects.
expected to occur over 2019-20, and recent reviews and changes of
Algeria: in response to concerns that a slowdown in investment may
fiscal arrangements have the potential to shape investment activity in
result in future deficits for both domestic demand and exports, the
the years ahead.
government approved a new hydrocarbons law in November 2019. The
In some instances, these have involved tightening the terms attached law provides incentives (fiscal and contractual) for partnerships
to the development of very prospective resources, in order to secure between the NOC (Sonatrach) and international companies. The new
additional revenues for governments (Nigeria and Senegal are law still limits foreign ownership to 49%, introduces a local content
examples). More common has been a shift towards more favourable clause and reinforces the role of Sonatrach as an operator.
terms for investment, especially in less prospective regions and
Angola: the government initiated an overhaul of its oil and gas sectors
countries with concerns over stalling production or rising fuel imports.
to stimulate investment, creating a new regulator, reorganising the role
This is particularly visible in other parts of Africa and in Southeast Asia,
of Sonangol and simplifying investment procedures. This included a
where upstream investment has fallen sharply since 2015.
decree in May 2018 providing incentives for the development of
Many different considerations determine the sharing of project risk marginal fields.
between companies and governments. These include the timing of
Malaysia: in November 2018, the NOC Petronas revised fiscal terms
revenue transfer by operators to host governments (e.g. front-loaded as
for new deepwater production-sharing contracts. The changes aim to
signature bonuses or back-loaded as profit-based taxes when operating
attract more investment and open up new plays in Malaysia.
projects generate income) and the progressivity, or “regressivity”, of
taxation with respect to changing oil and gas prices. Indonesia: the government is seeking to stimulate upstream
investments by improving the investment environment via fiscal
Some recent examples of changes in the regulatory or fiscal regimes
incentives for oil and gas operators. In late 2017, it approved a new
regulation revising the fiscal terms for conventional oil and gas
Nigeria: in November 2019, the government amended production contracts.
agreements for future offshore oil production, adding a 10% royalty on
deepwater projects and a 7.5% royalty on frontier and onshore basins.
While the clarification of new terms has ended a period of investment

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Oil & gas industry today

Investment by the oil and gas industry outside of core areas is growing, but
remains a relatively small part of overall capital expenditure

Capital investment by Majors and selected other companies in new projects outside oil and gas supply

2.5 2.5%
Billion dollars (2018)


2.0 2.0%
Solar PV

Onshore wind

1.5 1.5%
Offshore wind

Share of total capital

investment (right axis)
1.0 1.0%

0.5 0.5%

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Notes: Capital investment is measured as the ongoing capital spending in new capacity from when projects start construction and are based on the owner's share of the project.
Companies include the Majors and selected others (ADNOC, CNPC, CNOOC, Equinor, Gazprom, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Lukoil, Petrobras, Repsol, Rosneft, Saudi Aramco,
Sinopec, Sonatrach). CCUS investment is in large-scale facilities; it includes developments by independent oil and gas companies in Canada and China and capital spend undertaken with
government funds.

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Oil & gas industry today

A larger share of recent spend in new areas has come through M&A plus venture
activity, focused on renewables, grids and electrified services such as mobility

M&A and corporate venture capital spending by Majors and selected other companies outside of core oil and gas supply
Mergers and acquisitions Corporate venture capital
6 18% 0.6
Billion dollars (2018)

Billion dollars (2018)

4 12% 0.4

2 6% 0.2

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Solar PV and wind generation Other power generation Electricity distribution/retail Electrified services and efficiency
CCUS Biofuels and low-carbon gases Other Share of total M&A (right axis)

Notes: M&A = mergers and acquisitions; only transactions with disclosed values are included. Electrified services include battery storage and electric vehicle (EV) charging; low-carbon
gases include low-carbon hydrogen and biomethane; other includes digital technologies, data analytics and mobility services. Companies include the Majors and selected others (ADNOC,
CNPC, CNOOC, Equinor, Gazprom, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Lukoil, Petrobras, Repsol, Rosneft, Saudi Aramco, Sinopec, Sonatrach).

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Shifts in business strategy vary considerably by company

Investment and strategic responses to energy transitions by selected companies (illustrative, based on 2015-19 activity)
Supplying liquids
Deploying and gases for
Enhancing traditional oil and Transitioning from fuel to “energy companies”
CCUS energy
Company gas operations
Reducing Reducing Sourcing For Low- Solar PV Other Electrified
For Advanced Electricity
methane CO2 renewable centralised carbon and wind power services /
EOR biofuels distribution/retail
emissions emissions power emissions gases generation generation efficiency
BP ● ● ● ● ●
Chevron ● ● ●
Eni ● ● ● ● ● ●
ExxonMobil ● ● ●
Shell ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Total ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
CNPC ● ●
Equinor ● ● ● ● ●
Petrobras ● ● ● ● ●
Repsol ● ● ● ● ●
Notes: PV = photovoltaic. Full circle = growth area supported by observed strategic investments (e.g. M&A) and/or capital/operational expenditures in commercial-scale activities; half circle = announced
strategy and/or minor investments, venture capital and/or research and development (R&D) spending; empty circle= limited evidence of investment activity. For methane and CO2 emissions, which are
not based on project and spending data, assessments reflect the presence and strength of methane reduction and emissions intensity targets, as well as evidence of their implementation, the emissions
intensity trend of new investment, transparent reporting of absolute emissions and sources, and linking of executive and staff compensation to achieving goals. Power generation and efficiency investments
in the Transitioning category pertain to projects destined for commercial sales (not own use). Electrified services include battery storage and EV charging. Low-carbon gases include low-carbon hydrogen
and biomethane.

45 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas industry today

Accommodation with energy transitions is a work in progress

Some large oil and gas companies have made strategic and investment Aggregate trends suggest that alignment by the industry with energy
moves to diversify outside their core businesses of oil and gas supply, transitions is, at best, a work in progress. To a degree, this reflects
as well as to reduce the environmental footprint and enhance the broader policy and market signals, which in most parts of the world have
efficiency of operations. Within the energy sector, these responses can not encouraged a wholesale change in company strategic priorities. But
be grouped into four areas: i) traditional oil and gas operations; the bottom line remains that there are few signs of the significant
ii) CCUS; iii) low-carbon liquids and gases; and iv) transitioning from reallocation of capital spending that would be required to meet the goals
“fuel” to “energy” companies; these options are further elaborated in of the Paris Agreement.
Section IV.
Emissions reduction measures and targets feature prominently in the
strategies of many large oil and gas companies. As noted above, these
measures include efficiency improvements, choosing lower-carbon
sources to supply those facilities, reduced flaring and reduced methane
However, for the moment, investments by oil and gas companies in
non-core areas remain a minor part of their overall spending, and
operational improvements vary in terms of their observed results.
As measured by the CO2 intensity of invested capital, emission
indicators for some companies (e.g. BP, Shell, Equinor) have improved
by over 10% since 2015, while for several other companies they have
worsened. Some players (e.g. ExxonMobil, Chevron, Eni) have become
important off-takers of renewable power through corporate power
purchase agreements.

46 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas industry today

The approach varies by company, but thus far less than 1% of industry capital
expenditures is going to non-core areas

For the group of companies analysed, aggregate annual capital Despite the affinity with company strengths, investment in low-carbon
expenditures for projects outside core oil and gas supply averaged under liquids and gases projects is relatively low, e.g. bio refineries, biogas
USD 2 billion since 2015, less than 1% of the total capital expenditures by processing and hydrogen production. This can largely be explained by
these companies, though some companies have spent up to an average challenging project economics. Most activity to date has come through
of 5%, and the total topped USD 2 billion for the first time in 2019. R&D, though some players (e.g. Eni, Petrobras, Total) have developed
Including spending on gas-fired power capacity (for commercial sales), commercial-scale plants.
spending has averaged over USD 2 billion since 2015.
M&A have provided the principal vehicle for diversification. Strategic
Capital expenditures by the oil and gas industry in renewables have investment associated with new energy areas accounted for around 5%
picked up gradually over time, reflecting the increasing availability of of total M&A by these companies. Several large deals have shaped this
attractive projects. The largest outlays have been made in solar PV, picture, and acquisitions have been the primary means for oil and gas
with some companies (e.g. Eni, Shell) developing projects directly and companies to enter consumer-facing fields such as electricity
others (e.g. BP, Total) owning major stakes in subsidiaries. Offshore distribution (e.g. Total with Direct Energie), EV charging (e.g. BP with
wind is another growth area (e.g. Equinor, Shell, CNOOC) and benefits Chargemaster) and distributed battery storage (e.g. Shell with Sonnen).
from considerable synergies – 40% of the full lifetime costs of a
Corporate venture capital activity, which represents a smaller outlay,
standard offshore wind project have overlap with the offshore oil and
but signals potential future growth areas, has risen in recent years, with
gas sector (IEA, 2019).
a concentration in start-up investments for electric mobility, digital
Oil and gas companies also have a significant profile in CCUS technologies and renewables. Many oil and gas companies also have
investments, marked by recent commissioned projects involving large R&D activities in clean energy technologies – although R&D
Chevron, CNPC, and Shell, and account for over 35% of overall CCUS spending by oil and gas companies has not risen significantly as a share
capital expenditures, often backed by government funding (Section III). of revenue in recent years (IEA, 2019).
The cost challenge and business model complexity of CCUS have
Looking ahead, a number of companies have announced plans to step
meant that relatively few large-scale facilities have been developed,
up their spending in new energy areas in the coming years. Total, for
though many oil and gas companies are involved in R&D, pilot project
example, has set an aim of 7 GW of renewables worldwide by 2025.
development and partnerships to advance applications. OGCI
Shell plans to spend nearly 10% of its capital expenditures on power by
members recently announced a new initiative to spur large-scale CCUS
2025 while Equinor sees itself devoting 15-20% of capital expenditures
investment at industrial hubs around the world.
towards new energy solutions by 2030.

47 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Section II
Oil and gas in energy transitions
Oil & gas in energy transitions

Scenarios for the future of oil and gas

This section discusses the way that the outlook for oil and natural gas The projections in the STEPS suggest that, in the absence of more
could be affected by an accelerated pace of energy transitions. There concerted policy action, demand for oil and (especially) gas would
is a huge range of possible futures depending, for example, on the pace continue to grow to 2040, while coal demand would remain where it is
of technological innovation, the ambition of energy policies, market today.
dynamics, societal trends and many other factors. The analysis refers
However, the emissions trends in the STEPS would imply a 50%
to two scenarios included in the IEA WEO, but focuses mainly on the
probability of a 2.7°C stabilisation (or a 66% chance of limiting warming
SDS and some sensitivity cases around this Scenario.
to 3.2°C) – not nearly enough to avoid severe effects from climate
The SDS charts a pathway for the global energy sector fully aligned with change.
the Paris Agreement by holding the rise in global temperatures to “well
Something has to give, and the pressure to act more forcefully on
below 2°C … and pursuing efforts to limit [it] to 1.5°C”. This requires
emissions is growing, visible in a groundswell of opinion in many
rapid and widespread changes across all parts of the energy system.
countries in favour of aligning policy and investment decisions with a
The world is not on track to meet this Scenario. The IEA’s assessment, low-emissions future. This includes an increasing number of national
based on the policies in place today as well as those that have been and corporate commitments to net-zero emissions, typically by
announced (the STEPS), is that the momentum behind clean energy mid-century. In some sectors, notably electricity, this is enabled by ever-
transitions is not enough to offset the effects of an expanding global lower costs of some key renewable technologies.
economy and growing population. The STEPS does not see a peak in
The SDS provides a way to explore the consequences of these types
global energy-related CO2 emissions by 2040 – obviously far from the
of rapid transitions across the energy sector as a whole. While
early peak and rapid subsequent decline in emissions targeted by the
emissions reductions are central to its design, it is not solely a climate
Paris Agreement.
scenario. It reflects a broader range of imperatives facing policy makers
This disparity between the direction in which the world appears to be by also meeting objectives related to universal energy access and
heading, on the one hand, and the wealth of scientific evidence cleaner air, while retaining a strong focus on energy security and
highlighting the need for ever-more-rapid cuts in GHG emissions, on affordability.
the other, is a crucial fault line in global energy.

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

A wide range of approaches and technologies are required to achieve emissions

reductions in the SDS

Energy-related CO2 emissions and CO2 emissions reductions by measure in the SDS

Current trends
Gt CO₂

Stated Policies Scenario

Industrial electric m otors
Pow er
Light industry Efficiency
Cars & trucks
30 Heavy industry
Air conditioners
Aviation and shipping
Solar PV
Biofuels transport
Other renewables power Renewables
Other renewables end-uses
20 Hydro
Fuel sw itch incl. hydrogen
Electric vehicles Fuel switch,
CCUS pow er
CCUS industry CCUS and other
Behavioural change
10 Resource efficiency
Sustainable Development Scenario

2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Changes in relative costs are creating strong competition for incumbent fuels

Capital cost index for selected energy-related technologies and sectors

Index (2010 = 100)


Upstream oil and gas

Onshore wind


Battery storage (utility-scale)

Solar PV (utility-scale)


2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Notes: LEDs = light-emitting diodes. Upstream oil and gas based on the IEA UICI. Capital costs for other technologies reflect the global weighted average costs of components for a given
amount of energy service or of commissioned projects.
Source: IEA analysis with calculations for solar PV and wind costs based on IRENA (2019), Renewable Cost (dataset).

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Low-carbon electricity and greater efficiency are central to efforts to reduce

emissions, but there are no single or simple solutions to tackle climate change

A wide range of technologies and policies are required in clean energy And even if electricity use were to grow even faster and the complete
transitions to bring down emissions. technical potential for electrification were deployed, there would still be
sectors requiring other energy sources (given today’s technologies),
In the SDS, improved energy efficiency is a key lever for change.
with most of the world’s shipping, aviation and certain industrial
Exploiting the full economic potential for efficiency improvement leads
processes not yet “electric-ready”.
to the energy intensity of the global economy (the amount of energy
used per unit of gross domestic product [GDP]) falling by over 3% per This opens up a set of questions for energy transitions that are no less
year to 2040. For comparison, this indicator showed only a 1.2% important to the prospects for emissions reduction than improvements
improvement in 2018. in efficiency or the rise of low-carbon electricity. These concern the fuels
that are used in the rest of the energy system, including the emissions
There is also a step change in the pace at which increasingly cost-
intensities of the oil and natural gas that is consumed; the deployment
competitive renewable technologies are deployed. This is most visible
of low-carbon fuels such as biofuels, synthetic fuels and renewable
in the power sector, where renewables provide two-thirds of electricity
gases; alternative energy carriers such as hydrogen; and the
supply worldwide by 2040 (up from one-quarter today). Of this, solar PV
possibilities to capture, utilise or store CO2.
and wind power together provide 40%, with a further 25% from
dispatchable renewables including hydro and bioenergy.
The growth in low-carbon electricity is accompanied by the rising
importance of electricity as an energy carrier. The share of electricity in
global final consumption rises from 19% today to more than 30% by
2040. The increase in electricity demand in the SDS comes from a
variety of sources; the largest is EVs.
However, even with rapid growth in low-carbon electricity, more than
two-thirds of final consumption in 2040 in the SDS comes from other
sources, mainly from liquids and gases (the role of coal, examined in
the next slide, declines rapidly).

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

A rapid phase-out of unabated coal combustion is a major pillar of the SDS

Coal, oil and natural gas demand by scenario

Coal Oil Natural gas
6 000 120 6 000 Historical

5 000 100 5 000

4 000 80 4 000

3 000 60 3 000

2 000 40 2 000

1 000 20 1 000

1990 2010 2018 2030 2040 1990 2010 2018 2030 2040 1990 2010 2018 2030 2040

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Coal demand drops rapidly in all decarbonisation scenarios, but this decline
cannot be taken for granted

Coal is the most carbon-intensive fuel and the majority of global coal This could imply additional pressure on other sources of emissions,
consumption is in the electricity sector, where competition from i.e. oil and/or natural gas, as emissions from these sources would then
renewables is strongest. As such, it is no surprise that unabated coal need to fall even faster in order to be in line with international climate
use comes under intense pressure in all decarbonisation scenarios. objectives.
In the SDS, global coal use is 60% lower by 2040 than in the STEPS. For example, if coal demand were to remain as in the STEPS, then this
Coal demand for power generation is hit hardest, while coal use in the would require dramatic adjustments in oil or natural gas use to keep
industrial sector is slightly more resilient because substitution cumulative emissions to 2040 within the levels of the SDS. In 2040, oil
possibilities are more limited. Overall, coal’s share in the global primary demand would need to fall to around 20 mb/d and gas demand to
energy mix falls towards 10%, from 27% today. 1 500 bcm, i.e. both fuels would be around two-thirds lower than the
levels projected for 2040 in the SDS.
Such a dramatic change in coal’s position in the global energy mix
would not be simple to deliver. There are 2 080 GW of coal-fired power Moreover, even without considering a hard carbon constraint, more
plants in operation worldwide and a further 170 GW under construction. robust coal demand in developing economies would deprive natural gas
Almost 60% of today’s coal-fired fleet was built in the last 20 years, of some markets that it might otherwise be in a position to claim, notably
much of this in developing countries in Asia where the average age of the provision of process heat for industry.
existing plants is just 12 years old.
The oil and gas industry is often warned to watch out for the rise of
There are different options – explored in the WEO 2019 – to bring down electrification and renewables. But the discussion about the future of oil
emissions from the existing stock of coal-fired plants: to retrofit them and gas in energy transitions also needs to take place with one eye on
with CCUS or biomass co-firing equipment; to repurpose them to focus what happens to coal.
on providing system adequacy and flexibility while reducing operations;
or to retire them early. In the SDS, most of the world’s existing coal-fired
capacity would be affected by one of these three options.
These solutions all involve financial or social costs. If they are not
implemented, or pursued only in part, then many existing coal plants
could expect to operate for decades to come. Emissions just from the
continued operation of the existing global coal fleet would make
sustainable energy targets very hard to reach.

