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Field Study 1

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Field Study 1 is the first in a series of six sequential studies in the Bachelor of
Elementary Education and the Bachelor of Secondary Education Programs (BEED and
BSED) offered by the Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs). Field study 1 is linked with
a professional education subject. It is the prerogative of the TEI to match with an
appropriate subject such as Child and Adolescent Development, Principles of Teaching,
or Facilitating Learning.

The focus of Field Study 1 is observation of the learners, school structure and the
community. Since this is the first time the student teachers have been exposed to the
school environment, they are expected to take note of the school and classroom facilities,
and the organizational set-up of the school. The PSTs shall observe the behavior of the
learners in the actual learning environment. Based on their observations of learners, PSTs
shall develop their understanding on feasible approaches to facilitate learning considering
the various phases of growth and development.

To assist their transition, the students will be paired with a “buddy”. Included in FS 1 is
the enhancement of the students’ communication skills with his/her buddy since they are
expected to be adequate in the language they will be using during their hands-on teaching
in the remaining field studies.

Course Description

Field Study 1 will introduce student observers to the learner’s behavior in the
different phases of development, school environment and the school community. It offers
them opportunities and prospects for career development as they observe the school
structure, the classrooms, the school facilities, the teachers, the parents, and the students.
This observation course provides them avenues to enhance their communication skills as
they exchange ideas with their buddy, with the cooperating teachers, with pupils, and
with parents. This observation includes the way teachers interact with each other, with
students, with parents, and other stakeholders.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 1

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, Field Study 1, the student observers will be able to:

1. conduct a mini case study of one learner;

2. familiarize with the structure of the cooperating school as spelled out in the
organizational chart;
3. adapt with the different facilities and amenities found in the cooperating schools that
promote child friendly school system;
4. abide by the policies, guidelines, rules and regulations set by the school.

Expected Outcomes

Each student will:

1. Produce a case study report on the learner.

2. Produce a chart of the school organization and identify personnel/ key positions of the
structural set-up of the cooperating school.
3. Identify facilities of school and describe their status and conditions.
4. List and explain the policies, rules and regulations set by the school

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 2


We dream of Filipino who passionately love their country and whose values and
competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to
building the nation.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-
based, and complete basic education where students learn in a child-friendly, gender-
sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner. Administrators

and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment
for effective earing to happen. Family, community and other stakeholders are actively
engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners.






Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 3


Curriculum and Management Goal

 Implement a define curriculum that will cater to the needs and abilities for the
total development of a life-long.

Staff management and Development Goal

 Ensure teachers effectiveness through continues professional development and an

effective performance management mechanism.

Learning Environment Goal

 Provide a safe, caring, tolerant and welcoming environment that encourages

positive contributions from everyone.

Resource Mobilization and Management Goal

 Provide adequate resources effectively and efficiently manage the support

accomplishment of targets

Community Partnership Goal

 Establish school and community networks and linkages for continue school
improvement process.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 4


Apokon Elementary School is committed to provide quality basic education

through the concerted efforts of the teacher and other stakeholders. Our mission is for
every student to reach their full potential through rigorous teaching and learning in a
child-friendly school.

This is the only public elementary school which situated in Barangay Apokon. It
caters educational services to its locality with an immensely diverse culture including
Bisaya, Mandaya, and Muslim students. It was established in June 1946 with simple
beginning with multi grades classes with forty (40) pupils in Grades I and II and twenty
six (26) pupils in Grades III and IV as the first enrollees.

Apokon Elementary School is one of the five public elementary schools in Tagum
Central Cluster. It is three (3) kilometers away from the heart of the City of Tagum. It has
a total area of 8.650 square meters. It is situated at a strategic location because of its
nearby existing public and private high schools and colleges whereby majority at its
graduates pursue secondary education and higher learning, namely: University of
Southeastern Philippines located in the eastern part, St. Lorenzo Ruiz Academy in the
Western part, Tagum National Trade school in the south eastern part and North Davao
College Foundation INC. IN THE NOTHERN PART.