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Oil in the Sustainable Development Scenario

Slides 55 - 63

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Changing demands on oil

Average annual changes in oil demand by region (left) and sector (right)


2 2
Advanced Cars



1 1

Aviation and
0 0 shipping

Other Buildings
-1 -1 Power

-2 Net change -2
Net change

-3 -3
2010- 2020- 2030- 2010- 2020- 2030- 2010- 2020- 2030- 2010- 2020- 2030-
18 30 40 18 30 40 18 30 40 18 30 40

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Transitions away from oil happen at different speeds, depending on the segment
of demand…

The headline difference in oil demand between the STEPS and the SDS around 30% between 2018 and 2040 in the SDS, it still makes up 70%
is stark. While demand plateaus in the 2030s in STEPS, oil of fuel consumption in shipping in 2040.
consumption is falling by around 2 mb/d each year by then in the SDS.
In aviation, the two main opportunities to reduce oil use are efficiency
Beneath the aggregate numbers, there are also significant variations
and biofuels. Oil use falls by just under 20% between 2018 and 2040,
across different segments of oil demand, depending on the ease with
while the use of biofuels expands rapidly: in 2040, biofuels account for
which oil can be substituted.
around one-quarter of fuel use in aviation.
Passenger transport sees the most dramatic changes. Already in the
The only sector to see demand growth in the SDS is petrochemicals.
STEPS, oil use in this segment is declining by the late 2020s but in the
The rate of plastics recycling more than doubles from around 15% today
SDS, oil consumption for passenger transport plummets. By 2040 in this
to 35% in 2040, but oil use as a petrochemical feedstock still increases
Scenario there are 900 million EVs (including electric cars, plug-in hybrids
by almost 3 mb/d to 2040 (IEA, 2018). The use of bio-based feedstock
and fuel cell cars) on the road globally – around 50% of the global car fleet
offers one potential alternative to oil demand, but this remains a niche
– and most of the world’s urban buses are electric. There is also some
industry even in the SDS. This is partly due to the considerable cost gap
modal shift from private vehicles to public transport, which means there
that bio-based processes need to close in order to be competitive, but
are around 10% fewer cars on the road than in the STEPS in 2040.
also it is because bio-based processes compete with other sectors
Trucks have been one of the main sources of oil consumption growth in where bioenergy enjoys stronger policy support.
recent years, with demand rising by around 4 mb/d between 2000 and
2018. Global road freight activity nearly doubles between 2018 and
2040, with the expansion of online commerce boosting the amount of
goods transportation undertaken by lighter vehicles (which are easier to
electrify). In the SDS, there are enhanced efforts to decarbonise freight
transport through systemic improvements in road freight operations and
logistics, and a shift towards the use of alternative fuels and vehicles.
In the shipping sector, the optimisation of hull shapes, improvements in
the efficiency of engines, air lubrication and wind assistance all help to
curb overall energy use. There is also growth in the use of biofuels,
electrification for some short-distance journeys, hydrogen along certain
routes, and LNG (albeit to a limited extent). While the use of oil falls by

57 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas in energy transitions

…and there are also very significant variations by geography, with oil use in
developing economies more robust

In Europe and in the advanced economies in the Asia Pacific region, In India, there is a pronounced growth in passenger car sales from around
more than 90% of car sales are electric in the SDS by 2040, and oil use 3 million in 2018 to over 16 million in 2040. Again, the proportion of electric
in buildings is almost entirely eliminated. There is also a strong uptake cars sales expands rapidly in the SDS, and 90% of passenger car sales
of electric cars in the United States, although their share of new car in 2040 are electric. Besides petrochemicals, there is also an increase in
sales is slightly lower (an average of around 50% during the 2030s), in oil use in buildings in this scenario. LPG helps to provide clean cooking
part because of a preference for larger car sizes that are more difficult facilities to around 300 million people in rural locations in 2030 who would
to electrify in full. have otherwise relied on the traditional uses of biomass.
Oil use in petrochemicals in advanced economies falls by around 25% The population of sub-Saharan Africa grows by 70% between 2018 and
between 2018 and 2040. This occurs partly because of a shift in global 2040 and its economy almost triples in size; further, a key pillar of the
refining and petrochemical activities towards emerging economies SDS is that universal energy access is achieved by 2030. As a result,
(which benefit from cheaper feedstock), and partly because of material oil use grows across all sectors in sub-Saharan Africa over the period
efficiency improvements and enhanced recycling efforts that reduce the to 2040. Nonetheless, its per capita oil consumption in 2040 (0.6 barrels
need for new plastic materials. per person per year) remains only a fraction of the global average in
this Scenario (2.7 barrels per person per year).
Oil demand continues to grow in some developing economies in the SDS.
In China, oil demand peaks in 2025, and in India it peaks around 2030. For comparison, average per capita consumption of oil today is
But from 2030, oil demand is in decline across nearly all countries and 4.7 barrels per person per year, with average levels in the
regions; the only exception is some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, European Union (8 barrels) and North America (17 barrels)
although growth there is relatively limited. In aggregate, oil demand in considerably higher. Nonetheless, this level of oil consumption in Africa
developing economies in 2040 is around 10% lower than today. in 2040 still brings a relatively high level of energy services because
some possible uses for oil, such as heating, are not required and
China is already a leader in electric mobility. There are over 25 million
because there is a large potential for efficiency improvements.
new passenger cars sold every year to 2040 and a rapidly expanding
proportion of these are electric cars in the SDS (rising from 25% of sales
in 2025 to over 90% by 2040). However, there is still an overall increase
in oil use in passenger cars until around 2025. Oil use as a petrochemical
feedstock also rises steadily in China between 2018 and 2040.

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

A shrinking oil market in the SDS would change the supply landscape

Oil production by region, type and scenario

Historical Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario


60 Offshore
50 Unconventional
40 Onshore




2000 2010 2018 2020 2030 2040 2020 2030 2040

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

...but would not remove the need for continued investment in the upstream

Oil demand in the SDS is falling by around 2.5% per year by the 2030s. Policies in other countries would also play a role, notably if any
However, even this rapid drop would be well short of the decline in governments decided either to restrict access to their resources (“keep
production that would occur if all capital investment in currently them in the ground”) or, alternatively, to incentivise their development by
producing fields were to cease immediately. This would lead to a loss introducing more favourable fiscal terms.
of over 8% of supply each year. If investment were to continue in
Company strategies would also be influential in determining the kinds
currently producing fields but no new fields were developed, then the
of investments that went ahead, as certain types of resources – offering
average annual loss of supply would be around 4.5%.
lighter oil, or faster payback – might offer a balance of risk and reward
Under these circumstances, as examined in more detail in Section III, that is better suited to this kind of scenario.
continued investment in existing oil fields, as well as some new ones,
In the very challenging market conditions of the SDS, this report
remains a necessary part of the energy transitions envisaged in the
assumes that – either by design or by default – investment and
SDS. What is much less clear is who would be making these
production in major low-cost resource holders is limited in a way that
investments, and where.
maintains a floor under oil prices.
The answer to this question would be determined in large part by the
This allows some higher-cost non-OPEC supplies to find a place in the
approaches pursued by resource-holding governments and companies.
supply mix. It also means that tight oil production in the United States
The strategies of the main, low-cost resource holders, notably those in continues to grow into the 2020s; the short investment cycle of shale is
the Middle East, are critical in this regard. In theory, given their place at also relatively well suited to the uncertainties of this Scenario.
the lower end of the supply cost curve, these countries would be in a
However, even with a larger share of shorter-cycle investments that are
position to satisfy a larger share of oil demand in such a scenario, with
more reactive to prevailing market conditions, oil markets could well be
knock-on effects on price levels (a possibility examined in a sensitivity
in for a bumpy ride as and when energy transitions accelerate. There
case at the end of this section).
would be a greater number of factors with larger levels of uncertainty
In practice, the options open to these large producers would depend on affecting the supply-demand balance: for this reason, the oil price in the
their resilience to lower oil prices, i.e. the success or otherwise of efforts SDS could well be more volatile.
to diversify their economies and reduce reliance on hydrocarbon
revenues. In the absence of concerted reforms, any attempt to
maximise production and increase market share would bring down oil
prices to levels that would cause profound fiscal difficulties, meaning
that prices at these low levels could not in practice be maintained for
long (as discussed in more detail below).

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Global refining activity continues to shift towards the regions benefiting from
advantaged feedstock or proximity to growing demand

Share of global refinery runs by region and scenario

Traditional refining centres Emerging refiners

North America


Japan and Korea

Middle East
Developing Asia


2040: STEPS

2040: SDS

25% 50% 75% 100%

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Demand trends in the SDS would put over 40% of today’s refineries at risk of
lower utilisation or closure

Refining capacity at risk by region and scenario

Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario

50 100% Rest of world



Middle East
40 80%
Japan and Korea

30 60%

North America
20 40%
Percentage of today's
capacity at risk (right axis)

10 20%

2018 2030 2040 2018 2030 2040

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Changes in the amount, location and composition of demand create multiple

challenges for the refining industry

Changing global energy dynamics pose multiple challenges for the global However, there is a risk that, in anticipation of weak oil demand growth
refining industry. The main difficulty arises from the prospect of falling oil in some sectors such as passenger transport, companies may
demand (a much more serious challenge for the refining industry than for overinvest in other sectors where sustained growth is expected, such
the upstream), but the range of regional shifts in consumption and as petrochemicals. Today, for example, many large oil companies have
changes in the composition of oil demand in favour of lighter products stated their intent to invest in petrochemicals, potentially creating an
such as ethane, LPG and naphtha also pose major challenges. investment influx and capacity growth higher than the rate required by
demand growth; this possibility is examined in Section III.
The share of these lighter products in total oil demand rises from just
under 20% today to 23% in 2040 in the STEPS and to 30% in the SDS. Yet another challenge comes from the refining industry itself. A wave of
This is underpinned by rising demand for oil products as feedstocks for new refining investment is set to boost global capacity in the coming
petrochemicals. On the other side of the ledger, transport fuels – years. In the STEPS, some 15 mb/d of new capacity comes online
notably gasoline – face headwinds from the rise of alternative fuels and between 2018 and 2040, primarily in developing economies in Asia and
efficiency improvements. Demand for heavy fuel oil also registers a the Middle East – the regions benefiting from either advantaged
notable decline. feedstock or rising domestic demand. This would upend the traditional
order of the global refining industry.
This poses critical questions for traditional refining business models.
Today, refiners typically earn most of their profit from selling road In the SDS, the reduction in oil demand intensifies the pressures across
transport fuels such as gasoline and diesel. Prices for petrochemical the industry, with only the most competitive assets set to thrive. Growing
feedstocks – the main sources of demand growth in both scenarios – contributions from NGLs and biofuels-to-liquids demand create
often trend lower than crude oil prices. additional pressure. This report estimates that in this Scenario, more
than 40% of today’s existing refineries would face the risk of lower
Refiners are positioning themselves to meet these challenges by either
utilisation or closure by 2040.
processing growing volumes of lighter crude oils or deepening
integration with petrochemical operations. Higher levels of integration
would provide a hedge against a possible peak in demand for road
transport fuels, bring operational synergies and enhance feedstock
flexibility. There are even more ambitious schemes being pursued to
bypass refining operations and produce chemicals directly from crude
oil, which are likely to gain more traction in the case of accelerated
energy transitions.

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Natural gas in the Sustainable Development Scenario

Slides 64 - 71

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

There is no single storyline about the role of natural gas in energy transitions

Average annual changes in natural gas demand by region (left) and sector (right)


100 Advanced 100 Power




50 50 Transport

0 Other 0 Other
Net change
- 50 - 50
Net change

- 100 - 100
2010- 2020- 2030- 2010- 2020- 2030- 2010- 2020- 2030- 2010- 2020- 2030-
18 30 40 18 30 40 18 30 40 18 30 40

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

The role of gas in helping to achieve the goals of the SDS varies widely,
depending on starting points and carbon intensities

Share of coal and natural gas in primary energy demand in selected regions in the SDS
Share of coal in primary energy

China 2018


50% 2040


Japan and Korea

Europe Eurasia
United States


10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Share of gas in primary energy

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Policies, prices and infrastructure determine the prospects for gas in different
countries and sectors

The oil market looks broadly the same from anywhere in the world; the The decline in advanced economies is partially offset by continuing
same is not true for natural gas. Even as the market becomes more growth in developing markets in Asia, particularly China and India,
liquid and interconnected, relatively high costs of transportation mean where gas has a more prolonged role. New gas infrastructure is built to
that price levels can vary substantially between resource-rich, exporting help displace more polluting fuels such as coal and oil in hard-to-abate
regions and those that need to import gas. sectors such as heavy industry (e.g. steel and petrochemicals).
Nonetheless, to be compatible with a fully net-zero emissions global
The environmental credentials of gas also differ depending on the
energy system, gas infrastructure will ultimately need to deliver truly
sector, country and time frame being considered.
low-carbon energy sources (as discussed below).
In places where energy transitions are already quite advanced, or
Increased gas use also plays a role in many country strategies to
where gas already plays a large role in the energy mix, gas naturally
improve air quality, a consideration that brings it into play also for some
becomes a target of decarbonisation policies.
parts of the transport sector where electrification is a less viable option,
The perspective is often different in some parts of the world that do not such as road freight.
use much natural gas today. This includes, for example, the coal-
The role of gas in the power sector in the SDS varies by country,
dominated energy systems in many developing countries in Asia, and
depending on prevailing prices and policies, but there is a general shift
in countries with rapidly growing energy and infrastructure needs, as in
towards the provision of balancing and flexibility functions for both
many parts of Africa. For these countries, if gas is affordable and
seasonal and short-term variations in demand, rather than the provision
reliable, then it looks – together with renewables – like part of the
of baseload or mid-merit power. As variable renewables scale up
solution over the period to 2040.
rapidly, gas infrastructure plays a crucial role in ensuring security of
These varied perspectives come through clearly in the projections for electricity supply. In countries with large, young gas-fired fleets –
the SDS, in which overall gas use rises until around 2030 before falling notably the United States – plants are also retrofitted in some cases
back to today’s levels by 2040. with CCUS.

The window of opportunity in this Scenario for natural gas to play a role In the SDS, gas-related CO₂ emissions in 2040 drop 15% below today’s
in the decarbonisation of advanced economies is narrow; by 2025, levels, but make up a much larger share of total emissions, reaching
increased electrification of heat demand, greater penetration of almost 40% (up from 21% today), as coal use falls back.
renewables in the power sector and significant efficiency improvements
begin to reduce natural gas consumption. By 2040, demand in
advanced economies is one-third lower than today.

67 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas in energy transitions

The emissions intensities of different sources of gas supply come into focus
and decarbonised gases start to make their mark

Change in gas production by region and scenario, 2018 versus 2040

Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario

1 000

North America
Asia Pacific
Rest of world

- 500
Conv. Shale Other Low- Conv. Shale Other Low-
gas gas unconv. carbon gas gas unconv. carbon
gases gases
Natural gas Natural gas

Note: Other unconv. = tight gas and coalbed methane; low-carbon gases = biomethane and hydrogen injected into the gas grid.

68 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas in energy transitions

Lower-emissions gases are critical to the long-term case for gas infrastructure

Natural gas production in the SDS has to accommodate changing Of the options to produce decarbonised gases, low-carbon hydrogen is
patterns of demand, but it also has to adapt to higher expectations enjoying a wave of interest, although for the moment it is relatively
about the environmental footprint of the delivered gas. This is felt in two expensive to produce. Blending it into gas networks would offer a way
ways: increased differentiation between sources of natural gas based to scale up supply technologies and reduce costs. The assessment in
on their life-cycle emissions; and an enlarged role for low-carbon gases WEO 2019 of the sustainable potential for biomethane supply
such as biomethane and low-carbon hydrogen. (produced from organic wastes and residues) suggests that it could
cover some 20% of today’s gas demand. Recognition of the value of
The SDS requires a major reduction in the emissions arising from the
avoided CO2 and methane emissions would go a long way towards
extraction, processing and transportation of natural gas. Abatement of
improving the cost-competitiveness of both options.
methane emissions along the gas supply chain is vital; this report’s
current estimate of worldwide methane emissions from natural gas Gradually repurposing or retooling gas grids over time to deliver low-
operations corresponds to an emissions intensity of 1.7% (i.e. 1.7% of carbon energy helps to make the continued use of gas networks
gas production is lost to the atmosphere). In the SDS this falls to 0.4%. compatible with a low-emissions future. This is an important part of
In the absence of concerted actions to reach this level, there would be secure energy transitions in many countries. As noted above, there are
less room for natural gas to play a role in this Scenario. limits to how quickly and extensively electrification can occur, and
practical constraints on building out new electricity infrastructure. As
Other options to reduce the emissions intensity of gas supply would also
things stand, gas grids typically deliver more energy to consumers than
be in play, including for example the electrification of the LNG
electricity networks and provide a valuable source of flexibility.
liquefaction process using zero-carbon electricity (rather than via
combustion of natural gas) and increased deployment of CCUS.
Supply of conventional natural gas declines by around 500 bcm to
2040, although it remains the largest source of global production. Some
of this is a consequence of natural resource depletion in North America
and Europe, but it also reflects a decline in Russian exports to Europe.
The main new arrivals on the supply side are low-carbon gases. By
2040, decarbonised gases are well established in the energy system of
the SDS, making up 7% of total gas supply globally in 2040 (but more
than double that share in some markets, such as Europe and China).

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Long-distance gas trade, largely in the form of LNG, remains part of the picture in
the SDS

Long-distance natural gas trade by destination in the SDS

Liquefied natural gas Pipeline natural gas

700 Rest of world

Japan and Korea

600 Europe
Other developing Asia

500 Southeast Asia





2018 2040 2018 2040

Note: Declines in pipeline trade in the Rest of world are predominantly in North America.

70 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas in energy transitions

The optionality and flexibility of LNG gives it the edge over pipeline supply

In the SDS, long-distance gas trade grows by up to 25% compared with affordability of natural gas, which is a key variable in some very price-
today. The carbon-intensive developing economies, mostly in Asia, in sensitive markets.
which gas can play a role in energy transitions, are also short of
Long-distance pipeline trade ends up 20% below today’s levels by
abundant domestic gas resources. For this reason, even as they ramp
2040. The new Power of Siberia pipeline, which started gas deliveries
up deployment of renewables at breakneck speed, they also increase
in 2019, opens up a major new artery in gas trade between Russia and
imports of gas.
China. However, the steep decline in gas demand in Europe in the SDS
Most of these imports are in the form of LNG, as it is more suited to reduces the call on pipeline imports from Russia, Norway, the Caspian
accommodate the changing geography of gas supply and demand. and North Africa. Elsewhere in the world, the commercial case for
Especially in the uncertain policy and demand environment of the SDS, building new pipelines is challenging, with a notable absence of large,
there is a preference for LNG’s flexibility in seeking out the most creditworthy buyers willing to commit to long-term volumes to justify the
advantageous destination markets, as opposed to the rigidity of pipeline financing and construction of large-scale pipeline projects.
In the SDS, demand for LNG remains robust until the late 2030s, largely
due to demand from developing countries in Asia. There is also a
plausible scenario (which would miss stringent climate targets) in which
natural gas use gets squeezed between renewables and indigenous
coal. However, where moving away from coal is an unambiguous
priority, demand for LNG in Asia is robust and, in some countries such
as India, actually higher in the SDS than in the STEPS.
By 2040, LNG demand is falling back in several Asian markets in the
SDS. There is a risk, therefore, that some LNG export facilities are not
fully utilised. New liquefaction capacity is capital-intensive, with
investment decisions made on the basis of economic lifetimes of around
30 years.
If operators were to adjust the payback period of building a liquefaction
terminal to half of the standard economic lifetime, i.e. to 15 years, then
the delivered cost of LNG required to return the initial capital invested
would increase by an average of USD 1.10/MBtu – undercutting the

71 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas in energy transitions

Price trajectories and sensitivities

Slides 72 - 76

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Exploring the implications of different long-term oil prices

The oil price is the intermediary between supply and demand: it ensures Thereafter, these resource holders continue to grow production to force
that new sources of oil supply steadily come online at the right time to out higher-cost sources of supply and so increase their overall market
meet changes in oil demand and to keep the system in equilibrium. The share. In this case, the oil price suddenly drops to below USD 25/barrel
upward drift in oil prices in the STEPS reflects the large requirement for and thereafter remains in a relatively tight band between USD 25/barrel
new resource development, while the steady fall in oil demand in the and USD 35/barrel. (This case focuses on oil markets because demand
SDS limits the call on higher-cost oil to balance the market and so the trends, the more regional nature of natural gas markets and the
price is lower. absence of large levels of spare natural gas capacity make a similar
case for gas somewhat less likely).
Projections of future prices are of course subject to a high degree of
uncertainty and this report’s trajectories do not attempt to anticipate the Despite the drop in the oil price, for the purposes of this case this report
fluctuations that characterise commodity markets in practice. Price assumes that global oil demand remains identical to the levels projected
levels in the scenarios reflect a dynamic, cyclical relationship between in the SDS to ensure that emissions fall in line with the Paris Agreement.
the oil price and the cost of oil and gas extraction, along with other Keeping end-user prices the same as in the SDS would require even
factors such as depletion and technology learning. stronger policies and taxation on oil use to avoid any rebound in
demand. The implications of this case are examined directly below.
As discussed above, another important assumption is that investment
and production in major low-cost resource holders is limited in a way Another possibility examined in this report is a Disjointed Transition
that maintains a floor under oil prices, e.g. by major resource-holders Case. In this case, energy policies and markets initially follow the trends
maintaining a strategy of market management. This means that the of the STEPS to 2025. This is followed by a sudden strengthening of
marginal project required to meet demand is more expensive than energy policies, with oil and gas demand then dropping abruptly to the
would be implied only by the global supply-cost curve. level of the SDS over the five-year period to 2030. Prior to 2025,
operators invest on the assumption that prices and demand will
However, faced with rapidly falling demand, major resource holders
continue to rise as in the STEPS, only to be faced with a sharp break in
could choose an alternative strategy and look to ramp up production in
the trend.
an attempt to gain market share while there is still scope to do so. In
this event, the combination of falling demand and increased availability The precipitous drop in oil demand in this case leads to a large surplus
of low-cost oil would undoubtedly lead to even lower prices. of supply and so there is again a sudden drop in the oil price. After 2030,
oil demand follows the trend of the SDS and, as the surplus is slowly
This situation is modelled here in the Low Oil Price – SDS Case (LOP-
worked off, the oil price slowly recovers. Results from this case are
SDS). In the early 2020s, large resource holders rapidly increase
examined in more detail in Section III.
production by fully utilising all of their spare production capacity: this
leads to an overhang of supply and a sudden drop in the oil price.

73 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas in energy transitions

The SDS has steady decline in oil prices but very different trajectories are
possible, depending on producer or consumer actions

Oil price in the STEPS, SDS and two sensitivity cases

Dollars per barrel (2018)


Stated Policies Scenario



Sustainable Development Scenario


Disjointed Transition Case
Price band in LOP-SDS


2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Notes: Prices are given in real 2018 US dollars. LOP-SDS price band reflects the range of the modelled oil price from the early 2020s.

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Oil & gas in energy transitions

Large resources holders could choose to gain market share in energy transitions,
but would face the risk of a rapid fall in income from hydrocarbons…

NOC (including INOCs) net income before tax from oil sales Share of OPEC and Russia in global oil production

1 600 60%
Billion dollars (2018)

1 200 55%

800 50%

400 45%

2001- 2006- 2011- 2016- SDS LOP-SDS 1980 1990 2000 2010 2018 SDS LOP-SDS
05 10 15 18 2021-30 2021- 30 2030 2030

Note: Net income before tax is total revenue from oil sales minus operating and finding and development costs; it is the rent that is available to NOCs and INOCs and their host

75 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Oil & gas in energy transitions

…meaning that a very low oil price becomes less likely the longer it lasts

A situation where large resource holders prioritise market share would The World Energy Model does find an equilibrium at these price levels,
have strong implications for energy markets and energy transitions. with sufficient supply available to meet the projected levels of demand.
With an oil price remaining below USD 35/barrel, most non-OPEC However, this outcome quickly runs into difficulties when considering its
producers – as well as many of the higher-cost members of OPEC – real-world implications.
would struggle to develop new upstream projects.
The main one is that it would rely on very rapid and successful
This would increasingly concentrate production in the lowest-cost implementation of reforms to the producer economies in question (IEA,
producers: in the LOP-SDS, the members of OPEC and Russia would 2018). Without much more diversified economies and sources of tax
make up well over 55% of global oil production by 2030, a level not seen revenue, revenue from hydrocarbons in such a low-price world would
since the early 1980s. Production from members of OPEC and Russia not be sufficient to finance essential areas such as education, health
in this case is 2 mb/d higher in 2030 than in 2018 even though global care, public sector employment and so on. This would make it unlikely
oil demand is 10 mb/d lower. in practice for prices at these low levels to be maintained. These social
pressures could also mean much more limited funding available for
Such a drop in the oil price would make oil consumption more attractive
continued investment in the upstream.
to consumers, creating a dilemma for policy makers pursuing rapid
energy transitions. On the other hand, it could also facilitate the removal As a result, while periods of very low prices in the SDS cannot be ruled
of fossil fuel consumption subsidies and the introduction of an effective out, it is difficult see how they could be sustained for very long periods.
or actual price on CO2 emissions, two measures that are widely If production from low-cost resource holders were to start to fall, this
implemented in the SDS. would inevitably place upward pressure on the oil price. An alternative
case – as posited in the SDS – is for the major resource holders to
It would also imply huge strains on the fiscal balances of many of the
restrict production by design, even as demand falls, to provide a higher
major producers, as the collapse in the oil price would bring
floor under the oil price. This would be very challenging to realise in
hydrocarbon income in these countries down to near-historic lows.
practice but could avoid some of the more disruptive economic and
In the wake of the oil price fall in 2014, the net income from oil sold by social impacts of a prolonged period of low oil prices.
NOCs and INOCs (before tax and other transfers to governments) fell
Efforts to diversify and reform hydrocarbon-dependent economies are
to less than USD 430 billion. In this LOP case, net income drops to a
essential to the SDS. But a measured assessment of how quickly these
low of USD 210 billion and it averages only around USD 370 billion for
can be achieved is a key reason why the oil price in the SDS remains
the duration of the 2020s. In other words, the significant strains that
in a higher band around USD 60/barrel.
were felt by producer economies in the immediate aftermath of the 2014
oil price crash would be much more severe and last for much longer.

76 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Section III
Risks facing the industry
Risks facing the industry


Rising concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere, changing energy iii. stranded value (a reduction in company revenue from both
dynamics, and growing social and environmental pressures represent lower production and lower prices).
huge challenges for the oil and gas industry. • The financial performance of NOCs and INOCs. There are
The twin threats are a loss of financial profitability and a loss of social specific considerations that apply to these companies, given their
acceptability. There are already signs of both, whether in financial critical roles in the economic life of their host states and the over-
markets or in the reflexive antipathy towards fossil fuels that is reliance, in many cases, of these states on revenues from
increasingly visible in the public debate, at least in parts of Europe and hydrocarbons.
North America. • The financial performance of publicly traded companies. Here
Either of these threats would be sufficient to fundamentally change the we bring together different aspects of the debate for publicly traded
relationship of oil and gas companies with the societies in which they companies, asking whether and how they can deliver the returns
operate. Together, they require a rethink of the way that the industry that the markets demand while also transforming themselves.
conducts its business. Climate change is not a problem that can be There are additional risks facing the industry that are not examined
solved in the existing oil and gas paradigm. here, such as litigation related to its activities in some jurisdictions, or
This section examines some of the risks facing the industry in more increased difficulty in recruiting new talent. This report has also not
detail, focusing on four issues: made an assessment of the physical risks that oil and gas companies
• Investment strategies and the risk of over- and/or under- might face in the coming decades, for example from extreme weather
investment in ways that would have strong implications for events. These risks are real, but for the next two decades they are
markets and public policy. This report examines three possibilities: already locked in; they do not vary by scenario over the period to 2040;
longer-term physical risks will of course be shaped much more by the
i. The industry overinvests in oil and/or natural gas.
speed and depth of energy transitions.
ii. It underinvests in oil or gas.
iii. It underinvests in low-carbon alternatives to oil and gas. Increased evidence and incidence of physical risks is nonetheless
relevant to this discussion, as they may well prompt additional climate
• The risk of stranded oil and gas assets due to climate policy. This
policy actions, thereby increasing the “transition risks” facing traditional
topic is also divided into three separate strands:
oil and gas actors and others.
i. stranded volumes (when resources slated for development
remain in the ground)
ii. stranded capital (when oil and gas projects don’t recover the
capital invested in them)

78 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

The risk of over- and under-investment

Slides 79 - 94

79 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

Declining production from existing fields is the key determinant of future

investment needs, both for oil…

Global oil demand by scenario and declines in supply according to investment levels from 2019
Oil supply and demand outlook Additional sources of oil supply in the SDS

120 120

Demand in STEPS

100 100

Asia Pacific
80 80

Demand in SDS Middle East

60 60

40 40 Europe
Supply with
Central and
in exisiting
South America
20 20 North America

Supply with no new investment Supply with no new investment

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Note: With no investment, all sources of supply decline at their natural decline rates. With investment in existing fields only, all currently producing sources decline at the annual loss of
supply. In both cases, no new fields are developed.

80 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

…and for natural gas

Global natural gas demand by scenario and declines in supply according to investment levels from 2019
Gas supply and demand outlook Additional sources of gas supply in the SDS

6 000 6 000

Demand in STEPS

5 000 5 000

4 000 4 000
Asia Pacific
Demand in SDS
3 000 3 000
Middle East

2 000 2 000
Supply with
investment Central and
in exisiting South America
1 000 fields 1 000
North America

Supply with no new investment Supply with no new investment

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Note: With no investment, all sources of supply decline at their natural decline rates. With investment in existing fields only, all currently producing sources decline at the annual loss of
supply. In both cases, no new fields are developed.

81 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

Decline rates can vary substantially between different types of oil and gas field

A significant tranche of the oil and gas production over the period to However, the observed post-peak decline rate still does not provide a
2040, in all scenarios, comes from the reserves in today’s producing robust description of the annual loss in production from the global oil
fields. These are the proven, developed reserves that are tapped by balance, for a variety of reasons:
existing infrastructure. Production from these fields will decline in the • The observed post-peak decline in fields producing in 2018
future as the natural pressure in the reservoir starts to fall. This changes over time as fields become more mature.
aggregate decline rate is likely the most important factor affecting future
investment needs. • Less than 50% of global oil production today comes from post-peak
conventional crude oil fields. The rest comes from conventional
In general, a decline rate refers to the percentage reduction in actual crude oil fields that have not yet reached their production peak,
production from an individual field or a group of fields over time. It can NGLs, tight oil, extra-heavy oil and bitumen, coal-to-liquids, gas-to-
vary widely from field to field, according to their size, maturity, location, liquids and additives.
geology, geochemistry and development strategy. There are two main
decline rates often reported. Our estimates for these decline rates are • There are fields being developed today that will soon come online.
based on a detailed field-by-field decline rate analysis that takes into Taking into consideration these factors, we estimate that if no new oil
account the differences that exist across different field types, weighted fields were to be approved beyond those already under development,
by each field’s cumulative production. the average annual loss of supply to 2040 would be around 4%.
Natural decline rate: the drop in production from all currently producing This annual loss of supply changes dynamically over time. For example,
fields that would occur if capital investment were to cease immediately. there are initially rapid declines in tight oil production, which are offset
We estimate that the global annual average natural decline rate from all to some extent by increases in production from approved and ramp-up
sources of oil production is around 8%. conventional crude oil fields. It then accelerates as more fields enter
Observed post-peak decline rate: in practice, decline rates are decline and as the pipeline of new projects begins to dry up. In later
generally much lower than the natural decline rate since there is years, the annual loss of supply starts to drop slightly as it trends
continued investment in producing fields. The observed post-peak towards the average post-peak decline of large fields (which tend to
decline rate is the compound annual decline in production from existing decline more slowly than smaller fields) and as the initial decline in tight
crude oil fields whose production has already peaked, but with oil eases into a slower long-term decline rate.
continued capital investment in these fields. We estimate that the global The above figures are for changes in oil production, but the figures for
annual average observed post-peak decline for conventional crude oil natural gas are generally similar. We estimate that the natural decline
today is around 6.1%. rate for natural gas is around 7.5%, while the average annual loss of
natural gas supply over the period to 2040 is 3.5%.

82 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

Upstream investment in oil and gas is needed – both in existing and in some new
fields – in the SDS…

Average annual upstream oil and gas investment in the STEPS and SDS
Historical Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario

Billion dollars (2018)

600 production



2001- 2006- 2011- 2016- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036-
05 10 15 18 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40

Note: Existing production capacity is measured from the start of each period and includes sources of supply that were brought into production in a previous year.

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Risks facing the industry

…because the fall in oil and gas demand is less than the annual loss of supply

In the SDS, oil demand peaks soon and falls at its fastest rate during infrastructure. Maintaining gas infrastructure is also important, not least
the 2030s at around 2.5% per year. Natural gas demand peaks later, because the composition of the gases transported through these
but demand falls by around 1% per year during the 2030s. networks starts to change with the uptake of low-carbon gases such as
These declines are much lower than both the natural decline and the hydrogen and biomethane. On average there is around USD 150 billion
average annual loss of supply. As a result, investment in both new and invested each year in mid- and downstream oil and gas infrastructure
existing sources of supply is needed. Investment in current sources of between 2019 and 2040 in the SDS.
production slows the natural decline rate to the annual loss of supply The following slides explore the potential for over- and underinvestment
(i.e. reduces the decline from 8% to 4%). Investment in new fields is then in oil and gas during energy transitions, and the potential implications.
also required to ensure a smooth balance between supply and demand. They also examine a case of underinvestment by the oil and gas
industry in low-carbon alternatives to oil and gas.
Around USD 510 billion is spent on average each year on existing and
new fields between 2019 and 2030 in the SDS. This level falls over time
as the declines in oil and gas demand accelerate, and averages around
USD 390 billion between 2030 and 2040.
In the SDS, spending is also increasingly focused on maintaining
production at existing assets rather than seeking or developing new
projects. Today around 55% of upstream investment is spent
developing new fields and the remainder on currently producing fields.
In the 2020s, this proportion drops to 50% and to 45% in the 2030s.
While investment in new and existing oil and gas fields is important to
help ensure sufficient supply in the SDS, the level of investment needed
is much lower than in the STEPS – by the 2030s, upstream spending in
the SDS is around half that in the STEPS.
In addition to upstream spending, there is also some continued
investment in mid- and downstream oil and gas infrastructure, albeit
likewise at levels well below those projected in the STEPS. For oil, this
ensures that the global refining capacity adapts to changes in the oil
product mix, reduces the emissions intensity of refining processes, and
ensures the integrity and adequacy of pipeline, storage and port

84 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

i) Overinvestment in oil and gas: What if the industry invests for long-term growth
in oil and gas but ends up in a different scenario?

Stranded capital to 2040 in the upstream oil sector in the SDS and Disjointed Transition Case

1 200
Over-investment in
Billion dollars (2018)

project development

Stranded exploration
1 000 capital





Sustainable Development If disjointed transition If disjointed transition

Scenario occurs in 2025 occurs in 2030

85 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

A disjointed transition, with a sudden surge in the intensity of climate policies,

would shake the oil sector

Particularly in the early years of energy transitions, the oil and gas by the fall in prices. There would also be exploration capital that would
industry may be overly optimistic in its reading of the future in terms of be not recovered, as is the case in the SDS (see below).
either demand and investment needs or price levels. This may lead to Taken together, we estimate that balancing supply with reduced
overinvestment in assets that are not needed because demand turns demand over this five-year period could mean that around
out to be lower than expected. A similar outcome might be reached if USD 900 billion investment in upstream capital assets would not be
there is a sharp discontinuity in policy, due to a sudden acceleration in recovered. For context, this is more than one-third of the upstream oil
the intensity of efforts to get the world on a trajectory consistent with investment in the SDS in the period to 2025.
international climate targets.
Moving this transition between scenarios so that the sudden switch
One way to assess the potential impacts of these cases is through the takes place five years later (i.e. between 2030 and 2035) leads to a
Disjointed Transition Case introduced in Section II. In this case, oil and much larger shock because by then the gap between scenarios is that
gas demand follows the STEPS until 2025 but then drops abruptly to much larger. There would need to be an even more dramatic 6 mb/d
the level of the SDS over the five-year period to 2030. As a result, prior annual decline in oil demand over a five-year period, and nearly
to 2025, operators invest based on price and demand levels from the USD 1 200 billion of above-ground stranded upstream capital. This type
STEPS, only to be faced with a sharp break in the trend. of scenario would also be very disruptive for mid-/downstream
Such a sharp switch in trajectory would be very difficult to do in practice, infrastructure, notably for refineries where there are no “decline rates”
but it would represent a massive shock for oil markets. Oil demand would to absorb the shock.
need to decline by some 3.5 mb/d each year for a five-year period, which The overall message is clear: the later energy transitions are deferred,
leads to a large overhang in supply and a large drop in the oil price. the more difficult it is to get back on track. Though government policies
Natural gas would also be affected, although the impact would be less can smooth transitions, stop-and-go cycles of policy volatility can have
disruptive: global demand would need to fall by around 30 bcm each year, the opposite effect. The implications of such a disjointed effort would be
less than the rate of decline seen in the 2030s in the SDS. very challenging for the oil industry, but there would also be major
challenges for policy makers. In consuming countries, the sudden drop
A significant part of the reduction in oil demand in this case would be
in the oil price could lead to a rebound in demand unless it is countered
absorbed by declining output from existing fields and the absence of
with policy efforts that would effectively prevent consumers from
production from new fields as investment dries up. Still, financial losses
accessing these lower prices, e.g. via taxes or other duties. In
can arise for a number of reasons. Some projects developed to 2025
producing countries, there would be severe and sudden loss of
with price expectations oriented towards the STEPS would fail to
recover their invested capital. In addition, a demand shock of this
magnitude would require shutting in some old fields made uneconomic

86 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

The industry could also overinvest in the sectors that are deemed ‘safe havens’ in
energy transitions, notably natural gas and petrochemicals

Another possibility of “overinvestment” is a rush to invest in sectors that could also lock in new gas infrastructure and the associated emissions,
are considered more resilient to energy transitions: natural gas unless there is a credible plan to use this infrastructure to transition to
(especially LNG) and petrochemicals. The opportunities here are clear low-carbon gases.
(see Section II), but there are risks as well given that both sectors On the petrochemicals side, capital spending on new capacity has more
involve large, capital-intensive investments that require high levels of than doubled since 2014. Demand for petrochemicals remains relatively
utilisation over time. Unlike the production declines in the upstream, robust, but the growth in production capacity is happening at a much
there is no natural protection in these sectors against the risk of demand faster pace. This was partly driven by efforts to leverage cheap NGL
coming in below expectations. feedstocks in the United States, but also by companies’ strategic
A record 95 bcm of new liquefaction projects were given the green light movement to seek additional margins and to hedge against the risk of
for investment in 2019. Together with other projects under construction, a slowdown in oil demand in other sectors.
this means that around 40% of the new LNG capacity projected in the As in the case of LNG, this is set to intensify competition, erode industry
SDS to 2040 has already been sanctioned or is under construction. margins and weigh on high-cost producers in the years ahead.
Thus far, the current situation of LNG oversupply has not led to lower Significant margin erosion is already visible in some parts of the product
liquefaction plant utilisation, as suppliers have continued to market LNG chain such as para-xylene and polyamide, and many companies have
cargoes as long as they yield positive short-term cash flows. Long-term seen declining profits since 2016.
contracts that mandate minimum take-or-pay volumes and link the gas Overinvestment in petrochemicals can also undermine efforts to
price to oil have also acted as a buffer shielding LNG suppliers from minimise the negative environmental impacts of plastic consumption.
lower demand and lower spot prices. For example, prices for recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) have
However, a sustained period of oversupply would prolong downward traditionally been lower than those for virgin PET. But in the second half
pressure on natural gas prices and heighten the risk that LNG operators of 2019, European prices for virgin PET collapsed and trended lower
are unable to recover their long-run investment costs. It would also than those of recycled PET, squeezing economic opportunities to switch
create significant buyer pressure to renegotiate contract terms, to recycled plastics and making policy efforts to boost recycling more
endangering some of the risk management strategies that currently costly.
safeguard the long-term financial health of LNG projects.
Cheaper LNG would provide an opening for gas to gain market share
against coal in the power sector, and help gas to challenge oil in other
sectors such as long-distance shipping and road freight. However, this

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Risks facing the industry

ii) Underinvestment in oil and gas: What if the supply side transitions faster than

Average annual upstream oil and gas investment in the STEPS and SDS
Historical Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario

Natural gas
Billion dollars (2018)





2001- 2006- 2011- 2016- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036-
05 10 15 18 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40

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Today’s upstream trends are already closer to the SDS

Between 2016 and 2018, actual oil and gas upstream spending From the perspective of the oil and gas industry, and of energy
averaged around USD 460 billion each year, compared with an average transitions, such a market tightening would have important implications:
of USD 730 billion for the years between 2011 and 2015. This • When a price spike is caused by a supply-side shock, this penalises
retrenchment was caused by the sharp drop in the oil price in 2014 and consumers of the fuel in question and hits the economies in
needs to be seen alongside a significant reduction in upstream unit countries that are net importers. For example, around 70% of oil
costs over this period. The reduction in activity levels has been consumed in China is imported, closer to 80% in India, and 100%
significantly less than the headline reduction in spending. But it remains in France, Japan and Korea. The oil import bill in many cases is
the case that there has been a material slowdown in upstream activity equivalent to a sizeable share of GDP.
over the course of the 2010s.
• Periods of high oil prices could accelerate the policy momentum
Oil and gas markets appear well supplied for the moment, but there are and economic attractiveness of alternatives to oil, especially in
few guarantees that such conditions will persist. Current investment some of the emerging demand giants in Asia that are particularly
spending in both the oil and gas sectors is reasonably well aligned with sensitive to price swings.
the near-term needs of the SDS. It would, though, need to pick up
considerably to meet the higher demand outlook of the STEPS. • Producers of oil would benefit from higher revenues: the key
strategic and environmental question would be whether those
In other words, there is a risk of a mismatch between today’s trends on
revenues are reinvested in new oil and gas production, or whether
the demand side, which point to robust growth in consumption, and
they would provide a spur for more diversified spending on cleaner
investment dynamics on the supply side. Supply is being squeezed by
fuels and technologies.
tighter financial conditions, company strategies to limit investment only
to the most favourable projects with low costs and risks, and (in some
cases) by investor expectations.
If this mismatch persists – and assuming that short-cycle shale cannot
expand indefinitely to fill the gap – then the world could be looking at a
material tightening in markets by the mid-2020s associated with higher
and potentially more volatile prices. The risks in this respect appear to
be higher for oil than for natural gas.