It terms of school performance, Apokon Elementary School does not lag behind
from other schools of Tagum City Division. The fact, some of its pupils have garnered
several awards in the local, school, division, regional and national competitions both
academic and non-academic aspects. This is a truly indications that the school has
nurtured its pupils into a well-rounded individual.

At present, Apokon elementary School has a total of 2,040 pupils from grades I to
VI and 234 preschoolers. With this fast growing enrolment, the school had re-engineered
its goals, programs and projects consistent to the need of the pupils and community as
well. Likewise, the school sets out to tap and mobilize human resources, parents and
other stakeholders to attain its vision and mission to produce quality graduates by
providing quality education.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 5


1. When entering the classroom

- Place your bag on your desk / armchair silently, Follow the seat plan
2. During Flag ceremony
- Be punctual at all times and behave accordingly . Attendance will be checked
3. After the flag ceremony/ before the first period
- Group 1 & 2 will clean the classroom
 Chalkboard free from any dirt and writings
 Arranged the armchairs neatly
 Floor tiles are very clean and mopped
 Cabinets are wiped and no extra things on top
 Hallway should always be clean---as in always
- Group 3 &4 will clean the back of the classroom including the basketball
 Pick up all the cellophanes and paper
 Sweep the leaves and other biodegradable waste
 Throw your garbage in designated garbage bins
 Bring all your brooms inside the classroom
- Group 5 & 6 will clean the Gulayan sa Paaralan
 Water the plants
 Remove all the weeds
 Cultivate the soil
 Sweep the leaves and other biodegradable waste
 Throw your garbage in designated garbage bins
 Bring all your brooms and garden tools inside the classrooms.
4. When having lectures
 Listen attentively to your teachers
 Participate in every class discussion
 Don’t hesitate to ask if you don’t understand the lesson
 Don’t make unnecessary noise while classes are going on, respect
your classmate and your teachers

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 6

5. When having an activity
 Be with your respective groups
 Participate actively in activities, students who will participate will
earn an extra point aside from group pints
 Assign a leader, secretary and reporter but these are permanent the
role will be transferred to other students in every activity
 Be prepared with crayons, felt tip pins, manila paper, ruler, glue
and scissors
6. When having a quiz
 Listen as to what use of path you are going to use
 Your ballpen is your “weapon in every battle” so don’t forget to bring
ALWAYS your ballpen
 Listen to the instruction of the teacher
 Focus on your answer, don’t copy your classmates’ answer
 Be honest at all times, NEVER CHEAT
 If given a test paper get one and pass it to the person at your back
 Work quietly
 When already done, wait for the instruction of the teachers
 After checking, pass your paper to the person in front of you, only the
student in front row is allowed to collect all the papers in their respective
7. If having an assignment
 Take note of the instruction given by the teachers
 Ask for clarification if some points are not clearly understood.
 Do your homework religiously.
 Submit it the next day to your teacher.
8. When taking Recess
 The adviser will assign student who will withdraw for recess at the
 The assigned student will get the class notebook (recess notebook)
 All orders will be listed
 Fall in line in buying snack, failure to do so will not be entertained
 The assigned student will endorse the sales to the canteen in-charge
 Bring back the food tray to the classroom
 All wrappers must be put inside the designated garbage bins
 Practice CLAYGO! Clean As You Go!

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 7

9. When you need to use the CR
 Ask for the permission of the object teacher
 Only two students are allowed to get outside together, another two will be
allowed if the first set have returned
10. When having a concern outside the classroom
 Ask the permission of the teacher. Only important concerns shall be
allowed and entertained by the teacher
 Always wear the excuse ID
11. About your attendance
 As much as possible, never absent from your class. Your attendance will
be closely monitored. If cannot be avoided say for example you are sick
send an excuse letter to your adviser stating the cause of your absence
 Never commit cutting classes
 Never ever jump over the fence. It could harm you
12. Cleaning the room after classes
 Arranged the armchairs neatly
 Clean all the dirt, never leave any litters on the floor
 Clean the chalkboard
 Water the plants
13. In hallways
 Keep quiet when walking around hallways so as not Student disturb
14. Be polite always. Greet your teachers, principal, and visitors
15. Respect your classmates. Don’t get things that are not yours
16. Hands on yourself. Never hurt your classmates, schoolmates and teachers
17. Be neat and clean. Bring extra t-shirt, towel alcohol, cologne and powder
18. Be honest at all times
19. When there are school activities
 Fall in the line going to the gym. Be in one place so that the teacher will
easily see you
 Attendance and behaviour will be closely monitored
20. Make the people around you ALWAYS HAPPY!

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 8


Target Date Venue Activity Details

An orientation / briefing with workshop is conducted
to student teachers to verify the behavior of the child
First Laboratory Briefing in the actual classroom settings and PSTs are expected
School to reflect all observations through journal writing.
A “Campus Tour” is conducted by the cooperating
principal who brings the pre-service teachers around
the campus to showcase a “Child-friendly school”.
This includes orientation of school policies, rules and
Second Laboratory Campus Tour regulations. Pre-service teachers are expected to come
School up with a classroom layout and a fully accomplished
organizational structure and seating arrangement of
This is an actual observation in 2 different classrooms.
The focus of observation is child behavior and the
Classroom school environment. This includes interaction between
Third Laboratory Observation of student teacher and his/her buddy that enhances skills
School Learners and School in communication as well as observation of learner’s
Facilities interaction and the school facilities.
This is the second school visit observing two
classrooms different from the first. This observation
Class Observation of will provide them opportunity to make a classroom
Fourth Laboratory Learners and School lay-out/diagram, and a chance to open cabinets and
School Facilities divans. PSTs also observe learners action in relation to
the school environment.
The focus here is to see whether furniture and
Class Observation of fixtures, seat plan, room arrangements, divans, are in
Fifth Laboratory Learners and School place. Available technology gadgets or facilities are
School Facilities also observed.
This is the last in a series of six activities. Debriefing
is conducted to ensure that all issues and concerns are
Sixth Laboratory Debriefing / Exit discussed and clarified. This is the time when
School Conference Practicum Supervisor collects requirements such as;
journals, portfolio, and others relative to FS1.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 9


Name: Jane L. Cabañal

Position: Teacher 1

Home Address: Block 12 Lot 13 Esmeralda Purok 3B, Apokon, Tagum City

Contact Number: 09096428365

Date of Birth: December 20, 1990

Place of Birth: Tagum City

Citizenship: Filipino

Educ. Qualification: BEEd

Eligibility: LET

PRC No.: 1121623


PAG-IBIG No.:1210-1261-4090

Philhealth No.: 16-050491338-1

Date of Original Appointment: June 13, 2016

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 10


Name: John Wesley A. Quintero Contact Number: 09351527590

Date of Birth: March 29, 1994 Age: 22

Civil Status: Single

Place of Birth: Tagum City, Davo Del Norte Religion: Foursquare

Citizenship: Filipino

Weight: 70 Height: 5’6”

Address: Prk. Pinetree Brgy. North Tagum City

Name of Father: Isidro G. Quintero Occupation: Employee

Name of Mother: Betty A. Quintero Occupation: Employee

Name of Brother(s): Melkie A. Quintero

Educational Background: Year:

Elementary: Magugpo Pilot Imelda Elementary School 2001-2007

Secondary: Liceo De Davao 2007-2010

Tertiary: Magugpo Institute of Technology 2010-2014

Tertiary: University of Southeastern Philippines 2015-2016

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 11

S.Y. 2016-2017

Teacher: Jane L. Cabañal Designation: Teacher 1

Educ’l Qual: BEEd Civil Status:
C.S. Eligibility: LET


7:15 – 7:30 15 Flag Ceremony
7:30 – 7:40 1:00 - 1:10 10 Arrival Time 1
7:40 – 8:00 1:10 - 1:30 20 Meeting Time 1
8:00 – 8:50 1:30 – 2:20 50 Work Period 1
8:50 – 9:10 2:20 – 2:40 20 Meeting 2
9:10 – 9:25 2:40 – 2:55 15 Recess

9:25 – 9:45 2:55 – 3:15 20 Rest/Story Time

9:45 – 10:30 3:15 – 4:00 45 Work Period 2
10:30 – 10:50 4:00 – 4:20 20 Indoor/Outdoor Games
10:50 – 11:00 4:20 – 4:30 10 Meeting Time 3/Dimissal

Prepared by:
Teacher I

Approved by:
Principal III

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 12








Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 13


About the classroom diagram, it’s way bit difficult for me to make it. First, my

CT’s section had transferred to different classroom on the other corner of the school.