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A shortfall in oil and gas investment could give impetus to energy transitions, but
could also open the door to coal

Possible additional CO2 emissions from gas-to-coal switching in the power sector at higher natural gas prices
Gas price (Dollars per MBtu)

Rest of world
Southeast Asia
United States
European Union

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Mt CO₂

Notes: Coal price assumptions: China: USD 85/tonne; Europe: USD 85/t; India: USD 75/t; United States: USD 50/t; no CO₂ prices applied.

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A variety of additional constraints could emerge to affect oil and gas investment
and supply in the coming years
The possibility of underinvestment and price spikes could be countries to move in the opposite direction, i.e. to attract more upstream
heightened by new constraints on oil and gas supply, arising from investment (see Section I). Nonetheless, these shifts could signal a
geopolitics or from changing attitudes towards upstream oil and gas wider change in attitudes towards upstream oil and gas development.
developments. At the very least, this would change the location of new investment and,
In recent months, a well-supplied oil market has been able to take deep at most, this could have significant impacts on markets.
geopolitical tensions and uncertainties in its stride, including a sharp As noted above, any period of higher prices for oil and/or natural gas
reduction in exports from Iran, the decline in output from Venezuela and could accelerate the policy momentum and economic attractiveness of
the attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia. cleaner alternatives to hydrocarbons.
For the moment, there appears to be ample capacity within the oil However, if natural gas prices were to rise, this could also provide a
market to absorb such shocks, but this could steadily be eroded if there market signal to bring coal plants back into the mix. Some power
is a persistent mismatch between demand and supply trends (as markets are particularly sensitive to a change in gas prices. In the
described on the previous slide). Under these circumstances, further United States, a near-term rise in the Henry Hub price to USD 4.5/MBtu
geopolitical tensions could be expected to provoke a much more could see more than 300 Mt of CO2 emissions from coal returning to
significant market reaction. replace gas (raising power sector emissions by nearly one-fifth). This
The traditional focus when looking for constraints on upstream outcome would also depend on the stringency of federal and state-level
investment is on certain NOCs and INOCs, in part because of the emissions standards.
membership of some of their host governments in OPEC. However, In developing Asian markets, natural gas is increasingly imported in the
there are also rising pressures on the Majors and other independent oil form of LNG and is thus a much more expensive option than domestic
and gas companies to limit their investment in new and existing assets. coal. The example of record-high LNG prices during the period 2010-14
This pressure is reflected in calls for policy makers to restrict new oil and shows that they did contribute to improving efficiency and the
gas developments, for example by raising fiscal terms or by introducing competitiveness of renewables; however, they also resulted in an
moratoria or bans. To date, countries including Belize, Costa Rica, upswing in coal use. Only in Europe would a rebound in coal use appear
Denmark, France, Ireland, and New Zealand have introduced partial or unlikely, as a commitment to phase out coal is locked in by political
total restrictions on new oil and gas developments in specific areas commitments in many countries.
(e.g. onshore developments) or for certain types of resources or
production techniques (e.g. those involving hydraulic fracturing).
These countries account for only a fraction of oil and gas production
globally today, and these pressures are offset by efforts in other

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iii) If the oil and gas industry doesn’t invest in cleaner technologies, this could
change the way that transitions evolve

Capital investment by the Majors and selected other oil and gas companies in selected energy technologies, 2015-18

300 530 75 20 <5 Billion dollars (2018)

Other companies

Oil and gas

80% companies




Onshore wind Solar PV Offshore wind Biofuels CCUS

Note: Capital investment is measured as the ongoing capital spending in new capacity from when projects start construction and are based on the owner's share of the project. Companies
include the Majors and selected others (ADNOC, CNPC, CNOOC, Equinor, Gazprom, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Lukoil, Petrobras, Repsol, Rosneft, Saudi Aramco, Sinopec,
Sonatrach). CCUS investment is in large-scale facilities; it includes developments by independent oil and gas companies in Canada and China and capital spend undertaken with
government funds.

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A range of large unit-size technologies are required for broad energy transitions

Low-carbon technologies by unit size and average annual installations in the SDS

10 000 000
Average unit size (kW)

CCUS-equipped steel
Nuclear (large)
1 000 000
CSP Advanced biorefineries
100 000
Nuclear (SMR) Water electrolysers

10 000
Offshore wind turbines

1 000
EV batteries
Vehicle fuel cells
Heat pumps

Home fuel cells

Solar PV
1 100 10 000 1 000 000 100 000 000

Average number of units installed per year in the SDS (2018-40)

Notes: CSP = concentrating solar power; SMR = small modular reactor. Capacities refer to rated maximum energy output. For technologies that do not have output rated in energy terms,
energy throughput for the relevant technology component is used.

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Investment in some of these capital-intensive technologies could fall short if the

oil and gas industry is not involved

The technologies that are needed for the deep decarbonisation of the From the industry side, some of these types of technologies are also a
SDS have very diverse characteristics. They range from the physical good match for the oil and gas industry from an R&D, technical and
sizes of individual units and the types of owners or operators to the project management perspective, and also because they require
types of materials, engineering and financing involved. players with strong balance sheets to get projects moving.
A key vector for energy transitions thus far has been via technologies For the moment, even though there is evidence of diversified spending
that have relatively small unit sizes and are capable of being mass- (as seen in Section I), the oil and gas companies do not account for a
produced, such as solar panels, EV batteries and heat pumps. Mass significant share of overall investment in any major clean energy
diffusion and deployment of these technologies is essential to the investment category, with the exception of CCUS, where overall
design of the SDS. spending is still low.
However, cost-effective transitions also involve a range of larger unit- The positioning of the oil and gas industry matters much less for the
size technologies that require associated infrastructure and generally outlook for solar PV and wind, but it could make or break the outlook for
involve a higher degree of investment risk. CCUS, hydrogen and some of these more capital-intensive technologies. And if low-carbon
advanced bio-refineries are in this category because of their costs and fuels are not available at scale, then – however difficult it is in practice
complexity. Offshore wind projects also tend towards inclusion in this – it will be natural for policy makers and other stakeholders to seek to
group (although deployment is already bringing down costs and solve every transition problem with low-carbon electricity. The latter is
investment risks) because of their size and the specialised expertise an area where, with the exception of offshore wind and geothermal,
that is required to implement them. there is little overlap with today’s industry strengths.
These types of technologies require more capital to be put at risk in an
early stage of the innovation chain, and they often face regulatory
uncertainties. If these technologies are to thrive, governments around
the world will have to take on a significant proportion of the risks of early
commercial projects, sometimes for well over a decade, and provide
strong signals that they will be supported in the future.

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Stranded oil and gas assets

Slides 95 - 102

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Where are the risks of stranded assets in the oil and gas sector?

A key question for the oil and gas industry is whether the lower oil and chosen – the analysis below compares differences between the SDS
gas prices and lower volumes of oil and gas produced in the SDS, and the STEPS.
compared with the STEPS, are likely to lead to widespread losses. Overall, we find that the risks of stranded assets in the oil and gas
There are multiple strands to this debate. While these are interrelated, industry during energy transitions are not in the places or magnitudes
they are too often conflated. This occurs partly as a result of loose that are often assumed. In particular, the risk of stranded volumes is
terminology, and as a result there is a high degree of confusion significantly higher for NOCs than for the Majors or Independents. With
surrounding discussions of the potential value of losses resulting from regard to stranded value, the estimate of the present value of the long-
climate change policy. It is therefore useful to distinguish between term difference in net income (for privately traded companies) between
different impacts and losses that could be incurred by the oil and gas the two scenarios is less than the drop in their value already seen in
industry. This report distinguishes among: 2014-15. The risk of stranded value could, however, be larger in mid-
• stranded volumes: existing fossil fuel reserves that will be left and downstream assets as these tend to have long operating lifetimes.
unexploited as a result of climate policy
• stranded capital: capital investment in fossil fuel infrastructure
which is not recovered over the operating lifetime of the asset
because of reduced demand or reduced prices resulting from
climate policy
• stranded value: a reduction in the future revenue generated by an
asset or asset owner assessed at a given point in time because of
reduced demand or reduced prices resulting from climate policy.
These different possible losses would pose different problems for the oil
and gas industry and other market participants. For example, for stranded
capital, if an asset is taken out of service before it has been able to recover
the original investment, the parent company’s total capital would be
reduced, potentially lowering its ability to make future investments.
For stranded value, it is necessary to compare values between a
scenario that contains strong climate policy and for one that does not.
Estimates can be very sensitive to the specific “counterfactual” scenario

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i) Stranded volumes: Unabated combustion of all today’s fossil fuel reserves

would result in three times more CO2 emissions than the remaining CO2 budget

CO2 emissions from combusting all “proven reserves” of coal, oil and natural gas compared with remaining CO2 budgets
3 000
Billion tonnes CO₂

2 500

Natrual gas
2 000

1 500

1 000


CO₂ emissions from 1.8 °C CO₂ budget 1.5 °C CO₂ budget
combusting "proven reserves (66% chance) (50% chance)
of fossil fuels

Notes: Reserves are the publicly reported level of “proven reserves”, with 1 700 billion barrels of oil, 220 tcm of natural gas, and 650 billion tonnes of coal equivalent. CO2 budgets are
taken from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C and are from the start of 2018. The different CO2 budgets shown are
associated with uncertainty in the temperature increase today relative to pre-industrial times. The SDS has a remaining CO2 budget of 880 Gt CO2.

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Large volumes of reserves therefore need to be “kept in the ground”, but many of
these would not be produced before 2040 even in a higher-emissions pathway

Proportion of “proven reserves” produced in the STEPS and SDS, 2018-40

Oil Gas Coal

1 700 billion barrels 220 trillion cubic metres 650 billion tonnes coal equivalent



50% 52% 80%

41% 42%

9% 6%

Produced in the Sustainable Development Scenario Additionally produced in the Stated Policies Scenario Not produced

Note: To align with most discussion on stranded volumes, reserves stated are the publicly reported level of “proven reserves”.

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A more nuanced assessment is required to understand the implications of climate

policy on fossil fuel reserves

The amount of CO2 that would be released from combusting all publicly • Not all oil and gas is combusted when extracted or will result in CO2
reported “proven reserves” of oil, gas and coal is at least three times emissions to the atmosphere. Today around 15% of oil and 5% of
the cumulative amount of CO2 that can emitted while restricting the natural gas are used as petrochemical feedstocks and in other
temperature rise in line with the Paris Agreement (this is just “proven non-combustion processes. Fossil fuels can also be used with
reserves”; overall resources are considerably higher). This simple CCUS. There would still be scope 1 and 2 emissions from their
comparison has given rise to the idea that at least two-thirds of existing extraction, processing and transport, but scope 3 emissions, which
oil, gas and coal reserves will be “stranded” under deep decarbonisation represent the largest share of emissions, would be much lower in
scenarios. these cases.
It is undoubtedly correct that a very large proportion of existing fossil Despite these reservations, there is still a large difference in fossil fuel
fuel reserves cannot be combusted while limiting the temperature rise. use between the scenarios. There are 150 billion barrels fewer oil
However, this does not necessarily mean that large volumes of reserves resources and 13 tcm fewer natural gas resources produced in the SDS
will be “stranded”. Nor does it mean that exactly the same proportion of than in the STEPS over the period to 2040. This differential would widen
oil reserves, gas reserves and coal reserves would need to be “kept in further after 2040 since the SDS is on track to achieve net-zero
the ground”. There are a number of reasons for this: emissions by 2070.
• There are major differences between the fossil fuels. Oil has a high The Majors and Independents generally aim to produce reserves on
volumetric energy density while gas has the lowest combustion CO2 their books within the next 20-30 years, and so the risk to them of
emissions per unit of energy delivered. It is unreasonable to assume stranded volumes is likely to be relatively small. But for many of the
that equal proportions of oil, gas and coal reserves will be unused. large fossil fuel resource holders, and their NOCs and INOCs, there is
• Existing reserves are not the same as volumes that will be a clear risk that some of their larger underlying resource holdings could
produced. For example, for natural gas, the equivalent of 42% of become stranded in energy transitions. This explains the focus in some
“proven reserves” are produced in the SDS between 2018 and of these countries on reducing reliance on hydrocarbon income while
2040 and 48% of reserves are produced in the STEPS. In other also looking for ways to monetise these volumes without releasing
words, even in the STEPS, more than half of proven natural gas emissions to the atmosphere (see Section IV).
reserves are unused before 2040.
• There is a wide spread in the quality and production costs of oil and
gas in different countries. The geography of demand also affects
which reserves are best placed to be produced. Volumes of
reserves that are unused will also vary widely by country.

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Stranded capital: Around USD 250 billion has already been invested in oil and gas
resources that would be at risk

Between 2019 and 2030, upstream investment in the SDS is around USD 250 billion. This could be considered “stranded capital”; it is less
USD 1 600 billion less than in the STEPS. This USD 1 600 billion is than 3% of upstream capital investment made over the past 20 years.
sometimes reported as the level of “stranded capital” at risk in the SDS. Second, there is the possibility that companies decide to go ahead with
As with stranded volumes, this is an overly simplistic interpretation of new investment into new projects but end up with production potential
results. that is not needed. These kinds of mistaken investment decisions
This reading of stranded capital assumes that the oil and gas industry cannot of course be ruled out, but they don’t occur in the SDS. The path
consistently invests for the next ten years on the basis of higher demand towards decarbonisation is assumed to be clear and visible to investors
(as per the STEPS) while in fact being in a world of lower demand (as and so they do not develop new resources in the expectation of a much
in the SDS). In practice, overinvestment on this scale would lead to a higher trajectory for demand and prices.
glut of oil and gas on the market and therefore a major drop in prices. In other words, provided the transition is one in which a consistent and
In other words, this interpretation would require companies to be credible course towards decarbonisation is pursued and market
entirely blind to the evolving level of demand and prices in the world for participants fully integrate this into their resource development plans,
a prolonged period. Such a situation is difficult to envisage. there is no reason why other upstream capital, beyond the
A more realistic assessment of stranded capital is based on the USD 250 billion of exploration capital, should become stranded.
resource development needs in the STEPS and SDS. In the STEPS, However, if there is a delay in implementing emissions reductions, or if
around 640 billion barrels of new oil resources are developed between market participants do not fully take market signals on board, the level
2018 and 2040, as are 115 tcm of natural gas resources. In the SDS, of stranded capital can escalate rapidly. As discussed above, in a
the corresponding figures are 390 billion barrels of oil and 85 tcm disjointed transition occurring in 2025, stranded capital rises to around
natural gas. Consequently, there is a 250 billion barrel and 30 tcm USD 950 billion; if the transition is delayed to 2030, it is
difference in new resource developments between the two scenarios. USD 1 200 billion.
Investment in these resources is at most risk of becoming “stranded
capital”. There are two aspects.
First, some of the resources that are not developed in the SDS have
already had money spent on their discovery and appraisal. The capital
already spent proving up these undeveloped resources – the
exploration cost – is not recouped in the SDS before 2040. It is not
simple to assign a value to this, particularly since the capital investment
was often incurred many years ago, but we estimate it to be around

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Stranded value: The net income of private oil and gas companies in the SDS is
USD 400 billion lower in 2040 than in the STEPS

Average annual net income for private companies in the STEPS and SDS
Historical Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario

Billion dollars (2018)

Natural gas



2001- 2006- 2011- 2016- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036-
05 10 15 18 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40

Notes: Net income is revenue minus finding and development costs, operating costs, and government taxes. Estimates are for all private oil and gas companies (Majors and
Independents), and are derived from country-level data using a field-by-field database that classifies asset ownership by type of company along with assumptions about the ownership of
future discoveries. Assumes no changes in fiscal terms.

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The estimate for potential long-term stranded value is large, but less than the drop
in the value of listed oil and gas companies already seen in 2014-15

The lower demand for oil and gas in the SDS, compared with the • Costs in the oil and gas industry are closely correlated to oil prices.
STEPS, would be felt by upstream companies as a reduction in revenue For example, the oil price crash in 2014 led to a 30% reduction in
from both lower production and lower prices. This reduction in revenue upstream costs within two years. The lower price trajectory of the
because of more stringent climate policies could lead to potential SDS relative to the STEPS means that companies incur lower costs
“stranded value”. By 2040, this report estimates that the annual net and so spend less.
income from oil and gas sales (i.e. revenue minus all costs and taxes) The risks of stranded value are much greater in some of the price
of private companies in the SDS is around USD 400 billion lower than sensitivity cases introduced in Section II. However, as argued above, it is
in the STEPS. unlikely in our view that there is a stable equilibrium between supply and
The present value of the cumulative net income of private oil and gas demand for oil prices at the lower bounds considered in these cases.
companies in the STEPS to 2040 is just over USD 5.1 trillion (at a 10%
In a 1.5°C pathway with no or limited temperature overshoot, the
discount rate); in the SDS, it is USD 3.8 trillion. There would be large
impacts would likely be severe. We have not carried out detailed
variations between different types of companies, but the 25% difference
modelling of the price dynamics in this scenario, but the drop in demand
between the two scenarios implies a risk of USD 1.4 trillion net present
would be sufficiently steep and dramatic that it would involve significant
stranded value.
risk of asset stranding, not just in the oil and gas sector but also across
A 25% reduction in the present value of net income is large, but to put wide sectors of the economy such as buildings, transport and industry.
this in context, the drop in the oil price in 2014 and 2015 resulted in a
30% drop in the value of listed oil and gas companies.
Three factors keep this difference in check:
• Underlying declines mean that most investment goes to offset
decline, so the differences in demand between the two scenarios
has a smaller effect on the overall picture.
• There are only small differences in regional gas prices between the
two scenarios. There is a larger difference in the oil price, but
discounting means that even large variations in net income late in
the projection period have only a relatively small impact on the
calculation of net present value.

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Financial performance – national oil companies

Slides 103 - 110

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Recent years have highlighted some structural vulnerabilities not only in some
NOCs, but also in their host economies

Oil and gas as a share of total exports and as a share of total fiscal revenue in selected countries, 2017

Oil and natural gas exports
as a share of total exports

Venezuela Nigeria Kuwait


Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Oil and natural gas revenue as proportion of fiscal revenue

Note: For Russia, the share of fiscal revenue refers to the federal budget (for consistency with other countries shown); revenues from oil and natural gas account for around 20% of
Russia’s consolidated budget, which includes revenues and expenditures in the Russian regions.

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The pivotal role of NOCs and INOCs in the oil and gas landscape is sometimes

High dependence on oil export revenue has long been recognised as a estimate that the net income generated by the world’s NOCs and INOCs
strategic vulnerability for resource-rich economies. However, changes (before tax and other transfers to governments) fell by some 70% to
in the energy system, including the shale revolution in the United States USD 570 billion in 2016, then rebounded to USD 1 100 billion in 2018.
as well as the gathering pace of energy transitions, are raising the Major swings in hydrocarbon revenue can be deeply destabilising if
stakes both for NOCs and INOCs, and their host countries. finances and economies are not resilient, and NOCs play a huge role
The role and governance of each NOC and INOC vary widely, but they as conduits for these shocks to the system. Indeed, data collected by
are nonetheless critically important stakeholders in their host countries the Natural Resource Governance Institute show that after the oil price
and in the energy sector as a whole. crash in 2014, the amounts transferred to governments by NOCs
The typical mandate given to an NOC gives it a privileged position in its dropped even more sharply than overall revenues (NRGI, 2019).
domestic upstream sector. On occasion, it is also given a role in seeking The risks of high dependence on volatile oil and gas revenue have
out profitable investment opportunities abroad (i.e. to act as an INOC). prompted a number of countries to renew their commitment to reform
Some countries with modest reserves require their NOC to focus on the and diversify their economies. A well-performing NOC can provide an
downstream sector, taking on the role of refiner or purchaser. important element of stability for economies during this process.
Many states rely heavily on the oil income from their NOCs or INOCs By contrast, today’s Venezuela provides a stark example of the
(which is usually far larger than the revenue from natural gas). This has potential risks. Despite having some of the largest hydrocarbon
financed a great deal of public spending, infrastructure and reserves in the world, the Venezuelan NOC, PDVSA, is caught in a
employment, but it is also associated with significant risks – especially vicious cycle of dwindling revenue, mounting debt, and falling
if exports provide the main source of national revenue. investment and output. The company is desperately short of funds, not
Domestic sources of revenue imply productive sectors of the national least because it has to supply almost one-quarter of its production to
economy. External revenue, if large enough, however, can support an the domestic market at such a subsidised price that it barely recovers
economy even without a strong productive domestic sector. Under any revenue. Mismanagement of the oil and gas sector has accelerated
these circumstances, there is a risk that the functioning of such states the downward spiral of the economy as a whole.
focuses more on the distribution and allocation of hydrocarbon income
than on the creation of the conditions for enterprise, leading to a narrow
and undiversified economic structure.
The roller coaster in oil and gas prices over the past decade illustrates
the challenges. From a high point of USD 1 900 billion in 2012, we

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Accelerated energy transitions would bring significant additional strains

Average annual net oil and gas income before tax of all NOCs and INOCs, by scenario
Historical Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario

1 600 Oil
Billion dollars (2018)

Natural gas
1 400

1 200

1 000





2001- 2006- 2011- 2016- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036- 2021- 2026- 2031- 2036-
05 10 15 18 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40

Note: Net income before tax = revenue minus finding and development costs and operating costs.

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Fiscal and demographic pressures are high and rising in many major traditional
producers served by NOCs

Whichever way the energy system evolves, the arguments for economic indication of the revenue that is transferred to host governments, as there
diversification in major oil- and gas-producing countries are strong. are typically other company operations, including downstream operations
The traditional development model in many resource-rich countries has and the delivery of public services in some cases, which would affect
relied on recycling hydrocarbon revenues into public services and jobs; these transfers. (Nor is it indicative of all the oil and gas revenue accruing
the record of private-sector job creation has been relatively weak. In to these host governments, as the total would include taxes and royalties
Iraq, for example, the public sector has grown from 1.2 million paid by other companies operating in the country concerned).
employees in 2003 to around 3 million today. In practice there are some NOCs whose financial performance already
Accelerated energy transitions would put further pressure on hydrocarbon represents a significant risk for their host country economies. Many
volumes and prices, and consequently on hydrocarbon revenues. This NOCs are heavily indebted; the Natural Resource Governance Institute
would be a matter of particular concern for those producers, such as Iraq has identified 18 companies with long-term liabilities equal to more than
and Nigeria, which have large, growing and youthful populations and a 5% of their country’s GDP (NRGI, 2019). In extreme cases such as
pressing need to create new employment opportunities. PDVSA, NOC debt has risen to more than 20% of GDP.
The transformation process promises to be complex, and even though
the purpose is to reduce reliance on hydrocarbons, successful reforms
will rely heavily on NOCs to provide revenue and, in some areas,
expertise and innovation.
We have estimated total NOC net income before tax from oil and gas in
the two scenarios. By the 2030s, the amount generated by NOCs in an
average year is just over USD 1 000 billion per year in the SDS,
compared with USD 1 800 billion in the STEPS. Oil accounts for the
largest share of the total, but by the 2030s in the SDS the contributions
of oil and gas are approaching parity (although the unequal distribution
of oil and natural gas production across individual NOCs means this
would differ between countries).
This estimate reflects the value of the produced oil and natural gas
(accounting for subsidies that reduce the realised price of domestic sales),
minus upstream capital and operating costs. It is not necessarily an

107 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

NOCs cover a broad spectrum of companies

Barrels of oil/gas equivalent output per employee for a range of NOCs

80 000
Annual boe/employee

60 000

40 000

Range of the "Majors"

20 000

CNPC Rosneft Sinopec Gazprom Shell Chevron ADNOC Equinor Saudi Aramco

Notes: ADNOC = Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. Includes direct employees of companies only. This is not necessarily a proxy for efficiency or productivity, especially given different
resource types and quality being developed and the different profiles of companies in upstream and downstream businesses; however, it does show that the range of NOCs according to
this metric is much broader than for the Majors.

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Risks facing the industry

Performance on environmental indicators also varies widely

Estimated average GHG emissions intensity of oil from selected countries, 2018

Energy for extraction

Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates Transport






50 100 150 200 250


Note: For comparison, the CO2 emissions from oil combustion (not included here) are around 405 kg CO2-eq/boe. Refining refers to average emissions from refineries within each country
(rather than emissions from refining total oil production from each country).
Source: IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2019,

109 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Risks facing the industry

There are some high-performing NOCs and INOCs, but many are poorly
positioned to weather the storm that energy transitions could bring
Energy transitions are posing critical questions for NOCs, but it is not in energy transitions for NOCs characterised by poor governance or
clear that many have prepared responses. According to a survey from rent-seeking look extremely difficult.
IHS Markit (2019), 89% of global integrated oil companies use and Access to low-cost fuels – often delivered by NOCs – is deeply
disclose scenario-based climate strategies, but only 6% of NOCs. embedded in the social contract in many resource-rich economies. This
There are many high-performing companies among the NOCs contract would need to adapt over time, as pricing reform and the
(including INOCs) and also some examples of more diversified phase-out of fossil fuel consumption subsidies form part of the broader
investment strategies, motivated by a desire to position the companies reform agenda.
well for changes in the energy sector. NOC strategies would also need to reckon with the importance of
Among the INOCs, examples include moves by Equinor and CNOOC environmental stewardship, recognising that many hydrocarbon-rich
into offshore wind, and by Petronas and CNPC into solar; both Equinor economies are among the most vulnerable to the physical impacts of
and Petronas are also supporting venture capital initiatives that support climate change, including water and heat stress as well as increased
early-stage new energy technologies. incidences of extreme weather.
Among the NOCs, consideration of the risks and opportunities With regard to investment in low-carbon technologies, the predominant
presented by energy transitions is being led by Saudi Aramco, along model thus far is for hydrocarbon-rich countries to create a specific
with companies such as ADNOC and the Kuwait Petroleum company separate from the NOC (e.g. Masdar in the
Corporation. However, for the moment, none of the large NOCs have United Arab Emirates), leaving the NOC to focus on oil and gas. But it
been charged by their host governments with leadership roles in cannot be excluded that NOCs may also take on roles in relation to
renewables or other non-core areas. some low-carbon technologies, not least because of the possible
Seen through the lens of energy transitions, the role of NOCs as synergies with their oil and gas operations.
custodians of national hydrocarbon resources takes on some new Already the most forward-leaning of the NOCs are accelerating
dimensions. The traditional priority to deliver strong financial returns research efforts targeting models of resource development that are
requires a firm focus on cost discipline and efficient operations. compatible with deep decarbonisation. These cover a range of areas,
Competitive pressures in oil and gas markets, already strong today, including CCUS, hydrogen, and strategies to find and develop
intensify in the SDS, and many NOCs are also moving from “protected” non-combustion uses for hydrocarbons. The focus on CCUS in industry
domestic upstream sectors into more competitive downstream areas may be a particularly productive avenue, given that the Middle East
such as refining and petrochemicals. (and Russia) have cost-efficient carbon storage options, which would
With this in mind, host governments would need in many cases to be an advantage given the need for heavy industry to move to low-
prioritise much more transparent operation of their NOC; the prospects carbon production processes.

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Risks facing the industry

Financial performance – publicly traded companies

Slides 111 - 119

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Risks facing the industry

Following strong improvement, the Majors’ free cash flow levelled off the past
year, as companies increased share buybacks and paid down debt

Sources of finance and free cash flow for the Majors

Change in equity
Billion dollars (2018)

Asset sales
Change in debt
Free cash flow



- 10

- 20
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Note: Free cash flow = cash from operating activities less capital expenditure. It excludes changes in working capital.
Source: Calculations based on company filings and Bloomberg (2019), Bloomberg Terminal.

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Risks facing the industry

Dividend yields remain high, but total equity returns have underperformed

Equity performance of the Majors and global listed companies by selected sector (2015-19)

Dividend yield Annual total return

25% 25%

20% 20%

Global market average

15% 15%

10% 10%

Global market average

5% 5%

Majors Utilities Financials Industrials Tech. & Majors Utilities Financials Industrials Tech. &
comm. comm.

Notes: Tech. & comm. = technology and communications. The charts include all listed companies in the world with over USD 10 billion of market capitalisation as of 15 April. The dividend
yield and annual total return by sector are the averages weighted with market capitalisation in each year. Annual total return = the sum of share price change and dividend during a given
year divided by the share price at the beginning of the year.
Source: Calculations based on company filings and Bloomberg (2019), Bloomberg Terminal.

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Risks facing the industry

Finding the right balance between delivering oil and gas, maintaining capital
discipline, returning cash to shareholders and investing for the future

The oil and gas business has traditionally generated a substantial An important pillar of financial performance has been the maintenance
economic surplus for resource owners and producers, characterised by of high dividend yields, at nearly double the market average. During the
economies of scale and barriers to entry that have tended to favour large oil price downturn, Majors were willing to enact challenging internal
companies with strong balance sheets. After covering expenses and measures and borrow heavily to avoid cutting dividends. Share
salaries, income from oil and gas is primarily used to fund investments, buybacks are another channel to deliver value to investors. Outside of
provide financial returns and meet tax obligations. For investors and 2015-16, the industry has returned capital to equity markets and this
governments (in both producer and consumer economies), the industry practice has provided comfort to investors, even as calls for divestment
has served as an important source of financial value. have increased from some quarters.
However, publicly traded companies are facing growing pressure to However, overall equity performance for the Majors has recently
optimise decision making across multiple priorities, including suffered and has trailed the broader market during the past five years.
environmental and climate-related areas, which has implications for This partly reflects investor uncertainty over how well the industry can
future business strategies and financial performance ahead. position itself in a changing market environment.
Most upstream oil and gas investments are financed on balance sheets Smaller, independent players, e.g. US shale companies, also improved
with equity from corporate retained earnings. Debt accounts for only since 2016, but financial performance remains more tenuous.
around a quarter of the capital structure among top producers, and has Independents have relied more on issuing new debt, selling assets or
been used sparingly in order to smooth investment and dividend issuing new equity, though their call on external financing has fallen
payments during downturns, most recently in 2015-16. While project since 2016, thanks to operational efficiency, cost reductions, and a
finance structures play a meaningful role in funding infrastructure, they more disciplined approach to balancing the investment and cash flow
are mainly relevant on the upstream side in large integrated projects generated by their own activities. While shale companies in aggregate
such as LNG. overspent also in 2018, the ratio of capital expenditures to cash flow
has constantly declined from almost 2 to 1 in 2015 to just over 1 to 1 in
Over the past three years, the Majors have significantly improved their
2018. Furthermore, shale companies have paid back debt and begun
financial performance through a combination of cost reductions and
to return cash to their shareholders via share repurchases.
operational efficiency, higher production, capital discipline and a higher
oil price. Annual free cash flow reached almost USD 90 billion in Still, US shale companies have yet to turn the corner in terms of
2018 and is on course to remain positive, albeit at stable levels, in 2019. profitability. Despite a continuous strong increase in US shale oil
This performance has enabled the Majors to pay down debt after a production, capital markets have grown more wary of financing
period of leveraging. independents, as evidenced by rising bond yield spreads in 2019.

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Risks facing the industry

Oil income available to governments and investors shrinks in the SDS, but does
not disappear

Oil and gas net income before tax in 2019 and in 2040 in the SDS

Oil Gas
1 500 2019
Billion dollars (2018)


1 000


Upstream Income available Upstream Income available

investment for governments investment for governments
and investors and investors

Notes: Income available for governments and investors = revenue minus finding and development costs and operating costs. Data include net income before tax for Majors, Independents,
NOCs and INOCs.

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Risks facing the industry

Dividing up a smaller pot of hydrocarbon income will not be a simple task

A key financial issue facing the industry is whether the lower prices and undeveloped forever, especially in a world where US shale output
production volumes of the SDS lead to a collapse in the income maintains a strong competitive presence in the market. The reviews of
available from oil and gas, with potential implications for investments, upstream fiscal and contractual terms prompted by the price downturn
returns and taxes. in 2014-15 could be a sign of things to come.
In the SDS, there is a significant decline in net income from oil and gas From an industry perspective, this analysis suggests that companies
in 2040 compared with today. This income also needs to cover the cost may be able to continue financing investment in core oil and gas areas
of any new upstream investment, with the remainder being available for to meet lower demand in the SDS, while maintaining an acceptable
governments and investors. return for investors. However, a number of uncertainties may arise,
The fall in income relative to 2019 does not necessarily portend an such as market volatility or disruptive changes to policies or investor
investment crunch, as the requirement for upstream investment is sentiment, which could result in adverse impacts on internal rates of
significantly lower than today. Nevertheless, the pool of income return (IRRs).
available to share between governments and investors is around 40% The bottom line is that, as energy transitions progress, oil and
lower in 2040. eventually natural gas become smaller and more competitive spaces in
This smaller pot of income would have impacts on the financial and which to operate. Reliance by companies on these investment
industrial landscape for oil. Smaller independent companies may be opportunities and reliance by governments on the associated revenues
challenged to stay in business, take on riskier new projects or face become steadily more risky strategies. Both of these factors speak to
consolidation pressures from industry leaders. Average company size the importance of diversification.
may rise. Shareholders are likely to prioritise total returns, but also
increasingly focus on diversification and sustainability strategies (see
discussion below). In the absence of credible moves to boost income
(and returns) from newer energy areas, the industry may continue to
face pressure to maintain a robust dividend yield and continuous share
buybacks. The use of debt finance may also be constrained by the
prospect of declining or more uncertain revenues.
Income allocation between investors and governments is subject to
complex dynamics as companies compete for resources and
governments compete for investment. In energy transitions, some
resource-rich countries may find themselves under pressure to bring in
investors or face the possibility that national resources remain

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Risks facing the industry

Different financial risk and return profiles between the fuel and power sectors

Average return on invested capital (ROIC) and after-tax weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for listed energy companies
Top oil and gas companies Top power companies
(by production) (by renewables ownership)

30% 30% ROIC

25% 25%

20% 20%

15% 15%

10% 10%

5% 5%

0% 0%

-5% -5%
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Notes: The samples contain the top 25 listed energy companies (in 2018) by oil and gas production and power companies by ownership of solar and wind capacity. Companies based in
China and Russia are excluded from the analysis. Industrial conglomerates with large business lines outside of energy are also excluded. ROIC measures the ability of a company’s core
business investments to generate profits, expressed as operating income adjusted for taxes divided by invested capital. The WACC is expressed in nominal terms and measures the
company’s required return on equity and the after-tax cost of debt issuance, weighted according to its capital structure.
Source: Calculations based on company data from Thomson Reuters Eikon (2019) and Bloomberg (2019), Bloomberg Terminal.

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Risks facing the industry

What is the upside for risk-adjusted returns from low-carbon energy investment?

Typical energy project IRRs (left) and approaches to enhancing equity returns from renewables investments (right)
Typical energy project IRRs Indicative enhancement of renewables IRRs
(onshore wind example)
Pre-FID conventional



Offshore wind

Onshore wind

Onshore wind

Solar PV

Solar PV
Base IRR Add Reduce Improve Increase Sell 50%
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% leverage capital output electricity stake in
costs by by 5% price by 3rd year of
Developed market Emerging market Market neutral 10% 5% operation

Notes: Pre-FID conventional = pre-final investment decision for conventional oil and gas project. Enhancement of renewables IRRs analysis is based on an indicative onshore wind farm in
Europe with capital cost of USD 1 800/kW, capacity factor of 22%, added leverage of 60% and 50% equity stakes sold to a financial investor with return expectations of 5%.
Source: Left graph on typical energy project IRRs adapted from Wood Mackenzie (2019).

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Risks facing the industry

Potential financial opportunities and risks from shifting capital allocations

In response to market and financial pressures, some oil and gas exposure to price risk, less cash flow certainty and changed financing
companies have started to diversify their business strategies into new costs.
areas, ranging from reducing emissions in core activities to investing in Better project management and new financing models have the
low-carbon fuels and power (see Section I). This shift poses both potential to support diversification and returns at the same time. Some
opportunities and risks for financial performance, and has implications renewables developers have enhanced equity IRRs through a
for the way that these companies finance their activities in the years combination of improving project output and reducing capital costs,
ahead. employing greater leverage from banks and selling equity stakes in
When looking at the financial risks and returns associated with different already developed projects to investors (e.g. pension funds)
investment strategies, these dynamics point to a potential capital comfortable with lower returns from operational projects, enabling the
allocation dilemma for both industry and investors alike. original developer to recycle its capital into another investment
For example, ROICs for the oil and gas industry have historically opportunity. The considerable experience that oil and gas companies
exceeded those for power. At the same time, returns are typically more have in energy risk management, trading and marketing can create
volatile in oil and gas (as evidenced by the recent downturn) than in further synergies.
power, with the latter benefiting more from assets with greater revenue Financial performance for oil and gas companies may increasingly
certainty, e.g. renewables with long-term contracts. This contributes to depend on the availability of appropriate financing mechanisms and
higher risk and cost of equity for oil and gas, while power is more partners to match a range of strategic choices. Increased climate-
financed with debt, which supports its overall lower cost of capital. While related scrutiny by investors may create challenges in financing
indicators vary by company and market, the broad picture suggests traditional oil and gas, but raises questions over funding improvements
potential trade-offs for profits, but also financing costs and risks, for in core areas that also have positive sustainability (and profitability)
investments in different energy areas. impacts.
Many oil and gas companies continue to see operational improvements Further efforts to develop so-called transition bonds and related
and a focus on higher-return core assets as a better recipe for long-term instruments, which can fund new energy activities by traditional players,
profitability than investing elsewhere in energy. Evolving characteristics may help to fill potential financing gaps and provide more nuanced
of newer energy investments also raise questions over their future risks approaches to capital allocation. For example, Shell recently signed a
and returns. For example, as incentives for renewables and market USD 10 billion credit facility where interest payments are linked to
design shift in some jurisdictions, such as Europe, and flexible progress in emissions reductions.
technologies, e.g. battery storage, come into play, companies and
investors may need to grapple with new business models, more

119 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Section IV
Strategic responses
Strategic responses


Uncertainty has always been a key challenge facing the oil and gas A starting assumption for this section is that doing nothing is not an
industry. However, as analysis in previous sections has underlined, option. Energy transitions, however they proceed, require a strategic
efforts to tackle climate change present a new and pervasive set of risks response from the oil and gas industry. Companies considering their
and uncertainties, meaning that there is no clear line of sight on how long-term future need to develop strong and credible narratives about
the energy sector of the future will look. The large range of possibilities their role(s) in a changing energy market, and to justify their response
complicates company deliberations about future returns and about to the challenges posed by climate change.
strategic responses to energy transitions. That said, there is no single response or business model that will be
This leads to a justifiable call from parts of the industry – echoed in suitable for the wide range of companies active in the oil and gas
many respects by the IEA – for strong and unambiguous direction from sectors. This section does not attempt to be prescriptive; the owners of
policy makers. There is ample room for greater clarity on how energy the companies will decide which strategies to follow, based on their
and climate policies will evolve. assessment of the specific capabilities and strengths of the companies
However, this uncertainty is not in itself a reason for oil and gas in question. In each case, the merits and risks attached to company
companies to “wait and see” when considering a response to new strategies will be the subject of close scrutiny, as will the returns on
environmental imperatives and pressures, for three main reasons: proposed investments and the value proposition for shareholders and
• Regardless of which pathway the world follows, climate impacts will
become more visible and severe over the coming years, with The different elements described below do not represent a ladder of
knock-on effects on the public debate and on perceptions of the ambition that all companies need to climb, but rather a menu of options
industry. that an increasing number of companies are considering or acting on.