Second, I had no idea where were they at that moment. Therefore, I chased their

classroom and found it at last. Since it was a new room, new arrangements I need to

adjust what I did in my previous observation.

What I had observed in the new classroom, it is way different from the previous

but in a good way. The classroom was nice and tidy the tables are on the proper

arrangement in accordance of the comfort the pre-school students. They have a television

where they can watch educational videos to boost their knowledge visually and verbally.

They have comfort room as well washing station to handle the comforts of the students

including teachers. They also have bookshelves which hold instructional materials,

portfolios, and complete first aid kit. Other facilities are wall fan placed in the middle of

each corner of the room, a divan, and cabinet.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 14




Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 15






Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 16


5 4 3 2 1

Diagram is Diagram is Diagram is Diagram lacks No diagram

accurate, scaled accurate, accurate accuracy presented
and enhanced clearly according to
labelled and layout

and the
and the
and the
and the and the

explanation is
explanation critiques the
clear and explanation explanation is
contains classroom
supported by barely supports missing or
suggestions for layout
references (e.g. the diagram incomplete
alternatives in
the classroom
(alternatives are

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 17

On Learners

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 18


Name: Azriel E. Convicto

Age: 5 Sex: Male
Ordinal Position in the Family: 3th in the family
Parent’s name: (Father): Ramil E. Convicto Occupation: Employee
(Mother): Marilen E. Convicto Occupation: House Wife
Religion: Roman Catholic Ethnic group: Bisaya
Barangay: Prk. 6 - B Apokon Tagum City
Grade School Level: Kinder Section: Peace
Class Adviser: Mrs. Jane L. Cabañal
Club Affiliation: Boy Scout
Most liked Subject(s): Math
Why? Because I love writing numbers.
Least liked Subject(s): Drawing
Why? It’s slightly difficult to draw.
Hobbies:Playing “Tuba Lata” and Writing
1. Favorite Color: Red
2. Favorite Flower: Sunflower
3. Favorite Song: My Only One
4. Favorite TV Program: Power Ranger
5. Favorite Movie: Star Wars
6. Favorite Game: Basket Ball

2 Things I like about the school are.

1. The Gym
2. My Classmates
2 Things I would like to change about the school are.
1. The School Playground
2. The Comfort Rooms

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 19


Name: Maja B. Bantillo

Age: 5 Sex: Female
Ordinal Position in the Family: 4th in the family
Parent’s name: (Father): Roel E. Bantillo Occupation: Employee
(Mother): Marlyn R. Bagay Occupation: House Wife
Religion: Roman Catholic Ethnic group: Bisaya
Barangay: Prk. 1-E Omila Comp. Apokon Tagum City
Grade School Level: Kinder Section: Peace
Class Adviser: Mrs. Jane L. Cabañal
Club Affiliation: Boy Scout
Most liked Subject(s): Writing
Why? Because I love to write my name.
Least liked Subject(s): Drawing
Why? It’s slightly difficult to draw.
Hobbies:Playing Android Games
1. Favorite Color: Pink
2. Favorite Flower: Sunflower
3. Favorite Song: Gummy Bear
4. Favorite TV Program: Barbie
5. Favorite Movie: Cinderella
6. Favorite Game: Badminton

2 Things I like about the school are.

1. My Kind and Lovely Teacher
2. My Bubbly Classmates
2 Things I would like to change about the school are.
1. The School Playground
2. The Comfort Rooms

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 20


Observation of the two learner’s involvement in activities:

As what I observe on these two learners they are both active in their
class. Although Maja has a little bit shy behavior in some aspects, she is very
creative and has a wonderful heart. Azriel is a very smart and participative boy in
their class he could finish their task first before his classmates.

CTs comment about the two learners:

As Ma’am Jane said, these two learners are both active in class, I don’t
doubt about it. Ma’am said these two kids are also the top pupils on her list.
Physically and mentally, they’re both competitive.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 21

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 22
The School

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 23


Direction: Check on the facilities of the school whether available or not available and
specify the number, status, and condition. (Status may mean construction on going,
purchase being processed, construction nearing completion, etc. while condition may
mean functional, not functional, etc.)

If available, write the

B. School Available SPECIFICATIONS
Number Status Condition
1. Library with  functional
adequate number of
2. Laboratory with 
adequate number of
1 F
3. Canteen / Cafeteria 
4. Comfort Rooms  2 F
with lavatory
5. Reading Center  1 complete F
6. Home Economics  1 complete F
7. Industrial Art Shop 
8. Audio Visual  1 complete functional
9. Printing / 
10.Counseling Room  1 complete functional
11.Others (specify)  1 complete fuctional
12.Others (specify)

Completed by: John Wesley A. Quintero

Assessed by: Ms. Jane L. Cabañal

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 24


Direction: The following checklist should be accomplished by the pre-service teacher to

reflect whether the school is “Child-Friendly”.

If YES, give an
example of this…

1. The school has facilities  Basketball court,

and equipment for sports Gloves, Baseball, and
and recreation. etc.

2. The school has sufficient  Talong, Kangkong,

lawn space and vegetation. Siboyas, Malunggay,
and etc.

3. The school has a duly  Guard and TMO

assigned personnel in-
charge of securing its
premises, its properties and
those of the pupils and

4. The school has a program  Feeding Program

for children with special

5. The school coordinates 

with the barangay and local
authorities to ensure the
safety and protection of the

6. The teachers use non-  They only talk to the

threatening modes of students who
discipline. committed mistakes.

Completed by: John Wesley A. Quintero

Assessed by: Ms. Jane L. Cabañal

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 25


Direction: Check on the facilities of the classroom whether available or not available and
specify the number, status, and condition. (Status may mean construction on going,
purchase being processed, construction nearing completion, etc. while condition may
mean functional, not functional, etc.)

A. Classroom: Available
Available Number Status Condition
1. two (2) doors  2 functional
(1 entrance, 1
2. ceiling fan  5 functional
3. comfort room 
with lavatory
4. chairs / desks  55 functional

5. teacher’s table  2 functional

6. cabinets  3 functional

7. shelves  1 functional

8. bulletin boards  2 functional

9. racks and stand  2 functional

10. benches 
11. others (specify)  1 functional

12. others (specify)  1 functional


Completed by: John Wesley A. Quintero

Assessed by: Ms. Jane L. Cabañal

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 26


Direction: Using the checklist below, tick the appropriate box that assesses the
communication skills of your buddy and yourself.

Always Usually Sometimes Seldom Never

Observed Observed Observed Observed Observed
5 4 3 2 1
1. Manifests positive Me /
attitude in
with student buddy
2. Listens to and Me /
shares information
with buddy.
Buddy /

3. Ideas are focused, Me /

clear and specific.

Buddy /
4. Voluntarily speaks Me /
at appropriate
times. Buddy

5. Uses non-verbal Me /
cues (eye contact,
facial expression,
posture). Buddy /
6. Shares well- Me /
information in a
concise way. Buddy
7. Word choice is Me /
clear and accurate.

Buddy /

Completed by: John Wesley A. Quintero

Assessed by: Christine Jane Setera

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 27


Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 28


The first day of our visit is the orientation of our field study at Apokon

Elementary School. As we enter the place, I suddenly felt excitement as I’ve seen those

bubbly faces of the students wide and awake. Attentively, I also have the feeling that the

institution is a child friendly school. We have met our CT’s (Cooperating Teachers) and

also the Principal. Mrs. Maria Elena C. Ferido. We have our orientation and we met our

cooperating teacher. After the orientation, I’ve approached my CT and went to my CT’s


As our CT introduced us to her students. I was surprise yet felt warmed inside

because the students welcomed us in a respectful manner. I was pleased that almost all of

our students in our CT’s class are smart. For the first time, I experienced how to handle

children and interact with them as a Pre-Service teacher..

The classroom is painted white with yellow pre-school furniture. They have

bulletin boards in the back which shows necessary information. They also have

bookshelves which hold instructional materials, portfolios, and complete first aid kit.