• Decision making in the oil and gas industry has always been
subject to a large degree of uncertainty; managing this is not a new
task for them, especially given that…
• …leading companies have a voice in the energy and climate policy
debate: they have the capacity to push for some of the certainty
that they are looking for in energy transitions, e.g. on carbon
pricing, scaling up CCUS or markets for low-carbon fuels, and the
ability to forge strong partnerships with governments, industry and
society that give the process momentum.

121 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

The strategic options

The responses outlined in this section are grouped into four areas: – rather than risking money on unfamiliar business areas – others may
• how traditional oil and gas operations look when viewed through be better placed to allocate this capital to new activities. So their
the lens of accelerated energy transitions “investment” in transitions would consist of returning cash to
• the use of CCUS technologies to bring down emissions
The process of change is difficult for companies, and there is no single
• The longer-term potential for the industry to supply low-carbon or sure recipe for success. Based on experience thus far, though, there
liquids and gases to consumers are some indicative steps that form part of the company transformations
• the transition from “fuel” to “energy” companies, which supply that are under way today.
electricity and other energy services as part of a diversified offering. A crucial first step is to decide on the case for change – based in part
As noted above, there are many examples of companies pursuing on the risks arising from a “business-as-usual” pathway and also on a
different elements included here. While there will, of course, be large vision of the broad forces that are shaping the future of energy.
differences between the decisions of different companies, it will be A next step is typically a mapping exercise: to assess the company’s
difficult for any company operating in the oil and gas business to avoid portfolio and its capabilities, responsibilities and competencies against
consideration of the first set of issues highlighted here. The areas this vision of the future and to seek out areas of competitive advantage.
highlighted in the other “baskets” offer ways for companies to make a Our assessment is that there are significant areas of intersection
positive contribution to long-term reductions in emissions. For some, between the expertise and capital of oil and gas companies and
this will involve their complete repositioning as “energy companies” mission-critical elements of energy transitions.
rather than oil and gas companies.
Finally, there is the task of ensuring that key constituencies – both inside
However, it is not axiomatic that all of them will, or even that they should, and outside the company – are aligned with the new strategic goals.
follow this route. The activities of NOCs and many INOCs, for example, Company culture often needs to adjust to make it more receptive to new
are typically set by their host states, and there is no guarantee that business models, technologies and approaches. Clear communication,
these companies will be charged with the development of other energy backed up by strong leadership, are particularly important in this phase;
sources. people inside and outside the company will be quick to detect
Other companies may also decide that their specialisation is in oil mismatches between words and deeds.
and/or natural gas (possibly shifting more towards the latter over time).
As such, for as long as these fuels are in demand and returns on
investment are sufficient, their strategic focus will be to supply them as
cleanly and efficiently as possible – even if that risks a loss of “social
licence” over time. A related possibility is for companies to decide that

122 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

The role of partnerships

Partnerships are an integral part of the operation of today’s oil and gas these sectors to break the current impasse, in which each set of actors
industry. The industry tends to share risks in areas where the costs are is often looking to others to make the first move.
higher, which is why there are typically many partners in large offshore This is an area ripe for engagement by leading parts of the oil and gas
oil fields or LNG terminals. It has also created numerous bodies to deal industry. This is especially so, given that the most difficult sectors for
with industry-wide issues of environmental performance, such as the energy transitions, listed above, are also the ones in which the oil and
OGCI. gas industry could be instrumental in delivering low-carbon solutions.
Existing partnerships and associations can play a role in promoting
some of the strategic responses detailed in this section. For example,
methane abatement is a main focus for the OGCI and for the signatories
to the multi-stakeholder Methane Guiding Principles group.
There is also ample scope for existing partnerships to spread best
production practices: the analysis in Section I underlines that the
influence of companies can spread much further than their equity
ownership or direct operations. The Majors, for example, hold some
level of influence over three times more global oil production than they
directly own.
The more testing questions about partnerships come in relation to the
development of high-cost, infrastructure-intensive areas such as
hydrogen and CCUS. The industry instinct to share risk across different
partners is clearly relevant in these areas, but finding alignment among
a group of oil and gas companies, on its own, is not going to be sufficient
to move them forward. Getting a critical mass will require a broader
group, not only from the end users that might use hydrogen or CCUS,
but also from across governments, the financial community and society.
In discussions on how to accelerate energy transitions, these types of
institutional questions are coming to the fore, especially for the “hard to
abate” sectors such as steel, cement, plastics, heavy road transport,
aviation and shipping (Victor et al., 2019). There is a clear case for
co-ordinated action to steer and accelerate technological transitions in

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Strategic responses

Traditional oil and gas operations

Slides 124 - 134

124 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

Energy transitions reshape which resources are developed

and how they are produced

Average annual volumes of oil and natural gas resources developed historically and in the SDS
Historical Projections

70 Unconventional gas
Billion barrels oil equivalent

Conventional gas

60 Tight oil
50 Deepwater
40 Onshore oil




1991-2000 2001-10 2011-18 2021-30

Note: EHOB = extra-heavy oil and bitumen.

125 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

Which types of resources have the edge?

While both oil and natural gas demand peak in the SDS, both fuels fields or at satellite fields. Technologies and approaches that
continue to play a major role in the global energy mix for decades to maximise recovery are likely to be favoured, especially if they have
come. In 2040, oil and natural gas still satisfy just under half of global co-benefits for environmental performance, as with the use of CO2
energy demand in this scenario. As discussed in the previous section, for EOR.
the level of new oil and gas resources required remains significant, • Among new projects, a preference for shorter payback
largely due to declining output from existing fields. But companies also periods. An uncertain demand environment increases the implied
face choices as to the types of resources that are considered for discount rate for new projects, which penalises very capital-
development in this Scenario: intensive investments and favours opportunities with shorter lead
• Lower-cost resources will naturally be favoured, regardless of the times between approval and first production. Shale investments fall
demand outlook. This suggests that the large resource holders, into this category, and larger conventional projects (onshore and
such as those in the Middle East and Russia, and companies that offshore) may increasingly be separated into multiple distinct
can keep a tight control on extraction costs could capture a greater phases for the same reason.
share of the market. Efficiency and cost discipline are the • Among all projects, a focus on bringing down the emissions
watchwords. However, the profile and characteristics of oil and gas intensities along the value chain. The emissions intensity of
demand in the SDS suggest that the direct costs of extraction are production is a function both of the natural complexity of the
not the only consideration. resource and of above-ground development and operational
• Natural gas fares better than oil in most energy transition choices. Oil and natural gas with lower emissions intensities will be
outlooks, including the SDS. The profitability of gas supply is often better positioned than higher-emitting sources, and would likely be
more challenging than oil, but in recent years many companies increasingly preferred for development. Actions to reduce
have sought to increase the level of natural gas in their project emissions from oil and gas operations include:
portfolio. This is partly because of the greater number of i. minimising flaring
development opportunities for natural gas, but is also a response ii. tackling methane emissions
to the better prospects for gas demand. iii. integrating renewables and low-carbon electricity into new
• Lighter crude oils and natural gas liquids are better suited to the upstream and LNG developments.
demand environment of the SDS, and reduce the need for intensive
• Among existing projects, a search for additional low-cost
barrels. Some of the cheapest additional barrels, especially among
established producers, are those available at existing producing

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Strategic responses

i) Minimise flaring: Flaring of associated gas is still widespread in many parts of

the world

Use of associated gas by region, 2018

270 200 110 90 180 billion cubic metres

100% Flared or vented

Used on-site or




North America Middle East Eurasia Africa Rest of world

Source: IEA (2019), World Energy Outlook 2019,

127 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

In the SDS, the volume of flared gas drops dramatically over the coming decade

Most wells that are drilled to target oil formations also yield a mixture of endorsed the Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 initiative launched by the
other hydrocarbons such as condensates, NGLs and natural gas. World Bank and the United Nations in 2015.
Natural gas is known as “associated gas” and it has often been seen as For new fields, operators should aim to develop plans to use or
an inconvenient by-product of oil production: it is generally less valuable conserve all the field’s associated gas without routine flaring. At existing
than oil per unit of output and is costlier to transport and store. oil fields, operators are asked to eliminate routine flaring when it is
Only 75% of the associated gas produced today around the world is put economically viable as soon as possible, and no later than 2030.
to some kind of productive use, either marketed directly to end consumers Since it is a wasteful practice, flaring drops steadily over the period to
via gas grids, used on-site as a source of power or heat or reinjected into 2040 in the STEPS. In the SDS, as a result of strong policy interventions
oil wells to create pressure for secondary liquids recovery. and industry efforts, the volume of gas flared drops much more
The remainder (some 200 bcm in 2018) is either flared (140 bcm) or dramatically over the next decade. Flaring is soon eliminated in all but
vented to the atmosphere (an estimated 60 bcm, including deliberate the most extreme cases, with less than 13 bcm flared from 2025
venting and unintentional fugitive emissions). “Routine” flaring typically onwards, less than 10% of the 2018 level.
occurs because of the remoteness of fields or the topography of the
surrounding area, because the price of gas in accessible markets
discourages operators from developing gas transportation infrastructure
to reach existing or potential new markets, or because of the time lag
between developing a new resource and connecting this to a gas pipeline.
Together, such non-productive uses of gas have significant and
damaging environmental consequences. They make up around 40% of
the scope 1 and 2 emissions associated with oil production. The flared
volumes alone in 2018 were responsible for 270 Mt CO2, as well as
additional methane emissions to the atmosphere because of incomplete
combustion (flares are rarely 100% efficient).
They also represent a wasted economic opportunity: the 200 bcm that
was flared or escaped into the atmosphere or vented in 2018 was
greater than the annual LNG imports of Japan and China combined.
There are various initiatives under way to reduce flaring. For example,
various energy companies, governments and institutions have

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Strategic responses

ii) Tackle methane emissions. Upstream activities are responsible for the majority
of methane leaks from oil and gas operations today

Regional and sectoral breakdown of estimated methane emissions from oil and gas operations, 2018
By region By sector


Oil upstream
Middle East

North America Gas upstream

Africa Gas downstream

C & S America Flaring

Asia Pacific
Oil downstream


5 10 15 20 25 10 20 30 40

Mt Mt

Notes: C & S America = Central and South America.

Source: Based on IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018, An interactive version of these data is available at

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Strategic responses

The precise level of methane emissions from oil and gas operations is uncertain,
but enough is known to conclude that these emissions have to be tackled

Methane is a major GHG, much more potent than CO2, which has 0.1% (IOGP, 2015). There are a variety of possible explanations why
important implications for climate change, particularly in the near term. such a gap exists.
The largest source of manmade methane emissions is agriculture, but • The reporting companies may be underestimating emissions by
the energy sector is not far behind. relying on average emission or activity factors that are not truly
It is important to tackle all sources of methane emissions arising from representative of actual levels.
human activity, but there are reasons to focus on emissions from oil and • The emission factors that have been reported may not be
gas operations. Although emissions also come from coal and representative of what is achieved by the industry as a whole,
bioenergy, we estimate that oil and gas operations are likely the largest i.e. because the companies that actively report methane emissions
source of emissions from the energy sector. Moreover, our analysis levels are generally those that pay most attention to emissions
shows clear scope to reduce them cost-effectively (see next slide). levels and are the “best performers” in their peer group.
Methane emissions can be released at different points along the oil and
• The top-down studies may be misallocating emissions to the oil and
gas value chains, from conventional and unconventional production,
gas sector. It could be that some emissions are assumed to
from the collection and processing of gas, as well as from its
originate from the oil and gas industry but in fact come from other
transmission and distribution to end-use consumers. Some emissions
sources such as coal, agriculture or natural sources.
are accidental, for example because of a faulty seal or leaking valve
(usually called “fugitive emissions”), while others are deliberate, often There is evidently a high degree of uncertainty in oil and gas methane
carried out for safety reasons or due to the design of the facility or emissions levels today. The only real method to reduce this uncertainty
equipment (usually called “vented emissions”). is through direct measurements: either ground-based campaigns or by
using satellites, a number of which are already in operation or are due
We estimate there were around 80 Mt of methane emissions from oil
to be launched in the coming years.
and gas operations in 2018, split in roughly equal parts between the
two. This estimate is generally in line at the global level with other Nonetheless, enough is known already today to conclude that these
assessments. emissions cannot be ignored and that they represent a clear risk, both
to the climate and to the industry's reputation and licence to operate.
However, there is a very large discrepancy with the emission intensities
The risk is particularly apparent for the role of natural gas in energy
reported by a number of companies. For example, the 45 Mt emissions
from natural gas correspond to a global average emissions intensity of
just over 1.7%, while many major oil and gas companies report a global
average emissions intensity for oil and gas production that is less than

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Strategic responses

Many measures to prevent methane leaks could be implemented at no net cost

because the value of the gas recovered is greater than the cost of abatement

Marginal abatement cost curve for oil- and gas-related methane emissions, by mitigation measure, 2018

8 Replace existing devices

Dollars per Mbtu (2018)

Instrument air systems

6 Pumps
Electric motor
Compressor seal or rod
Early device replacement
Install new devices
2 Vapour recovery units
Blowdown capture
-2 Upstream


0 10 20 30 40 50 60


Note: LDAR = leak detection and repair.

Source: Based on IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018, An interactive version of these data is available at

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Strategic responses

The projected role of natural gas in the SDS relies on rapid and major reductions
in methane leaks

A wide variety of technologies and measures are available to reduce In the SDS, methane emissions would fall even without any explicit
methane emissions from oil and gas operations. For example, existing abatement measures or policies, simply because overall oil and gas
devices such as pneumatic controllers that lead to a large level of consumption falls to 2040. However, relying on demand trends to
vented emissions can be replaced with instrument air systems; vapour eventually do the job of methane abatement would be a huge missed
recovery units can be installed on crude oil and condensate storage opportunity, both for efforts to mitigate climate change and also for
tanks; and introducing frequent LDAR programmes can significantly cut those that seek to position gas as part of the solution to environmental
the level of fugitive emissions. challenges.
We estimate that if all of these options were to be deployed across the In the SDS, global oil and gas methane emissions in 2040 fall to less than
oil and gas value chains, then around 75% of today’s 80 Mt of methane 20 Mt. Without this major and rapid reduction in methane emissions, other
emissions from oil and gas operations could be avoided. emissions would need to fall further and faster in order to be compatible
In addition, methane is a valuable product and in many cases can be with any given target for stabilising global temperatures.
sold once recovered. This means that deploying certain abatement The measures introduced to reduce methane emissions in the SDS
technologies can result in overall savings if the value received for the include all the measures that come at no net cost. However, they also
methane sold is greater than the cost of the technology. Around 45% of include other measures that are technically viable but that would not
current methane emissions could be avoided with measures that would pay for themselves via the value of the methane that is captured and
have no net cost (at 2018 natural gas prices). subsequently sold.
Increased attention to methane emissions has generated a number of Putting a price on methane emissions, whether within companies or as
voluntary national and international partnerships to help tackle the part of a regulatory approach, would be an important way to incentivise
problem. However, there remains a large opportunity to reduce these such measures. The level of this price would not need to be very high.
emissions in a cost-effective way. There are many possible reasons For example, if it is assumed that one tonne of methane is equal to
why this could be the case. Governments and industry may lack 30 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, then a GHG price of only USD 15/tCO2
information or awareness about the size or severity of the problem; the would be sufficient to encourage operators to introduce abatement
infrastructure or investment that is necessary to recover gas and pair it measures costing up to USD 8/MBtu.
to a productive use may be lacking; or there may be competition for
capital within companies with a variety of investment opportunities. In
these cases, new or enhanced regulations can be very effective in
reducing emissions further.

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Strategic responses

iii) Integrate renewable power and heat into oil and gas operations

CO2 abatement costs for decentralised renewables to power oil and gas facilities in the SDS, 2040

300 North America

Dollars per tonne CO₂

Middle East

Latin America

150 Asia Pacific




0 100 200 300 400 500

Mt CO₂

Note: Assessment considers the energy intensities of different production techniques, the increase in energy intensity per unit of production as a field matures, the cost of deploying
decentralised renewables (including future cost reductions), hourly wind and solar PV intensity profiles, whether resources are onshore or offshore, different ratios of solar PV, wind and
battery capacities, and the value of gas that is not combusted and that could be sold on the market. The renewable systems are assumed to be installed when the fields are first

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Strategic responses

Low-carbon electricity and heat can find a productive place in the supply chain,
especially if emissions are priced

There are multiple ways in which increasingly cost-competitive PV, wind and battery storage systems at new oil and gas facilities.
renewables can contribute to oil and gas operations; the options below Based on this assessment, it is technically possible to reduce upstream
all contribute to reduced emissions but in a rising number of cases they emissions by over 500 Mt CO2 by installing decentralised renewable
can also reduce costs, particularly if there is a price put on carbon. systems when new resources are first developed. Only a fraction of
There are three main avenues: these would come with no net cost, but at USD 50/t CO2, around
Electrifying upstream operations using renewable electricity. In 250 Mt CO2 could be avoided.
some cases, operations can be electrified by purchasing electricity from Using low-carbon heat from renewables. Another possibility is to use
the grid; this is already the case for certain upstream operations, notably solar thermal energy to generate heat for thermal EOR operations (known
some tight oil developments in the United States and the major new as solar-EOR). This is of particular interest in countries where solar is
Johan Sverdrup field in Norway. The environmental impact of this plentiful but gas is relatively scarce, such as Kuwait, Oman and the
approach depends on the emissions intensity of the grid-based United Arab Emirates. In Oman, a 1 GW solar farm is under construction
electricity: it needs in our estimate to be less than 500 g CO2/kWh for to provide steam for the extraction of around 20 kb/d of heavy oil.
there to be a real reduction in the overall scope 1 and 2 emissions
Electrifying liquefaction operations with renewable electricity.
intensity of operations.
There is one electric LNG plant currently in operation (the Snøhvit LNG
However, many oil and gas operations are in practice in remote facility in Norway) and others under construction in North America.
locations, far from cities or existing power plants, and are often in There are some barriers to the widespread adoption of this approach,
countries where the reliability of grid-based supply is not guaranteed. including the need for LNG projects to be located near a reliable source
They therefore typically opt to use natural gas to power small-scale (and of low-emissions power, but this approach – combined with stringent
often relatively inefficient) on-site generators. controls placed on methane emissions – can bring benefits. We
An alternative approach is to integrate off-grid renewable energy sources estimate that this “cleaner” LNG would provide a 40% reduction in GHG
into upstream facilities. Such initiatives are already becoming more emissions from coal-to-gas switching (for production of heat), compared
widespread, including a 10 MW Sonatrach-Eni project to power an with a 30% reduction if these mitigation strategies were not in place.
Algerian oil field with solar PV, inaugurated in late 2018, and the 2019
announcement by Equinor of a new 88 MW offshore wind facility to supply
electricity to offshore platforms in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea.
We have estimated the potential size of this opportunity based on the
costs and emissions savings of installing different sizes of hybrid solar

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Strategic responses

Deploying carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies

Slides 135 - 141

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The oil and gas industry is critical to the outlook for CCUS

The oil and gas industry is already one of the global leaders in developing processing or parts of the refining sector). Deployment of CCUS in
and deploying carbon capture and utilisation (CCUS) technologies. Of the these areas would contribute to reductions in scope 1 and 2
35 Mt CO2 captured today from industrial activities in large-scale CCUS emissions intensities.
facilities, nearly 80% is captured from oil and gas operations. • As a user of CO2, primarily for injection into reservoirs as a
CCUS is a critical technology to reach the emissions trajectory of the mechanism for EOR. Depending on the source of the CO2 and the
SDS, with deployment split almost equally between the power and volumes being injected, this could reduce the emissions intensity of
industry sectors (including cement, iron and steel, and refineries). Total the produced oil considerably (and even, theoretically, lead to
CO2 captured globally rises from 170 Mt CO2 in 2025 to nearly carbon-negative oil).
2 400 Mt CO2 in 2040. • As an industry that undertakes well-funded, high-level research,
In the power sector, CCUS in the SDS is concentrated in a handful of and that has the large-scale engineering, pipeline and subsurface,
countries, most notably China (for coal) and the United States (for and project management capabilities to scale up CCUS. This could
natural gas). The use of CCUS in industrial applications is widespread, have positive spillover implications for many aspects of energy
as emissions from energy-intensive sectors are typically hard to abate, transitions, including for the large-scale production of low-carbon
and CCUS constitutes one of the few currently available technology hydrogen and the decarbonisation of heavy industry.
options to achieve deep levels of decarbonisation. CCUS could also play a key role in helping to achieve “negative
As shown by the 45Q fiscal incentive in the United States, actions by emissions” if bioenergy is used in conjunction with carbon capture and
governments will play an essential role in facilitating the growth in storage (BECCS). Negative emissions could help to offset emissions
CCUS. This can be via targeted regulatory levers, market-based from hard-to-abate sectors, such as aviation or the manufacturing of
frameworks, public procurement, low-carbon product incentives, tax iron, steel and cement. Further, most scenarios that aim to limit the
credits or grant funding. Governments can also play a role in facilitating temperature rise to 1.5°C (such as those assessed in the IPCC special
the growth of multi-user transport and storage networks that industrial report, Global Warming of 1.5°C) rely heavily on BECCS to do so. In
facilities can access, and in helping to manage risks associated with the SDS, just under 100 Mt CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere using
ensuring stored CO2 does not leak. BECCS in 2040.
If the incentives are in place to encourage investment in different
components of the CCUS value chain, there are several ways to think
about the role of the oil and gas industry in relation to CCUS.
• As a source of some concentrated streams of CO2 that are
relatively easy and cost-effective to capture (for example in gas

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CCUS could help to reduce the emissions intensity of gas supply as well as
refining: A price of USD 50/t CO2 could reduce annual emissions by around 250 Mt

Opportunities and costs of using CCUS to reduce scope 1 oil and gas CO2 emissions, 2018

200 Gas processing

Dollars per tonne CO₂

Hydrogen production
150 Fluid catalytic cracker



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Mt CO₂

Source: IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018,

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Gas processing facilities and hydrogen production at refineries are the main
opportunities to deploy CCUS along the oil and gas value chains

Globally, we estimate that just over 700 Mt CO2 of scope 1 emissions otherwise be vented. Qatar has also announced its intention to step up
from oil and gas operations could be avoided using CCUS. Many of CCUS deployment in its gas operations.
these reductions could be realised at relatively low cost, particularly Applying CCUS to refining operations will be a key mechanism to reduce
emissions from natural gas processing and refining processes that yield emissions from the oil value chain. Refineries tend to consist of a variety
highly concentrated CO2 streams. Over 250 Mt CO2 emissions could be of scattered CO2 emission sources across different processing units,
avoided at a cost of less than USD 50/t CO2. making it difficult to capture all emissions from a plant. However, there are
One of the key opportunities to capture CO2 emissions from the gas some units and systems that could be equipped with capture units. This
value chain is during natural gas processing. Underground deposits of includes hydrogen production units using steam methane reforming
natural gas can contain significant quantities of naturally occurring CO2 (which are the source of around 20% of total CO2 emissions from a
and this must be removed to meet technical specifications before the refinery), fluid catalytic cracking units and co-generation systems.
gas can be sold or used.
Refineries are one of the largest users of hydrogen today, and demand
CO2 removed in gas processing facilities is typically vented, and we for hydrogen is set to grow as regulations on the sulphur content of final
estimate that around 150 Mt CO2 is vented globally in this way. products tighten. Hydrogen production units in refineries result in highly
However, there are a number of projects that capture this CO2, such as concentrated CO2 streams, offering one of the lowest-cost opportunities
the Sleipner projects in Norway. One key advantage of capturing CO2 to apply CCUS. Fluid catalytic cracking units also generate a flue gas
from natural gas processing is that the separation process results in a containing CO2 in relatively high concentrations. The adoption of
very concentrated stream of CO2 that can easily be purified prior to co-generation systems in refineries not only generates energy efficiency
transport and storage. benefits but also centralises emissions sources, making CO2 capture
Since the CO2 content of gas that is transported as LNG has to be more viable.
extremely low, liquefaction facilities are another stage along the gas A number of refineries have installed units to capture CO2 emissions.
value chain where highly concentrated CO2 emissions could potentially For example, a large portion of the emissions from the 400 kb/d Pernis
be captured. refinery in Rotterdam are captured, transported and used in nearby
There are two major LNG facilities in operation today that are equipped greenhouses, and there are a number of other demonstration CCUS
with CCUS units to capture CO2: the Gorgon project in Australia and the projects in refineries elsewhere.
Snøhvit project in Norway. At Gorgon, the natural gas flowing to this
facility contains around 15% CO2, which has to be removed prior to
liquefaction; the aim is to capture these CO2 emissions that would

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Injecting CO2 to enhance oil recovery can provide low-carbon oil, but care is
needed to avoid double-counting the emissions reductions

Allocation of CO2 emissions and credits from CCUS during CO2-EOR for different sources of CO2
Natural CO2 -200 0 200 400 600

Oil rig
CO2 Oil Usage

Anthropogenic CO2
Credit to power

Usage Oil rig

Natural gas CO2 Oil Usage

Credit to oil
Stored CO2 credited to oil sector or power sector, but not both

Biogenic or atmospheric CO2


Usage Oil rig

Bioenergy CO2 Oil Usage

Stored CO2 credited to oil sector

Oil (kg/bbl) Electricity from natural gas (kg/MWh)

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CO2 storage for EOR has a lower net cost than geological storage

Costs of CO2-EOR projects compared with geological storage

Middle East United States China

150 Oil production cost

Dollars per tonne CO₂

CO₂ infrastructure
Oil revenue



EOR Storage EOR Storage EOR Storage

Note: Assumes a USD 70/bbl oil price.

Source: IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018,

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CO2-EOR can be an important stepping stone to large-scale deployment of CCUS

One way to store CO2 underground is to inject CO2 into existing oil However, this logic critically depends on from where the CO2 is sourced.
fields. This is a well-known EOR technique, as the addition of CO2 A credit associated with storing CO2 underground can be counted only
increases the overall reservoir pressure to force the oil towards once: either it can reduce the emissions from the original source when
production wells; it can also blend with the oil, improving its mobility and it was captured or it can reduce the emissions from oil production. It
so allowing it to flow more easily towards production wells. cannot do both.
Today the majority of injected CO2 in CO2-EOR projects is produced For CO2-EOR to produce negative emissions – that is, reduce the stock
from naturally occurring underground CO2 deposits. This may appear a of CO2 in the atmosphere – EOR projects would need to inject CO2 that
somewhat ironic situation, given the wide efforts to reduce CO2 has either come from the combustion or conversion of biomass or has
emissions from the global energy system, but it results from the been captured directly from the air at a rate higher than the scope 1, 2
absence of available CO2 close to oil fields. In the United States, for and 3 emissions arising from the production and consumption of the oil.
example, less than 30% of the near 70 Mt CO2 injected each year for In the SDS, CO2-EOR production rises from 0.5 mb/d today to 1.6 mb/d
CO2-EOR is captured from anthropogenic sources. in 2040, facilitated by higher carbon prices.
Since CO2 is a costly input to the EOR process, CO2-EOR operators Besides the increase in production, a critical indirect benefit of CO2-
currently seek to minimise its use. In the United States, between 300 kg EOR is that it offers a low-cost opportunity to deploy CCUS projects.
and 600 kg of CO2 is injected in EOR processes per barrel of oil Combining CCUS facilities with CO2-EOR operations provides a cost-
produced. Higher utilisation rates are possible – injection of 900 kg CO2 effective way to deploy CCUS. The oil revenues generated reduce
per barrel produced could be technically possible in some fields – and project costs and expand the amount of CO2 stored per unit of
this would not only boost production to a higher degree, but also ensure investment. Of the 23 CCUS projects currently operating or in
that a greater level of CO2 is stored per barrel of oil produced. construction today, 16 use the captured CO2 for EOR.
If enough man-made CO2 is injected during CO2-EOR, the amount that If further CO2-EOR projects using captured CO2 can be developed, this
ends up stored in the ground could exceed the CO2 emissions from the would be likely to reduce the costs of CCUS more generally through
production and combustion of the oil itself (the threshold depends on learning-by-doing, and by expanding the market and pipeline network
the level of scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions but is around for CO2.This could then provide a stepping stone towards large-scale
600 kg CO2/boe). The full life-cycle emissions intensity of the oil deployment of CCUS, including for the production of low-carbon fuels
therefore would be negative and the oil could be described as net such as hydrogen.

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Low-carbon liquids and gases in energy transitions

Slides 142 - 152

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The transition towards low-carbon liquids and gases

Reducing the emissions impact of oil and natural gas supply is one These technologies and fuels could therefore be a good match with their
element of the transition described in the SDS. But ultimately energy existing skill sets, arguably a better match than electricity or more
transitions will need truly low-carbon liquids and gases, including some distributed alternative low-carbon fuels.
that have some synergies with today’s oil and gas industry: Low-carbon liquids and gases can for the most part take advantage of
• low-carbon hydrogen existing transmission and distribution infrastructure and can be used
• biomethane across the energy sector. They are particularly useful in many hard-to-
abate sectors such as aviation, shipping, iron and steel production,
• advanced biofuels. chemicals manufacturing, high-temperature industrial heat, and long-
These fuels all have the potential to be much more widely deployed in distance and long-haul road transport. Without the support of the oil and
a low-emissions energy system, but all face commercial challenges to gas industry, these technologies may never reach the level of maturity
scale up as they are, for the most part, significantly more expensive to where they can supply these sectors cost-competitively.
produce than today’s oil products and natural gas. Moving into these areas does of course come with hazards, not only
As with many aspects of transitions, there are issues for governments related to commerciality but also from concerns about the real life-cycle
to consider with respect to these low-carbon fuels and technologies, environmental gains from biofuels, especially once disruptions to land
including R&D efforts, their envisaged places in future energy systems, use and competition with food supplies are taken into account. That is
and the regulatory frameworks and targeted support that will be why the research is focused on commercialising fuel production from
required to scale up their use. waste products and residues, rather than energy crops.
For countries considering the future of gas grids, questions about the From an oil and gas company perspective, rising interest is underpinned
relative importance, and respective roles, of electricity and gas by the affinity of these fuels with existing business models, a hedge
networks are central to the design of energy transitions. Long-term against possible future restrictions on high-carbon fuels, and the way
strategies need to consider the potential for these networks to deliver that low-carbon liquids and gases allow companies to reduce the
different types of gases in a low-emissions future, as well as their role carbon intensity of the energy they supply to the market.
in ensuring energy security.
Oil and gas exporters seeking ways to guarantee long-term markets for
their resources may also need to start considering carefully the potential
for hydrogen, including options for its transportation to consumers, if it
is to offer a long-term alternative to trade in hydrocarbons.
For its part, the oil and gas industry has extensive experience with
managing multibillion-dollar projects and in handling liquids and gases.

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Strategic responses

Different routes to supply low-carbon methane and hydrogen

Alternative supply routes to produce low-carbon gases

Transformation Intermediate Transformation Final product
Feedstock product

digestion Biogas Upgrading
Organic matter
Biomass Low-carbon
Bio-syngas Methanation
gasification methane

synthetic methane*


Fossil fuel Electrolysis

with CCUS
Steam reforming, methane splitting or coal gasification

* Synthetic methane is low-carbon only if the CO2 originates from biogenic sources or the atmosphere.

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Around 20% of today’s natural gas demand could be met by sustainable

production of biomethane, but at a cost

Global sustainable technical potential for biomethane supply, 2018

Dollars per MBtu (2018)

North America

Middle East
25 Eurasia


20 Central and
South America
Asia Pacific

15 Africa


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700


Source: IEA (2019), World Energy Outlook 2019,

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By 2040, increased deployment is narrowing the cost gap between low-carbon

gases and natural gas in the SDS

Supply costs of natural gas, biomethane and hydrogen in the SDS, 2018 and 2040
Natural gas Biomethane Hydrogen

Dollars per Mbtu (2018)



With CO2 With CH4

price credits

2018 2040 2040 2018 2040 2040 2018 2040

Note: “With CH4 credits” recognises the value of avoiding methane emissions that would otherwise take place from the decomposition of feedstocks; this value utilises CO2 prices from the
SDS and assumes that one tonne of methane is equivalent to 30 tonnes of CO2.
Source: IEA (2019), World Energy Outlook 2019,

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Strategic responses

Industrial opportunities to scale up the uses of low-carbon hydrogen

Interest in low-carbon hydrogen has increased sharply in recent years, the ports and power other nearby industrial facilities such as steel
reflecting the improvement in its outlook as a low-carbon energy carrier, plants.
especially with the declining costs of renewable electricity. Producing • Build on existing infrastructure, such as millions of kilometres of
low-carbon hydrogen, however, is costly at the moment, and investment natural gas pipelines. Introducing clean hydrogen to replace just
in hydrogen and CCUS infrastructure presents significant risks in the 5% of the volume of countries’ natural gas supplies would
absence of assured supply and demand. significantly boost demand for hydrogen and drive down costs.
Hydrogen is not new to the energy system; supplying hydrogen to • Expand hydrogen in transport through fleets, freight and
industrial users is a major business globally and integrated oil and gas corridors. Powering high-mileage cars, trucks and buses to carry
companies typically have extensive experience producing and handling passengers and goods along popular routes can make fuel-cell
hydrogen. However, only a fraction of this is low-carbon hydrogen. vehicles more competitive.
Beyond its existing uses, low-carbon hydrogen could help deliver deep
emissions reductions across a wide range of hard-to-abate sectors. • Launch the hydrogen trade’s first international shipping
routes. Lessons from the successful growth of the global LNG
Producing low-carbon hydrogen from natural gas with CCUS costs
market can be leveraged. International hydrogen trade needs to
USD 12/MBtu to USD 20/MBtu, while producing it from renewable-
start soon if it is to make an impact on the global energy system.
based electricity costs USD 25/MBtu to USD 70/MBtu. Moreover, the
development of hydrogen infrastructure is slow and holding back wider
adoption of hydrogen.
With these and other barriers in mind, the IEA has identified four major
opportunities to scale up hydrogen use over the next decade (IEA,
2019). In all of these areas, co-operation among governments, and
between governments and industry, will be essential:
• Make industrial ports the nerve centres for scaling up the use of
clean hydrogen. Today, much of the refining and chemicals
production that uses hydrogen based on fossil fuels is already
concentrated in coastal industrial zones around the world, such as
the North Sea in Europe, the Gulf Coast in North America and
southeast China. Encouraging these plants to shift to cleaner
hydrogen production would drive down overall costs. These large
sources of hydrogen supply can also fuel ships and trucks serving

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Strategic responses

Biomethane provides a ready low-carbon alternative to natural gas

A key issue for blending hydrogen into gas grids is the tolerance of geographically, though some of the lowest-cost options are available in
existing pipelines and equipment for hydrogen, which has different developing economies in Asia.
properties from natural gas. There are no such issues with biomethane, Industry support for biomethane is coming from a number of areas,
which is a ready alternative. Unlike hydrogen, biomethane, a near-pure including some producers of natural gas. But a key constituency that is
source of methane, is largely indistinguishable from natural gas and so increasingly supportive of biomethane is made up of gas infrastructure
can be used without the need for any changes in transmission and operators who see that gas infrastructure will ultimately need to deliver
distribution infrastructure or end-user equipment. truly low-carbon energy sources if it is to secure its role in a low-
As of today, over 1 billion tonnes of organic by-products and waste are emissions energy system.
thrown away or abandoned every year. Their decomposition can lead In the SDS, biomethane use rises to over 200 Mtoe in 2040, and more
to emissions of methane, which has a significantly higher global than 25 Mtoe of low-carbon hydrogen is injected into gas networks.
warming potential than CO₂; the waste, if left unmanaged, can cause Low-carbon gases make up 7% of total gas supply globally in 2040 and
land and groundwater contamination. If these waste products were they are on a steep upward trajectory at the end of the outlook period.
collected and processed in an appropriate way, they could provide a Over 15% of total gas supply in China and the European Union is low-
valuable source of renewable energy in the form of biogas. carbon gas in 2040.
Biogas is already used as a local source of power and heat, especially Globally, low-carbon hydrogen and biomethane blended into the gas
for rural communities. If biogas is upgraded to pipeline-quality gas (it is grid in the SDS avoid around 500 Mt of annual CO2 emissions that
then typically known as biomethane), it could help to reduce the would have occurred in 2040 if natural gas had been used instead. In
emissions intensity of gas supply in gas-consuming economies. addition, over 80 Mtoe of low-carbon hydrogen is also used directly in
There are over 700 biomethane plants in operation today producing end-use sectors in 2040.
around 2.5 Mtoe of biomethane globally. Although biomethane
represents less than 0.1% of natural gas demand today, its production
and use are supported by an increasing number of policies, especially
in the transport and electricity sectors.
As with hydrogen, biomethane is also expensive today: meeting 10% of
today’s gas demand with biomethane would cost USD 10/MBtu to
USD 22/MBtu. Nonetheless, this report estimates that around 730 Mtoe
of biomethane could be produced sustainably today, equivalent to over
20% of global natural gas demand. This potential is widely spread

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Strategic responses

There is a vast potential to produce biofuels in a sustainable manner using

advanced technologies

Sustainable feedstock available and levels needed to cover total biofuel consumption in the SDS

10 Potential
Billion tonnes


in SDS

Biofuels in

2017 2025 2030 2035 2040

Note: “Sustainable” feedstock has near-zero life-cycle GHG emissions, does not compete with food for agricultural land and does not have other adverse sustainability impacts (such as
reducing biodiversity). The sustainable level of wood feedstock estimated here is below annual forest growth rates to ensure that forest levels are preserved.
Source: IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018,

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Strategic responses

Biofuels are key to emissions reductions in a number of hard-to-abate sectors

Consumption of biofuels by sector in the SDS

8 Trucks
Mboe per day

6 Passenger cars

2018 2025 2030 2035 2040

150 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

Biofuels can make up a growing share of future liquids demand, but most growth
will need to come from advanced technologies that are currently very expensive

Biofuels play an increasing important role in the SDS: production could lead to huge potential increases in biofuel production. Many of the
quadruples from around 2 mboe/d today to almost 8 mboe/d by 2040. oil and gas companies have active R&D programmes in these areas.
In 2040, biofuels account for around 10% of global liquids demand. We estimate that today there are around 10 billion tonnes of
Biofuels are used almost exclusively in the transport sector in this lignocellulosic “sustainable” feedstock that could be used for biofuels
scenario. Consumption in passenger cars grows by around 2 mboe/d production worldwide. The 8 mboe/d of biofuel production in the SDS
from today’s level to a peak level of around 3.7 mboe/d in 2035. After would only need around 15% of the available feedstock.
2035, there is a slight dip in the use of biofuels in passenger cars. This While large volumes of advanced biofuels could be produced
is due in part to the increasing electrification of the car fleet, but it is also sustainably, their development and deployment has been slowed by
because biofuels are needed elsewhere in the system as they provide their costs (relative to both conventional biofuels and oil). Conventional
an increasingly important mechanism to reduce emissions from the biofuel feedstocks can often be harvested close to production centres;
hard-to-abate aviation and shipping sectors. they have a higher energy content, and they often have a low level of
Today the use of biofuels in aviation and shipping is limited, but there contaminants so handling and treatment can be relatively inexpensive
are few low-carbon alternatives to biofuels in shipping (hydrogen and and simple.
LNG play some role in the shipping sector in the SDS) and no other By contrast, advanced biofuel feedstock tends to be spread over a
viable low-carbon fuels to reduce emissions from aviation. larger geographic area and of variable quality. Producing a barrel of
On the supply side, the majority of the 1.8 mboe/d of biofuels produced advanced biodiesel costs around USD 140/barrel today. Assuming that
globally today use “conventional” methods of production. Concerns this results in no net CO2 emissions, a carbon tax above USD 150/t CO2
have been raised about the sustainability of these methods in some would be required for such a biodiesel to be cost-competitive with diesel
countries, as the feedstocks required can compete with food production refined from crude oil. The future of advanced biofuels therefore will
for agricultural land and there can be a large increase in CO2 emissions depend critically on continued technological innovation to reduce
intensity associated with land clearing and cultivation. production costs as well as stable and long-term policy support.
As a result, there is increased interest in advanced biofuels, which can
avoid these concerns. Various materials can be used: waste oils, animal
fats, lignocellulosic material such as agricultural and forestry residues,
and municipal wastes, and all are the subject of current research
programmes. If successful, the results of these research programmes