Other facilities are floor fan placed near at the main door, a comfort room, a divan, and

cabinet. All in all, the classroom is spick and span. The floors are shiny and there are no

vandalisms in the walls. The students are also disciplined about their classroom rules and

regulation specifically at throwing garbage in an appropriate trash bins, cleaning and

flushing the toilet after using it.

In conclusion, that first day was an amazing memory for us to have an honor to

represent our school as a pre-service teacher.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 29


In this day, we have given a task which is to observe the facilities and have our

campus tour. When I arrive in classroom in the school I saw my classmates busy

preparing for our task. Later on, I went to my assigned classroom. After I ask my CT to

have a permission to conduct a campus tour, she allowed me to do it, I also ask some

random students to guide me in touring the campus.

When we started our campus tour, the student introduces first the principal’s

office then the library which is also the reading center. Third the comfort room, the

canteen, and their playground which is also their basketball court. Later on, we also went

to the vegetation lawn. There are some buildings that is still under construction and some

of their playground is very risky to the students to play because there are some

construction materials and woods.

In General, my own overview of the school as learning environment was slightly

moderate. The school has an awesome environment yet it’s still has some parts which is

still constructing, perhaps in the near future it will become a perfect school for the

learners with no hazards.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 30


Communication skills are important for an educator. Through this subject we can

measure our level in communication skills. While answering the communication skills

checklist, I’d observed that my buddy and I has similarities like manifesting positive

attitude in communicating. We share and listen to the information and ideas that me and

my buddy observed. We also used non-verbal cues.

Occasionally, we are going to argue about some matters especially if who will be

the one to approach and talk to our CT. Later on, we gathered enough self confidence and

realize that if you are going to be a teacher, talking with different kinds of people in one

of the job descriptions.

To improve my communication skills, I must get used in talking and dealing with

other people and boost my self-esteem so that I will be a good communicator as well as

an educator.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 31


In enrolling FS1, I experienced things that made me realize that being a teacher

isn’t that easy, you must adjust in the attitudes of your students, not the other way around

in order to gain their respect. Because of my experiences during classroom observations,

I have learned various ways in handling a class. I am somehow motivated and inspired to

pursue the teaching career.

My experiences in FS 1 are also genuine, because of this I have an overview

about how the real teacher is. Making some valued experiences in field study 1, must

mold me as a best teacher in the future. It really offers me an opportunities and prospects

for career development as we observed the school structure, the classroom, the teacher,

the parents and the students. My thoughts about the teacher in the past, is gradually

happening today. The Field Study 1, taught me new and sufficient strategy that maybe we

can use it in the future.

Being a teacher someday in not easy as 1,2,3 and A,B,C because there are a lot of

things that a teacher must count and especially to the different kind of behaviour of the

students. Therefore, if you really want to be a teacher you should be prepare and be sure

that you are really dedicated to that particular profession

At the end the observations went well, the observations influenced and strengthen

my decision in my career choice. Through this, I learned to be patient and understanding

when it comes to the students because they are just kids and needed to be guided.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 32


5 4 3 2 1

Reflections The journal Observations The journal has No journal presented

indicate an contains and reflections all visits
ability to examples of are clearly and recorded.
evaluate the ability to logically However, the Or
observations and synthesize recorded. The observations and
provide information journal reflections are
comments about gathered provides superficial. The journal does not
environments during school comments on include observations
that enhance and specific and reflections for
learning. These classroom observations every classroom
are supported by observations. and indicates visit.
examples of The student thinking about
observations and can relate this the teaching
experiences in to being a profession.
school. teacher.