151 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

Creating long-term sustainable markets for hydrocarbons relies on expanding

non-combustion uses, or removing and storing the carbon
The response of the world’s largest oil and gas resource holders to the captured at relatively low costs, which would then need to be stored
prospect of falling demand for carbon-intensive fuels is a critical issue underground or incorporated permanently into other materials.
for energy transitions. These countries are always likely to seek out • “Methane splitting”: whereby methane is converted into hydrogen
opportunities to monetise these resources. Their development could be and solid carbon (also called “carbon black”). The carbon black can
made compatible with global aims to reduce emissions either by be buried or used to produce rubber, tyres, printers or plastics. The
expanding non-combustion uses of hydrocarbons or by converting the splitting could be performed either close to the production site,
hydrocarbons to zero-carbon fuels to be delivered to consumers. which would require new hydrogen transmission and distribution
One option to expand the non-combustion uses of hydrocarbons is to infrastructure, or close to the point of end use. The latter production
increase the direct production of chemical products relative to transport route could make use of existing gas infrastructure to transport and
fuels. Recently, a growing number of companies are making efforts to distribute the methane and so may be the more cost-effective
integrate refining and petrochemical facilities, with an aim to increase option (although it would rely on the consumer handling the carbon
chemical product yields beyond the typical levels. There are even more black). Methane splitting has received interest from a number of
ambitious schemes being pursued to produce chemical products countries and companies, although it is still at a very early stage of
directly from crude oil, with traditional refinery outputs (such as gasoline development and a number of challenges still need to be resolved.
or diesel) becoming by-products of this process. The first planned To illustrate the volumes of CO2 that could be involved, one can look at
“crude-to-chemicals” complex is currently being designed by Saudi the CCUS requirements that would be compatible with large-scale
Aramco and aims to convert 40-45% of crude oil to chemical products. production of oil and gas in selected major producers.
A second project aims for a higher yield and is being developed based
For example, in 2040 the Middle East produces 36 mb/d oil and over
on new thermal cracking technology. These schemes could challenge
1 tcm of natural gas in the STEPS, compared with 22 mb/d and
traditional upstream, refining and petrochemical businesses, especially
650 bcm in the SDS. If these countries were to produce at the higher
in the event that demand for transport fuels wanes while petrochemical
levels of the STEPS without additional emissions, and assuming that
uses remain strong (as in the SDS).
there is large-scale demand for hydrogen, then around 14 mb/d oil and
One option to convert hydrocarbons to zero-carbon fuels is to produce 350 bcm natural gas would need to be converted to hydrogen. This
hydrogen from the oil or natural gas and to capture, use or store would produce almost 3 000 Mt CO2 each year. Today, there is around
permanently the separated CO2 or carbon. Two ways to do this are: 35 Mt CO2 captured globally, meaning that CCUS deployment would
• “Methane reforming”: this is the most common method, in which need to scale up by a factor of 100 within the next 20 years.
methane is converted into pure streams of hydrogen and CO2 at
high temperature and pressure. The pure stream of CO2 can be

152 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

The transition from “fuel” to “energy” companies

Slides 153 - 160

153 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

The scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity of oil and gas production falls by 50% in
the SDS, led by reductions in methane emissions

Changes in the average global scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity of oil and natural gas production in the SDS

Use of CCUS in
Use of renewables in
Methane reductions

Reduce flaring and

venting CO₂
60% Oil to gas shift

Change in resources
produced and refined
40% Efficiency


2018 2030 2040

Note: Global average scope 1 and 2 emissions for oil and natural gas are around 90 kg CO2-eq/boe in 2018 and around 45 kg CO2-eq/boe in 2040.

154 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

Immediate and rapid action on reducing emissions from current operations is an

essential first step for oil and gas companies in energy transitions

A necessary first step for the oil and gas industry in energy transitions is capturing and storing emissions from refining, and co-locating
to reduce the environmental footprint of its operations. This is not renewables with new upstream operations.
important just to reduce GHG emissions, but also because producers that The CO2 price in the SDS would be sufficient to encourage CO2-EOR
can demonstrate strong action in this area can credibly argue that their oil operators to inject anthropogenic rather than natural sources of CO2. This
and gas resources should be preferred over higher-emissions options. is a crucial mechanism to storing permanently this CO2 underground.
In the SDS, industry efforts are pushed by CO2 pricing and policy The captured CO2 in this scenario comes from industrial facilities and
interventions and have a major impact on the level of scope 1 and 2 power plants, which claim the emissions reduction credit. For CO2-EOR
emissions. The emissions intensity of oil and natural gas production to produce negative emissions – that is reduce the stock of CO2 in the
falls by more than 50% between 2018 and 2040, a drop in absolute atmosphere – EOR projects would need to inject CO2 that has either
terms of around 3 200 Mt CO2. come from the combustion or conversion of biomass or has been
The biggest impact, by far, on reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions over captured directly from the air.
the next ten years is through tackling methane emissions. Reductions These reductions in scope 1 and 2 emissions are an essential step for
go beyond those technologies that would pay for themselves through oil and natural gas to play the role envisaged in the SDS. If they do not
the value of the captured methane. All technically available measures occur, then there would need to be a faster reduction in oil and gas
to reduce emissions are deployed by 2030, which leads to a 75% demand to ensure compatibility with international climate targets.
reduction in methane emissions from oil and gas operations. As
discussed above, only a modest CO2 price – applied to all sources of
GHG emissions – would be needed to incentivise the adoption of these
measures, but regulatory interventions could also play a role to
encourage their introduction at the pace and scale needed.
Significant emissions reductions also come through strengthened
efforts to eliminate flaring, and capturing and reinjecting CO2 that is
extracted with natural gas. There is wider adoption of efficiency
improvements in existing facilities and the various “game-changing”
measures are incorporated into the design of new facilities. This
includes electrifying LNG facilities or equipping them with CCUS units,

155 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

The rise of low-carbon liquids and gases and CCUS help to reduce the scope 3
emissions intensity of liquids and gases by around 25% by 2040

Changes in scope 3 emissions intensity of liquids and gases consumed in the SDS

Low-carbon liquids

Low-carbon gases

Use of CCUS
Shift from oil to gas

Increase in non-
60% combustion uses



2018 2030 2040

156 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

Consumer choices are key to reductions in scope 3 oil and gas emissions. But,
there are still many options to reduce the emissions intensity of liquids and gases

While reducing the emissions intensity of oil and gas production is oil products as a petrochemical feedstock (assuming that these are not
essential, today a much larger share of emissions comes from incinerated after use), also helps to reduce scope 3 emissions intensity.
combustion of the fuels themselves. Tackling these emissions – along The world is not on track to deliver these kinds of emissions reductions.
with the emissions from coal – is the critical factor for energy transitions. They will require well-designed policies from governments (including
Many different actors have roles to play in this task, including national carbon pricing) to promote research, development and large-scale
policy makers, urban planners, product designers, automobile deployment of the relevant technologies and infrastructure.
manufacturers, fuel suppliers and individual consumers. In the SDS,
The oil and gas industry has an interest to support and accelerate these
there is a 6 000 Mt CO2 drop in emissions from the combustion of oil
processes and, in doing so, create the sort of transition process in which
and natural gas between 2018 and 2040 (and an 11 000 Mt CO2 drop
their core skills and expertise find a place.
in emissions from coal).
However, the overall reduction of 25% in scope 3 emissions intensity
Low-carbon electricity plays a central role in realising these reductions.
by 2040 would not, in aggregate, be enough to meet the sorts of targets
However, as noted at the start of Section II, more than two-thirds of final
that have been announced by some oil and gas companies. As
energy consumption in the SDS in 2040 still comes from other sources,
technologies mature, or innovative technologies become available,
mainly from liquids and gases. This opens up a major set of questions
companies could push more strongly on these levers in order to reduce
about the availability of low-carbon fuels and alternative energy carriers
their emissions profile further. But dramatic reductions in the emissions
such as hydrogen, and the possibilities to deploy CCUS.
intensity of company portfolios would mean finding additional levers,
In the SDS between 2018 and 2040, there is a 25% reduction in the beyond those available in the traditional business of providing fuels to
scope 3 emissions intensity of all liquids and gases that are consumed consumers.
globally. The largest portion of this reduction stems from the
With this in mind, an increasing number of companies are looking into
deployment of CCUS. By 2040 there is nearly 400 bcm of natural gas
nature-based solutions as a complement to decarbonisation efforts.
use that is equipped with CCUS (split equally between the power and
These efforts fall outside the scope of the energy sector (and of this
industry sectors).
analysis) but can play an important role. Many are also seeking to
Biofuels play an important role in reducing the scope 3 emissions expand roles in the electricity sector, part of a journey from “fuel” to
intensity, especially in the near term, while low-carbon gases – both “energy” companies.
hydrogen and biomethane – play a growing role in the latter part of our
projection period as they start to come into the energy system at larger
scale. Finally, growth in non-combustion uses of oil, such as the use of

157 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

In the SDS, electricity overtakes oil to become the largest element in consumer
energy spending

Global end-user energy spending by fuel and scenario

Stated Policies Scenario Sustainable Development Scenario
Trillion dollars (2018)

Historical Projections

2000 2018 2040 2018 2040

Coal Oil Gas Electricity

Note: Includes taxes.

Source: Based on IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018,

158 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

The dilemmas of company transformations

There are already examples of oil and gas companies that have made Transformations would also involve moving from business areas where
a leap into other areas of energy. The oft-quoted example is Ørsted in companies have a demonstrable record of achievement into areas
Denmark: in its previous incarnation as Dansk Olie og Naturgas where they may currently have much less of a comparative advantage.
(Danish Oil and Natural Gas [DONG]) it was charged with the For smaller or more specialised players in the oil and gas business, this
development of Denmark’s hydrocarbon resources in the North Sea. It may be a decisive consideration. As discussed in Section III, the
started to diversify into electricity in the early 2000s, at which point it strategic choices available to some much larger players, notably NOCs,
became DONG Energy. Then in 2017 it sold off its declining oil and gas are also framed by their mandate to act as custodians of national
business (to INEOS) and has become a leading light in the expansion hydrocarbon wealth.
of renewable electricity, particularly offshore wind. The companies that are embracing the transition from fuel to energy
The oil and gas assets continue to produce under different ownership companies are attempting to straddle divergent possible outcomes and
(a point sometimes overlooked by the divestment movement), but the risks. Companies are investing to meet oil and gas requirements,
company has achieved impressive reductions in its overall emissions sustaining the volume of their oil and gas activity, while building new low-
intensity. In 2009, Ørsted announced an initial CO2 reduction target of carbon energy businesses. The balancing act is to generate the
50% by 2020, compared with 2006. Now it is targeting GHG reductions necessary cash flow to sustain investments in both hydrocarbons and
of 78% by 2020 and 96% by 2023, with low-carbon energy (electricity new low-carbon businesses, while remaining financially robust for
and heat, including a significant bioenergy component) instrumental to shareholders.
the company’s growth and its financial performance.
The companies themselves cannot determine how the relative markets
In the case of Ørsted, the starting point was a relatively small will evolve for oil, gas, electricity or renewable energies. One of the few
hydrocarbon resource base and mature fields; it is also operating in an things, though, that emerges with a degree of certainty in the WEO
overall policy environment that is targeting aggressive reductions in scenarios is that however fast energy demand grows in the future,
emissions. Its experience nonetheless offers an example of what might electricity demand grows more quickly. And the composition of that
be possible in the broader oil and gas business. electricity shifts towards lower-carbon sources. This provides real
The dilemma for today’s fuel companies that are looking at becoming market opportunities for related businesses seeking to grow or to offset
energy companies starts from the fact that oil and gas has been – and shrinking markets elsewhere.
remains, for most – a successful business. It has rewarded shareholders
with robust dividends, and the transition to “energy” could risk, at least in
the near term, these financial returns. As noted in Section III, low-carbon
energy businesses can certainly be profitable, but the returns for these
segments have generally been lower than for hydrocarbons.

159 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved
Strategic responses

Low-carbon electricity is an essential part of the world’s energy future;

it can be part of the oil and gas industry’s transformation as well

Investment by oil and gas companies in the electricity sector has to date (particularly offshore), power trading and aggregation, electricity
accounted for a small part of their overall capital spending. Companies marketing, biofuels, energy efficiency (including as a service), and
have mostly sought to operate effectively in these new businesses natural carbon sinks. For many oil and gas companies, and countries,
through acquisitions rather than organic development. These the development of power generation from natural gas also plays a role
acquisitions have the benefit of providing an immediate foothold in the in decarbonisation strategies, and the expansion into renewable
market through a viable business, while at the same time acquiring electricity complements downstream activities in the gas business.
valuable know-how and experience. The same is not yet true for other fields, notably hydrogen and CCUS.
Even though today’s low-carbon investments may offer lower headline Here the task is to develop these models through R&D efforts and via
returns than oil and gas, there are ways for companies to structure partnerships with companies and governments. Oil and gas companies
these investments that increase their attractiveness. Oil and gas typically seek to lay off risk in high-cost projects by working with others;
companies benefit from low financing costs. In addition, farming down this approach will also be pivotal if there is to be progress in these less
part of the capital in each project to outside investors can help. As a certain and more capital-intensive sectors.
result, with a disciplined approach to investment, IRRs for renewable To reduce GHG emissions, the world needs an energy transformation
energy investments can approach levels similar to some oil and gas of unprecedented scale and breadth, involving a wide range of clean
projects. And even if returns may lag behind those for hydrocarbons, fuels and low-carbon technologies. The oil and gas industry has global
they help companies to immediately meet their carbon intensity breadth and diversity, as well as huge potential in terms of technical and
commitments. financial expertise, and management and financial resources. For the
The viability of opportunities for the oil and gas industry varies widely future of the oil and gas industry, and its relationship with the societies
across the spectrum of low-carbon businesses. Some areas already in which it operates, it is strategically critical to harness this potential to
have viable business models into which the industry can expand. These the global fight against climate change.
include solar (PV or thermal, distributed or utility scale), wind

160 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved


This report was prepared by the Energy Supply and Investment Outlook Many experts from outside the IEA provided input, commented on the
(ESIO) Division of the Directorate of Sustainability, Technology and underlying analytical work, and reviewed a preliminary draft of the
Outlooks (STO). The principal author was Christophe McGlade, with report. Their comments and suggestions were of great value.
major contributions from Michael Waldron and Tim Gould (Head of
The individuals and organisations that contributed to this study are not
Division), who designed and directed the analysis. Other key
responsible for any opinions or judgements it contains. All errors and
contributors from across the International Energy Agency (IEA) were
omissions are solely the responsibility of the IEA.
Simon Bennett, Alessandro Blasi, Toril Bosoni, Joel Course, Tae-Yoon
Kim, Yoko Nobuoka, Paweł Olejarnik, Ryszard Pośpiech, Frances
Reuland, Laszlo Varro and Peter Zeniewski. Eleni Tsoukala provided
essential support.
Valuable comments and feedback were provided by senior
management and numerous other colleagues within the IEA, in
particular Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Keisuke Sadamori, Laura Cozzi, Dave
Turk and Samantha McCullough.
The analysis relies heavily on the scenario analysis and modelling
undertaken by the entire World Energy Outlook team.
Thanks also go to Astrid Dumond, Tanya Dyhin, Jad Mouawad, Jethro
Mullen and Therese Walsh of the Communications and Digital Office,
as well as the Energy Data Centre. Erin Crum was the editor.
The work was undertaken in collaboration with the World Economic
Forum, and benefited greatly from discussions at a high-level workshop
on the “Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions”, organised in Paris
on 25 November 2019.

162 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved

Peer reviewers
Fahad Alidi World Economic Forum Xue Hua Environmental Appraisal Center
Neal Anderson Wood Mackenzie Maciej Kolaczkowski World Economic Forum
Paul Appleby BP Mark Lewis BNP Paribas
Atul Arya IHS Markit Giacomo Luciani Sciences Po
Kamel Bennaceur Nomadia Energy Consulting David Manley Natural Resource Governance
Roberto Bocca World Economic Forum Institute
Antonia Bullard IHS Markit Akito Matsumoto International Monetary Fund
Nick Butler Independent expert Pedro G. Gomez Pensado World Economic Forum
Tracey Cameron CERES James Peterkin Credit Suisse International
Xavier Chen Beijing Energy Club Antonio Lopez Rodriguez Repsol
Morgan D. Bazilian Payne Institute Maria Sicilia Salvadores Enagas
Anqi Dang Allianz France Filip Schittecatte ExxonMobil
Iancu Daramus Legal & General Investment John Scott Zurich Insurance Group
Management Rebecca Schulz Shell
Michele Della Vigna Goldman Sachs Adnan Shihab Eldin Foundation for the Advancement
Andrea Di Chiara Eni of Sciences, Kuwait
Charles W. Donovan Imperial College London Ottar Skagen Equinor
Jonathan Elkind Columbia University, School of Wim Thomas Shell
International and Public Affairs Paul Tiernan Woodside Energy
Mark Finley Rice University's Baker Institute Georges Tijbosch SYSTEMIQ
for Public Policy Katrien Verlinden Saipem
Nathan Frisbee Schlumberger Eirik Waerness Equinor
Robert G. Schwiers Jr. Chevron Julien Wastyn Total
Oliver Grayer Institutional Investors Group on Kirsten Westphal German Institute for International
Climate Change and Security Affairs
Nigel Jenvey Gaffney, Cline & Associates

163 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved


Bloomberg (2019), Bloomberg Terminal (accessed multiple times Rystad Energy (2019), UCube (database), Rystad (accessed multiple
during December 2019). times during December 2019).
Ceres (2019), Shareholder Resolutions (database), Thomson Reuters Eikon (2019), (database), (accessed multiple times (accessed multiple during December 2019).
times during December 2019).
Victor et al. (2019), Accelerating The Low Carbon Transition: The
Economic Expert Group (2019), data featured in Andrianova (2019), Case for Stronger, More Targeted and Coordinated International
Putin’s Budget Has Lowest Break-Even Oil Price in Over a Decade, Action, Brookings, Washington, DC.
Wood Mackenzie (2019), The Majors’ & NOC’s New Energies,
presentation at IEA High-Level Workshop: Oil and Gas Industry in
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2019), World Energy Outlook Energy Transitions (25 November 2019), Paris.
2019, IEA, Paris,
IEA (2018), World Energy Outlook 2018, IEA, Paris,
IHS Markit (2019), Oil and Gas Company Climate Indicators Highlight
Consensus on Risks, Divergence in Response, Climate and Carbon
Insight, IHS Markit.
IMF (International Monetary Fund) (2019), “Regional economic
outlook: Middle East and Central Asia”, IMF, Washington, DC.
IOGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers) (2015),
Environmental Performance Indicators – 2014 Data, IOGP, London.
IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) (2019), Renewable
Cost (dataset), Germany,
NRGI (National Resource Governance Institute) (2019), “Massive and
misunderstood: Data-driven insights into national oil companies”,

164 | The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions | IEA 2020. All rights reserved

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