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 33


Our First Meeting Post Conference

During Classes Hours

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 34

Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Teacher Education and Technology
Tagum-Mabini Campus


Pre-service Teacher Education Unit


Name of PST : John Wesley A. Quintero

Field Study : FS 1
Description : Observation Of Learner’s Development and School Environment
Cooperating School : Apokon Elementary School
Cooperating Teacher : Jane L. Cabañal
Semester/Year : 1st Semester/2016

Visit Target Time
Time Out Purpose/Activity
No. Date In Cooperating FS1
Teacher Supervisor

1 09/02/16 7:00 11:00 am Orientation

Ms. K. Soria

2 09/09/16 7:00 11:00 am Campus Tour

Ms. K. Soria

Classroom Observation
3 09/16/16 7:00 11:00 am of Learners and School
Facilities Ms. K. Soria

4 09/23/16 7:00 11:00 am Observation

Ms. K. Soria

5 09/30/16 7:00 11:00 am Observation

Ms. K. Soria

6 10/21/16 7:00 11:00 am Post Conference

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 35

Ms. K. Soria

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 36

Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Teacher Education and Technology
Tagum-Mabini Campus

FS 1 Clearance

Pre-service Teacher Education Unit

Pre-service Teacher :
School :
Cooperating Teacher :
Date :

I, ________________________________, declare that I have returned all items

(Pre-service Teacher’s Name)

that have been borrowed from ____________________________________________

(Name of Cooperating School)

on _________________.

Signed: ___________________
(Pre-service Teacher)

I, ______________________________ agree that _______________________

(Cooperating Teacher’s Name) (Pre-service Teacher’s

has returned all items that were borrowed during their FS 1 period.

Signed: ___________________
(Cooperating Teacher)

Field Study 1 | Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment 37



Student Observers - University students of Bachelor in

Elementary Education and Bachelor in
Secondary Education who are enrolled in
Field Studies assigned to observe classes in
the DepEd schools.

Pre-service Teachers(PSTs) - University students of BEED and BSED who

are enrolled in the higher Field Study
Courses and are involved in micro teaching,
team teaching, and teaching whole lesson.

Supervising Teachers (CTs) - University faculty directly responsible for

supervising, monitoring and providing
support to the university student in on/off
campus school experience.

Cooperating Teacher (Mentor) - Normally a classroom teacher at the

laboratory school directly responsible for
providing mentoring support to the student
teacher. He/She may also be called Mentor.

School Coordinator - He/She is responsible for assigning students

in classrooms and scheduling classes for
observation and participation who is usually
the Principal of the Cooperating School.

Site Coordinator - He/She is responsible for assigning pre-

service students in the classrooms and in
scheduling classes for observation and
participation who is usually the Principal of
the Cooperating School.

Practicum - This is referred to as the Field Experience or

Field Study Course which involves exposure
to all types of schools of the DepEd.

Elementary Grades - These refer to the six grade levels of the
primary and elementary under the Basic
Education Curriculum of the DEP-ED.

Secondary Years - These refer to the four year levels of the

secondary course using the Basic Education
Curriculum of the DEP-ED.

Briefing - Serves as are general orientation and

workshop on what are to be done at the
practicum program.

Debriefing - It is a critical appraisal done by student

teachers in their observations at the field
study courses.
Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) - Refer to the colleges and universities offering
Teacher Education Courses with Curriculum
aligned with that of CHED. There are
twenty one of these from Regions XI, XII &
ARMM which established partnership with
BEAM and Dep-Ed.

Department of Education Schools - Serve as the laboratory of the Extended

School Experience of the student teachers




3 2 1
(Good) (Fair) (Poor)
1. Components include All components are Some of the Many of the
cover page (with name, included and clearly preliminary components are
title of unit, dates marked.
taught) table of
components are missing.
contents, reference, list missing.
of appendices.

2. Organization follows Organization follows the Organization Organization does

the instructions for the instructions for the slightly follows not follow the
portfolio. portfolio correctly and
the instructions for instructions for the
the portfolio. portfolio.
3. Word processed; Words processed, edited Words processed Words processed
grammatically and and obviously proofread. with few but with many
mechanically correct
grammatical and grammatical and
mechanical errors. mechanical errors.

4. Neatness and Presentation demonstrates Presentation Presentation is

creativity neatness and creativity in slightly neither neat nor
all areas and pages of the
demonstrates creative.
neatness and
creativity to some
5. Completeness of Contents are all Some contents are Most of the contents
contents completely filed and missing and are are missing and/or
disarranged. disarranged.

6. Promptness Student portfolio is Student portfolio Student portfolio

(Working Days) submitted on time. submitted one day submitted 2 days
after the deadline. after the deadline of

Rated by: Rating:


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